
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-113-76.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee reads last weeks' dapper development update while waiting for the one from a few hours ago to come online...
Riddellcome online?12:25
RiddellHobbsee: wanting a job to do?12:27
HobbseeRiddell: possibly, what is it?12:27
Hobbseetranscript of them12:27
Hobbseewill it be a job that i'm able to do?  or like asciiquarium?12:28
Riddellwell we could do with an updated package for ktorrent 1.2, and tested12:28
Riddellwhich should be easy, just use existing packaging12:28
Riddellor, we need someone to make a kubuntu equivalent of example-content which arrived in dapper today12:29
Hobbseeso just update it?12:29
Riddellbut ktorrent would be cooler just now12:29
Riddellyes, just update it with the new ktorrent version12:29
Hobbseeok, the second one sounds scary :P12:29
Riddellcompile it, make sure there's no files missing12:29
Riddellmake sure it runs12:29
Riddelland run a torrent overnight to see if it works :)12:30
Riddellactually in .au that'll probably use up your continent's bandwidth so someone else can do that12:30
Hobbseehehe - it's 10.30 am - maybe someone else can test it?12:30
Hobbseerofl yeah12:30
Riddellanyway, I'm off to bed12:30
Riddellnight all12:30
Hobbseenight Riddell 12:31
HobbseeRiddell: presumably you want ktorrent 1.2 rather than ktorrent 1.2rc2?12:33
RiddellHobbsee: yes please :)12:38
Hobbsee:) ok12:38
=== claydoh [n=clay@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseethis is weird, checksum error01:35
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freeflyingMez: hi01:56
Mezfreeflying, sup/01:56
Hobbseehey seth - can i have some help for a min?01:58
sethHobbsee, you bet01:58
Hobbseewhy am i getting this?01:58
Hobbseesarah@sarah:~/devel/ktorrent$ dput revu *.changes01:58
HobbseeChecking Signature on .changes01:58
Hobbseegpg: Signature made Fri 10 Feb 2006 11:50:55 EST using DSA key ID 98B2D4F001:58
Hobbseegpg: Good signature from "Sarah Hobbs (irc: Hobbsee) <hobbsee@gmail.com>"01:58
HobbseeGood signature on /home/sarah/devel/ktorrent/ktorrent_1.2-1build1_i386.changes.01:58
HobbseeChecking Signature on .dsc01:58
freeflyingMez: we can just backport skim to breezy 01:58
Hobbseegpg: Signature made Fri 10 Feb 2006 11:54:35 EST using DSA key ID 98B2D4F001:58
sethoh zoy, not another huge paste :(01:58
Hobbseegpg: Good signature from "Sarah Hobbs (irc: Hobbsee) <hobbsee@gmail.com>"01:58
sethuse dput -f01:58
HobbseeGood signature on /home/sarah/devel/ktorrent/ktorrent_1.2-1build1.dsc.01:58
HobbseeChecksum doesn't match for /home/sarah/devel/ktorrent/ktorrent_1.2-1build1.dsc01:58
Hobbseesarah@sarah:~/devel/ktorrent$   01:58
Hobbseeoops, that was supposed to be a pastebin link that never got done01:58
sethoh, or not01:58
sethdid you do a srcbuild01:59
Mezfreeflying, based on waht01:59
MezHobbsee, you're called sarah?01:59
sethand um, if it's just a build1, you don't need to REVU it01:59
HobbseeMez: indeed01:59
sethjust put a debdiff somewhere01:59
Mezwow - lol - I didnt know :D01:59
Hobbseeit's an upgrade01:59
Mezapologies - I always assumed you were female01:59
Hobbseehaha - yes Mez, i'm the first female dev...01:59
sethHobbsee, then why is it build101:59
MezHobbsee, never met simira then ?02:00
HobbseeMez: no, well...that's what i was told anyway02:00
Hobbseeoh well02:00
Mezlol :D02:00
Meznoproblems :d02:00
Meznice to see some female blood in this male dominated world02:00
Hobbseeseth: i assumed it was supposed to be, as the last version was 0.11-1build102:00
Hobbseehehe true02:00
MezHobbsee, no - build's are just a rebuild with same souce02:01
Mezif you change should be xubuntuy02:01
Mezso 0.11-1ubuntu1 for this02:01
sethand if you make no changes, it needs synched instead02:01
Hobbseethis version is 0.1202:01
Mezand then you need to re debuild -S sa02:01
MezHobbsee, then you def need to bump it02:01
Hobbseeah, ok02:01
freeflyingMez: actually skim is in ubuntu-cn and ubuntu-ja repository for a long time , it works fine 02:01
Mezwhat are you packaging02:02
Mezdoes this fix the "crash after half an hour" bug ?02:03
Hobbseegot no idea - riddell asked me to do it02:03
Mezseth: you got motu yet?02:03
Mezactually - got your key signed yet?02:03
sethworking on IF2, motu comes after02:03
Mezah :D lol :D hows if2 coming ?02:03
Mezbrandon hasnt asked me for help in ages02:03
sethit's almost done02:04
sethI'm writing the HTML templates02:05
=== seth tries to work out how to filter all lines containing ':D' in Konversation
Mezseth is evil :D02:06
sethnothing to see atm02:06
Mezoh - you're australian too Hobbsee lol02:07
Mez always wanted to visit 02:07
Mezneer had the money02:07
Hobbseedo it sometime, it's a nice place02:08
Mezyeah will do when i have the money02:08
Mezlol :D02:08
MezI think we had like - 5 females at UBZ02:09
Mezthe only one that wasnt canonical staff was simira02:09
Hobbseesame error02:19
MezHobbsee, are you doing a debuild -S -sa as your last thing?02:20
Mez(if so - delete EVERYTHING from the dir other than the source folder and the .orig.tar.gz and try again02:20
Hobbseeno, wait...02:21
Mezcause i always seem to find that I just get the wrong file :D02:21
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Hobbseeah, looks like that's working...02:24
Mezjust chekc now you didnt delete the .orig.tar.gz and make it debian native02:24
MezI always do that02:24
Hobbseethat worked :)02:28
Hobbseesay what?02:28
MezI really ought to go to sleep02:29
Hobbseelol nah...02:41
Mez|ZzZ... ?02:41
Hobbseefor youb eing ought to go to sleep02:41
Mez|ZzZwhy - it's like - 2am here02:42
Hobbseeyeah, but sleep is for wusses02:42
Mez|ZzZsleep is for people who need to be up early in the morning to clean their house so it's suitable for their new gf to stop over later on that day02:53
Hobbseemost girls dont care, you know...02:54
Mez|ZzZfreeflying, ping03:01
Mez|ZzZHobbsee, well - I do :D lol03:02
freeflyingMez|ZzZ: hi03:02
Mez|ZzZI want a nice clean room03:02
Mez|ZzZfreeflying, not possible to backport skim03:02
freeflyingMez|ZzZ: skim just need scim , then it can work , we needn't backport qt and scim-qtimm03:03
Mez|ZzZfreeflying: please read http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12755403:04
freeflyingMez|ZzZ: got it , I forgot that scim had ABI changes 03:09
Mez|ZzZfreeflying yeah03:09
Mez|ZzZthough i'm thinking of doing what Riddell did for the KDE packages03:10
Mez|ZzZto get past the ABI transition03:10
freeflyingMez: It's seems source changes will not permit for backport 03:12
Mezfreeflying, i could change it though to make it backportable03:12
freeflyingMez: scim ?03:13
freeflyingMez: will you need help 03:13
Mezoh I can make it backportable easy03:14
Mezit's really just a rename of the binary package03:14
Mezscim's API hasnt changed I believe03:14
Mezjust because of the c++ transition03:14
freeflyingMez: y03:15
Mezwhy ?03:15
freeflyingMez: it's really rename the binary package , and no other changes 03:17
Mezyeah I know and thats easy enough to do03:17
freeflyingMez: thx  fotr your backport   :)03:18
Mezwell I dont know if I will backport it yet03:18
Mezit involves mking a delata from debian03:18
freeflyingMez: hope you may   03:20
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-113-76.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Mezfreeflying, you still there?03:27
freeflyingMez: y03:27
Mezwould you be able to hop onto #ubuntu-devel and explain to infinity whats broken in scim for breezy?03:28
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Mezfreeflying - it seems you have your wish04:04
freeflyingMez: thx 04:04
HobbseeRiddell: that Knetworkmanager looks really nice!  Can i test versions of it or something at some point?05:51
=== jsgotangco [n=jsg@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Lathiatooh theres a knetworkmanager?06:31
Lathiati was pondering making one ;p06:31
Lathiati'll try thatout tonight06:31
HobbseeLathiat: in riddell's blog there is one, semi done or something06:31
=== Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Huahua [n=hua@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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freeflyinganyone can tell how to pronounce "kubuntu"07:53
Lathiatit is prounounced: kubuntu07:56
freeflyingLathiat: you'd pronounce it   :)07:57
=== freeflying [n=freeflyi@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== nlindblad [n=nlindbla@user179.217-10-120.netatonce.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
mornfallfreeflying: i'd say kubuntu with some slavic pronunciation :)08:36
freeflyingmornfall: I'd like know it  :)08:37
mornfallyou can pronounce it like "debian" ;-)08:38
freeflyingmornfall: hehe08:39
=== mornfall bounces
=== sealne thinks its kuh-bun-too but originally thought it was koo-boon-too
=== freeflying smmes shall add this to coming kubuntu-meeting
sealnemaybe we need something like linus pronouncing linux :)08:59
freeflyingsealne: ask Riddell for that  :)08:59
sealneisn't it sladen that has linus on his website09:00
sealneor were you meaning to get Riddell to say it on the website? :)09:01
sealnehe'd need to make his own name rhyme with kubuntu tho :)09:01
sealnethe problem with pronouncing linux was charlie brown09:03
Tm_TJonathan Rubuntu =)09:03
freeflyingsealne: Maybe Riddell speak it , and put on kubuntu's website 09:03
Tm_Tsealne: rhyme enough?09:03
sealneyeah i couldn't work out how to spell rhyme09:03
freeflyingTm_T: popup can not use still09:16
=== allee [n=ach@dialin-212-144-132-106.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== allee [n=ach@dialin-212-144-132-106.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Tm_Tfreeflying: ok, I'll test it as soon as possible, thanks09:31
freeflyingguys , have a look :http://ubuntu-zh.3322.org/screenshot/dapper.png09:33
freeflyingHow about the effect 09:38
alleefreeflying: it's unreadable ;)09:46
alleefreeflying: what effect?09:46
=== sebas [n=sebas@belphegor.deadlysins.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
freeflyingallee: chinese fonts display09:50
alleefreeflying: ah.  Didn't work before?  Then great09:51
freeflyingallee: we are tweaking for better displaying , hope it can be better than other distro 09:51
alleefreeflying: hope you reach your goal.  Btw. the debian/ubuntu 27xxx and redhat/fedora 30xxx. What are they about?09:53
freeflyingallee: it's a chinese linux forum 09:53
alleefreeflying: something OT.  I've a directory with filenames with all sorts of glyphs. I use ls example/UTF-8/ as demo.09:55
alleefreeflying: question: What does  mean?  (was cut and paste from some spam?)  I hope it's nothing bad09:56
freeflyingallee: these means : a letter from your friends09:56
alleefreeflying: puh, good.  that's okay. thx a lot.  09:57
freeflyingallee: it's must be spam in my opinion09:57
alleeyeap. I never asked for letter in chinese.09:58
freeflyingallee: maybe I'll send you mail in chinese  :)09:59
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=== JRe [n=JRe@pai34-2-82-226-199-36.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== freeflying_ [n=freeflyi@] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-113-76.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-113-76.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-113-76.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellhi Hobbsee 12:47
Hobbseehey Riddell :)12:47
Hobbseei uploaded ktorrent  to revu :)12:47
Riddelloh, cool12:47
sealneweird in breezy 3.5.1 i just tried copying the MP3 directory of an audio cd and it gave me 0 sized files12:48
Riddellsealne: no mp3 encoder?12:48
sealneRiddell: hmm12:49
Riddellalthough it shouldn't show the MP3 directory in that case12:49
mornfallbusted mp3 encoder comes to mind12:49
Riddellfreeflying: what's changed in ttf-arphic-uming?12:49
HobbseeRiddell: that knetworkmanager that you had in your screenshot on your blog - do you have testing packages for that at all?12:50
RiddellHobbsee: no, I didn't make packages since it requires CVS network manager and that won't get into dapper12:50
mornfallwhat do you people think about "Request Removal" and "Request Install" for the actions in adept? (intsead of install package/remove package)12:51
sealneRiddell: yep installing lame helped, but that wasn't an obvious error for a user (or me being dumb)12:52
Riddellmornfall: having Install/Remove isn't obvious that you then have to click on the Commit button12:53
RiddellRequest seems a bit strange though12:53
RiddellI'd say Mark for Removal, Mark for Install12:53
sealnei'd agree about the commit thing i've had t remind users of that a few times12:53
Riddellbut that's quite long text12:53
sealnei'd say the same thing applied to the dist-upgrade button12:54
mornfallcommit could go to Perform Changes12:54
mornfallbut, well12:54
mornfallneither is good12:55
mornfallapply changes12:55
mornfallthat could do12:55
Riddellyeah, apply could work12:55
sealneyeah once you understand the concept its fine its getting it accross to the user the first time12:55
Riddellthat's quite a common GUI feature12:55
mornfalli don't like the mark terminology though12:55
mornfallthe thing is that i want to distinguish between auto-installed and request-installed12:56
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
RiddellRequest is ok, it just suggests to me that the user isn't in control here, "please computer, do as I say" :)12:57
mornfallwell, there is no future imperative in english, is there?12:58
Riddelldon't know what that means, so probably not :)12:59
sealne"add to list of things to do when i click commit" ? :)12:59
mornfallsealne: beware, i will implement it like that and i'll blame you ;-)12:59
Lathiathas anyone considered installing and running like gnome-settings-daemon so GTK apps get a decent theme?01:00
Lathiatis there a reason not to?01:00
Lathiati note g-s-d sets the X dpi that messes up font sizes in onsole, i guess thats one thing01:01
RiddellLathiat: interesting.  what does it set it to?01:02
Riddelland how does it set it if X is already started01:02
Lathiati think gnome blankets to 9601:03
Lathiati think X goes to 75 or something?01:03
Lathiati dunno what Xresource to check01:03
ubijtsa2xdpyinfo may tell you01:03
Lathiatits the Xft.dpi setting i think01:04
Lathiathow do i ask the xserver for a resource?01:04
Riddell(in xdpyinfo)01:04
Lathiatthe xdpyinfo dpi si different ot the one the font system uses01:04
Lathiatsee X says 75x75 for me01:04
Lathiatgnome defautls to 9601:04
Lathiati think it sets that when g-s-d starts01:04
ubijtsa2xdpyinfo | grep resolution:01:04
ubijtsa2I get "resolution:    101x108 dots per inch" for screen #001:05
Lathiatits probably hardware specific01:05
Lathiatand driver specific01:05
Lathiate.g. the nvidia driver fills out the correct dpi01:05
ubijtsa2iirc there is a way of telling X the x&y dpi for each display01:06
Lathiatubijtsa2: ther eis but its not always accurate01:06
Lathiatdodgy laptops have a habbit of beign wrong01:06
ubijtsa2err 40401:06
Lathiatwrong dir01:06
Lathiattry now01:06
Lathiatkonsole on the left was before starting g-s-d01:07
Lathiaton the right was after01:07
ubijtsa2uuuh, that's not right.. 01:08
ubijtsa2I see what you mean..01:08
ubijtsa2g-s-d (whatever it is) is messing with the dpi, and I bet it's in gconf somewhere01:09
=== ubijtsa2 looks in scrollback
Riddellgnome-settings-daemon also takes about 10 minutes to run01:11
ubijtsa2hmm, I don't have it running01:11
RiddellCarla Hufstedler (carlamichele) wants to join this team.  do we know this person?01:11
=== ubijtsa2 wonders if anyone in here 'knows' him..
Riddellubijtsa2: nope, who are you?01:13
ubijtsa2Riddell: Anders Karlsson, occasional poster on the mailing lists, general source of bad ideas and a QA engineer by trade01:13
ubijtsa2that about sums it/me up01:14
Hobbseehavent heard of a carlamichele01:17
ubijtsa2nothing on the ML in that name what I can see01:18
ubijtsa2(in the last six months or so)01:18
sebasIs gstreamer 0.10 going into dapper?01:19
=== jeroenvrp [n=jeroenvr@k-uptown.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellubijtsa2: groovy, pleased to meet you01:19
Riddellsebas: yes but not in kubuntu01:19
Riddellsince nothing uses it01:19
sebasAh, thx.01:20
ubijtsa2Riddell: dito :)01:20
jeroenvrpRiddell: do you saw my new kmail-bug-entry?01:23
Riddelljeroenvrp: yes, not investigated yet01:23
=== mornfall bounces
jeroenvrpok thanks01:24
Riddelljeroenvrp: if it's related to your Mail directory you probably need to attach that directory01:24
Riddell(which could have interesting privacy implications)01:24
jeroenvrpRiddell: mmm I don't going to attach a 1,5 GB mail-directory :-)01:24
jeroenvrpanyhow, kmail was 1 or 2 times updated in dapper and there where no problems01:25
jeroenvrpwhat i can do, is create a new Mail-folder and move every submailfolder one by one to the new Mail-folder01:26
jeroenvrpbut it still is very strange01:26
Riddelljeroenvrp: that might well be the only way to debug it01:26
jeroenvrpRiddell: ok I will do that this afternoon01:26
jeroenvrplets start with the inbox01:28
Riddellwow, gnome-settings-daemon messes up my font sizes amazingly01:29
Tm_TRiddell: maybe it thinks your settings confuse you ;)01:30
=== mornfall notes that libapt-pkg is messed up
Tm_Tfreeflying: ping01:34
MezRiddell: ping01:34
Tm_Thmm, let's have pingpong kubuntu-championship tournament01:35
MezTm_T, do you use amarok ?01:36
RiddellMez: yo01:36
MezRiddell: any chance you can do a lil testing for me?01:36
Tm_TMez: oh yes!01:36
Mezit involves having some tracks in amarok and using SQLite in amarok01:36
Mezand thats about it01:36
MezI need someone to test if this subselect works in SQLite01:36
RiddellI already do that01:36
MezRiddell: can you run this command01:37
Mezdcop amarok collection query "SELECT thing.artist, thing.album, thing.title, thing.url, thing.path from (SELECT artist.name AS artist, album.name AS album, tags.title, tags.url, images.path FROM album, artist, tags, images WHERE album.id = tags.album AND artist.name = images.artist AND album.name = images.album) AS thing"01:38
Mez(all one line)01:38
Mezand see if it returns anything01:38
Mezprefereable if you have less tracks though01:39
Mezfeel free to change it to 01:39
Riddelldoesn't seem to return anything01:40
Mezdcop amarok collection query "SELECT thing.artist, thing.album, thing.title, thing.url, thing.path from (SELECT artist.name AS artist, album.name AS album, tags.title, tags.url, images.path FROM album, artist, tags, images WHERE album.id = tags.album AND artist.name = images.artist AND album.name = images.album) AS thing WHERE thing.artist='Name of Artist Here'"01:40
MezSQLlite doesnt allow subselects01:40
freeflyingTm_T: pong01:53
Tm_Tfreeflying: what problem it was with kopete?01:53
=== allee [n=ach@dialin-145-254-254-143.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
freeflyingTm_T: popup can not use 01:54
Tm_Thmm, what popup01:55
Tm_Tyou mean some notification?01:55
freeflyingTm_T: y01:55
Tm_Tok, I'll test01:55
Tm_Tfreeflying: atleast here notification popups seems to work just fine02:01
freeflyingTm_T: if I met that problem again , I'll give u a screenshot 02:01
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-113-76.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu-devel
=== KaiL [n=KaiL@p548F4F0C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
HobbseeRiddell: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1720 is the direct link to ktorrent whenever you want to do something with it :)02:23
RiddellHobbsee: I'm happily torrenting away now02:25
Hobbseeok :)02:25
Riddellif it doesn't crash in a couple of hours I'll ask for a UVF exception and upload02:25
Hobbseeseems that it's working better than my wireless card then02:25
freeflyingRiddell: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=1721 02:26
Riddellfreeflying: what's changed?02:26
freeflyingRiddell: re-list fonts in conf for display chinese better02:27
Riddellfreeflying: what does arphic mean by the way?02:29
robotgeekwow, kmplayer is nice02:30
freeflyingRiddell: arphic is the name of a Company produce fonts02:32
Hobbseenight all02:32
robotgeeklater Hobbsee 02:32
freeflyingHobbsee: night02:32
Riddellfreeflying: where does the 10_new-ttf-arphic-uming-conf.dpatch patch come from?02:34
freeflyingRiddell: we locoteam reconfigure the configure file , and make that patch , also we've comunicated this with the author and debian maitainer 02:35
freeflyingRiddell: http://ubuntu-zh.3322.org/screenshot/ these srcreenshot were taken after use this configure file , you may have a look02:38
Riddellfreeflying: where do the updates to the translations come from?02:39
Riddellah, they look like just adding wordwrap02:41
Riddellfreeflying: well I can upload but I have not much idea of what that patch does so you'll need to tell me if it breaks anything :)02:41
freeflyingRiddell: the configure file was come from we chinese users , and have been tested in daily use02:41
freeflyingRiddell: nothing at all02:42
Riddellgreat, uploading 02:43
freeflyingRiddell: to solve the chinese display better , we shall submit patch to fontconfig , but now it's hard to do , and that will be time-consuming 02:43
freeflyingRiddell: so this way will be athe best choice now 02:43
freeflyingRiddell: thx 02:44
freeflyingRiddell: u've said that I'd give u a report after the coming canonical meeting , what will be the report about then ?02:45
Riddelldid I?02:47
freeflyingRiddell: y02:48
=== hunger [n=tobias@p54A61809.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Riddellnot sure what that was meaning02:48
freeflyingRiddell:   :) 02:49
Riddellfreeflying: what's happening with ttf-arphic-newsung? http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=102002:50
freeflyingRiddell: this font has been included in ttf-arphic-uming now02:50
Riddellah right, I'll archive it02:51
freeflyingRiddell: ok 02:51
=== nlindblad [n=nlindbla@user179.217-10-120.netatonce.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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jjessethe meeting is next thursday right?03:09
Riddellthat's what it says in /topic03:10
freeflyingRiddell: the time is too early for me  :)03:12
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=== JRe [n=JRe@pai34-2-82-226-199-36.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
MezRiddell: how did you get the control overwrite thing to work03:33
MezI cant seem to get it to03:33
RiddellMez: just a cp rule, see debian/rules in kdelibs03:38
MezRiddell, I know that but I've tried it03:39
Mezand it doesnt seem to work03:39
Mezunless theres a problem in lsb_release03:39
Mez        [ `lsb_release -c -s` = "breezy" ]  && cp debian/control-breezy debian/control03:40
RiddellI don't think '=' is a valid test operator03:40
Mezit is03:41
Riddellnot listed in man test03:42
mornfallit is03:43
mornfalli also think it should be "`lsb_release -c -s`"03:43
Mezmornfall - 03:44
Mezmez@lethargy:/scratch/scim/scim-1.4.4$ [ `lsb_release -c -s` = "breezy" ]  && echo true03:44
Mezmez@lethargy:/scratch/scim/scim-1.4.4$ [ `lsb_release -c -s` = "dapper" ]  && echo true03:44
Riddellhmm, ok03:44
Mezit doesnt seem to be working though03:44
Mezmaybe it'snot being called?03:44
mornfallthat's ok, just that it may be say "foo bar" on some system :-)03:44
Mezbuild-stamp:  config.status control03:45
Mezis where i have the control rule called03:45
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=== mornfall settles on a caveat
jjesseRiddell: i sent you the first draft via email, please let me know corrections/changes etc... you can make them right in the doc if you want, just make sure it tracks changes04:25
Riddelljjesse: draft of what?04:26
jjessekubuntu chapter04:26
jjessefor the book04:26
jjesseyou asked for a copy of the draft04:27
Riddelloh, cool04:27
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jpatrickRiddell: I sent the email06:05
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kkathmansystemsettings very frustrating. I am assuming that this is either being eliminated in Dapper or fixed? hehe06:27
Riddellkkathman: what's the problem?06:28
kkathmanRiddell:  seems that in several panels, the resultant window for a choice does not open properly, and is truncated so that options cannot be seen06:29
kkathmanexample:  Sound and multimedia06:29
kkathmanwhen it opens, one cannot get to the bottom portion of the options06:30
kkathmanhowever, if you choose the option from kcontrol, this panel is fine06:30
Riddellit's too big for the screen, it's on my TODO to fix06:30
jpatrickAlt-Drag the window06:30
Riddelljjesse: .doc??06:31
kkathmanI typically use kcontrol anyway. I think that other windows are like this also 06:31
kkathmanwhy not go back to kcontrol?06:31
kkathmanthat seems cross-distribution compatible06:31
jpatrickhm typo06:31
kkathmanhmm k06:31
kkathmanguess Im just the creature of habit06:32
kkathmanlove kcontrol :)06:32
kkathmanI know where everything is :) haha06:32
kkathmanwell back to the Kubuntu guide for me :)06:33
=== jpatrick looks over the meeting agenda
kkathmanalso, there is a small issue that I've noticed.  Obscure to be sure.  I have a separate panel on the bottom left of my screen, that houses the desktops applet, and the systray. When I set this to "hide" it is nearly impossible to get it to come back up. One must make several passes at it to trigger it to appear.06:36
kkathmaninterestingly enough. when its "hidden", and comes up, it sits right on the bottom of the screen. However, change the panel to non-hidden, it does NOT sit and the very bottom, but about  30 pixels higher06:37
kkathmanI think thats a bug06:37
Riddella bug in kicker?  surely not!06:37
jpatricknot with aseigo there06:38
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jpatrickbonsoir pef06:39
kkathmanRiddell:  not kicker per se (i.e. main panel) but when you add multiple panels and position them at the bottom, they dont go where they should06:41
kkathmanI dont have this problem, for instance, on my SUSE install.  So Im thinking there must be something specific to Kubuntu?06:42
pefsalut jpatrick :)06:42
kkathmanI have not tried Dapper tho06:42
kkathmanmaybe its fixed there?06:42
pefRiddell: are you around ?06:42
Riddellpef: hi06:44
pefRiddell: how are you Jonathan N06:44
Riddellkkathman: there's nothing changed in kubuntu that should alter how kicker behaves06:44
pefs/N/?/ N is near ? on french keyboard :)06:45
kkathmanhmm... ok Riddell Im at a loss to explain why its different in SUSE 10 then. 06:45
Riddellkkathman: different KDE versions?  kicker has had a lot of fixes in 3.506:46
Riddellpef: :)  I'm just groovy thanks06:46
kkathmanRiddell:  I am running 3.5.1 on both distributions, however.06:46
pefRiddell: is it difficult tu submit patch to kde ? have I just to attach them on the bug report ?06:46
kkathmanRiddell:  it may be that there is some obscure setting Im overlooking in one or the other.06:47
mornfallkkathman: it may be suse patching kde more than kubuntu patching kde :-)06:48
jpatrickpef: yes - there's more info at developer.kde.org06:48
kkathmanyes thats always true I imagine06:48
kkathmanthough, the repository I used to upgrade to 3.5 and 3.5.1 was a kde repository. But I supposed there could be some clever tricks.06:49
RiddellKDE repository?06:51
Riddellpef: if there's a bug report then attaching it there is probably the best way06:52
Riddellpef: what's the bug entry?06:52
pefRiddell: still no entry on bugs.kde.org, only on LP for the moment, I'm compiling from kde svn to see if it worth writing a patch06:53
Riddellwhat's the LP entry?06:53
pefvery small bug, but I try to learn KDE internals :)06:57
Riddellcertainly no kubuntu changes to khexedit07:00
Riddellso grab 3.5 branch, fix it, send patch to khexedit maintainer (if there is one)07:01
Riddellalso do a patch for trunk too, but don't try compiling trunk07:01
pefRiddell: because migration to qt4 ?07:06
Riddellpef: yep07:10
pefRiddell: ok, thanks :)07:10
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Riddellhelp needed, could someone please test this repository07:43
Riddelldeb http://mirror.cc.columbia.edu/pub/software/kde/stable/3.5.1/kubuntu breezy main07:43
Riddelljust do apt-get update and tell me if apt complains at all07:43
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=== jpatrick tests
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jpatrickRiddell: nothing to report: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/54870307:55
Riddellthis is most strange, I've had more than one person say they get a gpg error on that, but I can't and you don't07:56
jpatrickmaybe they need your key07:57
Riddellnope, different error07:57
Riddellbad signature, not no key07:57
jpatricknever heard of that error07:59
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jpatrickTonio_: nice to see you08:19
Tonio_heya jpatrick 08:20
jpatrickca va?08:22
Tonio_ma foi waip :)08:23
Tonio_en pleine migration de messagerie, donc c un peu tendu :)08:23
=== jpatrick checks his French learning book again
Tonio_jpatrick: hehe, I was saying I'm in the middle of a full mail migration, including MX on the net etc..... so it's a bit hot ;)08:47
Tonio_it has to work on monday morning, or I'll get killed :)08:48
jjessegood luck Tonio_08:49
jjessewhat are you migrating from to?08:49
Tonio_my company had externalised services, based on imap etc.... but the quality was horrible08:50
Tonio_so we're migrating to local delivery, on ms exchange, with a linux + amavis + spamassassin frontend08:51
jjessesounds like lots of fun :)08:51
Tonio_so it implies a complete ldap reorganisation, policies modifications08:51
Tonio_delegations on the boxes etc......08:51
Tonio_but the architecture is working, I just need to wait for the new MX to replicate, and make a prayer08:52
Tonio_the problem is that exchange is quite well integrated to active directory, but it is an horrible mess inside...........08:53
Tonio_you can't at a moment say "everything will work"... you simply have to wait and see, I hate that ;)08:53
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hungerWhat on earth did you do to the fonts in the newest updates of kde?09:51
hungerThey suddenly look terrible!09:52
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luka74hunger_: seems to be generic Ubuntu problem (not KDE specific)10:35
luka74see http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=72184410:35
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Riddellhmm, wonder if that's freeflying's font at fault11:01
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