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mdzJaneW: do we have a quorum?08:48
dholbachgood morning08:48
=== jsgotangco waves from the bleacher section
=== fabbione waves
JaneWmdz: yes I think so08:49
JaneWjust checking now08:49
JaneWhaven't had a response from BenC yet08:50
JaneWI did mail him separately an hour ago too.08:50
JaneWmdz: we have apologies from infinty, as Zofia is still very ill and requiring care. I have his update though.08:51
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=== ogra yawns
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=== pitti waves
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=== mvo blings
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dholbachah mvo08:57
JaneWping: ajmitch, BenC, doko, , jdub,   mjg59, mvo, 08:58
mdzmvo is here08:58
mvohello 08:58
=== dholbach hugs mvo
JaneWhello all08:59
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=== dholbach calls doko
JaneWok quite a few are still missing08:59
dholbachhey seb12808:59
seb128hi dholbach09:00
dholbachhrm, mailbox.09:00
=== Kamion will try phoning Diziet
mdzgood morning everyone09:00
mdzJaneW: any update from ajmitch?09:01
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KamionDiziet is on his way09:01
mdzBenC: you're up09:02
BenCcommunity-server-hardware-testing: Announcement was held off until daily-builds are more automated.09:02
BenCkernel bug work: 14394 - cdrecord/k3b/kernel issues, bugs related to ipw2200 firmware errors, firware related bug, bugs related to SMP regressions on amd6409:02
BenCadditonal, daily builds will be automated starting tomorrow09:02
mdzBenC: the announcement shouldn't be contingent on the daily builds; users can start testing using the kernel in Dapper09:03
mdzplease send it out today09:03
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pittihi Ian09:03
=== JaneW will mail ajmitch for an update
iwjpitti: Ug.09:04
mdzBenC: apart from daily builds, preventing-hardware-support-regressions had some other components, like calling on users to test09:05
mdzBenC: did that happen as well?09:05
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BenCyeah, that was a second announcement that needs to go out09:06
mdzok, that should be marked as in progress until all of the steps are complete09:06
BenCthat one was contingent on daily builds needing to work :)09:06
mdzthanks BenC09:06
mdzdholbach: ?09:06
BenCright, I'll revert that09:06
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dholbachexample-content: first bits and pieces packaged and uploaded, is in NEW09:06
dholbachthis week (done): visited London, caught a cold, tried to catch up with bugs, random other bits09:06
dholbachthis week (todo): more bugs09:06
dholbachnext week: GNOME 2.13.91 (beginning of the week), bug day (end of the week), apt-get.org review09:06
mdzdholbach: just a cold rather  than the death plague?09:07
dholbachYeah, just a cold, nothing that prevents me from working. :-)09:07
mdzif you don't rest, it will last longer09:07
dholbachI'll be fine, it isn't that bad.09:07
mdzdholbach: have the test-plans been announced to the community?09:08
dholbachNot yet. I will do it asap.09:08
mdzdholbach: also include a note in the next Flight announcement that users who want to test can use the provided test plans09:09
doko[status] 09:09
doko- no changes from last week, besides09:09
doko- openoffice.org: one more test build, computer at home unreachable at the moment09:09
doko[this week] 09:09
doko- vacation day09:09
doko- dropping python2.309:09
doko- bug tracking work09:09
mdzdoko: are you back at home now, or still in london?09:11
dokomdz: still in London, going back to Berlin tonight09:11
mdzwill dropping python2.3 involve rolling out python-central, or using the old approach?09:11
dokopycentral will be used for private modules at the moment, there are still concerns, which I discussed yesterday with elmo and Kamion09:12
dokoproposing these on debian-python first09:12
mdzprivate modules?09:12
dokothe change involves dropping dependencies on the interpreter for pure modules09:12
dokomodules outside the default sys.path, like mailman09:13
dokothose which need to be recompiled changing the default python version.09:13
mdzI feel uncertain about rolling out pycentral at this point in dapper09:13
mdzwhat are the risks?09:13
mdzit would need to be well sorted by feature freeze09:14
dokono risks, I can collect my changes on p.u.c., and then we can decide if we upload it, if it's stable enough for dapper09:15
mdzI mean the risks of the implementation itself, not our strategy for rolling it out09:15
mdzbuild failures? broken packages?09:16
mdzdo we need a new Zope when dropping python 2.3?09:16
dokopycentral at that point just recompiles stuff, when you change the default python version, nothing more. I don't see how this can break packages. otoh, it doesn't have a visible value for the end user09:17
dokowe would need zope2.9, but there's no plone yet for 2.909:17
mdzok, we need to move on.  please send me an email with details of your plan and links to the debian discussion09:17
mdzthanks doko09:17
mdzfabbione? 09:17
dokoso just lets keep 2.8 with the existing plone in uinverse09:17
dokomdz: ok09:18
fabbione* server-candy: switch to ssl-cert-snakeoil certificate is in progress.09:18
fabbione* ubuntu-cluster: working on update for redhatcluster suite. A lot of our patches have gone upstream and we got some bug fixes from upstream pushed to us.09:18
fabbione* boot-from-usb: implemented.09:18
fabbione* last week: return from distro sprint, kernel security (warty/breezy/dapper, hoary not affected) and fixed a regression upgrading from hoary to breezy/dapper (pending upload on -security queue). Being sick one day.09:18
fabbione* next week: ocfs2 updates, complete the ssl-cert-foo transition, cleanup ssl-cert package to be more user friendly (core was done before starting the transition). Fix a couple of bugs in partman-auto-lvm since it is getting decent testing around now. Get kernel server on server CD if infrastructure to build cd is in place.09:18
pittifabbione: what's the status of the new ssl-certs? my new postgresql-common is still pending 09:18
mdzfabbione: boot-from-usb was already implemented last week; you can exclude it from further status updates09:18
fabbionepitti: that's part of the "make it user friendly"09:19
fabbionemdz: ok.09:19
pittifabbione: heh :)09:19
mdzfabbione: someone I know wrote https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installation/LVMOnRaid ; would you review it for correctness?  perhaps it could become the basis for a test plan09:20
fabbionemdz: ok i will try to do it09:20
fabbionei am slightly overloaded 09:21
mdzfabbione: it's low priority; just keep it in mind for when you have a spare moment09:21
mdzthanks fabbione09:21
fabbionemdz: ok09:21
mdzJaneW: infinity's update?09:21
fabbionei already found a bunch of errors... *sigh*09:21
JaneWone sec09:22
JaneWinfinity: last week: tail end of the distro sprint, lots and lots of traveling home (hey, can we have the next sprint in Australia? <bat lashes>), some initramfs-tools hacking locally, tidying up LRM to hand it over to BenC, preparing PHP security updates, learning the ropes of the new buildd infrastructure, and helping with some hiccups therein.09:22
JaneWnext week: not entirely sure, actually, but I have a feeling it will involve a lot of back and forth with cprov to make sure the LP buildds do exactly what we want them to do, when we want them to do so.09:22
JaneWsplash-down: A mostly-working implementation is running on my laptop, but doesn't quite behave as I'd like it to, so I need to hack a bit of extra intelligence into usplash itself before I polish this off and upload it.09:22
JaneWpitti will give the update for reducing-duplication...09:23
mdzI would like to see the splash-down implementation before it goes in09:23
JaneWok, will note that in report and convey to infinity09:23
mdzthanks JaneW and infinity09:23
iwjAutomatedTesting: Initial phase complete and published in dapper and sid.  Discussions with Debian have been encouraging regarding the per-package tests.  It's not clear when to call the goal complete, as it's more of an ongoing project, but a clear milestone has been reached.09:23
iwjAutomatedTesting: Next: I need a discussion with some sysadmins and/or Launchpad people to capture their requirements for wiring autopkgtest into the build machinery.  I also need to consider generic (non package-specific) tests like those provided by piuparts.09:23
iwjFirefox: New upstream (stability/security), new Debian version (incorporating many of our patches, so our diff is shrinking).09:23
iwjFirefox: pygnome crash not fixed, reported upstream :-/.09:24
iwjDeveloperDocumentation: Just started.  Currently I'm reviewing the existing Debian Dev. Ref. document and planning the redaction process to make the UDR.09:24
iwjDefaultApplicationsFirefox: no change since last report.  I aim to revisit this this coming week to make sure that everything that can sensibly be done is finished before feature freeze.09:24
iwjBugs backlog: awful.09:24
iwjEmail backlog: none09:24
mdziwj: can I get that demo/transcript of autopkgtest?  or better, maybe put up a wiki page with information on how to drive it so that everyone can try it out09:24
iwjThere's a transcript in my {ubuntu,debian}-devel post.09:25
mdzI'm behind on lists; please forward me a copy09:25
mdzJaneW: package-dependency-fix is deferred; we don't want to make intrusive changes to the packaging toolchain for dapper09:26
mdzthanks iwj09:26
JaneWmdz: ok, noted09:27
Kamioncd-bootloader: Localised help done. Implemented.09:27
Kamioncd-build-process: Parallelisation by image type implemented; as predicted, it does not provide a performance win, although it may be convenient. Implemented. (If we desperately need to get install+live ISO build time down beyond the current 20 minutes, I can backport changes from Debian that eliminate the apt-ftparchive bottleneck, but that will take some work.)09:27
Kamionubuntu-express: Done the API shakeups mentioned last week; still working on the actual non-blocking debconf handling to fix the UI. Not much else this week due to illness, not having sorted out my test machine after getting back from London, and clearing other stuff out of the way.09:27
Kamionmisc: Have been receiving basic training on ftpmaster work in Soyuz; I can do some NEW queue processing but can't do override changes yet (including main<->universe changes and removals); please ask elmo for the latter. Disabled archive-copier by default.09:27
Kamionnext-week: Really kill off the Espresso UI responsiveness problems and start in on the rest of its to-do list.09:27
mdzKamion: does the parallelisation at least give us all the builds in one directory?09:27
Kamionthat's a quite separate job09:27
Kamionand is in fact easier if it's serial09:28
KamionI can look at that if you want, it's just not what the spec asked for :-)09:28
mdzyes, I'm noticing that didn't make it into the spec, though we have talked about it09:29
Kamionshould be a few hours' work09:29
mdzsince UBZ09:29
mdzKamion: do you have some notes about the soyuz tools that you could send me?09:29
mdzI need to get up to speed on that as well09:29
KamionI can send you the IRC transcript, yes09:29
Kamionsorting out test machine> embarrassingly I left the power cable for it in London :-( will go out and get a spare today09:30
mdzKamion: have you handed off some espresso bits to Mithrandir?09:30
Mithrandirmdz: I don't feel there just yet, I need to poke the system a bit more; hopefully for next week or in a few days.09:31
mdzthanks Kamion09:31
Kamionmdz: he's coming up to speed, but I haven't explicitly said "you work on this" yet; I'll explicitly hand something off today and he can work on it when it's convenient09:31
mdzwhere is Keybuk?09:31
JaneWI don;t think keybuk is in...09:31
mdzno email update?09:32
JaneWno, sorry09:32
JaneWI'll mail him now09:32
mdzneed to know especially about network-manager09:32
Mithrandirprobe-for-root-filesystem: implemented09:33
Mithrandirlive-cd-performance: no further progress, need to do lzma testing.  Waiting for Scott to produce readahead infrastructure09:33
Mithrandirsimplified-livecd: some further work done in London, It's currently missing stackable file systems (which should make building the CDs a bit quicker) and suspend to disk (pending a patch from me to be tested).  I'm wondering if it should encrypt all the swap too, to not possibly leave private data behind.  Keymapper still not there.  We need customisation docs, I get daily mails on how to customise the cd.09:33
Mithrandirfaster-networked-x-through-nx: no progress, some sabdfl interest.  We might want to get this spec beefed up and ship nomachine nx stuff in universe09:33
Mithrandirmisc: cleaning up some amd64 stuff, such as getting ddcprobe working, reading up on espresso to be able to help Colin, some bug gardening09:33
Mithrandirblocked on: have been blocked on bits of LP not working as expected (debootstrap broke) and the live cd build failing (which has now been fixed).  Still no access to popcon.u.c09:33
Mithrandirnext week: get rest of specs cleaned up, get going on espresso09:33
JaneWmdz: you meen network-magic?09:34
mdzJaneW: network-manager is the piece of network-magic which matters09:34
JaneWmdz: right, ok09:34
mdzMithrandir: please ensure that the next Flight includes test instructions for probe-for-root-filesystem; should be an exciting feature for the community09:34
Mithrandirmdz: will do.09:34
Mithrandirmdz: it's only enabled on installations to removable devices, though, but I guess they're not that uncommon09:35
KamionMithrandir: at least basic handling of the keymap passed by gfxboot would be good even if we don't get keymapper09:35
mdzMithrandir: please make espresso your highest priority now; the existing improvements in simplified-livecd and live-cd-performance are already looking very good for dapper09:35
mdzMithrandir: yes, we want users to test installation to USB devices and such09:36
MithrandirKamion: yeah, that's my thought as well.  I think just getting the minimal support in should be a few hours work.09:36
mdzit's been a requested feature for a while09:36
Kamion[we need some kind of keymap handling in simplified-live-cd as a dependency of espresso] 09:36
Mithrandirmdz: ok.09:36
mdzthanks Mithrandir09:36
MithrandirI'd love comments on the encrypted swap for live cd idea, though.  Thought about it while walking through the snow yesterday09:37
JaneWmjg59 doesn;t appear to be around either - will mail him too09:37
ogramdz, power management is implemented so far ... aprat from normal bugfixing and a lid mode to lock the screen it should be fine09:37
mdzogra: is someone working on the screen locking bit?09:38
pittiogra: we still need to clean up the ppc side09:38
ogramdz, me and mjg59 as fallback if i dont make it ...09:38
ograpitti, i thought you did that already09:39
JaneWthe spec is still in drafting and mjg59 siad 'hal may need some loving now'09:39
pittiogra: partly09:39
pittiogra: I made pmi not require pbbuttonsd any more09:39
ogramdz, we have a sabdfl bug open about it ... so i consider it somewhat prioritzed09:39
JaneWwho is going to complete the spec and/or get it approved?09:39
pittibut we still install pbbuttonsd by default09:39
mdzogra: about what? powerpc or screen locking?09:40
ograpitti, that should be handled by mvo's tool09:40
mdzthe screen locking issue is a regression from breezy, so it needs to be fixed regardless09:40
ogramdz, lid -> screenlock09:40
pittiogra: no, I mean, it still does some important things, like CD ejection and tap keybard handling09:40
mdzmvo: next?09:40
mvoogra: can you give me details what is required after the meeting please09:40
mvo* third-party-packages:09:40
mvo  - gnome-app-install gui improvements (new-look branch)09:40
mvo  - menu-data file updates09:40
mvo  - non-root mode 09:40
mvo  - uploaded09:40
pittierm, s/keyboard/mousepad/09:40
mvo* release-upgrades:09:40
mvo  - various bugfixes, more flexible rules09:40
mvo  - non-interactive Dist-Upgrader ready 09:40
mvo* misc:09:41
mvo  - new update-manager that fixes a anoying focus,  problem, fix a apt regression with install and --print-uris, usual bugtriage etc09:41
mvoWill do:09:41
mvo- revert update-notifier back to use libgamin instead of gnome-vfs to fix 100% cpu consumation bug09:41
mdzmvo: what remains before third-party-packages is implemented?09:41
mvo- talk to infinity about a chroot for the automatic dist-upgrade testing 09:41
mvomdz: we hardly have any 3rd party channels yet, so it gets little testing09:41
mdzare upgrades from breezy working again so that further release-upgrades testing is possible?09:41
pittimvo: we need to talk about translations in the desktop files shipped in g-a-i09:41
mvobut otherwise I think we are more or less done09:41
mdzmvo: we have a test channel, though, right?09:41
Riddellmvo: we need to split the .desktop files and icons from g-a-i for the new adept simplified installer09:42
mvomdz: yes, a skype test-channel and jbaileys09:42
mvomdz: dist-upgrades should work again, there was a linux-restricted-modules upload yesterday (nvidida was borken)09:42
mvopitti: ok09:42
mvoRiddell: ok, will it use the same bits?09:42
Riddellmvo: yes, it does09:43
mvoRiddell: nice, I'll do that then next week09:43
Riddellthanks, let me know when you have and I'll check it works with adept09:44
mdzmvo: are test reports still coming in for release-upgrades?09:44
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mvomdz: yes, but less now09:44
pittistill any major failures?09:44
mvoI'll update the backport to the latest code and ask for another testing run09:44
mvoI don't think anything major, a lot was fixed over the last week09:45
mdzthanks mvo09:45
JaneWhi Lathiat, just in time for an update...09:45
ogra* thin-client-memory-usage: kernel image handling implemented (dropping of l-r-m from thin clients), only missing bit is nbd swap09:45
ogra* thin-client-faster-startup: wrapped all preseed values to not call debconf-communicate if not necessary, only missing bit is initscript handling09:45
ogra* gnome-screensaver-default-image: no work done09:45
ogra* general: tons of ltsp merges, bugfixes and small enhancements, powerpc can bootstrap thin clients now (still some yaboot bits missing to make it fully work), xscreensaver fixes, serial mouse autodetection: no valuable feedback yet, usplash-on-thin-clients spec (infinity): implemented09:45
ogra* next week:  finish ltsp nbd implementation, finish init script handling in ltsp, finish powerpc support for ltsp, flight4 preparation, more ltsp merges (its really nice to see that debian speeds up to match feature freeze with their ltsp enhancements for us, even if there is no urge for them), implement a "lock only" mode for gnome-powermanagers lid function (sabdfl bug #29881).09:45
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mdzogra: ok, please prioritize completion of the thin-client-* specs over other small features for ltsp; need to finish those off09:46
mdzpowerpc support is also low priority09:46
ogramdz, i was planning to have that done this week ...09:46
Lathiathi jane09:46
JaneWogra: :)09:46
JaneWogra: then you can create some gnome apps to replace the KDE ones :P09:46
ograi have ppc working locally (pitti tested it in london) its just a small amount of work09:46
mdzogra: once they're complete, ask the LTSP guys for feedback since they were driving the requirements09:47
RiddellJaneW: bah09:47
ograwill do09:47
mdzthanks ogra09:47
mdzLathiat: do you have an update prepared?09:47
Lathiatmdz: not prepared but i can hammer something out quickly09:48
mdzLathiat: I'll come back to you at the end09:48
pittithis week so far:09:48
pitti * evaluated scim for main inclusion and functionality, integrated its modules into language-support for OOTB support for Asian languages09:48
pitti * changed PowerPC's pmi to not depend on pbbuttonsd any more09:48
pitti * improved sudo hint, added manpage09:48
pitti * some bug fixes09:48
pitti * caught up with lots of stuff that got deferred in the sprint week (email, bounty review, security updates, bug mail)09:48
pittistatus of unimplemented specs:09:48
pitti * reducing-duplication: DONE last week: Dropped MySQL 4.0 and 4.1, Gnome 1, OpenSSL 0.9.7; converted most packages to db4.3; still TODO: actual demotion of mysql 4.1, only one openldap version (hard!), gnutls11->12 (mostly easy, but openldap still needs 11), split enigmail to drop mozilla (infinity), drop python 2.3 (doko)09:48
pitti * langpacks-desktopfiles: DONE: nothing last week, BLOCK: zyga needs to send me his current patches for langpacks-desktopfiles; if that does not happen RSN, I'll just do it from scratch; PLAN: finish this by next week.09:48
pitti * firewall: DONE: almost finished negotiating the bounty with carstenh, with 95% probability this will be deferred to dapper+1; BLOCK: final approval by mdz09:48
pitti * automated-problem-reports, automatic-printer-conf: no blocks, no time, deferred to dapper+109:48
pittiother stuff next week:09:48
pitti * release the pile of pending security updates, BLOCK: working -security uploads09:48
pitti * fix breakage of Georgian langpacks in breezy-updates, BLOCK: breezy-updates uploads09:48
pitti * catch up with bug triage some more09:48
pitti * find out why tbird locale packages don't work, upload m-t-locale-all source package, drop obsolete locale source packages09:48
mdzpitti: are you getting information from the SIL guys or elsewhere regarding which scim modules we should use?09:49
pitti(sorry, got a bit lenghty this time)09:49
pittimdz: yes, I cooperated with freeflying09:49
pittimdz: he knows about that stuff really well09:49
mdzJaneW: please get an update from infinity regarding the enigmail work which is blocking demotion of mozilla; that will be a big win for reducing-duplication09:49
mvopitti: sabdfl asked me to add input method support in language-selector, maybe we can talk about that after the meetig09:50
mdzpitti: who is freeflying?09:50
JaneWmdz: will do09:50
pittimvo: already done through the support packages09:50
mdzpitti: sabdfl basically wants to remov ethe distinction between support and pack in the selector09:50
pittimdz: he hangs around in #u-devel quite often and is involved heavily in scim development09:50
mvopitti: do you think we should try to add the scim stuff automatically to the users session ? or is this not required09:50
freeflyingmdz: hi I'm from china 09:50
mdzpitti: I mean what is freeflying's real name?09:50
Riddellfreeflying is leader of cjk-testers on launchpad and has helped me lots getting CJK support in kubuntu09:50
pittimdz: I replied to his current email, btw09:50
Riddellreal name Hou09:51
mdzfreeflying: hello and thanks09:51
pittimdz: Zhengpeng Hou09:51
pittimvo: scim itself will be installed in ubuntu-desktop, it's pretty small09:51
mdzpitti: the only remaining bit of langpacks-desktopfiles is .server files, right?09:51
pittimvo: but the modules are really big, that's why I made them l-support dependencies09:51
pittimdz: right09:51
mdzif that doesn't make it, it's still a success for dapper; that bit is low priority09:52
pittimdz: zyga already has some code, but not yet uploaded09:52
pittiI didn't reach him recently09:52
mdzif zyga makes it, good, if not, that's ok09:52
pittimdz: yes, I agree; but it should be cheap to fully complete it09:52
mdzthanks pitti09:52
seb128this week: catching up with bugs and mails from previous week, some GNOME updates, tracked some issues with the current GNOME and forwarded them upstream09:52
seb128next week: GNOME 2.13.91, dapper-desktop-plan09:52
pittimdz: and it involves a fair bit of package rebuilds09:52
mvopitti: I guess it must still be activated by the user somehow?09:52
pittimvo: let's talk after meeting09:53
mdzseb128: have you talked with sabdfl about his UI sprint?09:53
seb128what UI sprint?09:53
mdzok, that's a 'no'09:53
mdzI'll send email09:53
mdzthanks seb12809:53
mdzsivang: any update?09:54
Lathiatim leaving shortly so if i could go next09:54
mdzLathiat: go ahead09:54
JaneWI don't think sivang is here09:54
Lathiatfor network-manager09:54
JaneWwill mail him too09:54
Lathiathas it yet been decided is thats being done in dapper?09:54
mdzLathiat: no09:54
Lathiator is that still pending?09:54
ograwaiting for more feedback from tests09:55
pittitests looked quite good last week, but it still needs some work (like ignoring /etc/network/interfaces devices and such)09:55
mdzLathiat: do you have an update on your own work to present?09:55
Lathiat* avahi is in main, recently updated to 0.6.609:55
Lathiatnot done:09:55
Lathiat* waiting on status of networkmanager integration regarding zcip config09:55
Lathiat* is not set to not listen on network by default, need some more discussion with09:55
Lathiat others about the exact way to do this (not installing vs not listening)09:55
Lathiat* gnome dialog to activate/deactivate not done, pending interface listen changes09:55
Lathiat, blocking on above09:55
ograpitti, and its going mad if you have two running interfaces at the same time ...09:55
mdzthe consensus before was that we should have a simple way to enable it in the desktop09:55
mdzperhaps via that applet that displays available services?09:56
Lathiatmdz: right, there was alos discussion of doing it per interface etc09:56
Lathiatand then integrating it into network-admin09:56
Lathiatas opposed to "on/off"09:56
mdzI don't think it needs to be that fancy, just on/off09:56
Lathiatthat woudl be good, because the interface stuff needs more work on the avahi side which isnt done yet09:56
Lathiatthats largely a matter of a /etc/default file09:56
mdzis there an existing dialog where we can add a toggle?09:57
Lathiati'll look into doing that this week09:57
mdzwhere it would be appropriate?09:57
Lathiatmdz: hrm09:57
mdzseems awkward to add a whole new preference dialog just for this09:57
Lathiati dont think so09:57
Lathiatmdz: true, but im not sure where itd fit09:57
Lathiati suppose the network admin09:57
Lathiatcould get an extra tab09:57
mdzyeah ,was just looking there09:57
mdzI think that would be reasonable09:57
mdzseb128, what do you thinkx?09:57
Lathiati dont have a gnome desktop handy right this second to look myself09:57
Lathiati'll look into it this week and discuss and report next week?09:58
seb128a network-admin tab seems fine to me09:58
mdzok, sounds good09:58
seb128maybe on the second tab09:58
mdzthanks Lathiat09:58
seb128there is just the hostname atm09:58
Riddellkubuntu-express: got a good chunck ported from gtk, give it another week and it might be done09:58
Riddellalso: getting ipod slave to work, fixing kdelibs to ignore Gnome's new autostart files, get kde network-manager working (but needs CVS network-manager so not for dapper)09:58
Riddelltodo: kubuntu-express, flight 409:58
mdzLathiat: please discuss with seb128 and the desktop team and get a consensus; shouldn't take long09:58
Lathiatmdz: sure09:58
Riddell(where done in kubuntu-express there means matching the gtk frontend)09:58
KamionI was about to say. :)09:59
mdzRiddell: cool, any screenshots of kubuntu-express?09:59
Riddellmdz: yes, see my blog (on planet)09:59
ograon his blog :)09:59
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mdzRiddell: thanks, looking forward to more10:00
mdzKamion: quick outlook for flight 4?10:00
=== sivang is here
mdz(we're out of time)10:00
JaneWEveryone: Please all let me know if you have status changes to your goals so I can update them. Alternately change them yourself in LP, and I'll pick it up.10:00
Kamionmdz: need to sort out my test machine before I know the state of current images10:00
Kamionso I guess next week10:00
mdzsivang: if you have a prepared status update to paste, go ahead10:00
JaneWsivang: shoot if you have an update, I'll grab it for report10:00
JaneWor mail me if you prefer10:00
mdzotherwise mail janew10:00
sivangmdz: mainly, some more improvments for the utility classes, I'm now researching to ue threads to implement the burner class, and then move on to finish the GUI.10:01
pittiis that backup?10:01
sivangpitti: yes, home-user-backup10:01
JaneWI had hoped for the firewall spec last week, but it doesn;t look like it will happen for dapper without more of a concerted effort.10:01
mdzsivang: think you'll have something ready to present for feature freeze?10:01
mdzJaneW: it needs a lot of work10:02
sivangmdz: I'm going to cut down to minimum stuff that can be dropped for a first version, and then see10:02
mdzwe're out of time10:02
mdzthanks, everyone10:03
JaneWmdz: yes I figured :/10:03
sivangthanks mdz 10:03
JaneWthanks mdz10:03
JaneWreport should be sent out later today10:03
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pittithanks everybody10:03
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BenCgood night all10:03
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mdznight BenC10:04
Riddellsivang: kubuntu has JRe working on keep as a new backup tool, you might want to compare ideas10:04
ogramdz, gnome-power-manager simply needs an additional action implemented that just calls "gnome-screensaver-command --lock" and a option in the pulldown menu for this ... should be few lines of code to implement it in the existing functions ..10:05
sivangRiddell: thanks, I'll give that a look now10:06
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