
mdzdoko: for example?12:09
dokomdz: python-2.4.2, OOo-2.0.2, ...12:10
mdzdoko: it makes sense to have them on the radar, but we won't make a decision until they're actually released and we know what is entailed12:14
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Kamiondaniels: xkb/console> no12:24
Kamiondoko: live CDs are produced daily12:24
Kamiondoko: if you're asking about Flight CD releases, you keep asking me this, but I'm sorry, no. In general I'll try to announce a few days in advance when I want to get one out.12:25
Kamionif I haven't said something, I generally don't have one planned.12:25
dokoKamion: ok, just still trying to find the OOo build failure on powerpc :-/12:26
KamionI still have some flight 1->2 installer regressions to fix, not to mention a giant pile of ubuntu-express code to write12:27
Kamionas a rough guide, maybe near the end of next week? that's about the best I can do for you12:27
dokoKamion: just wanted to know, when I have to be ready not to block others ;)12:28
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danielsKamion: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-kbd-devel/2005-September/000004.html http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-kbd-devel/2005-October/000013.html12:37
danielsKamion: i'm thinking about specing it up, because the console keymaps are shit12:37
jdub"Supporting basicly dead chips is a waste of resources." <- on ubuntu-devel, *not* in that thread12:40
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ijuzis there an easy way to deactivate the validation of packages in the debian-installer?12:51
danielsKamion: (that would mean that the d-i keymap stuff could just pick an xkb map, and then everyone could stfu about differences in the installer and x map; the only problem would be an incorrect map)12:51
Seveasijuz, why would you EVER want that?12:53
ijuzSeveas: i'm experimenting with using a different compression for the packages and therefore the md5 sums changed12:54
Seveasthen update the md5sum lists :)12:54
elmooh, that reminds me, I need to post about 7zip compression, it's kinda scarily good12:55
ijuzreally good12:55
danielselmo: actually it's far from the best12:56
danielselmo: pales in comparison to dpkg v3's algorithm12:56
elmodaniels: har har12:56
danielsthe downside is that you need flash and a jvm in the installer12:56
Robot101dpkg v3? :P12:57
jdubelmo: you'd pimp 7z for dapper+1?12:57
danielsdoogie ftw12:57
elmoseriously, 7zip-ing the entire archive would save 2.3Gb _per-arch_ in breezy12:57
ijuzelmo: full 7zip isn't so easy12:57
danielsjdub: 7z for d+1 would require 7z support in d?12:57
elmoerr, actually not per-arch strictly speaking because  it includes arch: all, but still12:57
jdubdaniels: urgh, yeah12:57
elmoand it's better than bzip2 in cpu and memory too, IIRC12:57
elmoI did stats and graphs and stuff12:57
jdubelmo: sshot!12:58
danielselmo: are they BLING?12:58
jdubelmo: blog!12:58
ijuz7zip (only lzma) breezy install CD is: 245601 extents written (479 MB)12:58
danielselmo: i want the graph in chrome12:58
elmoijuz: why not?12:58
ijuzlzma is easy, i'm just doign this12:58
ijuzyou first have to compile all the 7zip stuff and get it working in debian-installer12:59
jdubelmo: actually, while i've got you, how doable are the firewall changes for humboldt->rookery (http)?12:59
ijuzelmo: did you try the "executable" encoding?12:59
elmojdub: oh, that's find01:00
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elmoijuz: I just did '7z a' :P01:00
elmojdub: fine01:00
ijuzelmo: that doesn't give you all the possible benefit, so you can as well use just lzma01:01
jdubelmo: doable soon without being in the dc?01:01
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elmojdub: yeah, I'll do it in a bit01:01
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ijuzone cool thing that brings extra benefit is that 7zip can "transcode" binaries platform specific so that they are better compressable01:02
danielsjdub: starring THE ROCK as James Troup01:02
jdubhaw haw haw haw01:03
jdubis zakame a member?01:03
jduboh, he has @ubuntu01:03
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slomoijuz: how does this "transcoding" work?01:07
ijuzslomo: it reorders the code somehow, i'll look it up01:08
slomoijuz: but how is it possible that the compression ratio is better when doing some magic for some platforms? or do you mean (un)compression speed on that specific platform?01:09
jdubjsgotangco: ping01:09
jsgotangcojdub, pong, good morning01:10
jdubjsgotangco: you're happy with your current planet subscription?01:10
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jsgotangcojdub, sure it seems to work unless you want me to change it01:10
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jsgotangcoshould i send you my hackergotchi?01:11
psusigod I love simple fixes01:11
jdubjsgotangco: url?01:11
psusispent several hours reading hundreds of lines of kernel code to finally solve the problem by adding two lines01:11
whiprushjdub: pls add mpt to planet!01:11
jdubwhiprush: have to get a request from him, but i'll ping him about it01:12
=== whiprush nods
ijuzslomo: the author doesn't get specific, but says it's very fast, you have to tell the compiler the architecture for this, so no idea how it reacts to !binary files01:12
Seveasjsgotangco, finally :)01:13
ijuzbtw. debootstrap doesn't write the logfile to /target/var/log/debootstrap.log *sigh*01:14
jsgotangcoheh..i finally graduate from looking like a chess pawn!01:14
jsgotangco(with a jdub-like beard)01:14
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jdubtseng: ping01:35
tsengjdub: pong01:35
jdubtseng: what's up with your blog?01:35
tsengits gone01:35
jdub~brandon doesn't exit01:35
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tsengi was using my friends server01:36
tsengand the guy kept getting owned over and over01:36
jdub"smarter" IT solutions...01:36
tsengi moved some stuff01:36
tsengi havent been motivated to blog since01:36
jdubgot a new location?01:36
tsenglinode baby01:36
jduburl me01:37
tsengi setup typo, but theres no content01:37
tsengill write you an entry01:37
tsengand find a feed01:37
jdubok, i'll update the url, and you'll reappear when planet is moved01:37
robertjI have the world's most getto hosting plan. No backup, $12.13/year with MySQL01:37
jdubtseng: changing hosts01:38
jdubfor great justice, etc.01:38
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tsengi have a good idea for a post01:39
whiprushjdub: kamion's last entry doesn't appear to be on planet btw.01:39
danielstseng: post about malibu and coke01:39
danielsthe wonder drink01:39
jdubwhiprush: he's never been on it :)01:40
whiprushwell dang dude.01:40
jdub(he actually requested it a few days ago though, so i assume his last entry is interesting)01:40
danielsp.d.o, yo01:41
jdubwhoa, i have't read pdo for ages01:41
whiprushsince I'm being a planet nazi lately, I think it would be cool if you blogged about the new X crack daniels. :)01:41
jsgotangcoadd mjg59 for p.u.c spice!01:41
danielswhiprush: what new X crack?01:42
danielsit's just an extension of the old01:42
danielsanyone who's been associated with ubuntu since any time after june 2004 will know exactly what's going on ;)01:42
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danielsi was harping on about it then, and even had packages01:42
whiprushdaniels: we masses want to know about this XGL tarball and how it won't even come close to making dapper. You know, so we don't get our hopes up. :p01:42
danielswhy would I lie to the masses?01:43
=== HiddenWolf buys daniels coffee so he can stay up late and put xgl in dapper still
danielsHiddenWolf: dude, where I am at the moment, I have numerous excellent bags of single-origin beans, a grinder, and a nice espresso machine01:43
whiprushdaniels: I think an X update would be cool.01:43
danielsthis is grating quite badly against my no-caffeine policy01:43
HiddenWolfdaniels, :)01:44
whiprushdaniels: I mean, a blog entry about X, not an X update as in, software.01:44
danielswhiprush: i'll try to fire one off that doesn't piss p.fd.o and p.d.o off01:44
jdubwhiprush: "no you can't have a pony" only ever comes after "can i have a pony", not before.01:44
danielsi'm working on an x update01:44
danielsjdub: PONIES FOR ALL01:44
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HiddenWolfjdub,can I have a pony?01:44
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psusidaniels, aren't you the kernel maintainer?01:44
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tsengpsusi: erm.01:44
HiddenWolfpsusi, no, benc is01:44
psusiohh... he around?01:45
HiddenWolfwe could put x in the kernel of course. ;)01:45
whiprushjdub: nah, I just want to know where the ponies lie in the field. No need to attempt at owning one ... just admire from afar or somesuch.01:45
tsengjdub: http://blog.brandonhale.us/01:45
danielsHiddenWolf: you laugh, but we're working on that01:45
psusiI've been working on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PacketCD and found two bugs in the kernel and patched them... one in the pktcdvd driver and one in the udf filesystem01:45
HiddenWolfdaniels, ehm, unk!01:45
tsengdaniels: i threw the malibu and coke bit in for you01:45
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psusiso I need to know what to do to get the patches into the next dapper kernel01:46
psusithey are very small and simple01:46
danielsHiddenWolf: well, the bits that need to be, anyway.  like stomping all over the PCI bus.01:46
danielspsusi: file bugs01:46
psusihrm.... file a bug and attach the patch to it?01:46
HiddenWolfdaniels, hm. Cool.01:46
whiprushthere's a kernel mailing list also01:46
BenCpsusi: just email them to me01:46
whiprushor do what ben says. :)01:46
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BenCbtw, when is the great bugzilla->malone conversion going to happen?01:47
psusioh?  a kernel mailing list?  hrm... I should get on that01:47
HiddenWolfpsusi, ubuntu-kernel list01:47
BenCI'm starting to get bug reports in malone, and bug maint for the kernel is hard enough without dealing with dual bug systems01:47
danielsBenC: november 200401:47
psusiwhat's wrong with bugzilla?  I like it01:47
BenCI don't01:48
BenCI hate bugzilla01:48
HiddenWolfmalone is cute, if they ever get the interface right.01:48
BenCbecause it doesn't have an email gateway01:48
=== psusi likes functional better than cute
seth_k|lappyI demand a way to change the bug and add a comment in ONE STEP via malone, without using the e-mail interface :P01:48
BenCso far debbugs is still my favorite bug system, despite its short comings01:48
danielsseth_k|lappy: word to that01:49
BenCseth_k|lappy: file  a bug on malone :)01:49
BenCseriously, they love that stuff01:49
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BenCbut I think we already discussed that particular problem at UBZ01:49
seth_k|lappyalright. I'll grok the buglist to make sure it's already there01:50
psusiok... so... patch to benc, or ubuntu-kernel?01:50
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BenCand it's kernel-team@lists.ubuntu.com01:51
BenCfor future reference01:51
psusiI'll have to sign up for that one...01:51
BenCpsusi: know anyone that has tested DVD+R DL writing?01:51
BenCmy new powerbook has a DL01:51
psusiBenC, nope...01:51
HiddenWolfBenC, I should have, on x8601:52
psusimy drive supports it but I've never bothered ot get any dvd media01:52
=== HiddenWolf checks
BenCguess I need to get some disks and try it out01:52
BenCnow I can copy DVD's without losing the bonus material! :)01:52
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infinityBenC: I burned some dual layer DVDs on my i386 laptop just fine.01:57
infinityBenC: Can't recall if it was +R or -R, though, since I have a +/- drive, and I don't pay much attention to what media I buy.01:57
BenCinfinity: nice01:57
BenCI have a +/- driver too, but for DL, it only supports DVD+R01:58
jsgotangcojdub, pia online?02:06
jdubjsgotangco: not atm02:10
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psusiBenC, ok... bombs away... should I also mail the diff to the lkml?  or just let you review it first?02:16
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floampsusi: sending it to LKML, if anyone notices it, will get you some very critical feedback02:24
floamthey don't seem to mind hurtin feeling :)02:24
psusiwell, at least it's only 6 lines of code to fix 4 bugs ;)02:24
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psusican't be TOO much wrong with it right? :)02:25
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floamI had no idea what your patch was02:41
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floam, psusi 02:41
floamI had no idea what your patch was, psui02:42
psusiohh... right... fixes a few bugs with pktcdvd and udf02:42
floamif it's that small it should be fine02:42
psusiyou don't remember how to get emacs to insert a hard tab rather than spaces to the default indent level do you?02:43
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floamC-q tab02:45
floamC-q is the 'quote' key; it quotes whatever you type next.02:45
psusiahhh, good to know02:45
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BenCanyone know why nautilus wont view my webdav folder (davs://)?03:51
BenCjust says try another viewer03:51
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infinityBenC: Kernel bug, clearly.03:57
BenCso obvious, I can't believe I missed it :)03:58
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whiprushdaniels: awake?04:56
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danielswhiprush: ?05:07
whiprushdaniels: hey how long has xorg looked at ~ for a xorg.conf?05:10
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whiprushI totally just wasted 45 minutes thinking my X was busted, so I've been grepping the log for EE. Turns out one of my old backup xorg.conf's in ~ was being read first.05:12
infinityIs it '~', or '.' it's looking in?  I don't recall.05:12
elmooh, yeah, most annoying feature ever05:12
whiprushI know that seems like expected behavior, but man, that kind of sucks.05:12
infinityAnyhow, it's done it for a long while.05:12
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whiprushinfinity: ~05:13
whiprushdidn't know X did such a thing.05:14
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danielswhiprush: yeah, that shits me off too05:19
whiprushcool, as long as I'm not the only one. :)05:20
danielsi'm tempted to just smash the established behaviour in favour of behaviour that makes bloody sense05:21
infinityIt would probably make perfect sense if it was a dotfile instead (~/.xorg.conf)05:23
whiprushagreed 05:23
whiprushthat would at least follow a convention of sorts.05:24
infinityAnd be less prone to blunders, and give less ~ clutter if you actually WANT a user-defined config.05:25
infinityAnd make your hair smell nice.05:25
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dilingerxorg gives my hair volume, bounce, and shine!05:27
danielsi don't want user-defined configs05:28
danielsnot while it's suid05:28
danielsi want the search path to be $(sysconfdir)/X11/xorg.conf, that's it05:29
danielsideally the thing wouldn't have to *exist*05:29
danielsbut that comes later05:29
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whiprushit's hard to think of a use case where a normal user account would need a specific xorg.conf05:30
psusiinfinity, hey... what was your real name again?  I was looking for someone the other day and can't remember who now... but someone said their nick was infinity05:33
infinitypsusi: That's what /whois is for. :)  (Adam Conrad)05:33
psusiahh.... hi... now why was I looking for you? hrm...05:34
whiprushpsusi: he's got a cool hat 05:34
psusiinfinity, ahh, right... I have a bug that has been pending since breezy was released for dmraid support... it's currently assigned to you for some reason, I guess because you maintain mkinitramfs05:35
psusiinfinity, could you glance at the attached scripts to see if they look ok, and reassign the bug to the dmraid package sometime?05:35
psusibug #1589705:36
infinityProbably little need for me to glance at all.  The bug definitely belongs to dmraid.05:37
psusiI think that the idea is that those packages are supposed to go into the dmraid package rather than mkinitramfs... once that's done, next task is to get the package moved to main and added to the seed I think05:37
infinitydmraid-in-main (and in the installer, oh my) are entirely different issues, but initramfs integration would certainly be nice.05:38
infinityI believe fabbione was maintaining (or fiddling with) dmraid in Ubuntu.05:38
infinityIf you're looking for a scapegoat to harass and reassign your bug to. :)05:38
psusiyes, please do ;)05:38
psusiI understand he has such hardware, but doesn't have it working for some reason... works fine for me though and 3 or 4 others who have spoken to me05:39
infinityI just bought a dmraidable controller recently, but I dunno if I'll have time to do anything fun with it.05:39
psusiit sure is nice to boot directly from a raid0 between two 10,000 rpm drives ;)05:39
psusiand be able to dual boot with winxp no less ( not that I ever use it any more )05:39
psusibut I've been hoping for dapper to be able to install normally instead of having to debootstrap from the livecd05:40
psusithough... I guess if dapper is going to have a combined install/livecd, an apt-get install dmraid is easy enough05:41
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pittiGood morning08:23
desrthow are you?08:28
Keybukhey desrt08:31
desrthey.  haven't heard from you in a while.08:31
desrti actually had a question you could have helped with the other day... someone was here asking about how hotplug works08:32
pittihi desrt 08:32
desrti was able to explain it all except for one point (which i told him my guess)08:32
desrtdoes udev call modprobe with some tag like usb-id-1234-5678 and modprobe does the lookup?08:32
Keybukpretty much exactly like that08:32
desrtthat's really nice.08:33
Keybukthe tag comes from the kernel and is known as a "MODALIAS"08:33
desrtudev and the kernel both get to be oblivious08:33
desrti love that :)08:33
Keybukand the lookup table comes from the modules themselves (they have alias config options, use modinfo on one) and is stored in modules.alias by depmod08:33
desrtoh wow.  big file.08:34
Keybukdescent scott% modinfo tg308:34
=== CarlFK [n=carl@c-67-163-39-124.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Keybuk  :08:34
Keybukalias:          pci:v000014E4d00001644sv*sd*bc*sc*i*08:34
Keybukalias:          pci:v000014E4d00001645sv*sd*bc*sc*i*08:34
Keybuk  :08:34
desrti assumed that it parsed all of the modules/modules.*map files each time08:34
Keybuknah, that's how we used to do it in breezy08:34
desrtoh well08:34
desrtthis is really neat :)08:34
Keybukin breezy, the kernel provided a bunch of information about the device in various environment variables; we then had a shell script that collected those up, called grepmap to find the modules using the modules.*map files, and then loaded the modules08:35
Keybukthe dapper way is MUCH easier08:35
KeybukENV{MODALIAS}=="?*", RUN+="/sbin/modprobe -Q $env{MODALIAS}"08:35
desrtseems like there might be some benefit to pre-parsing/caching all of the modprobe.d files and the alias map into a single quick binary format...08:35
Keybukpossibly, though I expect most of the time is spent on string matching, rather than file parsing08:36
desrtright.  i mean a hash or a tree of some kind08:37
Keybukthat'd mean you'd need to know the format of the modalias, no?08:37
Keybukthe nice thing currently is that it's just a random string08:37
desrti mean take all of the modprobe files and make a hash table (or such) of all of the aliases08:38
Keybukyou can stick "alias desrt-cd-* mod_foo" in there, and modprobe desrt-cd-wibble, etc.08:38
desrtwildcards in alises?08:38
desrtno thx :)08:38
Keybukthat's how they work08:38
desrtoh man.  ok.  much harder problem.08:38
Mithrandirnah, not really.  You can do glob trees.08:38
Mithrandirit's just a state machine.08:39
Keybukthe module declares something like usb:v0499p100Ed*dc*dsc*dp*ic*isc*ip*08:39
desrtand it looks like for most of these aliases here the beginning part is almost unique08:39
Keybukand the device has a much longer string08:39
Keybukdesrt: often the first couple of fields are vendor/device ids ... but not always08:39
desrtso you could do alookup of the part before the first * real quick then do a quick-check for if it is a real match08:39
MithrandirKeybuk: does it do best-match or first-match?08:40
KeybukMithrandir: all matches08:40
Mithrandirah, ok08:40
Keybukif a device matches multiple module aliases, all of the modules are loaded08:40
infinityFor better or worse.08:40
Keybukso you can get usbmouse, usbhid, usbcore, etc. for a device08:40
Keybukand evbug, which we blacklist :p08:40
desrtif we were going for maximum speedup we could add modprobe/insmod functionality to udevd :)08:40
Mithrandirwe don't blacklist usbmouse?08:41
Keybukdesrt: that would be the way to do it, have udevd parse and cache modprobe.d and modules.alias, and watch with inotify for changes08:41
Keybukpretty much like we do for rules.d08:41
KeybukMithrandir: shush, I was examplifiying08:41
desrtKeybuk; i filed a bug about loading modules against alsa recently.  don't suppose that's anything you're involved with?08:41
Keybukwhat was your bug?08:42
desrtthe order in which the sound modules are loaded needs to be changed08:42
infinityKeybuk: This should make you happy:08:42
infinityThe patch creates sysfs device links for athX interfaces and changes08:42
infinitythe ARP type of the wifiX interface to ARPHRD_IEEE80211. This is08:42
infinityneeded by tools like NetworkManager or SUSE's ifup for proper08:42
infinityoperation, and hopefully fixes tickets #70 and #205.08:42
desrtinfinity; ship new fglrx!!!!08:42
infinitydesrt: s/new/fixed/ you mean?08:42
desrtinfinity; yes.  fixed would be new :)08:42
infinitydesrt: Working on LRM right now (hence the above quote)08:42
Keybukpitti: btw, I have a /etc/udev/rules.d/libsane.rules ... why?08:43
desrtKeybuk; http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2180108:43
infinityKeybuk: Of course, that's in the madwifi-ng branch, which we've not switched to because it scares me (we're still shipping madwifi-old, cause, well, it works, and I don't have atheros hardware to test the new stuff on)08:43
Keybukinfinity: I don't get what that does?08:43
pittiKeybuk: oh, ouch - it should be 45-libsane.rules, right?08:44
Keybuksounds like they just fixed madwifi-ng to actually show up the card as a wifi card08:44
desrtinfinity; i have an atheros -and- a powerpc if you need testing on anything08:44
Keybukpitti: yes, and it shouldn't call /etc/hotplug.d/usb/libsane.hotplug, cause that doesn't exist? :p08:44
pittiKeybuk: I'll ask Mithrandir about it; he did the change and he is able to test it (no scanner here)08:45
Keybukin fact, it still ships things in /etc/hotplug which it should not do08:45
desrtoddly i think the atheros is in my coat pocket...08:45
=== desrt pads off to find it
MithrandirKeybuk: probably because I suck, then.08:45
infinityKeybuk: You were complaining that your atheros and NM didn't get along.  I'm assuming from that log message that (with madwifi-ng), they should.  <shrug>08:45
pittiMithrandir: oh, heh - I think the RUN rule can safely be removed08:45
Keybukinfinity: nope, that won't fix it08:45
Keybukallegedly madwifi-ng fixes it out of the box anyway08:45
pittiMithrandir: it seems to set mode and group just fine08:46
Keybukthe problem is that the madwifi driver doesn't do "background scanning"08:46
Keybukif you instruct the card to scan for new networks, it has to leap off the one its on08:46
Keybuknot good when n-m does a scan every 13 seconds :p08:46
infinityKeybuk: Well, if I can get a good response on a call for testing, I'll happily switch to -ng.  I'm just not keen on shipping code I can't test and finding out that it's broken after we press CDs. :)08:46
Keybukinfinity: give me a package and I'll test away08:46
KeybukI'm Atheros-encumbered08:47
Burgundaviainfinity, several of the laptop testing people of atheros, including myself08:47
Mezgrr - what was the command to find out which package a file belongs to 08:47
desrtinfinity; here's your response :p08:47
KeybukMez: dpkg -S08:47
StevenKdpkg -S08:47
infinityAlright, cool.  I'll roll up -ng in the next day or two, then.08:47
StevenK(Or dlocate)08:47
Keybukdo they have different module names, or did they helpfully use the same ones?08:47
=== Mez gets annoyed at stupid things using qmake
Mezapparently not found08:48
Keybukwhat's the file?08:48
infinityKeybuk: Looks similar enough.08:48
Burgundaviainfinity, post a call on the laptop-testing mailing list08:48
Mithrandirpitti: I can't really test it here, since I need a patched sane-backends, as I need the genesys backend.  I was going to fix that at some point in dapper, but ENOTIME so far.08:48
Keybukinfinity: bah; if they used different, we could've shipped both and just blacklisted one :p08:48
MezKeybuk, /usr/bin/qmake08:48
infinityKeybuk: I can do that anyway.  <shrug>08:48
StevenKMez: Is it a symlink into /etc/alternatives ?08:49
infinityKeybuk: I already do something similarly evil with nvidia/nvidia_legacy (which are both originally "nvidia")08:49
MezStevenK, nvm- I found out I had to use dpkg -S qmake not dpkg -S /usr/bin/qmake08:49
infinityKeybuk: Given the changes between the two, though, I'd rather just switch wholesale to -ng if it works for most people.08:50
Mezoh wait - yes it is :D08:50
Burgundaviainfinity, -ng doesn't work for USB atheros devices08:50
infinityKeybuk: ath_pci has never worked for EVERYONE anyway, so maintaining a smilar status quo is fine by me.08:50
Keybukinfinity: yeah, gimme a package and I'll see if it works for me08:50
infinityBurgundavia: The one we ship now does?08:50
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Burgundaviainfinity, not certain, don't own one, but I imagine that is implied08:51
Keybukno, it doesn't08:51
Keybukgrep usb:.*ath /lib/modules/*/modules.alias08:51
infinityBurgundavia: I thought it never did, and USB was on the -ng radar.08:51
infinityBurgundavia: They mention is as a deficiency, not a regression.08:51
Burgundaviainfinity, ah, ok08:52
sivangmorning all08:52
infinityKeybuk: After tomorrow's LRM release, I'll put up parallel LRM builds that are identical, but use -ng instead of -old, and ask for ath testing.08:53
sivangwoof, OO upgrade08:54
desrtSeveas; ping08:54
sivangyay, evolution back installable08:54
=== sivang goes back to using dapper for the office
Keybukinfinity: cool08:55
infinityOoo, and we get sparc64 support with -ng08:56
Keybukman, I need some of those magic tablets that kick-start your day :-/08:56
infinityWhich I'm sure no one will test or use.08:56
=== desrt gives Keybuk a few dozen cups of tea
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Keybukmmm, tea08:57
Meztea :D09:00
Mezand cherry coke09:00
Mezand cigarettes and mints! and hotdogs09:00
=== Mez is lisitng what he's had for breakfast
KeybukI had coffee, orange juice, bran flakes and a banana09:02
sivangthe banana is the good part, it provide lots of energy to jump start the day09:03
lifelessKeybuk: on a diet ?09:05
=== Amaranth had cream of wheat
Amaranthgood stuff09:06
Keybuklifeless: no, just my usual breakfast09:06
Amaranthand it would be good for me, if i didn't add 2-3 tbsp of sugar :P09:07
KeybukI find anything larger sends me to sleep, and anything less leaves me asleep :p09:07
=== infinity looks at the time and realises he needs to run off for "farewell to the family/topics" dinner.
Mezis there  away to find out whether theres a file in a package if I dont have the package installed on my system09:09
CarlFKmez - I use http://packages.ubuntu.com09:09
lifelessKeybuk: ah ;009:09
KeybukMez: use the web interface09:09
MezIt has a search files?09:09
Keybuklifeless: and I am vaguely trying to get fit again this yeear09:09
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AmaranthMez: apt-file?09:13
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Mezis it bad of me to be using initng ?09:45
Keybukyes, you fool09:48
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Mezwhy ? It makes my boot up time nice ;d09:49
Mezand is actually working quite well09:49
Keybukbecause you're running scripts at the same time that are designed to follow each other09:50
Keybukmounting the root filesystem before it's been fsckd, etc.09:51
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pittimjg59: sorry, I couldn't review pam_foreground yesterday any more, my head exploded (I still suffer from a cold)10:19
pittimjg59: I'm reviewing it now10:19
pittimjg59: shouldn't the package activate the module in pam somehow (conffile/postinst)? if not, where do you intend to do that?10:20
Keybukpitti: meh, could you start an audit of libsepol for me10:30
Keybukwhen I pointed out it wasn't needed, RH's response was to provide the missing call into it10:30
pittiKeybuk: could you please create an initial report for it? QA and bug research, etc.10:32
pittiKeybuk: I'll do the source review and security history research10:32
pittiKeybuk: but it should be in the MainInclusionQueue so that I don't forget10:32
Keybukyeah, it's just going to block further udev uploads10:33
Keybukincluding the one I need to do today10:33
pittiKeybuk: btw, could you make sense of that ppc hang?10:33
Keybukyes, today's upload would fix that, if it wasn't going to block on libsepol :p10:33
Keybukdo you want historic CVEs?10:36
pittiKeybuk: I can do that myself, but if you want do look for that, sure :)10:36
Keybuk(not that there are any, but I thought I'd check)10:36
pittiKeybuk: I'm just interested about how vulnerable a new package was in the past, to see how much of a burden it will be10:36
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pittiKeybuk: are you fine with the package's quality in general?10:40
seb128pitti: did you and Keybuk discussed floppy?10:40
pittiKeybuk: i. e. does it do what it's supposed to, does it have many upstream bugs, an active upstream, etc.?10:40
seb128pitti: any reason to have /dev/fd0 640 instead of 660? It makes gfloppy unhappy, it wants writing to format10:40
pittiseb128: no?10:40
seb128Keybuk said you requested that change, so to ping you about it :)10:41
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pittiseb128: hm, we keep plugdev devices r/o for the user, but I don't particularly mind10:41
Keybukpitti: no idea, haven't looked at it; it's part of the great selinux beast10:41
pittiseb128: 0640 would be consistent to USB sticks and the like, and I quickly discussed that ages ago with mdz10:41
seb128floppy group members should be allowed to format a floppy no?10:41
Treenakspitti: also when we want to format USB sticks?10:42
Keybukwrite access to a device allows formatting10:42
Treenakspitti: people keeps asking that too10:42
pittiseb128: if we want to allow that, then we should allow plugdev members to format their usb sticks, too, IMHO10:42
seb128fine with me10:42
pittiwith me, too10:42
pittiit shuold just be consistent10:42
seb128k, so please do it 660 consistant :)10:42
pittithe problem with that is that it would allow users to circumvent permissions on e.g. ext2 drives10:42
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Kamiononly if they're in the group that owns the disk device10:43
pittiseb128: well, of course you can already read the whole device, so it's not a strong point10:43
jk_workmjg59: Is "seamless" wireless wpa support on the agenda?10:44
jk_workcomments to https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1655110:44
pittiit's mainly how we want to consider usb/fw devices - entirely untrusted, or we want to enforce r/o file permissions on file systems that support them10:44
jk_workpoint out that wpasupplicant is in universe10:44
crimsunjk_work: I've already fixed that in Dapper.10:45
Keybukpitti: meh, don't worry about it actually; false alarm, was a different bug in selinux, it doesn't need libsepol10:45
crimsunjk_work: it now uses ifupdown10:45
pittiKeybuk: that means you don't need the package at all, or it isn't from selinux?10:45
Keybukdon't need it at all10:45
crimsunI need to consider the case where there are multiple wireless interfaces, but the single case is handled already10:45
Keybukwell, not yet anyway10:45
pittiKeybuk: cool :)10:45
jk_workcrimsun: will wpa support be included in ubuntu proper, or will it remain in universe?10:48
crimsunjk_work: that I don't know10:48
Keybukpitti: *shrug* if you're in plugdev, you theoretically have physical access to both disk and machine10:51
Keybukis formatting a disk a root operation?10:52
TreenaksKeybuk: not for floppies10:52
KeybukTreenaks: why not?10:52
Keybukwhy are floppies treated differently to USB keys10:52
Keybukif I'm not root, should I be able to format a floppy?10:52
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pittiKeybuk: I don't understand - why does plugdev membership imply physical access?10:53
Keybukpitti: because it's the access you give people so they can plug things in? :p10:53
Keybukif they don't need to plug it in, they don't need plugdev10:53
pittiKeybuk: if you use an USB drive on e. g. a kiosk system, then the user can't write onto the raw disk10:53
pittiKeybuk: ok, true10:53
KeybukI wouldn't give the user plugdev to solve that, they don't need to write to the raw disk10:53
Kamionpitti: has anyone asked you to look at notify-daemon?10:53
pittiKeybuk: such things are corner cases anyway, and as I wrote above, I'd be fine with 06610:54
Keybuk660 you mean? :p10:54
Kamionpitti: I'm not certain whether it needs an inclusion report or not; it's a next-generation version of notification-daemon, but I'm not sure whether it's a continuation of the cdebase10:54
pittiKeybuk: I'm in a mirror mood today10:54
Keybukpitti: ok, 660 it is10:54
pittiKamion: it's just a renaming, I'm fine with it10:54
Kamionok, promoted10:55
Kamionthat should make ubuntu-desktop happier, and thus the live CD etc.10:55
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mvoKamion: thanks a lot! I wanted to edit the seeds yesterday but didn't managed to11:02
=== dholbach [n=daniel@i577B04AE.versanet.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
sivangguten morgan dholbach :)11:06
dholbachhello everybody11:06
dholbachGuten Morgen, Sivan! :)11:06
pittimjg59: I reviewed pam_foreground.c; I found a few small issues, I wrote them down on the report page11:07
mvohello dholbach 11:12
dholbachhellas mvo11:12
Keybukyay, found a good name for today's udev \o/11:12
=== pitti looks forward to reading the changelog
mvoKeybuk: is it "guten morgen dholbach" :P ?11:13
Keybukmvo: that wouldn't fit the naming scheme11:14
pittiKeybuk: btw, do you know which package is responsible for the lack of automatic ifup/ifdown invocation?11:14
Keybukpitti: the "keybuk" package11:14
=== pitti files a grave bug against Keybuk
KeybukI haven't written any new code for that yet, might actually tackle it this afternoon11:14
Keybukthere's plenty of dup bugs about it already11:14
pitti'Keybuk does not type 'ifdown wlan0' for me any more if I pull out my USB wireless'11:14
=== pitti hands Keybuk some chocolate cookies to bribe him to do that again
pittiKeybuk: actually, I always need to go over to my gf (who sits at my laptop) whenever she needs the wireless :)11:16
hungerIs it possible not to compress all those X manpages that contain only ".so man3x/something"? They actually grow when compressed.11:18
hungerBy the may: They point to non-existing files. The stuff moved to man3/something.11:18
Kamionhunger: it doesn't matter that they grow because they'll still be less than one filesystem block11:20
Kamionbut you could file a wishlist bug against debhelper on bugs.debian.org asking for dh_compress to skip them, I guess; joeyh might do that11:20
hungerKamion: I think it does in reiserfs... but that is a good point:-)11:20
Keybukwhere the buggery-bollocks does selinux matchpathcon_init_prefix come from?!11:20
hungerKamion: The wrong path is rather annoying though... I get mails complaining about that each night.11:21
Keybukis there any particular reason that we're behind Debian on libselinux versions?11:22
Keybukwe have 1.26-1, Debian has 1.28-111:23
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Keybuk1.28-2 in fact11:23
Kamionlibselinux |     1.28-1 |        dapper | source11:23
mdkejdub, another suggestion for Ubuntu planet: give the links a different css, atm they are hidden11:23
Kamionit will have failed to build due to libsepol not being in main11:24
pittiso we do need it after all11:24
maswanHeh. About half the boottime for my flight-2 test seems to be waiting for modprobe.11:24
Keybukyup, seems we do need it after all11:24
Kamiondunno why we haven't synced libselinux 1.28-2 yet though; it was uploaded on 1 Jan11:24
Keybukdunno either, changelogs.debian.net doesn't see it either11:25
ajmitchit's not still in NEW, is it?11:26
ajmitchdue to python bindings being added11:26
Kamionajmitch: no11:27
Keybuklooks like it escaped NEW yesterday11:27
=== hunger is off reporting bugs about man pages.
Kamionajmitch: oh, it could have been in Debian NEW for a while, ok11:27
hungerI'd report way more bugs if I wasn't so confused by malone all the time!11:35
hunger"Report a bug" gets   you to several different pages depending on where you were when clicking it:-(11:35
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hungerHow can I find out the source package for some package installed/11:38
crimsunapt-cache showsrc, or apt-cache madison, etc.11:38
pittislomo_: ping11:39
hungercrimsun: thanks!11:39
=== hunger thinks that malone should be able to figure out the source package itself when given a packagename.
pittiseb128: do you know how/where I can reach lennart on IRC?11:40
janimocrimsun, you were saying something about changing xfce4-terminal name in the desktop file?11:41
janimoright now it is xfce4-terminal not Terminal11:41
crimsunjanimo: Exec=xfce4-terminal?11:42
Seveasdesrt, pong11:42
janimocrimsun, lemme see11:42
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janimoyes not it is xfce4-terminal11:42
janimonow it is11:42
crimsunjanimo: ok, that's good. Thanks.11:43
janimosame in debian upstream11:43
slomo_pitti: pong11:45
pittislomo_: nevermind, sorry11:46
slomo_pitti: you can reach lennart in #avahi (here on freenode) as mezcalero11:46
pittiah, thanks11:46
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pappanhi BenC11:50
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KamionBenC: 2.6.15-11 NEWed11:54
pittislomo_: ok, I found a small potential issue in avahi, I contacted lennart11:55
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pittislomo_: but otherwise the package seems fine now11:55
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slomo_pitti: cool, thanks :)11:56
kokethere is a problem with releases.u.c11:57
pittislomo_, seb128: avahi approved, please germinate it11:57
kokehttp://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/5.10/kubuntu-5.10-install-powerpc.iso gives me "Banned extension: .iso  "11:57
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slomo_pitti: germinate?11:58
pittislomo_: seed, or make it a dependency of a main package11:58
kokeups, sorry it's my company firewall11:59
seb128pitti: thanks :)11:59
seb128I'll rebuild gnomevfs with it11:59
slomo_pitti: ah ok12:00
seb128but some binaries probably probably need to be seeded12:00
seb128like the server part12:00
pittiright, avahi-daemon, etc.12:00
seb128apps will only Depends on the libs no?12:00
pittipelase don't seed libs12:00
seb128don't worry12:00
seb128slomo_: could you make a list of what could use avahi and what need to be promoted out of the libs which will be triggered by Depends automatically? :)12:01
pittiseb128: do you know librsvg a bit? can we build it against firefox-dev?12:01
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seb128a bit. No pb to build against firefox afaik, I've a version update planned, I change that in the same time12:02
seb128s/I change/I'll change12:02
pitticool, thanks12:02
seb128BTW is anybody working on eclipse?12:03
seb128  libswt3.1-gtk-java: Depends: mozilla-browser (>= 2:1.7.0) but it is not going to be installed12:03
seb128some users asked if anybody is working on that :)12:03
slomo_seb128: sure, i'll make a list... and afaik only avahi-daemon needs to be promoted... libavahi-{core,common,client,glib,qt} will be pulled in as dependencies... and maybe we want avahi-utils / avahi-discover seeded but it's not needed...12:03
pittiseb128: to settle this finally, shall I try to build evo and e-d-s against libdb4.3 and check whether everything still works? (I strongly think it will, but it shoudl be tested)12:03
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pittiseb128: or do you plan to merge with Debian anyway?12:05
hungerOK, bugs about all my mandb warnings (several X debs, perl, evo) are reported in malone.12:06
seb128pitti: no plan to merge with Debian, I wanted to speak with lool about that first, but if you want to give it a try you are welcome :)12:07
pittiseb128: there are no transaction logs in my ~/.evolution, just .db files; i. e. it seems that evo uses in-memory transactions only, which is fine12:07
pittiseb128: oh, evo b-deps gstreamer0.8 *sigh*12:08
Mithrandirelmo: please sync apr1.0 and apr-util1.0 from unstable, they aren't in Ubuntu yet, afaik.12:09
hungerpitti: May I nag you about my malone bugs #563, #6216 and #6257? (first is my cryptsetup init script, the latter two oneliners to pam_mount to deal with LUKS volumes more sanely).12:09
pittihunger: nag yes, but I'm afraid I won't really have time to deal with this stuff12:09
pittihunger: if they are assigned to me, then I won't forget at least :)12:10
hungerpitti: Is there anything I can do to help with these issues?12:10
slomo_seb128: it's only rhythmbox, gnomemeeting (in cvs), a patch for vino exists, gnome-games afaik in cvs too... no idea about kde stuff12:10
hungerpitti: Like send a patched deb or anything?12:10
pittihunger: oh, if there are properly tested patches, I'll take a look :)12:10
pittihunger: no, a debdiff or normal patch is fine; no debs please :)12:11
seb128pitti: that's for a stupid plugin, the Build-Depends will not stay for dapper don't worry12:12
seb128slomo_: k, I'll build gnomevfs with it12:12
seb128slomo_: rhythmbox/gst0.10 daap code doesn't work fine atm12:12
hungerpitti: One is a init-script I use since way before breezy, the others are not really patches but one-line changes to mount.crypt.12:12
pittiRiddell: is it possible to build libakokde-dev without jack? it's the only package that wants jack in main again12:12
slomo_seb128: ok, fine :)12:13
tepsipakkikamion: grub-install fails on daily dapper-netboot12:14
pittiKeybuk, Kamion: libsepol approved12:14
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seb128infinity, lamont-away: could you give a retry to evolution-exchange build?12:16
KamionKeybuk: any bzr branch for your pcmciautils, or shall I merge it by hand?12:18
Kamionpitti: and promoted (apart from sepol-utils, unless we actually need that)12:19
Kamiontepsipakki: fails how?12:19
tepsipakkikamion: hmm, because there's unmet dependencies.. so not really grub-installers fault?-)12:21
tepsipakkikamion: lang-support-en can't be installed so this fails12:21
Kamiontepsipakki: oh, ubuntu-desktop's just uninstallable at the moment *shrug*12:21
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Kamionthe single-stage installer causes this to show up at a different point from where it used to12:22
Kamionthough I'm surprised you didn't get a failure in pkgsel12:22
tepsipakkiwhere can I edit the seed? is it preseedable?12:22
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zygamorning folks12:30
ijuzare the udeb's not unpacked by udpkg?12:32
sivangmornign zyga 12:33
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Riddellpitti: done12:35
pittiRiddell: thank you12:35
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Nafallomjg59: ping12:48
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pittiKeybuk: heh, so you liked the movie 'Chicago', too? :)01:03
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maswanKeybuk: hmm.. wouldn't it be interesting with a bootchart:y thingie from login to default desktop ready?01:10
martinkdoko: any idea what went wrong with openoffice.org2-l10n?01:12
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mjg59pitti: PAM configuration is through conffiles. One package shouldn't fuck with the ones produced by another package.01:27
mjg59pitti: So integration needs cooperation with libpam - see my mail to ubuntu-devel01:28
mjg59jk_work: With luck01:28
mjg59Nafallo: Hi01:28
pittimjg59: ah, so you'll modify pam proper to use the new module?01:28
mjg59pitti: Thanks for the comments - I'll fix and reupload01:29
Nafallomjg59: hi! :-), I found something strange that I don't know if it's known... after hibernate/wakeup my brightness up and down keys works as both up and down (i.e. I press on it to its at max, then it goes to minimum and then back up to max etc).01:30
mjg59Nafallo: Hmm. Weird.01:30
Nafalloagreed ;-)01:31
mjg59Nafallo: Just the once, or always after wakeup?01:31
Nafalloreproducible aswell, only after wakeup.01:31
mjg59Sorry, I meant - once you've woken up, does it happen once and then start working properly?01:31
Nafallohmm, works now01:32
mjg59What sort of hardware?01:32
Kamionijuz: mostly they're unpacked by udpkg, yes, apart from those in the initrd which are unpacked by dpkg on the build system01:33
Nafalloit's back01:33
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Nafallomjg59: stranger yet... it worked when you asked me to test and now (few seconds after) it's reproducible again :-P01:34
lucaswhile trying to edit on the wiki: "/!\The authentication database is temporarily unavailable. Anonymous access only.01:34
lucasYou are not allowed to edit this page."01:34
Nafallomjg59: any idea what I can do to debug this? :-)01:34
mjg59Nafallo: Haha. Afraid not right now.01:34
mjg59I'll think about it01:35
Kamionlucas: the key word being "temporarily", indicating that you should do something else for a while during maintenance01:35
lucasok, just wanting to make sure you were aware of it01:35
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Kamionlucas: when you see that machine, it means that an admin is working on the machine, and therefore they're already aware of it unless they're sleepadmining01:36
mdkeactually I'm not sure it is intentional, authentication is working on launchpad, but not on the wiki01:36
mdkewas there an announce about it?01:37
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lucasKamion: note that the message doesn't say that the admins are working on it01:37
Nafallomjg59: weirdest.bug.ever! I'll try to reboot :-P01:37
pappanKamion: hi01:39
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pappanKamion: hi01:43
maswandholbach: Should it be solved? I'm not sure I feel motivated enough to install flight-2 and upgrade it just to check that.01:43
Kamionpappan: hello?01:44
dholbachmaswan: yes, i think it is - i thought you had an installation, where you could check, at hand01:44
dholbachmaswan: nevermind, if you don't01:44
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maswandholbach: No, we played around a bit and I submitted a bunch of bugs I found, but now we have a FAI-installed breezy with a bunch of modifications and custom kernel01:45
dholbachi'll keep the bug open and see if people still have that bug01:45
maswandholbach: thanks. my collegue is still on vacation, so if it is important I could reinstall his workstation this week. :)01:45
dholbachnono, don't bother :)01:45
maswandholbach: We mostly ran and tested flight-2 since that was the first distribution we found that installed on these machines, rather new sata chipset or something like that.01:47
Lathiator another new one?01:48
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maswanLathiat:  [SiS]  5513 IDE chipset with some sata stuff, or something like that.01:50
Lathiatah ok01:51
maswanFujitsu-Siemens shipped it with a fedora core 4 dvd that didn't find a disk to install onto either. :)01:51
maswanSince we asked for no windows01:51
HiddenWolfhah, you're kidding?01:52
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highvoltageit would be nice if they sent an ubuntu dvd.01:52
maswanwell, they don't actually support linux, so nothing preinstalled01:52
maswanhighvoltage: well, suggesting them to bunlde flight-2 is kind of icky too01:52
maswanand support for the ide/sata stuff came with 2.6.1501:53
highvoltagemaswan: better than fedora core :)01:53
maswanhighvoltage: :)01:53
maswanActually, I think you could tinker aroudn in bios and make it hide as an ide drive that you could install on01:53
maswanbut then you couldn't access the cd/dvd-drive01:53
highvoltageyep, enable ide emulation in bios.01:53
highvoltageyou should just emulate as another controller.01:54
highvoltageif you emulate your sata disks as hda and hdb, and your cdrom is on hda, then it wont work.01:54
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highvoltageso you can just emulate your hard disks as a second or third controller, instead.01:54
maswanhighvoltage: well, I didn't try it personally, just that it didn't work01:59
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Pyginot that I haven't mentioned this for like 10 times (and no one replied :P) But I'll try once more :)02:12
PygiKeyboard layout changing does NOT work :/02:12
HiddenWolfPygi, if a bug is filed it'll be fixed.02:12
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PygiHiddenWolf: not sure if there's bug02:13
HiddenWolfthen report one.02:13
=== Nafallo screams at his VERY random brightness up/down keys!
dholbachthere are bugs reported on it, it depends on what your issue is EXACTLY, please try to follow up on existing ones, if they match your problem02:13
HiddenWolfdevelopers like bugs, so they can keep track of things, unlike things reported on irc.02:13
Pygidholbach: k, I'll track the following bugs02:14
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mdkeseb128, evolution-exchange is blocking ubuntu-desktop, is this known?02:20
Nafallodep-wait: builddadmin :-)02:21
seb128you can assume than un-installability on dapper for desktop are always know02:21
seb128no need to have a zillion on people pinging me by mail/bugzilla/IRC every time a soname change, thanks02:22
mdkeseb128, sorry02:22
seb128np, I know that people doesn't want to bother, but I've to reply to mails about that, saying the same things and different chans and to close some bugzilla bug already today02:23
seb128men, that's an unstable distro, stuff move, few a couple of hours :)02:23
mdkei should have looked on bugzilla02:23
mdkei did wait 24 hours first tho ;) problem with searching bugzilla is that usually only open bugs come up, i guess02:24
mdkeanyway, i'll assume that uninstallability is known from now on02:24
jdubseb128: dude, you or dhbuild noticed that evo exchange is blocking u-d today?02:24
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dholbach. o O { it must be REAL love }02:25
seb128mdke: in fact evolution-exchange waits for buildd admin to retry the build, nothing we can do about it02:26
=== jdub fears cool Keybuk-crack uploads!
Nafallojdub: I rebooted with them :-)02:28
jdubNafallo: you obviously survived. did your laptop?02:28
Nafalloyepp :-)02:28
jdublucky ;)02:28
Nafallonew kernel aswell :-P02:28
Nafalloand gdm ;-)02:28
Nafallorisky today :-)02:29
dokomartink: no idea, it builds fine, when I build it by hand02:30
jsgotangcoits pretty sweet02:34
ijuzKamion: i wondered if there is something else than udpkg, one of my problems is that anna complains about wrong md5sum despite i have updated the Packages file02:36
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Kamionijuz: well anna's at a different layer from udpkg ...02:57
Kamionijuz: perhaps you forgot to update Release with the new md5sum/sha1sum/size of Packages02:58
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ijuzKamion: what programm does generate the Release file? manually is a bit annoying03:05
tsengijuz: man apt-ftparchive03:06
ijuztseng: thank you03:07
raphinkdpkg-scanpackages and dpkg-scansources03:07
raphinkijuz: 03:07
raphinkyou can use that too03:07
raphinkdpkg-scanpackages /dev/null ./ | gzip -9 > Packages.gz03:07
raphinkand same with sources03:07
raphinkfor small repos ;)03:07
tseng(he said release)03:08
raphinkoh sorry03:08
KeybukKamion: it was such a trivial change that I figured it'd be easier for you to just take it by hand03:12
Keybukpitti: heh, isn't the movie so much ... they're all lyrics from broadway/west end musicals03:12
Keybukmaswan: it'd be interesting to seb128, I guess, and easy to do; just put bootchart into the Xsession ... though you'd need a "stop" point for it03:13
Keybukjdub: if it makes you feel better, I've been booting with them for weeks03:13
KamionKeybuk: fair enough, already done03:14
KeybukKamion: I couldn't remember off the top of my head where your bzr branch for it was03:15
Keybukone day, I suspect, launchpad will tell me :p03:15
ijuzdoes somebody know if bzip2 support in dpkg/apt really works?03:16
Keybukijuz: yes03:17
Keybukwe've been using it since hoary03:17
ijuzKeybuk: for Package files, but not for the deb packages themselfes03:20
Keybukbzzzt!  wrong!  but you can try to double-your-money in the ready-money-round03:20
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ijuzuhm, i decompressed all data.tar.gz from breezy with gzip, that was something like an indicator for me that they are compressed with gz ;)03:22
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Keybuk*sigh* you so should have asked for the RETURN ticket from wrongland :)03:24
Keybukdescent scott% apt-cache policy language-pack-en03:24
Keybuk *** 20051011 003:24
Keybuk        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com breezy/main Packages03:25
Keybukdescent scott% aptitude download language-pack-en03:25
Keybukdescent scott% ar tf language-pack-en_20051011_all.deb03:25
Keybukbz2 ... well I never03:25
ijuzbut on the CD they are with .gz03:25
Kamionno, they aren't03:26
Kamionthe CD takes packages verbatim from the archive; it doesn't recompress anything03:26
maswanseb128: so, do you want to do desktop bootcharting? in our experience, default desktop startup is almost as bad as bootup times03:26
Keybukit's just really not your day, is it? :)03:27
Keybukdescent scott% cat /media/cdrom0/README.diskdefines03:27
Keybuk#define DISKNAME  Ubuntu 5.10 "Breezy Badger" - Release i38603:27
Keybukdescent scott% ar tf /media/cdrom0/pool/main/l/language-pack-en/language-pack-en_20051011_all.deb03:27
ijuz126751a2dc5528c2f9044d9e4ee36d61  ubuntu-5.10-install-i386.iso03:27
ijuzis that the right one?03:27
ijuzwell, i have it from cdimage.ubuntulinux.org03:28
KeybukKamion: uh, where are the breezy CDs? :)  they're not on cdimage03:28
Keybukduh, silly me03:29
Keybuk126751a2dc5528c2f9044d9e4ee36d61  ubuntu-5.10-install-i386.iso03:29
Keybukijuz: yup, same CD I have03:29
ijuzar tf /media/cdrom0/pool/main/g/gcc-4.0/gcc-4.0-base_4.0.1-4ubuntu9_i386.deb03:29
ijuzmost stuff is still gz03:29
Keybukyes, that's nice03:29
ijuzBUT, that's excellent03:30
Keybukthat's because most stuff compresses better with gz03:30
Kamioncjwatson@little:~/cdimage/www/simple/breezy$ isoinfo -R -i ubuntu-5.10-install-i386.iso -x /pool/main/l/language-pack-en/language-pack-en_20051011_all.deb > ~/language-pack-en_20051011_all.deb03:30
Keybuklook at the package I showed you03:30
Kamioncjwatson@little:~/cdimage/www/simple/breezy$ ar tf ~/language-pack-en_20051011_all.deb03:30
ijuzthat means even more soace saving03:30
Kamionthat's on the master cdimage system03:30
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Keybukwe hand-picked which debs are bz2-compressed03:31
Keybukbecause for most of them, there's no point03:31
seb128maswan: "our" beeing? Sure it would be nice but I'm probably too busy to do that myself atm, but if you want to work on it you are welcome03:31
seb128maswan: dapper should be better regarding to desktop startup time, we changed quite a bunch of stuff (xrdb call, merged gconf, delay the startup of some stuff to after the login, etc)03:32
Keybukdescent scott% /bin/ls --block-size=4096 -ls gcc*03:35
maswanseb128: Well, just me and my collegue, spending time watching the startup time of various gnomey stuff after login before you get a usable desktop in flight-203:35
Keybuk44 -rw-r--r--  1 scott scott 44 2005-10-01 15:20 gcc-4.0-base_4.0.1-4ubuntu9_i386.deb03:35
Keybuk44 -rw-r--r--  1 scott scott 44 2006-01-04 14:32 gcc-4.0-base_4.0.1-4ubuntu9_i386.deb-bz03:35
Keybukijuz: on most modern filesystems, those two files are the same size with gzip and bzip2 -- and bzip2 is significantly slower and more resource hungry03:35
ijuzthere is no size03:35
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Keybukijuz: the "44" bit03:35
HiddenWolfmaswan, to be expected, some of what was done before login is now done after.03:35
ijuzKeybuk: what unit is that?03:36
Keybukijuz: when talking about archive or cd space saving, it's only useful to talk in terms of number of filesystem blocks03:36
Keybukijuz: filesystem blocks03:36
ijuzthe base package is a bad example03:37
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ijuz-r--r--r--  4 root root 5106876 2005-10-01 16:20 /cdrom/pool/main/g/gcc-4.0/libgcj6_4.0.1-4ubuntu9_i386.deb03:37
ijuz-rwxr-xr-x  1 ijuz ijuz 3644880 2006-01-03 21:38 libgcj6_4.0.1-4ubuntu9_i386.deb03:38
ijuzbytes or blocks are the same in the end03:38
maswanHiddenWolf: Ok. Well, I don't care that strongly about it. We ended up not running the default desktop session anyway.03:38
Keybukijuz: dude, if you really think that, you need to stop this discussion now03:38
ijuzover n files it's the same03:39
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Keybukno its not03:39
Kamionit's the same on a CD image, but not in the archive03:39
ijuzok, i take back "bytes or blocks are the same in the end"03:39
Keybukijuz: I contest your size finding for that file ...03:40
Keybuk4988 -rw-r--r--  1 scott scott 5106876 2005-10-01 15:20 libgcj6_4.0.1-4ubuntu9_i386.deb03:40
Keybuk4924 -rw-r--r--  1 scott scott 5040668 2006-01-04 14:40 libgcj6_4.0.1-4ubuntu9_i386.deb-bz03:40
Keybukbarely any difference03:40
ijuzfor bzip2, maybe03:40
Keybukwhere did you get your 3.4MB figure from?03:41
KamionI think he's using 7zip or lzma or something03:41
Kamionand that this discussion is extremely confusing03:41
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ijuzKamion: yes, lzma03:41
Keybukijuz: we weren't discussing lzma, we were discussing bzip203:41
Keybukdpkg doesn't (currently) support lzma03:42
ijuzmy dpkg does :)03:42
KeybukI have the patches to do it here too03:42
ijuzi wondered about bzip2 because the question is if the cases in the different apt parts are working for bzip203:42
Keybukapt and dpkg are different things03:43
Keybukapt only concerns itself with Packages files and the like03:43
Keybuk(well, except for the ftp archive bits, but in general that's true)03:43
ijuzwell, apt-extracttemplate or something03:43
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Kamionapt-extracttemplates only cares about the control.tar.gz member, not the data member03:44
Keybukah yes, of course03:45
ijuzyou are right03:45
ijuzit outputs only a warning03:45
Kamionthe only thing in apt I can see that cares about the data member is apt-ftparchive's contents generation03:45
ijuzi'm a bit confused today, sorry03:45
Kamionthere's a .deb extractor in apt-inst but as far as I can see it's unused by apt itself, although it might be used by other users of libapt03:46
Keybukjennifer, maybe03:46
mvopython-apt proivdes some additional support for the data extraction03:47
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Dizietdholbach: I wanted to talk to you briefly about your change to ffox's debian/rules.  Your comment says `commented out, broke on everything but i386'.  Can you say in what way ?03:48
ijuzi just wondered about lzma in ubuntu because space should be soon a contraint with the same package set for 1 CD03:49
Keybukijuz: we've briefly looked into it, it needs a thorough investigation though03:50
Keybukin particular, how much space is gained broken down into package groups03:50
Keybukdifference in resources (cpu, memory, time, etc.) to unpack and pack03:50
Keybukfor dapper we still have wiggle-room on the CD, though03:50
Keybukthere's still some WinFOSS and language-packs that can be tossed :p03:50
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dholbachDiziet: it didn't build, let me try to find the buildlog03:51
Mithrandirijuz: I'm working on squashfs, possibly with lzma for the live cd.  It saves quite a bit, but needs unionfs, which is problematic on ppc03:51
ijuzuhm, i did that 1 year ago for knoppix03:52
Mithrandirijuz: there aren't any debian packages of mksquasfs-lzma that I could find at least.  Anyway, it's not something we just jump at, we need to investigate it a bit03:53
ijuzfor a live-cd it is a slightly speed problem on slow boxes03:53
dholbachDiziet: http://people.ubuntu.com/~lamont/buildLogs/f/firefox/1.4.99+1.5rc3.dfsg-1ubuntu6/03:53
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dholbachDiziet: it only built on i38603:54
ijuzMithrandir: but i don't get the unionfs requierement03:54
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Mithrandirijuz: oh?  How else would you make the CD writeable?03:54
Mithrandirijuz: you can do apt-get install $whatever on the ubuntu live cd.03:54
seb128Diziet: I did change the -X"*nspr*" to -Xnspr (same for some other stuff than nspr too), I think I mentionned the change on a malone bug03:55
ijuzMithrandir: sure, but don't you need that too for what you are using now?03:55
Kamionijuz: no, with cloop you can use device-mapper snapshots03:55
Mithrandirijuz: no, devmapper with a writable snapshot doesn't need it.03:55
Kamionbut they don't work with squashfs because squashfs is a fundamentally read-only fs03:55
ijuzoh, didn't know this03:55
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Mithrandirijuz: so our current live cd is ext2+cloop with devmapper writable snapshots, while squashfs would be squashfs+unionfs03:57
ijuzyes, sure, have you allready tried using squashfs?03:58
Mithrandirijuz: yes, non-lzma.03:58
ijuzi think one of the problems is that squashfs still has no metadata about the used compressor03:59
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ijuzMithrandir: 2.2r2?04:00
elmommk, so I installed a laptop without network, have no put a wireless PCMCIA card in, but gnome refuses to see it in the panel - how do I beat some sense into it?04:02
mvoKamion: ok if I change notification-daemon -> notify-daemon in the desktop seed?04:02
Kamionmvo: yes04:02
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Dizietdholbash: Yes, but why did what you do fix it ?04:04
jdubelmo: add the network status applet? switch the network interface in the status applet prefs?04:04
DizietErr, I mean:04:04
Dizietdholbach: Yes, but why did what you did fix it ?04:04
dholbachDiziet: that's a very good question04:05
dholbachDiziet: i'm afraid, I have no answer :-(04:05
DizietI'm talking about the one where you unwrapped the seddery.04:05
dholbachYeah, i don't know. It was a matter of trial and failure. :(04:06
DizietYou didn't _change_ the seddery, did you ?  You just removed various instances of   tab tab \ lf tab tab  .04:06
DizietIt's a bit hard to tell because of the formatting change :-).04:06
DizietI should thank you from clearing up my mess, though, so thanks.04:06
dholbachNo problem, I always hoped I didn't produce more mess. :-)04:07
DizietDo non-i386's have different /bin/sh, or different make ?04:07
DizietI know this seems optimistic, but I want to understand it so that I can fix the root cause (whether that's in my head or somewhere else ...)04:07
Kamionmake had a related change recently04:07
KamionI think it may have been reverted, but can't remember exactly; check the recent changelogs04:08
KamionI know Joey had to make a similar unwrapping change in debconf (in fact I think he moved the seddery complete with backslash-newlines into a define)04:08
DizietAnd that fixed it ?04:08
Kamionperhaps i386 built firefox with a different version of make due to timing04:09
Kamionthe top of the build log should say04:09
DizietI think I'll try a test build with dholbach's change reverted and see.04:09
psusidoes this lzma squashfs use a larger block size than the normal squashfs?  imho, using a larger block size has far more impact on compression than lz vs lzma04:10
Kamionbah, no, the build log doesn't list that04:10
Kamionlamont-away: it'd be nice if make were listed among "Toolchain package versions"04:10
DizietLots of the stuff in make is completely crackheaded.   Recently I discovered that  $(shell $(variable))  after  define variable  splits variable up by newlines into separate arguments and appends that argument list to  sh -c  .04:10
psusiiirc, squashfs defaults to a 4 KB block size... you can get significantly better compression by increasing that to 64k or more, but it has more overhead for small random io04:11
Mithrandirpsusi: it defaults to 64k in my tests.04:11
psusiMithrandir: so both normal and lzma you have set to use 64k?04:12
psusiand lzma is significantly better compression with equal block size?04:12
seb128Diziet: I did that change to firefox: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/5999 (the formatting of the patch is screwed by launchpad)04:14
Dizietseb128: Right.04:15
ijuzMithrandir: when are you going to build a new live cd? :)04:15
DizietI RTFM'd dh_install earlier and you were right.04:15
DizietAlthough I don't understand why it ever worked.04:15
DizietMaybe dh_install has changed its behaviour to match the docs ?04:15
seb128not sure04:16
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seb128it was doing "find mozilla-firefox ! \( -regex .\*\*nspr\*.\* \)" with the '-X*nspr*'04:16
Mithrandirijuz: we need to change the build infrastructure a little for squashfs, but I'm hoping that we'll have something ready early next week04:16
ijuzMithrandir: ok04:17
lamont-awayKamion: anything besides make?04:18
lamont-away@toolchain_regex = ( 'binutils$', 'gcc-[\d.] +$', 'g\+\+-[\d.] +$', 'libstdc\+\+', 'libc[\d.] +-dev$', 'linux-kernel-headers$', 'dpkg-dev', 'make' );04:18
Kamion*could* be related to the change in debhelper 4.9.4 I suppose ...04:18
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DizietWell, I can't be bothered tracking that one down :-).04:18
DizietSince it's all fine and dandy now.04:18
Kamionlamont-away: nothing else comes to mind right now04:18
lamont-awayKamion: it'll be in the next round of updates, as yet unscheduled04:19
Kamioncan I call gtk.main() from within a gtk signal handler?04:21
Kamionhmm, I suppose gtk will block until the signal handler finishes04:22
mvoKamion: what is your use-case/goal?04:23
Kamionmvo: I'm trying to start up a debconf coprocess from a GtkNotebook switch_page handler to drive the logic of the new page04:24
Kamionmvo: when that coprocess gets an INPUT command, it needs to wait for more gtk events to find out whether to back up or not04:25
Kamionthe problem is that when I try to do that, the new page doesn't get drawn04:25
mvoKamion: would a  "while(gtk_events_pending()) do gtk_main_iteration(); " help you there?04:26
zygaKamion: coprocess? 04:26
Kamionzyga: too complicated to explain right now04:26
mvo(or the python equivalent)04:26
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Kamionmvo: I don't see how, since gtk.main() doesn't get around to drawing the page so I'd guess repeated iterations won't either04:26
Kamionand inside debconffilter, I need to actually wait for user interaction, not just draw the page04:27
Kamionhmm, perhaps I can do gtk.main_quit() in the switch_page handler and start up debconf outside that04:29
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zygaKamion: all sounds fishy, while I don't know the problem I'd opt for a longish clean solution04:31
sbalneavHello all!  Can anyone point me at some docs for adding launchers to the panel in Gnome 2.12 in some scriptable way?  The latest Gnome Administrator's guide is from 2.6, and it seems that most of the gconftool-2 keys have changed about.04:32
elmojdub: only 'lo' appears in the properties of the network status applet, that's the problem04:32
Kamionzyga: I'm not sure what you mean04:33
tsengelmo: if the other interfaces are down they dont show in the drop down04:33
elmotseng: eth1 is up, and in use04:33
Kamionzyga: it's similar to oem-config; I'm basically filtering the debconf protocol in order to implement a pretty interface on top of questions asked by debconf (specifically, UbuntuExpress calling d-i code)04:35
zygaKamion: well if you need gtk.main() and main_quit() voodoo around the app needs redesign IMHO04:35
zygaKamion: hmm, cannot you spawn a subprocess to get the input and report back?04:35
zygaI don't know debconf internals but it seems to be ask-and-wait, right?04:35
Kamionzyga: no, because the subprocess won't exit04:35
zygaKamion: why not04:36
Kamionthe flow is that the debconf confmodule (the script running under debconf) calls the INPUT command, and at that point the user interface needs to do stuff04:36
zygaKamion: subprocess like simple text dialog for example04:36
Kamionand then report back to debconf whether to go back or forward04:36
zygaKamion: but why cannot that input command simply spawn a UI process, wait for it to exit and report back?04:37
Kamionzyga: because then I can't keep the UI for the whole thing within a single unified window04:37
psusipitti: you around?04:38
Kamionand several questions from debconf may correspond to a single piece of UI04:38
elmopartman (68/76ubuntu1+1): in main - skipping.04:38
zygaKamion: ah, you need plug into existing window04:38
elmobaseconfig-udeb (1.04/1.04): in main - skipping.04:38
pittipsusi: yes04:38
zygaKamion: you can spawn ui daemon that can show and hide windows04:38
elmoKamion: any of those safe for removal yet?04:38
psusipitti: you seen the spec page I made?  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PacketCD04:38
zygaKamion: and use something like DBUS to talk to04:38
Kamionelmo: partman is different and needs to stay permanently; baseconfig-udeb can go04:38
zygathis would really rock btw04:38
Kamionzyga: ok, you just got way beyond the complexity I'm prepared to deal with in the time available. maybe later.04:38
pittipsusi: wow, no, I didn't04:38
elmoKamion: ok, thanks04:39
psusipitti: I'm looking for ideas on how to make the hal fdi policy look up the type field from the track info on the disc and key on that... think that's possible? 04:39
zygaorg.debian.DConf.TextInput :-)04:39
zygaKamion: I see :)04:39
zyga(then various daemons/services) could implement that interface and spawn text based ui or gui :)04:39
Kamionzyga: I don't disagree that something involving dbus would be the right solution long-term, but I just don't have time04:39
sivangdbus in Debconf?? ;-)04:40
lamont-awaymdz: ping04:40
mvoKamion: you need to interact with the user at this stage (when switch_page is called)? or "only" with gtk and debconf?04:40
zygasivang: no, dbus in one of debconf interfaces04:41
Keybukit seems that ifup --allow=auto works already04:41
Kamionmvo: not at that particular stage, I just need to kick off debconf04:41
Kamioninteraction will be later04:41
KamionI'm trying turning the code upside-down at the moment04:41
psusianyone know how to kick the wiki and make it treat attachments as text/plain so they can be properly viewed?04:41
mdkepsusi, what extension did you give it?04:43
psusimdke: .fdi04:43
mdkemaybe the wiki doesn't recognise that04:44
psusiyou're not supposed to key on the name though, it should allow you to specify the mime type, or auto detect it based on the contents.. but there doesn't seem to be a way to specify the mime type04:44
mdkeno, you can't specify the mime type04:44
psusidamn wiki!04:44
=== psusi shakes his fist
mdkedig around at http://moinmoin.wikiwikiweb.de04:45
mdkeyou'll find a soltion or a bug, or you can file a bug yourself04:45
HiddenWolfmdke, that must be the weirdest url I ever saw. :)04:45
psusilol.. yea04:46
ijuzhow retro, breezy automake is still default to 1.404:46
Keybuksame as Debian04:47
ijuzyes, still retro :)04:47
Keybukthe maintainer likes it that way04:47
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mdzlamont-away: pong04:49
lamont-awaymdz: wondering if mysql 5.0 is supposed to land in dapper, or if I should switch back to libmysqlclient14-dev for a package or 2.04:50
DizietAaargh!  Why do we throw stuff out of our archive so quickly ?04:51
ijuzMithrandir: you may be interested in this: http://christian-leber.de/~ijuz/advancecompsquash-2.2r2.tar.gz04:51
DizietIs there some magic history site somewhere I just don't know about ?04:51
fabbioneDiziet: it's fun!04:51
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tsengDiziet: http://snapshot.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ like this?04:52
lamont-awayDiziet: morgue.ubuntu.com04:52
lamont-awaytseng: there's a snapshot?  kewl;04:52
lamont-awaymorgue is kinda unindexed, which can annoy would-be users...04:52
Kamionlamont-away: except that hasn't actually been updated since April04:52
lamont-awayKamion: morgue? oh, yeah. that.04:52
Dizietsnapshot.archive contains what exactly ?04:52
DizietFor example, it contains only firefox ubuntu4 and 9 and not 6.04:53
Kamionerr ... snapshot.archive.ubuntu.com is just one of the *.archive.ubuntu.com wildcard DNS, AFAIK04:53
ijuzMithrandir: it is a mksquashfs that uses the gzip compression of 7zip and compresses a bit (2-5%) better than the normal zlib while staying completly compatible, you don't have to change anything else04:53
tsenghm i was sure there was a snapshot at one point04:54
KamionI suspect you'll find it's identical to archive04:54
tseng(maybe not here)04:54
KamionDiziet: if there's a particular version you want, I can fish it off jackass for you04:54
DizietNever mind.04:54
Diziet/dev/vg_davenant/lv_mirror 180G  137G   43G  76% /export/mirror04:54
DizietI'll just set up magicmirror to keep me a some versions.04:54
DizietShame I'll still miss some because I don't want to run the mirror more than about once per day.04:55
Diziet-1s/me a/me/04:55
psusiwhy not more than once a day?04:55
DizietI don't know exactly what I want.  I was hoping to grobble around in pool to find it.04:55
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KamionDiziet: dead packages stay in the archive for a day anyway04:56
Kamion  StayOfExecution 86400;04:56
Dizietpsusi: magicmirror needs some work to improve the performance during the `update mirror target area' step.04:56
psusican you sync the archive with rsync?  then you can use rsync snapshots to keep previous versions04:56
Dizietkamion: Oh, good.04:56
DizietThe following URL could not be retrieved: ftp://ftp.no-name-yet.com/morgue04:57
DizietSquid sent the following FTP command:04:57
DizietRETR morgue04:57
Dizietand then received this reply04:58
DizietErr, with a /, I get04:58
Kamionit's not accessible, but as I say I can fish stuff out04:58
DizietCWD morgue04:58
Keybukheh, why do our servers STILL call the archive "ftp.no-name-yet.com" :)04:58
DizietOh, right.04:58
DizietWhy can't it be accessible ?04:58
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Kamionprobably in case people mirror it and cane our datacentre's bandwidth04:58
Keybukdiz: http://morgue.ubuntu.com/04:58
lamont-awayKeybuk: because changing it is a royal pain.04:59
KamionKeybuk: out of date04:59
Keybukoh, is it?04:59
lamont-awayKeybuk: ENOSPC04:59
Kamionit used to be mirrored there; IIRC rookery ran out of space04:59
lamont-awayKamion: that's my memory too04:59
Kamionthe morgue is HUGE04:59
lamont-awayKamion: well, of course it is... all those dead bodies piled up...04:59
Kamion191823204       /srv/ftp.no-name-yet.com/morgue/04:59
=== lamont-away stops short of making really bad jokes.
Kamionhmm, not as big as I thought, but still non-trivial to push around05:00
DizietWhat's our mirror turnover like ?  Eg, if I kept a copy of every day for the past month, would I have to buy another disk ?05:00
Diziet(Files the same in all copies are hardlinked.)05:00
Kamionfor comparison, the archive proper is 144073008       /srv/ftp.no-name-yet.com/ftp05:00
DizietOh, that's helpful.  And morgue goes back forever ?05:00
lamont-awayKamion: how pre-warty-release does the morgue go? day 1?05:01
KamionDiziet,lamont-away: I'm not sure actually. I don't *think* elmo's ever purged it.05:01
KamionI'm just trying to drive the stats program now05:02
lamont-awayKamion: hrm...05:02
lamont-awayI suppose it's possible that it only dates back to oxford....05:02
lamont-awayarchive events can make for ugly morgues05:02
psusiI was under the impression that the morge only contains packages that have been removed from the archive, not each superceeded version05:02
lamont-awaypsusi: they get removed from the arvhive when superseded05:03
Kamionpsusi: nope05:03
lamont-away--> morgue05:03
psusihrm.... what's that url then? ;)05:03
lamont-awaymorgue == everything that was ever in the archive, but isn't now.05:03
Kamionpsusi: people have abused the word "morgue" in a confusing way, which gave you that impression05:03
Kamionthat's why I wish people would just say "remove" when they mean "remove from the archive" rather than inventing new inaccurate verbs05:03
lamont-awaypsusi: morgue.ubuntu.com is frozen as of ~april 2005, which kinda limits its usefulness these days05:04
psusiyea... so is there an active usefull morgue?05:04
lamont-awaypsusi: not that I know of that is publicly reachable05:04
Kamion20060101 570 53305:04
Kamion20060102 499 85505:04
Kamion20060103 697 112105:04
Kamion20060104 307 119605:04
Kamion^-- date, packages, size in megabytes05:05
Kamionthat's the amount installed into the archive05:05
psusitotal, or new on that day?05:05
KamionI mean, each time a package gets installed, the size gets increased05:06
psusihrm.... only 1 gig as of today?05:06
Keybukno, that means 1 gig got added today05:06
psusi1 gig worth of new packages today?  holy shit!05:06
Keybuk1 gig got removed today05:06
Kamionno, STOP05:06
=== psusi is confused
Kamion1GB of packages got installed by kelly, the program that installs .debs, source packages, and so on into the pool05:06
Kamionit doesn't mean net increase or decrease of the total size of the pool05:07
Kamion(because removals aren't counted there)05:07
psusiwhat's the pool?  and how much is in the archive?05:07
Kamionpsusi: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/05:07
Kamionthose figures are purely turnover05:07
Keybukthe pool is what the developers piss in05:07
Keybukuh, I mean, ... :p05:07
Kamionpsusi: 16:00 < Kamion> for comparison, the archive proper is 144073008       /srv/ftp.no-name-yet.com/ftp05:07
mdzmvo: what's the reason for notification-daemon->notify-daemon?05:08
psusithat is kb?  so the archive is ~144 gb?05:08
Kamionpsusi: yes05:08
psusiwow... that's a bit larger than I expected05:08
pittihi mdz05:09
lamont-awaypsusi: and smaller than I expected by a shade05:09
mvomdz: upstream changed the name05:09
psusioh, that's for all releases, not just dapper right?05:09
KamionDiziet: taking 2005-11 as a reasonably normal month when we weren't all off on holiday, total turnover was 28482KB, so you shouldn't have to buy a new disk05:09
Kamionpsusi: yes05:10
psusiahh... ok... 05:10
Kamioner, 28482MB, duh05:10
psusi28 gigs of new packages in a month?  wow05:10
lamont-awayKamion: it's those wonderful weeks when kernel, toolchain, and oo.o all upload twice. :0)05:11
lamont-awaypsusi: those 28GB were probably accompanied by 27+GB moving to the morgue.05:11
KamionDiziet: if you skip some architectures, it'll of course be considerably less05:11
psusilamont-away: but the morgue is no longer active?05:12
lamont-awayKamion: those are jackass numbers?05:12
Kamionpsusi: morgue.ubuntu.com isn't (the mirror), but the master morgue on jackass certainly is05:12
lamont-awaypsusi: the visible morgue is not current.05:12
Kamionlamont-away: yeah, from /srv/ftp.no-name-yet.com/log/05:12
xhakerhey.. somehow.. a new version of initscripts showed up for upgrade.. i don't even see the source package for that on dapper-changes and it breaks the shutdown procedure05:12
lamont-awayso those include all 6 architectures05:12
Kamionand a hacked copy of saffron05:12
psusiohh... why is the active morgue not publically accessible?05:12
Kamionpsusi: we just did this05:12
lamont-awaypsusi: ran out of disk space.05:12
psusiohh... so will be be public at some point?05:13
KamionI think we've just encountered the middle of this conversation.05:13
ograset a mark :)05:13
=== psusi hushes up
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lamont-awayalthough I don't think anyone has committed to fixing the disk space and shlepping all the data to a reachable place, it would be nice...05:14
mdzpitti: morning05:15
truluxpitti: hey05:15
mdzlamont-away: I have a note from the devel meeting saying that infinity wanted to discuss that with me (mysql 5.0)05:15
lamont-awaymeantime, I'll just (a) make it say libmysqlclient15-dev|libmysqlclient14-dev, and (b) hug Kamion for making that work for me back in oxford.05:16
pittihi trulux 05:16
lamont-awaythen a simple rebuild is all that's needed when 5.0 is there05:16
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KeybukROFL @ The "Ben got a PowerBook for Christmas" Release.05:17
KeybukBenC got a powerbook, sabdfl got a Mac, I got a powerbook, did anyone NOT get an Apple over xmas?05:17
Nafallome! :-/05:18
NafalloI got a BED :-P05:18
Kamionlamont-away: s/Oxford/Mataro/ IIRC :)05:18
lamont-awayKamion: 'twas orginal ogre-model --> oxford (pre-warty)05:19
psusiI got scuba diving lessons ;)05:19
Nafallowoohoo Keybuk rocks! :-D05:20
mdxI do?05:20
Nafallomdx: no, not you. Keybuk :-).05:21
lamont-awayKamion: hrmpf.05:21
Nafallonow you do! :-)05:21
Nafalloatleast if that ntpdate-thingie works :-)05:21
lamont-awaypatch was committed 8 dec 2004.  damn.  and here I could have sworn it was oxford05:21
Kamionlamont-away: was a bug you discovered in the ogre model and commented on in the quiet room in Mataro loudly enough for me to offer to fix it. :)05:22
Keybukworks for me05:22
lamont-awayKeybuk: my daughter got an iPod, does that count?05:22
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Kamionhaving a highly visual memory is handy sometimes - I remember the way the room looked and can mentally zoom out until I see the Cristal ballroom and thereby remember which conference it was. :)05:23
lamont-awayKamion: ah, yes.  although I seem to recall some mild begging was involved before you offered to shut me up.05:23
ijuzNafallo: is ntpdate now less annoying when net doesn't work?05:23
xhakerijuz, it should05:23
Nafalloijuz: init.d -> ifup.d :-)05:23
xhakerNafallo, init.d/rc file has a bug05:24
Keybukxhaker: it does?05:24
ijuzNafallo: excellent, i really should install dapper on my laptop, so that i can retry pppoeconf05:24
xhakerKeybuk, first_step is not set for runtime.... can't remeber05:25
xhakeri'll check05:25
elmoKamion/etc.: the morgues actually migrating to hutte now, I finally did run out of space with dapper05:25
elmojackass only has the last 8 months or so05:25
Kamionah, that would explain it ...05:25
xhakerKeybuk, had to fix it to be able to shutdown the machine cleanly05:25
elmopending my copious freetime, I'll make tghe complete copy on hutte public05:25
Keybukxhaker: could be, can you file it ... I wasn't my most awake when I wrote that stuff05:26
KamionI think this is a good sign; espresso just showed up its first bug in d-i05:27
xhakerKeybuk, ok.. i'll attach a patch hihi05:27
xhakersingle line tho05:27
Nafallohmm, that bittorrent tracker thing is ugly on shutdown :-P05:29
Riddellpitti: do you know if any other distro uses cups 1.2?05:30
pittiRiddell: I don't know for sure, but I doubt it05:30
Riddellpitti: guess I have to port KDE to cups 1.2 myself then05:31
pittiRiddell: oh?05:32
Nafallopitti: oh! that cups thing always have to wait 5 seconds and then gets killed on shutdown :-P05:32
pittiRiddell: gnome-cups worked fine with 1.205:32
dmkRiddell: there has been problem with cups 1.2 and kde in fedora05:32
xhakerKeybuk, what package is it in? binary please05:32
KeybukPostgreSQL is my shutdown hate05:32
Keybukxhaker: sysvinit05:32
pittiNafallo: cupsd is incredibly hard to kill :(05:32
Riddellpitti: it works fine as long as you have a printer setup but if you start with a fresh install and no printers set up it doesn't connect05:32
psusipitti: ohh.. say... I've noticed people complaining lately about removable media, most notably, usb memory sticks, not being properly unmounted due to the icon vanishing right away when they choose eject, but the syncing continues in the background05:32
pittiKeybuk: ?05:32
Keybukxhaker: actually, binarywise might be sysv-rc05:33
Keybukpitti: if postgresql isn't running, but there's a pid file lying around, it waits a metric week before letting the shutdown finish05:33
psusipitti: have any thoughts as to how to fix that?  I'm thinking some kind of progress indicator during the sync would be nice... but I don't think the kernel provides any means of getting that kind of info05:33
pittipsusi: https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1316905:33
=== Nafallo apt-get sources his favorite shutdown-hate-objects :-P
pittipsusi: I forwarded this to upstream, and  that's in fact what they will do05:33
pittipsusi: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=31363905:34
Nafallofood now though :-P05:34
pittiKeybuk: well, that shouldn't be the common case :)05:34
pittiKeybuk: but I'll look at it05:34
pittiKeybuk: can you please file a Debian bug?05:34
pittiKeybuk: (postgresql-common)05:35
Keybukbah, filing debian bugs is such hard work05:35
psusiI htink it is caused by the kernel removing the entry from /proc/mounts before the sync is done... I'm not sure if that can be considered a bug in the kernel or not05:35
pittiKeybuk: hm? it's so much easier than filing an Ubuntu bug, at least for me05:35
pittiKeybuk: s/easier/faster/05:35
Keybukreportbug sulks because I don't have an MTA05:35
pittiKeybuk: I don't use reportbug any more, I just write a mail to submit@b.d.o05:36
Keybukthen I have to get the dev-ref out to remember the silly fields you need for that now <g>05:36
pittiPackage: postgresql-common\nVersion: 38, that's enough for me05:36
pittiKeybuk: Severity: wishlist if you want, but I'll care for severity inflation myself usually :)05:36
zakamepitti: out of curiousity, how do you handle X-Debbugs-CC: ?05:37
Keybukright, I think that's one filed05:37
pittizakame: I don't explicitly set it, I rely on submit@ to DTRT05:37
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jm_where can I download the Flight CD 2 ? Thanks05:38
Riddellpitti: how come we're using cups 1.2 when it's not had any sort of release yet?05:39
Riddelljm_: cdimage.ubuntu.com05:39
jm_thanks Riddell 05:39
Riddellreleases/dapper/flight-2 or something like that05:39
pittiRiddell: it was promised for December...05:39
Riddellah :)05:39
zakamepitti: ah :)05:40
pittiRiddell: it behaves much better with USB printers, that's why we wanted it in the Printer spec05:40
=== Diziet finishes fiddling with the mirror. I think that'll work now.
psusipitti: I think a simple workaround to the problem would be to first remount the filesystem as r/o, then umount it.. that would keep the icon there while the dirty pages are flushed.. might be worth considering if a better solution is taking too long05:41
pittipsusi: unmount waits until sync is complete, too05:42
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pittipsusi: I think the problem is rather that g-vfs calls pumount asynchronously and doesn't wait until it's finished before removing the drive05:43
psusipitti: umount does, but the problem is that the kernel immediately removes the entry from the list in /proc, causing gnome-vfs to remove the icon... I believe... doing a remount first will keep the icon until the dirty pages are flushed, then it's safe to umount05:43
psusiI don't htink so because you can umount it from the command line and the icon goes away immediately... I believe it is in response to what the kernel lists in /proc/mounts05:44
psusieven though the umount blocks for some time05:44
pittioh, right, I see05:44
Keybukthis libsane stuff is total crack05:45
Keybukit has a script to convert a usermap into a rules file05:45
KeybukWHY WHY WHY05:45
DizietMaybe I need an even more sophisticated fs.  cp -al on my local mirror seems to take quite a while.05:45
psusiI'm not sure if it can be considered a kernel bug or not... that it removes the mount from /proc before it is done flushing05:45
psusibut I'm fairly sure that is what causes the icon to go away before the umount completes05:45
mdzmvo: I saw a note in JaneW's status report that you wanted to talk with me about the upgrade tool05:47
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mvomdz: can I come back to you about it in ~1h? I need to look at my notes what it was about first05:48
mdzmvo: ok05:49
xhakerKeybuk, http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=21899  ;)05:50
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Mithrandirijuz: I'll take a look at it05:55
psusianother thing I've found very annoying about the kernel mount mechanics is that there is no umount --i-really-mean-force-it-right-now-and-damn-the-dirty-buffers option05:55
psusiit's really annoying when there's a problem writing to the disk and you can't umount the damn thing because the kernel keeps trying to flush the dirty buffers and failing05:56
ogra_ibookumount -l isnt enough for you ? 05:56
psusino... that just makes it not block the umount program05:57
psusiyou still can't eject the disc from the drive ;)05:57
psusiand your syslog grows to 50 MB from all the error messages05:57
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mdzdoko: are you aware of this?  trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/openoffice2/help/en/swriter.idx/DICTIONARY', which is also in package openoffice.org2-help-en-us06:02
dokomdz: yes, working on updated packages06:07
mdzdoko: ok, thanks06:08
mdzseb128: I find the on-the-fly spell checking in xchat-gnome to be very distracting; is it a good idea to have it enabled by default?06:09
=== Kamion gets user-setup successfully integrated into espresso
DizietCan I do a quick survey ?06:10
seb128mdz: probably not, especially that the list of language is not configurable from the interface and it underline every english word on a french installation :) I'll speak with upstream about that06:10
Dizietupdate-alternatives --display x-www-browser   who sees it showing up as manual, set to /usr/bin/mozilla-firefox ?06:11
DizietAnd who sees it as auto, set to /usr/bin/firefox (which is correct) ?06:11
mdzseb128: agreed, thanks06:11
mdzKamion: nice!06:11
mdzDiziet: mine was manual until I fixed it earlier in dapper (after it broke everything)06:12
xhakermdz, will it be in main? xchat-gnome?06:12
seb128mine is set manual/galeon ...06:12
mdzI've been using it instead of xchat for months now, and I think it's ready.  seb128?06:12
seb128xhaker: waiting on pitti to review it for promotion06:13
DizietHrm.  Earlier in dapper ?  How early ?  My dapper chroot here doesn't have it as manual but I probably haven't booted it since dapper.  The testbed dapper machine has manual and is broken.06:13
seb128mdz: yeah, it just wait for pitti to review it for main promotion06:13
xhakermdz, i've said so before here in this same channel.. they don't listen to me.. hehe06:13
pittiseb128, mdz: it's approved since last year, just needs to be germinated :)06:13
seb128hum, weird06:13
mdzDec 06 09:37:57 <mdz_>   link currently points to /usr/bin/mozilla-firefox06:14
mdzDec 06 09:37:57 <mdz_>  /usr/bin/firefox - priority 7006:14
mdzDiziet: ^^06:14
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pittiseb128, mdz: xchat-gnome still sucks as long as it can't split windows, but I'd only keep one, not both06:14
DizietHrm.  December.06:14
seb128pitti: did you review 0.7 or 0.8?06:14
mdzseb128: feel free to make the seed change06:14
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seb128mdz: will do06:14
seb128that and avahi :)06:14
pittiseb128: dunno, whatever was current in the end of december06:14
pittiseb128: at Dec 13 to be exact06:15
DizietI think I'll just have to do a clean install (eg, breezy, dapper upgrade) and see if and when it breaks.06:16
mdzKeybuk: what's the correct first_step value in rc for runlevels 0 and 6, so I can fix it locally?06:17
seb128pitti: oh, I said to wait on 0.8, which is from Dec 21 which is probably much better (they stopped to ship the xchat sources for text, gtk, etc ... they just have the common folder from it now)06:17
pittiseb128: well, doesn't make much of a difference, review-wise06:17
seb128pitti: anyway, that does the trick too, new one is just better, thanks :)06:17
pittiseb128: I didn't audit the source for this one06:18
mdzxhaker: it's something we've discussed for a long time; it's just been a matter of choosing the right time to switch06:18
mdzpitti: split windows?06:19
pittimdz: watch two channels at the same time06:19
xhakerpitti, xchat allows that?06:19
pittimdz: in xchat I can split off a channel window06:19
pittixhaker: for ages, yes06:19
pittiit's a feature I love06:19
mdzpitti: oh, the attach/detach tab thing06:19
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pittihow else can you follow two channels at once?06:19
pittimdz: right06:20
seb128I just switch between chans :)06:20
pittievery minute?06:20
mdzme too06:20
mdzno, just when it's highlighted06:20
pittithat's too distracting for me06:20
mdzso every 5 minutes approximately06:20
pitti#u-d{esktop,devel} highlight every 10 seconds...06:20
seb128pitti: when I'm busy I switch when somebody speaks to me06:20
xhakerpitti, but it goes to the taskbar06:21
pittimaybe I need to change my working style then, I just got used to the feature06:21
seb128otherwise I read the log every few and then06:21
xhakeri thought you were talkink about something like split view.. like in IDE's06:21
seb128I have like 20 chans anyway, I could not get them all at screen06:21
pittiseb128: http://people.ubuntu.com/~pitti/shots/crashrep-gui.png <- that's how I do it06:22
pittiseb128: (this shot has a different purpose, but shows off xchat as well)06:22
seb128pitti: anyway: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32348606:22
Kamionmm, I'm with seb on this one06:23
xhakerthey should do it then06:23
xhakeri like Guillaume option06:24
pittime too, sounds nice06:24
xhakerlike in eclipse, or any word processor06:25
pittior vim's :split06:25
xhakerhehe.. i should really try vim more06:25
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pittixhaker: /me <3 vim 06:26
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pittixhaker: /me <3 vim 06:26
xhakeroh crap06:26
xhakerhow dows one reattach a channel window?06:27
xhakeri just parted the channel trying to do that :P06:27
RiddellKeybuk: what's the status of network manager in ubuntu?06:27
KeybukI could explain now, but it'd ruin the surprise for the status meeting06:28
xhakersurprise surprise06:29
seb128$ bzr get sftp://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/home/warthogs/archives/seeds.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/seeds/dapper06:29
seb128bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: sftp://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/home/warthogs/archives/seeds.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/seeds/dapper06:29
KamionI think it's a bzr bug, best ask on #bzr06:29
seb128k, thanks06:30
KamionI just haven't upgraded my currently-working daily build of bzr from a month or two ago ...06:30
Kamionwhat do you need to change?06:30
pittiKeybuk: you want to motivate us to get up at 3 am? :)06:30
seb128right, works with the dapper version06:30
pittiseb128, Kamion: no, it's actually a bug fix06:31
seb128and list avahi-daemon06:31
Kamionoh, if you've got a checkout with the dapper version then go ahead06:31
pittiseb128, Kamion: try with ... .com/%2Fhome/warthogs06:31
seb128yeah, seems to be fine with dapper version06:31
seb128pitti: hum, why?06:32
pittiseb128: the sftp:// specification says that the URL is relative to the home dir06:32
pittiseb128: so sftp://host/foo refers to ~/foo, not to /foo06:32
pittiseb128: older bzr versions didn't respect that06:32
ajmitchwhich really does get annoying06:32
=== Kamion thinks the specification's insane, but there you go
=== ajmitch came across that same sftp issue a couple of days ago
Mithrandiryou don't have to escape the /, though.  sftp://host//wherever should work06:33
jbaileyYup, just double the /06:33
pittiMithrandir: maybe, I just followed the advice in the bug report06:33
jbailey(if you're using my nightly snapshots)06:33
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pittibut so much the better06:33
Kamionthat's a little less horrible at least06:33
Mithrandirit's utterly insane.06:33
Mithrandiror arcane06:34
jbaileyBut who is to blame?06:34
jbaileympool is his name!06:34
jbailey(sorry, I'll stop the rap now)06:34
Mithrandirhe wrote the sftp spec?06:35
pittihttp://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=322394, btw06:35
jbaileyAFAIK, the IETF spec wasn't actually approved06:35
jbaileyIt's just better than nothing.06:35
pittiit's not a bzr bug, but that's where jamesh pointed to06:35
pittihttp://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-secsh-scp-sftp-ssh-uri-03.txt <- spec06:36
KamionNone of the secsh specs are RFCs yet06:36
Kamionalthough that one isn't even in the editor's queue, true06:37
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seb128dholbach: you said you would make a promotion page for libsexy no? xchat-gnome builds with it atm06:48
dholbachseb128: i can do that, yes06:48
dholbachjbailey: "doing naughty things to widgets" :)06:48
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seb128dholbach: thanks06:49
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stratusbtw libsexy is cool!06:49
stratusoh, there's sexy-python too06:49
Dizietdholbach: Your symlinks for /usr/include/mozilla-firefox:06:50
=== pitti shakes his head about gnome's naming scheme; -plugins-ugly, libsexy, ...
Kamionpitti: libwnck06:50
DizietFirstly, you didn't fix up the transition yet, did you ?  I mean, where you can end up with both directories because of dpkg/symlink transition issues ?06:50
DizietSecondly, these links are needed for the embedders, not for the libnss/libnspr users, right ?06:50
pittiI think libaqbanking-plugins-libgwenhywfar17 is my most favourite package name, though06:50
seb128rofl, that's a real package06:51
Mithrandirpitti: looks like somebody who has taken my advice of using pwgen-generated names to heart.06:51
pittiI couldn't type that without tab completion...06:51
ijuzKeybuk: i tried it, on a 2 Ghz Athlon XP the decompression of the packages on the breezy cd (compressed with lzma) took 107 sec that results in about 15 MB/s of decompressed data; memory usage is sligtly over 8 MB when you compress with 8 MB dictionary06:51
dholbachDiziet: I didn't think of the transition issue, when i added the symlink. Kamion told me afterwards. About your second point: I don't know - aren't embedders libns{s,pr} users? :-)06:53
dholbachDiziet: Somebody, I think it was Kamion, gave me a small script for the transition, let me try to find it and send it to you in a query.06:54
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Dizietdh: Yes, embedders are libns{s,pr} users.06:54
DizietBut libnss/nspr users just look in the .pc file which has the /usr/include/mozilla path and should just work.06:55
DizietIt's the embedders (and the firefox binary itself) which look in /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox.06:55
Keybukpitti: if I'm getting up, you are06:55
Diziet(It's a bit schizoid because the ffox build system wasn't meant to do this.)06:55
Kamionmdz: I take it you want to have that talk after the management meeting now?06:55
Diziettransition script> 'sok, I can roll my own.06:55
mdzKamion: yeah06:56
pittiKeybuk: I'm already afraid enough of JaneW's whip :)06:56
DizietThere's an attempt in the bug report even :-).06:56
mdzKamion: assuming you'll be around06:56
Kamionyeah, although I'm having dinner soonish06:57
DizietOK, well, I'll put it in the firefox-dev package and see what breaks.06:57
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diemani had one user get cranky about us going to UTF806:59
mdzKeybuk: ok, I'm guessing 5006:59
diemangrep is slower (at least in hoary)06:59
diemanneed to check if newer versions are appreciably faster.06:59
pittiRiddell: still here?06:59
Keybukmdz: 50?07:00
Keybukor do I need to take your tab key away? :P07:00
mdzKeybuk: <mdz> Keybuk: what's the correct first_step value in rc for runlevels 0 and 6, so I can fix it locally?07:00
KeybukI have no idea why x-chat didn't hilight that, strange07:01
Keybuk0 I would guess07:01
Riddellpitti: yo07:02
Kamiondieman: I think that got fixed eventually upstream, but it took a while07:02
pittiRiddell: I'm currently reviewing the patch, and I will do the patching and exploit testing tomorrow07:02
Kamiongrep was using the libc multibyte functions, which were a bit too generic and slow for what it was doing; Markus Kuhn mentions the issue on one of his Unicode pages07:03
Riddellpitti: ok, need me to do anything?07:03
pittiRiddell: however, since this is really not funny any more, maybe you could build koffice and kpdf against poppler in dapper?07:03
pittiRiddell: it's really pretty easy, you just have to tickle the build systems a bit; it was pretty easy for tetex-bin and xpdf-utils07:03
pittiRiddell: using /usr/include/poppler and linking against -lpoppler is all it should take07:04
Riddellif we get libgs.so in we can use okular which is the kpdf replacement that uses poppler07:04
pittiRiddell: well, maybe do some small adaptions (s/GString/GooString/)07:04
Kamionoh, crap, it's tonight's meeting that's 2am07:04
martinkkpdf has some enhancements to the Xpdf code that are not in poppler yet (or so its author says)07:04
pittiRiddell: I leave that to you :) I Just wanted to point out the possibility07:04
Kamioncan somebody send an ubuntu-devel-announce@ reminder please? it's a bit late, but might help07:05
pittiJaneW pointed to it in her last report, but of course another one shouldn't hurt07:05
=== pitti writes one
diemanKamion: yeah, im reading the bug, #114807:06
diemanKamion: looks like it was fixed, reverted, then fixed again07:06
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diemanKamion: appears dapper has the version with the patches07:07
pittiKamion: sent07:08
Kamionpitti: thanks07:08
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pittiRiddell: btw, http://scary.beasts.org/security/b0dfca810501f2da/CESA-2005-003.txt has some shiny exploits for testing07:11
KamionDiziet: should #1148 be closed?07:12
DizietI don't know; I haven't tested on our end.07:13
pittimdz: could you please take a short look at the status whiteboard of https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/gstreamer-audio-backend ?07:13
DizietI don't know of any reason why we would disagree with Debian.07:13
pittimdz: everything is implemented from our side, and the missing upstream bit doesn't actually conflict with our changes; would you be fine if I set this to implemented?07:13
mdzpitti: meeting now, but will take a look later07:14
pittioh, sorry07:14
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KamionMithrandir: is there a way I can get at the unmodified CD filesystem from the current live CD?07:21
MithrandirKamion: I could arrange that.07:22
Kamionplease - need it for u-e07:22
Kamion(per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuExpress/CopyFileSystem07:22
Mithrandirsure, I'll fix that.07:22
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seb128pitti: hum? distro meeting at 2am? previous one was at 2pm no?07:28
pittiseb128: previous one was 1400, but the 2000 was skipped due to holidays07:29
seb128oh, skipped, not shifted07:29
seb128are you sure? :)07:30
pittiseb128: JaneW wrote the date in her last report07:30
pittiseb128: I'd prefer 2000, too, believe me07:30
seb128k, I'll stop working now for a bit so, or I'll no keep until 3am07:30
pittiseb128: I will sleep before :)07:31
seb128I don't want to try that07:31
seb128waking up after 2 hours of sleep ... not for me07:32
psusipitti: do you think it would be rather easy to patch pumount to remount r/o first, then really unmount?  or would that not be so simple?07:35
pittipsusi: that's what I had in mind when we do that07:38
psusicool... the progress bar would be nice ( especially if it were actually accurate ) but the remount should be a much simpler fix... if it is a simple bug fix, can't it even be back ported to breezy?07:39
pittipsusi: let's see, maybe the gnome guys will figure out a nice progress bar or sth07:40
pittipsusi: I doubt that it will be backported, but for dapper it's an easy alternative, right07:40
psusiwell, like the author of gumount said, the kernel doesn't export enough information07:40
pittiright, progress bar is probably hard07:40
pittibut at least a warning dialog would be sufficient07:40
psusihell, as long as the icon doesn't vanish until the flush is done, that would keep people from yanking the drives early and corrupting their data07:41
pitti(well, more of a 'monolog' :) )07:41
psusithough they might wonder WTF it isn't going away when they chose eject07:41
ogra_ibookpitti, make it a game ... to keep the user busy until he can unplug ;)07:42
zulooh tetris would be my vote07:42
psusiI say pong07:43
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marcin_marcin: jestes ?07:43
ogra_ibookif you integrate pmount with n-m, you could make a netris session :)07:43
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pittipsusi: yes, you could shoot the dirty blocks into the USB device, and you'll lose all data that miss the target in the game :)07:47
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marcin_freenode is beautifull :D07:48
psusiI used to know a crazy programmer who said the only game worth playing was one where it blew away random clusters on your hard disk as you took damage ;)07:48
Treenaks</sarcasm>, I hope?07:48
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dholbachseb128: report written07:53
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Keybukright, dinner time I think08:00
Keybuksee everyone at OHMYGOD am08:00
wasabiThere a trick to getting vmware compiling on 2.6.15-10?08:01
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HiddenWolfjdub, is there any way that the fridge can show where it links to instead of those node links?08:25
HiddenWolfjdub, call me paranoid, but I'd like to know what I'm clicking on.08:25
TreenaksHiddenWolf: http://www.w3.org/Provider/Style/URI you mean? :)08:27
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HiddenWolfTreenaks, just that when I see a link pointing to fride.ubuntu.com/bla, I expect to end up at f.u.c and not at eweek. If it points to eweek, I want to know that before I click on it.08:28
xhakernew libsane package tryed to do some wierd shit08:28
xhakerit's trying to remove /etc/hotplug dir08:30
xhakerthat's not a good idea08:30
xhakerit does fail.. it's a rmdir08:30
ogra_ibooknope, since this dir shouldnt exist on dapper08:30
xhakerblaccklist.d is in ther08:31
ogra_ibookdpkg -S /etc/hotplug/blaccklist.d ?08:31
Kamionxhaker: it was probably just the last package on your system owning /etc/hotplug, so dpkg tried to remove it; nothing to worry about08:32
Kamionnote that stuff created by maintainer scripts is not generally known to dpkg08:33
ogra_ibookogra@aleph:~$ dpkg -S /etc/hotplug/blacklist.d08:36
ogra_ibookhotplug, alsa-base, linux-sound-base: /etc/hotplug/blacklist.d08:36
ogra_ibookmine is cleaver :)08:36
Kamionoh, what do you know, it is the maintainer script doing it08:37
Kamionit doesn't matter though, it's || true'd and it doesn't try to force it08:37
Kamionit should really use rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty though08:38
Kamion(which would suppress the error message too)08:38
KamionI'll go clean that up08:41
=== OculusAquilae [n=oculus@p548D031B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu-devel
mhzfabbione: ping08:58
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fabbionemhz: pong09:38
=== spacey_ki [n=spacey@flits101-191.flits.rug.nl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
lamonthrm... /me will miss the distro-team meeting tonight09:47
fabbioneOH CRAP09:48
fabbioneit's already THAT thursday of the month!09:48
pittifabbione: yes :(09:48
=== fabbione ponders
fabbionepitti: why #ubuntu-devel????09:48
fabbionewe always did it in #ubuntu-meeting09:49
Burgworkfabbione, likely a typo09:49
Burgworkjdub, ping09:49
pittifabbione: oh, sorry, that was a typo09:49
=== lucas [n=lucas@d213-103-255-197.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== zeedo [n=zeedo@reboot-robot.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbioneelmo, Kamion: would you be so nice to NEW the sparc kernel when  you have a minute? so i can kick l-r-m09:53
=== aigarius [n=aigarius@] has joined #ubuntu-devel
elmofabbione: it's not in NEW09:53
=== fabbione scratches his head...
elmodoes anyone know if it's safe to take home from an amd64 box and copy it across to an i386 one?  i.e. any common apps which store stuff in 32/64 sensitive format in ~/09:54
fabbioneelmo: thanks... i missed the mail of ACCEPT :(09:55
fabbioneelmo: it should be. i share my /home with all our 7 arches..09:55
fabbionemake that 6..09:55
fabbionem68k doesn't count :)09:56
elmofabbione: any 64 vs. 32 tho?09:56
elmoI suppose endian switching should be guarantee enough09:56
fabbioneelmo: amd64/hppa/i386/sparc64/ia64/ppc09:56
fabbionei use all of them..09:57
fabbionesame /home09:57
elmofabbione: k, thanks09:57
fabbionei didn't notice anything...09:57
fabbione... hmm.. hold on.. where is my GPG key???09:57
maswanwork has $HOME in afs, shared between amd64, i386, AIX.. hmm.. no sparc/solaris anymore though09:57
maswanI'd consider it a fairly big bug to have things break because you switch arch09:58
=== BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu-devel
elmoyeah, I'd assume it would work, but I've never tried it before, esp. on a desktop, so I thought I'd ask09:59
fabbioneelmo: are you just tarring up the data? or moving the disk?09:59
elmorsyncing from backup10:00
elmoI'm trashing an amd64 laptop, reinstalling it as i38610:00
fabbionenah no problem than10:00
fabbioneelmo: why?10:01
ograoh, have fun with the fans then :)10:02
=== mpt [n=mpt@203-167-187-41.dsl.clear.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbioneelmo: do you have userland or kernel problems?10:02
elmofabbione: userland, need proprietary crap to work10:03
fabbioneelmo: as proprietary drivers for the kernel i assume10:03
elmono, proprietary userland10:03
fabbioneelmo: than let me give you a suggestion10:03
fabbioneinstall whatever release you want with standard kernel10:04
fabbionegrab the the proper amd64 kernel .deb10:04
fabbionedpkg -x blabla.deb .10:04
fabbionedpkg -e blabla.deb10:04
fabbionein DEBIAN/* there are only 3 or 4 references to amd6410:04
fabbionethat changed to i38610:04
fabbione+ a dpkg-deb -b10:05
fabbionewill give you a nice amd64 kernel for an i386 userland .deb :)10:05
fabbioneelmo: sounds crack, but it works perfectly10:05
fabbioneand you get all the hw support from amd64 with 32 bit userland10:05
ograoh, thats nice to know ...10:06
maswanor just not bother about it, sounds unlikely that you need 64-bit adressing on a laptop10:06
elmofabbione: hmm, nice idea, but I'm going for maximum stability + simplicity, as this laptop's going on the road with a new-to-linux-user and needs to Just Work10:06
sivangelmo: is that a light weight laptop?10:06
maswanand the rest of it is just performance10:06
ogramy fans always freakout if i use a 32bit os on this amd64 lappie10:06
=== sivang wanted to get one sometime ago
fabbioneelmo: ok.. in that case it makes sense, be sure the i386 kernel can control fans and so on..10:06
fabbionemaswan: well. not only. there are some chipsets that are not supported by x8610:07
fabbionethe one that are specific for x86_64 only10:07
fabbionelike dunno.. thermal control?10:07
fabbioneotherwise the battery on that laptop will last approx 10 minutes10:07
fabbioneelmo: i think we will ship such a kernel in universe.. BenC and I didn't agree yet on how to build it :)10:08
ogramine hovers 1m above the ground on i386 kernel... i never tried it on byttery10:08
spacey_kiquite impressive with that weight :)10:08
=== ogra really hopes elmo has no acer in front of him
elmono, it's a compaq10:09
elmopresario v2200 or something10:09
maswanfabbione: oh, I didn't know that10:09
ograah, that leaves some hope10:09
elmoI'll check the fans etc. work once it's installed10:09
fabbionemaswan: ehehe10:09
elmowow, that's impressively confused10:13
elmothe wireless stack thinks the pcmcia card is both eth1 _and_ eth210:13
dilingersomeone else saw this earlier10:16
dilinger<flamingcow> 08:22:23.908402 00:30:48:51:88:c3 > Broadcast, ethertype ARP (0x0806), length 42: arp who-has tell
dilingerlet's hear it for confused kernels10:16
fabbioneelmo: is that an aironet/cisco card?10:17
psusiohh, that's probably an anti collision check10:18
elmofabbione: yeah it is10:19
fabbioneelmo: i was that problem only with the airo pci version of the card and only with .15. I didn't have time to bisect the kernel, but unload and reload the module seems to do the trick10:20
fabbioneand it doesn't even happen all the time10:20
elmoit didn't happen with an amd64 kernel :(10:20
fabbioneyes.. i386 only it seems10:20
fabbioneppc doesn't do that either10:20
elmoyeah, this is the cisco from my powerbook, and I never saw it there10:21
fabbioneelmo: i guess that one is .12, isn't it?10:21
=== fabbione wishes elmo will say it's .15
ografor a newbie on the road ? 10:22
fabbioneogra: i think that laptop is new enough that needs .1510:22
ograbut that breaks a lot with breezy ...10:23
maswanit's just a sign that the release cycle is way too long, it should be a new release every 3 weeks!10:24
=== maswan ducks
fabbioneactually releasing every month or two is almost doable, if you can live without new features and no new crack :P10:25
ogra3 weeks is fine, then the freezes would only be 2 weeks max :)10:25
maswanfabbione: actually, I'd love to see a breezy backport of 2.6.15. we currently run a hacked-together kernel.org on our workstations, but it lacks some stuff, like alsa. :)10:26
=== jammcq_office [n=jam@adsl-68-250-145-129.dsl.sfldmi.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
maswanfabbione: flight-2 wasn't quite up to it for my main workstation at work. :)10:26
fabbionemaswan: you can't.. you will need too much from dapper to make it worth a backport10:27
maswanfabbione: yeah, I know10:27
maswanfabbione: that's why it's a kernel.org and not dapper kernel10:27
fabbionewell whatever you say :)10:27
maswan"it's" - the thing we run now10:28
maswanwould have been neat if there was an ubuntu 2.6.15 to run though10:28
maswanbut I'll guess we'll just wait until dapper releases10:28
fabbioneiirc the udev requirements between ubuntu and kernel.org are the same10:29
=== sivang uses dapper on his workstation since ~month now, all is good except for evo disappearing one day, and coming back after :)
=== sivang should switch to mutt at work as well
sivanganyway, I'm off - night everyone10:29
maswanfabbione: well, it works mostly fine for us as it is10:29
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maswanfabbione: just saying that it was rather annoying finding breezy and all other relaesed distributions uninstallable. :)10:32
=== rikai-2 [n=gtk2@pool-64-223-236-91.port.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbionemaswan: you lost me...10:32
fabbionemaswan: what do you mean other released distros uninstallable?10:33
fabbionewhat workstations do you have?10:33
Burgworkhow do I debug gnome-session hanging?10:33
maswanfabbione: fujitsu-siemens athlon64 x2 with a new enough sis chipset to need 2.6.15 to find the sata disk10:33
psusican mutt generate mbox indexes, or does it have to read and parse the entire thing every time like pine?  that doesn't work too well on 50 MB mboxes10:34
fabbionemaswan: ahhhhhh ok10:34
maswanfabbione: the bundled fedora core 4 dvd didn't install either. :)10:34
mdkepsusi, #ubuntu can help10:34
fabbionemaswan: that's something similar to what i had to do to install my ppc10:34
psusiheh... sivang mentioned he uses mutt... figure'd pose the question... I don't think it can, and i"m happy with thunderbird... was just curious10:35
maswanfabbione: we just hacked together something out of kernel.org sources though, and it works. lacks some stuff, like alsa sound and possibly hal/dbus stuff. and splashy thingies. but it works. :)10:35
ograBurgwork, easiest is probably to run a failsafe terminal session and run gnome-session manually10:35
ograBurgwork, or run it with gdb if you have a -dbg package around10:36
fabbionemaswan: you could try installing .15 from dapper on one of them.10:36
maswanfabbione: We have installed flight-2 on them. Installing the dapper kernel seemed to want to pull in a bit too much from dapper though.10:37
maswanfabbione: we have test-installed flight-2 I mean10:37
=== TheMuso [n=luke@dsl-202-173-132-131.nsw.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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elmofabbione: fyi, that tricked didn't work too great for this laptop, pcmcia doesn't come up at all10:46
elmoor at least airo_cs doesn't work10:46
elmoand I've got "APIC error on CPU0" in the logs 10:46
fabbionehold on10:46
fabbionecat /proc/cmdline 10:47
fabbioneroot=/dev/mapper/Ubuntu-root ro quiet splash noapic10:47
fabbionetry adding the noapic to the boot options10:47
fabbioneor disable it from the BIOS if you can10:47
fabbioneapic makes baby jesus cry10:47
elmothis laptop is making me cry10:48
fabbionedo you also have airo loaded?10:48
fabbioneor only airo_cs ?10:48
ograi thought thats only the liar apic or lapic :)10:48
fabbionei know mine is airo..10:48
fabbionethe module i unload and reload10:48
elmofabbione: ok, got rid of the APIC errors with no apic,but still no cisco love10:50
=== seb128 [n=seb128@ubuntu/member/seb128] has joined #ubuntu-devel
elmomodprobe-ing airo or airo_cs runs without  error, it just doesn't find the card10:50
fabbionedid you try to stop and start pcmcia from init.d?10:51
elmothat generated a bunch of ioctl32(cadmgr:7557): Unknown cmd fd(3) cmd(c0146402){00} arg(0806f388 on /var/run/cm-7557-1 (deleted) in dmesg10:52
elmoI think/guess 32-bit cardmgr doesn't work with 64-bit kernel (anymore?)10:52
=== ompaul [n=ompaul@213-202-131-158.bas502.dsl.esat.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbionei thought you were using a 32bit kernel?11:06
ograhe tried your suggestion11:06
fabbioneelmo: it's possible that compat_ioctl are broken11:07
fabbionethere are not that many people using that setup11:07
fabbionei guess you win the biscuit for finding one of them11:07
fabbioneelmo fabbione: fyi, that tricked didn't work too <- i guess this one was referred to amd64->i38611:11
ograthats how i understood him 11:11
fabbionetime to boot into the new kernel11:11
fabbionebrb (hopefully)11:12
elmook, not feeling the ubuntu love on turion laptops, it has to be said11:12
=== sven-tek [n=sven-tek@p508E70F2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ogracant you run the proprietary app in a 32bit chroot on the 64bit os ? 11:13
ograsince i guess the amd64 version runs fine11:14
=== lamont [n=lamont@mib.fc.hp.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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elmoargh, how do I convince gnome to use run a damn shell script and not throw up a confusing prompt?11:31
ograyou reate a launcher to launch the script11:31
elmohow do I do that?11:32
ograright click on the desktop11:32
seb128elmo: you mean the "show" "launch" ... dialog?11:33
seb128there is a nautilus preference to always open them as text or always run them11:34
elmoseb128: ah, thanks11:34
ograah, yes, that too11:34
elmoI'll try a launcher tho, that sounds fun11:34
lifelessseb128: an actual preference? or a gconf hidden flag ?11:36
seb128lifeless: UI preference11:36
ogralifeless, actual preference iirc ...11:36
=== sabdfl [n=mark@ubuntu/member/pdpc.silver.sabdfl] has joined #ubuntu-devel
lifelesssabdfl: btw LOVED your warthogs mail ;)11:37
=== fabbione [i=fabbione@gordian.fabbione.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
fabbionethis wasn't such a great jump11:38
fabbionecups doesn't stop properly11:39
fabbionethere is a typo somewhere in the init scripts at shutdown11:39
fabbionethat gives a syntax error on /etc/init.d/rc11:39
fabbionereboot asked me for a root/maintain passwd after that error (i assume they are related)11:40
fabbione(line 210 of that file)11:40
fabbioneat boot we have "Setting system clock" twice11:40
fabbionea postfix reload error11:40
fabbioneand the worst thing is the new gdm logout screen that seems to be written by m$ :P11:41
ograoh thats in already ? 11:41
fabbioneimho it's horrible11:41
fabbioneit did really scare me11:42
ograi havent upgraded for some days11:42
fabbionethis is a 30 minutes ago dapper11:42
lamontfabbione: hwclockfirst.sh and hwclock.sh11:42
fabbionelamont: is that wanted?11:42
lamontI suppose I could make the messages slightly different11:42
lamontiz necessary11:42
lamontit's always been there, but I cleaned up a bunch of bugs by merging the files11:42
fabbionei think it would be a good idea to see 2 slightly different messages11:43
lamontso now hwclockfirst.sh is a sed command to generate it from the other11:43
lamontfabbione: ok.  file a bug in bz and assign it to me?  (or at least make me a cc)11:43
fabbionelamont: sure :)11:43
fabbioneit's nothing urgent11:43
lamontwhat was the postfix reload error?11:43
fabbionefor people used to read what happens at boot, it seems an error11:44
fabbionelamont: dunno... it's masked by the boot thingy and lsb11:44
fabbioneit happens immediatly after network comes up11:44
fabbioneso i *think* it's that script you put in /etc/network/if-up.d or something11:44
fabbionei assume the error is due to the fact that postfix isn't running et11:45
fabbioneand it attempts to stop/start it again11:45
lamontfabbione: actually, the old hwclockfirst.sh didn't print anything11:45
lamontI suppose I'll have to track that down11:45
=== BenC [n=bcollins@debian/developer/bcollins] has joined #ubuntu-devel
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elmoholy COW this is annoying11:52
elmois there anythingmore I have to do in gnome to get it to change the keyboard, beyond selecting the layout in keyboard preferences?11:55
elmomaybe I'm going insane, but I'm sure this worked for amd64 and is no longer working on the same machine in x86 mode11:55
seb128what is not working?11:55
elmoit's stuck in UK mode, and I want it in Canadian French11:56
elmo(seriously :P)11:56
seb128did you select different layouts or only one?11:56
elmoI've still got UK in there, it's just not marked as default and is at the bottom11:56
ograand did you use the anguage selector ? 11:56
elmoI'll try removing it entirely11:56
seb128it's xorg bog11:56
elmoogra: no! I only want the keyboard changed11:56
elmoseb128: oh, really?11:56
elmois there a workaround?11:56
seb128do you use breezy or dapper?11:57
seb128having 1 layout only is a workaround11:57
elmoseb128: breezy11:57
elmook, 1 layout works11:57
elmoseb128: thanks a lot11:57
seb128that's supposed to be fixed with xkeyboard-config from breezy-updates, daniels fixed that after the 5.10 freeze11:58
elmohmm, it doesn't seem to fixed, and I've got breezy-updates installed11:59
=== Gman- [n=gman@nwkea-socks-1.sun.com] has joined #ubuntu-devel
seb128does "setxkbmap -layout 'ca,gb' -model pc105 -option '' | xkbcomp - :0.0" returns some error after the list of warnings?12:00
elmooh dear god, it's STILL in UK mode12:00
seb128pc105 to replace by your pc10n variant12:00
=== elmo STABS this stupid montrealian laptop
jdubfabbione: you're famous! :)12:00
jdubelmo: quebecistani :)12:00
fabbionejdub: ?12:00
jdubfabbione: your interview -> FRIDGE TIME!12:01
ograi'd still check the input methods column in the language selector .... :)12:01
fabbionejdub: dude HALT!12:01
fabbionejdub: only if you add one NOTE12:01
fabbionejdub: it's not my ITAGLISH in there12:01
fabbionei was asked to answer in italian12:01
fabbionesomebody did translate it12:01
jdubok, will do12:01
fabbioneand missed some stuff12:01

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