[12:02] brad: in a Konsole, amixer sset 'IEC958' off && amixer sset 'IEC958 Output' off [12:02] anyone here using the nv driver and can't get the monitor to turn off? [12:02] did you set a root password maybe and run as root? [12:02] Palo: [12:03] crimsun: I did it and it output some text back to me looking like it did it [12:04] brad: ok, now test by playing music [12:04] from a CD? === apacheLAGger [n=Harald@N806P029.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #kubuntu [12:04] brad: go with something simple like an mp3 [12:04] :) [12:05] i have ogg files [12:05] sure, load them up in amarok/noatun/kaffeine, etc. [12:05] i am not sure if I have everything installed to play an mp3 [12:05] brad: if you have amarok you should be set [12:06] brb, office hours === Niekie [n=Niekie@niekie/unaffiliated] has joined #kubuntu === sorush20 [n=sorush20@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #kubuntu [] [12:09] same deal, no change with anything === HymnToLife [n=_mfb@dyn-213-36-160-61.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #kubuntu === laszlok [n=laszlo@] has joined #kubuntu [12:11] i tried all 3 apps from both Cd and file [12:11] they all appear to play but no sound [12:11] brad: cat /proc/asound/cards [12:11] brad: then, amixer sset 'External Amplifier' off [12:11] brad: then test with music again [12:15] crimsun: done: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8083 [12:15] any luck? === optotron [n=doddo@c-cf3b71d5.370-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu [12:16] same deal [12:16] that unknown codec thing isn't a problem? [12:16] normally, no. [12:16] ok [12:16] I bet you have a dxs_support issue [12:17] do I need to restart aa service or anything? === Tainted [n=Tainted@cpe-70-115-169-204.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === orion_fr_24 [n=gaylord@mer76-1-82-235-196-94.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === Tainted [n=Tainted@cpe-70-115-169-204.rgv.res.rr.com] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:18] you need to ``sudo modprobe -r snd-via82xx'' and test with ``sudo modprobe snd-via82xx dxs_support=#'' were # is one of 2,3,4,5 [12:18] you'll probably need to log out of KDE and do that from a console [12:18] s/were/where/ [12:19] FATAL: Module snd_via82xx is in use. === apacheLAGger is now known as apachelogger [12:20] do I still need to log out? === _john [n=john@H130.C72.B0.tor.eicat.ca] has joined #kubuntu [12:22] brad: yes, hence the needing to do this from a console === robotgeek is now known as robotgeek_work [12:22] crimsun: You seem very knowledgeable about sound, could you please have a alook at my problem afterward? I get my sound fed back into the mic line when using skype, even though I use headphones and a separate mic. http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8084 [12:22] brad: go ahead and switch to a console, start irssi, and log in here === robotgeek [i=venkat@digital.celebris.net] has joined #kubuntu === MaterMaravillae [n=pablo@85-54-134-83.mad5.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #kubuntu [12:22] Nomad411: sure, just occupied for the next 15 mins or so [12:23] let me install irssi [12:23] then i'll do all of that === robotgeek is now known as robotgeek_away [12:23] That woudl be great if you could figure it out, My windows machien died and I really would liek to not go back there :) [12:23] <_john> how can I import outlook express contact and other info to thunderbird ? [12:24] back in a few [12:24] exit [12:24] <_john> I have the previous windows drive mounted , I copied the .dbx files to my linux drive === brad [n=brad@cpe-069-134-053-184.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === _nacho [n=nacho@201-212-25-102.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #kubuntu [12:26] <_nacho> hy [12:26] <_nacho> i have problem installing lilo === brad is now known as brad2 [12:26] _nacho : are you from Montevideo? [12:26] <_nacho> it says in /etc/lilo.conf doesnt exist [12:26] <_nacho> no, from Santa Fe, Argentina [12:27] bad guess [12:28] _john: You're going from windows to thunderbird on linux? [12:29] oh sory i see [12:29] <_john> Nomad411: yes === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-118-222.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [12:29] I dunno if TB reads from a .dbx. I would have imported in TB on windows first, then it's easy to transfer :) [12:29] <_john> right [12:29] I shuffle my TB files from windows to linux and back again ok [12:30] <_john> I couldn't find the .dbx file in thunderbird import [12:30] crimsun: I ran those 2 commands [12:30] hey everyone [12:30] hey! [12:30] they ran with no return output [12:31] brad2: good. Which dxs_support value are you testing currently? [12:31] when I ran the test line with 2 it made the speaker pop [12:31] i'm guessing that is good [12:31] i tried all of them [12:31] that's not an indicator of anything, unfortunately. === zblach [n=zblach@toronto-HSE-ppp4150506.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu === unholy [n=unholy@cpc4-galw1-4-0-cust26.dbln.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:32] you should have some wav files in /usr/share/sounds/ [12:32] ooh i can play thosse from cli [12:32] what do I run them with? [12:32] aplay [12:33] _john: There are converters, I just remembered, but I forget the name of it.. Search the wiki: http://wiki.ubuntu.com [12:33] !outlook [12:33] Nomad411: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ [12:33] !oe [12:33] Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Nomad411 === nat [n=nat@ram94-1-81-57-198-57.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:34] !mail [12:34] rumour has it, mail is another medium to communicate. Ubuntu mailinglists can be found at http://lists.ubuntu.com/ [12:34] abm! [12:34] that worked [12:34] excellent [12:34] so you're currently using '2'? [12:34] yes [12:34] great === Hobbsee is now known as Hobbsee_away [12:35] please give me lspci -nv info on pastebin when you log back into KDE [12:35] now to configure it for default: [12:35] ok hang on [12:35] _john: found it, but it's for PST files though.. command is 'readpst' [12:35] echo "options snd-via82xx dxs_support=2" | sudo tee -a /etc/modprobe.d/snd-via82xx === brosioz [n=brosioz@host172-94.pool80180.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [12:36] should I have done that before I restarted? [12:37] yes [12:37] ok, i'll go back into console [12:39] does anyone know whether xine is broken in Dapper? [12:39] amarok can't load the xine engine [12:39] or at least the audio part [12:39] it can load the video part [12:40] crimsun: is that "sudo tee" part correct? [12:40] i am about to run it [12:40] brad2: verbatim [12:40] oh no. Amarok is my life. [12:40] got it [12:40] unholy: lol [12:40] unholy: amarok IS life [12:41] :) I'm not joking [12:41] ok it returned to me the comand I echoed [12:41] restart into X? [12:41] I can always use my Xbox 360 as a media player [12:41] fatejudger: It is pretty cool though isnt it?! [12:41] lol [12:41] brad2: probably easiest to reboot [12:41] doing it [12:41] unholy: yeah, it's 10x better than any other media player out there [12:41] unholy: 1.4 is just spectacular === unholy is extatic! [12:42] fatejudger: frankly quod libet suits me fine [12:43] fatejudger: Are you on Breezy? === Lord_Athur [n=alejandr@pc-170-38-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:44] unholy: Dapper [12:44] crimsun: does Xine work for you? [12:44] ok === laszlok2 [n=laszlo@] has joined #kubuntu [12:46] When you want to upgrade from Breezy to Dapper, do you just point to a differnt repository and upgrade? === brad [n=brad@cpe-069-134-053-184.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === kane_ [n=kane@chello084114141243.9.15.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu [12:47] crimsun: I got an error when I booted, it is here: http://braddoro.com/private/error1.png [12:47] hello everyone, where can i find a repository for amarok-gstreamer? [12:47] i maybe mistyped something [12:47] i am trying to install this package, but it seems to be missing on dapper === no0tic [n=no0tic@] has joined #kubuntu [12:47] hi [12:48] How can I set another local time on kde? [12:50] crimsun: I just checked the file and it has this in it: options snd-via82xx dsx_support=2 [12:50] it appears that I did it, right === PaloDeQueso [n=douglas@c-69-139-66-51.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:51] brad: you mistyped it [12:51] it's dxs_support, not dsx_support === brad doh! [12:52] does this need a reboot? [12:53] looks like it does === Phazeman_ [n=Phazeman@CBL217-132-99-244.bb.netvision.net.il] has joined #kubuntu [12:53] hmn is there a amarok-gstreamer for dapper? [12:54] ok rebooting [12:54] kane_: everything is broken [12:54] does anyone have a clue about CONFIG_X86_CMPXCHG ??? [12:54] kane_: it's all broken!?!? [12:54] nope [12:54] kane_: gstreamer doesn't work, and neither does xine audio atm [12:54] kane_: at least for me === julle [n=julle@h85n2fls33o881.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:54] hmn [12:55] kane_: xine was working yesterday [12:55] kane_: or was it two days ago [12:55] audio works, but the amarok-gstreamer does not exist [12:55] kane_: I can't remember... [12:55] kane_: yeah, it's pretty messed up === _rob [n=rob@] has joined #kubuntu [12:56] there are 3 month to go [12:56] kane_: doesnt seem to be - use amarox-xine [12:57] ill give it a try [12:58] <_rob> sup yo [12:58] <_rob> anyone know any good channels for getting new punk music? === vicks [n=chatzill@c-f88870d5.033-42-67626719.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu [12:59] bam! [12:59] crimsun: it WORKS [12:59] bam!? [12:59] Oh great! [12:59] :) [12:59] fatejudger: I use gstreamer, so I don't know if xine is usable here. [12:59] crimsun: thanks a million [01:00] Nomad411: can you take a rain check for later tonight, say, in a couple hours? [01:00] crimsun: do you use amarok? [01:00] so what did I change? did that file that I wrote to provide some sort of parm to the hardware on startup or somthing === psi_force [n=mark@marksnb.eng.unimelb.edu.au] has joined #kubuntu [01:00] fatejudger: no, I use quod libet [01:00] crimsun: well gstreamer audio isn't working for me for some reason [01:00] brad2: that file tells your sound driver to use the audio parameter that works for your chipset [01:01] crimsun: I figured it was some temporary bug [01:01] crimsun: Sure [01:01] crimsun: since it used to work [01:01] Nomad411: great [01:01] bbl === brosioz [n=brosioz@host172-94.pool80180.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [01:01] crimsun: thank you again for your time. [01:03] <_rob> alright, peace fuckers [01:03] latas [01:03] _rob: language [01:03] Hobbsee_away: lol [01:03] !coc [01:03] [coc] the Ubuntu Code of Conduct, which we ask all Ubuntu users to follow. You can find the Code of Conduct at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/ [01:03] <_rob> haha [01:03] <_rob> cool === psi_force [n=mark@marksnb.eng.unimelb.edu.au] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === Hobbsee_away shakes her head === MaterMaravillae is now known as MaterOUT [01:05] is there a mplayer for dapper? [01:05] Hobbsee_away: don't worry, I doubt it's anything people in here haven't heard before [01:06] kane_: there's kaffeine [01:06] kane_: and amarok === TjaFs_ [n=jorgen@170.80-203-136.nextgentel.com] has joined #kubuntu [01:06] fatejudger: oh i'm aware of that....it's still offensive though, and unnecessary [01:07] hmn amarok won't play anything with xine engine [01:08] kane_: I know it [01:08] kane_: I think it's a bug === eggstylin [n=ralmand@c-66-229-58-203.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:08] kane_: probably will be fixed on monday [01:09] kane_: I can't get gstreamer .10 to work with amarok either, so I can't listen to any music === Hobbsee_away checks === Chris_Tucker [n=ChrisTuc@stjhnf01-22-142163031133.nf.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [01:10] just playing an mp3 thru amarox with xine engine, presumably? [01:10] Hobbsee_away: yeah === SkrotFFS [n=magnus@ti132110a080-6283.bb.online.no] has joined #kubuntu [01:10] fatejudger: works here [01:10] Hobbsee_away: have you apt-get updated? [01:10] yep [01:10] Hobbsee_away: or upgraded I should say [01:10] as of around 20 mins ago [01:11] Hobbsee_away: maybe you have to restart [01:11] already restarted - i've had no updates in the last...12 hours at least [01:11] brb === bbeck [n=bbeck@12-201-93-110.client.mchsi.com] has joined #kubuntu === julle [n=julle@h85n2fls33o881.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu === beefsprocket [n=beefspro@HSE-Toronto-ppp316733.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu === vincent [n=vincent@S01060010dc67dc34.ss.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:17] Is there anyone using the vmplayer on Kubuntu? SHould I be able to have an XP image that I had in qemu? === mister_roboto is back [01:17] mister_roboto: domo arigato [01:17] fatejudger: :) [01:17] lol === Lord_Athur [n=alejandr@pc-170-38-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #kubuntu === Hobbsee_away is back === Hobbsee_away is now known as Hobbsee [01:27] fatejudger: i can play *.mp3 *.ogg *.wav on my dapper machine today [01:27] with the xine engine, thru amarok [01:28] fatejudger: did running amarok thru console show any reason why your xine isnt working? [01:29] Hobbsee: lemme check [01:30] Hobbsee: xine was unable to initialize any audio-drivers. [01:30] er, ok then! [01:30] Hobbsee: that's what it says [01:31] are you getting sound thru kde and all that? [01:31] let me check [01:32] Hobbsee: I have two sound cards on my computer [01:32] Hobbsee: I'm wondering whether it's defaulting to one [01:32] Hobbsee: but that wouldn't make any sense [01:32] Hobbsee: because xine would have still loaded === julle [n=julle@h85n2fls33o881.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu === Chris_Tucker [n=ChrisTuc@stjhnf01-22-142163031133.nf.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [01:32] i'm not sure - i dont know terribly much about sound [01:32] Hobbsee: let me restart, that seems to fix it half the time [01:32] lol [01:32] Hobbsee: brb === fatejudger [n=fatejudg@c-24-5-49-160.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:35] Hobbsee: nothing [01:36] hmm [01:36] Hobbsee: alsa isn't detecting any of my cards at startup [01:36] Hobbsee: nothing is getting started [01:36] mine says that too, or did a few days ago, yet i still get sound [01:36] is there anything on the forums about it, or on malone? [01:36] Hobbsee: akode engine? [01:36] akode? [01:36] I have no idea, but it's a serious problem === malte [n=malte@81-234-234-129-no45.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu [01:36] Hobbsee: that's the engine amarok defaults to when it can't find another engine [01:37] ah [01:37] Hobbsee: akode doesn't work with my setup [01:37] well....it looks to be using xine here... === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:37] Hobbsee: and you restarted? [01:37] yes [01:37] Hobbsee: well it's very strange, because alsa boots up, and I'm able to use my sound card's features [01:37] Hobbsee: like sound inputs [01:37] Hobbsee: but the computer just isn't outputting any sound [01:37] i'd suggest checking if others have the same problem [01:38] hmmm [01:38] it's not dead in alsamixer, i presume? [01:38] hi all [01:38] Hobbsee: damn, I dunno [01:38] Hobbsee: I just pressed the mute button on my sound card [01:39] Hobbsee: and now it won't unmute [01:39] I need to buy a mouse, but I'm boycotting logitech and MS.... [01:39] fatejudger: oh dear... [01:39] Tonio_: then stop boycotting logitech and MS [01:39] Tonio_: and buy a good mouse [01:39] not very easy.... do you have any opinion on a good mouse ? [01:39] Tonio_: how the hell is it not easy? [01:40] Tonio_: Step 1: Stop acting like a retard. Step 2: Buy a good mouse. [01:40] fatejudger: it is not easy to find something good ;) [01:40] Tonio_: it's just a mouse [01:40] Tonio_: I mean really, it moves a cursor [01:40] Tonio_: what else do you want it to do? [01:41] a mouse by any other name, would still click as sweet === flipjarg [n=jason@c-71-195-34-243.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:41] fatejudger: like a retard ?..... please a bit more respect.... I didn't insult anyone here === kalenedrael [i=6601-ide@c-24-34-72-14.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:41] Tonio_: tell me, why exactly are you boycotting MS and Logitech? [01:42] why ? because I've been insulted in telephon by logitech when I was asking for a driver or doc to install a webcam on linux [01:42] that's not commercial [01:42] and when I say insulted, I inst, it was an insult [01:42] Tonio_: I'm guessing you overreacted when they told you that they didn't make drivers for open source software [01:42] Tonio_: and why should they? [01:42] I don't buy product made by people insulting me.... that's my personnal exprience, I would never tell people to stop buying logitech anyway [01:43] Tonio_: and what's wrong with Microsoft? [01:43] why should they ? probably because I bought a product, and as a client I was asking for help [01:43] I'm trying to install gimpshop on Kubuntu Dapper using dpkg -i. It apparently depends on libtiff3g, but i have libtiff4 installed. Can I override the .deb to try anyway? [01:43] I can understand that it is not supported, but insulting me was really, really out of respect [01:44] well, that's not the purpose, I'm not here to launch a troll or something [01:44] what's wrong with MS ? nothing.... they have good products ;) [01:44] but I don't wan't to encourage their actual commercial methods... [01:44] charwood: you should consider using Krita [01:45] Tonio_: actual commercial methods? === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:45] fatejudger: Yes, I like Krita but this would be for our artist who is a big photoshop user. [01:45] charwood: Krita is more like Photoshop than Gimpshop is [01:45] fatejudger: commercial and technical.... that's a long debate I don't want to come to now... [01:45] charwood: IMO [01:46] Tonio_: my point is, that it's your fault that you're limiting yourself to crappy mice [01:46] Tonio_: these companies did nothing but produce great hardware and software [01:46] Tonio_: so go ahead and buy some other mouse [01:46] Tonio_: this isn't cnet [01:47] Tonio_: go look somewhere else for product reviews [01:47] fatejudger: I just wanted to have name of brands making good product that possibly are not MS or logitech ;) That exists for sure [01:47] I just wanted a feedback [01:47] How stable is Dapper? [01:47] Nomad411: it's stable, as in non-crashy [01:47] Nomad411: but it's very quirky [01:47] Tonio: None come to mind [01:47] Nomad411: things break every once and awhile [01:48] Nomad411: and updates will fix them [01:48] I'm not going to limit myself to a 5$ mouse for ethical reasons, I'm not that stupid ;) I've a logitech keyboard, because they were the only one providing what I wanted.... [01:48] well, my Breezy is pretty quirky having gone to 3.5.1, was thinking of going all the way :) [01:48] Tonio_: how is what you're doing ethical? [01:48] I wonder if it has anythign to do with me using the k7 kernel.. [01:48] Tonio_: it's sounds more like some retarded hippy crusade to me [01:48] *it [01:48] Tonio_: like I said, www.cnet.com === laszlok2 [n=laszlo@] has joined #kubuntu [01:50] fatejudger: thanks for your judgement on the base of 3 phrases, and for that big help ;) [01:50] fatejudger: I didn't knew the purpose here was to ONLY speak kubuntu, I will remember... [01:51] well Kubuntu and what gravitates around it :) [01:51] Nomad411: isn't a mouse gravitate around a computer and an OS ? ^^ [01:52] Tonio_: #kubuntu isn't for hardware related questions [01:52] as long as the way the hardware is supported, yes it can be duscussed, I'm sorry ! [01:53] Tonio: You know, I just did a search on google fo rcomputer mouse, excluding the words MS, Microsoft, Logitech. That just leaves Apple in th etop posts :) [01:53] amazing.. MS and Logitech own the market [01:53] Nomad411: they make fantastic mice [01:53] Nomad411: it's not suprising that they do [01:53] Nomad411: if your answer is simply google, that can be the universal response to any question.... what is the purpose of that channel then ??? [01:54] well I'm off to Windows land [01:54] I'll cya [01:55] Tonio: I don't understand [01:56] Nomad411: forget that.... I was just asking for an eventuall feedback of non logitech and MS mice... [01:57] the result is I didn't got any answer and got insulted and judge with that wonderfull response : "search google"... [01:57] I see Aopen, Kensington, and others at Tigerdirect.ca.. === Tonio_ may consider placing a boot here, answering "-> google" to any question... [01:58] that'd be easier.... [01:58] I wasn't telling you to search google, I was trying to say I understand how hard it is to find a different brand [01:58] Tonio_: not just search google, there were excludes... play nice [01:58] searching google for hardware is a pain now with all those ads and sponsored links :) [01:58] yup [01:59] that's the reason I simply asked here for an eventual user feedback.... [01:59] but there are other brands. Now you have to find the proper forum to get feedback for those products and you're all set. :) [02:00] well, we should stop the debate now ;) === djib [n=djib@brusa.chu.cam.ac.uk] has joined #kubuntu [02:00] good, I didn't know I was debating.. hehe [02:00] now help me fix my sound card!! :) [02:01] Nomad411: I was probably alone sice fatejudger is gone, taht's true ;) [02:01] Why am I getting feedback in the MIC line, I'm using headphones === Hobbsee stopped reading a long time ago - ping me when there's anything important hehe [02:02] bbl [02:02] lol === Mungallo [n=nox@c-69-255-16-14.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:06] does anyone know where I can get a cedega deb for amd64? [02:06] !cedega [02:06] somebody said cedega was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega and for a list of working games see http://www.transgaming.org/gamesdb or #cedega or http://www.frankscorner.org/ [02:06] Mungallo: I think the only response you will get is "do it yourself, or buy it"... :) [02:07] as, according to what I know, it is not possible to legally distribute a deb, but I may search, cause that's surprising for a gpl licenced product === rich0rd [n=richard@chello084114141242.9.15.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu === jung [n=jung@user-0c2h9e5.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:07] well i have their trial, but it doesn't actually install. [02:08] Mungallo: what is the problem ? dependancy issue ? [02:08] do you mean you have a deb with the trial ? or do you compile the free version ? [02:08] no, it verifies, and then "unpacks" but then it qquits. [02:09] I can do the source install if I have to, I was just curious if there was a deb for it. === nalioth [n=Apple@ubuntu/member/pdpc.bronze.nalioth] has joined #kubuntu [02:09] Mungallo: there is not to what I know, but I don't know the reason.... [02:09] licence issue or something [02:10] well it was gpl'd up to a certain version but is now considered a commercial product. === orion_fr_24 [n=gaylord@mer76-1-82-235-196-94.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === hDp` [n=headup@abo-0-216.modems.semnet.tm.fr] has joined #kubuntu === httpdss [n=httpdss@r201-217-177-131.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #kubuntu === Nomad411 [n=ggodin@CPE000d88f1925d-CM000a73668bc0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:16] !tv [02:16] Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Nomad411 [02:16] !tvcard [02:16] My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Nomad411 [02:16] !tv-card [02:16] Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Nomad411 [02:18] woudl anyone have a recommendation as to what TV software to use? === _john [n=john@H130.C72.B0.tor.eicat.ca] has joined #kubuntu [02:18] gonna try kdetv first [02:19] <_john> Hello...Looking for a driver for a Lexmark xz2350 usb printer. [02:21] <_john> Any pointer for locating a driver for this lexmark x2350 printer === sealion [n=foobar@c-68-43-64-201.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === ccc_ [n=ccc@c-8f0f70d5.015-28-6c6b7010.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu [02:27] oy raphink - you around? [02:27] join /cedega [02:27] doh === rich0rd [n=richard@chello084114141242.9.15.vie.surfer.at] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [02:28] raphink: i'd never intended for someone to try out aasaver - riddell just said to upload it to revu so he could have a look [02:28] <_john> i seem to have a video glitch. the Window Title Bar and some menus show grey space characters that make sit very hard to read. Where do I start to get that fixed. === EightiesK [n=Administ@c-68-34-70-74.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:31] !grub [02:31] http://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting [02:32] !kdetv [02:32] Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Nomad411 === sealion [n=foobar@c-68-43-64-201.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["friendship,] [02:33] anyone here know what font I can use to make it look like macosx?? :) [02:33] and how to change all the fonts so it affects all apps === _evgin [n=evgin@] has joined #kubuntu [02:33] !lilo [02:33] Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, EightiesK [02:33] EightiesK: what are you looking to do? === OddAbe19 [n=OddAbe19@c-68-82-230-35.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:34] dell500: install kwin-baghira (Go look at the baghira theme at http://www.kde-look.org === unholy [n=unholy@cpc4-galw1-4-0-cust26.dbln.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:34] Nomad411, i installed it... not sure if the text worked or not... === manveru [n=manveru@aa2005021496003.userreverse.dion.ne.jp] has joined #kubuntu === OddAbe19 [n=OddAbe19@c-68-82-230-35.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === unholy [n=unholy@cpc4-galw1-4-0-cust26.dbln.cable.ntl.com] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:36] is there a way to show the Home, System and Trash icons on the desktop, like stock KDE in kubuntu? [02:36] right click, create shortcut? === httpdss [n=httpdss@r201-217-177-131.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] === Jak [n=kyd@host-84-9-164-134.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu === evgin_ [n=evgin@] has joined #kubuntu === Jak is now known as nck7 [02:39] Configure Desktop? [02:39] hey can some one tell me whats the apt-get command to install the "make" command thing === filippo [n=filippo@host204-87.pool8254.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu === mister_roboto is back [02:40] !build-essential [02:40] build-essential is, like, totally, a meta package for software building see !gcc for more info [02:40] !gcc [02:40] methinks gcc is the GNU project C and C++ compiler. From the command-line, type "man gcc" for a complete manual on gcc. You can install gcc with 'sudo apt-get install build-essential' === filippo [n=filippo@host204-87.pool8254.interbusiness.it] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [02:40] ah thanks [02:40] one more thing how do I enable root login? [02:41] !root [02:41] By default, the root password is locked in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information. [02:41] man I should be a bot!! lol [02:41] ive read over that but i just cant seem to login in with root in ubuntu i went to system settings menu and there was an option in there but i cant find it in Ku. [02:42] you don't use the root account normally, you use sudo [02:42] !sudo [02:42] By default, the root password is locked in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information. [02:42] oops, same :) === evgin_ [n=evgin@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === kubuntuser [n=kubuntus@host204-87.pool8254.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [02:43] i know but i need to login in w/ root for a few minutes to set up my system [02:43] sudo -s [02:44] thx [02:44] no prob, just don't get into the habit of using it if you don't need it. [02:44] ;) [02:45] no i went i just need to change some permissions on a drive [02:45] sorry, was away :( === Chris [n=ChrisTuc@as-stjhnf01-18-142163016230.nf.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [03:03] how do you get kubuntu to search for a new wireless card? just reboot the machine? === SkrotFFS [n=magnus@ti132110a080-6283.bb.online.no] has joined #kubuntu [03:03] ie, how do you run the hardware detection? === Steven_M [n=Steven@210-246-16-194.paradise.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu [03:04] hi all === kalenedrael [i=784-iden@c-24-34-72-14.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === freeflying [n=freeflyi@] has joined #kubuntu [03:10] is 2.6.12-10-686 a stable kernal, or should I go back to 2.6.12-9-686? === forellan [n=forellan@] has joined #kubuntu === ClayG [n=clay@c-66-177-234-195.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === hDp` [n=headup@abo-0-216.modems.semnet.tm.fr] has joined #kubuntu [03:13] hi === yberion [n=yberion@ppp-82-135-84-51.mnet-online.de] has joined #kubuntu === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:14] any know... How i can see all services running in my ubuntu [03:14] ? [03:14] #kubuntu.de === yberion [n=yberion@ppp-82-135-84-51.mnet-online.de] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [03:14] hi forellan [03:16] forellan: are you runng gnome or kde? [03:17] kde [03:18] in red usu setup command [03:18] and i can see all services... [03:18] how do i unzip something into a font folder? [03:19] in ubuntu how i can see all services [03:20] with init.d i can stop services , ok [03:20] forellan: typing out the answer to your question === raphink is now known as raphink|sleep [03:20] Nomad411: pong === Mez waves at crimsun [03:21] in kde [03:21] crimsun: [03:22] kewl, I just came back up :) [03:22] then try going to kmenu -> system settings (the program) when that big panel appears click on session manager [03:23] I mean service manager [03:23] crimsun: Are you here? === Lord_Athur [n=alejandr@pc-170-38-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:24] forellan: those last messges were for you [03:25] Nomad411: yes === Bobby [n=chatzill@207-237-30-118.c3-0.avec-ubr11.nyr-avec.ny.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu [03:26] Hello there! :) [03:26] forellan: does that help? [03:26] I have a question, i think its easy, but I'm kind of a kubuntu noob :( [03:26] Can anyone help me? :) [03:26] try.. [03:26] spell it out :) [03:26] yes, thank for help [03:27] Can anyone help me? 85htz... but I only have 75htz listed (i am using dual monitors) [03:27] i mean, i want to change to 85 [03:27] ;) [03:27] is 85 supported in your configuration? [03:28] <_john> Has anyone any tips for locating a driver for a Lexmark X2530 printer? [03:28] lexmark site doesn't have it? [03:28] guess not, I,m just surprised, I thought they supported linux [03:28] Nom, yes it is [03:28] Nomad, yes it is [03:28] (thats what i run on my WinXP partition) [03:29] !xorg [03:29] it has been said that xorg is to reconfigure your xserver, open a terminal and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" [03:29] <_john> No and I googled the question too and only got the question... [03:29] anyone know if there is something special besides placing the fonts into the /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ dir? [03:29] doesn't seem to update the fonts though [03:29] that,s one command you may need, but I am not very knowledgeable in dual monitor s on linux [03:29] stick around, maybe someone else can guide you [03:29] Noman, which command again? [03:30] <_john> thanks [03:30] Bobby: [03:30] !xorg [03:30] xorg is probably to reconfigure your xserver, open a terminal and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" [03:30] maybe your monitors are not recognized properly [03:30] Noman, i typed that into the console, but nothing happens... [03:30] ubotu, is that for me? [03:30] Bobby: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ [03:31] yes, ubotu is a bo tthat gives you information [03:31] Nomad411: did you have an issue? I'll be off soon. [03:31] ah [03:31] I do, weird feedback of sound into the mic line === Steven_M [n=Steven@210-246-16-194.paradise.net.nz] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [03:32] if it's a known issue, I'd love to hear about it, but I don't want to keep you here if you have to go [03:33] Nomad411: pastebin the output from amixer (for the appropriate card) [03:33] can anyone point me to a good guide for enabling nvidia 3daccel? [03:33] i already changed my xorg.conf file, but my desktop prefs just list 75htz [03:33] not GL === paelscrit [i=paelscri@user-0cet4l9.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu [03:34] or failing that can someone tell me what version of Gcc compiled the latest kernel so I can recompile my driver? [03:34] gcc-3.4 [03:34] danke [03:34] ``cat /proc/version'' for more info [03:35] crimsun: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/541080 [03:35] learn something new every day, thanks crimsun === comp10 [n=comp10@] has joined #kubuntu === _comp10 [n=comp10@] has joined #kubuntu [03:37] crimsun: I just thought of something after what you daid "for the appropriate card". Could my problems be because there's a built-in sound card on the MB, though it's disabled in bios I believe [03:37] Listing should be for my Audigy card === comp9 [n=comp9@] has joined #kubuntu [03:37] crimsun: I should not beusing digital if it comes up [03:38] hi === comp10 is now known as comp10_ [03:38] yell0W!! [03:38] hlllllllllllaaaaaaaaaaaaererere [03:39] fdgf === comp9 is now known as KiT_12 === dwalker [n=diwaker@cpe-70-93-255-71.san.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === comp10_ is now known as ice_02 [03:39] Nomad411: tried unmuting 'Audigy Analog/Digital Output Jack'? [03:39] hALER === ice_02 is now known as ice_02_jackrizel [03:39] wazup 4u?!! [03:40] ketchup === ice_02_jackrizel is now known as jackrizel_02_ice [03:40] french fries w/ burger!! [03:40] ice cream......... [03:40] crimsun: lookin gta it now === hDp` [n=headup@abo-0-216.modems.semnet.tm.fr] has joined #kubuntu [03:41] hi nomad411!! [03:41] yel0 2p!! [03:41] soy-t 6-t-9 [03:41] rainb0w!! [03:42] !gimmethepowertokick!! [03:42] Nomad411: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ [03:42] <_comp10> hotel victoria rum 6-t-9 [03:42] Can anyone help me with a question about my refresh rates? :) [03:42] why yah d0n't kn0w?! [03:42] Kit, no :( === kataylik [n=kataylik@a84-231-106-188.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu [03:43] bobby hu u? [03:43] bobby hi [03:43] hi :) [03:43] namad411 hi === kataylik is now known as igno [03:43] nomad411 hello [03:43] jack, I am having a problem with my monitors refresh rates [03:43] igno? [03:43] crimsun: If I disable it, the mic won't work :( [03:43] bobby hell)!! === ras [n=ras@port0118-add-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #kubuntu [03:43] KiT, do you know how i can change it? [03:44] hi nomad! wazup? [03:44] change wt?? === _ras [n=ras@port0118-add-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #kubuntu [03:44] Nomad411: what if you do that but also increase 'Analog Mix'? [03:44] bobby,, change wt?? [03:44] Kit, my refresh rate [03:44] crimsun: seems to work.. :) [03:45] I'll have to test it in a skype call [03:45] booby,, wt refresh rate?? [03:45] KiT, for my monitors [03:45] I have no clue what all those settings are for, if you have a link for this, I'd love to grok it [03:45] KiT, do you know how I'd do that? :) [03:46] booby,, im s0rry but i d0nt kn0w h0w 2 change it!! [03:46] ok :( === Jak [n=kyd@host-84-9-164-134.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu [03:46] bobby,, stL studyin'? [03:46] KiT, i am new to kubuntu :) [03:47] Nomad411: good. Analog Mix is the appropriate element. Not sure why you weren't using it before. [03:47] hey nomad!! [03:47] ei bobby!! [03:47] how do I read an NTFS partition within kubuntu? I click on the drive but it says I dont have permissions :| [03:47] The list of sliders is way off my screen, I have no idea what what is :) I'm used to headless servers [03:47] I'll go to the creative site and try to get docs [03:48] thanks a lot for your help [03:48] hey jak!! === _kataylik [n=kataylik@a84-231-106-188.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu [03:48] hey :) [03:48] stL studyin'? [03:48] <_comp10> hhhhiiiiiiiiiii [03:48] any one know what this permission thing is then? [03:48] bobby,, stL der? [03:48] huh? === _comp10 is now known as comp10_ === _kataylik is now known as igno [03:49] bobby,, i sed d'yah stL study?? [03:49] KiT, study what? [03:49] eeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiii [03:49] any care to chat???? [03:49] bobby,, r u stL a s2dent? [03:49] yes [03:49] maybe [03:50] skuL?? [03:50] hey jak stL der?! [03:50] bobby,, y maybe?? [03:50] KiT, a better one than you go to, obviously === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:51] wt d0 u mean? [03:51] stL der? lol @ my noobness [03:51] hi leejunfan!! [03:51] jak,, stL studyin'? [03:52] eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii [03:52] yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!! [03:52] rofl. no idea what tht means KiT [03:52] haler [03:53] hey !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [03:53] jak,, rofl?? [03:53] hey [03:53] rofl- rollin on floor laughing :| [03:53] how r u???????????? jak [03:54] hey jak!!!!!!!!!!!!!! do u still study????????????????? [03:54] confused? trying to figure out this linux stuff [03:54] oh now i know!! c",) [03:54] How do I find out which version of KDE i have? :) [03:54] u mite have me confused with someone else me thinks :) [03:54] jak,, ur age?? [03:54] 16 [03:54] b o b b y [03:55] jak????????????? [03:55] yea [03:55] jak,,l0cati0n?? [03:55] england [03:55] ow?! [03:55] lols wot? [03:55] do u still study??????????? [03:55] jak,, ow?! [03:55] Does anyone know how to check to see which version of KDE you're running? [03:55] hey bobby [03:55] hi :) [03:56] huh? :| [03:56] bobby..........do u still study????????? [03:56] jak,,wt skuL? [03:56] no [03:56] im @ college. were bouts u from [03:56] bobby,, y yah d0nt study?? [03:56] no [03:56] from philippines................... [03:57] y u dont study bobby????????/ [03:57] fr0m philippines!! [03:57] jack, becuase i'm smart already [03:57] tht in america? [03:57] bobby...........ah owkei.......... age????????? [03:57] jak,,im fr0m philippnes!! [03:58] 100 [03:58] rite k. i dunno were that is [03:58] 100???????????? true age? [03:58] jak,, c0ntinent 0f asia!! [03:58] yes [03:59] duh [03:59] haler??????? [03:59] pwede bhie??????? [03:59] ah rite yeah. lol no wonder i failed geography [03:59] well that was fun.. goodnight all :) [03:59] idiot?? [03:59] nomad411...........sliptyt,,, switdrimz [03:59] hey nomad dont sleep!! [03:59] bobby.... age???????? [04:00] just kidding!! [04:00] 100 [04:00] jak,, jst kidding!! [04:00] lol kk..whu 3am :| [04:00] 100?????????? really??????/ [04:01] 3am???????? hir 1030am [04:01] yes [04:01] duh [04:01] no kidding plz........... real age???????? [04:01] jak,, last name?? [04:01] Hey ppl fist Time Jamaican Chatter here [04:02] ras,, jamaican?? === comp10_ is now known as ice_02 [04:02] yup [04:02] wdwaefeweff [04:02] gibb...u name? [04:02] ras???????? wazup? [04:02] ras,, g0t canabiz?? [04:02] lol [04:02] bobby wer r u???? [04:02] ras................... [04:02] hey not all Jamaicans smoke [04:02] jak,,zumsteg!! [04:02] ras............... [04:02] whoa! [04:02] bobby.................. [04:02] ras,, y yah d0nt sm0ke?? [04:02] jak..................... [04:03] k [04:03] r [04:03] i [04:03] z [04:03] e [04:03] l [04:03] p [04:03] ] a [04:03] u [04:03] l [04:03] a [04:03] t [04:03] . [04:03] im saving my brain cells for programming [04:03] g [04:03] a [04:03] l [04:03] o [04:03] l [04:03] r [04:03] a [04:03] y [04:03] h [04:03] e [04:03] ras,, geniuz huh?! [04:03] h [04:03] e [04:03] h [04:03] e [04:03] j [04:03] a [04:03] in the making :D [04:03] k [04:03] !kops [04:03] Help! Riddell, fooishbar, haggai, amu, uniq, Mez, seth_k, nikkia, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, or robotgeek [04:04] ras,, last name? [04:04] hi ubotu!! [04:04] j [04:04] a [04:04] z [04:04] e [04:04] l [04:04] ta :) [04:04] m [04:04] a [04:04] c [04:04] a [04:04] g [04:04] a [04:04] hey bobby,,,,,, jak,,,,,,,,, n ras,,,,,,,,,,,,, txt me at +639185563323 [04:04] hey bobby,,,,,, jak,,,,,,,,, n ras,,,,,,,,,,,,, txt me at +639185563323 [04:04] hey bobby,,,,,, jak,,,,,,,,, n ras,,,,,,,,,,,,, txt me at +639185563323 [04:04] hey bobby,,,,,, jak,,,,,,,,, n ras,,,,,,,,,,,,, txt me at +639185563323 [04:04] KiT_12: cut it out === mode/#kubuntu [+o nalioth] by ChanServ === Jak confused [04:05] kkathman,, huh?! [04:05] hey bobby,,,,,, jak,,,,,,,,, n ras,,,,,,,,,,,,, txt me at +639185563323 === mode/#kubuntu [+b %KiT_12!*@*] by nalioth === mode/#kubuntu [+b %jackrizel_02_ice!*@*] by nalioth [04:05] thank you. [04:05] thanks nalioth [04:05] so waht do ppl do in these rooms === mode/#kubuntu [+b %*!*@] by nalioth [04:06] thanks nalioth - (yes seemed to be all from that address) === mode/#kubuntu [-bb %KiT_12!*@* %jackrizel_02_ice!*@*] by nalioth [04:06] is there a way to show the Home, System and Trash icons on the desktop, like stock KDE in kubuntu? [04:07] kkathman: were there any more technology demonstrators? [04:07] stupid git [04:07] oh this is where all kubuntu ppl meet and query stuff?!?!? [04:07] ras.. its a support channel [04:07] yup [04:08] o zeen [04:08] you might check the topic, that usually gives the intellectually gifted a clue [04:08] its my first time you have to see with me [04:09] Heya Hobbsee :) [04:09] heya kkathman :D === mode/#kubuntu [-o nalioth] by ChanServ [04:09] ok night [04:09] so do you guys know how to hack n stuff? [04:09] bits and pieces [04:09] ras: we are a support channel for kubuntu [04:10] hack no [04:10] i know but i was just checking [04:10] ras you have kubuntu installed? [04:10] ras: you are on the wrong network for that question === comp9 [n=comp9@] has joined #kubuntu [04:10] so where do i go to fing channels on different topics [04:11] yeah i have kubuntu [04:11] what is your question then [04:11] i was just testing out "Konversation" [04:11] it works [04:11] hehe it works === kameron [n=kameron@S0106000129f5b884.cc.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:11] apparently [04:11] ^5s Hobbsee [04:12] but i dont know how to change channels [04:12] ras: /j #channel [04:12] ras: /j #channel [04:12] rofl === kameron [n=kameron@S0106000129f5b884.cc.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:12] Hobbsee: you ow me a soda [04:12] why Snake__? [04:12] or ./list [04:12] Hobbsee: ....must be an american thing [04:12] must be [04:12] Hobbsee: its a kid thing [04:12] hehe [04:12] :) [04:12] omk lets see === Snake__ is glad kkathman knows [04:13] Hobbsee: more of a 6-9 year old thing [04:13] ./list [04:13] kkathman: :P [04:13] is there a way to show the Home, System and Trash icons on the desktop, like stock KDE in kubuntu? [04:13] ok that didnt work [04:13] ras: take away the dot ;) [04:13] OddAbe19: you been asking that all day [04:13] lol [04:13] yah I accidently put da dot [04:13] i don't get any responses [04:13] I dont know how to do it lol [04:14] outside from symlinking to those places [04:14] OddAbe19: there might be a reason for it [04:14] yeah, i don't even get a 'No' or 'I don't know', which is always better then nothing [04:14] kill [04:14] no === new2nix [n=hater2wi@adsl-69-153-18-7.dsl.snantx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:14] <_ras> gasp [04:14] !fglrx [04:14] fglrx is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto === _comp9 [n=comp9@] has joined #kubuntu [04:15] <_ras> hey i couldnt stop the list === nalioth is now known as nalioth_zZz [04:16] <_ras> ok wher can i get a list i can scroll through [04:16] <_ras> that list was huge [04:16] _ras I suggest you do a little Googling on iRC commands [04:17] <_ras> yah! [04:17] <_ras> I'm having the dumb newbie feeling === Nomad411 [n=ggodin@CPE000d88f1925d-CM000a73668bc0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [04:19] !sound [04:19] hmm... sound is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems or http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary === orion_fr_24 is away: fait dodo === sambagirl is now known as amigagirl === ice_02 [n=jackrize@] has joined #kubuntu === ice-blizzard [n=henry@port-212-202-42-37.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #kubuntu [04:26] Go Cleveland Browns Go Go Go :D [04:27] OHIO Hio hio hio! [04:27] lol === ice_02 [n=jackrize@] has joined #kubuntu [04:28] ohio is teh sux [04:28] NO [04:29] Go Cleveland Browns Go Go Go :D [04:29] amigagirl: ... [04:29] Superball Wnners :D [04:29] Goo [04:29] I certainly hope your joking [04:29] no [04:29] never [04:30] hehe [04:30] http://www.shoutcast.com/sbin/shoutcast-playlist.pls?rn=595243&file=filename.pls [04:30] listen to my radio show [04:31] we interview the Cleveland Brownies tonite :D [04:31] Goo Brownies Go go go [04:31] amigagirl: are you in ohip [04:31] ohio* [04:31] no not this minutes [04:31] no but i went ohio university [04:31] I see [04:31] i livedi in shaker hts [04:32] amigagirl: wow close to me [04:32] GOOOO BROWNS :D [04:32] Stealers win but is ok cause thye are in the same central division [04:32] so they as you say represent === zblach [n=zblach@toronto-HSE-ppp4150506.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [04:33] amigagirl: and wtf am I listening to? [04:33] lol [04:33] Football music! [04:33] :) [04:33] ha [04:33] LOL [04:33] listen now [04:33] Nice .. [04:34] You do that from your house? I'm interested in podcasting in the future [04:34] i missed the Kubuntu Commercail for Superball game. How was it? [04:34] Nomad411: I run a radiostaion a well, but its not a podcast [04:34] yes [04:34] There was a kubuntu commercial? [04:34] .. [04:34] i want to use videolan but it's to messy. [04:34] is it? === ras [n=ras@port0118-add-adsl.cwjamaica.com] has joined #kubuntu [04:34] You did not see the Kubuntu commercail for the Superball game? [04:35] That's one of the options I want to look into. [04:35] No.... [04:35] Snake__: Kubuntu just bought Apple! [04:35] It was the best one of them all it was better then the budweiser commercial. [04:35] it,s gonna be called Kapple now :) [04:35] Then Amiga will buy Apple. [04:35] kapple hehehe [04:35] Viva Amiga [04:35] kabapple [04:35] Could I intrest you in a KiPod? [04:35] lol [04:36] haha [04:36] That has a nice ring to it [04:36] Ki - Pod [04:36] lol === fatejudger [n=fatejudg@c-24-5-49-160.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:36] not ki as in key, ki as in KIE [04:36] !fglrx [04:36] fglrx is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto [04:36] I have a Problem, I have 2 sound Cards, onbord and PCI, how do I select which one should be the default [04:37] you want them both to be alive? [04:37] turn off the onboard one normally, in teh BIOS :) [04:37] It' senough headache with just one sometimes :) [04:37] ist there a way i can switch in the OS when Im ready === _mike [n=mike@ip68-228-136-11.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:38] chances are teh onboard one is turned off automatically because you put in another one [04:38] I don't know :( [04:38] snake you see how i figure out how to make riojams.com from a dyanmic to a static to my house? :D [04:38] lol [04:38] yep [04:38] i just need to make a website now. [04:38] the onboard 1 is the werking 1 === kalenedrael [i=1360-ide@c-24-34-93-227.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:39] but Kmix detects both of them but I cant switch to my SoundBlaster [04:39] its using the onboard VIA [04:40] Did you try turning off the onboard one in the bios? [04:40] no [04:40] do you need them both? [04:41] am i too greedy to want to be able to switch when im ready [04:41] ready? [04:42] I jjust like keeping my options open [04:43] seems the easiest way to get straightened out.. If you decide you miss the onboard one, reboot --> BIOS and turn it back on :) [04:43] onboard ones are usually not too good [04:43] !sound [04:43] well, sound is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems or http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary [04:44] ok [04:44] no offense amigagirl but im done with this [04:45] is ok [04:46] i have 100's of others on there it was just a test to see if it workd for you anad i thank you for your donation ;) [04:46] lol [04:46] amigagirl: most definatly not my style of music [04:49] that's ok [04:49] there are all genres of life [04:50] i like all kinds of musica anyway [04:50] amigagirl: what kinds of music? [04:50] dont listen to Snake__ he doesnt count anyway :) [04:50] lol [04:50] jazz rock funk samba bossa nova soul world reggee [04:50] everything. [04:50] wow nice [04:51] Not my music. [04:51] lol [04:51] Nice indeed, I bookmarked your station :) [04:51] :P [04:51] what do you listen to snake? [04:51] no Snake__ I would imagine not [04:51] Hehe [04:51] amigagirl: Stuff that does not get played on there, Rock, heavy metal, death metal, alt. rock [04:51] etc [04:51] wow Im so surprised [04:51] classic rock === clintc [n=clintc@adsl-152-58-177.gnv.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:52] i was playing jimi hendrix john mclaughlin frank zappa MC5 and all kinds stuff earlier [04:52] OOOOOooooooooooooo [04:52] lol [04:52] Ill have to tune in on one of those days :) [04:52] but sometimes it's nice to be diverse and mix your mind like the drinks you do in your stomach [04:52] Very bad analogy, but I got it === clintc [n=clintc@adsl-152-58-177.gnv.bellsouth.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [04:52] haha === kkathman does not mix drinks...bad idea [04:53] lol [04:53] kkathman: in your stomach you do ;) [04:53] liquor before beer..never fear.....beer before liquor...never sicker [04:53] words to live by [04:53] kkathman: why is that? (why would you be sick if you drink certain ways) [04:54] just is that way [04:54] odd [04:54] Im very very sure you'll find out one day [04:54] i like guitar cause i play guitar and woodwinds so i like guitars and i know all the guitarists. i like from rocky george original guitarist for suicidal tencencies to larry coryell to al dimiola from return to forever to tommi iomii from black sabath to sanata to todd rundgren to the guitarists for funkadelics to stievie vai to prince it goes on and on and on [04:55] o.0 [04:55] so to say you like classic rock like who dickie betts? [04:55] greg allman? === kkathman listens to ZZ Top right now :) [04:55] ;D [04:55] Sharp Dressed Man :) [04:55] i hear all these people yuou see. [04:55] zz top [04:55] all those great guitarists [04:55] Naw, more like led zepplin, aerosmith, ac/dc [04:55] jimi === seth [n=seth@ubuntu/member/seth] has joined #kubuntu [04:56] they had a zydeco band on lastnite doing some killer musica on pbs it was awesome [04:56] Eric Clapton [04:56] ah crap, I just fubared my perms for dcop playing in my chroot. :( [04:56] erics good [04:56] biab [04:56] yah...one of the best [04:56] playing steel guitars they were fantastica [04:56] yep jimmy page [04:56] page *nods* [04:56] he was so brilliant where he used the violin bow on that 1 song who lot of loving === Snake__ goes into his music to bust out the old school now lol === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:57] Hmmm guns and roses...havnt herd them in a while [04:57] i even have Ten years after alvin lee and gosh frank marino from mahogany rush , and rush and you name it like it. [04:57] i like milies davis === Snake__ WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE!! [04:58] so it's about liking as much as possible dont block your life off with thinkgs like "well it's not my style", make everything your slyle. [04:58] WE GOT FUN AND GAMES!! [04:58] amigagirl: na, I just don't like a lot of music === Mungallo [n=nox@c-69-255-16-14.hsd1.va.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:59] well that guitarist for guns n roses hei's fabulous i heard some of his stuff he did and he is good. === MadRush [n=meow@c-69-142-185-225.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === MadRush| [n=meow@c-69-142-185-225.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:59] i lke canned heat too! [04:59] Never herd [04:59] oh my god the BOOGIE Band [04:59] how does one set gcc-3.4 as the default gcc version? [04:59] bbl have guests here have to play hostist. === john_ [n=john@H130.C72.B0.tor.eicat.ca] has joined #kubuntu [04:59] hostess [04:59] chao === admrl [n=admrl@24-180-218-205.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu === MadRush| [n=meow@c-69-142-185-225.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["blue.] [05:00] Mungallo: temporarily? for one compile you mean? [05:01] Im all over the map...classical, country, rock, pop, techno, folk, just about anything but metal and opera [05:01] yeah [05:01] kkathman: yea we all know whats on your ipod :P === admrl [n=admrl@24-180-218-205.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [05:01] set CC= [05:01] your KiPod [05:01] Snake__: I doubt it [05:01] hehe [05:01] kkathman: you named off a good varity before [05:01] Mungallo: wait, let em find the proper line [05:01] amigagirl: make everything your style w/o having a style - sounds like Bruce Lee's words almost :) === Tm_T grins [05:02] thanks a bunch nomad, this has been boiling my brain for the last 1/2 hour or so. === kkathman still is waiting for Tm_T to send me some Finnish music :) === hybrid [n=hybrid@dpc6745217221.direcpc.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:02] hehe [05:02] Oooo alice cooper [05:02] bruce lee was the man :D [05:02] yep alice cooper too [05:02] emerson lake and palmer [05:02] uriah heep [05:03] His knew stuff is cool too [05:03] heck yeah ELP! [05:03] my brothers have aoll this stuff [05:03] chao [05:03] the Guess Who, ELO [05:03] nice [05:03] yep the guess who [05:03] now i MUST GO :D [05:03] Moody BLues? [05:03] great group [05:03] very very musical [05:04] I tend to like innovators, and people that were more musical, not just head bangin crap that kinda got stereotyped alot [05:05] I mean there was a time when it seemed there were people that just got guitars, a drum and played fuzz, screamed and they were the latest "fad" [05:05] kkathman: uh, you can't imagine how hilarious life can be when your head is one big mess =) [05:05] hehe === claydoh [n=clay@] has joined #kubuntu === callie [n=callie@host86-129-64-189.range86-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu === MadRush [n=meow@c-69-142-185-225.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["blue.] === jrattner1 [n=jrattner@uhartford216125.hartford.edu] has joined #kubuntu === ssdo [n=ssdo@] has joined #kubuntu === CyberMad [n=satpam@] has joined #kubuntu === ssdo [n=ssdo@] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] === ssdo [n=ssdo@] has joined #kubuntu === zerodni [n=zerodni@c-68-47-173-49.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === ssdo [n=ssdo@] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] === ejofee [n=ejofee@195-245-89-185.dtcom.ro] has joined #kubuntu [05:20] hey does anyone here use tv out on their nvidia cards [05:21] zerodni, i have done in the past but not under linux [05:21] ah [05:22] i have it working but i cant get one desktop where i can move windows between [05:22] have you tried looking on the forums? [05:23] yeah that got me working but not to have windows go back and forth [05:24] and i cant use that becase i cant read the menus [05:24] you mean you cant switch between multiple desktops? [05:24] yes but its like a seprate x server [05:24] i have 2 virtul desktops on my crt and 4 on my tv [05:25] ahuman01, ok, well you need to look at the resolutions you're using [05:25] sorry that was for you zerodni [05:25] well one is 640x480 [05:25] that is the tv [05:26] and mine is 1280x1024 [05:26] that sounds like it should be ok [05:26] somenoe splain to me about blogs, are they just 1 way communications? i thohgth they were like i post and someone else post and tells a story or is it like a diary or what? [05:27] i need going , chao [05:27] !blog [05:27] Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, callie [05:27] i can do twin view but when i full screen it puts the video or game or what ever between the two === CyberMad [n=satpam@] has joined #kubuntu === djzn [n=djzn@200-161-78-79.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu [05:30] hi, how do I tell KMIX to use OSS [05:30] kmix can use what ever sound system you would like :) [05:30] you can set it in the sound settings in systems settings [05:31] oh i found it [05:31] thanks === gavin [n=gavin@nlm-7.norlight.net] has joined #kubuntu === MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@53d824bf.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #kubuntu === MetaMorfoziS good morning [05:44] can kubuntu run firewall builder? === eric_ [n=eric@c-24-2-42-188.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === eric_ is now known as souled === ubotu [n=blootbot@ubuntu.cc.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [05:49] jung, you can use firestarter to config iptables in kubuntu === dan_ [n=dan@CPE0050bacbe689-CM000f212fb20c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu === dan_ [n=dan@CPE0050bacbe689-CM000f212fb20c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [05:51] zerodni, thanks for the reply. Is firestarter more secure than firewall builder? === MrJangles [n=dan@CPE0050bacbe689-CM000f212fb20c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:51] jung, well its not about more secure see in linux everythings uses iptables witch is the best [05:52] jung, its at the kernal level these programs just give use a interface to configure iptables === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-118-222.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [05:52] zerodni, First time i'm using kubuntu or linux. So i'm just trying to get an basic idea of how things go [05:53] jung, i like firestarter becase you can setup all the rules in like 5 min [05:53] zerodni hmm i see [05:53] jung, thats cool if you have anyother question i would me more than happy to help [05:53] zerodni, i see firestarter in adept. Would this be the right one? [05:53] jung, yep [05:54] zerodni, k, i'm gonna download it and fire it up. brb === bimberi [n=bimberi@DKPP-p-144-134-117-12.prem.tmns.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [05:54] k === ubotu [n=blootbot@ubuntu.cc.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === ubotu [n=blootbot@ubuntu.cc.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === ubotu [n=blootbot@ubuntu.cc.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [05:57] zerodni, its installed but how do i start it up? [05:57] just go to termnal and type sudo firestarter === thoreauputic [i=thoreaup@ubuntu/member/thoreauputic] has joined #kubuntu [05:57] its a gui [05:58] i got a bunch of error messages [05:58] but the prog still started [05:58] this isn't like a proxy server rightr? [05:59] nope [05:59] did you open it in sudo [05:59] yes [05:59] its running [05:59] how do i set up the iptables and configure it? [06:00] well this sets up iptables you can just setup rules for what you want in and out then click start === thoreauputic_ [n=prospero@ubuntu/member/thoreauputic] has joined #kubuntu [06:01] how do i do that? [06:01] well first it sould bring up a wizered right [06:01] yes [06:01] go though that and then let me know [06:02] i went through the wizard already [06:02] didn't mention anything about setting up rules or tables [06:02] do i have to have 2 nics to configure it? [06:02] ah well tables is just a trem there are not real tables like a spredsheet [06:02] nope [06:03] do you see policy [06:03] yes [06:03] that is were you setup rules [06:03] when i click on policy, everything in there is greyed out [06:04] right click on the white sapce and click add rule [06:05] make sure you tell it for inbound or outbount traffic [06:05] it's grayed out. I can't access it [06:05] hmm [06:06] so when you click the white space nothering shows up === mvv [n=mvv@roxx.demon.nl] has joined #kubuntu [06:06] nope [06:06] is apply policy grade out too [06:06] yep === shokohsc [n=shokohsc@ip-65.net-80-236-88.joinville.rev.numericable.fr] has joined #kubuntu [06:06] the whole section is grayed out [06:07] what about the policey menu [06:07] hey guys, how do i type the micro 'u' in utorrent under linux? [06:08] you know, that greek or latin one [06:08] i can click on policy and it will drop down [06:08] but the add rule and apply policy is grayed out [06:08] is it grayed out too [06:08] mvv, you mean the letter 'Mu' [06:08] hmm ok click on prefrences [06:08] ok [06:08] under edit [06:09] now do you see a section called firewall [06:09] yes [06:09] then network seetings [06:09] ok [06:09] are both nics like eth0 [06:10] yes [06:10] both are [06:10] what about the check boxes [06:10] nothing checked [06:10] cool [06:10] no ics or dhcp [06:10] good [06:11] callie, yes i think so, doesn' t it means micro? [06:11] try closing then reopening [06:11] k [06:11] mvv, it can, but its just a letter [06:11] still greyed out [06:11] callie, i can't get it out of my happy hacking keyboard :p [06:12] well i think you need yo use a unicode font for starters [06:13] are you geting any events [06:13] i got one [06:14] ok so it is working do you have any other firewall software on you pc [06:14] nope not on this one [06:14] callie, can i setup this character set somewhere in kde? [06:14] do you have su enabled [06:15] sudo yes [06:15] no just su [06:15] its the reel root [06:15] i have no idea mvv, not something i've ever had to do [06:15] try this sudo passwd root in a termnal [06:15] but you can setup default fonts and stuff in system settings [06:16] then give a password it will say like UNIX password [06:16] k [06:16] now type su [06:16] ten the password [06:17] k [06:17] now just trype firestarter [06:18] if you still have now rule you might want to go though the wizered again [06:18] callie, thanks. I'll search into this a liittle deeper. and will let you know the outcome if you want... [06:18] cool [06:19] nope not working [06:19] im in root now [06:19] and its not opening up [06:20] try going thought the wizzerd agian [06:20] how do i get out of root? [06:20] just type exit [06:21] nope still not working [06:21] is there some package i didn't install with it? === orangey [n=orangey@dsl-207-112-23-246.tor.primus.ca] has joined #kubuntu [06:23] nope [06:24] the funny things it sould be working becase i just did what you did i was a noaty boy and didnt setup a firewall on this system like i sould [06:25] hmm [06:25] and everything is grayed out for me till i click on the whight box were the rules go [06:25] then it says add rule [06:25] when i right click on it [06:25] i'm trying to rerun the wizard [06:25] now are you one outbound or inbound [06:26] how do i tell? [06:26] oh just in bound [06:26] ah good [06:26] if you want to rego thought the wizzered its under the firewall menu === rosemary [n=rosemary@] has joined #kubuntu === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:31] jung, i will brb i have to restart x to get my tv working [06:31] k === kkathman is now known as kkathman-zzzz === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu === zblach [n=zblach@toronto-HSE-ppp4150506.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [06:41] callie: it' s just typing together: ctrl +shift + b + 5 (source: http://www.tuxmagazine.com/node/1000044 ) [06:41] weirdness. Ctrl+Alt+F# no longer jumps me to a terminal [06:41] how can I fix this? [06:42] mvv, good old tux magazine [06:42] hehe [06:42] do you read it? === EightiesK [n=Eighties@c-68-34-70-74.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:45] anyone know of a dos partitoner? === mike_ [n=mike@ip68-228-136-11.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:46] i wanna make my windows partiton and my linux partitions equal sizes. === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu === Progsuce [n=Progs@i02v-62-35-246-199.d4.club-internet.fr] has joined #kubuntu === Stalin [n=owner@d209-121-40-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:04] hi. i have a mouse with 5 unusuable buttons and a keyboard with 16. how can I enable them? === _shawn_ [n=shawn@CPE000d3a2b6dd6-CM001404d8aa6e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:06] <_shawn_> hey in kword (1.5 beta 1) how do I get rid of the blue and red lines on the words? [07:09] how to exit from telnet, i'm testing telnet localhost 110 [07:10] Ctrl+C [07:10] CyberMad: control ] then quit [07:10] but i don't know how to exit from there... i tried q, quit, exit, ctrl+c...all doesn't work [07:10] control then type quit? [07:10] CyberMad: ctrl+] [07:10] ok thanks [07:10] right bracket [07:11] :) yes.. thanks it's work === MadRush [n=meow@c-69-142-185-225.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === MadRush| [n=meow@c-69-142-185-225.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:14] anyone here know how to install apple fonts?? [07:14] ttf === MadRush| [n=meow@c-69-142-185-225.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["blue.] [07:15] dell500: does wiki help? [07:16] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FontInstallHowto === jung [n=jung@user-0c2h9e5.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:19] anybody awake? [07:19] I'm trying that, i just did a fonts:/// in konquorer and it shows that the fonts are installed... i think [07:20] just nothing comes up in the fonts area for kcontrol... [07:20] which one better? qmail or postfix... what is the positive and negative? === avatarman [n=jimmy@c-67-162-66-113.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === ssdo [n=ssdo@] has joined #kubuntu [07:22] amarok in dapper will only runs xine engine. how can i install a gstreamer engine? [07:22] dell500: you maybe have to relogin to get changes effect === chavo [n=chavo@fl-atlnfl-u3-c4b-189.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:22] ya, i thought so, brb === dell500 [n=dell500@12-216-255-24.client.mchsi.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:25] anyone know how to get Mplayer installed in Kubuntu 5.10? Every time I use adept, it tells me that it will break the install and it cannot be compiled from source... === tiberius [n=tiberius@mu2-cust-side-cr1-rt-laj.centurytel.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:29] are people using Dapper Kubuntu already? === zerodni [n=zerodni@c-68-47-173-49.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:29] jung, ok im back [07:29] jung, any head way === Satpam_Gila [n=satpam@] has joined #kubuntu [07:30] ? [07:32] c'mon you can't all be asleep [07:33] zerodni hi [07:33] zerodni sorry it took so long [07:33] zerodni i got the policy working now [07:34] cool what was it [07:34] it was the policy tab [07:34] next to status and events [07:34] i just went to policy and right click on the white space [07:34] and the add rule option was available [07:34] oh were you not under the policy tab [07:34] nope [07:34] didn't even see it [07:35] ah sorry miscomuncation [07:35] i removed it and i was installing fwbuilder i think [07:35] and guarddog [07:35] but i removed both of them and decided to give firestarter one last chance [07:35] hehe, i'm glad i did [07:35] ah [07:35] lol [07:36] now i can get some sleep :) [07:36] it would've bugged me [07:36] well sorry about that i could have swarn i said clcicking policy [07:36] lol [07:36] it's np [07:36] i'm just glad i can configure it properly now [07:36] thanks for you help [07:36] i know how that can be if i could ever get this xorg to do what i want [07:36] your welcome anytime just ask [07:37] alrighty, well time for me to get some sleep [07:37] have a good nite perhaps? [07:37] you too === MadRush [n=meow@c-69-142-185-225.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["blue.] === Snake__ is now known as Snake|Sleeping === ilba7r [n=ilba7r@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu === ilba7r [n=ilba7r@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] === avatarman [n=jimmy@c-67-162-66-113.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === avatarman [n=jimmy@c-67-162-66-113.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === vertigo [n=vertigo@host-152-84-220-24.midco.net] has joined #kubuntu === ilba7r [n=ilba7r@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu === mister_roboto is away: sleeping === btn [n=btn@68-191-179-11.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu === viviersf [n=cain@] has joined #kubuntu === ilba7r [n=ilba7r@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] === mazer [n=mazer@crj95-1-82-229-69-38.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === Tudor_b [n=tudor@] has joined #kubuntu [08:31] anyone here know where i can find out how much Microsoft site licences cost for large companies (250+ cpus) === andre^off is now known as andred [08:31] im trying to get my company to switch to using more open source software [08:33] callie: ~50 /cpu just operating system [08:33] I think [08:34] then, office is about 150 [08:34] iirc [08:34] per year? [08:34] well, you have to buy newest office every or every second year [08:36] but do the licences cover companies for a certain period of time or is it a one off payment thing? [08:36] hum, I think microsoft.com answer to that [08:37] their site is very confusing [08:37] lots of blabbering and no real hard info === admrl [n=admrl@24-180-218-205.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu === Jaymac [n=Jaymac@resnet-147853.resnet.bris.ac.uk] has joined #kubuntu [08:40] i guess i'd need to look into what kind of package my company is signed up to [08:41] i dont think i could ever get them to totally switch from windows, but using openoffice and thunderbird and a few other apps could save tens of thousands in the long run and wouldnt require much re training if any [08:41] viva la revolution! === andred is now known as andre^off === _tafsen [n=tafsen@84-20-110-153.no.ventelo.net] has joined #kubuntu === [Vampis] [n=niclas@dynamic-45-245.chl.chalmers.se] has joined #kubuntu === avatarman [n=jimmy@c-67-162-66-113.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === avatarman [n=jimmy@c-67-162-66-113.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:52] === _nicolas [n=nicolas@197.17.119-80.rev.gaoland.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:53] <_nicolas> hi all === Xemanth^^^ [n=xemanth@dsl-hkigw7-fe04f900-155.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #Kubuntu [08:54] morning! [08:54] hi nicolas [08:55] morning callie [08:56] you in the states avatarman ? [08:57] yeah, Chicago [08:57] you? [08:57] UK, london [08:57] nice [08:58] I should be in bed of course. [08:58] do you get on this channel a lot? === tiberius [n=tiberius@mu2-cust-side-cr1-rt-laj.centurytel.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:58] most of the time, its one of my favourite rooms [08:59] I've only been using Linux for a couple months [08:59] learning slowly [09:00] aren't we all [09:00] with Kubuntu, you're off to a good start [09:00] well, ubuntu does my hardware quite nicely without much intervention from me [09:00] the learning curve isnt quite the cliff face it is with other distros [09:00] but, installing all the programs I want is another story [09:01] somtimes its not always possible, but these things get sorted over time [09:01] yeah, it's very friendly without being Linspire SLOW [09:01] I'm having fun with it for the most part. [09:01] thats the main thing [09:01] like putting a jigsaw puzzle together kind of === Bicchi [n=Bicchi@adsl-065-006-167-199.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:02] what sort of stuff do you do with your pc? just general internet use sorta thing? === ilba7r [n=ilba7r@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:02] !opers [09:02] parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, callie [09:03] morning ilba7r [09:03] I've set up VPN and mail server....at work on Windows [09:03] morning callie [09:03] 3:05 here so hardly qualify as morning :) [09:04] 8:04am here [09:04] GMT [09:04] 2 am here [09:05] why doesnt freenode use host masking? [09:05] avatarman, oh i wish i can set openvpn on my linux box [09:05] i dont like my IP being there for everyone to see [09:06] I found a program called Ovisgate, that made setting it up on a WinXp system fairly easy... [09:06] I'm still very new at the whole Linux thing ilba7r [09:06] avatarman, i have cisco vpn from my work runs on window not linux though [09:07] do some IRC networks mask the IP addresses callie? [09:07] yup [09:08] callie, you have good point i do not know though if it can be set up [09:08] some servers offer vhosts too, but i've never encountered one yet === gnumdk [n=gnumdk@pf-amon.crid-85.ac-nantes.fr] has joined #kubuntu [09:08] ilba7r, as far is know its up the server to do it [09:08] unless you use a proxy, but thats not really secure either [09:08] well, it's nice to meet you both. I should start heading for my pillow. =) [09:09] Have a good Monday. [09:09] night dude [09:09] foo === avatarman [n=jimmy@c-67-162-66-113.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [09:09] foobar! [09:09] !foo [09:09] Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, callie [09:09] lol [09:09] night [09:09] hah [09:09] Tm_T, ever played with abiword? [09:10] ilba7r: yes, in my wild youth [09:10] what about it? [09:10] am having 3 packages here do not know which to use [09:10] ah [09:10] abiword, abiword-gnome and abiword-gtk === ubijtsa2 [n=anders@] has joined #kubuntu [09:11] they are exclusive but little is said what any of them do [09:11] abiword <- I think that's what you need [09:11] or, take -gtk [09:11] ok thanx Tm_T just installed it with its plugins [09:11] ok === kosh [n=kosh@aesaeion.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:12] by the way kword did a horrible job importing my doc files. [09:12] -gnome prolly have some gnome-specific tweaks yuk! [09:12] Riddell: the problems with libpoppler was purely down to the sources.list entries you said. just tested it. [09:12] ilba7r: aye, known flaw [09:12] ilba7r: it does import text, not much else [09:12] doc sucks, period [09:12] mm so am stuck now with either oo2 or abiword [09:13] ilba7r: use abiword to import it, save to odt, use kword [09:13] this is why i have always used rtf [09:13] hehe [09:13] txt is good too [09:13] does kword open odt [09:14] even before i used linux [09:14] nah have some tables and graphics that i needed [09:14] ilba7r: yes [09:14] ilba7r: one of the first [09:14] i just include all graphics as eps. a trick learnt from latex [09:14] ilba7r: txt can handle tables and graphics! just use aalib to convert them to ascii =) [09:15] Tm_T, ok thanx great tip === Phazeman_ is now known as Phazeman [09:15] ilba7r: aint pretty but works =) [09:15] will check it out thanx again Tm_T [09:16] ok nice meeting you to callie now of too work take care all === ilba7r [n=ilba7r@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] === [Vampis] [n=niclas@dynamic-45-245.chl.chalmers.se] has joined #kubuntu [09:23] <[Vampis] > Hmm, are there more then me that have problems with ktorrent? It locks itself all the time [09:25] <[Vampis] > kkathman-zzzz: Dont sleep now :P [09:25] lol [09:26] my conclusion is that office suite software sucks in general [09:27] they can't seem to even read their own documents a fair bit of the time and god forbid you have an older version === shogouki [n=nicolas@AMontpellier-251-1-54-177.w81-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [09:27] but amazingly enough tex, latex, ps, html etc seem to all be readable many years later without issues === kameron [n=kameron@S0106000129f5b884.cc.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu === C-O-L-T [n=hunika@] has joined #kubuntu === brosioz [n=brosioz@host200-71.pool80183.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu === Mater [n=pablo@85-54-133-216.mad5.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #kubuntu [09:42] <_nicolas> hi all [09:42] <_nicolas> i have a little question about Kubuntu [09:42] <_nicolas> and Kdm [09:42] <_nicolas> ? [09:44] <_nicolas> Do you know how to install ( into Kubuntu ) an easy kdm user access, as well as Suse ou Windows or GDM, you click on the user and not write his name [09:44] <_nicolas> ? [09:44] <_nicolas> Is it possible [09:44] <_nicolas> ? [09:46] how can i known which modules is using my ethernetcard ? [09:50] _nicolas: k menu / change user ? [09:51] system settings -> login manager -> users -> administrator mode and then check the box for show list === _mike [n=mike@ip68-228-136-11.hr.hr.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === DuNaMiS [n=bobby@85-130-90-216.tarnovo.cablebg.net] has joined #kubuntu === DuNaMiS [n=bobby@85-130-90-216.tarnovo.cablebg.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [10:00] <_nicolas> @Kosh -> I had already do that but it dont works :( [10:03] hmm kdm should show a list of users to select from [10:04] it does if its configured so [10:05] <[Vampis] > And if you have mutiple users :P [10:05] <[Vampis] > one is enough ;) [10:10] <_nicolas> But no, i had select List mode, i had add image to user, nut no list [10:11] <_nicolas> just write user === viviersf [n=cain@] has joined #kubuntu [10:11] <_nicolas> and i have 3 users === hawking [n=hawking@tor/session/x-f9333f5d2fc6597b] has joined #kubuntu === grimse [n=grimse@p5481DE57.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === burepe [n=burepe@softbank220040076006.bbtec.net] has joined #kubuntu === Progs [n=Progs@i02v-62-35-246-199.d4.club-internet.fr] has joined #kubuntu === Tonio_ [n=tonio@cac94-5-82-229-219-55.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === JakubS [n=qba@azk210.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu === billh [i=billh@c-69-181-77-228.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:26] what's the routine for building a suitable kernel for Ubuntu ? [10:27] I'd like to be able to run 2.5.15 [10:27] 2.6.15 [10:27] however on breezy that is not a good idea === _jocke [n=jocke@c83-249-66-137.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #kubuntu === rosemary [n=rosemary@] has joined #kubuntu [10:27] 2.6.15 requires some newer libraries then are in ubunty breezy [10:28] so you would need to not only update the kernel but those libs also like hal [10:28] oh [10:28] I'm having problem with the dm_linear module not wanting to load, etc... [10:28] is there a reason you want to run 2.6.15? [10:29] I do know how to do it but walking someone else through it .... [10:29] <_jocke> I got some problems runing phpbb. The problems involves mysql.sock and the php connection is trying to find it under /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock. any ideas on what to do? [10:29] something with restoring the resolver state and stuff with ".dep" not being found at boot [10:29] kosh I'm going to do some -rt development on this box using that kernel [10:29] so I have to be using the latest kernel for this purpose [10:29] you best bet would be to upgrade to ubuntu dapper then I think [10:30] what's that ? [10:30] dapper ? [10:30] it is not really ready for full usage right now but it should work [10:30] next release :) [10:30] oh, how broken is it ? [10:30] don't know [10:30] can I just do the normal thing of changing the apt file reference to that release and it'll work ? [10:30] I knew exactly which packages I needed and I pulled just those manually from the dapper archives [10:30] oh [10:30] like the hal stuff ? [10:31] need hal and udev [10:31] and whatever they depend on [10:31] Is the hal stuff relate to network drivers loading ? [10:31] hmm [10:31] well udev is related to that in that it loads every driver [10:31] kosh: lol I'm tempted to try out the latest vanilla kernel. I have done it previously with RH8 however.. it just seems that if I run something whilst on a 2.6.12, it seems somewhat slower with the nvidia packages [10:31] I might just have to use that instead of manually upgrading packages [10:31] kosh network drivers are special though [10:32] not really [10:32] no different then a scsi card etc [10:32] well, udev manages stuff in /dev [10:32] yeah, but that's the depmod stuff === bobby [n=bobby@85-130-90-216.tarnovo.cablebg.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:32] It's a more general mechanism with the network start up code [10:33] unless there's a hardware detect phase that gets screwed up [10:33] the drivers are loaded at the same stage [10:33] at least network, audio and usb are === sinsemilla [n=sinsemil@60-234-228-247.bitstream.orcon.net.nz] has joined #kubuntu [10:35] that's not a udev thing, it's probably related to hal === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-118-222.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [10:36] udev is more useful for things like IDE devices, CD-Rs, etc.. [10:36] serial ports, all things that go into /dev [10:36] just a question - and I will read TFM! But what luck have people had with cameras etc on usb [10:36] udev had hotplug rolled into it between 2.6.13 and 2.6.15 [10:36] so udev does everything hotplug used to do also [10:37] yeah, but that's not networking. I'm pretty sure that the networking stuff is spawned outside of it. [10:37] anyways, not important === _jocke [n=jocke@c83-249-66-137.bredband.comhem.se] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [10:37] So what's people's experiences with dapper ? [10:38] rosemary: all the cameras I get follow the usb mass storage spec in which case you just plug it into just about any computer and it works [10:38] rosemary: no drivers needed under windows, linux,macs etc [10:39] kosh - okay thanks - haven't tried yet. Did initially have probs with this Sony and mandriva === aeon17x [n=aeon17x@] has joined #kubuntu === g8m [n=evil@cp82868-a.dbsch1.nb.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu [10:46] anyone experienced with ndiswrapper here? === Kamping_Kaiser [n=Kaiser@ppp228-224.lns2.adl4.internode.on.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:47] rosemary: many cameras don't follow the specs [10:48] rosemary: sony is one of them, I have been pretty happy with the fuji cameras [10:50] billh: very good === bobby [n=bobby@85-130-90-216.tarnovo.cablebg.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [10:54] poningru then I'm going to upgrade to it so that I can get at the most recent kernels [10:54] thanks for the information [10:54] billh: stop === shogouki [n=nicolas@AMontpellier-251-1-54-177.w81-251.abo.wanadoo.fr] has left #kubuntu [] [10:54] billh: I have only tested ubuntu [10:54] not kubuntu [10:54] not sure if kde is unstable on it right now [10:54] kde is half broken for me in kubuntu anyways, so it doesn't matter [10:55] I use gnome as a work around [10:56] kosh hmm recognises camera same model as mandriva, but now need to figure how to upload - programmes are different === Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-118-222.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === knubbe [n=knubbe@host019a.turbinen20.se] has joined #kubuntu === zerodni [n=zerodni@c-68-47-173-49.hsd1.tn.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === Hobbsee_ is now known as Hobbsee_away === ssdo [n=ssdo@] has joined #kubuntu === ssdo [n=ssdo@] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] === ssdo [n=ssdo@] has joined #kubuntu === JakubS [n=qba@azk210.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu === JohnFlux [n=imy@konversation/developer/JohnFlux] has joined #kubuntu === ideafix [n=luser@a83-132-100-12.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #kubuntu === hatake_kakashi [n=meh@60-240-241-82.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === Mazingaro [n=tetsuja@host139-237.pool876.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu === Hobbsee_away is now known as Hobbsee === Melsen [n=alm@] has joined #kubuntu [11:24] Hey everybody [11:24] I was wondering...... [11:24] Is there anywhere in Ubuntu I can set up my default username and password when I browse samba shares.. It's annoying each and everytime to type in my domain name and domain username and password each time I access a server on our domain. [11:25] <[Vampis] > Mount them [11:25] <[Vampis] > with username and pass [11:26] You crazy? [11:26] Do you have any idea of how many that is [11:26] we got 50+ servers here [11:26] hehe [11:26] <[Vampis] > sudo mount // /media/sharename/ -o username=myusername,password=mypassword [11:26] <[Vampis] > aha, ok [11:26] <[Vampis] > tb [11:26] <[Vampis] > Then I'm crazy [11:26] lol [11:27] <[Vampis] > :) === hatake_k1kashi [n=meh@60-240-241-82.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === _meister [n=meister@p5494AA19.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [11:30] Whats the difference between mozilla browser and firefox? [11:30] you don't know mozilla suite? [11:31] firefox was meant to be lightweight version of mozilla browser [11:31] Well.. here in adept, I can install the mozilla browser and firefox [11:31] I always figured they were the same [11:31] yes, two different apps [11:31] mozilla browser is oldish mozilla product [11:32] So.. if I install firefox through adept, will I then get the latest firefox version? [11:32] I think so [11:32] newest available in ubuntu repositories [11:32] prolly 1.0.7 [11:33] isn't the newest version 1.5 something? [11:33] yes [11:33] <[Vampis] > mhm === dsaa [n=dsaa@] has joined #kubuntu [11:33] ... but I will get 1.0.7 if I install it through adept? [11:33] yes [11:33] duh [11:33] unless you add unofficial repositories [11:34] I heard someone talk about universe multiverse thingie [11:34] .... how do I add that so adept lists more packages? [11:34] !+sources [11:34] To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource [11:34] (a complete newbie with Kubuntu and Linux as a desktop system... sorry for all the stupid questions [11:35] Melsen: also, use wiki.ubuntu.com [11:35] Melsen: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion [11:35] wiki is good source for help ;) [11:36] Melsen: read it through === blanco [n=blanco@] has joined #kubuntu === MaterMaravillae [n=pablo@85-54-134-209.mad5.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #kubuntu === Xemanth^^^ [n=xemanth@dsl-hkigw7-fe04f900-155.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #Kubuntu === blanco [n=blanco@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [11:43] Hey [11:43] that worked.. I have 1.5 now [11:43] cool, thanks Tm_T [11:43] One thing tho [11:44] I can't find that 'preferred applications' configuration anywhere [11:45] <[Vampis] > use kcontrol [11:45] <[Vampis] > Run [11:45] <[Vampis] > kcontrol [11:45] <[Vampis] > then KDE COMPONENTS [11:45] <[Vampis] > and there File Associations [11:46] yeah? [11:47] I just wanna make sure it uses firefox everywhere instead of conqueror.. and it says something about setting that up.. but if I follow the guide.. I can't see the configuration options mentioned there [11:47] <[Vampis] > ahaa [11:47] <[Vampis] > sorry [11:47] <[Vampis] > Then u choose component Chooser === bimberi [n=bimberi@] has joined #kubuntu [11:48] <[Vampis] > one abobe file asociations [11:48] <[Vampis] > Then Webbrowser === raphink|sleep is now known as raphink [11:48] To ensure that other programs use version 1.5 of firefox and not the old 1.07 version, go to Preferences -> Preferred Applications in the System menu. For the "Web Browser" tab, choose "Custom" and then enter the command: [11:48] I can't find that anywhere [11:48] <[Vampis] > huh ? where are u looking [11:49] If I go to preferences, I can't see anything called 'Preferred Applications' [11:50] Is it enough if I just do it in the component choser? [11:50] <[Vampis] > mhm, for me it was [11:51] <[Vampis] > I assume you are in KDE? ;) [11:51] You're right... it _does_ seem to work [11:51] Oh.. I am [11:51] KDE seems much better that gnome. I'm sure it's a matter of personal preferences.. but I like KDWE [11:51] KDE === [Vampis] [n=niclas@dynamic-45-245.chl.chalmers.se] has joined #kubuntu === ztn [n=ztn@] has joined #kubuntu [11:51] <[Vampis] > wrong button ;) [11:51] lol [11:52] <[Vampis] > :*p [11:52] Melsen: system settings > user account > default applications > web browser [11:52] <[Vampis] > eh, user account ? [11:53] <[Vampis] > Thats the exact like I told, just to different places [11:54] oh ok, sorry. i don't see much of kcontrol :) [11:54] <[Vampis] > :P [11:57] Oh my god [11:57] wtf did I do now [11:58] I can't access my partitions.. hrmmm [11:58] all I tried to do was automount my two fat partitions [11:58] grrr === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-118-222.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [11:59] if I go to the mount point editor, and click 'administrator mode' it just shows my a red square with a blank window [11:59] help!! :P === rysiek [n=rysiek@213-238-68-217.adsl.inetia.pl] has joined #kubuntu [12:00] hi there [12:00] <[Vampis] > hnm a good CHM file reader for linux = [12:00] <[Vampis] > = [12:00] <[Vampis] > ? === Melsen [n=alm@] has joined #kubuntu [12:00] awww man [12:01] this is fucked up [12:01] anybody knows a media player with subtitle support? [12:01] <[Vampis] > xchm [12:01] <[Vampis] > sorry [12:01] I've tried Kaboodle - no subtitle support [12:01] Kaffeine - same thing [12:01] Noatun - same thing [12:01] VLC player - same thing [12:02] MPlayer - fucked up (nothing shows up, tried different formats and options settings) [12:02] When I click on my harddisk icon on my desktop it says 'The desktop entry file /home/alm/desktop/harddisk is of type FSDevice but has no Dev=... entry. [12:02] What does that mean? [12:02] and Totem - no subtitl support === [ztn] [n=ztn@] has joined #kubuntu [12:03] Melsen: it means that the /home/alm/desktop/harddisk file lacks some information [12:03] DEV info, to be precise [12:03] can that be fixed in any way? [12:04] you can try to write it there yourself, but you would need to know the device of your harddrive [12:04] like /dev/hda1 or dev/hdb2 for example [12:04] I think it's /Dev/sda3 [12:05] thats what my mount point editor says [12:05] ok, gimme a sec [12:06] 3 Paritiion 25.0 Gb Mount Point / Type ext3 /dev/sda3 enabled [12:06] ok, open KWrite or any other favourite text editor [12:06] ya? === MenZa [i=menza@0x50a160c8.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu [12:06] and open a file: [12:06] /home/alm/desktop/harddisk [12:06] what do you get? [12:07] A text file that says that Dev= well.. nothing on that line [12:07] but it displays the correct mount point [12:08] which is /dev/sda3 [12:08] wait === Xemanth^^^ is now known as Xemanth^ [12:08] What should I write at 'Dev=' then? [12:08] oki.. [12:08] make it DEV=/dev/sda3 [12:08] this is the device [12:09] "Mount Point /" -> so "/" is the mountpoint :) === Xemanth^ is now known as Xemanth^^ === Xemanth^^ is now known as Xemanth^ [12:09] so... [12:09] works now [12:09] thanks [12:09] weird why it does that [12:09] ? [12:09] no weird [12:09] Why not? [12:09] the mountpoint is "?" === [ztn] [n=ztn@] has joined #kubuntu [12:09] whoa [12:10] the mountpoint is "/" [12:10] the device is "/dev/sda3" [12:10] is kubuntu.org down now ? i can't apt-get update === Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-118-222.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [12:10] Could not connect to kubuntu.org:80 (, connection timed out === weedar [n=weedar@ti500710a080-5140.bb.online.no] has joined #kubuntu [12:10] that what you got from mountpoint editor :) [12:10] Well.. I added this using the default function by right clicking on the desktop and adding a device... just odd it doesn't work automatically when I'm using a pre-made feature. [12:11] a, ok, thet must be some kond of bug then :) [12:11] unless... [12:11] when you right-clicked and added [12:12] did you go to the tab "Device" in the add device shortcut dialogue? === duloup [n=duloup@ABordeaux-253-1-131-222.w81-50.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [12:12] and input the device? :) [12:13] 'cause if not, Kubuntu is no mind-reader, it can't guess wich of many devices you want the shortcut to be leading to [12:13] ok, now I would like to get some answers and get them fast you guys! :) [12:13] Subtitle-supporting Media Player for Kubuntu. [12:13] that is the question. [12:13] and the answer is?.. === nalioth_zZz is now known as nalioth [12:15] anobody? [12:15] rysiek: just about any player does subtitles, i'm using xine [12:15] mplayer is good [12:15] ccc_: well, as written above, tried "many players", none did: Totem, Kaboodle, Kaffeine, Noatun, VLC [12:16] mplayer doesn't load the subtitles and doesn't show them, can't get it to work [12:16] trying xine === ubijtsa2 [n=anders@] has joined #kubuntu [12:17] ...after I download the upgrades ;) [12:17] then you did something wrong :) read the documentation [12:17] documentation, pshaw! humbug! ;) [12:17] seriously, who reads the docs ;) [12:17] ok, I'll read the docs [12:18] I just might have the time -> upgrading [12:18] thx === unholy [n=unholy@cpc4-galw1-4-0-cust26.dbln.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu === HymnToLife [i=_mfb@dyn-213-36-162-65.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #kubuntu === crodler [n=crodler@136.Red-80-35-111.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === hDp` [n=headup@abo-0-216.modems.semnet.tm.fr] has joined #kubuntu [12:26] is kubuntu.org down or is there problems with my connection ? [12:26] well, I have just successfuly upgraded [12:27] kubuntu is definetely up [12:27] wait [12:27] Xemanth^: seems to be down [12:27] ok, agreed - pings don't lie :/ === kameron [n=kameron@S0106000129f5b884.cc.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:28] how can I save a konq session manually? (I asked in #kde but the nice guys there didn't bother responding :( ) [12:28] i was upgrading to 3.5.1 and during upgrade server didn't respond anymore :| === snapy [n=miguel@cable-] has joined #kubuntu [12:28] BlueDevil: franly - I have no idea - tried googling? [12:29] rysiek: yes :( [12:29] i found everything but my answer :( [12:29] <[Vampis] > kchm, cant find a .deb, typical [12:29] Xemanth^: wait, what do you have in your sources.list? [12:30] I've looked-through my apt-get output, most of it is from ubuntu.com [12:31] BlueDevil: what exactly do you mean by "save konqueror session"? [12:31] settings? like, a profile? [12:31] deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde351 breezy main [12:31] and i get connection problem to kubuntu.org [12:31] and cant even links kubuntu.org [12:31] :| === _johnny [n=johnny@dsl-hpo-fefdfb00-240.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu [12:32] maby try (might just work) change this to deb http://www.ubuntu.com/packages/kde351 breezy main === _johnny is now known as johnny- [12:32] I think they synchronise those two [12:32] or my kde gets fuck*d up :D [12:32] no, it won't === johnny- is now known as johnny_ [12:33] Kubuntu and Ubuntu are the same distro [12:33] Kubuntu isn't a fork === johnny_ is now known as J0hnni [12:33] they use the same repo's === ninniuz [n=ninniuz@adsl-200-137.37-151.net24.it] has joined #kubuntu [12:33] just read the FAQ at... www.kubuntu.org :D [12:33] Could anybody help me with wlan? [12:33] hi [12:33] man, I hate when something is down [12:33] I'm an italian kubuntu user [12:34] Failed to fetch http://www.ubuntu.com/packages/kde351/dists/breezy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz Sub-process bzip2 returned an error code (2 [12:34] My problem is that kwifi find the network but when i choose it, it doesnt do anything [12:34] and I was noticing there is no italian translation about adept even though it has been translated by the italian team [12:34] *finds [12:34] Xemanth^: give me a hint when you'll succeed in fcking up your KDE ;) [12:34] argh [12:34] rysiek: no, the webpages loaded in tabs, at least [12:35] not a profile === asdasd [n=ubi@host238-47.pool870.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [12:35] It doesn't matter if i configure it manualy in the config tab...even with the key [12:35] rysiek: do i need to to wget any key ? === asdasd [n=ubi@host238-47.pool870.interbusiness.it] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [12:35] BlueDevil: I don't know if that's possible at all [12:35] rysiek: W: GPG error: http://www.ubuntu.com breezy Release: Unknown error executing gpgv [12:35] YESSSSSSSSSSSSS SNOW DAY [12:35] rysiek: well, it's possible, because if I logout and login again the session is restored [12:35] Xemanth^: I don't think so, it would grab the packages.gz and then complain === KaoticEvil [n=none@] has joined #kubuntu [12:36] BlueDevil: hmmmm... [12:36] hey everyone :) === rysiek thinks [12:36] anyone done any 802.11g networking with kubuntu? [12:36] lif is hard :| [12:37] KaoticEvil: yes with acer 5024wlmi broadcomm chip [12:37] rysiek: there's even a --session cmd line parameter that restores the session with a given id [12:37] Xemanth^: sorry, I have a lag, I didn't see the GPG error [12:37] hmm [12:37] rysiek: but I don't know how to save the session [12:37] rysiek: =) [12:37] Kaotic, i just did :) [12:37] ...with the acer5024 [12:37] so no one knows about that? [12:37] But can't get it to connect >:P === _kameron [n=kameron@S0106000129f5b884.cc.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu === _kameron [n=kameron@S0106000129f5b884.cc.shawcable.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [12:38] J0hnni: have you installed acer_acpi ? [12:38] Yesyes [12:38] J0hnni: and enabled /acpi/acer/wireless [12:38] The problem is that it finds network but does nothing [12:38] ups [12:38] J0hnni: what ever wireless thingy there :)( [12:38] ? === asdasd [n=ubi@host238-47.pool870.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu === asdasd [n=ubi@host238-47.pool870.interbusiness.it] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [12:39] J0hnni: you need to do enabled "1" thingy for the /*/acer/wireless [12:39] well, ive got an airlink card [12:39] It is enabled [12:39] BlueDevil: I'm looking for it at konqueror.org [12:39] J0hnni: modprobe ndiswrapper ? :> [12:40] an Airlink AWD154 [12:40] Done [12:40] J0hnni: iwlist scan ? === aeon17x [n=aeon17x@] has joined #kubuntu === BlueDevil going there [12:40] It wouldnt find networks if it wouldnt work [12:40] Finds the network yes :) === Snake|Sleeping is now known as Snake__ [12:40] and kubuntu wouldnt recognize it as even being there... [12:40] J0hnni: iwconfig wlan0 'essid' 'address' :) [12:41] TypeError Python 2.4.1: /usr/bin/python [12:41] Mon Feb 6 12:40:36 2006 [12:41] A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred. [12:41] What is essid? [12:41] SSID? [12:41] BlueDevil: fucked up search script? [12:41] at konqueror.org? ROTFL :] [12:41] J0hnni: its name of your wlan server... hmm im pretty sure its essid :) [12:41] Aaa...what abou address? O_o [12:41] *about [12:42] J0hnni: on my comp ifconfig wlan0 essid G604T_Wireless === julle [n=julle@h41n2fls33o881.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:42] i mean't with address, name of your server [12:42] meant* [12:42] Aa :) === Tonio_ [n=tonio@cac94-5-82-229-219-55.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === franck [n=franck@lns-bzn-28-82-254-207-120.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:42] J0hnni: then you just do after that dhclient wlan0 [12:43] hello [12:43] What dhclient? :S [12:43] J0hnni: and remember if you have mac filtering on, you must change type your mac address to your card's config file [12:43] Where can i find that? === KaoticEvil [n=none@] has left #kubuntu [] [12:44] J0hnni: dhclient asks from server dhcp address :) === raffaele [n=raffaele@host-84-222-171-240.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu [12:44] But what dhclient command? :/ [12:44] Just "dhclient" :D [12:44] ? [12:44] But where is the cards config? [12:44] J0hnni: hmm in dmesg when ndiswrapper loads you should see .conf file or something :) [12:45] then you just locate that file [12:45] rysiek: uses google :( so not much help [12:45] Well in dmesg it shows the mac address :o [12:45] And its correct === nalioth is now known as noirequus [12:45] BlueDevil: eh, I think I have to give up [12:46] run out of ideas [12:46] and no man pages for konqueror :/ [12:46] J0hnni: did you do iwconfig wlan0 essid blabla ? [12:46] maybe try googling for +Konqueror +"--session" [12:46] Xem, yes [12:46] something there might lead to what you look for [12:46] J0hnni: then try dhclient wlan0 :) === [ztn] [n=ztn@] has joined #kubuntu [12:48] No DHCPOFFERS received. [12:48] No working leases in persistent database - sleeping. [12:48] Was the last two lines [12:49] you have mac filtering on your server on? [12:49] Yes [12:49] gtg guys, cu all [12:49] did you see in dmesg .conf file of your wlan card ? i'm not atm in linux so i don't remember so well :> [12:50] Yes i found it [12:50] And the mac address is wrong i see.... [12:51] wow, the latest ktorrent is great. no more azureus+java for me. :) [12:51] J0hnni: yeah you need to correct the line in that file :> then you just iwconfig wlan0 essid blabla and then dhclient wlan0 [12:53] anyone who got satan work on ubuntu? [12:53] Same lines still... [12:53] Didn't work :/ [12:53] hmm thats odd [12:53] do you use x64 system ? [12:53] amd64 yes [12:54] are you REALLY sure that you installed x64 driver :> [12:54] Yes [12:54] :) [12:54] and you did this: echo "enabled : 1" > /proc/acpi/acer/wireless === nfechner [n=nfechner@atlas.ponton-consulting.de] has joined #kubuntu [12:55] Yeps [12:55] hi [12:55] hmm maybe card still uses old false mac address [12:55] The card shouldnt even work without that [12:56] What's the command for reconfigurating network? [12:56] Cant remember :/ [12:56] how come I didnt get the adept italian translation since it has been translated? === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-116-203.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [12:56] J0hnni: dhclient asks from dhcp server ip configurations and that should configure your network :| === sas171 [n=sas171@e180034042.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #kubuntu [12:57] But what dhcp server does it usE? [12:57] well! [12:57] J0hnni: i don't remember that did i boot after changing mac address in config === Mazingaro [n=tetsuja@host139-237.pool876.interbusiness.it] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [12:57] ninniuz: perhaps you should try asking the italian team [12:57] J0hnni: it uses iwconfig wlan0 essid blabla server :> === Mazingaro [n=tetsuja@host139-237.pool876.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [12:58] That's not my dhcp server... :/ [12:58] J0hnni: maybe boot would help :] that sorts alot of things [12:58] Hmm, ill do it that...ill be back [12:58] -it [12:58] :) === ninniuz [n=ninniuz@adsl-200-137.37-151.net24.it] has joined #kubuntu === divan [n=divan@] has joined #kubuntu === divan is now known as divansantana === Jak [n=kyd@host-84-9-167-36.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu === steffoz [n=steffoz@adsl-ull-36-53.44-151.net24.it] has joined #kubuntu === Jak [n=kyd@host-84-9-167-36.bulldogdsl.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [01:09] Has anyone got Macromedia Dreamweaver running under linux here? [01:09] i got it to install, but not run [01:09] that was a few months ago === ninniuz [n=ninniuz@adsl-200-137.37-151.net24.it] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [01:10] That's a shame. I need to use that exact program for a class I'm taking [01:10] And I'd rather not reboot everytime I need it === ziza [n=aziz@chello084112072063.6.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu [01:12] not sure if it works on the newer versoins of wine === ideafix [n=luser@a83-132-100-12.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #kubuntu [01:14] Guess I'll just have to give it a go :) === crodler [n=crodler@136.Red-80-35-111.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === bam_ [n=bam@pool-71-108-72-152.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu === admrl [n=admrl@24-180-218-205.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === Mater [n=pablo@85-54-135-136.mad5.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #kubuntu === _nat [n=nat@ram94-1-81-57-198-57.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === CyberMad [n=satpam@] has joined #kubuntu === _tim [n=tim@] has joined #kubuntu [01:31] weedar: I think only older versions of DW run in wine, right? Like MX === Tonio_ [n=tonio@cac94-5-82-229-219-55.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:33] Nomad411, I will soon find out. At the moment I'm trying to install wine after adding their sourceforge repository [01:33] With not much sucess unfortunately === Mazingaro [n=tetsuja@host139-237.pool876.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu === Niekie [n=Niekie@niekie/unaffiliated] has joined #kubuntu [01:36] weedar: Wine doesn't work well for me since I upgraded to KDE 3.5.1 [01:37] Can I get peoples opinion on how my wiki looks? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/adepthowto [01:37] Nomad411, I upgraded to kde 3.5.1 myself..But at the moment the issue is that apt-get update gives a "Could not connect to kubuntu.org"-error [01:38] looks good Snake__ [01:38] thanks weedar [01:38] ohh.. === thegladiator [n=thegladi@] has joined #kubuntu [01:39] hey [01:39] is there something like a at manager for kde ? [01:39] snake: it's nice but for anyone who needs help with adept, they might not be able to figure out how to navigate to your wiki! ;) [01:40] Nomad411, you wouldn't happen to be able to do an apt-update to see if you get the same error? :) [01:40] mister_roboto: i'm putting it into ubotu as we speak [01:40] doing it right now, same error :( [01:40] art manager [01:40] what does art manager do? [01:41] Snake__: what kinda database does uboto use? flat file? [01:41] Not sure [01:41] !adept [01:41] [adept] a package manager for Kubuntu. A howto is provided here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/adepthowto [01:41] :-D [01:41] Snake__: how did you put it into uboto? is there a msg for that? [01:41] does anyone know if there is some thing like a art manager for gnome in KDE ? [01:42] mister_roboto: Theres a certain format you have to use [01:42] !botsnack [01:42] :) [01:42] lol [01:43] what does art manager do? Is it a media organizer? liek Kimdaba? [01:43] does nyone know pleasE ? [01:43] nope it is a theme manager [01:43] thegladiator: what do you mean? [01:43] you can open it and download themes and stuff [01:43] did you go in the theme manager in Kubuntu? [01:43] thegladiator: yes, press alt+f2, and type kcontrol [01:44] thegladiator: then look under "appearce and themes" [01:44] thegladiator: lots can be customized there === rance [n=rance@67-137-163-14.bras01.kea.ne.frontiernet.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:44] Snake__, nah its like not a theme manager in that sense , but it connects to the servers where there are many themes [01:44] and you can download and install form there [01:44] thegladiator: ohh... I'm not sure, but I suggest KDE-Look.org [01:44] rathr than going to kde-look.org and installing each one [01:45] yep. [01:45] kde-look we have to go thru each one [01:45] thegladiator: you could go to where I just told you [01:45] thegladiator: then click themes [01:45] thegladiator: then in the corner it says "Get new themes" [01:45] There alr also many add-on software thegladiator , you migth find your app there [01:45] this oene downloads the preview of almost a thousand avaialble themes ( windows,icons) etc and you can install the one you want... [01:45] ah let me check that === BuFF [n=buff@] has joined #kubuntu === ejofee [n=ejofee@195-245-89-185.dtcom.ro] has joined #kubuntu [01:46] weedar: I did an apt-get clean and redid it, works now [01:46] thanks guy for the help [01:47] clean probably has nothing to do with it :) [01:47] Nomad411, excellent, thanks! === BuFF [n=buff@] has left #kubuntu [] === _vip [n=vip@] has joined #kubuntu === dipnlik [n=dipnlik@200-168-175-38.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu [01:47] thegladiator: that "Get new themes" alright? [01:47] OH MY GOD [01:47] THEY HALF ASSED IT! [01:47] Ugh. [01:47] Sorry about that [01:48] they connect me to kde-look.org [01:48] :( [01:48] it's okay Snake__ , they really did half-arse it [01:48] thegladiator: yea I just seen that, I thought it would be like the "Get new wallpapers" button [01:48] nah , i guess there must be something really for this one . but its difficult mayb I shud try at kdevelop [01:49] Why all the wine/xwine packages, and why do some of them require the absence of others, is it really as simple as xwine and winesetuptk? [01:49] Ill brb, im going to go brush off my car [01:49] damn snow === praotec [n=praotec@prg-v-5-77.static.adsl.vol.cz] has joined #kubuntu === visik7 [n=visi@unaffiliated/visik7] has joined #kubuntu [01:52] anyone use lisa with kde 3.5.1 ? === kkathman-zzzz is now known as kkathman === C-O-L-T [n=hunika@] has joined #kubuntu === brosioz [n=brosioz@host200-71.pool80183.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [01:55] how can i have a look at root mail at ubuntu? I mean when I set a program to mail root@localhost will I Get mails to /var/mail/user and the user is the one I've created at initial ubuntu setup === praotec [n=praotec@prg-v-5-77.static.adsl.vol.cz] has joined #kubuntu === sikor_sxe [i=sassy@e180033195.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #kubuntu [01:59] where can i find kubuntu svn/cvs? [02:00] sikor_sxe: Are you looking for Dapper? [02:00] and breezy [02:00] i want to fix some bugs in the wlan config module [02:00] sikor_sxe: heres breezy http://kubuntu.org/download.php === thegladiator [n=thegladi@] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:01] sikor_sxe: one min, ill find you breezy, make sure you check bugzilla to see that someone not already doing the bug [02:01] yeah [02:01] Hmmm not sure how to get dapper [02:02] on the page you suggested there are only cd images [02:02] sikor_sxe: what are you looking for? [02:02] the svn [02:02] Pardon my stupidity [02:02] or cvs [02:03] sikor_sxe: what are you looking for? [02:03] uhm [02:03] sikor_sxe hmm not really sure, I thought dapper would be the CVS :D [02:03] the source code :) [02:03] Ah [02:03] sikor_sxe: for what? [02:03] Dapper and Breezy [02:04] you mean the kernel? [02:04] nope [02:04] Well ya kno...we dont just give that out to anyone [02:04] :P [02:04] jp [02:04] uhmm... well dappy and breezy consists of around 18,000 programs, all of which have source [02:04] a kubuntu specific config module [02:04] which one do you want [02:04] which one? [02:04] the network config module [02:05] in KDE then? [02:05] nope i don't think it's from the kde tree [02:06] a system settings module (that one which kinda replaced the kde control center) [02:06] sikor_sxe: http://webcvs.kde.org/kdenetwork/INSTALL?rev=1.3&view=auto [02:06] ahhh [02:06] ok [02:06] kdelibs [02:06] plus a few others I reckon [02:07] oh [02:07] just checked [02:08] it indeed seems to be a kde module [02:08] sorry [02:08] right [02:08] i thought it was kubuntu specific [02:08] no, its in KDE [02:08] tho not necessarily active in all distros [02:08] yeah === SirKillalot [n=nerd@dslb-084-056-073-095.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:09] it isn't in SUSE [02:09] nope its not === DL|Nightmare [n=nightmar@p54A5964A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [02:09] personally I prefer kcontrol to system settings [02:09] its silly to have both [02:09] hmm [02:10] system settings looks less cluttered [02:10] but thats me [02:10] I think just the opposite I guess [02:10] but its personal preference [02:10] system settings in hoary has an annoying bug tho [02:10] I like the tree of Kcontrol [02:10] err [02:10] breezy [02:11] sikor_sxe: yes it does [02:11] yah me too Snake__ :) [02:11] its to big for 1024x786 screens. [02:11] lol [02:11] some settings won't fit on 1024x768 screens [02:11] :) [02:11] 768** [02:11] Im at 1280 x 1024 so its ok for me === _julle [n=julle@h41n2fls33o881.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu === jsgotangco [n=jsg@] has joined #kubuntu === Johnny- [n=foo@dsl-hpo-fefdfb00-240.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu === Johnny- is now known as J0hnni [02:18] Wlan problem...anyone wanna help? :/ [02:18] Founds network but doesnt connect to it [02:18] J0hnni: I had that problem once, try to assign an IP to it, then "sudo dhclient" [02:19] brb [02:20] hi. ci installed kubuntu. then i booted the system. then i see a grey background. nothing more. the setup was successful. and kde should be work. but it doesn`t load the login area http://www.kubuntu.de/forum/forum.php?req=thread&id=1518&page=1&nocount=1#10511 [02:20] Nightmare, sounds like video driver problem [02:20] i have a geforce 6800 le [02:21] Yeah...theres the problem [02:21] the driver are set to nv [02:21] what should i do :) [02:21] Boot to recovery mode or what is and: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx [02:21] Should do it [02:21] ok thanks in advance === rdale [n=rdale@39.Red-213-96-177.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === eskora [n=eskora@213-140-16-187.fastres.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:24] Snake__ didnt work :/ [02:25] "No DHCPOFFERS received. No working leases in persistent database - sleeping." [02:25] Was the last two lines :S [02:26] Hmm === maverick [n=maverick@host-84-9-117-137.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:26] J0hnni: have you tried to configure it view Kcontrol? [02:26] hi snake [02:26] Hey maverick [02:27] Where's Kcontrol? [02:27] alt+f2, kcontrol [02:27] otherwise use system settings [02:27] :) thanks Hobbsee [02:28] Aa [02:28] What should i do in here? [02:28] Hobbsee: yea i prefer kcontrol tho [02:28] J0hnni: go into...hold on [02:28] same here [02:29] J0hnni: Internet and Network (in kcontrol) then network settings [02:29] J0hnni: click your wlan0, and configure interface [02:30] Yes, then? [02:30] ESSID, what is that? [02:30] J0hnni: Thats the name of your network [02:30] Try to type in your network name there, save it, then hit apply, see whta it does [02:30] Not the router name? [02:31] My network name is already in there :) [02:31] J0hnni: No, it would be the name of the network, like mine is "Minardo" [02:31] Hmmm [02:31] So as the WEP key [02:31] Are you on eth0 right now? [02:31] Nope [02:31] or a diffrent PC [02:31] Different pc [02:31] Try to ifup wlan0 [02:31] sudo ifup wlan0 [02:32] "Error for wireless request "Set Encode" (8B2A) : SET failed on device wlan0 ; Invalid argument [02:33] Blaablaablaa...now it tries to get ip [02:33] Hmm [02:33] J0hnni: i'm sorry, but I have no clue [02:33] lol [02:33] And same messages as always [02:33] Damn :/ [02:33] :( [02:33] wb J0hnni, eli moimoi [02:33] Xemanth, do you have a clue? :S [02:34] Hah, suomalainen [02:34] J0hnni: hmm tietenki :) [02:34] J0hnni: check out again that is the mac address right in the config file ;) :D [02:34] Any ideas anyone? :/ [02:34] Yes it is [02:35] Dhclient always applies that its right [02:35] always=also :D === flo [n=flo@i577B2C93.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu [02:35] Slack of sleep :/ [02:35] J0hnni: hmm put mac filttering off for a while in your server :> and test then [02:35] Can anyone remember the link to where that guide is to setup apt to fetch from multiverse and so on as well? [02:36] the expanded sources.list [02:36] ubotu: tell Melsen about sources [02:36] Hey cool [02:36] yep :) [02:36] thanks!!! :) Sweet bot [02:38] Disabled it and...doesn't work === manas [n=manas@] has joined #kubuntu === manas [n=manas@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [02:39] Dhclient tells the same old === grimse [n=grimse@p5481D72B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === andre^off is now known as andred [02:39] uhmmm.. Snake__ : This lists something called Synaptic package manager [02:39] I dont have that [02:39] I have Adept package manager [02:41] Oh [02:41] nvm [02:41] found it [02:41] thanks === ehjay [i=abarber@c-24-61-113-65.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:43] <_tim> Has anyone else noticed problems with adding attachments to KMail since updating to 3.5.1? [02:45] Melsen: Hehe :) sorry I didnt reply [02:45] Is there any documentation on klaptop? I've seen no description of the various Performance Profiles that can be selected in the power applet. [02:46] or in the laptop battery configuration for that matter [02:46] ehjay: odd..I dont see any either [02:46] my desktop isnt refreshing :( [02:47] Any ideas? :/ [02:47] i see files in ls but they arent on the desktop [02:47] pussfeller: are you in ~/ or ~/Desktop? [02:47] they are in ~/Desktop === MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@53d824bf.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #kubuntu [02:48] pussfeller: hmmmm on the desktop, right click, and refresh [02:48] i did that and changed the icon sort order and all [02:48] hmm [02:48] Not sure :( === Sweet_kate [n=sweet@host196-145.pool873.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [02:51] I just dont get it...why doesnt it work [02:52] J0hnni: wireless is strange on linux [02:52] I put manually Default Gateway put it doesnt stay there :o [02:53] Yeps...but there's tons of guides for this laptop and they get it to work :( === beka [n=beka@] has joined #kubuntu === sikko [n=sikko@campus223-242.campus.unimaas.nl] has joined #kubuntu [02:54] Hrmm.. how do I make kaffeine compatible with .avi files.. you know.. DivX, XViD and so on? [02:54] Snake__: that's putting it lightly :) [02:54] Lol [02:54] ubotu: tell Melsen about restrictedformats [02:55] Damn snake [02:55] ubotu: tell J0hnni about mounting [02:55] :) [02:55] how do you remember all those links? [02:55] hey guys can i use gnome stuff on kde? like gparted? [02:55] Melsen: They are very common :) [02:55] maverick: I do believe so [02:55] cheers snake [02:57] hey snake u know mounting a harddrive? [02:57] or a pariton [02:57] once u retsrat it goes off right? [02:58] do i need to ad it on bootup? [02:58] maverick: yes, there were instructions on that guide to do it on boot too [02:58] for it be der everytime i restart? [02:58] oky [02:58] cheers === redondos [n=redondos@12-207-132-99.client.mchsi.com] has joined #kubuntu [03:02] Connected USB storage doesn't get automounted anymore. What should I check? (kubuntu breezy, kde 3.51) [03:03] Why cant my wlan just get the ip [03:03] Would make my life easier and less stressier :/ [03:04] I get e-mails from Crontab deamon saying this "unable to open wtmp-file wtmp" what is this? [03:04] J0hnni: have you restarted? [03:04] Sometimes that works :) [03:05] That is some annoying bug Snake__ , I've noticed it myself..Sometimes wpa_supplicant just stops working and I have to reboot [03:05] Yes i have :/ [03:05] Static doesnt work neither i see [03:05] hmm [03:05] *static ip [03:05] odd === _tafsen [n=tafsen@84-20-110-153.no.ventelo.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:06] sudo ifup wlan0 says: "Error for wireless request "Set Encode" (8B2A) : SET failed on device wlan0 ; Invalid argument. SIOCADDRT: File exists Failed to bring up wlan0." [03:07] When usin static ip :/ [03:07] +g [03:07] damn [03:07] I can't install mozilla-mplayer [03:07] grrr [03:07] can't find the package [03:07] Melsen: why? [03:07] Melsen: did you sudo apt-get update? [03:07] ..... [03:07] I clicked 'fetch updates' in adept... ain't that the same? [03:08] Melsen: yea === dsaa[mon] [n=dsaa@] has joined #kubuntu === Mater [n=pablo@85-54-132-157.mad5.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #kubuntu [03:08] Melsen: how many packages are avalible? (It says in the bottom) === arialis111 [n=andrzej@host-81-190-34-161.szczecin.mm.pl] has joined #kubuntu [03:09] can I pm you? [03:09] Melsen: yep [03:09] I'll show you a copy paste === arialis111 [n=andrzej@host-81-190-34-161.szczecin.mm.pl] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [03:09] I just dont get this === Mater is now known as MaterMaravillae === _martin_ [n=martin@staf-namn-sr0-vl10-196.perspektivbredband.net] has joined #kubuntu === _martin_ is now known as meple === flo [n=flo@i577B2E72.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu [03:13] could someone tell me how you search for programs with apt-get ? [03:13] I cant seem to find the right command === orion_fr_24 is back. [03:13] Im trying to find out if divfix is available through apt-get [03:13] meple: you could try aptitude search [03:14] if aptitude is installed that is...other wise I think it's apt-cache --search? === cochondo_fr [n=ghent@home.abew.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:14] uknown operation aptitude =) [03:14] guess I dont have it hehe [03:15] meple: apt-cache search aptitude [03:15] apt-cache wont work either [03:15] oh === dsaa[mon] [n=dsaa@] has joined #kubuntu [03:20] another simple question. how do you run a .sh file? [03:20] ./file.sh ? [03:20] Yep [03:20] ok thx [03:20] <_tim> meple, it has to have the executable permission set [03:21] well konquerer says its an executable file [03:21] so it should work right? [03:21] <_tim> meple, I gues === eightiesk [n=eighties@c-68-34-70-74.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === cochondo_fr [n=ghent@home.abew.net] has left #kubuntu [] [03:22] !mp3 [03:22] I guess mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats [03:22] DivFix: symbol lookup error: DivFix: undefined symbol: initPAnsiStrings [03:22] what exactly does this mean? [03:22] !firefox1.5 [03:22] You can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion [03:22] kkathman: You here? Calling kkathman [03:22] !gaim [03:22] gaim is probably http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GaimHowto/ [03:22] !mount [03:22] hmm... mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f [03:23] !fat32 [03:23] Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter to make your windows or mac partitions mount automatically. If you wish to set it up yourself by hand, read: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions [03:23] Guys, call on the bot from a /msg windows please === kokurya-kai [n=kokuryuu@router.panorama.sth.ac.at] has joined #kubuntu [03:24] kkathman: Melsen needs help === faked [n=faked@85-124-40-253.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #kubuntu [03:24] His apt wont install mplayer-386, or mozilla-mplayer [03:24] I think hes gone [03:24] I cant figure out why [03:25] hehe [03:25] Naw hes here I was just in PM with em [03:25] ahh there you are [03:25] I'm here =) [03:25] sources-list looks fine, but it won't install the mplayer one way or another [03:25] for some weird reason [03:25] kkathman: his sources list is good, and hes updated, I dont know what it could be [03:25] Melsen go to a konsole and type apt-cache search mplayer [03:25] J0hnni: do you have kwifimanager ? [03:25] ok - sec [03:26] can I pm you? [03:26] sure [03:26] J0hnni: are you in murobbs ? :] [03:26] but you need to have a registered nick..cuz we're in this channel === _flo [n=flo@i577B2A55.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu === luca [n=luca@host-84-220-87-73.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu [03:27] Xem, yes i have it [03:27] Yes im in muro ;D [03:27] mitteee [03:28] Snake__: do an apt-cache search mplayer on your machine please and tell me how many things you get back [03:28] kkathman: im on it [03:28] J0hnni: #ubuntu.fi @ ircnet to finnish support kiitos [03:28] ;) [03:29] no perkele [03:29] Hi boys. I must install linux on a Pentium pc. Processor Pentium (the first series!), 64 MB of RAM, and 1GB HD. Obviously i can't use KDE as GUI, since it's too heavy... What should I do? === Johnny- [n=foo@dsl-hpo-fefdfb00-240.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu [03:30] anyone know how to install borland libraries in Kubuntu? [03:31] luca: use lightweight wm or stay with cli [03:31] you probably dont want a gui at all [03:32] the problem is that i have to do it for my mother, so a gui is needed :) so... ice would be fine? [03:33] uh [03:33] luca: more ram and fluxbox or pekwm or even xfce :) === Snake__ [n=snake@adsl-68-73-160-8.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu === _flo [n=flo@i577B1FE5.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu [03:33] ught === [wolf^bnc] [n=wolf2@port-212-202-41-16.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #kubuntu [03:34] you wont be able to use anything on a system that slow [03:34] How slow [03:34] Johnny-: what nick in muro ? [03:34] maybe xterm will run normal speed :) [03:34] well it is able to run only win95 [03:34] How slow. [03:34] Whats the speed [03:35] scroll up [03:35] I cant [03:35] I just joined [03:35] Snake__: p1 64 mb ram [03:35] ccc_: how fast is the P1 [03:35] it's a Pentium.... bought in 1995, i asked the museum if they wanted it but they had olivetti's M24 :) [03:36] i gue4ss it's nelow 500 Mhz [03:36] hmm on year 95 i bought 75mhz p1 so it must be something like that :> [03:36] below* [03:36] luca: How proficent are you at a full CLI enviroment? [03:36] well not me... my parents :] [03:37] i'm a total newbie when i step outside kubuntu... [03:37] ya know, they make some pretty fast computers these days for less than 400$ :) [03:37] Xemanth^: tell them to upgrade ;), but you could hook them up with fluxbox [03:37] do a server install, then sudo apt-get install fluxbox [03:37] Might work [03:37] ehu, well, i'm also really greedy so more than 10 is not an option lol [03:37] i ran flux on my k2 300mz with 128 ram and it was doable but agonizing [03:38] xubuntu-desktop [03:38] Snake__: lol but of course we have upgraded after that like 5 times ;D [03:38] ccc_: xubutnu will never do that [03:38] Xemanth^: I really suggest they just go get a dell [03:38] Snake__: ok... :\ [03:38] Cheap, and tolerable [03:38] i would put gentoo or slack on it [03:38] but oh well i go to shop to buy some food [03:38] Snake__: Acer we support [03:39] Snake__: its sponsor of Ferrari ;] [03:39] something without all the deamons running in the back [03:39] Xemanth^: You could do them too [03:39] ok... doing a server install is fine for me, but sure that fluxbox will work? === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:39] i should go do my laundrey [03:39] luca: it should, but im not 100% how you would start it :) [03:39] Snake__: but now some food -----------> [03:39] luca: If you can, I suggest you install the defualt system, then add fluxbox it, and boot that as the default desktop manager [03:40] in** not it [03:40] luca anything including a cli only interface is going to run super slow on this machine === Johnny- is now known as J0hnni === _flo_ [n=flo@i577B2F01.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu [03:40] it would make a great home file server or gateway firewall, however [03:40] hum, maybe i'll just hammer it in... but as said, i have only 1gb of hd so i can't put a large wm [03:40] kkathman: hows Melsen 's issue goin? [03:40] luca: ohh thats a problem.....CLI would do nicly on it :P [03:40] luca: perhaps put puppy linux on it [03:41] well for the server part i have already this pc... CLI? i'm having a look at that right now === monteiro [n=monteiro@] has joined #kubuntu [03:41] luca: CLI = Command Line Interface === optotron [n=doddo@c-c23a71d5.370-1-64736c10.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu === freeflying_ [n=freeflyi@] has joined #kubuntu [03:42] .....ok it's not the option. it's for my parents and people older than 50 years someway get pretty scared at command lines [03:42] which xorg packages i need to compile a theme for kde ? [03:42] like... they just feel neanderthalian [03:43] luca: hehehe, try puppy linux [03:43] That would bee a good OS for that [03:43] luca: its only 64 mbs, very fast interface, doesnt even need the HDD [03:43] luca: http://www.goosee.com/puppy/ [03:44] yes i'm looking [03:44] hmmm ok so i plug an ethernet card and then do a network install [03:45] luca: you could do that [03:45] Puppy is a great OS, its saved me plenty of times [03:45] Very lightweight, and dar I say, windows like [03:46] ok i thank you very much, furthermore the windows appearance won't scary my folks === sparaflescio [n=flescio@host152-154.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [03:46] hi all. if anyone use another KDE theme instead of the default, could you please take a look at this bug: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/30323 [03:47] they tried to use this one and they asked "omg why the window has transparent background?" "because i like it ma" [03:47] it is about the PDA icons shown in laptop options in Settings:/ === tiberius [n=tiberius@mu2-cust-side-cr1-rt-laj.centurytel.net] has joined #kubuntu === Tmax [n=tiberius@mu2-cust-side-cr1-rt-laj.centurytel.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:48] what's hula [03:48] Hey Snake__ : Did you get any errors about missing a subfont.ttf file after you installed mplayer? [03:49] dipnlik: I never used default more than 5min [03:49] Naw, mine installed and ran [03:49] grrrrrr === _flo__ [n=flo@i577B0C10.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu [03:49] Tm_T: and do other themes correct this bug? [03:49] dipnlik: checking [03:50] dipnlik: looks like more iconset issue than anything else [03:50] thanks === Prozac [n=Prozac@] has joined #kubuntu [03:50] dipnlik: and both are laptops here === Tonio_ [n=tonio@cac94-5-82-229-219-55.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:51] dipnlik: same [03:51] dipnlik: I'm using slightly modified crystalsvg theme [03:51] damn... tried to do a symbolic link to a different font [03:51] icontheme that is [03:51] still gives me the errror [03:51] grrr [03:51] Melsen: what error? [03:51] can't find subfont.ttf [03:51] Tm_T: i didn't know exactly how to report this iconset problem, so i just filed a bug... anyway i l tell them that this is only an iconset problem [03:51] aah, forget [03:51] thanks al [03:51] all [03:52] dipnlik: well, I think it is [03:52] Melsen: I cant find that damn font anywhere [03:54] I'm installing the corefonts package and then linking to a different file === NRG88 [n=nrg88@] has joined #kubuntu === pointwood [n=pointwoo@] has joined #kubuntu [03:55] Melsen: don't you find that font on the web? === _flo__ [n=flo@i577B115E.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu [03:56] hi, how can i change the permissions to Can view and modify content on my NTFS partitions? [03:57] i've tried, but it says can't change permissions [03:57] NRG88: Linux can't write to NTFS without special software [03:57] NRG88: and that software is not guarenteed [03:57] oh great :[ [03:58] what if i convert it to FAT32? [03:58] NRG88: then it'll work [03:58] There... it works now Snake__ :) === eightiesk [n=eighties@c-68-34-70-74.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:58] Melsen: wahoo!!! [03:58] Congrads [03:58] !gaim [03:58] but once i got an error message, that the file was bigger than 4GB and it is not supported by FAT32 [03:58] well, gaim is http://www.ubuntulinux.org/wiki/GaimHowto/ === raffaele [n=raffaele@host-84-222-171-240.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu [03:59] NRG88: Ehhh that may be true..im not sure what F32 supports === Melsen is now known as Melsen^Away === Melsen^Away is now known as Melsen === Melsen is now known as Melsen^Away [04:00] NRG88: ah thats correct. [04:00] NRG88: no wiat..no its not. [04:00] that's bad, cuz i have a windows installed to [04:00] thats the max FILE size [04:00] Max volume size can be up to 2 tb === devazion [n=ubuntu@h209n8c1o838.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #kubuntu [04:01] i was talking about the max filesize [04:01] NRG88: yes max file size of Fat32 is 4 gigs [04:01] NRG88: it was developed in 1977, what do ya want :) [04:01] lol [04:02] hey, what about damnsmalllinux? [04:02] my fat partition is 200gigs [04:02] can ext3 support be installed to windows? cuz maybe i'll make a partition, where i will keep my huge files, but i want it to be accesible by windows and linux to === _flo [n=flo@i577B2E7D.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu [04:03] windows cant read ext3 very well === Melsen^Away is now known as Melsen [04:03] you have to use a 3rd party program as an explorer type thing [04:03] i think i saw a little plugin for totalcommander [04:03] that reads ext3 [04:03] the program to mount ext3 in windows isnt so good last time I looked [04:04] how come my desktop isnt being treated as a desktop by konqy [04:04] i think my mime type for my desktop is messed up or something, how to fix [04:05] right now fat is the only cross platform r/w fs out there === kernel_i386 [n=localhos@dslb-084-056-224-242.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:05] afaik [04:05] damn [04:06] which suxors cause fat has no error recovery or journaling [04:06] i'm using a file system that's older than me :D [04:06] does anybody use "PSI"? [04:07] the good news is drives are so cheap you can get an encosure for fat for transportation purposes and a ext3 for stuff you are serious about === sas171 [n=sas171@e180062003.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #kubuntu === NRG88 went to buy some blank dvd's ;) [04:08] pussfeller: you could use damn small too, but IMO I just like puppy more, it comes with better programs. But thats personal opinipn [04:08] Snake__: ? [04:08] pussfeller: up there you asked about using damnsmall didnt you? [04:09] Snake__: no that was me :) [04:09] O waiy [04:09] yea [04:09] luca: read my reply === hawking [n=hawking@tor/session/x-3694f50947af02ab] has joined #kubuntu === LivingTarget [n=livingta@host81-7-34-2.adsl.v21.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [04:09] no i dont think so [04:09] pussfeller: never mind, it was luca [04:09] Snake--: just read it, thanks :) the problem is finding a good howto for the server install [04:10] luca: Why not live disk it? [04:11] what is the easiest way to make a script/program start up when you log in? [04:12] Snake__: because i have only one cdrom on that pc, and it is needed... furthermore it's 4x and it didn't read the kubuntu instal, cd [04:12] luca: thats the beauty of puppy, if you got 128 mb of mem, it can install it self into ram :) [04:13] letting you take the CD out [04:13] Snake__: yeah, but it's only 64 mbs :) [04:13] Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh [04:13] hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm [04:13] that's why i gave a look to DSL, it's 50 megs === LjL [n=ljl@62-101-126-215.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #kubuntu [04:15] luca: I doubt it would boot off flash right? === Pharaonpso [n=pharaonp@ARennes-252-1-58-218.w83-195.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [04:15] Snake__: i've got no idea === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@user-5980.lns4-c10.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu === djib [n=djib@brusa.chu.cam.ac.uk] has joined #kubuntu === honk|afk is now known as honkzilla [04:17] luca: this is sweet lol http://damnsmalllinux.org/usb.html === ClayG [n=clay@c-66-177-234-195.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:17] Snake__: yes it really is but guess what.... i have no usb ports on that pc lol [04:18] Hehe [04:19] Wow, i'm checking out their ITX store...its so cool these things [04:19] huhm i'm reading some network installs howtos === sparaflescio [n=flescio@host152-154.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu === sparaflescio [n=flescio@host152-154.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu === kameron is now known as kameron_away === weedar [n=weedar@ti500710a080-5140.bb.online.no] has joined #kubuntu === dark_suic is now known as dark_suic_afk === alejandro [n=alejandr@pc-170-38-214-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #kubuntu === pahlooka [n=psi@203-59-199-172.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [04:33] hi [04:33] what's the name of the newest kubuntu version? === feistel [n=feistel@] has joined #kubuntu [04:34] hi [04:34] I need help [04:35] how I can grant a user the privileges of the first user (created in the installation) === neoncode [n=neoncode@88-107-211-47.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu [04:36] how can i enable dapper repositories? === sveri [n=sveri@] has joined #kubuntu === dark_suic_afk is now known as dark_suic [04:39] hawking: just open your /etc/apt/sources and change it from breezy to dapper, beware though that not everything will work and stuff will be broken. [04:39] thats probably wrong hang on === VincentMX [n=vincent@c3eea5664.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #kubuntu === knubbe [n=knubbe@c-9a2ce655.217-9-64736c12.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu [04:40] /etc/apt/sources.list === lars_away is now known as larsivi [04:40] hi [04:41] heya === raffaele [n=raffaele@host-84-222-170-239.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu === boz [n=boz@ip68-103-118-237.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:43] LivingTarget: is it safe to delete everything from there, to gain free space? === maverick [n=maverick@host-84-9-117-137.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu [04:44] NRG88: What context are we talking about? [04:44] oh [04:44] lol [04:44] its var/cache/apt [04:44] or something [04:44] hi all [04:44] yo maverick === _mars [n=mars@] has joined #kubuntu [04:45] i suppose any cache is meant to be refreshed once in a while [04:45] :P [04:45] indeed [04:46] what if i want to install it to a computer, with no internet? is simply copy my cache there? [04:46] or the dvd version contains nearly everything? === aeon17x [n=aeon17x@] has joined #kubuntu [04:47] install what to where? Sorry i'm getting confused what you are trying to do. [04:47] kubuntu [04:47] Trying to run kubuntu dapper? [04:47] no [04:47] simple breezy [04:47] right [04:47] on a pc without internet [04:47] install from the dvd === arialis111 [n=andrzej@host-81-190-34-161.szczecin.mm.pl] has joined #kubuntu === arialis111 [n=andrzej@host-81-190-34-161.szczecin.mm.pl] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [04:48] and you want to get updates on another pc or...? [04:48] i mean copiin my cache [04:48] for adept [04:49] in his /var/cache/apt/ [04:49] who uses adept? === VincentMX uses apt-get === shonr [n=shonr@IGLD-84-228-183-47.inter.net.il] has joined #kubuntu [04:49] little me ;) [04:49] would work properly, but then again I woudn't know [04:49] :D [04:50] sorry fot asking so many questions, but i'm new to linux [04:50] apt-get is adept or synaptic for real men === StarKruzr [n=jtd@adsl-70-224-35-165.dsl.sbndin.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu === LivingTarget still using synaptic, adept hurts my brain [04:50] NRG88: no problem [04:50] LivingTarger ever tried apt-get? [04:51] and apt-cache for searching and shit [04:51] works way better as adept and synaptic [04:51] use it most of the time, got a script that does apt-get update -> launch update thingy -> apt-get dist-upgrade (just in case the interface fails) [04:52] ok [04:53] only been running kde for 2 days really, was running dapper gnome before but switched to dapper kubuntu just because I started to like amarok + kopete. [04:54] i can't play mp3-s with amarok, some gstream error [04:54] try amarok-xine, apt-get install amarok-xine [04:54] http://amarok.kde.org/component/option,com_simpleboard/Itemid,57/func,view/catid,8/id,10418/ [04:54] this error :[ [04:55] Everytime I start KDE I have to run `xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap` to map my keyboard's volume keys and such. Does anybody know why the xmodmap file isn't being loaded by default? [04:56] ubotu: tell NRG88 about mp3 [04:56] NRG88: follow those direcions [04:56] ok === EightiesK [n=Eighties@c-68-34-70-74.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:57] !grub [04:57] http://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting [04:58] NRG88, why use Amarok? i use xmms, i didn't have to install any pluguin for that [04:58] VincentMX: because amarok is a supior media player :) [04:59] yea :) [04:59] supiror.. [04:59] some crap like that [04:59] lol [04:59] no it isnt [04:59] VincentMX: wanna bet? what does XMMS hold over it [04:59] amaroK <3 [04:59] amaroK and xmms is very different apps [04:59] true [04:59] xmms is like winamp 2.x [04:59] xmms is player, amaroK is more "music center" [04:59] Amarok is supiror, xmms is Supirior [04:59] amarok more like media player? [05:00] NRG88: erh, wanna get kicked? ;-P [05:00] NRG88: Amarok has way more features than XMMS...XMMS plays music.... [05:00] don't try to compare it with windows media player, WMP is really bad interface wise [05:00] lol [05:00] I recently installed FC4 on another partiton [05:00] but i can't get into kubuntu now. [05:02] sorry [05:02] :] [05:02] NRG88: does it work? [05:02] ??? [05:02] if you'd compare xmms and Amarok with mac/windows software Amarok would be more like iTunes, and XMMS more like WinAmp [05:03] xmms is nothing like winamp side from the interface [05:03] well, i'm trying the extra gtreamer plugins, cuz the first packega was already installed [05:03] Xmms doesnt have a library, and also has very crappy streaming support [05:03] and reinstalled... [05:03] NRG88: May I suggest something else then? [05:04] one moment, i'll try it out [05:04] NRG88: I suggest you "Sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad" then "sudo apt-get install xine-amarok" [05:04] NRG88: then tell amarok to use the xine engine in the prefences === LivingTarget [n=livingta@host81-7-34-2.adsl.v21.co.uk] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] === _tafsen [n=tafsen@84-20-110-153.no.ventelo.net] has joined #kubuntu === _l3m [n=l3m@ifidyn199.ifi.unizh.ch] has joined #kubuntu [05:05] hm, i'll need a reboot, cause i have updated kde and everything else === kokurya-kai [n=kokuryuu@router.panorama.sth.ac.at] has joined #kubuntu [05:05] NRG88: no need to reboot [05:05] ugh. [05:05] Fool. [05:06] lol === MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@53d824bf.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #kubuntu === NRG88 [n=nrg88@] has joined #kubuntu [05:11] NRG88, no need for reboot :D === Snake__ [n=snake@adsl-68-73-160-8.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu === regeya [n=shane@adsl-sp3-cdale176.micgi.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:11] new kernel to [05:11] ok [05:11] NRG88: you didnt need to restart.. [05:11] yes, he had a new kernel [05:11] ah ok [05:11] :D [05:12] and updated to KDE 3.51 === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:12] but my hdd [05:12] NRG88: you dont need restart for that [05:12] s dissapeared form storage media :[ [05:12] NRG88: yea thats a glitch in kubuntu [05:12] No biggy === blanco [n=blanco@] has joined #kubuntu [05:13] do i have to mount them? [05:13] ? [05:13] NRG88: what hard drive [05:13] hda1, 2,3 ? etc [05:13] and my cd-s, only my floppy is listed === _blanco [n=blanco@] has joined #kubuntu [05:14] system:/media [05:14] Floppy Drive [05:14] NRG88: the cds will only be displayed when theres a disk in it [05:14] do i have to mount them? [05:14] No [05:14] I dont think...anyway [05:14] lol [05:15] strange, i can find them in krusader [05:15] in /media === __Ace__ [n=love@kr-lun-162-144-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:15] MMmm maybe [05:15] Im not 100% sure === psi_ [n=psi@203-59-199-172.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [05:16] hm, i'll try sudo apt-get install xine-amarok, cause amarok still can't play mp3's [05:16] Okay [05:17] NRG88: make sure you set amarok to use the xine engine [05:17] E: Couldn't find package xine-amarok [05:17] HUH [05:17] NRG88: Oh [05:17] its amarok-xine [05:17] :D [05:19] :-\ can't find xine in the list of engines [05:19] only gstreamer and [05:19] NRG88: close xine, restart [05:20] NRG88: im sorry [05:20] i installed fedora now i can't get to my kubuntu partion HELP! [05:20] close amarok [05:20] i have to restart? [05:20] no [05:20] restart amarok [05:21] grr, restarted it already with Actions quit [05:21] does it have some hidden process running in the background? [05:22] i'll use killall >:-] [05:22] NRG88: is still not listed?? [05:22] no :[ [05:22] very weird... [05:22] only gstreamer engine [05:22] I dunno [05:22] sorry :( === _blanco [n=blanco@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [05:23] don't have to kill sound driver or so? cuz it was the case at gstreamer [05:23] EightiesK, are you sure that the fedore installer didn't erase your hard drive? the Debian installer asks before repartitioning but last time i tried fedore it erased my entire hard drive without asking. [05:23] im not sure [05:24] no ive installed them both before [05:24] i'm in windows right now. [05:24] ok [05:24] it even says kubuntu === darkheart [n=darkhear@floorwall.awesomenet.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:24] i go to it but it errors. [05:25] that's becouse windows can't read shit other then FAT and NTFS === _JakubS [n=qba@azk210.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [05:26] i mean [05:26] the grub boot gives me a error. === leandro_ [n=leandro@201-26-198-150.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu [05:26] EightiesK, that's becouse Windows installer ruins your MBR [05:27] but windows was installed before kubuntu. [05:27] i installed windows then kubuntu then fedora core 4 [05:27] EigtiesK, linux people try to be an os with very little bugs. Microsoft tries to write a bug, with very little software [05:27] ok [05:27] ya [05:28] can you still boot to fedora? [05:28] yea. [05:28] then go to fedora and try if you can mount Kubuntu from there [05:29] how? [05:29] this is my second month in linux... [05:29] i'm learning. === MadRush [n=meow@c-69-142-185-225.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:29] give me time to reboot [05:29] k [05:30] i didn't had installed amarok-engines [05:30] maybe that was the problem === aente [n=aente@p54A1CC7C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === aente [n=aente@p54A1CC7C.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [05:34] grrrrr === psi_ is now known as pahlooka [05:34] still not working [05:35] NRG88, just install xmms, that works. works fine too. i use xmms. takes up very little memory [05:35] xmms [05:35] sudo apt-get install xmms [05:35] i already have xmms [05:35] anybody can help me about installing the default winamp resets? [05:36] but i like amarok best [05:36] :-( [05:36] i'm cant do it and sounds like bad... [05:36] presets? [05:36] neither can i, MetaMorfoziS [05:36] i set my equalizer myself [05:37] i tried it but... [05:37] can someone recommend me a cool log analyser tool for ubuntu? [05:37] shit:) [05:37] ok === eightiesk [n=eighties@c-68-34-70-74.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:37] hi there eightiesk [05:37] i want the winamp's "full bass & treble" preset [05:37] hey [05:37] ok now go to / [05:37] i'm in fc4 now. [05:38] eightiesk go to / [05:38] k [05:38] and then? [05:38] http://www.xmms.org/faq.php#General3 [05:38] hehey!:D [05:38] (the soolution for others) [05:38] tell me what directories are in / [05:38] !grub [05:38] http://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting [05:38] boot is in there/ [05:39] only boot? === erhan_R [n=signorel@] has joined #kubuntu [05:39] only boot? eightiesk? [05:39] and uhhh === erhan_R [n=signorel@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [05:40] bin, dev, etc, home, lib, media, misc [05:40] cooool [05:40] mnt, net, opt [05:40] ,sbin root selinux [05:40] Snake__: do i have to uninstall gstreamer? [05:40] NRG88: naw [05:41] shouldnt have to [05:41] when i go to grub it gives me error 13 [05:41] hmm === apachelogger [n=Harald@amarok/rokymotion/apachelogger] has joined #kubuntu [05:41] you mean when you type grub in the terminal? or at boot? [05:42] at boot. [05:42] ok [05:42] try looking it up on google [05:42] grub "error 13" [05:42] bbl === apachelogger [n=Harald@amarok/rokymotion/apachelogger] has joined #kubuntu === NRG88 [n=nrg88@] has joined #kubuntu [05:47] well what do know... the darling needed a restart :D [05:47] now i have xine engine ;) [05:48] can someone pate there gub.conf on pastebin? [05:49] grub.conf === sas171 [n=sas171@e180014196.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #kubuntu [05:49] please... [05:50] can't find that file in /boot/ [05:50] where is it located? [05:50] boot/grub/grub.conf [05:50] u might need to show hidden files. [05:50] wierd [05:51] i have no such thing [05:51] but i think my grub is from suse 8.1 [05:51] :-( [05:51] cuz when i reinstalled win, didn't knew how to boot kubuntu, so i came up with the rescue mode of suse [05:51] sorry === leandro_ [n=leandro@201-26-198-150.dsl.telesp.net.br] has left #kubuntu ["Fui] [05:51] k [05:51] don't you mean menu.list? === _adrian [n=adrian@217.7-200-80.adsl.skynet.be] has joined #kubuntu === JohnFlux [n=imy@konversation/developer/JohnFlux] has joined #kubuntu [05:52] <_adrian> Does anyone know how i change the KDM skin? [05:52] <_adrian> i thought there was a GUI for that(or was for that GDM?) [05:53] <_adrian> i followed the instructions on kde-look.org but they mention a folder which doesn't exist [05:53] _adrian: in terminal: [05:53] kcontrol [05:53] in the kcontrol window: apperance & bla -> theme manager [05:53] and this palce you can add / remove or set themes [05:53] <_adrian> omfg [05:54] <_adrian> i completely looked over that [05:54] <_adrian> thanks! [05:54] nm:) [05:54] you can add kcontrol [05:54] to your kde menu === _dirk [n=dirk@p54AECA54.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [05:54] because thefault kde menu delivered without kcontrol:) === seth is now known as seth|away [05:54] and you often use it in the next... [05:54] <_adrian> yeah, it gives this windows XP like sys config [05:54] (my english grammar is bad sry) [05:54] control panel:) [05:55] <_adrian> btw === arrinmurr [n=arrinmur@MMMXXXVIII.tun.saunalahti.fi] has joined #kubuntu === afrezzetti [n=afrezzet@213-140-16-187.fastres.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:56] <_adrian> Can konqueror work with various plugins? [05:56] <_adrian> like an adblock/flashblock plugin and all === afrezzetti [n=afrezzet@213-140-16-187.fastres.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:57] _adrian: it has an adblocker === picoss [n=picoss@roa76-5-82-234-252-130.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:58] _adrian: but to answer your question, yes, but I don't know of any [05:58] <_adrian> okay [05:58] <_adrian> i'll google for it :-) [05:58] _adrian: it's not quite the same as, say, firefox === squidy [n=simon@82-45-244-207.cable.ubr03.camd.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [05:58] (personally I can't think of any plugins that I'd possibly want - although new features often solve problems you never knew you had :) ) === NRG88 amaroK rules!!! === Snake__ is now known as Snake|Sims2 [06:02] <_adrian> oh damn [06:03] <_adrian> the thing morfozis said doesn't apply for KDM i think [06:03] <_adrian> it's only for KDE itself === eightiesk [n=eighties@c-68-34-70-74.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:04] can someone please post there grub.conf [06:04] ? === picoss is now known as picos === picos is now known as picoss === RickKnight [n=sforwk@] has joined #kubuntu === dabbler [n=chris@myw-stp-66-18-81-59.sentechsa.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:07] I messed up with Dapper Live. I burned the wrong iso to cd and now have a fresh install of Breezy Badger that I need to remove. === DHGE [n=alois@i577A8EEC.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu [06:07] The install resized my partition and now my original installa of Breezy won't start X. === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:08] How can I resize my partitions after I delete the new install of breezy? [06:09] RickKnight, probably with a livecd that includes some partitioning utilities === thoreauputic_ [n=prospero@ubuntu/member/thoreauputic] has joined #kubuntu [06:09] like qtparted or something like that [06:09] but cant tell you more as i don't know xd [06:11] dark_suic: qtparted. I'll try that. === thoreauputic [i=thoreaup@ubuntu/member/thoreauputic] has joined #kubuntu === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:13] brezzy crap? [06:13] can someone post there grub.conf on pastbin? [06:14] grub.conf? [06:15] it exists? === Jaymac [n=Jaymac@resnet-147853.resnet.bris.ac.uk] has joined #kubuntu === thoreauputic_ is now known as thoreauputic === hatake_kakashi [n=meh@60-240-241-82.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === FiNeX [n=finex@host129-249.pool870.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [06:16] dark_suic: /boot/grub/menu.lst [06:17] salve [06:17] thats an "L" in lst by the way [06:17] i know, but he said grub.conf, not menu.lst :P [06:18] dark_suic: grub.conf is a Red Hat ism - they are the same thing [06:18] lol [06:18] ok, thanks :P [06:18] eightiesk, u still need menu.lst? === _julle [n=julle@h41n2fls33o881.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:19] won't be much use to hiome unless his disks are set up exactly the same [06:19] *him [06:20] well, but he can have an idea, his menu.lst may be somehow corrupted [06:20] yes [06:20] or grub.config what ever . [06:21] eightiesk, wouldn't it be better than you posted yours? [06:21] so we can see if there's anything missing? === picoss [n=picoss@roa76-5-82-234-252-130.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:23] i know that my kernel isn't set up right === OculusAquilae [n=bastian@p548D2665.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [06:24] there its posted. [06:24] well, if your kernel isn't set up right, then your problem shouldn't be at menu.lst [06:24] url? [06:24] http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/541844 [06:25] its grub.conf on fc4 [06:25] ok, what's the exact problem [06:25] ? === Chousuke_ [i=choubaka@ihme.org] has joined #kubuntu [06:25] i gert error 13 when i choose kubuntu from the grub menu. [06:25] it's expecting a boot loader to be on the ubuntu partition [06:26] eightiesk, just when choosing kubuntu? [06:26] hence the chainloader entry [06:26] yea [06:26] that seems it, eightiesk, what thoreauputic said :) [06:26] thoreauputic, i know i need to know what 2 do... === beetlefrosch [n=beetlefr@G0a50.g.pppool.de] has joined #kubuntu [06:27] eightiesk: I think you need to run grub-install /dev/hda from kubuntu - but I'm not sure of the details [06:27] or i could set the conf to run the kernel. [06:27] from the partiton [06:27] you may need to boot with a live CD and chroot to the kubuntu partition [06:28] eightiesk: yes, that should work too [06:28] i just need the kernel info. [06:28] thats why i wanted someone to post thers [06:28] i have breezy. [06:28] eightiesk: so in that case you would be using your Fedora grub [06:28] yeah thats fine [06:28] fedora grub is ok [06:29] eightiesk: if you have breezy and it's anew install it would be something like 2.6.9-386 - but if you mount the partition from Fedora you can confirm that [06:30] eightiesk: it will be in boot (the number will show) === jahon [n=jahon@] has joined #kubuntu [06:30] I mean /boot of course === Xemanth^ [n=xemanth@dsl-hkigw7-fedcdc00-213.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #Kubuntu [06:31] how do i mount it? [06:31] umm - actually more like 2.6.10 [06:31] ?? [06:32] # mount /dev/hda3 /mnt for instance, then cd /mnt ; ls boot [06:33] huh? [06:33] lol [06:33] !mount [06:33] I guess mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f [06:33] doesn't matter where you mount it - /media would do [06:34] but i dunno how to mount ne thing. [06:34] eightiesk: you run the command I gave above as root === orville [n=orville@66-189-40-3.dhcp.oxfr.ma.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:35] mount /dev/hda3 /media then change directory by typing cd /media then type ls boot to see what kernel is there [06:36] eightiesk: follow that OK ? [06:36] abi-2.6.12-10-386 grub System.map-2.6.12-10-386 [06:36] abi-2.6.12-9-386 initrd.img-2.6.12-10-386 System.map-2.6.12-9-386 [06:36] config-2.6.12-10-386 initrd.img-2.6.12-9-386 vmlinuz-2.6.12-10-386 [06:36] config-2.6.12-9-386 memtest86+.bin vmlinuz-2.6.12-9-386 [06:36] how would i fix that? [06:37] vmlinuz-2.6.12-10-386 <-- that's the most recent kernel kernel , looks like === MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@53d824bf.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #kubuntu [06:38] thoreauputic: well its the most recent ubuntu kernel :) [06:38] yep :) [06:38] and most recent "stable" so they call it, kernel :) [06:38] kkathman: BTW I looked at your blog briefly - mind if I link to it? [06:38] thoreauputic: not at all [06:38] :) [06:39] which one? [06:39] hehe I have a couple [06:39] heh umm [06:39] blogspot? [06:39] I forget - i found it from nalioth's or googled it [06:39] ahh ok [06:40] thoreauputic, do i need a initrd [06:40] eightiesk: yes === Tm_T goes wild [06:40] what would that be? [06:41] ??? [06:41] the one that matches the kernel :) === Tm_T takes shirt off [06:41] i dunno === |mp| [n=mp@] has joined #kubuntu [06:42] ok, show is over, you can leave tips to the bucket next to the door [06:42] thoreauputic, how do i know which that is? [06:43] eightiesk: try matching the numbers ! [06:43] the initrd will ahve the same numbers === seth|away is now known as seth === socketbind [n=socketbi@] has joined #kubuntu === laszlok [n=laszlo@] has joined #kubuntu === MaterMaravillae [n=pablo@85-54-134-186.mad5.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #kubuntu === trollig [n=manfred@p54932BA4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === JohnFlux_ [n=imy@spc1-brig4-5-0-cust94.asfd.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu === charwood [n=charwood@lnk2-njohnson1-4.binary.net] has joined #kubuntu === _dom [n=dom@e180057198.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #kubuntu === _dom [n=dom@e180057198.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #kubuntu === socketbind [n=socketbi@] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] === EightiesK [n=eighties@c-68-34-70-74.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:59] thoreauputic: i got it to work [06:59] :-) [07:00] EightiesK: good for you! Congrats! :)) [07:00] !fat32 [07:00] Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter to make your windows or mac partitions mount automatically. If you wish to set it up yourself by hand, read: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions [07:00] ne1 else have problems with kopete closing on them if u run irc [07:01] configure: error: C++ preprocessor "/lib/cpp" fails sanity check [07:01] what does this means?: === laszlok [n=laszlo@] has joined #kubuntu [07:01] @ ./configure kxmmscontrols [07:02] laszlok: magyar vagy?:) [07:02] MetaMorfoziS: sudo apt-get install build-essential (if you haven't already) [07:02] and how do i mount my fat32 windows partiton to windows/ [07:02] !mountwindows [07:02] Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter to make your windows or mac partitions mount automatically. If you wish to set it up yourself by hand, read: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions [07:03] thoreauputic: it didn't work [07:03] it failed. [07:03] never mind [07:03] it worked [07:03] mount -t vfat /dev/hda1 /windows [07:03] heh [07:03] how do i mount the fc4 ? === ompaul [n=ompaul@213-202-130-211.bas502.dsl.esat.net] has joined #kubuntu === Kejk_PL [n=konrad@ark10.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [07:04] EightiesK: you use it's partition number... [07:04] whatever that is according to fdisk -l [07:04] fdisk -l /dev/hda [07:05] igen, but i dont know much hungarian [07:05] thoreauputic: i want to pm you 2lines of error, if you agree [07:05] sudo fdisk -l /dev/hdX [07:05] (thisis a 2nd. error [07:05] hi ompaul :) [07:05] MetaMorfoziS: if its 2 lines, paste it [07:06] checking for X... configure: error: Can't find X includes. Please check your installation and add the correct paths! [07:06] 1:) [07:06] uhhh how do u make folders in konsole? [07:06] MetaMorfoziS: xlibs-dev probably [07:06] in console 2... so i isntalled the build essentials and next it's writes this [07:06] !makefolder [07:06] Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, EightiesK [07:06] ok [07:06] EightiesK: in you home directory? [07:06] mkdir sillyname [07:06] EightiesK, folders as you are calling them they are directories mkdir [07:07] that works thoreauputic if hes in the home [07:07] otherwise, a sudo needs to be on it :) [07:07] kkathman: but is he on Fedora or UKubuntu ;) [07:07] oops [07:07] is that the english version of ubuntu :-) ? [07:08] lol [07:08] ompaul: or was that Ukrainian ? ;-) [07:08] iso compliant jokes r u :-) [07:09] Whats the latest 2.6.x stable kernel rls ? === ..[topic/#kubuntu:howcomes] : $chan === ..[topic/#kubuntu:ompaul] : KDE 3.5.1 and KOffice 1.5 beta out (kword slightly broken) | Breezy fixes in breezy-updates | Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de | Please don't paste into the channel: use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/InternetRelayChat [07:09] howcomes, what was that about? [07:09] howcomes: wtf was that about?? [07:09] didnt mean to [07:09] shit [07:09] 3d 2lines of error? [07:10] i want to paste it:) [07:10] was trying to //topic $chan [07:10] but that doesnt work here [07:10] /topic does it [07:10] howcomes: to read the topic, just /topic [07:10] onfigure: WARNING: libjpeg not found. disable JPEG support. [07:10] checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0) (headers and libraries) not === seth is now known as seth|away [07:10] thx [07:10] i have libjpeg62 === EightiesK [n=eighties@c-68-34-70-74.hsd1.md.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu [] [07:11] how can i disable the libjpeg support?:) [07:11] MetaMorfoziS, why are you building it? [07:11] or howcan i fix this configure eror? [07:12] ? [07:12] MetaMorfoziS: erm - it's nearly always missing -dev libraries === nlindblad [n=nlindbla@user179.217-10-120.netatonce.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:12] apt-cache search keyword | grep dev [07:12] how do i get my desktop folder to be seen by konqy/kde as a desktop again, the file association is messed up I think === ziza [n=aziz@chello084112072063.6.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu [07:13] is it supposed to be "inode"? [07:13] libjpeg62-dev [07:13] bam... [07:13] ompaul because i not have the builded version [07:13] of kxmmscontroller [07:13] pussfeller, your question is confusing [07:14] thoreauputic: libjepeg okay... it said about qt [07:14] i try qt-dev :) [07:14] ompaul: there are handlers built into kde, like media group, and such, and certian file types are dealt with accordingly === jahon [n=jahon@] has joined #kubuntu [07:15] and "DEsktop" is one such type [07:15] like, my desktop isnt refreshing and showing new files created in it [07:16] and my device icons are losing their status as being in the media group and hence losing context menu functionalist, like, safely remove, and mount [07:17] i dont know what the Desktop folder is supposed to be associated with [07:18] I it have to with server [07:18] think may something do gam [07:18] :))) === ompaul rofl [07:18] heheh [07:18] thoreauputic: what qt-package i need? === froh [n=froh@62.80-202-246.nextgentel.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:18] only the dev? [07:19] checking for Qt... configure: error: Qt (>= Qt 3.0) (headers and libraries) not found. Please check your installation! [07:19] MetaMorfoziS: no idea - apt-cache search qt | grep sev [07:19] :) === admrl [n=admrl@24-180-218-205.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:19] it's not write out anything [07:19] sorry \ grep dev [07:19] aaargh [07:19] | grep dev [07:19] :D === howcomes is upgrading to 2.6.15ck1 [07:20] it's not write out anything === asdasd [n=ubi@host238-47.pool870.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [07:20] MetaMorfoziS: the whole thing - apt-cache search qt | grep dev === kYd [n=none@host-84-9-167-236.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu === Kejk_PL [n=konrad@ark10.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [07:21] there's heaps ;) [07:21] and then some [07:21] does any one know how to get Amorak to play mp3's? It keeps complaining about an engine or something. [07:21] !restricted [07:21] methinks restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats Most of the formats listed here have been replaced by !FreeFormats [07:21] kYd, ^^ have a look at that [07:21] Qt 4 development tools [07:22] ? [07:22] ok thank you [07:22] MetaMorfoziS: try apt-cache search libqt | grep dev [07:22] MetaMorfoziS: usually its a library you want... [07:22] ahm === ClayG [n=clay@c-66-177-234-195.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === djib [n=djib@brusa.chu.cam.ac.uk] has joined #kubuntu === Mater [n=pablo@85-54-135-6.mad5.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #kubuntu === _arafat [n=arafat@Re22c.r.pppool.de] has joined #kubuntu [07:26] hello all... === MetaMorfoziS is now known as MetaMorfoziSshit === MetaMorfoziSshit is now known as Meta [07:27] so noone knows why my desktop isnt refreshing? === Meta is now known as MetaMorfoziS === pussfeller looks around [07:28] shit, i've installed libqt4dev [07:28] and it's wrote i'm need other qt tool... [07:28] I have a kubuntu installed. how to i go about adding gnome and xfcs to my list of desktops? [07:28] lol to isntall \2mb of program (kicker applet) i want up to 15megs of libs and others [07:29] MetaMorfoziS: well, when you compile stuff, this happens... you end up chasing your tail [07:30] :) [07:30] what sould i do if i get Broken (installed) at mysql-server-4.1 ? [07:30] my brother (on lan with me) is gaming... so i went back to this thing later... [07:30] NRG88: apt-get clean [07:30] apt-get check [07:31] ok, thnx [07:31] the package is broked? [07:31] or you chancels during the install? [07:32] if succesfully installed (but it's not work or broked) i' think you must apt-get remove blabla === nico [n=nico@laf31-1-81-56-84-180.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:32] You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct these. [07:32] The following packages have unmet dependencies: [07:32] mysql-server-4.1: Depends: mailx [07:32] E: Unmet dependencies. Try using -f. [07:32] apt-get -f install [07:32] ::) [07:32] :) [07:33] now event eh file selector dialog doesn't see all the files [07:33] this is really strange [07:33] if I was running windows, i would think I had a virus [07:33] how to i go about adding gnome and xfcs to my list of desktops? === puckman [n=gerard@penguin.thebrewery-london.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:34] i think i'm not alone with my english grammar problems:D === OculusAquilae [n=oculus@p548D2665.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [07:35] this is just the evolution of language, right in front of us [07:35] oh sorry, i'm hungarian... so i'have some problems about the language:D [07:35] wonder how annoying it would be to write a whole novel with "teh" instead of "the" === tvo [n=tobi@5354EA9B.cable.casema.nl] has joined #kubuntu [07:36] I'm trying to upgrade/patch my kernel and im getting this error === aonic [n=aonic@146-203-116-85.dsl.manitu.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:36] MetaMorfoziS: your english is good ! [07:36] qconf: cannot connect to X server :0.0 [07:36] make[1] : *** [xconfig] Error 1 [07:36] make: *** [xconfig] Error 2 [07:37] MetaMorfoziS: better than your linux :)) === asdasd [n=ubi@host238-47.pool870.interbusiness.it] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === thoreauputic runs away [07:37] :DDD [07:37] hello? [07:37] :D [07:37] !ask [07:37] thoreauputic: i switched from widnows a weeks ago [07:37] s- [07:37] !+ask [07:37] well, ask is just ask. Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise and on-topic. Information like hardware make, model, outputs of commands that you used pasted onto http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl is important. Better questions more frequently yield better answers. Keeping the question in one line makes it easier to read. See also http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html [07:37] one week [07:37] :) [07:37] MetaMorfoziS: then you arr doing very well [07:38] *are === DjDarkPingvin [n=djdarkma@] has joined #kubuntu === FlascheLeer [n=aonic@146-203-116-85.dsl.manitu.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:38] jahon: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop ubuntu-desktop === DjDarkPingvin [n=djdarkma@] has left #kubuntu [] === _scott [n=scott@81-178-219-226.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:39] it always amazes me how foreigners speak and write better english than most americans, including me [07:39] so i'm not a guru of linux, but i'm like it, very very. kubuntu is very cool. (I'm installed it ~6times) [i tried ubuntu (gnome) and i had some problems about grub and my winchester's master slave...] so i'm stopped installing idiotly:) i'm use kubuntu 5days ago! and its coool! [07:39] jahon: or use adept to do the ssame :) [07:39] jahon, and then you use ubuntu-alternatives --all to change from one to another if you want === _scott is now known as |Aqualanche| === charwood [n=charwood@lnk2-njohnson1-4.binary.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:39] DOH [07:39] jahon, update-alternatives --all to change from one to another if you want [07:39] ompaul: tut tut [07:39] what is the meaning of doh? Ducok Owns Hole?:DDD === MetaMorfoziS goes idiot === thoreauputic drops a 50kg Unix manual on MetaMorfoziS === ompaul hangs head in sudo / pseudo shame [07:40] MetaMorfoziS: its something homer sez on the Simpsons === hxtr22 [n=hxtr22@] has joined #kubuntu [07:41] I'm not like simpsons...:) I'm hate all types of media... that is liquid shit:) === Sweet_kate [n=sweet@host196-145.pool873.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [07:42] MetaMorfoziS, please mind your language [07:42] :( [07:43] hello i have ubuntu with xfce4: i booted my pc with my printer turned off.How can i "load " my printer? === tvo [n=tobi@5354EA9B.cable.casema.nl] has joined #kubuntu === admrl [n=admrl@24-180-218-205.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:45] Sweet_kate: good question. I don't know. I hope someone can tell us ... === leafw [n=volkerha@] has joined #kubuntu [07:46] Sweet_kate: do you mean your printer is unconfigured? === ompaul [n=ompaul@213-202-130-211.bas502.dsl.esat.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:46] any way to enable a spanish keyboard? Do I have to install something through apt-get ? [07:46] how can i tell what Processor family i belong to? (Intel Celeron 2.00GHz , Socket A i think, would that be considered a P4 Based Celeron?) [07:46] leafw! [07:46] howcomes: 686 [07:46] terminal: kcontrol [07:46] MetaMorfoziS : yes ? [07:46] that's the system settings [07:46] well i made a new folder and now everything is fine on my desktop again, magically [07:47] moment [07:47] i have hungarian version, but the second from the bottom [07:47] languages and blabla [07:47] there's no other language available under "Regional and Accesibility" [07:47] howcomes: so basically P4 yes [07:47] other than USEnglish [07:47] no [07:47] the third from bottom [07:47] in the submenu [07:48] MetaMorfoziS : in kcontorl ? [07:48] yes [07:48] keyboardmapping [07:48] the third from the bottom is "Keyboard", which has key-repeat rates and so on [07:48] "Keyboard Layout" ? [07:48] yes! [07:48] you can add any laguages from this [07:49] how === hawking [i=debian-t@tor/session/x-0b31172180c52a05] has joined #kubuntu [07:49] this is twinpanel [07:49] "aVailable layouts: none" [07:49] the right panel you have listed a lot of languages [07:49] hm [07:49] I have zero languages listed === bam_ [n=bam@pool-71-108-72-152.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:49] that is why I said, do I need to install somthing? === m_tadeu [n=miguel@] has joined #kubuntu [07:50] you click "enable layouts" checkbox? [07:50] yes [07:50] otherwise there's no access [07:50] hmm i'm the same! [07:50] but 2days ago i have ~100 languages listed [07:50] huh === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:50] then there must be an internationalization package you need [07:50] if I go to "Country/REgion & Language" Only USEnglish is listed [07:50] my lists are empty wohoh, but my keymapping changer (@systray) is working [07:50] i have them... [07:51] pussfeller : ok, let's see adept [07:51] leafw a moment === apachelogger [n=Harald@amarok/rokymotion/apachelogger] has joined #kubuntu [07:52] such as kde-i18n-es ? [07:52] but tht would be for having the menus in spanish [07:52] all I need is the keyboard layout, not the menus [07:52] yes i understand [07:52] :) [07:52] hi...whats the library for GIF's [07:53] but i'm fully frozen about my lists empty... and i find about how can we solute it [07:53] solute... bah.. [07:53] :) [07:53] I believe before upgrading to kde3.5.1 I had more keyboards [07:53] I don't I ever deleted them [07:54] yes! you say good [07:54] Sweet_kate, file:///usr/share/xfce4/doc//C/xfprint.html#xfprint-select <--- this is a good place to look [07:54] the perfect keyboard would be that of macosx english, which enables to type all weaird charaters with the alt+ [07:54] i'm upgraded 3.5.1 at tomorrow === KWizzard [n=wizzard@chello085216141224.chello.sk] has joined #kubuntu [07:54] yesterday [07:54] sorry:DDD [07:54] no prob [07:55] leafw: i go to read kde forums, we are not alone 100% [07:55] hey anyone know a good mp3 ripper [07:55] I know I know ... [07:56] with a gui that is === _charles [n=charles@ACC89B16.ipt.aol.com] has joined #kubuntu === _charles [n=charles@ACC89B16.ipt.aol.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [07:57] grip is a good one - but what is the kde one .... === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:57] dunno... === NRG88 [n=nrg88@] has joined #kubuntu === ninnghizidha [n=ninn_@chello084112032164.1.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu [07:59] non good solution but during we search the good, try: setxkbfmap [yourlocale_name] like us hu stb.. [07:59] stb = etc... sry:) === sveri [n=sveri@] has joined #kubuntu [08:02] my keyboard-layouts are gone since kde-3.5.1 [08:02] how can i fix this? [08:02] we are working on this, but we are have the same problem:D [08:02] oh . .glad to hear :-D [08:02] (we: leafw and me) [08:02] I was just going to ask that myself :-) [08:02] i heard you at the kde-channel [08:02] ninnghizidha : you are not the only one [08:03] who? === rance [n=yupitsme@mail.nebraskaturkey.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:03] from me?:) === tafsen_ [n=tafsen@84-20-110-153.no.ventelo.net] has joined #kubuntu === kokurya-kai [n=kokuryuu@router.panorama.sth.ac.at] has joined #kubuntu === shantanu [n=shantanu@] has joined #kubuntu [08:04] thisis an idea, but what does when we are do reconfigure setxkbmap? [08:05] lose all your key binding === _hxtr22 [n=hxtr22@] has joined #kubuntu [08:05] s [08:05] that is the probable aoutcome [08:05] you tried? [08:05] sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales [08:05] ? [08:05] I need a favor, Im trying to trace down a possible firewall problem from inside the firewall, and Im not getting anywhere. Would someone be kind enough to visit a web page for me and tell me what you get? [08:05] I wish there was a tutorial on how to make you own keyboard layout, so I could make my own. [08:05] i'm try at this time [08:05] i'm trying to install avg and its an rpm file but when i try to run it it opens in an Archive Manager :/ === JakubS_ [n=qba@azk210.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu === Fenix-TX [n=jesus@84-121-146-198.onocable.ono.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:08] whats the library for GIF's [08:08] reconfigure not helps.. [08:09] but the strange is the keyboard types list is empty... [08:09] I think I'm going to downgrade to kde 3.4 [08:10] I can't see anything different in 3.5, and the same aplications crash anyway. [08:10] oh, kded doesn't eat all resources, but haven't tried a CD yet. [08:10] my problems (kicker crashes @ logout) are fixed [08:11] but sometimes i go to the logout menu [08:11] not happens anything [08:11] it's strange... === database [n=database@host86-138-131-58.range86-138.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:13] 'Lo. === Robdor [n=rob@customer67-50-41-124.veracitycom.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:14] anyone? whats the library for GIF's? [08:14] ./installer: symbol lookup error: ./installer: undefined symbol: initPAnsiStrings [08:14] <-- whats the meaning opf this? === database is a newbie :P [08:16] hehe likewise [08:16] dont think theres anyone here === DjDarkPingvin [n=djdarkma@] has joined #kubuntu [08:16] m_tadeu: libgif? [08:16] hy ,how can a i switch the display manegers? [08:16] libgd-gif-tools === azhoral [n=azhoral@host217-154.pool80116.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [08:16] libgd-gif1 [08:16] but this is gd... [08:17] i dont think this is what you are find [08:17] m_tadeu: libungif4, libgd-gif, giflib3g. If you are trying to compile something make sure you have the development headers for them [08:17] Hey, can I ask a question? [08:17] I [08:17] hi [08:17] but i think these are not free [08:17] the gif is not free ext [08:17] How do you configure GRUB in Kubuntu? [08:17] but freely can view and resize... [08:17] Robdor: thx [08:17] np [08:17] I'm using Breezy, I think. [08:18] i have this configure err: [08:18] checking for KDE... configure: error: in the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail. [08:18] So, check this please and use another prefix! === _JakubS [n=qba@azk210.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [08:18] what prefixes about it said? === thoreauputic [n=prospero@ubuntu/member/thoreauputic] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [08:20] Anyone? [08:21] !grub ? [08:21] http://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting [08:21] Yeah, the bootloader. [08:21] hoho :) the power of the ! [08:21] :)) [08:21] ah, thanks ubotu. [08:21] .. [08:23] MetaMorfoziS: looks like you didn't get any credit for anything...:) [08:23] decided on using grip, ugly looking interface but is quite fast === dabbler [n=chris@myw-stp-66-18-81-59.sentechsa.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [08:23] credit?! === redguy [n=mati@acm164.neoplus.adsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [08:23] for the ubotu directive === Spudchat [n=Spud@ppp-69-219-39-67.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:24] it's ubotu that gets all of the thanks :) [08:24] yes:) [08:26] Ah, thanks MetaMorfoziS - sorry :P === wicherr [n=wicherr@ip91358485.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has joined #kubuntu === database is a bit dumb === wicherr is now known as Ra211 === database is probably annoying the hell out of everyone too. :P === grxmrx [n=grxmrx@user12.112.udn.pl] has joined #kubuntu === Blissex [n=Blissex@82-69-39-138.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #KUbuntu [08:26] nothingless:) [08:26] erhm... could someone please give me that link to how to upgrade to KDE3.5.1 again? === pv__ [n=pv@a84-231-81-48.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu [08:27] http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-351.php [08:27] how can i add sg to the bot? [08:28] !add upgrade351 http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-351.php [08:28] MetaMorfoziS: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ [08:28] f.up === Fenix--TX [n=jesus@84-121-146-198.onocable.ono.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:29] !help [08:29] hey guys [08:29] i got programe i wrote in c++ [08:29] i need to compile it in konsole wats the comand? [08:29] g++ ? === _pablo [n=pablo@cable93a189.usuarios.retecal.es] has joined #kubuntu [08:30] idunno [08:30] Good - your configure finished. Start make now [08:31] after 3hours... baaaaa... [08:31] maverick: gcc [08:32] ? [08:32] just gcc server.cpp ? [08:32] I installed from adept last night LinNeighborhood, and it installed as a dependency the samba client stuff, now as a regular non-root user I get an errror when I use LinNeighborhood to mount a remote share in my userspace, the error is that smbmount must be installed suid in order to allow a non-root user to mount stuff, now the question it, how do I change it so its an suid install, or can I? [08:32] maverick: man gcc [08:32] ? [08:32] maverick: just type it in the konsole [08:33] ok need install it [08:33] Right... may I ask HOW you grant root permissions in Konquerer? [08:33] So, I can give my user write access to the menu.lst file. [08:33] sudo ? === database doesn't understand Sudo. [08:34] database: one doesn't give users write access to such files [08:34] What if I need to change the default operating system? === SouthWind [n=thomas@p54B3A774.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [08:35] database: I personally type ~$ sudo vi menu.lst [08:35] Thanks :) === SouthWind [n=thomas@p54B3A774.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [08:35] I'll try it. === Tonio_ [n=tonio@tonio.planetemu.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:35] database: but you'll need to get accustomed to vim first :-) [08:35] Hmm... [08:35] database: grub set to default (by default) the first entry of the list [08:36] I've already made the chanes in Kate. [08:36] but yo can set [08:36] MetaMorfoziS: Yeah, I know. === evil_doer [n=ewb@CPE0010a726e10a-CM00122541856a.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:36] it have a key/value pair [08:36] do you created a backup? [08:36] :) [08:36] Yes :P [08:36] i think you must .. [08:36] ok === database tihnks that's common sense :P [08:37] anybody knew about a non karamba xmms control? [08:37] i find kiker applet (and found one but not work) [08:37] There is one in Adept... [08:38] what is that? [08:38] The package program... [08:38] Under System. [08:38] no [08:38] not adept [08:39] Mmm? [08:39] database: you realised that in konqueror you can right click and choose Actions -> edit as root? [08:39] What? Am I THAT stupid? :P [08:39] i recognise your text, you found an xmms controller in adept [08:39] :) [08:39] arg [08:39] and i asked you about it's name [08:39] wont compile [08:39] trollig: So you can. [08:39] Ohhhh.. [08:39] I orget :P [08:39] trollig? my programe wont compile and its c++ programe === grxmrx [n=grxmrx@user12.112.udn.pl] has joined #kubuntu === Judax [n=troy@adsl-209-30-131-249.dsl.austtx.swbell.net] has joined #kubuntu === Spudchat [n=Spud@ppp-69-219-39-67.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has left #kubuntu [] [08:44] isn't there an unmount command [08:44] ? [08:44] de === unholy [n=unholy@cpc4-galw1-4-0-cust26.dbln.cable.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:44] umount [08:44] without N! [08:44] oh :) [08:44] :) [08:45] you're hungarian? [08:45] yes [08:45] en is ;) [08:45] bazki:D [08:46] dv:) === luka74 [n=luka74@clj46-234.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #kubuntu [08:46] hirtelen nem jutott eszembe angolul a de [08:46] aztan reflex:D [08:47] lol [08:47] udv [08:47] :? === ankan [n=ankan@n2-57-211.dhcp.drexel.edu] has joined #kubuntu === MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@53d824bf.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #kubuntu [08:48] excuse me does anyone know how set up a vpn server? [08:48] on kubuntu/ubuntu [08:48] vpn?!:D [08:48] MenZa, yeah [08:48] (no) [08:48] MetaMorfoziS, yeah === kalenedrael [i=13666-id@c-24-34-93-227.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === beefsprocket [n=beefspro@HSE-Toronto-ppp306390.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu === _ice [n=ice@71-10-92-206.dhcp.roch.mn.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu === _ice is now known as fit4lfe === blueyed [n=daniel@pdpc/supporter/active/blueyed] has joined #kubuntu [08:53] why is it when I restart xwindows doesn't work [08:53] and I have to install the nvidia pkg2 in again [08:53] works the first time but if I restart doesn't ? [08:53] ankan: :( [08:54] after i've updated to KDE 3.51, the partitions and cdroms from the Storage Media have dissapeared, i can only find the Floppy Disk there [08:54] how do I bring them back? [08:54] Does anyone use Dapper yet here? [08:54] I'm missing the list of timezones for the Clock in the kicker panel. [08:54] It just displays UTC.. :/ [08:55] basically i want my desktop to be able to appear on another machine [08:55] so i can logon as if i was sitting on my own machine [08:55] thats what vpn is for right? [08:56] vnc [08:56] tightvnc is prob what you want === Skrot [n=magnus@ti132110a080-6283.bb.online.no] has joined #kubuntu === robotgeek_away is now known as robotgeek === jrattner1 [n=jrattner@uhartford216125.hartford.edu] has joined #kubuntu === MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@53d824bf.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #kubuntu === EightBall [n=EightBal@cpe-69-202-155-237.twcny.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === Tallia1Kubuntu [n=andrea@cust-65-110-27-27.sfu-reznet.connectwest.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:02] ok. "locales" needed an update. [09:03] /usr/share/zoneinfo/zone.tab was missing. [09:03] does it exist something to obtain in kde an effect similar to OSX where all the window are reduced in the screen and you can choose which one to show? [09:03] btw: where do I setup the list of supported locales, reportes by "locale -a"? [09:03] Tallia1Kubuntu: do you mean "Shading"? [09:04] look in the menu with the icon in the window title bar. [09:04] muah [09:04] i don't know how it is called === Cheapy [n=Adm@londonderry-cuda1-68-234-71-44.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:04] no [09:04] oooo [09:04] no [09:04] suppose that you have three windows [09:04] and these windows have same dimension and position [09:05] so two of them are hidden [09:05] ok, I see. You want to see them all then and chose. [09:05] no, not that I know of. [09:05] with that operation the window are "virtually" resized and moved in order to be possible to see all three of them === tsdgeos [n=tsdgeos@kde/aacid] has joined #kubuntu [09:05] that is the best thing about mac [09:05] that i have seen so far :) === Kyaneos [n=kyaneos@25.Red-83-59-130.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === MrJangles [n=dan@CPE0050bacbe689-CM000f212fb20c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:09] Tallia1Kubuntu: The feature you're talking about, Mac calls 'Expose`' [09:09] whatever! ^__^ [09:09] Tallia1Kubuntu: This is not currently a standard feature of KDE, there may be a modification on kde-look.org or kde-apps [09:09] ooo [09:09] tnx, i'll take a look [09:10] hey, is there a way to give the hostname an alias? [09:11] the local computer? or a remote one [09:11] my terminal is this long "name@ce34tfad33-ce4235fe:/" === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu [09:11] Hi [09:11] kann es sein [09:11] the remote one [09:11] ah [09:11] dass auf der live cd kein synaptic drauf ist [09:11] and for local if possible [09:11] und weiss jemand wie das root passwort auf der Live cd lautet? [09:12] well that would be whatever that computer is named [09:12] Kompose [09:12] this is the name :) [09:12] oops [09:12] but you can change yer bash rc... [09:12] no german irc [09:12] but it doesn't look very good [09:12] .bashrc or bash_profile, cant remember [09:12] Tallia1Kubuntu : Kompose is an Expose for KDE ? === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [09:14] yes [09:14] how does it work ? [09:14] I mean, does it have it's own configuration panel ? [09:14] http://osdir.com/screenshots/index.php?directory=kompose0.4.1¤tPic=16 [09:14] http://kompose.berlios.de/ [09:14] I kno that === rdunie [n=rdunie@66-194-182-7.gen.twtelecom.net] has joined #kubuntu === tinin [n=tinin@78.Red-83-61-82.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:15] hi all, quick question about KDE under Ubuntu... I'm using multiple desktops, which takes over the keyboard shortcut + to switch virtual desktops, is there a way to assign this shortcut to some other combination? [09:15] is it good? === callie [n=callie@host86-129-64-189.range86-129.btcentralplus.com] has joined #kubuntu === Pharaonp1o [n=pharaonp@ARennes-252-1-41-25.w83-195.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [09:15] rdunie: yes, sure you can === Jaymac [n=Jaymac@resnet-147853.resnet.bris.ac.uk] has joined #kubuntu [09:15] Tallia1Kubuntu : n oclue, I'm asking you [09:16] can anyone here explain to me the whole sound thing in linux cause i sure as damn dont get it [09:16] i dunno [09:16] i will install it now :) [09:16] let's try it [09:16] xD [09:16] :D [09:16] apt-get kompose [09:16] yessss [09:16] please, any musician aroun her? [09:16] no animation though [09:16] here [09:16] yeah tinin [09:16] how do i change my computer name? [09:16] robot, is there a control panel that handles this? or do I need to d/l some app? [09:16] rdunie: SYstem Settings -> Accessibility -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts [09:16] robot, thanks! === admrl [n=admrl@24-180-218-205.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:16] what kind of programs are you using?? [09:16] Tallia1Kubuntu : that's kindda too much to ask of such a mess that is the X.org [09:16] ? [09:17] mess? [09:17] what do you mean? [09:17] someone know tabit [09:17] I think that kompose looks pretty good. It's not hardware accelerated bu that's more of an X.org limitation than anything. [09:17] the X windowing system is messy, has a lot of overhead, it's slow, well ... it does the job. [09:17] someone uses kguitar? === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu [09:18] wine -> guitar pro? [09:18] ok [09:18] installed [09:18] it looks pretty good [09:18] how do yo uuse it ? [09:18] can't see how to activate it === mja [n=mja@cpe-66-67-114-142.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [09:18] execute it [09:18] xD [09:18] leafw: Default is win+tab [09:18] and it appears in the traybar [09:18] ok [09:18] no [09:18] it's not [09:19] whoa, it's slow [09:19] MrJangles: sudo kate/etc/hostname [09:19] I'm on a powerbook 1GHz [09:19] Hello -- is there anyone here that can tell me which packages I need to install to get a complete GCC compiler [09:19] please, does anyone use ANYKIND of midi software on kubuntu? [09:19] !kdesu [09:19] somebody said kdesu was :Use kdesu to run applications with root priveleges, when you have to. Do *not* do sudo {GUIAPP}; you can muck up your permissions and the config files. If it is not working, you may need to run "sudo adept-updater " [09:19] leafw: yes [09:19] it is [09:20] tinin: I use Audacity, but doesn't handle midi [09:20] i think you have to set the delay [09:20] nops [09:20] leafw: It was only slow the first time. [09:20] ok what he said [09:20] MrJangles: kdesu kate /etc/hostname [09:20] how can i remove phpmyadmin? === zuiolp [n=fdghgf@BSN-77-176-217.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:20] i used apt [09:20] leafw: The reason it is fast in OSX is because OSX keeps each window as a single openGL active texture. X.org will implement a similar system hopefully within the year. [09:21] may i copy the error message here? [09:21] NRG88, don't paste in here. Please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org [09:21] where is the default kicker backgrounds are stored? [09:21] I see, it's not slow the second time [09:21] or where can i add to a picture for it? [09:21] tinin: Try rosegarden. It's not QT, but it works great. [09:21] apt-get remove program [09:21] charwood : sounds like good news then. === spiritz [n=spiritz@] has joined #kubuntu === epavese [n=epavese@ADSL-200-59-125-149.capfed1.uolsinectis.com.ar] has joined #kubuntu [09:22] leafw: You're using kubuntu on a powerbook? [09:22] is there a complete compiler package (like a developer build) that I can install with apt-get? [09:22] MetaMorfoziS: Right Click on panel -> Configure Panel -> Apperarance [09:22] im tryin a lot of programs for midi, but timidity goes too slow [09:22] mja: You're looking for something like Visual Studio? [09:22] mja: not that I know of [09:22] charwood: nothing odd with that, i use it too [09:22] not Visual Studio - just a working command line version of GCC [09:22] robotgeek: i want other own backgroudn for the kde menu etc [09:22] I didn't realize that ubuntu supported non x86 architecture. [09:22] where can i add? [09:22] i think he wants the develpor package [09:23] mja: You can just apt-get install gcc [09:23] i cant remember what its called [09:23] MetaMorfoziS: hmm, okay. no idea [09:23] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8122 [09:23] anyone? [09:23] tried that -- but none of the libraries are there [09:23] mja: sudo apt-get install build-essential [09:23] !develop [09:23] thanks! [09:23] pussfeller: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ [09:23] mja: You also need libstdc++ I think [09:23] yeah, I'm on GNU/linux-ppc because it's faster than the mac itself, for example Blender [09:23] mja: Just a sec. [09:23] by a factor of 2 === dark_suic is now known as dark_suic_afk === rance [n=yupitsme@mail.nebraskaturkey.com] has left #kubuntu [] [09:24] mja: apt-cache search libstdc === dark_suic_afk is now known as dark_suic === dark_suic is now known as dark_suic_afk [09:24] charwood: which version should I install? [09:25] robotgeek: i found: /usr/share/apps/kicker/ [09:25] mja: it should install everything you basically need with build-essential [09:25] MetaMorfoziS: ah cool, i'll keep that in mind :) [09:25] I suppose libstdc++6, but I wouldn't be surprised if build-essential was a meta-package with... yeah, like robotgeek said. [09:25] it is, it installs gcc, libraries and stuff [09:26] ok -- thanks -- looks like I can at least build a simple hello world program [09:26] or a complete operating system.... [09:26] someone knows the a command to delete the packages inside /var/cache/apt/archives? are they needed? i'ts more than 1,2gb and i need some space [09:26] tinin : try sudo apt-get clean [09:26] ok [09:26] tinin: apt-get clean [09:26] it will get rid of the .deb files === _btn [n=btn@68-191-179-11.dhcp.stpt.wi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu === stefano [n=stefano@host-84-220-11-224.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu === arialis111 [n=andrzej@host-81-190-34-161.szczecin.mm.pl] has joined #kubuntu === apachelogger [n=Harald@amarok/rokymotion/apachelogger] has joined #kubuntu === NRG88 [n=nrg88@] has joined #kubuntu === arialis111 [n=andrzej@host-81-190-34-161.szczecin.mm.pl] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === hans [n=hans@d54C1257D.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu === hans is now known as _hans === kurumin [n=kurumin@20151230073.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu === _hans is now known as ubuhans [09:34] anyone as ever packed compiled source in a deb package ? === mvv [n=mvv@roxx.demon.nl] has joined #kubuntu === wolfgang [n=wolfgang@p5496BF65.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [09:34] anyone here!! :) === Tainted-Time [n=Tainted@cpe-70-115-169-204.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:35] can anyone help me?: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8122 [09:35] does some know the keystroke for the google search in konqueror? Some sites say it is ctrl+s, but that doesn't work here :s === brosioz [n=brosioz@host200-71.pool80183.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [09:35] mvv: try to check konqueror shortcuts [09:36] NRG88: have you deleted/modified by hand any file? [09:36] no [09:36] the package uninstallation locks down in that case [09:36] try to analyze which file are istalled originally [09:36] and if you have all of them [09:37] dpkg -L PACKAGENAME [09:37] give you the list [09:37] in case you don't have one of them use touch and create them before completing the uninstallation === sorush20 [n=sorush20@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [09:37] Tallia1Kubuntu, that says ctrl+s also, but it doesn' t work(?) [09:37] i did that with cpufreqd.. [09:37] mhhh [09:37] mvv, you can use the location bar (cntl-l) then gg: search-terms-here ... not sure if that's what you want, but it works [09:38] mvv: ctrl+s sometimes is binded as SAVE [09:38] Tallia1Kubuntu: there are hundreds of files.. [09:38] are you sure that is ctrl + s? [09:38] NRG88: good checking! [09:38] mhh [09:38] NRG88: try to reinstall the application === TobiasAndrion [i=_mfb@dyn-213-36-154-154.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #kubuntu [09:38] with an application of the same version [09:38] Tallia1Kubuntu, yes that's what the basic config says. Strange though [09:39] ok [09:39] in that way all the file will be overvwrited [09:39] sampan: i just love webshortcuts in konqueror, slightly compilcated to create in firefoxi === Tonio_ [n=tonio@tonio.planetemu.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:39] mvv: can't help you more than this.... i don't have google in konqueror :) [09:40] mvv: i use the firefox one [09:40] sampan, i love that way, thank you! [09:40] robotgeek yeah, i don't use them enough actually -- but that gg: gets a LOT of use === MrJangles [n=sdgsdf@] has joined #kubuntu [09:40] mvv, np :) enjoy! [09:40] GRRR [09:40] ^__^ [09:40] sampan: you mean you havent had google as your default search engine, instead of locate? :) [09:40] if i want to add space to linux, what partition do i add it to? [09:40] root? [09:41] mhh [09:41] MrJangles: you mean to install more programs? [09:41] that, but more for web space [09:41] robotgeek lol no ... i actually use "locate" a lot in term, but i don't use konq for filemanagement, so i probably should set google as default search [09:42] you can mount a partition [09:42] Riddell: ping [09:42] and then link a folder inside your existing web.folder [09:42] sampan: i usually don't do locate now, i mostly know where my files are. plus a ls -lR | grep works great [09:42] i use to have my web folder in my home [09:42] awesome, what kind of file system? [09:42] ext3 [09:42] all linux FS i think [09:42] ok [09:43] larsivi: hi [09:43] thanks [09:43] example: /home/you/web: ln -s /mnt/addon addon [09:43] now you have all the space of addon to use for your web site [09:43] you are welcome [09:43] Riddell: hey, hmm, I'm translating SpeedCrunch but I don't really get how to get the configure to use qt4 instead of qt3 [09:44] to test the stuff [09:44] MrJangles: i love this thing in linux :) [09:44] hmm, i dont think thats what i want to do [09:44] why? [09:44] well its not just for website [09:44] robotgeek ahhhhhhh, that would work nice i'm sure ...but i'm still a linux newb, so i tend to overlook stringing commands together oftentimes :/ [09:44] web space* === mja [n=mja@cpe-66-67-114-142.rochester.res.rr.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [09:44] another thing is to unify two file systems [09:44] it is like two partitions are the same [09:44] and i'm also taking free space from a windows partition [09:44] partition [09:44] so let me get this straight, i'm creating a new partition ext3 fs? [09:44] riddell: what I'm wondering is what should I use as an argument to --qtdir [09:45] maybe the unifier is the only solution [09:45] anyway it is pretty complicated [09:45] you can even link a fat partition [09:45] but the link must reside in a linux one [09:45] ext3 is fine for me [09:46] oh in that case ^__^ [09:46] i am sure that i read something about unified file system though..... but i never tried it :) [09:46] anyone as ever packed compiled source in a deb package ? [09:46] i'm still very lost, your confusing me lol. [09:46] eheh [09:46] let me explain [09:46] larsivi: no idea, I haven't compiled the new speedcrunch [09:46] lets forget webspace [09:47] ok [09:47] suppose that you have your home [09:47] lets say i want 1000's of songs [09:47] and that it can't be fitted in your home [09:47] i will be adding multiple users to my system [09:47] but there's enough space in another partition [09:47] no, you will not [09:48] is that so? === _arafat is now known as arafat [09:48] you can simply create a simbolic link to that partition and let linux think that it is inside you home [09:48] Riddell: Do you know if Johan has a handle here on freenode? [09:48] oh i see, and how do i do that? [09:49] i told you ^__^ [09:49] do i have to mount it everytime? [09:49] ln -s PATH LINKNAME [09:49] no [09:49] please understand i have not as near knowledge of you in this matter [09:49] you can just put the mount command specification in /etc/fstab [09:49] larsivi: don't think so, try ariya, or pef was looking at it for kubuntu before we decided against it (he's not on just now) [09:49] Riddell: k, thanks :) [09:50] ok, so lets say for example i make a partion called /space [09:50] MrJangles: can you read the PVT message? === tafsen_ [n=tafsen@84-20-110-153.no.ventelo.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:50] MrJangles: i will give you an example but i need to flood === Chousuke_ is now known as Chousuke === g33k [n=g33k@p5488E037.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === dark_suic_afk is now known as dark_suic === grxmrx [n=grxmrx@user12.112.udn.pl] has joined #kubuntu === _char [n=char@vpn23.vachev.net] has joined #kubuntu === CaffeineKills [n=chatzill@a81-14-131-58.net-htp.de] has joined #kubuntu === _char is now known as _char_ [09:56] hey there, I wondered if anyone could tell me when the next version of kubuntu/ubuntu would be out and what kernel it would have ... [09:56] CaffeineKills: April [09:57] kernel probably will be the same, cuz I dont think 14 will be finalized by then [09:57] but it might [09:57] damnit, I was hoping for 2.6.15 which I need ... And I hate not having a proper boot-style on vanilla kernels :P [09:57] (k)ubuntu wont distribute with odd number kernels I dont thing === nlindblad [n=nlindbla@user179.217-10-120.netatonce.net] has left #kubuntu ["Lmnar"] [09:58] think [09:58] 15 is REALLY down the way === MetaMorfoziS is now known as MeTa[UT] === admrl [n=admrl@24-180-218-205.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [09:58] I know [09:58] but I need an odd driver for my wireless card ... [09:58] most distros are 2.6.12 if using stable, and 2.6.13 if not [09:59] 15 wont even be considered [09:59] so it needs 2.6.15 or above ... well in case they jump some minor version till april it might work out well ... I can still hope :p [09:59] yah...well, if 14 comes out and is stable...but all Dapper testing right now is on the 12 kernel I believe [10:00] no, it's on 14 [10:00] hmm too bad 2.6.16 is still release candidate 2 :-/ [10:00] ahh ok... wondered about that [10:00] with some patches from 15, like for wireless :) [10:00] Im on 12 on my ubuntu and 13 on my SuSe [10:01] ooooooooo not good mixing....Linus would not like that [10:01] yea but I dont need the wreless patches in the kernel code unfortunately but for some dependencies on which the bcm43xx driver depends on :( [10:02] why can [10:02] 't i run php's? [10:02] i have apache installed [10:02] and php [10:02] :? [10:02] did you test php in the console already? [10:02] no, in my browser [10:02] You have to set it up first === Sweet_kate [n=sweet@host88-148.pool876.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [10:02] and it tries to download the file === grxmrx [n=grxmrx@user12.112.udn.pl] has joined #kubuntu [10:03] NRG88: did you do the standard phpinfo ? [10:03] yea because the apache server isnt instructed to interpret the file [10:03] how can i play shoutcast radios on linux(is there a winamp-like prog?)?? [10:03] you mean phpinfo() ? [10:03] yah [10:03] Sweet_kate: yes, you can use the winamp one too === _char [n=char@vpn25.vachev.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:04] kkathman: i can't even run php's, how do you want me to run a functio to? [10:04] shoutcast, isnt it? [10:04] it tries to download it [10:05] NRG88, check the httpd.conf for the apache server [10:05] NRG88: what happens when you do a http://localhost [10:05] kkathman: it acts normally [10:05] arentt [10:05] hmm [10:05] !grab NRG88 [10:05] Tainted-Time: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ [10:05] lol [10:05] i onyl have problem with php :[ [10:05] tell us what the last line of the httpd.conf file is [10:06] NRG88: apache2 is running right? [10:06] yea [10:06] where does apache keep the httpd.conf in linux? [10:07] Im checking on my SuSE laptop atm :p === MeTa[UT] is now known as MetaMorfoziS [10:08] should be /etc/apache2/httpd.conf [10:08] ok, found it === kameron_away is now known as kameron [10:08] 5 lines only :? [10:08] and all are commented (#) [10:09] ok ... I need to search the bit which actives PHP then ... stand by :p [10:09] noone [10:09] i mean none === robotgeek is now known as robotgeek_away [10:09] should be "LoadModule php4_module modules/libphp4.so" I guess in a new line [10:10] followed by "AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .php4" [10:10] is it natural, that the httpd.conf be only 5 lines....??? [10:10] and "DirectoryIndex index.php index.php4" then [10:10] apache2 dont use http.conf that mutch anymore [10:10] oops [10:10] has been a while since I configured it by hand ... [10:10] thought it was still used for the modules === orion_fr_24 [n=gaylord@mer76-1-82-235-196-94.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:10] check apach2.conf === apacheLAGger [n=Harald@N839P012.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #kubuntu [10:11] that's much better :) === sorush20 [n=sorush20@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [10:12] anyway I g2g ... should be a piece of cake to configure it ... unless it really is a bug :P [10:12] there isn't any loadmodule about php or whatsoever [10:12] there i add your line? [10:12] "LoadModule php4_module modules/libphp4.so" [10:12] ? === _charwood [n=charwood@lnk2-njohnson1-4.binary.net] has joined #kubuntu === StR [n=str@] has joined #kubuntu === orion_fr_24 [n=gaylord@mer76-1-82-235-196-94.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:14] Hi all [10:15] how can I install kdesvn in breezy? or is it posible only for drapper? === zorba64 [n=michael@dsl-210-211-115-140.qld.veridas.net] has joined #kubuntu === mars [n=mars@] has joined #kubuntu === douglas [n=douglas@c-69-139-66-51.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === Knowerrors [n=Armin@dialup-] has joined #kubuntu === MrJangles [n=sdgsdf@] has joined #kubuntu === christophe [n=christop@aul93-4-82-239-61-114.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:19] Anybody using dialup internet... I need help with settings/init string to make the modem sensitive to call waiting, so that it will disconnect asap to take call [10:20] StR: try sudo apt-get kdesvn [10:20] of look it up in adept [10:20] leafw: I tried with aptitude... but it is not in breezy... === tafsen_ [n=tafsen@84-20-110-153.no.ventelo.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:21] do 'man apt-get' and then try 'sudo apt-get install kdesvn' === mohammed [n=mohammed@] has joined #kubuntu === maverick [n=maverick@host-84-9-117-137.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu === zorba64 [n=michael@dsl-210-211-115-140.qld.veridas.net] has left #kubuntu [] [10:24] hi all [10:25] anyone here help me? i tried mounting my ntfs partiton on boot up but it doesnt seem to work === g4sy [n=gavin@nlm-7.norlight.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:25] it worked for normal mounting worked === _wayne [n=wayne@hlfxns0147w-142167221252.ns.aliant.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:27] is there any way to know in which partition lives a particular folder? [10:28] find files? [10:28] my root partition is getting really full (it's only 3GB) and I'd like to move some of its folders elsewhere, for example the tmp folder, so applications have space to save their tmp files [10:30] why not? [10:30] make partion bigger? [10:30] maverick: how [10:30] My Superkaramba-Designs have shadows since i told kde to use shadws behind windows. How can i turn shadows off fo superkaramba? [10:30] I have other free partitions where I can put the folders in === dandielionous [n=dandieli@] has joined #kubuntu === tafsen_ [n=tafsen@84-20-110-153.no.ventelo.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:30] but I don't know how to merge two partitions. === Pharaonp1o is now known as Pharaonpso [10:31] damn, i can't remove phpmyadmin [10:31] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8122 [10:32] any apt commands to fix this? [10:32] or reinstall or something? [10:32] try a apt-get reinstall phpmyadmin ? === kyd [n=kyd@host-84-9-165-250.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu [10:33] invalid operaion: reinstall [10:33] is there a Kubuntu install cd rescue mode? [10:33] hum that was make reinstall from freebsd ... got confused now [10:34] I need to boot to a command shell to repair grub. [10:34] hey guys what is the package for kde debuggins symbols?? [10:34] the live cd will do [10:34] i'm debugging konqueror and it says "no debugging symbols found" [10:35] im trying to get mp3s to play, ive been reading the guide and it said to get gstreamer0.8 but i get the error saying it might be missing, abolsete or only avaible from another souce, what do i do? [10:35] kyd: maybe you need to activate your sources [10:36] lol go easy on me, im a windows kid :). [10:36] kyd: if you're using adept, click on adept, Manage Repositories, and then enable some stuff [10:36] kyd: you want to play it with amarok? [10:36] the activation not a rare thing on windows... [10:36] :) [10:36] i do want to play with amorak [10:36] ... disable the first one (the cd) [10:37] enable the "## Uncomment the following two lines to fetch updated software from the network" ones [10:37] how do you mount an ISO image in Kubuntu? [10:37] and all the universe sources [10:37] kyd: can you find amarok-xine in adept? [10:38] then click ... this is KEY ... click apply [10:38] no i cant NGR88 [10:38] yeah kyd... [10:38] you need to do what i'm telling you [10:38] and then... voila everything will work [10:38] true :) [10:38] repository's === StR [n=str@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [10:39] oh lol soz wasnt reading i thought u was talking to someone else :) [10:39] once you enable all the sources ... just clikc the "refresh" or "fetch updates" or whatever button === lwizardl [n=james@c-24-23-66-252.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:39] no [10:39] oh cheers, ill try now [10:39] everything i just said was to you === apachelogger [n=Harald@amarok/rokymotion/apachelogger] has joined #kubuntu [10:39] lol no worries [10:39] i think i'm gonna reinstall kubuntu tonight :) === zblach [n=zblach@toronto-HSE-ppp4150506.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu === RickKnight [n=sforwk@] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:40] NRG88: if you do, look into Xampp for your php/mysql/apache install === ankan [n=ankan@n2-57-211.dhcp.drexel.edu] has joined #kubuntu [10:41] hey does anyone here run tightvncserver? [10:41] i don't have xampp on linux [10:41] http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-linux.html [10:41] very easy to install ... its what I did on kubuntu [10:41] kkathman: i've used it on windows, and it was shitty [10:41] anyone here usig konverstion ? [10:41] its fine on linux [10:41] anyone [10:42] i couldn't enable mod_rewrite [10:42] lwizardl: yes? [10:42] very frustrating >:[ [10:42] !helpme [10:42] If you don't actually ask a question, we can not actually help you. [10:42] NRG88: hmm no probs here [10:42] does the mod_rewrite work? [10:43] was tryingto figure ou whats these color boxes are [10:43] NRG88: no problems here at all with xampp [10:44] ok g4sy ive done all that. what now? [10:44] mod_rewrite baa mekkora szopatas az [10:44] :DD [10:44] apache2 right?? [10:44] tenyelg meg nem is probaltam a xamppot linen === Mater is now known as MaterMaravillae === lwizardl [n=james@c-24-23-66-252.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [10:45] en se === bloc76 [n=jay@adsl-69-233-124-254.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:46] oh sweet ive done it :) [10:46] is there anyway to mount a .BIN image in Kubuntu? [10:46] kyd: now is there any amarok-xine there? [10:47] one min just checkin === grxmrx [n=grxmrx@user12.112.udn.pl] has joined #kubuntu === joao [n=joao@bl6-24-107.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #kubuntu === joao is now known as cyberserver [10:49] Hi people. === sorush20 [n=sorush20@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #kubuntu [] [10:49] no amorak isnt in there NGR88 [10:49] I apt dist-upgraded and now I'm getting a kernel panic :-p huhu! :-) [10:49] amarok [10:49] not amorak [10:49] ah lol yes its there :o [10:50] ok, install amarok and amarok-xing [10:51] ok its installing. =) === kubuntuser [n=kubuntus@host244-16.pool8256.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [10:51] I'm pretty sure this was something related to my initrd file... I'm getting a panic ater unpacking kernel, when it's about to mount root filesystem... === joao [n=joao@bl6-24-107.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #kubuntu [10:52] does: "apt-get update Kubuntu" work? === joao is now known as cyberserver [10:52] no [10:52] but apt-get update [10:52] yes [10:52] but its other [10:53] it's refreshes the repositorys list [10:53] apt-get upgrade [10:53] it is ok to mount an NTFS partition and (read) play music from there in kubuntu isnt it? [10:53] apt-get --help [10:53] :D [10:53] BAck. Sorry. wrong irc command :-\ . Anyway, I was asking... anyone had similar problema dist-upgrading dapper? [10:53] kyd: yes [10:53] great! [10:53] i do the same :) [10:53] I'm kernel panicking now. I think my initrd file got corrupted somehow === outlawreg [n=outlawre@] has joined #kubuntu [10:54] nrg88 [10:54] ? === grxmrx [n=grxmrx@user12.112.udn.pl] has joined #kubuntu [10:54] u know much on mounting harddrives? === _jung [n=jung@user-0c2h9e5.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu [10:54] no [10:54] why? [10:54] bah [10:54] yo ucan say as well: sudo apt-get update [10:54] coz i cant seem to do the boot one [10:54] to refresh the apt-get engine ... [10:54] comes with error [10:55] i'm new to linux to [10:55] oh [10:55] i think i'll be reinstalling it tonight [10:55] lol k [10:55] how can i force apt to remove phpmyadmin? === lwizardl [n=james@c-24-23-66-252.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === kubuntuser [n=kubuntus@host244-16.pool8256.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [10:55] it doesn't want' to remove it [10:56] and one more thing, i cant change permissions of a fat32 drive so a user other than root cant write to it. it just says it cant change them. any ideas [10:56] apt-get remove phpmyadmin [10:56] *can [10:56] kyd put umask=000 und fstab [10:56] und = in [10:56] ^^ [10:56] but i get this error: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8122 [10:56] thanks [10:56] how can i get my scroll wheel to work in kubuntu [10:56] NRG88: are you root? [10:57] yes [10:57] seems your apt is broken [10:57] i've tried with adept, and sudp apt-get [10:57] i've tried with adept, and sudo apt-get [10:57] then what should i do? [10:57] i'm considering a reinstall [10:58] cuz not even php is working with apache [10:58] lwizardl: Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5" in the inputDevice section of /etc/X11/xorg.com [10:58] conf [10:58] brezel shall i delete the other numbers that are then it says "defaults 0 0 " do i delete the bit of the line [10:58] all is installed, but nothing, it tries to download the php file like a normal file [10:58] *there === Jenocin [n=mheckman@] has joined #kubuntu [10:58] NRG88: yes you should. when apt is broken your system is almost useless [10:59] hey, anyone know how to change the settings menu in the kicker under actions? [10:59] apt-get clean and autoclean and check [10:59] kyd just replace `defaults` with `defaults,umask=000` and remount [10:59] jenocin, just right click and panel settings [10:59] actions are not listed in the menu editor meta [11:00] actions? [11:00] what you mean actions? [11:00] under+ === MetaMorfoziS feel tired [11:00] if you click the k kicker there is a part at the bottom called actions [11:01] its one of the optional menus [11:01] I'm dont understand, sg lost in translating [11:01] you mean the popup menu? [11:01] under sg? [11:02] the popupmenus are changes with your mouse position [11:02] hold on a sec, I'll see about getting you a screenshot [11:02] ok === _kyd [n=kyd@host-84-9-164-29.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu [11:06] http://jenocin.com/snapshot2.png the menu I have opened I am trying to change [11:06] the control center icon is not launching anything === larsivi is now known as lars_away [11:07] but I do have kcontrol installed === hDp` [n=headup@abo-0-216.modems.semnet.tm.fr] has joined #kubuntu [11:07] yees [11:07] thisis the menu [11:07] i'm cant realize me [11:07] so [11:08] rright click on the k-menu === _zblach [n=zblach@Toronto-HSE-ppp3726592.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [11:08] and it has a menueditor [11:08] option [11:08] or Unlock panels [11:08] <_kyd> ok NGR88 I installed it all, and now in Amarok im trying to change the engine to xine but i keeps reverting back to gtsreamer and says it cant play it [11:08] if you have unlock panels, do! unlock! [11:08] I have the menu editor up, but that menu is not listed in it [11:08] and next the menu editor is here [11:08] hm === ack [n=ack@] has joined #kubuntu [11:09] I have settings, but it is the settings menu at the top of the list === ack is now known as Gh00n [11:09] its the same [11:09] it think [11:10] the two settings menu is equal [11:10] not? [11:10] if(not) { idunno } === __mikem [n=michael@201-106.124-70.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === enfact [n=enfact@cpe-72-228-0-103.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [11:13] <__mikem> Hey, I installed wine, and got Bejeweled 2 to run under it, but because of the intense graphics, it is so slow that it is unusable, is there any known way to remidy this problem === Skrot [n=magnus@ti132110a080-6283.bb.online.no] has joined #kubuntu === lwells [n=Larry@ip68-5-250-101.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === orion_fr_24 [n=gaylord@mer76-1-82-235-196-94.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:17] good night all === paulvolk [n=paulvolk@toronto-HSE-ppp4040848.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [11:21] Hey guys [11:21] I was wondering if you could help me install JRE for Firefox on my Kubuntu system [11:21] how would I do it? === fjellrev1 [n=fjellrev@] has joined #kubuntu === hybrid [n=hybrid@dpc6745217221.direcpc.com] has left #kubuntu [] [11:22] paulvolk: have you already downloaded the installer? [11:22] <__mikem> Hey, I installed wine, and got Bejeweled 2 to run under it, but because of the intense graphics, it is so slow that it is unusable, is there any known way to remidy this problem [11:23] Ya I have the installer [11:23] it is a .bin I think [11:23] ok [11:23] cd to /usr/lib [11:23] sudo sh /path/to/the/installer === pedro [n=pedro@162.Red-83-59-79.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:24] It is on my Desktop [11:24] let it install [11:24] the installer [11:24] yea === admrl [n=admrl@24-180-218-205.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [11:25] sudo sh /home/yourname/Desktop/blahinstaller.bin [11:25] why put it in user/lib? [11:25] that's usually the place to put it ^^ [11:25] /usr/lib .. not user [11:26] ok you ran the installer from /usr/lib ? [11:26] ok and firefox looks there? [11:26] boy [11:26] step by step [11:26] :) [11:26] oh ok hold on then brb got to do what you said lol [11:26] kk [11:26] cd /usr/lib [11:27] sudo sh /home/yourname/Desktop/installer.bin === JohnFlux_ [n=imy@spc1-brig4-5-0-cust94.asfd.broadband.ntl.com] has joined #kubuntu === noirequus is now known as nalioth [11:28] tell me when you're done with that === Jenocin [n=mheckman@] has joined #kubuntu === NRG88 will be back with a fresh install of Kubuntu ;) [11:29] ok I will [11:30] paulvolk: well, after extraction is finished you need one more command that will symlink the java plugin into firefox's plugin directory: [11:30] sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jdk1.5.0_05/jre/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/ [11:30] <_kyd> does any one know why firefox keeps closing down everytime i select an option like preferences, tools>pageinfo etc [11:30] <__mikem> Hey, I installed wine, and got Bejeweled 2 to run under it, but because of the intense graphics, it is so slow that it is unusable, is there any known way to remidy this problem [11:31] <__mikem> this is the third time I have asked this question [11:31] paulvolk: the string "jdk1.5.0_05" might be different for you...depends on which version of java you downloaded [11:31] __mikem: probably that means noone knows the solution? [11:31] <__mikem> then say so === _gigi [n=gigi@213-140-6-98.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #kubuntu [11:31] well no answer is an answer too isnt it? [11:31] <__mikem> um no === _gigi is now known as panoramix46 [11:32] do you expect EVERYONE in thios channel to say `sorry i don't know how?` or what? [11:33] <__mikem> nope, but I expected one of the OPs to say something [11:33] no ops in here [11:33] well however sry i cant help you [11:33] buona sera a tutti [11:33] :) === cyberserver [n=joao@bl6-24-107.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #kubuntu === panoramix46 [n=gigi@213-140-6-98.ip.fastwebnet.it] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [11:35] ok say that again for me? [11:35] please, Thanks [11:35] sudo ln -s /usr/lib/jdk1.5.0_05/jre/plugin/i386/ns7/libjavaplugin_oji.so /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins/ [11:35] paulvolk: the string "jdk1.5.0_05" might be different for you...depends on which version of java you downloaded [11:35] ok [11:35] just use tab completion :) [11:35] that it? [11:35] yes [11:35] restart ff [11:35] then it should work [11:35] ok thanks so much [11:36] ok [11:36] I will let you know if it does [11:36] you can check if the plugin is found by ff by typing about:plugins in the ff location bar [11:36] youre welcome ^^ === ubotu [n=blootbot@ubuntu.cc.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === brezel is playing :: simpsons_08x16_Brother From Another Series :: [Kaffeine] [11:42] :) === rzei [n=rzei@85-194-198-190.wlannet.com] has joined #kubuntu === elaine [n=elaine@] has joined #kubuntu === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-116-203.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === hDp` [n=headup@abo-0-216.modems.semnet.tm.fr] has joined #kubuntu === lwizardl [n=james@c-24-23-66-252.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === elaine [n=elaine@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === Jecos [n=jeremy@] has joined #kubuntu === WestWind [n=elaine@] has joined #kubuntu === nolith [n=nolith@host-84-222-56-175.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu [11:49] hi all === dsaa-away [n=dsaa@] has joined #kubuntu === ludo [n=ludo@d83-182-217-16.cust.tele2.be] has joined #kubuntu [11:51] Hello... === bimberi [n=bimberi@ESS-p-144-138-159-209.mega.tmns.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === glick [n=myob@cpe-24-193-247-3.ucwphilly.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [11:52] I'm unable to read any mp3... Neither from xmms, neither from amarok. No error message. [11:52] hi [11:52] excuse me is anyone here running a vnc server? [11:53] ludo: try installing libarts1-mpeglib === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-116-203.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [11:54] OK... I try [11:58] I'm totally new to kubuntu,installed it a some days ago..Havnt had much linux experience in all,but im up for a task :) I want to set up an FTP server..anyone that can give me any good advice? [11:59] wu-ftpd is easy to set up [11:59] Didn't help.. [11:59] but it doesn't have a lot of features...probably a good start [11:59] ludo: you might need to restart artsd for it to take effect [11:59] I relanched xmms and amarok... [12:00] Mhh... OK [12:00] kill -SIGHUP `pidof artsd` [12:00] or just restart it from kcontrol === apacheLAGger [n=Harald@N839P012.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #kubuntu