
=== mpt [n=mpt@203-167-187-170.dsl.clear.net.nz] has joined #launchpad
mptGoooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!12:32
=== mpt resolves to attend fewer 2am meetings, they disrupt his beauty sleep
lifelessmpt: just woke up ?12:42
lifelessspiv: 01:46
lifelessI presume that fell through de cracks01:46
spivlifeless: Hmm, I guess it must have.01:53
spivlifeless: I'll deal with it.01:53
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M0RBhello all05:14
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stubjamesh: I just reviewed your ErrorReportManagement branch. It would be good if you can land that today.06:50
jameshstub: okay06:51
dilysMerge to devel/launchpad: [trivial]  migrate bug aliases during bugzilla import (r2990: James Henstridge)07:30
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dilysMerge to devel/launchpad: soft timeout support, log SQL statements in error reports, r=stub (r2991: James Henstridge)07:49
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dilysMerge to devel/launchpad: [r=lifeless for most, trivial for the rest]  Trims margins and gutters of page layout and portlets. Fixes bug 3557 ('New' bug status is almost unreadable) and bug 6563 (No easy way to go to branch listings from a branch page). Updates the copyright info. Fixes the spec status colors. (r2992: Matthew Paul Thomas)08:21
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jameshhi carlos09:28
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mptevening :-)10:00
jameshso, product milestone pages don't seem to handle bug privacy10:00
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stubjamesh: Can I set up what is needed for the bugzilla migration now? I'm hoping to be elsewhere at 12:00UTC (although I'll have my phone and can return if needed)10:26
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jameshstub: sure.  I just need the DB access and know that the database has been backed up11:12
stubjamesh: What access do you need? Connect as the launchpad user from jamesh@macquarie?11:14
jameshstub: yeah.11:14
stubI'll be kicking the backup off in a tick11:14
jameshsame as I had for the initial contacts migration11:14
ddaastub: any idea why the bzrsyncd logs do not seem to show up on launchpad-error-reports?11:15
stubMost likely the emails are not getting to the mailing list.11:17
stubCheck the MAILTO= line in the crontab (if you are running from crontab), and if you can check the mailq on that box11:17
ddaaI set the mailto yesterday... mhh checking mailq right now11:17
stubjamesh: You should have access now11:17
ddaaokay, it's full11:19
ddaaA857D450143     2262 Fri Jan 13 07:30:02  bzrsyncd@gandwana.ubuntu.com11:19
ddaa(delivery temporarily suspended: connect to lists.canonical.com[] : No route to host)11:19
ddaa                                         launchpad-error-reports@lists.canonical.com11:19
ddaastub: should I ask a sysadmin to fix that?11:20
jameshstub: thanks11:24
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jameshlifeless: is there some problem synching commits from pqm?11:57
jameshlifeless: I've had two pqm success emails today, but neither of those commits appear in the branch on chinstrap.11:59
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matsubaragood morning!12:25
dafstub: on the MaloneRunsUbuntuTaskList, there's an item "fti triggers are off"12:28
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matsubaraIs there someone who can fix the rf-built tree? It hasn't been update for awhile.12:39
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dafooh, ZODB has been released as a separate package12:47
dafplus Zope 3.212:48
dafno "x"12:48
jameshmatsubara: the rocketfuel/launchpad/devel branch on chinstrap doesn't seem to have been updated for a while either12:49
matsubarajamesh: hmm, do you have any idea why?12:51
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cprovmorning hackers12:53
stubdaf: Done12:54
dafstub: awesome12:54
jameshmatsubara: merges get performed on another machine.  I assume that there is a problem mirroring the changes back to chinstrap12:55
stubjamesh: Can you confirm you can connect? The backup has just completed and I'm heading out (retrievable by mobile if necessary)12:55
jameshstub: seems fine.12:56
dafjamesh: "ensure bug aliases are imported" is also on the list -- has that been fixed?12:57
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dafyo Bradster12:57
bradbhey daf 12:58
jameshdaf: I merged it earlier today, but it hasn't gotten through to the rocketfuel mirror on chinstrap12:58
jameshdaf: I'm just going to apply the patch directly to the LP tree I use for the import12:58
dafjamesh: right -- that's good enough for me :)12:59
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dafbradb: do we have a bug on "Ensure bug contacts are subscribed to existing bugs"?01:01
dafbradb: if not, maybe you could file it, since you know the SQL-fu involved01:01
=== mpt shouldn't even be at work now
ajmitchmpt: not working late, are you?01:03
mptajmitch, no, no, not at all, just marking duplicates01:03
mptthat's not work01:03
dafer, is there something about these duplicates that means you have to deal with them now?01:04
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jameshthe dilys messages indicate that there are 16 revisions not mirrored to chinstrap01:15
ddaais staging known to be down, or is it not on staging.ubuntu.com anymore?01:15
ddaa(or do I have some other problem?)01:15
ddaampt: I saw you fixed one of my usability bugs, I'd like to look at the result...01:16
SteveAcprov: hi01:17
SteveAcprov: is kiko at async yet?01:17
cprovSteveA: hi, not yet AFAIK ...01:17
SteveAwe're supposed to be starting the bugzilla->malone work already01:17
cprovSteveA: let me call him01:18
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cprovSteveA: kiko's ETA 30 min, busy at home due personal issues01:19
SteveAok, thanks01:19
SteveAjamesh: is this okay for you?01:20
jameshSteveA: sure.  I'm just getting things ready for the migration at the moment (disabling bugzilla, etc)01:20
bradbdaf: We don't have a bug filed that I know of. It was one of the things on my task list from #c-m yesterday. I can open a bug for it.01:22
=== daf shrugs
dafup to you01:23
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mptddaa, you could merge rocketfuel or just merge my trivial branch01:26
ddaaI'm having enough trouble with i/o contention, slow bzr, and contention for different db schemas, so I'd rather not...01:26
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dafer, is Launchpad down?01:31
Kinnisonit's certainly not responding for me01:33
ajmitchworks here01:33
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mptmove to NZ01:33
dafah, it's back01:33
matsubarampt: hey! Johan has a feature request for you on bug 6725. :)01:34
dafmpt: by the way, that dup was because searching for "upstream" returned all 200 open bugs01:35
mptmatsubara, I saw that, and I vaguely remember disagreeing01:35
mptdaf, yeah, I had the same problem when searching for the original, and eventually resorted to the search function of my mail client01:35
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mpthowever, daf, removing the product/package name from the searched text is also covered in the MaloneSearch spec :-)01:37
dafI don't see why "upstream" would match every bug though01:37
mptbecause the name of the product is "upstream malone"01:37
mptas silly as that seems01:37
mptor rather, "malone (upstream)"01:37
mptI reported that as a bug quite a while ago01:39
dafI wonder how hard it is to fix01:39
mpthaha, you expect me to be able to find it?01:40
dafaha, bug 578201:40
UbugtuError: Could not parse data returned by Malone: Connection to Malone bugtracker failed: The read operation timed out01:40
daf(I searched for "search")01:41
mptYou're lucky that "search" worked, because substring searching isn't implemented yet either01:41
mptand the title has "searching"01:41
dafI think maybe it's fti being clever about suffixes01:42
mptoh, right01:42
mptso I need a better example in the spec01:42
dafwhich, of course, it horribly English-specific01:42
Kinnisonfti has language modes01:43
bradbmpt: Substring searching on the targetname is implemented.01:43
Kinnisonbut I think only english (and russian?) are implemented01:43
sabdflhey folks01:43
sabdflhow is the malone transition going?01:43
bradbIt's waiting on kiko-zzz, it seems. SteveA?01:43
jameshSteveA: login to bugzilla is now disabled.  Do you want me to wait for kiko before starting the migration?01:44
=== SteveA looks into it
SteveAi can't get kiko on the phone01:46
SteveAso, i'm not sure what's up, or when he'll be around01:46
SteveAkiko will be around in 15 mins01:47
dafmpt: did I send you a mail about headings?01:47
SteveAjamesh: what's the next step?  run the script?01:47
jameshSteveA: yeah01:47
mptdaf, yes01:47
SteveAZnarl: are you available to change the bugzilla front page shortly?01:48
SteveAjamesh: who else do we need around here?01:48
ZnarlSteveA : Yes.01:48
dafmpt: ok, wasn't sure01:48
jameshSteveA: I don't think we need anyone else at this point.01:48
seb128good luck :)01:48
dafpush that big red button!01:49
SteveAhas stu done the right kind of backups or whatever?01:49
SteveAso, no reason to wait any longer.  run the script, james01:49
SteveAjamesh: have you tested that bugzilla logins are disabled?01:50
jameshSteveA: yes.01:50
seb128I've tested01:50
seb128I get a page saying to mail jdub if I want to complain :p01:50
mptmy eyes, the redness01:51
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jameshhttps://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/openssl/+bug/6761 <- ubuntu bugzilla bug #101:52
mpter, "Please press Back and try again?" I don't think that will do much01:52
UbugtuError: Could not parse data returned by Malone: Connection to Malone bugtracker failed: The read operation timed out01:52
seb128jamesh: malone is update on the fly, no lock? we can use it?01:53
dafseb128: yes01:53
jameshseb128: yeah01:53
seb128ah, nice :)01:53
ddaaI'm sure when you were a kid you just loved putting your fingers in mechanisms...01:53
seb128yeah, it's fun :)01:54
bradbmdz: ping01:54
ddaahow comes you are not packaging KDE then? It actually has a gear as its logo!01:55
SteveAddaa: http://source.schooltool.org/trac/timeline01:55
SteveAddaa: http://source.schooltool.org/trac/changeset/548501:55
bradbjamesh: How long does this take to run?01:55
ddaayeah, I now the timeline feature rocks01:55
SteveAddaa: are we going to have pages like this in launchpad?01:55
jameshbradb: the run against staging took about 3 hours01:56
jameshbradb: I don't know how representative that is for a production import though01:56
ddaaI remember somebody asked for that. But the timeline thing is actually something more.01:56
mptpast 7000 bugs ...01:56
bradbjamesh: ok, thanks01:56
jameshwe are talking of about 22000 bugs01:56
ddaaSteveA: for example it can display bug tracker activety.01:56
lifelessjamesh: I will check logs01:56
lifelessmatsubara: it is up to date with the rocketfuel on chinstrap01:57
lifelessmatsubara: which is what it updates against: it is not broken.01:57
ddaaSteveA: I think that would a feature with a feature with good effort/result ratio: make a page per product that collates all the product's activity: bugs, branches, translations, specs01:58
ddaawith some "projection views" that show only some of those aspects01:58
bradbKamion: the BZ migration is running. Now might be a good time to set up the bug contact for ubuntu: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+editbugcontact01:58
mptddaa, give it the URL launchpad.net/products/foo01:58
KamionI suspect I don't have the necessary privileges, but will check01:58
jordioh my01:58
Kamionwow, lp's slow01:58
jordiis the bugzilla migration being done right now?01:59
ddaaSteveA: but as far as I'm concerned, this sort of stuff is probably post march sprint.01:59
KinnisonKamion: it appears to be having problems if you're in the UK01:59
jameshKamion: I've created an ubuntu-bugs team pointing at the existing list01:59
Kamionbradb: if I can, do I want to set it after the migration's finished, or does it not matter?01:59
KinnisonKamion: dunno why01:59
=== Kinnison -> lunch
bradbKamion: It shouldn't matter01:59
Kamionyeah, 403 on +editbugcontact02:00
KamionKeybuk may be able to set it02:00
bradbKamion: I can set it. Is there already a team reg'd though?02:00
ddaaSteveA: important priorities, like importd->bzr transition, fixing the branch UI, unblocking grumpy, setting up branch email notifications take precedence.02:00
kikodoctor is in02:00
SteveAhi kiko02:00
SteveAso, bugzilla is locked02:00
SteveAthe import script is running02:00
ajmitchnice, the bug count on launchpad rises quickly now..02:00
lifelessstale write lock on chinstrap02:00
mptpast 8000 ...02:01
Kamionbradb: https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-bugs02:01
SteveAznarl is available to change the front page of bugzilla whenever02:01
lifelessthats been removed, next commit to pqm will straighten everything out02:01
kikoSteveA, Znarl: by locked, what do you mean?02:01
jameshso, we are up to bug 1300 in about 10 minutes02:01
Kamionkiko: login disabled02:01
ddaaSteveA: if you want that given some serious thought soon, we'll need to reprioritize some other things.02:01
kikoKamion, disabledtext not null for everybody?02:01
SteveAddaa: no, not for now.  it came up in a separate conversation, and i just wanted your opinions.02:02
ddaaMy opinion: it rocks, launchpad can do much better, there's no spec and no time ATM.02:02
kikojamesh, did you manage to get alias conversion going?02:02
jameshkiko: yeah.02:02
bradbDoh, no stub.02:03
kikojamesh, are you running the import off a branch of yours then?02:03
=== bradb was wondering if the import script is subject to timeout errors, because I currently get those in the UI.
lifelessbradb: you'll be getting those due to lock contention I expect02:03
jameshkiko: rocketfuel + my alias migration patch02:03
bradbI thought as much. I hope the same doesn't happen to the import script though.02:04
kikolifeless, there's about 10 patches missing in launchpad/devel and -built02:04
jordiwoa, lp is totally dead02:04
SteveAjordi: not for me02:04
jordiworks again02:04
SteveAit's pretty fast02:04
bradbKamion: Hm, timeouts trying to set the bug contact. I'll set the bug contact as soon as LP lets me.02:05
jameshkiko: the alias stuff is merged into rocketfuel, but the rocketfuel mirror on chinstrap doesn't seem to have everything that PQM says it has merged02:05
jordi6758. OOPS-13A30302:05
jordilaunchpad (upstream), reported by  Vincent Gache on 2006-01-1302:05
jorditimeout this looks bad02:05
kikolifeless, note jamesh' comment -- are you aware of non-mirroring of changes into chinstrap?02:05
jameshkiko: he's looking into it02:06
kikoah, okay -- he wrote me mail saying it was up-to-date :)02:06
lifelesskiko: it was, for what it claims to be up to date against02:06
lifelesskiko: 00:00 < lifeless> stale write lock on chinstrap02:06
kikoyeah, I figured that would have been the case02:06
lifelesskiko: 00:01 < lifeless> thats been removed, next commit to pqm will straighten everything out02:06
bradbIt's Friday the 13th, the Malone migration is running, and there's fire trucks, ambulance and police out front. I hope this isn't a sign.02:09
kikolaunchpad is dying all over the place for me02:10
bradblock contention, most likely02:10
kikogangotri is mostly idle02:12
kikowe could nice process 14181 if we want to make the script lose more often02:12
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mpt10000 bug reports in Malone02:13
daf6927 against Ubuntu02:13
bradbjamesh: Do you have a moment to look at my reply to your status notes as comments review from yesterday?02:14
ajmitchmpt: a shame i didn't get to file #10000, like I did #500002:14
mptor me, since I reported #1000 :-)02:15
ajmitchit's such an honour :)02:15
kikojamesh, and your script doesn't set the default bug contacts?02:15
jordiI think I reported my birth year or something :)02:16
dafmpt: you haven't fixed #6666 for me yet02:16
mptubugtu 666602:16
bradbhttp://www.alistapart.com/articles/sensibleforms # I love the artwork02:20
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carlosSteveA, kiko hi02:31
kikohey carlos 02:31
carlossorry, I missed the whole morning trying to fix my mobile phone card but Vodafone is .... I'm still without mobile phone and will work until late today 02:31
carlosI think I will need to go out again this afternoon but this time will be really one hour (if they call me to tell me that all is fixed)02:32
carlosI'm going to have lunch now.02:33
carloskiko, SteveA is there anything you need from me before I leave?02:33
kikocarlos, not really02:33
carlosanyway I will be near the computer02:34
carlossee you later02:34
=== [GNU] [n=goern@xdsl-81-173-252-254.netcologne.de] has joined #launchpad
[GNU] hello all02:34
jameshkiko: it doesn't set the specifically, but everyone who was subscribed to the bug before should be subscribed after02:35
[GNU] is there a short desription out there on "how to make a suggestion for improvments for a given product" ?02:35
jameshbradb: sure.  I'll look now02:35
bradbjamesh: thanks02:35
kikobradb, jamesh' bugs probably don't have the initial bug contacts added, right02:36
=== bradb guesses not
jameshkiko: currently most of the initial contacts in Malone are ported over from Bugzilla02:37
bradbWe have to write a separate script either way, because all the existing Ubuntu bugs need ubuntu-bugs Cc'd as well02:37
bradbI thought kiko meant the Cc's02:37
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kikoI didn't02:37
jameshkiko: the existing bug subscribers in bugzilla get ported over, which should be pretty much the same02:37
jameshbradb: would it be difficult to have "distro component bug contacts"?02:37
kikojamesh, well, I'm talking about the default bug contact in malone, which has no counterpart in bugzilla.02:38
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bradbjamesh: InitialBugContacts provides for that using mailman keywords, but I didn't implement that header yet.02:38
bradbi.e. So that you can create mailman topics out of the Keywords header02:39
jameshkiko: the assignee?02:39
kikojamesh, no. ubuntu-bugs.02:39
jameshkiko: I was planning on setting it as the distro bug contact after the import, and make sure it is subscribed02:40
bradbI tried setting it earlier, but I'm still getting timeouts.02:40
kikothat would have been ideal, jamesh -- but we can sql script it now.02:40
jameshI wonder if one of the app servers is having trouble.02:40
bradb15,000 bugs and counting02:40
kikocarlos, ping?02:41
jameshwe're up to bugzilla #898002:41
ddaaA Miracle!02:41
ddaaHoly Brad!02:42
ddaaThe Multiplication Of Bugs!02:42
carloskiko, pong02:42
AlinuxOSboys, is it import module switched on?02:42
=== bradb is a bug creator
seb128by default bugs are not assigned with malone?02:42
dafhttps://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs says "All bugs ever reported (12216)"02:42
jameshseb128: correct.  But some people may get CC'd by default.02:43
kikoseb128, by default, no. 02:43
seb128I think I'm not going to like not having "My Bugs" to work on02:43
LarstiQAlinuxOS: currently bugzilla bugs are imported into malone02:43
dafI'm guessing we don't have a bug open on auto-assign02:43
=== bradb likes Wordpress's "Head of Bug Creation" role
AlinuxOSI mean .po file upload (import).02:44
kikoseb128, you can set yourself as a bug contact for the packages you want to look at02:45
AlinuxOSyesterday I've updated some .po files... and It worked...02:45
seb128bradb: can we change the default assignee for a package from somewhere?02:45
bradbSeems to be importing about 500 bugs/minute02:45
kikoand if it's a large set of packages, seb128, you can give us a list and we can do a mass-update02:45
kikoseb128, a bug contact for the packages will be CCed on all new bugs filed on those packages02:45
bradbseb128: Yeah, https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/3dchess/+subscribe.02:45
seb128kiko: basically all the bugzilla component I was the default assignee :p02:45
kikoyou can assign yourself to the bugs as fit02:45
kikobradb, jamesh: the package bug contacts have been migrated, right?02:46
seb128I get like 100 GNOME bugs week on my package02:46
jameshkiko: yes.02:46
seb128now I'll have to reassign that to me instead of getting it "just working"?02:46
kikoseb128, no, there's a slight change in concepts.02:46
kikoseb128, you get subscribed to all bugs reported on those packages (and jamesh confirmed that all package bug contacts have been migrated, so don't worry)02:47
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seb128is there a "Bug I'm watching" list ?02:47
kikoyou can assign yourself to the ones you are actually going to work on02:47
Kamionit basically means that now we can't tell the difference between "somebody subscribed me because they thought I might have something to contribute" and "new bug on one of my packages"02:47
kikoseb128, yes.02:47
Kamionthat was what default-assignee gave us02:47
kikoKamion, yes. but now you can differentiate between a bug reported on one of your packages and a bug you are working on.02:47
seb128kiko: I'm basically going to work on all the bugs assigned to my packages02:47
Kamionkiko: I could already do that, by state (NEW vs. ASSIGNED)02:47
AlinuxOShow I can convert .mo file to .po file?02:48
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KamionI was hoping that "Bugs on Maintained Software" would give me bugs on all the packages for which I'm the contact, but apparently not02:48
kikoseb128, you'are also probably going to invalidate, reassign, dupe and redirect bugs.02:48
KamionAlinuxOS: msgunfmt02:48
seb128AlinuxOS: msgunfmt .mo02:48
seb128Kamion: yeah, would be nice02:49
AlinuxOSKamion, I dosen't have this package02:49
KamionAlinuxOS: gettext02:49
bradbKamion: There's a bug open on that.02:49
AlinuxOSsudo apt-cache search msgunfmt02:49
AlinuxOS NO results02:49
kikoKamion, seb128: in general, open source doesn't benefit from default assignees because people don't see these bugs as bugs that are up-for-grabs -- even if the person sitting on them is not going to work on them anytime soon.02:49
jameshbradb / kiko: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/16257 is an example imported bug with its alias migrated02:49
kikojamesh, lovely work02:49
UbugtuError: Could not parse data returned by Malone: Connection to Malone bugtracker failed: The read operation timed out02:49
KamionAlinuxOS: it's in the gettext package. apt-cache search doesn't do a file search.02:49
seb128kiko: if I can't even have a list on bug I'm supposed to take care of them you are sure I'll not work on them :p02:50
seb128kiko: I like bugzilla "My Bugs"02:50
AlinuxOSah Kamion thanks02:50
bradbDarn, it looks like stub didn't fix the fti's either, which is making the search seem much worse than it is.02:50
Kamionkiko: open source or not open source, I have a job to do which involves taking care of bugs on a set of packages02:50
bradbjamesh: nice02:50
Kamionso I need a way to see them; I'm not bothered exactly what that way is02:50
seb128same for me02:51
kikoKamion, seb128: there is a way to see them, worry not.02:51
bradbKamion: bug 661002:51
Kamionkiko: what is it?02:51
seb128I want a list of the bugs on "my packages" because that's the bugs I'm supposed to take care of02:51
kikoI'm trying to load a page bug launchpad seems to have trouble02:51
UbugtuError: Could not parse data returned by Malone: Connection to Malone bugtracker failed: The read operation timed out02:51
Kamionbradb: thanks02:51
AlinuxOSmsgunfmt gaim.mo -o gaim.po .done.02:51
AlinuxOSKamion, seb128 thanks!02:52
jameshkiko: seems to be a problem with one of the app servers.  Znarl is checking it02:52
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jameshwe're a bit over half way there02:53
jameshin one hour02:53
kikowake up app server02:54
kikoZnarl, can you turn off the pound redirect to the broken app server?02:54
Znarlkiko : Yes, I can.02:54
kikothat would help already02:55
=== kiko gets the bad server
kikobradb, really unfortunate the fti borkage02:56
dafstub said he'd fixed it earlier02:58
kikodid he?02:58
dafhes, just before he left02:59
daf* yes02:59
=== Nafallo is now known as Nafallo_away
kikoyet bradb seems to think it's still off03:04
bradbIt's off for as long as searching for "maintained" doesn't find bug 661003:05
=== Nafallo_away is now known as Nafallo
kikobradb, email to stuart and launchpad, please03:08
jameshkiko: how hard do you think it would be to get the bugzilla status watching code to update bugtask statuses?03:10
kikojamesh, not very hard at all.03:10
jameshkiko: and send email on such changes? :)03:10
kikoI mean, it's following a single foreign key and updating03:11
kikoI'm not sure -- bradb how hard is it to generate some bugmail?03:11
kikobradb, matsubara: why is https://launchpad.net/people/seb128/+packagebugs empty?03:12
bradbNot hard. Just publish an SQLObjectModifiedEvent along with the status change.03:12
bradbkiko: bug 661003:12
UbugtuMalone bug 6610: ""Bugs on Maintained Software" should be changed to a "Bugs for Bug Contact" report" Fix req. for: malone (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: Confirmed http://launchpad.net/bugs/661003:12
kikobradb, I <3 you03:12
=== bradb sets the priority to High
seb128kiko: I've no bug, \o/03:14
bradbjamesh: How does the status notes as comments diff look?03:14
Kamionbradb: I tried to think of a better title for that and couldn't03:14
kikoseb128, you can give me a massage now03:14
Kamionbradb: any problem with just leaving it as "Bugs on Maintained Software", even though that's not exactly what it corresponds to under the hood any more?03:15
bradbKamion: That's not what it corresponds to in the UI.03:15
bradbUnder the hood is just details, one way or the other. :) We don't have a "maintainer" in the UI anymore though.03:16
kikomaintainer is a bad bad name03:16
seb128kiko: you wish :)03:16
kikomy legs hurt03:16
bradbKamion: Leaving it "Bugs on Maintained Software" would mean that I see bugs on that page, even if I'm subscribed to bugs in that package for reasons other than being responsible for fixing those bugs.03:17
dafbradb: I think +packagebugs might be misleading03:17
jameshbradb: sorry haven't looked through all of it03:17
kikoI thought the name +packagebugs was well-suited to package bug contacts03:17
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jameshbradb: one issue I noticed first up is that you are importing canonical.launchpad.database.* classes into helpers.py03:17
dafare bug contacts always on packages?03:18
Kamion"Bugs on My Packages" except that it's not always My03:18
dafor on products too?03:18
jameshbradb: which shouldn't be done, iirc03:18
ddaaI would need to use a literal url "http://bazaar.launchpad.net/" (the root of the supermirror) in at least two places in the code. This has only one globally meaningful value. Should I make it a configuration setting? I thinking of making it an optional config entry in the "launchpad" section with the right default value. Would that be okay?03:18
kikoddaa, I think that's okay.03:19
bradbjamesh: Hm, I'm a bit stumped on how to do create-bug-message without firing off the event then, like IBug.newMessage does.03:20
bradbThe use case for not firing it off is so that a separate email doesn't get sent containing only a comment when a comment is made with a change.03:21
jameshbradb: a really cheesy way to do it would be to add a "no notify" argument to newMessage(), which defaults to false03:21
bradbjamesh: Yeah, I considered that.03:21
bradbIt seemed a bit strange, but if you think it's ok, I'd be happy to do it.03:22
jameshbradb: as I said in my original email, long term it might be worth trying to collate events for a particular bug and generate a single mail at the end of the transaction or something similar.03:22
jameshbradb: the additional argument to newMessage() would be cleaner than moving the code to helpers.py (although still a bit ugly)03:23
jameshI suppose it would be okay if you add appropriate XXX comments03:23
bradbSure, I'll do that and open a bug.03:24
jameshthe rest of that incremental diff looks okay03:24
bradbok, cool03:25
AlinuxOShello hakers :) I've cheked https://launchpad.net/rosetta/imports all of my imported files are FALSE cheked.03:27
AlinuxOScarlos, ?03:34
AlinuxOSjordi, ?03:34
kikobradb, maybe fti.py caching is the culprit?03:34
bradbNot sure.03:35
carlosAlinuxOS, that only happens with files that are the first time we see them03:37
carlosAlinuxOS, look at the first table, you have the bum file waiting for being importe03:37
bradbWhoa, I just opened bug #25724 :)03:37
=== bradb imagines the FAQs
dafjamesh: the bug count seems to have stopped going up -- are we done?03:39
jameshdaf: I don't think so03:39
jameshthe script has stopped generating output, but it hasn't completed03:40
bradbhttps://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/zeroconf/+bug/22057 looks like a very new bug report, at least :)03:40
UbugtuMalone bug 22057: "Zeroconf process use 100% CPU" Fix req. for: zeroconf (Ubuntu), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: Unconfirmed http://launchpad.net/bugs/2205703:40
bradb(the newest open bug I see on ubuntu)03:40
kikobradb, see how it has no subscribers?03:41
dafbradb: but the next-newest one is 13332 :)03:41
jameshbradb: that's not a migrated bug03:41
kikowell, the reporter.03:41
jameshthere are no bug contacts for zeroconf03:42
kikoand for a distro contact ubuntu?03:42
kikoand a distro contact for ubuntu?03:42
jameshI haven't set the distro contact yet03:42
kikobradb, should I set the ubuntu bug contact?03:43
bradbbug 13332 doesn't have an external bug linked to it03:43
UbugtuMalone bug 13332: "Please run update-rcconf-guide automatically after installing (in postinst)" Fix req. for: rcconf (Ubuntu), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: Unconfirmed http://launchpad.net/bugs/1333203:43
bradbkiko: Sure, if that page isn't timing out anymore.03:43
kikobradb, I'm wondering if we're going to spam that with migrated bugs?03:43
kikobradb, hmmm good point03:44
AlinuxOScarlos, and Is it automatical update ?03:44
dafbug 100030 has the correct bug contacs, I think03:44
UbugtuAn error has occurred.03:44
AlinuxOSor someone really must rewev it?03:44
bradbThere are big gaps in thoses last few bug #'s03:44
bradbafter 675703:44
kikodaf, missing ubuntu-bugs03:44
dafer, 1003003:44
kikoguessed that03:44
jameshI think the importer has hung on a transaction commit03:44
dafhmm, desktop-bugs isn't enough?03:44
kikodaf, no -- distro bug contact?03:45
jameshdaf: desktop-bugs is a contact for mainly gui stuff03:45
AlinuxOScarlos, who decides imported .po files destiny? Translators Group Admin, Owner or someone esle?03:45
bradbjamesh: Is the importer resumable?03:45
carlosAlinuxOS, Rosetta Experts, that's jordi, daf and me03:45
carlosAlinuxOS, if we can guess the destination, it's done automatically03:46
jameshkiko: set the distro bug contact03:46
jameshbradb: yeah.03:46
carloswe need to improve the current logic03:46
AlinuxOSso there is no more automatic.03:46
carlosAlinuxOS, is automatic03:46
bradbjamesh: The migration script doesn't send bugmail, right?03:46
carlosbut not always03:46
jameshimporter seems to have started again03:46
carlosthat lets our users to upload files without the language code as the name of the file03:46
AlinuxOScarlos, what means destination? 03:47
jameshI think something else must have been blocking the transaction03:47
carlosAlinuxOS, language and source package03:47
jameshbradb: it disables sendmail(), yes.03:47
carlosthat lets us 'fix' uploads of de_DE instead of de and things like that03:47
AlinuxOSfor example    vlc in Ubuntu Dapper    ka.po   False03:47
AlinuxOSwhy it's stopped?03:48
bradbkiko: So the bug contact won't get spammed from the migration.03:48
carlosthat only means that vlc does not have any string for Georgian03:48
AlinuxOStoday I've make some translations... for Dapper pakages collection.03:48
carlosAlinuxOS, in that case we should improve our current logic to do it automatically03:48
jameshI've got Znarl to update the mailing list config too, so that it should accept mails generated by Malone03:48
AlinuxOScarlos but it works with on line translation.03:49
carlosAlinuxOS, because you already selected the language with your upload03:49
AlinuxOSyes of cource03:49
carlosAlinuxOS, yes03:49
AlinuxOSso you must approve my todays translation or?03:50
AlinuxOSfor example I translated yesterday 90% of BUM, and today I've finished it... and reuploaded it... but after 2 hours, I've finished it on-line.03:51
AlinuxOScan we change something with this way of doing?03:51
bradb26,700 Malone bugs and counting...!03:51
sd-tuxcarlos: my translations are waiting for import too... i'm uploading files always named ka.po and from +lang/ka ..03:52
sd-tuxevolution was uploaded from https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/breezy/+source/evolution/+pots/evolution-2.4/ka/+upload03:53
carlosAlinuxOS, bum is not waiting for any admin review03:55
carlosAlinuxOS, if it's not imported, there is a problem with it03:55
carlosas I said, the reviews are needed only the first time we see that file03:55
carlossd-tux, yours need that an admin reviews the import request, I will try to take a look later today.03:56
AlinuxOSyes but doday I've finished rest of bum...and there was no imports.03:56
sd-tuxcarlos: ok03:57
carlosAlinuxOS, you did the import two hours ago, right?03:57
AlinuxOScarlos, aha03:57
AlinuxOSright caros amigos :)03:57
carlosAlinuxOS, and after that, you did the translations using the web UI?03:58
carlosAlinuxOS, Ok, the only thing I can think on is that the poimport script is a bit busy atm, I should get an email soon with the run log03:59
carlosas the last one I have was sent before you uploaded the file03:59
jameshbugzilla importer bailed on one of the bug aliases03:59
AlinuxOSso I've done everything ina regular mode...I mean not erroneous.03:59
AlinuxOScarlos, hehe, I can remove my imports :)04:04
bradbjamesh: Why would an alias cause it to bail?04:04
bradboh, validation failure, presumably04:04
kikofriggin timeouts.. try 3.. jamesh, bradb: still not done.04:05
kikoRequestExpired: (("SELECT EmailAddress.id, EmailAddress.status, EmailAddress.person, EmailAddress.email FROM EmailAddress WHERE lower(email) = 'ubuntu-bugs@lists.ubuntu.com' ORDER BY email",), {})04:05
kikoalways fails04:05
AlinuxOSbut better is if there is PUT button :)04:05
jameshthe little alias sanitisation routine didn't catch aliases beginning with a digit04:05
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bradbjamesh: So this should be simple to fix and resume, right?04:06
dafit would happen when it was nearly finished :)04:06
jameshIt's currently going through and checking which bugs it's already migrated04:06
jameshup to ~ 800004:06
carlosAlinuxOS, PUT button?04:07
jameshit was up to 21391 before04:07
jameshout of 21770 bugs04:07
AlinuxOS:) publishing button :)04:07
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carlosAlinuxOS, ;-)04:07
jameshof course, it needs to process the duplicates table after that04:07
jameshbradb: one of the Ubuntu guys noticed that the malone 1.1 milestone page was giving forbidden errors04:08
UbugtuMalone bug 1: "Microsoft has a majority market share" Fix req. for: Ubuntu, Severity: Critical, Assigned to: Mark Shuttleworth, Status: Confirmed http://launchpad.net/bugs/104:08
jameshbradb: it seems that the page doesn't handle private bugs properly.  I've filed a bug with the details04:09
AlinuxOSeh I remmember that before a general update, it was really simple to update/import a .po file, that took 5 minutes maximum.04:09
bradbjamesh: Ah, right, thanks.04:09
UbugtuMalone bug 6751: "Forbidden error when viewing a milestone with private bugs" Fix req. for: malone (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: Unconfirmed http://launchpad.net/bugs/675104:10
ddaaAnother question...04:21
ddaaI would like that when any "well behaved" code sets a branch's title, description or URL to the empty string, what gets actually written to the database is NULL.04:22
ddaaWhere should I do that?04:22
kikoyou can do it in various places04:23
kikoI'm unsure which is correct04:23
jameshthe importer is on to duplicate processing04:23
ddaakiko: who would know?04:24
kikoddaa, SteveA for sure.04:24
ddaaSteveA: you here?04:24
SteveAddaa: no04:24
ddaaIs that an answer to "Where should I do that"?04:24
kikogood ole SteveA humor04:25
ddaaSteveA: ddaa: I would like that when any "well behaved" code sets a branch's title, description or URL to the empty string, what gets actually written to the database is NULL.04:25
ddaaddaa: Where should I do that?04:25
SteveAwhat do you expect things to read after that?04:26
ddaaWell, NULL, obviously.04:26
SteveAdo you expect to write an empty string, but read a None ?04:26
SteveAthat sounds dodgy to me04:26
SteveAyou could write a property that does that04:26
SteveAit sounds like misdesign04:26
sivanghi all04:27
ddaaI think SQL is misdesigned in that respect.04:27
ddaaThe motivation is that often the empty string and NULL are interchangeable. Forms do not care. Templates do not care. Python, _if written with the right idioms_ does not care.04:28
ddaabut it's a pain to use in SQL requests and it's error-prone with python code.04:28
SteveAyou can use a property in the database code.  ask stub if it is a good design.04:28
SteveAi'm not here04:28
ddaawell... stub isn't either...04:29
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kikoZnarl, jamesh: somehow people are getting ubuntu-bugs spam when filing malone bugs.04:30
seb128kiko: I've just given the filter rule to jdub04:30
=== kiko sighs
seb128kiko: but I've bugged you guys for ages about that04:30
seb128seems you don't want to fix it04:30
kikodon't want to fix what?04:31
seb128and prefer blame list admin who have moderation04:31
seb128don't send moderation mails to the user04:31
seb128you forge the comment like they were sent from the user04:31
jameshseb128: I asked Znarl to make the config changes to the lists04:31
seb128so he gets the moderation mail04:31
kikoseb128, convince Keybuk of that.04:31
seb128the user should not have to care04:31
kikoI am not convinced that your proposal is correct04:31
seb128he comments on a bug tracker04:31
SteveAjamesh: did you file an RT request?04:31
jameshit should be letting LP emails through to ubuntu-bugs04:32
seb128whoever is subscriber to launchpad should not be his issue04:32
bradblifeless: ping (semi-urgent)04:32
jameshSteveA: no.  I asked him on IRC earlier, and he said he did it04:32
seb128jamesh: jdub is going to change that but that's still an issue04:32
kikoseb128, if you write email to a list and one of the list subscribers is a moderated mailing list, it's still a problem.04:32
kikoseb128, but as I said, talk to Keybuk and see if he and you can find a solution which doesn't undo the work we put into the headers.04:32
seb128kiko: you don't write to a list, you comment on a bug tracker, I don't get why you should be bothered because some people subcribed to the bug with a broken config04:33
jameshkiko: the solution at the very bottom of https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/BugzillaImportProcess should handle it (this is what I pointed Znarl at)04:33
seb128it should be between launchpad and the list04:33
seb128not bounced back to the user who comments on it04:33
bradbseb128: I agree.04:33
kikojamesh, yeah, but doesn't help with what seb128 is complaining about.04:33
kikobradb, seb128: how about you two talk to Keybuk.04:34
jameshif people ask for information about a particular bug to be sent to them, and then reject said email, it seems like their problem.04:35
bradbCan anybody else force rocketfuel to get mirrored to chinstrap from whatever the merge machine is? I can't merge status notes as comments because of conflicts, but I can't get at the latest patches.04:35
kikobradb, lifeless /was/ looking into that04:35
bradbYeah, he said a merge had to land and all would be well. Pretty hard to land a non-trivial merge with 10 patches missing. :/04:36
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kikobradb, I can send an empty merge request04:36
bradbkiko: hey, true, that'd be good04:36
bradbbeat pqm at its own game04:37
Keybukdoesn't Malone send out an "I'm Malone" header with it's emails?04:39
bradbkiko: Are you sending it, or do you want me to?04:39
kikosent already04:40
kikoKeybuk, it does.04:40
bradbkiko: thanks04:40
Keybukseb128: whitelist that header04:40
=== Keybuk digs up the mailman incarnation
KeybukI had it just the other day04:41
kikoKeybuk, is there a good way to avoid bounce mail being sent to the original poster?04:41
Keybukahh, what are you setting the envelope-return-path too04:41
KeybukI hadn't yet looked at those, those could be wrong04:41
Keybukthe envelope should have a return-path of something like bounces@launchpad.net04:42
KeybukReturn-Path: <bounces@canonical.com>04:42
Keybuk^ just like it does04:42
Keybukhmm, bounces shouldn't go to the original poster :p04:42
Keybukunless there's buggy software04:42
kikoright. so why is mailman bouncing to the OP?04:42
Keybukmailman is fucked ;)04:42
LarstiQKeybuk: unfuck it?04:43
Keybukthe "post to a moderated list" mails, yeah it knowingly ignores Sender for those04:43
Keybukcf. same discussion for debbugs years ago04:43
Keybukmailman's justification is that those aren't really "bounces"04:44
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kikoKeybuk, no option to fix that?04:44
seb128Keybuk: it's done04:44
Keybukseb128: then what's the problem?04:45
bradbkiko: I don't see a merge request in pqm's queue. did it have a tag?04:45
seb128Keybuk: it's that even with a broken list config the luser who use malone should not be bothered by an obscur moderation mail which should be an internal launchpad detail for him04:45
seb128Keybuk: the user who do reply to a comment doesn't care than motu list is misconfigured04:46
Keybukseb128: this is a long-running argument about how mailing list managers should behave04:46
Keybukseb128: otoh, users subscribed to that list and receiving the bugs probably do care about the bug information04:46
seb128list admin does care04:47
seb128luser using malone doesn't04:47
Keybukfix mailman04:47
Keybukmalone is sending e-mails out entirely correctly04:47
Keybukit asks for bounces to be sent to bounces@canonical.com04:47
seb128malone is sending mails like they were sent to the list by the commenter04:47
Keybukand identifies itself in the Sender: header (as specified in the RFC) as the real originator of the e-mail04:47
Keybukdamned right04:47
kikobradb, hmmm. but I sent it.04:48
seb128the guy comment on malone, it doesn't send a mail to the list04:48
Keybukand it isn't04:48
seb128the Sender should be malone 04:48
Keybukit's sending mails like they were sent by Malone on behalf of the commenter04:48
LarstiQseb128: aiuK, it is04:48
dafisn't this exactly what happens with debbugs and debian-bugs-dist?04:48
kikodaf, yes.04:48
KeybukSender should probably not be "bounces@canonical.com" but something more descriptively Malone, but that's not truly important04:49
Keybukthe general mailing list trick is a catch-all address, so you have foo-bounces and foo-owner which go to the same place04:49
Keybukdaf: and most of the mailman hosted commit lists too04:49
Keybukincluding, amusingly, mailman's own commit list :p04:49
Keybukwhich was the time I saw mailman closest to actually getting fixed04:50
kikoKeybuk, can't they be pursued to adding an option?04:50
kikothat would be less terrible but would still inconvenience us04:50
kiko(given not all lists would be ported over to this new version, and have the option activated..)04:50
kikoKeybuk, mind you, I have a patch on mailman that I've kept up to date for 2 YEARS04:51
kikonobody's ever even replied to my nagging04:51
kikoand this, because I know barry fairly well04:51
Keybukkiko: *shrug* if a sysadmin can change the option, they can add the appropriate white list04:51
kikoI guess.04:51
Keybukbadly configured mailing lists generate hate, News At Eleven04:52
jameshokay.  The main migration is done04:52
jameshwhat I haven't done is go through and make sure ubuntu-bugs is subscribed to all the ubuntu bugs04:53
seb128"1   20  of 689 results", oh joy04:53
seb128(Bugs Assigned)04:53
bradbjamesh: We have to do that for all Launchpad products, bzr, and possibly other things too.04:53
Keybukjamesh: only the "main" ones, no?04:54
Keybukubuntu-bugs would be mad if it had universe too04:54
Keybukbut then maybe mdz has other ideas04:54
bradbKeybuk: All of them.04:54
=== Keybuk cries
seb128upstream bugs are "unconfirmed"04:54
KeybukI can't keep up with ubuntu-bugs as it is :-/04:55
bradbInitialBugContacts notes that we'll add a Keywords header, to create Mailman topics for universe, main, etc.04:55
bradbI haven't implemented it yet, but I can do it quickly enough. Unfortunately, pqm's a pretty thick brick wall to get through today.04:55
seb128carlos: is https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-l10n-fr/+members/<name> returning a "Page not found" known?04:57
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
Keybukbradb: Oh, btw, without a way to search for nicknames I ended up not using them04:57
bradbKeybuk: ok. will you switch to using them once we have a search and/or URL that works with nicknames?04:58
Keybukyeah I guess04:59
KeybukI suspect you'll get bored of MoM DoS'ing launchpad once a day <g>04:59
bradbkiko: I put an empty merge request in pqm's queue. Not sure what happened to the one you sent.05:02
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carlosseb128, I'm not aware that such url ever exists....05:04
spacey_kigot a mail from launchpad about https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/installation-guide/+bug/463705:04
UbugtuMalone bug 4637: "guide (Ubuntu) - Partition sizes wrong in 5.10 Ubuntu Installation Guide " Fix req. for: Ubuntu, Severity: Minor, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: Rejected http://launchpad.net/bugs/463705:04
spacey_kibut i'm not subscribed to it05:04
carlosseb128, the list of members links to people/<name>05:05
spacey_kiwhy is that?:P05:05
seb128carlos: that's the URL I get with the "Launchpad: New member awaiting approval." mails05:05
seb128carlos: I click on the url from  the mail, get this error page, and have to click on 10 links to find where to moderate people05:05
seb128that's not optimal :)05:05
seb128should I file a bug?05:05
seb128"This is the page where you can approve or decline this membership:05:06
seb128that's the mail I just got05:06
carlosseb128, yes, please, file a bug05:07
carlosseb128, since when do you have this problem?05:07
seb128carlos: some weeks05:07
jameshspacey_ki: according to the bug activity log, that bug was once assigned to the "ubuntu-doc" team05:08
carlosI suppose someone changed it and we are missing a test....05:08
seb128carlos: I tend to think that such issue are noticed quickly so I just waited a bit before spending time to bother you guys :p05:08
jameshspacey_ki: are you on that team? (or a team that is a member of ubuntu-doc?)05:08
jamesh"edubuntu documentation" and "wiki team" are listed as members of ubuntu-doc05:09
spacey_kimust be because of edubuntu documentation then05:09
spacey_kiok, that explains05:09
spacey_kinot really obvious05:10
spacey_kimaybe the mail can say: ps. you got this mail because this bug was once assigned to ubuntu documentation team, and you are in edubuntu documentation team, and they are linked, so you get this mail. :p05:11
seb128carlos: https://launchpad.net/products/rosetta/+bug/2845705:11
UbugtuMalone bug 28457: ""New member awaiting approval" URL broken" Fix req. for: rosetta (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: Unconfirmed http://launchpad.net/bugs/2845705:11
jameshkiko: do we want http://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/ to redirect, or to just have an explanation of the change?05:14
kikoI think an explanation may be less traumatic05:15
jameshwhere should we point people to?05:18
kikoto the various malone pages that the users need to interact with05:18
jameshso probably /distros/ubuntu/+bugs05:18
dilysMerge to devel/launchpad: [trivial]  empty merge to, hopefully, (r2993)05:18
carlosseb128, thanks05:20
seb128carlos: np05:20
carlosseb128, well, if there isn't people complaining... we cannot detect it ;-)05:20
carlosseb128, well, we can, if we have enough tests ;-)05:20
seb128carlos: I thought than somebody would complain and I could just be lazy :)05:21
seb128seems that I'm not the only lazy guy around :p05:21
carlosseb128, ;-)05:21
jameshbradb: so, do you want me to subscribe all the ubuntu bugs to ubuntu-bugs?05:32
bradbjamesh: Sure, that'd be great.05:33
kikoand all launchpad-related bugs, too, jamesh 05:33
jameshkiko: could you come up with some wording to stick on the bugzilla frontpage?05:35
kikojamesh, yes, give me 5 minutes because I'm on the phone with SteveA 05:36
kikoKeybuk, would bug rdf help you?05:41
Keybukrdf is harder to drive than beautiful soup, so no :p05:41
kikojamesh, back05:42
kikoKeybuk, more stable than html though05:42
Keybukif the form changed, it'd break posting as well as getting05:43
Keybukso doesn't make much difference05:43
kikoKeybuk, well, I was suggesting using the email interface.05:43
Keybukthe email interface doesn't report bug05:43
Keybukuh, report back05:44
kikoso you'd need to  read the rdf, and post mail05:44
kikoisn't that a nicer way to do it?05:44
Keybuknot especially05:44
Keybukabout the same ickyness05:44
Keybukxml-rpc is worth the coding effort05:44
kikojamesh, how about "Ubuntu Linux has moved to [Malone]  for bug management and reporting. This Bugzilla instance is still available for viewing bugs, but not changing bugs; logins are accordingly disabled." and then a set of <li>s that explain to people how to do the stuff they did in bugzilla in malone, perhaps following the intent of the existing bugzilla links.05:45
kikoor moved to using Malone05:46
=== sivang wonders of the transition is already over
=== bradb pops out briefly to pick up food, and be back in time for the post-migration heat
=== bradb & # back in about 15-30 mins
jameshkiko: sounds good05:47
kikojamesh, did you pick up my request for updating the launchpad bugs with the bug contacts as well?05:47
kikoand can we declare the migration done once those are done?05:49
jameshkiko: yeah, I haven't done that yet though (it is still chugging through the 20000 ubuntu bugs)05:50
kikojamesh, and you managed to update the bug contact, good for you05:50
=== kiko failed
kiko10 times05:51
kikojamesh, I was considering having lunch, what do you think about that?05:51
sivangkiko: are you able to say breifly why steps (1) and (2) of BugzillaImportProcess are needed to be able to migrate ubuntu's main to malone? (from what I recall about gina, I don't understand how these 2 are connected, although I admit I may need to read the bacgkround about (2) to understand)05:52
kikosivang, well, you want the source package names to be continually created in launchpad as they are invented on the package side.05:53
jameshkiko: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileKESakU.html <- does that look good?05:53
kikootherwise universe and main people get fucked over when they create new packages.05:53
kikojamesh, I think we need to add some sort of header to suggest the <li>s actually refer to malone and are not leftovers. perhaps "<h1>Ubuntu bugs have moved</h1>" and "<h2>Links to Ubuntu bugs in Malone</h2>"05:54
SteveAkiko: the venue is booked, the dates are set05:55
kikoSteveA, crack the champagne05:55
SteveAworking days: 13 - 24 March.  location same as DistroSprintLondon2006 on the canonical wiki05:56
sivangkiko: ah right. you must have the knowledge about the source packags before you're supposed to file bugs on them. Still, so gina must have been running already for universe right? otherwise we wouldn't have been able to report bugs against packages in universe.05:57
kikosivang, no, people complained to me in practice05:57
sivangkiko: I see, good that you had universe to practice gina on then :-)05:59
SteveAi'll send a brief mail to the list05:59
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kikoso jamesh, how's it going?06:05
jameshkiko: Znarl's updated the front page, and ubuntu-bugs is subscribed to all the existing bugs06:09
jameshI haven't done the LP bugs yet06:10
kikojamesh, thanks.06:10
kikoare you okay with me having lunch for a bit?06:11
kikoah, I'll just take my laptop06:11
=== mantiena-baltix [n=mantas@ctv-84-55-6-215.init.lt] has joined #launchpad
mantiena-baltixHi all06:13
mantiena-baltixSteveA, labas :)06:15
SteveAlabas mantai06:16
seb128is it possible to not mail all the member of a team on bug changes by example, but just a list?06:18
jameshseb128: yes.  Set an email address for the team06:18
seb128we already do06:18
seb128the list is mailed06:19
seb128and all the members are mailed06:19
jameshwhich team?06:19
seb128GNOME Team06:19
jameshokay.  The launchpad team is now a subscriber for all bugs filed against products that are part of the launchpad project06:20
jameshseb128: there is no email address set for that team06:20
seb128oh, I though dholbach did that, sorry06:21
jameshseb128: you might want to ask dholbach to add a few more people as admins to the team, so they can make changes like that (and add new members)06:21
sivangjamesh: so this way we get bugmail for new bugs opened, but not for changes in bugs?06:23
=== kiko [n=kiko@201-27-192-199.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
kikoback at this lunch place06:23
kikohow's it going jamesh?06:23
mantiena-baltixSteveA, how are you feeling after new year celebration ? ;)06:24
=== bradb returns
=== seb128_ [n=seb128@ANancy-151-1-47-175.w83-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #launchpad
jameshkiko: all bugs for products in the LP project now have "launchpad" as a subscriber06:25
jameshkiko: we just need to send the mail to ubuntu-announce, and I can go to sleep06:25
kikojamesh, I can send the email announcement if you like.06:25
kikois there anything I should cover?06:25
seb128_sorry I got disconnect06:25
seb128_if somebody said something after "<seb128> maybe a launchpad guy can do that? :p" please say it again :)06:25
kiko(anything apart from what's on the wikipage?)06:25
kikowhat were you talking about seb128_?06:25
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jameshI can't think of anything in particular06:26
kikojamesh, I'll do it for you then no worries if you like06:26
seb128_kiko: setting me as admin of the people/gnome team (seems that dholbach is no around atm and I would like to change the list stuff)06:26
kikoone sec06:27
seb128_thank you06:27
jameshseb128_: note that after the migration, there is now also a "desktop-bugs" team06:29
seb128_jamesh: right, I've noticed, interesting case :)06:29
kikoI'll fix seb128 to be an admin of both06:29
seb128_cool, thanks06:29
seb128_they kind of overlap06:30
kikoseb128_, you could merge..06:30
=== stub [n=stub@gb.ja.98.62.revip.asianet.co.th] has joined #launchpad
kikohow's it going man06:32
stubJust checking in to confirm the Bugzilla migration worked. Looks like it. 28k+ bugs!06:33
bradbindeed. fti still seems broken though.06:33
bradb"migration" still not finding bug 661006:33
bradber, "maintained" i mean.06:33
=== bradb crosses branewaves
stubI fixed the triggers (I hope), but didn't rebuild the indexes. So some bugs have invalid indexes. All the newly imported bugs should be fine though.06:34
bradbah, ok06:34
stubI'll knock up a short script to rebuild the indexes without downtime06:34
bradbawesome, thanks06:35
stub(Just needs to update every row, but nicely without locking stuff)06:35
mantiena-baltixSteveA, sleeping ? ;)06:36
sivangbradb: fti= ?06:38
bradbfull text index06:38
sivangah, thanks :)06:38
bradbkiko: Is there any point in prioritizing an alias email command now, given that it won't really help Keybuk?06:39
Keybukkiko: don't suppose we can get your clever Bug#28463 bot into #ubuntu-devel ?06:43
Keybukor does that not work anymore?06:43
SteveAmantiena-baltix: not sleeping.  not in vilnius either.  i'm at a series of company meetings in london.06:43
SteveAstub: do you still have that patch i did to make medusa fail in a way that pound understands?06:44
stubHmm... maybe...06:44
SteveAi think we should look at this, as apparently a launchpad process had problems today to do with an unclean restart06:45
SteveAand pound was sometimes sending requests to a b0rked launchpad process06:45
kikobradb, I guess not :-(06:46
matsubarabradb: does that empty merge request worked? I mean, does it reactivated the mirroring of rf on chinstrap?06:46
kikoKeybuk, Ubugtu does that for you06:47
bradbmatsubara: I hope so, but I think it'll be a little while yet until we find out.06:47
stubSteveA: I've bounced two emails containing the code back to you. I can't remember how successful we were though.06:47
bradbmatsubara: Ah yes, it looks like it works. The merge mail hit arch-commits, so it's probably doing the chinstrap mirroring now.06:48
stubSteveA: If I can just to Z3.2 though we can use twisted which might be easier for us to work with?06:48
matsubarabradb: do you know how long does it take to the mirror thing fully happen?06:48
bradbmatsubara: Too long. :)06:48
bradbmatsubara: Then there's a lag time in it building rocketfuel-built06:49
jameshdoesn't look like the branch under /home/warthogs/archives has been updated06:50
matsubarabradb: I see. It seems I'll have to wait a while until my prebuilt mirror here on async gets updated. but no problem. thanks.06:51
bradbThe patch is still sitting in the queue, so it's not done mirroring yet.06:51
jameshlook at all the karma this guy will get: https://launchpad.net/people/bugzilla-importer/+karma :)06:53
stubSteveA: We also no longer need server affinity, so we can switch to other load balancing technologies if they work better in these situations. I suspect they would all deal with this situation the same way though :-/06:54
mantiena-baltixSteveA, do you have some time to help me register Baltix distribution in Launchpad.net ? Currently Baltix uses roundup at akl.lt for bugs and tasks, but I need more features, than roundup can offer, it seems launchpad has most needed features, but I can't register Baltix distro at launchpad - I get an error, than I don't have permissions :(06:55
=== stub goes to bed
SteveAstub: twisted is still flaky with zope306:56
SteveAstub: i think we had it working, experimentally06:56
SteveAmantiena-baltix: i'd love you to be using launchpad for Baltix. 06:57
SteveAkiko: can you help out mantiena-baltix with registering this ubuntu derivative in launchpad?06:57
=== Nafallo is now known as Nafallo_away
kikoSteveA, sure.07:01
kikomantiena-baltix, can you give me a few minutes?07:01
kikoI am eating this delicious aa and the experience will be ruined by web-interaction07:01
SteveAoh man... i had some aa in montreal07:01
SteveAbut it wasn't the same as it fresh from brazil07:02
seb128workflow question07:04
kikothe wonders of aai07:04
kikowhat it can do to a man07:04
sivangkiko: what is it? :)07:04
kikosivang, only google can answer that07:04
seb128what is the interest to have an upstream task rather than putting a watch on a distro task?07:04
kikoseb128, okay.07:04
kikoan upstream task is mainly useful if upstream uses malone07:04
seb128I'm tempted to just close upstream task07:05
kikoa watch is useful if upstream uses something else07:05
seb128and to set a watch on the distro bug07:05
seb128what I though07:05
kikoyou can have the upstream task linked to a bug watch07:05
seb128yeah, I do that07:05
kikoand in that case you can track the upstream work separately07:05
seb128basically I've the upstream task beeing a dup of the distro one07:05
kikothat's not entirely correct though07:05
seb128I set the watch as linked to both07:05
kikobecause you still need to do packaging when the upstream bug closes07:06
seb128but that's seems just a pure duplicate to me07:06
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kikoeach task is an actual task07:06
seb128yeah, but the watch as the status07:06
kikoso upstream task closes when upstream fixes bug07:06
seb128it's automatic?07:06
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kikoand your bug closes when you package upstream07:06
kikoseb128, it will be soon07:06
seb128if I link a distro bug to a bugzilla.gnome.bug07:06
seb128will it be closed automatically when upstream close it?07:07
kikothen it will close 07:07
seb128I just borked all the rhythmbox bugs we have07:07
seb128BTW why do we have both status07:08
seb128fixed released and fix commited?07:08
kikofix committed -- fix in RCS07:08
kikofix released -- version released with fix07:08
seb128that's duplication with the upstream task too07:08
kikoso fix committed is like your pending upload07:08
kikohow so?07:08
seb128I've the feeling to have the same information 3 times07:08
seb128because you have an upstream task07:08
seb128it's fixed07:08
seb128that's == fixed released07:08
kikodo you use upstream releases or cvs/svn tip?07:09
kikofix committed then07:09
kikoupstream -> fix committed07:09
kikothen you package07:09
kikodo you keep your packages in RCS?07:09
kikothen you will probably go straight from in progress to fix released07:10
kikounless you want to use fix committed to suggest pending upload07:10
seb128no, upstream task fixed already suggest that07:10
seb128and the watch already say so too07:10
kikothe watch and the upstream task when linked should have the same status07:10
kikothat they don't is a bug07:11
seb128how often are the watch updated?07:11
kikoI'm walking back to the office 07:11
kikoI think once every few hours07:11
kikostub will know07:11
stubevery day at the moment07:11
seb128thanks for the comments kiko :)07:11
=== stub goes back to bed
seb128did you guy adress #666707:12
seb128seems not07:12
=== sivang wonders if some distinction between fix tasks for upstream / distro could be appropriate.
seb128that will make GNOME guys unhappy ...07:12
mantiena-baltixkiko-afk, when you will have time to register Ubuntu-based Baltix distribution at http://launchpad.net/distros/+add ?07:12
seb128if you DoS bugzilla.gnome daily we are not going to make friends there07:13
SteveAmantiena-baltix, kiko-afk: i have a small break in the meetings.  i'll do it now07:13
stubseb128: Worth me switching off the remote bug monitoring code until it is sorted? I don't think anyone has seriously looked at that code since Dave Miller wrote it.07:13
SteveAmantiena-baltix: what is a one sentence summary of the baltix distro?07:13
seb128stub: bugzilla.gnome admin asked we fix that before doing the import, so I would say it would be nice to stop it time to sort that yep07:14
SteveAmantiena-baltix: what is the domain name?07:14
SteveAmantiena-baltix: also, have you created a team for the distro?07:15
mantiena-baltixSteveA, for baltix info in english look at http://baltix.akl.lt07:15
bradbdaf: Why did you mark bug 2230 as fixed?07:15
=== Pak|tO [n=david@be-217-129-191-196.netvisao.pt] has joined #launchpad
Pak|tOsome one07:16
bradbhi Pak|tO 07:16
Pak|tOi dont speak a good english07:16
SteveAmantiena-baltix: okay.  do you have a team for members of the distro?07:16
Pak|tO i'm portuguese07:16
mantiena-baltixSteveA, I didn't created baltix-devel team, I thought, that baltix distro should be registered at first ;)07:16
bradbPak|tO: We have pt_BR speakers in here07:17
dafbradb: I thought +sources didn't exist07:17
dafbradb: I fixed for +source07:17
SteveAmantiena-baltix: i'm asked for a members team when setting the distro up07:17
mantiena-baltixSteveA, but if I need to create a devel team at first, then I can to this in few minutes ;)07:17
bradbdaf: Yeah, the bug is that +sources doesn't exist :)07:17
Pak|tO yi have a question 07:17
dafbradb: is it linked from anywhere?07:17
SteveAmantiena-baltix: ok07:17
Pak|tO aboute ubuntu07:17
Pak|tO :s07:17
dafbradb: is there anything under +sources?07:17
bradbdaf: No, that's the bug.07:18
Pak|tO(my fuck english... rrr)07:18
dafbradb: how is a user going to get to +sources?07:18
bradbIt is (or at least very recently was) the most common 404 in Launchpad.07:18
dafbradb: I can see how they might get to +source07:18
Pak|tOnow i'm downloading dapper07:18
bradbdaf: I don't know off-hand if there's a link, but from reading the 404 reports, it was the most common exception in Launchpad.07:19
bradbdaf: If nothing else, one would expect that they should be able to hand-hack it.07:19
dafif we're still getting 404s for it07:19
dafthen I will add a redirect for +sources07:19
mantiena-baltixSteveA, so,  should I create a baltix-devel team in launchpad at first ?07:19
SteveAmantiena-baltix: yes07:19
Pak|tObut some one can tellme why dapper?07:19
dafI don't think it's likely any longer that you get to +sources by hand-hacking07:19
dafe.g. if you go up from https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/nautilus, you get to +source, not +sources07:19
bradbdaf: Sure. But just noting that the bug is that it should present something useful, e.g., a package source and/or package overview, etc.07:20
Keybukbradb: malone 28465 ... wtf?!07:20
UbugtuMalone bug 28465: "New changes from Debian require merging" Fix req. for: cdebconf (Ubuntu), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: Unconfirmed http://launchpad.net/bugs/2846507:20
=== mantiena-baltix is trying to create a baltix-devel team in lauchpad ;)
dafbradb: this is the fix that Steve and I agreed on07:20
bradbKeybuk: ?07:20
Keybukbradb: "This bug has not yet been reported in Ubuntu" ...07:21
Keybuk"Fix Requested In: cdebconf (Ubuntu)"07:21
bradbKeybuk: What URL are you looking at exactly?07:21
UbugtuMalone bug 28465: "New changes from Debian require merging" Fix req. for: Ubuntu, Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: Unconfirmed http://launchpad.net/bugs/2846507:21
bradbKeybuk: How did you get there?07:21
Keybukfrom the redirector07:22
Keybukor maybe it was just Burgundavia being odd07:22
bradbMust be Burgundavia 07:22
bradbThe redirector takes you to the right page07:22
bradbMalone's just being stoopid though. It shouldn't give that "not yet reported in Ubuntu" error when it's reported on an Ubuntu task.07:23
mdzbradb: are you prepared for the incoming feature requests?07:24
bradbKeybuk: The intended purpose of the "not yet reported in..." message is to make it easy to say "this bug exists in Ubuntu" when, in Malone, it might have only been reported upstream to that point.07:24
bradbmdz: Sure.07:25
mdzbradb: do you already have something about being able to add a comment and change the bug status in one step?  I think that may have been part of the work you did around the number of clicks/pages for common operations07:25
bradbdaf: Sure, whatever fix you agreed upon is probably the right one. Do you want take bug 2230 then?07:26
bradbmdz: I'm landing that today, if pqm lets me.07:26
SteveAPak|tO: "dapper" is the code-name for the next ubuntu release.  You can ask questions about that on #ubuntu.07:26
bradbmdz: The patch is written though.07:26
mdzbradb: you are my hero07:26
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jbaileyHow do I make https://launchpad.net/people/jbailey/+packages actually show the package that I care about?  Do I need to find the package in the distro and subscribe?07:27
bradbjbailey: What defines a package that you care about?07:28
kiko-fudjbailey, that's a good question. I don't think there's a UI that lists package bug contacts07:28
jbaileybradb: glibc at this point. =)07:28
mantiena-baltixSteveA, what you think, which name would better for a members team? maybe baltix-devel or better would be simply baltix ?07:28
bradbjbailey: There's bug 6610, if that's what you're getting at.07:28
SteveAmantiena-baltix: baltix-devel seems good to me07:29
SteveAyou can change the name later07:29
jbaileybradb: I'm not thinking in general at this point. =)  More that there's a list of packages that looks almost like the list of packages I care about, but is in severe need of tweaking (I would drop initramfs-tools from it)07:29
jbaileykiko: That might be it, I don't really know.  I'm just trying to figure out whether or not my bugs have made it from bugzilla to malone correctly.07:30
jbaileyUsually in bugz I'd look at bugs that were assigned to me.07:30
mantiena-baltixSteveA, for ubuntu distro there is ubuntumembers team, then maybe baltixmembers ? ;)07:31
jbaileyOh, I got confused I see.07:31
bradbkiko: I should probably priortize the bug contacts report over keywords?07:31
jbaileyI thought that I had clicked on bugs to see that list of packages, apparnetly not.07:31
kikobradb, given it's simpler to do, I think so, yes.07:31
bradbThat's the only thing I had left, priority-wise, because jamesh added the Cc'd stuff, so I'll start that now.07:32
SteveAmantiena-baltix: sure07:33
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SteveAmantiena-baltix: a laukiu...07:39
mantiena-baltixSteveA, I'm registering baltix-members team, but don't understand what are "Number of days a subscribtion lasts" and "Number of days a renewed subscribtion lasts" :(((07:40
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mantiena-baltixSteveA, maybe I should talk with you in Lithuanian ? It would be easier to me ;)07:40
kikomantiena-baltix, if you want subscriptions to expire.07:40
dafbradb: taken07:42
SteveAmantiena-baltix: i would try to write, but maybe it would not make sense :-)07:42
bradbdaf: thanks07:42
SteveAmantiena-baltix: in ubuntu, members of certain ubuntu councils are members for 1 year 07:43
mantiena-baltixkiko, what subscriptions ? There are no explanations what are subscriptions and renewed subscribtions :(07:43
kikomantiena-baltix, okay. so people can request membership to your team07:44
kikoyou can /optionally/ allow them to unsubscribe07:45
kikoyou can /optionally/ allow them to be automatically unsubscribed after a period of time07:45
kikoif you don't know what they are, you shouldn't worry too much07:45
mantiena-baltixkiko, SteveA: I set subscriptions to 999 days and renewed subscribtions to 0 ;)07:47
mantiena-baltixkiko, SteveA: there are some troubles with registering team - I set email adress to my email - mantas@akl.lt, but got an error - mantas@akl.lt is already taken :(07:48
kikomantiena-baltix, if you don't want to, don't set a contact email for the team07:49
mantiena-baltixmaybe this is because I've registered user mantas with email mantas@akl.lt in launchpad ?07:49
=== seb128_ [n=seb128@ANancy-151-1-14-211.w83-194.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #launchpad
mantiena-baltixkiko, I want to set contact email or mailing list email for baltix-members team, I think can use different email - mantas@openoffice.lt ;)07:50
kikoif you don't set a contact email all members will be mailed07:51
mantiena-baltixkiko, I've read this in new team creation page ;)07:54
mantiena-baltixSteveA, kiko: so, I've registered baltix-members team, what other steps I need to do for creating new distribution in launchpad ?07:55
SteveAmantiena-baltix: what is your own name in launchpad?07:56
Keybukhow do you merge accounts?07:57
KeybukI can't see it07:57
SteveAsee link in body text07:57
Keybukah, I was looking directly at my dupe07:57
SteveAwe should have "merge accounts" in the RHS of the "site map" for https://launchpad.net/people07:57
KeybukI don't understand07:58
Keybukit tells me to login as the duplicated account07:58
Keybukthen enter the duplicated account07:58
kikolog in as yourself07:59
kikosay what account is the dupe07:59
kikoit will generate an email07:59
kikoyou follow that07:59
SteveA To merge two Launchpad accounts, you must be logged in with access to the e-mail address registered in the duplicated account.07:59
SteveAthe "with" as a conjunction is confusing07:59
Keybukthat text *SO* needs fixing07:59
SteveAit should say "you must be logged in, and you must have access to the e-mail ..."07:59
Keybukit should say who you should be logged in *as*08:00
Keybukand it certainly shouldn't give me OOPS-13B315. :p08:00
SteveAKeybuk: file bug please08:00
mantiena-baltixSteveA, mantas ;)08:01
Keybukso can I get that merge done manually?08:01
Keybukbecause I can't actually access any of the migrated bugs :)08:01
sivangKeybuk: would you CC me on this bug report? (for the text change, that is ;-)08:01
SteveAyou are now the "registrant"08:01
SteveAKeybuk: yes, mail the launchpad list with the OOPS id08:02
SteveAand stu will look at it tomorrow i expect08:02
SteveAor next working day08:02
SteveAor whatever08:02
KeybukSteveA: filed a bug with it08:03
Keybuksivang: you have no account, apparently08:03
Keybukat least, searching for "sivang" gives me nothing08:03
Keybukah, sivan08:03
Keybukthat works08:03
KeybukSteveA: uhhhhhh08:04
Keybukit's got rid of the account I was trying to merge08:05
Keybukbut hasn't merged it08:05
sivangKeybuk: thanks, yes , when I noticed I can have my name without the surename specifier, I went for it :)08:05
mantiena-baltixSteveA, than you very much08:06
Keybukoh, maybe it did merge it08:06
seb128kiko: ping?08:06
mantiena-baltixI have some troubles with adding packages to the distribution. For example baltix has live-installer package, which doesn't exist in ubuntu, but is registered at lauchpad (http://lauchpad.net/products/live-installer )08:07
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Keybuk^ 0 Bugs in every column08:14
Keybuk(also the ordering seems manic)08:14
mantiena-baltixSteveA, s/than/thank08:15
Keybukshould Ubuntu's Release Date *really* be "When it's done" ?!08:15
Keybukshouldn't that be "every 6 months"08:15
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SteveA_kiko: is the bugzilla migration all done?08:17
SteveA_kiko: with emails etc. too?08:17
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mantiena-baltixSteveA, I have some troubles with adding packages to the distribution. For example baltix has live-installer package, which doesn't exist in ubuntu, but is registered at lauchpad (http://lauchpad.net/products/live-installer )08:21
mantiena-baltixbut I don't find I way how to add baltix to launchpad08:21
SteveA_mantiena-baltix: sorry, i can't help out right now08:22
SteveA_are you on the launchpad-users list?08:22
SteveA_that's a good place to ask such questions, if no one is available on irc08:22
bradbKamion: ping08:22
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mantiena-baltixSteveA, ok,  thanks for all help08:24
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cprovbradb: hey aparently the kiko's empty PQM request didn't work, isn't it ? chinstrap/RF still at 2976 .08:36
bradbcprov: kiko's request never hit pqm. My empty merge request has been being processed for the last few hours.08:37
bradbWhich means, I think, that's it's synching with chinstrap currently.08:37
=== cprov is anxious to sort out possible conflicts in soyuz, before they get larger than my screen
bradbI've got a big patch I need to land right now too.08:38
cprovbradb: ok, let's wait ... again 08:38
bradbI'm having to knowingly write myself into conflicts on a new branch to make progress.08:42
=== Sero [n=sero@piekna-gts.2a.pl] has joined #launchpad
Serohello :)08:47
sivanghi Sero :)08:47
Serodo you know if ubuntulinux.org can ship 2000 ubuntu cds?08:49
Seroor i must confirm order?08:49
sivangI think such a big order should be approved by Canonical,08:51
sivangI suggest emailing launchpad-users about this and someone will get back to you soon.08:52
sivang(I suspect ti won't happen before next week thought)08:52
sivangSero: also, wait a another sec and I will see if I can give you some email contact to email as well08:53
Serook :)08:53
SeroI'm promoting linux in Warsaw (capital city of Poland)08:54
Seroin short time people from other cities should contact with you :)08:54
sivangvery cool :) you're planning some event for the discs giveaway?08:55
Seroin few cities in one day08:55
sivangcool :)08:56
Seroit's 3-th linux meeting. i'm making it every year08:56
Seroit's for begginers08:57
matsubaraSero: I think if you order the cds on the shipit website, with a justification someone from canonical might contact you. Just place the order.08:58
Serook, thx :)08:58
sivangSero: yes, you might also email shipit@ubuntu.com in accordance with your order , you will probably need to provide some reason for the big amount :)08:59
sivangSero: sorry, that is info@shipit.ubuntu.com09:00
sivangmatsubara: do you know about utilities/launchpad-database-setup ?09:02
matsubarasivang: unfortunately, no.09:04
sivangmatsubara: np, thanks anyway.09:05
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kikois pqm hung, I wonder, bradb 09:21
bradbAt this point, it hasn't taken long enough for me to think that, sadly.09:22
kikothat is sad indeed09:22
bradbI've seen my request sit at #1 for about six hours before.09:22
bradbRight now, it's "only" about four.09:22
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kikopqm, pqm, wtf is up with you09:56
seb128how do I get the malone equivalent of a bug number from bugzilla?10:01
seb128ie: bugzilla.ubuntu.com is now ....10:02
=== kiko points seb128 to the announcement
kikoThe Malone bug IDs will differ from the existing Bugzilla bug IDs, but10:03
kikoit will be easy to find the bugs by their old ID using the following10:03
kiko  https://launchpad.net/malone/bugtrackers/ubuntu-bugzilla/$BUGZILLA_ID10:03
seb128ah, right, I knew I read it somewhere10:03
seb128thank you :)10:03
seb128thanks :)10:03
seb128(would be nice to have a banner saying that on bugzilla)10:03
kikoyeah, we should do that10:04
kikowould be nice if you could post to ubuntu-bugzilla..10:04
kikoand get redirected10:05
seb128no need to post10:05
seb128but I've a lot of GNOME bugs pointing to bugzilla.ubuntu.com10:05
seb128and upstream will not go to read the announce mail for sure10:05
seb128so if there is no easy way to jump to malone the will just give up probably10:05
kikogood point10:06
sivangkiko: you've got mail :)10:10
kikosaw it10:11
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kikoseb128, see privmsg10:38
seb128grraaa, stupid freenode registration10:39
kikonha nha nha pqm10:52
kikolifeless, pqm wedgie?10:52
kikomatsubara, dinner at my place tonight?11:01
kikobring asbestos11:01
kiko(jdahlin is cooking)11:01
=== Amaranth [n=travis@ubuntu/member/amaranth] has joined #launchpad
AmaranthI seem to have two accounts on launchpad: amaranth and alleykat. I no longer have access to the amaranth@phphacking.com email address so I can't automatically merge the amaranth account into the alleykat account. Is there anything else I can do?11:02
matsubarakiko: ok, what is asbestos?11:04
matsubarakiko: I look for it on wikipedia, it seems to be a kind of mineral or a city of canada11:04
Amaranthnevermind, i logged into amaranth and merged them the other way11:04
kikoAmaranth, yes, I'll email stuart so he can fix this for you.11:04
kikoah, ok.11:04
kikoAmaranth, change your preferred email address, while you're at it11:05
sivangnight all, have a nice dinner :)11:05
Amaranthi thought it was from the bugzilla move, but i guess not11:05
kikomatsubara, dict asbestos11:05
Amaranthkiko: i did, thanks anyway though :)11:05
matsubarakiko: now I see what you meant. 11:06
=== matsubara is slow
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dilysMerge to devel/launchpad: [trivial]  empty merge to, hopefully, (r2994)11:13
kikoI told elmo to kill pqm11:14
matsubarakiko: oh11:15
kikoasked him11:17
kikosorry, that sounded all wrong11:17
kikoI asked elmo if pqm was hung and he said it was, and that it was best to kill it.11:17
matsubarahm, no problem then. the next commit probably will trigger the update rf to chinstrap, right?11:20
=== cprov says good night
matsubarakiko: i'm going too, see you all later.11:26
matsubarakiko: gym tonight?11:26
kikoI'm too hurt11:26
matsubarakiko: pussy11:26
kikoyeah yeah11:26
matsubarakiko: well see you later then.11:26
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