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LaserJockmdz: ping?01:40
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poningruso question01:42
poningruif fat is patented can we still support it?01:43
HiddenWolfponingru, patent didn't or will not hold up.01:43
psusithey can't possibly patent it this late in the game... but if they did, no, we couldn't01:43
HiddenWolfpsusi, I think they did, then dropped it.01:43
psusithey tried, yes... I saw the storry01:43
psusiand with the crap the patent office has been approving lately, I wouldn't be surprised if they got it01:44
psusibut I would be surprised if it held of up court if someone with money challenged it01:44
poningruthey just allowed it01:44
HiddenWolfthey did?01:44
psusiif they actually got a patent approved, I'd like to see it... so I can shoot the clerk who approved it01:45
psusiyou can NOT patent something 25 years after inventing it and after it has become public knowledge01:45
poningrupsusi: my sentiments exactly01:45
HiddenWolfMicrosoft's attempt to create a lucrative future revenue stream from its patent portfolio has tripped at the first hurdle. After an appeal, the US Patent Office has struck down Microsoft's '517 patent (USPTO 5,579, 517) on the FAT file system.01:45
HiddenWolf30th september 0401:45
poningruHiddenWolf: yeah 3 months ago01:45
HiddenWolfHm, weird shit.01:46
psusieven if it meeds the novel and non obvious requirements, once it becomes public knowledge, you can not patent it01:47
mjrthe patents, iirc, had to do with storing long filenames on FAT (truly innovative, yes...)01:47
mjrso it was not FAT per se01:47
psusihe... yea... that was bloody well non obvious.... NOT01:47
psusiand in any case, it's been widely known and used public knowledge for years, which invalidates any new applications for patent01:48
HiddenWolfgees, it's been around since '7701:48
poningrudoh thats me not reading the articles01:48
HiddenWolfpsusi, someone first has to go to court for it. :)01:48
mdzLaserJock: pong01:50
psusionly if the dumb fucking twits in the patent office actually issue a patent01:50
psusithen yea... someone has to be willing to fork out big bucks for lawyers to go after the patent01:50
poningrumdz: sorry to bother you but how come you dont blog?01:51
psusior rather, someone has to violate the patent, then get sued for it, then fork out big bucks defending themselves01:51
LaserJockmdz: I'm Jordan Mantha, the plotdrop packager. I was a little uncertain of you your debian-mentors email01:51
=== psusi doesn't like the term "blog"... sounds like something you do in the bathroom
=== HiddenWolf agrees
zulheehehe...you said blog01:52
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psusispeaking of that... I'm working up a good blog right now...01:53
psusioh sheesh.. I'm a retard01:54
psusiI added the -g to the CFLAGS in the makefile... didn't notice it had a -s in there...01:54
psusiwell, that's enough... time to go home01:55
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segfaultthat new logout window is nice02:17
segfaulthowever, it doesn't lock the screen 02:17
segfaultmaybe something like gksudo does would be great02:19
Amaranthit's kind of not finished yet :)02:31
sorush20Amaranth: anyone here working on making dvd playback and codec32 native linux?02:33
HiddenWolfsorush20, impossible02:33
HiddenWolfpatentend stuff02:33
HiddenWolfillegal in the us.02:33
HiddenWolfand other nations.02:34
Amaranthnot to mention hard/impossible to actually code02:34
HiddenWolfAmaranth, there is that. :)02:34
HiddenWolfThat's what undocumented, unspecified closed standards give you. :)02:34
HiddenWolfjdub, ping02:38
sorush20actully code?02:38
sorush20how hard can it be?02:39
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Amaranthsorush20: You have absolutely no details on the format.02:41
sorush20Amaranth: we are talking about takeing millions of frames are running them in sequence with a sound layer too in sequence.. right?02:41
Amaranththat's the easy part02:41
Amaranththe codec turns the video file into that02:42
HiddenWolfgetting to the point where you have frames to work with, that's tricky. :)02:42
sorush20the encoding is just the compression , what you are sying is decompressing is hard right? 02:42
sorush20and the codec's act as a key to decompress?02:42
sorush20Linux for human beings is one that can be free and can decode dvd and etc. not one that enables hours of chat and etc. 02:44
HiddenWolfsorush20, without actually knowing the specifications of the format or the codec, it is working in the blind with a hand tied behind your back02:45
Amaranthsorush20: Blame the United States Government02:45
Amaranthand/or the media industry02:45
=== HiddenWolf agrees with Amaranth
HiddenWolfsorush20, closed source means there is _no way_ of knowing what a complex thing does and how it does it without very extensive trial-and-error testing and engineering by very good programmers.02:46
sorush20HiddenWolf: I'm sure obtaining the file format spec is easyier than getting your hand on the spec for a uranium centrifuge. 02:46
HiddenWolfsorush20, reverse engineering is forbidden in a lot of countries to complicate matters.02:46
HiddenWolfsorush20, microsoft is very, very tough on security for it's specs.02:47
AmaranthOne is available with the right friends, the other is only available from a single company that guards it closely.02:47
HiddenWolfbesides, you'd be suid for a felony of IP theft.02:47
HiddenWolfsued, even.02:47
sorush20a files format can not even be reverse engineered?02:48
kentsorush20, if it was possible to ship dvd-support it would have been shipped,  there is no way to expect more friendlyness.  :(02:48
sorush20the open source formats are not good enough for dvd? 02:49
sorush20ogg etc. 02:49
HiddenWolfsorush20, it can be, by talented and dedicated people02:49
HiddenWolfsorush20, we can write it if we get the specifications02:49
HiddenWolfwe don't have the specs02:49
HiddenWolfif we had, we'd have no right to use them02:49
HiddenWolfif we'd ship them if we had we would be sued02:49
HiddenWolfthere is at present no way to legally play dvd or wmv on Linux02:50
sorush20are we allowed to read the files in alternative methods?02:50
kentHiddenWolf, but OSX can do it right? so its just about the $ in the end?  Cant say, lika..  a former astronout pay for it? haha. :)02:50
sorush20what about the blueray disk02:50
Amaranthsorush20: even worse than DVD02:50
HiddenWolfkent, The question is, do you want to fund development for a couple of years, or pay for mp3 support02:50
HiddenWolfkent, dvd, bluray, wmv are not for sale at present02:51
Amaranthkent: Pretty hard to get a license for everyone in the world to use and freely distribute something that usually gets billed per user.02:51
HiddenWolfFluendo is likely to change that with gstreamer-nonfree plugins, but that is a legal minefield.02:51
kentHiddenWolf. I understand. I dont have dvd in my computer so id rather the monny went to development. ;) hihi02:51
AmaranthHiddenWolf: Only with GPL'd frontends and GPL'd plugins.02:51
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sorush20what is fluendo02:51
AmaranthHiddenWolf: Banshee is MIT and most plugins are LGPL'd02:52
HiddenWolfAmaranth, and gpl players linking to gstreamer.02:52
sorush20gstreamer-nonfree 02:52
AmaranthHiddenWolf: I mentioned that already.02:52
=== kent hopes for free hardware in the future. Devloped freely with open specs but sold commersially. :)
HiddenWolfAmaranth, hm, right.02:52
HiddenWolfkent, nice, but OT here. :)02:52
HiddenWolfsorush20, fluendo.com02:52
HiddenWolfsorush20, this is getting off topic02:53
Amaranthsucks that the only player you can use with nonfree plugins needs a software stack that may or may not have it's own legal issues02:53
AmaranthThis is why software patents suck. :P02:53
HiddenWolfAmaranth, yeah, well. :)02:53
HiddenWolfGo EU.02:53
=== Amaranth wonders if canada has software patents
Amaranththat's less than 1000 miles away...02:54
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HiddenWolfAmaranth, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_patents02:55
sorush20HiddenWolf: I though they rejected the patent think02:57
poningrusorush20 and others: we do have a #ubuntu-offtopic 03:03
Riddellinfinity: please give back kmymoney203:04
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infinityRiddell: Done.03:08
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HiddenWolfAmaranth, if you think patents are bad...03:12
HiddenWolfAn Ohio man who claims that he was humiliated by two other participants in an AOL chatroom has sued the two men for causing emotional distress and the ISP for failing to stop the alleged abuse, according to a report from Law.com.03:13
HiddenWolfAnd if you tell me to go to -offtopic, I'll sue. ;)03:13
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Riddellanyone know what icon gnome uses for its zeroconf stuff?03:17
Riddellhmm, avahi seems to use a funny bear icon, hardly intuitive03:18
mjg59Riddell: The service discovery applet is a globe with a small question mark on it03:18
Riddellah, globes, can't go wrong with them I suppose03:19
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zakameelmo : please sync octave2.1 from Sid, overriding Ubuntu ok, thanks :)04:00
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freestoneMithrandir: U there?04:31
danielsfreestone: it's like 6am in norway04:31
freestoneIt's Wednesday there.04:32
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freestoneWhere is infinity located?04:32
danielsyeah.  4:32am on wednesday.04:32
freestoneinfinity: U there??04:33
HiddenWolfdaniels, sorry to ask, had a debate about it earlier, what is the roadmap for X and acceleration, (xgl, exa etc) Is any of it likely to become mainstream in a reasonable time?04:34
infinityfreestone: Here.04:35
freestoneAnyone - Yesterday Mithrandir said he'd get me an updated base system with cd boot fix, but he didn't email me.04:35
freestoneHi infinity04:35
freestoneinfinity: see my continued question about base sytem04:35
infinityfreestone: On which architecture?04:35
freestoneDoes anyone know if the base was updated to handle firewire cds isos, and if so, how I can get the updated iso?04:36
freestoneinfinity: 38604:36
danielsHiddenWolf: exa is the short-term, and people are working on fixing its problem snow04:37
freestoneinfinity: btw, where are you located?04:37
danielsxgl is the longer-term handwavy future04:37
HiddenWolfdaniels, shortterm as "within a couple of releases" ?04:38
danielsHiddenWolf: short-term as in touch and go for dapper but definitely dapper+104:38
danielsit's already a lot better than xaa in most regards (if you haven't tried exa + xcompmgr -a, do so now)04:39
HiddenWolfI'm mildly impressed now.04:39
mjg59daniels: Can we build stuff with EXA support for Dapper, even if it's not enabled by default?04:39
danielsmjg59: we already are04:39
HiddenWolfConsidering the acceleration - eyecandy chicken-egg problem...04:40
danielsmjg59: i'll be patching i810 and probably nv before I leave, and sis/radeon is already there.  but no guarantees on future maintenance obviously.04:40
mjg59daniels: Excellent04:40
mjg59daniels: Is the i810 stuff in a sensible state now?04:40
infinityfreestone: a) I'm in Australia, b) I have no idea if Mithrandir made firewire work yet.04:40
danielshopefully anholt will beat it into better shape04:40
mjg59Is he going to give us mode-setting code?04:41
freestoneinfinity: thanks04:43
freestonedaniels: Hi - just for completeness, where are you located?04:44
danielsfreestone: i have nothing to do with that sort of stuff ...04:44
freestoneinfinity: can  you do what is necessary to make ieee1394 firewire cd work on the base system?  If no, do you know if anyone on this channel can?04:45
freestonedaniels: what "sort of stuff"?04:46
danielsfreestone: live cd, base system, install cd, kernel, etc04:47
HiddenWolfdaniels, the deb is still called kdrive? or is packages.u.c out of date?04:47
freestonedaniels: Er, ok, thanks, nice to know.  But, where are ou located?04:48
danielsfreestone: .au04:48
danielsHiddenWolf: the deb of what?04:49
danielsHiddenWolf: there's xserver-xorg-* for xorg (some with exa), xserver-xglx for an out of date xgl (but that'll change), and xserver-xephyr for xephyr04:49
danielsi'll hopefully be producing kdrive packages in a week or so04:49
freestonedaniels: thx.  &, now, for the other completeness, what stuff is your specialty?04:49
HiddenWolfdaniels, ok. thanks, i'll take no more time, rock on. 04:50
infinityfreestone: The casper changelog doesn't look like Mithrandir has tackled firewire in livecds yet.  He'll get to it, I'm sure.04:50
freestoneinfinity: thx04:52
freestoneinfinity: btw, is the casper changelog something I can access, if so where & how?04:53
freestoneinfinity: thx05:14
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mdkeinfinity, nudge nudge wink wink08:56
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jdubyay, my quebecistani craptop can halt now! (fglrx unfucked.)09:30
infinityNo radeon love for the Quebecois?09:31
Burgundaviaseb128, with rb doing cd burning, are we going to drop serpentine?09:32
jdubBurgundavia: it's a pretty unclear UI; i wouldn't back it.09:33
seb128Burgundavia: same as jdub09:33
seb128hey jdub :)09:33
jdubyo seb128 09:33
Burgundaviajdub, seb128 ok, just wondering09:33
Keybukjdub: still dealing with insurance for your old one?09:33
jduboddly the synaptics thingy still isn't working though\09:35
Mithrandirubuntu-desktop is uninstallable.09:35
infinitySHOCK AND HORROR.09:35
Mithrandirinfinity: well, it means the live cds won't work, and I would _really_ want them to.09:36
Mithrandiralso, ravel seems to be down.09:36
Mithrandiror just dog slow09:36
infinityYeah.  Looks like the gimpprint->gutenprint thing is hung up on main promotions.09:36
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infinityAnyhow, let me see about getting you some squashed filesystems.09:36
Keybukjdub: mine got fixed with the new package that got installed yesterday09:37
Mithrandirinfinity: that's just promotions, no inclusion reports needed?09:37
infinityYou find an ftpmaster to help you. :)09:37
Mithrandirsure, Kamion? :-)09:37
infinitygimp-print -> gutenprint is a project rename, shouldn't need an inclusion report.09:37
jdubKeybuk: the updated xserver-xorg-input-synaptics?09:37
jdubmaybe i should re-dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:37
Keybukas apposed to the one that installed the files in the wrong place, and didn't work at all09:38
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lucasis it possible to inline images on the ubuntu wiki ?09:38
lucassomebody has an example page ?09:38
jdublucas: wiki.ubuntu.com/JeffWaugh09:39
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lucaseasy ;)09:40
jdubKeybuk: least i can restart my xserver without bringing down the machine now ;-)09:40
jdubno love with mousey09:41
infinityMithrandir: Do you want anything special on this squash?... Or just a vanilla invocation?09:41
Mithrandirinfinity: squashed vanilla, please.09:42
jdub... and still can't use ati driver. 8)09:42
jdubMithrandir: tasty.09:42
Treenaksjdub: have you seen daniels? I was supposed to kick him about xorg/ati last Monday09:43
MithrandirKamion: it seems like foomatic-db-gutenprint and cupsys-driver-gutenprint needs main-promotion., as per infinity's and my conversation above.09:43
jdubTreenaks: he mentioned that09:43
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infinityKamion: Though it's not (yet) stopping desktop installability, I'd love if all the MySQL 5.0 stuff (mysql-{client,server}-5.0, libmysqlclient15{,-dev} could find its way to main too, so I can start rebuilding the world.09:46
Mithrandirelmo: please sync ttf-dejavu from unstable, overriding ubuntu changes is ok.09:46
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infinitylibc6-dev-i386 depends libc6-i686, and I have a libc6-i386.  YAY.09:51
=== infinity fixes.
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KamionMithrandir: gutenprint stuff promoted10:03
MithrandirKamion: thanks a lot.10:04
Kamionargh, hope I didn't collide with the unfortunate bit of cron.daily10:04
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Kamionprobably not ...10:04
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lucasis there currently a problem with automatic syncing from debian ? clamav, dpkg-awk or sodipodi are packages that should have been synced but aren't10:06
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sivanggood morning10:08
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Kamionlucas: all those packages were uploaded after cron.daily on 9 Jan, and thus were not actually part of Debian unstable until after the sync run yesterday; they should be part of today's sync10:12
lucasoh ok10:13
lucasthank you10:13
Kamioninfinity: I assume mdz's OKed mysql 5.0?10:15
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mvois there a good way to recover from a machine that is trashing because of memory pressure? I would like to save the runing processes before forcing a reboot (to analyze what went wrong)10:17
Keybukthere's a SysRq for that isn't there?10:18
mvoI think there is, I just can't remember it10:18
KeybukSysRq-E is send TERM to all processes10:18
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KeybukSysRq-S is sync filesystems10:18
KeybukSysRq-U is unmount them10:19
KeybukSysRq-B is reboot10:19
StevenKmvo: Ctrl-ScrollLock10:19
StevenKIt's incredibly verbose, though.10:20
mvoKeybuk: I know S-U-B by heart from the the good old days :) 10:21
mvoStevenK: thanks, trying that now10:21
Keybukmvo: I always think "dive! dive! dive!" when I type that10:21
StevenKIt doesn't seem to work on my Breezy box.10:21
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mvoKeybuk: haha, yeah!10:21
dholbachhello developers!10:22
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dholbachhey mvo, hey Keybuk10:22
mvodholbach: the apt-get.org build script made my machine trashing10:23
=== mvo stares at dholbach
dholbachmvo: what? who? where? what is trashed?10:23
mvoStevenK: SysRq-T is show tasks, it's on it, but to busy to show them :)10:24
dholbachmvo: do you run pbuilders in parallel? :)10:24
mvodholbach: 1G mem/1G swap is not enough, the machine is full (memwise) and dosn't do anything but runing over it's swap and trying to get some pages 10:24
mvodholbach: no!10:24
mvo(I hope)10:24
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=== StevenK wonders if Magic SysRq is disabled.
dholbachmvo: do you know what it is building momentarily?10:25
mvoworks in dapper10:25
StevenKWell, it isn't. Maybe I've forgotten how to use it.10:25
mvodholbach: no, I don't get answers from SysRq-M currently10:25
mvoit's in a pretty bad state10:25
infinityKamion: It was okayed before I had it synched, yes.10:26
=== mvo wonders if he can blame the kernel team somehow. where is the OOM killer when one needs it
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Kamioninfinity: ok then, promoted10:28
Kamionnot built on ia64 yet?10:28
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infinityNothing's building on ia64 while we sort out the gcj-4.0 failure (which causes a chain reaction that ends up in debhelper being uninstallable)10:31
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sabdflseb128: morning10:34
seb128sabdfl: hi10:34
sabdfli'm trying to fix the default browser issue locally10:34
sabdflsystem -> preferences -> preferred applications10:34
Keybuk. o O { don't you just hate it when the boss joins, and says morning to *just* you?  you know something's gone wrong :p }10:34
seb128sabdfl: just run the sytem, preference, preferred app capplet10:34
seb128sabdfl: and pick firefox10:35
sabdfl'k willdo, thanks10:35
sabdflmorning keybuk ;-)10:35
Kamioninfinity: ah, ok10:36
dholbachhi sabdfl10:36
StevenKKeybuk: This happens at work more than I care to admit ...10:38
Mithrandirseb128: do you know anything about inotify?  I'm wondering how I can get notification about stuff being mounted.10:40
seb128Mithrandir: inotify like the linux inotify, or like libnotify?10:40
Mithrandirlike linux inotify.10:41
seb128nop, not really10:41
Mithrandirpitti might, when he gets around10:41
seb128maybe mvo has some clue on it, he did some hack with gam stuff10:41
Mithrandirmvo: do you?10:41
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KeybukMithrandir: you can't through inotify ... I thiiink there's a uevent for that though10:42
Keybukthough I can't see it10:42
MithrandirKeybuk: if I watch a path which doesn't exist (say /media/sda1/foo) and it then gets mounted and something accesses foo, I'll get told?10:43
Keybukafaik, no10:43
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Keybukthere's some notification for it, but I'm buggered if I can remember what off hand10:43
Keybukfabbione is who you may need to ask10:43
Keybukor pitti10:43
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mvoMithrandir: I use it in update-notifier (using libfam). but for mount events libhal might be the better choice10:45
Mithrandirmvo: this is going to be code in the initramfs, so I was hoping not to use lots of libraries.10:45
mvoMithrandir: I'm sorry then, I haven't used inotify directly (only through a library)10:46
Mithrandirmvo: ok, thanks anyway10:46
Mithrandirlibfam is 27k, that's decent enough10:47
Mithrandirhal needs dbus and stuff, so that's out, I think.10:47
MithrandirI can just watch /proc/mounts, I guess.10:48
mvoMithrandir: sorry, make that libgamin010:48
StevenK"What do you mean we now need 128Mb of RAM for the initramfs?!"10:48
=== StevenK giggles.
dholbachStevenK is obviously in a good mood.10:49
Mithrandirmvo: does it need any daemons or stuff running?10:49
StevenKdholbach: There's a thunderstorm happening - I love storms.10:50
blue-frogstrace totem > file would be something that is needed when filling in a bug?10:50
StevenKblue-frog: strace -f -o file totem10:50
blue-frogk ty10:50
StevenKOh, and I have ice cream, so doubly happy here.10:51
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dholbachthat sounds good :-)10:51
mvoMithrandir: probably gamin server, so it might be the best to use inotify directly. there was a lwn article about the interface a while ago IIRC10:51
blue-froghum no i belive this command is to open a file, totem crashes when i just launch it10:51
Mithrandirmvo: I have it mostly working10:52
dholbachblue-frog: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash is more important then10:52
Mithrandirmvo: the interface is nice enough, it's just that it doesn't give me all I want, like mounting of file systems.10:52
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mvoMithrandir: I see, the only solution I know off-hand is libhal, sorry10:53
seb128blue-frog: no10:53
KeybukMithrandir: there appears to be a inotify mount/unmount event10:53
seb128blue-frog: strace is not useful, gdb "bt" is10:53
seb128blue-frog: for a crasher I mean10:54
MithrandirKeybuk: not in /usr/include/linux/inotify.h?10:54
blue-frogam reading the page but unfortunately i won't be able to help in that case as i don't see a totem-debug in synaptic10:55
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Keybukoh, that just has UNMOUNT10:55
dholbachblue-frog: if you follow the instructions that's enough10:55
adrian15Hello to all. I've developed a grub disk called Super Grub Disk that can be used to restore grub on mbr automatically. Is there any possibility that you mix it into your live/ installation cds? What do you think about it? http://adrian15.raulete.net/grub/ Any ubuntu boot loader developer round here, perhaps ? Thank you.10:55
MithrandirKeybuk: yeah, that works fine10:55
blue-frogdholbach, yeah ok used command line got the stuff downloading10:56
fabbioneadrian15: it would probably be better to mail to ubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com10:56
fabbioneadrian15: so that people can have time to read and look at it10:56
Kamionadrian15: I was intending to integrate grub-installer with our existing rescue mode instead; all the code's there, it just needs to be glued together10:56
Kamionin fact I have most of the code here ...10:57
Kamionthat way, everything works the same way10:57
adrian15Kamion: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show  Would it be the same as I can found in this wiki with the mounts with bind options and all of this ?10:57
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Kamionadrian15: basically, yes10:58
StevenKWhee, I love how sick this drive is.10:58
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StevenKEvery operation results in at least 5 IDE bus resets.10:58
adrian15Kamion: User needs to select the partition where ubuntu is installed ?10:59
Kamionadrian15: yes10:59
adrian15Kamion: With my tool grub partition is automatically found.11:00
Kamion(since you might well want to restore grub from another partition, not Ubuntu, if you're multi-booting Linux distributions)11:00
adrian15Kamion: Yes, you're right.11:00
Mithrandirinfinity: when you've got the squashfs stuff working, I'd love to see a full cd build, so I can test it.11:00
adrian15Kamion: Do you want to continue conversation in #grub or in a private or is it ok here ?11:00
Kamionit's OK here, but I might as well say now that I don't want to take new grub-related code that mostly duplicates things we already have11:01
Kamionjust because it's one more thing to maintain in an area that gets fairly complex (especially with strange storage controllers and stuff)11:01
adrian15Kamion: Well, currenly apart from a bug fix, it's only various lst files11:02
adrian15Kamion: So you don't need to apply patches or recompile grub... although you will need it in next SGD releases... cause I'm adding variables and CALL command and other things. Currently ubuntu installation cds don't boot grub but isolinux, isn't it ?11:04
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Kamionadrian15: isolinux, yes11:04
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KamionI know we don't need to recompile grub, but grub-installer sees non-trivial maintenance work that would have to happen in anything that duplicated it too11:05
adrian15Kamion: I'll tell you one thing. Super Grub Disk does not make use of grub-installer but grub is run from cdrom itself.11:06
infinityMithrandir: You'll have a full squash-enabled build before I sleep tonight.11:06
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infinityMithrandir: Just let me finish sorting my glibc woes. :)11:06
Kamionadrian15: We used to ship live CDs booting with grub, and they failed to boot on a wide variety of machines. We won't be switching our CDs to boot with grub.11:06
adrian15Kamion: wasn't it grub + gfxboot... the problem was mainly grub or gfxboot?11:07
adrian15Well, I have to go... see you in 3 minutes.11:07
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adrian15Kamion: The problem was a grub problem a gfx one... or what ?11:12
Mithrandirinfinity: sure, sort whatever you want. :-)11:13
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adrian15Kamion: grub or gfxboot ?11:15
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dexemmdz: did you decide something with the locales/calendar bug?  (#16216)11:16
Kamionadrian15: as far as I know it was a grub problem11:16
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Kamiongrub on a CD just required that bit more of the BIOS11:17
Kamionand one question would have sufficed11:17
blue-frogdholbach, sry to disturb. followed the debugging program crash instructions. up to (gdb) run all goes well (that means the program -totem- is starting and ends up as totem couldn't start). but i have no ouput when doing (gdb) thread apply all bt. Any hint, pls?11:19
adrian15Kamion: Sorry about the 2 questions. It was the error 25 perhaps ?  And another thing... if with a pc the grub cdrom didn't work... the grub in hard disk did it work?11:19
Kamionyes, grub worked fine when installed on the hard disk. I don't remember the exact error.11:20
Kamion(since I never saw it myself)11:20
seb128blue-frog: could you copy what you get on pastebin.com ?11:20
Keybuk^ mvo11:21
Kamionanyway, isolinux works fine, we have gfxboot integration for it now (still needs a few fixes, but minor), and don't fix what isn't broken11:21
adrian15Kamion: So... it may be the error 25 which I've fixed.11:21
Kamion*shrug* isolinux works11:21
adrian15Kamion: Do you have any options that choose kernel parametres in installation cds or is there only one... and in the live cd ?11:22
Kamionit's incredibly important that Ubuntu CDs boot; failing that, they should at least fail to boot consistently, not flip-flop between two sets of bugs :-)11:22
Kamionvarious places11:22
Kamiondebian-cd, the bootloader installers, base-installer11:22
martinexhello all11:23
mvoKeybuk: very nice!11:24
adrian15Kamion: You're nearly always in this channel? I'll send you a piece of news of the new SGD that let's you choose the options passed to the kernel with menues when it is ready... and that support variables and all that.11:24
Keybuknow I've just got to figure out how to hook into gnome-session to do the actual restarting thing11:24
martinexquestion - is there something like - development changelog - with for example list of changes in packages... since yesterday etc. ? daily changelog or sth?11:24
Keybukungodly hack coming right up! :D11:24
=== bluefrog-10 [n=james@lns-bzn-47f-81-56-254-229.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
Kamionadrian15: I'm generally here, yes, but I have to be honest and say I'm really not all that interested unless it comes in the form of patches to the systems we're already using11:25
Kamionpatches to those systems are most welcome11:25
bluefrog-10dholbach, http://pastebin.com/50053011:25
Kamionentirely new systems are a very different matter11:25
Kamionparticularly three months before a release that we need to support for five yerars11:26
adrian15Kamion: :) Ok. I understand.11:26
Kamionbut best of luck with SGD all the same11:26
dholbachbluefrog-10: if you type 'bt' after that - do you get a different output?11:27
KamionMithrandir: ubuntu-desktop's installable right now; good time for a live fs rebuild?11:27
bluefrog-10dholbach, no stack11:27
dholbachbluefrog-10: i'm not quite sure it crashes then :)11:28
adrian15Kamion: One more question: I wanted to edit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show in order to say that they can also use SGD if they have only one system installated in their system. Should I? Shouldn't I? I put it in the top of the page... in the bottom.... what do you think of ?11:29
Kamionadrian15: don't see why not; maybe link to it from the "GRUB Resources" section?11:30
seb128bluefrog-10: it doesn't crash11:30
seb128bluefrog-10: is that breezy or dapper?11:30
adrian15Kamion: If you think so... :(11:30
Kamionor whatever really, I'm not the wiki police :-)11:30
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blue-frogseb128, dholbach, indeed it's a "totem couldnot startup" window that i receive. weird that you don't have this as well. using dapper daily 09-01-06 updated as of today11:30
KamionI'd never seen that page before you mentioned it11:30
seb128blue-frog: gconftool-2 --type string --set /system/gstreamer/0.10/default/videosink ximagesink11:31
seb128blue-frog: and try again11:31
blue-frogseb128 ouot of gdb i assume?11:32
dholbachseb128: i was just looking for that key, remembering that you mentioned it in a bug report :)11:32
bluefrog-10totem launches11:32
seb128dholbach: nice :)11:32
=== dholbach hugs seb128 :)
bluefrog-10so do i do anything about bug or i just leave it as it is?11:33
seb128bluefrog-10: seems your videodriver doesn't support "xv", what video driver do you use?11:33
MithrandirKamion: I asked infinity to do one as soon as he has the squashfs stuff in.  Or we could just do one now and one when he's done his stuff11:33
blue-frogseb128, thought about driver. vesa at the moment as the install didn't setup i810 as it did in breezy11:33
seb128blue-frog: if you set it to "autovideosink", does it work?11:34
blue-frogseb128, yes it does11:34
seb128so we should probably use autovideosink by default11:35
jameshseb128: out of interest, are Launchpad bug notifications getting through to desktop-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com?11:35
dholbachno more totem bugs! :)11:35
dholbachjamesh: the list has to be unmoderated, but yes, of some packages they get "through" to the list (rather the moderator)11:35
seb128jamesh: every time I comment on a desktop bug I get a moderation mail11:35
seb128if that's the question11:36
=== seb128 kicks launchpad
dholbachbut they go to 1) the 'gnome' team, 2) desktop-bugs@ and 3) seb128 :)11:36
jameshseb128: I can give you the magic incantation to allow the mails through if you want11:36
seb128would be useful, thanks11:36
dholbach(at least that's what i observed for some packages)11:36
seb128but when I comment on a malone bug I should not have to care of who is subscribed to the bug and get moderation mails11:37
seb128I mean I comment on launchpad11:37
seb128that part should be launchpad's issue11:37
seb128the user doesn't care there is a list with moderation plugged somewhere on the launchpad way11:37
Mithrandirseb128: the list should turn off the "notify sender when posts are held", then11:38
jameshseb128: from the mailman list admin interface, choose "Privacy options", then "spam filters"11:38
seb128Mithrandir: launchpad should not send the mail as coming from me11:38
Mithrandirseb128: that depends.. see the discussion on warthogs?11:38
seb128Mithrandir: I did comment on a bug tracker, I didn't mean to send a bug to some list subscribed to it11:38
jameshseb128: for "Spam Filter Rule 1", enter "X-Generated-By: Launchpad" as the regexp, and set the action to "accept"11:39
seb128jamesh: thanks11:39
Mithrandirseb128: I'm arguing it's a bug in the list setup, not in LP.  You seem to disagree11:39
seb128I argue than as an user I should not have to care about that11:39
seb128I comment on a bug tracker11:39
seb128who is subscribed to the bug and what list is misconfigured is not my issue11:40
siretartis there an ETA for the next flight release?11:40
Mithrandirsiretart: this week or next, I think Kamion said.11:40
seb128I know what is happening, but how a standard user would react?11:40
siretartMithrandir: thanks.. I'm having still heavy trouble with 2.6.15 and hope that a fresh install could fix that..11:42
fabbionesiretart: !11:42
fabbionesiretart: igor is down11:42
fabbionesiretart: any chance to get it back online?11:42
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Kamionseb128: IME as owner@bugs.debian.org, we totally ignore moderation mails11:42
siretartfabbione: yes, I read your query11:42
fabbionesiretart: a reboot would do. it was my fault11:42
fabbionesiretart: ok thanks11:42
Kamiondo you think launchpad admins are going to be any better after reading thousands of them? :)11:42
siretartfabbione: we will change the ram with this chance11:42
fabbionesiretart: great11:42
Kamionalthough I suppose they could be sent to /dev/null11:42
siretartfabbione: I don't know when joerg will get to the datacenter next time, but I'm quite sure it will be this week11:43
seb128I just say it's confusing for an user commenting on a bug11:43
blue-frogseb128, if i play with gstreamer-properties and hit test on Xwindows(X11/Xshm/XV) I get "failed to construct test pipeline for Xwindows(X11/Xshm/XV. Guess it's coming from the video driver and that I shouldn't bother  you with that, correct?11:43
siretartfabbione: I will ping you when it's back online11:43
seb128sending them to some log would be good enough11:43
seb128blue-frog: you have no xv that's all11:43
fabbionesiretart: if he can't manage this week, please tell him NOT to power it up11:43
fabbionesiretart: because i am going VAC and we don't want a buildd without a babysitter11:44
siretartfabbione: oh. ok, when is the deadline?11:44
fabbionesiretart: saturday. i will leave sunday very early in the morning11:44
siretartallright. will do11:44
adrian15Kamion: Can you reload the page and tell me what do you think?11:44
adrian15Kamion: Another question. Is there any place where I can find hipotetical fixes that you did to the grub that you were using in the first ages of ubuntu ?11:45
Kamionadrian15: they should all be in the .diff.gz files in the archive11:46
adrian15Kamion: url?11:46
=== Kamion commits his rescue-mode integration for grub-installer
Kamionshould get that into dapper11:48
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adrian15Kamion: I've you've used graphics... is it the current patch for having image support on grub or another one?11:59
Kamionparse error?11:59
adrian15Kamion: Are you talking to me ?12:00
adrian15Kamion: I've seen you include Graphics.h which I think it is not included in official grub12:00
adrian15Kamion: I'm looking at: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/grub/grub_0.97-1ubuntu2.diff.gz12:01
Kamionthat patch just comes from Debian12:01
Kamionwe don't modify it in any way12:02
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adrian15Kamion: Ummm.... So it is a debian patch for images... ok... but what about the patches you told me about not booting in many machines... or did you not try to patch it ?12:05
Kamionno, we didn't try, because *isolinux worked fine* :-)12:07
Kamionat least, we didn't try as far as I know12:07
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Kamionbut we had a perfectly good and well-tested alternative option available12:07
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ogra_ibookpitti !12:14
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siretartjust upgraded to latest udev/linux-2.6.15, now I get a 'ALERT! /dev/hda2 does not exist. Dropping to a shell!'12:14
pittiogra_ibook: hey :)12:14
Keybuksiretart: did you also upgrade module-init-tools and initramfs-tools ?12:15
ogra_ibookpitti, how far is the "automatic audiosink" stuff ? my changes for ltsp sound enetred dapper yesterday 12:15
siretartKeybuk: isn't there a hard depends on them, too? 12:15
pittiogra_ibook: it's implemented since one or two weeks12:15
Keybukshould be12:15
Keybukbut worth checking12:15
ogra_ibookpitti, i'd like to have a look at the autodetection stuff, where is it hidden ? 12:15
siretartbooting live cd and rechecking12:15
pittiogra_ibook: what do you want to change? it's easier to explain that way12:16
pittiogra_ibook: in general, each sink plugin registers itself with a priority12:16
pittiogra_ibook: and the autosink tries each one in succession with descending priority until the first one succeeds12:16
ogra_ibookwe agreed on a ltspsink that gets probed before the others and points to the esdsink if we detect LTSP_CLIENT is set, remember ? 12:16
Keybuksiretart: actually, could you boot your ordinary system to the point where it does the ALERT and gives you a shell instead12:17
pittiogra_ibook: yes, I remember; does an ltspsink exist already?12:19
pittiogra_ibook: it's no problem to change the priorities of the sinks, I can do it easily12:20
pittiogra_ibook: oh, wait; we can just decrease the priority of the alsadmixsink if LTSP_CLIENT exists, so that esound is first priority12:20
ogra_ibooknope, doesnt exist yet, thats why i wanted to have a look 12:20
ogra_ibookahuman01, cool !!12:21
pittiogra_ibook: does it do any other magic on top of esdsink apart from checking the env var?12:21
ogra_ibookesddsp is set by the loginmanager pointing to the thin client already ... nothing needed on the server side12:22
ogra_ibookso its only the part that makes sure that esd is really used on the desktop that missing (ltspsink)12:22
ogra_ibook(or a change in autosink that respects LTSP_CLIENT as you like :) )12:23
pittiogra_ibook: ok, so if we change the priorities to esd > alsadmix > alsa if LTSP_CLIENT is set would be enough?12:23
ogra_ibookabsolutely :)12:23
pittiogra_ibook: (by default, we have alsadmix > esound > alsa12:23
ogra_ibookyup, i understood 12:23
pittiogra_ibook: ok, I'll do that12:24
ogra_ibookcool !!12:24
siretartKeybuk: how can I boot into my ordinary system? it won't boot without my /dev/hda2 (root device)12:24
ogra_ibookthanks a lot :)12:24
pittino problem12:24
Keybuksiretart: boot until it fails, it'll give you a shell, then we can "debug" :)12:24
pittiinfinity: ping12:25
siretartKeybuk: ah, that was the point I was before. Now I have the live cd started, where I can check the versions of the packages12:25
infinitypitti: pong12:25
siretartmodule-init-tools Version 3.3.2-1ubuntu212:26
siretartinitramfs-tools: 0.40ubuntu1312:27
Keybukso reboot into the failed state12:27
StevenKHrm, at least that's better than what the Debian did.12:28
StevenK"Waiting x seconds for /sys/block/dev/hda" ad infinitiem.12:29
siretartKeybuk: ok, I have a shell now12:29
Keybukwe don't wait for hda, no point12:29
Keybuksiretart: cat /proc/modules and list me the module names loaded12:29
siretartide_generic thermal processor fan fbcon bitlit softcursor capability commoncap vga16fb vgastate cfbimgblt cfbfillrect cfbcopyarea tileblit font12:30
Keybukudevplug -v -Bpci -Iclass=0x01*12:30
Keybukwhat does that say?12:30
Keybukcat /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/vendor12:31
Keybukcat /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/device12:31
StevenKKeybuk: My point was that Ubuntu gives you a shell12:31
Keybukcat /sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1f.1/class12:31
KeybukStevenK: and if you exit that shell, it tries to carry on assuming you fixed the problem <g>12:32
siretartKeybuk: does it help you if I say its a Thinkpad R40 with Pentium M and atheros? ;)12:32
Keybuksiretart: nope12:32
Keybuksiretart: not unless you mail it me ;)12:32
StevenKsiretart: Quick, take a picture and e-mail it to Keybuk.12:33
siretartvendor is 0x808612:33
=== StevenK ducks.
=== Keybuk smiles at Intel's "oh so clever" vendor-id
infinityI like how you've managed to have exactly zero useful block drivers loaded.12:33
siretartdevice is: 0x24ca12:33
Keybukinfinity: yes, that is quite special, isn't it <g>12:33
siretartclass is: 0x01018a12:34
siretartwhat now?12:34
Keybuksiretart: I'm guessing that the following produces nada12:34
Keybukgrep pci:v00008086d000024ca /lib/modules/*/modules.alias12:34
Keybukuh, sorry12:34
Keybukgrep pci:v00008086d000024CA /lib/modules/*/modules.alias12:34
Keybukneeds to be in caps12:35
Keybuk(at least the id does)12:35
siretartit produces 'alias pci:v00008086d000024CAsv*sd*bc*sc*i* piix'12:35
Keybukuh, this may seem silly, but ... "uname -a" ? :)12:36
ogra_ibookyippie ! edubuntu-desktop is installable again 12:36
siretartLinux (none) 2.6.15-11-686 #1 SMP PREEMPT ....12:36
siretartthe rest too?12:36
dexemdholbach: I've just sent the CAMEL_DEBUG log for the evolution/TLS bug.  ask me whatever you need here :)12:36
Keybuknope that's fine12:36
Keybukcan you check /proc/modules and confirm for definite that "piix" isn't loaded?12:37
siretarttriple checked, piix is NOT loaded12:37
infinitypiix is definitely copied in.12:37
dholbachdexem: did you see anything interesting in there?12:37
infinitysiretart: I assume you can modprobe piix and it works?12:37
siretartinfinity: loading by hand works12:37
dexemdholbach: CamelException.setv(0x8c74cd0, 2, 'Failed to connect to POP server pop.warp.es in secure mode: SSL negotiations failed')12:37
siretartbut still no /dev/hda212:37
Keybukinfinity: did you ever get around to adding that DEBUG mode to initramfs12:38
=== infinity raises his eyebrow.
Keybuksiretart: ok, so you've loaded piix and you have no /dev/hda2 ?12:38
infinityKeybuk: No, looks like I should do that tomorrow, eh?12:38
siretartKeybuk: yes12:38
Keybukyes you have no hda2?12:38
dholbachdexem: maybe we can ask the upstream guys, what's wrong12:38
siretartKeybuk: /dev/hda2 is my root file system, but I still have no device node /dev/hda2 in that shell12:39
siretartthere is also no /dev/hda12:39
infinityKeybuk: Kernel bug?... piix broke recently, perhaps?12:39
Kinnisonsiretart: has it turned up in /proc/partitions?12:39
siretartKinnison: /proc/partition is empty12:39
siretartjust the header 'major minor #blocks name'12:39
Keybukinfinity: that's all I can think12:39
infinitysiretart: Is this an upgrade from breezy, or a dapper->dapper upgrade?12:40
Keybuk"Dear Mr Kernel, my computer has an IDE controller, could you please SEE THE FUCKING THING!" :p12:40
KinnisonKeybuk: and we don't need the ide-<foo> module in order to get piix to probe subsequently?12:40
Keybukanyway, this is so not a udev bug <g12:40
KeybukKinnison: no, I fixed that12:40
KinnisonKeybuk: yay12:40
Keybukand I don't think BenC re-broke it12:40
siretartinfinity: this is an upgrade from a breezy/dapper mixed system to 2.6.15. I wanted to recheck this bug: http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2152912:40
infinityAlthough, if ide-generic is winning the evil race of doom...12:40
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KeybukKinnison: either way, ide-generic would steal the devices12:41
Keybukbecause it's been loaded12:41
Keybukso we have a machine which12:41
Keybuka) piix isn't automatically loaded12:41
Keybukb) devices don't show up even when piix is manually loaded12:41
Keybukc) ide-generic is loaded through the udev "heeeelllp" fallout12:41
Keybukd) devices don't even show up then12:41
infinitysiretart: After you modprobed it, does piix show up in /proc/modules, or no?12:41
KeybukI'm going for "iz kernel bug"12:41
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siretartinfinity: yes, at the first line12:42
infinitysiretart: And can you boot without "quiet" or "splash" on the command line, and try to see if anything interesting appears to be happening in the kernel output?12:42
Keybuksiretart: silly question ... ps ax ... is udevd running?12:42
siretartKeybuk: running at pid 931 with option '--daemon'12:42
Keybukjust checking12:42
dexemdholbach: ok, thanks :)12:42
Keybukreboot without quiet or splash on the command line12:43
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Keybukand with break=premount12:43
siretartI also have a 'nolapic' option, shall I remove that too?12:43
Keybukthat'll drop you to a shell a bit before things12:43
StevenKYour local APIC is broken?12:43
siretartI needed it for suspend/usb terror in 2.6.1212:43
Keybukeither remove nolapic and try booting normally12:43
Keybukor leave it in and do our suggestion12:43
Keybukin fact, yes, remove nolapic and boot normally (without quiet/splash though)12:44
siretartok, I now removed all that junk12:44
siretartpiix still not loaded automatically12:45
Keybukkill udevd12:45
siretartwhen loading via modprobe I get a funny msg12:46
Keybukthen start it with ... UDEV_LOG=info udevd --daemon12:46
Keybukmeh, don't modprobe just yet12:46
Keybukreboot again :p12:46
siretartICH4: port 0x01f0 already claimed by ide012:46
siretartICH4: port 0x0170 already claimed by ide112:46
siretartICH4: neither IDE port enabled (BIOS)12:46
infinityBing.  ide-generic needs to be blacklisted.12:46
Keybukinfinity: no, ide-generic needs to be not loaded in the first place12:46
siretartok, will reboot again, just a sek12:46
Keybuksiretart: reboot like this12:46
Keybuksiretart: blah blah break=premount12:47
infinityKeybuk: well, that too.  But it's loaded rather quickly in some cases.12:47
Keybukwith no nolapic, quiet or splash12:47
Keybukinfinity: shouldn't be12:47
Keybukinfinity: if ide-generic ever gets loaded alongside a real ide driver, it's a bug12:47
siretartKeybuk: done. what now?12:47
Keybuksiretart: so you're at a shell?12:47
Keybukok run the following:12:48
KeybukUDEV_LOG=info udevd --daemon12:48
Keybukthat should print a few messages on screen?12:48
infinityKeybuk: The way I read the script, it can easily race and win, if the driver destined for providing the root device is a little too slow to initialise.12:48
siretartinitialize max_childs to 6412:48
siretartinitialize max_childs_running to 1612:48
pittiKeybuk: you broke cups :) (nm, I'll fix it)12:48
Keybukinfinity: ide devices initialise before the modprobe returns ... I fixed that in the kernel12:48
infinityKeybuk: Hrm.  Kay..12:48
Keybuksiretart: ok12:48
Keybuknow run: udevplug -Bpci -Iclass=0x01*12:49
Keybukand see what happens12:49
Keybukdescribe to the best of your ability everything that gets dumped to the screen12:49
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siretart4 lines:12:50
siretartudev_event_run: seq 751 forced, pid [846] , 'add' 'pci' 0 seconds old12:50
siretartwait_for_sysfs: file appeared after 0 loops12:50
Keybukinfinity: more particularly, piix would show up then <g>12:50
siretartudev_event_run: seq 751 finished12:50
infinityKeybuk: One would expect, yeah.12:50
siretartudev_done: seq 751, pid [846]  exit with 0, 0 seconds old12:51
Keybuksiretart: ooookkkk12:51
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Keybukand /proc/modules says no piix loaded?12:51
siretartKeybuk: neither piix nor ide-generic12:51
Keybukls /etc/udev/rules.d12:51
siretart00-init.rules  20-names.rules12:52
Keybukthat's it ?!12:52
Keybukinfinity: >?!>?!")($()!*IO_IJKPQEFJPWSFW12:52
infinityDON'T BLAME ME.12:52
=== siretart ducks
Keybukhmm, Mithrandir said something the other day that's kinda suspicious too12:53
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Keybuksiretart: could you ls /lib/udev for me12:53
infinitysiretart: Can you reboot into a backup kernels and run "update-initramfs -u -k 2.6.15-11-686"?12:53
Keybukinfinity: no, don't just yet12:53
infinityKeybuk: The thing about 60whatever not working?12:53
Keybukinfinity: exactly12:54
siretartls /lib/udev12:54
StevenKApparently, taking over an initramfs has a whole new meaning to infinity. :-P12:54
siretartls: /lib/udev: no such file or directory12:54
Keybuknow can you do what infinity said :)12:55
siretartlets try12:55
Kamiongod, why does bugzilla not link package names on bug lists to the list of bugs against that package12:55
Keybukinfinity: it's almost as if the udev hook aborted half way through12:55
Kamionit would be such an easy thing to do and helps usability so much12:55
Keybukinfinity: you do check the return value from hooks, right? :p12:55
KinnisonKamion: hold onto that thought for malone12:55
mdzdexem: yes, see #ubuntu-devel logs12:55
Kamionah well, at least malone does it12:55
KinnisonKamion: oh cool12:56
mdzKamion: yes, mysql 5.0 has my approval12:56
Keybukmdz: shouldn't you be in bed? :p12:56
mdzponingru_sleep: you had a question about blogging?12:56
siretartinfinity: done. no output12:57
mdzKeybuk: "should" is easy to agree with12:57
siretartinfinity: reboot/retry now?12:58
infinityKeybuk: We might not, actually.  I'll have to write a big blinking note to check that tomorrow.  That said, how on earth could it be aborting?... Oh, you're running it 'set -e', and if one of those files you copy doesn't exist...12:58
infinityKeybuk: Hrm. :)12:58
Keybukinfinity: exactly12:58
infinityYeah, I'll have to poke that first thing in the morning.12:58
danielsKamion: because being obnoxious ftw.  word up to the component selector.12:58
infinityWant to write me a nasty, yes encouraging email?12:58
Keybukto whom?12:59
siretartinfinity: reboot/retry now?12:59
infinitysiretart: Might not make a difference at all.12:59
Keybuksiretart: yes, please get into a real filesystem so I can check something :)12:59
infinitysiretart: mkinitramfs -k -o /dev/null 2.6.15-11-68612:59
siretartwoah. 2.6.15 is booting now01:00
infinitysiretart: And check the directory in /tmp that it mentions.  See if those files Keybuk's looking for are there.01:00
siretartjust with regenerated initrd01:00
infinityOh.  Crap.01:00
infinityThat's good.  But not good.01:00
siretartwheeee! and gdm finally appears!01:00
infinityKeybuk: Nasty email.  In my INBOX.  Too tired to make coherent notes.  Reminding me is on your shoulders. :)01:00
siretartthank you gods! :)01:01
Keybukok, why did that happen?01:01
Keybukinitramfs regenerated by initramfs-tools upgrade, but not udev?01:01
infinityI'm not positive I want to know.01:01
Keybukwhich makes no sense, because some bits of udev are there01:01
Keybukhmm, oh01:01
infinityShouldn't matter, cause every postinst should do it over and over and over again, until the last one gets a "complete" initramfs.01:01
Keybukhow about this then01:02
Keybukinitramfs-tools regenerates the initramfs01:02
infinity(inefficient, icky, I want dpkg hooks, but it should work...)01:02
Keybukat this time the old udev conffiles are there, but with the new udev hooks01:02
Keybukso the udev hook bails because it can't find the old conffile01:02
Keybukudev regenerates the initramfs01:02
Keybukbut for some reason this refuses to do so01:02
danielsssh Dssh DESPERATELY needs better back off on packet loss semantics01:03
KeybukMithrandir: anyway, to get /dev/disk/by-* ... try regenerating your initramfs ;P01:03
siretartthe framebuffer for usplash is probken on my machine, but thats another but01:03
StevenKdaniels: The kernel deals with retransmission, not userland processes.01:03
infinityKeybuk: It shouldn't refuse, since the last initramfs-tools upload set us to "implicit takeover mode", so any update-initramfs call should plough through.01:04
sladenwell you want it to be *fast* dontchya?01:04
MithrandirKeybuk: I've worked around it already.01:04
=== infinity will need to play with this some more and nail down this corner case.
sladenoops, scroll-locked scrollback01:04
Keybukeither way, it's not my bug :p01:04
Keybuk"udev doesn't work if most of it is missing"01:05
=== siretart lunch - cu later
Keybukso what happened was01:06
Keybuk1) no modprobe piix rule01:06
Keybuk2) so ide-generic was loaded01:06
Keybuk3) no modprobe ide-disk rule01:06
Keybuk4) so device creation wasn't kicked01:06
Keybuknot to mention no ide_media helper to figure out it needed to load ide-disk01:07
dexemmdz: Ok, thanks :D01:07
danielsStevenK: ssh has its own exponential backoff semantics.  and they're CRAP.01:08
StevenKI'd personally trust the kernel. It seems the OpenSSH guys don't. :-)01:09
StevenK(When one of them is that loving-life guy Theo, what the hell do you expect?)01:10
crimsunelmo: please sync sndobj, sp-gxmlcpp, seyon, and osdclock from Sid, overriding Ubuntu changes. Thanks!01:13
ulaasanyone with info on vpnc01:14
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pittiKamion: could you please approve the recent pmount upload to breezy-updates? mdz ack'ed it01:19
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pittielmo: please sync pmount, and backport postgresql-{common,8.0,8.1}01:24
infinityI wonder if uploading glibc is going to make me a co-maintainer.01:27
=== pitti imagines infinity running out of the tub naked
infinityGod, I hope not.01:27
pittiinfinity: you know, seb128 already claimed packages starting with 'g', so you are too late01:27
=== seb128 slaps pitti
Kamionpitti: done01:29
StevenKSo I know why it's 'linux-image' ... so the Kubuntu's guy didn't get their hands on the kernel. :-)01:29
pittiKamion: merci01:29
pittiKamion: btw, I'd like to backport the recent postgresql data loss bugfix to breezy-updates, is that fine for you?01:30
Kamionpitti: um, I guess, but I consider that mdz's decision01:30
pittiok, I'll ask him01:30
sladenvuntz_: I've wasted more hours on that problem but still can't pinpoint it.  best thing is to set a break on 'submenu_to_display' and start from the backtrace;  it's 47 frames long and further up is the _show() that caused the menu to be displayed01:33
pittielmo: please remove mozilla-firefox-locale-{ca,el,eu,it,ja,ko,nb,uk} from dapper; can you also add it to the blacklist, so that they won't ever bother us again?01:34
pittielmo: (in particluar, we do not want any package but -all)01:37
vuntz_sladen: does it work better with the patch in http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=314854 ?01:40
vuntz_sladen: maybe it's just a problem in the way gnome-menus uses fam/gamin01:40
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sladenvuntz_: something is registering with gamin everytime the menu is show.  There might be something do with show()s for the submenu going to the parent object.  01:56
Simirahey, who can I blame for XChat-Gnome?01:57
ogra_ibookSimira, seb128 changed the seeds, mdz wanted it in ...01:58
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ogra_ibookSimira, just make your wannabe husband teach you the wonderful world of irissi ;)02:00
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Mithrandirogra_ibook: she knows how to use irssi quite well02:00
ogra_ibookheh ... so why do you complan then Simira ? :)02:00
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Simiraogra: I don't like irrsi. I'm not sure whether I like Xchat-Gnome either. I have to adjust!02:01
Simiraah, seb! Just the guy I needed02:01
TreenaksSimira: you need gaim's IRC plugin :P02:02
Simiraseb128: you would save me a lot of irritation by telling me how to get the user lists of channels back on my right hand side instead of a button.02:02
SimiraTreenaks: no f...... way!02:02
ogra_ibookSimira, i dont like it either ... but you have the choice to stay with Xchat :)02:03
martinexogra_ibook, hello02:03
Simiraogra_ibook: it wouldn't install. maybe some wrong spelling there02:03
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martinexogra_ibook, I'm on windows now - unfortunately...02:03
martinexogra_ibook, this hint about modprobe and then ifup eth0 worked and I had an access to internet02:04
martinexogra_ibook, unfortunately there is propably a lot of things that are broken because gdm didn't work, gnome-session too... in fact console only02:05
mdkeinfinity, nudge #202:05
martinexKamion, hello - ogra said that you could know something about problems with udev02:05
ogra_ibookmartinex, nope i didnt02:06
ogra_ibookmartinex, i said Keybuk02:06
martinexaaaah sorry :)02:06
martinexKeybuk, ping02:06
ogra_ibookmartinex, but the problem with the NIC is known ...02:06
danielsTreenaks: btw, I have the tool for you.  i'll email you with instructions some time when it's not 12am.02:06
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=== daniels -> bed.
martinexogra_ibook, hmm so then why ubuntu-desktop doesn't want to work?02:07
martinexogra_ibook, could udev be a reason of this issue too?02:07
Treenaksdaniels: OK, great02:07
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Kamionright, with any luck that's all the big outstanding install CD issues from flight-2 out of the way02:08
ogra_ibookKamion, cool, the -desktop packages are installable as well :) lets do a flight3 ;)02:09
Kamionassuming that my choose-mirror upload works, I'll start working on Flight CD 3 soon02:09
Kamionogra_ibook: yep, that was the general idea02:09
Kamionneed to push through a d-i rebuild before that though02:09
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seb128Simira: there is no way to move the list02:15
seb128Simira: you can install chat02:15
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pittimdz: can you please take a look at https://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=22221 (postgresql data loss bug fix for breezy-security) and approve/deny? TIA02:33
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jsgotangcoflight 3 weee02:35
tsengjsgotangco: yay02:36
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Kamionok, you guys are scary02:38
jsgotangcoi've been avoiding the daily lately....02:39
tsengKamion: are you still up for working on mono/ppc?02:39
tsengKamion: someone passed me some more notes over irc regarding your testing02:39
tsengKamion: (other work permitting of course)02:41
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ogratseng, i thought that was ppc64 specific 02:45
tsengogra: hm it seems to be smp specific atm, but regardless it is blocking progress02:45
tsengogra: colin helped us out by getting a backtrace on a similar system in the DC02:46
Kamiontseng: did you see the backtraces I put in the upstream bug report?02:46
Kamionok, yes, you probably did02:46
tsengKamion: yes.02:46
KamionI'm up for working on it in the background if given directions on what to do, but I'm kind of stuck on figuring out any more by myself02:46
KamionI don't know mono well enough to diagnose smp-related bugs in it by myself02:47
tsengok, ill post the request on the bug02:47
tsengif i can find it again02:47
tsenggeoff should have put them there himself02:48
Kamionmy comment's the last one there02:49
tsengya adding from irc02:49
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Kamiontseng: christ that's a lot of output03:02
tsengKamion: yeah, just as bad as mono --trace03:03
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ogratseng, didnt upstream say they'd work on it as well ?03:03
ograno progress there ? 03:03
zakameevening devs :)03:04
tsengogra: geoff said he would work on trying to source an smp ppc03:04
ograyes, thats what i remembered03:04
tsengogra: but he is a volunteer same as me03:04
ograoh, k03:04
tsengi havent heard a peep from novell, yet03:04
tsengbesides miguel saying "osx wfm"03:04
ograwho cares for osx03:05
tsengogra: miguel has different priorities than most of us.03:06
martinexogra, do you know when udev issue is going to be fixed?03:08
ograbut surely before relese ;)03:08
martinexehhh I'll try to install breezy and'll wait for some changes on ubuntu-devel list...03:10
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martinexbut really have no idea why gnome on dapper doesn't want to work now03:11
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tsenggnome is a pretty wide target, what specifically doesnt work?03:12
martinextseng, nothing...03:12
ograyou probably used dist-upgrade instead of upgrade and essential pieces are out of snyc or something03:12
martinextseng, just hangs on ugly brown screen ;)03:12
tsengogra: i always use dist-upgrade03:13
Kamionnot that dist-upgrade is our recommended upgrade method or anything :P03:13
ograi never use it in development releases03:13
tseng(and fix anything that blows up)03:13
ograupgrade and cherrypick the known good pieces ...03:14
Kamiondist-upgrade is exactly what you need to use while tracking development releases, except that you need to be careful to keep an eye on what's going to be removed03:14
martinexogra, I'm not sure if dist-upgrade could be reason.. but can try to update ... 03:14
Kamionunless you feel like installing every single package that gets rearranged by hand03:14
martinexand just 'upgrade'03:14
ograKamion, if you upgrade often thats mostly not much .. and if a transition is going on its mostly only one package i pull in manually, the rest gets done with the next upgrade 03:15
martinexok need to reboot to get what's going on03:15
ograindeed, if i want to test upgradeability and not only work on my stuff i do a dist-upgrade occasionally03:16
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\shpitti: ping03:21
pitti\sh: pong03:21
\shpitti: I don't need to call autoreconf or stuff for the breezy wine sec update..it will generated from configure, it's an .in file, and not Makefile.am :)03:21
\shoh a be is missing...uploading now :)03:21
ograa be ? 03:22
ograa belgian ? 03:22
\shyes...looks like my brain is faster then my fingers03:22
pitti\sh: oh, I see; so .am doesn't need to be patched? (not that we would in a security update, but in general it shouldn't be modified manually)03:22
\shpitti: there is no .am :) which is nice :)03:23
Kamiontseng: ok, done03:23
pitti\sh: aah, I see :)03:23
\shpitti: and the hoary I will change to the 0.1 numbering thx for mentioning it :)03:23
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\shpitti: both sec-updates uploaded03:26
pitti\sh: so we're still faster than Microsoft? or did they release the patch last Thursday?03:26
\shpitti: hmmm...well..they released one patch...but this patch breaks everything what worked with wmf...because some people think that this issue was planned :) 03:27
\shok...they release the patch on thursday03:28
\shreleased even03:28
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zakamewb slomo :)03:29
slomohi zakame 03:29
\shpitti: but this is much nicer: http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/6815703:29
\shand ms has regained the FAT patent...should this mean that we have to remove FAT support from the kernel?03:31
slomoi guess no... i bet it's not the only patented stuff in the kernel let alone in main03:34
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\shslomo: well, we see what MS is doing in the future :)03:37
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tepsipakkilet's just stall like they've done with removing media player ;)03:39
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dilingerwe can remove FAT from the kernel and claim that our kernels are 20% smaller and thinner than our leading competitors03:40
\shdilinger: oh well....what about my usb mp3 stick then...03:40
ograformat it ext2 :)03:41
ivoks\sh: then all mp3 players should abandone fat, cause of the patent :)03:42
ivoksor pay to MS03:42
trappistyeah when you're selling something you can just license it03:42
\shivoks: they pay already I think, 0,25 cent03:43
\shUS cent that is03:43
\shmax. sum for one manufacture: 250.000 US $03:43
\shto pay :)03:43
ivoksi hate patents...03:43
trappistme too, and I'll continue to hate patents until I invent something03:44
trappistbut software patents are the suck03:44
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\shand right now, I'm want to be in the US :) This "The Violence against Women and Department of Justice Reauthorization Act 2005" is just fun03:47
ivoksuh, uh... hard to install mysql5 over mysql4 :/03:48
wasabiflash should be formatted jffs anyways03:48
wasabiway more efficient.03:48
fabbioneRiddell: FYI: kdebase is still FTBFS.03:48
Riddellfabbione: yeah, fixing. just me being silly I think03:48
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\shRiddell: that can't be...03:49
tsengKamion: thanks!03:50
Riddellactually I don't think any KDE stuff will compile until the kde avahi library gets past NEW03:52
seb128elmo, Kamion: I've uploaded pygobject, pygtk has been splitted to pygobject/pygtk ... if you could promote it when you accept it that would be nice03:52
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\shif someone could elaborate slowly (because I'm really old now with 35 as of today) what the hell is avahi or zeroconf...I don't understand this hype03:54
ivoks\sh: mDNS03:57
HiddenWolf\sh, congratulations on  your birthday03:57
ivoks\sh: aka Bonjour03:57
hno73I want to file a bug on the gnome file selection dialog - should I file that under gnome-common? 03:58
hno73When I try to open a local file it insists on connecting various servers I have bookmarked, which cannot be right03:59
\shivoks: what does it do...I just know, that it should automagically determine services04:01
\shivoks: on hosts in the network 04:01
ivoks\sh: if you ask me, i would say it's bloat04:01
ivoks\sh: but i find KDE and Gnome bloat, so... I'm not a merit04:01
ivoks\sh: purpose is to "brodcast" what services you have04:02
ivoks\sh: for example, avahi can brodcast that you have CUPS (wich is kind of silly, cause CUPS does that too)04:02
Robot101\sh: it allows broadcast queries/responses to find a) machines and b) services (web, music, printers, whatever) on your local network04:03
Robot101\sh: zeroconf is the idea of using this with random link-local (169.254) addresses, so that you don't need to fiddle with IPs to eg share a file or a printer with someone04:03
TreenaksRobot101: but it also just uses 'normal' IPs if they happen to be available (because of proper DHCP etc.)04:04
slomoor for multiplayer games to find an open game you could join04:04
Robot101\sh: rendezvous and bonjour are apple's old and new names for this technology, and they use it as the basis for file, printer, music and chat services on OS X04:04
ivoksbasicly, osx has it, so we should too :))04:04
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Robot101mDNS is a stupidly licensed implementation of this, avahi is a sensibly-licensed implementation that uses dbus to expose your system's zeroconf stack to applications04:05
Robot101(you need a single responder per system, for reasons of owning the socket, caching, etc, so avahi allows you to register local services, query available services on the network, etc, using the system bus)04:05
slomoand avahi has a much nicer API than howl/libdns_sd ;)04:06
Robot101also you can plug it in to nss, so you can do "host foo.local" and find a box04:06
\shRobot101: is it "local net" as in "the same network as your requested IP via dhcp, ppp, pppoe etc. with the same netmask" or "local-net" as in "only the ip-network connected to available hardware devices"04:06
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Robot101\sh: its aimed at local networks, so I think it's ethernet broadcast based, rather than IP broadcasts, but I might be wrong04:07
Robot101it might do both of course04:07
ivoksit's PITA for admins :)04:07
ivokscause it crates disturbance in organised networks :)04:07
Robot101its supposed to alleviate the need :)04:07
slomoit uses IP broadcasts... it's definitely not ethernet based and works fine over vpn for example too ;)04:08
\shRobot101: ok..so I need to find a way to disable that easily04:09
\shslomo: argl...you scared me now...04:09
ivoks\sh: deinstall it :)04:09
\shslomo: which means we need a simple way to enable it on demand and not by default04:09
slomo\sh: it uses all interfaces with the MULTICAST flag set by default... and for disabling, just disable the daemon and everything is fine ;)04:09
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slomoand the daemon isn't installed by default (unless the package using avahi has an hardcoded dependency on it)04:10
ivokswe should all install it04:10
\shslomo: no..other way around..those security incidents should be disabled by default...and only enabled, with a lot of warnings and more warnings and "please don't do it", on demand04:10
ivoksjust cause lathiat works on it :)04:10
slomo\sh: just read above... the daemon isn't installed by default normally... you need to install it yourself to get all this magic ;)04:11
\shslomo: phew..04:13
\shand nobody should come up with the idea to install and enable it by default...I will go back to linux from scratch ;)04:13
slomo\sh: and for other questions... #avahi  :)04:15
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\shslomo: well I only wanted to have a light on "what does it do to my system" ;)04:16
HiddenWolf\sh: not to much, by default, due to the no open ports policy04:17
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Nafallo\sh: you think the missing line fixes my bug?04:31
\shNafallo: no...the missing line was in the libnotify bug patch..but somehow I missed it because it wasn't an add...I think it belonged to the new upcoming 0.10 source dev tree04:31
\shNafallo: but I received a mail that this belongs actually to this bugfix...04:32
Nafalloah, oki.04:32
Nafalloso the patch wasn't complete either way then ;-)04:33
\shNafallo: right...updated my local bzr archives now...have to rsync them to tiber04:34
Nafallothat's why it wasn't updated then :-P04:35
Keybukhmm, the log out dialog really needs some kind of "I'm On Top!" hint04:45
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slomoand a stay-on-top-and-disable-everything-else hint ;)04:46
Keybukand it REALLY needs to not segfault and shut down the machine when I click "Cancel" ;)04:46
=== Keybuk puts on his grumpy face
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sivangKeybuk: owww04:52
=== ogra cant imagine Keybuk with a really grumpy face
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Keybukheh, I'm too happy?04:53
Kamionhooray, my mad syslinux hacks work04:53
=== sivang neither
=== \sh watched the day before last the movie "Hackers" (somehow from the 90ties)...and the main actor (blond guy) just looked a bit like keybuk...(that's what I thought)
ograKeybuk, s/happy/gentile ?04:54
sivang\sh: lol04:54
sivang\sh: stupid movie :)04:55
sivangI also watched it some 5 years ago04:55
Keybuk\sh: heh, amusingly Aq (LugRadio/WolvesLug) was ripping into that movie and declared in a loud voice that "yeah, as if you've seen ANY programmer ever go around the place on rollerblades"04:55
KeybukI was sitting opposite him04:55
sivangKeybuk: wearing rollerblades?04:56
Keybuknot at the time04:57
Keybukwolves is a bit far too skate to04:57
\shsivang: actually I wanted to know how angelina jolie was looking in her early days...04:58
Nafallohe gets the nice girl in the end. I sure hope it's a real story :-).04:58
\shjust before she went upstairs to play a computer character04:59
Keybukit has the "I am standing here beside myself" guy from Short Circuit in it04:59
Keybukhow can it not be an ultimately great movie?04:59
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Keybuksabdfl: Hackers, great movie, no? :)04:59
desrtKeybuk; horrible movie04:59
desrtKeybuk; i was actually discussing this with a friend last night.  it's his favourite movie but he admits it's horrible.05:00
mjg59It's not a /horrible/ movie05:01
mjg59Antitrust is a horrible movie05:01
desrt(his attraction to it is for nostalgic reasons)05:01
Nafallomjg59: word!05:01
KeybukAnti-trust is like a car crash though05:01
Keybukyou watch it with rapt attention05:01
mjg59"Apple's shares yesterday closed at $80.86" ha ha ha05:01
desrthow appropriate given recent circumstances.05:02
\shwell..hackers is just like weired science (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0090305/) 05:02
\sha nice teenie movie :) just replace Kelly LeBrock with Angelina Jolie05:02
Nafallothat's another reason Hackers rocks! Angelina! :-D05:03
sivang\sh: weird scient..hmmm :)05:03
desrtthat's _weird_05:04
desrtthat actually happened yesterday?05:04
\shsivang: 1985...funny movie...but just a typical "I'm a model and try to act..so I need to show my boobs only and shake my bum"05:04
desrti thought that was a quote from the movie or something05:04
sivang\sh: exactly :)05:04
sivang\sh: I didn't know angelina was in hackers 05:05
Nafallosivang: she's the girl :-)05:06
Keybuk"Acid Burn"05:06
sivangNafallo: with the short hair?05:07
Riddellelmo: please reject kdnssd-avahi from NEW, agreed with debian to just include it in kdelibs05:07
\shsivang: yepp05:07
sivangI didn't recognize her in so short hair....05:08
Kamionlamont: what happened to the daily d-i build I triggered by hand a little while ago?05:08
KamionI don't see a build log for it05:08
lamontKamion: which arch?05:09
Kamionoh, hmm, it's possible I only processed this morning's build just before triggering the new one and didn't wait for an intervening cron.daily05:09
Kamionthat would screw it, wouldn't it?05:10
=== Kamion kicks off another build
lamontthere was an i386 build at 1517 your time... sound right?05:11
Kamionmm, right, I think it must have been uploaded and rejected05:11
lamontJan 11 15:21:00 buildd-mail: Moved debian-installer_20051026ubuntu11.0.20060111 to upload-dapper05:11
lamontum, yeah05:11
Kamionthere've been a couple of intervening cron.dailies so it should work now05:11
lamontwanna-build and I don't always see eye-to-ey05:11
lamontit's more a function of whether or not cron.daily runs _during_ the sbuild05:12
lamontor something like that05:12
Kamionit probably did05:12
fabbioneKamion: you are not triggering sparc :) i am doing it manually.. do you want to be able to?05:12
fabbionedo you need one right now?05:12
Kamionfabbione: oh, right, yeah, not sparc sorry05:12
Kamionnot for sparc, no05:12
RiddellMithrandir: I still get the "underlying authentication module" error on today's kubuntu live cd05:12
lamontKamion: and you don't love hppa anymore?/05:12
fabbioneKamion: ok :)05:12
Kamionlamont: my script doesn't know how to trigger it, and if I ever knew, I've forgotten05:12
lamontKamion: bld-3.mmjgroup.com, otherwise no diff05:13
MithrandirRiddell: I should probably take a look at kubuntu sometime, then.05:13
Kamionlamont: thanks, it knows now05:13
MithrandirRiddell: it helps if you actually ping me while I'm at work and not when I've gone home. :-P05:13
KamionRiddell: the manifest for kubuntu daily-live shows an old timestamp so I suspect it's just an old livefs05:14
Kamionhttp://terranova.buildd/~buildd/LiveCD/dapper/kubuntu/latest/livecd-20060111-i386.out (from chinstrap) confirms build failure05:14
=== sivang pokes to try and make libnotify/tests work again
Kamion  kubuntu-desktop: Depends: cupsys-driver-gimpprint but it is not going to be installed05:15
Kamion                   Depends: foomatic-db-gimp-print but it is not going to be installed05:15
lamontgo cupsys05:15
pittidholbach: ^ that should be gutenprint now, right?05:15
ograah, same applys for ubuntu and edubuntu 05:15
Kamionthe Ubuntu seeds need to be changed too; I'll do that05:15
ograKamion, could you add gnome-screensaver as well and remove xscreensaver ? 05:16
RiddellMithrandir: you don't work from home?05:16
ograoh and xscreensaver-data05:16
MithrandirRiddell: no, I work from an office.05:16
pittiKamion: NB that gutenprint does produce cupsys-driver-gimpprint, however, it produces foomatic-db-gutenprint now05:16
Kamionogra: it's already done05:16
sivang\sh: did you manage to make your notify-daemon to work?05:16
Kamionyou did it05:16
ograKamion, oh, thanks05:16
=== Kamion wonders if ogra is suffering from amnesia ...
lamontKamion: is cupsys not seeded in dapper then?05:16
MithrandirRiddell: and even if I did work from home, I would have had work hours and non-work-hours. :-)05:17
ograKamion, do my edubuntu changes get synced ? i only did it for edubuntu 05:17
\shsivang: notify-daemon? you mean gajim?05:17
ograKamion, else i agree about the amnesia part 05:17
Kamionogra: I beg to differ, you did it in the Ubuntu seeds05:17
Kamionbzr log also begs to differ05:17
pittiKamion: (still, c-d-gimpprint is only a transitional package, so changing the seeds is fine)05:17
sivang\sh: oops. brain.rollback()05:18
Kamionyeah, I'm changing them over now05:18
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=== Nafallo hopes Mithrandir is finished with his change before the seeds get uploaded ;-)
ograKamion, hmpf .... i should do a calcination checkup 05:19
KamionNafallo: doesn't matter?05:19
NafalloKamion: just to save an upload of them? :-)05:20
MithrandirNafallo: I'm not, as I haven't even checked them out yet.05:20
KamionNafallo: *shrug*05:20
elmomozilla-firefox-locale-ca (1.0.6-1/1.0.6-1ubuntu1): in main - skipping.05:21
elmomozilla-firefox-locale-eu (1.0+0.1-1/1.0+0.1-1ubuntu1): in main - skipping.05:21
elmopitti: do we need them?05:21
pittielmo: no, all of them are obsolete and superseded by -all05:21
elmoKamion: are you trying to build an image?05:21
pittielmo: I'll unseed them05:21
pitti(after Kamion finished his changes)05:21
Kamionelmo: soonish05:21
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elmoKamion: was gonna do some removals, but it's not important, I'll wait05:22
dholbachpitti: sorry for the gutenprint breakage05:22
pittidholbach: is the package itself broken?05:22
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dholbachpitti: no, the dependency :)05:23
pittidholbach: I wonder why Kamion has troubles with installing cupsys-driver-gimpprint, it should just be the transitional package05:23
pittidholbach: ah, the seeds05:23
Kamionpitti: I don't, the live fs had trouble this morning before I promoted *-gutenprint05:23
ograpitti, all -desktop packages have05:23
Kamionthere is no breakage now05:23
pittiKamion: ah, ok, that explains05:23
Kamionogra: had, this morning; have no longer05:23
Kamionogra,Riddell: should xscreensaver-data be in the kubuntu seeds? (I'm merging)05:24
Kamionor xscreensaver-gl I guess05:24
dholbachanyway, i'm dogwalking - bbl05:24
ograits only the hacks, dunno if riddell wants to use them05:24
ograthey shouldnt be in edubuntu05:24
KamionI'll leave them out in the merge for now05:25
blue-frogKamion, so i guess i just need to wait for my repo to be updated. I have the gutenprint problem.05:25
Kamionblue-frog: correct05:25
RiddellKamion: no thanks05:25
Kamionouch, this hasn't been merged for long enough that the Kubuntu install CDs will definitely be hosed due to kernel ABI desync05:26
Kamionelmo: I'll do this d-i upload unless you're on it already05:29
ograKamion, so you plan the final flight3 images today already or is this just a test run ?05:29
elmoKamion: knock yourself out05:29
ograi have a edubuntu-artwork change not completely ready yet i'd like to have in05:29
Kamionogra: no harm starting early05:30
ograi know05:30
blue-frogogra do gcompris throw you back to login screen in edubuntu as it does for me in ubuntu?05:30
ograblue-frog, didnt happen to me, nope 05:30
KamionI don't know exactly, but I have lots of stuff I need to verify05:31
ogrado you talk about dapper ? 05:31
blue-frogogra yes05:31
ograand the recent gcompris ? 05:31
blue-frogfrom synpatic 1 hour ago05:32
ogranope, runs fine as we speak05:32
ograjust tried it05:32
Nafallo*grumble* darkelf just died again. she will have to do memorytest while I sleep :-P05:32
ograat least on amd64 and ppc, i have no i386 handy currently05:32
blue-frogogra am at a loss on how to try to trace that as it kills my session (i386 for me)05:33
Kamionogra: you want xchat-gnome for edubuntu?05:33
ogranot really, but i guess we dont want to keep xchat in main05:33
KamionI don't see why not, seb128 seems to have been recommending xchat to people who don't like the UI changes in xchat-gnome05:34
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KamionI'll leave it at xchat for now05:34
ograhmm, but duplicating apps is not our usual way of handling such stuff 05:34
Kamionand no rss-glx, xscreensaver-gl, xscreensaver-data?05:35
ogranot for edubuntu, nope05:35
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ograit wont use any hacks05:35
ograto evil for ltsp ...05:35
KamionRiddell: ah, the other reason you were getting that error was that the kubuntu seeds hadn't been merged for so long05:36
Kamionso no user-setup05:36
RiddellKamion: right, have you done that now or should I?05:36
KamionI have, but please try to do it reasonably frequently in future05:36
Riddellyes, will do05:36
KamionI usually try to do a merge everywhere when I'm committing a seed change that's necessary for everything to keep on working, but sometimes I forget05:37
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MithrandirRiddell: that should fix your live cd problem as well, I'd imagine.05:37
KamionI'll do *-meta rebuilds in a bit05:38
Kamionwe'll need those before rebuilding the live fses05:38
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\shpitti: can you check the buildlogs of {hoary,breezy}-security?05:50
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ogra_ibookseb128, btw, the new gconf is impressing from a derivative distro POV 05:51
ogra_ibookit even respects symlinks in /usr/share/gconf/defaults :)05:52
Kamioner, do we want gnome-screensaver in main now?05:52
Kamionmdz: ^--05:52
ogra_ibookKamion, he already asked for flight2 05:52
Keybukseb128: do you know off-hand why gdm is ignoring my "REBOOT YOU FUCKER" command?05:52
Keybukit's saying "OK" and grinning at me05:53
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sivangKeybuk: this happens to me occasionaly05:59
ogra_ibooksivang, i hope you filed bugs :)06:00
sivangogra_ibook: Hrm, that was one too many time that I felt I Had done something wrong, but I'm waiting for this to happen again to me and then I will file one :)06:01
sivangogra_ibook: what sort of info can I provide on such a bug? (where to look, etc)06:01
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ogra_ibookyou can switch on the gdm logging in the config06:01
ogra_ibookannd attach the log06:01
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sivangogra_ibook: ok, thanks. will do.06:02
=== sivang reruns libnotify's tests
Keybukoh, interesting06:03
Keybukit looks like it has actually set the method, just not done anything about it06:03
segfaultwho's in charge of the new logout dialog?06:04
mdkeinfinity, nudge #306:04
HiddenWolfsegfault: lllmanulll in -desktop06:05
mdkesegfault, desktop team06:05
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seb128Keybuk: nop, it works fine for me and we have to bug about it. Does "shutdown -r now" works fine?06:07
pittiKamion: can I mess with the seeds again?06:08
Keybukseb128: figured it out06:08
Keybukseb128: there's code in gdm to explicitly prevent shutdown/reboot/etc. if there's an X session open06:08
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pittiKeybuk: nevermind, I don't need to06:09
pittiKamion: ^06:09
pittiKeybuk: (sorry, ETABFINGER)06:10
Keybukseb128: so where's the bug do we think, gdm-signal or gdm?06:10
Keybukbug = gdm-signal --halt does nothing06:10
sivangdoes anybody know if daniels is back?06:11
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seb128Keybuk: gdm doesn't use gdm-signal06:13
seb128Keybuk: gnome-session uses the gdmflexiserver to give the order to gdm and the action is done when you return to the gdm screen (ie: when the session is closed)06:13
Keybukthat's not what I'm talking about06:14
KeybukI want to be able to reboot the machine now06:14
HiddenWolfsivang: he was here last night.06:14
seb128from GNOME or from the login screen?06:14
Keybukfrom inside GNOME06:14
seb128you can't06:14
seb128that's a feature :)06:14
KeybukI can see a line of code that'll let me do just that <g>06:14
seb128you have to close your session06:14
Keybukthere's an ungodly hack going in SOMEWHERE06:15
ogra_ibookhmm, but gdm-signal --hibernate apparently works06:15
seb128hibernate/sleep doesn't require to close a session06:15
seb128reboot/halt do06:15
Keybukogra_ibook: that doesn't shutdown though, --halt doesn't work06:15
Keybukseb128: does gnome-session provide any way to close the session from an app?06:15
seb128--halt wait for you to go back to the gdm login06:15
seb128good question, hum06:16
Keybukcalling gnome_client_request_save results in the logout dialog popping up06:17
KeybukI want to bypass that06:17
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Keybukif I put INTERACT_NONE it doesn't06:20
Keybuksolved, send SET_LOGOUT_ACTION REBOOT to gdm, then tell the session to save with no interaction06:20
segfaultia ficar melhor, neh?06:21
=== seb128_ [n=seb128@ANancy-151-1-13-214.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu-devel
segfaultops, EWRONGWINDOW.06:22
seb128_I broke my session :p06:22
seb128_if somebody said something for me since 2-3 min say it again06:22
seb128_Keybuk: why do you need to reboot without closing your session?06:22
Keybukseb128_: I don't, I just need the machine to reboot06:23
Mithrandir18:17 < Keybuk> calling gnome_client_request_save results in the logout dialog popping up06:23
Mithrandir18:17 < Keybuk> I want to bypass that06:23
KeybukI solved it though06:23
seb128_Keybuk: why not using the session dialog?06:23
Keybukbecause the user just clicked a "Restart Now" button, and it'd be a bit unsporting to ask them again ;)06:23
Keybuk(which is what you get after clicking on:06:24
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seb128_maybe vuntz know :)06:25
KeybukI worked it out06:25
Keybuksend SET_LOGOUT_ACTION REBOOT to gdm06:25
seb128_there is gnome-session-save --kill too 06:25
Keybukthen call gnome_client_request_save on gnome_master_client with the INTERACT_NONE option06:25
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KeybukMonospace is dancing around my screen now, something must have changed in that reboot :-/06:30
mjg59Keybuk: It shouldn't say "Cancel"06:32
mjg59It should be "Don't reboot" "reboot"06:32
KeybukI know, but I can't seem to change that one06:32
Keybukmy glade-fu is not good06:32
KeybukI wanted "Reboot Now" and "Later"06:32
mjg59Have you just inserted a stock cancel icon?06:32
Keybukuh, I just copied the glade file from another program and tweaked it a bit O:-)06:33
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mjg59Better get someone to fix that, then :)06:33
Keybukso if I turn off stock button06:34
Keybukand set the label and icon myself ...06:34
ogra_ibookthat will work fine ... but i'd use something like gazpacho 06:34
Keybukshould they have icons?06:34
Keybukboth have icons? just one have icon?06:34
ogra_ibookfollow the gnome setting ? 06:35
Keybukthere isn't a gnome setting for dialog boxes06:35
seb128Keybuk: use an icon for both06:36
mjg59I don't like the fact that the new logout menu seems to present "sleep" unconditionally06:37
mjg59The tooltip is also wrong06:37
ogra_ibookKeybuk, there is a gnome setting for toolbar buttons06:37
Keybukthere's a tooltip? :p06:37
seb128mjg59: yeah, that's a bug somewhere06:37
mjg59ogra_ibook: dialog buttons are not toolbar buttons06:37
ogra_ibookmjg59, i know06:38
mjg59seb128: Can we have the window preferences back?06:38
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ogra_ibook7me would trade the window preferences for windows that dont get stuck on the desktop edge06:39
seb128mjg59: no06:39
mjg59seb128: It's just there doesn't actually seem to be any way to get at it now06:39
Keybukogra_ibook: don't hold down the shift key06:39
seb128mjg59: it's MenusRevisited spec, people who wants to change their focus can also start an app or unmask a menu entry06:39
Keybukmjg59: gnome-window-properties06:39
mjg59Keybuk: Yes, right, I can do it from the command line06:40
Keybukmjg59: you can also turn it on from the menu editor06:40
seb128or from alt-f206:40
seb128or use the menu editor06:40
ogra_ibookKeybuk, the shift key doesnt change anything 06:40
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ogra_ibookKeybuk, in fact no key does change it it seems06:40
Keybukoh that's good, the menu editor crashed gnome-panel06:40
Keybukand it's now respawning in a loop06:40
mjg59I entirely understand the reasoning behind removing some of the applications06:40
Keybukogra_ibook: my windows don't stick at the edge06:40
Keybukoh, they do06:41
ogra_ibookwith recent metacity ? 06:41
ogra_ibookits quite annoying on 12"06:41
Keybukaha!  they've turned on gravity in general06:41
ogra_ibooksince i tend to move windows half off the screen06:41
seb128Keybuk: yeah, gnome-vfs/inotify bug fixed with the cvs06:41
infinityYeah, I like the gravity.06:41
mjg59But making it hard to enable sloppy focus is going to crucify us amongst the "power users"06:41
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seb128mjg59: the starter guide should document that06:42
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mjg59seb128: These are the people who aren't going to read docs06:42
seb128mjg59: you can argue than power user want gconf-editor and .. and ... everything we have hidden by default06:42
mjg59(Yes, it's entirely their own fault, but they're *still* the people that are going to blog about it and scream and whinge)06:43
infinitymjg59: Aren't "power users" going to end up finding gconf-editor and tweaking everything through there, cause it's, like, the new regedit?06:43
Keybukthis is up there with removing the "Enter" button from the gdm theme06:43
Keybukthe number of users I've seen sitting there after typing their name going "now what?"06:43
seb128Keybuk: that's a point of dapper-desktop-change I think, and there is a bug about that06:43
mjg59infinity: I think there's a difference here. I'm thinking of people who are actually in the useful development community, rather than the ricer crowd06:44
seb128(putting an "enter" button)06:44
seb128mjg59: is there many people changing their focus mode? I use the stock one by example06:44
mjg59seb128: I find click to focus irritating, since there's no way to decouple it from "raise window"06:44
=== Keybuk changes pretty much every preference in that window
Keybukfocus -> sloppy06:45
Keybukno interval06:45
Keybukdouble-click to roll-up06:45
Keybukand move with super06:45
seb128I tend to switch between apps with alt-tab06:45
Keybukin fact, yes, I do change every preference ;)06:45
infinitymjg59: There's a "raise_on_click" option you can turn off.06:45
seb128and have quite a bunch of stuff maximized anyway06:45
ogra_ibookKeybuk, heh, i have the same setup :)06:45
=== Kinnison definitely uses sloppy
Kinnisonand would get really pissed off if it wasn't easy to switch to sloppy06:45
infinitymjg59: Of course, that goes back to previous arguments, since you need gconf-editor to find it.06:46
Keybukseb128: yes, but this is about what our users change, not what you change :)06:46
mjg59infinity: Fuck me. That's relatively new.06:46
ogra_ibookKinnison, it isnt anymore06:46
KinnisonI have to switch my dad's desktop to sloppy when I'm helping him out, and back when I'm done -- to have to use gconf-editor would be really annoying06:46
ogra_ibookKinnison, unless you know the way06:46
seb128Keybuk: I think that most users are fine with the default setting06:46
KeybukI think most of our newbie users are06:46
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Keybukand I think most of our elite users aren't06:46
seb128Keybuk: if that's not the case we should fix the default settings rather than forcing them to use the dialog06:46
mjg59seb128: Most users probably are, but this comes back to what jdub keeps pointing out06:46
infinitymjg59: It appears that with it off, it raises when you click the titlebar, but will not raise when you click anywhere else (no matter how many times)06:46
Keybukpissing off the elite users will lose us the newbie ones06:46
seb128mjg59: that's jdub who suggested to hide the focus configuration btw :p06:47
mjg59We can't /just/ appeal to new users. We need to be able to appeal to the people who write about us.06:47
mjg59seb128: Well, in this case he's going against his general statements :)06:47
seb128so we shoudl have "complexify the menus" rather than "simplify the menus"06:47
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KinnisonWho chose to remove the focus type from that dialog?06:47
mjg59infinity: Yeah, that does exactly what I want06:47
Keybukseb128: I agree that we need to simplify the menus06:47
mjg59Kinnison: The entire dialog is gone from the default menu06:47
HiddenWolfWasn't there some discussion about providing user profiles?06:47
Keybukbut I think there was a lot lower hanging fruit than the Windows dialog06:47
Kinnisonmjg59: You what?!06:47
Keybukall the obscenely complicated ones, for a start06:48
Keybukand, for example06:48
Keybukwhy is Windows gone, but not Menus & Toolbars?06:48
mjg59seb128: No - the idea is that we shouldn't be /less/ appealing to these users than competing Gnome desktops06:48
Keybuk(which STILL has the wrong defaults)06:48
Keybukwhy is Sessions there?06:48
Keybukwhy is Preferred Applications there?06:48
mjg59Keybuk: How about we argue about this in London?06:48
infinityWith bats.06:48
seb128Keybuk: preferred app is quite useful for newbies too06:49
Keybukooh, yah, bats06:49
Keybukand jello!06:49
Keybukseb128: no it's not, because they have only got the application selection we give them06:49
seb128session is the only way to save a session now06:49
Kinnisonmultimedia systems selector06:49
Keybukseb128: newbies don't know how to save a session06:49
Kinnisonis that one still there?06:49
KeybukKinnison: that went06:49
mjg59seb128: That's a bug, not a feature06:49
seb128let's drop the menus :)06:49
Keybukseb128: newbies don't know what a session is!06:49
Keybukactually, I'd rather like us to go to a windowed preferences06:49
Keybukwith an advanced/power user tab06:50
hunger_Keybuk: Even newbies can learn, you know?06:50
mjg59"We've removed this clicky box, so now we have to keep this horrible preferences application because it's got a button that does the same thing as the clicky box we removed"06:50
Keybukhunger_: I'm using seb's argument against him :)06:50
mjg59To me that suggests that removing the clicky box was the wrong thing to do, not that keeping the preferences application is the right one06:50
KinnisonWe're going to be back to the configurability/usability of GNOME 2.0 if we're not careful06:50
hunger_Keybuk: Oh, sorry, just returned to the keyboard, I think I missed the context.06:50
seb128why do people come 3 months after discussions/changes to complain instead of starting to discuss changes at the right time? :)06:50
Keybukseb128: because it takes 3 months for people's desktops to work well enough to notice them? :)06:51
seb128ah ah06:51
mjg59seb128: Because I've only recently noticed that it was missing, since I generally don't have any need to change it06:51
\shseb128: it's .... human :)06:51
Keybukand we tend to be "not invited" to the discussions06:51
seb128Keybuk: I've mailed devel-announce about that, what kind of invitation do you need? :)06:51
siretartelmo: please sync wmfire_1.2.3-1/unstable, ok to override ubuntu changes06:52
Keybukseb128: after the spec was already written and approved06:52
Keybukwith the spec drafted in a closed room with just you, sabdfl and jdub wasn't it? :p06:52
seb128right, but the spec is clear we will do changes according to user feedback06:52
seb128and that's why we did the changes early06:52
seb128and put totem back to the menu by example :)06:52
Keybukusers said "We don't want the Window Preferences dialog" ?06:52
seb128no, that one was in the big room with like 10 people at the table in fact06:53
seb128dapper-desktop-plan was the closed room one :)06:53
hungerpitti: Could you please remove the pid-file of cups after killing the daemon?06:53
seb128anyway we have plenty of time to tweak the menus still06:53
Keybukooh, the little arrows on the menus are iiiickle06:54
Keybuklike 2px by 3px06:54
Keybukwhat went wrong there?06:54
hungerpitti: Feels untidy to leave that after the daemon is gone.06:54
ogra_ibookKeybuk, but they are antialiased :)06:54
pittihunger: right, thanks06:54
Keybukogra_ibook: i can't tell ... doesn't look like it06:55
hungerpitti: Thanks for not minding me pestering you with my petty little requests (or at least not complaining too much about them;-)06:56
siretartelmo: please sync xmms-jack_0.15-1/unstable, ok to override ubuntu changes06:57
Keybukseb128: it does strike me that we've reached the wrong conclusion to a bug06:59
Keybuk"The Preferences menu is too cluttered" -> "Remove things"06:59
Keybukrather than "Find something better than a menu"06:59
seb128there is some plan of "find something better than a menu", that's just it's not for dapper06:59
Keybukright, but breaking things now to fix them later isn't great, eh?07:00
Keybuk"we plan to move to Xgl for dapper+1, so we removed X.org from dapper"07:00
seb128we are not trying to break things07:00
seb128the purpose of the spec was mainly to solve the confusing duplications of preferences categories between app and system07:00
Keybukit doesn't seem to have done that though07:01
seb128it has07:01
seb128you don't have that category to app on a stock install07:01
KeybukWindows was as relevant as Menus & Toolbars07:01
Keybukone has gone, one has remained07:01
seb128we did some cleanup too which might be wrong07:01
seb128and we said we will adapt according to user comments :)07:01
Keybukand Menus & Toolbars STILL HAS THE WRONG DEFAULTS <g>07:01
BurgworkKeybuk, raise this on -devel and lets get some other feedback07:02
Keybuk(did I mention that already?)07:02
seb128detachable menus?07:02
Burgworkseb128, I want xsane to return07:02
Keybukseb128: detachable menus and toolbars should both be OFF07:02
seb128Burgwork: and a pony? :p07:02
Burgworkseb128, nah07:02
seb128Keybuk: menus one is fixed upstream, I've commited the change to CVS 2 days ago07:02
seb128ups, toolbars I mean07:03
seb128menu is off by default07:03
infinitypitti: BTW, s/--user root/--user cupsys/ in your init script (in the stop target) would go a long way to making it actually WORK. :)07:03
pittiinfinity: heh, I'm just cleaning up that bit anyway07:03
Keybukseb128: anyway, finished flaming for a bit now :)07:03
Keybukgnome-session loves me again07:03
pittiinfinity: good morning :)07:03
Keybukso I feel less hate07:04
Keybukpitti: how did I break cupsys? :p07:04
infinitypitti: When the user, name, and PID actually match, the next bit you do is pointless, since "--retry TERM/10" expands to "--retry TERM/10/KILL/10"07:04
pittiinfinity: btw, what would you propose for enigmail? drop the mozilla package, or split the source?07:04
pittiKeybuk: nevermind, just the lost /var/run/cups/ issue07:04
seb128Keybuk, mjg59: thanks for the rant on on the focus capplets, for what is worth I think we should enable it by default too, I'll ping jdub before doing the change back though07:04
Keybukpitti: ah, I thought that one had a mkdir07:04
infinitypitti: We can duplicate the source.  It's tiny, and it's a pretty useful thing that mozilla users would cry without.07:05
pittiinfinity: seb128 uploaded librsvg2 against ffox today, so enigmail is the last bit that keeps moz in main07:05
=== mjg59 mails -devel
mjg59pitti: Got a second?07:05
pittimjg59: yes07:05
seb128mjg59: if that's for a desktop issue you may want to Cc ubuntu-desktop too 07:05
mjg59seb128: Heh. Sorry, should have done that. Never mind.07:06
infinitypitti: Remind me after I wake up (I haven't yet slept.  I know, I know...), perhaps via an email sent in 5 minutes which I'll read in a few hours, and I'll merge and split enigmail.07:06
mjg59pitti: I've been talking to davidz about hal privileged operations07:06
pittiinfinity: oh, then better go to bed :) I'll mail you07:06
pittimjg59: oh, interesting :)07:06
infinitypitti: But seriously.  The init script.  Remove all that "wait 5 seconds, try to kill" business.  It's evil.  SSD does the right thing, if you feed it the right info. :)07:07
mjg59pitti: Basically, his opinion is that we should have a small daemon that runs as root and sits on dbus. It should only accept requests from hal. The only thing it should accept is a command name. It should validate this (check it's under /usr/lib/hal/scripts, or something) and then execute it as root. It should then pass back stdout, stderr and the return value in a sensible way.07:07
pittiinfinity: yes, that's what I'm doing07:07
pittimjg59: he plans this for a fair while now; will that be implemented soonish?07:08
pittimjg59: this approach indeed sounds fine to me; just not the current one which does everything in the main hald07:08
mjg59pitti: He's hoping that we'll do it, since he's busy with RH stuff and they don't need it07:08
pittimjg59: hmm, *I* don't need it either :)07:09
mjg59pitti: *We* need it in order to satisfy at least one spec07:09
pittimjg59: from my POV implementing privileged active elements as separate dbus services would be more sane07:09
mjg59pitti: Why?07:09
pittimjg59: power management?07:09
mjg59Yeah, power management07:09
mjg59We're blocking on this right now07:10
sivangmjg59: so this deamon would only take care of sending power mgmt commands?07:10
pittimjg59: well, having a very small daemon that does one thing, has a narrow input and can be audited is always better than a huge daemon that does the world07:10
mjg59Basically, hal_util_helper_invoke_with_pipes needs to be broken out to another application that sits on dbus and runs as root07:10
mjg59pitti: The only thing this root-running daemon would do is execute commands if they're in the right location07:10
pittimjg59: I see; it's a bit like a suid root program in the dbus architecture?07:11
mjg59We're talking about 40 lines of code plus some dbus glue, or so07:11
mjg59pitti: Yeah07:11
pittisecurity wise this sounds sensible to me; I was just totally opposed to running the complete hald as root07:11
mjg59The only security issue is that getting control of it would allow you to run these scripts as root07:11
mjg59Which is the same as getting control of any of the individual daemons would be07:11
mjg59It's probably a couple of hours of work, but I just don't have time to do it righ tnow07:12
mjg59(And I don't trust my dbus programming sufficiently)07:12
pittibut since these programs hopefully have a limited set of inputs, it wouldn't be total control, right?07:12
pittimjg59: we can't avoid that anyway if we specifically want users to control power management and such07:12
mjg59pitti: Right. Worst that can happen is that you can suspend the machine and so on.07:12
pittimjg59: that's why I actually like the networkmanager approach with this dhcdbd; it's a separate dbus service and can be installed independently07:13
mjg59pitti: Yeah. I think the proposed hal approach is basically identical in terms of security implications.07:14
pittiyes, just different in terms of granularity (packaging-wise)07:14
carlospitti, hi, do you have some time to talk?07:15
pitticarlos: yes, just go ahead :)07:15
mjg59pitti: So, can I convince you to code this? :)07:15
pittimjg59: would require me to dig into the guts of dbus/hal as well; it's interesting in any case and has the potential to reunify our and upstream's approaches07:16
pittimjg59: if mdz is fine with me spending time on this, I'll do it07:16
mjg59pitti: Ok, cool. 07:17
mjg59mdz: ^07:17
mdzmjg59: didn't you tell me a while ago that you were going to do this?07:18
mjg59mdz: That was the plan, but I'm swamped by real life07:19
mjg59I've got half a thesis to write by the end of the week07:19
mjg59It's the one thing blocking the power management spec07:19
mdzpitti is fairly booked as well; perhaps we could discuss this after the dev meeting?07:19
mjg59If you're happy leaving it that long, sure07:20
mdzthe dev meeting is in about 14 hours07:20
mjg59Oh, right07:20
mdzi'm in the middle of another meeting right now07:20
mjg59Sorry, I managed to confuse it with the distro sprint07:20
mjg59Yes, no problem07:21
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lllmanulllHey, I'd like to file a bug about dapper not starting on my machine (while booting, freezes on "detecting and activating hardware") : which package should I file it against ?07:24
Keybuk"freezes" ?07:25
Keybukor just takes a very long time?07:25
pittihunger, infinity: new cupsd uploaded07:25
Keybukif you wait, say, 3 minutes, does it carry on?07:25
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lllmanulllKeybuk, loops :)07:26
Keybuk"loops" was not an answer07:26
lllmanulllKeybuk, "azx_get_response timeout", displaying ad lib on the screen07:26
Keybukfile it against "linux"07:26
lllmanulllthe motherboard is quite recent07:26
mjg59That's the sound driver07:27
crimsunI'll take it from here.07:27
siretartdaniels: is it possible to specify dependencies for libgl/libglu headers in debian/control so that they are satisfiable in both unstable and dapper? I'd like to avoid divergence in my packages07:28
crimsunlllmanulll: please see http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2006-January/063381.html07:28
siretartdaniels: I'm talking about build deps07:28
infinitysiretart: libglu1-mesa-dev should work on both distributions.  For GL, you'd need "xlibmesa-gl-dev | libgl1-mesa-dev | libgl-dev" (in that order, since Debian's sbuild will only try the first option, ours will try the first AVAILABLE option.. Neat difference)07:31
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infinitysiretart: In theory, it won't be long before Debian's mesa stuff is in sync with our, though.  In theory.07:32
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=== mvo is aways for a bit, bbl
siretartinfinity: do you happen to have in mind what would be correct for glu headers?07:34
siretartlibglu1-xorg-dev | libglu1-mesa-dev | libglu-dev?07:34
infinitysiretart: libglu1-mesa-dev exists on both distributions.07:35
infinitysiretart: But you can prefer the xorg version on Debian if you want.  <shrug>07:35
siretartah, so 07:35
siretart libglu1-mesa-dev | libglu-dev should be just fine07:35
siretartthank you so much!07:35
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=== infinity tries heading back to bed again, after having done his good deed for the... uhh... early morning.
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=== Mithrandir wonders if infinity should be kicked off work channels so he can actually sleep av couple of hours once in a while.
Keybuk*** Unable to join #ubuntu-devel: Banned (go to bed!)07:37
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\shpitti: are you planning to be included in the DFN Cert advisory ML?07:38
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=== lamont wants an http_proxy for apt that only affects apt-get udpate
HrdwrBoBset http_proxy=foo; apt-get update; unset http_proxy07:55
ogra_ibookand make that a shell alias command ? 07:55
pitti\sh: I didn't; should I?07:57
\shpitti: would be a nice idea to have at least some translations of our bugreports in german :) and for free I think :)07:57
\shpitti: and we show to the public, that ubuntu is doing as well security patches07:58
pitti\sh: translations of bug reports?07:59
pitti\sh: that seems a bit stretched07:59
\shpitti: do you know the security mailing list of DFN cert? the prologue is always a german summary of the bugreport which is the epilogue :)08:00
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pitti\sh: ah, so s/bug report/USN/?08:01
pitti\sh: no, I don't know it08:01
\shpitti: http://www.cert.dfn.de/infoserv/mls/win-sec-ssc.html08:03
pittimdz: I'm not sure whether you got my question for the postgresql-8.0 breezy-updates patch?08:03
pittimdz: also, we should walk through the list of pending -updates uploads and process/remove them (some of them are scaringly old)08:05
\shpitti: I'd send you an example of one of those mails 08:05
mdzpitti: I did, I have the tab open in firefox but haven't read it yet08:07
pittimdz: ok, thanks08:07
mdzpitti: I'm not sure that we have a means to remove things from there apart from asking elmo to fix it by hand08:08
pittimdz: yes, that's what I mean08:08
pittimdz: but I think some stuff can also be approved08:08
mdzpitti: I'm just saying that the reason things stay there is because it's inconvenient to remove them, but yes, we should clean it up08:09
pittimdz: e. g. xine-lib, evince, ubuntu-docs uploads look pretty reasonable08:10
pittimdz: and the ancient old evms uploads to fix RAID-5 corruption08:11
Mithrandirmdz: uhm, that's not ancient.08:11
\shtaking a nap...cu later :)08:12
pittiMithrandir: oh, sorry; I did a similar upload months ago, seems that this is another flaw08:12
Mithrandirpitti: oh, ok.08:12
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Mithrandirpitti: since I did an upload a week or two ago, fixing raid 5 corruption issues. :-P08:13
pittiMithrandir: yes, I just read the .changes file :)08:13
psusipitti: I swear I read somewhere that hal runs async with callouts so the callouts can do things like hal-set-property, only I have found that hal-set-property fails to connect unless I background it and sleep for a few seconds... is that supposed to work right?08:13
pittiMithrandir: btw, I assigned that live cd user breakage bug to you, was that right? (seems that you are the new Mr. Casper now)08:14
Mithrandirpitti: yes, I seem to own the live cd now.08:15
Mithrandirpitti: uhm, what was the bug #?  Or is it a bit of time ago?08:17
mdkeinfinity, nudge #408:17
pittiMithrandir: #2205208:17
Mithrandirmdke: he's asleep08:17
mdkeMithrandir, that's ok, he can collect em08:18
Mithrandirpitti: that should be fixed with the newest dailies.08:18
pittiMithrandir: great08:18
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ogra_ibookKamion, gnome-screensaver is missing ed/ubuntu-meta 08:39
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Kamionoh, yeah, I should've promoted it first08:41
Kamionright, promoted now, will reupload ubuntu-meta/edubuntu-meta, er, later sometime08:43
ogra_ibookfine with me08:43
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blue-frogsystem>preferences>sessions what package is that pls?09:18
dholbachblue-frog: gnome-session09:19
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dilingerBenC: are you still maintaining pam_mkhomedir?10:26
danielssiretart: libgl1-mesa-dev | xlibmesa-gl-dev | libgl-dev10:35
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siretartdaniels: thanks. but infinity already answered with this: 19:31:17 < infinity> siretart: libglu1-mesa-dev should work on both distributions.  For GL, you'd need "xlibmesa-gl-dev | libgl1-mesa-dev | libgl-dev" (in that order, since Debian's sbuild will only try the first option, ours will try the first AVAILABLE option.. Neat difference)10:37
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freestoneMithrandir: Hi - got your email, but don't know where I am supposed to get the cd iso from - from the base system? Where?10:54
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danielssiretart: oh, righto10:59
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siretartbtw, wasn't it a habit of sbuild always taking the last alternative in build dependencies first? do I mix it with something?11:01
danielsyou'd be mixing that up11:04
sivanghe following packages have unmet dependencies.11:15
sivang  bzrtools: Depends: bzr (= 0.7+200512311044)11:15
sivangE: Broken packages11:15
sivanganybody idea?11:16
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BenCdilinger: I haven't touched that code in years11:28
dilingerBenC: ok.  seems kind of dangerous nowdays11:29
dilingerBenC: given that privsep makes it run as non-root, and it doesn't do any sort of randomization of the home directory name11:29
BenCdilinger: it was mainly used for debian's chroot's11:29
BenCit wasn't meant to be random :)11:30
dilingeri just started using it for a router where / is ro, mounting homedirectories in /tmp (which is tmpfs)11:30
dilingerheh, i know11:30
dilingeri assume it was meant to be run as root, though11:30
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Kamionsivang: grab the source package and build it from source, it'll work fine; I did that this morning11:37
sivangKamion: I just tried, but I guess I'm getting some other error:11:37
sivangpooh@tigershark ~/specs/home-user-backup $ bzr push sivan@mercury.linuxguru.net:/home/sivan/public_html/home-user-backup11:37
sivangbzr: ERROR: Parent directory of sivan@mercury.linuxguru.net:/home/sivan/public_html/home-user-backup does not exist.11:37
sivangthat's is not related to the package itself..11:37
HiddenWolfBenC: do you have any indication of what that FAT patent of microsoft means to us?11:41
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ogra_ibooksivang, try adding a second / before home11:42
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mdke_ah shit, friday the 13th has been chosen to switch to malone?11:45
sivangnot working, oh well. I'll just manually rsync the branch there11:45
sivangmdke_: yep, 13:13 is the time :)11:45
sivangkidding about the time :)11:46
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BenCHiddenWolf: from l-k, it means nothing (it only covers long filenames living in the same namespace as short filenames)11:53
BenCIMO, it really only affects vfat, and also, it isn't actually a done deal yet11:53
mdzinfinity: ping11:54
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BurgworkHiddenWolf, patents are never reallly done deals12:02

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