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TOZTWODoes anyone here know if there are any edubuntu labs in Texas?01:57
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TOZTWOHowdy arkan0x.02:29
TOZTWOI'm having trouble understanding how sudo works.02:31
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jsgotangcoTOZTWO, think of it as admin access where you are are only allowed to do certain things with each line of command instaed of the whole session03:47
mhzhi all03:50
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TOZTWOIs there a way to log into a sudo enabled account?04:08
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TOZAFKthanx, gotta run.04:15
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mhzSeveas: knock knock06:39
mhz"neo, wake up"06:39
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juliuxogra_ibook, the thinclients are on the way to you11:43
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ogra_ibookdid anybody notice that we surpassed OpenBSD on distrowatch this month ?02:58
Yagisanogra_ibook: no. but when we surpass ubuntu, we'll all know about it02:59
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mhzogra_ibook: i am in nirvana reading this; ttp://www.dsslive.org/mediawiki/index.php/Notes:Article05:06
mhzvery clear and enlightening doc05:06
mhzabout live cd making05:07
mhzogra_ibook: so far, it all indicates that in order to make a solution for older hardware or less powerful ones, the best desktops following freedesktop.org standards are IceWM and XFCE05:10
mhznow, the very important question is: will I work on just customizing a look and feel for Edubuntu apps (KDE and little GNOME)05:11
mhzwill I have to also recompile stuff more optimized for hardware specifics and then also take advante of the process and make apps. independant of GNOME or KDE libs05:12
mhzand so, maybe not use all Edubuntu apps05:13
mhzogra_ibook: those questions, for me have no answers yet in my head05:13
mhzThe idea is to ease the load of servers (remember we usually use desktops boxes 'to work as servers' and so HW is not that powerfull)05:14
mhzand in case, some schools need it, also make that edubuntu-light installable on PII, 300 MHz05:15
ogra_ibookas ltsp system ? 05:15
mhzfor server? yes05:16
ogra_ibookwont work 05:16
mhzPII are the 'cases' of clients05:16
ogra_ibookhow many clients do you want to attach to this ? 05:16
ogra_ibookthats just fine 05:17
mhzusually, PIV, 700 or 1GHz can be 'servers' here05:17
mhzbut my main question is what to choose? Edubuntu apps (with all current dependencies to KDE and GNOME) or Apps with the minimum dependencies possible, which would then require I compile again05:19
mhz but then it wouldn't be 'edubuntu' :) because maybe many apps, will not be the ones in real Edubuntu05:19
mhzand my other concern is that currently, Xubuntu has no roadmap or organization of anykind05:20
ogra_ibookdoes it need one ? 05:21
ogra_ibookits there and will be in main and completely supported with dapper 05:21
ogra_ibookthats mainly the roadmap05:21
mhzogra_ibook: so far, no one knows what to do, what's next, when to discuss stuff or who decides over what05:22
mhzogra_ibook: and regarding my former important question?05:23
mhzany suggestion?05:23
ogra_ibookthats your decision if yyou want to take the burden to make your own distro 05:24
mhznope, I dont05:24
mhzyou know that05:24
ogra_ibookkeep in mind that you have to recompile and offer every security upgrade 05:24
mhzbut i have no clue which way will actually be lighter05:24
mhzi've no clue if taking dependency away will actually be lighter for enduser with old hw05:25
ogra_ibookyou can leave out certain parts, some apps might have special options to drop stuff05:25
ogra_ibookbut i doubt the gain isnt worth the manpower you have to put into thatz05:26
ogra_ibookyou dont take dependencys away05:26
ogra_ibookyou need to disable the app functionallity, that will make the dependency go 05:26
ogra_ibookso you'll end up with smalle but less functional apps05:27
mhzand how do i know or 'preview' that before hand?05:27
mhzand will that mean 'recompile' anyways?05:27
ogra_ibookyou cant *preview* it05:30
ogra_ibookyou need to compile the app and measure the difference05:30
mhzthx for the time05:34
=== TOZAFK is now known as TOZTWO
TOZTWOIf there is no root account, then how do I copy, move, modify files where the owner is root?05:43
ogra_ibooksudo cp /source/file/path /target/file/path05:44
ogra_ibookor replace cp with mv, gedit 05:44
TOZTWOok, thanx.05:45
TOZTWOI'm selling an edubuntu lab to a local church, and I need to know if edubuntu can serve 10 clients from a quad PII 233 with 1 Gb of ram.05:47
mhzdubt it05:48
mhzdoubt it05:49
ogra_ibookthats a very small server05:49
TOZTWOYeah, it's old.05:49
ogra_ibookyou have to compute like that: 128MB per client + 256MB for the server 05:50
ogra_ibooki have no exact numbers about CPU power, but 233Mhz is clearly to small for 10 clients05:50
TOZTWOHow about a Dual PIII 700?05:50
mhzTOZTWO: I have tested a 700 Mhz + 256 Ram box as a server with 3 thin laptops05:51
mhzit worked fine until firefox was run by 2 clients05:52
mhzbut that was not dual05:52
mhznor had the ram you mention05:52
TOZTWOHow much better would a dual run?05:52
mhzno idea yet for me05:53
mhzbut it would be cool to know :)05:53
TOZTWOI might have to go with a quad PIII just to be sure.05:53
ogra_ibookin any case your firefox experience was MEM related05:53
mhzogra_ibook: yes05:53
mhzTOZTWO: you can always try using a lighter desktop05:54
ogra_ibooki'd guess ~1000Mhz would be fine for 10 clients ...05:54
mhz(other than GNOME or KDE)05:54
TOZTWOI found a place locally that disopses of old hardware(recycle center), and I can get really cheap hardware.05:54
mhzTOZTWO: yup, I am trying old hardware here05:54
mhzso the investment takes place and admin time at one single machine: the server05:55
TOZTWOYup. These folks can't afford a traditional lab.05:55
mhzTOZTWO: it all depends on what apps the 10 clients would be running05:55
mhzTOZTWO: i am there too :)05:56
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TOZTWOEverything that edubuntu has, OO, Logo, Games, Gcompris, Firfox.05:56
TOZTWOmhz: You are setting up a small lab for someone?05:57
mhzso far, a Pentium or AMD (not celeron, I'd say) of 1 GHz or more, plus the RAM claculus ogra_ibook metioned05:57
mhzwould do for 10 clients05:57
ogra_ibookTOZTWO, i think if you can put two 1ghz CPUs and 1.5G of ram into this dual 700 machine, you are fine05:58
mhzand if ram can't be 128 p/client, then I'd encourage you to consider using XFCE desktop05:58
mhzinstead of GNOME05:58
VelmontOr ROX? :] 05:58
mhzTOZTWO: i am testing some 'layouts' for schools with low resources05:59
mhzVego: AFAIKm ROX is not a 'desktop manager'05:59
mhzVelmont: : AFAIKm ROX is not a 'desktop manager'05:59
Velmontmhz: They have a desktop and filemanager at least ;)06:00
mhzTOZTWO: usually, 1 server and 7 to 13 clients06:00
mhzVelmont: indeed06:00
TOZTWOmhz: I've found that for schools, there are way too many hoops to jump through, so I'm doing churches instead.06:00
mhzTOZTWO: good idea!06:01
TOZTWONo one ever calls me for computer help unless it to fix thier spyware problems.......06:01
TOZTWOI'm getting very tired of doing all of this reactive maintenance..........06:02
ogra_ibookput a modem on the ltsp server, then you can dial in from home to fix stuff ;)06:02
TOZTWOSo I figure with edubuntu, I can take a more proactive role, and teach people how to use a computer..........06:03
TOZTWOThen I can have a more constructive role, rather than a maintenance role.06:03
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TOZTWOWhen I build this lab, I'm going to document how we do it, pictures, how-to, hurdles, prices, and then share.06:07
lguerraTOZTWO: very good06:08
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juliuxhi littlepaul 06:37
littlepaulhi juliux 06:38
littlepauljuliux, i sent you the required email06:38
juliuxlittlepaul, thxs06:38
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juliuxhi mherweg 06:48
lucasvo[Excess Flood] 06:48
littlepaulping lucasvo06:56
lucasvolittlepaul: pong06:56
littlepaullucasvo, do you allready know http://ikhaya.ubuntuusers.de/ ?06:56
lucasvolittlepaul: what is it about, a blog?06:57
littlepaula community blog06:57
littlepaulmaby you want to write someting about edubuntu06:57
lucasvolittlepaul: hm, I am not a very talented writer06:59
lucasvobut, yes, I can try06:59
littlepaullucasvo, good content is important not talent as an writer :)07:00
littlepaullucasvo, littlepaul AT ubuntu-de DOT org07:01
littlepaulin the blog there are some further interesting articles07:03
littlepaullucasvo, i have anoter link for you :)07:03
lucasvodjango :P07:05
littlepaulright :)07:06
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Burgworkwhat brings you here?07:45
Shodanei was told i could get info about edubuntu here07:46
Burgworkindeed you can07:47
Shodanegreat ;)07:47
Burgworkthere is also #edubuntu-de is you want to chat in german07:49
Shodaneis there documentation for edubuntu? can't find it on your website...07:49
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Burgworkthe cookbook is very much under development right now08:01
Burgworkand they are always looking for more people to help them08:01
Shodanewhat kind of server do i need for approx. 15 clients?08:02
Shodanei've got an old computer somewhere but it's not great, i guess08:02
mhz_lunchShodane: and you can also get info at #edubuntu-es :)08:02
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Shodanesorry, no spanish ;)08:02
ogra_ibookShodane, 128M per client and 256M for the server itself08:03
mhzogra_ibook: we shold get that on the topic ;)08:03
Shodanei was told there's a german guy developing here? from the eifel?08:03
ogra_ibookShodane, CPU, as fast as you can and not below 1Ghz i'd say08:03
ogra_ibookyupp, thats me08:03
Shodanehmm. it's probably fast enough then08:04
ogra_ibookmhz, sadly its to limited to add such long sentences08:04
Burgworkogra_ibook, the install notes seem to indicate taht the default install includes a GUI08:05
Shodanedelete the part about install notes ;)08:05
ogra_ibookBurgundavia, which install notes ? 08:05
Shodaneor write it into the install notes08:05
ogra_ibookours ? 08:05
Shodaneit doesn't08:06
Shodaneogra_ibook: dholbach sends me08:06
ogra_ibookah, hi :)08:07
Shodanehi :)08:07
ogra_ibookBurgundavia, wher does it seem to be gui driven ? 08:07
Burgworkogra_ibook, if you read the <enter> part and then the server part, it seems to indicate taht the <enter> install method installs a gui08:08
Burgworkit should probably explicitily say whether or not it does08:08
ogra_ibookit installs a gui08:08
ogra_ibookby pressing enter the default install will install an Edubuntu-desktop and prepare an Edubuntu LTSP server08:09
ogra_ibookwhats difficult with this sentence ? 08:09
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Burgworkhmm, I will think of some better wording08:10
ogra_ibooki like it ... but offer something better :)08:11
ogra_ibooknote that i fight for the "server" install to be renamed in dapper 08:11
BurgworkI will. I rarely bitch abut things that I am not willing to get fixed myself08:12
ogra_ibookits a minimal install and should be named accordingly08:12
ogra_ibooki'd also rather name "workstation" as "standalone workstation" but that appears to long to me08:13
Burgworkyes, it is too long08:13
mhzneurogeek: ping08:13
TOZAFKThe server install has no gui?08:14
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TOZTWOCan you administer from on of the clients?08:15
Burgworkogra_ibook, so the assumption is that the teacher is working on the server itself?08:15
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neurogeekmhz, pong08:16
neurogeekmhz, how is it going?08:16
ogra_ibookTOZTWO, the server install only installs a 100MB system, its only if you want to tailor the whole system yourself ..08:16
ogra_ibookTOZTWO, its something different to the default install that installs a edubuntu server and a edubuntu desktop08:17
ogra_ibookBurgwork, ltsp needs a installed desktop08:17
ogra_ibookBurgwork, you must have something you can log in to ;)#08:18
ogra_ibookBurgwork, having GDM running on the server does no harm either ... 08:18
TOZTWOI think I'll install the server version on my duron 900 and connect from my laptop to play around a bit.08:19
Shodaneis gimp included? can't find it in the list08:19
ogra_ibookand indeed you can log in and to your admin tasks either on the server or from a client through the gui08:19
ogra_ibookShodane, we include everything a default ubuntu brings08:19
TOZTWOGIMP is included.08:19
ogra_ibookso ooo2, gimp etc are there by default08:19
Shodaneah, ok. so i can choose the locale as well?08:20
mhzneurogeek: sorry, fine, thax. (I had disabled the 'beep' while I slept :D )08:20
ogra_ibookwe support all 90 languages ubuntu supports08:20
Burgworkogra_ibook, true, hadn't thought of that. My inexperience in thin clients shows08:20
mhzneurogeek: there is a venzuelan initiative I'd say you and your boss could take a look at08:20
ogra_ibookBurgwork, i doubt the product of your company works without desktop install on the central machine ;)08:21
Burgworkogra_ibook, given we don't have a server and use X to do multihead, yes08:21
neurogeekmhz, tell me..08:22
mhzneurogeek: ttp://www.dsslive.org/mediawiki/index.php/Notes:Article08:22
mhzneurogeek: not that, sorry08:22
neurogeekogra_ibook, how are you?08:22
mhzneurogeek: http://educacion.solve.net.ve/index.php/Portada08:22
ogra_ibookneurogeek, fine, thanks08:22
mhzneurogeek: http://educacion.solve.net.ve/index.php/EDUVEN_Propuestas08:23
neurogeekmhz, yeah.. i know about that... 08:23
mhzneurogeek: okis08:23
neurogeekmhz, solve is a brand new institution for free software in Venezuela08:24
Shodanecan the server be administrated via web interface?08:24
neurogeekbut .. there are a lot of "articuladores" (as you'd say) in there.. so.. proyects always ends before their start08:25
mhzneurogeek: right now there are two things I am using 70% of my time (Feria de Tecnologia Libre y Educacion + Workshops and Courses on TicEdu for Teachers)08:25
mhzneurogeek: hehehehehhee08:25
ogra_ibookShodane, but from every thin client 08:25
Shodaneogra_ibook: is nfs enabled by default? can i add users via batch job? (i've been trying to do that with windows, that's not that easy ;))08:27
mhzneurogeek: in Pereira, Colombia, Luis Guerra is also helping me to maybe have some sort of Ubuntu Tour or maybe even the same Feria in similar dates08:27
mhzneurogeek: would you be interested too? would Strusberg be into it?08:28
neurogeekmhz, of course... absolutely.. count on that08:29
neurogeekwhen would that be??08:29
mhzneurogeek: for Chile, we are thinking of March-April08:29
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mhzfor Colombia, maybe same dates08:29
neurogeekthat would be nice08:29
neurogeekyeah.. count on that08:30
mhzOur dream/goal is Chile -> Colombia -> Venezuela -> Argentina -> Brazil08:30
mhzand FLISOL is also near that dates08:30
mhzand there's a GNOME event in Brazil too by those dates08:30
mhzso... Why not do a very VERY intensive agenda08:31
mhzto kick off 2006!08:31
neurogeekmhz, yeah.. i think i will be in FLISOL this year.. 08:31
mhzand have a kind of LA power show08:31
neurogeekmhz, excellent.. we (RS and me) are very interested in those things.. and better if we do it together .. the better08:31
ogra_ibookShodane, nfs is the base of ltsp, so it is indeed enabled, adding users from a list would require a bit of shell scripting 08:32
mhzneurogeek: so far, only Luis Guerra and I have been talking to people in each country08:32
mhzneurogeek: i am actually working at this very moment on a doc about it08:32
mhzso, I guees I'll have it done in 2 ours08:33
Burgworkogra_ibook, however, there are plans to integrate our stuff with ltsp08:33
mhzneurogeek: for you and RS to read it08:33
neurogeekmhz: ah.. BTW i haven't forgotten about the moin stuff.. i've done some things but haven't had the time to finish it.. i'll be on it soon enough08:33
TOZTWOmhz: You speack Spanish/Portugese?08:33
mhzneurogeek: thx08:34
mhzTOZTWO: I am Chilean, and neurogeek is Venezuelan08:34
neurogeekwhen you finish it.. send it to me to my mail08:34
neurogeekTOZTWO, yeah.. Spanish08:34
mhzTOZTWO: and we have #edubuntu-es08:34
TOZTWOAfter I get my first lab up and running, I might be doing some labs in Mexico.08:34
mhzTOZTWO: wow!08:34
mhzneurogeek: we also have a ML08:35
mhzand I am wiking info about Edubuntu-es and Ubuntu for Chile in ubuntu-cl.org08:36
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mherweghi sven-tek08:37
sven-tekhi martin08:37
mhzneurogeek: tienen algun curso en Moodle or Claroiline I could take a look ?08:38
mhzneurogeek: ?08:44
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mhz_wikingneurogeek: ?09:07
Shodaneogra_ibook: re. can users be installed via batch job?09:11
ogra_ibookyes, with a little shellscript09:11
Shodaneis it documented?09:11
ogra_ibookbut basically you can do it with a handfull of lines, i'm pretty sure google will give you a lot of hits for a shellscript you can use09:13
mhz_wikingShodane: I am sure there's a unix command to do that09:13
mhz_wikingcan you wait for me (5 to 10 mins)09:13
ogra_ibooknot for a list of users09:13
spacey_kiif you have so many users you might want to use ldap09:14
Shodanei've never understood ldap...09:14
spacey_kistill need shell script to add users from a list ofcourse:)09:14
=== mhz_wiking read a book with this solution from list of users
ogra_ibookand likely some lines longer :)09:15
Shodaneif the users are just regular users, i can write a script myself. thought they'd be some kinda special users09:15
=== mhz_wiking is looking it up on the book right now
spacey_kiwhy are they special?09:15
spacey_kior whats special about them09:15
Shodanewell nothing apparently09:16
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mhz_wikingShodane: found it09:16
mhz_wikingPage 118 on Linux Cookbook, by Oreilly09:16
Shodaneok, thx09:16
ogra_ibookwe'll have tools for such stuff in the future, if more developers jump in09:17
Shodanehm, i'll try it out first ;)09:17
mhz_wiking$ sh mass_useradd < newusers > newlogins.txt09:18
ogra_ibookmhz_wiking, and what *is* mass_useradd ? 09:19
ogra_ibookyou also need the program/script ...09:19
mhz_wikingit's a script there, in the book :)09:19
mhz_wikingI ignore if it's available somewhere in a repo09:19
mhz_wikingI hope so09:20
mhz_wikingbut many oreilly books are available via on line09:20
Shodanethere's one09:20
=== mhz_wiking will check if its the same
mhz_wikingor else, I could write those 20 or so lines at night time09:21
mhz_wiking(chilean night time :) )09:21
Shodaneactually, what i'd prefer is an empty password and a dialog which forces the user to set a password at first login, like windows does...09:22
Shodaneis chilean night time longer than elsewhere?09:22
mhz_wikingShodane: well, the book has a section for that case too09:23
=== mhz_wiking loves that book, full of tips
mhz_wikingShodane: it seems the script is exactly the one in the url!09:24
Shodanehow about the other section then? maybe that one's online as well09:25
=== mhz_wiking looking it up on the book
Shodane44 euros, that's too much for me right now09:26
mhz_wikingShodane: I'd bet it is available on PDF09:26
ogra_ibookmake sure that the script doesnt start at UID 1000, thats the admin user you created on install09:27
mhz_wikingShodane: after you run useradd, simply run $ passwd -e the_user09:28
mhz_wikingthat will expire the password at first login, forcing the user to change it09:29
=== mhz_wiking gets back to wiking
mhz_wikingShodane: i hope that helps somehow09:31
Shodaneyeah, i'll just set "hello" as the pw :)09:32
=== littlepaul is now known as LITTLEPAUL
=== LITTLEPAUL is now known as littlepaul
Shodanei guess i know enough for now, thanks. i'll be back as soon as i've installed the server :)09:34
mhz_wikinggood luck09:35
=== southfoxargentin [n=fox@200-122-8-131.dsl.prima.net.ar] has joined #edubuntu
mhz_wikingsouthfoxargentin: bienvendio09:41
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