=== dutch [n=dutch@cpe-065-190-182-028.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === Kanniball [n=Kannibal@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [12:02] snake [12:02] dcwckd: yess [12:02] wha tdo you use to play dvds [12:02] I dont have a DVD player :) [12:03] :P [12:03] should I try mplayer? [12:03] mplayer is good [12:03] yeah [12:03] it shows the menues :) [12:04] apt-get install mplayer? === benkong2 [n=benkong2@cpe-066-057-072-151.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:04] dcwckd: yep [12:05] Package mplayer is a virtual package provided by: === gerardocb is away: Away at the moment === gerardocb is now known as gerardcb_away [12:05] wtf [12:05] lol [12:06] mplayer-586 [12:06] ahh haa [12:07] why won't my windows and fat32 drive show in konqueror? here is my fstab http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/547504 === Snake__ is now known as Snake|awat === Snake|awat is now known as Snake|away [12:08] benkong2: bad karma for not saying hello ^^ [12:08] closeasperil: does mplayer have a gui [12:08] benkong2: is it mounted? [12:08] dcwckd: kmplayer gmplayer [12:09] tsdgeos: yes but I wanted it to show in konqueror or on my desktop with an icon. Is that possible? [12:09] where do I get [12:09] kmplayer [12:10] its not in my apt sources [12:10] what is a gui anyway? [12:10] comon [12:10] benkong2: just go to the mount point using konqueror? [12:10] closeasperil: gui -> Graphic User Interface [12:11] oh [12:11] if you installed the packeage mplayer-whatever you should have a gui [12:12] i dint install any more packages and its therer ^^ === Unoqllega [n=jorge@130.Red-80-34-132.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:12] i installed mpalyer-586 [12:12] no gui [12:13] wait [12:14] gmplayer seems to work [12:14] dcwckd: mplayer is better without gui ;) [12:14] how do I runa dvd [12:14] without a gui [12:14] mplayer --help [12:14] ypu can do that for any program ^^ === dutch [n=dutch@cpe-065-190-182-028.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:15] i know [12:15] mplayer dies right before the menu === noirequus is now known as nalioth [12:16] alsa-uninit: pcm closed [12:16] sounds good [12:16] this is soo werid === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-113-76.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [12:17] how do you skip to another track, in mplayer? [12:17] dcwckd: so you want to watch DVDs? try vlc [12:18] apt-get install kvlc? [12:19] i had trouble with vlc and dvd all over the place [12:19] mplayer was plug and play to me [12:19] maybe remover 586 and try with 386 [12:19] how di you launch vlc [12:20] vlc works fine for me, as long as libdvdcss is installed and dma taken care of [12:20] and mplayer doesn't support dvd menus, does it? [12:20] as far as i remember it does [12:20] dont watch too many dvds [12:21] dcwckd: type vlc ? === _sam [n=sam@AAnnecy-152-1-158-217.w86-209.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [12:21] closeasperil: so you can click the dvd menu options with mouse in mplayer? === brodel [n=brodel@pool-70-16-240-179.rich.east.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:21] [00000264] main input error: no suitable access module for `dvd://' [12:21] mplayer reasdit fine [12:21] reads [12:21] arrinmurr: you know...as far as i remember [12:22] arrinmurr: id try but i have no dvd at hand === Borut [n=borut@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [12:24] mplayer loads my DVDs intro [12:24] then dies at the menu [12:26] fuck [12:26] dcwckd: what if you try dvd:///dev/dvd in vlc? [12:26] lol [12:26] Language. [12:26] holy shit [12:27] vlc may be working [12:27] Language. [12:27] ok [12:27] vlc works [12:27] awesome [12:27] thanks [12:27] !enter [12:27] please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. Write in complete sentences and keep your replies and questions on one line if possible. Thanks! [12:28] dcwckd: it should work with kaffeine too. works here anyway [12:29] aslong as it works === gifu [n=gifu@baana-81-175-194-110.dsl.phnet.fi] has joined #kubuntu === NRG88 [n=nrg88@] has joined #kubuntu === cookieorc [n=cookieor@137-58.69-92-cpe.cableone.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:31] hi, what does this do?: net.ipv4.conf.eth0.accept_source_route=0 === celeron [n=celeron@50-116-88.adsl.cust.tie.cl] has joined #kubuntu === gifu [n=gifu@baana-81-175-194-110.dsl.phnet.fi] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [12:33] looks like it sets up an acceptance for somthign throught your ethernet port [12:33] hello guys, somebody know wheres can i find the package list of the kubuntu's cd installation? [12:33] you try the menu.lst? [12:34] arrinmurr: you were right. it was like that mplayer wont support menus, the sound with kaffeine was a mess and vlc works good ^^ [12:35] cookieorc: [12:35] closeasperil: yeah. sound work fine for me in kaffeine though [12:35] then i should not include this? === gerardcb_away is back. === gerardcb_away is now known as gerardocb === gerardocb is away: Away at the moment === gerardocb is now known as gerardcb_away [12:36] arrinmurr: that somehow was a real mess here. anyway vlc plays nearly everything quite good and now i use mplayer for internet stuff only === dev_null [n=brad@cpe-069-134-053-184.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === Snake|away is now known as Snake__ === kalenedrael [i=592-iden@c-24-34-93-227.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:40] anyone, should i include this in the sysctl.conf? [12:40] net.ipv4.conf.eth0.accept_source_route=0 === hybrid [n=hybrid@dpc6745217221.direcpc.com] has joined #kubuntu [12:45] hmmmmm, anyone here know how to make wine act as Windows XP instead of Windows 98? === _thc [n=thc@p5498B522.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [12:45] ryanakca: through winecfg [12:45] set it to win2000 [12:46] (i think) === satempler [n=satemple@ip70-185-173-233.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === luca_C2ODe [n=luca@85-18-14-42.fastres.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:46] ty [12:47] I'm attempting to install Windows Live Messenger and it says it needs Windows XP to install.... === hybrid [n=hybrid@dpc6745217221.direcpc.com] has left #kubuntu ["] "] [12:48] ryanakca: and you're ofcourse using the latest wine from winehq? [12:48] yesss.... [12:48] good === ClayG [n=clay@c-66-177-234-195.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:51] I installed wine 0.9.7 through apt-get install wine [12:51] yeah === dcwckd [n=dcwckd@rn-v1s7a01.uwaterloo.ca] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] === cookieorc [n=cookieor@137-58.69-92-cpe.cableone.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === oelewapperke [i=d3fb322f@eth1.org] has joined #kubuntu [12:55] how do you get mp3 encoding going in breezy ? [12:55] ubotu tell oelewapperke about mp3 [12:55] oelewapperke check your pm from ubotu :) === kkathman is now known as kkathman-away [12:55] mmmm..... "Messenger Beta setup was not able to run due to a system error." [12:56] geee.... wonderfull :) [12:56] sampan: I see === jrattner1 [n=jrattner@uhartford216125.hartford.edu] has joined #kubuntu [12:56] doesn't work for kde it seems [12:57] ah that's only for playback [12:57] for encoding, try installing lame [12:57] where do I find a package for that ? [12:57] apt [12:57] adept/synaptic/aptitude [12:58] ryanakca: do you need it for something kopete/gaim/amsn etc. can't do? [12:59] no liblame or lame in there [12:59] !info lame [12:59] lame: (LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder), section multiverse/sound, is optional. Version: 3.96.1-1 (breezy), Packaged size: 222 kB, Installed size: 620 kB [01:00] oelewapperke: you need multiverse enabled [01:00] oelewapperke you probably need to add repos to your /etc/apt/sources.list then (you can do that in adept, or by using the text editor of your choice, with root privs, on /etc/apt/sources.list) [01:00] url for multiverse ? [01:00] !repos [01:00] To enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource === _victor [n=victor@237.Red-81-33-47.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === _victor is now known as annatar [01:03] ah okay [01:03] what is multiverse ? === NRG88 is playing Out Of Touch by Uniting Nations [amaroK] [01:03] oelewapperke it's a repository of packages. ubuntu divides packages into several different categories [01:03] !components [01:03] The rationale behind the different components of the ubuntu repositories (main, restricted, universe, multiverse) is described at http://www.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/components [01:04] that link explains the reasoning if you're interested in the 'whys' of it all :) [01:11] arrinmurr: Kopete/Gaim/aMSN/etc don't cut it media wise as in sound conversations, etc [01:11] ALSA lib seq_hw.c:455:(snd_seq_hw_open) open /dev/snd/seq failed: No such file or directory [01:12] thats what I get when I run "winecfg"......... any ideas on the problem? [01:12] ryanakca: i get the same error message. sound works fine anyway [01:12] kk, thanks === kaeru [n=kaeru@cpe-72-224-74-77.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === smegg [n=smeg@220-253-134-4.TAS.netspace.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [01:14] n8 === jamessr [n=jamessr@] has joined #kubuntu === smegg is now known as Smeggy === dcwckd [n=dcwckd@rn-v1s7a01.uwaterloo.ca] has joined #kubuntu [01:15] snake [01:15] will you tell me about mp3s again [01:15] lol [01:15] !mp3 [01:15] it has been said that mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats [01:15] :P === kaeru [n=kaeru@cpe-72-224-74-77.nycap.res.rr.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [01:17] !iheartsnake [01:17] NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, dcwckd [01:17] lol === MaterMaravillae [n=pablo@85-54-135-33.mad5.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #kubuntu === dcwckd [n=dcwckd@rn-v1s7a01.uwaterloo.ca] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] === Nikelondeon [i=Nicolas@200-127-252-242.cab.prima.net.ar] has joined #kubuntu [01:23] hello! [01:24] some help please? === LjL [n=ljl@62-101-126-215.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #kubuntu [01:27] !ask [01:27] !+ask [01:27] it has been said that ask is just ask. Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise and on-topic. Information like hardware make, model, outputs of commands that you used pasted onto http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl is important. Better questions more frequently yield better answers. Keeping the question in one line makes it easier to read. See also http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html === claydoh [n=clay@] has joined #kubuntu [01:27] sorry [01:28] just install kubuntu, and looking on SYSTEM SETTINGS my Wireless card and wired ethernet seems installed [01:28] but always are unavailable [01:29] i've log in as ROOT and try to change the status (for AVAILABLE of course) [01:29] but for only 1 sec, then it turns unavailable it self [01:29] yes, use the administrator box at the bottom to get sudo access to it [01:30] i simple log in as root [01:30] works that way? [01:30] hmmmm Anyone else here been having trouble installing IE6SP1 in WINE === Yata_Tyranno [n=Killer12@cpe-66-75-10-202.san.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [01:31] ryanakca: why would you want IE. [01:31] crossover would be better for that, ryanakca === Snake__ finds it amazing people screeeeeaammm that they cant remove IE from windows, but fight to install it in linux :D [01:32] I dont want IE... its just that certain Windows programs that I'm trying to install on WINE depend on it :-/ [01:32] oo [01:32] ah, that bug again? [01:32] hehe @ Snake__ === grimse [n=grimse@p5481CCE0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:33] crossover.... beyond my budget [01:33] Snake__: LOL [01:34] :D [01:35] seee.... if I had a windows XP cd, I'd ditch wine and follow this HOWTO: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=39513 [01:36] ryanakca: The sidenet utility ( http://sidenet.ddo.jp/winetips/config.html ) worked well for me. [01:37] Hobbsee [01:37] so it's a bug my network problems? [01:37] what i have to do? [01:38] use kdesu kcontrol instead [01:39] same thing [01:40] i put it enabled [01:40] turns it self disabled === _mathieu [n=mathieu@toronto-HSE-ppp4027341.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [01:41] hmmm [01:41] oh, that... [01:41] i dont know why that happens - seems that you have to do it via CLI when that happens [01:41] please explain me [01:42] what is CLI? [01:42] Is there a reason why Adept crashes every time I try and fetch updates? [01:42] Nikelondeon: CLI = Command Line Input [01:42] Nikelondeon: think terminal/console/konsole (all the same [01:43] ok [01:43] i tryed that.. but don't know what to do === _pat [n=pat@adsl-67-122-182-50.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:43] <_pat> where is the master.passwd file in kubuntu? === nom [n=cccc@52-74-28.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #kubuntu [01:48] bimberi: Thanks... it seems to be working :) [01:48] ryanakca: great! :) [01:48] ubotu tell _pat about root [01:48] _pat: /etc/passwd methinks [01:49] ubotu: tell snake__ about root [01:49] anyone knows were to find info about NETWORK DISABLED Bug? [01:50] Nikelondeon: look around bugzilla [01:50] one moment ill link u === seth is now known as seth|away [01:51] Nikelondeon: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo [01:51] oops [01:51] crap [01:51] not that [01:51] http://bugs.kde.org/http://bugs.kde.org/ [01:51] GRRRRRRRRRRRR http://bugs.kde.org/ [01:51] That [01:52] thanks! [01:53] Yep === Smeggy sighs and waits for 300mb of packages to be downloaded [01:54] it seems to be easy to fix by konsole [01:54] Smeggy: where did you get that?? === jmarrero [n=jmarrero@] has joined #kubuntu [01:54] Get what Snake__? [01:55] Smeggy: 300mbs worth of pacakges.. [01:55] From the kubuntu repos? :P [01:55] Smeggy: thats a lot of programs in linux land >< [01:56] indeed [01:56] mmmm.... wine applications sure seem to be.... buggy :/ [01:56] in other words... slower than molasses in march [01:56] molasses in march is pretty slow [01:56] ryanakca: yessir [01:56] text overlaps.... [01:57] just the background in MSNM7 is choppy like a checker board... better than nothing though :) === seth|away is now known as seth === manveru [n=manveru@aa2005021496003.userreverse.dion.ne.jp] has joined #kubuntu === beefsprocket [n=beefspro@HSE-Kitchener-ppp321114.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [02:00] hmmm... you know what... MSNM7 in wine sucks... but hey... what do you expect... anybody know of a MSN client that has audio conversation support? [02:08] ryanakca: did you try amsn? [02:09] i giveup [02:09] can't find this bug [02:09] Nikelondeon: then file it [02:10] but everybody tells me that it's a knowign bug === kitsch| [n=sam@84-217-31-208.tn.glocalnet.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:10] Nikelondeon: Then your not looking hard enough ;) [02:11] you bet [02:11] it's late [02:11] that's why [02:11] lol [02:11] and 'cause i'm latinamerican [02:11] and all is on english [02:12] the spanish kubuntu forum have nothing [02:12] very new [02:13] ah === orangey [n=orangey@] has joined #kubuntu === jeroenvrp [n=jeroenvr@k-uptown.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu === jsgotangco [n=jsg@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #kubuntu [02:23] question (using dapper): how can I see how many times adept-notifier checks for new packages? allthough if adept-notifier checks it andif not, how to check it? [02:24] how many times = how hoften [02:24] how often === mode/#kubuntu [+o Mez] by ChanServ === mode/#kubuntu [+o seth] by ChanServ [02:30] oooerrr === Mez is now known as Mez|ZzZ === mode/#kubuntu [-oo Mez|ZzZ seth] by Mez|ZzZ [02:32] :) gcc-3.3 found my two destructors and complained, gcc-4.01 did not - is it allowed to impement a function twice? [02:32] and by impement i ment implement === _slash [n=slash@] has joined #kubuntu [02:38] <_slash> hi guys [02:38] <_slash> I have a question [02:39] <_slash> how do I check all the pakcage has been install on my kubuntu? === erhan_R [n=signorel@tor/session/x-580a643a2ce942f0] has joined #kubuntu [02:42] _slash: open adept, uncheck all except for "installed" === kkathman-away is now known as kkathman === erhan_R [n=signorel@tor/session/x-580a643a2ce942f0] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [02:44] <_slash> ic.. thank you :) [02:44] _slash: yep [02:46] _slash: make sure you have all the actions checked, or it wont show anything :) === troy [n=troy@wnpgmb01dc2-31-205.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #kubuntu === troy [n=troy@wnpgmb01dc2-31-205.dynamic.mts.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === troy [n=troy@wnpgmb01dc2-31-205.dynamic.mts.net] has joined #kubuntu === troy [n=troy@wnpgmb01dc2-31-205.dynamic.mts.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === seth is now known as seth|away [02:49] what is the key sequence to kill a frozen app [02:51] ctl+alt+esc I think [02:51] and esc to cancel [02:53] or alt+f2, type xkill, enter [02:55] dang I tried zapping the frozen program now that bar at the bottom is gone === jeroenvrp [n=jeroenvr@k-uptown.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu === LinuxJones [n=willy@hlfxns01bbh-142177196007.ns.aliant.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:56] Thanks for the help though it did work finally [02:56] I messed up should have switched to the program then hit it [02:57] alt+f2, kicker, enter [02:57] alright that is kewl thanks [02:58] Ok I now have the ISO for breezy so what is the best way to upgrade from hoary ? === NRG88 [n=nrg88@] has joined #kubuntu === dutch [n=dutch@cpe-065-190-182-028.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === dcwckd [n=dcwckd@rn-v1s7a01.uwaterloo.ca] has joined #kubuntu [02:59] snakey [02:59] still there? [02:59] dcwckd: yo [03:00] lol [03:00] lol [03:00] tell me about mp3s, j/k [03:00] lol [03:00] !lart dcwckd === ubotu rm -rf's dcwckd [03:00] do you know why my HDs arent showing up in media:/ [03:00] jsut removables [03:00] supernix: sudo apt-cdrom add with the cd rom in the drive [03:00] ? [03:01] dcwckd: because thats how it was made (I think its a glitch) [03:01] and change everything in /etc/apt/sources.list from hoary to breezy, then sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade === Tallia1Kubuntu [n=andrea@cust-65-110-27-27.sfu-reznet.connectwest.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:01] can it be fixed? [03:01] or has anyone done it [03:02] dcwckd: no fix as I kno [03:03] !thanks [03:03] dcwckd: graag gedaan === kitsch [n=sam@84-217-31-208.tn.glocalnet.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:03] dcwckd: use /media/ instead as a workaround [03:03] I am [03:03] I jsut wanted to know === andred is now known as andre^off [03:05] G'night all! [03:05] !night [03:05] dcwckd: parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ === dcwckd [n=dcwckd@rn-v1s7a01.uwaterloo.ca] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] [03:07] !kdevelop [03:07] No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, beefsprocket [03:08] ok seems I messed up [03:08] I was getting errors earlier so I removed everything from my source.list [03:09] I just did the apt-cdrom add like you mentioned though just now === Mez|ZzZ is now known as Mez === Smeggy crosses his fingers and reboots === mosha [n=brandon@smethport-terayon1-24-49-120-153.pittpa.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:11] hey hows it going everyone [03:11] I just tried to refresh my packages with this url http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-lastest and it gave me a error === satempler [n=satemple@ip70-185-173-233.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:13] how do I get kdevelop to work on breezy 64, kde 3.50? apt-get says kdesdk-scripts replace it but... [03:14] what does that script(s) do and where do I look? [03:14] hi, i have fixed the keyboard layout problem [03:14] how can i switch? [03:15] a little err icon appears at the tray [03:15] i added hungarian layout to [03:16] on rightclick a menu pops up [03:16] and when i try to select hungarian, nothing happens [03:17] the icon remains err === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-113-76.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === owner [n=owner@d209-121-40-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:23] it started to work... :) [03:26] can someone help me out with a configure issue im having? === `Nomad [n=ggodin@CPE000d88f1925d-CM000a73668bc0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu === nalioth is now known as nalioth_zZz [03:34] mosha: more detail? === dutch [n=dutch@cpe-065-190-182-028.nc.res.rr.com] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:37] Hobbsee: Thanks. Im sorta new to linux but i've never seen this before!.. im trying to configure a program.. and type ./configure.. it comes back saying configure error: cannot find install -sh [03:37] or install.sh [03:37] but, i can see the install -sh in the directory im in [03:37] any ideas??? === Tallia1Kubuntu [n=andrea@cust-65-110-26-109.sfu-reznet.connectwest.net] has joined #kubuntu === Smeggy dances [03:38] you're running ./configure from the right directory, i take it? [03:38] yes [03:38] what's up Smeggy? [03:38] i can see the configure file and install -sh file [03:38] that's weird [03:38] My update worked and I'm happy :D [03:38] Smeggy: yay! [03:38] mosha: you'd have build-essential, i take it? [03:38] ahh, its good to be back in linuxland [03:38] hehe [03:39] only thing apart from that that i can think of is that install.sh is spelt differently in the configure file to the way it is in the folder [03:39] Help my upgrade was going so well then poof got an error about a file trying to be overwritten from my cd to the hd [03:39] i have gcc install,, is that what you mean? [03:39] !+info build-essential [03:39] build-essential: (informational list of build-essential packages), section devel, is optional. Version: 11.1 (breezy), Packaged size: 6 kB, Installed size: 48 kB [03:39] mosha: different thing ^ [03:40] Errors were encountered while processing: [03:40] /cdrom//pool/main/o/openoffice.org2-helpcontent/openoffice.org2-help-en-us_1.9.129-0.1ubuntu5_all.deb [03:40] see [03:40] supernix: can you paste more of the error, as much as you can of it, to !pastebin? [03:40] sorry that is all it gave me [03:40] hmmm [03:40] ok let me look, i just found a ubunut starter guide.. [03:40] !ubuntuguide [03:41] ubuntuguide is probably out of date, reported to break a lot and generally a bad source for information. Use help.ubuntu.com or wiki.ubuntu.com instead [03:41] ah ok [03:41] thanks [03:41] no problems [03:41] but try sudo apt-get install build-essential then try agian === enfact [n=enfact@cpe-72-228-0-103.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === _nathan [n=nathan@d199-126-52-12.abhsia.telus.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:43] Couldn't stat source package list http://kubuntu.org breezy/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/kubuntu.org_packages_kde-lastest_dists_breezy_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory) [03:43] i just did an apt-get update.. it says i should run this to correct some problems it had with the build-essential [03:43] that is an error I have gotten several times already [03:44] well something similar that is [03:44] supernix: i just received an error similiar to that and it told me to run updates... maybe you should try sudo apt-get update [03:45] mosha: paste the entire error to pastebin? [03:45] Failed to fetch http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-lastest/dists/breezy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz 404 Not Found [03:45] Reading package lists... Done [03:45] yeah that is the error I keep getting [03:46] i just ran the updates and this is what i got.. W: GPG error: http://kubuntu.org breezy Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A506E6D4DD4D5088 [03:46] about 5 of those messages [03:46] you can ignore that [03:46] ah ok === jsgotangco [n=jsg@ubuntu/member/jsgotangco] has joined #kubuntu === adam_ [n=adam@MTL-HSE-ppp201797.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu === _adam_ [n=adam@MTL-HSE-ppp201797.qc.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu === _adam_ [n=adam@MTL-HSE-ppp201797.qc.sympatico.ca] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [03:51] any idea how to correct that 404 [03:52] Hobbsee: i installed the build essential , and redid the ./configure but same thing... [03:52] configure: error: cannot find install-sh or install.sh in . ./.. ./../.. [03:53] mosha: what are you trying to build anyways? [03:53] quick synergy.... [03:54] its a program to use 1 keyboard /mouse without a kvm switch [03:54] mosha: do you have a link to it, and i'll see if it configures on my sysetm? [03:54] sure [03:54] ah [03:54] http://quicksynergy.sourceforge.net [03:56] this is a gui for easy setup... there is the program regular synergy that i would need to install by command line [03:56] but i figured this wuld be easier.. guess not :P [03:56] do you have automake installed? [03:57] im not sure [03:57] wait, that comes with build-essential I think [03:57] I was just trying to upgrade to breezy [03:59] supernix: can't you change kde-latest to 351? [03:59] I could [03:59] that would work at least [03:59] what should I do just replace the kde-latest to 351 ? [04:00] in your sources.list === jsgotangco [n=jsg@] has joined #kubuntu [04:00] find the line with latest: deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde35 breezy main [04:00] replace it with that [04:01] mosha, Hobbsee: how are we doing? [04:01] mine configures no problem... [04:01] damn [04:02] i must be missing something . [04:02] what was the output of ./configure for you? was there a pastebin link? [04:02] i just insatlled a fresh copy of kubuntu breezy yesterday.. so i might not have everyting [04:03] mosha: that would likely be it [04:03] but i did make sure that i insalled gtk2.0 and libglide dev libraries === Nomad411 [n=ggodin@CPE000d88f1925d-CM000a73668bc0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [04:03] beefsprocket: mosha it's workign here [04:03] what do you guys think im missing? [04:04] post the output of ./configure if it has more than a few lines to pastebin and we'll find out soon enough? [04:05] configure: error: cannot find install-sh or install.sh in . ./.. ./../.. [04:05] thats all it gives me [04:05] ah [04:05] i dont need to be root when i do that? [04:05] nope [04:05] didnt think so === Knowerrors [n=Armin@0-1pool84-203.nas52.oakland1.ca.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:05] gahrrr [04:05] <3 kate [04:05] isodude: indeed ? [04:06] have been debugging a app about 4h [04:06] Hey all, Im building a custom kernel in ubuntu, and looking at one of the howtos it mentions using "-initrd", is this needed, and why? [04:06] ouch [04:06] naw, not that much but, still. [04:06] Knowerrors: unless your filesystem modules are compiled into the kernel, you won't be able to access your filesystem [04:07] initrd makes a ramdisk allowing your kernel to start loading stuff [04:07] so it is almost always recommended that you make one [04:07] takes 2 seconds [04:08] beefsprocket: I have reiser, my root fs, built as * in my config... is there any other reason to use initrd? Like faster boot or something? [04:09] umm, just make sure all your fs modules aren't modules and you should be fine, but I don't think it makes enough of a difference either way [04:09] I could be wrong though [04:09] cool, I will skip it then === gerardcb_away is back. === gerardcb_away is now known as gerardocb [04:10] Knowerrors: if you can't boot, you know where to look ;) [04:11] hehe, yup :) , I made the mistake last time I compiled of no initrd, and reiser as (m) [04:11] ah [04:11] well there you go -- learn by doing [04:12] I had forgotten about initrd, repressing painful memories [04:13] I tried replacing the kde-latest with 351 and still no such luck I get 404 anyway [04:13] i got used to not having it on gentoo for a while [04:15] supernix: can you browse the repository in a web browser? [04:15] like http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde351? [04:15] ah http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde35 [04:16] deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/ breezy main [04:16] that is what I have so far it was deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde-latest breezy main [04:16] try opening the http link in a browser === [koji] [n=koji@tor/session/x-709fd208082d6347] has joined #kubuntu === [koji] [n=koji@tor/session/x-709fd208082d6347] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [04:17] mosha: any luck? [04:18] nah, i've been checking on wiki.ubuntulinux.org and i checked google for the error, but cantfind a fix [04:18] how about trying: whereis gcc [04:18] tried it and got a few directories.. [04:18] let me do it again === les [n=les@207-255-205-115-dhcp.cbe.md.atlanticbb.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:19] nah, that's good enough -- just to have gotten something means its there [04:19] gcc: /usr/bin/gcc /usr/lib/gcc /usr/bin/X11/gcc /usr/share/man/man1/gcc.1.gz [04:19] ok [04:19] do you have libstdc++6? not sure if it is a dep, but it comes up lots for other stuff [04:19] hm not sure, [04:19] try apt-getting then [04:20] ok [04:20] libstdc++6 is installed [04:20] but not the -dev [04:20] how about g++? [04:20] ah, well you'll want to dev anyways [04:21] try and see (though I don't think that will fix it, libstdc++ that is) [04:21] Hey, any linux gamers in here?? [04:22] ok I got a big amount of text errors to paste who wants to help me sort it out ? [04:22] supernix: use pastebin [04:23] after i install updates, do i need to reboot or anything? or should it auto recognize i just installed updates [04:23] unless it's the kernel, you should be fine [04:24] ok [04:24] just installed some different version of libstdc andg++ still no go [04:24] same error? [04:24] yes [04:25] get automake and autoconf too (if they aren't already installed0 [04:25] how can i check if it is already installed by the command line? [04:25] type automake [04:25] they autoconf [04:25] ;) [04:25] heh [04:26] neither commands are found [04:26] guess that answers my ? :P [04:26] right: start there apt-get install automake autoconf [04:26] you can do both at once [04:26] ok here is the error http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/547794 [04:26] ok cool [04:27] supernix: ok, dpkg -i --force-all /cdrom//pool/main/o/openoffice.org2-helpcontent/openoffice.org2-help-en-us_1.9.129-0.1ubuntu5_all.deb [04:27] that should force the package to install [04:27] then you can resume [04:27] ok both r installed [04:28] and ./configure says what? === cristiam [n=cristiam@c90c4df8.cps.virtua.com.br] has joined #kubuntu [04:28] and ./configure is running sweet! [04:28] :P [04:28] there you go [04:28] thanks alot [04:28] automagic [04:28] np [04:29] something that you install once and forget until you upgrade 6 months later [04:29] how do i upgrade to kde 3.5.1 in breezy? === rarn [n=barryk@207-237-204-129.c3-0.nyw-ubr3.nyr-nyw.ny.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu [04:29] Smeggy: you might like 3.5.0 a little better -- its a little less quirky [04:29] IMO that is [04:30] beefsprocket, either is good, I'm just wondering how? [04:30] ah, well you need to edit /etc/apt/sources.list [04:30] what time did you join the channel? [04:30] a while back [04:30] I just got an error about no such file or directory [04:30] I posted the steps a while back at around 10:10 [04:31] I've done that, and added one of the sources listed on the site [04:31] But when I do apt-get update then apt-get dist-upgrade it doesn't update kde [04:31] When I do dist-upgrade, it lists what appear to be all the KDE packages (akregator, artk.. etc.) but it says "the following packages have been kept back" [04:31] And it doesn't want to get them. [04:32] Smeggy: but it has already got the rest I take it? [04:32] beefsprocket, What do you mean by the rest? [04:32] well, what about apt-get install akregator? [04:32] beefsprocket, ill try, one sec. [04:32] kk [04:32] supernix: is the cd mounted? [04:33] It's broken. [04:33] ah that might be why it gets held back [04:33] Can't be installed because kdelibs4c2 (>=4:3.4.3-1 but 4:3.4.3-0ubuntu2 is to be installed === fredoslack [n=fredosla@APoitiers-154-1-10-140.w86-196.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu [04:34] oh my god i just hear a person in an electroacoustic music class that doesn't know what is a text file.. === Red_Herring [n=rj@c-67-162-70-40.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:35] and my professor of that class.... called windows PCs "the dask side" :) [04:35] how do i close other chats in irssi [04:35] CapoEira time!! [04:35] so far i have 10 up [04:35] Smeggy: can you pastebin your sources.list? [04:35] beefsprocket, ok [04:35] beefsprocket, one sec... thanks for your time :) === hermes [n=hermes@201-1-67-182.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu [04:35] np === owner [n=owner@d209-121-40-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #kubuntu === hermes [n=hermes@201-1-67-182.dsl.telesp.net.br] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [04:37] beefsprocket: got it up and running.. thanks again man :P [04:37] cool [04:37] good to hear === avatarman [n=jimmy@c-67-162-66-113.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:38] smeggy I see it [04:38] checking now [04:38] ok [04:39] well, you can start with just trying to get kdelibs4c2 and see what it says [04:39] ok [04:40] or you can try just kde35 first and see if it updates [04:41] beefsprocket, trying just kdelibs4c2 gets unmet dependency error for libavahi-client, libavahi-common0 and libavahi-qt3-0 [04:42] umm, well you can try those packages in order too then? I'm not sure how else you could check to see where the problem starts... [04:42] just work backwards until somehting either installs or gives you a package that you've already seen === avatarman [n=jimmy@c-67-162-66-113.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [04:42] It seems to have unmet dependcies for most of the packages listed [04:42] have you tried apt-get -f install? === _jason [n=jasonr@dhcp0534.hrn.resnet.group.upenn.edu] has joined #kubuntu [04:43] yeah [04:43] you could also comment out all the repositories except the kde351 [04:43] then apt-get update [04:43] hmm, that's an idea [04:43] and then upgrade [04:43] <_jason> hello, I am a gnome user, but I wrote a guide on the wiki and am not sure about something in kde. Where would a user add startup programs? (equivalent to system > prefs > sessions > startup in gnome) [04:44] Damn, same thing with the list and saying they've all been kept back. [04:44] try just kde35 then [04:44] Yeah [04:44] maybe the ppc repository isn't quite ready yet? [04:45] Possibly, but the packages all seem to be there... *shrugs* [04:45] hmm, good call [04:45] thanks for you time :) imma keep tinkering [04:45] ok [04:45] _jason: a symlink in ~/.kde/Autostart [04:45] <_jason> Hobbsee: hrmm no nice gui way for new users? [04:46] not that i know of... === avatarman [n=jimmy@c-67-162-66-113.hsd1.il.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === NeoChaosX [n=nael@ppp-71-139-162-39.dsl.snfc21.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:47] <_jason> Hobbsee: okay, I'll add that in that way, thanks [04:47] hello all ~ does anybody know why when I choose certain packages I get a message that it will BREAK my install? What is the cause of this? [04:48] <_jason> avatarman: what packages and where are you choosing them? [04:48] I have the repositories that came with the OS. I enabled the ones that were greyed out...that's it. I was trying to install an Open GL war game banos or some such name. [04:49] Anyone else getting an error on apt-get update? http://kubuntu.org breezy No public key [04:49] I just want to understand the concept behind it. Is it my hardware or something that it doesn't like? [04:50] avatarman: means that adding some packages will remove others at times, which could break your system [04:50] well, it won't even let me try it [04:50] If I try to proceed it tells me it can't do it. [04:51] Did I install something conflicting then? [04:51] try installing those packages thru apt-get in the console, and pastebin the entire error you get [04:51] I haven't really added all that much. [04:51] k [04:51] that'll tell us what you're trying to get rid of by accident === dev_null [n=brad@cpe-069-134-053-184.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [04:51] thanks [04:54] it was boson and I'm not sure how to apt get it from the konsole. I tried sudo apt-get boson and it tells me invalid operation [04:54] you missed the 'install' part [04:54] install goes before boson then? [04:55] yes [04:55] =) okey doke [04:58] here it is >>> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8412 <<< === orangey [n=orangey@] has joined #kubuntu [04:59] hey ... how do i uninstall a program? [05:00] mosha: sudo aptitude remove programname [05:00] mosha: apt-get remove program [05:00] or aptitude [05:00] thanks [05:00] use adept? =) [05:00] avatarman: sudo apt-get install boson boson-base boson-data boson-music [05:00] pft, adept takes too long to load [05:00] just a sec here [05:01] well, by the time you put in the root password, then it refreshes the list, etc [05:01] well it's much easier than aptitude =) [05:02] if you want to use gui. [05:02] true [05:03] but doesn't aptitude mark packages by date installed so you can remove dependiencies if you ever want to remove a package? [05:03] but for stuff like updating and upgrading system, ./up, enter, password works quite well, and very quickly [05:03] hmmm - that gave a bit more information >>> http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8413 <<< [05:05] I see that it lists dependencies which are "not installable" but why are they not installable? Is it something I did wrong? === Sebastian [n=Sebastia@] has joined #kubuntu [05:06] Havn't used aptitude that much =) [05:06] avatarman > certainly you didn't enable the correct repos [05:06] so apt can't find the package to solve the dep [05:08] I enabled all the ones that came with the installation of 5.10.... [05:08] !easysource [05:08] For an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic [05:08] that is really good === Tallia1Kubuntu [n=andrea@cust-65-110-27-27.sfu-reznet.connectwest.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:09] so, the repositories that were installed by default and the greyed out ones which I enabled won't do it? === bimberi [n=bimberi@ESS-p-144-138-159-8.mega.tmns.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [05:11] I'm just trying to understand the whole concept...I thought I could install anything that was listed in the package manger gui [05:11] and all those packages, base, music....are listed [05:12] what are you trying to install ? [05:12] this boson war game [05:12] hmm [05:12] ad which are the packages apt says are unavailable ? [05:12] and* [05:13] it's on the link up there [05:13] oops [05:13] lemme paste it again [05:13] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8413 [05:14] looks like KDE packages [05:14] you gotta add the KDE 3.5 repo [05:15] I guess I'm gonna have to play around with adding these repositories [05:15] see here : http://kubuntu.org/announcements/kde-35.php === _jason [n=jasonr@dhcp0534.hrn.resnet.group.upenn.edu] has left #kubuntu [] [05:15] thanks [05:16] you're welcome :) [05:16] Kubuntu has done the best job with my hardware of any of the distros I've tried so far... [05:16] my video card works great and my sound [05:17] I can play tux racer even [05:17] =) === gamma [n=gamma@] has joined #kubuntu === Snake__ [n=snake@adsl-65-43-151-110.dsl.bcvloh.ameritech.net] has left #kubuntu [] === NeoChaosX is playing So Fresh,So Clean by Outkast on Stankonia [amaroK] [05:21] anyone testing kubuntu dapper? how's it holding up? [05:22] I'm temped to upgrade to it now, but I don't want to run into any major breakages [05:24] I tried downloading the iso, but somehow got the wrong version and gave up [05:25] I'm really trying to master the whole "build my system" thing at the moment. Trying to get the programs I want. [05:26] Huh. You try Gentoo, or did that not work out for you? [05:26] NeoChaosX: it's better [05:26] NeoChaosX: err dapper is more stable than it was 2 weeks ago [05:26] I've tried slackware - which is good, but I don't necessarily know what's happening sometimes [05:26] cups doesn't work and kaffeine crashes konqueror every now and then [05:27] I started to install Arch and got past the first part but then got confused about adding the other packages after the base install [05:27] oh, hm. i guess i'll keep breezy until cups is fixed then [05:27] arch isn't that great [05:27] yea when you see me screaming OMG IT WORKS then you can switch :P [05:28] I tried aLinux and it was full of insecurities [05:28] gamma: LOL. I'll keep that in mind, then [05:29] What got me started with Linux was first getting a copy of Linspire at the local computer store, I didn't like it but then I found the SLAX live CD and that got me hooked on learning Linux [05:30] Ah, I see [05:30] Gentoo or Linux From Scratch are good learning experiences, too, but I'm sure you don't want to wait for X to compile [05:31] I'd have to print the directions from work. I don't have a printer hooked up here at home [05:31] =) === dr_wu [n=peter@67-136-75-142.dsl1.mnd.mn.frontiernet.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:31] I've been using a computer since 1995. Surfing the web in those days helped me learn plenty of patience. [05:32] so, compilings not the problem, it's just I'm still learning [05:32] ah [05:33] I felt pretty good that I understood the base install of Arch and I managed to edit the one config file correctly. [05:33] Ah, that's good === dev_null [n=brad@cpe-069-134-053-184.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:39] hmm, i just hang in the install of kubuntu... it just stops after finding my scsi-disk === kokurya-kai [n=kokuryuu@router.panorama.sth.ac.at] has joined #kubuntu === damnhil [n=h@dsl-66-243-235-105.elltel.net] has joined #kubuntu === dr_wu [n=peter@67-136-75-142.dsl1.mnd.mn.frontiernet.net] has left #kubuntu ["Left"] [05:42] HOW do I remove the lock of apt-get? My Adept just crashed. The lock remains there. [05:42] delete it === kkathman [n=kvirc@h-66-167-142-192.dllatx37.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:44] damnhil: sudo killall adept [05:45] this doesn't help if adept crashed... === bbeck [n=bbeck@12-201-93-110.client.mchsi.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:46] beefsprocket, woohoo, I got kde 3.5.1 installed === admrl [n=admrl@24-180-218-205.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:53] Smeggy: sweet, what do you think? how'd you do it? === admrl [n=admrl@24-180-218-205.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [05:54] beefsprocket, it's great! I removed the majority of the kde3.4.x packages and installed it [05:55] cool, have you rebooted? sometimes you discover something breaks when you do [05:55] but most of the time you don't have to [05:55] yup :D first thing I did to make sure :p [05:55] It's all good :) [05:55] At least so far lol [05:56] wicked [05:56] make sure to file bug reports if you find any [05:57] yeah === farous [n=farous@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:05] Does anyone know how to play .mov or .wmv video streams from the websites? [06:08] mplayer [06:08] !mplayer [06:08] mplayer is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31061 [06:12] Hello all, anyone have any idea what packages contain gtk+-2.0? Dep problem [06:13] !info gtk+-2.0-dev [06:14] les: http://www.kdedevelopers.org/blog/57/feed [06:14] oops [06:14] libgtk2.0-dev [06:15] thank you, looks like I have some reading to do. [06:18] I was the dev file I needed thanks again Hobbsee [06:18] no problems :) === jsgotangco [n=jsg@] has joined #kubuntu === aeon17x [n=aeon17x@] has joined #kubuntu === j [n=j@c-24-130-207-92.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === admrl [n=admrl@24-180-218-205.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu === _gamma [n=gamma@] has joined #kubuntu === ASUSanator [n=KDE@wayax7-b021.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === dcwckd [n=dcwckd@rn-v1s7a01.uwaterloo.ca] has joined #kubuntu [06:52] !mp3 [06:52] hmm... mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats === dcwckd [n=dcwckd@rn-v1s7a01.uwaterloo.ca] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] === _felipe [n=felipe@] has joined #kubuntu === Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #kubuntu [07:00] <_felipe> im looking for help. ive seen on the repositories that the qemu 0.8.0 is available. Does anyone know how can i get adept to download the last vresion of the program??? [07:01] <_felipe> ive alreadey uncommented all sources.list adresses [07:04] <_felipe> anyone knows? === rich0rd [n=richard@router.panorama.sth.ac.at] has joined #kubuntu === Tallia1Kubuntu [n=andrea@cust-65-110-26-109.sfu-reznet.connectwest.net] has joined #kubuntu === ASUSanator [n=KDE@wayax7-b021.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === dab [n=dab@ipd112.48.tellas.gr] has joined #kubuntu === dab [n=dab@ipd112.48.tellas.gr] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === vijay [n=vijay@] has joined #kubuntu === rosemary [n=rosemary@] has joined #kubuntu === kezzerxir [n=kezzerxi@34.114.cm.sunflower.com] has joined #kubuntu === mandopando [n=mandopan@84-73-237-216.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu [07:42] hi [07:42] Whats the command to install the kernal headerS?\ [07:42] apt-cache search kernel [07:42] sudo apt-get install [07:43] apt-get install | grep headers | apt-cache search kernel ? === dsaa [n=dsaa@] has joined #kubuntu [07:44] hmm [07:45] wont be dapper installable from livecd? why are 2 version of flight-cds there (install / live ) ? [07:46] mandopando (k)ubuntu livecds are not install cds -- the two are separate. [07:46] the dvds contain both i think. [07:47] Do you know what those commands for the headers would be in mandriva [07:48] mandopando: on that's all the wrong. [07:48] kezzerxir wouldn't it be better to ask about mandriva in the mandriva channel? [07:48] awww irc nazis [07:48] might improve your odds of getting a correct answer [07:48] apt-get install `apt-cache search kernel | grep 'headers' | awk '{print $1}'` [07:48] naaaaa, not a nazi -- just trying to make sure you get your answer ;) [07:50] russ is that it? === sampan doubts mandriva uses apt :X === viviersf [n=cain@] has joined #kubuntu === [Vampis] [n=niclas@c-86c271d5.146-1-64736c11.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu [07:53] <[Vampis] > lulu [07:53] <[Vampis] > kkathman: :) [07:54] hi there === dinsdale [n=dinsdale@mail.carinet-jam.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:57] <[Vampis] > kkathman: whazup ? === Xemanth^ [n=xemanth@dsl-hkigw7-fedcdc00-213.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #Kubuntu [07:59] ahh not much...about to turn in for bed. [07:59] almost 1am [08:00] in fact, Im outa here :) [08:00] nighters === kkathman is now known as kkathman-zzzz [08:01] <[Vampis] > lol [08:01] <[Vampis] > g'night :) === freeflying [n=freeflyi@] has joined #kubuntu === jhauser [n=jhauser@ip68-225-4-14.hu.sd.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu === Zeep [n=tarin@] has joined #kubuntu === damnhil [n=h@dsl-66-243-235-105.elltel.net] has left #kubuntu [] === Paradosso [n=Paradoss@host96-118.pool870.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu === nlindblad [n=nlindbla@user179.217-10-120.netatonce.net] has joined #kubuntu === Tudor_b [n=tudor@] has joined #kubuntu === Tallia1Kubuntu [n=andrea@cust-65-110-27-27.sfu-reznet.connectwest.net] has joined #kubuntu === pointwood [n=pointwoo@] has joined #kubuntu === ubijtsa2 discovered unexpected behaviour yesterday with the kdenetwork package and zeroconf that it pulls in [08:29] it hangs when trying to configure 'lo' interface, preventing the system from completing the boot === ASUSanator [n=KDE@wayax6-096.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === ubijtsa2 goes off to check malone on that === eric_ [n=eric@81-188-78-12.adsl.easynet.be] has joined #kubuntu === mario [n=mario@host-84-220-99-180.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu === visik7 [n=visi@unaffiliated/visik7] has joined #kubuntu === robotgeek_away is now known as robotgeek === robitaille [n=robitail@ubuntu/member/robitaille] has joined #kubuntu === drumline [n=drumline@ppp-69-237-41-81.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:56] I'm looking for the place where I can switch the default run level to 3.. can somebody direct me? [08:56] preferably on the command line so I can switch it back when I need to.. [09:02] drumline: if you do 'init 3' you go to runlevel 3 [09:02] drumline: you can set what the default runlevel is in /etc/inittab === Zappa [n=andrew@81-86-167-73.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:04] cool... [09:04] now... editing which services start from the command line is next.. :) [09:05] looks like I just delete the symlink [09:07] drumline: you can use update-rc.d to set/reset/delete what goes in /etc/rc?.d/ [09:07] wow... crazy [09:09] well that's an interesting way to do it... thanks. :) [09:09] np === _[wolf^bnc] [n=wolf2@port-212-202-41-16.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #kubuntu === _[wolf^bnc] is now known as [wolf^bnc] === sorush20 [n=sorush20@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #kubuntu [] === wabble [n=kjellbar@a217-118-44-218.bluecom.no] has joined #kubuntu === stefano [n=stefano@host-84-220-11-224.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu === __Ace__ [n=love@kr-lun-162-144-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #kubuntu === tenshiKur0 [n=tenshiKu@S0106000d93cb5211.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu === Sebastian [n=Sebastia@] has joined #kubuntu === kitsch| [n=sam@84-217-22-63.tn.glocalnet.net] has joined #kubuntu === DaftDog [n=vircuser@dslb-084-056-250-016.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === tenshiKur0 [n=tenshiKu@S0106000d93cb5211.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #kubuntu === JakubS [n=qba@azk210.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu === gifu [n=gifu@baana-81-175-194-110.dsl.phnet.fi] has joined #kubuntu === gifu [n=gifu@baana-81-175-194-110.dsl.phnet.fi] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === dsaa [n=dsaa@] has joined #kubuntu === grxmrx [n=grxmrx@user12.112.udn.pl] has joined #kubuntu === g8m [n=evil@cp82868-a.dbsch1.nb.home.nl] has joined #kubuntu === Tallia1Kubuntu [n=andrea@cust-65-110-26-109.sfu-reznet.connectwest.net] has joined #kubuntu === TobiasAndrion [n=_mfb@dyn-213-36-161-47.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #kubuntu === fetish [n=fetish@] has joined #kubuntu [10:18] hello friends [10:19] <[Vampis] > hello [10:19] <[Vampis] > :) [10:19] hey [10:20] im new in kubuntu [10:20] <[Vampis] > mmkay [10:20] <[Vampis] > :> === __Ace__ [n=love@kr-lun-162-144-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #kubuntu === fetish is now known as opizi === andre^off is now known as andred === Sebastian[1] [n=Sebastia@] has joined #kubuntu === ssdo [n=ssdo@] has joined #kubuntu === ssdo [n=ssdo@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === richard2 [n=richard2@] has joined #kubuntu [10:28] hola === Xemanth^ [n=xemanth@dsl-hkigw7-fedcdc00-213.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #Kubuntu === ZuLu` [n=corey@DLM249-177.unibg.it] has joined #kubuntu === robotgeek is now known as robotgeek_away === rdale [n=rdale@39.Red-213-96-177.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:37] ciao a tutti... [10:38] hmm i have kubuntu x86 + ati mobility x700 with ati propblabla drivers: xvinfo says no adapters available.... i wonder what that means... mplayer doesn't allow video to xv either === Hentai^XP [n=justin@] has joined #kubuntu === BlueDevil [n=mircea@] has joined #kubuntu === bimberi [n=bimberi@ppp-48-82.grapevine.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === rosemary [n=rosemary@] has joined #kubuntu === raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #kubuntu === Borut [n=borut@chello087207008111.chello.pl] has joined #kubuntu === grimse [n=grimse@p5481CCE0.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === ziza [n=aziz@chello084112072063.6.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu === aeon17x [n=aeon17x@] has joined #kubuntu === knubbe [n=knubbe@host019a.turbinen20.se] has joined #kubuntu === ZuLu` [n=corey@DLM249-177.unibg.it] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === shogouki [n=nicolas@ron34-1-82-225-191-130.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:10] an additional bar where to put buttons, folder ecc like in kicker and that appear only on key combination? === rysiek [n=rysiek@213-238-73-40.adsl.inetia.pl] has joined #kubuntu === dsaa [n=dsaa@] has joined #kubuntu === nxv__ [n=matrix@dslb-084-056-104-217.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu === robotgeek_away is now known as robotgeek === rdale [n=rdale@39.Red-213-96-177.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === Ralph_ [n=Ralph@p54B29B8F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === rysiek [n=rysiek@213-238-73-40.adsl.inetia.pl] has joined #kubuntu === robinp [n=robin@dsl-202-173-189-105.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === C2ODe [n=luca@] has joined #kubuntu === vvatsa [n=wish@] has joined #kubuntu === andred is now known as andre^off === andre^off is now known as andred === BlueDevil [n=mircea@] has joined #kubuntu === Tallia1Kubuntu [n=andrea@cust-65-110-27-27.sfu-reznet.connectwest.net] has joined #kubuntu === aissa [n=aissa@lns-bzn-14-82-252-152-200.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === saadat [n=saadat@ndi164.emirates.net.ae] has joined #kubuntu === aissa [n=aissa@lns-bzn-14-82-252-152-200.adsl.proxad.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === robotgeek is now known as robotgeek_zzz === ilba7r [n=ilba7r@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu === raffaele [n=raffaele@host-84-222-168-136.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu === dutch [n=dutch@cpe-065-190-182-028.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu === _dave [n=dave@203-214-130-10.perm.iinet.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === _dave [n=dave@203-214-130-10.perm.iinet.net.au] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === vge [n=vge@dna251-28.satp.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #kubuntu === JohnFlux [n=imy@konversation/developer/JohnFlux] has joined #kubuntu === freeflying_ [n=freeflyi@] has joined #kubuntu === kujeger [n=kujeger@pc-99-88.p52.hio.no] has joined #kubuntu === aditza [n=aditza@] has joined #kubuntu === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-113-76.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === Finite9 [n=Finite9@tor/session/x-30f5da19a7b41cfb] has joined #kubuntu === mazer [n=mazer@crj95-1-82-229-69-38.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:31] does anyone have any tips for getting the kamera io_slave working with Konquerer? I have an IXUS 400 and it is recognised by konquerer, but when I browse the camera, there is only 1 file--i dont see any photos. What gives? === |mp| [n=mp@] has joined #kubuntu === nalioth_zZz is now known as noirequus === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-113-76.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [12:38] Finite9: i have ixus 400 at home but i don't have cable for it, its little broken camera... it has maximum zoom on all the time... picture is really blurry :> === jeroenvrp [n=jeroenvr@k-uptown.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu === _root [n=root@dslb-084-058-158-000.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [12:45] Xemanth: I have no problems with my IXUS 400 - its slow to browse photos and to focus but image quality is very good === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-113-76.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu === farous [n=farous@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu === geone [n=geone@] has joined #kubuntu === _tomas [n=tomas@81-234-92-64-no91.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu === _tomas [n=tomas@81-234-92-64-no91.tbcn.telia.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === shogouki [n=nicolas@ron34-1-82-225-191-130.fbx.proxad.net] has left #kubuntu [] === hatake_k1kashi [n=meh@60-240-147-110.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu === puckman [n=gerard@penguin.thebrewery-london.com] has joined #kubuntu === jeroenvrp [n=jeroenvr@k-uptown.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu === hatake_kakashi [n=meh@60-240-240-99.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [01:10] anyone more than me that have problems connecting Kopete to Google Talk? [01:10] I get an unknown error [01:10] login failed with unknown reason [01:10] maybe I supplied the wrong password :S [01:11] hmm, yes. [01:11] <[Vampis] > Hm, does kopete support google talk ? [01:11] <[Vampis] > Is it default or do you need a plugin ? === Borut [n=borut@chello087207008111.chello.pl] has joined #kubuntu [01:15] its just a jabber === arafat [n=arafat@Rea11.r.pppool.de] has joined #kubuntu === hDp` [n=headup@abo-0-216.modems.semnet.tm.fr] has joined #kubuntu [01:27] <[Vampis] > aha === JakubS [n=qba@tsunami.hypair.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:35] hmm anyone here who uses amarok want to do a little testing for me? === ASUSanator [n=KDE@wayax6-201.dialup.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === dsaa [n=dsaa@] has joined #kubuntu [01:41] Mez: what sort of testing? [01:42] Hobbsee, to see if SQLite allows subselects [01:42] which it doesnt seem to [01:44] now if only I know how to get the SQL engine from amarok === djk_ [n=djk@p54A2E181.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === bhearne [n=bhearne@60-240-115-175-nsw-pppoe.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [01:47] [01:49] how many decimal places can kcalc provide? [01:50] *grumble* how to make apt-get dist-upgrade _not_ ask any questions.. ? [01:50] use -y === dipnlik [n=dipnlik@201-13-96-216.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu [01:50] but it's fairly risky [01:51] it's libc6 that insist on updating timezone, so -y doesn't help either.. [01:54] Ralph_: I can't send pvt messages [01:54] or at least, the irc server whinges about it === wu_nex [n=wu_nex@M220P012.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #kubuntu [01:56] I was just wondering if you are performing a dist-upgrade, cause I did so yesterday with some errors. mvo helped out as this is his project (I believe). [01:56] yeh, I am probably not doing it "the normal way' though. [01:56] (5.10 to dapper) [01:56] I am installing dapper flight3 server-install via PXE, then a post-install script does the rest for me [01:57] and I am fixing up that post-inst script. The idea is a totally automated install.. [01:57] mvo just warned me that you might have to run an apt-get -f install afterwards as a single package can stop the process. [01:58] And so it happened. Still trying to fix the x-server now. === sas171 [n=sas171@e180063012.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #kubuntu === Tallia1Kubuntu [n=andrea@cust-65-110-26-109.sfu-reznet.connectwest.net] has joined #kubuntu [01:58] Yup.. at the moment though, 'apt-get -qq -y dist-upgrade' stops at setting up libc6, running tzconfig etc === NRG88 [n=nrg88@] has joined #kubuntu [01:59] vagy? === weedar [n=weedar@ti500710a080-5140.bb.online.no] has joined #kubuntu [01:59] sorry [01:59] wrong channel ;) [01:59] What decides which programs get started when you log on to KDE? [02:01] I was there too. Simply stopped the tzconfig with ctrl-c and did the apt-get -f insntall. Worked like a charm (for me). [02:01] At least the system is up and on dapper. Just some flaws with the x server. [02:01] Ralph_: it would do, if an attended install :) === csotany [n=csotany@catv-56656e5a.catv.broadband.hu] has joined #kubuntu [02:02] I am hacking something that means I should be able to re-install a worker box while I am at home. === admrl [n=admrl@24-180-218-205.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [02:02] (also means people that does not know the perf rig could do it) === bmo [n=bmo@kr-lun-170-144-233-83.3.cust.bredband2.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:04] i can start firestarter only with sudo? [02:04] , === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-113-76.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [02:05] mmhmmm, not even --force-yes bypasses that tzconfig question.. [02:05] Cause the zoneinfo is missing. [02:05] Hey guys, I was thinking of switching to kubuntu. In the past few days i've tested slackware, gentoo (which was pretty awsome) and mandrive since yesterday. But I can't seem to find any good documentation on mandrive, so i was wondering how it is with kubuntu? if its the same as mandrive then there is no point of switching. [02:06] Not installed yet, cause incomplete. [02:06] It tells me TZ is already set to England/London, do I want to change it? [02:06] You can't. [02:06] Don't!!! [02:06] mm.. [02:07] the install is in VMware, so I can roll back easily enough [02:07] bmo: docs are pretty good [02:07] bmo: depends what you are after I guess [02:07] bmo: most importantly, online support (as here) is awsome. [02:08] You will always find somebody willing to help. [02:08] how many decimal places can kcalc provide with its 96bit double precision? === arialis111 [n=andrzej@host-81-190-34-161.szczecin.mm.pl] has joined #kubuntu [02:09] how can i make firestarter to start up with the KDE, and not to ask the supersuser pass? === arialis111 [n=andrzej@host-81-190-34-161.szczecin.mm.pl] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [02:09] bmo: if you like Gentoo so much, you should try the rr4 live DVD. pretty cool (only a week old). [02:09] ubijtsa2: sounds great and hw support? I'm tired of running around after drivers. Right now I've been searching 2 days on the net on how to get 3dccel to work on mandrive. And the ppl on #mandrive weren't that great :D [02:09] bmo: well, breezy installed flawlessly on a Dell GX280 here at work.. === SirKillalot [n=nerd@dslb-084-056-115-214.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:10] came up with gfx login and all [02:10] Ralph_ : Hmm, I should try that, but I really don't have the time to test anymore. Right now I want a working dist :D .. [02:10] Any graphical (heh) way of enabling programs to start when logging in to KDE? (instead of manually fiddling around in ~/.kde/) === benkong2 [n=benkong2@nc-65-40-165-247.sta.sprint-hsd.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:10] weedar: you can set links in Autostart (or thereabouts) [02:11] ubijtsa, thanks, but I've understood that. I was just hoping there was a GUI-way of doing it. A friend of mine prefers not fiddling around in a shell :) === manager [n=manager@85-218-26-246.dclient.lsne.ch] has joined #kubuntu [02:11] weedar: you can do it with konqueror and the menu I think [02:12] ubijtsa, what menu? [02:12] select item in menu, click-hold, drag into Autostart, select to make link (or so) === apachelogger [n=Harald@amarok/rokymotion/apachelogger] has joined #kubuntu [02:12] the kde menu [02:12] hi, do you know a channel or aweb pages that gives informations about kubuntu on powerbooks ? [02:12] ah, I see ubijtsa, good one! :) [02:13] manager: if there is a #kubuntu-ppc, that would be where I'd look :) [02:14] weedar: normally, if you have something running when you log out, it will be restarted next time you log in [02:14] it saves your session and so forth [02:14] ubijtsa, of course. But sometimes there are programs you close during a session, yet still want it to start next time. Would be a bother to have to start all the programs before you logout to do so ;) === l3m [n=l3m@84-73-62-186.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu [02:15] create shortcuts to them on the desktop? === robotgeek_zzz is now known as robotgeek [02:15] manager: hmm, there is no separate channel [02:19] which version of KDE is kubuntu shipped with? can't find it on the main site [02:20] bmo: 3.4.3, though i guess you can upgrade to 3.5.1 also === sobeguy [n=admin@adsl-065-012-248-023.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:20] and will most likely mess something up :D but 3.4.3 sounds good. [02:22] bmo: i've havent heard anything bad, but i'm not upgrading (when i don't need to :)) [02:23] Dunno if it's worth it though, i checked the release note for 3.5 and it wasn't that much difference. Maybe i missed something.. anyways does kubuntu have like a package system like gentoo for instance? "emerge blabla" to download something.. apt? === matvei [n=matvei@d83-179-137-79.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #kubuntu [02:24] yes, apt-get [02:24] hi [02:24] it's just beaauftiful :) === treyh0 [n=trey@pintnight.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:24] bmo: Kmenu -> System -> Adept [02:24] and the installation, please tell me it has a gui :D .. (still scarred after gentoo, although it's a nice dist) [02:25] bmo: more gui compared to gentoo :) [02:25] alsaconf doesnt exist in kubuntu ? [02:25] it's still ncurses based, but pretty easy to understand [02:25] no matvei [02:25] hum :( [02:26] I have some difficulties with alsa [02:26] I have 2 soundcards [02:26] but i dont know how to select one particulary === dsaa [n=dsaa@] has joined #kubuntu [02:27] with kde it's not possible :( === que [n=que@host-81-191-161-165.bluecom.no] has joined #kubuntu [02:28] hmm, i don't know matvei, ask in #ubuntu for a generic solution maybe? [02:28] okay i will ! [02:28] hey, is networking fixed in dapper? [02:28] i mean the gui [02:28] vge: never used it, lol [02:29] well i can manage without it sure, but i jsut hate it beeing broken :) [02:29] i just downloaded firefox, and want to install it on kubuntu, so i can view flash. what to do? [02:29] que: which version? [02:29] fire 1.5 kubuntu 5.10 [02:30] do i always use the command line (or terminal window) to install programs? === NRG88 [n=nrg88@] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [02:31] que: Kmenu -> System -> Adept [02:31] que, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion [02:31] !adept [02:31] I heard adept is a package manager for Kubuntu. A howto is provided here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdeptHowto === sch [n=sch@] has joined #kubuntu [02:37] thanks! [02:38] que: you can also try "synaptic" if it suites you better, available in the repos === apachelogger [n=Harald@amarok/rokymotion/apachelogger] has joined #kubuntu [02:39] que: if you are afraid of so many command lines, there is a simpler solution (which I used for convenience): adept to uninstall the old version and download the new version from the firefox website. Extract into a subfolder in your home directory and done. [02:40] what i've done so far is download and extract the files [02:40] i think they are in mye home dir [02:40] then you are ready do use the new firefox. just open konquerer and click on firefox in the new folder. === boha [i=boha_ha@BSN-165-119-186.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:41] que: you just might have some problems when using other programs to link to the new firefox. [02:41] the icon looks like a terminal windows [02:42] -s [02:42] int he firefox folder [02:42] nothing happens when i launch it (if that's what i'mdoing) [02:42] click it, that is === apachelogger [n=Harald@amarok/rokymotion/apachelogger] has joined #kubuntu === jose [n=jose@] has joined #kubuntu [02:43] I'm getting this error when i start KDE: "Could not start kstartupconfig check your installation". Alguien me puede ayudar con eso? [02:43] Someone can help me with that? [02:44] hello! [02:44] i have 1 problem [02:44] :'( [02:44] que: try in a shell to look for any problems [02:44] i tryed to boot live cd === raffaele [n=raffaele@host-84-222-168-69.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu [02:44] but.. [02:45] then i dot get into kubuntu [02:45] what about apt-get install firefox ? [02:45] error code 13 - no access [02:46] que: thought you downloaded it already from the firefox website. [02:46] it stops where kubunu is cheching hardware or something [02:46] que: did you download and extract as root? [02:46] que: (using sudo) [02:47] Ralph? [02:47] can you help me? [02:48] I believe that apt-get install firefox won't give you the lastest version (I think you wanted 1.5) [02:49] boha: need some more details... === blahh [n=jacob@adsl-070-148-138-218.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:49] hmmm... [02:50] volunteers needed: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=127534 [02:50] boha: you might have to diable some features (passed over as parameter at boot time) to get it working. [02:50] tour on login === faked [n=faked@85-124-46-104.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #kubuntu [02:51] how can i do that ralph? [02:51] i think it stops a cheching hard disks [02:51] boha: i.e. some laptops require the vga=771 option to get the graphic card working. [02:52] I'm getting this error when i start KDE: "Could not start kstartupconfig check your installation".Someone can help me with that? [02:52] ok tnx [02:52] i will try somthing === ku4ve [n=dutch@cpe-065-190-182-028.nc.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:53] boha: try to find out what is stopping the boot process and set it off with the kernell parameter. You can still try to enable it later on. [02:53] blahh: hmm, look for Ubuntu Express [02:53] Ralph_: I think the answer to my problem is to use expect.. === Mazingaro [n=tetsuja@host139-237.pool876.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [02:54] blahh: hmm, actually that isn't it [02:55] we are looking to make a tour of the ubuntu desktop at first login, including assistance in seting up internet connection, intro to synaptic, etc etc... [02:55] we want to make it interactive [02:55] blahh: is your id jbaloul on the forums? [02:55] something like the winXP tour, and WinXP out of the box exoierience [02:55] yup === nlindblad [n=nlindbla@user179.217-10-120.netatonce.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:56] blahh: if you need to get it included with ubuntu, and it has to remain one cd size, how will we fit movies? [02:57] robotgeek: there are many different formats that it can be done including gash (gnu flash) which is very lite === _nicolas [n=nicolas@pc-85-189-239-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #kubuntu [02:57] i don't think size is the issue [02:57] just hands [02:57] developers, graphic designers, qa, etc etc [02:58] blahh: hmm [02:58] i think they were planning to do something like that, and it may acutally be in the wings. brb === Zanoi__ [n=zanoi@h209n2c1o1100.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #kubuntu [02:59] anyone looking to contribute? [02:59] blahh: i'm asking someone if he knows of an existing effort [02:59] cool === DaveQ1 [n=david@] has joined #kubuntu [03:00] how does one set the system wide fonts for non KDE apps ?? mine have gone all small and hard to read [03:00] blahh: i had the same idea about 2 weeks ago, i remember reading something somewhere :) === DaveQ1 hasn't used Debian systems much before [03:00] ha! [03:00] DaveQ1: Kmenu -> System Settings [03:00] hmmm , i did that === ku4ve is now known as dutch [03:02] yeah thats only changing KDE apps and windows [03:03] Gaim, Thunderbird, firefox, adept all display this ultra small font, REAL tough on the eyes. KDE apps are fine === hatake_k1kashi [n=meh@60-240-184-62.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === ToyMan2 [n=stuq@user-12lcqia.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu [03:03] DaveQ1: Apppearance, gtk-styles and fonts [03:03] robotgeek: packages i need ?? [03:03] oh, menus ok [03:04] blahh: apparently canonical is hiring "professionals" to do this for ubuntu [03:04] robotgeek: hmmmm it doesnt open anything, just a bouncing cursor and then nothing [03:05] robotgeek: really ! when were send a link === pm [n=pm@] has joined #kubuntu [03:05] robotgeek: what is that meant to launch ?? [03:06] blahh: no links, i asked a guy in the doc team [03:06] blahh: however, we can try for kubuntu i think [03:06] ah i c....very cool === FlascheLeer [n=aonic@146-203-116-85.dsl.manitu.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:06] why they are not going to do it for kde? [03:07] robotgeek: lets do it [03:07] open your channels [03:07] heh, don't ask me. maybe you should create a spec, and mail the sounder mailing list === sparaflescio [n=flescio@host152-154.pool8249.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [03:08] i meant for "hy they are not going to do it for kde?" [03:08] i am willing to help for kde :) [03:08] ok, i got the GTK config section through launching the System Settings [03:08] blahh: ^^ === NRG88 [n=nrg88@] has joined #kubuntu === robotgeek things thunderbird and firefox are not gtk [03:08] thinks [03:09] but any changes i make have no effect, currently set for font 16 ; upping to 25 doesnt make a diff [03:09] i didnt think they were actually [03:09] can you put your poet in the forum so the rest know of it [03:09] poet=post [03:09] blahh: yes, posting right away [03:09] umm Gaim is still small too and Gaim is GTK for sure [03:09] 10x === ghardy [n=ghardy@64-249-248-179.client.dsl.net] has joined #kubuntu === NRG88 * X has quit (*.net *.split) === CellarDoor [n=unperson@d58-106-231-44.sun4.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [03:12] hello all [03:13] anyone had any problems installing kubuntu for amd64 ? [03:14] robotgeek: i am doing my best :) [03:14] I've been trying to get the amd64 version to install on my friends computer but it just hangs and says something about checksum failure... the disc is fine on other systems [03:15] All ubuntu/kubuntu discs on his system are coming up with the same error and wont install [03:16] he's desperate [03:16] sobbing and kicking wildly on the floor [03:16] its not pretty [03:16] CellarDoor: and that error is? === Grim76_Work [n=grim76@12-202-194-248.client.insightBB.com] has joined #kubuntu === boha [i=boha_ha@BSN-165-117-20.dial-up.dsl.siol.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:21] wait, we have to plug his computer back in because we've packed up [03:22] Ralph_? === boz [n=boz@ip68-103-118-237.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:24] ok firing it up again, will give details in a few moments === farous [n=farous@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #kubuntu === zerohunter [n=zerohunt@] has joined #kubuntu === thc [n=thc@p5498869A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [03:27] This is what were getting, "There was a problem reading data from the CD-ROM. Please make sure it is in the drive. If retrying does not work, you should check the integrity of your CD-ROM"... When we check the CD's integrity we get, "The ./install/netboot/ubuntu-installer/amd64/initrd.gz file failed the MD5 checksum verification. Your CD-ROM or this file may have been corrupted."" === thc [n=thc@p5498869A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [03:28] Same error is reported from any ubuntu disk on his computer - they work fine on my system [03:29] And we are n00bs [03:29] :P === brosioz [n=brosioz@host200-71.pool80183.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu === jsgotangco [n=jsg@] has joined #kubuntu [03:30] cellardoor did you burn your own cd? or is it an "official" press? [03:30] I burned my own === LjL [n=ljl@62-101-126-215.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #kubuntu [03:30] CellarDoor: maybe the disc was burnt at too high speed [03:30] But I have an official ubuntu here and that reported the same error [03:31] try a reburn i had the same problem, i finally gave up and ordered 5 cd' from ShipIt [03:31] dipnlik: I tried 4x (slow as my drive will go) no luck [03:31] weird [03:32] lol you didn't happen to pull your "victim" machine off the garge shelf did you? I had to clean my cd-rom on an install the other day? [03:32] This is a new system [03:33] i'm with dipinlik then.....weird [03:33] athlon64, gigabyte mobo, benq dw1640 dvd burner [03:33] I'm at a loss [03:33] hmm, can i force programs to remember my root password allways when entering adept or programs like that, i can check the "remeber for this session", but after reboot? === edison [n=gianni@81-208-74-191.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #kubuntu [03:34] CellarDoor: and you are using the 64 install cd? [03:34] yes === NRG88 brb === edison [n=gianni@81-208-74-191.ip.fastwebnet.it] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [03:35] What if I get him to burn it on his system under Windows instead of me burning it on mine and then giving it to him ? === ctaborda [n=ctaborda@adsl-10-118-84.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:36] Hi I need some help!!! I changed my login manager theme and now it doesnt work... and it wont let me log in... [03:36] His system doesnt seem to like anything I burned on my system :P [03:36] How can I change from KDM and GDM login manager ? I forgot the file that I need to edit [03:37] ctaborda: dpkg -reconfigure gdm [03:37] or kdm whatever you have installed [03:37] CellarDoor: and your friend has an amd 64 too [03:37] yes [03:37] :P [03:38] farous: that wont work :S [03:38] ctaborda: stick sudo infornt of it [03:38] sudo dpkg -reconfigure [03:38] i did ofcourse [03:38] ctaborda: sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm [03:38] try which gdm [03:38] My system = no problems... His system = talk to the hand [03:39] I don't geddit [03:40] farous: and robotgeek: It does reconfigure it, but reloads and gives me the same error.. [03:40] what is the file to edit to select XDM or KDM or GDM? [03:40] what err? [03:40] Error with the theme [03:40] hey, when i click an external html link, firefox tryes to open it locally (file://) how do i prevent this? === jo_ [n=jo@xdsl-87-78-118-194.netcologne.de] has joined #kubuntu [03:41] ctaborda: for the reconfigure to work you need to reboot or kill the display manager manually [03:42] farous: I did.. still wont work === NRG88 hoppa, i'm back ;) === snikker [n=blackmoo@host189-6.pool8260.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [03:45] i've got a problem with synaptic (apt-get update same error): unable to get cdrom: can you help me? [03:45] snikker: do you have the cdrom in the drive? [03:45] robotgeek: yes [03:46] snikker: is it mounted? [03:46] robotgeek: yes [03:46] snikker: put the cdrom in the tray, and type "sudo apt-cdrom add" === NRG88 [n=nrg88@] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [03:47] robotgeek: i've already do it, but i've got this error: Unable to locate any package files, perhaps this is not a Debian Disc [03:47] So anyone know what file it is I need to edit to change between xdm, kdm and gdm? [03:48] /etc/X11/default-display-manager === P4C0 [n=ash@] has joined #kubuntu [03:48] hello guys === tijn [n=tijn@a82-92-35-21.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu [03:49] robotgeek: the problem is occourred when i've uncheck the flag cdrom.... in synaptic when i've re-checked it doesn't work [03:49] snikker: do you have an internet connection? === yellowdart [n=yellowda@cpe-24-166-51-128.neo.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [03:50] thanks [03:50] i mean on the linux box :) === rarn [n=barryk@207-237-204-129.c3-0.nyw-ubr3.nyr-nyw.ny.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu [03:50] cellardoor, http://home.online.no/~osmoma/how2burn.html [03:50] robotgeek: yes === asraniel [n=asraniel@] has joined #kubuntu [03:51] snikker: maybe you can comment out the cdrom repository in your sources.list "kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list" === jmarrero [n=jmarrero@] has joined #kubuntu === Tallia1Kubuntu [n=andrea@cust-65-110-27-27.sfu-reznet.connectwest.net] has joined #kubuntu [03:51] guys how can I check all the packages available for kubuntu? [03:51] hi all Q: my new laptop just arrived, want to install kubuntu, and it just does nothing Uncompressing Linux.... booting the kernel [03:51] and thats it :/ === ctaborda [n=ctaborda@adsl-10-118-84.mia.bellsouth.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [03:52] tijn: try booting with the option vga=771 [03:52] robotgeek: the cdrom repository in sources.list is already uncommented :-( [03:53] is there a simple kde image viewer that also can do basic editing such as resize pictures? tried gwenview with kipi-plugins but it doesn't resize proportionally [03:53] Ralph_, got a point there! [03:53] snikker: i meant, comment it out. put a '#" in front of the line [03:53] for windows users, i want something like irfanview [03:53] guys how can I list all the packages available for kubuntu? [03:54] P4C0: packages.ubuntu.com or look for it from adept [03:54] robotgeek: ah, ok.... i but i don't want download the things that i've already got on dvd... any other ideas? [03:54] thanks robotgeek [03:54] or apt-cache search, P4C0 [03:54] robotgeek, no I don't have kubuntu here, I'm planning to install it, but will like to take a look at the official package list before === mo0osah [n=mo0osah@resnet-24-28.dorm.utexas.edu] has joined #kubuntu [03:55] anyone here who can help this idiot? [03:56] Ralph_, nope doesnt do the trick, uncompressing vmlinuz... black screen === bhna [n=andreas@p54B82B78.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [03:56] P4C0: hmm, looking === klaus [n=klaus@d007082.adsl.hansenet.de] has joined #kubuntu [03:57] i was mounting my external usb hard drive and messed up my fstab [03:57] how do i fix it [03:57] robotgeek, warty, hoary, hoary-backports, breezy, breezy-backports, dapper !? === MaterMaravillae [n=pablo@85-54-135-146.mad5.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #kubuntu [03:58] P4C0: you probably should use breezy [03:58] which are releases for (k)ubuntu [03:59] i see more info without vga=771 than with :/ [03:59] robotgeek, thanks, I'm just not sure, I'm a slackware user, and was planning to install kubuntu to my girlfriend... but don't know, and this are .deb packages? my experience with that is not as good as I'll like [04:00] P4C0: with debs? surprising [04:00] P4C0: http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/kubuntu/breezy/ you can find lists here (file-blah.list) [04:02] mmh damn [04:02] when trying debian the same happens :/ === _thc [n=thc@p5498869A.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [04:03] robotgeek, yes, when you remove a deb it keeps the etc files, then you install a new version and it keeps the old and purge usually didn't work the way it should, so you end up with a command line of about 250 characters to make something really simple... === satempler [n=satemple@ip70-185-173-233.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:03] P4C0: heh [04:05] robotgeek, in slack for example if you remove something it remove it all, and if you install a package that have a etc file that already exist it adds .new to the file name, so you can then make a diff and choose what to do, so been used to that is kind of strange for me to change, even it's not that user friendly at all === ctaborda [n=ctaborda@adsl-10-118-84.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:06] P4C0: apt-get shoudl as kyou if you want to install it, and you can diff it while installation === AnsiC [n=schprutz@host104-22.pool8251.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [04:06] hello [04:06] should ask you [04:07] http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/cC5O0B98.html [04:07] P4C0: apt-get remove --purge will also wipe out your config files [04:07] 3ddesktop return that errors !! [04:07] someone can help me ? [04:07] hi, I am having some problems with my login manager... I get a theme error and wont let me login... how can I solve this?... I tried dpkg-reconfigure gdm and will not work [04:07] yep, "*should*" === ananas [n=ananas@xdslw200.osnanet.de] has joined #kubuntu [04:07] AnsiC: make sure you have load "dri" in your xorg.conf === honta [n=honta@dledt01.studbost.vxu.se] has joined #kubuntu === ananas is now known as Tummetott [04:08] now i'm on gnome [04:08] trappist, in debian or (k)ubuntu? cause I have tried it a lot of times in debian and for somepackages it dosen't work [04:08] gnome use xorg to [04:08] or use xfree86? [04:08] P4C0: it's possible (probable) that some packages are imperfect in that some config files aren't flagged as such [04:08] P4C0: it should be apt-get remove --purge === _honta [n=honta@dledt01.studbost.vxu.se] has joined #kubuntu [04:09] however, i dunno how t odo that for the dependencies === honta [n=honta@dledt01.studbost.vxu.se] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [04:09] I will give it a try :) === _blanco [n=blanco@] has joined #kubuntu [04:13] ls [04:14] Ralph_, Thnx for your help, cant reply cuz iam not registered :/ === bipolar [n=bflong@] has joined #kubuntu === _ananas [n=ananas@xdslw200.osnanet.de] has joined #kubuntu [04:15] Ralph_, but when i booted with linux noapic nolapic it worked === edison [n=gianni@81-208-74-191.ip.fastwebnet.it] has joined #kubuntu === edison [n=gianni@81-208-74-191.ip.fastwebnet.it] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === JakubS [n=qba@azk210.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu === snikker [n=blackmoo@host189-6.pool8260.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu === djib [n=djib@brusa.chu.cam.ac.uk] has joined #kubuntu === robinp [n=robin@dialup-] has joined #kubuntu === kkathman-zzzz is now known as kkathman === snikker [n=blackmoo@host189-6.pool8260.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu === blackmoon [n=blackmoo@host189-6.pool8260.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [04:33] <[Vampis] > *humming* === hatake_kakashi [n=meh@60-241-5-2.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu === blackmoon is now known as snikker_ === locuss [n=root@61-230-212-66.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #kubuntu [04:35] http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/GVUaLs97.html <== lspci output [04:35] http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/ciK0kn73.html <== 3ddesk output [04:35] someone can help me ? === fulld [n=fulld@] has joined #kubuntu === Armagguedes [n=pr0nLRD@87-196-97-171.net.novis.pt] has joined #kubuntu [04:42] hello [04:42] i wanted to install kubuntu on a multi-partitioned disc, but when i checked the windows partiiton, it had a /media/hda1 bootflag. shouldn't it be /windows, as i've seen somewhere on the install process? [04:42] hi [04:42] no clue Armagguedes , never done windows dual booting :( [04:43] maybe also ask in #ubuntu? [04:43] ok tks [04:43] i have [04:43] hello robotgeek [04:43] being ignored [04:43] btw do you know if kde351 has fixed that obnoxious bug in which you cant activate the wireless card? === vge [n=vge@dna251-28.satp.customers.dnainternet.fi] has joined #kubuntu [04:44] i enabled it and immediatly after it disabled itself [04:44] using sudo kcontrol === manveru [n=manveru@d234.GtokyoFL40.vectant.ne.jp] has joined #kubuntu [04:45] Armagguedes: thats not a kde error actually, but a kubuntu one. I believe there is a bug that already exists on it. [04:45] hey kkathman , morning === MaterMaravillae [n=pablo@85-54-132-8.mad5.adsl.uni2.es] has joined #kubuntu === Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #kubuntu [04:46] hm [04:46] does it exist on the regular ubuntu? [04:46] I know it does not exist on other distros [04:46] how is Ati support in kubuntu? [04:47] tijn: its hit and miss with ATI in general === Mazingaro [n=tetsuja@host21-226.pool8710.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [04:47] mmh === apachelogger [n=Harald@amarok/rokymotion/apachelogger] has joined #kubuntu [04:48] so it works but sometimes not :D [04:48] tijn: in general, ATI isnt the most linux friendly [04:48] but most of the standard, pre-installed cards are supported [04:48] tijn: I think its the multifunction cards that are the bigger problems [04:49] in other words, no x900xt superpluswtv for you [04:49] kkathman: may i /msg you? [04:49] tijn: I got my ATI running. Used this (http://www.ubuntu-forum.de/artikel/1503/Ati-Treiber-installiernschnell-und-einfach.html) and it worked for me. === NRG88 [n=nrg88@] has joined #kubuntu [04:49] hi, i can't connect to gmail [04:49] :( [04:49] there are alot of workarounds tho [04:49] i installed firestarter [04:50] me neither NRG88 [04:50] i can only connect, if i click Stop Firewall [04:50] i have an msn account there and i cant login [04:50] ok thanks, Ralph_ is that in german? [04:50] whoa Kubuntu is, everything works! wifi and all :D [04:50] stop firewall stops the firestarter processes, or the iptables? === sei [n=sei@www.freepolly.com] has joined #kubuntu [04:51] because it only works, if i click stop firewall [04:51] tijn: Ups, sorry, missed that. But the commands are pretty self-explanatory. === tanubis [n=tanubis@] has joined #kubuntu [04:52] Ralph_, i will fresh up my german :D [04:52] tijn: If you need translation - just ask. [04:52] i can't connect to wiki.kubuntu.org or wiki.ubuntu.org either [04:52] ok! thnx [04:52] Can I ask questions on setting stuff up here? [04:53] Armagguedes, i think it's something that it has with secure connections [04:53] i noticed in fitefox [04:53] i noticed in firefox === angel_ [n=tetsuja@host21-226.pool8710.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [04:55] Guys how can I change the default programs? like I dont want Konqueror to be my default browser... [04:55] Ahwell... worth a shot. Question: I just installed a fresh kubuntu on an Averatec 3300 laptop, and it seems to detect the onboard wireless fine. I told it to use the hardline in the install as the default connection, but it doesn't seem to want to allow the wifi to work. The Kwifimanager picks up my home network at 97% and claims it's connected, but it doesn't seem to want to use DHCP to give itself an IP. Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? === beetlefrosch [n=beetlefr@G1ec4.g.pppool.de] has joined #kubuntu [04:56] tanubis: hmm, maybe this will help [04:56] tanubis, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto [04:56] tanubis: i don't know the answer, but yes, you can definitely ask this kind of questions here === apacheLAGger [n=Harald@M3173P023.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #kubuntu === robotgeek curses kwifi manager [04:56] I'll give it a shot, thanks === robotgeek is now known as robotgeek_zzz [05:02] ok, it doesn't seem to use the same sort of gui as ubuntu, but I went into the system settings and found something similar. I have network settings up on my screen under the system settings, and it lists both my NICs. The ethernet one shows as enabled, and the wifi as disabled. When I use the interface to enable the wifi, it flicks to a checkmark for about 1/2 a second and then goes back to disabled. === tvo [n=tobi@5354EA9B.cable.casema.nl] has joined #kubuntu === luka74 [n=luka74@clj46-234.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #kubuntu === dario [n=dario@] has joined #kubuntu === freeflying_ [n=freeflyi@] has joined #kubuntu === _djib [n=djib@brusa.chu.cam.ac.uk] has joined #kubuntu === bl42er [n=bl42er@host-n3-85-154.telpol.net.pl] has joined #kubuntu === DiThi [n=dithi@] has joined #kubuntu === _meister [n=meister@p5494AB61.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === lars_away is now known as larsivi [05:08] hi all [05:08] i have problem with my sound card, help me [05:10] !ask [05:10] hrm. === blueyed [n=daniel@pdpc/supporter/active/blueyed] has joined #kubuntu [05:11] sb live 24 [05:11] not sound when i play music === robinp [n=robin@dialup-] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [05:13] hmmm [05:13] I tried to do this in ifconfig, and I set up as much as I could. It's detecting other networks in the area now as well as mine, but still doesn't want to connect. === Mazingaro [n=tetsuja@host21-226.pool8710.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [05:14] hei, anyone here has the same problem that kdevelop is very unstable? it crashes all the time [05:15] asraniel: not the first time Ive heard that comment, though I dont use it personally === darkheart [n=darkhear@nefarious.awesomenet.net] has joined #kubuntu [05:17] kkathman: its realy horrible, you cant develop anything without a crash. at least i know where i dont have to click (there is one button in particular that kills kdevelop 50% of the time, but i need it!) [05:18] Q: with amarok, how to play mp3? [05:19] iam now getting gstreamer0.8-lame dunno if this works [05:19] asraniel: are you programming in C then? [05:19] does anyone know how I can get a broader range of package repositories? [05:19] it seems fairly narrow [05:19] I just don't want to make my system go crunch by adding a whole bunch of new ones :S [05:20] tijn: how did the ATI thing work? [05:20] asraniel: I dont know how valuable it may be, but for an editor Quanta is very stable, especially for HTML, CSS. PHP, Python, PERL, and XML kinds of things..which are my interests. [05:20] Ralph_, not yet, have to do that @home [05:20] @work atm [05:20] now i wanna play some music for in the car :D [05:22] ah got sound :D [05:22] with xmms though :) === jmarrero [n=jmarrero@] has joined #kubuntu [05:23] hello [05:23] someone here compiles his own kernel on kubuntu? [05:24] how can i restart KDE without endig my session? [05:24] like xchat, amarok, etc. [05:24] I dont know :( [05:24] NRG88: you really can't === mth`MAW [n=konversa@e176205052.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #kubuntu [05:24] i have to logout? [05:25] yep [05:25] ok [05:25] prolly yes [05:26] If I setup Windows as a dual boot to my XP, I can keep a third partition for data exchange between the two, right? Formatting FAT? [05:26] I'm open to suggestions? === NRG88 [n=nrg88@] has joined #kubuntu [05:26] Nomad Fat32 is the one I use [05:26] Oh even gooder :) [05:26] for that [05:27] looking up mkfs now [05:27] vfat? [05:27] I have Kubuntu / Win Xp and got a fat32 6gig partition with mp3s [05:28] How did you format it, from Win of Linux? [05:28] or linux? [05:28] Windows [05:28] ahh ok, then we can pick it up from Kubuntu [05:28] !fat32 [05:28] Download and run http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter to make your windows or mac partitions mount automatically. If you wish to set it up yourself by hand, read: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions [05:29] yep :) [05:29] Hum.. I coudl have XP be fat32 too maybe then [05:30] does anyone use mozilla thunderbird? [05:31] who doesn,t? [05:31] :) [05:31] i need to import my account settings from windows === mth`MAW [n=konversa@e176205052.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #kubuntu [05:31] thunderbird there too? [05:32] yep [05:32] transfer the default.?!%$!#(&!#whatever folder that is your account [05:32] ok, thanks [05:32] You may have to re-permissions stuff once transferred, you'll see === Ralph_ [n=Ralph@p54B29B8F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has left #kubuntu [] [05:33] I don't recall problems when i did [05:34] Nomad411, i used thunderbird 1.5 [05:34] seems like 1.0.7 has some problems with my account files [05:34] not me yet though.. Should be same.. They must have somethign on teh Tb website about this.. === citr0n [n=citr0n@0x535ba984.aaanxx3.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu === ToyMan2 [n=stuq@user-12lcqia.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #kubuntu [05:36] is there anything like gdeskcal for kde? === Tallia1Kubuntu [n=andrea@cust-65-110-26-109.sfu-reznet.connectwest.net] has joined #kubuntu === Niekie [n=Niekie@niekie/unaffiliated] has joined #kubuntu === seth|away is now known as seth === barby [n=address@] has joined #kubuntu === barby [n=address@] has left #kubuntu [] === tvo [n=tobi@5354EA9B.cable.casema.nl] has joined #kubuntu === CpuWhiz [n=eric@cpe-66-87-222-218.co.sprintbbd.net] has joined #kubuntu === cold_m [i=fanta@] has joined #kubuntu === Cilindrador [n=pr0nLRD@87-196-110-242.net.novis.pt] has joined #kubuntu === luo [n=luo@ptx-single-v1.net.umd.edu] has joined #kubuntu === jpatrick [n=patrick@60.Red-81-35-48.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu === snikker_ is now known as snikker === stodge [n=mike@CPE0080c8289877-CM000039179a5e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu === stodge [n=mike@CPE0080c8289877-CM000039179a5e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === kk [n=luo@ptx-single-v1.net.umd.edu] has joined #kubuntu === aplg [n=Harald@amarok/rokymotion/apachelogger] has joined #kubuntu === kasim [n=kai@p508164DE.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === OculusAquilae [n=bastian@p548D04DE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu === kk [n=luo@ptx-single-v1.net.umd.edu] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] === [wolf^bnc] [n=wolf2@port-212-202-41-16.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #kubuntu === cyberops_ [n=cyberops@h71n1c1o1114.bredband.skanova.com] has joined #kubuntu === cyberops_ [n=cyberops@h71n1c1o1114.bredband.skanova.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === ninnghizidha [n=ninn_@chello084112032164.1.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu === divansantana [n=divan@wbs-196-2-111-102.wbs.co.za] has joined #kubuntu [05:56] whats the dcop grapical interface called? [05:56] i thot it was Dcop or something [05:56] kdcop? [05:56] magical K ;) [05:56] Tm_T: that's it! [05:57] thx [05:57] hi jpatrick [05:57] hello === blahh [n=jacob@adsl-070-148-138-218.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] [05:57] whats up [05:57] just some things for the meeting [05:57] (homework too :P) [05:58] omg, new features at Last :) [06:00] what? [06:01] http://www.last.fm/updates/feb2006.php === NRG88 brb [06:06] would anyone know why, when kubuntu starts up and alsa is started, there would be a continual buzz/squeal in my speakers? Its not the sound card, as it works perfectly with windows and with SuSE under 3.5.1. [06:06] jpatrick: aah, just if they could keep their main service stable =) [06:07] kkathman: volume levels are f*ed in some level? === neo2 [n=neo2@] has joined #kubuntu === neo2 is now known as kowal === DHGE [n=alois@i577A8AF5.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu [06:07] kkathman: do you have 3D enchanement on? (I hated the static that made) [06:07] Tm_T: well I can pull the volumes down and its still there..and It specifically starts as soon as you see the boot up process start Alsa [06:08] kkathman: interesting, maybe there's something going on in alsamixer [06:08] jpatrick: no I have no such capability on my video card (very basic vid card) [06:08] video card/sound? [06:08] Tm_T: ??? === cold_m how i make my computer to limit connection on speed on internet to others computers? [06:08] jpatrick: no it is absolutely NOT the card because when I boot the same box to Suse, there are no problems whatsoever === nxv_ [n=matrix@dslb-084-056-104-217.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:09] so Im thinking it must be something in Alsa [06:09] for sure [06:09] kkathman: first you were talking about speakers, next you mention vid cards... === l3m [n=l3m@84-73-62-186.dclient.hispeed.ch] has joined #kubuntu [06:09] kkathman: does mute help? [06:09] jpatrick: you mentioned 3D [06:10] Tm_T: I can turn the speakers OFF and it doesnt help [06:10] I know that sounds weird [06:10] kkathman: KMix has an option for 3D enchanement [06:10] but again...doesnt happen with windows or Suse [06:10] kkathman: but in alsamixer, if mute there, does it help? [06:10] jpatrick: I will check that [06:10] let me reboot === divansantana [n=divan@wbs-196-2-111-102.wbs.co.za] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [06:11] ei === justin_ [n=justin@] has joined #kubuntu [06:11] someone do you listen for Hristo Stoichkov === justin_ is now known as mmHg [06:13] this is football star! [06:13] :) === JohnFlux [n=imy@konversation/developer/JohnFlux] has joined #kubuntu [06:13] can anybody help with a g++ compile problem? [06:14] I can't even compile a simple "hello world" - looks like some kind of library issue [06:14] !xp [06:14] parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Nomad411 === NRG88 [n=nrg88@] has joined #kubuntu [06:14] mmHg: sudo apt-get install build-essential [06:14] shhh [06:15] what are you speeking? [06:15] English..... [06:15] trappist: thanks, I'll give it a try === kkathman-away [n=kvirc@h-66-167-142-192.dllatx37.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #kubuntu [06:15] jpatrick, i know...this was a joke ;) [06:16] jpatrick: went to kmix - it responds to the volume meter === kkathman-away is now known as kkathman [06:16] and I turned off the "master surround" which removed the buzz [06:17] trappist: it worked! thanks a bunch [06:17] right [06:17] now I need to find something I can try to get a system notification === Rayaken [n=Rayaken@G685e.g.pppool.de] has joined #kubuntu [06:18] is there no 3D option (that's what causes static here) [06:18] jpatrick: can you tell me how you have your kmix sliders set? which one are "on" === Rayaken [n=Rayaken@G685e.g.pppool.de] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] [06:18] all, but 3D [06:18] jpatrick: I tried just turning off the 3d, but that didnt stop the problem [06:19] hmmm [06:20] jpatrick: could you go through your "switches" then? [06:20] none on === NRG88 [n=nrg88@] has joined #kubuntu [06:20] if I turn off the "spread fron to Surround and center - the buzz goes away too === dcwckd [n=dcwckd@toronto-HSE-ppp4237805.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [06:20] I haven't got that option [06:21] anyone around? [06:21] dcwckd: loads [06:21] who doesn't turn off your computer [06:21] lol awesome [06:21] who have the best uptime? :) [06:21] i have imported my profiles in thunderbird, but it say's that something is wrong, like something about read/write permissions [06:21] how would I get the system to play a sound (not a CD) ?? [06:21] ubuntu packages lineakd [06:21] ahh wait I know [06:21] I want to know how I can install klineakconfig [06:21] anyone heard of this app [06:22] yah Im getting no sound now [06:22] :( [06:23] no one? [06:23] yanno...systemsetting just sucks in kubuntu :( lots and lots of bugs there [06:24] eiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii [06:24] da vi eba maikata... [06:24] they gotta fix that !! === jsgotangco [n=jsg@] has joined #kubuntu [06:26] does anyone use thunderbird? [06:27] Not me === Nomad411 [n=ggodin@CPE000d88f1925d-CM000a73668bc0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:27] Nomad411? === dcwckd [n=dcwckd@toronto-HSE-ppp4237805.sympatico.ca] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] [06:27] no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no [06:27] yup [06:27] yes [06:27] :) [06:27] i imported my profiles [06:27] NRG88: what's up? How did it go? [06:27] eventually i installed 1.5 [06:28] but there's some problem with permission i think [06:28] ok.. [06:28] is there a particular message or error? [06:28] it says something, about read/write permissions [06:28] yep [06:28] Basically, I'll bet it's more ownership === dsa [n=dsaa@] has joined #kubuntu [06:28] are you fluent with linux commandline? [06:28] a little [06:28] jpatrick: thanks for the help, seems ok now [06:29] great :) [06:29] if you open up a konsole, go to teh folder where your profile i sstored [06:29] cd $home/.thunderbird or cd $home/.mozilla-thunderbird [06:29] there [06:29] ls -al [06:30] its home/nrg88/.thunderbird :) [06:30] anyone use superkaramba? [06:30] what's your username/group showing for the default.%@#@ folder? [06:30] sp nrg88 then [06:30] so [06:30] nrg88 [06:30] permissions: drwxr-xr-x [06:31] if you type chown -R nrg88.nrg88 default.whatveritIs [06:31] It'll make sure that first you own everything underneath there [06:31] do that and restart Thunderbird [06:32] Did it pickup your folders and mail and everything? [06:33] yes [06:33] maika ti da eba ludaaaa [06:33] but i still have an alert [06:33] i need some help [06:33] Q: I'm trying to setup windows "second", and it should be on hdb. It refuses to install there since I don't have a windows partition on hda. Should I just dicsonnect hda, install, and manually add Xp to grub after? [06:34] ok, then, permissions would be.. === wimpies [n=u19809@cable-62-205-105-193.upc.chello.be] has joined #kubuntu [06:34] chmod -R 775 defualt.&?# I asssume [06:34] heheh asssume [06:34] anyone linux maniac here? [06:34] is there any more recent version of firefox than 1.0.7 packaged for kunbutu 5.10 ? [06:34] !firefox [06:35] !firefox [06:35] what do you mean ? [06:35] broken [06:35] !firefox1.5 [06:35] You can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion [06:35] there :) [06:35] Thx [06:35] np :) [06:35] Nomad411? [06:35] yes [06:35] Nomad411, thank you very much :) [06:36] i have 1 problem witl linux can you help me? [06:36] it works [06:36] NRG88: kewl :) === sertec [n=sertec@] has joined #kubuntu [06:36] Go forth ane muslitply spam now! [06:36] woops.. [06:36] bad typos [06:36] boha: just spell out the problem and if someone can help they probably will [06:36] !windows [06:37] hmm... windows is unnecessary - everything runs in linux. Choose your emulator: Cedega, Wine, VMware, Qemu, Xen, CrossOver Office, or find an !alternative [06:37] lol [06:37] !xen [06:37] xen is probably a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. It can be found at http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/Research/SRG/netos/xen/ . [06:37] i have to paste 24 lines:D so its better to paste them in privat;) [06:37] no, use pastebin [06:37] how? [06:37] !firefox1.5 [06:37] You can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion [06:37] !pastebin [06:37] from memory, pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org - Install webboard for easy pasting from the gnome taskbar :) [06:37] !mplayer [06:37] hmm... mplayer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31061 === Nomad411 thinks that wimpies has just discovered ubotu! [06:38] :) [06:38] is Xen good? [06:39] Nomad411 : well never to old to learn ... ;) [06:40] So anyone with advice on installing windows on hdb? [06:40] hm [06:40] try removing the linux hdd? [06:40] ok i post in postbin :D === pv_ [n=pv@a84-231-81-48.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #kubuntu [06:40] then only one hdd will be there [06:41] Nomad411: if you're doing winxp, should be a breeze from the installer. if it's something like win98, can't be done. [06:41] it is XP, but refuses to do it, it wants me to wipe out a partition on hda? === Borut [n=borut@chello087207008111.chello.pl] has joined #kubuntu === mo0osah [n=mo0osah@resnet-24-34.dorm.utexas.edu] has joined #kubuntu [06:42] Nomad411: sounds like a problem for #windows :) [06:42] trappist: If I disconnect hda, install on hdb and reconnect, I should be able to set up grub to boot XP? [06:42] yes [06:42] trappist: You're rigth of course [06:42] Thanks [06:42] boha: what's up, pasted yet? === Xemanth^ [n=xemanth@dsl-hkigw7-fedcdc00-213.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #Kubuntu [06:43] yes [06:43] You hav eto paste the link back in here after rigth ? :) [06:43] http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8441 [06:43] oky:D [06:43] Nomad411, why don't hou disable hda from bios if you can, else just remove the IDE cable [06:44] then XP will see only one drive [06:44] boha: ^^here it ends means that it stops there? [06:44] install xp, then modify grub [06:44] yes [06:44] it should work [06:44] NRG88: Yup, thanks :) [06:44] do i have to press something? [06:45] yw :) [06:45] boha: not much I can do, your best bet is to ask in here, once in a while, not every 5 minutes of course [06:45] and googling fo rit [06:45] oky tnx:) [06:46] actually, why not disconnect USB things an dboot without them. === apacheLAGger [n=Harald@M3166P010.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #kubuntu [06:46] then plug them in one by one, you seem to hav ea problem with IRQ, I dunno :) [06:46] Or at least disconnect the things you don't really need [06:47] oh so you tink that USB tink are responsible for that? [06:47] i will try [06:47] tnx [06:47] I'm not even sure it,s that either.. :( [06:47] good luck [06:48] i have cable for camera in USB [06:48] i wil pull out === gerardocb [n=gcontrer@] has joined #kubuntu [06:49] brb === irclogger [n=Harald@M3166P010.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #kubuntu [06:51] On my internal harddrive i had windows and linux partitions and a partition for data storage between windows and linux === NRG88 [n=nrg88@] has joined #kubuntu [06:51] i just installed kubuntu [06:52] can someone tell me how to data partition up === roka [n=roka@81-236-209-240-no28.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:53] can i install a x86 .deb package on my amd64? [06:53] why would you do that [06:53] defeats the purpose of 64bit processor [06:53] when i try to install its says that the .dev isent the same as my arch [06:53] get x86 64 === _igor [n=igor@IGLD-83-130-45-51.inter.net.il] has joined #kubuntu [06:54] but i want to install the x86 mplayer so i can use the plugins [06:54] roka: if you have a 64 bit system, you'll need to set up a 32 bit chroot for that [06:54] I think amd supports 32 bit aswell [06:54] roka: i had same problem, i unistalled x86-64 and installed x86 [06:55] roka: i mean distro [06:55] <_igor> hey.... why when i start adept from the menu it wont start? [06:55] too many problems with x86-64 and then even ati cra* [06:56] <_igor> it just makes some signs of trying really hard but then dies on me [06:57] <_igor> but running sudo adept works fine [06:57] <_igor> can anyone explain this to me please? === aibo [n=aibo@host-217-19-221-79.ppp.idknet.com] has joined #kubuntu [06:58] _igor: mayeb try starting it without sudo, from teh command line.. You should see error mesages if any [06:58] <_igor> right [06:59] _igor: the command from my menu is adept %i %m -caption "%c" === dcwckd [n=dcwckd@toronto-HSE-ppp4237805.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [07:00] !grub [07:00] http://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting [07:00] Anyone know how to turn off one-clicking in KDE? :) [07:00] _igor: compare what you have in your menu === _guigui [n=guigui@lns-bzn-12-82-252-56-209.adsl.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu === NRG88 [n=nrg88@] has joined #kubuntu [07:00] weedar [07:00] <_guigui> coucou [07:00] sys settings -> mouse :P [07:00] d'oh [07:00] thanks dcwckd ;) [07:00] Nomad411, can i make thunderbird minimize to tray? [07:00] <_guigui> hello i am a new === Tallia1Kubuntu [n=andrea@cust-65-110-27-27.sfu-reznet.connectwest.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:01] <_guigui> who can help me i am french === tanubis [n=tanubis@] has joined #kubuntu [07:01] <_igor> Nomad411: same command [07:01] <_guigui> helllo [07:02] <_guigui> nobody can help me [07:02] _igor: did it start in read-only mode? [07:02] <_igor> yeah === boha [i=boha_ha@] has joined #kubuntu === kameron is now known as kameron_away [07:02] You want to be not french anymore? LOL je suis francophoen aussi.. [07:02] francophone === slow-motion [n=xxx@p548DC26D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:02] <_guigui> cool un francais [07:02] <_igor> Nomad411: yeas [07:02] <_igor> yes [07:03] !pastebin [07:03] <_guigui> je vien juste d installer ubuntu et g qq pb [07:03] pastebin is, like, a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org - Install webboard for easy pasting from the gnome taskbar :) [07:03] hallo [07:03] _igor: I don,t know.. sorrty :( [07:03] Attends.. [07:03] !fr [07:03] Va a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour aide et discussion en francais [07:03] Nomad411, can i make thunderbird minimize to tray? [07:03] Voila.. :) [07:03] <_guigui> tu peu m aider nomad411 [07:04] or i need a plugin? [07:04] NRG88: dunno, tell me how when you find out, woudl like it too [07:04] ok === cyanid3 [n=jhowe@24-180-124-81.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:04] _guigui: vient a #kubuntu-fr [07:05] <_igor> i just don't get it, why is there an item in the Menu i can only run in command line?!!!? [07:06] NRG88: Good point [07:06] I have a bit of a strange problem... Kubuntu seems to have gotten confused between my wireless card and my hardline [07:06] it says I'm connected with wireless, and it detects my network... but as soon as I unplug, it goes down [07:07] and the IP it says it is connected to is a hardline ip, not a wireless one === LinuxJones [n=willy@hlfxns01bbh-142177196016.ns.aliant.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:07] what can I do to sort it out? [07:07] tanubis: It may be that you have some kind of bridging going on.. [07:08] follow through your networking maybe, traceroute to the gatweay, etc.. see if you go through the line [07:08] nothign weird in your network settings? [07:08] not that I know of... [07:09] let me check [07:09] I'm trying to run a dvd in a fairly new installation of kubuntu using mplayer. All that it does is display a black screen. Do I have to install anytying after the ubuntu install to play dvds? [07:09] tanubis: i.e. is your gateway for the wifi card the other nic? [07:10] !dvd [07:10] it has been said that dvd is DVDs may require libdvdcss2, which is available at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages === stodge [n=mike@CPE0080c8289877-CM000039179a5e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu === seth is now known as seth|away [07:10] hmm, i swear i checked for htat [07:10] ahh [07:10] maybe I'm crazy though [07:10] I rememebr have=ing a hell of a hard time at first with that a long tine ago.. Kinda blurry now.. [07:10] !crazy [07:10] Nomad411: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/ [07:11] nope, seemingly fine :0 [07:11] ok, it has the network connected now, but the hardline isn't working === sonic [n=sonic@] has joined #kubuntu [07:12] if I run lshw -C network , it tells me that network1 (eth1) is disabled, everything else seems ok [07:12] but when I go ifup eth1 , it reports an error: ignoring unknown interface eth1=eth1 === Knowerrors [n=Armin@0-1pool84-202.nas52.oakland1.ca.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu === Sirin [n=michael@cpe-24-209-225-51.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [07:14] I eat my hat : ). libdvdcss wasn't installed [07:14] thanks ! === djzn [n=djzn@200-168-153-8.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu [07:14] Anyone updated kubuntu to KDE 3.5.1? === Nomad411 likes that cyanid3 ate a whole hat! [07:14] stodge: yes [07:14] fun ain't it? [07:14] Was it painless? === cyanid3 feels sick though [07:15] stodge: it will yes === _djzn [n=djzn@200-168-153-8.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #kubuntu [07:15] Anybody here know the kppp setup for a winmodem? I got Intel 536ep working, but it connects at 26.4, which usually means some kind of connection error [07:15] must go work.. adios. === Nomad411 is now known as `Nomad_Away [07:15] Do you add one of the repositories to adept and perform a full upgrade? [07:16] yes === jahon [n=jahon@] has joined #kubuntu [07:16] Guys, I just heard Oracle are buying Zend. What will this mean for us? === tvo [n=tobi@5354EA9B.cable.casema.nl] has joined #kubuntu === roconnor [n=roconnor@n032173.cs.kun.nl] has joined #kubuntu [07:17] Ok well here we go! [07:18] <`Nomad_Away> sonic: what? really.. [07:19] So I hear, along ith JBoss and SleepyCat === cyanid3 [n=jhowe@24-180-124-81.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [07:19] `Nomad_Away, ? [07:19] still here? [07:19] How would you go about stopping totem from loading when you put a video dvd into the dvd drive? [07:19] found something [07:20] there isn'n any plugin, that could minimize thunderbird to tray, but there is a linux utility, called KDocker [07:20] http://kdocker.sourceforge.net/ [07:20] bbl [07:20] or you can add it to your adept source list: [07:20] deb http://dinton.no-ip.org/ kubuntu main [07:20] deb-src http://dinton.no-ip.org/ kubuntu main [07:20] Nomad_Away: I just had a quick look for some info and found this http://www.channelregister.co.uk/2006/02/10/oracle_opens_source_acquisition/ === fetish [n=fetish@] has joined #kubuntu [07:21] I have problems with kubuntu LIVE CD. I get this on my screen ->http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/i8443 [07:22] can anyone help me? === fetish is now known as opizi === as_284 [n=urli@] has joined #kubuntu [07:23] hello [07:23] hy === NRG88 [n=nrg88@] has joined #kubuntu [07:24] i have firefox and konqueror as webrowser, and i installed flash for them but is not working properly, it doesent show the text of the movies, any ieda why? [07:25] as_284: the RestrictedFormats page on wiki.ubuntu.com has some suggestions for that === kasim [n=kai@p508164DE.dip.t-dialin.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [07:26] trappist: thanks, i will check it out === apacheLAGger [n=Harald@M3166P010.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #kubuntu === Lacerta [n=Silakka@dsl-imtgw1-ffffc000-124.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu === Grim76_Work [n=grim76@12-202-194-248.client.insightBB.com] has left #kubuntu [] === gleesond [i=devong@ceti.cs.pdx.edu] has joined #kubuntu === beefsprocket [n=jamonati@HSE-Toronto-ppp317421.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu [07:31] is there a way to make thunderbird my default email client [07:31] because every time I try to make email from my browser it trys to open up evolution [07:34] sure [07:34] why evolution anyway? [07:34] you not on kde? === ubuntu [n=ubuntu@] has joined #kubuntu [07:34] i am in kde [07:34] anyways: [07:35] here's what you do [07:35] System Settings > User Account [07:35] Default Applications [07:35] I have problems with kubuntu LIVE CD. I get this on my screen ->http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/i8443 === JakubS [n=qba@azk210.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #kubuntu [07:35] mabey because I switched from ubuntu [07:35] mozilla-thunderbird [07:35] in the email one [07:35] I always do a base install of ubuntu and install kubuntu from there [07:36] because i like synaptic [07:36] is synaptic not in kubuntu by default? === slow-motion [n=xxx@p548DC26D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === nlindblad [n=nlindbla@user179.217-10-120.netatonce.net] has joined #kubuntu [07:38] re === vicks [n=chatzill@c-e68870d5.037-42-67626719.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu [07:40] <_djzn> it should be === mandric [n=mandric@gumbu.CS.Berkeley.EDU] has left #kubuntu [] === vir-- [n=viktor@h195n2fls32o284.telia.com] has joined #kubuntu === kitsch [n=sam@84-217-22-63.tn.glocalnet.net] has joined #kubuntu === dcwckd [n=dcwckd@toronto-HSE-ppp4237805.sympatico.ca] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] === `Nomad_Away is now known as Nomad411 === lars [n=lars@p54AC6F2C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === ubuntu is now known as theSamo === carlos [n=carlos@] has joined #kubuntu [07:54] como va esto [07:54] evening, everyone [07:54] canal espanihs [07:54] anyone knows how the media:// -links in konqueror (KDE) are created? [07:54] carlos: hola, esta aqui #kubuntu-es [07:55] ok como me registro y pongo nick ,soy novato === aplg [n=Harald@amarok/rokymotion/apachelogger] has joined #kubuntu [07:58] whats kde 3.5.1 header package ? [07:58] eh? [07:59] sob dev package [07:59] i can't compile programs which need kde [07:59] kdelibs4-dev === xiglet [n=xiglet@cD9088F2C.sdsl.catch.no] has joined #kubuntu [08:00] i have 3.5.1, not kde 4.0, it isn't even ready :| [08:00] irdadump shows my mobile phone, shouln't I have a /dev/ir* device? === jackster [n=jack@user-4683.lns1-c10.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [08:00] Xemanth^: that's what the package is called === jackster [n=jack@user-4683.lns1-c10.dsl.pol.co.uk] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === irclogger [n=Harald@N873P030.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #kubuntu === blueyed [n=daniel@pdpc/supporter/active/blueyed] has joined #kubuntu [08:01] jpatrick: http://pastebin.com/548716 [08:02] !info kdelibs4-dev [08:02] kdelibs4-dev: (development files for the KDE core libraries), section libdevel, is optional. Version: 4:3.4.3-0ubuntu2 (breezy), Packaged size: 1274 kB, Installed size: 7308 kB [08:02] Xemanth^: ^^ [08:02] jpatrick: ^^ like i said sob package [08:02] odd === slow-motion [n=xxx@p548DEED9.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === kkathman is now known as kkathman-away [08:04] jpatrick: indeed === stodge [n=mike@CPE0080c8289877-CM000039179a5e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu === visik7 [n=visi@unaffiliated/visik7] has joined #kubuntu === stodge [n=mike@CPE0080c8289877-CM000039179a5e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === carlos is now known as _carlos === MenZa [i=menza@0x50a16091.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu === grimse [n=grimse@p5481ED25.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu === brexel [n=armin@www.qwuh.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:10] hi all [08:10] I have problems with kubuntu LIVE CD. I get this on my screen ->http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/i8443 [08:10] can anyone help me? [08:11] <_guigui> hi [08:12] kernel problems [08:12] boha: seems linux doesn't like your sata controller [08:12] you might wanna try fiddling with the sata settings in your bios [08:12] ubuntu kernel has some issue [08:13] hmm what should i do [08:13] oh, is it ubuntu specific? [08:13] I got some varius problem with ubuntu kernels [08:13] problems never got on vanilla === SeLaB [i=amyn@] has joined #kubuntu [08:14] brexel what schould i do in bios? === SeLaB [i=amyn@] has left #kubuntu [] [08:14] i have 2 hard disks [08:14] is there any way to restore default kmail toolbar config? [08:15] i don;t know your bios but most bioses allow to change some stuff with the ata controllers...access modes and stuff like that. just try playing with those settings. also you might wanna try ide=nodma on the boot commandline though i doubt that will solve this problem [08:15] boha: boot with nodma [08:15] sould disable dma [08:15] grxmrx: find .kde -name "*kmail*" -ecec rm -f {} \; [08:16] ok i will try [08:16] tnx [08:16] yw === Tonio_ [n=tonio@tonio.planetemu.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:17] grxmrx: find .kde -name "*kmail*" -exec rm -f {} \; <-- sry i mistyped :) that will reset *all* kmail settings === francesco [n=francesc@] has joined #kubuntu [08:17] brexel: that's going to run into directories and fail [08:18] trappist: nope [08:18] we want to delete config files, not dirs [08:18] oh, so add -type f instead of getting the rm errors :) [08:19] what for? rm -f deletes files only anyway :) [08:20] any howto/wiki or something for NetworkManager on kubuntu? [08:21] hello all. [08:21] hi [08:21] Nomad411, you here? [08:21] how do you guys rate and feel about amarok? [08:21] found a solution for thunderbird tray... [08:21] well jahon [08:21] jahon: i think it uses too much cpu but it has great features [08:22] i say this is the best music player i ever used :) === differnet22323 [n=fake@cpe-70-117-201-131.rgv.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:22] NRG88: the tray extension? [08:22] ^^ [08:22] noirequus, that works only in win [08:22] jahon after updating to the backports one (so that it would stop eating 20+% of my cpu) it's excellent [08:22] noirequus, that works only in win === jahon is now known as _jahon [08:22] hm [08:22] stupid xchat :) [08:22] lol sampan [08:23] brexel, the tray extension is sadly for win only :( [08:23] but i made it with KDocker === faked [n=faked@85-124-46-104.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #kubuntu [08:23] and it can do the same with any window [08:23] Jaymac: I agree that it's a bit bloated but full of features, but if I wasn't willing to make that tradeoff I wouldn't be using kde :) [08:23] NRG88: nope i have it installed here [08:23] even firefox [08:23] err [08:23] that was for jahon, who is no longer with us [08:23] lol ... was true though -- the breezy default version would inexplicably use 20-30% of my cpu ... but only on -some- files. the backport version is perfect (except for the lyrics feature not working b/c the lyric site changed it's html format) [08:23] <_jahon> really? [08:23] brexel, and it worked? [08:23] yes [08:23] <_jahon> i finialy go it to work. [08:23] from where? :o [08:23] <_jahon> it looks like it will be a good player. [08:24] mozdev? [08:24] yes [08:24] <_jahon> i'm looking for a replacement to MusicMatch. I have a Linux version but i can't get it to run. It uses some other sort of wine... === feistel [n=feistel@] has joined #kubuntu [08:24] hi [08:25] some Kubuntu member team here? [08:25] brexel, is it this one: http://minimizetotray.mozdev.org/ ? [08:25] i have a simple question [08:25] NRG88: just a sec i'll check === Nilisco [n=Nilisco@wrath.shellfx.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:25] ok [08:25] no that's not it [08:26] may i have the link to your extension? [08:26] where I can find a how-to or guide to make my own distribution based in ubuntu, like Kubuntu? [08:26] <_jahon> great, my "/msg" command doesn't work again... [08:27] <_jahon> how many times do i need to register this name? [08:27] hmm where did i find that? [08:27] _jahon if you already registered the nick, then you need to "identify" with nickserv in order to msg [08:28] brexel, try a right click on the extension, and visit homepahe [08:28] brexel, try a right click on the extension, and visit homepage [08:28] or something, about..... [08:28] there must be a link :) [08:28] (assuming, of course, that you registered the nick on a previous visit to freenode) [08:28] i just realized i have it installed installed at work only [08:28] not here [08:28] but hang on i'll have it soon :) [08:28] i'll just ssh there :) [08:29] thanks :) [08:29] http://moztraybiff.mozdev.org/ [08:30] ssh? can ssh be used to control via GUI to? [08:30] thanks :D [08:30] yes, but i used console only right now [08:30] (man ssh -> look for -X === _jahon is now known as jahon [08:31] oh :) [08:31] brexel, this is not minimize, only show tray :( === sbt [n=sbt@e176168110.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #kubuntu [08:31] or is it? [08:32] oh i think i misunderstood you [08:32] i thought u wanted a tray notification when a new email arrives [08:33] noirequus, minimize to tray :D [08:33] grr [08:33] :D === XoR [i=xor@] has joined #kubuntu [08:33] stupid xchat [08:33] xchat sucks :) [08:33] when i write no and , it writes a nick >:\ [08:33] sorry tehn, my mistake [08:33] what do u use? [08:33] konversation === DjDarkPingvin [n=djdarkma@] has joined #kubuntu [08:33] like almost everybody here :) [08:34] Dj? :D [08:34] yes it`s me :D === kernelpanic [n=william@20151238226.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu [08:35] KONVERSATION RULES! [08:35] real men use irssi :X [08:36] exactly [08:36] sampan: real men use nc [08:36] :) [08:36] real men use telnet [08:36] Real men use CLI. [08:36] lol i remember using telnet on undernet like 12-3 years ago -- monochrome green monitor, telnet irc -- mmmmm === tsdgeos [n=tsdgeos@kde/aacid] has joined #kubuntu === kernelpanic [n=william@20151238226.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #kubuntu [08:38] real real men write a tiby socket implementation in asm and use that :D [08:38] tiny === Tallia1Kubuntu [n=andrea@cust-65-110-26-109.sfu-reznet.connectwest.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:38] ok, i'm quiet already...we all know how these conversations end from slashdot :D === U [n=root@dsl-hkigw2-fe1dde00-73.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu === kernelpanic [n=william@20151238226.user.veloxzone.com.br] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] === DjDarkPingvin [n=djdarkma@] has left #kubuntu [] === _douglas [n=douglas@client-128-118-36-138.mobility-cl.psu.edu] has joined #kubuntu [08:45] <_douglas> What package would give me the ability to do this -lwx_gtk_gl in kdevelop. I need to know what packages I need to install to get this library! [08:45] apt-file search libwx_gtk_gl.so === U [n=root@dsl-hkigw2-fe1dde00-73.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu [08:46] <_douglas> wow, apt-file, I hadn't heard of this, thanks! === JS [n=root@dsl-hkigw2-fe1dde00-73.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu [08:47] if it doesn't find anything try 'apt-file search libwx_gtk_gl' [08:47] <_douglas> tsdgeos, I have no apt-file command. [08:47] sudo apt-get install apt-file && sudo apt-file update [08:47] <_douglas> it's going [08:47] <_douglas> thanks [08:47] yw :) [08:47] <_douglas> I would think they would install that by default === JS is now known as U [08:48] i guess many people never even need is [08:48] it === JS [n=root@dsl-hkigw2-fe1dde00-73.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu === tsdgeos [n=tsdgeos@kde/aacid] has joined #kubuntu === UFO [n=root@dsl-hkigw2-fe1dde00-73.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu [08:51] <_douglas> I guess, but it seems useful [08:51] <_douglas> Although is taking forever to update [08:51] well the apt-file db knows of EVERY possible file in EVERY possible package... [08:52] <_douglas> yea [08:52] <_douglas> that would be a large list [08:52] yep [08:52] <_douglas> damn, kubuntu, only provides wx2.4 gl libs, and not wx2.6 [08:52] <_douglas> hrm... I wonder if it would work anyway? [08:52] <_douglas> probably not. [08:53] ~ $ zcat /var/cache/apt/at.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_breezy_Contents-i386.gz|wc -l [08:53] 1600711 [08:53] 1.6 million files ^^ [08:53] <_douglas> shit. [08:53] <_douglas> that's a pile o' files [08:53] yea ^^ [08:53] <_douglas> I wonder if I can find a binary of the lib, I don't want to get into a dependency mess with this. [08:55] ~ $ apt-cache search libwx 2.6 [08:55] libwxgtk2.6-0 - wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (GTK+ runtime) [08:55] libwxgtk2.6-dbg - wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (GTK+ development) [08:55] libwxgtk2.6-dev - wxWidgets Cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit (GTK+ development) [08:55] could one of those be it? [08:56] <_douglas> I have those installed [08:56] <_douglas> but they don't include wx_gtk_gl [08:56] <_douglas> which I'm using to make a map editory [08:56] <_douglas> editor [08:56] hmm [08:56] <_douglas> I could use qt4, that would be cool. [08:56] <_douglas> that's cross-platform too! [08:56] qt4 is pretty good [08:56] and fast [08:56] <_douglas> but wxWidgets is very straight forward and easy [08:57] <_douglas> and qt4 looks better, I'm not a big fan of gtk2 [08:57] i hate gtk [08:57] <_douglas> I might just try it, although, isn't there some thing with qt where I'd have to pay. [08:57] i think it handles like win 3.11 [08:57] <_douglas> agreed === _max_ [i=xXx@seduce-and-destroy.com] has joined #kubuntu [08:58] iirc you need to pay if you use it commercially on win32 but that might have changed in qt4 [08:58] <_douglas> I don't plan on commercial use of this specific product... [08:58] <_douglas> so that would be fine. === bam_ [n=bam@pool-71-108-99-77.lsanca.dsl-w.verizon.net] has joined #kubuntu [08:58] <_douglas> Time to read documentation, thanks for you help, I'll be around... :) [08:59] yw :) good luck [08:59] <_douglas> are you a developer of any sorts? [09:01] yes [09:01] java [09:01] <_douglas> nice [09:01] mostly servlets and jsp, no gui programs [09:01] yea i love it [09:01] i do mostly database stuff, one of my programs is also on sourceforge [09:02] <_douglas> nice [09:02] <_douglas> I'm working on a 3d engine right now. [09:02] cool :D [09:02] <_douglas> And I've started the map editor [09:02] <_douglas> hence wxwidgets [09:03] i have no idea how graphical stuff works :) [09:03] <_douglas> ah. [09:03] <_douglas> it's not that hard. [09:03] i played a little bit with qt but just for fun [09:03] <_douglas> like the qt designer? or actual code [09:03] both. i also bought a book on qt [09:03] <_douglas> oh cool. [09:04] but i must say i like java better than C++ [09:04] though of course it is not suitable for a lot of things [09:04] <_douglas> I havn't used enough java to decide that... I've mainly been using c++ for about 7 years [09:04] <_douglas> it's a suitable language for graphics and optimization, so I stick with it. [09:04] cool :) you must be quite a C++ hero after 7 years :) [09:05] <_douglas> I'm alright [09:05] ^^ [09:05] <_douglas> I know what I'm doing, but I havn't gotten to the point of reading "the standard" yet. [09:05] <_douglas> :) [09:05] hehe === hatake_kakashi [n=meh@60-241-5-2.tpgi.com.au] has joined #kubuntu [09:11] Hi there, I've just switched to using KDE rather than GNOME in Kubuntu, but I can't find Synaptic anywhere. Can anyone help? [09:12] the kde equivalent is called kynaptic [09:12] aha, thanks! [09:12] or try adept [09:12] but it seems most people are using adept === roconnor [n=roconnor@i129246.upc-i.chello.nl] has joined #kubuntu [09:12] ok, I'll give that a shot [09:13] <_douglas> adept is sweet [09:13] i prefer apt-get :) [09:13] been used to it for so long i just can't let go [09:13] well, me too [09:14] <_douglas> I also use apt-get [09:14] I would use apt-get but I wanted to check if the version of the program I want to install is up to date [09:14] Maybe you'd know, I'm looking to install Subversion [09:16] what's the problem? :) [09:16] Well I wanted to get the latest version but I know Kubuntu is a bit behind in current versions === Phazeman [n=Phazeman@mandriva/channel-support/Phazeman] has joined #kubuntu [09:18] if you really need the very latest version you could download the source and compile it manually === TecnoVM64 [n=tecnovm@unaffiliated/tecnovm64] has joined #kubuntu [09:18] ./configure --prefix=/opt or something like that [09:18] Hello people, I have a serious issue, "kio (KSycoca): ERROR: No database available! [09:18] " and it won't rebuild it or something, any ideas? === NRG88 megint kajeltem :D [09:20] man kbuildsycoca [09:20] brexel, erm, i tried reading that and used --noincremental but still doesn't work [09:21] hmm, what does it say? [09:21] the same line [09:21] No database availablre [09:21] i guess you need to run that as root [09:21] -r [09:21] ok will try that [09:21] brexel: I'm still a bit dodgy about installing from source. What kind of sistuaions are recommeded for a source install and what kind aren't? === Nirvana [n=marco@CPE0080c8292db5-CM000f9f5158ce.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:22] sonic: i ALWAYS try to stick woth the package management. i would only install from source if the packaged version lacks some feature i REALLY need [09:23] *with [09:23] or if it is broken [09:24] Cheers, I'll just do an apt=get so :-) [09:24] ^^ [09:25] Also, I'm knew to IRC so what's ^^ [09:25] ? [09:25] ^^ are two friendly eyebrows :) [09:25] :-) === Fenix-TX [n=jesus@84-121-146-198.onocable.ono.com] has joined #kubuntu === Cheapy [n=Adm@londonderry-cuda1-68-234-71-44.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu === hektor [n=hektor@host-200-94-73-46.block.alestra.net.mx] has joined #kubuntu [09:27] Did you know? Windows has became open to... [09:28] ... to viruses, worms and hackers :) === Owner [n=chatzill@unassigned-12-149-130-126.tower1.tiedyenetworks.com] has joined #Kubuntu [09:28] hehe. the microsoft way of being open :) [09:29] yep :D [09:29] they have it much harder than others...windows was designed as a single user OS with no networking support === reon [n=reon@dsl-145-35-111.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #kubuntu [09:30] it was never meant to include multi-user support or privileges [09:30] 3.1 === puckman [n=gerard@dynamic-62-56-40-24.park-s46b.dslaccess.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [09:30] but their marketing is great :) [09:30] nt was only a modified 3.1, right? [09:30] well the kernel came from open vms [09:31] yeah, marketing :D [09:31] that is why nt was the first stable ms OS [09:31] http://www.vanwensveen.nl/rants/microsoft/IhateMS.html === Ralph_ [n=Ralph_@p54B29B8F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu [09:32] :D === Sirin [n=michael@cpe-24-209-225-51.cinci.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu [09:32] that article is a `little` anti-MS but there are also some interesting historical facts on microsoft OSes === Parkotron [n=parker@fctnnbsc16w-156034211045.nb.aliant.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:33] i red a few articles about ms and win :D [09:33] the funniest thing is how MS kept and keeps buying and stealing good software and still make them work badly [09:33] Anybody: when I do an iwconfig, I get eth1 as unassociated. How do I associate the adapter? [09:33] like the openbsd TCP/IP stack [09:34] Ralph_: in /etc/network/interfaces === tim [n=tim@dsl-146-114-76.telkomadsl.co.za] has joined #kubuntu === L` [n=asdf@] has joined #kubuntu [09:34] Heh. Kubuntu can do anything Windows can, except crash. :D [09:34] /etc/network/interfaces in configured correctly. [09:35] iface eth1 inet dhcp etc.... [09:35] one thing it can't, that's why i keep a windows on another partition [09:35] Ralph_: what is the exact error? [09:35] to run Dreamweaver 8 :( [09:35] or even 7 [09:35] As mentioned: iwconfig shows eth1 as unassociated. [09:36] oh that is wireless [09:36] i read ifconfig [09:36] hope these will be runable, but the best thing would be, if macromedia whould release a linux version [09:36] seems im not reading carefully today [09:36] Ralph_: sry i have no idea about wireless networkung under linux === _jer [n=jer@tuk-dsl-225-143.olympus.net] has joined #kubuntu [09:44] brexel, have a look at this :D [09:44] Did you know, that Linux and Windows have a lot in common? For example both are open. Linux's source is open, and Windows'... well... the whole Windows system is. But Windows is much friendlier, it gives shelter to viruses, worms, trojans, and even welcomes hackers, and it does it on it's own, so you won't have to bother. [09:45] hehe [09:45] well, i don't care too much for windows bashing...i don't like the OS but fortunately i don't have to use it [09:46] there are reasonst why 70 % of all webserver's don't run windows ^^ [09:46] -s [09:46] +s-t [09:46] omg i need typing and reading classes :D [09:47] :D === rysiek [n=rysiek@213-238-73-40.adsl.inetia.pl] has joined #kubuntu [09:48] I've been considering upgrading from KDE 3.5 to 3.5.1, But I've seen that lots of people are having trouble with it on the forums, especially keyboard layouts. Have any of you done the upgrade and if so what have your experiences been? [09:48] i'm having no probs but i just use US keyboard layout and no others [09:49] Are you still able to switch keyboard models? [09:49] Parkotron, [09:49] i had the same problem [09:49] it's a bug [09:49] keyboard layouts dissapear :) [09:49] lemme try :) [09:49] there is a fix [09:50] :D yup they're gone [09:50] i never realized that [09:50] ln -s /etc/X11/xkb /usr/share/X11/xkb [09:50] this symlink fixes eveything :) [09:50] trie it, it worked for me :D === luka74 [n=luka74@clj46-234.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #kubuntu [09:50] nice :)) [09:51] all there [09:51] thx [09:51] yw :) [09:51] Really? That was the only thing keeping me from upgrading. Thanks. [09:51] yw to :D === brexel laughs [09:51] there's one more bug, that's annoying [09:52] the hardrives and cd drives dissapear from storage media :( === Skaman [n=Skaman@host-84-221-70-7.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu === Skaman_ [n=Skaman@host-84-221-70-7.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu === Skaman [n=Skaman@host-84-221-70-7.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] === Skaman [n=Skaman@host-84-221-70-7.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu [09:53] i havn't found a fix for that, but i suppose that symlinking can fix it [09:53] hmm..i've had my setup for so long that i don't even know that existed :D i have scripts for like _everything_ [09:53] hi guys [09:53] there's a way to configure the network using the terminal? [09:53] i think the controla panel is not working good [09:53] Skaman: there's a way to configure EVERYTHING using the terminal [09:53] man ifconfig [09:53] man route [09:54] man interfaces [09:54] thnx [09:54] :D [09:54] :) [09:54] i'm noob [09:54] yw [09:54] what is "man" in terminal? [09:54] man showhs you the MANual page of a command === gerardocb is away: Away at the moment === gerardocb is now known as gerardcb_away [09:54] man man for more information :) [09:55] ^^ [09:55] you can also use it in konqui [09:55] man:/ifconfig [09:55] pretty neat [09:55] oh yeah, forgot that :D [09:55] i just tried that out and it worked :D === kessler [n=kessler@port19.ds1-hj.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #kubuntu [09:57] well all i have to add is the correct gateway and dns === xtreme [n=christop@dyndsl-080-228-195-071.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #kubuntu [09:58] dns lives in /etc/resolv.conf (man resolv.conf) [09:58] I'm trying to setup a dual monitor setup (DVI = LCD Monitor, VGA = LCD TV) but i'm having some troubles. Now i've gotten the monitor to work, but the resolution on the tv is all wrong (320x240), i want it to be 720p (1280x720). Anyone know a guide for doing this, or at least have a few hints? [09:58] and gateway in /etc/interfaces (man interfaces) [09:58] thnx brexel === tsdgeos [n=tsdgeos@kde/aacid] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [09:58] you can try setting the gateway manually with `route add default gw xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx` [09:58] yw :) [09:59] kessler: What video card? [09:59] Parkotron: geforce 6600 gt [09:59] I have the same one. [09:59] me too :) [09:59] :) === irclogger [n=Harald@N878P030.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #kubuntu [10:00] Do any of you have a working dual screen xorg.conf ? [10:00] yes [10:00] I'm currently running two CRTs: one 17" and one 15" [10:00] if so, i'd very much like to see it [10:00] looking it up right now [10:00] Are you trying to clone the screen to both, or spread across both. [10:00] http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/548900 [10:01] - [10:01] oh SH*T is possible i don't have etc/interfaces? [10:01] Skaman: /etc/network/interfaces [10:01] Doesnt matter, really, as long as i can keep my monitor as the primary screen. Clone would be the best, but i still have to be able to run different resolutions on the monitor, and on the TV [10:01] ahhhhhhhhhhh [10:01] sorry my mistake :) === fenix [n=fenix@40.Red-83-46-245.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:01] brexel: thx, i'll have a look [10:02] :) === B1zz [n=cgomez@morenovly-cuda1-24-54-246-245.ontrca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:02] kessler i had with SuSE diffrent resolutions, i thind it should be in xorg.conf [10:02] kessler: FYI: the LeftOf and RightOf options simply don't work although they are in the nvidia readme...a known bug for like 3 years :/ [10:03] oh [10:03] Hmm.... my card is ati === brosioz [n=brosioz@host200-71.pool80183.interbusiness.it] has joined #kubuntu [10:03] at least to my knowledge. might be fixed in the meantime but i dont think so [10:04] THNX brexel!! [10:04] yw :) [10:04] i made route add default gw ip [10:04] UFO: i'm not sure it's possible to run individual resolutions if using "clone", but dunno [10:04] and all works now [10:04] there's something wrong in kcontrol [10:04] Skaman: to make it permanent you must configure /etc/network/interfaces correctly [10:04] i'll make an update [10:04] "man interfaces" has some examples [10:05] ;) === sorush20 [n=sorush20@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu [10:05] i'll take a look [10:05] So uhm.... You dont actually have to make multiple screens, monitors and devices in xorg.conf in order to get twinview? Is that a thing of the past (XFConfig-4) [10:05] i'll be back in a sec [10:05] Sure you can but, maybe you have to use virtual desktop [10:05] i shut off the notebook === Skaman [n=Skaman@host-84-221-70-7.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [10:05] can i force every application, to use my KDE style cursors? [10:05] kessler: if u wanna use twinview you have only 1 screen === gleesond [i=devong@ceti.cs.pdx.edu] has joined #kubuntu === skaman [n=skaman@host-84-221-70-7.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu === ziza [n=aziz@chello084112072063.6.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu [10:07] brexel: i'm not 100% sure what i want, i'm kindda new to this dual screen thing. I want to use my monitor as usual, but with the ability to playback movies/games/whatever on the TV. As stated earlier, the dvi = pc monitor, and vga = hdtv === kkathman-away is now known as kkathman [10:08] both are lcd's btw, if thats of any importance [10:08] kessler, it should be possible [10:08] well if the tv lives on the vga output the graphics card will just believe it is a second monitor won't it? [10:08] yes [10:09] so IMO you should just tro to configure the tv as a usual second monitor === httpdss [n=httpdss@r201-217-190-235.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has joined #kubuntu [10:09] the setup i posted you lets me watch movies on either monitor [10:09] I could try to use tft+crt+tv with my laptop and ati [10:09] so i believe it should work for you too [10:09] Kessler, do you have nvidia or ati or something else [10:10] it's different with the s-video output but if u use vga+dvi it should work like that [10:10] UFO: nv 6600 [10:10] Ok, i dont know how to work with it... [10:11] UFO: geforce 6600gt [10:12] ok edited my interfaces [10:12] brexel: my tv can use both s-video or vga, but i see no reason to use s-video over vga [10:12] let's see if all workks good [10:12] :D [10:12] gl :) === BigBadBen [n=mrmoo@host-84-9-146-49.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu [10:13] yes use vga... with vga all the colours has own wire [10:14] kessler: i would also recommend vga :) much easier to cfg === sas171 [n=sas171@e180063012.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #kubuntu === _shawn_ [n=shawn@CPE000d3a2b6dd6-CM001404d8aa6e.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu [10:14] Do you know what resolutions you're TV supports? [10:14] apart from that if you use svide the tv must be powered on at boot time [10:15] Is the tv crt or plasma/tft [10:15] Be carefull with plasma === skaman [n=skaman@host-84-221-70-7.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu === mo0osah [n=mo0osah@resnet-23-99.dorm.utexas.edu] has joined #kubuntu === wezlo [n=wallen@c-68-39-92-174.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:16] all good!!! Thnx again brexel! [10:16] :) great === wezlo [n=wallen@c-68-39-92-174.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [10:17] UFO: it's LCD [10:17] and yeah, i know... Thats why i dont use any hsync/vrefresh definitions in my xorg.conf === arrinmurr [n=arrinmur@MMMCMLIV.tun.saunalahti.fi] has joined #kubuntu === skaman [n=skaman@host-84-221-70-7.cust-adsl.tiscali.it] has joined #kubuntu === Tallia1Kubuntu [n=andrea@cust-65-110-27-27.sfu-reznet.connectwest.net] has joined #kubuntu === hollywoodb [n=hollywoo@] has joined #kubuntu [10:20] http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/548927 <- does this look right to you guys? [10:21] That might work. Have you tried it? === gamma [n=gamma@] has joined #kubuntu === _heanol [i=heanol@ua-83-227-168-197.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu [10:23] kessler: do you actually use twinview and the Metamodes option? [10:23] <_heanol> Hi, i just installed kubuntu and got these errors both during installation and when i do a dist-upgrade now.. [10:23] kessler: no, the metamodes and twinview option belon into the screen section iirc [10:23] <_heanol> http://pastebin.com/548935 [10:24] hmm _heanol are you root? [10:24] Has anyone here installed apache2, mysql5 and php5 on kubuntu? [10:24] <_heanol> well, using sudo [10:24] hmm [10:25] brexel: Mine are under device and work fine. [10:25] i have the "not fixed" version of kword, and after an apt update/upgrade , no new koffice version was downloaded .. is the fixed version under another repos ? [10:25] twinview and metamodes are nvidia driver options, they're in the correct spot. the docs are at /usr/share/doc/nvidia-glx/README.txt.gz [10:25] <_heanol> can anyone check just what /etc/defoma/hints/ttf-freefont.hints is supposed to contain? [10:25] you could try echo > /var/lib/dpkg/info/ttf-freefont.postrm but that might break the package === blueyed [n=daniel@pdpc/supporter/active/blueyed] has joined #kubuntu [10:26] echo > /var/lib/dpkg/info/ttf-freefont.postinst (that's the correct one) === B1zz [n=cgomez@morenovly-cuda1-24-54-246-245.ontrca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu === sas171 [n=sas171@e180063012.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #kubuntu === rance1 [n=rance@67-137-162-160.bras01.kea.ne.frontiernet.net] has joined #kubuntu === kessler [n=kessler@port19.ds1-hj.adsl.cybercity.dk] has joined #kubuntu [10:27] http://pastebin.com/548944 <-- mine looks like this [10:27] but it looks as though it was a generated file [10:28] <_heanol> yeah... :/ [10:28] <_heanol> i wonder what generates it [10:28] <_heanol> feels like the installation of defoma should [10:28] How'd it go Kessler? === nlindblad [n=nlindbla@user179.217-10-120.netatonce.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:29] _heanol: take a look at the postinstall script === Knowerrors [n=Armin@0-1pool84-25.nas52.oakland1.ca.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu === _paul [n=paul@] has joined #kubuntu === B1zz [n=cgomez@morenovly-cuda1-24-54-246-245.ontrca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:30] _heanol: sudo /usr/bin/defoma-font reregister-all /etc/defoma/hints/ttf-freefont.hints [10:30] <_heanol> /etc/defoma/hints/ttf-freefont.hints: Unable to open, or empty. [10:30] <_heanol> that gives me that [10:31] does the file exist? [10:31] <_heanol> nope [10:31] sudo touch /etc/defoma/hints/ttf-freefont.hints && sudo /usr/bin/defoma-font reregister-all /etc/defoma/hints/ttf-freefont.hints === B1zz [n=cgomez@morenovly-cuda1-24-54-246-245.ontrca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:31] <_heanol> same error [10:31] does the dir /etc/defoma/hints/ exist? [10:31] <_heanol> yes [10:32] hmm [10:32] man defoma-font [10:32] there are some options described...you might wanna try them [10:33] <_heanol> it's weird that no one else noticed this.. [10:33] <_heanol> did a pretty much default install of 5.10 [10:33] I just got a modem installed as /dev/536ep0, however, kppp doesn't show 536ep0 under modem devices, so I did "sudo ln -s 536ep0 modem" which works until I reboot, how do I make it stay or be visible to kppp? [10:34] Knowerrors: you need to tell udevd to create that device === Parkotron [n=parker@fctnnbsc16w-156034211045.nb.aliant.net] has left #kubuntu [] [10:35] Knowerrors: or alternatively enter that symlink command in the udevd startscript in /etc/init.d/ === pm [n=pm@] has joined #kubuntu === nlindblad [n=nlindbla@user179.217-10-120.netatonce.net] has left #kubuntu ["Lmnar"] [10:39] <_heanol> is Konversation based on xchat? [10:40] no [10:40] I dont think sou === Parkotron [n=parker@fctnnbsc16w-156034211045.nb.aliant.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:40] but irc is finnish like linux [10:40] :D [10:40] :Z [10:41] It came with Amiga i think [10:41] i don;t think so :) [10:42] did amiga even have network? :D [10:42] IRC was born during summer 1988 when Jarkko "WiZ" Oikarinen wrote the first IRC client and server at the University of Oulu, Finland (where he was working at the Department of Information Processing Science). === mo0osah [n=mo0osah@resnet-24-31.dorm.utexas.edu] has joined #kubuntu [10:42] I just upgraded to 3.5.1 and all seems to be well. Unfortunately, I forgot to write down NRG88's solution to the keyboard layout bug before I restarted. Do you still have that brexel? [10:43] UFO: i'm reading it right now :D [10:43] Parkotron: sudo ln -s /etc/X11/xkb /usr/share/X11/xkb [10:43] Hey guys you ever used modems ;) [10:43] Thanks. === _mo0osah [n=mo0osah@resnet-24-31.dorm.utexas.edu] has joined #kubuntu === larsivi is now known as lars_away [10:43] heheheh i didn't [10:44] <_heanol> can i get 3.5 when i'm on breezy? [10:44] _heanol: yes: deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/kde351 breezy main [10:44] in /etc/apt/sources.list [10:44] <_heanol> thanks :) === zorba64 [n=zorba64@dsl-210-211-115-140.qld.veridas.net] has joined #kubuntu === NoairKiller [n=Armin@0-1pool75-30.nas47.oakland1.ca.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:46] Darn. I forgot to lock my self compiled GAIM 2.0b package and it got reverted in the upgrade to 3.5.1. === Parkotron [n=parker@fctnnbsc16w-156034211045.nb.aliant.net] has left #kubuntu [] [10:48] how do I kill a irc username that got left on when I disconnected? [10:48] <_heanol> NoairKiller: it will die eventually [10:48] /ghost [10:48] <_heanol> if the connection is broken === arrinmurr [n=arrinmur@MMMCMLIV.tun.saunalahti.fi] has joined #kubuntu [10:48] brexel: I tried /ghost, said Unknown command [10:49] btw, I am Knowerrors [10:49] <_heanol> /msg nickserv ghost [10:49] then the server probably doesn't support it [10:49] <_heanol> if it's registered [10:49] io yea that might be :) [10:49] <_heanol> :) [10:49] Hmm, how come kaffeine is unable to playback any video file i try? (Just installed kubuntu) [10:49] <_heanol> lol, seems this is just trouble [10:50] _heanol: that worked, /msg nickserv ghost username password [10:50] brb [10:50] <_heanol> yup === Parkotron [n=parker@] has joined #kubuntu === Knowerrors [n=Armin@0-1pool75-30.nas47.oakland1.ca.us.da.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu === nexus [n=nexus@] has joined #kubuntu [10:52] hey all [10:52] hey [10:52] brexel: I opened the /etc/init.d/udev file, where in the file do I add the ln -s 536ep0 modem command? [10:53] Knowerrors: well that's the dirty method :) but you might add it somewhere at the end of the start section [10:53] hehe, ok, whats the clean method? [10:53] belog "start)" === andred is now known as andre^off [10:53] the clean method is to make udevd provide that device === arrinmurr [n=arrinmur@MMMCMLIV.tun.saunalahti.fi] has joined #kubuntu [10:53] i have a problem, i dont know that much about linux but i know a bit. im having problems compiling. i have 2 machines one with Ubuntu and this one (running Kubuntu) and i can compile fine on ubuntu but when i do it on kubuntu, it keeps telling me Permission denied when i try to run ./xxxxx.sh or compile anything. im logged in as root in the terminal,.. what am i doing wrong? [10:54] nexus: Is this on a partition other than /? [10:55] is the file executable? [10:55] try to make it executable with chmod 755 ./xxxxx.sh [10:56] no its all on one partition (there is a second one but that was assigned for swap space) and when compiled its an executable, but there is also a .sh file with it which i never had to use on ubuntu, it just compiled (btw its written in C) [10:56] if that doesn't help the partition might be mounted with noexec === B1zz [n=cgomez@morenovly-cuda1-24-54-246-245.ontrca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:56] alternatively you can run shellscripts with " sh xxxxx.sh" [10:56] brexel: ok, how do I make udevd provide it? === B1zz [n=cgomez@morenovly-cuda1-24-54-246-245.ontrca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu [10:57] if i use chmod 755 it doesnt say permision denied, it just goes back to the command prompt [10:57] Knowerrors: sorry, don't know about that but the udevd manpage might help or the scipts in /etc/udevd/ [10:57] nexus: yes and can you run ./xxxxx.sh now? [10:57] ah, sh works, what about comiling, [10:57] *compiling [10:58] i have a file in the directory called makefile (which is usually made after using ./configure isnt it?) === MenZa [i=menza@0x50a16091.kd4nxx12.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #kubuntu [10:58] yes [10:58] just type "make" === B1zz [n=cgomez@morenovly-cuda1-24-54-246-245.ontrca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu === at1as [n=at1as@24-247-15-243.static.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu [10:59] typing in make says bash: make: command not found [10:59] then you don't have the make program installed [10:59] apt-get install build-essential should work [11:00] Probably not only make is the thing you want [11:00] ok make worked, i forgot how to install an application, is it make install? [11:01] yep [11:01] yup it is, cheers guys, it works now [11:01] thank you for your help [11:01] to "make install" you need to be root. ./configure and make should usually be executed as normal user === trispace [n=triton@chello080109065134.17.15.univie.teleweb.at] has joined #kubuntu [11:02] also, sorry to be a bother, but themes, if i download one and i right click, install theme, it seems to do something for a bit, but then when i goto check for the new theme/style, nothing has been added === heanol [i=heanol@ua-83-227-168-197.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu [11:02] how unstable is dapper? [11:02] the network problem is wery nasty [11:02] which one UFO? [11:03] It can loose the configuration on bad shutdown [11:03] hmm [11:03] that sux [11:03] you could make a backup file of a working config and copy it back with a @reboot cronjob [11:03] themes/styles are listed under, System Settings - Appearance? arent they? [11:04] sry nexus no idea [11:05] brexel, i was thinkin the same === ClayG [n=clay@c-66-177-234-195.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:06] UFO: though it would be better to find out why it breaks in the first place ^^ === blueyed [n=daniel@pdpc/supporter/active/blueyed] has joined #kubuntu [11:07] Hey anyone remember what the arguement is with WGET to not download links when trying to grab a whole site? [11:07] ClayG: --level? [11:08] --domains [11:08] hmm I was thinking it was -l but it looks lke that needs a value [11:08] could that be it? === xtreme [n=christop@dyndsl-080-228-195-071.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #kubuntu [11:08] i think the network problem has something to do with kde netconf package... [11:09] ClayG: level specifies how many levels of links should be fetched [11:09] When i installed kubuntu and did not configure network at install... i could not conf my network with kde. [11:09] yes but how is a level defined [11:09] UFO: oh no idea. i use to cfg those things in the textfiles directly :) [11:09] if it is a site then thats great [11:09] if it's a folder then that isn't as good [11:10] yes same thing but, wlan card has a lot to write [11:11] :D [11:11] never done that [11:11] ClayG: brexel is right then, you could use the --domain option [11:11] but i'm getting an old laptop soon so i might find out soon [11:11] It was quite tricky to install everything on my laptop [11:12] At least the Radeonx700 [11:12] wth is wrong? i keep drinking and drinking but i dont seem to get drunk :D [11:12] yes i heard s lot of bad things about ati+linux [11:13] Well after all everything had something to do with my turion prosessor (64bit) [11:13] 64 bit is too young IMO [11:13] at least on ia and amd [11:14] brexel: waited for that :) [11:14] hehehe === Ryugi [n=kenroy@] has joined #kubuntu [11:14] hello [11:14] we could really use it in my company but we are still waiting [11:15] The speed you got with 64bit on daily use is minimal, REALLY minimal if nothing ;) [11:15] you don't gain any speed [11:15] can the java j2ee be installed on kubuntu [11:15] you gain more usable memory [11:15] Ryugi: yes [11:15] Floating point calculating and rendering ;) [11:15] we're running some huge web applications in java which need a LOT of memory === ninnghizidha [n=ninn_@chello084112032164.1.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu [11:16] well UFO only when calculatin huge numbers :) [11:16] Jep [11:16] does anyone know if there is a KDE equivalent to the Dia Diagram Editor? [11:16] kkathman: kivio? [11:16] Ryugi: yes [11:16] Ryugi: java.sun.com :) [11:16] ok kewl I'll check that out [11:18] kkathman: the openoffice.org draw application isn't too bad to draw diagrams, but if you prefer a "native" KDE application go for kivio [11:19] UFO: the downside is that small programs have bigger executables on 64 bit systems and that they are sometimes a little slower [11:19] and Umbrello for UML stuff. [11:19] trispace: im writing some documentation, so wanted to know the closet analog to the gnome DIa app [11:19] Kivio is the correct one I believe [11:19] kkathman: ok then :) [11:21] hrm. how does kivio compare to dia? [11:22] its so hard to choose a linux OS nowadys.tons of choices [11:22] hehe [11:22] maybe I'm just missing -data packages or something, but it doesn't look great [11:22] for me any debian based distro will do [11:22] I sure wouldn't try to map my network with it [11:22] Ryugi: go read on Distrowatch... [11:23] nope I have kivio-data [11:23] Ryugi: two good distros to compare with ubuntu, PClinuxos, and Suse, both free === JS [n=root@dsl-hkigw2-fe1dde00-73.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu === UFO [n=root@dsl-hkigw2-fe1dde00-73.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #kubuntu === B1zz [n=cgomez@morenovly-cuda1-24-54-246-245.ontrca.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:28] does people use the default sudo thing? [11:28] i do [11:28] UFO: it is simply not possible not to use it....... [11:28] though i have aliases for all commands i use often [11:28] Tonio_: it is [11:28] sudo passwd [11:29] brexel: so you use it ;) [11:29] I dont use it [11:29] one but you do ;) [11:29] hehehe [11:29] even once only [11:29] UFO: how do you perform admin tasks ? [11:29] su [11:29] UFO: it is not activated by default... === _douglas [n=douglas@c-69-139-66-51.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:29] if you're a hardcoren-non-sudo-user you can boot from cd with init=/bin/bsdh and set a root pw :D [11:30] /bin/bash even [11:30] but yes if you do a sudo passwd, you can reactivate the root account, although I don't think it is of any use.... [11:30] sudo -s do'es the same thing than su [11:30] i like sudo [11:31] brexel: I also like the concept of using the same passwd :) [11:31] ^^ [11:31] ~ $ alias | grep sudo [11:31] alias dist-upgrade='sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' [11:31] alias i='sudo apt-get install' [11:31] alias r='sudo apt-get remove' [11:31] alias u='sudo apt-get update' [11:31] i use these for example [11:31] I personnaly prefer not to use any alias [11:32] omg you must have fingers like a secretary :D [11:32] I did in the past, and the result was I was about unable to use another machine than mine..... [11:32] <_douglas> I installed libqt4-deisnger but there's not a separate program for that, how do I run this? [11:32] brexel, or you could boot in single usermode direct from boot promt and change the password... thats the reason why grub has password option [11:32] brexel: and yes, that helps tipping fast ;) [11:32] UFO: yeah :) === DavidRobinson [n=drobinso@ip68-227-167-101.om.om.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:32] UFO: anyway, what's your problem with the sudo thing ? [11:33] Tonio_: that's no problem for me since i work on a lot of different machines and not all of them have my aliases so i don't forget how stuff works [11:33] brexel: okay [11:33] I have been using linux for years and used to do with su :) === kitsch [n=sam@84-217-22-63.tn.glocalnet.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:34] The only main reason is tab function === kalenedrael [i=16815-id@c-24-34-93-227.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu === syst [n=kyd@host-84-9-165-232.bulldogdsl.com] has joined #kubuntu [11:34] with the bash-completion package it also works with sudo ^^ [11:35] UFO: it is possible to activate the extended completion anyway, works great, although I don't understand why it isn't activated by default..... [11:35] hey. does any one know why on my laptop the power remaing % is going down 5% a minute? [11:35] i must have spent months with my .bashrc :D [11:36] <_douglas> nm [11:36] <_douglas> designer-qt4 [11:36] _douglas: next time dpkg -L packagename|grep bin might help [11:36] syst, try to change the performance profile [11:37] how do I go about doing that? thx [11:37] <_douglas> hrm... interesting [11:37] <_douglas> thanks [11:37] brexel: can't find the bash-completion package [11:37] If I have two OS's (XP and OSX) dualbooting, would installing Kubuntu and it's bootloader still let me into XP and OSX? [11:37] is it a package ???? [11:38] right mouse button over battery pic on the bar [11:38] oh it is in the bash package now already [11:38] DavidRobinson: xp and osx on the same machien ? [11:38] brexel: it needs activation I think in bashrc, but I don't find the good line, an idea ? === NeoChaosX [n=nael@adsl-71-141-13-152.dsl.snfc21.sbcglobal.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:39] Tonio_: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/549052 [11:39] put this in .bashrc [11:39] xp and everything at the same time with wmvare [11:39] brexel: thx [11:39] (below if [ "$PS1" ] ; then) === rysiek [n=rysiek@213-238-73-40.adsl.inetia.pl] has joined #kubuntu === sorush20 [n=sorush20@82-43-184-143.cable.ubr07.newm.blueyonder.co.uk] has left #kubuntu [] === gerardcb_away is back. === gerardcb_away is now known as gerardocb [11:44] gerardocb: if all you ever say here is that you're away or back (or even if it isn't) please consider turning that thing off. [11:45] oh... does anybody else get angry because of that? === as_284 [n=urli@] has joined #kubuntu [11:46] hello [11:46] nobody gets angry, but it's pretty annoying to get an activity flag on a channel where nothing's happening except somebody has gone to the bathroom or finished his cheesy-poofs [11:46] does anyone can help me create a fat32 or a ntfs partition in my hard disk? === ninnghizidha [n=ninn_@chello084112032164.1.11.vie.surfer.at] has joined #kubuntu [11:47] as_284: fdisk [11:47] trappist, I do that when I go to work outside. [11:48] Does anybody else get annoyed because of that? [11:48] gerardocb: please disable it. [11:48] gerardocb: but if you're not participating here, no one cares. feel free to let people you're actually talking to know that you're stepping outside, but it's generally considered bad manners to spew it to channels you're idle on. === kkathman [n=kvirc@h-66-167-142-192.dllatx37.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #kubuntu === flo [n=flo@i577B26CB.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu [11:49] irc has a perfectly serviceable /away system so that people who want to know can see if you're away or not. === fetish [n=fetish@] has joined #kubuntu === fetish is now known as opizi [11:49] Oh, excuse me. I'm using the feature directly from konversation. If konversation doesn't do that the way it must be, I think it needs to be modified. [11:50] But, anyway, I better get out of this channel. [11:50] Bye, guys. [11:50] i try it but it doesent let me mount it === gerardocb [n=gcontrer@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation] [11:50] lol [11:50] sigh. [11:50] mount /dev/hda* === httpdss [n=httpdss@r201-217-190-235.dialup.adsl.anteldata.net.uy] has left #kubuntu ["Kopete] [11:51] or whatever your hard drive is hdb or sda === kkathman is now known as kkathman-away === Tallia1Kubuntu [n=andrea@cust-65-110-26-109.sfu-reznet.connectwest.net] has joined #kubuntu [11:52] how do you change / choose themes in Kubuntu? [11:53] does anyone know why the hell XMMS is a dependency of SuperKaramba? [11:54] NeoChaosX: it probably comes with a theme that controls xmms, which means imho it should be a recommends, not a depends === Cilindrador [n=pr0nLRD@87-196-110-242.net.novis.pt] has left #kubuntu ["Leaving"] [11:54] wonder who I need to bug to get that fixed [11:54] I don't need a second music player, Amarok works just fine for me === laszlok [n=laszlo@] has joined #kubuntu [11:57] how do i find out the size of a directory and all its sub folders on the command line? [11:57] du -sh /dir [11:57] du = disk usage [11:57] nexus its system-settings-->Appearance === _douglas is now known as PaloDeQueso === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-113-76.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu [12:00] ive gone in there, but new themes ive installed (with a kth extension) arent showing up ANYwhere in there :s [12:01] you compiled these themes, right? [12:01] no, i downloaded them from kde-look.org i think [12:01] so i take it they arent compiled allready, so how do i compile them? [12:01] was it a deb or a tar file?