lebomb | how abotu RAD time | 12:02 |
lebomb | no such thing as rad in c++/c | 12:02 |
Red_Herring | well... i gotta run, more finals tomorrow :-) | 12:03 |
_grigory | "Using VB 6.0" was the second computer book i saw in my life, so i just started to read it... by first i call all those DOS manuals lying around | 12:03 |
Syuusuke | oh btw lebomb, make sure you put this line into the interfaces file | 12:03 |
Syuusuke | auto eth1 | 12:03 |
Syuusuke | or whatever your interface is | 12:03 |
Syuusuke | on the last line of the file | 12:03 |
lebomb | well | 12:03 |
lebomb | i don't always want my wireless on | 12:04 |
am | lebomb: if you need to knock a prototype up really fast and speed etc don't matter use python or something similar, if you need a proper application that people will use, use C or C++ , or for web apps | 12:04 |
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Syuusuke | oh then sure if thats the case | 12:04 |
lebomb | only when I turn it on really | 12:04 |
am | use something like java or C# | 12:04 |
lebomb | automatically connecting to wireless networks is dangerous | 12:04 |
_grigory | wow... IRC is quit a waste of time | 12:04 |
_grigory | damn | 12:04 |
_grigory | quite* | 12:04 |
arrinmurr | _grigory: depends on what you use it for ;) | 12:05 |
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_grigory | yeah... now for me it is a waste. so ill go do something productive | 12:05 |
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_grigory | oh, oh, i forgot to ask | 12:07 |
_grigory | how do i install widgets on my desktop? | 12:07 |
lebomb | what kind of widgets? | 12:07 |
arrinmurr | _grigory: with superkaramba (?) | 12:07 |
lebomb | gDesklet is one program | 12:08 |
lebomb | gdesklets | 12:08 |
lebomb | ahh superkaramba | 12:08 |
lebomb | cool | 12:08 |
lebomb | http://netdragon.sourceforge.net/ssuperkaramba.html | 12:08 |
_grigory | i installed superkaramba, yes | 12:08 |
=== _pascal [n=pascal@AOrleans-252-1-31-119.w83-115.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
_grigory | hmm.. cant find it now | 12:09 |
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_grigory | widgets - the ones that display system info on the desktop, or show weather | 12:10 |
=== Zappa [n=andrew@81-86-167-73.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Zappa | evening | 12:11 |
arrinmurr | _grigory: it's in k-menu -> utilities -> desktop . and you can get the themes/widgets in http://kde-look.org -> Karamba | 12:11 |
_grigory | Zappa: hello! | 12:11 |
_grigory | ok, thanks | 12:11 |
=== jimb0 [n=none@cpe-071-065-223-254.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
_grigory | ok, its not in k-menu for sure.. but run -> superkaramba worked | 12:12 |
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arrinmurr | _grigory: yeah. it works with every program | 12:13 |
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visik7 | K->Accesories->desktop->superkaramba | 12:13 |
visik7 | WFM | 12:13 |
visik7 | or Alt+space | 12:14 |
=== UsefulIdiot [n=chris@d57-131-20.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
visik7 | and type supr | 12:14 |
visik7 | and type supe | 12:14 |
lebomb | what is an .skz file? | 12:14 |
Zappa | i'm having a weird problem. Using KDE 3.5 on breezy, when i start up and log in i get an error message from Composite Manager saying it crashed and another one saying i must use Xorg 6.8+ for translucency and shadows and i need to add Options "Composite" "Enabled" to my Extensions section in my config | 12:15 |
Zappa | but transparency and shadows _does_ work | 12:15 |
Zappa | i tried adding the option to my config but it just made my display go all corrupted | 12:16 |
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lebomb | is there a place to get firefox1.5 for kubuntu? | 12:19 |
Zappa | lebomb: apparently not, i asked the same question the other day. | 12:20 |
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Zappa | lebomb: the problem is the dependencies it has | 12:20 |
lebomb | hm | 12:20 |
jimb0 | i have it running fine | 12:20 |
_grigory | oh, IRC under Kopete is nice! | 12:20 |
jimb0 | well i did before my system blew up today anyway | 12:20 |
lebomb | heh | 12:20 |
jimb0 | just update your sources.lst | 12:20 |
jimb0 | for apt | 12:20 |
Zappa | to what? | 12:21 |
jimb0 | get new sources i mean | 12:21 |
lebomb | i can download it from their site | 12:21 |
jimb0 | not just update | 12:21 |
_grigory | although its not tabbed here, like it is in GAIM | 12:21 |
lebomb | but i'd rather just get the .deb | 12:21 |
lebomb | what target? | 12:21 |
Zappa | yeah what's the source? | 12:21 |
jimb0 | ill send you my sources.lst as soon as my laptop fixes itself | 12:21 |
lebomb | ok | 12:21 |
jimb0 | i have tons of sites in it | 12:21 |
jimb0 | btw | 12:21 |
jimb0 | some of them require key signatures | 12:21 |
jimb0 | which is gay | 12:21 |
Zappa | i asked about it the other day but i was told there would not be a package due to all the incompatible things it depended on | 12:21 |
lebomb | i just want the moz one | 12:21 |
=== hawking [n=hawking@tor/session/x-de728833e9115f45] has joined #kubuntu | ||
lebomb | doesn't make sense | 12:21 |
kosh | apparently putting a new firefox in would screw things up for gnome | 12:21 |
kosh | since stuff in gnome depends on the html renderer | 12:22 |
jimb0 | i dont remember which one had the mozilla packages | 12:22 |
lebomb | man what's going on with the forums 8( | 12:22 |
jimb0 | back the truck up | 12:22 |
lebomb | i mean firefox | 12:22 |
lebomb | not mozilla | 12:22 |
kosh | so lots of stuff would have to be recompiled | 12:22 |
jimb0 | you're running gnome? | 12:22 |
kosh | I mean firefox also | 12:22 |
lebomb | gnome sucks anyways | 12:22 |
kosh | that is what was said about it | 12:22 |
jimb0 | gnome is shit | 12:22 |
lebomb | they should drop support for it | 12:22 |
jimb0 | who the hell uses gnome except for universities and stupid people? | 12:22 |
hawking | how can i mount my usb-pen-drive under kubuntu? | 12:22 |
hawking | hotplug didn't mount automatically | 12:22 |
lebomb | should be cake dude | 12:22 |
kosh | I am not running gnome, I don't care about it but it is the reason that the new firefox is not just going in | 12:22 |
lebomb | oh i should try that | 12:22 |
lebomb | ok | 12:22 |
lebomb | thx kosh | 12:22 |
jimb0 | btw | 12:23 |
jimb0 | while <1.5 is less secure in some ways | 12:23 |
jimb0 | i think its better | 12:23 |
jimb0 | i had less problems with 1 than 1.5 | 12:23 |
lebomb | it might have less memory leaking problems | 12:23 |
lebomb | 1.5 is horrendous | 12:23 |
kosh | I just like using konqueror :) | 12:23 |
jimb0 | yeah and i had less java issues in 1 | 12:23 |
lebomb | it shouldn't have even been released | 12:23 |
jimb0 | in 1.5 sites that had been working fine no longer worked | 12:23 |
jimb0 | on this box (my xp box), i run maxthon | 12:23 |
jimb0 | its >> firefox | 12:23 |
jimb0 | and based off IE | 12:24 |
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lebomb | there's support for SVG tho | 12:24 |
lebomb | maxthon?? | 12:24 |
kosh | that makes it worse then firefox | 12:24 |
jimb0 | firefox is kinda shitty in general | 12:24 |
kosh | being based on ie | 12:24 |
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jimb0 | you dont know what you're talking about | 12:24 |
jimb0 | no offense | 12:24 |
jimb0 | the IE rendering engine > firefox's | 12:24 |
jimb0 | period. | 12:24 |
lebomb | lol "no offense" | 12:24 |
kosh | I know exactly what I am talking about and I have been developing web apps for years | 12:24 |
lebomb | so you don't care about security though? | 12:24 |
jimb0 | me? | 12:25 |
lebomb | you know why IE will never be as good as firefox? | 12:25 |
jimb0 | nigga please firefox has plenty of security hoels | 12:25 |
lebomb | unless they flat out copy them of course | 12:25 |
lebomb | extensions. | 12:25 |
jimb0 | every day they are released | 12:25 |
jimb0 | extensions are fantastic | 12:25 |
lebomb | they're more than fantastic | 12:25 |
jimb0 | but until firefox can properly render all the sites i visit, it's a no go | 12:25 |
jimb0 | plus its a memory hog | 12:25 |
jimb0 | so thanks | 12:25 |
hawking | anyone knows how to mount usb-drive? | 12:25 |
lebomb | you think it renders perfectly | 12:25 |
jimb0 | they aren't more than fantastic, there's nothing i can't do in maxthon i did do in firefox | 12:26 |
lebomb | because microsoft supports NON STANDARD SHIT | 12:26 |
jimb0 | except foxytunes | 12:26 |
jimb0 | opera > firefox except for lack of extensions. | 12:26 |
lebomb | microsoft went out of their way to support broken shit and poor design, as well as unsupported crappy implementations | 12:26 |
lebomb | opera is garbage too | 12:26 |
jimb0 | eh that's just not true man | 12:26 |
jimb0 | opera's the fucking bomb | 12:26 |
Zappa | so does anyone have any idea about my boot up error messages? | 12:27 |
jimb0 | its beautiful, quick, and has most of the features i want | 12:27 |
Zappa | i have to agree that opera is nice | 12:27 |
jimb0 | its the slickest of the browsers by far | 12:27 |
Zappa | i use opera and firefox on windows, firefox on linux | 12:27 |
lebomb | opera barely runs on my computer it is so slow | 12:27 |
jimb0 | btw | 12:27 |
jimb0 | anyone can say 'ive been developing web apps for years' | 12:27 |
Zappa | do we really have to degenerate to browser wars | 12:28 |
jimb0 | and plenty of web developers will tell you that firefox is a pain in the ass to support | 12:28 |
lebomb | lol | 12:28 |
jimb0 | yeah i use firefox on linux | 12:28 |
jimb0 | i wont lie | 12:28 |
jimb0 | but maxthon is still better on windows, i dont see how there can be an argument except for security | 12:29 |
jimb0 | and even thats weak | 12:29 |
jimb0 | oh extensions | 12:29 |
Zappa | is there a way i can tell arts that i have 5 speakers? | 12:29 |
jimb0 | okay two small arguments | 12:29 |
jimb0 | sorry i shat on you guys | 12:31 |
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kosh | microsoft is fixing some stuff in ie for ie7 and it will break many of the sites out there | 12:36 |
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Tm_T | hehe | 12:37 |
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kosh | there is no such thing as designing for ie, the best you can do is design around the bugs in the version you are testing against | 12:38 |
kosh | which is why so many ie 5 and 5.5 pages don't render right in version 6 | 12:38 |
kosh | there is no ie standard and never has been | 12:38 |
iMac | i just had kubuntu live CD, boot into open firmware. | 12:38 |
iMac | err. for PPC | 12:39 |
Riddell | iMac: dapper? | 12:41 |
iMac | Riddell: Breezy I believe | 12:42 |
Riddell | probably a bad burn at a guess | 12:42 |
iMac | Riddell:it worked on my mini mac.. g4 vs g5 processor.. dunno | 12:43 |
Riddell | hmm, curious | 12:43 |
iMac | that is what I thought. | 12:44 |
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iMac | looks like a g5 memory error | 12:51 |
iMac | too much memory? | 12:51 |
iMac | .. i doubt it | 12:51 |
Tm_T | how much memory? | 12:52 |
iMac | i2 GB | 12:52 |
iMac | 2 GB | 12:52 |
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Keyseir | Does anyone here have experience setting up win4lin? | 12:52 |
Tm_T | iMac: and your problem is that it doesn't really boot up? | 12:53 |
iMac | invald memory access at $SRRO:00000000.0140382c | 12:53 |
iMac | yeah it goes to load the kernal and it boots into open firmware | 12:53 |
iMac | and crashes | 12:53 |
iMac | trying to post it on the ubuntuforums.org but it is lagging.. or not responding. | 12:54 |
Tm_T | yeah | 12:54 |
Tm_T | forums are bit down whole day | 12:55 |
iMac | that sucks | 12:55 |
Tm_T | are been | 12:55 |
iMac | they were down yesterday too | 12:55 |
Tm_T | really? | 12:55 |
iMac | yeah | 12:55 |
=== Tm_T doesn't really use forums | ||
=== iMac lol | ||
Tm_T | iMac: can you run memtest? | 12:56 |
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Tm_T | kakalto: o/ | 12:56 |
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iMac | memtest in open firmware? | 12:56 |
Tm_T | iMac: to make sure it's not broken memory | 12:56 |
Tm_T | iMac: in livecd, I think it's included | 12:57 |
iMac | i've tried on 5 different systems.. all with 2 GB of ram and all with g5 processors.. all fail at the same point | 12:57 |
kakalto | Tm_T, hmm? | 12:57 |
Tm_T | kakalto: hullo | 12:57 |
Tm_T | haven't seen you awhile | 12:57 |
iMac | it doesn't boot that far | 12:57 |
Tm_T | iMac: what? you don't even get first "menu" ? | 12:57 |
Tm_T | that sounds bad | 12:58 |
iMac | nope.. i get starting cpu /cpus/powerPC,G5... failed:00000000 | 12:58 |
Tm_T | humm, I have no idea... sorry | 12:58 |
iMac | like the kernal doesn't support g5's? | 12:58 |
iMac | cause, it works fine on my g4 and my g3 ppc processors | 12:59 |
Tm_T | well, it suppose to ask how you like to boot before it loads any kernel | 12:59 |
Tm_T | supposed | 12:59 |
iMac | yeah it is a live cd.. so i type live | 12:59 |
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iMac | then it goes to boot | 12:59 |
iMac | and then crashes | 12:59 |
Tm_T | well, type memtest there | 12:59 |
Tm_T | ;) | 01:00 |
=== _grigory [n=_grigory@CPE000c6e5bb605-CM014480030127.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
iMac | aah let me try | 01:00 |
_grigory | guys, what's .skz? | 01:00 |
=== cra1g3r [n=hinelinc@mdsnwigjbas01-pool10-a50.mdsnwigj.tds.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Tm_T | _grigory: no idea | 01:00 |
_grigory | Ark cant extract it | 01:00 |
_grigory | aw,, lets google it | 01:01 |
Tm_T | good idea ;) | 01:01 |
cra1g3r | hi all, I'm new to kubuntu/linux and I'm wondering if I can recieve some help installing kubuntu or at least be directed somewhere that might be of help to me | 01:02 |
_grigory | oh, i installed kubuntu just yesterday, and people here been VERY helpful | 01:03 |
_grigory | :) | 01:03 |
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cra1g3r | thats good to hear :) | 01:03 |
cra1g3r | I'm having trouble getting the os to boot from an external hard drive | 01:04 |
_grigory | yeah :) but i probably wont be of any help to you... | 01:04 |
cra1g3r | thats ok, at least I know im in the right place | 01:04 |
bipolar | O M G... way offtopic... search for "french military victories" on google. I wouldn't think they would be that cruel. | 01:06 |
_grigory | ahhaha | 01:06 |
_grigory | google's mean | 01:06 |
_grigory | very mean | 01:06 |
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cra1g3r | well, I'm not sure if this is a grub problem or a specific kubuntu problem, but the installation went ok, and the grub bootloader appears when I start my computer. My problem is that when it attempts to boot kubuntu I get the error "ALERT! dev/sdf1 does not exist. Dropping to a shell!" | 01:10 |
cra1g3r | any help would be appreciated :-) | 01:10 |
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=== CalamityX [n=xxx@67-22-96-177.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
CalamityX | can someone help me ? | 01:16 |
arafat | CalamityX: depends...:-) | 01:16 |
CalamityX | eth0 is disabled and the enable button is greyed out in kde | 01:16 |
arafat | CalamityX: try in a shell: sudo ifconfig eth0 up | 01:18 |
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CalamityX | nothing happened | 01:20 |
arafat | is eth0 still disabled? | 01:21 |
CalamityX | yes | 01:21 |
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arafat | CalamityX: what is the output of ifconfig? | 01:22 |
CalamityX | nothing, doesnt show any errors | 01:22 |
arafat | no, just type ifconfig | 01:22 |
CalamityX | ok | 01:22 |
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iMac | found out what the problem was | 01:29 |
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=== mahoul [n=mahoul@85-55-1-98.val2.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #kubuntu | ||
iMac | when i type live, by default it used the ppc 32 bit kernel.. the g5's use the 64 bit. | 01:30 |
iMac | so type live-powerpc64 to use a g5 | 01:30 |
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=== callie [n=callie@host86-129-64-189.range86-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
callie | evening | 01:40 |
iMac | hi | 01:47 |
=== tech9iner [n=tech9ine@ip70-170-48-225.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
callie | hi iMac | 01:47 |
iMac | just solved a problem with my powerpc live CD on my g5 | 01:47 |
callie | wicked! | 01:47 |
callie | what was up? | 01:47 |
nalioth | iMac: yes, share please | 01:47 |
iMac | when i would try and boot off the CD, you know.. by typing live.. the boot would crash with a memory error | 01:47 |
=== starhawk [n=starhawk@ppp-70-230-37-46.dsl.yntwoh.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
starhawk | hi | 01:47 |
iMac | on default it uses the normal 32 bit PPC kernel.. G5's need the 64 bit | 01:47 |
iMac | so instead of typing live, i typed live-powerpc64 | 01:47 |
iMac | and it worked fine | 01:47 |
callie | aaah | 01:47 |
callie | coolies | 01:47 |
starhawk | I am tring to get limewire or something like it running I am running kubunta any one help me with this | 01:47 |
callie | starhawk: check out Frostwire | 01:47 |
starhawk | how do I download it I have adept | 01:47 |
callie | by adding the correct repository you should be able to apt-get it it starhawk | 01:47 |
callie | -it | 01:47 |
callie | lol | 01:47 |
callie | i joined my local Linux group today | 01:47 |
callie | :D | 01:47 |
nalioth | iMac: the G5 can go both 32 or 64 bit | 01:47 |
nalioth | callie: they've added frostwire to the repos? | 01:48 |
starhawk | I have added a lot of repositories how do I know if I have the right one | 01:48 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell starhawk about limewire | 01:48 |
cra1g3r | could I please get some help with my installation related question? | 01:48 |
iMac | nalioth: aaah. so i wonder why it initially crashed then. | 01:48 |
nalioth | iMac: um, "dapper is development" ? | 01:48 |
nalioth | iMac: tbh, no ubuntu has booted on my g5 imac until flight-3 | 01:49 |
nalioth | iMac: you should be happy the thing boots at all | 01:49 |
nalioth | i know i am | 01:49 |
callie | nalioth: maybe not an official one | 01:49 |
nalioth | callie: non official repos should be avoided | 01:50 |
iMac | nalioth, i am using 5.10, which i think is breezy? | 01:50 |
callie | nalioth: i think i used it to get frostwire and then removed it | 01:50 |
xwolf- | indeed iMac | 01:50 |
iMac | breezy is stable? | 01:50 |
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callie | nalioth: or maybe i just got a deb file, canny remember now | 01:51 |
callie | is www.ubuntuforums.org down or is it just me? | 01:53 |
iMac | callie: it has been up and down for 2 days now.. at least that I have noticed | 01:55 |
callie | bugger | 01:55 |
tech9iner | someone call me? | 01:55 |
=== tech9iner swears he heard 'bugger' | ||
iMac | the kubuntu forums is up | 01:56 |
callie | i probably jinxed it | 01:56 |
iMac | tech9iner: callie said bugger | 01:56 |
callie | i think he can see that ;) | 01:56 |
tech9iner | rofl | 01:56 |
iMac | i know :) | 01:57 |
tech9iner | ya getz any closer mateyzzz.. an i'll feel it too.. ifn i cant run fast nuff | 01:57 |
tech9iner | ;] | 01:57 |
tech9iner | so this weak wittle lappy.. panasonic toughbook Pll 366/128ram is running quite sweet on kubuntu loadn up xfce here.. quite happy.. | 01:58 |
callie | ooooooooooooooookaaaaaaaay | 01:58 |
tech9iner | specially since it just closed on ebay today and local buyer wants 2 pick it up this eve or 2morrow.. | 01:59 |
tech9iner | he already asked bout loadn up xp on it.. methinks he'd be 2x as happy as is | 01:59 |
callie | fyi, im english and when english people say bugger its not meant to be interpreted as a request or taken literally | 01:59 |
=== CalamityX [n=xxx@67-22-96-177.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
tech9iner | aye that callie .. all sicko here.. no worries. | 02:00 |
tech9iner | lol | 02:00 |
CalamityX | can someone help me with my eth0 configuration ? | 02:00 |
callie | from scotland tech9iner ? | 02:00 |
nalioth | callie: afaik, there is no deb for frostwire. you either have to manually install the jars or convert it from rpm | 02:00 |
tech9iner | i wished callie lol.. anywhere but where im from as it were | 02:01 |
=== musashiden [n=adrian@pool-162-83-47-5.sal.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nalioth | iMac: i'll have to try a breezy liveCD and do the powerpc64 choice, but i think i tried all of em and they still never worked | 02:01 |
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CalamityX | can someone help me with my eth0 configuration ? | 02:02 |
nalioth | CalamityX: we need to know a bit more about your problem if we're gonna help you | 02:02 |
callie | you talk like a scot tech9iner | 02:03 |
CalamityX | eth0 is disabled, enabled button is greyed out in kde | 02:03 |
iMac | nalioth: cool. yeah it worked fine on my g3 and g4.. and live-powerpc64 worked on my g5.. when you get to the prompt hit your tab key and it will bring up all the options. | 02:03 |
CalamityX | i alreadytried ifconfig eth0 up | 02:03 |
CalamityX | anyone ? | 02:07 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell CalamityX about anyone | 02:09 |
yellowdart | CalamityX: 'sudo /etc/init.d/network restart' ...maybe??? | 02:09 |
tech9iner | i talk intl gibberish callie ;] .. sicko fan of brits n aussies n irish n scottish n french accents is one of my many deseases guv ;] ] | 02:10 |
=== thompa [n=thom@c-69-180-208-122.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
callie | fair enough | 02:11 |
=== callie hides | ||
thompa | i cant seam to play real streaming | 02:11 |
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CalamityX | yellowdart: no doesnt work | 02:12 |
=== tech9iner has dated 2 brits, 3 french, 1 aussie & 1 irish lassie.. all sight unseen over his 'bich'elor' yrs via heavy intl phone transacted businesses.. and thusfar.. all were loverly!.. [kinda scary odds wise now tho hehe.. ;] | ||
thompa | how can i play real streaming in konqueror or firefox? | 02:12 |
thompa | i installed everything in restricted | 02:13 |
yellowdart | CalamityX: i'm guessing that your network card isnt detected then... | 02:13 |
thompa | !restricted | 02:14 |
ubotu | extra, extra, read all about it, restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here have been replaced by !FreeFormats | 02:14 |
CalamityX | mhhh its hardware adress it listed tho | 02:14 |
thompa | crap | 02:14 |
thompa | why is it such a balck art to listen to the stupid radio | 02:15 |
yellowdart | CalamityX: hmmm...sounds like a dhcp issue | 02:15 |
thompa | i did everything on this page still no real media working | 02:15 |
thompa | with 8 players and wincodecs | 02:16 |
CalamityX | yellowdart: ok but shouldnt i at least be able to reactive the interface ? | 02:16 |
yellowdart | CalamityX: maybe if you launch the control center as root...it's possible you need admin privs to change it | 02:17 |
CalamityX | as root, i thought root is disabled in this distro | 02:18 |
yellowdart | CalamityX: well...sudo is the same a using root...just on an intermittent basis | 02:19 |
yellowdart | you can actually change how an app starts from your k-menu to run as root as well | 02:20 |
hatake_kakashi | anyone know how to fix up locale settings?, I'm upgrading my release of ubuntu and I'm getting a whole heap of errors with regards to locale | 02:20 |
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=== starhawk [n=starhawk@ppp-70-230-37-46.dsl.yntwoh.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
starhawk | I downloaded frostwire deb how do I install on kubunta anyhelp here | 02:25 |
hatake_kakashi | dpkg *no guarentees* | 02:25 |
starhawk | I will take what I can get | 02:25 |
=== dbunch [n=dbunch@cpe-24-193-247-3.ucwphilly.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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glick | hey does konqeror also suport java, flash, and embedded media? | 02:26 |
vge | sure | 02:27 |
hatake_kakashi | via embedded plugins yes | 02:27 |
hatake_kakashi | err plugins | 02:27 |
glick | but firefox is prolly better right? | 02:27 |
Tm_T | humm | 02:27 |
hatake_kakashi | anyone upgraded their releases via apt-get update && apt-get upgrade? | 02:27 |
hatake_kakashi | glick: different people, different purposes | 02:27 |
Tm_T | glick: no, same plugins | 02:27 |
Tm_T | glick: so both works, I find konqueror better to my taste | 02:28 |
glick | coo | 02:28 |
Tm_T | hatake_kakashi: yes | 02:28 |
hatake_kakashi | Tm_T: do you happen to get warnings about locales being set back to "C" ? | 02:28 |
Tm_T | hatake_kakashi: this kubuntu is prerelease of hoary upgraded to breezy upgraded to dapper | 02:28 |
hatake_kakashi | hmm | 02:28 |
Tm_T | hatake_kakashi: well, in time to time, reinstall locales and reconfigure too | 02:29 |
hatake_kakashi | I'm on hoary hedgehog, but I'm trying to upgrade to breeze | 02:29 |
hatake_kakashi | ok | 02:29 |
Tm_T | uff | 02:29 |
hatake_kakashi | I suppose I can do that with apt-get? :) | 02:29 |
Tm_T | yes | 02:30 |
hatake_kakashi | ok, ta | 02:30 |
Tm_T | apt-get install --reinstall locales | 02:30 |
Tm_T | dpkg-reconfigure locales | 02:30 |
Tm_T | both with sudo ofcourse | 02:30 |
hatake_kakashi | thanks a bunch, will do that after these upgrades | 02:30 |
=== ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@trider-g7.fabbione.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== Topic for #kubuntu: Well done raphink on MOTU status | Dapper Flight 3 out | KDE 3.5 is out http://tinyurl.com/dlrf9 (the KPDF problem is fixed in the latest packages) | Breezy fixes in breezy-updates | Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de | Please don't paste into the channel: use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/InternetRelayChat | ||
=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by Riddell at Tue Jan 17 22:16:32 2006 | ||
(GameOver/#kubuntu) wait so easy breezy, and or easy ubutnu is the saem thing as automatix? | 04:41 | |
(shawkins/#kubuntu) automatix forces everything to install if I'm understanding this right | 04:41 | |
robotgeek | GameOver: please join #easyubuntu, shawkins too | 04:43 |
shawkins | jallc | 04:44 |
GameOver | has it been released yet? | 04:44 |
shawkins | scratch that last thing. | 04:44 |
=== GameOver [n=joe@ool-43518a74.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
vge | hmm, how does freenode network deal with troublemakers? no ops? | 04:45 |
mr-russ | vge, chanserv. | 04:46 |
robotgeek | GameOver: easyubuntu v3.0 no, easybreezy yes | 04:46 |
mr-russ | people are registered with it, and they can op themselves when needed. | 04:46 |
vge | ic | 04:46 |
GameOver | robotgeek: when can we expect a release? | 04:46 |
mr-russ | also creates the feeling of everybody being equal unless needed. | 04:46 |
vge | true | 04:46 |
robotgeek | GameOver: it's almost done, next week maybe | 04:47 |
shawkins | robotgeek: I'm there already | 04:47 |
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=== _grigory [n=_grigory@CPE000c6e5bb605-CM014480030127.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
_grigory | ummm | 04:50 |
_grigory | weird | 04:50 |
_grigory | my xmms doesnt want to play music | 04:50 |
_grigory | asks to check if sound card configured | 04:51 |
_grigory | and nothign is blocking s. card | 04:51 |
_grigory | but system sounds work | 04:51 |
_grigory | wow | 04:52 |
_grigory | i went to system settings | 04:52 |
_grigory | audio | 04:52 |
_grigory | disabled sound system | 04:52 |
_grigory | and xmms started to play music | 04:52 |
_grigory | with sound system disabled | 04:52 |
_grigory | i enable it - xmms doesnt work | 04:53 |
robotgeek | _grigory: you need to change output plugin in xmms correcspondingly | 04:53 |
=== rubuntu [n=ubuntu@ip70-174-23-134.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
_grigory | oh | 04:55 |
_grigory | found it | 04:55 |
_grigory | changed the pluginm works now | 04:55 |
=== mac2612_ [n=forrie@pool-129-44-154-88.buff.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Tm_T | sucky | 04:57 |
Tm_T | robotgeek: hey, you're wizard with oss & dmix right? ;) | 04:57 |
robotgeek | Tm_T: no, crimsun is | 04:57 |
_grigory | anyone knows whats sigma(i^3) equals to? i got some weird answer, but not sure if its right (sigma notations) | 04:57 |
_grigory | too bad its not a math channel though | 04:58 |
Tm_T | robotgeek: well, my problem is that I can't find a way to get other sounds with ET | 04:58 |
robotgeek | Tm_T: no clue ,sound is my weak area :) | 04:58 |
Tm_T | hehe | 04:58 |
Tm_T | crimsun: ping pong contest invitation | 05:00 |
vge | http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=101125 | 05:00 |
Tm_T | forums are up? | 05:00 |
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vge | i just google for people, i know nothing form nothing :) | 05:00 |
Tm_T | YEAH!' | 05:01 |
Tm_T | vge: well, atleast doesn't help me | 05:03 |
GameOver | does anyone know how to replace files for a new login screen... i downloaded osmething and have no clue where to put the files | 05:04 |
vge | Tm_T: im bad giving advices when i have the same problem myself, im just too lazy to fix :) | 05:05 |
Tm_T | vge: =) | 05:07 |
Tm_T | vge: but you did help, you pointed out that forums are up again =) | 05:07 |
vge | glad i helped :) | 05:07 |
Arcanimus | Hey, anyone know why when I copy files from my HD to my MP3 Player via knoqueror, the MP3's appear like they're on the device with no errors | 05:08 |
Arcanimus | but they're not actualy there when i pull out the mp3 player? | 05:09 |
Arcanimus | i mean I can see all the files that are already on it | 05:09 |
Tm_T | Arcanimus: rightclick your stick icon -> remove securely | 05:10 |
Tm_T | before you pull it out | 05:10 |
Tm_T | might be sync issue | 05:10 |
Arcanimus | oh... is there any way I can make it so I don't have to use that safely remove thing? | 05:10 |
Arcanimus | because I know with windows xp you can enable/disable the same thing | 05:10 |
Arcanimus | because of write caching | 05:10 |
Arcanimus | maybe there's a similar option somewhere in konqueror..? | 05:11 |
Tm_T | dunno, sorry | 05:11 |
Tm_T | but try, if that helps | 05:11 |
Arcanimus | oh well, thanks for that help :) | 05:11 |
Arcanimus | it probably will | 05:11 |
Arcanimus | actually, i'll try it right now | 05:11 |
Tm_T | if not, problem is somewhere else | 05:11 |
Arcanimus | Tm_T, "umount: /media/PULSE is not in the fstab (and you are not root)" | 05:12 |
Arcanimus | so I have to configure fstab for a USB removable device..? | 05:13 |
Arcanimus | and be root to actually unplug it??? | 05:13 |
Arcanimus | :| | 05:13 |
Arcanimus | hmm i'll try fstab | 05:13 |
=== tech9iner [n=tech9ine@ip70-170-48-225.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
LeeJunFan | Arcanimus: you only have to be root to unmount if you mounted as root and have it configured as such. you can use options in fstab such as user or uid= | 05:14 |
yellowdart | Arcanimus: make sure that 'user' is one of the options in fstab for your device | 05:14 |
Tm_T | Arcanimus: apt-get install amd | 05:14 |
=== Tm_T doesn't have his usb memory or anything in fstab | ||
Arcanimus | yeah i'm going to add user to fstab | 05:16 |
Arcanimus | and i didn't mount as root that i know of | 05:16 |
Arcanimus | unless i had the mp3 player in my usb while i was booting | 05:16 |
Arcanimus | and it auto-mounted | 05:16 |
Arcanimus | during boot process as root | 05:16 |
Arcanimus | what's amd? | 05:16 |
=== OculusAquilae [n=bastian@p548D1C81.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== yellowdart [n=yellowda@cpe-24-166-51-128.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Arcanimus | hmm i didn't really need this automounter thing | 05:20 |
Arcanimus | fstab worked fine | 05:20 |
Arcanimus | oh well.. now that i have it installed might as well keep it | 05:20 |
Arcanimus | well anyways thanks for your help LeeJunFan, yellowdart, TjaFs | 05:23 |
Arcanimus | err | 05:23 |
Arcanimus | Tm_T, | 05:23 |
Arcanimus | :) | 05:23 |
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Arcanimus | good night | 05:23 |
Tm_T | :) | 05:25 |
Tm_T | Arcanimus: you do need, or atleast find amd useful | 05:25 |
vge | not really yet, it's only 6.25 am | 05:25 |
Tm_T | vge: exactly ;) | 05:25 |
=== specialbuddy [n=matt@24-177-145-86.dhcp.mrqt.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Tm_T | other finnish here, good good :) | 05:26 |
specialbuddy | is there a way to get rid of the bar at the bottom | 05:26 |
vge | true true, alltough GMT+2 is kinda large :) | 05:26 |
vge | specialbuddy: you mean taskbar? | 05:27 |
specialbuddy | yeah | 05:27 |
Tm_T | vge: and /wii is useful, I don't rely to clock too much ;) | 05:27 |
specialbuddy | but everything | 05:27 |
Tm_T | specialbuddy: you can hide it, for example | 05:27 |
specialbuddy | yeah but can you get rid of it all together | 05:27 |
Tm_T | why? | 05:27 |
specialbuddy | well if I wanted to could I? | 05:28 |
Tm_T | hmm, maybe | 05:28 |
Tm_T | if you tell me why | 05:28 |
specialbuddy | incase you wanted to use superkaramba taskbar instead | 05:29 |
Tm_T | humm, but kicker ir much more than taskbar | 05:29 |
Tm_T | you need systray replacement atleast | 05:29 |
Tm_T | rebooting, right back | 05:29 |
specialbuddy | ok | 05:29 |
Tm_T | back | 05:32 |
Tm_T | specialbuddy: so, I will tell you how to close kicker, but only if you have system tray replacement | 05:32 |
=== tech9iner [n=tech9ine@ip70-170-48-225.lv.lv.cox.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] | ||
specialbuddy | I don't have one right now | 05:33 |
Tm_T | ok | 05:33 |
vge | hehe, i got it to dissapear, now i need to get it back :D | 05:33 |
=== kkathman [n=kvirc@h-69-3-74-127.dllatx37.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
specialbuddy | what is kbfx? | 05:33 |
Tm_T | vge: just run kicker in run dialog | 05:33 |
Tm_T | or in some terminal | 05:34 |
vge | well it can be removed with just tampering taskbar settings | 05:34 |
vge | panel i mean | 05:34 |
=== pedro [n=pedro@adsl-155-206-210.owb.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Tm_T | that's dirty way | 05:35 |
Tm_T | really dirty | 05:35 |
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specialbuddy | do you know what kbfx is | 05:35 |
Tm_T | specialbuddy: humm, kde-look.org does know much about it | 05:35 |
specialbuddy | is there somewhere to read about it on there | 05:36 |
Tm_T | well, yes, sort of | 05:36 |
Tm_T | use search | 05:37 |
=== dbunch [n=dbunch@cpe-24-193-247-3.ucwphilly.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
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=== demonix [n=demonix@Toronto-HSE-ppp3875083.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
demonix | hello | 06:07 |
demonix | a couple questions | 06:07 |
demonix | i just finished installing kubuntu | 06:08 |
=== freeflying is away: Away at the moment | ||
demonix | but i can seem to find flash in the repos and i'm thinking a jre might be missing too? | 06:08 |
demonix | how do i get flash | 06:08 |
vge | www.macromedia.com | 06:10 |
demonix | oh so un;;ike ubuntu there's no deb | 06:11 |
demonix | *unlike | 06:11 |
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=== xtacocorex [n=xtacocor@65-101-172-191.desm.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
yellowdart | demonix: you need to enable the universe/multiverse repositories...then 'apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla' | 06:12 |
demonix | i activateed all there was in adept | 06:13 |
yellowdart | sudo apt-get update | 06:13 |
demonix | k | 06:13 |
xtacocorex | quick question, do i really need lvm on my laptop? | 06:13 |
yellowdart | xtacocorex: not really...lvm makes it really convenient to add/remove drives to a single block of storage...so if you dont plan on doing that you're ok | 06:14 |
demonix | brb | 06:14 |
xtacocorex | yellowdart: that won't affect my external usb harddrive access will it? | 06:15 |
yellowdart | xtacocorex: not unless it was formatted with lvm | 06:15 |
xtacocorex | yellowdart: it wasn't, so i can just uninstall it with synaptic? | 06:16 |
xtacocorex | yellowdart: or would turning it off work better | 06:16 |
yellowdart | xtacocorex: yeah, you should be fine...basically lvm is a way that you can "group" drives to cooperate into a single block of storage | 06:16 |
xtacocorex | yellowdart: awesome, thanks for the info | 06:17 |
yellowdart | xtacocorex: mo prob | 06:17 |
yellowdart | no* | 06:17 |
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=== Cheapy [n=chpalert@londonderry-cuda1-68-234-71-44.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== jughead [n=jughead@pcp08663065pcs.500ash01.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jughead | ok I added the source for KDE 3.5 into my resources list through adept, then did a full system upgrade | 06:33 |
jughead | How do I tell if it worked? | 06:33 |
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yellowdart | jughead: you should be able to use kde 3.5 :) | 06:34 |
jughead | how do I find out if that's what I'm running? | 06:34 |
jughead | I had problems logging out and had to ctl+alt+del and restart; plus I'm new to kubuntu | 06:35 |
yellowdart | open konqueror... help menu > About KDE | 06:35 |
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jughead | thanks yellowdart It's up and running | 06:36 |
yellowdart | jughead: glad to be of help | 06:37 |
jughead | I switched from mepis; it's similar but not quite the same | 06:37 |
jughead | I've got another "issue" involving KDE if you have a sec | 06:38 |
yellowdart | jughead: sure, what's up | 06:38 |
jughead | I'm used to having a link to my home folder as a house on my kicker - tis not there now | 06:38 |
jughead | i found the link to the show desktop button, but I can't find the option to the home folder button | 06:39 |
=== robitaille [n=robitail@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
yellowdart | ok... go to system:/ | 06:41 |
yellowdart | (in konq) | 06:41 |
yellowdart | drag the home icon to the kicker | 06:41 |
yellowdart | you'll have to change the icon.. but it works | 06:42 |
yellowdart | you can always add a 'quick browser' too | 06:44 |
=== NeoChaosX [n=nael@adsl-71-141-3-113.dsl.snfc21.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
jughead | crap - are you going to be here for a minute? the kicker just crashed - it's gone | 06:45 |
yellowdart | jughead: yeah, i'll be here awhile | 06:45 |
Tm_T | err | 06:46 |
Tm_T | jughead: you can restart kicker | 06:46 |
Tm_T | jughead: you can! | 06:46 |
Tm_T | ;) | 06:46 |
NeoChaosX | too late | 06:46 |
yellowdart | Tm_T: well...in theory he IS restarting it | 06:46 |
yellowdart | :) | 06:46 |
Tm_T | "hey, something crashed, let's reboot" | 06:46 |
=== jughead [n=jughead@pcp08663065pcs.500ash01.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Tm_T | jughead: reboot? | 06:46 |
NeoChaosX | i guess that logic makes sense | 06:47 |
NeoChaosX | at that speed, my guess is that he logged out and back in | 06:47 |
Tm_T | NeoChaosX: not really, in most of time | 06:47 |
jughead | OK I restarted X - the kicker is back | 06:47 |
=== manveru [n=manveru@aa2005021496003.userreverse.dion.ne.jp] has joined #kubuntu | ||
Tm_T | jughead: you can just restart kicker | 06:47 |
Tm_T | or is it too easy? ;) | 06:47 |
jughead | yeah I don't know how to do that yet | 06:47 |
NeoChaosX | you could've just right clicked on the KDE desktop, select run program, and ran "kicker" | 06:47 |
jughead | lol | 06:47 |
yellowdart | jughead: but as i was saying...'quick file browser' is my personal pref...you can set it for any base folder | 06:47 |
=== Tm_T restarted kicker already 5 times today | ||
Tm_T | testing++ | 06:48 |
jughead | yellowdart: that did the trick quite nicely | 06:48 |
jughead | I'm learning | 06:49 |
jughead | I haven't quite got software management down yet | 06:49 |
yellowdart | jughead: which did the trick...the system:/ or quick browser? | 06:49 |
Tm_T | and if there's need to restart running kicker, in konsole: "dcop kicker kicker restart" ;) | 06:49 |
jughead | well, certain parts of it anyway | 06:49 |
jughead | dcop kicker kicker restart | 06:49 |
jughead | 2 kicker? | 06:49 |
Tm_T | jughead: yes | 06:50 |
Tm_T | kicker contains lot more thant just kicker | 06:50 |
Tm_T | so kicker part of kicker | 06:51 |
jughead | ahh | 06:51 |
yellowdart | kicker kicker kicks the kicker | 06:51 |
yellowdart | :) | 06:51 |
Tm_T | aye | 06:51 |
jughead | how do I install plugins through firefox? | 06:51 |
yellowdart | jughead: what plugins are you needing? | 06:51 |
yellowdart | flash is 'apt-get install flashplayer-mozilla' | 06:52 |
=== ilba7r [n=ilba7r@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
ilba7r | any one know of a ubuntu repos for ibm-acpi | 06:54 |
yellowdart | jughead: you can also 'sudo apt-cache search mozilla plugin' | 06:55 |
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jughead | I'm trying Automatix-Kubuntu | 06:57 |
jughead | let's see if it works | 06:57 |
jughead | has anyone else used automatix? it seems pretty cool | 06:59 |
kkathman | automatix has a major, dangerous flaw | 07:00 |
jughead | uh oh | 07:00 |
shawkins | automatix forces stuff to install | 07:00 |
kkathman | it uses --force on many of its install which breaks systems regularly | 07:00 |
jughead | crap | 07:00 |
kkathman | EasyUbuntu is much more safe | 07:00 |
jughead | well, it's a runnin through it's thing now | 07:00 |
hatake_kakashi | what about kpersonalizer? | 07:00 |
jughead | If i have to reinstall I'll remember that | 07:01 |
kkathman | hehe | 07:01 |
shawkins | night kids | 07:01 |
jughead | night | 07:01 |
kkathman | night shawkins :) | 07:01 |
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yellowdart | shawkins-away: later | 07:01 |
jughead | EasyUbuntu works for Kubuntu as well? | 07:01 |
yellowdart | jughead: you'll probably find that most here install with ubuntu then 'apt-get install kubuntu-desktop' ...or just install from kubuntu media | 07:02 |
yellowdart | i'm personally not familiar with these other pkgs | 07:03 |
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jughead | ahh | 07:03 |
hatake_kakashi | anyone tried apt-get install kpersonalizer ? | 07:03 |
jughead | not me | 07:03 |
hatake_kakashi | hmm | 07:04 |
jughead | I'm trying Automatix, we'll se | 07:04 |
jughead | see | 07:04 |
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yellowdart | hatake_kakashi: it installed as part of kde 3.5 for me | 07:04 |
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shawkins-away | stupid thing.. | 07:05 |
jughead | If I suddenly become unresponsive or leave and don't come back - the worst has happened | 07:05 |
shawkins-away | ok.. nevermind... yellowdart got it.. now I'm going to sleep.. :) | 07:05 |
yellowdart | jughead: well, good luck... | 07:05 |
jughead | thanks | 07:05 |
yellowdart | shawkins-away: hehe..later | 07:05 |
hatake_kakashi | yellowdart: the odd this is that I have upgraded my release and when I get that package, it seems to add a whole bunch of other packages and removes some of those kubuntu/ubuntu ones | 07:06 |
yellowdart | jughead: if you dont see me...i'll most likely be here tomorrow as well :) | 07:06 |
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jughead | I take it you are a regular? | 07:06 |
yellowdart | jughead: sure | 07:06 |
jughead | this place is a lot more sane than #ubuntu | 07:06 |
jughead | that one gets crowded | 07:07 |
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yellowdart | hatake_kakashi: yeah, i did notice that i lost my login splash config option :-/ | 07:07 |
hatake_kakashi | yellowdart: hmm.. I wonder if I get kpersonalizer, if it is possible for me to get those original packages or at least upgraded packages to be installed without having to be removed | 07:07 |
yellowdart | hatake_kakashi: but that's probably the price to pay for not waiting 'til april for dapper :) | 07:08 |
asplode | do kubuntu and ubuntu get at the same time? | 07:08 |
hatake_kakashi | huh.. kpersonalizer comes with dapper? o.O I did not even set my apt repository to get dapper related stuff :/ | 07:08 |
hatake_kakashi | jughead: I don't think its as crowded as #debian ;) | 07:10 |
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yellowdart | hatake_kakashi: it's just the binaries for kde...thats what the upgrade is...not anything specific to ubuntu other than that's where the .deb files were made | 07:10 |
yellowdart | im pretty sure | 07:10 |
hatake_kakashi | yellowdart: that's what I thought.. and why would it go about removing some of the ubuntu/kubuntu related materials :/ | 07:10 |
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jugheadtn | alrighty then | 07:11 |
yellowdart | hatake_kakashi: conflicts... | 07:11 |
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hatake_kakashi | e.g. removing konqueror, but getting konqueror-nsplugins | 07:12 |
hatake_kakashi | :/ | 07:12 |
yellowdart | hatake_kakashi: because the (k)ubuntu stuff is probably still 3.4 | 07:12 |
jughead | It said everything installed, I open FF and the system locks up | 07:12 |
hatake_kakashi | o.O.. and the kpersonalizer comes in as KDE 4.3? | 07:12 |
jughead | I've heard it's not good at all to just flip the switch | 07:12 |
hatake_kakashi | FF? | 07:13 |
jughead | but the keyboard + mouse were unresponsice | 07:13 |
jughead | firefox | 07:13 |
hatake_kakashi | ah | 07:13 |
jughead | *unresponsive | 07:13 |
yellowdart | hatake_kakashi: i'm not sure if it kpersonalizer is in 3.4...just that it's in 3.5 | 07:13 |
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shawkins | kkathman: gotta tell ya something.. | 07:14 |
hatake_kakashi | hmm :/ | 07:14 |
hatake_kakashi | yellowdart: thanks | 07:14 |
yellowdart | hatake_kakashi: all i know is that it pretty much rids of anything that's not 3.5 | 07:14 |
yellowdart | hatake_kakashi: no prob | 07:14 |
fdelacruz_ | guys just want to ask on how to mount xternal DVD rom | 07:14 |
hatake_kakashi | well, I'll just have to see, and try and deal with the losses if I do come with them | 07:14 |
yellowdart | shawkins: hows that sleeping thing workin for ya? | 07:14 |
yellowdart | hehe | 07:14 |
shawkins | yellowdart: was doing fine for me.. until I thought of something | 07:16 |
yellowdart | shawkins: that's ok...i really only have a vague memory of what sleep is anyhow ;) | 07:17 |
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shawkins | yellowdart: well I think of random things right before I fall asleep... | 07:20 |
yellowdart | anybody know of any good emacs major modes to edit .rhtml files? (for ruby on rails development) | 07:21 |
fdelacruz_ | hello anyone knows how to mount an xternal dvd rom | 07:23 |
shawkins | ummm... /dev/sdc1 I think* would be the thingy for it..... yellowdart, take it from there, I'm out | 07:24 |
fdelacruz_ | hi shawkins is this your ans from question? | 07:25 |
shawkins | well.. I don't know for sure, I think it would be there as a scsi drive.... | 07:26 |
shawkins | try 'sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /media/drive | 07:26 |
shawkins | try that out real quick.. | 07:26 |
yellowdart | fstab... /dev/sdc /media/whateveryouwant udf,iso9660 user,noauto 0 0 | 07:27 |
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shawkins | yellowdart: thanks, night | 07:28 |
yellowdart | basically dup the 'cdrom' line...make sure that your /media/whateveryouwant exists | 07:28 |
yellowdart | gnight...again | 07:29 |
yellowdart | fdelacruz_: also try /dev/sdd, /dev/sdb, or /dev/sda if sdc doesnt work... | 07:31 |
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shawkins-away | try it again :) | 07:33 |
shawkins-away | this time I'm closing! | 07:33 |
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Den | Hi - is this where the KUbuntu developers hang out? | 07:35 |
yellowdart | Den: just the users really...(unless the devs are hiding) | 07:35 |
Den | Are any KDE developers for Ubuntu here? | 07:35 |
Tm_T | hmm, I don't hide | 07:36 |
yellowdart | Tm_T: hehe.. sorry didnt see you there ;) | 07:36 |
Den | yellowdart: thanks | 07:36 |
Tm_T | Den: I'm not sure what you're asking, but go ahead | 07:36 |
Den | Tm_T: I just discovered a bug, and also just found it in bugzilla, a kde bug. | 07:37 |
Tm_T | ok | 07:37 |
Tm_T | and? | 07:37 |
Tm_T | what bug exactly? | 07:37 |
Tm_T | Den: this is channel for Kubuntu users, but some devs are here too ;) | 07:37 |
Den | Tm_T: I was wondering if I should tell a KDE developer, but then just a sec ago I found it in the bugzilla, so I guess no need to report it further, or | 07:38 |
Tm_T | Den: ok, bug in what app | 07:38 |
Den | Tm_T: maybe I should confirm it, as it is rated "unconfirmed" | 07:38 |
Tm_T | I might be interested | 07:38 |
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Den | Tm_T: 24344. windows size too big for my screen | 07:38 |
Tm_T | aaah | 07:38 |
Tm_T | that one | 07:39 |
Den | Tm_T: IAt least that name sounds like a match - I haven't read the bug to confirm it's the same as the bug I experience. | 07:39 |
Tm_T | hmm | 07:40 |
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bur[n] er | anyone know how to get the tango-icon-theme to takeover as the default folder icons in KDE? | 07:46 |
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Den | Tm_T: Yes, so I read the bug report, it's the same thing happening to me.l Are you a developer? Is this something you work on? If no, do you know who works on it? | 07:46 |
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Tm_T | Den: what was bug number? | 07:49 |
=== damnhil [n=h@dsl-66-243-235-33.elltel.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
damnhil | do you have any problem configure network interfaces using KDE network settings? | 07:50 |
viviersf | damnhil, | 07:50 |
viviersf | you using kde 3.4 | 07:50 |
viviersf | or | 07:50 |
viviersf | 3.5 ? | 07:50 |
damnhil | viviersf: Im using KDE 3.4.3 | 07:51 |
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viviersf | damnhil, knetworkconf is totally broken on kde 3.4 | 07:52 |
Den | Tm_T: 24344. windows size too big for my screen | 07:52 |
viviersf | you must either use the gnome network tools | 07:52 |
viviersf | or | 07:52 |
damnhil | viviersf: Do I uninstall it? | 07:52 |
viviersf | upgrade to kde 3.5 | 07:52 |
viviersf | damnhil, no | 07:52 |
damnhil | viviersf: Thanks for telling me that. Why can't I uninstall it using Adept? | 07:52 |
viviersf | you can | 07:53 |
viviersf | but it wont fix the problem | 07:53 |
Den | damnhil: Was that _me_ you were asking about pros config net interf using kde net settings? | 07:53 |
damnhil | Den: I was asking viviersf but if you have any idea you can contribute here | 07:55 |
viviersf | damnhil, the knetworkconf was broken | 07:55 |
viviersf | it didnt write all the config data in the interfaces file | 07:56 |
viviersf | they fixed it in kde kde 3.5 | 07:56 |
viviersf | so | 07:56 |
viviersf | you can update kde to 3.5 from ridells site | 07:56 |
viviersf | or | 07:56 |
viviersf | install gnome-system-tools | 07:56 |
Den | damnhil: Ah. no ideas, I thought you were referring to the bug I'd mentioned. | 07:56 |
viviersf | and uninstall knetworkconf if you want to | 07:57 |
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Den | Tm_T: Any thoughts about if I should do anything, notify anyone else, about that bug? | 08:02 |
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Tm_T | Den: nah, Riddell knows it, so it will be done in time | 08:07 |
Den | Tm_T: Thx! | 08:07 |
Tm_T | no problemo | 08:07 |
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Den | Tm_T: Are you a Ubuntu KDE developer? | 08:07 |
Tm_T | not really, just wannabe -KDE devel | 08:08 |
Den | Anyone - is there a web page describing who is on the Ubuntu KDE developer team, & what they specialize in? | 08:08 |
Tm_T | Den: I afraid no, Kubuntu team mostly just provide KDE related packages so bugs are mostly KDE bugs -> handled by KDE devels | 08:09 |
damnhil | do you use network-console-config instead of kdenetworkconf? | 08:10 |
Tm_T | though there's much more done by Kubuntu team, great people I'd say | 08:10 |
Den | Tm_T: Thanks :) | 08:10 |
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Tm_T | damnhil: I don't use either one | 08:11 |
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Tm_T | crimsun: come on, you can't sleep that much | 08:14 |
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LeeJunFan | try my q again since I lost connection to irc server :) | 08:15 |
LeeJunFan | anyone else using kopete with yahoo have it loose the connection all the time? | 08:15 |
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Tm_T | LeeJunFan: what version | 08:16 |
LeeJunFan | 0.11 | 08:16 |
Tm_T | hmm ok | 08:16 |
Tm_T | but you can login and send/receive messages? | 08:17 |
LeeJunFan | yeah, it just seems to drop off a few times a day. | 08:17 |
andred | LeeJunFan: i'm currently tracking it down and expect it to be fixed for kopete 0.12 :) | 08:22 |
LeeJunFan | andred: okay, as long as it's not just me :) thanks. | 08:24 |
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specialbuddy | how do I play dvd's such as fight club? | 08:31 |
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tristanmike | how do I eject my DVD? | 08:34 |
specialbuddy | right click on dvd and click eject | 08:34 |
tristanmike | I don't have that option | 08:34 |
revdev | try sudo eject /dev/dvd ... or whatever your dvd device is | 08:35 |
specialbuddy | do you know how to play dvd's | 08:35 |
specialbuddy | ? | 08:35 |
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tristanmike | revdev, yeah, I don't want to have to do that every time I put something in the tray | 08:35 |
tristanmike | why can't i just push the button on my dvd/cd tray | 08:36 |
revdev | well, i have 2 dvd/rw drives and a cd drive... for two of them, i can use the button. for one i can't, i have to sudo eject everytime. i'm not sure why, and it's just routine now. | 08:36 |
revdev | sorry i can't be of more help | 08:36 |
tristanmike | don't worry, thanx for that command anyway :) | 08:37 |
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specialbuddy | !dvd | 08:41 |
ubotu | Dvd plyaing is possible in Ubuntu with totem, vlc mplayer and other players. You may need !libdvdcss. | 08:42 |
specialbuddy | !libdvdcss | 08:42 |
ubotu | methinks libdvdcss is DVD playing is possible in ubuntu, some DVDs may require libdvdcss2, which is available at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages | 08:42 |
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damnhil | is the samba configure in kde network functional? | 09:43 |
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hatake_kakashi | anyone here running with ISA cards? | 09:54 |
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damnhil | samba configure in kde network is not functional | 10:09 |
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visik7 | hatake_kakashi: not on kubuntu not with a 2.4 kernel | 10:22 |
visik7 | hatake_kakashi: not on kubuntu not with a 2.6 kernel | 10:22 |
hatake_kakashi | visik7: hmm :S | 10:23 |
visik7 | forget the first line | 10:23 |
hatake_kakashi | so you are on 2.4 but running some other distro? | 10:23 |
visik7 | yes debian | 10:23 |
visik7 | debian 3.0 with 2.4.31 | 10:23 |
visik7 | btw | 10:23 |
visik7 | what's the problem ? | 10:23 |
visik7 | are u trying to setup an isa pnp card ? | 10:24 |
hatake_kakashi | ahh | 10:24 |
hatake_kakashi | yes I am | 10:24 |
visik7 | oh | 10:25 |
hatake_kakashi | ISA sound card, I will need to get isapnptools, kubuntu's repository does not have it, so I'm going about on manual install. I hope it would not affect the stability too much | 10:25 |
hatake_kakashi | the problem is I'm running the latest stable kubuntu (I think) with 2.6 kernel | 10:25 |
visik7 | no not the stability of the system but of your mental sanity | 10:26 |
hatake_kakashi | heh | 10:26 |
hatake_kakashi | well, I've kinda went to extremes when I had 2.4.x kernel on RH8 | 10:26 |
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hatake_kakashi | took me ages but I eventually got the soundcard to work.. I cannot find a copy of that config file after formatting :/ | 10:26 |
visik7 | I think alsaconf is able to run isapnp hardware but dunno why ubuntu remove it from packages | 10:26 |
hatake_kakashi | hmm :S | 10:27 |
hatake_kakashi | I'll probably aptget it | 10:27 |
visik7 | btw by hand using isapnp-tools and some outdated doc | 10:27 |
hatake_kakashi | s/aptget/apt-get | 10:27 |
hatake_kakashi | yeah | 10:27 |
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hatake_kakashi | I did it by hand as well before, and only reading the manual pages that came with isapnptools | 10:28 |
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_larsivi | what is the repositories for dapper | 11:01 |
_larsivi | !dapper | 11:01 |
ubotu | methinks dapper is The 6.04 version of Ubuntu will be called the "Dapper Drake" release. Release date April 20, 2006. Not before. It is NOT ready for use. Use it at your _own_ risk, when it breaks you need to be able to fix it yourself. | 11:01 |
bimberi | _larsivi: s/breezy/dapper/ <- in your sources.list | 11:02 |
bimberi | !sources | 11:03 |
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource | 11:03 |
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hatake_kakashi | anyone on this release: kde 4:3.4.0-0ubuntu1 | 11:04 |
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_larsivi | thanks bimberi, i found out | 11:08 |
_larsivi | trying to upgrade my vmware player image :D | 11:08 |
_larsivi | bye | 11:09 |
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=== Topic for #kubuntu: Well done raphink on MOTU status | Dapper Flight 3 out | KDE 3.5 is out http://tinyurl.com/dlrf9 (the KPDF problem is fixed in the latest packages) | Breezy fixes in breezy-updates | Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de | Please don't paste into the channel: use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/InternetRelayChat | ||
=== Topic (#kubuntu): set by Riddell at Tue Jan 17 22:16:32 2006 | ||
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magnus | How do I get verdana and the other msttcorefonts in kubuntu? | 02:01 |
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magnus | Sorry about that :) | 02:04 |
magnus | Still need to know how to get verdana :) | 02:04 |
rommel | magnus, i am new to ubuntu (i use gentoo myself) but look through this maybe https://wiki.ubuntu.com | 02:06 |
xwolf- | what's the difference between debian and redhat? | 02:08 |
rommel | rpm | 02:08 |
xwolf- | ok, package manager, i've read about that | 02:08 |
xwolf- | what else? | 02:08 |
hatake_kakashi | their ideals | 02:09 |
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rommel | uh a pkg manager is no light matter | 02:09 |
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Riddell | debian is community developed | 02:16 |
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xwolf- | and redhat isnt? | 02:17 |
rommel | no not really | 02:17 |
rommel | its more corporate | 02:17 |
hatake_kakashi | yes | 02:17 |
hatake_kakashi | they have one for community partly working with the corporate and they have one which is mostly corporate.. namely fedora and redhat es/as etc | 02:18 |
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rommel | why doesnt ubuntu support mp3 and dvd right out of the box so to speak.... i know its some legality issue but why does gentoo not seem to care and it just works | 02:21 |
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hatake_kakashi | rommel: different ideas, :P just like rh | 02:22 |
hatake_kakashi | they don't support mp3 out of the box | 02:22 |
rommel | rh doesnt? | 02:22 |
hatake_kakashi | s/ideas/ideals | 02:23 |
hatake_kakashi | no | 02:23 |
hatake_kakashi | at least rh8 doesn't | 02:23 |
rommel | i have only really run gentoo... freebsd before that for like a month then to linux/gentoo | 02:23 |
rommel | ok so how do you keep updated with apt-get when you are having to add software "manually" to the system by way of make && make install | 02:24 |
hatake_kakashi | apt-get update && apt-get upgrade, but there is the Adept Updater and such for that | 02:25 |
hatake_kakashi | depending on what you need, you may need to edit sources.list | 02:25 |
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rommel | ok so there is a way to manage added things and their deps not directly supported | 02:28 |
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yellowdart | rommel: no, you cannot compile something NOT from your source.list and have apt recognize it...there are ways for cetain packages to "add" themselves to apt so that you can make sure dependencies are there, but the system doesnt do that automatically | 02:33 |
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yellowdart | rommel: even with gentoo 'emerge -u world' would overwrite manually added packages | 02:35 |
ilba7r | just wondering if x is broken in dapper? and i know the warning i am just testing it | 02:35 |
rommel | well i didnt mean automatically... but in gentoo you have a user defined overlay that can be added ... you can create ebuilds that emerge and portage recognize and track versions like that as well as the deps given in the ebuild for the software | 02:35 |
rommel | the overlay doesnt get over written... that was the purpose of it | 02:36 |
yellowdart | rommel: you can create .deb files as well...they work in much the same way as .ebuild | 02:36 |
yellowdart | then you can install with 'dpkg -i your_file_here.deb' | 02:37 |
rommel | ok... thats what i was getting at... for durability management of that stuff gets to be a big issue | 02:38 |
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yellowdart | rommel: yeah, that stuff is going to be an issue no matter what distro you go with... | 02:39 |
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magnus | What's the name of the package with kdelibs development files for KDE 3.5 in Kubuntu breezy? kdelibs4-dev shows as "4:3.4.3-0ubuntu1" | 02:47 |
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feistel | hi | 03:06 |
feistel | how I can change the kubuntu's logo in the "About KDE" window? | 03:07 |
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feistel | how I can change the kubuntu's logo in the "About KDE" window? | 03:11 |
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Jimmy24 | ji | 03:15 |
Jimmy24 | hi | 03:15 |
Jimmy24 | huhu | 03:15 |
Jimmy24 | can somebody help me | 03:15 |
Mias | *help* | 03:16 |
Jimmy24 | is kubuntu completly in german? iam from german | 03:16 |
Mias | er? no | 03:16 |
Jimmy24 | and when i now download kubuntu is kde 3.5 integrated? | 03:16 |
Mias | 3.4 | 03:17 |
Mias | .x | 03:17 |
Jimmy24 | how to became kubuntu in german? | 03:17 |
Jimmy24 | is that possible? | 03:17 |
Mias | was? fragma deutsch | 03:17 |
Jimmy24 | aso | 03:17 |
Jimmy24 | prima | 03:17 |
Jimmy24 | also ich wollte mir kubuntu downloaden und wollte wissen ob es komplett deutsch ist | 03:17 |
Mias | beim installieren "deutsch" auswhlen, dann is (fast) alles deutsch | 03:18 |
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Jimmy24 | und das was nicht deutsch ist? | 03:18 |
knubbe | is there a program similar to Beagle but for KDE? | 03:18 |
yellowdart | Jimmy24: 'sudo apt-get install language-pack-kde-de language-pack-kde-de-base' | 03:18 |
knubbe | ie, a desktop search application | 03:18 |
Mias | na ien paar manpages vll, nich so wichtig, ist schon durchgngig dt. | 03:19 |
Jimmy24 | aso ok | 03:19 |
Jimmy24 | und kde 3.5 ist das schwer zu installieren= | 03:19 |
Mias | install manpages-de oder so | 03:19 |
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yellowdart | Jimmy24: also, 3.5 is NOT standard in kubuntu... | 03:20 |
Mias | und nimm locale de_DE@euro | 03:20 |
kkathman | howdy yellowdart ::) | 03:20 |
Jimmy24 | ok mach ich | 03:20 |
yellowdart | kkathman: g'mornin | 03:20 |
kkathman | 3.5 will be standard in Dapper tho | 03:20 |
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yellowdart | yes...dapper...in april | 03:21 |
Jimmy24 | und wie bekomm ich das hin? | 03:21 |
Jimmy24 | geht das berhaupt? | 03:21 |
kkathman | I have KDE 3.5 on my breezy tho | 03:21 |
Jimmy24 | ndiswrapper wie bekomm ich den? | 03:21 |
Jimmy24 | apt-get install ndiswrapper ? | 03:21 |
Jimmy24 | ah halt ich hab ja noch kein inet | 03:21 |
kkathman | I upgraded about 2 weeks ago | 03:21 |
Jimmy24 | ist der schon dabeii? | 03:22 |
Jimmy24 | how? | 03:22 |
Jimmy24 | to upgrade kde 3.4 to kde 3.5 | 03:22 |
kkathman | http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35.php | 03:23 |
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Jimmy24 | ah thanks | 03:23 |
yellowdart | Jimmy24: you have to add the kde 3.5 repository to /etc/apt/sources.list then do 'sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' | 03:23 |
Jimmy24 | thanks yellow | 03:24 |
Jimmy24 | and ow to install ndiswrapper withou internet conection | 03:24 |
kkathman | that page explains the process exactly | 03:24 |
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yellowdart | hmm...trying to set a global shortcut for the k-menu to use just the win/start key...only lets me use it in combination with something else...not by itself :-/ | 03:28 |
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yellowdart | guess i'll just have to stick to katapult for fast app access | 03:33 |
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LeeJunFan | andred: talked to you yesterday about losing yahoo connections with kopete, I have a similar problem with jabber.org, don't know if you might be chasing that one too, but that one is actually jabber.org's server as I've got 2 of my own that are flawless. | 03:39 |
andred | LeeJunFan: you might wanna ask in #kopete, i'm not familiar with the jabber code at all | 03:40 |
andred | #kopete it is :) | 03:40 |
LeeJunFan | andred: nah, not a problem, I just figured if you were, that's not really a kopete bug, and not to waste your time with it. :) | 03:40 |
yellowdart | LeeJunFan: personally, my yahoo hasnt dropped from kopete at all...and i'm using google talk via jabber...works great | 03:40 |
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jin | anyone ut there know about flash drives? | 03:44 |
jin | need to know where i can get drivers and such for flash drive | 03:45 |
jin | for a Samsung YP-U1Z | 03:45 |
HymnToLife | hi :) | 03:46 |
HymnToLife | is there a way to open links directly in Konsole | 03:46 |
HymnToLife | like i gnome-terminal ? | 03:46 |
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Mias | HymnToLife: install (e)links or w3m or wget for DLing | 03:51 |
magnus | Hi, What's the name of the appropriate kdelibs-dev-package for KDE 3.5 in Kubuntu Breezy? | 03:51 |
Mias | HymnToLife: err.. or use klipper | 03:51 |
Mias | HymnToLife: I think u want klipper | 03:52 |
HymnToLife | basically what I want to do i | 03:52 |
HymnToLife | when there is an URL returned by Konsole | 03:52 |
HymnToLife | like in a man page for example | 03:53 |
HymnToLife | in gnome term when you selet the url and right clik you have an option "Open in browser" | 03:53 |
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kkathman | magnus: the same as 3.4.3 they are just updated when you go to 3.5 | 03:55 |
magnus | OKay, cause I get some dependency problems when I try to install kdelibs4-dev | 03:55 |
kkathman | 4?? | 03:56 |
magnus | same with kdelibs-dev | 03:56 |
magnus | The 4 is just silly version naming, it's still 3.x afaik | 03:57 |
magnus | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 03:57 |
magnus | kdelibs4-dev: Depends: kdelibs4c2 (= 4:3.4.3-0ubuntu1) but 4:3.5.0-0ubuntu0breezy1 is to be installed | 03:57 |
magnus | And two more | 03:57 |
kkathman | hmmm | 03:57 |
magnus | Indeed :) | 03:57 |
kkathman | I dont like that 4c2 | 03:57 |
kkathman | that sounds "beta" or candidate | 03:57 |
magnus | mhm | 03:58 |
kkathman | but i dont know | 03:58 |
Kibou | what is it supposed to mean? | 03:58 |
kkathman | did you have all the -dev stuff on your machine prior to going to 3.5? | 03:58 |
magnus | no | 03:58 |
kkathman | ahhh well then its ok then prolly | 03:58 |
magnus | well, i need the kdelibs to compile :) | 03:59 |
kkathman | cuz when you moved from 3.4.3, the only components that were added were replacements for what you had, plus mandatory things, and the -libs arent usually mandatory | 03:59 |
magnus | (KDE stuff that's not found in kubuntu-packages) | 03:59 |
kkathman | as long as you still have the 3.5 repo alive, you can just apt-get the libs you need | 04:00 |
kkathman | and accept the dependencies I reckon | 04:00 |
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magnus | I can't accept the deps? | 04:01 |
kkathman | yes you should be able to accept the dependencies | 04:01 |
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kkathman | I dont know why you cant | 04:01 |
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_ice | anyone have a wine here | 04:07 |
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hawking | _ice : I just drank a bottle | 04:09 |
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_ice | lol | 04:11 |
_ice | dchroot -d /home/ice/.wine/fake_windows/Program Files/Internet Explorer wine IEXPLORE.EXE | 04:11 |
_ice | this is my path for ie6 | 04:11 |
_ice | using wine on the desktop | 04:11 |
_ice | but it not working | 04:11 |
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magnus | kkathman: The problem is that it won't install kdelibs-dev, because of unmet deps | 04:14 |
seashell11 | _ice: did you try wine 'c:/Program Files/Internet Explorer/IEXPLORE.EXE' ? | 04:14 |
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kkathman | magnus: this sounds like a bug then | 04:15 |
magnus | okay | 04:16 |
kkathman | you might check with Riddell, or file a bug report at bugzilla | 04:16 |
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seashell11 | _ice: ?? | 04:18 |
kkathman | howdy seashell11 :) | 04:19 |
kkathman | Lord, why would anyone want to run IE on linux?? | 04:19 |
seashell11 | hi kkathman ;-) | 04:19 |
Riddell | magnus: what's your kde package source? | 04:20 |
kkathman | Howdy Riddell | 04:20 |
Riddell | hello | 04:20 |
kkathman | I think he mentioned it up above | 04:20 |
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seashell11 | kkathman: I have IE installed on linux, but just because another program in wine requires it, I don't ever run it | 04:21 |
magnus | Riddell: The one from the topic :) | 04:21 |
_ice | does anyone here have ie installed | 04:21 |
_ice | using wine of course | 04:21 |
kkathman | _ice why IE ? | 04:21 |
seashell11 | _ice: I do, just because another program in wine requires it | 04:22 |
Riddell | magnus: apt-cache policy kdelibs4-dev | 04:22 |
kkathman | icck | 04:22 |
_ice | do you test web pages on it too | 04:22 |
seashell11 | _ice: but why would you ever want to run it? | 04:22 |
kkathman | _ice I test my web pages on Firefox..its a more stringent test actually | 04:22 |
_ice | I need it for xml data islands for a class I am taking | 04:22 |
magnus | Riddell: 500 http://dk.archive.ubuntu.com breezy/main Packages | 04:22 |
_ice | can't test data islands on firefox | 04:23 |
Riddell | magnus: and kdelibs4c2? | 04:23 |
_ice | how do I test my pages on ie 6 ? | 04:23 |
magnus | Riddell: Same | 04:23 |
Riddell | magnus: so you have kdelibs from 3.5 installed but the source is no longer known to apt | 04:23 |
Riddell | magnus: make sure it's in sources.list and sudo apt-get update | 04:23 |
magnus | hm | 04:23 |
seashell11 | _ice: try this: wine 'c:/Program Files/Internet Explorer/IEXPLORE.EXE' | 04:24 |
magnus | Riddell: looking at it now | 04:24 |
kkathman | how does that happen Riddell? | 04:24 |
_ice | I get ie 6 to work just fine | 04:24 |
_ice | but I get my pages I have from my web server to test on ie6 using wine | 04:25 |
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HymnToLife | hmm | 04:25 |
seashell11 | _ice: what do you mean? you got it running right or not? | 04:25 |
HymnToLife | where does Kopete save chat logs ? | 04:25 |
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_ice | ie6 works just fine | 04:26 |
_ice | my problem is I want to test some pages that I have been working on in a dir on linux | 04:27 |
_ice | I can't seem to do that | 04:27 |
yellowdart | _ice: do you have a web server running? | 04:27 |
_ice | yes | 04:27 |
_ice | local host only | 04:27 |
seashell11 | _ice: then it should work, | 04:27 |
_ice | oh no shit I forgot about loopback | 04:28 |
yellowdart | try using the actual ip of your machine instead of or localhost | 04:28 |
yellowdart | _ice: yeah, 127 should have worked fine though :) ...happens to the best of us | 04:28 |
_ice | yeah 127 does work | 04:29 |
_ice | thx guys alot | 04:29 |
seashell11 | _ice: no prob :-) | 04:30 |
yellowdart | _ice: np | 04:30 |
_ice | ha ha this is great | 04:31 |
_ice | and this is why I am a linux addict | 04:32 |
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yellowdart | anybody here know of any nice emacs major-modes for editing .rhtml files? (ruby on rails) | 04:33 |
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yellowdart | or something for kdevelop/quanta? | 04:35 |
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iantec | how do i create folder shorcuts aside from dragging them and clicking create link? is there a easier way? | 04:37 |
HymnToLife | iantec > command line :) | 04:38 |
iantec | i eman just to create a short cut? | 04:38 |
yellowdart | iantec: ln -s /target /new_link | 04:38 |
yellowdart | iantec: OR...right-click...create new > link to location (url) | 04:39 |
iantec | got it thanks a lot | 04:39 |
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iantec | thats nice:) | 04:41 |
iantec | wow | 04:41 |
iantec | funny, but im actually enjoying linux now im getting the hange of it although i still need a LOT to learn | 04:42 |
yellowdart | iantec: there's always a lot to learn | 04:43 |
hawking | how can i configure kubuntu so that I won't see the kubuntu picture and blue fonts on startup but see tty1 | 04:44 |
kkathman | hawking you mean you dont want KDE/Gnome to start | 04:44 |
hawking | kkathman : well that could be cool I want to run them using startx | 04:45 |
yellowdart | hawking: you have to disable kdm from starting at boot | 04:45 |
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hawking | yellowart : I'll remove it from /etc/rc2.d right? | 04:46 |
kkathman | hawking right, probably the best way is just to change your inittab from id:2 initdefault to id 1: initdefault | 04:46 |
kkathman | i.e. the run level | 04:46 |
haakonn | hi, i'm seeing this more and more: often, after the screensaver have been going and i exit from it, the mouse pointer is gone. nothing i do with the mouse gets any effect at all, until i restart xorg. anyone else seeing this? | 04:46 |
hawking | kkathman : and I'll run kdm typing "startx" right? | 04:47 |
kkathman | I think you can also change the /etc/X11/default-display-manager | 04:47 |
kkathman | hawking that or kdm start | 04:47 |
kkathman | actually /etc/ init.d/kdm start (or restart) | 04:48 |
yellowdart | hawking: you would start whatever display manager with startx...kdm is a login manager, no need for it if you are using startx (since you are already logged in) | 04:49 |
hawking | I see | 04:50 |
kkathman | yellowdart: even if he changes his run level ?? | 04:50 |
kkathman | that never worked for me for some reason | 04:50 |
kkathman | shrug | 04:50 |
yellowdart | kkathman: basically you have to be logged in to even try to run startx...that's my point :) | 04:51 |
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kkathman | yellowdart: oh well sure ;) | 04:51 |
aljoscha | hello | 04:51 |
kkathman | cant type startx at a login prompt :) | 04:52 |
yellowdart | you just wont have the "restart, shutdown, bla bla" options when you log out of an X session | 04:52 |
kkathman | right | 04:52 |
aljoscha | hi anybody any experience with Ark and *.rar files? | 04:52 |
kkathman | kdm restart from a tty prolly makes no sense... but kdm start would | 04:52 |
aljoscha | im Dutch | 04:52 |
yellowdart | hawking: if you want to use an 'unadulterated terminal' hit ctrl+alt+F2 and ctrl+alt+F7 to get back :) | 04:53 |
kkathman | aljoscha: might need to install them :) | 04:53 |
hawking | yellowdart : I know that I just want to see that terminal at startup to see messages | 04:53 |
yellowdart | what messages?? | 04:54 |
hawking | but on kubuntu you get this kubuntu picture and bluefonts by default | 04:54 |
kkathman | dmesg ? | 04:54 |
yellowdart | hawking: your boot script? | 04:54 |
aljoscha | im having a path problem with unrar-free | 04:54 |
aljoscha | tryed using it in console, but doesnt work either | 04:55 |
HymnToLife | hay | 04:55 |
yellowdart | i use unrar-nonfree...because free didnt work for me either | 04:55 |
HymnToLife | will a sudo apt-get upgrade do the trick to uprade to KDE 3.5 | 04:55 |
hawking | yellowdart : what ya mean? | 04:55 |
HymnToLife | after adding the repo of course | 04:55 |
yellowdart | hawking: you want to see all the text instead of the "kubuntu' logo and all the lines that say 'ok'? | 04:56 |
aljoscha | is the nonfree also in package installer? | 04:56 |
yellowdart | aljoscha: yeah | 04:57 |
hawking | yellowdart : I want to see all the text and I want no kubuntu loo | 04:57 |
seashell11 | Ok, when I just log in to command prompt a message pops up saying I have new mail. How do I read this mail and is there a way I can be automatically notified of it in kde? Or what is this mail? | 04:57 |
hawking | yellowdart : logo | 04:57 |
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kkathman | hawking: then change your default run level to 1 | 04:57 |
yellowdart | hawking: but you still want a graphical login right? | 04:57 |
hawking | yellowdart :Yeah | 04:58 |
yellowdart | hawking: that's a grub option... | 04:58 |
kkathman | yellowdart: I think he wants to boot to a tty, then if he wants to go to gui, he types starx | 04:58 |
kkathman | startx | 04:58 |
kkathman | at least thats what I seem to understand | 04:58 |
aljoscha | hmm how is the nonfree called in package-manager of kubuntu? | 04:59 |
yellowdart | kkathman: he just wants to see all the 'nitty-gritty' of booting up...instead of the fbsplash that scrolls the lines of 'ok' when things load | 04:59 |
hawking | yellowdart : how can i add that option and what option is it? | 04:59 |
hawking | yeah | 04:59 |
kkathman | well if I need to see my boot script I just type dmesg at the konsole after boot | 05:00 |
kkathman | hehe | 05:00 |
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yellowdart | hawking: in your /boot/grub/menu.lst comment out anywhere you see 'quiet splash' | 05:00 |
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yellowdart | just the words 'quiet splash' | 05:01 |
hawking | thx | 05:01 |
crimsun | Tm_T: s/sleep/work/ | 05:02 |
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kkathman | yellowdart: dont know about you, but that rolls by so fast on my machine, I couldnt read it anyway :) | 05:02 |
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ubuntu | hi | 05:03 |
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yellowdart | kkathman: hey, that's not for us to worry about :) ...i'm just telling him what he wants to hear | 05:03 |
ubuntu | I just booted the kubuntu cd... and it started a live session. how do I start the installer, to actually install it on my disk? | 05:03 |
yellowdart | it rolls by fast here too...even on my p3 | 05:03 |
seashell11 | ubuntu: you have to have the install cd | 05:04 |
seashell11 | ubuntu: the live cd will not work to install from | 05:04 |
ubuntu | seashell11: I actually got the dvd... and the boot menu showed options for installing. but the default brought me to the live.... | 05:05 |
ubuntu | do I need to boot the expert mode for installing? | 05:05 |
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seashell11 | ubuntulog: are you on dapper? | 05:06 |
seashell11 | ubuntu: I wouldn't know, but that message I just sent was not supposed to be sent, I accidentally hit the enter button lol :-D I havn't did anything with the dvd | 05:07 |
Tm_T | crimsun: no excuses! | 05:07 |
Tm_T | ;) | 05:07 |
ubuntu | "The DVDs are combined live and install." hum... looks like I need to reboot into the expert mode :-/ | 05:07 |
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seashell11 | !install | 05:09 |
ubotu | install is, like, totally, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation | 05:09 |
seashell11 | you could try there | 05:09 |
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ubuntu | damn... docs say it would start per default the installation, if you say "live" the live-version... this is actually wrong :( | 05:10 |
seashell11 | mayb try typing install at boot? | 05:11 |
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ubuntu | well... I'm rebooting... cya | 05:12 |
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Mias | I cant sudo because it has a problem with gethostbyname; my cd install hung on tzconfig | 05:14 |
Mias | I have a valid /etc/hostname | 05:15 |
Mias | and host.conf, what to do? | 05:15 |
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yellowdart | ok.. gotta go meet my wife for lunch...i'll be back in a few | 05:18 |
USER014532 | where are the bolognesi????? | 05:19 |
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vge | configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH, what c compiler shoud i use? | 05:24 |
crimsun | vge: sudo apt-get install build-essential | 05:25 |
vge | ty | 05:25 |
vge | im getting lazy wit google it seems :) | 05:25 |
seashell11 | vge that not good l:-) | 05:26 |
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monad | hi... can someone tell me where kde apps like kmail are to be found in kubuntu's kde? | 05:28 |
monad | i want to integrate it in the toolbar, but can't find the application button | 05:29 |
flavio | hi monad | 05:29 |
flavio | afaik there is no kmail link by default | 05:29 |
flavio | there is just kontact | 05:29 |
_wish | use kontact, its great | 05:30 |
monad | flavio: i don't mind, as long as i can pull kmail down to the toolbar, because the guy using this machine won't remember to type kmail in a terminal every time | 05:30 |
flavio | tell him to launch kontact instead | 05:30 |
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flavio | it integrates kmail with other PIM apps | 05:31 |
flavio | it's very cool | 05:31 |
monad | i'll have a look | 05:31 |
_wish | kontact shortcut should be there by default | 05:31 |
monad | hm, there isn't.... but kontact itself looks nice you'Re right | 05:33 |
flavio | strange it should in the kicker by default | 05:33 |
flavio | the icon should look like a newspaper | 05:34 |
monad | another question: how do i get the ati card accelerated for direct rendering | 05:34 |
_wish | or globe with a cal and envelope | 05:34 |
beast | flavio: are you talking about the kontact icon? | 05:34 |
flavio | yes | 05:35 |
_wish | you want fglrx driver | 05:35 |
beast | flavio: i created a new icon for kontact | 05:35 |
monad | it seems to be there.- at least i can run fglrxinfo in a terminal | 05:35 |
beast | flavio: however, it is not a newspaper ;-) | 05:35 |
_wish | monad: are you using it in xorg | 05:35 |
monad | sure | 05:35 |
flavio | beast: maybe i'm not up to date :) | 05:36 |
beast | flavio: instead, it is similar to an addressbook | 05:36 |
monad | and adept tells me fglrx drivers are installed, nevertheless fglrxinfo tells me it'S using mesa | 05:36 |
flavio | beast: i switched to another iconset, maybe the default has changed in the meantime.... | 05:36 |
vge | hmm, im trying to install kdelibs4-dev trough synaptic, but it gives me repositories error eaventought i think i have em all enables, can somebody confirm that it could be installed? | 05:37 |
beast | flavio: i don't think it has been changed yet... probably kde4 | 05:37 |
flavio | beast: ok sorry the misinformation :) | 05:37 |
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_wish | monad: and you are sure that in the device section of xorg is fglrx, have a look at xorg logs is all I can say, sorry I have an nvidia here. | 05:38 |
beast | flavio: http://img127.imageshack.us/my.php?image=kontactrevision108zo.png | 05:38 |
flavio | beast: i'll take a look | 05:38 |
flavio | beast: since we're talking about icons: any chance to see a better deafult iconset in kubuntu? | 05:38 |
_wish | beast: oo thats nice | 05:38 |
beast | flavio: i guess that depends on what type of icons you are looking for | 05:39 |
flavio | beast: I'm not looking for icons | 05:39 |
flavio | beast: I'm concerned about creating better kubuntu *defaults* | 05:39 |
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flavio | beast: you know I'm promoting kubuntu to all my frineds and colleagues and I'd like to be perfect out of the box | 05:40 |
beast | flavio: kubuntu would most likely just stick with a large icon set that contains icons to cover nearly everything with a consistent look and feel | 05:40 |
beast | flavio: for now, crystalsvg does that | 05:41 |
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flavio | beast: Yes there are few at kde-looks.org | 05:41 |
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beast | flavio: once oxygen is released, that will be the default for kde4 | 05:41 |
flavio | beast: It's gonna take a long time... | 05:41 |
beast | flavio: for now crystal and nuvola would be your best bet | 05:42 |
flavio | beast: I think nuoveXT will take kubuntu look and feel to new heights | 05:42 |
flavio | beast: did you check them? | 05:42 |
beast | flavio: yes, but that depends on taste, that is why it is not a default | 05:42 |
flavio | beast: well some decision has to be made anyway | 05:43 |
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beast | flavio: personally, i've used them all to create my own icon set | 05:43 |
flavio | beast: yes but we're talking about defaults | 05:43 |
flavio | beast: is there any chance to make a poll or contact the guy that takes care of the kubuntu look? | 05:44 |
beast | flavio: i don't see kubuntu switching to anything else other than crystal at the moment | 05:44 |
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_wish | [16:38] <_wish> monad: and you are sure that in the device section of xorg is fglrx, have a look at xorg logs is all I can say, sorry I have an nvidia here. | 05:45 |
monad | i don't understand this---- when i first installed kubuntu on this machine (not mine), direct rendering was working by default, now it seems to be gone | 05:45 |
flavio | beast: ok but that's a pity | 05:45 |
beast | flavio: talk to Riddell, he makes those types of decisions | 05:45 |
flavio | beast: ok that's want I wanted to know | 05:46 |
monad | and why does adept tell me that it's launching itself in read only mode and i won't be able to commit any changes, no matter if i launch it as user or root? | 05:46 |
visik7 | anyone working with gpg | 05:46 |
visik7 | ? | 05:46 |
kkathman | what about gpg? | 05:46 |
Riddell | flavio: hmm? | 05:46 |
flavio | hi! | 05:46 |
visik7 | kkathman: is possible to change the email ? | 05:47 |
flavio | we're talking about the kubuntu look and fell | 05:47 |
flavio | feel | 05:47 |
flavio | I was telling beast about nuoveXT icons | 05:47 |
kkathman | visik7: on an existing gpg? | 05:48 |
visik7 | yes on my priv/pub keys | 05:48 |
flavio | Riddell: they would be great as a default | 05:48 |
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flavio | Riddell: I also have some other ideas, where can I post them so they discussed? | 05:49 |
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kkathman | visik7: hmmm Im not sure that can be done, you probably have to deactivate your current key and create another... have you looked at man gpg ?? | 05:49 |
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Riddell | flavio: nuoveXT looks interesting, do we have a package for it in the archives? | 05:50 |
Riddell | flavio: you can post them here, or on #kubuntu-devel, or on the kubuntu-devel mailing list | 05:50 |
kkathman | I think changing a key is a little tantamount to breaking the circle of trust to a degree, but Ive never tried to change it either :) | 05:50 |
flavio | beast: ther's a debian package somewhere | 05:50 |
flavio | Riddel: ther's a debian package somewhere | 05:50 |
flavio | Riddel: http://packages.qa.debian.org/k/kde-icons-nuovext.html | 05:51 |
visik7 | kkathman: yes I skim through it | 05:51 |
kkathman | visik7: I did too, and didnt see a way to actually "change" a key | 05:52 |
flavio | Riddell: I really care about the kubuntu default look | 05:52 |
flavio | Riddell: I think it is really important for the distro to reach common people | 05:53 |
Riddell | flavio: me too :) | 05:53 |
flavio | Riddell: :D | 05:53 |
flavio | Riddell: I'd like to get involved or at least make some proposals | 05:54 |
flavio | Riddell: for example DejaVu Sans Condensed is much smoother than DejaVu Sans | 05:54 |
flavio | Riddell: even FreeSans is better | 05:54 |
flavio | Riddell: should I post a proposal to the mailing list? | 05:55 |
_g3nuin3_ | Whats a good IDE for python i can use on kubuntu..is wingware any good? | 05:55 |
Riddell | flavio: yeah, please do | 05:55 |
Riddell | _g3nuin3_: eric or kdevelop3 | 05:55 |
vge | im trying to install kdelibs4-dev trough synaptic, but it gives me repositories error eaventought i think i have em all enables, can somebody confirm that it could be installed? | 05:55 |
kkathman | _g3nuin3_: Kate or Eric | 05:55 |
flavio | Riddell: ok, see you on the mailing list :) | 05:56 |
flavio | Riddell: and thanks for your valuable time | 05:56 |
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seashell11 | flavio: must say that I like Crystal SVG much better | 05:56 |
flavio | seashell11: i know that it is really personal | 05:57 |
flavio | seashell11: the point is having good defaults for everyone | 05:58 |
flavio | seashell11: think OSX | 05:58 |
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seashell11 | flavio: yea if it would install by default and be really easy to change instead of having to download the others | 05:58 |
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monad | this is weird---- seems i can't properly use apt, adept or synaptic, don't know why | 05:59 |
monad | apt-get remove xorg-driver-fglrx | 06:00 |
monad | E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 06:00 |
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seashell11 | what happens when you run dpkg --configure -a ? | 06:00 |
_wish | ? | 06:00 |
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monad | maybe i was a little fast being furious... works now, i get some strange msgs though | 06:01 |
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monad | omg, i just tried reconfiguring X with fglrxconfig, now it's all broken. where the f*** is xorgconfig so i can return to my old xorg.conf? | 06:13 |
_wish | monad: /etc/X11 | 06:13 |
monad | _wish: there sure are no scripts there--- how do i reconfigure xorg? | 06:14 |
_wish | monad: dpkg-reconfigre | 06:15 |
_wish | dpkg-reconfigure even | 06:15 |
_wish | dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 06:17 |
vge | how can i know what kde version im running? | 06:17 |
_wish | help -> about kde | 06:18 |
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vge | about: command not found | 06:19 |
vge | nothing ;D | 06:19 |
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poningru | vge: whats wrong? | 06:19 |
poningru | oh | 06:20 |
poningru | vge: its the lsb_release command | 06:21 |
poningru | dont remember what options you have to use | 06:21 |
poningru | man lsb_release | 06:21 |
vge | i cant install kdelibs4-dev, thats the main problem :/ | 06:21 |
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nlindblad | hello | 06:25 |
seashell11 | hi nlindblad | 06:27 |
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_wish | nlindblad: hi | 06:28 |
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feistel | hi | 06:34 |
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feistel | how I can change the Ubuntu 5.10 to Kubuntu 5.10 in console login? | 06:35 |
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_g3nuin3_ | hmm why am i getting this error in python: TypeError: 'int' object is not callable | 06:39 |
_g3nuin3_ | im only doing a simple math calculation with print :S | 06:39 |
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ilba7r | is there a command line to monitor active internet connections? | 06:43 |
laser_tk | !firefox1.5 | 06:44 |
ubotu | You can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion | 06:44 |
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nlindblad | seashell11: back from a trip | 06:45 |
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seashell11 | lol ok where'd you go Itally? Austrailia? :-D | 06:46 |
seashell11 | and yes, I know I spelled it wrong | 06:46 |
nlindblad | no, Stockholm | 06:46 |
nlindblad | visited the parliament | 06:47 |
nlindblad | quite interesting | 06:47 |
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seashell11 | nlindblad: its kinda dead around here right now, eh? | 07:05 |
nlindblad | seashell11: yepp | 07:08 |
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nlindblad | I'm adding my life to Kontact | 07:08 |
seashell11 | nlindblad: where do you live? Im from upstate new york, in the U.S.A | 07:09 |
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Paradosso | any hints on why my kwin does not read .kwinrulesrc hence it does not remember my special window settings? :( (running kubuntu) | 07:13 |
nlindblad | seashell11: I'm from Sweden | 07:14 |
nlindblad | a small, small, small town | 07:14 |
seashell11 | I'm actually about 4.5 hour drive from New York City, but there is still quite a few people around | 07:15 |
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nlindblad | seashell11: around 2,000 people living here | 07:18 |
feistel | where KDE save the K menu entries? | 07:18 |
feistel | I need copy my K menu to another box | 07:18 |
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seashell11 | I live about 20 miles from a town that had 147,306 people in year 2000 and 5 miles from a town that had 28,574 people in year 2000 | 07:22 |
seashell11 | nlindblad: so a little bit of difference eh? | 07:22 |
nlindblad | seashell11: I think so, yes :D | 07:22 |
jin | hey anyone good with multiple disks here? i have 4 hard drives, but the last 2 are in NTFS format and are not coming up in my storage media, how do i access them without formating???? (they have critical data) | 07:23 |
nlindblad | seashell11: and as I guess you've figured, I'm not a native speaker | 07:23 |
nlindblad | (when it comes to English) | 07:23 |
seashell11 | nlindblad: you sure arn't to bad, at least when you are typing, lol, right now I am trying to learn German | 07:24 |
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nlindblad | seashell11: I've read German for five years now | 07:24 |
nlindblad | s/read/studied/ | 07:24 |
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=== nlindblad is playing Wonderwall by Oasis on Familiar To Millions [amaroK] | ||
seashell11 | nlindblad: yea amaroK sure does roK | 07:28 |
nlindblad | indeed | 07:28 |
nlindblad | man, I've got an exam tomorrow | 07:29 |
=== kitsch is away: Away at the moment | ||
HymnToLife | hey, I blockd someone in Kopete but I still recieve the guy's messages :/ | 07:31 |
HymnToLife | that's weird | 07:31 |
nlindblad | seashell11: so, how's it like in the US? | 07:32 |
vge | i cant install kdelibs4-dev, can somebody explain me why? | 07:32 |
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tracy_ | hi, i installed kubuntu desktop last night and its pretty cool, although now i cant launch the login screen configureator. it asks me for my password but wont launch. | 07:34 |
kkathman | tracy_: Login screen configurator? | 07:35 |
tracy_ | login screen setup | 07:35 |
vge | anyone? | 07:35 |
tracy_ | sorry. im trying to change the resolution for the login screen setup. =[ | 07:35 |
kkathman | tracy_: are you running the live CD or what? | 07:36 |
tracy_ | this machine is older than god. no, i installed ubuntu first, then installed the kubuntu desktop | 07:36 |
seashell11 | nlindblad: A Party!!!!!!! I moved to NY from nebraska about 4 years ago, there it was 70 miles to the closest town of 3500 people, so I like it out here a lot better. I've got about 10 of my friends convinced to switch to *ubuntu | 07:36 |
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seashell11 | tracy_: did you install kdm? | 07:36 |
kkathman | tracy_: ahh ok | 07:36 |
nlindblad | seashell11: enjoying the urban city living then | 07:37 |
kkathman | seashell11: he did kubuntu-desktop | 07:37 |
jorik | what can i use on kubuntu to download stuff from usenet ? | 07:37 |
tracy_ | kkathman, im a gurl | 07:37 |
tracy_ | and kdm is already newest version | 07:37 |
kkathman | tracy_: so when you rebooted, you got the login screen right? | 07:37 |
nalioth | jorik: pan | 07:37 |
tracy_ | right, but the resolution is too high for the video adapter, creates lines | 07:38 |
seashell11 | nlindblad: yea, I like it when you don't have to drive for 4 hours to get some decent shopping | 07:38 |
jorik | nalioth, does it "just works" ? | 07:38 |
kkathman | tracy_: you need to click in the bottom left on sessions, and choose what DM you want to run with...then enter your password | 07:38 |
nlindblad | kkathman: evening | 07:38 |
nalioth | jorik: it works very well, i use it every day | 07:38 |
tracy_ | kkathman, i can log in to both kde and gnome, but the goal here is to change the screen resolution on the login screen. | 07:38 |
nlindblad | seashell11: haven't been to the US, must go there sometime | 07:38 |
tracy_ | the login screen setup dosnet work in gnome either | 07:38 |
kkathman | tracy_: then try reconfiguring your x with dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 07:38 |
kkathman | tracy_: hmmmm odd you cant get to that | 07:39 |
kkathman | or either one. | 07:39 |
tracy_ | tell me about it | 07:39 |
seashell11 | kkathman: not very often we get to talk to a grl on here eh? kinda nice ;-) | 07:40 |
jin | anyone pleaseeeeeee..... hey anyone good with multiple disks here? i have 4 hard drives, but the last 2 are in NTFS format and are not coming up in my storage media, how do i access them without formating???? (they have critical data) | 07:40 |
kkathman | nalioth - you have any ideas on tracy_ 's problem? | 07:40 |
magnus | Where is grub's menu.list located in kubuntu? | 07:40 |
=== HeadUp` [n=headup@abo-0-216.modems.semnet.tm.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nlindblad | jin: http://ubuntuguide.org/#mountunmountntfs | 07:40 |
kkathman | tracy_: you might reinstall, stabilize on ubuntu first (your display) then try kubuntu-desktop | 07:40 |
tracy_ | is there a way i can find out how much memory this horrible video adapter has? its one of those intel 810 abortions. | 07:41 |
nlindblad | jin: calm down and read | 07:41 |
kkathman | but nalioth might be able to suggest something different | 07:41 |
nalioth | kkathman: my login screen resolution is wacked, too. it doesnt affect the operation of the OS, so i havent messed with it. (short answer, i have no clue) | 07:41 |
seashell11 | !ntfs | 07:41 |
nlindblad | tracy_: lspci, then google | 07:41 |
ubotu | ntfs is, like, the filesystem used in Windows 2000 and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions, or writing to ntfs is risky and only experimental. Reading is OK | 07:41 |
nlindblad | or maybe lshw can figure it out | 07:41 |
kkathman | tracy_: do you know what kind of vid adapter it is? | 07:41 |
tracy_ | would it be better to just download the kubuntu iso and just use that? | 07:41 |
=== stefano [n=stefano@host-84-222-125-98.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nlindblad | tracy_: since Ubuntu and Kubuntu share the same base system that would be a waste of time | 07:42 |
nalioth | tracy_: no, the code is the same | 07:42 |
=== SirKillalot [n=nerd@dslb-084-056-107-219.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kkathman | tracy_: thats an option too, but Im thinking that you migh be a bit hardware constrained by the way you are talking | 07:42 |
seashell11 | tracy_: I wouldn't think that should make any difference | 07:42 |
jin | cool thanks guys. i just need to copy the stuff out of there, format, then put it back | 07:42 |
nlindblad | tracy_: when you get to the boot-prompt, type in server | 07:42 |
kkathman | whether ubuntu or kubuntu, its just the DM | 07:42 |
=== stefano is now known as sugo | ||
=== username011806 [n=username@ip70-170-48-225.lv.lv.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
=== kkathman yields the floor to nlindblad | ||
pussfeller | wheres the trash can | 07:43 |
kkathman | over against my wall | 07:44 |
=== TjaFs [n=jorgen@ti132110a080-5660.bb.online.no] has joined #kubuntu | ||
seashell11 | pussfeller: uh, under the desk? :-P | 07:44 |
pussfeller | i got all this crap in trash but I dont have an trash icon | 07:44 |
username011806 | moin mateyzzz.. tech9iner on ANOTHER used lappy w fresh k installation ;] | 07:44 |
kkathman | pussfeller: oh hehe | 07:44 |
pussfeller | nor even, a recycle bin! | 07:44 |
nlindblad | kkathman?? | 07:44 |
username011806 | a panasonic toughbook cf-27.. moin kkathman | 07:44 |
pussfeller | and wahts it doing in .local/share anyways | 07:45 |
pussfeller | wth is local/share | 07:45 |
seashell11 | pussfeller: right click panel > add to panel > applet > trashcan | 07:45 |
kkathman | seashell11: the elegant solution :) | 07:45 |
kkathman | very good | 07:45 |
kkathman | I used to know where that trashcan was | 07:45 |
sugo | hi, Is anybody there that can help me?...I've just installed kubuntu, and it's the first time that I installa a linux-based OS.. | 07:45 |
pussfeller | that must mean for all users i guess | 07:45 |
kkathman | its in some kde share app something | 07:45 |
pussfeller | but why would all users share trash | 07:45 |
pussfeller | that sounds, unsanitary and unsafe | 07:46 |
seashell11 | sugo what is the problem? | 07:46 |
sugo | hi! | 07:46 |
tracy_ | ok i went thru the xorg setup and login screen setup still wont run. | 07:47 |
m0ns00n | Anyone know whats going in with KDE 4.0 at the moment? | 07:47 |
m0ns00n | Seen some shots, anything like that? | 07:47 |
sugo | the problem is that I've installed kubuntu in a particular way | 07:47 |
pussfeller | oww when you add to panel now theres a nice animation | 07:47 |
kkathman | tracy_: id try a reinstall, personally sounds like something's not quite working right...nlindblad suggested a server install (its smaller and doesnt install a gui I guess) | 07:48 |
username011806 | ~# synaptic (synaptic:28655): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: | 07:48 |
sugo | seashell11, just a minute please! | 07:48 |
nlindblad | kkathman: server installation then sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 07:48 |
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kkathman | nlindblad: yes | 07:49 |
username011806 | so mates.. just ran 'apt-get install synaptic' but got '~# synaptic (synaptic:28655): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:' ?? | 07:49 |
kkathman | im suspecting there is a hardware issue here | 07:49 |
vge | http://img217.imageshack.us/my.php?image=untitled2nb1.jpg <-- anyone know how to fix this? | 07:49 |
username011806 | ?? sorry.. still getting used to konversation mates.. mea culpa ;[ ;] ] .. keep for getting popup editor in konv pastes kinda weirdly | 07:50 |
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xwolf- | yo | 07:51 |
mac | is there a way to associate multiple *filetypes* with a single *app*? currently I have to do the association once for each filetype... takes forever if many (e.g., "image/*") | 07:51 |
pussfeller | i gotta figure out whats filling up my disk | 07:51 |
seashell11 | xwolf-: you got problems again | 07:51 |
pussfeller | i dleited 2-4 gigs of stuff and now its full again after an hour | 07:52 |
nlindblad | pussfeller: for i in var tmp usr home; do du -hs "${i}"; done | 07:52 |
=== HeadUp` [n=headup@abo-0-216.modems.semnet.tm.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
username011806 | want to install synaptic then xfce4 environment for lean n lite old lappy please.. | 07:52 |
xwolf- | i have a problem here... i can only connect through dhcp, not with manual config... why is that? | 07:52 |
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xwolf- | looks like i have dns problems.... lan is ok, but google.com isnt | 07:53 |
pussfeller | i bet it was tightvnc viewer | 07:53 |
username011806 | i didnt see the '~# synaptic (synaptic:28655): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:' problem on my other lappy install?.. | 07:54 |
mac | pussfeller, try "File Size View" in konqueror... it shows the filesystem usage using area (the more disk space a dir takes, the more area it occupies on screen) | 07:54 |
pussfeller | there ya go | 07:54 |
nlindblad | username011806: what are you trying to do, run synaptic as root? | 07:54 |
xwolf- | seashell11 ever experienced manual-configured-internet-settings problems? i dont like dhcp, just dunno why | 07:55 |
username011806 | is that the problem maybe nlindblad .. cool.. bet thats it.. not used to root disabled os.. i logged in konsole as sudo su - then attempted running synaptic.. | 07:55 |
pussfeller | mac thats kinda cool | 07:55 |
username011806 | tx nlindblad ;] | 07:55 |
seashell11 | xwolf-: no, I use dhcp | 07:55 |
nlindblad | username011806: that won't work | 07:56 |
nlindblad | username011806: are you using GNOME or KDE? | 07:56 |
pussfeller | -rw------- 1 todd 5.7G 2006-01-19 13:55 .xsession-errors | 07:56 |
pussfeller | oh oh | 07:56 |
xwolf- | well, manual here doesnt connect now... it used to though seashell11 | 07:56 |
username011806 | apt-get 'uninstall' or 'remove' please:? | 07:56 |
pussfeller | thats a bunch of errors | 07:56 |
=== username011806 uses aptget like 3x per year lol | ||
xwolf- | gotta go now | 07:57 |
seashell11 | xwolf-: I always configure my router to give certain mac addresses the same ip all the time | 07:57 |
nlindblad | username011806: remove | 07:57 |
xwolf- | back later | 07:57 |
pussfeller | kio (KIOConnection): ERROR: Could not write data | 07:58 |
mac | pussfeller, LOL, well, there ya go... just fix whatever is spewing the errors and you're golden... | 07:58 |
pussfeller | xseesion errors filed to the overflowing with that one | 07:58 |
mac | pussfeller, that error might be because you're out of space? scroll up, start from top of file, see what the *first* errors were | 07:58 |
username011806 | tx aGAin! nlindblad ;] | 07:58 |
pussfeller | cant really scroll thru a 5 gig file :) | 07:58 |
sampan | scroll up in a 5.7 GB file? | 07:59 |
sampan | lol | 07:59 |
mac | pussfeller, try "head -40 ~/.xsession-errors" | 07:59 |
pussfeller | im gonna delete it and reboot and hope that fixes everything | 07:59 |
mac | pussfeller, or just "less ~/.xsession-errors"... I think "less" will start paging the file from top | 07:59 |
username011806 | upon kubuntu iso-cd installation.. do i recall an initial apt-get update all command last time please? | 08:00 |
=== username011806 kicks heemself under desk 4 not checking on noob faq's b4 wasting chaps time here.. | ||
=== aron [n=aron@0x503ff033.albnxx10.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kkathman | username011806: hey dont beat yerself up | 08:02 |
kkathman | username011806: a good start is the wiki at http://wiki.ubuntu.com | 08:03 |
kkathman | thats a nice search for just about anything | 08:03 |
sampan | morning kkathman :) | 08:03 |
username011806 | ty as always kkathman ;] .. quite the handy guru ye b chum ;] ] | 08:04 |
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vge | http://img217.imageshack.us/my.php?image=untitled2nb1.jpg <--anyone know how to fix this, the sudo ./confifure compaints that "in the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed."? | 08:06 |
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username011806 | 'file /usr/shar/ubuntu-artwork/home/index.html cannot be found.' ? << seen on 1st ever run of firefox just installed ? | 08:08 |
darkheart | username011806: Just change your default homepage. | 08:09 |
yellowdart | username011806: that's because it's looking for ubuntu's install files for gnome | 08:09 |
username011806 | is that a subtle diff tween ubuntu n kubuntu maybe? | 08:09 |
username011806 | haha | 08:09 |
darkheart | Yes. | 08:09 |
username011806 | yes | 08:09 |
nlindblad | username011806: that's the path to a default startpage containing information about Ubuntu | 08:09 |
username011806 | rare indeed.. actually guessing rite-o here chaps.. rofl | 08:09 |
username011806 | tx all | 08:09 |
=== Zerlinna [n=mirjam@I77d1.i.strato-dslnet.de] has joined #kubuntu | ||
aron | anyone know where i can get .sf2 files for free | 08:11 |
kkathman | aron: try Uncle Google...there are many places :) | 08:12 |
aron | i tried .. but i haf to register .. i got some form a page but i can remember the url | 08:12 |
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aron | the file was called pcm511.sf2 or something like that | 08:13 |
kkathman | I used to be on a mailist of a site that gave those away free each week | 08:13 |
aron | well i got with out being part of a maillist | 08:14 |
kkathman | aron: http://www.sf2midi.com/ all you need is to register is a valid email | 08:14 |
=== arash [n=arash@ti100710a081-6211.bb.online.no] has joined #kubuntu | ||
seashell11 | how can you get a list of all you hard drive partitions in command line? | 08:18 |
nlindblad | fdisk -l /dev/hda | 08:18 |
nlindblad | for example | 08:18 |
kkathman | just sudo fdisk -l should give you all you need | 08:19 |
jin | argh.... im beginning to hate linux... | 08:20 |
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kkathman | why? jin? | 08:20 |
jin | man, this whole online helping thing, ppl just post links and all, but the answers are out of date, and i cant get my system up and running here! | 08:20 |
kkathman | jin: sometimes thats true | 08:21 |
kkathman | what is going on with your system? | 08:21 |
nlindblad | jin: why? | 08:21 |
jin | like im sure whut i need to get up and running cant take that long to explain... after that im set, i can figure the rest on my own | 08:21 |
kkathman | jin: how about explaining your issue to us, and maybe one of us can help | 08:22 |
kkathman | thats what we are here for :) | 08:22 |
jin | first, i ahve these 2 drives, both in ntfs, and CANT get them to come up | 08:22 |
jin | lol, thanks for the help :) | 08:22 |
kkathman | jin: are these drives in addition to your install drive, or is one the same ? | 08:23 |
jin | they are my 3rd and fourth harddriev, i have 4 hard drives | 08:23 |
=== LeeJunFan_ [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kkathman | ahh ok...so you can see the 1st 2 ? | 08:23 |
jin | like, i can see them in my system, in the hardware and all, but they are not able to be accessed | 08:24 |
kkathman | jin: can you open a konsole please? | 08:24 |
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jin | yup already there | 08:24 |
jin | been typing code for an hour now.. | 08:24 |
jin | haahah | 08:24 |
kkathman | jin please type sudo fdisk -l | 08:24 |
bipolar | Caffine: the geeks drug of choice | 08:24 |
kkathman | tell me what you see....i.e does it list all 4 drives? | 08:25 |
jin | wait, noooooooo, i cant delete that info, its vital | 08:25 |
kkathman | im not deleting at all | 08:25 |
kkathman | listing | 08:25 |
nlindblad | bipolar: caffeine, damnit | 08:25 |
jin | o ok cool, i saw fdisk and thought, ok, let me check | 08:25 |
nlindblad | bipolar: and you're right | 08:25 |
bipolar | heh... I can't spell when I'm high | 08:25 |
jin | yah they are all there | 08:25 |
kkathman | jin: this is very good! | 08:26 |
jin | hahaha sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet | 08:26 |
kkathman | jin: what that means is that the system sees them, but they are probably not mounted | 08:26 |
jin | yes, that is where i ran into problems | 08:26 |
drummer | Can someone help me with a kpilot / sony clie problem? I'm not sure what the connection info should read - and nothing syncs. | 08:26 |
bipolar | <towelie> I'm so high right now... I don't know whats goin' on.... </towelie> | 08:26 |
bipolar | btw... is anyone using kat on dapper? when I install it it makes kded crash and burn on startup. | 08:27 |
bipolar | I don't think it's compiled against an up to date kde. | 08:27 |
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=== vge [n=vge@dna239-222.satp.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
kkathman | jin all you need to do is 3 things | 08:28 |
kkathman | jin: 1) create a mountpoint somewhere ... like /mnt | 08:28 |
jin | cool, im listening, and if you could help me with my other relatively small problems i would totally love you forever | 08:28 |
jin | hahahahaha | 08:28 |
jin | ok, so type that in onlly? | 08:28 |
vge | http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/513433 <-- does this mean im using KDE 3.4? and aint there 3,5 available? | 08:28 |
kkathman | jin 2) open your fstab using a root level editor like kdesu kate and add the mount point to the fstab. | 08:29 |
kkathman | 3) issue a mount command | 08:29 |
nlindblad | kkathman: /media is widely used in (K)Ubuntu | 08:29 |
kkathman | jin: are you comfortable in doing this, or need some help? | 08:29 |
kkathman | i dont want to insult you ...thats all :) | 08:29 |
jin | some help, lol.... ummm how do i get to fstab in klate?? | 08:30 |
kkathman | jin ok not a problem | 08:30 |
jin | omg, yu are my saviour, i swear | 08:31 |
nlindblad | vge: are you using Breezy? | 08:31 |
kkathman | jin: check you PM and please join | 08:31 |
vge | ya, i guess | 08:31 |
jin | o cool, thank you | 08:32 |
arrinmurr | vge: just take a look for example in konqueror, help -> about kde and you see what version you're running. and yes, there's KDE 3.5 available | 08:32 |
nlindblad | KDE 3.5 for Breezy? | 08:32 |
=== nlindblad haven't noticed | ||
vge | hmm, it was 3.5 afterall | 08:33 |
arrinmurr | nlindblad: http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35.php | 08:33 |
vge | that still dont fix my problem with compiling KDE application | 08:33 |
=== Puaff [n=jmimora@133.Red-217-126-10.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bipolar | so....when do we get kde 3.5.1? :) | 08:35 |
=== inful [n=inful@6.84-48-82.nextgentel.com] has joined #kubuntu | ||
nlindblad | thanks arrinmurr | 08:36 |
inful | Anybody here running dapper? | 08:36 |
inful | I've got a problem with cups | 08:37 |
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inful | System settings complains about not being able to connect to the cups server (Error: host not found) | 08:38 |
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=== oopsI [n=mazer@APlessis-Bouchard-151-1-27-71.w83-112.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu | ||
oopsI | evening all | 08:39 |
drummer | Yo - need help syncing a sony Clie in Kubuntu using Kpilot. Help Please?! | 08:40 |
=== kkathman [n=kvirc@h-69-3-74-127.dllatx37.dynamic.covad.net] has left #kubuntu ["So] | ||
nlindblad | http://mfrost.typepad.com/.shared/image.html?/photos/uncategorized/caughtintheact.jp | 08:41 |
nlindblad | hmm, a g on the end | 08:42 |
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vassagus | i was testing ubuntu, but i wanna know if kubuntu is better | 08:44 |
jorik | yeah it is | 08:45 |
nlindblad | vassagus: otherwise I wouldn't seed the ISOs constantly | 08:45 |
magnus | Hi. I've just installed kmail 1.9.1 and when I start "Configure KMail" there are no options in the left box or in the right.. is this common? | 08:45 |
arrinmurr | vassagus: the question is whether kde is better than gnome ;) | 08:46 |
=== mikko [n=mikko@as3b17.palstatie.jyu.fi] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bipolar | vassagus: kubuntu IS ubuntu with kde packages installed. you can make ubuntu into kubuntu with apt-get install kubuntu-desktop :) | 08:47 |
mikko | does enybody know how to install skype to kubuntu 5.10? | 08:48 |
arrinmurr | !skype | 08:48 |
ubotu | rumour has it, skype is http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeHowto/ Breezy deb: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages/ | 08:48 |
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mikko | thanks :) | 08:50 |
bipolar | inful: I'm running dapper? | 08:52 |
bipolar | wtf... thats not a question! | 08:52 |
inful | bipolar: Any problems with printing? | 08:52 |
=== bipolar larts self | ||
bipolar | inful: nope. just printed something. havn't had to add/remove any printers in a while though. | 08:52 |
inful | bipolar: Ok | 08:53 |
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inful | bipolar: I can connect to cups via gnome-cups-manager, but no such luck in KDE | 08:53 |
bipolar | thats odd... let me see if I have any problems with the printer control panel | 08:54 |
=== ccc_ [n=ccc@c-b90f70d5.015-28-6c6b7010.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bipolar | indeed. I can't connect either. it prints fine though. | 08:55 |
bipolar | inful: from a command line, run kcontrol. I can get to the printers from there. | 08:56 |
bipolar | inful: looks like a bug in kubuntu's system settings app. | 08:56 |
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inful | bipolar: nope, can't get to the printers via kcontrol either | 08:57 |
vge | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76746 <-- im following thease instructions, but cannot find kdevelop in synaptic? | 08:58 |
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vge | anyone can tell me where to get it? | 08:58 |
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bipolar | inful: is the "Printing System Used" drop down in kcontrol set to cups? | 09:00 |
inful | bipolar: Yup | 09:01 |
bipolar | odd... | 09:01 |
inful | However - It says server: /var/run/cups/cups.sock:631 beneath the dropdown | 09:01 |
inful | I am quite sure you don't need a portnumber to connect to a filesocket | 09:02 |
bipolar | ahhh... mine says localhost:631 | 09:02 |
=== Elsan_ [n=geno@Kitchener-HSE-ppp3571689.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu | ||
bipolar | thats the problem methinks | 09:02 |
Elsan_ | Is there any way to make the Konversation background transparent like in Xchat? | 09:03 |
bipolar | Print Manager > Configure Manager > Cups Server :) | 09:03 |
bipolar | inful: is that helpful? | 09:04 |
inful | bipolar: Very! | 09:04 |
bipolar | cool | 09:04 |
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vge | arrgh, this is not my day T_T | 09:05 |
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inful | bipolar: Everythings working! Thank you very much! | 09:05 |
Elsan_ | Test for colors | 09:05 |
Elsan_ | test: http://www.test.test | 09:06 |
Elsan_ | test: http://www.test.test | 09:06 |
Elsan_ | Is there any way to make the Konversation background transparent like in Xchat? | 09:07 |
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pgquiles | hi | 09:10 |
pgquiles | anybody here has problems with kdevelop 3.3 complaining about a missing visualboy emulator? | 09:11 |
pgquiles | (kubuntu breezy on amd64 here) | 09:11 |
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luisete | hi | 09:13 |
luisete | could you help me with this problem | 09:13 |
Elsan_ | Ask. | 09:13 |
Elsan_ | Hi | 09:13 |
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luisete | probably it will be a newbie problem; when i enable my wifi conection in the systemsettigns panel | 09:13 |
luisete | it is automatics disabled | 09:14 |
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luisete | by the computer | 09:14 |
Elsan_ | I also have problems with this... I think it's because it doesn't connect to the network | 09:14 |
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Elsan_ | Make sure you have configured the settings well | 09:14 |
Elsan_ | I can't help you much with this seeing as I have the same problem... | 09:15 |
Elsan_ | And try to reboot after | 09:15 |
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Elsan_ | in the starting process, the network should connect automatically | 09:15 |
HeadUp` | Et.MerC /q me | 09:15 |
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luisete | but the kwifimanager detecs the network | 09:15 |
bipolar | is anyone here using kat on dapper? | 09:15 |
luisete | the problem is that I can enable it | 09:16 |
bipolar | I thought it was working but it crashes kded on startup. | 09:16 |
Elsan_ | You can always try to set it up in Wireless Network option(I think it's this in english) | 09:16 |
luisete | I tried, dind't work | 09:16 |
Elsan_ | luisete: I know... it does the same thing for me... Try to ask on the forums... | 09:16 |
luisete | ok I'll try on the forums | 09:17 |
luisete | bye | 09:17 |
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Elsan_ | bye | 09:17 |
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HeadUp` | Et.MerC /q me | 09:20 |
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nlindblad | KDE 3.5.0 | 09:26 |
nlindblad | yayt | 09:26 |
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ciga | is there a update-manager for kde? | 09:29 |
nlindblad | yeah | 09:30 |
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nlindblad | it's a called Adept | 09:30 |
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_grigory | hey guys | 09:30 |
nlindblad | or do you mean an intergrated one that tells you when new updates are available? | 09:30 |
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ciga | nlindblad: yup, the later. | 09:30 |
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_grigory | what can i use for VB in kubuntu | 09:31 |
_grigory | ? | 09:31 |
nlindblad | ciga: haven't look into that | 09:31 |
_grigory | and that can open MS VB 6.0 project files | 09:31 |
nlindblad | _grigory: I'm not sure there's something compatible with it | 09:31 |
ciga | nlindblad: I'm sorry to hear that. | 09:32 |
_grigory | oh... | 09:32 |
nlindblad | ciga: I suggest you file a feature request | 09:32 |
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ciga | nlindblad: how should I do that? | 09:34 |
nlindblad | ciga: hang on | 09:35 |
nlindblad | https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+specs | 09:36 |
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nlindblad | nite | 09:37 |
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magnus | Are there xorg 6.9 packages for kubuntu breezy? | 09:43 |
bipolar | dapper has 7.0! :) | 09:44 |
magnus | hehe | 09:46 |
magnus | 7.0 and 6.9 have the same features, but 7.0 is modular, right? | 09:46 |
C-O-L-T | how to remove red eye with gimp? | 09:46 |
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larsivi | ciga: right | 09:47 |
magnus | By the way, I just installed kmail, and when i try to configure it, it just says "Empty page" and there are no config options, how do i troubleshoot that? :) | 09:47 |
larsivi | sorry, i meant: magnus: right | 09:47 |
larsivi | magnus: don't you use kontact? | 09:48 |
magnus | larsivi: I do, but that doesn't exactly help when the configure-dialog in kmail is empty | 09:48 |
larsivi | magnus: well, no... | 09:49 |
larsivi | magnus: but did you really install? | 09:49 |
larsivi | I mean, it should already be there | 09:49 |
magnus | larsivi: Can we speak Norwegian here? ;) | 09:49 |
larsivi | gr sikkert bra | 09:50 |
larsivi | kan til og med stikke innom :P | 09:50 |
magnus | hehe, fra brum til trondheim? | 09:50 |
larsivi | eg bur p bysen | 09:50 |
magnus | ah | 09:50 |
magnus | alfanett, mente det bare var i brum :) | 09:50 |
larsivi | canal digital | 09:50 |
magnus | veit, har jobba der. hehe | 09:51 |
magnus | Da det var Telenor Avidi | 09:51 |
larsivi | ah, nettopp | 09:51 |
larsivi | hadde nextgentel inntil nylig | 09:51 |
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magnus | Men samme det, mtte installere det ja. Slang inn Kubuntu 5.10, og oppgraderte til KDE 3.5, men s er konfigdialogen tom | 09:51 |
larsivi | snedig, fungerte fint her | 09:52 |
larsivi | hadde til og med KDE 3.5 beta1 og 2 | 09:52 |
magnus | Fjerna og lagt inn igjen n, samme problemet :\ | 09:52 |
larsivi | hmm, kanskje ei konfigfil som har hengt seg/vorte korrupt? | 09:53 |
pgquiles | wow, just imagine my mother enters #kubuntu to ask how to burn an audio CD. She barely understand sa thing about computer talk. Then she | 09:53 |
pgquiles | sees all this norwegian speaking | 09:54 |
magnus | Tenkte det jeg og, s sletta ~/.kde/share/apps/kmail og prvde igjen, samme greia :> | 09:54 |
pgquiles | and never again uses Linux or KDE :-D | 09:54 |
magnus | hehe, english it is :) | 09:54 |
pgquiles | :-D | 09:54 |
larsivi | if you still have the .kde3.4 dir around, you might try to remove 3.5 altogether and try again | 09:54 |
magnus | We don't want your mother thinking all kubuntu users are Norwegians now do we? :P | 09:54 |
magnus | There's just one .kde dir in my $HOME | 09:55 |
larsivi | hmm, ok | 09:55 |
Paradosso | hi everybody | 09:55 |
Paradosso | Paradosso how do I disable CD autoplay (w/ konqueror) in KDE 3.4.3? | 09:55 |
magnus | larsivi: Are you a KDE developer btw? | 09:56 |
larsivi | magnus: only aspiring to be one, but I use all my time on D | 09:56 |
magnus | D? | 09:56 |
larsivi | D programming language | 09:56 |
larsivi | #D | 09:56 |
magnus | ah | 09:57 |
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magnus | Do you go to school here (trondheim)? | 09:57 |
larsivi | I've finished school, master from ntnu | 09:57 |
magnus | ah :) | 09:57 |
larsivi | (siving) | 09:57 |
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magnus | How's the job market looking? ;) | 09:58 |
larsivi | mm, depends | 09:58 |
larsivi | If you got really good grades or much high quality experience, it's good | 09:58 |
larsivi | if not it might be difficult in trondheim | 09:58 |
larsivi | Oslo is full of jobs | 09:59 |
magnus | ah, but Oslo is faul :P | 09:59 |
larsivi | yep | 09:59 |
magnus | foul* | 09:59 |
larsivi | what do you study? | 09:59 |
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magnus | Bachelor in Informatics | 10:00 |
_grigory | Red! | 10:00 |
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_grigory | Red_Herring: is there anything compalibale with MS VB 6.0 projects for Kubuntu ? | 10:00 |
vge | anyone used kbfx? | 10:01 |
magnus | larsivi: You know, the lazy guys who party too much, or atleast thats the rumor we seem to have among the others :p | 10:01 |
larsivi | magnus: ah, ok, that is three years? | 10:01 |
larsivi | magnus: just came back from re? ;) | 10:01 |
magnus | Right, but I'll be taking master afterwards | 10:01 |
magnus | hehe, no ;) | 10:01 |
Red_Herring | _grigory: no clue | 10:01 |
pgquiles | grigory have you tried Real Basic | 10:01 |
larsivi | magnus: apparently it was indk | 10:02 |
pgquiles | grigory it's not open source, but it works | 10:02 |
_grigory | no, didnt try that | 10:02 |
_grigory | just dont want to boot into win2k just to fix a project... | 10:03 |
larsivi | magnus: are you planning to do development when you're finished, or more, well abstract work ;) | 10:03 |
magnus | hehe | 10:03 |
ciga | magnus: maybe try to start kdeinit to fix your kmail problem. | 10:03 |
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pgquiles | _grigory oh, I though you wanted a permanent move | 10:03 |
pgquiles | _grigory with Real Basic you can compile for Mac, Linux and Windows | 10:04 |
ciga | magnus: what do you have anyway? kde 3.5.0? | 10:04 |
magnus | larsivi: Not sure yet, anything !boring :) | 10:04 |
bipolar | does anyone else have a problem with kopete starting kmail automaticly? I think is has something to do with the tie ins... | 10:04 |
magnus | ciga: Indeed | 10:04 |
magnus | ciga: kdinit did the trick, thanks :) | 10:04 |
pgquiles | _grigory http://www.realsoftware.com/ | 10:04 |
ciga | magnus: you are welcome. | 10:05 |
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_grigory | oh, so its not avalibale through apt ? | 10:05 |
ciga | magnus: please share the version number of kde :) | 10:05 |
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pgquiles | _grigory no | 10:05 |
magnus | ciga: I did, longer up :) | 10:05 |
ciga | oh my god, I need to find my scroll up button | 10:06 |
magnus | hehe | 10:06 |
nalioth | ubotu: tell _grigory about realplayer | 10:06 |
larsivi | if you don't read it the first time, it ain't worth it ;) | 10:07 |
_grigory | ubotu: tell _grigory about codecks | 10:07 |
_grigory | ! | 10:07 |
ubotu | _grigory: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! | 10:07 |
_grigory | be you damned ubotu | 10:07 |
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ciga | magnus: hey! that was not in english! | 10:07 |
magnus | Longer up ;) | 10:08 |
ciga | magnus: but having 3.5 in the sentence I think it is not 3.4 :) | 10:08 |
ciga | magnus: no, lastlog is my friend, and he mentioned only this one | 10:08 |
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magnus | ciga: hehe | 10:09 |
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larsivi | ciga: You're right about magnus, but you should have inferred the version number from my answers ;) | 10:10 |
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_grigory | nalioth: thanks for making ubotu tell me that, i was just trying to find out how i install codecks | 10:10 |
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ciga | larsivi: sorry, I am quite selective. sleeping with one eye... | 10:11 |
ciga | :) | 10:11 |
nalioth | _grigory: the page you were linked to should answer quite a few of your questions | 10:11 |
larsivi | well, my kde 3.5 works perfectly, so I don't care :P | 10:11 |
_grigory | oh yeah, it did :) | 10:11 |
ciga | I have some problems with it. | 10:11 |
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ciga | I am waiting for 3.5.1 to be released. I hope it will be in kubuntu asap | 10:12 |
larsivi | I guess it will | 10:12 |
larsivi | but why ain't the kubuntu dapper 3 cd's out? | 10:13 |
larsivi | or are they just not announced on kubuntu.org? | 10:13 |
ciga | I am waiting for amarok with the newest gstreamer that would solve a couple of problems. | 10:13 |
ciga | larsivi: they are. | 10:14 |
jorik | ciga, simply switching to amarok-xine fixed all problems i had with it me | 10:15 |
ciga | amarok-xine? | 10:15 |
ciga | is that also for audio? | 10:15 |
ciga | anybody of you having amd64 + kubuntu? | 10:16 |
pgquiles | ciga I do | 10:17 |
larsivi | ciga: they are what? | 10:17 |
ciga | larsivi: no, sorry, I read the announce somewhere else. | 10:18 |
DingoMan | i do | 10:18 |
ciga | 've | 10:18 |
ciga | pgquiles: hmmm... ksynaptic is still in an early stage. | 10:19 |
pgquiles | ciga kynaptic was phased out | 10:19 |
pgquiles | ciga adept is the way to go now | 10:19 |
ciga | pgquiles: anything you misses having amd64? | 10:19 |
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ciga | pgquiles: I see. | 10:20 |
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pgquiles | ciga sure | 10:20 |
ciga | :) | 10:20 |
pgquiles | ciga Network Multimedia Middleware, wine, flash | 10:20 |
pgquiles | ciga having a 32-bit chroot is a mess | 10:20 |
ciga | no flash? | 10:20 |
ciga | and what is the problem with network? | 10:21 |
vge | anyone used kbfx applet? | 10:21 |
pgquiles | ciga there's no flash for 64-bit processors, not even for Windows | 10:21 |
pgquiles | ciga I run firefox in a 32-bit chroot just to be able to view web sites that need Flash | 10:21 |
pgquiles | ciga no problem with the network but with Network Multimedia Middleware | 10:22 |
pgquiles | ciga http://www.networkmultimedia.org | 10:22 |
ciga | I bet you need a couple of things before you have firefox. | 10:22 |
ciga | oh | 10:22 |
ciga | never heard of it | 10:22 |
pgquiles | ciga the only official branch of the code is Intel 32-bits | 10:22 |
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pgquiles | ciga a frech guy is patching it for 64-bit | 10:23 |
pgquiles | s/frech/french | 10:23 |
ciga | hm | 10:23 |
pgquiles | ciga it's like GStreamer, but in C++ | 10:23 |
douglas | Was there a release yesterday that broke the desktop? | 10:23 |
pgquiles | ciga the problem with NMM is it's very difficult to build, a hell of dependencies | 10:23 |
kkathman | douglas: what version are you on? | 10:23 |
ciga | maybe macromedia should think it is time to release a 64-bit version. | 10:23 |
douglas | I booted my machine today from windows after upgrading yesterday and booting into windows for games, the desktop was borked | 10:23 |
douglas | kkathman: breezy badger with kde3.5 | 10:24 |
douglas | and amarok 1.2.7 | 10:24 |
douglas | I mean 1.3.7 | 10:24 |
kkathman | douglas: I dont think so I got some updates yesterday too | 10:24 |
douglas | hrm... | 10:24 |
douglas | because I booted my machine and the desktop was black and no iconds showed up... and I couldn't use the mouse on the desktop, like change background. | 10:25 |
douglas | where is the desktop config file where I can change the background manually? | 10:25 |
ciga | pgquiles: there are packages for Debian sarge :) | 10:25 |
kkathman | douglas: desktop config?? just the system settings - appearance | 10:26 |
pgquiles | ciga 32-bit only | 10:26 |
pgquiles | ciga and they do not provice the source packages, so you cannot rebuild them for 64-bit | 10:26 |
ciga | pgquiles: oic. | 10:26 |
pgquiles | ciga I asked them to release the source deb's and they said they will. That was 2-3 months ago | 10:26 |
ciga | with the debian/ directory will be a little bit easier. | 10:27 |
pgquiles | ciga still waiting | 10:27 |
douglas | yes, but is there a config file somewhere I can manually edit, because I think it's because I set the background to a pic over the network on a drive that wasn't mounted... | 10:27 |
ciga | maybe they will release it with the new version | 10:27 |
ciga | well, NMM sounds very interesting, but I don't get what is it good for. :) | 10:29 |
ciga | oh, there is a engine for amaroK | 10:29 |
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magnus | Does kubuntu come with DRI or is that something I need to install myself? | 10:31 |
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kkathman | douglas: I just booted into my breezy box and had no problems | 10:35 |
ciga | oh, I can see! | 10:37 |
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ciga | pgquiles: so I would be able to use my tv tunner on my PDA. The datas wil be distributed within the network. and the PDA only needs to display the data. right? | 10:38 |
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drunkpikachu | does anyone else have a problem with KDE cutting off parts of a menu which was not shown when the window opened in its default size? i.e. the bottom part of a menu you would normally have to scroll down to, like say the "ok" and "accept" buttons, cannot be accessed even after resizing the window (which essentially does nothing but add grey space to the sides)? | 10:40 |
Kareem | yes | 10:41 |
Kareem | I believe that's just a symptom of how the dev made the gui window | 10:41 |
Kareem | setting minimum vert on it | 10:42 |
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Kareem | i didn't have that problem in 1280x1024 | 10:42 |
waran | hi | 10:42 |
Kareem | but in 1024 i do sometimes | 10:42 |
drunkpikachu | so an irregular 1280x768 would cause problems? | 10:42 |
Kareem | even using the resize window button doesn't fix it - only sideways | 10:42 |
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Kareem | no. it's not that's it's irregular | 10:42 |
Kareem | it's just that your 768 is too small for certain windows | 10:43 |
Kareem | in some apps which have a minimum height set to it | 10:43 |
drunkpikachu | but the default windows are barely taking up half the screen... | 10:43 |
Kareem | tell me the app which does this and I'll check it out here for ya | 10:43 |
waran | Ive got a question according to "Kontact". There is an Import-Function in the KMail-Module - but it seems to be disabled by default. How can I use/enable it? | 10:43 |
drunkpikachu | pretty much every system menu has the admin button but off | 10:43 |
drunkpikachu | it did it in both versions of KDE | 10:43 |
DaSkreech | I should use Kaddressbook | 10:44 |
Kareem | oh. I thought you were talking about some app windows hiding below your kicker panel | 10:44 |
ciga | waran: maybe you need to install something more for that. | 10:44 |
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drunkpikachu | nope, Like if you were to go to system settings-> connections (this first menu is fine) and then click the wireless Icon, my options are cut off halfway through the "general" options | 10:45 |
Kareem | drunk: I'll check it out. just a sec... | 10:45 |
drunkpikachu | excuse me, "general settings" | 10:45 |
drunkpikachu | k | 10:45 |
waran | ciga: yes, so thought I. But the question is - whats to install ? ;) | 10:46 |
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Kareem | drunk: hmm, i gotcha now | 10:47 |
ciga | apt-cache search kmail import: kmailcvt - KDE KMail mail folder converter | 10:47 |
Kareem | drunk: It doesn't do that here. | 10:47 |
ciga | waran: maybe. but the manual of kmail should also help | 10:48 |
ciga | help:/kmail/index.html | 10:48 |
waran | ok | 10:48 |
waran | thanks | 10:48 |
drunkpikachu | Kareem: Ouch, linux just doesn't like me | 10:48 |
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ciga | waran: you are welcome. | 10:49 |
drunkpikachu | so many things are getting in the way of what should have been a 'breezy' install | 10:49 |
Kareem | drunk: I was just checking out what you could try... | 10:49 |
waran | kmailcvt works - thank you very much | 10:50 |
waran | bye - have phun | 10:50 |
ciga | kewl | 10:50 |
drunkpikachu | getting rid of and re-installing KDE? | 10:50 |
Kareem | drunk: no. don't reinstall | 10:50 |
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Kareem | drunk: what if you right click on upper left window and try resize? | 10:50 |
Kareem | drunk: does those options at least look like they are changing? | 10:51 |
Kareem | drunk: the only thing I would suggest if that don't work to correct it is try a different theme. Are you using the original theme which came with the install? | 10:51 |
drunkpikachu | they dont change. The base menu stays exactly the same size as the default pop-up. What's weirder is that I can now see and use the icons from the system settings menu | 10:51 |
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drunkpikachu | Yes, default theme | 10:51 |
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drunkpikachu | I take that back, I changed it to kompact with no result | 10:52 |
drunkpikachu | no change I should say | 10:52 |
drunkpikachu | to the current problem that is | 10:52 |
Kareem | drunk: well, you don't have to use the atom bomb approach and reinstall. You could use something a little less destructive and rm -rf ~/.kde and rm -rf ~/.qt | 10:53 |
Kareem | drunk: but that would get rid of all your settings | 10:53 |
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ciga | drunkpikachu: or maybe create a new user and try with that | 10:53 |
Kareem | drunk: yes, better approach | 10:54 |
drunkpikachu | would that need to be done in the recovery command line, or can the system handle me doing that while logged in? | 10:54 |
drunkpikachu | hmm, I'll try making a new user them | 10:54 |
drunkpikachu | then* | 10:54 |
Kareem | drunk: sure, you can do that from a CLI. | 10:54 |
Kareem | drunk: sudo adduser ... | 10:54 |
Kareem | drunk: then logout and login as new user | 10:54 |
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drunkpikachu | oh, and I should've specified that I was wondering if KDE can handle me rm'ing user setting while logged in as that user | 10:55 |
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Kareem | drunk: it should. I've done it before. It might just skip over one or two symlinks to the /tmp directory | 10:56 |
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Kareem | drunk: at the very worst, just logout, ctrl-alt-F1, and login from a pty | 10:56 |
ciga | drunkpikachu: kdeinit and kbuildsycoca might be your friend. | 10:56 |
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drunkpikachu | Quick question, would this have anything to do with it: during log-out, "The app. KDE panel (kicker) crashed and caused the signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" | 10:57 |
Tm_T | drunkpikachu: nah, kicker is known to crash in logout sometimes etc | 10:58 |
ciga | drunkpikachu: try start kicker from an xterm/konsole to check its debug messages. | 10:58 |
ciga | .. to start .. | 10:58 |
Tm_T | ciga: no need to, he doesn't have debug info compiled in there | 10:58 |
Tm_T | in kicker I mean | 10:58 |
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ciga | Tm_T: kde apps print out information even if they are not compiled with debug | 11:00 |
drunkpikachu | ciga: Ok, the new user has perfectly working windows. Now, how would I transfer this success to my origional account? Would deleteing and remaking the origional account change what my sudo password is, or is that kept in root settings? | 11:00 |
ciga | those messages helped me a lot. | 11:00 |
Tm_T | ciga: yes, but not much | 11:00 |
Tm_T | ciga: and most of time not enough to trace the bug | 11:00 |
Tm_T | ciga: if you want it, I can give you crash trace | 11:00 |
Tm_T | with debug=full | 11:01 |
ciga | Tm_T: I know it is not good for bug hunting, but they *might* help. | 11:01 |
Tm_T | ciga: in this case, no | 11:01 |
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Tm_T | ciga: though it has something to do with kicker translucency thing and pager etc etc | 11:02 |
ciga | drunkpikachu: I would 'mv .kde .kde-old' in that problematic user's home. | 11:02 |
ciga | Tm_T: oh, I am not talking about the kicker crash. | 11:02 |
ciga | Tm_T: that will maybe fixed in 3.5.1 | 11:03 |
Tm_T | ciga: maybe ;) | 11:03 |
ciga | let's hope. | 11:03 |
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Tm_T | I don't care, it doesn't really bother me | 11:03 |
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ciga | I usually don't log out, so it is not a problem for me :) | 11:06 |
Tm_T | same here :p | 11:06 |
AnHu | hello, can someone help me? If I want to start a mp3 file with kaffeine, there's this message: No URI handler implemented for "system:/home/Deep%20Purple%20-%20Smoke%20On%20The%20Water.mp3" | 11:07 |
drunkpikachu | ciga: Could you perhaps help me understand exactly what that command does (or at least correct me if I'm wrong). I'm to move (all *.kde files/ two settings files/ two folders) to a my origional users folder? | 11:07 |
vge | hmm, there is no easy way to make kde K menu botton wider? | 11:07 |
AnHu | how can i change to xine plugin? | 11:07 |
AnHu | gstreamer plugins are all installed | 11:07 |
Tm_T | and when I do, one crash (and it doesn't happen here that often, must be because of debug stuff ;--P) doesn't matter | 11:07 |
ciga | drunkpikachu: it renames the .kde to .kde-old so that kde will create files with the default settings | 11:08 |
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ciga | Tm_T: actually I use e17 from cvs as a wm, so I did not have any kicker crash. | 11:09 |
drunkpikachu | ciga: Ok, thanks. | 11:09 |
Tm_T | ciga: hehe | 11:10 |
Tm_T | ciga: well, kicker and wm ... you can run kicker in e17 too | 11:10 |
Tm_T | or fluxbox in KDE or... | 11:10 |
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Tm_T | I bet you know all this so I don't bother to tell more | 11:10 |
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drunkpikachu | ciga: Damn my newb-ness. What folder should I be doing this in exactly, or is there another part of the command I'm missing for it to locate .kde (which I'm still a little confused, is .kde suppost to stand for *.kde, or a folder ~/kde?) | 11:13 |
drunkpikachu | erm, ./kde, not 'home'/kde | 11:13 |
DoctorMO | neither | 11:14 |
DoctorMO | it's a hidden name (folder or file) | 11:14 |
ciga | drunkpikachu: run 'cd && mv .kde .kde-old' as the user you want to 'reset' | 11:15 |
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drunkpikachu | ciga: "no such file or directory" | 11:16 |
ciga | Tm_T: yup. the only problem is that kde is not freedesktop compliant, so the system tray does not work. | 11:16 |
Tm_T | ciga: hehe | 11:17 |
ciga | drunkpikachu: please do a 'cd && ls -lad .kde' | 11:17 |
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ciga | drunkpikachu: or maybe: 'whoami && cd && ls -lad .kde' | 11:18 |
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drunkpikachu | Ok, it was found, forgot I needed more than -a to see it | 11:18 |
drunkpikachu | also, .kde-old also exists | 11:19 |
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drunkpikachu | Yay, repeat "also's". I should be slapped upside the head with a grammar book. | 11:20 |
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magnus | How come the "Get new theme.." in kopete is greyed out? Do I need extra packages to get khotstuff or whatever it's called work? | 11:21 |
magnus | KDE 3.5 by the way | 11:21 |
hawking | any smb4k users around? when I try to mount a fs from network it says smbmnt must be installed suid root for direct mounts what should i do for that? | 11:21 |
Tm_T | magnus: it's disabled | 11:22 |
magnus | Tm_T: In kubuntu in general? | 11:22 |
ciga | hawking: mount it as root | 11:22 |
Tm_T | magnus: in Kopete 0.11 | 11:22 |
Tm_T | magnus: was unstable, later on it's fixed | 11:22 |
drunkpikachu | ciga: do I need to rm .kde for it to reset itself, or do I need to scroll up and run the rm you told me to in the first place? | 11:22 |
hawking | ciga : so should i open smb4k with kdesu? | 11:22 |
magnus | Tm_T: I see :) | 11:22 |
Tm_T | magnus: there was easy way to re-enable it | 11:23 |
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Tm_T | just if I remember what =) | 11:23 |
magnus | Tm_T: Its not that important :) | 11:23 |
Tm_T | magnus: ok | 11:23 |
shawkins | hey kids | 11:23 |
Tm_T | magnus: then I don't remember ;) | 11:23 |
magnus | ;) | 11:23 |
ciga | drunkpikachu: mv .kde .kde-old3 would be also okay. | 11:23 |
shawkins | kkathman: you around and about? | 11:23 |
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Tm_T | kkathman: sir o/ | 11:24 |
kkathman | yeppers | 11:24 |
kkathman | sup? | 11:24 |
ciga | hawking: huh, I would not know. I would mount it with 'hand'. | 11:24 |
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jocke1s | hi all. I am interested in VIA EPIA ML6000EA. Will it work with linux/kubuntu ? | 11:26 |
drunkpikachu | ciga: it effectively reset my KDE setting, but apperantly those didn't have anything to do with my messed up windows | 11:26 |
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ciga | drunkpikachu: maybe .qt? or .kderc? | 11:27 |
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drunkpikachu | ciga: bingo, it was .qt . Thanks alot! Now I can finally use the system settings menus | 11:29 |
drunkpikachu | I can overwrite my settings back to how they were with 'mv .kde-old .kde' correct? | 11:30 |
ciga | drunkpikachu: you are welcome, but I think someone mentioned .qt earlier. | 11:30 |
ciga | drunkpikachu: you can 'rm .kde && mv .kde-old .kde', yes. | 11:31 |
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vge | arrgh, why cant i make nonsymmetric kde menubutton T_T | 11:34 |
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drunkpikachu | Thanks for all the help guys. I'd probably be crying in a corner right now if it weren't for the people in #ubuntu/#kubuntu | 11:37 |
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apokryphos | =) | 11:39 |
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rysiek | hi there, guys | 11:47 |
rysiek | dumb thing, I've mangled with some rights in my system (adding a special group for admins) and mangled a bit too much | 11:47 |
hawking | does anyone know a cool newsserver to recommend? | 11:47 |
rysiek | here's what I get when trying to change my pswd as a user | 11:48 |
rysiek | passwd: Authentication service cannot retrieve authentication info. | 11:48 |
rysiek | any ideas, wtf? | 11:48 |
rysiek | shadow, passwd and groups files have their permissions OK, checked with the other system | 11:49 |
rysiek | I'm out of ideas here | 11:49 |
yellowdart | rysiek: try 'sudo passwd username' | 11:49 |
rysiek | yeah, I can always change the pswd as root, sure | 11:49 |
yellowdart | username is your username | 11:49 |
rysiek | but I want to allow my users to chenge their passwords themselves | 11:49 |
rysiek | those users are not in sudoes file | 11:50 |
rysiek | and will not be, as I don't want them there ;) | 11:50 |
yellowdart | rysiek: not sure what to say...it works for me | 11:50 |
yellowdart | rysiek: i can understand that :) | 11:50 |
rysiek | yellowdart: it would work for me too, but not for a normal user | 11:50 |
rysiek | that's the point | 11:50 |
yellowdart | hmmm | 11:50 |
rysiek | and even if they *were* in sudoers file, still - i've broken something and I would like to repair it ;) | 11:51 |
DoctorMO | I want to add the wine repositories but the docs only explain the old sources format and nothing I do seems to work | 11:51 |
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yellowdart | rysiek: i guess i'm not going to be much help...sorry | 11:53 |
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rysiek | ah, well, trying googling ;) | 11:54 |
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Zappa | is there a jdk1.5 package? | 11:56 |
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arafat | Zappa: to my knowledge...no. | 11:56 |
Zappa | hrm | 11:56 |
kkathman | !javadeb | 11:57 |
ubotu | Java can be found in multiverse. Sun and IBM java packages can be found at http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/ | 11:57 |
Zappa | i'm having problems with azureus and i suspect maybe it's a jdk issue | 11:57 |
arafat | :-) ups | 11:57 |
Zappa | it works fine, i add a torrent, it connects and retrieves seeds/peers etc | 11:57 |
Zappa | but it never downloads anything | 11:57 |
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Zappa | anyone else come across that problem? | 12:02 |
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