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ulinskiewhy is my wiki on ubuntu saying password din not match if I change the theme in user preferences06:45
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JaneWjbailey sends appologies as does mjg5911:00
JaneWBenC: ping11:00
dholbachJaneW: you should do a CALL in the room. :-)11:03
SimiraJaneW: are they sick also now?11:03
JaneWyou means SPEAK?11:03
=== Lathiat [i=lathiat@ubuntu/member/pdpc.basic.lathiat] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
ogradudettes ? 11:03
=== fabbione waves
=== mdz [n=mdz@] has joined #ubuntu-meeting
mdzgood morning11:04
JaneWwe are missing BenC still11:04
ogradholbach, sounds like a gay dancegroup :)11:04
mdzshould we do this in the usual way, or by more physical means?11:04
dholbachogra: haha :)11:04
JaneWI had no appologies from him11:04
JaneWjbailey sends appologies as does mjg5911:04
=== fabbione suggests more physical means.. like sumo
Mithrandirogra: JaneW and Simira at least are clearly not dudes, but dudettes.11:04
ajmitchmdz: it'd be nice to see the updates if possible11:04
dholbachfabbione: woohoo! :)11:05
JaneWmdz: the community asked for an on-line meeting as usual11:05
mdzajmitch: the report would still go out as usual, of course11:05
JaneWmdz: but then I'd have to do ALL the typing ;)11:05
ogradont we copy and paste all from prepared docs anyway ... ?11:05
mdzJaneW: presumably everyone has prepared their reports as usual, and could paste them in addition to talking11:05
mdzbut we can do it here also11:06
ogralets just do the copy/paste thing here and discuss in RL11:06
mdzmjg59 is apparently planning to drop by this afternoon11:06
mdzno word from BenC?11:07
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mdzok, starting from the bottom then11:08
JaneWBenC: is prolly asleep11:08
Riddelldone:  kpdf ported to poppler with pitti did not succeed with kword, investigate kdm for debconf preseed issue (couldn't find a problem, neither could kamion, needs further investigation), various kubuntu.org website updates11:08
Riddellkubuntu-roadmap-dapper: kde 3.5.1 all released, only 1 problem reported now fixed, (working with backport Mez to get it backported), move amarok/kaffeine to xine11:09
Riddelllangpacks-desktopfiles: investigated for KDE, looks possible if careful to avoid kconfig/klocale loop11:09
Riddellkubuntu-express: reading kamion's code11:09
Riddelltodo: more kubuntu-express, get network-manager working so I can investigate getting knetworkmanager working11:09
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mdzJaneW: your reminder went out with enough advance notice11:09
mdzto set an alarm clock11:09
JaneWmdz: yes about 18 hours before...11:09
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mdzRiddell,pitti: is kword still pending, or is it not worth the effort?11:10
JaneWRiddell: 3 of your specs are red as they haven't been approved yet...11:10
pittimdz: it's an awful lot of work, since it still uses xpdf 211:10
Riddellmdz: it's not worth the effort, we need to decide if we want to ship the pdf importer or not11:11
pittimdz: which has completely different classes, etc11:11
mdz(note that the approver doesn't get any asynchronous notification of these, so if a spec needs review, the assignee needs to tell them)11:11
RiddellJaneW: kubuntu-express I think is pending review by Kamion 11:11
JaneWKamion: can you check it please? ^11:11
Kamionok, will eyeball after the meeting11:11
mdzthanks, Riddell11:11
mdzis sivang in attendance?11:12
RiddellJaneW: simplify-kde isn't on my list but should be11:12
JaneWsivan is not here: he has not made further progress but is still hoping to complete in time for dapper11:12
JaneWhe'll let us know in the next 2 weeks is it is going to need to be deferred11:12
JaneWRiddell: ok, I'll check that11:12
mdzseb128: next?11:13
seb128this week: new GNOME11:13
seb128next week: dapper-desktop-plan, bug catchup, gstreamer0.8 out of the desktop (gstreamer 0.10 rocks!)11:13
mdzseb128: how does video-playback look?11:13
Riddellseb128: can evolution-plugins use gstreamer 0.10?11:13
mdzsince xine is now split, we have that option if gstreamer 0.10 doesn't solve the issues, right?11:14
seb128Riddell: not yet but we don't care about it, we can drop it11:14
seb128mdz: correct, but gst0.10 looks great11:14
seb128A/V sink is much better11:14
mdzit works well for me, but I think we need more feedback11:14
Keybukgst plays all known videos of mdz sleeping11:14
mdzseb128,Kamion: please make sure that it's mentioned in the next Flight announcement with a call for video testing11:14
JaneWKeybuk: heh11:14
pittigst 0.10 works well for me, too11:14
mdzinclude a link to a sample video11:15
seb128and reactivity, switching between files, moving in a file, etc are much better too11:15
mdz(no, not THAT sample video)11:15
Kamionmdz: noted11:15
seb128mdz: agreed, extra feedback would be nice11:15
KeybukDapper Dance.ogg11:15
KamionBenC noted lack of DVD support11:15
mdzseb128: DVD support is coming, right?11:15
seb128it's known, plugin needs to be ported11:15
mdzjust lags behind11:15
seb128its not done yet but they are working on it, should be fine for dapper11:15
=== Kamion nods
mdzseb128: thanks11:16
pitti * hacked kpdf to use poppler instead of static modified xpdf copy11:16
pitti * updated network-manager to work with linux-wlan-ng11:16
pitti * cleaned up and updated locales and locale binaries11:16
pitti * finished openssl transition for main (only package left is python2.3 on ia64+sparc)11:16
pitti * misc: various bug fixes, new gnome-volume-manager, some libdb4.3 transitions11:16
pittino progress on specs this week11:16
pittinext week:11:16
pitti * play with gnome-power-manager on powerpc and try to find a reasonable solution for the event handling conflict with pbbuttonsd11:16
pitti * finish langpacks-desktopfiles for .server files (together with zyga)11:16
pitti * catch up on bug triage11:16
pittioh, and a pending PHP security update with Adam11:16
pitti(some other security updates as well)11:17
fabbionepitti: python2.3 is FTBFS because of aa missing B-D.. i will dig into that later11:17
pittifabbione: yay11:17
mdzpitti: how many packages are involved for the db4.3 transition?11:17
pittiit's hopefully going into universe anyway, but still11:17
mdzwe could divide them up and perhaps finish in a short time11:17
pittimdz: oo.o is basically the only one11:17
pittioh, and openldsp11:17
mdzoh, good11:17
pittildap, even11:17
JaneWpitti: there is interest in the firewall spec again - is it too late for dapper?11:17
mdzltsp + ldap = ldsp11:18
pittibut oo.o seems to be particularly hard11:18
mdzJaneW: from whom?11:18
pittiopenldap probably uses transactions, so we need to be a bit carful11:18
JaneWmdz: casten (original google bounty guy and Krishna)11:18
mdzdoko: is there someone we can bounty the libdb/oo.o project to?11:18
pittiJaneW: I read the mail, but didn't followup yet11:18
pittimdz: basically, Carsten never get an answer to his bounty proposal11:19
JaneWpiti: ok let me know when you assess it11:19
mdzJaneW: I don't think there is time to complete it by feature freeze; they are welcome to work on it of course and we can take a decision then11:19
pittiJaneW: it's not going to be finished for FF11:19
ograits pretty late ... less than 3 weeks, but if they are confident to finish it ....11:19
JaneWmdz: ok thanks11:19
pittiat least not the complete spec11:19
JaneWpitti: it was just UI missing AFAIR11:19
pittibut at least we could have the basic stuff working in dapper11:19
pittiJaneW: no, it was 'just the implementation' what was missing :(11:19
mdzpitti: that's my fault; I am down to 56 messages in inbox but that is one of them11:19
pittiit didn't work at all after SoC11:19
JaneWoh :(11:19
pittibut since Carsten had to do it for uni anyway, I hope that it's better nowadays11:20
ajmitchpitti: that's a shame, I've seen a few people wanting that (but without the skills to code it)11:20
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mdzpitti: please review the proposal; you can judge whether it is reasonable11:20
pittimdz: ok11:20
mdzwe can still fund a bounty for it even if it can't target dapper 11:20
pittiwrt openldap, I'll look into it if infinity can't do it soon11:21
mdzwe do want it eventually11:21
pittiyes, agreed11:21
mdzpitti: s/can't do it soon/doesn't survive/11:21
mdzpitti: do you have a copy of the firewall proposal or shall I forward it?11:21
mdzyou were CCed originally11:21
pittimdz: I hace it11:21
pittihave, even11:21
=== pitti is still used to his Kinesis keyboard
mdzok, thanks11:22
ogra* thin-client-memory-usage: initramfs netboot mode implemented11:22
ogra* thin-client-faster-startup: final spec changes, approved  11:22
ogra* gnome-screensaver-default-image: no work done this week11:22
ogra* general: ltsp debugging, traveling, sprint11:22
ogra* next week:  debconf debugging (to be able to set VideoRam, DefaultDepth and other X values for the memory usage spec), implement ltsp faster startup, ltsp bugfixing, merge the changes in my various ltsp trees. implement peres xauth fix with mdz's changes. care for edubuntu-artwork gdm theme handling.11:22
=== ajmitch will paste an update on the selinux work at the end if that's ok
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ograsadly cant update my specs... launchpad doesnt like me today11:22
dholbachogra: Mithrandir had the same problems.11:23
JaneWogra: thin client faster start-up is red, can you push the spec to approved soon?11:23
mdzogra: is netboot the default for ltsp-build-client now?11:23
ogramdz, yup11:23
Mithrandirdholbach: uh, what problems?11:23
Mithrandirdholbach: the ekiga stuff?11:23
dholbachMithrandir: accessing your specs on launchpad?11:23
ograMithrandir, LP11:23
Mithrandiroh, yes.11:23
mdzogra: if the launchpad timeouts are recurring (even after a reload) or something other than a timeout is happening, send me the OOPS codes11:23
Mithrandirit works if I go to +assignedspecs, though11:23
mdzI'm not having a problem there11:23
ogramdz, will do11:23
mdzogra: thanks11:24
ograMithrandir, oh thanks !11:24
mvo- AutomaticUpgrades:11:24
mvo  - testing11:24
mvo  - evaluted user feedback11:24
mvo  - fixed some packages that broke upgrades11:24
mvo  - send report about current status of the upgrade to ubuntu-devel11:24
mvo  - started to write a NonInteractive DistUpgrade tester to autotest problems during the dist-upgrade11:24
mvo  - BIG problem: a single failed pkg makes a upgrade stop halfway through11:24
mvo- misc stuff [gksu statup notification, HIGification on language-seelctor, update-manager)11:24
mvo- traveld, sprint, got sick11:24
mvoWill do:11:24
mvo- finish the non-interactive dist-upgrade autotester11:24
mvo- gnome-app-install new-look branch finish and upload11:24
mdzmvo demoed AutomaticUpgrades here at the sprint earlier this week; it's looking good11:24
mdzall you lurkers out there should test it11:25
JaneWmvo: default apt sources? Is it still going to get done?11:25
mvoand don't forget to send me logs if you test it!11:25
mvoJaneW: yes, I'm confident in that one11:25
mdzit's in braindump currently11:25
JaneWmvo: ok good, approved spec please (or else straight to implemented) ;)11:25
mdzJaneW: did mjg59 send any update?   we can hassle him in a few hours if not11:26
mdzmvo: thanks11:26
ograJaneW, thin-client-faster startup is not red in my launchpad overview ...11:26
JaneWmdz: yes11:26
JaneWmjg59 JaneW: Basically, everything's sorted - libpam-foreground and gnome-power-manager need to be added to desktop11:26
JaneWogra: it's read cos it's not yet approved11:27
Kamionas pitti said gnome-power-manager needs some work on powerpc11:27
ograJaneW, it was approved this morning11:27
mjg59g-p-m should be fine on ppc, hal may need some loving11:27
mdzseb128,dholbach: do you concur re: g-p-m?11:27
JaneWogra: oic, excellent, thanks :)11:27
ograJaneW, (and has the right status in LP)11:27
mjg59And pbbuttons probably needs to go11:27
pittimjg59: event handling of pbbuttonsd and g-p-m should conflict, don't they?11:27
JaneWogra: I haven;t checked the changes this am yet11:27
mdzif so, please go ahead and seed11:27
=== mjg59 leaves for a real meeting
pittimjg59: g-p-m depends p-m-i depends pbbuttonsd11:27
mdzmjg59: still coming by later?11:28
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slomomjg59: pbbuttonsd is still needed for brightness setting etc11:28
JaneWhi jbailey 11:28
pittislomo: no, gnome-settings-daaemon does that for ages11:28
mjg59mdz: Yeah11:28
ogramdz, i'll care for the seeding ...11:28
seb128mdz: I didn't really played with g-p-m, maybe dholbach?11:28
mjg59pitti: Well, that can be fixed11:28
mdzmjg59: ok, see you later then11:28
mjg59slomo: No it's not - hal can do that11:28
pittiwe already had to cripple pbbuttonsd a lot 11:28
dholbachmdz: a bit and it looked good from what i saw.11:28
mdzlet's go ahead then11:28
pittimjg59: so g-p-m doesn't use pmi?11:28
mdzlibpam-foreground also11:28
ograpitti, it does ...11:28
mdzmjg59: thanks11:29
mjg59pitti: It does, but that only needs pbbuttons to make one ioctl11:29
mjg59Anyway, we'll talk abou this later11:29
ograpitti, (hal does in fact)11:29
Mithrandiropenoffice-amd64: no progress11:30
Mithrandirlive-cd-performance: no further progress11:30
Mithrandirsimplified-livecd: support for putting the live image on USB stick/hard drive added, support for persistency in a loopback (ext2/ext3/whatever) filesystem on vfat added, keymapper stuff Not Yet There, now autoconfigures all found network devices11:30
=== mjg59 goes to a real life meeting
Mithrandirmisc: distro sprint death plague struck, been having useful discussions with Colin about espresso and how I can help once I get my specs out of the way.  Apache sprint was very productive even though we ended up with a decision to not put 2.2 in dapper due to external modules not being ready.11:30
Mithrandirprobe-for-root-filesystem: started on it today, will hopefully be completed today as well.11:30
Mithrandirblocked on: access to popcon.ubuntu.com11:30
Mithrandir(the blocked on is not for a spec, but for getting popcon going again)11:30
mdzMithrandir: is there anything from the original simplified-livecd spec which isn't complete yet, or can it be marked implemented?11:30
Mithrandirwe don't handle keyboard maps yet11:30
mdzMithrandir: is popcon a sysadmin request? if so, please send the RT ticket number by email11:31
Mithrandiryes, it is.11:31
Kamion(gfxboot passes the keymap - casper just needs to do something with that)11:31
mdzok, good11:31
MithrandirI think it's waiting for admins to set up a replacement for the current machine11:31
mdzMithrandir: can we use probe-for-root-filesystem for casper-on-USB as well as install-on-USB?11:32
Mithrandircasper-on-usb is already there, and no, it's a bit different.  probe-for-root-filesystem seems to just need grub-installer changes, not changes in the installed system.11:33
MithrandirScott has already fixed udev to DTRT when you pass root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/${...}11:33
mdzKeybuk,Mithrandir: still planning to have a readahead chat while you're here?11:33
mdzMithrandir: casper-on-usb just searches around for something with a filesystem image on it, then?11:34
KamionMithrandir: yaboot-installer too?11:34
Kamionthough that might be hairier11:34
Keybukmdz: yeah, will still have that chat11:34
MithrandirKamion: that too, but I can't test that in anything resembling a useful way.11:34
Kamionopen firmware being the weird-shit that it is11:34
fabbionei suggest to skip ppc for this feature11:34
Mithrandirmdz: with a fairly restricted set of "something", yes.  It doesn't try to look in ext2/ext3 partitions, for instance.11:35
KeybukMithrandir: the caveat is that it doesn't work if you need ide-generic (because it doesn't know to load it)11:35
Kamionif anyone here has a firewire drive, actually, that might be useful11:35
MithrandirKamion: I have an ieee1394 dvd-rw in Oslo11:35
Mithrandirso, probably not useful.11:35
Kamionnot so much11:35
mdzKeybuk: can we arrange for that to be loaded in this case?11:35
mvoKamion: I have one11:35
Keybukmdz: then it'd break your laptop11:35
Kamionmvo: cool, will talk later11:35
mdzKeybuk: I don't use root=/dev/disk/by-uuid/foo on my laptop11:36
Keybukright, but you wouldn't be able to use it either11:36
Keybukincluding whatever Tollef was doing11:36
mdzthe plan so far is only to use this method if root is on a removable device11:36
Keybukremovable devices are always SCSI11:36
Keybuk(in Linuxworld)11:36
fabbioneKeybuk: nope 11:37
MithrandirKeybuk: udevinfo can give you the path, though11:37
Keybukfabbione: the IDE subsystem has no concept of of "removable"11:37
fabbioneKeybuk: you don't use IDE at all there11:37
KeybukMithrandir: chcken and egg11:37
Keybukin practice this shouldn't be a problem11:37
Keybukif we only use /dev/disk/by-*/* for "removable" devices, then we only care about the SCSI subsystem11:38
MithrandirKeybuk: how so?  I'm thinking of doing it in the installer, where you'd see the drive or not.  If you don't see it in the installer, you lose.11:38
Keybukand that will all work fine11:38
mdzMithrandir: oo.o-amd64 seems a lost cause at this point, no?11:38
KeybukMithrandir: let's discuss the problem with clarity in a bit11:38
Mithrandirmdz: I guess so.. the current solution works, while it's not pretty.11:39
mdzlet's officially defer it, then11:39
mdzdapper+1 material11:39
mdzthanks, Mithrandir11:39
Keybukstreamlined-boot: remaining changes are to the cleanup scripts and improving readahead; no new breakages expected11:39
Keybuknetwork-magic: testing of n-m underway, when it works, it's great.  going to modify it to work better for us, and then decide whether it's ship-able or desktop-able.  resolv.conf bug fixed in ifupdown, still to write iftab helper for udev but it's high on todo now.11:39
dokoMithrandir: how do the -experimental OOo2 packages work?11:40
mdzKeybuk: should probably get streamlined-boot reviewed and approved, considering it's nearly implemented11:40
KamionKeybuk: oh, we should sit down and sort out netcfg udev rule generation so that interface names don't change between the installer and the target system11:40
fabbioneor between reboots. kthxbye11:40
mdzKeybuk: maybe sit down with Kamion and go over the changes you've made vs. the spec11:40
mdzKamion: I believe that's just waiting for Keybuk to implement iftab support in udev11:40
JaneWKeybuk: streamlined boot, is the spec going to be approved? - or straight to implemnted?11:40
Kamionmdz: that works too, I guess11:41
mdzthe installer can continue to write iftab11:41
Keybukmdz, JaneW: yeah, I should probably ...errr... write that spec ;)11:41
mdzit involves quite a few different changes and would benefit from some peer review11:41
JaneWKeybuk: thanks, that would be good ;) 11:41
mdzKeybuk: thanks11:42
Kamioncd-bootloader: Added an accessibility menu for UbuntuExpress/Accessibility.11:42
Kamionubuntu-express: Uploaded an initial working-for-me version; and have spent a fair bit of the distro sprint polishing away some of the really egregious bugs. Made cdebconf and debconf coinstallable and added preliminary support for using cdebconf here; initial testing suggests it doesn't provide really noticeable speed benefits, but it may help avoid some compatibility bugs. Started bringing Tollef up to speed on wher11:42
Kamione things are. Added first cut at a to-do list on the wiki (UbuntuExpress/ToDo) so that Tollef and Jonathan can dive in.11:42
Kamionmisc: Some system-config-kickstart maintenance (I'm working on getting this stuff into Debian so we don't necessarily have to worry about maintaining it ourselves so much).11:43
Kamionnext-week: Shake up the Espresso component API to allow for running debconffiltered processes asynchronously, which will let me massively improve UI responsiveness in the first few steps. Start on the missing UI steps (language, keymap, location/timezone). Thinking about killing archive-copier by default since it's not all that necessary any more.11:43
JaneWI have jbailey's update...11:43
mdzKamion: is there implementation work to be done for the localized help in cd-bootloader, or just translations?11:43
Kamionmdz: implementation, basically just file-shuffling11:44
jbaileyJaneW: Please, thanks.11:44
mdzKamion: ready for  a live espresso demo after the meeting?11:44
jbailey(I wrote it in the email to you and don't have it handy. *g*)11:44
Mithrandirmdz: I'm hogging his machine for grub-installer foo, so preferably not. :-)11:45
Kamionmdz: sure, will need a bit of prep time though since Tollef's stolen the test box for other things11:45
Mithrandiror at least not right away.11:45
mdzdefinitely today though11:45
iwjkamion: You can use this test box here ...11:45
mdzpreferably before lunch, while we're all focused together11:45
Kamioniwj: ok, thanks11:45
mdzor directly after lunch11:45
mdzKamion: thanks11:45
JaneWjbailey : * ToolchainRoadmapNg: Led a group discussion at the Distro Sprint with11:45
JaneWdoko - See http://people.ubuntu.com/~jbailey/thinclient.txtfor initial11:45
JaneWbrainstorm. For those interested in participating, please see11:45
JaneWhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~scott/20060131_dropping-pre-i686_jbailey-doko.oggand post comments to ubuntu-devel and put [small]  in the subject.11:45
JaneWjbailey: * ToolchainRoadmap: Providing timezones directly from upstream tzdata11:46
JaneWgoing well. Targetting to upload tomorrow (Friday 02 Feb). 11:46
JaneW* LocalesThatDontSuck: Update from Belocs locales coordinated with11:46
JaneWpitti. This will move localedef out of glibc and into a separate binary11:46
JaneWGeneral: Distro sprint this week. Avoided the plague (/me knocks wood).11:46
JaneWSpent time talking with Martin about Main Inclusion and support. 11:46
mdzjbailey: what remains on ToolchainRoadmap, for your part?11:46
mdzsame question for belocs11:46
pittibelocs is basically done now11:47
pittiwith this morning's uploads11:47
jbaileymdz: Just these last tweaks to make updating timezones not suck across 5 years.  Other than that it's just the usual set of bugs.11:47
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mdzpitti: ok, if so, please mark as implemented11:47
dokomdz: ToolchainRoadmap+1: need to think how we go on with a breezy/dapper test build11:47
pittijbailey: belocs had a separate spec?11:48
jbaileymdz: ToolchainRoadmap+1 is behind because of the lack of test build.  I think it was due in December, but depended on Soyuz.11:48
jbaileypitti: LocalesThatDontSuck is the wiki page.  Lemme look up what we called it in Launchpad.11:48
mdzdoko,jbailey: I see no reason why a dapper-autotest couldn't be done right away, in terms of infrastructure11:48
mdz(using katie and wanna-build)11:48
jbaileymdz: How do we coordinate that?11:49
mdzsame as the last few times, via lamont/infinity/elmo11:49
mdzsoyuz won't have a snazzy autotest capability for a while; it'd have to be done more or less by hand there as well11:49
pittijbailey: don't worry, this one is implemented for ages11:49
mdzso no point in waiting for that11:49
dokomdz: let's discuss this in person, it didn't work well last time11:49
jbaileyCool, hopefully next week (subject to infinity jetlag and elmo time)11:49
mdzdoko: hmm, ok11:50
mdzjbailey: thanks11:50
jbaileypitti: Right.  It's even called "Belocs-locales" =)11:50
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iwjAutomatedTesting:  Announcement to go out RSN; found a few bugs which I want to get out first.11:50
iwjFirefox: Some bugfixes (including turning offesddsp) uploaded early this week.  pygnome coredump will hopefully be fixed RSN.  Anyone else have a firefox problem they want to demo for me ?11:50
iwjDefaultApplicationsFirefox: no change since last report.11:50
iwjDeveloperDocumentation: Not started, not blocked.11:50
iwjDeath plague: I'm more or less recovered but I still feel very thickheaded today.11:50
Keybuk*ahem* ... X bug11:50
iwjBugs backlog: awful.11:50
jbaileypitti: I'll look over the spec later to make sure that it reflects what we actually implemented.11:50
iwjEmail backlog: none.11:50
mdziwj: pygnome coredump?11:51
seb128is that the gtkmozembed crasher?11:51
iwjmdz: There's a bug which makes pymozgnombed or whatever it's called crash.11:51
seb128nice to get that one fixed11:52
=== mvo nods
Kamionyeah, I ripped gtkmozembed out of espresso to avoid that :)11:52
Kamion(that code path sucked anyway ...)11:52
mdzfirefox (sans flash) has been behaving pretty well for me11:52
mvoI use gtkhtml2 in gnome-app-installright now11:52
mvobut ...11:52
iwjmdz: Good.11:52
dokoiwj: there are Firefox problems on amd6411:52
Mithrandirdoko: oh, what?11:52
iwjdoko: Still ?11:52
ogranot herre11:52
iwjWhere then ? :-)11:52
dokoiwj, Mithrandir: still the same as reported in launchpad, looking up the number ...11:53
dholbachIs there any upstream bug about pygtkmozembed?11:53
iwjdholbach: Not that I know of but I haven't had a thorough look.11:54
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mdzinfinity is bedridden11:54
mdzthanks iwj11:54
mdzfabbione? 11:54
fabbionevim died11:54
ajmitchthis plague sounds serious11:55
fabbione* server-candy: done last cleanup for system-integrity-check still blocked on admins to prepare the server.11:55
fabbione* ubuntu-cluster: no progress.11:55
fabbione* boot-from-usb: implemented.11:55
fabbione* last week: Apache2.2 sprint, distro sprint. Details have gone into Jane's reports.11:55
fabbione* this week: distro sprint: server candy work and a lot of small things: fix a few FTBFS, fixed a kernel regression in .12 for a scsi driver that made the system unbootable (needs porting to dapper). Created ubuntu-x-swat team for X server maintainance (suicide is less painful). Started looking at X... no really..11:55
fabbione* next week: world peace.11:55
JaneWmdz: I'll get an update from infinity if he emerges11:55
ograuh, he switched to gentoo ?11:55
ajmitchogra: bad pun 11:55
mdzfabbione: is server-candy blocked, or not?  you say it's blocked, but that you will work on it this week11:55
fabbionemdz: i cannot upload to the archive is the admins do not provide the server.11:56
fabbionemdz: i can still do code cleanup and test locally11:56
fabbionebut clearly it would be nice that if i can actually get a wide spreaded test11:56
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mdzsysadmin has some high priority things coming in right now due to soyuz and sparc, but I'll see what can be done11:58
mdzmeanwhile, X bugs need your sweet loving11:58
fabbionemdz: yes i know about that. tho 723 is from UBZ or so11:58
mdzfabbione: yes, but we need to deal with the present :-)11:59
fabbionemdz: yeah i know.. please reassing them to the SWAT team11:59
mdzfabbione: thanks for updates11:59
doko[status] 11:59
doko- no changes from last week, besides11:59
doko- openoffice.org: don't stick with 2.0.1, but start working11:59
doko  on upgrades to current milestones leading to
doko[this week] 11:59
doko- distrosprint11:59
doko- fixing sparc specific bugs11:59
doko- practical virus testing (should be fixed now)11:59
doko[still to do for this week] 11:59
doko- ISDN testing, together with mvo11:59
mdzdoko: openoffice-gnome?11:59
dokomdz: the martink bounty? 12:00
mdzdoko: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OpenOfficeGnome12:00
mdzmarked approved, high priority in LP12:00
mdzdoko: regarding martink, if he completed the work to your satisfaction, please send me mail to that effect so that we can close out the bounty12:01
JaneWdoko: java-roadmap spec still needs to be approved...12:01
mdzI'm the approver on that one, didn't realize it was pending12:02
JaneWtsk tsk, we really need that auto-mailer functionality...12:02
mdzthe link from LP to the spec is broken12:02
mdzthere is no JavaRoadmap in the wiki, hence nothing to approve12:02
dokomdz: the "my defaults" are underspecified, a suggestion from a user. font hinting was low priority, there's a workaround using environment variables, but not gnome integration12:02
JaneWhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDownUnder/BOFs/JavaRoadmap ?12:03
dokoJaneW, mdz: java-roadmap is low priority, as descriobed, will work on an openoffice.org2 specific solution as it's done for eclipse12:03
JaneWand LP spec https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/java-roadmap12:04
mdzdoko: regarding openoffice-gnome, is there work that can be done or no?12:04
mdzif so, it's high priority, otherwise, must be deferred12:04
mdzJaneW: that wiki page looks like the old JavaRoadmap spec from UDU12:05
JaneWmdz: agreed...12:05
dokomdz: the hinting can be done, will update next week. will talk to seb128 for the copy/paste integration, "my defaults" should not be done12:05
mdzdoko: is there a new JavaRoadmap spec?12:06
=== JaneW is wondering how it can be pending review....
dokomdz: update for "only OOo"?12:06
mdzdoko: hmm?12:07
mdzdoko,mvo: how are you planning to do ISDN testing here?  do we have ISDN service available?12:08
dokomdz: do you mean https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NativeJavaGcjPackages ?12:08
mvomdz: I have various isdn hardware with me (and a modem)12:08
mdzdoko: I mean https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+spec/java-roadmap12:08
mvowe may only be able to test everything but the connecting :/12:08
mdzdoko: the summary mentions gcj12:09
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dokomdz: ISDN: it's just getting firmware loaded with udev, for breezy we did use hotplug12:09
mdzdoko: but the hyperlink goes nowhere, and there are some other components to it as well12:09
mdzdoko,vmo: re: ISDN, ok12:09
KamionRiddell: I've approved kubuntu-express now with the changes I mentioned. Note the status whiteboard though - I think it would help to design the UI in advance and have a usability person look it over.12:09
dokomdz: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDownUnder/BOFs/JavaRoadmap12:09
mdzdoko: if that's the real java-roadmap spec, please update the URL in LP12:10
RiddellKamion: thanks, will do probably after a demo 12:10
dokomdz: ok12:10
KamionRiddell: (not that my demo will bear much relation to the final UI as yet)12:10
mdzok, we're over time already12:10
dholbachthis week (done): GNOME 2.13.90, random fixes12:11
dholbachthis week (todo): serious bug triage with seb256 (now that he's feeling better again), try to make evolution work with bogofilter12:11
dholbachnext week: visit London, bug triage, apt-get.org reviews12:11
JaneWand there's no daniels or BenC...12:11
mdzdholbach: enjoy the holiday next week12:11
mdzthanks dholbach and doko12:12
dholbachmdz: thanks a lot12:12
mdzJaneW: please find out what happened to BenC12:12
JaneWmdz: I will12:13
Riddellmdz: mornfall is waiting on a reply to kubuntu-package-manager12:13
mdzJaneW: daniels I don't expect will be attending these meetings going forward12:13
mdzRiddell: it's a major piece of work and I've asked for input from mark on it12:13
JaneWnod, do we need any further updates in x? I know it's implemented, but does it need further tracking at all?12:13
mdzJaneW: only the issues we discussed tuesday12:13
JaneWwe could shift x into someone else's section for that12:14
ograJaneW, it will have bugs that need to be fixed before release ...12:14
mdzif there's anything else to discuss, let's do it in person12:14
mdzthanks everyone, adjourned12:14
ajmitchmdz: hm?12:14
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ajmitchah well12:15
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JaneWajmitch: handg 1012:15
JaneWhang 10 even12:15
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mdzajmitch: hmm?12:15
ajmitchsorry, I'd written up an update for selinux12:15
MithrandirI think ajmitch wanted to throw in his update12:15
mdzajmitch: if you have dapper work in progress, please arrange with JaneW to get it tracked on the status spreadsheet12:16
JaneWajmitch: shoot12:16
ajmitchno matter, I might not have time before feature freeze now12:16
ajmitchselinux: spec not approved, some implementation details have changed since UBZ due to switch to modular reference policy. Probably not time for a bounty before feature freeze. - building targeted & strict policies off the reference policy project, currently monolithic but switching to modularised policy.12:16
ajmitch - some basic tools for managing selinux users & booleans are being done with the python bindings.12:16
ajmitch - going to try & coordinate policy packaging with debian, talked with the current policy maintainer at LCA & he's happy to let me maintain refpolicy in debian with his help.12:16
mdzpitti: you're approver on that spec12:16
ajmitchtiming looks shaky now that I'm off to australia next week12:16
ajmitchbut I'll see what net access I have there12:16
JaneWajmitch: your call, want it track or not?12:17
mdzajmitch: we can certainly lay the groundwork in dapper, but I don't think it's something we'll want to switch on for this release due to our conservative strategy12:17
ajmitchJaneW: might as well12:17
pittimdz: ok, I'll look at it12:17
ograif its not going to be implemented, can we switch off the "cant mount /selinux/" message ? 12:17
JaneWajmitch: ok will add it12:17
ajmitchmdz: understood, I've discussed that briefly with pitti12:17
mdzajmitch: I'm interested in hearing about your progress though12:17
mdzI need to make a phone call, anything else?12:17
ajmitchogra: can do, it's a simple modification to the sysvinit patch12:17
mdzajmitch: thanks for the update, we'll see what we can accomplish there12:18
ograthat'd be nice ... even a >/dev/null would be enough 12:18
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sivangbah, status meeting it was ?12:35
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ajmitchsivang: yep12:37
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