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=== Topic for #launchpad: launchpad.net | developer meeting: Thur 19 Jan, 1200UTC (wiki:MeetingAgenda) | launchpad-users@lists.canonical.com (wiki:MailingLists) | Channel logs are here: http://tinyurl.com/72w39
=== Topic (#launchpad): set by SteveA at Thu Jan 12 13:08:50 2006
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dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [trivial]  Update Librarian front page (r3023: Stuart Bishop)06:15
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jblackHypothetical question...07:43
jblackIf somebody attached a bzr branch to the wrong product.. how does one move it? 07:43
spivjblack: There's an "Administer" link07:47
jblackAhh. I see it now. Thanks07:47
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jblackOh cool. I have two launchpad accounts07:56
spivYou should be able to merge them.07:58
jblackI'm not quite sure how I ended up with a "name79" anyways.08:01
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=== jblack waves
=== SteveA waves and urghs back
jblackGranted, I'm not a rockstar, but me waving shouldn't cause waves of nausea...09:51
jblackkinnison: Do you have a blog? 09:52
SteveAstub: voice call sometime today?09:53
stubSteveA: Sure09:54
Kinnisonjblack: yes09:54
Kinnisonjblack: blog.digital-scurf.org09:54
jblackdo you have rss? 09:55
Kinnisonjblack: atom09:57
Kinnisonjblack: why?09:57
jblackI'd like to add it to planet.revisioncontrol.net09:57
jblackI need a feed if I'm to do so. Random guessing didn't work09:58
KinnisonUse http://blog.digital-scurf.org/?flav=atom&planet=revisioncontrol.net please09:58
jblackeven though its ironically not a planet?09:59
SteveAan artificial planet?09:59
SteveA"That's no moon!"09:59
Kinnisonjblack: I use the "planet" thing to offer filtering10:00
Kinnisonjblack: In the future, my blog will refuse to serve content without a planet argument which matches the source IP I designate for that planet10:00
=== jblack chuckles
=== Lasse [n=Lasse@cpe.atm4-0-1301006.0x50a0824e.vgnxx6.customer.tele.dk] has joined #launchpad
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BjornTany reviewer available for a small review? (preventing bugs from locking up the email interface)10:15
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=== kiko yawns
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kikohow goes it guys?10:22
mdzmy mail is fucked10:23
carlosjordi, ping10:23
jblackpostfix? 10:23
kikostub, tell me about gina on production10:23
kikoalso, stub 10:23
kikoI think we'll be running the initial soyuz run off celso's branch while we work on the review for merging10:24
kikoso I guess we should just rollout from last week -- or perhaps you want to roll out later this week and pick up your change that fixes celebrities?10:24
stubkiko: Gina is running daily on drescher, importing *-security, *-updates, *-backports as well as dapper10:26
kikostub, why do we get no log output?10:26
stubBecause it isn't producing any?10:26
kikoI find that a bit remarkable10:27
stubWe are not running -v, so we will only see warnings and errors10:27
kikobut warnings are very common10:27
stubI can run it with -v for a day or three to see what happens10:27
kikothat would be k-rad10:27
=== Kinnison points out that he needs gina's run to be golden by the time we decide to open
KinnisonWhich ideally will be in ca. 36 hours (not set in stone)10:28
SteveAkiko: hey10:30
kikostub, gina hasn't imported any packages since 2006-01-1510:30
kikoand the last "publishing" was in 2005-12-2210:31
SteveAthey have different hours in canada?10:31
kikohey SteveA 10:31
kikoSteveA, he meant circa10:31
Kinnisonkiko: Erm, that's not good10:31
=== kiko yawns
kikothat's what launchpad_prod says anyway10:32
kikostub, is that what you expected to see?10:33
stubcron output isn't happening from drescher :-/10:34
Kinnisonerm, gina's running on drescher?10:34
kikostub, ah, that's more like it.10:34
stubAll stuck in mailq10:35
=== stub emails rt
carlosstub, hi, is the launchpad_carlos db ready to use?10:37
kikostub, why did we decide to run gina on drescher?10:37
=== kiko can't remember
stubkiko: Because we need to run it somewhere, and that is the box earmarked for this sort of thing (gina, publisher etc.)10:45
kikostub, cool.10:45
kikoso any clue why she isn't running?10:45
kikohave you been rolling out to drescher too?10:45
Kinnisonstub: the instance you're running gina from -- where is that?10:46
=== stub is looking into it
stubcarlos: almost ready - data is there, just need to setup the permissions. just sorting gina first.10:49
stubKinnison: /srv/launchpad.net/gina10:49
carlosstub, ok10:49
Kinnisonstub: Right10:49
=== Kinnison will be sure not to touch that instance
Kinnisonstub: and which path is she reading the archive from?10:49
=== stub waits for the code update to complete
jordicarlos: pong10:50
stubkiko: I haven't been updating the codebase on rollouts - I'd assumed she was running happily10:50
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kikostub, I would imagine she'd need to stay updated with schema changes etc, though I guess there hasn't been one recently10:51
seb128is launchpad broken atm?10:51
kikoI think it makes sense to roll out to drescher consistently with the rest of the webapp10:51
Kinnisonseb128: seems to load for me. What page isn't working for you?10:51
seb128I get timeout pages while trying to do changes10:51
carlosjordi, could you answer to Simon Michael about the rosetta vs. upstream translations? 10:51
kikoseb128, not entirely broken, but tell me an oops id10:51
carlosjordi, I think you asked about that already to me10:51
seb128if you need the oops10:52
carlosbut I don't see an answer to that email10:52
seb128that's while trying to edit settings for #2951510:52
Kinnisonstub: I repeat -- Which archive path are you reading from for gina? (or are you waiting for a code update in order to tell me that?)10:55
=== stub looks locally
stub            root /srv/archive.ubuntu.com/www/ubuntu10:55
stub(this is configs/gina/launchpad.conf)10:56
jordicarlos: I will10:57
carlosjordi, thanks10:57
Kinnisonstub: right10:57
=== Kinnison will be sure not to touch those two paths when cleaning up drescher ready for deploying
KinnisonWhich user do you run gina as?10:58
seb128kiko: it works now ...10:59
=== stub kicks off the sync a third time
stubThailand's international connection is really sucky today :-/11:02
=== merriam_ is now known as merriam
Kinnisonstub: you use lp_import for gina runs?11:14
stubI assumed so11:15
stub(there wasn't a gina account on the box)11:15
KinnisonThat's perfect11:15
=== stub hopes Kinnison wasn't being sarcastic
KinnisonIt's exactly the right user for you to use11:16
=== Kinnison is just rationalising things and lp_import is the one set aside for htis
stubYay... fresh code11:17
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kikostub, what's going on?11:34
stubJust finished reconfiguring gina's launchpad.conf, which had grown hair (damn required elements) and fired off Gina11:35
stubI'm logging since we won't see cron output until elmo or Znarl get a chance to look at that box11:35
kikookay cool11:36
stubOops. Connection refused exceptions when attempting to upload to the Librarian11:36
kikostub, it's fixed already -- I asked elmo.11:36
kikostub, heh :)11:36
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kikoand he has delivered the goods he says11:36
=== matsubara [n=matsubar@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
matsubaragood morning!11:42
BjornTstub: would you have time to take a quick look at my process-email fix? (and then roll it out later)11:45
stubBjornT: Sure. I'd like to delay rollout until tomorrow though a the network is being flaky today11:46
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BjornTstub: ok, that's cool. i'll mail you the diff.11:47
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kikowhere's jamesh?11:54
kikohey matsubara 11:54
Kinnisonkiko lives in a personal void11:54
Kinnisonsorry, personnel void11:54
matsubarakiko: hey, how's london?11:56
kikoit sucks11:57
kikoit's freezing11:57
kikothere are no naked girls11:57
kikoand the shower doesn't work properly11:57
kiko(probably explains why there are no naked girls)11:57
stubCome to Bangkok. Its 30 degrees and there are naked girls.11:58
kikoin fact11:58
kikothe only good thing about london is the bandwidth to the datacenter11:58
KinnisonIt's more the lack of latency11:59
ZnarlWe have very good international bandwidth so I'm supprised it's an issue.11:59
dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [trivial]  Production gina config updates (r3024: Stuart Bishop)12:00
kikoZnarl, other countries don't, though.12:00
KinnisonZnarl: brazil's internet connection is two bits of wet twine, strung between the thighs of a columbian drug lord12:01
kikoshut up already12:01
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Kinnisondude, it's only funny 'cos it's true12:01
kikostub, what revision are you intending to cut the production rollout on, do you know?12:02
stubkiko: 3018 for sure - possibly later as there is at least one thing that should be cherry picked (3021 - the celebrity optimization)12:03
stubAnd BjornT's email fix when it lands12:03
kikostub, when you know will you tell me so I can finish off the report?12:03
stub3018 plus those two cherry picks should do it. I've got nothing else flagged.12:04
kikoI have done till 3018. 12:04
kikoare you confident the celebrities fix will work 100%?12:04
stubcarlos: what box do you need to connect to that database from again?12:04
stubkiko: Its running on staging, so worst case is the optimization doesn't.12:05
kikostub, you know, it would be cool to be able to generate a oops on demand12:05
stubWe could leave it a week easily enough, but I expect you are right and that it will help a lot of the OOPS timeouts we currently see12:05
kikobecause then we'd be able to tell if the optimization works12:06
kikostub, is there a page that is particularly bad on staging that I'd manage to get an oops on while insisting?12:06
stubThere is a test that does that I think - jamesh's db_timeout tests use it12:06
=== salgado [n=salgado@200-171-140-32.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #launchpad
SteveA url?oopsplease=112:07
stubI'm not aware of pages that can reliably generate timeouts at the moment - one of the bug reports could do it12:07
stubIf you just want an oops, go to https://launchpad.net/idontexist12:07
kikoman staging is SLOW12:07
stubcarlos: that db should be available to you now from mawson12:10
kikoso staging is busted. stub?12:12
=== kiko is confused
stubit is?12:12
=== stub has a look
kikoI mean, my ping is 45ms to it.12:13
kikono reply for the last 5 minutes12:13
stubkiko: Fixed. Looks like it had failed to shutdown properly before.12:14
kikothanks man12:14
kikoI ROCK12:17
kikoit is so easy to cause a timeout12:17
kikojust try to find a person named "a" in +editstatus12:17
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stubBjornT: You are just deleting the email when you can't create an email.Message instance. The message should have been stuffed into the Librarian before this happens so that we can examine the dud email.12:24
kikostub, by the way, the query that timed out for me in staging, it's on the same query as I posted to email :)12:27
kikostub, I see /no/ query for celebrities in my timeout, which is pretty remarkable12:28
kikoare they cached once per instance or something?12:29
kikono that can't be12:29
stubIf it is a public page, it might not need to use any of them12:29
kikoit's +editstatus12:29
kikoSteveA, stub, spiv: what's happening to jamesh' fix that nukes out __len__?12:30
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stubThere should be one request per request per celebrity accessed. I would expect most pages to at least need to access the launchpad developers celebrity, as this is queried at the start of each request if you are authenticated.12:31
kikosorry can you repeat that stub, I lost that line12:31
=== kiko hates xchat's crack
stubThere should be one request per request per celebrity accessed. I would expect most pages to at least need to access the launchpad developers celebrity, as this is queried at the start of each request if you are authenticated.12:31
kikoand admins?12:31
stubone db request per http request12:31
kikosounds perfect, but it doesn't show up in this oops report:12:31
kikothe next big win in terms of number of queries would be caching the inTeam query.12:32
BjornTstub: true. although, instead of going through the trouble of uploading it to the librarian, i think it's enough to simply print the raw message in the log. would that be ok? (i don't think that error will happen often, so far it's never happened afaik)12:32
kikoI think that would probably be okay -- what do you think stub?12:32
stubkiko: You can't see them because they are now by id12:32
kikooh that's the first two queries now?12:33
carlosstub, thanks, it works!12:33
carlosstub, so I should ping you every time I want an update?12:33
stubBjornT: If it is a large message, it will be lost. And then you have to worry about encoding etc. I think it would be better to simply move the 'stuff this in the librarian' section up a few lines.12:33
SteveAstub: when i land some Crowds security updates, we'll need just celebrity ids a lot of the time12:34
carlosstub, isn't it possible to get an update weekly? (that's what I need to run a cron job)12:34
stub15158 is the launchpad developers team12:34
stubcarlos: Yes - I will automate it, but I havn't done it yet. So ping me next week in case I haven't12:34
carlosstub, ok, thanks12:34
BjornTstub: ok, i'll do that then.12:36
stubBjornT: Rest of it looks fine. r=stub if you don't think it will need a rereview12:36
kikoagain: SteveA, stub, spiv: what's happening to jamesh' fix that nukes out __len__?12:40
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stubkiko: I havn't seen it, and I havn't seen it land12:42
kikoI saw it in -reviews but it died out12:43
dafsummary says all three branches are in merge-conditional12:43
=== stub goes for food
kikodaf, and yet..12:53
dafhmm, perhaps the bug list should use months for weeks old > ~1212:54
dafor even 812:54
Kinnisonstub: ping?12:58
stubKinnison: pong 12:59
Kinnisonstub: We need to discuss access from drescher12:59
stubOk. Can it wait an hour? I was just heading out with wifey for food12:59
Kinnisonstub: Erm, Yes, I guess so, although if you can add at minimum 'ro' access for lp_archive on drescher then I'd appreciate it01:01
kikostub, ping me when you're back01:02
stubKinnison: Done01:02
stubkiko: ok01:02
Kinnisonstub: thanks dude, have a good lunch01:03
=== ddaa [n=ddaa@nor75-18-82-241-238-155.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #launchpad
ddaait seems that every launchpad developer and his dog agree that the sidebar are a problem... can somebody remind me why we still have them?01:27
ddaaIs that just "because it would be a lot of work to fix all the pages"?01:28
ddaaor something else?01:28
salgadohey BjornT, would you like to review that patch to fix bug 5394? (it's on the review queue already)01:37
UbugtuMalone bug 5394: "Clicking on "Advanced search" should preserve simple search criteria" Fix req. for: malone (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Guilherme Salgado, Status: In Progress http://launchpad.net/bugs/539401:37
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mantienaHi all01:48
salgadocprov/Kinnison, I have the feeling that the guess{Sources,Binaries} methods should read the Release files in the mirror to do their work. am I right?01:53
salgadocprov/Kinnison, if so, is there any existing code to parse that file's content or do I need to write it myself?01:54
mantienaSteveA, labas01:54
niemeyersalgado: Isn't it a standard "tags" file?01:56
niemeyersalgado: There's code for parsing it already01:56
salgadoI'm not sure what a standard "tags" file is. :-(01:57
niemeyersalgado: apt_pkg can handle it, and there's some wrapper code in archivepublisher.tagfiles01:58
salgadoahhh, nice01:58
salgadothanks niemeyer. :)01:59
niemeyerYou're welcome ;)01:59
mantienakiko, Hi are you alive ? ;)02:00
SteveABjornT: hello02:12
stubddaa: One reason is that a lot of the information is actually needed. If it is removed from the side bar, it needs to go somewhere else. The other is that mpt has to work with a number of mandatory design points.02:12
SteveABjornT: are mails sent to the email interface bouncing right now?02:12
stubSteveA: They are being queued02:13
ddaastub: is "three columns layout" part of the mandatory design points?02:13
SteveAstub: might be better to bounce them02:13
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mantienaSteveA, are you busy now ?02:13
SteveAbecause processing a command after quite a while may have unexpected consequences02:13
SteveAif other things have been done in the mean time through the web interface02:14
SteveAddaa: you can talk with me about UI things in launchpad.02:14
stubSteveA: That needs to go through rt then - I can't change that. We could also just copy over an updated process-email.py and turn it back on.02:15
ddaaSteveA: nothing very specific ATM. Just weird feeling. Everybody seems to say "sidebars are a problem" but it feels like it's not possible to get rid of them for some unspoken reason.02:15
SteveAstub: copying over process-email.py would be good.02:15
ddaathen maybe I'm violating some taboo by asking that here...02:15
SteveAddaa: there's ongoing work to make many pages two column rather than three column.02:16
BjornTsalgado: sure, i can review your branch. i'll see if i have time to do it today, otherwise i'll do it tomorrow morning02:16
SteveAmantiena: yes, quite busy right now.02:17
salgadoBjornT, that's great, thank you!02:17
ddaaSteveA: is there a generic reason why "just one column" is not possible?02:18
stubBut where would all the portlets go?02:19
SteveAddaa: i'm interested in discussing this, but i need to go out for a while now02:19
ddaastub: when they contain useful information, they can go at the top of the body. When they do not, they can just go away.02:20
dooglussometimes malone fails to honour the newlines I put between the lines I write in a comment, and other times it doesn't.  how does it decide?02:21
=== doko__ [n=doko@dslb-084-059-096-046.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #launchpad
ddaaI'm picking one page at random. /people/ddaa. "Latest David Allouche Support Requests"... That has nothing to do here...02:21
dooglussee https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/checkinstall/+bug/29536 for example.  It joins lines together which should be separate.02:22
UbugtuMalone bug 29536: "installwatch.so has moved; somebody should tell checkinstall" Fix req. for: checkinstall (Ubuntu), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: Unconfirmed02:22
dooglusyes, that one.02:22
ddaaThe person details portlet, fine... Is that really useful on _all_ the person pages? I do not think so. Better to just put that in the person index.02:23
ddaaThen we have the sitemap and the menu.02:23
ddaaThey are actually the same feature, suffering from a split brain syndrome.02:24
ddaampt made a lot of good work here, that makes the issue only more apparent02:24
ddaaThere's also the fact some people (e.g. jblack) had trouble associating the menu with the "context".02:27
ddaaSo, I think it would be beneficial to collapse the sitemap, details, and menu in one thing, at the top of the page.02:27
ddaahere... one column in the person pages!02:28
ddaaokay, a bit handwavy, that makes the point.02:28
=== Kinnison glances at his list of things to do
Kinnisonstub: So, can we talk databases?02:33
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stubKinnison: I've got kiko off channel, but sure02:36
KinnisonWell, first-up I need to start prodding a bunch of tables to prepare stuff for deployment02:37
Kinnisonstub: I need UPDATE on distribution and distrorelease, INSERT on componentselection and sectionselection, and INSERT on distrocomponentuploader02:37
Kinnisonstub: (that's all I've worked out so far)02:38
stubKinnison: Ok. I'll create you an account with full read access and extra permissions on whatever tables you need (starting with the ones you just mentioned)02:39
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Kinnisonstub: thanks02:42
mantienaSteveA, when you will be not so busy then please look why I still can't add Baltix milestone or release (look at https://launchpad.net/distros/baltix/+addmilestone ). kiko told me, that this will be fixed during the week, but now is 1,5 week after02:43
kikomantiena, the fix hasn't been rolled out yet. hold on for stub.02:44
stubupdate was put off today due to a flaky network connection here. I'll be doing the update in about 16 hours time02:45
ddaais that timeout well known?02:48
ddaa(I hope by doing so, everybody will check and it will show up in the error report this week)02:48
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ddaaKinnison: sourcepackage-buildlog.pt says something interesting02:54
Kinnisondoes it now?02:54
ddaa      The build log is produced when we try to compile the source package into binary packages which can be installed on your distribution. There may not be a build log if this is a read-only distribution (one we just monitor but don't actually produce in the Launchpad, like Ubuntu and its derivatives).02:54
ddaaStill true?02:54
ddaaJust hunting for explicit ubuntu references, stumbled on that (legitimate) bit by chance, and made me wonder...02:55
KinnisonUmm, that's confusing as fuck02:57
ddaastrange, I thought fuck what instead quite straightforward02:58
ddaaand backwards02:58
=== ddaa realises he actually _was_ confused
KinnisonThat needs better text03:03
KinnisonI don't have time to do it03:03
Kinnisonfile a bug against soyuz please03:03
ddaai/e i/o, I got a bug to go03:03
ddaabug 2954803:07
UbugtuMalone bug 29548: "buildlog informative portlet is confusing as fuck" Fix req. for: soyuz (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Nobody, Status: Unconfirmed http://launchpad.net/bugs/2954803:07
mpt__Ubugtu, language!03:08
bradbUbugtu has no morals03:08
mantienastub, so, after 16 hours I will have a posibility yo add new milestone/new release in Baltix distribution ?03:09
mpt__Part of the problem is that Launchpad knows darn well whether there's a build log or not, so it shouldn't be saying "there may not be a build log"03:09
ddaait's hidden in a portlet03:10
ddaayou actually have to look for it to find it03:10
ddaaBut right, that should be displayed in the page body IFF there is no build log.03:11
stubmantiena: I don't know if anyone has landed a fix for that particular bug or not. 03:11
ddaaand I do not think there is no point explaining what a build log is if there's one...03:11
ddaaplease do not omit to remove of those negations in the previous sentence03:12
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kikostub, I did.03:14
stubmantiena: yes03:15
mantienaok, I'm then waiting ;)03:17
ddaakiko: sent final reply to your branch/series/bzr cleanup03:18
kikothanks ddaa 03:19
ddaamy pleasure03:19
ddaathe concept of ProductSeries is fucked up IMO03:20
kikomany things are03:20
kikobut it may be useful in the HCT scenario, last I considered it?03:20
ddaaI think it actually means something quite important to HCT03:21
ddaaas I mentioned in my mail, I think each series should in the end be associated to branch generated by Dyson.03:21
ddaabut niemeyer is the authority on that sort of stuff03:21
ddaawell, except series without releases, which currently exist to be able to do RCS imports, which I consider a bug.03:22
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ddaastub: re bugwatches03:49
ddaawhat is the problem, too many watches to gnome bugzilla in malone?03:49
dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [r=stub]  improve error handling in process-mail.py, so that it can continue to run even if an email causes an unexpected exception. (r3025: Bjorn Tillenius)03:50
stubtoo many bug watches for a system that checks them one at a time03:50
ddaaIs the issue that this causes a rush of requests on the gnome bugzilla?03:51
ddaaif that's the case, that should be fixable just by throttling... say one bug per second...03:51
ddaaor maybe one every 5 seconds03:52
ddaathat would avoid the DOS issue.03:52
ddaaor am I missing something important?03:52
bradbBjornT, stub: Do we need r3025 cherrypicked? 03:53
stubddaa: I'm not sure of the load issues on the bugzilla end. Just that it was suggested by Gnome people that we should turn it off until we implemented checking in batches03:53
stubbradb: I've already cherry picked the code I was sent to review, which won't be as good but good enough until the real rollout tomorrow03:54
bradbstub: Ah, so the email interface is up currently?03:55
stubHopefully :-)03:55
bradbok, thanks03:55
BjornTstub: it seems like it isn't running due to a stale lock file03:57
stubBjornT: I've removed the lock file03:57
BjornTstub: ah, some other changes in mail/incoming.py hasn't been rolled out yet. forgot about those.04:00
BjornTstub: r3018 is needed as well. will it be rolled out tomorrow? i'll see if i can give you a patch against the current production version of incoming.py.04:03
stub3018 will go out tomorrow04:04
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bradbBjornT: So, it's currently down, but will be back up tomorrow?04:04
kikobradb, stub, ddaa: fixing Bugzilla watch updating is something I hope BjornT is taking care of :-)04:05
ddaakiko: how much would you take to sell me a soul to work on fixing importd problems?04:06
kikoBjornT, I can help you explain how I think checkwatches should work, if you like.04:06
kikoddaa, mmmm. I'd need to know more about what's bothering you right now.04:07
kikobut it should be possible, definitely04:07
ddaaa number of things, we can have a chat about that if you wish04:07
kikoyeah, but this week it appears that I'll hardly be able to, because of the soyuz rollout.04:08
kikoI can try though04:08
BjornTkiko: yes, it's on my list to fix. i havn't thought much yet about how checkwatches should work, so feel free to give suggestions if you have time.04:08
ddaakiko: it's nothing that cannot wait _yet_ another month...04:08
kikoBjornT, I do have time -- do you want to take a look at it and come back and ping me?04:11
kikoddaa, I don't have too many wildcards free right now, hmmm04:11
ddaait's a bunch of issues that have been staying below the "need to fix now!" threshold for a long time but are seriously impairing the quality of RCS import service.04:12
ddaatalk about that later04:13
BjornTbradb: actually, it looks like the email interface is up running now. stub, did you do anything else then removing the lock file? i saw one error message about an import error, but it seems to work now.04:14
bradbBjornT: How often doesn't process-mail get run?04:15
BjornTkiko: sure, i'll take a look at it now. it's probably best to fix checkwatches.py before i fix any else about bug watches04:15
BjornTbradb: every 3 minute04:16
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dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: r=kiko Community fixes to various scripts: link-external-sourcecode, launchpad-database-setup, Makefile (r3026: Christian Reis)04:53
kikosivang, I think utilities/launchpad-database-setup improves things04:55
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dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: r=kiko Additional community fix to launchpad-database-setup (r3027: Christian Reis)05:17
kikoBjornT, how's it going?05:20
BjornTkiko: sorry, i got side tracked by other things. let me have a quick look now05:21
BjornTkiko: ok, it was a quite small script. so, what were your thoughts about how it should work?05:25
kikoBjornT, you need to look at canonical/malone/externalsystem.py05:25
kikothat's the engine for the script05:26
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BjornTkiko: yeah, i'm looking at it. it's still not that big :)05:28
kikoBjornT, so, the easiest fix I can see is:05:29
kiko- Adding an ExternalSystem.get_bug_status_multiple()05:30
kiko- Grouping the bug watches by bugtracker in scripts/checkwatches.py and invoking that method05:30
kikowhat do you think?05:30
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BjornTkiko: yes. although i'd like it to be ExternalSystem.update_bug_watches() instead, since we want to update more than just status in the future.05:32
kikodaf, no, I suspect he's right05:33
kikowe will want to grab some extra information at least -- pri/sev might be good ideas05:33
kikosalgado, how do you make launchpad access a different port on anthem? just set an env variable?05:38
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salgadokiko, that might work, although I've never done that05:39
kikohow do you do it normally? for mpt for instance?05:40
salgadokiko, that was port forwarding, from port X on anthem to port Y on his box05:40
kikoI see.05:40
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kikoBjornT, that sounds find by me. do you have any other questions? it shouldn't be rocket science to do that plus a test I'd say05:44
BjornTkiko: no, it looks quite straight forward to me. i guess the only thing would be to decide how many bugs we should request at once. i'm not sure if it's feasible to make a request for all bugs, or if we should batch it up.05:47
kikoI think a request with all bugs is doable, but give it a try and see how long gnome takes to respond05:48
BjornTyeah, i'll try and how it goes.05:49
kikognome and ubuntu are likely to be hardest hit05:50
kikoif you want to batch it, do it in, say 100-bug chunks?05:50
BjornTyeah, 100-bug chunks should probably be ok. we'll see how it performs.05:53
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=== bradb & # lunch
=== carlos workraves
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seb128what should be done when a package has no upstream component?06:25
seb128filling a bug on launchpad?06:25
seb128when I try to open an upstream task on "file-roller" I get a "Invalid value" for the product06:32
seb128what is the standard way to require the registration of a product?06:33
kikoBjornT, how does one unwrap a security proxied instance?06:36
BjornTkiko: why do you want to unwrap it?06:36
kikoI need to do a select using a dbschema the database gave me back, and it's security proxied.06:36
kikois there a way to do things differently?06:36
BjornTkiko: what error do you get?06:37
kikoid being a ForbiddenAttribute.06:37
kikoBjornT, what do you say?06:38
kikobug 331506:38
UbugtuMalone bug 3315: "change dbschema test to use proxies directly" Fix req. for: launchpad (upstream), Severity: Normal, Assigned to: Steve Alexander, Status: Confirmed http://launchpad.net/bugs/331506:38
BjornTkiko: ok, the correct fix would be to add security declarations for it. if you can't do it, please file a bug about it and use zope.security.proxy.removeSecurityProxy06:39
kikothe bug is already filed :)06:39
mdzseb128: better would be to register the upstream06:42
BjornTkiko: ok :) so i guess you could use removeSecurityProxy together with an XXX referencing the bug, and nag SteveA to fix that bug.06:42
seb128mdz: most of the GNOME stuff are known as upstream component by launchpad06:42
seb128and I doubt upstream went to register them06:42
mdzseb128: right, one of us did06:44
seb128as I understand the workflow, when I forward a bug I'm supposed to open an upstream task06:45
seb128and to put a watch on it06:45
seb128so I need an upstream component06:51
seb128and I would be happier if I don't have to track an upstream and try to explain him what launchpad is and that he should use it to register file-roller so I can set some bugs correctly :p06:52
ddaaseb128: people already think you are packaging all of gnome06:55
kikoseb128, why don't you register it anyway? :)06:55
seb128kiko: how? that was my question .... :)06:55
ddaathen people will think you are _also_ programming all of GNOME :)06:55
seb128kiko: let me give a try06:56
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seb128ddaa: people already think that's I'm creating bugs all over GNOME, that's enough :p06:56
ddaayou are too modest06:57
ddaaget in the spirit of it06:57
ddaaWorld Domination!06:57
seb128hum, in fact there is already a "fileroller"07:00
seb128instead of "file-roller"07:00
ddaamh... I knew there was a RCS import about that...07:00
ddaaplease don't rename it, yet07:00
seb128k, using "fileroller" works for me07:00
seb128it was just not obvious why it was not working :)07:00
ddaaat some point in the future I'll make a big announcement "you can rename product and series and it won't break RCS imports"07:01
seb128one other step to world domination :)07:01
ddaayeah, I guess. In a subgenius sense...07:02
=== kiko wonders if we should have productaliases
ddaaprobably not07:02
ddaathe situation is just a bug in importd07:02
kikosmart answer07:03
janimojordi, what is the frequency of rosetta imports?07:09
janimoor latency to be more correct07:09
janimosame question for imports in bazaar of projects registerd in LP07:10
janimoright now that bazaar label on the product says 'testing'07:10
ddaajanimo: for RCS imports, the answer is usually "when I come around to babysitting it"07:11
janimoah, they're not automatic then07:11
ddaaat the moment, it's "no new imports please, because we are in a transition"07:11
janimoswicthing to bzr imports?07:12
ddaajanimo: yes, they require a lot of babysitting, that's something I want to get fixed after we have migrated to bzr07:12
janimois one of rosetta and bazar importing prerequisitve of the other?07:12
ddaamaybe not make it fully automatic (but why not?), but at least have a workflow...07:13
ddaajanimo: nope, they are independent07:13
janimothanks David07:13
ddaajanimo: you ever saw that cartoon about paranoia?07:14
ddaasomeby looking at a map reading "you are here"07:14
ddaa"news travel fast..."07:14
janimoah that :)07:14
janimowhy, are you paranoid?07:14
ddaathat's how it feels when an unknown nickname calls you by your first name07:14
janimoddaa, I was a gnu-arch lurker and occasional annoyance to tom&co :)07:15
janimo'please no weird filenames', 'they're good, get used to them' type of talks :)07:15
ddaaokay, this explains that :)07:16
ddaayeah... bzr is in large part a reaction to all the UI wrongness in Arch07:16
=== janimo hopes ddaa bought this story and keeps the tabs on him
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=== ddaa discovers longlines.el
ddaaThat mode rocks07:51
ddaaDudes stop savagely wrapping wiki pages. Use longlines.el instead and get state-of-the-arch 1980 soft word wrapping in emaics.07:52
ddaaThen you just have to teach your finger to stop typing M-q07:53
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ddaaniemeyer: ping08:04
ddaa-> #buildd-ng08:07
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AlinuxOSalive lions ? :)09:05
BurgworkAlinuxOS, as opposed to dead tigers?09:06
AlinuxOSBucciarati, I've got a question :)09:07
sivangHi all :)09:07
Burgworksalut sivang 09:08
sivanghey Burgwork , 'sup?09:08
Burgworknot much, grinding away at work09:08
=== Burgwork is making Bill Gates spend money on Linux
AlinuxOShow can I translate things that are in /usr/share/applications/ *.desktop sufix... I need translate gnome-menus in my language..09:08
AlinuxOSbut no way out...09:08
AlinuxOShttp://alnuxos.no-ip.org/ubuntu.png :) hehe Georigna Ubuntu :)09:09
sivanghmm, so kiko fixed stuff in utilities/launchpad-database-setup, how can I see what did he merge as a fix?09:09
AlinuxOSfirs time in a history :)09:09
sivang(just now saw his comment)09:09
salgadosivang, the easyest way (AFAIK) is to "bzr diff $((revno-1))..$revno", where revno is the revision of his merge09:11
sivangsalgado: ok, and if dilly's informed about that, that means that PQM has accepted his patch and the code is already changed right?09:11
=== sivang recalls he also needs to put jblack's modifications to RFS to the test.
sivangsalgado: thanks09:12
salgadosivang, you're welcome09:13
salgadoneed to go now...09:13
AlinuxOSpeople how can I translate gnome-menus in my own language...?09:14
AlinuxOSI've alredy done it... compile .po file into .mo file... put it in right directory..but menus are still in english :((09:14
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carlosAlinuxOS, the menus are not using the .mo files10:15
carlosit's done on build time10:15
carloswe are designed a way to update them with language packs and we hope it will be included with dapper but we don't have that finished10:15
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janimocarlos you do rosetta imports too?10:22
carlosjanimo, I can manage them, yes10:23
janimocarlos, you know how often they are picked from the wiki?10:23
janimonot a nudge juts curios10:24
carlosoh, that kind of import... no idea, jordi is on charge of that 10:24
janimoah I see, thanks10:24
carlosjanimo, anyway, we integrated it into launchpad already, you can do the upload directly and wait for us to handled the new import10:25
janimocan I do the upload of po files myself?10:25
janimoI registered a new project and added it to the wiki pointing to the po files10:26
carlosyes, but will still need an admin review10:26
carlosthe first time10:26
carlosjanimo, yeah, the wiki needs to be updated10:26
carlosjanimo, create a new product branch/series10:26
janimodone that already10:26
carlosand select the translations view10:27
janimothunar project10:27
janimook doing it now10:27
carlosthere, you should have an option to do the .pot and .po uploads10:27
carlosjust upload a tarball with all them10:27
janimoAdministrator help         needed. thunar has not yet been         setup for translation through Rosetta.10:27
janimoI don't see where I can upload10:28
carlosok I found a bug...10:29
carlosthe link is not where it should be10:29
carlosgo back to the series10:29
carlosand select the overview option10:29
carlosat the end, you will see a "Request translations upload"10:29
janimoah I see it10:29
janimoLP interface is very confusing10:30
janimobut in a way I cannot put my finger on as to file a bugreport10:30
carlosjanimo, why?10:30
janimocannot put my finger on, what I said10:30
janimomaybe too much ifo at a time in a page10:31
janimoit looks like text but it's menu10:31
janimonavigation is difficult too10:31
carlosjanimo, perhaps you should talk with mpt, our UI expert to know your complains and try to improve it, but anyway, if you could try to file bugs that's the best way to get a solution...10:32
janimocarlos, I know it is hard because it is not anything in particular it is the general feeling10:33
janimoI know this is not helpful10:33
carloswe are aware of some of the problems I suppose you have and we are fixing them, but if you really want them fixed... you should comunicate with us ;-)10:34
janimocarlos, one thing that happens often is that I have to use the browser back button10:36
janimoas there's no (visible) way to get back using links in the page10:36
janimohmm, another but this may not be a LP issue: sometimes if I directly enter an URL it gives an error page10:37
janimoas if some pages were only accesible after you visited their parent url10:37
janimoor if I go to a page I shpuldn't see links to actions I do not have the permission to do (edit team emblem, edit members)10:40
janimothe menus are very crowded, as from any LP page you can go directly to any other part of lp10:41
janimowhich is probably good after you are used to it10:41
janimobut is overwhelming for a good while10:41
janimoanother one - I cannot say off the top of my head but if I am using it right now I keep seeing some issues :)10:42
janimothe pages are usually long, one needs to scroll down, and the menus then get out of sight10:43
janimocarlos upload asks for po template and po files. is the po template a potfile (list of .c files) ?10:50
carlosjanimo, please, file bugs about that against products/launchpad10:50
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carlosjanimo, yes10:50
janimook, uploaded the tat10:50
janimocarlos, any specific issue that you have in mind wrt bugfiling?10:51
janimoor everything I said above ? :)10:51
janimohmm, oh well uploading a po tarball results in LP error :)10:52
mptjanimo, have a read of https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/MatthewPaulThomas/DesignProblems and see if it gives you some inspiration :-)10:52
janimompt, thanks10:52
carlosjanimo, please, file a bug with the OOPS number you got10:53
janimoinstead of telling me to report a bug against LP, it could just autofile it against itself :)10:54
janimoit;s all there: the url I was at, the oops number :)10:54
janimoI guess I 'll have to tell it again by hand10:54
carlosjanimo, yes, please :-)10:58
=== carlos -> bed
janimook I'll start filing bugs now, hope it won't prevent this10:59
janimogood night carlos10:59
janimompt, good reading I find most of my issues are well known, so I will only report stuff that is not there if I find such11:06
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