
!lilo:*! Slight modification to the channel guidelines, http://freenode.net/channel_guidelines#sensitivematerial06:28
!lilo:*! The freenode channel guidelines are a list of do's and don'ts, based on the experience which went into the creation of freenode, and we urge you to adopt them for your channel. Thanks.06:30
!lilo:*! Whoops, that url should read: http://freenode.net/channel_guidelines.shtml#sensitivematerial06:31
!lilo:*! Thanks.06:31
!lilo:*! please read http://tinyurl.com/axxvl and let's talk before you're voiced again on ##linux06:33
!lilo:*! whoops, sorry, that one was intended as a private message :)06:34
!lilo:*! I must say, some days are a little more tiring than others. :)06:34

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