
KamionI prefer to leave sources.list.d for other packages and admin customisation12:03
Kamionzyga: oh, membership? yeah, I'll catch up tomorrow12:03
RiddellKamion: great, thanks12:03
Kamionsorry I didn't do it over Christmas, but, well, I've been on holiday :)12:04
zygaKamion: yes about membership, I'll mail you :)12:04
Kamionzyga: nah, don't bother, I've already got mail from someone (Lucas I think?) about it12:05
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Kamionif anyone knows "Keyes", please tell him/her that integration of "EasyUbuntu" in Dapper is not an appropriate topic for the community council12:08
seth_k|lappyI'll have robotgeek tell him, Kamion 12:11
lucasI'll ask him to consider going through REVU for easyubuntu12:14
Burgundaviajdub, you have any comments on  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingUbuntu12:19
jdubBurgundavia: can you mail me a ping? :)12:19
Burgundaviajdub, sure12:19
jdubi liked the easy page12:20
jduband doc project news == very good12:20
Burgundaviathat is mostly mdke and jerome. I can't claim any credit for that12:21
Burgundaviajdub, sent12:22
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Burgundaviahmm http://www.nubuntu.org/12:30
tsengBurgundavia: "copyright 2005 canonical ltd"?12:32
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Burgundaviais this an official subproject then?12:33
tsengTech Email:ownthebox.net@gmail.com12:34
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tsengalso notice the references to some off the wall irc network12:35
tsenghe just ripped off the copyright notice for some reason12:35
Burgundaviait doesn't appear to be plone12:35
tsenghe could have joined ubuntu hardened..12:35
Burgundaviapeople have this cathedral like view of distros sometimes12:35
tsengsome people like to derive things unessecarily for some reason12:36
Burgundaviaobserve doc.gwos.org12:36
slomotseng: maybe because they want to do something on their own? ;)12:36
FireRabbittseng, its so they can change the graphics12:36
FireRabbitbecause you arent a hacker unless you use a dark theme12:37
tsenghah well i made a livecd of ubuntu with ethereal on it12:37
tsengi forgot to make my own website about it :(12:37
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=== tseng kids
tsengdinner time, take care12:37
FireRabbitpeople sure waste no time putting stuff on wikipedia12:38
FireRabbitwe dont need websites, we just need a wikipedia page12:38
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CarlFKwhere is the right place to point out that the "list of files" on http://mirror.mcs.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/5.10/ is "worthless" (they are all truncated such that you can only tell install from live)01:29
CarlFKother mirrors are ok: http://mirror.yousendit.com/ubuntu/5.10/01:29
HrdwrBoBI would say the admin for the mirror.mcs.anl.gov site?01:29
FireRabbitwhat is the "opposite" of the "dput" command? - to remove a package from the repository01:30
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Riddellogra: do you know dsaa  Dino Solon A. Agcambot?01:55
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akurashyis xorg 7 in dapper yet? :o02:29
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danielscrimsun: well, basically yes02:37
crimsundaniels: aside from doc changes, correct?02:37
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lamontjdong/Kamion: given-back packages are automatically retried.02:39
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psusiSEJeff, are you around?  weren't you the one that had a page about "make it pretty I say!"?02:45
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SEJeffpsusi, ping03:36
psusihey, sup?03:36
SEJeffpsusi, You wanted that script I wrote to set up ubuntu?03:37
SEJeffpsusi, Or did you just want the gconftool-2 commands to set up gnome to be a bit more sane?03:37
psusididn't you have a page explaining the various ways to tweak things and make things look pretty?  I'd like to improve my fonts a bit I think03:37
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SEJeffpsusi, No, I wrote a script to set up a default ubuntu install and set things like ctrl alt del to gnome-system-monitor etc03:38
SEJeffpsusi, It also stops and removes unneeded services, does some speed tweaks and whatnot03:39
psusiyea, I remember looking at it... I just thought I saw something about making fonts look nicer03:39
psusinow why the hell would this end up being zero?03:39
psusipd->settings.size = be32_to_cpu(ti.fixed_packet_size) << 2;03:39
psusiwhen ti.fixed_packet_size is 0x8000000003:40
SEJeffexactly what I was thinking all along :)03:40
SEJeffI'm too tired to play hex. I just ran about 9 miles03:40
=== psusi is debugging the kernel and user utilities to correctly support cdrw packet mode with packets of sizes other than 32 sectors
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psusiBAH! pd->settings.size is only an 8 bit type!03:46
psusithis is a load of gnarly code... how did it make it into the kernel?  sheesh.. and why do I get the feeling that I'm going to end up becoming it's maintainer?03:47
SEJeffpsusi: And thats a bad thing?03:50
psusiI don't need that kind of responsibility ;)03:52
psusibingo!  changed to a u32, and raised the compile time maximum packet size, and it appears to be correctly accessing this disc using 128 sector packets03:54
SEJeffpsusi, Dump the patch on lkml and pretend you don't know anything about it after that. Be like the maintainer of ncpfs that never responds to emails about bugs03:54
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psusithat's what is going on here... the original developers of this stuff appear to have vanished03:54
SEJeffDo you have it working with the project utopia magic / black voodoo?03:54
psusino new developments in over a year that I can see, and the mailing list is basically dead03:54
psusiproject utopia?03:55
SEJeffProject Utopia is an umbrella project started by robert love. It includes things like the 2.6 kernel based hotplug infrastructure, gnome-volume-manager, hal, dbus, etc03:56
SEJeffIt is the project that coordinates making hardware "just work TM" in linux03:56
psusioh, yea... I made a hal fdi policy file to get it to auto mount03:56
psusiright now though, it tries to do this for all discs, not just ones formatted for packet mode... I need to fix it to detect that and act accordingly03:57
SEJeffpsusi: rlove description of project utopia use cases http://kerneltrap.org/node/345003:57
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SEJeffpsusi, Yes thats a problem. And does it impose any penalty on normal cdroms?03:58
psusiSEJeff, once it notices the difference, it won't change the operation of normal discs at all03:58
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jbaileydaniels: Around?04:26
danielsjbailey: represent04:26
jbaileydaniels: re: 21779, it's likely not cdbs rebuilding configure, but that you have some patch that's left configure.ac with a more recent timestamp than configure.04:26
jbaileyautomake will then attempt to rebuild the whole mess.04:27
danielsjbailey: my 'why the christ would you do that' sentiment remains :)04:27
jbaileyMy usual solution to this when I'm patching configure.{ac,in} is to ALSO add AM_MAINTAINER_MODE so that unless --enable-maintainer-mode is added to the ./configure line, it will never regenerate the tools.04:27
jbaileydaniels: Because the expectation is that if you've modified configure.{ac,in} more recently than configure, that you probably want it updated.04:28
jbaileyNot cdbs, but usual autotools magic.04:28
danielshm, I thought dbus already had AM_MAINTAINER_MODE in04:28
danielsi'll check it out anyway, though; thanks04:28
jbaileydaniels: Np.  I'm around for 5-10m, if you want I can look at it now {for,with} you.04:28
danielsjbailey: ah, it's okay, thanks.  i think pitti and mvo are nominally the dus maintainers anyway ;)04:29
danielsi'm the first on the debian maintainer list -- i.e., least active04:29
jdonglamont: can you help me look at why some backports still don't have binaries then? comix is one example, 2.1-1~breezy104:30
jbaileyIn other news, I haven't had a hang in a while on my X (r300, ppc64).  However, it now cmpletely fubar's the video after a while.04:30
jbaileyMakes it look like an analog TV when you try watching the VCR on channel 4 instead of channel 3.04:30
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danielsusing xvideo, I assume04:31
jbaileyThe funny part is that I can tell when it's getting close to that time because the nautilus corruption stops.04:31
danielsif you could get a photo, that would be neat04:31
jbaileyNo, just regular IRC session or whatever.04:31
jbaileyBut I can take a picture with my digital camera next time.04:31
danielsoh, so it screws up your whole thing04:31
jsgotangcogood morning04:31
danielssorry, I thought you meant when watching actual videos04:31
jbaileyEven when I flip to a text console.04:32
jbaileyThe whole screen.04:32
jbaileyBut at least I can close x-chat and my email gracefully. =)04:32
danielsi get some interesting corruption every now and then on my r480 whereby you get random black lines roughly once every 380 scanlines, then they start multiplying, offset by a couple of lines each time04:32
jbaileyNothing like that, so far.04:32
danielsthat's only with videos, though04:32
danielsso I just blame the video engine04:32
jbaileyBut the nautilus corruption that I usually see is that it likes to shift things one pixel or two up randomly.04:32
jbaileyLike the text under an icon will shift up 1 or 2 pixels everytime I move my mouse over it.04:33
jbaileyHowever, about 30-60 minutes before X pukes on me, all that corruption goes away.04:33
jbaileyAnd Nautilus looks fine.04:33
jbaileyCreepy eh? =)04:33
danielsdo you have any effects on icons? like, underlining text or anything04:33
danielsi only have the folder sort of lighting up when I move over it04:33
jbaileyNo, it just lights up on hover.04:34
jbaileyA ghost of the text under the icon slowly crawls up with each highlight, though.04:35
jbaileyI think I can get a screenshot if you want.04:35
danielsthat would be pretty rad04:35
danielsthis is on the powerpc, yeah?04:35
danielsi think texture uploads there are just utterly screwed04:36
infinityjdong: That didn't get auto-given-back due to a bug in sbuild that I've since fixed.04:36
infinityjdong: I'll do a mass-give-back in breezy-backports for you.04:37
jbaileydaniels: Interesting things here are that everytime I exit or leave the icon, a new text is created.  So one for insert, one for removal.04:37
jbaileyAlso that you can see from the gnome panel at the bottom that the whole thing is already offset some.04:37
lamontjdong:   Section             : unknown04:38
jbaileyAnd if you look at that Capture-2.png icon near the bottom, you can see that the corruption gets quite extreme after a while.04:38
jbaileyAnd then suddenly it will all behave correctly.  No offsets, no corruption or anything.04:38
lamontjdong: --> comix needs to be added to the breezy-backports overrides file before it will successfully build (since it's not in main...)04:38
jbaileyAnd a crash will happen soon after.04:38
lamontunknown gets lumped into main, knowing that it's probably wrong.04:38
=== jbailey does a quick double check of the icons on that page to make sure there's nothing too horrible on there.
infinityjbailey: Can it really be much worse than your usual screenshots?04:42
jbaileyinfinity: It was more the "make sure I don't actually have customer data on there this time"04:42
danielsjbailey: hm04:42
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danielsjbailey: i've got a pretty decent idea what this is, but fixing it is non-trivial04:43
danielsjbailey: (as in, not going to happen without me shaking benh, which I'll do)04:43
jbaileydaniels: Okay.  Is there anything I can do aside from shut up, sit down, and wait? =)04:44
danielsjbailey: try Option "XaaNoOffscreenPixmaps", maybe?04:45
jbaileydaniels: Is that under         Identifier      "ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon 9600 XT (RV350 AR)"04:46
jbailey ?04:46
jbaileyBounce to check that04:47
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jbaileydaniels: Yes, that does it.04:49
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danielsjbailey: bingo04:53
danielsjbailey: it won't be blazingly fast, but eh04:53
jbaileydaniels: Cool.  If there's anythign you need me to test, just fire me an email.  I'll try to come online before I head to bed.04:53
psusigreat... now it looks like the udf filesystem driver has problems...04:55
danielsjbailey: will do; don't expect anything very soon at all though -- i haven't got a powerpc with r3xx, and benh has been banging his head against various issues related to this for ages04:55
psusiit does not honor the uid,gid,umask params...04:55
=== psusi dives back into the kernel sources
stratusdaniels, wasn't XaaNoOffscreenPixmaps block some optimizations? Isn't sidepanel option a better attempt?04:56
danielsstratus: well, it disables part of the acceleration, yes.  and what's 'sidepanel'?04:56
danielsjbailey: (also, exa might be differently broken for you; your call as to which is more tolerable.)04:57
stratusdaniels, panelsize, sorry04:57
stratusdaniels, i think  you already see but: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=429404:57
jbaileydaniels: I'm not particularily worried about tollerable right now, this has been broken for sometime.  Mostly I want to help you get the most correct solution possible for release.04:57
danielsstratus: we never manually specify PanelSize04:58
danielsjbailey: cheers :) i'll ping you if I have anything more useful04:58
jbaileydaniels: Thanks.  g'night!04:59
danielsjbailey: basically the swappers are pretty hopelessly fucked on r3xx04:59
stratusdaniels, weird maybe Roger hit a different combination of options there05:00
stratusdaniels, he's a DD so the packages aren't that different and i informed you a bug forwarded from debian bts05:01
stratusdaniels, #318812 if you want to take a look05:02
danielsstratus: yeah, I've perused the bug05:02
stratusdaniels, np thanks05:03
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psusiboy, this is retarded... chown only accepts 16 bit uids?  but the kernel uses 32bits?05:31
psusino.. looks like it does take 32 bit numbers... just won't accept 2^32-105:37
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lifeless0 is a valid uid, so what number represents an invalid one05:40
desrtno such thing05:40
lifelesswell, twas a thought05:41
desrtwell, maybe you're right :p05:41
psusichown(2) won't take -1 as a uid05:41
psusivery annoying05:41
lifelessdesrt: an in 2's complement, -1 is ... :)05:41
desrt0x[lots of fs] 05:41
lifelessdesrt: 2^bitwidth - 105:42
lifelessi.e. yes :)05:42
psusibecause it looks like the udf filesystem will not use the uid= mount option unless the file on disk is owned by -1... it's owned by root right now for some reason, and I can't chown it to -1 to get udf to use the mount option for the owning uid05:42
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jdubapt-get CLI fat-finger usability issue: u and y are right next to each other on the keyboard ;-)06:01
danielser, dist-ypgrade06:02
jdubwhen using -u06:03
jdub-uy == eek!06:03
SEJeffjdub, *cough* dvorak06:05
fabbionemorning guys06:08
FireRabbiti am maintaining my own apt repository .. and I use dput/debarchiver to add new packages to it... anyone know how to *remove* packages?06:14
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seth_k|lappyFireRabbit, I just remove the files and then call dpkg-scanpackages, not sure if that will work for your setup06:21
FireRabbithmm.. well dput is configured to run debarchiver with -x.. according to the man page that runs apt-ftparchiver not dpkg-scanpackages?06:21
FireRabbiti wonder if maybe i can just remove the files and call debarchiver06:22
lifelessI hate evo06:22
lifelesshung on a futex.06:23
FireRabbitseth_k|lappy, so there is no tool that will actually do the deleting for me?06:25
seth_k|lappyI'm unsure, FireRabbit.06:25
FireRabbitis there a debian devel channel i could ask in?06:25
FireRabbitoh.. didnt show up in the channel list06:28
FireRabbitthanks :)06:28
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psusiI patched mkudffs and cdrwtool to set the uid and gid for the root to -1 and rebuilt the package06:39
psusiand it works... hehe06:39
jdubmdz: ping06:49
ajmitchelmo: please sync pngwriter, positron, albatross and vblade, dropping changes.06:49
jdubmighty vblade~06:49
danielsirssi CLI usability issue: ~ and ! are too close together06:51
jdublordy, xmltv is perl-a-go-go06:54
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fabbioneajmitch: are you sure about vblade?07:06
fabbioneajmitch: it was on my todo list of pkgs to check for today07:06
jdubdaniels: do you know anything about rage128 tv out support on ibooks?07:07
danielsjdub: 'not'07:07
ajmitchfabbione: I was requesting the sync for stevenk, it wasn't an indepth look07:08
fabbioneajmitch: ok07:08
danielsjdub: i never really got atitvout to do anything useful for me07:08
fabbionei got tvout working07:08
fabbionebut that was on i38607:08
fabbionei could test ppc tho07:08
danielswith r128, and ibook?07:08
fabbionedaniels: is there any reason why we don't ship the theater modules from the ati driver?07:08
danielsfabbione: 'i forgot'07:09
fabbionedaniels: ehehhe07:09
danielsi've got that fixed locally, when I bump to 1.0.007:09
fabbionejdong: tvin/out07:09
danielsor whatever07:09
danielsjdub: yeah07:09
jduboh :)07:09
danielsjdub: except it doesn't really work on anything except the aiws that no-one has, because gatos are, um, gatos07:09
jdubdid gatos change names, or is this something else?07:09
danielsgatos merged into xorg07:10
fabbionenot even all of it07:10
fabbioneonly a portion07:10
danielswhich caused all sorts of havoc when we realised that it locked up most non-aiw cards, because obviously the only people who tested gatos were people with aiws07:10
danielsfabbione: well, all their ati.2 stuff, no?07:10
fabbionedaniels: not sure 100%, the gatos site still reports some features as not merged/not working07:11
fabbionelike tvout on some cards07:11
fabbioneor tvin07:11
fabbionecan't remember07:11
fabbionethe only way i managed to get tvout was removing all the other monitors from the machine07:11
fabbioneat that point tv was the only one07:11
fabbionedetected and configured07:11
fabbioneand that is working fin07:11
fabbioneother setups are hitchy07:12
fabbionebut right now i can only test ppc07:12
fabbionethe i386 card is slammed in the hppa (by mistake) that's located underneath 3 layers of computers07:12
danielsafaict they only merged tv in because tv out is still really really sketchy07:12
danielsi used to care about such things, but I'd be lying if I said I did anymore07:13
fabbioneactually... 4 layers07:13
StevenKfabbione: vblade looks like it can be synced - the package in Debian is based on what you did for Ubuntu.07:13
jdubStevenK: you still at ursys?07:14
fabbioneStevenK: ok, i was only wondering if there are new upstream releases07:14
StevenKjdub: Still working there, and still at work actually.07:14
jdubhow's it going there these days?07:14
fabbioneStevenK: so did you check for new upstream?07:15
StevenKfabbione: I haven't. I will when I get home.07:15
fabbioneStevenK: ok thanks07:15
=== StevenK runs out the door.
=== dholbach [n=daniel@i577B1B5B.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
dholbachgood morning07:25
=== Keybuk [n=scott@descent.netsplit.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
jdubi bet mythtv-common doesn't actually need pwgen and ttf-freefont07:29
dholbachhellas jdub07:30
jdubKeybuk: usability note for init scripts and usplash -> lack of "ok" on any line makes neophyte users anxious07:30
=== dholbach hugs Keybuk
Keybukjdub: yes, I would expect it would07:34
=== Keybuk hugs dholbach back
Keybukgood crimbo and new year?07:34
Keybukjdub: if you're referring to the missing one in the udev scripts, I don't know why it doesn't print the ok ... there's the right call for it.  I suspect usplash bug07:34
Keybukit doesn't print a fail either07:35
infinityKeybuk: usplash has a bit of a race, where if your init script is blindingly fast, you won't get your output.07:36
infinityKeybuk: Whether or not that's your issue, I dunno.07:36
Keybukit's the opposite, that bit takes a few seconds07:36
infinityIn that case, it's not a usplash issue...07:36
infinityYou're not backgrounding or something, and expecting to print the OK after other scripts have run? :)07:36
jdubKeybuk: doesn't it fork and return very quickly though?07:36
infinity(If so, you should just "OK" on fork)07:37
Keybukthe point of that call is it's the program that waits for the backgrounded stuff to complete07:37
infinity(Are we all talking about the same script, by the way?)07:38
=== ealden [n=ealden@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
KeybukI assume so07:39
Keybukthe udev startup script usually doesn't print an "ok" for the "Detecting and activating hardware" bit07:39
Keybuknever has07:39
infinityI'd have to reboot to see which one I don't get an OK on, but it'd bean a longstanding bug.07:39
KeybukI've not bothered about it because it's cosmetic at best07:39
Keybukfunny thing is it does print it if you don't use usplash07:40
Keybukso somewhere the log_end_msg bit doesn't reach usplash07:40
Keybukbut appears fine on the console07:41
infinityHrm, that script is buggy in other ways.07:41
jdubnetworking does the same thing07:41
Keybukit is?07:41
Keybukjdub: networking doesn't anyway atm, gonna do that stuff at the sprint in Jan07:41
infinity /etc/init.d/udev start shouldn't "fail" if udev is already started (say, on my running system)07:41
jdubKeybuk: yay07:41
Keybukinfinity: damn well should07:41
Keybukyou shouldn't try to start udev on a running system :p07:41
infinityNot according to both policy and the LSB.07:41
KeybukI disagree with both07:41
Keybukit does that by design07:42
Keybukit's an rcS script, not a daemon07:42
infinityThen print "* udev already running... [ ok ] " and exit 0.07:43
Keybukno ;)07:43
Keybukthat bit of policy only applies to rc207:43
Keybukit's fine exiting 1, in fact, it's better; it tells people they shouldn't have done that07:43
Keybuk"udev already running" could persuade people to do "udev stop" which will utterly fuck their system07:45
infinityBut they can do anyway.07:45
infinityAnd they may do, right after the "failed" start.07:46
Keybuksure, but there's absolutely no reason for the fully message07:46
Keybukand those "use log_* for fluffy messages" are bugs too, imo07:46
Keybuk"echo" is sufficient if you want it printed on the console07:46
infinityIf you consider it fluff, then exit with no text if it's running already. :)07:47
infinityI was just suggesting changing the text if it's running, not adding more.07:47
=== BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Keybukif you can find an actual bug or problem with it behaving like it does, I'll consider it ;)  but I think it's fine as it is07:49
Keybukit's a startup script, not a daemon start/stop init script07:49
=== spudmonkey [n=chris@adsl-71-145-134-191.dsl.austtx.sbcglobal.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinity(Then why does it have a restart target that appears to do something useful)?07:50
Keybukbecause I was trying to put useful things in there :p07:51
Keybukamusing, that restart target has a bug07:52
Mezbit early for you isnt it Keybuk ?07:54
Mezor are you in a random country again ?07:55
dholbach"the early bird..."07:55
Keybukheh, nope; I like waking up before sunrise07:56
Keybukand gonna try and do a split day this year; up early so I can catch the aussies, have a long lunch at the gym, then start again in the afternoon to catch the yanks :)07:56
=== daniels [n=daniels@amnesiac.heapspace.net] has left #ubuntu-devel ["evading]
MezKeybuk - lol - fair enoug h :D btw - did you see my patch to signkey.pl (and we still have to meet up for a beer at some point!)07:57
=== Keybuk cries at daniels
Keybukand he said we'd still be friends, and that it wouldn't be awkward07:57
jdubhaw haw haw07:58
Mezwow - people are actually here :D07:58
Mezoh, and jdub: unping :P07:58
KeybukMez: I can see it in my INBOX.  I haven't read e-mail for a few weeks now, so I have a *lot* of it to go through today07:58
Keybukin fact, expect me not to finish dealing with e-mail until the end of the week07:58
Mezlol - basically I patched your script to clean signed keys :D tis shiny :D lol :D07:58
Keybukfair enough, publish away07:59
Keybukthat script's MIT I think07:59
Mezyeah it is - lol - I just sent you a copy of the patch (though I've modified since then007:59
Mezlol :D 07:59
Mezso 1) it doesnt export all the sigs accidentally and 2) so it checks for pgp-clean :D lol - I'm only publishing the patch anyways08:00
KeybukI had objections to the whole idea of sending "clean" PGP signatures, but I can't remember what they are08:00
Mezlol - fair enough - I think that was your excuse at UBZ too :D08:01
Mezso - you up for grabbing a beer at some point seeing as you're in england now ?08:01
KeybukI might actually try and get to a WolvesLUG again this month08:01
=== Mez doesnt get a chance to goto lug meetings
=== seth_k|lappy [n=seth@ubuntu/member/sethkinast] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Keybukyou should, it's fine; there's lots of beer, curry and aq08:02
MezKeybuk - well - I have this weekend off :D lol08:02
jdubAQ ATTAQ!08:02
Mezbut if you ever fancy bringing the LUG to a casino - head to dudley :D and you can see me at work08:03
Mezand Aq... is... hmm - sorta scary :D lol08:03
MezI'm assuming you'll be at LRL this year ?08:04
TreenaksI will be :)08:05
Mezhave to go kill the *********** that's downloading crap over the network and blocking everyones net connection :D08:05
MezTreenaks, I know :D lol08:05
TreenaksJono asked me to describe the crack that will be going into dapper+1 ;)08:05
jdub( | )08:05
jdub  ^ dapper+1 crack08:05
Keybukyeah, most likely; if it isn't at a time I'm out of the country08:06
jdubTreenaks: MULTIARCH!08:06
Keybukdholbach: oh, I came up with a motto for you guys btw ... "Magister mundi sum" :p08:06
dholbachKeybuk: you think we're that elite? :-p08:06
Keybukyou guys rock the world08:06
ajmitch'you guys'?08:06
jdubajmitch: the german football team.08:07
Keybukjdub: dude, not at this time in the morning ;)08:07
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MezKeybuk: when's hct planning on being released for public usage08:15
Keybuknot for a while08:17
Keybukit needs bzr to be stable first08:17
Keybukyeah, too many moving pieces, and people keep getting the fingers caught in the cogs08:18
Keybukthe last decision was that we'd stall it until dapper+1 when bzr and lp are a more stable base for it08:18
MezI was looking forward to it too :D08:19
Keybukthere's not a huge amount of hct development work left, just lots of dot joining 08:19
Keybukbut we're gonna wait for the dots to be in the right places first :)08:20
jdubat least the dots aren't being shot by fully automatic revolving shotgun turrets08:20
Mezjdub: why not - that'd be cool08:21
KeybukMez: it depends where you're standing08:23
Burgundaviawhat is is about ubuntu-devel that screams "Please take my bug report now!"08:23
MezKeybuk, behind the guns - of course - or in the targeting seat *winds the cogs*08:24
jameshBurgundavia: it is a support escalation service, right?08:24
ajmitchjamesh: no, it's somewhere to complain about how thinly spread we all are08:24
Burgundaviajamesh, I am talking about the random community members who tell us about problems08:25
ajmitchBurgundavia: in excruciating detail, at times :)08:25
=== robitaille [n=robitail@ubuntu/member/robitaille] has joined #ubuntu-devel
BurgundaviaI appreciate their enthusiasm, just not how it is directed08:26
BurgundaviaI noticed that on Fedora-devel they don't shut those people down and it seems that is more like -support08:26
jdubthat's because there's nothing else to do there ;-)08:27
dholbachwhat happened to the amd64 buildd?08:27
ajmitchsome of those threads will have to stop soon if -devel will be readable08:27
jdubwe should make sure our responses always include "this might be more appropriate on ... list"08:27
jameshBurgundavia: I realise that it isn't ubuntu-support, but the developers read ubuntu-devel, so they are more likely to see and respond to my problem if I ask on that list08:27
jameshBurgundavia: (and naturally, my problem is more important than the other problems reported through the standard channels)08:28
Burgundaviajamesh, indeed08:28
jdubit's *okay* to say "we have a legitimate difference of opinion - we appreciate your feedback and contribution"08:28
infinitydholbach: More detail than "what happened" would be nice. :)08:28
infinitydholbach: If you're referring to that crazy glibc error, a mass give-back will be happening later today to retry everything, once some dust has settled.08:29
dholbachinfinity: ok, in the evolution build log, python2.4 doesn't seem to be installable because of some "inconsistency detected by ld.so"08:29
=== dholbach hopes it settles :)
infinitydholbach: Yeah, that's fixed.  FWIW, all the other arches would have the same problem right now, if they weren't all shut down. :)08:29
dholbachi'll do the package updates on i386 then ;)08:29
infinityamd64 is the only arch building, while I sort some holiday fallout.08:30
Mezinfinity - any idea why I'm not getting email from katie? (and are you the person to talk to ?)08:31
infinityMez: No and no.  But which mail are you expecting to see?08:31
KeybukI _almost_ have all three architectures now \o/08:31
Mezinfinity - anything - NEW REJECTED, ACCEPTEd08:31
Meznot getting ANYTHING from katie :D havent done since september08:31
infinityMez: For sources or binaries?08:31
infinityMez: You won't get mail for binaries ever.08:31
Mezinifinty - I've never uploaded binaries :d08:32
infinityMez: If it's for sources, then you're probably uploading with an email address that isn't in the whitelist.08:32
Mezinfinity, - mez@ubuntu.com08:32
dholbachMez: elmo will know who's in the whitelist08:32
infinityMez: Oh.  *@ubuntu.com is whitelisted, AFAIK.08:32
Mezwhich should be auto-whitelisted - should it not?08:32
ajmitchMez: overaggressive spamfilters somewhere along the line, perhaps08:32
Mezajmitch: hmm - i'll chekc i have spamassasin off - but - hmm .... it worked before :P lol - in septemerb and i havent changed anything08:33
Mezthough if spamassasins on - I can guess the rules were auto-updated08:33
MezSpam Assassin is currently: disabled 08:34
ajmitchnot just on your local box, I mean08:34
Mezajmitch, no, it should goto the junk folder08:35
Mezbut theres nothing from katie in the junk folder08:35
Meznor in any other folder08:36
Mezit's very annoying08:37
Mezspecially when i dont get rejects :D so i dont know if it's been rejected or NEW'd08:37
MezI have emailed elmo - but i guess he's in the same situation as Keybuk regarding email08:38
infinityMost of us are, yes.08:38
KeybukI shouldn't expect elmo is up yet either ;)08:38
Keybukit's about 7 hours too early for him08:39
MezI emailed him 3 days ago :D08:39
Keybukthis is the first year I've had so much e-mail08:39
KeybukI've taken a new policy of not going near computers when I'm not "at work"08:39
Keybukso they've all been turned off all holiday08:39
infinityYeah, I did the same.  I'm now regretting it.08:40
=== herzi [n=herzi@d043163.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
KeybukI'm rather happy with it, I feel like I've actually had a holiday08:42
=== wjb [n=Warren@c220-237-173-120.lowrp1.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== ajmitch was happy to be away from computers altogether for a week
infinityWell, yes, that bit was nice.  The consequence this morning was not.08:42
Keybukheh, I once decided on returning from a 3-week holiday to delete all my e-mail on the basis that anything important would get nagged again :p08:43
infinityIt's like some sort of horrible electronic hangover.08:43
Keybukthis didn't work so well08:43
jdubinfinity: i find that makes it really hard to feel rested - as soon as you get back, you have the stress of so much in one hit08:43
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Keybukjdub: yeah, I'm going to do a folder a day or something, so it's not one hit08:43
MezI forgot to suspend my mailing lsits while I was away - came back to 10,000 new emails08:44
jsgotangcoi still like taking small doses everyday08:44
Mez:( *08:44
Keybukfortunately there isn't actually a huge amount anyway, certainly a lot less than any other two weeks in the year08:44
pittiGood morning08:45
ajmitchmorning pitti 08:45
Keybukmorning pitti08:45
pittihi ajmitch 08:45
Mezmorning pitti :D08:47
Mez(everyone else was doing it - I just wanted to be popular)08:47
pittihi Mez 08:47
=== Mez feels poular
Keybukyou can get a cream for that08:48
MezKeybuk - where from - I've been looking for ages ... cant find any08:48
ajmitchKeybuk: do you have the MoM source somewhere?08:49
Keybukyes, I do08:49
ajmitchsomewhere publically available & published, that is08:49
KeybukI'll prod Mark again, I mailed him a while back asking for permission to open it08:50
Keybukit probably vanished in the million-mails-a-day of his INBOX08:50
BurgundaviaKeybuk, email Claire. It probably has a higher chance of actually getting to him08:51
jdubBurgundavia: you just sent a reply to ubuntu-users and ubuntu-users-owner08:52
Burgundaviajdub, hmm, ouch08:53
Burgundaviajdub, I just sent to -owner08:53
Mezjdub- btw - were you getting bounces from my email address for dapper-changes ?08:54
sivangmorning everybody!08:54
jdubsorry, meant s/and/to/08:54
jdubMez: no idea08:54
Mezlol - fair enough :08:54
Keybukprobably the main problem is that the code isn't really "releasable" quality08:54
Keybukit's one huge uncommented python script08:54
Burgundaviajdub, it came in through -owner and I responded to both him and -owner08:54
jdubBurgundavia: oh08:55
Keybukwith dependencies on hacky scraps of python written for other purposes and culted in08:55
MezKeybuk: uncommented huge scripts are always the most fun to break though08:55
Burgundaviajdub, to prevent all of us responding with the same thing08:55
ajmitchKeybuk: I don't mind, I just wanted to look at it & pick out anything useful08:55
Keybukthough I guess that didn't stop us releasing Germinate, which was in much the same style <g>08:55
ajmitchothers might mind though08:55
jdubKeybuk: at least Kamion writes good shitty code ;)08:55
tepsipakkiis my dapper the only one which is having interactivity problems.. the system feels quite sluggish, even though the hardware isn't (2.2GHz celeron, 512MB)?08:55
Meztepsipakki, -> support = #ubunut08:56
jdubwe own that domain08:56
Keybukjdub: heh, it was still largely my code for the first release08:56
jdubwe should do something rad with it08:56
Keybukjdub: Ubuntu fan page?  Let people post details of themselves and how they use Ubuntu and why they love it so much?08:56
tepsipakkimez: just noticed last night that someone of you devels had some problems too.. but anyway08:57
Keybukyou can have badges, "I'm an Ubunut!"08:57
jdubKeybuk: yeah, was thinking along those lines08:57
MezKeybuk - I was thinking along those lines-  but I think we might get scary people08:57
jdubKeybuk: maybe a blog service ;-)08:57
Keybukscary people are the most fun08:57
MezKeybuk - you'd know ;)08:57
=== Keybuk is scary, apparently
Mezyeah you ae08:57
Mezspecially with a microphone in your hand :d08:57
Keybuka friend accused my new hair cut of being terrifying :-/08:58
=== Den [n=Den@adsl-71-132-141-13.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
MezKeybuk, been cut since UBZ ?08:58
sivangKeybuk: yeah, any changes to it since the hair color ? :)08:58
Keybukyeh, I have a mohawk now :p  (I was drunk, it seemed like a good idea, and now I kinda like it :p)08:58
Mezmohawks are cool :D08:59
=== sivang googles for mohawks. (notices the word hawk part of it)
jdubis there a useful CLI tool for changing hostname post-install?09:02
Keybukjdub: vi /etc/hostname? :p09:02
jdubother instances of hostname though09:03
jdubthough i guess we use localhost.localdomain09:03
jdubman, under vmware, breezy installs lilo09:03
jdubdon't cry, baby jesus!09:03
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Keybukwhere else would we embed the hostname?09:05
Keybukwe don't ship an MTA anymore, which is the usual suspect09:05
Keybuk/etc/hostname and /etc/hosts look like the only two places09:06
Mithrandirhi Scott09:07
Mithrandirgood morning, Adam :-)09:08
infinityNot much, just rejoicing.  No computer for a week meant no Tollef for a week, which is clearly a bad thing.09:08
=== BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinityOr something.09:08
infinityOr, I'm buttering you up, so I can reassign some bugs to you.09:08
infinityYOU DECIDE.09:08
pittihi infinity, happy new year09:08
Mithrandiryeah, I've been meaning to ask you when we can get squashfs builds going and such.09:08
Mithrandiroh, what kind of bugs?09:09
infinityOh, I'll surprise you. :)09:09
infinityAnd yes, squashfs sounds like fun.  Should we make a date to attack that Fridayish?  (post-meeting, post-holiday-catchup)09:10
Mithrandirsounds fine with me.09:10
infinitypitti: You too.09:10
Mithrandirhopefully, jbailey will have the squashfs stuff in klibc by then as well, so we don't just end up breaking the CD.09:10
infinityNo one's stopping you from uploading with your patch.09:11
infinity(hint, hint)09:11
MithrandirI thought jbailey did, and it FTBFS-ed on ppc due to lkh breakage?09:11
infinityI have an odd feeling any distro time jbailey has to spend will be spent tracking glibc 2.3.6 bugs for the next 2 weeks.09:11
infinityOh, that's right.  Headers jumping around randomly, world confused.  I remember now.09:12
Keybukhey Tollef!  Happy new year, etc.09:15
sivanghappy new year infinity 09:16
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=== mvo [n=egon@ip181.135.1511I-CUD12K-01.ish.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
dholbachhellas mvo!09:17
MithrandirKeybuk: what do you think a sensible way to set up the network on the live cd would be, now that we don't do it in the initramfs any more?09:18
Keybukwe don't?09:18
mvohey dholbach 09:18
MithrandirKeybuk: no, the initramfs just does the minimal stuff needed to boot the system now.  simplifiedlivecd.09:19
Keybukcan we rewind a bit, I've missed the context of this :)09:19
Keybukgo gently with me09:19
Mithrandircurrently, the network interfaces on the live cd are completely unconfigured.  Including lo not being upped.09:20
infinityThe old initrd was a cut down d-i instance that did most everything d-i does.09:20
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infinityNow it's just a regular old initramfs.09:20
KeybukMithrandir: you're not running S40networking?09:21
infinityI'm sure he is.  Of course, it doesn't work currently.09:21
MithrandirKeybuk: yes, but that doesn't do anything if you don't put anything in /etc/network/interfaces, does it?09:21
=== infinity still has to ifup eth0 over here.
KeybukMithrandir: true :p09:22
infinityI've intentionally not fixed my interfaces(5) file to track when that bug gets fixed. :)09:22
Keybukinfinity: yeah, that's deliberate; I'm going to work on that at the sprint09:22
infinityMithrandir: You could write an interfaces file if you're booting live... No reason why casper can't have an init script.09:22
infinityBut that breaks for people who want a static setup.09:23
Keybukin theeeeory, "ifup lo" will be handled by a separate early init script without relying on /etc/network/interfaces09:23
infinityThe real answer is "Gee, wasn't NetworkManager supposed to fix all of this?", but I still don't know if anyone has the round tuits to solve the "NM hates our way of doing things, and we hate it" issues.09:24
infinity(where "all of this" doesn't include "lo", obviously)09:24
Keybukinfinity: NetworkManager hates my Atheros09:24
KeybukI had some keen guy looking into it, but haven't heard back from him09:24
KeybukI suspect he hit the "oh gods, this is HARD" problem09:24
MezKeybuk, NM decided to cease to exist for me :D09:25
infinityKeybuk: Well, I still have other fundamental issues with it.  Like, it needs a way to configure the "on boot" network settings, for instance (if you can become root).09:26
StevenKfabbione: Yes, vblade 10 is out upstream.09:26
Mithrandirit also needs to stop writing invalid resolv.conf files.09:26
infinitySo you don't log in, configure the network, log out, have Mom log in, and Mom can't get to the internet, cause her NM isn't configured the same as yours (or at all)09:27
Keybukinfinity: agree09:27
fabbioneStevenK: ok, do you want to take care of it or should i?09:27
fabbioneStevenK: both ways i don't mind.. it's a small package09:27
StevenKfabbione: I was just going to copy the debian dir from 5-0ubuntu2 and update the changelog.09:28
fabbioneok whatever :)09:28
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StevenKfabbione: Does this mean you'll upload it for me? :-)09:39
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fabbioneStevenK: whatever.. 09:41
KamionKeybuk: at least the installer no longer breaks messily due to no network plugging on reboot ...09:41
Kamionso I can stop going "argh" about that one09:42
KeybukKamion: morning!09:42
Keybukhappy new year09:42
Keybukgood crimbo, etc.09:42
KeybukKamion: in theeeory, we probably want netcfg to write auto lines again, not whatever mess is popular this week; and that'd solve the problem temporarily09:43
StevenKfabbione: http://wedontsleep.org/~steven/vblade09:43
fabbioneStevenK: ok thanks09:44
fabbioneStevenK: don't you have universe upload privileges?09:44
=== dholbach_ [n=daniel@i577B1B07.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbionei thought you went trough the process09:44
StevenKfabbione: Nope.09:44
StevenKI'm a member, but I haven't attended a TC meeting yet.09:45
KamionKeybuk: hmm, just want to make sure that the transition from all the various different things netcfg has ever written out will have a chance of working09:45
Kamionwill introducing another one be a problem? :)09:45
fabbioneStevenK: ah ok09:45
Keybukthis is why I haven't done it yet;  gonna sort networking out at the sprint when we're all together09:45
infinityDo you really want to be in hitting distance when this is sorted out?09:46
Keybukyes, I'm into that kind of thing09:47
KeybukI'll even bring the restraints if you like ;)09:47
infinityIt's more fun to watch you run and trip.09:47
infinityRestraints are for lazy people.09:48
=== Xoff [n=mas01cr@gibbons.doc.gold.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Keybukhmm, "I'm not a bottom, I'm just lazy" ... that's exactly what a friend of mine says09:49
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=== Xoff is now known as Xof
jdubKeybuk: hosts, motd (which is regenned though)10:02
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MithrandirKeybuk: are the restraints to prevent you from running away or us killing you completely?10:05
Keybukyes :)10:07
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fabbioneStevenK: uploaded10:13
fabbioneStevenK: did you also check aoetools?10:13
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Keybuk\o/ only 10,000 e-mails to go10:32
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Keybukand damn, I _wish_ that number was an exaggeration :'(10:32
maswanKeybuk: been on vacation?10:36
pittiKeybuk: a tiny modification to your .procmailrc before holidays would have cured that :)10:37
Keybukmaswan: xmas, new year, etc.10:39
Keybukpitti: heh, I don't have such a thing ... and people get upset if you /dev/null their mail10:39
pittiKeybuk: what do you use instead?10:39
pittiKeybuk: I know, procmail is kind of old skool, but I was grown up with it...10:40
Keybuksubscribe to mailing lists as different addresses10:40
maswanKeybuk: just skip on those pesky mailing lists? :)10:40
Keybukand then just have that address delivery straight into the right folder10:40
Keybukie. scott-canonical-ubuntu-devel@netsplit.com -> ./Maildir/.Lists.canonical.ubuntu.devel/10:41
pittiKeybuk: I have such fancy things like 'only show me new unassigned bugs', that's certainly not possible just with addresses10:41
pittior filtering out MS office attachments10:41
Keybukright, I have a Python filter program to do that kind of thing in the mail delivery rules10:42
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sivangpitti: care to discuss those procmail improvements over a cup of tea? I think I need some of this cure :-)10:52
pittisivang: feel free to spy on /home/martin/.procmailrc on my server ;)10:53
sivangpitti: will do , thanks10:54
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Treenakspitti: Is mozilla-firefox-locale-nl-nl known broken?10:58
Treenakspitti: or should I file a bug?10:58
pittiTreenaks: all m-locale packages seem to be ATM10:58
Treenakspitti: ok, so it's known :)10:59
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pittiTreenaks: yes, there are a lot of bugs already10:59
Treenaks(also, firefox itself seems to be at 1.5rc3 while 1.5-final has been out for ages, but that might be on purpose)10:59
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jsgotangcoheya sabdfl happy new year11:01
sabdflhappy 2006 to you too!11:01
pittiHi sabdfl, how are you? happy new year11:01
sabdflmanaged to survive the slopes11:01
dholbachhappy new year, sabdfl :)11:01
sabdfl57 inches of snow in 7 days, it was a playground of note11:01
pittisabdfl: downhill skiing?11:01
sabdflhow's everyone here?11:01
pittiah, cool; I always enjoyed that11:01
jordisabdfl: hey11:01
jordisabdfl: so you're back in one piece: )11:02
sivanghappy new year sabdfl !11:02
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sabdfljordi: no amputations this season11:02
seb128Happe new year sabdfl !11:04
ajmitchhi sabdfl 11:04
sabdflhey seb128, ajmitch11:04
jordisabdfl: good!11:05
fabbionehey sabdfl !11:11
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mdkeis there a Community Council meet today, or TB, or nothing?11:13
KeybukTB will be next week11:13
KeybukI updated the agenda not 5 minutes ago11:14
mdkeah, sorry yeah just saw that11:14
mdkeso CC today then I suppose11:14
dokoseb128: hmm, bad upgrade time? dist-upgrade wants to remove gnome-panel ...11:18
seb128doko: what else does it want to remove? what arch?11:18
dokoseb128: amd64, others to remove:   base-config evolution evolution-exchange evolution-plugins gnome-applets11:20
doko  gnome-applets-data gnome-panel libcamel1.2-611:20
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seb128that's amd64 lagging behind, yeah just wait for a buildd retry11:20
mdkeKamion, is CC today?11:21
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Kamionmdke: think we're postponing it but I'm honestly too behind to know11:25
Kamionit's my first day officially back, give me a break :)11:26
mdkeKamion, sure thing, didn't mean to bother ya11:26
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Kamionah, sabdfl says in mail it's on the 10th, and to postpone TB by a week11:30
KamionKeybuk: ^--11:30
zygamonring :--)11:30
dokoinfinity: what is the plan with db4.x? stick with 4.3 or go to 4.4?11:30
zygaKamion: should I ping you about the three missing members later?11:31
Kamionzyga: no11:31
Kamionleave me alone and I'll do it :)11:31
zygagreat :-)11:31
KeybukKamion: heh, confusing ;)  but fair enough, will update the TB time11:32
mdkeKamion, what time on the 10th? (I'll update the wiki page)11:35
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Kamionmdke: no idea11:38
Kamionoh, yes I do, 1500 UTC I think, but Seveas has mail about that and has been asked to update the agenda already, so just leave it :)11:39
mdkealright, thanks11:39
Kamionzyga: I have no record of you being approved; mako didn't say yes11:39
Kamionwe had two +1s out of a required three11:39
Kamionsabdfl: ok with zyga for membership? we had an incomplete discussion in http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ubuntu-meeting-2005-12-06.html that had elmo and I both saying yes11:41
sabdfl+1 on zyga11:41
sabdflwelcome aboard :-)11:41
jdubmorning sabdfl, good break?11:41
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zygasabdfl: thank you :-)11:47
sabdfljdub: yes thanks. you and the missus get some r&r time in?11:48
ajmitchzyga: well done :)11:48
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=== zyga feels happy
sivangwelcome aboard zyga 11:51
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Seveaslol, very short ad hoc CC meeting :)12:08
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ajmitchelmo: please sync python-setuptools from sid, dropping changes thanks12:18
mjg59Keybuk: Around?12:24
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jdubsabdfl: yep, hot and sweaty it was.12:34
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infinitydoko: I wouldn't mind a switch to 4.4, but it needs some thinking.  Maybe we should talk about it at the sprint.  That'd an ideal time to discuss mass uploading to switch, if we want to.12:54
ogra_ibookinfinity !12:57
ogra_ibookhappy new year 12:57
infinityTo you too.12:57
Mithrandirinfinity: any chance I could get a new livefs build with user-setup added to the image?12:57
Mithrandirinfinity: or should I just do it myself?12:58
ogra_ibookinfinity, i have a small attack waiting for the initramfs maintainer ... could you have a look at http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/attachment.cgi?id=5494 if thats ok ? i need it to have images small enough to netboot ppc12:59
ogra_ibook(for ltsp that is)12:59
infinityogra_ibook: Why add the raid and i2o_block modules if it's for booting without block devices?01:01
infinityOr usb_storage..01:02
ajmitchelmo: please sync pyxmms-remote from sid, dropping changes.01:02
ogra_ibookinfinity, thats what i wanted to hear :) i wasnt sure if we'd need them for local device support at some point, but udev should care anyway01:02
fabbioneogra_ibook: that patch is no good.. the problem is not initramfs01:02
fabbioneogra_ibook: the problems are ppc kernel udebs too big01:02
ogra_ibookfabbione, i dont need any block device support in initramfs for netbooting01:02
StevenKfabbione: aoetools 8-0ubuntu1 building.01:03
ogra_ibookfabbione, its not only the yaboot restriction01:03
fabbionethat's something has been discussed already with Kamion and we need to solve it in a more general way01:03
fabbioneStevenK: cool01:03
ogra_ibookfabbione, i still need a smaller initramfs for 32MB clients01:03
fabbioneogra_ibook: meh ok01:03
ogra_ibookso dropping cblockdev support is the best imho01:03
ogra_ibooksince udev will load whats needed post boot ...01:04
infinityfabbione: Regardless of the other PPC/yaboot issues, a "noblock" mode for initramfs makes sense to me.01:04
infinity(as does a "no network" mode, for local-only booting)01:04
ogra_ibookwe could also call it "netboot" 01:05
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ogra_ibooki'm not sure about the "noblock" name01:05
infinityMeh, it'll get a good name when I integrate it.01:05
fabbioneinfinity: i am not 100% sure you can kill everything... 01:05
fabbionebut well01:05
infinityDon't worry about that.01:05
ogra_ibookoki :-D01:05
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infinityfabbione: initramfs doesn't do anything that the boot process doesn't duplicate again later.  If all we need to boot from a network is a NIC (which is generally true, give or take), then we can leave the rest for runlevel S.01:06
fabbioneinfinity: right01:07
fabbionemake sense01:07
StevenKfabbione: http://wedontsleep.org/~steven/aoetools01:08
Mithrandirinfinity: also, any thoughts on usplash-in-initramfs?01:08
fabbioneStevenK: i am on it, thanks01:08
fabbioneStevenK: uploading01:10
fabbioneSuccessfully uploaded packages.01:10
=== Mithrandir throws a lump of rock at infinity to catch his attention.
infinityMithrandir: Doesn't require much thought to do the dirty hack I originally spec'd... If you have designs for something more elegant, I'm all ears.01:11
Mithrandirinfinity: what's your dirty hack?01:11
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infinityMithrandir: If you don't already know, you don't want to.01:13
infinityMithrandir: Suffice it to say, it'll work fine, I just need to upload it.01:13
infinityMithrandir: Perhaps around the same time we have that squashfs date, if I don't get to it tomorrow.01:14
infinity(Playing catch-up with buildd headaches could monopolize tomorrow)01:14
Mithrandirinfinity: 'k..01:14
Mithrandirinfinity: bah, silly buildds.01:14
Mithrandirwhack them with a hammer. 01:14
maswanMithrandir: you mean like FlerpIT.com Security Solutions? http://www.acc.umu.se/images/archive/20010821-FlerpIT.com-Security/01:15
Mithrandirmaswan: yeah, sometihng like that01:16
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Kamionfabbione: the stuff that's been discussed with me is entirely separate01:22
Kamionfabbione: we've talked about d-i; ogra's talking about the LTSP initramfs, which has nothing to do with udebs. It should never have been in the same bug in the first place01:22
fabbioneKamion: ok01:22
ogra_ibookfabbione, thats why i only posted the link to the attachment, not to the bug ;)01:23
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zygawhat's with current dapper kernels, why cpu frequency scaling is not active?01:40
Nafallozyga: is here01:40
zygaNafallo: hmm, doesn't work on k701:40
NafalloI have k8 :-)01:40
mjg59zyga: Will be fixed in the next release01:44
zygamjg59: thank you :)01:44
mjg59It was disabled in SMP kernels, even if there was only one processor01:44
mjg59And we only ship SMP kernels now01:45
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zygaoh, so will there be smp kernel with cpu freq scaling or non-smp kernels too?01:45
infinityErm, frequency scaling is still working for me.  It just doesn't show up correctly in /proc/cpuinfo.01:46
infinityThe /sys tree still shows the cur_freq going up and down with load.01:46
zygainfinity: I'll check01:46
infinitysudo cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq01:47
zygainfinity: I have no cpufreq in my sys01:47
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zygaso it seems disabled01:47
infinityShows at 800MHz right now.  If I pump my load up, it jumps up to 2.0 GHz.  Then scales back down slowly to 800 over time.01:47
Lathiatzyga: is powernowd running?01:48
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infinityYeah, it won't be if the /sys tree isn't there (ie: If there's no kernel support)01:49
zygait said: /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_max_freq: No such file or directory01:49
infinitySo maybe the k7 kernel is wonky, compared to the 686 kernel (which I'm using)01:49
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mjg59infinity: On a K7?01:57
mjg59The issue is K7 specific01:57
mjg59All other cpufreq should be working01:57
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infinitymjg59: Ahh, check.  I'm on a Pentium-M.02:03
slomoelmo: please sync ipod-sharp from debian/experimental, thanks :)02:05
slomoinfinity, lamont: please give-back njb-sharp on ia64/amd64 and remove gnunet from dep-wait... thanks :)02:06
infinityslomo: There will be a mass give-back in about 12 hours to deal with holiday fallout.  Your still will end up in that batch. :)02:07
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slomoinfinity: ok, thanks... btw, did you already read tseng's mail about the mono breakage on ppc? any ideas on this?02:10
jbaileymjg59: Does cpufreq not go into SMP kernels because it's two hard to keep the two CPUs in sync?02:17
mjg59jbailey: "too"? :)02:18
lamontslomo: please fix njb-sharp and re-upload02:18
jdubhaw haw02:18
jbaileymjg59: Right.  Sucks to be an audio thinker sometimes. =)02:18
lamontit Build-Depends: cdbs (and probably others), not build-depends-indep.02:18
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mjg59jbailey: Not all SMP architectures handle CPUs with different clock speeds02:18
mjg59I think K8 and P4 can manage it02:18
jbaileyAh, cool.02:18
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Mithrandirmjg59: sparc too, but not under linux.02:19
jbaileyI was wondering a bit last week if there was any way of having my boxes consume less power.  Part of why I was playing with suspend on my desktop machines.02:19
slomolamont: uh, sorry... uploaded fixed version02:21
lamontthat would be the source of the "mysterious" build failure02:21
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Mithrandirinfinity: any reason why you're not on #d-apache?02:22
lamontdepwaits on libmysqlclient15-dev cleared, although I don't see it anywhere in the archive at a quick glance....02:22
lamontjbailey: smaller pixels. :-)02:22
jbaileylamont: Well, white on black text *must* consume less power, right?02:24
lamontred on black would only use 33% as many pixels, I'd think.....02:24
pittijbailey: depends on whether an enabled or disabled crystal consumes more, but I think an enabled one uses more02:24
mjg59Black on white ought to take less power on a TFT02:25
lamontwinona suggests removing files to make the laptop lighter, too. :-)02:25
pittijbailey: so, surprisingly, black on white should be more efficient02:25
jbaileyHah, funny. =)02:25
jdubmjg59: and better contrast02:25
mjg59pitti: Any chance you can take a quick look at libpam-foregound for security purposes?02:25
pittilamont: right, mysql-dfsg-5.0 is still not synced to Ubuntu (which builds mysqlclient15)02:25
mjg59jdub: Hush02:25
pittimjg59: could you please mail me a link to the diff? I'd like to do it today, but not right now02:26
lamontpitti: is it going to be soon-ish?  (like before uvf?)02:26
pittilamont: I seriously hope so - we actually planned to have 5.0 as default and only version in dapper main02:26
pittiI just wonder why it doesn't autosync02:27
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=== lamont bets "NEW"
pittilamont: but it is in Debian for months...02:28
slomolamont: it depends on libmysqlclient14-dev now until we get 15... the same was already done for a few other packages02:28
ogra_ibookoops, ECHAN02:28
pittiogra_ibook: it's not entirely OT to say 'hi' here (at least I hope so :) )02:28
ogra_ibookhi pitti :)02:29
infinitypitti : I'll be sorting out MySQL 5.0 early next week, I believe.02:30
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infinityMithrandir: Not on a lot of channels until I get home from the tropics.  Right now, I'm just in the minimum required channels to work.02:31
Mithrandirinfinity: ah, ok, I didn't know you were still on a beach.02:31
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seb128ogra: do you know about http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=21795 ?02:41
seb128ogra: the guy mailed me, he wants to switch 60 school computer to Ubuntu but is blocked because of that02:42
tepsipakkihm, /proc/meminfo output is incomplete, which is probably why "top" doesn't show memory usage02:43
ogra_ibookseb128, we dont support ltsp 4.1 at all02:43
ogra_ibookseb128, our supported ltsp implementation doesnt use xdmcp ...02:44
seb128ogra_ibook: could you reply on the bug please?02:44
ogra_ibookyup, will do02:44
seb128I don't know much about ltsp02:44
ogra_ibooki'll also reassign it if you dont mind loosing a bug :)02:45
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Mithrandiruhm, how do I rename a page on the wiki=02:45
maswanWhat's the correct way of pointing out meta-bugs in the wiki? ("Otherwise, if "Rename to" is left blank, the original filename will be used." but it is "save as", not "rename to")02:45
ogra_ibookMithrandir, look at the pulldown menu02:45
Mithrandirogra_ibook: thx02:46
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seb128ogra_ibook: not at all, thanks :)02:49
tepsipakkidisregard my top-problem, the problem was in my head02:49
maswanKeybuk: there you go, while I had flight2 installed for a daniels-bug, I gave you a bootchart too02:51
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jdubBenC: hrm, now i remember what i really wanted to ask you about02:58
jdubBenC: i noticed on my MIL's IBM T42 that the new -10 ABI breezy kernel (security update) was hanging in difficult to accurately reproduce ways, while -9 wasn't.02:59
BenCjdub: 2077103:00
BenCjdub: CC yourself and join the testing effort :)03:00
jdubweird thing is, pia has the same machine, is running -10, and afaik hasn't had any crashies03:01
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BenCit's a very odd problem...fabbione even went back and recompiled -9.23, and people were still seeing problems with that03:01
BenCit's like breezy suddenly went broke for no reason, and very randomly03:01
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fabbionei blame binutils03:02
BenCyeah, I think binutils will take the rap for this one too03:02
fabbionei need to ask elmo to dig the old binary package for me03:02
fabbioneand try to build with that one03:02
jdubi'll find out if pipka's had problems wiht hers03:02
jdubthen i'll have a machine toplay with locally03:03
Mithrandirelmo: please sync ttf-unfonts, overriding ubuntu changes is ok.03:03
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zulfabbione: i blame <deity>03:07
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fabbionezul: heheh03:08
zulhi fabbione btw :)03:08
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zakameevening devs :)03:09
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mjg59pitti: Any idea how to deal with the MMC card problem? pmount (and, presumably, hal) seem to want the removable flag to be set in order to automount stuff, but the kernel people disagree03:22
pittimjg59: hm, a device must either be hotpluggable, or removable for that03:23
pittibut MMC cards being removable sounds right to me? because they actually are03:23
pittiand the reader itself isn't hotpluggable03:23
mjg59pitti: The reader is a PCI device03:23
pittiyes, internal readers are quite common03:23
pittibut e. g. cdroms are 'removable', so we can pmount them03:24
pittiwhy don't the kernel folks treat MMC cards as removable?03:24
elmoKamion: ?03:24
Kamionelmo: hi03:24
mjg59pitti: "GENHD_FL_REMOVABLE should be unset for removable block devices with permanent media"03:25
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mjg59pitti: In the CD-ROM case, the block device is always there but media appears and goes away03:25
mjg59pitti: But in the MMC case, the block device only appears when the card is inserted03:25
pittihm, I see03:25
pittiis there anything else in sysfs that tells apart a MMC device from a normal HD?03:25
elmoKamion: what's a good dapper CD to use?  I've got a laptop where I need wireless and breezy isn't giving me no love03:26
elmoISTR you said latest would be "fun"03:26
Kamionelmo: fun in a good way03:27
Kamionyesterday's was fine when I tested it03:27
Kamiontoday's should be OK too, I think03:27
mjg59pitti: Not that I can see03:28
Kamioner, apart from being uninstallable03:28
Kamionyeah, try yesterday's03:28
pittimjg59: *scratching head*03:28
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mjg59pitti: This may have to be something that's dealt with upstream03:28
pittimjg59: maybe they can add another attribute then; 'hotpluggable' would be nice03:29
pittimjg59: right now, pmount defines hotpluggable as 'is attached to an USB or FireWire bus'03:29
mjg59pitti: Fancy taking this up with the kernel people, then? :)03:29
mjg59What's the easiest way to give you the sysfs contents?03:30
elmoalso, anyone know what I have to do to get an i915 to use the external monitor?03:31
mjg59elmo: Video switch doesn't work?03:31
elmomjg59: wassat?03:31
pittimjg59: looking in /sys/block/sda should be fine03:32
mjg59elmo: Is there no hotkey on the keyboard to trigger switching?03:32
mjg59pitti: Uh, it's not a SCSI device03:32
pittiyes, /sys/block/hdc/, or whatever03:32
mjg59pitti: Tarred up?03:32
pittimjg59: if there is anything interesting in it, sure :)03:33
mjg59pitti: Ok, tar works really badly on sysfs03:34
mjg59pitti: Right, sorted. Shall I just attach this to the bug?03:34
pittimjg59: that would be nice; which bug is it in particular/03:35
elmomjg59: hmm, nope, doesn't seem to03:35
mjg59elmo: Right. Hm.03:35
mjg59elmo: i810switch might do it03:36
elmoah, right, that's the name, I'll try that, thanks03:37
mjg59elmo: Alternatively, there's a patch to add support to 1855crt at http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?atid=647739&group_id=107484&func=browse03:37
janimoelmo, any news on the xubuntu-docs still in NEW vs GPL licensing issue?03:38
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janimodo NEW (source) packages in debian require explicit sync requests or they come in automatically03:42
Keybukmjg59: you ping'd?03:43
mjg59Keybuk: Can we chat briefly about NetworkManager at some point?03:43
zakamejanimo: hm seems they do come in automatically03:43
janimozakame, ok thanks03:43
mjg59Keybuk: Am I right in thinking that the major sticking point now is what it does on startup?03:44
mjg59Keybuk: Ah. What was the issue, then?03:44
Keybukthe major sticking point is that it doesn't support or work with one of the most common wifi cards03:44
elmomjg59: oh, wow, shiny03:44
mjg59Keybuk: That being?03:44
mjg59Uhm. It's bloody well meant to.03:44
elmomjg59: i810switch "works" in as much as it turns the monitor on, but all that's displayed is an ever-brithening blue blob03:44
Keybuklong flamewars about it03:45
Keybukbasically it comes down to an interpretation of the standard03:45
Keybukthere's a "scan for new networks" ioctl that nm issues every 30s03:45
Keybukthe ipws take this to just mean "update your table of nearby networks and tell me when done"03:45
Keybukthe atheros takes it to mean "Bored of this network, deconfigure the card and find me a better one"03:45
mjg59Keybuk: I'm aware that that /has/ been the case, but I didn't believe it was currently the case03:46
mjg59Given that Novell are using it, and a lot of Novell people have Atheros hardware...03:46
Keybukwas the case last time I checked (at UBZ)03:46
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Keybukthere may be a new fixed version, Christian is going to upload that to universe and I'll play with it and see what happens03:47
Keybukthe symptom is quite obvious, every 30s your network connection drops03:47
Keybukand if you (like me at home) have a stronger network that's not yours, your laptop jumps to that one instead03:47
mjg59Right. Give me a second and I'll test it here.03:47
elmojanimo: sec03:47
whiprushI don't see that here. nm and atheros.03:48
Keybukrun wavemon, every 30s or so the signal will drop out totally03:48
mjg59elmo: Ok, that sounds like it's powering up the crtc but not changing the display pipes03:48
mjg59elmo: Try i855crt with that patch?03:48
elmomjg59: yeah, already compiling it03:49
Mithrandirwould adding "auto %s\niface %s inet dhcp" for each network interface found be considered rude?  (In the live CD, that is)03:56
mjg59Mithrandir: Given that it'll block, yes03:56
elmomjg59: meh, doesn't work (same problem with rawpipe as with i810switch, and SNAFU screen with a specific res), oh well - thanks anyway03:56
Keybukmjg59: not for too much longer03:57
Mithrandirmjg59: I can blame Scott for that and he'll have an incentive to fix it. :-)03:57
mjg59elmo: Only other real option is to set up mirroring at all times in xorg.conf03:57
elmomjg59: if I do that, does it work without the monitor?03:58
mjg59elmo: Yes03:58
mjg59Power consumption will be slightly higher, though03:58
elmoah, ok, I guess I can try that03:58
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Keybukmjg59: just tried nm 0.5.1-0ubuntu6 (current dapper) and it does exactly the same thing04:03
Keybukleaps off my network and joins my neighbour's whenever told to scan04:03
mdzjdub: pong04:05
=== WaterSevenUb [n=WaterSev@azevedo.astro.up.pt] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Keybukmjg59: in fact, it's every 13s now04:07
pittimjg59: bless you04:08
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lucasI've a problem with the ubuntu wiki04:12
lucasI can login correctly using my LP id04:12
lucasbut when I want to update my preferences on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserPreferences04:12
lucasit says "Passwords don't match"04:12
lucascan somebody confirm the problem ?04:12
elmoaww, crap it's a bcm431804:15
elmois the reverse engineered driver usable/useful in dapper yet?04:15
tsengi think mjg59 got it to associate but not transmit04:17
elmowhat's the fallback, beyond a wireless PCMCIA card?  ndis?04:17
Keybukndis is reasonably well supported at the moment, if you do the voodoo it should work with udev04:18
Keybukof course, your machine will crash an hour or so later, but hey, that's ndis for you :p04:19
mjg59elmo: Latest kernel should just about drive it04:20
mjg59Though "latest kernel" may be what's in git rather than what's in the archive04:20
mjg59Keybuk: We might want to look at switching to the madwifi-ng crap04:21
KeybukLinus may have been too busy flaming people to put it in the last rc? ;)04:21
Keybukmjg59: that allegedly fixes it, because it works the same way the ipws do04:21
mjg59Keybuk: Uh, our kernel. It's not in 2.6.15 stock.04:22
Keybukoh, sorry04:22
Keybukwrong git04:22
hno73lucas: It seems to work if you blank the password04:22
seb128Kamion: could you promote the new evolution-data-server binaries (soname changes): libcamel1.2-7 libexchange-storage1.2-1? evolution needs them to build04:23
hno73(though there is clearly a usability issue there)04:23
mjg59Argh christ the madwifi HAL comes from their Windows drivers04:23
lucashno73: oh true, thanks04:23
Keybukyou didn't know that?04:24
Keybukmadwifi-ng is not the solution you're looking for, anyway04:25
Keybukthat's just version 2 of the existing crap04:25
mjg59Keybuk: I knew it was closed, I didn't know it was Windows derived04:26
Keybukath-driver is the one that "works"04:26
mjg59Well, except for not working04:26
mjg59(so far)04:26
KeybukI got it to associate to my network04:26
Keybuknot much else, but that's a start ;)04:26
mjg59I'd be surprised if it's good enough for Dapper04:27
mjg59Whereas madwifi-ng is realistic04:27
Keybukafaik madwifi-ng has exactly the same problem04:27
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mjg59Keybuk: It has support for background scanning04:27
Keybukoh, it does?  in the same way as the ipw implements it?04:27
mjg59No idea04:27
mjg59"A cool feature whereby the driver scans available channels without interrupting a current AP association.04:28
mjg59Not at all an issue04:28
Keybukwonder if they've bothered to implement Ad-Hoc yet04:29
mjg59Nngh and it still has its own 80211 stack04:30
Keybukyeah, it has a port of the FreeBSD one, iirc04:31
Lathiatmm, sata_sil24, cooler ntfs write and ivp6 stateful connection tracking in 2.6.1504:31
Keybukbecause what the kernel needs is yet another 802.11 stack04:31
Keybukdidn't I read somewhere about YET ANOTHER one being written (in addition to the madwifi and ipw ones?)04:31
zygawhy are they all duplicating work04:32
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Kamionseb128: done04:33
Keybukzyga: the "standard" 802.11 stack was written by the Intel guys for the IPW cards; and they're very resistant to changing it to accomodate other models afaiui04:34
zygaKeybuk: eh, the power of egos04:34
jdub80211 stacks are the new irc client04:34
mjg59Keybuk: The ipw one doesn't have terribly complete support for managing softmac type stuff04:35
zygaKeybuk: are they all GPL'd?04:35
Keybukah, it was the free broadcom one04:35
Keybukzyga: they're all GPL-compatible04:35
zygaat least that's good04:35
zygaI hope that in 5 years wifi will just work...04:35
mjg59The broadcom driver has been ported to two stacks (softmac, which is built on top of the ipw one, and dscape, which is complete but not terribly well integrated into the kernel yet)04:35
Keybuk*sigh*, etc.04:37
seb128Kamion: thanks04:38
mjg59Keybuk: The new madwifi stuff claims to support adhoc04:39
elmoKamion: hum, I think the network stuff has regressed04:39
elmoKamion: I'm trying to install today's i386 install, and I selected 'don't configure network at this time', and now I'm stuckk in a loop at the "http proxy" prompt ("choose a mirror of the Ubuntu archive")04:40
Keybukmjg59: the old stuff claims to support it too, and then in very small letters adds "but it doesn't work, so you should just use hostap mode instead"04:40
Keybukmaybe they've fixed it in -ng, but I didn't see it on the NgFeatures page04:40
Kamionelmo: yeah, known, I mentioned it in the Flight 2 release notes04:40
mjg59I don't think that's a complete changelog04:41
elmoKamion: ah, ok04:41
elmoKamion: sorry04:41
=== Keybuk hates wifi
Kamionno problem, I need to fix it RSN04:41
KeybukI think we should all go back to 10base-204:41
dilinger* Add a new command "play" to play an audio file on PC.04:42
dilingergrub2 scares me04:42
jdubyou mean, we can have the ubuntu beat at grub now? elite!04:43
jbaileydilinger: Someone was joking the other day about porting glibc to the grub2 OS. =)04:43
Mithrandirjbailey: what about emacs?04:43
dilingerjbailey: and you haven't gotten on that yet? ;p04:43
=== Keybuk fondly remembers building terminators out of LEDs and stuff
Mithrandira bootloader just needs a mail reader in the same way a fish needs a bike.04:44
jbaileydilinger: Grub 2 won't load an elf64 kernel yet.04:44
jsgotangcogood night04:44
jbaileydilinger: So I can't test it on my main machine. =)04:44
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jbaileyMithrandir: I'm not an emacs lover.  But I wouldn't be surprised if someone hadn't done it already. =)04:44
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tencoiam currently trying to make breezy boot faster on an old 400mhz desktop04:45
tencoand i just looked at /etc/modprobe.d04:45
jbaileydilinger: Oh, that's just the generic speaker.04:45
jbaileydilinger: I helped Marcus write that code in the Hurd. =)04:45
tencoIMHO thats pretty evil bruteforce04:46
Keybuktenco: hmm?04:46
jdubdilinger: um. 'mod'. holy crap.04:46
Keybuktenco: what about /etc/modprobe.d concerned you?04:46
tencoespecially alsa-base04:46
mjg59Hmm. Actually, the openhal code looks like it possibly supports a sensible amount of hardware now04:46
dilingerjbailey: yea, i noticed the comment that it was stolen from hurd04:46
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tencoKeybuk: in alsa-base e.g. are lots of "install <module>" lines04:46
Keybuktenco: do you know what the "install" keyword in a modprobe configuration file does?04:47
tencoKeybuk: so "Calculating module dependencies..." takes a lot of time04:47
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Keybukno, that isn't why04:47
tencotrying to install that module?04:47
Keybukno, that's not what it does04:48
tencowhat else?04:48
KeybukI suggest you and the module-init-tools documentation become friends :)04:48
tencojup :-)04:48
tencoanyway, calc the mod deps takes a lot of time04:49
Keybukyes, it does04:49
Keybukwhich filesystem are you using?04:49
mjg59Keybuk: If you've got a chance, can you take a look at http://pdos.csail.mit.edu/~jbicket/openhal/ at some stage?04:50
Keybuktenco: ok, that's interesting; usually it's the more ricer ones that tend to be slow04:50
Keybukbasically it's just taking that long to stat a directory tree of 2,000 nodes04:50
Keybukthis is rather irrelevant though04:51
Keybukwe don't do that during boot in dapper04:51
tencoa simple file would be faster to parse...04:52
tencotext file04:52
Keybukdude, seriously, go read documentation04:52
Keybukall that step is doing is creating the "simple text file" you want04:52
tencoevery boot?04:52
Keybuklike I said, we don't do that in dapper anymore04:53
mdzKeybuk: what's behind the issue of network interfaces not being brought up at boot?  I saw this in a test install yesterday04:53
Keybukmdz: I've not written anything to bring them up at boot yet04:53
mdzI see04:54
Keybukneed to port over the old hotplug net.agent to udev, use the ifrename support built-in to udev, and sort out the mess with n-m too04:54
Keybukis my plan for the sprint when everyone's together04:54
mdzwe should do something about it before then, though04:54
Keybukyeah, the answer is add an "auto" line to /etc/network/interfaces04:54
Kamionshould the allow-hotplug line stay?04:55
KeybukI have no idea what "allow-hotplug" is04:55
Keybukthat turned up recently04:55
mdzme either04:55
Keybukit seems like aj-crack to me04:55
KamionThomas Hood suggested it04:55
Keybukif all hardware is brought up by hotplug, then either it or the "auto" line are meaningless04:56
mdzdoko: have you had a chance to look at this patch from Martin?04:56
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tencoKeybuk: do you think its easy to transfer the dapper mechanism to breezy?04:57
Kamion15:44:08 [I]  Log message: configuring ssh after installation04:57
Kamion15:44:08 [I]  /home/cjwatson/src/ubuntu/espresso/tailor $ svn update --revision 1480 .04:57
KamionI'm so glad I've branched from that code and am not obliged to follow it04:57
Kamion(that change does 'dpkg-reconfigure ssh' after installation. What's the point?)04:58
mdzisn't ssh just a metapackage now?04:58
Kamionreconfiguring it does nothing04:59
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Kamionoh, great, and they've cloned-and-hacked grub-installer straight in05:00
=== Kamion runs
KeybukKamion: was the log message "merry christmas *hic*" ?05:01
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KamionKeybuk: I've made that change in netcfg for now, although I'm still not convinced I really understand what's going on05:05
jdubmdz: from your past experience, how grotesquely conflated are mythtv's backend and frontends? do you think it would be feasible/easyish to develop an alternative frontend without a huge amount of work?05:05
tsengjdub: they are totally seperate in theory05:06
tsengthey can happily live on seperate systems05:06
KeybukKamion: me neither, I'm not entirely sure where we're going either05:06
jdubyeah, that's different to conflated codebases though :-)05:06
Keybukmy new-world-order-tom-tom is stuck in john cleese and making random comments about its mother05:06
jdubthe 'protocol' ends up being the database, which is a saving grace to a certain extent05:06
tsengthats true, but there is more than just the db05:07
jdubnfs? :)05:07
jduband all the xml bits05:07
mdzjdub: with or without basing it on the existing code?05:07
KamionKeybuk: yes, dear05:07
jdubmdz: without05:07
tsengyou need to connect to the server to stream the ring buffer frmo live tv capture05:07
jdubtseng: ahr05:07
tsengi think it also wants to stream saved captures over the client/server, even though you can do nfs05:08
mdzjdub: it would be a lot of work to forego the library, but the protocol would support it05:08
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tencoKeybuk: depmod --quick is taking that long?05:08
KamionBenC: I've checked in image[macrisc4]  stuff to debian-cd now; it'll be in tomorrow's daily builds05:10
fabbionehey mdz05:11
Keybuktenco: yes05:12
Keybukabout 12-15s if memory serves05:12
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Keybukof course, the second time you do it, it takes nanoseconds05:13
mdzfabbione: good morning05:13
Keybukwhich all the clever kids know is a clue that it's a filesystem issue05:13
mdzKeybuk: if we don't know where we're going with this yet, now is the time to talk it out and decide ;-)05:13
Keybukmdz: perhaps05:14
tencoKeybuk: thanks. turning that off should be save if either dpkg/apt handles an initial depmod on installing a kernel-package or i do that manually myself, i guess05:14
Keybuktenco: I think we had to add those05:14
tencoKeybuk: thanks so far :-)05:15
Keybukso there's a bunch of "network-like" things we have to bring up during boot05:15
mdzhow do we get away with not running depmod for l-r-m?05:15
mdzor is it broken and nobody's noticed yet?05:16
Keybukmdz: we depmod when we install the package, and expect the dependencies to not change <g>05:16
mdzKeybuk: the modules for l-r-m don't exist until boot time05:16
Keybukthey exist at install time too05:16
Keybukthe postinst runs lrm-manager, which calls depmod05:17
mdzI guess it's ok unless someone unmounts the tmpfs and installs a new kernel05:17
Keybukwhy would that matter?05:17
Keybukdifferent tmpfs per kernel version05:17
mdzbecause that would remove the entries from modules.dep05:17
mdzand upgrading the kernel would run depmod05:17
Keybukand there are a whole gangbang of problems about removing or upgrading your running kernel anyway05:18
BenCKamion: sweet, thanks05:18
mdzKeybuk: so about these network-like things05:18
Keybukif someone installs kernel A-1, and the appropriate lrm for it, then unmounts the tmpfs, and then upgrades to A-2 ...05:18
Keybukthen yes, it wouldn't work05:18
Keybukbut I think that comes under a severe case of "don't put your gun at your feet"05:19
Keybukright, networking05:19
Keybukso we have to bring up:05:19
Keybuk1) lo05:19
Keybuk2) devices for which we find the hardware, load modules, etc.05:19
Keybuk3) static magic devices like ppp, tunnels, etc.05:20
mdzfor 2), do we need to make any distinction between whether the user is using a modular kernel or an elmo kernel?05:20
Keybukmdz: no, fortunately we don't; they look the same to us05:20
Keybuk2) can be summed up as "everything the kernel has hardware for"05:21
Keybukif the kernel doesn't know about it, you clearly have a Square One issue05:21
Keybukexcept for the stuff in 05:21
Keybuk3) which is the stuff there's no hardware for05:21
mdzfor 1), we currently have an init script which configures it based on /etc/network/interfaces.  any reason to change that?05:21
Kamionyou sure about listing ppp under 3)?05:22
KeybukI'd rather like to fix the "eth0:2 isn't brought up when eth0 is plugged" bugs too05:22
Keybukmdz: we do?  when did that show up?05:22
KamionI suppose it's there sometimes, e.g. for serial modems05:22
mdzKeybuk: we do 'auto lo' and 'ifup -a' still, no?05:22
KeybukKamion: dunno, I've seen people with ppp listed in eni05:22
Keybukmdz: currently, yes ... but that's far too late05:22
Keybukwe need to "ifup lo" before we do just about everything, including starting uedv05:23
Keybukwhich means the "auto lo" won't mean a thing, because there's (currently) no "ifup --auto-only lo" type syntax05:23
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mdzKeybuk: so how about we configure lo sanely in early userspace, and if the user does something custom via /etc/network/interfaces, that takes effect later in the boot/05:24
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Keybukmdz: ifupdown doesn't like reconfiguring interfaces :-/05:24
hyperactivecrondwhat does dapper use for the menu on boot from the install cd?05:25
Keybukwe'd have to ifdown it05:25
Keybukmy idea was to do something like:05:25
Keybuk- add the --auto-only flag to ifup05:25
tsenghyperactivecrond: gfxboot.05:25
mdzKeybuk: s/configure lo sanely/& without ifupdown/05:25
Keybuk- "ifup --auto-only lo" early in userspace05:25
hyperactivecrondthx tseng05:25
mdzifconfig lo inet # TYVM HAND05:25
Keybuk- call "ifup --auto-only $DEVNAME" in udev when network hardware is detected05:25
Keybukand then deal with 3) somehow05:25
mdzif the user wants to add additional IP addresses to lo or something, it's fine for that to take effect later on05:26
Keybukprobably just with "ifup -a"05:26
Keybukas that takes into account anything already up05:26
dokomdz: test build done, uploaded, waiting for the buildd (approx. 20h)05:26
fabbionedoko: does the new OOo2 fix ppc build?05:27
mdzKeybuk: why bother with ifup in early userspace just for configuring loopback?05:28
Mithrandirmdz: would we want an integrity check of the live cd as well as of the install cd?05:28
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mdzMithrandir: yes; it'd be implemented identically05:28
dokofabbione: no, not yet. it looks like a gij/gcj issue, which does not occurr in breezy. I'll come to it again after a gcj-4.0 update05:28
Keybukmdz: tbh, I never understood why lo is even in /etc/network/interfaces05:28
fabbionedoko: ok. do you want me to build on sparc or should i wait?05:28
Mithrandirmdz: no, it wouldn't, unless you want a full d-i on the live cd as well?05:29
Keybukwe could always drop it from there, don't write it in netcfg, and just bring it up as you suggest05:29
Keybukno sane person changes its details, after all05:29
mdzMithrandir: the udeb boils down to md5sum -c05:30
fabbioneKeybuk: remember that lo can be something different than and that the network is routable...05:30
mdzI guess we'd need a separate progress bar05:30
Kamionwe don't have any of the d-i infrastructure on the live CD any more05:31
dokofabbione: I think it can wait05:31
fabbionedoko: ok05:31
KamionI suppose I can resurrect it if I have to05:31
mdzMithrandir: speaking of which, make sure re-adding usplash support is on your list for casper05:31
Kamionbut it was a significant space saving05:32
mdzKeybuk: it seems reasonable to have it there so that users can add custom configuration to it05:32
mdzKamion: I think it's better to leave it out05:32
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Keybukmdz: but then that wouldn't work05:32
Keybuk# ifdown lo05:32
Keybuk# ifconfig lo down05:32
Keybuk# ifconfig lo up
Keybuk# ifup lo05:33
KeybukSIOCSIFADDR: File exists05:33
KeybukFailed to bring up lo.05:33
Keybuktype thing05:33
mdzthat's surely a bug05:33
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Kamionmdz: I agree - but that does mean we can't reuse the integrity check05:33
Kamionperhaps we can have a simple switch in casper that does md5sum -c /cdrom/md5sum.txt or whatever it is05:33
Mithrandirmdz: it's already there.  Or should be, at least.05:33
Keybukmdz: perhaps, but I get scared whenever I look at the ifupdown source code05:34
Keybukit makes me want to cry05:34
mdzKamion: yes, I meant more that the guts would be the same05:34
Kamionah, ok05:34
mdzKeybuk: from what I see it should just be doing "ifconfig <iface> up"05:34
mdzmizar:[/tmp/ifupdown-0.6.7ubuntu2]  sudo ifdown lo05:34
mdzmizar:[/tmp/ifupdown-0.6.7ubuntu2]  sudo ifconfig lo down05:35
mdzmizar:[/tmp/ifupdown-0.6.7ubuntu2]  sudo ifconfig lo up05:35
mdzmizar:[/tmp/ifupdown-0.6.7ubuntu2]  sudo ifup lo05:35
Keybukmdz: ifconfig it to something outside of the range ifup wants for it05:35
MithrandirKamion: ENOMD5SUM.TXT, but yeah, we would.  I'm pondering what we should do about the huge filesystem.cloop file.. I might end up writing something which reads chunks of it and talks to usplash as a progress bar-style thing.05:35
mdzKamion: did you already add the integrity check option to the isolinux menu?  I didn't look05:36
Keybukmdz: ie. not 127/705:36
mdzMithrandir: eh?  we've had md5sum.txt on the live CD for ages05:36
Keybukuh /805:36
Kamionmdz: no, was waiting for instructions from Mithrandir on that05:36
sabdflKamion: does ubuntu-ppc support resizing existing partitions? i have a new apple desktop...05:36
mdzsabdfl: welcome back05:36
hyperactivecrondfor gfxboot for dapper... does one have to get a patched grub?05:36
hyperactivecrondnever mind.05:37
MithrandirKamion: I was planning on giving you those tomorrow.05:37
Keybuksabdfl: Apple stores are damned hard to walk past, aren't they; I swear they use extra-special glass that makes things look shinier05:37
fabbionesabdfl: depends from the partition05:37
Kamionsabdfl: there's nothing special about powerpc in that regard, although if it has new Mac OS X on it you'll need to use dapper in order for parted to understand the new partition types05:37
Kamionhyperactivecrond: we won't be doing graphical grub in dapper05:37
sabdflKamion: ok, cool, dapper it is then :-)05:37
Kamionsyslinux only05:37
mdzKeybuk: it fails, but the interface ends up configured correctly05:37
Keybukmdz: yeah, I'm not really sure what that's all about05:38
KamionMithrandir: cool, thanks05:38
sabdflwill try a dapper live-cd to see if it will even boot on a dual dual-core05:38
mdzKeybuk: maybe it's the ipv6 bit, which uses add/del05:38
Mithrandirmdz: we'd probably want to use something which did have a more useful progress bar than what you'd get with the naive approach when you have a single file which is 5/7 of all you're checking.05:38
KeybukSIOCSIFADDR is "set interface address"05:38
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Kamionsabdfl: you'll have to use 'live-powerpc64', unless you have a time machine to get tomorrow's live CD which'll make that unnecessary. :)05:38
mdzMithrandir: usplash wolud be reasonable05:38
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pittiBenC: the eject issue should be fixed in -10, right?05:38
fabbionesabdfl: if it doesn't work. please let us know. I know benh is working on his SMP dual core to fix some stuff and not all of it is in the kenrel yet05:38
sabdflKamion: i have patience, no need for time machine :-)05:39
Keybukpitti: fixed which way?05:39
BenCpitti: should be05:39
pittiKeybuk: properly :)05:39
Keybukdevices still get ejected properly?05:39
pittiKeybuk: the kernel should now be able to eject all usb devices05:39
Keybukand vanish off the system?05:39
pittiKeybuk: 'still'?05:39
pittiKeybuk: they didn't for many devices, see #504905:39
Keybukwell, my laptop when I unmount a usb device ejects it properly05:39
Keybukah, as long as you didn't turn off ejecting :p05:39
BenCit's very random05:39
Keybuksome people have been moaning about the fact it ejects at all, and doesn't just unmount05:40
=== BenC remotely disable ejecting on Keybuk's machine
BenCKeybuk: oh, I found out something: eject -t will get a USB device back in most cases, after an eject05:40
Keybukthat's kinda cute05:41
mdzKeybuk: anyway, I don't think we need to try to support ridiculous configurations like that; the defaults will work and users will be able to add additional addresses to loopback, which is about the only reasonable thing to do to it05:41
Keybukin a totally sick, "get your own ioctls and stop abusing them" kind of way05:41
mdzKeybuk: so for 1), "add an ifconfig/ip call to initramfs" seems like the right way to go05:41
BenCkeybuk: fact is that some USB devices do the right thing, and "eject" the memory card (or whatever) virtually05:41
Keybukmdz: right; we still need a way of bringing up interfaces for hardware though05:42
BenCit's a hardware thing more than a driver issue05:42
mdzKeybuk: right, on to 2)05:42
Keybukmdz: allow-hotplug seems ... wrong; it brings us back yet again to having two options which mean the same thing in different ways05:42
Keybukmdz: just having "auto eth0" seems best, that way if udev doesn't bring it up, S40networking will05:42
KeybukBenC: my video camera switches back to ordinary camera mode, instead of dumb USB mode; I'm reasonably glad it doesn't eject its own hard disk <g>05:43
mdzlemme read the bug about allow-hotplug05:43
mdzso it sounds like allow-hotplug is meant to mean "run ifup when the hardware is detected"05:44
mdzwhile "auto" continues to mean "run ifup from S40networking"05:45
Keybukwhich is crackful05:45
mdzI agree that the distinction doesn't seem particularly useful05:45
mdzeither it should be brought up at boot, or not05:45
Keybukif the hardware hasn't be detected, trying to bring it up in S40networking isn't going to work05:45
mdzyour --auto-only approach sounds sane05:46
mdzexcept for the fact that it involves touching ifupdown code, but c'est la vie05:46
NafalloKeybuk: isn't that network-manager's job to cover 2)? :-)05:46
mdzthe magic 8-ball says network-manager's future is unclear05:47
mdzin the dapper timeframe05:47
Keybuknetwork-manager would be great, if it did what it says on its tin05:47
Nafallowell, wfm ;-)05:47
mdzwhether or not we're able to integrate it for desktop purposes, I think we need a more trustworthy fallback for server configurations anyway05:48
Keybukmdz: do I have to resist the urge to write incredibly sarcastic documentation alongside the change? :p05:48
mdzKeybuk: I think the literate programming syntax requires that you do so05:48
Kamionthis is starting to remind me of Intercal's politeness rules05:49
mjg59Keybuk: What are the dates for the distro sprint? It's the week after LCA?05:51
Keybukmjg59: yes05:51
mjg59Keybuk: Ok. I may be able to be there for some of it, if you're planning on covering network stuff05:51
elmowhine, X segfaults on this stupid laptop05:52
Keybukcool; I'm not doing LCA this year after all, I just can't spare the time homewise, let alone anything else05:52
mjg59elmo: Nngh. You're sure it's Intel?05:52
mdzmjg59: it seems pretty likely that we'll have things to talk about in that area05:53
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fabbioneelmo: dapper/ppc ?05:53
elmomjg59: oh, sorry, I'm confusing you, I'm working on two different laptops here05:53
elmomjg59: the i915 thing was on a sony vaio, X is fine there05:53
mdzmjg59: the basic agenda is going to be outstanding dapper issues05:53
Keybukthe depressing thing about literate programming is that the only way I've ever been able to understand the code is to generate it, read the resulting code, change it, then use grep to work out how to change the literate version05:53
elmomjg59: X segfaulting, and the BCM4318 is on a random amd64 turion laptop I'm trying to setup for someone else05:53
elmofabbione: breezy/amd6405:53
fabbioneelmo: ok.05:53
mjg59elmo: Oh. ATI chipset?05:54
elmomjg59: yeah05:54
mjg59elmo: Option "NoAccel" "tru"05:54
elmooh, right, that molarky05:54
elmowill it work in x86 mode?05:54
mjg59Except "true", not "tru"05:54
elmookay, so I'll not needlessly reinstall then05:54
mjg59Our X is broken on a small number of ATIs05:54
elmomjg59: thanks :)05:54
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janimomjg59, there's a patch in bugzilla for that brokage though05:55
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mdzKeybuk: 3) seems a bit tricky06:03
mdzKeybuk: since those abstract interfaces sometimes  have implicit dependencies on hardware-oriented interfaces06:04
OpsVentusGood day, I have started to develop a GUI for wireless networking for Ubuntu because I felt this was missing from Ubuntu, an first glimp of what it should look like and what it can do can be found at http://www.opsventus.com/wifigui06:04
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Robot101Keybuk: I have weirdness with udev 077-0ubuntu5 and dvb devices, it successfully made the /dev/dvb/adapterX/fooY stuff once, but hasn't since06:04
Robot101Keybuk: how do I debug this?06:05
OpsVentuscan some people please give me an opinion on whether I should invest more time to make it work properly or just give up?06:05
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mdzOpsVentus: what is it meant to do specifically?06:05
OpsVentusgive an easy graphic solution to connect to wireless networks06:05
KeybukRobot101: does it make the wrong names for them now?06:06
HiddenWolfOpsVentus, networkmanager seems to do what you want... 06:06
OpsVentusnot for wireless networks06:06
Keybukmdz: true, but if we use ifup + auto for 2), and keep the S40networking script, then the ifup -a call there will "sort out" all of those interfaces06:07
Robot101Keybuk: it makes /dev/dvb0.dvr0 etc06:07
Keybukand it'll work the same as it does in breezy06:07
OpsVentuswith my program you can select the wireless network you want06:07
KeybukRobot101: can you run "udevmonitor -e" and plug in the device?06:07
seb128is /dev/fd0 supposed to be 660 or 640?06:07
Keybukseb128: yes :)06:07
mdzKeybuk: assuming all the important bits have finished executing by the time S40networking runs, no?06:07
Keybukseb128: theoretically 66006:08
seb128Keybuk: it was a "or" but I will take that as a "660" :)06:08
mdzOpsVentus: network-manager does in fact do that for wireless networks06:08
seb128Keybuk: udev bog? Should I bugzilla it?06:08
Mithrandirseb128: 640 | 660 is 660, so that sounds sane. :-)06:08
Keybukseb128: not that I'm aware of, why, what do you think the permissions should be; and why?06:08
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seb128I think it should be 660 because with the current 640 gfloppy complains that you don't have any right on the device when you are a member of the floppy group06:09
Keybukseb128: if it's 640, it means that the kernel is now advertising floppy block devices as "removable"06:09
Keybukand that sounds like a bug in gfloppy, no?06:09
Keybukwhat does write permission on the device give you?06:09
seb128do you need to write to format it?06:09
Keybukwe need pitti for this, he explicitly asked for removable devices to NOT have write permissions06:10
Robot101Keybuk: http://rafb.net/paste/results/TnX4TL77.html06:10
Keybukthe only exception is CD drives, which need write for eject06:10
elmosomone hit me with build-depends heavy packages I can prime porter chroots with, things like evolution, firefox and openoffice06:10
Robot101elmo: gnucash :)06:10
Kamionelmo: debian-installer06:10
mdzKeybuk: weird, I wonder why he would want that06:10
mdzwriting directly to a floppy or USB key is a reasonable use case06:11
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jordielmo: nautilus06:11
Keybukwe'll have to ask him when he comes back06:11
jordielmo: some kde package... kdemultimedia I guess06:12
Mithrandirelmo: mplayer06:12
mdzDiziet: around?06:12
Nafallogaah. I hilight network-manager :-P06:13
Nafalloanyway, see ya :-)06:13
elmoRobot101, Kamion, jordi, Mithrandir: thanks06:15
Mithrandirelmo: ant, possibly, to get some java stuff in06:15
mdzseb128: is there any new information about the disappearing applications menu?  is it fixed in newer kernels?06:15
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mdzthe latest kernels hang during boot on my machine, so I can't quite test06:15
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mjg59mdz: Hm. Fun.06:16
seb128mdz: it's a gam_server bug, and it triggers by /var/lib/menu-xdg/menus/debian-menu.menu beeing missing06:16
KeybukRobot101: I guess somebody in kernelland changed things, or I mucked up the device name script06:16
seb128s/it triggers/it's triggered/06:16
fabbionemdz: does that machine have a PCI I/O controller?06:16
mdzseb128: ah, above the kernel then06:16
Robot101Keybuk: I tested the device name script and it seemed to dtrt, which is why I'm so confused06:16
seb128mdz: /etc/xdg/menus/debian-menu.menu points to /var/lib/menu-xdg/menus/debian-menu.menu, when the second is not here gam_server has some issue06:16
mdzfabbione: I'm not sure what that is.  do SCSI and IDE controllers count?06:16
seb128mdz: will be fixed soon, there is some patching pending review upstream06:16
elmoMithrandir: good plan06:17
fabbionemdz: yes they do count06:17
KeybukRobot101: you have nothing there that would cause it to be run06:17
mdzfabbione: then yes06:17
Robot101$ ./dvb_device_name -e dvb0.dvr006:17
fabbionemdz: ok06:17
seb128mdz: workaround: run update-menus06:17
Keybukyou just have SUBSYSTEM==dvb things, not SUBSYSTEM==dvb_device06:17
Robot101Keybuk: aha06:17
mdzseb128: s/run/install menu and &/ ;-)06:18
mdzhmm, update-menus fails here with no output06:18
Keybukthat's wrong anyway06:18
Keybukit should output 0 net0 or something06:18
dholbachmenu has update-menus in its postinst06:18
Robot101Keybuk: ah right06:18
dholbachinstalling it should suffice06:18
Keybukcool, thanks for that; I can fix that now06:19
Robot101Keybuk: np06:19
seb128dholbach: seems that it's bugged, some people get no /var/lib/menu-xdg/menus/debian-menu.menu after running it06:19
elmodoko: grr, why doesn't apt-get build-dep  work for gcc-4.0 ?06:19
mdzthat does seem to fix it, thanks06:19
dholbachseb128: strange :(06:19
Robot101Keybuk: can I get a pointer to how I might make some persistent names for usb serial devices, regardless of what order they probe in?06:19
seb128mdz: np06:19
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Keybukyes, easy06:20
Keybukuse udevmonitor -e, and plug the device in06:20
Keybukthe [UEVENT]  will tell you the useful information for the device06:20
OpsVentusmdz: I have to take a deeper look into network-manager then, I'm still on Warty, maybe in Breeze this has been updated06:20
Keybukdo udevinfo -a -p $DEVPATH  (from the [UEVENT]  bit) to see everything in sysfs you can use06:21
Keybukand build up a description of it, probably something like:06:21
KeybukSUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{product}=="iAUDIO M3 Digital Audio Player", ...06:22
Keybukand then add a persistent name using SYMLINK+="iaudio"06:22
dokoelmo: which architecture?06:24
elmodoko: amd6406:24
elmosomething about libc6-686-dev not available06:24
dokoyes, but the alternative is available (ia32-libs-dev)06:25
dokoanyway, jbailey's next upload should fix that and introduce this package06:25
elmoyeah, it kind of sucks that apt-get build-dep bombs tho06:25
elmoah, ok, cool06:25
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KeybukRobot101: try to void BUS== or anything referring to physical devices, et. al. otherwise your head will explode06:29
Robot101Keybuk: mm, ok, cool. thanks.06:29
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KeybukSUBSYSTEM guarantees SYSFS attributes, so use that for custom matches06:31
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poningruwhat kernel version is planned for dapper?06:35
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poningruwait isnt that a in development version?06:36
Keybukso is dapper06:36
HiddenWolfponingru, it's final since yesterday06:36
poningruok nm thought that wasnt going to be ready till next year06:37
poningruerr this year06:37
Burgworkponingru, got released today06:37
poningrulater this year*06:37
poningruthanks guys06:37
Keybukkernels are on roughly a 2-3 month release cycle, I believe06:37
Keybukso 2.6.16 will be out before dapper, but too close to dapper's release for us to be confident in it06:37
poningruhmm ic06:38
Keybukwe've been packaging 2.6.15 since the first rc06:38
Keybukthus already have a lot of testing on it06:38
poningrugeez the changelog is down it seems06:40
jordiKeybuk: is the ubuntu kernel team working with Debian's?06:40
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jordi(I ask because debian has also been packaging the rcs)06:40
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Keybukjordi: I suspect the Debian kernel team take from the Ubuntu kernel team's git repository as they see fit; it's published on kernel.org06:41
jordiKeybuk: ie, no real cooperation06:43
Keybukwould you really want to go near the Debian kernel team? :p06:43
jordiwell. Not ALL of them no :)06:43
jordiI know where you're going :p06:43
Keybukwhere am I going? O:-)06:43
jordilet's be friendly and say no more :)06:44
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poningruhow come the debian kernel team doesnt real06:48
poningruly like ubuntu?06:48
Robot101spoons vs forks...? :)06:49
HiddenWolfponingru, part pride, part real issues, part imagined issues06:51
Keybukvarious bits of Debian still don't like Ubuntu for particular reasons06:51
HiddenWolfponingru, both debian and ubuntu have trolls in their ranks, and those like bashing eachother.06:52
jordiI haven't said the Debian kernel team doesn't like Ubuntu's06:52
Keybukit's rather deeper than that06:52
jordiI just owndered what the situation is06:52
Keybuka few Debian maintainers have fairly large problems with, for a lack of a better description, "being patched"06:53
=== ogra looks for the ubuntu trolls
Keybukthere's not much inter-developer trolling06:53
Keybukthat kind of thing (as with KDE/GNOME) tends to just take place in the user ranks06:53
poningruI think its due to the coc06:53
ograthats what i meant06:54
HiddenWolfKeybuk, and having their system of work disrupted by ubuntu developers, by not having a designated maintainer to talk to in ubuntu, and loads of other reasons. :)06:54
poningruwell even within dev for gnome and kde they have other subject trolls06:54
poningrulike the recent israel bout06:54
Keybukjordi: I suspect the situation is really just that we don't have a kernel team, we have a BenC; who sends patches directly upstream06:54
jordiKeybuk: ah I see06:54
Riddellponingru: where was that?06:55
KeybukHiddenWolf: curiously, I've noticed that the Debian developers who complain the most about Ubuntu tend to have the worst relationships with their upstream too; it's not a hard/fast rule, but it's a pattern06:55
poningrugnome irc dev channel06:55
Keybukmake of that what you would06:55
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Riddellponingru: comedy, I was blogging only yesterday about the exact same thing happening in #kde-devel06:55
Keybukjordi: and it's better for us for BenC to do that, and spend his time fixing bugs, etc. than spoon-feeding patches to Debian, or anyone else, for that matter06:56
janimoelmo, xubuntu-docs/NEW/GPL ping :)06:56
HiddenWolfKeybuk, it takes a certain attitude to work openly. If you like to take pride in and out of _your_ work, the debian system tends to give you more credit and possibly "power" and "protection"  than ubuntu and upstream06:56
Riddelljanimo: did your key get added to the ring?06:56
janimoelmo, also jani@ubuntu.com GPG key in main06:56
KeybukHiddenWolf: you're aware that I'm a Debian developer too, right?06:56
elmojanimo: right, sorry. you said you were going to contact the {k,}ubuntu doc authors, what happened about that?06:56
janimoheh, trying too ;)06:57
HiddenWolfKeybuk, I know that many people here are. :)06:57
HiddenWolfKeybuk, and that wasn't ment personally, but as a possible explanation06:57
janimoelmo, I did not say I would contact them, just said that the docs in xubuntu are based on their work06:57
HiddenWolfKeybuk, s/you/one06:57
janimobut here's Riddell so we can talk it out no06:57
KeybukHiddenWolf: I actually find that hypocritical; because Debian is supposed to be all about open-ness and sharing, not about power or protection06:57
janimoRiddell, elmo raised the issue that the xubuntu-docs license is GPL06:58
Keybukwhen you get a maintainer complaining that somebody has patched their package, I start to wonder why they so freely patch their upstream without taking the same consideration06:58
janimoI based it on ubuntu/kubuntu docs so followed their license06:58
HiddenWolfKeybuk, but the maintainer has the final word about a package. thus the maintainer has "power"06:58
ograjanimo, that should be cc-sa 2.5 06:58
janimoogra, since when?06:58
dilingerKeybuk: some people just like to complain.  that's what i have a blog for, for example.  ;p06:58
janimonot two weeks ago for sure06:59
Keybukdilinger: ah yes, the "b" in "blog" stands for "bitch" :p06:59
ograjanimo, see edubuntu-artwork (whih contains the docs in edubuntu dapper)06:59
Keybuk(old jwz-related joke)06:59
janimoogra, I am talking about ubuntu-docs :)06:59
janimoI know artwork is CC06:59
KeybukHiddenWolf: it's not final though, because the package is freely licenced, anyone (Ubuntu, DCC, users, etc.) can change it again07:00
Keybukand that seems to upset some people07:00
dholbachjanimo: i test-installed xubuntu on an old 350mhz box - it runs nicely :)07:00
Keybukpersonally I think those people have somewhat misfired priorities07:00
janimoogra, which btw if you based on ubuntu-docs you're a GPL violator ;) 07:00
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ograjanimo, i never touched ubuntu-docs, but generally all packages that are originated in ubuntu and can contain artwork or screenshots should be under this license07:00
janimodholbach, cool! the one in the corner of your room ?07:00
dholbachjanimo: yeah07:00
HiddenWolfKeybuk, like I said, it takes a certain attitude to be truly open. :)07:01
janimoogra, should vs are not :)07:01
Keybukbut then I guess I'm politically at the other end of the scale ;)  I don't even maintain my own software, and let other people do it :p07:01
dilingerjordi: the debian and ubuntu kernel team have slightly different goals, as well07:01
ograjanimo, i based on ubuntu-artwork ... since my only doc in dapper is the firefox homepage07:01
janimoogra, xubuntu-docs only contains the text of the ff start page07:01
dilingerjordi: which make enough of a difference that sharing the codebase probably won't happen anytime soon07:01
janimothat is in ubntu and kubuntu-docs under GPL07:01
KamionKeybuk: speaking of, bubulle's been trying to hunt you down to do a dpkg release07:01
KeybukKamion: yeah, most people are hunting me down for that :p07:02
ograjanimo, i can only talk aboutthe rules ;) i didnt break them, ask the ubuntu-doc package maintainer why his is having a sourcecode license :)07:02
Burgworkjanimo, ubuntu and kubuntu docs are GFDL and CC-by-sa07:02
janimoogra, yeah I am just doing that :)07:02
janimoBurgwork, since when? I looked in their changelogs and saw only GPL07:02
Burgworkjanimo, since Dec 200407:03
Burgworkjanimo, that is a mistake in packaging. can you file a bug on it?07:03
janimoBurgwork, oh nice.So the debian/copyright file is wrong07:03
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janimoRiddell, ^^ do you take care of kubuntu-docs or should I file a bug on that too?07:04
jbaileydoko: Errm should be libc6-i386-dev, I think, shouldn't it?07:04
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Pygipitti: ping07:05
janimoelmo, it seems it's a packaging oversight, do I upload another version to NEW?07:05
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janimoalternately you allow it in and I upload the fix to debian/copyright07:06
elmojanimo: sure07:06
elmono, it's been rejected, a new upload is needed07:06
janimoelmo, also the main upload priv if you please ;)07:06
elmogstreamer0.8 is scheduled for kitten-pulping, right?07:06
Riddelljanimo: I'll take care of it07:07
sabdflseb128: is there any easy way to test the new gstreamer 0.10 capabilities?07:07
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sabdflmdz: ^^^ re xine vs gstreamer07:07
Riddellelmo: gstreamer0.8 is still used by kaffeine and amarok07:07
=== Keybuk puts down his tea carefully
=== Keybuk swallos
Keybuk"kitten-pulping" ?!07:07
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janimoBurgwork, so I file a bug on ubuntu-docs and one of the uploaders fixes it then I copy the same license to xu-docs. Sounds ok?07:07
elmoRiddell: is that going to be fixed before dapper?07:08
elmoKeybuk: "removal" is such a cliche07:08
Riddellelmo: the gstreamer thing?  I certainly hope so but can't 100% guarantee07:08
elmoRiddell: if it's not, I'll set infinity on you07:08
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Burgworkjanimo, yes07:09
elmoRiddell: (seriously, carrying two versions of such a big package would suck, it'd be Really Nice if we could get rid of 0.8)07:09
seb128sabdfl: what do you mean by "capabilities"?07:09
seb128elmo: the plan was to get 007:09
seb1280.8 moved to universe if possible07:09
jordidilinger: nod07:09
seb128but seems that KDE guys are slow :p07:10
jordiseb128: don't expect any other human to be like you mkay07:10
dholbachseb128: there are quite some other rdepends still, no? :)07:10
seb128dholbach: from main/GNOME? gnome-media/sound-juicer, we don't really care about the first and the second has a patch upstream I've just not updated yet07:11
Riddellelmo: totally agree, we don't want to support an obsolete gstreamer for 3 years, I'm doing what I can to make sure we have gstreamer0.10 versions in time07:12
dholbachseb128: i just had a quick look at the rdepends of libgstreamer0.8-007:12
seb128dholbach: that includes universe :)07:13
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janimodholbach, does the gdm package still patch gdm.conf?is it expected it will used gdm-custom or is that left for admins?07:13
dholbachjanimo: it patches config/gdm.conf.in07:14
janimoI am thinking about how to integrate xubu gdm settings as non-intrusively as possible07:14
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dholbachjanimo: yeah, i installed wdm for the fun of it :)07:14
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janimoI did too befor ebreezy but it's ugly and needs config love too07:15
janimogdm is more suitable07:15
dholbachyeah, i think so07:16
janimobtw did you notice faster startup with 2.13.04 by any chance?07:16
janimodid the degnomification have any visible effect?07:16
dholbachmaybe a bit07:17
dholbachthe bootchart might know :)07:18
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mdzsabdfl: I'd start with playing a video and seeing if the sound is in sync07:25
mdzsabdfl: totem-gstreamer seems to be using 0.10 now07:26
Burgworksabdfl, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Media/Testing07:26
Keybuk. o O { the plinky music is synchronised with the video? }07:26
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janimowould it be a bad idea to include the common doc licenses too in /usr/share/common-licenses? 07:32
janimopasting many pages in debian/copyright is not much fun :)07:32
Burgworkjanimo, seems sensible07:32
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janimoshould I file a bug in ubuntu bugzilla or debian BTS?07:33
Burgworkjanimo, ubuntu07:35
janimomuch nicer07:35
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janimopitti, can you estimate when you have time to review xfce related packages for main inclusion? thanks07:43
DizietJoy.  `firefox invalid to show in thai language'.  Kudos to the reporter for managing to be vaguely coherent in the report but what a nice one to try to fix.07:44
mdzDiziet: are you on top of the firefox certificate breakage?07:45
mdzDiziet: thai language -> sounds like one for upstream07:45
Dizietmdz: cert breakage> I'm going to fix it tomorrow.  I hope that's soon enough.07:47
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DizietI knew that it was too good to be true when no-one reported any problems with the nspr rearrangements for a whole day after I uploaded.07:48
jbaileyDiziet: Right, reminds me that I have to file a bug on FF not working without LANG=C for me.  I had totally forgotten about that. =)07:49
Dizietjbailey: Yes, please, all I need is more bugs :-).07:49
jbaileyDiziet: I take the simpler solution and I generally use epiphany-browser instead. =)07:50
jbaileyDiziet: That way I don't feel compelled.07:50
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jbailey*seb128* gets my bugs instead. ;)07:50
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pvanhooffor when is a new version of firefox expected in dapper? The current version is extremely unstable :-\07:55
Dizietpvanh: Tomorrow, and there'll probably be another one shortly after that.07:56
DizietIn what way(s) is it unstable ?07:56
Diziet(There are some known bugs, but I would like to be sure yours are those ...)07:56
pvanhoofThe downloads don't showup in the download manager07:57
pvanhoofand it very often crashes07:57
pvanhoofI've already tried installing a different theme, for the download manager problem. Didn't solve the issue07:57
DizietThe download manager is a known problem.  I investigated it for a day or so before Christmas but I need to work on it some more.07:58
Diziet`Very often crashes'.  Hrm.07:58
pvanhoofYeah :), "very often"07:58
pvanhoofLike: most pages07:58
DizietAfter you do anything in particular ?  What architecture ?  Do you have extensions/plugings/etc. ?07:59
pvanhoofwell, not most pages. Just a lot websites and webpages07:59
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pvanhoofi386 with 686 kernel, no additional plugins installed07:59
DizietOne example where it always crashes with a fresh profile would be ideal.07:59
pvanhooffresh hoary (with not a single change) to dapper upgrade07:59
DizietAs in, file a bug with `steps to reproduce: mv .mozilla .mozilla-aside; firefox&; visit http://....'.08:00
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DizietOr is it not that reproduceable ?08:01
pvanhoofThe problem is that the problems look like races. Often I can after firefox restart load the crashing page perfectly08:01
pvanhoofI know that sucks08:01
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pvanhoofOh wait, I do have Java(TM) Plug-in 1.5.0_06-b05 and Flash Movie player Version 0.4.12 as plugins08:02
DizietCan you find a recipe that makes it nearly-always crash for you ?  As in, `start it, visit this url and then this one and hit reload a lot' or some such.08:02
pvanhoofI'll try08:02
DizietOh.  Can you take those out and see if it still does it ?  Easiest is to move your .mozilla aside.08:02
DizietIf you  mv .mozilla .mozilla-aside  it will come up fresh.08:02
DizietWhen you're done testing you can  rm -rf .mozilla  and  mv .mozilla-aside .mozilla  to put everything back.08:03
DizietUm, assuming you installed them via ffox rather than synaptic.08:03
pvanhoofthis one is reproducable08:04
pvanhoofwww.vw.be, choose "Dealer Locator"08:04
pvanhoofCheck bock checkboxes in the new window, fill in .. for example "Sint Nicklaas"08:04
DizietExcellent.  Can you file a bug ?  My testbed isn't booted atm; I'm just wading through hundreds of emails.08:04
pvanhoofgo back to the parent window: it doesn't respond to keys on your keyboard08:04
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pvanhoofbugzilla on ubuntu or mozilla?08:05
DizietOh dear.  `New: downloading by firefox display exceptionally'08:05
DizietAh, screenshots.08:06
sivangrehi all08:06
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Dizietpvanhoof: Thanks.  I'll try to look into that soon.08:09
pvanhoof update-notifier: Depends: notify-daemon but it is not installable08:09
pvanhoofis somebody going to fix that one? :)08:09
pvanhoofE: Couldn't find package update-daemon08:10
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sivangpvanhoof: that was fixed for me this afternoon08:12
pvanhoofperhaps are the mirrors out of sync?08:12
pvanhoofwhich one are you using?08:12
sivangpvanhoof: UK one, a.u.c08:13
sivangmvo told me to use those when I had problems with update-* as well08:13
pvanhoofthat one does give me a new gnome-session ;)08:14
pvanhoofbut update-notifier stays broken08:14
pvanhoofPackage notify-daemon is not available, but is referred to by another package.08:15
pvanhoofThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or08:15
pvanhoofis only available from another source08:15
pvanhoofthat's another error that the first one08:15
DizietRight, off for dinner now.  TTFN08:15
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Kamionpvanhoof: just needs to be promoted to main, that's all; doing now08:17
pvanhoofhttp://uk.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/u/ doesn't contain a update-daemon08:17
pvanhoofok, thanks08:17
Kamionoh, hmm, I'm not sure that this is a continuation of notification-daemon08:18
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Kamionsomebody will need to do up a main inclusion report for it, then08:19
Kamionsivang: it's fixed for you because you have universe in your sources.list; pvanhoof doesn't08:19
pvanhoof*adding universe*08:19
Kamionin the meantime, just ignore it08:19
pvanhoofwieerd, I have this one: deb http://be.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu dapper universe08:19
pvanhoofaha, be's universe isn't synced08:20
Kamionbe.archive.ubuntu.com isn't the master archive08:20
pvanhoofgetting lots of new updates ... the be mirror guys should fix their stuff :)08:21
Kamionand from the looks of it it hasn't updated much at all since November08:21
KamionZnarl: ^-- be.archive hopelessly out of date08:21
Kamionthough I suppose it's still OK for breezy08:21
pvanhoofmplayer-586: Depends: libjack0.80.0-0 (>= 0.99.0) but it is not going to be installed08:22
pvanhoofnew problem :)08:22
Kamionyou know where the bug tracking system is, and it's not here ...08:22
pvanhoof:p, sorry08:22
pvanhoofUsing unstable distro's is fun. Just don't break development stuff AND the stuff VMWare needs .. doing a new project at newtec for which I need at least vim, gmake and g++ :p08:23
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sivangKamion: ah , right. thanks for the note08:24
sivangpvanhoof: you better have a breezy installation next to you, trust me08:25
pvanhoofsivang, yeah .. that's why you guys shouldn't break VMWare :)08:26
pittipvanhoof: we need to do that to count the dapper user base :)08:26
pvanhoofby the way, Xen would be nice08:27
pvanhoofI tried it on a dapper .. it does work a little bit :)08:27
pvanhoofafter building an initrd of course08:27
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pvanhoofMainly issues with the mouse. But for example X11 works08:28
pvanhoofof course not fglrx and stuff like that08:28
pvanhoofand I would like to use the video card on a guest, rather than the monitor (for that I assume I'd have to assign the pci device of my ati card to the guest)08:29
pvanhoofUsing ubuntu mainly for development .. I can assure virtual machines are used a lot for a lot projects and testing08:29
pvanhoofUntil that day, I'll pay vmware :)08:30
elmoKamion: what's that feature in ssh called where you can have one machine explicitly trust another machine, and let bob ssh from foo to bar as bob without creds?08:33
pvanhoofprivate and public keys?08:34
Kamionelmo: HostbasedAuthentication in protocol 208:34
elmoKamion: right, thanks08:35
elmoKamion: how insane is that, do you think?08:35
Kamionelmo: it's fine if you trust DNS08:36
Kamionhostbased auth still checks the host keys (unlike old .rhosts)08:37
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Mezelmo: can you sync python-feedparser from debina please-  no ubuntu package :D08:41
elmofeedparser | 3.3+cvs20051220-1 | dapper/universe | source08:41
elmomez: nothing to sync08:41
Mezoh :D lol - It wasnt there yesterday :D08:41
elmoyes it was08:42
elmoit's been there since 30 Dec08:42
Mezwell whenever i tried to install ipodder :P08:42
Mezmusta not update'd08:42
Mezsorry :D08:42
Mezelmo - any ideas why I'm not getting katie emails to my mez@ubuntu.com email ? It's starting to annoy me now08:42
Mezoh, and cheers for the backports :D08:44
elmomez: no idea, no, I'll look a bit later08:47
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Mezelmo: cheers :D08:47
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jdahlinwhat's the state of dapper, is it somewhat usable/stable yet?08:57
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seth_k|lappyI've been using it since day 1, jdahlin 08:58
seth_k|lappyI've never had showstopper problems (similar to the ones encountered during Breezy cycle)08:58
zygadid anyone notice that restart seriously hangs and requires hard reboot / remote reboot 08:58
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zygaeven doing ps aux hangs at that point08:58
zygahow to force dpkg to extract configuration files again09:04
=== BenC remembers implementing that feature
zygadpkg could use a smaller, more helpfull --help message 09:08
zygaI don't really understand what's the purpose of --license in the default help screen ....09:09
zygaBenC: thanks :-)09:09
zyga(as if gnu/linux systems had insufficient amount of copies of GPL around)09:09
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Amaranthzyga: there should only be one copy09:16
zygaAmaranth: yeah right common-licenses 09:16
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Kamionzyga: dpkg --license almost certainly predates /usr/share/common-licenses/09:20
zygaKamion: If I ever hack dpkg I'll sure to patch that and the help screen :)09:21
Kamiondpkg's --help is helpful, when you need it09:21
Kamionif you have problems with it, you probably shouldn't be using dpkg directly anyway ...09:22
zygaKamion: it's not organized right IMHO; I could compare it to tla --help and bzr help09:22
zygas/tla --help/tla help/09:23
zygathe former spits out gobs of text, the latter spits out just enough09:23
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Kamionwhen I'm reaching for dpkg --help, it's because I need the obscure stuff *shrug*09:24
zygaKamion: I wouldn't touch it if the tool of choice, apt, had 'fix this package for me, I'm dumb' command (aka full-reinstall)09:25
Kamionso add it to apt?09:25
Kamionyou can do it in apt with ultra-weird options, but it would be nice to have an easier way to get at --force-conf{miss,def} at least09:26
zygaKamion: I always wanted apt-get reinstall instead of install --reinstall09:26
zygaI might look at it some day09:26
KamionI'm sure a wrapper script would be trivial anyway09:26
Kamionthere's wajig if you want that sort of wrapper ...09:26
zygaoh :)09:27
Kamion(don't particularly care for it myself, but hey)09:27
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stratusmvo, new gdebi revision (the most important error handling needed atm, i think - console only)09:44
mvostratus: merging now09:45
stratusmvo, is there gdebi somewhere in launchpad? i was trying to start translating it there, just to see how it works09:46
mvostratus: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+sources/gdebi/+translate09:48
mvobut it seems to be not yet ready for translation in rosetta, may carlos knows what to do09:48
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carlosmvo, dapper translations are not yet imported09:48
mvoaha, thanks carlos 09:49
carlossome of them appear because a script was run before it should09:49
jordicarlos: oh09:49
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hyperactivecronddoes the current ubuntu grub support gfxboot?09:51
stratusmvo, no problem i'll follow the old way09:51
Burgworkhyperactivecrond, in dapper yes09:51
hyperactivecrondBurgwork: so no in breezy then...09:51
Burgworkhyperactivecrond, oh wait, I am tired. I have no idea09:51
Kamionhyperactivecrond: no, and it won't09:52
Kamionas I said to you earlier09:52
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Kamionnot in dapper, anyway09:52
hyperactivecrondi'm asking this b/c i planned on making a customization of ubuntu, to run on a dvd, that has ubuntu, kubuntu, and xubuntu-desktop's instlaled. ok thx Kamion09:52
janimojordi, which is the largest project that uses rosetta for translations09:52
Kamionif you need it, you'll have to fish out the patches from SuSE09:53
shayaseb128: evolution bug: evolution: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/evolution/2.6/components/libevolution-mail.so: undefined symbol: mail_tool_get_local_movemail_path09:53
hyperactivecrondKamion: so the ubuntu cd uses syslinux for booting,then?09:53
Kamionhyperactivecrond: yes, we always have09:53
hyperactivecrondah. thanks.09:53
mvostratus: thanks for the diff :) merged 09:53
KamionI'd wait until gfxboot-theme-ubuntu matures a bit more, though, if I were you09:53
seb128shaya: does it crash?09:53
seb128shaya: evolution --force-shutdown && evolution?09:53
hyperactivecrondKamion: ok... 09:53
shayatry again I will09:53
stratusmvo, i think it cover the most common mistakes that the user will do after install the package09:54
jordijanimo: well, some language teams are successfully using Rosetta to translate OpenOffice (Esperanto and Kurdish)09:54
shayasame crash09:54
shayaactually, less of a crash, then an exit09:54
stratusmvo, the only one left out is when user try to run gdebi manually against a non-deb package, it stills spits out a backtrace on him09:54
shayayes, no crash, exit09:54
Kamionhyperactivecrond: (i.e. I'd suggest just using the old syslinux in breezy for now and documenting the boot parameters)09:54
shayagdb says Program exited with code 017709:54
janimojordi, I am wondering if rosetta is mature enough to propose it being used exclusively by a project09:54
Kamionbut obviously it's up to you09:55
hyperactivecrondKamion: planned on09:55
janimoare gnome/kde not playing with it yet?09:55
jordijanimo: many smaller projects are using it already.09:55
janimojordi, is there a current status/feature roadmap for rosetta somewhere?09:56
jordijanimo: KDE and GNOME have their own translation infrastructure. We're working on a few things that will make it possible to transalte GNOME/KDE via Rsoetta without conflicting with their infrastructure though.09:56
Burgworkjanimo, you thinking of moving all of xfce onto it?09:56
janimowhat are the main hurdles you see right now before it could suit most projects needs09:56
jordijanimo: for future plans, just look at the specs registered for http://launchpad.net/products/rosetta09:56
jordithat's our roadmap09:56
janimoBurgwork, exactly, but before proposing this to xfce I need to see if it;s feasible :)09:57
stratusmvo, i'll translate it to pt_BR and see if there's something more that i can bring into the code (probably not, i'll be short in time) in two or three hours. It's up to you when a new version could be released then. =)09:57
janimojordi, thanks. As Burgwork noted I am thinking what it would take to try convincing xfce to try using it09:57
jordijanimo: xfce, as a project with multiple products under the same umbrella, would currently find some problems with the permission handling of product groups09:57
shayaseb: nothing seems to have "mail_tool_get_local_movemail_path"09:58
mvostratus: your changes justify a release already, feel free to upload it :)09:58
seb128shaya: move on #ubuntu-desktop please, it's way too noisy here09:58
janimojordi, ah so maybe a bit further on?09:58
shayadownloading source package, to see where its used09:58
stratusmvo, great i'll do.09:58
jordiit basically depends on your needs. Do you need that only some designated people by xfce admins are able to work on those translations, or would you allow anyone to contribute to, say, the French translation?09:58
Burgworkjordi, janimo shall we move to #launchpad?09:58
mvostratus: thanks09:59
janimomoved over09:59
jordiBurgwork: sure09:59
hyperactivecrondhow did we get syslinux to support gfxboot? is it in a deb?09:59
hyperactivecrondnever mind.10:00
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wftlIs there a list of major packages to be included in the final Dapper? I'm not looking for individual debs, but specific applications. For example, under the Sound & Video menu, will the basic CD player app still be there (it's not in Flight 2)10:14
tsengsome desktop items are hidden10:14
Burgworkwftl, dapper is not final yet. And there has been some programs hidden. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MenusRevisited10:14
tsengthe menus were too crowded10:15
mdkewftl, put an audio cd in, it should open automatically10:17
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sivangnight all10:18
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-devel: Ubuntu Development (not support, even with dapper) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Ubuntu 5.10 released: http://www.ubuntu.com/newsitems/release510 | Flight CD 2 released
=== Topic (#ubuntu-devel): set by seth_k|lappy at Sun Dec 25 05:46:43 2005
(mdz/#ubuntu-devel) especially given that it's a regression from breezy10:58
Mithrandiryou think the new livecd is a regression from breezy?10:59
mdzno, the usplash support has regressed though11:00
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Mithrandirbut that'll be fixed with the initramfs-usplash patches and we'll all in all end up with a lot smoother live than before11:00
mdzyes, that's the plan, but I'm saying that there's a little more to it than waiting for usplash-initramfs to land11:01
mdzusplash support was a part of the summary for the simplified-livecd spec; the text of the spec delegates that concern to usplash-initramfs, but that spec doesn't cover the livecd-specific aspect that I see11:02
MithrandirI'll make sure that we have usplash working, even if it falls between the crack between the specs.11:02
mdzI appreciate it11:02
MithrandirI'm more worried about how it looks as a whole than whether it's my responsibility or not to fix it from fine-reading the spec. :-)11:03
mdzfunctionally it's looking good11:05
mdzhave you talked with lamont or infinity about getting livefs images in squashfs format in addition to the existing ones?11:05
mdzit should be pretty easy for them to arrange11:06
Mithrandiryes, or rather, infinity said "we'll talk about it on friday"11:06
Mithrandirit's not a hard thing at all.  I want to play with squashfs-lzma as well, since that saves us even more.11:07
lamontmdz: you're making me cry11:08
mdzMithrandir: you mentioned a figure of ~100M?11:08
mdzthat's fairly astonishing11:08
mdzlamont: am I?11:08
lamontdu -s public_html/LiveCD/11:08
lamont20131140        public_html/LiveCD/11:08
Amaranthsquashfs-lzma saves ~100M?11:08
lamontbut hey, disk is cheap11:08
mdzlamont: how much per build?11:09
Mithrandir15:34 < Mithrandir> -r--r--r--  1 root root 520M 2005-12-19 12:34 /home0/filesystem.cloop11:09
Mithrandir15:34 < Mithrandir> -rwx------  1 root root 495M 2005-12-19 13:52 /home0/filesystem.squashfs11:09
Mithrandir15:34 < Mithrandir> -rwx------  1 root root 436M 2005-12-19 15:33 /home0/filesystem.squashfs-lzma11:09
lamontthat's on the order of 4 builds11:09
AmaranthMithrandir: holy shit11:09
lamontand has both the cloop and fsimage for each11:09
mdzlamont: we can scrap the uncompressed version when the build is done11:09
mdzlamont: oh, you need it for the next one11:09
lamontmdz: not if you want rsync-love11:09
Amaranthhey, you could fit more languages and/or mono on there with the extra room ;)11:09
lamontwell, we could uncompress it at the start, but sigh.11:10
mdzonly the N-1th build though11:10
Mithrandirmdz: yeah, and squashfs (both lzma and regular) are rsyncable.11:10
mdzbut unless the machine is out of disk space...;-)11:10
mdzMithrandir: is decompression performance significantly different?11:10
lamontmdz: that 20 is 2 each * 4 at ~2.3GB/build11:10
mdzlamont: 2 each?11:11
lamontyeah, the other 1 or 2 failed...11:11
lamontthe prune script just nukes things > 3 days old11:11
Amaranthi remember lzma being slightly slower than gzip and a lot faster than bz211:11
Amaranthdunno what cloop is/uses though11:11
lamontunless it's the latest or current (last successful), in which case, it's timeless11:11
=== ealden [n=ealden@ipdial-189-69.tri-isys.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdzcloop uses gzip mostly11:11
lamontAmaranth: gzip11:11
Amaranthok then11:12
lamontour images are almost entirely gzip -9, according to the log11:12
Amaranththis is probably one of those things where the small size makes it faster to get off disc so it ends up being a tie or win11:12
lamonthrm... istr maybe we just forced that, instead of letting it try -1 through -9 before deciding that -9 was best.11:12
mdzit supports gzip and 7zip11:13
lamontmdz: it wouldn't be to much of a tweak to have the prune script nuke everything _except_ latest&current11:13
Amaranth7zip's "native" format is lzma11:13
mdzhmm, we could try cloop+7zip11:14
=== ptlo [n=senko@83-131-76-100.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mdzI doubt it'll be as good as squashfs-lzma though11:14
Mithrandirmdz: devmapper+cloop: ~367s till disk activity is settled, unionfs+cloop: ~326s, unionfs+squashfs: ~231s11:14
mdzMithrandir: !11:14
Mithrandirmdz: basically, since you're pulling stuff off the CD, it's the cd which is the bottleneck11:14
danielsKamion: ping11:14
Amaranthit's faster than cloop _and_ 100M smaller?11:14
danielsKamion: have you seen the xkb-on-console-keymap work?11:14
Mithrandiryeah, and squashfs gives us the ability to sort the filesystem however we want11:15
AmaranthMithrandir: yeah, that's what i was guessing11:15
mdzAmaranth: not entirely surprising, given that cloop knows nothing about the filesystem11:15
AmaranthMithrandir: you can use the same argument for using lzma for packages too :)11:15
mdzevery metadata block has to be decompressed too11:15
Mithrandirso we can do some cool readahead-based magic and probably just grab the first 100M or so off the CD in one long read.11:15
Amaranthit'd be nice to have a livecd that didn't take 3 minutes to start11:16
Mithrandirthat'd be fairly sweet.11:16
Amaranthor longer11:16
Amaranthi stopped counting at 3 :P11:16
MithrandirAmaranth: http://people.ubuntu.com/~tfheen/live-bootcharts/unionfs-squashfs-dapper-20051216-1.png is from my machine (which is fast and has plenty of ram, but still.)11:16
mdzMithrandir: when we do data collection to create the readahead list, we can use that same data to sort the filesystem11:16
Mithrandirmdz: exactly what I was thinking.11:17
mdzis squashfs going upstream?11:17
lucasdo members of ubuntu-dev have the right to upload multiverse packages ? or does it have to be an ubuntu-core-dev ?11:18
Mithrandirmdz: hmm, we could do something like bootchart=upload.  readahead=upload, so we could collect usage stats and see what apps people actually started in the first couple of minutes after boot and put those early (and readahead them too, if possible)..11:18
mdzlucas: ubuntu-dev can upload to multiverse11:18
lucasok, thx11:18
Mithrandirmdz: I don't know; it seems to be nice and stable, so it could, at least.11:18
mdzmore likely than cloop, certainly11:18
AmaranthMithrandir: that dang "init" thing seems to be running the whole time, you should try to kill it ;)11:19
MithrandirAmaranth: ;-P11:19
mdzMithrandir: someone suggested using inotify to track file access during boot; that sounded like the right idea11:19
Mithrandirmdz: I have suggested it multiple times, I just haven't had time to actually write the code. :-)11:20
mdzI didn't realize inotify could detect read access11:20
dholbachhave a nice evening11:20
Mithrandirit can do everything, including summoning dragons and making pigs fly.11:20
Mithrandirbut, I'm off to bed now.  See you around.11:20
mdzgood night11:21
psusiwait a second11:21
psusilzma for the squashfs saved 100M?  using the same block size?11:21
psusi7zip can save a LOT of space but it seems to do so mostly through use of extreamly large dictionaries... which only apply to data blocks that are larger11:22
psusicramfs/squashfs/cloop all use small block sizes to allow random access11:23
Mithrandirpsusi: it works, at least, so yes.11:24
Mithrandirpsusi: that is, I haven't actually booted squashfs-lzma, but it should work.11:24
Mithrandirit works for the openwrt people.11:24
Mithrandirbut, night, for real.11:24
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dokoKamion: do you have a schedule for the next live CD?11:55
dokomdz: would it make sense to name packages/package sets in UpstreamVersionFreeze, for which we want make an exception or propose an exception?11:57
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