
Riddellopensource: it's better12:06
Riddellstill not as nice as the old one12:06
Riddellwhat's wrong with the one on kubuntu.org?12:06
Riddellthe current one has 3 different shadow effects going on :)12:07
opensourcethe artist is still working on the logo12:12
opensourcebut this one is temporary12:12
RiddellI actually have a slightly newer version of the kubuntu logo I need to start using12:14
Riddellopensource: who's the artist?12:14
opensourceI will mention the kubuntu.org image to him.  Just need to change the background color, and add the word forums12:14
opensourceRiddell: how can bring ideas to developers to be implemented into Kubuntu?  I have a forum for requests and new features.  There are a few requests posted in it.12:20
Riddellfreeflying_: woo!12:23
freeflying_Riddell: thx12:23
\shfreeflying_: congrats (again from me :))12:23
freeflying_\sh thx again  :)12:24
Riddellopensource: URL?12:24
opensourceI haven't really looked them over or compiled them, but I was just wondering who I could approach about requests in general?12:25
Riddellopensource: me :)12:27
Riddellif it's something like include package X then any MOTU (me, \sh, pef, raphink, Tonio_ etc)12:27
Riddellif it's tweaking default settings or default packages probably me12:28
Riddellif it's fixing bugs then launchpad.net or do it yourself for best response12:28
Tonio_Riddell: I'm not a MOTU for the moment ^^12:28
=== \sh should have a look on kubuntu-default-settings, to know what he can break ;)
Tonio_Riddell: wait a bit ;)12:28
\shTonio_: you are a MOTU :) but in the moment, you don't have the upload rights, but it's only a matter of time 12:29
Tonio_\sh: thanks ;)12:29
opensourceok thanks, I will keep this info in mind12:31
Riddellopensource: if there's stuff on the forums you think the developers should see do pop in here and point us to it12:32
Riddelldevelopers don't tend to use forums too much for whatever reasons12:32
Riddellopensource: new logo I'm ment to use http://kubuntu.org/art/kubuntu-dapper.png12:33
Riddellspot the obvious mistake there, sheesh12:33
Riddellhmm, those adverts on the forums are getting more invasive :)12:35
opensourceYeah I think I am going to drop the one below the logo.  Next to user info.  I have to run for now, class is over12:37
Riddellopensource: cheereo, thanks again for your kubuntu forums work12:38
opensourceno problem, i enjoy it and i am learning alot as well12:39
alleeTonio_, freeflying_ : congratulation12:41
freeflying_allee: thx12:41
Tonio_allee: thanks a lot ;)12:46
Tonio_allee: and what about you ? how can YOU not be a member, a MOTU, a DD or something ? ;)12:47
Riddellgood question12:49
freeflying_allee: yep12:49
alleeTonio_: Why, well I missed the opertunity when amu asked me ages ago.  now that you applied and mako raised the standard for wiki pages...12:49
\shI wonder where amu is hiding anyway...need to call hom12:50
\shhim even12:50
alleeSeriously: My work is almost invisible.  No dozends of pkgs, no 1200 forum entries, ...  I think 'thin' is the word mako used12:50
freeflying_allee:  :)12:51
Tonio_allee: ^^12:52
Tonio_allee: how many of us did you help during packaging ? that counts also....12:53
Tonio_allee: the world work to much on what is "visible"... :)12:53
alleewell if people here think that lots of allee++ outweight the 'thin' visibility ...12:55
\shallee for president01:03
allee\sh lol01:03
allee\sh so sabfld(sp?) position is vacant?01:04
RiddellI think dictator is above president01:04
\shsabdfls position can't be vacant...he is a step above a president...:)01:04
alleeokay let's start small and just apply to kubuntu team :)01:05
RiddellWe received a request from the user named 'allee01:10
Riddell(allee)' trying to join the team 'Kubuntu Team'01:10
Riddellok people, do we like this allee chap?01:10
=== JRe [n=JRe@pai34-2-82-226-199-36.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
\shRiddell: well..if he's not annoying...take him :)01:21
\shand he must sign the code of Konduct ,)01:22
allee\sh: i'm trying.  Complains no pubkey, strange01:23
Riddellallee: have you uploaded your key to launchpad?01:23
\shallee: you didn't upload your privkey?01:23
allee\sh: I hope not.  don't make me nervous01:24
\shoff to bed...cu later today01:24
\shallee: import your pubkey to LP :)01:24
alleenite \sh 01:24
allee\sh did ages ago01:24
=== allee checks key ids ..
JReRiddell: have tested a bit Keep ?01:28
RiddellJRe: no, busy with kde 3.5.1 and koffice buliding today, tomorrow I will01:29
Riddelland please test KDE 3.5.1 on dapper folks!01:29
Tonio_Riddell: can't test on dapper cause it doesn't work on my laptop, but I'd be glad to test breezy backports if any....01:29
Riddellmornfall: https://launchpad.net/malone/bugs/2801801:29
RiddellTonio_: what doesn't work on laptop?01:30
Tonio_hum, when I migrate to dapper, I lost my network card, graphic card, wifi card ;)01:31
Tonio_I think the intel chipset is simply not detected.....01:31
Tonio_I didn't try with a dapper-fly cd01:31
alleeTonio_: ipw2200 works fine here with dapper01:32
Tonio_I will try one of those days and eventually post a bug...01:32
crimsunTonio_: today has been full of changes; the dbus, hal, sysvinit, ifupdown, etc. changes have contributed to some "breakage"01:32
Tonio_allee: chat is it ?01:33
Tonio_crimsun: I must say I think I updated just when there was a problem with xlibs lol01:33
alleeTonio_: wifi part of intel chipset01:33
alleebut rest works too.01:33
Tonio_allee: ah okay !01:34
Tonio_anyway, I will test again with a flight-cd, and eventually updating again....01:34
mornfallRiddell: that's because i forgot to remind you that you should also bump build-depend in adept from libapt-front >= 0.3.5 to >= 0.3.5ubuntu2 (since 0.3.5ubuntu1 >= 0.3.5)01:39
mornfallRiddell: when it gets built with new libapt-front, it should be magically fixed01:39
Riddellmornfall: do I have that new libapt-front?01:41
mornfallRiddell: i am almost sure i told you to get it from debian :-)01:48
mornfalli am surprized it even built01:48
Riddellblurg, ok I'm too sleepy01:50
Riddelltoo long watching kde 3.5.1 compiles scroll by :)01:50
mornfalli can feel your pain01:51
mornfallelenna says hello too01:51
mornfallwe are studying for modal and temporal logic exam tomorrow01:51
mornfallerr today01:52
Riddelltemporal logic sounds a bit sci-fi to me01:53
Riddellgood luck elenna!01:53
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raphinkRiddell: or here maybe :)02:32
Riddellraphink: hi02:33
Riddellif you're quick02:33
raphinkwe're talking with tonio about konq-kim02:34
raphinkdunno if you had a look at it sometime in the past02:34
raphinkto remind you really quick02:34
raphinkkim is a set of servicemenus for konqueror02:34
Tonio_yep, I think inclusion in kubuntu-default-settings could be a nice idea :)02:34
raphinkto manage images from the file view02:34
raphinkit's very nice and powerful02:34
RiddellI think it clutters the right click menu too much for default inclusion02:34
raphinkbut upstream had not taken my patches and applied GPL properlyy02:35
raphinkI just spent my evening on this program02:35
raphinkRiddell: how about modifying it for inclusion?02:35
raphinkRiddell: as it is, the upstream doesn't have time anymore for it02:35
Tonio_raphink: already responded ;)02:35
raphinkhe's asking for a new maintainer02:35
raphinkso we might actually develop it inside kubuntu 02:36
raphinktaking only the basic parts to not make it too heavy by default02:36
alleeraphink, biased ;) : I think, it would be better to write a cmdline app that uses kipi-plugins02:36
raphinkallee: what I see is that kim exists02:36
raphinkI use it almost daily and it totally changes my way to deal with images in KDE02:37
alleekipi-plugins too ;)02:37
raphinkwhat do they allow?02:37
alleeapt-cache show kipi-plugins  # me is pround of the long description ;)02:38
raphinkkipi-plugins work in konqueror?02:39
alleeno ;) missing peace is the command line wrapper that feeds the file names into the plugin02:40
alleeright :)02:41
alleethen we would have 5 apps using the same plugins (and hopefully a bit more interest in developing more/new kipi-plugins)02:41
raphinkI think I'm fine with Kim as long as there is no such piece released for kipi plugins02:41
raphinkand I'm no dev really02:42
alleeme too :(02:42
raphinkso in the meanwhile I'll get kim in02:42
alleeraphink: fine.  I just want to mention it, if you think about:02:43
allee[02:36]  <raphink> so we might actually develop it inside kubuntu02:43
alleethat work is better invested in a cmdline tool.02:43
raphinkyes you're right02:43
alleetime for some sleep.  Nite everyone02:45
alleenite raphink 02:46
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Tonio_nite all ;)03:21
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=== spstarr_home watches kicker crash again :(
spstarr_homemaximizing/windows seems to randomly trigger it's demise :)04:25
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raphinkRiddell: could you have a look at http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1612 please?01:40
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Riddellraphink: ok02:56
Riddellraphink: fancy packaging kdbus?02:57
raphinkwhat is that?02:57
Riddelllike kdcop but for dbus02:57
raphinkI'll have a look later on02:58
raphinkI'm writing a guide for reviewing02:58
raphinkjust began02:58
Riddellraphink: great03:00
raphinkyou like it?03:00
raphinkThis is gonna be a huge guide :)03:00
alleeraphink: Pre-existence of the package section should have it's own page.  It's usefull at several places and as far AFAIR I've seen at least 3-4 variant of them03:01
raphinkhmm ok03:02
raphinkwell we can section this guide later on03:02
raphinkin several pages03:02
raphinkso far I want to work on it this way, I can split it later on03:02
raphinkor there's always a way to refer to this section from another page03:02
RiddellI think MOTUReviewingGuide is a handy page to have it on if the other pages would link to there03:02
raphinkthat was my guess too03:02
allee'k.  mentors have/use 2 standard URL for the 'license' section and at least one URL for 'what a reviewer should check'.  If you don't have them I can look them up.03:05
raphinkyes I know the two urls03:11
raphinkI plan to use them too03:11
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alleeraphink: mhhmm, fwiw I assume ReviewGuide will be terse or checklist like than e.g. PackagingGuide.  So I assume there is at least the need for 2 variants of 'check for exsiting deb'. Or it's possible to 'highlight' the checklist to it's easy to skip the 'why' explanations with the eye then one version maybe enough.03:16
raphinkwhat do you mean?03:17
alleeraphink: as you mention in the page, the one doing reviewing should know why he/she is checking for this and that.  No not much that much explanation is necessary that in the PackagingGuide that need to also to teach why to do it this or that way.03:20
raphinkwell if it's too much, I guess people can read fast ;)03:20
raphinkI like to give reasons03:20
raphinkand if people consider this guide is too huge, they will remove parts of it03:21
raphinkit's a wiki :)03:21
alleeSo my 'I assume' was wrong. np ;)03:22
Riddellraphink: E: Package mjpegtools has no installation candidate03:32
raphinkhmm maybe it's in multiverse03:32
raphinkdo you have multiverse on?03:32
raphinkI should have mjpegtools recommended, since it's only for one or two functions03:33
raphinkminor ones03:33
Riddellso long as there's a sane error message if it isn't installed03:34
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Tonio_Riddell: I was thinking about something04:06
Tonio_actually when you change a few parameters in font settings, or color sheme, that doesn't apply for "kdesu" launched apps....04:06
Tonio_isn't there a way to "bind" the root profile to the local one, only for specific files, which wouldn't cause any danger04:07
RiddellI don't konw of any such way04:08
Tonio_Riddell: I'm gonna check if that possible in any way...04:09
Tonio_Riddell: If you want something really homogenous, it is a pain copying those files in the root profile manually each time04:09
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Tonio_hum Riddell, I just checked different possibilities, and I found something interesting04:30
Tonio_using sudo adept for example, I get my profile settings, meaning the $HOME is set to /home/me04:30
Tonio_using kdesu it uses /root04:31
Tonio_Riddell: is that normal, kdesu limitation, or simply not implemented ?04:31
RiddellTonio_: using sudo means you'll end up with files in your home directory that are owned by root such as ~/.ICEauthority04:34
Riddellwhich breaks any subsequent programs you run04:34
RiddellI've reently changed kdelibs to just set $HOME to root when run as uid 004:35
Tonio_ Riddell that sound indeed logic....04:41
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mdzRiddell: what does kdelibs-bin need with netpbm?  can that dependency be avoided?04:53
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Riddellmdz: it's used for image thumbnails I think04:56
Riddellmdz: netpbm is in main though isn't it?04:56
mdzRiddell: it is, but if possible we would prefer that it weren't04:58
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Riddellmdz: it looks like it isn't used any more05:10
mdzRiddell: score05:10
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jpatrickRiddell: I'm sorry05:33
jpatrickI let you all down...05:33
Tonio_Riddell: kdbus : http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=161305:33
Riddelljpatrick: no you didn't :)05:37
Riddelljpatrick: we still love you05:37
jpatrickcan't they have more reasonable times?05:37
Riddellthe times move about05:38
jpatrickbut not in my favour05:38
Riddellnext one is at midday UTC05:39
jpatrickoh crap05:39
jpatrickcan't go05:39
=== jpatrick considers pretending to be ill
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jpatrickoh dear.05:41
jpatrickcan't they accept via wikipages?05:45
Riddelljpatrick: not really, they need to be able to chat to you05:46
Riddelljpatrick: don't you have internet access at school?05:46
jpatrickRiddell: I don't have computer lesson at that time05:47
Riddellbut that's 13:00 in spain, should be siesta time or lunch time?05:47
=== jpatrick has Spanish class at that time
nlindbladjpatrick: how are you?06:01
nlindbladRiddell: how are you?06:01
jpatricknlindblad: not in a good mood06:01
Riddellnlindblad: I'm fine06:02
Riddelland it's burns nicht06:02
jpatrickRiddell: they changed the logo at KubuntuForums06:02
nlindbladmy "to do" list is way too long06:03
Riddelljpatrick: to the one with three different shadow effects06:05
Riddellfour if you count the lack of shadow on "forums"06:05
nlindbladdamn this constant beep06:10
nlindbladit's getting louder06:10
Riddellnlindblad: which?06:10
nlindbladthe constant beep inside my head06:11
nlindbladquite annoying sometimes06:13
RiddellI'd imagine it would be06:13
nlindbladtoday for the first time I actually heard it during a not that loud conversation06:14
nlindbladand once it gets a bit louder, it's that loud until it gets louder06:15
nlindbladno way of stopping it06:15
nlindbladI just can't remember what silence is like06:16
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nlindbladprobably the right place to complain about my life though06:22
nlindblads/the/not the/06:22
Riddellsounds like a job for a doctor06:24
jpatricknp: Amateur Transplants - London Underground06:40
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Riddellpef: did't you have a speedcrunch 0.7 package?06:50
pefpackage to upload ?06:50
Riddellto review06:50
pefRiddell: no, to package :) but you said there is a problem about qt4 and Dapper06:51
pefso I stopped any work on it06:51
nlindbladRiddell: been to a doctor several times06:52
Riddellpef: I was thinking we could rename it speedcrunch-qt4 or something06:52
Riddellhave it in universe06:53
pefRiddell: and consider it as a new package ? so we will have speedcrunch (qt3) and speedcrunch-qt406:54
Riddellpef: yes06:55
jjesseRiddell: upgraded to kde 3.5.1 for dapper and no problems06:55
Riddelldunno, may well be not worth it06:55
Riddelljjesse: excellent06:55
Riddelljjesse: does kmail work?06:55
pefI find that a bit confusing for end user06:55
jjesseRiddell: trying it right now06:55
Riddellpef: ok, lets just leave it then06:56
pefRiddell: it's just my opinion ;)06:56
pefthat's not because I'm lazy :]  (had to found a hack because of CFLAGS being dropped by cdbs)06:57
pefRiddell: what's the problem with qt4 and Dapper ? too late ?07:01
Riddellpef: having two versions of the same library is frowned upon from a support view, and dapper is a long term supported release07:04
pef5 years, isn't it ?07:05
pefRiddell: have you already investigated the adept crash "when click on fetching updates" issue ?07:06
Riddellpef: yes, I need to update libapt-front, which I'll do in about 5 minutes07:07
pefok :)07:07
mornfallpef: it's fixed, no worries ;)07:08
pefmornfall: great :)07:10
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alleeoh, 5 not only 3 years07:40
Riddell5 on the server07:43
Riddellqt probably isn't considered server though07:43
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allee30 2 or 4 core opterons count as server (no need for kde there:)  I cross my fingers that oracle zerfies on it. -> SLES go home08:02
Riddellthere's a podcast from oracle the other day that talks about packages for kubuntu08:13
alleepodcast?  Searched www.oracle.com for ubuntu without luck.08:27
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Riddellyo Tonio_ 08:36
RiddellTonio_: want to test the breezy packages?08:36
Riddelldeb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde351 breezy main08:37
Tonio_Riddell: of course ;) I'm waiting for that for 2 days ;)08:37
Tonio_let's go08:37
jpatrick"deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde351/ breezy main"08:38
jpatrickor "deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-lastest/ breezy main"08:38
hungerjpatrick: Will this go into dapper?08:39
Riddelllatest doesn't point yet08:39
Riddellhunger: I need people to test the dapper packages too08:39
alleeRiddell: where?08:39
Riddelland if they work I'll ask to put it into dapper08:39
Riddelldeb http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/kde351-dapper-testing/ ./08:40
alleeupgradign ...08:40
alleekoffice not ready yet?  krita: Kollidiert: koffice-libs (< 1:1.5.1) aber 1:1.4.2-3ubuntu8 soll installiert werden.08:42
jpatrickwhatever that meant08:42
alleeoh, shit. 08:42
alleekrita uninstallable. conflicts with ((< 1:1.5.1)  but 1:1.4.2-3ubuntu8 is to be installed08:43
Riddellhmm, that's not good, I'll fix that allee 08:44
alleeuhm LC_ALL and LANG setting ignored by aptitude. errmsg still german :(08:45
hungerRiddell: I am already downloading the dapper-testing debs:-)08:45
Tm_Theh, I'm using KDE 3.5.1 from testing debs08:47
Tm_Tno problems noticed08:47
hungerRiddell: krita and koffice won't install due to version conflicts.08:48
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=== Tm_T doesn't have krita from debs
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alleekoffice crashed on first start after I closed the slashscreen and the digikam project was reloaded ...08:56
alleewhen I started kdevelop the second, third time, no splash and not crash after project was loaded.08:56
alleefwiw.  that's without logout/in 08:57
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hungerallee: So far I have not managed to have kdevelop not crash on me:-(09:00
hungerallee: No version of kdevelop ever worked here:-(09:00
alleehunger: :)09:01
alleeokay time for reboot, can't hurt ...09:02
hungerRiddell: Everything upgraded fine (apart of koffice and krita).09:03
=== hunger is restarting X now.
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tobias___Riddell: All looks good so far.09:06
tobias___Riddell: cpu_freq is still broken in ksysguard...09:06
jjessehas anyone been following the discussion on shutdown on kubuntu-users group?  can someone confirm what is happening?09:07
jjessekubuntu-users mailing list that is09:08
Tonio_Riddell: no pb with 3.5.1 on breezy for the moment09:13
Tonio_are there specific tests to perform ?09:13
Tonio_I can't find a decent changelog...........09:13
Tonio_except concerning bugfixes of course09:16
jpatrickI'm off09:22
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RiddellTonio_: http://www.kde.org/announcements/changelogs/changelog3_5to3_5_1.php09:29
RiddellTonio_: dapper or breezy?09:29
Riddelltobias___: rather09:29
Tonio_Riddell: Breezy09:29
Tonio_Riddell: okay, the changelog is about only bugfixes, that's why I couldn(t find anything else ;)09:30
Riddellit's a bugfix release :)09:32
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alleeno bugs yet here with 3.5.109:43
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alleeoh :(  / /home /srv are again visible in media:/  again09:50
alleewhy isn't k3b the default app for blank CD media?09:51
Simesebas: ping09:59
Simesebas: als je een svn up doet van guidance, dan kan je displayconfig uitproberen en kijk of je nvidia gfxcard gevonden wordt.10:00
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