
artnay_hey mhz_SVG 12:16
mhz_SVGartnay: hey mon12:16
artnay_long time no... IRC?12:16
mhz_SVGhow's it going12:16
mhz_SVGtoo much12:17
mhz_SVGI feel I am a stranger now12:17
artnay_I'm fine, we had presidental election today12:17
mhz_SVGin Chile, too12:17
artnay_oh rili12:17
artnay_yeah, you now have a female as a president12:17
mhz_SVGit seems the woman candidate is becoming next president here12:17
artnay_let's hope she will bring some changes12:17
=== mhz_SVG crosses fingers
mhz_SVGand in your country?12:18
artnay_a female at the moment12:18
artnay_probably she will continue12:18
mhz_SVGgood or bad?12:18
artnay_I don't really know... I mean, it doesn't matter if the president is she (or he) but one should be a right person for that12:19
artnay_and I'm a bit disappointed to our current president, she hasn't done much in six years12:20
artnay_I voted but my candidate didn't make it12:20
artnay_so now there's two candidates left and I'm not sure who should I vote (or should I even vote at all)12:21
artnay_oh, I saw you voted for the 2nd of Feb12:21
artnay_thanks for that, we really need some active people here12:22
mhz_SVGartnay_: my big issue is time for artwork team :(12:23
mhz_SVGso I collaborate only when I can12:24
mhz_SVGand meetings are important12:24
mhz_SVGto help the lead of you and klepas12:24
artnay_klepas is busy12:25
artnay_I'm not that busy but I'm not willing to do all this by myself and for myself... :|12:25
artnay_I really don't see much interest in artwork from community12:26
artnay_just look at the votes at ArtworkTeamVoting12:26
artnay_and ML12:26
artnay_and this channel12:27
artnay_and no input from canonical12:27
mhz_SVGartnay: my guess is you should talk to ogra12:28
mhz_SVGor JaneW12:28
artnay_I mailed Jane*12:28
mhz_SVGand tell them what your feeling is and ideas12:28
artnay_and ogra isn't here anymore :|12:29
mhz_SVGI know they have hired some pros and I still have seen no one of them here12:30
mhz_SVGinforming what they do or plan to12:30
mhz_SVGI think we should have a coordinate work12:30
artnay_yeah, I wonder that too12:30
artnay_CoC states all work should be public etc.12:30
artnay_so... maybe they want to give a surprise12:31
mhz_SVGartnay_: have you contated Community Council?12:31
artnay_don't really know12:31
artnay_no I haven't12:31
artnay_last time I spoke with you and klepas, there was something bringing that up in next meeting12:32
artnay_but after that I really haven't talked to you or klepas12:32
mhz_SVGartnay_: my honest and best guess is if you have a plan, state it, and the 'interested people' will follow12:33
mhz_SVGas I said once, I have no idea how to do 'artwork' just some basics for SVG12:33
mhz_SVGso I can hardly make a plan12:33
mhz_SVGbut I can surely follow someone with good ideas and experience12:34
artnay_my idea? I have my own thingies that I can do to my desktop12:34
artnay_but I think canonical should provice a branding guide which should be followed12:34
mhz_SVGthen community is not needed12:34
mhz_SVGif they can do that12:34
mhz_SVGand have people for ti12:34
mhz_SVGunless we have good ideas12:34
artnay_but I think they should provide us a way to co-operate a way or another12:35
mhz_SVGin which case they'll need the community12:35
mhz_SVGbut then, if you are willing to go to that fight, the most I can do is to support you12:35
artnay_I know graphics is something that you need to make yourself. you really can't have tens of people messing around with one project12:35
mhz_SVGand encourage you to present the case to CC people12:35
mhz_SVGand help follow 12:36
mhz_SVG'the plan'12:36
artnay_I've heard we should make our own plan12:36
mhz_SVGartnay: I agree with you very much in what we need12:36
artnay_but who's going to do that? if one guy says "let's do that, it's cool", people most probably won't help you12:37
mhz_SVGbefore we have a plan we must know what Canonical plans are12:37
artnay_but if that guy was mark, I guess many would follow :)12:37
artnay_mhz_SVG: indeed12:37
mhz_SVGartnay: all free software projects have Roadmap for everything12:38
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artnay_so if they have hired people to do icons and sounds, but they don't have any to work on usplash and gdm, we should focus on those things12:38
artnay_we don't need dupe work12:38
artnay_mhz_SVG: but I haven't seen anything realted to artwork (dapper devel ML)12:38
mhz_SVGso the first plan part is to get to know Canonical's plan for artwork12:38
mhz_SVGmaybe you should visit #ubuntu-devel12:39
mhz_SVGand see if some CC guys are there and can help you see some light12:39
mhz_SVGartnay: and if you have a plan, I will follow it, step by step12:40
mhz_SVGif others dont have a plan, then your plan is the one to follow12:40
artnay_well then....12:41
mhz_SVGif they dont like your plan they must suggest alternatives, if they dont, then we follow your plan again12:41
artnay_then my plan would make a plan by co-operating with as many people as possible12:41
artnay_that's why there's artwork team, so people could give their comments and help12:42
artnay_because I'm not saying what we should do with artwork, I'm just saying that something should be done asap12:42
artnay_I'm really not one of those guys who tells to others what to do12:43
artnay_it will fail in this kind of project. if the suggested idea is good, people will help.12:43
artnay_that is what I think.12:43
artnay_really, who am I? just one user amongst others12:44
artnay_but mark and canonical have influence, therefore I think it's their duty to tell how to help12:44
artnay_do you guys agree? :o12:46
mhz_SVGi see you rpoint12:47
mhz_SVGand u are right12:47
mhz_SVGbut a roadmap is usefull to tell people what the priorities are12:48
artnay_that's why I created ArtworkTodoProposal12:48
artnay_ArtwokTodoList actually, but there hasn't been much comments on that12:50
artnay_there has been only a few activepeople contributing on AUC and wiki pages. then there's lots of random artwork (good artwork, I might add) input around web but it's not organized. that is the biggest setback12:52
artnay_oh, I'm so tired now. I've been working with the presidental election the whole day12:53
artnay_I guess I've said "thank you" like 674 times today. that must be a record for myself :)12:54
artnay_mhz_dinner: ArtworkTodoList was meant to be a roadmap. it covers lots of topics that could have been finished before dapper (actually it still is possible to make at least some of them before dapper!)12:58
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artnay_hey kamstrup 01:00
kamstrupyo artnay01:01
artnay_you're the one who made that surfing badger, am I right?01:01
kamstrupyes :-)01:01
artnay_it was really nice, thanks for that01:01
kamstruphehe thanks01:01
artnay_kamstrup: have you marked yourself as a member of artwork team?01:02
kamstruphmmm I think so... on the wiki right?01:02
artnay_https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ArtworkTodoProposal - wiki, right.01:02
artnay_oh yeah, you're there. sorry, I'm really tired now. it's been a long day today.01:03
artnay_anyways, what are your thoughts on ubuntu artwork?01:03
kamstruphehe not many atm01:04
kamstrupI'm up to my ears in my masters exam01:04
artnay_oh, what are you writing/doing?01:04
kamstrupalso we're trying to make the Gnome UI freeze deadline for the new deskbar-applet eye-candy gui :-)01:04
artnay_I guess I'ev seen that01:04
kamstrupI handed in my masters (in math) a while ago; now I just have to defend it  :)01:05
artnay_oh, maths... I've done enough of it just know that I can't handle maths that well :)01:06
kamstrupas I'm the main coder behind the new gui, and api deadline is the same day as my exam (18th of jan.)... I'm pretty swamped :-)01:07
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artnay_now that was a quickie01:07
kamstruphehe that was why he was call *Q*-funk01:07
artnay_and my reverse changed just today so that freenode can now see it, funky.01:08
artnay_02:09 [freenode]  (*) artnay_ [i=artnay@f.unk.fi x)01:09
artnay_but hey, it was nice having a little bit of smalltalk with you. I have to get some sleep now, let's chat more later on01:10
artnay_bye all01:10
kamstrupcheers artnay01:14
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Tm_Taww, fontforge vs inkscape07:05
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artnay_what is it, Tm_T?07:36
Tm_T08:05 < Tm_T> aww, fontforge vs inkscape07:37
Tm_Twitch one07:37
Tm_Tartnay_: hey, can I import another svg as layer in inkscape?07:38
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Tm_Toh, I can <307:52
Tm_Tsort of07:52
Tm_Tartnay_: first svg done, just copy&paste this far08:11
artnay_Tm_T: ok, let us see what you're doing when you're done08:19
Tm_Tall three parts are their own layer, I hope08:20
artnay_the server doesn't handle SVGs properly08:20
Tm_TI know08:20
Tm_Tpain, isn't it08:20
Tm_Tartnay_: complaining, so maybe some improvenments will be done soon ;)08:21
artnay_parse the file :)08:21
Tm_TI should08:21
Tm_Tbut, haven't done anything yet really08:22
artnay_<!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 11 Build 196, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.0.0 Build 78)  -->08:24
Tm_Tbah, nano ->08:24
Tm_Tstop laughing at me!08:28
artnay_I'm not laughing at you, just nano ;)08:29
Tm_Twhere was I? Oh yes, nano ->08:31
Tm_Tartnay_: humm, there's no root element in that file... whooops08:33
Tm_Tthis is strange...08:37
Tm_TKate <308:40
Tm_Tsometimes I hate svg ;(08:40
Tm_Tartnay_: hrr, I'm evil and cruely cut out all what is not needed to draw lines, atleast all what seems to be unimportant08:44
Tm_Tartnay_: recheck it now, just used Kate so not sure if it works at all08:44
artnay_XML Parsing Error: mismatched tag. Expected: </rdf:RDF>.08:51
artnay_Line Number 78, Column 5:</i:pgf>08:51
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Tm_Tnow it's raped, hope it still works08:56
Tm_Tnah, it's broken08:57
Tm_Tartnay_: ok, I'm insane, but now I even start doing one more kopete chat style... well, always good to have jobs waiting ;-P09:39
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_jasonHello, I made an ubuntu buddy icon for aim.  It is simple but I would like to share it in case anyone else would like to use it.  However, I am not sure where to place it in the wiki.  Can someone suggest something?  (It doesn't seem to merit its own page, here is what it looks like: http://www.sas.upenn.edu/~ribeiro/ubuntu/ubuntu-logo-icon-white.jpg)02:10
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artnay__jason: I would suggest you to submit it to http://art.ubuntu.com03:29
_jasonartnay, thanks, I'll do that03:29
artnay_you did it, thank you. :)03:31
_jasonartnay, when I go to 'My Account', I only see the option to submit a theme or background.  Is there a different section I can submit to, or should I just choose one of those?03:33
_jasonartnay, never mind I see the option for the icon category in themes03:34
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_jasonhey what license should I use when submitting that icon?  because th ubuntu logo is trademarked right?04:35
_jason(referring to submitting  http://www.sas.upenn.edu/~ribeiro/ubuntu/ubuntu-logo-icon-white.jpg at http://art.ubuntu.com )04:36
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lapohi there04:46
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artnay_damn, he left before I woke up :/06:23
artnay_hey guys06:23
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