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amumoin Riddell 12:19
Riddellamu: going to do us a CD with kde 3.5.1 and koffice 1.5 beta?12:24
Riddellgreat :)12:26
=== Riddell off to bed
amuyou reached elmo for my acc?  12:27
Riddellamu: no, I sent the request but sysadmin is slow for these things12:28
Riddellamu: can you upload it to  ne of your servers and I'll copy it across?12:28
LathiatRiddell: yeh12:28
LathiatRiddell: aseigo also bought a load more12:29
RiddellLathiat: he says he never found you12:29
Lathiatyes he did12:29
amuRiddell: ack, i'll write you a mail, where you'll find it12:29
Lathiatwe had a good chat one night at unicol and it took him a bit to figure out who i was (and he other way around)12:29
RiddellLathiat: ha, he must be loosing his mind12:30
=== Riddell sleeps
sebaskrootimage: Fatal IO error: client killed12:31
sebasThis one seems to prevent my kdm from starting.12:31
Lathiati said who i was, and we started chatting, and then i picked up my name badge at some point and he goes "OH LATHIAT!" i know who you are ;p didn't understand my accent or something :)12:33
sebasIs that krootimage thing a known problem?12:33
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Tonio_hi folks09:28
Riddellmorning Tonio_ 09:32
Tonio_Riddell: hello ;)09:36
Tonio_Riddell: I couldn't be there for the TB.... crazy schedule this week09:37
Tonio_Riddell: I've spend a few hours working with a default kde config, and I think I have a few interesting ideas for the kubuntu-default-settings package09:38
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Tonio_Riddell: may I send you a debdiff in a few days and a mail to comment the modifications ?09:38
RiddellTonio_: like raising konqueror's minimum font size to something sane :)09:38
RiddellTonio_: sure09:38
Tonio_Riddell: yep, I have a way to set dpi to 100 in kdmrc :)09:39
Tonio_then cleaning fonts, modifying the menus, adding a .desktop for the konqueror's filemanagement profile09:39
Tonio_a few things like that ;)09:39
Tonio_ho, and I had a question riddell....09:39
Tonio_the "system" applet is set by default nearby the K button09:40
Tonio_it is very usefull but there is a problem using it09:40
Tonio_assume that with you open "home"09:40
Tonio_konq is launched with "system:/home"09:41
Riddellwhat's wrong with that?09:42
Tonio_it works fine, but all opened files are copied in tmp before beeing opened09:42
Tonio_try to open a big file, it take hudge time09:42
Riddelldepends on what you open them with09:42
Tonio_hum, for examle videos with kaffeine or big ogg files with amarok or any other player09:43
Tonio_it depends if the application is able to manage system:/ urls ?09:43
Riddellhmm, yes09:45
Riddellbut kaffeine has Exec=kaffeine %U  so it should be able to manage URLs09:45
RiddellI'll query that with ervin when he's around09:47
Riddellotherwise can't be too hard to change it back to $HOME09:47
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Tonio_Riddell: okay thanks ;)09:55
amuRiddell: iso uploaded ... needs some tests 09:56
Riddellamu: URL?09:56
RiddellMez: new akode is in10:04
RiddellMez: should be backportable10:04
freeflyinghi all10:07
freeflyingRiddell: hi10:07
amuRiddell: http://he.debian.net/kubunt+koffice.iso10:07
freeflyingRiddell: if there has changes in debian/rules , shall I provide it as a patch10:08
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Riddellfreeflying: no10:19
Riddellfreeflying: what are you changing?10:19
freeflyingRiddell: some include file has been moved to another directions from upstream10:20
Riddellfreeflying: in what?10:20
Riddellamu: copying to kubuntu.org, although I don't have any way to test it here10:21
Riddellanyone able to test amu's ISO?10:21
Riddelllive cd10:21
freeflyingRiddell: it's skim, the include file in libskim-dev has some changes10:21
Lathiati can10:21
Riddellfreeflying: ah, just edit debian/rules directly10:21
RiddellLathiat: cool, see URL above10:21
freeflyingRiddell: may new skim release been uploaded now 10:22
freeflyingamu: I'll have a test on your LiveCD10:23
Riddellfreeflying: put it on revu, I'll need a changelog and I'll have to ask for an upstream version freeze exception10:23
freeflyingRiddell: this release will fix this bug :https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/skim/+bug/2925510:24
amuthx i've no idea if it boots/works complete ... it was an automatic build ... 1000nds km away from the build server :) 10:26
Riddellfreeflying: great, fixing bugs helps for upstream version freeze exception :)10:26
LathiatRiddell: hrm im getting 30K/s, can i wait till you have it to kubuntu.org?10:27
Riddell40 mins to download10:28
Lathiati have 5 hours left10:28
Lathiati'll wait for that10:28
amuno i've alo on my desk on a 10GB line ... where i can upload it? 10:29
amuMD5 (kubunt+koffice.iso) = eaf4299ff9f732389cc2846e9f74f1a110:30
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freeflyingabout 4hrs for downloading 10:34
freeflyingamu: may you upload to ftp.ubuntu.org.cn10:37
amuuser: pass ? 10:37
amuftp | scp ? 10:37
freeflyingamu: anonymous ftp10:39
amukubunt+koffice.iso                            100%  559MB   7.9MB/s   01:1110:40
amufreeflying: hmmm ETA 1D 4h 10:45
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freeflyingamu: will you give me more details about your livecd11:03
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freeflyingRiddell: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=163311:05
freeflyingRiddell: skim has been uploaded11:06
Riddellfreeflying: you've tested that it works?11:07
freeflyingRiddell: I'm testing it now . and I will feedback to you later this night11:08
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=== JRe [n=JRe@pai34-2-82-226-199-36.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
JReRiddell: I have tested koffice 1.5 beta1 and there is a problem with the krita package11:36
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RiddellJRe: what's up?11:39
JReRiddell: it's try to replace a file which is already in digikam package (on dapper)11:40
Riddellwhich file?11:40
Riddellhmm /usr/share/mimelnk/image/x-raw.desktop11:42
JReRiddell: /usr/share/mimelnk/image/x-raw.desktop11:42
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Riddellhi amu 12:05
amuRiddell: new build with koffice looks fine .... uploading it now 12:06
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Mezsomeone was building katapult for gentoo :D12:10
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Mezlol @ http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?popcon=katapult12:16
Mezpopcon stuff already ?12:16
amukubuntu351+koffice15b1.iso                              0% 4336KB 185.1KB/s 1:02:59 ETA12:18
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freeflyingRiddell: hi02:02
Tonio_hello freeflying ;)02:02
freeflyingTonio_: hi02:02
freeflyingRiddell: skim works fine 02:03
Riddellfreeflying: excellent, I'll take a look02:03
Riddellfreeflying: that bug is fixed?02:03
freeflyingRiddell: y02:03
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amuRiddell: ftp://ftp.bay13.net/pub/kubuntu-devel/02:27
amunew version uploaded, this time with koffice and better download rates    02:28
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freeflyingamu: hi02:30
amupls announce it for an test *g* 02:33
sealneamu: so that is different from http://he.debian.net/kubunt+koffice.iso ? bah just burned that02:35
amuyep, this time koffice 1.5b is really included :) 02:36
sealneatleast its ftp this time so i don't need to go through the proxies :)02:36
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=== Wait is now known as sebas
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Riddellsealne: were you able to download that new iso from amu?04:25
sealnestill downloading its very slow04:27
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RiddellI couldn't get dns on the host04:29
Riddelloh, there it goes04:30
sealne2 hours in and only 80%04:30
sebasHm, kword from the koffice beta doesn't start, it says:04:31
sebaskoffice (lib kofficecore): WARNING: Library files for ".la" not found in paths.04:31
sebasIs that  a known bug, the  other apps don't expose that.04:31
freeflying_amu: would you mind give us the md5 of your iso 04:32
amu97d61bf1e83559ccdd91d5c5fefa8a4b  kubuntu351+koffice15b1.iso04:33
freeflying_it's seems I'd re-download it again04:35
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amufreeflying_: hmm, the md5 matches at both hosts 04:41
amusebas: i've null problems, error messages, starting koffice/kword from the live04:42
RiddellI agree with md5sum04:43
freeflying_amu: both sites?  and what is the other site ?04:43
sebasamu: Good for you ;-)04:43
sebasDunno what's wrong though.04:43
Riddellamu: null problems?  meaning none?04:43
amufreeflying_: from the buildenv to destination server, both matches   04:44
amuRiddell: works perfect and very fast! 04:44
amurunning it from my vmware  04:44
freeflying_amu: dose your livecd support chinese 04:44
amufreeflying_: i found it out, it's better to build localized images, the boot 30% faster 04:45
amufreeflying_: i offered you once a chinese version, my offer is still valid04:46
freeflying_amu: how can i build it ?04:46
Riddellamu: excellent :)04:48
amui've customized the kubuntu-default-settings and put all logic in it. What i need from you is, your customized version, than i can build a deb, rebuild my locale mirror and run the build    04:50
Riddellamu: I don't understand04:51
freeflying_amu: I've submit what I need from your website to you04:51
amuRiddell: thats a standart breezy with package updates from kubuntu.de backports + my own settings, i dont like the default settings 04:54
=== freeflying_ sleep time , night all
amuRiddell: than i modified the settings in an extra package 04:55
amuadded it to my local pool, and run the build  04:55
amufreeflying_: the webpage isnt ready .... i've too much work to do04:55
amufirst i've to solve my payed work, if there's some free time, i can do the funstuff ;) 04:56
amufreeflying_: my private messages reach you ? sorry i use first time kopete for irc :) 05:07
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Riddell"Nicolas Velin (nsv) wants to join this team." ever heard of him?05:21
jjessenot me05:22
Tm_Tbut invite him to come here, then we do hear about him ;)05:22
=== Tm_T is still recompiling amarok
Tm_Tglibc stuff keeps bugging me05:23
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jpatrickRiddell: afternoon - small problem I've found: The requested URL /announcements/special-cds.php was not found on this server.05:30
Tm_TRiddell: humm, in new amarok package, gstreamer support removed?05:36
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Riddelljpatrick: well spotted, fixed05:42
RiddellTm_T: yes, gstreamer 0.8 is old and there's no 0.10 support yet05:43
Tm_Toh well, "old" gstreaer is the one working best here05:43
jpatrickRiddell: is that .iso for x86, ppc or amd64?05:44
=== Tm_T had much problems in time to time with xine engine in amaroK
Riddelljpatrick: good question, i386 I assume05:44
Tm_T*** glibc detected *** free(): invalid pointer: 0x08348a70 ***05:44
Tm_Tagain ;(05:44
RiddellTm_T: where?05:45
jpatrickTm_T: gstreamer was the only engine that works here05:45
Tm_Tamarok, gst10 engine05:45
Tm_Tjpatrick: looks like it's only one working here05:45
jpatrickxine crashes changing song and aRts is old05:45
Tm_Tyup, only gst-0.8 works here now05:47
jpatrickdo gst have cross-fading now?05:48
Tm_Thmm, I think no05:48
Tm_TI hope05:49
jpatrickerr Riddell 06:29
jpatrickUnpacking replacement superkaramba ...06:29
jpatrickErrors were encountered while processing:06:29
jpatrick /var/cache/apt/archives/kdesdk-kio-plugins_4%3a3.5.1-0ubuntu0breezy1_i386.deb06:29
jpatrickE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)06:29
Riddelljpatrick: where?  when?  how?06:29
jpatrickUpdating to KDE 3.5.106:30
Riddelljpatrick: breezy?  dapper?06:31
jpatrickwait I think I got it working again06:32
RiddellTm_T: you were asking about artwork needing doing?06:37
RiddellTm_T: the website needs updating to the new logo06:37
Riddelljpatrick: what did you do?06:39
Riddelljpatrick: and do you have the actual error?06:39
jpatrickRiddell: kicked "sudo apt-get install -f" into action06:39
jpatrickIt was trying to overwrite something06:40
jpatrickbut: "dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)" happened06:41
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jpatrickhello Seth06:53
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sethhiya jpatrick :)06:55
sethprops Riddell for getting them to break UVF for konvi 0.19, it's rockin'06:55
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Riddellrequested package: kalzium simulations http://cniehaus.livejournal.com/14929.html07:00
=== jpatrick jumps to it
Riddellcool :)07:01
jpatrickIsn't that SVN stuff?07:03
sethRiddell, shall I do speedcrunch 0.7beta1? (and how did they go from 0.6beta2 to 0.7beta1 with no 0.6 in between :)07:03
Riddellseth: no, new speedcrunch needs qt 4 and that's not going to be in main for dapper07:03
=== jpatrick goes out for supper (brb)
Riddelljpatrick: yes, but he requeste we package it07:04
sethah ha07:04
jpatrickRiddell: okay adding to TODO07:04
sethRiddell, and other question... any idea why every time I start KDE, kded crashes anywhere between 20 and 100 times? Is there a package with debug symbols I can grab to get some useful debug output?07:06
Riddellkdelibs4c2a-dbg 07:07
seththank you07:08
sethI wasn't sure what package debugging symbols for kded would live in07:09
Riddellseth: breezy or dapper?07:10
sethup-to-date as of 10 minutes ago, but I still crash hardcore07:11
sethI'll file a bug now that I have debugging symbols07:11
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Riddelljjesse: see that post on kubuntu-users from Malcom Hunter?07:22
jjesseRiddell: just read it07:25
jjessewill get it changed07:25
kkathmanman I havent heard "groovy" in a LONG time he he :)07:32
jpatrickRiddell: what's the syntax for SVN pkgs? name-verison+svn??07:32
Riddelljpatrick: yes07:33
Riddellcan use snapshot instead of svn to be more generic07:33
jpatrickwhere can I find a snapshot?07:33
Riddellsvn :)07:34
jpatrickRiddell: It needs Qt407:36
jpatrickaccording to the page...07:37
jpatrickpackaging anyhow07:39
Riddelljpatrick: yes07:40
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jpatrickRiddell: Huzzah! http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=163808:17
jpatrickarg! No manpage for binary...08:18
Riddelljpatrick: you rock08:19
jpatrickRiddell: build deps are wrong, one sec08:20
jpatrickthank you :)08:20
JReis X from dapper work right ?08:21
JRe(in short can i update?)08:21
RiddellJRe: works for me08:21
Riddellso kalzium-simulations uses kalzium from kde 3 but uses qt 4?08:22
jpatrickJRe: do you have a packager for Keep? :)08:22
Tm_TRiddell: ok, what I need to do then? just css + gimp work?08:23
JRejpatrick: Tonios has been making package till now08:23
jpatrickJRe: ok08:23
RiddellTm_T: new logo http://kubuntu.org/art/kubuntu-dapper.png08:23
RiddellTm_T: actually you probably need the svg to fix the top right gear there08:23
RiddellTm_T: and just edit the website graphic to use the08:24
RiddellTm_T: I think the crystal style text should be kept, so just update the circle/gear part08:24
Tm_Ta) fix svg b) replace old with new08:25
jpatrickRiddell: that's what I was thinking of...08:25
RiddellTm_T: fix png using svg, update kubuntu-crystal.{png,svg}, update logo on website08:26
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Riddellthe difficultly with the update logo on website bit is making the logo visible on a blue background08:26
Riddellsince it doesn't have a border any more08:26
Tm_Thehe, how about small shadow?08:26
Riddellor the effect used on ubuntu.com08:27
=== Tm_T checks it
Tm_Tah, you mean "light up" in background08:28
Tm_Tyes, can be done08:28
Riddelljpatrick: what was?08:28
jpatrickuses kalzium from kde 3 + qt 408:29
Tm_TRiddell: so, I take http://kubuntu.org/art/kubuntu-crystal.svg, put fixed new gear to it, add some effects, ok?08:34
=== Tm_T wants to make sure he understood it right
RiddellTm_T: yes08:35
Tm_Taye aye sir08:35
jpatrickRiddell: uploaded new package08:36
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RiddellTm_T: and make it look good on the website08:37
Tm_T..I'll try, no promises :p08:38
Tm_TI can do things, but when it also have to look good ;)08:38
Riddelljpatrick: it doesn't install anythng08:45
jpatrickI'm on it08:46
jpatrickwaiting for pbuilder to finish updating08:46
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jpatrickRiddell: dh_install is commented - could that be the problem?09:01
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sebasRiddell: Could you send me a short summary of your FOSDEM talk?09:39
sebasI'd like to prepare the schedule.09:39
jpatrickI'm off cya09:40
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sethHi again Riddell, what package should I file a bug under if kded is crashing? Still kdelibs4c2a?10:34
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