
RiddellTonio_: did you have any changes to the konqueror setup?12:16
Tonio_Riddell: not actually, but I think about it....12:18
Tonio_I few ideas in my heads12:18
raphinkwelcome JRe :)12:20
JRehi raphink 12:20
raphinkhow are you JRe ?12:20
JRefine! and you?12:20
raphinkgood :)12:20
JReI am about to release keep 0.2.3 ;)12:21
raphinkJRe: put you as admin, feel free to change things around12:21
JReraphink: ok12:21
Tonio_JRe: last version before accepted to universe ? ^^12:22
JReTonio_: yes ;)12:22
JReTonio_: and with po files now :)12:23
JReTonio_: (br, da, el, ga, pt, sv)12:23
raphinkand sv?12:24
raphinkwhat are these?12:24
Riddellel might be greek12:26
Riddellga could be gaelic but I suspect not12:26
JReRiddell: ga is gaelic12:32
RiddellJRe: real Gaelic or Irish Gaelic?12:35
JReRiddell: Irish one12:36
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=== Topic for #kubuntu-devel: UVF on Thursday | Flight 3 out || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperGoals || http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu || Join: http://www.last.fm/group/Kubuntu+Developers/
=== Topic (#kubuntu-devel): set by Riddell at Tue Jan 17 10:51:36 2006
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Tm_Tgood morning05:25
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viviersfRiddell, ping10:20
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Riddellviviersf: pong11:02
viviersfthe callender in kontact etc11:03
viviersfscheduling meetings / reminders11:03
viviersfwhy does it use the system clock and not kde's clock ?11:03
RiddellKDE doesn't have a clock11:06
Riddellthere is only the system clock11:06
viviersfkde time11:16
viviersfis not the same as the system clock11:17
viviersfcos you can choose timezones11:17
viviersfthen you want the alarm to go off on the correct time11:17
viviersfbut it doesnt cos the system time is different11:17
Riddellyou can tell the clock applet to show a different timezone11:18
Riddellbut that doesn't change anything else, just what the clock applet shows you11:18
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Tonio_hi raphink , hi all11:32
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Tonio_Riddell: JRe's application is waiting or you (when you have time) :) http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=160112:36
Riddellooh, cool12:37
Tonio_I'm gonna be the official maintainer, cause JRe asked me, and I will probably post a ITP todebian12:38
freeflying_Riddell: hi12:43
Riddellhi freeflying_ 12:44
freeflying_Riddell:  got cd from you12:44
freeflying_Riddell: thx12:44
Riddellfreeflying_: cool12:45
freeflying_Riddell: I'd ask the maininclusionreport of scim again . :)12:46
Riddellfreeflying_: is skim still broken in dapper?12:47
freeflying_Riddell: skim should recompile against scim-1.4.412:48
freeflying_Riddell: I have no problem with scim or skim in dapper now 12:48
Riddellfreeflying_: is this still a problem? https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/qt-x11-free/+bug/2859001:00
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freeflyingRiddell: I had a test on that bugs again ,scim and skim work well in any condition01:13
Riddellfreeflying: there's a community council meeting at 21:00UTC today, you should go for membership01:16
freeflyingRiddell: 21:00UTC means UTC+0 time ?01:17
Riddelluse  `date --utc` to find out utc time01:17
Riddellit's in 8 hours and 40 minutes01:18
freeflyingRiddell: how shall I do to apply for that ? thx01:19
Riddellfreeflying: read https://wiki.kubuntu.org/NewMemberHowto01:20
Riddellthen add your name after Tonio_ to https://wiki.kubuntu.org/CommunityCouncilAgenda01:20
Riddellmake sure your wiki page is up to date and shows what you've been doing for kubuntu01:21
Riddelland turn up at the meeting where you'll be asked to introduce what you do01:21
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Riddelltest 3.5.1 for dapper!  deb http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/kde351-dapper-testing/ ./02:11
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freeflyingRiddell: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Freeflying02:37
Riddellfreeflying: looks great02:39
freeflyingRiddell: thx02:39
viviersfRiddell, kde 3.5.1 out ????02:41
Riddellbut not seth or jpatrick for membership02:41
Riddellviviersf: not yet, still in testing02:41
viviersfbut almost ?02:41
Riddellviviersf: don't have an exact date but end of this week or early next I'd say02:42
viviersfkewl stuff02:42
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apokryphosTonio_: you should add klibido to the list on your wiki. It's been my (and a lot of others') saving grace 8)02:59
apokryphosah, actually looks like you have the labelling wrong -- klibido is labelled as "Amarok Webfront", while all the other info is there. Changing that....03:00
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Tonio_apokryphos: I'm just working on it :)03:03
Tonio_My wiki is really unmaintained at the moment :)03:03
apokryphosah, ok03:03
apokryphosneedless to say, pretty impressive :P03:03
Tonio_I just had lots of time in a period ;)03:11
\shRiddell: I checked qt4 , and removed the build dep on xlibs-static-dev...should be ok now to install...03:26
\shRiddell: oh and removed the xlibs-static-pic dependency of libqt4-dev03:27
Riddell\sh: thanks03:28
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\shRiddell: if it's ok, I'll upload03:28
Riddell\sh: please do03:30
\shRiddell: done03:31
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jjessewow 400 packages need to updated from a fresh install of flight 303:52
jsgotangcoits worth it though03:54
jsgotangcobut i still have to reconfigure my interfaces everytime i boot :/03:55
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Tonio_Riddell: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AnthonyMercatante <- is it okay or should I detail a bit more according to you ?04:34
RiddellTonio_: looks good04:38
Tonio_Riddell: thanks04:39
jsgotangcooohhh 04:42
mornfallwhat's with those wiki pages?04:52
Tonio_mornfall: certain of us are introducing at the CC toonight, and that requires a clean wiki page04:56
jsgotangcoprobably for CC04:56
Riddellthey're going for ubuntu membership04:56
Riddellcommunity council04:56
=== mornfall shakes head... what's that
Riddella council of elite ubuntu people who approve membreships and are used to decide on difficult community issues04:57
Riddellor give advice04:57
mornfallwhat does ubuntu membership mean?04:58
Riddellit's a recognition of your contribution to ubuntu04:59
Riddellit also means you get to vote on the community council members04:59
mornfallah, ok04:59
Riddelland it's the first step towards developer access to universe then main (which is approved by the technical board)05:00
Riddellalso some groups use it as a way of giving access, like the ubuntu doc svn archive 05:00
jsgotangcowe're not as elite as devels like Riddell but we do have server access to some sorts :)05:01
jsgotangcoRiddell, hmm speakin of doc, are there going to be more menu changes in coming milestones?05:02
Riddelljsgotangco: the k-menu?05:03
jsgotangcoRiddell, yep05:03
Riddelljsgotangco: I don't expect so no05:03
=== jsgotangco is sex'ing up the quickguide at the moment
Riddellexcellent :)05:04
jsgotangcoyeah i figure i'll be able to put it just in time for flight 405:04
alleeTonio_: impressive wiki.  When this get's minimum standard I'll never dare to apply for membership05:05
Tonio_allee: are you kidding ? I've searched your name on Google, your free software contribution is by far greater that what I would ever do in my dreams :)05:06
jsgotangcowhat is the  "I feel lucky" result? :)05:09
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RiddellMez: how are backports controlled?05:15
Mezhow do you mea n?05:15
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Riddellif I want to use backports for KDE 3.5.1 I would need to be able to control it so the backports appeared at just the right time for relesae05:16
Riddellis that possible?05:16
MezRiddell as long as the package were to build on both Dapper and Breezy - theoretically yes05:16
MezJames just gives them to the buldd's from dapper05:16
Mezwe poke james - james gives the packages from dapper to the buildds to build for breezy05:17
Mezmy p isnt working05:17
RiddellMez: where do the build logs appear?05:18
Mez same place as they appear usually05:18
Riddellhow responsive is elmo to requests?05:19
Mezhe's pretty responsive to requests05:19
Mezput it this way05:19
Mezthe last upload you did of katapult is already backported05:19
Mezbut I'm sure if you get him before and ask him nicely then it'll be cool05:19
Mezthough - you've gotta be sure that the dapper source will build on breezy too05:20
Mezbecause thats what our job is05:20
Mezhence why people cant just willy nilly request them05:20
Mezbut it'd be uber to see it in backports05:20
Riddellthe difficult bit is control magling05:21
Mezhowever - is this going to be similar to problems before ... ?05:21
Mezcontrol magling ?05:21
Riddellsince breezy meeds c2 arts and kdelibs and dapper needs c2a05:21
Mezwhy it need to be angles05:21
Riddellso debian/control needs different versions based on distro05:21
Mezyeah that would be a PITA05:21
Riddellwhich I guess is possible using something simliar to the cdbs control.in thingy05:21
MezI've never tried05:22
Riddellno, me neither :)05:22
MezIf you can make it so it builds fine on breezy with no problems from dapper source05:22
Mezgo for it05:22
MezI'll be happy to hae it in backports05:22
Mezbut - if it requires any manual changes05:22
Mezthen not really possible05:22
jsgotangcoi gotta sleep good night05:23
Riddellnight jsgotangco 05:23
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jpatrickfreeflying: ping06:04
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nlindbladjpatrick: ping06:24
jpatricknlindblad: evening06:25
nlindbladhow are you?06:25
alleejpatrick: hi06:25
jpatrickoh, fine, (better than sometimes)06:25
jpatrickallee: hello, sir06:25
alleejpatrick: you know what I want to ask ;)06:26
alleejpatrick: didn't read e-mail? ;)  What's the status of kmplayer?06:26
teprrrany developers around who could look at my packages?06:27
teprrrand how to deal debian packages made by the author of the application if I'd like to get them into ubuntu repos?06:27
jpatrickallee: Oh, (haven't got round to checking mail) trying to get the debian/*.install files to put the binaries into the right packages06:27
alleeteprrr: I'm not aware that this makes a difference06:28
teprrrallee, mmh..06:28
alleejpatrick: that's fun I know.  utils.mk has a list-missing target of something that help you find missing files06:28
jpatrickallee: so far it makes one big package and three empty packages06:29
alleejpatrick: have a look at kdesvn kmplayer has a debian dir and *.install files06:30
mornfallTonio_: ping06:30
jpatrickallee: I'm using those ones06:30
Tonio_mornfall: pong06:30
mornfallTonio_: what license is attached to your adept icons?06:31
mornfallTonio_: and please give some reasonable copyright line :)06:31
Tonio_mornfall: never thought about it, but of course gpl :)06:31
alleejpatrick: oh,  mhmm, I rebuild them once lemme check ...06:31
=== jpatrick checks mail
mornfallTonio_: bah, that's 3rd license in adept :|06:31
mornfallTonio_: could they be LGPL or BSD? :-)06:31
Riddellicons in KDE should be at least LGPL normally06:32
Tonio_hum, even though I know the main differences between lgpl and gpl concerning the source code06:32
Tonio_I don't know what it can change for an icon....06:33
mornfalli'd guess under gpl, things like screenshot would be dubious :)06:33
Tonio_mornfall: consider that the icons are yours, and part of the global program, so use the same global licence ;)06:33
Tonio_if it is lgpl, then go with it....06:33
mornfallthat'd be BSD, thanks :)06:33
mornfallthe nuvola icons are under LGPL06:34
mornfallit doesn't really matter much06:34
alleejpatrick: mhm, after debuild,  does ls `cat debian/kmplayer*.install` work?06:34
mornfalli just need to stick something into debian/copyright06:34
Tonio_I absolutly don't mind... it is not like if I had put 3000 lignes of C06:34
Riddellteprrr: give us a URL and we'll look at the package06:34
Riddellteprrr: revu is best06:34
jpatrickRiddell: I'll be there06:34
alleejpatrick: last was wrong.  needs |awk too ...06:34
Tonio_but thanks for asking mornfall ;)06:35
Riddellteprrr: doesn't matter who makes the package but generally its best to keep the debian directory out of the .orig06:35
jpatrickallee: okay I'll give that a bash06:35
Riddelljpatrick: yay!06:35
jpatrickRiddell: how long does it take to become an MOTU? ;)06:35
Riddelljpatrick: dunno, back in my day I just turned up and asked06:36
Riddellbut then I was the first06:36
Riddellusually a couple of months of packaging experience or so06:36
alleejpatrick: ls `cat debian/wlassistant.install | awk '{print $1}'`  # > /dev/null # to only see the wrong paths06:36
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Riddelljpatrick: so turn up at the next tech board and I'll support you there too06:36
Riddellhello _maydayjay_ 06:36
teprrrRiddell, http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1581 & http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=156806:37
mornfallTonio_: i hope you have ircname set right, since that's what i am using for Copyright ;-)06:37
teprrrRiddell, well. the author distributes the debian dir on his source tarball, and that's where the debian package is created06:37
jpatrickRiddell: yes, sir06:37
teprrrpbuilder seems to build the package fine.. just changed compat 4->5 and changed relevant debhelper requirement06:38
Riddelljpatrick: I'm not knighted06:38
Tonio_mornfall: it is my real name06:39
mornfallTonio_: that's good06:39
=== mornfall hopes he got attribution in debian/copyirght right this time
mornfallthis is about the 3rd time i'm fixing it06:40
jpatrickallee: that won't work using pbuilder...06:42
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pefRiddell: heya06:45
=== jpatrick adds tech meeting to calendar
Riddellpef: coming to the community meeting tonight at 21:00UTC?06:48
Riddellwe've got a few people to support into membership06:49
pefRiddell: it's in about 2 hours, isn't it ?06:49
pefarg, won't have net access, again.06:51
Riddellwhy not?06:51
pefRiddell: since several months my car is broken, so my girlfriend comes on evening to bring me at her home, and on morning she can drives me to work. And she hasn't net access for now06:57
pefthat's why I'm never connected on evening after 8/9pm :/06:57
jpatrickallee: I think I found the problem - I'm going to pbuild it before putting it into REVU06:58
mornfallRiddell: btw, in case adept gets into unstable, could it be synced from there?06:59
mornfallRiddell: or do you want to do separate uploads?06:59
Riddellmornfall: either is fine, just whichever is best depending on timing07:00
mornfallRiddell: there's http://lorien.mornfall.net:8012/m/ept_1.88.2.tar.gz which fixes the evil crasher07:00
mornfallRiddell: but it needs libapt-front 0.3.5 07:01
mornfallRiddell: which means that one needs to be synced from unstable07:01
Riddellmornfall: dapper has libapt-front 0.3.5ubuntu107:02
Riddellmornfall: we also have ept 1.89ubuntu107:05
mornfallRiddell: 89? interesting :)07:05
mornfallRiddell: bump versions as appropriate then07:05
mornfalldoes ubuntu need to have a higher version than corresponding debian one? and couldn't it be done with +ubuntu?07:06
Riddellneed for what?07:06
mornfallno damn idea07:07
mornfallbut 0.3.4 debian -> 0.3.5ubuntu107:07
mornfallept 1.88 -> 1.89ubuntu107:07
Riddellthe ubuntu1 is the bump in version number, the other version number is the upstream bit which is whatever you gave me07:08
mornfallhmm, really? then i must have confused something07:09
mornfallsince alpha 1 is 1.88 and alpha 2 1.89 in the roadmap07:09
Riddelloh.  hum.07:09
mornfalli also have 1.88 in my debian/changelog07:09
Riddelllooks like it was my fault07:09
mornfallno matter07:10
mornfallas for libapt-front, i may as well forgot about the ubuntu release and use 0.3.5 again07:11
mornfalli'd say for adept, keep the versions on 1.89ubuntuX till alpha 207:12
mornfalland for libapt-front, 0.3.5ubuntu2 for what is 0.3.5 in debian07:12
mornfallIIRC the 0.3.5ubuntu1 was a sort of pre-release for adept alpha anyway07:13
Riddellteprrr: 1 comment http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=158107:19
=== pef is now known as pef_aw
nlindbladman, 26.5GiB now07:22
nlindbladand it's only been a week07:23
jjesseis that downloads from a mirror nlindblad 07:25
nlindbladseeding the torrents for i386 (both Live and Install)07:26
teprrrRiddell, you mean upstream of kde port or upstream of _the original_?07:27
teprrrRiddell, kde port has it there. should I move it into debian/ anyway?07:27
Riddellteprrr: the alphawin package has it there?07:28
Riddellteprrr: how come you need a custom install rule then?07:28
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teprrrRiddell, well, original package from kdelook has it. and for me it looks like it isn't installing the file at all.07:36
teprrrRiddell, and just confirmed, it isn't installing the scheme file at all :)07:37
Riddellteprrr: str07:37
Riddellteprrr: strange07:37
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Riddellteprrr: but solved the problem then, I'll approve it07:37
Riddellteprrr: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1581 approved!07:39
Riddellteprrr: poke someone else into reviewing, pef_aw or raphink maybe07:39
Riddellthen we can upload07:39
=== pef_aw is now known as pef
pefteprrr: will review it07:40
pefOn Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL'07:41
pefteprrr: just add -2 to the path07:41
pefOn Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL'07:41
Riddellpef: why does he need to do that?07:41
teprrrpef, Riddell said earlier to use GPL, as -2 is too restrictive or something :P07:42
teprrrit used to be -2 :)07:42
teprrr(gotten from some example file)07:42
pefoh ok07:43
pefthe rest of the package is ok for me07:43
Riddellteprrr: a couple of minor issues here http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=156807:44
teprrrRiddell, nice :)07:44
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teprrrfor what are those docs & dirs used actually? they're from dh_make I think.. :P07:45
Riddellteprrr: docs are files that should go into /usr/share/doc/<packagename> but debhelper looks for some common filenames even without it07:45
Riddelland dirs is for when there's nothing else making a needed directory, but that's not the case here07:45
Riddellsince make install will make it07:46
teprrrunderstood, removed them07:46
Riddellmake sure you test it still, I could be wrong07:46
teprrryup, compiling now07:47
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Riddellteprrr: kwin-style-alphacube uploaded, thanks for your package07:56
Riddellteprrr: it'll go into the NEW queue where it'll be checked for sanity in the next couple of days07:57
Riddellthen you need to make sure it compiles correctly07:57
Riddellby watching the buildlogs07:57
Riddellthen you can relax07:57
teprrrookay, thanks :)07:58
=== jpatrick hopes his parents don't turn off the net
teprrrjpatrick, how's that?07:59
jpatrickteprrr: I have to do homework08:00
teprrrouch :/08:01
alleeteprrr: remove cdbs_kde_enable_debug = --disable-debug,  no longer needed.  Was and is a hack08:01
teprrrallee, hmm.08:02
jpatrickallee, Riddell: kmplayer in REVU08:02
alleeteprrr: copyright holder: no year specified08:02
teprrrallee, you're talking about kboggle or alphacube?08:02
jpatrickallee: still have to apply the guys suggested patches08:03
alleeteprrr: alphacube.  I introduced this hack long ago to work around a cdbs 'bug' that's fixed08:03
alleeteprrr: shouldn't there be a depend or at least enhances on kwin?  Pkg useless without I assume08:05
teprrr2005-2006 Ciccio Bueo <saccaro@email.it> 2005-2006 (Original) -- something like this?08:06
jjesseRiddell: can you please change the style sheet for quickguide08:06
jjesseand make it look as good as releasenotes?08:06
teprrrallee, Depends: kdelibs4c2a (>= 4:3.5.0), kwin (>= 4:3.5-rc1-1) at least in here08:07
alleeteprrr: oh, only looked at the diff. Interesting that kwin get's pulled in.  Ah kwin contains lots of libs too. Sorry for false alarm08:08
teprrrokay. so, should I just add copyright years like that and reput it into revu?08:09
alleeyeap. Listing 2005-2006 once is enough: (C) 2005-2006 Ciccio Bueo <saccaro@email.it> (Original)08:12
=== jpatrick plays with his guitar to pass the time
teprrrthough the port was made on 2005 and haven't updated.. should I still put 2006 there?08:13
alleeteprrr: no. Only 2005  And make sure that this copyright listed in upstream tarball.  Contributor are free to contribute without copyright08:14
alleeteprrr: add only (and all) copyright you find in the tarball.  If someone obviously forgot to add it remind them ;)08:15
=== theine [n=theine@d166095.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
teprrrhmm, see no copyrights other than in sources..08:17
teprrrbut the kde-look uploader isn't shown there..08:17
theineHi, does klaptop_acpi_helper actually make use of the scripts in /etc/acpi ?08:17
teprrrjust two other guys I haven't mentioned08:17
alleeteprrr: add the two.  If kde-look uploader is a contributor remind him to add copyright (if we want's)08:18
teprrrhmm, can I encode the file to utf8?08:24
teprrrdebian/copyright I mean?08:24
alleeteprrr: afaik it's expected to be utf-808:27
alleeteprrr: lintian complains Alphacube.kcsrc is executable08:30
teprrrallee, mmh. it was in orig, but I changed that :P08:32
teprrrbut umh, I should do something about it in debian/rules, correct?08:32
=== allee wonders why dh_fixperms does not
alleerepair it08:34
alleeteprrr: echo readme >> debian/docs08:34
alleeand ask upstream add 0.3 changes also to readme. (and kindly suggest to use README for next release ;)08:36
teprrrso, how should I repair the permissions?08:37
teprrrcommented on kdelook about those issues now08:38
Riddellmornfall: new adept looks good, I'm ok to upload?08:39
alleeteprrr: hmm, hack.  install rule add a chmod 644 Alphacube.kcsrc08:41
Tonio__allee: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1610 ajmitch uploaded kmplayer, excellent ;)08:42
\shallee: should be better to fix upstreams makefile :)_08:42
jpatrickTonio__: what?08:42
Tonio__jpatrick: sorry for the name confusion ;)08:43
Tonio__jpatrick uploaded it...08:43
=== Tonio__ has his head today
jpatrickwow, that was fast08:43
jpatrickthought someone stole my package for a second08:44
allee\sh: I prefer little hack in rules and pester upstream08:45
mornfallRiddell: you are asking if you can upload? or saying you are ok to upload? :) either way, feel free to go ahead :)08:45
Tonio_jpatrick: I'm a bit dyslectic with names, assume that there 4 letters in common, and I can make the confusion08:45
\shallee: new package? then it should be time to let upstream fix it before :)08:45
Tonio_jpatrick: I've always done that ;)08:45
Riddellmornfall: just confirming that's what you intended, uploading :)08:45
jpatrickTonio_: not in dapper-changes08:46
allee\sh good point.08:46
jpatrickTonio_: oh, now I understand08:47
Tonio_jpatrick, ajmitch -> there are j, a, t, i and c.... to much for me when I'm tired ^_^08:48
alleeteperr:  relibtoolization can't hurt either.  it depends on ~ 2 dozend pkgs (as usual with upstream libtool)08:49
alleeteprrr: FSF address is outdated in source.08:52
allee--> upstream todo08:53
teprrrallee, oh. in copyright file?08:53
teprrrallee, it came from some template I think08:53
alleeteprrr: in kwin/*.cpp,h08:54
RiddellFSF really should just get a PO Box08:54
teprrrallee, oh yes. those file are from kde.. think it's been taken care of by kde devels08:55
alleeteprrr: kde svn clean up the svn repo since weeks to use the new address.  Is the pkg in kde svn?08:56
teprrrallee, no it isn't.. and this deco is generated with some generator, which uses old stuff I think :(08:57
teprrrnow everything else but that address thing is fixed08:59
alleeteprrr: just make upstream aware of it.  So it gets fixed.  09:01
alleeteprrr: no more comments from my side on the pkg09:03
alleeteprrr: ah, one suggestion: I usually add a debian/TODO file, where I note stuff like the chmod hack, outdated fsf address, so I don't forget about them09:05
teprrrah, great idea.. added :)09:06
alleejpatrick: you should merge upstream's debian/changelog.09:10
teprrrshould I then proceed with bumping the package version and resend to revu?09:10
Riddellhttp://kubuntuforums.net/  yikes, what have they do to the logo09:10
jpatrickRiddell: it's not my fault09:10
alleeteprrr: not sure.  ask \sh ;)  I would prefer a ++ so I can easily use interdiff, but I'm don't know REVU convenstions for this09:11
teprrrallee, okay. thanks.09:12
Riddelljust upload to revu, revu can do a debdiff for you09:12
teprrroh, okay. :)09:12
jpatrickRiddell: so we're going to use Moodin for Dapper's splash?09:14
Riddelljpatrick: that's the plan, if it ever gets through main inclusion review09:14
alleejpatrick: build-dep on xlibs-dev. 09:15
jpatrickRiddell: the author of the cool theme at kde-look is planning to GPL his theme09:15
alleejpatrick: replace with proper new xlibraries 09:15
Riddelljpatrick: URL?09:16
alleejpatrick: check the depends. Koos made it work on sarge and sid with  libinsarge|libinsid contructs.  Needs cleanup IMHO09:17
jpatrickRiddell: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=2942609:18
jpatrickallee: oKay09:18
Riddelljpatrick: yeah, I like that one.  have you e-mailed him?09:19
alleejpatrick: I'm also not sure if the pkg is optiomal.  the kmplayer meta pkgs is for my taste not needed09:19
Riddellalthough canonical might be doing the artwork09:19
teprrrhttp://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1611 -- here we go again09:19
jjessethat splash is cool09:19
teprrrfullscreen splash would be bercool :)09:20
jpatrickRiddell: no but: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=81.msg10996#msg1099609:20
Riddellarg, you made me see that new kubuntuforums logo again!09:21
Riddell"next week or so" last november09:21
jpatricklast november?09:22
\shhow doomed is this...that's ugly like hell...it should be removed, or the maintainer should be sued for using kubuntu as name09:22
Riddelloh no, read the wrong date09:22
\shbut http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=29426 this is really nice..09:23
jpatrick\sh, Riddell : and matching KDM: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=2933109:23
\shor we should make a blue "hal 9000" cam eye :) and greeting the "going to login" user with: "Hello Dave (aka <real username>"09:23
\shjpatrick: yeah...that's the one we need...very professional09:24
Riddellwe just need to keep poking him to make it GPL or the like09:26
=== jpatrick tracks author down
Tonio_\sh: wow, that's really much better than the actual !09:28
alleejpatrick: kmplayer docs should not depend on the application, All long and short descriptions need a bit of work, rules files need clean up (why not cdbs?), *.docs and *.dirs are not needed, files listed there are installed by default and the dirs created by make instal 09:29
jpatrickallee: I don't like cdbs09:29
\shRiddell: do you want to write an email to him? or should I try?09:30
jpatrick\sh: I was just gonna do that09:30
alleejpatrick: fine, your choice of course, so just a rules cleanup ;)09:30
\shjpatrick: ok :) 09:30
Riddellwell lets not bombard him with e-mails :)09:30
\shjpatrick: please mention riddell and me, too, and others as big fans of his design, and that he will be the famous person of Kubuntu Dapper Drake...we will honor him with zillions of free kubuntu cds, directly shipped from canonical ;) signed by mark and the whole crew including launchpad guys, and a voice message from RMS and Linus Torvalds..09:32
jpatrickI'll quote the chat here too09:32
\shdon't he will have those cds then...and I'm just fooling around :)09:33
jpatricknot the last bit tho09:33
\shI'm just excited, because today I was in an office again after more then one month..seeing people, working with people, having nice girls around me...one actually is from ZA....09:34
jpatrick\sh: having girls around you? Lucky - the one I like is ignoring me most of the time09:34
\shjpatrick: yes, around me...but, to be honest, I would say no, if she would ask me to have a date or something else...I'm too old for those young ones :) 23 is too young for an old fart like me09:36
jpatrickwill his name be mentioned somewhere?09:41
\shjpatrick: release notes?09:41
jpatrickapart from debian/copyright for kubuntu-default-settings09:42
jpatrick22 mins to CC meeting!09:43
\shjpatrick: riddell and I will write a blog entry as well about him, when he is changing the license...so he is famous on planet.ubuntu.com and on planetkde.org, too :)09:44
jpatrickand I have a send button to push here...09:44
jpatrick\sh: okay... sure?09:45
jpatrickI don't want him bashing me later on :)09:46
\shI can't speak about riddel, but I will write a blog entry about him and his license change and that we are proud to present etc. and I think a mentioning in the release notes should be possible, but riddel must decide this09:47
jpatrickI'll just say "You might be mentioned in the release notes"09:47
\shjpatrick: very good :)09:48
jpatrickok, signed message sent09:49
jpatricknow to play the waiting game09:49
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freeflying_jpatrick: ping10:05
jpatrickfreeflying_: hello10:05
jpatrickfreeflying_: do you have to names at Last.fm?10:06
freeflying_jpatrick: I have join the group on last.fm10:06
jpatrickthere's freeflying and a zhengpeng there :)10:07
freeflying_jpatrick: all for me , :)10:07
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jpatrickRiddell: not sure if I'm gonna be around for much longer...10:47
Riddelljpatrick: there's nothing on the agenda after wiki licencing so it'll be membership after this10:48
Riddelljpatrick: ask to go first then10:48
jpatrickI have like 10 mins left10:48
freeflying_Riddell: hi11:17
Riddellhi freeflying_, you need to prepare a couple of sentenses to introduce yourself at the meeting when they call you11:18
freeflying_Riddell: ok , and it need vote ?11:19
Riddellfreeflying_: yes, they'll vote and hopefully say yes11:19
freeflying_Riddell: I don't know who will vote for me . :)11:20
Riddellfreeflying_: mako, kamion and elmo have the votes11:21
Riddellbut they take advise from everyone else11:21
Riddellso if I say you should be in that'll help them lots11:21
freeflying_Riddell: :)11:22
=== bradb [n=bradb@modemcable033.209-70-69.mc.videotron.ca] has left #kubuntu-devel []
Riddellwell I guess Tonio_ is in then :)11:52
Tonio_Riddell: thanks for your comment :)11:54
freeflying_Tonio_: congratulate 11:54
\shTonio_: welcome on board dude...well done :)11:54
RiddellTonio_: you have next weeks tech board meeting in your diary?11:54
Tonio_\sh, freeflying_ : ^^11:54
Tonio_Riddell: I should and may have time to be there yes11:55
\shRiddell: TB..yeah he needs it :)11:55
=== opensource [n=asdf@vpn82-7e-92-65.near.uiuc.edu] has joined #kubuntu-devel
opensourceRiddell: Check out the logo kubuntuforums.net now.  Is that better?12:01

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