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flintogra, Hey ollie!!12:37
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flintogra, I am finally getting the test lab up and running...05:17
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ograhey flint, thats cool :)01:27
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scribe63anyone know where to get edubuntu rss feeds03:34
ograwhat kind of rss feeds ? 03:35
scribe63I have been using Akregator on KDE, it has rss news feeds for ubuntu, kubuntu and kde. So i was wondering if there is a source for edubuntu rss news feeds.03:36
ograif you mean planet, we dont have such thing yet ...03:37
ograbut that would be a good idea for the near future though 03:38
scribe63the one's i see are like Ubuntu Fridge, Kubuntu and yeah Planet KDE. Not sure how this gets implimented though. Just started using that type of service.03:40
ograsince edubuntu is mainly a one man show developer wise, and i'm a lazy blogger, a edubuntu developer planet wouldnt make much sense, but  there are a lot of additional activities going on where it would make sense to have an aggregating site of user blogs03:42
ograadditionally i normally send the bigger news items to the fridge ...03:42
scribe63Cool, didn't know the ed -in- ubuntu was a one man show, will check the fridge then. Trying to keep abreast of experiences and usage of schooltool/bell and moodle.03:45
ogra(it would be nice if it wasnt a one man show ;) )03:46
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steelballzcan anyone help me with an ltsp question?05:10
steelballzWith other distro's I run ltspadmin is there something similar so I can check to see if everything is working with out checking everything individually05:12
ograin edubuntu ltsp is installed and configured in most parts out of the box05:13
ograthe only thing you have to do is to edit the dhcpd config, like dscribed in the install notes05:13
ogra(see this channels topic)05:14
ogradont ever run ltspadmin on a edubuntu ltsp05:14
steelballzgotcha thanks05:14
ograif you have any probs dont hassle to ask here :)05:15
steelballzI am hand installing everything so I just wanted to make sure everything is running05:15
steelballzthanks again05:15
ograoh, ok, so you dont use edubuntu ? 05:16
steelballzNo I do but I am using the latest version of live amd 64 and I have to install the 32 bit client seperately05:16
ograoh, ok05:17
ograsudo ltsp-build-client --arch i386 --mirror http://archive.ubuntu.com/ 05:17
ograthat should be it ...05:17
steelballzI was working with you on this a week ago but I unfortunately haven't been able to get back to it until now05:17
ograyup, i remember05:17
ograif you have a i386 Cd handy, its even easier and faster to use this as the mirror05:18
steelballzI was actually going to build create a live 20060125  i386. It is pretty stable and install the i386 from that05:19
ograhmm, not sure if it works with a livecd05:20
steelballzsorry i mean daily05:20
ograah :)05:20
steelballzI have your instructions on how to install it from the cd05:21
steelballzSo if I install the amd64 and add the i386 client and I use the deault ip settings of am I good to go or are there other services or file mods i need to work on?05:24
ograonly the dhcpd.conf 05:24
steelballzExcellent thanks05:25
ograthe services are the same on all arches, ltsp-build-client cares for the kernel being copied into place and ltsp-update-sshkeys cares for ssh05:25
ogra(the latter is run by the former ;) )05:25
steelballzOh so the ltsp-build-client takes care of the ssh05:28
steelballzWhat have you found to be the best value thin client hardware?05:34
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ograthe ones sold at disklessworkstations.com are all quite nice05:36
gandIs there a way to automatic restart machine after power outage?05:36
steelballzgand: that is a setting in your bios05:37
ograthats a BIOS settin05:37
gandhow to set it?05:38
ograin your BIOS settings 05:38
ogra(but only if the mainboard supports it indeed)05:38
ogramost server mainboards do05:39
gandMac G4?05:39
ograno idea, sorry05:39
gandnothing trough software?05:40
ograhow would you do that  ?05:40
gandI'm running edubuntu PC05:40
ograit can only be done in firmware/bios05:40
ogradunno if openfirmware supports such settings05:41
gandOn OS X there is a check in the system preference, I supposed there was something similar05:41
ograas i said, you need to access the firmware directly 05:42
gandok thanks05:43
steelballzogra: what is the file i mod if I am using eth2 instead of eth0?05:56
ogra /etc/network/interfaces (or use the network gui tool) and /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf05:57
ogradont forget to restart the dhcp server05:57
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gregL31anyone new to edubuntu?06:38
steelballzogra: The client came up but it's not working. It gets the ip but i get "TFTP prefix: /ltsp/" then several "trying to load: pxelinux.cfg*" then a "Could not find kernel image: linux"06:43
ogralinux ???06:44
ograthat should read vmlinuz06:44
ogralook in /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/06:45
ograthere should be vmlinuz (a link to the real image ) and initrd.img06:46
steelballzyes there is06:47
ograand the pxelinux.cfg dir is there as well  06:47
ogralook in the file "default" inside this dir06:48
ograDEFAULT vmlinuz ro initrd=initrd.img quiet splash06:48
ograshould be the only line in there06:48
steelballzthat is correct06:49
ografine 06:49
ograpaste your dhcpd.conf to a pastenbin please 06:49
steelballzI am on another pc with x-chat. I will switch but that will take me a minute06:50
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steelballzogra: are you still on?07:24
steelballzogra: i am an irc noobe and for some reason i cant\'t connect on the server I just built. It keeps saying "Connecting to local host (" I don't know why it's trying to do that07:26
steelballzmaybe i will just use sneaker net and copy the files to my usb flash07:26
ograjust make sure the filename and root-path entrys in your config are right07:27
ografilename "/ltsp/pxelinux.0";07:28
ogra  option root-path "/opt/ltsp/i386";07:28
ograthats how it should look like07:29
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ogratada ?  :)07:30
royogra: what did you want me to do again07:30
ograjust make sure the filename and root-path entrys in your config are right07:31
ogra  option root-path "/opt/ltsp/i386";07:31
ografilename "/ltsp/pxelinux.0";07:31
ograthats how it should look like07:31
royI thought you wanted me to send you something07:31
ograyes, the dhcpd.conf you use ... but mainly to see these two lines07:32
royHow do I send you the file? sorry07:35
ograpaste it to a pastebin 07:35
royAnd that is where07:36
ograpaste.ubuntulinux.nl is one i think07:37
royWhat i mean is, is pastebin something on xchat?07:37
ogranope, a web form07:38
royI not sure what that is can I just paste it her?07:40
roysubnet netmask {07:40
roy  range;07:40
roy  option domain-name "example.com";07:40
roy  option domain-name-servers;07:40
roy  option broadcast-address;07:40
roy  option routers;07:40
roy  option subnet-mask;07:40
roy  filename "/ltsp/pxelinux.0";07:40
roy  option root-path "/opt/ltsp/i386";07:40
ograno, please dont paste in the channel next time07:41
ogra(other channels block you out if you paste more than five lines)07:41
ograthe file looks ok07:42
ogracan you do: grep tftp /etc/inetd.conf ? 07:42
ogratftp           dgram   udp     wait    root  /usr/sbin/in.tftpd /usr/sbin/in.tftpd -s /var/lib/tftpboot -v07:43
ograthats what should come out 07:43
roythere is no -v07:44
ograthats only for logging ...07:44
ograimportant is that the former stuff is identical07:44
royotherwise it is exactly the same07:45
ograps ax|grep inetd 07:45
ogra(should give you a running inetd process)07:45
royIt's only 2 lines can I paste that07:46
roy 4984 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/sbin/inetd07:47
roy 8100 pts/0    S+     0:00 grep inetd07:47
ograjust not complete files ;)07:47
ograthats fine as well07:47
ogracan you do the same for dhcpd ?07:47
roy5699 ?        Ss     0:00 /usr/sbin/dhcpd3 -q -pf /var/run/dhcp3-server/dhcpd.pid -cf /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf07:49
roy 8154 pts/0    S+     0:00 grep dhcpd07:49
ograhmm, looks fine as well07:50
ograi wonder why it doesnt get the kernel then07:50
ogra(and why it looks for the wrong name)07:51
ograyou are sure youre not having any other dhcp server running in the net ?07:51
royOh my God - sorry. I just hit myself in the head. I forgot about that. I'll turn it off now. 07:54
ograthe two most common probs: running ltspadmin in edubuntu, having a running dhcpd anywhere else in the net 07:55
ograi should chnage my habit of asking ;)07:55
ograand put these two always first 07:55
royI actually discovered that issue a couple of months ago and I already forgot. Old age. Sorry07:57
royIt is still going throught each one very slowly "Trying to load pxelinux.cfg/*" Do i need to modify something or stop and start dhcp08:01
ograhmm, normally it should just work 08:03
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royogra: IS there anything that could have affected a .conf setting with the firewall dhcp originally on?08:17
ografirewall ? 08:17
roySorry my secondary name came up08:17
royI'm steelballz08:18
ograi grokked that08:18
ograif you only have the edubuntu dhcp running, the clients should cleanly boot 08:19
royany other ideas?08:21
ogranot really ... you dhcpd seems to be configured right and your tftpd as well ...08:24
royIs there anything I can run on the server to monitor the proccess08:24
ograps/top ...08:24
ograor the gnome-system-monitor ...08:24
ograthe ip of the interface your thin clients are connected to matches the dhcp server range you configured ? 08:25
royI didn't modify the file I just configued my nic at and the client is getting an IP address of
ogradont configure it between and ... take for example ...08:28
ograthe server shouldnt have an ip in the dynamic range ...08:28
ograbut still thats not the cause of your problem 08:29
ograthe clients are dfinately PXE clients ? 08:29
royThe server is at and the client is a comaq workstation with a Intel nic which has worked on all other distro's08:31
royIs there any other info you would like to know that comes up when the client boots?08:32
ograput the server to
ograthat it worked on other distros doesnt mean it uses PXE08:33
ogrado you see PXE messages on the screen on boot08:33
royYes i do. For some reason after I changed the server IP the client came up still trying to connect to
ograalways restart the dhcpd afetr changing the ip08:37
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royWhat is the command line for dhcp restart08:38
ograsudo /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart08:39
royafter restarting dhcp it still fails08:45
ograit still gets the wrong server ip ??08:46
royno it now says
ograstill the same error ? 08:48
roythe same "trying to load..."08:48
royWould you like to remote on the box or am i asking to much08:49
ogranot now, i have to pack my bags, flying at 6am tomorrow ...08:51
ograbut its very strange08:51
royI appreciate the effort today08:51
ograseems all is configured right on your box08:51
ograit should work... and i cant imagine why it wouldnt08:51
ogracan you look in /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/ and confirm there is the -i386 kernel ? 08:52
roySince you will be gone a while is there any thing I can read 08:52
ograi wont be gone a while := 08:52
ograi'll be here tomorrow again08:52
royok : )08:53
ograplease check that you really have the i386 image in the tftp directory... thats the only thing i could imagine that might be wrong... we did chaeck everything else08:54
royinitrd.img-2.6.15-13-386 and vmlinuz-2.6.15-13-38608:54
ogralooks ok08:54
royamd64 is also there08:55
ograwhere do the links point to ? 08:55
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ogra(vmlinuz and initrd.img)08:55
royyour testing my linux skills. I forgot how to command line to determine that08:57
ograls -l 08:57
roylrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      24 2006-01-28 10:50 initrd.img -> initrd.img-2.6.15-13-38608:58
roylrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      21 2006-01-28 10:50 vmlinuz -> vmlinuz-2.6.15-13-38608:58
ogralooks fine 08:58
royi must be doing something stupid08:58
ograits dapper ....08:59
royI could never get this to work in amd64 but it always has worked fine if I installi38609:00
ograit might be a breakage anywhere else ...09:00
ogralets try something else 09:02
ogrado the following:09:03
ograsudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386/ apt-get install syslinux09:03
ograsudo cp /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/lib/syslinux/pxelinux.0 /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/09:04
ograthen try again 09:04
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royFailed to fetch file:///cdrom/pool/main/s/syslinux/syslinux_3.11-3ubuntu1_i386.deb  File not found09:05
ograsudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/apt/09:05
ograsudo chroot /opt/ltsp/i386/ apt-get update09:06
ograthen run the above again09:06
royGet:1 http://us.archive.ubuntu.com dapper/main syslinux 3.11-3ubuntu1 [208kB] 09:08
royFetched 208kB in 1s (195kB/s)09:08
royperl: warning: Setting locale failed.09:08
ograthats ok09:09
ogranow copy the pxelinux binary over 09:09
ograand try to boot again09:09
ogra(the client)09:09
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royWhen I ran the install syslinux It didn't look like it ran successfully at all09:10
ogralook if the pxelinux file is there 09:11
royyou mean in /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp$09:12
ograsudo cp /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/lib/syslinux/pxelinux.0 /var/lib/tftpboot/ltsp/09:12
ograi mean the /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/lib/syslinux/pxelinux.0 file09:12
royI see it09:13
royI'm rebooting the client09:13
ogracould you copy the file ? 09:13
ogra(was it there ? )09:13
royIt didn't give an error when I ran your command line so I assume it did09:14
ograor did cp give an "file not found" error09:14
ograah, great09:14
ogralets see then09:14
roysame results09:14
royDo I have to wait until it gets to that file?09:15
ograsure, it should load the pxelinux.cfg and then load the kernel ...09:15
royit's still on pxelinux.cfg/CAO80009:16
royand it goes very very slow09:17
ograthat looks rather like a network problem to me ...09:18
ogra"it loads but is slow" at least indicates that the server serves 09:18
royyou are very patient09:21
royit's on pxelinux.cfg/default and nothing is happening09:22
royI'm going to try another client just for snicks09:22
royBack in a minute09:23
ograit really sounds like a network prob rather than a server prob09:23
royI tried another client and it fails the same. I have run Centos-ltsp and FC4-ltsp with no trouble on the same setup09:28
ograthey are completely different implementations09:28
royShould I try connecting to the server directly with a crossover cable?09:29
ograyes, that'd be good, so you can exclude all possible network probs09:30
roydirect give me the exact same results09:39
royI have an idea09:43
royWill the i386 dapper live cd work09:43
royyou know just to prove thing out09:44
ograhmm, yers, but you need to set up everything manually09:59
royIt was a thought10:00
royOr I could just install the i386 dapper to confirm my sanity10:01
ograyou casn use the liveCD and follow the ThinClientHowto on the wiki10:01
ograshould work ...10:02
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royok i'll give a shot10:06
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smykeshey guys what grading software is included in Edubuntu?11:22
signifer123don'th tihnk there one for gradin11:26
signifer123there calss management11:26
signifer123you'd have otsee if the others got on11:26
smykesis it Ggradebook?11:26
signifer123don' t think we have that11:26
signifer123thats a no on 5.10 dubuntu11:27
smykesany suggestions?11:27
smykesperhaps a linux website aimed at teachers11:28
signifer123i tihk you guys should include that though...at least in repository11:28
signifer123sorry i have none11:28
signifer123you can install ggradebook if you want11:28
smykesyeah I know :)11:28
smykesI wasnt sure if there was something better11:29
signifer123how good is it?11:29
signifer123really bad?11:29
smykesI haven't used it yet11:29
signifer123well then i'll ahve to lok at it myself :-p11:30
smykesim not on a linux box right now so I can't11:30
signifer123well how long you gonna be on i cna give you screenies once i get it installed11:31
smykesI saw one screen shot11:31
smykesat the site11:32
signifer123yeah i jsut found it11:32
smykesthe site leaves something to be desired11:33
signifer123yeah ....11:33
smykesOpenGrade seems like another one11:35
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signifer123they both look really ugly11:35
smykesbut this sounds bad11:35
smykes"If you're running a recent Linux distribution such as Suse 10 or Ubuntu "Breezy Badger," you will find that whenever you run a GTK+ application alongside of OpenGrade, it will cause OpenGrade to crash. I've submitted a patch to Perl/Tk to fix the problem, and if the patch is approved by Nick Ing-Simmons, I'm hoping that the problem will be fixed in Perl/Tk 804.029. OpenGrade 2.7.8 will detect this problem, if present, and refuse to ru11:35
Burgundaviadoesn't schooltool do grading?11:36
signifer123does it?11:36
Burgundaviano idea, never used it11:36
signifer123yeah that does look bad...11:36
jintyBurgundavia: the code is being written right now...11:37
Burgundaviajinty, ah11:37
signifer123for school tool?11:37
Burgundaviajinty, do you work on schooltool?11:37
jintybut gotta go real soon11:37
signifer123yeah i don't like the interface for ggradebook11:38
signifer123too in yuor face11:39
smykesah my school already uses SchoolTool Calendar I think11:40
signifer123mine will never switch :(11:41
smykesMaster Grade looks good but its expensive11:42
signifer123and there no linux version :-p11:43
smykesyeah :/11:43
smykesI use OS X at home though11:43
smykesit seems as though Ggradebook isnt under development anymore11:46
signifer123are there any java gradebooks?11:47
smykesI hope not ;)11:48
smykesbecause its java11:49
signifer123this ins't that whole interpretted thing is it?11:49
signifer123i like java :-p11:50
smykesno its the whole slow and ugly thing11:50
signifer123that would be the intterpreted thing :-P11:51
signifer123sorry for not being specific11:51
signifer123so you don't like python or ruby either?11:51
smykesI wish I could find a grant to get myself a tablet for my classroom11:52
smykesthat would be so handy11:52
signifer123with projector :)11:52
signifer123get the convertable ones11:53
smykesoh god yes11:53
smykeswe have a projector in the school11:53
signifer123 The AT&T Foundation provides grants to educational programs that use technology to enhance teaching and learning.11:53
smykesthink they'll buy me a X41?  :D11:54
signifer123yuo wish!!!11:54
smykesId use it for teaching it would be great11:55
signifer123our teacher got a free trip to japan for using touchscreens that all the students could interact with in his calc calss11:55
smykesId love a classroom full of macminis11:55
smykesbut apple doesnt do that unless you pay ;)11:56
signifer123of course...11:56
smykesthey dont have grants I mean11:56
signifer123i know what you mean ;)11:56
signifer123my schools a bit spoiled we got all new 28 ghz dells last year11:57
signifer123not 2811:57
signifer123that'd be crazy11:57
smykeswe dont do dell we do a small little maker in town11:58
smykesim not sure why11:58
smykesI try to stay out of it11:58
signifer123good idea :-p11:58
signifer123or linny?11:59
signifer123or what?11:59
smykesthey were upset enough when I put ubuntu on one of the "good" machines11:59
smykesthey are working on a linux lab11:59
smykesbut we do run a lot of OSS12:00
signifer123linux lab will be all the ones they threw out right?12:01
smykespretty much12:01
signifer123yeah thats what i figured...12:01
smykesthey are actually looking to go with dumb clients12:01
smykesI dont know that the bandwidth is available for it but I try to stay out of it12:01
signifer123hehehe i wish my school would use dumb clients12:02
signifer123nvm changed my mind12:02

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