
laptopwhen i type iwconfig, kubuntu wont even see my card (ath0) why?12:02
dbglthi again everyone :)12:02
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orion_fr_24dark_suic: redirect port 22 from on machine to another one on a different network12:07
dark_suichang on a sec... a friend in another channel just told us he had gotten the rule to make just that12:07
dark_suicwops, he's just quit and hasn't told anything, although i asked U__U12:08
orion_fr_24dark_suic: but on mac os x (router) only has ipfw to route so can t use any software12:08
dark_suicthen it will be quite hard...12:08
dark_suicis there any macosx channel over here?12:08
dark_suicyou may ask there12:08
orion_fr_24dark_suic: computing is not only meant to b EZ ;)12:08
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dark_suicyeah, i know :P12:08
orion_fr_24dark_suic: mac user are geek on command line12:09
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orion_fr_24dark_suic: so dont know anything about that i already tried12:09
orion_fr_24dark_suic: and ipfw is a unix stuff so i give it a try here12:09
coldanyone know the location of ethernet devices located on ubuntu ?12:09
orion_fr_24dark_suic:  lol12:09
dark_suicyou may try at #debian12:09
orion_fr_24dark_suic: thx i ll try12:10
dark_suicthere are quite a few command-line geeks there too :P12:10
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dark_suiccold, what do you mean?12:10
mepleanyone know why I have to run X with VESA driver?12:11
meplemy card is a geforce680012:11
meplecant use the NV driver12:12
dark_suicmeple, try sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-settings && sudo nvidia-glx-config enable12:12
dark_suicthat works for installing nvidia drivers12:12
dark_suic(after that restart x server with ctrl12:13
dark_suicctrl + alt + backspace after closing session)12:13
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mepleoh ok thank you12:13
brandonMy first time on irc w/ Linux :D12:14
kurruptionis it possible to somehow convert from ubuntu to kubuntu? other than deleting the current partition then installing kubuntu12:14
brandonI'm very new to linux and tried a few diff. distros. Kubuntu is awesome. It works great on my Averatec 3250 laptop.12:14
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dark_suickurruption, yes12:15
dark_suickurruption, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop12:15
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brandonhow would i install a program not in apt? I belive that dpkg is involved but that's about it.12:16
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brandoni tried make install but that didn't work.12:16
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connbrandon: dpkg -i package-name12:17
dark_suicbrandon, if the program is .deb, then dpkg -i (nameoftheprogram).deb12:17
dark_suicif it's not .deb, then it may be quite difficult12:17
brandonit's not a deb12:17
brandonthe file is aircrack. it's a .tar.gz12:17
dark_suicbrandon, what program u want to install?12:17
dark_suichang on a sec12:17
dark_suicwell, i can assure you you can install it via apt-get12:18
dark_suicif you want12:18
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brandonapt-get, ok, i'll have to read up on that.12:18
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dark_suicbrandon, try adept12:20
dark_suicin adept, file->manage repositories12:20
dark_suicsearch for lines starting with #deb12:20
SteleSkrot - i'm getting "404 not found" errors when I try to apt-get those headers12:20
SkrotStele: apt-get update12:20
dark_suicright click -> enable12:20
brandonyeah, i've looked at adept, it's great12:20
dark_suicthen back to the main window, fetch updates, and there should be aircrack12:21
Steleah now it is doing something12:21
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Steleyay - thanks!12:21
SkrotNo problem :)12:21
brandonright on! it's there. thank you so much12:22
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laptopi have a wireless problem, when i try to install the drivers i get this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/766212:25
brandonafter it installs the pagage it places them in /usr/sbin. is it save to moves these files?12:25
brandonKubuntu is great, this channel is very helpful. Thank you dark_suic.12:28
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Steleim having weird display problems with my NV drivers12:30
SteleIm getting a black screen at top and white screen at bottom12:31
Steleand no X12:31
LaserJockok, maybe this is a stupid question but in Synaptic I see kvirc and kvirc2. What's the difference?12:31
colddark_suic i can't locate /dev/eth0 on ubuntu so I guess its in a different place, where is it ?12:31
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dark_suici'm trying12:33
coldanyone know the location of a ethernet device on ubuntu ??12:34
dark_suiche probado el find12:34
dark_suici've tried to find it12:34
dark_suicand located in12:34
dark_suic /sys/class/net12:34
dark_suicdon't know if it's what you're looking for12:34
coldahh thanks12:34
coldit helped12:35
coldi found it12:35
dark_suicit's also in some /proc but won't think they'd matter12:35
dark_suicok :)12:35
laptophow would i get a kernel header?12:35
dark_suicsudo apt-get install linux-headers-(your kernel version)12:37
laptopk thx12:37
Steleany NVIDIA driver experts around here?12:41
_martinhaha kopete crashes everytime I send a msg over ICQ12:42
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Stelehow can I update all my packages (including my kernel) from a shell? some apt-get command?12:43
mepleis this a common problem?12:43
laptop i have a wireless problem, when i try to install the drivers i get this error http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/766212:43
mepleKopete crashing as soon as you send a message to someone12:43
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dark_suicStele, try sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:45
Stelei did "apt-get upgrade" and it seems to be doing it12:45
Stelewhats the diff between that and "dist-upgrade"?12:45
dark_suicmeple, it doesn't happen here...12:45
Stelesomething is horribly wrong with my nvidia driver and Im hoping an update will fix it12:45
dark_suicwell, the diference is that dist-upgrade resolves dependencies and upgrade (it's supposed) that just updates your packages12:46
dark_suicwhat happens to your nvidia drivers?12:46
Stelei will try that12:46
Stelewell i got the latest NV driver to install, but when I start kdm, i get a blank screen, with a cursor bar in the top-left corner, and a white filled area at bottom12:46
Steleand the entire dispay hangs12:46
dark_suicyou got the nv driver from the nvidia webpage?12:47
Stelethe latest 81 something12:47
Stelei needed to update my kernel-includes from -9 to -10 for some reason12:47
dark_suicwell, i told meple some minutes ago how to install the official driver from ubuntu directly :P12:48
Steleoh - that would be "nice" :)12:48
Stelei missed that12:48
dark_suicsudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-settings && sudo nvidia-glx-config enable12:48
Steleyeah saw that12:48
dark_suicthat should work, but if you installed the other drivers it may not work...12:48
Stelewill try that after i update12:48
Steledoes that have an updated xorg.conf too?12:49
dark_suicnvidia-glx-config enable updates your xorg.conf :)12:49
Stelei think what happened is it is updating the kubuntu driver package over the old nvidia driver which I manually installed12:49
Stelethat must have happened in the past few weeks, automatically12:49
meplesudo apt-get update. does this update all the programs on your system?12:50
dark_suicdon't know, but the kubuntu package isn't so new...12:50
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dark_suicno meple12:50
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dark_suicapt-get update updates the list of the packages you have avaible12:50
Stelei believe it updates the list of available packages12:50
dark_suicapt-get upgrade is what updates your packages in the system12:50
Steleer, yeah12:50
mepledark_suic: oh I see, thanks12:50
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meplehm the servers apt connects to are pretty fast =)01:00
=== Xemanth^^ [n=xemanth@dsl-jklgw4-fe8df800-93.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #Kubuntu
mepleget about 5mb/sec. not bad01:00
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Xemanth^^thats not bad :)01:01
Steleany photographers here?01:01
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Xemanth^^any niinist fans here ?01:03
Red_Herringnot me01:03
vgeill gonna vote him01:03
vgenot a fan, but protestvote01:04
=== Red_Herring is confused
vgefinnish president elections01:04
Xemanth^^vge: yeah :) good :> i already voted him01:05
Red_Herringyou guys live in finland?01:05
Xemanth^^I do01:05
Red_Herringwhoah, where does everyone here live?01:05
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Xemanth^^Sauli Niinist is workers president01:05
vgei guess all over the world really ;)01:05
Red_Herringsuburb of chicago01:05
vgeXemanth^^:  dont over do it01:06
Xemanth^^haha :)01:06
Red_Herringim pissed that we elected an idiot here01:06
Red_Herringsorry that we are gonna ruin the world01:06
vgeagain ;)01:06
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=== Red_Herring is soooooooooo sorry
Red_Herringbut i cant be held accountable, i voted for kerry01:06
Red_Herringhow much do you guys follow politics over there?01:07
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Xemanth^^vge:  at least he isnt communist lesbian :D01:07
Red_Herringand how much do you guys take notice of the politics in america?01:07
rbarroshow can i disable konqueror from trying to invoke the kwallet manager app?01:07
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vgeRed_Herring: well finland is kinda small country, so we follow the globe pretty mutch01:08
Red_Herringhmm, interesting01:08
Xemanth^^rbarros: by disabling kwallet01:08
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Red_Herringthe world according to america goes 50 miles around the shore01:08
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dark_suicsame that finland happens here, in spain...01:08
Red_Herringi dont, but generally we hate canadians, immigrants, jews, aribs, anything else thats not red white and blue01:09
Xemanth^^vge: mini usa... haha ;)01:09
Red_Herringit sickens me01:09
Red_Herringfucking sickens me01:09
dark_suicwe're pretty small (although enough space for millions of idiots too) so we listen a lot to our american "friends"01:09
Red_Herringim sorry01:09
dark_suicyeah, u heard our governments and yours01:09
Xemanth^^well we here hate black people and especially arabs01:10
dark_suicwe are "friends"01:10
Xemanth^^at least me01:10
Red_Herringdark_suic: well,01:10
Xemanth^^i don't want them here01:10
Red_Herringno one in america cares about finland01:10
Red_Herringi say no one01:10
Red_Herringas in generrally01:10
dark_suici supose, but i'm from spain XD01:10
Red_Herringi didnt know there was an election01:10
dark_suici was talking about spain :P01:10
Red_Herringbbc is the closest to "global" we get here01:10
dark_suici understand :P01:10
SteleRed_Herring you are being very generalizing01:10
Red_Herringdark_suic: it applies to every country01:11
SteleI'm American I love the rest of the world01:11
Red_HerringStele: true01:11
RiddellXemanth^^: enough of that please01:11
Xemanth^^one work 'friend' here who is from iraq, he is arab... he said that he wants to sleep with my gf and he wants to pay for me about it.... thats sick01:11
SteleI've been to 20 countries or so01:11
Red_Herringbut you are overestimating the intelligence of america01:11
SteleI'd LOVE to visit Finland some day :)01:11
Red_Herringjust think:01:11
Red_Herringthe average intelligence01:11
Steleno - most Americans are pretty dumb - I'll give you that01:11
Xemanth^^and that was work friend01:11
Red_Herringand then it hits you that HALF OF THE WORLD is stupider than they are01:11
RiddellXemanth^^: you're off topic and likely to be kicked01:12
Stelesorry Riddell01:12
Xemanth^^well people talk here alot off topic and gets no kick01:12
dark_suicbut i think it was a bit TOO offtopic01:13
Red_Herringim sorry, but the christians here that CONSTANTLY complain about how they are ignored and the minorety, when they HAPPEN to have all 42 prez and almost every other politician, wow, i hope this wont get me kicked01:13
=== Jason [n=jason@about/rpi/rokeaj] has joined #kubuntu
Red_Herringwas typing that up when you were talking there01:14
Steleim guessing that this channel is fairly mixed for countries01:14
JasonHey guys - I've recently installed kubuntu from ubuntu and want to switch my default from gdm to kdm.  Where would I go about doing that?01:14
dark_suicthere are country-kubuntu-channels01:14
Stelemaybe 40% US and 60% other countries?01:14
Red_HerringJason: easy01:14
Red_Herringdpkg-reconfigure kdm01:14
dark_suicsudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm would do it01:14
Red_Herringsudo 'd that is01:14
Jason(I figured) :-P01:15
Red_Herringtell me if that works, i havent tried it01:15
dark_suicit could work too01:15
dark_suicsudo apt-get remove gdm01:15
Red_Herringnot smart01:15
Jasonbbl, rebooting.01:15
meplewhat is synaptic?01:16
Stelesudo apt-get remove all?01:16
Steledoes that work?01:16
raphinkgood question01:16
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Red_Herringor we could get someone here running windows01:16
Steleim running windows right now01:16
Stelewhat you need?01:16
dark_suicStele, try with -s01:16
Red_Herringand tell them "deltree -a c:*"01:16
Steleno thanks01:17
Red_Herringits TOO easy that way01:17
dark_suicmeple, synaptic is for gnome what adept is for kubuntu (more or less)01:17
Red_Herringexcept synaptic is, in my opinion, much nicer and easyer to use than adept01:17
dark_suicwell, i've heard of people falling in the "joke" of rm -rf /01:17
meplelike a graphical frontend ?01:17
mepleor smth like that01:17
dark_suici think the same, Red_Herring01:18
dark_suicbut adept is too new, let it take on a few versions... and it will be even better than synaptic :D01:18
Red_Herringi always install ubuntu w/ kubuntu-desktop01:18
Red_Herringits no different01:18
Red_Herringbut i get synaptic01:18
Red_Herringplus, gnome is a nice backup01:18
dark_suici prefer installing kubuntu and then synaptic :P01:18
Red_Herringit looks like krap01:19
Red_Herringbut w/ a NEW 20gb hard drive01:19
dark_suiccompletely agree with that :P01:19
Red_Herringi can afford to do that :-)01:19
Red_Herringsorry, for a while there i was stuck with a 4gb one01:19
Red_Herringwith 1gb of it swap01:19
dark_suici'd better won't say that i have almost 500 gb .... :P01:19
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Red_Herringi have 280GB on my desktop01:19
Red_Herringbut on a laptop...01:20
Red_Herringits much harder to get hard drives01:20
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Red_Herringi just wish they had more IDE slots01:20
dark_suicwell, i still have problems with kubuntu in my laptop01:21
dark_suicits impossible to get network running on it01:21
dark_suicit doesn't even get dhcp connected directly to the modem...01:21
meplewhats a good ICQ client for linux ? (kopete just crashes)01:21
KnowerrorsI need help getting my dvd drive dma settings to stick, I followed the advice here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DMA?highlight=%28dma%29, still turns off after reboot, help please01:21
Red_Herringi "got" a nice wireless card01:22
Red_Herringand it works FINE01:22
dark_suicmeple, if kopete doesn't work just try gaim...01:22
meplegaim gotcha. thx01:22
dark_suicRed_Herring, the wireless could work, i don't know, but i have no wireless connection... no one has it even near my home U__U01:22
Red_Herringthat sucks01:22
dark_suicnow i have debian installed because there the network works01:22
Red_Herringmy neighborhood has all the flashy wireless things01:22
dark_suicbut when i got the wifi working, the ethernet card got "broken"01:23
dark_suicand now i don't have network again :P01:23
dark_suici would like to have wireless things around me...01:23
Red_Herringfor some reason my ethernet card only works with my old router01:23
Red_Herringit was wierd01:23
Red_Herringso now i use it as a gateway to the router01:23
Red_Herringand everything works fine01:23
dark_suicwell, i don't have a router, or better said, MY computer is the router :P01:23
dark_suicethernet worked until i configured the wifi connection01:24
dark_suicthen it stopped working01:24
Red_Herringare there any other computers on the network?01:24
dark_suicit's like internet was trying to go just through the wireless01:24
dark_suicand can't ping them01:24
Red_Herringwow, that sounds complex01:24
dark_suici still don't understand what could have happened01:24
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Red_Herringwow, yad think my parents would notice that im using the interenet, after they explicitly told me not to01:25
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Red_Herringconcidering ive been sitting on my couch with my laptop01:25
Red_Herringwith noises and all01:25
Red_Herringfor like 2 hours01:25
dark_suicnow i'm waiting for final dapper to appear, to see if it has better support for the laptop01:27
dark_suici prefer kubuntu for non-server machines but debian for server, although now i'm completely the opposite (kubuntu as server and debian as client)01:27
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Red_Herringsame here, i have a debian server01:28
Red_Herringi like it01:28
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Red_Herringbut i really like kubuntu's support for my laptop01:28
Red_Herringits easily better than any other distro out there01:28
Red_Herringhibrinate, standby, etc.01:28
Red_Herringthey all work01:28
dark_suichibernate on kde?01:28
dark_suicit works?01:29
Red_Herringwell.... for my ACPI01:29
dark_suicsome friends of mine asked me how to do it :P01:29
Red_Herringi just use klaptop01:29
dark_suicok, i will tell them :P01:29
Red_Herringand i enabled the linux support for hibrenating01:29
Red_Herringand it works01:29
Red_Herringi gotta eat01:29
E-Trainanyone one have any advice for un packing rar files01:30
dark_suicok :)01:30
dark_suicE-Train, install unrar-nonfree01:30
E-Traindo you have to pay for it?01:31
dark_suicit should be on universe i think01:31
uboturumour has it, rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression01:31
E-Trainwhat does non free mean01:31
E-Trainyea i see it here in adept01:31
Red_Herringits not open source01:31
Red_Herringthats all01:31
Red_Herringits still free as in free beer01:31
Red_Herringjust not as in freedom01:31
dark_suicit means that it doesn't have a free license although it may be free (no need to pay)01:32
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E-Trainright on01:32
E-TrainDark - Score, It workd01:33
E-Traini am no un-rar'ing01:33
KnowerrorsI don't think my hdparm is running at boot, can someone help with this?  need it to turn on dma for dvd drive01:34
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dark_suicknowerrors, edit /etc/hdparm.conf01:36
dark_suicand there uncomment the lines for the devices you want to activate dma :)01:37
Knowerrorsalready did that :(01:38
=== Tallia1Kubuntu [n=andrea@cust-65-110-27-27.sfu-reznet.connectwest.net] has joined #kubuntu
Tallia1Kubuntuguys, i lose the ark entries in the contextual menu (right clisk)01:40
Tallia1Kubuntuclick*, do you know how i can repristinate it?01:40
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dark_suici've lost them too :S, i've just realized...01:41
KnowerrorsTallia1Kubuntu: that can happen if you opened Konq in webbrowser mode, and then went to a local location01:42
Knowerrorsto file browse01:43
Knowerrorstry closing it and reopen as filebrows mode01:43
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dark_suicKnowerrors, that doesn't work01:44
Knowerrorshmm, wonder how you guys lost it, mine is fine01:44
dark_suicwell, i've seen that it works on some folders but doesn't work on others (just tried)01:44
dark_suici know what happened to me01:45
dark_suici did some changes to konqueror's properties01:45
dark_suickde in general01:45
dark_suicbut hadn't still restarted konqueror01:45
Tallia1Kubuntuit happened on the desktop01:46
Tallia1Kubuntui am not in a file browser01:46
dark_suicTallia1Kubuntu, the desktop is some kind of file browser ;)01:46
Tallia1Kubuntu? so what should i do?01:46
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dark_suicopen ark01:47
dark_suicgo to options01:47
Tallia1Kubuntui didn't, the last thing that i did was a deb reconfigure on all the packages01:47
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dark_suicand check if "activate konqueror integration (or something like that)" is activated01:47
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Tallia1Kubuntuthere's a problem ther01:47
Tallia1Kubuntuit tells me taht the plugin is off01:48
dark_suicwell, then activate it....01:48
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Tallia1KubuntuService Manager - Kcontrol?01:49
dark_suicwhat exact plug-in is off?01:49
dark_suicwhen does the error appear?01:49
Tallia1Kubuntunono, it tells me it is not installed01:50
Tallia1Kubuntui misread01:50
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dark_suicwhat is not installed?01:50
Tallia1Kubuntuok done..01:51
Tallia1Kubuntuno konq-plugins01:51
Tallia1Kubuntutnx a lots01:51
laptophow do i get into the system setting as root?01:51
Tallia1Kubuntulaptop: using kde?01:51
dark_suiclaptop, kdesu systemsettings01:51
laptopthank you01:51
Tallia1Kubuntudid anyone ever experienced problems with the print of multiple pages per sheet?01:52
dark_suicdon't have a printer at all :P01:52
Tallia1Kubuntuif i want to print something sometimes the layout is:01:52
Tallia1Kubuntu4 101:52
Tallia1Kubuntu5 201:52
Tallia1Kubuntu6 301:52
E-Traindark - i have another question. i got an external hard drive and a usb 2.0 card. can you give me any advice or point me to some walkthoughs?01:52
Tallia1Kubuntuthat is kind of weird..01:53
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dark_suicyou have the same things that i have01:59
dark_suicyou should do this in a terminal:01:59
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dark_suichang on a sec :P02:01
dark_suici don't remember the exact command :p02:02
dark_suicsudo addgroup hal disk02:02
dark_suicthat is02:02
dark_suicthen sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart && kded02:02
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dark_suicthen when you plug-in the usb devices they should show you a screen asking you what to do with them02:03
dark_suic(this has to be done due to a bug)02:03
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dark_suicif that doesn't work just tell me02:04
Lord_AthurI've installed kubuntu hoary on my heard disk, but my other OP (win Xp pro) cannot start up, i'm using grub02:04
E-Traindark - do i have to format my drive?02:04
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flipjargHello all, i'm in a bit of trouble is there anyone who could help me?02:06
dark_suicE-Train, if it isn't formated you'll have to do02:06
dark_suicbut if it is you shouldn't02:06
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E-Traink so it doesnt matter if it is a ntfs or fat3202:06
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flipjargDoes anyone know if there is a way to get root's user id back to '0' after i've changed it?02:07
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flipjargi've tried to go into /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow manually but i cannot write to them now.02:08
Red_Herringsorry, thats a very odd one02:08
flipjargyeah i know. i'm on my last string.02:09
dark_suicif it's ntfs you won't be able to write in it02:09
dark_suicif it's fat32, no problem, but ntfs is not completely supported.. just read-only02:09
flipjargi guess i'll just go reinstall. i'll have to re-download all of my Phish flac's though. :-(02:09
dark_suicflipjarg, you can just save your data02:10
dark_suicand reinstall the base system without formatting the drive...02:10
flipjargThank god!02:10
flipjargSo just reinstall but don't format on the install?02:10
dark_suicthat's it...02:11
dark_suicalthough for another time...02:11
Red_Herringflipjarg: i dont think that works02:11
manveruRed_Herring: why not?02:11
dark_suicwell, Red_Herring if you install it should just rewrite the files you're installing,  wouldn't it?02:11
Red_Herringwell, when i tried it02:11
dark_suicim not sure about what i'm saying, but it should work... O__o02:11
Red_Herringit told me that data was still on teh partition, and it stopped02:11
flipjargIt might put them in a different spot on the HD right?02:11
dark_suicthat's it02:12
dark_suicit's better to make another partition for data... always :p02:12
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flipjargYeah, i should.02:12
dark_suicin the case this things happen, you just have to reinstall the base partition with the base system02:12
flipjargthat's what i get for keeping stuff on my desktop i guess.02:12
dark_suicprobably :P02:13
flipjargGlad i came here first, i'll try installing without formating. i'll see what happens.02:13
flipjargThanks guys. :-)02:13
dark_suicwell, Red_Herring i understand what you told, but then...02:13
dark_suicwhy is the non-format option still in the installer?02:13
Red_Herringbecause it can also be used to re-install grub02:14
Red_Herringwhich is what i used it for02:14
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dark_suicok :P02:15
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fit4lfehaving lots of problems with k3b02:50
fit4lfefirst I tried k3bsetup202:50
fit4lfeeverytime I open it up its blank so I can't set the permissions I have to go into a shell and do it that way02:51
fit4lfeit freezes all the time02:51
fit4lfehow can I fix these problems ?02:51
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Bicchii am running amd64 and i need to run an application that is only available for 32 bits, I heard that if i can use chroot to do so. is this true and what do i need to do?02:59
ubotuI heard chroot is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2457502:59
fit4lferight there bro02:59
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Bicchione question about chroot and what to do after installing it. Do i need also to install the 32 libraries of kde/gnome if my program uses X.03:31
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admrl has anyone installed the new kbfx w/ sphinx03:36
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Lord_Athurhi all, i've installed kubuntu hoary on my disk, but my other partion (win xp pro) is not booted by grub, the error message says that the file "NTLDR" was not found, windows is not the problem (I tested its integrity), what should I do?03:41
vgeadmrl: i  have kbfx installed, donno about hte sphinx thou03:41
Red_HerringLord_Athur: uuuuuu, is NTLDR there?03:42
Lord_Athuryes, it is03:42
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Lord_AthurRed_Herring, what can the problem be?03:43
Red_Herringcould be 2 things03:43
Red_Herringor windows03:43
Lord_AthurI verify windows with its install cd03:44
Lord_Athurand it's without problem03:44
dark_suicwell windows is always a problem :P03:44
Red_Herringyou do any hardware changes w/o updating grub?03:44
Lord_Athuri've reinstalled grub several times and nothing changes03:44
Lord_AthurRed_Herring, not03:45
Red_HerringLord_Athur: where is windows installed?03:45
Red_Herringhda or hdb?03:45
Lord_Athurit the first partition(hda1)03:45
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Red_Herringi wanna say that windows MUST be messed up03:46
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Lord_Athurit's a terrible problem when the family does not understand linux03:46
Red_Herringbut since you said it was checked03:46
Red_HerringLord_Athur: im with you there03:47
Lord_Athuri copied the file03:47
Red_Herringand nothing changed?03:47
Lord_AthurRed_Herring, i saw the file on the disk partiotion03:47
Lord_Athurbut grub does not see it03:48
Red_Herringthen it could be grub03:48
Red_Herringbut grub doesnt control that03:48
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Lord_Athurdo i past the part of the menu.lst file?03:48
dark_suicwhen you install linux with windows installed it tells you about03:48
Red_Herringall it does is start a small boot file03:48
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Lord_Athurdo i past the part of the file here?03:49
Lord_Athurmaybe the problem is there03:50
Red_Herringtry pasebtin03:50
ubotusomebody said pastebin was a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org03:50
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Bicchii need some help with chroot. i allready read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot but i still got questions. anyone has experience with chroot and amd6403:51
Red_Herringits hell03:51
Red_Herringi just switched to x8603:51
Bicchiso should i bother installing it or it does not work.03:51
Red_Herringdepends how much ya need it03:52
Lord_AthurRed_Herring, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/767103:52
Bicchiwhat do you mean03:52
Red_Herringthats an odd one03:53
Red_Herringsorry, i gotta run03:53
dark_suici did the same as Red_Herring, Bicchi03:54
dark_suicBicchi, if you're using lots of 32bits programms every day, then switch03:55
Bicchiand if i only have one03:55
dark_suicif you'd just use a 32 bit program once each week, it would be better to chroot03:55
Bicchiok here is my question03:56
dark_suicbut think03:56
dark_suicthat you may need some more programs for 32bits later (wine for example)03:56
Bicchiafter i follow all those steps in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot do i need to install kde for 32 bits for my app to work.03:56
Bicchii have a 32 bit linux application that does not exist for amd6403:57
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dark_suicthe same happened to me (cedega and wine)03:58
dark_suicand as flash player isn't still developed for 64 bits03:58
dark_suicand that sort of things03:58
dark_suici finally left 64 bits and am using now 32 bits...03:58
Bicchiwell, i do not care for windows applications so wine is not important, but like i said its a 32bit linux application that i need to run03:58
dark_suici don't know if you need to install kde after it...03:59
dark_suicjust try03:59
dark_suicwhat kind of app is it?03:59
Bicchii do not want to mess up my installation with a lot junk03:59
Bicchito controll the ipod under linux03:59
dark_suici don't know how04:00
dark_suicbut a friend of mine managed to get it working....04:00
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Bicchiwhat chroot04:00
dark_suici supose that he will have used something like this04:00
dark_suicno, don't think so04:00
dark_suici will ask him asap, but not before tomorrow04:00
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Bicchiyou mean yamipod on amd6404:00
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mase_my GRUB was removed from MBR!04:01
mase_now only windows boots04:01
dbgltmase_: do you still have your linux partition?04:01
dark_suicno Bicchi i mean that he managed to get the ipod working in linux WITHOUT yamipod :P04:01
dbgltmase_: have you access to any form of live cd ?04:01
dbgltmase_: or download one04:01
mase_well i have the install cd04:01
mase_kubuntu install cd04:01
dbgltdoes that give you a usable prompt?04:01
Bicchidark_suic: yeah its possible but the current software really sucks04:01
mase_i think so04:01
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dark_suici don't know at all, (although i may get pissed off because of this, i kind of hate ipods :P)04:02
dbgltok, if you can get to a prompt, mount your kubuntu install to a directory, chroot to that directory, then do grub-install /dev/wherevermyhardrive is04:02
Bicchidark_suic: so i am swiching back to windows when i need to manage the ipod04:02
igorayebGood night anyone can help me plase04:02
dark_suicwell, you can use vmware ... if it's for 64 bits :P04:02
dark_suicyou can use vmware to install a windows INTO linux04:02
Bicchidark_suic: is it free04:02
Tallia1Kubuntuyeah, like i did04:02
dbgltso for me, that's mount /dev/hda3 /mnt/hda3 ; chroot /mnt/hda3 ; grub-install /dev/hda04:02
dark_suicBicchi, emule-free :P not free at all :P04:03
mase_ok dbglt04:03
Bicchidark_suic: gotcha04:03
dark_suicigorayeb, first ask, then we'll see, we can't know04:03
Bicchidark_suic: does vmware really emulates windows perfectly04:03
dark_suicBicchi, sorry for not being of more help, but when i got my mp3 player the first thing i looked for was linux-compatibility04:03
igorayebdark_suic: Arts send-me a messenger saing my sound is busy and can satart. :(04:03
dark_suicBicchi, it doesn't emulate windows04:04
dark_suicit INSTALLS windows04:04
Bicchidark_suic: you were of enought  help thanks04:04
Bicchidark_suic: i have posted on apple's website to support the ogg format. you should do the same.04:04
dark_suicigorayeb, it happens every time you boot??? or just tried once?04:04
igorayebevery time..04:05
Bicchidark_suic: can i use vmware if i allready have windows installed04:05
dark_suicdon't like ipod at all, although may think of it if it has ogg support :P04:05
igorayebdark_suic: every time.04:05
dark_suicyes, you can, Bicchi you will only need a new partition (i think) for windows, although not sure, just don't know how it works04:05
dark_suicigorayeb, i've seen this problem before04:05
dark_suictry looking into kcontrol -> sounds04:06
dark_suicand looking into there04:06
dark_suicit's 4 am and i'm too sleepy to remember, sorry :P04:06
Bicchidark_suic: 4 am ouch04:07
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Bicchidark_suic: zombie04:07
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dark_suicwell, not at all, i'm used to it... but still 4 am is 4 am :P04:07
dbgltwhy can I not have the "akode" and the "juk" package installed at the same time?04:07
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Red_Herringwho says you cant?04:07
dbgltRed_Herring: apt!04:07
Red_Herringapt-get install akode juk04:08
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Red_Herringdoes it get some sort of error?04:08
admrlive been trying to use sdl and every time i use it i get this error04:08
admrlcan anyone help04:08
dbgltThe following packages have unmet dependencies:04:08
dbglt  libakode2: Conflicts: akode but 4:3.4.3-0ubuntu1 is to be installed04:08
Red_Herringtry aptitude04:08
dark_suicin my apt juk depends on akode, dbglt04:08
Red_Herringsudo aptitiude install akode juk04:08
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igorayebdark_suic:when i gona test hes saing : device: default can be opened for playback (device or resource busy)04:08
dbgltRed_Herring: what is aptitude?04:09
Red_Herringits a frontend to apt04:09
dbgltRed_Herring: same error04:09
Red_Herringbut it can handle errors like that04:09
Red_Herringtry installing them separatly?04:09
dark_suicigorayeb, the idea is not to test sounds, but to see configurations and try changing anything..04:09
Lord_Athurhey all04:09
dbgltI think juk wants libakode2... which must overwrite akode04:09
dbgltRed_Herring: I did. They want to uninstall each other :)04:09
dark_suictry to look around kcontrol for seeing anything sound-related04:09
Red_Herringi suggest using amarok04:09
Red_Herringand forgetting about juk04:10
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dbgltamarok is useless :)04:10
Red_Herringya think so?04:10
Red_Herringi find it awesome04:10
dbgltI've been using juk for years, does all that I need04:10
dark_suicamarok roolz04:10
dbgltand looks nice IMHO04:10
Red_Herringi think amarok looks much better04:10
Red_Herringalso, what is akode?04:10
dbgltjust simple "no bullshit, I'm just a media player"04:10
dark_suicyeah, in the end, all is to get used to it04:10
dbgltI tag your music! And also play it!04:11
dbgltand that's all04:11
dark_suicwell, amarok is THE media player :P04:11
dbgltI don't dance and perform juggling acts and such04:11
igorayebdark_suic: in every configuration hes say busy.. :(04:11
Red_Herringdark_suic: no, vlc is THE media player04:11
dark_suicthen i can't tell you much more :P04:11
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dark_suicok, Red_Herring then amarok is THE music player :P04:11
Red_Herringif vlc and/or mplayer cant play it, it cant be played04:11
dark_suicalthough i still prefer kaffeine to vlc04:11
Red_Herringdark_suic: ok04:11
dbgltThe following packages have unmet dependencies:04:12
dbglt  libakode2: Conflicts: akode but 4:3.4.3-0ubuntu1 is to be installed04:12
Red_Herringwe can aggree upon that04:12
dbgltaKode is a new multithreaded audio library that provides aRts with plugins to play a variety of formats: Ogg Vorbis, Musepack (MPC), FLAC and Speex. aKode also focuses on performance, and so it means a big enhancement for users runing aRts in non-realtime mode.04:12
dark_suicRed_Herring, i've had files that got no sound in mplayer / vlc but played perfectly on kaffeine04:12
Red_Herringtry and play a .wmv file04:12
Red_Herringon kaffeine04:12
Red_Herringw/o win32codecs installed04:12
Red_Herringvlc can04:12
dark_suicah, but i have them installed :P04:12
dark_suici know it can04:12
dbgltvlc is very nice too04:12
igorayebdark_suic: in every configuration hes say busy.. :(04:12
dark_suici did had vlc until i knew about w32codecs :P04:12
Red_Herringi just like vlc and teh fact its for all OSs04:12
Red_Herringit was on the win2000 boxes in chemestry04:13
dark_suicigorayeb, then i can't help you much more, try asking google, it will almos for sure know the answer04:13
dbgltthe history plugin in kopete is amazingly slow for me04:13
dbglthad like 10 lines of history... took 10 seconds to load a chat window04:13
Red_Herringi had that too04:13
Red_Herringi just restarted it04:13
ClayGis there anything like this http://www.softpedia.com/progDownload/SIW-System-Info--Build-Download-15757.html for linux?04:13
Red_Herringand it was all better04:13
Red_Herringoh yeah04:14
Red_Herringits called /proc04:14
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Red_Herringtry cat /proc/cpuinfo04:14
Red_Herringit tells you all you need to know about your processor04:14
=== Red_Herring uses it all the time
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trothhi, i just  downloaded the madwifi drivers, uncompressed the tarball and im not sure what to do next please help04:16
ubotuI don't know, Red_Herring04:17
ownermadwifi are in the restricted kernel modules04:17
ownermatching your kernel version04:17
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ubotuSeveas has a semi-popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages04:17
Red_Herringi thought i saw madwifi drivers in there04:17
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troththe modules are the drivers right?04:25
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trothso i just installed the madwifi modules through a .deb package and my card isnt visible to iwconfig, anyone know why? can i uninstall them?04:50
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troth*is invisible04:50
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trothi have kerenel 2.6.12-9-386, can i upgrade maybe?04:52
trothi have to get this to work04:52
ownerinstall restricted kernel modules04:52
ownerit has wifi in it04:52
ownersearch synaptic04:52
ownerit should be like this 2.6.12-9-386 restricted kernel04:53
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trothstill the same, anymore suggestions?05:05
ownertroth what card do you have anyway?05:06
owneryou never did mention...05:06
trothits a proxim 8470-WD, claims to just work thats why i bought it05:07
ubotuwifi is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto05:09
trothit cant find the interface anymore05:10
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maseguys my grub is screwed up05:10
masewont boot windows05:11
masegives me a weird error :()05:11
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masei did grub-install05:11
masebut it doesnt work o_O05:11
maseboots my linux, but not windows05:12
trothyour MBR is screwed up05:12
unix_infideldoes kubuntu use arts by default?05:12
masewhat do u mean o_O05:12
widigrub intalled in MBR05:12
maseit install in hda05:13
maseis that mbr? :p05:13
widiis Linux runnig05:13
widihow many OS do you have05:13
masejust 205:13
maseLinux / Windows05:13
maseWindows was running, but GRUB wasnt showing up05:13
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maseso i used a live cd to do grub-install05:13
masenow only linux works lol05:13
masei did grub-install /dev/hda05:14
masethats what someonme here told me :S05:14
widiedit it menu.conf05:14
masewheres menu conf05:14
unix_infideldoes kubuntu use artsd by default or use alsa's dmix?05:15
widiboot / group05:15
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widiin menu.conf available xample05:15
widihow to create menu for windows partition05:16
maseit says windows is 0,005:16
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masebut it doesnt boot..05:16
masedid grub format my windows or something... ?05:17
widicould you give me the error message05:17
widiwhile loading to wind05:17
maseill go get it05:17
widilinux is safe for other OS05:18
widican you mount /dev/hda105:18
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting05:18
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masewho was helping me with grub?05:21
ilba7r!tell mase about grub05:21
maseit says05:22
masefile system unknown, partition type 0x705:22
widiit seem grub cannot find system in windows partition05:23
wididoes hda1 read able by LINUX05:24
maseit was on my fstab to be read05:24
masebut now it doesnt anymore ??05:24
widitray to mount05:24
widiif it can be mounted05:25
masejust tried05:25
masegave me an error05:25
masewrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/hda1,05:25
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widii guest you lost boot.ini05:25
dbgltis there any reason why juk does not save my shortcuts after I quit and restart it?05:25
dbgltmase: hi05:25
masehey :/05:26
dbgltmase: what partition did you have?05:26
masedev/hda for windows05:26
dbgltmase: what is the output of fdisk -l? PM me it05:26
dbgltwould be /dev/hda1, then?05:26
dbgltthe /dev/hda is the entire device05:26
dbgltpartitions are numbered off05:27
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masedid u get my msg05:27
dbgltnot that I can see!05:27
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sadsadsadsaget it now dbglt ?05:29
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Den Hi - How do I get a list of packages available to apt-get?  "dpkg -l" doesn't work - it only shows some of the packages that are available.  I see many emacs related packages in the Adept package manager, but only two list with "dpkg -l".  What's up?05:38
ilba7rden dpkg -l is for packages that are installed on your pc05:38
ilba7radept will list those installed and in the repositories05:39
Denilba7r: So, what command lists the available packages?  Ex: all packgaes that contain "emacs" in their name, or name & description?05:40
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ilba7ryou can use adept as you did. it will search installed and available so you can install them05:41
ubotuhmm... ati is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=1005:42
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Denilba7r: Thx, but shouldn't ther be a just debian tool command that does that?05:43
maseyeap im officialy screwed, windows doesnt work, i tried FIXMBR with win XP cd and grub still shows up!!! grr05:43
ilba7rden sorry thought you do not like the command line05:44
ilba7rden ok sudo apt-get search or sudo aptitude search05:44
Denilba7r: no, i wanted a comand line tool05:44
Denilba7r: thx!05:44
ilba7rden i mainly use aptitude let me check the one for apt-get05:45
ilba7rits apt-cache show05:46
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dbgltmase: grub should recognize your windows install05:49
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Denilba7r: thx05:50
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic05:51
dbglthas anyone had any problems with receiving files from other msn users over the kopete network? It downloads fine... and completes, but when I go to open the file, it is 0 bytes big05:53
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ownerdbglt, what about the latest amsn05:57
ownerits really nice05:57
dbgltwhen I ask about a certain piece of software, I like to stick with it :P05:59
dbgltamsn I tried a few months ago05:59
dbgltwas horrid05:59
dbgltkopete integrates nicely with kde desktop, looks part of my desktop, and generally works quite decently05:59
ilba7rdbglt, i never had problems with gaim.06:01
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dbgltagain... I'm using kopete06:02
dbgltI don't wish to install gaim, and its associated libraries06:02
dbgltwhen I have a perfectly good client here06:03
ownerthe latest cvs amsn is really nice06:03
ownerand stable06:03
owneryou can install it from the klik website06:03
ownerto try it out06:03
wotnargAny plans on updating designer-qt4 (or qt4 in general)?06:03
wotnargbreezy that is06:04
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gammadbglt: everyone i talk to says file transfer for msn in kopete is broken atm06:11
dbgltgamma: it is06:12
dbgltgamma: for msn 7.506:12
dbgltgamma: apparently it is resolved, but will be a while before the fix comes into a stable branch06:13
gammatime for you and your friends to switch to aim or jabber :P06:13
calliegah, AOL or MSN? what a choice!06:14
=== gamma wishes they'd merge their userbase
dbgltmsn is what people around here use06:14
dbgltI have little say in it :)06:14
gammafor me it's been aim06:14
gammaeveryone i know came from 56k aol at one point in their lives06:15
callieeveryone i know uses msn too06:15
gammaare you guys in the US?06:15
gammathat's why06:15
gammaus = aol06:15
dbgltI'm not06:15
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calliewell it is america on line06:15
calliekinda says it all really06:15
dbgltdon't think I've ever even used it heh06:15
gammawell aol was the only isp out there for a while06:16
gammaor known one06:16
gammathe aol disks in the mail, constant tv ads, etc06:16
snowowlroad runner06:16
gammai'm talking about like 10years ago06:16
gammapeople would buy computers, use aol and stick with it.. then high speed came out, they'd switch isps and go to aim06:17
gammai just noticed the konqueror search thing on the start page.. and it's fast06:19
gammathe locate: tag06:19
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dude1003Anyone on her can answer some questions about IRC channels?06:48
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landonin which file does ubuntu bind the X server and kdm/gdm session to vt7?06:51
ilba7rlandon check gdm.conf06:53
landonnot using gdm.. using kdm for this instance.. was wondering where kdm binds to vt706:53
ilba7rmight be the same06:53
ilba7rsorry not using kdm here06:53
gammalandon: it's not in /etc/kde3/kdm somewhere?06:56
gammalandon: /etc/kde3/kdm/kdmrc the line ServerVTs=-706:57
landonyeah found it06:58
landonso i guess if i wanted to add more vt's i would do change that number to one less than i actually wanted06:58
landonso if that was changed to 11 then X would switch to vt12. right?06:59
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gammaisn't it on vt7 now when the option is 7?06:59
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landonohh yeah your right.. i meant change that number to 12 and list vt 1-11 in the getty list below..07:00
gammayea that should do the trick07:00
landonso does gdm put it in the gdm.conf file also?07:01
landonyeah i think i found it there also.. thanks for the help gamma07:01
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ilba7rif you want to add more terminals you need to set you init.d07:02
gammabut he neds to specify that line in kdm also for things to work peachy i believe07:02
landonyou mean do it on a different runlevel?07:02
gammaanyway zz07:03
ilba7rlet me check it for you thats if you want more command line vt07:03
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landonyeah thanks ilba7r07:03
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ilba7rok landon the file is /etc/inittab07:04
ilba7ryou need to edit it to add the new terminals07:05
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ilba7ryou will find you have from 1 to 607:05
landonahh.. ok.. thanks ilba07:05
landonyeah.. the tty section of inittab is kind of like /etc/ttys from FreeBSD07:05
ilba7rso add for example 7:23:respawn:/sbin/getty 38400 tty707:06
ilba7ryah i think they are the same07:06
ilba7rjust make sure you do not have conflicts with x by setting it first07:06
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Strikeanybody know if theres a way to easily expand my destop via my laptops S-Video Out?07:16
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=== zach [n=zach@c-24-17-252-226.hsd1.wa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
dbgltany idea why konqueror deems it ok to open the deb files I'm trying to download in kate?07:19
zachI'm interested in upgrading my kernel to 2.6.15 because it has the updated version of the saa7134 driver that I need. What's the "Kubuntu" way to go about doing that? Build it myself then package it, or upgrade to dapper?07:22
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dbgltzach: hi07:29
zachdbglt: Which way should I go about getting 2.6.15?07:30
dbgltzach: do you want source of just image?07:31
dbgltzach: as usually debian images have their own patch sets and are very modular07:31
zachI just want the newest saa7134 module that supports my tvtuner, which was introduced in 2.6.15... I don't care if I need to build or not, I just need to know which way is the preferred way for Kubuntu07:32
dbgltzach: linux-image-686 grabs the latest07:32
dbgltzach: or 38607:32
dbgltor k7!07:32
dbgltdepends on arch07:32
dbgltthat just gets the image07:32
zachHooray! K7 for my athlon =)07:32
zachjust add dapper to my apt list, and go from there?07:33
dbgltnot too new there07:33
dbgltjust for kernel07:33
dbgltshould be a wiki on this07:34
dbglthold up07:34
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unix_infideldoes kubuntu use artsd by default?07:35
dbgltzach: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelHowto07:35
dbgltzach: will probably need to build it, doubt something that new will have a binary version07:35
dbgltunix_infidel: I believe so. Depends on the application07:35
zachdbglt: Thanks much07:36
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bozOk whos the resident Icecast Wizard in here?07:38
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fulldhow do I get a later version of digikam using adept?07:39
bozHeres my problem I fetched icecast but i can't seem to find it on my desktop07:39
fulldit deafults to giving me an old verions07:39
=== Tallia1Kubuntu [n=andrea@cust-65-110-27-27.sfu-reznet.connectwest.net] has joined #kubuntu
Tallia1Kubuntuhow can i associate a program to a given protocol in firefox?07:41
Tallia1Kubuntulike sftp with konqueror07:41
fulldTallia1Kubuntu: about:config07:41
dbglthow do I go about adding a command07:41
dbgltto autostart?07:42
Tallia1Kubuntufor kde?07:42
Tallia1Kubuntuyou have to put an entry in a particular folder07:42
Tallia1Kubuntuthe folder is07:42
dbgltI want to do07:42
dbgltxcompmgr -cfF07:42
Tallia1Kubuntucreate a symbolic link in there to the executable of the program07:42
dbglthow do I pass arguments?07:43
Tallia1Kubuntuwhat does that do?07:43
Tallia1Kubuntuyou have to write the command inside a script07:43
fulldsearch for proto07:43
dbglt-s : enable simple shadows07:43
dbglt -fF : enable fadeins/fadeouts07:43
Tallia1Kubuntuand put the script ( executable)07:43
Tallia1Kubuntuinside that folder07:43
Tallia1Kubuntui do that for ..... i think the noip application07:43
Tallia1Kubuntuif you want to start that as a system servie07:44
Tallia1Kubuntubefore KDE is started07:44
=== eightiesk [n=eighties@pcp02642516pcs.wilsbg01.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Tallia1Kubuntujust put an entry in /etc/init.d07:44
eightieskhow would i run a sh file i edited.07:44
divansantanaDoes anyone know where kde 3.5.1 is? It was suppose to be released the 20th of Jan 2006 I believe. I'm still waiting :D I see on http://kubuntu/packages there is a kde-351 directory now!! :D07:44
eightieskit just goes to kate07:45
divansantanaBut it doesn't work yet :(07:45
Tallia1Kubuntuand then a symbolic link in the /etc/rc?.d07:45
Tallia1Kubuntueightiesk: you have to do ./NAMEOFSCRIPT07:45
Tallia1Kubuntuin the directory where the script is located07:45
Tallia1Kubuntuanother way is: exec NAMEOFSCRIPT07:46
Tallia1Kubuntucheck you have given the script exec permissions07:46
fullddivansantana: do you know how to get unstable packages?07:46
Tallia1Kubuntuchmod +x FILENAME gives eXecution permission to a file07:46
divansantanafulld: nope, how? :D07:46
Tallia1Kubuntuhope it helps07:47
fullddivansantana: that's what I'm stuck on07:47
Tallia1Kubuntufulld: i can't find it07:48
Tallia1Kubuntuabout config?07:48
Tallia1Kubuntuin firefoc07:48
divansantanaO well it should be released any day now...07:48
fulldTallia1Kubuntu: network.photocol-handler.*07:49
fulldurl = about:config07:49
eightieskTallia1Kubuntu, it says comand not found.07:49
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Tallia1Kubuntutype ll inside the bash07:49
Tallia1KubuntuLL in lowercase07:49
fulldi don't know the syntax, but those are where the keys you are looking for are at07:49
Tallia1Kubuntufulld: tnx07:50
Tallia1Kubuntueightiesk: yes07:50
Tallia1Kubuntuyou have to know if the file is executable07:50
Tallia1Kubuntulet me show you an example in pastebin07:50
Tallia1Kubuntugimme 2 minutes and you have your example07:50
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eightiesksame error07:50
eightieskhold on the bash is inbetween sudo and the file name right?07:51
Tallia1Kubuntuwait a sec07:51
vijaycan anyone one help me how to configure samba to connect to another system, when i tried konqurer is crashing???07:52
Tallia1Kubuntuwhen i try, conqueror crashes* :)07:53
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Tallia1Kubuntueightiesk: check it out07:53
Tallia1Kubuntubefore you can see the file has not an X in the user permission line07:54
Tallia1Kubuntuthen you add the exec permission with chmod and you can execute correctly07:54
Tallia1Kubuntuif you still have problems just create another paste and publish the link07:54
vijayi even used komba, it is saying that "smbmount exited with errors and SMB connection failed"07:54
Tallia1Kubuntuuh, another thing, in the beginning of the string you have to specify with kind of shell executes the script07:55
eightieskTallia1Kubuntu, well i just wanna install this skin n the sh ain't been wanting to work.07:55
eightieskwhen i double click it.07:55
Tallia1Kubuntuusing bash, very common choice, #!/bin/sh07:55
Tallia1Kubuntuok, so i think that that file doesn't have exec permission07:55
Tallia1Kubuntuclick with the right button -> proprieties07:55
Tallia1Kubuntuand you can change permissions even in there using an user interface07:56
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Tallia1Kubuntugod guys, i type kind of fast ^___^07:56
Tallia1Kubuntuthe window is full of my ****07:56
vijayan anyone one help me how to configure samba to connect to another system  when i try, conqueror crashes* :)07:56
vijay i even used komba, it is saying that "smbmount exited with errors and SMB connection failed"07:57
Tallia1Kubuntuvijay: what kind of command do you use to refer to the other system?07:57
vijaylike this smb://
vijayand komba also07:57
Tallia1Kubuntubefore of all try to see if you can ping it07:57
Tallia1Kubuntuopen a terminal and ping that address07:57
Tallia1Kubuntuis that a winzoz machine?07:57
vijayyes and it is pinging07:58
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Tallia1Kubuntuthere's an issue that i discovered yesterday about samba07:59
Tallia1Kubuntuan option have to be setted using debconf in order to work properly with windows07:59
dbgltis there any difference between xcompmgr and kompmgr?07:59
Tallia1Kubuntuboh, i don't know them :)07:59
vijaywhere can i locate debconf07:59
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Tallia1Kubuntuit is a command in the path08:00
Tallia1Kubuntuso just type08:01
Tallia1Kubuntusudo dpkg-reconfigure samba08:01
vijaytallia1kubuntu: ok08:01
Tallia1Kubuntuthe second screen will show you what i am speaking about08:01
eightieskTallia1Kubuntu, dumb theme still won't work :-(08:01
Tallia1Kubuntuit is not executed?08:02
vijay Tallia1Kubuntu, if i run it what about my previous samba configuration?08:02
Tallia1Kubuntutry to see if you can execute it from command line08:02
Tallia1Kubuntuvijay: i had no problems08:02
Tallia1Kubuntuyour preferences are saved in your home08:02
Tallia1Kubuntuthose are system wide service preferences08:03
Tallia1Kubuntueightiesk: try to open a terminal, reach the path of the script08:04
Tallia1Kubuntueightiesk: and execute it with ,/08:04
eightieski did08:04
eightieski even sudoed it08:04
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Tallia1Kubuntuand what the terminal log says?08:04
Tallia1Kubuntuvijay: ? it works?08:04
vijayTallia1Kubuntu, thanks, it is working08:05
dbgltdoes anyone know the kde package I need to get previews in apollon working?08:05
Tallia1Kubuntui'm happy for you08:05
vijayTallia1Kubuntu,iam able toi access shared folder08:05
dbgltTallia1Kubuntu: it is a file sharing client, gnutella, openft, fasttrack and a few other networks08:06
dbgltfrontend to gift08:06
Tallia1Kubuntuvijay: ??08:06
Tallia1Kubuntustill don't understand how to change the program to associate a protocol for firefox08:06
Tallia1Kubuntui see... have you ever tried amule?08:06
Tallia1Kubuntuit works kindof good too :)08:06
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dbgltPlease install the KDE multimedia-video package to enable the media player.08:08
dbgltthat's what it tells me to do08:08
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vijayTallia1Kubuntu, i have another problem with my via graphic card, if i enable it my monitor is going out of frequency see my xorg.conf http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/51276308:09
dbgltI think that...08:10
dbgltit wants mplayer08:10
dbgltbut I can't find that in the hoary package repositories08:10
eightieskTallia1Kubuntu, thanks08:11
Tallia1Kubuntuyou are welcome08:12
Tallia1Kubuntudbglt: kmplayer???08:12
Tallia1Kubuntuwhat is that?08:12
Tallia1Kubuntui always used gmplayer .... pretty shitty,. so in the end i use coommand line mplayer08:12
eightieskTallia1Kubuntu, do you know how i could change the k Menu to another image and second do you know how i could get it to open with the win button?08:13
Tallia1Kubuntuvijay: i can't really help you on this.. :) i can't read and understand yoru xorg file :P i am not such a nerd08:13
vijayok, thanks for atleast trying to help me08:14
Tallia1Kubuntuvijay: try to reconfigure the xorg package08:14
vijayyes tried that one also08:14
Tallia1Kubuntuwhat's the problem sorry?08:15
Tallia1Kubuntuout of frequencY?08:15
vijayyes, it is saying that some kernel problem or something08:16
vijayiam not sure08:16
Tallia1Kubuntusorry.... try on the xorg irg08:16
eightieskdoes anyone know how i could change the k Menu to another image and second do you know how i could get it to open with the win button?08:17
Tallia1Kubuntuwhat do you mean?08:17
Tallia1Kubuntuthe K symbol?08:18
Tallia1Kubuntutry to go in the icon directory08:18
Tallia1Kubuntuand search out for the image08:18
Tallia1Kubuntuthan substitute the image08:18
Tallia1Kubuntuwith the one that you like08:18
eightieskbut what about the win button?08:18
Tallia1Kubuntui don't know what do you mean08:18
Tallia1Kubuntuexplain better please08:19
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eightiesklike press win(the windows button) and the task bar opens how can i get the kmenu to open by pressing the win key08:20
Tallia1Kubuntui see08:20
Tallia1Kubuntui think you should opt for something better08:20
Tallia1Kubuntudo you know katapult?08:21
Tallia1Kubuntuif you know the name of the application08:21
Tallia1Kubuntujust press a selected button08:21
Tallia1Kubuntuinsert the first 2 or 3 letters of the program and then he will do the dirty job :)08:21
Tallia1Kubuntuit's very cool08:21
sampanalt+f2 works too -- and, unlike katapault, it will find apps even without a kde .desktop file08:21
eightieski know.08:21
Tallia1Kubuntusampan: i know08:21
Tallia1Kubuntubut sometimes you don't know all the name of the application08:22
sampani love katapault -- but i wish it found more (i.e., non-kde) apps :X08:22
Tallia1Kubuntuor the name of the application is long08:22
eightieski'm trying to mess with my friend though.08:22
sampantallia1kubuntu  yep that's try08:22
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eightieski have a windows theme and a windows taskbar button.08:22
Tallia1Kubuntuooo i see08:22
eightieskmake him think hes on windows :-p08:22
Tallia1Kubuntuyou can build a little script that create an entry for every executable file in the path08:23
Tallia1Kubuntuin  the form of a desktop08:23
Tallia1Kubuntuit should be simple08:23
eightieski dunno much about linux08:23
eightieskhe kinda got me into it 4 days ago08:23
eightieskso i'm install it in his room while hes away08:23
Tallia1Kubuntui did the same about an year ago08:23
eightieskwere roommates.08:23
Tallia1Kubuntusomeone have ever used NVU?08:24
Tallia1Kubuntuis there a way to create automatically frames or internal frames?08:24
Tallia1Kubuntui can't see it08:24
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eightieski can't get that menu icon to work08:35
eightieskne 1 here?08:36
eightieskTallia1Kubuntu, u there?08:36
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Tallia1Kubuntufirefox shoulda start working more09:02
Tallia1Kubuntui'd like to see some more plugins for lots of multimedia contents09:02
Tallia1Kubuntuwhy konversation when i click on a link download the page in local and then open it with firefox instead of simply pass the link to it?09:03
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scorp007hi all, can someone help me?09:04
scorp007i have this wierd problem with how konqueror draws some icons09:05
scorp007anyone here?09:05
divansantanayes it is a kde 3.5 bug kde 3.5.1 will fix it, upgrade...09:07
scorp007do you mean the toolbar buttons?09:07
divansantananope whats that about09:07
scorp007like the back, and forward09:07
scorp007the ones with the drop down arow09:07
scorp007they kind of have the mouse over in the wrong place09:08
scorp007so when you click it performs the wrong action09:08
scorp007i have another computer and it works fine09:08
scorp007but I dont know why its not working here properly09:09
scorp007it only happens on the buttons where you can drop down09:09
scorp007like the back, forward, and parent directory09:09
scorp007I'll take a screenshot09:09
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dbgltif I am using konqueror as a normal user, is it possibly for me to sudo to root while in that konqueror session, for example to copy or remove a file I don't have permission to?09:13
scorp007also a major problem is that it pops up menu's automatically whejn i hover over some icons09:15
scorp007like parent directory09:15
scorp007must be some setting i screwed up09:15
scorp007heres the image09:15
scorp007see what i mean by incorrect drawing?09:16
dbglthow do I see a list of all security-updates for my install software in apt?09:17
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scorp007divansantana, u there?09:19
dbgltis kynaptic any good?09:19
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scorp007brb, reinstalling kde09:20
divansantanascorp007: yes09:20
HowcomesI've got an odd little problem09:20
Howcomesit starts like this....09:20
dell500how do i get that kicker bar thing? super karamba??09:20
divansantanaam checking screenshot09:20
HowcomesI installed Windows XP -> Then i took my 80GB HDD and broke off 10GB for a new partition09:21
divansantanadbglt: nope try kpackage09:21
divansantanabut all not great09:21
Howcomesinstalled Windows Vista on that, decided Vista was ghey, formatted the Vista partition, Vista Bootloader still remains09:21
HowcomesThen i decide hey lets try Linux, Installed Slackware 10.2, LILO Bootloader is installed09:21
dbgltbetter than adept?09:21
HowcomesThen im like ok, I cant get anything to work properly in here, Oh hey look Kubuntu, Installed Kubuntu 5.10 - GRUB becomes the active bootloader.09:22
divansantanakpackage different not really better, but its okayish, suppose depends on u. Might need customizing to make it work, check options09:22
HowcomesOk, Well im going to need windows, oh shiza <Root>\Windows\System32\hal.dll missing or corrupt09:23
divansantanaHowcomes: read the kudos faq09:23
HowcomesBoot XP CD -> Recovery Console, bootcfg /rebuild | fixmbr | fixboot09:23
HowcomesNow its back to LILO, And linux wont boot.09:23
Howcomesbut windows works09:23
HowcomesI know Kubuntu 5.10 is on the 10gb partition somewhere, i just need to get LILO set up poperly and i think everything will be peachy09:24
dbgltis there a way to tell apt to upgrade all packages which have a security update?09:24
HowcomesRun the Adept package manager09:25
Howcomesand tell it to Fetch Updates, Then Full Upgrade09:25
HowcomesThen Commit Changes09:25
dbgltI don't want full upgrade09:25
dbgltI only want security upgrade09:26
Howcomesim not sure then09:26
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Howcomesyou could try editing your sources.list and comment out all binary/source lists and leave just the security ones? would be my guess09:26
Howcomesbut there's probably a better option09:26
sampanhowcomes  i'm too much of a newb to really help much when it comes to bootloaders -- but you might try asking in #ubuntu (more eyes/minds to see your question)09:26
Howcomesi am banned09:27
Howcomesand i didnt even do anything!09:27
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Howcomeslike, ive never been to #ubuntu before09:27
Howcomesthey must've known i was coming09:28
sampanit's probably b/c you're using tor?  lots of freenode chans ban tor hosts by default i think09:28
dbgltcan anyone who is using amd64 install cd tell me what the sources.list file for amd64 looks like?09:28
sampannot 100% sure of that, but i suspect that's the case09:28
dbgltfor the amd64 install cd09:28
Howcomesit probably is09:28
Howcomesive got nothing to hide from on this network, ill just connect directly09:28
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dbgltI deleted that line, and can't find it again :(09:29
Howcomeswhat line ?09:29
dbgltthe amd64 install cd repository in /etc/apt/sources.list09:30
dbgltanyone can help me?09:31
dell500any suggestions on how to get the kicker and super karamba?09:32
Howcomestry this perhaps ?09:32
HowcomesFor stable amd64 packages09:32
Howcomes, go here : stable-amd6409:32
HowcomesAdd in your /etc/apt/sources.list09:32
Howcomesdeb http://spello.sscnet.ucla.edu/marillat/ sarge main09:32
HowcomesYou also need a main amd64 repository.09:32
HowcomesSee here for a list of mirrors.09:32
dbgltno I want the install CD09:33
dbgltso it can install packages from the CD09:33
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dbgltjust wondering if anyone can have a look in their sources.list if they use amd64 install?09:35
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Howcomestry asking in #ubuntu ?09:38
Howcomesas there is 5 times the # of people there09:38
Tallia1Kubuntumost of the users are ubuntu or kubuntu?09:38
Tallia1Kubuntuis gnome more popular than kde?09:38
sampanhowcomes  sometimes there's just not many people in watching in here.  and a problem like bootloader is independent of which DE you're using (same on gnome-ubuntu as on kde-kubuntu)09:39
sampanso worth a shot if you ask me09:39
HowcomesKDE is more popular then Gnome09:40
Howcomesbut Ubuntu seems more popular then Kubuntu :P09:40
dell500i just downloade superkaramba, and i was wondering how i get all the stuff that isn't installed isntalled.... just wondering if there's a script or something that comes with sk09:40
dbgltdoes no one use amd64 kubuntu?09:40
Tallia1KubuntuHowcomes: and why there's so many people in #ubuntu09:40
Tallia1Kubuntui say09:40
Tallia1Kubuntui saw09:40
Howcomesbecause Kubuntu is considered a small offshoot of Ubuntu09:40
Howcomesno idea09:41
Tallia1Kubuntuit is so coooool09:41
sampanyep b/c gnome the original/first ubuntu -- kubuntu was only added with hoary09:41
Tallia1Kubuntui see09:41
Howcomesits the exact same os09:41
Tallia1Kubuntui know09:41
Howcomesexcept Kubuntu comes with KDE09:41
Tallia1Kubuntusimply different x overinterface09:41
Howcomesand Ubuntu comes with Gnome09:41
Tallia1Kubuntui was ubuntu09:41
Tallia1Kubuntuand i unistalled gnome after 2 days :D09:41
HowcomesI've always liked KDE better then gnome, which is why i use Kubuntu :P09:41
Tallia1Kubuntusame here !!! :)09:42
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Howcomesbut for the most part, the packages are interchangable09:42
Howcomesand most support questions/answers apply to both09:42
Howcomeswine is still wine regardless of DE09:42
hussamis there anyway I can integrate kpdf into firefox so I don't have to download acroread?09:43
HowcomesALSA is still ALSA09:43
Tallia1Kubuntui know09:43
Tallia1Kubuntucan i ask you a thing?09:45
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Tallia1Kubuntulong time ago i changed up all the kde menu09:45
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Tallia1Kubuntubut now when i install an application the menu entry is not inserted or insterted in a weird position09:45
Tallia1Kubuntuis there a way to repristinate he original kde menu organizaition and let him automatically reposition all the files09:46
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dell500how do you find out what drivers are being used on the video card?09:48
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Tallia1Kubunturebooting ........ no09:49
Tallia1Kubuntui created subfolder redominated some of the existant and so on09:50
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Tallia1Kubuntuand now it works very bad09:50
Tallia1Kubunturebooting simply reload the same menu ^__^09:50
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ownertallia, sudo apt-get install menu09:57
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insanekaneTallia1Kubuntu: look at ~/.config/menus/applications-kmenuedit.menu10:00
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Tallia1Kubuntui am taking10:02
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Tallia1Kubuntuis there a way to delete this file and call a command that rebuild it automatically?10:02
insanekaneTallia1Kubuntu: i think ... just moving it away will do and your menu will be rebuilt10:03
Tallia1Kubuntumhh let me try10:03
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howcomesk i got GRUB re-installed (activated?)10:08
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Tallia1Kubuntufirefox favorities are simply contained in an html file right?10:11
howcomesnot sure10:13
howcomesAnyone here know how i can get KDE Themes to work on Kubuntu ?10:15
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_mindspinhi, I have to install unison-breezy backports on hoary, will that work????10:22
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mr-russ_mindspin: no.10:33
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_mindspinso i have to compile it from source if I need it?10:34
mr-russ_mindspin: you will probably need to get the source and recreate the packages for hoary.10:34
mr-russ_mindspin: easy thing is to download the src package by adding the deb-src backports.  and then rebuilding the debs and installing those.10:34
_mindspincompiling or building a deb file, what would be the best choice10:34
mr-russ_mindspin: building the deb will keep your system in a neat order.10:35
mr-russOnce you start compiling and installing, it can get nastier.  Plus building the .debs allows for later use and dependancy management10:36
_mindspinI know, tried to compile/install some other source and that never worked due to dependencies10:36
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mr-russ_mindspin: rebuilding the .deb will tell you that you need these dependancies.  Which should be met as hoary is not that old.10:39
_mindspinmaybe I should upgrade.............10:39
howcomesAnyone here play Planeshift ?10:40
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howcomesAnyway its a FREE NATIVE LINUX game (available for win32 as well)10:43
howcomesim gonna try it out10:43
howcomesif anyone else wants to try it out with me, feel free :P10:44
abionnnnwhat is it about?10:44
abionnnnugh mmorpg, my time is too precious10:45
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nubuntuI have used the macchanger utility to set a random mac address on my network card once. But now I cannot set a new mac. The same one appears every time I reboot. Anyone have a trick here?12:28
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jeroenvrpRiddell: do you know when KDE 3.5.1 will be available?12:46
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teroednianything new in kde dapper?12:48
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Skrotteroedni: Seems dapper now has 3.5.112:51
Skrotkdelibs-data 4:3.5.1-0ubuntu1 :)12:51
LeeJunFanteroedni: are you running 3.5.0 or 3.4.3?12:51
teroednikubuntu 5.10 which is 3.54 i think12:52
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teroednii meant12:52
SkrotDapper has 3.5.1, but breezy can have 3.512:52
LeeJunFanteroedni: There's some small differences, mostly with kopete, other than that - not much.12:52
grexkHow dangerous is using hdparm in your HD?12:52
LeeJunFangrexk: depends on the args you give it.12:53
Skrotgrexk: Depends on the args12:53
SkrotThey're labeled if they are dangerous12:53
grexkif just setting DMA?12:53
SkrotThat okay12:53
Skrothdparm -d1 /dev/hdx?12:53
jeroenvrphow dangerous is it to upgrade breezy to dapper today>?12:54
Skrotjeroenvrp: I just did a dist-upgrade (already running dapper). Let me see if anything breaks12:54
grexkSkol: does that cmd help in the performance of the hardware?12:54
grexkjeroenvrp: I just installed dapper last night12:54
nubuntuHow do I use the mouse gestures in konqueror? click and move or what?12:55
Skrotgrexk: If you don't have DMA enabled, YES.12:55
grexkSkrot: thanks12:55
SkrotDMA is a must on any desktop computer :)12:55
grexkI would try that later ;)12:55
jeroenvrphow can I see if I have DMA enableD?12:55
Skrothdparm -d /dev/hdx12:55
Riddelljeroenvrp: no12:56
Skrotyou might have to sudo or do it as root12:56
jeroenvrpRiddell: ok, thanks for your answer12:56
jeroenvrp /dev/hda3: Permission denied12:56
grexkSkrot: have you tried tweaking hdparm with other options, which are considered dangerous?12:57
Skrotgrexk: nope :)12:57
grexkjust the cmd above :)12:57
SkrotI'm satisfied by the performance of my laptop harddrive already :p12:57
jeroenvrpSkrot: how do I see if DMA is set?12:58
Skrotjeroenvrp: sudo hdparm -d /dev/hda if hda is your harddrive12:58
jeroenvrp using_dma    =  1 (on)12:58
SkrotNewer kernels have an option to use it by default, so it should be on for most people ;)12:59
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jeroenvrpok, so it is not recommended I update to Dapper allready?12:59
LeeJunFanjeroenvrp: it could break at any time.12:59
grexkjeroenvrp: If youre going to use it for production system ;)12:59
SkrotDepends on how experienced you are12:59
jeroenvrpmm those are two different questions01:00
grexkI advice you not upgrade;)01:00
jeroenvrpI mean answers01:00
jeroenvrpyes, but what is a production system01:00
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LeeJunFanjeroenvrp: looks like us.archive mirror is missing some files like hal stuff, so I wouldn't net upgrade - at least not from that mirror.01:00
jeroenvrpok, I'm sticking @ breezy and I hop KDE 3.5.1 will soons be released, because I feel there are some nasty bugs in 3.5.001:01
SkrotSuch as?01:01
SkrotI love my 3.5.0 :p01:01
jeroenvrpSkrot: konqueror crashing on some websites e.g.01:01
grexkjeroenvrp: You can even try backports of dapper:)01:02
SkrotAh, I've had that problem on some sites too01:02
jeroenvrpand superkaramba01:02
LeeJunFanjeroenvrp: same here, some sites just don't have friendly code and konq doesn't seem to have strong enough error handling.01:02
jeroenvrpbuggy as hell01:02
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Skrotjeroenvrp: Superkaramba has always, and probably will always (untill it's merged with plasma in 4.0) be buggy :)01:03
jeroenvrpe.g. torrentspy.com01:03
Skrotyes, if you go back from a torrent on torrentspy.com konqi will die01:03
jeroenvrpSkrot: superkaramba just crashes every day01:03
jeroenvrpanyhow I've uninstalled superkaramba and I am using gkrellm now01:03
SkrotI'm just using the liquid weather theme, no crashes :>01:04
jeroenvrpI also had some unexpected KDE crash, putting me back to KDM, but that can also be a Xorg thing, or even my videocard01:04
grexkSkrot: do you also experience adept crash?01:05
SkrotI don't use adept :)01:05
SkrotI've started it a couple of times just to check it out, but I've never used it for any operations01:06
grexkah ok, adept is so weird compared to synaptic :(01:06
grexkskrot: did you tried kde version of synaptic?01:06
Skrothehe, imo, there should be a plugable KDE package manager :)01:07
SkrotSupporting every package system you make a plugin for01:07
SkrotI have not, grexk :)01:07
Skroti'm fond of apt command line :p01:07
SkrotBut brb, shower :)01:08
=== grimse [n=grimse@p5481F11B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
howcomesWhats a good KDE Theme manager for Kubuntu ?01:11
spindelkcontrol :)01:12
howcomesthere's no link to that on the menu i dont think01:13
dark_suicno, howcomes it isn't , menu -> run command -> kcontrol01:13
dark_suicin the menu you have system settings, a lite version of kcontrol :P01:13
howcomesive always got a konsole open01:13
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vvatsaits been moved to "system settings"01:13
howcomesi need to make a keyboard shortcut for Konsole01:13
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vvatsain k menu01:13
dark_suichowcomes, i do have konsole opened all the time, if you have it like that you won't need a shortcut :P01:14
dark_suicand you can add one to the taskbar01:14
howcomesbut sometimes the console is in use01:14
howcomeslike now im updating planeshift01:14
howcomeswhich is going to take 3 years01:14
dark_suici've managed to "uninstall" system settings and now it appears in the kmenu as a menu (like internet, games and so on)01:15
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dark_suici see it more useful as a menu than as an icon :P01:15
howcomesi need to find a nice dark theme01:15
dark_suic(idea for new versions?01:15
dark_suicmost dark themes end having problems if you run any non-kde app01:16
dark_suicthey don't have problems on use01:16
dark_suicbut they do on fonts and so on01:16
dark_suic(unless you check that they use they own fonts, but then...)01:16
dark_suici hvae the dark blue from the kcontrol options for colors01:17
dark_suicand i'm quite happy01:17
dark_suiconly that i changed some colors due to what i said you a moment before01:17
howcomesyou think this would work ?01:18
howcomesDepends on:  KDE 3.0.x , im on KDE3.4.301:18
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grexknight guys ;)01:21
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dark_suicit looks good, howcomes, but you can just try it01:22
dark_suicand see01:22
howcomeshow do i install a .ktheme ?01:22
dark_suicmaybe you don't experience things i do01:22
howcomesi got a .tar file and i tar -xf'd it01:23
dark_suicy think that copying it to .kde/themes, or something like that, hang on a sec01:23
howcomesand it gave me a .ktheme file01:23
dark_suicwell, don't know, and have to leave NOW for a few minutes01:23
dark_suicsee if someone answers :P01:24
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SkrotAnyone else got a process named gam_server running? It's using 35% of my CPU and I can't kill it (killall -9 gam_server).01:25
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manveruit's called gem_server ?01:26
LeeJunFanSkrot: I do but not using that much proc power.01:26
dark_suicgam_server always runs01:27
ubotumanveru: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?01:27
LeeJunFanit watches for file changes.01:27
dark_suici've seen errors of it loading all the cpu01:27
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dark_suicbut can't remember how to get rid of it01:27
SkrotI'll google then :)01:27
=== SirKillalot [n=nerd@dslb-084-056-094-105.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu
dark_suichowcomes, the theme looks fine01:33
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howcomesThere just finished making my first little theme01:38
howcomescept the 'Start' button area isnt themed, prolly have to log off/on for that01:38
howcomesonce im done updating planeshift ill log off/on and perhaps take some screens01:41
=== swim [n=swim@ip68-228-47-146.tc.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
swimhey folks01:43
swimktorrent keeps freezing on me01:43
howcomeshave you got the latest version ?01:43
swimi just did a full upgrade with adept... so I would believe so01:44
howcomesive never used ktorrent so im not sure01:44
swimit was working fine... not sure what happened01:44
howcomestry restarting it?01:46
howcomestry restarting the box, try another torrent01:46
swimtried rebooting actually01:46
howcomesmake sure you chown all files its attempting to use/write to01:46
swimhmm some of the files are set as myusername adm... whats that?01:48
howcomesif the files are set as your username that is good01:48
swimthey are01:48
howcomesits when their set as root and your running the program as not root and it tries to access them that permissions get in the way01:48
howcomesdo other torrents work ?01:49
howcomesmaybe you just have to restart that torrent01:49
swimoh that would suck01:49
howcomescould be the pieces it downloaded are bad and the CRC checking is screwing up or something01:49
dark_suicktorrent is still in beta01:50
dark_suicthe repos version freezes01:50
dark_suicand the newest version01:50
dark_suicinstead of freezing01:50
dark_suicgets the down speed to 001:50
dark_suicclosing and opening works too, but still is no good...01:51
dark_suicwe'll have to wait01:51
swimhrmm i have downloaded stuff successfully with it01:51
dark_suicme too01:51
dark_suicbut still is no good to restart it each 10 minutes01:52
howcomesAnyone here play Enemy Territory ?01:52
dark_suicfor the moment, until a new stable version is released i'm using azureus, although i have to admit that i want to use ktorrent asap01:52
swimdark_suic: what are u using instead?01:53
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dark_suicazureus, swim01:57
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dark_suicu need java to make it work01:57
swimah, hmm not in any of my sources01:57
dark_suicswim, get the .deb from
dark_suicbut still need java01:58
dark_suicgoing to eat, cya01:58
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C-O-L-Thello here02:01
C-O-L-Tnobody is talking02:01
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C-O-L-Tkubuntu is a dead channel ?02:01
_kevNot dead, really...02:02
_kevJust quiet :)02:02
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C-O-L-T_kev: can I ask a question02:03
wedgeVhi, how can i get flash working in konqueror?02:03
wedgeVi installed the mozilla flash plugins but konqueror doesnt seem to load them02:03
_kevSure...  Can't guarantee I'll be able to answer, but I'll give it a go.02:03
C-O-L-TwedgeV: just install mozzilla flash02:03
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brosiozhi i'm using kubuntu but amrok doesn't works... i set gstreamer and alsaplugin anyone could help ?02:04
C-O-L-T_kev: can I make a larger partition for my Linux drive without reinstalling everything. So taking 2 GB from windows to Linux02:04
C-O-L-Tbrosioz: download amarok-xine in adept02:04
enfactyeah you can resize it02:04
_kevUse the xine engine for amarok..  gstreamer engine is kinda broken in breezy.02:04
C-O-L-Tenfact: how?02:05
C-O-L-Tenfact: without deleting windows or linux02:05
brosiozC-O-L-T: amarok-xine why this packages ?02:05
enfacti imagine things like partition magic can do it02:05
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enfacti know that system commander can do it02:05
enfacti use that (great bootloader)02:05
C-O-L-Tbrosioz: cause gstreamer is not very well working02:05
C-O-L-Txine is good02:05
C-O-L-Tenfact: how to make that?02:05
enfactare both sw packages02:06
C-O-L-Tenfact: there is not other way?02:06
enfacti think there may be a freeware partition manager out but i cant remember, anybody02:06
enfactones that can resize partitions02:06
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enfactthats the only way i know of02:06
C-O-L-Tenfact: thanks02:07
enfactno prob02:07
brosiozC-O-L-T: it's the same02:07
brosiozdon't play02:07
brosiozi've change it on settings02:07
C-O-L-Tbrosioz: than dunno02:07
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igorayebmy sound server send a message every time i reboot sayng the sound is busy anyone can help me02:08
_kev@igorayeb:  Play with the settings in control panel:  what does it say for "Select the audio device"?02:10
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igorayeb_kev: Yep02:11
igorayebisint auto-detect02:11
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SkrotThe only way I can directly control the fan of my laptop is if there something in /proc/acpi/fan, right?02:12
dark_suicbrosioz, you need to install libmad0 to make mp3 work on amarok02:13
dark_suic(if it doesn't work install k3b-mp3 and it should work)02:13
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igorayeb_kev: in in auto-detect my sound card02:14
_kevInteresting...  it works outside kde?02:15
brosiozdark_suic: alredy on it02:15
brosiozi try all options02:15
brosiozbut oneworks02:15
brosiozvlc and noatun works02:15
igorayeb_kev: i do no.02:16
dark_suicbrosioz, it still doesn't work with it installed?02:16
dark_suicu closed and reopened amarok?02:16
igorayeb_kev: i think is a software doing this because a weks a go hes function perfectly02:16
_kevigorayeb: locate a wav file and do a 'play <whatever>.wav' in the terminal.  Does that work?02:17
igorayeblet i see02:17
=== Ilokaasu [n=matti@dsl-aur-ff27c000-33.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu
wedgeVC-O-L-T: any ideas what might cause konqueror not to use the mozilla flash plugin?02:19
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C-O-L-TwedgeV: you have to load konqueror - konqueror settings - and there plugins - search for plugins02:19
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wedgeVyep, that worked! thanks!02:20
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howcomestried running enemy territory, and the whole thing just went to hell02:21
howcomesi had to use some +softwareGL something or other02:21
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howcomesand it ran, but it was so unresponsive i had to reboot to get back02:22
igorayeb_kev: play: command not found02:22
_kev@igorayeb:  Weird.  It worked a week ago?02:24
igorayeb_kev: yeah02:24
_kevWhat kind of sound card is it?02:25
brosiozdark_suic: i don't now...02:25
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igorayeb_kev: its a SiS02:26
dark_suicbrosioz, u tried to install libmad0 or k3b-mp3?02:26
igorayeb_kev: a have a desknote ECS02:26
_kevHave you tried forcing alsa, oss, or esd?02:28
_kevIn the Kcontrol panel?02:28
igorayeb_kev: no02:29
_kevYou could try that, maybe KDE and arts aren't quite detecting it properly.02:29
_kevJust muck around with it, hit Apply, and see if anything will play.02:29
igorayeb_kev: i'm tring02:29
brosiozdone works02:30
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igorayeb_kev: yastarday i try, but hes give-me the same message.02:30
igorayebbut i'm tring02:31
_kevThe sound system in KDE is pretty frustrating.02:31
Tm_T_kev: you mean arts?02:31
howcomesSound is the one thing i HAVENT had a problem with02:31
igorayeb_kev: i see that heheheh02:31
_kevYeah, arts gives me issues pretty regularly.02:32
evil-doersound is the only thing not working for me02:32
igorayeb_kev: break my work painel when i choose ALSA :(02:32
evil-doerand its a plan sblive card02:33
Tm_TKevManU: don't use it ;)02:33
evil-doerdunno why sound isnt working02:33
Tm_T_kev: I mean, you propably don't need arts02:33
_kevHow do you get around it?02:33
knubbeis it possible to change the default font in firefox? (in the menus)02:34
Tm_Tknubbe: change gtk settings02:34
Tm_T_kev: just disable it and use alsaplayer to play system notification sounds02:34
_kevJust disable the sound system altogether?02:35
Tm_Tand use alsaplayer02:35
Tm_Tso you get same sounds but without arts02:35
_kevCool, I'll try that.02:35
_kevThanks, man.02:35
Tm_Tno prob02:35
knubbeTm_T: system settings -> appearence -> fonts ? firefox doesnt follow those options :-/02:35
Tm_Tknubbe: aye, because those are not gtk settings02:36
igorayebTm_T: what i do to disable02:36
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knubbeTm_T: may i ask which ones you mean?02:36
knubbeTm_T: .. that i should change02:36
Tm_Tigorayeb: arts? in system settings -> sound -> "enable the sound system" disable it02:37
igorayebTm_T: ok, and now what i do02:38
igorayebthe arts are disable now02:38
Tm_Tknubbe: in systemsettings -> appearance -> gtk styles and fonts02:38
Tm_Tigorayeb: aye, now you have to do script that plays notification sounds without nasty gui ;(02:39
howcomesI'm having a metric ton of trouble getting Enemy Territory to work - can anyone help ?02:39
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=== Tm_T thinks he should write howto fro this
Tm_Thowcomes: what kind of problems?02:39
igorayebTm_T: my arts in this week send me a messae avery boot ido saind : the saound are busy :(02:39
Tm_Tigorayeb: yes, arts sucks02:40
igorayebTm_T: u have any idea qhat i do02:40
igorayebwhat i do02:40
LeeJunFankde4 is moving away from arts.02:40
Tm_Tigorayeb: yes02:40
_kevThat's good news.02:40
Tm_TLeeJunFan: aye, and that's really good thing02:40
lagawhat are they gonna do?02:40
lagainstead of arts, i mean.02:40
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knubbeTm_T: thank you very much!02:41
LeeJunFanPersonaly I don't see why the kernel can't handle multiple sound streams w/o a soundserver.02:41
Tm_Tigorayeb: sudo apt-get install alsaplayer-alsa alsaplayer-text02:41
LeeJunFanlaga: I don't think it's been determined yet, but they know it's not going to be arts.02:41
=== Xemanth^ [n=xemanth@dsl-jklgw4-fe8df800-93.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #Kubuntu
lagaLeeJunFan: awesome news. :)02:41
Xemanth^i need help to set up x64 ati fglrx, i manged to screw x server02:41
igorayebTm_T: i'm doing thanks! ;)02:42
howcomesTm_T well , when i run the game - its very slow and unresponsive, but its actually running - which is a start02:42
Tm_Tigorayeb: hehe, that's only halfway there ;)02:42
_kevI have a fglrx card... kubuntu didn't detect it right.02:42
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howcomesI had to issue a paramater like +SoftwareGL something or other02:42
Tm_Thowcomes: and your display drivers are installed?02:42
howcomesI dont think so, at least not correctly02:43
Xemanth^_kev: i have here 3d acceleration but kernel shows really weird panic02:43
howcomesI had to go thru some tricks02:43
howcomesto get the ATI Control Panel to accept fglrx or something02:43
igorayebTm_T: he install and now what i do02:43
Xemanth^glxgears: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory02:43
howcomesso i could get Gamma correction02:43
_kevXemanth^: Oyy...  that's bad.02:43
Tm_Thowcomes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto02:43
Tm_Tigorayeb: now we write small script02:43
_kevThere are new drivers out from ATI, do you have the latest version?02:44
Xemanth^that binary how to didn't help02:44
Xemanth^_kev: it depends when they came out02:44
_kevI haven't checked in a couple of weeks.02:44
Xemanth^why the driver name have to fglrx, why ati doesn't change it more easy driver 'ati' ^02:45
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Tm_Tigorayeb: create text file named "alsa-syssound.sh" or what you like it to be02:45
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LeeJunFanI don't even bother with 3d under linux, I've got no use for it other than battery eating pretty screensavers that make my fans turbo out of control.02:45
Tm_TXemanth^: because "ati" drivers are provided with xorg02:45
howcomesTm_T im using a ATi Radeon 9200 SE02:45
howcomesi used the instructions for 5.04 Ubuntu02:46
igorayebTm_T: ok create.02:46
Xemanth^how do i reinstall xorg-driver-fglrx, it complains about weirdo errors02:46
howcomesdidnt see the updated instructions below that. but im assuming i should do that02:46
Tm_Tigorayeb: there, first line: #!/bin/sh02:46
Tm_Tigorayeb: second line: alsaplayer -d plug:dmix -l 0.5 -i text -q $*02:46
Tm_Tigorayeb: now save it02:47
Xemanth^pkg-divert: mismatch on divert-to  when removing `diversion of /usr/lib32/libGL.so.1.2 to /usr/share/fglrx/diversions/libGL.so.1.2_32bit by xorg-driver-fglrx'  found `diversion of /usr/lib32/libGL.so.1.2 to /usr/lib32/fglrx/libGL.so.1.2.xlibmesa by xorg-driver-fglrx'02:48
howcomesso how can i uninstall whatever graphics drivers i have installed and get the ones i want ?02:48
Tm_Thowcomes: just follow that howto I mentioned02:48
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igorayebTm_T:  did02:50
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igorayebTm_T:  created :D02:50
Tm_Tigorayeb: and you edited as I said? and it's saved?02:51
igorayebTm_T: edited or created02:51
igorayebi create02:51
Tm_Tnow, systemsettings -> sound -> notifications02:52
kkathmanTm_T: o/02:52
Tm_Tkkathman: o/02:52
howcomesok , problem with that HOWTO02:52
Tm_Tigorayeb: there, "player settings" and select external player, and make it to point your script02:52
howcomesThe window where im supposed to select the Ubuntu packages.....02:53
howcomesis too big02:53
howcomesI can only see the SuSe packages02:53
Tm_Tigorayeb: and, then go to konsole and say "chmod +x foo.sh" where foo.sh is the script what you just created02:53
howcomessee up to the SuSE packages that is02:53
kkathmanjonatan: it is already you can open a doc thats been created with Word[sokfvbslfpkw02:53
Tm_Tkkathman: :O02:54
igorayebTm_T: i not findind02:54
kkathmanI think my keyboard is going bad :(02:54
igorayebTm_T: in the sound, play external scripts.02:54
Tm_Tigorayeb: systemsettings -> sound -> notifications ->02:55
kkathmanTm_T:  doesnt help that I accidentally spilled coffee onto it...not much... but you never know02:55
Tm_Tigorayeb: and in lower right corner should be button named "Player settings"02:55
Tm_Tkkathman: =)02:55
Tm_Tkkathman: it's just isn't used to caffeine yet, keep feeding it02:56
kkathmanfortunately, keyboads are cheap02:56
kkathmanbetter than spilling into a laptop02:56
Tm_Tkkathman: ok, wanna buy two for me?02:56
howcomeshow can i select the Ubuntu packages if they appear off my screen in the dialog ?02:56
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=== Tm_T doesn't have enough money to buy new ones, so he have to use broken ones
kkathmankeyboards here...really really good ones are like $35-40,   but you can pick decent ones up for $10-2002:57
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Tm_Tkkathman: here, good one (what I'm using) ~30 02:57
Tm_Tor less02:57
Tm_Tthose el cheapos are 6 02:58
Tm_Tok, now ffffooooooddd ->->02:58
kkathmanyeah bout the same Tm_T,  this one is a logitech, with all the sound/windows extensions, blah blah  and it was like $3002:58
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zithiethere seems to be breezy packages for kde 3.51 in the same place where 3.5 packages are. is it installable already?03:00
igorayebTm_T: i find, my saund have to been disable in the soudn seetings03:01
howcomescan someone tell me how im supposed to select the Ubuntu packages in this screenshot ? http://img64.imageshack.us/img64/5562/snapshot18wt.png03:01
morrowuse the ubuntu fglrx package in the rep?03:02
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brosiozwhich is the defualt mail agent on ubuntu ?03:04
dark_suiczithie, i'm on kde3.5.1 breezy now03:05
brosiozexim4 ?03:05
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zithiedark_suic: and you installed the packages from kubuntu.org ?03:08
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asranielanybody know why i cant install kde-devel with kubuntu 5.10 and kde3.5 ? i have this error (german):03:12
asranielDie folgenden Pakete haben nichterfllte Abhngigkeiten:03:13
asraniel  kde-devel: Hngt ab: kdesdk soll aber nicht installiert werden03:13
asraniel             Hngt ab: kdelibs4-dev soll aber nicht installiert werden03:13
asraniel             Hngt ab: kdebase-dev soll aber nicht installiert werden03:13
asraniel             Hngt ab: libkonq4-dev soll aber nicht installiert werden03:13
igorayebTm_T: i do every think, mut my sound have te bee disable int the seetings or not03:13
dark_suiczithie, yes03:14
dark_suicif in the kde3.5 repo03:14
dark_suicyou change03:14
dark_suickde35 for kde-latest03:14
dark_suicyou will always have the latest stable version :)03:14
Tm_Tasraniel: you don't have to flood here ;)03:14
Tm_Tok, I'm away for awhile, see ya ->03:16
kkathmandark_suic: always good to check kubuntu.org for announcements on new things03:16
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zithiedark_suic: ok, thanks.03:17
lagadoes kubuntu use software suspend 1 oder software suspend 2?03:19
dark_suickkathman, completely agree, but one thing doesn't make the another wrong, right?03:20
kkathmanright :) hehe03:21
kkathmanLots of times, there are new releases that you may wish to know about on a beta or rc basis too, Those come through eithe Kubuntu.org, or KDE.org..that way you get the latest info :)03:22
dark_suicthere you get the latest info03:22
dark_suicand with the repo03:22
dark_suicyou get the latest version03:22
dark_suicand seeing that kde is upgradeable03:22
dark_suiccan make you remember to go to kubuntu.org or kde.org to see the changelog or things like that :)03:22
kkathmanright, but occasionally they'll sneak a new repo in there03:22
kkathmannot everyone, for instance might want to upgrade to an RC or Beta, so theyll provide a different repo for that03:23
kkathmanfor all you bleeding edge folks  out there :)03:24
evil-doeri thought id give quake 3 a try just to see how it runs, surprisingly it runs very smooth even on this old junker, but i have no mouse control.   the mouse is a logitech ps/2 mouse. any ideas?03:26
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asranielare those kde 3.5.1 packages suposed to work on breezy?03:30
dark_suici'm with kde3.5.1 now in breezy :P03:31
asranielhmm, does not work here, it only installs 4 packages with full upgrade. when i manualy select one of the others it wants to remove all kde packages because it would break them03:32
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dark_suicwhat repo do you have?03:32
asranielthe one that is in the header of this chanel03:32
dark_suicone sec :P03:33
dark_suicyou are using dapper?03:33
dark_suicthose packages are for dapper03:33
asranielno, as i said breezy, but its written dapper in the title, so i tried it anyway and now it does not work, as expected03:33
asranielah, and is there a rep for breezy?03:33
dark_suicdeb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde351 breezy main03:34
dark_suicthis should work, asraniel03:34
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dark_suicor kde-latest instead of kde35103:35
igorayebWhat the lib i had to get to amarok play mp303:35
LeeJunFanigorayeb: libmad003:36
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asranieldark_suic: thanks, works. upgrading now (kde-latest did not work for me, kde351 does)03:36
dark_suicok :)03:36
dark_suicmaybe latest is not pointing to kde351 yet?03:37
LeeJunFanigorayeb: might want to try using the xine engine with amarok too - install libxine and go into engine settings in amarok and change to xine.03:37
dark_suicigorayeb, you may need the libmad0 lib to make mp3 work...03:37
dark_suic(and switch to xine engine too, it's way better than gstreamer i think)03:38
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leau2001hi all, bonjour  tous03:40
leau2001comment connaitre la version de KDE que j'utilise ?03:41
LeeJunFanwow, dapper got the synaptics drivers right :p03:41
LeeJunFanalthough excelleration is way low.03:42
howcomesgetting my ATi driver to work is being a very big pain03:43
dark_suicleau2001, english please03:43
howcomesI followed the HOWTO: ATI Drivers v0.2 guide03:43
howcomesand fglrxinfo still reports MESA03:44
asranieldark_suic: he want to know how he can find out which kde version he is using03:44
LeeJunFanare ati's drivers even updated to compile clean with 2.6.15?03:44
LeeJunFanusually they are a kernel version behind.03:44
LeeJunFanATI sucks.03:44
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leau2001ok sorry03:45
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leau2001just want to know which KDE version on my Kubuntu using ?03:45
Xemanth^well something has improved, now my ati doesn't cause kernel panic03:47
Xemanth^i installed newest drivers03:48
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Xemanth^ati drivers03:48
Xemanth^root@5024wlmi:~# fglrxinfo --version03:48
Xemanth^fglrxinfo: error while loading shared libraries: libGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory03:48
LeeJunFanleau2001: right click on your taskbar, help->about kde03:48
Xemanth^i have Acer 5024wlmi with PCI Express ATI X700 128mb and kubuntu x6403:49
Xemanth^i use kernel 2.6.1503:49
dark_suicleau2001, go to konqueror (for example) and click help -> about kde03:49
leau2001ok found thx03:50
dark_suicjust that easy :)03:50
leau20013.4.3 version03:50
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leau2001may i change for the 3.5 ? what you think ?03:50
cpromptHi folks!03:50
kkathmanleau2001:  its relatively easy03:51
dark_suicyou can03:51
dark_suicyou know how to add repositories to adept / sources.list?03:51
leau2001yes i know03:51
cpromptI did something really stupid. I was trying to remove a version of gcc and I ended up removing something that a few hundred packages were dependent on. I killed adept before it finished, but now I don't have adept or apt-get. I do have dpkg. Could you tell me the name of the package that has apt-get so I can hopefully get that back and use it to reinstall kubuntu-desktop?03:52
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dark_suicwell, then just add this repositorie for kde 3.5.1 deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde351 breezy main03:52
dark_suicor add this repositorie for kde 3.5.0 deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde350 breezy main03:53
Xemanth^woot 3.5.103:53
kkathmanleau2001:  http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35.php03:53
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leau2001arf  ... error : W: Impossible de localiser la liste des paquets sources http://kubuntu.org breezy/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/kubuntu.org_packages_kde351_dists_breezy_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 Aucun fichier ou rpertoire de ce type)03:56
howcomesIs there anyway to use DRI Accelerated MESA drivers on Kubuntu ?03:57
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Xemanth^i should crab ati chip from my laptop and throw it out from the window03:58
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LeeJunFancprompt: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/apt/apt_0.6.40.1ubuntu9_i386.deb04:03
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cpromptLee: Thanks!!04:04
LeeJunFancprompt: that's breezy right?04:04
LeeJunFanand not 64 bit.04:04
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cpromptbreezy i38604:07
cprompti have apt-get now....now I'm googling the manpage to figure out how to get it to install all of kubuntu-desktop's debs. which i hope should fill in all the holes i made.04:07
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muzzlehi all04:08
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muzzleI need to download gcc04:08
muzzlebut how do I do that?04:08
muzzleI have adept manager open, but when I try to download it I get some error :(04:09
LeeJunFancprompt: I imagine kubuntu-desktop should just about get everything back with all the deps it would have.04:09
muzzlenobody who can help?04:09
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LeeJunFanmuzzle: install build-essentials04:10
muzzlewhat and how??04:10
cpromptLeeJunFan: As long as I can get apt-get to do it04:10
muzzleShouldn't that adept manager do it? I can chose install for gcc, but some stupid error just comes :(04:10
LeeJunFanmuzzle: open adept for gui installer, or from command line 'sudo apt-get install build-essentials'04:10
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muzzlecool thanks04:11
muzzlewhy do I need the sudo first by the way?04:11
LeeJunFanmuzzle: because sudo makes the following command run as root, and you need to be root to install software.04:11
muzzleand what is build-essentials ?04:11
muzzleahh ok04:11
muzzleIt couldn't find that package04:11
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muzzlesudo apt-get install build-essentials <-- is what I wrote04:12
LeeJunFanmuzzle: sry, build-essential - w/o the s04:12
muzzlecool :D04:12
muzzleand then what happends?04:12
kkathmanit installs04:12
LeeJunFanmuzzle: it should download and install.04:12
muzzleI'm NOTALLY new to linux04:12
muzzleit is downloading and install04:12
muzzlebut I have no idea what it is04:12
LeeJunFangcc and some other packages.04:13
kkathmanthen why are you downloading it?04:13
muzzlebecause somebody told me to download it....04:13
kkathmana good rule of thumb....if you dont know what it is...dont use it :)04:13
LeeJunFanbuild-essential is what is called a meta package, it installs a bunch of other packages, all gcc,automake,autoconf,patch,make etc...04:13
kkathmanand why did they tell you to do that?04:13
muzzleThen how would I learn linux kkathman  ?04:13
LeeJunFankkathman: it's okay - it was me :P04:13
kkathmanlol you dont need build-essential to learn linux04:13
muzzleokay thanks LeeJunFan04:13
kkathmanLeeJunFan:  yer kidding right?04:14
muzzlekkathman:  I need gcc04:14
muzzleWhy what?04:14
cpromptLeeJunFan: apt-utils: Depends: libapt-pkg-libc6.3-5-3.11 but it is not installable    an yet apt-get is working and this is blocking a few dozen packages =] 04:14
kkathmanwhy do you need gcc04:14
muzzleto compile c code....04:14
cpromptmuzzle: Do you plan on compiling your own software?04:14
kkathmanand you dont know anything about linux or libraries  yet?04:14
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LeeJunFanmuzzle: try 'sudo apt-get update' to update your catalog of available packages.04:15
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LeeJunFanmuzzle: then try again to install build-essential04:15
=== kkathman shakes his head regarding what people do
leau2001for my self i used Kubuntu on windows xp with VMware workstation...04:15
muzzleok LeeJunFan04:15
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muzzlekkathman: I've been making my own software for many years in the win32 lib. What does that have to do with my not knowing linux?04:16
muzzlein 30 years I might not  now Mac and so what? I really don't understand what you are trying to say?04:16
kkathmanokie dokie smokie..go for it04:16
muzzleIs kkathman some kind of bot?04:17
kkathmanyah thats me.. a bot04:17
LeeJunFanmuzzle: you'll have a lot of reading to do on kde/qt devel before gcc will be a lot of use to you though.04:17
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kkathmanhe's the bot04:17
muzzleLeeJunFan: We are getting this c thing at the university. They want us to use linux so well yes. It's not really up to me.04:18
muzzleI just got this mail about what I should have ready etc.04:18
LeeJunFanmuzzle: ah, that makes sense I guess.04:18
cpromptmuzzle: Good luck =] 04:19
cpromptLeeJunFan: It's working! Thanks!04:19
muzzlecprompt: Thanks :D04:19
LeeJunFancprompt: good deal. your welcome.04:19
kkathmanmuzzle:  I would 2nd LeeJunFan in that you need to become intimately familiar with the libraries, the QT dev environment, and the KDE internals.  Bad things happen if you dont know those :) hehe04:20
cpromptkkathman: He's going to school for this, he'll be fine =] 04:21
LeeJunFanmuzzle: depending on what type of apps you'll be building, I doubt they'll start you off in a GUI environment like KDE anyway. Probably just need the basic c libs and stuff which are standard among all systems.04:21
kkathmanLeeJunFan:  yah I think so too :)04:21
muzzleLeeJunFan: correct04:22
muzzleit's all about the basis04:22
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=== kkathman likes QT alot ::
muzzleMany students have no idea what programming is, so we start with the basics04:22
LeeJunFanyep, everyone starts with "hello world"04:23
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muzzleThe hello world has a history behind it04:24
kkathmanprogramming is pretty much a dead profession in the US now04:24
muzzleOn on earth can that be?04:24
kkathmaneconomics my man04:24
muzzleYou mean there are to many on it?04:24
LeeJunFanyeah, unless you get in the elite group of game programmers that make a big hit, you have about as much chance as being the first quadroplegic in the NFL.04:24
muzzleIt's where the big money are in Denmark.04:25
kkathmanif you know compiler theory and want to do that, its not bad04:25
kkathmanbut  the world's programming is going to Asia and India04:25
muzzleNot just as a little coder, but as a leader of course :D04:25
Traumkistekkathman: who is programming for money?04:25
=== cprompt looks around
LeeJunFanWell, programming does have a few niche markets. Making special programs for industry to use in house.04:25
muzzleI'm getting my 5 years university degree in CS04:25
kkathmangood luck muzzle :)04:25
kkathmannetworking and security is the hot field now04:26
muzzlewhy luck though?04:26
muzzleSchool is easy.04:26
kkathmanat least here04:26
muzzleNetworking is only getting bigger.04:26
kkathmanmost companies outsource their development now04:26
kkathmanlower costs04:26
LeeJunFanseems like the best bet for getting programming employment would be with some type of industry that designs their own stuff and needs special little programs to formulate or run machinery.04:26
kkathmanIT is still a company's #1 expense04:26
kkathmanLeeJunFan: automata04:27
LeeJunFanyeah, which means write software for something which you will have no competition.04:27
kkathmanand....job security is ZERO04:27
kkathmanhehe not a long term gig if ya know what I mean04:28
LeeJunFanbut then with real programmers it's not about the money. Just like with artists.04:28
kkathmanLeeJunFan:  cant feed the wife and kids with that tho04:29
LeeJunFankkathman: no you cant. Which is why I don't program much any more.04:29
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kkathmanI do it on the side and its a nice little bit of income04:29
LeeJunFankkathman: but I always have my eyes open for an opportunity to program something. I just don't have time to give to an open source free software project.04:30
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kkathmanLeeJunFan:  nor I  but I understand your feeling on it :)04:30
kkathmanits that "creation" feeling :)04:30
LeeJunFanAnd even then practical use doesn't call for C for my projects, usually python or php along with mysql is all I ever need for what anyone asks for.04:30
LeeJunFankkathman: exactly.04:30
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kkathmanLeeJunFan:  yah me too...most all of my work is PHP/XML MySQL a little python here or there04:31
LeeJunFankkathman: and never perl :p04:31
miveczDOes anyone know  i try to install kubuntu desktop  what version of kde i take04:31
kkathmanMy days of C are way over - its not a progressive language any more04:31
kkathmanmivecz: it will come with KDE 3.4.304:32
muzzleLeeJunFan: It's compiling fine, so thanks again :D04:32
LeeJunFanmuzzle: np.04:32
mivecz can i  update it to  3.504:32
LeeJunFanmuzzle: and good luck to you.04:32
kkathmanmivecz: yes04:32
muzzlethanks again, hehe04:33
reonHelp, I'm looking for a thread I lost that explains how to get the Plantronics DSP headset volume controls to work...04:33
kkathmanmivecz:  install first, then you'll add a specific repository and do an update and a dist-upgrade04:33
kkathmanmivecz:  This tells how:  http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35.php04:33
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miveczwith  3.4.3 kde  can i install themes  from previews  version?04:35
muzzleI have one last question. I need emacs.04:35
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muzzleHow? hehe04:36
muzzleI tried sudo apt-get isntall emacs04:36
muzzleand I did the update of catalog04:36
dark_suicmuzzle, sudo apt-get install emacs2104:38
kkathmanor emacs21-nox04:39
kkathmanif you are at the CLI04:39
kkathmanmuzzle:  to look for packages, type    apt-cache search  <search string>   CLI = Command LIne Interface04:39
muzzleemacs21 didn't work either no04:39
muzzleahh ok04:39
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kkathmanmuzzle:  Im just assuming you are doing all your work at the CLI with no X04:40
muzzlewith not X?04:41
muzzleI'm doing it in the console windows04:41
kkathmanthats fairly typical of most Universities course  otherwise they have to get you to download some bit IDE04:41
muzzledidn't know there where serveal cml04:41
muzzlecli ;)04:41
kkathmanmuzzle: yeah in a term window is ok to...thats cli04:41
muzzleyes yes04:41
dark_suicwell, i'm doing c at university and we use gedit (the ones who use gnome) and kate the rest...04:41
kkathmandark_suic: thats nice04:42
kkathmanmuch better than emacs :)04:42
dark_suici do love kate :P04:42
muzzleI thought Emacs was the best04:42
kkathmansounds like muzzle is being given his environment tho04:42
muzzleWe can use what ever04:42
dark_suic(and for CLI use vim XD)04:42
kkathmandark_suic: kate IS great :)04:42
LeeJunFankate is the shiat.04:42
muzzleBut I just thought Emacs was the way to go?04:42
kkathmanemacs is pretty much old school...Unix....but it works04:43
kkathmankinda defeats the purpose of installing and using X tho04:43
muzzleBut I would still like to download it. Just to have it. But I can't find it04:44
muzzleI did the search but wasn't good either.04:44
miveczwith  3.4.3 kde  can i install themes  from previews  version??04:44
dark_suicit's in universe repos, muzzle, you have to uncomment them in your repo list04:45
dark_suicyou should, mivecz04:45
LeeJunFanubotu: tell mivecz about repos04:45
LeeJunFanmivecz: you should be able to setup your sources file to include universe and then download xemacs and emacs04:45
LeeJunFanmivecz: sry - wrong person.04:46
muzzledark_suic: ehm ok04:46
dark_suicLeeJunFan, i think you are trying to talk to muzzle  :P04:46
LeeJunFanubotu: tell muzzle about repos04:46
LeeJunFanmuzzle: you should be able to setup your sources file to include universe and then download xemacs and emacs04:46
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miveczso can i?04:47
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muzzleLeeJunFan: It's no problem to have my sources file to include universe? Since it's not on as standard?04:49
dark_suicmivecz, don't know for sure, but trying shouldn't hurt...04:49
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dark_suicit isn't muzzle04:49
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muzzleWhere are those resource files?04:52
howcomeslibGL.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory04:53
howcomes:( i think i broke it more04:53
muzzleI guess I can modify them manually. Can't do it as in the tutorial-kinda link you sent :(04:53
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muzzlemaybe no04:55
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Xemanth^^howcomes: x64 kubuntu ?04:56
howcomesx86 kubuntu04:57
Xemanth^^howcomes: locate libGL.so.1 ?04:57
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Xemanth^^aha, ati :D i have same issue, i think...04:59
Xemanth^^but with x6404:59
howcomesglxinfo gives the same error04:59
howcomesi was trying to get DRI enabled04:59
howcomesand i think it all just blew up in my face04:59
Xemanth^^i was trying to get 3d working04:59
Xemanth^^well ati......*censored words*05:00
caseywhat is this?05:00
howcomeswell...what do i do now ?05:00
caseyboy am i out of my eague it seems05:01
caseyso confused05:01
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caseyi'm new to this and need help05:03
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howcomesbrb - testing something05:06
caseyanyone willing to help the noob?05:06
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msermswhat's up casey?05:06
caseyyes someone answers!!!05:06
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^rob^anyone here use apt-move and apt-ftparchive ??05:07
caseyi new to the whole linux thing and was wondering  how to get it to play DVD video05:07
msermscasey - what have you just installed ubuntu or kubuntu? Know what version it was?05:08
caseykubuntu 5.0405:08
caseygui in 5.10 wouldnt load for some reason05:08
msermsOK - there's probably kaffeine or KMplayer in there. They will play the DVDs but you will need to install something to decode them first.05:09
^rob^casey: better use mplayer or ogle05:09
caseykaffeine is loaded05:09
^rob^kaffeine use lot of memmory and crashes often.05:10
caseyas is the one that looks like Winamp05:10
caseyso how do i go about installing a DVD decoder?05:10
msermsI find KMplayer better too05:10
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aeon17xKaffeine isn't that bad...05:10
msermsWhat errors are you getting from the program when you try to play it?05:11
Riddellkkathman: you want to be a kubuntu developer?05:11
caseyone sec05:11
caseysays player incompatible with the region markings on the disc05:13
caseyalso said something about mising a WIN32 compatibe decoder05:14
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msermsCool, all sorts of stuff going on. There is a utility called regionset which allows you to set the region of your DVD drive (although you are only able to change it a handful of times - hardware restriction I think).05:15
msermsYou can install it by typing (at the command line): sudo apt-get install regionset05:16
caseythe region coding on my dvd drive is region free and the disc is region 105:16
msermsAre you getting the same errors with diff DVDs?05:17
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LeeJunFanI think you'll have to download and install libdvdcss from source.05:18
dark_suicLeeJunFan, kubuntu has libdvdcss in repos, don't it?05:18
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LeeJunFanI think so but I think it's neutered or something, I've never had any luck playing protected dvd's with it.05:19
LeeJunFandapper doesn't have it in repos. maybe I'm thinking dvdread - which IS in the repos.05:20
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howcomesi think i completely broke fglrx05:21
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howcomesglxinfo , fglrxinfo both dont work05:22
damnhilI have problems going to sleep mode for my thinkpad T30. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it fails to wake up. Do you have any ideas?05:22
howcomesand its complaining about missing shared libraries05:22
howcomesoh plus it doesnt boot05:22
damnhilhowcomes: what does not boot?05:23
howcomesAny idea why Kubuntu would be freezing at: Checking Battery Status on boot - when im not on a laptop05:23
damnhilhowcomes: I don't have Checking Battery Status. where did you get it?05:23
howcomesyou know when it goes thru the list05:24
howcomesand it says [ok] 05:24
LeeJunFanit's in /etc/init.d/acpi-support.05:25
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howcomeshow do i disable it ?05:26
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LeeJunFanhowcomes: I have no idea why that would just start happening. you'll have to boot into recovery then remove the acpi-support entry link in /etc/rc2.d/05:29
LeeJunFanhowcomes: have you tried actually powering off your system - cold start?05:30
howcomesdont think so05:30
LeeJunFanI'd give that a try just in case it's something in the ACPI/bios that's confusing it.05:31
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caseykaffeine says it doesn't have the plugins to play DVD video05:33
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xatalinuxi will like to add KDE desktop to ubuntu ....can some one to hellp me /05:33
LeeJunFancasey: you need to install libdvdcss to play protected DVD's.05:34
caseyhow would i go about doing that. im new to linux and dont really know how to do anything05:35
Tm_Txatalinux: apt-get install kubuntu-desktop05:36
dark_suiccasey, adept is your friend :)05:36
LeeJunFanubotu: tell casey about libdvdcss05:36
xatalinuxthank you05:36
dark_suictry k-menu -> system -> package manager05:36
meplehm is anyone aware of a bug that makes KDE change your timezone randomely ?05:36
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mepleI have it set for Europe stockholm but so far today it changed to: Moscow , Los Angeles and Kairo05:37
caseyok i am in kynaptic. what section would the protected dvd library be under?05:37
mepleany ideas?05:37
LeeJunFancasey: it's not in the repos, check the link ubotu sent you.05:38
xatalinuxfor the desktop say's05:38
trappistooh there's a kynaptic?05:38
xatalinuxUnable to lock the list directory05:38
xatalinuxwhat i can do?05:38
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brosiozexists codecs divx6 to ripping for linux ?05:41
trappistbrosioz: not 6, that I know of05:41
trappistunless it's in w32codecs05:41
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sweet_katehello: how can i write under linux a floppy that i need for windows?05:44
trappistsweet_kate: just mount it and copy the files over05:44
sweet_kateyou say?05:45
dark_suicyes, you can05:45
evil-doeri thought id give quake 3 a try just to see how it runs, surprisingly it runs very smooth even on this old junker, but i have no mouse control.   the mouse is a logitech ps/2 mouse. any ideas?05:46
xatalinuxi will like to install KDE desktop in ubuntu ....can someone help me ?i'm very new in linux...05:46
xatalinuxthank you very much05:47
dark_suicevil-doer, i've had the same problem05:48
dark_suica friend of mine solved the problem, although i don't know how05:48
dark_suicbut he told me05:48
dark_suicthat it works better under cedega than with the native linux version05:48
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HowcomesAlrite, i give up for today - currently booted into Windows :P05:49
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xatalinuxi can install KDE desktop from syneptic?05:50
xatalinuxor not/05:50
dark_suiclook for the package05:50
Howcomesnow Kubuntu is saying fsck encounter something odd run manually, and to mount first, then says running fsck on a mounted drive is certain death....ok then05:51
dark_suicit should install all kde-desktop you need to make it work05:51
xatalinuxwere i can run this comand?05:51
Stelei just upgraded my kubuntu and rebooted - I get the "X" desktop but not the kdm desktop05:51
sweet_katewhat is my floppy dir? /media/floppy??05:51
caseyok i downloaded the .deb files for libdvdcss how do i install them now?05:51
Stelehow can I fix this?05:52
=== eightiesk [n=eighties@pcp02642516pcs.wilsbg01.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
eightieski have a problem could someone help me?05:52
eightieski updated gaim yesterday05:52
dark_suicask for the problem, eightiesk don't ask if we can help you :P05:52
eightieskthen it erased gunifications.05:52
eightiesksoi i typed in sudo apt-get gunifications05:53
eightieskand it goe the old gaim 2.05:53
eightieskthis is my 5th day in linux...05:53
eightieski'm kinda puzzled and scared05:53
dark_suicif installing a package removes another, is common that if you try to install the another it will uninstall the first :P05:53
caseyim on day 1 so dont feel too bad05:53
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jpatrickeightiesk: use the source.....05:53
dark_suicthey will probalby be uncompatible05:53
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Stelei think i have a conflict between the kubuntu nv driver, and the NVIDIA one from their site05:56
Stelehow can I uninstall BOTH of them and "start over" with the nvidia one?05:56
eightieskjpatrick, how do you install from source?05:56
dark_suicStele, you shouldn't need to uninstall both and then install the another05:56
dark_suicis all configurable :P05:56
jpatrickeightiesk: depends on what you're trying to install05:57
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Steleer, ok :)05:57
Stelemy kdm desktop still wont start after a reboot05:57
dark_suicStele, let's see05:57
dark_suicwhat nvidia do you have?05:57
Stelei have a Quadro FX 3400 - the same thing as a GFORCE 6800 Ultra05:57
eightieskmy nividia i had to use vesa05:57
Stelemy X is stuck on right now and I can't kill it to rerun the NV installer05:58
Stelei want to try reinstalling the nvidia one but I need to kill the X server first05:58
Steleim logged in remotely but I cant kill it05:58
hussamI found this http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde351/ . I'm thinking of upgrading from kde 3.4.3 to kde 3.5.1 .05:58
dark_suicstele, hit Ctrl+Alt+F1 and write sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart05:58
hussamanybody's tried that?05:58
eightieskne one know any custom res.05:58
dark_suichussam, i'm at kde3.5.105:58
jpatrickhussam: not officially support until release05:58
jpatrickhussam: i guess05:59
Steledark_suic - Ctrl+Alt+F1 no worky05:59
Stelethe display is hung05:59
DjDarkPingvinStele: have you tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg ?05:59
dark_suicyeah, i've seen that kde-latest still points to kde3.5.005:59
Steleer, no05:59
dark_suicStele, if that doesn't work... you'll probably have to hit the reset button :P05:59
jpatrickdark_suic: because 3.5.1 isn't released yet05:59
hussamdark_suic: from the same repository?05:59
dark_suici know, jpatrick05:59
dark_suichussam, yeah, i have that kde3.5.105:59
dark_suicwith no problems for the moment06:00
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dark_suici updated 2 days ago and no problem for the moment06:00
dark_suici know, jpatrick :) but well, is almost almost almost here :P06:00
aeon17xWhat is the name of the KDE character map?06:00
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hussamdark_suic: cool then I'll upgrade from 3.4.3 to 3.5.106:01
eXistenZwhere can I updated to 3.5 from06:01
Steleim logged in remoteluy06:01
Steleno matter what i try i cant seem to kill the X server06:02
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Stelewhat if I enter a different run level?06:02
Stele(not sure which one)06:02
dark_suiceXistenZ, deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde351/ breezy main06:02
dark_suicStele, try sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart06:03
dark_suicfrom where you can write anything06:03
Stelei tried that06:03
Steleit claims kdm is not running06:03
dark_suicthen try /etc/init.d/kdm start06:03
dark_suicand see what error gives06:03
Stelekdm already running06:04
Stelebut when i view the other machine, it is stuck at a corrupted X background06:04
Stelei can move the cursor - but no KDM06:04
Steleand I can't ALT+CTRL+F key out of it06:05
dark_suici would try hitting the reset button06:05
dark_suicit seems that it has locked itself somehow06:05
Stelebut it will just reboot back into the same situation06:05
Stelei need to get it not to start up X06:05
dark_suicthen you could06:05
Stele"kdm stop" says "kdm not responding to TERM signal"06:06
dark_suicedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf somehow06:06
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dark_suiclook for Section "Device" and there you'll find a section Driver "nv" or "nvidia" turn it into vesa, save and reboot06:07
Steleroger that06:07
Steleok i got a console login prompt and no kdm06:09
Steleprob because i told it my monitor ONLY supports 1920x1200 (LCD)06:09
Stelei am going to try reinstalling the nvidia driver06:09
Stelebut shouldnt i UNINSTALL the current nv package?06:10
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Stelecrap - it is still messed up06:11
Stelekdm DID start, though I cant see it06:11
hussamdark_suic: upgrading to kde 3.5.1 wants to install hspell , do I need that?06:11
Steleand i cant kill it06:11
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dark_suicStele, it will be because of the monitor... you shouldn't try to uninstall the nv package... just try installing the nvidia one, it should just work06:12
dark_suicif you have the nvidia-installer install it that way06:12
nite_w0lfwhat reositories doe Kubuntu use?06:12
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dark_suicelse, you could try the repository's drivers06:13
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jpatricknite_w0lf: Ubuntu-s06:13
dark_suicnite_w0lf, same as ubuntu06:13
c0rrupt`does anyone know how to use a physical disk in vmware and boot to a windows partitio that is already installed while in linux.. im getting an error when setting /dev/hdc as the harddisk06:13
Steleok i put the list of monitor modes back, removed "glx" from the modules list, and rebooted again06:13
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Stelethis stuff was supposed to be easy :(06:13
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Stelesurely i could just go to a differnent runlevel instead of rebooting all the time?06:14
c0rrupt`hdc2 is my windows partition, and im setting wmare to use it only06:14
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nite_w0lfcan packages be downloaded from KDE and installed/converted or do they have to be compiled06:14
Steleyay i got a desktop (with vesa driver)06:15
c0rrupt`Unable to complete wizard: The specified device is not a valid physical disk device.06:15
jpatricknite_w0lf: Kubuntu makes extra KDE packages06:15
c0rrupt`anyone good w/ wmare06:15
Steleok i shut down kdm cleanly now06:15
seashell11ok, in kde 3.4 is there any way to make it so that the wireless networking will automatically switch from my home to work?06:15
nite_w0lfvery good jpatrick. thank you06:15
trappistc0rrupt`: you're going to be sad if you let vmware use a real windows partition06:15
Stelerunning nv installer again06:16
c0rrupt`whys that06:17
Stelenow - how do i make sure the proper driver loads when i reboot?06:17
c0rrupt`i run linux off of physical when in windows all the time06:17
caseyhow do i install stuff not in Kynaptic? i'm new and don't know how to do anything06:17
Stelethis is what happened last time - it messed up when i rebooted06:17
trappistc0rrupt`: windows will say woah, wtf is all this new hardware, and where did all my old hardware go?  then if you want to actually boot to windows it'll flip the hell out, in my experience06:17
c0rrupt`oh ic06:17
c0rrupt`thanks for the advice06:17
trappistc0rrupt`: linux is a lot more adaptable to hardware changes06:17
trappistc0rrupt`: you can put a hdd with linux on it in a whole new box and expect it to work most of the time.  not so with windows.06:18
SteleIS there a way to move a HD from a windows box to another?06:18
c0rrupt`trappist, is there a working ntfs driver for linux 2.6 kernel?06:18
Stelesuch as if i upgrade my motherboard to a dual core?06:18
trappistc0rrupt`: define 'working'06:18
c0rrupt`works with 2.606:18
c0rrupt`CAN write to ntfs06:18
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dark_suicgood it works Stele  :)06:19
ccc_casey: best is if you find a deb-package, install it with: sudo dpkg -i file.deb06:19
trappistc0rrupt`: google for 'captive ntfs'06:19
Stelethanks dark_suic06:19
c0rrupt`yea but isnt that only for 2.4...06:19
Stelei should have tried the vesa trick before06:19
dark_suicwhat you mean with the hd moving?06:19
c0rrupt`they stoped developing captive ntfs and its not compatiable w/ 2.606:19
dark_suicvesa is the generic driver, it works with (almost) every gcard06:19
c0rrupt`i think i might of saw some kernel hacks to get it working though.. ;\06:20
caseyi have the .deb file just not sure how to install it. ive never used linux so im used to good ole Install Shield or at worst a DOS command prompt06:20
trappistc0rrupt`: I don't think so06:20
eightieskany one know any custom repositories?06:20
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ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource06:20
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eightieskwhats dapper?06:21
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jpatricknext Kubuntu release06:21
NiekieIn development version.06:21
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic06:21
ccc_casey: just use the command i gave you, it will install it.06:21
eightieskno thanks on the dev.06:22
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eightieskne one like to blog?06:22
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jpatrickeightiesk: I do sometimes06:22
=== Niekie wonders if he should try Dapper Drake Flight 3.
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eightieskmy friend has made a blogging system would u rate it for me?06:23
eightieski like it personally.06:23
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eightieskjpatrick, did u like it at all?06:27
jpatrickeightiesk: it's okay :)06:27
eightieskwhats diffrent in dapper06:28
eightiesk nething?06:28
jpatrickloads of things06:28
jpatricknew KDE, etc.06:28
jjessefor the release notes for dapper: http://doc.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/release-notes-web/C/06:29
eightieskjpatrick, nice...06:30
jpatrickjjesse: it says "This document contains the release notes for Kubuntu Kubuntu Dapper Drake 6.04"06:30
jjessejpatrick: nice catch i'll change it right now06:30
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jjessejpatrick: commited change06:32
jpatrickjjesse: :)06:32
jpatrickjjesse: can we i18n that in Rosetta?06:33
eightieskjpatrick, i'm lead skin designer for my blog i sent its all custom is has its own project on gna https://gna.org/projects/codewiseblog06:33
jjessejpatrick: i don't think the kubuntu docs are uploaded to roseta yet06:33
jjessechecking though06:33
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jpatrickeightiesk: right06:36
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jpatrickjjesse: I can't see them in the Spanish section06:38
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jjessedocs won't get uploaded into rosetta for a while, i heard that none of dapper is in rosetta???06:38
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nikitahi guys =) I have a question about text encoding. i can browse cyrilic web pages in konq o.k., but whenever i try to copy the text from it to the open-office writer i get strange characters instead of cyrillic letters. is there a possible way to fix that?06:41
=== aftertaf [n=aftertaf@d83-179-142-131.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #kubuntu
dark_suicnikita, do you have any cyrilic font for openoffice? it may be the problem...06:42
evil-doerhmm. changed the mouse protocol in xorg.conf to "MouseManPlusPS/2" and still no worky in q306:43
sampannikita, after pasting the text in OOo, have you tried selecting and changing the font to a cyrillic one?  might just be that OOo is interpretting it as your default font instead.06:43
eightieskcan someone give me there source.list06:43
sampanhappens to me with chinese sometimes06:43
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nikitasamopan: i wish i could know how to manage the fonts, how do I install a cyrillic one?06:43
eightieskplease could someone post there source.list on paste bin.06:44
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource06:44
eightieski know06:44
eightieskit messed it up.06:44
natis it possible to uncompress manualy a pkg.gz  ?06:44
sampannikita, i'd think ubuntu already has cyrillic fonts installed -- at least mine does.  just try going into the font selector in OOo and changing it?06:44
sampanerrr, well maybe it doesn't :/06:45
sampannot entirely sure actually -- but KDE has a very easy to use font installer in system-settings06:46
nikitasampan: i'll try, thanks06:46
eightieskne1 got a deb file for gaimbeta2?06:46
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nikitadark_suic: hope i'll be able to figure that out now, thanks06:46
eightieskone other thing how do i hide the old linux kernels from the boot menu?06:47
jpatrick /boot/grub/menu.lst I think06:48
dark_suiceightiesk, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and comment the blocks you don't want06:48
jpatrickeightiesk: I don't like Gaim, Kopete == way better06:49
dark_suici agree with jpatrick06:51
eightieskive used gaim since its release.06:51
eightieskive always used it06:51
eightieski'm comfderbale with it06:51
dark_suicwell, i used windows for 10 years and was comfortable with it :P06:51
dark_suicuntil i discovered linux :P06:51
eightieskwell i make stuff for gaim and i like to use the skinsd and smileys ive made06:52
dark_suickopete will probably support that things :)06:52
dark_suicyou may just try it :)06:52
eightieskcan i make the buddy list look at all like gaim?06:53
eightieskcuz when i tryed it wouldn't even let me move my folders around.06:53
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dark_suicwell, it isn't exactly like gaim, but if it were it would be gaim :P06:54
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dark_suicbut you can edit almost everything06:55
eightieski can't move my folders.06:55
jpatrickA -> Z06:55
visik7kubuntu from scratch is quite better than install ubuntu and then kubuntu-desktop06:55
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dark_suicyep, i think so, visik706:56
dark_suiceightiesk, you can't move your folders by drag & drop06:56
inacioi dah ubuntu and i whant to install a KDE what i do06:56
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dark_suicinacio, install kubuntu-desktop06:57
eightieskthen how?06:57
scot``hi all, anyone know repository that has lame 3.96 or comparable version?06:57
inaciodark_suic, but it is a pakage06:57
dark_suicyeah, it is06:57
inaciodark_suic, i can direct a mirror to download06:57
dark_suicis a package that will install kde06:57
dark_suicopen the synaptic program06:57
dark_suicand there search for kubuntu-desktop06:58
dark_suicand click on install06:58
dark_suicyou won't need to download it manually06:58
dark_suiceightiesk, i don't exactly know, but i think you can move users between groups06:58
inaciodark_suic, he send a message sayng: i'm cant execute whithout root06:59
dark_suicwell have to do some housework06:59
eightieskyeah but i need the folders in a order06:59
dark_suicinacio, it should be on the menu07:00
dark_suictry looking over the menu07:00
TraumTraumkiste, you here?07:00
dark_suiceightiesk, don't know exactly what you want to do, but well, if you look around for a sec you'll probably find how to07:00
dark_suicback in 20 min07:01
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inaciodark_suic, here had a KDE 3.4 i can install the 3.507:02
inaciotou can tellme a mirror07:02
inacioto input in apt07:03
scot``i found what i needed thank you07:03
scot``have a good day all07:03
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inacioanyone know the mirror of the KDE 3.5 to put in the apt repository07:04
reonHelp, My sound works in xmms but not mplayer or totem, any ideas where I set it to use my usb headset ?07:05
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visik7inacio: deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde35 breezy main07:08
inaciovisik7, thanks07:08
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Aji-Dahakaare there kssh packages anywhere?07:18
JakubS_what package contains xserver-xorg.m4 ?07:19
JakubS_it is needed to recompile xorg drivers07:20
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sweet_katei know i am completely OT..but i have win 2000 that cant boot anymore!!! i tried to repair it by installation cd but i haven't the erd(Emergency recovery disk)07:21
sweet_katewhat can i do?07:22
Aji-Dahakawhy can't it boot?07:22
dark_suici'm back07:22
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eXistenZany good multimedia repos. for kubuntu07:25
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Aji-Dahakaany good repos with kssh for kubuntu?07:26
dark_suicwhat you call good repos?07:26
dark_suickssh i don't know, i use common ssh or putty for gui07:26
Aji-Dahakaputty in kubuntu?07:27
dark_suicin linux i use ssh in konsole, no gui07:27
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Aji-Dahakaah, I see07:27
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hussamsweet_kate: what error do you get when you try to boot to win200007:27
dark_suicbut kde has a "remote control" option07:27
Aji-DahakaI like kssh, it keeps a list and does things for me like fort-forwarding :)07:27
aftertaf!info kssh07:28
JakubS_kssh is certainly useful if you have several servers with different options/keys needed for each one07:28
dark_suicoh, Aji-Dahaka putty IS in kubuntu repos07:28
Aji-Dahakahuh?  really ... didn't know it was ported to linux :)07:28
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uboturumour has it, putty is a DFSG-free ssh/telnet/rsh client for Windows. It is small, simple, and has no install nonsense. Available at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/07:28
dark_suicyeah, it is :)07:28
JakubS_it is, but i prefer konsole as terminal07:29
dark_suicit's in universe repos, Aji-Dahaka07:29
Aji-DahakaI like konsole for terminal as well, but would be willing to use putty maybe instead of kssh07:29
Aji-Dahakahmm :(  but I already have my configs for kssh07:29
Aji-Dahakamaybe I'll isnstall it manually07:29
Aji-Dahakaway to lazy to set up another client with 40ish servers :p07:30
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Aji-Dahakaoh, win32-codecs ...07:38
=== Aji-Dahaka googles jic
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource07:39
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Aji-DahakaEightiesK: that's for me, huh :)07:39
EightiesKi updated my sources.list to update  dapper and now kde won't start.07:39
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reonAnybody here know where to configure a default sound device if you have teo ?07:41
EightiesKne1 know a linux emulator for Windows?07:42
ubotuhmm... w32codecs is a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular proprietary formats not currently supported by free implementations under linux. See http://tinyurl.com/e4a5s to install07:43
Aji-Dahakauseful little bot07:43
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Aji-DahakaEightiesK: there's a userland linux for windows ... sym something?07:44
EightiesKi dunno07:44
EightiesKi can't get my kubuntu to load.07:44
JakubS_it is not exactly emulator - you need to recompile stuff07:45
reonEightiesK, Why do you want a emulator ?07:45
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EightiesKfor kopete on windows.07:47
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EightiesKi do have a question other than that.07:47
EightiesKdoes ne 1 here think Debian is worht the $10 it will cost my in dvdrs to burn and try?07:48
EightiesKlike your opinion.07:48
reonEightiesK, tried game for windows /07:48
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EightiesKive had gaim since the first release i think it was .407:48
reonEightiesK, ment gaim07:48
dark_suicEightiesK, if you're installing debian, just burn the first CD07:49
dark_suicthe rest of the cds/dvds is just additional packages that you can download with apt-get07:49
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EightiesKbut do you like it better that kubuntu?07:49
EightiesKreon, ive had gaim since its first public release.07:49
dark_suicEightiesK, kubuntu is still a bit ... needs more developement07:51
Aji-DahakaI prefer kubuntu07:51
Aji-Dahakabut to each his/her own07:51
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Aji-Dahaka(used debian much longer)07:51
dark_suicdebian is... quite good, but for actual hardware you need sid, and for sid you have better kubuntu07:51
dark_suicbut for servers, i do prefer debian07:52
Aji-Dahakasome here07:52
vgefor network conf, i dont prefer kubuntu :)07:52
dark_suicand kubuntu for clients / desk pcs07:52
dark_suicthe same, vge :P07:52
dark_suici have debian in a laptop due to kubuntu's imposibility to make lan (and wired, not wlan) work07:52
Aji-Dahakaoh, I have kubuntu on this laptop working great with wired and wireless07:53
kkathmandark_suic: hmmm dont understand...I have Kubuntu working fine on my network...in fact 3 boxes worth :)07:53
vgewhat laptop :)07:53
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EightiesKive had fc4 ubuntu kubuntu winspire suse  mandrake and slackware in the last 6 days.07:53
kkathmanMines a Thinkpad07:54
Aji-Dahakavge: thinkpad R series07:54
EightiesKi'm a linux newbie07:54
EightiesKi'm trying to try it all07:54
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Aji-DahakaEightiesK: tried gentoo yet?07:54
EightiesKno link?07:54
=== Aji-Dahaka digs gentoo and debian (though new kubuntu) for linuxes
dark_suickkathman, i have an acer laptop, impossible to get net working by dhcp (and windows & debian work ok)07:54
EightiesKme and acer had a falling out07:55
Aji-Dahakahuh, porr dark_suic :(07:55
kkathmanwonder why so different on Acer?07:55
dark_suiclol... EightiesK that's maybe too much for just 6 days07:55
EightiesKwith the service department07:55
EightiesKthey still have my tower.07:55
dark_suicyou can't try it properly in 6 days (although mandriva in 5 minutes is known to be shit :P)07:55
kkathmangosh my Lappy came up without me having to touch anything07:55
Aji-Dahakasame here ... things just work07:55
dark_suickkathman, have a Broadcom ethernet07:55
LeeJunFandark_suic: haha, mandriva.07:56
EightiesKSUSE i couldn't get x server to start.07:56
dark_suici'm waiting for dapper to be released to see07:56
Aji-Dahakakkathman: btw, you get the kmilo thing working right?07:56
kkathmanUhmm dont think that was me Aji-Dahaka07:56
EightiesKi can't get kubuntu to work07:56
dark_suicmandriva sucks in just 5 minutes (when grub/lilo doesn't load or when usb just doesn't work :P)07:56
LeeJunFanmandrake was okay for a long time, but they went way wierd in the last few years. I used them for years and when I found kubuntu I was removing mandrake from my system 1 hour later, after abotu 6 years of use.07:56
kkathmanEightiesK: what didnt work07:56
EightiesKi changed sources.list to get dapper and when i rebooted.07:57
Aji-Dahakakkathman: no, was a more general question.  It constantly tells me to chmod /dev/nvram07:57
EightiesKwhen it goes to xserver it freezes07:57
Aji-Dahakakkathman: was wondering what the general solution was, as you are a thinkpad user as well07:57
EightiesKand i have to sestart.07:57
LeeJunFanone moderately important showstopper with dapper I just learned is cups1.2 and kde don't mix. :(07:58
kkathmanAji-Dahaka: like I said I never touched a thing...it just worked07:58
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EightiesKso i'm in windows and i'm dling debian and dapper07:58
kkathmanunfortunately my lappy is a company one, and mostly windows :(07:58
EightiesKim try debian for a min07:58
ubotuit has been said that sound is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems or http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary07:58
Aji-Dahakaso when you touch the volume buttons, you get the on-screen indicator that you changed volume?07:58
kkathmanEightiesK:  try kubuntu, but dont go to dapper..it will work07:59
EightiesKis there a channel ne 1 knows for debian?07:59
kkathmandapper isnt a released product07:59
Aji-Dahaka#debian ?07:59
kkathmanits in development07:59
EightiesKi know.07:59
kkathmanthats prolly the reason it didnt work07:59
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EightiesKno i think cuz i used adept to update.08:01
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Aji-Dahakayou shouldn't use dapper08:01
Aji-Dahakait's definitely some broken08:01
kkathmanAji-Dahaka: it kinda waivers between stable and downright uh oh08:03
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Aji-Dahakait's fun :)08:03
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ubotufrom memory, source is to compile a source package, you first need to 'apt-get build-essential'. Some source packages have other dependencies, such as KDE or Gnome development libraries also. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompileSoftware08:03
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource08:04
EightiesKne 1 know ne Repositories not listed there?08:04
Aji-Dahakaexcellent ... as per usual, just worked08:04
Aji-Dahakaanime time!08:04
kkathmanEightiesK: what are you trying to do?08:05
EightiesKget more auto installed programs08:05
kkathmanEightiesK:  what are you looking for specifically?08:06
kkathmanthere are like 17,000 in the standard repos dude08:06
EightiesKgames and media stuff08:06
kkathmanthats not enough?08:06
EightiesKand like plugins08:06
kkathmaneasy to find them in the repos08:06
kkathmanapt-cache search08:06
kkathmanapt-cache search game08:07
kkathmanapt-cache search plugin08:07
kkathmanEightiesK:  Unlike SUSE, and others, (k)ubuntu uses very static repos for stability. Its not a good idea to add other repos unless a) you are absolutely sure they'll work, or b) Kubuntu makes an announcement08:08
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EightiesKhow do i make my media players actually work08:09
kkathmanEightiesK: which media player?08:09
kkathmantypically I'd suggest you download and install the xine engine for your players08:10
kkathmani.e. for kaffeine,  install kaffeine-xine and choose to use that engine in the app08:10
kkathmansame for amarok08:10
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EightiesKi dunno08:11
EightiesKwhat media player should i use?08:12
kkathmantry them all out :)08:12
vgejust install vlc player and all work08:12
kkathmansee which one you like08:12
vgevlc or mplayer if you ask me08:12
kkathmanIm not a good resource to ask about media...I dont run any on my linboxes08:12
bozHi everybody.  I have question that will that will sound more like a gripe than a question , but here goes....lol.  I have an above average mastery of computers and programming languages (i was writing source for the C64 25 years ago, and spent hours upon hours punching those boxcar tickets for assembler ; ) )  Why is it so damn hard to master this OS?  Is it just because I have been Conditioned to be a drooling idiot by the Redmond Clan?? I me08:13
bozan it shouldn't take DAYS to install a usuable OS.  All I want to do is set up a linux based streaming server for an internet radio station)  I can NOT for the life of me get Icecast up and running.  After throwing in the Towel last night at about 5 am I finally managed to get Shoutcast up and running. Should i just stick with shoutcast or does anyone have any helpful tips to get Icecast Streaming???? (sorry for the Rant, but i'm beginning to g08:13
bozet a little wide eyed   O.O  Thanks for being here for me,  You guys have been a TRemendous Help!08:13
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kkathmanboz NO!  please dont flood!08:13
vgeits a LOTR+1000 pages08:13
bozsorry K08:13
bozthat was a little longer than i intended08:14
enfactkubuntu's repos are good for basing new distros on :)08:15
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Aji-Dahakaboz: I wrote an icecast + musicpd howto for freebsd ... maybe it could help?08:16
apacheLAGgeranyone got a build system with kde and ubuntu (breezy)?08:16
bozlink me up I'm desperate!08:17
bozim not familar with musicpd but i'll f=give er a shot08:18
dark_suic(i bet i will never understand people installing ubuntu and then kde instead of kubuntu directly...)08:18
bozI made the same mistake dark ; )08:18
Aji-Dahakaboz: freebsdwiki.net/ is the site08:18
Aji-Dahakaboz my netwerork i bs being a bit ... iffy08:18
Aji-Dahakaboz: freebsdwiki.net/index.php/Icecast_and_Muscipd seems right08:19
bozIffy i don't need.  Took me forever to get a vimicro webcam working (and not very well) lol08:19
Aji-Dahakaboz: oh, the iffy is just the wireless I'm on currently08:20
bozthanks aji, i'll check it out08:20
Aji-Dahakabut yeah, that solution works great for what I needed08:20
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enfacthhey kkathman08:21
kkathmanhiya enfact :)08:22
Aji-Dahakaboz: the musicpd bit lets you choose which music will be playing (set up a playlist, manage the files in a database thing) so you can change which client lets them select music by changing the musicpd client and the icecast streams in my case in ogg over the network, though my collection is actually flac, ogg, and mp308:23
Aji-Dahaka(I'm inconsistent when I rip)08:23
Aji-Dahakamore anime!08:23
kkathmanwhat anima?08:23
Aji-Dahakajapanese animation08:23
bozthats exactly what i'm looking for mp3 and ogg compatible08:23
Aji-Dahaka(listening practise)08:23
Aji-Dahakaboz: hope that helps08:24
Aji-Dahakaboz: any questions, just message me:)  I'll be in and out08:24
bozThanks Aji08:24
bozMy Idea is to stream the Superbowl (which would prolly give the NFL attorneys a fit) at work, but i'm running out of time : )08:27
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dutchiehi all ...08:59
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dutchieI'm comfortable with the Printer Configuration program but ... is there a way to create a "printer shortcut" icon on the desktop that would allow quick access to things like "start/stop printer" ?09:00
dutchietee-hee .... it's for my dad09:00
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Blissexdutchie: yes.09:01
dutchieBlissex: great, how do I go about doing that ?09:01
Blissexdutchie: you can put a ''shortcut'' to the printer control KDE thingie on the desktop.09:01
dutchiehm, kinda tried that before ... mustn't have been very good at it09:02
Blissexdutchie: actually I have it on my panel/Kicker bar at the bottom. Probably easiest09:02
dutchieright ... hmmmm09:02
dutchienot sure how to make that appear09:02
Blissexdutchie: right click on the panel/Kicker, and select the "Print System" icon.09:02
Blissexdutchie: right click on the panel/Kicker, select "Panel menu", then "Add applet", and select the "Print System" icon.09:03
dutchiethanks a lot !09:04
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humberto\join #Boiro09:19
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yellowdartanyone here have an opinion on kdevelop for SDL projects?09:29
yellowdartor should i stick with emacs and make :)09:29
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OSPirateI just installed kubuntu for the first time09:30
OSPirateis there like a default Root password?09:30
hussamanybody here's on dapper?09:30
OSPiratebecause it never asked me for a root password while installing it09:30
OSPirateand I'm quite confused09:30
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yellowdartOSPirate: no, the root password is disabled by default...just 'sudo command'09:30
leafwwhat is the package that holds the qdeveloper, or kdeveloper, or whatever name it has?09:31
dark_suicleafw, kdevelop309:31
leafwaparently qt3-designer didn't install it09:31
OSPirateyellowdart, how can I set a root password?09:31
dark_suicOSPirate, it isn't recomended to set a root pass09:31
OSPiratefair enough09:31
dark_suicOSPirate, it's way better to do it via sudo09:31
OSPiratethats just how I've always done it09:31
yellowdartOSPirate: well, you really dont need to...it's a security issue, because you can do any root tasks using sudo09:31
OSPiratethats the thing09:32
OSPirateI don't want my regular user09:32
OSPirateto have root privalages09:32
OSPirateas simply as typing sudo09:32
yellowdartwho is your regular user??09:32
yellowdartwhy dont you want the ability for root privs?09:32
OSPiratebut I mean who I log in as09:32
OSPiratesecurity issue09:33
OSPirateI want to leave my regular user logged in09:33
OSPiratebut have to log in as root for serious administration stuff09:33
yellowdartany other users that you create are not part of the admin group..and cannot use sudo09:33
OSPirateoh I see how they do it09:33
OSPiratemost distro's create a root password, and a limited user account for primary use09:33
OSPirateduring the installation09:33
OSPiratethanks people09:34
yellowdartyeah, they do it like osx where there is an admin...which uses sudo09:34
kkathmanyellowdart:  unless you change the sudoers of course :)09:34
yellowdartkkathman: hehe...'sudo visudo' takes care of that09:35
kkathmanyah :)09:35
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yellowdarti'm debating whether i should install (k,x)ubuntu-desktop on my lappy here..i'm sitting at a server install09:38
kkathmanif its a server, why?... but honestly I have xubuntu on my 128mb server here at home09:39
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yellowdartkkathman: no, i installed with 'server' option :)09:39
yellowdartit's a laptop.. mainly for web dev...and i have dual-boot with xp09:40
kkathmanahh ok09:40
yellowdarti just dont think that i want the bulk of kubuntu09:40
yellowdartit's a pIII 800mhz 512mb09:41
yellowdartand very limited drive space09:41
yellowdartsomething like 9GB09:41
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E-TrainAnyone know how to turn off/on a network interface card?09:45
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CellarDoorhello all, sorry to be a pain but where is my hda1 supposed to be mounted ? Its just that its not showing up in system:/media when I click on 'storage media'.09:47
kkathmanCellarDoor:  its mounted whereever its mount point is09:48
yellowdartCellarDoor: what is hda1 on your system??09:48
kkathmanCellarDoor: sudo fdisk -l  and check the addr09:49
CellarDoormy hard drive09:49
kkathmanthen look in your fstab09:49
CellarDoorsorry I'm a bit of a n00b still09:49
yellowdartCellarDoor: 'cat /etc/fdisk | grep hda09:49
yellowdartoops...without the '09:49
yellowdartdoes anything appear?09:49
kkathmanand  after that....  sudo cat /etc/fstab    and look where the mount point is09:49
CellarDoorjust a sec09:50
yellowdartkkathman: :)09:50
kkathmanlol we just firehosed him :)09:50
yellowdartkkathman: hehe...sorry, been working with a win 98 boot disk all day09:50
kkathmanhey...win98 boot disk has saved MANY a win machine in my lifetime :)09:51
kkathmanno matter WHAT the os was on the machine at the time :)09:51
yellowdartCellarDoor: do what kkathman says :)09:51
CellarDoorok this is what I have first up09:51
CellarDoor   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System09:51
CellarDoor/dev/hda1   *           1        4677    37567971   83  Linux09:51
CellarDoor/dev/hda2            4678        4865     1510110    5  Extended09:51
CellarDoor/dev/hda5            4678        4865     1510078+  82  Linux swap / Solaris09:51
yellowdartkkathman: i know what you mean...saved me a few times today09:51
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kkathmanCellarDoor:  thats a typical thing09:52
yellowdartCellarDoor: ok..tdoes your system boot to grub?09:52
kkathmanI'll bet your mountpoint will be /09:52
CellarDoor# /etc/fstab: static file system information.09:53
CellarDoor# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>09:53
CellarDoorproc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       009:53
CellarDoor/dev/hda1       /               ext3    defaults,errors=remount-ro 0       109:53
CellarDoor/dev/hda5       none            swap    sw              0       009:53
CellarDoor/dev/hdd        /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto     0       009:53
kkathmanyep thought so09:53
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yellowdartCellarDoor: yeah, it's probably / (ie: your entire filesystem)09:53
kkathmanCellarDoor:  is your system not able to boot?09:53
CellarDooryes, its not a major problem, its just that my hard drive doesnt show up in my 'storage media' menu like it used to09:54
yellowdartCellarDoor: you are probably thinking in windows terms...linux doesnt show things like 'C:' or 'D:' ...even your cd is at /media/cdrom009:54
kkathmanMy hda isnt in my media either09:55
kkathmanits no big deal09:55
yellowdart'/' is your entire filesystem09:55
Aji-Dahakacould someone please tell me what "echo $KDEROOTHOME " prints for them?09:55
kkathmanyellowdart is right09:55
gammaAji-Dahaka: nothing09:55
kkathmanAji-Dahaka:  same as $HOME09:55
CellarDoorits just that it used to show up and I was just trying to get it back the way it was - it used to show anything that was mounted in there09:55
gammaroothome prints blank for me09:56
Aji-Dahakakkathman: alright.  thanks ... for some reason my kde is being funny09:56
gammahome prints the correct dir09:56
kkathmanCellarDoor: you can make it that way...but I would leave it alone09:56
yellowdartCellarDoor: you can have it show on the desktop if you want09:56
Aji-Dahakait's just putting the files in ~ instead of ~/.kde09:56
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CellarDoorah its not that important09:57
kkathmanfunny Aji-Dahaka now it reports nothing09:57
yellowdartCellarDoor: right-click -> configure desktop -> behavior -> device icons (tab)09:57
CellarDooryeah I dont want icons cluttering up my desktop09:57
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Aji-Dahakawonder why it would put everything in ~/ ...09:59
Aji-Dahakahmm ...09:59
yellowdartCellarDoor: just saying your options...what i would do is 'add applet' to the panel...'quick file browser'09:59
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yellowdartthat's personally my favorite 'gui' method of browsing the filesystem09:59
Aji-Dahakait sohuldn't be the same as $HOME, I don't think ...10:00
Aji-Dahakatest -n "$KDEHOME" && kdehome=`echo "$KDEHOME"|sed "s,^~/,$HOME/,"`10:00
CellarDoorIt was just nice having it show up in system:/media when I click on the 'storage media' menu, thats all... I'm sure it was originally like that and I unwittingly changed it somehow10:01
KnowerrorsHeard KDE 3.5.1 is being released tomorrow, already moving into debian unstable10:01
dark_suicdon't know, i already have it on breezy...10:02
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kkathmanKnowerrors: yah been waiting for final go at Kubuntu.orgf10:02
Aji-Dahakaroot@Festering:~# konsole --version10:02
Aji-DahakaQt: 3.3.510:02
Aji-DahakaKDE: 3.5.110:02
yellowdartCellarDoor: personally i've never seen that...maybe you inadvertently made it happen10:02
Aji-Dahakaalready here10:02
gammaAji-Dahaka: 3.5.1 on dapper or on breezy?10:02
Aji-Dahakabut dark_suic has it on breezy10:03
gammaoh.. dapper is buggy for me10:03
Aji-Dahakame, too10:03
gammadoes adept crash every second for you?10:03
CellarDooryellowdart: meh its not a big deal10:03
gammayea they should work on that :D10:03
Aji-Dahakahave to restart it after every operation I do10:03
Aji-Dahakaand currently my kde is creating all the files in ~/ instead of ~/.kde :)10:04
gammai spent a day on dapper, and half the time stuff was crashing or hard locking, so i just went back to breezy10:04
gammaAji-Dahaka: :D!10:04
gammathat stinks10:04
Aji-Dahakait was doing this for me in breezy, too, though10:04
Aji-Dahakanot sure what's with it10:04
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gammadid you import your config from somewhere else?10:04
Knowerrorsdark_suic: what repo you get it from?10:05
Aji-Dahakagamma: nope10:05
Aji-Dahakawell, trying to now, but it was doing this before I did10:05
gammavery weird10:05
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dark_suicdeb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde351/ breezy main10:05
gammaAji-Dahaka: what i did was rm -fr ~/.* and rm /tmp/ksocket-* and some other thing in /tmp10:05
Aji-Dahakagamma: that did it for you?10:06
Aji-Dahakagamma: you had this same problem?10:06
gammaAji-Dahaka: no, i was having problems where konqueror and other stuff would complain it couldnt find alsasink and other gstreamer stuff10:06
gammathat was the only thing that fixed it10:06
Aji-DahakaI'll try that10:06
gammai'm guessing one of your paths is borked10:06
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gammadark_suic: thanks for the link10:07
hussamanybody running kubuntu dapper? Is it usable?10:07
gammahussam: adept is extremely broken and i had issues with kernel modules (nvidia and ndiswrapper)10:07
gammastuff crashes too10:08
hussamyou're running it now?10:09
gammayou're better off staying at breezy for another month or so10:09
gammahussam: no.. after a day of trying to fix it, i gave up and went back to breezy10:09
gammaAji-Dahaka is on it now though10:09
gammahe can tell you his experiences ;)10:09
Aji-Dahakahussam: it's pretty unusable :)10:09
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Aji-Dahakayou'd be impressed10:09
gammawhen devs say things are broken i usually ignore that because it's little bugs10:10
Aji-DahakaI tend towards unstable OSen because they are more fun, but this one is leading the pack for my currently installed ones :)10:10
hussamnividia driver does not work?10:10
gammain this case, they're serious :D10:10
trispacedoes somebody know about a bug in bogofilter where bogofilter always sets the same spamicity on every message?10:10
Aji-DahakaI've got radeon so I can't speak for nvidia10:10
CellarDoorI'm sticking with breezy at least until I have backed up the goodies on my hard drive that I don't want to lose. :P10:10
gammahussam: it wouldn't let me install it with the 686 kernel, it said it'd break the system10:10
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gammais it possible to convert to dapper when it's released?10:11
Chousukegamma: yes.10:11
fatejudgerhussam: the nvidia driver works great10:11
Chousukegamma: You just need to edit a few lines in /etc/apt/sources.list :)10:11
gammafatejudger: 686 kernel?10:12
Chousukeand run two command10:12
_chrisis anyone running dapper? I'm going to upgrade from breezy tonight10:12
hussamgamma: I upgraded from hoary to breezy when breezy was released10:12
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fatejudgerhussam: dunno about that, I used my FX 5200 on my intel10:12
hussamfatejudger: I have a FX 5200 as well.10:12
gammaChousuke: oh.. ok cool :D10:12
gammaChousuke: do they generally release a guide on what to edit?10:12
Chousukegamma: it's the same every time10:13
Chousukegamma: just change "breezy" to "dapper" this time10:13
hussamfatejudger: you on dapper, right?10:13
Zeuszhello all10:13
Chousukeevery occurrence of it, that is10:13
gammaChousuke: so i could technically do that now if i wanted to instead of "installing" dapper?10:13
_chrisChousuke, would you recommend a clean install or a dist upgrade?10:13
ZeuszI'm trying to compile konversation from sorce10:14
Zeuszdone the configure ing10:14
Zeuszwhen i type make10:14
Zeuszi get the following error10:14
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ZeuszNONE:0: /usr/bin/m4: `m4_symbols' from frozen file not found in builtin table!10:14
Zeuszautom4te: /usr/bin/m4 failed with exit status: 110:14
Zeuszaclocal-1.9: autom4te failed with exit status: 110:14
Zeuszmake: *** [aclocal.m4]  Error 110:14
Chousukegamma: yep10:14
Chousuke_chris: an upgrade should work10:14
Zeuszcould you help ?10:14
yellowdartanybody know the vga modes for grub to do 1600x1200 @ 16bpp10:15
gammai'll switch once people tell me things are working well for them10:15
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gammaZeusz: can't help you on that one10:15
gammaseems more of a bug with the compile tools than the source code10:15
Aji-DahakaZeusz: might want to ask in #kde or #kde-devel10:17
Aji-Dahaka(they're smarttt there)10:17
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fatejudgerKDE apps seem to open new windows instead of tabs in Dapper, does anyone know about this?10:21
Aji-Dahakakde apps?10:22
dark_suicfatejudger, it's usually configurable10:22
hussamfatejudger: you mean pages on konqueror?10:22
fatejudgerKonq, Kopete10:22
fatejudgerevery KDE app that can use windows or tab10:23
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Aji-Dahakashould be set on an app-by-app basis, not sure why they would all change ...10:23
fatejudgerwell how would you change it in Konq?10:23
Aji-Dahakasettings ...10:23
fatejudgerno shit10:24
fatejudgerthere's about 20,000 of them in there10:24
Aji-Dahakalook through them all :p10:24
fatejudgerI could barely find that obscure aRTS option in the plugin section10:24
Aji-DahakaI don't have it open right now, but it's in the *think*10:24
Aji-Dahakasection talking about how you want tabs to be handled one of the top 5 pages, I think10:24
hussamfatejudger: konq settings> web behavior10:25
Aji-Dahakathanks, hussam10:25
hussamfatejudger: konq settings> web behavior > tabbed browsing10:25
fatejudgerit's already enabled10:25
hussamfatejudger: is k3b working in dapper?10:25
fatejudgerhold on sec10:25
fatejudgerdo you want me to burn a cd or something?10:25
fatejudgerit runs, lets put it that way10:26
fatejudgernew icons too10:26
fatejudgerpretty nice10:26
hussamsorry, I assumed you tried that already.10:26
hussamok cool10:26
fatejudgerI'm sure it burns cds10:27
fatejudgerI don't know why it wouldn't10:27
hussamso basically besides that tab thing, it is stable?10:27
Aji-Dahakasetting KDEROOTHOME worked perfectly10:27
fatejudgerI'm working on the tab thing10:27
fatejudgerI think I might have figured it out10:27
fatejudgerit's in the advanced options button in that same window10:28
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fatejudgerthey fixed that stupid cloned workgroup thing in KDE 3.5.110:28
fatejudgerbut I still can't get SVG wallpapers to work10:29
hussamfatejudger: what about kernel and X. is it all working properly?10:29
fatejudgeryep, and I have a 1920x1200 rez10:29
fatejudgerso if that works...10:29
hussamfatejudger: If so, I'm gonna upgrade as well10:29
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fatejudgerI had the opportunity to try my new monitor on Windows XP first10:29
fatejudgerand the rendering performance on Linux is far superior10:30
Aji-Dahakathis katapult thing ... great stuff!10:30
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hussamfatejudger: the 2.6.15 kernel is good?10:31
Aji-Dahakanot particularly, but it's a 2.6 kernel10:31
Aji-Dahakathey're working in it10:31
fatejudgerhussam: I haven't had any problems with it10:31
trappistyeah <3 katapult10:31
fatejudgerI basically installed Dapper expecting oodles of bugs10:31
trappistnow if only it wouldn't up-scale small icons into ugliness10:31
fatejudgerbut I wanted the latest packages and features10:31
fatejudgerI've had very few problems10:32
Aji-Dahakanot sure if I like katapult as well as baghira's launcher, but it's gotta be close10:32
fatejudgerand most have to do with KDE customization10:32
Aji-Dahakafatejudger: having the adept constantly crashing thing?10:32
fatejudgeroh geez, yeah, Adept is REALLY flaky10:32
fatejudgerthey fixed the apt update thing10:32
fatejudgerbut you still can't do a full upgrade10:32
fatejudgerI use apt in the CLI, so I didn't notice it for awhile10:33
hussamso basically what porblems will I face if I upgrade now? just adept?10:33
fatejudgerhussam: let me check Adept again, see if they haven't done an update10:33
Aji-Dahakait's still bad on my 10-minute old one10:33
hussamwill I have to reconfigure X?10:34
fatejudgershit, they're always updating these packages10:34
fatejudgeryou have to update like every day10:34
Aji-Dahakahussam: for the cool new features !10:34
trappistAji-Dahaka: baghira's?10:34
Aji-Dahakahooray for EXA10:34
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Aji-Dahakatrappist: yeah, baghira's launcher thing for kicker10:34
trappistis there an ubuntu package?10:34
Aji-Dahakathere is for baghira itself10:35
Aji-Dahakayup, it's in there10:35
hussamAji-Dahaka: to reconfigure x, I run dpkg-reconfigure what?10:35
Aji-DahakaI just edited it10:35
trappistAji-Dahaka: what repo? I no gotty10:35
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hussamAji-Dahaka: a  'dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg' should do?10:37
Aji-Dahakano idea10:37
=== Aji-Dahaka looks to see which repo
hussamfatejudger: did you have to reconfigure x when upgrading from breezy to dapper?10:37
Aji-Dahakatrappist: universe, it appears10:37
fatejudgeris there a way to configure file associations in the "System Settings" yet?10:38
trappistAji-Dahaka: I guess you're in dapper?  I don't have it in breezy10:38
Aji-Dahakaah, yeah I am10:38
fatejudgerhussam: I did a fresh install from the Dapper Flight 3 cd10:38
fatejudgerhussam: I didn't want any problems10:38
trappistAji-Dahaka: I have a dapper deb-src, I'll just dpkg-buildpackage it10:38
fatejudgerhussam: it takes me 10 minutes to backup everything anyway10:38
fatejudgerhussam: so it was worth it10:38
hussamfatejudger: I'll try to dist-upgrade, if it does not work, I'll download a daily CD and install it10:39
Aji-Dahakait worked fine here10:40
Aji-DahakaI even used adept for it10:40
fatejudgerhussam: they're doing daily cds now?10:40
hussamfatejudger: yes10:40
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fatejudgereh, I dunno how much I'd trust that10:40
hussamAji-Dahaka: did you trry the upgrade method?10:40
fatejudgerofficial releases are always more stable10:40
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Aji-Dahakahussam: yeah, I just clicked on it ... worked great10:42
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Aji-Dahakaooh, kmail crash :)10:43
Aji-Dahaka(go figure ... a crash :) )10:43
fatejudgerI can't seem to stop Kontact from loading that stupid KAlarm daemon10:43
fatejudgerI have Kontact open right now and haven't had any crashes10:44
Aji-Dahakaoh, I use it so I don't want it not loading10:44
Aji-DahakaI was just expiring 40k messages or so from one of my folders and off it went :(10:44
Aji-Dahakaoh well10:44
fatejudgerI would use it, but I'm too lazy to hotsync my Palm Pilot10:44
Aji-Dahakaoff on my morning walk, almost 07:0010:45
Aji-Dahakasee ya guys10:45
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fatejudgerohh, I should test to see how CDs load10:46
fatejudgerin Breezy they autoload twice10:46
fatejudgerI can't stand it too, because KDE and the kernel will mount the cd10:46
fatejudgerand then perform an action10:47
gammaoh katapult is sweet10:47
fatejudgeryeah, I use it pretty often10:47
fatejudgernice, no more double loading of CDs10:47
trappistAji-Dahaka: baghira looks more like a theme than a launcher10:48
Aji-Dahakatrappist: it's a theme with a launcher10:48
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fatejudgerlol, the kde media options daemon just crashed10:49
trappistooh I like it10:49
Aji-Dahakaisn't it sweet?  that launcher is catchy :)10:49
Aji-Dahakaand the top is most recently used10:49
trappistwell, still haven't figured the launcher out, but I dig the theme10:49
Aji-Dahakathe theme was ... okay10:50
Aji-DahakaI prefer crystal myself but ...10:50
Aji-Dahakathe launcher is a panel applet10:50
trappistyeah I just get a style selector, configure, quit and close10:50
trappistfrom the panel applet10:50
trappistoh there it is10:51
fatejudgerwell this is stupid, you can't add options in the KDE media notifications anymore10:51
Aji-Dahakaanyways I'm out10:51
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fatejudgeror it crashes10:51
trappistholy hell that's a beefy launcher10:51
Aji-Dahakaisn't it great?10:54
trappistdon't know yet, it's gonna take a while to get my head around it10:54
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gammaanyone here having problems with flash pages displaying in konqueror?11:06
gammaright click brings up the flash menu, but the pictures don't display11:06
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fatejudgergamma: Dapper?11:08
gammanah breezy11:09
gammano idea whats happening either11:09
fatejudgerlet me go to a flash website11:09
gammanspluginviewer: WARNING: KLocale: trying to look up "" in catalog. Fix the program11:09
fatejudgerflash works great11:09
gammaX Error: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) 811:09
gammaand a bunch of those msgs11:10
fatejudgerare you sure the plugin is there?11:10
fatejudgerthe way I installed the flash plugin was by getting Firefox11:10
fatejudgerdownloading it through there11:10
fatejudgerand then installing it11:10
fatejudgerthen I scanned for plugins in Konq11:11
gammait worked for me before i reinstalled :/11:12
fatejudgerwell how did you installed the flash plugin?11:12
gammai've tried it via the install on their website and via apt-get11:12
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fatejudgerdon't do it via apt-get11:13
gammaand the java plugin doesn't want to be found by konq either11:13
fatejudgerjust download firefox11:13
fatejudgerinstall it that way11:13
fatejudgerthen scan for plugins11:13
gammacan you install java that way too?11:14
fatejudgerthat could be because you have the GNU Java set as default11:14
fatejudgeryou'll probably want to get the proprietary Java11:14
fatejudgerand set that as default11:14
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs11:14
gammanah i'm using sun, and i ln -sed the file to .mozilla/plugins11:14
gammalibjavaplugin_oji.so or whatever11:14
fatejudgerit isn't that hard11:14
dbgltwhat java installation would you all suggest?11:18
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dbgltin terms of speed, stability, etc.11:18
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gammai use sun11:22
ubotunikita: I give up, what is it?11:22
gammastraight from the horses mouth11:22
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fatejudgerjava just plain sucks in Linux11:24
Red_Herringnot at all11:24
Red_Herringits MUCH better than on windows11:24
Red_Herringyou just need to install it right11:24
fatejudgerare you kidding me?11:24
fatejudgerinstall it right?11:24
Red_Herringblackdown sucks11:24
fatejudgertell me, what exactly is the right way to install it11:24
Red_Herringsorry to admit it11:24
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs11:24
fatejudgerso that you get these magical benefits11:24
nikitaguys, can anybody explain me, how do I install cyrillic fonts on the system? rrrrrrr... lol, i give up =) thanks11:24
Red_Herringor seveas11:25
ubotuSeveas has a semi-popular 3rd party repository for several packages. More info (and mirrors) on http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages11:25
Red_HerringUSE THAT!11:25
fatejudgerbecause I know that I used Sun's java11:25
fatejudgernot GNU Java11:25
Red_Herringjust try azureus under windows, then under linux11:25
fatejudgerand it sucks11:25
Red_Herringand see which one works faster11:25
Red_Herringand downloads faster11:25
fatejudgerazureus is horrible in both11:25
Red_Herringyou are talking crap11:25
Red_Herringare you using a pII 200mhz?11:26
fatejudgerP4 2.4 mhz11:26
Red_Herringi have a celeron laptop, and it runs FAST11:26
fatejudgerdo you know anything about how Java works?11:26
Red_Herringi program in it11:26
Red_Herringi know its slower than anything else11:26
Red_Herringbut its getting pretty fast11:26
fatejudgerthe Garbarge Collector11:26
fatejudgeryeah, that's what they all say11:26
fatejudgerand you know what happens?11:26
fatejudgerthe only reason it's getting faster is because people's computers are getting faster11:27
Red_Herringthe new 1.5 is a lot faster11:27
Red_Herringi dont really care for the language11:27
Red_Herringbut still, java under linux runs faster than under windows11:27
Red_Herringthats a fact11:27
fatejudgerKDE or Gnome?11:28
Red_Herringbecause it was built under UNIX11:28
Red_Herringit doesnt matter whether its kde or gnome11:28
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fatejudgersure it does11:28
gammathat didn't fix my flash issues11:28
Red_Herringjava was made w/ SOLARIS and KDE11:28
fatejudgerdo you know how many emulation layers it has to go through11:28
fatejudgerbefore the GUI is actually rendered?11:28
fatejudgerazureus vs Ktorrent11:28
Red_Herringfatejudger: so? the window manager isnt involved11:28
fatejudgeryou know which one wins in terms of speed and memory management?11:28
Red_Herringi dont care for Ktorrent11:29
fatejudgerhave you used 1.2 SVN?11:29
Red_Herringuse it if you like11:29
Red_Herringi prefer azureus11:29
=== gamma loves ktorrent
fatejudgerit's basically just like azureus with search support11:29
fatejudgergamma: do you use 1.2 SVN?11:29
djk_Red_Herring: just out of pure curiosity, what does the download speed have to do with the programming language or the OS11:29
gammafatejudger: 1.2rc211:29
fatejudgerdjk_: it doesn't11:29
Red_Herringdjk_: the way it handles connections11:29
fatejudgerdjk_: unless you're download more than 1 torrent11:29
Red_Herringfatejudger: yes it does11:29
gammadoesn't azureus use like 200 mb of ram for java?11:30
fatejudgerdjk_: and you have very little RAM11:30
Red_Herringgamma: depends how much you have downloaded11:30
djk_fatejudger: i know.11:30
Red_Herringazures tends to cache a lot of it before writing it to a disk11:30
fatejudgerdjk_: and then Java just sucks it up with it's super efficient garbage collector11:30
Red_Herringthats just teh way java is11:30
gammawell i know limewire uses a TON of ram11:30
djk_fatejudger: I was just interested in Red_Herrings explanation11:30
gammabecause of java11:30
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fatejudgerwhich is why I refused to learn the language for so long11:31
Red_Herringdjk_: linux is great for its way of networking and handling stuff like that11:31
djk_Red_Herring: uhuh11:31
fatejudgerit's only now that I've started learning Java because of UC requirements11:31
Red_Herringfatejudger: im taking my CP class at my school11:31
Red_Herringi learned c++11:31
Red_Herringthen java11:31
Red_Herringi like c++11:31
fatejudgerC++ is far better11:31
Red_Herringbut since they use windows2000 there11:31
Red_Herringi am forced to use java most of the time11:32
Red_Herringbecause i run kubuntu here11:32
fatejudgermy computer science teacher is a java fan though11:32
Red_Herringfatejudger: same here11:32
fatejudgerso all he does is talk trash about C/C++ all day11:32
Red_Herringthat sucks11:32
Red_Herringmy teacher knows shit about c++11:32
Red_Herringshe doesnt know how to pass arrays11:32
Red_Herringdo you?11:32
Red_Herringi cant find out how11:32
fatejudgerit shoudl be just like any other variable11:33
Red_Herringit isnt11:33
fatejudgerwell wait11:33
fatejudgerby pass11:33
Red_Herringdoing function(int array)11:33
fatejudgerdo you mean by reference?11:33
Red_Herringdoesnt work11:33
fatejudgerof course it doesn'11:33
Red_Herringmy computer teacher doesnt know how11:33
fatejudgeryou need foo(int &array)11:33
Red_Herringbecause she hates c++11:33
Red_Herringthats all?11:33
fatejudgerthat hands the memory address to the function11:33
Red_Herringjust pass it as an array?11:33
fatejudgerpassing by reference11:34
Red_Herringthats simple11:34
Red_Herringi made a tic tac toe program11:34
Red_Herringand had an array for the board11:34
Red_Herringbut i couldnt figure out how to pass the board array11:34
Red_Herringso i had to make it a global variable11:34
Red_Herringdamn that is not good11:35
Red_Herringbut what i got against c++ is the libraries we use at school arent for linux11:35
Red_Herringso my tic tac toe program can only work under wine11:35
fatejudgeris it GUI?11:36
Red_Herringits an old GUI library11:36
fatejudgeryou should be using a cross-platform GUI toolkit like QT11:36
Red_Herringits easy to use, and all my school can afford11:36
fatejudgerQT is free11:36
Red_Herringfatejudger: you realize how much more my computer teacher would have to leran?11:36
fatejudgerI'm not sure about education institutions though11:36
fatejudgeryes, but QT is very easy to learn11:37
Red_Herringi tried my hand at tk w/ python11:37
Red_Herringholy crap thats complex11:37
fatejudgertry QT with C++ or Ruby11:37
fatejudgerit works great11:37
Red_Herringany good tutorials out there?11:37
fatejudgerthey have tutorials and all of the classes documented11:38
Red_Herringfatejudger: i WOULD show you my tictactoe program, but my parents are holding my router hostage11:38
Red_Herringso i cant have my server11:38
Red_Herringembedded QT?11:38
Red_Herringhow hard is GTK+?11:38
Red_Herringsorry if thats a retarded question to ask11:38
fatejudgerharder than QT11:39
fatejudgera lot harder11:39
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Red_Herringgood to know11:39
fatejudgerit's different for going cross-platform too11:39
Red_Herringis there any good IDEs for qt and c++?11:39
=== tech9iner no such thing on the mature side of tangz.. 'retarded questions'..
fatejudgerI think QTs libraries are native for the OS and embedded when you compile the program11:40
dbgltfor all languages and such, it's fantastic11:40
Red_Herringany cross platform IDEs?11:40
fatejudgerRed_Herring: KDevelop11:40
fatejudgerRed_Herring: oh11:40
fatejudgerRed_Herring: I hate to say it, but Visual Studio 200511:40
fatejudgerRed_Herring: I think they support QT now11:40
Red_Herringthats cross platform?11:40
fatejudgerbut it works on Windows11:41
fatejudgerand you can always use KDevelop on Linux11:41
dbgltwhat's that IBM one...11:41
Red_Herringdoes eclipse have a plugin for it?11:41
Red_Herringi could just use eclipse11:41
fatejudgeryou know what you can do11:41
Red_Herringw/ a plugin11:41
fatejudgerif you don't want QT functionality embedded11:41
fatejudgeris just the QDesigner11:41
Red_Herringill look into it11:41
fatejudgerand then some regular IDE11:41
fatejudgerthat would be the best option11:42
dbgltyeah I'd suggest eclipse11:42
Red_Herringi tried eclipse, maybe its me, but that took an awefully long time to start and run11:42
dbgltworked fine for me :)11:43
Red_Herringwell... i do have a 1.5ghz celeron laptop11:43
dbgltthere are a lot of proprietary versions also :\11:44
dbgltof crossplatform ides11:44
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dbgltI've set up gstreamer, with ffmpeg and all of its nice plugins... and yet I still can't play an .mp4 (quicktime) file...11:49
dbgltthis file works fine when using xine11:49
dbglt(using kaffiene as a front end)11:49
Red_Herringi hate gstreamer11:50
Red_Herringi use xine for everthing11:50
Red_Herringthat and vlc11:50
Red_Herringnow that i think about it, mplayer too11:50
Red_Herringacutally ANYTHING but gstreamer11:50
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dbgltit must be something very simple which is missing...11:51
Red_Herringnot sure11:51
Red_Herringquicktime is like wmv11:52
Red_Herringits very hard for open source people to distribute it11:52
Red_Herringso it *may* not be included11:52
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mcsteelscan any1 help me, trying to install automatix on amd64 but cant find the deb for 64 anywhere??11:54
ubotuautomatix is, like, messy, it breaks security guidelines. In short: You should not use it! !easyubuntu is a safer alternative, however it is much better to simply read documentation11:54
dbgltxvimagesink.c(740): gst_xvimagesink_get_xv_support: /internal_thread/thread_vbin/vbin/sink:11:55
dbgltNo port available11:55
mcsteelswhere can I read up on easyubuntu??11:55
mcsteelsand will it work on breezy 5.10 kubuntu??11:56
Red_Herringtype in !easyubuntu11:56
Red_Herringit messages you11:56
dbgltjust had to change11:57
dbgltworks all nice now11:57
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fatejudgeris anyone having trouble with autoconf on Dapper?11:59
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fatejudgermake doesn't seem to be able to detect it11:59
Red_Herringi wanna try dapper11:59
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fatejudgerthen try it11:59
Red_Herringbut i just want ta have a working computer11:59
Red_Herringso im holding off11:59
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fatejudgerit'll work11:59
fatejudgerit isn't just going to crash every 5 minutes11:59
fatejudgerthe only major problem is Adept11:59
fatejudgerwhich is somewhat unusable ATM12:00
fatejudgerit can't update the repos and it can't do a "full update"12:00
Red_Herringthat sucks12:00
fatejudgerin fact, other than that12:00
fatejudgerif they released Dapper right now12:00
fatejudgerit would be more stable than Breezy IMO12:00
Red_Herringi used dapper12:01
Red_Herringit was nice12:01
Red_Herringbut VERY VERY buggy12:01
fatejudgerwell I can tell you12:01
fatejudgerI'm using Flight 312:01
fatejudgerand I've noticed very few bugs12:01

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