cyberix | Will there be one project with multiple groups working around it, or does every developer group and distro create a new project and setup everything from scratch? | 12:05 |
cyberix | I don't understand where these four teams co-operate, and where they don't. | 12:06 |
cyberix | If Mozilla developer community, Netscape, Ubuntu and Suse all used launchpad to develop mozilla. | 12:08 |
cyberix | How would it work | 12:08 |
cyberix | It is not a problem | 12:08 |
mpt | sivang, yes, I've been back in NZ for about a month | 12:08 |
cyberix | I just don't know yet how Launchpad works. | 12:08 |
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mpt | cyberix, none of those would be projects, in the way Launchpad uses the word projects | 12:09 |
mpt | the Mozilla developer community's one would be a product | 12:10 |
mpt | and the various distros would have packages of that product. | 12:10 |
cyberix | Could Netscape then setup a team to work on the product? | 12:11 |
mpt | no, because Netscape is closed-source and Launchpad is for open source :-) | 12:11 |
mpt | but in general, you can set up teams in Launchpad for whatever you like | 12:12 |
mpt | Neither products nor packages are formally associated with teams in Launchpad | 12:12 |
mpt | Rosetta understands teams, because it has translation teams with special permissions | 12:13 |
mpt | but other parts of Launchpad don't use teams, afaik | 12:13 |
cyberix | How does patch management work then? | 12:13 |
mpt | You can attach a patch to a bug report, just as you can in Bugzilla | 12:14 |
mpt | I'm not an expert on that area, but I *think* Launchpad aims to encourage branches rather than patches | 12:14 |
cyberix | But who gets to decide wether a branch or a patch is included? | 12:14 |
cyberix | Well with branches this is ofcourse no problem | 12:15 |
mpt | The maintainer of the product or package | 12:15 |
mpt | e.g. I might come up with a branch for Firefox that puts the toolbar at the bottom of the window | 12:15 |
mpt | and the Ubuntu maintainer might say "ok, that's cool", and merge my branch, and maintain it in Ubuntu Firefox | 12:16 |
mpt | while the Mozilla developers say "that's crack" and never merge it | 12:16 |
mpt | so Mozilla Firefox and Ubuntu Firefox and SuSE Firefox can be maintained in parallel | 12:16 |
mpt | and in the distant future, Launchpad will be able to show you how closely related various branches are | 12:17 |
cyberix | But what, if mozilla product maintainer refuses to confirm a (public domain ;-) branch created by Netscape | 12:18 |
cyberix | Then no packager can include it. | 12:20 |
cyberix | Netscape might have their own packager. | 12:20 |
cyberix | And this could be a spy-ware branch | 12:21 |
mpt | So, it'll be the same as my toolbar branch | 12:21 |
cyberix | Mozilla product maintainer would refuse to accept it for ethical reasons | 12:21 |
mpt | it'll be included in Netscape but nowhere else | 12:21 |
cyberix | But Netscape maintainer would still want to include it. | 12:21 |
mpt | and they would. | 12:21 |
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cyberix | But how and where would their branch be hosted? | 12:22 |
mpt | on Launchpad | 12:22 |
cyberix | They would have "mozillawithspyware" product there? | 12:22 |
mpt | | 12:22 |
cyberix | With maintainer from Netscape? | 12:22 |
mpt | not a product, just a branch | 12:22 |
cyberix | But isn't the product just a bunch of branches then? | 12:23 |
mpt | yep | 12:23 |
cyberix | So what are products needed for? | 12:24 |
cyberix | can't we just have packages that collect a bunch of branches? | 12:24 |
mpt | to say what a branch is a branch *of* | 12:24 |
mpt | so I can say "this funny toolbar branch is a branch of Firefox", and Netscape can say "this spyware is a branch of Firefox", and they can appear on the Firefox product's Branches page | 12:25 |
cyberix | So products are named places of forks then | 12:25 |
mpt | then someone wanting to package Firefox can say "I'd like that branch, and that one, but not that one, and I'd like fries with that" | 12:26 |
cyberix | So prducts are just names for branch collections so it is easier to talk about them. | 12:26 |
mpt | It's like the Linux kernel -- Linus's branch is in the center, but only because he makes good decisions | 12:27 |
mpt | pretty much, yes. | 12:27 |
cyberix | Ok. I'm starting to get this. | 12:27 |
cyberix | -- back to reality -- | 12:27 |
mpt | Products are also useful things for handling translations and bounties and support requests. | 12:28 |
mpt | handling -> categorizing | 12:28 |
=== sivang thinks this should be written up somewhere, if not already is, for the future launchpad-user-docs | ||
cyberix | I'm not sure about the current status of gnunet and gnunet-gtk packages. | 12:29 |
cyberix | They are auto(?) included from Ubuntu | 12:29 |
cyberix | But I can't work on the translations | 12:29 |
cyberix | I'm also interrested, if they get somehow synced with gnunet svn | 12:30 |
cyberix | I'm just not sure what to do. I can't add them because they are there already, right? | 12:31 |
mpt | Mail rosetta-users, or talk to jordi when he wakes up | 12:31 |
mpt | jordi's our translation organizer person | 12:31 |
cyberix | I mailed, but used different email than my launchpad account so the email got stucked for moderation. | 12:33 |
cyberix | How long will this moderation take. Should I send another email from the right address? | 12:33 |
jordi | hello cyberix | 12:33 |
cyberix | jordi: :-D | 12:34 |
cyberix | jordi: good morning | 12:34 |
jordi | (except it's 00:34 here ;) | 12:34 |
sivang | hey jordi , also working in different timezone? | 12:34 |
cyberix | jordi: good earlyish morning | 12:34 |
jordi | sivang: nope, West Europe TZ | 12:35 |
jordi | cyberix: what's up? | 12:35 |
cyberix | jordi: Can you set gnunet and gnunet-gtk packages up for translation | 12:35 |
jordi | cyberix: are you the author? | 12:35 |
cyberix | No | 12:35 |
cyberix | I'd just like to translate them to Finnish | 12:36 |
cyberix | They tell me "No translatable templates available" | 12:36 |
jordi | cyberix: have a look at this | 12:36 |
jordi | | 12:36 |
cyberix | Both packages should have such. | 12:36 |
jordi | cyberix: or you can translate the ubuntu templates, after joining the Finnish team | 12:37 |
jordi | cyberix: have you found the templates in rosetta? | 12:39 |
jordi | the ubuntu ones | 12:39 |
cyberix | nope | 12:39 |
jordi | | 12:39 |
jordi | is this it? | 12:39 |
cyberix | I'd like to translate the dapper one | 12:40 |
jordi | oh | 12:40 |
cyberix | The version in Breezy is very outdated anyway | 12:40 |
jordi | dapper isn't yet imported. It will, but you'll have to wait until February | 12:40 |
jordi | you could start working on it on breezy, and then merge your breezy file in dapper | 12:40 |
cyberix | I could start working on the development template | 12:41 |
jordi | I assume most of it would be valid | 12:41 |
cyberix | it is very close I think | 12:41 |
jordi | yes | 12:41 |
cyberix | They can/will be merged when the dapper one starts to work? | 12:41 |
jordi | can be merged | 12:41 |
jordi | not automatically yet, that will happen in the future | 12:42 |
cyberix | How are the translations committed to upstream svn? | 12:42 |
cyberix | by hand? | 12:42 |
jordi | yes | 12:43 |
jordi | when you finish, you can export your file and send it upstream | 12:43 |
jordi | mpt: thanks for highlighting the channel :) | 12:43 |
jordi | mpt: I was going to close this | 12:43 |
cyberix | I hope this will be automated one day | 12:44 |
cyberix | to avoid redundant work | 12:44 |
jordi | it can't be fully automated, but we will export bzr branches so upstreams can get he updates very easily | 12:44 |
jordi | even automatically | 12:45 |
jordi | but they need to agree of course | 12:45 |
cyberix | How can I get permission to upload the dev-templates for gnunet and gnunet-gtk? | 12:46 |
jordi | is the breezy version very different? | 12:47 |
jordi | cyberix: you should ask the authors if they are ok with it. | 12:47 |
cyberix | breezy version is comlpetely different I think | 12:48 |
cyberix | 0.6 -> 0.7 was almost complete rewrite in architecture | 12:49 |
cyberix | and if they are? | 12:49 |
jordi | if they were, you could work on those and then merge with the new version, when dapper is imported in Febrauary | 12:52 |
jordi | but if talk to upstream about this, I can import GNUnet devel as you wish. | 12:52 |
cyberix | The only problem I can think of is that they are Gnu projects, so they might 1) want people to use the Gnu translation system and, 2) refuse because Launchpad/Rosetta is non-free software. | 12:53 |
jordi | yes | 12:53 |
jordi | I know, that's probably going to be a problem. | 12:54 |
jordi | waiting for the dapper import seems a good idea in the end | 12:54 |
cyberix | But 1) People could still use that one | 12:54 |
cyberix | 2) no-one has to install non-free software to use Lauchpad/Rosetta | 12:54 |
jordi | cyberix: the rpoblem with importing against their will or knowledge is that if the GNU Finnish team is also working on it, you'll duplicate work. | 12:55 |
cyberix | I think FSF is more against installing non-free software than using hidden non-free software e.g. in an ATM machine. | 12:55 |
cyberix | Well I've done more Finnish translation work for GNUnet than the Gnu translation team. | 12:55 |
cyberix | :-) | 12:56 |
jordi | hehe, yeah | 12:56 |
jordi | | 12:56 |
jordi | this is good news | 12:56 |
jordi | they don't require the translation disclaimer | 12:56 |
jordi | cyberix: I need to go to bed. | 12:56 |
cyberix | good night | 12:56 |
cyberix | (actually me too) | 12:56 |
jordi | Should we talk abot this in the morning? Like in 9h from now | 12:56 |
jordi | or mail me | 12:56 |
jordi | nite | 12:57 |
cyberix | night | 12:57 |
cyberix | I'll get back to you | 12:57 |
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lifeless | jamesh: ping on the story review for me | 02:01 |
jamesh | lifeless: just about to send the review. Unless I'm mistaken, this would make it impossible to run an individual page test from pagetests/standalone/, right? | 02:25 |
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=== Topic (#launchpad): set by SteveA at Thu Jan 12 13:08:50 2006 | ||
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jamesh | stub: there is a bug report referencing an OOPS ID that doesn't seem to be available on chinstrap. Are there any OOPS reports that wouldn't be getting sync'd? | 07:33 |
stub | jamesh: I don't think the rsync jobs are sorted yet. The OOPSs should be in /srv/, but arn't. The old location might still be active but won't have OOPS from servers 3 and 4 | 07:36 |
jamesh | stub: okay. | 07:39 |
jamesh | the oops in question was OOPS-18A428 | 07:40 |
jamesh | looks like the last OOPS for the 18th on chinstrap is from around 12:41 | 07:41 |
stub | Without a checksum, we have no way of ensuring the code was transcribed correctly. | 07:41 |
lifeless | hmm | 07:57 |
lifeless | 7 bits should be more than enough | 07:58 |
lifeless | just add one more digit | 07:58 |
jblack | Would somebody with breezy mind checking the version of postfix they have for me? | 08:00 |
lamont | jblack: should be 2.2.4-1ubuntu2 | 08:01 |
jblack | thanks | 08:01 |
lamont | 2.1.3: warty, 2.1.5: hoary, 2.2.4: breezy, 2.2.8: dapper | 08:02 |
lamont | which fits what's in the archive | 08:02 |
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jblack | whoo. mail! | 08:02 |
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lamont | jblack: just for giggles, if you want to see if 2.2.8-4 works, that'd be neat | 08:11 |
lamont | (works for me on an hppa/dapper box) | 08:11 |
jblack | I could give that a try tomorrow | 08:12 |
jamesh | jblack: should also give you the answer about the version numbers | 08:23 |
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Den | Any launchpad developers/ maintainers here? | 08:42 |
Den | _anyone_here? | 08:45 |
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mdke_ | Den, ask your question and hope, or try the mailing list | 08:49 |
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mpt | jamesh, what happened to all the Documentation and Websites bugs from | 09:00 |
jamesh | mpt: nothing | 09:02 |
mpt | that's bad, isn't it? | 09:05 |
mpt | the Ubuntu Documentation team were using Bugzilla fairly heavily | 09:05 |
jamesh | to do a migration, I'd need to know how to map the bugs | 09:06 |
mdke_ | argh you didnt move those/ | 09:08 |
mdke_ | ?? | 09:08 |
mdke_ | and now we can't use them? | 09:09 |
jamesh | we would need to migrate them before use | 09:09 |
mdke_ | you closed bugzilla before doing that? | 09:09 |
=== mdke_ boggles | ||
mpt | jamesh, all the Documentation bugs should be migrated to | 09:10 |
mdke_ | mpt, distros/ubuntu/ubuntu-doc? | 09:11 |
jamesh | mpt: all in one product? | 09:11 |
mpt | hmmmm | 09:11 |
mdke_ | mpt, distros/ubuntu/ubuntu-docs sorry | 09:11 |
mpt | maybe ubuntu-doc should be a project, and each document should be its own product | 09:11 |
jamesh | here are the existing components: | 09:12 |
mdke_ | they don't exist upstream, only in Ubuntu | 09:12 |
mdke_ | | 09:12 |
jamesh | mdke_: having them as one or more products would make more sense in the LP datamodel. | 09:13 |
jamesh | mdke_: you can register bzr branches against products (if you want to use bzr to manage the docs). | 09:14 |
mdke_ | we don't use bzr | 09:14 |
mpt | mdke_, they could be used (with a few tweaks) for Ubuntu derivatives, which is why they make sense as products | 09:14 |
mdke_ | k | 09:14 |
mdke_ | ok, you guys can sort it. I'll just go and wonder how bugzilla can have been closed when not all the bugs were exported | 09:14 |
mdke_ | website bugs are quite important too | 09:14 |
jamesh | mpt: well, if you tell me how you want the bugs mapped, I'll do the migration | 09:15 |
mpt | heh, I was just about to suggest you and mdke sort it :-) | 09:17 |
jamesh | s/mpt/mdke/ then :) | 09:17 |
mpt | mdke_, Bugzilla's been closed for nearly a week and you didn't notice? | 09:18 |
jblack | kiko: Up by any weird twist of fate? | 09:20 |
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PenguinOfDoom | How do I specify that a bug applies to dapper? | 09:20 |
PenguinOfDoom | Or is this not what "distribution" field is for? | 09:21 |
mpt | PenguinOfDoom, once the bug is reported, click "Target to Release" and choose Dapper | 09:21 |
PenguinOfDoom | Malone is byzantine :P | 09:23 |
jamesh | mpt: is there a clear separation between "admin request" website bugs and "content" website bugs? | 09:23 |
jamesh | mpt: given that the admins are using RT to manage requests now | 09:25 |
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jamesh | mpt, mdke_: <- make a decision and fill in the table | 09:35 |
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mpt | jamesh, that depends on who's making the changes, I suppose | 09:45 |
jordi | cyberix: hey | 09:45 |
mpt | Except for the wiki, the Ubuntu Web sites aren't open source, so they don't really belong in Launchpad | 09:45 |
jordi | cyberix: I don't see your rosetta-users post in the moderation queue | 09:46 |
jordi | cyberix: oh, I see it as a bounce. There's something wrong with your post. | 09:50 |
jamesh | mpt: okay. We can leave out the website ones for now. Should be pretty easy to decide how to map the documentation bugs though | 09:50 |
mdke_ | mpt, is on a moin wiki too tbh | 09:52 |
mdke_ | oh you mean the process isn't open source | 09:52 |
jamesh | mdke_: some of the websites product bugs are things like "SSL certificate broken for", which these days is more appropriate for RT | 09:53 |
mdke_ | jamesh, sure, but that isn't advertised to the users, and they can't see it's been reported. In fact I was wondering myself if they were on that one | 09:55 |
mpt | It's to need a Canonical password to see bugs about * | 09:56 |
mdke_ | mpt, can you do the table? I've marked some as "not needed" because the documents don't exist. as for the others, I don't know how Launchpad targets work well enough | 09:56 |
mpt | It's odd to need one, rather | 09:56 |
mpt | mdke_, sure | 09:56 |
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mdke | thanks | 09:56 |
jamesh | if you want to keep the current categorisation, please create the project and products as well as entering their names into that table | 09:57 |
mdke | yeah, that is why I left them | 09:57 |
mdke | we'll also need new ones for dapper: faq guide disappears and becomes "desktop guide" and "server guide" | 09:58 |
mdke | mpt, actually wrt Documentation/Installation, you might ping Kamion, there is documentation for the debian installation program that people sometimes file bugs against, iirc | 09:59 |
jamesh | mdke: there is no migration issue for these new products though | 09:59 |
jamesh | mdke: anyone can create them | 09:59 |
mdke | no, no migration issue | 10:00 |
mdke | [08:18:15] < mpt> mdke_, Bugzilla's been closed for nearly a week and you didn't notice? | 10:01 |
mdke | i kinda noticed that my bugs weren't there, but I presume they had been imported but didn't belong to me anymore | 10:01 |
lifeless | jamesh: so | 10:02 |
jamesh | lifeless: yes? | 10:05 |
jamesh | mdke: when you say "not needed" and "not needed yet", are you saying you want me to ignore those bugs? | 10:06 |
jamesh | and leave them in bugzilla? | 10:06 |
mdke | jamesh, i mean the documents don't exist | 10:07 |
mdke | so yeah | 10:07 |
jamesh | mdke: there are no bugs filed on them? | 10:07 |
mdke | if there are, they are on the wrong component, I'll have to check | 10:08 |
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lifeless | jamesh: jamesh standalone page tests | 10:09 |
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mdke | jamesh, there are some, perhaps we can pull them into where General goes? | 10:09 |
lifeless | jamesh: I think we should either make them really standalone with db reset and clearing | 10:09 |
lifeless | jamesh: or we should treat that dir as a story | 10:09 |
jamesh | mdke: | 10:10 |
lifeless | wowsers THATS a URL | 10:10 |
mdke | yeah i see em | 10:10 |
jblack | lifeless: I'm having difficulty with MockJobManager. Can you take a look at lib/supermirror/tests/ | 10:10 |
jamesh | lifeless: I agree. I'd suggest making them standalone | 10:10 |
mdke | bblm | 10:11 |
jamesh | lifeless: there are 152 tests under pagetests/standalone/, and when working on a particular branch I usually want to run only one or two tests from that directory | 10:11 |
jamesh | running an entire story isn't so bad for the other page test stories, since they are a lot shorter | 10:12 |
jamesh | (and are intended to have order dependencies) | 10:12 |
jamesh | mdke: we can easily map multiple bz components to a single LP product if that's the issue | 10:14 |
jamesh | e.g. map the bugs in those components to the same one as the Documentation/General one | 10:14 |
lifeless | jamesh: ok. I'll mail lp to confirm this, and assuming its good do it | 10:15 |
mdke | jamesh, good, I've updated the wiki page accordingly. i'll leave the others to mpt, I'd rather something who is more familiar with LP than me decide whether to go with the distros/ubuntu or products/ubuntu-doc approach | 10:15 |
=== mdke gets all confused with the upstream/downstream relationship | ||
lifeless | jblack: be with you in a minute | 10:25 |
jblack | ok | 10:25 |
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lifeless | jblack: ok | 10:50 |
lifeless | jblack: I art here | 10:50 |
jblack | Thou are here! | 10:50 |
jblack | Ok. so on chinstrap in the expected location, I have a current sm-ng | 10:50 |
lifeless | yup | 10:51 |
jblack | if you look at lib/supermirror/tests, you'll find | 10:51 |
jblack | in that, you'll find testDoublelock | 10:51 |
jblack | testDoublelock is supposed to lock, then lock again, causing an error condition that I'm attempting to duplicate | 10:51 |
lifeless | why do you want a Mock manager here ? | 10:51 |
jblack | Because I'm testing main | 10:52 |
jblack | My idea is to make a mock manager, start up main, which will make another mockmanager. | 10:53 |
lifeless | well | 10:53 |
jblack | I.E. Lock, then main tries to lock again. | 10:53 |
jblack | that should fail, because its already locked, and I can make sure that main handles the exception properly | 10:53 |
lifeless | the mock manager was used so that we could test the ui without having stuff really happening | 10:53 |
jblack | exactly. | 10:53 |
lifeless | so, are you testing the UI, or testing the manager ? | 10:53 |
lifeless | oh, I see | 10:54 |
lifeless | so you want to test that 'main handles a failed lock correctly' ? | 10:54 |
jblack | Yup. | 10:54 |
jblack | I'm trying to do this with a static attribute to emulate lockfiles. | 10:54 |
jblack | You can see that in the mockmanager class... | 10:54 |
jblack | except it doesn't work. | 10:54 |
lifeless | ah | 10:55 |
lifeless | see they are not really static when you access them like that | 10:55 |
lifeless | do 'MockJobManager.locked = True' | 10:55 |
lifeless | in the lock() method. | 10:55 |
lifeless | then it will behave like a static member | 10:56 |
jblack | Ahh. What do I do with the.. for lack of a better phrase, declaration? | 10:56 |
lifeless | the declaration is fine | 10:56 |
lifeless | just dont ever assign to it as 'self.locked' or it will convert it to a member variable | 10:57 |
lifeless | for clarity, I suggest you never refer to it as self.locked at all | 10:57 |
jblack | Gotcha. | 10:57 |
lifeless | if I understand it correctly this happens because 'self.FOO = bar' calls setattr(self, 'FOO', bar) | 10:58 |
spiv | lifeless: that is correct. | 10:58 |
lifeless | spiv: first principles are wonderful things | 10:58 |
jblack | And that takes precedence. I get it | 10:58 |
lifeless | jblack: exactly. | 10:58 |
jblack | Whoo! Failures. | 10:59 |
lifeless | gotta love those failures. | 10:59 |
jblack | Actually, I do. | 10:59 |
spiv | I wouldn't say that it "converts" it to a member variable, exactly. Just the instance attribute overrides the class attribute, just the same as a subclass can override a parent class's attributes. | 10:59 |
lifeless | oh I was being serious | 10:59 |
spiv | Well, not precisely the same, I guess, but anyway... | 10:59 |
jblack | Of course now all my mock tests fail now... :) | 10:59 |
lifeless | spiv: pedant. pedant pedant. see the pink icon in the corner | 10:59 |
spiv | pink icon? | 11:00 |
lifeless | spiv: well panthers are endangered | 11:00 |
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jblack | thanks lifeless | 11:01 |
spiv | lifeless: Ah. | 11:01 |
triceratops | I want to fill a bugreport against ipodder (universe) but it isn't registered in malone yet. | 11:01 |
lifeless | oh sweet. | 11:01 |
lifeless | | 11:01 |
lifeless | that is damn useful | 11:02 |
lifeless | now if only it showed debian versions | 11:02 |
lifeless | Kinnison: is that planned ? ^^ | 11:02 |
triceratops | May someone please import ipodder in malone. | 11:02 |
spiv | triceratops: | 11:03 |
spiv | triceratops: It seems to be there. | 11:03 |
sivang | morning guys | 11:03 |
spiv | triceratops: What did you do to look for it? | 11:04 |
triceratops | spiv: Strange, i searched for ipodder bugs via and it says: "No products matching ipodder were found. You can register a new product." | 11:05 |
spiv | triceratops: Ah, there's no ipodder product, but there is a package. | 11:05 |
spiv | triceratops: So I found it by searching on | 11:06 |
daf | hmm, perhaps /malone should search source packages too | 11:06 |
spiv | daf: Yeah, I'm thinking that. | 11:06 |
lifeless | spiv: can we have a quick phone call ? | 11:06 |
spiv | daf: Given that the majority of our users atm are looking for packages, not products... | 11:06 |
spiv | lifeless: Sure. | 11:06 |
daf | spiv: exactly | 11:07 |
daf | spiv: ideally, it would also look through binary package names and return the corresponding source packages | 11:07 |
triceratops | spiv: I would asume that most people would look at for bugs first rather than using your way | 11:07 |
jamesh | triceratops: Launchpad keeps track of both products (what upstream developers produce) and packages (deb or rpm versions of a product produced by a particular distribution) | 11:08 |
jamesh | triceratops: in this case, ipodder the product isn't registered with LP, but ipodder the Ubuntu package is. | 11:09 |
triceratops | spiv: I would bet for that most people will go from launchpad directly to malone by pressing the menu item bugs, didn't you think so? | 11:09 |
daf | ooh, I see that SelectResults.__len__'s days are numbered | 11:09 |
Kinnison | lifeless: I'm not sure about the UI | 11:11 |
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triceratops | jamesh: For novice users this is irritating due to the fact that most of them don't know about the difference between a product and a package. Plus, the menus in launchpad are the first starting point most people will choose the bug menu item which is offered at this place. So it's more a matter of usability / menu prompt. | 11:13 |
jamesh | triceratops: noted. there are plans to improve the UI | 11:13 |
triceratops | jamesh: Whilst we are on improvement... :) Is there a way to have a date listed when a bug was reported, better would be to sort the listed bugreports by date. I'm missing this a bit, its always needs a bit fizzeling to list all bugreports step by step to find a date... | 11:16 |
jamesh | triceratops: at the top of the bug list, there is a box where you can ask to sort them newest first or oldest first | 11:18 |
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=== Topic for #launchpad: | developer meeting: Thur 19 Jan, 1200UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs are here: | ||
=== Topic (#launchpad): set by SteveA at Thu Jan 12 13:08:50 2006 | ||
=== #launchpad [freenode-info] why register and identify? your IRC nick is how people know you. | ||
(lifeless/#launchpad) so, the proposal is - standalone tests will become really standalone | 01:49 | |
(lifeless/#launchpad) pros: no more sideeffects between tests in that dir | 01:49 | |
(lifeless/#launchpad) cons: ~3 minute speed hit at this point I estimate | 01:49 | |
(kiko/#launchpad) lifeless, you said something about jamesh? | 01:49 | |
bradb | mpt: A bug contact is a person who gets email about all new bugs filed on something. There is zero or one for a product, zero or one for a distribution, and zero, one, or more for a package. Product/distro contacts are protected by permissions. Anyone can make themselves a package bug contact for any package. | 01:50 |
lifeless | kiko: the branch I have that makes running stories always work turned the standalone tests into a monolithic block. | 01:50 |
lifeless | kiko: jamesh likes running single tests from within the standalone group - quite reasonably. | 01:50 |
lifeless | kiko: so I want to support that use case. | 01:50 |
kiko | jamesh, uhm | 01:50 |
kiko | lifeless, uhm | 01:50 |
kiko | I am totally NOT okay with regressing running-of-a-single-test in standalone/ if that's what we are talking about | 01:50 |
kiko | that's one thing which saves me HOURS a day | 01:51 |
lifeless | kiko: relax dude | 01:51 |
mpt | bradb, so a bug contact's bugs report is /people/someone/+bugs/contact or something like that? | 01:51 |
salgado | cprov, spiv will send me what he has and I'll move on with the review | 01:51 |
mpt | bugs for things you are a bug contact for | 01:51 |
lifeless | kiko: we are avoiding that regression | 01:51 |
cprov | salgado: good idea | 01:51 |
lifeless | kiko: jamesh picked it up during review | 01:51 |
kiko | lifeless, i'm surprised it even got to review there -- that's one of the most important use cases for the test suite. | 01:52 |
kiko | (from a developer's point of view) | 01:52 |
lifeless | kiko: its a totally untested use case. | 01:52 |
bradb | mpt: Maybe just one level deep like all the other reports, e.g. +packagebugs. | 01:52 |
lifeless | kiko: but thats beside the point, I am now special casing 'standalone' | 01:52 |
kiko | okay | 01:52 |
=== mpt 's brain hurts at the idea of making tests for the test suite itself | ||
lifeless | so the question is, is it special cased as 'each test has db setup/teardown', or it is special cased as 'well its a story that is able to be split into bits' | 01:53 |
kiko | lifeless, I think the former. | 01:53 |
lifeless | the former has the pros and cons I listed above | 01:53 |
lifeless | if you are hip with them, I'll finish the new tests and punt it back for review | 01:53 |
lifeless | sweet. | 01:53 |
kiko | right. | 01:53 |
kiko | are there any other hidden regressions? | 01:53 |
lifeless | not that I'm aware of | 01:54 |
kiko | I mean, what does your branch change in terms of the design? | 01:54 |
lifeless | of course, if there are other untested features, who knows | 01:54 |
bradb | mpt: I'm guessing this report will show which packages the user is a bug contact for, and will allow per-package filtering. | 01:54 |
kiko | is it conceptually just adding setup/teardown to each test? | 01:54 |
kiko | bradb, if you use the table view, the user can decide on how he wants to group.. | 01:54 |
lifeless | at the ui level, stories are now directly addressable - | 01:54 |
=== kiko votes for the return of the table view | ||
bradb | me too | 01:54 |
kiko | (optionally) | 01:54 |
lifeless | './ lib branches' will run the branches story end to end | 01:55 |
kiko | sweet! | 01:55 |
mpt | kiko, then organize the politics to unsqueeze our page layout, please :-) | 01:55 |
lifeless | './ lib xx-foo-bar.txt' will run xx-foo-bar.txt wherever it exists *except* if it is part of a 'story', because stories are now not able to be randomly split up | 01:55 |
bradb | user liberation army revolt? | 01:55 |
mpt | but, you don't need a table to sort bug lists by package | 01:55 |
lifeless | (that random splitting being the bug I am fixing) | 01:56 |
kiko | lifeless, that's correct | 01:56 |
mpt | just a checkbox as I said a few minutes ago | 01:56 |
kiko | fancy mpt asking for additional checkboxes | 01:56 |
kiko | okay | 01:56 |
lifeless | kiko: in underlying design terms it changes the stories from being testsuites to being testcases, which has the desired effect. | 01:56 |
kiko | I see | 01:56 |
kiko | and the standalones? | 01:56 |
lifeless | kiko: and that is where the standalone regression came in, which I am just fixing. | 01:56 |
lifeless | standalones will remaing a testsuite, but the contents will now be PageTest instances | 01:57 |
bradb | I'll show you guys a prototype in a bit. I need to eat first, etc. | 01:57 |
kiko | lifeless, okay, cool. | 01:57 |
kiko | lifeless, anything else on this topic? | 01:57 |
kiko | jblack, ping? | 01:57 |
lifeless | nope, I have what I need. | 01:57 |
jblack | PONG | 01:58 |
kiko | lifeless, I'll know when this lands, right? | 01:58 |
jblack | Heh. Pong. | 01:58 |
kiko | jblack, hey dude | 01:58 |
kiko | jblack, I need an idea of what times your script failed to reach the server. | 01:58 |
lifeless | kiko: yes, I will be mailing the lp list when it lands, as people have to know to use such features | 01:58 |
kiko | great. | 01:58 |
lifeless | mpt: TDD - *everything* is tested. | 01:58 |
lifeless | mpt: test suites are just code. | 01:58 |
jblack | I don't have the emails here anymore. They'll be in the launchpad-errors list archives though | 01:58 |
mpt | "TDD"? | 01:59 |
lifeless | test driven design | 01:59 |
kiko | jblack, can you fish some out so we can start waving them around the datacenter logs? | 01:59 |
jblack | If you ignore the ones that report mirror failures (Those look like @BZR_ERROR) and failed to locks, the ones that remain are those. | 01:59 |
=== jblack looks to see if there's an archive for them | ||
kiko | jblack, cool. grab some and tell me/stub | 02:00 |
kiko | there is an archive, sure | 02:00 |
jblack | | 02:02 |
kiko | ddaa, is optional-branch-title essential for the 30th deadline you have? | 02:03 |
kiko | jblack, can you pick one that didn't happen on tuesday? | 02:03 |
jblack | | 02:04 |
kiko | jblack, could that be, I wonder, a timeout? | 02:04 |
kiko | the latter one I mean | 02:04 |
kiko | do you have one in which self.fp is None on a day other than tuesday? | 02:04 |
jblack | Much further than this, and we get into bugs on the supermirror side. | 02:05 |
jblack | So actually, its not as bad as I thought. | 02:05 |
kiko | I want to seene in which self.fp is none on a day other than tuesday | 02:06 |
kiko | tuesday morning was rollout | 02:06 |
lifeless | kiko: no, its not | 02:07 |
lifeless | (not essential that is) | 02:07 |
kiko | hmmm? | 02:07 |
jblack | All the sudden I can't get in to the list. | 02:08 |
lifeless | 00:03 < kiko> ddaa, is optional-branch-title essential for the 30th deadline you have? | 02:08 |
lifeless | ^^^ no. | 02:08 |
kiko | okay. | 02:08 |
kiko | cool. | 02:08 |
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kiko | bradb, did jamesh/kinnison answer your question on | 02:10 |
kiko | Subject: How do I get from BinaryPackageName to DistroSourcePackage? | 02:10 |
kiko | 02:10 | |
kiko | -- | 02:10 |
kiko | ? | 02:10 |
jblack | I'm going to bed. Kiko, I'll look it over closer when I get up. | 02:12 |
jblack | Give you pretty numbers and stuff. | 02:12 |
kiko | cool. | 02:12 |
kiko | thanks jblack | 02:12 |
=== Nafallo_away is now known as Nafallo | ||
kiko | and get URLs in the output | 02:12 |
kiko | it's hard to debug without them | 02:12 |
jblack | There's only one url for that type of error. :) | 02:13 |
kiko | really? | 02:13 |
kiko | what's that? | 02:13 |
jblack | Really | 02:13 |
jblack | 'branchlistsource': (str, ""), | 02:13 |
jblack | Well, there's another kind of error actually, now that I think about it. | 02:14 |
jblack | The branch detector can bomb too. I forgot to take care of that one. | 02:14 |
jblack | You won't see any more urllibOpener or branchStreamToBranchlist (both are supermirror-pull-list errors) errors, as I've hidden them away. | 02:15 |
kiko | cool. | 02:16 |
jblack | I'll trap the branch detector ones after I wake. Thats not so common. | 02:16 |
jblack | Though they'll become increasingly less uncommon over time | 02:16 |
jblack | I suspect ddaa watches for those and prunes the list | 02:17 |
kiko | right | 02:17 |
jblack | Because I see each one of those only once or twice and they magically disapear | 02:17 |
kiko | jamesh? | 02:23 |
lifeless | night all | 02:25 |
lifeless | I'll tweak story on monday | 02:25 |
bradb | kiko: Haven't read that email yet. Reading now. | 02:26 |
kiko | night lifeless | 02:30 |
=== ddaa comes back from lunch | ||
ddaa | I heard you guys talking about me | 02:31 |
kiko | it was only good things | 02:32 |
ddaa | kiko: optional-branch-title is orthogonal to importd2bzr (that's the Jan. 31st deadline) but it's important for supermirror-sftp that spiv will put only RSN. Important as in "bugs will be filed within one hour if it's not fixed". | 02:38 |
kiko | all right. | 02:38 |
kiko | talk to daf about it, but it's not 0-day priority to me unless you make great waves about it | 02:39 |
ddaa | jblack: I'm not doing any cleanup on the branch list... | 02:39 |
ddaa | kiko: it's about one notch below "the sky will fall over if it's not done by next week". | 02:39 |
daf | sounds important | 02:40 |
daf | (I'm not really here -- making lunch) | 02:40 |
ddaa | It just means we'll get some really wrong stuff in UI, and some incorrect (but easy to fix) entries in the DB. | 02:40 |
spiv | ddaa: So.. | 02:40 |
kiko | spiv, you got mail fwded from me from ddaa | 02:41 |
ddaa | spiv: maybe we can have a meeting with daf about that when he comes back from lunch? | 02:41 |
spiv | ddaa: Well, the thing is we can cheat a little. | 02:41 |
ddaa | Increase DB incorrectness to increase UI wrongness? | 02:41 |
ddaa | hu.. I mean "decrease UI wrongness" | 02:42 |
spiv | ddaa: In that the #1 thing is to not break existing functionality -- so it doesn't matter too much if initially the pages in lp for sftp branches don't work, so long as all the other pages (e.g. ones that already exist and list branches) work. | 02:42 |
spiv | Although maybe that's not significantly easier than fixing all pages. | 02:42 |
ddaa | I guess it sounds reasonable, but I do not like the idea of having broken pages popping up as people start pushing. | 02:43 |
ddaa | IBM phone call | 02:43 |
spiv | Me either, but it's less bad than them not being able to push at all :) | 02:43 |
ddaa | I think we would need to be more specific. Depending on how much you can (or cannot) reasonably make-up for it, it might be reasonable to delay push sftp for a one or two weeks. | 02:45 |
ddaa | It's important functionality but it's not critical. | 02:45 |
ddaa | thus my suggestion for a meeting with daf. | 02:45 |
ddaa | also, my branch fixes a few related but not-really-critical issues. | 02:46 |
ddaa | like displaying the SM URL for a branch. | 02:46 |
=== ddaa goes out to prepare the meeting | ||
=== carlos -> lunch | ||
carlos | see you later | 02:57 |
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daf | ddaa: I'm back | 03:16 |
ddaa | daf: spiv: #canonical-meeting? | 03:16 |
bradb | kiko: Do you want to drive-by the filebug package guesser patch when I've cleaned up the diff a few minutes from now? | 03:30 |
kiko | bradb, maybe | 03:32 |
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crevette | hello | 03:35 |
crevette | I need help to request a fix upstrema in malone | 03:35 |
crevette | :) | 03:35 |
kiko | heh | 03:35 |
crevette | first time I'm doing it | 03:35 |
crevette | :) | 03:35 |
crevette | i clicked "Upstream' | 03:36 |
crevette | and I choose the faulty software | 03:36 |
kiko | very good so far | 03:36 |
crevette | but malone said me "CAUTION !! WARNING!!! error appeared" | 03:36 |
crevette | :) | 03:36 |
kiko | that's a bug. | 03:36 |
crevette | total destruction | 03:36 |
crevette | :) | 03:36 |
kiko | matsubara may know about it. matsubara? | 03:36 |
kiko | crevette, what's the oops ID? | 03:36 |
crevette | OOPS-19D394 | 03:37 |
crevette | for bug | 03:37 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 28995: "x-g doesn't follow color settings" Fix req. for: xchat-gnome (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: Unconfirmed | 03:37 |
crevette | ups | 03:37 |
crevette | sorry | 03:38 |
matsubara | crevette: what was the product you requested a fix in? | 03:42 |
crevette | xchat-gnome | 03:42 |
crevette | I've open the bug upstream | 03:42 |
crevette | and wanted to add a watch on it form malone | 03:42 |
crevette | from | 03:43 |
matsubara | crevette: it seems you've run into bug 5757, could you confirm that? | 03:44 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 5757: "Oops from making a second fix request for the same product" Fix req. for: malone (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Diogo Matsubara, Status: In Progress | 03:44 |
kiko | one day matsubara might even fix that! | 03:44 |
=== kiko will declare public holiday | ||
crevette | yep | 03:45 |
crevette | but i don't really understand | 03:46 |
crevette | what means "second fix request for the same product" | 03:46 |
kiko | bug 2788 | 03:46 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 2788: "videolan and ubuntu-doc imports failed ('R' not implemented)" Fix req. for: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: David Allouche, Status: Confirmed | 03:46 |
crevette | I did exactly what Nicolas explained in the first comment | 03:47 |
crevette | what should I enter in product ? | 03:47 |
matsubara | crevette: the bug was already open with a request in xchat-gnome product. | 03:49 |
matsubara | crevette: it should give you a nice message like: "this request is already placed for that product", instead of crashing. | 03:50 |
crevette | I really don't understadn | 03:51 |
crevette | hum ok | 03:51 |
kiko | hey ddaa | 03:52 |
ddaa | kiko: in meeting... | 03:52 |
kiko | k | 03:52 |
bradb | kiko: Should I send you the diff? (12 files changed, 190 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-)) | 03:59 |
kiko | bradb, pastebin it | 03:59 |
bradb | ok | 03:59 |
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bradb | kiko: | 04:02 |
bradb | kiko: Commenting out the timeouts makes pdb debugging possible again. stub suggested the commenting out as the way to fix it. | 04:02 |
kiko | ok | 04:03 |
kiko | bradb, queryByName is a strange method name | 04:04 |
kiko | isn't the standard getByName? | 04:04 |
bradb | get and query mean different things | 04:04 |
kiko | perhaps | 04:04 |
kiko | but this returns an object or none | 04:04 |
kiko | so that seems to be get to me | 04:04 |
bradb | That's what query means. ;) | 04:05 |
kiko | uhm | 04:05 |
kiko | can you list prior art in our codebase?> | 04:05 |
bradb | ./lib/canonical/launchpad/browser/ release = getUtility(IDistroReleaseSet).queryByName( | 04:05 |
bradb | ./lib/canonical/launchpad/database/ def queryByName(self, name): | 04:05 |
bradb | ./lib/canonical/launchpad/database/ def queryByName(self, distribution, name): | 04:06 |
bradb | ./lib/canonical/launchpad/database/ def queryByName(self, name): | 04:06 |
bradb | ./lib/canonical/launchpad/interfaces/ def queryByName(name): | 04:06 |
bradb | ./lib/canonical/launchpad/interfaces/ def queryByName(distribution, name): | 04:06 |
bradb | ./lib/canonical/launchpad/interfaces/ def queryByName(name): | 04:06 |
kiko | and for getByName()? | 04:06 |
bradb | bradb@oxygen:~/canonical/malone-smallfixes $ greppy "def getByName" | wc -l | 04:06 |
bradb | 23 | 04:06 |
kiko | interesting. | 04:06 |
bradb | bradb@oxygen:~/canonical/malone-smallfixes $ greppy "def getByName(" | wc -l | 04:07 |
bradb | 13 | 04:07 |
kiko | so what does this mean I wonder? | 04:09 |
bradb | We seem to not follow conventions though. Python seems to use "get" the way Zope 3 uses "query", and Launchpad code seems to do both. | 04:09 |
kiko | inconsistency already exists? :) | 04:09 |
kiko | which way do you believe in? | 04:09 |
bradb | I'm used to "query" meaning return None if the object doesn't exist, and "get" meaning raise an exception. | 04:09 |
bradb | I'd prefer that, but I'm sure it can be argued either way. | 04:10 |
kiko | I see. | 04:10 |
spiv | For bonus points, SQLObject automatically creates "byName" if you set "alternateID=True" on the name column. | 04:10 |
spiv | (on the content object itself, not the set, of course) | 04:10 |
kiko | right, I was about to say this is in the set | 04:11 |
spiv | Yeah. Just a little something to add to the confusion. | 04:11 |
spiv | I think SQLObject is slowly moving towards making that sort of thing be methods of the column attribute, which is cleaner than auto-generated methods. | 04:12 |
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spiv | Anyway, I'll let you get back to talking about real stuff :) | 04:12 |
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kiko | stub don't call me padrino | 04:18 |
kiko | hey mpt | 04:20 |
kiko | <li> | 04:20 |
kiko | <a href="/products/launchpad-cal/+bugs">Calendar</a> | 04:20 |
kiko | + </li> | 04:20 |
kiko | + <li> | 04:20 |
kiko | + <a href="/products/soyuz/+bugs">distribution management</a> | 04:20 |
kiko | doesn't that look inconsistent capitalization? | 04:20 |
kiko | look like | 04:20 |
daf | it does | 04:24 |
kiko | weird. | 04:24 |
daf | | 04:25 |
kiko | that was mpt's patch, though. | 04:25 |
daf | hmm | 04:25 |
kiko | I just filed 28999 | 04:25 |
kiko | darn. | 04:25 |
kiko | I so wanted 29k | 04:25 |
daf | maybe you can get 29292 | 04:26 |
janimo | is switching to bzr for world imports planned in the same time with soyuz rollout? | 04:29 |
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mgalvin | before i open a bug i thought i would explain this... i opened a bug but it does not show up in my reportedbugs list | 05:00 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 28660: "hal does not recognize writing capability of firewire CD drive" Fix req. for: hal (Ubuntu), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Martin Pitt, Status: Needs Info | 05:00 |
mgalvin | might this be a known issue b/c of the migration or something? | 05:00 |
bradb | mgalvin: It's a known issue. | 05:01 |
mgalvin | bradb: k, thanks | 05:01 |
janimo | hey, I created a new project (Xfce) can I add an existing product to it? | 05:02 |
janimo | add a product does not allow me to chose from existing ones, I must enter the details from 0 | 05:02 |
janimo | I have the thunar product already regsitered and would like to add it to the xfce project | 05:02 |
janimo | also, can products be deleted - there's one called xfce but it should be a project instead | 05:03 |
bradb | mgalvin: bug 4201 for the +reportedbugs + Needs Info status bugs not showing | 05:03 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 4201: "Bugs with NeedInfo status should be displayed on open bugs query." Fix req. for: malone (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: Needs Info | 05:03 |
bradb | mgalvin: bug 28697 is a related problem | 05:04 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 28697: "Bug lists should show current search filter" Fix req. for: malone (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: Unconfirmed | 05:04 |
mgalvin | bradb: thnx a lot, i will keep an eye on those :) | 05:05 |
bradb | no prob | 05:05 |
daf | janimo: you can set the project here: | 05:06 |
janimo | daf, thanks | 05:06 |
daf | it's the "Edit Product Details" link | 05:06 |
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janimo | when is the switch to bzr imports due? | 05:11 |
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daf | bradb: yo | 05:27 |
bradb | daf: hi | 05:27 |
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daf | I can't work out where is used | 05:28 |
daf | given that it's not used for, e.g. /distros/ubuntu/+source/mozilla-firefox/+bugs | 05:29 |
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bradb | daf: It's used to list bugs on the confusingly named ISourcePackage. | 05:30 |
bradb | daf: e.g. | 05:31 |
daf | ah | 05:31 |
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daf | bradb: I'm comparing | 05:33 |
daf | http://localhost:8086/distros/ubuntu/+source/mozilla-firefox/+bugs | 05:33 |
daf | http://localhost:8086/distros/ubuntu/warty/+source/mozilla-firefox/+bugs | 05:33 |
daf | the former shows bug 1, the latter shows bug 1 and bug 5 | 05:33 |
daf | why would that be? | 05:33 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 1: "Microsoft has a majority market share" Fix req. for: Ubuntu, Severity: Critical, Assigned to: Mark Shuttleworth, Status: Confirmed | 05:33 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 5: "Plone Placeless Translation Service metadata missing from po files" Fix req. for: rosetta (upstream), Severity: Wishlist, Assigned to: Dafydd Harries, Status: Fix Committed | 05:33 |
daf | yeah, shut up | 05:33 |
Nafallo | hehe | 05:34 |
Nafallo | Ubugtu has a rough time. when he's not saying anything people complain and when he does people complain :-P. | 05:35 |
=== bradb looks | ||
bradb | daf: Because bug #5 has only a task targeting it to be fixed in warty. | 05:36 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 5: "Plone Placeless Translation Service metadata missing from po files" Fix req. for: rosetta (upstream), Severity: Wishlist, Assigned to: Dafydd Harries, Status: Fix Committed | 05:36 |
bradb | That situation can't happen in production. The sample data is corrupt. | 05:36 |
daf | ahh | 05:36 |
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daf | this reminds me of my idea to generate the sample data through Python code | 05:37 |
daf | anyhow, thanks | 05:37 |
bradb | daf: I much prefer using Python code to generate sample data too, FWIW. ;) | 05:38 |
bradb | kiko-fud: How the filebug package guesser patch looking? | 05:43 |
bradb | s/How/How's/ | 05:43 |
kiko-fud | bradb, I looked at it. I think it's generally okay. salgado needs to look at the vocab changes. | 05:45 |
=== Nafallo is now known as Nafallo_away | ||
bradb | Ok, I'll bug salgado about the vocab changes, thanks. | 05:45 |
bradb | salgado! | 05:46 |
salgado | me? why me? | 05:47 |
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bradb | salgado: kiko-fud suggested you sign off on the BinaryAndSourcePackageNameVocabulary at: | 05:48 |
bradb | salgado: Do you have a few mins to spare to look at it? I can provide context. | 05:49 |
salgado | I can't do that right now. I'm reviewing cprov's branch | 05:49 |
bradb | ok | 05:49 |
bradb | salgado: Can I ping you about it in about two hours? | 05:49 |
salgado | I don't think I'll have it finished in 2h. I still have almost 6000 lines to review | 05:50 |
bradb | Madness. | 05:50 |
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lamont__ | jblack: fresh dapper install on an i386 box, with postfix 2.2.8-5, can't reproduce the really funky 2nd errors you were getting... | 06:30 |
ddaa | OH MY GOD | 06:31 |
ddaa | importd on production is working because | 06:31 |
ddaa | of a bug in the python2.4-subversion packaging! | 06:31 |
kiko | bradb, do you find it possible that we issue 580 queries for a single request? | 06:31 |
kiko | ddaa, you mean a FEATURE | 06:31 |
daf | kiko: what was that you said about O(n) being bad? | 06:32 |
kiko | as in database queries | 06:32 |
ddaa | kiko: no, there are leftover .pyc and .pyo files in /usr/lib/python2.4/site-package/svn/ without associated py file... | 06:32 |
kiko | daf, I need a blanket and my barbies now | 06:32 |
ddaa | the correspond to an API change that breaks cscvs | 06:32 |
daf | ddaa: that's awesome | 06:32 |
kiko | no it's not | 06:32 |
daf | in a really bad way | 06:32 |
ddaa | that's HORRIBLE! | 06:32 |
=== ddaa wimpers | ||
kiko | daf, can you, just to double-check me, say how many db queries /malone issues to render a single page? | 06:33 |
daf | sure thang | 06:33 |
=== kiko o/~ they got a ranch they call.. number 51 o/~ | ||
=== ddaa wonders how high on his "top-priority must fix now" scale fixing that should be... | ||
ddaa | like, should I rollout Kamion's patch before fixing that? | 06:33 |
ddaa | knowing that I cannot run the test suite here... | 06:34 |
daf | kiko: can't see it all 'less you're flying by | 06:34 |
ddaa | but it will probably work in production... | 06:34 |
ddaa | kiko: what do YOU think??? | 06:34 |
kiko | ddaa, I think we should revert to using an older version of pysvn. | 06:35 |
kiko | potentially including it in our tree. | 06:36 |
ddaa | well... the thing is that the fuck up comes from I asked elmo to upgrade the importd hosts to breezy... | 06:36 |
daf | kiko: I count 421 | 06:37 |
kiko | oh I feel much better now daf | 06:38 |
daf | me too | 06:38 |
daf | hmm, several of those seem to be blank | 06:38 |
daf | grepping those out yields 366 | 06:39 |
daf | 26 of those are END | 06:39 |
daf | still not good | 06:39 |
ddaa | kiko: you really want me to ask elmo to _downgrade_ the TWO python/svn bindings we use on the 6 concerned systems? Then the issue is that I cannot run the test suite unless I downgrade here too... | 06:40 |
kiko | 43 launchpad@launchpad_dev LOG: statement: SELECT, Person.defaultrenewalperiod, Person.pos | 06:40 |
kiko | tcode, Person.subscriptionpolicy, Person.teamowner, Person.merged, Person.displayname, Person.password, Per | 06:40 |
kiko |, Person.familyname, Person.datecreated, Person.calendar, Person.teamdescription, Person.givenname, | 06:40 |
kiko |, Person.addressline2, Person.addressline1,, Person.emblem, Person.hackergotchi, | 06:40 |
kiko |, Person.defaultmembershipperiod, Person.timezone, Person.province, Person.karma, Person.organ | 06:40 |
kiko | ization, Person.homepage_content FROM Person WHERE (( = 'admins') AND (Person.merged IS NULL)) | 06:40 |
ddaa | I think it would be simpler just to fix cscvs... | 06:40 |
kiko | ORDER BY displayname, familyname, givenname, name | 06:40 |
kiko | that is 43 times that same query. | 06:40 |
kiko | I wonder which one timed out. | 06:40 |
daf | no way | 06:40 |
ddaa | assumping it can be done simply... | 06:40 |
kiko | ddaa, let me privmsg you on this | 06:40 |
daf | kiko: also 43 of SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person WHERE (( = 'admins') AND (Person.merged IS NULL)) | 06:42 |
daf | probably not a coincidence | 06:42 |
kiko | probably not. | 06:42 |
kiko | how can we make this hurt less, I wonder. | 06:42 |
daf | 34 counts of SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Person WHERE (( = 'launchpad') AND (Person.merged IS NULL)) | 06:43 |
daf | well, it would be nice to know the code paths issuing these queries | 06:43 |
daf | putting some trace code in sqlos would do that for us | 06:43 |
kiko | daf, yeah. I think I'm going to stick a traceback.print_stack() somewhere. | 06:43 |
daf | go for it | 06:44 |
kiko | I'll send a lot out with some statistics at some point. | 06:44 |
daf | well, there's an obvious one: | 06:46 |
daf | 5 queries for BugTasks | 06:46 |
daf | i.e. the 5 shown on the front page | 06:46 |
daf | also 5 queries like SELECT COUNT(*) FROM BugTask WHERE bug=6 | 06:47 |
daf | 27 queries of the session data | 06:47 |
kiko | why are we doing select count()s again? | 06:48 |
=== daf shrugs | ||
daf | SELECT COUNT(*) FROM SessionData WHERE client_id = ...; | 06:48 |
kiko | zpt/list crap like salgado and spiv discussed right? | 06:48 |
daf | I can't remember | 06:49 |
daf | is that the SQLObject.__len__ issue? | 06:49 |
kiko | yeah. | 06:49 |
daf | jamesh has branches that fix that | 06:49 |
daf | in spiv's review queue | 06:50 |
kiko | really now | 06:50 |
daf | don't know if it will instantly reduce the number of queries | 06:50 |
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kiko | bradb, can you check out the patch in your inbox? | 07:02 |
=== bradb returns, checks | ||
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ddaa | Okay, the fix appears to be trivial. | 07:19 |
ddaa | so trivial I'm going to merge it as [trivial] , just import from svn.core instead of svn.util | 07:19 |
ddaa | (provided I _can_ merge anything) | 07:20 |
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ddaa | Can somebody lend me a pair of eyeballs | 07:56 |
ddaa | 'Commit message [fix compatibility with python-svn-1.2 [trivial] ] does not match commit_re [.*([rR] [sS] ?=[^ \\t] +)|(\\[[Tt] [Rr] [Ii] [Vv] [Ii] [Aa] [Ll] \\] )] ' | 07:56 |
ddaa | what's wrong? | 07:56 |
ddaa | mh... [[trivial] ] maybe? | 07:57 |
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ddaa | does not work either... | 08:03 |
=== ddaa -> dinner | ||
kiko | ddaa, [trivial] needs to appear at the beginning of the string. | 08:04 |
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bradb | salgado: Still busy reviewing cprov's patch? | 08:11 |
kiko | bradb, correct me if I'm wrong -- we have no default assignee, right? | 08:31 |
bradb | Correct. | 08:38 |
kiko | bradb, is bug 5940 still applicable? | 08:38 |
Ubugtu | Malone bug 5940: "The assignee should be listed as a subscriber" Fix req. for: malone (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Brad Bollenbach, Status: Confirmed | 08:38 |
kiko | bradb, bug 901 is a goner | 08:38 |
Ubugtu | Error: I cannot access this bug. | 08:39 |
bradb | kiko: Yeah. When a person is assigned to the bug, Malone isn't very smart about putting them in the Cc list. | 08:39 |
bradb | This causes some strange things to happen, e.g., when the bug is private. | 08:39 |
=== bradb rephrases that: an assignee can get locked out of a private bug, because an explicit subscription isn't created for assignees. | ||
=== cprov ..... | ||
cyberix | jordi: . | 08:45 |
kiko | I didn't know that. | 08:45 |
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jordi | cyberix: yeah? | 08:47 |
cyberix | jordi: Should something have happened? | 08:49 |
ddaa | daf: ping | 08:54 |
kiko | bradb, you can't add bug contacts for other people -- not even launchpad admins, right? | 08:54 |
bradb | kiko: You could with some URL hacking. | 08:57 |
jordi | cyberix: not yet | 08:58 |
kiko | bradb, really? | 08:59 |
kiko | example? | 08:59 |
cyberix | jordi: Do I have to do something? | 09:01 |
bradb | kiko: one sec, I have to read the code to make a URL | 09:01 |
=== bradb switches to Ubuntu instead, to use FF web extension | ||
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bradb | Damn. Yet *again* my Ubuntu laptop just spontaneously shut off. | 09:05 |
carlos | bradb, could be that the temperature is too high? | 09:09 |
kiko | carlos, are you on dapper? | 09:09 |
carlos | kiko, yes | 09:09 |
bradb | carlos: dunno, but the machine doesn't seem too hot | 09:10 |
kiko | carlos, is your x41 overheating? | 09:11 |
bradb | kiko: Anyway, just go to /distros/ubuntu/+source/mozilla-firefox/+subscribe and submit the form with a GEt. | 09:11 |
bradb | s/GEt/GET/ | 09:11 |
carlos | kiko, no | 09:11 |
carlos | kiko, is bradb's computer | 09:11 |
kiko | carlos, mine is. | 09:13 |
carlos | kiko, oh | 09:14 |
carlos | kiko, mine is working perfectly | 09:14 |
carlos | kiko, except for the sleep mode or hibernation | 09:14 |
kiko | daf, I just cut 200 queries out of startup time. | 09:16 |
kiko | with changes to one file | 09:16 |
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kiko | no way dude | 09:17 |
kiko | but it's true | 09:17 |
salgado | kiko, what you did? | 09:22 |
kiko | salgado, see email to launchpad | 09:24 |
bradb | salgado: Any chance you'll have time today to drive-by my patch's vocabulary code? | 09:27 |
=== LaserJock_away is now known as LaserJock | ||
salgado | bradb, I don't want to context switch now, and I have't finished it. I'd suggest you to ask someone else to review if you can't wait | 09:29 |
bradb | Sure. I know what you mean. No problem. | 09:30 |
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seb128 | bradb: you want to do a list like | 09:31 |
seb128 | === package === | 09:32 |
seb128 | - | 09:32 |
seb128 | - | 09:32 |
seb128 | - | 09:32 |
seb128 | === package 2 ==== | 09:32 |
seb128 | etc ? | 09:32 |
bradb | Maybe. | 09:32 |
seb128 | would be nice :) | 09:32 |
bradb | Trying to find the real estate for this report is driving down neuropathways I don't have. | 09:32 |
seb128 | btw when is this "comment from settings page" update coming? | 09:32 |
bradb | Next Tuesday, I think. kiko, is Tuesday the next prod rollout? | 09:33 |
seb128 | k | 09:34 |
kiko | bradb, I need to talk to stub about this -- there's the soyuz rollout, remember. | 09:34 |
bradb | ok | 09:35 |
ddaa | How comes all the launcphad mailing lists are now on | 09:35 |
ddaa | e.g. List-Id: Launchpad development discussion <> | 09:35 |
ddaa | Doesn't that confuses the issue about Launchpad not being ubuntu-specific? | 09:36 |
bradb | kiko: Should I send my +filebug package guesser patch to jamesh then? | 09:37 |
kiko | bradb, I can probably look at it when I finish this (important) email | 09:40 |
bradb | kiko: You mean review the vocabs part of the code? | 09:40 |
kiko | well, yeah | 09:40 |
bradb | ok, that'd be excellent | 09:40 |
elmo | ddaa: fixed | 09:59 |
ddaa | elmo: what is fixed? | 10:00 |
ddaa | I know you've been less than quick at fixing requests in the past, but now you are fixing BEFORE I ask... | 10:00 |
ddaa | which is a bit unsettling... | 10:01 |
elmo | bah | 10:01 |
elmo | the list-id thing | 10:01 |
ddaa | ha, thank you | 10:01 |
ddaa | I thought it might have been intentional | 10:01 |
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jordi | cyberix: nope, I first need to get the team created. | 10:25 |
jordi | Which takes me to carlos. | 10:25 |
jordi | carlos: so, here comes a new team. Quicker than I expected, but... | 10:26 |
carlos | jordi, give me the info and I will create it | 10:26 |
jordi | carlos: as we discussed when we created the GNU team, we now need a "translation project" group. | 10:26 |
jordi | carlos: ok, name is translation-project | 10:26 |
jordi | and description; let me look at the GNU group desc | 10:26 |
jordi | cyberix: what's your launchpad username? | 10:27 |
carlos | jordi, is it different from ? | 10:27 |
jordi | yes | 10:27 |
jordi | we discussed when creating that one | 10:27 |
carlos | I think we should fix the name then | 10:27 |
jordi | GNU translators is only for people who translate GNU packages which require the translation disclaimer | 10:28 |
jordi | translation project is for the rest of domains in the TP | 10:28 |
jordi | ie, gcc would go to GNU, while gstreamer would go to TP | 10:28 |
carlos | is I think it's confusing.... | 10:30 |
jordi | The Translation Project <> is in charge of maintaining the localisations of many popular free software projects. [contd] | 10:31 |
jordi | well, I see no other way. | 10:31 |
jordi | GNU translators can only be composed of people who have their paperwork done with the FSF. | 10:31 |
jordi | else their translations will never be merged upstream for copyright issues. | 10:31 |
carlos | jordi, Unofficial GNU translators? | 10:32 |
jordi | they are not GNU translators. | 10:34 |
jordi | They don't translate GNU software | 10:34 |
jordi | They translate non-GNU packages in the T ranslation Project | 10:34 |
carlos | oh | 10:34 |
carlos | I thought the Translation project was only for GNU projects.... | 10:35 |
jordi | there's this missconception since many years | 10:35 |
jordi | but many non-GNU packages use it too | 10:35 |
jordi | gstreamer, for example | 10:35 |
jordi | or some freedesktop things | 10:35 |
carlos | oh, right, I forgot that | 10:35 |
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carlos | anyway, I think people will be a bit confused with those translation teams.. | 10:37 |
carlos | jordi, I need the title and the summary | 10:38 |
Alinux | boys I think #ubuntu-translators isn't popular... | 10:39 |
jordi | carlos: I can't think of anything better. | 10:39 |
jordi | what do you mean? | 10:39 |
Alinux | can you include it into topic? | 10:39 |
Alinux | I mean advertisement. | 10:41 |
Alinux | Alinux = off | 10:41 |
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jordi | The Translation Project <> is in charge of maintaining the localisations of many popular free software projects that don't have their own localisation infrastructure. | 10:44 |
jordi | I can't think of anything better right now. | 10:44 |
jordi | as for a title, what about "The Translation Project group"? Having "translation" in their name makes it difficult. | 10:45 |
carlos | ok | 10:52 |
carlos | jordi, | 10:53 |
jordi | carlos: we can improve the description later | 10:53 |
jordi | carlos: actually I notice that if yo use the link I provided, their website is full of 404's | 10:54 |
jordi | can you add a .../HTML/ to it? | 10:54 |
carlos | yes | 10:54 |
carlos | jordi, | 10:55 |
jordi | thanks dude :) | 10:55 |
jordi | ok, now we need to assign cyberix as the Finnish team. | 10:55 |
jordi | I don't know his id tho | 10:55 |
jordi | carlos: | 10:57 |
jordi | carlos: he should be appointed for fi | 10:57 |
carlos | jordi, | 10:57 |
carlos | yeah | 10:57 |
carlos | done | 10:58 |
jordi | great, thanks carlos | 10:59 |
jordi | cyberix: ping | 10:59 |
kiko | carlos, I am going to KILL for activity reports soon | 10:59 |
kiko | it will be very very ugly | 10:59 |
kiko | valencia will be a bloodbath | 10:59 |
kiko | only people that live behind doors with activity reports written in lambs blood on them will be saved | 10:59 |
jordi | oh man | 11:00 |
=== carlos hides.... | ||
carlos | and starts writing the reports | 11:00 |
jordi | my mom won't be able to recognize my corpse :/ | 11:00 |
kiko | the firstborn child of each activity report debtor will be forced to write pdp-11 assemby cross-compiled on a primos with the code stored in a 50 gig BAZ | 11:00 |
kiko | tree | 11:00 |
jordi | haha | 11:01 |
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kiko | no | 11:01 |
jordi | the baz bit is like a bit too much | 11:01 |
kiko | pdp-8 assembly | 11:01 |
kiko | we can get the hardware downgraded | 11:01 |
carlos | kiko, dude you scared my girlfriend | 11:01 |
carlos | she's not going to want anything from me now.... | 11:02 |
jordi | does your girlfriend read #launchpad? | 11:02 |
kiko | until you pay your dues | 11:02 |
carlos | so I must stop being a debtor.... | 11:02 |
jordi | you just scared med | 11:02 |
jordi | -d | 11:02 |
carlos | jordi, no, I'm talking with she on the phone atm | 11:03 |
jordi | oh | 11:03 |
LarstiQ | jordi: do you have any idea what to call Serbian Latin translations? Ie, for cyrillic I use sr.po, but latin confuses me | 11:04 |
jordi | LarstiQ: the established convention is sr@Latn | 11:04 |
dilys | Merge to devel/launchpad/: r=kiko,salgado Fix for bug 6593: confusing constraint not satisfied message. Uses the correct validator for most (all?) places that used valid_name. Also fix for bug 28768: Search for Products on the Welcome to Launchpa page does nothing. Adds a proper test and fixes the HTML for the input field, doh. Patches by Diogo Matsubara <> (r3017: Diogo Matsubara, kiko) | 11:06 |
LarstiQ | jordi: I'll go with that then | 11:06 |
LarstiQ | jordi: I came across something about gnome/glibc default to cyrillic/latin differing, any idea what that is about? | 11:07 |
jordi | LarstiQ: it's about Ulrich Drepper being stubborn as you can't imagine, and rejecting the established, de-facto convention everyone is using. | 11:08 |
jordi | He wants sr to be latin, sr@cirillic to be the cirillic | 11:09 |
jordi | no matter what Danilo Segan says, or anything | 11:09 |
LarstiQ | Oh, I'm fairly good at imagining how stubborn he can be. | 11:10 |
jordi | hehe | 11:11 |
LarstiQ | jordi: thanks for the information. | 11:11 |
=== LarstiQ goes on to test and commit. | ||
jordi | np! | 11:11 |
jordi | what project is this? | 11:11 |
LarstiQ | jordi: blender | 11:12 |
LarstiQ | jordi: I might bother you sometime in the future about officially using Rosetta for it too | 11:12 |
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carlos | LarstiQ, we need to add active support for that kind of po file names | 11:12 |
carlos | we can store them but rosetta is not able to translate them | 11:13 |
LarstiQ | carlos: the main thing I'm worried about right now is it actually being usable on end user systems | 11:13 |
jordi | LarstiQ: cool | 11:13 |
carlos | LarstiQ, GNOME is using it since long ago | 11:13 |
LarstiQ | carlos: on a more general scope, our current translation approach is not working at all | 11:13 |
carlos | so I suppose it should work... | 11:14 |
LarstiQ | but lets first get this 2.41 release out of the door :) | 11:14 |
cyberix | jordi: cyberix :-) | 11:16 |
cyberix | jordi: | 11:17 |
jordi | cyberix: hey | 11:17 |
jordi | cyberix: ok, everything is ready | 11:17 |
cyberix | jordi: Great. (What does that mean ;-) | 11:17 |
jordi | you're a member of the Translation Project team :) | 11:18 |
cyberix | Ok | 11:18 |
cyberix | Great now I can... | 11:18 |
jordi | cyberix: now we need to import this GNUnet thing. | 11:19 |
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mpt | Gooooooooooooooooood morning Launchpadders! | 11:58 |
ajmitch | afternoon mpt :) | 12:03 |
LarstiQ | good night both ;) | 12:03 |
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