
thierryraphink : could you review my package? libfxruby1.4 ?12:05
raphinknot right now thierry I'm a bit busy12:07
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thierryraphink : no problem :)12:10
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raphinkthierry: I'm working on a reviewing guide right now :)12:16
raphinkwould you like to review it (for a change) ?12:17
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jvwRFC on an informal poll I intend to start within Debian: http://master.debian.org/~jeroen/polls/maintainer-field/ballot.txt12:18
thierryraphink : with pleasure! link?12:21
raphinkI'm editing it, so it's growing and changing12:21
thierryraphink : the only problem is that I'm not a package reviewer but I can take a look anyway from what I know12:21
raphinkthen you can learn from it :)12:21
Frittiraphink: is it related to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReviewingTips ?12:21
FrittiI got sent there from http://revu.tauware.de/12:22
raphinkFritti: I'm trying to gather all the things I know about reviewing and make a method out of it12:22
raphinkso I use ReviewingTips aswell12:22
raphinkbut I aim to create a much more complete document12:22
raphinkfor both reviewers and packagers12:22
raphinkif packagers could have a look at it and check their own packages12:23
raphinkit would be a great thing for reviewers :)12:23
raphinkif packagers checked all the points i've already listed on that page12:24
raphinkthat would make reviewing on REVU much easier12:24
thierryraphink : a little thing, "and check the diff has no output." you should say something more clear like "if there's no output, then the tarball are the same" nothing big, but more clear for beginner12:24
raphinkthierry: you understand it ?12:25
thierryraphink : me yes, but before a MOTU told me by reviewing my package, I wouldn't have understood12:25
raphinkit's aimed to packagers so ... but I guess I can try to make it clearer yes12:25
Frittiraphink: note that I just finished my first package, but if I'm understanding the 'build test / debuild' section correctly, not even a diff for {config.guess,config.sub} is allowed?12:25
Fritti(i have that right now, don't see a way to avoid it)12:26
raphinktheorically no12:26
raphinkI am totally aware that config.guess and config.sub are often pbs from automake crapy stuff12:26
raphinkand I have the same issues myself12:26
raphinkthe diff should be as small as possible12:26
raphinkif you can't avoid it, well then we do with it12:27
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Frittiif I want to submit a package to REVU, do I need to build for Dapper or for Breezy?12:29
raphinkbreezy is frozn12:30
thierryraphink : you could maybe change the "License" section by "License use by upstream (License file)" I've got confuse, I first tough you were talking about the debian/copyright stuff... maybe it's just me who's confused for nothing ;)12:30
raphinkno NEW package is added to it12:30
raphinkhi tseng btw :)12:30
thierry*"license used by...12:30
raphinkI am talking about debian/copyright12:30
thierryraphink : well why splitting it in two?12:31
Frittiok, thanks. need to set up a pbuilder environemnt for dapper then, that'll be tomorrow12:31
Frittiat least it works on my breezy box now :-)12:31
raphinkthierry: oh just because I wanted debian/copyright in the debian/ section12:31
thierryraphink : you should put everything in debian/copyright section no?12:31
raphinkbut at first I had put it in the License section12:31
thierryraphink : you also don't talk about man pages... wich I discovered for my last package, are pretty important12:34
raphinkthierry: it's not finished yet12:34
raphinkthierry: i've only began this document today ;)12:34
raphinkso I will talk about man pages, and desktop files, and all :)12:35
thierryraphink : ok, so the stuff wich is already there seems great to me except the copyright stuff that I think should be all in one but this is understable this way too12:35
Nafallosounds like another packaging guide to me :-P12:35
raphinkNafallo: can be, too12:35
raphinkbut I write it as a checklist12:36
raphinkrather than a mere guide to packaging12:36
raphinkI won't explain how to use dh_make, dh_stuff or cdbs12:36
Nafallopackaging cheatsheet ;-)12:36
raphinkhow to sign the package, how to run debuild or dpkg-buildpackage and so on12:36
raphinkI'm focused on details and checking all important details12:36
raphinkso to me it's a reviewing guide rather than a packaging one12:37
raphinkbut as I've put in the intro, it's useful for packagers too12:37
raphinkto check their own packages12:37
raphinkcause I think packagers should review their work properly before upload it12:37
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zyga_is there any tool that automatically turns .tar.bz2 into properly-named .orig.tar.gz?12:55
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raphinknot that I know of zyga_12:56
raphinkbunzip2 yourpackage.tar.bz2 && gzip -9 yourpackage.tar && mv yourpackage.tar.gz yourpackage.orig.tar.gz12:56
raphinkdoes it12:57
zyga_done, I was trying to avoid mistakes if there is a know tool that does the jobs12:58
raphinkit's good this way zyga_12:58
raphinkplease drop a comment in debian/changelog about repackaging the upstream tarball12:58
zyga_I did12:58
raphinkgood :)12:58
zyga_I've updated gazpacho to .0.6.412:58
zyga_I need to find kov to let him know ;-)12:59
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zyga_works great01:03
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raphinkzyga_: what works great?01:15
dholbachgood night01:15
raphinknight dholbach :)01:16
zyga_raphink: gazpacho01:17
raphinkah ok01:17
=== Kyral goes through GNOMEFiles and looks up new things to package
NafalloKyral: gnome-reset! :-D01:23
Kyraland this01:24
KyralThe Advanced thing looks NICE01:27
infinitoanyone here knows howto change the deafult email for an user, so dch takes it?01:27
Kyralexport DEBEMAIL=01:27
Kyralfoo@bar.com :P01:27
Kyraldamn return key01:27
infinitoKyral: thanks!01:29
Kyralyou may wanna put it in your .bash_profile01:30
Kyralso it gets exported everytime bash is run (like a term window)01:30
NafalloDEBFULLNAME is also nice :-)01:31
infinitoumm any idea on howto do this for global system?01:31
Kyralput it in there :P01:31
raphinkany idea why this is a question for #ubuntu-motu ?01:32
infinitoim sorry01:32
raphinknp ;)01:33
infinitoi know this is not the best place, but you were supposed to know the answer (as it is)01:33
=== Nafallo improves network-manager again :-P
=== Nafallo uploads nm and goes to bed :-P
infinitomaybe someone can try to package alltray, which is great01:49
raphinkmaybe you can try it, even :)01:50
raphinkinfinito: ^^01:50
infinitoraphink: im not very good at packaging ;)01:51
raphinkyou can learn01:51
raphinkbefore being good, we all have to learn :)01:51
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raphinkinfinito: we're also here to mentor new packagers ;)01:53
infinitocdbs is totally banned i suppose...01:53
raphinknot at all01:54
raphinkI use cdbs01:54
raphinkcdbs can be very good01:54
raphinkauto-update of debian/control through cdbs is _totally_ banned though01:54
raphinkbut that's about what is banned in cdbs ;)01:54
raphinkI appreciate very much a clean package made with cdbs :)01:55
infinitoone question, how do u realize what exact dependencies needs a package (both build and install)?01:56
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raphinkinfinito: it's often in the doc of the tarball02:02
raphinkINSTALL and README help02:02
raphinkinfinito: you can also grep the source for includes02:02
azeemif it uses pkg-config, configure.in is a big help as well02:03
infinitoand if a program depends on autotools for compiling, those should be added to control or with debhelper is enough?02:06
raphinkif it requires autotools to build, then autotools should be in Build-Depends02:07
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azeemin most cases, programs do not require autotools to be actually installed02:07
raphinkhi cyberserver02:08
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cyberserverhi ! ;-)02:08
azeemthat's the whole point of having ./configure posix-shell02:08
raphinkcyberserver: https://launchpad.net/people/motuim02:09
raphinkthat's the team for IM02:09
raphinkand \sh is a kubuntu dev in this team cyberserver02:09
raphinkhi hub02:10
infinitoif a program uses gettext, it has any build dependecies on that?02:12
cyberserverraphink:  Thanks for the intro, I'll look around first and I'll post some comments as soon as I feel I'm up to date with you all :-)02:12
raphinkcyberserver: oh well MOTUs is a whole world02:12
raphinkfeel free to talk on here and ask questions02:12
raphinkinfinito: if it just uses it to run, then I guess it's a Depends, not a Build-Depends02:13
hubraphink: is it possible to review this: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1472 ?02:13
hubraphink: I can't because I'm the packager :-)02:13
raphinknot right now02:13
raphinki'm tired :(02:13
hubraphink: when you have some time02:13
hubno rush, but it has been idling02:13
raphinkhehe I know02:14
raphinkI have this pb with other stuff ;)02:14
raphinkI'll review it if you review konq-kim02:14
raphinkhub: did you have a look at my reviewing guide, too?02:14
=== raphink is advertising his wiki work today :)
raphinkdid you read it hub ?02:15
cyberserverOk... so I faced some days ago this behaviour that it may seem not what is wanted: I'v been checking the behviour of ubuntu/kubuntu when plugging/inserting removable medium (I'm trying CD's and usb pens) ..02:15
raphinkhub: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTUReviewingGuide so you can tell me what you think :)02:15
hubraphink: I didn't have time to read it completel02:15
hubbut I'll do now02:15
raphinkoh ok :)02:15
raphinkit's not complete I'm afraid ;)02:15
raphinkcyberserver: what is wrong?02:15
raphinkcyberserver: what is wrong with removable medias?02:16
cyberserver.... I have 2 comments I would like to discuss:  1 - If you boot ubuntu with a CD already inside your drive, it will not show up in the desktop. (Haven't reproduced in kubuntu to see if same thing happens or not). Then it is harder to reach the 'umount' or 'eject' , as we need to locate the device that would be expected to be on the desktop...02:17
cyberserver2 - I've tried this with kubuntu just some minutes ago: You can insert a CD and eject if by hand (pushing the cd eject button) ..... but if you choose the "open in new window", even if you close the window later, you'll need to use the 'eject' comand right-clicking the CD icon... as the 'phisical' cd eject button will not trigguer the cd ejection....02:19
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raphinkcyberserver: oh I thought you wanted to talk about MOTU IM stuff02:19
raphinkcyberserver: this behaviour is a feature02:20
raphinkand has always been in unix systems as far as I remember02:20
raphinka mounted cdrom cannot be ejected manually02:20
raphinkit is not the way windows handles it02:20
cyberserverraphink: OOOooopsss... bad english then: I wanted to talk about usability... not do talk about usability in IM stuff :-p02:20
raphinkbut it is the way unix systems do02:20
raphinkand macos does the same btw02:21
raphinkit is totally normal that the eject button doesn't work when the CD has been mounted02:21
raphinkcyberserver: does that answer ?02:23
cyberserverraphink: agreed.. but could this be consistent? I'm not sure if it can:   a) to disable the eject button completely ( we would not be able to eject even if we just plugged in the cd)     or      b)   Implement a timeout so that removable media would be auto-umounted after xxx seconds of inactivity ? then the eject button would worka again.02:24
raphinkno I don't think we want that02:25
cyberserverraphink: I'm not saying I'm right. I'm just wondering if it would be better, or if it could be done at all02:25
cyberserverraphink: ok.02:25
raphinkautounmounting devices is a weird feature imo02:25
raphinkmy mom got used to ejecting CDROMs on the desktop by right clicking on the icon02:25
raphinkI'm sure most people can do it ;)02:25
raphinkwhen I put a CD in the tray02:26
raphinkand I mount it02:26
hubcould be worse02:26
raphinkI don't want it to be unmounted after an amount of time02:26
raphinkhub: what?02:26
hubwe could be run the autorun02:26
cyberserverraphink: Ok, I have no problem with that. I'll just educate people that way. I've done it once... I'll do it again! :-p02:26
hubthe one that says to insert CD102:26
hubwhen the program requested CD202:26
raphinkoh yes02:26
hub(you just inserted)02:27
=== hub has to fix his machine
raphinkcyberserver: our goal is not to make linux look like windows though ;)02:27
raphinkand if linux systems behave this way on this matter, there is a good reason02:27
cyberserverraphink: agreed :-)02:27
hubtranfered upstairs02:28
raphinkso it's a matter of educating people02:28
raphinkwhich is good02:28
hubam I the only one to have udev issues?02:28
raphinkby educating them to do it with CDROMs02:28
raphinkthey'll do it more easily with USBkeys02:28
hubconsole fscked02:28
raphinkwhile USB keys can be removed without ejecting them even when mounted (physically I mean)02:28
raphinkand it's not good at all ;)02:29
cyberserverraphink: So... I guess that usb-pen  "auto-sync" is not  an interesting feature also?   So that they dont lose the data when hot-plugging it without "safely remove" ?02:29
cyberserverraphink: let me rephrase:02:29
raphinkeducating people is the best way imo02:29
raphinkcyberserver: you mean backup-ing the usb key to the HD while it's in use in case it's removed unsafely?02:29
cyberserverraphink: I've seen solutions where the pen would be mounted with   "sync" option  (If I'm not mistaken) , therefore ...02:30
cyberserverraphink: ... no, not that02:30
raphinkthen what?02:30
raphinkwhat is this sync option?02:30
raphinkhub: did you go through the guide?02:31
hubI got interrupted by $GF that want something that is on the machin that is hosed02:32
raphinkI'm working on $GF's machine and she's sleeping02:33
raphinkso that wouldn't happen to me02:33
hubraphink: it is 8:33 here02:33
huband she wants stuff off MY machine02:34
raphinkit's 2:33 here02:34
hubI know02:34
cyberserverraphink: I was seing 2 options:   "sync" on mount option.   or forcing 'sync /dev/sda' (again, after a timeout, somewhat like in the cd).      'sync' in the fstab/mount option will make "unbuffered" writes to the device (writing to usb would become synchronous, like msdos does with floppyes).    'sync' on a command like 'sync /dev/sda' (IIRC) forces the system to flush the buffered writes to the device...02:34
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cyberserverraphink: So I was thinking about 2 different syncs :   /bin/sync   (see #man sync), or sync on the fstab option02:36
cyberserverraphink: I will agree that neither is needed if the user is educated properly02:36
cyberserverraphink: And I agree that explaining the user that "we need to umount a cd" and "we need to umount a usb pen" as both are removable devices is easier02:38
cyberserverthan explaining that cd's are one way and usb pens are another way02:40
cyberserverI would also would like to discuss the way konqueror handles video ... basically it doesn't handle it nicely....02:51
cyberserverbut I would likt to discuss tha02:51
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bddebianWhy would dpatch try to apply from ./ ?03:19
bddebianajmitch: Wake up man03:30
bddebianHeya Kyral03:33
bddebianKyral: You have any idea why dpatch would try to apply in ./ ?03:33
KyralI don't even know how to use DPatch :P03:35
bddebianWell WTF? :-)03:36
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LaserJockStevenK: ping?04:11
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bddebianFuck I hate this time of day :-(04:19
LaserJockbddebian: eh?04:20
bddebianLaserJock: Everyone is asleep or such :-)04:21
LaserJockwell, I'm not. I'm fixing dinner04:24
bddebianI'm "fixing" cuetools :-)04:24
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bddebiantheCore what? :-)04:27
theCorebddebian: what what ? :/04:27
theCorebddebian, btw, hello04:27
bddebianYou're theCore of what? :-)04:28
bddebianHello :-)04:28
theCorebddebian, ah, theCore of my mind ! (nah, actually my nick come from the game that got me into computing )04:29
theCorebddebian, Total Annihilation04:29
bddebianAh, cool04:29
LaserJockhi theCore04:29
theCoreLaserJock, hi04:30
theCoreLaserJock, I'm mailing some artwork, then I will continue working the Packaging Guide04:31
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LaserJocktheCore: ok great, I did a lot of work today, I will probably commit again tonight04:34
Kyraloh wait...I meant to say that in the Forums chan04:34
LaserJockhi ajmitch04:38
bddebianajmitch: Do you have a minute to help me?04:38
KyralI know we aren't supposed to touch the source without patches..but does that include patching the Makefile to use $(PREFIX)?04:50
LaserJockKyral: make a patch04:51
Kyraljust askin' :P04:51
KyralCDBS here I come lol04:51
Kyralwait...does debhelper.mk call dh_desktop04:52
LaserJockKyral: you don't need CDBS just for patching a Makefile05:03
ajmitchbddebian: with what?05:04
ajmitchbddebian: I don't know how long the laptop battery will last05:04
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LaserJockStevenK: did you get your upload rights worked out?05:48
LaserJockStevenK: you were going to upload vnc4 for me05:48
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crimsunI thought I saw a StevenK upload yesterday?05:52
LaserJockyeah, I saw that too so I was hoping to see vnc4 go by as well ;-)05:53
crimsunI can do it if he's busy; point me to the debdiff05:53
LaserJockHe's got it05:54
LaserJockI just would reallly like to get vnc installed soon :-)05:54
LaserJockI tried FreeNX but couldn't get it to work05:56
StevenKLaserJock: Ah.06:03
StevenKYeah, well.06:03
StevenKvnc4 FTBFS, doko has made 2 uploads, and it includes vital parts of the XFree86 source.06:04
StevenKIOW, don't hold your breath.06:04
LaserJockStevenK: ok, I'm going to have another go at FreeNX. It's supposed to be faster. Don't sweat it ;-006:07
StevenKnfs:/srv/media        429G  368G   61G  86% /media/media06:08
StevenKHrm. I think I need a new drive soon.06:08
LaserJockSeveas: ping?06:09
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LaserJockdoes FreeNX have to use the ssh port?06:25
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minghuaIs the time for MOTU meeting decided yet?07:35
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Seveashub, ping08:02
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ejofeedoes the default (k)ubuntu install *also* include xterm? i want to create a .desktop script which works on both ubuntu and kubuntu.08:28
Burgundaviaejofee, yes, by the seed list08:32
ejofeeBurgundavia: thanks08:33
ejofeeBurgundavia: where do i find the seed list?08:33
Burgundaviaejofee, people.ubuntu.com/~cjwatson/seeds08:35
Burgundaviacjwatson = Kamion08:35
ejofeeBurgundavia: thanks08:38
ejofeeBurgundavia: was that a correction?08:38
Burgundaviaejofee, no, pointing out who answered you in -devel08:38
ejofeeBurgundavia: oh, nice, thanks08:39
ejofeeBurgundavia: what do you think about my suggestion?08:40
ejofee(on #ubuntu-devel)08:40
Burgundaviaejofee, sorry, don;t have enough technical knowledge to comment either way08:40
ejofeeBurgundavia: this is something that mandriva does very successfully08:41
Burgundaviabring it up on the mailing list with a good argument why for and why mandriva does it08:41
Burgundavianot just, we should do X because Y distro does it08:41
ejofeeBurgundavia: i didn't begin with "mandriva does it". i began with "this way we won't say "use gedit <path> or kwrite <path>" to the noobs".08:42
Burgundaviaavoid the word newbies and noobs08:43
ejofeeBurgundavia: why?!08:43
Burgundaviait is rude08:43
ejofeeBurgundavia: is it offensive?08:43
ejofeeBurgundavia: didn't know that08:44
ejofeeBurgundavia: what should i use instead (if i want to express the same idea)?08:44
minghuanew users?08:44
ejofeeBurgundavia, minghua: i wonder why a "newbye" would sound rude.08:44
Burgundaviaejofee, simply don't talk about new users. Talk about user expectations and how this might impact users of different skill levels08:45
Burgundaviathink of it like a sales pitch08:45
minghuaejofee: I am not sure about "newbie" either, but "noobs" are sure offensive AFAIK08:45
ejofeeBurgundavia, minghua: thanks08:46
Burgundaviaejofee, np08:46
Burgundavianoobs also sounds unprofessional08:46
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minghuaIt's Burgundavia providing advice, I am just interrupting :-)08:46
ejofeeminghua :)08:48
ejofee"apt-get install openssh-server" also runs sshd by default?09:16
minghuaI suppose so09:16
minghuathat's the debian way of thinking: "if you install a server package, of course you want to run it; if you don't want to run it anymore, remove it"09:17
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Tonio_hi there09:56
ajmitchhello Tonio_09:56
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ajmitchsigh, automatix hits digg.com10:18
minghuaajmitch: maybe automatrix can have some positive effect eventually10:22
minghuaat least no one is complaining about automatrix on ubuntu-devel list yet :-P10:23
ajmitchwe haven't been commanded by irate users to package it yet10:23
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siretartajmitch: I think there are some good points in automatrix, but there is also a lot of crackful stuff12:01
siretartajmitch: I think it would be perhaps best if the author would work with a couple of MOTUs to get it in a less crackful state in order to include it to ubuntu12:02
ajmitchthough I don't see it happening soon12:10
siretartsadly, yes12:10
ajmitchah, I see sabdfl is online :)12:11
ajmitchsiretart: what have you been up to this week?12:12
ajmitchsiretart: also, have you worked on those other specs from UBZ lately?12:13
siretartajmitch: oh, sorry, I was too focused on other stuff, sadly :(12:13
ajmitchyeah I understand12:13
ajmitchI just got back to selinux lately12:14
siretartI really need to focus on my UBZ specs (read: get revu2 to do something) :(12:14
ajmitchyes, I want to have time for it also12:14
ajmitchbut I also want selinux to be useful by feature freeze :(12:14
siretartI also worked on aspectc++ on amd64 (I got it working somehow), and got co maintainer in debian for oops12:14
siretartI understand12:14
ajmitchmy main task now is trying to get a decent policy package together12:15
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ajmitchwhich is the bulk of the work that RH employs people fulltime for :)12:15
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ajmitchLCA has been bad for my ubuntu productivity12:56
ajmitchmorning \sh12:56
=== ajmitch blames Lathiat
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Mithrandirhi ajmitch12:58
ajmitchhi Mithrandir12:58
=== ajmitch really needs to understand make better to figure out what is broken on this policy
\shfixing broken java software01:04
\shoh wow...I'm insane01:04
Treenaks\sh: we know ;)01:04
\shTreenaks: this is really serious...I don't know java :)01:05
ajmitch\sh: we'll swap - you fix this selinux policy for me :)01:05
\shajmitch: dude, I'm fixing broken java software on a suse linux..are you sure, you want me to fix the selinux policy for you?01:06
ajmitchah, I'll pass :)01:06
=== Treenaks hands \sh the cyanide capsule
ajmitch\sh: I'm just trying to track through a makefile at the moment, before I dig into the m4 macros01:06
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ajmitchoh this is worrying01:44
ajmitchawk is giving different results on the same input, on 2 machines running dapper01:44
ajmitchsame locale..01:45
ajmitchone is gawk, the other mawk01:45
=== ajmitch stabs
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ajmitchand that was all that was needed to get policy built01:49
StevenKajmitch: You're up late.01:51
ajmitchyes, I wanted to get this working :)01:52
ajmitchonly a few weeks until feature freeze, so I've got to move fast01:52
ajmitchlibsepol.verify_module_requirements: Module dmesg's global requirements were not met: type/attribute dmesg_exec_t01:53
ajmitchlibsemanage.semanage_link_sandbox: Link packages failed01:53
ajmitchok, I go sleep now01:56
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phanatichi people02:29
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=== ..[topic/#ubuntu-motu:siretart] : Ubuntu Masters of the Universe: Ubuntu Universe Repository Maintainers | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTUTodo | https://launchpad.net/people/motu/+poll/next-meeting-05
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zakameevening MOTUs02:45
phanatichi zakame02:45
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phanaticzakame: could you have a look at this one: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1579 you've commented once on an earlier version02:48
zakamephanatic: checking :)02:49
phanaticzakame: thx02:50
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zakamewb ogra03:13
zakamehm I notice I'm not yet in LP's motu (bugs) team, can an admin add me? :)03:15
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zakamewb Amaranth03:19
zakamewelcome back03:20
=== Amaranth was last here 12 hours ago :P
zakamehm LP down again?03:21
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Amaranthworks here03:26
zakamewaah must be my dialup acting up :(03:27
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zakamewb Nafallo03:43
Nafallothanks zakame :-)03:44
=== Nafallo has his new mobile doing the initial charging.
Nafallois 6 hours the correct time for such things?03:49
TreenaksNafallo: I usually let it charge overnight03:49
zakamesame here03:50
zakame9 to 9 hours iirc03:50
zakameer, that should be 6 to 903:50
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Nafallothere is nothing written anywhere about this in the manual :-P03:50
Nafallobaah, 6 hours is a lot when you just want to start playing with it :-P03:53
Nafallolol, my old mobile moo'd at me!03:57
Nafallowas my girlfriend calling :-P03:57
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bddebianHeya gang04:08
Nafallomorning bddebian04:09
bddebianHello Nafallo04:09
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bddebianHeya crimsun04:25
crimsun'morning, bddebian04:25
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=== Kyral wonders if he should file a bug on xfce4-terminal
Kyralthe wierd problem I have with Screen only happens on Xfce4 Terminal04:57
Kyraland not on GNOME-Terminal04:57
crimsunwhat sort?04:58
Kyraluuh yanno how it defaults to "Auto-Detect" for what the backspace key does?04:58
crimsunthe ctrl+h issue?04:58
crimsunthat seems to be a screen issue04:59
Kyralnoo....doesn't happen in GNOME-Terminal04:59
crimsunsame thing occurred with rxvt-unicode04:59
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Kyralso file in Screen?04:59
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crimsun(trying to find the issue)05:00
UbugtuMalone bug 29787 in screen: "Not detecting Backspace correctly" [Normal,Unconfirmed] 05:02
KyralFeel free to modify it05:02
crimsunUbugtu: bug 369005:04
Ubugtu(bug <abbreviation> <number>) -- Look up bug <number> in the bugtracker associated with <abbreviation>.05:04
UbugtuMalone bug 3690 in rxvt-unicode: "backspace does not work in screen." [Normal,Rejected]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/369005:04
Kyralwhy was it rejected?05:04
=== jinty [n=jinty@135.Red-80-37-34.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #ubuntu-motu
crimsunit's not a bug, it's a configuration detail05:05
=== Kyral falls down
Kyralthat sounds so close to the "Its not a bug, its a feature!" Response05:05
KyralFeel free to reject my bug then...05:06
crimsunexcept in this case it very much is a compile-time option /and/ a configuration issue05:06
crimsunno need, you can close it or keep it as you wish05:06
Kyralso? *blank look*05:06
KyralI'll drop its priorty to minor05:06
crimsunI'm not particularly keen on generating a merge delta just for that compile-time option; see if it's filed upstream (Debian and/or schorp)05:07
Kyralcan I go to the bathroom first? :P05:08
crimsunno :p05:08
=== crimsun kids, of course
Kyralscrew you! My bowels take orders from  no one! Even myself!05:08
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KyralWhere do people get those "Powered By" images...05:24
Nafallogimp? :-)05:24
KyralI somehow thought that there was like a massive website with them lol05:25
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KyralGood on the guy for GPLing them!05:26
Kyralhttp://www.zwahlendesign.ch/images/badges2/toocoolforie_80x15.png <--LOL05:28
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Gloubiboulgaslomo, I've reuploaded libswitch http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=161606:15
Gloubiboulgaif you got time to review it...06:16
lucashi motus06:21
lucassiretart: what's the status regarding backups on tiber ?06:21
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lucasogra: have we received an answer from Kamion regarding UVF exc requests ?06:26
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slomoGloubiboulga: later, ok? :)07:27
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bmontyhey LaserJock07:39
LaserJockhi bmonty07:39
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robotgeekLaserJock: I contacted the pyrobotics folks, they asked me to go ahead.07:43
LaserJockrobotgeek: very good07:43
robotgeeki havent heard anything from the debian ITP guy though07:43
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robotgeekLaserJock: should i go ahead and package it, or wait for the guy to contact me?07:47
LaserJockrobotgeek: I would go ahead and start. That ITP is really old. If you don't hear from him by the time your done maybe you could email debian-mentors or something07:48
robotgeekLaserJock: okay, i'll get started then07:49
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Gloubiboulgaslomo, ok :)07:54
slomoGloubiboulga: soname is still unfixed? :(07:54
Gloubiboulgait's fixed now07:55
zygacan someone remind me when do we sync stuff from unstable that is already in debian and ubuntu but debian has a newer version?07:55
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siretartzyga: after dapper release07:56
slomoGloubiboulga: hmm... i'll take a closer look and don't trust the debdiff :)07:56
zygasiretart: we're alredy past the freeze?07:56
Gloubiboulgaslomo, the package is built against a new tarball07:57
siretartzyga: yepp07:58
ajmitchmorning all07:58
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bddebianHeya ajmitch07:58
siretartoutside it is -5 degrees.. *freezing*..07:58
slomohi ajmitch07:58
slomosiretart: -9 here ;)07:58
siretartmorning ajmitch!07:58
siretartslomo: yesterday we had -14 in the morning :/07:59
slomoGloubiboulga: oh... autotools and libtool this time :)07:59
siretartajmitch has perhaps +25 or something... :/07:59
zygasiretart: -28 in the night here yesterday07:59
ajmitchsiretart: not quite, it's just 8am :)07:59
zyga(note - not +)07:59
Gloubiboulgaslomo, yep!08:00
ajmitchit *might* get up to 25 or so here today08:00
siretartzyga: so we agree that we are in freeze ;)08:00
siretartajmitch: hehe08:00
zygasiretart: most definitly08:00
=== ajmitch would love to have some caffeine
siretartwhat do you think about using launchpad polls for our next meeting date?08:01
ajmitchstill waiting for it to open ;)08:02
ajmitchhow annoying, I'll miss the dapper status meeting again08:03
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siretartajmitch: I should have read the documentation for polls. nothing warns you from setting a start date in the past, which is nonsense, since you don't get the possibility to set any options AT ALL!08:04
ajmitchsiretart: crack08:05
ajmitchfile a bug!08:05
siretartI should do so. yes08:06
ajmitchI think I should go & get ready so I can get to LCA by 908:06
ajmitchI'll bbl :)08:06
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Kyralcan I patch mysql-server?09:33
azeempatch it for what?09:34
azeem(it is in main)09:34
Kyrallemme dig up the bug...09:34
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UbugtuMalone bug 29786 in mysql-dfsg-5.0: "Rebooting breaks MySQL-Server" [Normal,Unconfirmed] 09:40
\shit's good to know, that I can always break things in a commercial environment....09:41
\shit's good to know, that I have a work again09:41
TreenaksKyral: WONTFIX -> Use postgresql :P09:41
ogra\sh, fixed job now ?09:42
\shogra: no....but do you want to work for less then 1500 bucks per week (week = 5days)?09:42
ograi do :P09:42
\shogra: hehe..well...Today i was involved in more then just "fixing suse"..right now I'm working on some java stuff for mobile services, and found a serious regression in a commercial java lib09:43
\shogra: so the cto decided, that it's good to have me onsite :009:44
\shogra: and I have the chance, to roll out ubuntu in this environment..09:44
ograyes, you said so on the phone, thts really cool :)09:44
\shand the people are quite nice there..small company, but good people..09:44
\shogra: thx to george, that he has no time to work on it in a regular timeframe. so he thought about me, and asked me to do it :)09:45
\shand I had my second fun day :) yesterday I killed postfix and cyrus imapd to work properly again :) and today I just killed openxchange and reinstalled it with a new version and it works again :)09:46
\sheverybody is happy :)09:47
\shand it's a good feeling, to know that somebody needs you :)09:47
\shogra: btw...when are you leaving for london?09:48
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siretartKyral: I assume that mysql bug is because /var/run is tempfs on dapper. The init script needs to take care about creating /var/run/mysql and friends09:49
ograsunday morning09:49
\shogra: for one week, right? give me a call when you are back in germany :) so we can have a beer :)09:49
ograi'll be back the following sunday evening09:50
ogra5th or so09:50
robotgeekhi, i have a noob question. if a package i'm building has several dependencies x y z, and say package y provides x and z, it's just enough for me to mention package y as build-depends?09:51
\shogra: cool....let's meet the weekend after the 5th09:55
ogralets see, my parents expect me to come in the next weeks ...09:55
\shogra: k..just give me a ring :)09:56
\sh /09:57
ograyup, will do09:57
\shok...time to go to bed...need to be early in the office..09:58
\shcu tomorrow09:58
siretartsleep well \sh09:58
\shsiretart: you too :) and good luck with the backup :)09:58
crimsunrobotgeek: err, build-depends?10:00
robotgeekcrimsun: or anything, actually10:00
crimsunrobotgeek: it's always a good idea to specify the minimum set of build dependencies10:01
robotgeekcrimsun: okay, i'll keep that in mind10:01
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robotgeekLaserJock: hah, i think i am going to have a funtime. damn thing doesn't compile10:25
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siretartcrimsun: around?10:39
crimsunsiretart: pong10:40
siretartcrimsun: I just prepared a new wpasupplicant upload, featuring the wpa_gui binary10:40
siretartcrimsun: I noticed that wpasupplicant is still at debhelper compat 1. I upgraded it to 5, making /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf a conffile10:41
siretartcrimsun: do you see problems with this?10:41
crimsunsiretart: nope, though I historically shy from wpa_gui because it wasn't in Debian (though I know about the bug). Sounds good to me.10:41
siretartcrimsun: because of the extra qt dependency?10:43
crimsunsiretart: right10:43
siretartI still think that it is a good idea, because I think the default use case for wpasupplicant will be notebooks, which are used for work10:44
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siretartI don't know many servers running wpa10:44
siretartcrimsun: if you are interested in splitting wpa_gui to an package of its own, I'd suggest doing this in debian directly, the Maintainer asked for help (comaintainers) anyway10:45
crimsunI'm fairly neutral on the subject; I can see reasons for wanting wpa_gui in a separate package (wpasupplicant-gui?)10:45
Seveaswpa_gui will be obsolete relatively soon-ish once network manager properly supports WPA11:05
Seveasthat's almost in place now11:05
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siretartSeveas: define 'almost' please11:14
Seveassiretart, wpa implemented and being tested, 802.1x planned after wpa/wpa2 is thoroughly tested (90% of the code for it is already in the wpa part)11:14
SeveasIt will most likely be a dapper+1 thing, but if there's a pretty feature complete release before/in march I'm going to push really hard to get it at least into universe11:16
siretartI see11:16
=== ajmitch really really wants nm with wpa :)
=== Seveas too
siretartSeveas: does it already support certificates or just PSK? what about PEAP, LEAP, and all those other shiny authentication methods?11:17
siretartajmitch: we are using it at 'our' internet cafe, and TBH, it annoys me11:17
Seveassiretart, for now just PSK, as stated in that mail11:17
SeveasI need PEAP too :)11:18
siretartSeveas: I see. so thats what they mean with '802.1x support'11:18
Seveaseverything that does certificates is 802.1x11:19
siretartstrange definition11:21
siretartafair peap is without certificates, just username/password, no?11:22
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