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poningrua usability question12:23
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poningrudo we want to put things like 'you are not the owner, so you cant change the permission of this file'12:24
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poningruI mean when its a family computer people will go huh?12:25
poningru'I am the owner damn it'12:25
=== poningru likes to just thiniking out loud
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MrRioponingru: This file requires special permissions for security reasons.12:35
MrRioafter all, explaining the exact purpose of permissions is going to be the most sensible12:35
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mantiena-baltixKamion, good morning :)09:28
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Keybukhmm, ok, I can see the n-m light today10:04
Keybuklaptop just worked, and dealt with getting on "ubuntu" itself10:04
TreenaksKeybuk: how about WPA? :)10:05
mjg59Keybuk: madwifi-ng?10:05
=== pitti asks himself if we can make it work with linux-wlan-ng
=== Treenaks just wants working X (ati on 3 machines: b0rked)
mjg59pitti: n-m, or WPA?10:05
Keybukmjg59: yeah10:05
mjg59Keybuk: Rock10:05
KeybukTreenaks: I don't care about that right now ... a working n-m for the basic usecase is the first goal10:05
pittimjg59: I gave up on WPA after fiddling with that on debconf5 for an hour10:05
Keybukwe'll deal with cute features later10:05
pittimjg59: n-m would be nice10:06
mjg59pitti: So how does it currently fail?10:06
Keybukpitti: please test it!  install it from universe10:06
pittimjg59: I didn't touch it since some months, I tried it three times in the past and it always wrecked my networking completely10:06
ajmitchlatest n-m cotd is uploaded?10:06
Keybukpitti: please install it toda10:06
pittiKeybuk: I'll do it today while you are in my physical range :)10:07
Keybukpitti: otherwise it'll be in main/desktop before you can stop it10:07
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ajmitchpitti: fyi, I've got monolithic selinux policy loaded, modularised policy is still giving me a few issues - but progress is being made :)10:07
mjg59Keybuk: Anyway, it's quite nice when it's working, isn't it?10:08
mjg59Keybuk: We still need to figure out how to deal with the (a) connect on boot and (b) static IP cases10:08
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mdkemorning all10:09
sivanghi all10:09
=== ajmitch is thankful that no base system changes are needed at the moment for policy to load
Keybukmjg59: leave both to ifup?10:10
mjg59Keybuk: In that case we probably want to add code to nm to avoid it touching interfaces with static configuration10:11
mjg59Or, at least, to tell it to just up them (like netapplet did) rather than anything else10:12
Keybukmjg59: my job, today :)10:12
mjg59Keybuk: Excellent10:12
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mjg59People - it would be massively helpful if you could test gnome-power-manager10:17
Treenaksmjg59: installing [can't test from here though, will do tonight] 10:18
mjg59Install it and libpam-foreground, log out, log in, run gnome-power-manager and play with it10:18
Treenaksis  'fixing X bugs' planned?10:19
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slomomjg59: suspend/hibernate doesn't work with g-p-m here... known problem?10:21
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mjg59slomo: In what way?10:21
fabbionehey slomo10:21
slomomjg59: nothing happens ;)10:21
fabbioneslomo: did you get my fix for xine-lib?10:21
slomofabbione: yes, thanks :)10:21
fabbioneslomo: perfect10:22
fabbioneslomo: we mighht fix that in the tool chain directly10:22
fabbioneso you don't need to worry about that10:22
mjg59slomo: Do you have libpam-foreground installed?10:22
slomomjg59: installed it now... i'll test in a few minutes... so that was the problem?10:23
mjg59slomo: If you don't have that, it won't work10:24
slomomjg59: ok, thanks... well, i'll report all other bugs i notice to you :)10:24
mjg59You need to log out and in for it to have any effect (alternatively, sudo touch /var/run/console/username:710:24
ajmitchmjg59: by 'stuff happening', does that include system shutdown?10:25
ajmitchonce I went to the power settings in preferences10:26
mjg59ajmitch: ?10:26
ajmitchmjg59: it was a surprise to me as well10:27
mjg59ajmitch: Uhm. "Stuff happening"?10:27
mjg59ajmitch: No, that certainly shouldn't happen10:27
ajmitchmjg59: sorry, I installed both those, touched that file, went to the power settings in preferences10:27
ajmitchand it started shutting down - I'm fairly sure I didn't accidentally hit something10:28
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mjg59Which preferences?10:28
ajmitchwaiting for fsck to finish now (30 mounts)10:28
ajmitchpower management10:28
slomomjg59: works fine, thanks10:28
mjg59slomo: Cool10:28
ajmitchunder system->preferences10:28
mjg59ajmitch: System/preferences/power management ?10:28
mjg59No, there's no code in g-p-m to do that10:29
mjg59It never requests a shutdown10:29
ajmitchI didn't think it would10:29
ajmitchso it must have been something else I did10:29
mjg59Why does inkscape look nothing like any other gtk apps?10:29
ajmitchmaybe even hitting the power button, it's in an annoying place10:29
mjg59The icons are all tiny10:30
mjg59And the toolbars are draggable even though I've got that switched off10:30
Keybuk...anyone got a usb-2 cable in here?10:32
MithrandirKeybuk: usb2-to-?10:32
Keybukstandard mini plug10:32
ajmitchmjg59: ok, I went to the preferences again & it's shutting down10:33
ajmitchso it wasn't a fluke10:33
Treenaksmjg59: file bugs :)10:33
Treenaksmjg59: (re: inkscape)10:33
mjg59ajmitch: Hrngle rrck.10:34
ajmitchone could say that10:34
hungerKeybuk: I think my USB HD has one... shall I test something?10:34
mjg59ajmitch: Can you do strace -o ~/g-p-m.out gnome-power-preferences from a terminal and then stick the output somewhere?10:35
=== sivang hugs jbailey for #28640
sivangmy evo and game are back :)10:35
Mithrandirhunger: I think he needed it for his camera.  I just borrowed him one10:36
ajmitchsure, just trying to boot10:36
Keybukhunger: was directed at those physically in the same room as me :)  I'm too lazy to go to my hotel room for one :p10:36
mjg59ajmitch: Thanks10:36
hungerMithrandir: I suspected something like that but still wanted to offer the limited service I can:-)10:36
hungerKeybuk: Tried asking around in the real world? ;-)10:37
Keybukhunger: in the middle of the talk, it'd be rude :)10:37
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hungerKeybuk: I remember once having a chat with 3 guys while I was at an trade show... I told them that I had to run since I was on a trade show and wanted to catch a talk. We discovered at that time that all 4 of us were sitting on the same table in the cafe:-)10:38
ajmitchmjg59: bad news is that it only shuts down when run from system->preferences10:39
hungerAhhh... the wonders of IRC;-)10:39
ajmitchwithin a second of starting it10:39
mjg59ajmitch: Christ. Fuck knows.10:40
mjg59ajmitch: Running it without strace still doesn't trigger it?10:40
Keybukhmm, battery on this thing sucks10:40
ajmitchI'll try that next10:40
mjg59ajmitch: By shuts down, it powers down gracefully or it hard powers off?10:42
ajmitchyeah, it triggers it, getting the 'going down for halt' message 10:42
ajmitchgraceful stop10:42
mjg59ajmitch: But not under strace?10:42
ajmitchI saw I had sudo in there with strace, removing that now10:42
mjg59Yeah, it'd behave differently with sudo10:42
ajmitchgood thing bootup is fast now10:43
mjg59non-DSDT sleep keys won't currently work in g-p-m (this means Toshibas, Sonys, Panasonics and IBMs won't work quite as expected) yet. This will be fixed once I've sorted the final approach with hal upstream.10:46
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Mithrandirseb128: gnome-games-data takes _forever_ to install due to gconftool-2 --makefile-install-rule taking forever.10:48
seb128yeah, I know, not a lot we can do :/10:48
Mithrandircan't gconftool-2 take more than one argument?  I guess that could speed it up somewhat?10:48
ograMithrandir, you didnt upgrade gnome-applets-data yet 10:49
seb128applets or games are quite the same10:49
seb128Mithrandir: yeah, I was looking on that just before the sprint10:49
Treenaksogra: it's still quite fast on my dual 3 GHz Xeon though ;)10:49
seb128seems that we can do it twice faster by changing gconf-schemas, I need to try some stuff and bug Josselin (who did it for Debian) about it10:50
ajmitchmjg59: http://tiber.tauware.de/~ajmitch/gpm2.out.gz10:51
mpt_mdz or seb128 or dholbach or whoever: Would you be okay with using "Critical" severity in Malone to track Blocker bugs, or would you want a separate "Blocker" value?10:56
mpt_as in, release blockers10:57
seb128severity is enough imho10:59
seb128if it's easy enough to list all the bugs with that setting and the dapper milestone11:00
mpt_yes, I'm asking about the *values* of severity11:00
mpt_Currently severity has ... Normal, Major, Critical11:00
mpt_Do you need a Blocker on top of that?11:01
mpt_... Normal, Major, Critical, Blocker11:01
Mithrandircan you give an example of a critical bug which is not a blocker?11:01
KamionI don't see a particular need for a separate Blocker11:02
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mpt_ok, me neither11:03
mpt_but I couldn't tell if they were distinguished in Bugzilla, because I can't do reports in Bugzilla any more :-)11:03
mjg59ajmitch: Weird. I can't find any reason for that to happen.11:04
mjg59ajmitch: For some reason, gnome-power-preferences seems to crash11:05
mjg59ajmitch: If you move /usr/share/scripts/hal-system-power-shutdown somewhere else, what does it do?11:05
ajmitchit doesn't shutdown or appear to crash 11:07
ajmitchthough I get a few warnings on the terminal11:08
ajmitch** (gnome-power-preferences:5717): WARNING **: Couldn't connect to PowerManager Process /usr/bin/gnome-power-manager exited with status 011:08
Keybukso ... what's a good video editor?11:11
Keybukneed to be able to open files, convert them, maybe cut them and add captions11:11
ajmitchmjg59: I suspect it's related to my laptop showing 0% battery, even when on AC11:11
mjg59ajmitch: Ah. Possible.11:11
Treenaksajmitch: broken dsdt?11:12
ajmitchTreenaks: acer11:12
Treenaksajmitch: ah.. I know that problem11:12
mjg59ajmitch: Yeah, that'd be it. Right, it needs to be more resiliant to that.11:12
mjg59ajmitch: Even though we should have your machine fixed...11:12
TreenaksBenC: (the acpi-ec in the kernel isn't acpi-ec-i2c, so I still can't read battery status, btw)11:12
mjg59Treenaks: ?11:12
ajmitchmjg59: I didn't see that patch in the changelog11:12
mjg59ajmitch: No, it's not in yet11:13
Treenaksmjg59: my Acer laptop has a buggy DSDT11:13
mjg59Treenaks: Uhm. What does that have to do with acpi-ec?11:13
Treenaksmjg59: or a perfectly OK one, actually.. as long as you have a driver to read battery status over I2C11:13
mjg59Treenaks: The acpi-ec driver in the kernel should be the one you need for the smart battery driver to work11:13
Treenaksmjg59: I can read battery status over I2C from my ACPI EC device11:13
mjg59Treenaks: You can, or in theory you can?11:14
Treenaksmjg59: I could, in Debian using a self-compiled-and-patched kernel using lmsensors11:14
Treenaksmjg59: I can't, in current dapper11:14
Treenaksmjg59: with stock kernel11:14
mjg59Treenaks: Right, so it's a smart battery11:14
Treenaksmjg59: yes11:14
mjg59That /ought/ to be fixed for dapper11:14
mjg59But isn't yet11:14
mjg59I have no test hardware, so it's a pain11:15
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mjg59I'll push a patch to Ben11:15
Treenaksmjg59: I do, just shout on IRC if you need testing11:15
ajmitchTreenaks: and I thought I did, but I don't :)11:16
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mdzmpt_: the existing severities are sufficient for me11:27
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mpt_mdz, thanks11:38
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fabbionesiretart: ping?12:00
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mantiena-baltixKamion, ping12:16
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Kamionmantiena-baltix: I asked you to mail me; please stop pinging me on IRC12:17
mantiena-baltixKamion, ok, but if you can, ten please tell me where is changed (set) value of grub-installer/bootdev debconf setting, which is used in grub-installer script (espresso-grub package)  :)12:17
Kamionthank you :)12:17
mantiena-baltixKamion, no problem, I know how to copy/paste from Xchat to mutt ;)12:18
Kamionwhen you're requesting help from somebody, please in future respect the communications method they ask for12:18
mantiena-baltixKamion, ok, no problems for me, I just think, that if you are not bussy, then maybe for you and me would be to talk here ;)12:20
KamionI am busy.12:20
KamionI've told you this multiple times and you've just been obnoxious.12:21
Kamionplease, please stop it.12:21
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mantiena-baltixKamion, I don't wanna be obnoxious, sorry if I make you any troubles12:29
segfaultweird, the packages python-twisted python2.3-twisted python2.4-twisted, are in loop. every time i upgrade them, they appear as upgradable again. can anyone confirm this?12:30
Treenakssegfault: had this yesterday12:30
Treenakssegfault: apt-get --purge remove + apt-get install fixed12:30
segfaulttreenaks: thanks, will do that12:30
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siretartfabbione: pong12:39
fabbionesiretart: people.fabbione.net/~fabbione/xine.diff12:40
fabbioneit's already uploaded, but you have the diff in the meanwhile12:41
fabbionein theory you should run autoreconf12:41
fabbionebut it was spitting errors to me12:41
fabbioneso i did propagate the changes to configure.ac to configure manually12:42
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fabbionesiretart: slomo did logout too fast this morning for me to give him the patch :)12:43
pittihey carlos 12:43
carlospitti: hi12:43
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siretartfabbione: thanks :)12:45
fabbionesiretart: no pro12:45
fabbionethe bug was upstream tho.12:46
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fabbionethey didn't merge all the changes from David miller12:46
siretartI'll add that to our xine svn, no problem12:47
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hungersegfault: There are bugs open about this issue.12:54
Keybukhmm, who knows about ogg theora?12:55
TreenaksKeybuk: a bit..12:55
YagisanKeybuk: in what way ?12:56
KeybukI have a $RANDOM_MPEG and want to convert it into a smaller ogg for distributing12:56
TreenaksKeybuk: ffmpeg2theora12:56
Keybukand don't know how, trying to brutalise ffmpeg doesn't seem to be working12:56
YagisanKeybuk: mencoder + theora support ??12:56
KeybukTreenaks: where would I find that?12:56
hungerTreenaks: purging and reinstalling python-twisted does not make the issue go away for me.12:56
TreenaksKeybuk: there is/was a package in debian, but that's very outdated12:56
Keybukffmpeg -formats claims vorbis and theora12:56
KeybukOutput #0, ogg, to 'test.ogg':12:57
Keybuk  Stream #0.0: Video: 0x0000, yuv420p, 720x576, 25.00 fps, q=2-31, 200 kb/s12:57
Keybuk  Stream #0.1: Audio: vorbis, 48000 Hz, stereo, 64 kb/s12:57
KeybukUnsupported codec for output stream #0.012:57
Keybukzsh: exit 1     ffmpeg -i MOV002.MOD -f ogg -vcodec theora test.ogg12:57
Keybukis my current progress12:57
TreenaksKeybuk: http://www.v2v.cc/~j/ffmpeg2theora/12:57
KeybukTreenaks: ok, that seems to be working01:00
TreenaksKeybuk: it's used by kino (but not packaged properly :(01:01
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KinnisonDoes anyone else find theora unbearably slow?01:03
KinnisonOur amd64 box, with optimised libtheora can't manage more than a few frames per second01:03
Kinnison(PAL size video)01:04
TreenaksKinnison: Playing theora files is a bit slow on older computers for me01:04
TreenaksKinnison: it works fine on everything >1GHz (ish) for me01:04
KinnisonTreenaks: it was more the encoding than the playback I was complaining about01:04
TreenaksKinnison: oh that.. yeah, encoding a 2-hour video takes 6 hours on my 2GHz machine01:04
KeybukKinnison: running dapper or breezy?01:09
YagisanKinnison: guess you haven tried h264/mpeg4 part 10 encoding then ;)01:09
KinnisonKeybuk: breezy, amd64, with self-built theora codecs using all the right optimisation flags01:09
KinnisonYagisan: pardon?01:10
TreenaksKinnison: ooh, on gentoo? :)01:10
=== Kinnison looks at Treenaks confusedly
fabbione[Tue Jan 31 13:10:31 2006]  [notice]  Apache/2.2.0 (Ubuntu) configured -- resuming normal operations01:10
StevenKfabbione: Fear.01:10
YagisanKinnison: theora is much faster compared to eg x264 and co01:10
mjrtheora isn't that optimized indeed; one would hope that a fraction of the work going towards tuning free implementations of patent-encumbered codecs would go towards theora instead, but such is life01:11
TreenaksKinnison: www.funroll-loops.org --> hand-optimized is l33t!!!01:11
KinnisonTreenaks: Don't accuse me of being a ricer or I'll delete your launchpad account01:12
mvoKinnison: is their theora-mmx branch useful?01:12
StevenKKinnison: How about we accuse you of being a Gentoo user instead?01:12
StevenKIs that better?01:12
Kinnisonmvo: Umm, I don't think so01:12
=== Kinnison blanks StevenK
YagisanStevenK: there's a difference ?? I never knew that01:13
StevenKYagisan: Gentoo users are slightly more fanaticial ...01:13
YagisanStevenK: yep. Must never tell them that on the p4 systems, they may get better performance with -OS rather then -O3 due to their puny caches. "hey lets unroll the loops so that they can't fit into the cache and can force mass cache evictions"01:16
StevenKLet's see if burning a DVD is acceptably fast now that DMA is actually turned on.01:16
=== StevenK grins at Yagisan.
StevenKYagisan: I suspect most of them think that mass cache evictions only happen on Big Brother.01:17
YagisanStevenK: my eyes! they are burning !!01:17
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Treenaks/quit brb, cache eviction01:17
=== Yagisan rips his eyes out. Gentoo + Big Brother - the apocalypse is here !!
=== StevenK cackles.
=== StevenK buggers off to bed.
YagisanNight StevenK01:20
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drag_behindhey anyone awake?01:22
drag_behindwell I just had a bad problem with a dapper upgrade but I cant be bothered joining the forums01:23
drag_behindso just thought Id say here that when upgrading it activated pcmcia services01:23
drag_behindwhich hung my machine01:23
drag_behindand kept breaking the booting01:23
Yagisandrag_behind: might be a good idea to report the bug at launchpad01:24
drag_behindwhere is that?01:24
Yagisandrag_behind: http://www.launchpad.net01:25
drag_behindok will do01:25
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fabbionemjg59: Jan 30 10:06:30 localhost su[10251] : PAM unable to dlopen(/lib/security/pam_fore01:36
fabbioneJan 30 10:06:30 localhost su[10251] : PAM adding faulty module: /lib/security/pam01:36
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fabbioneJan 30 10:06:31 localhost PAM-env[10251] : Unable to open config file: No such fi01:36
fabbionele or directory01:36
mjg59fabbione: Yup?01:37
mjg59If you don't have libpam-foreground installed, that's fairly reasonable01:37
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fabbionemjg59: MEH01:38
mjg59fabbione: What do you expect it to do?01:38
Menozhi all, I have a problem with ubuntu customization, can someone help me?01:38
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fabbionei don't expect standard pam in main to try to use something that is not there by default01:38
mjg59fabbione: It will be there by default01:38
mjg59You just get some log spew for now. Nothing is broken01:39
lucasI remember some ubuntu devs talking about an archive where one could find old versions of packages. like: I'm working on merging 1.0-3ubuntu1 and 1.0-4, but 1.0-3 is no longer in Debian.01:40
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lucassnapshots.d.n clearly doesn't have all versions01:40
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lucaswhat's the name of this archive ? how do I get access to it ?01:43
seb128lucas: it was snapshots but their disk had issues some months ago and they started from scrash again or something like that01:43
lucasI thought ubuntu had its own archive of this kind01:44
seb128Ubuntu has his packages but not the Debian packages we didn't ship01:45
lucasmmh, I'm interested in working on this, since it's a requirement for easier collaboration with debian01:46
lucas(scott's patches sucks when it diffs between very different debian versions)01:46
KamionI suppose if you had another machine with lots and lots of terabytes of disk you could try to duplicate snapshot.d.n01:46
segfaultcan anyone please build mozilla-thunderbird-enigmail for 1.5? :)01:46
Kamionseems a bit pointless, but up to you01:46
Kamion(since you could just as easily have disk issues ...)01:47
ajmitchKamion: depends if those old versions still lived somewhere, I guess01:47
lucasKaloz: you don't need to keep all old versions01:47
lucasKamion sorry01:47
lucasjust the one which are potentially useful for ubuntu developers01:47
hungerCool the python-twisted reinstall bug is gone with the newest version.01:48
=== hunger closed the bug.
Kamionhunger: yeah, we discussed it here and established the cause01:48
Kamion0: epochs bad01:49
hungerKamion: Great! Thanks for fixing this really annoying issue.01:49
Kamionwasn't me :)01:50
Keybuklucas: yes, blame elmo for the morgue of love lacking the intermediate versions01:50
hungerKamion: Well, doko is not around afaict.01:51
lucasKeybuk: how can I help fix this ? :-)01:51
Keybuklucas: i'm not sure you can01:51
KeybukI don't really understand why the morgue lacks them01:51
herziseb128: can you take a quick look at 30147, this one is really ugly01:52
lucasmmh, can I raise the issue at TB meeting tonight ?01:52
Kamionif you don't have shell access to spohr.debian.org, it's probably unlikely that you'd be able to help01:52
Keybukthere's no TB decision to made, is there?01:52
stub Launchpad is going down in 20 minutes, which will put the wikis into read only mode as well. Estimated down time is 10 minutes. This is for the regular weekly code and database update.01:52
Kamionlucas: it's a Debian ftpmaster issue surely, not Ubuntu TB01:53
Mezmdz/Kamion ping01:53
KamionMez: hm?01:53
Keybuklucas: if you have a multi-terabyte disk array, and gargantuan amounts of bandwidth, and can build your own equivalent to snapshot.debian.net ... then that would be useful ;)01:53
lucasKamion,Keybuk: couldn't Ubuntu have its own archive of "potentially useful" packages ?01:53
Kamionlucas: not retrospectively, no01:53
lucaswe don't need that much space01:54
Keybukyes, we do01:54
MezKamion: wondering if I can get an OK to sync the latest rar package from debian - contravenes the UVF - but fixes a couple of vulnerabilities in the code01:54
lucascurrent_size_of_source_archives * 2 is enough in the worst case01:54
Keybukno, it's not01:54
seb128herzi: ask to ogra, he maintains that theme01:54
lucas* 3 maybe01:54
Keybukyou need the entire history of source for at least the past year01:54
herziogra: can you take a quick look at 30147?01:55
Keybukthough you could opportunistically cull that01:55
lucasKeybuk: you only need versions on which ubuntu versions are based01:55
=== ogra looks
seb128herzi: and the package source is gnome-icon-theme-gartoon01:55
KamionMez: UVF exceptions for universe/multiverse go through dholbach rather than being sent to us directly01:55
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herziseb128: it's not01:55
herzithere are only two sources called gnome-icon-theme*01:55
seb128herzi: gartoon01:55
herzimaybe then01:55
dholbachMez: read ubuntu-motu@01:55
seb128$ apt-cache showsrc gartoon01:55
seb128Package: gartoon01:55
seb128Binary: gnome-icon-theme-gartoon01:55
MezKamion: oh poop - sorry got mixed up - thought it was in restricted :D01:55
Kamionvery little is in restricted01:56
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MezKamion: apologies - slightly confused01:56
lucaswhat's the current size of the sources archive ?01:56
lucas(for one version)01:56
ograherzi, will fix that during the day, seems trivial01:57
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Kamionlucas: I think it's 13GB for dapper, although I may have done the sums wrong02:08
lucasok, thanks02:08
lucasso it's not _that_ big02:09
Kamionthat's just from zcat ftp/dists/dapper/*/source/Sources.gz and a couple of nasty greps and awks02:09
herzii have an infinite loop in an init script, what's the appropriate severity for a bug report?02:09
DizietTry   date -d 'next month'02:09
lucasI've added this as a TB item, saying I'm willing to work on this if ubuntu can provide some disk space somewhere02:09
lucasoff to a meeting now02:10
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dooglusin dapper, almost all of the x.org graphic drivers and input drivers are uninstalled by default.  which ones do I need to install?02:49
dooglussorry, wrong channel.02:49
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Keybukmjg59: what do I need to touch to avoid logging out?03:28
mjg59Keybuk: /var/run/console/username:vt03:30
mjg59So /var/run/console/keybuk:7 or whatever03:30
Keybukthat exists already03:33
mjg59Implies that you had it installed already03:39
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KeybukI must have done something that caused it to be created03:43
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pittiKeybuk: I could circumvent the kernel oops which killed my keyboard :)03:48
jsgotangcohiya mako__ 03:48
Keybukpitti: oh?03:49
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zulhey jeff03:58
jbaileyHeya Chuck103:58
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sivangjbailey: thanks for fixing #28640 =)04:24
jbaileybug 2864004:26
Ubugtumalone bug 28640 in glibc "libc6 crash on certain UTF8 encoded filename" [Major,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2864004:26
jbaileysivang: Does the fix work for you?04:26
sivangjbailey: wonderfully :) I got my gaim and evo back 04:27
sivangjbailey: couldn't use them before.04:27
jbaileyCool, thanks04:27
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mdkehey dholbach 04:54
dholbachhey mdke04:54
mdkedholbach, what time are you around this evening?04:55
Mithrandirmdke: I hear rumours of you coming to visit us?04:55
jsgotangcoouch a lawyer will be visiting that's bad04:55
dholbachmdke: I should be around the whole evening. :)04:55
=== jsgotangco hides
mdkeMithrandir, i hope so04:55
Mithrandirmdke: \o/04:55
mdkei just don't wanna turn up while you're all at dinner or something04:55
Mithrandirwe're eating at around 1930-ish, iirc04:57
mdkeah hrm04:57
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mdkei'll be off work at 6, I'll go home, eat and then aim to turn up after that then I think04:58
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KeybukNafallo, mjg59: so far we have n-m success with ipw, madwifi-ng, bcm43xx and prism5405:02
Keybukand failure with linux-wlan-ng, gem, airo, and whatever mvo's dodgy one is05:03
Lathiatdo we have the scanning patch for orinoco in?05:03
Keybukmight have been an orinoco05:03
Lathiatthats a very common card (at least around here)05:03
Keybuk"scanning patch" ?05:03
LathiatKeybuk: that allows for iwlist scan 05:03
Lathiatits not in the kernel05:03
Lathiatat least not up to a bit back05:03
Lathiatdunno if it was merged recently05:03
=== Lathiat tries
Keybukif not, bug BenC05:04
KeybukI think I may add some code to n-m to make it only show interfaces it's known to work with05:04
zulno scanning patch if i remmeber clearly05:04
mdkeare you looking for dodgy wifi cards? i have a dodgy acx111 I could bring along05:04
mjg59Keybuk: There's an airo patch on the n-m mailing list05:05
mjg59What's gem?05:05
Lathiathttp://bur.st/~lathiat/wlan.png 05:05
KinnisonKeybuk: so long as that can be overridden in a config file05:05
mjg59Oh, the wired?05:05
KinnisonKeybuk: I.E. if I know my <foo> card is supported even though n-m doesn't think it is, I can tell it without recompilation05:05
Lathiatthe eth2 card sems to show all the essids i've used in the past while05:05
Lathiati assume thats an intended feature05:06
Lathiat(since it can't scan, list those you used previously with a manual connect, i guess?)05:06
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Keybukmjg59: something fabbione has05:07
mjg59Keybuk: Wired ethernet, right?05:07
KeybukKinnison: if I can be bothered :p05:07
KinnisonKeybuk: :-(05:07
Keybukmjg59: possibly, I wasn't paying attention05:07
KinnisonKeybuk: maybe I'll actually get to distro in time to hack on it too05:07
KeybukI was figuring lathiat's kind of thing05:07
Kinnisonalthough the way that G-d is behaving I don't hold out much hope05:08
Keybuk"g-d" ?05:08
Kinnisonright in the middle of critical testing, he smote the production librarian05:08
KeybukKinnison: oh, you realise if you join the distro team, you're going to get X :)05:09
KinnisonKeybuk: I am going to do my best to wear teflon shoulderpads wrt. X05:09
KinnisonI refuse to give sabdfl even more ammunition for justifying his confusion of me and daniels back at the start05:09
Keybukyou realise that'd also reduce the launchpad's "gay/bi" quotient to zero05:09
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Lathiatok so orinoco is supported in dapper05:11
Lathiatin a wave of unthinkingness i tested it on my breezy laptop :)05:12
Lathiatworks good on dapper05:12
Keybukthat was like Kamion who did an "oh, I've been accidentally using my Broadcom all day, it works!"05:13
ogralucky Kamion then ... mine onnly works partially05:13
KinnisonKeybuk: Hmm05:14
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ograLathiat, the scanning patch was in, it somehow stopped working with one of the last kernel upgrades ...05:15
=== Kinnison attempts to play the launchpad game, in order to confirm that
Lathiatogra: works for me here on latest kernel05:16
ograiwlist scan ?05:16
Lathiati just did a round of dist-upgrades tho (not including kernel)05:16
Lathiati'll reboot and test05:16
Lathiatogra: yep, and nm05:16
ograit worked two weeks ago, but downt now ... i didnt follow it very closely though05:17
Lathiatwhat kind of card have you got?05:17
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KinnisonKeybuk: You know, I think you're right. Or at least it reduces the out gay/bi quotient to zero. Not so sure about the closet :-)05:17
Lathiatlike a pcmcia orinoco, or an airport or?05:17
ograLathiat, a lucent orinoco silver ...05:17
Lathiatok, same card i've got05:17
Lathiatpotentially different firmwares tho05:17
ogramight be, i never touched it ...05:18
Lathiattho i've never heard of any issues at all with scanning and firmwares05:18
ogra(i know yu can patch it with the gold firmware)05:18
wasabi_Let the speculation begin!05:19
wasabi_"The Register reports that Google is working on a version of Ubuntu, known internally as Goobuntu. Google has confirmed it is working on a desktop linux project, but declined to supply further details, including what the project is for. Is Google about to release this as an alternative to Windows?"05:19
Lathiatogra: not even that, just the actual version of the intended firmware05:19
ograto get strong encryption working ...05:19
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Lathiatwasabi_: did you read about google os last week too? ;)05:19
Lathiatogra: well,yeh05:19
Lathiatogra: that was a pretty cool hack05:19
Keybukwasabi: more like Never Let Research Or Facts Stand In The Way Of El Reg's Quest For A Story05:19
wasabi_No, just heard about "ie"05:19
Lathiatand its not strong, just 'stronger' :)05:19
Lathiati was reading APC mag today and read about google os05:19
wasabi_Keybuk: oh I know. I'm just fishing. ;)05:19
Lathiatand wanted to shoot myself :)05:19
Lathiat(APC mag being a computer mag in .au)05:19
wasabi_I'd be nice if google just hired some engineers and sent them here.05:20
Lathiatmildly more technical nature than some of the others05:20
mjg59The fact that Google have a project called Goobuntu doesn't indicate that they're planning on releasing it as a product...05:21
=== Lathiat wonders why a dist-upgrade is holding back kmail, yet apt-get install kmail simply remoes libmimelib1c2 and installs libmimelib1c2a and upgrades kmail
wasabi_I woldn't be suprised if they were just working on a flavor for internal desktops.05:21
Keybuk^ could people let me know whether that's watchable; in particular the audio05:21
mjg59wasabi_: That's pretty much what the situation is05:22
Lathiatwasabi_: pretty much aiui05:22
KinnisonKeybuk: fetching05:22
mjg59Keybuk: Works fine in totem05:22
Keybukyeah, mostly whether it's loud enough :)05:22
mjg59Seems ok05:23
Lathiatcould do with a slightly better res05:23
Lathiatsince we're looking at a whiteboard and not just a person05:23
KeybukLathiat: we could do with better upstream bandwidth :p05:23
mjg59Yeah, picture quality is poor05:23
wasabi_I really think that link itself hilights a problem. =(05:24
Keybukthe original is DVD quality, but to get it from my camera to somewhere servable is hard on 250kb/s05:24
wasabi_I should be able to click on it in XChat and Totem should open and stream it. Heh.05:24
LathiatKeybuk: surely even a 25M video would be ok 05:24
Lathiatheh faces<->irc, weird :)05:25
KeybukLathiat: that would require slightly more finesse on theora conversions than I am capable of :)05:25
Keybukif you know runes, let me have them and I can recode05:25
Lathiatsounds complicated ;p05:25
Lathiatso, anyon got any ideas on above kmail/apt situation?05:25
Lathiatthere is 1 other package (unrelated) being held back due to missing dep (gnome-system-monitor dep missing gksu) - don tsee why thatd be confusing it tho05:26
wasabi_darnit that .ogg froze totem05:27
wasabi_hmm. actually it looks like Open Location... itself freezes totem05:27
jbaileymjg59: Apparently you want us to all run gnome-power-manager.  Now that I'm doing so, is there anything you want from me?05:28
mjg59jbailey: Does it work?05:28
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jbaileymjg59: It appears to have a number of menus.  Is there something about it in particular I should try?05:29
mjg59jbailey: You have battery status?05:29
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mjg59Does hibernate work on your machine? If so, does it work when you trigger it from g-p-m?05:29
jbaileyIt's got a power cord wrapper around a battery that's full right now, which is true.05:29
jbaileyLemme flip to battery to test the difference.05:29
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jbaileyIt took a bit longer than the regular applet to notice that I'm on battery, but that's probably just polling cycle.05:30
LathiatIIRC by default GNOME disables the reboot/shutdown options05:30
jbaileyI haven't tried hibernate yet.  suspend doesn't work.05:30
Lathiatif its not running under gdm05:30
Lathiatthat doesnt happen with the new stuff05:30
jbaileyon this laptop, I mean.05:30
=== jbailey tries hibernate.
KinnisonKeybuk: the sound is fine05:32
KinnisonKeybuk: the video is a touch low bitrate05:32
KeybukKinnison: yeah, the video suffers simply from I have to upload it05:33
Keybukso I made it small enough to do that05:33
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=== Kinnison nods
=== Kinnison listens to this because he needs to know about how langpacks work
jbaileymjg59: Clikcing on "Hibernation" (fr_CA) causes my network manager to lose sync with the network, but nothing else seems to happen.05:34
jbaileymjg59: Does it put a log file somewhere that I can see what it thinks it was meant to do?05:34
mjg59jbailey: You have /var/run/console/jbailey:7 or whatever?05:34
KeybukKinnison: the original would just fit on a CD05:35
KinnisonKeybuk: how long was the talk?05:35
jbaileymjg59: I have nothing under /var/run that begins with "console" or "jbailey"05:35
mjg59jbailey: So when I said "Install libpam-foreground, log out, log in", that bit wasn't communciated? :)05:36
mjg59BenC: I've sent you a patch to add rtl stuff05:36
jbaileymjg59: Correct, was not. =)05:36
BenCok, thanks05:36
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jbaileymjg59: Battery status seems to be more aggresively updated that the standard gnome battery.05:36
jbaileyBut otherwise both show as 94%05:36
mjg59jbailey: Ok, for now mkdir /var/run/console and then touch that file (assuming jbailey is your username and you're on vt 7)05:37
KeybukKinnison: 15-20mins ish05:37
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KinnisonKeybuk: Hmm, videocd quality should be ca. 300 megs then05:38
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KeybukKinnison: dunno, it's standard DVD 16:9 MPEG-2 off the camear05:39
KeybukAC3 audio05:39
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jbaileymjg59: Installed the package (should it be a dependancy?)05:40
jbaileyI've touched the file as root.;05:40
KinnisonKeybuk: hmm05:41
mjg59jbailey: It'll be part of desktop05:42
mjg59BenC: Somebody probably needs to find out if we can distribute the Marvell wireless firmware05:44
BenCmjg59: hell, still working on the bcm43xx firmware :/05:45
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mjg59BenC: Heh. The Marvell stuff is probably easier.05:45
mjg59BenC: Also, must push you an updated driver for the sdhci stuff05:45
mjg59It's /almost/ working perfectly here now - I'm just not getting all eject/inserts05:46
KamionBenC: Theo had no luck with that either :(05:51
KamionBenC: (bcm43xx working great for me now, btw)05:52
BenCI think we may have a chance05:52
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simirawho chased Mithrandir away? :-/05:54
Kamionmjg59: can I have a preference for "don't tell me when I switch to battery"?05:56
Kamionmjg59: also it would be nice if it were clear whether "Put ... to sleep after" is "after x minutes of inactivity" or just "after x minutes"05:57
Keybuk"You have just had an accident..." "YES, I KNOW!"05:57
mdzmjg59: what is the failure mode for swsusp like if it doesn't have enough swap?05:58
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mjg59Kamion: Pls file bugs kthxbi05:59
mjg59Kamion: (Yeah, the UI is a bit rough)06:00
mjg59mdz: It should just bounce back06:00
mdzI was having inexplicable swsusp failures last week where it would hang on the way down, but it's working OK this week oddly enough06:00
mjg59pitti: mmc cards still don't seem to be getting automounted06:01
mjg59pitti: "Error: device /dev/mmcblk0p1 is not removable06:02
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mjg59Keybuk: We have two drivers for sd readers (sdhci and wbsd). Both of them need mmc_block to be loaded beforehand in order to be useful.06:03
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Keybukmjg59: then they should both depend on it, no?06:07
Keybuksdhci depends mmc_core06:08
mjg59Keybuk: No - they don't actually call any functions from it06:08
Keybukwbsd depends mmc_core06:08
KeybukI see06:08
mjg59But you need mmc_block to actually get a block device06:08
Keybukso the mmc subsystem should generate a MODALIAS that matches an alias that the mmc_block declares support for06:08
Keybuk(we have the same with i2o_block at the moment)06:08
mjg59I don't really care how it's fixed, but it would be nice if it was fixed :)06:09
Keybukfile a bug06:10
Keybukassign it to kernel, and subscribe me06:10
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Keybukmjg59: do you have a machine with this in there right now?06:11
mjg59Keybuk: Yup06:11
Keybukand without mmc_block loaded?06:12
mjg59Keybuk: I can unload mmc_block if you want 06:12
mjg59On boot, sdhci gets loaded, mmc_block doesn't06:12
Keybukis there a /proc/bus kind of stuff?06:12
Keybukmjg59: right, there's nothing to say "load mmc_block"06:12
mjg59No, nothing in /proc/bus06:12
Keybuk/proc/mmc ?06:12
mjg59No mention of mmc in /proc06:13
mjg59There's a /sys/bus/mmc06:13
Keybuk/sys/bus/mmc ?06:13
mjg59And a sys/class/mmc_host06:13
Kamionmjg59: filed06:13
Keybukwhat's in that06:13
Keybuka single devices?06:13
mjg59sys/bus/mmc contains drivers and devices06:13
Keybukyeah, how many devices?06:13
mjg59devices is empty06:13
mjg59As is drivers06:13
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mjg59If I load mmc_block, drivers gains mmcblk06:14
Keybukcan you rip all the modules out, and run "udevplug" again06:14
Keybukare you sure you have an mmc device plugged in? :)06:14
mjg59I've just been reading off it06:14
jbaileymjg59: Even after I touched that file, I didn't actually do it.  I'll try a log out and back in to make sure that it's not something I did wrongly.06:14
Keybukmjg59: ok, unplug it -- rip out all the modules, then run "udevmonitor -e" and plug it back in06:14
mjg59 /sys/bus/mmc seems to only contain stuff when mmc_block is loaded06:14
mjg59Keybuk: It's a built-in PCI device06:15
jbaileyWhen I plug in the power cord again, the battery now looks shattered with a power cord around it.06:15
Keybukdid mmc_block create anything in /sys/bus/mmc/devices ?06:15
Kamionmjg59: otherwise, g-p-m seems to work fine for me06:15
mjg59jbailey: That's supposed to be a lightning bolt06:15
mjg59Keybuk: Without a card in, no06:15
mjg59Keybuk: With a card in, yes06:15
Kamionmjg59: suspend works, hibernate doesn't, but that's no surprise (powerbook)06:15
jbaileymjg59: Yes, dear. =)06:15
Keybukis there anything in /devices *with a card in* when mmc_block is *not* loaded?06:16
mjg59Keybuk: No06:16
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mjg59Keybuk: Oh, I tell a lie - yes06:17
mjg59lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 0 2006-01-31 17:17 mmc0:0001 -> ../../../devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1e.0/0000:02:00.1/mmc0:000106:17
Keybuk*beats you*06:17
Keybuknow what's in that?06:17
mjg59bus  cid  csd  date  fwrev  hwrev  manfid  name  oemid  power  serial  uevent06:18
Keybukreadlink bus ... and cat everything else but uevent06:18
mjg59Keybuk: None of the files look terribly interesting - just seems to be information about the card06:19
Keybukand nothing in /proc for mmc at all?06:19
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Keybuksee, nothing tells us to load mmc_block06:20
KeybukI bet there's not even a char-major for it06:20
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mjg59It seems to end up with 25306:21
mjg59Which is dynamic, presumably?06:21
mdkedoes anyone know if gnome-app-install will be capable of installing any program in the repository, or is it limited to only some programs still?06:21
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Keybukmjg59: indeed06:23
Keybukmjg59: so, this is clearly a kernel bug06:23
LaserJockmdke: doesn't it have an advanced button or something (I can't remember right now) that launches synaptic?06:23
Keybuk"oh that device doesn't work unless you load *this* module?" "and how was I supposed to know to do that?!"($*(UASFJA"06:23
mdkeLaserJock, yes, but I'd like to know what it does without using that button06:25
mjg59Keybuk: Why? 06:26
mjg59Keybuk: SD slots aren't limited to block devices06:26
Keybukmjg59: my point exactly06:26
LaserJockmdke: oh sorry, no idea there06:26
Keybukso the subsystem should expose *something* to say what's plugged in06:26
mjg59Ah, I see06:26
Keybukotherwise how do we know whether to load mmc_block, mmc_audio, mmc_net, et. al.06:26
Keybukusually this is dealt with through MODALIAS06:27
Keybukit should generate a modalias that includes a hint about the type of device06:27
Keybukand the "catch all" modules should match mmc:?????t01 type thing06:27
Keybukthen we can blacklist mmc_bug :p06:28
mjg59Keybuk: The problem is likely to be that this stuff was all written by embedded people...06:30
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Keybukmjg59: yes06:30
Keybukthey can be taught the right way06:30
mjg59Keybuk: As a workaround, would it be acceptable to just unconditionally load mmc_block before these drivers?06:30
mjg59We don't actually support SDIO right now, so...06:31
Keybukmjg59: could you write up something about MMC and how it works, and what the drivers mean, what's in sysfs, etc. and send it to linux-hotplug-devel@lists.sourceforge.net06:32
mjg59Keybuk: Ah, hang on. The hotplug event appears to add a command class field to MMC_CCC06:32
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Keybukthen we can sic gregkh on them (usually by providing patches)06:33
Keybukif there's anything in the hotplug event that's not in sysfs, it needs to be driver core'd06:33
mjg59And mmc_block checks whether cmdclass claims it's a block device06:33
mjg59Via a private data structure06:34
Keybukwrite this stuff up :)06:34
mjg59Hang on06:34
mjg59Looks like this may be exposed through sysfs06:34
mjg59It's just you have to parse a hexidecimal string06:34
Keybukyeah, the lack of modalias still needs fixing though06:34
Treenaksmjg59: I'm at home now -- I can test the smart battery stuff if you need it06:35
mjg59Treenaks: I've sent a patch to Ben - should show up in the next kernel with luck06:35
Treenaksand I have a non-working MMC thingy as well :)06:35
mjg59Treenaks: Can you lspci -n it and see if it's pci class 0805?06:35
Treenaks0000:02:06.4 0805: 104c:803406:36
mjg59Treenaks: Yeah, should work then06:36
Treenaksmjg59: it is detected, but when I insert a card, nothing happens06:36
mjg59Treenaks: Load mmc_block and things should be better, but it'll still be flaky with the version in the kernel right now06:36
mjg59                csd->cmdclass     = UNSTUFF_BITS(resp, 84, 12);06:36
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Treenaksmjg59: still nothing06:37
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Treenaksmjg59: interrupt count in /proc/interrupts doesn't update either06:37
mjg59Is there a type that can hold a 128 bit value?06:40
Treenaksmjg59: two int64's ;)06:42
mjg59Keybuk: Check mmc.c, line 546. It gets 12 bits from bus/mmc/device/csd (starting at bit 84)06:42
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mjg59And then mmc_block.c checks whether that matches CCC_BLOCK_READ (include/linux/mmc/protocol.h)06:43
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Treenaksmjg59: I also have a laptop with a class 0180 SD/MMC/SM reader (also TI, but 104c:8033)06:48
mjg59If it's not class 0805, you're out of luck right now06:48
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Treenaksmjg59: hm, ok06:48
Treenaks(btw, any news on my 'crack' keys ( and $ near the arrows)06:59
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janimoTreenaks, that class  180 is flashmedia controller07:06
janimoit's the hp 8240 laptop I presume?07:06
Treenaksjanimo: no, that's my Acer07:06
Treenaksjanimo: the 8240 has a 080507:06
janimooh, great so the TI controller will be supported07:07
Treenaksjanimo: (hey! on the 8240 I _also_ have the 0180 device)07:07
Treenaks(and a 0780 / smart card reader device) 07:07
janimoTreenaks, what I said. that is a flashmedia controller07:07
janimothe SD one is 80507:07
janimothe TI chip controls many kinds of interfaces07:07
Treenaksjanimo: I know07:07
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Treenaksjanimo: but I only have a SD slot, and a SmartCard slot (and a PCMCIA/CardBus slot)07:08
janimome too07:08
Treenaksjanimo: so the rest is 'not connected' I guess07:08
Treenaksjanimo: but on my other laptop, with a mixed SD/MMC/SM slot, there's only the FlahsMedia controller07:08
Keybukmjg59: ok, write all this up and send it to the list please!07:11
=== Keybuk beats ogra to a pulp
mjg59Keybuk: Do I need to be subscribed?07:18
Keybukmjg59: not sure, if doesn't work, mail it to me07:19
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mjg59Keybuk: Mailed to the list, if it bounces I'll send it back your way07:27
Keybukit did07:28
Keybuk(not bounce)07:28
Keybukit got through07:28
mjg59I think I've got that right - let me know if it doesn't seem to match the code07:30
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poningruslightly annoying question07:53
poningrudid we know about goobuntu?07:53
Keybukwhat about it?07:53
Keybukmost of what you heard is probably wrong07:53
poningrubut it does exist?07:53
poningruand did canonical know about it?07:53
Keybuke.g. is Google were putting together something based on Ubuntu, it'd be almost certainly for internal use only and not yet another distro on the racks07:54
LaserJockI have a debian/copyright question. I am trying to fix the debian/copyright for ubuntu-docs. All but one of the docs have a FDL/CC-SA dual license.07:55
LaserJocksince FDL and CC-SA are not in /user/share/common-licenses/ should I include a complete copy of the licenses in debian/copyright?07:55
lucaswhat's the license of the doc which isn't dual-licensed ?07:56
LaserJockthe Ubuntu Packaging Guide I'm working on, its GPL07:56
KeybukLaserJock: yes.07:57
lucasKeybuk: what's Ubuntu's position regarding GFDL and CCs ? (they are non-free according to debian-legal)07:57
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Kamionponingru: suffice to say it isn't particularly news to us07:58
Keybuklucas: Ubuntu ships GFDL and CC-licenced material07:59
Keybuk(* note: possible lie on the second, I _think_ we do, but could be wrong)07:59
LaserJockwell we are shipping ubuntu-docs 07:59
Kamionin the case of documentation our stance is that we do not necessarily hold them to the standards of free software licences; instead we judge on a licence-by-licence and package-by-package basis07:59
Kamionsee http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing, which is quite clear about this08:00
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LaserJockhmm, so this is going to be a little messy08:01
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=== Keybuk hands LaserJock a small towel
LaserJockok so I say that all documents are dual licensed under FDL/CC-SA (an have the complete licenses) except for the Ubuntu Packaging Guide which is GPL?08:04
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sivangLaserJock: what's the status of Ubuntu Packaging Guide , is it near completion? :-)08:16
sivangKeybuk: can I ask you some hal related questions?08:16
Keybukif you like08:16
Keybukbut you really want sjoerd or pitti08:16
KeybukI may still be able to help though08:16
LaserJocksivang: not terribly complete doc.ubuntu.com has what I have so far.08:17
LaserJocksivang: I've been busy but after this week I should have more time for it08:17
sivangKeybuk: just trying to confirm, if I Have a usb drive with 2 partitions on it, they will be reported by hal as 2 volumes with the same parent node as the Usb device ?08:18
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sivangKeybuk: ok, so my storage device detection code no really needs a good rewrite :)08:19
sivangKeybuk: thanks :)08:20
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sivangKeybuk: videos from the sprint?08:23
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LaserJocksivang: btw, if you have any suggestions for the Ubuntu Packaging Guide I'd love to hear them08:25
sivangLaserJock: currently I'm overly busy, but if you discuss cdbs I might be able to toss something for free :)08:26
sivangKeybuk: fascinating08:28
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LaserJocksivang: I do plan on having a cdbs section and I'm not terribly familiar with it so I might be bugging you in the future ;-)08:29
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sivangLaserJock: I just have one small tip. I'm no expert :)08:36
zulKeybuk: where is that from?08:38
sivangzul: I'd bet on the distro sprint , or something close08:38
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zuli thought the sprint hasnt started yet08:39
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=== zul is so out of it
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Keybukzul: here is what from?08:56
zulKeybuk: the ogg video08:57
Keybukthe distro team sprint08:57
zulah ok..08:57
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KeybukTechnical Board Meeting in 1 minute08:59
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mantiena-baltixKamion, did you got my email ?09:01
mantiena-baltixfrom mantas@akl.lt09:01
Keybukmantiena-baltix: Kamion's been a combination of ill and busy so far this week09:02
KeybukI wouldn't expect an immediate reply09:02
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mantiena-baltixKeybuk, oh09:50
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eeejayare there any efforts being made ti integrate Xen?09:51
tsengnot at this time09:53
eeejayi'll give it a go09:54
ograeeejay, there are several people offering packages from personal repos iirc ... but its not included 09:55
dredggood luck. there's a distinct lack of patches for recent kernels for xen 2.0, and xen 3.0 is where all the development seems to be. except 3.0 is unstable09:55
eeejayogra, so there is no point in rolling my own debs, right?09:55
dredgi had a look at it for something work-related but gave up cos i was busy with something else and just wasn't happy with the lack of it working the way i wanted 09:56
ograi dont think so ... but on the other hand i never looked at the existing ones ...09:56
eeejayxen 3.0 was released09:56
dredgwas it? right09:56
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dredgmight look at it next week when i get a chance09:56
eeejaythats why it would be a worthy attempt :)09:57
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truluxevolution-2.6 is a bit unstable, isn't it?10:03
sivangtrulux: yep, I'm also experiencing this :)10:04
truluxsivang: heap overflows around10:04
truluxlet's hope for the best so bad kids don't sell them :)10:04
sivangtrulux: well, I didn't investiage that deep, I just expreince the pain :)10:05
truluxsivang: HTML processing code is worst and worst on each new milestone10:05
sivangtrulux: HTML should be banned in emails :-D10:05
truluxsivang: well, disable malloc checking in your glibc, then attach gdb and have fun10:05
truluxsivang: heh10:06
sivangtrulux: I think that could eventually consume all my RAM or hammer my swap , I think I'll pass10:06
truluxsivang: any way to go back?10:06
truluxsivang: I mena once you get it to crash10:07
sivangtrulux: you mean, to downgrade the package?10:07
truluxI don't want this 0day shit :)10:07
sivangtrulux: I usually dpwnf ohhh I like crappy net connections10:07
sivangtrulux: I usually dpkg -i /var/apt/archives/pkg-ubuntu${N-1} but it does not always help.10:08
truluxsivang: hmm, how's that this unstable thing gets into dapper that easy?10:09
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sivangtrulux: it's dapper :) btw, what does your backtrace tells you? (top of it)10:09
trulux#12 0xb796b34a in free () from /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so.610:10
trulux#13 0xb6a8fdcc in g_free () from /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.010:10
truluxlast calls10:10
sivangtrulux: we need to compare and report a bug. did you rebuild evo with debug symbols? (it takes ages)10:11
sivangtrulux: let's move this to #u-desktop , shall we?10:11
truluxnope, well, I was working on some POC, so I didn't report anything yet10:12
truluxno need, I'll to work this out10:12
sivangtrulux: POC ?10:12
truluxsivang: proof of concept, call it exploit10:13
sivangtrulux: ah, for the security team?10:13
truluxI don't have the time anyways, this evolution stuff makes me feel sick10:13
truluxsivang: no, for myself :|10:13
sivangtrulux: I'm on the evo stuff, the rebuild time just pisses me off :)10:13
truluxI can help you, but I would like to get email working first :)10:14
sivangtrulux: evo started crashing for  me at start due to bug 2864010:15
truluxsivang: link to malone?10:15
truluxsivang: most of the issues are related to html processing, really weird10:15
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Ubugtumalone bug 28640 in glibc "libc6 crash on certain UTF8 encoded filename" [Major,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2864010:16
zygasivang: interesting10:16
sivangtrulux: he had created a patch for this that appears to have solved the issue on one of my machines,10:16
sivangtrulux: but still not for the other. I'll just make sure it's not the same thing 10:17
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sivangzyga: indeed.10:17
sivangtrulux: this also affects my gaim on this system, so it seems.10:17
zygasivang: I'm still reading the bug page10:18
truluxnope, that isn't the issue10:18
truluxthis one is a nice issue on html processing of some objects10:18
truluxI'll fill a bug report anyways10:19
zygasivang: bah it's fixed already10:19
sivangzyga: supposed to be 10:19
sivangzyga: it WAS fixed for one of my mahcines, this doesn't seem to have helped my home machine10:20
trulux*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x087a8850 ***10:20
sivangzyga: this also broke gaim for me, which is still broken here.10:20
zygasivang: queer, maybe incomplete upgrade?10:20
sivangzyga: hmm10:20
sivangzyga: I'll check10:20
sivangzyga: nope10:21
truluxok, got another one10:21
zygaI'd like to file a bug on alacarte :-)10:21
zygathe image in the about dialog should be ubuntu human themed10:22
Amaranthzyga: Why should the applications own internal logo be human themed?10:22
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zygaAmaranth: because it shows a screenshot of the application menu 10:23
Amaranthzyga: so small you can't really see it10:23
zygaAmaranth: it could be brownish ':-)10:23
Amaranthit is10:23
Amaranthit's clearlooks, which is a sort of tan color10:24
zygaAmaranth: I've got a blue color10:24
Amaranthah, the selected one10:24
Amaranthbtw, it's not actually a screenshot10:24
Amaranthzyga: i'd end up rejecting the patch, it's not worth it to me10:24
zygaAmaranth: right but it's close10:24
Amaranthpatch/bug, whatever is supplied10:25
zygaAmaranth: even if all you had to do was to apply a changed .png to the tree?10:25
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Amaranthzyga: yes, because about dialogs are generally left alone10:25
Amaranthplus it's my app :P10:25
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zygaAmaranth: ooooh10:26
zygaAmaranth: would you like a comitted polish translator then?10:26
Amaranthzyga: once i get it into gnome cvs, please10:26
Amaranthwhich won't make it into dapper...10:27
zygaAmaranth: even before, I'd love to get it via rosetta but it's not there yet10:27
Amaranthyeah, i don't have any source management setup for it10:27
Amaranthso rosetta can't get to it10:27
zygaAmaranth: not even bzr?10:27
zygaAmaranth: local bzr is worth a fortune :-)10:27
zygaAmaranth: why won't you go for it then?10:28
Amaranthi'm too lazy to type "bzr commit"10:28
Amaranthgo for?10:28
zygaAmaranth: would you allow me to submit current alacarte template to rosetta?10:28
zygaAmaranth: k, in progress :-)10:29
Amaranthyou'll have to ping seb128 on getting the package updated until the end of february though10:29
zygaAmaranth: what do you mean?10:29
zygaAmaranth: the UVF?10:29
Amaranthno, i don't have ubuntu installed anywhere right now10:30
Amaranthor a copy of alacarte :P10:30
zygaAmaranth: :-))10:30
Amaranthand he has been handling things with it10:30
zygaAmaranth: that's fine I already got the source, I'll talk with seb about this tommorow10:31
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=== Amaranth kicks school and bills
=== Treenaks kicked school years ago ;)
=== sivang made it for pre-university :)
=== zyga looks left
=== zyga looks right
=== zyga is a calm person and rejects kicking
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rob^^^Am I the only one who has concerns about users being able to find shut down on the new GDM theme?10:38
tsengthat is a question for #ubuntu-desktop10:39
rob^^^thanks, I've asked there10:41
delire_crimsun: what was the workaround for snd-hda-intel on a 2.6.10 kernel? have a person here that runs breezy on 2.6.10 not 2.6.12 due to showstopper bug 15031.. snd-hda-intel isn't in the 2.6.10 sources.10:43
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truluxsivang: mostly anything makes it to crash10:51
truluxsivang: any temp. solution? :(10:51
sivangtrulux: it finished building now :) let's see where it crashes10:52
truluxsivang: two upgrades available now for gtkhtml10:55
truluxsivang: I guess those are related to evolution10:56
sivangtrulux: how new are they?10:56
sivangtrulux: already tried them. my evo is hanging on CalDAV Eplugin starting up ...10:56
sivangoh well, I'll leave it fo rnow I think :)10:56
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truluxsivang: well, the issues are somehow solved11:05
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truluxsivang: I'll check for a security notice, or maybe they patched silently the stuff11:05
sivangtrulux: you mean, the POC for exploiting evo?11:05
truluxsivang: yep, the issues have been removed from the lib11:06
Wibble-I'm interested in hacking the source code for one of the packages I have installed in a ubuntu-friendly way.  Are there any guides which might poke me in the right sorts of directions for the ubuntu side of things?11:07
\shcan someone explain me, why suddenly my upgraded amd64 dapper is throwing out bootp messages?11:09
\sh23:09:10.565659 IP > BOOTP/DHCP, Request from 00:14:85:51:5b:7a (oui Unknown), length: 30011:10
\sh23:09:10.569101 IP > BOOTP/DHCP, Reply, length: 54811:10
\shok...dhclient3 is the man11:11
mjg59They're DHCP requests, not bootp ones11:11
\shand I wonder why dhclient3 is throwing them like mad...even if dhclient3 already requested the ip from the dhcp11:12
\shmjg59: btw..I had some nasty things happening 2 hours ago with latest dapper upgrades from today11:13
\sh1. sky2 loaded as marvell yukon driver, instead of sk98lin11:14
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\sh2. sk98lin loaded manually didn't work at all anymore11:14
Amaranthzyga: I've got mail. :)11:15
zygaAmaranth: k, I'll also send you a minor patch for missing i18n11:15
\shand I couldn't write down the error messages, because no pen&paper and no ways to access my network or my second partition11:15
Amaranthzyga: msgstr "Edytor menu Alcarte"11:16
\shand now let me try to get my madwifi card running again11:16
zygasorry :-)11:16
zygaAmaranth: how about that bzr branch for both of us?11:16
zygaAmaranth: I used dapper sources11:17
Amaranthzyga: i figure once i find my USB stick i'll get it into gnome cvs (just need to create the module, already been approved and i have an account), then get launchpad to mirror it into bzr11:17
Amaranthzyga: dapper sources is all i have too11:17
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zygaAmaranth: okay, I'll send you the .po again along with the patch11:19
zygawhat was that apt-cache command that showed you all versions of a package?11:20
zygama... something11:20
sivangnight all11:24
\shat last11:24
zygasivang: night11:25
\shsivang: sleep tight11:25
sivang\sh: thanks :)11:25
sivang\sh: you too11:25
sivangzyga: back11:25
=== sivang is off
\shsivang: well, I have a lot of "Dude, where's my dapper" questions to answer :)11:25
\sh2h at least to determine that I wasn't the fault...11:26
\shactually a good day11:27
zygaAmaranth: almost done, just one test away11:27
\sh1. fixed a j4log problem in a servlet, 2. fixed a problem with "how does imap actually work, and why is it totally crap to open several imap session when you don't close them" 11:28
\sh3. explain to some java devs, why tomcat and all java servlet containers do have session handling and why you should use them, even in midlets 11:29
\sh4. wrote an invoice and earned money...11:30
ajmitchhi \sh 11:31
\shmoins ajmitch 11:31
ajmitchpart 4 is good ;)11:31
\shajmitch: yes...7 days of work, and earned at least the same money as working for ish for one month :)11:32
\shajmitch: now they have to transfer the money to my account..and I can pay at least my rent and car and phone :)11:32
ajmitchyeah, I've got a short (2-3 week) job in a few days 11:33
\shajmitch: oh btw...wrote the invoice with the lx-erp software, a german fork of sql-ledger :) 11:33
\shneed to setup a complete table of accounts for this thing...and somehow add some digital signature functionality to the "send invoice by email" function11:35
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zygaAmaranth: do you want a diff against orig.tar.gz or orig.tar.gz + debian.changes11:40
Amaranthi forgot what the changes were11:40
Amaranthafaik it's only changes to the packaging11:40
zygaAmaranth: a minor change with gnome 2.12 compatibility11:41
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Amaranththe only thing i can think of that you'd be talking about is the debian version11:42
Amaranthwhich loads gnome-applications.menu and uses reversed(foo) instead of foo.reversed()11:43
Amaranthor vice-versa, i forget which one is new in python 2.411:43
zygaAmaranth: in debian/patches11:45
Amaranthwhat version are you looking at?11:45
Amaranthi'm seeing nothing in the archives...11:45
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zygaAmaranth: 0.8-0ubuntu211:46
zygaAmaranth: you can have a look at my bzr branch if you'd like11:46
Amaranth0.8-0ubuntu2 doesn't have any patches which change the orig11:47
Amaranththat i can see here11:47
zygaAmaranth: yes you're right11:47
zygaAmaranth: it's in debian/patches11:48
zygasorry I got confused11:48
Amaranthheh, my last changelog entry is funny11:49
zygaargh.. I'm dumb :-)11:49
zygacopying .diff from mc's virtual directory was ... silly11:50
Amaranthyeah, i'm seeing that :P11:50
Amaranthall these diff files in debian/ :P11:50
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zygaAmaranth: pull, I fixed that11:52
Amaranthoh, i'm just browsing with firefox :P11:52
Amaranthi'm at school11:52
zygaAmaranth: basically the real fix is: add missing translatable="yes" in .glade11:52
zygaadd pl.po11:53
zygamove "Other" out of translatable strings11:53
Amaranthwhat was missing in the glade file?11:53
zygamark some missing strings in the source (just one AFAIR)11:53
zygathe window title :)11:53
Amaranththat's the title of the app11:53
zygayes but it has to be translated :)11:54
zygaAmaranth: oh and I've also added X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain to .desktop.in11:57
Amaranthyeah, what's up with that?11:57
zygaAmaranth: gettext support :)11:57
zygaAmaranth: ideally for ubuntu .desktop files should have no translations at all11:58
Amaranthbzr works on OS X, right?11:58
zygathat pulls translations from .mo files11:58
zygaAmaranth: yes11:58
zygaAmaranth: on 10.4.3 at least11:58
Amaranth10.4.4, same thing11:58
zygaAmaranth: todo, add focus on 'applications' after startup11:59
zygaI need to look at other projects11:59
zygatake care :-)11:59
Amaranthzyga: will you be here in 2 hours?11:59
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