
=== mpt [n=mpt@222-154-181-61.jetstream.xtra.co.nz] has joined #launchpad
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mptGooooooooooooooooood afternoon Launchpadders!12:31
ajmitchhi mpt 12:32
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jblacksivang: Slept in a little. Had a long day yesterday. What's up?02:12
mptjblack, you wrote "2005-01-23 * (1h) Met with mpt about bazaar-ng wiki site". I don't remember that ...02:14
jblackmpt: Remember the discussion about templates, bzr and the wiki?02:16
jblackYou wanted to help, bzr hooked you and I up02:17
mptEither I have a really bad memory, or you're confusing me with Henrik or someone else02:17
jblackPardon, you wanted to help, lifeless hooked you and I up02:17
mptWhat did I want to help with?02:17
jblackThe wiki. I was planning and had just started the redesign for the site.02:17
mptThat sounds like something I *would* be interested in, if I wasn't so busy02:18
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jblackCheck the 24th02:19
mptwhich channel?02:19
mptor was it a query?02:20
jblackI think we were in bzr02:20
mptI'm never in bzr02:20
jblackIt could have been the 22nd, 23rd and 24th.02:20
jblackthat's because my workday crosses the natural day boundary02:20
jblackIt would have been 22rd or 23rd I didn't get logging turned back on until the 24th02:21
mptThe only time I've been in #bzr since the start of the year was 4.5 minutes on the 28th, and nobody said anything during that time02:22
mptand I have no memory of that conversation02:22
mptIt must have been someone else :-)02:22
jblackcheck #launchpad and #canonical? 02:22
thierryevery time I try to set a "target fix to release" tonight, I get a timeout error02:23
jblackA good word to key in on is "template" 02:24
jblack20:26 < fullermd> mlh_ on the 23rd?02:27
mptjblack, you didn't mention anything related while I was in #launchpad during that time, and I wasn't in #canonical at all because I was on holiday02:27
jblackmpt: I'm very sorry. It was mlh.02:27
mptok :-)02:27
jblackI feel a _lot_ better now02:28
mptme too, I'm glad I'm not amnesiac or sleepworking02:28
mptor being impersonated02:28
jblackIs this doublechecking stuff or do I need to go back and somehow get the record changed?02:28
mptIt was mainly for my reassurance, I don't mind what you do now :-)02:29
jblackGood. Because I just got my new "Matthew Thomas" Gold card.02:31
jblackFree beer tonight!02:31
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=== mpt wonders why his new branch is failing
mptjblack, what's wrong with this picture:04:15
mptcp -a ~/hacking/lp/rocketfuel ~/hacking/lp/$104:15
mptwhen I do that all the subdirectories are present, but the files at the top level are not04:16
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mpt(where $1 is the name of my new branch)04:26
jblackYeah, lets fix that04:29
jblackwhere is that?04:30
mpthuh, I tried it again and it works04:30
=== mpt kicks his computer
jblackmpt: I can't find where you got that from anyways04:30
mptmy old new-branch script04:31
jblackOhh. I thought you meant the new RocketfulSetup PQMSetup scripts04:31
mptno ... sorry for the interruption04:31
jblackYou didn't interrupt me. Thats part of my job. :)04:32
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mptgreat, make schema fails04:38
mptI guess that gives me an excuse to get back to design work until someone who knows what they're doing arrives ...04:41
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lifelessmpt_: wassup05:08
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mpt__lifeless, after make clean and make build, make schema fails with "psycopg.ProgrammingError: ERROR: relation "poll" already exists"05:24
mpt__in a brand-new branch05:24
mpt__while applying patch-25-01-0.sql05:24
lifelessthat is not a new branch05:25
lifelesspatch-25 is ancient, we are in the 40's now05:26
lifelessthe basis schema is launchpad-40 now05:26
mpt__I updated my rocketfuel copy yesterday05:31
lifelessls databases/schema/launchpad*05:32
mpt__after running pull-rocketfuel again, database/schema/ contains patch-25-00-0.sql through patch-40-08-0.sql05:32
mptshould it not contain the -25- ones?05:35
jameshthe -25- ones should be under archive/05:35
mptrsync -aP chinstrap:/home/warthogs/archives/rocketfuel-built/ ~/hacking/lp/rocketfuel05:36
mptis that correct?05:36
mptor has rocketfuel-built been renamed recently?05:36
mpt(or obsoleted, rather)05:36
lifelessno, rf-built is still in use05:36
mptso why would the destination still contain the obsolete patches?05:38
mpt-aP looks right...05:38
jameshmpt: you need --delete or --delete-after05:39
lifelesswhy are you working in the rysnced dir ?05:39
jameshmpt: otherwise files that have been removed will remain in your local copy05:39
lifelessI think thats your problem, bzr is not managing your dir, and you'll be wipiing out all your local edits05:39
lifelessyou have to rsync into a *different* dir and use bzr to merge from that05:39
mpt~/hacking/lp/rocketfuel is not my working directory05:40
jameshthat would explain why you still have the patch-25-* patches05:40
mpt~/hacking/lp/whatever-branch-name is my working directory05:40
mptwhich is from cp -a of ~/hacking/lp/rocketfuel05:40
=== mpt could swear this used to work :-)
jameshif you don't pass --delete to rsync, you'll end up with old crap in your tree05:41
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mpt_thanks lifeless and jamesh 05:57
mpt_(having all my new forthcoming branches be less than half their traditional size is an added bonus)05:58
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stubmpt_: Should searching for "window not responding" match bugs containing the word "window" but not "responding", or bugs containing the words "window", "not" and "responding".06:14
stubmpt_: If the latter, should we go with google's "window NOT responding" or use our own syntax like "window !responding" to do the 'not' search?06:15
mpt_stub, the latter, and in MaloneSearch I specced syntax of the form 'window -responding'06:15
mpt_I didn't know Google did 'NOT foo' as well as -foo06:16
mpt_... it doesn't06:17
=== mpt_ wonders why, when searching for "virus -computer", Google suggests searching for "vikings" and "I pledge allegiance"
stubok. ta.06:20
stubDealing with Malone as a seperate product is a pita because we don't have any project wide views for specs, bugs etc. :-(06:24
mpt_stub, that's bug 558406:25
Ubugtumalone bug 5584 in malone "Project bugs page needs implementing" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/558406:25
mpt_at least partly06:25
mpt_which is one of the things I'm specifying for https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/MaloneFrontPages06:26
mpt_feel free to report bugs about missing project^W product group specs pages, bounties pages, etc06:27
lifelessspiv: get I make 'module.attribute' run a function ?06:51
spivlifeless: The practical answer is no.06:52
spivThe tasteful answer is also no.06:52
lifelessI have an attribute I want to deprecate06:52
lifelessI dont want to break clients06:52
lifelessbut I want them to know that its moving06:52
spivI feel your pain.06:53
lifelesspython, why art though guidos child!06:53
spivBut essentially the answer is no.06:53
lifelesscan pypy help ?06:53
spiv(you don't really want to hear about the mess required to make it a "yes")06:53
lifelessI'm guess change the metatype of the module for starters06:53
spivPutting non-module objects in sys.modules is probably nicer, relatively speaking.06:54
lifelessduring __init__ sys.modules=MyFakeModule(__module__)06:54
spivYou're better off making the relevant attribute raise deprecation warnings when used.06:54
lifelessits a constant06:54
spivMake it a smart constant ;)06:55
lifelessoh ?06:55
lifelessdo tell06:55
spivBut yeah, I realise this is also not practical all the time.06:55
spivWell, e.g. you could replace a string constant with a custom object that implements __str__.  Or perhaps even make it subclass basestring if you have really tight backwards-compat concerns...06:56
spivBut basically, I think you're stuck with purely documenting and crossing your fingers.06:56
lifelessholy mother of fuck06:56
lifelessthat would be a mess - __str__, __iter__, __eq__ etc06:57
lifelesssubclassing str would be better06:57
lifelessI think I'll try that06:57
lifelessclass DeprecatedString coming right up06:58
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SteveAthere is i think some code in zope3 to rename and deprecate the old name of something07:53
SteveAi just checked.  it is for aliasing one module to another.07:55
SteveAso, not quite what you're looking for.07:55
SteveAlifeless: you could also implement a proxy that issues a deprecation warning, and then sends messages to the new thing.07:56
lifelessSteveA: I guess I was thinking of strings as special.08:01
lifelessI am enlifted now08:01
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SteveAlifeless: strings are somewhat special, but probably not in ways that matter for this particular circumstance08:38
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=== jamesh wonders if there is a bzrtools that works with current bzr
lifelessproblem ?09:25
lifelessoh, I am guessing the merge of storage broke the bzrtools mainline09:25
lifelessI have fixes in my plugins/bzrtools/storage dir, or plugins/bzrtools/trunk09:25
jameshcool.  I'll look at that09:27
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lifelessfabbione! 09:39
fabbionehey lifeless 09:39
lifelesscaught up with Mark today, hes talking about 'server profiles'... has he mentioned that to you ?09:40
fabbionei still need to read my emails09:40
fabbioneotherwise i have no idea :)09:40
lifelessanyway, when you have, ping me09:40
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fabbionelifeless: i have nothing in my inbox from Mark09:44
fabbionelifeless: are you sure i was CC'ed?09:44
lifelesshe did say it was a new idea09:44
lifelessno, he didn't email me09:45
=== fabbione checks in the spam folder
lifelesswe had lunch09:45
lifelessso I have *no* idea if he has emailed you or not09:45
lifelessanyway the idea is that the server install would have profiles09:45
lifelessso you can say 'db server', or 'LAMP profile', or 'LDAP server', or 'Bastion Host'09:46
lifelessand we offer 4 or 5 really key and common configurations.09:46
fabbioneit's really nothing new about that09:46
lifelessa profile would come up after the install with a sane default09:46
fabbioneand we did kill it for a reasons a looong time ago09:46
fabbionereintroducing it would be a pain09:47
fabbionei think09:47
lifelesshes talking about it during Q&A sessions in the asia tour :) :) :)09:47
lifelessyou may have to talk with him to pin down the details about how its different to what we had before09:47
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lifelesswhat he wanted me to do was chat with you about the 4-5 key profiles that would make sense.09:48
fabbionealso because i don't understand why he want something like that09:48
fabbionelifeless: i need to understand why he wants that in the first place09:48
fabbionebecause with the actual CD/status09:48
fabbionethere is only one daemon for each task09:48
fabbionelike apache -> www09:48
fabbionepostfix -> mail09:48
polloHi i want to do kiax package to kubuntu , what i must do ? 09:48
fabbioneso introducing a profile it's kind of pointless09:49
lifelessI'm guessing here... but my gut feeling is its like having a bunch of very small targeted distros, one for each common task09:49
lifelesspollo: join #ubuntu-motu09:49
lifelesspollo: where I think someone is already working on that09:49
pollomm ok 09:49
pollothanks 09:49
lifelessfabbione: well, a LAMP profile would for instance know to install mysql and apache, enable both by default, activate mod_python and mod_perl09:49
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lifelessfabbione: or a bastion host would have amavis (or whatever we support) and postfix preconfigured to intercept, scan, and forward email, a squid ready to go, iptables in sane mode for a internal network09:50
fabbionelifeless: that's so much a NO NO NO09:50
lifelessfabbione: Mark and I only had literally 2 minutes talking about this09:50
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kikogood morning 09:51
kikohey SteveA 09:51
lifelessfabbione: so, I am really not a great champion of the idea :)09:51
fabbionewe did discuss these options already and we are not going to do stuff like that in a week from feature freeze09:51
lifelessmorning Mr Kiko09:51
kikohow's everything09:51
kikothankful to know that it is rocking somewhere in the globe09:51
lifelessfabbione: I have no idea what timeframe he was thinking09:51
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sivangmorning all10:10
=== sivang awaits for daf to arrive
Kinnisonhi sivan10:10
sivangKinnison: Hi Daniel :-)10:11
=== sivang managed to use jblack's script last night (following the whole RocketFuelSetup page , and then even DatabaseSetup including cd $your_launchpad_checkout/database/schema; make; cd -) however, the launchpad start script didn't run. throw some missing ..proxy_proxy.. modules exceptions.
=== mpt_ tries to use a Bugzilla report to see the distribution of bug severities in bugzilla.ubuntu.com, and fails because Bugzilla reports require login
Kinnisonsivang: did you run "make" at the top level?10:16
mpt_Kinnison, you've been working on the autobuild stuff, right?10:17
mpt_along with cprov?10:17
Kinnisonmpt_: yes10:17
=== stub [n=stub@gb.ja.96.122.revip.asianet.co.th] has joined #launchpad
mpt_What's the difference between CHROOTWAIT and CHROOTFAIL?10:17
kikohey stub 10:17
stubkiko: yo10:17
sivangKinnison: I recall I did, let me double check that.10:18
Kinnisonmpt_: the latter doesn't exist10:18
mpt_OH RLY?10:18
Kinnisonmpt_: Or rather, CHROOTFAIL is the build state caused by CHROOTFAIL from the builder10:18
Kinnisonenglish -- she is bad today10:19
kikostub, we're getting somewhere. we would like to be able to do a production to staging database/librarian (but no code) sync today -- how difficult is it to kick that off when we want to?10:19
Kinnisonmpt_: Or rather, CHROOTWAIT is the build state caused by CHROOTFAIL from the builder10:19
kikostub, is it something we can manually trigger?10:19
kiko(keep in mind we have elmo on our side)10:19
mpt_Kinnison, ok, thanks10:19
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cprovmpt_: can you fix the UI, it sounds like a typo, use CHROOTWAIT10:20
stubkiko: You can trigger it if I give you instructions, but it would be better if you can ping me and I kick it off.10:20
mpt_cprov, next question: database/build.py contains a build_icon() function. Should that be in browser/build.py instead?10:20
stubI think current time to do a restore is about 2.5 hours now that I've worked around the issue causing slow restores.10:20
cprovmpt_: uhm, the best should be in formatters, like bug10:21
cprovmpt_: what do you think ?10:21
mpt_cprov, that makes more sense, yes10:21
cprovmpt_: good !10:22
kikostub, what if it's too late for you -- this may only happen in some 6-8h10:22
stubkiko: I'll write up the instructions and make sure there is an up to date database dump on asuka10:23
sivangKinnison: cd rocketfuel/launchpad && make build is what I did, it uses some python shhh script so I am not sure if I could see errors that bounced out of it.10:23
SteveAjamesh: hello10:23
sivang(under 'Build Launchpad' section in RFS)10:24
kikostub, so, just to be clear -- I need to be able to say "sync the current (now) production database" 10:24
kikoI will need to chase people down to add keys and sign CoCs and I don't want to have to redo that on staging10:24
=== BjornT -> lunch
stubkiko: If you want to do *that*, I need to do it. Or possibly elmo. Because it first involves dumping the production database (about 2 hours), copying the file across to asuka, and then doing the restore.10:25
Kinnisonsivang: And after that, it still ranted about not being about to load the proxy module?10:25
sivangKinnison: yep.10:25
Kinnisonsivang: commonly that error indicates that it hasn't built, but the ssshhh program is meant to show you errors, just not bother you if there are no errors10:25
kikostub, grumble. what if we schedule a time for it?10:25
stubkiko: How about I do it first thing tomorrow my morning? It should be ready for you when you start work tomorrow morning London time?10:25
kikostub, then the builds can't run overnight and we lose a day10:26
kiko(one MORE day)10:26
sivangKinnison: ah ok then, thx. I'll need to check those errors later on today - is there a way to make sshh more verbose? 10:26
Kinnisonsivang: not sure10:26
sivangKinnison: nm, I'll use the source ;-)10:27
stubkiko: How about we schedule me to do it in 6 hours time? (10:30pm Thailand time). If we do that, you should be able to start the builders in about 11 hours time before collapsing for the night10:28
kikothat sounds like a plan.;10:28
kikostub, so we have 6 hours to prepare for this. that is good.10:28
stubkiko: Although I can't guarantee that the restore will only take 2.5 hours10:28
kikothat's okay.10:28
stubSo if you want to get to bed earlier, ping me to start it earlier :-)10:29
kikostub, have you tried using the admin-people-merge stuff matsubara landed?10:32
stubkiko: Nope. I didn't think I had rolled it out yet?10:33
=== stub reminds himself he is supposed to do a production update today
kikoit hasn't, no.10:33
stubI haven't played with it locally anyway.10:34
kikoI was going to suggest testing on staging but... never mind me :)10:34
kikoIn [5] :re.sub("         ", "\s+", "\t")10:37
kikoOut[5] :'\t'10:37
SteveAkiko: don't write code including literals like "          "10:38
SteveAand dont' allow such code to be written10:38
SteveAuse " " * 30 instead10:38
kikosorry, that was actually a wrong example10:38
kikoIn [8] :re.sub("\s+", "\t", "      x     ")10:38
kikoOut[8] :'\tx\t'10:38
kikothat's what I meant.10:38
Kinnisonkiko: yep, thanks10:39
Kinnison                            line = re.sub(r"\s+", "\t", line)10:39
kikoIn [18] :a = "\t   \tfoo\t   \t\tbar\t  \t\txxx\tooo   "10:40
kikoIn [19] :a.split(None, 2)10:40
kikoOut[19] :['foo', 'bar', 'xxx\tooo   '] 10:40
Kinnisonkiko: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/filevxFpP5.html10:44
SteveAjamesh: ping10:46
jameshSteveA: pong10:47
Kinnisonkiko: the call site is at: https://chinstrap.ubuntu.com/~dsilvers/paste/fileicOoty.html10:47
SteveAhi jamesh.  do you have a headset for your computer?10:48
SteveAcool.  can we try some voice stuff out?10:50
SteveAactually, i should wait a few minutes until the vacuum cleaning has finished here10:51
kikothanks for using the list SteveA 10:55
=== mpt_ sleepily wonders why that wasn't a bug report instead
lifelesscan you guys keep an eye out at the next oops code11:00
lifelesssee if the login link on it is to localhost11:00
jameshhttps://launchpad.net/foo gives https://launchpad.net/foo/+login as the login link11:01
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stubI've seen localhost as a login link on an oops code, but have not been able to reproduce it :-/11:03
kikoI haven't either11:04
SteveAstub: i just sent a test message to system-error@launchpad.ubuntu.com, including Bug in the subject line11:04
SteveAstub: do you know if it has been received somewhere?11:05
stubI have no idea11:05
SteveAit should be on the errors list that you admin11:05
SteveAi guess it should be in its own topic11:06
stubIt should?11:06
SteveAthis is the email address presented on oops pages, when someone can't file a bug11:06
stubOk. Someone should ask rt@ to sort out the forwarding then11:06
SteveAthe forwarding should be already arranged11:06
SteveAelmo wrote a script to accept email only when it has "Bug" in the subject line11:07
SteveAand forward on to the errors list11:07
SteveAat least, i think that's where it forwards on to11:07
stubNup - that email address has been busted for months and months. In fact, there may already be an rt job or a Malone bug on it.11:07
kikoI'll talk to elmo about it11:07
SteveAaw crap11:07
SteveAit is bullshit having an email address like that, which doesn't work11:07
SteveAand, the email address should'nt have "ubuntu" in it either11:07
SteveAthanks kiko11:07
lifelessjamesh: thats not an oops code11:09
SteveAlifeless: i can imagine why the problem would occur.  it is possible that the request is in some kind of incomplete state when the oops page is rendered11:10
jameshlifeless: not found errors generate oops reports11:10
SteveAof course, if so, this is a bug11:10
lifelessjamesh: well they *look* different that the one I saw11:11
jameshlifeless: there are separate error pages for 404, timeout and generic oops11:11
lifelessjamesh: so, it was a generic oops I saw it on11:12
jameshlifeless: but the same error report code is executed in each case11:12
lifelessjamesh: sure, but its not having the same result ;)11:12
stubThere is a quick fix for this, even if we can't reproduce it. There is a launchpad.conf entry config.root_url which we can use to build the link instead of grabbing it from the environment somehow (although this won't work for shipit...)11:13
kikoSteveA, just explain to me -- where is this email displayed?11:13
SteveAoops pages11:14
kikois it our fault that they are @xxx.ubuntu.com?11:14
SteveAour fault?11:16
kikoI mean, is that address hardcoded in our templates, code or config?11:16
SteveAkiko: i'm on a call with james.11:17
kikothat's good to know11:17
SteveAkiko: the address is hard coded in some templates, displayed to users11:17
SteveAjamesh, that is11:17
SteveAthere is no need to have the email address in a config11:17
kikoYes, I knew. I'll ask elmo if we can have both @launchpad.net work as well and then we can migrate.11:18
SteveAi think it was a "@xxx.ubuntu.com" address because it was easier for elmo to set up11:18
=== SteveA goes back to the call
kikosay hi to james for me11:18
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stubmpt_: So I assume that searching for 'launchpad-bugs' would be different from searching for 'launchpad -bugs' ? The first being a search for 'launchpadbugs' and the second 'launchpad' and not 'bugs'?11:27
SteveAddaa: what time (UTC) is the meeting on monday?11:37
ddaa0900 UTC usually11:39
ddaaman, you dragged me out of bed11:39
mpt_stub, yes, with the first being a search for launchpad{any or no punctuation}bugs if possible11:40
=== ddaa goes for rest of boot up procedure
mpt_that's what Google does, anyhow11:40
stubmpt_: Seems sane.11:41
SteveAddaa: jamesh will be joining us for the meeting on monday11:41
stubmpt_: I doubt we will be able to implent MaloneSearching as specced btw in the short term - it pretty much involves writing a full text search engine from the ground up, or glueing something that meets the criteria onto the PostgreSQL backend. Either way, lots of work. But we can still aim towards it.11:43
mpt_stub, yes, it's not meant to be implemented all at once ;-)11:43
mpt_but it's generally arranged in order of importance11:43
SteveAstub: voice call?11:46
=== stub grabs his headphones
jameshstub: I merged a branch into rocketfuel that just missed the last production rollout11:47
jameshstub: it changes the oops code numbering going on from February, so I was wondering if it would be possible to get it cherry picked into production11:48
stubjamesh: I should be doing a rollout later today, and it will go out then11:48
jameshstub: that works for me :)11:48
jameshstub: it was merged into rocketfuel as r302011:49
SteveAjamesh/stub: if it's possible, getting __len__ fixes in this rollout would be good11:50
kikoSteveA, wouldn't it be better to let that bake a week first?11:51
kikoI am only asking because, well, __len__ hasn't been removed in RF yet, has it?11:51
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stubkiko: If the system-errors email address is busted because of the script that looks for 'Bugs', I might be able to do this at the mailman end12:10
kikoI am unable to check up on that, stub, until elmo arrives12:11
kikostub, gina isn't running on asuka at the moment, right?12:11
kiko(meaning -- is it disabled in cron)12:13
stubkiko: Gina is disabled on asuka12:15
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carlosback to life!12:42
carloskiko: hi12:43
kikohey carlos 12:43
kikoI'll give you a ring in 45 minutes.12:43
carloskiko: ok12:43
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kikohey niemeyer 12:44
niemeyerSteveA: ping12:50
SteveAhi niemeyer 12:51
niemeyerFeeling better today? :)12:51
SteveAit's daytime!12:52
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=== hannosch [i=hannosch@e176106134.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #launchpad
hannoschcarlos: you around?12:57
carloshannosch: yes12:58
hannoschon a recent import one of my po files where associated with the wrong template, jordi couldn't fix it and said you could12:58
stubcarlos: launchpad_carlos is rebuilding at the moment. 12:58
stubcarlos: Should be ready in an hour or two12:59
dafSteveA: it would be nice if the OOPS page linked to /products/launchpad/+filebug with some fields already filled in12:59
dafSteveA: it makes it easier for users to file a bug12:59
carlosstub: ok, thanks. Did you added it to your cronscripts?12:59
dafSteveA: and the reports we would get would be more consistent and hence easier to triage12:59
hannoschcarlos: could you take a look at https://launchpad.net/products/plonesoftwarecenter/+translations and move the pt_BR file to the right template removing the plonehelpcenter one, would be great ;)01:00
carloshannosch: plone?01:00
dafSteveA: if it was a timeout, it could put "Timeout" in the summary, for instance01:00
carloshannosch: no, I cannot fix it01:00
hannoschcarlos: not plone itself, but some add-on module for it01:01
carloswe need to do some code updates to allow it01:01
carloshannosch: yeah, I know. I need some extra info from jordi01:01
carloshannosch: reimport the .po file and we will handle the wrong import01:01
hannoschcarlos: ok, great01:01
hannoschcarlos: hhm, I get an error: "Ignored your upload because the file you uploaded was not recognised as a file that can be imported."01:05
carloshannosch: it should end with '.po'01:07
hannoschcarlos: it does, poEdit can open it, so I guess the format is right01:08
carlosthat message is related only to the filename01:09
carloshannosch: we don't check the content at that point01:09
carloshannosch: could you give me the URL where you are trying to upload it and the filename it has?01:09
hannoschit's pt_BR.po and now I use the one exported from rosetta ;) on https://launchpad.net/products/plonesoftwarecenter/+series/trunk/+pots/plonesoftwarecenter/+upload01:09
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hannoschah sorry, my mistake this is the template upload ;)01:12
carloshannosch: you should use that other url01:13
stubcarlos: I'll cron it if the script I'm using to do the update works happily01:13
hannoschcarlos: thx so much, it worked, I still get confused by the way you have to do this01:15
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carloshannosch: please, could you explain it a bit more?01:15
carlosstub: ok, thanks01:15
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hannoschcarlos: I always try to go to the template first and upload a new translation for it instead of going to the series01:16
hannoschespecially in this case where the series is really a dummy as there is only a development trunk right now01:17
carloshannosch: the problem is that there are other products that have more than one development trunk so we cannot associate it directly with the product...01:18
hannoschcarlos: I understand that, the whole need to have a series is just a bit overhead for the simple case, but I can life with this. The only thing I'm missing is a bit more documentation for the common use-cases ;)01:20
carloshannosch: please, talk with jordi about it to suggests the things you think should be better documented01:23
hannoschcarlos: I'll do that, might even help the poor guy ;)01:25
carloshannosch: ;-)01:25
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hannoschcarlos: sorry to bug you, but there's something wrong here, I uploaded that po file at the url you wrote but it keeps adding it to the wrong template01:28
hannoschthe import queue already gets it wrong in the 'import into' column01:32
=== Nafallo is now known as Nafallo_away
=== Nafallo_away is now known as Nafallo
kikois something happenning on asuka, stub?01:37
stubkiko: Doing a database restore for carlos01:38
kikostub, on the staging database?01:38
stubkiko: No - launchpad_carlos01:38
carloshannosch: let me check...01:39
carlosI cannot access to launchpad..01:41
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stubLaunchpad is going down in 20 minutes, which will put the wikis into read only mode as well. Estimated down time is 10 minutes. This is for the regular weekly code and database update.01:52
kikostub, will that affect the staging librarian?01:53
KinnisonIt will, if it needs him to take down production's librarian01:54
stubactually... maybe. When the production librarian is down, some files will not be found... hmm..01:54
kikoah. that's better.01:54
Kinnisonbut est. downtime is 10 minutes? that's fine01:54
=== Kinnison will have lunch
kikowell, okay then.01:54
SteveAdaf: ping02:05
jordicarlos: what extra info do you need?02:09
carlosjordi: I sent you an email with some questions about it02:10
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carlosI'm having problems fetching rocketfuel updates02:18
carloscould anyone confirm that it works so I can know if it's related with my DSL line or not?02:19
jordicarlos: I'm really busy at work now02:21
jordiI can't have a look02:21
carlosjordi: don't worry, I can wait until this afternoon02:22
stublaunchpad is back up for the most part. Librarian is still down due to issues with the disk array that Znarl is looking into02:29
SteveAcarlos: i'm running rocketfuel-get now02:30
SteveAcarlos: what problems are you having?02:30
carlosSteveA: I get timeouts02:30
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carlosand I'm not able to finish the rsync02:31
carlosreceiving file list ...02:32
carlos34273 files to consider02:32
carlosDisconnecting: Timeout, server not responding.02:32
SteveAit just worked for me02:33
SteveAso, i think it is something on your end02:33
SteveAif you just ssh to chinstrap02:33
SteveAdo you get disconnected after a while?02:33
carloschecking it..02:34
stubI had flaky ADSL last week - couldn't keep an SSH connection open for more than 2 minutes at a stretch02:36
SteveAstub: what fixed it?02:36
stubSteveA: Waiting a day. Often does the trick :-)02:36
Nafallofile a bug on the isp! :-)02:37
carlosstub: that's not a good solution for me... but I guess I can fix any conflict tomorrow and follow the development... last update I have is from Friday... It should not be too bad ...02:38
carlosSteveA: chinstrap ssh session is still working02:38
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SteveAhow strange that an rsync over ssh would fail02:40
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carloskiko: I'm going to have lunch, would we talke when I'm back?02:54
kikoping me02:55
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carloskiko: ok02:56
kikostub, with the production librarian bein' down and all, I wonder, are we hosed?03:00
stubkiko: Depends on if you need to retrieve files from the production librarian or not. Anything that was uploaded to staging since the last database sync will be retrievable.03:01
kikowell, I'm more concerned about the sync of production to staging03:01
kikowithout a production librarian...03:01
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stubThat won't be affected.03:02
kikoI see. only operation will be affected.03:03
stubkiko: What might be of more concern is that I doubt people can sign CoCs at the moment03:03
stubI think that code stores a copy of the document in the librarian03:03
kikomaybe, maybe.03:03
stubWhich will give an oops at the moment03:03
=== kiko laughs
kikothe emblems on launchpad just disappeared when I reloaded!03:04
stubYup - hackergotchis and emblems are served by the librarian :)03:04
kikoyeah, fun stuff.03:05
KinnisonG-d does not want us to deploy soyuz03:06
SteveAis G-d a community ubuntu devel?  i don't recognise the name03:06
=== SteveA tries to /msg G-d
KinnisonG-d is in all channels03:10
dafSteveA: pong03:30
SteveAhi daf03:30
kikostub, I will need an updated version of gina to run on prat today. Are you up for that?03:32
stubkiko: Sure. Just bringing the librarian back on first - Znarl has got things back online03:33
kikothat's great, elmo has left for the DC03:33
kikothe code isn't even written yet, mind you, cowboy me03:33
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stubRemind me why we are running untested code against production again?03:34
kikoit will have tests -- I wrote them first.03:34
kikohmm, indeed, why are we running this untested code against production.03:34
kikookay, let's run it on staging after-the-fact then.03:34
Kinnisonkiko: The instances where it has created debian-installer/ seemingly unexpectedly appear to be because that pocket happens to have di stuff in it03:36
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kikoI see03:41
Kinnisonmdz: We're currently seeing an amusing difference between the katie archive and our own03:42
Kinnisonmdz: We publish debian-installer stuff if it turns up, regardless of where03:42
Kinnisonmdz: So, breezy-updates/main/ has a debian-installer because of nobootloader03:42
Kinnisonmdz: This is a departure from katie which of course doesn't have those in its apt-ftparchive configuration03:43
kikoand dapper/multiverse/ has an empty debian-installer.03:43
KinnisonThat i'm not so sure about and am investigating03:43
kikoit's in a release pocket03:43
=== Kinnison isn't doubting it's existence
Kinnisonjust whether or not it should have been made to exist03:43
kikojust a bad pocket in it03:43
kikobut there are no semantics in the publisher as to what are "bad" pockets.03:43
=== Kinnison doesn't think you mean pockets here
KinnisonYou really confuse us sometimes03:44
=== Kinnison tickles kiko
kikothat's ok.03:44
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stublibrarian is back up03:46
kikorock and roll Znarl!03:46
KinnisonOur sysadmin team are the bomb03:47
kikoindeed they are. they blow hardware up03:48
KinnisonSomeone set them up the bomb03:51
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
stubkiko: Are we looking ready to dupe the production database to staging?04:01
mdzKinnison: I can't think of a way for a spurious debian-installer dir to cause a problem04:02
stubkiko: btw. restoring production databases onto the staging hardware currently takes three hours (which is how long carlos' database took)04:02
KinnisonI'm currently still using the staging db04:03
KinnisonIn about 30 minutes I'll be ready to let it go04:03
Kinnisonbut I need that much longer to fix a bug in unpublish04:03
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kikostub, yes.04:09
kikostub, go forth and do it.04:09
stubYou confirmed that with Kinnison?04:10
Kinnisondo the snapshot sure, don't reload yet04:10
stubAhh.... yes.04:10
stubOk. Script is running04:14
stubDoing backup now, and will destroy and rebuild the staging db when it  is done04:14
kikowhich will be .. when?04:14
stubApprox 1 hour 15 mins to backup the database, approx 3 hours to restore it.04:16
carloskiko: ping04:17
carlosI'm back04:17
kikookay. I am in the middle of something but I will call you still today.04:17
carloskiko: ok04:17
stubcarlos: your database is all ready04:25
carlosstub: cool, thanks04:26
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=== Kinnison runs one final confirmatory test on staging
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SteveAdaf: ping05:02
Kinnisoncarlos: are you hammering asuka again?05:06
carlosKinnison: don't think so05:06
Kinnisoncarlos: Hmm, something else must be making it slow then05:07
carlosKinnison: the cronscript is scheduled on Sundays05:07
Kinnisoncarlos: aye, thanks05:07
=== Kinnison blames postgresql
=== Kinnison watches it go faster now I've complained
carlosKinnison: let me check anyway...05:07
dafSteveA: pong05:08
SteveAhi daf05:08
carlosKinnison: no, I don't have anything running on mawson05:08
Kinnisoncarlos: s'okay, s'going faster again05:08
=== Kinnison shrugs
carlosKinnison: ;-)05:08
ddaaphew, finished documenting everything but the RCS Importer. (SteveA asked me to document the various components of TheBazaar).05:16
ddaaIf somebody is interested in reviewing this draft, I can put it online before starting on the RCS Importer.05:16
SteveAddaa: cool.05:17
SteveAplease put it somewhere that launchpad developers can find it05:18
Kinnisonstub: Okay, I'm finished with the tests I was running. I'm okay for you to reload staging05:18
Kinnisoncprov: can you disable the buildd sequencer? I'll turn off the cronjobs05:18
cprovKinnison: sure05:19
cprovKinnison: was already down 05:19
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ddaathe html export is disappointingly buggy, I can hack something up in Python to do it correctly in a few hours05:41
kikoddaa, that work is amazing!05:42
kikoI will confess I started on an article on the soyuz archive manager today as wel05:42
kikoit was going to be a surprise but, well, you kicked my ass!05:42
ddaait helps to have a word processor that does not get in your way too much05:42
kikoI am writing LaTeX of course :-P05:42
ddaaI'm a bit disappointed that nobody appears to have come up with something better than TeXmacs after all this time...05:42
ddaakiko: would be nice if you could nudge spiv, jblack and lifeless to give me some feedback.05:44
ddaaI'm certain important bits are missing and some are probably incorrect.05:44
kikoddaa, please use email at this time, I am currently unable to reach for mutt05:45
kikowhen I am back in brazil, certainly05:45
ddaakiko: right, EMAIL...05:45
ddaaI was thinking of nudging them in IRC, since you seem to be watching over the IRC client all day long.05:45
kikoI actually am, you're right05:46
kikobut that's because my code doesn't run05:46
ddaaI do not really want to get too much exposure before getting feedback from the people in the know. I will email privately.05:46
=== kiko kicks testsuite
SteveAi've created a launchpad-infrastructure team06:10
KinnisonI noticed :-)06:11
Kinnisondaf's been giving it my bugs06:11
SteveAit can be the assignee for infrastrucuture bugs06:11
SteveAand all Kinnison's bugs06:11
Kinnisonno more bugs for me06:11
=== Kinnison hugs stevea and makes him a promise of cake
SteveAi just added a very few people to that team06:11
SteveAbut i know that other people do infrastructure work too06:11
SteveAso, join the team if you think you should be on the team06:12
SteveAcprov: you've done good gpg infrastrucuture work, so i think you should be on it 06:12
SteveAsalgado: you've worked on sqlobject and vocabularies06:12
SteveABjornT: you've done email infrastructure work06:12
=== carlos -> out
carloswill be back in a couple of hours06:12
SteveAand i'm sure there are other cases too06:12
cprovSteveA: ok, I will06:13
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cprovSteveA: apparently I can't join the team, reporting a bug 06:16
SteveAare you a launchpad admin?06:16
salgadocprov, that's a restricted team, and it says new members can only be added by one of the team admins06:17
salgadoIOW, that's not a bug06:19
cprovsalgado: aha, tell steve, forbidden lp-admin actions utterly obscure 06:19
kikosalgado, cprov is a launchpad admin.06:23
SteveAkiko: so, experimenting with malone and assigning bugs to teams06:23
SteveAunless we change something about assignment to teams, there's still a need for keywords06:24
SteveAso, daf's just been assigning infrastructure-related bugs to the new launchpad-infrastructure team06:24
salgadocprov, then you can go there and add yourself as a team member, you don't need to join that team06:24
SteveAwhich is fine, and a good use of a team instead of a keyword, seeing as we have no keywords06:24
SteveAbut what happens when someone from that team takes on the bug?06:24
cprovsalgado: uhm ... right06:24
salgadoI mean, you don't need to ask to join the team, which is what the 'Join' link means06:24
SteveAwe lose the information that it is an infrastructure bug06:25
kikoyou could CC the team to the bug though06:25
SteveAsalgado/cprov: i'll be changing the way that admin privs are granted very soon, as part of some optimisation work06:25
cprovsalgado: it worked, thanks 06:26
SteveAso all actions will be available to admins automatically, except in some very special cases06:26
SteveAkiko: i guess we could cc the team to the bug06:26
kikoSteveA, that would avoid the assignee nuking the bug off the map.06:27
cprovSteveA: I see, it'll be tough06:27
kikoBjornT, does this latest patch also make sure that reassigning product or package name changes the bug contact?06:27
SteveAcprov: what will be tough?06:27
cprovSteveA: fix permission properly 06:28
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SteveAkiko: i've mailed stu and asked him to change the assignments in question to ccs06:33
SteveAthanks for the idea06:33
kikosure, my pleasure06:35
SteveAmatsubara: https://chinstrap.warthogs.hbd.com/~daf/bugs/scrape.py06:40
=== jordi eyes kiko
SteveAmatsubara: do you have access to that page?06:40
matsubaraSteveA: nope06:40
kikoyes jordi?06:41
SteveAwhen you do... it is a useful script daf is developing to help triage and organize launchpad bugs06:41
BjornTkiko: no, reassigning product or package still doesn't subscribe the bug contact. 06:41
dafSteveA: /home/daf/public_html/bugs is in bzr06:42
kikoBjornT, okay, we need to fix that.06:43
matsubaraSteveA: ok. bookmarked it and will take a look when I have access. btw, who should I ask for to get an account on chinstrap?06:44
jordikiko: nothing, really06:44
jordikiko: just a strange "hey dude!" :)06:44
BjornTkiko: yeah i know, i just didn't want to spend time on that with this patch. if you think it's urgent, i can fix it this week if you want.06:45
SteveAmatsubara: we'll sort all that out tomorrow06:45
matsubaraSteveA: ok, thanks.06:46
ddaaIt's interesting how documenting something helps understanding it...06:46
ddaaI just remembered how the roomba/hoover system was largely implemented to support the constraints of the Arch namespace...06:48
ddaaWe probably will not need that anymore with bzr.06:48
BjornTSteveA: can you add me to the infrastructure team? i'm not an admin, so i can't add myself.06:49
ddaaMh... it would still be useful until we have something that can do better scheduling than buildbot...06:49
kikoBjornT, I think it should be done -- don't know if it's very important.07:04
=== carlos is back
carlosis there anyone else having problems with launchpad?07:12
kikocarlos, where?07:13
carloskiko: I'm not able to load any page07:14
carlosI'm getting timeouts07:14
carlosbut not from launchpad's but firefox07:14
carlosit says the page cannot be loaded07:14
carlosit could be my connection as it's doing weird things since I got it back...07:15
kikoworks for me07:15
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kikodaf, where's dilys?07:21
dafoh, good point07:21
dafmuse.19inch.net had an IP change07:22
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kikodilys, tell the world about my latest and greatest landing to PQM07:24
Kinnison< dilys> Kiko has landed a great big pile of poo^Wgina updates.07:25
dilysit's not that great, really07:26
kikoha ha07:26
=== Kinnison snorts
=== daf -> class
=== carlos tries to fix his router
kikopaste utility!07:30
dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: r=elmo, Add support to Gina for doing publisher overrides when it encounters newer indices with updated information, corresponding to a post-initial-publication change in the archive (such as changing components) (r3050: Christian Reis)07:33
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dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [trivial]  paste utility (r3051: Dafydd Harries)07:56
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lamont-worklifeless: what's the chance of bazaar getting it's unaligned loads fixed for dapper???08:34
lamont-workjust curious08:34
lifelessdoes the patch work? NMU away08:45
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sivangKinnison: Keybuk pinged you for core developement member ship on u-m , you around? :)09:07
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dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [trivial]  More DB security fixes for Soyuz rollout (r3052: Celso Providelo)09:29
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salgadoSteveA, have you seen my reply to your email about the OOPS report on shipit? (it contains the patch with the fix)10:07
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zygacan I ask for admin support?10:24
zygaalacarte is not available for translation10:24
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carloszyga: did you imported the files there already?10:27
zygacarlos: no but the project is there 10:27
zygacarlos: hello by the way :-)10:27
carloszyga: hi10:27
carloszyga: the maintainers must agree on using Rosetta before the import is done10:28
carloszyga: and someone should do that import10:28
zygaI'm asking the upstream author, is that enough?10:29
carloszyga: if he/she agrees, yes10:29
carloszyga: look at the RosettaFAQ pages10:29
zygacarlos: he just did in #ubuntu-devel10:29
carlosthere you have what we request10:29
zygacarlos: so now what?10:31
carloszyga: import the .pot and .po files available for that product10:31
carlosand jordi will handle the request10:31
zygacarlos: how can I do the former?10:32
carlosgo/create the product series10:32
carlosand then from the overview menu (will moved soo to the translations one) select 'request import'10:32
zygarelease series?10:33
zygacarlos: so a name like "0.8", with display name "0.8 (dapper)" makes sense/10:33
carlos0.8 (dapper) ???10:34
carloswhy dapper?10:34
zygaokay I misunderstood10:34
zygaboth simply 0.8 and that's fine10:35
carloszyga: are you importing it to have it available with dapper?10:35
carlosthat's completely wrong...10:35
zygacarlos: in the end yes10:35
carloszyga: dude Ubuntu translations are automatically imported10:35
carlosdapper, will be open to translate next month10:36
zygacarlos: I promise to learn about this with my first project available thru rosetta10:36
carlosi hope in one or two weeks10:36
zygacarlos: ????10:36
zygacarlos: we're past the freeze alredy10:36
ajmitchzyga: string freeze?10:36
zygaajmitch: upstream freeze10:37
carloszyga: I think we still have 3 months until dapper is released....10:37
ajmitchyes, but are translations opened at string freeze or UVF?10:37
carloszyga: feature freeze != string freeze10:37
carlosanyway I don't know the exact schedule10:37
zygacarlos: yes but since translators are always late it doesn't hurt to open early anyway10:38
zygacarlos: I know about the inequality10:38
carlosdude, we didn't open it before due technical reasons, not because we didn't want to do it...10:38
zygathat makes sense then10:39
=== zyga hopes that one can edit the product description at a later time
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