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psusiI'm seing some strange behavior in blockdev I think... dd is writing out data to a cdrw and it looks like blockdev is buffering up hundreds of megs of data06:12
psusithen dd says it hit the end of the device, and syncs, at which point it goes uninterruptable for 10 minutes while 300 MB of dirty buffers are flushed06:12
psusithis only happens though if I have dd use a large block size like 256 KiB, with the default 2 KiB blocksize, blockdev appears to not buffer so much06:13
psusiso dd reports a lower throughput midway through, but when it finally hits the end and syncs, it doesn't go uninterruptable for 10 minutes06:14
psusiwhy is the block layer so strange? ;)06:15
BenCpsusi: buffering improves performance06:21
BenCmost things don't call sync, so your problem is kind of unique to dd06:22
psusiBenC, yea... but only to a point... buffering 300 megs of sequential IO is a bit silly isn't it?  and more importantly, why does it buffer more when dd is sending down larger write()s?06:27
BenChow do you know it's 300megs?06:27
psusiwith bs=2KiB it looks like the block layer is causing dd to sleep more to let the device catch up with the dirty buffer flushing06:27
BenCmore transactions, so block layer is flushing more often06:28
psusiBenC, I'm guestimating because when dd goes to sync, the process goes uninterruptable in the sync for 10 minutes while the rest of the dirty buffers are actually written06:28
BenChow much mem/swap do you have?06:28
psusiwhy does the number of transactions do anything?  shouldn't the block layer see that there is already plenty of dirty buffers queued to the device waiting to be flushed adn block untill some of those complete?  regardless of block size06:29
psusigig of ram06:29
BenCprobably a better question for the kernel devs06:30
BenCpeople familiar with the vm/block layers06:30
psusiI suppose the buffering is good for apps that don't sync.... I guess what I don't like is that the sync goes uninterruptable for 10 minutes06:31
psusiI need to clean up my aio dd patches and get them submitted06:32
psusiaio avoids the D state which is nice06:32
psusiof course, the drastically lower cpu load and somewhat higher throughput are nice too ;)06:32
BenCdo you really want to interrupt a sync()? :)06:36
psusiI really want the process to die when I send it a SIGKILL ;)06:40
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