
Lord_Athurthen mhz do i past here the error???????????????????12:05
mhzLord_Athur: no idea how to help you because the only times I have had problems with initrd files is when kernel has got errors12:06
mhzLord_Athur: nope12:06
Lord_Athurwhen I pasted it on ubuntu, someone baned me12:06
mhzthere is a 'pastebin' site12:06
mhzI dont recall any now12:06
lucasvoanyone know what I can do?12:06
Lord_AthurI used it, but from this moment nobody tries to help me12:07
mhzbut if you use that and paste here only the url of your paste.. that's ok12:07
mhznoone can ban you for that12:07
lucasvoI can't see anything strange on tty0412:07
Lord_Athurlucasvo, i cannot see anything strange there12:07
mhzlucasvo: I'd love to but i have not installed a thing in months12:07
lucasvois it possible that loading a single module takes more than 1h?12:07
mhzIMHO, thoug12:08
lucasvomhz: how can I manually load a module?12:08
lucasvoinsmod isofs: file not ofund12:08
lucasvoah strange, isofs already seems to be loaded12:08
jouni__mlucasvo modprobe isofs I guess12:08
mhzlucasvo: modules are loaded by using 'modprobe the_module'12:09
lucasvoso it is only the installer12:09
lucasvowhich crashes12:09
mhzlucasvo: did you try 'hitting the box'  with love?12:09
mhz(we call that 'hitting' "el golpe tecnico" in Chile)12:10
mhzlucasvo: I had similar trouble with a damaged CD 12:10
mhzofcourse, I never new it was damaged until then12:10
Lord_Athurmhz, is there is a edubuntu man, who is the ubuntu & kubuntu sr?12:11
Lord_Athurlo dije mal12:12
lucasvohm, is there any way, how to do a manual installation?12:12
Lord_Athurme va psimo con el ingls12:12
mhzlucasvo: what do you have in mind?12:12
lucasvomhz: not using debconf12:13
lucasvoor just skip the step which comes after modprobe isofs12:14
jouni__mlucasvo I usually do expert or server install and then install ubuntu-desktop in your case edubuntu-desktop12:14
mhzlucasvo: oh, like 'installing from scratch'?12:14
lucasvojouni__m: I want a server install12:14
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lucasvojouni__m: but can I do that without debconf?12:14
mhzlucasvo: server is safer than any mode AFAIK12:14
lucasvoI am using server install12:15
mhzflight 2 or breezy?12:15
lucasvoI just wan't an IPtables firewall :D12:15
mhzbut you can set IpTables from any machine12:16
jouni__mubuntu server install is minimal install without gnome or KDE don't know what edubuntu has12:16
lucasvojouni__m: yeah, but still, it crashes after loading the isofs12:17
lucasvohm, let's try what happens, when I load isofs before12:19
jouni__mlucasvo oh no. do you have (k)ubuntu cd?12:19
lucasvojouni__m: the problem is, I have no cd drive12:20
lucasvonow it crashes, when it loads ide-cd, at 92%12:20
lucasvoit crashes at 92% all the time, doesn't depend on which module I load12:24
lucasvoogra: can you help me with pxe install?12:35
ograjust use your ltsp server ;) 12:38
ograand provide the installer image instead of the normal ltsp images12:39
lucasvoogra: and replace wich files with what?12:39
ograthe files in /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp with the ones from the url i gave you for the netboot installer12:40
lucasvoogra: ok thanks12:40
lucasvoogra: would it boot wih ltsp?12:44
ograwhy shouldnt it12:45
ograbut since you wanted to install, i'd use the install image12:45
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lucasvohm, there is a LAN option, but it doesn't seem to be pxe12:47
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mhzogra_ibook: what do you think about this simplicity for CSS rc1 ? http://ubuntu-cl.org/Wiki/Inicio02:51
mhz(is it too simple?)02:51
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kjcoleHi mhz, (and others)... Are we meeting in 10 hours?  Or is this a week we're off?02:58
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kjcoleOops.  Never mind.  I found it. ("No" for those of you who might also be wondering.  Next meeting on Jan 11.)03:05
crimsunright, I was pointing to fridge.u.c as listing the next meeting as 8 days away before this coffee shop's wifi connectivity broke. Again.03:07
mhzkjcole: crimsun:  Topic for #ubuntu-meeting is: Calendar: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/event | Logs: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ |  5 Jan 20:00 UTC: Dapper Development Status | 10 Jan 15:00 UTC: Community Council | 11 Jan 12:00 UTC: Edubuntu03:11
kjcolemhz, So I'm illiterate.  What else is new? ;-)  Thanks.  (I found it in the wiki as well.)03:12
mhzkjcole: how's the doc going (me still can't contribute to it)03:13
mhzI hope you wont tell me "you did not want to contribute, mhz"03:13
kjcolemhz, I was just thinking about mentioning that. 03:13
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kjcolemhz, Honestly, I'03:14
mhzkjcole: heheh03:15
kjcolemhz, Honestly, I'm not certain how to work this as a book:  Although Jeff and I keep saying we welcome contributors, there's also a sense from both of us that the face-to-face meetings can't be beat.  Since the original doc is around 150 printed pages, we're treating it like co-authors still.03:15
kjcolemhz, we're hoping to pass through it at least once as a two-some, and then, as I understand it, open up the contributing process a bit more.03:16
kjcolemhz, however, lucasvo has made a bzr branch off of the main branch, and is editing as well.03:17
mhzkjcole: so can we contribute now?03:18
kjcolemhz, I'm becoming slowly more comfortable with bzr, but am still a bit nervous working with it, and am not certain how to handle conflicts in merges.03:18
mhzI remember last thing you told me about not being ready to do so (BZR issues)03:18
kjcoleHi, Lord_Athur03:18
mhzLord_Athur: hi, what's the problem?03:18
Lord_Athur:D hi kjcole 03:19
kjcolemhz, still some bzr problems.03:19
Lord_AthurI need to mount a squashfs file03:19
Lord_Athurogra game information about the squashfs-tools package03:19
mhzLord_Athur: so? is that why you needed us to say 'hi' so urgently ? 03:19
mhzkjcole: what are your current problems?03:20
Lord_Athurit was only to see who is avalible to talk :D03:20
kjcolemhz, but mostly our understanding of bzr, I think.03:20
kjcolemhz, it's damned slow about downloading a branch for one thing (and not very informative when it does).  It looks like it hangs, but really it's still doing a download.03:21
kjcolemhz, the main problem in my experiments is that when you have two documents that conflict, it tries to do something intelligent, but I don't know the best way to interpret what it returns.03:22
mhzkjcole: I only tested BZR once, when I tried to start contributing to your doc efforts03:22
mhzkjcole: lol!03:22
mhzkjcole: and did you feel the same with SVN?03:23
kjcolemhz, For example, if you have a file named "text" and you edit it in two different branches, then merge, it produces a "text" file with both changes and some markers indicating that the changes overlap.  In addition it creates three other "text.*" files.03:24
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mhzkjcole: hmmm, that sounds weired to me too03:24
kjcolemhz, never used a RCS before.  So I don't know anything about cvs, svn or the original bazaar.  I'm brand new to this.03:25
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mhzkjcole: and of course, i guess you have talked to ogra about it03:25
mhzkjcole: i get your feelings03:25
kjcolemhz, I've spoken with him somewhat, but he's a bit overworked I think. ;-)03:25
=== mhz been there too
mhzhe's indeed03:25
mhzhe's Mr. Edubuntu03:26
mhzkjcole: we 're just the ones about to die, saluting :)03:26
kjcolemhz, Since both you and lucasvo continue expressing a lot of interest in editing, I'm wondering if a small IRC meeting between you, me, jelkner and lucasvo can be arranged, so that we're all making decisions together.03:26
mhzor, we could use a Moin wiki to edit and it automatically keeps a CVS in the back-end03:27
mhzso we can alwasy revert changes03:27
mhzand edit what we all are doing03:28
mhzand even create a huge mess03:28
mhzbut I am for taking advantage of it over messing it up03:28
mhzso dont worry03:28
mhzkjcole: I know Moin can generate XML03:28
kjcolemhz, you and moin remind me about the way some folks feel about vi versus emacs. ;-)  Fanatical.  03:29
mhzeasily and cleanly03:29
mhzkjcole: of course, that's the idea :)03:29
mhzbut I can prove my point, so that's one big difference in my favour :D, kjcole 03:29
kjcolemhz, Personally, I don't care which way we go.  However, as far as I know, jelkner's the only one of us who has a book in print.  So, I've been quite willing to follow his lead on this.03:30
mhzof course, I understand03:30
mhzbut could you gimme the pleasure to give it just one try to show him and you why I insist on this?03:30
mhzCould you provide me with just a chapter03:31
mhzmy only concern would be I have no idea what to do with an xml file when I get it ;)03:31
kjcolemhz, I do strongly want to lean towards bzr, over cvs, since there's a lot of energy from Ubuntu in that direction.  However, wiki markup, versus other types of markup, I don't have strong feelings about.03:31
mhzgood point03:32
mhzI do agree DockBook is the best markup for textas03:32
mhzbut if we only needed Headings and bolds and italics and Codelistings, then Moin is my #1 candidate03:33
mhzbut again, I have no clue about XML so I can't say much03:34
kjcolemhz, The standard is Docbook (XML), you want moin (wiki), jelkner wants lore (twisted HTML), and I don't really care, as long as we settle on one.  Since Jeff and I have been meeting weekly, lore became the winner.03:34
mhzso, our only problem is RCS ?03:35
mhzwe solve that and we are ready to go?03:35
mhzgo = rock03:35
kjcoleI don't know Docbook, but am learning a little about XML.  I do know wiki, and HTML.  Lore was pretty simple to learn (I thought).  Not much to it.03:35
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mhzdo you edit XML with a front-end GUI or code?03:37
kjcolemhz, I don't know: Assuming the RCS is fine, if we are all choosing different markups, then it is still a problem: Either we convince you to go with lore, or you convince jelkner to go with moin, or all three of us learn Docbook.03:37
kjcolemhz, lore is really HTML, not XML.  My small experiments in XML have been raw coding, but I did find an editor which tries to help a little:03:38
mhzkjcole: I can't insist on Moin if I am ignorant on XML, because in the end we gotta export Moin 2 XML (which people who masters XML do very easily).03:39
kjcoleconglomerate is the name of the editor.03:39
mhzkjcole: ok, but today, on daily basis, when you sit and edit the edubuntu cookbook, do you use a window with buttons for bold, italics, headings, etc? or open Emacs and start editing raw code?03:40
kjcolemhz, conglomerate doesn't eliminate the need to know XML but it attempts to highlight things correctly and show you where problems occur with validating.03:40
kjcolemhz, day-to-day, it's emacs.  (jelkner likes vi, I like emacs, but it's still raw for both of us.)03:41
mhzso it's not like you have a window where you select 'heading' and immediately inserts a H203:42
kjcolemhz, I find it fairly easy to remember <i>italicize this</i> and <b>boldface this</b> and <u>underline this</u>.  Not a lot of markup to learn.03:42
mhzit was an example03:43
mhzsome stuff is very simple, indeed03:43
mhzIIRC there was a XML GUI book editor...03:43
=== mhz will tell you in a bit
kjcolemhz, nope.  And I find when editing, if I have to take my hands off the keyboard to play with the mouse, it slows me down.  And if there's a keyboard shortcut for <h2> it doesn't help me that much.03:44
crimsunif anyone's based in the Baltimore/D.C. area, I'll be passing through on the 22nd/23rd of this month if you want to sign keys.03:46
kjcolemhz, however, with XML in emacs, if you add the right "plugin" or "emacs mode", it almost does what you want:  Something like Control-C, C and then part of a tag will add both the starting and ending tags, and then sometimes offer possible tags to add between.03:46
kjcolecrimsun, I'm in Brain-Washington, DC but without wheels.03:47
kjcolecrimsun, jelkner is also in this area.03:47
crimsunkjcole: ok03:48
kjcolecrimsun, so are you passing through both Washington and Baltimore?03:48
crimsunkjcole: yes, but I'll be in Baltimore primarily03:49
mhzkjcole: sorry, it was Lyx for LaTex03:49
mhzand the other was kxmleditor (if you use KDE)03:50
kjcolemhz, I've fooled with LyX too.  (I know only a very tiny part of raw LaTeX. So I use LyX when I want to play with that.)03:50
=== mhz apt-getting conglomerate to give it a try
mhz(just in case it's KISS enough for me)03:51
kjcolemhz, but I don't generally need LaTeX at all, so I haven't played with LyX very much.03:51
mhzyup, hence I said 'sorry'03:51
kjcoleconglomerate is still a little buggy and slow, but it appears to be functional.03:52
kjcolemhz, slow on large documents at least.  It might behave better on smaller stuff.03:52
=== mhz slaps himself hard because he should have learnt emacs long time ago but he's been lazy to play sit and play with it
kjcolecrimsun, well, if your schedule puts you in DC during dinner time, we could probably work something out. Or, since the 23rd is a Sunday, perhaps lunch.03:54
crimsunhmm, 22nd?03:54
kjcolemhz, I feel the same way about vi.  Apparently, vi is supposed to have a nice outline plugin, but since I don't know vi, I haven't worked with it either.03:55
kjcolecrimsun, right.  My typo.03:55
mhzkjcole: I'd prefer Emacs over VI, but thx03:55
crimsunright, sounds good, will have more concrete plans in a bit.03:55
kjcolecrimsun, ever had Ethiopean cuisine? ;-)03:57
crimsunnope :-)03:57
mhzkjcole: any url I can get one of your chapters from?03:58
kjcolecrimsun, then, if you're a moderately adventurous eater, that's what we'll try to do (schedule permitting, of course).03:58
crimsunkjcole: sounds good03:58
kjcolemhz, do you have bzr?  if so, "bzr branch http://pchb1f.gallaudet.edu/~kjcole/Edubuntu/Cookbook" and then just wait a while.03:59
kjcole(It will create a subdirectory named Cookbook, and populate it with all of the current files.)04:00
mhzkjcole: okis, i am on it04:00
kjcolemhz, the behavior we saw recently when doing this between my machine and flint's machine in Vermont was that it would quickly reach revision 5, then look completely dead for about 5-7 minutes, and then continue.04:01
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kjcolemhz, the bzr download would stop a second time, somewhere around revision 11, and then continue with the rest of the revisions very quickly.04:02
mhzI wont desperate04:03
mhz[=========                                       ]  fetch revision  5/28 0:02:0404:03
=== mhz BRB
kjcolemhz, currently at 27 revisions because we commit fairly often (and your branch becomes 28).04:04
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kjcolemhz, I gotta run.  Adios!04:19
tinsleycJerome, are you here?04:19
tinsleycHow's mhz tonight?04:21
tinsleycMust be late...04:24
tinsleycAnother time.04:24
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pc22hey writer 11:38
pc22hey Seveas 11:38
pc22hey alkl11:38
writerhey pc2211:43
pc22hey ogra 11:50
pc22seen yagisan?11:50
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bgrahhello together , i am in a school and i am changing my woody-servers into sarge , later i will use LTSP  - is there a version in edubuntu that works ? -- please give any feedback01:08
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apokryphosbgrah: yes, http://packages.ubuntu.com/cgi-bin/search_packages.pl?keywords=ltsp&searchon=names&subword=1&version=breezy&release=all01:20
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highvoltageedubuntu meeting today?01:28
lucasvohighvoltage: I can't see anything in the calendar01:43
highvoltageprobably not then01:43
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writerIRC channel #ubuntu-meeting Agenda: http://wiki.edubuntu.org/EdubuntuWiki  11.01. 16-17UTC01:46
spacey_kihighvoltage, because of the holidays IIRC01:47
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tinsleycGood Morning Jerome02:23
tinsleycWhat is the status of the Edubuntu cookbook and can I help in any way.  I noticed that in checking the wiki, it does not even seem to be on the list.02:25
tinsleycAnd the tuxlab cookbook isn't that relevant since it was based on the RH implementation of LTSP.02:26
highvoltagehi tinsleyc 02:31
highvoltagetinsleyc: the tuXlab cookbook is being re-written with Edubuntu 6.04 in mind02:31
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highvoltagetinsleyc: i'm currently re-writing a big part of the technical and software parts, I will put up copies on the wiki ~ at the end of this month02:32
tinsleyclet me know if there is anything I can do to help.02:39
spacey_kiwhere is that bootchart suppose to end up again?02:45
spacey_ki /var/log/bootchart?02:45
highvoltagetinsleyc: ok, thanks. are you on edubuntu-devel mailint list?02:51
highvoltagetinsleyc: i'll post about it there when the time comes02:51
tinsleycI am going to have to double check on if I am on the devel list.  I was at one time and then the other day, I did recieve a couple of messages from the list so I am not sure.02:54
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=== ogra wonders why nobody reads the topic
highvoltage/topic :)02:56
highvoltageogra: happy new year to you02:57
PetarisHello highvoltage02:57
ograsame to you :)02:57
highvoltagehi Petaris 02:57
PetarisHi ogra02:57
ograhey Petaris 02:57
highvoltageogra: i installed edubuntu flight 2, and i have a bit of the same problem as Edward has (posted to the list)02:57
highvoltagesomething i can type at cd boot time to use local files only?02:58
ograjust go back, that will drop you to a menu02:59
ograthere select the next task02:59
highvoltageyes, that's what i did.02:59
highvoltagebut it doesn't build the multi-seat system, because it insists on getting it on-line03:00
ograi currently have no working email , could you answer edward ? 03:00
ograoh, forget about multiseat03:00
ograsip this one03:00
highvoltageyou need connectivity for multiseat?03:00
ograno idea03:00
highvoltageis multiseat ltsp or the 441 kind of thing?03:01
ograi'm not aware that anybody ever used or tested multiseat since warty03:01
ograits similar to 44103:01
highvoltageaaah, ok. sorry, i confused it with ltsp.03:01
ograbut as i said, nobody has the HW to test it, and it will surely get dropped with multiseat inclusion in X03:01
highvoltagei will reply to edwards post then.03:01
highvoltagei didn't know it's going to be included in X. that's great.03:02
highvoltageyou have no idea how much it sux not having an internet connection :(03:02
ograi have03:03
ogramine dropps as well from time to time ..03:03
highvoltageneed to go now, bbl.03:06
Petarislater highvoltage03:06
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spacey_kiogra, :)04:07
spacey_kigot dapper thin client chroot now04:07
spacey_kibut ldm doesn't want to log in04:08
spacey_kii don't think its dapper related, because before the upgrade the same problem occured04:08
spacey_kidebug1: read_passphrase: can't open /dev/tty: No such device or address^M04:08
spacey_kidebug1: Authentications that can continue: publickey,password^M04:08
spacey_kidebug1: No more authentication methods to try.^M04:08
spacey_kidoes that make sense?04:08
mhzspacey_ki: on the server, try 'ltsp-update-sshkeys'04:09
mhzand try again from the client04:09
spacey_kimhz, already did that04:09
spacey_kibefore it stopped at host authentication failed or something04:09
mhzhow many times?04:09
spacey_kiuh once?04:10
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mhzI tried three times until it worked (but under breezy)04:10
spacey_kii'll check again tomorrow04:11
spacey_kifirst some other work to do04:11
spacey_kihave to leave here now04:11
spacey_kihead home04:11
spacey_kiogra, if you read it, feel free to reply, i'm still logged in as herman_ 04:11
ograherman_, hmm, works here04:15
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jingl3Hi folks, I've installed Edubuntu but having problems logging in to a thin client. Can anyone help?04:26
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ograjingl3, you followed the install notes from the channel topic ? 04:27
jingl3User can login on server, but thin client login simply returns another login 04:27
ogradid you change the ip or name of the system post install ? 04:29
jingl3Yes, I've been through all the steps. Needed to set the tftpd-hpa to work in daemon mode.04:29
ograhuh ? 04:30
ograwhy ? 04:30
ograits configured by default in edubuntu04:30
ograthe installer does it, else you installation failed04:30
jingl3dunno why tftpd-hpa needed to be changed. daemon mode was set to NO.04:31
ograthats right04:34
ograit should, since it gets started by inetd on demand04:34
jingl3I needed to change /etc/defaults/tftpd-hpa to  RUN_DAEMON="yes"04:35
jingl3 to get the thin client to boot.04:35
ograyou should have looked why inetd isnt working04:37
ograis sshd running ? 04:37
ograthats the core part of edubuntu ltsp04:38
jingl3sshd is running04:38
jingl3xinetd is running04:39
ograxinetd ????04:40
ograwhat did you do with your system ? 04:40
ograthere is no xinetd installed in edubuntu ...04:40
jingl3OK - I reset /etc/default/tftpd-hpa so RUN_DAEMON="no"04:40
ograhow doesxinetd get on your system ? 04:42
jingl3Apart from the Edubuntu install, there weren't any other steps.04:43
ograwe never ever used xinetd anywhere in edubuntu or ubuntu ... are you sure its *x*inetd ?04:45
jingl3Here's what inetd says about itself:04:46
jingl3#/etc/init.d/inetd has been diverted by the xinetd package.04:46
jingl3# The inetd service is provided by xinetd, which means inetd04:46
jingl3# doesn't need to be run.04:46
ograstrange 04:47
ograthat shouldnt be there 04:48
jingl3maybe it came with another package - let's see...04:48
ogranetkit-inetd is the default inetd and the one that a dependency of ltsp-server04:48
jingl3inetd got shafted on my machine on 8 December. Can't find another package installed on same date.04:54
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jingl3netkit-inetd is still installed, I'll try reinstalling it.04:57
ograremove xinetd04:57
jingl3inetd started04:59
jingl3now trying to reboot thin client...04:59
jingl3Failure initialising /etc/network/ifstate... but login appears05:01
ograthe errors are normal... breezy didnt see the cosmetical cleanup 05:01
jingl3Tried logging in, but the login screen just reappears again05:01
ograrun sudo ltsp-update-sshkeys on the server05:02
ograthen tr again05:02
jingl3Ah! That looks better!05:03
jingl3Anything I can add to the wiki about this?05:03
ogranormally the right inetd should be installed, the step with ltsp-update-sshkeys should be there already ...05:04
ograif ot, add it :)05:04
jingl3OK. Many thanks for your help!05:04
ograyoure welcome05:05
jingl3Moving data over from Fedora LTSP now...05:05
pc22ogra, youve seen yagisan?05:08
ogranot recently, no05:09
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mhzogra_ibook: I read -motu discussion... I understand your points and support them. It's about the way we do things not what we do.05:31
mhzand I have been notifed Lucas has added this topic to next CC meeting, good.05:35
ogra_ibookthats not for the CC meeting05:35
ogra_ibookthat should be in a motu meeting05:35
zakamewhich is when? :)05:36
ogra_ibookmake a date, ask the guys 05:36
mhzogra_ibook: ooooo05:36
ogra_ibookannounce it to the ML05:36
mhzis Motu meeting before CC ?05:37
mhzif so, it would be better then05:37
mhzand in case no concensus , then move it to CC05:38
ogra_ibooki dont see it on the agenda05:38
ogra_ibookand this topic has really nothing to do with the CC05:38
ogra_ibookjust make a motu meeting, add it to the agenda, discuss it amd make a vote ... its no magic ...05:39
mhzwell, for what it is worth, I vote for your 'way' :D05:41
ogra_ibooklets see what comes out ...05:41
ogra_ibooki will go with the majority ... even if it dfecides against me ...05:42
mhzwe'll give lots of loving to Mr.Edubuntu!05:42
ogra_ibooki'm not doing much in MOTU anymore, so i'm not the guy to make decisions for them, i can just tell my opinion05:43
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Lord_Athurhi raghu 06:00
raghuHi Lord_Athur06:01
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Burgworkogra, what are the current plans for mediawiki?08:50
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ogranone, its in universe08:51
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ograthere is no chance to provide security fixes for it for 5 years08:52
Burgworkogra, upstream is pretty good about security stuff08:53
ograbut they only do new releases08:53
ograthere is no backporting of the fixes to older versions08:53
ograwhich would mean pitti or me had to do it08:54
Burgworkreally? they just released 1.4.12, which is a security release of the current breezy version08:55
ograoh, thats new08:55
juliuxogra, at the begining of the next week i will have my three thinclients08:55
=== mhz has just installed Trac ... nice work!
Burgworkscroll down the legacy releases08:56
mhzIt just works08:56
ogratheydidnt do that when i packaged it for breezy08:56
juliuxogra, so i can start hardcore testing08:56
ograhopefully the installer will be in shape then ;)08:56
juliuxi only need to buy a vga and ps2 switch08:56
juliuxbecause i only have on tft08:56
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