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keithhhhhhhhhhHello ;)12:56
LaserJockhi keithhhhhhhhhh 12:57
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keithhhhhhhhhhlaser- have you been using ubuntu long?12:58
LaserJocksince Hoary12:58
keithhhhhhhhhhWhen is that?12:58
LaserJockumm, something like last May or early June12:59
keithhhhhhhhhhhehe ok12:59
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keithhhhhhhhhhlooks great so Im thinking about playing with it12:59
LaserJockhave you tried other linux distros before?12:59
keithhhhhhhhhha little01:00
keithhhhhhhhhhI can navigate 01:00
keithhhhhhhhhhI just like the concept of only one program per task...from what I understand that is Ubuntu01:00
keithhhhhhhhhhIve tried other distros01:01
keithhhhhhhhhhbut after installing I find it hellish figure what I actually installed01:01
keithhhhhhhhhhhmmm I trying to remember what the dos prompt is callled01:02
LaserJockwell, if you stick with it Ubuntu should be great01:02
keithhhhhhhhhhIs there any terminal applications in the base install of ubuntu?01:03
LaserJocksometimes you won't be necessarily used to the way things are done, but there is plenty of good documentation and help01:03
LaserJocksure, there are lots of terminal apps. But I think you should be able to do most everything without using the terminal01:03
LaserJocka lot of us find the terminal is very powerful though01:04
keithhhhhhhhhhoh ya sure01:04
keithhhhhhhhhhI just want to know if there is programs in the base install01:04
LaserJocklots of them01:04
LaserJocknot that you have to use them01:04
keithhhhhhhhhhIs there an decent Ubuntu book that can be puchased?01:04
keithhhhhhhhhhactually I like terminal programs too ;)01:05
LaserJockI think there are a few being written but I'm not sure if there is one out already01:05
LaserJockhelp.ubuntu.com is a good resource01:05
LaserJockas is the wiki: wiki.ubuntu.com01:05
keithhhhhhhhhhso then how the *(&())* will I know what I installed01:05
keithhhhhhhhhhcool thanks ;)01:05
LaserJockwell, you can look in the menu and you can look in synaptic (the package manager)01:06
keithhhhhhhhhhbookmarking those sites01:06
keithhhhhhhhhhya I could except the terminal programs arent listed01:06
LaserJockhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/UserDocumentation is a good place to start on the wiki01:07
keithhhhhhhhhhcool thanks01:07
LaserJockhmm, well. I wouldn't give up to soon. Sometimes the way linux does things is a bit different, but usually it is done for a good reason01:07
keithhhhhhhhhhdo you think it will work on a p200 with 80megs of ram?01:08
LaserJockummm, maybe. that's pretty marginal01:08
keithhhhhhhhhh(I tried a live disk on my current system p4 3.06 and of course it ran well)01:08
LaserJockusually linux uses a lot of RAM01:08
keithhhhhhhhhhya I was thinking that01:08
keithhhhhhhhhhya I noticed that also ;)01:09
keithhhhhhhhhhI have some free time next week so Im thinking about getting an old laptop01:10
keithhhhhhhhhhthrowing linux on it and putting it into the living room01:10
LaserJockanyway, the documentation at help.ubuntu.com (also in the menu at System -> Help) and the wiki should help you to figure out what programs do what01:11
LaserJockyou might consider Xubuntu01:11
keithhhhhhhhhhoh interesting I never heard of that01:11
keithhhhhhhhhhI assume Xubuntu runs off the x window system eh01:11
LaserJockit actually uses XFCE as the desktop instead of Gnome.01:12
LaserJockit is a bit lighter01:12
keithhhhhhhhhhnever heard of that XFCE01:12
LaserJockwhat you can do I think is do a server instal of Ubuntu which just installs the minimum amout of programs (maybe not even X)01:14
LaserJockand then you install xubuntu-desktop which pulls in the other programs you need.01:14
keithhhhhhhhhhthat would actually a really cool idea thanks01:15
LaserJockhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingXubuntu has more info01:15
LaserJockit might take a little bit of terminal work, but for an old computer it should work better01:16
keithhhhhhhhhhthanks for the advice01:17
keithhhhhhhhhhI need to make this as idiot proof as possible01:17
keithhhhhhhhhhbecause my family will use this for the internet also ;)01:17
keithhhhhhhhhhI think I need to make a list of essential software ;)01:18
LaserJockactually, if you do the xubuntu-install it should have most everything you will need01:18
keithhhhhhhhhhsounds great01:19
keithhhhhhhhhhIm reading right now :)01:19
tckanyone use xfce4 ?01:30
LaserJockI have in the past01:31
LaserJockbeen a while though01:31
tckthe xfce4-terminal01:31
tckit opens up quite large01:31
tckany way to make it smaller ?01:31
LaserJockhmm, I don't know I'm afraid. Sorry01:32
Burgworktck, you are better to ask in #xubuntu01:32
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LaserJockhi theCore 01:38
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theCoreGood evening, LaserJock 01:40
theCoreso, anything new?01:40
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LaserJockoh, lots of stuff in the MOTU world, not so much in the doc world01:40
theCoreeh ... we should do a doc-o-thon some day01:42
LaserJockI agree. I just need to get some real life work in there somewhere01:42
=== Burgwork invisions spinny flashing lights and ugly geeks
crimsunhey I protest that. I'm surrounded by attractive young ladies, thank you very much.01:43
Burgworksadly I am not01:43
theCoreBurgwork, were do you work?01:43
BurgworktheCore, Userful01:43
LaserJockI'm surrounded by lasers and machines, not a whole lot of people01:44
LaserJockthat's why I'm here. I can get my human contact ;-)01:44
=== crimsun chuckles
KyralJeez when is the installer coming out01:45
KyralThen I can start pulling my weight around here01:45
BurgworkKyral, RSN01:46
crimsun("real soon now")01:46
LaserJockdang it! 2 days in a row I've spilt cider on my desk. When will they make a geek-proof mug?01:46
Burgworkhttp://beaglewiki.org/Beagle_UI_Hackfest <-- take a look at the screenshot closely01:47
keithhhhhhhhhhif its alcoholic cider01:47
keithhhhhhhhhhthat would explain alot01:47
LaserJockkeithhhhhhhhhh: I don't even have that excuse01:48
theCorekeithhhhhhhhhh, do you know that you have too many `h' in your nick? ;)01:49
keithhhhhhhhhhya sick of typing in keith01:49
keithhhhhhhhhhonly to find out its taken01:49
keithhhhhhhhhhalso just started IRCing01:49
keithhhhhhhhhhI havent IRCed in a long time01:50
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theCoredo you really need the 7 other`h' ?01:51
theCoreBurgwork, sweet01:51
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theCoreBurgwork, is it just me or they are really using .NET ?01:59
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=== theCore wonder if there are some connection problems out there
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theCorejaguardawg, hi!02:59
jaguardawgcan i just ask a question whenever?02:59
jaguardawghas anyone else experienced a 'crc error' when trying to install ubuntu?03:00
theCorecrc error?03:01
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naliothhi y'all03:01
naliothwho is responsible for this >>> http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/index.html03:01
jaguardawgthat's what it said03:01
theCoreI don't did you tried the ask the #ubuntu03:01
jaguardawgi booted the computer, and chose 'enter', because i am not setting up a server03:01
jaguardawgwhere is that?03:02
theCoreat #ubuntu03:02
theCoreit is the official support channel03:02
jaguardawgit thought that was this channel?03:02
nalioththe reason i ask 'who is responsible' is that i find its layout disconcerting03:03
theCorehere is the documentation channel03:03
naliothjaguardawg: no, #ubuntu is the official support channel03:03
theCorenalioth, this is the old starter guide03:04
naliothit's still linked from help.ubuntu.com03:04
theCorethe new is located at http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/index.html03:05
theCorenew one*03:05
naliothall i'd like to point out (i'da fixed it myself if it was the wiki) is that the revisions should be down at the bottom03:05
naliothi've never been to h.u.c before now, and the first thing i click on for ubuntu starter guide is the above URL03:05
naliothif it's old, it doesnt need to be on h.u.c, yes?03:06
naliothi clicked on "ubuntu starter guide (multiple pages)"03:06
theCorehelp.ubuntu.com is updated at each release of ubuntu 03:06
nalioththeCore: that has nothing to do with this. i'd hope the h.u.c was updated more often than that03:07
theCoreBTW, the docteam doesn't really control h.u.c03:07
nalioththeCore: ok. who does then?03:07
theCorethe ubuntu webmasters03:08
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naliothi thought the doc team was in charge of all documentation (web, etc003:08
theCoretrue, but they control h.u.c03:09
theCorethey don't*03:09
theCorehowever, I don't know much about it03:09
nalioththis makes no sense to me. now i have to hunt up someone else03:10
theCoretry to send a email to the mailing-list03:10
naliothok, sorry to bother you folks03:10
naliothty for the info03:11
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theCorebshumate, do you know who are the folks that maintain help.ubuntu.com ?03:45
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Burgundaviasalut robitaille 06:16
robitailleBonsour Burgundavia06:20
robitailleor better bonsoir...06:20
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bhuvanping robotgeek06:41
robotgeekhey bhuvan 06:42
bhuvanrobotgeek, where are you from ?06:42
robotgeekbhuvan: india, now in TX06:42
bhuvancool! which city in india ?06:43
robotgeekbhuvan: you?06:44
bhuvanindia, chennai!06:44
robotgeeki am actually a tamilian :)06:44
bhuvanglad to hear and me too!06:44
robotgeekwhere in chennai? i have relatives there (mylapore, mambalam)06:45
bhuvani stay at adambakkam (near guindy)06:45
robotgeeknice, near the IIT?06:52
bhuvanrobotgeek, yep06:54
robotgeeknice bhuvan been there once or twice. not too smart to get in :)06:54
bhuvanilugc (indian linux user group of chennai) meet there every month06:55
robotgeekhmm, 3 years since i left home06:56
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ompaulmoin - brain is not working this morning, there is a function somewhere where people can click on a button to submit hardware anyone got docs on same?10:18
ompaulplease allow me rephrase that - anyone got a pointer to docs on same10:18
mdke_applications -> system tools -> Ubuntu Device Database -> Help10:19
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ompaulmdke_, sorry was working on other stuff, again thanks11:02
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jjessemorning mgalvin 03:13
mgalvinjjesse: good morning03:14
mgalvingood morning all03:14
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robotgeekdid anyone else come up with an idea for a screencast introduction to ubuntu (or maybe someone did, and decided that it would not fit on the CD?)04:43
=== Kyral pegs a Documentation Bounty
jjessei don't think that was ever finalized?04:46
robotgeeki think it would be nice, and people might prefer to do screencasts, rather than document04:48
=== robotgeek goes to compile xvidcap
mdkethere is one in the works04:53
mdkea flash presentation which runs during the install, i think04:53
mdkedunno if it will happen04:53
robotgeekwhy flash?04:54
robotgeekGPL Flash needs to get more stable, i think04:54
mdkethey are gonna keep it simple04:55
robotgeeki'll try out amd maybe submit statistics on sizes and etc04:55
mdkethe technical side is being handled by a professional i think04:55
jjessei hope first they remove the require to be connected to the internet to have a nice and easy install :(04:56
jjessedo you know how much of a pain it is to be a dial-up user trying to install dapper?04:56
robotgeekah okay, i'll  stick to the docs then 04:56
robotgeekjjesse: really, you mean for the universe stuff?04:57
jjesserobotgeek: no i mean for a basic install, when you install dapper it goes out to the internet to download a release file which didn't occur during breezy install04:57
jjesseand if you aren't connected via a network to high speed or something like that you have to do an "expert" mode04:58
robotgeekjjesse: hmm, i did not notice that04:58
jjesserobotgeek: do you have highspeed?04:58
jjesseor broadband?04:59
robotgeekyeah, adsl04:59
jjessetry an install w/o connected to the internet04:59
robotgeekhmm, okay. i have a flight3 install pending, for kubuntu05:00
jjesseit also scnas the different repositories when configuring apt which means once again internet connectivity :(05:00
mgalvinjjesse: by the time dapper is released that should be fixed... the installer should not need the inet05:01
jjessemgalvin: it was/is a frustrating part of installing dapper05:01
mgalvini understand... i have cable... but oh man i remember those painful dialup days05:02
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robotgeekscreencasting lacks a good tool :) 05:25
robotgeeki'll stick to screenshots + text documentation . back to the wiki05:25
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mdkehey jeffsch 09:09
jeffschhey man09:09
jeffschhowz it goin?09:10
mdkegood thanks09:10
mdkei'm just on my way out, just wanted to say thanks for sorting out some stuff in generic/09:10
mdkewrt the Makefile, we don't need packageguide or serverguide in there because they'll be called by the ubuntu/kubuntu Makefiles09:10
mdkecurrently for the preview server they are in ubuntu/Makefile09:11
mdkeanyhow, hope you're well, got to run09:11
robotgeeklater mdke 09:11
robotgeekAm i blind, or are these two pages same https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OrinocoMonitorKismet2005Hoary 09:21
robotgeekhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/CategoryCleanup 220 22109:21
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mgalvinin case anyone is interested i just wrote up (on my blog) how to use qemu to create vmware images and use them with vmware player so it can all be done freely10:07
mgalvini find it useful for testing and taking my screen shots10:07
mgalvinmy blog (for now)10:07
jjessemgalvin: awesome, i use qemu all the time running dapper and debian in qemu right now10:08
jjessewhat is your blog page10:08
KyralMake one I meant lol10:08
KyralYea! Now I can do a LFS Install :D10:09
Kyralwithout messing with my parts ;P10:09
mgalvinKyral, i'll clean it up and make a wiki page when i have some more free time10:09
Kyralwhat blogservice is that?10:09
Kyralgak no Debpack for VMWare Player10:11
mgalvinKyral: it my own hosted site and i am just using wordpress10:12
jjesseyou have to download it from vmare.com10:12
KyralNO DEBPACK ;P10:12
KyralJust RPM and Tarball10:12
KyralNow I can test MANY distros :D10:14
KyralSuSE here I come ;P10:14
mgalvini worked out how to do it b/c qemu is simply to slow for me to deal with when i reinstall dapper so often :)10:16
KyralI just wanna try SuSE10:16
Kyraland maybe give Gentoo another whirl10:16
KyralI wonder how much those images can be compressed?10:16
mgalvinnot sure10:17
LaserJockmgalvin: so you just install into the vmware using an .iso?10:17
mgalvinLaserJock: yup (or a physical CD if you want)10:18
mgalvinide1:0.fileName = /home/mgalvin/Desktop/dapper-install-i386.iso10:18
mgalvinjust set that line to the location of the iso you want to use10:18
LaserJockmgalvin: do you think a liveCD would work?10:18
mgalvinLaserJock: um, i didn't try yet, but it should probably work10:19
LaserJockI have .iso from a couple of liveCD's that I wanted to test. That might work well10:20
LaserJockI'll have to try it out10:20
mgalvingo for it, let me know how it turns out10:20
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mgalvini'll probably try it when i get home too10:21
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Kyral..how would I mount 5 SuSE Install CDs?10:33
Kyralin VMWare..10:34
mgalvinKyral: ouch... um, there should be a way to switch the iso image, lemme check10:35
mgalvinOR, use a dvd iso10:35
KyralDVD Iso Not on my local mirror ;P10:36
crimsunshould be on umn.edu, though, and you have I2 to there10:37
KyralYah I actuallu lol10:37
crimsunnearly all US unis are on i210:37
Kyralwhat is it Mirror?10:37
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crimsunmirror.cs.umn.edu, which seems to be hosed atm?10:38
LaserJockmdke: did you see the link for bug 29162 ?10:39
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BurgundaviaLaserJock, how good is your Ubuntu server knowledge?10:44
BurgundaviaKyral, what about you ^10:45
LaserJockuhh, what do you mean?10:45
Kyralyou mean like running a server?10:45
KyralOr the Package itself?10:45
Burgundaviawriting some stuff on it10:45
KyralI know some about SSH10:45
Kyraland IPTables10:45
Kyralbut I haven't really messed with server10:46
Kyralthough I have been meaning too10:46
BurgundaviaLaserJock, do you think you could write a piece on the server?10:47
LaserJockI really don't know anything about servers10:47
Burgundaviaah, ok10:47
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KyralI could learn hehehe10:47
KyralVMWare here I come ;P10:47
LaserJockBurgundavia: you might try a call for contribution from -motu or -devel10:47
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mgalvinlater all10:58
LaserJockdarn, he left11:01
LaserJockI can't get his .vmx to work11:01
Burgundaviaanybody got an email for bhuvan?11:02
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Burgundavianever mind11:03
KyralLRM wasn't updated...so I had to recompile the NVidia Module11:06
LaserJockI just switched to nv for a while 11:07
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robotgeekBurgundavia: ping12:01
Burgundaviarobotgeek, pongers12:01
LaserJockmgalvin: here?12:01
mgalvinLaserJock: yup, whats up12:02
robotgeekBurgundavia: do you think it's a good idea to move all the wireless configuration pages to something like a WirelessHardware/<Chipset>12:02
LaserJockmgalvin: your vmware thing worked for a livecd. The only thing is I had to replace all the quotes12:02
Burgundaviarobotgeek, sounds sane to me12:02
BurgundaviaLaserJock, you can use qemu to do a livecd as well12:02
LaserJockBurgundavia: that's what i'm doing12:03
mgalvinLaserJock: sweet :)12:03
robotgeekBurgundavia: of course, redirects will be in place12:03

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