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GameOver69hey guys are there any good dc++ programs... i have linux dc++ but im not really diggin it12:03
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bungholeim holding a hot dog12:04
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LjLGameOver69: you could try valknut12:05
bungholei just now installed kubuntu, and the fonts are huge.  is there a way to change the dpi without having to restart X with -dpi 9612:05
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ClayGwhats the name of that script nalioth is involved with ?12:12
ClayGanyone know?12:12
tech9inerbunghole.. damn.. missed me old dad again huh..12:15
tech9ineroh wait.. that'd be dunghole.. nm.. ;] 12:15
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uboturumour has it, samba is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SettingUpSamba or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently12:15
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sorush20hi guys how do refressh the k menu?12:20
Hobbseesorush20: killall kicker && kicker12:20
LiteHeddedI need samba help12:20
sorush20LiteHedded: go to #samba12:22
LiteHeddedyea thanks...12:23
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LiteHeddednot getting any response in #samba12:34
LiteHeddedcan someone here help me?12:34
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che_benwayhi all. need to streamline my system cause i suspect there's a lot of stuff that i don't need. running kubuntu breezy. any idea where i can find out exactly what i can safely remove?12:36
Hobbseeche_benway: howto on ubuntuforums.org - in the howto section12:37
xatalinuxi don't have sound in kubuntu can someone hellp me in thise way?12:37
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xatalinuxi'm very new in linux and i don't know so much about12:38
che_benwayHobbsee: thanks. was just doing it individually in adept. just don't want to remove anything critical12:39
kkathmanxatalinux: whats the issue?12:39
xatalinuxi don't have any sound in my com12:39
xatalinuxwhat i must install ?12:40
zeeshan_i like the internet.12:40
kkathmanxatalinux:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems?highlight=%28Sound%2912:40
kkathmanxatalinux: some problems are simple, others not so simple...try the simple ones first.12:41
xatalinuxalso i install some new programs and i don't see the icons in my com12:41
kkathmanxatalinux: did you install breezy ?12:41
xatalinuxi really don't know12:42
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xatalinuxbut is posibil12:42
kkathmanxatalinux: uhmm you want to check that our...what version you installed12:42
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kkathmanxatalinux: check what version of ubuntu you installed12:43
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xatalinuxwere a can check this?12:43
flipjarghas anyone had any problems using the "Administrator" button when they're trying to change settings?12:43
Hobbseeflipjarg: yes, use kdesu kcontrol instead12:43
Hobbseeie, alt+f2, kdesu kcontrol12:44
flipjargJeeze, thank god i thoughs omething was screwed up.12:44
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kkathmanxatalinux: are you running off of a disk only?  I.e what disk did you install from?12:44
Hobbseeanyone tried the kde3.5.1 on dapper?  how's it work?12:44
kkathmanHobbsee: was waiting for an off. announcement from Kubuntu.org12:44
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LiteHeddedrebooting the windows box did it12:45
kkathmanahhh Ive been away most of the day12:45
kkathmanthats a test tho12:45
Hobbseeyes, i was wondering if anyone's tried it12:45
Hobbseeso have i12:45
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kkathmantouchy today12:45
Tallia1Kubuntuhi there12:46
xatalinuxi instal ubuntu for intel 38612:46
Tallia1Kubuntuis there a way to bind an hotkey to show the desktop in kubuntu? like the win+d in windows12:46
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RaerkleglerHi, can anyone give me a hand? Im stuck on the last part of the installation12:48
alvitobuenas noches12:48
HobbseeRaerklegler: more info?12:48
Tallia1Kubuntuis there a way to bind an hotkey to show the desktop in kubuntu? like the win+d in windows12:48
HobbseeTallia1Kubuntu: see in kcontrol, keyboard shortcuts12:48
Raerklegler Everything seems to have completed and now im in some sort of terminal and i have no clue on how to get to KDE12:48
HobbseeRaerklegler: try startx12:48
ubotufrom memory, ati is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=1012:48
Raerkleglerlets see12:48
Tallia1Kubuntui know that....... but which is the command to show the desktop?12:49
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Raerklegleryep, that kinda worked but it threw me back to where I was, it might be the ATI x600 vid card12:49
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=== flipjarg is just testing something quick %s
RaerkleglerI get this error in the log when I startx: FATAL SERVER ERROR: no screens found.12:53
xatalinuxkkathman:it is a special comand in konsole for sound?12:53
kkathmanxatalinux: nope..not usually...did you check over that page?12:54
kkathmanxatalinux: also, if we dont know what version you installed, its a little hard to help.12:54
kkathmanxatalinux: however, do you have NO sound at all, or just through your media players?12:55
xatalinuxi can find somthing in synaptic ?12:55
xatalinuxi don't have at allsound12:55
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xatalinuxsorry i have a litle quastion if you don't mind12:56
xatalinuxwere a can go to check to see what versione i have ?12:57
kkathmanxatalinux:  are you running KDE?12:57
kkathmanahh ok12:57
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Tallia1Kubuntuis there a way to bind an hotkey to show the desktop in kubuntu? like the win+d in windows12:59
Tallia1Kubuntuok using kcontrol, but which is the command to show the desktop?12:59
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`NomadHi..  I have an application that starts up everytime I boot recently, DVD-Author.  It"s not in my Autostart folder, nor in the global Autostart?  Where is it starting from?  I can't even find an rc.local01:01
Hobbseeoh, i thought it was there01:01
RaerkleglerI get this error in the log when I startx: FATAL SERVER ERROR: no screens found.01:02
kkathmanautostart is in your home dir/.kde01:02
Raerkleglerwell, but i cant start01:02
Raerkleglersomehow, this is related to my ati x60001:03
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`NomadI know, but that dvd-Author software is not in my .kde/Autostart, nor in teh global one01:04
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`NomadThat's why I can't figure out where it starts from.. Did someone implement a windows-like registry behind mu back?? hehe01:04
`Nomadmy back01:04
kkathmanyou might trace back to either inittab or possibly your /etc/trc3 directory and see if its there01:06
kkathmanrc3 not trc01:06
`Nomadoh maybe01:06
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xatalinuxi have install some programs in kubuntu from synaptic but i can find the icons....were i can find them?01:08
dark_suicmaybe they don't have icon...01:08
dark_suicwhat are this programs?01:09
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`Nomadnope, not there01:09
xatalinuxwhen i open synaptic show me are instaled01:09
LiteHeddedcan someone help me with ati?01:09
xatalinuxbut i can not see the programs01:09
xatalinuxfor example i install opera01:10
dark_suicwhat programs01:10
dark_suictry this01:10
dark_suicalt+f2 -> write opera there and hit enter01:10
xatalinuxi can open only with run comand01:10
dark_suicyou'll probably have to restart kde to make the icons appear (i know there is a faster way, but i can't remember it)01:11
dark_suicif you restart kde you'll probably get the icons01:11
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xatalinuxi restart the com but is the same problem01:11
`Nomadrefreshing the desktop may work01:12
dark_suicstill no icons?01:12
xatalinuxnormaly i must find in internet from K menu01:13
xatalinuxbut is not01:13
xatalinuxwith run comand it work01:13
cerdgwhen someone has a moment, I need a bit of help with a video card01:13
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xatalinuxolso i instal some games and is the same problem about icons01:14
`Nomadxata: even after you restarted?01:15
cerdgxatalinux:  have you tried manually creating a shortcut?01:15
`Nomadxata: Try reading this: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-80394.html01:15
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`NomadFor some reason there are many more things showing up in teh Debian menu than teh reg. KDE one01:16
xatalinuxand i must install debian menu to can have acces for more aplication?01:18
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flipjargGerkins: what are you for?01:21
ubotuNo idea, flipjarg01:21
flipjargGherkins hello01:22
flipjarg!Ghirkins hello01:22
ubotuflipjarg: I give up, what is it?01:22
ubotuYou can play with me in /msg or #debian-bots without being banned.01:22
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH!, flipjarg01:22
flipjarg!info K3b-mp301:24
ubotuk3b-mp3: (The KDE cd burning application library - MP3 decoder), section universe/libs, is optional. Version: 0.12.2-0ubuntu2 (breezy), Packaged size: 30 kB, Installed size: 92 kB01:24
flipjargmsg/ ubotu01:25
robotgeekflipjarg: /msg ubotu01:25
flipjargyeah, sorry. i just got it. Thanks :-)01:25
robotgeek /msg ubotu info k3b-mp301:25
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Tallia1Kubuntui have two groups.... ftp and andrea01:42
Tallia1Kubuntui added the user andrea to the group ftp01:42
Tallia1Kubuntuand changed group permissions of a folder to rw-01:42
Tallia1Kubuntuwhy can't i access the folder?01:42
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Tallia1Kubuntudo i have to reboot after i change the group seetings of the current user?01:43
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omri1hello everyone01:43
ownertallial like this01:43
ownerchown -R user:user /folder01:44
owneruser being the user you want to give permissions to01:44
owneryou may need to add sudo before chown01:44
Tallia1Kubuntuthat folder have to remain of ftp user at least01:44
Tallia1Kubuntubecause otherwise the ftp daemon can't use it01:44
ownerchmod 077701:44
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ownersudo chmod0777 /folder01:45
omri1I'm a windows user trying to make the long overdue transition to Linux. I've installed Kubuntu and was very impressed at the ease of installation and how things actually worked without me having to work hard for it. (I have some experience at installing debian and ubuntu a few versions ago). However it seems to me that Kubuntu works much slower than my Windows installation and I was wondering if there are optimizations I can do to make it work01:46
omri1when browsing the web using Firefox. It takes it longer than windows respond to my actions..01:46
owner!tell omril about dma01:47
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omri1owner: the !tell command didn't do anything yet.. is the bot working?01:48
ownerubotu tell omril about dma01:49
Hobbseeyes it is - check your private messages?01:49
Tallia1Kubuntui start don't undestanding something01:49
omri1I suppose the private window is just supposed to open in Konversation?01:49
Tallia1Kubuntui can browse a folder only once its permissions are executable??01:50
ownerno tallial01:50
Tallia1Kubuntui thaught read permissions..01:50
xatalinuxthank you very much because you help me to can see all my programs (icons)01:50
Tallia1Kubuntufrom no permission01:50
Tallia1Kubuntuwith sudo chmod +rw folder01:50
Tallia1Kubuntui can't access it01:50
Tallia1Kubuntuwith sudo chmod +rwx folder i can01:51
Hobbseeomri1: yes01:51
Tallia1Kubuntuaccess i mean "cd folder"01:51
omri1then nothing happened.. which bot is it so that I can /msg it?01:51
xatalinuxi install debian ....is very good ....again thanks ....01:51
Hobbseeomri1: ubotu01:51
xatalinuxSound server informational message:01:52
xatalinuxError while initializing the sound driver:01:52
xatalinuxdevice: default can't be opened for playback (Device or resource busy)01:52
xatalinuxThe sound server will continue, using the null output device.01:52
omri1Hobbsee: it tells me it doesn't know what !dma is01:52
Tallia1Kubuntuowner: look here http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/6PtKIh49.html01:52
ubotuwell, dma is Direct Memory Access/Addressing. A method of transferring data from one memory area to another without having to go through the central processing unit. It makes your hard disks run faster :-).  DMA from the ubuntu wiki guide https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DMA01:52
omri1oh, ok. it works01:52
Tallia1Kubuntuowner: ??01:54
xatalinuxwhat i can do with this (about the sound )01:54
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HobbseeTallia1Kubuntu: what's the problem?  it looks like it worked01:56
omri1Ok, i've read about dma but it doesn't seem to be the problem. First of all, it works, and second I don't have problems at the speed of access to my cd/dvd but rather the OS itself works slow, especially Firefox01:57
ownerchmod -w nowrite01:57
ownerwill make files read only01:57
Tallia1KubuntuHobbsee: yes, but i change the execution permissions instead of the read01:58
Tallia1KubuntuHobbsee: is that normal?01:58
Tallia1Kubuntuto have read access to a folder i have to change its execution permissions?01:58
ownerchmod a=rwx = chmod 07701:59
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Tallia1Kubuntuso x is for access, w is for read only of its files?01:59
ownerchmod a=rwx = chmod 077701:59
owneryou get the idea01:59
Tallia1Kubuntuoooo ok01:59
sabinI'm having a graphics problem with the kubuntu 5.10 live cd02:00
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omri1owner: do you know of anything else I can check? perhaps change some configuration? I'm sure there are many default programs I don't need that I might remove but I don't know which, etc..02:01
sabinwhen it starts X and loads the desktop enviroment the screen flashes and then all I get is vertical blue bars02:02
owneromril what are you computer specs?02:02
sabinI have a 66002:02
omri1It's a laptop, Dell Latitude 640C, 256MB, 2 GHz (i think)02:03
omri1Pentium M02:03
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Mythrilfor some reason two different passwords are required for 'su' and 'sudo', how do I fix this?02:08
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HobbseeMythril: just use sudo02:09
LjLMythril: there's no password for "su", as there is no root password in ubuntu02:10
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LiteHeddedhow do i change the clock from military time on the kde taskbar?02:10
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ubotusamba is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SettingUpSamba or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently02:11
LjLLiteHedded: right click, date and time format02:12
LiteHeddedI don't see it in there LjL02:13
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mase_hey guys whats the default KDE cd ripper called?02:13
Hobbseemase_: kscd02:14
LjLLiteHedded: time and dates, time format02:14
calidadGreetings... I can not  start my modem with KPPP... When I try to connect, only appears "modem busy"... any advice please?02:14
mase_thats not it Hobbsee02:14
Hobbseeer, so it isnt...02:15
LiteHeddedwhat should it say?02:15
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LiteHeddedHH MM ?02:15
LjLLiteHedded: the one with "AM PM"02:15
LiteHeddedoh ok didn't know what that meant02:15
Hobbseemase_: kaudiocreator02:16
Xemanth^^does kaudiocreator rip in lame with freedb search ?02:16
omri1well, thanks everyone, goodnight02:17
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LjLXemanth^^: i don't know, but the package doesn't list any freedb/cddb/musicbrainz dependency02:17
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mase_Xemanth^^: yeah i guess02:18
mase_but i want to know the other method KaudioCreator gets its file names02:18
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Xemanth^^hmm sounds nice software :>02:19
Xemanth^^i better try tomorrow02:19
dark_suicXemanth^^, why kaudiocreator when you can do it directly from konqueror?02:23
Xemanth^^i don't like to do stuff with my file browser02:23
dark_suicwell, if you saw it you may change your mind :P02:24
dark_suichave you seen how konqueror works with audiocds?02:24
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dark_suicit's just awesome02:24
dark_suicif you can, just try02:24
dark_suicinsert an audio cd02:24
Xemanth^^i'm still trying to get my usb2 hdd working02:24
sampandark_suic  i found that when i used konq to do a vbr ogg, it's lowpass wasn't consistent.  i'd set it to not fall below 192 and the files were regularly running 160s.02:24
LjLit gives you folders with (virtual) wavs, mp3s, oggs and stuff that you can copy02:24
dark_suicand write audiocd:/ in konquerors address bar02:24
sampanso i switched02:24
Xemanth^^dmesg shows that usb2 device maxtor connected but i cant see it in fdisk -l :|02:25
Xemanth^^i have own made kernel02:25
dark_suicXemanth^^, fdisk -l doesn't show my hda and hdb :P02:25
dark_suicwith precompiled kernel02:25
dark_suicand i can assure you that they are (hda1 is / :P)02:26
Xemanth^^heh :)02:26
Vgehmm, stupid question, but how can i know my modem is working if i dont have a phone line atm? :)02:26
dark_suicwell guys, going out see you02:26
Xemanth^^Vge:  :D02:26
dark_suicwell, if it hasn't a phone line it isn't working :P02:26
LjLVge: well if it tries to dial, then it will probably work...02:27
dark_suicbut weill, if it's internal it shouls show up in lspci, and external (usb) on lsusb02:27
LjLVge: if it doesn't try to dial, though, it might simply be because it expects a dialtone that isn't there (but there is a command to disable waiting for dialtone)02:27
Xemanth^^in dmesg it shows that its rightly connected with usb speed etd with irq02:27
Xemanth^^but i don't know how to mount it i cant see it02:28
Xemanth^^in dev02:28
Vgewell ill try to hear the tone :)02:28
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sampanxemanth^^ check /media/  does it have /media/usbdisk or /media/sda1  ?  that's where my usb2 ext. hdd is and all i had to do was plug it in02:28
Xemanth^^but oh well now i go sleep half four, nn peeps, tomorrow more solving this problem ----------->02:28
Xemanth^^sampan: dude not there, im not stupid02:29
sampanxemanth^^  no one called you stupid.02:29
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sampanxemanth^^  we get questions for ALL sorts of problems in here; some with VERY simple solutions.  no need to get defensive.02:29
Xemanth^^i have played with debian, kubuntu, red hat, and mandrake 9x and mandriva02:30
LiteHeddedubuntu > mandrake02:30
LiteHeddedI used to love mandrake but there's no comparison02:30
Xemanth^^sampan: sry, i just am little frustrated about that ican't listen music in linux because all my music are on lacie :|02:31
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Xemanth^^and that f*cker cant work02:32
Xemanth^^whole ati is shit02:33
Xemanth^^i still should grab the freaking chip out of my laptop and throw it outside02:34
Xemanth^^and buy nvidia laptop, which would work alot better :|02:34
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Xemanth^^but oh well i go sleep clock really alot ->02:37
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alljohnnyhi =)03:12
alljohnnyI'm testing Kubuntu and it is pretty cool!!03:13
alljohnnybbl :)03:13
Captainbraillealljohnny: what features stand out to you?03:13
alljohnnyoh, ease of use! :)03:14
alljohnnyit's almost as easy as windows or easy to setup03:14
CaptainbrailleHobbsee, haha, can I have a bit of help installing Real10 please? =)03:14
ubotuSyntax error in line 1, Hobbsee03:14
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Captainbraillealljohnny: right =)03:14
ubotuI guess multimedia is for codecs, http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch03.html#sect-music-and-movies ; and for applications, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultimediaApplications03:14
HobbseeCaptainbraille: i'd try the second link03:14
alljohnny*or easier03:14
alljohnnyIt's stable, k3b, openoffice, internet is faster :) I think I'll adopt it as my main system :) [i'm searching for a stable system to develop]  :)03:15
CaptainbrailleThanks Hobbsee03:15
alljohnnycool programs! everything just works!! thank you for the good job :)03:15
Hobbseeno problems Captainbraille03:16
Captainbraillealljohnny: I agree completely!03:16
alljohnnyCaptainbraille: :)03:17
alljohnnybe back later, cya :)03:17
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eightiesk`automake-1.6' is missing on your system.  You should only need it if03:27
eightiesk         you modified `Makefile.am', `acinclude.m4' or `configure.in'.03:27
eightiesk         You might want to install the `Automake' and `Perl' packages.03:27
eightiesk         Grab them from any GNU archive site.03:27
eightieskwhat do i need?03:28
robotgeeksudo apt-get install automake-1.603:28
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stupendo44I need some help to optimize my DNS somehow. DNS resolving seems slow probably 70% of the time03:32
stupendo44comparing with Windows, I think I need to change something03:32
=== eightiesk [n=eighties@c-68-34-70-74.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
stupendo44if anybody has some knowledge and/or experience, I'd like to be walked through checking some settings if possible03:33
eightieski have a question.03:33
eightieskhow do i use kdfx?03:33
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stupendo44eightiesk: well, I'm using it. Let me remember a little bit. What have you done so far?03:33
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eightieski dled the zip.03:34
eightieski need to install it.03:34
stupendo44eightiesk: oh, I'm sorry. I haven't used that. I'm using KBFX, which is a K-Menu button replacement03:34
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eightieskthats what i ment03:35
eightieskits installed now03:36
eightieskhow do i make it work?03:37
stupendo44oh, let me look it up03:37
=== smoet [n=smoet@cc32761-a.zwoll1.ov.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu
stupendo44ok, you have it installed? You should be able to add it to your bar by right-clicking the taskbar, then Add Applet to panel. I think03:38
Traum! root03:38
ubotuBy default, the root password is locked in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.03:38
Traum! lvm03:39
ubotu[lvm]  (for the moment) http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO/03:39
Traum! raid03:39
ubotuwell, raid is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RaidConfigurationHowto03:39
Traum! combine:  lvm and raid03:39
ubotuTraum: What?03:39
Traum! lvm and raid combined?03:40
ubotuTraum: Did you get hit by a windmill?03:40
Traumsancho ubotu03:40
=== Tainted-Tim1 [n=infiniti@cpe-70-115-169-204.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
Tainted-Tim1Anyone here?03:40
stupendo44eightiesk: how did you install it? compiling for a tar, or a deb?03:41
stupendo44Tainted-Tim1: no, nobody at all is here...03:41
Tainted-Tim1stupendo44: :p03:41
=== stupendo44 thinks, "What a dumb question to ask..."
Tainted-Tim1stupendo44: Will you help me out?03:41
=== Snake__ [n=snake@adsl-65-43-156-96.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
Tainted-Tim1stupendo44: I compiled and installed this app from kde-looks called metabar.03:41
Tainted-Tim1How do I run it;.03:41
Tainted-Tim1I'm a linux newb.03:42
stupendo44no. I mean yes. I mean no. I mean yes. Oh, wait. I don't know because I don't know what your problem is03:42
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: whats the name of the program03:42
Tainted-Tim1^^ metabar.03:42
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: try simply typing metabar in the run screen03:42
Tainted-Tim1Didnt work...03:42
eightieskuh i dunno.03:42
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: did it come with readme?03:42
stupendo44eightiesk: well, can you try to specify what you've done so far as much as you can?03:43
smoethmm, kde looks much nicer then gnome03:43
stupendo44Tainted-Tim1: what was the file extension of the file that you downloaded?03:43
LiteHeddedsmoet: yes it does ;)03:43
smoetgood thing i checked ;)03:43
eightieskconfigure mak and makinstalled.03:43
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Snake__Tainted-Tim1: Give me a moment, let me find it and download it ok?03:43
stupendo44no doubt...03:43
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: is this it http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=3412703:44
rich0rdis it a program, or a "plugin" e.g. for superkaramba?03:44
eightieskstupendo44, where do i get the deb file i didn't knopw about it.03:44
stupendo44eightiesk: try reading this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7674603:44
stupendo44eightiesk: sometimes somebody will make a deb file. Not always03:44
Tainted-Tim1Thats a theme.03:44
stupendo44eightiesk: but you can create your own using the link that I sent you03:44
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: can you link me to what you downloaded?03:44
eightieski just wanna make it work03:45
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: thank you03:45
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stupendo44eightiesk: that page I sent you walks you through installing it and everything03:46
stupendo44eightiesk: read the whole thing for other peoples questions and problems too03:46
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eightieskstupendo44, i'm not a total noob just new to linux03:47
eightiesk i'm microsoft certified.03:47
rich0rdi am cisco certified03:47
rich0rdso what03:47
eightieskya i no.03:47
stupendo44eightiesk: I wasn't trying to diss you. I'm sorry if it sounded like that03:47
eightiesknot trying to brag.03:48
stupendo44rich0rd: how far?03:48
eightieskI thought i was geting ragged on.03:48
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stupendo44rich0rd: that's it?03:48
Snake__eightiesk: Quick question...are you proud of that?03:48
Tainted-Tim1Snake__: Any ideas?03:48
rich0rdsure :-)03:48
stupendo44Snake__: I would say I'm proud of my extensive windows experience and expertise...03:49
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: i'm sorry, one moment, I just reinstalled kubuntu, I need to get the build files03:49
stupendo44Snake__: knowledge is power and all that...03:49
Snake__stupendo44: Meh...I would rather be cisco or novell certed before M$03:50
stupendo44Snake__: oh, yeah. definitely.03:50
stupendo44I took a cisco class, just didn't get enough to take the cert03:50
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: Did your configure build correctly?03:50
Tainted-Tim1What should I have to do?03:50
stupendo44The only thing I have is an old A+03:50
Tainted-Tim1./configure && make && sudo make install03:50
Tainted-Tim1Is what I did03:50
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: i'm just asking, when you did ./configure, did it have any errors03:51
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: hold on, because i'm having issues congfigureing it :) Thats why I asked03:51
Snake__!X includes03:51
ubotuSome people juggle geese, Snake__03:51
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stupendo44be careful with that exclamation mark03:52
ubotuWhen a program or configure script asks for "X includes", you should probably install the following packages: xlibs-dev   xlibs-static-dev   x-window-system-dev03:52
stupendo44ubotu is talkative tonight03:52
ubotuMy cat's name is Mittens!, stupendo4403:52
Tainted-Tim1What kind of bot is that?03:52
Tainted-Tim1What does it respond to?03:52
stupendo44it's name and the exclamation mark03:53
Tainted-Tim1Ubotu sucks.03:53
ubotumethinks sucks is a word you should NOT use in #ubuntu03:53
Tainted-Tim1We are in #kubuntu!03:53
stupendo44it's the same bot for both channels03:53
Tainted-Tim1I know, but it's still funny.03:53
stupendo44ubotu kubuntu03:53
ubotufrom memory, kubuntu is Ubuntu+KDE, (not a fork) ; see http://kubuntu.org and you can go to #kubuntu for KDE-related help, or install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/03:53
Tainted-Tim1What about questions?03:54
=== Snake__ [n=snake@adsl-65-43-156-96.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
Tainted-Tim1ubotu why was ubuntu made?03:54
ubotuTainted-Tim1: I don't know, could you explain it?03:54
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regeyait's fun to watch people get snippy with bots ;-)03:55
Tainted-Tim1Snake__: How did it go?03:55
stupendo44has anyone else here had trouble with dns?03:55
Tainted-Tim1regeya: It's hilarious.03:55
stupendo44ubotu dns03:55
ubotustupendo44: What?03:55
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: lol, i'm working it rofl03:55
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: I don't know what "X Includes"03:56
eightieskSnake__, it makes me money03:56
stupendo44ubotu, what is today's date?03:56
ubotustupendo44: what are you talking about?03:56
Tainted-Tim1Snake__: How would you generally run a program like that03:56
stupendo44ubotu, what time is is?03:56
Tainted-Tim1ubotu, want to come over?03:56
ubotustupendo44: I think you lost me on that one03:56
ubotuTainted-Tim1: I don't know, could you explain it?03:56
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: usually you would just type the program name...but KDE-Look as a very bad reputation for decent programs03:57
Snake__Because they don't filter anything, all crap gets put through03:57
stupendo44ubotu, do you have a girlfriend?03:57
Tainted-Tim1I know, but I liked the idea.03:57
ubotustupendo44: My cat's name is Mittens!03:57
stupendo44well then03:57
Tainted-Tim1ubotu, Mittens03:57
ubotuTainted-Tim1: NO SPEAKE ENLISH!03:57
Tainted-Tim1ubotu, kitty03:57
ubotuTainted-Tim1: I don't know, could you explain it?03:57
Tainted-Tim1ubotu, cat03:58
ubotuTainted-Tim1: NO SPEAKE ENLISH!03:58
stupendo44ubotu, english03:58
ubotustupendo44: NO SPEAKE ENLISH!03:58
stupendo44english, ubotu, engish. we are speaking it right now. stupid03:58
Tainted-Tim1Snake__: It uses css and html to make the menu, me being a webdesigner loved the idea...not so great on it anymore.03:58
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: heh, i'm a web designer myself, fun job ain't it?03:59
stupendo44ubotu, what would you say if I called you stupid?03:59
ubotuSome people juggle geese, stupendo4403:59
Tainted-Tim1eye speeek purrfet eglisn speka03:59
Snake__!lart stupendo4403:59
=== ubotu holds stupendo44 to the floor and spanks him with a cat-o-nine-tails
Tainted-Tim1Snake__: Yes it is.03:59
stupendo44ubotu: ow03:59
ubotustupendo44: What?03:59
Tainted-Tim1!lart ubotu03:59
=== ubotu whips out a sword and chops tainted-tim1 in half
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=== Snake__ whistles while he gets build files
Tainted-Tim1!lart ubotu04:00
=== ubotu stabs tainted-tim1
Tainted-Tim1!lart ubotu04:00
stupendo44!lart Tainted-Tim104:00
=== ubotu whips out his power stapler and staples Tainted-Tim1's genitalia to the ground
stupendo44!lart Tainted-Tim104:00
Tainted-Tim1that would hurt04:00
Tainted-Tim1!lart ubotu04:00
Tainted-Tim1!lart ubotu04:00
=== ubotu chops tainted-tim1 in half with a free Solaris 7 CD
Snake__Watch the language04:00
stupendo44!lart Tainted-Tim104:01
=== ubotu pours hot grits down the front of Tainted-Tim1's pants
stupendo44oh, this is hilarious04:01
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Tainted-Tim1Why is he aiming at my twig and dingle berries?04:01
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=== adoyretsamon [n=nomaster@ip24-252-193-86.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
Snake__Ugh so much to do04:02
Snake__I hate fresh installs04:02
stupendo44anybody here want a 15" monitor?04:02
=== Snake__ can't wait to get his system back to where it was
Snake__stupendo44: LCD or CRT04:02
Snake__Got one :)04:03
stupendo44me too. 9 of them. people give you all kinds of old crap when you fix their computers.04:03
Snake__stupendo44: yep, my server runs out of dedicated hardware :-D04:03
Snake__donated hardware**04:03
stupendo44I have an old AST/400 something. It doesn't even have dos, it's some proprietary thing04:04
Tainted-Tim1Anyone have laptop memory?04:04
stupendo44I remember a laptop, Tainted-Tim104:04
Snake__stupendo44: What do you mean, you cant put dos on it??04:04
stupendo44I could, but what would be the point...04:04
Snake__stupendo44: idk...to run windows 3.1?04:04
stupendo44Snake__: do you think I want to cause more stress in my life?04:05
Snake__stupendo44: Just put it on there and give it to an elderly home :)04:05
Snake__stupendo44: then they get the headaches04:05
stupendo44I'd rather put linux on there if I was going to do that04:06
Snake__stupendo44: Hmmm good point sir!04:06
=== stupendo44 smells a traiter...
Snake__stupendo44: Na, you just mentioned DOS, so you got me in that state of mind04:06
stupendo44oh, so it's my fault...04:06
Snake__Besides, 3.1 was good....I never got one BSOD on it!04:06
Snake__3.11 was good, to be exact04:07
=== stupendo44 quietly says, "I run XP on another drive to run NFSMW..."
stupendo44Snake__: weren't BSODs invented in 95?04:07
Snake__stupendo44: Hehe, its okay, my gaming rig runs XP, but i'm on my laptop a lot more04:07
Snake__stupendo44: Yep :P04:07
Snake__Tis a joke04:07
stupendo44My main system is Kubuntu 5.10, but I switch to the other drive to play that game. That's basically the only reason. And now that I beat it, it's rare for me to switch.04:08
stupendo44My only issue with Kubuntu right now is the slow DNS resolving. I'm not even sure where to start04:08
Snake__I see04:09
stupendo44Snake__: ah, I get it now... Joke... yeah...04:09
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Snake__Tainted-Tim1: i'm sorry i'm taking so long04:09
Tainted-Tim1its ok04:09
stupendo44world: I need some help to optimize my DNS somehow. DNS resolving seems slow probably 70% of the time. I'd like to be walked through checking some settings, if possible.04:10
Snake__ugh god I hate compling04:11
stupendo44wouldn't it be called comping? Like using the computer. or. something.04:12
Tainted-Tim1any good new?04:13
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: not yet...i still cant get it to build04:13
Snake__I hate KDE-Look...04:14
=== bur[n] er is frustrated with it as opposed to gnome-look
Tainted-Tim1Can you recommend a better place?04:14
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: For applications?04:14
Tainted-Tim1For desktop-enhancing..04:15
Tainted-Tim1applications, themes stuff like that.04:15
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: No not really...but a lot of applications just suck on KDE-Look04:15
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: i'm sorry, I can't get it to install, and without that, I can't really tell you how to run i04:16
stupendo44Snake__: I would have to agree with that04:16
bur[n] erSnake__: it's mostly a theme site though04:16
Tainted-Tim1Damn, hmm.04:17
Snake__bur[n] er: and it does great as that, theres lots of good stuff in the order of wallpapers, themes, karambas etc, but they allow applications as well, and as I said..most just suck04:17
=== _ice [n=ice@71-10-92-206.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
Tainted-Tim1What about a program like metabar?04:18
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: i'm not even sure exactly what it is, so I can't really recommend you to anything04:18
Tainted-Tim1Did you read the link I sent you?04:18
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: but it doesn't say what it is04:19
stupendo44Tainted-Tim1: yeah, I'm not clear on what it is either. From the comments, it appears to be a program, but I can't tell for what04:20
Tainted-Tim1google metabar...i found the answer to my problem04:21
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: where at04:22
Snake__the source forge?04:22
Tainted-Tim1Its now what I thought it was.04:22
Tainted-Tim1so misleading.04:22
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: well reading over this sourceforge report...it appears i'm not the only one having make issues04:22
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: and it also apprears that the programmer isn't doing crap about it04:23
Tainted-Tim1I wonder why it compiled so easily for me..04:23
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: cuz ur special04:24
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Tainted-Tim1How do I make my stuff look like his? The taskbar and application dock or w/e.04:28
Tainted-Tim1In that pic04:29
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: ...ohh man thats a lot of customization04:30
Snake__Best of luck to you with that04:30
Tainted-Tim1Any tips on where to start?04:31
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Snake__Tainted-Tim1: right click on your panel, go to "panel menu" and configure panel04:31
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: start playing with stuff there04:31
Tainted-Tim1Eh, I almost got it.04:33
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: Sweet, and you'll probly need to download a few things...that search bar isn't stock04:33
Tainted-Tim1The run Command?04:33
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: thats a run command??04:34
Tainted-Tim1I guess I downloaded that already....because its there.,04:34
Tainted-Tim1Read the text above it.04:34
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: oh whoops, didn't see that :)04:34
Tainted-Tim1I put the color picker in too,04:34
Tainted-Tim1I always get pissed off in windows having to open PS.04:34
Tainted-Tim1taking a screenshot and then getting the value.04:34
Tainted-Tim1How do I move them?04:35
Tainted-Tim1The little applets04:35
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: In the taskbar?04:35
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: there should be little bars when you move near the applet, drag the bar around04:36
_iceamarok problems with it04:36
Tainted-Tim1I had taken them off04:36
_iceI started it and now it won't load04:36
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: how did you do that..04:36
=== _fatejudger is now known as fatejudger
Tainted-Tim1Configure Panel > Appearance > Advanced > Hide.04:37
_icehow do I not have any permissions to kill frostwire ?04:38
_iceits says it when I try to kill it04:38
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: well I suggest you put it back :)04:38
_iceany suggestions04:38
Tainted-Tim1Well I did now.04:39
Tainted-Tim1But I removed them again.04:39
Tainted-Tim1I dont plan on moving them.04:39
fatejudgerhas anyone compiled amaroK on Dapper?04:39
Snake___ice: are you sudo killing it?04:39
_iceno with the task manager04:40
Snake___ice: oh...hmmm04:40
_icealso to kde freezes when I pull up certain apps too04:40
_icethinking about switching to flux or xfce04:40
Snake___ice: I suggest xfce if you must switch04:41
_iceyeah I used to use it all the time04:41
_icejust that I like kde ?>04:42
_iceis 3.5 really buggy ?04:42
Snake___ice: no sir, i'm on 3.5 and lovin every minuteo f it04:42
Tainted-Tim1What font do you think that is?04:42
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Snake__Tainted-Tim1: no clue04:42
_iceso why is it running like piss for me then ?04:42
Snake___ice: never seen piss run...and I honestly don't know04:43
gammahey i'm getting some 404s when trying to upgrade dapper for the first time.. ideas?04:43
gammaFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/h/hal/hal_0.5.6-1ubuntu1_i386.deb  404 Not Found04:43
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_iceok so why is it running poorly for me then04:43
Snake___ice: as i just said, I honestly don't know04:43
_iceis there a way I can find out04:43
Snake___ice: talk to someone more experienced than I04:44
neoscguys.. i've set my eth card up using ifconfig eth0 *.*.*.* netmask *.*.*.*04:44
neosci still cnat connect to net tho...04:44
Snake__neosc: try typing "sudo dhclient"04:45
Snake__neosc: then try to ping google.com04:45
neoscno.. i cnt.. it gives04:45
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neosccannot find NeoSc using gethostbyname()04:45
Tainted-Tim1I love the clock applet! With the mode "fuzzy"!04:45
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Tainted-Tim1Its a "quarter to ten"04:45
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: It's quite annoying IMO :)04:46
Snake__neosc: when you do sudo dhclient??04:46
neoscany sudo command for that matter04:46
Snake__neosc: hmmm04:46
neoscsudo systemsettings, network-admin04:46
Snake__neosc: sounds like your sudo might be pooched, did it work??04:46
Snake__work before**04:47
neosci had to boot in recov mode to do the ifconfig04:47
Snake__neosc: like, did it work when you first installed your kubuntu04:47
neosci installed kub yesterday04:47
neoschasnt yet worked04:47
neoscam new to this04:47
Snake__neosc: Your install may have gone bad...because if sudo is screwed up, your in for a long haul04:48
_icehmm reinstalled amarok still get the same problems get the splash screen then it just keeps loading04:48
neoscya.. think i shud install again04:48
_icevery wierd04:48
Snake__neosc: that would be my suggestion04:48
neoscfwell.. what r the steps.. yesterday the install screwed up my XP.. dont want that to happed again04:49
neosci just format the drive?04:49
Snake__neosc: how did you screw up your XP?04:49
neoscoh i dad two win oses on my comp..04:49
Snake__neosc: just format the partition that XP isn't on04:50
neosci could no longer boot to xp.. showed a hal.dll missing or corrupted.. missing..04:50
neoscbut thats a commo error it seems..04:50
neoschad to recover back my xp04:50
Snake__neosc: very odd04:50
neoscyes.. but fairly common 4 ppl with 2 wins04:51
neoscwho install kub04:51
Snake__neosc: I'm sorry I don't have much experience myself beyond basic usage...04:51
Snake__So I can't really help you there04:51
neoscthanks anyway04:51
Snake__I try. lol04:51
NirvanaI have a problem with package creation. I have my own "secret" key in my ~/.gnupg/ dir. The filename is secring.gpg. All of that seems OK. But when I try to create a deb package for KMPlayer (0.92), I get this error: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/528282 -- Could the error be because I am creating this pkg in the /tmp directory, which is owned by root? I have made my own key, as I said earlier, and all should be well, 04:51
eightieski can't get kbfx to install....04:51
neoscam waiting for my 5 ubuntu cds..04:51
neoscthen i'll dump kubntu04:52
Snake__neosc: aw thats to bad...I love my kubuntu04:52
Tainted-Tim1Oh shit....How do I take a screenshot?04:52
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: run Kscreenshot04:52
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: i'm sorry, its called ksnapshot04:53
neoschmm.. cant i just reinstall kub.. over the existing one..04:53
Tainted-Tim1I was gonna say..04:53
neoscby booting frm th install cd04:53
neoscwithout formatting and stuf04:53
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Traum!lvm on to of Raid, or Raid on top of LVM??04:53
ubotuTraum: I give up, what is it?04:53
Snake__neosc: Yes you could, but I cant guarentee sudo being fixed, as I believe that retains your settings04:53
neoscoh BTW anyone know what the heck hotplug subsystem is... my booting hangs up half the time at that stage04:54
ubotueightiesk: I haven't a clue04:54
Tainted-Tim1http://infiniti-hax.com/images/ss.png It has nothing to do with hax, but Okay.04:54
Tainted-Tim1neosc: Do you have any USB things plugged in04:55
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Tainted-Tim1A GFX card?04:55
Snake__not bad Tainted-Tim104:55
Tainted-Tim1PCI cards?04:55
Tainted-Tim1or AGP?04:55
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: one moment, ill see if I can find a pic of my screen04:55
neoschmm.. maybe04:55
Tainted-Tim1Snake__: Im going to style it a bit more too.04:55
neoscbut i'm sure i got a M/B with all of that embedded04:56
neosci do have the slots tho..04:56
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: heres mine04:56
Tainted-Tim1Oh, Hmm.04:56
Tainted-Tim1Im a linux noob.04:56
Tainted-Tim1I just fixed my exact same problem.04:56
Tainted-Tim1I had a GFX card, I just put it in the Hotplug blacklist.04:57
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Tainted-Tim1sudo gedit /etc/hotplug/blacklist04:57
Tainted-Tim1or kate04:57
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neosccrap.. my sudo's gone phoosh04:58
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neoscgives 'cannot find neosc using gethostbyname()04:58
Tainted-Tim1Where can I get the infos thing?04:58
Tainted-Tim1neosc: No idea, ask some of the more experienced people.04:58
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NirvanaI have a problem with package creation. I have my own "secret" key in my ~/.gnupg/ dir. The filename is secring.gpg. All of that seems OK. But when I try to create a deb package for KMPlayer (0.92), I get this error: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/528282 -- Could the error be because I am creating this pkg in the /tmp directory, which is owned by root? I have made my own key, as I said earlier, and all should be well, 04:59
dark_suicNirvana, although i'm not sure and don't know a thing about packaging, if you believe that the error could be because of /tmp being owned by root, why don't you try to package it in your home directory?05:01
jlduggerso i tried out kubuntu -- is there an easy way to "go back in time" to before i installed kubuntu-desktop05:02
Tainted-Tim1Snake__: Where can I get the Infos applet?05:02
Tainted-Tim1Delete the partition.05:02
Snake__Tainted-Tim1: mmmmmmmmm dunno05:02
dark_suicjldugger, i don't know if ther is a way, but you need to uninstall kubuntu-desktop??? you can have both...05:04
dark_suicyou can enter gnome from the desktop manager05:04
jlduggerdark_suic, well, it kinda clobbered the applications menu05:04
jlduggeri dont really need all the kde kapps05:05
dark_suicwell, it shouln't have done that mainly because kde saves it's things at ~/.kde/05:05
dark_suicyou can see if you want any of them05:05
dark_suicor if you don't like ANY of them05:05
dark_suicjust remove your /home/user/.kde directory05:05
dark_suicit won't create one if you don't start kde again05:06
jlduggeri dont think that will fix it05:06
dark_suicand it should remove most of the icons05:06
jlduggerim pretty sure the menus are system wide05:06
=== Snake__ installs fluxbox
dark_suicjldugger, u already tried?05:06
dark_suicit won't hurt since you aren't using kde anymore, are you?05:06
Tainted-Tim1Why do you want fluxbox?05:07
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dark_suicthen you may try it...05:08
dark_suicas i said, it won't hurt05:08
dark_suicbut after4 removing it05:08
jlduggerwell i moved it to .kdetrsh05:08
dark_suicok, but you won't see any change if you move it05:08
jlduggerthe menus are still full of kde-crap, presumably because the programs are still installed05:08
dark_suicthe system looks for .desktop files05:08
jlduggeri dont see why GNOME would look in .KDE05:08
dark_suicand the .desktop files are still there if you move the folder ;)05:08
dark_suicand you have to restart your x server05:09
dark_suicin order to make it dissappear05:09
dark_suicgnome doesn't have any special hate to kde :P05:09
dark_suicit just looks ALL over the system (i think :P)05:09
dark_suicif you think you have too much to do, just format and reinstall ubuntu without installing kubuntu-desktop again05:10
jlduggerwell, if i apt-get remove ark, the menu entry goes away.05:10
eightieskdark_suic, will you help me?05:10
jlduggerrestarting your x server to apply changes appears to be more of a kde thing05:10
dark_suiceightiesk, i'm starting to get bored of people asking if i can help or if i will help :P just ask your question, maybe another one can help05:10
eightieski'm trying to install lol05:10
eightieskand it errors.05:11
dark_suicjldugger, if you make any config change in any thing, you have to restart the daemon running to make the changes apply05:11
dark_suicu ever tried changing /etc/network/interfaces and see if works without restarting networking?05:11
dark_suiceightiesk, i've heard that before, but can't help since i don't even know what kbfx is :P05:12
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jlduggerno, but ive tried changing the antialiasing / subpixel rendering05:12
dark_suicjldugger, if you just want to get rid of ALL KDE things, just reinstsall, it won't take more than 30-40 minutes05:12
jlduggerit'd take more than 30 minutes to remember all the things i had previously configured, and back up my drive05:13
eightieskAji-Dahaka, do u use kbfx?05:13
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dark_suicjldugger, you can save your configurations :P05:13
dark_suiceightiesk, try asking google with the exact error05:14
jlduggeralso, i dont have a list of packages i installed before kubuntu-desktop =/05:14
eightieskits a huge error...05:14
eightiesklike 15 of them.05:14
dark_suicjldugger, try removing the kde icons that mess up your menu05:14
dark_suicremoving the packages i mean05:14
jlduggeri just removed the kdelibs packages05:14
jlduggerthat caught pretty much everything05:15
dark_suicyou can just write them down to a terminal and then just05:15
dark_suicthat's true05:15
jlduggerthe only kde app i used before was k3hb05:15
=== Red_Herring [n=RJ@c-67-162-70-40.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
dark_suicyou should remove kde-core (or something like that)05:15
jlduggeri didnt install kde-core05:15
jlduggerits a virtual package05:15
jlduggernothing depends on it, so nothing would be removed if i uninstalled it =/05:15
dark_suicwell, kde-core is... kde core :P if you got kde installed it should have installed kde-core (i think)05:15
dark_suickeep in mind that i'm talking on suggestions and suppositions, never uninstalled kde from ubuntu as i love kde and don't like gnome :P05:16
dark_suici'm just trying to do my best to help you :P05:16
Red_Herringdark_suic: im not sure, i just found out i dont have kde core installed05:16
Red_Herringand  im running kde05:16
dark_suicRed_Herring, i don't know :P05:17
dark_suici just thought it should be installed as it is... ermmm kde-core?05:17
Red_Herringi got a question05:17
jlduggerim telling ya, kde core is just a virtual pacakge. it depends on lots of things, so before you install "kde-core" you get all the things that kde core consists of05:17
dark_suiclol :P05:17
Red_Herringhow are we gonna get SuSE lovers to come to Kubuntu?05:17
dark_suici read you before :P05:17
jlduggersame goes for kubuntu-desktop05:17
ownerred herring do youi want to switch back to gnome?05:17
Red_Herringthey are SO ignorant05:17
dark_suicRed_Herring, then leave them in their ignorance :P05:18
Red_Herringowner: i dont like gnome, theres nothgn new about it05:18
eightieskowner do you use kbfx?05:18
dark_suicif anyone wants to move to kubuntu they will say, just don't try to ask them to05:18
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owneri just googled it eighties05:18
dark_suiceightiesk, i'm kinda lazy at 5:20 am, what's kbfx?05:18
ownerits a kicker replacement05:18
dark_suickicker seems good to me :P05:19
eightieskits a kmenu replacment.05:19
Red_Herringdark_suic: i managed to get kubuntu on the computer club's computer, but the idiots FUCKED IT UP, so now they all love SuSE05:19
dark_suicok, ok05:19
Red_Herringeven thogh the turned it off during updating 5 TIMES!05:19
ownerred herring, how does suse compare to ubuntu05:19
dark_suicRed_Herring, while you have your kubuntu....05:19
Red_Herringthen WONDERED WHY IT BROKE05:19
Red_Herringowner: it doesnt05:19
owneri wanted to try suse before05:19
ownerthere is a supersuse05:20
Red_Herringsuse is years behind kubuntu05:20
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dark_suici just can't let my beloved apt go :P05:20
Red_Herringdont use suse05:20
Red_Herringthats kinda harsh05:20
Red_Herringits fine05:20
ownerokay, but what do you like the most about kubuntu over suse05:20
Red_Herringbut the OSS version sucks to use anything w/05:20
jlduggerim told suse does some pretty nifty things like provide mp3 playback by default, and detects most hardware properly.05:20
Red_Herringthe FREE version cant get win32codecs05:20
Red_Herringor java05:20
Red_Herringor flash05:21
Red_Herringor opera05:21
CowlikeRed_Herring: at least Suse will correctly work with the power settings on your Dell laptop out of the box  ;)05:21
Red_Herringbut the paid version is nice05:21
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Red_HerringCowlike: suse FUCKED UP the power setting on my laptop05:21
ownerwhat about opensuse?05:21
Red_Herringkubuntu works perfecly05:21
Red_Herringowner: it sucks05:21
ownerdoes suse use reiserfs?05:21
CowlikeRed_Herring: I have never yet been able to get kunbuntu to hibernate properly05:21
Red_Herringthe only nice thing about suse is all the stuff that ya have ta get in ubuntu comes w/ suse05:22
Red_Herringthe paid version05:22
CowlikeRed_Herring: crashes on restart  (prolly my ATI card)05:22
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Red_HerringATI and linux sucks05:22
ownerati driver support sucks05:22
ownercowlike all of us ati fglrx users have that issue05:23
Cowlikeowner and Red_Herring: everything is great w.r.t the ATI (opengl and all) except for the low power stuff05:23
Red_Herringi used to have ati05:23
ownerit causes gdm/kdm to freeze when logging out05:23
Red_Herringbut i hated it's linux support soooo much i got an nvidia card05:23
Cowlikeowner: I have no such problem when logging out. only the power stuff gives me grief. everything else is great05:24
JestreIs there a Psi 0.10 coming for kubuntu?05:24
Red_Herringwhats Psi?05:24
ubotuRed_Herring: Huh?05:24
JestreRed_Herring: Jabber client05:24
eightieskowner ne luck?05:24
eightieski been working on this for an hour.05:24
Red_Herringwhere are all ya from?05:24
dark_suici have kopete for jabber :P05:25
Red_Herringi dont know anyone who uses jabber05:25
dark_suicspain, Red_Herring05:25
Red_Herringbut i heard its popular in other places05:25
dark_suicRed_Herring, now you know :P05:25
eightieskEastern USA here.05:25
Red_Herringi thoguth you told me that05:25
Red_Herringsuberb of chicago here05:25
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Red_Herringwheres everyone else from?05:26
dark_suicyeah, you asked the same yesterday :P05:26
Red_Herringyeah, and it was interesting to talk to someone from spain05:26
Red_Herringand finland05:26
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Red_Herringi never would have learned about what others think of america if it wasnt for you guys05:27
alekzhi, how can i have sound on multiple aplications? if i use amaroK i dont have sound in firefox and same if i use firefox.. what can i do ?05:28
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Red_Herringhow do i add users?05:35
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bur[n] erRed_Herring: kuser05:35
Red_Herringterminal way05:36
Red_Herringim sshing into a debian box i made05:36
Red_Herringno way to use kuser05:36
Jestreadduser or useradd05:37
Red_Herringadduser doesnt work05:37
Red_Herringits useradd05:37
JestreEither should work... depends on how much configuration I need for the user05:38
JestreThough I've never used deb05:38
Red_Herringits the same as ubuntu05:38
dark_suicJestre, in some distros both aren't installed, just one of them...05:38
Red_Herringactually to be accurate, ubuntu is the same as debian05:39
dark_suicwell, more or less :P05:39
JestreSort of, kinda :)05:39
dark_suicubuntu/kubuntu is more user friendly05:39
Red_Herringnever mind05:39
Red_Herringi just forgot to run it as root05:39
dark_suicbut debian sid is more uptodate05:39
=== Red_Herring kicks himself
dark_suicyou should :P05:39
Red_Herringthe base of debian is the same as ubuntu05:39
Red_Herringits the closest thing ubuntu is to05:40
Red_Herringslight differences05:40
Red_Herringfor example05:40
dr_wuif i may, Ubuntu is built around Debian?05:40
Red_Herringdr_wu: yup05:40
Red_Herringnearly 100%05:40
Red_Herringwhen i run ifconfig as a normal user under debian, it claims that the command is not found05:41
Red_Herringit works fine as a normal user under ubuntu05:41
Red_Herringi like debian's way on that one05:41
dark_suicfor servers it's way better, but for a desktop install :P05:43
dark_suichaving to su for knowing your ip isn't the best way to do it :P05:44
dark_suicor just /sbin/ifconfig05:44
Red_Herringi think it is05:44
Red_Herringif someone is ssh'd into your box as a normal user, its nice for them not to know too much about teh computer ;-)05:44
dark_suicwell, it's just 5:45 am here, i didn't remember that with ifconfig you actually can CHANGE  eth config :P05:44
dark_suicand as it's the time it is05:44
dark_suici think my system is going down to sleep NOW!05:45
Cowlikeif someone is ssh'd into your box, they sure as hell already know what your ip is05:45
stupendo44hey, it there any way to control the automatic "nice" changing that Kubuntu is doing05:46
dark_suicwell, but if someone is able to ssh into your box it's sure he will know that /sbin/ifconfig works too05:46
stupendo44sometimes it will slow a program down, when I don't want it to05:46
Red_Herringnot sure05:46
stupendo44like firefox, when it's taking up 200MB of RAM05:46
Red_Herringdark_suic: im trying to get a freind to learn ssh and linux05:46
dark_suicsee you guys05:46
Red_Herringi dont want them to be able to use ifconfig05:46
Cowlikethen make it 70005:47
Cowlikeit's owned by root05:47
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_grigoryanyone uses mplayer here?05:48
_grigorycan't get fullscreen to work05:48
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Red_Herring_grigory: you have the latest drivers installed?05:48
Red_Herringvideo card drivers05:48
_grigoryhm... i suppose no05:48
fit4lfetrying to link firefox 1.5 as a dchoot -d05:49
fit4lfeusing kde05:49
Red_Herringdont use firefox1.505:49
Red_Herringits backported too much05:49
fit4lfewhy ?05:49
Red_Herringit uses newer libs05:49
_grigoryi thought it was mplayer problem - it doesn't really fullscreen video, just puts it on the black background, original size05:49
fit4lfeI like the tabs though05:49
Red_Herring_grigory: no, its the hardware, and by extention the driver, that controls the expantion of that05:50
_grigoryRed_Herring: ok, thanks... let's check out ati.com05:50
ubotufglrx is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto05:51
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Cowlikefit4lf3: i've been using 1.5 since it came out and it's fine. has a memory leak but other than that :)05:51
Red_HerringJUST a memory leak05:51
Red_Herringthats a VERY bad thing05:52
Cowlikeyes, just a leak05:52
Cowlikeno shit05:52
Red_Herringthats what makes m$ suck05:52
Cowlikejust shut it down every few days05:52
CowlikeI know, nobody likes leaks... just saying it works. no lib problems05:52
Red_Herringthe leak is a lib problem05:52
Red_Herringi geruntee it05:53
Cowlikewhat lib problem is that, exactly?05:53
Red_Herringno clue05:53
Red_Herringbut ff1.5 uses brand new libs05:53
Red_Herringwhich kubuntu doesnt have05:53
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Red_Herringso it could be any one of them05:53
Cowliketons of C and C++ programs leak and it has nothing to do with libs, just forgetting to match all your allocs with frees05:53
Red_Herringbut the normal ff doesnt leak05:54
Red_Herringunder any OS05:54
Cowlikewhat is "normal"?05:54
Cowlikegoogle and you'll see that it had plenty of leaks before as well05:54
fit4lfehaving trouble with amarok :?05:54
Red_Herringyou win05:54
fit4lfeI get to the splash screen and then it keeps loading ?05:54
Cowlikekmail is crashing with all the latest updates. I consider that worse :(   I kinda like kmail too05:55
Cowlikebreezy, that is05:55
CowlikeHas anyone here ever tried to get (k)ubuntu working in MS Virtual PC?  Every time I try to install, it crashes partway through the install. Very frustrating.05:57
Red_Herringthats MS virtual pc for ya05:59
Red_Herringwe are a bunch of nerds who hate m$, ya think we got MS Virtual PC?05:59
Cowlikeheh   sure, why not?05:59
TraumI just got bitten by that snake: the aversion to MS06:00
TraumI tried to change the partition type to bsd from msdos06:01
Cowlikei need win for the work vpn, unfortunately.   would like access to linux without going to my other box while i'm doing that06:01
Red_Herringsame here06:01
Traumand could not configure lvm and raid in the partitioner06:01
Red_Herringi hate ms06:01
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stupendo44Red_Herring: me too06:01
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Red_Herringwho doesnt here?06:01
Red_Herringi mean, this IS a linux chat room06:02
Traumnext time you install ubuntu 5.10, try it06:02
stupendo44maybe you should by IHateMS.com06:02
stupendo44just because someone likes linux doesn't mean they hate MS06:02
Traumdelete whole disk, and change type to something else...06:02
Traumbesides msdos06:02
Cowlikestupendo44: i'm too old and work on too many systems to get religious about that :)06:02
Cowlikesure, I greatly prefer working on unix type systems but you can't all the time in work life.  well some of us can't06:03
stupendo44yeah, I can't really get paid for fixing someone's Windows XP computer while I'm complaining the whole time, "Man, I hate Microsoft. Man, I hate Microsoft."06:03
Red_Herringsame here06:03
Red_Herringi just shut my mouth the entire time06:03
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stupendo44I finally got my dns issue resolved, thanks to lunaphyte over in #dns. This is so awesome...06:04
Red_Herringthats my debian server06:04
Cowlikeoh no! we know ur ip!  ;)06:05
stupendo44ok, you could definitely do without the scrolling title bar06:05
stupendo44cheesy and annoying06:06
Red_Herringi made that in cp106:06
Red_Herringi was learning JS06:06
Red_Herringthat just got up today06:06
Red_Herringit was down for the last month06:06
Cowlikeyikes! running ftp too   ;)06:07
=== bur[n] er would like to introduce Cowlike to dns.pl which works for anyone on irc :P
Red_HerringCowlike: nothing on the ftp site06:07
Cowlikejust wondering why you'd run ftp server and ssh both06:08
Red_Herringyet... ;-)06:08
Red_HerringCowlike: ssh cant transfer files06:08
Cowlikeummm yes it can06:08
=== bur[n] er assumes Cowlike just learned what port scanning does
Cowlikeman "scp"06:08
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bur[n] eryes ssh can!!!06:08
Red_Herringscp is something else entirely06:08
unix_infidelanyone here use kwifimanager to manage multiple wireless AP's and to transition b/w them?06:08
bur[n] erRed_Herring: sftp:// in nautilus or fish:// in konqueror or winscp.com for windows06:08
Cowlikebur[n] er   believe me, i've know that for a looooooong time06:09
Red_Herringbur[n] er: thats sftp06:09
bur[n] erscp is part of ssh, if you have ssh server, you have scp06:09
Red_Herringnot ssh06:09
Red_Herringor ftp06:09
gammaanyone getting 404 errors on dapper when trying to get the latest libasound, alsa-utils, ifupdown gconf2 libgconf2 gconf2-common libhal hal libhalstorage??06:09
stupendo44Red_Herring: One more suggestion, don't insert the full-size image into a reduced size on the page. The resizing always looks terrible06:09
Cowlikescp is part of the ssh distribution06:09
bur[n] erRed_Herring: it's part of ssh server06:09
Cowlikelook into it some time06:09
stupendo44the glue and bush pictures06:09
Red_Herringstupendo44: didnt i make a thumbnail?06:09
Cowlikessh server handles that06:09
Red_Herringthat one06:09
stupendo44Red_Herring: not for those two. A right-click View Picture shows the whole thing06:09
bur[n] ergamma: it's just the US repos06:10
Red_Herringoh yeah, forgot about those06:10
gammabur[n] er: are they going to add it at some point? 0.o06:11
ubotueightiesk: Huh?06:11
ubotuBugger all, i dunno, eightiesk06:11
ubotueightiesk: Some people juggle geese06:11
stupendo44someone should register BestLinuxDistribution.com and direct it to Kubuntu06:11
stupendo44ubotu: some people juggle geese06:12
ubotuSome people juggle geese, stupendo4406:12
Red_Herringgood idea06:12
bur[n] ergamma: add what?  I don't know, i just switched all the us.ubuntu to fr.ubuntu ;)06:12
bur[n] ereightiesk: /msg ubotu06:13
stupendo44ubotu: some people juggle geese06:13
ubotuBugger all, i dunno, stupendo4406:13
gammabur[n] er: haha i guess i'll do that too then :P06:14
gammadidn't france outlaw opensource?06:15
bur[n] ergamma: works for me so far, i hvaen't fully updated all my packages yet... should work though06:15
bur[n] ergamma: you prefer de. or uk. or au. ? ;)06:15
=== bur[n] er just picked randomly as a test
=== mylinux [n=mylinux@c-68-47-249-178.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
gammahaha i'll stick with the french i guess :P06:16
gammai'm changing my list back once i upgrade though ;)06:16
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gammastupid question.. is laptop ram the same as desktop pc ram?06:24
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Red_Herringwtf is with this!?!?!?06:33
Red_Herringi can get ftp as myself06:33
Red_Herringbut i made an account for my freind...06:33
Red_Herringbut he cant use his06:33
Red_Herringit gives him a password failure06:33
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eXSiRis there a way to change dpi on kde ??06:34
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CowlikeRed_Herring: is there a message in /var/log/messages?06:35
CowlikeRed_Herring: it would be much easier to just have him use scp or sftp though06:36
Cowlikeand more secure06:36
Cowlikeftp transmits passwords over the wire in the clear06:36
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=== Random1 [n=mylinux@c-68-47-249-178.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
bur[n] ereXSiR: by editing X itself06:41
eXSiRi found it but i dont know which value06:41
eXSiRsorry for this silly question06:41
=== eightiesk [n=eighties@c-68-34-70-74.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
bur[n] ereXSiR: it's probably set to 100 or 72 or06:42
eXSiRi wanna setr it to 9606:42
eXSiRi am reading man pages now06:42
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eXSiRin fact the real problem is with my kde and gtk app. On kde desktop, gtk applications' font is very small!06:43
slavikwhat advice can you offer me to increase the eye candy in kde?06:43
Red_HerringeXSiR: look in systemsettings06:44
Red_Herringunder appearence06:44
Red_Herringand font06:44
Red_Herringit should be there06:44
eXSiRthere is no settings for dpi on kde06:44
Red_Herringwell.. for gtk font's sizes06:44
Red_Herringthere is06:44
=== eightiesk [n=eighties@c-68-34-70-74.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
eXSiRyes there is, but when i use it, this time my gnome desktop is messy06:45
eXSiRi use gnome and kde06:45
eXSiRon gnome desktop there is a setting for dpi06:45
bur[n] ershitty, there are no settings for dpi that are kde specific, no06:45
Red_Herringanyone know how to resize ext3?06:46
eXSiRthere is no06:46
bur[n] erRed_Herring: qtparted06:46
Red_Herringor the windows extended partition?06:46
Red_Herringbur[n] er: no06:46
bur[n] eragain, qtparted06:46
bur[n] eryes06:46
Red_Herringit cant resize06:46
kkathmanRed_Herring: try QTparted06:46
bur[n] erit can't06:46
kkathmaner qtparted06:46
Red_Herringthats tough06:46
bur[n] er?06:46
bur[n] erit can06:46
Red_Herringnot when its my root partition i wanna resize06:46
bur[n] eru can't resize mounted partitions06:46
bur[n] erRed_Herring: u can with a livecd :P06:46
Red_Herringany progs for windows?06:46
=== bur[n] er like kanotix, but knoppix works well too
Red_Herringcuz i also need to resize my extended partition06:47
Random1really stupid question...where do i change my theme?06:47
eXSiRalso ubuntu has gparted on dvd06:47
bur[n] eryou're gonna want a livecd to do it06:47
bur[n] erRandom1: kcontrol06:47
eXSiRlive dvd06:47
Red_Herringwill do06:47
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Red_Herringbut i really wanna know how to resize the windows extended partition06:47
kkathmanRed_Herring:  you can try parted or gparted also if you dont like the KDE version06:48
bur[n] erRed_Herring: qtparted06:48
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Red_Herringit cant handle extended partitions06:48
bur[n] eryes06:48
Red_Herringi wanna install pcbsd06:48
kkathmanyah bur[n] er I mentioned that earlier06:48
bur[n] ersays who, it can resize extended!06:48
bur[n] erjust not when mounted06:48
bur[n] erhence, livecd06:48
kkathmanqtparted handles extended partitions just fine06:48
Red_Herringthe thing is06:48
Red_Herringbsd can only see the extended partition06:49
Red_Herringand nothing inside it06:49
Red_Herringso i need to get free space outside that extened partition outside it06:49
Red_Herringand i dont know how to do it06:49
Random1wth is a theme file?06:50
=== bur[n] er sits dumbfounded that Red_Herring can navigate to this irc chat, but can't resize it
Red_Herringbur[n] er: nice06:50
Red_Herringbut its harder than it seems06:50
ownerwell he is a burner06:50
ownerburns people hehe06:51
Red_Herringbsd can only see extended partitions and primary ones06:51
Red_Herringnot logical ones06:51
Red_Herringso i need to turn a logical one into a primary one06:51
Red_Herringand thats my problem06:51
owneryou can only have so many primary partitions06:51
Red_Herringi have 106:51
Red_Herringthat too much?06:52
bur[n] erresize your extended as small as it can be, make a new primary, move stuff from teh extended to the primary, delte teh extended06:52
bur[n] eru can have 406:52
Red_Herringbur[n] er: i cant resize it under linux06:52
eXSiRyes only 4 primary on a hdd06:52
Red_Herringits a windows one06:52
bur[n] erRed_Herring: livecd livecd livecd livecd livecd06:53
=== honkzilla is now known as honk|afk
owneri dunno about gparted but partition magic lets you turn logical partitions into primary06:53
=== bur[n] er struggles helping the blind and must depart
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Red_Herringwill have to "obtain" partition magic06:54
eXSiRwhy doesn't kde have a dpi setting, why why why!06:58
Red_Herringbecause god hates you06:58
Red_Herringdont worry, he hates me too06:58
=== Tainted-Tim1 [n=infiniti@cpe-70-115-169-204.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
Tainted-Tim1Do you know of a way to quickly install IE on Linux?06:59
eXSiRa wiki page, maybe my luck backs06:59
Red_Herringi had it for a while06:59
Red_Herringit was POINTLESS06:59
Red_Herringbut i have a picure of it on my site06:59
Tainted-Tim1I have to.06:59
Tainted-Tim1Im a webdesigner, and need to test it.07:00
Red_Herringtry wine-sidenet07:00
Tainted-Tim1Once I get my laptop running ill be good.07:00
ownerIE6 works well under wine07:00
ownerbut you need to install dcom9807:00
Red_Herringbut who wants it?07:00
owneror websites run slow07:00
Tainted-Tim1Who wants what?07:00
ownerprobably just for testing red herring07:00
Red_Herringi know07:00
Red_Herringbut still07:00
Tainted-Tim1Yeah, testing. I need to test it.07:00
Red_Herringits retarded07:00
Tainted-Tim1I can't convince all my clients to convice their users to download FF and Ubuntu.07:01
Red_Herringnot ubuntu07:01
Red_Herringjust firefox07:01
Tainted-Tim1Same thing.07:01
Tainted-Tim1It's impossible.07:01
Red_Herringdamn frostwire sucks07:01
Red_Herringit disgusts me07:01
Tainted-Tim1Fuck, thats why I had to restart.07:02
=== Tainted-Tim1 is now known as Tainted
TaintedWhere can I get the dcom shit?07:02
Red_HerringTainted: look at the link above07:03
TaintedI did...07:03
TaintedOh they have it there?07:03
ownerdcom98 is available from the ms website07:03
Red_Herringi think so...07:03
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TaintedI wish someone would make a native-linux browser to emulate the shitty IE.07:05
Red_Herringits just that, shitty07:05
Red_Herringwhy would i waste my time making a shitty browser?07:06
TaintedLol, so it runs natively.07:06
TaintedFor people like me.07:06
ownerkonquerer can fake ie6 browser07:06
owner tags07:06
Red_Herringwell, the keyword there is fake07:06
Red_Herringit just sets the document.browser to ie607:06
TaintedWell the fucking keyword in my statement is fucking NATIVE!07:06
TaintedNot emulated.07:07
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TaintedFor people who need it.07:07
eXSiRi made it07:07
eXSiRi found the dpi settings07:07
eXSiRi love linux, because everthing is possible07:07
Red_Herringnot everything07:08
ownermicrosoft should release ie6 for linux07:08
owneryeah right :)07:08
TaintedThat's not what I mean.07:08
ownerbut they did have a mac version07:08
owneruntil recently07:08
TaintedI mean someone emulate the way it processes all the shit.07:08
Red_Herringits just on linux you can do almost anything w/o your computer crashing when you try and save it07:08
eXSiReverything is possible, u can be sure... it makes me coffee while i work :P07:08
Red_Herringi really want paragon partition manager07:09
Red_Herringbut i cant find it anywhere07:09
bur[n] erqtparted > paragon07:09
eXSiRthere is a wiki page for dpi settings, if u wanna look... http://process-of-elimination.net/wiki/Control_Font_DPI_in_X07:09
Red_Herringby anywhere, i mean "best buy" (limewire)07:09
=== Demented [n=D3M3N73D@71-10-75-176.dhcp.dlth.mn.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
Red_Herringbur[n] er: not for windows partitions07:10
eXSiRRed_Herring: u can use norton partition magic fow windows07:10
Red_Herringi could...07:10
Dementedhello again07:10
eXSiRand with a live cd u can use gparted or parted07:10
Red_Herringlemme try that07:10
Red_HerringeXSiR: i wanna use my windows drive, it has more free space07:10
eXSiRi prefer a live cd if i were u07:10
eXSiRu can use a live cd or norton partiton magic with windows07:11
eXSiRwhat is it, ntfs07:11
Red_Herringi have a fat32 partition in there07:11
eXSiRgparted can resize it07:11
Red_Herringand i wanna use that to install bsd07:11
Red_Herringbut thats the thing07:12
Red_Herringits in an extended partition07:12
Red_Herringand bsd cant see it07:12
ownerwhich bsd are you installing?07:14
Red_Herringwhich is freebsd07:14
Red_Herringw/ kde07:14
Red_Herringi think it sounds neat07:14
=== Red_Herring wants to check it out
ownernever heard of it before now07:15
=== apappu [n=apappu@adsl-65-43-231-138.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuRed_Herring: Some people juggle geese07:15
Red_Herringoh, fine07:15
Red_Herringdeny the existance of other distros07:15
apappuKopete and google talk07:15
Red_Herringubotu: can you google things for me?07:15
ubotuRed_Herring: Huh?07:15
apappuhello can any one helo me in configuring kopete and google talk07:16
Red_Herringnot yet07:16
Red_Herringthe talk protocol isnt out yet07:16
Red_Herringwell... it isnt worked into kopete yet07:16
Red_Herringso no sound07:16
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apappui am able to connect to google talk with gaim07:16
Red_Herringso you dont mind the lack of sound?07:17
owner!google google07:17
ubotuowner: parse error: dunno what you're talking about07:17
apappuchedk the above ink07:17
ubotugoogle is, like, a very popular internet search engine at http://www.google.com - They also run Gmail at http://www.gmail.com as a free E-mail service.07:17
ubotuBugger all, i dunno, Tainted07:17
ubotuTainted: What?07:17
ubotuRed_Herring: I haven't a clue07:18
apappugoogle I think is not using any proprietary protocol so any help will be appreciated07:18
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel.07:18
Taintedubotu, do you have a girlfriend.07:18
ubotuTainted: Did you get hit by a windmill?07:18
Tainted!lart Red_Herring07:18
=== ubotu pours hot grits down the front of Red_Herring's pants
Red_Herringi just got one!07:18
Red_Herringthat hurt07:18
Red_Herringnow i cant reproduce07:18
TaintedYeah you can...07:18
TaintedJust not with your penis.07:19
Red_Herringnot the "conservative" way07:19
Red_Herringthanks, just as i got a girlfreind07:19
Red_Herringthis is gonna go well07:20
Red_Herring!lart Tainted07:21
=== ubotu rm -rf's Tainted
Red_Herringtake that07:21
Red_Herringwhats the latest version of partiton magic?07:25
Random1how do i get the little bar thingie that tells my system stats?07:25
Red_Herringlook under applets07:26
Red_Herringwhen you right click the bar07:26
Random1are u talking about the task bar?07:26
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Red_Herringwhatever that bar is called07:27
Random1oh found it07:27
Random1crap, do i have to install it first?07:27
ubotuit has been said that apt is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/AptGetHowTo/ or http://www.debian.org/doc/user-manuals#apt-howto07:28
Red_HerringRandom1: shount have to07:28
Random1its that bar that tells you CPU usage and such07:29
Red_Herringnow that i think abou tit07:29
Red_Herringabout it*07:29
Red_Herring(thinking about those too)07:30
Red_Herringyou DO need to install it07:30
Red_Herringdont know what its called07:30
Random1that's a start07:30
ilba7rRandom1, are you talking about gdesklets or gkrellm07:30
Random1no idea, hold let me show you a screenshot07:31
Red_Herringilba7r: i think hes talking about kde07:31
ilba7rRandom1, through it onto the pastebin07:31
Random1http://www.kde-look.org/content/pre1/153-1.jpg you see that bar on the left?07:31
Random1something like that07:31
ilba7rRed_Herring, this picture is of gkrellm07:32
ilba7rRandom1, it is the one used with fluxbox and damn small linux07:32
Random1no idea07:32
LiteHeddedhas anyone installed nzbget??07:32
ilba7rRandom1, here are some screen shots http://members.dslextreme.com/users/billw/gkrellm/gkrellm.html07:33
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Red_Herringthat bar07:33
ilba7rthere are different themes for it different colours07:34
Random1ohhhhh, so can i install that with Adept?07:34
ilba7rrandom1 the packagename is gkrellm07:34
ilba7rand you can install it it is in the repos07:34
Red_Herringpanel menu --> add to panel --> panel --> kasbar07:34
Red_Herringno, not kasbar07:34
Red_Herringmaybe it is kasbar07:35
Random1gkrellm doesnt show up on Adept07:35
ilba7rhere are some themes you can check http://www.muhri.net/07:35
ilba7rrandom1 perhaps you do not have the right repos07:35
ilba7rlet me check where it is07:35
Random1ohhh, what's repos? lol07:35
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource07:36
ilba7rit is in universe07:36
Random1ohhh, ya07:36
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic07:37
ilba7rthat is the easiest way random107:37
ilba7roh this guy is running it with enlightenment 17 a real eye candy07:39
=== Red_Herring <3 e17
Red_Herringi have it installe07:39
Red_HerringBOY IS IT BUGGY07:39
ilba7ram waiting for the stable07:39
Red_Herringi need to use cvs to install it07:39
ilba7rfor i had it installed then maintining it a pain07:39
=== stoned [i=bunghole@ip68-12-72-181.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
Red_Herringilba7r: you waiting07:40
Red_Herringprepare to wait a LONG time07:40
Red_Herringyou know how long e16 came out?07:40
Red_Herringin 200007:40
ilba7rno problem am quite happy with ion3 and fluxbox so far07:40
Red_Herringi like kde07:41
ilba7rtake too many resources07:41
ilba7rand i love window tabbing07:41
stonedI can't seem to run kynaptic/synaptic.  it fials with su returned with error, when I launch it from console, I get this, |(synaptic:27729): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:.  apparantly root ran programs can't run on X.  how exactly do I run get synaptic to work07:41
Red_Herringsurprixingly fast on mine07:41
Red_Herringstoned: did you enable su?07:41
Red_Herringrun it using sudo07:41
Random1i still can't find this gkrellm07:41
Red_Herringyou shouldnt enable su, so if you dont know wtf im talking about, thats good07:42
ilba7rrandom1 reload first07:42
Random1i enabled both restricted and universe07:42
ilba7rreload the sources.list07:42
kkathmanRed_Herring:  yah we typically dont tell people to do that07:42
Red_Herringi know07:42
kkathmanits not wise07:42
stonedsudo kynaptic doesn't tell me anything, just sits there07:42
stonedno errors07:42
Red_Herringi was telling him NOT to run it using su07:42
kkathmanif people are experienced, they already know that...if they arent, they shouldnt be running at root07:42
Red_Herringkkathman: is it really more secure to run it as sudo?07:42
Red_Herringive been told both ways07:43
kkathmanits a very superior model to root07:43
kkathmanyou have much more selective control over sudo than root07:43
stonedwell how superior is it really, cuz it doesn't work07:43
Red_Herringwell... i have been told it still has many of the shortcomings su has07:43
ilba7rrandom1 for sure there is source reload button. if you can not find it close adept and run this in a terminal. sudo apt-get update07:43
Random1oh, i got iy07:43
kkathmanyes it does stoned07:43
kkathmanit works great07:43
stonedkkathman: i know07:43
stonedso help me get it wokrin gman07:43
stonedi can't run synaptic/kynaptic because of this07:44
kkathmanyou dont have sudo working?07:44
stonedapparantly not07:44
kkathmanwhat happens when you try to run something with sudo?07:44
stonedit takes the command, but nothing happens07:45
ilba7rstoned do you have administrative privalages07:45
ilba7rare you in the sudoers file?07:45
stonedilba7r: applications ran as root error out with can't open display07:45
stonedilba7r: i don't know07:45
Random1ok, so i installed gkrellm, but how do i get it up?07:46
stonedfirst thing I did after i installed ubuntu was sudo su passwd07:46
ilba7rwhen sudo do not do anything this mean your account is not in the sudo users07:46
stonedand set a pass on root07:46
ownerstoned thats X security07:46
kkathmanwell then anything you do with sudo is moot then07:46
owneryou have to type xhost +07:46
kkathmanstoned:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo?action=show&redirect=UsingSudo07:46
ownerand then you can run apps from root07:46
ownersu account07:46
stonedhere it goes07:47
stonedowner: thanks dude man homie bro07:47
stonedsudo was crashing cuz of that too07:47
ownershouldnt do..07:47
stonedhmm apparantly not07:47
stonednow kynaptic works but synaptic don't07:48
stonedhow does one add an account to the sudoers list07:48
owneruse visudo07:48
stonedthere it goes07:50
stonedman i'll smoke a bowl to your good health07:50
stonedsudo is kickin rectums07:50
owneri have this line in my sudoers file07:50
owner%adminALL=(ALL) ALL07:50
ownerthats how ubuntu sets up sudoers07:51
stonedi just copied the one for root, and subsituted for username07:51
stonedi don't like kynaptic07:51
stonednow i need to install prawn viewing gear07:52
stonedoh hey, I can't find kplayer anywhere in kubuntu07:52
ownerits not installed07:53
stonedmplayer/gmplayer don't have the sdl output lib.  I use sdl for videos07:53
stonedwhat if i used marillat's kplayer package on kubuntu07:53
ownerthats a good idea07:53
ownerbecause its not in the official repos07:53
stonedi just hope there isn't any dep probs07:54
ownermarillat is for debian07:54
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stonedand etch/sarge as well07:55
LiteHeddednzbget users here?07:55
stonedlets hope one of them works07:55
stonedi really hate install dev packages to compile one app07:55
owneri had to compile kmplayer last time i wanted it07:55
stonedi need another 19" monitor07:56
=== shapeos [n=enfact@cpe-72-228-0-103.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
=== EightiesK [n=Eighties@c-68-34-70-74.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
ilba7rok an old question anyone know of a pdf editor for linux07:58
EightiesKhow can i get to my linux files in windows?07:58
ilba7reditor not form filling tool07:58
ilba7rEightiesK, ext2fs07:58
ubotuilba7r: Do they come in packets of five?07:58
LiteHeddeddoes anyone use NZBGET?08:03
LiteHeddedI can't figure out the cfg file08:03
ilba7rLiteHedded, am afraid your only way so far is to google it or ask in ubuntu channel08:04
LiteHeddedyea I've tried08:04
ilba7rLiteHedded, it would be easier if you just cast your specific question08:05
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LiteHeddedok in the nzbget.cfg file08:06
LiteHeddedfor server IP I don't know what to put08:06
EightiesKilba7r, it won't load.08:06
LiteHeddedthere's another option that asks for my news server URL08:06
ilba7rEightiesK, what will not load?08:06
ilba7rLiteHedded, in ubuntu you may have more chance of an answer :). just ask your question there and do not say who uses a package08:07
LiteHeddedif no one uses it they won't be able to help08:07
LiteHeddedmy question is complicated08:08
ilba7rLiteHedded, they will answer most of the time direct questions not vague ones. try it you will loose nothing08:08
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stonedhow do i get the navigation sidepanel in konq.  it seems to have disappeared08:13
GameOver69hey guys where can i download extensions for konquerer08:13
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stonedi don't have the save view profile/loda view profile etc in konqueror menu08:18
stonedwhat happened08:18
stonedi hope i don't have to regret installing ubuntu over debian08:18
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unix_infidelanyone know where i can find the matrix code animation somewhere WITHOUT it being in screensaver form?08:25
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ubotuBy default, the root password is locked in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.08:39
Tm_Tubotu: krhm, yelling doesn't help08:42
ubotuSyntax error in line 1, Tm_T08:42
Tm_Tunix_infidel: I mean08:42
Tm_Tubotu: how are you?08:42
ubotushiny!, Tm_T08:42
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HimelIs there a difference in the drivers included in Kubuntu and Ubuntu? Ubuntu is working fine with the wifi adaptors I'm using (Netgear W311v2), but Kubuntu doesn't pick up the wireless access point, and states that my network probably isn't using DHCP, even though it is.09:14
hussamMy upgrade to dapper worked but I after I reboot, it says: Alert! /dev/hdb2 does not exist Dropping to shell. Anyway I can fix this?09:14
eXSiRkubuntu doesnt detect the network correctly, u should set it urself09:15
kkathmaneXSiR: actually Kubuntu sets it just fine if you are connected to the net when installing...I've not had a problem with that at all09:17
eXSiRi am using an ethernet card and kubuntu didnt detect my connection09:18
eXSiRi set it after09:18
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CaptainbrailleWhats a good engine to play Mp3s with for amaroK? Can you set up RealPlayer10 for that?09:23
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eXSiRu can try xine or gstreamer engines with alsasink09:25
CaptainbrailleeXSiR: What is alasink?09:26
kkathmaneXSiR: my install was smooth as silk, and it never had a problem...with 3 machines, 3 different cards, and 2 of those are older machines too :)09:26
eXSiRi mean u can set this engines for alsa output09:26
Captainbrailleohhh, okay =) thanks lemme try that09:26
eXSiRi am using gstream engine with alsa09:27
eXSiRbut i tried xine and it worked too09:27
CaptainbrailleeXSiR: I'm looking in Adept for alsa, which one should I get?09:28
TaintedFuck yeah.09:28
eXSiRfor amarok?09:28
TaintedGot IE working, not that I like IE, but I need it.09:29
TaintedI'm a webdesigner.09:29
CaptainbrailleYeah, amarok09:29
TaintedSo, I have to test for Windows IE mainyl09:29
eXSiRtry amarok-engines09:29
eXSiRit will install amarok-xine, amarok-gstreamer and amarok-arts09:30
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CaptainbrailleWill alsa also let me use the "Eq?"09:30
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eXSiRi am using alsa on my ubuntu and kubuntu and there is no problem09:32
aeon17xSome of the alsa problems come from playing restricted formats like MP3s.09:33
fatejudgeris anyone able to use checkinstall in Dapper?09:33
fatejudgerI think the package is broken09:33
eXSiRu can install akode-mpeg package for amarok to listen mp3s09:33
fatejudgeror there's some bug09:34
fatejudgerin checkinstall itself09:34
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CaptainbrailleSound System- GStreamer Engine / Output Plugin: alsasink  -- It's not working with MP3s for me09:34
eXSiRdid u install akode-mpeg package09:34
eXSiRit is neccessary to listen mp3s09:35
CaptainbrailleYou my friend are a genius09:36
eXSiRafter install this package try 'killall artsd' then try again09:36
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CaptainbrailleI just type 'killall artsd' in the konsole?09:38
TaintedHelp me fix that.09:38
eXSiRwithout '09:38
TaintedLook at the clock on the bottom right.09:39
TaintedAlso may I suggest downloading this: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=29153 ?09:39
TaintedIt's an awesome little app.09:40
TaintedAnyone have an ideas whats wrong with my clock?09:42
CaptainbrailleeXSiR: I still can't get it to work =\09:45
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eXSiRi dont know why but u can try edit /etc/libao.conf as default_driver=alsa09:47
eXSiRmaybe this works09:47
TaintedeXSiR: Will you help me?09:47
CaptainbrailleI don't know, but thank you for the help eXSiR =)09:48
eXSiRTainted: i am not helper, just a user and dont know why it happened to u09:48
TaintedAh, ok.09:48
CaptainbrailleWhats wrong with your clock Tainted?09:48
TaintedI don't know...09:48
CaptainbrailleIs something wrong with the time or timezone?09:49
TaintedNo, the background.09:49
eXSiRCaptainbraille: may /etc/libao.conf is alsa and i am using amarok gstreamer engine with alsasink, i installed akode-mpeg09:49
eXSiRthis is just what i did and worked for me09:49
ubotuI heard win32codecs is binary only codecs that some call evil., and they're available from http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/09:50
CaptainbrailleThat is weird Tainted09:51
ubotusomebody said w32codecs was a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular proprietary formats not currently supported by free implementations under linux. See http://tinyurl.com/e4a5s to install09:53
CaptainbrailleI'm trying that out =)09:54
Tainted!lart fatejudger09:55
=== ubotu whips out his power stapler and staples fatejudger's genitalia to the ground
Tainted!lart Captainbraille09:55
=== ubotu resizes Captainbraille's terminal to 40x24
CaptainbrailleNoooooooo! Hahaha09:56
Captainbraille!lart Tainted09:56
=== ubotu beats Tainted senseless with a 50lb Unix manual
CaptainbrailleHaha, those are funny09:56
Tainted!lart Captainbraille09:56
=== ubotu stabs Captainbraille
Captainbraillenot as creative, but still effective09:56
TaintedWhat IRC client do you use?09:57
CaptainbrailleKopete? Is that right Tainted?09:58
kkathmanKopete is an IM proggie09:59
kkathmanIRC - like xchat, Konversation, or Kvirc09:59
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kkathmanor irssi at CLI09:59
TaintedAh ok.10:00
TaintedI'm using gAIM and X-Chat.10:00
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blekoshello ppl10:16
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blekosis there a theme manager for kde?10:21
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Hobbseeblekos: it's in system settings, appearance10:23
blekosi do not meen only for icons10:23
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Hobbseecolours tab10:23
blekoso i c10:24
blekosand can i istall there themes from kde-look?10:25
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weedarHow do I change the file association in KDE? (specifically for text/html)10:26
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_andreahello. how can i apply a new theme i downloaded?10:32
blekoscan anyone tell how i can have an icon of the mounted drive on my desktop?10:32
_andrearight click on desktop10:34
_andreathen go on configure desktop10:34
_andreachoose the Behaviour tab10:34
_andreathen go on Device Icons10:34
_andreaand tick "Mounted Hard Disk Volume"10:34
Hobbsee_andrea: in system settings, appearances, colours10:34
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_andreaHobbsee: my package is a tar.gz format file10:36
_andreaand when i extracted it...i get lots of folders10:36
Hobbseeyou dont usually have to extract them...10:37
Hobbseei think10:37
blekosit is alreaydy ticked...10:37
Hobbseeyou got it from kde-look.org?10:37
Hobbseeinstructions are there for it10:37
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_andreawhere are the instructions?10:40
_andreahave to go for now10:41
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TaintedIs anyone here fluent with Javascript?10:45
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TaintedIs anyone here good with Javascript?10:56
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ubotuTainted: Syntax error in line 110:57
ubotuTainted: I give up, what is it?10:57
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ubotuTainted: Do they come in packets of five?10:58
ubotuYep, that's me! I'm a bot alright. Read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage to find out how to use me. Do NOT play with me in any channel.10:58
ubotuTainted: Syntax error in line 110:58
ubotuThe primary cause of people asking me the wrong things.10:58
ubotuNot a clue, Tainted10:58
ubotuTainted: I haven't a clue10:59
ubotuparse error: dunno what you're talking about, Tainted10:59
ubotuTainted: What?10:59
Tainted!lart tainted10:59
laga!yo momma10:59
=== ubotu --purges tainted
ubotulaga: Syntax error in line 110:59
Tainted!lart laga10:59
=== ubotu --purges laga
Tainted!lart laga10:59
Tainted!lart laga10:59
TaintedARe you good with Javascript?11:00
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mindfocusI just installed Kubuntu, very nice indeed.11:19
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weedarDuring boot, when I see "configuring interfaces", what script is run? It hangs so I need to alter it11:30
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TaintedIs anyone here good with Javascript?11:36
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blekosis it possible to c in kopete simultaenously contacts from yahoo &msn etc?12:26
Hobbseeblekos: yes, just add all the accounts, and sign in with them12:28
blekosok thanks12:29
blekosdo u hava any idea why i cant c my mounted drive on the desktop?12:30
blekosi've checked the button from the menu... but no luck12:30
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MythrilI don't know what is going on, I recently installed Kubuntu and it works great for the first hour and a half, then suddenly drive access picks up, and I can't do anything more, even trying to open a console can take upwards of an hour, what is going on?12:40
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knubbeis there a GSynaptics but for KDE?12:49
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Tm_Ttoo simple12:51
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knubbeHobbsee: hah, thank you  :-)12:57
knubbeTm_T: indeed12:57
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Hobbseeknubbe: no problem12:57
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Bobikusis it a good thing to upgrade to kde 3.5 or better wait and use 3.4.3? are there any problems whick may occur?01:02
Tm_TBobikus: I would say "upgrade!" but I'm using dapper so don't listen my opinion ;(01:04
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HobbseeTm_T: did you upgrade to 3.5.1 testing?01:09
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knubbeBobikus: 3.5 isnt unstable01:10
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Tm_THobbsee: sure01:16
HobbseeTm_T: how is it?01:16
Tm_Tfine here01:16
Tm_TI'm now wondering celestia and why it's not loading map textures01:16
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muzzleIt seems wine can't open my setup.exe correct. Do I need some kinky arguments for wine?01:17
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HobbseeTm_T: hmmm...might try it then01:18
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Bobikusok, thanks for information01:20
JohnFluxmmm, information01:21
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Tm_THobbsee: :)01:22
=== Hobbsee likes testing software
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Tm_THobbsee: not as much I do ;)01:24
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muzzleHow do I code a GUI app for Kubuntu? What lib. do I need etc? I've done alot of coding with the win32 api and c++.01:26
muzzlebut I am totally new with linux01:26
Blejdfistmuzzle: you can find documentation and tutorials at http://doc.trolltech.com/01:27
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muzzleand thanks :D01:28
Blejdfistgood luck01:28
muzzleso when I make some win32 app. it runs on all windows versions. How is it with linux?01:29
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Blejdfistas long as there is QT installed01:29
muzzleIf I make something for Kubuntu it doesn't nes. run on other linux systems?01:29
Blejdfistit will run on any Linux system that have the libraries you use01:29
muzzleok cool01:30
muzzleQT is the standard lib?01:30
Blejdfistand if they don't have it.. they can install it01:30
muzzlefor GUI coding?01:30
Blejdfistno there are many others01:30
muzzlebut you like QT I guess, hehe01:30
Blejdfistbut it's one of the most used and it's well documented01:30
Blejdfisti'm quite new to QT actually.. i have been using GTK01:30
muzzleThat's important. The documentation.01:30
muzzleIs it hard? QT?01:31
Blejdfistno not really01:31
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muzzleCoding c++ with the win32 api is SO easy.01:31
Blejdfistwell if you are used to creating windows etc in Win32 API then QT is easier :)01:31
muzzleCool. That's what I wanted to hear ;)01:32
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Blejdfistgo with kdevelop and you will have a good IDE for developing01:32
Blejdfistonly one thing i don't like with QT so far.. and that's the signaling system01:33
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Blejdfistbut that's just a matter of taste i guess01:33
muzzleIt seems it's all C++ in that URL you gave me. They don't document C coding?01:34
BlejdfistQT is a C++-library01:34
muzzlehehe ofcourse01:34
muzzleso what would you recomend for C?01:35
muzzleI normally use C++, but with school we have to use C.01:35
BlejdfistGTK is C but it also has C++-wrappers (gtkmm)01:35
muzzleI'll just download a c++ compiler and try the tutorial. It's so new for me. I'm like a kid who just got candy ;)01:36
Blejdfistapt-get install build-essential01:36
Blejdfistand you will get the compiler tools01:36
muzzlegpp ?01:36
BlejdfistGNU Compiler Collection01:37
muzzlegcc is only for c code?01:37
muzzleThat's what I thought01:37
BlejdfistC/C++ compilers01:37
Blejdfistit contains g++ that is for C++01:37
muzzlewhat is gpp then? hehe01:37
Blejdfistno idea where you got that from :)01:37
Blejdfistgpp - a general-purpose preprocessor with customizable syntax01:38
knubbeis there a gui (or tutorial somewhere) to set up TV-out on other video cards than nvidia? (i have intel media accellerator i915)01:38
muzzleBlejdfist: hehe okay. Don't know either.01:38
Blejdfistmuzzle: For GTK i can recommend using glade to create the GUI01:38
Blejdfistyou can use the glade-lib for GTK to load the glade XML file and it can autoconnect buttons to you functions etc01:39
Blejdfistit can even generate C-code for you to get you up and running :)01:39
muzzlehehe ok01:41
muzzleI can't find anywhere to download the files, hehe01:44
muzzleI want to isntall QT01:45
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Blejdfistit's in apt01:48
Blejdfistuse the package manager and install what you need01:48
muzzleso what do I write? When I did the search for it I got MANY lines, hehe01:48
Blejdfistunline windows you shouldn't download stuff and install :)01:49
muzzlenot sure what I need. I'll try and find some tutorial on how to get started, hehe01:49
muzzleI do know that. That's kinda all I know about Linux so far. I've used apt-get alot :D01:49
Blejdfistqt3-dev-tools perhaps01:49
muzzleIt's heaven. I can just download everything I want. It's cool.01:49
Blejdfistfor qt ofcourse01:50
muzzleI also now the line:01:50
Blejdfistfor gtk libgtk2.0-dev01:50
muzzlegcc hello.c -o hello ;) hehe01:50
muzzleI want qt for now01:50
muzzlethen the c lib. when I start school again next week.01:50
muzzleqt3-dev-tools worked I think01:51
muzzleit's downloading something, hehe01:51
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Blejdfistinstall build-essential and qt3-dev-tools then :)01:51
Blejdfistand kdevelop to make it easier (it will take care of makefiles etc)01:51
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muzzleand then after that, how do I compile?01:52
muzzlejuts gcc again?01:52
Blejdfistin kdevelop you use the Build-menu01:52
muzzleoh ok01:52
Blejdfistfirst "Run automake & friends" :)01:52
muzzleit's an IDE01:52
muzzleI get it know01:52
Blejdfistthen build project01:52
Blejdfistit's kinda tricky to make Makefiles by yourself for QT01:53
muzzleI kinda liked the command line thing though :D01:53
muzzleoh ok01:53
Blejdfistso i recommend you go with an IDE in the beginning01:53
muzzleI would have to use QMAKE to make else?01:53
muzzleI think I saw that somewhere01:53
Blejdfistdunno.. kinda new to QT as i said earlier :)01:53
muzzleyea ok01:53
Blejdfistbut after kdevelop have done the makefiles you can use the commandline01:53
Blejdfistjust type "make"01:54
muzzleehm ok01:54
Blejdfistbut you must add new files etc from the IDE01:54
muzzleyes yes01:54
Blejdfistand run automake & friends again to generate new makefiles01:54
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muzzleI can't find the kdevelop01:58
Blejdfistwhat do you mean?02:01
muzzleIsn't it something I have to download also?02:02
muzzleI have t3-dev-tools now02:02
muzzlebut I need the kdevelop02:02
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Blejdfistit's in apt :)02:02
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muzzleand I can't find it02:03
muzzleI'll try again02:03
Blejdfistah it's in universe02:03
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Blejdfisthave you added the universe repository?02:03
C-O-L-Tdoes exist any other skin for open office02:03
muzzleI have that enabled02:03
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Blejdfisthave you run apt-get update after you enabled it?02:03
muzzleok found it02:04
muzzlethere are more than just one02:04
muzzlekdevelop3 ?02:04
Blejdfistit will depend on the others that it needs02:04
muzzlewhat abour the data, dev and doc?02:04
Blejdfistdev is for creating plugins for kdevelop i think02:05
Blejdfistand doc is the documentation02:05
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muzzlegot it now I think02:06
muzzleHow do I run it? hehe02:06
Blejdfistit's in the K-menu under development02:06
Blejdfistor you could just type kdevelop3 in a terminal :)02:06
muzzleI didn't install it before, weird02:07
muzzleit did download something02:07
muzzlebut when I do sudo apt-get install kdevelop3 it's downloading02:07
muzzleIt's weird it didn't from adept02:07
muzzlebut anyways, I'm getting it now02:07
muzzleso programs installed doesn't make shortcuts in kubuntu like programs in windows?02:07
Blejdfistjust like in Windows it depends on the program02:08
Blejdfisti never use the menu anyway :)02:09
Blejdfistit's faster to use katapult or a terminal02:09
muzzleand katapult is?02:09
Blejdfistand then you type what  you want to start :)02:09
muzzlethere is alt+F2 also02:10
Blejdfistyep.. to run any command yes02:11
Blejdfistbut katapult (as far as i know) takes stuff from the K-menu. And by the name they have there02:11
muzzleThanks for the help. I have to leave for a while. I can't wait to try QT ;)02:11
Blejdfistnp :)02:11
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Massacrationhi everyone02:25
Massacrationcan anybody help me with the cups?02:25
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Massacrationit keeps prompting me for a adm password02:26
MassacrationI've just installed it02:26
Massacrationand I haven't defined any psw before02:26
Massacrationwhich password should I use?02:27
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Massacrationcan anybody help me?02:29
howcomesI'm trying to remove xorg-driver-fglrx and its not letting me02:31
howcomescan anyone help? its complaining about some 'divesion libGL.so.1.202:31
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howcomesCan anyone help me with this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=689874&postcount=28402:59
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Ace2005Can anyone help me set up internet connection sharing between 2 computer, connected via a crossover cable?03:01
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Tainted-TimeHow do I install Fluxbox on Kubuntu?03:08
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`Nomadsudo apt-get install fluxbox  ?03:13
Tainted-Timeok its installed.03:14
Tainted-TimeHow do I get it running?03:14
`NomadIt's a different windows manager?03:15
`Nomadman fluxbox might be a start03:15
`NomadYou may want to read this: http://www.3dbuzz.com/vbforum/showthread.php?t=12315703:16
`Nomadas to what to expect running it for the first time..  I'm just googling all of this by the way, I know shit!03:16
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`Nomadread the FAQ on Kubuntu, it's probably all there03:17
`Nomadand sometimes the bot can help..03:18
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ubotusomebody said fluxbox was a lightweight window manager.  Installation instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fluxbox.  More information at http://fluxbox.sourceforge.net03:18
`Nomadthere you go..03:18
`NomadGood day, I'm off to breakfast03:18
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praotecHi!! I have any question about compilation scripts! When I launch ./configure in different source I obtain error massage. *** configure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH .... (sorry my bad english ;) Can anyone help me?03:25
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N17R0Hi I just installed Ubuntu, and did a update with synaptic, but after I reboot, I only see a black screen and in the upper left corner I see this: GRUB_03:33
N17R0and nothing happens, how come?03:34
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dark_suicpraotec, it may be that you need a C compiler for it.. u have it??? and u sure u need to configure it and it isn't in apt?03:38
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howcomesI really need to get this fixed! http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=689874&postcount=284 - attempting to apt-get remove outside of KDE didnt work either.03:39
eidolonhi can someone share their sources.list file for working with Dapper?  I'm trying us.archive.ubuntu.org dapper/main, and i'm getting 404 errors.03:42
eidolonhave been for almost a week :(03:42
praotecI have any compiller installed but I dont know, which of "gcc, gcc4.0 ... " is right! I have default installed gcc4.0..03:42
praotecI try install gcc instead version4.0 but it dont solve it..03:44
eidolongcc --version?03:45
praotecgcc --version:   gcc (GCC) 4.0.2 20050808 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.0.1-4ubuntu9)03:48
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praotecI have installed gcc AND gcc4.0 and problem is now: ** checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... no03:53
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praotecand then: checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables03:55
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praotecI think the problem is in setting of compiler, but I have not how do it.. :((03:58
LjLpraotec: try "sudo aptitude install build-essentials" just to be user04:05
LjLsorry that's "build-essential"04:06
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praotecI have done it but problem is same like before :(04:10
praotecC compiler cannot create executable04:10
LjLwhat happens when you just type "gcc"?04:13
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praotecgcc: no input files04:14
LjLcreate a "test.c" file, and type the following into it:04:15
LjL#include <stdio.h>04:15
LjLint main(void) {04:15
LjL  printf("This is a test.\n");04:15
LjLand then type "gcc -o testprogram test.c"04:15
Blejdfistyou probably don't have a compiler installed04:17
Blejdfistapt-get install build-essential04:17
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LjLBlejdfist: that's what i just told him ;)04:18
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praotectest.c:1:18: error: stdio.h: No such file or directory04:19
Blejdfistok then :)04:19
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eidolon build-essentials should install the headers.04:19
LjLindeed it should04:20
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LjLpraotec: try "apt-cache policy build-essential"04:20
LjLwhat does it say under "installed:"?04:20
testwhere do I need to install video codecs so that kaffeine will see them ?04:20
tucozHi, I wonder how I install flash-player for konqueror04:20
trispacetest: /usr/lib/win3204:20
trispacetest: if you're using xine04:21
trispacetucoz: just install it and add the directory to the plugin path (if necessary)04:21
testtrispace: I try using kaffeine04:21
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praotechm.. This is strange.. It say: "Installed: NONE"04:22
testtrispace: I tried /usr/lib/win32 and it doesnt work04:22
trispacetest: yeah, but kaffeine uses (or can use) the xine library to play videos04:22
testtrispace: ah ok04:22
tucoztrispace: apt-get or installing it to a local dir with macromedias flash-player?04:22
testtrispace: it uses gstreamer, let me install xine04:22
trispacetucoz: i've installed it with macromedias installer04:23
trispacetest: i had no luck with gstreamer so i switched to the xine libs - but it depends on what you want to do04:23
tucoztrispace: ok, thanks. I was curious, because the package flashplugin-nonfree in the reps states it is usefull for mozilla browser variants04:24
trispacetucoz: it doesn't matter04:24
tucoznot mentioning konqueror.04:24
tucozok, thanks04:24
trispacetucoz: as far as i know konqueror is able to use any mozilla-plugin04:25
tucoztrispace: ok good. It's just that some (very few) flash-based pages freezes my firefox. I thought I try it with konqueror as well.04:25
trispacetucoz: hmm, ok. good luck04:26
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tucozNah, that page is not working at all. Probably bad flash-programming. Anyway, thanks for the help.04:29
trispacetucoz: you're welcome04:29
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praotecLjL: SUPER! The problem is out.. I installed build-essential from apt Package Manager and now it function.. I am gawk.. Thank you very very much :))04:37
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_maltethe kdevelop packages for kubuntu, from kdevelop.org, depend on kdelibs4c2 (>= 4:3.4.3-1) which doesn't exist in breezy. does anyone know how to get this / circumvent the problem?04:40
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_malteanyway... do i need to compile kdevelop myself or something like that?04:42
visik7kdevelop.org proviede debs for ubuntu or debian ?04:43
dark_suickdevelop packages are on the repos04:43
visik7it's a question that you cannot replay with a "yeah"04:43
_maltevisik7: i'm sorry, then i don't understand your question.. what do you mean?04:43
dark_suicthe package is named kdevelop304:43
dark_suicyou just can install directly from the repositories04:43
_maltedark_suic: yes, but it's 3.2.3 i think04:44
_maltei'd like 3.304:44
visik7why ?04:44
visik7what's the big difference from 3.2 to 3.3 ?04:44
trispace_malte: well, then you probably need to compile it for yourself, or try google to find some prebuild debs04:44
_maltevisik7: at least some bug fixes04:44
_malteand more support for qt4 i think04:45
_maltetrispace: ok, thanks04:45
dark_suic$ apt-cache show kdevelop3 | grep Version04:45
dark_suicVersion: 4:3.3.1-0ubuntu0breezy104:45
dark_suicthat's it04:45
dark_suic3.3.1 in the repos :P04:45
dark_suicat least in mine :P04:46
_maltenot here. what sources are you using?04:46
dark_suici have slightly different repos :P04:46
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_malteand i don't think 3.3.1 is stable :)04:46
dark_suicwell, i'm not in dapper, but you can see it's breezy ;)04:47
visik7I've 3.3 in my repo04:47
dark_suicand i don't have any kdevelop specially made repo04:47
visik7dark_suic: 3.3.1 ? I've 3.3.0 can you do an apt-cache policy kdevelop3 ?04:47
_maltevisik7: but can you install 3.3.0?04:47
_maltefrom which rep is it?04:48
visik7it's in kde3.5 repo04:48
trispace_malte: deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde35 breezy main04:48
dark_suicstill 33104:48
_maltethanks trispace04:48
dark_suici have the kde351 repositorie04:48
dark_suicthat may be it :P04:48
visik7dark_suic: 3.5.1 ?04:48
dark_suicif you add a 1 after kde35 you'll get 3.5.1 ;)04:48
visik7give to me :)04:48
trispace_malte: with this source you get 3.3.004:49
dark_suicyou can go to http://kubuntu.org/packages04:49
dark_suicand see that the folder is there04:49
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dark_suicnot released officialy though, so probably some things will be missing04:49
dark_suicbut i have no problem for the moment04:49
_malteis 3.5 usabel?04:49
trispace_malte: yeah, it is04:49
dark_suic3.5 is for sure04:49
_maltefairly stable? :)04:50
trispace_malte: i don't have any problems with it04:50
_maltewhat's new in 3.5 then?04:50
dark_suiclots of things04:50
trispace_malte: maybe you should read the changelog04:51
dark_suiclook into kde.org or kubuntu.org to see the changelog04:51
_malteyeah, i'm reading it right now04:51
dark_suicbut _malte i assure you that kde3.5 is quite FASTER than 3.4.304:51
dark_suicdon't ask me why04:51
dark_suicbut it runs better than 3.4.304:51
_maltebut i don't really feel like living on the edge right now :)04:52
dark_suicwell, i've had no problems with kde3.504:52
dark_suicnor with 3.5.104:52
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tecsanyone knows how to make windows as my first selection in the grub menui?04:53
trispacetecs: just drop it as first entry04:53
dark_suictecs, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst as superuser with your favourite editor04:53
dark_suic(kdesu kwrite for example)04:53
trispacetecs: or adjust the "default" entry04:53
dark_suicand then you can either put the entire windows block as first selection04:54
dark_suicor change the default entry to the number the windows entry is (remember that it starts in 0, not 1)04:54
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_malteok, i'll do a dist-upgrade with 3.5 now then04:56
_maltehas anyone done that today btw?04:56
tecswhy cant i edit it it says read only04:56
tecsusing gedit04:56
dark_suicnot today, but yes about 3 weeks ago04:57
dark_suictecs, before you need to edit it as root04:57
dark_suicare you in gnome or kde?04:57
_maltei just wanted to know if something broke today, but i guess i'll find out04:57
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tecsi right click it no edit as root option04:58
dark_suicthere was a bug in konqueror 3.5.0, but it was solved about 5 days after it's release :P04:58
dark_suictecs, then run this04:58
dark_suicgksudo gedit(i think is like that)04:58
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dark_suicand then open it form the editor04:59
tid-wavehello what mirror should i use for flight dapper packages ?04:59
tid-wavethe one from my country doesn't work04:59
dark_suicthen try another country04:59
tecsa bun ch of warning came up int he terminal04:59
tecsgot it. hope its ok, anyways  if i install easyubuntu on gnome and decided to install kde desktop will easyubuntus effects still be applicable?05:01
dark_suicdon't know a thing about easyubuntu05:02
tecsok, here is another one, well sorry i am a real noob. how do i make a folder accessible both read and write by other users?05:03
trispacetecs: chmod o+rw05:03
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trolligtecs: no, don't just follow a comman like that.05:03
tecsdo i need to sudo that?05:04
trolligtecs: you'll need to understand what you're doin05:04
trispacetecs: chmod o+rw foldername05:04
trispacetecs: yes, its wise to read something about Unix file permissions first05:04
trolligtrispace: yes of course that's correct but the next one'll say rm -rf / or so05:04
tecsyes, im the only one using this comp, in this user all my media is in the home folder, but when i use the other user account i cant accesss my media05:04
trolligand he'll type it05:05
trolligand he'll use sudo05:05
tecsrm is remove right? why will i do that?05:05
trispacetrollig: yes, i know what you mean. But he asked a question and my answer was the solution to his question. I mean, first it asked about changing the grub menu, its also very dangerous if you don't know what you're doing05:06
trolligtecs: go through all that http://www.debian.de/doc/user-manuals#usersguide05:06
trispaces/it asked/he asked/05:07
tecshonestly i appreciate it when you guys teach noobs the essentials...but i mean...to do such a small thing a newbie needs to go under or over the learning curve. but all i want is to do a simple thing...jsut an opinion.05:07
LjLtecs: well, if you asked me about something, and i told you to "`echo "/ f- r- mr" | rev", would you do it? :)05:08
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visik7ok 3.5.1 upgrade successfully a part from a dep problem05:08
LjL(it's got a syntax error anyway, just to be sure ;)05:08
tecswell no, primarily because ive been reading for about a month now. and im kinda frustrated really. honestly. that my system is still not yet up and running. i mean its working but its not totally working.05:09
trispacetecs: well i think that most of the people here want to tell newbies the right way to do something - and yeah - sometimes it's more complicated to do it properly05:09
tecsso many components still down, and it takes me a week of trial and error to make one thing work i mean its really too much for a fresh linux user.05:09
LjLtecs: i don't have my system "totally working" as i want it either, not nearly, and i don't think i'll have it in such a state for the next year05:09
tecsi mean i want to amke the "switch " but time and time again it seems like without the expertice it is really impossible not unless i quit my job and study linux fulltime05:10
LjLagain, i think for your purposes the best thing to do would be to assign user2 to user1's group. but i'm really not too sure this is a good idea either05:10
LjLi would do "sudo adduser user2 user1", and then "newgrp user1" when i am user2 and want to access user1's dir05:11
trispacetecs: you're right. Configuring a Linux system properly takes time05:11
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LjLat that point, you could just "chmod -R g+rwx /home/user1" to access all files. although you should really not just activate all group permissions, but *copy* owner permissions to group permissions05:13
LjLbut i don't know how to do that off hand05:13
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tecswell, i think ive asked this before but i just cant remember the exact code... its like chmod 777 not sure but it really worked05:14
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SpentCasinghow would i connect to an irc server using open ssl and konversation?05:14
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LjLwhy do you insist with all those numbers? chmod has a handy alphabetic syntax for the flags05:14
tecsi jsut had my again isntall because after applying easy kubuntu this morning my pc wont boot anymore and is locked isnide the terminal, well being a not at all good at the terminal i had no other choice but to reinstall.05:14
LjLanyway, 777 won't really copy anything to anything, it'll just make everything world-whateverable05:15
trispaceSpentCasing: mark the SSL checkbox in the server edit dialogbox05:15
tecsyes. thats what i want to do05:15
SpentCasingk cool thanks05:15
LjLyeah, and that's what you probably should *NOT* do05:15
tecsi dont want to copy i jsut want my folder accessible to my other account.05:15
LjLbut if you really want to, then i don't see why "chmod -R a+rwx /home/user" shouldn't do it05:15
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tecsi eman i dont understand it....its me alone using this pc why cant i use that?05:16
JohnFluxSpentCasing: btw, our next konversation release is on tuesday05:16
LjLtecs: then following your reasoning, why don't you simply stay root all the time?05:16
SpentCasingcool, thanks for the heads up, i love conversation05:16
JohnFluxSpentCasing: we are hoping to get it in the next release of kubuntu, but might be too late05:17
SpentCasinglol, err konversation05:17
SpentCasingthe dapper release?05:17
tecsok then05:17
LjLtecs: anyway, what i was telling you was not to *copy files*, but to *copy the permissions*, so that you could precisely do what you wanted, i.e. access user1's files from user205:17
LjLbut if you insist that you want to do that by doing everything world writable, then again, feel free to "chmod -R a+rwx /home/user"05:18
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malte3.5 won't start :(05:18
trispaceJohnFlux: is there a way to display whois information directly in the user context menu?05:18
LjLjust don't be too suprised if you someday install an FTP server, a Samba server or something, and somebody reads and deletes your home dir ;)05:18
maltekde 3.5 that is. when i login through kdm nothing i get a blank screen and then kdm returns05:18
maltekdm.log says "> Error: Can't find file "sv" for symbols include"05:19
tecswhats 128mb in kB?05:19
maltethat's for xkbcomp, and the log also states that errors from xkbcomp shouldn't be fatal to the x server05:20
visik7how can I report a bug for kde351 packages on kubuntu.org ?05:20
visik7deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde35 breezy main05:20
dark_suicu did apt-get update && upgrade?05:20
trispacetecs: what do you mean by "mb" and "kB" ?05:20
maltedark_suic: yeah05:20
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dark_suicwell, it sounds kinda weird to me..05:21
dark_suici updated without any problem...05:21
dark_suicu tried again?05:21
dark_suicmaybe a package was left in the way05:21
maltedark_suic: no, all packages was upgraded :/05:21
dark_suictry with apt-get upgrade (and not dist-upgrade)05:21
tecseheh got it... configuring my ati card using easyubuntu05:21
visik7howcomes: quite old article05:22
maltei'm trying 351 now instead05:22
tecswait is kB the same with KB?05:22
LjLtecs: yes, except that KB is wrong technically05:23
tecsicic thats why its in small k here in linux05:24
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LjLtecs: on the other hand, kb is different, and usually means "kilobit", even though "kbit" would probably be a better choice05:24
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Tainted-TimeCan anyone recommend a good window manager?05:25
tid-wavekwin ? :)05:25
LjLtecs: and note that "kB" sometimes means 1000 bytes, and sometimes 1024 bytes, usually the latter except in telecommunications05:25
dark_suicTainted-Time, you mean like kde or like kdm?05:25
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Tainted-Timedark_suic: Yeah like that.05:26
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Tainted-Timedark_suic: But simpler...05:26
tid-waveTainted-Time KDE is just fine05:26
dark_suicsimpler than kdm or than kde?05:26
tid-waveyou can simplify it :)05:26
LjLtecs: so 128 MB is usually 131072 kB05:26
Tainted-Timedark_suic: What's the difference?05:26
Tainted-Timetid-wave: Oh?05:26
Tainted-TimeI guess I am just looking for something awesome looking. :D05:26
tid-waveTainted-Time kdm is a display manager... that thing that you use for logging in05:26
Tainted-Timedark_suic: Still.05:27
dark_suickdm is the login screen, kde is the desktop environment (taskbar, desktop, etc)05:27
tid-waveTainted-Time KDE is the best desktop environment for linux05:27
Tainted-TimeOh. I think I am looking for a Desktop Environment thing.05:27
LjLtid-wave: i suppose you shouldn't make that kind of statements05:27
dark_suicthen kde is your friend :P05:27
LjLKDE is a very widely used desktop environment on Linux, as is Gnome05:27
Tainted-Timedark_suic: But how can I change it?05:27
Tainted-Timedark_suic: I want it more customized than Themes...05:28
Tainted-Timedark_suic: And simpler...Its hard to explain.05:28
tid-wavesimple ? fluxbox ...05:28
Tainted-Timetid-wave: Tried it, I didn't like it much....unless you can recommend a good theme.05:29
dark_suicTainted-Time, you just can edit what you like separately05:29
LjLTainted-Time: have you tried gnome?05:29
dark_suicwithout being a single theme05:29
Tainted-TimeLjL: yeah.05:29
dark_suicyou can make your own theme05:29
tid-waveTainted-Time www.enlightenment.org05:29
LjLTainted-Time: have you tried window maker?05:29
Tainted-TimeLjL: Nope.05:29
dark_suicif you want anything simple try icewm, fluxbox or anything like that05:29
tecswell, how do i know if my 3d accelerator is working?05:29
tid-wavewindow maker is cool05:29
LjLTainted-Time: give it a chance, i quite liked it05:29
tid-wavetecs glxinfo | grep direct05:29
Tainted-TimeDoesnt work05:29
Tainted-TimeWhere can I find window maker?05:30
LjLTainted-Time: though i use KDE now. i don't see much point in using a "simple" window manager / desktop environment, when at the end of the day i'll mostly be using KDE and/or Gnome applications05:30
LjLTainted-Time: "sudo aptitude install wmaker"05:30
tecsso if direct rendering is :no that means it isnt working?05:30
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Tainted-TimeLjL: Well do you have anything customized? A theme? Different applets? I find this "boring"...thats not the right word. I feel uncomfortable..lol05:32
Tainted-TimeI don't know how to explain what I mean.05:32
LjLTainted-Time: you're talking about kde or wmaker?05:32
LjLTainted-Time: i can show you a screenshot of my desktop, but i'm afraid i have rather "boring" preferences ;)05:32
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tid-waveTainted-Time http://www.get-e.org/05:33
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malte3.5.1 seems to work however05:34
GameOver69hey guys anyone know where i cain download extensions and plugins for hte konquerer browser?05:35
malteand it really is faster. especially at startup05:35
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Tainted-TimeOh yeah...05:37
tecsis there an existing script to detect printers? because the add printer wizard cant make my printer work05:37
LjLTainted-Time: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/i7777 <- my boring desktop05:37
Tainted-TimeIs there a way to make Kubuntu bootup faster?05:37
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LjLTainted-Time: you could avoid booting it in the first place, by making use of hibernation aka software-suspend05:38
LjLTainted-Time: unfortunately, that doesn't work very well yet, or at all, depending on your hardware, and it's not nearly as fast as it could be (or as it is on Windows)05:38
tecsthanks for the help guys good night:)05:39
Tainted-TimeIm diggin' Enlightenment.05:39
LjLTainted-Time: have you browsed around www.kde-look.org?05:42
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Tainted-TimeThe only good thing I found was YaKuake  or w/e its called.05:43
Tainted-TimeI've been using that.05:43
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LjLyakuake is nice yeah05:43
LjLbut i was thinking more about themes and styles for you05:43
LjLby the way, why is yakuake on kde-look? it's an app, not a theme05:43
Tainted-TimeThey have acouple of apps on there.05:44
LjL"kde improvements", right05:44
LjLby the way you should install yakuake using "sudo aptitude install yakuake", not by getting it from kde-look05:44
muzzleSo I want GTK+ but there are like 200 things with GTK in adept. Linux is not easy :)05:45
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LjLmuzzle: uhm, why would you want to install *GTK+* by itself?05:45
Tainted-TimeLjL: Why?05:45
LjLmuzzle: if you want GTK, i suppose it's because you have an app that needs it, or not?05:45
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muzzleno I need to make one05:45
LjLTainted-Time: because when something is in the repositories, it's *waaaay* better to install it from there than compile it05:46
LjLand yakuake happens to be in the repositories...05:46
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LjLand even when something is *not* in the repositories, it's a very good idea to take some special precautions installing it (like using checkinstall)05:46
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Tainted-TimeLjL: Are there any special things I can do with yakuake05:47
calliedoes anyone here have k750i mobile?05:47
Tainted-TimeCan I have "true" transparency?05:47
LjLmuzzle: i see, but then you need "-dev" packages, not just plain gtk+... isn't "libgtk2.0-dev" the one you'd want?05:47
Tainted-TimeNot pseudo05:47
callieim wondering about synching05:47
LjLTainted-Time: no05:47
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JER3Myi'm a newbee, but i have a problem with liquid weather05:48
LjLTainted-Time: i don't think you can have "true" transparency anywhere in X, except by enabling things that are currently much better left disabled05:48
_andreai need to play mp3's and mpeg videos....but the wiki instructions i found are for ubuntu...05:48
muzzleLjL:  it might be05:48
calliewassup JER3My ?05:48
muzzleI just have this page which says some different things I need05:48
JER3Myliquid weather is transparent on my desktop05:48
JER3My(sorry for my english)05:48
muzzleIs gtk2 the same as gtk+ ?05:48
calliehmmm. certain elements of liquid weather should be transparent05:49
callielemme check something JER3My05:49
LjLmuzzle: i think "gtk+" is both 1 and 2... anyway, version 2 is the one that looks like most programs in current Gnome, while version 1 is the one that looks like, for instance, XMMS05:49
LjLmuzzle: if the app you're trying to compile is recent, my bet is on gtk205:49
JER3Mywhen i do a right click, there are the options05:50
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LjLmuzzle: why don't you just run ./configure and see what it's missing?05:50
calliewhich version of liquid weather are you using JER3My ?05:51
Tainted-TimeI can't wait for E17 to be released.05:51
JER3Mythe last05:51
callieyou sure?05:51
muzzleLiL > I'm totally new to linux. I just need some stuff for school.05:51
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LjLmuzzle: can you point me to the tarball of the application you're compiling?05:51
JER3Myhum... yes05:51
calliedifferent versions have different dependancies so you need to check you're using the right version of liquid weather with the right version superkaramba05:52
calliecheck the page on www.kde-look.org for info on dependancies05:53
muzzleLjL: I'm not compiling anything. I just need those lib. and stuff.05:53
muzzleLjL: http://www.cs.aau.dk/~madsen/Homepage/Teaching/Glade_F05/html/index-slide-gtk.html05:53
calliemake sure you're using the right libaries JER3My05:53
JER3Myi downloaded "the latest version of liquid weather ++ (9.2.1) ..." on the official website of liquid weather05:53
GameOver69hey guys anyone know where i cain download extensions and plugins for hte konquerer browser?05:54
callieand superkaramba JER3My ?05:54
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LjLmuzzle: well i think they're definitely thinking about gtk 2 there05:54
muzzleLjL: If you say so :D hehe05:54
JER3Mymoreover, i have installed superkaramba with apt-get install05:54
JER3Myand also imagemagick05:55
LjLmuzzle: well there is no reason why you should use an old, terribly obsolete version like gtk 105:55
muzzleofcourse not05:55
muzzleLjL: so what do I write to download what? hehe05:55
callieJER3My, and PYQT?05:55
LjLmuzzle: my bet is still on "sudo aptitude install libgtk2.0-dev"05:55
JER3Myi think that it is the problem05:55
JER3Mywhen i write "apt-get install pyqt" in Konsole there isn't nothing05:56
callielemme get the exact filename JER3My05:56
muzzledownloading ;)05:56
JER3Mywhat is lemme05:56
LjLJER3My: there is no "pyqt", but there is a pyqt-tools as well as a python-qt-dev and more05:56
muzzleLjL: But I guess I need more than just that? GIMP? GNU?05:56
muzzleLjL: And Glade?05:57
LjLmuzzle: GNU simply means a GNU/Linux operating system, such as Ubuntu05:57
JER3Myi have install "pyqt-tools"05:57
LjLmuzzle: The GIMP is a graphics editor. you can install it with "sudo aptitude install gimp"05:57
callieJER3My, and you're tried restarting X?05:58
LjLmuzzle: Glade is a visual user interface editor, a bit like what you have in Visual C for example, and you can install it with "sudo aptitude install glade-2"05:58
muzzleLjL: THANKS :D05:58
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JER3Myhow i can do this ?05:58
muzzleLjL: THANKS :D05:58
LjLmuzzle: as well as "sudo aptitude install glade", but that will let you create gtk-1 interfaces, not gtk-205:58
callieCTR+ALT+BACKSPACE [not delete]  JER3My05:59
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LjLmuzzle: you could also type "apt-cache show anjuta". have a look at it, it could probably be handy05:59
muzzleLjL: I guess I need glade-2 then05:59
muzzleLjL: ok06:00
muzzleWow they really don't like Denmark down there anymore.06:00
Tainted-TimeIs there a way to download and install of these at one time, eet, evas, ecore, embryo, and edje?06:01
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dark_suicare they in the repositories, Tainted-Time ?06:03
Tainted-TimeNot sure06:03
dark_suicif they are, apt-get install eet evas ecore embryo edje06:03
dark_suicthen try searching them :P06:03
gammaanyone get ndiswrapper-modules-1.8 installed on dapper? i'm getting this msg when trying to install "Package ndiswrapper-modules-1.8 is not available, but is referred to by another package."06:03
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dark_suicwell, they aren't in the repos :P06:04
LjLthey're not in the reps06:04
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callieback to my original question, anyone here sync their sony ericsson with Kontact? or know if its even possible?06:04
LjLi guess you'll have to compile them, whatever they are06:04
gammawell ndiswrapper-utils needs it06:04
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LjLgamma: hold on i was talking to Tainted-Time :)06:05
LjLhave no idea about ndiswrapper, though i hear you do often need to compile it, and i guess it's far from easy06:05
gammais sourceforge.net down for anyone else?06:06
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LjLgamma: times out apparently06:06
callieseems that way gamma06:06
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TaintedHoly mother of hell.06:07
TaintedI absolutely love enlightenment.06:07
TaintedWho was is that suggested it?06:07
TaintedThat was good.06:08
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neoncodeis it possible to use any kind of on-the-fly enycripted filesystem with linux?06:10
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Pupeno_neoncode: yes, I am doing it right now.06:12
Pupeno_neoncode: search for "linux encrypted file system" there are various howto's on line.06:13
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neoncodePupeno_: How strong is the enycription?06:15
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Pupeno_neoncode: in my particular case it is said that some big agencies (or anyone with enough computing powerf) could do a dictionary attack and break it in a short time (month ? year ?), that's because I am using a passphrase as key, if you use a generated keys (it's on the howto's as well) it can be practically un-decrypteable (without the key).06:17
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neoncodePupeno_: What's the maximum size of encryption key I can use?06:18
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Pupeno_neoncode: I don't know, I droped the idea of using a key, it was too complicated, but they can be big enough.06:18
LjLi'fd really like an on-the-fly *compressed* filesystem on the other hand06:19
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Pupeno_LjL: ?06:21
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neoncodeLjL: Is an on-the-fly compressed and enycripted filesystem possible? plus won't that be harder to crack if you compress then enycript?06:21
LjLneoncode: of course it is possible, NTFS does both06:21
LjLneoncode: i don't know if it would be harder to crack, guess it wouldn't matter06:22
neoncodeBecause it'll make it harder for big brother to look if the decrypted data matches into files each time they try a key?06:22
LjLPupeno_: well, though some people say it's not a good idea, i always used NTFS's compression feature a lot, and it always worked for me06:22
neoncodecompressed files don't look like ordanary files apparently06:23
neoncodeI thought I read that somewhere.... I dunno06:23
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LjLneoncode: well they'd have to know what *is* in the file in any case, to be able to match... and then if they do, what's the problem with de-compressing before trying to match?06:23
Pupeno_neoncode: compressing it won't make it practially harder to de-crypt.06:23
LjLwould get a bit slower perhaps, but that's all06:23
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neoncodeWhat do we think to google's cencorship then? Have they turned evil now?06:25
Pupeno_neoncode: and the linux way to encrypt a file system is creating a layer over your hd device (/dev/hda1 for example) and offering another device where you create the file system (/dev/mappings/home for example). If you can compress on /dev/hda1, you can compress on the other.06:25
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neoncodePupeno_: Oooo06:25
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Pupeno_Here: http://paste.lisp.org/display/1617906:26
tecshi, how do i make kde my default desktop06:27
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Pupeno_tecs: default where ?06:27
Pupeno_kdm ?06:27
neoncodePupeno_: Oooo, so your /home/ is mounted as a seprate file system that is enycripted.... Oooo06:28
tecsdefault display, because right now im still using gnome. i knw i can choose kde as desktop but i want it to be set to kde whenever i boot06:28
LjLi still prefer NTFS allowing to encrypt individual files...06:28
Pupeno_neoncode: yes, my setup is not the most secure one, it is meant to protect me and my contacts if my laptop is stolen. If a big goverment want the data, they'll find the closer path of puting a gun in my head.06:29
neoncodeLjL: I thought linux had trouble writeing to NTFS06:29
Pupeno_LjL: I am not sure if you can encrypt individual files, but you can create loopback devices (encrypted folders).06:29
LjLneoncode: indeed i'm talking about Windows06:29
Pupeno_neoncode: yes, it has.06:29
visik7LjL: ntfs enc is flawfull06:30
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LjLvisik7: well i never actually *used* it (though i did use compression), no idea if it's flawed, but from a user's point of view it's very simple to use06:30
visik7LjL: and useless if u encrypt to be secure06:31
LjLi'd love if a linux filesystem had the same flexibility for compressing and encrypting files transparently (especially compressing for what i care)06:31
visik7LjL: reiser4 can do it if someone will write a plugin06:31
visik7(or maybe it's already written06:31
LjLvisik7: don't think it is. i've read about that in many places -- actually, from what i gathered, the author(s) claimed to *have* such a plugin written -- but it always seemed to ended up as vaporware06:32
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ubotuneoncode: I give up, what is it?06:32
neoncodeoh well, worth a try06:33
uboturumour has it, reiserfs is a journalling file system - In benchmarks it seems to be faster then other default file systems.06:33
ubotuvisik7: Did you get hit by a windmill?06:33
arthurcan you play real video files?06:34
arthurif i go to http://euronews.tv/ and click on one of those red buttons labeled "video", konqueror crashes06:35
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LjLvisik7: i know, but from what i have been able to understand, there isn't working compression even though the page appears to claim otherwise06:36
LjLvisik7: in any case, i've mostly read that reiser4 is currently sort of dangerous to use06:36
visik7I was never interested by this kind of feature06:37
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LjLarthur: not sure, i'm saying this with far from first-hand experience, but when i read from multiple source that a filesystem makes me risk losing data, i have a tendency to avoid it =)06:38
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kkathmanLjL:  I currenty have reiser on my SUSE box and have never had a problem with it06:39
arthuris there any way to convert the filesystem to ext3?06:39
kkathmanHowever, my breezy install is ext306:40
LjLkkathman: reiser4?06:40
LjLarthur: to convert *what* filesystem?06:40
kkathmanLjL  reiserfs06:41
LjLkkathman: i think the worse problems i read about were related to version 406:41
LjLperhaps i should try running a small test reiser partition for a while06:41
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LjLbut the other thing that bothers me is that it's not in the mainstream kernel (afaik?)06:42
kkathmanahhh could be06:42
kkathmanLjL:  I had no experience on reiser at all until I installed SUSE.  Apparently Fedora and SUSE both use this as their default.06:43
arthurLjL: reiser4 to ext306:43
LjLarthur: don't think that's possible. i had researched the opposite a bit (i.e. ext3 to reiser), and i think i recall that i found no solution06:43
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kkathmanarthur: As for conversion, it can be done, but its not really a conversion, per se...and its kinda risky...you can check it out here:  http://lists.suse.com/archive/suse-linux-e/2003-Jan/2093.html06:44
kkathmanthats a SUSE link, but the principle is close I'd think06:44
_tonyquick question06:44
_tonyevery time I try to install stuf with the terminal I get this error:06:45
kkathmanIts really more of a backup, wipe repartition and restore kind of think06:45
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_tonyErroers were encountered while processing: setiahome Ksetisaver E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)06:46
_tonyhow do I fix that?06:46
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kkathman_tony  what are you using to install?06:47
_tonyI am using Konsole trying to install some mplayer plugins for firefox06:47
_tonydoes it when installing other programs as well06:47
_tonylike, most games from the repos06:47
kkathman_tony:  ok, so you are doing something like  sudo apt-get install <package>06:47
LjLkkathman: well, that just describes storing your files somewhere else, re-formatting, and then restoring ;)06:47
kkathmanLjL  yes, see my comments above06:48
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kkathman_tony:  that particular error is very odd06:49
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_tonyexactly why my friend sent me here instead of telling me what to do06:49
shammyWill ndiswrapper run on an x64 Breezy install?06:49
kkathman_tony what version of ubuntu/kubuntu are you running?06:50
_tony5 I think06:50
tristanmikeHello, I have a quick question. Will K3B burn a bootable cd, like a live cd, and is there any special settings I need to know?06:50
_tonythe ISO I downloaded said Kubuntu-506:51
kkathman_tony: do you remember whether its 5.04  or   5.10 ?06:51
_tonyall it said was kubuntu-506:51
_tonydidn't get specific06:51
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neoncodeoh no wait sorry, that won't work..06:52
_tonyis there a way I can check?06:52
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kkathman_tony:  well Ksetisaver is like a replacement for KDE's normal screen saver, so whats weird is that Im not sure thats a standard install, or maybe your friend had you load it afterward?06:53
tristanmikeI guess go to K->Help->Kubuntu Documents06:53
_tonyall I did was install Kubuntu onto a blank HD and re-set the repos to allow me to install stuff06:54
_tonyneoncode guided me through that part06:54
_tonythen it just started being a dick about stuff suddenly06:54
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shammyIs it nessasary to download Breezy if I alread have Hoary?06:55
kkathmanperhaps neoncode knows about Ksetisaver then06:55
neoncodeNever heard of it06:55
neoncodeI didn't tell him to install it. I just told him how to enable universe/multiverse06:55
_tonythats all he did06:56
kkathmanI suspect you have maybe a bum repository and have gotten a debian package in there thats not exactly compatible, but I dont know06:56
_tonyand thats why I'm puzzled06:56
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kkathman_tony  theres alot of stuf on Ksetisaver on Google, I just looked...but it doesnt seem to be a normal thing06:56
neoncodeDid I screw up trying to help him?06:56
_tonyI did download a screensaver and istalled it, so I'll check on that to see if it has anything to do with it06:57
kkathman_tony try this...   sudo apt-get remove ksetisaver06:57
_tonylemme open a terminal06:57
kkathmanget rid of that and try your installs again see if that solves the prob06:57
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neoncodeis ksetisaver an alpha/beta app?06:58
_tonyyay for lag!06:58
kkathmanits not a normal app, he's installed that on his own or at someone's direction06:58
kkathmanits in the repos tho06:58
_tonyErrors were encountered while processing: setiahome06:59
kkathmanits just a screen saver06:59
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neoncodeHe's being saying that his linux is now lagging a lot. He thought it was spyware. Can you even get linux spyware?06:59
_tonyEL sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)06:59
basithow would i install kubuntu on ubuntu dapper 3?06:59
kkathmanneoncode: not that I know of06:59
_tonyI can't type today06:59
basitdo we hav a repository for that?06:59
_tonynow its saying setiathome is giving me errors06:59
_tonyit was that and ksetisaver07:00
_tonynow its just setiathome07:00
_tonypreventing the remvoal of ksetisaver apparently07:00
kkathmanbasit: same way as any update....  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop07:00
neoncodesudo apt-get remove setiathome?07:00
kkathman_tony yes... hmmm let me think a sec of some other way07:00
basitkkathman, it can't find that package07:00
_tonyneoncode, if i can't remove one, then I probably can't remove the other07:00
_tonyisn't that just common sense?07:01
neoncodePossibly... I dunno. Carn't you force unintall packages?07:01
kkathmanbasit  really?  hmmm you DO have your repos set to dapper?07:01
basitkkathman, yes07:01
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_tonywell, neoncode, it removed setiathome07:03
kkathman_tony the only other thing I can think of is to try dpkg -r  on the package but dont hold hopes out for it07:03
kkathmanit DOES sound like thats a bug in ksetisaver tho and should be reported07:03
neoncode_tony: Good, now try to remove ksetisaver I guess?07:04
_tonytrying that07:04
_tonysays Package ksetisaver is not installed, so not removed07:04
neoncodeI guess setiathome removed ksetisaver as well.?07:04
kkathman_tony  try this    dpkg -i | grep ksetisaver       see what it returns07:04
kkathmandpkg -l   I mean07:05
basitkkathman, can u give me your sources list?07:05
_tonyone sec trying to run my original liine before i got my errors07:05
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ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource07:05
_tonyit installed07:06
_tonythe mplayer plugin for firefox07:06
kkathman_tony you might report that as a bug :)07:06
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neoncodemozilla-mplayer plays .mov files right?07:07
_tonywe'll find out in a few minutse07:07
_tonyhow would I report that?07:08
_tonyfound it07:10
`NomadIs nvu installation broken in Breezy?  Nothign ever seems to work with it07:10
visik7I've open office font too big not the document font but the menu font how can I reduce it ?07:10
ubotu[nvu]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingNvu http://www.nvu.com/ Linux/Mac/Windows Web authoring.07:11
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andreahow can i make something like this work on my system?07:18
andreai only managed to install new icon packs07:19
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marsHi Can someone give me link to sources list for breezy07:23
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource07:23
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kkathmanhi andrea...were you having difficulties?07:25
andreafrom where do i install new themes?07:25
marsI have a question what is DApper?07:26
andreai cant find where to install new themes07:26
andreaSystem Settings/Colors07:26
kkathmanmars: dapper is the next release of ubuntu... its currently in development scheduled out in April07:26
andreathere the import button....but the file type is different from the types i downloaded from kde-look07:26
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kkathmanandrea yes some of the themes have to be compiled, others manipulated... on that theme page there is usually an instruction link for installation07:27
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andreaoh i see07:28
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andreadoes a system update automatically update kde from 3.4 to 3.5?07:30
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kkathmanandrea no, you'll need to go here:  http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35.php07:31
kkathmanfollow the directions on that page07:31
andreakkathman: thanks07:31
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callieHey kkathman07:32
kkathmanhi callie!!  how are you?07:33
callienot so bad, you kkathman ?07:33
neoncodehey the Ctrl+Alt+Esc kill click thingy. Is that bascly just an instant kill for any app?07:33
kkathmanim very well, thanx :)07:33
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calliei just came into possession of a Palm III07:34
kkathmancallie:  Nice! How do you like it?07:34
callieits pretty cool kkathman just looking into synching with my cell phone and then with my e mail contacts07:35
kkathmanvery good...totall connectivity, eh callie ?? hehe07:35
Traum!configure x1107:36
ubotuTraum: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?07:36
ubotu[x11]  a protocol used by X servers and clients  X11 stands for the eleventh version of the X window system.07:36
ubotuTraum: No idea07:36
ubotucallie: Did you get hit by a windmill?07:36
Traumthanks, callie07:36
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kkathmanTraum:  sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg07:36
Traumok, thanks for the hint07:37
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kkathmanI hope thats what you wanted?? hehe07:37
calliethat command really needs shortening07:37
Traumthis forum I find more helpful than the ubuntu -- why is that ?07:37
callieits kde way Traum07:37
kkathmanThere are good people in both..just could be the questions hehe07:37
Traumwell, the Ubuntu feels like a big bar, with lots of noisy boasters07:38
Traumwhereas the Kubuntu is more: how can we get nirvana, we all need it...07:38
andreawhy did Linus Torvalds say that people should stick to KDE?07:39
kkathmannever quite heard it explained that way before :)07:39
calliei've always found the atmosphere in #ubuntu to be a little hostile07:39
Traumsee, they even laugh politely :-)07:39
TraumKurzes, militrisches Lachen:  haha07:40
kkathmanandrea:  its very configurable I think is his main point, and desktop personalization is very important to acceptance07:40
calliei discovered that me and torvalds have a common link the other day07:40
kkathmancallie:  reallY??? care to share?07:40
calliewe where both users of the Sinclair QL ;)07:40
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callieits the machine that lead him to developing the Linux kernal07:41
kkathmanthe old handheld Sinclair??07:41
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Traumstill using it? Callie?07:41
calliei have it at home07:41
Traumgood for you07:41
callieits a  great computer for its time07:41
kkathmanoh my... callie yer showing your years :)  I can remember putting one of those together :)07:41
calliestill in the box with mauals07:41
calliekkathman, it was a hand me down from my brother07:42
kkathmanpossibly mine was a few years before that one tho07:42
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kkathmancallie: ahhhh ok I thought it must have been :)07:42
_andreakkathman: I'm slowly learning linux, coming from a windows environment...and found KDE to be intuitively similar to Windows GUI07:42
_andreakkathman: and thats a plus....because you get going quickly07:42
calliebuilt in networking!07:42
_andreai'd like the buttons to be a little smaller though...sometimes they're too large07:42
kkathmanandred: Yes, very true, but you'll find that configuring KDE is much more robust and simpler than tweaking so many things in Windows :)07:43
Traum_andrea: KDE is a life preserver, isn't it?07:43
_andreayes....Theming in windows is TOUGH07:43
kkathmanoops..sorry _andrea that was for you...I misspelled your name07:43
callieand expensive sometimes _andrea07:43
_andreayes u need to buy themeing software07:43
_andreajust for the sake of a theme07:43
kkathman_andrea:  If you really want to get to know KDE, spend the day playing around in system settings, appearance and themes07:44
_andreakkathman: is there a way to reduce the size of buttons?07:44
callieit took me a while to get my KDE desktop looking how i want, but now im very happy07:44
_andreathat's my only worry for now07:44
kkathman_andrea:  which buttons?07:44
kkathmanlike the icons on the screen?07:44
callieSuperkaramba is so perdy!07:44
ubotuSuperKaramba is a KDE application that allows you to create interactive eye-candy on your desktop. Official site: http://netdragon.sourceforge.net SK Themes: http://kdelook.org07:45
_andreakkathman: System Settings/Colors...."Save Scheme" button....07:45
_andreathose kind of buttons07:45
_adam_Hwllo, as a Kubuntu newbee, am I in the right place here to ask questions?07:45
kkathman_andrea:  I think the size, is based on that panel, so Im not sure you can change it much, but the icons can be changed07:46
calliego ahead _adam_07:46
kkathman_adam_:  please ask away :)07:46
kkathman_andrea:  you can change the style of the buttons07:46
_adam_thanks, I installed from Adept achilles, but I don't find it on my computer now...07:46
_andreakkathman: how?07:46
_andreaok found :)07:47
kkathman_andrea:  system settings, appearance, style07:47
_adam_it doesn't appear in the All application list07:48
kkathman_adam_:  achilles is an application?07:48
calliei wish that window decoration installing was a little more straight forward07:48
kkathman_adam_:  some applications install on the menu, others do not.  Almost all apps will install to /usr/bin  though and you can enter them manually on the K-menu using its menu editor (right click on the K menu and choose menu editor)07:49
_adam_ok, let me see!07:50
_andreakkathman: I'm reading a  Computer Science degree at my University (malta)....but things are very windows-based here...and it's tough to find people who can show you what linux is all about...but i figured that its worthwile exploring it for myself. I wish to make it my development platform07:51
_andreakkathman: i've read in magazines that it's a "dream world" for development07:51
kkathman_andrea:  I applaud your curious nature.  You'll find some great journeys here in Linux :)07:52
_adam_Thanks a lot!07:52
kkathman_andrea:  What is really nice, is that its much less expensive to set up a quality development environment in LInux than Windows07:52
callie_adam_, some apps dont appear until you restart kde so you may want to try that too07:53
_andreakkathman: let's say i want to write a simple pascal program....in windows i would need an IDE like Dev-Pascal07:53
JohnFluxkkathman: er, most students have friends with copies ;)  cost isn't a good reason07:53
_andreawhat would be the steps to follow on a Linux box?07:53
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JohnFlux_andrea: well borland actually have delphi ide for linux07:53
kkathman_andrea:  For instance, in Windows to work, say on a program or a web application, you'd need an IDE (that costs money) and other tools like say Dreamweaver or Visual Studio (hundreds if not thousands of dollars)07:53
_andreai use java :D07:54
JohnFlux_andrea: c++ version too.  and their widgets are lgpl07:54
ccc_callie: no need to restart kde, however i've found sometimes it doesn't update the k menu unless you enter the menu editor and save it.07:54
kkathmanJohnFlux:  well, I tend to speak in terms of being legal, too.07:54
callieccc_, in my experiences restarting kde has worked, maybe it just refreshes a cache or something07:55
_andreai've had some ppl tell me that you need an IDE...and some other compiling tools.....(that's my main worry) since i'm very green on what these "tools" are07:55
kkathman_andrea:  you'll find those in Linux rather easily I think07:55
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kkathman_andrea:  for instance, Quanta+  is an excellent IDE for web development (somewhat comparable to Dreamweaver)07:56
_andreaaha....the name isnt new!07:57
kkathmanKdevelop is a good all-purpose coding IDE.07:57
Tm_TKate is also good07:57
kkathmanYes Kate is excellent in fact07:57
_andreacan i apt-get it?07:57
kkathmanKate comes standard in the KDE environment,  Quanta+ and Kdevelop you have to install07:58
kkathmanTm_T:  o/07:58
_andreaKate looks like a text editor07:58
Tm_Tit is07:58
Tm_Twith syntax hilighting07:58
kkathman_andrea:  it does, but its much more...try opening an html page in it, or an XML page...it has syntax highlighting and line numbers...etc07:58
=== Tm_T uses kate to xhtml, xml, css, c++ and... all
kkathmanTm_T:  do you work with docbooks any?  I.e. documentation07:59
_andreakkathman:  how do i tell Kate i'm writing in Delphi?07:59
JohnFlux_andrea: it guesses07:59
kkathmanya exactly07:59
JohnFluxbut kate is only a syntax highlighted07:59
kkathmanIt might not know all environements, but its pretty good at guessing07:59
_andreaSources options?08:00
JohnFluxmost windows coders don't really understand how coders develop without an ide08:00
JohnFluxfor example, I use just the command line and vi08:00
kkathmanYes, Kate is not an IDE08:00
JohnFluxalmost all the kde developers i know do the same08:00
JohnFluxit does take getting used to, but it's hard to go back to an ide afterwards08:01
_andreaJohnFlux: Why hard to go back? Aren;t IDE features helpful?08:01
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JohnFlux_andrea: you'd be surprised how much you get used to the freedom of a console08:02
kkathmanI like IDEs for somethings08:02
trispaceis there a way to use vim as kpart with KDE texteditors like kate?08:02
JohnFluxbeing able to grep, use svn commmands, and so on08:02
JohnFlux_andrea: i'm not saying it's better, it's just different really08:02
JohnFlux_andrea: at work I use an ide, and appreciate some of the features.  but in linux I never miss those features for some reason08:02
_andreaok i wrote a hello world program in Kate in pascal code....08:03
_andreahow do i "Run" it lol :)08:03
JohnFlux_andrea: what did you save it as?08:03
trispacevim + kate would be the coolest thing since sliced bread ;)08:03
JohnFlux_andrea: go to a console and do "make filename"08:03
JohnFlux_andrea: where your file is called  filename.pas08:03
JohnFluxnote you don't use the suffic08:03
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JohnFluxtrispace: well kdevelop can use vim08:04
JohnFluxtrispace: maybe that's what you want08:04
JohnFluxtrispace: it uses the kvim part08:04
_andreawrong paste..08:04
_andreai did "make hello"08:04
trispaceJohnFlux: great! i'll take a look08:04
_andreasince the filename is hello.pas08:04
JohnFlux_andrea: and what did it say>08:04
_andreaand it gave-> make: *** No rule to make target 'hello'. Stop08:05
JohnFluxI guess make doesn't recognise pascal.  not many people use pascal in linux afaik08:05
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trispaceJohnFlux: i saw that it's possible to select the "embedded editor" - so there should be a vim plugin, should'nt it?08:05
_andreai updated to kde 3.508:06
_andreacan i refresh without a reboot?08:06
JohnFlux_andrea: just log out08:08
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Pupeno__andrea: yes, log out, on the log in screen press ctrl alt backspace (just in case), log in.08:08
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JohnFluxPupeno_:restarting X isn't necessary08:09
Pupeno_JohnFlux: will it use the new kdm right away ?08:10
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hDp`GoGo Fra Ce Sohoir !!!!!08:14
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ubotucallie: Do they come in packets of five?08:17
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ubotuI haven't a clue, callie08:18
michaelAnyone use Eclipse with the Jigloo plugin?  I'm finding I need to run eclipse with sudo or I get errors with that plugin...  is there an easy way to set an app to run with sudo via a launcher icon or do I need to always start it via the command line?08:18
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fatejudgerJakubS_: ping08:18
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arafatmichael: try kdesu08:19
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michaelsearching apt-cache, thanks arafat08:20
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH!, _andrea08:21
ubotuSome people juggle geese, _andrea08:21
calliei want a file manager that isnt konqi, i dont want webbrowsing in my file manager but not something as complex as Krusader, any suggestions ?08:22
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callieyou got any ideas kkathman ?08:26
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kkathmancallie:  try krusader08:26
kkathmanthats what I use...I know you think its complex, but its very nice08:27
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kkathmanbuild in FTP and all that08:27
kkathmancan cross your samba network too08:27
callieim using it at the moment, but it just seems to do alot of things i dont need08:27
callieso i was wondering if there where any lighter apps08:27
kkathmancallie: yeah I dont use them myswld08:27
kkathmanmyself I mean...whew...just washed my hands and cant do anything with em08:28
=== callie hands kkathman some moisturiser
kkathmancallie:  check this:  http://applications.linux.com/article.pl?sid=05/02/23/2226202&tid=13&tid=4908:28
kkathmanthat might steer you in the right direction to look for another08:29
calliecheers dude08:29
calliethat is, if you're a dude08:29
callieor a dudette08:29
kkathmani am :)08:29
kkathmana dude that is08:29
callieoooh, i remember using Rox a while ago in a fluxbox setup08:30
callieforgot about that one08:30
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ubotuparse error: dunno what you're talking about, _andrea08:31
_andreai need info about prelinking my system08:31
_andreaanywhere i can find it?08:31
calliepre linking?08:31
_andreacallie: yes08:31
callieim as lost as ubotu there _andrea08:31
_andreaits a way to make proggies come up faster08:32
callieperhaps you could explain a little more08:32
_andreaProgram HelloWorld;08:32
_andreaWriteln("Hello World!");08:32
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michaelarafat: thanks again for kdesu, i've got the launcher customized perfectly to run with sudo :-)08:32
_andreaprelinking modiefies ELF shared libraries and executables08:33
_andreaso that fewer relocations need to be made at runtime08:33
_andreaand thus programs come up faster08:33
=== callie gets back into his depth
callieits scary down there!08:34
_andreacoz my apps seem to be going a little slow...on quite a powerful system.... :(08:34
calliewhich apps _andrea ?08:34
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_andreaanything i try... :(08:34
_andreaOOo takes ages08:34
_andreaamarok too08:34
callieages like 5 seconds? or like 30?08:35
_andreaOoo takes some 15 seconds08:35
_andreaAmarok...some 508:35
_andreabut....i'm used to faster speeds....08:35
calliespeed isnt everything08:35
_andreabut it's nice to have08:36
callieand considering crashes are less frequent and less damaging a slight increase in load time will be balanced out in productivity08:36
_andreaespeciall when u've got money spent on hardware08:36
calliewhat gfx card you using?08:37
_andreanvidia 680008:37
callieand you've installed the nvidia kernel drivers?08:37
_andreaand nvidia-settings08:37
_andreaand they work well08:37
_andreaeven if windows still have that draggy feeling08:37
calliecool, just checking it wasnt something to do with rendering08:38
calliemy computer isnt that high spec and things run pretty zippy08:38
calliehavent made any major tweeks either08:38
_andreahence my..."problem"08:38
_andreai'm fairly new to linux08:38
_andreabut i'm quite confident with pc's overall...and i know enough to know it should be snappy08:39
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_andreai've even installed the 686-smp kernel08:39
calliesomething i need to get round to doing08:39
_andreaits easy with Adept08:40
_andreafind the 686-smp kernel08:40
_andreaselect, install it...and reboot08:40
callieyeah, i know, i just dont feel the need at the moment08:40
_andreau'll find the new 686 entries08:40
calliebeen using linux for 4 years _andrea08:40
calliei dont fix anything that isnt broken08:41
calliesomething you'll learn with linux08:41
_andreabut it's running SLOW :(08:41
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calliei guess it could be any number of things, try to pin down whats slowing down your system and try looking on the forems _andrea08:42
callieperhaps running a system monitor might help you see where the bottleneck is _andrea08:44
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_andreaok lets give that a try08:45
JakubS_fatejudger: pong08:45
kameronanyone find ktorrent really unstable?08:45
JakubS_like in crashing? nope08:45
kameronhmm, aight.08:46
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kameronit crashes for me constantly.08:46
JakubS_is use current svn version08:46
ubotu_andrea: Not a clue08:47
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_andreacallie: http://bin-false.org/?p=1008:51
_andreacallie: this is what i was talking about08:51
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calliecool _andrea, it's just i've never done it before because i've never felt the need to, so the fact your system is running a bit slow is interesting08:53
_andreathese instructions seem to be for an older version08:54
callieyou using dapper?08:54
fatejudgerJakubS_: are you busy today?08:54
_andreawith full updates08:54
JakubS_unfortunately, horrid exam tomorrow :(08:54
fatejudgerJakubS_: ok, well I sent you the email as to when I would be available08:55
fatejudgerJakubS_: do you think you could check it and let me know which time would be best for you?08:55
JakubS_wireless networks, and i _still_ does not understand gaussian minimum shift keying modulation :-(08:55
JakubS_ok, tuesday probably08:55
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JakubS_you will be on #kubuntu?08:55
fatejudgerJakubS_: yeah08:56
callie_andrea, thats kubuntu breezy08:56
_andreabreezy badger08:56
trolliganybody here that can tell me how network configuration has changed in dapper?08:57
trolligwhat the hell would everybody need an avahi-daimon for?08:58
callie_andrea, exactly08:58
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_andreacallier: i'm learning as much as i can :)08:58
trolligwhy do I have to type /etc/init.d/networking restart to get my dns settings running after every boot?08:58
trolligwhere can I find documentation on that?08:59
=== sparaflescio RiGuRgItO_L_aNiMa frocio
callie_andrea, no worries, its confusing for me, i have no training at all, completely self taught. so its been a long frustrating road08:59
_andreamy training is all Windows...09:00
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_andreaso i'm on my own too09:00
callieyeah, and yet you just taught me about pre linking so you've got some good grounding there, that will take you a long way09:01
_andreahopefully :D09:01
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GameOver69hey guys how do i uninstall firefox 1.5 from kubutnu... this is the package installed by automatix09:03
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unix_infideldoes kubuntu use artsd by default?09:13
Xemanth^^yes kde uses09:13
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unix_infidelhow can i disable artsd and use dmix instead?09:14
unix_infideli run fluxbox, so i dont start kde at bootup.09:14
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trolligunix_infidel: if you type ~$ ps ax|grep artsd09:18
trolligdo you get a process?09:18
unix_infidel12003 ?        SL     1:52 /usr/bin/artsd -F 10 -S 4096 -s 60 -m artsmessage -l 3 -f09:18
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unix_infidelso i guess i AM using artsd, how do i prevent artsd from init at bootup and use dmix by default using /etc/asound.conf which doesnt exist>09:19
closeasperildid anyone use the xmms-kde plugin here before? it kept crashing xmms and disabled the whole kde screen :/09:20
trolligcan't tell you out of the box. Would have to do some reading myself09:20
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apacheLAGgerkeyman, my first multi-deb09:24
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fatejudgerJakubS_: what time did you decide would work for you?09:29
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JakubS_fatejudger: anytime on tuesday09:38
fatejudgerJakubS_: like I said in my email, Tuesday doesn't work09:38
fatejudgerJakubS_: read the email and let me know which time works for you, I listed a bunch of times in it09:39
JakubS_sorry, i misread :-)09:39
JakubS_let's say wednesday then09:39
fatejudgerJakubS_: what time on Wednesday?09:39
JakubS_anytime after noon, just call me at #amarok or #kubuntu09:40
fatejudgerJakubS_: what time zone are you in?09:40
JakubS_central european09:40
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fatejudgerJakubS_: oh geez, that's going to be difficult09:41
fatejudgerJakubS_: I'm the Pacific Standard Time Zone09:41
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JakubS_completely opposite side of the globe :-)09:41
fatejudgerJakubS_: yeah, by the time I get home at 609:41
fatejudgerJakubS_: you'll be in bed09:42
fatejudgerJakubS_: perhaps a different day?09:42
unix_infidelcan anyone tell me how to prevent artsd from starting at boot?09:42
fatejudgerunix_infidel: got into the KDE sound settings09:42
fatejudgerunix_infidel: and disable the sound there09:43
unix_infidelfatejudger: already there.....09:43
unix_infidelfatejudger: where is says disable sound system?09:43
JakubS_fatejudger: i will have time since tuesday until sunday09:43
fatejudgerunix_infidel: uncheck "enable the sound system"09:43
JakubS_after that another exam is coming09:43
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linuxboyfriendhi all09:43
fatejudgerJakubS_: how about Friday at 10 AM PST?09:44
fatejudgerJakubS_: what time would that be there?09:44
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unix_infidelfatejudger: thanks.09:44
fatejudgerunix_infidel: np09:44
unix_infidelhow would i go about generating an asound.conf?09:44
linuxboyfriendi was trying to install my modem and when i gave command make install it gives me error that kernel source is not installed, how can i install kenel source09:44
fatejudgerlinuxboyfriend: it's in the repos somewhere09:45
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trispacelinuxboyfriend: aptitude search kernel-source09:45
linuxboyfriendfatejudger: can i install from CD09:45
fatejudgerlinuxboyfriend: no09:45
fatejudgerlinuxboyfriend: you'll have to download it09:45
linuxboyfriendfatejudger: why its not there in the CD09:45
fatejudgerlinuxboyfriend: it's only about 30 MB09:45
linuxboyfriendfatejudger: how can i connect to internet without installing my modem09:46
fatejudgerlinuxboyfriend: just search for "linux" in Adept, you'll see it somewhere09:46
fatejudgerlinuxboyfriend: well how are you connected right now?09:46
linuxboyfriendfatejudger: its someother system with suse09:46
fatejudgerlinuxboyfriend: wow, that kind of sucks09:46
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fatejudgerlinuxboyfriend: it's really hard to use Kubuntu without high speed internet access though, IMO09:47
linuxboyfriendfatejudger: can i download and install kernel source manually09:48
linuxboyfriendfatejudger: from this system09:48
fatejudgerlinuxboyfriend: I would imagine so09:48
fatejudgerlinuxboyfriend: I think it's packaged as a .deb09:49
fatejudgerlinuxboyfriend: navigate to the repo that has it09:49
ubotuSome people juggle geese, fatejudger09:49
ubotukernelsource is, like, totally, apt-get install linux-source-<your kernel version>09:49
fatejudgerthere you go09:49
fatejudgerfind the package "linux-source-<your kernel version>"09:49
trolliglinuxboyfriend: and then you read this http://www.debian.de/doc/manuals/reference/ch-system.en.html#s-kernel-details09:50
trolliglinuxboyfriend: well, at least start there :-)09:51
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michaelWhy might Kaffeine keep complaining it can't find decoders to handle mp3?  I have both xine and gstreamer and lame installed...?09:59
michaelIt says I might need to install the corresponding plugins and has a "Details" button that does nothing.  Quite unhelpful.  Does anyone think kaffeine is a great player?  Any ideas what I can do so it will read mp3s?10:00
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ilba7ranyone know of a pdf editor in linux10:02
Aji-Dahakafor regular stuff, you can edit it in koffice or whatever10:03
Aji-Dahakamaybe openoffice, also10:03
ilba7rnope neither work10:03
ilba7rkword open only some text pdf files10:04
Aji-Dahakadoes adobe put out acrobat for linux?10:04
Aji-Dahakathey have reader out for sure10:05
ilba7rya only the reader10:05
ilba7rand adobe professional do not run under cxoffice10:06
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Aji-Dahakahuh, seems someone asked about this on a mailing list I'm on, just a moment :)10:06
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ilba7ri think someone just trying to help me :)10:08
ilba7rfor i asked the same questions in other channels10:08
ilba7reh i know it was slim chance but needed to be updated before re installing window10:08
ilba7rthanx Aji-Dahaka10:08
Aji-Dahakaah, didn't see it but it looks like some people are using flpsed10:11
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jorikfor some programs sound doesnt work unless i so killall artsd, can i fix this ?10:16
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ilba7rjorik those programs use the old sound server oss10:18
ilba7rthey need exclusive acess to your sound device10:18
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Aji-Dahakailba7r: can linux/kubuntu make virtual devices to allow multiple oss applications run at once?10:22
ilba7rAji-Dahaka, i use virtual sound mixing10:23
ilba7rand for oss applications i run a wrapper with alsa aoss10:23
ilba7rworks like a charm10:23
Aji-Dahakaah, I see10:23
ilba7r!tell Aji-Dahaka about dmix10:23
Aji-Dahakabut nothing built into their oss device?10:23
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ilba7rAji-Dahaka, i am sorry i can not understand the question10:24
ilba7rwhenever oss try to play a sound it has to connect to your sound device. and need exclusive lock on it to work this is /dev/dsp10:24
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Aji-Dahakawell, I'm rather new to linux so don't understand its "intricacies" yet, but: is there anything built into the sound driver to allow virtualisation so that the exclusive lock on /dev/dsp is both fake and transparent to the user (application)10:25
ilba7ri never heard of that sorry10:25
ilba7rthe new sound servers do that by default Aji-Dahaka ie alsa and to some extent esd10:27
ilba7rwhat program are you trying to run. for some can be config to run either sound sys10:27
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GameOver69can anyone help me getting kaffeine working in firefox... i installed the mozilla plugin but it didnt work10:28
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azertyhey all, does kubuntu Dapper Drake boot faster than Breezy ?10:30
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fatejudgerazerty: hell yes10:30
fatejudgerazerty: about 20% faster I'd say10:31
azertyoh, thanks10:31
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ilba7rAji-Dahaka, you will need alsa-oss for the oss raper it is not installed by default10:33
Aji-Dahakaoh, I was just wondering if the kernel had anything for it10:36
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Aji-Dahaka(used to FreeBSD which does have it built in)10:37
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MetaMorfoziShi all10:42
MetaMorfoziSi'm over kde10:42
MetaMorfoziSplease tellme how can i cahnge the dpi10:42
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MetaMorfoziSmy fonts -texts in the windows - are very nasty10:43
fatejudgerwell what did you do?10:43
MetaMorfoziSand i think the dpi is on the bad value - i'm readed this in forum10:43
MetaMorfoziSi want to set the dpi10:43
fatejudgerI know the default uses a beautiful font10:43
fatejudgerdpi is a figure most generally used for printers10:44
Aji-DahakaX allows you to set that somehow10:44
fatejudgermost everything that has to do with monitors uses pixels10:44
fatejudgerI've never heard of changing the dpi for a font10:44
calliedpi is often used to express ppi10:44
callieno need to nit pick10:44
fatejudgerperhaps a screenshot would help?10:44
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MetaMorfoziSits not ide10:45
MetaMorfoziSmoment so..10:45
MetaMorfoziS /clear:)10:45
Aji-Dahakawindows is like 96 bi default and X maybe 75, but it grabs the proper value from the DDC of the monitor in all cases where it can, iirc10:46
callieMetaMorfoziS, go to control centre > appearance and themes > fonts10:46
MetaMorfoziSi'm at here10:46
MetaMorfoziSand i'm fuck this window about 20 minutes:D10:46
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MetaMorfoziSso my fonts at times very nasty...10:47
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MetaMorfoziSand the antialiasing is nowhere..10:47
Aji-Dahakacontact your local webmaster ...10:47
calliewell, you'll just have to find some fonts you like10:47
Aji-Dahakatell him to be more sane about font choices10:47
MetaMorfoziSi'm isntalled my win fonst10:47
MetaMorfoziSand setted the arial10:47
MetaMorfoziSbut for ex konqueror ...10:47
MetaMorfoziSnot working its not good10:47
MetaMorfoziSso where i can set the dpi?10:47
MetaMorfoziStu 96?10:48
GameOver69where do u get extensions for conqueror.... like how firefox has10:48
LjLGameOver69: nowhere, that i know of10:48
Aji-DahakaMetaMorfoziS: it's an X setting somewhere ...10:49
Aji-DahakaMetaMorfoziS: seems google knows10:49
calliekonqueror uses mozilla plugins10:49
callienetscape that is10:50
MetaMorfoziSx setting.. so its in the xorg.conf10:50
Aji-Dahakaseems windows fonts would be baddish at 75 (or whatever your monitor actually uses)10:50
Aji-Dahakayeah, probably xorg.conf10:50
MetaMorfoziSokay i check it a moment i'm uploading an image10:50
MetaMorfoziSi don't think its nice...10:50
MetaMorfoziSsee the "start" menu10:51
MetaMorfoziSand the font in the konqueror ath right side down10:51
MetaMorfoziSand window titles...10:51
callieMetaMorfoziS, you have a tft monitor?10:52
Aji-Dahakahttp://www.mozilla.org/unix/dpi.html (looks relevant)10:52
MetaMorfoziS17" ctx s700a10:53
Aji-Dahakalooks like Xresources is the place10:53
callieMetaMorfoziS, just checking since your using a 5:4 aspect ratio10:53
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MetaMorfoziSmeta@metagepe:/etc/kde3$ xdpyinfo | grep resolutio10:54
MetaMorfoziS  resolution:    75x75 dots per inch10:54
GameOver69can anyone help me... firefox doesnt not seem to recognize any of my media plugins i install10:55
callieMetaMorfoziS, watch the language dude10:55
GameOver69not kaffeeine... not mplayer10:55
ilba7rGameOver69, which ver of firefox you use10:55
MetaMorfoziSso x thinks my dpi is 75...10:55
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ilba7rGameOver69, you can copy the links to your direct. the problem you report is only for 11.510:56
Aji-DahakaMetaMorfoziS: it probably is 33310:56
Aji-DahakaMetaMorfoziS: is*10:56
ilba7rGameOver69, you will need to copy the plugins or make symbolic links to them10:57
Aji-DahakaMetaMorfoziS: typing accident ;)10:57
GameOver69ilba7r..... ok from where to where10:57
GameOver69u lead the way10:57
Aji-DahakaMetaMorfoziS: ... is what I meant, the keys are one away from each other10:57
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Aji-DahakaMetaMorfoziS: anyways, windows just chooses 96 regardless of what reality is.  X detects the dpi that your monitor tells it10:58
ilba7ror /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins10:58
MetaMorfoziSthe link10:58
MetaMorfoziSif it's true10:58
MetaMorfoziSwhy this nasty fonts?10:58
ilba7rput them in your home directory under .mozilla/plugins10:58
GameOver69ok one sec10:58
MetaMorfoziSthe link said10:59
MetaMorfoziSedit the cnf10:59
Aji-DahakaMetaMorfoziS: because you are using fonts that were designed to be used only at 96 dpi on a monitor that is 75dpi?10:59
MetaMorfoziSand add the dimensions of my mon.10:59
MetaMorfoziSthe default fonts, in kde10:59
MetaMorfoziSall font is bad..10:59
GameOver69ilba, howo come this works.... and it doesnt when i install it properly11:00
MetaMorfoziSif i set all font setting to default11:00
MetaMorfoziSbut set the font size to 1211:00
MetaMorfoziSbut 10 is very low, its going to nasty11:00
ilba7rGameOver69, sorry can you repeat that again11:00
LjLduh, my monitor says its DPI is 98x108, now *that's* quite a number =)11:00
Aji-Dahakahuh, they look goodish here11:01
ilba7rfirefox1.07 know where to look for the plugins11:01
Aji-DahakaLjL: widescreen?11:01
ilba7ryou made a custom install11:01
LjLAji-Dahaka: no, bog standard 15" sony trinitron11:01
LjLerr 19"11:01
ilba7rso you just needed the symbolic links. 1.5 is not supported under breezy11:01
Aji-DahakaLjL: huh, interesting11:01
Aji-DahakaLjL: a crooked number11:01
GameOver69iba7r....howo come it hasnt been realeased yet... any idea?11:01
LjLAji-Dahaka: actually i think i'm running it with a non 1:1 aspect ratio resolution, now that i think of it11:02
MetaMorfoziSanybody help me to set beautiful fonts...:(11:02
GameOver69its been out for a while now11:02
ilba7rGameOver69, it will cause some packages to break11:02
Aji-Dahakaah, that could be it11:02
ilba7rand it can only enter through the backports anyway11:02
ilba7rdapper will support it though11:02
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=== MetaMorfoziS despondently
m_tadeuhi...i'm unable to read dvd's11:03
MetaMorfoziSwhat i do? set manually the dpi in the xorg conf? or what?11:03
MetaMorfoziSwindows use 96dpi, and its work...11:03
m_tadeusomething like "The source seems encrypted, and can't be read. "11:03
m_tadeuwhat can i do abou this?11:03
ilba7rGameOver69, ubuntu policy is to take a snapshot and not introduce any new ver. The official policy is for security updates only. This give you a more stable os. The snapshots are updated though every 6 month which is quite fast compared to debian11:03
LjLAji-Dahaka: yeah 1280x1024. i even forgot about this, because it goes almost completely unnoticed in X (while it would be very visible in Windows, probably for the very reason that the DPI there are fixed)11:04
ilba7rGameOver69, sometime applications or new versions can be backported sometimes it is risky to do so so you just wait for the next release11:04
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Aji-Dahakaman yakuake is slick :)11:05
m_tadeui'm getting this error when reading dvd's: "The source seems encrypted, and can't be read. " with Kaffeine. how do i solve this problem?11:05
Aji-Dahakam_tadeu: did you install all of the dvd stuffs?11:05
ilba7rm_tadeu, libdvdcss11:06
GameOver69iba8r... ok no problem... hmm the mplayer plugin works... but it never plays any streaming wmv11:06
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GameOver69loads then stops11:06
ilba7r!tell m_tadeu about restrictedformats11:06
m_tadeu"Your DVD is probably crypted. According to your country laws, you can or can't use libdvdcss to be able to read this disc. (Media stream scrambled/encrypted)"11:06
Aji-DahakaAccording to your country laws, you can or can't use libdvdcss to be able to ...11:06
ilba7rGameOver69, it should not be like that11:07
Aji-Dahakamaybe "The use of libdvdcss is restricted in some countries" or similar?11:07
ilba7rGameOver69, are you sure the right plugin is installed11:07
m_tadeuAji-Dahaka: And if i change the configuration in my OS?11:07
ilba7rok go to the dir where the plugins is11:07
ilba7rand type11:07
MetaMorfoziSits work11:08
ilba7rls -l mplayer*11:08
MetaMorfoziSi added to the xorg conf my monitor dimensions...11:08
MetaMorfoziSthx all11:08
Aji-Dahakadid it work?11:08
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MetaMorfoziSwhere i can set up the "startup"11:08
GameOver69iba7r.... and kaffeine says i dont have the proper decoder to handle it11:08
MetaMorfoziSif i want to start some programs with kde?11:08
ilba7ryou should at least find 8 plugins pointing to another file11:08
GameOver69how do i find that out11:09
ilba7rGameOver69, my recommend remove the kaffiene-mozilla plugin11:09
ilba7rand just have the mozilla-mplayer one11:09
ilba7rok got to go now11:10
ilba7rtake care all11:10
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GameOver69ok but itloads now just doesnt play the file11:10
ilba7rGameOver69, reinstall the mozilla-mplayer11:10
ilba7rclose firefox and open it again11:10
ilba7rthan try11:10
GameOver69ok... do i need to copy it over again11:10
GameOver69to the home directory11:10
ilba7rwhere did you copy it from11:11
GameOver69the usr.lib.mozilla one11:11
GameOver69that u told me11:11
ilba7ryah copy it again11:11
GameOver69and if it happens again?11:11
ilba7rtake care now got to go11:11
m_tadeuthanx guys...11:11
ilba7rGameOver69, play it with firefox 1.0711:11
ilba7rif it work than your plugins are proper11:12
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GameOver69ok ill try it out11:12
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hDp`cette fois ci c'est ok : http://www.2m3.net/lien-externe-1200-La_moustafette.html11:13
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m_tadeubtw...how do i enable the dma to my cdrom?11:15
ubotusomebody said dma was Direct Memory Access/Addressing. A method of transferring data from one memory area to another without having to go through the central processing unit. It makes your hard disks run faster :-).  DMA from the ubuntu wiki guide https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DMA11:15
MetaMorfoziSwhere i can set programs to auto start up?11:17
m_tadeuthanx again11:18
dandielionousI could be a little slow but I don't see how you can transfer data from one memory area to another without having to go throught the central processing unit.11:18
dandielionousUnless you're just moving floppy discs and cds or dvds around.11:18
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Tm_Tdandielionous: easy :)11:21
dandielionousI'm always about one step behind in technology. :)11:22
dandielionousBut it did have to do with dvd,cd and other optical readers.11:22
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karlwrkkaffeine locked up, and I killed it, but now it won't start again, anyone have any ideas?11:23
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dandielionousI don't see where it says it's not using the cpu though.11:24
dandielionousJust doesn't seem logical to me.  No cpu not computer.11:24
karlwrkit spawns a child process, that immediately goes to zombie state <defunct>11:25
dandielionousNow that would be more logical.11:25
dandielionousSort of like a virtual disc.11:25
dandielionousSetting up a program to handle that process.11:26
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lajoshi all11:30
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lajosim use first this OS its very cool....:)11:31
MetaMorfoziShow can i set the startup list?11:31
lajossry i dont know11:31
MetaMorfoziSmagyar vagy?:D11:32
lajoshj egy magyar :)11:32
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MetaMorfoziSezis magyar11:32
GameOver69hey how do i get realplayer to work in firefox?11:32
lajosmost raktam fel kubuntut llat:)11:32
lajoshi magyarok:D11:32
MetaMorfoziSen most raktam fel a kde-t eddig gnomet hasznaltam11:32
MetaMorfoziSperceken belul megbasznak minket azert mert magyarul beszelunk:)11:33
lajossztem kde j11:33
lajosht lehet11:33
MetaMorfoziSsztem is csak vannak kis kezdeti gondjaim11:33
MetaMorfoziSminthogy 20perce hasznalom kb11:33
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MetaMorfoziSnemtom hoy lehet autoinditasba rakni cumokat meg ilyenek11:33
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dandielionousGameOver69: I'm still trying to figure out how to get RealPlayer working.11:34
dandielionousI am a newb though.11:35
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dandielionousI did manage to figure out how to install it.11:35
dandielionousI'm just now sure if I did it in the right place.11:35
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fatejudgeris anyone able to use KTorrent RC2 in Dapper?11:37
fatejudgerthe plugins don't show up for me11:37
MetaMorfoziSThe firefox is only for me nasty?11:37
MetaMorfoziSi'm thinking it about the gui11:37
MetaMorfoziSff's gui like wine11:38
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Tm_Tfatejudger: I compile from svn, works11:38
adriyelwhats the name of the superkaramba widget that functions like the OS X dock?11:38
fatejudgerTm_T: there is something seriously wrong with my linux install11:39
fatejudgerTm_T: all of these weird ass problems11:39
fatejudgerTm_T: me not being able to compile amarok with gstreamer support11:39
fatejudgerTm_T: now this11:39
fatejudgerI'm wondering if I should reinstall Dapper...11:39
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Tm_Tanyway, good night ->11:40
_lajosCan i play dvd and videos with basic kubuntu 5.10 install?11:40
MetaMorfoziS_lajos: nem, de nezdmeg ezt:11:40
MetaMorfoziSgooglezz ra:11:40
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MetaMorfoziS+site:wiki.hup.hu +ubuntu11:41
MetaMorfoziS1-2. link11:41
_lajosmi kell hozz? player? vagy codec?11:41
MetaMorfoziSabout_breezy badger v ilyesmi11:41
MetaMorfoziSes ott levan irva minden11:41
GameOver69question: if u remove programs.... does it delte them from your hard drive... it seems if i reinstall s omething it doesnt even download it just installs and thats it11:41
fatejudgerGameOver69: it doesn't delete the packages11:41
fatejudgerGameOver69: just the installed files11:41
MetaMorfoziSnemjol mondtam11:42
GameOver69fatejudger, doesnt that take up space11:42
fatejudgerGameOver69: sudo apt-get clean (if you want to erase the packages too)11:42
fatejudgerGameOver69: yeah, but very little11:42
GameOver69ok thanks... also where can i download the w32 codecs from11:42
ubotuI guess w32codecs is a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular proprietary formats not currently supported by free implementations under linux. See http://tinyurl.com/e4a5s to install11:43
MetaMorfoziSAji-Dahaka: can help me about firefox?11:43
MetaMorfoziSi think my firefox is use the gnome gui...11:43
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MetaMorfoziSi have gnome and kde but use the kde11:43
MetaMorfoziSmy ff use gnome under kde?:D11:43
MetaMorfoziSso its nasty...11:43
MetaMorfoziSnem tudok angolul bassztokmeg.11:43
lajos_firefox megy kde alatt is11:44
MetaMorfoziSde nekem van gnome-m11:44
MetaMorfoziSes ugynezki a guija11:44
MetaMorfoziSmintamikor egy gnomes progit inditok kde alatt11:44
MetaMorfoziSes a gombjai is olyanok11:44
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MetaMorfoziSsot  a mgse gomnak a kis kpecskje is ua11:44
lajos_aha szal nem kde-s a kinzet11:44
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naliothenglish please here11:44
MetaMorfoziSde hoygtudom ravenni hogy kdeslegyen?11:44
lajos_a moment :)11:45
MetaMorfoziShow can i force firefox, tu use KDE gui? not gnome?11:45
lajos_if u change the skin on ff?11:45
naliothMetaMorfoziS: firefox has to be built with qt libs to appear as kde11:45
MetaMorfoziSi downloaded a clean firefox11:46
fatejudgerwhy don't you just use Konqueror?11:46
MetaMorfoziSbut its not work...11:46
fatejudgerwhy does everyone feel that they need to use Firefox?11:46
MetaMorfoziSi want to use firefox.11:46
fatejudgergive me one good reason11:46
MetaMorfoziSfirefox is better than all...:)11:46
MetaMorfoziSthe extensions11:46
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fatejudgerwhich extension11:46
MetaMorfoziSi'm developing and i need a lotof11:47
MetaMorfoziSfor ex11:47
MetaMorfoziSweb developer11:47
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MetaMorfoziSmeasure it11:47
MetaMorfoziScolor zilla11:47
GameOver69does anyone know where i can get more sources to add to the update list?11:47
fatejudgerFirefox is slow, ugly, and has poor boot times11:47
MetaMorfoziSwml browser11:47
fatejudgerKonq has adblock11:47
fatejudgerif you want web developing tools for Konq, get Quanta11:47
lajos_metamofozis: the new konqueror is good but i dont use java chat...11:47
MetaMorfoziSi'm not know konqueror11:47
MetaMorfoziSi'm using kde 20minutes ago11:47
MetaMorfoziSwhat is it?11:48
fatejudgerI used to think that Konqueror was bad too, but that's because I never even tried it11:48
fatejudgeronce I did, I found out that it was awesome11:48
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MetaMorfoziSbtw, i want firefox.11:48
fatejudgerQuanta is a HTML code editing suite11:48
MetaMorfoziSmy problem is the firefox's gui11:48
MetaMorfoziSi'm dont want html editing suite11:48
fatejudgerwith previewing using the KHTML engine11:48
fatejudgerwhich is what you do want11:48
MetaMorfoziSi want firefox:)11:49
MetaMorfoziSwith kde based gui11:49
fatejudgerbut you can't get that11:49
ubuntudandielionous, hi, it's tmbr11:49
fatejudgerbecause Firefox sucks11:49
fatejudgerhence the uglyness11:49
MetaMorfoziSbecause firefox using my gnome gui...11:49
fatejudgerhave you even tried Konqueror?11:49
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MetaMorfoziSi'm said11:49
fatejudgerwell then try and11:49
MetaMorfoziS20minutes ago using kde...11:49
fatejudgertell me that you don't like it11:49
fatejudgerwtf does that mean?11:49
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fatejudgerthat isn't even a sentence11:50
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MetaMorfoziSfatejudger shut up. i want firefox, i want help.11:50
fatejudgerthen apt-get install firefox11:50
fatejudgerand deal with the shittyness11:50
MetaMorfoziSnot missionary11:50
fatejudgerwhat the hell do I care11:50
fatejudgerbut don't come in here bitching about how Firefox sucks when there's a perfectly good replacement11:51
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MetaMorfoziSyou are fazed:)11:51
_StarScreamfatejudger has a point11:51
MetaMorfoziSand i'm dont has help.11:51
MetaMorfoziSi'm has only the missionaring...11:51
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MetaMorfoziSezek mekkora faszok11:51
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lajos_nem tudjk sztem mit akarsz:)11:52
tmbr_41dandie, hello11:52
dandielionoushello tmbr_4111:52
MetaMorfoziShogy firefoxot kdevel, erre lekezd ugatni hoyg mekkora faszvagyok hoyg firefoxot akarok hasznalni11:52
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MetaMorfoziSsztem akkoris a firefox a legjobb mindegyik felett, es leszarom ha mast gondol...:)11:52
MetaMorfoziScsak a guija idegesit:)11:52
lajos_egybknt kubuntu minden gnomeos cuccot kdes-en kezel gy olvastam11:52
tmbr_41had to break into the kids' room, as the door was locked from the inside, with n one inside..11:53
tmbr_41so I'm just getting here11:53
lajos_nem tom mi lehet a baj11:53
MetaMorfoziSde guija ocsmany11:53
MetaMorfoziShat lattad:)11:53
lajos_a gnome-nak :)11:53
dandielionousI'm trying to figure out how to im you tmbr_41 so we're not off topic.11:53
dandielionousI think I have to register.11:54
MetaMorfoziSa gnomenak is szep guija van gnome alatt11:54
MetaMorfoziSa kdenak is kde alatt11:54
dandielionousOne moment tmbr_41 .11:54
lajos_na ja11:54
MetaMorfoziSde gnome alatt a kdes cucc az csunya11:54
MetaMorfoziSkde alatt a gnomes cucc undorito.11:54
lajos_na indtok valami gnomeost megnzem:)11:55
MetaMorfoziSna nemge belovom a kopete-t11:55
MetaMorfoziSistenem de undorito ezisbazeg11:55
dandielionousIs there a kubuntu offtopic room?11:55
MetaMorfoziSmi a fasz utott ebbe?11:55
dandielionousHow do I join it?11:56
tmbr_41me too, but how do I register it too?11:56
dandielionouslol m2 tmbr_41 .11:56
=== Jaymac [n=Jaymac@resnet-147853.resnet.bris.ac.uk] has joined #kubuntu
MetaMorfoziShallod ez megint elcseszdtt11:57
Arcanimushow do you make it so that linux runs a script when any user logs in <NOT KDE AUTOSTART>11:57
Arcanimusi'm assuming it's like /etc/init.d/something11:57
MetaMorfoziSistennbizny megolom11:57
=== lajos_ [n=lajos@] has joined #kubuntu
GameOver69ok guys anything i play in mplayer in firefox... loads then stops11:57
GameOver69nothign plays11:57
ArcanimusI want it to run fortune when someone logs in11:57
GameOver69i have all the codecs and plugins installed11:57
LeeJunFanArcanimus: .bashrc?11:57
GameOver69help :(11:57
dandielionoushttp://freenode.net/faq.shtml#contents-userregistration I found this tmbr_41 .11:57
lajos_mi cseszdtt el?11:58
ArcanimusLeeJunFan, where do I find this bashrc?11:58
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@3e44a365.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #kubuntu
fatejudgerwhere does apt store all of the .deb packages that it installs?11:58
MetaMorfoziSmsotmar jo11:58
trispaceArcanimus: you may create one in your homedirectory11:58
Arcanimushow do I do it for all users?11:58
LeeJunFanArcanimus: in the $HOME dir of the user, but if it's run there it won't really do anything if they log into a GUI, if you want it to work with the GUI you'll have to use kde Autostart.11:58
Arcanimusi know, i don't want it to show on a gui11:59
dandielionoustmbr_41: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#nicksetup11:59
Arcanimusi want it to be sent if someone logs in over ssh11:59
lajos_i think etc/init.d... maybe12:00
=== SuperNova [n=SuperNov@c-dd85e055.525-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu
LeeJunFanArcanimus: do it there and it will show up every time they start a bash shell. in .bashrc that is, you could also edit the system wide /etc/bash.bashrc12:00
Arcanimusyeah but there's no bashrc there12:00
MetaMorfoziSautostartrol beszelnek?12:00
MetaMorfoziSna azt hogylehet?12:00
SuperNovadoes anyone know when kubuntu with KDE 3.5 is goint to be released?12:00
MetaMorfoziSha elakarok inditani auto egy progit?12:00
LeeJunFanArcanimus: .bashrc (it's hidden) have to use the .12:00
lajos_n gy tom etc/init.d mappba kell tenni12:00
Arcanimusi know :P12:00
Arcanimusthe /etc/bash.bashrc was what i was looking for12:01
lajos_use the mc :)12:01

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