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theCorehi LaserJock 12:27
LaserJockhi theCore 12:27
theCoredid you work on the guide ?12:28
LaserJockyes a little bit, and I also got svn access so I can put stuff on the repo12:28
LaserJocktheCore: do you have a docteam repo checkout?12:29
LaserJockI was thinking of committing the stuff I have, then you can work on it from the repo12:30
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theCoregood idea, this way I will just need to send you the diff12:32
LaserJockhow do you include <'s and >'s without docbook thinking it's a tag?12:35
theCoresorry, this for "12:36
theCore&laquo; and &raquo;12:40
theCoreor &gt; &lt; 12:41
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LaserJocktheCore: ok, I gotta get home but I'll be back on in a bit. I just commited what I have. Send me patches ;-)12:58
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LaserJocktheCore: ok, I'm back01:49
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theCoreok, I got the update01:53
robotgeekjsgotangco: ping01:56
jsgotangcorobotgeek: pong01:56
robotgeekjsgotangco: commencing work on the desktop guide by installating flight 3 :)01:57
jsgotangconobody really writes on that kubuntu doc anyhow, it would be nice to have someone do it01:58
jsgotangcoediting the existing docs alone take a lot of time01:58
robotgeekapparently, the checkout brought me some kubuntu desktop guide file :)01:58
jsgotangcowell yes01:58
jsgotangcothere's already some part done by rob101:58
jsgotangcobut apparently rob1 disappeared01:58
robotgeekhowever, it has nothing 01:59
robotgeeki am going to maintain the hierarchy of the Ubuntu Desktop Guide02:00
jsgotangcoif in doubt, consult Riddell02:00
jsgotangcobut don't duplicate current KDE docs02:00
robotgeekhmm, yes02:01
robotgeekokay, i'll get to work on it then. 02:02
jsgotangcook i02:02
jsgotangcook i'll go back to work :)02:02
LaserJockso what is ok to work on in the Kubuntu docs? The Kubuntu Desktop Guide?02:05
robotgeekyeah, i picked it up just now :)02:05
jsgotangcoyeah that's pretty much open territory02:05
jsgotangcobut any kubuntu doc can benefit contributions02:05
jsgotangcolike now i'm editing the quick guide02:06
LaserJockok, well if I have some time I might try to help out too02:06
LaserJockbut I'm getting spread pretty thin these days02:06
jsgotangcoi'm not sure if its possible to finish up the desktop guide nor am I ready to write a whole new doc that's why i started re-editing the quickguide02:07
jsgotangcoLaserJock: likewise :(02:07
robotgeeki have lots of  free time, so i'm trying to help in all ways possible. 02:08
jsgotangcoLaserJock: i also write as a profession, so my day is pretty spread out, most of it thinking...02:08
jsgotangcoi find solace with nintendogs though02:08
robotgeekpet dogs? robotic?02:09
jsgotangcorobotgeek: its a popular sim for the nintendo DS02:09
robotgeeki've been out of the loop for quite some while02:10
LaserJockjsgotangco: well I am working on becoming a MOTU as well as running the MOTU Science team as well as write the Ubuntu Packaging Guide as well as get my PhD done02:11
LaserJockbut I know there are people much busier than me so I shouldn't complain02:11
jsgotangcowow at least you have time to go to grad school :/02:11
robotgeekLaserJock: i finished my Masters last month :)02:11
LaserJockit's actually very cool that I have the change to contribute to Ubuntu02:12
LaserJockrobotgeek: what in? Robotics?02:12
LaserJockjsgotangco: how is writing as a profession?02:12
robotgeekLaserJock: actually, no. "Multifunctional Laparoscopic Tools"02:12
LaserJockumm, yeah. and that is?02:13
jsgotangcoLaserJock: tiring but rewarding02:13
robotgeekLaserJock: well, laparoscopy is generally a srugical operation in which they make holes in your abdomenal region, and perform surgery there02:14
LaserJockjsgotangco: I'm not a writer by any stretch of the imagination, but I do like having documentation02:14
jsgotangcorobotgeek: are you a medical doctor?02:14
LaserJockrobotgeek: oh, yes now I see02:14
robotgeekcurrenty tools are single use/single purpose only, the topic of my research was to design one which was could be used for multiple purposes02:15
robotgeekjsgotangco: mechanical engineer02:15
jsgotangcowow so engineers are the brainchild of those medical torture devices :/02:15
LaserJockrobotgeek: I actually thought about doing medical engineering as an undergrad02:16
robotgeekrobotics is something i've always been interested in,and hence the nick02:16
robotgeekLaserJock: physics now?02:16
robotgeekor chem, IIRC02:17
LaserJockrobotgeek: my little brother just started college as a mechanical/electrical engineer but is interested in robotics02:17
LaserJockPhysical Chemistry so your kind right both times02:17
robotgeekyeah, i am getting setup for a PhD in about 3 years time, lol02:17
LaserJockI think I have 1 more year. I didn't get a Masters02:18
robotgeekLaserJock: ah, where are you at?02:18
LaserJockUniversity of Nevada, Reno02:18
robotgeekheh, how do you not gamble and study :)02:19
jsgotangcohow did you go to PhD without getting a masters?02:19
LaserJockin Chemistry we don't have to get Master's we can go straight into PhD programs02:20
LaserJockrobotgeek: well, it's easy because I see all the tourists gamble away all there money and I don't feel the urge ;-)02:21
LaserJockjsgotangco: most chemists get PhDs anyway so it cuts out a lot of duplicative work if you just do the PhD program directly from your Bachelors degree02:22
robotgeekcurrently job hunting, so lots of free time 02:22
=== jsgotangco would pick up poker some time
LaserJocksome people like to just go and watch the poker games02:23
LaserJockI find the casinos to be quite smoky though so I don't go to them except for the food :-)02:23
LaserJockrobotgeek: where are you located?02:24
robotgeekLaserJock: right now Dallas,TX02:24
LaserJockrobotgeek: oh, cool. minghua is currently at Rice, he is on the MOTU Science team as well02:26
LaserJockrobotgeek: and tritium is our lone MOTU and he is at Sandia National Lab in NM02:26
robotgeekLaserJock: i am at UT -Arlington though02:26
robotgeeki missed meeting up with tritium my last visit to NM02:27
robotgeeki want to pick up all the basic skills for MOTU stuff, finish with the packaging guide LaserJock :)02:29
LaserJockI'm getting there02:29
LaserJockI really want it done but I seem to write too much02:30
robotgeeki just need polish, so it's alrite02:30
LaserJockI need to learn how to write docs properly02:30
robotgeekLaserJock: will be useful for dissertation :)02:30
LaserJockI have a conference next week and I have to do the poster soon.02:31
robotgeekdamn, lotsa work02:31
LaserJocksometimes I wish I could just ditch the PhD and work for Ubuntu02:31
robotgeeki am just glad i got thru with my thesis writing, it was the most boring part02:32
LaserJockwhat did you use to write it?02:33
jsgotangcoever reliable02:33
LaserJockyeah, that's what I use too02:33
robotgeekthough my prof was not very supportive02:33
LaserJockreally, my prof would only let me use latex02:33
robotgeekthe rest of the lab uses word, so he did not want to do something "funky"02:34
robotgeekhe would have to relearn it, so he was hesitant. 02:34
robotgeeki just kept mailing him pdf's and it worked out fine02:34
robotgeeki got thru the mechanical check in one shot, yay!02:35
LaserJockMy boss couldn't use Windows to save his life, although we are just getting iMacs so we might use Word more02:35
robotgeekmy thesis was written in Openoffice and Latex :)02:36
robotgeeki used the WritertoLatex convertor, and that saved me a lot of time02:36
LaserJockhmm, I use emacs ;-)02:37
robotgeekit's really neat, you should check it out02:37
robotgeeki use vim + latexsuite :)02:37
LaserJockbut now I'm getting an iMac and won't have my linux box at work :(02:38
robotgeekemacs has a port, i guess02:38
theCoreLaserJock, emacs is installed by default on the Macs02:39
LaserJockI use vim a lot too02:39
LaserJocktheCore: cool02:39
LaserJockI'm really not satisfied by either emacs or vim at the moment02:39
robotgeekLaserJock: why?02:40
LaserJockI like a lot of how vim work but I like the "goodies" of emacs02:40
LaserJockit's like gnome and kde for me as well02:40
LaserJockI like the look and feel of gnome but I like the apps of kde02:40
robotgeekyeah, i've got xubuntu running with kmail running :)02:40
LaserJockso I end up installing gnome and kde and emacs and vim02:41
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LaserJockI started out on emacs because that is what my prof uses and he is the one who got me going on linux02:41
LaserJockbut it is huge and so I started looking into vim02:41
LaserJockand I like it quite a bit so far02:41
robotgeeki started out with emacs too, but got all foobarred with emacs keybindings on the mac. 02:42
robotgeeki learnt vim, and have not looked back02:42
LaserJockI like it too but I wish it had some debian tools (debian-el, dpkg-dev-el, and devscripts-el are great for packagers) and the spell checking was kinda hard to get going02:44
robotgeekhmm, what do they do?02:44
LaserJockthey are modes for the Debian bug system (so you can send bugs from emacs) and syntax hilighting for package files (changelogs, control files, etc.)02:45
LaserJockI haven't used them much but I think it even has a pbuilder mode02:45
robotgeeki get that in vim 02:45
LaserJockrobotgeek: well, I'm not saying it can't be done in vim, I just don't know how ;-)02:46
robotgeekLaserJock: no, i mean i got it out of the box02:46
LaserJockrobotgeek: what?02:47
robotgeekthe syntax highlighting02:47
LaserJockfor packaging files?02:47
robotgeekLaserJock: yes, did you enable filetype plugin on filetype on filetype indent on in your .vimrc ?02:48
LaserJockyeah, I think so. Let me try it out02:49
robotgeekLaserJock: take a look at http://robotgeek.org/dotfiles/vimrc02:50
theCoreLaserJock, check my .vimrc file http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/759802:51
theCoreLaserJock, I got syntax highlighting for all files02:51
=== robotgeek also sneaks a peek
theCoreexcept plain text02:51
theCoreI got from the vim docs02:52
theCoreI got it*02:52
theCoreLaserJock, you can start syntax highlighting by hand too02:53
=== robotgeek refers LaserJock to VimHowto :)
theCorefrom vim command line enter: `syntax on'02:54
LaserJockok, just a sec guys. I have syntax hilighting on, I just didn't think it would hilight changelogs, etc.02:56
LaserJockhot dog, it does highlight them02:57
robotgeekalso indents and stuff. make sure you don't have expand tab set while editing the "rules" file02:58
LaserJockyeah, I think I turned that off for python too02:59
robotgeeki have that set in python02:59
robotgeekthe next great debate, "tabs vs spaces", lol03:00
LaserJockI do tabs03:01
LaserJockok, my current .vimrc is at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/759903:02
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theCorelol, I like the " fix spelling retardation" section03:05
LaserJockI just picke it up of a web page somewhere and thought it was a good idea03:06
=== robotgeek has saved the vimrc for reference :)
=== theCore has saved it too
LaserJockI just threw a bunch of stuff in I found on the internet and commented out the stuff I didn't like03:07
robotgeekany good plugins for vim, other than the xml edit plugin for docbook stuff?03:07
LaserJockwell, I've tried different spelling plugins, with varying success03:10
LaserJockI've also got a calendar plugin and a svn plugin, I think03:11
robotgeekhttp://www.linuxjournal.com/article/7737 i found this, but can't download the plugins03:11
robotgeekhmm, anyways. back to work now, later03:13
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LaserJockme too03:13
LaserJockrobotgeek_away: what is :%s/ for?03:15
LaserJocktheCore: have you had a chance to look at the packaging guide?03:20
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theCoreLaserJock, yes, why did you fragmented the GNU Licence in the main page ?03:35
LaserJockI didn't, it's the standard GPL of the doc team03:36
LaserJockI just used an include03:36
theCorereally ? if so, it ugly03:36
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LaserJockwell, the docteam doesn't use GPL so maybe we might work on that03:37
robotgeekLaserJock: the %s thing is to replace all the dos chracters03:37
LaserJockrobotgeek: oh, thanks.03:37
robotgeekthe weird 03:37
robotgeekthe 03:37
LaserJockif I edit something in vim in Windows will I get those?03:38
robotgeekpossibly, but it's easy to remove03:40
theCoreLaserJock, DOS put two character at the end of each lines (I think it's \r\n) , *NIX OSes use only the newline ( \n ) character to end lines03:40
LaserJockhmm, cause I was thinking of editing some stuff on Windows and but I don't wan to commit them if they are going to have weird characters at the end03:41
theCoreLaserJock, I like your the source packages section you added into the guide03:44
LaserJockwe need to flesh it out a bit but it seems to come up now and then about how packagers really work with the source packages03:45
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mptLaserJock, most moderate- to high-powered editors on Windows let you choose the line endings for a particular file04:43
LaserJockmpt: oh, ok. good to know04:44
LaserJockI have a repo checkout on my Windows laptop that I usually use at home and now that I can commit I was thinking of using it but I don't want to put a bunch of stupid stuff at the ends of the lines04:45
BurgundaviaLaserJock, ya, don't04:47
Burgundaviaanybody looking for some wiki work todo?04:59
LaserJockBurgundavia: sorry, I'm working on the packaging guide as we speak05:02
BurgundaviaI am cleaning out my todo list and being ruthless about which I realistically don't have time todo05:02
LaserJockohh, I hate doing that05:05
robotgeekBurgundavia: maybe05:05
Burgundaviayes, because it involves so many broken dreams05:05
Burgundavia"I wanted to do that!"05:06
Burgundaviarobotgeek, it involves parsing one email and feeding changes to a specific wiki page05:06
robotgeekokay, sounds doable. details05:06
Burgundaviarobotgeek, can I forward you the email?05:06
robotgeekBurgundavia: sure05:06
Burgundaviarobotgeek, thanks a lot. Didn't want to drop it on the floor05:08
robotgeekBurgundavia: u know my email?05:10
Burgundaviarobotgeek, venkatraghavan@gmail.com ?05:10
Burgundaviayay, under 50 things todo05:11
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Burgundaviasalut bshumate 05:12
robotgeekBurgundavia: got it, Subject: HowTo restore GRUB with install CD05:17
robotgeekis that the right thing?05:18
Burgundaviarobotgeek, indeed05:19
robotgeeki will take care of it then, all i have to do is cut paste, mostly05:20
robotgeeklater then, i gotta run05:20
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LaserJockis linux generally capitalized?05:40
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mptLaserJock, yes05:42
mptit's a proper noun05:42
LaserJockk, thanks05:43
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LaserJockin general how do you guys figure out how much material you shoudl commit to the repo at one time?06:19
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mdkeBurgundavia, of course attachments aren't page specific in Moin, it's not _that_ stupid08:55
mdkerobotgeek_away, the idea was for the kubuntu desktop guide to use the Ubuntu desktop guide. but that isn't really ready yet. Best to talk to jjesse08:56
Burgundaviamdke, hmm, ok I was mistaken. So it rises from chimp to that of great ape08:56
mdkea chimp is an ape08:57
Burgundaviaanyway, you get what i mean08:57
Burgundaviabloody english, getting up early08:57
mdkeit was a struggle...08:58
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mdkehello Que_Pasa, que pasa08:58
Burgundaviamdke, the caveat with attaching images from other icons if you have to know where they are attached to, that is ugh09:08
Burgundaviaanyway, night all09:13
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robotgeekmdke: hmm, i can atleast borrow the structure :)10:22
mdkerobotgeek, hopefully much of the content too10:25
robotgeekstuff like java,etc should remain the same. Stuff like sound/internet will change10:26
robotgeekwe'll see :)10:27
robotgeekneways, just popped in to check the action, gotta sleep now10:29
mdkerobotgeek, and if you see some problems with it, feel free to give us a patch on that too :)10:30
robotgeekmdke: sure, will do. i just got vim setup to do docbook stuff10:30
robotgeekhey jsgotangco , just heading out. 10:30
jsgotangconight robotgeek 10:31
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ompaulBurgwork, if one did not do rm -rf a part of their machine that was important they might have done something on boot options yesterday - today I am busy but should get to it before weekend02:00
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Burgworkhmm, digg is linking to FirefoxNewVersion07:01
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mgalvinhmm :-/07:16
Burgworkno is good07:16
Burgworkinteresting ad at the bottom of a newsforge article. "Ubuntu vs Xandros 3", paid for by Xandros08:36
jjessei saw that ad @ kubntuforums.net yesterday08:37
Burgworkfunny that they are worried about us though, given their focus is very much in business08:38
Burgworkbut I guess we threaten them in the education market08:38
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