mjg59 | Marvell haven't been too bad in the past, AFAIK | 12:04 |
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zyga | hello | 12:34 |
zyga | I'm trying to write a fuse based fs with some dynamic files | 12:34 |
zyga | I want something similar to /proc/foo where I can use cat to see the contents | 12:35 |
zyga | when I make my virtual files have size 0 and mode with I_SFREG I cannot cat it | 12:36 |
zyga | I need to supply some non-zero size to be able to read the content | 12:36 |
zyga | I was wondering if /proc is using some special way to handle this | 12:36 |
BenC | the size shouldn't have anything to do with it | 12:36 |
zyga | stat'ing files in proc and my fs does not show any difference :/ | 12:36 |
BenC | read() operations don't even pay attention to the filesize | 12:37 |
zyga | BenC: maybe proc is using mmap interface | 12:37 |
BenC | cat doesn't | 12:37 |
BenC | read() is read() | 12:37 |
zyga | BenC: true, I didn't test that with a dumb program that relies only on read | 12:37 |
zyga | BenC: still, as long as stat returns 0 in st_size I cannot see the contents with cat | 12:37 |
BenC | there's lots of files in proc and /sys that show zero size and cat works on them just fine | 12:38 |
zyga | BenC: that's why I'm asking ... I don't know why this happens | 12:38 |
BenC | I'm doubting that has anything to do with it, but I'm also not familiar with fuse, so I'm not the right person to ask | 12:38 |
zyga | maybe that's something fuse-specific | 12:38 |
zyga | I see a sequence of stat, open and release (final close) | 12:41 |
zyga | I never see any reads | 12:41 |
BenC | did any of those fail? | 12:48 |
BenC | perhaps the open failed? | 12:48 |
BenC | strace cat /your/file | 12:49 |
BenC | should tell you if the open failed for some reason | 12:49 |
BenC | brb | 12:49 |
zyga | BenC, no | 12:52 |
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zyga | BenC: I'm starting to see the problem | 01:01 |
zyga | the call doesn't fail, python has mixed the stat structure somewhat | 01:01 |
zyga | (python-fuse) | 01:01 |
zyga | I don't really know which field gets passed where, I'll sort this out soon | 01:01 |
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zyga | what should be the st_size of a directory? | 01:10 |
crimsun | zyga: hmm, in-kernel fuse? | 01:36 |
crimsun | I see fuse 2.5.0 | 01:36 |
zyga | crimsun: ? | 01:38 |
crimsun | zyga: what's triggering the bug? | 01:38 |
zyga | crimsun: I don't know yet | 01:38 |
zyga | crimsun: it seems that for files that have st_size == 0 the read function is never called | 01:39 |
zyga | I'm looking at python2.4-fuse now | 01:39 |
crimsun | sorry, I should have been more precise: What's your test case? (I guess you partially answered that) | 01:39 |
crimsun | fuse 2.5.0 has a bunch of fixes | 01:39 |
=== crimsun git pulls | ||
zyga | crimsun: I'm using 2.4.2 | 01:40 |
zyga | python-fuse is automatically setting blocksize to 4096 | 01:41 |
zyga | as well as hum... | 01:42 |
zyga | it's broken :P | 01:42 |
zyga | crimsun: by fuse 2.5.0, you ment fuse not, python-fuse, right? | 01:47 |
crimsun | right. | 01:47 |
zyga | crimsun, BenC: thanks for the help | 02:19 |
zyga | it seems to be a fuse issue but I'm not 100% sure yet | 02:19 |
zyga | I call it a day, night :) | 02:19 |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-kernel: Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | New git tree for dapper: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelGitGuide | 2.6.15-12.17 uploaded (I have no clever code name) | Daily Diet of Destruction: http://people.ubuntu.com/~bcollins/kernels-daily/ | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu-kernel): set by BenC at Wed Jan 18 02:16:17 2006 | ||
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Mithrandir | BenC: have you had a chance to look at the unionfs problems on PPC in the live cd? | 09:58 |
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-kernel: Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | New git tree for dapper: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelGitGuide | 2.6.15-12.17 uploaded (I have no clever code name) | Daily Diet of Destruction: http://people.ubuntu.com/~bcollins/kernels-daily/ | ||
=== Topic (#ubuntu-kernel): set by BenC at Wed Jan 18 02:16:17 2006 | ||
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zul | heylo | 02:39 |
BenC | Mithrandir: should be fixed in -13 | 02:39 |
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Mithrandir | BenC: great, thanks | 03:08 |
BenC | Mithrandir: #ubuntu-meeting | 03:08 |
Mithrandir | already there | 03:09 |
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JaneW | mjg59: PING | 03:31 |
=== zooko [n=user@blk-215-95-202.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu-kernel | ||
zooko | Greetings, folk of #ubuntu-kernel! | 03:59 |
zooko | I'm considering installing the dapper gcc and dapper linux-source on my breezy system and compiling the kernel. If I do so, do you want to hear any resulting bug reports? | 04:00 |
BenC | it wont work well | 04:08 |
BenC | it would be the same as installing the dapper kernel images from breezy | 04:08 |
BenC | you would be better off just upgrading just the kernel image from dapper (and it's dependencies) | 04:08 |
BenC | the kernel really doesn't care where it's compiled, it's the system it's running on that really matters | 04:09 |
BenC | "installing the dapper kernel images" (not from breezy) | 04:09 |
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zooko | BenC: thanks for the suggestions. | 04:45 |
=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-kernel:BenC] : Ubuntu kernel development discussion ONLY | New git tree for dapper: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelGitGuide | 2.6.15-13.18 uploaded (The "Stick it to da man" Release) | Daily Diet of Destruction: http://people.ubuntu.com/~bcollins/kernels-daily/ | ||
zul | slacker | 04:50 |
zooko | Hm. I guess I'll go for gcc 4.0.whateverisindapper | 04:53 |
BenC | are you still going to rebuild dapper kernel source in breezy? | 04:53 |
zooko | Yes. | 04:54 |
BenC | Just want to make sure you realize that it's not going to build a kernel any different than what is in dapper | 04:54 |
BenC | it will be the same kernel (assuming you use the same .config's) | 04:54 |
zooko | Understood. Although I'll have slightly different configs... | 04:54 |
zooko | I don't intend to request support from you on this. | 04:54 |
BenC | I wasn't going to give any, but I just hate seeing someone waste time :) | 04:55 |
zooko | I consider this channel to be for development, so I really mentioned it in case someone would say something like "Oh, please test such and such a bug while you do that" or some such. | 04:55 |
zooko | :-) | 04:55 |
BenC | I started 2.6.15-dapper kernel development on strictly breezy systems, so I know the outcome...your devices wont autoload, udev will become dumb and you'll typically be unhappy | 04:56 |
zooko | What's the IRC channel for Ubuntu-using-bzr? I'm interested in listening to how people use bzr. | 04:56 |
zooko | Hm. | 04:56 |
BenC | #bzr? note sure | 04:56 |
zooko | That does sound intimidating. | 04:56 |
zooko | Maybe I can avoid some of those problems by updating my udev package to dapper... | 04:57 |
zooko | But now I am discouraged. Maybe I'll stick with 2.6.12... | 04:57 |
zooko | OTOH it can't hurt to try. ;-) | 04:58 |
BenC | it wont kill you thats for sure :) | 04:59 |
zul | unless a large wooden mallet pops out of your computer and hits you over the head...its a new driver in 2.6.15 | 04:59 |
BenC | fortunately with udev broken, it never gets loaded | 05:00 |
zul | lol | 05:01 |
BenC | Try to avoid "modprobe kbd-electrocution" though | 05:01 |
infinity | BenC: Erk, I don't see an ipw2100 sync in that changelog. | 05:01 |
BenC | infinity: it was done...I thought I did the changelog entry | 05:02 |
BenC | but it's surely done (1.1.4) | 05:02 |
infinity | Guess I should have gone through the motions of reassigning that bug... | 05:02 |
infinity | Oh, it's done?.. Cool. | 05:02 |
infinity | Alright. I'm on VAC as of now. | 05:03 |
infinity | lamont's your bitch now. | 05:04 |
lamont__ | "By your command" | 05:04 |
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doko | BenC, infinity, please could you have a look if iptables is worth updating? ftp://ftp.netfilter.org/pub/iptables/changes-iptables-1.3.4.txt | 05:50 |
BenC | is that the userspace stuff? | 05:50 |
BenC | supposedly, our userspace and kernel drivers are out of sync terribly | 05:51 |
Mithrandir | BenC: do you think a patch to add a label to swsusp images would have > 0 chance of being accepted upstream? | 05:52 |
BenC | what sort of label? | 05:52 |
Mithrandir | free-text, max 32 chars. | 05:52 |
Mithrandir | unused by the kernel, but we could use it for stuff like "make sure you're resuming from the image that says "Ubuntu-$(uname -r)" and not the one which says "SuSE-$(uname -r)" | 05:53 |
BenC | guess it all depends on what the purpose is | 05:53 |
Mithrandir | similar, we would have support for suspend on the live cd. Suspend to an USB stick, resume from that later. | 05:53 |
BenC | ah, that does sound cool | 05:54 |
Mithrandir | yeah, I thought so. | 05:54 |
BenC | I would include it in our kernel, and I can push it upstream if you want | 05:54 |
Mithrandir | I have the kernel patch mostly done, but would need to test it, naturally. | 05:54 |
doko | BenC: iptables is userspace | 06:02 |
BenC | doko: doesn't it depend on some kernel stuff (kernel headers or something)? | 06:03 |
BenC | kernel-team@l.u.c has a user reporting problems with sync between kernel headers and iptables userspace | 06:03 |
doko | BenC: it does | 06:06 |
BenC | will the new version fix that? | 06:06 |
doko | BenC: I didn't check, I just scanned dapper/main for packages with new upstream versions | 06:10 |
BenC | if it helps that situation, then I'd say it's a good candidate for new upstream version | 06:10 |
BenC | we already know the current package/setup is broken | 06:11 |
=== zooko [n=user@blk-215-95-202.eastlink.ca] has joined #ubuntu-kernel | ||
zooko | So you know how I planned to compile 2.6.15-12.17 myself, on breezy? And BenC warned me about this? | 06:43 |
zooko | Well, instead I installed the kernel image from dapper, and all of its dependencies. | 06:44 |
zooko | It *almost* works. The only breakage that I can find is that one of my four hard drives is not detected. | 06:44 |
zooko | Unfortunately, I really need that one, so now I must dig myself out of this situation... | 06:44 |
zooko | Hm. No /proc/config.gz. | 06:45 |
zooko | Ah, and when I install linux-headers-2.6.15-12 I get this bug which Ben Collins has already assured me is impossible... | 06:53 |
zooko | https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.12/+bug/6384 | 06:53 |
zooko | Uh-oh. I upgraded dpkg and debfoster in order to see if this would make Ben's assertion true. | 06:58 |
zooko | Unfortunately it made it worse -- now I cannot back out of this situation anymore by using "dpkg --purge". | 06:58 |
zooko | Oh yes I can. I just need to dpkg --purge the *other* package instead of the new and uninstallable one. Good. | 06:59 |
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zooko | I do hope that linux-image-2.6.12-9-amd64-k8 from dapper universe will recognize my fourth hard drive so that I can copy my work from it. | 08:01 |
zul | shouldnt you have a backup plan? | 08:36 |
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=== aLeSD [n=alex@76.Red-88-5-94.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-kernel | ||
aLeSD | hi akk | 08:45 |
aLeSD | all | 08:45 |
aLeSD | I have a question | 08:45 |
aLeSD | why default kernels in ubuntu don't use preemtive? | 08:46 |
aLeSD | another one is I'm compiling the kernel by hands... but it gives a kernel panic on rootfs mounting ... I use the usually make && make modules_install. I think it's because the support for the filesystem in ubuntu kernel is all modular (the most). Now how could I create an initd file by hands? | 08:47 |
mjg59 | BenC: Waa NetworkManager oopses my kernel | 08:48 |
Mithrandir | hmm, they don't? | 08:48 |
mjg59 | (-12, -11 was fine) | 08:48 |
Mithrandir | $ grep CONFIG_PREEMPT= /boot/config-2.6.15-12-686 | 08:48 |
Mithrandir | CONFIG_PREEMPT=y | 08:48 |
BenC | mjg59: try -13, it should fix it | 08:49 |
aLeSD | Mithrandir: wow ... I have only the 6.12 in my repository | 08:50 |
BenC | daper kernels have preempt, not breezy | 08:51 |
BenC | dapper | 08:51 |
aLeSD | ok... could I compile my kernel by hand or I have to use make-kpkg | 08:52 |
aLeSD | ? | 08:52 |
aLeSD | ok ... stupid question... but It's my first time in ubuntu ... and i don't know how is it.. | 08:53 |
BenC | you can do whatever you want, but make-kpkg is prefered | 08:53 |
aLeSD | ok I understand .-... make-kpkg | 08:54 |
mjg59 | BenC: Is that in the archive? | 08:54 |
BenC | just uploaded today, so give it a few hours | 08:55 |
mjg59 | Ok | 08:55 |
BenC | I assume you are getting an oops about "BUG in ...ieee80211"? | 08:55 |
mjg59 | Yup | 08:55 |
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zooko | For what it is worth, when I upgrade to 2.6.15 from dapper, everything works except for my promise raid controller 0000:00:08.0 RAID bus controller: Promise Technology, Inc. PDC20378 (FastTrak 378/SATA 378) (rev 02) | 09:49 |
zooko | 09:49 | |
cjb | zooko: Is there a module for it? Anything in dmesg? | 09:53 |
zooko | There is a sata_promise module loaded. | 09:57 |
zooko | /var/log/syslog:Jan 19 13:33:13 yumyum kernel: [ 37.708288] sata_promise 0000:00:08.0: version 1.03 | 09:57 |
zooko | 09:57 | |
zooko | "1.03" is the version of the promise bios. Not sure if that is the same number as in my syslog there. | 09:57 |
BenC | modprobe sd_mod | 10:10 |
zooko | no output. sd_mod now appears in the output of lsmod. | 10:12 |
zooko | It might or might not have been in lsmod before that. | 10:12 |
=== zooko is now known as zookofamilytime | ||
BenC | are the drives connected sata drivers, or just ata? | 10:34 |
BenC | just so happens that I got 4 promise 150 SATA controller cards in the mail from a very nice user today :) | 10:35 |
BenC | my ATA drive doesn't appear to be recognized, but I assume that's because the controller driver doesn't support it (or maybe the controller doesn't) | 10:35 |
tkup | how can I use a function from the kernel include files inside my module? I tried including the header file itself, but it didn't solve the problem. For instance, I included linux/swap.h but couldn't use any of the extern functions. Can anyone tell what I'm doing wrong? | 10:57 |
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BenC | tkup: explain how you can't use it | 11:12 |
BenC | is it showing as unresolved when you load the module? | 11:12 |
BenC | if so, that's because the functions aren't exported for module use (with EXPORT_SYMBOL()) | 11:12 |
tkup | BenC, that's right. the function isn't exported out. Does it mean that there's no other way but to reimplement that function? | 11:14 |
BenC | you can add the EXPORT_SYMBOL to the file where the function is, and recompile the kernel | 11:14 |
tkup | or link against that module that implements it,,, | 11:14 |
cjb | tkup: Well, the obvious answer is to export it yourself, and persuade the kernel maintainers that it's needed by your code. | 11:15 |
BenC | but you really should email linux-kernel@vger.kernel.org to see if your use of the function is correct or not | 11:15 |
cjb | If you don't want to persuade them of that because you're not writing code for public consumption, it shouldn't be a problem to build your own kernel. ;-) | 11:15 |
BenC | tkup: unresolved functions in kernel modules like this isn't a matter of linker (ld) problems, it's the kernel enforcing what modules are allowed to do | 11:15 |
tkup | BenC, cjb I'm interested in add_to_swap. the module is already GPL but nothing to write home about... just working on something I thought was interesting to see it work | 11:16 |
BenC | I wouldn't reimplement the function (could create compatibility problems later on) | 11:17 |
BenC | really, you should email l-k about the function you are using, if you are interested in releasing the module | 11:17 |
BenC | see what they say about it, and maybe they could suggest the right way to handle it | 11:18 |
tkup | I guess I could do what you said for starters and see if the module is interested before I write lkml | 11:18 |
tkup | BenC, I'll email lkml and see if I should be using it at all | 11:18 |
tkup | thanks | 11:19 |
BenC | np | 11:20 |
BenC | sweet, I got pata working on the sata_promise driver | 11:49 |
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