
`NomadWhen si X lading, after all the network settings , etc.. have scrolled by?12:01
`Nomadwhen is12:01
hatake_kakashiwell.. what I probably would do is when it starts up various other daemons is if possible switch it from there12:02
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hatake_kakashiI don't personally see there is a need to go as far as getting a rescue cd for that instance12:03
`Nomadok, you're right no point waiting..12:03
`Nomadtrying now..12:03
asranielanyone tried the kde 3.5.1?12:05
`Nomadnope, didn't help12:05
`NomadI guess I'll go edit inittab to boot into 312:06
`NomadDo I want rescue or Live-DVD12:07
=== orion_fr_24 [n=orion@roa76-5-82-234-252-130.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
asranielok, another try, kde 3.5.1 is broken! it does not install correctly here (update from 3.5.0 to 3.5.1)12:08
`Nomadasraniel: welcome to my world12:08
`NomadNow how to back out of it12:09
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`Nomadasraniel: What is wrong for you?  I boot up to a half white half black screen12:10
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asraniel`Nomad: dont know, didnt try to reboot...12:12
asraniel`Nomad: its just that at install it could not install some packages12:13
asraniel`Nomad: or more exactly, it could not install kdesdk12:13
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`NomadThere's no key combination to boot into runlevel 3?12:20
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macdyou can goto init 3 after your booted easily.12:22
=== shmeebegek [n=Miranda@pool-70-22-171-90.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
crimsunwhy init 3?12:23
shmeebegekanyone here know what goes on with the Kubuntu root password?12:23
crimsunon Debian-based systems, there's no mucking with runlevels. 2-5 are identical by default.12:23
`Nomadto avoid booting into gui12:23
shmeebegekI was given no option to specify it, and now I cannot su root because it asks me for a password...12:23
`NomadThat makes sense now12:23
`Nomadso how do I get to shell only without starting the xserver?12:24
bimberiubotu tell shmeebegek about root12:24
shmeebegekI see in the FAQ that "there is no root password", but entering nothing12:24
shmeebegekdoesn't work12:24
crimsun`Nomad: just zero out /etc/X11/default-display-manager12:24
shmeebegekaccording to this it seems like "sudo" should work, but that doesn't make sense and seems very insecure...12:24
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bimberishmeebegek: ubotu should have /msg'd you a link12:25
`Nomadcrimsun: empty the file and leave it there?12:25
crimsun`Nomad: or just change it12:25
`NomadI'll go see, thanks12:25
shmeebegekbimberi: ah12:26
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ClayGthe xdmcp set up says its uses UDP:177, but nmaping myself shows xserver:7000 what gives? I want to be able to connect to my myself from another person's house so im trying to foward the right ports12:29
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cheruskerhi @all12:29
=== picoss [n=picoss@roa76-5-82-234-252-130.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuhmm... lamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, one of the standard internet server installations. Installing LAMP in Ubuntu is fairly straightforward. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP12:31
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`Nomadcrimsun: thanks.. I'm now looking at configuring X all over..12:32
ubotu`Nomad: Bugger all, i dunno12:32
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`Nomaddamn!  I never had any such problems since I switched to Ubuntu/Kubuntu, now I'm lost at the command line.. How di I launch xconfig?12:34
=== Red_Herring [n=RJ@c-67-162-70-40.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
ubotuxorg is, like, totally, to reconfigure your xserver, open a terminal and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"12:37
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Red_Herringwierd ubotu12:37
`NomadIs it better to use framebuffer?12:38
`Nomadoh wait..12:38
ubotu`Nomad: Not a clue12:38
ubotuI don't know, Red_Herring12:39
E-TrainI just installed a SUNIX USB 2.0 PCI card and when I sudo hdparm -t the usb 2.0 devices i get very slow speeds. One of them is a external hard drive and during mp3 playback it pauses for about 8 seconds after a few minutes of play. Anyone heard or seen this or have some advice12:39
Red_Herring`Nomad: use xserver12:40
Red_HerringE-Train: enable dma12:40
Red_Herringubotu direct messages you12:40
ubotuRed_Herring: Do they come in packets of five?12:40
Red_Herringso you have to type that in yourself12:40
E-Traincan you enable dma on a USB device12:41
Red_HerringE-Train: type in !dma12:41
Red_Herringitll answer those questions12:41
ubotuRed_Herring: I don't know12:42
ubotuxorg is, like, totally, to reconfigure your xserver, open a terminal and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"12:42
Red_Herringallright, that works too12:42
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-118-222.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
`NomadOh ok, I just ran the reconfigure, but I think I should hav esaid no to framebuffer12:42
Red_Herring^ good job!12:42
Red_Herring`Nomad: ok, then just run it again12:43
Red_Herringits no big deal12:43
alagrancan I install Kubuntu by ftp?12:43
E-TrainRed - I have tried to do that and when i hdparm it does not list dma as one12:43
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Red_HerringE-Train: i dont think that it works after you restart12:43
Red_Herringyou need to put a startup script to do that12:44
`NomadGoobuntu.. lol12:44
Red_Herringalagran: you should be able to...12:44
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Red_Herringwhat a crappy name, goobuntu12:45
Red_Herringhope they change that12:45
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redguyhow do I install KDM themes?12:48
ubotuRed_Herring: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?12:48
ubotuWish i knew, Red_Herring12:48
Red_Herringdumb ubotu12:48
redguyubotu knows all12:49
ubotuBugger all, i dunno, redguy12:49
Hobbseeredguy: use kdm theme manager, or edit a line in kdmrc, i think it is12:49
redguyhe is just a liar12:49
ubotuRed_Herring: I'm not sure, is it larger than a breadbox?12:49
Hobbseekdm theme manager is compiling12:49
Hobbsee*is to be compiled12:49
redguyHobbsee: hrm12:49
Hobbseeand ubotu isnt stupid, he's very useful12:49
=== Red_Herring beats ubotu with goobuntu
Red_Herringand then with a stick12:49
redguykdmrc you say12:50
ubotuRed_Herring: Did you get hit by a windmill?12:50
`Nomadlooks like I needed nv instead of nvidia12:51
Hobbseeredguy: there are howtos on kde-look.org12:51
Hobbseeredguy: yes, use locate kdmrc to find it12:52
robotgeekHobbsee: is kde themeing any easier with theme manager installed?12:52
Red_Herringi just use baghira12:52
Hobbseerobotgeek: kdm theming, yes12:53
Hobbseekde already has a theme manager - it's in system settings12:53
redguyHobbsee: I suppose that the Theme= line is responsible for the theme12:53
Hobbseeyeah, i believe so12:53
robotgeeki spent an obscene amount of time yesterday trying to figure out how :)12:53
Hobbseehehe - did you figure it out?12:54
Red_Herringrobotgeek: i assume you heard the news12:54
redguyHobbsee: I remember being able to change the theme in Debian using GUI stuff, how come the theme manager is not in kubuntu?12:54
robotgeekRed_Herring: what news?12:54
ubotuNo idea, `Nomad12:54
Red_Herringgoogle annouced it is using a custom ubuntu internally12:54
robotgeekHobbsee: yeah, i figured out i really did not want window decorations or anything like that12:54
Red_Herring^ thats it12:54
robotgeekRed_Herring: it wasn't announched :12:54
Hobbseei think they thought it was buggy or something - there's a package in REVU which means it should go into universe sometime12:55
Red_Herringrobotgeek: it wasnt?12:55
robotgeekHobbsee: in the end i changed my task bar color, and background. lol12:55
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`NomadDo you think they used google to do the research to decide on a dist?12:56
robotgeekRed_Herring: the register can report whatever they want to :)12:56
Red_Herringits a good move12:56
`NomadI forgot to save the content of the default-theme-manager file.. :(12:57
`Nomaddefault-display-manager sorry12:57
_localhostwhy can't irssi12:57
_localhostnot send with shift pressed12:57
robotgeekit does12:57
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`Nomadcan anyone give me that line?   /etc/X11/default-display-manager12:58
robotgeek`Nomad: just sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm12:58
`NomadDon't I just need that line though?12:58
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robotgeek`Nomad: it will put all the lines necessary :)12:58
`Nomaddone.. :)12:59
`NomadI was worry I'd break X again hehe12:59
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cheruskerhi @all!01:05
cheruskercan s.o. tell me where the "go to"-menu went (in konqueror)? I saw it in SuSE but not in Kubuntu?01:07
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Xemanth^^Vince McMahon <301:08
clem_yeatshi there..01:09
clem_yeatsI don't really understand.. why is KDE 3.5 available in breezy ? I thought new versions were coming on drapper...01:09
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clem_yeatsit's great new anyway.. but it's a bit intriguing...01:11
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=== Lord_Athur [i=alejandr@pc-170-38-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #kubuntu
Lord_Athurhi all, is there a traslator english-spanish and vespaol-ingls to install via apt?01:13
ubotuRed_Herring: NO SPEAKE ENLISH!01:13
Red_Herringi know!01:13
ubotuRed_Herring: My cat's name is Mittens!01:14
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.01:14
Hobbseetry in there01:14
Red_Herringwow, thats awesome of me01:14
Lord_AthurHobbsee, could you tell me the name of a traslator application to install with apt????01:14
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HobbseeLord_Athur: apt-cache search translator01:15
Hobbseepick one that seems suitable01:15
ranceanybody use sql ledger?01:15
almienLord_Athur: "wordtrans"? (I don't know what that is, just did "apt-cache search translator")01:15
Lord_Athurgood idea :S01:15
Lord_Athurok almien i will try it01:16
=== shmeebegek [n=shmeebeg@pool-70-19-216-7.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
clem_yeatsis kde 3.5.1 much better looking than 3.4 ?01:16
almien"wordtrans-kde" looks like the GUI01:16
Hobbseethere's ktranslator as well, it looks like01:16
shmeebegekhow can I set up apt-get to look online? stupid question I know...01:16
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource01:16
Red_Herringthats all01:16
clem_yeatsshmeebegek : apt-setup01:16
`NomadThanks for all that helped, I'm back up and with 35101:16
ClayGanyoen know a good place to get pixmaps (for icons I add to the panel)01:17
clem_yeatsNomad : how's 351 ? I'm upgrading this moment...01:17
`Nomadwell, first it asked me for my Credit card number, I said no.. So it started telling me how nice I look, Have I been working out, etc.. SO I gave it the CC number.. It's gon eonline now, I don't know where or why?01:17
`NomadLooks pretty much teh same as before, is there a page that tells us what teh major improvements should be?  I guess it's mostly bug fixes.. :)01:18
shmeebegekwell I did apt-setup, and it only seemed interested in the cd-rom01:18
shmeebegekand now I get an error when I try to do "apt-get install gaim"01:18
Red_Herringare you SU?01:18
Red_Herringtry it with sudo01:18
Red_Herring"sudo apt-get install gaim"01:19
clem_yeatsshmeebegek : you need to edit your /etc/apt/sources.list, then do a aptitude update01:19
shmeebegekyes I am root01:19
Red_Herringjust have ta make sure01:19
shmeebegekclem_yeats: Ah thanks01:19
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clem_yeatsor in adept.. change the repositories..01:20
clem_yeatsdepends if you like the console or the click protocol better..01:20
=== Red_Herring loves the terminal
Red_Herringvi is neat01:20
Red_Herringnano is nice01:20
shmeebegekthere are a number here to uncomment01:21
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shmeebegekwhich should I uncomment or add?01:21
clem_yeatspersonnally I uncommented all of them..01:21
clem_yeatsand for every universe.. I added multiverse01:21
shmeebegek"also note that software in backports will NOT receive any review..."01:21
shmeebegekI'll do all except those heh'01:22
clem_yeatsdepends on your needs01:22
Hobbseewhat?  backports stuff would be reviewed...01:22
Hobbseeit'd have to be...01:22
shmeebegekthat's what it says01:22
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shmeebegekevery time I run apt-get I get that error01:24
Hobbseewhich error?01:24
shmeebegekoh shi01:24
shmeebegekI was running adept01:24
shmeebegekahh there it goes01:25
shmeebegekkubuntu is working pretty well :)01:25
hDp`need 3 ET Mercs01:26
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thetr00perhi everyone01:28
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thetr00pernewbie here; just installed kbuntu after a few years away from linux01:29
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ownerthetr00per what did you use b401:31
thetr00permandrake about 2= years ago01:32
thetr00perjust trying to find my feet again01:32
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`NomadNot much about goobuntu on google01:33
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uboturumour has it, kde is A powerful, free desktop environment for UNIX. IRC: #kubuntu #kde ; install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/01:33
natis some one use Raki ?01:34
jeroenvrpRiddell: are you still there?01:35
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thetr00peri've downloaded firefox but the shell is telling me that I need libstdc++01:36
ownerget libstdc then01:36
ownerfrom synaptic01:36
thetr00permaybe I should be logged on as root?01:36
dark_suicno, you need to install libstdc++5 in order to make it work :P01:36
thetr00perthanks! told you I was rusty!:-)01:37
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=== `Nomad is now known as `Nomad_Away
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shmeebegekI am trying to change the permissions on my ntfs mount points, and it just tells me "Read-only file system"01:39
shmeebegekand it doesn't change01:39
shmeebegekany ideas?01:39
crimsunyou can't write to NTFS by default01:39
crimsunwhy are you trying to change permissions?01:40
shmeebegekit doesn't have read permissions01:40
shmeebegekI want it to have read permissions for all users01:40
crimsundid you mount it with umask=022 ?01:40
shmeebegek(I'm root)01:40
shmeebegekI didn't mount it01:40
shmeebegekit was mounted automatically I guess01:40
shmeebegek(I found this out when I tried to mount it...)01:40
crimsun/dev/sda1       /media/sda1     ntfs    umask=022,nls=utf8  0       001:41
crimsunadjust yours as appropriate in /etc/fstab01:41
shmeebegeknot sure what you're saying there01:41
=== flipjarg [n=jason@c-71-195-34-243.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
flipjargCan anyone tell me how to install my 'bittorrent' .deb file that i've downloaded from bittorrent.com?01:43
flipjargi've tried 'apt-get install bittorrent.blah.blah.deb'01:44
flipjargsays tha package cannot be found.01:44
jeroenvrpflipjarg: sudo dpkg -i filename.deb01:44
flipjarglooked like it worked, thank you :)01:45
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jeroenvrpflipjarg: you're welcome01:45
flipjarghmmmm... it doesn't work though.01:45
jeroenvrpwhat the problem01:46
flipjargjason@obnoxium:~/Desktop$ bittorrent01:46
flipjargTraceback (most recent call last):01:46
flipjarg  File "/usr/bin/bittorrent", line 177, in ?01:46
flipjarg    import gtk01:46
flipjargImportError: No module named gtk01:46
flipjargit gives me that ^01:46
owneryou have to install grk01:46
jeroenvrpsudo apt-get install gtk01:46
flipjargcan't find package... let me look in adept.01:47
jeroenvrpflipjarg: do this:01:47
jeroenvrpsudo dpkg -r bittorrent01:47
flipjargremoves it?01:47
jeroenvrpsudo apt-get install bittorrent01:47
jeroenvrpwhat you do01:48
ownerdownloading from the repos will d/l all the dependencies01:48
jeroenvrpyou remove the manual-deb and install (indeed owner) it from the repos, so all de dependencies are met01:48
flipjargYeah, i know about that. but i don't like that version01:48
jeroenvrpflipjarg: thats opk01:48
owneryou should download it first from the repos then remove it01:48
jeroenvrpafter you that01:48
ownerbut the dependencies will be kept installed01:48
jeroenvrpafter you installed the ubuntu-package, you can upgrade it with your manual .deb01:49
ownerjeroen has the right idea01:49
=== Hobbsee suggests they use sudo apt-get build-deb foo to get the build deps for foo without installing it
flipjargah, i'll see what i can do there then.01:49
jeroenvrpflipjarg: just try the easy method first :-)01:50
flipjargthanks guys i've got to go01:51
jeroenvrpflipjarg: good luck01:52
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NirvanaI've been trying to compile flock for a while now, and always receive an error when it comes to building Mozilla. I have checked the mozilla build pre-req page, but it wasn't clear. I did what I could though. I downloaded their libIDL, and aliened it, I made sure I had all that gcc, pkgconfig, fontconfig, etc, and I get an error because (of what I believe is) the gtk files. Now, I am on Kubuntu, so I have to downloa01:59
NirvanaI've tried this so far: sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev libgtk1.2-dev, sudo apt-get build-dep mozilla-browser, and sudo apt-get build-dep firefox01:59
NirvanaNone of them eased the error. I only thought of using the apt-get build-dep  because I figured if I was building from source, it might be smart to get the build dependancies...01:59
Nirvanaerror I receive: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/53204801:59
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tututudoes i am just running kubuntu, after my first installation02:05
tututui went smoothly.02:05
tututuone question, does firefox come installed with kubuntu?02:05
tututudoes it come with ubuntu?02:07
Xemanth^^sudo apt-get install mozilla-firefox does da trick02:07
Xemanth^^withat that you get that freaking old 1.x Firefox02:07
thetr00peri need to get gcc on my box; how big is the file?02:07
Xemanth^^i mean 1.0.x02:08
thetr00perspot the newbie02:08
tututuwhere can i see the list of software to install?02:08
tututuyes, i want to install 1.502:08
Xemanth^^i hope in Dapper Firefox 1.5 problems are solved :| Firefox 1.0.x is like over year old and still its not fixed in kubuntu02:09
tututuand what about kubuntu02:09
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Xemanth^^tututu: in my kubuntu x64 at least i got errors when loading firefox, it wouldn't start02:09
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Xemanth^^tututu: i installed today x86-6402:10
Xemanth^^i mean x8602:10
tututuso, how can i see a list of pacakages to installed02:10
tutututo install02:10
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tututuand the packages already installed in my system02:10
Xemanth^^tututu: /etc/apt/sources.list02:11
Nirvanato install Fx 1.5: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion02:11
sampantututu  use Adept (package manager) application to view your already installed packages and to get others.  (you can manage your repositories list in Adept too)02:11
Nirvanatututu: to see packages installed / all available pkgs, open Adept. It's K > System > Package Manager (Adept)02:11
tututuwow. do i need to do all that to install it.02:11
Nirvanatututu: It's easy! Just copy and paste!02:12
Xemanth^^now i know why i didn't get 1.5 working02:12
Nirvanatututu: though if your lazy (like me) you could always look on apt-get.org for a Fx 1.5 deb, but it may break your Fx :P02:13
=== jeroenvrp is weg: Away at the moment
Xemanth^^i woun't even think how to get 1.6 working02:13
Xemanth^^Nirvana: if i don't need flash/java crap and i need 1.5 working02:13
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tutututhanks. Adept worked great02:15
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Xemanth^^but hmm dunno, haven't test with x86, i lost my mind while testing that x86-6402:15
NirvanaXemanth^^: Is that a question? If you don't need that, just only do a backup of your bookmarks, and not your plugins02:15
Xemanth^^Nirvana: firefox 1.5 from firefox.org failed to start in my system02:16
Hobbseewhy'd it fail?02:17
Nirvanadid you follow the wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion Guide?02:17
Xemanth^^it complained one weirdo error last month which i couldn't figure out02:17
thetr00peri take it ubuntu doesn't come with the nvidia drivers?02:17
Hobbseeand the dapper version seems to work, but keeps getting upgraded02:17
HobbseeXemanth^^: pastebin the error?02:17
Xemanth^^well this is first time when i hear about that help page!02:17
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Xemanth^^Hobbsee: cant do anymore, i uninstalled that x86-64 after pulling too many hairs02:18
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sampanthetr00per  there are nvidia drivers in the repos (nvidia-glx) -- they're not the absolute latest ones, but they've worked flawlessly for me thus far02:18
Nirvanathetr00per: Ubuntu prolly doesn't because they are either: non-free or proprietary (can't be redistributed)02:18
uboturumour has it, nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736802:19
_zeroubotu: tell zero about easysource02:19
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic02:19
Xemanth^^nvidia drivers are one of the easiest drivers to install in the world of linujx02:19
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Nirvanawhy is apt-get.org so slow?02:19
Nirvanamaybe ubotu knows :P02:20
Nirvana!apt-get.org: why is it slow?02:20
ubotuNirvana: okay02:20
Nirvanaawww :P02:20
Xemanth^^i think this might been problem:02:20
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Xemanth^^1 - Install suport for 32 bits applications:  sudo apt-get install ia32-libs ia32-libs-gtk linux3202:21
Xemanth^^didn't ever know that i should do that02:22
Xemanth^^in debian i didn't need to do that :|02:22
NirvanaDebian = Owd Skoo (btw: I suck at phonetics)02:23
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Xemanth^^Nirvana: old skool ?02:23
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kingjereIm trying to put kubuntu on a powerbook g3 with an external scsi cd rom. Can someone help me get started. i.e. boot from cd.02:27
Nirvanakingjere: hole c to boot from cd02:28
Nirvanathat's C as in COOKIES02:28
kingjeretried that. that little smiling face just stares at me.02:28
Nirvanaone mississippi minute, gotta google02:29
Nirvana is there a google ext. for Konversation, would be real cool :P02:29
Nirvanakingjere: Check the has, and make sure you burnt the file as a DISK IMAGE, and not just dragged the .ISO file to the CD02:30
Nirvanato check hash, pls hold02:30
kingjereI burned with k3b as an image02:30
kingjereRight now the cd is spinning and that little smiling face is looking at me like he knows something i don't02:31
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Nirvanahmm, try asking him to boot the Kubuntu CD :P02:32
sampankingjere  if he starts talking and telling you to do terrible things, PULL THE PLUG FAST!02:32
RobertKnightHas anyone here had problems with the KMail after installing the Kubuntu KDE 3.5.1 packages?02:32
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RobertKnightI'm getting an undefined symbol error on startup02:33
NirvanaRobertKnight: File a Bug Report02:33
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RobertKnightI just wanted to check for anything obvious that I might have done wrong02:34
Nirvanakingjere: I wish I knew more about macs (they're shiny), but I don't, try ubuntuforums.org >> very smart people there02:34
Nirvanathat said I've been Windows-free since Halloween!02:34
Nirvanawhich is...umm02:34
Nirvana3 full months!02:35
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kingjereI reburned the image and am trying again. There is alot more cd activity but alas, now its booting Mac OS02:35
Nirvanadoes it have a floppy drive?02:35
Nirvanamaybe you can try a netboot02:36
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kingjereIt has a floppy, but net boot is a little beyond my experience02:36
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Nirvanaone sec, lemme find the page with netboot CD's02:36
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Nirvanakingjere: Mac is UNIX right?02:37
Nirvanaas in *nix?02:38
kingjerewhat are you gettin at02:38
Aji-DahakaNirvana: not particularly.02:39
Nirvanakingjere: OK, now what you need is either 5 floppies, or one or two, and a lot of patience02:39
Aji-Dahakait's based on mach02:39
NirvanaI thought it was based on BSD?02:39
Aji-Dahakaand its userland is kinda ununixy for the most part02:39
Aji-DahakaNirvana: mach microkernel for sure02:39
kingjerefloppies I got (blowing the dust off of them)02:39
Nirvanakingjere: and here is the forum post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7537202:39
Nirvanamake sure you read the part on what you do with the files, because those files are not zip files02:40
Nirvanawait, kingjere: do you want Ubuntu or Kubuntu?02:41
kingjereeither is Ok02:42
NirvanaI assumed Ubuntu (my bad)02:42
Aji-Dahakaso, who understands how linux/kubuntu deals with keys?  I've got a Super_R key that is behaving wrong.  I try to bind it to something, so I press it, the label says Win, I hit X (for instance) it suddenly becomes Alt+X02:42
Nirvanaif you want Kubuntu, do a server install (read later in that post) and do a sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:42
kingjereare you sure these images are for Mac02:42
tututudoes anybody know why do i get this error when running apt-get02:43
tututuE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)02:43
tututuE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)02:43
Aji-Dahakatututu: do you have something else with the file open?02:43
Aji-Dahakatututu: like adept/kynaptic/dselect/etc?02:44
tututuE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?02:44
tututuadept is open02:44
Aji-Dahakaclose it and see if that keeps happening02:44
Aji-Dahaka(should fix it)02:44
=== Cheapy wants goobuntu!
Nirvanatututu: make sure adept/apt-get aren't running!02:45
=== Nirvana has no idea what goobuntu is...
tututui have downloaded skype02:46
tutututhe .deb02:46
tututuhow do i install it locally02:46
zorba64Nirvana, googlized ubuntu...apparently02:46
Aji-Dahakanoone with an idea about this broken key behaviour?02:46
Nirvanatututu: right click: Ubuntu Package Something > INstall Package02:46
tututubut, how do i do it from the cmd line?02:47
Aji-Dahakatututu: dpkg -i02:47
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Aji-Dahakatututu: man dpkg02:47
Nirvanasudo dpkg - filename.deb02:47
Nirvanasudo dpkg -i filename.deb02:47
=== Aji-Dahaka kicks kubuntu
tututuso dpkg is for local files02:48
=== Nirvana is now known as Kubuntu
tututuand apt-get is for remote files?02:48
=== Kubuntu cries
Aji-Dahakatututu: dpkg is what all the other tools use02:48
Aji-Dahakatututu: so apt-get uses dpkg to install stuffs (iirc)02:48
Kubuntuwhy Aji-Dahaka, why?02:48
tututuok. cool.02:48
Aji-DahakaKubuntu: because it makes my keyboard not work02:48
tutututhere are some problem with dependencies02:48
KubuntuKick me again and I'll shove you keyboard where the sun don't shine...02:49
Kubuntuin the garbage02:49
Aji-DahakaKubuntu: :)02:49
=== Kubuntu is now known as Nirvana
Aji-Dahakatututu: install the dependencies.  apt should have them02:49
Aji-Dahaka(though for me skype was broken)02:49
tututuis there a way to do that automatically02:49
Aji-Dahakatututu: apt-get install <package name>02:49
Aji-DahakaI think that's as automatic as it gets for that02:50
tututuwellk i did right click, install02:50
tututudidn't run it from the cmd line02:50
Nirvanawho was trying to install skype: read here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeHowto02:51
Nirvanagood ol' wiki02:51
Aji-Dahakaooh, fancy02:51
tutututhanks a lot02:51
Aji-DahakaI don't see why it's doing this ... how is it gettitg the idea that it's Alt and not Win?02:52
Nirvanawhy, what does the win key do?02:53
Aji-Dahakawell, I go to the shortcut thing to bind it, press the "win" key, says Win, press the other key (like X) and it'll say Alt+X02:54
Aji-Dahakabroken behaviour as X is reporting it as Super_R on press and release ...02:54
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Nirvanamaybe file a bug?02:55
Aji-DahakaI suppose02:55
Aji-Dahakawonder whose this is.  Seems particular to kubuntu, I guess I'll try there02:55
tututuis there a shortcut for launching the terminal?02:56
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Aji-Dahakaworks for me in non-linux kde and gentoo kde (I think)02:56
Aji-Dahakatututu: you can make one :)02:56
Aji-Dahakatututu: use the global hotkeys system02:56
tututubut with the keyboard02:56
tututuwhat is that?02:56
Aji-Dahakain the control panel, you go to *looking*02:56
Aji-Dahakaregional and accessibility -> input actuans02:57
Aji-Dahakayou can bind keys to do pretty much anything you can imagine02:57
Aji-Dahaka(probably more ... )02:57
tututuwhere is the control panel?02:57
tututuis it system settings?02:57
Aji-Dahakayeah, system settings02:58
tututuyes, found it02:58
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Aji-Dahakameant kcontrol :p02:58
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Aji-Dahakacontrol panel ... heh ...02:58
Aji-Dahakahad to set up a windows machine recently :(02:58
Hobbseeeveryone, please ignore me - trying to figure out konversation aliases02:58
Tallia1Kubuntuguys, where in kde are saved the preferences selected in the past for "open as..." in the contextual menu02:58
=== Aji-Dahaka ignores Hobbsee
tututucool. thanks man02:58
Hobbseeas in, i'm not out to ban people at random :P02:58
Tallia1Kubuntui remember that in gnome i can edit it directly from the contextual but in kde i have no idea :)02:58
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calliehaving fun Hobbsee ?03:00
Hobbseecallie: sure, playing around with aliases, because some of the commands are really, really long!03:00
Tallia1Kubuntusomeone remember this location?03:00
calliethey are Hobbsee ?03:00
Aji-Dahakahmm ... where is that bug thingit03:00
Hobbseeand when you want to ban quickly, you dont want to be wondering "hmmm...now what command do i want again?"03:01
Hobbseecallie: sure, /msg chanserv op #kubuntu Hobbsee03:01
Hobbsee /quote remove #kubuntu nick quitmsg03:01
Hobbseeplus any of the mode ones03:01
Aji-Dahakaah, launchpad.net03:01
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Aji-Dahakaso kubuntu bugs go under ubuntu?03:03
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=== Aji-Dahaka wonders if he's on the wrong place
NirvanaKubuntu >= Ubuntu03:03
Aji-DahakaNirvana: where's the bug reporting thingit?03:03
Aji-Dahakaah, bugzilla from the kubuntu.org page03:05
Aji-Dahakaanyone have a working Windows key on their keyboard?03:06
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HobbseeAji-Dahaka: yes, they do, they all go into launchpad03:10
Aji-DahakaHobbsee: could you open xev and paste me the keycode output when you hit that key?03:10
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starhawkhi all03:11
Hobbseeah, no sorry, i was replying to the "where to report bugs"03:11
Hobbseemy win key doesnt work03:11
Hobbseebut it's in the top corner of the keyboard anyway, so is a pain03:12
Aji-Dahakaoh, whoops03:12
NirvanaIs it just me or is GNOME ugly?03:12
NirvanaI'm looking at screenshots, and it's nothing like Windows or KDE, it's more, big-footy03:12
Aji-Dahakait's kinda ugly :p03:13
starhawkI would like to know how to install (xmame-0.103.tar.bz2) on kubunta03:13
Aji-Dahakanot as flexible in appearance as KDE (I don't think)03:13
Hobbseei dont like it03:13
starhawkI am new at this03:13
Hobbseestarhawk: compile it03:13
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware03:13
starhawkwhat dose that mean03:14
starhawkI am new to this03:14
ubotuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CompilingSoftware03:14
starhawkok thank you03:14
Nirvanamost likely, what you want to do is type ./configure, then check to see if you have all the dependancies (build-essential, etc) and then make install, or if you want to make a .deb for others to use, you do make fakeroot checkinstall03:16
ubotuhmm... commands is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BasicCommands or http://www.linuxcommand.org/03:16
Nirvanawow, people at ubuntuforums.org hate me...03:16
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sean_mickenso, does one must run a full dapper system to get kde3.5.1?03:20
owner why nirvana03:21
callieok this is interesting QTparted is reporting a partition as being hdb8 and DF is reporting it as being hdb9, any ideas here guys?03:21
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ownerwhat is DF?03:23
calliewell 'df'03:23
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kbanyone willing to answer a simple question?03:24
Nirvanadf = disk info (free space)03:24
calliepretty useful comman really03:24
Nirvanakb: I am a simple man03:24
Nirvanasean_micken: no, just wait for it to be release for Breezy03:24
kbhehe.... well, I'm just trying to determine where I can safely put a firefox tgz file and untar it in ubuntu03:25
Nirvanatechnically, anywhere03:25
Nirvanabut the cool people03:25
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Nirvanahaha b)03:25
kbyeah... that part I knew... but note the word safely03:25
_zerocan anyone point me towards a guide to installing vmware?03:25
Nirvanawell, people like to use their ~/ (home) directories, but I like /opt03:26
kbwhat's the purpose of opt? optional?03:26
Nirvana_zero: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingVMWare?highlight=%28vmware%2903:26
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Nirvanaalls I know is that that's where I put Fx last time I installed it03:27
shmeebegekso now I am trying to compile my ZyDAS drivers, and it's looking for a directory called "build" in the kernel source directory03:27
Nirvanabut that said, read this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion03:27
shmeebegekbut, this directory is not present03:27
shmeebegekany ideas?03:27
kbhey!  that's pretty much exactly what I was looking for.  I just didn't stumble across it.  8)-~03:28
kbthanks Nirvana03:28
Nirvanashmeebegek: try https://wiki.ubuntu.com03:28
Nirvanahere's a search: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WifiDocs/ZydasZD1211?action=fullsearch&context=180&value=zydas&fullsearch=Text03:28
shmeebegekwonderful :)03:30
Nirvanahey guess what everyone. Chances are, you don't want to type /list --> it's really long03:30
starhawkhi me again03:31
Hobbseehehe Nirvana!03:31
sean_mickenNirvana: but i would like at least 3.503:31
Hobbseein irssi, you have to type /list =YES for it to work lol - it refuses with /list03:31
Nirvanasean_micken: there was an announcement for 3.503:31
Nirvanaone sec...03:31
starhawkok what do I do with this  (./configure)03:32
starhawkdo I put the file name with it or what03:32
Nirvanawait, sean_micken: it seems there was an announcement for 3.5.1, that I didn't read!03:32
Nirvanastarhawk: no, just type ./configure03:32
Nirvanabut make sure you are IN THE DIRECTORY THAT YOU UNZIPPED THE PROGRAM03:33
sean_mickenNirvana: right! now, how do i get it on breezy? do i have to upgrade to dapper?03:33
Nirvanasorry, cheese dip on caps key03:33
Nirvanasean_micken: no03:33
Hobbseesean_micken: you can get it on breezy03:33
starhawkok then how dose it know what to configure03:33
HobbseeNirvana: hehe, sounds like you should clean your keyboard!03:34
Nirvanasean_micken: type this (in Konsole): wget http://people.ubuntu.com/~jriddell/kubuntu-packages-jriddell-key.gpg03:34
NirvanaNow type this (same konsole): sudo apt-key add kubuntu-packages-jriddell-key.gpg03:34
NirvanaNow type this: sudo kwrite /etc/apt/sources.list03:35
shmeebegekhow long should "modprobe" take?03:35
Nirvana    * deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde351 breezy main03:35
Nirvana    * deb ftp://bolugftp.uni-bonn.de/pub/kde/stable/3.5.1/kubuntu breezy main03:35
Nirvana    * deb http://www.mirrorservice.org/sites/ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/stable/3.5.1/kubuntu breezy main03:35
Nirvana    * deb http://mirror.cc.columbia.edu/pub/software/kde/stable/3.5.1/kubuntu breezy main03:35
Nirvanacopy those into /etc/apt/sources.list, but delete the *03:35
Hobbseeyou'll only need one repo, not all of those03:36
Hobbseethey're mirrors03:36
shmeebegekjust an order of magnitude? seconds, minutes?03:36
Nirvana^^ beat me to it03:36
Nirvanasheebegek: depends on system03:36
shmeebegekNirvana:  Kernel 2.6.12, Kubuntu...03:36
Nirvanasheebegek: faster system = faster compiling03:36
shmeebegekNirvana:  The driver is ZyDAS 121103:36
shmeebegekNirvana:  Ah, P4 3.2Ghz03:36
Nirvanajust let it go03:36
Nirvanabah, p4...03:37
shmeebegekI am, but I'm just wanting to know how long it will take before I might suspect that it has locked up03:37
Nirvanap3 700Mhz > p4 3.2Ghz03:37
shmeebegekhey I got this laptop for $1000, a deal that I couldn't refuse03:37
shmeebegekit has a 17.1" screen03:37
sean_mickenNirvana: i don't need all of those mirrors, do i?03:37
sean_mickenNirvana: also, can you tell me how to get nvidia driver installed?03:37
Nirvanahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com > search nvidia and click text not titles03:38
shmeebegekwhat exactly does modprobe do though? does it actually start the module?03:38
Nirvanasheebegek: lol, nice and, yes, compiling does take a long time, and it has not frozen03:38
shmeebegekI've had lockups with (the  Windows version of) this driver03:38
shmeebegekNirvana:  Well I already compiled, it does further compiling on modprobe?03:38
shmeebegekNirvana:  I'm just wondering, am relatively new to Linux03:39
Nirvana3 months..03:39
shmeebegekalso I'm wondering how I only have 6MB of RAM free03:39
shmeebegekwhen I have 512MB of RAM03:39
shmeebegekand in "top", I see nothing using a lot of memory03:39
shmeebegekhighest thing is using 4%03:39
Nirvanamod probe = kernel modules = lots o' memory03:40
shmeebegekhas been like this every time I've checked03:40
Nirvanayou can read here: http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/alsa-howto/c1605.htm03:40
shmeebegekbut I'll check it again when modprobe ends03:40
Nirvanathat said, YIPEE, I am downloading kde 3.5.1....hopefully the desktop bug was fixed...03:41
shmeebegekalso, is there a shortcut key to switch tabs in Kubuntu? on Windows it is ctrl+tab03:41
zorba64shmeebegek, is probably cached for later use03:41
shmeebegekbut that seems to switch desktops03:41
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`Nomad_Awayno more kdevelop^03:42
shmeebegek(how can I check how much is "really" being used then?)03:42
Nirvanano idea03:42
shmeebegekhmm, how long as modprobe taken for you in the past?03:43
NirvanaI've never even heard of it til today :D But I know compiling kernels can take a long time03:43
shmeebegekI'm not compiling the kernel though :-/03:43
Nirvanamodprobe = modules for kernel03:44
shmeebegekI know what it is03:44
shmeebegekit installs the module AFAIK03:44
shmeebegekI already compiled it03:44
NirvanaI'd say let it do whatever, and check back in a while03:45
Nirvanaaww, kde 3.5.1 65 MB of archives...I'm gonna be d/ling all night!03:46
Nirvanawell, 1h2m30s... but yeah03:46
=== mpm2 [n=helio7@pool-71-102-193-85.snloca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
mpm2Anyone know how to find out what video card is installed in a computer (short of opening it up and trying to read off the card)?03:47
Nirvanatop << type that in Konsole03:47
zorba64shmeebegek, ksysguard03:48
NirvanaI got ripped off! it's not 700Mhz... it's 696.991...03:49
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Nirvanampm2: do you have Windows on that computer?03:50
Nirvanatry sisoft Sandra03:50
mpm2Nirvana: no, but I figured it out lspci03:50
Nirvanaohh yeah!03:50
bimberimpm2: i'm in here too :P03:50
mpm2err someone on #ubuntu told me :-) thanks03:50
Nirvanasheit, I knew that!03:51
zorba64shmeebegek, pretty coloured graphs shoudl give you an idea03:51
=== _shmeebegek [n=shmeebeg@pool-70-19-221-24.bos.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
_shmeebegekanyone got a link to the "WiFiHowTo"?03:51
calliempm2, lspci03:51
_shmeebegekthe one that I've found is broken03:51
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callieanyone here familiar with QTparted?03:52
zorba64callie, have used it a few times03:52
_shmeebegekI can see the network03:52
_shmeebegekbut I don't know how to make it connect03:52
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Nirvana_shmeebegek: try https://wiki.ubuntu.com and search for it, such as https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowTo03:52
calliei've got a drive here showing up as read-only, strange thing is that its not and i've been altering the fs earlier03:53
zorba64callie, what do you mean by altering the fs?03:53
Nirvanacheck your /etc/fstab03:53
callieconverting fat partitions to ext3 zorba6403:54
callieNirvana, the drives are not mounted03:54
NirvanaI don't understand then... how is it not mounted, yet showing up as read only?03:54
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zorba64callie, then you may have to reboot to update the partition table, or try unmounting then remounting that partition then see if it reads it as r/w03:55
_shmeebegekI don't know what's going on, I'm chatting but  I can't ping google03:55
calliezorba64, its not one partition but it seems the whole drive03:55
_shmeebegekI can't go to the website03:55
zorba64callie, did you run qtparted as root/sudo?03:56
calliezorba64, yup03:56
Nirvanawow, lag: 8s...lol03:56
_shmeebegekNirvana:  to me ?03:56
Nirvananope, to #kubuntu03:57
_shmeebegekthis is strange03:57
=== utta [n=brandon@c-24-128-224-224.hsd1.nh.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Nirvana_shmeebegek: try kdesu systemsettings, click network, and verify the correct settings are there03:58
HobbseeNirvana: what's teh problem?03:58
zorba64callie didnt chaged the size of the partition?...just unmounted it and formatted it?03:58
calliezorba64, yeah03:58
Nirvanahobbsee: downloading kde 3.5.103:58
Nirvanasow: 50m12s03:58
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calliegonna try a reboot03:59
=== Bicchi [n=Bicchi@adsl-065-006-167-199.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu
Nirvananot yay, it's 10, will be 11 by the time it's done, and I have a science exam tomorrow morning! and science is evil and there's aphids in my textbook04:00
Hobbseeso stop chatting, and study, then come back when it's done04:00
=== cgentry72 [n=cgentry7@c-68-58-58-27.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
NirvanaI studied enough... just that this computers too noisy to sleep near04:01
Nirvanahence why I can't sleep now :P04:01
cgentry72can someone help? I can't boot into my newest kernel since i changed my bootsplash according to instructions here http://kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=3119204:02
=== callie [n=callie@host86-129-64-189.range86-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu
cgentry72how do i fix that... at this point i dont care about a bootsplash04:02
Nirvanadid you modify the /boot/grub/menu.lst (sorry I can't open the link, I'm d/ling kde 3.5.1) In this case, open konqueror and check to see if you have a menu.lst~, and just restore that04:04
=== kb [n=kb@host-217-176-230-24.midco.net] has joined #kubuntu
Nirvanaor, you can apt-get update && apt-get upgrade to try to fix it...04:05
BicchiWhen I move any window on the desktop there apears to be a long shadow that trails back to the original location. I have 1GB of ram and a fast cpu. What could this be.04:05
kbNirvana...  Just wanted to thank you again.  that site was exactly what I needed.  8)04:05
cgentry72apt-get update and apt-get upgrade?04:05
cgentry72i did that but haven't rebooted yet to see if it worked04:05
Nirvanayou could try (I'm sorry I can't visit the site to be more helpful)04:06
cgentry72also how do i remove older kernels?04:06
Nirvanacgentry > it is not wise to, but if you must know04:06
Nirvanaopen a konsole, and cd /04:07
Nirvananow ls -all and look for someline like vmlinuz.old and initrd.old04:07
cgentry72everything looks fine in the /boot/grub/menu.lst04:08
cgentry72it goes through the grub boot and then it just stalls unless i pick an older kernel04:08
Nirvanagod,I wish the page would just load...04:08
Nirvanawhat error do you get?04:08
cgentry72on kde-look it says this: 1) Move the file to /usr/lib/usplash.04:09
cgentry722) $ sudo ln -sf /usr/lib/usplash/kubuntucrystal-splash.so /usr/lib/usplash/usplash-artwork.so04:09
cgentry723) $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-$(uname -r)04:09
cgentry724) Reboot and look.04:09
cgentry72step 3 is probably the problem04:09
sean_mickendid the packagers not including xinerama support in the kde packages?04:09
sean_mickeni don't see the xinerama options in my desktop settings04:09
Nirvanamaybe when you reconfigured, something went wrong?04:10
sean_mickenNirvana: i never configured 3.4 either04:10
sean_mickenfresh install04:10
=== ToyMan [n=stuq@user-12lcqia.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu
Nirvanasean_micken: I was talking to cgentry72 ... forgot to prefix that with their name04:11
Nirvanasean_micken: xinerama doesn't come packaged with Kubuntu, if that's what your wondering04:12
cgentry72i'm not sure what you mean by reconfigure?? does everything appear correct in the instructions?04:12
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Nirvanausually when you dpkg reconfigure, it asks you questions, gives you options. Did it?04:12
callieokay, i sorted it by formatting from a command line04:13
=== Nirvana raises his left thumb
=== Nirvana gets the right one up too.. for a two thumbs up :D
cgentry72so do u think upgrading or updating will correct this?04:14
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callienow all i got to do is move around 60GB of data :D04:14
gammahow do i go about downgrading a package?04:15
calliebut i at least now have a truely windows free computer!04:15
Nirvanagamma: does Synaptic have a downgrade option, I know Adept doesn't.04:16
=== MadRush [n=lobsterp@c-69-142-185-225.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Nirvanaand I don't know if there's a command either.04:16
MadRushwhats the right man i should be reading if id like to add screen resolutions04:16
Nirvanaman xorg maybe? I usually tell people to search ubuntuforums.org04:17
gammaNirvana: there's gotta be some kind of command line :/04:19
Nirvanagamma: I'm new to linux too, try man apt-get04:20
gammai'm trying that right now D:04:20
NirvanaMadRush: you want to edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf04:20
MadRushactually i did04:20
MadRushit didn't do anything, much to my suprise04:20
NirvanaMadRush: and for modes, you do04:20
Nirvana"999x999" "888x888"04:21
Nirvanaohh, then try dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg04:21
Nirvanawait, b4 you do that04:21
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Nirvanamake sure you put it in all of them (well at least depth 24 and depth 16)04:22
MadRushyeah, i did.  im gonna do the dpkg thing, and before i do, what's it do? (it obviously seems to reconfigure it, but eh what's it mean)04:22
sean_mickenNirvana: i have a bunch of packages being keep back.. how do i get those upgraded?04:24
NirvanaMadRush: I know that it will ask you for resolutions. Just keep a back up or xorg.conf just in case04:25
calliesean_micken, unless you have any real reason to upgrade i recommend that you dont04:25
MadRushok. thanks a lot04:25
=== GameOver69 [n=GameOver@ool-43518a74.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu
GameOver69hey guys what program is comparable to dc++... i tried linux dc++ but its too buggy04:26
Nirvanagamma: you want the option -t04:27
NirvanaI think04:27
NirvanaGameOver69: what is dc++ (I have no working internet connection right now, and can't google/look at web pages, but I would like to help)04:27
callieWOW! not using any vfat drives has halved my usage of ram04:28
calliefreaking hell!04:28
MadRushthat bothers me heh04:28
Nirvanaalso is the linux version buggy as in it crashes, or buggy as in it won't start04:28
MadRushgives me all the more reason to want to format my new drive in ext304:28
callieext3 certainly operates a lot faster under linux too04:29
callieas you'd expect04:29
sean_mickencallie: well, it's the newer version of a bunch of kde apps... why is it blocking those anywy?04:29
calliesean_micken, blocking?04:30
=== robotgeek_away is now known as robotgeek
sean_mickenheld back04:30
Nirvanagamma: are you there, I found it!04:30
Nirvanawhat you do is apt-get install (PROGRAM) -t version#04:31
callieim not 100% on this but i dont think they get upgraded unless a dependancy demands it or you specify that you'd like them to upgrade04:31
Nirvanasean_micken: try sudo apt-get upgrade -s to do a simulation, which will tell you the error04:32
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=== Hobbsee tries to understand what callie is saying
callieits likely that upgrading some of those packages might break some other dependancies04:33
Hobbseesean_micken: sudo apt-get dist-upgarde04:33
MadRushnirvana i owe you04:33
sean_mickenHobbsee: yep, and its giving m ea list of packages being "kept back"04:33
Hobbseecallie: more likely that they're trying to install more packages04:33
NirvanaNot bad for a 3 month user, eh?04:33
Hobbseesean_micken: even with a dist-upgrade?04:33
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GameOver69Nivana: its a direct connect client04:34
sean_mickenHobbsee: yes04:34
GameOver69its a p2p client os to speak04:34
Hobbseepastebin the entire error?04:34
MadRushoh my04:34
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=== michael [n=michael@pool-71-102-193-85.snloca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
MadRushokay i have an interesting dilemna: i cant play with my network settings because i cant see the buttons, they go off the bottom of my screen (1024x768 is my max)04:35
NirvanaMadRush: that is a bug04:35
dark_suicit has happened to a lot of people, MadRush04:35
michaelare all athlon chips k7 architecture?04:35
dark_suicMadRush, try running kdesu kcontrol04:35
Nirvanawhat you want to do is in the terminal, type kdesu systemsettings04:35
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Nirvanaanf click network from there04:35
dennyI need some help04:36
Nirvana^^kcontrol is good too04:36
dennynow I'm usin ubuntu04:36
ClayGmanveru, does anyone know what the name of the package is for the firefox java plug in?04:36
Nirvanawell GameOver69: in 12 minutes, not only will I have Kde 3.5.1, but I will be able to help!04:36
ClayGusing the ubuntu guide doesn't work, i think the info's old04:36
dennyand i want to install kubuntu04:36
Nirvanadenny: just ask the question04:36
GameOver69Nirvana, kde 3.5.1 came out>04:36
Hobbsee!tell ClayG about java04:36
dennyto install the kde desktop04:37
dennyis just I type04:37
dennysudo apt-get install kde04:37
Nirvanagameover69: yes, check Kubuntu.org > front page, second post04:37
GameOver69oh goood04:37
Nirvanasudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop04:37
Nirvanadenny: type: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop04:37
GameOver69is that the command for 3.5.104:37
dennyI'm usin04:38
=== cgentry72 [n=cgentry7@c-68-58-58-27.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Nirvanagameover69: read the announcement, you have to add some keys, and edit your /etc/apt/sources.list to get 3.5.104:38
cgentry72how do i remove a kernel version because my newest kernel is all screwed up since i tried the bootsplash thingy04:38
GameOver69yeah i see it04:38
cgentry72i've tried to update and upgrade and it didn't work04:39
GameOver69Nivana: is it worth the update04:39
ClayGmanveru, does anyone know what the name of the package is for the firefox java plug in?04:39
Hobbsee!tell ClayG about javadeb04:40
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ClayGlooks like he/she aint listening , lol04:40
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sean_mickenhere's the pastebin04:41
MadRush'Su returned with an error'04:41
Nirvanacgentry72: you will probably have to restore your older kernel, and upgrade to get the new one back04:42
Nirvanasean_micken: use sudo04:42
ubotuBy default, the root password is locked in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.04:42
ubotuNirvana: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:42
cgentry72and by restore do you mean completely restore, like with the install cd?04:42
cgentry72please say no04:42
Hobbsee!su is see !sudo04:42
ubotuHobbsee: okay04:42
Nirvanacgentry72: no04:43
cgentry72ok and how do i restore?04:43
Nirvanacgentry72: what you do is04:43
Nirvanaone sec04:43
Nirvanalaggy computer04:43
Nirvanado you have the *.10 kernel installed?04:43
NirvanaI assume you do...04:43
cgentry72currently 2.6.12-10-68604:44
Nirvanafirst do this:04:44
sean_mickenNirvana: i am using sudo04:44
Nirvanacgentry72: cd /; sudo mkdir backup04:45
Nirvanasean_micken: su returned with an error = use sudo, no?04:45
Nirvanacgentry, copy that^^^04:45
HobbseeNirvana: yes, use sudo04:45
sean_mickenNirvana: no... my error is that packages aren't being upgraded, but kept back.04:45
Hobbseesean_micken: can you pastebin the entire error that you get please?04:46
sean_mickenHobbsee: i did man.04:46
Hobbseedid you give us the link?04:46
Nirvanasean_micken: copy and paste this: sudo apt-get upgrade -s04:46
=== Hobbsee never saw it
Nirvanacd /; sudo mkdir backup04:46
sean_mickenHobbsee: http://pastebin.com/53325804:46
Hobbseeoh, thanks :)04:46
Nirvanahttp://pastebin.com/533258 =  link04:46
Nirvanaanyways, cgentry72, you there?04:47
Nirvanayou did the http://pastebin.com/53325804:47
Hobbseesean_micken: try "sudo apt-get install libkcddb1 libkonq4 libkpimexchange1 libkpimidentities1 libkscan1 libksieve0 libktnef1"04:47
sean_mickenHobbsee: or just -f for force, eh?04:47
Nirvanacgentry72: I meant, you did the: cd /; sudo mkdir backup04:48
Hobbseejust try those libs04:48
manveruClayG: you called?04:48
Nirvanasudo cp vmlinuz /backup; sudo cp vmlinuz.old /backup04:49
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GameOver69woo finished updating to 3.5.104:49
NirvanaGod that's fast!04:49
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NirvanaI just finished downloading :P04:50
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GameOver69im gonna restart when i come back i want an asnwer to tha tdc++ question :)04:50
Nirvanacgentry72: now, just delete (sudo rm vmlinuz; sudo cp vmlinuz.old vmlinuz) the old one, and put in the new one04:51
Nirvananot yet04:52
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Nirvanasudo mv /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12-10-386 /backup/04:53
Nirvanathat makes your old vmlinuz be restored, pointing to your old kernel, and your new vmlinuz be put in teh backup dir04:54
Nirvananow, do cd /; ls -all04:54
Nirvana and make sure vmlinuz shows this: vmlinuz -> boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12-9-38604:55
Nirvananote the 9 (nine) and not the 10 (ten)04:55
NirvanaOK, now it's time for the initrd thing04:55
Nirvanait's basically the same steps04:56
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Nirvanacd /; sudo cp initrd /backup; sudp cp initrd.old /backup; sudo rm initrd; sudo cp initrd.old initrd; sudo mv /boot/initrd.img-2.6.12-10-386 /backup04:57
=== robotgeek is now known as robotgeek_away
Nirvanacd /; sudo cp initrd /backup; sudo cp initrd.old /backup; sudo rm initrd; sudo cp initrd.old initrd; sudo mv /boot/initrd.img-2.6.12-10-386 /backup04:58
Nirvanacgentry ^^ that was for you, the latter one, the former has a typo04:58
cgentry72how do i make sure vmlinuz shows boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12-9-386?04:58
ClayGI'm trying to get the games from pogo to work for my Gf, anyone here play on pogo.com?04:58
Nirvanayou don't, it has to show it04:58
cgentry72sorry yes it does04:59
Nirvanaand did you do the initrd steps too?04:59
cgentry72not yet getting ready to04:59
Nirvanacgentry72: cd /; sudo cp initrd /backup; sudo cp initrd.old /backup; sudo rm initrd; sudo cp initrd.old initrd; sudo mv /boot/initrd.img-2.6.12-10-386 /backup04:59
_zerodoes anyone know how to set colors in programs like Konsole?05:00
Nirvanawhy did clayG leave....05:00
`NomadWould anyone here have experience with installing a Samsung laser printer?  linux is supported, an dthey come with their own CD for installation, but it keeps asking me for a root password into it, I can<t seem to avoid it, no matter what i do..05:00
=== picoss [n=picoss@roa76-5-82-234-252-130.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
Nirvana_zero: settings: Schema05:00
cgentry72first part says cp omitting directory 'initrd'05:00
Nirvanaroot pass = user pass?05:00
Nirvanadarn, my bad cgentry7205:01
`Nomadohh!!  I just went deeper in teh options, it's a CUPS admin password it wants05:01
Nirvanaone sec05:01
`Nomadit doesn,t work when I use my regular id an dpass no :(05:01
=== GameOver69 [n=GameOver@ool-43518a74.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #kubuntu
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GameOver69Nirvana, how u doin man... would u be able ot help me now?05:02
Nirvanacgentry72: cd /; sudo cp initrd.img /backup; sudo cp initrd.img.old /backup; sudo rm initrd.img; sudo cp initrd.img.old initrd.img; sudo mv /boot/initrd.img-2.6.12-10-386 /backup05:03
NirvanaGameOver69: yes05:03
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tecshow do i go back to the default kde settings for kubuntu. cause for some reason while tweaking my settings my fonts for some apps are super small. i already adjusted the fonts in settings but apps like xchat has super small fonts05:03
GameOver69ok so i need an alternative to DC++ i tried linux dc++ but its not that great05:03
cgentry72i cant' do that all on line can i?05:03
GameOver69i have valknut... a nd im not diggin that much either... doesnt seem tolike to connecto to othehr users05:03
Nirvanacgentry72: you should be able to paste it05:03
ubotufrom memory, cups is The Common UNIX Printing System (or CUPS) is a printing system and general replacement for lpd and the like.  See also http://linuxprinting.org/05:04
=== michael [n=michael@pool-71-102-193-85.snloca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu
cgentry72k done with that05:04
Nirvanacgentry72: make sure you have:initrd.img -> boot/initrd.img-2.6.12-9-386 and vmlinuz -> boot/vmlinuz-2.6.12-9-386 when you do an ls -all05:05
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=== evil-doer [i=ewb@CPE0010a726e10a-CM00122541856a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu
cgentry72yes i have all that05:06
cgentry72so now ls -all?05:07
Nirvanals -all = directory listing = should tell you what I told you05:07
cgentry72yes it does05:07
NirvanaGameOver69: I didn't forget about you, I'm searching sf.net for an alternative05:07
GameOver69Nirvana, thank you05:08
cgentry72now what do i do?05:08
Nirvanacgentry72: one sec05:08
cgentry72k srry05:09
=== zblach [n=zblach@toronto-HSE-ppp4150506.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu
zblachi'm having serious trouble. i'm half-way to a 3.5.1 move, and things aren't going well05:10
Nirvanacgentry72: now open (sudo kwrite /boot/grub/menu.lst) your grub menu list05:10
Nirvanazblach: explain problems, post errors at kubuntu.pastebin.com and link here05:10
zblachcan't open konquerer05:11
zblachthats a problem, for starters05:11
cgentry72got it05:12
tecsjust wondering will ubuntu detect components on a very ol;d machine.? im planning to revive a p166 64 mb ram 5 gig hd that has been stuck for years. but is working im going to replace the hard drive though... i mean its a p166:)05:12
michaelumm, when you run glxgears where do the fps show up???05:13
Nirvanacgentry72: now look for the part that says "title Ubuntu kernel 2.6.12-10-386" and "title Ubuntu kernel 2.6.12-10-386 (recovery mode)" -> just delete the whole section, from title to boot, and leave the three sections that have "Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.12-9-386" and "Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.12-9-386 (recovery mode)" and of course "memtest86+"05:13
Nirvanatecs: yes05:14
Nirvanamichael: look for the command switch, usually they tell you how to make the fps show05:14
Nirvanagameover69: I have not forgot about you05:14
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michaelcommand switch?  not familiar with that term... man glxgears shows nothing, although I found one online...05:15
Nirvanagameover69: is http://sourceforge.net/projects/wxdc (wxdc) good enough05:15
gammazblach: try rebooting or restarting x atleast?05:15
Nirvanaglxgears --help?05:15
cgentry72ok so the first one is Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.12 default05:15
zblachuh... panel says 3.4.3 and konq. says 3.5.105:15
gammazblach: eek so you only half installed.. does adept give you any more pkgs to upgrade?05:15
tecswill kde work fine with that? i eman wont it have troubles? im palnnign to revive it for my lil sister so she can play with it05:16
AyidenI am building a server. I have a domain name that will be linked to the servers IP. When the OS is installed and the domain asked should the domain that the computer will host be put there or should localhost?05:16
GameOver69nirvana... thanks05:16
Nirvanacgentry72: should be Ubuntu, kernel 2.6.12-9-38605:16
zblachgamma: no. no more to upgrade05:16
Nirvanagameover69: was that it?05:16
zblachadept says 005:16
GameOver69nirvana.... how do u check to see if i my3d card is set to the ati drivers i have05:16
GameOver69fglrx? or something05:16
cgentry72k it's not05:17
Nirvanagameover69: lspci tells you what your 3d card is05:17
Nirvanacgentry, I'll paste you what you need, one sec05:17
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cgentry72k thanks for your help really05:17
GameOver690000:01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M7                                                                                       LW [Radeon Mobility 7500] 05:17
GameOver69yeah but does tha tmean the drivers are installed properly05:18
gammazblach: re-update your source list thingy05:18
hatake_kakashiGameOver69: that's got nothing to do with drivers05:18
hatake_kakashithat's just what kernel detected05:18
Nirvanacgentry72: why doesn't it have a 10 or 9?05:18
zblachgamma: can you reword that?05:18
GameOver69hatake_kakashi, ok so how do i check05:18
=== Peolo2 [n=ich@p5090F4A7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu
gammazblach: click the first button on the left in adept05:19
GameOver69because i coudlnt even run a simple game like darwinia and i know i can run it05:19
Peolo2hi there05:19
Nirvanacgentry72:paste it at http://cgentry72.pastebin.com05:19
Peolo2huhhh i got it05:19
Peolo2im in05:19
cgentry72i have 2.6.12-9-386 but it's further down the list05:19
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hatake_kakashiGameOver69: I believe after installing it, it should come under as modules.. so maybe lsmod| grep fglrx or something?05:19
Peolo2im so hapy :)05:19
Nirvanacgentry72: paste your whole /boot/grub/menu.lst05:19
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GameOver69hatake_kakashi, nothing ha ppened05:20
Ayidenis it okay that I kept the default "localhost" if not then how do I change it?05:20
Peolo2could any1 tell me please which libs i need for firefox ? im kinda new in linux things. about 4 days now. installed suse, but today i installed kubunti05:20
Peolo2works well05:20
hatake_kakashiGameOver69: type lsmod and look for something new.. I do not know the exact module name for ATI as I currently do not have it yet05:20
zblachGamma, tried that a few times. not working05:21
zblachnothing left to upgrade, supposedly05:21
GameOver69yes but if u type in something fglrx i know it tells u what drivers are being used05:21
Peolo2firefox-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory05:21
gammaand you have the line 'deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde351 breezy main'?05:21
hatake_kakashiGameOver69: as in used by X?05:22
Peolo2apt-get install libstdc05:22
tecshmmm, how come some games that i install through synaptic wont show up in the games menu05:23
AyidenWhen kubuntu asks on installation what the domain should be is that for local networks only? It should have nothing to do with my domain that the computer is hosting correct?05:23
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Peolo2yep ayiden05:23
cgentry72Nirvana: still there?05:23
zblachgamma: yes05:24
Ayidentecs: because the installlations didnt put the links there check the games and put a link in /usr/bin to the program and then it will most likely show up05:24
AyidenPeolo2: Thank you05:24
Peolo2well, i need sum help. if any1 got a sec and wants to help a fresh new ubuntu user out --> feel free to pm me05:24
Ayidentecs: that is if the game wont run too05:25
Peolo2im not sure what libs i`ve to install05:25
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Peolo2wanna install "firefox" and xchat05:25
Ayidenb/c its isnt in your path.. also add it semi manually with the menu edit05:25
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Nirvanacgentry72: http://cgentry72.pastebin.com/53328905:26
michaelwell good news!  installing k7 linux headers & nvidia drivers (from nvidia's site) fixed xmms, amarok, and kaffeine refusals to function... all is working now after those 2 changes... i suspect it was making my kernel k7 rather than 386 that did it but i'm not sure!05:26
tecswell i went to the /usr/games and i saw the game exe there. a lot of them but about 40% of the games wont even load05:26
gammaPeolo2: is that after installing firefox yourself?05:26
NirvanaI did it05:26
gammaPeolo2: or via apt-get?05:26
Peolo2i just extracted it05:26
GameOver69hatake_kakashi, what u mean as used by X?05:26
Nirvanacgentry72: make sure you read the top part.05:26
Nirvanaof http://cgentry72.pastebin.com/53328905:26
gammaPeolo2: is there a firefox in the repository?05:26
Peolo2im working now 1 hour with ubuntu. never used linux before05:26
gammaPeolo2: ooh..05:27
Peolo2gamma i dont know what you talking about05:27
Peolo2im using linux now for 4 days05:27
gammaPeolo2: you on kubuntu?05:27
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Peolo2installed suse before. but well suse suxxx05:27
hatake_kakashiGameOver69: X is the GUI side of things.. and generally, I'm sure once you install video drivers, they come as modules05:27
Peolo2now im running kubuntu05:27
gammaok, open adept in kde menu/utilities05:27
Nirvanapeolo2: what are you trying to accomplish05:27
Nirvanaoh firefox05:28
hatake_kakashiPeolo2: different people, different tastes, one of my friends is recommending suse for beginners even after I told him about ubuntu/kubuntu05:28
cgentry72got it, i'll try that05:28
cgentry72then what do i need to do05:28
Peolo2 ./firefox05:28
Peolo2when i do05:28
NirvanaPeolo2: that is the hard way05:28
gammaPeolo2: pm05:28
Peolo2./firefox-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory05:28
Peolo2it tels me .--->05:28
Peolo2roger that05:28
tecsimho suse detects more hardware than ubuntu, so perhaps thats why he is offering suse to new users like me. but suse wont work on mine ehhehe05:29
Nirvanatecs: that is because suse can bundle proprietary drivers :D05:29
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Nirvanashiet, I gotta go to sleep!05:29
Nirvanacgentry72: you restart05:30
Peolo2can you read what i write gamma ? @query ?05:30
cgentry72k be back05:30
Peolo2coze im not regged atm05:30
owneryou have to install05:30
tecsheheh i installed suse so amny times before i did ubuntu, but it always comes to a point that my os is messed up. so i end up l;ookign for  another distro luckily i picked ubuntu:)05:30
gammaPeolo2: not getting anything back05:30
ownerdo sudo apt-get install libstdc++505:30
Peolo2im not registred05:30
gammaPeolo2: blah.. in the kde menu open adept in utilities05:30
Peolo2no i need to check my email when im regged here ?05:30
Peolo2coze no way to get em atm05:31
Peolo2what`s the reg command for this server ?05:31
Nirvanait's /msg nickserv IDENTIFY <yourpass>05:31
gammaPeolo2: for the firefox problem.. open adept in utilities, put your user password in, go to quick filter, type firefox, select the firefox package, and install05:32
Nirvanagamma is right^^05:32
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Peolo2./firefox-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory05:32
tecsok lastly. anyone knows of a good eays to use torrent client that is gui like bitcommet or bittorrent in windows?05:32
Peolo2ahh sorry05:32
Nirvanatecs: ktorrent05:32
gammatecs: i use ktorrent.. probably the best client i've found05:32
ownerbetter than azureus?05:33
Nirvanafor Kubuntu, yep05:33
gammait's basically azureus minus the heavy memory useage05:33
Nirvananot better than utorrent, because it's sooooo tiny!05:33
Peolo2im using now ubuntu coze i hope i can get my ati card runnin05:34
tecsis that in synaptic repositories?05:34
Peolo2does not work with suse :(05:34
=== cgentry72 [n=cgentry7@c-68-58-58-27.hsd1.in.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
hatake_kakashibitcomet is _not_ a good bt client :p05:34
tecsor do i download from the net05:34
Peolo2or kinda too hart zo install05:34
cgentry72Nirvana: the first one worked05:34
NirvanaPeolo2: Open Adept, and quick filter Firefox, select it for install, and click the checkmark05:34
Nirvanacgentry72: OMG!!!05:34
gammatecs: google ktorrent, go to their page and download the i386 deb file for the latest version, then type dpkg -i debfilehere05:34
gammatecs: an old version is in the manager05:35
tecssame with me Peolo2 thats why i switched to ubuntu, although there are more thigns to do to keep the system up and running at least yuou can do it with the help of dozens of brilliant people here:)05:35
Nirvanacgentry72: that was probably the hardest thing I've ever had to teach someone over the internet!!05:35
Nirvanacgentry72: and it worked!05:35
cgentry72yes and /me thanks you05:35
Nirvanacgentry72: ohh crap, almost forgot, you may want to sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade05:36
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Nirvanacallie's back05:36
calliedid you miss me?05:36
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tecserrors where encountered while processing...hmmm05:37
Nirvanaa little, yes05:37
cgentry72update did fine upgrade says 0 upgrade, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded05:37
callieor did you think i fried something Nirvana ?05:37
Nirvanacgentry72: you apt-get update'd right?05:38
Nirvanacallie: :P05:38
`NomadArgggghhh!!  What is wrong with CUPS on Kubuntu?  Every try is an adventure!!  Admin functions have been disabled, please use teh gnome System > Administration > Printing05:39
tecsgamma im going to paste what the terminal said05:39
Nirvanacgentry72: one sec05:39
Nirvanacgentry72: must find reinstall command05:39
ownernomad it is possible to enable it05:39
`NomadDo I have to install Gnome just to set up a printer?? :(05:40
ownerthere is some instructions on the ubuntuforums05:40
hatake_kakashi`Nomad: no05:40
`Nomadowner:  I'm all ears... :)05:40
`Nomadoff the FAQ?05:40
Nirvanacgentry72: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.12-10 --reinstall05:41
_zerodoes anyone know what the hardware detection is like in vmware when emulating windows XP?  like, is it worth destroying a real version of an XP dual boot over?  or is it not good enough to rationalize that?05:41
tecsgamma: nvrmnd got it working...hehe just right clicked it and actions then install package now its working. that was easy heehh thnx05:41
cgentry72couldn't find package reinstall05:42
Nirvanadid you type --reinstall?05:42
gammatecs: i didn't know you could do it that way :P05:42
cgentry72already the newest version05:42
gammathat's the easy way;)05:42
Nirvanacgentry72: it thinks that05:42
Nirvanacgentry72: sudo apt-get remove linux-headers-2.6.12-10 && sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.12-1005:43
cgentry72now it's doing something05:44
Nirvana_zero: anything is worth destroying xp over05:44
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Nirvanacgentry72: it will be removing the image, and installing it again05:44
_zeroNirvana, well, good point, but is the detection and compatibility the same as if it were the real thing?05:44
owner_zero well one thing you cant do it play games05:44
`Nomadowner: I'll say thanks now, before I go crazy trying to follow that loooooooooong page of things to do.. :)05:44
Nirvanacgentry72: yes, vmware is the real thing, just emulated05:44
cgentry72ok done - last thing - Setting up linux-headers-2.6.12-10 (2.6.12-10.26) then prompt05:45
ownernomad lol05:45
hatake_kakashiowner: technically you can, but you only run at 30fps05:45
Nirvana_zero: yes, vmware is the real thing, just emulated05:45
Nirvanaand 30fps = on a good system!05:45
_zeroNirvana, so for example, my usb sound card will have the same effect on sound and everything as if it were the real thing?05:46
_zeroowner, you can't play games?  why not?05:46
owner_zero, i dont think you can install video card drivers with vmware05:46
hatake_kakashi_zero: there are such information on vmware05:46
cgentry72Nirvana - so am i done05:47
Nirvanacgentry72: when it is done, tell me if "ls -all /" shows vmlinuz and initrd.img pointing to the one witha  10 and not a 905:47
sean_mickenanyway to get newer nvid drivers without doing the manual nvidia install?05:48
_zeroowner, are games playable in wine then?05:48
sean_mickenlike some other repo05:48
owner_zero, some are05:48
ownerwine or cedega05:49
ownerive played cs in cedega05:49
ownerbut its hardly worth buying cedega05:49
Nirvanacgentry72: did you do it?05:49
tecswell jsut a thought is linux much lighter when it comes to using resources than windows?05:49
cgentry72vmlinuz and initrd.img isn't pointing to anything vmlinuz.old and initrd.img.old is pointing to 2.6.12-10-38605:49
ownertecs, depends what windowmanager you use05:49
hatake_kakashitecs: yes and no.. yes if you are willing to suffice all those fancy bits, but no. not from most standard distros05:50
calliehmmm, just had some weird beeping here05:50
cgentry72vmlinuz and initrd.img are there but not pointing to anything05:50
calliea rapid repetition of beeps, kinda scary, although everything appears to be working05:51
hatake_kakashiin a nutshell, you can turn eye-candy 3d things off from any distro, just quit using X, and then you got yourself a lean-and-mean OS :p05:51
`Nomadcallie: check for a stuck keyboard key05:51
Nirvanacgentry72: how big is vmlinuz and initrd?05:51
ownerwas this in kde callie05:51
cgentry72vm linuz 120701705:51
cgentry72and initrd.img 529849705:51
calliethe beep came from my system speaker, yes im in kde and no there are no stuck keys05:51
tecshmmm.... cause just an observation. since 2004 ive been folding in this same machine usign windows. this is my 2nd motnh using linux. i noticed i crunch faster than windows when it comes to folding. here i can finish one work unit in 2 days. in windows itl take me bout 3-3.5 days05:52
ownercallie, if you run alsamixer05:52
owneryou can mute the pc speaker by pressing m05:52
Nirvanacgentry72: is that bigger than vmilinuz.old?05:52
callieim more concerned its something failing05:52
cgentry72much bigger05:52
Nirvanawhat's the size of *.old05:52
owneri doubt it callie05:52
cgentry72vmlinuz.old is only 2605:52
_zeroowner, so if I eliminate windows for my vmware windows, then will I screw over my ATI Radeon X300?  or is the driver for it installable?05:52
Nirvanaso what happened was05:52
owner_zero you can use the fglrx driver in linux05:53
calliewell, i had some problems with random shutdowns, i had to disable apci to fix it owner05:53
ownerbut i doubt games will be playable in vmware05:53
hatake_kakashiowner: it is possible, but I don't understand why people have to do it through vmware when its on their own home box05:53
ownercallie you can try checking the system temps05:54
owneris that a laptop callie05:54
_zeroowner, so if my ATI driver works in kubuntu (which it does), then vmware should be fine?05:54
Nirvanacgentry72: what happened was instead of installing in /boot, it installed in / --> This is not a problem though. I can tell you how to fix it, but not today (it's probably not even worth fixing). If your on another day, just remind me to. I'll prolly be on tomorrow05:54
callieits a desktop owner my cpu is only running at 40 degrees celcius05:54
cgentry72alright as long as everything is current i really dont care05:54
ownercallie, doesnt sound like anything could go wrong05:55
Nirvanacgentry72: this won't affect anything btw, but just to be sure, paste the output of cat /boot/grub/menu.lst at cgentry72.pastebin.com05:55
callieim just curious as to what it means now owner05:55
=== `Nomad is banging his head against the wall, the wall is winning..!
=== Nirvana joins in "together we shall defeat that wall!"
`NomadAdministrative functions in CUPS have been disabled, I can't use the web interface.05:56
cgentry72what was the pastebin website again05:56
`NomadI can hear Bill Gates laughing at us, wearing a T-Shirt that spells CUPS05:56
Nirvanacgentry72: yep, all good. shouldn't have any troubles05:57
sean_mickenkubuntu made my onboard card the primary card, i'd rather my PCI card be the primary... how would i configure this?05:57
Nirvananow to see what KDE 3.5.1 is like!!05:57
cgentry72alrighty but up to date correct?05:58
Nirvanacgentry72: yep05:58
cgentry72thank u very much again05:58
cgentry72should i change to 686 instead of 38605:58
NirvanaLinux people are always there to help Linux people :D05:58
Nirvanayou could, but there's not much of a performance increase, as in, you'll only notice if you run a benchmark, and even then it will prolly be a decimal05:59
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=== Nirvana runs out of Konversation to restart his X server and sees KDE 3.5.1...
callieyeah but come in here on a windows box and we hunt you down and erm... erm.... format all your hard disks!06:00
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cgentry72k thanks again, if i see u tomorrow i will hit ya up06:00
`NomadThere's no way I'm going to keep a windows box running just for printing!!  argH!06:01
hatake_kakashi`Nomad: sudo `app` does not work? :p06:02
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`Nomadthe installation software demands to have the CUPS admin username and password..06:03
`Nomadto the best of my understanding, that is now my regular username and password.. after having followed the instructions from the forum06:03
hatake_kakashi`Nomad: well.. try and configure CUPSd via su and dpkg06:03
`Nomaddpkg?  as in dpkg-configure cupsd    ?06:05
`Nomadwoah.. doing it now..06:06
`Nomadcross my fingers06:07
`Nomaddidn't change a thing06:08
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hatake_kakashi`Nomad: isn't there an option to set username and password?06:08
`Nomaddid it.06:08
hatake_kakashiyou need to probably restart cupsd to make it take effect.. or reload06:08
`NomadI've been hacking at linux forever.. THIS is my white whale!!  lol06:08
`Nomadthe dpkg restarted it already06:09
hatake_kakashi`Nomad: try configuring snd blaster awe32 isa card on linux :P06:09
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`NomadI used to own one.. :)06:09
triplepany known reason for a fatal sound server overload, then it dies ungracefully?06:10
`NomadCan't stand to see this line anymore:  Administrative tasks have been disabled for security reasons. Please use Menu System > Administration > Printing.06:10
hatake_kakashi`Nomad: there are ways around such things.. and I hope you are on KDE06:11
`NomadWhen I use Printing, that's where I cannot be allowed in.. So secure I'll never be able to print.. :(06:11
`Nomadyes, KDE always!06:11
`NomadI was hoping to get the driver off the CD and bypass all of this.. bu tnot sure what's involved06:11
`Nomadprinting was never such a complicated thing to me before, I never needed to jump so many hoops06:11
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hatake_kakashi`Nomad: ok, well, right click on K and click on Menu editor, and navigate to that program you use.. find out the exact line, and use sudo to deal with it.. if not.. check cupsd howto06:12
hatake_kakashi`Nomad: I'm sure there are ways around such things.. you just have to tinker around06:12
`NomadI know, I'll figure it out, but it's amazingly frustrating06:12
`Nomadthanks for the help06:12
triplepNomad, 'sudo -i' then run 'kontrol' shouldn't cause too many more problems06:13
hatake_kakashi`Nomad: right now I can think of two other possible alternatives, one is to add yourself to printing group or prn? and maybe the other is to try and get it through smb06:13
hatake_kakashi`Nomad: np06:13
`Nomadtriplep:  kcontrol?06:14
`Nomador kontrol06:14
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triplepkcontrol.... i had to set it up like that a few weeks ago06:15
`Nomadwhen I go that route, it even shows my printer under tteh first USB, by name.. But there are no drivers for it06:15
triplepyou have all of the gimpprint and foomatic drivers installed?06:15
hatake_kakashi`Nomad: there is another route.. go runlevel 3 and kill X, login as root on those vt and type 'startx'06:16
hatake_kakashi`Nomad: I think that is a security bug or a bug I found very recently ;)06:16
`Nomadhatake: what would that do?06:17
`Nomadto start X that way I mean?06:18
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hatake_kakashi`Nomad: you go init 3 whilst on those vt and go as root, kill X and then type startx as root on vt06:19
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`Nomadyou mean keep my running session, switch to another screen and start X again?  Sorry, it's getting late here and I'm tired06:20
triplepbypassing kdm in the process... is that were the management issue lies?06:21
`NomadI just followed through using the printer config from kcontrol.. I selected other for drivers, found mine and installed it.. It happily reports that test pages were sent successfully, but I don't knwo where.  Please check your printers in case there was a mis-connection  ;006:22
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dotchadwhy you prefer KDE instead Gnome?06:23
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varsendaggerhey what does everyone think of the new Plasma project?06:24
ubotuit has been said that restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed here have been replaced by !FreeFormats06:24
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varsendaggerwhat kind of room is this?06:25
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ubotuit has been said that restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed here have been replaced by !FreeFormats06:25
ubotumethinks freeformats is There are a large number of Free Formats which are preferred over patent and copyright encumbered formats. They are listed here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeFormats06:26
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FunkyELFhey guys, this is my first time using kubuntu, or any *buntu for that matter.  Anyway, I wanted to mount my windows partition and realized that I was never asked for a root password during the install.06:30
Aji-Dahakawhen you sudo, just use your user password06:30
FunkyELF,,.how do I set the root password so that I can mkdir /mnt/windows and run the mount command?06:30
FunkyELFAji-Dahaka: so ubuntu doesn't use su ?06:31
Aji-Dahakause sudo and not root06:31
Aji-Dahakait /can/ but ...06:31
ubotuBy default, the root password is locked in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.06:31
Aji-Dahakait prefers sudo06:31
=== `Nomad gives up for tonight, thanks for the help and suggestions..
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FunkyELFcan I "sudu su" ?06:31
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Aji-Dahakayou could sudo passwd ...06:32
sampanfunkyelf  sudo -i  or sudo -s work to get a root-shell ... or just sudo mkdir /foo/bar06:32
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FunkyELF....so I install firefox right off the bat and I get this message "The file /usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/index.html cannot be found.  Please check the location and try again"06:33
Aji-Dahakahuh, people are still using firefox, huh06:33
Aji-Dahakathat's great :)06:33
kkathmanAji-Dahaka:  what else ?? hehe06:34
FunkyELFAji-Dahaka: what do you recommend?06:34
zorba64FunkyELF, change you home page setting06:34
Aji-Dahakaoh, I love the konqueror06:34
sampan*shrug*  ff gets chinese fonts right -- konq doesn't and i can't find a place to set them for different chinese encodings either06:35
kkathmanits getting there06:35
FunkyELFis there a group that all users belong to by default?06:35
FunkyELFwhat should I chown /mnt/windows to?06:35
kkathmanyah agreed sampan  just not mature enough06:35
Aji-Dahakasampan: huh, I do Japanese (not Chinese until next semester) but never have probs with konqueror and fonts06:35
Aji-Dahakasampan: roughly the same character set06:35
sampanaji-dahaka  heh.  not at all -- there are at least FOUR different character (unicode) sets for chinese: tw, mainland, hk, singapore06:36
kkathmanKonq still has problems rendering some sites true06:36
kkathmanI prefer either Firefox or Opera06:36
kkathmanbut to each their own06:36
Aji-Dahakasampan: oh, interesting.  didn't know that they had separate sets for the different dialects ... that's cool06:36
sampanand ff gets them right -- konq doesn't even have a place for me to SET which font to use with which encoding06:36
sampannot dialects06:36
sampandifferent unicode character sets06:36
Aji-Dahakatw and hk are both dialects06:37
FunkyELFanyone recommend what I should chown /mnt/windows to so that normal users can have access?06:37
sampanno, they're places.06:37
kkathmanbut nice that (k)ubuntu can support all fo them...choice is the key06:37
Aji-Dahakadialects and places ...06:37
Aji-Dahakabut anyways ...06:37
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Aji-Dahakathe interesting part is that I didn't know that they were using differenty charsets for it06:37
sampanno. there is no "hong kong" dialect.  there is cantonese which predominates there.  and there is a "taiwan" dialect, but most people on taiwan speak mandarin (and some speak other dialects besides)06:38
Aji-DahakaStandard Cantonese (~Guangzhou dialect, Hong Kong dialect, Macau dialect)06:39
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Aji-Dahakain my linguistics class we called it hong kong dialact06:40
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Aji-Dahakait's rude to call anything "standard" :p06:41
varsendaggerwhat do y'all think of the Plasma Project06:43
Aji-DahakaI think aaron will do a good job with it06:43
Hobbseevarsendagger: should be fun, looking forward to seeing it06:44
sampanaji-dahaka  i'm quite sure linguistics labels change rather frequently.  if your class calls HK a dialect that's fine.  (personally when people can go from gz to hk and not miss a word i find using 'dialect' too strong of a term -- it's like saying someone from norcal and socal are speaking "dialects" of english -- ludicrous to me).  in any case, dialects are spoken and have NOTHING to do with character encoding (primarily a politi06:47
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Aji-Dahakafor the purpose of the class we used "hong kong" dialect to label what you seem to call just cantonese06:50
Aji-Dahakabut as there are several dialects under the label of cantonese, it would be a poor (imho) choice for a label06:50
sampanyou didn't really understand my point (you're still thinking in terms of labels in a book).  but it's all off-topic so i'll drop it.  point of it is: ff deals with characer encoding well and konq doesn't -- so there are GOOD reasons for some people to use ff and not konq. :)06:52
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Aji-Dahakawhich would be an interesting point if it had been debated06:53
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Aji-Dahakadialects are spoken and have NOTHING to do06:56
Aji-Dahakadialects are not just differences in spoken language06:56
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sampanmea culpa.  i most likely should have added: "[in this case of electronic character encoding of chinese characters the spoken dialects]  have nothing to do with ..."  your initial raising of dialect has virtually no relevance to character encoding (since after all: a text written in cantonese, mandarin, or fujianese is readable by a literate person in all of the dialects).  if you care to show me how dialect is relevant to character07:02
=== Aji-Dahaka wonders if sampan realises there is a character limit to messages here
sampanyeah -- sometimes i type more than i realize07:03
Aji-Dahakaoh, it happens :)07:03
sampanindeed .. the line ended:  if you care to show me how dialect is relevant to character encoding, please do so: but do so in #kubuntu-offtopic not here ;)07:03
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sampanjust in case it got cut off07:04
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Tallia1Kubuntusomeone is online?08:04
robotgeekno Tallia1Kubuntu08:04
Tallia1Kubuntudoes it exist a way to link to a key combination the showdesktop command of klipper?08:04
Tallia1Kubuntui didn't see any message in one hour, so i asked08:05
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robotgeekTallia1Kubuntu: i lost you on that one08:06
Tallia1Kubuntui want a key combination to show the kde desktop08:07
Tallia1Kubuntulike win+d in windows08:07
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Tallia1Kubunturobotgeek: do you understand?08:09
sampantallia1kubuntu  could just use the key combo to switch to an empty desktop (default is cntl-f1, cntl-f2, cntrl-f3, etc.)08:09
sampanprobably could switch those to whatever you liked though08:09
Tallia1Kubuntu i don't have those hotkeys .:.... :(08:10
sampancontrol - f1 ?08:10
robotgeekTallia1Kubuntu: yes, system-settings -> accessibility _> shortcuts08:13
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sampantallia1kubuntu: in konsole, type: kdesu kcontrol ... then go to regional and accessibility ... then click on "keyboard shortcuts" -- you can set key combos to move through desktops (navigation heading or desktop switching heading)08:13
Tallia1Kubuntui can't use it08:13
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kameronanyone have their screensaver not running after upgrading to latest packages?08:14
Tallia1Kubuntui tried, kdesu is not necessary, but it doesn't work08:14
Tallia1Kubuntuwhere's the kicker config folder?08:14
Tallia1Kubuntui can check which is the script that switch to desktop and create an hotkey link from the kmenu08:15
kameronTallia1Kubuntu, /~/.kde/share/apps/kicker08:15
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kameronor maybe /~/.kde/share/config/kicker something like that.. Tallia1Kubuntu08:17
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robotgeekTallia1Kubuntu: you don't even need kdesu08:18
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sampanlol true -- i almost never even use sys settings -- always just go right to kcontrol, but shortcuts are in sys settings too.  if that isn't working then something seems really ... wrong08:21
lunitikAny chance of a meta-package that uses koffice instead of openoffice, but keeps everything else the same...08:21
lunitiksay 'kubuntu-desktop-alt' or something?08:21
lunitikRiddell: pretty please  ^08:22
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lunitikwww.kubuntu.org puts koffice out there so much, and openoffice is just too clunky... but using the meta packages makes it much easier to maintain through any changes that might occure  :(08:23
ownerrobotgeek did you hear arnieboy claims to have removed --force-yes from automatix08:24
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ownerhave to check it out to make sure08:26
robotgeekowner: okay, will do08:26
monziecan someone tell me how to install qt4 via apt in kubuntu?08:26
ownerlast time i checked the script it was used over 30 times08:26
robotgeekowner: i hope finally08:26
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naliothmonzie: apt-cache search libqt08:27
monzieokay nalioth08:27
Borg^QueenHi people. I'm trying to add a new user but every time I try to log in as the new user, I can something about "could not read network connection //.DCOP etc" please check that the dcopserver program is running08:27
Borg^QueenI get this with both new users08:27
ownerin usr/local/automatix it creates the "autoscript" file08:28
ownercant find any force in it this time08:28
robotgeekowner: cool, good for new users08:30
owneryes less chance of breaking systems08:30
ownerbut only because it was brought up on the forums08:31
robotgeekowner: i talked to him about it about 4 months ago, he ridiculed me.08:31
ownerthere was no real compelling reason to use the --force-yes flag08:31
owneri guess lazy scripting08:32
robotgeekvery lazy08:33
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robotgeekit took me half and hour to fix it, and he refused to accept my changes. he's an idiot08:34
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ownerwell his excuse was that it was needed just because of the key warning if the keys arent imported08:36
ownerbut of course his script could import keys08:36
ownerguess thats what he decided to do08:36
robotgeekowner: yeah, or a--allow-unauthenticated08:36
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ownerhe was also wrong that you have to use the --force-yes flag if --assume-yes is used08:37
sean_mickenhey i see a http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-latest dir, so does this mean i can put that in my sources.list to always grab the latest kde?08:37
robotgeekowner: he also enabled root cause he did not know how to append to files under sudo08:38
robotgeekBorg^Queen: if someone knows, someone will answer :)08:39
owneryes robot, in fact just using sudo -i or sudo -s would do the same thing as enabling root08:39
ownerwithout the actual need to enable access to the root account08:39
robotgeekwell, he just wasted 4 months of my time, and a bunch of other people's time08:40
ownerand possibly messed up some systems08:40
owneralthough we will never know for sure08:40
robotgeekowner: oh, that he did08:40
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_vijaycelestia is slowing down my system, can any one tell me how to fix this???08:50
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hDp`Salut les fiottes.09:05
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satempleris there a way to disable the auto run on audio cds09:15
satempleri read something about ivman but i fallowed the instructions but it didn't work09:16
satemplerI am running 3.5 of Kubuntu09:16
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stupendo44wow, slow today...09:27
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robotgeekhey Tonio_09:28
Tallia1Kubuntui still have problems in find a way to show the desktop09:29
Tallia1Kubuntui tried to analyze the kickrrc file09:29
robotgeekTallia1Kubuntu: are you on Breezy?09:30
Tallia1Kubuntuand there's no show desktop entry, but ALL the other entries are there09:30
Tallia1Kubuntuyes i am09:30
Tallia1Kubunturobotgeek: ?09:31
robotgeekTallia1Kubuntu: one moment09:31
robotgeekTallia1Kubuntu: try ctrl + alt + d09:31
Tallia1Kubuntunothing happens09:32
robotgeekchange it at "System Settings -> Regional and Accessibility -> Keyboard Shortcuts ->09:32
robotgeekToggle Show Desktop09:32
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satemplerTallia1Kubuntu: don't you have an appled called show desktop09:34
satemplerActualy Desktop access button09:34
Tallia1Kubuntusatempler: where?09:34
satemplerright click in the kiker panel09:35
Tallia1Kubuntui have it.... i was trying to find out a way to see which was the invoked script09:35
Tallia1Kubuntunono, you didn't understand... i was trying to see which was the *.desktop for that applet09:35
satemplerI imagine its a dcop command09:35
Tallia1Kubuntubut i can't find it in the kickerc09:35
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satemplerya one sec09:36
satemplerI shall find it09:36
Tallia1Kubuntudcop? means i dunno what's dcop :)09:37
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satemplerok found what you need09:40
satemplerbut dcop alows for interaction with other apps09:41
satempleramarok has podcast support09:41
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satemplerthere is a dcop command to add a podcast rss feed to amarok09:41
satemplerit was made into a service menu09:42
satemplerthe file you need is desktop.desktop09:42
satemplerbut I didn't see any thing that would help you09:42
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Tallia1Kubuntusatempler: tnx!!09:47
satemplerno prob09:47
Tallia1Kubuntui alredy solved the problem tnx to robogeek, but i liked to know why that entry wasn't there09:48
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visik7when I use samba configuration tool from kde samba it ask me for a password but the dialog stay in gray and nothing is configurable10:16
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arrinmurrvisik7: through the System Settings dialog from K-menu?10:18
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arrinmurrvisik7: well, anyway, that sounds like the bug which has been fixed in latest updates10:20
visik7I've kde 3.5.110:22
visik7when I go in propreties of a folder the problem is the same10:22
visik7which file do I check for if it's updated ?10:22
visik7'couse I had 3.4.3 before 3.5 and now 3.5.110:23
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visik7maybe some files wasn't updated10:23
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arrinmurrvisik7: oh, you already have an updated version. i'm afraid i can't help then :/10:27
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arrinmurrvisik7: i tried it myself now, i seem to have the same problem10:30
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sean_mickendoes anyone know if kubuntu uses the bytecode interpreter in the freetype pkg?10:31
arrinmurrvisik7: but it seems to say that "SMB and NFS servers are not installed on this machine, to enable this module the servers must be installed." - did it use to work for you with the earlier versions of KDE anyway?10:32
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visik7arrinmurr: yes10:38
visik7with 3.5.0 was ok10:38
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visik7be back soon10:45
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\merryhi all10:47
ilba7rhi merry nice nick10:47
\merrythx :)10:47
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tecswhat player can i use to play .wmv?11:03
abotI wonder that too!11:04
ilba7rthought mplayer will have no problems11:04
abotKaffeine tries to play my wmv:s but fails due to some missing codec...11:04
ilba7rbut perhpas you need that11:04
uboturestrictedformats is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here have been replaced by !FreeFormats11:05
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abotI'm a irc newbie...11:06
ilba7rabot open the link sent by ubotu11:06
tecsmpl;ayer cant play the movie too11:06
abotOK, reading, *brb*11:06
ilba7rtecs read ubotu link11:07
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abotOK, I'm back, thx for the input, I'm now much wiser than 10 minutes ago ;-)11:18
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ilba7rabot :)11:19
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abotbye all!11:19
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painesanyone know which app/programs does the hardware detection at boot up in (k)ubuntu ?11:55
Kaiser_Awayhotplug and discover11:56
painessure ?11:57
=== Wolf__ [n=chatzill@cpe-70-115-169-204.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
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Wolf__Eh, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperFlight4 , Is this released?11:58
Wolf__Because the download links on there don't work.11:58
HobbseeWolf__: no, only flight 311:59
Wolf__Why is that there then?11:59
=== Wolf__ is now known as Tainted
HobbseeTainted: because it's being updated as they go11:59
Hobbseea WIP12:00
TaintedI still can't get dapper to work...12:00
Hobbseewhat in particular?12:00
TaintedNow, when I finally got all the repos to work, I updated and then restarted. In GRUB I picked the new one.12:00
painesKaiser_Away, but I thik you are right. Thank you very much12:00
TaintedWhen it boots, it says something like ALERT! /dev/hda3/ isn't there.12:01
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TaintedHobbsee: Something to that extent.12:01
Kaiser_Awaypaines: np12:01
TaintedHobbsee: I searched ubuntuforums, no one had a solution that worked for me, I am on windows right now....trying a new CD.12:01
Hobbseewell, was there a /dev/hda3?12:02
Hobbseewhat's the root partition on your linux?12:02
Hobbseeit's likely that it got the wrong partition, so you need to edit it to boot12:02
TaintedI tried hde312:02
Hobbseedo you know which was the root partition though?12:02
TaintedI believe it is hda312:03
TaintedIs it possible for it to be hdd4?12:04
Hobbseeonly you know what your hard drives look like12:04
TaintedBut I mean out of the hda, hde, hd things, can it be hdd?12:04
HobbseeTainted: what do you have there?  dapper flight 3 install cd?12:04
Taintedhave what where?12:05
Hobbseewhich kubuntu cds - live cds?  and at your house, that you can access12:05
Hobbseenot really much use for me to offer you my dapper 1 flight cd from all the way over here, is there?12:05
TaintedI have two Flight 3 CDs12:06
Hobbseeyep, right12:06
TaintedThey dont work...12:06
Hobbseedont work, meaning?12:06
Hobbseedidnt burn correctly?12:06
TaintedWell its not the Live CD12:06
Taintedchecksums on both the ISO and BURN are correc12:06
Hobbseewhat'd you install off then?12:06
TaintedI installed Breezy.12:07
Hobbseeand then dist-upgraded?12:07
HobbseeKaiser_Away: ping12:07
Hobbseefair enough12:07
Hobbseewhat would you do with this?12:08
Hobbseehang on...12:08
HobbseeTainted: do you have explore2fs there?12:08
TaintedOn my machine?12:08
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HobbseeTainted: try exploring to the linux partition from windows then, and copy the contents of /etc/fstab12:09
Hobbseeusing the explore2fs12:09
TaintedHobbsee: ....There is no fstab12:09
Hobbseeoh?  why not?12:09
TaintedThere is12:10
Hobbseeunless you formatted parts of your system, i should hope there would be!12:10
Taintedproc            /proc           proc    defaults        0       012:11
Kaiser_Awaynot here pls12:11
TaintedOH right..12:11
=== mcsteels [n=mcsteels@bb-87-82-2-136.ukonline.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
Kaiser_Awaypastebin if you have to paste it :)12:12
mcsteelscan anyone please tell me where i can get hold of easyubuntu??12:12
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uboturumour has it, easyubuntu is an easy-to-use program for installing all your favorites. Java, Nvidia/ATI, and more.  It is as safe as the team can make it. It doesnt change any settings by default. https://launchpad.net/products/easyubuntu or #easyubuntu12:12
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Taintedhda3, right?12:14
=== `Nomad [n=ggodin@CPE000d88f1925d-CM000a73668bc0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu
Hobbseewhat kernel are you running?  latest dapper?12:14
Hobbseei'd check if that got updated too12:14
mcsteelsdoes easybreezy work with kubuntu??12:16
=== Hobbsee considers which is the simpler solution - reinstall grub, or edit grub as you go...
Hobbseemcsteels: i believe it does12:16
HobbseeTainted: can you paste your /boot/grub/menu.lst as well?  to the pastebin?12:17
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Kaiser_Awaymcsteels: yes, but it looks a little funny12:17
mcsteelshmm.... ok just installed it and got Unexpected return code: 127 (ok would be 0)   and nothing els12:17
TaintedOne of the Windows Partitions is the 'recovery partition' god damn HP to hell.12:18
Kaiser_Awayoh, an hp, lol12:19
Tallia1Kubuntuhi there12:19
Tallia1Kubuntuis it possible to change the modification date of a file?12:19
mcsteelsis there and eazybreezy irc channel?12:19
BuFFi cant open *.rar files,  what's the command to install this archive ?12:19
Hobbseenalioth: ping12:19
TaintedHobbsee: Any ideas?12:20
Kaiser_AwayTallia1Kubuntu: in what way?12:20
HobbseeTainted: looking12:20
Kaiser_Awaymcsteels: /join #easyubuntu12:20
=== Hobbsee stops trying to look at wireless cards at the same time
naliothHobbsee: pong?12:20
Kaiser_AwayBuFF: there's a rar handler in multiverse (and i think universe)12:20
Hobbseenalioth: easyubuntu questions for you, see mcsteels12:20
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naliothmcsteels: we are porting easyubuntu for kubuntu now, but if you have ubuntu installed also, it will work fine12:21
mcsteelsi have just having trouble with network connections on ununtu, and kubuntu wont let me install gnome:s12:22
HobbseeTainted: do any of the older kernels boot?12:22
HobbseeKaiser_Away: ping again12:23
Hobbseethat's weird!12:23
Kaiser_AwayHobbsee: pong12:23
HobbseeKaiser_Away: the partition exists, grub is pointed correctly at it, but it cant find it, on dapper - what would you do?12:23
Kaiser_Away"cant find it" can you be more specific?12:23
Hobbseeand it exists and is readable as Tainted is using explore2fs and browsing it from the winbox12:24
`NomadTallia1Kubuntu: Look into "touch -d"12:24
Hobbsee[22:01]  <Tainted> When it boots, it says something like ALERT! /dev/hda3/ isn't there.12:24
HobbseeKaiser_Away: ^12:24
TaintedIt gives an error message like 'ALERT! /dev/hda3/ doesn't exit! Opening Shell Now'12:24
Kaiser_Awayok. I'll just open those pastes of yoursl. just a tic12:25
TaintedKaiser_Away: Where are you from?12:25
TaintedBecause alot of Americans don't say 'tic'. It made me wonder. :D12:25
Hobbseeseems like a lot of people arent americans12:26
Hobbseea lot from europe12:26
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Kaiser_Awayfair slab of us as well Hobbsee :)(12:26
mcsteelshow come i cant install ubuntu-desktop on my kubuntu??12:26
Hobbseemcsteels: well, why cant you?12:27
Hobbseenot enough info12:27
Kaiser_AwayTainted: wehn your in the shell can you type "cat /proc/partitions" or "ls /dev/hd*"12:27
mcsteelshttp://kubuntu.pastebin.com/533567 i get this12:27
mcsteelsdoh wrong 112:27
Hobbseewhy are you logged in as root?12:27
mcsteelssaves typing my pw every 5 secs:P12:28
=== Hobbsee slaps mcsteels around with a large trout repeatedly
=== Kaiser_Away joins in
Hobbseeuse sudo -s if you're that desperate - but the sudo keeps the password for 15 mins12:28
TaintedKaiser_Away: I should be able to.12:28
Hobbseeso you only end up typing your p/w once every 15 mins12:28
TaintedKaiser_Away: What does it do?12:28
Kaiser_AwayTainted: it prints out a list of your partitions on the hard drive. i want to know if hda3 is there12:29
HobbseeTainted: just lists the partitions - nothing evil12:29
mcsteelssorry here is the error i get http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/53356912:29
ubuntuliveKubuntu Dapper (havent tried with the ubuntu version yet, but it probably got the same problem) is giving me alot of error messages on startup and then it's just showing the console. What should I do? Wait for a newer release and hope it's fixed or could I log it somehow and submit for input?12:29
Kaiser_Awaybut i think it may be somthing else (but one thing at a time)_12:29
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TaintedWell, I can access it on Explore2fs12:29
TaintedLet me burn this dapper ISO, and then I will try it.12:30
Kaiser_Awayubuntulive: are you dist-upgrading? or was it a clean install?12:30
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Hobbseeubuntulive: go and write down teh error messages, then come back12:30
Hobbseeand then pastebin them12:30
`Nomadxmms doesn't work after upgrading to 3.5.1.  Is there anything I can do?12:30
Hobbsee"a lot of error messages" is useless - there are at least 20 grub ones, and that's before ubuntu even starts to boot!12:30
Kaiser_Away`Nomad: tell us what's going wrong!12:31
Hobbsee`Nomad: file a bug for it12:31
`Nomadok, yes I guess so :).  It just will nto start so far12:31
Kaiser_Awaycheck if there is a bug first12:31
mcsteelsi have trouble istalling lots of things in kubuntu, i dont remember having this much trouble with hoary12:31
`Nomadgood point12:31
Hobbseemcsteels: post your /etc/apt/sources.list to pastebin?12:31
mcsteelsok 1 sec12:31
Kaiser_Away`Nomad: start xmms from a terminal12:31
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Kaiser_Awayand see if it produces errors12:32
`Nomadsegmentation fault.12:32
Kaiser_Away`Nomad: that's an error ;)12:32
ubuntulivekaiser_away: No, was trying the live kubuntu dapper cd12:32
Hobbseemcsteels: do you know what #'s do?12:32
=== Hobbsee *thought* that might be mcsteels' problem
=== Tainted will be right back.
Kaiser_Awayubuntulive: ah ok.12:33
localhost_ hey12:33
mcsteelsyeah but when i un # them i cant apt-get update it just freezes12:33
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Hobbseeyou have to un# them12:33
pabletdoes dapper work acceptably fine? or is it very buggy yet?12:33
Hobbseeand freezes how?  where at?12:33
Hobbseepablet: depends on the day, your hardware, the weather, and the cycle of the moon12:33
Kaiser_Away`Nomad:  file a bug report, with the contents of the terminal if there isnt a bug open already12:34
pabletI have breezy and Im thinking in upgrading to dapper (in the past I had debian unstable....)12:34
`Nomadok.  I just removed it and reinstalling it12:34
mcsteelsits stuck on 44%12:34
ubuntuliveKaiser_Away: Should I report the errors somewhere for input or should I just hold my horses and hope it'll be fixed in the final release? (the "older" live cd works like a charm, running it now)12:34
Hobbseepablet: what type of graphics card do you have?  nvidia?  ati?12:34
Kaiser_Awaymcsteels: if you want ubuntu-desktop, uncomment the 2nd and 3rd lines, and comment out the cdrom12:34
pabletintel 915gml12:34
mcsteelsok will try12:35
Hobbseepablet: at least you *shouldnt* lose X then12:35
Kaiser_Awayubuntulive: check in malone, and file bugs there if there are none open pls12:35
pabletI have read that support for my video card is improved in newer versions of kernel and xorg12:35
Hobbseepablet: there can be massive problems, or it can be relatively smooth.  if you have spare space, you might want to consider dual booting12:35
Kaiser_Awayor if you want a rough time, hit dapper :012:35
localhost_does anyone think there is a better instant messenger than kopete?12:36
pabletwhat kernel and xorg versions uses dapper?12:36
=== Hobbsee likes kopete
ubuntuliveKaiser_Away: Ah okay, I'll do that. Thx.12:36
Kaiser_Awaylocalhost_: very subjective12:36
localhost_coz it's kinda fucked up here.. with icq contacts.. no one will show online.. and stuff..12:36
Kaiser_Awaythanks ubuntulive12:36
Hobbseepablet: 2.6.15-14-386, not sure about xorg12:36
Kaiser_Awaylocalhost_: no swearging thanks12:36
localhost_indeed Kaiser_Away  - I am just looking for an alternative..12:36
Kaiser_Awaylocalhost_: try gaim12:36
mcsteelsKaiser_Away: like this??12:37
localhost_hmm, okay, I'll do so, thx12:37
dipnliklocalhost_: i prefer bitlbee and irssi12:37
pabletand...does this version finally has support for ntfs writting?12:37
Tainteddipnlik: Yeah.12:37
TaintedMhhmmm, irssi.12:37
dipnliklocalhost_: even on windows ( /me hugs cygwin)12:37
Kaiser_Awayhttp://Kubuntu.pastebin.com/533577 mcsteels <-12:38
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Kaiser_Awaytry that12:38
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mcsteelscheers will do12:38
TaintedKaiser_Away, Hobbsee: Any ideas?12:38
Kaiser_Awaysory Tainted, where were we up to, have you tried cat + ls from the shell?12:39
TaintedKaiser_Away: Nope, but if I can access it in explore2fs?12:40
TaintedDoesn't that mean it's there?12:40
localhost_anyone got a nice tv-guide (program)?12:40
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Kaiser_AwayTainted: it's there, we know that, but I'm wondering if the os itself is borked12:40
mcsteelsKaiser_Away: same thing again just freezing on 0%12:40
Kaiser_Awaythat's what that's trying to test for12:40
Kaiser_Awaymcsteels: do you have a proxy or similar?12:41
mcsteelsKaiser_Away: no12:41
Kaiser_Awaymcsteels: is it freezing, or timing out?12:41
mcsteelsKaiser_Away: its not doin anything, the porgress number is still  at 0%12:42
Kaiser_Awaymcsteels: can you ^C it ?12:42
`Nomadbug put in for xmms12:42
mcsteelsKaiser_Away: yeah12:42
Kaiser_Away`Nomad: cool12:43
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mcsteelsKaiser_Away: just timedout12:43
Kaiser_Awaymcsteels: are you on a live cd?12:43
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mcsteelsKaiser_Away: no kubunut is installed12:43
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Kaiser_Awaymcsteels: hm.12:44
mcsteelsKaiser_Away: kubuntu*12:44
`NomadI now just installed bittorrent-gui (and bittorrent).  What"s the command to start it? It didn't appear in teh menu yet an dnone of the bt* commands seem to be the gui12:44
tecshi how do i fix broken packages...my totem got messed up when i was trying to install gstream but i already ahd xine....my system went to a crawl. i restarted and now i have 2 broken packages12:44
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LiteHeddedwhere do I set my wifi info?12:45
LiteHeddedlike where would I change my ssid?12:45
Kaiser_Awaytecs: run `sudo apt-get -f install` and see if that succeeds12:45
Kaiser_AwayLiteHedded: kubuntus controll pannel might do it12:46
Kaiser_Awayor /etc/networking/interfaces12:46
LiteHeddedk I found it thanks12:47
=== Tainted-Tim [n=Infinit@cpe-70-115-169-204.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
=== Tainted-Tim is now known as Tainted-Time
Tainted-TimeWhat was the command again?12:49
tecsgot it. thnxc12:49
mcsteelsKaiser_Away: is there a problem with my repos??12:50
Tainted-Timekaiser_away: What was that command?12:50
Tainted-Timehobbsee: Or do you know it?12:51
Hobbsee[22:27]  <Kaiser_Away> Tainted: wehn your in the shell can you type "cat /proc/partitions" or "ls /dev/hd*"12:52
HobbseeTainted-Time: ^12:52
Tainted-TimeHobbsee: I see a major, minor, #blocks, and name.12:53
HobbseeTainted-Time: i suggest you pastebin it12:54
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Tainted-TimeThats all the comes out.12:54
Tainted-Timemajor minor #blocks name12:54
Tainted-Timeafter I type in cat  /proc/partitions12:54
Hobbseeand the second command?12:54
Tainted-TimeDoesnt work.12:54
Kaiser_Awaymcsteels: try a different repos.12:55
Tainted-TimeSays it cant find the directory12:55
Kaiser_Awaythose are quite laggy for me12:55
Tainted-Timekaiser_away: Any ideas now?12:55
Kaiser_AwayTainted-Time: it cant find /dev/?12:56
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Tainted-TimeNot even when I type cd dev12:56
Kaiser_Awaywhat about cd /dev ?12:56
Kaiser_Awaywhat about cd /boot?12:57
ubotuNot a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, hatake_kakashi12:58
Tainted-TimeEh, dev is there but when I do the command you showed me, it says there is none.12:58
Tainted-TimeThis is probably going to require a complete redo right?12:59
Kaiser_Awaysounds pretty stuffed. sounds like your OS is stuffed, but i could be wrong. you need to chroot your os to try and revive it, not chroot to fix grub12:59
Tainted-TimeEh, a complete redo is okay, but I want to install Dapper from the start.01:00
Tainted-TimeBut none of the CDs I burn work, they are all valid.01:00
hatake_kakashiTainted-Time: did you recompile the kernel yourself?01:01
Tainted-TimeNot sure what you mean.01:01
localhost_anyone got an idea why I can't see NOBODY online (and if authorization required - and PASSED - he still is "Not authorised" for me?) - I tried now Kopete and GAIM .. both more or less the same..01:01
Kaiser_Awayis nobody online?01:01
hatake_kakashiTainted-Time: if you are not sure what I mean, you most likely have not done it01:01
localhost_I am chatting with one01:02
localhost_and he is not online..01:02
Tainted-TimeLol, I did a dist-upgrade.01:02
localhost_for me..01:02
Tainted-TimeThat's about it.01:02
hatake_kakashiTainted-Time: from hoary to breezy?01:02
Tainted-TimeFrom Breezy to Dapper.01:02
hatake_kakashiand did the install mention anywhere that it will download and install a new kernel?01:03
Kaiser_Awaysounds to me like it didnt finish or something similar and got inturupted01:03
Tainted-Timehatake_kakashi, I dont think so.01:03
Tainted-TimeThat is probably what happened.01:03
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Tainted-TimeCan we were on getting the CD to work?01:03
localhost_this is so strange.. I mean.. this is not like "complicated" adding buddies to icq ... I mean .. you can't do anything wrong, can I?01:04
hatake_kakashiwith dapper? doubt it01:04
Kaiser_AwayTainted-Time: describe what doenst work about your ced01:05
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Tainted-TimeI get through everything OK, until it tries to 'load the components from the cd'01:06
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Tainted-TimeIt either hangs or just fails.01:06
Tainted-TimeI know it works, because it scans it ok and everything.01:06
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Kaiser_AwayTainted-Time: it could be a bug in the build. have you checked launchpad?01:07
Tainted-TimeWhat is launchpad?01:08
Kaiser_Awayi would, but I'm not familiar with launchpad yet01:08
Kaiser_Awaywhere malone - Ubuntu's bug trtackeer - is kept01:09
Kaiser_Awayplays: Marilyn Manson - User Friendly, track length 4:1701:09
Tainted-TimeSo, uh what should I do?01:09
Kaiser_Awaywhat version of the dapper cd are you using ? 3 or 401:10
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Kaiser_Awayi was reading an email about this before, and i cant find the damn thing :/01:11
Tainted-TimeDo you have any ideas?01:12
Kaiser_AwayI'm just finding malone01:13
Hobbseelink on the front page01:14
Hobbseeright hadn side01:14
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Tainted-TimeEh I dont see the bug anywhere01:18
=== hatake_kakashi wonders how much can PIII 1GHz get to :D
Tainted-TimeHelp? Anyone??01:20
=== Redleer [i=Redleer@a81-197-6-249.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu
Redleerhow can i remove grub from my comp? getting annoyed with it01:21
HobbseeRedleer: what will you replace it with?01:22
Kaiser_AwayRedleer: i don't recomendit01:22
=== Pupeno_ [n=Pupeno@host136.201-252-53.telecom.net.ar] has joined #kubuntu
Redleernormal windows bootloader01:22
Redleersince I DONT need linux atm01:22
Hobbseego in through windows, and install the bootloader01:22
Hobbseesomething about fdisk and mbr...01:23
Kaiser_Awaywhat Windows? xp has a 'fixmbr' option in it's rescue mode01:23
Hobbseei never remember, as i cant use that option01:23
Hobbseethat's the one!01:23
tecsare rpm files installable in ubuntu?01:23
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Kaiser_Awaytecs: use alien, butif possible, use debs01:23
Tainted-TimeGod...I need Dapper.01:23
Kaiser_AwayTainted-Time: try the flight 2 or 401:24
Tainted-TimeThink the DVD would work?01:24
Kaiser_Awayif you get 2 working, dist-upgrade to 401:24
Tainted-TimeWhere can I get 4?01:24
Kaiser_Away4s out isnt it? with the other isos01:24
tecsthis program that i want "l;imewire " comes in rpm01:24
Tainted-TimeIts on the wiki, but no download.01:24
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Hobbseei didnt think 4 was out for a few more weeks01:26
Hobbseeseeing as 3 was released on around the 20th01:26
auturgeInstall Breezy, update sources, dist-upgrade to dapper. Sorted.01:26
Kaiser_AwayHobbsee: ok.01:27
Kaiser_AwayI'm not completely in touch ;)01:27
Tainted-Time /msg nickserv set unfiltered on01:27
Hobbseewhy would you want that?01:27
Tainted-Timeauturge: I tried that, that's what put me in this situation.01:28
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bushito=O!! aaaahh01:31
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Taintedauturge, will you help  me setup my CD?01:32
auturgeI don't know what your situation is.01:32
TaintedWell, my system is messed up, I'm going to redo it all.01:32
TaintedBut, dapper won't install.01:32
auturge"messed up"01:33
TaintedI have tried 3 different CDs01:33
TaintedLol, eh, I get a 'ALERT! /dev/hda3/ doesn't exist. Dropping in Shell'01:33
TaintedThats the correct path.01:33
TaintedIts there.01:33
auturgeAre you attempting to boot normally or to recovery mode?01:33
TaintedTried both.01:33
auturgeCan you get a df?01:34
auturgeType it.01:34
TaintedHold on.01:34
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Tainteddf doesnt do anything.01:35
auturgeNo output?01:35
TaintedNope, nothing except doesn't exit.01:35
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auturgeDo you get any output at all, or just another prompt?01:36
TaintedIt says df: not found01:36
auturge /bin/df ?01:37
TaintedNope, but there is dd01:37
auturgeDoes ls even work?01:37
auturgeIs there a /bin?01:38
TaintedDF isnt in it.01:38
auturgeWhat is?01:39
TaintedEh, other files...I can't remember them all, I am on a different PC.01:39
TaintedIt's in the other room.01:39
auturgeIs there (1) a /dev (2) if so anything in it?01:40
auturgeAnd what about 'mount', does that print anything?01:40
TaintedThere is a dev01:40
Taintedwith alot of weird named files, pty21001:40
auturgeSo it's populated. That's something.01:40
TaintedMount does print something...01:41
auturgeIs that all that's there, pty* files?01:41
TaintedTheres otheres01:41
auturgeCan you tell me what mount prints?01:41
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TaintedHold on I'll write it down.01:42
auturgeYou need a laptop, my boy.01:42
TaintedI know, the harddrive failed, it was shipped 2 days ago (the hd).01:43
auturgeIt physically failed?01:43
auturgeOh, the laptop drive.01:43
TaintedIt prints 'none on /sys type sysfs'01:44
Tainted'none on /proc type proc'01:44
Tainted'udev on /dev type tmpfs'01:44
TaintedThats it01:45
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auturgeGnarly. But at least you have devfs.01:45
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TaintedIs the system recoverable.01:45
auturgeHard to say. Are there any files in /dev that start with hd at all?01:45
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auturgeIs there a runnable fdisk command?01:46
auturgeNo, that wouldn't help.01:46
auturgeOK, you have /sys. Is there anything in it?01:47
TaintedA couple folders include kernel.01:47
auturgeWhat's in /sys/block?01:48
Tainted'ram*' 0-1501:48
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TaintedNothing else.01:49
auturgeIt looks like your kernel has completely failed to detect the presence of any hard drives.01:49
TaintedEh, how to fix it? :)01:49
koshthat is impressive01:50
TaintedIts not 'absolutely needed' to go back, I would be fine with a restore if it had Dapper.01:51
Taintedkosh, Why?01:51
koshwhat kind of hard drives do you have?01:51
TaintedNot sure.01:51
koshwell because linux should detect nearly every ide, sata and scsi drive system ever available01:51
TaintedIt was before.01:51
TaintedI tried to dist-upgrade to dapper.01:51
auturgeTainted - if it were my box, I would be rebooting recovery and very carefully watching the boot messages for errors that could shed light on the situation.01:51
koshah I see01:51
auturgeWhat kernel do you have now?01:52
koshI bet your system did not load the initrd image01:52
koshand without that it can't find the harddrives01:52
auturgeCould be.01:52
Taintedauturge, Not sure the exact numbers, but it has the number 15 changed.01:52
auturgeHave a look at your /boot/grub/menu.lst01:52
auturgeIn that file you'll see the name of the initrd file it is looking for - does that file exist?01:52
koshthere should be an initrd line in it01:52
koshand does the file name make sense?01:52
koshie you don't have an initrd for kernel 2.4 paired with a 2.6.15 kernel01:53
koshjust a bsaic sanity check type deal01:53
auturgeYeah - the initrd file should have the same version number as the associated vmlinuz file.01:53
TaintedI cant see the menu.lst....I would have to boot into windows and then use explore2fs....01:54
auturgecd /boot/grub01:54
auturgecat menu.lst01:54
auturgeIf you don't have cat you're really hurting!01:54
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TaintedIm saying...I dont have a boot folder.01:54
auturgeDoes breezy install a separate /boot filesystem? It's been so long since I've touched it..01:56
auturgeDoes /etc/fstab contain a /boot entry?01:56
TaintedNo there is a boot folder.01:57
auturgeand it's empty?01:57
TaintedOn normal breezies...01:57
TaintedMine doesnt have one.01:57
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=== jeroenvrp is terug.
auturgeYou must have one or you wouldn't have even gotten the grub menu.01:57
jeroenvrpRiddell: there are some breezy 3.5.1 packages missing01:58
koshnot many though01:58
TaintedHmm...what if this is a different part of that partition or somethingt?01:58
auturgeThat's what I'm saying, is your /boot on a separate filesystem? Look at /etc/fstab and see if there is an entry referencing /boot.01:58
TaintedThere is no fstab.02:00
TaintedI think this setup is fux0red.02:01
auturgeMaybe you're actually on the initrd.02:01
auturgeIs there a /linuxrc?02:02
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TaintedI think a reinstall sounds good.02:04
auturgeYeah. Probably. But now I really want to know what filesystem you're looking at.02:06
auturgeWhat does uname -a say?02:06
TaintedSomething about the kernel and then, PREEMPT02:07
Taintedthen unknown at the very end02:07
auturgeVersion number?02:08
TaintedWhere is it?02:08
auturgeThe third field02:09
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Tainted#1, or the one left of that.02:09
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TaintedIts the kernel.02:10
auturgeYes, what version number?02:10
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TaintedThe #2 one,02:11
auturgeHey, wait a minute. *I'm* on the wrong kernel. Reboot time!02:11
TaintedYou are?02:11
auturgeI've installed a newer one a few days ago and not rebooted since.02:11
auturgeI think I'm going to have to vote for start over here.02:11
TaintedOk, well can you help me get the dapper CD working02:12
auturgeDon't hold your breath.02:12
Taintedthe dist-upgrade caused this02:12
auturge!info linux-68602:13
ubotulinux-686: (Complete Linux kernel on PPro/Celeron/PII/PIII/PIV.), section restricted/base, is optional. Version: (breezy), Packaged size: 21 kB, Installed size: 48 kB02:13
auturgeInstall Breezy then take it in pieces.02:14
TaintedHow do i do that?02:14
auturgeFirst: install Breezy.02:14
TaintedThen what?02:16
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Jaymacso everyone upgraded to 3.5.1 then?02:37
koshworks fine here02:38
koshI upgraded one box so far to check02:38
howcomesKDE 3.5.1 ?02:38
koshlook there02:38
howcomesI'm still on 3.4.302:38
=== Kaiser_Away gives apt a worried look
alfred300pi need some advice on tweaking my network. is there any way to change the time ifup waits for a dhcp answer?02:38
Jaymacyeah 3.5.1 hasn't given me any problems thusfar02:39
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Kaiser_Awaydoes this look not healthy to anyone else? http://pastebin.com/53369202:41
Kaiser_Awaytry /etc/dhcp3/dhclient alfred300p02:42
koshKaiser_Away: just looks like the mirron you are using is not working02:43
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Kaiser_Awayhm. it's defintely there :/02:44
alfred300pI don't have this file, Kaiser_Away02:44
Kaiser_Awayalfred300p: oh, right :/02:44
alfred300pKaiser_Away: sorry, it's dhclient.conf right?02:44
Kaiser_Awayyeh, i think so02:44
howcomesWhats a good programming language for the novice linux user windows tech and visual basic guru?02:45
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Kaiser_Awaypython or perl are good ones02:46
kkathmanPython + QT02:46
Kaiser_Away(pls note, i don't know any of the above)02:46
alfred300phowcomes: I've been trying python, it's great as a language, but it's not that easy to build visual interfaces (forms). least for me02:46
kkathmanhowcomes: http://vizzzion.org/?id=pyqt02:46
alfred300pKaiser_Away: so if i simply uncomment a timeout and set it to, say, 5 seconds, it should work, right?02:47
Kaiser_Awayalfred300p: as far as  i know yes02:47
howcomeskkathman , ill take a look02:48
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alfred300pKaiser_Away: great, thanks. I'll try that. by the way, what's the select-timeout?02:49
alfred300pKaiser_Away: nevermind, there's a manual page.02:49
Kaiser_Awaylol. gl02:49
cheruskerhi guys02:50
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trekkorwhat is the exact size of a dvd in mbs?02:52
morrowsigh.. imap with kmail still is buggy02:52
morrowwonder when i can use kmail without 3-4 crashes/day02:52
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auturgeHeh. Cool. There's a new case with a stonking huge 250mm fan on the side.02:53
auturge650rpm, 22dB02:53
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howcomesMy Adept updater gets stuck on 99% recieving headers :S any ideas ?03:04
naliothhowcomes: patience03:04
apacheloggerhowcomes: run apt-get update on console to get errors etc.03:04
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cheruskerhat irgendwie nicht ganz gefunzzt, hab mir jetzt aber anders geholfen03:07
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cheruskerhab einfach ne neue "verknpfung mit adresse" auf dem desktop erstellt mit ziel "trash:/"   ;-)03:07
trekkoranybody here know the difference between a "MiB" and a "MB" and between a "GiB" and a "GB", when measuring multiples of bytes?03:09
auturgeMiB and GiB are mebibytes and gibibytes.03:11
koshMB is 1000KB while MiB is 1024KiB03:12
koshthey decided to redefine things03:12
auturgeThose are the power-of-two numbers. 1 KiB = 1024, etc.03:12
auturgeNot precisely, kosh...03:12
koshwhat is not precisely?03:12
auturgeThe hard drive makers, years ago, redefined GB (to their benefit) as powers of ten instead of powers of two.03:12
auturgeThus giving rise to the confusion between "which of kind of GB do you mean" for all these years.03:12
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auturgeSo *bibytes were invented to try to clear it all up.03:13
auturgeMebibytes etc are official SI units.03:13
koshyes however for a very long time KB, MB, GB etc all had a power of 2 meaning in computers03:14
koshhowever because of the hard drive makers an offcial SI unit was made03:14
auturgeAnd looked at from a non-computer-centric perspective, saying that a megabyte is 1000000 rather than 2^20=1048576 is absolutely correct, because mega- is an SI unit with a long established meaning.03:14
koshI know it makes sense03:14
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auturgeI'm just saying.. really, the only redefinition was when the hard drive makers insisted a megabyte is 10^6.03:15
howcomes"Designing for 90% of browsers is our policy? Here's a question. If I answered 10% of the sales calls with 'Hello [companyname] , could you please fuck off"', how would that affect our sales?"03:15
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auturgeAs far as the SI are concerned, 10^6 was correct all along and the new mebi- &c. were invented anew for the convenience of the computer world.03:16
koshhowever it seems strange that hard drive makers where the only ones that insisted on that03:17
auturgeIt was entirely self-interested.03:17
koshif you check ram chips it still says 1GB etc03:17
auturgeIt allowed them to advertise larger capacity numbers for the same drive.03:17
koshhowever they mean the power of 2 version not the power of 10 version03:17
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koshhowcomes: hard to design for 90% of browers when that is not very well defined03:18
auturgeI think it's easy enough to understand...03:18
koshit just seems interesting that the ram makers don't do it03:19
auturgeIt's a question of magnitude.03:19
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=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:Riddell] : KDE 3.5.1 and KOffice 1.5 beta out (kword slightly broken) | Breezy fixes in breezy-updates | Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de | Please don't paste into the channel: use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/InternetRelayChat
auturge100 GiB is 107 GB. The difference between 100 and 107 GB on a hard drive box for free gives your marketers wet dreams.03:20
auturgeBut 1 MiB is 1.048576 MB.03:20
auturge1.048576 just doesn't quite have the same marketing impact.03:20
koshI don't see how it matters much when you can buy 500GB hard drives03:21
koshnot like the small difference should matter03:21
MadRushsmall difference?03:21
auturgeOne breaks the logjam, everyone else has to pile in.03:21
MadRushwith 500gb i dont think its too small03:21
auturgeOnce the first hard drive manufacturer realised they could make their 100MB hard drive look 7% better *absolutely free of charge* and did so, everyone else had to do the same thing to keep up.03:22
koshI sitll wonder why the ram makers never did it03:22
koshwhen 128M chips where considered larger they didn't do that03:22
MadRushthe ram makers did it with speed03:22
auturgeThe larger the numbers you are dealing with, the larger the difference between GiB and GB.03:22
koshthey could have marked them as 131M chips03:22
auturgeWhen you're talking about megabytes, the difference is just too small to be worth making that initial leap.03:22
koshremember the hard drive makers did it with 300M drives03:23
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koshhowever the ram makers now make 2048M sticks03:23
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koshMadRush: how did the ram makers do it with speed?03:23
djibI installed cedega and it tells me that I don't have 3D acceleration03:23
MadRushthe ram makers say ddr400 which is really 266mhz03:23
djibI use to know a command to display 3D info03:23
auturgeThe hard drive manufacturers have another factor in their favour.03:24
djibwould any one of you happen to know what it is ?03:24
auturgeWe all know that OSes still display everything in powers of two, right? Regardless of what your hard drive manufacturer says, the size is reported by the system as GiB.03:24
auturgeBut everybody knows that the actual usable size you get from a hard drive is significantly lower than the raw capacity due to overheads.03:24
MadRushi have a '250gb' drive that is really like 215gb03:24
auturgeEverybody *expects* the reported number to be smaller than what's on the tin.03:24
MadRushthats a big difference03:24
auturgeThat doesn't happen with RAM - if manufacturers started diddling the numbers, people *would* notice.03:25
MadRushi dont think so03:25
auturgeBut with a hard drive, you never really know what number you should expect the operating system to ultimately display for free space in the first place.03:25
MadRushwhen you see a system that has shared memory for video you see non standard ram numbers03:25
MadRushah it could be calculated03:26
auturgeSure, but that's obvious and expected.03:26
auturgeYou still have two numbers that add up to something well-defined and predictable.03:26
MadRushnot obvious to somebody who's not a computer geek03:26
djibok it was glxgears with some option03:26
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djibbut it's not in the man page03:26
auturgeSure. But with hard drives, not even the geeks will complain.03:26
howcomes4742 frames in 5.0 seconds = 943.004 FPS03:26
howcomes4550 frames in 5.0 seconds = 909.843 FPS03:26
djibhowcomes: how do you get that ?03:26
MadRushi complain every time i buy a hard drive03:26
howcomesdjib: glxgears03:26
auturgeI mean really - if you stick a "500GB" drive in your machine, do you know beyond a *very* vague, general idea what free space you're going to end up seeing?03:26
auturgeNo. You don't. You just have some notion of what the order of magnitude should be.03:27
djibyes but I don't get any output when I do glxgears howcomes03:27
MadRushyeah but with a 30gb drive you know its pretty close to 30gb03:27
djibI know there was something like glxgears --glxgearsisnotabenchmarkingtool03:27
auturgeYou don't have some specific number that you *know* should show up. With RAM, you always do.03:27
MadRushits only off by 3gb or so03:27
koshheck I don't need that big of a drive but on my new system it has SATA 2 support so I want a SATA 2 drive and what I found was 500GB hitachi that will work nicely03:27
djibor some stupid argument like this ^^03:27
howcomesdjib: you have to add an alias03:27
koshif it was 160GB that would still be just fine for me :)03:27
djibhowcomes: ok but what is the command ?03:28
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howcomesgot it03:29
howcomessudo nano /etc/bash.bashrc03:29
howcomesadd this line:03:29
howcomesalias glxgears='glxgears -printfps'03:29
MadRushmy 160 gb drive is really 15003:29
auturgeOr just edit your own .bashrc03:29
djibok printfps03:29
djibthat's what I wanted03:29
MadRush10gb = big difference to me03:29
howcomesi dont think it will work unless its in aliases03:29
koshdoesn't mean squat to me03:30
koshI am not in any danger of running out of space03:30
howcomesof course i thought its just an alias, i should be able to issue that command, but when i tried it i dont think it worked.03:30
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howcomesdjib , did it work ?03:30
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djibyes, cheers03:30
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MadRushthats 16% difference from what its marketed as03:30
howcomesoh, kewl - heh yea at the time i tried it my fglrx drivers were screwed up and nothing was working03:31
MadRushi really think they should be forced to do it in powers of 2; you'd have a BETTER more accurate idea of what your buying03:31
howcomesAnyone play TCE ?03:32
auturge160GB = 149GiB03:32
auturgeBefore you even get into filesystem overhead.03:32
MadRushlike i said, my 160 = 15003:32
koshI can't even get the fglrx drivers to work03:32
howcomeskosh , its a real big pain in the ass03:32
auturgeI don't care whether they do it in powers of 2 or 10, as long as they use the correct label. Oh wait, they do03:33
koshI have 2 radeon cards in this system and it just won't activate both of them03:33
MadRushive literally got 149 gb of usable space03:33
djibis there a way to tell kde to display 16bits and not 24bits graphics ? (I mean without changing the /etc/X11/xorg.conf) ?03:33
koshactually under windows the ati driver will only run one card also03:33
koshhowever the free software driver will run both cards under linux03:33
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MadRushwhat other product do you have to sit and use a calculator to see what your really getting?03:33
koshso my next system is going to have 2 nvidia cards in it, I have already checked and the configuration I want is supported and works a xinerama setup of 4 heads with 3d accel across all 4 heads03:33
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auturge500GB = 465.66GiB.. bigger numbers, bigger difference, bigger win for the hard drive makers03:34
auturgeDoes KDE handle multiple displays sanely independent of Xinerama?03:34
koshI only pay a small attention to hard drive sizes03:34
MadRushif your processor was a big difference im sure that would never fly03:34
koshMadRush: huh?03:34
auturgeYeah, actually, processor speeds should be given in gibihertz...03:34
koshauturge: well if you run the displays indepedently then they are seperate x servers, kde handles it fine but it does not make much sense03:35
MadRushif intel sold a 2.8ghz chip as 3.2 im sure there would be a big shit storm over it03:35
auturgeResults 1 - 8 of about 9 for gibihertz. (0.32 seconds)03:35
djibis there a way to tell kde to display 16bits and not 24bits graphics ? (I mean without changing the /etc/X11/xorg.conf) ?03:35
koshumm the chips use the power of ten method03:35
auturge<-- trendsetter!03:35
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kosh2.8ghz really is gigahertz03:35
auturgeOh. Fine. Shoot down a perfectly good protorant.03:36
MadRushim saying, if i had to use a calculator to bring the speed of the cpu im looking to by into familiar terms id be livid03:36
koshhowever the amd chips are not even bought on the basis of the gigahertz anymore03:36
MadRushi bought mine knowing what speed it is03:37
koshI will be buying opteron 280 procs, darned if I know exactly what clockspeed they are03:37
MadRushthat depends where you get it from, most online resellers go through the trouble of putting the mhz up03:37
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koshnewegg does list the speed in the details03:37
MadRushi refuse to buy anything from a place like bestbuy that just says its a 'pentium 630'03:37
koshbut the processor default information just says the name03:37
MadRushthats another peve of mine, kosh, and intels trying to jump on that bandwagon too03:38
MadRushobfuscating the specs03:38
koshdoesn't bother me at all03:38
MadRushbut at least when you buy a processor that says its _ghz you have a firm idea of what your buying03:39
djibis there a way to tell kde to display 16bits and not 24bits graphics ? (I mean without changing the /etc/X11/xorg.conf) ?03:39
koshthe opteron numbers don't have squat to do with processor speed03:39
MadRushits not going to turn out to be 10% lower than you expect03:39
trekkor"kosh I don't see how it matters much when you can buy 500GB hard drives" -- the difference increases with the size. so you can't "run away from it" with any size increase.03:39
jeroenvrphas anyone tried KDE 3.5.1 for breezy allready03:39
kosh2xx means 2 hypertransport links03:39
jeroenvrpI have installed it, but the kdedu-packages are not there :-(03:39
koshthe processor name is very useful just not for the speed information03:40
auturgeBut then again, AMD and Intel do actually have a point.03:40
MadRushi dont know about you but speed is the first thing im interested in when buying a proc, then cache, then buzzwords03:40
auturgeComparing the clock speed between two different chip architectures (even from the same vendor) is just about meaningless.03:40
auturgeAnd now that everything's going multicore, even moreso.03:40
koshtrekkor: if you bought a hard drive that has 50000000TB of space would it really matter compared to a 40000000TB?03:40
howcomesHow can i use Alt codes on linux?03:40
koshtrekkor: the point is that if your drive is larger then you care about why does it matter how much larger?03:40
auturgeThis is not to say that their new naming scheme is necessarily any better, but.. the importance of the raw clock speed is fading fast.03:40
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MadRushyes, i agree aururge about the clock speed03:41
MadRushbut i still like to see it, especially for the kind of processors i deal with most frequently03:41
koshthe opteron naming scheme is fine I think, it is useful to know more information about the processor and you can easily see the gigahertz etc information03:41
trekkorauturge: thank you very much for the explanation (and sorry, i was afk)03:42
MadRushdepending on the project i might consider heat reputation to be more important than buzzwords03:42
marsSound server informational message:03:42
marsError while initializing the sound driver:03:42
marsdevice: default can't be opened for playback (Device or resource busy)03:42
marsThe sound server will continue, using the null output device.03:42
auturgeI consider heat dissipation more important for *all* projects.03:42
MadRushif youve ever dealt with a higher end 775 intel chip you may know they generate a lotta heat03:42
koshwell I am going for amd chips03:42
MadRushwell, i just bought a amd64 3000 and heat wasnt a consideration, and it happens that this one isnt very hot03:43
koshsince the system I am looking at getting will have 8G of ram03:43
MadRushbut if i was going to put this in a pvr i might consider using this chip over a intel 2.5 or something03:43
koshand intel does not have a chip that is really competitive for that03:43
auturgeMy next PVR will be Sonoma or Yonah.03:43
auturgeThat + PureVideo or AVIVO = PVR lurve03:44
koshI need good 64bit support on a solid motherboard setup03:44
koshso tyan s2895 is what I will get03:44
koshI have seen nothing better03:44
MadRushwhat chips are on that03:44
koshit is an nforce 4 professional board03:45
koshit has support for dual opteron chips03:45
MadRushat least you wont be having any silly troubles that im having for buying a board with ULi chips on it03:45
trekkor"kosh however the amd chips are not even bought on the basis of the gigahertz anymore" -- neither are intel's03:45
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trekkorkosh: it *does* matter to me03:46
MadRushah i dunno, amd has some chips that are different ghz rating but same (e.g. two different ghz for 3000) but intel, when they're 2.26ghz, they're 2.26 ghz03:46
koshMadRush: I won't have a lot of problems, every bus on that board is wired with slightly more bandwidth then all devices on it can use at a time03:46
jaxBhello all, i need assistance with cups, i would like it to print raw file to some directory instead of to a device, can anyone help?03:47
MadRushoh i meant software problems03:47
koshMadRush: every pci-e, pci-x, gigabit ethernet etc can run full speed with no contention issues03:47
trekkorkosh: my drive can never be larger than i expect. so i don't understand your question ("why does it matter how much larger?")03:47
auturgeIntel have done the same as AMD and adopted an arbitrary numbering scheme for their processors, rather than clock speed.03:47
auturgeSome time ago.03:47
MadRushtheres not such great support for ULi chips as there is for oh say nvidia03:47
koshtrekkor: if you have more space then you possibly need then does it matter how much larger it is?03:47
Phazemancan someone please tell me the alternative of chkconfig from mandriva in kubuntu/ubuntu ?03:47
koshtrekkor: I have dned up replacing hard drives faster then I run out of space by a long shot03:47
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MadRushwell, my problem isnt running out of space03:48
koshtrekkor: just replacing a drive every 2-3 years means I replace them faster then they die03:48
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MadRushits having a clear idea of how big of a hard drive im buying03:48
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trekkorhowcomes: if by "alt codes" you mean gtk's control+shift+hexa char (0-9, a-f), then one more thing you should know is that it only works for gtk apps03:48
jaxBanyone, pls, help, cups?03:48
koshjaxB: sorry no idea, I have not printed anything in years03:48
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jaxB:) he he he03:49
koshjaxB: I last used a printer about 8 years ago03:49
jaxBwell at least the rain forests are a better place cause of you ;-)03:49
Chousukeheh :p03:50
koshI just write db software, why should I need to print anything out?03:50
auturgeThere is no direct equivalent, Phazeman. update-rc.d is the closest. What do you need to do?03:51
jaxB:) sure bro, keep it up, the world needs more like you....i know db programers that print out every howto they come across...some read on screen others on the toilet, thats life03:51
trekkorkosh: i think you still don't understand what i was saying; to keep it simple, i would suggest that you replace your "trekkor: if you have more space then you possibly need then does it matter how much LARGER it is?" with "trekkor: if you have more space then you possibly need then does it matter how much SMALLER it is?" (my caps-emphasis)03:52
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MadRushit works either way trek03:52
koshtrekkor: if you have more then you need then it does not matter by how much03:52
ChousukeYou can never have too much space.03:52
koshI have had more then enough space for years03:53
trekkorMadRush: why?03:53
jaxB:) he he he03:53
ChousukeWith time, you'll find use for it.03:53
MadRushyou could phrase it two ways03:53
trekkorMadRush: maybe *i* am missing something.03:53
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MadRushi think your not seeing it possible to phrase it differently03:53
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MadRushi dont care how much more it is - more being how much more they advertise it as then it really is03:54
MadRushi dont care how much less it is - duh.03:54
koshChousuke: before I run out of space I will replace the drive so that it does not fail mechanically03:54
trekkorMadRush: i don't think that was a matter of phrasing, but rather a matter of content. a hdd's capacity is always smaller than i would expect.03:54
Chousukekosh: heh.03:54
trekkorMadRush: ... so i would never ask myself "why is it bigger?"03:54
MadRushno no03:54
=== MadRush slaps trekkor around a bit with a large trout
MadRushdid you read my first line there?03:55
trekkorMadRush: ok. i think i am missing something. please explain.03:55
trekkorMadRush: please paste it again03:55
MadRushwhen he said how much larger it is, that can be understood to mean how much LARGER they advertise it over the size it really is03:55
trekkorMadRush: (as i am not sure which one you're referring to)03:55
=== MadRush slaps trekkor around a bit with a large trout
=== MadRush throws in the towel
alfred300phey. how can I hibernate the system with Kde? gnome had an option for that on the shutdown menu, but kde doesn't...03:56
ChousukeMadRush: mircslap. :(03:56
koshChousuke: I don't like hard drives to fail on me, so I replace drives about every 3 years03:56
howcomesCan someone help me fix this (hostname) : http://img492.imageshack.us/img492/4774/desktop28ys.png03:56
koshChousuke: given that I end up replacing it with a vastly higher capaciy driver before I have filled up the previous one03:56
auturgeWhat's there to fix?03:56
ChousukeI suppose.03:56
trekkorMadRush: well, then you are certainly right. depending on the context, it can work either way (however, it refers to different things).03:56
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howcomesthe console03:57
howcomesthe prompt03:57
howcomeshowcomes@the:~$ - how can i get it to be howcomes@the.world.has.turned.and.left.me.here:~$03:57
auturgeSet PS1 in your .bashrc.03:57
Chousukehowcomes: I think you can't :/03:58
auturgeSure you can.03:58
Chousukeor wait.03:58
auturgeYou can make the prompt say anything you want to.03:58
Chousukejust edit PS103:58
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auturgeThe default setting for PS1 is in /etc/bash.bashrc. Override that in your ~/.bashrc03:58
kkathmanhowdy auturge :)03:58
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Phazemancan someone please tell me what is the conf file that has to be edited to configure the services that starts with KDE on startup ? i think i can remove some of those but dunno where...03:59
howcomesso what am i changing it to ?03:59
=== MadRush feels the woosh of Phazeman's question flying over his head
Chousukehowcomes: read the manual page of bash04:00
auturgeLook at what it's set to now.04:00
ChousukeThe man page is big so I'll tell you it's under "PROMPTING"04:00
auturgeModify to taste.04:00
howcomesi just got told to rtfm , great :P04:00
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Chousukehowcomes: of course you get told to rtfm04:00
ChousukeI won't read the manual for you04:00
Phazemananyone ?04:01
howcomes# set a fancy prompt (non-color, overwrite the one in /etc/profile)04:01
howcomesPS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\$ '04:01
Chousukechange \h to \H iirc04:01
Chousukeif it doesn't work, rtfm :P04:01
howcomesim gonna have to reboot arent i :P04:02
auturgeChanges you make to your .bashrc will take effect in any new command shell after that.04:02
Chousukejust restart the shell. or do . ~/.bashrc04:02
trekkorMadRush: anyhow, a "how much larger [they say]  it is" would be such an easy way to disambiguate it, that i have all the rights in the world not to feel kosh's remark as being ambiguous (= working either way). so i pretty much had the right to interpret it as meaning "how much larger it [actually|really]  is"). do you agree? :)04:02
Phazeman'm being ignored ?04:02
alfred300phibernating on kde? anyone?04:03
trekkorPhazeman: it's not a file04:03
koshPhazeman: no idea what file it is04:03
trekkorPhazeman: it's a folder where you add executable files04:03
koshPhazeman: just click the services you don't want to start04:03
auturgeIn 99% of cases, lack of an answer means nobody knows.04:03
auturgeSilence is considered preferable to every single person on the channel saying "I don't know".04:03
koshkde system settings -> kde components -> service manager04:03
trekkorPhazeman: (~/.kde/Autostart/)04:04
Chousukehowcomes: anyway, getting told to rtfm isn't because no-one wants to help you.04:04
Phazemanpeople... i was asking about KDE internal swerivce like kauth04:04
Phazemanwho tell it to start on startup ?04:04
koshservices are different then autostarted programs04:04
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Phazemankosh i've asked about kde services from the beginning04:04
Chousukehowcomes: it's because the answer is in the manual and you should search it before asking. :)04:04
koshPhazeman: however by default kde will restart any application that was running when you logged off04:04
trekkorkosh: right. my mistake.04:04
koshPhazeman: I said how to turn them off kde system settings -> kde components -> service manager04:05
Chousukehowcomes: it's okay to ask where in the manual an aswer is if the manual is big though.04:05
Phazemankosh: it's from the kde Control Panel ?04:05
Phazemanno way to see all this from CLI ?04:05
howcomesafter reading the manual04:05
Phazemani'm ssh'ed to my box without the ability to open X04:05
howcomesit would seem \H should do it04:06
koshPhazeman: there probably is a way to do it but I don't know where it is04:06
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Phazemankosh: thanks anyway04:06
Chousukehowcomes: yep.04:06
Chousukehowcomes: anyway, I'm not sure if you can have a hostname like that :/04:06
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howcomesbut i think im going to have to reboot for the change to take effect (i edited /etc/bash.bashrc - should i be editing another file )04:06
Chousukeno you don't have to reboot04:07
auturgeI said, edit your ~/.bashrc file04:07
howcomesperhaps /root/.bashrc04:07
Chousukeare you root? :P04:07
howcomesKubuntu doesnt have root :P04:07
howcomeswell it does04:07
auturgeThere is very rarely any reason to edit /etc/bash.bashrc04:07
howcomesalright ill undo the changes i made to that04:07
auturgeIt'll just cause messes when upgrade time comes.04:07
Chousukehowcomes: anyway, having a hostname like that is certainly against whatever RFC exists about hostnames :P04:08
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doddohello! I have been trying to install drivers for my graphics card. I've downoaded a file with the .ko extension. Where should i put it?04:08
howcomesoh i know it is04:08
auturgeThe hostname itself is merely "the".04:08
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auturgeThe rest is a domain name. That's why he's not getting it all in his prompt.04:08
Flosoft_IRSSII need some help with Java 1.504:08
Flosoft_IRSSIwhat is the source to get it from?04:08
Chousukeauturge: yeah well, I doubt his real domain name is like that either :P04:08
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs04:09
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vantenhi all. installed koffice 1.5 beta. There are now red markers (begin of word) en blue markers (end of word) in all my texts. anyone with the same problem?04:09
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trekkorFlosoft_IRSSI: search for a j2re* file on the web page of java04:09
marsHi I downloaded thunderbird and i dont know ow to install it04:09
auturge!tell flosoft_irssi about javadebs04:09
trekkorauturge: i guess restricted formats only send to java 1.4, but maybe i am wrong.04:10
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howcomesw00t it worked04:10
trekkorauturge: oh, now i remember: i am wrong04:10
auturgeYou should not need to download it, mars, just download the package04:10
auturge!info mozilla-thunderbird04:10
ubotumozilla-thunderbird: (Mozilla Thunderbird standalone mail client), section mail, is optional. Version: 1.0.7-0ubuntu05.10 (breezy), Packaged size: 10124 kB, Installed size: 30572 kB04:10
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_marsauturge: yes but i want to download new version, not the old one04:12
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trekkorbtw, does (k)ubuntu include any open source 3d game?04:14
trekkoryou know, like nexuiz04:14
trekkor(which is gpl)04:14
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ubotuI don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, vanten04:14
trekkorbtw, don't mention armagetron or other snake or fancy 3d card games. i mean *serious* 3d games.04:15
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dec0dingI removed the Kubuntu's konqueror defaults as described in the wiki but now the forward/back arrows are gone and many other things in Konqueror's interface04:17
trekkor... and i don't mind being answered.04:17
auturgeBrowse packages.ubuntu.com, trekkor.04:17
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Peolo2hi there04:18
trekkorauturge: well, then we *must* do something.04:18
trekkorauturge: other distros actually include some such games04:19
AyidenWhich "mysql" is recommended? I know the the older one (4.0) has an ubuntu symbol next to it in synaptic. So which one 4.0 or 4.1?04:19
Peolo2maybe any1 of you can help me. i just want a button on my kde for login in @inet. atm i do that in root console with sudo ppoeconf. --> pon dsl-provider does not work. dunno why04:19
AyidenWhat are the major differences?04:20
ejofeetrekkor: ask in #debian04:20
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CrowbarAnyone know how to get plugins and extensions installed for konqueror?  I've install all the packages that might do it, and i still only have the one search bar plugin.  I was hoping for plugins which compete with firefox's..04:23
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koshyou do know there was never a reason for a search bar in konqueror right?04:24
koshyou could search from the regular bar since at least 2.0 with any of the keywords04:24
Crowbarright, but i was hoping for other extesions.  like maybe something like adblock?04:25
koshheck you can even hit alt-f2 and type in any keyword that konqueror understands and it will launch a new window and do what you told it04:25
Crowbarthe search bar is the only one i do have.04:25
koshadblock is build into 3.5.0 and above04:25
AdvancedWebHow unstable is Kubuntu 6.04 Alpha 3?04:25
koshjust right click on an image and block it04:25
Crowbarkosh: Oh, i'm using 3.4.3 on Kubuntu.04:25
koshCrowbar: also look at settings -> configure konqueror -> web shortcuts04:26
koshCrowbar: any shortcut in there you can use from the url bar or from alt-f2 launcher04:26
Crowbarkosh: i know about all that.  I'm talking about extensions similar to those available for firefox.  Do any exist for konqueror?04:26
koshCrowbar: so you can just type gg: some search    dmoz: something  etc04:27
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koshCrowbar: no idea I don't use any extensions with firefox04:27
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koshCrowbar: what features are you looking for?04:27
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Crowbarkosh: Good question.  Seems i've been trying to track down a spellchecker and it's already included.04:28
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koshkonqueror uses the kde default spellchecker and has for a long time now04:28
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koshthe advantage is that the kde shared spell checker is common to all applications04:29
koshso if you add a word in kword then it will also be there in konqueror, kate, kmail etc etc04:29
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koshnight all04:30
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howcomesWhere's a good place to start with C# ?04:31
larsivihowcomes: might not be here... but chech out dotgnu04:35
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howcomesI'm in ##csharp and googling around04:36
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BuFFi'm having a problem: i dunno how to view *.chm through konsole can anyone help me ?04:43
dark_suicwhat is chm?04:44
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BuFFhelp files04:44
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dark_suicah, ok04:44
dark_suicdon't know, sorry04:44
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niclashm, I have a small problem with kopete, It doesnt want to connect, it doesnt even try to do it when I "tell" it to do :)04:49
niclasAnyone had that problem before ?04:50
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dark_suicVampis, any account?04:51
trappistorion_fr_24: please don't do that04:51
orion_fr_24trappist: do what ?04:51
Vampisdark_suic: jabber, msn , icq, and yahoo, same problem with all of them04:51
trappistorion_fr_24: spew public away/back messages04:51
Vampisit's like kopete doesnt even try to connect04:52
orion_fr_24trappist: and why ???04:52
dark_suicwell, not gonna ask you if you have inet conncetion :P04:52
orion_fr_24isnt it made for that ?04:52
Vampisdark_suic: *lol* :)04:52
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DjDarkPingvinkmail: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libkmailprivate.so: undefined symbol: _ZN4KPIM8Identity4nullE04:52
orion_fr_24trappist: this is a useful feature and I m willing to use it so my contacts can check if i m AFK or not04:53
dark_suicwell, sometimes it happens to me that they don't want to connect if i'm disconnected and tell to connect as away04:53
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DjDarkPingvini get this error when i try to start kmail04:53
dark_suicjust have to connect as inline04:53
dark_suicand then switch to away04:53
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dark_suicbut i suppose it's not the matter here04:53
Vampisnope :/04:53
trappistorion_fr_24: long story short, it's obnoxious.  I don't recall having heard from you on this channel, so it's unlikely anyone here cares when you come and go.  on busy channels it's unnecessary chatter and on slow channels it trips people's activity flags.  basically it's bad netiquette and the world would be a better place if irc clients didn't do it04:53
dark_suicu checked kopete and the accounts config?04:53
VampisYepp, one moment it worked another not04:53
trappistorion_fr_24: the irc protocol allows for away status, which can be queried by people who *do* care when you get up from the computer or fail to move the mouse for a while.04:54
Vampisso i removed the kopete files under home/vampis/.kde/share/apps/04:54
dark_suicu closed and opened it again?04:54
Vampisand then removed kopete and installed it again04:54
Vampisadded the accounts04:54
Vampisand same problem04:54
Vampisits wierd04:54
dark_suicthen just don't know04:54
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dark_suicyou can bet it's weird04:54
Peolo2checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables04:54
Peolo2See `config.log' for more details.04:54
Peolo2i want to install x-chat and i get this error in console(root)04:54
DjDarkPingvinkmail: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libkmailprivate.so: undefined symbol: _ZN4KPIM8Identity4nullE04:55
DjDarkPingvini get this error when i try to start kmail04:55
Vampisdark_suic: mhm :)04:55
DjDarkPingvinwhat should i do?04:55
dark_suici will never understand why people is still trying to compile things that are on the repos04:55
orion_fr_24trappist: comon man who are you to give me such an irc lesson ?? give me a break04:55
dark_suicPeolo2, install xchat from adept/synatpic/apt-get04:55
dark_suicor whatever you want04:55
Vampisdark_suic: I made a clean installation of ubuntu yesterday when I came home , so now gnome is all gone :D04:55
Peolo2im kinda news04:55
Peolo2working now about 5 hours with ubuntu and linux04:55
Peolo2how it works ?04:55
dark_suiclook in adept, peolo2 (k-menu, expert manager)04:55
trappistorion_fr_24: it's commonly accepted as proper netiquette.  I politely asked, you asked why, I answered you.04:55
Peolo2im there atm04:56
auturgeorion: Automatic away messages are considered ride and undesirable in this community. If you wish to join a community you should honour its norms.04:56
auturgeThat's all the reason you should need.04:56
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dark_suiclook for xchat in adept, Peolo204:56
dark_suicit should be04:56
dark_suicif not04:56
dark_suiclook for adding universe and multiverse repositories04:57
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource04:57
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Peolo2may i pm you dark:_suic ?04:58
trappistorion_fr_24: for a more complete, if less sensitive, explanation, see: http://sackheads.org/~bnaylor/spew/away_msgs.html04:58
Peolo2there are no packeges like this04:58
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dark_suicPeolo2, you can't pm if you aren't registered04:58
dark_suiclook what ubotu said a moment ago04:58
Peolo2i am04:58
dark_suicthen i don't mind, but ubotu told you the answer ;)04:58
tecswhenn using k torrent and my download suddenly stopped saying error cannot expand file and then the path of the file04:59
dark_suica few lines before04:59
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humboldtdoes anybody know about ekiga?04:59
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ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource05:00
azertyhey all, i am going to have a wireless internet connection. Can i expect problems with the OS ?05:01
Vampisdepends ;)05:01
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VampisI got a problem because I cant get wpa-supplicant to work, but if you dont use wpa-psk encryption you shouldnt have a problem05:01
orion_fr_24trappist: ok I read it and i do agree05:02
orion_fr_24trappist: sorry05:02
Firetechusing KDE 3.5.1, I get "kde-config: WARNING: KLocale: trying to look up "" in catalog. Fix the program" everytime I run kde-config, any way to fix this?05:02
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trappistorion_fr_24: it's cool, thanks :)05:02
phinanyone else have a problem with konqueror were if it trys to play a sound thats on a page it says it fails trying to initiate alsasink?05:02
phinand just crashes out konq?05:02
phini would like to fix this, even if it means i dont get to hear the sounds05:02
phinstability > functionality05:03
trappistphin: stability is for girls.  give me bleeding edge!05:03
phinya thats fine and all05:03
phinand i am using dapper05:03
phinwhich is rock solid for me05:03
phinbut ive had this problem in hoary as well05:03
azertyare the mediafiles improved in the newest kubuntu , or are there still problems with the patents05:05
azertycan i play mp3's at standard config now ?05:05
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visik7anyone have an atheros wireless card ?05:06
Vampisazerty: I made a clean installation of kubuntu today and mp3's worked from the beginning05:06
visik7and use the current kernel 2.6.12-10-386 or 686 or 2.6.12-9-386 ?05:06
azertyVampis: ok thanx05:07
trappistvisik7: yes05:07
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visik7trappist: is it enabled now ?05:08
visik7trappist: can I query u ?05:08
trappistvisik7: it's not even installed at the moment, but if you have a question I might get lucky and know the answer05:08
trappistvisik7: best if we do it here, so everyone can benefit05:08
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alex79I just insall kubuntu in my laptop and the eth0 work at the first start but then it disabled it seflt and dosesnt let me enabled again? any one can help me?05:09
visik7trappist: I got an hand running sysctl -a (only with ubuntu kernel)05:09
trappistoh, interesting.  does it go away if you modprobe -r the atheros modules?05:10
phinso no one has a fix?05:10
visik7trappist: hang also05:10
trappistvisik7: does it hang after printing a bunch of stuff, or right away?05:11
humboldtdoes anybody know how I call a normal phone number with a sip phone? sip: callto: ??05:11
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visik7trappist: yes do u want to see it ?05:11
visik7humboldt: u must have a service that do it05:12
trappistvisik7: sure, pastebin it please05:12
visik7trappist: ok wait a moment05:12
humboldtvisik7: I have registered the service (ekiga) but it still does not work05:12
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visik7humboldt: never use it05:13
alex79anyone can help me?05:13
jayi just installed dapper drake flight 3 onto my laptop05:13
alex79with my eth card?05:13
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humboldtvisik7: I mean I have registered the ip-to-phone service in ekiga.05:13
jayand the first time i booted it up, the video is distorted05:13
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jaycan anyone help me with this?05:13
humboldtvisik7: my guestion is: how do I enter the number? sip:00220987987 ??05:13
visik7trappist: http://pastebin.com/53386705:14
zblachsomeone point me to the kubuntu quickstart guide?05:14
visik7humboldt: should be sip:_phone_number_@service05:14
jayzblach: if you google it you can find it pretty easily05:14
visik7or register first to the service and then dial the number05:14
trappistvisik7: that looks like dmesg output, not sysctl05:15
visik7ah do u want the sysctl output ?05:15
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humboldttrying something like this: sip:0014548342018@ekiga.net05:15
jayis there a help queue i have to add myself to in this channel?05:15
humboldtbut that wont work05:15
trappistvisik7: if it prints a bunch of stuff bug hangs before completing, yes05:15
visik7no only the normal output of sysctl and then the oops output05:16
_dennywhere is the synaptic on kubuntu?05:16
visik7_denny: there isn't, use adept05:16
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trappistvisik7: ah.  don't know where to go next for that, except #kernelnewbies on irc.oftc.net05:17
jaycan anyone help me with my vid corruption on install?05:17
visik7trappist: same error with different machine with the same kernel05:17
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jaydo you guys not offer help on dapper?05:18
trappistvisik7: the folks in #kernelnewbies are studs and can likely help05:18
DennyLokohow can I habilit the apt-get?05:18
visik7trappist: ok I go05:18
visik7trappist: but with another non ubuntu kernel it works fine05:19
visik7so should be a ubuntu bug05:19
visik7maybe on ubuntu-devel ?05:19
trappistvisik7: if it's ubuntu-specific I'd say file a bug on the kernel package05:19
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trappistvisik7: but there's also #ubuntu-kernel... strictly devel chat there though05:20
visik7maybe I can try a dapper kernel05:20
trappistcould do that05:20
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trappistjay: some people will try, but the general consensus is if you use dapper you need to be either able to fix or prepared to deal with whatever breaks05:22
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jaytrappist:  do you know if breezy has any issues installing on a laptop with a radeon xpress 200M?05:24
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trappistjay: no, I don't05:25
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`NomadWhy won"t totem play a .mov movie from the DVD, but if I copy it to HD it does?05:25
jaytrappist:  i'm new to linux/kubuntu.  can i just throw in the breezy cd and let it install over dapper?05:25
`NomadIt says it can't find it05:25
trappistjay: you'll need to let it wipe out dapper05:26
`Nomadbut I double-clicked the movie from Konq browsing the DVD05:26
jaytrappist: does it give an option to do that in the install?05:26
trappistjay: yes05:27
jaytrappist: ok thanks05:27
trappistjay: it won't say 'wipe out dapper' of course but there's an option to start from scratch05:27
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douglasI seem to be having trouble building the sample wxwidgets app in kdevelop05:33
douglasI installed wx2.6-headers and a few others.05:33
douglasWhat else do I have to do?05:33
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VampisHow do I put some programs in autostart?05:40
VampisMake links in .kde/Autostart ?05:41
jpatrickVampis: yes05:42
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Vampislike ln -s /usr/bin/programname /home/vampis/.kde/Autostart ?05:42
Vampishm,  I dont find Katapult in either /usr/bin or /usr/sbin05:43
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Vampishm, maybe can cheat05:44
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engenheiroalguem sabe como se muda para root na consola05:45
Vampisuse the shortcut in the menu, copy it do the Desktop and there to the Autostart directory05:45
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VampisYes it worked :)05:47
=== DevGet [n=gustav@h187n2fls31o1096.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu
Vampisdark_suic: and now kopete works :)05:47
ubotuAutomatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does other harmful things like "echo -e 'ynY\n'" that are considered security risks. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications but the best thing is to read documentation.05:47
DevGetHi all, I'm trying to comple beagle, but I dont succed, http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/53392205:48
dark_suicVampis, happy it works :)05:49
Vampis*getting some coffee*05:51
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tomekluhi all05:52
tomeklui ve got a problem with kde05:52
VampisDoes KDE have a application installer like gnome ? the gnome-app-installer or whats its name ?05:52
tomekluvampis , yeah it does05:52
DevGetVampis: adept05:52
tomekluso , the kde 3.4 crashes very often i got no idea why05:53
Vampisoh, nice05:53
VampisAha there it was05:54
Vampisand damn, mother on phone05:54
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DevGettomeklu: not fun..05:55
tomekluyeah, but i used to have the kde 3.4 on debian, and everything was fine05:55
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tomekluthen i have installed kubuntu and problems have apeared05:56
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Peolo2xchat wont work: (05:57
Peolo2same problem as before05:57
tomekluand the worst thing is that the crashes come without any reason ex. i open up kmenu, and ...05:57
DevGetPeolo2: why not koversation?05:57
Peolo2koversation ?05:57
tomekludevget ;) konversation sucks05:57
jpatricktomeklu: no it doesm't05:58
DevGettomeklu: maybe you can try to upgrade to kde 3.5, but i'm not sure if it helps or not05:58
tomekluxcvhat is far more better05:58
trappistor even 3.5.105:58
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DevGettrappist: yes :)05:58
jpatricktomeklu: I don't like GTK05:59
tomekluanother two hours of downloading :( i'm not sure that the guys have tested the kde 3.5 well05:59
DevGettomeklu: lowspeed connection? :E05:59
tomekluyeah :/ 320 kbps :/06:00
DevGetok :/06:00
tomekluok, gotta go lookin' for answers on the forums :/06:01
tomekluhave a nice day06:01
DevGettomeklu: good luck06:01
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ClayGi just set up webmin, it never asked for a username/passowrd now logggin in the first time I just put mine and it wasn't accepted. Any ideas?06:02
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trekkorwhat do i do if i want to play quake?06:03
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trekkori installed the two debs in the repos but it doesn't seem to be enough06:04
damnhilhow do I use the special keys in my keyboard?06:04
trekkorthey are incredibly small sized anyway06:04
trekkorwhich might show they are fakes06:04
trekkordamnhil: try altgr06:04
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jpatricktrekkor: right-clcik -> Kubuntu Package Menu -> Details06:05
DevGetdamnhil: what do you mean with special keys, webbrowser and so?06:05
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damnhilDevGet: yes they are in keycode of 234 and I want to execute a command when I press it06:05
trekkorjpatrick: where is the kubuntu package menu? or what should i right-click on?06:06
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DevGetdamnhil: if your keyboard is in the list in system settings, KDE will fix it for you, else I don't know...06:06
jpatricktrekkor: right-click on the files in Konqueror06:07
_vgetrekkor: after you have installed it, you need to copy the orginal files from your cd to the installation folder06:07
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visik7i18n packages for 3.5.1 aren't out ?06:08
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trekkorjpatrick: my quake-data file is 9210 bytes, so i think it is a fake quake-data file... it just can't be that small06:12
ubotuwell, ssh is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SSHHowto06:12
jpatricktrekkor: they can be (sometimes)06:12
=== ole [n=ole@dyndsl-085-016-006-143.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #kubuntu
djk_what's the hotplug subsystem?06:13
olegreetings. since you could alll help em so nicely yesterday, i leanred alot.06:13
oleand with a little try and error i managed to get my quake2 running :D06:13
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olebut: i got like 20 fps on software 800x600. and like 1fps on sdlgl or opengl :(06:14
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yellowdartdjk_: it's what recognizes stuff you plug into your system while it's running such as usb/firewire peripherals06:14
olecould it be, my grafic drivers are not so good ? and if yes, how do i update them ?06:14
yellowdartdjk_: it also recognizes when you remove that stuff too06:14
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djk_yellowdart: ok, how do i disable it? do debian/gentoo use it as well?06:16
trekkorjpatrick: are you still there?06:16
yellowdartdjk_: the whole idea is that it does everything dynamically to build the '/dev' directory so that you dont have to restart everytime you want to...say, plug in a game controller or a new printer06:16
eivisanybody knows how to activate the wireless network card in Kubntu?06:16
yellowdartdjk_: why would you want to disable it?06:16
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djk_yellowdart: because it hardly ever gets past 'starting hotplug subsystem' on my laptop06:17
yellowdartdjk_: yeah, debian 100% and gentoo is if you 'rc-update add hotplug default' during your install...which they do tell you to do06:18
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oleso i guess ym question is: how do i update my grafic driver (i downlaoded nvidias driver, but it said my x-server is running when i tried to install. how do i boot without starting the x-server gui ?)06:19
djk_yellowdart: all that needs to be detected is a printer and once in a while an external cd-drive. but they're usually connected before the laptop is powered on, thus there's no need for the hotplug subsystem.06:21
djk_yellowdart: so, would you happen to know how to disable it?06:21
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yellowdartdjk_: i'm seeing if i can find that info really quick...one sec06:22
trekkor_vge: i don't have the cd! :(06:22
djk_yellowdart: thanks06:23
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mcsteelshi, just trying to get some help with my repos as I cant apt-get anything, have a look here at my repo and see what you think http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/53398106:25
ClayGwhats a lightweight browser? besides dillo? I need something that can connect to password'ed sites06:26
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auturgemcsteels, you want universe and multiverse.06:26
yellowdartdjk_: here's some info on what you need: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89491&highlight=sysv-rc-conf06:27
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource06:27
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trekkor"mount: you must specify the filesystem type06:27
trekkor" -- well, how do i specify the filesystem of a cdrom?06:27
mcsteelseither, times out when i apt-get update06:27
auturgeOr just uncomment the entries you already have--06:27
Peolo2is there a way to get xine with sudo apt-get ?06:27
Peolo2sudo apt-get install xine wont work06:28
trekkor"mount: you must specify the filesystem type" -- well, how do i specify the filesystem of a cdrom?06:28
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djk_yellowdart: thank you.06:28
trekkorPeolo2: try xine-ui06:28
jpatricktrekkor: I am now06:28
mcsteelsauturge: how do you mean?? can you show me on pastebin??06:29
Peolo2thx dude06:29
yellowdartdjk_:  no problem...good luck with that :)06:29
trekkorjpatrick: it seems i had a great and almighty lag06:29
trekkorPeolo2: np06:29
auturgeIf you look, you'll see a couple of lines in that file that say universe and are commented out.06:29
auturgeUncomment them.06:29
mcsteelsok will try06:29
auturgeAnd then add 'multiverse' right after 'universe' to  both.06:29
Peolo2hell yeah i like my kubuntu06:30
Peolo2it was a good choice to change from windows06:30
trekkorPeolo2 :)06:31
trekkoris there any gui interface for mounting cds?06:32
mcsteelsauturge: like this http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/533996 ??06:32
reonHow would one install KDE3.5.1 from a base system (Server install)  ? I just want KDE & not kubuntu desktop. Want only add the apps I want.06:33
auturgeYes, that is right - but you *also* need to leave the two 'main' lines near the top uncommented.06:33
mcsteelsauturge: ok will change06:33
dark_suicreon, try installing just the packages... they'll probably depend on kde base packages you need to install06:34
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reondark_suic, like sudo apt-get install kde ??? Would I have to install X from server as wel ?06:36
jpatrickreon: yes06:36
BillHi, Does anyone know where the log for Adept Package Manager would be found ?  I looked in var log but none there ?06:36
dark_suicreon, if you install kde it will install loads and loads of apps06:36
dark_suicif you just install the apps, they depend on base system that should be installed06:36
BillI'm installing Bugzilla on XAMPP  and it recons I have no database, firt time around.06:37
reondark_suic, so what package do I install for kde then ?06:37
dark_suicyou should just try, if not, just try to install kde and then remove what you don't want06:37
dark_suicreon, install the packages you know you want06:37
mcsteelsauturge: got this error http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/53400406:37
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auturgeThat looks like a network configuration problem.06:38
reondark_suic, maybe kde-core will do it ?06:38
auturgeWhat does 'host gb.archive.ubuntu.com' tell you?06:38
dark_suicreon, try installing amarok, for example06:38
dark_suicit will depend on some libs06:38
dark_suicthat libs in the kde-core package06:38
dark_suicand that will install all06:39
dark_suicif you choose just the main apps you want, it should install all what you need06:39
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howcomesIf i wanted to code in C# under KDE what program should i use ?06:39
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reondark_suic, hmm, maybe it is easier just to do a normal install and then remove stuff06:39
MetaMorfoziSwhere i can setwhere i can set the default applications for any extension?06:39
dark_suicthat's your  choice ;)06:39
mcsteelsauturge: that it couldnt connect...... hmm... so wheres the problem then? The net connection is working fine06:40
jpatrickhowcomes: Kate? KDevelop?06:40
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auturgeSorry, what did it say?06:40
dark_suicyou wanted to install just some apps...06:40
dark_suici said howto :P06:40
auturgeIf you type that command. host gb.archive.ubuntu.com06:40
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howcomesI just came across Kdevelop06:41
howcomeslooking at it now06:41
mcsteelsauturge: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/53401006:41
jpatrick"sudo apt-get install kdevelop3" if you want it06:41
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auturgeThat's.. mildly odd.06:42
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yellowdarthowcomes: there really is no IDE for KDE using MONO...your best bet would still be monodevelop... but Kate (kdevelop also) will do syntax highlighting and you can still compile everything from a terminal06:42
howcomesto compile c# i can use gcc right ?06:42
flipjargi've just installed bittorrent.deb from bittorrent.com but it doesn't work, i need to uninstall it now, how do i do that?06:42
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jpatrickhowcomes: don't know06:42
yellowdarthowcomes: no, you have to use the mono jit06:43
mcsteelsauturge: have been on the kubuntu forums with this problem and had no answers. what do you think is wrong?06:43
howcomesflip, if i had to guess id say dpkg -r bittorrent.deb06:43
auturgeCan you ping gb.archive.ubuntu.com ?06:43
howcomesflip - check the man page of dpkg06:43
yellowdarthowcomes: mck i think it is06:43
flipjarghowcomes: it didn't work.06:43
BillIf you are using kate or kdevelop how do you configure a non default syntax highlight, for a differnt language ?06:43
howcomesdpkg handles dep files06:43
flipjarghowcomes: What directory should i be in, it can be any right?06:44
Peolo2im still trying to install x-chat. got that error -->06:45
Peolo2Die folgenden Pakete haben nichterfllte Abhngigkeiten:06:46
Peolo2  liblaunchpad-integration0: Hngt ab: launchpad-integration ist aber nicht installierbar06:46
Peolo2is there a german ubuntu channel ? coze i get the error-messages in germany06:46
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu und Kubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de resp. #kubuntu-de06:47
ubotuDevGet: Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:47
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mcsteelsauturge: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/534017 yeah06:47
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BillIs anyone using Adept from 5-10 ?06:48
dark_suicwhat u need, Bill06:49
BillI've just installed some package,  and I want to read the log to see what its done06:49
BillI looked in /var/log  but none there06:49
dark_suicit logs?06:49
jpatrickBill: I think it's in /var/log/dpkg06:50
dark_suicyou should try to find the logs of apt, not adept06:50
dark_suicprobably :)06:50
jpatrickdark_suic: even better dpkg06:50
Billwell,  when you select a pkg to install,  then click Commit  Changes,  to do the installation,  it looks like a log dialogue.06:50
auturgeI don't know. apt-get is failing to connect to the repository, but I'm at a loss to see why.06:51
BillWhen I then uninstall,  'cause I didn't like what it did,  I see the same dialogue,  so it must be stored somewnere.06:51
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mcsteelsauturge: is ok at first I thought it was just me being stupid:P Do you know if there is a repo channel??06:51
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auturgeI'm not aware of one.06:52
auturgeBut it's not a problem with the repository.06:52
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auturgeI use the same one and I have no problem.06:52
KLymercan I get any help here?06:52
Billjpatrick - thanks I'll look........06:52
mcsteelsauturge: hmmmm.... ok thanx for the help:D06:53
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KLymerI recently installed Kubuntu Breezy 5.1006:53
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=== picoss is away: je ne suis pas la
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jpatrickarg, MSN acting up again06:55
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natHi, is someone can help me ? I don't know what is exactly my problem, but I've a lot of device which are not working normaly06:56
natfor exemple my I read a new cd06:57
natI can open the cd already in the cdrom when i start the computer06:57
BillHas anyone installed Bugzilla-doc recently ?  Where does it unpack the docs ? In the dpkg.log it confirms that it has unpacked them,  but we need to turn the wick up to get more details.06:57
natbut if i eject it and put a new one, there is nothing06:57
nati cand read it06:58
nati can't read it06:58
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bhnakmail: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libkmailprivate.so: undefined symbol: _ZN4KPIM8Identity4nullE07:00
bhnais there a bug in the kde 351 packages. kmail doesnt start. kmail: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libkmailprivate.so: undefined symbol: _ZN4KPIM8Identity4nullE07:00
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BillHi nat - do you mean you can read the CD without prob's on another machine ?07:02
jpatrickHi Knowerrors07:02
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BillBut on your Kubuntu machine it doesn't read the CD ?07:02
nite_w0lfQuestion! just got my install CD's. kubuntu 5.10 and 6.04 Flight 2. Whitch would be the best choice?07:04
natwhen I eject cd cdrom and put anther one, i can't mount it...07:04
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Jaymacnite.. use 5.1007:04
nati can't launch k3b for ex07:04
KLymerQUESTION! : How can I install kubuntu packages without internet acc?07:04
Jaymacunless you're experienced and likle messing around with broken stuff07:05
auturgeUnless you are a sophisticated Linux user, 5.10 would be better.07:05
nator kpart07:05
nite_w0lfeither of these will give me the KDE desktop?07:05
Billnat -  what happens when you use a LiveCD session ? Does it boot OK from the CD drive ?07:05
auturgeYes, any Kubuntu installation will give you KDE.07:06
natI don't know, I ve install only kbuntu, i can't burn cd :(07:06
natso I can't try a live cd07:06
nite_w0lfty. i will probably be back later with more questions.07:06
Billnat - have you ever seen that CD drive working OK with your  current installation ?07:07
natyes, if i want to read it, the "only" thing I ve to do is to reboot07:08
Billnat - so what has changed since it last worked OK ?07:08
natIt has never wor07:09
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natbefore, I was on a unbuntu hoary and It was working perfectly. I had to put a windows then i reinstalled a linux. I installed kubuntu because I prefere kde than gnome but now I ve this problem07:11
BillHi Nat -  sorry  I don't  understand you.07:11
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu und Kubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de resp. #kubuntu-de07:11
natyes sorry for my english ...07:11
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BillI was trying to establish if you had a hardware problem with your CD,  or if there was something wierd happening with the way your CD and other devices is getting mounted or put into use.07:12
natnon the CD is ok07:12
natthe problem comes from the device07:12
BillBut I#m in danger of moving into bullshTTing you because I don't know enough about the way Kubuntu gabs its devices and puts them into use.07:12
painesanyone using dapper. i have an issue with cups / kprinter. whenever I want to print something from kde apps, kprinter start initializing cups and fails. anyone can confirm this ?07:12
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natdo you understand my problem Bill ?07:13
BillSo either you have a problem with the way the CD device is handled by the Kubuntu software,  or you have a hardware problem,07:13
natno I'm sure that it's kubuntu software the problem07:14
BillOK,  do you have another CD in any other PC around you,  or in a box of old PC components ?07:15
BillIts pretty easy to swap out a CD and test if the hardware is giving you the problem.07:15
natno... I ve only this one it's a laptop07:15
BillAh,   thats a bit differnt.07:15
=== jeroenvrp is weg: Away at the moment
howcomesMy Desktop: http://img496.imageshack.us/img496/4584/desktop34am.png07:15
trappistjeroenvrp: please don't do that07:16
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BillWhen you boot the laptop and try to boot from the CD,  does it doe the right sort of thing and read files from the CD. It's difficult to test this because you said you don't have any LiveCD's with you.07:17
BillMaybe you have some other CD that is bootable ?  That vould test if the CD hardware reads OK when the BIOS tells it what to do.07:18
natyes, if i insert the install cd of kubuntu, i can boot on07:18
paineshowcomes, transparent konsole ? isn't that disturbing while wokring07:18
painesi mean for the eyes07:18
dark_suicpaines, it doesn't have to be07:18
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dark_suici work with transparent konsole07:19
dark_suicand no problem07:19
dark_suicjust depends on what's the back image you got07:19
GullyFoylei patched ut2004 and now it complains it can't find libSDL-1.2.so.0 even though the file exists and the game ran before i patched it. How do i point the startup script the lib?07:19
BillOK,  so it will boot ok,  but after you boot Kubuntu from what is installed on your harddrive,  it doesn't  make the CD hardware do the right thing. Is that a good summary ?07:19
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painesdark_suic, hrhr. for me it wouldn't work. have monica belluci there07:20
osh_what's the package to get for true transparency? Anyone know?07:20
dark_suicthat's a problem :P07:20
dark_suici have the little sister of liv kristine though :P07:20
dark_suicbut it still works :P07:20
painesGullyFoyle, export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=whereyoulibsdlis:$LD_LIBARARY_PATH ./ut200407:21
BillI mean it will boot from a LiveCD of Kubuntu,  but then has problems driving the CD device when the laptop has loaded the kubuntu loaded from your harddrive.07:21
dark_suicit at least gives me some energy to stay at work and not start playing some games :P07:21
BillSorry nat,  thats as far as I can take you.  My kids have just come home,  and I need to go cook some food before they eat the sofa !07:22
natok thks for all07:22
jeroenvrptrappist: whats the problem07:23
BillI hope I was able to help you diagnose the nature of your problem and maybe someone else can help you with corrective actions to fix the problem07:23
trappistjeroenvrp: please don't put public away/back messages in the channel07:23
jeroenvrpI always do that, no one ever complained about that in the 10 year i' m on irc, you are the first07:23
BillIf anyone can help me install Bugzilla on XAMPP in about 1hour I'd really appreciate it.07:23
jeroenvrpit' s even the default setting in konversation07:24
jeroenvrpso,my answer is: no07:24
BillOr find where the bugzilla-doc has gone after I installed that. ?   :-)07:24
GullyFoylepaines: says ./ut2004 not a valid identifier07:25
=== jeroenvrp is terug.
trappistjeroenvrp: on busy channels it's unnecessary scroll that interferes with the chat.  on slow channels it trips activity flags when nothing is happening.  on ANY channel you're not active on, nobody cares when you come or go, and for anyone who does care, the irc protocol has a perfectly good away system that can be queried.07:25
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jeroenvrptrappist: good for you07:25
trappistjeroenvrp: no need to be a jerk.07:26
jeroenvrpI will stick with my away messages, thanks for your update07:26
jeroenvrptrappist: I' m not a jerk. you try to learn me somsething about netiquette07:26
jeroenvrpI know that, believe me07:26
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=== Bill is back
ubotuaway is probably http://sackheads.org/~bnaylor/spew/away_msgs.html07:28
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osh_Random Fortune: How should I know if it works? That's what beta testers are for. I only coded it. -- Attributed to Linus Torvalds, somewhere in a posting07:30
osh_Sorry. Didn't mean to do that.07:31
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Knowerrorshey jpat|away07:32
osh_Qt: 3.3.407:33
osh_KDE: 3.5.007:33
osh_kde-config: 1.007:33
Knowerrorsanybody using 3.5.1 yet?07:33
osh_Aparently not me. I was thinking about upgrading.07:33
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KnowerrorsI just read the announcement... do we need all 4 of those repo lines to get it?07:34
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jpatrickKnowerrors: just on07:34
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Knowerrorsok, so just pick one07:34
ilba7rcan i opt back to the old openoffice 1. instead of 2. using the repos. for 2. is increadibiliy bugy07:35
Knowerrorsare you running it jpatrick?  if so, whats new, just bug fixes I assume?07:35
jpatrickKnowerrors: I am - it's a bug-fix release yes07:35
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ubotuI guess kde is A powerful, free desktop environment for UNIX. IRC: #kubuntu #kde ; install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/07:36
Azertyuuuhey all, when will be the release of Dapper Drake (final) ?07:36
painesGullyFoyle, LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/the/pasth/wehere/you/installed/libsdl/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./ut2004. you have to do this form inside ut2004/system/bin iirc07:36
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osh_Where are the repos for kde3.5.1?07:38
jpatrickosh_: see kubuntu.org07:39
=== osh_ nods
trappistosh_: deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde351 breezy main07:39
osh_trappist: thanks07:39
osh_Bugs that have been reported and fixed,do they ever get backported to the current version (breezy) or are they just fixed in dapper?07:42
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Traum!full upgrade07:46
ubotuTraum: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/07:46
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GullyFoylepaines: paine: grr i typed LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/libSDL-1.2.so.0/: $LD_LIBRARY_PATH ut2004 and it gave this: bash: /usr/lib/: is a directory07:49
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neoncodemy system seems unstable, programs like konquror and kaffine just tend to crash. and Firefox has a tendancy to just close without warning.07:54
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rideoutAnbody know what is up with the kdeedu packages for 351, there seems to be only some packages for all or 386 and the rest are amd6407:57
rideoutkde 3.5.107:58
rideoutthe kubuntu.org repository07:58
painesGullyFoyle, LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/libSDL-1.2.so.0/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./ut200407:59
painesGullyFoyle, LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ./ut200407:59
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Azertyuuui am currently on Windows but, can anyone tell me if i can install e-tech 802.11g USB wireless LAN  card  on kubuntu ? THANKS08:04
`NomadI've kinda lost the ability to use video playing software since I updated to 3.5.1.. Is there a major change or repositories that i have to do?08:04
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Riddellrideout: curious08:06
GullyFoylepaines: i give up, i've tried everything, checked for spelling errors etc. libSDL-1.2.so.0 is a link to libSDL-1.2.so.0.7.1, could that be a problem?08:07
rideoutRiddell: for example, kturtle only has this package in the repo http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde351/pool-breezy/kdeedu/kturtle_3.5.1-0ubuntu0breezy1_amd64.deb08:09
rideoutso i have no upgrade path for http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde350/pool-breezy/kdeedu/kturtle_3.5.0-0ubuntu0breezy1_i386.deb08:10
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource08:10
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic08:11
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Riddellrideout: yes, I've no idea where they went to08:13
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Riddellrideout: I'm afraid I don't think I have any way to compile that for i386 just now08:13
`NomadAs-tu ferme le port-forwarding?08:13
`NomadOoops, wrong software lol08:13
rideoutRiddell: that's ok with me, i don't use the programs, just thought i'd bring it to someone's attention08:14
painesGullyFoyle, yes. do ldd ut2004-bin. this will give you a list of files libs which are linked againt the u2004-bin binary.08:16
painesGullyFoyle, check that your libsdl is the same naming08:16
Riddellrideout: thanks08:16
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cberthehello everybody08:18
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cberthei installed kubuntu a few days ago, a migration from debian test with kernel 2.4 but now i have a problem with my dvd-writer, it was detected one time, but i was not able to write dvd due to limitation to cdrecord that do not support dvd-r/-rw, i then installed dvdrecord and i was hable to format dvd-rw, but after a reboot, the system doesn't reconize my dvd-writer anymore, no detection after plugin my dvd-writer, it work for other device like usb key, c08:21
cberthee problem ?08:21
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cberthehelp to resolve my problem will be really apreciated, thanks08:25
snapycberthe: I don't know about dvdrecord, I used once growisofs from the dvd+rw-tools08:27
snapyyou can create isos and burn dvds (and probably cd's also)08:28
cbertheyep, i also know growisofs, the problem is kubuntu do not detect my dvd-writer anymore when i plugged it since i reboot08:28
snapydo you have cdrecord installed?08:28
cbertheyes, i have cdrecord, dvdrecord ..., the problem is hardware detection08:28
snapybecause you can try cdrecord -prcap /dev/cdrom08:28
snapydoes the /dev/cdrom (or equivalent) show up in /dev?08:29
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cbertheyep, /dev/cdrom is my internal laptop cdrom/cdwriter, my dvd-writer is usb2 device, and i do not have detection and /dev/scd0, /dev/sr0, /dev/sg0, it work only 1 time !!!08:30
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snapyhave you tried usbview? (just a guess)08:31
cbertheyes, tried usbview, only show my usb mouse, no dvd-writer !08:32
snapyI guess I cannot give you any more ideas (only psycological support :) )08:34
snapylet's see...08:34
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snapyat least the syslog or kern.log files should tell something when you plug and unplug your device08:35
marsI have a question08:35
marsI anm trying to install from source some windecos but it doesent work08:35
cbertheno more entries in syslog or kern.log about my dvd-writer when i plugged it ! that's very strange !08:35
marsI have KDE 3.5 and i even cant compile deKorator08:35
jpatrickmars: that thing is old08:35
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snapycberthe: indeed...08:36
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snapyand you said it worked once before??08:36
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cberthesnap: yes, but after a usb bus deconnect, it didn't work anymore, no more detection of this device !08:38
mars_jpatrick: what is old? Sory i disconnected08:38
jpatrickmars_: the theme08:38
mars_I cant compile anything08:38
mars_You mean i can install only themes from kde 3.x link?08:39
snapycberthe: uhmmm, do you have other USB device (e.g a pen-stick ) to try on the same port where you branched your DVD writer?08:39
cberthesnapy: already tried my usb key on same port and it's working ! only my dvdwriter is no more detected ...08:40
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snapycberthe: ok, and have you tried your dvdwriter on another machine? (or maybe rebooting and trying again) (or maybe even in W$...)08:41
jpatrick_mars: probably08:41
`NomadIs it relatively saf to use the cipherphunk rep?08:41
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cberthesnapy: already reboot with no change, not tried yet on my W$ on the other computer, i will try it !08:42
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mars_I noticed that i cant install windecos that has folder kwin inside08:45
mars_But i dont know what to do :/08:45
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mars_Nope the same problems with almost all08:45
jpatrickmars_: did you add the "--prefix=/usr" flag08:45
mars_I will try08:46
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zizaKDE naturally truncates the labels of the icons on your desktop if they're too long, but I don't understand why it doesn't show the full text if I click on the icon or just hover over it in the hope to see a tooltip08:50
zizais this a bug?08:50
zizausing version 3.5.108:50
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ubotuilba7r: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/08:52
DjDarkPingvinhy ,how can a I change the default language of the spell chek_08:52
jpatrickDjDarkPingvin: KControl?08:53
DjDarkPingvink i try08:53
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zizano comment to my phenomenon?08:54
arrinmurrziza: well, at least it's not the way only latest kde behaves. i've wondered why it works that way myself sometimes08:56
cberthesnapy: ok, tried on W$ with no more success, seems my dvd-writer died during the process on testing it on kubuntu, i will try it tommorow on my Mac, to be certain ...08:56
snapycberthe: my condolences08:57
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snapycberthe:  If it is just a DVD mounted in a rack you can also check the cable connections...08:58
`NomadWHich package gives me the X includes?  I did teh build essentials but still missing stuff to compile08:58
zizaarrinmurr: thanks for your reply. I understand that this phenomenon isn't new. I've been using KDE and Linux for 5 Months or so08:58
cberthesnapy: just need to know if it's the enclosure interface box or dwd-writer itself that died ... and also tried cable and an other cd/dvd hardware in the box08:58
zizaso i've seen this behaviour in versions earlier than 3.5 too08:58
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Wolf[1] GOD!09:01
cberthesnapy: thanks you for your help debugging my dvd-writer :-)09:01
zizaI actually consider this to be a considerable usability shortcomming, and I don't understand why this still hasn't been fixed.09:01
Wolf[1] I tried the, dapper 2 cd and that didnt work.09:01
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snapycberthe: you are welcome ;-).  good luck in the future09:03
jpatrickWolf[1] : try number 309:03
cberthesnapy: thanks, need to go for some sleep, i wake up early tommorow ;-) bye !09:04
Wolf[1] I have.09:05
Wolf[1] They don't read it.09:05
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Wolf[1] Breezy installs fine, but Dapper 'can't read from the CD drive'09:05
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frank23Should I expect any problems with kde 3.5.1? I am still using 3.4.309:05
rich0rdno problem over here09:05
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frank23rich0rd: are there any useful new features?09:06
rich0rdhmn - i did not read the version history09:07
rich0rdtry http://www.kde.org/announcements/announce-3.5.1.php09:07
frank23ok thanks09:07
rich0rdWolf[1] : you could upgrade from Breezy to Dapper09:07
rich0rdi don't know if is recommended09:08
Wolf[1] I know it isn't, that broke my harddrive, the kernel wouldn't pick up on it.09:08
Wolf[1] Hence, the reason for me wanting the CD to work.09:09
rich0rdi did it for fun and it worked like a charm09:09
DxOffEaglefrank23: I didn't see any stream of bad bug reports on 3.5.1's release. Often there are 1 or 2 "why didn't you folks tell us this 2 weeks ago!!!??" bugs reported in 10+ copies the day after a release09:09
rich0rd"KDE 3.5.1 is a maintenance release"09:10
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frank23DxOffEagle: what do you mean? bugs reported in 10+ copies the day after a release09:10
frank23I don't understand what you said09:11
DxOffEaglefrank23: well, here is an example: in 3.0(?), a bit after the release, someone did a bugfix to fix a really minor bug in bookmarks toolbar in right-to-left desktops09:11
ClayGanyone know a good lightweight web browser that supports https?09:12
DxOffEaglefrank23: unfortunately, that activated a latent bug. The net results is that people who had two bookmarks pointing to the same webpage would get lots of crashes09:12
DxOffEaglefrank23: the day after release, tons of people reported it.09:12
frank23DxOffEagle: you mean minor releases can still introduce bad bugs...09:13
DxOffEaglefrank23: and why wasn't it caught before? well, 3.0 was held up due to a security audit, so most people's main installs were 3.1 work branch, and 3.0 was usually tested in ... separate user accounts09:13
DxOffEaglefrank23: and test accounts generally don't have bookmarks, period.09:13
DxOffEaglefrank23: I mean that bugfixes can introduce other bugs, which go undiscovered until the day after release.09:14
DxOffEaglefrank23: at which point you normally go "oh boy"09:14
frank23DxOffEagle: And wake up in the boday of a woman?09:15
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frank23DxOffEagle: That was a bad Quantum Leap joke. ;-)09:16
melonipoikahi all, any finnish guy here? i have problems configuring my adsl with sonera, and i need help :D09:17
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ubotuSuomenkielinen keskustelu Ubuntusta kanavalla #ubuntu-fi09:18
arrinmurrolla hyv ;)09:19
mcsteelsauturge: Hi back again.... kinda sorted out problem with repo.... had to go to uk.archive.ubuntu.com etc and copy and paste the destinations to where the repo was pointing to.... very strange, altho it keeps coming and goin09:20
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`NomadAnyone please? The package name for X Includes.. :(09:24
ubotuI give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, `Nomad09:25
ubotubuild-essential is probably a meta package for software building see !gcc for more info09:25
ubotumethinks gcc is the GNU project C and C++ compiler.  From the command-line, type "man gcc" for a complete manual on gcc.  You can install gcc with 'sudo apt-get install build-essential'09:25
thisisadealthese absolutely have to go today.  2 alienware area51-m 5700 laptops $550 each includes shipping, case, wireless router and 1 alienware area51 7500 desktop $700 includes monitor, keyboard, mouse,. speakers.  message me if you wnat to buy any of these items at mcsltd@telusmail.net, aim at ogd443 or yahoo at mcsltd2 thanks and have a good day.09:25
`Nomaddone that already09:25
`Nomadwish I had the cash09:26
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frank23`Nomad: xlibs-dev ?09:29
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admrlanyone downloaded the new 3.5.109:34
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ubijtsalo folks...09:35
LeeJunFan3.5.1 on dapper here, but I haven't updated my breezy partition yet.09:35
admrlis there a repo up yet..?09:35
ubijtsakde 3.5.1, breezy, xkb... what's the story?09:36
admrlya breezy09:36
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ccc_admrl: www.kubuntu.org09:37
admrlccc_: thanks09:38
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_johnHi can someone here help me get my network share browsing working ?09:39
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Tallia1Kubuntudoes it exist a way to decrease the size of all a bunch of picture at the same time?09:40
Tallia1Kubuntui have to send them by email and i don't want open picture by picture09:41
Tallia1Kubuntutnx andrea09:41
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visik7anyone have issue with kfmshell fileshare module ?09:48
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n3wbie_hey can someone help me out with getting samba share browsing working?09:49
visik7some support ?09:49
n3wbie_I guess so :)09:50
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visik7no support :(09:50
visik7I pay for the support09:50
visik7if it's a good support09:50
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alex79I need help09:56
alex79I have disabled the eth0 and cannot enabled it again09:56
_vgeyou used the Kpanel for configure?09:57
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alex79i try bot it didnt let me use it10:01
alex79its like su doesent work10:01
Phantom^^^Yeah there being pretty quiet :(10:01
snapyhi there, can anybody tell me if setting the default locale to iso-8859-1 will cause me some trouble?10:02
snapyalex79: have you tried "sudo -s"?10:03
snapy(then enter YOUR PASSWORD)10:03
alex79is wire10:04
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blahhin bash, how do i test an argument to only contain letters ?10:04
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snapywhat do you mean by "is wire"?10:04
alex79snapy: i try it but it diidnt work also10:05
blahhanyone pls help?10:05
alex79any other ideas?10:05
ubijtsablahh: I am sure there are ways with 'test' to do that10:06
alex79also doesent let me activate the administrator mode10:06
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blahhok thanks10:06
snapywhat do you mean by "administrator mode"? (which steps, are you trying to take?)10:06
ubijtsablahh: or you can use perl ;)10:07
alex79one of the things that i try was10:07
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blahhnot familiar with perl10:07
alex79go to system configuration > netwok > Admiistrator Mode10:07
snapyalex79: ok, let me look10:08
snapyalex79: are you using the gnome network setup program?10:09
alex79all KDE10:09
alex79its strange10:09
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alex79becouse work at the first start and then when i reboot it stoped working10:10
ubijtsaperl -e '$a="abc123"; $a =~ /[a-z] +/i and print qq(string only contains letters);'10:10
visik7anyone use kde 3.5.1 ?10:10
ubijtsavisik7: I have tried today to..10:10
snapyalex79:  I have both gnome and kde installed and I don't find the kde program in the loooong option list :)10:10
admrl** (process:29205): CRITICAL **: egg_desktop_entries_add_group: assertion `egg_desktop_entries_lookup_group (entries, group_name) == NULL' failed10:10
ubijtsastarting to regret it10:10
admrlanyone got that error10:10
admrlwhen upgrading to kde 3.5.110:10
visik7ubijtsa: run kcmshell fileshare10:10
snapyalex79: but anyway...10:10
visik7admrl: sudo problems10:11
ubijtsaworks for me10:11
ubijtsahave you nfs and/or samba installed?10:11
snapyalex79: so when you launch /sbin/ifconfig you don't see the eth0, do you? (just to diagnosticate first)10:11
alex79let me try this10:12
alex79i have the computer right next to me is a laptop10:12
alex79what exactily do i have to type in th konsole?10:12
snapyalex79:  try "/sbin/ifconfig -a"10:12
alex79shows the network interfaces10:13
alex79but whitout any ip adderess10:13
snapyand what about just "/sbin/ifconfig" (with no -a)=10:13
alex79i use static ip address10:13
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snapywill get to IP addresses later :)10:14
alex79it only show the first device10:14
duckdownHey all.. I just did a fresh install and I have a new Atheros Mini-PCI card.. Where do I look to get this working?10:14
snapyok so we have the device :)10:14
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snapyhow have you configured the IP address, through the graphic program in the KDE menu?10:15
alex79i try sudo ifup eth010:15
alex79it says this10:15
alex79too few parameters10:15
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alex79line 26 file interfaces10:16
snapyok, so you may have a syntax error there  (guess)10:16
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alex79for the ip I didit with the KDE control panel10:17
alex79accesing via administrator mode10:17
snapyok let me check this here...10:17
alex79but now it doesent let me doit it says SU ERROR10:17
snapycan you at least enter a password value?10:19
alex79but its says error10:19
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snapytry to log yourself in a text tty console with your usual password10:20
alex79what is a tty text?10:20
snapyok :)10:20
snapyusually xwindow runs in tty710:21
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snapyto change from tty you need to press Ctrl-Alt-F1 (tty1) Ctrl-Alt-F2 (tty2)... to come back alt-f7 should suffice (although ctrl-alt-f7 should work ok)10:22
snapymake sure you understand before trying10:22
snapyso try and come back with alt-f710:23
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alex79i comment the line 26 ("iface wlan0 inet") of my interfaces file and then try sudo ifup eth0 and it works10:25
alex79but I am going to restar the machine10:25
alex79please give 5 more minutes10:26
snapyhold on a minute10:26
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snapyI think I see the error10:26
snapythat wlan0 interface line should end in "dhcp" or "static"10:27
alex79ok, i will write this now10:27
alex79i am log in again10:27
snapytry dhcp (so you don't have to give any more data)10:28
alex79what this line means "auto eth0" in interfaces?10:29
alex79comment or uncomment?10:29
snapyno leave it10:29
snapyit means that at startup only eth0 will be activated10:29
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alex79but now is commented10:30
alex79maybe that is why it diidnt start at boot?10:30
snapythis means that you have to activate it manually10:30
alex79can i ask you one more question?10:30
duckdownHi everyone... I'm having problems compiling the new madwifi :(  I'm a novice user using kubuntu-stable.  I have the appropriate linux-headers-$(uname -r) packages and such, and I just got the new madwifi-ng code through svn.  I ran the two scripts in ./scripts, but during the 'make' im getting compiling errors!  The output is at: http://pastebin.ca/3952810:30
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alex79i have this line commented leave it there?10:31
_localhosthey, anyone using kftpgrabber?10:31
snapyalex79: the one with auto eth0?10:31
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snapyno leave it UN-commented :)10:32
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alex79the other thing10:32
snapygo on :)10:32
alex79when i try to use the administrator mode it says SU ERROR10:32
alex79how do i know that SU is working10:32
snapyyeap, interesting :)10:32
snapyyou need to use su in lowercase of course10:33
sampanalex79  that was a bug in the initial kubuntu release.  if you update your system, it will be fixed (the bugfix was released less than a week after breezy debuted)10:33
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sampannot everyone gets bitten by that bug, but lots of people have (i was one)10:34
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alex79ok, so you recomend to do a full upgrade now?10:34
snapyalex79: I recommend that you first understand what is going on.10:34
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alex79that will take a long time10:35
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snapysampan:  I am new in kubuntu, but can you point at the specific bug report?, do you know which package was affected? sudo package?10:35
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snapyalex79: updating a package is easy anyway and almost always harmless10:36
sampansnapy, i'm not sure about the bug report either. and the packages that fixed it were core kde ones.  i didn't take note of which ones specifically though.10:36
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snapysampan: ok10:36
sampanbut i know we've seen this admin mode bug in here an awful lot and in all cases updating the core kde packages in adept-updater has fixed it.10:37
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Knowerrorshow do you change your nick, like alias it?10:37
sampanknowerrors  /nick new-nick-here10:37
sampansure :)10:37
snapysampan:  I am not denying it, I just would like to know more10:37
ubotuWhat? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, `Nomad10:38
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sampansnapy, gotcha.  i was mainly just explaining why i don't know the specific bugreport and package names anyway10:38
sampan<-- making excuses for myself10:38
snapyI just wonder if I would be affected by this bug as well10:39
snapyif I have downloaded the ISO from kubuntu.org in november, should this bug already be fixed in the .iso?10:39
sampanif you haven't updated and you're experiencing weird su failures or administrator mode not functioning, then yes you'd be affected.  the .iso hasn't changed, so all .iso's have the bug (but it doesn't seem to affect every system)10:40
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snapynow I recall that I installed Ubuntu (with gnome) and later I installed kubuntu-desktop from the web archives, so I guess I would not be affected (I am not experiencing anything abnormal)10:41
snapyok, so, so good for me :)10:41
snapyalex79:  before doing the upgrade just check that sudo works in the X konsole10:41
alex79snapy: su is not working I cant do the update?10:42
sampanhttp://bugzilla.ubuntu.com/show_bug.cgi?id=8681#c59  <--- i think that's the bugreport10:42
snapyok sampan, I going to do look it fast, alex79, i'll be back in a minute10:42
sampanalex79  you -can- do the update, but probably easiest to do from cli (the bug only affected gui stuff i think)10:42
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alex79how do i do the update whit the konsole10:44
snapyalex79: ok, so let's try to do it10:44
snapyif you managed to change the /etc/networks file, this means that you arrived to be root, didn't you?10:45
snapydid you do it in the tty?10:45
alex79directly in the konsole10:46
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alex79i did SU then password the NANO to the file interfaces10:46
snapyI guess that you can do the same thing for this, but I have a tendency to do these big updates from the tty or better from a remote computer logged in ssh10:47
snapythe reason is that I don't want to run a KDE program when KDE itself is updating10:47
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snapybut I don't know if my fears are correct (because with that rule we could not be able to upgrade libc6 and other basic software neither)10:48
sampanit'll go fine doing it from konsole (that's how i and a lot of others did it).  he'll just have to restart kde for the changes to take effect.10:48
snapyok, thanks sampan10:48
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snapythen all you have to do alex79 is 2 commands10:49
alex79wht do i have to ipe in the konsole?10:49
snapyapt-get update (to update the index of the packages)10:49
snapyand apt-get upgrade10:49
snapyalthough you may have to specify web repositories10:50
snapytry the commands before10:50
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alex79it says to type apt-get -f install10:51
sampaniirc, adept-updater works too10:51
snapythis means that you have some previous half-installed packages10:51
snapyI would remain in the command line for this (because I personally feel safer there)10:51
snapyrun apt-get -f install (it may still not work but it will tell you which packages are not fully installed)10:52
grxmrxis it possible to install firefox 1.5 from debian unstable in kubuntu?10:52
alex79i did and start working with some download10:52
snapyok normal10:53
snapygrxmrx: look for automatix in google10:53
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grxmrxsnapy: ok10:53
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snapyalex79:  just for curiosity what packages are being downloaded?10:54
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duckdownHey all.. I need a utility called 'wlanconfig' according to the madwifi howto, but I dont have it10:57
frank23grxmrx: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion10:58
grxmrxsnapy: hmm, it seems there are no packages for ppc, there are x86 and amd64 only10:59
snapygrxmrx: sorry I fear I cannot help you further10:59
alex79dont know is going to fast11:00
snapywhat connection type do you have?11:00
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snapyand what download speed is it giving you?11:01
Wolf[1] Why doesn't dapper install from CD?11:02
Wolf[1] I've tried Flight 2, and Flight 3/11:02
duckdownWolf[1]  exactly11:02
duckdownits a piece of total crap11:02
duckdownworst install cd ever11:02
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duckdownWolf[1]   let me guess, no suitable kernel found in your APT sources, right? a bright red screen?11:03
Wolf[1] Huh? It has a red box, saying that it can't load components from the CD.11:03
duckdownthey screwed it up bigtime11:03
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snapyalex79: hail me (just write "snapy" in the line)  when you have some news.  I am putting IRC n the background11:04
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_caseyanyone know where i can find a cdrdao.deb package11:05
Wolf[1] duckdown, is it fixable..?11:05
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alvaroI have a Nvidia Geforce 7800GTX in Kubuntu 6.10 , how do I install nvidia drivers?11:10
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Wolf[1] Some are installed by default.11:10
_caseyi'm new to linux so...11:10
Wolf[1] Hold on.11:10
alvaroMine didn't11:10
Bedai don't know how to install nvidia drivers11:10
Wolf[1] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7507411:11
Wolf[1] That tells you how, alvaro, you should probably go with Method 2.11:11
Wolf[1] Beda, what card do you have?11:11
Wolf[1] I have an old GeForce 5200.11:11
Wolf[1] Lol.11:11
Wolf[1] Onboard NVidia?11:11
alvarohmmm Wolf[1] 11:11
alvaroi THINK I was trying method 211:12
alvaroI downloaded that driver11:12
alvaroand installed gcc11:12
alvaroand gcc3.411:12
Wolf[1] Install build essential.11:12
alvarobut It says something...11:12
alvarolike it was using gcc4.011:12
alvaroand my kernel was compiled with gcc3.411:12
Wolf[1] Method 1 will work just as good.11:12
alvaroand it couldn't be compiled11:12
Wolf[1] I used method 1, but it doesn't give you the latest drivers.11:13
alvaroI have amd6411:13
alvarowill it work?+11:13
Wolf[1] I have no idea.11:13
Wolf[1] I'm not a 'ubuntu expert', I can't get dapper to read my CD drive...soo, it might.11:14
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alvaroI'm on breezy11:14
Wolf[1] I am too. But, dapper has messed my setup so many times, its not even funny.11:14
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alvaroI installed yesterday11:15
Wolf[1] Ask, hatake_kakashi11:15
alvaroand the last thing :P11:15
alvarowhich one is better11:15
alvaroor -k811:15
Wolf[1] Uhmmm....lol.11:16
Wolf[1] I don't know.11:16
ubotuIf you want to build software, you need the build-essential package to start with11:16
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Wolf[1] Well, I am off to get dapper working.11:16
Wolf[1] :D11:16
=== Wolf[1] tries to install dapper.
Wolf[1] The CD doesn't work.11:16
hatake_kakashiahh that11:17
Wolf[1] Is there a fix/11:17
hatake_kakashilol, I personally never messed with dapper myself yet, I am still trying to fix up the problem between hoary -> breezy after update11:17
alvaroone more question, how do I know if I have 3d aceleration?11:17
hatake_kakashialvaro: check your xorg configuration11:17
alvaroI haven't used linux for 3 months :'(11:17
alvarobut something11:18
alvaroglxinfo | grep..11:18
alvaroor something like that11:18
alvaroI remember :p11:18
ubotuhatake_kakashi: Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/11:18
ubotuWhat? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, hatake_kakashi11:18
alvaroHmm I have to reboot11:18
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alvarothanks for the help Wolf[1]   and hatake_kakashi11:19
_caseyim new to linux and cant get my cd burner to work11:19
Wolf[1] _casey, why not?11:19
_caseywolf[1]  its says i am missing cdrdao11:19
_caseyi cant find it on kynaptic11:20
Wolf[1] Breezy?11:20
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Wolf[1] _casey, I'm not really sure.11:21
kernel_i386which font do you use in your kubuntu?11:21
Wolf[1] Have you tried Ubuntuforums.org?11:21
hatake_kakashi_casey: did you consult with the program manual for the reason why it would not work?11:21
ccc__casey: enable universe and install cdrdao11:21
_caseywhats universe?11:21
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource11:22
_caseyive been using linux all of 6 days you are going to have to explain things like you would to a child11:22
ubotuThe rationale behind the different components of the ubuntu repositories (main, restricted, universe, multiverse) is described at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/components11:22
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bimberi_casey: there you go :)11:23
hatake_kakashibimberi: btw _casey is on hoary11:23
ownerOS/Kernel      Linux 2.6.14-archck7 i686 [  ] 11:24
ownerCPU Info       (1) Intel Pentium 4 clocked at [ 3001.209 MHz ] 11:24
owner               (2) Intel Pentium 4 clocked at [ 3001.209 MHz ] 11:24
ownerVideocard      ATI RV410 [Radeon X700 Pro (PCIE)]   X.Org 6.8.2  [ 1280x1024 @60hz ] 11:24
ownerNetwork cards  Intel 82562ET/EZ/GT/GZ - PRO/100 VE (LOM) Ethernet Controller, at port: 100011:24
ownerProcesses 113 | Uptime 13:06 | Memory 488.242/502.809MB | HDD ATA WDC WD2500JD-22H,Generic USB SD Reader,Generic USB CF Reader,Generic USB SM Reader,Generic USB MS Reader Size 435GB (25%used) | GLX Renderer RADEON X700 PRO Generic | GLX Version 2.0.5582 (8.21.7) | Client X-Chat 2.6.0 | Infobash v2.50rc1011:24
bimberihatake_kakashi: k11:24
ownerinfobash get it from http://rebelhomicide.demon.nl/scripts/#infobash11:24
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hatake_kakashiowner: nice bit of spam there :p11:25
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dsaaam sorry for myself guys but ill be useful in the barrios now than in makati if this is the case...ill be seing an innocent Mark...other than Mark Shuttleworth..gtg...SAYANG11:30
dsaa<dsaa> ill be prolifirating EDUBUNTU in the barrios rather than going in Makati wondering why were not invited as ubuntu team-ph member.11:30
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kernel_i386hey owner thanks for your help one or two days ago :) worked for me (think my nick was localhost)11:34
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ownerwhat was your problem btw11:34
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kernel_i386owner:  I accidently deinstalled too much (gcc and stuff) ...and all the other programs that were depending on this11:38
kernel_i386so.. my "start menu" was almost "empty" hehehe11:38
owneroh yes11:38
owneruninstalled apt11:38
kernel_i386a friend helped me over ssh ..11:39
kernel_i386with your tipp ...11:39
ownergood idea11:39
kernel_i386yea.. since I am a super noob11:39
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snapyI need to get some sleep, bye to all11:41
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kernel_i386is it possible to enable "ctrl+c" copy in console?11:45
ownertry middle mouse button click11:46
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hatake_kakashikernel_i386: Ctrl+C is binded for terminating applications11:47
kernel_i386yeah.. just thought about that11:47
kernel_i386eventhough I hate "clicking" with my mouse all the time to copy&paste11:48
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hatake_kakashibah.. I don't understand this whole kubuntu thing.. the kernels are compiled with gcc3.4.5 (prerelease) and yet its not in the repos, the kernel-source kubuntu patched requires gcc-3.4 even though I have checked for gcc version..11:53
visik7kubuntu kde 3.5.x packages are uninstallable after perl update from security 'couse kdenetwork-filesharing depends on perl-suid that depends on perl (= 5.8.7-5ubuntu1) but 5.8.7-5ubuntu1.2 is to be installed and Depends: libperl5.8 (= 5.8.7-5ubuntu1) but 5.8.7-5ubuntu1.2 is to be installed11:53
visik7practically perl-suid is broken11:53
hatake_kakashiand gcc-4.0.1 is to compile i486 bins? sheesh11:53
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visik7e' meglio etch a sto punto11:54
TaleasHiya, macd.11:54
visik7sono allibito11:54
visik7wrong channel11:55
TaleasWe figured.11:55
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uboturestricted is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed here have been replaced by !FreeFormats11:59
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visik7perl-suid is broken11:59
visik7fix it please!!!12:00
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