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mhzjdub: pin03:40
jsgotangcota daaaa04:02
jsgotangcojdub, ping?04:13
jdubjsgotangco: pong04:14
jsgotangcojdub, yo! how are free are you in august?04:14
=== jsgotangco looks at wiki
jsgotangcooh crap linuxworld04:15
jdubjsgotangco: dunno if i'll go to that though, long time between it and oscon04:16
jdubjsgotangco: what were you thinking?04:16
jsgotangcowe're doing an event over here in August, a community hackfest and RMS already confirmed04:16
jsgotangcolate august04:16
jsgotangcowas thinking of other people to invite and splurge04:18
jdubRMS? sorry, i'm washing my hair that night. ;-)04:21
jdubthat was a joke. as in "stallman's coming? thanks but no thanks"04:22
jsgotangcoi knew you wouldn't heh just taking a chance04:22
jsgotangcodunno why the local folk are fascinated by it04:22
jdubah well, one sniff and they'll get over it ;-)04:23
jdubsounds cool04:23
jsgotangcook i'll just think of another event much cooler04:24
jdubno, no, dude, this sounds good04:25
jdubwhat date?04:25
jsgotangcowe don't have a specific date yet but its in August this year and we already have a campus known for its high-end labs sponsoring the event04:27
jsgotangcothe nice thing is that this school runs its own hotel as well04:27
jsgotangcojust across the campus04:28
jdubwow, handy ;)04:28
jsgotangco*which is very nice*04:28
jsgotangcoargghh flash04:30
jsgotangcoi'll send you an email about it04:30
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mhzjsgotangco: I wanna see that!!04:50
mhzit must be paradise for geeks04:50
mhzyou can play sports, use your box, see some girls, have some nice meetings, good internet..cool!04:51
jsgotangcoits a very expensive school though04:53
jsgotangcobut you get wifi all over the campus04:53
jsgotangcoand they got 2 labs of edubuntu04:53
jsgotangco(not ltsp yet though)04:53
=== mhz loves the idea os something like that in Chile
jsgotangcomhz, do you live in the capital?04:56
mhzwell, if Tecnocimiento gets to do what we plan, then we'll start the ITLA (Institute of Free Technology for LatinAmerica) and will defintaly have those features04:56
mhzbut at not expensive costs04:57
mhzjsgotangco: yup04:57
jsgotangcowow cool04:57
=== jsgotangco would like to go to south america sometime
=== mhz would happily have jsgotangco here
mhzas long as you dont get wasted as ollie :D05:00
jsgotangcowine, women and waltz as they say 05:00
mhzbut you can get women with no wine05:01
=== mhz actually got this wife playing poker :D
jsgotangcohuh? you won her in a bet?05:02
mhznope, man.. I let her win me :D05:04
mhzoopsss! puaj!! she won me sounds lot better than 'win+me' :D05:04
mhzjsgotangco: you need to come here and see how we treat women.. they are the bosses05:05
mhzwe're servants05:05
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jjesseevening :)05:12
jjessehow are u?05:20
mhzjust very tired05:21
mhzbut I dont wanna go to bed because dapper devel status is in 3.5 hours05:22
jjessetoo bad for me the are always in the middle of my night05:22
jjessei think they all have been at 0800 UTC correct?05:35
mhzi dont think so, jjesse 05:41
mhzbut I have missed 99% of them :D05:41
mhzso i am not good reference05:41
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mdkerob, so you're interested in getting back into some docs?10:08
mdkegood news10:08
mdkewhat were you thinking of working on?10:09
robI guess I'll get stuck into the desktop guide again10:09
robbut I'm thinking I'll need my password reset as I *may* not still have my gpg keys10:09
robbut hold out on that, I haven't tried to import them etc yet10:10
mdkeyou might still have the svn password around somewhere I guess10:10
=== rob broke his ubuntu over the christmas break
mdkerob, you can always send patches in the meantime, I'll apply em10:15
jsgotangcocan i send patches to you too? :)10:17
=== mdke slaps jsgotangco
robhmm I think I just rm -rf 'ed  my wifes email10:26
roboops :(10:26
Kamping_Kaiserouch :/10:28
roblucky its gmail10:30
jsgotangcowhen was our last meeting?10:31
mdketwo weeks ago10:31
jsgotangcowhat happened there?10:32
jsgotangcothat was probably 5am on my side10:32
jsgotangcooh you werent there10:33
jsgotangcono one attends meetings anyway when i arrange one :/10:34
mdkei can't remember10:34
=== jsgotangco sigh
mdkethe meeting agenda page should tell you10:37
jsgotangcoi only see 1 entry10:37
mdkethat's for the next meeting, you want the old meetings10:38
=== jsgotangco thinks quality of -doc meetings degraded lately
mdkewe've had some good work though10:49
jsgotangcocurrently no plans for improvement though10:51
mdkewell I certainly plan to try and improve the documents10:56
mdkei think others do too10:56
=== Kamping_Kaiser likes doing doco, just cant hand the complexity of doing svn+diffs+stuff
jsgotangcowell the toolchain requires us so for now11:00
jsgotangcoor else we'll have pretty bad translation jobs11:00
mdkeKamping_Kaiser, it's pretty easy, we can help11:01
mdkesvn diff > name.of.your.patch11:01
Kamping_Kaiserdoes that diff everything in svn? or just the working dir?11:02
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mdkeKamping_Kaiser, whereever you type the command11:07
mdkeif you prefer you can do "svn diff filename.xml > name.of.patch11:07
Kamping_Kaiserok. *goes to have a play*11:08
Kamping_Kaiserthanks :)11:08
jsgotangcoim going to re-ogranize this project :/11:09
mdkewe need people to write docs right now, not reorganise11:10
jsgotangcono impact to current work, just some housekeeping :)11:10
jsgotangcoif its ok with you :/11:11
mdkebut if you want to write more, you can, that's all I'm saying11:12
jsgotangcoi've been updating my docs11:12
mdkeyeah, i know11:13
mdkebut you seem keen on doing more, so I was just encouraging you11:13
jsgotangcoi've been doing a lot of writing lately that's why11:13
Kamping_Kaiseris the help written in docbook or xml proper? (i thought it was docbook, but this is an xml file)11:13
jsgotangcoits always in docbook11:14
mdkedocbook is a declaration of xml11:14
jsgotangco(with the exception of some yelp templates i believe)11:14
Kamping_Kaiserso it says "xml version 1.0", and Doctype is docbook - that means that docbook is what we are working with? sorry, i havent used xml before11:15
mdkeyes it is docbook xml11:16
mdkebut you don't need to worry about what it is :)11:17
jsgotangcojust think of it as descriptive markup11:17
jsgotangcofor books11:17
Kamping_Kaiserok :)... so follow how other people did it and it should be ok? then i asume run the validate.sh to check..11:17
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mdkethat's right11:19
jsgotangcomdke, can you modify the preview script when you have time to reflect edubuntu?11:25
jsgotangcoto publish as html11:25
mdkeyes, which docs need doing?11:30
jsgotangcoAbout Edubuntu and Edubuntu Release Notes11:31
jsgotangcothanks :)11:34
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mhz_foodjsgotangco: in our LoCo team smurf's server, we have ~/mailaddrs02:50
mhz_foodjsgotangco: i was told I can use that to provide email redirection @ubuntu-cl.org02:50
jsgotangcoi've heard02:50
jsgotangcobut we don't use smurf's server anymore02:51
jsgotangcowe share servers with the brazilian team on a dedicated server02:51
jsgotangcoi mean space02:51
jsgotangco(we admin on our own now but the server is still sponsored)02:51
mdkemhz_food, yes you can, just add them to that file02:53
mhz_foodmdke: hehehe, you always there!02:54
mdkenot always :)02:54
jsgotangcowe actually have so much space at the moment we can even run our own pop3/smtp02:54
mdkewhat do you want to know mhz_food ?02:54
mhz_foodthe syntax, only02:54
mdkeassuming you want mhz@ubuntu-cl.org02:54
mhz_foodfor example02:55
mdkedo: "mhz:   your@email.address02:55
mdkewithout the ", sorry02:55
jsgotangcothat's only a text file?02:55
mhz_foodand the MTA's service will automatically refresh?02:55
mdkemhz_food, that's right yes02:55
mdkejsgotangco, do you know how to build a pdf? I've tried but failed to install apache fop properly02:56
jsgotangcooh how neat02:56
mhz_foodgee! I thought the syntax was that simple but two guys told me "each MTA's manages differently"02:56
jsgotangcomine doesn't run either02:56
mhz_foodMoin2PDF :D02:56
mdkestupid apache fop02:56
mhz_foodI had to do it, sorry02:57
=== jsgotangco kicks mhz_food
=== mdke kicks harder
mdkethis isn't moin!02:57
mhz_foodmdke: i know.. it's just that jsgotangco was here and I had to tease 02:57
mdkeyour obsession with moin is unhealthy :)02:57
jsgotangcoapache fop is such a pain imo but jeffsch would disagree02:57
mhz_foodmdke: thx for the help with mailaddrs02:57
jsgotangcospeaking of PDF02:57
mdkejsgotangco, i'll mail jeffsch and ask him how to do it :)02:58
mhz_foodjsgotangco: just to show the good looking CSS..
=== mdke debates mhz_food's definition of "good looking"
jsgotangcomark johnson of debian wants to work on an xml->pdf toolchain for ubuntu02:59
jsgotangcobut he said its going to be java for sure02:59
jsgotangcooh well02:59
mdkejsgotangco, ok, sounds good02:59
mhz_foodmdke: oh yeas, you are right, very subjective issue02:59
jsgotangcoat least not apache fop02:59
mdkei don't understand java at all03:00
jsgotangcomhz_food, hmmm what i want to do sometime when i have time is to extend moin like what henrik has been doing03:00
mdkei have like 5 different packages installed, and I have no idea what they do03:00
mdkeand nothing works03:00
mhz_foodjsgotangco: well, I have sent a 10 paragraph email to henrik yesterday so we can start working on it.. obviously it will take at least a day to respond to all my points :D03:01
mdkewhat are you working on?03:01
mhz_foodmdke: you need xml 2 pdf ?03:01
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=== mdke nudges mpt__ about AboutUbuntu
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jsgotangcowiki? noooooo05:18
jsgotangcook not a native speaker i can understand that05:19
jsgotangcobad choice of words though05:19
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mdkejdub, i've done some basic changes to yelp and sent them to the upstream mailing list to try and get their opinion. have a look: http://mdke.org/images/yelp05:35
mdkeall I've changed is the colour of links and headers05:35
mdkeso far... :)05:35
jsgotangcocolor changes depending on theme used?05:36
jsgotangcocool we finally get a yelp hacker05:40
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jsgotangcogood night05:46
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ompaulBurgwork, u about?07:51
Burgworkompaul, sadly yes07:53
ompaulahh don't be like that :-)07:53
Burgworkwhat can I do you for?07:54
ompaulare you in a position to copy thes source of the  faq to something on the wiki so it keeps its formatting07:54
ompaulgive me the name and I'll give it an hour or so07:54
ompaulI could then throw it back to you 07:55
Burgworkthe website faq?07:55
ompaulaye, its not in wiki format07:55
ompauli.e. I can't edit it07:55
ompaulits locked07:55
Burgworkit is in moin format and I do have access to an editable copy, but I don't have the password yet07:56
ompaulwant to shove it onto wiki where it could be addressed and then I'll say it you can rip it and we can kill that page07:56
Burgworklet me contact hendrik07:57
Kaiser_Sleepsnight all07:57
ompaulohh this evening I found the boot options so that is getting its own page in the next 3 mins :)07:57
ompaulnight Kaiser_Sleeps 07:58
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=== ompaul raises eyebrows at the disconnection
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Burgworkompaul, ping09:03
Burgworkompaul, generally best to say "Burgwork pong" so that we get a hint09:04
Burgworkompaul, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Website/FAQ09:04
Burgworkedit to your hearts content and then I will move it back09:04
ompaulBurgwork, shall do what I can in the 3/4 of an hour09:04
Burgworkompaul, whenever09:04
ompaulBurgwork,  okay, I will hand it back to you in 18 hours or less09:05
Burgworkompaul, just ping this nick when it is done09:05
Burgworkremember that I am not at this computer on Sat and Sun (hopefully)09:06
ompaulBurgwork, I am been taken away from here for the weekend (wifes idea) :-)09:08
Burgworklucky man09:09
ompaulI concur 09:10
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mdkeompaul, since the website is in moin, you can get the source for any page by attaching "?action=raw" to the url11:01
=== mdke goes to bed
Burgworkmdke, yes, but he also needs a way to write back11:02
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LaserJockmdke: I didn't know that, cool tip11:12
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mdkeBurgwork, oh, i understood he just wanted to copy the source11:40
Burgworkmdke, he wants to edit it and push the edits back up. That is where I come in11:48
mdkei see that now, having read the scrollback11:49
mdkeanyhow, it's a valid tip11:49
Burgworkyes, it is11:49
=== Burgwork is having a really really bad day
mdkesorry to hear that11:50
Burgworkhey, they happen11:51
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