
glickhi is anyone here?12:06
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HobbseeRiddell: do we know how far away we are from flight 3?12:24
\shRiddell: any objections when I'm trying to add libvisual and libvisual_plugins to amarok (actually trying to fix the issues with libvisual_plugins?)12:27
\shRiddell: (doing this after flight-3 release)12:28
\shok..going back to do some work..12:34
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Hobbseeok, off to go file a bug...02:00
jjesseHobbsee: i heard that we were expecting flight3 this comming week?02:17
Hobbseethat's what i thought too - was looking for a little more info than that, if it was available02:18
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freeflyingRiddell: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdelibs/+bug/2865904:48
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freeflyingRiddell: ping12:34
freeflyingRiddell: have a look at his plz12:34
freeflyingRiddell: https://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/2865912:34
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-118-222.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellfreeflying: what caused that?12:44
viviersfRiddell, you here ?12:46
Riddellviviersf: hi12:46
viviersfhow you ?12:49
viviersfwont you do me a favour12:50
viviersfand make that12:50
viviersfkdm requires12:50
=== JRe [n=JRe@pai34-2-82-226-199-36.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
freeflyingRiddell: I don't know , yhis happened after fresh install 12:50
viviersfeither kubuntu-default-settings12:50
viviersfto be installed ?12:50
Riddellviviersf: in dapper I've changed kdm and kubuntu-default-settings so kdm doesn't need kubuntu-default-settings12:51
Riddellthere is a postinall script in kubuntu-default-settings to just set the kdm theme 12:51
freeflyingRiddell: It's seem all right by the way of upgrade from breey 12:51
Riddellviviersf: for the breezy 3.5 packages I could certainly make it that kdm depends on kubuntu-default-settings | impi-default-settings though12:52
Riddellhowever... kubuntu.org has moved to a new machine and I don't have an account on it yet12:52
freeflyingRiddell: But after flight-1 , this will happen after fresh install with daily install cd12:52
viviersfokay Riddell 12:52
Riddellviviersf: so what do you think best that I should do?12:53
viviersfi dunno12:53
viviersfbut i think you should keep the old thing12:53
viviersfso it uses your settings12:54
viviersfor mine12:54
viviersfelse people install kde12:54
viviersfand say kde + impi/kubuntu is ugly12:54
viviersfand is rubbish12:54
viviersfcos they didnt install that packages12:54
Riddellso I'll recompile the breezy 3.5 package with kubuntu-default-settings | impi-default-settings now, but I don't know when I'll be able to put it on kubuntu.org12:55
Riddellfreeflying: which program causes that?12:57
freeflyingRiddell: I can not log into kde after all12:58
Riddellfreeflying: I don't have a problem like that so I wonder if it's something about your settings01:00
JReallee: did it work for you to launch a SWT java application ?01:00
Riddellfreeflying: tried it with moving your .kde directory out of the way?01:01
freeflyingRiddell: sure , I've created a user when I install the system 01:02
freeflyings/user/new user01:02
Riddellwonder if it's caused by installing in Chinese then01:02
Riddellviviersf: you could do that impi-default-settings Provides kubuntu-default-settings01:03
Riddellthat should solve it easily01:03
freeflyingRiddell: But it's will be all right by upgrading from breey01:04
Hobbseefreeflying: what was your problem?  sorry i've come in late...01:05
alleeJRe: I only have a commercial backup tool written in java.  Did not work with gnu java.  Need to try sun java01:06
freeflyingHobbsee: https://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/2865901:06
Hobbseeah ok01:07
JReallee: ok :)01:07
Tonio_hi all01:10
Tonio_allee: did you get any response concerning wlassistant ?01:12
alleeTonio_: quite some activity.  Unfortunately I have trouble with my AP.01:16
Tonio_allee: AP ?01:17
alleeTonio_: Access Point01:17
Tonio_ah ok :)01:17
alleeTonio_: you can have a look at svn://svn.debian.org/svn/pkg-kde/kde-extras/wlassistant/trunk/debian/01:18
viviersfRiddell, i was thinking01:18
viviersfjust leave requirement for -default-settings out01:18
viviersfthen it will all be fine01:19
alleeTonio_: I have to fix a license issue (upstream fixed in on my request in cvs).01:19
Tonio_allee: I'll have a look ;) I hope the dhclient bug will be resolved01:20
alleeTonio_: then from pkging side everything is okay. ah, no, rosettafication is also missing01:20
alleeTonio_: Stan commited a backport of a bug, have not looked what it is for01:21
Tonio_very nice ;) and does the svn build have the same dhclient issue ?01:21
alleeTonio_: I wanted to look yesterday into it, but AP refused to work.  So I've no idea.01:21
Tonio_grmpf.... dependancie issue in dapper........01:21
Tonio_allee: can you send me the source package maybe ?01:22
Tonio_I'll recompile it for breezy and make tests....01:22
Tonio_gpsim-dev: Depends: gpsim (= 0.20.14-7.2) but it is not going to be installed01:22
Tonio_hum......... need to report that to ubuntu-devel...01:22
alleeTonio_: wait ...01:22
alleeTonio_: uh, build fine with pkg state last of friday this weekend01:23
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freeflyingflight-3 is out ?01:38
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Riddellfreeflying: almost01:58
Riddellviviersf: does settings a Provides on impi-default-settings work?01:58
viviersfRiddell, 02:00
viviersfi dont know what you saying02:00
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Riddellviviersf: Provides: is a field you can set on a package in debian/control02:01
Riddelllook at emacs21 for example, it has loads of Provides02:01
Riddellon impi-default-settings you should be able to do Provides: kubuntu-default-settings02:02
Riddelland kdm will be happy02:02
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freeflyingRiddell: Dose flight-3 i386 install cd  use the 2006-01-13's  ?02:05
Riddellfreeflying: yes02:09
viviersfya Riddell 02:09
viviersfbut what im saying is02:09
viviersfleave kdm as it is on kde 3.5 currently02:09
viviersfnot needing a default-settings :)02:09
\shwe should change the theme for kdm :) it's boring now :)02:10
viviersfThe desktop manager02:10
Riddellkdm on kde 3.5 in dapper doesn't depend on kubuntu-default-settings but it does for kdm in KDE 3.5 packages for breezy02:10
Hobbsee\sh: yes, please do!02:19
jjessei love it when people respond to messages that are hours apart :)02:20
Tm_Tme too02:20
=== Hobbsee looks again - it was only 9 mins!
jjessegrin not specifically talking about you Hobbsee 02:22
Hobbseeah right02:23
=== Hobbsee needs sleep, so is likely to do all kinds of crazy things
viviersfRiddell, no Riddell 02:23
viviersfi got kde 3.5 on breezy02:23
Riddell\sh: I think canonical are getting artwork done professionally for dapper02:23
viviersfand it doesnt need default settings02:24
\shRiddell: cool :)02:24
Riddellviviersf: hmm, so it doesn't.  so problem solved?02:24
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Riddellit's cool how viviersf has a south african accent even on IRC02:26
RiddellMez: amarok 1.3.8 is dapper, fancy backporting?02:26
viviersfhowz that ?02:26
viviersfRiddell, ill even speak in a language that you dont understand if you want :)02:28
Hobbseeviviersf: hehe...now that could mean fun communication, with the aid of babelfish02:29
Riddellooh, 18th century Dutch :)02:29
Hobbseeooh!  fun!02:29
=== Hobbsee falls asleep at the keyboard - night all
Riddellnight o02:30
HobbseeRiddell: ping me tomorrow about possible flight 3 cd testing02:30
RiddellHobbsee: 02:30
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Riddell13:26 < Riddell> Mez: amarok 1.3.8 is dapper, fancy backporting?02:30
teprrrhmm, it's not possible to get zeroconf for kde atm?02:30
Riddellteprrr: in dapper yes02:30
teprrrKDE has been built without Zeroconf support. -- that's what it says after I installed kdnssd :P02:30
Riddellkdnssd is the pacakge02:31
Riddellteprrr: in dapper?02:31
teprrrRiddell, in dapper, yes02:32
teprrrhmm, may be an old kdelibs/kdebase which causes this?02:32
Riddellpossibly, do a dist-upgrade?02:32
RiddellI get "The Zeroconf daemon (mdnsd) is not running."02:33
Riddellwhich means avahi-daemon isn't running02:33
teprrrhmm, is X broken atm? I've been waiting for some time as someone noted there's a big breakage going on.. or is it after flight3 release?02:34
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Riddellteprrr: flight 3 is about to be released and X is fine in it so you should be safe02:39
freeflying_Riddell:  as you said , if I change LC_LANG to en_US , everything is ok 02:40
Riddellfreeflying_: hmm, that's quite nasty02:41
Riddellfreeflying_: it's sounding like we may have to remove this immodule patch02:41
teprrrRiddell, okay. thanks..02:42
freeflying_Riddell: but this problem has happen to me before this patch been put into 02:42
teprrrbtw, what are the differences between sanekonsole and plain unpatched konsolepart?02:42
Riddellteprrr: konsole part didn't do everything needed for adept in KDE 3.402:43
teprrrRiddell, ok02:45
Tonio_Riddell: little question concerning the kdepot patch....02:50
Tonio_Riddell: I'm trying to package ktechlab, and while it builds correctly without the patch, I have to add an autoconf dep if I apply the patch....02:51
Tonio_Riddell: the configure script is deleted...02:52
Tonio_Riddell: is that normal is some packages (depending the "admin" folder version or something ?)02:52
RiddellTonio_: hmm, I don't think it's normal02:55
Riddellbut autoconf will try and rerun itself if it sees that some files have a new timestamp02:56
Tonio_Riddell: that's what happens in fact...02:56
Tonio_Riddell: what I son't understand is why it is the first time I can see this ;)02:56
freeflying_Riddell: It's seems a bug of locales02:57
Tonio_Riddell: in makefine.in there is a directive to remove "configure", and I assume the patch changes the timestamp of some of the tested files02:57
Riddellfreeflying_: that's possible too, they have been chaging a lot.  but very strange02:58
RiddellTonio_: it should only touch admin/cvs.sh02:59
Tonio_Riddell: it does ;), that's why I don't understand ;)02:59
freeflying_Riddell: yeah, I just read the changelog of locales , and found there are many changes 02:59
Riddellfreeflying_: a problems in gnome?03:00
freeflying_Riddell: no probelm 03:00
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MezRiddell: apparently I'm to give you this message03:08
Mez*kayla glare*03:08
Mezand that you're evil :D03:09
Mezbut yes -not really on topic :D03:10
teprrrhmm, Riddell, got avahi-daemon now running, though zeroconf kioslave doesn't work03:22
teprrrhmm, looks like I need a package that supports avahi..03:25
Lathiatteprrr: what avahi packages do you have installed?03:25
teprrrLathiat, ahavi-daemon and it's dependencies03:26
Lathiatteprrr: kdnssd-avahi ?03:26
teprrrLathiat, well, yup, just got it from outside of the repos03:27
teprrrlibkdnssd-avahi actually03:27
Lathiatclose enough03:27
teprrryup, now the zeroconf doesn't show error.. but should it show anything?03:28
teprrrah, avahi-discover doesn't found anything, so maybe that's how it should be03:29
Lathiatdoes avahi-discover show anyting?03:29
teprrrnope, just my own computer03:29
Lathiatthen zeroconf:/ wont show anything03:30
Lathiatneed to advertise a http or ssh service or something03:30
teprrrhm, how easy is that?03:32
teprrroh, kpf can advertise itself, cool :)03:33
teprrrbut I saw something like a possibility to reach ssh servers too, how hard is that?03:34
RiddellI don't think there's any automatic way to adverise them, you have to do it by hand03:34
Riddellavahi-cli or something contains the command line programs to do that03:35
LathiatRiddell, teprrr: you can also use services files03:39
Lathiatin /etc/avahi/services03:39
Lathiat /usr/share/doc/avahi-daemon has an example ssh ervice file03:39
teprrryes, avahi-utils.. seems to work03:39
Lathiatavahi-publish test _http._tcp03:40
Lathiatavahi-publish-service test _http._tcp 8003:40
teprrryup, tested with ssh server.. just thinking about having those included in konsole's new session menu as someone wished. but I think it'd need a better coverage to be useful03:42
Riddellwhy konsole?03:42
Riddellit should be run when the ssh server starts 03:43
teprrrRiddell, someone wished for osx like menu, which would show the servers there03:43
Riddellnot seen that03:44
freeflying_Riddell: https://launchpad.net/people/ubuntu-cjk-testers03:44
Riddellfreeflying_: nice idea03:46
Riddellteprrr: seems like a good idea but we still need some way to automatically advertis the ssh services03:59
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teprrrRiddell, yup, that's the problem indeed :p04:06
Riddellcan't be that hard to add it to the ssh init script though04:06
nlindbladon the mirrors, are the torrent-file using the same tracker no matter what mirror I download it from?04:07
Riddellyes I think so04:09
Riddellnlindblad: ^^04:09
nlindbladokey, good to know *continues seeding*04:09
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=== allee is frightened by the prospect that a automaticly generated ssh-server konsole menu fills the screen completely ;)
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alleeTonio_: did you try wlassistant?  Your opinion: If your problem is not fixed, should we try to uplaod nevertheless and try to fix it in next weeks? Or better ignore pkg until dapper++06:13
Tonio_hum allee I wil do probably toonight or maye tomorow06:16
Tonio_no time for this actually ;)06:16
alleeTonio_: okay.  I prepare a deb later and upload to REVU.  What to do with can always be decided until 19th06:17
Tonio_can you send me your source package by email ?06:23
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alleeTonio_: okay. Right now I'm working on digikam.  Will do wlassistant later07:24
Tonio_allee: okay ;)07:30
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alleeRiddell: is relibtoolization and rosettafication required? (preparing digikam 0.8.1 final deb)09:12
Riddellallee: it's not required09:12
Riddellrosettafication is nice though09:13
Riddelljust do whatever it takes to keep libtool happy09:13
alleeRiddell: okay. kdevn libtool is happy ;)09:13
alleeRiddell: fyi: http://kubuntu.org/~jr/kubuntu_01_kdepot.diff  does not exits (from KubuntuPackagingGuilde)09:47
Riddellyeah, kubuntu.org moved :(09:58
Riddellmeans I can't update the websi for flight 309:58
alleeRiddell: is: clean:: rm -rf po/ still true or outdated?  digikam has 6 MB there.  The diff size would explode10:03
jjesseRiddell: do you have a second to join #ubuntu-doc to talk to mkde on the makefile for kubuntu docs?10:04
Riddellallee: rm -f po/*pot10:18
alleeRiddell: okay. so packaging guide need an update10:18
alleeRiddell: kdepot.diff is still required?  (digikam.pot, it looks like it's updated even without it, checking...)10:19
Riddellyes and yes10:20
Riddellallee: it's updated but it won't find /usr/include/kde3/kde.pot which removes  otof common strings from being duplicated10:20
allee'k so with kubuntus cdbs and kdepot.diff rosettafication is done10:21
alleeRiddell: okay pot now 96k. I'll rebuild ...10:21
alleeRiddell: uh, still 96k with kdepot.diff10:34
alleeRiddell: I'm also a bit confused why the patch is needed at all, because:10:34
allee$ unset kdepotpath; includedir="";  kdepotpath=${includedir:-`kde-config --expandvars --install include`}/kde.pot; echo $kdepotpath; ls -l $kdepotpath10:35
allee$ unset kdepotpath; includedir="/foo";  kdepotpath=${includedir:-`kde-config --expandvars --install include`}/kde.pot; echo $kdepotpath; ls -l $kdepotpath10:35
alleels: /foo/kde.pot: No such file or directory10:35
alleeRiddell: so when one set includedir="" because calling extract msg everything should be fine (or, as I assume, I miss something)10:36
Riddellallee: $kdepotpath should be set to /usr/include/kde/kde.pot10:39
Riddellah, it is10:39
Riddellwell it wasn't being set for the KDE 3.5 packages10:39
Riddellbut it depends on the admin directory how it's set10:40
alleeRiddell: yes, and in the first example with includedir="" kdeconfig set it to /usr/include/kde/kde.pot correctly.  so assume that's the reason why the pot are not difference with and without the patch.10:47
RiddellI agree, you don't need it :)10:47
alleeRiddell: fwiw: digikam tarball was just build with 3.5 admin branch10:47
Riddellallee: make sure it works in a pbuilder too10:48
alleeRiddell: so should I keep the kdepot path or document in changelog that it's not needed? (making merging easier)10:48
RiddellI seem to remember only noticing the issue with uploading it10:48
Riddelldon't keep it if it's not needed10:48
alleeok. updating pbuilder tarball ...10:49
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alleeRiddell: digikam 0.8.1 with -S -sa at http://www.mpe.mpg.de/~ach/tmp/src-only/  Can you have a look (without uploading yet, because if someone find a real showstopper the tarball may change until officially announced on Wednesday)11:49
alleebut would be good to know that everything else is correct11:50
alleetoma: ^^^11:52

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