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UnfunHello all03:57
UnfunAnyone know if it's possible to get ServerWorks HT1000 SATA controller working on ubuntu-server 5.103:57
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=== irvin is away: I'm busy
pabs_can anyone assist me with " 500 OOPS: could not bind listening IPv4 socket" error with vsftpd?05:55
maswanpabs_: probably, the local ftp port that vsftpd wants to listen on is already busy06:00
maswanperhaps an old ftpd process?06:00
pabs_ya your right06:02
pabs_I killed all vsftpd processes06:02
pabs_and i think im running@06:02
pabs_:-D !!!06:02
pabs_i was actually trying to connect locally06:03
pabs_and got that error06:03
pabs_man o man that was chore getting that up and running tonite06:04
pabs_im new to linux :)06:04
pabs_maswan thanks for your help man06:04
pabs_appreciate it06:04
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spikeI'm running out of ideas and resources..., so, anybody with cisco experience?11:10
maswanWell, some of ther smaller switches are just overpriced, I avoid the rest?11:11
spikeI'm having an hard time setting up a vpn between a pix 501 and a cisco vpn client11:16
maswannever touched vpns11:18
fabbionespike: good luck!11:19
fabbionepix 501 sucks11:19
fabbioneand it also depends what cisco vpn client you are using11:20
fabbionebecause they have 2/3 different ones according to the vpn concentrator11:20
spikefabbione: cisco vpn client 4.8.011:21
fabbionespike: i lost my CCO account when cisco has been hacked11:21
fabbionedidn't even bother to reenable it11:21
spikethe thing is, it's a weird test bed, I get the vpn, but then cant ping/access what's on the other side11:21
spikebut the more I check ACLs and stuff, the more it looks fine11:22
fabbionedid you check that the client is setting default gw over the vpn?11:22
fabbioneiirc there is a setting on server side to force such a thing11:22
fabbioneor a client option11:22
fabbionethat you don't want the users to be able to override11:22
fabbionehence you set it on the server11:22
fabbioneanyway cisco vpn are extremely easy to hack :)11:22
spikefabbione: yes, gw is over vpn. the option should be split-tunnel11:25
spikebut yes, the packets get to the pix, so that's not the prob11:25
spikeI can see them all with show capture11:26
spikethe problem is accessing boxes on over the vpn, packets stop at incoming interface and never reach the other one11:26
spikefabbione: so it must be something ACL related, that would sound obvious, but I've just got one (test bed for a specific scenario), so, mh, I'm kinda sure I got it right11:27
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ealdenMarioMeyer: ping01:17
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MarioMeyerealden, pong05:19
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UnfunAnyone in here?08:26
spikeyeah, but all dead08:26
=== lionelp [n=lionel@ip-128.net-82-216-65.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #ubuntu-server
UnfunI just bought a brand new dual core amd 1U server and i can't get ubuntu-server to recognize the HT1000 ServerWorks SATA controller08:27
UnfunIs there a driver in the works or no?08:27
spikefabbione: so far nobody flamed me for the apache post, but I havent got a reply either :)08:28
fabbioneUnfun: you will need to try dapper CD's08:28
fabbionei don't think .12 does support it08:28
UnfunHow unstable is dapper?08:28
fabbionespike: i have been feeling really bad today08:28
fabbioneUnfun: quite unstable08:28
UnfunI may just install on a usb drive08:29
Unfuncompile a kernel08:29
fabbionespike: so were the other 2 apache maintainers...08:29
spikefabbione: oh, doh, sorry to hear about that08:29
UnfunThen copy it over08:29
fabbionespike: we got some kind of food poisoning or something..08:29
spikeeeewww, that sux08:29
fabbionewe are not going too well these days08:30
fabbionedoing even08:30
spikefabbione: then it must be that that made you you define hw "desperate" instead of "disparate" ;)08:31
spikeand it must be my lack of sleep that makes me double words...08:32
spikefabbione: btw, I solved that vpn issue :)08:32
fabbioneah nice08:32
spikeas of 2 days playing with cisco stuff, I dont definitely like it...08:32
fabbionei don't like their firewalls/vpn solutions08:33
fabbionei don't mind switches and midrange routers08:33
spikeexpecially traffic analysis, not really comparable with iptables logging / tcpdump08:34
spikeboth debug and capture miss useful features08:34
spikeI'm running IOS 6.3, tho, something better might be available in 7.008:34
fabbioneyeah probably more bugs08:35
=== allee [n=ach@allee.exgal.mpe.mpg.de] has joined #ubuntu-server
spikewhat it is really scaring is default licences wont support aes, so u're stuck to DES08:36
fabbioneis it at least 3DES?08:37
fabbioneperhaps one day i will show you how to hack the vpn client :)08:38
spikefabbione: ehehe, I'll keep waiting for that day :)08:38
fabbionespike: eheh08:39
fabbionei am off now08:39
fabbionecya tomorrowq08:39
=== jbwiv [n=jbwiv@shell3.sea5.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu-server
jbwivhey guys, what is the status of ubuntu-server? Is it ready for use, or should I stand by? I've got a Suse server that just got hacked, and thinking about either Debian or Ubuntu...08:51
lionelphey jbwiv08:53
lionelpyou can start using Ubuntu as a server08:53
lionelpsome improvement will occur on the next release, but there is since the breezy release (5.10) a server release08:54
jbwivlionelp: will I need to wipe and reinstall in the next release08:55
jbwivor can I apt-get dist-upgrade?08:55
lionelpabsolutely no !08:56
lionelpyeah, just dist-upgrade08:56
jbwivgood, good08:56
jbwivdoes apache by default run chrooted?08:56
jbwivin the server version?08:56
lionelpit is the classical install, like the Debian one08:56
jbwivlionelp: is there a package that will do this easily? Ah...ok. Is harden and bastille available via apt?08:57
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lionelpjbwiv: a package to easily do that is planed but not yet available08:57
lionelpyes, harden and bastille are available via apt08:58
jbwivlionelp: ok, is harden and bastille available, as it  is in debian?08:58
jbwivok, thanks ;)08:58
lionelpyou can check it on http://packages.ubuntu.com08:58
jbwivlionelp: one last question...08:58
lionelpno pb :)08:58
spikejbwiv: just in case: it's technically a *very* poor countermeasure, but mounting /tmp noexec stops 99% of the attacks, since they're as poor as the countermeasure itself08:58
jbwivwhat would you argue is the reason to go with ubuntu server in it's current state, as opposed to debian?08:58
spikehey ubijtsa08:59
lionelpjbwiv: not to be obliged to wait three years for a new release :)08:59
jbwivspike: heh...here's what I faced this morning: wwrun   20533     1  0 Feb16 ?        00:00:00 /tmp/.tmp/public_html/s09:00
jbwiv> 5309:00
lionelpon the next release (Dapper, that will be available in april), some meta packages and a support for 5 years will be available09:00
spikejbwiv: that in a few months u'll have chances to seamlessly get lots of server related improvements09:00
ubijtsalo spike09:00
jbwivwoops...well, you get the picture.09:00
jbwivexploit running out of tmp on the suse box ;)09:00
spikeout ot /tmp ?09:00
jbwivspike: yep09:00
jbwivso, you're advice is wise ;)09:01
spikethat doesnt look out of /tmp to me..09:01
jbwivmounting noexec09:01
spikeaaah, ok09:01
spikeout of tmp, I read it as , not in /tmp09:01
ubijtsahmm.. /tmp should probably be mounted nodev, noexec09:01
jbwivthe command was /tmp/.tmp/public_html/s > 5309:01
spikeyes yes, sorry, just misunderstood ur comment "out of tmp"09:01
jbwivonly way I caught it is the damned thing was DOS'ing my firewall09:01
jbwivah, ok09:01
jbwivso, guys, what you're telling me is that ubuntu-server is ready for use, regardless, right? It doesn't seem to be very buzzy in terms of community and portal, but I may be not looking in the right place. That was my only concern. I use it on the desktop ;)09:02
spikeindeed, I brought up to attention that more than once, but they said "it's ok to run it within the ubuntu framework"09:03
spikejbwiv: it's ready, just not super-accessoried 'till april09:04
spikejbwiv: but you wont lose anything compared to debian, and have a huge gain in a few months without reinstalling09:04
jbwivspike: done deal then...thanks!09:04
jbwivby the way...very glad to see this project in existance!09:05
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spikeI'm off, c u guys09:17
ubijtsaI am seeing some _really_ bizarre things in kde 3.5.109:34
ubijtsaxkb is b0rked to the point I have had to disable it.. no keymaps available etc..09:35
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