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lambertWhat should happen with wiki pages which appear old and outdated?12:43
lambertSuch as pages that appear to be release specific12:43
lambertsuch as instructions for Warty?12:43
LaserJocklambert: are they not needed for Dapper?01:11
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lambertNot 100% sure on link I provided as it talks about raid and I can't test01:23
lambertBut if it is outdated,  should it be cleaned, removed from CategoryCleanup and is there an archive place01:24
lambertI noticed Category01:24
lambertArchive, what goes there?01:24
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LaserJocklambert: I'm not sure. You might email the ubunt-doc list. It is an interesting issue.01:36
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Kamping_Kaiseri just noticed the keysigning instructions on launchpad are realy hard to follow. is there any help on that, or shall i write some?01:37
hawkinghow can i have a look at root mail at ubuntu? I mean when I set a program to mail root@localhost will I Get mails to /var/mail/user and the user is the one I've created at initial ubuntu setup01:55
Kamping_Kaisercheck /etc/alias01:56
hawkingI don't have /etc/alias01:59
hawkingKamping_Kaiser any ideaS?02:03
Kamping_Kaiser /etc/aliases02:03
hawkingroot : user02:08
hawkingso that should work ok right?02:08
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jjessehow do you rename a wiki page?  for example w.u.c/adepthowto should read AdeptHowTo for correct CamelCase03:14
mhzjjesse: you can easily rename a wiki page BUT iirc, we've been asked to keep old pagename and redirect it new page name03:26
mhzthis way, users already subscribed to old page can still be notified about 'redirect' and users who have alrady added the bookmark of old page, still get to newpage03:26
mhzjjesse: please tell me if i explained itclearly ;)03:27
mhz\later tell Kaiser_Sleeps there is a how to in the wiki03:27
mhz.oO(ohh, we dont' have such feature in our bot)03:28
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theCoreLaserJock, hi08:45
theCoreI got a 7k diff file to send you08:45
LaserJocktheCore: sweet08:46
theCoreI'm not finished working on the intro section yet08:48
theCorei just maked the ``make'' intro and a little bit of ``autoconf''08:48
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LaserJocktheCore: did you send your diff yet?09:47
theCoreno, I'm still working on it09:47
LaserJockok, np09:48
theCoreI could send you what I have, if you want09:48
LaserJockthat's ok, send it to me when your done if you want. I don't care. I won't have time to work on the packaging guide for a while yet09:49
theCoreyay! my diff is now 9k10:16
theCoreI send it to you10:20
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theCoreLaserJock, sent10:27
LaserJocktheCore: great, thanks10:27
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LaserJocktheCore: ok, I got the diff. I will probably tweak it a little and add something for patch and diff and then commit it10:46
theCoreLaserJock, np10:46
theCoreLaserJock, ping me when you commit it10:50
LaserJocktheCore: are you subscribed to ubuntu-doc-commits ? That is the easiest way to know if I've commited something10:55
LaserJocktheCore: It might be tomorrow by the time I get to it. Work has just increased and I got a new iMac to set up etc.10:56
theCoreok, then I will monitor -commit 11:08
LaserJocktheCore: I can ping you too but I didn't know if you knew about -commit11:09
theCorehow the iMac is, compared to Ubuntu?11:11
LaserJockI haven't been able to set it up yet. I have to get a bunch of other work done first :(11:12
LaserJockbut the box is sitting right next to me11:13
LaserJockbut it is one of the new Intel iMacs so I can't put Ubuntu on it.11:14
theCoredoes the CPU is a x86 ?11:25
LaserJockI think anyway. It is a dual core11:27
theCoremaybe, Ubuntu i386 will work on it11:28
LaserJockit doesn't have a BIOS11:28
LaserJockit has something called EFI instead and it is not compatible with Ubuntu yet11:29
LaserJockplus there isn't a graphics driver for the video card I don't think11:29
theCorethe number of high-end users switching the Mac is quite impressive11:31
theCoreApple is really getting the low and the high end market11:32
LaserJockour lab has completly switched to Macs for desktop use11:38
LaserJockApple has really gotten into the science/academic market. In my department I think Apple has the majority of desktop computers.11:39
crimsundue to their big server push?11:40
LaserJocklaptops mostly11:40
LaserJockit is the "in" thing for profs11:40
LaserJockI just got back from a conference and very few of the presenters didn't use a Mac laptop11:40
crimsunyeah, it's that way here, too11:41
crimsunI'm in the minority now, heh, with Ubuntu running on the X41-252711:41
LaserJockone of the computational groups uses a lot of Mac servers but they are going more to clusters of AMD64s11:41
crimsunyeah, amd64s are a lot more cost-effective11:42
LaserJockbut the reason my boss went to Apple was the *nix base. He can do most of the linux things he used to do but also have MS Office and Acrobat, etc.11:43
LaserJockand money isn't a problem because it all comes from grants anyway11:43
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theCoreHowever, the problem with Mac it is that they have many unknown holes which wait to be discovered.  There are rumours which indicate that MacOS X has many holes like Windows11:46
LaserJocktheCore: but since many of the people are moving from Windows to Mac they are used to it ;-)11:47
theCorelol, yeah11:47
theCorepersonally, I wouldn't switch to a Mac, even if I find them sexy11:48
LaserJockwell, I didn't have much choice in the matter11:49
LaserJockbut I think I'll like it for work11:50
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