
j2daoshchristopher_, sudo apt-get install samba (if it isn't installed already12:00
christopher_j2daosh, its installed already12:00
AntMazsimba's a lion12:00
christopher_just dont know how to access it12:00
bjornkriI'm following some instructions from ubuntuguide.org, and it's asking me to run sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-lame ... only that gives me a 'Couldn't find package' message12:00
spudswhy cannot I run tethereal from a cronjob ?12:00
bjornkriHow screwed am I?12:00
j2daoshthen go into your gdm... go to the folder you want to share... right click and hit the share... it will ask what type of share you want to make it... choose smb (windows) and thats it12:00
j2daoshthe xp comp maps to the folder and you are all good12:00
AntMazbj i think you have set the repositories12:01
rewt_http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8720  <---copy of my initab....where would i put it?12:01
j2daoshbjornkri, pretty screwed12:01
thekurstj2daosh i didn't even know you could do that i did everything cli editing my config file manually12:01
bjornkriI've done that, I think. Both gstreamer0.8-plugins and gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg work fine12:01
j2daoshlol thekurst u serious?!12:01
j2daoshthats that hard way12:01
j2daoshim lazy12:01
JockeTFme too12:02
thekurstj2daosh i'm so serious man12:02
evan_hey, im just curious.. who has opinions on Gentoo linux? (That's what Distro I am switching from)12:02
AntMazyour lazy what you doing with linux then12:02
thekurst@ AntMaz LOL12:02
JockeTFsynaptic is for the lazy AntMaz!!12:02
enycevan_: I deal with both12:02
christopher_j2daosh,  im using flux12:02
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j2daoshlol because i can be more effiencently lazy12:02
rewt_evan...takes too long to instal :-P12:02
thekurstwe know evan_ isn't lazy12:02
AntMaztrue dat12:02
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enycevan_: both have advantages for sowe sconarois....12:02
thekursti did a gentoo install once: two days12:03
AntMazdat file12:03
evan_hehe yeah. its not too bad if you follow their manual.12:03
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christopher_j2daosh,  so i dont have a gdm i dont think12:03
aioHey, very good night. A surprise for me, WINE!!12:03
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j2daoshcan u see folders? well icons of them?12:03
evan_2 days? wow i did mine in like.. 4 hours and it was my first time using linux12:03
j2daoshdo you have a desktop?12:03
xtaowhere am I now?12:03
rewt_AntMaz......How would I put it in initab? I've opened it up, but I don't see any options like "bootup" or "startup" Nor do I see any other apps placed in this file.12:03
christopher_i dont know im new to FLUX haha12:03
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christopher_this is my second day really using it12:04
thekurstnaw man i was using an old dell inspiron 500Mhz 128mb12:04
rewt_I love flux.12:04
LinuxJonesWhere can I set file associations again anybody ?12:04
j2daoshchristopher_, ok... can you see a desktop...12:04
j2daoshlike in windows12:04
thekurstcompile the kernel took about a day12:04
AntMazthis is my 5th day using linux dont ask me12:04
j2daoshu can put folders on it and files and everything12:04
christopher_j2daosh,  lets just say.. it tooks me and others in here hours to get a wallpaper up on my background12:04
rewt_midwinter....do you know?12:04
thekurstcompile x took another 6houts12:04
j2daoshchristopher... if you have wallpaper in the background you have a gdm12:04
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AntMazhey anyne else you jedit12:05
aioI use gThumb for viewing graphic data but i could not copy and paste in Kolourpaint to work. Now I installed WINE and well, well, well, I made a shortcut in Ubuntu tool bar and it works as in Windows. I copy and paste onto Kolourpaint. Incredible!! Now I try to open winword but an error ocurrs.12:05
christopher_all i see is my background and a little bar on the bottom.. no task bars like in ubuntu's gnome default desktop12:05
j2daoshand for future reference chris... bring up a terminal and type in "sudo apt-get install gnome-art"12:05
bjornkrigrrreat. Couldn't find package w32codecs either12:05
j2daoshit is the easiest way to get the gdm customized12:05
AntMazbj you have to download those12:05
j2daoshso you dont have anything about applications....system.... nothing?12:05
aioI am working with ACDSee inlinux!!12:06
christopher_j2daosh, what does that exactly do? one wallpaper or more than one?12:06
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bjornkriYeah, just following the ubuntuguide.org instructions. Seems so easy there12:06
AntMaznice that my old looking at porn pictures program12:06
nailbiterbjornkri: That package is in the Marillat archive. http://tinyurl.com/e4a5s12:06
christopher_j2daosh,  yeah when i right click....12:06
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j2daoshchristopher... it is a program for viewing a bunch of different wallpapers/themes/icons... picking what you want and then installing it easily12:06
aioI open mspaint from the instalation in Windows 98 I have but not in the XP one. Why?12:06
bjornkrithanks nailbiter12:06
bjornkriI'll check it out12:06
aioDoes wine has no support for XP?12:07
christopher_oh i will get that now then so i dont have to edit my flux startup file next time12:07
AntMazaio forget about xp12:07
j2daoshyes it does... u have to type in a terminal... winecfg12:07
j2daoshthen change it there aio12:07
AntMazit sucks and its the worst os ive ever used12:07
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aioI am forgetting Xp.12:07
teotiI need to know how to change my initab >.< or how to put a startup program in it12:07
AntMazthere is a paint program on african word for humans12:07
SirKillalothow can I lock up my PC immediately using xscreensaver?12:08
nailbiteraio: If you ran winesetup to configure wine, you would have been asked for the path to your Windows folder; just run winesetup again to pick your Windows XP installation instead12:08
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aiobut I discovered I could not copy and paste with gthumb to kolourpaint. Just said Copy... So i do it now with ACDSee and ThumbPlus12:08
aioIs there a possibility to copy and paste from gthumb?12:09
nailbiterSirKillalot: GNOME and KDE have a global keyboard shortcut for locking the screen12:09
AntMazthats how i code with php copy and paste12:09
j2daoshaio... u change wine to xp and install paintshoppro 912:09
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SirKillalotnailbiter, yeah, whats it?12:09
teotiAntMaz......How would I put it in initab? I've opened it up, but I don't see any options like "bootup" or "startup" Nor do I see any other apps placed in this file.12:09
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aioi dont know how to do it, The gimp is good to me12:10
AntMazthis is my 5th day using linux dont ask me12:10
teotiWhy suggest it if you dont know? Do you even know if this will work?12:10
aiofrom console i write winesetup and nothing happens12:10
lothwenwhat are the latest mesa package in dapper ?12:10
nailbiterSirKillalot: Check System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts; I can't remember it off the top of my head12:10
lothwenxlibmesa or libgl1-mesa ?12:10
AntMazaio get apt wine12:10
nailbiterSirKillalot: 'xscreensaver-command -lock' also works12:10
AntMazi think thats the one12:10
lothwenwhay are their diferences ?12:10
Drac[Server] Where is the image seen when Ubuntu is loading up located?12:10
nailbiteraio: 'Nothing happens?' You mean there's no such program installed on your system?12:10
christopher_hey who used FLUX in here?12:10
aioget apt wine = command not found12:11
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christopher_whats the root pw to set up the GDM?12:11
AntMazdrac you gonna edit it like in 98 when you could edit the boot screen12:11
teotiDrac...to customize that image easily, I suggest you get gTweakUI12:11
=== evan_ stares at laptop that is stalled at "Starting hotplug subsystem"
aioI click in a shortcut of ACDSee on Ubuntu desktop and it runs like in win12:11
thekurstcan anyone in here  help me with this? : http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12690812:11
nailbiterchristopher_: On Ubuntu, the root account is locked by default. So when prompted for a password, use your regular user password12:11
bjornkriok, I've been wondering why the image files on my shared windows drive haven't been opening...12:11
AntMazaio wget apt wine12:11
nailbiterevan_: That usually means it's stuck loading a device driver12:11
christopher_nailbiter, im using FLUX12:12
Hystyevan_: that hotplug system is causing lots of issues for people12:12
teotiIts what I used. You store an image where you want then open gTweakUI and locate the image. Bam you're done.12:12
christopher_nailbiter, i tried my regular pw and it didnt work12:12
aiowget apt wine = error no service12:12
bjornkriIt's been trying to open /home/ubuntu/smb://
evan_yeah, google and the forums told me that.. but it didn't give me much of a solution12:12
Hystyaio: what are you trying to achieve?12:12
bjornkriGuess I have to mount first or what?12:12
teotiEvan...what's the problem?12:12
j2daoshsudo apt-get install wine12:12
JockeTFaio: sudo apt-get install wine12:12
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JockeTFj2daosh: :)12:13
AntMazyea thats the one12:13
evan_teoti: i have a fresh ubuntu install and when booting it stalls at "Starting hotplug subsystem..."12:13
bjornkriMaybe that's why Totem's been unable to play a single file yet, too12:13
aiook ok wine is installed12:13
nailbiterchristopher_: Yes, but gdm starts _before_ your desktop environment does. So it doesn't matter what DE you're using--just run 'gksudo gdmsetup' from the command line or choose System -> Administration -> Login12:13
nailbiterbjornkri: Totem requires w32codecs installed before it can play RealMedia, (most) QuickTime and WMV video12:14
aiobut it only works with acdsee, thumbplus and all the applications from win i am trying, but no with mspaintXP nor officeXp nor office98. It does not matter cause i am working now with openoffice and goes fine12:14
bjornkriyeah, but I've been trying .mpgs as well12:14
AntMazso im gonna try this once more . anyone got an idea on how i can add my name to admin12:14
bjornkriand .avis12:14
nailbiteraio: winesetup is packaged separately in the 'winesetup' package, incidentally12:14
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JockeTFbjornkri: i recomend xine :)12:14
AntMazor make another name from shell12:14
evan_:-( i dont wanna have to go with Mandrivia or something12:15
nailbiteraio: Copy-and-paste between KDE and GNOME applications is really flaky; between Windows and X11 apps, it's even worse12:15
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teotiLook around /boot/grub12:15
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bjornkriWhat would be the best way to access network files from a windows computer? I've been able to browse there by doing File / Connect to server...12:15
evan_how can i do that if i cant get to a shell?12:15
bjornkribut double-clicking on anything seems to fail12:15
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AntMazaio if you use goldwave it doesnt run that great12:15
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bjornkriSo I thought I might have to mount?12:15
aionailbiter, i copy and paste from acdsee and kolourpaint and it went ok ok ok I think i wont see WinXP for a long time :)12:16
Hystybjornkri: use winSCP12:16
bjornkribut I'm not entirely sure how that's done :P12:16
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bjornkriI mean the network files are on a windows computer12:16
bjornkriI'm on Ubuntu ;)12:16
nailbiterbjornkri: You need to install Samba on the Linux host to be able to share files natively with Windows systems12:16
piotr_no to jestem :-)12:17
Hystyah rightio12:17
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bjornkrisudo apt-wossname samba, right?12:17
piotr_that is my first time hehe12:17
nailbiterevan_: As a last resort, you can use 'init=/bin/bash' to get a shell just after the kernel finishes booting12:17
aiowinesetuptk? is taht in synaptic?12:17
bjornkriI'm getting the hang of this... I hope12:17
tombshi all12:17
j2daoshbut you dont want it12:17
AntMazgota go move shit yay12:17
aioIl tel how i did it to run acdsee with wine12:17
nailbiterevan_: I believe there's a way to get hotplug to print debugging output (like what driver it's currently loading); I'm not sure how to do it, thoughs12:17
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nailbiterbjornkri: That's correct12:18
bjornkriThanks :)12:18
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teotiEvan still with me?12:18
thekurstno one?12:18
evan_teoti: yeah im here.12:18
teotitype  cd /boot12:18
ubotuI guess ppc is PowerPC. Macs, IBMs. Nicer than Intel.12:18
ubotuIdleOne: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:19
teotithen cd grub12:19
teotino / before grub12:19
aioi went to where acdsee is in win dir and right click on it, then open with another application, down in that window i wrote the command wine, and it opened. Then i drag and drop th eexe to the desktop, i click with left botton of the mouse and opens like in win :)12:19
b1indAnyone had any success w/ gaim 2.0b2 in dapper?12:19
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teotithen type ls12:19
evan_teoti: i dont have a shell yet12:19
teotithat will list all the files in that folder12:19
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aiomspaint 98 runs too12:19
nailbiterevan_: Pass 'init=/bin/bash' as a boot option to the kernel to get a shell immediately after the kernel starts12:20
christopher_j2daosh,  so how do i get access to Samba if i installed it12:20
aioit is incredible12:20
nailbiterchristopher_: System -> Administration -> Shared Folders12:20
christopher_also i did this for the gnome art stuff sudo apt-get install gnome-art12:20
christopher_ but how do i acces that12:20
teotiso what do u have?12:20
teotia consule?12:20
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j2daoshhe has flux... not the norm gdm12:20
nailbiterchristopher_: It's in your GNOME menu (if you're using GNOME)12:20
XentoniXdoes any one know how to add option "hide version" in server tree in xchat 2.6?12:20
evan_nailbiter: ok. im going that. also I am 90% sure it is the audi drivers failing. the speakers click right before it stalls12:21
evan_teoti: hold on, let me get to a shell12:21
nailbiterchristopher_: If you're _not_ using, GNOME, you can still invoke it from the command line with 'gksudo shares-admin'12:21
christopher_in my Sytem-> Admin -> alsaconf and pppconfig12:21
aiooooohhh, now i just click on any exe and it runs!!! :)12:22
nailbiterchristopher_: Oh hang on--you're using Fluxbox?12:22
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christopher_nailbiter, yeah12:22
christopher_btw is fluxbox worth usingm?12:22
nailbiterchristopher_: Meeh. Run 'gksudo shares-admin' from a terminal then12:22
teotichristopher_, yes12:22
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aiowinxp bye bye bye :)12:22
amphichristopher_: openbox is more stable IME12:22
teotiaio, good :)12:22
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nailbiterchristopher_: Depends on your GUI philosophy, really.  ;-)  If you're a bells-and-whistles kind of guy, you're better off with KDE.  If you just want to get common and simple stuff done, GNOME12:23
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aioit is the best thing i have never seen :) Ubuntu was great, but now it is a miracle12:23
teotii till cant figure out this start up issue12:23
nailbiteraio: There's a drawback to that--it means you can get infected by virii, too12:23
teotisomeone want to give it a go?12:23
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aio???? vir??12:24
teotihey im trying to connect a server on amule but it keeps saying  i have a low-id which says im probably behind a firewall or router , im behind a router, im wondering if theres a way around this12:24
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aioUbuntu will be infected or just the exe in win?12:24
nailbiteraio: No, it'll just stuff up your WINE installation at worst.  But it's still annoying12:24
christopher_ok it opened up a share folders setting window12:24
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teotianyone know?12:25
christopher_amphi, openbox is more stable than flux?12:25
aiook, then i tell you i wont see WinXp anymore sure :) Ubuntu runs great, it is wow, more quick, more all :) :)12:25
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Chousukeaio: viruses aren't that much a problem with wine12:25
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aiolet try just one thing more...12:26
christopher_nailbiter, im a newbie but my goal is to do everything i did in windows with more stability and to learn12:26
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evan_ok people -- I have a Shell up now thanks to nailbiter!.. anyone have advice now?12:26
tatters_anyone use xammp now any similer package to phpgroupware that gunna work with it?12:26
XentoniXthis is inposible12:26
XentoniX(Possible litmus trojan))12:26
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XentoniXwtf is this?12:26
nailbiterevan_: If you know the name of the kernel modules you suspect are hanging your system, try loading them one by one12:26
beruicWhere do I get the original breezy splash screen?12:27
evan_nailbiter: i don't know specifically.. i just think it might be something to do with the sound12:27
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amphichristopher_: that's my experience, but fluxbox may have improved12:27
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XentoniXany one ? can you help me? i have virus on ubuntu12:27
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nailbiterevan_: Use 'pcimodules' to list the modules which match your hardware12:27
nailbiterevan_: You can load those by hand on by one with 'modprobe'12:27
mzelemanyone have any idea why kdm would restart everytime you try to log in?12:27
aiooh, sorry, it wokssss!12:27
KoruptidPrydewhy the heck does the atheros driver create two interfaces??12:28
WitigonenHey all.  I'm trying to downgrade from Dapper to Breezy.  I've pinned all the packages to the Breezy build, but I'm getting an error that libc is trying to overwrite something that is also in the locales packages.  Can anyone help?12:28
aioserial key works register full ))))12:28
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amphiXentoniX: what do you mean 'virus'? elf infector?12:28
evan_nailbiter: i think it might be hw_random... how would i blacklist it?12:28
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nailbiterevan_: Edit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist12:28
amphiWitigonen: you can use dpkg-divert to resolve that I believe12:28
XentoniXamphi i dont know .. i try to connect to some irc servers and i get mesage (Possible litmus trojan))12:28
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evan_nailbiter: with.. nano?12:29
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christopher_nailbiter, what about flux comparing to GNOME? which one is more for newbies and which one more for ppl wanting to learn to do more?12:29
amphiXentoniX: what is 'litmus trojan' ?12:29
nailbiterWitigonen: You can use '--force-overwrite' (and '--force-depends' perhaps) to work around that. But be careful ...12:29
aiowell well well, it accepts registration :) all ok, the programs run like in win but in a better SO :) I love it all !! ;) and no need for antivirus to hang my pc down :)12:29
beruic Where do I find the original breezy splash screen?12:29
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mantynoob question: How do I set e.g. firestarter to start on boot?12:29
XentoniXi think some virus :)12:29
b1indare there any alternative servers to the ones from sources.list?12:29
XentoniXit is trojan .. ? :)12:29
b1indI get <10kb/s :(12:29
nailbiterchristopher_: GNOME is definitely oriented towards novices and newbies who just want to get stuff done. I'd say environments like Fluxbox and Openbox are for more advanced users who want the GUI to stay out of the way12:29
IdleOneXentoniX:  its not a virus it's a trojan12:29
Witigonenamphi, can you please elaborate?12:30
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amphiXentoniX: never 'eard of it - ask google12:30
nailbiterevan_: Yes, you can use 'nano'12:30
IdleOnenot sure what trojan though I never heard of it12:30
tonyyarussoAfter the release of Dapper, I'm thinking about becoming a stable one most of the disk, but a partition just for a development release installation person.  How large of a partition would I need for that?12:30
evan_nailbiter: blacklist doesn't exists.. make it?12:30
Witigonennailbiter, in apt-get, or would this be a reconfiger sort of thing? (--force-overwrite isn't understood by apt-get)12:30
beruic Where do I find the original breezy splash screen?12:30
evan_er.. nano doesnt exist12:30
nailbiterevan_: Yes. Add a line like 'blacklist hw_random'.12:30
amphiWitigonen: see man dpkg-divert - I've never had to use it, so I have nothing to add to the manpage12:30
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nailbiterevan_: Basically, modprobe will slurp in all files in /etc/modprobe.d--so you can name it whatever you want12:31
evan_what editor is on ubuntu by default12:31
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nailbiterevan_: 'vim' is in the standard Ubuntu installation12:31
evan_nailbiter: thanks12:32
nailbiterberuic: Which splash screen?  The GNOME splash you see when logging in?  That might be in 'ubuntu-artwork'12:32
christopher_nailbiter, my intentions is to be able to not need a GUI and to use the best, quickest, most stable way of using a computer system12:32
beruicnailbiter: I mean the original, default one...12:33
amphichristopher_: fluxbos is very light - if you don't want gui, alt-ctrl-f1 to switch to a VT ;)12:33
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aiothen, it works ok, the applications for win run in ubuntu. And they maintain their copy and paste capabilities. It is great. Do it, cause it works fine, fine, fine :)12:33
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b1indmy ALT-CTL-F1 doesn't switch me to a vt.. any ideas?12:33
christopher_amphi, what does IME mean when you use it to refer to openbox?12:33
nailbiterberuic: There are several splashes--the boot splash, the GNOME splash and some other wallpaper bits12:33
amphichristopher_: 'in my experience'12:33
eternaljoyhow come i never get any more messages about new upgrades?  yet I know there is a kernel upgrade etc, How can I upograde my system to latest ?12:34
christopher_amphi, VT?12:34
eternaljoyanyone know please?12:34
amphichristopher_: virtual terminal, text console12:34
beruicnailbiter: the Gnome-one is in my expierience the only one which is changeable...12:34
christopher_hehe dont want to do that12:34
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christopher_i wouldnt know hwo to get back to this 'light GUI'12:34
IdleOneeternaljoy:  sudo apt-get upgrade12:34
nailbitereternaljoy: System -> Administration -> Update Manager12:34
IdleOneand sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:34
amphichristopher_: alt-f7 unless you've messed with /etc/inittab12:34
christopher_i can do that right now?12:35
nailbitereternaljoy: You may have turned off the weekly/nightly update fetches12:35
amphichristopher_: X runs on the first unallocated VT12:35
eternaljoyyes but it says 0 upgrades  needed12:35
christopher_so control alt f1 for VT and then alt f7 to get back to here12:35
eternaljoybut it says 0 upgrades  needed!  Yet I know theres a new kenrel update12:35
IdleOneeternaljoy:  then o upgrades are needed :)12:35
amphichristopher_: yup12:35
b1indamphi, I can't use my CTL-ALT-F1 to switch between vt's for some reason, any idea why not?12:35
evan_nailbiter: sorry.. how do you save a file with vim?12:35
christopher_ok lets see what its like12:35
eternaljoyIdleOne:  Yet I know theres a new kenrel update12:35
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IdleOneeternaljoy:  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:35
nailbiterberuic: I'm still not sure which splash you want to change. Did you mean the GDM theme instead?  The one which appears with the login/password field?12:35
eternaljoyIdleOne:  I am on the ubuntu email list and today it said new kernel upgrade needed12:36
tonyyarussoeternaljoy: As in an upgrade for your current kernel version or a newer kernel?12:36
nailbiterevan_: :wq12:36
bimberieternaljoy: do you have the breezy-security repositories enabled?  They're the main source of updates12:36
amphib1ind: that switches to VT1 - alt-ctrl-f2 for VT2, and so on - alt-ctrl-f7 will switch to VT7, where X is most likely lurking12:36
eternaljoyIdleOne: it says: 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.12:36
christopher_it brought me to the ubuntu prompt line to login?12:36
beruicnailbiter: No, not the GDM. The splash which comes after you login...12:36
eternaljoybimberi: yes12:36
amphichristopher_: yeah, that's it12:36
IdleOneeternaljoy:  did you enable universe multiverse?12:36
evan_nailbiter: yeah but how do i get back to the little : prompt that use to be there?12:36
b1indamphi, yeah i know.. but for a bit now, those kb combos do nothing12:36
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christopher_do i log in?12:36
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nailbiterberuic: Ah. That's /usr/share/pixmaps/splash/ubuntu-smooth.png12:36
christopher_or just type commands from there?12:36
bimberieternaljoy: put your sources.list on the pastebin12:36
nailbiterevan_: Hit ESC to go back to command mode. Then you can use those ':' commands12:37
b1indif i'm in a vt, it works fine, but from x, I cannot get back to the console short of killing x12:37
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b1ind...or stopping gdm12:37
amphib1ind: how strange - your xorg.conf doesn't have the DontSwitchVT option on?12:37
christopher_amphi, also do i have to type  'gksudo shares-admin' everytime i want to share a folder/file?12:37
b1indamphi, will check12:37
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amphichristopher_: I have no idea12:37
milesIs there a quick way to fix sound problems in ubuntu?  I'm having problems on my IBM ThinkCentre12:37
eyedol59hello to everyone!12:37
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tonyyarussob1ind: I've had issues with that because of video drivers.  You got fglrx?12:37
nailbiterchristopher_: If you're running GNOME, you'd go to System -> Administration -> Shared Folders12:37
christopher_nailbiter, FLUX user here12:38
b1indtonyyarusso, I wish, can't get em to work12:38
nailbiterchristopher_: But since you're the enterprising Fluxbox user, we assume you want to do things the expert way12:38
bimberiubotu tell miles about sound12:38
beruicnailbiter: In my language: RIGTIGT MANGE TAK. I can't find any good ones anywhere...12:38
tonyyarussob1ind: Heh, right.12:38
christopher_nailbiter, yes sir want to learn the whole programming world12:38
aiowhat does "IOPL not enabled" when trying to run excel from wine?12:39
christopher_learn how to build... which i dont totally understand the term yet.. learn to compile and maybe someday hopefully be able to contribute to the linux OS12:39
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nailbiterchristopher_: Then drop into #fluxbox. ;-)12:39
christopher_didnt know about that12:39
eyedol59i get an error message when i try to open the cfdisk, it says: "Bad logical partition 5: PArtition ends after end-of-disk"12:39
tonyyarussoaio: I don't know, but I am curious, why are you trying to run Excel?12:39
b1indamphi, i do not have that line :(12:39
eyedol59how can i correct this?12:40
b1indcould very well be an issue w/ my video drivers12:40
b1indthey are an issue all unto themselves12:40
amphib1ind: maybe12:40
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amphib1ind: ati?12:40
aiocause i have an mda archive and want to run it from ubuntu rather than to go to win to open it :)12:40
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JockeTFaio: try openoffice.org2 calc ? :)12:40
aiomdb archive, i mean12:40
=== amphi blesses his trailing edge radeon
nailbiteraio: It means Wine is not allowing Excel to look directly at your hardware (it actually picks up the MAC address from your Ethernet card and embeds it in worksheets you create)12:40
b1indworked fine in xorg 6.8 but now 7.0 gives me no love12:40
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b1indyeah i have an old one too! 920012:41
amphinailbiter: excel embeds your mac addr in spreadsheets? wtf?12:41
b1indi havn't gotten around to trying the newest ati drivers though12:41
christopher_nailbiter, how do i connect to that?12:41
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=== tonyyarusso is dealing with last summer's ATI...
nailbiteramphi: Yup, it does12:41
teotinone of my programs under preferences>sessions>startup are starting on boot up12:41
nailbiterchristopher_: Type '/j #fluxbox' into your IRC client12:41
teotiwhy not?12:42
amphinailbiter: goddam, whoda thunk it? wtf for?12:42
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tonyyarussoteoti: What sort of programs?12:42
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tonyyarussoteoti: You can also try having them running, log out, and specify to save the session, and then log in again using the last session option.12:43
aiooppenofice calc cant open it (mdb archive)12:43
nailbiteramphi: Given that most office computers have just one or two regular users, it's a pretty effective and cheap way of watermarking documents12:43
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b1indi can't even get to the ATI driver page :p12:43
teotitonyyarusso, gmail notify and gDesklets and I leave them on and restart and hit save session they still dont boot up12:43
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tonyyarussoaio: Maybe OOBase?  Don't know what mdb is.12:43
=== rage__ [n=rage@219-89-178-196.jetstart.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
rage__Hey guys :)12:43
IdleOnehey rage__12:44
mantynoob question: How do I set e.g. firestarter to start on boot?12:44
tonyyarussoteoti: gDesklets take a while to start for me, but they do.  I'll look around and see if I changed anything for that...12:44
christopher_where do you type that at?12:44
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rage__Has anyone had a problem with pour performance using madwifi (pcmcia)12:44
christopher_into the text box for chatting?12:44
aiodon know. they told it was an acces archive12:44
IdleOnechristopher_:  yes12:45
tonyyarussoteoti: What's the line you have in there to start them?12:45
aioeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. virtualdub runs :)))12:46
jvaihey every1, does hoary comes w/ disk imaging sw?, if i wanted to move this install to anothr hd, when i upgrade my box, instead of redoing everything over12:46
christopher_doesnt work12:46
rage__jvai, man dd12:46
christopher_but i think i need to know the server?12:46
aioohhh, but no video compressors :(12:46
tonyyarussoaio: Isn't Access the database program, so you should be trying with Base rather than Calc?12:46
aiolet see12:46
jvaiman dd.. in the terminal?12:46
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IdleOnewow ooo2 calc is Excel!12:46
rage__jvai, yup.12:46
jvaity rage.. then i can burn that to cd/dvd12:47
tonyyarussoteoti: I used /usr/bin/gdesklets start , yours similar?12:47
beerockxsexcept for some features.12:47
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tonyyarussoIdleOne: Well, minus being from Microsoft.  Same purpose.12:47
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amphiand except for macro viruses (so far)12:47
christopher_nmd im there now12:48
IdleOnetonyyarusso:  minus it being from microsoft makes it even better :)12:48
aioin Base says... ASCII filter option... before opening12:48
tonyyarussoIdleOne: As usual.12:48
christopher_how do you add it to your server list?12:48
christopher_i need to know a server name...12:48
IdleOnechristopher_:  server name for what?12:48
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rage__christopher_, what are you trying to do?12:49
aioit looks quite impossible in base the mdb12:49
tonyyarussoI think he might be trying to join #fluxbox, but I'm not sure...12:49
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VR_how do i take a screenshot of only the active window?12:50
tonyyarussoVR_: Alt-PrntScrn does it for me.12:50
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VR_tonyyarusso: thanks much12:50
IdleOnechristopher_:  go to Xchat > Server List   Ubuntu Servers should be highlighted the click edit and add the #fluxbox to channels to join i.e. #ubuntu,#fluxbox12:50
b1indanyone know why I wouldn't be getting direct rendering with the radeon driver and an ati 920012:50
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b1indxorg's log says its getting enabled but glxinfo disagrees12:51
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rage__sheesh, 15mb of compressed sources for xmame :o12:53
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christopher_IdleOne, thanks12:54
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WitigonenI'm getting this error when trying to downgrade: http://pastebin.com/556867   Can comebody please help me out?12:54
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peter__where in ubuntu do i type commands?12:55
rage__peter__, the terminal12:55
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bjornkriok, before this happens again.. :P Is there a sort of task manager I can bring up if the computer seems to be hanging?12:55
peter__and where is that?12:55
tonyyarussoAfter the release of Dapper, I'm thinking about becoming a stable on most of the disk, but a partition just for a development release installation person.  How large of a partition would I need for that?12:55
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mzuverinki did a server install due to a problem with a video card, now i need to install x.org, what is the command to do so?12:56
peter__cant find it :-( im such a noob!12:56
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rage__mzuverink, sudo apt-get install gnome12:56
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MacModderanyone know how to boot ubuntu of the pcc iMac with isight???????12:56
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evan_does ubuntu have any other CLI editor than vim as a default install?12:57
mzuverinkrage__and what is the command to reconfigure the vdeo card?12:57
anna__is there some trick to get printing to actually use just the black ink cartridge?12:57
b1indevan_, nano i think comes default12:57
rage__type this in xchat /exec terminal12:57
teotitonyyarusso, what do you mean? i went to /bin/gdesklets12:57
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rage__type this in xchat /exec xterm12:57
evan_b1ind: i dont think it does.. command not found12:57
anna__everything I try to print is also trying to use my colour which is just about done and everything printed looks horrible12:57
b1indevan_, :o12:57
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aioand winzip32 runs too, just the exe and drag and drop archives into its window :)12:58
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anna__i've selected b & w in the printer admin options12:58
CanYouHelpMePlzi have a question, i can't seem to get on-line with a router and ubuntu12:58
tonyyarussoteoti: Uh, what do you mean "went to"?  And I think it's in /usr/bin, isn't it?12:58
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b1indevan_, what is wrong w/ vi?12:58
teotitonyyarusso, yes its in usr/bin, so i used nautilus andfound the file?12:58
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mzuverinkrage__:what is the command to reconfigue x, i know its dpgk-reconfigure... do you know the rest?12:58
rage__mzuverink, read the xord docs12:58
tonyyarussoteoti: For...?12:58
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evan_b1ind: i cant get it to save a file or exit at all12:59
rage__X -Configure12:59
bjornkrihow do I mount a network drive?12:59
b1indpress ESC, then :wq12:59
evan_b1ind: hitting esc isnt bringing up the : prompot12:59
CanYouHelpMePlzi have a question, i can't seem to get on-line with a router and ubuntu12:59
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teotitonyyarusso, idunno i thought thats what u were telling me i had to do12:59
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bimberiubotu tell mzuverink about xorg12:59
tonyyarussoteoti: I mean in the Preferences > Sessions dialogue.12:59
b1indevan_,  oh, then i'm outta my league :p12:59
bjornkrievan: you have to type : (I hope I'm not being obvious here)12:59
uboturouter is probably a device used to connect multiple computers online at the same time, or wirelessly. It would be a box in between your modem and computer if you go by the wires.01:00
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CanYouHelpMePlzi have a question, i can't seem to get on-line with a router and ubuntu01:00
evan_bjornkri: haha really? :-) nice thanks01:00
rage__evan_, is this with nano?01:00
evan_bjornkri answered my stupid question, lol01:00
peter__how do i install applications..like VLC?01:00
b1indahh, guess i didn't explain properly ;)01:00
evan_i wasnt typing :01:00
teotitonyyarusso, my command that is under sessions is /usr/share/applications/gdesklets.desktop01:00
HystyCanYouHelpMePlz: can you ping your router?01:01
rage__peter__, check to see if there is a package for it is the first step01:01
CanYouHelpMePlzHysty: im back on the switch now but doesn't work01:01
bjornkriCanYouHelpMePlz, did you try going through System / Administration / Network?01:01
scamhas anyone got counter strike source to work with 64 bit ubuntu01:01
aioand winamp runs too in wine, ok ok ok01:01
CanYouHelpMePlzbjornkri: yea01:01
rage__sudo apt-cache search VLC01:01
rage__sudo apt-cache search vlc01:01
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bjornkriAnd enabled the adapter?01:01
rage__something like that01:01
CanYouHelpMePlzbjornkri: yea01:01
b1indholy cow, the mirrors or whatever are soooo slow for me atm!01:01
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tonyyarussoteoti: Try changing it to '/usr/bin/gdesklets start'01:02
HystyCanYouHelpMePlz: can you check if your network card is working another way?01:02
rage__blind, use a mirror in your country01:02
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aioand winamp ecqualizer works in ubuntu like in win. it is impoooosible :) but is reeeeal01:02
CanYouHelpMePlzHysty: i'm online now, with my switch instead of the router01:02
tonyyarussoteoti: Or just throw start after that.  I don't have the file you said, so I'm not sure.01:02
anna__is there any way to force black and white printing with a colour printer?01:03
teotitonyyarusso, so take start after that?01:03
teotitonyyarusso, start off*01:03
scamhas anyone got counter strike source to work with 64 bit ubuntu01:03
HystyCanYouHelpMePlz: ah rightio01:03
aiobye win, byyyyeeeeee :)01:03
=== ProfessorChaos [n=jmioph@64-60-124-253.cust.telepacific.net] has joined #ubuntu
tonyyarussoteoti: Put the start in.01:03
rage__dam, im going backwards. I came in here to get help with something01:03
b1indis there a utility to disable/enable runlevel scripts?01:03
teotitonyyarusso, okay ill be right back01:03
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b1ind...in ubuntu01:03
bjornkriOk, I have a windows computer running with all my music and videos and such on it, but I want to be able to play them from Ubuntu (laptop). What should be my first steps? :\01:03
HystyCanYouHelpMePlz: and you are in Ubuntu now?01:04
evan_in vim, im trying to do :wq /path/to/new/file01:04
evan_but it says it cant open file for writing01:04
CanYouHelpMePlzHysty: yea01:04
rage__blind i think its rcconf01:04
rage__im new to ubuntu so i may be wrong01:04
b1indevan_, did you run vi through sudo?01:04
sorush20 Pbb201:04
evan_oh.. no :-)01:04
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b1indrage__, me 2, i'll check it out01:04
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bjornkrisudo vi, the cheap version of sudoku01:05
bjornkri*sigh*... that was bad01:05
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bdawg54345i need help :p01:05
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evan_sudo wont work... "unable to lookup (none) vias gethostbyname()01:06
IdleOnebdawg54345:  ask your question :)01:06
mzuverinkThe server install says the there is no candidate for install of gnome when i sudo apt-get install gnome, am i missing something somewhere, any help would be appreciated01:06
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bdawg54345i would like to know if it is possible to install ubuntu on my external hd and boot from the external hd but i dont want to lose my stuff on the external hd01:06
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rewt_tonyyarusso, it worked.01:07
=== fangorious [n=fangorio@cpe-66-25-38-48.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
JockeTFmzuverink: apt-get install ubuntu-desktop01:07
HystyCanYouHelpMePlz: how is your switch connection onto the net?01:07
tonyyarussorewt_: Always good.01:07
fangoriouswhere are there any dapper ISO images?01:07
HystyCanYouHelpMePlz: connected01:07
ubotuhmm... dualboot is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo01:07
rewt_tonyyarusso, thanks....so how exactly would i do my gmail notify?01:07
b1indbdawg54345, there is a howto on the wiki i think to do that01:07
CanYouHelpMePlzHysty: surboard modem >switch>pc's01:07
bdawg54345i dont wanna erase all my shit01:07
bdawg54345 beacause the external is fat 3201:07
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rage__hehe, i managed to get my NintendoDS to access the internet thru linux! :)01:07
b1indbdawg54345, you'll have to resize the partition01:07
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rage__I can play mario kart now01:08
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tonyyarussorewt_: I'm not sure, since I haven't used that.01:08
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rewt_tonyyarusso, well damn01:08
pm_when i run a vpn client in a machine, i can't access the internet from it?01:08
dockanebdawg54345, imho thats a bad idea in general, since you always should make backups before messing with hard disks01:08
aiosos sos sos, does anybody know how to put a directory in the panel, click on it and not open a new window, but only appearing the archives in it like in win toolbar?01:08
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GnoNaymewhat was the other command to use to install opera under ubuntu?>01:09
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IdleOne aio  sooner you stop trying to get linux to do things like windows the sooner you will be able to use linux to do what you want :)01:09
evan_i am root, and vim still wont write a new file01:09
nickrudaio, no, gnome doesn't but kde does (or did)01:09
bdawg54345resize it with what01:09
rage__evan use nano ;)01:09
tonyyarussoHow large of a partition would I need to make a second installation to check out development releases?  (Not for general use though.)01:10
CanYouHelpMePlzdoes anyone know why my (wired) router doesn't seem to work with ubuntu?01:10
aiomay be true idleone :)01:10
nickrudtonyyarusso, I use 4gb partitions when I do that01:10
dockanehas anybody got experience with printing from chm files (compiled html) ?01:10
rewt_i <3 techno01:10
tonyyarussonickrud: Okay.  I could do it with a bit less though, right?01:10
rage__CanYouHelpMePlz, your ethernet interface doesnt have an IP01:10
mantyGnoNayme: can opera be installed on 64-bit ubuntu?01:10
CanYouHelpMePlzrage__: how do i fix that?01:11
rewt_some reason it says there are 3 people logged into my computer?01:11
evan_rage__: i would but it's not there.. i am in like some bare basic mode because ubuntu wont boot on my laptop so i am trying to blacklist hw_random01:11
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b1indCanYouHelpMePlz, do you know if your router is configured for DHCP?01:11
nickrudtonyyarusso, sure, 2gb should get you an install, I just like some elbow room01:11
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Hystytonyyarusso: 2-3Gb would prob be ok01:11
CanYouHelpMePlzb1ind: it should be at factory defaults, does nothing01:11
tonyyarussonickrud: Okay.01:11
aiowell, clicking on a win shorcut does not staart the application, just clicking on the exe, but it works fine, fine, fine i Ubuntu01:11
rewt_one in terminals  tty2, :0 and pts/001:11
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rewt_what's that mean?01:11
tonyyarussoHysty: Thanks.01:11
dockanei am looking for  a way to print more than _one_ page ... xhcm always stops after the current page01:11
b1indCanYouHelpMePlz, is it wireless or wired?01:11
CanYouHelpMePlzb1ind: wired01:11
saad3000hello,is there a new kernel for Ubuntu 5.10?01:11
newbuntierewt: that would be you, me, but who's the third guy???01:12
newbuntierewt: jk01:12
instabinhow do i get file-roller to open rar files01:12
b1indCanYouHelpMePlz, maybe a dumb question, but have you tried .0.1?01:12
IdleOnenewbuntie:  lmao01:12
rewt_well how do i kill them?01:12
rewt_like their connection01:12
rewt_not them literally :-P01:12
CanYouHelpMePlzb1ind: no i havent, this router is
b1indok, have you tried running dhclient manually?01:12
rage__rewt_,  what are you trying to do?01:13
b1indsudo dhclient eth001:13
CanYouHelpMePlzim gonna hook router up again...01:13
rage__disconnect thos terminals?01:13
GnoNaymedpkg, find dependencies?01:13
CanYouHelpMePlzb1ind: should my network card be enabled or disabled when i do that01:13
rewt_rage__, my computer says there are 3 users logged in. one at tty2 one at :0 and another at pts/0. how do i make it just me logged in....01:13
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b1indwell enabled, i would hope.. im not sure exactly what your problem is01:13
instabinanyone help with rar files?01:14
HystyCanYouHelpMePlz: shouldnt really matter01:14
evan_hey. can someone help me blacklist hw_random?01:14
ubotuI guess rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FileCompression01:14
rage__tty2 will be alt-ctrl-f201:14
saad3000hello,is there a new kernel for Ubuntu 5.10?01:14
instabinI tryed that it didnt work01:14
Englarewt_: the "who" command should give you a list. Make sure it's only your username in that list01:14
rage__:0 will be X01:14
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rage__pts/0 will be xterm01:15
Hystysaad3000: what kernel are you using now?01:15
IdleOnesaad3000:  sudo apt-get dist-upgrade is there is one it will install01:15
TomaszDwhat is the difference between ubuntu cd and ubuntu dvd?01:15
tonyyarussosaad3000: 2.6.12-10, newer than -9 from the install.01:15
TomaszDwhat is on ubuntu dvd?01:15
mykhi all. i have a stupid HDD question... lets say i put 2 HDDs on 1 cable, and each HDD has a Cable Select jumper, which one is the primary? the one on the end of the cable, or the one in the middle? i ask because i have a slave HD that i'd like to use with ubuntu, and the ubuntu HD is currently at the end of the cable (although i have no jumpers) and im having trouble when booting up with both HDDs right now...01:15
saad3000IdleOne, If i could use internet on ubuntu01:15
rewt_rage__, what is tty2?01:15
ccc_myk: the one at the end is master iirc01:16
bimberirewt_: pts/0 will be an X based terminal session, (see what happens to 'who' if you open more terminals)01:16
IdleOnesaad3000:  then your primary concern is to get it online01:16
rewt_rage__, i ran who and it is my user name in all 301:16
saad3000guys am trying to see if there is upgrade of the kernel that would fix the network problems that didn't allow me to use Internet on ubuntu01:16
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WezlFawltymyk jumpers supercede cable position also01:16
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rage__ty2 is a virtual terminal01:16
rage__(looks like dos)01:16
rewt_rage__,  im not in that though01:16
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rage__You must be :P01:17
mykmeh. well, with no jumpers, i get errors on booting up. brb, gonna try with jumpers01:17
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oklinuxis sis ac 97 sound card compatible with ubuntu ?01:17
rage__alt-f7 will get you back to X01:17
nickrudinstabin, you might want to look at unrar-nonfree in multivers01:17
rewt_rage__, i dont see it anywhere01:17
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b1indanyone know what that crazy ajax msn/yahoo/aim website is?01:17
b1indnm, found it01:18
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rage__get its pid and kill it then ;)01:18
rewt_blind what is it i need it too01:18
crabIs it ok to ask for newbie help in this channel?01:18
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IdleOnecrab YES :)01:18
nickrudcrab, that's why this channel exists01:18
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crabgroovy.  I just installed Ubuntu on a compaq presario 1800T.  It works beautifully, but for one thing: my PS/2 mouse doesn't work, but the touchpad works fine.01:19
rewt_crab...no we are 1337 only ;)01:19
rewt_crab u install the drivers for it?01:19
nickrudrewt_, #debian :)01:19
rewt_nick lmao01:20
crabThe mouse was working fine when I had Win2K installed on this machine about four hours ago :)01:20
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ubotuDid you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, IdleOne01:20
crabit's just a 2 button no-name mouse... it didn't come with drivers01:20
rage__crab, You will have to confugre Xorg to work with that mouse.01:20
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rewt_ah yea01:20
crabok, how do I do that rage?01:20
n4chtok, on a fresh hoary install, how does one enable mp3 handling for rhythmbox?01:20
rage__X -Configure may work01:21
bimberiubotu tell n4cht about mp301:21
nickrudn4cht, sudo apt-get install libgstreamer0.8-mad01:21
crabok, so I click on system... ?01:21
crablol... I've never used Linux before, pardon my ignorance01:21
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rewt_crab no lol01:21
rewt_you must do it in a terminal01:21
n4chtE: Couldn't find package libgstreamer0.8-mad01:21
Artan1sGot a new hard drive and now im re-installing ubuntu... W00t01:22
crabok, I have a terminal open01:22
b1indcan anyone recommend a decent download manager (not wget) to replace firefox's?01:22
bimberin4cht: you will need to add the universe repository ...01:22
nickrudn4cht, you need to go through the page http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats, it'll walk you through that01:22
bimberiubotu tell n4cht about universe01:22
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Unitywhat should i install to be able to run kde? not kubuntu-desktop it brings too much extra crap with it01:22
dekelawhat is the best window manager? xfce, kde or gnome01:22
rewt_type in01:23
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rewt_sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:23
adubeverytime i plug in my usb flash drive it changes names like hda1 hdb1 hdc1  etc    i want  to have it be hda1 everytime i plug it in and out01:23
rewt_leave everything how it is until you get to configre 2 button mouse01:23
nickrudUnity, you can get the official kde as distributed by debian with sudo apt-get install kde01:23
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amphib1ind: prozilla perhaps?01:23
anna__when one modifies a setting in system>admin>printing, where does this actually get stored?01:23
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b1indamphi, thanks, i'll check it out01:23
nickruddekela, yes01:23
anna__or is there another front end to modify these values?01:24
SkyLynx** is anyone having a problem with the universe repo?01:24
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anna__for ink type it will not let me select black with my printer01:24
crabrage I tried the command "X -Configure" but it says I'm not authorized.  I tried to su root, but I don't have my root password01:24
bimberiUnity: 'kdebase' is another possibility01:24
rewt_do what i said01:24
rewt_sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:24
amphianna__: just go with magenta ;)01:24
bjornkriack, could someone remind me where to find w32codecs?01:24
IdleOnecrab:  your root password is the password you use01:24
crabok rewt will do01:24
ubotuw32codecs is, like, a compilation of binary win32 A/V codecs for many popular proprietary formats not currently supported by free implementations under linux. See http://tinyurl.com/e4a5s to install01:24
XenguyHi - have there been any reports of Firefox problems after following the 'FirefoxNewVersion' HOWTO on the Ubu wiki ?01:24
Unitynickrud: haha...kde package brings even more crap in01:24
Artan1s_jason: hey man01:25
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bjornkriaah, thanks01:25
rewt_in that it will have an option to configure a 2 button mouse01:25
anna__amphi, do you know whats proggie kde uses to muck with cups?01:25
Artan1s_jason: How are you?01:25
SkyLynx** is anyone having a problem with the universe repo?01:25
anna__i want to see if kde offers me the full options01:25
oklinux any one having problem with sis ac97 sound card ?01:25
nickrudUnity, well, it's kde. It's a load01:25
amphianna__: no, 'fraid not01:25
nickrudUnity, try just installing the applications you want. You can fill in the blanks as you need them01:25
bimberiUnity: kdebase does look good - have a look at its description (apt-cache show kdebase)01:26
amphianna__: I thouht you could configure cups via a browser (I've not used it)01:26
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anna__maybe i shouldn't say cups, i mean gimpprint01:26
rewt_crab, find it?01:26
bimberiUnity: "the minimal package01:26
bimberi set necessary to run KDE as a desktop environment"01:26
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bimberiblah that newline01:26
Artan1sWhen I connect my cable internet for the first time, is there any commands I have to type in or should it connect right away if the drivers are there?01:27
RouterTroubleshmm, i still can't get my router to work01:27
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nickrudanna__, kde's print manager is a lot better than gnome's. (disclaimer: I use gnome exclusively)01:27
RouterTroublescan having networking equipment close to an subwoofer be a problem?01:27
b1indhello again adub. you said you had an idea for me earlier regarding getting DRI working01:27
crabyes rewt, thank you.  I'm going through the configuration now01:27
anna__nickrud, do you it's name so i can run it from the cli without switching to kde01:27
rewt_:) glad i could "help"01:27
SkyLynxCould someone try "sudo apt-get update" and tell me if it works?01:27
anna__there's kdeprintfax01:28
RouterTroublescan having networking equipment close to an subwoofer be a problem?01:28
abacapt-get install kde-desktop error:kubuntu-desktop: Depends: konq-plugins but it is not going to be installed01:28
adubb1ind sorry i was away01:28
anna__ah i guess i have to log out to muck with kde01:28
nickrudanna__, it's been a while since I used kde, and even back then it was better. I can't remember the name01:28
b1indadub, np, i had class ;p01:28
anna__i wonder if i set it right in kde will those values carry over when printing in gnome01:28
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dijungalhello folks01:29
adubb1ind here i will help again01:29
crabok rewt I finished the configuration, but it's still not working.  Do I need to reboot?01:29
IdleOneSkyLynx:  works fine01:29
dijungali just install ubuntu 5.1001:29
b1indadub, cool01:29
JockeTFgood to hear that dijungal!!01:29
adubi will tell you step by step what i didi01:29
rewt_dijungal, how do you like it?01:29
Artan1sconnect irc.blitzed.org01:29
SkyLynxIdle: Why would it get stuck for me as soon as it hits the archive.ubuntu... repo?01:29
nickrudanna__, the files that hold the printer defs are /etc/lpoptions, and ~/.lpoptions. The manual at localhost:631 can explain how to set those up01:29
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dijungalhow do i remote desktop into a windows machine..?01:30
dijungali cannot find gnome-rdp01:30
adubare you using fglrx01:30
IdleOneSkyLynx:  I have no clue :/01:30
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RouterTroublescan having networking equipment close to an subwoofer be a problem?01:30
b1indadub, no.. it corrupts my screen01:30
abachi, aptget install kubuntu.desktop err:kubuntu-desktop: Depends: konq-plugins but it is not going to be installed01:30
bimberidijungal: Applications -> Internet -> Terminal Server Client01:30
rewt_system preferences01:30
dijungalok got it thanks01:30
IdleOneRouterTroubles:  all the vibrating might not me too good01:30
b1indadub, I'm working on downloading the newest ati driver, but my connection is quite slow atm01:31
dijungalthanks bimberi01:31
HystGoneRouterTroubles: possibly01:31
bimberidijungal: yw :)01:31
RouterTroublesIdleOne: i can't seem to get my routeer to work no matter what01:31
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Artan1sWhen I connect my cable internet for the first time, is there any commands I have to type in or should it connect right away if the drivers are there?01:31
nickrudRouterTroubles, rfi is rfi. Try moving something, that'll either confirm or eliminate, or be inconclusive :)01:31
b1indnormally the radeon driver gave me direct rendering w/o any problems though01:31
SkyLynxIdle: Thanks01:31
dijungalbemberi: is there a way to run it from the run command like in kde "rdp:/<servername>" ?01:31
RouterTroublesshouldn't internet with ubuntu and router be plug and play?01:31
IdleOnedijungal:  Places > Connect to server01:32
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adubb1ind i wrote out a small how to on this01:32
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bimberidijungal: 'tsclient'01:33
adubaccept the dcc transfer01:33
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b1indhmm, i might be unable to do dcc transfers here01:33
bjornkriI've got a REALLY avanced question. ;)01:33
adubsend me a query msg01:34
bjornkriIs it possible to program the windows key to do something? :P01:34
RouterTroublesbjornkri: yes01:34
dijungalbimberi: thanks01:34
amphibjornkri: yes01:34
rage__bjornkri, yes01:34
Hystybjornkri: wheres the 'any' key?01:34
RouterTroublesbjornkri: mine opens firefox01:34
amphibjornkri: use xev to find the keysym01:34
rage__RouterTroubles, http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch07.html01:34
rage__have a read thru there01:34
nickrudmy windows key is <super>, works very well with metacity01:35
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adubb1ind you there man01:35
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ubotuTo use the windows key in keyboard shortcuts as a modifier (like ALT): Run 'xmodmap' and see what Super_L corresponds to.  Then follow method B at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=79560 and use <mod4> (or whatever Super_L corresponded to with 'xmodmap') as the modifier. For example, a shortcut to use windows key + d would look like '<mod4>d'01:35
bjornkriMy keyboard's kinda crappy, it's incomplete. Should be icelandic, but a key that should be to the left of z is missing. And it's quite important, has pipe more-than and less-than on it01:35
b1indsent you a pm (i think)01:35
Hystyshould setup the 'Windows' key to umm delete Windows01:35
bimberidijungal: yw :)01:35
nickrudoh my god, that is an ugly factoid01:35
bimberinickrud: agreed!01:36
b1indthough i'm not registered on freenode and i think i saw something about needing to be registered to send private messages01:36
bjornkriI'll try xev, thanks :)01:36
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b1indadub, perhaps you could paste it to www.pastebin.com?01:36
adubahh that makes sense01:36
xcelanyone wanna help a noob? :P01:36
xcelim trying to install bmp01:36
xcelused apt-get but i says it cant find it01:37
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xcelplease? :)01:37
ubuntuHey I have a setup where I have two ubuntu computers. The main one with all the progrmas and this one whihc is basically a diskless terminal running off a livecd. Is there a way to make use of the other computer without disturbing whoever is on it?01:37
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adubhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8721        <--- b1ind01:37
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Hystyxcel: have you the relevant repository enabled01:38
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failuresomeone who is in charge of security.ubuntu.com?01:38
adubthat should do it  download the    ati-driver-installer-8.21.7-i386.run    from ati's site i think they even have a newer version now01:38
b1indadub, thanks i'll check it out01:38
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Unityubotu tell xcel about easysource01:38
b1indyeah, i'm getting the newer atm01:38
failureor someone of the ubuntu security team?01:39
Dasnipa`ubuntu, yes, this is common to concieve that two users using the same computer is problematic because with windows it is... if they are networked you can setup a user account for the second computer and then ssh -X into the main computer thrut he livecd01:39
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dijungalem.... i cannot change the root password01:39
dijungaland i just realise i can't remember setting the root password during install01:39
Dasnipa`tell dijungal about root01:39
Unitydijungal: do you know about sudo ?01:39
rage__see ya guys. Good luck and all of that. ;D01:39
bimberixcel: note that the package is called beep-media-player01:39
Dasnipa`!tell dijungal about root01:40
ubuntuOk Dasnipa can you elaborate on the ssh -x part?01:40
xcelbimberi, im too nobb :801:40
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nickrudfailure, ask on #ubuntu-devel01:40
Dasnipa`ubuntu, all you need is the main computer's ip and then its ssh -X (capital to forward the x server) username@ip01:40
evan_for some reason my file system is totally readonly01:41
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Unitywhat command can i issue to startx with kde in it, if my default desktop in gnome?01:41
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failurenickrud: ok, thanks :)01:41
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ubuntussh -X someguy@ for random example would be hoiw I do it?01:41
failurenickrud: i didn't know it01:41
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nickrudUnity, you can change that under sessions in the login screen; or,01:41
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nickrudfailure, I figured :)01:42
Dasnipa`ubuntu, yes, that looks right01:42
ubuntuok thanks01:42
bobopopomoanyone can help me with slowdowns when my sata-harddisc is accessed?01:42
Psi-JackI'm pondering the idea of not re-install Kubuntu, but .. Literally just copying the current install to my other, primary, HDD instead. Anyone have any ideas on how to do that correctly? There's no specific ACLs or xattr's involved on the filesystems, as of yet.01:42
Artan1sWhen I connect my cable internet for the first time, is there any commands I have to type in or should it connect right away if the drivers are there?01:42
amphiUnity: you can try doing xinit and then typing start-kde in the xterm01:42
nickrudUnity, edit ~/.xsession add the correct command to start kde there, and use Xsession from the login screen01:42
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bobopopomodidn't see it until i installed Xgl and compiz, and it now seems to be an obvious problem01:43
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xcelhey when i use; sudo apt-get install bmp i says that i cant find it :S pls help :)01:43
chokewhere does udev stand in the ubuntu distro tree01:43
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nickrudbobopopomo, I can't help with your problem, but, did you use debs for Xgl & compiz?01:43
OgMacielanybody from NJ/NY/MA going to Linux World Expo in Boston this year?01:43
chokelike which version have it running by default01:43
bobopopomonickrud, yes01:43
dijungalthe sudo thing SUCKS!!01:43
rewt_why does my volume icon in my panel keep dissappearing???01:44
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chokeOgMaciel: when is it01:44
rewt_dijungal, you can turn on root01:44
evan_can someone help me get ubuntu working on my laptop? it wont boot untill i add something to the hotplug blacklist, so i added "init=/bin/bash" to the boot thing... and it booted to the command prompt but the whole system is just readonly01:44
dijungalu can..01:44
Dasnipa`dijungal, you can set a root password thru sudo then you never have to care about it again01:44
bobopopomonickrud, you know a place where i could get help for it?01:44
nickrudbobopopomo, who's? (I like trying that stuff out know and then)01:44
rewt_dijungal, yes01:44
OgMacielchoke, April 3 - 601:44
rewt_dijungal, do you know how?01:44
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bobopopomonickrud, ubuntu dapper universe repository01:44
amphievan_: mount / -o remount,rw to make it rw01:44
Artan1sWhen I connect my cable internet for the first time, is there any commands I have to type in or should it connect right away if the drivers are there?01:44
rewt_should connect?01:45
evan_amphi: thanks very much, i'll try that01:45
amphiArtan1s: for me, I just ran dhclient eth001:45
nickrudbobopopomo, I'd ask, um, well, I'm not about to point you at a debian list, but maybe looking at the bug reports in debian?01:45
Unityamphi: thx a lot man, this is exactly what i was looking for01:45
Unityamphi: for over a month now01:45
rewt_check system>administation>networking01:45
Artan1samphi: Just type dhclient eth0?01:45
amphiUnity: what?01:45
rewt_and make sure you have ethernate enabled01:45
amphiArtan1s: yup, well sudo dhclient eth001:45
Unityamphi: started kde in a new X server01:45
Artan1samphi: Thanks01:45
rewt_why does my volume icon in my panel keep dissappearing???01:46
nickrudbobopopomo, oh, that sucks. I've gotta try for a decent dapper install ;(01:46
amphiUnity: oh, the xinit thing, yeah, it's handy01:46
OgMacielSeveas, ping01:46
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dijungalnow i need to get my wireless working01:46
Unityamphi: now, do you know if it's safe to run gnome and kde simultaneously?01:46
Artan1srewt_: Thanks01:46
rewt_Artan1s, no problem :)01:46
Artan1srewt_: almost done installing it for the first time01:46
adubis there a way i can mount my usb flash drive as sda1 everytime01:46
SmeggyAnyone running Ubuntu on a Powermac g5?01:46
amphiUnity: no reason why not that I can think of (I run neither ;)01:47
rewt_Artan1s, it's fun...i just installed mine like 3 weeks ago01:47
bobopopomonickrud, dapper is pretty stable at the moment, to be precise i'm using it for months now, without having really big problems01:47
nickrudUnity, the only issue I ever had was sound, and with gstreamer, that one should be gone in most cases01:47
Artan1srewt_: nice01:47
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newbuntiebobopopmo: what's different about dapper?01:47
nickrudbobopopomo, I'd run it now and then, and then it blew up :) A month more I think for me.01:48
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nickrudnewbuntie, http://fridge.ubuntu.com/node/25501:48
IdleOnethought so01:49
rewt_why does my volume icon in my panel keep dissappearing??? >.<01:49
X-GueStAny one running ubuntu on a laptop with Intel GM910 with 128mb's shared graphic card?01:49
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X-GueStcan it be installed some drivers to it?01:50
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dirtyhey hey01:50
dijungalanyone tried seting up wireless on ubuntu01:50
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dijungalbuilt in wireless01:50
dijungalemachines 531201:50
rewt_amarok is good for one thing...techno stations :-D01:50
rewt_dijungle you need drivers01:51
MachineScrewrewt_, streamtuner has more01:51
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b1inddoes amarok need qt?01:51
rewt_MachineScrew, i like these ones01:51
rewt_blind i donthave it01:51
MachineScrewrewt_, it has those to01:51
rymanahh I found the tutorial video for Dual booting Ubuntu and XP http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-6104490811311898236&q=01:51
nickruddijungal, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/EmachinesM5312 , no promises01:51
ShishI've just booted recently updated dapper to find /dev/null and friends marked root:root 660, 'sup?01:52
MachineScrewrewt_, they are just shoutcast streams01:52
rewt_MachineScrew, oh well lol im tired of installing stuff :-P im trying to get my colume icon fixed now in my panel...it keeps dissapearing01:52
abachi, apt-get install kubuntu-desktop err:kubuntu-desktop: Depends: konq-plugins but it is not going to be installed01:52
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MachineScrewrewt_, try rantradio industrial01:52
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rewt_MachineScrew, where is that01:52
adubdoes anyone know how have usb drives mount as the same sda1 everytime is it plugged in and out of the computer and when it is removed it is auto unmount01:53
nickrudabac, you have something wrong in your /etc/sources.list most likely. Post it to a pastebin, please01:53
nickrudabac, /etc/apt/sources.list I mean01:53
b1indadub, that would be in the udev config01:53
MachineScrewrewt_, www.rantradio.com01:53
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b1indadub, don't remember how to do any of that stuff anymore01:53
abacwhat is pastebin?01:53
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nickrudabac, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org01:54
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nomopofomoguys -_- ubuntu is driving me crazy... my previous install of linux was a debian net install and i'm having lots of problems figuring out how to do stuff as root... can't i just BECOME root? or is there no such account?01:54
nomopofomoi can't even get apache 2 running -_-01:54
MarcNnomopofomo: you don't need to run as root.  See sudo01:55
nickrudnomopofomo, the account exists, but sudo is the default admin technique; http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo01:55
nickrudnomopofomo, sudo -i01:55
nomopofomoi guess the installer generates a random PW?01:55
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rewt_damn volume icon is going to pi55 meh off01:55
nickrudnomasteryoda, use your user password01:55
MarcNnomopofomo: I was doubtful myself, but after a few months I don't miss it.  sudo somecommand or sudo -i for those rare cases01:56
nickrudnomopofomo, user your user password01:56
nomopofomonomasteryoda eh? ;)01:56
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nickrudnomopofomo, heh01:56
nickrudnomopofomo, I do resemble that remark, thoughy01:57
dtankerI have aquestion01:57
nomopofomohow do i check processes running in gnome environment?01:57
nickrudnomopofomo, either top, or gnome-system-monitor in a terminal01:57
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nickrudnomopofomo, also, gnome-session-properties01:58
evan_is snd-hda-intel important? because i had to blacklist it to get my laptop to boot01:58
hypnoxwhen someone sudo's to the root user, where does the bash_history end up?01:58
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nomopofomocool... when i mounted my ntfs drive, why couldn't my music player open the file?01:59
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nickrudevan_, yes, it's a not completely supported sound chip. There's a bug listed for it under alsa01:59
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fangoriousare there any mirrors of the dapper flight3 iso?01:59
nickrudnomopofomo, because ntfs drives are, by default, only readable by root01:59
evan_nickrud: aw, so that probably means my sound isn't going to work. :-(01:59
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nickrudfangorious, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/dapper/01:59
nomopofomoapache isn't showing up as a running process but when i try to start it, it SAYS it's already running?01:59
nomopofomonickrud thanks i'll go research02:00
damnhi1Do I overwrite my old kernel image if I do cd /usr/src/linux && make bzImage install modules modules_install ?02:00
nickrudevan_, I'd search for that bug, there are some workarounds that have worked for some people02:00
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evan_nickrud: ok thank you02:00
nickrudevan_, I'm not familiar with malone, or I'd suggest a search term02:00
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nickrudnomopofomo, a sec, there's a link somewhere for that02:01
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WezlFawltynickrud alsa? malone? eh, can you give me a link?02:01
fangoriousnickrud: right, i meant is there anything mirroring that, i'm only getting 130 KB/sec off that02:01
nickrud!tell nomopofomo about ntfs02:02
b1indlol i'm getting 3KB/s atm :)02:02
b1indi mean :(02:02
nickrudfangorious, ah, no, no idea02:02
nomopofomoi was hoping you were talking about my apache problem :)02:02
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nickrudWezlFawlty, alsa is the software that enables your sound hardware; and malone is the bug tracker for ubuntu02:03
luisitoin the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail.02:03
luisitoSo, check this please and use another prefix!02:03
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nickrudWezlFawlty, evan_, https://launchpad.net/malone02:04
luisitoI'm getting this error when compiling:02:04
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luisitoin the prefix, you've chosen, are no KDE headers installed. This will fail.02:04
luisitoSo, check this please and use another prefix!02:04
luisitosorry for the paste02:04
luisitoanyone knows what's wrong?02:04
nomopofomowhy does apache say it's running but i can't see it in PS?02:05
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nomopofomooh never mind -_-02:06
nomopofomothere are like 10 instances running02:06
nickrudluisito, you need to install the development headers for kde; kdebase-dev , or maybe kde-dev02:06
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scamnomopofomo, ps -aux02:06
nickrudnomopofomo, those are most likely threads, not instances02:06
luisitothank you nickrud02:07
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nomopofomowould it be smart to put apachectl into path?02:14
nomopofomoor could that be dangerous?02:14
nomopofomoi'm the only one using computer02:14
MarcNnomopofomo: sudo apachectl works fine02:15
MarcNnomopofomo: no need to mess with $PATH02:15
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mrg_zsomeone know if a XEN 3.0.1 package exists for ubuntu?02:16
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seliniumnomopofomo, ps -C apache2 maybe?02:16
nomopofomohold on... let me see what that does :O02:16
nomopofomoapache binaries are not in path :O02:17
MarcNmrg_z: dapper has xen-tools (but I've not tried it.)02:17
nomopofomothat means i need to navigate to that folder ;O02:17
MarcNnomopofomo: start a console window and type:   sudo apachectl (or apache2ctl if you are using that)02:17
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nomopofomoneither command found02:17
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nomopofomomarcn i just built apache 2.2 so maybe that's why?02:18
nomopofomoit's not a package02:18
seliniumnomopofomo, What are you trying to do?02:19
nomopofomoalot of stuff ^^02:19
MarcNnomopofomo: why compiling it? Use the package.02:19
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nomopofomoonly 2.0.54 is out :O02:19
nomopofomoi want to play with newest version02:19
mordofhey bur[n] er, guess what!02:19
=== nickrud wonders just what stable is for sometimes ;(
nomopofomo2.2 is stable :O02:20
MarcNnomopofomo: if you build from sources, you need to pay attention to where the binaries are laid down.  Some source kits use /opt, some /usr/local/, etc02:20
dijungalhey guys02:20
nomopofomois there a way to find out where the binaries are put?02:20
dijungali cannot play .wma or .avi in ubuntu..02:20
nomopofomobesides locate?02:20
MarcNnomopofomo: do you have a burning need for apache 2.2?02:20
dijungalwhat's wrong..?02:20
seliniumnomopofomo,    sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stop     (or start or restart)02:20
mordofbur[n] er: my vid card drivers are screwed again even after a re-format! i tried to reinstall and bam, im screwed02:20
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dijungaltotem does not play them02:20
nomopofomono... not really ^^ i just wanted to play with new features... that's all02:20
nomopofomoi normally develop on windows but i wanted to learn linux... i started off with a net install of debian but it's very frustrating02:20
MarcNnomopofomo: watch what happens when you do 'make install'     locate won't show you files newer than last night.  Use find02:20
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MarcNnomopofomo: it would be better if you learn on a stable platform until you are comfortable under linux, then venture out to building from source.  Lot less headaches02:21
nickruddijungal, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats , and install totem-xine02:21
seliniumnomopofomo, yes sudo updatadb02:21
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nickruddijungal, if they won't play after that, well, they are non-free after all02:22
ubotuIdleOne: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/02:22
MarcNnomopofomo: if you mention my name, I see it better.02:22
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IdleOnewhats the abrev for german?02:22
EricNeonmorning all02:22
seliniumnomopofomo, I would, as MarcN said, run a standard LAMP to see where it puts everything first.02:22
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nickrudIdleOne, de02:22
seliniumubotu tell nomopofomo about lamp02:22
MarcNIdleOne: de?02:22
nomopofomoMarcN, i see that now ^^02:23
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Mordofyay! im entirely screwed and have to re-format for the 4th time!!!02:23
IdleOnede is abreviation for german02:23
Toma-nomopofomo, to find out where binarys are, run "echo $PATH"02:23
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu und Kubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de resp. #kubuntu-de02:23
MarcNnomopofomo:    which somecommand    is also a useful tool02:23
bieberbruderwhat is the adress of the german-ubuntu irc ??02:23
Toma-Mordof, what on earth are you doing to have to install4 times? :(02:23
Mordofcan anyone here confidently say they can get my nvidia graphics card working for me??? im having droubles with drivers!!02:24
nickrudMordof, my 5200 worked just fine02:24
MordofToma-: video card drivers keep screwing me over02:24
Toma-Mordof, what card?02:24
Mordofnvidia 6800 xt02:24
!lilo:*! Woohoo, he shoots, he scores! (the game spammer again)02:24
Mordofi installed the drivers, it installed perfectly, and now my X fails when i reboot02:24
Mordofhappens EVERY time02:24
Mordofive tried to format and re-do it twice now02:24
Toma-Mordof, brb. just getting my toast then ill give you a hand02:25
uboturumour has it, xorg is to reconfigure your xserver, open a terminal and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"02:25
!lilo:*! I wish someone could tell this person to please not spam random channels 8)02:25
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nickrudMordof, that's not a reinstall offence02:25
Mordoffrogzo1: does not work02:25
Mordofnickrud: nobody could help me to get it working02:25
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MarcNMordof: you can always enter into grub on boot and add a S to the end of the boot parameters.  Starts in single user mode with no X11 started02:25
seliniumMordof, Firstly don't re-install! there are plenty of people who can help when you dont have X up.02:25
nickrudMordof, if you paste your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and /var/log/Xorg.0.log top a pastebin maybe ...02:25
nickrud*to a02:25
seliniumMordof: Open a terminal and type irssi02:25
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Mordofselinium: im in terminal currently02:26
Mordofhaving trouble seeing though cause of color schemes, heh02:26
myki hate hard drives02:26
MarcNmyk: okay.  send them to me.  I like them. ;-)02:26
seliniumOk cool. I thought you were reinstalling because you lost X02:26
Mordofselinium: k, gonna pastebin those02:26
Toma-Mordof, can you paste into pastebin?02:26
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MordofToma-: working on it02:26
amonkeyis there a way to get audio and video to stay in sync in the flash firefox plugin?02:27
nickrudMarcN, I have som 10,000 rpm 9.1 ibm scuzzies, if you want some02:27
Toma-Mordof, ok. if you need a hand doing it in terminal, theres an easy solution02:27
Mordofselinium: i know how to get into X after i lose it, i do dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg.. and i can get into X, though if i reboot, i have to do it again02:27
mykMarcN: suuuUUUuuure... cost me $135 and it's a bully in my pc. neither windows nor ubuntu will boot with it as a slave...02:27
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Mordofselinium: but i have absolutely no video card functions, no 3d, no video or anything02:27
MordofToma-: im currently in X (limited)02:27
MarcNnickrud: nah, moving away from scsi.02:27
Earthencan someone tell me how to edit the startup ip for eth0 from command line02:27
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Toma-Mordof, ok good02:27
chris_i am having some trouble with getting dhcp offers from my router using wpa_supplicant (Thinkpad T43) -- anyone mind helping?02:27
Andy5201987my name is andy02:27
nickrudMarcN, well, I was told to throw them around :)02:28
pld_any ideas on why my date & time is not getting updated automatically?02:28
zebraFusionhow can I extract rars with Ubuntu02:28
MordofToma-: it just sucks, i just bought my vid card ($210, and i cant even run screensavers with it02:28
seliniumMordof, I am going to have to dash, 01:30 in Engalnd. Paste the files for Toma- to see :) Good luck02:28
pld_or any thoughts on where to make that happen?02:28
MarcNmyk: do you have grub in the primary's MBR point to the 2nd disk?02:28
Mordofselinium: k cya02:28
Andy5201987I'd like to have the latest version of kopete messenger.02:28
nickrudzebraFusion, sudo apt-get install unrar-nonfree02:28
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zebraFusionnickrud: Is it nonfree02:28
WezlFawltyearthen iirc ipconfig   try man ipconfig02:29
nickrudzebraFusion, yes, it's in multiverse02:29
seliniumzebraFusion, You are supposed to pay for it after 30 days.02:29
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frogzo1zebraFusion: it's proprietary - the code isn't open source02:29
mykMarcN: no clue. i have a switch that powers either my win HDD or my ubuntu HDD and the other drive should be the slave. i have to disconnect the other HDD to get either OS to work. tho... it may be a jumper issue. i hate jumpers. hoppers are way better02:29
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chris_could someone help me with my wpasupplicant02:30
EarthenWezlFawlty I tried with Ipconfig but the ip I put there changes everytime i reboot, in fact the eth0 doesn't even startup at boot time02:30
mykbleh. it'll wait til later. wife says "time to go"02:30
MarcNmyk: sounds like hw config issue.  do you have enough power?02:30
mykenough power, it's just jumpers ;) i'll figure it out later. thx tho02:30
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WezlFawltymyk jumpers are dependant on hard drive mgfr02:30
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nickrudzebraFusion, but, it costs nothing to use, if that's what you mean02:30
Mordofhttp://pastebin.com/556995 (xorg.conf), http://pastebin.com/556996 Xorg.conf   (for Toma-)02:31
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Earthenis there a way you rerun the network setup wizard that you get during install02:31
Mordofer, first is xorg.conf, next is xorg.log02:31
Mordofor w/e02:31
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rage__Does ubuntu come with any ethernet bridging software02:32
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Angel_DexHello all02:32
rage__Yes it does. thanks ;)02:32
rage__Hi Angel_Dex02:32
Toma-ummm Mordof this is kinda useless :D sorry, but you need to load the nvidia driver, THEN start X and copy the log to say /home... like this...02:32
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Angel_DexI switched my HD Up and put it into another computer And now it says X will not start how do i reconfigure it?02:32
MordofToma-: i cant get into x with the nvidia driver02:33
MordofToma-: dpkg-reconfigure changes the driver used, thats the only way i get into X02:33
nickrudMordof, but, the errors from the nvidia driver failure is what matters02:33
Mordofnickrud: i dont know how to pastebin in cli02:33
frogzo1rage__: -> bridge-utils02:34
nickrudMordof, after X fails, cp /var/log/Xorg.0.log ~/xorg.nvidia.log, and post that from nv02:34
Toma-after editing xorg.conf and swapping nv for nvidia, run "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart" (let it crash) then run "sudo cp /var/log/Xorg.0.log /home/WHATEVERYOURUSERNAMEIS/Xorg.log"02:34
tatters_Y is it I get a feeling running a stable working distro of linux is a matter of juggling packages02:34
WiFiTuxanyone can help me install mplayer or so?02:34
nickrudWiFiTux, http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallationHowto02:34
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tatters_didnt win 98 call that dll hell?02:34
MordofToma-: ok.. ill just run nvidia-xconfig i think is the file02:35
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Brunellusdoes anyone use a palm zire 21 on ubuntu?02:35
Toma-Mordof, ok...02:35
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MordofToma-: nvidia automatically sets it up the way it should be.. hmm02:35
MordofToma-: brb while i attempt to restart X02:36
WiFiTuxnickrud: one thing I can't do Is to open Synaptic. Can I enable muti universe fro the command line?02:36
X-GueStAny one with a laptop with Intel GM910 128mb's shared graphic card or something realy alike here?02:36
=== Jason_ [n=Jason@ool-44c2feac.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
X-GueStcan I get some drivers to play some games with my graphica card on ubuntu ? :x02:36
WiFiTuxnickrud: I do have deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy universe02:36
nickrudWiFiTux, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesCliHowto02:36
Toma-X-GueSt, can you find out what type of chip it uses?02:37
Jason_i am trying to install ubuntu on an iBook 300Mhz02:37
Jason_it is able to boot the 5.10 install cd02:37
X-GueStToma-, how can I find that?02:37
nickrudWiFiTux, but, making sure multiverse exists on any line that has universe in it works02:37
tatters_when is linux gunna migrate from DP hell02:37
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Toma-X-GueSt, google perhaps?02:37
nickrudtatters_, dp hell?02:37
Toma-tatters_, DP?02:37
Jason_it recognizes all of the hardware on my iBook02:37
Jason_next...it says something about a file system02:38
tatters_ok sry PD hell02:38
nomopofomowhat's all this about "this file is not an audio stream" when i try to play my mp3 files?02:38
Jason_and then i see MANY errors02:38
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tatters_package dependencies02:38
Jason_and it says there was a kernel panic02:38
Jason_does anyone know how to solve this problem?02:38
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nickrudtatters_, apt-get, or aptitude, or synaptic, and no user brain-farts on unofficial repos equals no pd hell02:39
tatters_I install one thing then another wants to remove it therfore breaking the original02:39
binarykungfudoes anyone know what [g,d,rlh]   is?02:39
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Toma-tatters_, itll migrate once people decide that downloading a 50mb package for an mp3 player comes into fashion...02:39
X-GueStToma-, SONY Vaio VGN-FS215E, Celeron-M 370 (1.5GHz), 512MB02:39
X-GueSt60GB, DVDRW/Dual Layer, WLAN, Intel 915GM, WXGA (1280x800), X-Black LCD, Windows XP Home02:39
X-GueStdunno if it is possiible to find it02:39
X-GueStat least easly02:39
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tatters_well a default install of ubuntu only give 1 repos not even security update is included02:40
Frogzo1!tell X-GueSt about enter02:40
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nickrudtatters_, it's designed for people without internet access as the default02:40
tatters_am i to assume there is no reason to update my security02:40
WiFiTuxnickrud: I should emove universe and let universe multiverse?02:40
adubhow can i tell the firmware version of my orinoco gold card02:40
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Mordofk 1 sec while i paste the new logs and conf files i copied02:40
Toma-Mordof, super! :D~02:41
nickrudWiFiTux, append multiverse to any line that has universe, and be sure the # is missing from the beginning of the line02:41
nomopofomoi am getting a "This file is not an audiostream" error in music player02:41
phreak97can anyone help me out with downloadin debian?02:41
tatters_but yet the VM ware image of ubuntu gives 5 sources of updates02:41
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WiFiTuxnickrud: ok, cooll/ thanks02:41
phreak97there are 14 torrents labeled 1-14 and i dont know which to get02:41
MordofToma-, http://pastebin.com/557004 (xorg.conf), http://pastebin.com/557002 (xorg.0.log)  both running on the nvidia driver02:41
Toma-tatters_, well, thats horrible.02:41
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Toma-good stuff Mordof :)02:41
Mordofthe xorg.log shows that it finds the nvidia vid card, but then for some reason loses it, and then unloads the drivers02:42
tatters_major diff between the vmware distro and actuall install is a horrible i agree02:42
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MarcNBrunellus: I have a zire 22 that syncs with evolution/jpilot/etc02:42
Toma-tatters_, someone should do something about it.02:43
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Toma-tatters_, since its open source.... file a bug! :D~02:43
tatters_yah but who pray tell02:43
MordofToma-, the Xorg driver version also says 0.7, i have no idea why, i installed the linux header files for my kernel, and have the right gcc version... and yet its still screwing up02:43
BrunellusMarcN:  did it require any special configuration?02:43
Toma-you have the powah.02:43
nomopofomodo i need to install some sort of mp3 library to allow music player to play my mp3 files off of my ntfs partition?02:43
wastrelMarcN:  you use gnome-pilot?  it's been horrible for me.  i use jpilot exclusively02:43
tatters_file a bug that mean a life of RTFM02:43
Toma-Mordof, 1 moment plz02:43
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Brunellusnomopofomo, you need to mount your ntfs partition and install the audio codecs02:44
Toma-tatters_, well, looks like it will go un-noticed forever :( you've let down the open source community :*(02:44
MarcNBrunellus: my is a USB connection.   I need to restart gnome-pilot a few seconds after I connect the device.02:44
nomopofomowow -_- ok02:44
Brunellusnomopofomo, consult the RestrictedFormats wikipage02:44
nomopofomolibmpeg i bet02:44
tatters_what if the distro is a bug?02:44
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wastrelwhat bug?02:44
tatters_how do I address that?02:44
MordofToma-, k02:44
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Mordofill brb for a sec while you look it over02:44
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nickrudtatters_, with your feet02:44
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MarcNwastrel: it isn't too bad these days.  still messes up contacts from time to time.  Embedded commas in names get it confused.02:44
dan_hey how do i get rid of ubuntu02:44
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BrunellusMarcN:  I'm curious--can you write text files on the palm and then transfer them to the ubuntu box when it syncs?  and what format are they in, and where are they stored?02:45
dan_like delete its partitions02:45
tatters_lol no I got a large plank in case of emergencies02:45
WezlFawltyfdisk, zerofill, install windows02:45
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MarcNBrunellus: I purchased iSilo for the palm to read text.  There is a linux tool that converts txt/html to a pdb which i then sync to the palm.02:45
nickrudtatters_ file a bug that mean a life of RTFM lmao02:45
MadraykinI have a game I want to play (GTA 3) how woudl I install it in ubuntu?02:45
MarcNBrunellus: there are a couple opensource text readers for the palm, but I've used isilo for years.02:46
Adri2000Madraykin: look on cedega database to see if it's compatible02:46
WezlFawltydan_ fills the harddrive with 1 and 002:46
BrunellusMarcN: I'm interested in generating text files on the palm for later use on the ubuntu machine--is this feasible?02:46
zebraFusionis there a program to zip files?02:46
zebraFusionor a terminal command?02:46
tatters_seriously running ubuntu and packages is like juggling02:46
WezlFawltydan_ harddrive mgfr has it on their support site02:46
Toma-Mordof, what did you say your card was?02:46
wastrelBrunellus:  the pilot-link tools can be used to shuttle memos around pretty easily.02:46
dan_i'm trying to install dsl in place of this02:46
BrunelluszebraFusion, yes, use tar, or use the Archive-roller02:46
nickruddan_, just reformat the ubuntu partitions02:46
wastrelBrunellus:  install-memo for example installs a text file as a memo02:46
MarcNBrunellus: for short text, use the memo.  those can be pulled from the pilot simply.02:47
nickruddan_, then install over the ubuntu partitions02:47
dan_it says access denied02:47
ubotuI guess cedega is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega and for a list of working games see http://www.transgaming.org/gamesdb or #cedega or http://www.frankscorner.org/02:47
BrunellusMarcN, do you sync with evolution?  and where do memos/textfiles end up when I sync them from the palm?02:47
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Adri2000Madraykin: good news for you http://transgaming.org/gamesdb/games/view.mhtml?game_id=276202:47
wastreli don't think evo handles memo files02:47
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cablophello anybody02:48
MadraykinAdri2000, thanks =)02:48
nickruddan_, I think finding a dsl channel would probably help with dsl02:48
cablopsomebody knows how to scandisk in ubuntu?02:48
dijungalwhere can i get some good backgrounds02:48
MarcNBrunellus: yes I do.  The memos end up in evolution's Memo.  I'm using ubuntu/dapper with evo 2.5.91, so you may not have it yet.02:48
hybridnyone here tried LFS?02:48
cablopi need to check a ext3 partition02:48
Adri2000cablop: maybe you mlean fsck?02:48
dijungali'm feddup with the default ubuntu background02:48
hybridworng room02:48
nickruddijungal, art.gnome.org02:48
MarcNdijungal: google02:48
MadraykinOK, so if the game is compatiably, with software I install in order for it to play?02:48
nickruddijungal, or any decent picture02:48
MordofToma-, oh, sorry. nvidia 6800 xt02:48
zebraFusionwhat's the syntax using tar to zip a folder?02:48
AinvarMadraykin make sure you are not running the 2.6.15-15 kernel02:48
cabloptry deviantart02:48
MarcNdijungal: or flickr's various background groups.02:48
HystStudydijungal: install a windows one02:48
Ainvaruse the 2.6.1402:49
Adri2000Madraykin: you just need cedega02:49
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Toma-Mordof, an XT?02:49
MadraykinHmm I see02:49
Toma-you sure?02:49
tatters_ok I want to install xammp AKA lamp / phpgroupware  / acidlab and webmin on same box  what do I get load of errors02:49
MordofToma-, yes02:49
ubotucedega is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Cedega and for a list of working games see http://www.transgaming.org/gamesdb or #cedega or http://www.frankscorner.org/02:49
BrunellusMarcN:  I'm running breezy with evolution 2.4.1.  I'm guessing memo isn't there.  where else would palm-made text files be placed after a sync?02:49
zebraFusionwhat's the syntax using tar to zip a folder?02:49
cablopcan i check the / partition with fsck02:49
MordofToma-, is that a problem?02:49
Ainvarcedega also has a time demo version to make sure it runs decent on your system02:49
Adri2000cablop: fsck.ext302:49
WezlFawltyzebraFusion man tar02:49
Toma-Mordof, well, look at this list of supported cards.... http://www.nvidia.com/object/IO_18897.html02:49
Toma-Mordof, now that makes me a little confused.02:50
=== rawkasaurus [n=rawkasau@6532172hfc180.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
MarcNBrunellus: if evo doesn't support it yet, it won't be synced.  Look at man pilot-install (or such) and it's install-memo.02:50
Madraykinso is cegeda free?02:50
zebraFusionWezlFawlty... You could have just told me the syntax with the same time it took to write that. But whatever.02:50
wastrelMarcN:  gnome-pilot must syn memo.pdb02:50
Adri2000Madraykin: it's open source but not gratis if you want a precompiled package02:50
rymanI have windows xp right now and I want to dual booting with ubuntu. I've been trying to resize my HD by Partition Magic but it said "Cannot lock drive"02:50
wastrelsync, even02:50
Adri2000so you must compile the cvs02:50
BrunellusMarcN, so it is not possible to sync pilot text files to ubuntu breezy?02:50
AartanisUbuntu was the easiest internet setup ive ever done02:50
Ainvarunless you compile it from cvs02:50
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nickrudMordof, a stupid question maybe, but do you have the restricted modules for your kernel installed?02:50
MordofToma-, if i dont update my kernel it works fine, the xt is a newer series release..02:50
WezlFawltyzebraFusion, no i couldnt have02:50
rymanIs there any other way for me to resize my partition?02:50
Mordofnickrud, what do you mean02:50
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MarcNBrunellus: it is possible.  Just not pretty gui to edit memos.02:51
wastrelBrunellus:  i'm guessing gnome-pilot must at least backup MemoDB.pdb02:51
Toma-Mordof, oic. so youre using the nvidia drivers? not the ubuntu-nvidia drivers?02:51
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nickrudMordof, for example, linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12-9-386 - Non-free Linux 2.6.12 modules on 38602:51
tatters_webmin refers to invisable/ not used since 1999 packages  (Hostsentry)  phpgroupware wont run on apache2 conflict and webmin does regognise xampp mysql server02:51
cablopAdri2000, thanks, you know if i can run it over my current system partition? how can ai run it at bootup time?02:51
dan_how do i just delete all of ubuntu02:51
wastrelBrunellus:  you can use the command line pilot-link tools to manage memos02:51
tatters_all in all its more than a dll a dll hell02:52
nickrudMordof, line 309 of your Xorg.0.log: #02:52
nickrud(EE) NVIDIA(0): Failed to initialize the NVIDIA kernel module! Please ensure02:52
Adri2000cablop: take a live cd02:52
tatters_its pdh02:52
MadraykinSo do I need to install cegada in order to play or can I just install wine?02:52
MarcNBrunellus: see http://www.pilot-link.org02:52
tatters_package dependency hell02:52
MordofToma-, no im using nvidia drivers specifically02:52
Mordofnickrud, no im not02:52
Adri2000Madraykin: if gta3 is supported by wine it's ok, look on google02:52
Toma-Mordof, ahh ha. we have clashing drivers.02:52
IdleOne !wine02:53
Mordofnickrud, the nvidia drivers are fine, the stupid thing!!! GRRRRRRRRR. if i install my nvidia drivers BEFORE my kernel is updated, everything works fine and continues to work fine in the updated kernel02:53
MordofToma-, you found the problem!?!?02:53
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nickrudMordof, you need that. the nvidia-glx-config script does not check that the kernel modules are installed, and will change your xorg.conf willy nilly02:53
tatters_I try installl mysql-server oh no theres another mysql server running02:53
Toma-Mordof, yes02:53
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MarcNBrunellus: the linux to pilot connection via command line has been around for years and years.  the evolution connection is newer.  Also check out jpilot which is pretty nice standalone.  be sure gnome-pilot is not running or paused before running jpilot.02:53
nickrudtwo drivers!02:53
MordofToma-, YES! you're amazing02:53
Mordofnickrud, i dont get what you mean02:53
=== Psi-Jack [n=psi-jack@cpe-70-112-220-160.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
BigDaddyI think I have had an epiphany today02:53
BigDaddyUbuntu hates me02:54
rage__ubuntu loves me!02:54
tatters_xammp is runnig mysql but nothing else recognises this fact02:54
AartanisUbuntu loves me02:54
BrunellusMarcN:  so I guess it's possible to sync, say, contacts to the palm with evo, shut down gnome-pilot, and pilot-link for the textfiles?02:54
Psi-JackDoes Ubuntu have support for Reiser4 built-in, but just not available during installation?02:54
Toma-Mordof, can you plz run "ls /lib/linux-restricted-modules/2.6.12-10-386/nvidia/" for me?02:54
MordofToma-, in a msg to you?02:54
=== Unity [n=Unity@pool-141-155-21-130.ny325.east.verizon.net] has joined #ubuntu
BigDaddySo far, I have only got one thing to work that I wanted. and it doesn't work right02:54
Aartaniswhat is the command to get the updates for ubuntu?02:54
wastrelPsi-Jack:  i have reiser modules on my system... so i assume it's in the default kernel02:54
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Unityhow can i see what is the dpi on the current display?02:54
tatters_So my Q is when is linux gunna grow up and move away from DPH02:54
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Toma-Mordof, well, is there anything?02:54
wastrelPsi-Jack:  ah reiser4 - not sure02:54
KyralAartanis: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade02:54
Adri2000Aartanis: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade02:55
MordofToma-, yeah, a bunch of files02:55
Toma-tatters_, are you by chance, a troll?02:55
rage__setting up ubuntu as an AP is pretty easy ;)02:55
Psi-Jackwastrel: Wow. Heh. I'm about to copy my Kubuntu installation from my testing HDD to my primary, instead of re-installing,, and noticed mkfs.reiser4.02:55
Toma-Mordof, ok, we have clashing files :)02:55
MordofToma-, i dont remember downloading those... maybe they got downloaded in my initial apt updates02:55
cablopi have a question02:55
rage__I've noticed using madwifi in ad-hoc mode is really unstable02:55
rage__BigDaddy, accesspoint02:55
tatters_no toma someone who just is frustrated by this02:55
cablopi have installed my system today02:55
pianoboy3333Has anyone here had any luck getting m4p's to play in ubuntu, those are music files bought from the iTunes store. Does SharpMusique play them?02:55
rage__for wireless networking02:55
chris_rage__: have you been able to get wpa supplicant to work with your madwifi?02:56
MordofToma-, ok, so how do we solve the clashing of files? (im sorta new to linux if you cant tell)02:56
chris_mine looks like it completes and authenticates but i get no IP from DHCP02:56
Toma-Mordof, 1 moment plz02:56
wastrelUnity:  run xwininfo and click on your desktop background02:56
Psi-JackOkay, seems to only have the mkfs for reiser4, but not the kernel support.02:56
=== Mordof waits patiently
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wastrelUnity:  that will give you the dimensions of the root window02:56
rage__chris_, I havnt tried.02:56
Mordofbrb, washroom02:56
tatters_I went through this in 2000 I assumed linux would be more advaced in this regard I was mistaken02:56
nickrudUnity, xdpyinfo | grep resolution02:56
chris_=[, anyone else have any luck with madwifi and wpasupplicant02:56
rage__I would just flag wpa and use secure tunneling02:57
BigDaddyThe things that I want, nay-need is an internet connection that starts at boot. It will not do that no matter how many times I tell it to. Windows partitions. Why is it so dang hard to have a distro that just automatically does it without me having to? I can't even find them in Ubuntu02:57
rage__wee, i can play mariokartDS online now ;)02:57
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Unitynickrud, wastrel: thx02:57
CryoToxWhat are those things that start with R and you need them for programs?02:57
navaronewastrel where do results of xwininfo show up?02:57
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BigDaddyAnd video drivers. WTF! I can't even boot into GNOME after following the guide online02:57
nickrudCryoTox, Reasons?02:57
wastrelnavarone:  on stdout i believe02:57
seqdoes anybody know what package contains dbus-send on breezy?02:58
MordofToma-, back. still waiting (not rushing you just letting you know)02:58
BigDaddyso back I come crawling into XP02:58
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CryoToxnickrud: Nah, it's something else02:58
nickrudseq, dpkg -S `which dbus-send`02:58
crimsun!info dbus02:58
cablopI have a question: I just reinstalled my system today, it was working but now it begun working bad. Fisrst i use to write sudo gedit and sudo nautilus from console and they works so good, sometimes i launch a new session using Applications->System Tools->New logon screen, but now, i can't launch any gtk+gnome application using sudo, and i cannot launch a new logon screen, and i cannot switch to another user session when system is blocked... what's the pro02:58
cablopblem in my ubuntu?02:58
ubotudbus: (simple interprocess messaging system), section devel, is optional. Version: 0.36.2-0ubuntu7 (breezy), Packaged size: 275 kB, Installed size: 600 kB02:58
tatters_I can only equate my experiance to that of muslims and christians regarding OS and closed source02:58
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nickrudbye, tatters02:58
seqnickrud, that would help if I had dbus-send installed. I just wanted to confirm it was dbus-1-utils, before I install it02:59
Toma-Mordof, ok, everytime you update the kernel, youll have to re-build your drivers, if youre going to use the nvidia ones...02:59
BigDaddyI want to like Linux sooo bad. I thought Ubuntu would finally be the answer to it too after all I have heard about it02:59
nickrudseq, you can search on http://packages.ubuntu.com02:59
tatters_closed source has a god whereas open source has many daeties02:59
cablopyuhu? could any body help me?02:59
tatters_or however u spell it02:59
seqnickrud, thanks03:00
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tatters_therefore there is no single voice in open source03:00
chris_bigdaddy: you want an auto internet connection with ethernet or wireless?03:00
Unitytatters_: dieties03:00
Toma-Mordof, follow this guide EXACTLY. Skip down to Method 2 and follow = http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=75074&highlight=nvidia03:00
tatters_which leads to much confusion and DPH03:00
BigDaddychris - right now I would be happy to even boot into GNOME03:00
Unitytatters_: actually deities03:00
wastrelBigDaddy:  networking should be pretty easy - unless wifi :] 03:01
tatters_lol one looks like diet03:01
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Unitytatters_: that spelling is very counter-intuitive03:01
tatters_its not dieters I am against03:01
BigDaddymy x server is f@#ked and I get a DOS type prompt filling up the whole screen03:01
wastrelBigDaddy:  that is your console :]   learn to respect it, if not love it03:01
UnityBigDaddy: startx03:01
MordofToma-, thats fine as long as rebuilding my drivers worked, i followed exactly what the nvidia installation told me to do for re-building them03:01
Toma-tatters_, are you even here for help?03:01
BigDaddyI can connect to the internet, I just have to do the pppoeconf03:01
tatters_wel u get my drift03:01
BigDaddyever single time03:01
wastrelBigDaddy:  ahh dialup03:01
Toma-Mordof, with the gcc=3.4 and so on?03:01
cablopI cant start any graphical application using another user, could you help me?03:01
tatters_yah I am always up for help03:01
chris_ewww dialup03:01
chris_sry no help from me :P03:02
BigDaddyno, ADSL with username and password03:02
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MordofToma-, i typed "export CC=gcc-3.4"03:02
mshadethat's not dial up, that's DSL03:02
wastrelright right pppoe03:02
wastreli had that once03:02
mshadeppp over E03:02
wastrelheh forgot :] 03:02
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Toma-Mordof, ok good.03:02
wastrelroaring penguin03:02
wastrelthat was my deal03:02
MordofToma-, the installation wont continue otherwise03:02
Mordofit tells you if it needs something03:02
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BigDaddyI cannot "startx" because some file is corrupt and it tells me to fix it03:02
marcosequestion.. how does one install Umbrello on ubuntu ?03:02
cmathesonit seems the initrd image is broken in dapper.. i'm surprised that no fix has been uploaded the past few days though... is it just me?03:03
Artan1sWhat is the command to get updates again?03:03
a2xmhi all... I've a question: when I run this: smbclient -L servername, I got: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE. what's wrong with this? thanks03:03
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Toma-Mordof, i know. the steps that really apply to you are 7 thru to 903:03
Artan1snow that Im actually on my liinux machine03:03
BigDaddybut I'll be damned if I know how to do anything in the console03:03
cmathesonArtan1s: aptitude update03:03
Toma-cablop, lol.03:03
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Artan1scmatheson: I thought it was like sudo get update && get upgrade03:03
snelkatwhere do i go for dapper help/bugposts ?03:04
cmathesonArtan1s: you can also do apt-get update && apt-get upgrade (aptitude is a better choice though)03:04
emma34Help, how can I install a Canon i470D printer in Ubuntu , printer is connected to print server in my network03:04
IdleOnewhat is the path to sources.list?03:04
crimsunsnelkat: (here)03:04
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Toma-cablop, amsn is crashing your system?03:04
BigDaddyI could just wipe out my ubuntu and reinstall. It's not like I have any thing working on it now03:04
crimsuncablop: your capslock is stuck.03:04
cmathesonArtan1s: you will need sudo in front of all those commands03:04
nickrudIdleOne, /etc/apt03:04
snelkatcrimsun: o i thought this was just for the stable release..03:04
bubbleentity{L}um, came in last night re: linmodem setup ( lucent)  -  modem now setup - able to dial and connect - no data transfering though link -03:04
IdleOnenickrud:  ty03:04
Toma-cablop, amsn doesnt alter anything. dont use caps either or you WILL be kicked.03:04
BigDaddycablop - capslock is on03:04
nickrudBigDaddy, start with sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:04
Artan1scmatheson: Thanks for the help man03:05
pianoboy3333Has anyone here had any luck getting m4p's to play in ubuntu, those are music files bought from the iTunes store. Does SharpMusique play them?03:05
MordofToma-, ermm, it says to check the NOTES SECTION to see if i need the older driver, i cant find that list03:05
cmathesonArtan1s: no problem03:05
cablopexcuse me03:05
Toma-Mordof, dont worry, you need the new one :)03:05
nickrudcablop, so, don't do that03:05
cablopok ok excuse me03:05
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Toma-someone call the ops?03:05
Artan1scmatheson: does it not take long? I think it may be done03:05
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wastrelBigDaddy:  for your pppoe i found a post in the forums that may fix it03:05
crimsunToma-: ops are present.03:05
BigDaddynickrud - what does that do? Go back a default setting?03:05
cmathesonArtan1s: if there were no updates it shouldn't take long at all... were there any errors printed?03:06
cmathesonArtan1s: ok, sounds like you're up to date then03:06
cablopok, then, there's an explanations about why i cannot start a new session from ubuntu gnome?03:06
Artan1scmatheson: ok cool, thanks alot03:06
Toma-people just dont understand. CAPS = No help for you.03:06
Toma-at least from me anyway.03:06
Artan1scmatheson: have any links for some cool things a linux nooby can do to learn some of the basics?03:06
BigDaddyIf it is in the forums, I am sure I have read it and tried it03:06
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tatters_at least with windows they treat me a monkey and not a guinnea pig03:06
wastrelBigDaddy:  dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg  will redo the installer configuration utility for the x server ackage03:06
a2xmpianoboy3333, did you try using bmpx?03:06
nickrudBigDaddy, essentially, yes. If answering those questions to the best of your ability doesn't help, come on back :)03:06
bubbleentity{L}is there a defult firewall in system?  no packet transfer from dailup03:07
Madraykinhow come when I type in "sudo apt-get install sun-j2re1.5" it says E: couldn't find package ?03:07
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nickrudBigDaddy, what kind of video card?03:07
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cmathesonArtan1s: hmm, i mostly learned stuff from linuxdoc.org... lots of good howto's there for beginner's03:07
pianoboy3333a2xm: is it in the repositories?\03:07
BigDaddynvidia Geforce GT 6600 PCI-E SLI03:07
Artan1scmatheson: thanks03:07
mwillisHi everyone!03:07
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dijungalhow do an icon theme..?03:07
Toma-Madraykin, because you dont have a repo with java 1.5 in it?03:07
BigDaddyoh, 12803:07
mwillisDoes anyone know what option I should use to mount a quota?03:07
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cablopI tried " dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" yesterday, no work03:07
dijungalhow do i activate an icon theme?03:07
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MadraykinToma-: I'm not sure, how do I check?03:07
Angel_DexKICK ASS03:08
pianoboy3333ubotu: tell dijungal about theme03:08
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cablopmy video card a sis 630/73003:08
jaroHi there. Does anyone know about some editor which works well on really large files without loss of speed?03:08
mwillisWhat option to mount a partition that I want to support quota?03:08
snelkati have a problem with connecting to a windows vpn (using pppd/pptp with mppe), i've tried the ubuntu-guide att pptp-linux's homepage, and i've tried with pptpconfig. the connection is made, but i can't send/recieve any packages, i get this when i run "pon" in debug mode: "pppd[5631] : Protocol-Reject for unsupported protocol ******" in which the *** differs on whether what kind of packet im trying to send. what could possible be wrong?03:08
mwillisI tried tagxid and tagctx and neither seem to work03:08
Toma-Madraykin, "apt-cache search jre1.5"03:08
jaro(for example 42MB of plain text)03:08
a2xmpianoboy3333, I forgot about that, but I successfully install on my home03:08
cmathesonMadraykin: just apt-get install java-package, and then download the jre from sun's website... run 'make-jpkg <jre-file> && dpkg -i <new-jre.deb>03:08
BigDaddyOK, I am going to try that sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:08
navaroneAngel_Dex, firs time online in ubuntu?03:08
nickrudBigDaddy, sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-$(uname -r) , then sudo nvidia-glx-config enable03:08
pianoboy3333djungal: to install one, just drag and drop over the system->preferences->theme program03:09
cablopMadraykin there's no jre 1.5 file in repositories03:09
MadraykinToma-: nothing happened even ought the code executed03:09
nickrudBigDaddy, after the dpkg-rconfigure03:09
Madraykincablop: ah03:09
cabloponly a script package03:09
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a2xmhi all... I've a question: when I run this: smbclient -L servername, I got: NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE. what's wrong with this? thanks03:09
Toma-Madraykin, or get this package... http://ubuntu.tower-net.de/ubuntu/dists/breezy/java/binary-i386/sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update06_i386.deb03:09
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Toma-and dpkg -i it03:09
BigDaddynickrud - OK03:09
cablopyou must go to sun directly and read how to create a .deb from the .bin03:09
Angel_Dexnavarone XD no i put my ubuntu HD into another computer and X didnt start cuz the hardware change so i booted the live CD and replaced the Xconfig on the HD with the one i booted and it worked im so hapeh03:09
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pianoboy3333a2xm: is it in the repositories?03:09
rewt_my volume icons keep dissappearing >.<03:09
nickrudrewt_, does your sound go away at the same time?03:10
Toma-Mordof, any luck?03:10
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wastreljaro:  i've edited files that large in vim03:10
reikiI freaking LOVE Ubuntu. I had just 2 apps for which there is no linux port and one is a critical medical equipment data reporting tool. I have VMware Workstation 5.5.1 running in Ubuntu with a fresh WinXP installation inside a virtual machine. It's kinda like cheating but ... it WORKS03:10
a2xmpianoboy3333, I forgot about that, but I successfully install in my home03:10
bubbleentity{L}um, came in last night re: linmodem setup ( lucent)  -  modem now setup - able to dial and connect - no data transfering though link - average 4-5 packets total transfered03:10
cablopmmm good solutions03:10
nickrudrewt_, then, I'd delete the panel and rebuild it. No promises, but it worked once for me :)03:10
tatters_rewt maybe someones rooted ya:03:10
pianoboy3333a2xm: forgot about what? where do u get bpmx?03:10
dijungalok i am liking ubuntu now03:10
rewt_nickrud....okay -.-03:10
cablopMadraykin, remember there's no deb available because its illegal to distribute java .deb files03:10
cabloponly java can distribute them03:11
a2xmpianoboy3333, I forgot where I got the bmpx03:11
nickrudrewt_, I am not sure why, but it worked03:11
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cablopso download the file prior sun notice  http://ubuntu.tower-net.de/ is distributing the package XDDD03:11
a2xmpianoboy3333, but for sure I can play the mp4 from iTunes03:11
Madraykincablop: uh, how come?03:11
mebaran151I'm having a bit of a problem03:11
jarowastrel: I do. But loading time is quite long.03:11
mebaran151my nforce network card won't dhcp03:12
pianoboy3333a2xm: but aren't mp4's movies?03:12
mebaran151eth0 is created and the module is loaded03:12
bubbleentity{L}came in last night re: linmodem setup ( lucent)  -  modem now setup - able to dial and connect - no data transfering though link - average 4-5 packets total transfered03:12
mebaran151but it doesn't seem like it recieves or gets packets for dhcp03:12
cablopi's a matter of licences, jave is "open" source03:12
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a2xmpianoboy3333, nope... just the music files03:12
cablopbut'0s not gnu03:12
mebaran151pianoboy3333, the mpeg4 standard has two parts03:12
mebaran151one is mpeg4 movies03:12
farmerIs it okay to install http://packages.debian.org/stable/sound/vsound for our ubuntu computer?03:12
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mebaran151and the other is aac audio03:12
rewt_nickrud, okay just did it.03:12
mebaran151which is mpeg4 audio03:12
ubotupianoboy3333: Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:12
rewt_They usually dissappear at start up so im going to reboot...brb03:12
mebaran151so what can I do03:12
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mebaran151how can I diagnose my dhcp problem03:13
emma34please help me install a network printer in ubuntu , it connected to printserver03:13
adubmake[2] : *** [/orinoco/orinoco-0.15rc4/orinoco.o]  Error 1        im trying to patch my orinoco drivers and i get that make error03:13
pianoboy3333Anyone know where I can get bpmx?03:13
ubotuTo enable the administration functions of the cups web interface - "sudo adduser cupsys shadow" then "sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart"03:13
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MordofToma-, ok, ive copied out the instructions i need in cli... brb03:13
Madraykinbah, gnome is freezing on me ... lagging03:13
pianoboy3333a2xm: but how does it play it if it's encrypted03:13
mebaran151it doesn't...03:13
mebaran151unless you kill the drm03:13
mebaran151it ain't real encryption per se03:14
=== Decadent [n=variemai@ppp55-adsl-12.ath.forthnet.gr] has joined #ubuntu
bubbleentity{L}came in last night re: linmodem setup ( lucent)  -  modem now setup - able to dial and connect - no data transfering though link - average 4-5 packets total transfered03:14
mordof_Toma-: currently in cli..03:14
=== Les [n=Les@cpe-24-29-58-213.nycap.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
Artan1sIs there a p2p program for linux?03:15
Toma-ok brb phone03:15
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Artan1sI need some music03:15
crimsunmebaran151: need more detail.03:15
tatters_yah knickmycontentdotcom03:15
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adubartan1s amule, gtk gnutella limewire03:15
Artan1sadub: thanks03:16
adubmake[2] : *** [/orinoco/orinoco-0.15rc4/orinoco.o]  Error 1     <-------   im trying to patch my orinoco drivers and i get that make error03:16
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cablopdoes amsn damage ubuntu?03:16
zebraFusionHow can I remove evolution03:16
rewt_Well so far so good. Much thanks.03:16
rewt_Now for my next problem.03:16
crimsuncablop: no03:16
adubdpkg -r evolution   apt-get remove evolution zebrafusion03:16
crimsunadub: the real error is several lines above that03:16
=== VR_ [i=vr@6532102hfc158.tampabay.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
navaroneArtanis also phex which is a java client for gnutella network03:17
rewt_When I login...right when my login screen appears, I hear a beep. Then the drum plays. After i input my pw, i har a beep again. what could that be?03:17
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adubcrimsun possibly and id love you if you could help me03:17
adublol i have been working on this orinoco card to work properly in monitor mode for some time now03:17
cablopdoes OpenOffice damage ubuntu?03:17
Madraykinwhats the bash command line to reboot the system?03:17
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rewt_<--has orinoco classic gold with monitor mode enabled :-D03:17
cablopsomething has damaged my ubuntu gnome, and i don't know what is03:17
crimsunMadraykin: sudo shutdown -r now03:18
cablopi want to fix the problem03:18
tatters_drummer is possibly on no repeat fee03:18
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navaronemadraykin "sudo shutdown -r now"  < - - r is for reboot now mean immediately03:18
cablopi installed my system two times in two days, by the same error03:18
adubrewt_   c00L can you help me bro03:18
cablopthe problem is03:18
nickrudrewt_, the ubuntu drum roll, and the beep, I'm not sure03:18
Artan1s.rpm extension not supported by ubuntu?03:18
bubbleentity{L}is someone able to help with networking problems, please?03:18
nickrudArtan1s, no03:18
rewt_When I login...right when my login screen appears, I hear a beep. Then the drum plays. After i input my pw, i har a beep again. what could that be?  grr its annoying03:18
rewt_adub possibly?03:18
cablopi cant start any gtk+gnome application launched as a different user03:18
rewt_u got the classic gold?03:18
navaroneMadraykin you can shutdown (ie power off) by changing r to h for halt03:19
adubrewt_ im getting an error on make         yes i have classic gold lucent03:19
nickrudArtan1s, well, not supported for installation, you can look inside one with archive-manager I think03:19
cablopand i CANNOT switch between users03:19
cablopi must close my session befor opening a new one03:19
pianoboy3333Anyone know where I can get bpmx?03:19
rewt_adub......what are you using to monitor?03:19
cablopcould YOU hlep me?03:19
Artan1snickrud, I downloaded limewire and its rpm so I cant install it03:19
wastrelcablop:  why can't you switch between users?03:19
crimsunpianoboy3333: from bmpx's wiki03:19
nickrudArtan1s, true.03:19
Toma-mordof_, ok... hows it going?03:19
Frogzo1rewt_: -> sys -> prefs -> sound -> sound events03:19
nickrud!tell Artan1s about limewire03:19
crimsunpianoboy3333: otherwise, wait til it passes Debian NEW03:19
ubotusomebody said frostwire was a free peer-to-peer application that runs on the Gnutella network, which can be found at http://www.frostwire.com/03:20
=== mItNitOx [n=mitnitox@91-224-90.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #ubuntu
Artan1snickrud, what can I use to download instead of limewire?03:20
cablopmmm, when i try to launch a new logon screen ubuntu says "There are error trying to start X Server"03:20
navaronewastrel took me a while to opena  terminla to find message from xwininfo...I was using alt-f2 to start prog not from terminal...<s>03:20
MadraykinNow do I make the ubuntu screen text login before it goes to gnome?03:20
nickrudArtan1s, frostwire is recommended I guess :)03:20
Toma-Artan1s, gtk-gnutella works good...03:20
ubotufirst you need !java, then download the http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and unpack it. Then just run the runLime.sh file. Voila. Consider !frostwire as an alternative.03:20
adubkwifimanager i can see my connection strength and that works fine03:20
cablopor ubuntu says "I cant start X server. maybe it's not configured"03:20
rewt_Frogzo1, what am i looking for?03:20
wastrelnavarone:  ahh sry  i didn't realize, heh i always use terminal - usually forget about the run dialog03:20
tatters_how can I steal03:20
rewt_Frogzo1, there are alot of sounds03:20
crimsunMadraykin: echo something into /etc/X11/default-display-manager03:20
rewt_* a lot03:21
nickrudArtan1s, yes, gnutella, or the info to use limewire was just posted03:21
navaronewastrel no prob...was a learning experience...and no one got hurt...lol03:21
cablopthis is the problem03:21
adubrewt_   what do i do about the make error  ??   cant figure out why its erroring03:21
cablopok, a sencond face of the same problem03:21
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Madraykincrimsun: Hmmm what you mean, can you give me the exact bash line?03:21
rewt_adub,  what are you using to monitor with?03:21
cablopi try to launch applications of different users from my account03:21
zebraFusionIs ln the Linux version of a shortcut?03:22
crimsunMadraykin: echo false |sudo tee /etc/X11/default-display-manager03:22
cablopthen i write "$ su anotheruser theirapplication"03:22
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farmerIs it okay to install http://packages.debian.org/stable/sound/vsound for our ubuntu computer?03:22
rewt_Frogzo1, there are alot of sounds...what am i looking for in here?03:22
cablopzebraFusion, nope, is something better03:22
=== bubbleentity{L} askes again "is someone able to help with networking problems, please?"
crimsuncablop: you should be using gksudo -u03:22
cablopzebraFusion - it's like an alias for folders03:22
adubrewt_ kismet03:22
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jetscreamerbubbleentity{L}: just state wtf is wrong and what you've tried03:23
zebraFusioncablop: I don't get it :[03:23
MarcNzebraFusion: a windows shortcut is similar to 'ln -s'.  which is very different from simply ln (softlink vs hardlink).  Usually you want a softlink.03:23
tatters_where can I download open source music and films I want to go straight :/03:23
crimsunadub: did you ever pastebin your compilation errors?03:23
rewt_did you configure the card in kismet.conf?03:23
jetscreamerya'll have a not so factoid stuffed bot btw03:23
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navreetcan mplayer play .mov files under 64bit?03:23
adubcrimsun i will do that now03:23
Artan1sonce I download Gnutella, how do I install it03:23
tristan_can someone help me install 'make'03:23
jetscreamer!tell bubbleentity{L} -about ask03:23
Artan1sits .deb03:23
bubbleentity{L}jetscreamer, no packets are being transfered by dailup connection ,03:23
cablopNo works03:23
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jetscreamerdpkg -i blah.deb03:23
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zebraFusionis there a command that restarts all current aplications?03:24
cablopgksudo -u root gedit gives me sollowing warning "(gedit:9707): GnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:03:24
cablopAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed."03:24
RedRosewhat's the name of the C man pages03:24
nickrudArtan1s, no, just sudo apt-get install gtk-gnutella03:24
tristan_is the GNU "make" program in the package manager somewhere?03:24
pabloHello dear friends I am new user of Ubuntu03:24
jetscreamerapt-get install build-essential libncurses5-dev and some gcc stuff which should already be there tristan_03:24
luluso many users03:24
adubhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8724       <-----  rewt_  crimsun03:24
rewt_adum, hold on03:24
crimsuncablop: gksudo gedit $foo03:24
nickrudArtan1s, if you have to 'download' a program, you're probably going at it in the wrong direction03:24
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pabloI am with issues for config my palm os03:24
crimsuncablop: better yet: gksudo 'gedit $foo'03:25
bubbleentity{L}is there a way around this,   modem is now configured correctly, isp adv connection is fine , no data thoughput03:25
pabloSomeone able to help me about this ?03:25
cablopsame warning03:25
jetscreamerRedRose: apt-get install manpages-dev maybe not sure03:25
Artan1snickrud, I used the open with and it said it was unsuported03:25
MarcNpablo: just ask your question/state your problem.03:25
cablopand gedit doesn't work03:25
bubbleentity{L}no known firewall03:25
teotiadub, p/m with me03:25
bimberitristan_: yes, the package is "make", although you might want "build-essential"03:25
Artan1snickrud, when I did it your wa i got  the error 'E: Couldn't find package gtk-gnutella03:25
navaroneArtanis gtk-gnutella is available thru apt-get or synaptic03:25
lulucan anyone tell me what i use to compile make programs pls?03:25
cablopzebraFusion, when you use ln, you can access a directory using their original name or the new one03:26
navaroneArtanis you need to enable a repo probably03:26
nickrudArtan1s, you need to enable the repository that has gtk-gnutella, namely universe03:26
tristan_ok thanks you jetscreamer and bimberi I will try03:26
ubotunickrud: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:26
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teotiadub.....u here?03:26
ubotuNot a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, nickrud03:26
crimsunadub: dpkg -l gcc-3.4|grep ^ii03:26
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.03:26
Artan1snickrud, sorry, but how03:26
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource03:26
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nickrudArtan1s, I finally typed it right, just above03:26
adubteoti yeah03:26
teotip/m with me03:26
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cablopzebraFusion, imagine you set some xmmms skins and you want to share the same folder with many users, then you use ln, to create those folders but using really only one03:27
Artan1snickrud: !universe03:27
tristan_"Couldn't find package build-essential"03:27
adubgcc-3.4        3.4.4-6ubuntu8 The GNU C compiler        <--- crimsun03:27
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Artan1snickrud: bash: !universe: event not found03:27
b1indanyone else notice that the package servers are mighty slow? or is it just me?03:27
crimsunadub: export CC=gcc-3.403:27
tatters_just u03:27
crimsunadub: then try 'make' again03:27
lulucan anyone tell what build-essential package is for?03:27
nickrudArtan1s,  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto03:27
teotiadub join me on #orinocoConf03:27
cablopcrimsun gedit opened at last, but i need to use it with root privileges03:27
nickrudlulu, gcc, make, dpkg-dev, and a bit extra03:27
adubcrimsun ahhh that makes sense03:28
zebraFusionHow can I add an application to system startup?03:28
bimberitristan_: hm, that's strange,  put your sources.list on the pastebin03:28
jetscreamerbubbleentity{L}: sorry that i personally am unable to help you with dialup, never done it with linux... you can try http://tldp.org/HOWTO/HOWTO-INDEX/howtos.html  which has  http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Diald-HOWTO.html and http://tldp.org/HOWTO/PPP-HOWTO/index.html , or just ask again in a few03:28
MarcNlulu: gives you all the stuff you typically need to compile/link03:28
tristan_plz hold03:28
adubcrimsun still errors03:28
=== bimberi holds
teotiadub, /join #orinocoConf03:28
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nickrudzebraFusion, system-pref-sessions startup programs tab03:28
lulunicdrud, thank you i will try it now03:28
pabloSomeone able to help me about wine ?03:28
tatters_nvr add a source willy nilly u dont know what lurks there03:28
navaroneArtanis your repo servers may be down as well...mine seem to be after trying apt-cache search03:28
bimberisheesh, although not as bad as 'mudpilot' yesterday03:29
luluhas anyone here install 'nachos' on linux before?03:29
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zebraFusionnickrud: If I wanted to start Azureus on startup, I would just enter Azureus?03:29
cablopzebraFusion if you want to restar all graphics applications press ctrl+alt+BKSPACE03:29
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zebraFusioncablop: Thanks for the help, but I want to do this all through the command line (ssh)03:30
nickrudzebraFusion, yes03:30
tatters_shh u dont know whose listning03:30
navaroneok I am off for the night...take care folks03:30
pabloIf someone will want to add me on ORKUT for helpme about UBUNTU feel free Pablo Frota, I am brazilian03:30
humboldtis there a logging facility that lets me log everything (apache, postfix, syslog) to a db, so I can more easily search for entries?03:30
ubotuPor favor use #ubuntu-br (/j #ubuntu-br) para ajuda em portugues. Obrigada.03:30
cablopthere's no solution to my trouble03:30
cablopi think i got a virus for linux03:31
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wastreli always liked wvdial for dialup03:31
dijungalquick question: how do i enable hybernate/suspend in ubuntu..?03:31
zebraFusionnickrud: do you know the syntax to connect to a remote machien using vncviewer?03:31
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pianoboy3333crimsun: will bmpx play m4p's?03:31
crimsuncablop: is your current user in the admin group?03:31
nickrudzebraFusion, no idea, sorry03:31
luluhi has anyone ran nachos on linux before?03:31
cablopyes, admin, adm and root03:31
crimsunpianoboy3333: not if its backend doesn't03:31
cablopah, sudo too03:31
nickrudpppconfig stomps wvdial03:31
crimsuncablop: it shouldn't be in group root03:31
tristan_I've pasted my sources.list at http://pastebin.com/55705903:31
crimsuncablop: nor sudo03:32
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adubcrimsun you still here that didnt work i still get error03:32
Toma-cablop, did you install the amsn package for ubuntu from the website?03:32
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pianoboy3333crimsun: backend meaning encoded?03:32
cablopi'm on sudo group, it let me use sudo withouth entering my password03:32
dijungalhow do i enable hybernate/suspend in ubuntu..?03:32
crimsunadub: I can't help you if you don't keep your error posting updated03:32
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cablopToma, yes i installed this03:32
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crimsunpianoboy3333: no, I mean if xine or gst packages supporting faad03:32
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crimsunpianoboy3333: are{n't} installed03:33
bimberizebraFusion: xvncviewer address:n  (eg.
zebraFusionAhhhh, I was forgetting the x.03:33
tatters_49% of zombie PC are linux03:33
Toma-cablop, i can verify there is nothing wrong and there is definitly no virus in it.03:33
zebraFusionbimberi, Thanks a bunch. Can n = 0, as to run in the same instance as the machine's monitor is showing?03:33
crimsuncablop: ll .X*03:33
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adubhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8725       <---  crimsun and thanks btw03:34
cablopToma, this one amsn_0.95-3.ubuntu.deb03:34
Toma-cablop, yep.03:34
cablopcrimsun, what's ll .X* ?03:34
bimberizebraFusion: i don't know sorry03:34
dijungalhow do i enable hybernate/suspend in ubuntu..?03:34
crimsuncablop: it's a command from which I need output03:34
bimberitristan_: those sources look ok, have you run "sudo apt-get update" recently?03:34
Toma-isnt it ls?03:34
cablopbut three times ubuntu filed i instaled this program03:34
crimsuncablop: more precisely, ll ~/.X*03:35
tristan_no, not in like 2 months03:35
tristan_I will - thanks03:35
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cablophow to run it?03:35
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crimsuncablop: do you have a Terminal open?03:35
Toma-crimsun, no ll command here...03:35
crimsunToma-: ls -l, then03:35
cablopthere's no ll03:35
crimsunToma-: (it's an alias you need to uncomment in ~/.bashrc)03:35
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Toma-i c.03:36
cablopthis is the output -rw-------  1 cablop cablop 167 2006-02-15 20:16 /home/cablop/.Xauthority03:36
tatters_49% of linux are zombie PC,thats some percentage compared to its userbase,,,,,,,,,,,,,makes u think dunnit03:36
adubcrimsun you have any other suggestion on the #make03:36
nickrudll was one of the first things I ever learned about unix03:36
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crimsunadub: did you update your error pastebin?03:36
cablopcrimsun, the output is -rw-------  1 cablop cablop 167 2006-02-15 20:16 /home/cablop/.Xauthority03:36
nickrudtatters_, sources, please03:36
teotiFrogzo1, still here?03:36
crimsuncablop: good03:36
djznhow do I install the X-Window System without KDE or GNOME together in the server system03:36
tatters_the interweb03:36
cablopwhat does it mean?03:36
fliptodcan someone answer a network question03:36
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nickrudtatters_, nm, maybe on #ubuntu-offtopic03:37
Toma-djzn, "sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg"03:37
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lulutatters_, what do u mean 'zombie' pc?03:37
fliptodhow can i find broadcast address03:37
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crimsunfliptod: look at your ifconfig output03:37
cablopcommand not found03:37
Frogzo1fliptod: ifconfig03:37
djznTOma: will it install the whole thing?03:38
fliptodi'm on c class network but if config tells me
nickruddjzn, you'll also need a window manager, like twm03:38
crimsuncablop: which command?03:38
tatters_one that has been taken over in some way,like email spammer03:38
a2xmNameeater, are u there?03:38
Artan1snickrud: w00t thanks alot man03:38
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fliptodis that right?03:38
tatters_or used for a DDOS03:38
nickrudArtan1s, yw03:38
crimsuncablop: that wasn't directed to you03:38
cablopmaybe i commited a mistake03:38
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Frogzo1teoti: I'm just lurking really03:38
teotiyou said to go into my sound preferences03:38
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Frogzo1teoti: rewt?03:39
Toma-djzn, that'll install a whole lot of Xorg stuff. run "apt-cache show xserver-xorg"03:39
fliptodshould'nt it be
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adubcrimsun you there03:39
MordofToma-, man, you rock!!!03:39
crimsunfliptod: depends on your netmask03:39
navreetanyone know why my fonts are still a little bit fuzzy under ubuntu? they're not SUPER CRISP [I am using an LCD btw] 03:39
Frogzo1fliptod: well it depends, but probably yes03:39
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navreetat native res03:39
fliptodnetmask is
crimsunadub: I'm waiting for an answer to my last two questions03:39
Frogzo1fliptod: check your /etc/network/interfaces03:39
Toma-Mordof, its working?!03:40
cablopcrimsun, what i must do with this result? i don't know what's that03:40
fliptodfor what exactly03:40
MordofToma-, yeah!!! perfectly :D:D:D03:40
crimsuncablop: wait a sec, I'm busy03:40
Toma-Mordof, have you given it a reboot test?03:40
cablopmmm ok, sorry03:40
MordofToma-, erm, i forget.. ill do that now03:40
nickrudnavreet, try experimenting with System-Preferences-Font, specifically subpixel smoothing and rgb order in details03:40
Toma-Mordof, good luck :D03:40
adubcrimsun sorry what were they03:40
adubi posted an error message03:40
aduba new one03:41
Frogzo1teoti: I'm not going to hold your hand, you now have enough to fix the problem03:41
crimsunadub: url?03:41
Madraykinin the unoffical ubuntu guide, it says "deb http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/ hoary-extras main universe multiverse restricted" to add more stuff in the repostories ... what does the that URL I wrote do?03:41
adubhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8725       <---  crimsun and thanks btw03:41
fliptodok i see. thanks a bunch03:41
nickrudMadraykin, just ignore that guide03:41
Toma-Madraykin, thats a hoary repo.03:41
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ubotuI heard ubuntuguide is out of date, reported to break a lot and generally a bad source for information. Use help.ubuntu.com or wiki.ubuntu.com instead03:41
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MordofToma-, sufficive to say, my screensavers run at like 210fps instead of 9fps now though :P03:41
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Mordofso i think its working normal03:41
teotiFrogzo1, the sound im hearing isnt in here03:42
Toma-Mordof, reboot will be the all important decider tho...03:42
navreetnickrud, already did, it's easily seen by typing =, the space between the two bars of the = is gray... is it same for you?03:42
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MadraykinHmm alrightly03:42
elkbuntuToma-, he's just gone to do that now ;)03:42
cablopMadraykin, go to System->Administration->Sysnaptic Package Manager03:42
Frogzo1teoti: then I don't know where it is03:42
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crimsunadub: why are you using a patch? Your chipset should be patched already.03:43
teotiarg anyway to look it up in cnsole?03:43
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cablopMadraykin - then in options look for repositories and edit it03:43
nickrudnavreet, I'm not on a laptop right now but I was able to get a crisp image on one doing what I suggested above03:43
cablopadd or remove or uncheck03:43
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Madraykincablop: Hmm yeah, I alrightly edit the repositories03:43
adubcrimsun really????  i dont understand?????03:43
cablopMadraykin ok03:43
crimsuncablop: do you get the same error with gksudo and gksu (presuming you've configured a root passwd)?03:43
adubkismet doesnt run03:43
cablopcrimsum, yes03:43
teotiwhat is this "system bell" in sound preferences?03:44
crimsunadub: you should have been able to just configure kismet's /etc/kismet/kismet.conf, then start it. It won't run if you don't edit the conffile first.03:44
nickrudteoti, it's a beep from the pc speaker03:44
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MordofOMG! TOMA03:44
axiomhi, i've run into a problem with GCC. any configure script returns "checking for C compiler default output file name... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables" any ideas?03:44
crimsunadub: there are instructions in /usr/share/doc/kismet/03:44
Mordofi get 540 fps instead of 15 in antispect screensaver! lmfao03:44
cablopcrimsun, and i cant open a new logon screen, my systme it's only working with one-unique-user gtk+gnome applications at the same time03:44
crimsunaxiom: sudo apt-get --reinstall install build-essential03:44
Mordofyou are the best!03:44
zebraFusionhow can I restart all current running programs03:44
axiomcrimsun: thank you03:44
zebraFusionor even a single one?03:44
cablopcrimsun, but i can open gedit or nautilus directly03:44
zebraFusionfrom command line03:45
=== bubbleentity{L{ [i=bubbleen@202-89-142-147-tnt1.qsi.net.nz] has joined #ubuntu
MordofToma-, no glitches, works perfect :D03:45
MadraykinAfter  I installed a program in synamtic, how do I access the program?03:45
Toma-awesome :)03:45
cablopcrimsun, and i can type sudo konquest or sudo gimp, and they work03:45
Mordoflol.. 540 fps03:45
Mordofhey! i wonder if warcraft 3 will wine no!03:45
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crimsuncablop: but gksudo gimp doesn't?03:45
teotiyea take off the comment on the lucent orinoco in the conf03:45
Mordoflast time i got it to start up but it just stayed black03:45
cablopmmm let me try03:45
Mordofmaybe it was my vid card drivers03:45
Toma-Mordof, i can run warcraft 3 thru wine on a tnt2 :D03:46
crimsuncablop: (why do you need root privileges for gimp anyway)?03:46
teotiif that's enabled will i hear a beep on bootup?03:46
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wastrelzebraFusion:  you can restart currently running services with their init script.03:46
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MordofToma-, sweet! wc3 is my fave game.. any suggestions as to getting it working perfect? (and on bnet)03:46
cablopcrimsun, gksudo gimp works03:46
nickrudteoti, the gnome bell is way later that the boot beep, and has no control over it03:46
wastrelzebraFusion:  for example  sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart03:46
Toma-Mordof, bnet... no idea. only played locally :(03:46
crimsuncablop: so gksudo and sudo both work fine03:46
w32hey everybody-whats new03:46
zebraFusionwastrel: would Azureus be in that same location?03:46
crimsuncablop: now what commands are giving you errors (not warnings)?03:47
MordofToma-, k... lmao.. they should put a cap on the fps of the screensavers, in AntSpotLight i get 890 fps03:47
Toma-Mordof, just run it with "wine War3.exe -opengl"03:47
Syco54645can anyone help me with my flash problem?  i have firefox 1.5 installed along with the newest flash player (i did it via apt-get and when that didnt work i did it manually) and sites are still saying that i either have javascript turned off or an old version of flash player.  can anyone give me a hand with fixing this?03:47
teotiso why would my system beep on login? then play the login sound then beep when i input pw03:47
MordofToma-, k :)03:47
tristan_what was the name of the package "make" is in again?03:47
crimsuntristan_: 'make'03:48
nickrudSyco54645, take a look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion for help with ff 1.5 & plugins03:48
crimsuntristan_: the metapackage is 'build-essential'03:48
Hobbseetristan_: build-essential?03:48
tristan_yes thank you all03:48
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Toma-Mordof, actually, i use cedega for that...03:48
Syco54645nickrud: thanks, ill look there now03:48
mwillis Can anyone help me find the latest kernel to support quotas for ext3?03:48
MordofToma-, i dont have cedega :S03:48
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cablopcrimsun, mmmmmmmmmmmm let me think03:48
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ubotuToma-: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/03:48
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l_ris it possible to install a copy of the running ubuntu system on the hardisk from within the live-cd?03:49
nickrudl_r, no03:49
cablopcrimsun,  i tryied gksudo konquest, it works witjh a lot of warnings and finnally they crashes03:49
l_rdo you know which distros allow this actually?03:49
ravvUm a site for pasting images online? (quick non secure, just post for forumusage)03:49
nickrudl_r, or, for all practical purposes, no03:49
cablopcrimsun, excuseme03:49
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teotinickrud,  so why would my system beep on login? then play the login sound then beep when i input pw?03:50
nickrudl_r, I've heard that the ubuntu dapper release will be able to03:50
cablopcrimsun, i tryied gksudo konquest, a lot of warnings but it works03:50
cablopcrimsun, i tryied gksudo gimp03:50
cablopcrimsun, no errors no warnings03:50
l_rnickrud, when will that be out?03:50
crimsuncablop: have you updated to the fixed KDE packages? See http://kubuntu.org03:50
nickrudl_r, late april I hear03:50
Syco54645nickrud: um i already did this stuff and it still doesnt work for me03:50
cablopcrimsun, now trying gksudo gedit03:50
cablopmmm, yes, by a mistake, i don't want to update now03:51
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MordofToma-, ive heard it working in wine though, should i just use that?03:51
nickrudSyco54645, wherever your firefox is at, there should be a directory plugins under it: that needs to be populated with links to java & firefox.03:51
Toma-Mordof, yeh...03:51
cablopcrimsun, i closed konquest but commandline remains waiting, i must press ctrl+c03:51
teotinickrud,  so why would my system beep on login? then play the login sound then beep when i input pw? :(03:51
nickrudSyco54645, I'm currently using the breezy firefox, but that page worked for me03:51
Syco54645ill check then03:51
bdawg543456anyone help me?03:51
Syco54645nickrud: thanks anyways03:52
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catskulHow rough is dapper right now ? (usable ? )03:52
nickrudteoti, because it should? ;)03:52
crimsuncablop: I'd check for KDE updates first. See http://kubuntu.org03:52
cablopstill wainting for gedit to open03:52
Toma-Mordof, http://frankscorner.org/index.php?p=warcraft303:52
adubcrimsun:     FATAL: Failed to set monitor mode: Invalid argument.  This usually means your drivers either do not support monitor mode, or use a different mechanism for03:52
MordofToma-, tyvm03:52
teotinickrud, it never used to do it....03:52
adubgot kismet to work but yeah i still need monitor mode03:52
crimsunadub: is this with kismet correctly configured?03:52
nickrudSyco54645, sorry, but I'm using & helping standard installs: simpler03:52
adubyes hostap,eth1,orinoco03:52
cablopcrimsun, but there's no problem with kde programs, i have problems with gnome03:52
adubit tries to run but can't go into monitor mode03:53
cablopcrimsun  maybe the session manager03:53
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taylor_i need an answer fast how do i turn on SCSI emulation im tired of rippingcds at 0.6x how do i enable it03:53
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Toma-Mordof, np03:53
nickrudteoti, I have no clue, really. I use visual bell, and no system sounds, personally03:53
axiomi'm receiving this error when running a configure: "checking for openssl... configure: error: Could not find openssl's crypto library" i have openssl installed, any ideas?03:53
taylor_i need an answer fast how do i turn on SCSI emulation im tired of rippingcds at 0.6x how do i enable it03:53
MordofToma-, how do i tell my version of wine?03:53
cablopcrimsun, gedit opened03:54
nickrudtaylor_, first try sudo hdparm -d1 /dev/hdc (assuming hdc is your cdrom)03:54
wastreltaylor_:  you need kernel support for scsi emulation, when i did it i needed to compile a new kernel03:54
cablopcrimsun, only one warning related to session manager03:54
tristan_does anyone know what directory contains the kernel source code?03:54
cablopcrimsun, authentication refused03:54
nickrudTrickyPhillips, /usr/src/03:54
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bdawg543456when i try to install ubuntu i get boot load failure03:54
crimsunadub: / cablop: I'm heading out, back in two hours03:54
taylor_that terminal command will enable it?03:54
nickrudtristan_, /usr/src03:54
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adubcrimsun k03:54
dleHas anyone successfully upgraded today's USN stuff?03:55
cablopthankls a lot03:55
DCCOLEi have a hp 3200c scanner i want to use it in llinux03:55
Toma-Mordof, just run "wine"03:55
adubhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8725       <---  crimsun and thanks btw03:55
cablopi think i'll reinstall the system and never install amsn again03:55
DCCOLEhow do i set the scanner up03:55
bdawg543456when i try to install ubuntu i get boot load failure03:55
wastreltaylor_:  that command enables dma to the cd drive03:55
tristan_my /usr/src is empty03:55
Toma-Mordof, if you need the newest one, add "deb http://wine.sourceforge.net/apt/ binary/" to your sources.list03:55
tristan_can I install the kernel source there?03:55
Frogzo1tristan_: install the source pkg03:56
MadraykinI love the matrix screen saver ... looks so cool =)03:56
DCCOLEhow do i set up a scanner03:56
uboturss-glx is, like, a package containing some fairly bling screensavers. Install the package, then run /usr/bin/rss-glx_install.pl03:56
tristan_sorry - I've been off linux for a couple month, I'm mad rusty :-P03:56
wastrelMadraykin:  i like the bouncing cows one03:56
bdawg543456What other linux is good for beginners?03:56
nickrudtristan_, then sudo-apt-get install linux-source-2.603:56
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axiomi'm receiving this error when running a configure: "checking for openssl... configure: error: Could not find openssl's crypto library" i have openssl as well as libssl installed, any ideas?03:56
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Madraykinbdawg543456: ubuntu! ... seriously.03:56
nickrudtristan_, 2.6.12 sorry03:56
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bdawg543456when i try to install it03:56
Syco54645nickrud: that is fine, ill figure it out eventually03:56
Madraykinbdawg543456: I tried redhat, it was confusing then ubuntu03:56
amphiaxiom: you have the libssl -dev package installed?03:57
bdawg543456 it says boot load failure03:57
cablopthere's a differenced between "amsn_0.95-3.deb" and  "amsn_0.95-3.ubuntu.deb"03:57
axiomamphi: nope....i'll give that a shot, thanks03:57
cablopis there a differenced between "amsn_0.95-3.deb" and  "amsn_0.95-3.ubuntu.deb"???03:57
navreetis mythtv busted in breezy?03:57
navreet  Depends: mythtv-common (=0.17-3) but 0.18.1-5 is to be installed03:57
navreet Depends: libmyth-0.17  but it is not installable03:57
navreet Depends: libqt3c102-mt (>=3:3.3.3) but it is not installable03:57
amphiaxiom: autoconf's messages leave a bit to be desired - if it can't find the headers, it says the lib is missing03:57
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mebaran151what's a good router that does static ip and spi?03:57
nickrudcablop, are the sizes different? (obvious check)03:57
mebaran151just out of curiousity03:57
DCCOLEhow do i set up a scanner03:58
wastrelwhat's spi?03:58
bdawg543456when i try to install ubuntu i get boot load failure03:58
cablopi mean can i use  amsn_0.95-3.deb instead in ubuntu?03:58
wastrelDCCOLE:  usb scanner?  try sane03:58
tonyyarussocablop: Probably ones's for Ubuntu and one for Debian.03:58
DCCOLEnope par03:58
Toma-cablop, that package is fine...03:58
cablopyes, but ubuntu one is working bad03:58
nickrudcablop, you've run across a useful difference: if an ubuntu version is available, it is probably preferred03:58
axiomamphi: yea, i'm still somewhat new at the whole "compile package from source thing" in addition to being new to a debian based system, so i'm still learning all the ropes. thanks for the help03:58
Toma-cablop, it was built specifically for ubuntu, on a fresh ubuntu install.03:58
teotiarg there has to be a reason why its beeping like this03:58
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wastrelDCCOLE:  maybe still sane but i dunno from parallel :] 03:59
Toma-cablop, its also been tested on numerous other ubuntu machines03:59
wastrelDCCOLE:  sane detects my usb scanner automatically03:59
cablopbut my system crashed three times until using this ubuntu.deb03:59
teotiWhen is Hoary coming out?03:59
cablopchange until word eith after03:59
wastrelteoti:  hoary is old, breezy is current03:59
=== nickrud faints
wastrelteoti:  4/20/0603:59
DCCOLEit says cant find devices03:59
tristan_what is a .bz2 file?  I know tar, gzip, zip, etc04:00
mclambis it possible to set nautilus background transparent?04:00
nickrudoh, my birthday04:00
teoti4/20 lol04:00
nickrudmclamb, no, unfortunately04:00
=== cyphase is going to start working on an RSS framework for Linux
nickrudteoti, :)04:00
teotiso we can all get high and look at some crazy background they are going to apply04:00
_jasontristan_: it's like gzip, man bzip204:00
teotimake us fall inlove with it04:00
tristan_thank you04:00
cablopok, forgeting the amsn-damager theory04:00
bdawg543456can anyone in this room help me04:00
=== teoti can't wait.
cablopmay the updates has damaged my system?04:01
nickrudmclamb, the best you can do is not have nautilus draw the background (and then you loose the icons)04:01
tonyyarussoteoti: Me neither.04:01
cyphaseanyone have any suggestions?04:01
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teotiI cannot figure out this beeeeeeep!!!! tonyyarusso any ideas?04:01
DCCOLEwhat if i need to install the device??For the scanner04:01
Toma-cablop, possibly. have you changed anything you shouldnt have?04:01
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mclambnickrud, ok thanks04:01
Toma-teoti, what beep?04:02
tonyyarussoteoti: What's it coming from?04:02
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tonyyarussoteoti: Well, wait, I mean what do you know anyway?04:02
cablopi had a stable installation before04:02
cablopthree months04:02
teotiwhy would my system beep on login? then play the login sound then beep when i input pw?04:02
fangoriousman, waiting for paritions to resize and copy is boring04:02
cabloppartition was reiserfs, and instaled using the original CD04:02
teotiIt beeps right before I input user name04:02
axiomamphi: that worked, thanks a bunch04:03
cablopok, i installed amsn, i installed amule04:03
nickrudfangorious, a little war & peace makes the time fly04:03
Toma-teoti, possibly a system error... check thru system.log for errors? or Xorg.0.log04:03
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fangoriousteoti: accessibility, to let blind users know it's ready04:03
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tonyyarussoteoti: Mine beeps when GDM loads too, not on pw though.04:03
tonyyarussoteoti: Check in your GDM settings.04:03
cablopgraphics damaged, but i know i installed firefox from dapper, and i damaged a lot of package dependencies04:03
teotiwhere are they?04:03
cablopthen i decided to reinstall04:03
nickrudah! accessiblity sounds like a good thing to look at teoti04:03
fangoriousteoti; System->Administration->Login Screen Setup04:03
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bdawg543456when i burn the install on the cd what options should i set in Nero?04:04
nickrudteoti, also, system->pref->accessibilty04:04
Toma-cablop, so, basically, you've screwed your system, now youre saying amsn breaks it? maybe... just maybe, youre the one that screwed it? :)04:04
cablopi used a DVD ubuntu instead, i downloaded it a moth ago04:04
bdawg543456when im in the cd iso04:04
fangoriouswhen that beep first went into fedora you'd have though the users were getting cockpunched by their reactions to it04:04
nickrudteoti, arg, assistive04:04
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b1inddo the ubuntu repositories have ftp equivalents?04:04
tonyyarussobdawg543456: Just burn from ISO probably.  Haven't used Nero, but that's basically all there is to it.04:04
b1indor are there any ftp mirrors?04:04
bdawg543456k finalize disc?04:05
teotiassitive is disabled04:05
Toma-b1ind, yeh, i get my stuff from an ftp mirror04:05
phiber_opticdoes anybody know when I ssh to a unix machine, how do i stay with my keyboard configuartions? Sicne when I ssh, some program on the remote host I am not able to press enter, backspace arrows04:05
fangoriousb1ind: you can point your browser to the URL for any of the specified mirrors04:05
cabloplet me continue explaining, i installed it from that dvd, i deleted open office and installed openoffice oppenoffice from OpenOffice.org04:05
teotii checked that lol04:05
tonyyarussob1ind: I think all of the official mirrors have an ftp one.04:05
teotiim in login screen setup04:05
teotiwhat should i be looking for in here?04:05
cablopthen i installed amsn 0.95-3.ubuntu04:05
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wastrelteoti:  accessibility04:05
b1indthanks guys, will experiment04:05
teotiuh huh04:05
fangoriousb1ind: http://www.ubuntu.com/download04:06
fangoriousb1ind: lists a bunch of mirrors04:06
cablopthen i can't run any grpahic aplication as diferent user in my session04:06
teotiNow what04:06
b1inddo they work as sources for apt?04:06
teotiEverything seems fine in there?04:06
cablopand cannot switch between oppened sessions, then i cant start a new one if one is already working04:06
cabloptha occurred at sundays night04:06
Toma-cablop, could you do that before updating oo?04:06
fangoriousteoti: gdmconfig isn't coming up for me (probably because i'm running kdm) so i can't identify it right now04:06
tonyyarussoteoti: Login Screen Setup > Accessibility tab, uncheck some boxes.04:06
teotiwhy uncheck the boxes?04:07
cablopinstall amsn before OOo?04:07
teotieverything that needs to be check is checked?04:07
Toma-cablop, no, did the error happen after you installed OOo?04:07
cabloplet me remember04:07
teotiand the sounds are fine04:07
cablopmaybe no04:08
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BigDaddyok, back in ubuntu04:08
BigDaddythe OS not the channel04:08
cablopthen debian OOo files are not good for ubuntu?04:09
tonyyarussoteoti: I thought you didn't want to sounds?04:09
Toma-cablop, probably not.04:09
=== poningru [n=poningru@n128-227-34-184.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #ubuntu
cablopmmm, but they work fine04:09
cablopthe OOo04:09
teotii dont want that beep that just recently started happening04:09
teotiwhere is system.log?04:09
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teotimabe i can find errors04:09
Psi-JackHow do I umount /dev, so I can copy the original underlying files before the tmpfs /dev mount?04:09
BigDaddywho was I talking to an hour ago?04:09
fangoriousteoti: /var/log04:09
BigDaddychris maybe?04:10
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teotihow do i open log in terminal04:10
teotiim in /var04:10
cablopdo you think if i uninstall OOo and recover last one, and reinstall something system must work again?04:10
tristan_so in /usr/src I started to decompress the linux-source-2.6.12.tar.bzip2 file - but it's hung on the tar -x, and I don't think it's getting anywhere04:11
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Psi-JackHmm. Okay.. Kubuntu has a rescue mode on the disc, correct?04:11
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hatake_kakashitristan_: add -v, so it becomes -xv04:11
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teotii did ls i see log is in here04:11
tristan_ok, thanks04:11
teotiits blue04:11
Toma-cablop, who knows. when you start putting weird things in it, it behaves quite odd.04:11
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teotibut i dont know how to open it04:11
brian_im new to installing c programs, how do i install rovclock?04:11
wastrelteoti:  it started recently?  maybe kernel beep if you upgraded kernel04:11
hatake_kakashitristan_: if that still hangs, its because you didn't specify it correctly, look at man tar to see the correct usages04:11
nickrudteoti, cd /var/log && less syslog04:12
teotii havent upgraded kernel that i know of04:12
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Psi-JackNot to be rude or anything, but is this channel 90% brainless newbies? :)04:12
n000bhow do you set an ntp server of choice to sync the clock on boot? i get failed on every boot trying with the default one :(04:12
cablopToma, you say it's safe to install the ubuntu amsn04:12
nickrudPsi-Jack, I hope so, they need somewhere04:12
Toma-cablop, totally04:13
Psi-Jacknickrud: Eh?04:13
=== catskul [n=somervil@ip24-250-112-179.dc.dc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
cablopmmm, the ubuntu amsn uses ubuntu human skin04:13
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hatake_kakashiPsi-Jack: if maybe brainless, I hope they don't come with ignorance/etc04:13
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teotiokay so what exactly in this log should i be looking for04:13
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BxLcould someone give me an unmodified source.list04:13
Psi-Jackhatake_kakashi: Heh. I occasionally ask even simple questions, and never get a single responce. It's sad.04:14
_jasonubotu: tell BxL about sources04:14
xerophytei have inet --> [router]  --> [ eth0 linux server  eth 1]  --> [ labtop ]  from the laptop  i can connect to the linux server and i can ping, but i could not ping .. does anybody know why   iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE and echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward04:14
catskulany particular problems with upgrading to dapper ? can I mostly just replace "breezy" with "dapper" in my apt sources ?04:14
wastrelbrian_:  it really depends on what revclock - do you have a url?04:14
BxLthanks _jason04:14
teotiFeb 15 13:29:29 localhost kernel: [ 6429.583988]  APIC error on CPU0: 40(40)04:14
DeluxXx__could someone take a look at that ? http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=706131#post70613104:14
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hatake_kakashiPsi-Jack: well not everyone is around, and not everyone can always help04:14
_jasonubotu: tell catskul about dapper04:14
teoticould that make it beep?04:14
fangoriousPsi-Jack: it's not just you, happens to all of us. (still haven't figured out why I don't have shutdown/restart in my logout dialog)04:14
kyoI don't really like x-chat ... is bitchx more minimumistic?04:14
Psi-Jackhatake_kakashi: All times of the day, all times of the weak? :)04:14
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cablopis it true that some ubuntu updates damage the system?04:14
Toma-cablop, nope04:15
Psi-Jackfangorious: Well, are you using kdm or gdm?04:15
wastrelkyo:  bitchx is console not gui04:15
_jasonkyo: try irssi too04:15
farouskyo try irssi04:15
n000bnever mind found it (/etc/default/ntpdate) guess need some sleep04:15
kyowastrel, yes I want console04:15
Psi-Jackwastrel: bitchx-gtk. :)04:15
kyow00t ...04:15
fangoriousPsi-Jack: kdm04:15
catskul_jason, ubotu doesnt seem to be responding04:15
ubotukyo: Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:15
Psi-Jackfangorious: And you don't get the option to shutdown/restart?04:15
hatake_kakashiPsi-Jack: thinking on the other side of the equation, its not always fun to be flooded with questions, and if you made a mistake, etc you have to cope with any loss that comes along with it04:15
_jasoncatskul: someone made ubotu forget about dapper :/, one sec04:15
ubotucatskul: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:15
hatake_kakashiPsi-Jack: imo, linux is *not* for the faint-hearted04:15
teotiFeb 15 16:16:16 localhost gconfd (rewt-9873): Resolved address "xml:readonly:/var/lib/gconf/defaults" t04:16
teoticould that cause the beep04:16
_jasoncatskul: The 6.04 version of Ubuntu will be the "Dapper Drake" release,04:16
_jasondue April 20, 2006. Be warned that it's not yet stable but you are04:16
kyoSo can I find bitchx in synaptic?04:16
_jasonencouraged to help out with testing - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing04:16
Psi-Jackhatake_kakashi: Anytime I provide help, I provide GOOD help. I do not worry, that whatever I do provide, will be used in vein, and if it does, it's not my problem from there. :)04:16
_jasonbah, sorry for that04:16
fangoriousPsi-Jack: I can shutdown/restart from kdm. But once logged in (to gnome), after selecting System->Log out, there's no option to shutdown or restart04:16
nickrudteoti, no, those are syslog spam04:16
b1indhey adub, you around?04:16
hatake_kakashiPsi-Jack: heh04:16
=== mruiz [n=mruiz@pc-31-66-104-200.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
wastrelkyo:  bitchx is in universe04:16
hatake_kakashifangorious: that's what happens, when you choose one to become your main desktop manager, the other one loses functionality04:16
teotinick what along the lines should i be looking for?04:16
Psi-Jackwastrel: Scarey!04:16
b1indirssi all the way! :p04:16
Mordof /me loves fileshack dling04:16
Mordofgrr, stupid spaces04:17
nickrudteoti, no freaking clue, honestly.04:17
BigDaddynickrud - were you the one that told me me to use dpkg-reconfigure blah blah blah?04:17
hatake_kakashifangorious: I have gdm as default, I wanted to get KDE but synaptic asked which one do I prefer GDM or KDM, I chose GDM, and I inherently lost extra functions for KDE that used to be there04:17
nickrudBigDaddy, yeah04:17
fangorioushatake_kakashi: hm, i'll have to try reverting back to gdm to see if that brings it back. sounds like a prime candidate for freedesktop.org standardisation04:17
=== nickrud wonders where this will go
Psi-JackWelp. I guess I gotta finish the final steps of my HDD->HDD cp of Kubuntu, on the rescue mode of the install disc, since I can't umount /dev :)04:17
=== jldugger [n=jldugger@adsl-64-216-107-71.dsl.tpkaks.swbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
hatake_kakashifangorious: I doubt if it will help, but then again it doesn't hurt to tryt04:17
BigDaddyOK, well that didn't work, so I got p!ssed and killed Ubuntu. Now I have a have fresh installation.04:17
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tristan_so I'm attempting to see the files in the .tar archive - by using tar -t lin...tar and it doesn't list anything04:18
BigDaddyI have only configured my internet connection to get on here04:18
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Bungfriend of mine is having trouble with write permissions on his external usb drive ... ive searched wiki/help dont see anything ... is there some kind of thing he has to do? sudo to write files?04:18
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BigDaddyWhat would be the first thing you recommend I do? Video driver or mount HD's04:18
catskul_jason, the wiki suggests installing via CD... is it possible to do it via apt.sources change.... and in either case is it an upgrade... or overwrite ?04:18
hatake_kakashiBung: check mount permissions, check owner:group for those files, etc04:18
=== ProfessorChaos [n=jmioph@c-24-7-127-192.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
fangorioushatake_kakashi: well my wife uses kde, and she has shutdown/restart in her logout dialog, and my laptop uses gdm and i log into gnome, and i have it there (and kubuntu-desktop is also installed on the laptop)04:18
nickrudBigDaddy, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia04:18
=== gurlpleez [n=sameveri@user-0ccsktu.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudBigDaddy, do that next04:19
gurlpleezwhat's up04:19
_jasoncatskul: yes, but do you understand that dapper is a development version and will probably still break.  Are you comfortable having an unusable system for some days and fixing problems yourself?04:19
hatake_kakashifangorious: you have shutdown and restart on KDE whilst using GDM? I assume you are probably on breezy04:19
Bunghatake, ok ill give those a search, thanks04:19
BigDaddyno, is it true that I should log out of GNOME before restarting X?04:19
b1indIf I started my install from server, is it possible that I'm missing some kernel options to allow me to get dri working?04:19
gurlpleezwhat are you talking about04:19
nickrudBigDaddy, yes, unless you're sure you won't kill a program with unsaved dta04:20
fangorioushatake_kakashi: no, using kdm, logging into kde, i have shutdown/restart. using kdm/gnome I don't. using gdm/gnome i do, haven't tried gdm/gnome04:20
catskul_jason yeah im aware and comfortable04:20
BigDaddyOK, I am doing that now. Forgive me if I do not respond quickly. at 800x600 not too much fits up here on the screen04:20
fangoriousanyone know how to use parted to copy a partition? partition magic is crapping out on me04:20
_jasoncatskul: then yes you can just change breezy to dapper and upgrade is the same as to breezy from hoary04:21
hatake_kakashifangorious: yeah imo, those dm, have different hooks for each other, in terms of the way things are dealt, so you choose one and lose the functionality for the other imo04:21
fangorioushatake_kakashi: that makes sense. annoying, but it makes sense.04:21
hatake_kakashitristan_: you probably didn't specify the the file, if that still hangs, add -v to it, so it becomes -tv foo.tar.. I assume its only a tarred archive?04:22
tristan_no, I tried that04:22
hatake_kakashifangorious: yeah, well you're not the only one who have to deal with it :)04:22
tristan_it's a .tar.bz2 archive04:22
=== mike_ [n=mike@modemcable047.0-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
hatake_kakashitristan_: try -jtv foo.tar.bz204:23
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tristan_am I not bunzip2'ing correctly?04:23
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tristan_I will, thanks04:23
catskul_jason, can I trouble you for your sources.list... my current is full of extra crap04:23
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cablopAbout OpenOfice.org, we know ubuntu breezy have a beta of OpenOffice.org 2, not the final, i want to update ti finall, how can we do it? there's a place with OpenOffice.org final for ubuntu???04:23
Bungi installed ubuntu on my friends laptop, and i didnt see a terminal shortcut in gnome... am i just blind?04:23
_jasonubotu: tell catskul about sources04:23
ubotuTo upgrade to OOo 2.0.x, see http://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2005-October/012520.html (add one of the 'deb' lines to sources.list and update+upgrade)04:23
hatake_kakashitar probably can't list files if its not a tar archive. That is, having extra extension at the end of tar will probably make tar not understand the compressed files04:23
nickrudBung, apps-accessories-terminal from the top menu04:24
Bungah ok04:24
tonyyarussoI tried installing OpenBox from the repos, but it only loads a blue screen.  Eerily reminiscent of Windows if it weren't for Ctrl-Alt-Backspace.04:24
BigDaddynickrud - OT question. In Synaptic, the packages have 3 icons. A green square for installed and a white square and then a square with a star. What do those white squares mean?04:24
=== HrdwrBoB [n=matt@bob.is.teh.admin.at.vicnet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
nickrudmc is pretty nice for looking inside various tar files04:24
hatake_kakashiGreen for installed, white is not installed04:24
_jasoncatskul: make sure you have the 'ubuntu-desktop' and 'ubuntu-base' package installed04:25
lightstartonyyarusso, have u tried fluxbox?04:25
bimberiBigDaddy: Help -> Icon Legend04:25
tonyyarussolightstar: Yes.  I'm trying to check out a bunch, and I'm just wondering why this one doesn't work.04:25
nickrudBigDaddy, had to look: not installed :)04:25
BigDaddyaahh. Thank you bimberi04:25
cablopubotu, do you know if i can download all the Ubuntu OpenOffice files? i need to install them to a lot of machines and we cannot use internet to do it04:25
ubotuI'm sorry, i don't know what you're talking about, cablop04:25
bimberiBigDaddy: yw :)04:25
tristan_no, the tar -jtv foo.tar.bz2 is not working04:25
lightstartonyyarusso, openbox in my opinion is simplistic..i had 2 use fbpanel just 2 get a panel 2monitor my things ezily04:25
catskul_jason, thanks04:25
fangoriouscablop: ubotu is a bot04:26
cablopfangorious, what's a bot? what's a bot?04:26
_jasoncatskul: a machine, 'robot'04:26
adubhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8725       <--------  im getting that make error trying to patch the orinoco classic gold drivers04:26
ubotunickrud: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:27
BigDaddyOK - Question on step 11. "#04:27
BigDaddyOnce the search is complete find linux-restricted-modules-386 (or linux-restricted-modules-686 if you are running the 686 kernel) in the list and mark it for installation the same way as before.04:27
tonyyarussocablop: A perl script sitting in the room to respond in certain ways.04:27
=== Versed` [n=Versed@c-69-253-173-154.hsd1.nj.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
BigDaddyhow do I know which kernel I have?04:27
b1induname -a04:27
nickrudBigDaddy, uname -r04:27
BigDaddyI have an AMD Athlon64 350004:27
tonyyarussoubotu: tell cablop about yourself04:27
nickrudBigDaddy, in a terminal, type uname -r04:27
catskulHere Goes !04:27
cablopubotu it's not human!04:28
ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, cablop04:28
=== catskul holds breath and goes under
BigDaddycan I have a terminal open with Synaptic open?04:28
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tristan_lol, sorry04:28
tonyyarussocablop: Correct.04:28
nickrudBigDaddy, yes, you just can't use apt-get while synaptic is open04:28
cablopubotu: who are you?04:28
bimberiubotu tell cablop about yourself04:28
ubotucablop: what are you talking about?04:28
cablopubotu: upgrade OpenOffice 2 to final version04:29
ubotucablop: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:29
hatake_kakashiubotu is a bot :P04:29
ubotuhatake_kakashi: My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:29
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BigDaddynickrud - this is what I got - 2.6.12-9-amd64-generic04:29
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tonyyarussocablop: It's not that smart.  Perl script, not R2D2.04:29
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faroustonyyarusso: :)04:29
hatake_kakashitonyyarusso: better than nothing04:29
teotiAlright just tried something need to reboot to see if it wrked :-D brb with confirmations.04:29
cablop:( but i remeber another robot three years ago able to talk about itself and a lot of things04:30
tonyyarussohatake_kakashi: For sure.  But doesn't respond well to complete sentences.04:30
nickrudBigDaddy, so try linux-restricted-modules-2.6.12-9-amd64-generic (I'm not on a 64bit, so that's a guess for the exact name)04:30
cablopubotu: how to update OpenOffice?04:30
spazzzQuestion... Is there any huge difference between MySQL 4.0 and MySQL 4.1?04:30
ubotuMy cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, cablop04:30
_jasonubotu: tell cablop about ooo204:30
hatake_kakashi!tell cablop about ooo204:31
hatake_kakashiheh nice04:31
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hatake_kakashitonyyarusso: ah well, better than copying and pasting from sites for simple little queries :)04:31
tonyyarussohatake_kakashi: Yep.04:31
cablopubotu was nice but not smart04:32
ubotucablop: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:32
=== phiber_optic [n=xxx@modemcable130.139-130-66.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuthanks nickrud :)04:32
nickrudhe deserves it04:32
cablopbut ubotu gave me the right url04:32
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tristan_is there any other program that will decompress a .tar file?  (aside from tar)04:33
spazzzDoes anyone know anything about MySQL?04:33
_jasontristan_: why...04:33
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_jasonubotu: tell spazzz about anyone04:33
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tristan_no matter what I do, I get no response from tar when decompressing this04:33
=== MasterTsunami [n=MasterTs@cpe-24-27-14-19.austin.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
phiber_opticdoes any know how to ssh to a remote desktop an keep my keyboard configurations, since when I remote desktop to a place my enter and backspace keys are disabled...04:33
rewt_No more beepy beepy.04:33
_jasontristan_: what command are you using04:33
tristan_I'm trying tar -tv foo.tar just to see if it's corrupted04:34
tristan_that hangs04:34
tristan_tar -x hangs04:34
tristan_tar -xv hangs04:34
spazzz_Jason.. if you noticed.. I did and no one answered04:34
dletristan - try adding an f04:34
tristan_I've tried tar -xf04:34
hatake_kakashitristan_: the file is actually .tar? not .tar.gz or .tar.bz2 or .tar.bzip2 or you didn't rename the extension?04:34
_jasonspazzz: then either no one knows or you got lost in the scroll, just wait a bit and repeat or try the forums and wiki while you wait04:34
tristan_no, the original file was a foo.tar.bz204:34
tonyyarussotristan_: How'd you take off the bz2?04:35
hatake_kakashitristan_: then its supposed to be -jxf or -jxvf04:35
tristan_so I used bunzip2 -t foo.tar.bz2 to test its integrity04:35
_jasontristan_: then you would do tar jxvf file.tar.bz204:35
hatake_kakashitonyyarusso: mv foo.tar.bz2 foo.tar04:35
tristan_I'll try it, but I think that hung last time I gave it a whirl04:35
tonyyarussohatake_kakashi: That would be an issue then, yep.04:35
bdawg543456Someone help me04:36
ubotuIf you don't actually ask a question, we can not actually help you.04:36
=== spz [n=justin@c-67-188-11-119.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
bdawg543456im at the splsh screen04:36
rewt_Well if anyone has a beep on startup, the fix isto edit your pcmcia config and turn quiet mode on. :)04:36
bdawg543456trying to install04:36
hatake_kakashirenaming it doesn't help tristan_, if its .tar.bz2 and you renamed it to .tar it would fail to work because it a compressed with another program and not by tar04:36
rewt_it ws just a notification beep saying it found a pcmcia card04:36
bdawg543456and i press enter for default installation and i get a boot error04:36
tristan_I didn't remane it04:36
yoink23hi, ive followed the wiki regarding getting AAC audio support, but I'm still not getting it (dapper/rythmbox/gstreamer)04:37
Mordofbooo! warcraft 3 isnt working right :S04:37
BigDaddyOK, I did everything to the letter. I am going to log off, then press ctrl+alt+backspace.04:37
tristan_I used bunzip2 to decompress it once, then tried tar to do the second decompress, is that not a valid option?04:37
hatake_kakashitristan_: then simply put, -xf or -xvf would not work because tar assumes that file is .tar not .tar.bz2, etc04:37
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tristan_I've done that with foo.tar.gz files04:37
bdawg543456any ideas?04:37
nickrudBigDaddy, luck04:37
BigDaddyThat should do it right? I should be able to change my resolution to what I have under windows?04:37
hatake_kakashitristan_: well, you can do that, but tar also allows you to decompress and extract on the fly04:37
tristan_but gunzip2 renames the new decompressed file04:37
=== taylor_ [n=taylor@cpe-24-28-110-31.houston.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
spzanybody: am I visible?04:38
tristan_yeah, I'm gonna give that a shot04:38
nickrudBigDaddy, that will get you one step further, you may need to do another04:38
nickrud!tell BigDaddy about fixres04:38
BigDaddylol, in that case, I'll see you in a minute04:38
taylor_if i just enabled scsi emulation through a terminal do i have to restart my computer for it to take effect04:38
nickrudBigDaddy, nearly everyone gets in one, some have to go one more stemp04:38
hatake_kakashifor gzip, its tar -zxvf foo.tar.gz.. for bzip2, its tar -jxvf foo.tar.bz204:38
bdawg543456When i try to install ubuntu  with default installation i get a boot error any ideas?04:38
tristan_ok, so I tried tar -jxvf foo.tar.bz2 and I get the following: linux-source-2.6.12/Documentation/vm/balance04:38
tristan_tar: linux-source-2.6.12/Documentation/vm/balance: Cannot open: No such file or directory04:38
taylor_if i just enabled scsi emulation through a terminal do i have to restart my computer for it to take effect04:39
BigDaddyI bookmarked it. BBL04:39
wastrelit's chilly in my apartment04:39
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tristan_I get that error for every file in the archive04:39
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taylor_if i just enabled scsi emulation through a terminal do i have to restart my computer for it to take effect04:39
snoozixhi. is there a of installing the high performance liquid style (kde) on breezy badger?04:40
hatake_kakashitristan_: are you trying to extract a certain file/directory out of tar.bzip2 file or are you trying to extract the tar.bzip2 file within another archive that is also compressed/tarred?04:40
tristan_I got it04:40
=== spz is now known as spz2
tristan_I needed sudo :-P04:40
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tristan_hot damn04:40
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=== bdawg543456 When i try to install ubuntu with default installation i get a boot error any ideas?
taylor_if i just enabled scsi emulation through a terminal do i have to restart my computer for it to take effect04:40
=== zebraFusion [n=zF@ip68-231-196-244.oc.oc.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu
tristan_anwyay - thanks for your patience, and all the help04:40
nickrudtaylor_, that would probably be a good check for further functionality, yes :)04:40
zebraFusionI need some help04:40
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taylor_o ok...im kinda slow now it seems to obvious...04:40
=== farous [n=farous@d141-64-4.home.cgocable.net] has joined #ubuntu
zebraFusionwhen I access my VNC server through the network (xvncviewer for my desktop) it prompts me for the password and works perfectly04:41
spz2I'm having a problem:  I installed XP after Ubuntu on a different partition, and now I cant boot linux... no choices at the bootloader04:41
hatake_kakashibdawg543456: set verbose settings at boot, via F6 I think when you boot the disc up, afterwards check via Alt+F3 and Alt+F404:41
zebraFusionhowever, when i try to connect from another network04:41
zebraFusionit fails to connect04:41
ubotuplease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. Write in complete sentences and keep your replies and questions on one line if possible. Thanks!04:41
brandon_spz2: install grub04:41
tonyyarusso!tell spz2 about grub04:41
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zebraFusiondoes anyone know what ports I'd have to open up to allow the vnc connection04:41
_jasonzebraFusion: 590004:41
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tonyyarussospz2: It's a Live CD / chroot situation.04:41
hatake_kakashizebraFusion: cat /proc/services| grep vnc04:41
=== Formidable [n=Formidab@c-66-31-159-53.hsd1.ma.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
yoink23hi, ive followed the wiki regarding getting AAC audio support, but I'm still not getting it (dapper/rythmbox/gstreamer)04:41
lightstarzebraFusion, 590004:41
rewt_how do i find out what kind of integrated wireless card I have?04:41
hatake_kakashirewt_: lspci04:42
spz2install grub how04:42
spz2I cant boot linux04:42
nickrudspz2, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows04:42
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bdawg543456hatake_kakashi waht do u mean?04:42
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carpediemyoink23: are these DRM encoded AAC?   Because I don't think you can get them to work on Linux.04:42
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zebraFusionhatake_kakashi, no sound directory04:43
=== tonyyarusso damns DRM lots
hatake_kakashispz2: you probably have multiple drives and the grub installed on another hard disk instead of the one you thought of, maybe unplug those other hard disks temporarily and reinstall again. I had that problem before where I have 3 hard disks04:43
nickrudcarpediem, you're right about drm, no way04:43
zebraFusionhatake_kakashi, it works on my local connection but I think my firewall is blocking it04:43
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rewt_0000:05:02.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation: Unknown device 4318 (rev 02)04:43
zebraFusioneven though I have port 5900 unblocked04:43
rewt_That what im supposed to be looking for?04:43
cablopthanks a lot people, i must go now04:43
=== Toma- [n=haste@i154-195.nv.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
cablophave a nice time :)04:44
nickrudhatake_kakashi, windows overwrote the hda mbr for him, the wiki will walk him through a fix04:44
=== rewt_ runs to port 5900
tonyyarussohatake_kakashi: I think spz2 just overwrote the MBR b/c of the Windows install, so needs to write grub back to it.04:44
rewt_:-P jk04:44
hatake_kakashibdawg543456: when you boot the cdrom, you get the boot menu. press F5 or F6 until you can see how to set verbose settings. type those in along with the words linux at the start. It should show more verbose information04:44
hatake_kakashizebraFusion: well, edit your firewall settings04:44
carpediemyoink23: if so, your best option is to install SharpMusique, and redownload everything from ITMS as non-DRM AAC04:44
spz2yeah thats all it is04:44
romeojjI have a general question about dependencies. I mean say I have the base system installed and all up-to-date and I download a package that requires a version of a library that is different than the one I have installed. How do I install another version while keeping the original version so all of my other apps can use it and run happily?04:44
hatake_kakashinickrud: probably04:44
spz2ill reinstall grub with the install CD04:44
yoink23carpediem: no, they arent drm'd...i just played them in breezy, then i did a fresh install of dapper and dont know how to get support back04:44
rewt_hatake_kakashi, 0000:05:02.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation: Unknown device 4318 (rev 02)04:44
rewt_ this what im looking for ?04:44
=== beetlefrosch [n=beetlefr@G086f.g.pppool.de] has joined #ubuntu
hatake_kakashitonyyarusso: hmm well I was assuming totally full on linux install with no dualboot, etc04:45
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FliesLikeALapheh nickrud  the damned windows boot disk overwrote my MBR without prompting me, i had to fix it the other day04:45
spz2im having another serious prob with breezy: cant get X to run04:45
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spz2think its due to my graphics card unsupported04:45
tonyyarussohatake_kakashi: Nah, broke it after putting XP on afterwards.04:45
spz2ATI Radeon X130004:45
hatake_kakashirewt_: seems like it, is there any other network, ethernet controller you have?04:45
brandon_x1300 wouldn't affect x04:45
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nickrudromeojj, not easily, if you mean a library from an outside repository04:45
rewt_im using my orinoco classic gold bc i only run wirelss04:45
spz2i should at least get 2d right?04:45
yoink23carpediem: i assume they are aac...they have .m4a extensions04:45
hatake_kakashitonyyarusso: heh, its supposed to be the other way round, seems like spz2 needs to get livecd to fix that up again04:45
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carpediemyoink23: do you have faad and libfaad installed04:45
rewt_but i want to try to get my internal working bc of its better range04:45
tonyyarussohatake_kakashi: Could be, yeah.04:46
brandon_ITS NOT THE GFX CARD SPZ, it might be a faulty install of x04:46
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spz2its the default install.... are there any scripts to config X?04:46
hatake_kakashirewt_: look for broadcom driver for linux, that may help04:46
zebraFusionPort 5900 is unblocked on my router but it still is not connecting04:46
bdawg543456Ok when i try to install ubuntu i get a error i dont know whats wrong?04:46
carpediemyoink23: and libmp4v2-004:46
=== rage` [n=rage@219-89-178-196.jetstart.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu
brandon_have you installed any packages lately...??04:47
brandon_what error bdawg?04:47
heliotropeis there a good c++ compiler for ubuntu?04:47
tonyyarussospz2: dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg does a lot of that, otherwise manually editing your xorg.conf.04:47
rage`Hey guys, has anyone had trouble with madwifi drivers?04:47
yoink23carpediem: libfaad2-0 and faad, yes04:47
bdawg543456lemme see hold on ill run it04:47
hatake_kakashirewt_: if there is none, you may have to use ndiswrapper, kinda like running windows drivers through wine to get it translated onto linux. To go about on that, I'm not too sure exactly04:47
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tonyyarussoheliotrope: sudo apt-get install build-essential  (gcc)04:47
tristan_so when a program asks for the linux source directory - should I give it /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.12?04:47
lightstarheliotrope, are you asking bout a editor or just the compiler?04:47
bdawg543456brandon_  iget isolinux disk error 8004:47
X-GueStis there anyway to change keyboard layout on xorg ?04:47
BigDaddynickrud - OK, I am on that link you just gave me. I now have a xserver configuration window up04:47
X-GueStto gnome or terminal .. everything04:47
X-GueSt1layout 4 everthing04:47
heliotropelightstar, im not sure, something like netbeans or .net for windows04:48
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brandon_hmm...what part of the install gives you this error bdawg?04:48
spz2tony: ok. I'll try that04:48
yoink23carpediem: yeah and the other one04:48
hatake_kakashitristan_: if you put it there, yes04:48
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bdawg543456the beginning04:48
cablophello again04:48
X-GueStI change my keyboard layout on gnome but it doesnt seem to work04:48
bdawg543456 default install04:48
romeojjwell, just another version of a library, say a newer version that isn't in the repositories04:48
spz2does anybody recommend metacity or fluxbox?  all I've tried are GDM and KDE04:48
willmoredoes a default install just install ubuntu-base? or more?04:48
carpediemyoink23: and gstreamer-0.8-faad?04:48
romeojjs it possible to have two or more different versions of the same libraries running at the same time04:48
tristan_I did, but I'm not sure if it's looking for specific source files04:48
brandon_maybe reburning the iso may help04:48
yoink23carpediem: yes04:48
hatake_kakashibdawg543456: you may need to upgrade your bios, your bios cannot read certain bootable cds04:48
lightstarheliotrope, gcc comes with a g++compiler for c++, if you're looking for a editor you can use SciTe or anjuta04:48
nickrudBigDaddy, the key is setting the HorizSync and VertRefresh in /etc/X11/xorg.conf to match your monitor04:48
tristan_are source files just the .C files04:48
tonyyarussospz2: Fluxbox is great as a light one.04:48
carpediemyoink23: which media player were you using again?04:48
lightstarheliotrope, there is oso kdevelop but i havent used it extensively04:48
hatake_kakashitristan_: no, there is .h and various other bits and pieces04:49
nickrudBigDaddy, that fixres link walks you through that04:49
cablopi have error in my ubuntu, but i don't want to have them again, and i don't want to try fixing them, so i'll make some questions in order to avoid vcommiting mistakes again04:49
amphitristan_: source files of what?04:49
brandon_try flashing the bios, yeah.04:49
yoink23carpediem: rhthmbox...it says the are not audio streams...and yet ive played them before04:49
heliotropetonyyarusso i got an error04:49
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bdawg543456to waht04:49
tristan_the linux kernel04:49
tonyyarussoheliotrope: What was it?04:49
bdawg543456 i dont knowwaht one to get04:49
FlannelKingheliotrope, you can also look into eclipse (with cdt package) for an IDE04:49
joeeebdawg543456 is using the install cd from the ubuntu site, he gets to the splash screen then he chooses the default install options, then he gets an error04:49
hatake_kakashibdawg543456: I had that case happening with my old mobo, around 8 years old, and it cannot boot most recently created cds04:49
carpediemyoink23: sec, let me see if rhythmbox will play my m4a files.  I usually use other stuff.04:49
heliotropetonyyarusso, could not open lock file04:49
tristan_"directory containing the linux source code"04:49
amphitristan_: c and c header (.h) files mostly, with a small bit of architecture specific assembler04:49
bdawg543456so where can i get a bios upgrade04:49
rewt_i found this.......04:49
rewt_Network Card04:49
rewt_Integrated 10/100BASE-T Ethernet LAN (RJ-45 connector)04:49
rewt_Wireless Connectivity04:49
rewt_54g 802.11b/g WLAN with 125HSM* / SpeedBooster and BroadRange support04:49
yoink23carpediem: oh, perhaps its the player that is the limitation04:49
hatake_kakashijoeee: if that's true, then I wouldn't have a clue.. maybe you have a buggy mobo?04:50
=== HystStudy is now known as Hysty
tonyyarussoheliotrope: Close Synaptic first.04:50
hatake_kakashibdawg543456: from your motherboard's website of course04:50
heliotropetonyyarusso, how do i do that? i don't think it's open04:50
brandon_What is your pc manufacturer bdawg?04:50
heliotropetonyyarusso, sorry i just installed ubunto last night04:50
carpediemyoink23: probably not, if gstreamer can support it, rhythmbox should...but I want to be sure.04:50
BigDaddynickrud - the thing that has me confused is that I can choose nv or nvidia. this isn't addressed in the guide04:50
hatake_kakashijoeee: err s/you/he04:50
snoozixdid anyone install ubuntu as a "server"? (choosing boot argument server at install startup)?04:50
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cablopsome of you said installing OpenOffice.org from OpenOffice.org was a bad idea, is it true?04:50
brandon_Installed fine for me.04:50
bdawg543456i think i have a asus04:50
nickrudBigDaddy, I'm not sure where you're at, but nvidia is the 3d capable driver04:50
spz2does anybody have to unplug their computer to get it to restart?  my emachine d6417 wont reboot with alt+ctrl+del under linux.  it'll terminate all procs but then the fans speed up and the bios doesnt boot up.. just blank....04:50
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spz2havent tried to reboot with a fully-functional install yet though04:51
joeeebdawg543456: You could try SuSE, it's supposed to be a good beginners distro also04:51
tonyyarussoheliotrope: Ah, 'k.  Was assuming it was.  Do you have package updates in process in the background perhaps?04:51
hatake_kakashibrandon_: Asus isn't that great, I had two of their mobos (and currently I'm on the second one). The Asus mobo PS/2 ports break very easily04:51
rewt_So what would i look up to find a driver?04:51
amphispz2: hard to say - could be broken acpi04:51
heliotropetonyyarusso, i shouldn't i dont know how to use anything yet04:51
bdawg543456thank you04:51
nickrudspz2, I've had my emachine lock up like that, yeah. Got a different one04:51
cablopwich is better file system for ubuntu? ext3 or reiserfs? any other?04:51
hatake_kakashirewt_: you can surf the net with wired right?04:52
cablopwill ext2 works well?04:52
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spz2nick: hw problem?  only does it under linux04:52
rewt_yea i think i found something :)04:52
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brandon_ext3 works pretty well.04:52
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tonyyarussoheliotrope: True, but if you had the little red circle with the arrow show up, it could be going on.  I'm thinking it's likely you're still upgrading because it's new off the disk.04:52
amphicarpediem: reiser is very fast, but many people consider it unreliable - ext3 is pretty tried and true (not that I use either ;)04:52
hatake_kakashicablop: ext3 is ext2 with journalling, ext2 has single filesize limitations, similar to that of fat3204:52
tonyyarussoheliotrope: Check your running processes for either synaptic or apt.04:52
brandon_Go with ext3 if your pc is somewhat newer, ext2 works better for older pc's.04:52
spz2amphi:  what does acpi do?  is it optional?04:52
nickrudspz2, kernel/hardware issues, I figured04:52
amphicablop: reiser is very fast, but many people consider it unreliable - ext3 is pretty tried and true (not that I use either ;)04:53
cablopso ext3 is the best option?04:53
amphisorry, carpediem - tab completion04:53
heliotropetonyyarusso, nope :\04:53
brandon_I believe so cablop.04:53
hatake_kakashireiserfs is fast for small single files, but bad for big chunks like iso images for example04:53
amphicablop: if you have to ask, I'd say yes04:53
brandon_I use it on all my *nix machines.04:53
tonyyarussoheliotrope: Ookay..04:53
heliotropetonyyarusso, i have an update notifier but it's sleeping04:53
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adubcan someone help me get orinoco patch drivers to build properly i keep getting an  error on the make command04:53
carpediemamphi: I figured, np04:53
hatake_kakashiI use different ones, I have reiserfs for /tmp, jfs for /home, xfs for / and ext3 for /boot04:54
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spz2one more thing i was thinking about trying... anybody use VMWare for Ubuntu under windows?04:54
hatake_kakashiadub: as in what sort of error?04:54
kyodoes ubuntu comes with KDE in the respitory?04:54
amphihatake_kakashi: heh - how does jfs seem? I have xfs here ATM04:54
nmstryodaspz2, yes04:54
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hatake_kakashikyo: both KDE and Gnome are in the repos04:54
tonyyarussoheliotrope: As it should be....04:54
brandon_spz2, its a pain in the ass to set up, just use grub.....04:54
hatake_kakashiamphi: dunno, I think its ok, to be frank, I never really tried to do much nor did I fully understand jfs04:54
nmstryodaspz2, you can download the VMware player for Windows or Linux and the "BrowserAppliance" whcih is just ubuntu scaled down04:55
BigDaddyOK, how do I find out the bus identifier of my video card?04:55
heliotropetonyyarusso: like i said, i've never seen any of this before, its my first day without windows04:55
adubhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8725       <--------  im getting that make error trying to patch the orinoco classic gold drivers04:55
tonyyarussoAnyone know what could prevent apt-get acquiring a lock if synaptic nor another apt are running??04:55
heliotropetonyyarusso, sorry04:55
spz2is it buggy?04:55
adubhatake_kakashi there is the link to the error04:55
kyohatake_kakashi, so how would I switch to KDE? I'm using gnome right now04:55
cablopsomebody knows any issue related to install debian openoffice into ubuntu?04:55
_jasontonyyarusso: update-manager04:55
hatake_kakashitonyyarusso: lsof| grep apt04:55
tonyyarusso_jason: That's sleeping.04:55
brandon_cablop: use automatix04:55
hatake_kakashikyo: there is guide on the kubuntu.org website04:55
amphihatake_kakashi: xfs seems nice, I run it on my laptop; I can get the hd to spin down for 10 minutes at a time with some /proc tweaking04:55
ubotuautomatix is unsafe, it overwrites configuration files, and does things like "echo -e 'ynYn'" that are considered risky. Please do not use it. There are alternative applications, but it's often best to read the documentation.04:55
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brandon_it automatically install openoffice and many other programs04:55
Hystytonyyarusso: maybe they havent quite unlocked from previous use?04:55
tonyyarussoheliotrope: See hatake_kakashi's.04:55
amphicablop: I would not do that04:56
kyook gret04:56
brandon_make sure you root "sudo"04:56
tonyyarussoHysty: Can you check/force tht?04:56
snoozixdid anyone here just figure out how to get the old gtk2 file selection dialogs?04:56
heliotropetonyyarusso ok04:56
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hatake_kakashiamphi: yeah but the great pitfall afaik with xfs is that it extensively uses RAM, so if you copy something big and half way through, the power cuts out, I think you lose your data04:56
yoink23carpediem: is rhythmbox playing .m4a's for you?04:56
brandon_BUTTSECKS W00T04:56
heliotropehatake_kakashi, hi can you help me install gpp04:56
spz2im gonna give grub-install a go, maybe try the x-config scripts while I'm at it....04:56
spz2thanks for the help.04:56
cablopwhat's automatix?04:56
hatake_kakashiadub: you're probably missing build-essential04:56
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hatake_kakashi!tell cablop about automatix04:57
carpediemyoink23: hmm, I can't get rhythmbox to even import the file.  But Totem(xine here) and Amarok(using GStreamer) play it fine.04:57
amphihatake_kakashi: it's not as ram-heavy as it was, and I think the power loss disaster bug was fixed a while ago04:57
brandon_BUTTSECKS WOOT04:57
Psi-JackI'm very displeased with Ubuntu! There's NOT even a rescue mode option on the install disc. Quite upsetting!04:57
hatake_kakashiamphi: cool that sounds nice04:57
tonyyarusso!tell cablop about automatix04:57
Psi-Jackbrandon_: Get lost.04:57
ubotuHelp! seb128, lilo, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic or nalioth04:57
Hystycablop: a automatic installation script that installs common things04:57
ubotuhatake_kakashi: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:57
adubno its not build-essential04:57
_jasonbrandon_: stop now04:57
fabbionebrandon_: stop it04:57
carpediemwhy do we not have any admins here?04:57
_jasonHelp! seb128, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic or nalioth04:57
tonyyarussoPsi-Jack: There is too a rescue option on the install disk04:57
hatake_kakashicarpediem: we do04:57
amphi!ops brandon_ flooding04:57
heliotropebrandon_: cmon man not cool04:57
ubotuI don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, amphi04:57
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yoink23carpediem: hmm...yeah, it wouldnt import for me either...04:58
Psi-Jacktonyyarusso: Where? F1-F10 showed nothing.04:58
cablopis there an issue related tto installing amsn from amsn website?04:58
tonyyarussoPsi-Jack: Type rescue at the prompt04:58
=== mode/#ubuntu [+b brandon_!*@*] by fabbione
ubotumethinks amsn is at http://amsn.sourceforge.net04:58
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yoink23carpediem: maybe ill try out some other players now anyway04:58
Psi-Jacktonyyarusso: I did. It went through the normal installation startup.04:58
tonyyarussoGuess not.04:58
amphivars: you irc in vim?04:58
keherman_hey how is everyone?!04:58
carpediemyoink23: let me try banshee...its very similar to rhythbox if that's the kind of player you like04:58
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ubotucablop: Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:58
ubotucablop: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:58
tonyyarussoPsi-Jack: I'm not sure exactly how it work, but it's there..should get you to a root prompt I think.04:58
ubotuamsn is, like, at http://amsn.sourceforge.net04:59
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Psi-Jackfabbione: brandon_ n=brandon ip68-102-110-241.ks.ok.cox.net * brandon04:59
_jasonubotu: tell cablop about msg the bot04:59
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knowledge_guys, I'm trying to do a chmod -x <file> but when I try to run it it says permission denied...anyone know why?04:59
carpediemyoink23: yeah, Banshee plays it fine.  Banshee is very similar to Rhythmbox.04:59
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fabbionePsi-Jack: i was only waiting for him to rejoin04:59
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hatake_kakashiknowledge_: maybe you are not the owner or under the same group for that file04:59
meekrokhey, is this a help channel, or could someone point me to one?05:00
carpediemyoink23: in my opinion, Amarok is the best player, but it depends on KDElibs, which you may not like.05:00
knowledge_hatake_kakashi, how would I check that?05:00
Xenguyknowledge_: you don't have permission :-)  So use 'sudo'05:00
_jasonmeekrok: yep, this is it.  Just ask a question05:00
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hatake_kakashiknowledge_: ls -l <filname>05:00
amphiknowledge_: what is the first line of the file?05:00
Psi-Jacktonyyarusso: Their really is no special "rescue" mode. It starts up, does it's whole detecting hardware thing, laods up the network via dhcp, and asks what hostname to use. From there, you can use the tty2, but, still.05:00
knowledge_Xenguy, I did05:00
Psi-Jackfabbione: I see. I did a /whowas on him. :)05:00
tonyyarussoPsi-Jack: What are you hoping to see?05:00
yoink23carpediem: yeah ive tried amarok, not sure why i stopped using it, but anyway...thanks SO MUCH for the help05:00
Xenguyknowledge_: root should be able to change any file permission; now you need to be more specific05:00
carpediemyoink23: np05:00
meekrokhey, where could i go to get help?05:00
cablopIt's safe to install ams 0.95-3.ubuntu.deb instead the breezy one?05:00
hatake_kakashiknowledge_: sudo should be able to change it, if sudo can't, either you didn't execute it properly or you have SELinux, etc on05:00
Psi-Jacktonyyarusso: Something a LITTLE more useful than busybox's minimal utility set, for one.05:01
Xenguyknowledge_: if necessary use a pastebin05:01
_jasonmeekrok: here, just ask your question05:01
=== knowledge_ is using live right now?
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knowledge_does that make a difference?05:01
instabincan i get some help trying to open rar files05:01
Xenguyknowledge_: doubtless it does05:01
_jasonubotu: tell instabin about rar05:01
meekrokwhat would be a common reason why a recently installed ubuntu woulndt be able to hear sound from google video?05:01
amphiknowledge_: quite possible, it might be a ro filesystem05:01
hatake_kakashiknowledge_: on the third and forth column of ls -l you will see the username:group that the file belongs to05:01
_jasonmeekrok: flash is dumb and doesn't know how to use the sound server properly, most likely05:02
cablopinstabin, just instal rar $ apt-get install rar and ubuntu archiver do the rest05:02
instabinI have all ready been there the muliuniv does not have the unarar-nonfree05:02
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_jasoninstabin: it does, check that you have multiverse05:02
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knowledge_ubuntu@ubuntu:~/Desktop$ ls -l flasher05:03
knowledge_-rw-------  1 ubuntu ubuntu 645032 2006-02-16 21:20 flasher05:03
cablopinstabin, the command is: $ sudo apt-get install rar05:03
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instabincablop, Package rar has no installation candidate05:03
knowledge_ohhhhh.....maybe I need to do chown?05:03
cablopthen you can unrar and modify rar files05:03
_jasonmeekrok: are you using esd?  (check by going to system > preferences > multimedia systems selector05:03
DCCOLEhow do i use a .tar.bz205:03
hatake_kakashiknowledge_: no05:03
cablopbut i installed it from multiverse repository05:03
meekrokno, ALSA05:03
_jasonDCCOLE: what are you tring to install?05:03
Psi-Jacktonyyarusso: I was trying to copy my hde# to hdg#, making a partition-modified copy of my Kubuntu installation, so I could prevent having to re-install from scratch.05:04
hatake_kakashiyou are logged in under ubuntu yourself anyway05:04
instabincablope wich one05:04
cablopopen Synaptic, go to options then repositoryes edit breeze binay and add multiverse to available  sections05:04
_jasonmeekrok: then install the package 'asla-oss' and run firefox as 'aoss firefox'05:04
George_HarrisonI have a quick question. I'm trying to compile some source code, the ./configure goes fine but the make falls short because this line shows up and errors out, "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpq" and I cannot find a .deb package. what should I do? thanks05:04
cablopthen go back to synaptic, and install rar05:04
instabini did dos that05:04
DCCOLELinux Games05:04
cablopi like rara and i'm using ir in that way05:04
George_HarrisonI am having troubles looking for the libraries (are they libs?)05:04
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_jasoninstabin: press 'reload' then.  if you are still having problems, put your /etc/apt/sources.list on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org05:05
hatake_kakashiDCCOLE: tar -jxvf foo.tar.bz205:05
Psi-Jacktonyyarusso: but /dev on a currently running K/Ubuntu system is tmpfs mounted, so I had to use, ironically, Gentoo's boot disc to properly do the cp -a from hde to hdg's stuff.05:05
cablop*I like rar, and I'm using it in that way05:05
DCCOLEdo i have to use make or anything??05:05
zulfiqar_has anyone installed ubuntu on IBM T40?05:05
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_jasonubotu: tell DCCOLE about compile05:05
cablopor just go to rarlab.com and download rar for linux, but the first optin is the best one, ubuntu includes a GUI that uses all compressed formats available05:06
tonyyarussoPsi-Jack: I see.05:06
tonyyarussozulfiqar_: T43 here.05:06
cablopdoes anybody knows if AMSN could damage xorg or ubuntu or gnome?05:06
zulfiqar_tonyyarusso : so you use a port replicator?05:06
hatake_kakashibtw, 7zip can handle rar files, as long as they are not password protected iirc05:07
tonyyarussozulfiqar_: No...  Why?05:07
instabinhere is my sources.list http://pastebin.com/55715605:07
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George_Harrisonso.. does anyone know where I would find -lpq in the program ld..?05:07
zulfiqar_tonyyarusso : i'm having problems with external monitor configuration, ubuntu takes the monitor specs of the laptop, not the external monitor05:08
_jasoninstabin: you don't have multiverse for breezy enabled, only for backports05:08
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hatake_kakashiGeorge_Harrison: man ld05:08
_jasonubotu: tell instabin about multiverse05:08
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tonyyarussozulfiqar_: Ah, not using an external.05:09
sdghsghanyone using dapper? for some odd reason anything other than the breezy kernels cause gnome to crash upon logic05:09
George_HarrisonI've already read the man page for ld05:09
zulfiqar_anyone using an external monitor with a laptop?05:09
George_Harrisonalthough I kinda skimmed it, lemme go back to it05:09
sdghsghIve used one before zulfiqar05:09
zulfiqar_tonyyarusso : were you able to get the wifi running?05:09
instabin_jason multivers is checked in the package manager05:10
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource05:10
_jasoninstabin: for backports, not for main breezy05:10
tonyyarussozulfiqar_: Yep, out of the box.05:10
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_jasoninstabin: ``To enable the Multiverse repository, for each of the Community Maintained (Universe) entries click on the entry, click Edit, then change the entry for Sections from 'universe' to 'universe multiverse'.''  Did you do that?05:10
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akantwhat is the purpose of procmail?05:11
cablopsdghsgh what did you say about kernel crashing gnome?05:11
zulfiqar_tonyyarusso : well first i need to get over with the extranl monitor problem then look into others05:11
sdghsghwell, the 2.6.15 kernels seems to stop gnome working05:11
newbuntie_jason: they should make it a checkbox05:11
George_Harrisonerm.. it says nothing about "lpq" in the man page05:11
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sdghsghI log in using 2.6.10 from breezy05:11
instabin_jason, no sory05:11
sdghsghand it works05:11
akantif one is just setting up a standard mail server .. postfix and imap is it needed?05:11
_jasonnewbuntie: it's because multiverse isn't free, but yes I agree with you.  That is a common problem here05:11
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_jasoninstabin: even05:12
DCCOLEokay i got an error05:12
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DCCOLEconfigure: error: no acceptable C compiler found in $PATH05:12
DCCOLEwhats does that meen???05:12
zulfiqar_anyone using a port replicator with a laptop here?05:12
_jasonDCCOLE: sudo apt-get install build-essential05:12
dleakant - procmail processes incomin mail.05:12
rewt_is ndiswrapper good?05:12
rewt_i cant find a drive for my integ. wireless05:12
XenguyGeorge_Harrison: dpkg -S lpq  <-- ?05:12
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hatake_kakashi!tell rewt_ about ndiswrapper05:12
cablopsdghsgh i have a lot of troubles in my gnome, i have kernel...05:12
cablopsdghsgh - 2.6.12-10-k705:13
AntMazso im gonna try this once more . anyone got an idea on how i can add my name to admin or add another user through shell05:13
cablopmaybe this is the reason?05:13
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George_HarrisonI guess I'm just confusing myself, I thought lpq was just a lib of ld. hmm..05:13
sdghsghI see, but 2.6.12 I mean not 2.6.10 that works05:13
sdghsghthats all fine05:13
_jasonAntMaz: adduser user_name admin05:13
dleakant - 'apt-cache show procmail' shows more.05:13
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varsplease help me.... i am a loyal ubuntu user, i just need to know how to apt-get install xserver-xorg05:13
sdghsghits the new ones 2.6.1505:13
varson a debian system05:13
George_Harrisonhmm dpkg did it05:13
rewt_hatake_kakashi, says the page does not exist yet05:13
XenguyGeorge_Harrison: it's also an old printing command05:13
cablopi cant start some graphic applications as a difernet user from my session nor start a new session05:14
George_HarrisonI feel stupid now.. heh05:14
amphivars: backports.org05:14
XenguyGeorge_Harrison: (views the print queue)05:14
_jasonAntMaz: adduser will let you add a user to (strangely enough :P), read the man page for details05:14
AntMazadduser: Only root may add a user or group to the system.05:14
ubotuI guess mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:14
George_Harrison*thanks for helping me, not sarcasm05:14
_jasonAntMaz: right, use sudo05:14
XenguyGeorge_Harrison: np05:14
hatake_kakashirewt_: meh, well I suppose searching around on the site may help05:14
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varsamphi, i am using debian 3.105:14
amphivars: same here ;)05:14
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varswhat would my sources need to look like?05:15
cablophow can i go back to old kernel?05:15
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varscan you just send me your sources?05:15
amphivars: backports.org explains everything05:15
hatake_kakashiamphi and vars: maybe either one of you can help me with auto-resuming failed downloads in infinite loop until the file is successfully downloaded via apt-get? :)05:15
AntMazworked in shell but i cant load it up gnome to edit the groups and users05:15
amphivars: it's not only sources.list, there's pinning too05:15
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cablopcould i uninstall and old kernel and use a new one? how to do it?05:16
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cablopexcuse me05:16
instabinis there going to be a new package for azureus 2.405:16
rewt_can linux handle .zip files?05:17
cablopcopuld i uninstall a new kernel and go back no an older one? how?05:17
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dlikernel panic: VFS:Unable to mount root fs ,  I have root=/dev/sda2 on USB-hdd05:17
cabloprewt_ yes05:17
AntMazhow do i type to read the man in shell05:17
CrEePCOuld any one give me a hand with an external usb drive?05:17
George_Harrisonhmm the program lpq is a printing service (as indicated with it saying my HP printer was ready) but the -lpq switch for ld is still nowhere to be found05:17
AntMazgot it05:17
rewt_so how do i install a drive that was in a .zip folder?05:17
cablop!kernel uninstall05:17
ubotucablop: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:17
CrEePHere is the info I know so far http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/872605:17
hatake_kakashirewt_: unzip05:17
varshatake_kakashi, the only thing i've ever had a problem with is my server bing down and when it gets back up it automatically resumes.05:18
varsamphi, what does pinning do ?05:18
adubwhat version of orinoco drivers are used in the install of ubuntu 5.10/breezy05:18
cablopsdghsgh how can i install a kernel?05:18
dleCrEeP - What is the device?05:18
rewt_k i extracted it to my desktop05:19
sdghsghwell do an apt-cache to search for kernels available05:19
amphihatake_kakashi: just loop forever I guess, checking $? after each run of apt-get, and bail if $? is 005:19
cablopthe kernel is the package named linux-image-xxxxxxx????05:19
sdghsghor you could download the source and use onf of those05:19
sdghsghcablop yes05:19
CrEePIts an ide hdd in a enclouser05:19
rewt_it has a .exe file?05:19
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rewt_can i run those?05:19
Xenguy!tell vars about pinning05:19
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cablopin synaptic there are some packages with the ubuntu logo as a left sided icon05:19
hatake_kakashivars: hmm what I mean is with apt-get, whenever I download updates, etc it gets the file, but some files you get connection timed out, I was looking for a way to make apt-get reget that file constantly even after several connection timed out attempts until the file has finnished downloading before progressing on05:19
CrEePdle: it usto work but I went to look at some files on the drive and noticed it was not auto mounting any longer... /dev/sda is no longer there either05:20
varsoh... i don't know then05:20
cablopin synaptic there are some packages with the ubuntu logo as a left sided icon, what are them?05:20
Xenguyhatake_kakashi: apt-get does that by default05:20
amphihatake_kakashi: apt-get should return non-zero if it doesn't d/l and install all the packages it intended to05:20
rewt_i found a ndiswrapper driver i guess for my card, but the file inside the folder is a .exe05:20
rewt_isnt that fr windows?05:20
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hatake_kakashiXenguy: for mine when I deal with dist-upgrade it doesn't it goes on with the next file, which is giving me a bit of a concern05:21
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hatake_kakashirewt_: yes you can run that through wine05:21
carpediemrewt_: ndiswrapper wraps windows drivers, but the driver should be a .inf05:21
amphirewt_: it might be a self-extracting zip archive, which I think is unpackable manually in linux05:21
Xenguyhatake_kakashi: hrm, I was thinking 'apt-get install'; not sure about dist-upgrade05:22
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rewt_i dunno i got it from this site....http://ndiswrapper.sourceforge.net/mediawiki/index.php/List05:22
amphirewt_: you may need to find the offset of the zip header in the file or something, I've never had to do it05:22
hatake_kakashiamphi: odd05:22
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rewt_and I looked for Presario (V2000Z)05:22
AntMazsystem use the same as admin?05:22
rewt_if anyone wouldnt mind looking at the link and file i downloaded05:23
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hatake_kakashiXenguy: on big apt-get install such as apt-get install kubuntu-desktop for example, it still continues even though if it fails to download05:23
Nunquam_FidelisHow do you run the X server from the terminal?05:23
_parteif i do "make" i get this errors -> http://pastebin.com/557159  what they could mean? Thank You!05:23
rewt_Nunquam_Fidelis, start x05:23
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kyowhat the heck is the difference between horray and breezy? (LOL)05:23
Xenguyhatake_kakashi: hrm, maybe I'm generalizing from single-file data :-)05:23
Nunquam_Fidelisrewt_: ty05:24
rewt_Nunquam_Fidelis, no problem.05:24
FlannelKingkyo, versions.  Hoary is the older version, Breezy is the newest release.  It's six months younger.05:24
varshey i get malformed line blah bla (dist parse)05:24
rewt_Can someone please take a look at that file and help me?05:24
XenguyNunquam_Fidelis: startx  ?05:24
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wastrelkyo:  hoary and breezy are names for different versions of ubuntu05:24
kyoI see05:24
hatake_kakashiXenguy: probably05:24
carpediemrewt_: for which card?05:24
heliotropei installed the essential-build, (i think), how do i access it?05:25
kyohow do I check whats my version?05:25
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Xenguykyo: breezy = current05:25
_6ix_Hi, I was wondering if someone could me getting on the internet with Ubuntu.  I have Samba installed, but it fails to find an address name every time05:25
hatake_kakashivars: you didn't have complete info under sources.list I presume?05:25
carpediemrewt_: the 3c410.exe file?05:25
tonyyarussokyo: cat /etc/issue05:25
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wastrelkyo:  lsb_release -a05:25
kyo5.04 horay hedgehog05:25
rewt_Broadcom BCM9431805:25
kyoso ... but I updated05:25
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kyohow come it isn't breezy05:25
rewt_carp no05:26
dle_parte - It looks like it's expecting a header file mysql.h that it can't find.05:26
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pschulz01Can anyone point me to a packaging tutorial for ubuntu?05:26
Xenguykyo: how did you upgrade then?05:26
adubhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8725       <--------  im getting that make error trying to patch the orinoco classic gold drivers05:26
_6ix_I'm using a netgear router, and windoze picks up the network connection fine automatically.  I have the eth0 connection set for DHCP, but to no avail05:26
_parteho and where i have to put it dle?05:26
kyoXenguy, synaptic05:26
tonyyarussokyo: Did you change your sources first?05:26
Mabus06Is it possible for attackers to view the external IP of my router with a wifi card if they're within difference? How, and how can I prevent it?05:27
dle_parte - You probaly need the mysql-dev package of someting like that.05:27
amphihatake_kakashi: something like: while true; do apt-get upgrade; if [ $? = 0 ] ; then break; done05:27
kyotonyyarusso, not sure ... I don't think so05:27
hatake_kakashiamphi: thanks, going to note that down and try that next time05:27
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kyoso how would I go about updating ubuntu to the lastest ver05:27
rewt_carpediem, it is the Broadcom BCM94318 Card. Came with my Presario V200005:27
tonyyarussokyo: That would be why.05:27
DCCOLESDL version 1.2.3 not found05:27
DCCOLEhow do i fix this???05:27
rewt_carpediem, I'm trying to get it working.05:27
hatake_kakashikyo: you need to change those words 'hoary' to 'breezy'05:27
tonyyarussokyo: Edit your /etc/apt/sources.list, and replace all instances of hoary to breezy.05:27
kyoI see05:28
amphihatake_kakashi: er, while true; do apt-get upgrade; if [ $? = 0 ] ; then break; fi; done05:28
carpediemrewt_: which file though, you gave a page with many05:28
amphihatake_kakashi: I think05:28
_partei dont have mysql on my server i have on another05:28
tonyyarussokyo: And then you'll have to make sure to do "Smart Upgrade"05:28
rewt_carpediem, hit ctrl+f and look for Broadcom BCM9431805:28
Xenguy!tell kyo about breezy05:28
dle_parte : if it's not on the machine on which you're building this thing, you won't succeed.05:28
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DCCOLESDL version 1.2.3 not found05:28
kyook I'm editing the sources.list now05:28
carpediemrewt_: how about pasting in a link to the ACTUAL file05:28
DCCOLEhelp me with this error SDL version 1.2.3 not found05:29
rewt_carpediem, ftp://ftp.support.acer-euro.com/notebook/ferrari_4000/driver/winxp64bit/80211g.zip05:29
Xenguykyo: you may wish to back it up too05:29
CrEePdle: dmesg is not showing any thing out of the ordanery in any thing relaited to usb or scsi its all loaded fine05:29
_parteso i have do had mysql on my server?05:29
_parteis it hard to set up ?05:29
rewt__parte,  no05:29
kyook I'm following the ubuntu faq for the source.list edit05:29
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kyoI can't seem to bring up sources.list05:30
_parteok ./configure , make, make install ? :p05:30
_6ix_Synaptic seems to be working...it looks like its downloaded and installed a couple of files, but I can't resolve any servers to get online05:30
tonyyarussokyo: Needs sudo.05:30
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carpediemrewt_: that's the zip.  Inside is an .inf.  That's the file you need.05:30
dle_parte: you're probably best off just using packages for the mysql stuff.05:30
kyotonyyarusso, , it is sudo. I had it opened but it lagg so I had to force quit it05:30
DCCOLEsudo Gedit /etc/apt/sources.list05:30
kyognome semi-lags for me05:30
Xenguy_parte: use packages :-)05:30
rewt_carpediem, okay so how do i do it? ive never manually installed something on linux05:30
kyoack, looks like a reboot time05:31
_6ix_I just need to use DHCP to access the internet through my router, right?05:31
dlewhat Xenguy said.05:31
carpediemrewt_: you installed ndiswrapper?05:31
DCCOLEi need help05:31
_parteye but i dont find apt-get install mysql05:31
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DCCOLESDL version 1.2.3 not found05:31
Xenguywhat dle said :-)05:31
tonyyarussokyncani: Uh oh.05:31
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rewt_carpediem,  not yet lemme grab it really fast05:31
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carpediemrewt_: the one you need is "ndiswrapper-utils"05:31
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Mordofanyone here ever played warcraft 3 in wine? i need som help with some minor config issues.. (cursor icon, slow gameplay on a 6800xt video card)05:32
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rewt_carpediem,  thanks05:33
rewt_carpediem, for the -utils part05:33
_6ix_Anyone feel like helping a complete noob?05:33
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rewt_carpediem, okay i got it05:33
rewt_carpediem, now what05:33
Mordof_6ix_, with?05:33
dle_6ix_ : Xenguy does.05:33
carpediemrewt_: okay, have you extracted the .inf file?05:33
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zebraFusionis there a way to launch an application from terminal05:33
DCCOLESDL version 1.2.305:33
DCCOLESDL version 1.2.305:33
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zebraFusionand have it close the terminal after it launches05:33
carpediemrewt_: do you know how to use the command line?05:34
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rewt_i know how to get to it05:34
zebraFusionlike... running Azureus from terminal, and have the terminal close without the program closing first05:34
KyoI just restarted now my computer boots up in bash05:34
Kyohow do i start gnome from bash?05:34
carpediemrewt_: can you change (in the command line) to the directory that you placed the .inf in?05:34
Kyoer, bash shell?05:34
MordofKyo, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start05:34
dleKyo: gdm05:34
carpediemrewt_: okay, let me know when you have05:34
XenguyKyo: or failing that, 'startx'  ?05:35
_neo_how do i check for installed modules or applications?05:35
KyoI had to do 'sudo gdm'05:35
_6ix_Sorry, I need help getting onto the internet05:35
Xenguy_neo_: lsmod for modules05:35
Mordoflol, Xenguy yeah... maybe i shouldnt be helping out05:35
_6ix_I just installed 5.10 last night, and I can't get it configured right05:35
Mordofim still kinda new myself05:35
_neo_how about applications?05:35
rewt_carpediem, it's not working05:35
Mordof_6ix_, what kind of internet do you have?05:36
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carpediemrewt_: what isnt?05:36
_6ix_DSL, run through a netgear router05:36
bimberi_neo_: dpkg -l | grep ^ii05:36
zebraFusionwhen I run sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start05:36
rewt_carpediem, says syntax error near unexpectedtoken `('05:36
zebraFusionI get a fail on starting Gnome Display manager05:36
rewt_when I try to open the folder that is on my desktop05:36
_6ix_I have eth0 set for DHCP, and Samba is installed05:36
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carpediemrewt_: where did you put the inf?05:36
zebraFusionthis RANDOMLY happened to where when I booted, I'd get the login screen05:36
XenguyMordof: if you can help, help :-)05:36
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zebraFusionthen just a blank brown background05:36
rewt_its on my desktop in the folder it came with05:36
Mordof_6ix_, ahh, mine config'd automatically, sorry05:36
carpediemrewt_: okay, type cd ~/Desktop05:36
_neo_xenguy & bimberi, thanks05:37
DCCOLEokay i need help with SDL05:37
bimberi_neo_: np :)05:37
MordofXenguy, heh, k. ill try, since ive gotten so much help lately its not even funny. on the good side of things i managed to get warcraft 3 running on battle.net in wine!05:37
_6ix_I have two NICs in my computer.  Should I take one out to make sure it uses the one the ethernet is plugged into?05:37
DCCOLEwhat is it and how do i get it05:37
XenguyMordof: enjoy05:37
carpediemrewt_: then type "cd W" then hit the TAB key, and it will autocomplete05:37
Mordof_6ix_, er... ifconfig should show some info about your ethernet devices05:37
dlezebraFusion - no Gnome?05:37
rewt_carpediem, Okay I typed it and  it opened the dir05:37
Mordof_6ix_, though i dont know what you would be looking for...05:38
=== BigDaddy [n=paul@ppp-69-214-49-155.dsl.dytnoh.ameritech.net] has joined #ubuntu
BigDaddynickrud - where are you?05:38
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Xenguy_6ix_: you want 'pppoe' I expect05:38
carpediemrewt_: now type "sudo ndiswrapper -i bcmwl5.inf"   When it asks for a password, put YOUR password in.05:38
MordofXenguy, hes running through a router05:38
XenguyMordof: but he needs pppoe, yes?05:39
_6ix_Not PPPOE, because it's run through the router, so I don't need to put in the login/pass for my internet05:39
MordofXenguy, oh nm, lol. ive never had to do this, i forgot what pppoe was there for a second, yeah05:39
rewt_carpediem, Installing bcmwl505:39
rewt_Forcing parameter IBSSGMode|0 to IBSSGMode|205:39
DCCOLEhow do i install a deb file05:39
_6ix_let me go run ifconfig05:39
Xenguy_6ix_: /me shrugs05:39
DCCOLEor use a .deb file05:39
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GigaClonDCCOLE, dpkg05:40
Mordofgah.. me and my misleading attempts at help :S05:40
XenguyDCCOLE: dpkg -i (or else use apt-get install)05:40
snoozyxhow can i make the fonts in firefox smaller (that one from gtk2)?05:40
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Mordofi can tell you right now hes gonna be running in circles for a bit, lol05:40
mebaran151_my nforce ethernet will not dhcp05:40
mebaran151_what might I do05:40
BigDaddyDamn - does anyone here talk to nickrud frequently?05:40
carpediemrewt_: okay....now you have it installed.  type "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"05:40
adubhow hard is it to get ndiswrapper to work with orinoco gold card and will the card have monitor mode05:40
mebaran151_I just installed it05:40
MordofXenguy, do you know how to disable one of the ethernet cards he has plugged in?05:40
Kyoin souce.list, should I update to breezy  or dapper?05:41
mebaran151_and eht0 is created with module forced eth05:41
_6ix_Hmm....ifconfig doesn't tell me all that much05:41
GigaClonbreezy, dapper is unstable05:41
XenguyMordof: ifdown and ifup ?05:41
mebaran151_but nothing ... works05:41
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Kyobreezy it is then05:41
XenguyMordof: or ifconfig if need be05:41
Mordof_6ix_, as i suspected, sorry.. im still kind of new but doing my best to help out, lol05:41
Nunquam_FidelisOk, a friend of mine is having problems running X. When he runs X, he gets an error, "No screens found."05:41
_6ix_I appreciate it05:41
_6ix_Don't worry about it05:41
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MordofXenguy, _6ix_ has 2 nics...05:41
Mordofno idea how to disable one of them05:42
_6ix_I've never used Linux before, WinXP was dying, thought I'd finally get around to trying a flavor of it05:42
_6ix_Well, there's always the hard disable.05:42
BigDaddyif anyone sees nickrud, tell him I finally got the damned nvidia driver working. I have my 1280x1024 res back05:42
carpediemadub: it's not that hard to get ndiswrapper set up (although I have no idea about *That* card)05:42
_6ix_Pop one out of the PCI slot05:42
Mordof_6ix_, true... 1 sec though ill check system stuff05:42
rewt_carpediem, that all i do and it will do rest from there?05:42
mebaran151so what can I do about my nforce ethernet05:42
DCCOLEWhat is SDL05:42
XenguyMordof: I thought I just answered that :-)  Anyway, just unplug 1 if need be05:42
rewt_carpediem, okay now what05:42
_6ix_Alright, thanks05:42
adubcarpediem will ndis get monitor mode working05:42
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carpediemrewt_: did you do that last step?05:42
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MordofXenguy, yeah but i have no idea how to utilize those, tell _6ix_ how to do it specifically since he has to run to another computer :P05:43
rewt_carpediem, said     [ok] 05:43
mebaran151DCCOLE, SDL is kind of like DirectX; it provides a platform against which dev's can write games, plattes and so on05:43
Kyook so I'm working on the sources.list right now ... in things like deb http etc ... do I put # in front it or not? Because I want the multiverse stuff.05:43
mebaran151it gives them an API for sound and video05:43
carpediemadub: I don't know with that card.  But if you have the .inf its a two minute process.05:43
DCCOLEDo u know how to set it up????05:43
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mebaran151DCCOLE, why do you want to set it up05:43
DCCOLEPlease i want to run some games but it says i need it05:43
carpediemrewt_: okay....now you have it installed.  type "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart"05:43
carpediemrewt_: that part05:43
varshow do i set up xserver?05:43
adubcarpediem sounds like the ticket then cause i have the infs05:43
varsreconfigure it?05:43
mebaran151you apt-get a bit05:43
rewt_carpediem, already did that05:43
Mordofnows a time for wiki!05:43
carpediemadub: sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils05:44
Nunquam_FidelisOk, a friend of mine is having problems running X. When he runs X, he gets an error, "No screens found."05:44
Xenguy_6ix_: for example 'ifdown eth1' should disable 1 of the cards (check with 'ifconfig -a')05:44
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carpediemrewt_: are you online?05:44
GigaClonDCCOLE, SDL is the Open Source answer to DirectX05:44
GullyFoyleDCCOLE apt-get install libSDL05:44
adubcarpediem now i have the card working fine in linux i just want monitor mode working but05:44
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synackuatorhow do I set my screen resolution to native when my kernel is loading?05:44
varsreconfigure it?05:44
varshow do i set up xserver?05:44
adubi want to still be able to get online of coarse05:44
GullyFoyleDCCOLE apt-cache search first05:44
rewt_carpediem, yes but with my external wireless card05:44
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rewt_i carpediem i want to use my interna;05:44
adubdo i need to remove the linux drivers carpediem05:44
GigaClonbut if you need SDL it will be install when you install something that needs it05:45
carpediemadub: I have no idea, I've only done ndiswrapper when I had no other choice.05:45
DCCOLEi need to update from hoary to breezy???05:45
Xenguy!tell DCCOLE about breezy05:45
carpediemrewt_: well, type iwconfig and see what you have05:45
adubcarpediem  ok  i have it installed how do i set this up05:45
KyoI replace breezy in place of hoary, now I get errors when I try to update in 'apt-get dist-upgrade' :(05:45
MordofXenguy, heh.. figured id give ifconfig -a a try, and i have sit0 (IPv6) that does nothing.. whats that all about05:45
Kyo!tell kyo about breezy05:45
carpediemrewt_: don't paste the output here05:45
rewt_carpediem, i only see my external on iwconfig05:45
Kyoheh heh05:45
Xenguy!tell DCCOLE about ALLCAPNICKS05:46
=== TrevorP [n=trevorp@203-49-184-223.dsl.dodo.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
DCCOLEHAHA already got the updat for breezy thanks05:46
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carpediemadub: cd to the dir with your inf, and type "sudo iwconfig -i myInf.inf"05:46
Mordofisnt DCCOLE a giant abbreviation?05:46
Mordofin which case is justified for being in all caps..05:46
farous kyo did you update your source litst after changing your source file05:46
dleXenguy - I remember Al Capnick.05:46
carpediemrewt_: sec....05:46
farousKyo: apt-get update05:46
DCCOLEDavid Cool Cole05:46
DCCOLEBut there is another trem05:47
Xenguydle: good ol' Al :-)05:47
adubcarpediem my command to view ip is ifconfig i never use iwocnfig but i would on that command line for this ndiswrapper??05:47
mebaran151anyone here know alot about dhcp05:47
dleXenguy - Actually he was kind of a prick, I thought?05:47
_6ix_ifdown to disable....got it...cigarette break, then i'll try it05:47
mebaran151and why its packets might fail on a an nforce4 gigabit ethernet chipset05:47
Xenguydle: it stands to reason05:47
Xenguy_6ix_: man ifdown for details05:48
carpediemadub: you can...but I was talking to rewt_ about ndiswrapper too05:48
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rewt_carpediem, did you get that last message? Only my external is showing up. >.<05:48
DCCOLEi have a deb file for SDL05:48
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carpediemrewt_: open System > Administration > Networking05:48
Mordofyay for wiki ubuntu! found how to monitor ALL internet activity on my network :D05:48
carpediemadub: did you run the inf install command?05:48
rewt_carpediem, its open now what05:49
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farousMordof: netstat in a command line and do a man to see what you need i normall use netstat -tup05:49
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carpediemrewt_: do you see both interfaces?05:49
rewt_carpediem, Nope only my eth1 which is my orinoco classic gold external05:49
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Kyoha ha ha ... you guys rock!05:49
XenguyMordof: which tool?05:49
carpediemrewt_: hmmm05:49
Kyoubuntu is updating to breezy =)05:49
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carpediemrewt_:  don't worry, we'll get this figured out05:50
adubif i chmod 777 how can i make it go down an entire directory tree for each file and folder05:50
carpediemadub: add -R05:50
MordofXenguy, ipac-ng... but it errored on me when installing :S i dunno, somethin with my ip_tables05:51
rewt_carpediem, cool :)05:51
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kostashello guys I would like to ask how can I remove a file from my desktop which says me I do not have the permissions to delete it...05:51
ubotumethinks composite is at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20769 -- make sure you read the whole thread.05:51
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mazatldoes ubuntu have a 1.0.5 package for firefox?05:52
carpediemrewt_: give me a minute or two to look at my other system that's running ndiswrapper05:52
mazatlI mean 1.505:52
GigaClonkostas, open a terminal, get to your desktop and then sudo rm file,05:52
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Xenguymazatl: there's a HOWTO but I can't vouch for it (didn't work for me)05:53
GigaClonuse your password when promted05:53
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djznhow do configure GTK 1.x apps to look better05:53
rage`Hey guys :D05:53
dlihow to force kernel to probe USB hdd partitions for root fs05:53
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djznGTK 1.x apps have their font extremely HUGE05:53
Xenguy!tell mazatl about ff1.505:53
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GigaClon!tell me about ff1.505:53
farousmazat it will be in the repos when dapper is out but not in breezy repos05:53
mazatldapper is when?05:54
cyphasehow do you make sure a module loads on boot05:54
ubotufarous: I don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/05:54
cyphasewhich config file does it fo in?05:54
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quatschevening everyone05:54
farous!dapper drake05:54
ubotudapper drake is probably the 4th release for Ubuntu (ver. 6.04). For goals see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperGoals. To try without removing/breaking breezy see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot. see warnings !dapper05:54
dleXenguy - Have you successfully updated today?05:54
Kyowhats the command to check my version?05:54
wastrelcyphase:  /etc/modules05:54
sdghsghhmm, this is wierd, it worked gnome did 2.6.15-14 but ... now it says that it failed to load fglrx05:54
Xenguydle: to what?05:54
farousapril 2006 mazatl05:55
sdghsghwhen clearly fglrx module exists in /lib/modules05:55
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dleXenguy - security stuff, USN.05:55
instabinhaving prob with azureus ... wont download to usb hard drive thinks there is not enough space but there is 40 gig free05:55
cyphasewastrel, so create the folder?05:55
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Xenguydle: I stay pretty regular - much easier with Ubu than Sid :-)05:55
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dleXenguy: And...05:56
mazatl2 months is a long time to wait for a firefox 1.5 build05:56
KyoI upgraded ... how come it still says horray?05:56
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wastrelcyphase /etc/modules is a file you put the name of modules you want autostarted in it05:56
cyphaseah, file05:56
cyphaseright :)05:56
farousmazat you can see ubotu link and you can just download from their site and use it directly05:56
wastrelcyphase:  the actual module goes with the rest of the modules for that kernel version05:56
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carpediemrewt_: allright, try this.  Type "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper" in a terminal05:56
cyphasewastrel, yea05:57
dleXenguy - there were several issued today: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn  But the reps don't seem to be updated. ??05:57
cyphasewastrel, the module in question is ndiswrapper05:57
mzuverinkcan anyone tell me what the password is for webmin on a new install, root it says in the install note is the user name, but it did not specify a password?05:57
farousKyo: yo need to restart05:57
Kyonew version 2.10.1-0ubuntu1 <-- is this the lastest version05:57
Kyofarous: oh really ..05:57
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farouskyo but before that sudo apt-get update05:57
Kyofarous: I did05:57
farouswill take you some time05:57
farousok you need to restart to boot to the new kernel05:57
rewt_carpediem, okay i typed it in05:57
wastrelcyphase:  so yeah just put  ndiswrapper  in /etc/modules05:57
_jasonubotu: tell mzuverink about webmin05:57
cyphasewastrel, i know :)05:58
Xenguydle: I merely assume that the great ubu gawds are on top of these things; are you suggesting they're not then?05:58
cyphasewastrel, thanx05:58
Kyook rebooting ..05:58
carpediemrewt_: anything new in iwconfig?05:58
dleXenguy - Well it kinda looks that way.  Why issue notices if the reps stay unchanged?05:58
Xenguydle: makes sense...05:58
Xenguydle: I haven't seen many security updates recently now that you mention it05:59
rewt_carpediem, YES!05:59
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rewt_carpediem, wlan0 is there now05:59
Xenguydle: unless I'm just doing something wrong05:59
carpediemrewt_: great05:59
Mordofhmmm... odd, i go to watch a movie, and the sound is horribly out of sync with the video05:59
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ubotuXenguy: Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/06:00
carpediemrewt_: Go into Setting > Administration > Networking, set wlan0 as your Default Gateway, and then you can remove your external06:00
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peejMordof: dubbed movie?06:00
rewt_carpediem, will i have to do that everytime i login?06:00
Mordofpeej, they work fine in windows and on tv06:00
Mordofpeej, i have no idea what you mean by "dubbed"06:00
amphiMordof: how out of sync? in mplayer you could use +/- to adjust A/V sync06:00
carpediemrewt_:  you shouldnt, no.  It should set it up automatically, but if not let me know and we'll work on it more.06:00
Mordofamphi, over 1 second away06:01
Mordofamphi, like 2 or 3 seconds off06:01
rewt_carpediem, okay im going to enable this then reboot my computer and see what happens...ill be back in a minute or 5 :-P06:01
carpediemrewt_: great, I'll keep my fingers crossed06:02
mzuverink_jason:now it has blocked me for too many auth failures, how long does that last?06:02
rewt_carpediem, you and I both. :-P06:02
_jasonmzuverink: no idea06:02
Mordofamphi, im dling mplayer now though06:02
NCLifei would like to have azureus loading at startup, how could i do that?06:02
farousNCLife: admin > pref > session > startup progs06:03
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adubmy usb drive i can no  longer write to i can only read06:03
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carpediemadub: even as root06:04
carpediemadub:  ?06:04
KyoI updated, but it still says ... horay06:04
vwguy337Mordof: did you get everything working last night?06:04
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Mordofvwguy337, not last night, its all working today though :006:04
adubcarpediem i can as root06:04
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NCLifefarous, my azureus is just an executable, i must run it at a terminal every time06:04
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vwguy337Mordof: awesome...  =] 06:04
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adubbut what would i put in fstab to mount as read/write/execute06:05
extraneuswhats up all06:05
Mordofvwguy337, when i installed before the update, it then overwrote my nvidia install.. the updates included an nvidia driver update (with the crap version from repos)06:05
vwguy337hi extraneus06:05
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carpediemadub: I don't have the exact info, but you need to get hotplug to mount it with user rw.  There are ways, but I don't remember how.06:05
Mordofvwguy337, so when i then proceeded to install my new drivers, there was a driver conflict issue06:05
XenguyNCLife: Preferences>Sessions>Startup06:05
NCLifefarous, is there a way to get azureus as a normal programm?06:05
vwguy337Mordof: nice06:05
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farousXenguy: that is exact what i said06:06
Mordofvwguy337, which is why it kept telling me i had the wrong version, som guy, Tomi- i think his name was, discovered that for me and sent me to a guide to fix it06:06
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Kyowhen was breezy released?06:06
farousNCLife: what do you mean i can not quite understand06:06
Mordofvwguy337, now that thats done, i get anywhere from 500-3000 fps in screensavers, lmao06:06
Xenguyfarous: excellent06:06
btnI just installed FIrefox 1.5 using the wiki instructions and when opening firefox it goes to mcdonalds homepage...06:06
vwguy337Mordof: 500-3000???  holy crap!06:06
Mordofvwguy337, fullscreen 1600x1200, yeah06:06
Mordofvwguy337, THAT is why i wanted my drivers installed so badly ;)06:06
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btnIs that some kind of trojan ?06:06
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vwguy337Mordof: i repeat myself...HOLY CRAP!  lol06:07
=== Mordof hugs his 6800xt
Xenguybtn: very funny06:07
Mordofnow only used for screensavers and warcraft 306:07
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=== vwguy337 's laptop can only do 1024x768
adubgez it use to work now all of a sudden doesnt work06:07
XenguyMordof: sure you do, it's working now ;-)06:07
NCLifefarous, i mean it is just a shell script that i have to load on a terminal to run it.. i dont have it on the programms menu06:07
farousNCLife: any program that you run is an executable that you can run in a terminal. unluss you need special env. var for azures06:07
Mordofyeah just wait till its not working06:07
spazzzI hate my joystick.  jsconfig says it works and is calibrated correctly.  But when I try to use it in Linux it dosen't see any Axis Imputs06:07
Mordofgonna pount it into the floor06:07
spazzzjscalibration i mean not config06:08
jodanlimehas anybody gotten mythtv to work?06:08
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farousNCLife: it will work fine Admin>pref>session>startup06:08
vwguy337now if i could only get my wireless working...i'd have a fully working system!06:08
farousNCLife: just give it the right path06:08
spazzzdoes anyone have any idea's?  I've had this up on the forums for days and no one can seem to help06:08
farousNCLife: where do you run azurus from which dir06:08
carpediemvwguy337: what's wrong with your wireless06:08
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vwguy337carpediem: acx111...LOL06:09
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spazzzok for a day but it feels like days *heh*06:09
NCLifefarous, from ~/programms/azureus$06:09
jodanlimehelp me on mythtv anyone?06:09
NCLifethen ./azureus06:09
=== cyphase hates services that use your email as your user ID
NCLifethats what i have to write on the terminal each time06:09
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farousNCLife: you can also execute it as !/programms/azuresus/azureus06:10
adubrw,nosuid,noexec,nodev,umask=000            <---- i have those options for my usb flash drive when i mount it ......the mount goes fine no errors but normal user can not write to teh drive??????06:10
vwguy337carpediem: honestly, tho...i  have a Linksys pcmcia card with the acx111 chipset and i just can't get it to work06:10
spazzzdoes no one have any idea's?06:10
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farousNCLife: sorry ment you can also execute it as ~/programms/azuresus/azureus06:10
carpediemvwguy337: ah.06:10
farousNCLife: just put it this way in your startup programs list and it will work06:10
NCLifefarous, merci :)06:11
farousuw :)06:11
Mordofgah! whats with video players and not synching with the audio automatically :S:S06:11
X-GueStany one got able to install intel i915 drivers ?06:11
vwguy337carpediem: yeah...unhappy...  but i installed ndiswrapper tonight...and it's working with wifiradar, but not getting an IP06:11
K-richDamn, i spent all night getting php4 working with apache206:11
MordofX-GueSt, good lucjk06:11
sdghsghI can modprobe fglrx, yet xserver-xorg complains that fglrx module cannot be found06:11
sdghsghthis is really od06:11
carpediemvwguy337: oh, hmm, weird.06:12
carpediemvwguy337: dhcp?06:12
MordofK-rich, did you get it working? i know how if you didnt06:12
vwguy337carpediem: yep06:12
X-GueStMordof, ?06:12
X-GueStI got it working with i810 drivers06:12
X-GueStalready installed on dapper06:12
MordofX-GueSt, my intel modem wasnt supported by linux drivers Intel 586 or w/e, and some guy had to help me make some06:12
carpediemvwguy337: have you tried "sudo dhclient wlan0"   replace wlan0 with your interface06:12
X-GueStjust needed to put on driver on xorg i81006:12
MordofX-GueSt, oh ok, yours is supported more than mine is i guess06:12
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jodanlimecan somebody help me with mythtv?06:13
vwguy337carpediem: actually...i hadn't thought of that...i'm kinda burned out on the computer today...06:13
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faroussdghsgh: which kernel you are running06:13
adubi dont get it my cmoputer has a mind of its own this stuff did work fine no all of a sudden it doesnt06:13
carpediemvwguy337: okay, try it some other time06:13
adubim mounting as rw06:13
NCLifefarous, i closed azureus and tried to opened it with ~/programms/azuresus/azureus in the terminal, but it says "No such file or directory06:13
heliotropeif i installed the build-essential package, how do i access the applications (my first day)06:13
faroussdghsgh: and you compiled from source06:13
sdghsghi generated debs from installer06:13
_jasonheliotrope: which applications?06:14
carpediemheliotrope: uh, "make"06:14
farousNCLife: check your speilling06:14
heliotrope_jason, things like gpp06:14
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vwguy337carpediem: just meant that i am not thinking clearly...i just ran it and it's doing a bunch of stuff...06:14
_jasonheliotrope: do you mean g++?06:14
heliotrope_jason, yeah sorry06:14
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_jasonheliotrope: they are command line tools06:14
heliotrope_jason, how do i use it?06:14
carpediemvwguy337: oh06:15
Xenguy!tell heliotrope about cli06:15
_jasonheliotrope: g++ file.cpp06:15
faroussdghsgh: did you follow the howto on the ubuntu wiki you need to compile kernel modules. Any way might be a kernel problem am not sure06:15
carpediemvwguy337: any errors?06:15
adub_jason do you know how to get my usb drive working right it use to work now all of a sudden normal user can not write to drive i dont knwo what happened06:15
faroussdghsgh: ownerx did set it up though on the new ver of the kernel06:15
sdghsghfarous, I did, it could be a kernel problem but others have got it working06:15
K-richMordof, yeah but not sure how, want to fill me in?06:15
_jasonadub: is it in fstab?06:15
jodanlimeanybody know anything about mythtv?06:15
adubi have rebooted shutdown computer remounting 1000 times still nothing regular user can not do anything06:15
heliotrope_jason, is that what i type?06:15
sdghsghyes ... I followed the steps though06:15
vwguy337carpediem: not that i saw...it ended up getting a "bound to" ip addy, but i don't see anything in it when i run iwconfig06:15
_jasonheliotrope: that will compile file.cpp, read the link ubotu gave you for more info on cli06:16
NCLifefarous, you were right :P06:16
adub_jason i have that in options i havent raellly changed anything06:16
heliotrope_jason, ohh, is there a c++ IDE for ubuntu?06:16
farousNCLife: use tab complettion will me much easier this way06:16
adubit just all of a sudden stopped working06:16
_jasonheliotrope: anjuta is one06:16
carpediemvwguy337: could you pm me the output of iwconfig?06:17
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adubi have tried chmod -R  and it stated the drive is read-only06:17
heliotrope_jason, would you recommend it?06:17
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NCLifeyes, ill do06:17
jodanlime!help with mythtv06:17
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_jasonheliotrope: it's the only one I have tried, I prefer to use a text editor and the command line though06:17
vwguy337carpediem: sure...give me a minute...06:17
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heliotrope_jason, ok, how would i go about installing things like anjuta?06:17
_jasonheliotrope: it is in the repositories, do you know about synaptic?06:17
_jasonadub: what options?06:18
heliotrope_jason, very little06:18
spazzzOk let me ask this then06:18
_jason!info anjuta06:18
Xenguyheliotrope: sudo apt-get install anjuta06:18
ubotuanjuta: (A GNOME development IDE, for C/C++), section universe/gnome, is optional. Version: 1.2.4-1 (breezy), Packaged size: 872 kB, Installed size: 2124 kB06:18
carpediemvwguy337: or pastebin if you'd prefer.06:18
_jasonadub: add 'user'06:18
heliotrope_jason, k06:18
adubi use to have minus rw and it just always worked06:18
vwguy337carpediem: different machine...  :-(06:18
_jasonheliotrope: have you enabled universe?06:18
spazzzOn a whim I tried running the programs with root privilieges and the joypad axis controls work then06:18
carpediemvwguy337: ohh, okay...hmmm06:18
jodanlimehelp on mythtv?06:18
heliotrope_jason, i dont think so because i dont know what it is :\06:19
adubi had even tried that i changed it to that do i need nosuid still06:19
spazzzDoes anyone know why the axis controls on a device would work on a program under root and wouln't work on a standard account?06:19
_jasonubotu: tell heliotrope about universe06:19
vwguy337carpediemhang on...is that pastebin.com?06:19
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mebaran151dhcp seems to fail in Ubuntu with my nforce nic06:19
mebaran151what might be the issue06:19
carpediemvwguy337: then what did you mean when you said "but i don't see anything in it when i run iwconfig"06:19
_jasonheliotrope: it will give you access to a lot more programs (including anjuta), see the link ubotu sent you06:19
amphispazzz: permissions on the device file? perhaps your user needs to be in some group06:19
vwguy337carpediem: no ip addy06:19
carpediemvwguy337: you shouldn't in iwconfig.06:19
heliotrope_jason, thanks, ill read them over and return if i have any questions, thanks again06:19
_jasonheliotrope: sure, np06:20
spazzzamphi: What file would I need to look at to assess what privliges the device has?06:20
vwguy337carpediem: oh, really?  hmmm...06:20
carpediemvwguy337: ifconfig has the ip address06:20
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rewt__carpediem, hey im back06:20
zulfiqar_can anyone help me out configure external monitor on my IBM T40 laptop?06:20
carpediemrewt__: did it work?06:20
vwguy337carpediem: ok...next issue then...ifconfig lists the essid as someone else's...not my accesspoint that's sitting about 3 feet away06:20
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rewt__carpediem, yew, but I had to manually turn on the mod.06:21
farouszulfiqar_: ok what do you need to do exactly06:21
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MordofK-rich, oh sorry.. you want me to fill you in on how to set it up?06:21
farouszulfiqar_: running a t42 here06:21
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carpediemvwguy337: "sudo iwconfig wlan0 myEssid"06:21
MordofK-rich, was trying to get my videos working correctly... :S06:21
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carpediemrewt__: hmm, there's a way to fix that.....but I'm not thinking of it off the top of my head, let me think....06:21
vwguy337carpediem: now it says "off/any"06:21
amphispazzz: no idea about joysticks at all06:21
rewt__you have to add it to a file....06:22
zulfiqar_farous : i have a port replicator and samsung monitor .. i get the same resolution on my external monitor as my latops screen ... how can i configure it to get higher resolution?06:22
rewt__I had to do it for my sound too06:22
rewt__but i dont remember the file06:22
carpediemvwguy337: when I said myEssid, you need to put your own essid06:22
zulfiqar_farous, r u using a port replicator as well?06:22
=== amphi notes that there are a lot of thinkpads in this channel
vwguy337carpediem: i did...i put my essid in there06:22
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MordofK-rich, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PHP5Installation?highlight=%28PHP%29      that is php5... i dunno about 4. i know 4 has a different directory structure so im not sure, sorry06:22
farouszulfiqar_: what card do you have and what driver06:22
carpediemvwguy337: and it doesn't say yours, eh?  hmmm06:22
vwguy337carpediem: exactly06:23
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zulfiqar_farous, its a ATI radeon .. default driver!06:23
farouszulfiqar_: and nice nick :) where from friend06:23
Mosisomeone help! i  blew up yaboot! >_<06:23
zulfiqar_farous, oh I'm from Dubai , thanks!06:23
farouszulfiqar_: thought you are from the gulf06:23
rewt_carpediem, Back. :-P06:23
carpediemvwguy337: no wep/wpa set on the router?06:23
zulfiqar_farous, u r right!06:23
carpediemrewt_: but you are now running without the external right?06:23
amphiMosi: heh06:24
farouszulfiqar_: ok wait will give you a howto. am from egypt myself06:24
spazzzamphi: Alright thanks.  I don't think its permissions though.  I can use the BUTTONS on the controler under a standard account just not any of the AXIS parts.06:24
K-richMordof, yes please i have two more systems to set up and don't want the same issues06:24
rewt_carpediem, yes i am but i dont want to have to reconfigre it everytime i boot my machine06:24
carpediemrewt_: I know, but we've made good progress then06:24
MordofK-rich, do you need to use php4?06:24
zulfiqar_farous, thanx .. do you use a port replicator as well?06:24
vwguy337carpediem: open access point connected to a 4 port router connected to my cable modem06:24
MordofK-rich, or can you use 506:24
rewt_carpediem, and if I push my wireless button to turn off the wireless and push it again to turn it back on, it doesnt work, I have to manually reactivate and reconfigure it06:24
=== vwguy337 notes lots of wireless issues in here
carpediemrewt_: sounds like something hotplug is supposed to be managing.  Is hotplug running?06:25
amphizulfiqar_: what problem do you have with the port replicator?06:25
rewt_not sure?06:25
adubthis is commmpletely bonkers06:25
adubi didnt do anything to this drive and it just quits working06:25
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amphizulfiqar_: you might find info at http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/ThinkWiki06:26
carpediemrewt_: sec06:26
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zulfiqar_amphi, my external monitor is attched to the port replicator and unbutu takes the native 1024X768 resilution and doesnot let me incres it when i use external monitor06:26
farouszulfiqar_: nope i just attach the external monitor to the monitor plug in my note book, and here is the howto06:26
Mosiamphi: you know anything about yaboot?06:26
K-richI need php406:26
faroushmm i can not paset to the Eterm :(06:26
carpediemvwguy337: hmm, I'm running out of ideas to try.  Its very weird that you can connect to another essid, but not your own06:26
amphiMosi: I installed debian on an ibook once, that's about it06:26
heliotrope_jason, is this not free?06:26
vwguy337carpediem: im not even sure it's connected to the other one06:27
heliotrope_jason, when i changed it to multiverse it said 'non-free'06:27
carpediemrewt_: sec = second, as in "just a sec"06:27
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amphizulfiqar_: I think you need xorg.conf magic to differentiate the screens06:27
rewt_carpediem, oh okay06:27
rewt_carpediem, im trying to find that file to edit >.<06:27
zulfiqar_amphi, thats the point i donto know how to!06:27
zulfiqar_farous, thanks lemme see if i can find my solution there06:27
amphizulfiqar_: nor I - that url might have info on it, else try tldp.org06:28
farouszulfiqar_: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/additional_options_for_the_radeon_driver06:28
rewt_anyone know how to add a modto startup...like which file it is to edit?06:28
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carpediemrewt_: got it.  edit /etc/modules06:28
tonyyarussofarous: Whoa.  I need to spend more time on the ThinkWiki site.  There's all kinds of stuff there!06:28
carpediemrewt_: but that's not going to fix the button problem06:29
_jasonheliotrope: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/philosophy.html, it's not free as in speech06:29
rewt_just add ndiswrapper to it?06:29
new_hello i am new to ubuntu..i am stock in a 640x480 ..  can cange with xorgconfig...?06:29
=== Christopher [n=christop@69-168-246-71.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
_jasonheliotrope: more specifically, http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html06:29
carpediemrewt_: yep, as a separate line06:29
farouszulfiqar_: gladly this one is for the port replicators too06:30
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heliotrope_jason, oh so it's not talking money06:30
navynhey guys i got an ATI Radeon 9250, and this is the output of the glxgears benchmark, 2948 frames in 5.0 seconds = 589.500 FPS06:30
navyn, is this good or bad?06:30
carpediemnew_: have you tried changing resolutions in gnome? does it allow any others?06:31
_jasonheliotrope: nope, that would be ``free as in beer'' :)06:31
heliotrope_jason, rofl06:31
rewt_carpediem, okay that's all saved up and ready to go.06:31
rewt_carpediem, now for the button problem.06:31
heliotrope_jason, and i should do this to all updates titled (Universe)?06:31
zulfiqar_amphi, r u suing an external monitor as well?06:32
Mordofgrrr, i cant get my video working properly :S06:32
_jasonheliotrope: yes, to get multiverse06:32
carpediemrewt_: no idea about the button.  I have never had a laptop with internal wireless.  Sorry.06:32
heliotrope_jason, looks like i've got some work to do! haha06:32
Mordofwould i need to reinstall my libdvdcss and all my mpeg and divx codecs n stuff after i install my drivers?06:32
navyni have not done any of the ATI instructions from the forums, this is off the standard install06:32
MadpilotMordof: I don't think so06:32
_jasonheliotrope: ha, I think it should only be 406:32
carpediemrewt_: If you want to send me a laptop with internal wireless, I'd be happy to give it a whirl. ;)06:32
MordofMadpilot, k06:33
rewt_anyone running internal wireless here?06:33
MordofK-rich, your solution awaits:   http://easylinux.info/wiki/Ubuntu#How_to_install_PHP_for_Apache_HTTP_Server06:33
mebaran151I need to get my nforce nic running06:33
=== rewt_ chuckles at carpediem
mebaran151it seems as though it should be supported hardware06:33
zulfiqar_farous, r u using an external monitor as well?06:33
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farouszulfiqar_: only for presentation purposes06:33
=== Mordof shrugs
farousi use it in the dual head mode for that06:33
heliotrope_jason, dang you're good, it looked like an intimidating list at first06:33
tonyyarussorewt_: Yes, Intel Pro 2915 a/b/g, worked out of the box.06:34
amphizulfiqar_: no, never tried it06:34
new_man i need some help...!!!! how i change my screen rezolution?06:34
ubotuPlease read http://wiki.ubuntu.com/FixVideoResolutionHowto06:34
rewt_tonyyarusso, im using nsidwrapper or whatever it is....but if i push my wireless button when it's going I have to manually turn on the mod again and reactivate the card manually....if I push the button to turn it back on nothing happens?06:35
farouszulfiqar_: but there are many modes dual head, extended desktop and clone mode06:35
rewt_any idea?06:35
carpediemrewt_:  you might find something in the forums.06:35
tonyyarussorewt_: You might be able to find the script being run by the button event and add some modprobe lines, but I don't know the exact details.06:35
navynis 2948 frames in 5.0 seconds = 589.500 FPS for my ATI card good do you think, or should I follow the instructions in the forums?06:35
amphinavyn: that's a bit less than I get here with a Radeon Mobility 750006:36
amphinavyn: 3221 frames in 5.0 seconds = 643.983 FPS06:36
DUMAiSOamphi, how do I use a benchmark in ubuntu?06:36
farousnavyn: what card and how much mem06:36
zulfiqar_farous, how do u change resolutions then on the external monitor?06:36
amphiDUMAiSO: a benchmark?06:36
K-rich-mordof: can you tell of how to fix the php4 issue.?06:36
navynATI Radeon 9250 with 256 MB DDR06:36
DUMAiSOamphi, to check fps rate06:37
amphiDUMAiSO: glxgears06:37
farouszulfiqar_: you do it in the display section06:37
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MordofK-rich, ive never installed php4 on ubuntu, only in windows...06:37
farousnavyn: ok typg fglrxinfo06:37
zulfiqar_can i see your xorg.conf?06:37
farousnavyn: and tell me what you see06:37
heliotrope_jason, it's installing, thanks again06:37
DUMAiSOamphi, any special arguments?06:37
amphinavyn: I would have thought that card should be faster, it should be a good bit better than mine06:37
_jasonheliotrope: np06:37
farouszulfiqar_: i am running the fglrx drivers this will not work with the open source one06:37
=== amphi offers DUMAiSO man glxgears
farouszulfiqar_: and for port replicator turned out you need an additional option i just sent you the site06:38
Mordofquestion: how do i set an application as the default to open a file?06:38
mebaran151what's a good pci nic06:38
farouszulfiqar_: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/additional_options_for_the_radeon_driver06:38
mebaran151that's supported under Linux06:38
mebaran151my nforce is giving me so many problems06:38
_jasonMordof: right click > properties > open with06:38
navynamphi, so do you think i should follow the ati guide in the forums?06:38
mebaran151I've decided to simply abandon it06:38
Mordof_jason, thanks06:39
tonyyarussoMordof: Right-click a file of the type, Properties > Opens with, set it there.06:39
DUMAiSOamphi, it opens a windows with the gears, but gives me no results06:39
amphimebaran151: realtek 8139 is cheap and well supported, intel pro/100 or pro/1000 are well supported and not so cheap; there are many others06:39
farousnavyn: if you type fglrxinfo and see you have the ati card recog than all is well06:39
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rewt_hmm im not finding anything on forums >.<06:39
mebaran151cheap is good06:39
amphiDUMAiSO: run it from an xterm06:39
K-richOh nm06:39
Madpilotmebaran151: there's a (small) wired nic section off here, have a look: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport06:39
navynfarous, even if my frame rates aren't that great?\06:39
amphimebaran151: 8139 ones cost half-nothing ;)06:39
mebaran151amphi, but nforce is supposed to be supported06:39
carpediemrewt_: :(  Well, good luck, I hope you figure it out.  I'm off to bed.06:39
farousyou have direct rendering check it with glxinfo06:39
mebaran151there's drivers and everything!06:39
amphimebaran151: loads are supported06:39
rewt_carpediem,  thanks for all your help :)06:39
mebaran151but it won't dhcp06:40
mebaran151oh the life a vagabond06:40
farousif you have direct rendering i do not think anything more can be done06:40
carpediemrewt_: np.  Keep at it, and you'll figure it all out, I'm sure.06:40
mebaran151if I have my router running a dhcp server06:40
amphimebaran151: I know nothing of nforce06:40
navynfarous, it says fglrxinfo not found06:40
mebaran151and I fake a static ip06:40
sdghsghsorry, doesnt xorg look for drivers in /lib/modules/kernelver/drivers/video?06:40
mebaran151like putting this computer at
mebaran151will bad things happen?06:40
amphinavyn: you're running the xorg driver?06:40
mebaran151shoudl I put the static ip outside the range of the dhcp server06:40
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farousnavyn: did you install the latest xorg driver06:40
farousform ati06:41
amphinavyn: what does glxinfo say?06:41
navynamphi, i just completed the standard install of the OS, I've done nothing else06:41
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farousnavyn: you are running the oss drivers and that is good frame rate for them06:41
amphinavyn: xorg then, presumably - have a look at glxinfo output06:41
navynI ran glxgears and got this:  2948 frames in 5.0 seconds = 589.500 FPS06:41
navyn2562 frames in 5.0 seconds = 512.388 FPS06:41
ivaneeohelp me.06:41
ivaneeohelp me.06:41
ubotuIf you don't actually ask a question, we can not actually help you.06:41
farousnavyn ok type in a terminl glxinfo |grep rendering06:42
ivaneeomy notebook is sony viao vgn-s46c/b.sata hd.06:42
=== emma34 [n=emma34@216-15-96-242.c3-0.upd-ubr3.trpr-upd.pa.cable.rcn.com] has joined #ubuntu
Mordofyay! i solved the audio out of synch problem!06:43
navynfarous, direct rendering: yes06:43
farousnavyn: if it says no you have the opensource drivers if yes you have the property one06:43
amphiMordof: what was it?06:43
ivaneeoand report ata1 bug...06:43
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farousnavyn: you have hardware 3d accel enabaled than06:43
Mordofamphi, it was using straight x11 display to view it, but i set it to x11 opengl display, and i guess that makes it run faster.06:44
ivaneeosata hd. report ata1 bug....06:44
navynfarous, so I'm good then?  I shouldn't mess with the HOW-TO: ATI fglrx driver 8.16.20 instructions?06:44
_jasonMordof: what did you do?06:44
faroushmm and you say you did not install the fglrx drivers. Are you running dapper06:44
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amphiMordof: try -vo xv with mplayer06:44
bmwere keep the unbuntu the file conf for screen rezolution???06:44
amphiMordof: if that works, do echo vo=xv >> ~/.mplayer/config06:44
Mosican someone running breezy do a ls /boot for me, and tell me if there's a generic symlink to initrd.img-<version> ?06:45
Mordofin this or in terminal06:45
amphiMordof: xv is the best driver in my experience06:45
amphiMordof: huh?06:45
Mordofx11 opengl works perfect for me..06:45
ivaneeoreport ata1 bug... error.is sata controller's problem?06:45
Mosias in the way /boot/vmlinux is linked to your preferred kernel image06:45
Mordofsmooth, no audio lag06:45
amphiMordof: try playing a movie with mplayer -vo xv whatever06:45
vwguy337crap...i have to get to bed...gotta be up in about 5 hours...  Nite all!06:45
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bmVideomodes: "1024x768" "832x624" "800x600" "720x400" "640x480"06:46
bmVideoram: 131072 kByte06:46
Mordofhmmm. xv does look kinda nice06:46
bmand i am stock in 64006:46
amphiMordof: if it works nicely, do 'echo vo=xv >> ~/.mplayer/config' without quotes in a terminal, and mplayer will always use the xv driver without you needing to specify it06:46
Madpilot!tell bm about fixres06:46
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chantiqhi pakabar?06:47
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Mordofamphi, x11 opengl multi-texture version works best for me06:47
Mordofbut then that may be due to my vid card06:48
Mosican someone running breezy do a very simple, quick check on something for me?06:48
amphiMordof: uhuh - well, you can put that in .mplayer/config06:48
emma34can someone help me install a canon printer in ubuntu , priter is connected to my print server ie it is a network printer06:48
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farousMordof: just curious what vedio card you have06:48
mebaran151static ip is my best idea yet!06:48
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Dr_Willisemma34,  thers several kinds of network printers.:P06:49
newbuntiemosii: why don't you just ask, then maybe someone will06:49
brtjohnshi just got my ubuntu 5.10 cd's sent install to a 533mhz with 128mb of ram , will that be ok?06:49
Dr_Willisemma34,   some use samba, some use that directjet stuff.06:49
eclairbrtjohns, yup06:49
LangComHello i'm from korea06:49
Dr_Willisemma34,  whats serving the printer?06:49
brtjohnsis there naything i have to do, someone said i have to enable root or something on ubuntu06:50
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brtjohnsonce installed06:50
Mosinewbuntie: i already did, no one responded. can you do it? i just need you to ls /boot and tell me if there's a symlink to /boot/initrd.img-<version-number> that has a generic name i can point to, so i don't ahve to guess the version number06:50
emma34it is canon i470d on a netgear print server06:50
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Dr_Willisemma34,  check the docs for the print server (or the web itnerface) -  the gnome-cups-config tool has a pull down menu for the different 'ways' the printer can be served up.06:51
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mebaran151this is ridiculous06:52
mebaran151just when I was about to final to do a static ip06:52
Mordoffarous, sorry, was watching a movie.. nvidia 6800 xt 128mb06:52
mebaran151it succeeds in DHCP'ing06:52
mebaran151one day I swear06:53
ubotuplease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. Write in complete sentences and keep your replies and questions on one line if possible. Thanks!06:53
Mosican someone please quickly do 'ls  /boot' for me, and tell me if there is a symlink that points to your initrd.img?06:53
farousMordof: no problem and you are running it on breezy or dapper06:53
JustinLeihello every one.I have a sony vaio vgn-s46c,install ubuntu dapper edtion,SATA error,ahic drive not find,help me,thanks06:53
Mordoffarous, breezy06:53
JustinLeihello every one.I have a sony vaio vgn-s46c,install ubuntu dapper edtion,SATA error,ahic drive not find,help me,thanks06:53
farousleave you to your movie now :)06:53
_jasonMosi: no06:53
newbuntiemosi: sorry, I'm a newbie, how would I tell which one is a symlink? :)06:53
DUMAiSOHow do I mount an ISO image?06:53
hatake_kakashinewbuntie: probably file06:54
hatake_kakashiDUMAiSO: man mount06:54
JustinLeihello every one.I have a sony vaio vgn-s46c,install ubuntu dapper edtion,SATA error,ahic drive not find,help me,thanks06:54
Mordoffarous, it was eurotrip.. ive already seen it a couple times06:54
Mordofnow! to test an actual dvd06:54
emma34dr willis , thanks I will dig through the docs , by the way how do bring up the gnome cup  config tool06:54
Mosiis anyone else in here running a PPC?06:55
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JustinLeiwho can help me~~~....06:55
JustinLeihello every one.I have a sony vaio vgn-s46c,install ubuntu dapper edtion,SATA error,ahic drive not find,help me,thanks06:55
Dr_Willisemma34,  its in the settings menus somewhere.06:55
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farousmordof nice enjoy it then :)06:55
hatake_kakashiMosi: I know nalioth is but nalioth is afk06:56
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cappicardhmm... this is annoying... I can't use domain\username with lufsmount's ftpfs06:56
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JustinLeiwho can help me~~~....I have a sony vaio vgn-s46c,install ubuntu dapper edtion,SATA error,ahic drive not find,help me,thanks06:57
Mosihatake_kak: thanks06:57
hatake_kakashiMosi: np06:57
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wahyuada orang indonesia enggak ?06:58
Mordofevery time i try to watch my dvd movie, it just freezes black06:58
hyphenatedwahyu: tidak06:58
JustinLeiwho can help me~~~....I have a sony vaio vgn-s46c,install ubuntu dapper edtion,SATA error,ahic drive not find,help06:58
wahyulho situ orang mana ?06:58
amphiMordof: try -vo xv ;)06:59
myloJustinLei, SATA error, AFAIK you could turn off the SATA feature from the BIOS first and install it06:59
Mordofamphi, heh06:59
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Mordofgrr, mplayer wont close06:59
amphiMordof: ctrl-c it in the xterm07:00
_jasonMordof: have you installed libdvdcss?07:00
hatake_kakashiMordof: heh kill -9 `pidof mplayer`07:00
Mordof_jason, yes, libdvdcss207:00
hatake_kakashior killall mplayer07:00
Mordofohh, didnt know you could do pidof07:00
JustinLeisony BOIS can't change SATA feature,have not this item07:00
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_jasonyou could just do pkill too07:00
hyphenatedbah, all of you should just use fuser :-)07:01
Christopherhow come my stellarium programs is shown in the "science" menu but when i click it, it doesnt load07:01
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hatake_kakashiMordof: well now you know :)07:01
rewt_idont think my fan works as much as it should when im in linux?07:01
JustinLeimylo,sony BOIS can't change SATA feature,have not this item07:01
amphiChristopher: which program, BTW?07:01
JustinLeimylo:sony BOIS can't change SATA feature,have not this item07:01
hatake_kakashirewt_: you're not going to tell me that your fan is electronically controlled via acpi?07:01
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rewt_what's acpi? :-P07:02
amphirewt_: acpi -t should show you temp, if you're worried07:02
Christopherrewt_, i noticed that too.. but to me that is a good thing.. my laptop doesnt overheat as bad using linux as it did in windows07:02
MordofJustinLei, what are you saying!?!?!?07:02
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Mordofyou what are saying! i dont understand07:02
hatake_kakashirewt_: Advanced Configuratable(?) Power Interface07:02
amphiMordof: he's saying the bios in his vaio has no option to fiddle with sata settings07:03
alex2456anyone here get xspim on breezy?07:03
rewt_Thermal l: ok, 55.0 degrees C07:03
Mordofamphi, ahh07:03
rewt_That normal?07:03
hatake_kakashirewt_: designed to prevent excessive power usage07:03
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amphirewt_: is the box idling?07:03
hatake_kakashirewt_: for cpu? depends, google around for answers07:03
amphirewt_: it's not dangerous, anyway07:03
JustinLeiMordof:The computer has the following hardware as far as the hard disk is concerned:Hitachi Travelstar 5K100 80GB SATA HTS541080G9SA00   ICH6M (82801FBM) controller (rev.03).07:03
Christopherrewt_, mines at 48C07:03
qbaleranyone here who can help me resize my ntfs partition? (im getting a bad sector error)07:03
Mordofamphi, not very good at reading semi-broken english07:03
amphirewt_: mine is 36C idling07:04
rewt_im using it right now?07:04
amphirewt_: doing bugger all07:04
JustinLeiMordof:ata1: called with no error (01)!07:04
rewt_im running a stream and gaim and xchat07:04
MordofJustinLei, sounds like trouble07:04
amphirewt_: that's not much load - what does top show the load being?07:04
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rewt_amphi, top?07:05
amphirewt_: yes, top - type that in an xterm07:05
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JustinLeiThere are no drivers by intel or Sony for Linux?07:05
rewt_load average?07:05
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rewt_0.87 and raising07:06
MordofJustinLei, no idea.. try wiki.ubuntu.com and search for a related topic, or search google07:06
Mordofamphi, my idle is 50C :P07:06
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mebaran151in dapper07:06
mebaran151why has ifconfig been removed from the base07:06
amphiMordof: heh; mine was ~42C but I 'undervolted' the cpu07:06
mebaran151I mean from the path07:06
mebaran151of the normal user that is07:07
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Mordofamphi, isnt that a bit dangerous?07:07
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amphiMordof: if you lower the freq voltages too far, yeah, crash horribly ;)07:07
navynhey how many kilobytes is 256 mb?07:07
Dr_Willis1 :)07:07
wastrelnavyn:  ask google07:07
Mordofadriyel, nope07:07
Mordofnavyn, 256x102407:07
wastrelnavyn:  google calculator = awesome07:07
adriyelwant the exact number?07:08
adriyelyou didn't specify :|07:08
qbaleranyone here who can help me resize my ntfs partition? (im getting a bad sector error)07:08
mebaran151why isn't ifconfig part of the standard path07:08
amphiMordof: I tested it for a good while at each freq with mprime's torture option07:08
mebaran151just curious07:08
Mordofamphi, ohh i see07:08
Dr_Willismebaran151,  where it at? sbin?07:08
amphiMordof: until I found a voltage that was ok07:08
Mordofamphi, cause i dislike my temps...07:08
Mordofi changed cases, and lost my thermalpaste... the computer shop i went to gave me shitty stuff07:09
amphiMordof: there's a kernel patch for centrino cpufreq that provides a sysfs interface to the freq/voltage table07:09
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navyni'm redoing my xorg file, what should i answer to this?  Use kernel framebuffer device interface?07:09
Mordofamphi, centrino? im on amd..07:09
navynwastrel, google rocks07:09
amphiMordof: I don't know if there's a similar patch07:09
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Mordofamphi, dont worry about it then. idc too much07:10
Mordofnavyn, afaik i selected no, im not sure though, lol07:10
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navynMordof, sounds good 2 me07:10
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rewt_why would you boycott google?07:11
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wastrelbecause of their china ting07:13
qbaleranyone here who can help me resize my ntfs partition? (im getting a bad sector error) (can anyone hear this?)07:13
Madpilotthere's a great "Goolag" graphic out on the web somewhere :P07:13
rewt_what china thing07:13
qbalercan anyone hear me?07:14
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rewt_qbaler i cant i can read you though ;)07:14
hatake_kakashirewt_: the great firewall of china07:14
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rewt_hatake_kakashi,  huh?07:14
qbalerok just making sure07:14
Christopheris it a lengthy process to get a usb hd recognized so i can access the media on it?07:14
qbalerhow long it usualy take to get responses on the forums for help?07:14
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elkbuntuqbaler question dependant, not long usually07:15
qbalergive it like a day or two?07:15
farous!tell qbaler about ntfs07:15
hatake_kakashirewt_: China has blocked many external sites and tries to promote 'healthy' internet lifestyle. Google had to make their own specific google.cn which also enforces the Chinese govt.'s idea07:15
b1indChristopher, it got autodetected for me07:15
rewt_hmph..why did they HAVE to make it?07:16
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qbalerguess i am jumping it .. only been 4 hours07:16
hatake_kakashirewt_: because google want's to be known no matter where I suppose.. even MS too wants to be known eveywhere07:16
elkbuntuqbaler overnight if you want a variety of answers, but usually you'll get an answer in an hour or two07:16
Christopherb1ind, did something show you it was autodetected as soon as you plugged it in07:16
rewt_so china has blocked google.com?07:17
hatake_kakashirewt_: probably, but not google.cn07:17
b1inddon't remember, but if you're using gnome, check in the places menu for a XXgb volume07:17
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mzuverinkI am running fetchmail as a cron job and it sends me an email every time it executes, how can i get it to stop doing this?07:17
Christopherb1ind, nope using FLUX07:17
qbalerelkbuntu i sure hope someone can help me with something other then "ur screwed"07:17
b1indcheck /media07:18
amphihatake_kakashi: it seemed they made it quite easy to bypass07:18
rewt_So does china enforce googlemail? so they wouldhave www.gmail.cn?07:18
b1indChristopher, for me, its /media/usbdisk/07:18
hatake_kakashiamphi: I believe they made a deal with the Chinese govt. if that's what you meant07:18
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hatake_kakashirewt_: dunno, I don't live there07:18
wastrelmzuverink:  cron mails any stdout output from the jobs it runs07:18
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elkbuntuguys this google topic should probably go to the offtopic channel07:18
wastrelmzuverink:  standard method is to pipe the command to /dev/null  in the cron entry07:19
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rewt_AH HAHAHAH they do have a gmail.cn07:19
Christopherb1ind, i dont know how to check /media07:19
b1indahh, hmm07:19
Christopherb1ind, nmd i do07:20
=== b1ind waits :p
b1indis it there?07:20
amphihatake_kakashi: no, I meant ISTR that it was not difficult to get out of the google.cn jail07:20
mzuverinkwastrel: how do you do that? I am new to linux and it took me forever to figure out how to make it run as a cron job07:20
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Christopherb1ind, but it doesnt list a usbdisk07:20
hatake_kakashiamphi: ISTR?07:20
b1indhmm, then i'm outta my league :(07:20
Christopherjust cdrom and floppy07:20
b1indsorry Christopher07:20
hatake_kakashiin standard terms r(?) ?07:20
amphihatake_kakashi: 'I seem to recall'07:21
Kyoso the bash shell is the most common?07:21
b1indiirc's lesser known sibling07:21
Kyoas oppose to the c and korn shell07:21
amphihatake_kakashi: I'm not sure why google is getting all this flak, yahoo did much worse, actually shopping a journalist to the .cn authorities07:21
hatake_kakashiamphi: like I said, if you are surfing using non cn related IP, netblock, maybe its not filtered for you, but maybe when you are in there. Maybe the rules are different07:21
hatake_kakashiamphi: hence they did get a bit of a flame for the Chinese govt.07:22
hatake_kakashianyway its OT as said before07:22
heliotropeafter i've compiled and tried to run a .cc file in anjuta it didnt do anything, does anyone know how to run anjuta?07:22
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Christopherb1ind, i know it shows up in GNOME no problem.. pops right up on the desktop07:22
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rewt_i just made a rewt.axs@gmail.cn account............current usage 0.0% of 20.0M   they getting gipped ah haha07:22
wastrelmzuverink:  /etc/crontab   is the file07:23
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b1indChristopher, might have to do w/ dbus and hal... maybe somewhere to look07:23
wastrelmzuverink:  unless it's in your user crontab, in which case  crontab -e07:23
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rewt_iknow what cron does, but why does ubuntu use it daily?07:23
rewt_what taks is itperforming?07:23
wastrelmzuverink:  i don't know if ubuntu has a GUI tool for cron management07:23
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mzuverinkwastrel: what would I enter in the command, I am using webmin to add the cron job07:24
Christopherb1ind, what are those?07:24
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wastrelmzuverink:  oh.  well just add  | /dev/null  to the end of your fetchmail command07:24
b1indthey are some things for hardware abstraction and 'i think' hardware autodetection07:24
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bkdoes anyone program gtk+ apps in ubuntu?07:24
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b1indlike i said, im probably not the best person to help you07:24
wastrelmzuverink:  fetchmail -some -options  | /dev/null      the | sends the output to the next program or file, and /dev/null is the bitbucket07:25
llama32hi. im getting really angry that apt keeps forgetting everything or something. it seems to automatically update at times im not on the net, then give up and i have to run apt-get update before i install anything. it seems to happen possibly more than daily. how do i disable this? im on dialup so apt-get update is a serious pain (extra slow dialup too).07:25
amphibk: I have done a little gtk programming, on debian07:25
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bkamphi: have u setup gtk in ubuntu?  i'm about to, but i've never done it before.07:26
[bosco] allright does anyone in here use suspend 207:26
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wastrelmzuverink:  it's traditional to pipe commands in the cron files to /dev/null for just this reason :] 07:26
Christopherb1ind,  thanks anyways07:27
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Christopherits not a problem... i have others i need to figure out heh07:27
amphibk: what do you mean, 'set up' ? for programming to gtk, you need many -dev packages - glib, gtk, pango, blah blah07:27
Christopherlike why my Stellarium program is shown in apps menu but wont run like its not even there07:27
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amphiChristopher: try running it from a terminal07:27
mzuverinkwastrel: it says permission denied07:27
wastrelmzuverink:  hmm i'm using the wrong operator07:28
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wastrelmzuverink:  >  instead of |07:28
mzuverinkwastrel: /bin/sh: /dev/null: Permission denied07:28
mzuverinkfetchmail: socket error while fetching from pop.sbcglobal.yahoo.com07:28
b1indsome stupid usb network driver is preventing my kernel from compiling, but i'm sure i eliminated it from my .config07:28
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bkamphi: i don't know how to locate those packages in ubuntu, so i'm going to install them individually by downloading and installing their tarballs.  do you think that's a bad idea?07:29
Christopheramphi, i did.. got some errors07:29
[bosco] allright does anyone in here use suspend 207:29
wastrelmzuverink:  heh sry it's past my bedtime07:29
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amphibk: use apt-cache to search for them, eg. apt-cache search  glib dev07:29
amphi[bosco] : I use suspend 1 (or is it 0) ?07:29
timfrostllama32, there is a script in /etc/cron.daily called apt, which runs the command 'apt-get update'.  You may wantto disable that script.  But you will then need to manually run 'sudo apt-get update;sudo apt-get upgrade'07:29
Christopheramphi, im missing a GLX extension for display in xlib or something07:30
mzuverinkwastrel: past my bedtime too07:30
amphiChristopher: pastebin?07:30
mzuverinkwastrel: that seems to be working, thanks07:30
Christophersure hold on07:30
amphiChristopher: BTW, you might also like celestia, if you don't know it07:31
b1indAnyone familiar with this module ?drivers/usb/net/zd121107:31
[bosco] amphi, i use suspend 2 if you use it  i need some help getting it running07:31
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Christopheramphi, no i dont know it...07:32
ImsDLEhow do i fix this?07:32
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ImsDLEW: Couldn't stat source package list http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net hoary-backports/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net_dists_hoary-backports_main_binary-i386_Packages) - stat (2 No such file or directory)07:32
bkamphi: yeah, and then what?  how come glib didn't show up in the synaptic package manager?07:32
Christopheramphi, is it better than stellarium?07:32
amphi[bosco] : I don't know how different it is, but I do 'echo disk > /sys/power/state' to suspend to disk07:32
llama32timfrost: thanks. yes im aware i must update regularly, but on dialup it is incredibly stupid to do it every time i use apt (about daily)07:32
Christopheramphi, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/872707:32
Mez!tell ImsDLE about backports07:32
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wastrelok g'night07:33
amphiChristopher: it's different, it's primarily a solar system simulator (orrery)07:33
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[bosco] amphi, thank you for the info but it is not what i am lookiing for07:33
Christopherwell having both of them will be better then :)07:33
[bosco] srry07:33
amphiChristopher: sdl parachute, heh07:34
nomin[bosco] , what is suspend 2?07:34
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amphiChristopher: you don't seem to have 3d accel working there - what does glxinfo | grep rendering show?07:34
Christopheramphi, haha yeah what was that about07:34
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rewt_I configured my integrated wireless today. When I manually activate it, it runs fine. While running, if I push my wireless button to turn it off, then push it again to turn it on, it doesn't come back on. I have to manually activate the card again. Is there any way to configure this button to automatically active and set up the card by pushing the wireless button??07:35
amphiChristopher: the death-cry of the 'simple direct-media layer' library07:35
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Christopheramphi, not good then07:35
Christopheramphi, "Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".07:35
amphiChristopher: yeah, that means no 3d accel support07:36
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Christopheramphi, the stellarium program worked the other night in GNOME for me... then the next morning it didnt07:36
ImsDLEyou guys rock07:36
ImsDLEbless you all!@07:36
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wahyuhello, pls help me,  how to connect ubuntu to Netware ???07:38
=== robitaille [n=robitail@d154-5-117-228.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
ACUhi guys --  I have trouble connecting from Ubuntu 5.10 to windows shares - I can see some of them (including the folders) but I cannot do anything - not open or whatever ------ some of the shares I cannot see the content at all ---- obviously I can access them from Windows Machine ---   once again from Ubuntu I go smb://servername ----- any help ?07:39
amphiChristopher: did you run that command I gave you?07:39
TheWinnerhallo all07:40
TheWinnerwhat the name of nmap in ubuntu07:40
amphiChristopher: FWIW, celestia also needs 3d accel07:40
Christopheroh nice07:40
neuTheWinner: 'nmap'..heh07:40
Christopherthe glxinfo | grep07:41
Christopher command07:41
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TheWinnerneu yah nmap07:41
Christopheri got the results - amphi, "Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".07:41
b1indif i use make-kpkg, is it normal that it compiles EVERYTHING regardless of whether or not its in the .config?07:41
Christopherignore your name of course07:41
amphiChristopher: oh, ok07:41
rewt_I configured my integrated wireless today. When I manually activate it, it runs fine. While running, if I push my wireless button to turn it off, then push it again to turn it on, it doesn't come back on. I have to manually activate the card again. Is there any way to configure this button to automatically active and set up the card by pushing the wireless button??07:41
TheWinnerare ubuntu having nmap ??07:42
neuthe name of nmap in ubuntu is nmap07:42
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rewt_What is nmap? :-07:42
Christopheramphi, how come it worked the other night now.. did i do something to my graphics card?07:42
Madpilot!info nmap07:42
ubotunmap: (The Network Mapper), section net, is extra. Version: 3.81-2ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 558 kB, Installed size: 1900 kB07:42
neuport scanner and stuff07:42
amphiChristopher: I don't know, did you?07:42
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Christopherhaha have no idea07:42
=== MapLappy [n=User@dsl-58-6-121-76.qld.westnet.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
neuits in main on dapper :o07:43
amphiChristopher: what video card is it?07:43
ACUAnother question ---- I run Ubuntu in a PowerPC and I cannot make RealPlayer work at all - is very frustrating - I want to access some broadcasts and I do not know what to do07:43
ChristopherATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility U107:43
damo21Failed to fetch http://seveas.ubuntulinux.nl/pool/java/sun-j2re1.4_1.4.2+10_i386.deb  403 Forbidden07:43
amphiChristopher: is it supported by the xorg driver? man radeon will tell you if you're not sure07:43
GigaClon!tell ACU about RestrictedFormats07:43
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Christopherfirst thing in the description says its a Xorg driver07:44
damo21have the ati drivers improved since last year?07:44
SkifHrm... I have libdvdread3 installed, but I can't seem to play any DVDs under dapper; has this been discussed somewhere?  (I checked the wiki and didn't see anything immediately obvious, but may well have missed it)07:44
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wahyuhello all, I want to connect my ubuntu to novel netware, any idea ???07:45
Christopheramphi,  hardware 2D acceleration, hardware 3D acceleration (except07:45
Christopher R300 and IGP series cards),07:45
Christopherso it shoudl be good then07:45
SkifThis may well be one of those "duh, it's unstable" moments, which is fine, too, as long as that's all it is.07:45
amphiChristopher: did you reboot since it was working?07:46
Christopheryes many times07:46
Christopheri think i reinstalled ubuntu since then though07:46
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amphiChristopher: ah07:47
Mabus06Skif: are you sure it's not a North American /PAL issue?07:47
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amphiChristopher: does lsmod show the drm and radeon kernel modules loaded?07:47
SkifMabus06: quite sure07:47
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Mabus06Skif: have you tried more than one program to run the dvd?07:48
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SkifMabus06: yes-- totem, xine, mplayer, dvdrip07:48
albackerwhat's the problem here : checking for C compiler default output... configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables07:48
albacker ?!07:48
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_jasonalbacker: sudo apt-get install build-essential07:48
rewt_whats the command to start nmap?07:48
SkifI get this message from xine on the command line: libdvdread: Error cracking CSS key for /VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_1.VOB (0x00028d0e)!!07:48
_jasonrewt_: nmap07:48
rewt_i tried it07:49
rewt_does ubuntu come with it?07:49
amphialbacker: apt-get install build-essential07:49
rewt_or must u install it07:49
Mabus06Skif: err, didn't mean to pm you.07:49
=== Agrajag [n=zaphod@cpe-72-130-83-97.socal.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
_jasonrewt_: did you install it?, no sudo apt-get install nmap07:49
albacker_jason, amphi, thanks !07:49
rewt_so how do I use this "nmap" what is it good for?07:49
SkifMabus06: no problem.07:50
_jasonrewt_: http://www.insecure.org/nmap/07:50
Christopheramphi, i dont see a "drm" or anything listed as "radeon or radeon kernel" in the list07:50
SkifI just wish I could tell if it's a bad disc (netflix discs often come somewhat scratched), or if there's some problem with libdvdread3 :-\07:50
amphiChristopher: try modprobe drm07:50
SkifBut I have tried multiple discs, and they all fail similarly.07:51
amphiSkif: that's not caused by a scratch, I wouldn't say07:51
amphiChristopher: pm?07:51
Skifamphi: I wouldn't think so either, though dvdrip complaints read as if it might be.07:51
Christopheramphi, got a fatal: error07:51
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amphiChristopher: no such module?07:51
ChristopherFATAL: Error inserting drm (/lib/modules/2.6.12-10-386/kernel/drivers/char/drm/drm.ko): Operation not permitted07:52
amphiChristopher: sudo modprobe drm07:52
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Christopheri was about to say shoudl i put sudo in front of it07:52
albacker_jason, : http://rafb.net/paste/results/g1CKFy15.html07:53
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Christopheramphi, i did that and nothing happens just gives me another prompt07:53
amphiChristopher: you are not 'identified to services' so I cannot receive your PMs, if any07:53
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rewt_anyone want to take the time to teach me a few things on nmap?07:54
amphiChristopher: that's good; try modprobe radeon07:54
Madpilotrewt_: "man nmap" in a terminal07:54
hatake_kakashiman nmap07:54
quicksilver3Does anyone know how I could get a eg1032v3 linksys adapter working under ubuntu?07:54
_jasonalbacker: ubuntu seperates packages that are needed for compiling with a -dev suffix.  For instance, you probably need libxml2-dev07:54
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Christopheramphi,  get my pms?07:54
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albackeraha k,07:54
amphiChristopher: no; you need to /msg nickserv ident <your_passwd>07:55
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amphiChristopher: assuming your nick is registered07:55
Christopheri dont know if it is or not07:55
MadpilotChristopher: /msg nickserv help07:56
quicksilver3Does anyone know how I could get that adapter working under ubuntu?07:56
Christopheramphi, i got the same response with the fatal:error message with modprobe radeon07:56
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amphiChristopher: it won't be unless you registerd it07:56
amphiChristopher: sorry, there's an implicit 'sudo' prepended ;)07:56
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ACUat the begining I felt very frustrated with Debian ---- and switch to ubuntu -- now I think that there is almos no difference between them ---- they are both very difficult ------- every step is challenging  and time consuming --- now I want to conect to VPN ------ also I want to be able to log in a windows domain ----- is just painfull---- it may take few months to solve something which is suposed to be natural ---- any sugestions07:58
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amphilogging on to a windows domain is _natural_? wtf?07:59
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Christopheramphi, k i did the sudo modprobe radeon.. brought another prompt up08:00
albacker_jason,  i got libxml2-dev and i still get the same error.08:00
quicksilver3As I stated above I am trying to get a eg1032v3 linksys adapter working under ubuntu...Im sorry if im sounding annoying but i would appreciate some guidance.08:00
albacker_jason, should i get libxml-dev ?08:00
_jasonalbacker: what are you compiling?08:00
albacker_jason, glade08:01
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albackerhttp://rafb.net/paste/results/FPrFFr90.html << the error.08:01
_jasonalbacker: do you know glade is in the repos?08:01
albacker_jason, there's and old version of glade there.08:01
amphiChristopher: you'll almost certainly need to restart X, but you could try glxinfo | grep rendering before, just in case08:01
albacker_jason, Version: 0.6.4-13.108:01
albacker_jason, im compiling 2.008:01
_jasonalbacker: install whatever you need for gtk+-2.0, that's what the error says08:02
rewt_nmap is very confusing08:02
albackerrewt_, no its not, just read man.08:02
albacker_jason, ?08:02
rewt_i am all these packet types are confusing me.08:02
albacker_jason, man i don't know what i do actually need ?08:02
=== Ryubuntu [n=elnayr@adsl-71-132-140-238.dsl.pltn13.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
_jasonalbacker: actually, easiest is to do 'sudo apt-get build-dep glade'08:03
Christopherk ill do that now08:03
cafuegoACU: Either look for documentation on google (easy) or use Windows, if you want windows functionality.  the windows domain logons would require pam_ldap and kerberos at a minimum (it would be easier if microsoft published specifications) - the vpn can be done with pptp. Google for 'ppptconfig ubuntu'.08:03
Sonobanai have problem in dapper. I cant set default locale08:03
akantCan anyone here suggest a good provider for strictly email access?  I would like something smaller with IMAP, Web access to mail, 1 gig limit .. maybe a shell account?  Any email providers run ubuntu ? I would support them :p08:03
Christopheramphi, restart computer or just the desktop with the restart in the menu in FLUX08:04
albacker_jason, never used build-dep ! what does it do ?08:04
amphiChristopher: just restart X08:04
_jasonalbacker: installs the build dependencies for the package08:04
cafuegothe *only* way to store your mail.08:04
rewt_cafuego, explain a little more?08:04
akantmuch nicer than POP08:04
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rewt_sigh i need an nmap teacher to explain things a little easier than the manual has it08:05
cafuegorewt_: imap is a mail access protocol. As opposed to pop, you leave all mails on the server. SO you xcna access them from ANYWHERE with an imap client (virtually all webmail packages use imap too).08:05
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rewt_why not use gmail?08:06
akantYou can also create a folder structure with imap08:06
akantand leave it on the server08:06
albacker/join #vim08:06
albackerOops :S08:06
Christopherk restarted08:07
akantwhat is the best imap server? wsimap? (washington's ??)08:07
cafuegorewt_: gmail is slow, only has oen address, and is limited to 1GB08:07
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cafuegoakant: I prefer courier; dovecot is nice too.08:07
=== cafuego does courier with funky vmail in sql stuff
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Sonobanacafuego: gmails limit is  2695.22678508:07
amphiChristopher: glxinfo | grep rendering08:07
rewt_cafuego.....u can have multiple addresses? andits almost 3 gig limit?08:07
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akantI remember dovecot Ill have to try that one again.08:08
ACUcafuego ---- Thanks ---- I am going to do both ----- pam_ldap  use windows --- I read that Xandros solve the problem - I wonder how  for pptp I did not know can do VPN ---thank again08:08
n4chtk.  quickest way to enable nvidia drivers in hoary?  (i remember this being painfully simple, but since i don't remember, i'd rather ask than risk breaking something.)08:08
cafuegoSonobana: My imap is currently limited to 160GB and unlimited emails.08:08
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Christopheramphi, same response08:08
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akantcourier is one complete package correct? which has built in web mail and black boxing?08:08
amphiChristopher: bugger08:08
rewt_cafuego...u can have multiple emails in gmail08:08
Christopheramphi,  should i restart my computer maybe?08:08
cafuegoakant: Yes-ss..08:08
cafuegoakant: it's split up for purposes of ubuntu installation, though.08:08
frogzooarchiving question - how can I cut up a tar file into decent sized chunks - say 1gig - for ferrying via usb key?08:09
akantvery cool08:09
amphiChristopher: did you do alt-ctrl-backspace?08:09
akantso many packages08:09
akantI get them confused :)08:09
amphifrogzoo: split08:09
frogzooamphi: much obliged - thx!08:09
akantI still want to find an isp somewhere that runs ubuntu for mailservers :)08:09
cafuegorewt_: 3 is still nowhere near enough. Plus gmail won't host my own domains.08:10
frogzooakant: plenty of virtual server isps out there... run your own maybe?08:10
akantnot someone in their basement, but a real legite isp08:10
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amphiakant: you would be more likely to find one running debian08:10
cafuegoakant: I doubt there are any, Ubuntu is far too new.08:10
akantamphi: either or I would subscribe08:10
[bosco] how do i enable the universal repository08:10
=== Christopher [n=christop@69-168-246-71.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource08:10
=== cafuego uses debian :-)
=== cafuego <-- ISP
=== akant pulls out his wallet
cafuegoNo, thankyou.08:11
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Christopheramphi, yeah still gets me the same response08:11
cafuegoWe pick our own customers.08:11
akantconsulting firm?08:12
cafuegoakant: Why not set up a decent mail service on your own linux box?08:12
cafuegoakant: Pretty much08:12
amphiChristopher: register your nick so I can PM you, and vice versa08:12
Christopheri tried08:12
Christopheri keep getting some syntax message about my pw when i do what it says it doesnt confirm that i did it right08:12
=== cafuego goes off to drown itself
MadpilotChristopher: "some syntax message"?08:13
w32hey is there a way to allow root logins in ubuntu w/ gnome08:13
w32other than sudo08:14
w32from the terminal08:14
Christopheryeah the syntax for the password08:14
ifwntrendsw32: it's in your logon screen setup under security08:14
Christopheri type "/msg nickserve register <myusername>" click enter08:14
Madpilotw32: not recommended08:14
MadpilotChristopher: "nickserv", not serve - no final E08:15
ifwntrendsw32: but not a good idea08:15
w32i know i just wonder if its possible08:15
Christopherand then it says >nickerseve< "register <myusername>"08:15
w32friend says it aint08:15
ubotuBy default, the root password is locked in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.08:15
Madpilotw32: the URL above will tell you how, but it isn't recommended08:15
=== Angel_Dex [n=alucard_@cpe-24-161-20-16.hvc.res.rr.com] has joined #Ubuntu
Angel_DexHello all08:15
w32thx madpilot08:16
Christopherahh i dont know how to do it08:16
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Christopherits saying christopher is already registered but i typed in "/msg nickserv register Embryo08:16
nicholaswCan someone help me with WPA?08:17
MadpilotChristopher: /msg nickserv help08:17
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ChristopherMadpilot, "-NickServ- Syntax: REGISTER <password>"08:18
Christopherthats the syntax message i get08:18
w32then type /msg nickserv identify <yourpassword>08:19
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w32w/ the <>08:19
Christopheri dont know how to do it08:19
Christopherim at the help too08:19
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Angel_DexHow do i play a .swf game?08:19
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amphiChristopher: you are trying to register 'Christopher' ?08:20
ice_1963what is swf game?08:20
Christopherhow exactly do i register my name because /msg nickserv register <mynewname> doesnt work08:20
Christopherheres what im typing "/msg nickserv register Embryo08:21
amphiChristopher: /nick newname then /msg nickserv register your_password08:21
bkhow do i change my text color in here?08:21
=== Christopher is now known as Embryo
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rewt_how do i bridge my eth andwireless?08:23
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Christofferdamn seems like every nick name is owned08:24
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Christofferlets see08:24
rewt_How do I bridge my wireless and ethernet connections in breezy?08:24
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amphi!tell rewt_ about repeat08:24
=== Christoffer is now known as OmegaAlpha
henkrewt_, i'm guessing you use brctl (bridge utils) just like any other set of nics..08:26
MadpilotOmegaAlpha: finally found a non-reg'd nick? :P08:26
DrDThenk: he asked in #wireless, he doesn't ahve brctl, so I told him to ask here.08:26
w32i have decided that people that kill frogs should be shot08:26
rewt_i typed brctl into my terminal and it said command not found08:26
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w32twice @ least08:26
rewt_w32 i frog gig all the time ;)08:26
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Imsdlei can't install skype :(08:27
DrDTubuntu doesn't ahve w/ brctl by deafult?08:27
Imsdlei try and do a apt-get update and i get Failed to fetch http://ubuntu-backports.mirrormax.net/dists/hoary-backports/main /binary-i386/Packages.gz  404 Not Found08:27
henkrewt_, for that kind of thing use something like this: " apt-cache search bridge " that will give you all kinds of packages that have something to do with bridges. one of them is bridge-utils you want that one08:28
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ice_1963why can't you install skype08:28
OmegaAlphaMadpilot, yep08:29
rewt_k i got bridge utils08:29
rewt_now what08:29
OmegaAlphai didnt realize my Embryo one worked.. but it said it was owned already08:29
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rewt_brctl works now08:30
rewt_but if gave me like 50 options?08:30
ifwntrendsanyone know of a good dvd ripper/decrypter?08:30
hatake_kakashiifwntrends: acidrip.08:30
DrDTrewt_: try08:30
DrDTbrctl addbr bridge108:30
DrDTbrctl addif bridge1 eth008:30
DrDTbrctl addif bridge1 eth108:30
DrDTbrctl show08:30
hatake_kakashiifwntrends: that btw effectively relies on mplayer and mencoder08:30
ifwntrendshatake_kakashi: thanks08:30
DrDTsubstituting those interfaces with yours, of course08:30
henkrewt_, now you go to google and ask " Setting up a bridge with brctl" and start reading08:31
ifwntrendshatake_kakashi: i've got mplayer, is mencoder in the repos by any chance?08:31
hatake_kakashiifwntrends: nfi, I compiled mine from source with as much variety in extension support as possible from the universe/multiverse repos.08:31
w32furthemore, those that are not friends of frogs are enemies and should also be shot08:31
w32@ least twice08:32
DrDTw32: frogs' legs are delicious08:32
ifwntrendshatake_kakashi: ok, thanks08:32
hatake_kakashiifwntrends: and that then messed up my installation more or less as a result08:32
henkbk, what are you testing? How many times you can say testing before someone gets annoyed ;) ??08:33
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ifwntrendshatake_kakashi: well maybe i'll give it a shot anyhow08:33
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bki'm trying to change the color of my text.  how do i do it?08:33
hatake_kakashibk: depends on your irc client.. and btw this chan _strips_ colours afaik08:34
ice_1963are you running kde or gnome?08:34
DrDTbk: red filter plastic for your monitor08:34
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ice_1963bk kde or gnome08:34
bki see the text people write to me is red, but the text i type out is light grey (which is hard to read)08:35
ice_1963in settings08:35
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henkthat depends where you want to change it? You may need to buy a different pencil filling.. or pick up the other crayon or do <font color=#ff00ff>text</font>.... Or you may be trying to influence the color your text has in this chat in which case you should probably read the docs of you chatclient08:36
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RyubuntuI'm running Ubuntu on my fujitsu lifebook S6210 laptop and the resolution is 1024 x768. I want to go higher but I can't. Is there any other option to go to higher resolution?08:36
Madpilot!tell Ryubuntu about fixres08:36
bkice_1963, yeah, and then preferences... but which one of these options controls the color of text i type out?08:36
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RyubuntuMadpilot, thanks08:37
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ice_1963i'm running kde with konversation08:38
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ice_1963kde3.5.1 Debian etch :0)08:39
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rewt_DrDT, i did all that and i see bridge name     bridge id               STP enabled     interfaces08:40
rewt_bridge1         8000.00904befbb5f       yes             eth008:40
rewt_                                                        wlan008:40
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nanotubeheya all. so ive tried quite a few games, both from the repos and in the default install, and they all kinda suck... anyone can recommend any decent games for ubuntu?08:41
nanotubenothing "serious" just something to play once in a while?08:41
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Madpilotnanotube: Enemy Territory, if you're into FPS08:42
foolswisdom"Show Changes", how do I get it to show more than just the most recent revision?08:42
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DrDTrewt_: looks good, see if your desktop can get an IP from your router/etc. via DHCP08:42
ubuntu_user`how can I make "apt-get dist-upgrade" automatically remove the old versions of the packages?08:42
nanotubeMadpilot, is that in the repos?08:42
hatake_kakashiubuntu_user`: man apt-get08:42
Madpilotfoolswisdom: in the Ubuntu wiki? "Get Info"08:42
ice_1963bzflag that's a good game08:42
Madpilotnanotube: no, but there's a good Ubuntu wiki page about it08:42
ubuntu_user`hatake - couldn't find it there08:42
hunterphow can  i turn off password in screensaver. NO,System->preferences-> screensaver does not control this08:43
ubuntu_user`hatake_kakashi: couldn't find it in man apt-get, apt_preferences and apt.conf08:43
Madpilotnanotube: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/EnemyTerritory08:43
nanotubeMadpilot, ah, so its like a giant 500mib install, then?08:43
foolswisdomMadpilot: o, thank you, sorry for asking, "Show Changes" is confusing ;-)08:43
Madpilotnanotube: yeah, it's a massive download08:43
nanotubeice_1963, hmm, i might try that...08:43
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nanotubeMadpilot, heh, well, i did do quite a bit of fps back in the day, but these days i am trying to avoid anything addictive, and anything massive. ;) so would you happen to know of anything small and "casual" like? :)08:44
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rewt__DrDT, wow that bridge killed my wireless connection aswell.08:44
Madpilotfoolswisdom: some of the wiki options are a bit odd08:44
ice_1963you better have a good video card that game lol08:44
Madpilotnanotube: planetpenguin-racer - in the repos, fast & goofy08:45
ice_1963i run nvidia08:45
hatake_kakashiubuntu_user`: or I suppose you could have a crond doing the cleaning up for you08:45
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nanotubeMadpilot, hmm, i will give it a shot. :)08:46
ifwntrendswould i use ifconfig to get the info to set up a static ip?08:46
ajayhi everybody.....08:46
nanotubeifwntrends, yes, you can use ifconfig to set up a static ip08:46
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nanotubeifwntrends, "ifconfig eth0 inet xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx" sets the ip of interface eth0 to the specified ip08:47
ubuntu_user`hatake_kakashi: how can i make crond do it for me?08:47
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marreAnyone here that feels urged to help a total linux newbie with some cedega problems please?08:47
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_michellehatake_kakashi:  I read what you said but I don't understand what I read.08:47
hatake_kakashi_michelle: hmm.. ok what part? maybe I might be able to help08:47
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ubuntu_user`hatake_kakashi: there is no man crond08:48
nanotubeubuntu_user`, there is "man crontab"08:48
DrDTrewt_: nice to know it's ahvign an effect08:48
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hatake_kakashiubuntu_user`: well not sure exactly how, but you want it to purge all unnecessary files right? you can do a simple script that deletes unnecessary files, and then attach that to the cron daemon08:48
ubuntu_user`10x nanotube08:48
DrDTthis place is too busy, I'm going back to #wireless08:48
cafuegoubuntu_user`: man 5 crontab, in fact08:48
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ifwntrendsnanotube: ok then mask is the subnet mask, and i assume i'd use bcast for the gateway address?08:49
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hatake_kakashiubuntu_user`: though I thought synaptic can do it as well, albeit being a frontend08:49
nanotubeifwntrends, if you set inet, the bcast and subnetmask are set automatically, based on your ip08:49
nanotubeifwntrends, but you can change them if you really want to, i suppose :)08:49
ifwntrendsnanotube: oh, i think i'll just stick with the defaults haha08:50
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nanotubeifwntrends, i have found that to be a good choice, myself. :)08:50
ubuntu_user`hatake_kakashi: cron seems to be rather hard - it takes too much time to get all the names; i will try synaptic08:50
_michellehatake_kakashi: let's see, I really do not understand any of it, but  I ran the printer configuration, and it cannot find the printer on the network,sven though smbtree sees it08:50
ubuntu_user`hatake_kakashi: although it seems strange how synaptic can do something that apt-get cannot08:51
nanotubeubuntu_user`, to clean up useless stuff from aptget, you can just issue command "apt-get clean"08:51
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hatake_kakashi_michelle: assuming you are using kubuntu, under KDE and konqueror, type in the address bar smb:/08:51
hatake_kakashiubuntu_user`: well there you go, what nanotube said08:51
nanotubeubuntu_user`, crontab is a bit of a pain, but its nice if you want to set something up to run automatically. but there is really no need to put "apt-get clean" into crontab, because its not something you have to do very frequently anyway.08:52
ubuntu_user`nanotube: apt-get clean does old dependancies08:52
ice_1963what kernel is ubuntu running with?08:52
Imsdlecan someone give me an example of the sources.list that works?08:52
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papiluskiAnybody install Asterisk iPBX on Ubuntu08:52
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic08:52
papiluskito help08:52
Madpilotice_1963: easy way to find out - "uname -r" in a terminal08:53
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hatake_kakashiice_1963: uname -r08:53
nanotubeubuntu_user`, if you check "man apt-get", and scroll down (or search) to the "clean" and "autoclean" option descriptions, you will see what it does. according to the manpage, "clean clears out the local repository of retrieved package files. It removes everything but the lock file"08:54
ice_1963i'm running etch08:54
_michellehatake_kakashi: i did that , and it came up with a window that shows me iowa08:54
nanotubeImsdle, yes i can, hold on...08:54
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Madpilotice_1963: ah - 2.6.12-10-k7 is what I'm running, that's current for Breezy (with a K7 CPU, obviously...)08:54
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nanotubeImsdle, http://pykeylogger.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Ubuntu:Chronicles#Ubuntu_Repositories_and_sources.list (this is mine)08:54
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nomad111hi every1 where can i find tutorials on using the ubuntu terminal08:55
ubuntu_user`nanotube: apt-get clean does not seem to recongnize old version of installed packages as obsolete for me08:55
hatake_kakashi_michelle: that's the computer name right? click on it and you can see the shares, I believe you can also see the printer shared if smbtree can see it.. hopefully under smbtree the printer is not shared with $ sign behind it, or else that's a hidden share08:55
Madpilot!tell nomad111 about cli08:55
kcanyone got a link to a good hardware compatibility list for unbuntu?08:55
[bosco] use --targets to display help on valid targets.08:55
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Madpilotkc: basic stuff here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport08:55
hatake_kakashinomad111: google for 'bash HOWTO'08:56
liablekc: its the kernel more than the distro for hardware stuff08:56
Ryubuntu!tell Ryubuntu  about cli08:56
nomad111thx ppl08:56
rewt__How do I set my integrated wireless button to work right?08:56
nanotubeubuntu_user`, hmm... how about "autoclean"...08:56
ice_1963i'm running kernel
_michellehatake_kakashi: my husband says no that, that is the workgroup08:56
ubuntu_user`nanotube: i guess it would be better to remove old versions manually - it is boring, but works all the time08:56
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hatake_kakashi_michelle: ahh ok, when you double click on it, you should see the computers that are under those workgroups, click on the appropriate one to see the shares08:57
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nanotubeubuntu_user`, well, ok... sorry if i couldnt be of much help. :|08:57
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_michellehatake_kakashi:  ok, i will do that08:57
mebaran151I have two displays, a DVI LCD panel and a analog CRT08:58
mebaran151I want to default to the DVI LCD, but X chooses the Analog CRT, even though during boot, it displays on the DVI08:58
mebaran151how do I make X choose the DVI displa08:58
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rewt__How do I setup my integrated wireless button?08:59
nomad111does any1 use kde on ubuntu or do u just use kubuntu08:59
rewt__IF I manually activate my integrated wireless card, my light on my button turns on like it should when the card is in use.08:59
Madpilotnomad111: Kubuntu *is* Ubuntu+KDE08:59
rewt__If I push the button to turn off the card then push it again to turn it back on, it doesnt turn back on. I have to manually reactivate the card08:59
nomad111ah k08:59
ImsdleTHANK YOU nanotube08:59
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hatake_kakashirewt__: I do08:59
_michellehatake_kakashi: i see the the shares, but i do not see the printer being shared09:00
hatake_kakashirewt__: err nm09:00
hatake_kakashinomad111: I do09:00
nomad111neways im just trying to figure out how to update firefox through the console09:00
nanotubenomad111, if you want to try kde on ubuntu, you can install the "kubuntu-desktop" package (that is, if you are already running on ubuntu). otherwise, if you have not installed yet and want to use kde, like Madpilot says, get kubuntu, which is the same thing.09:00
mebaran151could anyone point me to an xinerama howto then09:00
nanotubeImsdle, no prob. have fun. :)09:00
hatake_kakashi_michelle: what about under smbtree? did it show the printer but behind that shared name it has $ sign appended to the back of it?09:00
papiluskiAnybody with good experience on ubuntu VOIP Solutions09:00
nomad111thx for the tip09:00
papiluskiLike Asterisk09:00
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marreNeed some help with ubuntu and cedega please, anyone?09:00
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nanotubepapiluski, well, i dont have any good experience... but i hear skype is good. :)09:01
wahyuhi all, how to change root pwd, in ubuntu 5.10 ??09:01
nanotubenomad111, , have you seen the ff1.5 installation guide?09:01
nanotube!tell wahyu about rootsudo09:01
papiluskinanotube: skype is just for basic p2p09:02
nanotubepapiluski, yes... you are looking for something else?09:02
hatake_kakashiwahyu: why would you want to do that?09:02
nanotubehatake_kakashi, hehe yea, good question. :)09:02
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papiluskibut Astersik seems to be the upcoming opensource revolution that will shake the entire telephony world like linux is doing09:03
nanotubepapiluski, hm, that's what ive heard. ive also heard that its a big pain to set up. (well, and i know that you need special hardware to use it - just a regular modem doesnt do it)...09:03
papiluskiWith your Linux box in ur bedroom and an internet access09:03
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papiluskiyou can setup a telephone exchange09:03
mebaran151anybody know how to specify which adapter for X to use09:04
[bosco] so what is module image and the kernal heders in ubuntu09:04
pvhIs Dapper 'apt-get dist-upgrade'able right now?09:04
_michellehatake_kakashi: here is what i saw,Adam\epsonr200 does not have the $, but adam\ptint does have the $ behind it09:04
papiluskifor ur entire community09:04
mebaran151not adapter but head09:04
mebaran151as my card has two heads09:04
hatake_kakashiwahyu: the root account is not accessible for security purposes, they promote the idea of using sudo, and if you change the root password, etc you have opened up to a flaw which can be problematic.. adding to that even if you enabled root, you cannot use X with root09:04
papiluskiBUt digium.com will be having a boot camp09:04
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hatake_kakashi_michelle: you mean adam\print$ ?09:04
papiluskimarch ending and i plan to be there09:04
nanotubepapiluski, heh09:05
nanotubemebaran151, two heads are better than one, eh? :)09:05
papiluskiIt comes with what the telco buy with fat dollars for almost nothing09:05
Madpilot!tell wahyu about root09:05
papiluskiThey say you could cluster your machines to serve more people09:06
mebaran151in this case09:06
mebaran151well it will be09:06
mebaran151he first head is my normal DVI monitor09:06
mebaran151the second is my new projector09:06
mebaran151running vim on a projector is just silly09:06
mebaran151I'd like to be able to switch between the two09:06
papiluskiA calling card business is just easy to handle by Asterisk09:06
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mebaran151like have vt7 be my normal monitor09:07
ubotuplease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. Write in complete sentences and keep your replies and questions on one line if possible. Thanks!09:07
mebaran151and vt8 be the projector09:07
sumedhaIs xorg in ubunto 5.10 compiled with support for bitmap fonts ?09:07
papiluskiso i want to get enough info be4 going for the bootcamp09:07
nanotubemebaran151, sorry, i dont really have any idea how to do that...09:07
_michellehatake_kakashi: my husband just showed me how to do a pastebin, and does this help?  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/872809:07
mebaran151any place I could look09:08
marreSo, noone ever have got any problems with cedega/wine in here?09:08
mebaran151it feels so passe to unplug then replug09:08
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nanotubemebaran151, try searching the ubuntu forums? ubuntuforums.org ?09:08
nanotubemarre, i never used cedega or wine... so far i am happy with what ubuntu has for me. :)09:08
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hatake_kakashi_michelle: hmm, crap.. can you pm me with the details, rather than the url because I'm still updating and did not access console browser09:09
nanotubemarre, though i have been giving some thought to trying to get IE running under wine, for that occasional site that just doest like firefox...09:09
mebaran151tried, they don't help so much09:09
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rewt__hatake_kakashi, you said you do?09:09
marreOk, thanks for replying tho Nanotube09:09
hatake_kakashirewt__: err about?09:09
nanotubemebaran151, hrm... well, then there is google... or you can just wait around until someone who knows comes along. :)09:09
Ribsnanotube: And when you get that working, you need to e-mail webmaster@site.com and tell him to learn how to code properly09:10
hatake_kakashirewt__: wifi? no it was my mistake09:10
nanotubemarre, no prob. i was feeling very conversational :)09:10
_michellehatake_kakashi: how do i pm?09:10
nanotubeRibs, the site i am thinking of is my bank. i emailed them and was like, dudes, whats up with no firefox support? and they were like, sorry, at this time we only support ie. them's the apples.09:11
hatake_kakashi_michelle: do you see a new window popup?09:11
nanotubeRibs, so unfortunately... i am kinda stuck. ;)09:11
Ribsnanotube: ah yes, I get the same with one of my credit card sites... They say it's due to IE 'security features' LOL09:11
nanotubeRibs, haha yea nice one there09:11
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bur[n] eris anyone using xserver-xgl?09:11
RibsHowever, my actual bank supports firefox09:12
nanotubecool. which bank is that?09:12
Ribsif my bank was IE only, I was switch bank09:12
Ribsnanotube: I dunno where in the world you are, but it's Natwest if you live in the UK09:12
bur[n] erwellsfargo and chase support firefox :)09:12
nanotubeRibs, well, my bank provides some nice goodies, so i dont think i would switch just cuz of ie. they reimburse my atm fees, and pay nice interest on my checking account...09:12
nanotubeRibs, iam in the usa, so unfortunately no natwest for me. :(09:13
Ribsatm fees?09:13
RibsMan, you people are getting screwed over09:13
=== bur[n] er likes wellsfargo, but to each their own
nanotubeRibs, you do not have atm fees in uk?09:13
Ribsnot from the banks, no09:13
=== bur[n] er pays no fees at Wells Fargo atms... only other ones
RibsThere was this whole thing about 6 years back, when banks were chargeing09:13
nanotubeRibs, so you can just go to any atm, and withdraw money, and no fees?09:13
Madpilotodd question, but - is it possible to have multiple instances of Totem running?09:13
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Ribsnanotube: Not *any* cash machine09:13
Ribsnanotube: All the bank cash machines, yes (even if they are not natwest machines)09:14
nanotubebur[n] er, my bank reimburses me fees that OTHER banks atms charge me.09:14
bur[n] ernanotube: that's neat09:14
Ribsbut some people run a business just on ATM machines... They tend to be in clubs etc.09:14
nanotubeRibs, wow, thats kickass! i am moving to the uk tomorrow. :)09:14
bur[n] erMadpilot: don't think so09:14
rewt__what is iamp?09:14
Ribsnanotube: Oh, it doesn't stop there :>09:14
uboturewt__: Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:14
Ribsnanotube: I have a saving account, with no tax at all09:14
nanotuberewt__, imap is an email transfer protocol.09:15
Madpilotbur[n] er: was afraid so - that's a bit irritating09:15
=== bur[n] er values firefox support over going atm fees
rewt__how do you use it?09:15
Ribsnanotube: Do you guys get charged to recieve calls on mobile phones?09:15
kc::sigh:: despite all info about how it should just work, i seem to be having issues with my ati radeon 850009:15
nanotubeRibs, cool!09:15
bur[n] erMadpilot: maybe there's a gconf option?09:15
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nanotubeRibs, yea, we do get charged. you dont?09:15
Ribsnope :)09:15
Madpilotbur[n] er: there's a gconf option for everything, it seems - I'll have a look09:15
nanotuberewt__, well, you need an email client that supports it (like thunderbird, for example)09:15
Ribsnanotube: IN FACT... one network has just starting PAYING YOU to recieve calls :D09:15
bur[n] erMadpilot: i don't see one in obvious places :\09:16
MadpilotRibs & nanotube: could you take the offtopic stuff to #ubuntu-offtopic, please?09:16
nanotuberewt__, and then you just connect to the imap mail server, and download your messages from it. and unlike pop, imap will keep mail syncronized between server and your hd.09:16
nanotubeRibs, dude, wtf is wrong with the us, then? :)09:16
nanotubeMadpilot, sorry, it just kinda grew out of a browser discussion...09:16
Ribsohhh, didn't know offtopic existed09:16
Madpilotbur[n] er: I might just file a bug against Totem, and see what happens...09:17
bur[n] erso I'm assuming no one uses xserver-xgl09:17
rewt__say i ran an imap off a mates mail server09:17
nanotubebur[n] er, i value hard cash over firefox support... i guess i am just easy that way. :)09:17
rewt__could he check my mail ad see my password?09:17
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bur[n] ernanotube: i've got no IE to use ;)  choice is made for me09:17
Ribsrewt__: probably09:17
Madpilotrewt__: if he had root/sudo/superuser access to that machine, yes he could see everything09:17
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nanotuberewt__, if your mate owns the box, and has root access on it - he can read ANYTHING on that box, including your mail.09:18
SAAD3000hello, where do i find the new kernel for 5.10?09:18
=== bur[n] er supposes a faked opera acting as IE would work
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rewt__including my password?09:18
Madpilotbur[n] er: probably not - Opera's IE-faking isn't all that convincing09:18
Madpilotbur[n] er: not from a Linux box, anyway09:18
nanotuberewt__, only way to prevent that is to encrypt your mail, with gpg, for example. but that is not very practical for "regular" mail because for encryption the other party has to have gpg too...09:18
Madpilotrewt__: maybe09:19
SAAD3000hello, where do i find the new kernel for 5.10?09:19
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nanotuberewt__, he cannot see your password per se, because it is hashed, but he can just sudo to your user, or sudo to root, and he does not need your password at all.09:19
rewt__hmph ok09:19
nanotubeRibs, got your pm, but cant reply cuz have to "register"...09:19
rewt__what is gpg by the way09:19
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uboturumour has it, gpg is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto or http://www.linuxgazette.com/node/874609:19
Ribsthat's okay, thought it would be a good one off anyway :>09:19
bur[n] ergpg == gnu pgp09:19
Ribsunless you wanna chat or whatever, I can let you through09:20
nanotuberewt__, but notice, that this is the same whether your mail is on your mate's server, or on the isp's server, or anything - the isp's sysadmins can theoretically read all your mail too. :)09:20
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SAAD3000hello, where do i find an upgrade of the default kernel of 5.10??09:20
rewt__yea he owns a site and uses his box as his server09:20
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nanotubeSAAD3000, what cpu do you have?09:21
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a2xmhi all.. I think I've seting up the samba correctly... I try print from the client and it did send the job to the samba server.. but it didn't print anything.. any helps.. thanks09:21
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SAAD3000nanotube Pentium M processor09:21
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nanotuberewt__, well, if you trust him, you could have your mail on his server. but do recognize the fact that he CAN, if he wants to, read your mail...09:21
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jinwhats the command to update things09:21
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rewt__ok, thanks09:21
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defryskjin, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade09:22
jinthank u09:22
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nanotubeSAAD3000, ok, in that case you want to install package "linux-686". that will install the latest kernel for you.09:22
nanotubejin, or you can use the synaptic package manager, which is a very nice gui interface to apt-get09:23
SAAD3000nanotube oke where do I find it to download it? Because I can't access the internet from Ubuntu09:23
nanotubeSAAD3000, oh... hmm... let me see now...09:23
jinnah i wanna practice more the the comand line09:24
defryskjin, wise choice :)09:24
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=== xota saluda
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nanotubeSAAD3000, ok, to download, you will need to get these to .deb packages: http://packages.ubuntu.com/breezy/base/linux-image-2.6.12-10-686 and http://packages.ubuntu.com/breezy/base/linux-restricted-modules-68609:26
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Ribsnanotube: whoa, bad advice09:27
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nanotubeSAAD3000, and then after you transfer them over to your ubuntu box, run "dpkg -i packagename.deb"09:27
Ribsnanotube: He should install the meta-packages.09:27
nanotubeRibs, but you cannot download meta packages09:27
SAAD3000nanotube only those 2 right.09:27
nanotubeRibs, he said he has no net access from ubuntu09:27
nanotubeRibs, so he has to download debs, and then install09:27
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Ribssorry, wasn't paying attention :>09:27
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nanotubeRibs, i would have recommended "linux-686" otherwise :)09:27
nanotubeSAAD3000, yes, i think just those two would do it.09:27
OmegaAlphaRibs.. its whats for dinner09:28
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SAAD3000nanotube do you rememver whats the default kernel version of 5.10?09:28
pvhOooooh! Compiz!09:28
nanotubeSAAD3000, hrm, hold on, i will check my grub menu :)09:28
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RibsOmegaAlpha: I'm all bone and no meat09:28
nanotubeSAAD3000, default is "2.6.12-9-386"09:29
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SAAD3000nanotube I hope it recogize my wireless and my get me online.09:31
XFreeManSPS, i've isstalled ubuntu but the eth0 is not functioning although i have configured it09:31
nanotubeSAAD3000, what is your wifi card?09:31
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nanotubeSAAD3000, i am not sure that the new kernel has any extra wifi support... its just security updates and things like that... afaik.09:32
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SAAD3000nanotube Intel wireless pro 2200 BG09:32
nanotubeSAAD3000, w00t!!!! me too!!!09:32
nanotubeSAAD3000, but my 2200bg worked well right out of the box, with no problems...09:32
SAAD3000nanotube Under suse didn't detect it.09:32
heliotropeSeveas, whats up09:32
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SAAD3000nanotube then I have to check my network card because it didn't get me online09:33
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SAAD3000nanotube oke i gtg I'll catch u later on here thanx .09:33
nanotubeSAAD3000, i have never run suse... so dont know what's up with that. but when i unstalled ubuntu on my laptop, with 2200bg wifi, it just worked09:33
nanotubeSAAD3000, ok, good luck :)09:33
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heliotropecan anyone help me with g++09:33
SAAD3000nanotube whats ur laptop?09:33
jini got a couple of questions....09:33
SAAD3000am on laptop now09:33
nanotubedell inspiron 515009:33
SAAD3000ohh oke09:33
jinwhats wget?09:33
nanotubehere is my website on how i got it all set up and custom09:33
lqtruongi dont know09:33
SAAD3000catch u later thanx09:33
lqtruongi really dont know09:34
nanotubelaterz, SAAD300009:34
nanotubejin, its a program to download files off the web09:34
XFreeManHelp, i just installed ubuntu, the eth0 is not working09:34
jinwhat about "sudo dpkg -i"09:35
w32XFreeman is it active09:35
pithe^afkhello, you are gonna hate me... i'm a complete newbie. i just want to know if i should let ubuntu do the partitioning for installation or if i should partition in windows then install09:35
Madpilotjin: dpkg is how you install .deb files09:35
w32Xfreeman is it configured09:35
nanotubejin yea, its pretty neat. instead of firing up your browser and stuff to get things, can just say "wget blabla.com/file.mp3" and it will download it. there is also a nice gui frontend to wget called "gwget"09:35
nanotubejin, sudo dpkg -i is the command to install software packages09:35
jinooo thanks09:35
=== bur[n] er uses gdebi to install .deb files
w32Xfreeman is the ethernet cable terminated properly and plugged in?09:36
XFreeManw32 yes it is09:36
Madpilotbur[n] er: that works in Dapper?09:36
bur[n] erMadpilot: sure09:36
nanotubejin, but in ubuntu, the best way to get packages is through the synaptic package manager. it downloads and installs things automatically.09:36
defryskjin, make sure to install ubuntu debs only09:36
XFreeManwhen i booted the LiveCD, it was fine and OK09:36
bur[n] erwhat i'm not sure about working in dapper is xserver-xgl.. i'm hesitant to try it out09:36
nanotubeXFreeMan, when you run "ifconfig" from commandline, is eth0 listed?09:36
amphinanotube: nice page - you should submit it to linux-laptop.net09:36
w32ifconfig eth0 ?09:36
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Madpilotbur[n] er: cool - more Dapper coolness to look forward to09:37
defryskjin, read http://help.ubuntu.com/09:37
nanotubeamphi, thanks :) whats linux-laptop.net?09:37
OmegaAlphaamphi, i think my messages got blocked09:37
XFreeManyes and gives the ip i specified too put it doesn't ping09:37
bur[n] erMadpilot: soooooo much cool stuff in dapper :)09:37
amphinanotube: point your browser to http://linux-laptop.net/ ...09:37
w32maybe your gateway or dns settings are wrong ?09:37
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XFreeMani got ADSL router, the gw + dns are te router, they are configured09:38
amphiOmegaAlpha: /msg nickserv ident <passwd>09:38
yuri_hi, can someone tell me how to forward a port?09:38
w32no I mean on eth0 is it pointing to the right gateway and dns09:38
w32is it static or dynamic09:39
amphiyuri_: I think you will find docs on that at http://netfilter.org/09:39
OmegaAlphawell i got no new memos09:39
w32change the ip to dynamic and try that09:39
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w32if it gets and address and you can get "OUT"09:39
a2xmhi all.. I think I've set up the samba correctly... I try print from the client and it did send the job to the samba server.. but it didn't print anything.. any helps.. thanks09:39
nanotubeamphi, ooo, its nice. :) i am submitting now. tx for the headsup.09:39
defryskyuri_, in case you use a router : http://www.portforward.com/09:39
w32then you static config'd it wrong09:40
pvhbur[n] er: i'm just updating to dapper to try xgl09:40
pvhbur[n] er: and compiz09:40
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w32or there is a conflict with another ip addr on the same subnet09:40
rewt__Anyone here good at writing scripts or knows how to write scripts at all?09:40
pvhbur[n] er: life without window tiling is hard after you get used to having it. it really replaces the task-switching bar very well09:40
XFreeManno conflict, i'm trying DHCP09:40
pvhbur[n] er: human eyes are faster at recognizing colour/shape than reading text09:41
w32ie comp1= & comp2= would cause a problem09:41
nanotuberewt__, what kinda script do you wanna write?09:41
amphinanotube: pleasure - it's better to have this stuff in one place than scattered all over teh intarweb09:41
rewt__a script where i push my radio button to turn on my wireless and it turns it on for me since it doesnt do it now09:41
nanotubeamphi, yea, true. :) but its also nice to have my own site to do with as i please. ;)09:41
amphinanotube: indeed - a link from linux-laptop.net is all09:42
XFreeMani'm new to ubuntu, is it true that root is desables, i have to sudo everything09:42
nanotubeamphi, yea, i saw. i already submitted. it has a LOT of info on there. that's cool. i wonder if we should link to it from the laptoptestingteam page on ubuntu wiki.09:42
rewt__my mate just got me an account using his imap stuff.....how do i ssh to him and change my pw?09:43
w32xfreeman yes09:43
nanotubeXFreeMan, yes, that's true. you CAN enable root pretty easily, but that is discouraged09:43
nanotubeXFreeMan, read this:09:43
w32sudo or enable root desktoplogind09:43
ubotuBy default, the root password is locked in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.09:43
rewt__how do you ssh in ubuntu?09:43
nanotube!tell XFreeMan about rootsudo09:43
rewt__w32, yes?09:44
nanotuberewt__, just open up a terminal, and type "ssh servername -l yourremoteusername"09:44
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w32apt-get install ssh openssh -server09:44
rewt__nanotube, do i need that ssh openssh -server?09:44
w32did you mean ssh in or out rewt_09:44
nanotubew32, ssh is installed by default. he does not need to install the ssh server09:44
rewt__oh ok09:44
rewt__So now about that script09:45
nanotuberewt__, open up a terminal, and type "whereis ssh". if stuff comes up, then ssh is already installed, and you dont need to install any packages09:45
w32oh it is I just do base installs09:45
w32never gui09:45
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nanotubew32, heh ic. gui is nice for desktop use, though. :)09:45
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nanotuberewt__, so whats the script?09:45
rewt__IF I manually activate my integrated wireless card, my light on my button turns on like it should when the card is in use.09:46
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rewt__If I push the button to turn off the card then push it again to turn it back on, it doesnt turn back on. I have to manually reactivate the card09:46
rewt__so I need a script that when I push that button, it turns on the card for me.09:47
nanotuberewt__, so what do you do to "manually activate the card" ?09:47
rewt__I go to sys>admin>networking    click on the card and hit activate09:47
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jinwell nighty night people09:48
XFreeManit's not working09:48
jinand thankx again for the help09:48
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yuri_hi, I need help forwarding a port to use with bittorent. It was suggested to me that i use netfilter but I have no idea how to use it. can someone give me a quick solution?09:49
nanotuberewt__, well, to start it from commandline, you would type "ifup eth1" (but replace eth1 with whatever name your wifi interface has)09:49
w32xfreeman your router or otherwise is issuing dhcp addrs right?09:49
nanotuberewt__, so you dont really even need much of a script to do it from commandline :)09:50
rewt__ifup wlan009:50
Madpilotyuri_: that's probably going to depend on your router09:50
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rewt__I'd like to have the convenience of that radio button though :-P09:50
nanotuberewt__, if wlan0 is the name of your wifi, then yes. :) check what it is by running "iwconfig" from terminal09:50
yuri_i get no router probs in windows, only in linux09:50
w32i don't know then sorry09:50
defryskyuri_, http://www.portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/routerindex.htm09:50
w32I'm better w/ it in front of me09:50
rewt__it is wlan009:50
nanotuberewt__, ok, then it is "ifup wlan0"09:50
yuri_been there... already... many times09:50
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rewt__But what about convenience09:51
defryskyuri_, thats as explicit as you can get it09:51
rewt__im a lazy geek09:51
XFreeMani don't know what's wrong, as if it's seeing the network09:51
nanotubeyuri_, in general, to forward a port, you just go to your router's config page, and set it up there.09:51
nanotuberewt__, so at which times would you like to bring up your wireless?09:51
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yuri_like i said, the ports are forwarded and work in windows, but not in linux09:51
nanotubeevery time you boot up?09:51
nanotubeyuri_, ah sorry, i missed that09:52
w32when you do and ifconfig eth0 do you actually see any IP address under the ineterface09:52
XFreeManit work on windows, so i'll try it on GNU/Linux thought it shouldn't, i'll reboot09:52
nanotubeyuri_, do you have your firewall turned off in linux?09:52
yuri_umm... 1 sec09:52
Madpilotyuri_: if you've got Firestarter running, make sure it's opened the BitTorrent ports09:52
w32or just the ipv6 addr09:52
=== BlazedForever [n=xvium@d207-6-5-27.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #ubuntu
XFreeManbtw, it's haging from time to time09:53
yuri_i cant see firestarteer in sys monitor...09:53
nanotubeyuri_, from commandline, type "sudo iptables --list"09:53
nanotubeyuri_, and see what comes up. if all the chains are are blank and accepting stuff, then your firewall is down. :)09:53
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XFreeManwhen i tried static, i saw the ip, but now dynamic only the ipv609:54
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rewt__nanotube, everytime i push that button09:54
w32ok then type ifconfig eth0 192.168. whatever and hit enter09:54
yuri_says it accepts it inbound.. so its off09:55
w32you know what i mean ?09:55
nanotuberewt__, hehe i see. well, i do not know where the script that is attached to your button is... but it must be there somewhere09:55
rewt__Canwe look for it??09:55
XFreeManit geve, permission denied, do i sodu it, right?09:55
nanotubewell, i am not at your computer, so you will have to do all the looking. :)09:55
rewt__XFreeMan, yes09:56
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nanotuberewt__, but when you find it, just add "ifup wlan0" to it ;)09:56
rewt__nanotube, where should I start looking?09:56
w32xfreeman nano /etc/network/interfaces09:56
nanotubeXFreeMan, its "sudo" not "sodu", just to make sure you know09:56
rewt__nanotube, and if I add that will it also add it in windows too?09:56
ubotuI guess multimedia is for codecs, http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch03.html#sect-music-and-movies ; and for applications, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MultimediaApplications09:57
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nanotuberewt__, try looking in /etc/acpi09:57
amphinanotube: there is also tuxmobil.org, BTW09:57
w32i'm  about to pass out its 4am09:57
nanotubeamphi, hmm, i will check it out...09:57
yuri_hey it worked.. looks like i did have my firewall up. hmm. im an idiot. thanks.09:57
w32need a cigarette09:57
nanotubew32,dude, its 4 am here too, and i be needing some sleep as well. :)09:57
nanotubeyuri_, hehe well, glad you figured it out. :)09:57
BlazedForeverhay can someone help me register?09:58
XFreeManthantks w32, it's 11 am here, and i havn't slept yet09:58
rewt__nanotube, would it be ibm-wireless.sh?09:58
w32yep cya guys09:58
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nanotuberewt__, that sounds plausible09:58
rewt__nanotube, asus-wireless.sh09:58
nanotuberewt__, hm, that sounds plausible too09:58
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nanotubew32, cya09:58
rewt__nanotube, tosh-wirelss.sh09:59
XFreeManw32 cya09:59
MadpilotBlazedForever: /msg nickserv help09:59
w32mhm zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz09:59
rewt__nanotube, wireless.sh09:59
rewt__thats all i see plausable09:59
nanotubewell, read the scripts and see what they say09:59
nanotubeeg, tosh-wireless seems to be about bluetooth - so thats out09:59
rewt__i think i found something10:00
rewt__# /etc/acpi/events/asus-wireless10:00
rewt__# This is called when the user presses the wireless button and calls10:00
rewt__# /etc/acpi/wireless.sh for further processing.10:00
rewt__event=hotkey ATKD 0000005d10:00
ubotufrom memory, paste is please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text10:00
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shad0w1ehow do I change my hostname?10:00
nanotuberewt__, sorry, i am not registered, so i cannot pm...10:00
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nanotubebut hold on let me see there10:01
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mod^how do I let users change passwords with phpmyadmin?10:02
nanotuberewt__, see if you have the file /proc/acpi/asus/wled10:02
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nanotuberewt__, if you do not, then that script does not do anything for you, because it works only on that device10:02
XFreeManyo people, my eth0 is not working, i've tried everything10:03
nanotubeBlazedForever, how to register?10:03
nanotubeXFreeMan, firewall is off?10:03
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rewt__nanotube, nope10:03
rewt__i have proc/acpi but no asus10:04
XFreeManhow can check the firewall10:04
nitishpHow would I make an Ubuntu package that can be viewed in synaptic or some program like synaptic?10:04
XFreeManiptables ?10:04
nanotuberewt__, then that's not it10:04
rewt__nano join me in /radioB10:04
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nanotuberewt__, whats the brand of your laptop?10:05
rewt__Compaq Presario V200010:05
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nanotubenitishp, so you want to make a .deb package?10:05
BlazedForevercool i figured it out10:05
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rewt__AMD Turion 6410:05
nanotubenitishp, from a tar.gz source package?10:05
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XFreeMannanotube, how do i check the Firewall10:06
BlazedForevercan someone tell me if ubuntu comes with the opengl libraries pre-installed10:06
nanotubeXFreeMan, run "sudo iptables --list" and see what it displays10:06
XFreeMani got Compaq Evo N1020v10:06
nitishpnanotube: I have to make a Debian package?10:06
nitishpAlright, so I'll dpkg then correct?10:07
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nanotuberewt__, well, i do not see anything about compaq wireless scripts. probably, you would have to search google to find your laptop make, and see how that works...10:07
nanotubenitishp, ubuntu uses the same package format as debian, yes.10:07
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nanotubenitishp, and once you have a .deb, can install with dpkg -i10:07
nitishpAlright, sweet, thanks nanotube.10:08
seliniumHi all, my server chowns files as www-data:www-data  it is possible to and my user to the www-data pool?10:08
XFreeManinput/output/forward policy = accept  + no rule, i guess this is an empty config10:08
nanotubenitishp, the easiest way to make a .deb from a source is to use "checkinstall" package10:08
ltibor65Seveas, how can I make a boot floppy for Ubuntu?10:08
nanotubeXFreeMan, yes, thats an empty config, so yoru firewall is down...10:08
nanotubeXFreeMan, well, there goes my idea :)10:08
rewt__nanotube, will this work? https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2005-January/018180.html10:09
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seliniumHi all, my server chowns files as www-data:www-data  it is possible to ADD my user to the www-data pool?  (spelling mistake)10:10
nanotubeselinium, to add users to the group www-data, open up your users and groups panel, (system>administration>users and groups) and you can edit groups and add users to them.10:10
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BlazedForevercan someone tell me if ubuntu comes with the opengl libraries pre-installed??10:10
XFreeMani t seems i'll go back to slackware10:11
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seliniumnanotube, Cheers10:11
nanotuberewt__, or this: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2005-January/019782.html10:11
BlazedForeverim trying to config and it says im missing opengl "configure: WARNING: *** No OpenGL found."10:11
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nanotubeBlazedForever, try "glxinfo" from terminal10:13
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ltibor65Hi guys! How can I make a boot floppy for Ubuntu? Can somebody help me?10:14
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zulfiqar_ffis anyone using gperfection theme by lokheed?10:14
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nanotubeBlazedForever, got your pm. hmm... well i suppose that means that opengl is not on on your comp. it was installed by default on mine...10:15
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nanotubeltibor65, not sure, but i think searching google for "ubuntu boot floppy" will yield some good results.10:16
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Mabus06where does x chat log to by default when it's enabled10:16
crimsunerr, sorry, misread10:17
rewt__nanotube, i tried that the ipw2200 thing said there was no /module10:17
nanotubeBlazedForever, sorry, i do not. i looked around in synaptic but could not find it. i think it comes with x.org somewhere. it may already be on your comp, just not enabled, because your gfx card is somehow claiming it doesnt support it?... but i am not great with graphics cards.10:18
nanotuberewt__, hmm... well i guess you have reached the end of my knowledge. best i could suggest is to put an executable script on your desktop, with "ifup wlan0" in it, so that you can just double click and run it whenever you need to10:19
rewt__I don't know how to write one?10:19
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nanotubeMabus06, probably ~/.xchat2/ somewhere?10:19
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nanotuberewt: create a simple text file, with two lines in it10:20
nanotuberewt__, line 1 is "#!/bin/bash"10:20
nanotuberewt__, line 2 is "ifup wlan0"10:20
rewt__what do I create it in? openoffice?10:20
nanotuberewt__, then change permissions to executable for you10:20
nanotuberewt__, then you can run it10:20
nanotuberewt__, no, just use gedit10:21
heliotropewhat is a good ftp for ubuntu?10:21
nanotuberewt__, or even pico10:21
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nanotubeheliotrope, "gftp" is real good10:21
heliotropenanotube, thanks10:21
heliotropenanotube, can i install it with symantec?10:21
nanotubeBlazedForever, hmm, generally those -dev packages are just for development (ie, making your own software)... so i doubt it.10:21
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heliotropenanotube, synaptic*10:22
nanotubeheliotrope, you mean synaptic?10:22
heliotropenanotube, yeah lol10:22
nanotubeheliotrope, hehe yes, you can. just search for gftp, it will be there10:22
rewt__nano...how do I make it executable for me?10:22
nanotubeBlazedForever, well, doesnt hurt to give it a shot, right? :)10:22
rewt__mark execute?10:23
nanotuberewt__, right click file, select properties, go to permissions, and check the "execute" checkbox for owner10:23
rewt__under properties10:23
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rewt__Got it :)10:23
nanotuberewt__, see, you figured it out without me :)10:23
rewt__now to try it10:23
Scarboroughmy firefox window closes from time to time by itself10:24
Scarboroughwhy is that?10:24
nanotubeBlazedForever, sorry... i am out of my depth here. do not know what to suggest.10:24
zulfiqar_is anyone using gperfection2 theme by lokheed?10:24
nanotubeScarborough, hmm, maybe its an extension or plugin problem?10:24
nanotubewhat extensions/plugins do you have?10:25
nanotubeScarborough, and what version of firefox?10:25
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heliotropehow come i can compile and build a single file with g++ with no problem but when i do a project it wont work?10:25
Scarboroughnanotube, its the latest one, but I dont have any plugins or extensions, exept fasterfox10:25
nanotubeheliotrope, whats the error message?10:25
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nanotubeScarborough, hmm, well, it may be fasterfox. cuz ive never heard of that extension, and do not have it. :)10:25
heliotropenanotube, it just says build unsucessful10:26
nanotubeScarborough, try disabling fasterfox, and see if the random crashes go away, thats all i can suggest10:26
BlazedForeverCan someone please help me with getting openGl working10:26
nanotubeScarborough, but its just a guess :)10:26
nanotubeBlazedForever, good luck dude.10:26
Scarboroughnanotube, its supposed to speed up ff, but i doubt that it works10:26
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nanotubeScarborough, hehe yea, try disabling, see what happens.10:27
nanotubeheliotrope, hm, sorry dont know...10:27
Scarboroughnanotube, done, now lets see what happens10:27
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nanotubeScarborough, yep... how frequently does it usually restart?10:27
heliotropenanotube, its ok ill look through the help10:27
nanotubeheliotrope, have fun. ;)10:27
heliotropenanotube, lol, thanks10:28
Scarboroughnanotube, like two-three times an hour10:28
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BlazedForeverdoes anyone here have any idea on how to get opengl to work?10:30
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nanotubeScarborough, then you dont have long to wait :)10:30
ideafixi hate ubuntu10:30
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heliotropeubuntu rocks10:30
nanotubeideafix, then maybe you are in the wrong forum :)10:30
Scarboroughnot really :P10:31
nanotubeideafix, isnt there an #ubuntusucks channel somewhere? :)10:31
heliotropemy cat loves ubuntu so much he sleeps on only my computers with it installed10:31
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nanotubeheliotrope, lol10:31
Scarboroughnanotube, what do you think about antivirus/spywere in ubuntu, do I need it?10:31
ideafixshould i got to windows and say i hate ubuntu ?10:31
neoscLo guys... finally got ubuntu to connect to the internet.. now how do i setup sound.. I dont hear a thing10:31
nanotubeScarborough, well, ive given that some research and thought myself... and come to the conclusion that it is not needed.10:31
nanotubeScarborough, antivir, for sure, because there are no viruses for linux in the wild, so it would just be sitting there eating resources and not doing anything10:32
ideafixnanotube: its not needed because ubuntu is in it self spyware10:32
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nanotubeScarborough, spyware might not be completely useless, cuz them spyware people can come up with some pretty mean things... but if you just install stuff from repos or other reputable sources, dont really need it either.10:32
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nanotubeideafix, how so? has it been sending info about you to some outside server?10:33
neoscGuys.. how do i setup sound.? i have simple 2 piece speakers10:33
nanotubeideafix, which server?10:33
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nomad111wats the current linux kernel version10:33
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nanotubenomad111, which cpu do youhave?10:33
ideafixi dont know im not an hacker10:33
=== amphi reckons ideafix has his tinfoil helmet on too tight
nomad111nanotube, im using the ubuntu amd64 version10:33
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nanotubeideafix, then how do you know it has been sending it in the first place??10:34
nomad111athlon 64 3800+10:34
nanotubewell, my kernel is 2.6.12-10-68610:34
neosccud u help me? how do i setup sound.? i have simple 2 piece speakers10:34
nanotubenomad111, there is probably the equivalent for amd there too10:34
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dooglushow can I blank my swap partition?10:34
nomad111one more thing wats the command to update stuff from the terminal10:34
ideafixbut people because people come in irc using my passwords as nick names10:35
amphinomad111: apt-get update/upgrade10:35
nomad111k cool thx10:35
foxpaulanyone know how to check which ports are being uised on my local machine, by which process?10:35
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amphi!pal ideafix10:35
ubotuamphi: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:35
ideafixwhats that !10:35
dooglusnomad111: I use this alias in my .bashrc - then all I need to type is 'update' in a shell10:35
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dooglusnomad111: alias update='sudo apt-file update && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'10:35
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amphiideafix: an instruction to the bot, but it doesn't understand that one10:36
nomad111lol too much technical language lol10:36
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nomad111i just need to update and its asking are you root?10:36
nomad111do i hac to do sudo i10:36
ideafixis that german ?10:36
amphinomad111: do sudo apt-get update to update the package database10:36
dooglusnomad111: run "gedit ~/.bashrc", then add in that line I wrote, starting at 'alias', save the file, start a new terminal and run 'update'10:36
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eneska18jest tu jakis polak ????10:36
nanotubenomad111, its easiest to just run synaptic10:36
nanotubenomad111, synaptic is a gui based package manager10:37
amphi!tell eneska18 about pl10:37
dooglushow can I blank my swap partition?10:37
nanotubedooglus, why do you need to do that?10:37
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eneska18co pl10:37
nomad111dooglus, where do i add the line u told me to add10:37
dooglusnanotube: it's full of sensitive data that I would like to clean out when I shut down10:37
BlazedForeverconfigure: WARNING: *** No OpenGL found.10:37
BlazedForever                projectm plugin will not be built.10:37
BlazedForever      what the heck now :(10:37
heliotropethis is now officially my 2nd day with Ubuntu10:37
dooglusnomad111: right at the end is fine10:37
nomad111dooglus, thx10:37
=== monzie is back
=== monzie neeeds some help from the community .. again
nanotubeheliotrope, nice. :) its just about the start of my 2nd month10:38
BlazedForeverdoesent ubuntu come with OpenGL?10:38
eneska18jest moze ktos z polski ???????10:38
heliotropenanotube, haha awesome, i've been in shock and awe over the multiple workspaces lol10:38
monziecan someone please help me with subversion..10:38
monziei am required to check out a module10:38
monziei have the url , but dont know how to do it10:38
heliotropenanotube, im running different things just to put in the other spaces10:38
monzieplease help somebody10:39
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nomad111dooglus, sudo: apt-file: command not found10:39
nanotubedooglus, you would probably want to boot from a cd, and then use the "shred" command10:39
nanotube(man shred for more details)10:39
monziecan someone please tell me how to retrieve a module from subversion10:39
ompauldooglus, get more ram emm you need to write an ap that turns swap off and and then does the formatting thing would most likely be the most effective, then incorporate it in the shutdown squence10:39
dooglusnomad111: if you don't use apt-file, you can remove the first part10:40
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nanotubemonzie, probably if you install the subversion package from the repositories, you can then check out stuff10:40
dooglusnomad111: or just install apt-file10:40
nanotubedooglus, oo, whats apt-file?10:40
nomad111dooglus, apt-get install apt-file right?10:40
monziei have installed subversion nanotube , how do i get stuff?10:40
dooglusnanotube: it's a way of finding which package provides a given file10:40
amphidooglus: you want to zero out your swap partition?10:40
dooglusnanotube: right.10:40
dooglusamphi: I do.  on shutdown.10:41
monzieman svn does not help10:41
amphidooglus: _every_ shutdown ?10:41
nanotubemonzie, i am not sure about subversion, i just use cvs... but svn is supposedly pretty similar to cvs. if you go to google and search for 'subversion tutorial' probably you can find good stuff10:41
dooglusamphi: otherwise my passphrase and such like is stored in it while the PC is off.10:41
xerophytedoes anybody know any free cisco iso simulation??10:41
dooglusamphi: sure.10:41
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amphidooglus: passphrase from what? gpg?10:41
ompauldooglus, apt-cache search X or show X10:41
dooglusamphi: what's the point of using encrypted filesystems if the passphrase is saved in clear text in the swap partition?10:41
dooglusamphi: all passphrases, passwords, etc.10:42
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dooglusamphi: anything that gets into RAM can potentially end up in the swap partition in clear text.10:42
nanotubedooglus, arey ou sure those things are saved in the swap? afaik, gpg and pals usually take pains toavoid that10:42
amphidooglus: no, not anything10:42
dooglusompaul: what are you telling me?10:42
monzieis there any way to install the Ubuntu Live CD to hard disk?10:42
amphidooglus: memory can be allocated that's flagged not to be paged out10:43
ompauldooglus, apt-cache search X or show X - to find where a package came from10:43
amphidooglus: a better solution would be encrypted swap IMHO10:43
nanotubemonzie, hmm, not sure... i think its best to just get the ubuntu install cd for installation, instead.10:43
monzieis there any way to install the Ubuntu Live CD to hard disk?10:43
dooglusnanotube: ok, gpg may well make sure it doesn't swap out my pass phrase.  but is open office going to make sure it doesn't swap out the document it's editing, which was encrypted with gpg?10:43
dooglusamphi: encrypted swap sounds slow...10:43
ompaulmonzie, don't do that with 5.10, you will be able to with 6.04 when it is released (afik)10:43
nanotubedooglus, probably not. :)10:43
heliotropewhats the install command again?10:44
amphidooglus: dd-ing /dev/zero over yr swap partition is going to make shutdown very time consuming10:44
nomad111U kno wat would really help the world, if someone could tell us how to auto-enable num-lock when ubuntu to starts10:44
heliotropeapt-get install?10:44
amphidooglus: I doubt it makes that much odds10:44
dooglusompaul: apt-file is for findinf out which package provides a given file.  even for packages you didn't install yet.  apt-cache can't do that.10:44
Ngnomad111: there's a package called numlockx that should do that10:44
monzienanotube, https://launchpad.net/products/ubuntuliveinstaller-shellhack/+ticket/2110:44
nomad111thank you10:44
monzieand https://launchpad.net/products/ubuntuliveinstaller-shellhack/+series/1.210:44
amphidooglus: of course there's a performance hit, as for encrypted filesystems, but swap is so much slower than ram I doubt you'd notice10:45
dooglusamphi: I don't mind how long shutdown takes - 'cos I'll be out of the house at the time.  I tend to sit at the computer when I'm working, then initiate shutdown and leave.10:45
nomad111Ng, E: Couldn't find package numlockx10:45
amphidooglus: dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/whatever10:45
SnorkelI have a dual boot (XP Ubuntu) machine. Is it possible to erase the XP partition and later add to the existing Ubuntu / partition.10:45
dooglusamphi: how would I go about encrypting swap on the fly then, so I can check out if it's slow?10:45
amphidooglus: but if you do that, you'll need to mkswap each time you boot10:46
rage__Hey guys, anyone having trouble with the madwifi kernel modules surplied in the restricted modules package?10:46
amphidooglus: google knows about encrypted swap10:46
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monzieok ompaul , and 6.04 releases in March?10:46
nanotubedooglus, see this thread http://www.ussg.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/0108.0/index.html#139410:46
nanotubedooglus, might find it helpful10:46
Ngnomad111: ah, you'll need to enable the universe repository10:46
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource10:46
nomad111ye i just did thx10:47
Ngmonzie: april10:47
amphidooglus: I suppose you could dd from an offset into the swap device, so as not to destroy the swap signature or whatever it is that mkswap puts in there10:47
monziehmm okay..10:47
ompaulmonzie, 04 april10:47
monzieokay ompaul , is that like a confirmed date?10:47
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nomad111i need to change the permission on my mounted ntfs folder how do i do that10:48
ubotuompaul: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:48
nomad111coz i cant access it10:48
ompaul!dapper drake10:48
ubotuwell, dapper drake is the 4th release for Ubuntu (ver. 6.04). For goals see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperGoals. To try without removing/breaking breezy see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot. see warnings !dapper10:48
=== ompaul wonders who did that
monzieNg, ompaul , i am working on an E17 based distro , tentatively to be called ENubuntu, focussing on pure eye candy10:48
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ompaulmonzie, 20th april10:49
monzienow there's two ways to do it 1) 2 cd10:49
monzieone install and one live10:49
hangfirewill ubuntu install ATI drivers or only nVidea drivers?10:49
Seveasmonzie, Ebuntu?  10:49
nanotubeSnorkel, yes it is possible. try using "gparted" to do that (install the package from synaptic)10:49
nanotubenomad111, its dangerous to play with ntfs filesystem from linux10:49
monzieand the other one is to have a combined live/install cd aka Knoppix10:49
rowanjlHello, can anyone direct me to some info on getting my Soundblaster Live working with 5.1 sound?10:49
monzieyup, Seveas10:49
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nomad111nanotube, i just want to access it10:49
monzieis that a project too Seveas , Ebuntu?10:49
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hangfireanyone know if its easy to install ATI drivers on ubuntu?10:50
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Seveasmonzie, no, just a name for ENubuntu I would like more ;)10:50
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dooglusamphi: thanks10:50
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monziei thought ENubuntu as it rhymed with Ubuntu, Kubuntu Edubuntu and Xubuntu...10:50
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dooglusnomad111: are you OK with that alias now?10:50
SnorkelOk thanx. I shall try so i get rid of windows and have a lot of disk space free10:51
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=== daniel073 [n=daniel07@p54B38B94.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
bart___can anyone advice me on installing nvidia drivers on ubuntu ?10:51
nomad111dooglus, yes i removed apt-file from it10:51
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nomad111dooglus, its fine10:51
dooglusnomad111: good10:51
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nomad111dooglus, how do i ask ubotu questions10:51
monzieokay Seveas , i am about to post the name to the ubuntu-users and ubuntu-devel lists!10:52
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monziejust type a "!" followed by a key word dooglus10:53
ubotuhmm... mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats10:53
ubotufrom memory, nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736810:53
heliotropedoes ubuntu have a built in antivirus10:53
uboturowanjl: No idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:54
hangfireyou dont need antivirus with Linux10:54
rage__anyone familia with festival here?10:54
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heliotropeoh sweet10:54
heliotrope = noob10:54
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heliotropehow come you dont?10:54
Hystyheliotrope, pretty sure there aint viruses for linux10:55
hangfirego to the nastiest porn sites on Linux and you wont pick up one piece of spyware10:55
bart___there are virusses for linux, but very few10:55
heliotropeare they just harder to make?10:55
Angel_Dexwhy is there few tho>?10:55
Hystythere you go10:55
hangfirebecause all the viruses are written for windows10:55
Hystybart___, wasnt sure on that one10:55
Sp4rKycan i start my computer over qemu ?10:55
bart___heliotrope: no because most virus makers focus on the masses10:55
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Hystyand the open and vunerable windows10:56
bart___heliotrope, as soon as ubuntu becomes main stream that most likely will change10:56
Angel_Dexbart___ sad to think aboutno?10:56
Ribs*if* Ubuntu becomes mainstream10:56
heliotropebart___, am i safe from what viruses there are for linux atm?10:56
amphiSp4rKy: what do you mean?10:56
ubotuit has been said that ntfs is the filesystem used in Windows 2000 and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions10:57
bart___heliotrope, as far as I know you are10:57
ubotupermissions are explained here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FilePermissions  - The easiest way to work with permissions is to sudo chmod {options} filename.  Also, try "man chmod", "man chown", and "man chgrp" from the console.10:57
heliotropebart___, ok thanks10:57
Angel_Dexwhy cant i find a good icon for Xwine10:57
hangfiredoes Linux have a defragment feature like windows?'10:57
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Angel_Dexno need10:57
nacho_ubunti espaol10:57
nacho_espaol ??10:57
rowanjldoes linux have a crap filesystem like windows?10:57
BlazedForeverHey can someone reccomend a good hard drive repair and/or diagnostic tool , one that will fix bad sectors,corrupted partitions etc.10:57
Nghangfire: no, the filesystem takes steps to minimise the effects of fragmentation10:58
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.10:58
Ribsrowanjl: define "crap filesystem"10:58
Hystyhangfire, linux doesnt fragment10:58
hangfireno, Linux doesnt even have a registry like windows10:58
bart___hangfire, defrag is not needed anymore on nfts as such, its an old thing from the old windows days far gone10:58
rowanjlRibs, Fat.10:58
NgHysty: yes it does, but not as much10:58
mantySo is a firewall really necessary on linux?10:58
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Seveashangfire, well actually it has 10:58
Ribsrowanjl: It can read/write fat32 partitions, but doesn't use them nativley10:58
rowanjlRibs, thats not a real question btw10:58
Seveashangfire, /etc could count as a registry and gconf definitely is one10:58
Ribserm, okay10:58
HystyNg, well yes but compared to the old windows I would reckon it was neglible10:58
hangfirebart, didnt know that, I thought defragement was still important on winXP10:58
rage__hangfire, There might be less of a virus threat with linux. But its pretty important to keep everything upto date10:59
heliotropehangfire, defrag is important on winxp10:59
rowanjlRibs, it was in relation to hangfires question about defragmenting10:59
Angel_Dexyeah it is10:59
rowanjlCan anyone help me with my soundcard?10:59
hangfirewell /etc is like where they store .dlls10:59
bart___hangfire, you can defrag on XP, but MS advocates NTFS does not need it to stay well performing, sure it cleans things up but old systems needed defrag to keep performing since its non journaled10:59
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hangfirethen why do you say defrag is not important on ntfs?10:59
Angel_Dexbart___ Actually Not defraging a system is a VERY bad idea even on XP11:00
bart___Angel_Dex, not really :)11:00
heliotropewhat time is it for all of you, its like 4am here haha11:00
hangfireso then does Linux have any kind of defrag feature?11:00
Hysty9pm here11:00
Ribshangfire: no, it doesn't need one11:01
Angel_Dexi ran windows enough to know if you dont defrag a computer when it need be you can get unstability11:01
hangfire4am here to11:01
Nghangfire: there are tools that can do it, but you generally don't need it11:01
G0SUBhangfire: it doesn't need one11:01
Angel_Dexand slugishness11:01
hangfireok, thx, thats good to know11:01
RibsI thought fsck just checked the filesystem?11:01
amphiSeveas: well, dunno about /etc - one of the worst things about the windows registry is that it's opaque binary data mostly11:01
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Ribsdidn't think it defragged it11:01
bart___Ribs, correct11:01
NgRibs: correct11:01
Hystyno it doesnt11:01
Ng"defrag" defrags ext filesystems11:01
Hystyits about all you need to do really tho11:02
hatake_kakashiworst thing about windows? non-RASIS/POSIX compliant11:02
bart___agreed on POSIX :)11:02
Angel_Dexworst thing about windows um *cough* is that its windows11:02
ccookeRibs: fsck will report on fragmentation.11:02
rage__Cygwin ;)11:02
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andyjstormontHow do I stop getting permison denied?11:02
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hangfireenter root access11:03
heliotropethe worst thing about windows is they make you pay for that crap11:03
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Hystyheliotrope, indeed11:03
BlazedForeverHey can someone reccomend a good hard drive repair and/or diagnostic tool , one that will fix bad sectors,corrupted partitions etc.11:03
monzieEbuntu should be online in 24 hrs!11:03
andyjstormontI still get it as su.  I have been having this problem ever since I added an acount for my brother.11:03
Hystyheliotrope, i want a refund on my win95 floppy disk installation set11:03
monziee2fsck BlazedForever11:03
monzieand parted11:04
OmegaAlphagot a big prob11:04
amphiBlazedForever: if you see bad sectors on a modern hd, it's dying11:04
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heliotropehysty, just set it on fire on bill gates door step11:04
rewt_well that didnt work11:04
Hystyheliotrope, heh11:04
mantySo is a firewall really necessary on linux?11:05
OmegaAlphaamphi, got a problem11:05
Angel_Dexmanty yeah? a firewalls needed nomatter what OS11:05
OmegaAlphacant get on linux...11:05
Ngmanty: if you have any network servers listening, yes, otherwise no11:05
heliotropehow do i interact with my windows network with ubuntu?11:05
mantyok thanks11:05
Sp4rKyhow could i start my pc over qemu ?11:05
Hystymanty, i would say yes11:05
bart___manty, yes but not as urgently as on windows I think11:05
Angel_Dexwho would run without a firewall @.@11:05
mantyso how do i set firestarter to load at bot automatically?11:06
bimberiBlazedForever: HDD manufacturers usually distribute one of their own (eg. Seagate Seatools) - check your HDD manufacturers website11:06
rewt_nano is gone?11:06
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heliotropeI have a windows wireless network and was wondering if i could browse shared files on my windows computer with ubuntu?11:07
Angel_DexHow do i persue a friend into using Ubuntu? hes leaning towards debian unstable/fedora11:07
bart___rewt_, nano works fine here for me11:07
rage__mant, sudo apt-get install rcconf && man rcconf11:07
nitishpAngel_Dex: Get him/her the free CDs.11:07
rewt_if im writing a command to start my card how would i write a command to conect to a certain essid?11:07
mantyrage__: was that for me?11:07
Angel_Dexnitishp he downloaded it all11:07
rewt_im writing a script to start my wireless card11:08
rage__rcconf - Debian Runlevel configuration tool11:08
rewt_sudo ifup wlan011:08
rewt_that's the script so far11:08
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liablerewt_: thats what interfaces file is for..11:08
Angel_Dexnitishp if he can make it less restricted and noob friendly i think hed use it11:08
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rewt_liable....i cant figure it out on here11:08
rewt_see im using my integrated wirelss11:08
HystyAngel_Dex, tell them to check out the Live CD first11:08
rewt_and my wireless button doesnt work right11:08
rewt_well not in linux that is11:08
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heliotropei had to go through a ton of stuff to get wireless working :11:09
Angel_DexHysty did11:09
rage__iwconfig channel 4 essid blah frag 512 mode foo11:09
heliotropei dont even know how i did it anymore11:09
rewt_if I manually turn on the card and push the buttn to turn it off then push it again to turn it back on, it wont come on by button11:09
OmegaAlphaanyone know how to edit xorg.conf from root terminal?11:09
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Angel_DexHysty Hes trying to learn linux and wants a good stable OS thats not made for noobs11:09
liablerewt_: /etc/network/interfaces, /usr/share/doc/ifupdown/examples/network-interfaces.gz11:09
glickexcuse me how do you rotate a figure in dia?11:09
rage__The version of madwifi ubuntu came with doesnt seem to like my wifi card:(11:09
ubotuI give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, bart___11:09
rage__I might have to remove the restricted modules and compile it up from scratch11:10
heliotropeanyone know how i can browse my windows computer on my network with ubuntu?11:10
HystyAngel_Dex, thats not made for noobs?11:10
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Hystyheliotrope, samba11:10
nitishpAngel_Dex: If he wants total control over every little thing, go for Gentoo.11:11
heliotropehysty, do i just type sudo apt-get install samba?11:11
Angel_DexHysty yep i told him Ubuntus just really restricted cuz theeres no root when he wants to run as root11:11
rage__just a guess, places/connect to server11:11
Snorkelsmbclient -L11:11
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nitishpAngel_Dex: What the heck? How said that?11:11
nitishpAngel_Dex: You lied to him then.11:11
rage__Do you have gnome installed?11:11
HystyAngel_Dex, create a root account11:11
rewt_liable, how would i make my wireless button work?11:11
monziethats "sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf" OmegaAlpha11:11
Angel_DexI was told theres no root TT_TT11:12
monziebut that's not recommended if you dont know how to edit it11:12
nitishpAngel_Dex: Then you were lied to.11:12
liablerewt_: no idea, but try from cli first, generally easier to see where shit fails..11:12
Angel_DexHo Hum i should tell him that then11:12
nitishpYou do that.11:12
bart___anyone know if there is a chm reader available on ubuntu ?11:12
tony__Hi guys...11:12
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nitishprewt_: Command Line Interface.11:12
rage__Command Line Interface11:12
monzieyum there is bart___ ,11:13
liablerewt_: terminal, youknow, text commands..11:13
OmegaAlphamonzie, ok..what about if you edited it already.. made a mistake and cant get on linux.. butonly a terminal when you boot?11:13
Ngbart___: xchm11:13
heliotropehow do i use samba11:13
rewt_i know11:13
rewt_where would i check for errors im new to this stuff11:13
bart___Ng: do I need to apt-get it or is it in Additional Applications ?11:13
monzieyou have a backup OmegaAlpha of your old xorg.conf?11:13
Ngbart___: probably apt-get, or synaptic of course :)11:13
nitishpheliotrope: You read the manuals and make your configuration files that best suit your needs.11:13
rage__I think linux seems to mange cpu throttling on my laptop better than windows. My battery lasts longer :D11:13
monzieif not do a "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"11:13
heliotropenitishp, i dont even know where to open it at11:14
heliotropenitishp, i think i installed it :\11:14
amphiis nano installed by default?11:14
nitishpheliotrope: Well, verify it first.11:14
bart___Ng: new to ubuntu.. would almost do emerge :)11:14
Angel_Dexwhy no auto mount for floppys?11:14
Ngamphi: yes11:14
nitishpAngel_Dex: Dude, who is telling you all these fallacies?11:14
Hystyrage__, damn right it does, I cant get Linux to overheat my cpu, windows does before it even gets to login11:14
heliotropenitishp, how do i do that, in complete and utter noob talk, (2nd day with linux)11:14
rage__I found a ncurses based smb client awhile back.11:14
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Angel_Dexnitishp >.> idk?11:14
rage__Hysty, P4?11:15
nitishpheliotrope: http://www.linux.ie/articles/tutorials/samba.php -> That's a quick little primer.11:15
heliotropenitishp, thankyou11:15
Hystyrage__, Athlon XP 2000+11:15
nitishpheliotrope: http://samba.org/samba/docs/man/ -> There's the beast.11:15
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Hystyrage__, plus its 35 degree plus weather here11:15
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amphiNg: thanks11:15
quad__My soundcard isnt making any sound, how do I check the drivers/settings?11:16
rewt_if a mod needs sudo and u write a script for it, where do you put he pw for sudo in the script11:16
bart___Ng, not seeing xchm in Synaptec ?11:16
rowanjldoes anyone know how to get 5.1 surround sound working on a soundblaster live?11:16
nitishprewt_: You don't.11:16
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rewt_what do u do?11:17
nitishprewt_: If you need to run something with sudo do it like login_prompt $ sudo <script>11:17
SnorkelHeliotrope als this link will help you http://help.ubuntu.com/starterguide/C/ch07.html#sect-samba-server11:17
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Angel_DexOk heres a que i really got no clue about I really love using hte hosts file Buton Windows the bigger the hosts file the worse off is there anything like that in ubuntu>? i wanna make me host file major big but im scared of repocutions11:17
heliotropesnorkel, thanks11:17
nitishpAngel_Dex: /etc/hosts11:17
rewt_so like this11:18
Ngbart___: you probably need to enable the universe reponsitories then11:18
rewt_login_prompt $ sudo11:18
rewt_sudo ifup wlan011:18
rewt_sudo modprobe ndiswrapper11:18
nitishprewt_: I mean at the command line.. you'd sudo <script>11:18
Angel_Dexnitishp i know of this im asking is there any problems that may occur if i make it say 51k lines long a few MB big?11:18
liablerewt_: ffs, /etc/network/interfaces11:18
bart___Ng, thanks, will keep looking :)11:18
rewt_But im not using command line11:18
OmegaAlphamonzie, no back up11:18
nitishpHow are you running the script?11:18
rewt_liable, wy do you keep posting that11:18
liableits a file!11:18
rewt_i made a text file and made it executable11:18
OmegaAlphagoing to try to edit it with nano now to change the simple edit i made back to normal11:19
rewt_so when I double click n it it runs11:19
liablerewt_: because it is *the* file that configures interfaces?11:19
nitishprewt_: Right... so then sudo <script_you_made_executable>11:19
Ngrewt_: I think it's trying to tell you that you can do all of your network stuff in that file11:19
rewt_It's not hwat I need though >.<11:19
liablerewt_: instead of making half baked scripts?11:19
rewt_My wireless button doesnt work right in linux.11:19
rewt_I can turn on my wireless card manually and the button ligths up.11:20
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rewt_If I push the button to trn it off, the light goes off11:20
rewt_If I push the button again, nothing happens11:20
Sp4rKynobody could help me with qemu ?11:20
rewt_So Im writng a script to make it work.11:20
bart___Ng, its installing thanks :)11:20
rage__Do you want it to execute a script when the button is pushed?11:20
nitishprewt_: If you want to make this script, then you could either run this as root or have ifup wlan0 && modprobe ndiswrapper which you would name "script" and then at the command line -> sudo script11:20
rewt_That way I just double click a link to do all the work11:20
SnorkelIs the sticky bit perhaps a solution?11:21
NgSnorkel: solution to what?11:21
nitishpAngel_Dex: Why do you have 51K lines in /etc/hosts?11:21
rewt_rage__, Id like it to11:21
SnorkelFor running a script as root11:21
rewt_but I cant figure out how to11:21
NgSnorkel: nope11:21
NgSnorkel: the sticky bit has no effect on files11:21
Ng(on linux)11:22
SnorkelOk. I didnt know that. Thanx11:22
Angel_Dexnitishp like i said i like using hte hosts file i combined about 7 hosts files from the net into one11:22
nitishpAngel_Dex: What is this for?11:22
rage__Does hotplug not pickup the card when you switch it on and off?11:22
rewt_rage, no11:22
nitishpAngel_Dex: Sounds to me like it's either a makeshift nameserver or a makeshift firewall.11:22
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rage__have you added the module into /etc/modules?11:23
rewt_well i dont know...seems to work fine when booting up until it gets to configuring networks11:23
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Angel_Dexnitishp As i know Linux is safe from viruses and malware tho i still use a hosts file to protect meself nomatter what and mostly to just keep the net looking clean and feeling safe Ease on the mind more then enything11:23
rewt_once it gets to configuring network it hang for about 2 mins then load11:23
rage__that just executes at boot tho11:23
rewt_and the button no longer works11:23
rowanjlDoes anyone here have a sound blaster live?11:23
nitishpAngel_Dex: Use a firewall program of some sort then, like iptables.11:23
liablelooking for dhcp..11:23
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rewt_before I get to configuring networks i can push it on and off non stop11:23
zebraFusionwhen I "ssh my.remote.ip" and it says it isn't connectable, what am I doing wrong?11:23
rewt_i added the mod yes11:23
zebraFusionDo you need to unblock ports or something for ssh?11:24
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rewt_the butto lights up on boot up and when it gets to configuing network the light goes off and the button no longer works?11:24
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Angel_Dexnitishp Hum I feel better using the hosts FIle is there any site you may know of about Hosts files on linux? i have only found them on windows11:24
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rage__have you read up about hotplug?11:24
ubotumethinks nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736811:24
liablezebraFusion: no, you need to run the service, but if you have a router...11:24
nitishpAngel_Dex: Okay, the hosts file you'd edit is /etc/hosts. No, I don't know of any such site. Furthermore, I urge you to get a software firewall instaed of wasting your time on /etc/hosts11:25
rewt_rage__, I'm new to this stuff....so no I havent11:25
zebraFusionliable: is the service running by default for Ubuntu?11:25
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Angel_Dexnitishp what time will be wasted? I find it fun11:25
liablezebraFusion: no11:25
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bimberizebraFusion: no, install the ssh package11:25
liablezebraFusion: ubuntu doesnt run any net services by default11:25
zebraFusionbimberi, sudo apt-get install ssh?11:25
bimberizebraFusion: yep11:25
rage__rewt_, have a google. You might find what you need.11:26
nitishpAngel_Dex: Clearly our definitions of "fun" vary. Have fun spending countless hours on /etc/hosts editing.11:26
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bimberizebraFusion: openssh-client is installed by default but installing ssh will bring in openssh-server11:26
Angel_Dexnitishp Um 10 minutes max man Download the hosts files combind um with me program and replace the hosts file Simple11:26
rewt_rage__, I tried that earlier with someone in here11:26
rewt_they couldnt even figure it out11:26
rowanjlffs, why does everything have to be an epic struggle..?11:26
rewt_rowanjl, i hear ya11:27
Ngrowanjl: what is?11:27
nitishpComing from other distributions, I have to say that Ubuntu is easily the most noob friendly distribution out there, so if you think Ubuntu is hard.... good luck with other distributions.11:28
rowanjlFirst I couldn't get video playback that wasn't choppy, then I spent three hours making interlacing work, and now I can't get my soundcard to work :(11:28
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rewt_row didu have sound b4?11:28
rowanjlI have sound, but only 2 channels...11:28
zebraFusionbimberi, thanks again. You've been very helpful with every question I've had. :] 11:29
rewt_rowanjl, how do you know you have 2 channels?11:29
=== rewt_ wonders how many she has
rowanjlbecause they are the only two wich any sound comes out of11:29
rewt_rowanjl, how do I check?11:29
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rowanjlI have six channels, but only the front two are working11:29
bimberizebraFusion: np, coincidence surely :)11:29
rage__rewt_, I've never had to add anything to hotplug but i'll look into it11:29
rewt_rage__, thanks11:30
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rewt_rage__, how do I check my channels?11:30
rowanjlrewt_, use the mixer, select Edit > Preferences and then look for "surround" and "center"11:30
liableman iwconfig11:30
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liableoh, sound..11:30
rowanjlI've been searching on google for two hours now, and I've not found anything usefull11:30
Pablo_Canyone run 915resoulution?11:31
rewt_rowanjl, where is the mixer?11:31
rowanjldouble click on the speaker icon in the tray11:31
=== Pablo_C hands rewt_ 2 turn tables and a microphone
rewt_now what11:31
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rowanjlEdit > Preferences11:32
=== rewt_ kindly takes the stuff from Pablo_C
rowanjland look for surround and center11:32
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Ngrowanjl: it may be that it's not supported by the linux driver. I don't have enough speakers to have needed to find out though11:32
rewt_i dont see any of those11:32
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rage__rewt_, usb/pcmia or pci?11:33
rewt_the wireless card?11:33
rowanjlNg, right, I'll just use Windows then :/11:33
rewt_rowanjl, surround and center isnt in the list11:33
rewt_rage__, the card is integrated11:33
rowanjlrewt_, do you know what card you have?11:33
rowanjlprobably just a two channel card then11:34
zebraFusionssh is working :] 11:34
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rewt_yea lemme look t it again11:34
rowanjlRight, I'm going back into windows to watch some movies11:34
Angel_Dexanyone have a good Xwine icon?11:34
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rage__There is alot of infomation on hotplug11:35
rewt_54g 802.11b/g WLAN with 125HSM* / SpeedBooster and BroadRange support11:35
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bart___rewt_, try a sudo lspci, it should show11:35
gnomefreakyou shouldnt need sudo to run lspci11:36
rewt_ Card: Broadcom BCM9431811:36
bart___gnomefreak, either way :) lspci is what could help11:36
rewt_it doesnt say in lspci11:36
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rewt_jsut has 0000:05:02.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation: Unknown device 4318 (rev 02)11:36
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rewt_but it is Card: Broadcom BCM9431811:37
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Angel_Dexanyone have a good Xwine icon?11:37
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liableif lspci shows unkown haedware.. update-pciids11:37
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rewt_rewt@ubuntu:/$ update pciids11:38
rewt_bash: update: command not found11:38
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liableyes, thats not what i wrote..11:38
gnomefreakyou missed the -11:38
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rage__rewt_, http://www.bangmoney.org/presentations/hotplug/11:38
rewt_0000:05:02.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g]  802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)11:39
rage__woops, im not spose to do that am i? :o11:39
Mabus06okay, this is really starting to get to me... how come there are all kinds of popups with checkboxes that say "alert me whenever I submit information that isn't encrypted" or going from encrypted to unencrypted, etc. They're unchecked. I've tried checking them, and then unchecking them the next time they pop up.11:39
Mabus06But still, they keep popping up. What is the point of the checkbox if they're going to alert me every time anyway?11:40
rogkWhich tool I could use in Ubuntu for managing services?11:40
rewt_rage__, did you get that11:40
rewt_0000:05:02.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g]  802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02)11:40
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gnomefreakMabus06: its for mozilla and its because you shouldnt check it and it will go away for each site not all sites at once11:41
slideCan I log in to an X session from another computer (2 linux boxes) ?11:41
DuXiagot a qns here11:41
DuXiamy server keeps having this 15mins downtime intervals intermittently11:41
Mabus06gnomefreak: for EACH site? How do I disable that?11:41
zebraFusionOnce a development stage of Linux starts "I.e. Dapper"11:41
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DuXiaanyone knows why?11:41
zebraFusiondo all updated packages for Breezy cease to be updated11:41
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gnomefreakMabus06: last time i checked you cant11:42
zebraFusionslide, yes, with VNC?11:42
bigfoot1how come when i do some commands in Terminal, I don't get anything but a ">" character?11:42
slidezebraFusion, any way to do it with just X?11:42
zebraFusionslide, none that I've ever heard of or am aware of.11:42
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gnomefreakbigfoot1: you get a $ or # in linux not a >>11:43
zebraFusionVNC works well for me, I use it to manage GUI's remotely.11:43
slidehrm, what about X11Forwarding?11:43
gnomefreak> = dos11:43
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gnomefreakor python but you get the picture11:43
DuXiaanybody encounters 15mins downtime problems?11:43
nitishpgnomefreak: It could have been that his/her PS1 variable was set to ">"11:44
bigfoot1gnomefreak: yes, usually i get $ when i run a command, but sometimes i get a >11:44
rewt_I've gottan a >11:44
zebraFusionHow can I change my hostname?11:44
bigfoot1and when i get a >, nothing happens.11:44
zebraFusionie... veritas@hostname11:44
rewt_keep pushing enter it will go away :-P11:44
rewt_Thats what I do11:44
rewt_About 25 enters later it's gone11:44
bigfoot1for example I tried realplay http://somewebsite.com/music.rm, and realplayer program doesn't open up. I get only > in termnial11:44
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rage__someone should make a wargames speaker box with festival ;)11:45
bigfoot1rewt_: my purpose is not to get rid of >. My purpose is to make the command work11:45
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rewt_is there anyway to turn on  a module automatically after bootup11:45
rage__ubotu, tell rage about festival11:45
rewt_like the last thing it does before xserv11:45
zebraFusionHow can I change my hostname?11:46
zebraFusionie... veritas@hostname11:46
liablebigfoot1: well, its waiting for more input.11:46
rage__sudo hostname11:46
gnomefreakzebraFusion: you can do that in system>admin>networking11:46
liablebigfoot1: so, check out the man page cause you musnt have supplied enough parameters11:46
rewt_i just typed in sudo hostname11:47
zebraFusiongnomefreak, will that save permanetly?11:47
rewt_and then i put a different name after it11:48
Ngbigfoot1: > means you haven't finished typing the line you started11:48
gnomefreakzebraFusion: should11:48
rewt_closed the terminal and now another one wont open11:48
zebraFusionrewt_, yeah, you must relog in11:48
Ngbigfoot1: e.g. chances are there was a \ on your previous line, or a '11:48
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rewt_rage__, still here11:48
liablerewt_: dont just type random shit in terminals, try and understand what you are actually doing.11:48
bigfoot1liable, do you want to try one specific command i entered?11:49
rewt_i wanted to change my host name11:49
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rewt_and someone else did too11:49
rewt_so i followed the instructions11:49
rewt_sudo hostname11:49
liablebigfoot1: i dont have realplayer11:49
Ngrewt_: if you want to change your hostname permanently you probably want to use the network admin tool11:50
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gnomefreakrewt_: use the graphical way. its more user friendly11:50
liablerewt_: no, edit /etc/hostname, then run hostname11:50
rewt_ill brb gotta restart now :(11:50
amphirewt_: echo your_hostname | sudo tee /etc/hostname11:50
Ngrewt_: if you just restart after running sudo hostname your hostname will go back to what it was11:50
Ngamphi: isn't that a little bit convoluted? ;)11:50
liablerewt_: why reboot?11:50
Ngamphi: especially when three solutions were just presented11:50
amphiNg: is it?11:50
rewt_because i cannot get into terminal11:50
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zebraFusionI just logged out and logged back in11:51
zebraFusionand my hostname is what I changed it to11:51
bigfoot1Ng: on the dvorak keyboard layout, where is the  \ character?11:51
gnomefreakzebraFusion: good :)11:51
amphiNg: lot quicker than opening /etc/hostname in an editor or blundering about in dialog boxes and menus </curmudgeon>11:51
rewt_how do i open terminal now>.<11:51
rewt_its like my permission is denied11:51
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zebraFusionrewt_, just log out and log back in. Easy.11:51
gnomefreakrewt_: have you logged out yet?11:51
rewt_not yet11:52
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gnomefreakrewt_: well than try it11:52
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cimekhello all11:52
=== gnomefreak brb coffee
zebraFusionis there a terminal cmd to restart a certain Aplication?11:52
bigfoot1Ng, no, in my command, i didn't have a \, nor a '. But i have / (as in URLs)11:52
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rewt_uh oh11:53
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rewt_it said add something to /etc/hosts11:53
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cimekhow do i change my desktop color on UBUNTU?11:53
rewt_and now my resolution is all messed up :(11:53
liablezebraFusion: kill it, then retart it, unless its a daemon, you cant restart with a single command11:53
rewt_what do i do???11:53
rewt_rewt@tEoti:~$ sudo hostname ubuntu11:55
rewt_sudo: unable to lookup tEoti via gethostbyname()11:55
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liableerr, just hostname..11:55
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rewt_i changed my hostname on aacident11:56
rewt_my hostname used to be ubuntu11:56
rewt_i changed it in terminal by typing   sudo hostname tEoti11:56
rewt_how do I get it back to normal?11:56
Aegirrewt_, sudo hostname ubuntu11:57
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mantyAegir: it doesn't change it, reboot?11:57
rewt_Aegir, i did that11:57
liablerewt_: it will not have changed. you need to edit the hots file. sudo hostname ubuntu11:57
liableback to naormal..11:57
rewt_rewt@tEoti:~$ sudo hostname ubuntu11:57
rewt_sudo: unable to lookup tEoti via gethostbyname()11:57
liablecat /etc/hosts11:58
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liableerr.. hostname..11:58
rewt_my /etc/hostname says my hostname is ubuntu11:59
rewt_but when I go to terminal and type in hostname11:59
rewt_it says tEoti11:59
gnomefreakrewt_: whats after the @ sign in the prompt?12:00
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bigfoot1i have a japanese keyboard, but am using English Dvorak keyboard layout. ANybody else with a similar situation?12:00
rewt_i logged out hten back in12:00
rewt_and it still has tEoti12:00
gnomefreakrewt_: sudo hostname ubuntu  than log out and back in12:00
cimekhow do i change my desktop backround?.....i can't even browse my floppy12:00
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rewt_gnomefreak, should it say this12:00
rewt_rewt@tEoti:~$ sudo hostname ubuntu12:00
rewt_sudo: unable to lookup tEoti via gethostbyname()12:00
gnomefreakrewt_: than go to system>admin>networking and change it there12:00
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rewt_i want it to be ubuntu again12:01
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bart___anyone know a good equalizer sound app ?12:01
rewt_gnomefreak, help me :(12:01
gnomefreakrewt_: try it with the networking tool in gnome that should change it to ubuntu12:01
rewt_i cant get to it it's like im denied access12:02
gnomefreaksee above to find it12:02
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rewt_gnome ??12:03
rewt_i cant get into networking12:03
liablerewt_: sudo hostname -F /etc/hostname12:03
gnomefreakrewt_: give me a sec im thinking12:03
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rewt_rewt@tEoti:/$ sudo hostname -F /etc/hostname12:03
rewt_sudo: unable to lookup tEoti via gethostbyname()12:03
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gnomefreakrewt_: you wont beable to use sudo thats why im thinking :(12:04
bigfoot1how do i convert a wav file to mp3, keeping the bitrate the same (so that the file is not any bigger than it should be, nor is it smaller that the audio quality is compromised).12:04
bigfoot1keeping the audio quality the same.12:04
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bigfoot1hey guys12:04
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mantybigfoot1: flac?12:05
bart___bigfoot1, cant be done, wav is a non bitrate format, mp3 is bitrate based, so there is always a loss unless you go for insane bitrate12:05
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liablerewt_: cat /etc/hosts12:05
gnomefreakrewt_: what happens when you type sudo hostname tEoti than log out nad back in12:05
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bigfoot1manty: if flac, how?12:05
rewt_liable, cat?12:06
GURThow do i get my usbdrive to not be read only?12:06
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bigfoot1bart___: oh. but can we keep the drop in audio quality negligibe (not heard in human ears)?12:06
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gnomefreakrewt_: yes cat12:06
rewt_what is cat?12:06
bart___bigfoot1, yeah, probably best done on varbitrate or 192 oe 25612:07
gnomefreaka command :) read man cat12:07
rewt_# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts12:07
rewt_::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback12:07
rewt_fe00::0 ip6-localnet12:07
rewt_ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix12:07
rewt_ff02::1 ip6-allnodes12:07
rewt_ff02::2 ip6-allrouters12:07
rewt_ff02::3 ip6-allhosts12:07
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bart___rewt you miss something like:       localhost.localdomain   localhost       sion12:08
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gnomefreakrewt_: if you change the host so all match than change it from the netwok tool it should fix everything12:08
rewt_so what do i do12:08
bigfoot1bart___: ok. so how do you suggest converting wav to mp3, and to do it in various bitrates, so i can test what bitrate is optimal for my ears?12:08
bart___rewt_, try what gnome says12:08
rewt_i dont understand what he is saying12:08
rewt_im new to this stuff12:08
gnomefreakrewt_: sudo hostname tE whatever it is12:09
bart___bigfoot1, beauty of var is it adjusts bitrate where needed and has an overall better quality12:09
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gnomefreakthan logout and back in12:09
rewt_so instead of doing sudo hostname ubuntu12:09
rewt_do sudo hostname tEoti12:09
gnomefreakgo to system>admin>networking and change it to ubuntu there log out and back in :)12:09
bigfoot1bart___: that sounds nice. so Var it will be for me.12:09
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gnomefreakrewt_: yes they need to match12:09
bigfoot1bart___: what program should we use for wav to mp3 conversion?12:09
bart___bigfoot1, do one on var, and same song on 256, and compare :)12:09
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic12:10
rewt_rewt@tEoti:/$ sudo hostname tEoti12:10
rewt_sudo: unable to lookup tEoti via gethostbyname()12:10
gnomefreakrewt_: what does sudo -i output?12:10
bart___bigfoot1, I have not made mp3's on ubuntu/linux yet :) but someone suggested one earlier12:10
bigfoot1when, bart___?12:10
rewt_rewt@tEoti:/$ sudo -i12:10
rewt_sudo: unable to lookup tEoti via gethostbyname()12:10
bigfoot1before i stepped into the room?12:10
bigfoot1this hour?12:10
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bart___bigfoot1, flac ? I dont know it12:11
Hoxzeris there any program that can automaticaly remove not connectable repos from sources.list?12:11
bart___bigfoot1, check your application list12:11
bart___bigfoot1, there is one called SOund Converter there12:12
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bart___bigfoot1, A simple sound converter application for the GNOME environment. It reads anything the GStreamer library can read, and writes WAV, FLAC, MP3, and Ogg Vorbis files.12:12
gnomefreakHoxzer: not that i ever seen12:12
gnomefreakrewt_: this is bad12:12
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rewt_what do i do :'(12:13
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bart___rewt_, what says: cat /etc/hostname12:13
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gnomefreakit is a good way to teach how sudo is safer than su :( if used right12:13
rewt_rewt@tEoti:/$ cat /etc/hostname12:13
bart___thats good12:13
monzieI have gotten a pgp problem, can someone please help?12:14
bigfoot1is there a way to get an ipod to play Flac format files?12:14
bart___your hosts file is still bad12:14
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liablegnomefreak: you ban ruin your system just as good with sudo..12:14
bart___bigfoot1, you on fixed ip ? or dhcp ?12:14
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monziei lost my pgp key, how to recover it?12:14
bigfoot1bart___: i'm not sure. why?12:14
bart___bigfoot1, woops soz12:14
gnomefreakliable: yes but as long as you use sudo before each command (and have a clue what you are typing) it can cut down on it12:14
bart___rewt_, you on fixed IP or dhcp ?12:15
bigfoot1bart___: i thought you were adressing someone else.12:15
rewt_should i restart the whole compter?12:15
bart___bigfoot1, I was :) lazy me12:15
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bart___rewt_, try add a line manually to your hosts file12:15
rewt_i cannot get into a root mode to edit anything12:15
rewt_it's all read only12:15
=== gnomefreak thinks you need sudo to do that
bimberirewt_: you can in 'recovery mode'12:16
liablerewt_: paste the whole /etc/hosts file in #flood12:16
rewt_the one in right now?12:16
bart___rewt_, cant do: sudo nano -w /etc/hosts12:16
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liablesudo can edit anything..12:16
liablei want to see that file.\12:17
bimberirewt_: no, it's an option in the grub menu at boot time12:17
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bart___liable, sure it can12:17
a2xmhi, I need help here.. my samba server has 2 printer. HP deskjet 420 & HP deskjet 3550. client can print to the deskjet 420, but for the 3550 it seems the driver is not correct.. anybody knows? thanks12:17
bart___liable, try a sudo nano -w /etc/hosts and see12:17
rewt_whenever i do recovery mode i never have internet?12:17
ubotu[azureus]  a popular bittorent client written in Java, installation instructions can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AzureusHowTo12:17
bart___rewt_, can you do: sudo nano -w /etc/hosts12:17
rewt_so how would i get on irc12:17
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gnomefreakhe cant get sudo because the hostname ubuntu has access not tEl...12:17
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liablebart___: erm, it isnt me that was wondering about it..12:17
gnomefreakrewt_: to fix this you dont need internet12:17
liablebart___: i have root.. :)12:17
bart___gnomefreak, yes on a networked command, nano may be clean12:17
rewt_bart___, no12:17
ProfessorChaosanyone in here running Xgl on nvidia hardware?12:18
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rewt_gnomefreak, i f im pasting something into irc i will12:18
bart___rewt_, same error or did not try ?12:18
rewt_same error12:18
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sorush20why isnt' azureus in the repositories? and Ihave to download form a debian repository?12:18
bart___rewt_, did you google on the error ?12:18
bart___rewt_, or search the ubuntu forums on it ?12:18
liablerewt_: the top line of /etc/hosts12:18
gnomefreaksorush20: its non free12:18
bart___liable, yes his local host line is missiong12:19
rewt_127.0.0.1 localhost.localdomain localhost ubuntu12:19
rewt_is my top line12:19
sorush20how comes its in the debian repositories then if it is non-free?12:19
bart___rewt_, thats a fine line and needed badly12:19
rewt_so what do i do12:19
liablerewt_: just reboot12:19
gnomefreaksorush20: i have a feeling its not a debian stable repo than12:20
liablesave us all the headache12:20
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MatyasZAHas anyone played around with Network Traffic Accounting Soloutions on Ubuntu before? ANY idea if netacct any good?12:20
GURThow do i get my usbdrive to not be read only when it automounts?12:20
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a2xmanyone can help me with printer on samba?12:20
gnomefreaksorush20: i wouldnt use the debian repo to get it anyway12:21
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bart___GURT, mine automounts and is R/W so no idea12:21
GURTmine was. it decided to stop working.12:22
GURTthanks for the help!12:22
bart___GURT, what does your drive properties say ?12:23
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bart___GURT, permissions tab12:23
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bart___GURT, I mean, right click on icon, select properties, select permissions tab12:24
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bart___GURT, File owner and group12:24
GURTboth my name12:24
bart___GURT, that should work then but it has me puzzled too since it claims I cant change group cause I am not owner in the bottom remark, wierd12:25
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GURTsays im the owner and then says im not.12:25
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ubotuDo they come in packets of five. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, nomad11112:26
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bart___GURT, sure its not R/W ? folders I copy from it come accross RO but I can add files and folders to my external hd12:26
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting12:26
ArafangionFor some reason I can't resume from standby if I am not running X - any suggestions?12:26
rewt_-.- no luck12:26
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GURTi can't add anything12:27
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bart___rewt_, paste the error again and I check the ubuntu forums ?12:27
rewt_:-P jk worked. sorry for the head aches fells :) i appreciate the help.12:27
GURTi can't even create a new folder on it12:27
bart___rewt_, omg bastard :)12:27
rewt_hehe thats no language to speak to a lady with12:27
=== bart___ bows and makes up
rewt_I just wish I could get muh button to work now.12:27
Arafangionrewt_: Unless bart___'s a lady.12:27
=== rewt_ pats bart___ 's head. Good boy :)
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amphi"irc, where the men are men, the women are men, and the little girls are FBI agents"12:28
bigfoot1if i have a low qualtiy (64Kbs) mp3 file and i try, using soundconverter, to convert it to highquality 256 kbs, what would happen?Would I just be wasting hard drive space? The sound quality can't go rrom bad to good, right?12:28
gnomefreaklol amphi12:28
rewt_amphi, lol12:28
rewt_okay so now to work on my button.12:28
GURTbigfoot1: right.12:28
bart___bigfoot1, yup12:28
=== swb is now known as [swb]
Ngbigfoot1: correct12:28
GURTbigfoot1: you can't make diamonds by polishing a turd12:28
bart___bigfoot1, better find a better mp3 of that same thing :)12:28
amphibart___: completely useless - the quality would get worse, if anything12:29
cafuegoGURT: You can if you compress the turd first.12:29
bart___amphi, que ?12:29
GURTcafuego: it'd still be a pretty shitty diamond12:29
amphibart___: sorry, tab-tarding, that was for bigfoot112:29
cafuegoGURT: I hear brows ones are extra special12:29
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Arafangioncafuego: Trust you to come into this :)12:29
cafuegoArafangion: What are you implying?12:29
Arafangioncafuego: Long time no see :)12:30
=== cafuego is fully innocent
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=== Arafangion was a regular in #linux years ago.
bart___any way to make amarok play gapless ?12:30
nomad111how do u delete kernel 2.6.12-9-amd64-generic12:31
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nomad111coz i dun need it anymore12:31
nomad111and the other 212:31
Arafangioncafuego: Anyway, I must be tired.12:31
gnomefreaknomad111: find it in synaptic and choose completely remove12:31
amphinomad111: apt-get remove12:31
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Arafangioncafuego: I also thought I recognised you from #math on efnet.12:32
=== cafuego too after a day's worth of copying email from outlook to outlook :-(
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Arafangioncafuego: That does suck.12:32
bigfoot1using soundconverter, i chose, in preferences, to have Variable Bit Rate, but in nautilus, when i rightclick on the mp3  and choose Properties/Audio Tab, it says CBR, or Constant Bit rate. What's going on?12:32
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cafuegoArafangion: I can say with 100% certainty I haven't been on efnet in well over 5 years (certainly not on #math)12:33
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liableamphi: hahaha, thats one of the better explanations of irc i,ve seen.12:33
Arafangioncafuego: Well I was on there about 4 years ago, so it must not have been you.  With respect to outlook - that's why I like to use eudora, or thunderbird, and have the emails hosted on a samba share.12:34
a2xmanyone can help me with printer on samba? ;-)12:34
brennerbigfoot1: er, aren't all mp3s constant?12:34
Arafangion(Though I'm considering migrating to imap)12:34
bart___brenner, no :)12:34
=== cafuego has moved 70% of outlook machines to imap sofar.
cafuegoIt's not quick on a K6/350 with 32Mb ram, though.12:35
brennerrightio then12:35
=== teddy_ [n=teddy@dyn-83-152-27-131.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
cafuego... when you need to move ~ 600Mb of mail per machine.12:35
bigfoot1brenner: according to Soundconverter/Preferences, we can choose from Constant, Variable, or Average12:35
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Arafangioncafuego: The only thing stopping me is that I can't be bothered to move to imap :)  Starting uni and all that.12:35
sorush20anyone here changed to modular xorg?12:35
Arafangioncafuego: Plus, pop3 is working fine.12:35
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kwewu14is there anything like gentoo's genkernel to automate compiling a kernel and all modules for ubuntu? i want a kernel with PREEMPT12:35
cafuegosorush20: Probably everyone on breezy.12:35
brennerlike i said, rightio then.  i've only seen flac and ogg files that vary.12:36
sorush20cafuego: what xorg version 6.8?12:36
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cafuegokwewu14: The default kernels have preempt.12:36
cafuegosorush20: I thought so...12:36
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Arafangioncafuego: G'night.12:36
cafuegosorush20: it installs *all* modules by default, but afaik it's still modular ;-)12:36
kwewu14cafuego: why doesn't it say that in uname -a then?12:36
cafuegoArafangion: ditto :-)12:36
sorush20cafuego: take a look at x.org and your see that 6.8 is not modular...12:37
cafuegokwewu14: Why should it? Check in /boot/config-$(uname -r)12:37
DuXiahi.. can i ask a qns regarding courier pop?12:37
sorush20cafuego: join #xrog its in the channel12:37
cafuegosorush20: Well, there ya go (I'm on 7.0)12:37
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kwewu14cafuego: oh, if i set it there and reboot it'll reboot with preempt?12:37
sorush20cafuego: do you have ati or radeon ?12:37
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kwewu14i just noticing alot of performance decrease from my gentoo install12:38
liableati == radeon??12:38
ubotump3 is, like, a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats12:38
=== cafuego gives sorush20 a LOOK
sorush20cafuego: how did you change over any easy way?12:38
kwewu14i thought preempt might be why.12:38
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cafuegosorush20: Yes, it comes with dapper.12:38
cafuegokwewu14: Doubtful12:38
kwewu14cafuego: any idea why then?12:38
=== cafuego has no ati; /me is not a fan of closed drivers, but even less a fan of CRAP closed drivers, thus I went nvidia.
kwewu14can i set preempt on in /boot config?12:39
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snoozixgood morning everyone :)12:39
cafuegokwewu14: No, you check in the config file if the kernel is compiled with it. 'man grep'.12:39
=== cafuego runs away
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kwewu14cafuego: the kernel is not compiled with it.12:40
ubotuI haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, nomad11112:40
ubotuI guess ntfs is the filesystem used in Windows 2000 and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions12:40
bigfoot1is breezy ubuntu on x11 or x10 or what?12:40
kwewu14cafuego: and i know what grep is12:40
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rewt_It is supposed to get in the 70's here today ^_^12:41
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nitishpHas anyone worked with krb5 and kdm logins on Ubuntu?12:43
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nitishpIf so, how did you implement it?12:43
AM3Xhow can i make my dialup modem get detected?12:43
rewt_AM3X, Preferences Administration>Networking12:44
rewt_Click on dialup moden or whatever and hit activate12:44
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AM3Xits not working..12:44
AM3Xi already tried the auto detect12:44
liabletry pppconfig or wvdial12:44
AM3Xyes i know that12:44
AM3Xwhere can i download that?12:45
rewt_I dunno then....I don't use dialup? :-\12:45
brennerAM3X: what modem?  you might have a winmodem. *shudder*12:45
nitishpHrm, not sure if that message got through for some weird reason.12:45
snoozixis there an additional software equalizer that i can use with alsa applications (xmms)? the builtin eq in xmms does not satisfy my needs at all and it sounds crappy.12:45
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AM3Xwhats a win modem?12:45
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ubotuwinmodem is, like, totally, To get started with winmodems on linux, see http://linmodems.technion.ac.il/12:45
xerophytedoes anybody know any hotspot captive software ?12:45
ubotuhmm... restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed here can be replaced by !FreeFormats12:46
nitishpHas anyone worked with krb5 + smb + kdm logins on Ubuntu? If so, was there any way around actually editing the kdm source?12:46
balorAM3X, A modem that soes most of the work in software.  i.e. not a hardware modem12:46
brennerthat's if he has one.  he might have just selected the wrong device12:46
AM3Xis there a list of win modems?12:46
snoozixjust rm all wma's and everything works.12:46
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rewt_How do I get my sounds to work even while im listening to music?12:46
brennerAM3X: read this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com//DialupModemHowto12:46
rewt_IF I listen to music all other sounds go away12:47
AM3Xok thanks to you all12:47
rewt_I want them to all play at once.12:47
rewt_AM3X, sorry I wasn't much help.12:48
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brennerubotu: tell rewt_ about sound12:49
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ubotukubuntu is probably Ubuntu+KDE, (not a fork) ; see http://kubuntu.org and you can go to #kubuntu for KDE-related help, or install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/12:51
brennerrewt_: right at the bottom of the 1st link, the "Revised by DanielTChen" section12:51
bigfoot1i installed soundconverter (0.8.0) from ubuntu repositiory. I'd like to install the latest version (0.8.3) from the projects page at sourceforge. is it safe?12:52
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brennernomad111: use /msg ubotu please12:52
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ubotuthanks canyouhelpmeplz :)12:53
brennerbigfoot1: unless it has a big fat warning, why wouldn't it be?12:54
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rewt_brenner, that link u had ubotu send me isn't shyt. My sound works.12:54
rewt_I just need all sound to playat one time.12:54
Mabus06A quick off topic question... what is a surge proof powerbar? I use them, but every now and then my monitors go fuzzy, my computer makes weird sounds, my clock resets, modem gets an error light, and my computer turns off.12:55
bigfoot1brenner: i just thought the repositories was where we should go for all/most of our computing needs.12:55
bigfoot1brenner: *were*12:55
brennerbigfoot1: they are.12:55
bigfoot1Brenner, but it's not synched with the real world.12:57
bigfoot1brenner: some stuff in the repos are needing updates12:57
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nomad111is there an easy way to switch between gnome and kde12:58
brennerbigfoot1: well, it's up to you.  either wait for dapper where i assume the updated app will be included, or use the external source ... or maybe use backports12:58
brennerbigfoot1: sconverter looks like a stand-alone app anyway.  there's little risk of damage by compiling the src, imho12:59
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bigfoot1brenner: i wish the repos tried to get everything in there updated12:59
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monzieslightly off topic question01:00
monzielaunchpad.net not accepting keys01:00
nomad111how can i switch between gnome and kde any101:00
Chousukeinstall KDE, log out, select KDE session, log in01:01
bigfoot1is using mp3s illegal?01:01
bigfoot1or: what does it  mean when they say that mp3 is "non-free"01:02
brennerrewt_: in that case, hit the forum.  i'm sure that's a common question01:02
Chousukebigfoot1: mp3 is burdened by patents.01:02
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bigfoot1Chousuke: so who should pay for these? if i make an mp3 file, should i pay?01:02
andriijaswhere can i search the ubuntu backports online?01:02
Mabus06I installed kismet via 'sudo apt-get install kismet', but I can't find the configuration file (readme on site says it's supposed to be in /usr/local/etc/kismet.conf, but that doesn't exist. A search for kismet.conf yields nothing. Any ideas?01:03
allan_hi, when I try to run winetools, I see these errors: /usr/local/bin/winetools: line 3211: /usr/local/winetools/Xdialog: No such file or directory01:03
allan_/usr/local/bin/winetools: line 3242: /usr/local/winetools/Xdialog: No such file or directory01:03
allan_/usr/local/bin/winetools: line 3026: /usr/local/winetools/Xdialog: No such file or directory01:03
andriijasallan_: pastebin.com01:03
Mabus06allan_: use pastebin01:03
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allan_i will type that in the terminal window?01:03
bigfoot1how can i easily  find out the audio bitrate, and whether it's VBR (variable bit rate) or constant,  of an mp3 file?01:03
rewt_fixed itteded!01:03
Mabus06No, it means just don't post errors in here. Go to pastebin.com and post them there, link to it here.01:03
rewt_had to load a module01:04
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KyoI updated my ubunut ... is it normal for it to update libc6 ... it been stuck there for like 4 hours01:05
Kyoit wouldn't ocmtniie updating01:05
Chousukebigfoot1: nah01:05
KyoChousuke any idea?01:06
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Chousukebigfoot1:  I think it's up to the creator of the player to pay the licence fee.01:06
Kyoit been stuck at libc6 for like, 4 hours now01:06
ChousukeKyo: that's not normal :P01:06
rewt_anyway to make all windows in ubuntu semi-transparent01:06
andriijastheres no backports.org like site for ubuntu ?01:06
andriijasand what do you people say about debian vs ubuntu for server usage?01:07
Kyoheh nvm01:07
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brennerbigfoot1: any good audio player should show you a fluctuating bitrate while the file is playing if it is variable01:07
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ubotuit has been said that backports is Add "deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy-backports main universe multiverse restricted" (without the ") to /etc/apt/sources.list.  More info @ https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBackports01:08
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brennerandriijas: you want to search bp right? http://packages.ubuntu.com/01:09
andriijasbimberi: i was asking about a searchable website, not apt  :P that i already googled01:09
bigfoot1brenner: can you give an examlpe on ubuntu?01:09
andriijasbrenner: thx01:09
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brennerbigfoot1: beep-media-player01:09
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bimberiandriijas: there's a link at the end of that factoid01:09
rewt_Anyway to make all windows in ubuntu semi-transparent?01:10
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bigfoot1brenner:  any others? i have rythymbox, realplayer, totem installed. do they show the vbr?01:10
brennerbigfoot1: i just tried rbox and totem.  they don't.  afaik01:10
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bart___bigfoot1, I use xmms here01:11
rewt_bart___, you should try beep01:11
liquidindianHello, can anyone tell me how I know what to input to set up GRUB?01:12
bart___rewt_, no way, xmms is so good on gapless01:12
rewt_so is beep01:12
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting01:12
monzieanyone fluent with pgp here?01:12
=== bart___ makes a note on lady's command... check beep
liquidindianThanks, that second one should be just what I'm after :)01:12
rewt_I need to figure out how to make all my windows semi-transparent01:13
rewt_im doing some searching now, but not finding anything01:13
bart___liquidindian, GRUB can mess you up quite badly if you dont know what you are doing01:13
Ngrewt_: that's an odd use of the word "need" ;)01:13
liquidindianOh blimey.01:13
rewt_Ng, what01:13
bigfoot1brenner: yes! beep shows a VBR file's changing kbs. nice01:13
brennerliquidindian: you'll be fine01:13
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Ngrewt_: nobody could "need" semi-transparent windows, you just "want" them. You'll need to enable compositing in your X server and install a compositing manager, neither of which is particularly supported in breezy01:14
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Ngxcompmgr should be available though I think01:14
Ngthe rest is down to your graphics card drivers01:14
rewt_damn well nevermind then if its not supported01:14
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rewt_Wel i'm off for shower then class then work01:15
monzieis there anyway to recover a lost key if i know my key id and fingerprint?01:15
Ngmonzie: the only way to recover the private key is to have a copy of it01:16
monzieon the hard disk?01:16
Ngor on some kind of backup01:16
monzieif i uploaded it to the mit server?01:16
mjryou didn't01:16
Ngyou probably didn't upload the private key01:16
mjryou uploaded the public key01:16
Ngjust the public one01:16
monziei have it on the mit pgp server01:16
mjr(I hope)01:16
monziethe ascii armoured thing01:17
mjrpretty much the point of public key crypto is that you can't deduce the private key from the public key01:17
monzieso that's lost i guess01:17
mjrso no go with that01:17
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silvermaneHey, did someone here had lucky installing the Java Media Framework? I can't make it work...01:17
xerophyteis there any doc like this for Ubuntu http://www.linuxforum.com/debian/ch-gateway.en.html01:17
monziei can import it in seahorse, my old key ,  i mean01:18
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a2xmanyone knows why the print job was already send to the queue but the printer didn't print?01:20
bart___does anyone know a good news reader supporting yENC ?01:21
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liquidindianIs there anyway to tell from the live CD the numbers of my partitions?01:21
aIk0nwhats are the diverens between k8-default kernel and k8 kernel (sry for bad english iam german ^^)01:21
monziehelp: i want to change my key in launchpad and01:22
monzieit wont accept my new key01:22
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brenneraIk0n: what are you doing?01:22
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bigfoot1is there any reason to make an mp3 file in Constant BitRate when Variable Bit rate will utilize high bit rate in places the song needs it and low bit rate in places the song doesn't need high bits?01:23
bigfoot1i can see VBR being efficient with filesize and audio quality01:24
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bimberiliquidindian: sudo fdisk -l /dev/hda01:24
aIk0nbrenner:  i have installed ubuntu_6401:25
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andriijasgha there are a lot of nice packages in dapper that should be in breezy backports01:26
tattersim looknig for a package wich is same as phpgroupware but will work with xammp01:26
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bimberiandriijas: get to work then :P01:26
brenneraIk0n: have you finished the install, or are you getting this choice at install?01:26
andriijasbimberi: i have no clue how to do it :P01:26
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bimberiandriijas: hehe, there might be something from that (previously useless) factoid i dug up for you :)01:27
tattersis there any other packages like phpgroupware ?01:27
aIk0nfinish the install01:27
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brennerbigfoot1: quick google came up with "two downsides are: slower encoding and unpredictable file sizes"01:28
xerophytehow can i stop some service not to start on the boot for example on fedora i had chkconfig .. is there any commands for ubuntu01:28
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aIk0nbrenner: now i want to install nvidia glx like in this tutorial http://www.ubuntu-forum.de/thread.php?threadid=1611&hilight=nvidia but after boot the linux-amd64-k8 the system freezes01:29
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brenneraIk0n: have you already installed the nvidia driver?01:30
gnomefreakxerophyte: your gonna find that most commands are the same from linux-linux01:30
gnomefreakoutside of root and packagemanager01:30
=== monzie is happy to be included in the Ubuntu GNOME team https://launchpad.net/people/gnome
xerophytegnomefreak, is there any script to manage the boot start services ???01:30
aIk0nbrenner:  no01:31
xerophytehow can i manage the boot start up services ??01:31
brennerxerophyte: sysv-rc-conf maybe?01:31
brenneraIk0n: so this is your first boot?01:31
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guerrahail all01:32
xerophytebrenner, do you use it01:32
sismisgood evenin01:32
brennerxerophyte: i have used it, yes01:32
xerophytebrenner, if you dont use that how can you manage it .. why does the standard install does not have it01:32
sismisis anybody there01:32
kryptozi went back from ubuntu to slackware . :) and i feel happy cuz there are hell lot of problems in slackware which will keep me busy for days :)01:32
sismismy name is Jo01:32
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brennerxerophyte: maybe b/c most people don't need to tweak their start-up services01:32
brenneraIk0n: and is this dapper? because afaik, breezy doesn't a k8 kernel01:33
andriijashmm what do you guys think of debian sarge with backports vs ubuntu dapper for development server using?01:33
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brenner*doesn't have a01:33
Angel_DexSO would anyone have any idea why i have no sound with Zsnes?01:33
aIk0nbrenner:  ist breezy01:33
aIk0nbrenner: after installing nvidia it is work01:34
brennerAngel_Dex: try 'killall esd' before running it01:34
aIk0nbrenner: but whats the diverens between k8 default and k801:34
sismiscan you tell me how to make partitions on a hard drive where win exists01:34
takedownbrenner: linux-image-2.6.12-10-amd64-k8, breezy have a k8 kernel01:34
xerophytebrenner, if you want to do manually how can i do i t01:34
poningrusismis: dude calm down01:34
brenneraIk0n: my guess is nothing.  they're the same01:34
bimberilocate zimbra01:34
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sismisponingru: did I say something wrong01:35
brenner!info linux-image-2.6.12-10-amd64-k801:35
poningrusismis: the many hellos01:35
Angel_Dexbrenner that worked but no system nor gaim soundsnow?01:35
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sismisoh sorry01:35
poningrusismis: are you trying to dualboot?01:35
sismisbut no one relpied01:35
poningrusismis: take a look at the topic01:35
sismisno one even said hello to me :-(01:35
poningrusismis: dont worry about it01:36
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sismisyes, dualboot01:36
ubotuit has been said that dualboot is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WindowsDualBootHowTo01:36
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nikon-ubuntudualboot = fun :D01:36
Mabus06I'm trying to set up kismet on ubuntu but I don't know what to set for the capture source... here () is a link to the part where it says what to use for the capture source, I use a Dlink DWL-G520 rev b, and this card works in the required mode (capture) and has been used successfully for airsnort. I just never had to install a driver (it worked out of the box on ubuntu), so I don't know what to pick.01:36
andriijasdualboot sucks01:36
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brennertakedown: <ubotu> " Package 'linux-image-2.6.12-10-amd64-k8' does not exist" ... are you sure?01:36
nikon-ubuntuandriijas, its great when you have a company that still uses windows ;)01:36
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brennerAngel_Dex: try restarting esd again.01:37
takedownbrenner: sure, i used breezy x86_64 and have this kernel01:37
gnomefreakbrenner: ubotu doesnt know that command is what it means by does not exsist01:37
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Mabus06Sorry ^^ there is the link01:37
andriijasthe fact that you playaround and dualbooting at a company tells us how serious that company is01:37
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Angel_Dexbrenner how?01:37
brennerAngel_Dex: alt+f2. then type in esd01:38
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brennerAngel_Dex: i'm not sure really, i just recall having the same problem, and kiling esd fixed it.  i didn't check other sounds01:38
poningrusismis: did you get that?01:38
guerrahail all, i face a weird problem and id like to see if anyoen can help me. When i try to change terminas ( like pressin shit+alt+f1 ) i always get my screen screwed, liek some weird colors and the whole pc get stuck so i have to restart. I have ati Radeon and use those fglrx drivers.01:38
sismisis there a big chance of losing all my old files I had usind WIN01:38
brennergnomefreak: ?01:38
poningrusismis: there is a very big chance01:38
sismisdid I get what? I got the link, if that's what you mean01:38
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aIk0nworks acx100/111 with x86_64 ?????????????????01:39
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Angel_Dexbrenner it kills all the system sounds01:39
tahorgI've just upgraded to dapper01:39
Angel_Dexand gaim sounds01:39
brennergnomefreak: i used !info01:39
poningrusismis: yeah01:39
tahorgbut it seems my devices are not created at boot01:39
brennerAngel_Dex: then i suggest hitting the forum. :-/01:39
tahorgsome of them01:39
gnomefreakbrenner: the bot doesnt know that command its not programmed into the bot01:39
tahorgppp, tun, input/mice01:39
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tahorgwhat is the package responsible for that ?01:39
tahorgudev ?01:40
poningruguerra: yeah dude that config is not so stable01:40
gnomefreak!info kernel01:40
sismisso do you recommend format and putting up only ubuntu?01:40
guerraso no fixes for it yet?01:40
brennergnomefreak: i seem to recall it being implemented...people were using it all the time.  it''s supposed to show a short package descr.01:40
gnomefreakbrenner: ubotu seems not to have really anything programmed in about kernels01:40
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brennergnomefreak: the syntax was !info <package>01:40
tattersim looknig for a package wich is same as phpgroupware anyone know of any?01:41
poningrusismis: no just backup your data and do it, many steps can be taken to prevent data loss, such as defragment your windows as much as possible01:41
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gnomefreakbrenner: people change what the bot knows daily :(01:41
poningrusismis: I did it and it was no big deal for me01:41
brennergnomefreak: apparently so. :-/01:41
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poningruerr it worked for me01:41
poningruguerra: do you do any graphics intensive stuff?01:41
sismiswhich application do you suggest for defragmenting, or should I just use the rudimentary one that comes with WIN?01:42
guerrai play linux-based nwn, only that though01:42
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gnomefreaksismis: the one that comes with win should be fine01:42
poningrusismis: yeah the one included should be enough01:42
=== gnomefreak never seen an outside defragger :(
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IdleOnesismis perfect disk has a good defragmenter also. there is a free trial01:42
retebugsalve ubutoniani01:42
=== brenner is thankful he never has to defrag again!
retebugi'm bill gates01:43
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brennerbilly lives in italy now?01:43
sismisso can I do more with trial version of Perfect DIsk, or with WIN defragmenter?01:43
IdleOnehe speaks latin01:43
gnomefreakbrenner: it makes using a computer so much more fun when you dont sit defragging for hours on end :)01:43
poningruguerra: so pressing ctrl+alt+f1 and ctrl+alt+f7 what happens?01:43
brennergnomefreak: agreed!01:43
poningrusismis: do those give better defragmentation results?01:44
IdleOnesismis:  use either01:44
poningrusismis: I dont have much experience with win01:44
sismisyes, which one gives better results_01:44
gnomefreaksismis: the win one will more than likely01:44
IdleOnePefect Disk doesnt need as much memory to run01:44
IdleOnebut the win version is fine01:45
guerrascreen gets weird when i press control alt f1 and when i go back to f7 it gets stuck, mostly like that01:45
brennerhe's defragging once before setting up a dualboot.  i'd just use the win one and get it over with01:45
sismisso, you recommend backup and defrgament?01:45
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sismishello ansiC01:45
poningrusismis: most definately backup and defrag01:45
gnomefreaksismis: yes always01:45
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IdleOnesismis:  never mind perfect disk just use win version01:46
sismisanything else?????01:46
AnsiCsomeone have the printer EPSON Stylus DX4200 ???01:46
poningruguerra: hmm hold on01:46
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guerrak, thanks01:46
AnsiCin the printer list of ubuntu there is not my printer01:46
=== gnomefreak has epson stylus but not that version :(
BeNjIhi all01:46
gnomefreakAnsiC: than it means its not supported01:47
sismisjust tell me, anything else I have to do before installing linux01:47
poningruguerra: what you can do is try the ati's proprietry licensed driver01:47
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brennersismis: no, you'll be fine.01:47
gnomefreaksismis: no that should be fine (unless we can talk you into getting rid of win) ;)01:47
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guerrais that hard to install?01:47
IdleOnegnomefreak:  :)01:48
poningruguerra: not really01:48
=== gnomefreak cant say anything im on win now :( but i have irssi on win :)
poningruguerra: you can use easyubuntu01:48
poningruguerra: http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/index.html01:48
sismisthanks!!!!!! i can't wait to start using linux. bye01:48
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bart_awaydoes anyone know a good news reader supporting yENC ?01:49
BeNjIi am just starting on Ubuntu it's look quite good for the moment01:49
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brennergnomefreak: for the games right? :)01:49
ubotufrom memory, sound is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems or http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundProblemsHoary01:49
gnomefreakbrenner: nope i dont play games im here for java class for the most part that is pretty much only reason its installed :(01:50
andriijasto install dapper you install breezy and then edit sources.list and apt upgrade?01:50
zulfiqar_what should i do to get my xVid videos running on my T40 laptop?01:50
gnomefreakandriijas: or you can download and burn dapper iso01:50
andriijasgnomefreak: didnt find any at the swedish mirror01:51
brennergnomefreak: i thought java was platform-independent?01:51
gnomefreakbrenner: it is but class isnt01:51
xerophytein the /etc/network/interface file i have iface eth0 inet dhcp .. but it does not bring up the interface but i have another eth1 configured statically thats comes up .. how can i get the eth0 with dhcp on boot ..when i do dhcliet it works01:51
njs12345zulfiqar: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats01:51
ubotuSyntax error in line 1. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, gnomefreak01:51
brennerheh, something isn't right01:52
gnomefreaknm someone pulled that from ubotu01:52
bimberi!factinfo dapper01:52
ubotudapper -- created by _jason <n=jasonr@dhcp0534.hrn.resnet.group.upenn.edu> 9h 29m 26s ago; it has been requested 10 times, last by bimberi, 9s ago.01:52
bimberi!undelete dapper01:52
ubotubimberi: cannot undeleted 'dapper' because it already exists!01:52
bimberibut it doesn't - huh?01:52
arnixWhere tf is alsaconf? I'm just doing a breezy install at a friend, but the Soundblaster 128 wasn't detected by the installer ???01:52
zulfiqar_njs12345, if i install Automatix .. will that install all codes for me?01:52
ubotuNot a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, gnomefreak01:53
IdleOne!info dapper01:53
gnomefreakzulfiqar_: dont install automatix01:53
njs12345zulfiqar_: I don't know, I don't use it..01:53
gnomefreakubotu tell zulfiqar_ about automatix01:53
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IdleOneubotu Package 'dapper' does not exist.01:53
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, IdleOne01:53
nuxilhello people01:53
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nuxilHow do i get rid of that automounter ??01:54
zulfiqar_gnomefreak, is there an alternate application?01:54
nuxili hate it01:54
gnomefreakubotu tell zulfiqar_ about easyubuntu01:54
gnomefreakzulfiqar_: read the pm :)01:54
=== gnomefreak brb
bimberiubotu tell andriijas about flight301:54
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nuxilubotu tell me about automounter01:54
bimberiubotu tell andriijas about dailybuild01:54
nuxilblah,,, ubotu doent know what automounter is :(01:55
nuxilubotu tell me about automount01:55
brennerarnix: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=118445&highlight=alsaconf01:55
nuxilgnomefreak how can i get rif of automounter.. i like to mount my disk manualy01:55
zulfiqar_gnomefreak, thanks01:55
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lucasvowhat's the user password in the vmware virtual machine of ubuntu(cdimages.ubuntu.com/vmware)01:55
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meenfreemhi guys and gals01:57
nuxilisnt automounter a module for the kernel.. or is it buildt into it01:57
arnixthx, brenner... But I'm not going to compile anything. either it works without headaches, or rm -rf / and install Kanotix01:58
gnomefreaknuxil: ive never used automounter but what was the .extention01:58
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kyoHow do I install KDE?01:58
ubotufrom memory, ntfs is the filesystem used in Windows 2000 and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions01:58
gnomefreak^^^thought that was automounter01:58
nuxilgnomefreak .extention??01:58
Adri2000kyo: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop01:58
IdleOnekyo:  sudo apt-get install kde01:58
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uboturumour has it, kde is A powerful, free desktop environment for UNIX. IRC: #kubuntu #kde ; install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ; ISOs: http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/breezy/01:59
nuxilwhat you mean..01:59
gnomefreaknuxil: .deb .tar.gz .run?????01:59
nuxilgnomefreak, doenst mattre01:59
Adri2000ubotu: tell me about kde01:59
kyoAdri2000, IdleOne  thats two different lines .. which one01:59
kyooh I see01:59
gnomefreaknuxil: why doesnt it?01:59
nuxilgnomefreak, everytime i put a disk in my cdrom it automounts01:59
gnomefreaknuxil: ohhhhh that02:00
IdleOnekyo:  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop sorry02:00
nuxilgnomefreak i hate that02:00
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gnomefreaknuxil: no im not sure how to disable that (i dont think uninstalling it would be healthy) i would look for disabling it02:00
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nuxilgnomefreak but if its included in the kernel.. hehe nogood i think,, i need a new kernel then02:01
kyoit says 'depends on libg11-messa' then it goes on saying broken package o_O02:01
kein ubuntu, 02:01
brennernuxil: sys>prefs>removable02:01
kyowhen I try to install kunutu-desktop ... weird02:01
zulfiqar_is xvid installed by default when installing ubuntu?02:01
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brennernuxil: *shrug* i found it useful02:01
gnomefreakkyo: kunutu??????02:01
nuxilbrenner i dont02:01
gnomefreakkyo: did you try kubuntu-desktop02:02
brennernuxil: well untoggle away then02:02
nuxilbrenner what you mean sys>prefs>removable ? your in gnome.. right?02:02
gnomefreakkyo: dapper?02:02
kyosudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:02
nuxilbrenner, im in kde02:02
brennernuxil: yes02:02
kyono, breezer02:02
kyoer, breezy02:02
Adri2000kyo: what is the error?02:02
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kyothe error is 'the following packages have unmet depedencies02:03
gnomefreaktry to install the lib  sudo apt-get install lib....02:03
brennernuxil: dunno then.  i'm not a kde user.  tried #kubuntu?02:03
kyo'kubuntu-desktop depends on  libg11-messa02:03
gnomefreakkyo: also you can try sudo apt-get -f install02:03
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Adri2000kyo: maybe you need universe/multiverse repos02:03
nuxilbrenner,  gnome-control-center02:03
nuxil ??02:03
kyoHmm I think I alrightly did that02:03
kyolet me double check02:03
nuxilyea i'll try kubuntu02:03
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brennernuxil: you running ubuntu with kde?  or straight kubuntu?02:04
gnomefreakkyo: make sure its not the backports repo02:04
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nuxilbrenner ubuntu with kde02:04
brennernuxil: the binary is 'gnome-volume-properties'02:04
nuxili didnt know about kubuntu when i installed it02:04
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brennernuxil: but that might not disable it in kde.02:04
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brennernuxil: yeah. #kubuntu's your best bet02:05
gnomefreaknuxil: you should beable to see either disks in menu or kde control panel or whatever its called see if its in one of those02:05
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gnomefreaknuxil: iirc you have both kde and gnome settings in ubuntu+kde02:06
gnomefreaki havent used kde in a while02:06
kyoin my synaptic repositiory, it says 'boary' when I updated to breezy ... is that normal? And no, it appear I didn't enable the universe and multiverse yet...02:06
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nuxilgnomefreak :P02:06
gnomefreakkyo: you need to change all to breezy than sudo apt-get update &&sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:07
brennergnomefreak: it might be a gconf setting though, and that is probably irrelevant in kde02:07
gnomefreakbrenner: it should still be in menu02:07
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kyognomefreak, I did change all to breezy in the sources.list ...02:08
gnomefreakjust like my flux and xfce menu items are in gnome02:08
gnomefreakkyo: did you run sudo apt-get update?02:08
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gnomefreakkyo: than sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?02:08
kyoas for the list in synaptic -> add it still says horay02:08
kyoer, no I didn't02:08
=== kyo doing it now
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tm-30740Hello, I have an issue modifying a diff.gz for a package, what patch options should I use when generating the diff file. I currently use patch -urP but it cause dpkg-source to complain.02:09
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=== gnomefreak bbl time to try to get some sleep :(
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sorush20shouldn't the repositories be in bittorent? therefore reducing costs?02:12
sorush20at least the option for them to be in bittorent should be available ?02:13
meenfreemcould someone give me an insight?.... I'm trying to follow this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25683&highlight=hp+wireless+broadcom but when I try to change RadioState in terminal, permission is denied? not sure why... since I give the correct sudo pwd02:13
elkbuntusorush20, why dont you post something on the forums about it? that way if people agree the devs can refer to the thread02:13
sorush20elkbuntu: will do if I have time..02:14
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Juhazsorush20, probably not, the way repositories work doesn't fit bittorrent very well, lot of small files and nobody is going to be seeding with "apt-get" after they're done installing the package02:14
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sorush20Juhaz, how about the option of creating and apt partition where your linux root partition can find packages there .. this means that on a fresh install not much downloading is done right?02:16
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stjepanwhy is ubuntu so popular (distrowatch.com). Are people just pressing refresh button to improve ubuntu's "popularity"? :)02:17
elkbuntusorush20, that can be done already sort of... just burn your var/cache/apt/archives directory02:17
northieI can't get vlc, or any other programme for that matter, to stay always-on-top. How would I do this?02:17
stjepanh08817: why is it so popular then?02:18
elkbuntustjepan, because it rocks ;)02:18
h08817its because it is a good and an easier version of linux for beginners02:18
_jasonnorthie: right click on the title bar > ``on top''02:18
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kentstjepan: becaus peope like it?02:18
ubotu[composite]  at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20769 -- make sure you read the whole thread.02:18
sdghsghnorthie, did you right click on top bar?02:18
northieHar. I used the programmes own feature.02:18
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h08817stjepan: its a guide to learning linux in a way02:19
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kirktdoes ubuntu live cd have the ntpassword reset utility ?02:19
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stjepanI have got ati radeon 9600. is it possible to get fast xcomposite with it?02:21
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farousstjepan: just curious what is xcomposite?02:22
stjepanfarous: cool xorg feature02:22
stjepantransparent windows and cool shadows... very fancy02:22
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farousoh would love to get that :) have same card here02:22
stjepanfarous: do you use the fglrx driver?02:23
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meenfreemthink i solved that.... no worrie02:23
stjepanIt IS possible to get xcomposite working with fglrx driver, but you will get just a mess on the screen :)02:23
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stjepanyou can use new testing xorg radeon driver02:23
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farousstjepan: is it like xgl02:24
elvirolohi all02:24
stjepanfrom xorg-x11-702:24
stjepanfarous: whats xgl? :)02:24
apokryphosfarous: not really, but it has many similar affects.02:24
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farousthanx apokryphos02:24
stjepanfarous: it is possible to get xcomposite working with xorg driver, but it will be still quite slow02:24
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stjepanfarous: the best option is to use an older radeon card, or just buy nvidia :(02:25
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faroustoo hard to do that now i run it on my notebook stjepan02:25
apokryphosstjepan: http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/02:25
farousthanx apokryphos was looking hi and low for the link but could not find it02:26
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stjepanfarous: then it is hard to get xcomposite working for you (and me) :(02:26
meenfreemQ: I have a HP laptop dv5000 and got ubuntu installed, but am now struggling with the wlan. On the desktop you see which network is selected... now it only give me the lo option and not the wlan0 option.... I can only get the wlan0 by typing it manually. After typing it manually it does say it has signal, but nothing happens when trying to connect to the internet02:27
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farousstjepan: wait and it will be available. Be patient02:27
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kanatohodez ?  ...........02:27
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stjepanfarous: :D maybe I will be dead before they release a new driver with xcomposite support02:27
ubuntuisn't he already connected?02:28
ubuntumaybe its the https02:28
kirktdoes ubuntu live cd have the ntpassword reset utility ?02:28
nomad111how do u remove kde from ubuntu and all its associated programs02:28
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YogSothothIf I'm typing something lile cp dir1/dir2/file1 dir1/dir2/file2 is there a maneer to type where I don't have to repeat dir1/dir2/, or at least a hot key like tab that auto copy the precedent path?02:28
apokryphosnomad111: remove some vital Qt package or something02:28
farousstjepan: wait for xgl on dapper02:28
farousnomad111: did you install it through aptitude02:29
stjepanI will, tnx for xgl information02:29
h08817meenfreem: what do u have for your connection? wireless usb or what do u have u have to install the drivers first if you haven't done so already02:29
kanatohodez ((  (((02:29
apokryphosYogSothoth: not really. You could use things like Ctrl+R, or make symlinks etc02:29
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apokryphoskanatohodez: utf8 only please02:29
kirktcan anyone check for a moment ? does ubuntu live cd have the ntpasswd reset utility ?02:29
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meenfreemh08817, I've installed the drivers for the broadcom wlan card.... it's all set up as far as i can see to the linksys router02:29
nomad111farous, yes i did02:29
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farousnomad111: than aptitude will take care of that for you02:30
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h08817meenfreem: how did u do it did u use ndiswrapper?02:30
nomad111wat do u mean wat do i do02:30
ompaulkirkt, if the live CD does not have it it is trivial if you have a network connection to install it on the live system as long as you have ... enough ram02:30
farousnomad111: just sudo aptitude purge kubuntu-desktop or whaterver meta package you used02:30
meenfreemh08817, yes, i followed this howto from the forums...02:30
kirkti see ompaul02:31
h08817from forums well maybe you should get the actual article02:31
guerraI cant remember the nick of whoever helped me, thanks a lot!02:31
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guerrait worked02:31
h08817maybe u forgot to make it startup when your machine starts02:31
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meenfreemh08817, I'm not sure if it renamed the radiostate stuff02:31
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h08817well undo it redo it and reboot02:31
farousnomad111: aptitude have a record of the packages that are automatically installed so when you remove a package it removes the packages that were automtically installed with it02:31
kirktompaul how do i search and install it on ubuntu ? does it have a program that manages installations ?02:31
ubotuwell, ndiswrapper is a way to support Windows wireless drivers, but it is buggy compared to native support. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HowToSetUpNdiswrapper02:31
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meenfreemh08817, make it startup? I had to run the modprobe command in order to 'see' the wlan02:32
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h08817yes well just try it i have had that problem before02:32
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Snorkeli have also a wireless broadcom in my HP Pavilion laptop and works great with ndiswrapper and Ubuntu02:32
ompaulkirkt, it does do you know the actual application name? the  synaptic package manager is the tool but it more than likely would be better if you gave me such a tools real name - I know they exist02:32
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ubotuWhat? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, bungle02:33
nomad111farous, E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)02:33
nomad111E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?02:33
meenfreemSnorkel, how did you manage to get it to run? h08817 I'll undo the whole thing and redo it... undoing it? is uninstalling ndiswrapper enough for that?02:33
=== monzie https://launchpad.net/people/manishchakravarty/
Kalidarnhmm im having trouble with "sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts" because theyre apparently timing out.02:33
farousnomad111: close synaptic02:33
Kalidarnanyone else able to install this package?02:33
farousnomad111: or the update manager if it is opened02:33
nomad111ah k02:34
elviroloi installed breezy on my mother laptop, and got gnomad2 in order for her to transfer files from/to her creative zen mp3 player but there seems to be a problem with the user rights (for accessing usb devices) ... is there are usb group or something ?02:34
Kalidarnits a weird package actually02:34
ompaulkirkt, I have found it02:34
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h08817Kalidarn: did u check to see if it is in synaptic?02:34
Kalidarnit is.02:34
Kalidarn;) im doing it through apt-get.02:34
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_jasonKalidarn: timing out how? contacting the server?02:34
Kalidarnand it is there.02:34
Kalidarnits complicated ill paste u the segment02:34
nomad111farous, that only removed the file kubuntu-desktop not all the other associated software with it02:34
elviroloideas anyone?02:34
Kalidarnbecause it goes to sourceforge02:34
Kalidarnit seems02:34
h08817Kalidarn: well than just do it in synaptic02:34
elviroloit work under the root account02:35
Kalidarnand its from the official ubuntu repo02:35
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Kalidarnit is somehow redirected to some files on sourceforge.02:35
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ompaulkirkt, it is called chntpw -- you should download this do the desktop from some repository http://archives.ubuntu.com/ and search for multiverse and the package02:35
farousnomad111: did you play with aptitude defaults? do you remember exactly how you installed kubuntu02:35
nomad111one sec02:36
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h08817meenfreem: don't uninstall ndiswrapper itself02:36
nomad111farous, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop02:36
ompaulkirkt, it may damage data read this ->>  http://www.petri.co.il/forgot_administrator_password.htm <-- your mileage may vary02:36
farousompaul why not just use the find command with ubotu02:36
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SnorkelI have installed ndiswrapper-utils from Synaptic. sudo ndiswrapper -i bcmwl5.inf  / sudo ndiswrapper -k wlan0 and afterwards setting up the wireless settings via the network icon (upper taskbar at the right). I thought i also did sudo ndiswrapper -m\02:36
ompaulfarous, because it is not installed by default02:36
farousnomad111: you did not use aptitude you used apt-get02:36
ompaulfarous, its in multiverse02:36
monzieaptitude sucks02:37
_jasonI don't see any heart, I just see parentheses and a line.  guess I'm used to <3 like elkbuntu02:37
nomad111hmm so wat to do now02:37
ompaulmonzie, your just misunderstanding it :)02:37
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meenfreemh08817, http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=25683&highlight=broadcom+chipset+ndiswrapper+howto could i use that 'removal bit' on top of the page?02:37
farousompaul hmm ok though i wounder if he can find it02:37
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farousmonzie it is just a tool you need to use it wisely :)02:37
nomad111farous, is there any solution02:38
meenfreemh08817, cos i just tried the first line... and i got this: Fatal: module bcmwl5 not found02:38
ompaulfarous, its a live cd if he has issues he can come here and someone will point to a url and how to dpkg -i it etc02:38
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farousnomad111: you need to remove them one by one. or search for the most comman package and remove it02:38
farouslibqt3 for example02:38
h08817meenfreem: once in the terminal give the command ndiswrapper and let it tell u its commands02:38
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Toma-anyone know how to make custom usplash images?02:38
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kyo" Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?" <-- what is the bash line to kill that process? my synaptic is closed.02:38
h08817meenfreem: it will tell you what command to use to remove it02:38
farousok ompaul :)02:38
kentkyo run "ps aux|grep synaptic"  s see if its still running.02:39
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kyokent, I think so02:39
kyobut I closed it ...02:39
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meenfreemh08817, thanks... no more driers installed for it02:39
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kyoI was apt-get but I forced quit02:39
kyoso I think that is the problem, not synpatic itself02:40
meenfreemh08817, i'll reboot it now and run that howto again02:40
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h08817now get that tutorial off the site and follow it step by step02:40
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YogSothothapokryphos, CTRL+R ?02:40
meenfreemh08817, thanks a bunch :D02:40
kyowell kent any idea?02:41
JLBI'm new on irc and on installing Ubuntu (>10 years Linux console experience).02:42
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kentkyo: you ran apt-get before?  Have you checked for any running apt, dpkg or synaptic process?  Really you *must* check that first.  If you dont see anything, perhaps a reboot might help. (if you dont mind rebooting)02:43
JLBHas anybody a clue why the install processof Ubuntu Breeze does not continue after starting - as required - the user?02:43
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kyokent, yeah I ran the apt-get before then I force quit (ctrl x)02:43
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klippoquestion. i did apt-get upgrade. and my window-border changed color02:43
JLBI did restart several times. I seems it doesn't mount the CD when it restarts. However manually mounting does not help.02:44
brennerJLB: er, you boot off the install cd, you don't mount it02:44
kyobah, I'll do a reboot02:44
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noaXessanybody here uses exim mta? i know there is a exim channel.. but it's really silent there02:45
JLBWhat? It explicitly says to remove the boorCD before restarting!02:45
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kentkyo but have you made sure its not running in the background?  either running "ps aux| grep apt"  "ps aux | grep dpkg"  in a terminal (or by running the tool for it in gnome (the program that lists running programs etc..).  Becaus the message you get is often there when you have a program running using the files.  If no program is running, then a reboot will probably fix it (deleting the lock-file).02:45
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brennerJLB: ohhhh, so the install went cleanly, you removed cd, restarted and it fails ... where exactly?02:46
kirktthanks ompaul02:46
ompaulkirkt, did it work?02:47
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ubotu[fonts]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FontInstallHowto02:47
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JLBI looked and apt-get is running trying to install xresprobe but it is trying for several hours(it's just a test machine)02:47
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MatyasZAI got network traffic accounting to work let me know if you need help02:49
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meenfreemh08817, after doing that RadioState bit.... i got a bash: permission denied message... is that somethign to worry about :S02:49
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cybergypsyis anyone else having trouble with security.ubuntu.com ?02:50
guerraHow do i start the x on 2 terminals at the same time,? is that possible?02:50
pitticybergypsy: yes, it's out of date, we are working on it02:50
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h08817meenfreem: use sudo and u won't have to worry about it02:50
pitticybergypsy: archive.ubuntu.com has all updates02:50
cybergypsythanks pitti02:50
h08817meenfreem: yes because it might be stopping u from doing something02:50
meenfreemh08817, i did... still got that message. we'll see if it worked in a sec02:50
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h08817meenfreem: what command are you giving that gives you that message?02:51
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meenfreemh08817, you've seen the install instructions right? after i type done and hit enter, it does tons of renaming, than in the end (i think) it gives me a bash: blahblah permission denied message.... but upon rebooting it did think a while about the network config02:52
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h08817i don't recall the renaming02:53
meenfreemsudo apt-get install ndiswrapper-utils02:53
meenfreemsudo ndiswrapper -i ~/Desktop/bcmwl5.inf02:53
meenfreemsudo ndiswrapper -m02:53
meenfreemfor conffile in /etc/ndiswrapper/bcmwl5/*.conf; do02:53
meenfreemsudo cat $conffile | sed -e 's/RadioState|1/RadioState|0/' > $conffile02:53
meenfreemhat bit :D02:53
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meenfreembut upon reboot it did see the wlan... am now setting up the key etc for the linksys router02:53
stjepanwhen will be ubuntu dapper released? what month?02:54
meenfreemapril 20th?02:54
Kalidarnwhen it is02:54
Kalidarnand next month isnt april02:54
Kalidarnis it02:54
Kalidarnoh my mistake02:55
Kalidarni thought you said 'next month'02:55
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Kalidarnrather than what month lol02:55
Kalidarnim tired.02:55
JLBbrenner: do you have a clue how to proced?02:55
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cablophello anybody02:55
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h08817meenfreem: i never used the cat command to do that before02:55
stjepanmeenfreem: it will be released on april 20th?02:55
cablopi need some help, do you know how to configure the x-session-mannager?02:56
nathanjany idea what font is in the menu in that pic02:56
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meenfreemh08817, how would you do it then? there was talk in the thread about doing it manually02:56
=== Toma- chuckles as he compiles rhgb on ubuntu, while under the influence.
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mantyToma-: of what exactly?02:56
bungle!sources list02:57
ubotubungle: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/02:57
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cablophello Toma, do you remember me? now i discovered the error, i reinstalled ubuntu, just installed amsn and my system was damaged again02:57
brennerJLB: to be honest, no, not really.  is it still running, or have you rebooted yet?02:57
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Toma-cablop, wow.. yeh..02:57
h08817meenfreem: thats why i told u to forget about the thread and get the article itself02:57
brennerubotu: tell bungle about repos02:58
Toma-cablop, thats weird.02:58
nathanjhttp://www.deviantart.com/view/28325729/ - anyone got any idea what font is being used in the menu etc?02:58
cablopreally wird02:58
h08817meenfreem: the thread is just a recap from someone having issues with it02:58
meenfreemh08817, the ndiswrapper article... I'll read it through right now.02:58
JLBNo it is still running. Of course I can kill it but I don't know the consequences for the install process.02:58
cablopand i don't want to udse the amsn included in ubuntu repositories, becuse its really ugly02:58
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Toma-cablop, but, does the one in the repos work?02:59
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cablopI only do two changes, instlling the AMSN and select ALSA in my multimedia systems02:59
h08817meenfreem: read this part 2.2.2. Command line instructions03:00
cablopI don't know03:00
h08817meenfreem: and so on03:00
cablopi't worked before03:00
cablopamsn works03:00
cablopbut last edition damaged my system03:00
meenfreemh08817, thanks again...03:00
brennerJLB: breakage probably....but i don't see the benefit of leaving it ... being stuck at one point for several hours is not a good sign03:00
stjepanwhen was nathanj: I think it is bitstream vera sans03:00
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Toma-cablop, how are you installing it?03:00
h08817meenfreem: well were not done yet03:00
tatterswhen I setup my wpa on Ubuntu all I had to do was add my pre shared to network/interfaces and that was it03:01
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meenfreemh08817, true... :D03:01
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cablopI downloaded amsn-0.95-3.ubuntu.deb from amsn website, then installed it using "dpkg -i amsn..."  and then system said me there's a broken package, then I opened the synaptic package and clicked fix broken packages03:02
JLBbrenner: what do you think? I removed the damn thng and it begins to install!!03:02
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cablopso synaptic installed tcltls and configure it, and after cinfigure amsn03:02
brennerJLB: it's working?  what did you remove?03:02
tattersyah remove cd halfway thorugh then reboot03:03
Toma-cablop, was that the only broken package?03:03
cablopyes the only one03:04
stjepanwill ubuntu dapper come with stable xorg 7?03:04
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cablopthen i opened amsn03:04
JLBtatters; that's what I did and thn the damn thing wouldn't install the rest. Now it's downloading 948 files and I hoep it will install them.03:04
guerraguys, if im running gnome on terminal 7, is there a way to run another graphical interface on another terminal at the same time?03:04
JLBHow will newbies react??03:04
Toma-stjepan, no idea. i would say so tho. its got xorg 7.0 in it already, but its still fragile.03:04
cablopi go to system, preferences, and selected multimedia system selector, and selected03:04
tatterswell speaking as a noob badly :)03:04
cablopalsa in both boxes03:04
Toma-guerra, yep03:05
meenfreemh08817, okay... went through the steps, but no network yet...03:05
cablopthen go back to amsn clic on preferences and changed "play $sound" option to "aplay $sound"03:05
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mjrguerra, sure; just Applications/System tools/New login (or something like that)03:05
meenfreemh08817, maybe remove the driver again and redo it?03:05
brennerJLB: to be fair, it's the first time i've heard of that problem03:05
cablopnothing more, just created a new user account and restarted system03:05
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h08817doing it a million times shouldn't fix it03:05
tattersout of 20 installation in past 2 weeks only 3 have completay suceeded without errors03:05
cablopmy system was reinstalled this night03:05
h08817but u did get weird errors and stuff03:06
farouscablop: does amsn now support voice chat ?03:06
Toma-cablop, and what is the exact error that happens?03:06
h08817so maybe you should do it directly from teh top from the article03:06
Toma-farous, not yet. its got webcam support tho03:06
cablopno, just pulum sound when somebody talk to us03:06
guerraoh awesome guys, it was so obvious lol03:06
cablopthe error?03:06
Toma-cablop, well what the problem?03:06
farousToma-: thanx i know that but am waiting for the voice03:07
JLBguys I have to go. Thanks for the info. I hope the system wil install automagically the rest.03:07
Toma-farous, ok :) try skype03:07
farousToma-: using it now :)03:07
Toma-hehe :D03:07
cablopafter restarting the system, i started my session, and go to menus: applications->system tools->new logon screen (i don't know the true name in english) looking for a new session03:07
brennerJLB: good luck03:07
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h08817meenfreem: i had a lot of trouble installing mine as well03:07
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Toma-cablop, so?03:07
h08817of course you have to make sure you have the same workgroup and all setup that you have on the pc with the router03:08
cablopbut, it did'nt work and said me "there were errors, maybe X server is not configured"03:08
meenfreemh08817, start from scratch. maybe uninstall the ndiswrapper utils and get the latest one from the repository03:08
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cablopbut x server is configured03:08
h08817that would be a good idea03:08
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cablopi'm using gnome now, and i can start gedit, nautilus, anything03:08
Toma-cablop, so you cant run 2 X servers?03:09
cablopok, then i try to fix the problem and i think i need to read the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file to fix it, i typed "$ sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf"03:09
cablopbut it doesn't work, because gedit is a graphical application and i'm trying to start it as a differtent user03:09
cablopno i can't03:09
cablopand all the warnings a nd errors related was shown as session manager errors or warnings03:10
cablopbut the other weird issue is... if i type "sudo konquest" a qt based game, it opens03:11
cablopif i type "sudo gimp" it opens!!!03:11
Toma-cablop, thats because konquest is a qt-based game.03:11
cablopbut "sudo nautilus" or "sudo gedit" don't03:11
cablopwait me a minutte03:11
Toma-cablop, dont run apps with sudo :( it can break stuff03:11
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damo21i just installed fresh ubuntu 5.10.... my usb flash wont automount why?03:12
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damo21why does gnome-volume-manager try to mount /dev/sda instead of /dev/sda103:13
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Toma-damo21, checked your fstab?03:13
damo21yeah there were no entries for usb flash03:14
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cablopi'm back03:14
brennerchecked dmesg | tail?03:14
damo21it works manually, but i thought ubuntu does it nicely auto03:14
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Toma-damo21, it should do03:14
cablopok, but before restartiong my system sudo gedit worked and sudo nautilus worked03:14
cablopok i know that i need to use gksudo instead03:15
Toma-cablop, yep.03:15
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damo21i know the problem but i dont know how to fix it03:15
cablopbut, i was running my system time before, and i was running it by about three months using sudo gedit and sudo nautilus and nothing wrong ocurred03:15
cablopthen i installed amsn, and my system become damaged03:16
damo21its trying to mount /dev/sda which is the whole device, not the start of the partition at /dev/sda103:16
brennerwhat's the difference?  isn't gksudo just a frontend?03:16
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rockbarcan anyone help me?03:16
cablopi think gksudo provides more x graphic securuty03:16
damo21theres a bug with gnome-volume-manager03:16
ubotuIf you don't actually ask a question, we can not actually help you.03:16
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cablopso, this is the 4th time i instlla my linux, and cheking amsn this is the responsible of the damage03:17
Toma-cablop, well, dont install it.03:17
brennerhow *are* you installing it?  through the official repo?03:18
cablopwhy, i think it changed something in my x session manager, where the x session manager files are placed? i can edit them to rescue my system03:18
damo21how can i reset the removable media settings?03:18
cablopi uninstalled it now03:18
cablopbut system rmeain damaged03:18
Toma-cablop, once you re-install, get the tarball version of it make it yourself.03:18
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Toma-cablop, youre doing something weird. that package is fine.03:18
rockbarhave a problem when i am install ubuntu :Unable to install selected kernel: An error was returned trying to install the kernen into the target system // Kernelpackage: 'linux-386' //check /target/va/log/bootstrap.log for the details03:18
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MetaMorfoziShi all03:19
damo21after i edited fstab, my usb wouldnt automount, how do i reset it?03:19
cablopmmm, the tarball version, ok, but if the amsn or tclstls configures x session management again?03:19
farouscablop: it is good practice not to use sudo nautilus so often03:19
rockbarso can help me? ;=03:19
cablopi'm seriously thinking in use kames instead03:19
cablopyes, i know03:19
farousjust change whatever dir owner ship or mode03:19
cablop, but i can use gksudo nautilus instead?03:19
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Toma-cablop, nothing in the amsn package touches X management. I know. i made the package.03:19
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tattersY is it bad practice to use suo nautilus?03:20
cablopthen, who touched my x session manager?03:20
tatterswhats the problem with doing tha?03:20
Toma-cablop, you probably did with all your sudo action03:20
farousnothing if you are running as regular user03:20
damo21because nautilus controls the desktop, it mucks up default settings03:20
rockbarread my prob pls :( the ppl in ubuntu de cant help me03:20
farouscablop: do you have a program that control your vedio card03:20
Toma-sudo can add config files with root ownership03:20
cablopexcept console commands03:21
cabloplike sudo bash03:21
Kalidarnhehe thats why i switched to kubuntu, so i could make use of konquror best FM ever,03:21
cablopvideo card? the ubuntu default driver03:21
tattersoh you mean in case some else gains physical access not remote access03:21
brennerrockbar: bad cd maybe?03:21
Toma-Kalidarn, amen.03:21
Kalidarnatleast for a out-of-the-box person like me03:21
cablopdoes sound system touches session manager?03:21
rockbarbrenner i dont think so..03:21
Kalidarnnautillus didn't work in alot of places, whereas konquror works everywhere, in everyway.03:21
rockbarthe problem was at the kubuntu installation too..03:21
brennerrockbar: have you hit the forum yet?03:22
damo21sudo nautilus gave me a lot of trouble because it changed ownership of important setting files to root03:22
Kalidarnkind of like the theorized internet explorer03:22
rockbarbrenner no..03:22
rockbarfirst time linux03:22
farouscablop: make a new user and login through his account might be you have a local prob in your dir03:22
Kalidarnrockbar: not talking about you03:22
Kalidarnim talking about cablop03:22
cablopi only use sudo nautilus or gksudo nautilus, when i need to control reoot files, not for common tasks03:22
farousas Toma- this might be due to using sudo too often you might have created a file that you do not have permission to use03:22
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cablopi have a new account, but i cant start a new session03:23
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damo21i wish someone can help, automounting is broken03:24
cablopi must close current one, and start with the other user, now, my gnome doesn't support two users in graphic mode at the same time03:24
ubotuNo idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Toma-03:24
Kalidarndamo21: should have made a backup03:24
Kalidarndamo21: that's why it says to ;P03:24
rockbarbrenner can help me :P03:24
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farouscablop: you can just use the gdmflexiserver03:24
cablopfaorus, please explain me more about  "login through his account might be you have a local prob in your dir"03:24
brennerrockbar: try searching ubuntuforums.org03:24
farousin a terminal typ gdmflexiserver -nl03:24
damo21the original fstab had nothing... just hdd and fdd03:24
cablopyes, i cant use the gdmflexiserver!!!03:25
damo21plus a proc03:25
Kalidarndamo21: readd them then03:25
cablopthis is the problem, i'm looking at system monitor, but gdmflexiserver is sleeping03:25
Kalidarnif u changed your fstab back to its original it should work.03:25
Kalidarnusing KDE/Gnome?03:25
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cablopwhen it wakes up, it commit error03:25
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Kalidarni always had problems with my USB floppy drive in gnome03:25
cablopi cant use gdmflexiserver03:25
Kalidarnsamsung one03:26
farouscablop: just make a new account and login through it and try running things around03:26
Kalidarnused to create 32 floppy drives on the desktop03:26
Kalidarnand keep mounting them lol03:26
Kalidarnover and over and over again03:26
cablopi tryied it yesterday, no work03:26
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damo21it creates the correct udev nodes and everything, but it tries to mount /dev/sda instead of /dev/sda103:26
Kalidarnwas quite funny to watch my desktop with floppy drives lol03:26
cablopi have two accounts here03:26
cablopmine, cablop, and sister, sakura03:26
farouscablop: ok just make a new account and loging through it03:26
cablopi clic on new logon screen, but new logon screen reportme an error03:27
farousjsut see if your probs are sys wide or not03:27
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brennerKalidarn: you bothered to buy a usb floppy drive?03:27
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cablop"There were errors, maybe x server it's not well configured"03:27
cablop(i'm translating from spanish)03:27
Kalidarnbrenner: it has memory stick imputs03:27
Kalidarnie MMC/SD/etc03:27
Kalidarnas well.03:27
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damo21mount /dev/sda1 -t vfat /media/flash works fine03:27
Kalidarnplus it was for a laptop that didn't have one03:27
cablopfarous, how can i see my probs?03:28
Kalidarnuseful for boot floppies03:28
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damo21but i want to know where are the config files for gnome-volume-manager03:28
macozzI need help with keybord variants in Kubuntu... KDE3.5.1 Any one can help?03:28
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cablopfarous, do you mean, close this session, after creating a new one, start with the new one, and check if it works?03:28
farouscablop: you have to trace it down03:28
cablopwell, how can i trace them? first, i don't now what probs are03:29
farouscablop: use admin>syst>users> and create a new user03:29
cablopyes, i created one03:29
farousok log out from gnome and login with the new user name03:29
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fulldisclosureI installed xserver-xgl and I can enter X03:30
cablopfarous i created one03:30
fulldisclosureindeed I have installed xserver-xorg but dpkg-reconfigure tell me that is not installed03:30
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brennerdamo21: don't know if this would work, but maybe reconfigure the package?03:31
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farouscablop: ok logout and login from the new user account03:31
cablopok, i'll be back03:31
Goshawkwhat about compiz on amd64?03:31
fulldisclosuresomeone installed xserver-xgl in dapper?03:31
Goshawkfulldisclosure: me03:31
Toma-fulldisclosure, no dapper support here sorry03:31
mzuverinkWhy does Open Office 2 not sorrect spelling, do I need to install dictionaries myself?03:32
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farousmzuverink: look at writing aids and select your lang then make sure autocorrect is on03:32
rockbarso i post at the forum..03:33
macozzI cannot swith from different keybord layouts in KDE because no layout are loaded... how can I get them?03:33
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farousthere is a macro file for installing dic if you need them DicOOo-1.5.5.sxw03:33
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naorCan anyone please help me with wireless internet?03:34
tattersdoes kubuntu work in the basically same way as ubuntu apart from it graphics03:34
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andreas_1I downloaded the proprietary ATI driver installer from ati.com03:34
naorI can't make it work with WPA - but it's working perfectly without a password03:34
mzuverinkfarous: that did not work03:34
andreas_1but when it pops up the dialog to choose distro, it's too large for my screen!03:34
farousmzuverink: which language you need03:34
andreas_1I seriously can't reach the bottom of it, where the ubuntu options are03:35
mzuverinkUS English03:35
andreas_1how retarded is that03:35
brennerandreas_1: hold alt03:35
farousinstalled by default03:35
mzuverinkfarous:us english03:35
brennerandreas_1: and drag03:35
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brennerare you following the wiki link?03:35
brennerandreas_1: seveas has a repo available witht the xorg driver03:35
faroustools>options>writing aids> then set your language and dict there03:35
brennerandreas_1: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI03:35
Kalidarnhow do some people have these problems lol, im reasonably new and i never had any troubles lol not like redhat eeeep!03:35
tattersits a pain andreas I sometimes have same problem option at bottom and form to large to grab to move or reize03:36
Kalidarntatters: what size screen do you have?03:36
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brennertatters: hold alt03:37
Kalidarnso its on a portege i take it? or somethijnng like that03:37
brennerand you can drag the window from anywhere you click03:37
naorhas anyone used wpa_supplicant?03:37
Kalidarnyeh try that03:37
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brennerKalidarn: portege?03:38
Kalidarntoshiba portege03:38
Kalidarntheyre the tiny ones03:38
MatyasZAHi i would like to low level format my usb stick, how can i do it?03:38
tattershey thnx for that tp  brenner03:38
Kalidarnlol low level format a usb stick why?03:38
sdghsghanyone got Xgl with fglrx working here?03:38
brennerwhat FS do the sticks use anyway?03:39
mzuverinkFarous: thats what I figured, but it is not working either in autocorrecct or when I manually run spell check, I installed everything properly03:39
KalidarnFAT or FAT3203:39
brenneror ist that a stupid question?03:39
trappistKalidarn: protege?03:39
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MatyasZAI just wanna write Fat3203:39
Kalidarntrappist: read with your eyes03:39
MatyasZAbasically its write protected03:39
farousmzuverink: hmm do you have myspell installed that is what openoffice uses for spellcheck03:39
brennertrappist: toshiba portege.  they're the tiny ones03:39
=== TotalNewb [n=just_me@adsl-155-6-230.ard.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu
Kalidarnhe must be blind03:39
MatyasZAso i figure if i low level format it will work again03:39
farousand i think it is not installed by default on ubuntu03:39
andreas_1well brenner that's the one I'm following, and as I said, the ati install dialog is too big for my display :)03:40
andreas_1which is 1280x80003:40
andreas_1it's too tall03:40
mzuverinkfarous: I will check03:40
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andreas_1so I can't reach the bottom of it, where the ubuntu options are03:40
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Kalidarnlol write protected.03:40
Kalidarnwell un write protected.03:40
brennerandreas_1: like i said, hold alt!03:40
MatyasZAthere is no buttom on it03:40
tattersandread did u see breener tip for moving the form?03:40
andreas_1hold alt?03:40
brennerandreas_1:  and you can then drag the window from anywhere you click03:40
mod^how do I resize swap partition? I have a webserver, without X.org or others.03:40
MatyasZAthe customer just brought it to me and now she wants me to format it03:40
KalidarnMatyasZA: no button?03:40
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MatyasZAKalidarn: none03:41
andreas_1thanks :)03:41
andreas_1I didn't know that was possible :)03:41
Kalidarnlol MatyasZA is it a MP3 one?03:41
mzuverinkfarous: that was not installed, installing it now, hopefully that will solve the problem03:41
tatterslol nor did I03:41
brennerandreas_1: i agree though.  stupid interface03:41
MatyasZAKalidarn: its a LG 256MB usb 2.0 flash drive03:41
brenneri wonder how many people give up at that step03:41
Kalidarnill take this to private ;)03:41
farousmzuverink: i will be here for couple of min so keep me posted03:41
brennersomeone should amend the wiki03:41
farousmzuverink: check if you have the thesuars too03:41
mzuverinkfarous: that worked, you would think that that would be a dependency03:42
farousya starange heh. I tried running it with aspell but did not work03:42
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farousrun-with-aspell oowriter2 but i had to install myspell at the end03:43
mzuverinkfarous: whats the thesuars package named?03:43
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Goshawkis there somebody with Xgl + compiz on amd64?03:43
=== LoRd-Phr3x [n=phr3x@220-245-161-157.static.tpgi.com.au] has joined #ubuntu
TotalNewbHas anyone ever run into a problem where the Sudo root user won't work? I try and open any application where I should be running as Root and it fails to log in root? I only have one user so the password can't be wrong..??03:44
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farousmzuverink: go to open office websit and download this file a macro file for installing dic if you need them DicOOo-1.5.5.sxw. It is not installed by default either and will take care of all dic and thesua for you03:44
brennermod^: maybe use a partition mgr.  i don't know how safe that would be though03:44
mzuverinkfarous:thanks for the help and info03:44
farousyw :)03:45
farousam thinking of going to site now to download some presentation templetes my self ;)03:45
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kwewu14how do i get vim to do highlighting for ruby files?03:45
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TotalNewbAm I at the "You reinstall Hoary" stage of disrepair?03:47
brennerkwewu14: http://rubyforge.org/projects/vim-ruby/03:48
brennerTotalNewb: sudo prompts for *your* password03:49
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=== brenner isn't sure he gets what TotalNewb means
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=apu@dsl54009EE7.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu
MetaMorfoziShi all03:50
instabinhow do i restart x server03:50
_jasoninstabin: ctrl+alt+backspace03:51
MetaMorfoziSi can'T mount my cdrom in fstab correctly, for all users. If i've on the second account it said "Only -thefirstacc- can mount /dev/cdrom" or -if i try heck it- "Only root can mount..."03:51
TotalNewbI was originally given the password password by the guy who tried to set up the laptop. Last night I changed the username and password to 'solo' and 30+coyote. I can log in fine to the system. Firefox and all the normal user level applications work great but when I use any application that asks for a password like synaptic or update it fails to recognize either the new or old password.03:51
MetaMorfoziSplease help me about the correct config03:51
=== Loevborg [n=loevborg@d4-242.dip.axsp.de] has joined #ubuntu
_jasonTotalNewb: will a command like 'sudo echo hi' in a terminal accept your password?03:52
MetaMorfoziSi have this @ this time: /dev/hdc        /media/cdrom0   iso9660 utf8,noauto    0       003:52
TotalNewbsudo echo hi03:52
TotalNewbLet me check.03:52
=== glatzor [n=sebi@ppp-82-135-5-14.mnet-online.de] has joined #ubuntu
_jasonMetaMorfoziS: well mine has usr as an option as well (it's how it got setup, I don't know that much about it)03:52
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_jasonMetaMorfoziS: s/usr/user03:53
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_jasonMetaMorfoziS: substitute 'usr' with 'user', I made a typo03:54
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sakurahello again03:54
sakurai was cablop, but now im using another account03:54
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TotalNewbNow its not even asking for a password when I use Sudo. I'm so confused.03:55
sakuraoh no, my helper it's not here03:55
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sakuraTotalNewb how you used sudo?03:55
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wasshahello fellas03:56
brennerTotalNewb: there's a time period b/n de-activation of rights03:56
sakurasudo ask for a password first time, from that time and on it doen't need to ask again03:56
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TotalNewbHow long is that time period?03:56
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trappist15 minutes03:57
brennernot sure :)03:57
trappistby default03:57
wasshahow can i add exterial source to synaptic gui for apt ?03:57
brennerthere you go :)03:57
sakurawhile you have the command line window openned03:57
_jasonTotalNewb: is this the account you created during install?  If so, paste the output of the command 'groups'03:57
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sakuraBut if you don't want to be asked for a password when using sudo, just add your user to sudo group03:58
brennerubotu: tell wassha about repos03:58
MetaMorfoziS"mount: Only root can mount /dev/hdc on /media/cdrom"03:58
TotalNewbThere is a sudo group? Cool.03:58
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MetaMorfoziSwhat i need in fstab to disable this?03:58
avalostanyone know when the new release will be out?03:58
_jasonMetaMorfoziS: I believe it's the 'user' option03:59
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trappistsakura: I don't remember there being a NOPASSWD option in the default sudoers file for a sudo group03:59
MetaMorfoziSi have use03:59
trappistavalost: april 16 I believe is the date03:59
TotalNewbOh, and last night I did uninstall ubuntu-desktop. Do you think that could have done it?03:59
MetaMorfoziSif i delete it it said only meta can mount...03:59
sakurabut just add the user to this group and check03:59
MetaMorfoziSmeta is the firsth account03:59
avalostthanks trappist03:59
avalosttrappist, no more mandrake/mandriva for you?03:59
sakurai need a help03:59
trappistTotalNewb: ubuntu-desktop does nothing but depend on a slew of other packages.  uninstalling it doesn't really do anything.03:59
MetaMorfoziSoh sorry, at this time i'm havent user and get ^^ error04:00
trappistavalost: I still have a server running it, but I'm looking to replace that too04:00
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brennerTotalNewb: it's just a meta package, only important for upgrade transitions iirc04:00
wasshai need to add there source of debian packages ( w32codecs)04:00
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avalosttrappist, I don't blame you04:00
brennerwassha: just get the deb file and dpkg -i04:00
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brennerif it's only the one04:00
avalostI had been running mdk since 8.0.. they really ticked me off and I haven't looked back04:00
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TotalNewbI'll have groups for you in just a moment. Had baby issues.04:01
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trappistavalost: they're ok, but I decided I like debian, and now I've fallen in love with ubuntu, and I'll probably stay here a while.04:01
avalost10.* and LE really turned me off04:01
TotalNewbalso usin the right keyboar helps.04:01
sakurasomebody help me, i'm trying to configure x session manager04:01
sakurahow to do it?04:01
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avalostyeah, ubuntu is pretty slick albeit completely different..04:01
TotalNewbIt replied monti, which is the user name first set up by the guy who did the install.04:02
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Scarboroughhow can I get mozilla-composer?04:02
brenneravalost: completely different to debian?  i'm contemplating trying it out (ub was my 1st deb-based distro.04:03
p0windahScarborough: no idea, but you might want to try Nvu04:03
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=== monzie wishes to announce that Ebuntu has now moved from alpha to beta and will be uploaded in a couple of days
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Scarboroughp0windah: whats Nvu?04:03
avalostbrenner, no to mandrake..04:03
sakurai have a problem in session manager, how to fix it?04:03
jhaigI cannot print from Firefox - it complains that the paper size (iso-a4) is not supported by the printer (but it is).  The printer is on another machine running Debian Sarge, and other machines on the network with Debian don't have this problem, only this one with Ubuntu.  Any idea what may be wrong?04:03
NabZhey, whats the diff between ubuntu and Kubuntu04:03
monziemozilla-composer  comes with mozilla Scarborough04:03
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jhaigNabZ: The default desktop for Kubuntu is KDE.04:04
sakuraNabZ kubuntu have KDE instead of gnome04:04
Scarboroughmonzie what do you mean?04:04
p0windahScarborough: html/css editor04:04
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avalostbrenner, debian is similar, just not as easy to set up and packages seemed less up to date for stable releases04:04
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TotalNewbNabZ, Kubuntu was designed to run well with KDE I think.04:04
ppo2hi, rkhunter is complaining about /dev/.initramfs-tools /dev/.udevdb and  /dev/.static is it normal ?04:04
ifxxhat einer von euch ubuntu mit dem x-win32 zum laufen bekommen?04:04
Scarboroughp0windah: is it n00b-friendly?04:04
sakurabut i preffer gnome, so i use ubuntu04:04
Seveasppo2, rkhunter?04:04
NabZon ubuntu can i change it to kde?04:04
brenneravalost: *nod* do you happen to know the default kernel image?04:04
avalostmy frist debian install was a net install, a heap of work to get everything running as I like it04:04
Seveasifxx  #ubuntu-de04:04
ppo2Seveas: rootkit hunter04:04
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Seveasppo2, it's terribly overzealous04:05
sakurajust instll kde from main section on your ubuntu distro repository04:05
monziesudo apt-get install mozilla gives you mozilla composer04:05
avalostfor debian?04:05
Seveasppo2, those folders are completely normal04:05
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@dsl54009EE7.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu
NabZty sakura04:05
monzieNabZ, the command is "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"04:05
NabZty monzie :)04:05
TotalNewbSo any one have any ideas what my 'group' thing means?04:05
avalostbrenner, unsure: prolly linux-*-386, i'm guessing04:05
monzieyou are welcom NabZ04:05
sakuraNabz, monzie, yes, because kubuntu-desktop is the wrapper packge of Kubuntu packages04:05
ppo2Seveas: ok, thanks, btw security patches will be installed after apt-get upgrade or do i need to put something else?04:06
brenneravalost: heh, i'm after the * bit in particular, but nvm.  i'll look it up04:06
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Seveasppo2, if you have the security repos enabled: yes04:06
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=== Bader [n=bader@lev92-1-81-57-180-153.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #ubuntu
monzieppo2, you have to enable the security repos04:06
NabZon kbuntu downloads, whats breezy and whats  dapper? lol04:06
sakurabut if you don't want all the things on kubuntu-desktop, just uninstall them and don't worry about uninstalling kubuntu-desktop04:06
avalostyeah, that's prolly best04:06
Drac[Server] Where is the Ubuntu logo image that is seen during the load before X starts located?04:06
Bader!wiki bcm43xx04:06
ppo2Seveas: how to check if i have ? :)04:06
sakurabreeze is the name of current distro04:06
Bader!wiki broadcom04:07
NabZah and dapper is the old one?04:07
sakuradapper is the name of future distro planned to be released on april04:07
ubotuhmm... usplash is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USplashCustomizationHowto04:07
Bader!wiki dapper wiki04:07
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wasshabrenner: thanks04:07
Bader!wiki dapper wifi04:07
NabZi tihnk ill get ubuntu and install kde onto it. :)04:07
Seveasppo2, paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 is the complete set04:07
SeveasBader, stop.04:07
zwusince last dist-upgrade (dapper), my radeon 9600 card fglrx driver does not work now ~~~ anybody meet this problem?04:07
sakurahoary is the old onebut don't use dapper until become stable,04:07
BaderSeveas: I stopped.04:07
sakuradapper now is for testing purpose04:07
Drac[Server] NabZ, at this point, it is a bad, bad idea to try to run Dapper as a fully functional OS.04:07
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Badernow I can ask my question :)04:07
BaderHow can I enable bcm43xx on dapper ? (because ndiswrapper no longer works) (modprobe bcm43xx does nothing)04:08
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NabZits fine to install kde onto ubuntu 5.1 yeh?04:08
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TotalNewbI try running users-admin and none of my passwords for root access work. Anyone know how to find out what the root password is?04:08
ppo2Seveas:ok, thanks04:08
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Seveas!tell TotalNewb about root04:08
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Drac[Server] TotalNewb, by default, it's random. To set one type sudo passwd.04:08
SeveasDrac[Server] , don't lie04:08
dbernar1_How come I have no space on my /home partition? I am looking at all the files, including the hidden ones, and there is nothing that could be holding up space.04:08
Drac[Server] Seveas, I'm not...04:09
Seveasyes you are04:09
Seveasthe root password is not random04:09
Seveasit's locked04:09
Drac[Server] It's locked by way of randomization.04:09
MatyasZAbye all04:09
Seveasit's locked by way of locking04:09
Drac[Server] Well, how else could they "lock" it?04:09
SeveasDrac[Server] , man passwd04:09
Drac[Server] I don't know about locking root.04:09
Drac[Server] Oh.04:09
Drac[Server] Well... regardles, sudo passwd will do the trick04:09
Drac[Server] Yes.04:10
Seveasjust sudo04:10
dbernar1_So what's up with my disk space?04:10
sakuracould anybody help me?04:10
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Drac[Server] I do it all the time.04:10
dbernar1_Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on04:10
dbernar1_/dev/hda5             9,7G  8,4G  824M  92% /04:10
dbernar1_tmpfs                 237M  4,0K  237M   1% /dev/shm04:10
dbernar1_tmpfs                 237M   13M  225M   6% /lib/modules/2.6.12-10-386/volatile04:10
dbernar1_/dev/hda6             9,8G  9,7G   96M 100% /home04:10
sakurai need to reconfigure my x session manager settings04:10
dbernar1_/dev/hda9              93G   29G   61G  32% /mnt/l04:10
Seveaswhy? You don't need a root password on ubuntu04:10
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TotalNewbIt asks me for a password, which I don't have, before it will let me use any sudo command including sudo passwd.04:10
Drac[Server] I like having full root functionality, rather than having to type sudo all the time. Leaving a terminal open that has had sudo validated once is just as bad as leaving a root terminal open.04:10
SeveasTotalNewb, sudo uses YOUR password, read the wikipage ubotu sent you04:11
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SeveasDrac[Server] , set the sudo timeout to 0 04:11
TotalNewbI only have two passwords ever used on the system and both fail.04:11
sakurabecause i want to be again able to run a new user logon screen, to swith between users, and able to run gtk+gnome graphic applications as a different user04:11
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TotalNewbI am putting in my pass, it fails.04:11
Drac[Server] Seveas, sure, that's one option, but it's not the default. Also, if somebody gets your user password but not your root, root functions are still compromised.04:11
=== Dr_Willis [n=willis@12-222-81-183.client.insightBB.com] has joined #ubuntu
sakuraTotelNewb, if sudo asked you for a password is asking for your users password04:12
=== monzie wishes to take a poll of ubuntu users
TotalNewbI know, and I put it in, the one I log into my user with, it fails.04:12
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sakuraTotalNewb you must have administration privilegies04:12
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=== [Ubuntu] Bug [n=sad@proxy1.milwaukee.k12.wi.us] has joined #ubuntu
SeveasTotalNewb, is the word admin in the output of the command id?04:13
sakurago to system->Management (Administration)-> and users and groups04:13
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monziePOLL: How many users would like an ubuntu - sister distro (aka Kubuntu) with E17 was default wm and aim = ultmate eye candy?04:13
dbernar1_In any case, Would you have some advice as to why my HD is full when there is nothing on it?04:13
Seveasmonzie, don't...04:13
sakurasomebody help me!!!04:13
dbernar1_not nopthing...04:13
ubotuNO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, sakura04:13
dbernar1_stupid .Trash.04:13
Seveassakura, applications  system tools  new login04:13
ubotusakura: I give up. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:13
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TotalNewbNope, uid=1000 gid=1000  groups=1000 (monti)04:13
Seveasdbernar1_, lol :D04:14
raidanyone know hot to enable wlan0 device manualy on Kubuntu?04:14
Seveasraid, ifup wlan004:14
dbernar1_Seveas: cause I don't use gnome...04:14
trappistassuming wlan0 exists04:14
sakuraSeveas i have and error in my gnome configuration, so this program send me errors04:14
monzieWhat Seveas ?04:14
SeveasTotalNewb, then you messed up yourself previously in the users and groups thing...04:14
mikexhow do import email from evolution to thunderbird in ubuntu?04:14
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blisshello all04:14
dbernar1_Seveas: funny part is...I've been woprking on this for a while now kinda off-hand...04:14
Seveashi bliss04:14
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sapohi all, anyone have a quick link to some howto or something about installing a serial mouse?04:15
TotalNewbSo reinstall? My friend who owned the laptop tried to install it. Not I.04:15
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Seveas!serial mouse04:15
ubotumethinks serial mouse is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SerialMouseHowto04:15
sakurahis program uses some session management donfiguration04:15
sakurahow to fix it?04:15
SeveasTotalNewb, reboot into recovery mode, and reset either the root password or the user password04:15
dbernar1_/dev/hda6             9,8G  788M  9,0G   8% /home04:15
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Seveasand ask that friend of yours not te mess up again04:15
raidSeveas: I get Ignoring unknow interface wlan0=wlan004:16
TotalNewbNever played with recovery mode. Then again I never broke my system :P04:16
raidSeveas: what does it mean?04:16
Seveasraid, man ifconfig, man iwnconfig, man 5 interfaces04:16
dbernar1_Im so happy, I just got rid of 9G of files.04:16
trappistraid: it means wlan0 doesn't exist yet04:16
Seveasthat should get you started 04:16
dbernar1_trash in fact. No wonder it was reaking here.04:16
trappistdbernar1_: that always feels good04:16
sapothanx Seveas i m good at talking with bots you know :)04:16
raidtrappist: the device is decteted thow04:17
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Seveasraid, it means that even though wlan0 may exist; it is not yet in /etc/network/interfaces04:17
Seveasso ifup can't work with it04:17
Seveasraw ifconfig/iwconfig can 04:17
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raidok :( i'll try that04:17
trappistone of these days I'm gonna identify some of the places files like to accumulate and fill up my hard drive and write a nice script to keep it to a manageable level.  browser cache, thumbnails, trash, tmp files, apt cache, etc.04:17
wasshahmm im slowly fallin in love with ubuntu :D04:17
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Drac[Server] Anyway, where is the Ubuntu logo image that is seen during the load before X starts located?04:18
TotalNewbOkay, I'm in the command line. passwd solo <newpassword>?04:18
dabaRDrac[Server] : you mean the gdm login image?04:18
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SeveasDrac[Server] , inside the binary code that makes up the login process...04:18
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SeveasTotalNewb, just passwd solo04:18
Drac[Server] dabaR, No. The one that shows before... oh.... damn. :(04:18
ubotuI guess usplash is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/USplashCustomizationHowto04:18
SeveasDrac[Server] , --^04:19
Drac[Server] Seveas, I've heard from a few sources that it's an actual file somewhere...04:19
blisshello all04:19
dabaRDrac[Server] : that one?04:19
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TotalNewbCan you use + in a unix password?04:19
SeveasDrac[Server] , it's not a graphic, it's a .png converted to C code04:19
SeveasTotalNewb, yes04:19
Drac[Server] dabaR, No.04:19
bliss looking for java  appletplugin for mozilla for chat to linksys.com the name OF the package I think is something like x-java-vm04:19
monzieyes Toadstool04:19
Drac[Server] Seveas, that's disappointing.04:19
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dabaRDrac[Server] : not even the usplash? what then?04:19
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Seveas!tell bliss about java04:19
TotalNewbOkay, done. Now how do I add myself to the sudo group?04:20
SeveasTotalNewb, adduser solo admin04:20
dabaRYou people use usplash? hehe, I am soo warty04:20
jetscreamerthose live chat thingys are like doubleplusungood in linux i've noticed... ymmv04:20
Seveasuid=1000(dennis) gid=1000(dennis) groups=4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),25(floppy),29(audio),44(video),103(plugdev),107(lpadmin),108(scanner),117(admin),118(fuse),1000(dennis)04:20
Scarboroughis there a n00b-friendly homepage maker in ubuntu?04:20
SeveasDrac[Server] , add yourself to those groups too04:20
SeveasScarborough, nvu04:20
TotalNewbAdmin doesn't exist...??? What has he done to this poor box?04:21
Seveasadmin, not Admin04:21
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Seveaslinux is case sensitive04:21
jetscreameradduser user sudo04:21
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dabaRSeveas: ya, and bash feeds ext3 the same case it gets04:21
jetscreameredit /etc/sudoers04:21
TotalNewbI know, I just can't help capitalizeing when speaking to people. I used admin. It's gone.. o.o?04:21
dabaRSeveas: or whatever else fs you use with your kernel...04:22
[Ubuntu] BugHey, what can i use for a FTP site.. Mozilla is not working for me and i use ftp under terminal but i cant recieve any files..04:22
blissyess tell me about java04:22
dabaRubuntulog: places>connect to server04:22
Seveasbliss, ubotu sent you a message...04:22
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TotalNewbuser, also gone...?04:22
trappistTotalNewb: fellow word nazi?04:22
jetscreamersubstitute your_user_name04:22
dabaR[Ubuntu] Bug: places> connect to server04:22
Seveastrappist, ?04:22
[Ubuntu] Bugi tried gftp but it wont work or is not installed04:22
dabaRubuntulog: sorry04:22
jetscreamerapt-get install gftp gftp-text04:23
SeveasdabaR, ubuntulog is the log bot 04:23
jetscreamermight be in universe i dunno04:23
dabaRya:) probab;y04:23
trappistSeveas: as in grammar stickler04:23
blissok thanks uboto04:23
BaderI'm looking for the firmware for bcm43xx, anyone has it ?04:23
blissthanks ubotu04:23
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TotalNewbI have a root group. I'll ad myself to that. It seems to be the only group left. Monti and Root.04:23
SeveasBader, you need your windows driver and a program called firmwarecutter04:23
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BaderSeveas: I'm looking for firmwarecutter04:23
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BaderSeveas: I have the .sys file04:24
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jetscreameri never noticed being in the root group actually doing me any good, ymmv04:24
SeveasTotalNewb, ok, that 'friend' of yours completely screwed up04:24
SeveasTotalNewb, I recommend reinstalling - no one knows what else he did04:24
dabaRTotalNewb: ya, you could fix it, but better to reinstall if the system is faulty04:24
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SeveasBader, that's on the bcm43xx sourceforge site 04:24
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dabaRTotalNewb: make separate partitions for / and /home while you are at it.04:24
TotalNewbI don't have a hoary CD with me. I'll have to get one at work. At least I know what's wrong now. Thanks :)04:25
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SeveasTotalNewb, while you're at it: go for breezy 04:25
dabaRTotalNewb: breezy is the new version04:25
TotalNewbIt's a solo 2500 can't run breezy.04:25
guerracan anyone help me with the Xlib:  extension "XFree86-DRI" missing on display ":0.0". error?04:25
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[Ubuntu] BugTired installing gftp-text but cant find the file04:26
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jetscreamer!info gftp-text04:26
ubotugftp-text: (colored FTP client using GLib), section universe/net, is optional. Version: 2.0.18-10 (breezy), Packaged size: 115 kB, Installed size: 264 kB04:26
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oklinuxcan some one help me on my printer is dont print when I hit print is show the job in the spool but not printing04:26
Seveas!tell [Ubuntu] Bug about universe04:26
Seveas[Ubuntu] Bug, enable universe 04:26
rezaguys i want to do they lince cd at school but i dont have internet then04:26
wassha"GPG error: http://ftp.nerim.net etch Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available" eh?04:26
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TotalNewbI'm making a portable linux box for "recreational network exploration" it's only a 450mghz. ;) So to reinstall I go. Thanks for the help.04:27
Seveaswassha, don't use marilat on ubuntu04:27
dabaRwassha: nerim etch?04:27
jetscreameroklinux: i had that with cups once... hp printer. i found that using the mc:par:something:something designator worked. hth.04:27
Seveaswassha, mixing debian and ubuntu repos is a recipe for disaster04:27
jetscreameryeah there's an ubuntu version of marillat04:27
jetscreameruse it04:27
Seveasit's called cipherfunk 04:27
Seveasplf is also good04:27
jetscreameri forget the place, use the sources generator on ubuntu site04:27
jetscreamer that04:28
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[Ubuntu] BugSeveas: How i install universe04:28
dabaRjetscreamer: there is no sources generator on the ubuntu site, that source generator is on Seveas' ubuntu-nl site, really.04:28
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jetscreamerby reading the thing the bot told you in the /msg04:28
oklinuxis a laserjet 6p hp jetscreamer04:28
Seveas[Ubuntu] Bug, read what ubotu sent you04:29
jetscreamerdabaR: ok ... i found it through that site then :/04:29
Rabobiewhat is the equivalent debian command for "rpm -qa | grep <package_name>"04:29
jetscreameroklinux: yeah use the mc:par thingy when telling it what printer to use, 'should' work04:29
trappistRabobie: dpkg -l | grep ...04:29
SeveasRabobie, apt-cache search <package>04:29
jetscreamerwhen you set up cups04:29
trappistSeveas: rpm -qa lists installed packages04:30
ccookeSeveas: that'll show ones that aren't installed, too04:30
oklinuxwhat is the mc:par thingy ?04:30
jetscreameroklinux: i forget it exactly, but you 'should' have seen it once... got hpoj or hplij ?04:30
[Ubuntu] BugSeveas: thanks alot04:30
jetscreamermy officejet hasn't been hooked up in a while04:31
jetscreamer!info hpoj04:31
dabaRyou can then use aptitude. aptitude search <package> and then if you have an i on the left, it is installed. or... "aptitude search blah|grep ^i04:31
ubotuhpoj: (HP OfficeJet Linux driver (hpoj)), section universe/utils, is optional. Version: 0.91-6 (breezy), Packaged size: 445 kB, Installed size: 1336 kB04:31
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jetscreamerthere are others04:31
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jetscreameroklinux: linux.hp.com04:31
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blisshello all04:31
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blissHas anyone got a link to sun-j2re1.5_1.5.0+update05_i386.deb04:31
klippocreate it04:32
_jasonubotu: tell bliss about javadebs04:32
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klippobliss: fakeroot make-jpkg  jre-1_5_0_05-linux-i586.bin04:32
blissthanks ubotu04:32
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eriondhi there04:33
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Kezafternoon all.04:33
eriondanyone know how to locate a grub file that is an abortive linux install ?04:33
dabaReriond: what?04:34
KezAnybody able to tell me how to configure a proxy server during Breezy installation?04:34
eriondi tried to install linux and it created a partiton too small for itself and also created a grub bot file i need to delete it so i can install ubuntu04:34
dabaRKez: is it installed?04:35
dabaRKez: the breezy04:35
eriondno just the grub file04:35
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dabaReriond: the boot files are in /boot04:35
dabaReriond: I do not understand what you are asking though04:36
KezErm, yes, but I'm flattening it and putting it on a different drive. I can do it after install, but it hangs for ages during install when it's looking for repositories, if memory serves04:36
madgik85hellowi need some help, I just installed Dapper, and i am tring to enable the Universe and Multiverse repositories in Synaptics, but when I go to Settings>Repositories in Synaptics, it seems like a new page is loading but then nothing happens... how could I fix thix plz04:36
erionddaBar i have windows xp installed on my computer04:36
elany ideas why i dont have access to this file? root@linux:/dev# ./dsp04:36
elbash: ./dsp: Permission denied04:36
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eriondi want to install ubuntu04:36
avarel: it's not executable04:36
dabaReriond: oh no, better erase that quick(XP)04:36
reiki_workI have to say I am absolutely astounded. I have VMware Workstation 5.5.1 running on Breezy with WinXP installed as the VM guest OS. No more shutting down and swapping drives for the one and only program for which there is no linux port (medical equipment data recording)04:37
eriondi tried b4 but it creeated a bbootfile which i want to delete so ubuntu has a clean board to work on04:37
reiki_workI'm a happy camper04:37
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elbut i need to open the file04:37
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Kezsorry dabaR: Erm, yes, but I'm flattening it and putting it on a different drive. I can do it after install, but it hangs for ages during install when it's looking for repositories, if memory serves04:37
damned|officehi all. does anybody uses netbeans 5.0 on dapper?04:37
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eli cant even open it with text file04:38
dabaReriond: reinstall removes all files04:38
madgik85hello, does anyone know how to enable the Universe and Multiverse repositories for Synaptics Package Manager in Dapper?04:38
eli dont have access at all04:38
elcan someone help me please?04:39
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eriondok thanks dabar04:39
[Ubuntu] BugSeveas: do i need the internet to install gftp04:39
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dabaRmadgik85: ? is it different than anywhere else?04:40
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madgik85dabaR ... what do you mean is it different than anywhere else?04:40
dabaRel: sudo cat ./dsp04:41
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[Ubuntu] BugSeveas: because i did all that stuff and it still cannot find it also when i did update a whole bunch of errors poped up relating to my internetless box!04:41
dabaRmadgik85: I know how to do it in warty, hoary, and breezy04:41
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ellol i think i fucked it up de dsp04:41
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madgik85dabaR  : its just when i go into Synaptics and go to Settings>Repositories, nothing happens, no window pops up with the list of repositories04:42
dabaRel: if you do not have access, it means you should likely not access.04:42
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elthe reason i opened it04:42
dabaRmadgik85: use your terminal. "sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list04:42
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elit was because i have an error with the terminal server client04:43
elit says04:43
madgik85dabaR : ok thank you04:43
dabaRmadgik85: dapper is the development version. use breezy04:43
Kezah, found my answer (pass http_proxy= at the boot prompt) cyer folks04:43
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elwarning colout depth changed from 24 to 16 /dev/dsp:device or resource busy04:43
madgik85dabaR: yes i know, I have breezy already set up nicely, i want to try out Dapper for a while :D04:43
oklinuxjetscreamer I cant find anything that related to the printer04:44
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dabaRel: "lsof /dev/dsp"04:44
snikkeri've got this error in nmap:  Failed to determine the netmask of ! : No such device04:44
EricNeongo to bed now~04:44
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dabaREricNeon: you are magic04:45
elit show this thing root@linux:/dev# lsof /dev/dsp04:45
elxmms     8056 kevin    9w   CHR   14,3      7008 /dev/dsp04:45
elcat     11328  root    3r   CHR   14,3      7008 /dev/dsp04:45
EricNeondabaR->: goog night~04:46
eli need to change de depth colour04:46
EricNeonbye all ~04:46
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elto 24 im runing on 1604:46
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fangoriousanyone know how to get stuff mounted in /media to show up on the desktop?04:46
fangorioususing dapper04:47
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MetaMorfoziSwhen i open a .doc or .sxw from the cd, openoffice will loads, and quits. Why? If i copy it to my desktop and open or open from console: oowriter2 /media/cdrom/foo.doc it works, if i open it from konqueror its not.04:47
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dabaRel: kill xmms04:49
dabaRthen try the server thing again/04:49
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dabaRfangorious: see, it could be a bug. I do not feel like working on something like that, when it could be a bug. things in /media are supposed to show up there.04:50
dabaRfangorious: but then again, it could be just a gconf setting. Apps>Sys Tools>COnfig Ed.04:51
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elcheers dabar04:51
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dabaRel: tell me whether it works...04:51
MonsieurBonis there anything like remote control for ubuntu?04:51
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Fitzsimmonsremote control?04:51
dabaRMonsieurBon: you mean like a remote for a tv?04:51
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Andre4swhen I install the kernel-headers. What is the location of the directory of C header files that match your running04:52
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MonsieurBondabaR, no, like the thing with wich you can control another pc in windows04:52
trappistAndre4s: if you install linux-headers-$(uname -r) they should be found automatically04:52
dabaRMonsieurBon: google on vnc, and if you like trerminals, ssh04:52
elit doesnt04:52
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MonsieurBondabaR, thx04:52
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trappistMonsieurBon: you can use rdesktop to remote control a windows box, or vnc or nx or just remote X for another linux box04:53
dabaRel: same error?04:53
Andre4strappist, where are they installed?04:53
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netsurf3hey guys anyone know how to get a trident cyber (vga ADAPTOR) running decent ? i just put kubuntu on there and it takes ages to process any graphics so i am guessing a misconfiguration04:53
cdr1000when i type sudo and use my password in the Desktop directory, it gives me an authorization error04:53
MonsieurBontrappist, remote X sounds promising04:53
cdr1000how can i reset my sudo password?04:53
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wasshaSeveas: ive just want it as repository for mplayer, w32codecall04:53
nappunkhi there mates04:53
trappistAndre4s: in /usr/src and /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build/include04:54
faiperSomeone in Dapper ?04:54
trappistcdr1000: boot into recovery mode and run 'passwd username'04:54
nappunkis it possible to "dock" the gaim-window near the edge of the screen?04:54
fangoriousdabaR: apps->nautilus->desktop->volumes_visible was unset, setting it works for cd, but not a partition I keep mounted under /media04:54
Profichillafaiper quite a while now04:54
fangoriousfaiper: since last night04:55
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dabaRprofi chilla04:56
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nappunkis there a german support-channel on this network?04:56
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trappistnappunk: #ubuntu-de04:56
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MetaMorfoziSwhen i open a .doc or .sxw from the cd, openoffice will loads, and quits. Why? If i copy it to my desktop and open or open from console: oowriter2 /media/cdrom/foo.doc it works, if i open it from konqueror its not.04:57
=== UcTs [n=^_^@200-161-254-194.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
seliniumHI all, I was trying to delete a custom keyboard setting, when I used the delete key. Now the delete key doesn't work. How do I get it back?04:57
seliniumHi Seveas :)04:57
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trappistMetaMorfoziS: my guess is it's a problem with the fact that it's read-only on the cd.  that's not what should happen, but I think that's what *is* happening.04:58
sakurahello, i have  problem, but i think now i know what is04:58
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sakurai need to fix a problem related to "authentication protocols" "while "04:59
sakura"While connecting to session manager"04:59
sakurahow can i enable my authentication protocols again?04:59
faiperI want install ktorrent in dapper ... but this ins't in aptitude05:00
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MetaMorfoziStrappist: if i copy it to the desktop05:00
seliniumHI all, I was trying to delete a keyboard shortcut, when I used the delete key. Now the delete key doesn't work. How do I get it back?05:00
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dabaRsakura: is that when you log in?05:00
MetaMorfoziSoo will opens readonly05:00
MetaMorfoziSbut opens!05:00
MetaMorfoziSthe problem is when i open it from konqueror05:00
sakuraIt's reportefd in my ".xsession-errors" file05:00
dabaRsakura: are you unable to log in?05:01
sakuraaldo when i start an application as a differnet user like "gksudo gedit" and "su anotheruser gedit"05:01
bur[n] erselinium: use "backspace" to delete a hotkey05:01
=== exosyst [n=exosyst@cpc1-shep4-5-0-cust96.leic.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
sakurai can log in, but i cant switch to another user session05:01
dabaRsakura: ya, in gnome, use only gksudo, not sudo to open graphical apps.05:02
sakuraand i cant open graphics applications using different users05:02
sakuraok, i use gksudo05:02
sakurabut it doesn't work05:02
seliniumbur[n] er, I know that now! But it 'took' the delete key. So now it doesn't work. Do you know how to reset it?05:02
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dabaRsakura: and if you are logged in to the xserver, you can not su to another user and open an app.05:02
bur[n] erselinium: go to the one where you set the delete key, click it, click backspace05:02
seliniumbur[n] er, Have done that, but it hasn't reassigned the delete key.05:03
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bur[n] erselinium: what did you do?05:03
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Rodietzehey my diskette driver isnt working :\  but in windows it is, how to configure it?05:04
ardchoilleis there a problem with the repos? sudo apt-get update is erroring out saying that the repos can't be contacted.05:04
fangoriousdabaR: actually that one gconf option was it, I just had to restart dbus for it to catch the partition05:04
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Rodietzeubuntu always automatically configured it now it isn't when I most needed it05:04
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fangoriousanyone know how to configure locales in dapper ('dpkg-reconfigure locales' doesn't let me select the ones to generate or set a default, it just regenerates what's already configured)05:05
sakuradabR yes, this is the problem05:05
sakurai cant open any graphic application of any other user, even root05:05
seliniumbur[n] er, I assigned a keybord shortcut to 'PAUSE', then I went to remove it. I selected PAUSE then clicked delete before I read the backspace thing. I clicked the backspace thing to delete the assignment of Delete to PAUSE but it hasn't reassigned it to delete.05:05
Rodietzehow to mount  a FLOppy drive? isn't mount -t auto /dev/floppy /media/floppy0 ?05:05
seliniumbur[n] er, If that makes any sense05:05
bur[n] ernope05:05
bur[n] erhehe05:05
mikulhow do i create an alias. for example if i want a = apt-get install, because whwn i put in alias a = "apt-get install " it dosent save it for the next session.05:06
bur[n] erit still says "delete" by pause or it says "disabled" ?05:06
fangoriousRodietze: you might try /dev/fd0 too05:06
fangoriousmikul: put it in ~/.bashrc05:06
Profichillamikul put it in your ~/.bashrc05:06
seliniumbur[n] er, It says disabled now. But the delete key doesn't delete anymore!05:06
=== bur[n] er wonders wtf a driver disk for linux would do
bur[n] erselinium: restart gnome? :)05:06
mikulok, will try that ;)05:07
=== selinium slinks away and hides...... [that is such a windows solution! :)] Trying.........
=== chiwawa_42 [n=jni@ASt-Lambert-153-1-50-242.w83-204.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
dabaRfangorious: well, good05:07
dabaRsakura: it just does not work. the user that is logged in is the owner of the screen, so to say./05:08
=== g-thunder [n=g-thunde@ACB67829.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
g-thunderhuhu hab grad linux drauf gemacht05:08
g-thunderja genau ubuntu05:09
=== selinium [n=selinium@82-69-69-151.dsl.in-addr.zen.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
sakurabut it worked before, because we used to write sudo gedit anyconfiguration file before05:09
dabaRg-thunder: /j #ubuntu-de05:09
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bur[n] ersakura: gksudo gedit is better :)05:09
g-thunderwei jemand wie der channel von apple heit?05:09
seliniumbur[n] er, That cured it!  Cheers for the help!05:09
bur[n] erselinium: is that dapper by chance?05:09
dabaRg-thunder: #apple05:09
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu und Kubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de resp. #kubuntu-de05:09
=== bur[n] er is just curious
seliniumbur[n] er, nope, breezy.. I am waiting for the RC05:10
sakurathanks now i know gksudo is better05:10
sakurabut i need to launch gksugo gedit o gksudo nautilus again, but simply IT DOESNT WORK05:10
=== ja [n=krax@81-229-29-19-o1120.telia.com] has joined #ubuntu
bur[n] ersakura: errors?05:10
sakuraGnomeUI-WARNING **: While connecting to session manager:05:11
sakuraAuthentication Rejected, reason : None of the authentication protocols specified are supported and host-based authentication failed05:11
sakurasame error in my .xsession-errors file05:11
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=== bur[n] er shrugs
sakurai installed amsn 0.95-3.ubuntu from amsn website and system crashes in that way05:12
sakurai cant start any other user session if mine is open05:12
Gy|suliremove it with synaptic, install the linux binary instaler05:12
Gy|suliand have fun05:12
Gy|suliit installs to your home05:12
=== Andre4s [n=andreas@hd5e25252.gavlegardarna.gavle.to] has joined #ubuntu
elubuntu sucks05:12
BigDaddyhey guys, I found the Disk Manager and mounted 2 partitions. However I cannot access them because I am not root. How can I change the permissions so that I can access them?05:12
eldebian rlz05:12
=== Fah [n=Fah@dyn-83-153-212-140.ppp.tiscali.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Gy|suliel, ubuntu is a SID snapshot ;)05:13
seliniumel Go to #ubuntu-way-offtopic05:13
glaciousany word if more SATA support will be included in the next release?05:13
sakurabur[n] er?05:13
=== thehil [n=h@dsl-66-243-235-105.elltel.net] has joined #ubuntu
glaciouscoming in april05:13
bur[n] er!fstab05:13
ubotuthe /etc/fstab  file lists all drives and partitions but can be easily configured automatically with the diskmounter file found here http://www.ubuntulinux.nl/files/diskmounter  See <partitions>.05:13
sakuraany idea?05:13
thehilhow do I create /dev/fb0 and use it?05:13
bur[n] erthat fstab is for your BigDaddy05:13
bur[n] erthehil: you don't create /dev/fb005:14
=== Jaymac [n=Jaymac@resnet-147853.resnet.bris.ac.uk] has joined #ubuntu
bur[n] ersakura: rm .ICEAuthority?05:14
sakuraok i unisntalled amsn but error remains05:14
sakurawhat's rm?05:14
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bur[n] erremove05:15
sakurabur[n] er, this file is placed in wich directory?05:15
ardchoillesakura, rm is an app that removes files05:15
bur[n] er~/.ICEAuthority05:15
BigDaddybur[n] er - I don't understand. Do I open mine and copy that over and save, or do I need to edit this to my setup?05:15
thehilbur[n] er: how do I acquire /dev/fb0?05:15
sakuraThere's no such file or directory05:15
bur[n] erBigDaddy: edit it to fit your setup05:15
bur[n] erthehil: you don't... /dev files are automatically createid05:15
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bur[n] erthehil: you can mount /dev/fb0 to a mount point such as /media/floppy or somethin05:16
bur[n] erthehil: doesn't "floppy" just show up under "Places -> floppy"05:16
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thehilbur[n] er: Do you have /dev/fb0? fb probably means framebuffer05:16
foxpauldoes anybody know how i add a subdomain to a system with named?05:16
bur[n] erthehil: sorry... i was thinking floppy drive... my bad05:16
sakurareading my .xsession-errors file seems xsessionmanager is trying to use tcp, it's that correct?05:16
thehilfoxpaul: try webmin interface, should be easier05:17
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BigDaddybur[n] er - I think this is a little over my head. Isn't there a GUI that I can use?05:17
foxpaulthehil, the machine i'm running it on doesn't have webmin05:17
bur[n] erBigDaddy: not sure in all honesty, i'm an old user ;)05:17
foxpaulthehil, i've addded the zone to the named config and restarted, but cant reach it05:17
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Storkmehi, i've just installed nvclock-gtk through synaptic but i don't know how to launch the program. any ideas?05:19
sakurabur[n] er, i cant rm this file because it does not exist05:19
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dabaRBigDaddy: no, can you open a terminal?05:19
sakuracan i paste some of my .xsession-errors erros here?05:19
bur[n] ersakura: my bad again... ~/.ICEauthority is the file... no cap A05:19
bur[n] ersakura: pastebin05:19
sakurawhat's pastebin?05:20
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ubotupastebin is, like, totally, a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org - Install webboard for easy pasting from the gnome taskbar :)05:21
glaciouswhats a good program to run to limit SSH logins?05:21
glaciousmy server is getting hammered with SSH logins from everywhere.05:21
Storkmehi, i've just installed nvclock-gtk through synaptic but i don't know how to launch the program. any ideas?05:22
CentHOGGhi, could someone help me config my module loader (take out ACPI)05:22
fangoriousanyone have dapper with nautilus-open-terminal installed (and working)?05:22
sakuraso cute, jeje05:22
bur[n] erfangorious: yes05:22
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pradafangorious: yeah05:22
fangorioushm, maybe I'll reinstall it05:23
bur[n] erfangorious: restart nautilus?05:23
glaciousso no way to limit SSH login attempts?05:23
elanyone use the terminal server client here?05:23
pradaCentHOGG: you could pass the noacpi option to the kernel command line in grub05:23
fangoriousbur[n] er: i've rebooted several times for other issues05:23
sakurabur[n] er, i rm the file you said, and now what i must do?05:23
Storkmehi, i've just installed nvclock-gtk through synaptic but i don't know how to launch the program. any ideas?05:24
CentHOGGprada: cool, could you tell me the menu.lst command05:24
fangoriousno, reinstall didn't help05:24
pradaCentHOGG: yeah ... just append noacpi to the line there05:24
glacioushow would one defend against a bruge force SSH login attempt?05:24
pradaglacious: http://www.jihe.net/technical/my_linux_whitebox/stop_ssh_brute_force_attack.php05:25
bur[n] ersakura: gksudo blah05:25
fangoriousglacious: with chuck norris05:25
sakurai hate amsn 0.95-3 for ubuntu, it damages my system :(05:25
tattersportsentry maybe thatll stop them05:25
pradasakura: use gaim05:25
sakurathere's no blah05:25
=== Zazzie [i=zazell@h37150.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #ubuntu
sakuragksudo gaim?05:25
glaciousfangorious: ahh, the infinite solution.05:25
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glaciousprada: thank you =)05:25
Storkmehi, i've just installed nvclock-gtk through synaptic but i don't know how to launch the program. any ideas?05:25
sakuragksudo gaim works05:25
sakuragksudo gedit still wrong05:26
dabaRno need to run gaim in root05:26
pradawhy are you trying to gksudo all this ?05:26
=== pm_ [n=pmak@200-161-11-163.dsl.telesp.net.br] has joined #ubuntu
sakuraexcuseme prada, i think you're talking about the things i must check05:26
pradasakura: I think I'm kinda lost :)05:27
=== dra [n=dra@p549CC2A7.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
pm_which is the default root passwd of ubuntu?05:27
pradapm_: there isn;t any05:27
tattersportsntry can block the iP from brute forcing ya05:27
sakurammm, the problem i have is, i cant start graphic progrms as differnet user froma running session05:27
glaciouswhy would netstat show like 20 TIME_WAIT connections to the same address into my SSH port?05:27
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pm_prada be it asks for it...05:27
glaciousand /var/log/messages isn't showing any failed login attempts.05:27
pm_prada be it asks for it...05:27
pradasakura: you need to to do an export DISPLAY=:005:27
bur[n] ersakura: maybe your gedit root config is all f'd up... i'm really not sure05:27
bur[n] erprada: he shouldn't have to05:27
Storkmehi, i've just installed nvclock-gtk through synaptic but i don't know how to launch the program. any ideas?05:28
=== alauck [n=chatzill@adsl-69-228-41-252.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net] has joined #ubuntu
bur[n] erprada: not with "sudo"05:28
pradabur[n] er: I'm way lost ... I'm stepping out of this one :) .. I have call to attend anyway05:28
sakuranope, if i write gksu otheruser gedit or gksu otheruser nautilus or anything like that this programs dont work05:28
Zazziehi, im having problems with a server running ubuntu. on almost all commands i give, i get an input/output error. i figured out this is due to the fact that my filesystem is mounted read-only which is caused by badblocks on my hd. now im trying to reboot the machine but i dont have fysical access and shutdown/reboot give i/oo errors aswell05:28
Zazziedoes anyone know how i can reboot the machine?05:28
sakurathe problem is in the gnome05:29
fangoriousZazzie: sudo reboot05:29
sakurain the session manager that cant verify my accounts05:29
ardchoilleis there a problem with the repos? sudo apt-get update is erroring out saying that some repos can't be contacted (404).05:29
Zazziefangorious, like i said... that gives an i/o error05:29
BigDaddydabaR - sorry, I was trying to figure it out and was in another window. Yes I can open a terminal05:29
fangoriousZazzie: sorry, missed that05:29
Storkmehi, i've just installed nvclock-gtk through synaptic but i don't know how to launch the program. any ideas?05:29
Zazziefangorious, np :)05:29
fangoriousZazzie: maybe sudo telinit 605:29
Zazzieill try.. runlevel 6 is reboot?05:29
_jasonStorkme: dpkg -L nvclock-gtk | grep bin05:30
sakuramy system become damaged05:30
fangoriousZazzie: yes05:30
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Zazzietelinit 6 does nothing.. :(05:30
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Zazzieno error and no output :(05:31
Zazzieand no reboot :(05:31
Storkmethanks _05:31
=== damo21 [n=damo@203-214-79-206.dyn.iinet.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Storkmethanks _jason05:31
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damo21Seveas: hi, i tried installing your latest jre java package and i get 403 permission error05:32
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_jasondamo21: use a mirror05:32
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sakuraxirc was down :(05:32
Zazziefangorious, any other idea's ? :)05:33
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tattersis there any switch u can to add to reboot like reboot -f for force?05:34
fangoriousZazzie: ctl.alt.del maps to '/sbin/shutdown -t1 -a -r now' so maybe that will help05:34
tattersu need the force ;P05:34
=== chiwawa_42 [n=jni@ASt-Lambert-153-1-52-209.w83-204.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #ubuntu
Zazzie/sbin/shutdown -t1 -a -r now05:34
Zazzie-bash: /sbin/shutdown: Input/output error05:34
glaciousis there a program or daemon that will limit the number of SSH login attempts from an IP?05:35
fangoriousZazzie: nobody you can contact who has physical access?05:35
=== joachim-n [n=joachim@ACD53D2D.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
Zazziewell no... its in a datacenter..05:35
sakuraok, thanks to all05:35
=== ablomen [n=ablomen@ipd50a6820.speed.planet.nl] has joined #ubuntu
sakurai only have one thing to say05:35
Zazziei think im going to have to jump in a car and go there :(05:36
fangoriousZazzie: and they don't have 24-7 attendants?05:36
sakurawe never install again the amsn from amsn.sourceforge, it's bad05:36
sakurabrother and me was fighting for days to recover this damage and there's no way :(05:36
=== noaXess [n=noaxess@adsl-du-217-11-45-147.cybernet.ch] has joined #ubuntu
Zazziefangorious, i think so... gonna try that..05:36
=== g-thunder [n=g-thunde@ACB67829.ipt.aol.com] has joined #ubuntu
Zazziethanks anyway05:36
=== alumno [n=alumno@n106117.unileon.es] has joined #ubuntu
g-thunderich hab grad linux ubuntu drauf gemacht und ich wei nicht wo ich counterstrike 1.6 finde kann mir jemand helfen?05:37
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu und Kubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de resp. #kubuntu-de05:37
glaciousso theres no modules that auto-block IP's or anything after x failed SSH attemts?05:37
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sakuraprada, why you asked me to start gaim?05:38
=== NRG88 [n=nrg88@] has joined #ubuntu
Drac[Server] What's the command to run the automatic updater?05:38
fangoriousglacious: i think portsentry can do that05:38
thegladiatorapt-get update05:38
thegladiatoris that what you are looking for ?05:38
Drac[Server] No. I mean the one that pops up to tell you when updates are available.05:38
g-thunderwhere i can found counterstrike for ubuntu?05:38
tattersglacious try portsentry it will block the attacking ip by closing ports05:38
glaciousfangorious: is there a way to make sshd log to something other than /var/log/messages?05:38
NRG88hi, where can i change the login manager? currently i have KDE's manager, and i wan't to have gnome's05:38
glacioustatters: thank you05:38
fangoriousglacious: probably, i'd have to read the docs though05:39
glacioustatters: right now i'm using iptables configured by Firehol05:39
damo21Drac: update-manager05:39
Drac[Server] damo21, thanks.05:39
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=== Exposure [n=Exposure@cc569857-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
damo21is there any way to remotely login to a freshly installed ubuntu before sshd was installed?05:41
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Pavelhi all05:42
=== firen [n=firen@pc-85-107-215-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #ubuntu
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firenhola alguien habla espaol aqui?05:42
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cthompsonanyone have any experience with 5.10 under vmware/windows?05:43
[Ubuntu] BugNo speake Espanol05:43
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.05:43
cthompsonspecifically Evolution05:43
=== manuel [n=vanguard@12-214-89-8.client.mchsi.com] has joined #ubuntu
cthompsonI can't type in my password to the Evo/Exchange "Contact" page05:43
cthompsonit won't focus, like the modality is wrong05:43
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Kraynovi very glad for ubuntu05:43
mp3guywhere is the ubuntu startup sound stored?05:43
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BigDaddyOK, I have the diskmounter script saved to my desktop, but I cannot run it in my terminal. It keeps saying "bash: diskmounter: No such file or directory05:44
fangoriousmp3guy: System->Preferences->Sounds maybe05:44
=== veritas [n=veritasc@host-69-144-196-171.gdj-co.client.bresnan.net] has joined #ubuntu
veritaswewt, im on breezy :)05:44
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_jasonBigDaddy: cd ~/Desktop, try again05:45
NRG88is there a restart button, not just a logout button in gnome?05:45
damo21is hald broken in ubuntu?05:45
CentHOGGthe new kernel download messed up my menu.lst could someone please help me05:45
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BigDaddy_jason - with the ~ in there as well?05:46
pradaCentHOGG: what's wrong ?05:46
Kraynovthere's any files managers in ubuntu except nautilus&05:46
_jasonBigDaddy: sure05:46
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Kraynovthere's any files managers in ubuntu except nautilus?05:46
fangoriousNRG88: System->Shut Down... should give you an option to restart05:46
CentHOGGprada: I set it up for dual-boot xp and I can't seem to get the chainloader working05:46
ablomenBigDaddy, you should check if the file has the right premissions, try "chmod 755 file"05:46
fangoriousKraynov: konqueror,05:46
CentHOGGprada: to boot the xp05:46
BigDaddythanks _jason05:47
pradaCentHOGG: you mean chainloader +1 a the grub prompt doesn't work ?05:47
fangoriousKraynov: probably a gnome version of midnight commander, maybe rox, i think xcfe has it's own05:47
NRG88hm, don't have shutdown, fangorious  only Logout and Lock screen05:47
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pradaCentHOGG: what's the error message like ?05:47
CentHOGGprada: yeah that or I don't have the entry config right05:47
Kraynov<CentHOGG> try map05:47
CentHOGGone sec05:47
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damo21CentHOGG you might need to include "map (hd0) (hdx) ; map (hdx) (hd0)05:47
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fangoriousNRG88: are you in the adm group?05:47
NRG88hm, i have to add my self i guess :)05:48
Kraynov<fangorious> i need somerhing like midnight or total commander05:48
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fangoriousKraynov: i'm sure midnight commander is packaged05:48
damo21windoze likes to boot from hd005:48
trappistwindows 9x does05:48
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trappistand maybe nt4 too, but win2k and winxp etc. don't care05:48
CentHOGGdamo21: ok I'm in grub at the entry05:49
trappisttote: #ubuntu-es05:49
Kraynovfangorious> does mc stored on ubuntu installation disk?05:49
damo21ok well i only have experience with 98se... i needed to map the second hdd to hd005:49
CentHOGGdamo21: root (hd1,1)05:49
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Kraynovi haven't 'thick' inet?05:49
Kraynovi haven't 'thick' inet..05:49
CentHOGGdamo21: makeactive05:49
fangoriousKraynov: sudo apt-get install mc05:49
CentHOGGdamo21: chainloader +105:50
NRG88fangorious, admin group, at the group members there i am05:50
pradaCentHOGG: seems right ..05:50
totealgun espaol?05:50
NRG88and still no shutdown :?05:50
Kraynovfangorious: thanks. i'll try05:50
CentHOGGprada: how do I use map05:50
damo21Centhogg sounds good... are you sure its hd1,1 ?05:50
fangoriousNRG88: you on breezy? (i keep forgetting i just upgraded to dapper yesterday)05:50
NRG88and i originally had kubuntu05:50
NRG88just installed ubuntu-desktop on top of it05:50
damo21CentHOGG: try booting to the command line in grub and using the tab autocompletion05:51
CentHOGGdamo21: it looks like this sda1 is swap and sda2 is XP05:51
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CentHOGGdamo21: yeah I forgot how to do that05:51
CentHOGGdamo21: tab auto05:51
damo21CentHOGG:   grub> root (TAB05:51
pradaCentHOGG: don't remember this map business ...05:51
pradadon't know if it's really necessary though ..05:52
ablomenbtw, is there a xgl .deb package or a repository that has it already? im not the compile from source type05:52
pradaablomen: I think it made it to dapper05:52
Kraynovok bye05:52
fsmwhi all!, i can't find a package for mod_rewrite (Apache) in breezy, somebody have any clue?05:52
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ablomenprada, dapper?05:52
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damo21well do you know exactly which partition and on which disk your xp partition is?05:52
pradaablomen: http://packages.ubuntu.com/xserver-xgl05:52
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ablomenprada, thanks ill look there05:53
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pradaablomen: you'll probably run into dependancy hell05:53
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skeffto upgrade to Dapper from Breezy, if that's not entirely idiotic, do I just have to replace 'breezy' with 'dapper' in sources and then run 'dist-upgrade' ?05:54
ablomenprada, yeah i figure, but it looks neat enough to try05:54
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damo21CentHOGG: I used to have a bug where my xp partition would only boot every second time... try rebooting and selecting it again it should boot05:55
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Scarboroughhow do I install a program thats in rpm format?05:55
prodigy60got a question for whoever can help, i'm running a dual boot setup on my lappy, specifically xp pro and ubuntu and from grub, whenever i select doze it starts to boot up, bluescreens and reboots back to grub, then if i select windows again it does the safe mode start up prompt and allows for a regular start up, after which it boots just fine... anyone know whats goin on?05:55
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pradaablomen: from what I've seen with NLD 10 it's great ...05:55
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prodigy60Scarborough, try installing the aline package, thats what i use anyway, it converts alien package formats to .deb packages for installation =)05:56
damo21prodigy60 i had the same problem, i think its just the way xp detects the boot flag05:56
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carlosis normal that dapper keeps changing the permissions for /var/lock directory?05:56
Scarboroughprodigy60 whats the command for that?05:56
j2daoshwhat command will show me only the active connections? i dont care about the listening one... i just wanna know what connections are being made on my computer05:56
carlosit removes the write access to all users05:57
bj_** ntfs05:57
pradaj2daosh: netstat05:57
MorclyeHi everyone! I'm going to install my first ever Linux next weekend and I've chosen Ubuntu. I'm not sure though which suites me best.05:57
j2daoshand where is the log file for all internet connections being made to my computer? auth.log?05:57
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ablomenprada, yeah the 3d and transperency stuff looks great, to bad we have to wait till version 6.* before its included in ubuntu05:57
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prodigy60sudo apt-get install alien then from there cd to the dir where the .rpm file is and run alien <package.name> and it'll generate a .deb file for you05:57
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j2daoshnetstat gives me the listening ports and all that jive... i just want to know what is connected... without the whole listening port thing05:57
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j2daoshand what program (if any) caused the connection05:57
pradaablomen: switch to the dapper release and try the devel version ;)05:57
prodigy60Scarborough, heh, forgot to mention your name in the line, read my last comment, sorry ;D05:57
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CentHOGGdamo21: I'm still having no luck. The error is Filesystem type unknown05:58
sorcurerhas anybody install asterisk on ubuntu?05:58
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faiperSomeone in Dapper ?05:58
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prodigy60damo21, think it could be something in the boot.ini file in doze? hopefully something i can fix easily enough, its getting really old05:58
MorclyeI seem to like more KDE, but I was wondering if Kubuntu is good to have as first Linux distribution or should I use Ubuntu ?05:58
pradaj2daosh: /var/log/syslog is probab;ly your best bet05:58
Scarboroughprodigy60 didnt work05:58
pradafaiper: yeah05:58
j2daoshis something going wrong with the wine.sourceforge website? it gives me like a 3k download for wine and constantly resets the connection05:58
damo21prodigy60:  try using map in grub05:58
prodigy60damo21, cool, i'll check it out, did you ever get yours fixed?05:59
SAAD3000hello,how come i can get internet under xp/suse/ and not on Ubuntu the configuration is done right.05:59
prodigy60Scarborough, did it generate the .deb files for you at least?05:59
ablomenprada, do i just change breezy into dapper in sources.list at the universe part?05:59
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damo21prodigy60: i use 98se + ubuntu.. 98se on second hdd works fine05:59
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Scarboroughprodigy60 no, it says it cant find the file05:59
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Scarboroughprodigy60 I have saved it on the desktop06:00
damo21prodigy60: but i had to map the second hdd to hd006:00
pradaablomen: yes it should work more or less , atleast that's what i did. had to work around a few problems with the packages06:00
NRG88sorush20, anyone know how can i just shutdown the system, instead of clicking on the logout button, and then shutdown?06:00
prodigy60Scarborough, are you running the alien command from the same directory? might be easier that way, if not put the full path to the file06:00
ablomenprada, ok thanks ill do that and hope for the best ;)06:00
pradaablomen: and if you're new to this sort of thing , the kernel doesn't install right, it has a problem with mkinitrd06:00
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pradaablomen: so you can't boot :)06:01
SAAD3000hello,how come i can get internet under xp/suse/ and not on Ubuntu the configuration is done right.06:01
damo21CentHOGG: you are trying to boot from the wrong partition... you have the numbers mixed up in the root () command06:01
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prodigy60damo21, unfortunately dont have the option of multiple hdd's on this machine (stupid laptop!) sounds good tho, i'll dig through and check out map and the boot.ini file and see if i can figure out whats goin on, thanks!06:01
ablomenprada, do i have to update to that new kernel? should be optional isnt it?06:01
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g-thunderich wil jetzt verdammt noch mal cs1606:01
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SAAD3000hello,how come i can get internet under xp/suse/ and not on Ubuntu the configuration is done right.06:02
NetGeekmorning all, I'm looking for a dapper flight 3 mirror, only getting 38kb/s from ubuntu.com06:02
damo21CentHOGG: hit escape to get into grub, hit 'c' for command line and try:  root (<TAB>,<TAB>06:03
mirakis flash working for you on dapper ?06:03
mirakwith firefox06:03
Scarboroughprodigy60 Ive tried but it didnt work06:03
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prodigy60Scarborough, after you nav to your desktop in a terminal type "alien -d <package.name>" and it *should* generate the .deb file you need, and from there its a straight install like normal, if thats not working i dont know what else to say :S i'm far from a nix guru, heh06:03
pradaablomen: well ... just be careful ..06:03
ablomenprada, lol ok thanks for the advies :)06:03
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faipermirak:  is flash working06:04
mirakfaiper: how could I know ?06:04
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mirakfaiper: just it fails to install in fact06:04
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ubuntuhi, i'm running a ubuntu live disc, is there anyway to save settings to a usb drive?06:04
StargazersHi. Has anyone else problem with sshfs in Dapper? In Breezy it worked fine, now it says: "fusermount: failed to open /dev/fuse: No such file or directory"06:05
faipermirak: easy ... install dapper and see06:05
SAAD3000hello,how come i can get internet under xp/suse/ and not on Ubuntu the configuration is done right. (Internet is LAN behind proxy)06:05
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xerophyteI have installed postgresql -8.0 and get this error psql: FATAL:  Ident authentication failed for user  how can i fix it ?06:05
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Scarboroughprodigy60 this sux, says it cant find the file06:05
NetGeekdoes dapper have mirrors for download (bittorrent blocked at work)06:05
mirakfaiper: it didn't came to your mind I am probably using dapper ?06:05
damo21Does anyone know if dapper has more stable usb automounting than breezy?06:05
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ubotuVa a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour aide et discussion en francais06:06
prodigy60Scarborough, odd, are you sure you're navigating to the same dir and everything? try "ls" and see if its listed, and either tab to complete the name or type it EXACTLY as its printed06:06
faipermirak: get this packet gsfonts-x1106:06
mirakfaiper: ok06:07
faiperand aptitude install flashplayer-mozilla06:07
Gy|sulina by allz06:07
bj_is there a way to search in here like ??06:07
SAAD3000http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/l/linux-source-2.6.12/linux-image-2.6.12-10-686_2.6.12-10.28_i386.deb is this the latest for 5.10?06:07
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damo21when will dapper be released?06:08
ubotuMy cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, trappist06:09
pradadamo21: 040606:09
Drac[Server] I'm trying to find something that's the equivilent of the "run command" window in Windows. You see, I'm trying to make the menus and such in Ubuntu look just like Windows, as an experiment to see which functionality level people prefer. Isn't there a small program like this?06:09
ablomenand another question, iv got a hp deskjet 6122 printer and it doesnt work until i do "chmod 777 /dev/usb/lp0"06:09
=== farous just wonder who removed the factoid about dapper
trappistDrac[Server] : alt-f206:09
ablomeni have to do that eacht time i reboot06:09
Drac[Server] trappist, great! Now, what's the command to run this? :P06:10
prodigy60Scarborough, check this page out, it might help out a lil with the .rpm file    http://ubuntu.wordpress.com/2005/09/23/installing-using-an-rpm-file/06:10
trappistDrac[Server] : in gnome, I don't know06:10
Scarboroughprodigy60 ok thanks06:10
mirakfaiper: thanks a lot06:10
Drac[Server] Does anyone else here know the answer?06:10
ablomencups does see the printer but it just jumps to paused when i want to print something, unless i do the chmod thing06:10
prodigy60Scarborough, np, good luck, you'll get it figured out =)06:10
damo21Drac, in xfce u can06:11
Drac[Server] damo21, that's useless to me.06:11
farousScarborough: you could not find a deb or a source for the package you wana install ?06:11
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G0SUBDrac[Server] : it's not a separate application / command per se ... it's integrated into the GNOME Panel06:11
trappistDrac[Server] : try gnome-run06:11
Scarboroughfarous: I downloaded limewire and there were just .rpm format06:11
Drac[Server] G0SUB, awkward.... um... is there some way I could 'make' it run from a command?06:11
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farousScarborough: i have it here and it has a source bin format06:12
trappistDrac[Server] : try gnome-run06:12
ubotufirst you need !java, then download the http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and unpack it. Then just run the runLime.sh file. Voila. Consider !frostwire as an alternative.06:12
farous^   &06:12
prodigy60Scarborough, theres specific instructions to install limewire in ubuntu, gimme a sec and i'll pull em up for ya06:12
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G0SUBDrac[Server] : gnome-run may be06:12
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Drac[Server] that isn't a command.06:12
Scarboroughprodigy60 thanks that would be great06:12
ablomenScarborough, you can use alien for that, it isnt nice but it works06:12
BurgermannHow to install KDE-Desktop using apt-get?06:12
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farous!tell Scarborough about limewire06:13
ablomenBurgermann, sudo apt-get install kde06:13
farousScarborough: check ubotu link06:13
thegladiatori have this prob06:13
BurgermannThanks guys06:13
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Burgermannil try it out now06:13
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SAAD3000hello,how come i can get internet under xp/suse/ and not on Ubuntu the configuration is done right. (Internet is LAN behind proxy)06:13
ablomenBurgermann, ok good luck06:13
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trappistDrac[Server] : you could switch to kde and use katapult, which is a run dialog on steroids so cool it singlehandedly converted my gf from windows06:13
Burgermannbtw. How do I know that X's installed?06:13
jonatanhi. has anyone got higher resolutions to work in dapper with i915? the 915resolution program seems to be gone06:13
thegladiatori am trying to stream online songs using FF , it asks  me for the player , options are real player and windows player and status shown is not installed !06:13
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tattersI jst installed ubuntu created a source list with automaic list creator, 2 problems Y are half the repos not vailable and Y do I get unsafe key wehn I run the commands that are given in advice06:14
trappistDrac[Server] : or if all else fails ask on #gnome06:14
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Drac[Server] trappist, sounds nice, but I'm trying to make this look like Windows, and it's currently an offline machine. KDE is not an option, even though it looks quite a bit like XP.06:14
ablomenBurgermann, hehe if youv just installed the normal ubuntu install you dont have to worrie about X06:14
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ablomenBurgermann, thats a thing that gnome uses to, so that shouldnt be a problem06:15
Burgermannablomen: I thought I installed the default package of Kubuntu, but only a console appeard on first boot :(06:15
G0SUBDrac[Server] : gnome-open06:15
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tattersunbuntu security updates are not working is that mormal,,will they be backup?06:15
trappistno, ubuntu has discontinued security updates06:15
prodigy60Scarborough, i *think* these are the instructions i used, i know i have it running on my system but once i got it installed i deleted the bookmark, this should work for you just fine tho: http://easylinux.info/wiki/Ubuntu#How_to_install_P2P_Gnutella_Client_.28LimeWire.2906:15
BurgermannCouldn't find the package: kde with apt-get06:15
thegladiatorhere is a screen shot to make it more clear , i am trying to oplay music from a site , its says no players installed http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/7704/screenshot0hg.png06:16
tattersu got me06:16
tattersI was wtf06:16
thegladiatorcan I rectify this problem ?06:16
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ablomenBurgermann, ok thats wrong you should try to install it again, something whent realy wrong06:16
dan_ti just upgraded to dapper and i have some problems with the desktop background. looks like nautilus is not refreshing the root window properly. some one has the same problem?06:16
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ablomenBurgermann, takes a lott less time than fixing it, trust me06:17
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CrAzYoNiHello all06:17
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thegladiatorfolkz http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/7704/screenshot0hg.png , the window is a popup from a online music site06:18
Burgermannablomen: I'll reinstall.. thanx for your help :)06:18
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thegladiatorhow can I allow streaming ?06:18
CrAzYoNiI forgot.. there is some really good editor software, something that  its name include "fish" or something like that.... maybe anybody here knows it's name?\06:18
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EnhoBurgerman it happened to me, too06:18
tattersSo does this happen regulaly have they changed servers Y is there no updates06:18
j2daoshis firestarter a decent firewall?06:18
ablomenBurgermann, dont mention it, good luck06:18
thegladiatorj2daosh, its a front end06:18
dabaRit is indecent06:18
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j2daosha front end to what?06:18
IvaldiDoes anyone know what the command is to reinitialize the mouse?06:18
Enhoi had'nt space on hard drive06:18
thegladiatorj2daosh, its based on the inbuilt firewall06:18
CrAzYoNij2daosh, firestarter is based on iptables06:18
Enhoso some packets was not installed06:19
CentHOGGhi, I tried earlier to get ACPI not to load at bootup thru GRUB but that didn't stop it from loading06:19
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Enhoad Xpacckets too06:19
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thegladiatorj2daosh, it should not be bad going by its popularity06:19
j2daoshi dont know about iptables... i made a few lines for my iptables... but i dont know how to import them into it06:19
prodigy60j2daosh, good luck uninstalling it if you dont like it, i cant get it to uninstall cleanly, it gives an error and i cant fix it :(06:19
CrAzYoNifirestarter its the gui ( this is how I like to describ it anyway ) for iptables :-)06:19
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j2daoshwell i would much rather just learn how to incorperate my chain rules into my ip table but i think i will have to just install a firewall because i cant figure it out06:20
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Drac[Server] trappist, gnome-open appears to be for urls.06:20
thegladiator_jason, are you here ?06:20
j2daoshCrAzYoNi, wait... so i can add rules to firestarter?06:20
thegladiatorcould someone look at http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/7704/screenshot0hg.png ?06:20
CentHOGGis there a way to remove ACPI altogether from the module loader?06:20
Drac[Server] Err... that was meant to be directed at somebody else. Sorry.06:20
thegladiatorand tell me how I can I make FF understand that realplayer exists in my system ?06:20
thegladiatoris there a real player plugin for FF  ?06:21
Drac[Server] G0SUB,, gnome-open appears to be for urls.06:21
thegladiatorhow can I play online music using the browser ?06:21
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j2daoshu have to get the plugin06:21
thegladiatorwhich plaugin is that ?06:21
thegladiatorand how can I get it ?06:21
tatterssoooo anyone idea Y is there no security  updates available06:21
j2daoshdont know... i use opera06:22
thegladiatorcould you tell about installing plugins ?06:22
thegladiatorto FF ?06:22
snoozixthegladiator: what about that screenshot?06:22
thegladiatoroh oh06:22
thegladiatorsnoozix, can you see a  popup  ?06:22
j2daoshi know you have to dl them and with the java put a link to it in the /mozilla/firefox/plugins directory or something06:22
snoozixthegladiator: that musicindiaonline thing?06:22
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thegladiatorthat is from a music portal06:22
j2daoshthegladiator, google "adding plugins to firefox"06:23
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thegladiatori can show you a song page if you dont iind :)06:23
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CentHOGGis there a way to remove ACPI altogether from the module loader?06:23
IvaldiDoes anyone know what the command is to reinitialize the mouse?06:23
tattersFellow ubuntians Y is there no security update server available for Ubuntu06:23
snoozixtatters: there is.06:24
thegladiatorsnoozix, http://www.musicindiaonline.com/l/5/m/artist.325/ go there and click on the song you want06:24
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thegladiatorand click on "play selected songs"06:24
tatterswell I am getting cannot find use old etc06:24
thegladiatorI need to get that working06:24
tattersso im stuck with old kernalf06:24
thegladiatorj2daosh, thanks ...lemme ask here first06:24
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tattersdoes it get overloaded at times should i wait?06:25
snoozixthegladiator: dunno06:25
CentHOGGhi, I tried earlier to get ACPI not to load at bootup thru GRUB but that didn't stop it from loading06:25
snoozixthegladiator: looks bad to me :)06:25
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thegladiatorsnoozix, like you getting the popup itself ?06:25
thegladiatoror the song ? :)06:26
snoozixthegladiator: i get it - but i don't get the song.06:26
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thegladiatorsnoozix, exactly I was wondering how to set it up06:26
thegladiatorsnoozix, its easy in windoz06:26
thegladiatorsnoozix, i dont how to make FF undertsand there is real player 106:26
snoozixthegladiator: this is not windows and i'm proud of that :)06:26
tattersI got the soucelist from the automatic thing because the efault security update in ubuntu says there was a md5 problem with the files06:27
snoozixthegladiator: and i think it's quite reasonable that it does _not_ work at all.06:27
ablomenanyone, im trying to update to dapper but i get an error while configuring the packages: Errors were encountered while processing:06:27
ablomen /var/cache/apt/archives/python-gnome2_2.12.3-1ubuntu3_all.deb06:27
snoozixthegladiator: sorry, but i can understand more or less that it will not work.06:27
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thegladiatorsnoozix, perpahs but I was thinkig that all music players ..online music sites...work like this ?06:27
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thegladiatorit must find a player or something ?06:27
ablomenafter that, the configuring stops06:27
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skazi_What does everyone here think of the stability og Ubuntu? 1-10 ? i give it 806:28
skazi_What does everyone here think of the stability of Ubuntu? 1-10 ? i give it 806:28
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thegladiatorany one who listens to online music via browser ?06:28
tattersIs there a server status page for ubuntu update sources?06:28
thegladiatorskazi_, 1-10?06:28
CentHOGGstability is fine, config is the b#tch06:28
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thegladiatorthere is 1-10 also ?06:28
thegladiatori never knwe that06:28
damo21at the moment, im not happy with HAL in breezy, 0.5.3 has bugs06:28
skazi_1 - 1006:29
thegladiatorI see06:29
skazi_i say 806:29
CentHOGGis there a way to remove ACPI altogether from the module loader?06:29
thegladiatoroh...like that lol ...I say 7.506:29
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thegladiatorbut I have problems like video ploayer not working sometimes...06:30
thegladiatorout of the blues and I have to restart X06:30
damo21i just installed a fresh breezy, plugged in 2 usb sticks and none of them will automount06:30
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thegladiatoryeah on breezy...06:30
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thegladiatorand sometimes when I play movie it quits X...06:30
thegladiatorand have to log back in and it works fine...06:30
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thegladiatorI dont understand these probs...that where I cut the 2.5 really06:31
ablomendamo21, you have to install usbfs06:31
tatterssame here ubuntu sometime automouts my usb tick/dive sometimes it wont06:31
tattersKubuntu just syas no folder in /sda06:31
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damo21its a bug, it tries to automount sda instead of sda106:32
ablomensomething like that06:32
Storki keep getting a Segmentation Fault when trying to run nvclock.. any ideas anyone?06:32
farousStork: do you have this probl only with nvclock06:32
tattersI get that bug with kubuntu darno but not ubuntu06:33
Storkfarous, yes i do06:33
damo21you do not have to install usbfs06:33
tattersnay I nvr had to06:33
farousStork: than reinstall it if you can or update it it is just bad mem management06:33
ablomenwhell it works for me, otherwise check google ;)06:34
tattersworks out of the box 8/10 times :P06:34
thegladiatoris real player 10 available in synaptic ?06:34
Ngit's fairly easy to install though06:34
farousthegladiator: download it from site06:34
damo21i have a feeling that they fixed the bug already in hal, but its taking a while to get into the breezy packages06:34
tattersIs there a server status page for ubuntu update sources?06:34
farousthe shell runs non installation required06:35
thegladiatori have it installed but I dont know...there is some prolem06:35
thegladiatormy browser doesnt detect it06:35
thegladiatorI have installed it06:35
farousthegladiator: your browser is looking in your path for it and doesnot find it06:35
Storkfarous, how would i do that?06:35
farousput it in your path06:35
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tatterspersonally  I think in the installation there is tiny errors that go unoticed causing many problems06:36
thegladiatorfarous, let me try that06:36
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farousStork:  you have to search for it in the repos use synaptic06:36
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ablomenthegladiator, you have to link the plugin to the /usr/share/mozilla-firefox/plugins folder, you should check where the realplayer plugin file is06:36
damo21for some reason, editing the fstab has bad consequences for automounting06:36
tattersI can reinstal same ubuntu same machine 3 times and get 3 different results06:37
farousthegladiator: the esiest way is to have a symbolic link to it in your /usr/bin dir06:37
thegladiatori cant understand actually06:37
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thegladiatori cant do it prefernece ? FF ?06:37
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ablomenthegladiator, otherwise you should try to install the vlc player with the mozilla vlc plugin06:37
ablomenthat should work06:37
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thegladiatorit is installed in ~/programs/realplayer folder06:37
tattersmy usb drive automount from bootup withou making any changes in a default ubuntu install06:38
thegladiatorablomen, this one requires real actually06:38
idefix_does flash for linux exist?06:38
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ubotuhmm... restricted is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed here can be replaced by !FreeFormats06:38
thegladiatoridefix_, yes06:38
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thegladiatorablomen, where can I find the plugin ?06:38
ompaulidefix_, read that ubotu stuff :)06:38
ablomenthegladiator, vlc does play real media files06:38
thegladiatorablomen, just check this site...06:38
farousok make this sybmolic link ln -s $HOME/programs/realplayer/realplay /usr/bin/realplay06:38
ablomeniv seen it06:38
damo21tatters: yes it worked for me, but then i edited fstab because i thought i needed to create a mount point, and then the automount feature was broken06:39
thegladiatorit asks for real player only!06:39
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farousthegladiator: and when you open the site just select it as the program to use06:39
thegladiatorfarous, I just type that in terminal once correct ?06:39
farousyap use tab completion to avoid spelling mistakes06:39
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faroustry this also go to the realplayer folder > mozilla06:39
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farouscp the nphelix plugin to your .mozilla/plugins dir06:40
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damo21i think most of the problems in ubuntu arise from using sudo too much06:40
tattersbut same as you on a clean kubuntu istall it trys to mount sda instead of sda106:40
damo21its our own fault06:40
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ablomendamo21, you can activate the root acount without any problems, so i dont see why the sudo thing is bad06:41
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tattersso say I sudo nautalus and made some changes or copy n pasted over a file it could things because the new file will be owned by root?06:43
tattersis that Y sudo is bad?06:43
damo21yeah tatters exactly06:43
tritiumtatters: sudo is not bad06:43
tattersk hmm so what should we do instead?06:43
damo21it might change permissions of .config files06:43
Mabus06Okay I'm pretty ticked and confused... I brought my second computer downstairs to use, and plugged in all of the stuff. Booted the comp up, and got to the grub screen to pick my OS. The default choice is windows and I wanted to use ubuntu, so I click up on the keyboard. The keyboard lights were on but it wasn't working. I realised I plugged it into the mouse port instead of the keyboard one. I switched it. Comp turned off. Wouldn'06:44
p0windahand to think that if you removed made ppl use sudo, and stopped them falling back on "root" this kind of thing would be avoided..06:44
tattersyep that seems logica damo so whats the correct procedure?06:44
ablomenMabus06, are you using a logitech whireless keyboard?06:44
damo21sudo nautilus is BAD06:44
tritiumtatters: we wouldn't recommend/use sudo if it were bad06:44
p0windahtatters: only use sudo if you need to perform some kind of system wide task06:45
Mabus06ablomen: no, that one was a dell keyboard.. the error happened when I plugged the wire into the kb thing instead of mouse.06:45
tattersok so theres two opinions on this I take it06:45
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ompaulp0windah, that line that started "and to think" has to be the finest troll I have seen in a long time :)06:45
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p0windahI try my best06:45
damo21if u use xubuntu, sudo nautilus gives u a gnome desktop instead of xfce!06:45
Mabus06tatters: in the ubuntu community there really is only one view on it, that sudo is good. It's a pretty fundamental thing for ubuntu so if you don't like it you probably use another distro.06:46
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thegladiatorfarous, the first method didnt work it seems06:46
p0windahwell no, sudo is not entirely good06:46
tattersno its not a case of liking it , I want to best practice06:46
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thegladiatorlink was made and I can acess it from terminal by typing realplay farous06:46
farousthegladiator: no spelling mistakes try typing realplay in a terminal06:46
p0windahMabus06: you go around saying that, and whenever he uses "rm" he will predicate it with sudo; because its easier..06:47
ablomeni dont agree, just log into my root account and dont use sudo but still i like ubuntu verry much06:47
thegladiatorfarous, rp can be launched from teminal , symbolic link was made06:47
damo21sudo isnt good, its essential.... but it should only be used when you need to do admin tasks06:47
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thegladiatorfarous, i restarted moz06:47
thegladiatorfarous, trying second methiod06:47
farousthegladiator: ok06:47
thegladiatorfarous, where do I copy ?06:47
tatterswell I always use sudo nautilus to copy n paste files and edit06:48
farousto .mozilla/plugins/06:48
thegladiatorfarous, .mozilla I dont see plugin folder ...I see FF folder06:48
thegladiatorcreate it ?06:48
tattersso am I doing it right?06:48
farousthegladiator: than make it06:48
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damo21tatters, it just means that its using the nautilus config from the root account06:48
tank__how do i create a guest account on ubuntu with no password06:49
thegladiatorfarous, yep06:49
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jblackWhats the package cutoff date for Dapper?06:49
joachim-ncan anyone suggest an ftp server? anything. I just need to test accessing one06:49
farousthe plugins in the realplayer folder under mozilla subfolder either copy or make symbolic link06:49
farousi prefer the latter06:49
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thegladiatorfirefox searched for plugins in ./mozilla/plugins or ./mozilla/firefox/plugins maybe ?06:49
Ngjblack: the wiki has the release schedule, but upstream version freeze has happened already06:49
Ox0000joachim-n, a software? protftpd, a server: ftp://mirror.switch.ch06:49
damo21tatters: so if u change your default icons/theme, it switches to the root config06:50
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tank__how do i create a guest account on ubuntu with no password06:50
jblackNg: I'm not upstream. :)06:50
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thegladiatorI copied it actually...to ./mozilla/plugins wondering if it shud be placed to /mozilla/firefox/plugin though06:50
DCCOLEupdate to breezy06:50
tattersyep I think I understand that and its potential consequences as u explained them but Y therefore am I told if ya dont like it go elsewhere06:50
thegladiatorfarous, ^06:50
faroustank__: man sudo adduser06:50
DCCOLEand change the Sources.list06:50
Mabus06p0windah: if he was doing rm as root, it would be the same thing no?06:50
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farousdo not give him a passward06:50
Ngjblack: it depends what the package and which repository, but if it's not in already then you'll need an exception to get it in afaik06:51
DCCOLEupdate to breezy06:51
Ngjblack: the rules are slacker for universe/multiverse06:51
thegladiatorfarous, shud I kill X and get back ? or just FF retsrt wud do ?06:51
damo21tatters... just ignore that06:51
tatterswhat kinda atttitude is that lol im only trying to learn not to break my ubuntu and best practice06:51
farousnope thegladiator just .mozilla/plugins06:51
joachim-nOx0000, thanks :)06:51
farousthegladiator: just close all firefox06:51
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Ox0000joachim-n, np06:51
jblackNg: Thanks for the info06:51
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farousthegladiator: which firefox you are using06:52
thegladiatorfarous, 1.506:52
damo21i just wish there was a way to reset my settings to factory default06:52
thegladiatorfarous, thats gonna be a prob  now ?06:52
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farousthegladiator: did you grab the java and flash plugins too06:52
farousthegladiator: nope just wondering06:52
tattersso if I sudo su psswd I can create a root account?06:52
ubotuBy default, the root password is locked in Ubuntu. Look at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/RootSudo for all information.06:53
j2daoshsudo passwd06:53
ownerxsudo -i06:53
j2daoshthen set the pw and that is your root pass06:53
DCCOLEi need to upgrad from hoary to breezy06:53
tritiumtatters, please read that wiki page from ubotu06:53
tattersk thnx06:53
damo21i just use sudo -i06:53
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ubotuI guess breezyupgrade is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade06:53
j2daoshi just use sudo -s06:53
bur[n] eranyone around who is familiar with using xserver-xgl in dapper?06:54
tritiumDCCOLE: see above URL06:54
damo21what is -s??06:54
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thegladiatorfarous, java is working , I did it for 1.07 actually and it works here06:54
Ng-i is better than -s06:54
farousthegladiator: great06:54
Ng-s will preserve your environment, which you most likely don't want06:54
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thegladiatorfarous, thanks06:54
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damo21ohhhh i much prefer -s06:54
farousis it working now06:54
thegladiatorenvironment is better with -i06:54
tritiumrightm, Ng06:55
thegladiatorbut -s is also close ! :)06:55
ownerxi just installed dapper06:55
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farousthegladiator: if you still have probs install the mozilla-mplayer package and copy the plugins06:55
damo21but i like my default aliases... sudo -s is cool06:55
ompauldamo21, ehh you asked what is -s then say you prefer it - u trolling?06:55
thegladiatorfarous, copy to where but ?06:55
farousownerx: how is it going so far and how is the fglrx drivers doing06:55
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ownerxi didnt install fglrx yet farous lol06:55
damo21i guess u learn something every day ompaul06:56
ownerxim using radeon driver06:56
DCCOLEi need to change my sources.list06:56
ownerxbut ppl say it works06:56
ownerxdapper is nice and fast06:56
boscowhat is the device name for the thumbdrives in ubuntu06:56
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ompaulownerx, it works on dapper the prerelease in development version of Ubuntu that will be operational in April06:56
tattersusbdisk I think06:56
|alphahi together - need help06:56
thegladiatorfarous, that works actually . thanks a lot :-)06:56
|alphawant to install xmms for my ubuntu06:57
farousthegladiator: great take care than06:57
ablomenlol i hope dapper works bether installed than while installing, im getting al sorts of errors about missing icons ;)06:57
|alphai'm a newby - installed ubunt yesterday06:57
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damo21does anyone know if the ATI drivers are improved for radeon 9800pro since breezy was released?06:57
|alphaneed libgc06:57
farousownerx: i heared there are some probs with the new kernel06:57
cannibalanybody have any experience installing teamspeak on ubuntu?06:57
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|alphaapt-get does'nt work06:57
Ngablomen: dapper is not released yet...06:57
ompaul|alpha, don't try to build from source on ubuntu :-)06:57
Ngablomen: it will work better when it's released, until then you are playing with fire06:57
ownerxfarous, ati released new drivers a week ago that fix 2.6.15 freeze06:58
ompaul|alpha, it has almost 20k ready to go packages06:58
|alphagcc won't work anyway :(06:58
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ablomenNg, i know that dont worrie, i like to live on the edge ;)06:58
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farousgreat ownerx seems is getting better thanks :)06:58
tritium|alpha: sudo apt-get install build-essential06:58
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|alphatritium thx06:58
ownerxyes farous, maybe we can multiple gdm logins fixed in next fglrx06:58
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boscoI need to know the default device name for a flash drive so i can mount it. i tried sda sdb hda hdb... where is it? any ideas?06:58
tritium|alpha: sure.  That's a common question :)06:58
cannibalcan somebody help me installing teamspeak X_X06:58
|alphawhere can i get all lists of files which i can get through apt06:59
damo21are the drivers still crap for ati? should i sell my 9800 and get nvidia 6600LE?06:59
blisshello all06:59
ompaul|alpha, it has to be installed with sudo apt-get install build-essential - however for your xmms >>sudo apt-get install xmms<<06:59
cannibalI want to run a server on ubantu06:59
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axiomI'm having trouble compiling a package that requires the Qt libraries, what is the name of the package containing the library files i need? i'm having trouble figuring out what to install06:59
tattersbosco its normally in /media/usbdisk06:59
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tatterswell tis mine06:59
|alphaompaul, will try it :)06:59
boscoi am using e17. no automount06:59
farousthegladiator: for future ref all installed plugins go to /usr/lib/mozilla-firefox/plugins dir06:59
boscoi need to manually mount06:59
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blisshow to check if I Acan access ssh my box --cannot do it here from my local host07:00
boscowhich means i need to know the dev name07:00
ompauldamo21, the ati web page tells you all about that - as to ratings have a look there was a big change in november07:00
|alphaapt says no installation pakets (it's german)07:00
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farouseh that would be a dream owner x. there is a workaround though multiple logins work in the nested mode so gdmflexiserver -n works perfectly here07:01
|alphanow i use "sudo apt-get install build-essential"07:01
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|alphathen i will try it again07:01
=== Baby [n=Baby@p548A848B.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #ubuntu
boscotatter do you know anything07:01
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|alphait's my first time on linux/ubuntu :)07:01
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Babyhey an alle07:01
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polochoni Search to have "libstdc++.so.5", but i don't understand how it work07:01
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ltibor65Hi Guys! Please help me! How can I make a boot floppy and boot cd for Ubuntu with Grub ?07:02
tattersWelll yes I know many things jsut not a great deal about Ubuntu :P07:02
axiomanyone know what the package name for qt3 development files are? the configure script i'm running claims it can't find them07:02
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tatterslet me check what is says on my box ith my usb drive07:02
dliltibor65, you can do, "grub-install /dev/sda"07:02
boscotatters thank you07:02
Babyhab mal eine frage wie betrete ich andere channel07:02
tritiumaxiom: try "apt-cache search libqt | grep dev"07:02
polpakltibor65, http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/grub-faq.html#q407:03
|alphastill problems -> configure: error: *** GLIB >= 1.2.2 not installed - please install first ***07:03
ltibor65dli, what is sda?07:03
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polochonI want to exec a file but there is one error : miss libstdc++.so.5, how have and install it plz? google doesn't help me.. :(07:03
axiomtritium: that returns four candidates, the only reasonable sounding one was one i've already installed, and it didn't fix it07:03
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Babywie komm ich in eine anderen channel kann mir einer helfen?07:04
tritium|alpha: you don't have -dev libraries installed that you need07:04
|alphasudo apt-get install xmms won't work either07:04
ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu und Kubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de resp. #kubuntu-de07:04
dliltibor65, like boot usb07:04
|alphatritium, how can i do?07:04
tritium|install the packages you need07:04
axiomtritium: on second inspection, i apparently installed a very similar package =X thnkas07:04
|alphai installed make07:04
|alphaand all other's07:04
tritiumaxiom: :)07:05
|alphabut tritium thx anyway07:05
|alphamy german is better will try it in #ubuntu-de07:05
tritium|alpha: you need libglib, from your error07:05
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|alphatritium, yes i have the source code07:05
|alphabut gcc won't work07:05
tritium|alpha: install the libglib2.0-dev package07:05
polpakpolochon, sudo apt-get install libstdc++507:05
axiomtritium: hrmph, still didnt take07:05
tritium|alpha: gcc will work if you installed build-essential07:05
axiomtritium: "checking for Qt... ls: /lib/libqt*: No such file or directory07:05
|alphahow can i get libglib2.0 through apt?07:06
tritium|alpha: sudo apt-get install <packagename>07:06
polpakaxiom, most likely those will be in /usr/lib07:06
axiompolpak: i was just typing that, heh07:06
tritiumaxiom: sorry...07:06
|alphawhere can i get a list of all packes available through apt?07:06
ownerxthe xchat-gnome in dapper sucks07:07
axiomtritium and polpak: hrmph, off to mess with some stuff07:07
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polpak|alpha, go into synaptic07:07
axiomtritium: thanks07:07
axiompolpak: thanks07:07
ltibor65dli, to me is sda a winchester, but not the first.07:07
tritium|alpha: apt-cache search <search_term> can be very useful.  You can also try synaptic07:07
andy_heya ppl07:07
|alphadon't want to use a gui :)07:07
tritiumaxiom: don't forget to enable universe and multiverse for even more choices07:07
ubotu[dapper]  the pre-release name for the next version of Ubuntu, the release will be called 6.04. It is due 20th April. It is software in development and as such may break.07:07
|alphabut libglib is false07:07
|alphaapt don't find it07:08
andy_can some help me to install nmap plz07:08
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Seveas|alpha, libglib2.007:08
tritium|alpha: it's in the repos07:08
Seveasand for compiling: libglib2.0-dev07:08
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tritiumthat's what I told him, Seveas07:08
Seveastritium, I just dropped in 07:08
|alpha"E: Konnte Paket libglib2.0 nicht finden"07:08
|alphanot found it says07:08
tritiumSeveas: :)  (Hello, by the way!)07:09
uboturestricted is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed here can be replaced by !FreeFormats07:09
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polpakandy_, sudo apt-get install nmap07:09
tritium|alpha: don't forget the "-dev" at the end07:09
andy_can any1 help me install nmap plz07:09
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tattersI jst installed ubuntu created a source list with automaic list creator, 2 problems Y are half the repos not vailable and Y do I get unsafe keymessage  when I run the commands that are given in advice07:09
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andy_ive downloaded namp but i need help installing it07:09
polpakandy_, sudo apt-get install nmap07:09
|alphaapt-get install libglib2.0-dev still brings an "not found"07:10
polpakandy_, will download and install it07:10
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tritium!info libglib2.0-dev07:10
ubotulibglib2.0-dev: (Development files for the GLib library), section libdevel, is optional. Version: 2.8.3-0ubuntu1 (breezy), Packaged size: 482 kB, Installed size: 1908 kB07:10
tritiumit's there, as you can see, |alpha07:10
Seveasbosco, words help 07:10
|alphayes i see07:10
Babyoch menno wieso geht das nicht :-(07:10
SeveasBaby, #ubuntu-de fuer deutsch bitte07:10
andy_i got nmap-4.01-1.i386.rpm07:10
tritiumit's in the main repo, further, |alpha, so you should be able to install it07:10
|alphatritium, thx for ur effort will talk german in #ubuntu-de :)07:11
polpakandy_, delete it and sudo apt-get install nmap07:11
tritiumandy_: don't use the rpm07:11
ownerxwhy does dapper kernel use preempt now?07:11
ownerxthats interesting07:11
polpakandy_, as I've said 3 times now07:11
tritium|alpha: okay :)07:11
andy_oh i c07:11
topyliandy_: please don't download software from around the web like windows users have to do07:11
andy_ty :)07:11
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tritiumandy_: follow polpak's advice please07:12
Seveaspoor windows users - so much trouble 07:12
ZePlasticgood after noon07:12
tattersIs there a server status page for ubuntu update sources?07:12
andy_kk ty :)07:12
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ZePlasticI think this is the right place to ask for help07:12
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topyliZePlastic: yes07:13
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ZePlasticI wont to make a NAS from an old PC...07:13
tritiumnot sure what your question means, tatters07:13
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ZePlasticdo you sugest something07:13
ltibor65Seveas, how can I make boot floppy for Ubuntu?07:13
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tattersWell I just made a clean install of ubuntu used the automatic source list creator and now it will download security updates07:14
tatterswont download security update^07:14
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tattersI jst installed ubuntu created a source list with automaic list creator, 2 problems Y are half the repos not vailable and Y do I get unsafe keymessage  when I run the commands that are given in advice07:14
tritiumwhich automatic list creator?07:14
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ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic07:15
tattersI dunno one that was posted in room07:15
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tattersyah tha one07:15
Seveastatters, apt-get update07:15
tritiumtatters: do you not have the breezy-security repo in your /etc/apt/sources.list?07:15
axiomso qt was installed to /usr/lib, but the configure i'm running expects qt to be in /lib, any ideas where to go from here? is there a way to duplicate the install to /lib?07:16
Seveastatters, and for the missing keys: did you actually READ the page?07:16
topyliZePlastic: a file server? if you have windows clients, just set up a samba server with huge storage space07:16
Seveasor the sources.list it generates...07:16
tattersyes I have them all down to where it said warning then stopped07:16
polpakaxiom, I believe you can tell it where to find qt.07:16
polpakaxiom, btw, what program are you trying to compile?07:16
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tattersI ran the two commands in the advice and got key unsfe warning  in termial07:17
axiomi didn't find it in apt, nor a replacement that i knew of07:17
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DCCOLEi need to updat sources.list07:17
damo21Seveas: is there a backport to upgrade hal? my usb stick is giving me trouble07:17
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ZePlastictopyli: it's a mixed envoirement, Win and MAC OS07:17
DCCOLEbut i dont know the website on ubuntu07:17
angelete_i have a very BIG problem07:17
ZePlasticand I need a RAID07:18
topyliaxiom: you can usually tell the config scripts where libraries are. try .configure --help07:18
angelete_i have  a unbuntu host with RAID 107:18
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axiomtopyli: thanks, giving that s hot07:18
angelete_but now it doesn't boot properly07:18
topyliZePlastic: for talking to those machines, samba is the one. i can't really recommend any raid solutions, i don't know much07:19
ompaulDCCOLE, what do you want to update them with/to?07:19
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ZePlastictopyli do you know PizzaBox?07:19
topyliaxiom: since you're compiling against qt, are you sure you have the -dev packages?07:19
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spz2my computer still isnt working with the ubuntu install07:20
tattersYou can do this with the following commands (replace KEY with the key ID) <----do u mean read that bit seveas?07:20
topyliZePlastic: yes, many :)07:20
axiomtopyli: i was asking about that earlier, i have libqt3-mt-dev07:20
ZePlasticnot that kind of Pizza...07:20
spz2and its really frustrating because i cant even boot windows at this point07:20
spz2and i dont want to wipe my hd AGAIN07:20
topyliaxiom: ok then, maybe the config script is confused07:21
ZePlastictopyli this one http://www.jrcs.co.uk/07:21
axiomtopyli: among others. i also changed the library setting on the config, and it found it, but now its complaining about other things with qt07:21
ZePlasticjust as an example...07:21
spz2and I'd like to fix it today07:21
DCCOLEi want update them so i can use apt-get and install Anjuta07:21
bur[n] eranyone know how to enable the cool things of compiz after apt-get install xserver-xgl compiz ??07:21
DCCOLEI had the site for the WIKI but i lost it07:21
h0me5k1ncan someone help with with a query about setting up wireless?07:21
MartinScohi, on my breezy-box  fetchmail gets the mails; but in cyrus/imap the are not there? Where puts fetchmail the mails?07:22
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h0me5k1ni'm having a problem with ralink rt61 drivers07:22
topyliZePlastic: seems nice. small, unintrusive servers07:22
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bur[n] erMartinSco: man fetchmail? :)07:22
spz2can somebody help me with the install?07:22
DCCOLEThe site had a demo of a source.list07:22
ompaul!tell DCCOLE about universe07:22
ompaulDCCOLE, read the message from ubotu07:22
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topyliaxiom: maybe you need to pass --prefix=/usr to the script and it will look for everything in the right place07:23
ZePlastictopyli, but or any one else have a sugestion for my quest??!!07:23
spz2is this the best place to get ubuntu help?  the wiki and ubuntuhelp.org dont address my problem07:23
Dr_Willisspz2,  glad to hear you went there first. :P now ya can try here.07:24
=== tatters [n=tatters@cpc2-derb5-5-0-cust108.leic.cable.ntl.com] has joined #ubuntu
axiomtopyli: yea, the option this script uses is --with-Qt-dir=, however its complaining now about a missing file, bnv_qt_test.c to be exact07:24
=== mtgh [n=chatzill@dsl093-001-038.det1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
SirKillalotdo you know a good screen capture program beside istanbul?07:24
Dr_Willisspz2,  you also checked out the Forums I assume. :P07:24
trappistSirKillalot: I use import from imagemagick07:24
spz2mainly just questions, without answers07:24
axiomtopyli: so i'm on a google hunt for it currently07:24
mtghWhat is a good package to select a network for wireless network, (show all in range) etc.....07:24
trappistSirKillalot: as in import -window root shot.png07:24
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ablomenhi, iv just updated my ubuntu box to dapper and it kinda works but my nvidia drivers dont work, is there a way to fix this or work around it (as in do something else to keep 3d support)?07:24
trappistmtgh: I use kwifimanager, but that's for kde07:25
MartinScobur[n] er: there is written : mail will be delivered to local MDA; I find nothing in the log; I have no idea where to search!07:25
ubotumethinks dapper is the pre-release name for the next version of Ubuntu, the release will be called 6.04. It is due 20th April. It is software in development and as such may break.07:25
tattershttp://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  MD5Sum mismatch07:25
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ablomenthe nv driver does the job but it would be kinda nice if i could play et etc ;)07:25
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bur[n] erMartinSco: I think it depends on how you run fetchmail where it delivers to... it could be a Maildir07:25
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SirKillalottrappist, i meant a video recording tool07:25
tatterswhats thats MDF5sum mismatch mean how can I fix it?07:25
trappistablomen: for some reason in dapper the nvidia drivers get installed to the wrong place.  I had to make copies/symlinks.  I probably should have documented where they were, and where I had to put them, but I didn't.07:26
bur[n] ertatters: redownload or reburn07:26
spz2I need to repair my ubuntu install... I am running dual=boot with XP, have ubuntu installed at mount point '/' on primary partition #2 (Ext3) of hda107:26
spz2windows on ntfs part #1 of hda107:26
tattersits when im trying to get a security update07:26
spz2grub installed on sector 0 of hd007:27
ablomentrappist, lol thanks atleast there's hope07:27
tattershttp://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  MD5Sum mismatch07:27
spz2but now when it boots, i get grub error #15 -- file not found07:27
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tatterscannot update apt-get07:27
trappistablomen: I think it's related to the move to X11R7 and the new modularized xorg07:27
polpakspz2, hda1 is the first primary partition on the first ide disk07:27
axiomtopyli: apparently they made a ubuntu package already >:O curse my inferior google skills07:28
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polpakspz2, so your statement "have ubuntu installed at mount point '/' on primary partition #2 (Ext3) of hda1" seems self contradictory07:28
trappistablomen: I *can* tell you that you're looking for libGL.so* and libGLcore.so*07:28
trappistablomen: and I *think* I ended up putting mine in /usr/lib07:28
MartinScobur[n] er: Found ! The Mialdir is /var/mail/$user! But how to bring mails to cyrus?07:28
topyliaxiom: usually there is an ubuntu package that has what you need. almost all free software is in ubuntu/debian07:29
ablomentrappist, ok i think i can handle that ;) thanks for the help07:29
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tattersgpg: WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `/home/tatters/.gnupg/gpg.conf'07:29
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axiomtopyli: yea, the problem is its not in the main repositories07:30
Mitariohello everyone, does anyone know of the wine-preloader problem?07:30
topyliaxiom: sometimes07:30
trappistah, the old wine-preloader problem.07:30
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axiomtopyli: well, by main i mean its not in any of the official repositories, so i have to install an unverifiable package, which i dislike having to do. whatever though, i can read my comics now07:31
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spz2i am going crazy trying to set up this install!  its been nothing but buggy the whole way07:31
axiomtopyli: (second week using ubuntu, things are still rather new to me)07:31
Mitariotrappist, yeah, is there someway to solve it?07:32
tattersanyone know what going wrong with my updating security packages?07:32
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mamawhat's up07:33
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topyliaxiom: if apt doesn't know about the provider of the package, it will complain. it's just a heads-up07:33
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tattershttp://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  MD5Sum mismatch07:33
tattersgpg: WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `/home/tatters/.gnupg/gpg.conf'07:33
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tattershas the well been poisened :P07:35
mtghI need a wireless connection manger for gnome, trappist07:35
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tatterskiwi i think is one of those07:36
jodanlimedoes anybody know if you can set mplayer to repeat a movie over and over again?07:36
thegladiator  Depends: mozilla-browser (=2:1.7.12-0ubuntu2) but 2:1.7.12-1ubuntu1 is to be installed07:36
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thegladiatori am trying to install chatzilla07:36
_jasonjodanlime: man mplayer, you can use the '-loop 0' option07:36
bur[n] erMartinSco: i honestly don't know how to deliver it07:36
thegladiatorit says make sure that you have all repo's added and enabled07:36
jodanlime_jason, thanks man07:37
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xerophyte0% [Connecting to archive.ubuntu.com (]  hangs any mrror down ???07:37
fit4lfeI installed dapper and now I can not get xwindows back on07:37
fit4lfecan someone help me07:37
thegladiatorjodanlime, it open the movie player again actually07:37
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kentxerophyte: the same problem for me in sweden.  Seems the server is down for a while07:37
thegladiatorjodanlime, I guess07:37
fit4lfeI have a nvidia driver07:37
_jasonfit4lfe: do you understand that dapper is a development version and breaks?07:38
thegladiatorjodanlime, talking about mplayer from terminal though07:38
fit4lfethe error not reading the mouse07:38
thegladiator_jason, mozilla-chatzilla:07:38
thegladiator  Depends: mozilla-browser (=2:1.7.12-0ubuntu2) but 2:1.7.12-1ubuntu1 is to be installed07:38
fit4lfesays its not there at all07:38
mamaanybody knows my pw to hotmail account?07:38
thegladiatorcan you explain why I am not getting ?07:38
ubotudapper is, like, totally, the pre-release name for the next version of Ubuntu, the release will be called 6.04. It is due 20th April. It is software in development and as such may break.07:38
tattersI cannot get any security updates07:38
thegladiatormamaisafool ? :)07:38
mamauhuh yes07:38
fit4lfe!dapper drake07:38
ubotumethinks dapper drake is the 4th release for Ubuntu (ver. 6.04). For goals see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperGoals. To try without removing/breaking breezy see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot. see warnings !dapper07:38
tattersthere need to be some sort of web based status page for sources07:39
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thegladiatorcab someone explain this error ?07:39
thegladiatori amtrying to install chatzilla07:39
_jasonthegladiator: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list please07:39
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_jasontatters: what errors are you getting?07:40
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tattershttp://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/breezy-security/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  MD5Sum mismatch07:40
ubotuhmm... paste is please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ or #flood to paste large amounts of text07:40
fit4lfecan anyone tell me how to get xwindows to work with dapper07:41
fit4lfeusing a nvidia driver07:41
tattersI didnt paste that I wrote it out07:41
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_jasontatters: try commenting all of the repositories in your sources.list, apt-get update, uncommenting, apt-get update07:41
jodanlimethegladiator, yeah, I got that, thanks07:41
CryoToxHow do I get Ubuntu to stop trying to update my clock on boot up?07:41
tattersk jason07:42
jodanlimelol, mplayer tells me that my machine is too slow to play this file, but it plays perfectly on it07:42
avalostOk say i bork my system up and i've got like 40 GB of music and stuff that's not backed up.. is there an easy way to creat a partition move all my music and files I want to save then wipe free space and do a fresh install?07:42
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thegladiator_jason, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/874607:42
_jasonavalost: gparted on a livecd maybe07:42
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trappistMitario: I don't actually know what you're talking about.  maybe you could describe the specific problem.07:42
tattersI also get this gpg: WARNING: unsafe ownership on configuration file `/home/tatters/.gnupg/gpg.conf'07:42
Mitariotrappist, there is some bug in the kernel, i hope to see an upload soon :)07:43
tattersI used the automatic source list tool07:43
trappistCryoTox: sudo update-rc.d -f ntpdate remove07:44
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_jasonthegladiator: what does apt-cache policy mozilla-browser say07:45
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thegladiator_jason, paste it ?07:46
_jasonthegladiator: on http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org07:46
thegladiator_jason, ok07:46
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_jasonJohn_M: hi07:46
oklinuxany one having printer problem with ubuntu I need help with one07:46
_jasontatters: what does ls -l /home/tatters/.gnupg/gpg.conf, say?07:46
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oklinuxhp laserjet p 6p it tested fine in xp but not in ubuntu show not connected.07:47
thegladiator_jason, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/874807:47
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thegladiatorhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/8747 has the screenshot also for the synaptic error msg07:48
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thegladiator_jason, ^07:48
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CryoToxtrappist: Thanks07:48
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oklinuxtrappist can you help me on my printer problem ?07:49
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_jasonthegladiator: add universe and multiverse to lines 11 and 12 in your /etc/apt/sources.list07:49
trappistoklinux: no, because I don't know what it is07:49
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thegladiator_jason, to each line ?07:49
petefhi guys07:49
_jasonthegladiator: yeah just add " universe multiverse" at the end of each07:49
oklinuxis a hp laserjet 6p the printer tested fine in windows not in ubuntu07:49
petefanyone know much about compact flash cards ?07:50
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_jasonubotu: tell petef about anyone07:50
trappistoklinux: I'd need more information than that, but I'm not your best bet for printer troubleshooting.  I'm just not very good at it.07:50
oklinuxok thanks07:50
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petefsorry is that question a problem ?07:51
C-O-L-Tdoes exist a cool Linux magazine like PcWorld07:51
trappistoklinux: somebody who does know about it would need to know how it's connected, what you've tried, how you're testing, etc.07:51
trappistC-O-L-T: linux journal07:51
jkehi... could it be true that X is broken in dapper? just made a dist-upgrade and restarted, and havn't been able to start X since07:51
trappistjke: nvidia drivers?07:51
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C-O-L-Ttrappist: thanks07:51
tatters-rw-------  1 tatters tatters 8084 2006-02-16 17:07 /home/tatters/.gnupg/gpg.conf07:51
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jketrappist no, ATI07:51
_jasonjke: someone was just in here who couldn't start X, he ahd nvidia though07:52
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jodanlimeC-O-L-T, linux format is pretty good07:52
petefthe compact flash is a kingston 256mb card but I can't see 256 when I load it ?07:52
trappistjke: ah, pretty much the same problem.  the GL drivers get installed to the wrong place.07:52
jkeokay :/07:52
tattersI done the other thing jason it seems stuck at 99% getting headers07:52
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oklinuxit connected to parallel07:52
trappisttatters: that mey be because the security updates mirror is down07:52
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FlyingSquirrel32how do I make a program be run on boot?07:53
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jouni__mpetef how much do you see?07:53
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trappistFlyingSquirrel32: mkdir a directory /etc/rc.boot if it doesn't exist and put a script in there07:53
tattersnot it says connection failed07:53
tattersnow it says connection failed07:53
petefu can add something to the boot by adding it to sessions07:53
thegladiator_jason, thanks that works07:53
trappisttatters: the security mirror is down.  that's probably the failed connection.07:54
Earthenanyone here ever setup dansguardian07:54
tattersha ok thnx07:54
trappistEarthen: I have.  it's fairly easy.07:54
psycosehi all, i've made an Ubuntu install for a boss, all works fine except his old printer. Now i must tell him what printer to buy (perfectly supported on Ubuntu) please advise me (i don't what some multimedia printer, just a good one), some tells HP?07:54
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trappistpsycose: word on the street is hp is the way to go for linux07:54
_jasonubotu: tell psycose about print07:54
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petefI use a HP5150 over wireless works great07:54
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_jasonpsycose: make sure you check out those sites, but yes I ahve heard good things about hp07:54
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Earthentrappist do you where I can edit the access denide page to something costum07:54
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tattersthat gpg error is it anything to worry about?07:54
SAAD3000How come i can connect to the internet thru xp/suse and not thru ubuntu and i configured ubuntu exactly like suse & xp, and it tells me about fixing my proxy?07:54
ompaulEarthen, long time no see, yes I have done so but only in its default way, what you need to do is hash out the line that says this file has not been edited or something like that near the top of the file07:55
daryl-security. is down?07:55
_jasontatters: your permissions seem fine, they are the same as mine07:55
jouni__mhttp://www.linuxprinting.org is generally good site for printers.07:55
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dlesecurity.ubuntu.com seems to be down. Any info?07:55
_jasondle: confirmation07:55
trappistEarthen: try dpkg -L dansguardian and see where the cgi pages are.  also I think that specific question is addressed on the website.07:55
jkexorg should work for dapper fligh 3, right?07:55
dle_jason: tks.07:55
psycosethanks all !07:55
Earthenompaul hey how it going07:55
jimmyx1can anyone help me to start vmware installing? i've unpacked it, but not sure how to start the installation?07:55
ompaulEarthen, good07:55
trappistjke: not out of the box, if you use proprietary gl drivers07:56
jouni__mdle yes I think so at least for dapper07:56
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Earthenompaul O i have it all seup and is working fine07:56
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trappistjke: but you really shouldn't be using dapper if you don't know how to troubleshoot things like this07:56
ompaulEarthen, wrt dans as topyli said have a look around their web site for good docs07:56
dleJimmyx1: are you using the tarball?07:56
Earthenompaul what i want is to put the school Logo on the access denide page that comes up07:56
uboturumour has it, dapper is the pre-release name for the next version of Ubuntu, the release will be called 6.04. It is due 20th April. It is software in development and as such may break.07:56
SAAD3000How come i can connect to the internet thru xp/suse and not thru ubuntu and i configured ubuntu exactly like suse & xp, and it tells me about fixing my proxy?07:56
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ompaulEarthen, that is in the ordinary config file iirc07:57
SAAD3000guys help me out here.07:57
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daryl-i installed acroread earlier and it just shows the splash screen then exits, has anyone experienced this?07:57
feghello, i want remove an entry from the Places menu. which is the correct way to do it?07:57
peteflooking for help on compact flash07:57
beniaminois it just me or is security.ubuntu.com inaccessible?07:57
zythpetef, what's your problem?07:57
daryl-beniamino: down07:57
tatterssame here ben07:57
dlejouni__m: I assume it's one machine.   Anyway, running breezy here.07:57
dlebeniamino - Not just you.07:57
SAAD3000beniamino irs int ACCESSSIBLE07:57
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foxgamerHi all. I have decided to return to ubuntu after having problems with the current distro, but I have a quick question. Is there compatibility with an ati radeon x300 card with the 64bit verson yet, does anyone know?07:58
SAAD3000its in*07:58
SAAD3000How come i can connect to the internet thru xp/suse and not thru ubuntu and i configured ubuntu exactly like suse & xp, and it tells me about fixing my proxy?07:58
beniaminozyth, daryl, dle: argh. thanks07:58
zythSAAD3000, open a terminal, try and ping www.yahoo.com07:58
Earthenompaul ok I'll look and see, I checked there web site and there is no mention on how to modify this page07:58
SAAD3000zyth nah i can't ping the oustide world07:58
SAAD3000i even can't ping my dns07:58
SAAD3000and my gw too.07:58
zythSAAD3000, can you ping ?07:58
petefzyth: got a kingston 256mb flash card we image them and run them on lex PC's but the size Im seeing isn't 256 they are set as ext207:58
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ompaulEarthen,  /etc/dansguardian/languages/ukenglish/template.html07:59
zythpetef, on, you're writing an bootable image to the CF?07:59
dlemaybe someone should put that in the topic, security being down.07:59
SAAD3000zyth yes i can also ping my ip07:59
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petefzyth: yes it's a bootable image07:59
zythSAAD3000, put ifconfig's output on paste.ubuntu-nl.org08:00
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SAAD3000zyth i did let me give u the link08:00
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=== Gy|away is away: Dolgom akadt ... ;)
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xerox_I have a question: installing 'libnotify-bin' leads apt to REMOVE "evolution evolution-exchange evolution-plugins libnotify0 notify-daemon ubuntu-desktop", does it try to do the same on your dapper installations too?08:00
zythSAAD3000, ok08:00
zythpetef, does it work? :)08:00
xerox_I do not like this behaviour.08:00
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tattersdle: good idea woulda given me 4 hours of my life back08:01
zythxerox, dapper is in development and likely to be broken.08:01
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petefzyth: yes the image works but it uses almost all of the 256mb so I need all the size08:01
ubotuit has been said that dapper is the pre-release name for the next version of Ubuntu, the release will be called 6.04. It is due 20th April. It is software in development and as such may break.08:01
andriijashow do i change the keyboard layout in the console?08:01
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beniaminois the breezy-security rep on security.ubuntu.com actually different from the one on archive.ubuntu.com?08:01
Kovecsescan somebody point me to the ubuntu release schedule?08:01
xerox_zyth: I'd better avoid this kind of questions, then.  Thanks for the information.08:01
zythpetef, I am thinking that's a result of ext2.  I had a similar issue a while ago, but I can't tell you exactly what caused it.  Can you try another fs?08:02
SAAD3000zyth http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/862408:02
petefzyth: tried fat32 and ext3 but still no good08:02
Kovecsesbeniamino, to find out what repo your computer is using look in sources.list08:03
zythweird :S08:03
zythyou partitioned the CF card?08:03
jouni__moklinux what driver you are using?08:03
cyphasehmm, you can't use vino unless that X session is active..08:03
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daryl-SAAD3000 can you ping the ns?08:03
tattershmm it seems even some of the updates that are getting through are very slow08:03
ompaulKovecses, for the next release it is 20th april after that it is october and the following april08:03
Psi-JackAny news as to how long security.ubuntu.com will be down?08:03
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Kovecsesompaul, thanks08:03
SAAD3000daryl- no also i cant ping it in suse and xp08:03
zythSAAD3000, eth1 is pulling a 192.168 ip which ain't gonna go anywhere... is it connected to a DHCP server?08:04
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tatterstrust me to pick this time to do a clean install08:04
SAAD3000zyth no08:04
petefzyth: we normally have just inserted them and copied the image across, I haven't partitioned08:04
beniaminoKovecses: i know it's using security.ubuntu.com. i wondered if i could just switch to archive.ubuntu.com since it has a breezy-security section08:04
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zythSAAD3000, do you have to specify your own IP?08:04
SAAD3000zyth yes08:04
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SAAD3000zyth my connection is Lan08:04
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logan77666how to get right-click context menu without mouse ?08:04
zythpetef, you could try that.  No guarantees though, I am taking a shot in the dark here, I haven't had a similar issue since I used NetBSD on an old hpc.08:04
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SAAD3000zyth i put my ip and gateway and dns and  i configure proxy and i get internet08:04
zythSAAD3000, you haven't assigned a valid ip to eth1.08:05
petefzyth: no problem thanks for your suggestions08:05
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ompaullogan77666, what do you actually want to achieve08:05
SAAD3000zyth I did,
Psi-JackAnyone? Any ideas how long security.ubuntu.com will be down?08:05
p0windahCow_woC: reduce the length of class names for starters08:05
tatterslogan works with windows not sure about ubuntu but it nxt to the ctrl key on right got a little arrow on it08:05
daryl-zyth: how is invalid?08:05
zythSAAD3000, is *not* a valid external IP to connect to the internet.08:05
SAAD3000inet addr:
zythoh wait08:05
zythI am so dumb08:05
logan77666I want to refrain from using mouse, that's all :)08:05
SAAD3000daryl- its my ip08:05
daryl-yes you are :P08:05
zythI was thinking 169...08:05
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=== zyth bashes head into ---> wall
tattersbetween window key and ctl on the right of k/board08:06
ompaulzyth, say sorry to the wall08:06
zythsorrry wall.08:06
tattersyup works in ubuntu too08:06
psycoseanyone got a  Samsung ML-1610?08:06
logan77666and this is probably last thing I have to find out how to use08:06
ubotuprobably 90% of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? <hint>08:06
Kovecseshas anyone compiled their own kernel in breezy?08:06
tatterslogan did u try that key?08:06
Psi-Jackpsycose: Take a note.08:06
=== CanYouHelpMePlz [n=asdldldl@c-67-163-203-101.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
ompaullogan77666, I am not even going there - I do not know that such an activity is possible check in #gnome08:07
ubotuthanks zyth :)08:07
SAAD3000so no one can help?08:07
ompaulthey may kill you for asking :) but I doubt it08:07
tattersbetween window key and ctl on the right of k/board  that key p[ulls up right click menu08:07
psycoseanyone there got a  Samsung ML-1610, i want to know what driver they use and do they experience problem when printing documents with pictures ...08:08
=== LabThug [n=nida@128-23-116-94.musc.edu] has joined #ubuntu
tattersgot a little arrow on it08:08
logan77666nope not yet08:08
_jasonlogan77666: you might be able to use xmacro to play back a button 208:08
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tattersworks my end08:08
logan77666I've got it set for metacity to move windows around08:08
LabThugI'm using ubuntu for my desktop at work.  For the most part it works.  However, anytime I let an RDP Terminal Services Session go idle, I loose my mouse.  The only thing that I've seen to get it back it to restart X.  Has anyone else seen this and/or know a way to fix it?08:09
logan77666yeap I've got it - have to disable former use08:09
logan77666oH Yeah! :)08:10
Kovecseshas anyone compiled their own kernel in breezy?08:10
cyphaseif you want to be able to VNC into a computer where the X session isn't the active session, you have to install a "real" VNC server, right?08:10
ompaulSAAD3000, let me look at that url for a moment08:10
logan77666awesome :) - thanks guys08:10
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cyphasemeaning, you can't do it with vino..08:10
Earthentrappist, ompaul, Tkanks guys got it all sorted out now that i found the page location08:10
thegladiator_jason, could you please look at these warnings i got from synaptic http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/874908:10
_jasonthegladiator: security is down right now, comment those temporarily if you want08:11
ompaulSAAD3000, where is this url you pasted ifconfig into ?08:11
SAAD3000ompaul http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/862408:11
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tattersnow is not a good time to update08:11
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thegladiator_jason, thanks08:11
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ompaulSAAD3000, what kind of a device is upstream of the ubuntu box?08:11
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xerox_Anybody knows how to get libsvg-cairo in ubuntu?  I can't find it _anywhere_  :-|08:12
bsidei need help with ubuntu :)08:12
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Kovecsesbside, whats the prob08:13
ompaulbside, please ask a full question of the channel - we don't have any idea of we know anything aobut your current issue08:13
SAAD3000ompaul its Wireless network card08:13
bsideKovecses, is there a default password for root ?08:13
bsidesounds crazy08:14
prada_bside: nope ...08:14
LabThugDoes anyone in here use the Terminal Server Client?08:14
Kovecsesbside, short answer ...... no08:14
_jasonubotu: tell bside about root08:14
bsideok. ill try my install pass08:14
bsideitr wont work08:14
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bsidedoesnt work08:14
Kovecsesbside, what are you trying to do08:14
beniaminosecurity.ubuntu.com is back... but seveas.ubuntulinux.nl is down too :-(08:14
prada_bsde: do a sudo -s first08:14
funkyHatbside, look at the message that ubotu sent you08:14
_jasonbside: read what ubotu sent you about sudo08:14
ompaulSAAD3000, so you are connecting to a wireless card?08:14
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bsidelove you guys08:15
ompaulSAAD3000, sorry you are trying to connect to a wireless lan?08:15
SAAD3000ompaul no the eth1 that is configured with the ip is the network card Broadcom network card08:15
tatterswell whatta ya know he go told me to RTFM when I said I was having problems08:15
bsideim, tring to install yahoo messenger08:15
ompaulSAAD3000, how do you know tht *.70 is available on your network and that it is not limited to say the bottom 4 ips?08:16
SAAD3000ompaul the wire is connected to a switch then to a router or bridge dunno then to a wireless device on the roof08:16
bsidei got the debian package and is asking me for root08:16
_jasontatters: huh?08:16
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ompaulSAAD3000, what is the ip of the router?08:16
tattersI take it its the same chap whose on top of list08:16
funkyHatThere is a yahoo messenger for linux?08:16
ompaulSAAD3000, ?08:16
Kovecsesbside, sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb08:16
SAAD3000ompaul i really dont know but i put the gateway to
KovecsesfunkyHat, yup08:17
SAAD3000and the dns is the same as the gateway08:17
funkyHatbside, have you tried using gaim? (it's in the 'internet' menu in applications)08:17
bsideill help here if i can08:17
ktogiasfunkyHat, try gaim08:17
ompaulSAAD3000, usually they are like 1.1 2.1 or 0.108:17
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Kovecsesyeah gaim is better08:17
LabThugbside: remember sudo asks for YOUR password, not root's08:17
funkyHatktogias, I use gaim all the time :)08:17
FlyingSquirrel32trappist: Regarding running on boot, is /etc/rc.boot a script or a directory containing scripts?08:17
ompaulSAAD3000, you can't randomly assign an ip so what I suggest to you is you run this command >>sudo dhclient<<08:18
SAAD3000ompaul i really dont know really08:18
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Kovecseseven on my non-ubuntu machines i always use sudo08:18
ompaulSAAD3000, there are better ways but that one may just get an ip08:18
SAAD3000ompaul dhclient what is that?08:18
tattersI used the source list creation tool to strat with on clean install ubuntu I gave my problem and he popped up and said go read the DOCS on the page then left08:18
ompaulSAAD3000, a program to obtain an ip via dhcp08:18
=== OmegaAlpha [n=christop@69-168-246-71.bflony.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
bsidehow can i solve the dependancy problem08:18
LabThugApplications->Internet->Terminal Server Client.  Has anyone used this program?08:18
ompaulSAAD3000, usually your router has it switched on08:19
bsideits easyer to ask you than read08:19
_jasonbside: what are you trying to install?08:19
Kovecsesbside, what dependencies does it need08:19
OmegaAlphawhats up channel08:19
iceburghLabThug, yes08:19
bsideyahoo messenger08:19
bsideis there a command line to ask ?08:19
LabThugiceburgh: have you ever lost your mouse after leaving an RDP session sit idle for too long?08:19
ompaulOmegaAlpha, #ubuntu-offtopic for chatting this is a help channel that is rather busy with 674 peeps in it08:19
iceburghLabThug, no i haven't08:19
LabThugthis happens to me ALL the fricking time!08:19
Kovecsesbside, did you check out gaim? ... it is already installed and much better than yahoo08:19
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LabThugiceburgh: what do you connect to?08:20
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bsidetrying now08:20
bsideand is working  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!108:20
iceburghLabThug, two different windows boxes that I can't get rid of, i leave them connect for long periods of time, never had any issue with my mouse08:20
nmlabthug: why are you leaving an RDP session idle?08:20
dooglusKovecses: is there any way to stop gaim popping up windows on top of whatever you're doing whenever one of your accounts disconnects?08:20
tattersfinally got some updates reboot time :)08:20
LabThugnm, cause I have to do other things on the comptuer08:20
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Slaj_RQuestion -- Flash games work fine for me in both Epiphany and Firefox, but every flash-based craps game I've tried gives me an error.  What's the difference?08:21
dooglusKovecses: I don't *care* that my ICQ account got disconnected and is reconnecting - just let me keep typing in my editor!!!08:21
OmegaAlphaompaul, i just said hello... how do you know i dont need help?08:21
Seveasbeniamino, use a mirror for seveas.ubuntulinux.nl 08:21
prada_dooglus: it's n the preferences somewhere08:21
dooglusprada_: are you sure?  I'd love to know where, if it is.08:21
ompaulOmegaAlpha, :) ask away08:21
dooglusprada_: there's a plugin for 'auto reconnect' or some such, but it still steals focus from your editor08:21
funkyHatKovecses, enable the auto-reconnect plugin, and tell it not to notify you of connection errors08:21
OmegaAlphai have a prob with my 3d accelerator working08:21
LabThugiceburgh: have you ever left them idle by any chance?  Do you have a USB mouse and/or a PS2?08:22
funkyHat* dooglus08:22
SAAD3000ompaul the lan doesn't work thru dhcp everyone on the lan has his own ip with mac address filtered08:22
ompaulOmegaAlpha, what kind of card08:22
beniaminoSeveas: yeah, i just found the mirrors on your page.08:22
trappistFlyingSquirrel32: it's a directory containing scripts.08:22
OmegaAlphaATI by  Radeon u108:22
prada_dooglus: beleve it or not I'm on a windows box rght now with no gaim installed  ..;)08:22
KovecsesfunkyHat, that wasnt my question08:22
ompaul!tell OmegaAlpha about ati08:22
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beniaminoSeveas: btw, thanks for putting those packages out. they are very handy08:22
dooglusprada_: ok...08:22
funkyHatKovecses, I realised that, I addressed it to the wrong person sorry08:22
KovecsesfunkyHat, it was dooglus08:22
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ompaulOmegaAlpha, read the message from the bot, it is quite a detailed url08:22
OmegaAlphareading isnt going to help me08:22
dooglusfunkyHat: I didn't have "hide disconnect errors" checked - so maybe that has fixed it!  thanks.08:22
iceburghLabThug, running here on my laptop, have left them idle overnight many times, touchpad on the laptop is ok, and I use a Logitech usb wireless mouse, both fine08:22
KovecsesfunkyHat, np08:23
OmegaAlphai was in here last night... trying to fix this with help.08:23
LabThugiceburgh: ok.  Thanks for the info.  I'll keep looking for other causes08:23
OmegaAlphaits more complicated for me to figure out by reading web sites08:23
=== LabThug has a Logitech USB trackball
iceburghLabThug, wish i knew, never heard of your issue, i'll check around tho as well08:23
KovecsesOmegaAlpha, what are you trying to do?08:23
LabThugiceburgh: thanks08:24
OmegaAlphaKovecses, theres this program "stellarium" and another "celestia" they require the accelerator i guess08:24
ompaulOmegaAlpha, paste lspci into paste.ubuntu-nl.org08:24
Slaj_RAlso, I know that I have the JRE installed, so why can't java applets run in Epiphany?08:24
bsideKovecses, you rule ! what is the best firewall ?08:24
iceburghLabThug, have you swapped the mouse out for a different one? ps2 or different type of usb?08:24
Kovecsesbside, a hardware one08:24
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OmegaAlphaKovecses, and the program ran properly when i first installed Ubuntu.. but afterwards... would never run again08:24
bsidethanks but a cheaper software version ?08:25
thegladiatorcan someone help me in playing online music using brwsers ?08:25
OmegaAlphaompaul, ok08:25
LabThugiceburgh: I am going to try that08:25
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Kovecsesbside, there should be some good free ones08:25
thegladiatori have tried out quite a few things but no luck!08:25
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SAAD3000might it be a firewall?08:25
bsideKovecses, what software firewall do you use ?08:25
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thegladiatornot firewall08:25
SAAD3000guys is it okey if my wireless lan led light doesn't flash on when i activate the device???08:25
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Kovecsesbside, i dont use a firewall08:25
ompaulSAAD3000, then the ip that is correctly assigned to that box and that card is needed -0 you canfind this by booting in windows or suse which you said was working or ask the person who set these filters for an ip for you to use08:26
SAAD3000Kovecses lol am talking about my porblem08:26
bsideKovecses, why ?08:26
eriscohow do you install limewire? I am following the guide but the file it is trying to wget does not exist08:26
Kovecsesbside, why use one?08:26
psycosein Hoary this howto told to do this sudo adduser cupsys shadow, do we need that in Breezy ? (http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=31796 end of page)08:26
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bsidefor closing the default opened ports ?08:26
bsideand exploits ?08:26
mikeBmust go now 1 alienware area51m 5700 notebook price 550 includes sameday shipipng, case, wireless router and 30gb apple ipod.  message me if interested on aim at itscrazyguymike or msn at mcsltd@telusmail.net if interested. THIS MUST GO TODAY!08:26
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_jasonubotu: tell erisco about limewire08:27
=== FearMoth [n=user@S010600045ad82a34.vc.shawcable.net] has joined #ubuntu
thegladiatoranyone here listends to online music using browsers ?08:27
thegladiatornew releases ?08:27
_jasonmikeB: do not do that here08:27
FearMothwhat program can I use to connect to my router's serial port via the serial port on my PC ?08:27
OmegaAlphaompaul, http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/875108:27
Kovecsesbside, well .... at the moment im using fedora and they have a pretty good firewall....08:27
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ubotuUbuntu has, like every other linux distribution, firewalling built into the kernel. A simple frontend to this firewall is firestarter, which can be installed via synaptic.08:27
bsideKovecses, is there a nokia suite for linux ?08:27
thegladiatori have this site called musicindiaonline.com ...and I select the film or album name...08:27
Kovecsesbside, did you see that08:27
thegladiatorand check and click on  play selected , it works fine with windows08:28
erisco_jason, no that is not my problem08:28
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SAAD3000ompaul i set the ip its my ip
bsideyes. thanks08:28
_jasonerisco: what is the problem?08:28
erisco_jason, the package does not seem to exist08:28
bsideKovecses, is there a nokia suite for linux ?08:28
OmegaAlphaKovecses, i noticed you are talking about firewalls... is one really necessary on ubuntu? i heard it isnt08:28
SAAD3000ompaul might it be  a firewall?08:28
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jetscreameroh no you don08:28
_jasonerisco: funny, I just downloaded it08:28
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KovecsesOmegaAlpha, i dont think so.... but bside wants one08:28
erisco_jason, http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther does not appear to be there08:28
nmFearMoth: picocom08:28
jetscreameroh no you don't need a firewall... and tell everybody root's password also08:28
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jetscreamerand your bank account number08:29
_jasonerisco: you should consider using frostwire instead anyway08:29
sdghsghso anyone here using XGL with fglrx?08:29
trappistOmegaAlpha: a firewall isn't a bad idea.  It will help protect you if you're not familiar with good security practices or are too lazy to follow them.  but it's not a substitute for real security.08:29
Kovecsesi have a hardware firewall so i dont worry about the software side08:29
=== no_gatez_fan [n=patrick@cpe-069-132-015-252.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #ubuntu
jetscreamerthose that come with the 2wire dsl modem/routers kinda seem to suck08:29
erisco_jason, where can I find information about frostwire?08:29
nmif you're behind a NAT router, and connected to a trusted network08:29
nmyou don't really need a firewall08:29
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thegladiatorfolks please?08:29
trappistnm: that's true08:29
_jasonubotu: tell erisco about frostwire08:29
kbrooksWell, newbies to Linux!08:30
OmegaAlphayeahwell i read on ubuntu you are only seriously at risk if you log into you root account alot08:30
Kovecsesthegladiator, waht?08:30
prada_thegladiator: which site and what kind of format ?08:30
kbrooksOmegaAlpha, you cant log on to it by default08:30
trappistOmegaAlpha: or if you don't keep up with your security updates, or if your password sucks, etc. and so on08:30
thegladiatorthe site is www.musicindiaonline.com or www.raaga.com08:30
nmomegaalpha: that isn't really true, you're not placed at risk because you're logging into the root account, but you could accidentaly delete files08:30
jetscreamerhey i read that it's ok to wear red in a crip's hood08:30
nmthat you couldn't normally08:30
OmegaAlphai know08:30
thegladiatorthey normally use real format08:30
trappistjetscreamer: good one :)08:30
OmegaAlphabut i HAVE logged into it before08:30
nmor if a program you are running as root, has a security vulnerability someone can exploit, the level of access they obtain by doing so08:30
thegladiatorjust selct the film you need and click on select and hit play selected08:30
nmis far higher as well08:31
=== asdffasf [n=apricot@lns01-1722.dsl.iskon.hr] has joined #ubuntu
Kovecsesguys a very cool internet site is..... youtube.com08:31
bsideKovecses, do you know torrent ?08:31
prada_thegladiator: there are a motherload of plugins avalable ... you tried any of them ?08:31
asdffasfchess for playing online?08:31
Kovecsesbside, i hate torrent08:31
trappistasdffasf: gnome-chess08:31
thegladiatorprada, yah...wait I will give you a direct link to a song page08:31
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asdffasftnx, bye08:31
bsideKovecses, i just love them :)08:31
jetscreameri like crafty with e-board08:31
OmegaAlphabut no need to tell me.. i know what firewalls are for in fact they like to annoy me with me port forwarding08:31
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trappistnever seen crafty08:31
jetscreamereboard has nice chess sets08:31
jetscreamercrafty is an engine08:31
prada_thegladiator: don't bother ... 'm on wndoze08:31
Kovecseswhat about 3dcehss08:31
jetscreamerseems like the smartest not sure08:31
ompaulOmegaAlpha, okay last first here we go http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=77867 this suggests that the default settings are best, as I do not have an ati I have no idea to restore the initial values do this: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"08:31
thegladiatorprada, ah08:31
trappistOmegaAlpha: they don't forward ports just to piss you off.  they forward ports when you tell them to, because you want them to.08:32
jetscreamernever tried it but i've seen the package08:32
thegladiatorKovecses, 3d chess is not the ordinary chess , its like 3 dimensional08:32
Kovecsesthegladiator, hence the name?08:32
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OmegaAlphaompaul,  i did that last night08:32
trappistjetscreamer: oh, a chess ai engine? that's what I've been looking for.08:32
OmegaAlphatrappist, no shit08:32
jetscreamerwhat i'd like is the chess screensaver looks on an engine/whatever08:32
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OmegaAlphai never said that08:32
thegladiatorcan any trouble shooters help me http://www.musicindiaonline.com/l/10/s/album.4550/08:32
trappistKovecses: don't make fun, I thought it was gonna be like an opengl chess board08:32
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OmegaAlphatrappist, i just said they like to annoy me with my ports that i have forwarded08:32
prada_thegladiator: tried real player for linux ?08:33
serlHi, does xgl work with a G400?08:33
thegladiatorKovecses, yeah08:33
thegladiatorprada, yeah08:33
OmegaAlphabut that was on windows...08:33
jetscreameryeah crafty is a good engine... but some of it is non-free or contrib i forget08:33
thegladiatorI did the plugin thing and finally got the mozilla to detect real player08:33
thegladiatorstill the song is not oming !08:33
jetscreamernot sure about where in ubuntu08:33
trappistjetscreamer: I can live with that.  I just want to play chess against my computer.08:33
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OmegaAlphaompaul, i edited my xorg.conf last night .. minor edit and and it disable my graphics.. so i couldnt get onto the gui last night08:33
jetscreamereboard + crafty is my favorite08:33
thegladiatorcoming ....* i tried 2 diff site...*08:34
=== trappist takes notes
thegladiatorwho  was asking about chess ?08:34
prada_thegladiator: it could be a firewall issue ...08:34
=== walkingice [n=walkingi@59-104-230-88.adsl.dynamic.seed.net.tw] has joined #ubuntu
jetscreamerthe crafty medium sized books. that's the non-free or contrib08:34
thegladiatorprada, I dont think I have a firewall , how can I check that ?08:34
jetscreamerthe actual engine is in regular08:34
OmegaAlphaand i couldnt edit the file at the terminal which is all i had to use at the time...  so i had to do the sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver.org command to restore that file08:34
jetscreameryou need an engine, book, and the eboard (or xboard but it's fugly)08:34
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thegladiatorprada, nah there is no f/w08:34
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ubotuVa a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour aide et discussion en francais08:35
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nmiptables -L08:35
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nmwill tell you what firewall rules you have in place08:35
thegladiatorhttp://www.musicindiaonline.com/l/10/s/album.4550/ ---------> can someon go here and click on "PLay selected" and tell me if they can listen to songs , folkz who have real player plugin connected that is08:35
prada_thegladiator: you doing ths over a DSL line I'm assuming and not from a workplace ?08:35
ToLImGaUrHoThje m'en fou de discuter en francais08:35
bsideKovecses, ar you an AI ?08:35
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nmthegladiator: iptables -L08:36
trappistToLImGaUrHoTh: #ubuntu-fr sil te plait08:36
serlDid somebody try xgl?08:36
Kovecsesthegladiator, works here08:36
bobbydhow do I forceably reinstall a single package under ubuntu?08:36
thegladiatorFATAL: Error inserting ip_tables (/lib/modules/2.6.12-10-386/kernel/net/ipv4/netfilter/ip_tables.ko): Operation not permitted08:36
thegladiatoriptables v1.3.1: can't initialize iptables table `filter': Permission denied (you must be root)08:36
Kovecsesbside, AI?08:36
trappistbobbyd: sudo apt-get install --reinstall packagename08:36
thegladiatorKovecses, omg it does ? the songs can be played ?08:36
nmas root :P08:36
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nmsudo iptables -L08:36
ToLImGaUrHoThwhy ? my place is were i want08:36
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Kovecsesthegladiator, yup08:36
trappistthegladiator: did you READ that error message?08:36
heliotropehow do i install something like a plug-in for firefox on ubuntu08:36
bobbydtrappist, I want to wipe the config files too, can I force that?08:36
trappistbobbyd: sudo apt-get remove --purge packagename then reinstall08:37
thegladiatoroh oh ! sorry08:37
thegladiatorKovecses, could you help me ?08:37
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Kovecsesthegladiator, help you what... it08:37
ompaulOmegaAlpha, "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" <<---- will always reset to basic working and then you can start again, it is your friend08:37
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thegladiatoriptables is clear08:37
prada_heliotrope: what knda plugin ?08:37
bobbydtrappist, but half my system depends on this package...08:37
Kovecsesthegladiator, help you what... not listen to gay music08:37
thegladiatorKovecses, what have you done actually ? where is your real player ?08:37
heliotropeprada_, macromedia flash08:37
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trappistbobbyd: uninstalling it is a questionable idea then, eh?08:38
thegladiatorlol no gay dude08:38
Kovecsesthegladiator, its not using real player08:38
thegladiatorKovecses, what did you do to get the real plugin ?08:38
prada_heliotrope: firefox doesn't care f you're on ubuntu to install flash08:38
thegladiatorthen ?08:38
thegladiatordont tell em ur on windows ?08:38
thegladiatorKovecses, are you using FF ?08:38
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Kovecsesthegladiator, yeah08:38
thegladiatorKovecses, linux ?08:38
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trappistbobbyd: possibly I could offer some more useful guidance if I knew what package you were talking about and/or what you were trying to accomplish08:38
Kovecsesthegladiator, yeah08:38
thegladiatorKovecses, and it pops up the option for players right ?08:39
OmegaAlphaompaul, yeah i know.. it became a great friend last night08:39
Kovecsesthegladiator, use the musicindiaonline player08:39
Kovecsesthegladiator, yes08:39
prada_heliotrope: just go to flash site and frefox should hopefully popup something to install flash08:39
thegladiatorKovecses, when you click on play selcted it pops up the player list and says realplayer avaialble ?08:40
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OmegaAlphaompaul.. i tried changing the "ati" listed in the "device" section... to "radeon" which i was suggested to TRY but not be a solution and thats what happened08:40
nmanyone have any advice/weirdnesses they'd like to share about ubuntu and running bind in a chroot jail?08:40
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nmi'm not a debian user, but am experimenting around with ubuntu08:40
nmi'm usually a gentoo guy08:40
nmor fedora/redhat when required08:40
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naetrickAnyone know of a .wps reader for linux?08:40
thegladiatorKovecses, I dont understand how it  works for you , does it pop up asking the player you wann ause ?08:40
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dleOmegaAlpha: What card do you have?08:41
Kovecsesthegladiator, are you a complete noob?08:41
thegladiatorKovecses, no a lil better y ?08:41
prada_thegladiator: pop-up blocker in acton ? :)08:41
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Kovecsesthegladiator, why not install real player if you want to use real player08:41
bsideKovecses, who am i ?08:41
OmegaAlphadle, ATI technologies Inc Radeon Mobility U108:41
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thegladiatorKovecses, Kovecses could you explain ? I installed real player08:41
dleOmegaAlpha: Okay, that's not what I have. Anyway, they're all a bitch.  Try /join #ati .08:42
Kovecsesthegladiator, explain what?08:42
bsideKovecses, how old are you ?08:42
thegladiatorKovecses, I have real player installed and I copied the lugins to the ./mozilla/plugins folder08:42
Kovecsesthegladiator, all i did was click on it and it played08:42
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OmegaAlphadle, how come i had no problem with it when i first installed ubuntu running these certain programs like "stelarrium"?08:42
thegladiatorKovecses, could you send me a screnshot the song being played ?08:43
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prada_thegladiator: http://plugindoc.mozdev.org/linux.html#RealPlayer ... seen this ?08:43
OmegaAlphadle,  and now the programs wont even run08:43
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Kovecsesthegladiator, what for... to prove i am playing it?08:43
dleOmegaAlpha: Couldn't say.  Do you get any useful error output?08:43
nabzhey guyz, wheres firefox on this?08:43
thegladiatorKovecses, no...to see what player it is using08:43
adubgosh i cant stand this all of a sudden now i can not write to my usb flash drive it is friggin read only and i did not do anything to the drive itself i havent changed anything i have rebooted shutdown still read only changed various settings in /etc/fstab as well?????08:43
bsideKovecses, hope i am not offend you but i thought you are AI.08:43
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bsideKovecses, i love you08:44
thegladiatorKovecses, or you can click on the real player symbol , since the point is the site uses real player and windows media player only to play the songs08:44
Kovecsesbside, what is AI08:44
gravity000I'm running the live version of 5.10, how can I browse my windows partition?08:44
bsideKovecses, go here http://www.alicebot.org/08:44
OmegaAlphadle, no that would be nice though08:44
nabzwheres firefox on this?08:44
thegladiatorprada, thanks I have done that...excelpt my version is
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Kovecsesbside, no im human08:45
gravity000firfox is under internet in applications08:45
nabzi dont see it :(08:45
nabzi got kubuntu08:45
prada_thegladiator: I don't think that should matter ..08:45
funkyHatgravity000, sudo mkdir /mnt/c && sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/c08:45
nabzah nvm08:45
gravity000oh..  hmm08:45
gravity000oh ok08:45
gravity000where was it?08:46
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prada_nabz: just spawn console and type firefox in it .. or Alt + F208:46
thegladiatorprada, same thats what I was thinking . here is what I did instaled RP 1008:46
dleOmegaAlpha - did you run these progs from the command-line?08:46
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thegladiatorprada, phelix.xpt to your Mozilla components directory08:46
nmnabz: open a terminal window and type firefox-bin08:46
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nabzhave to download it. lol08:46
fliptodsomeone answer network question08:46
thegladiatorprada, I didnt do that I guess08:46
OmegaAlphadle, oh yeah i did my bad.. i got error messages that way08:47
thegladiatorprada, I copied both to /.mozilla/plugin08:47
fliptodi'm trying to go static ip08:47
OmegaAlphadle, werent that useful though08:47
fliptodneed to know broadcast08:47
kevinhow to install deb file bdpk -i something like that i really remember... :\08:47
thegladiatorwhat is this mozilla components driectory in "phelix.xpt to your Mozilla components directory"08:47
thegladiatorkevin , !deb08:47
nabzbash: firefox-bin: command not found08:47
thegladiatorubotu, tell kevin about deb08:47
kevinpqbk or something?08:47
thegladiatorwhat is this mozilla components driectory in "phelix.xpt to your Mozilla components directory"08:48
prada_thegladiator: dude ... you may need to pu that in the firefox plugin directly ... and not the mozilla one, unless you're using mozilla ..08:48
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thegladiatorprada, farous told me so actually . but how do I do that ?08:48
fliptodcan someone answer network question?>08:48
thegladiatorwhat you are refering ?08:48
fliptodneed to know correct broadcast08:48
OmegaAlphadle, i only know how to run "Stellarium" from the command line.  The other program "Celestia (Gnome)" ->bash: syntax error near unexpected token `Gnome'08:49
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fliptodifconfig states
prada_thegladiator: I'm on a bitching windows machine :( ... sorry I can't lok up stuff on a ubuntu  box08:49
thegladiatorprada, tough luck :)08:49
fliptodbut it should be xxx.xxx.x.255 shouldn't it08:49
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thegladiatorprada, both me and you ( since you are on windows) :-08:49
dleOmegaAlpha - you ran it from the CL as 'Celestia (Gnome)'?08:49
OmegaAlphadle, "Stellarium"  ->http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/875308:50
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thegladiatorcan someone enlighten me about real player plugin to FireFox08:50
prada_thegladiator: yeah ...08:50
fliptodanyone? new to linux and ip route table is much diff from windoze08:50
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OmegaAlphadle,  i tried running it as "Celestia" , "Celestia (Gnome) and other variations.. just trying anything to get it to run08:50
dleOmegaAlpha - Well, you need to edit your xorg.conf to inlucde the GLX extension when X starts.08:50
gravity000is it a serious problem?08:50
fliptodi know this is easy question for someone08:51
ubotuI guess mplayer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto  For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3106108:51
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OmegaAlphadle, and one of those links you sent me will tell me exactly how to do that?08:51
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prada_fliptod:  missed the problem ... what is it again ?08:52
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thegladiatorfolkz :http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-108.html08:52
dleOmegaAlpha - I didn't send you any links.08:52
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fliptodfinding right broadcast08:52
pinkisntwellI just tried the quake 4 demo and sound is a garbled mess, what gives?08:52
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OmegaAlphadle, whoops my bad someone else did who tried helping me08:52
thegladiatorhe also asks the same thing , what is this mozilla components directory ?08:52
fliptodifconfig states
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plbanyone get compiz / xgl working on amd6408:52
fliptoddoesn't seem right08:52
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OmegaAlphadle, im a newbie ...first week using Linux ever08:53
fliptodseems it should be xxx.xxx.x.25508:53
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gravity000i have as well08:53
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eugmanofftopic question: if jumper settongs are shown vertically is up towards the power or the cable?08:53
dle    Load        "glx"   # libglx.a08:53
dle    Load        "dri"   # libdri.a08:53
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prada_fliptod: don't worry about it ... it's right08:53
dleOmegaAlpha - that was for you.08:53
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thegladiatorany sould who can help me ? (08:54
fliptodok thanks why so different from windoze08:54
gravity000because windows is crap08:54
fliptodtis true08:54
fliptodi'm new to linux but truly converted08:54
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prada_gravity000: you stole that one right out of my mouth ... I can't believe I'm using it right now ..08:54
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concept10anyone used pyvns2swf to make screencast? Im wondering if it records sound, or if you have to attach another file to it08:55
fliptodthanks for the help08:55
dleOmegaAlpha - You sound like you;'re doing alright for a novice dealing with ATI rubbish. :-)08:55
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gravity000does nVidia offer more support for open source than ATi?08:56
thegladiatorlast and final call , does anyone kow what is this mozilla components directory  ? it says I need to cp some nphelix.xpt to that direcotry to get real player working with FF!!!!!08:56
_jasonthegladiator: that's probably the plugins directory08:57
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gravity000thats what I was thinking08:57
Nameeaternvidia linux driver is closed source08:57
prada_thegladiator: tried googlng ? :)08:57
foxgamerHi all. I have decided to return to ubuntu after having problems with the current distro, but I have a quick question. Is there compatibility with an ati radeon x300 card with the 64bit verson yet, does anyone know?08:57
midwintergravity000, not exactly more support for open source... just better drivers08:57
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Nameeaterthat said the driver is far superior to the ati driver08:57
gravity000ahh okay08:57
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phetuhi, i just want to know if its possible to connect to a remote vnc server (like vino) but instead of connecting to the current session just open a new one?08:57
thegladiatorprada, I went to the ubuntu forum from google , one another guy askde the same thing , and he said what _jason said08:57
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thegladiator_jason, jason , there is /.mozilla/lpugins and ./mozilla/firefox folders08:58
gravity000stick it in both08:58
=== Nameeater played the linux quake4 demo with the nvidia driver yesterday
thegladiator_jason, i created ./mozilla/plugin and copied it actually , 2 files needed for real player .08:58
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prada_thegladiator: oh well ... let me see f i can connec to a linux box ... I woulda helped you if i wasnt on a frggin wndows box08:58
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thegladiatorhmmm let me trying doing that08:58
fishdishhi guys, a practical problem with an ATI chipset with an ASUS mini PC...08:59
thegladiatorprada, that would be gr8 thank you08:59
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OmegaAlphadle, thanks08:59
fishdishhow did we again start xconfigure in ubuntu 5.10?08:59
OmegaAlphadle, so where do i add that at?08:59
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thegladiatorgravity000 _jason , so I make the folder ./mozilla/firefox/plugin ? ....an then there is some folder called ./firefox/plugin also!09:00
KyoI'm updating to breezy (dist-upgrade) and its 82 percent done but now its timed out ... can't connect to achieve.ubuntu.com. is there any other alternative mirrors?09:00
dleOmegaAlpha - open /etc/X11/xorg.conf with a text editor.  at the command-line, do 'sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf' sans quotes.09:00
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gravity000stick it in the plugins folder first09:00
maihemKyo: I think the GB servers, at least, have lost network connectivity09:01
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dooglusKyo: it's "archive", not "achieve"?09:01
prada_thegladiator: try /usr/lib/firefox/plugns09:01
gravity000are there other plugins in there?09:01
gravity000like the flash plugin09:01
dooglusKyo: it might be to do with the power outage I guess - just wait a while?09:01
OmegaAlphadle, already did that09:01
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OmegaAlphaim in the file now wondering where to put that code you gave me09:01
dleOmegaAlpha - and ou added those two lines I mentioned above?09:01
_jasonthegladiator: ~/.mozilla/plugins according to http://plugindoc.mozdev.org/faqs/firefox-linux.html09:01
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_jasonthegladiator: do you know mplayer with w32codecs plays realplayer stuff?09:02
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dleOmegaAlpha - look for Section "Module"09:02
Thunderbirdgrr, getting sick of musaraki ..09:02
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^Ocean^okay so archive.ubuntu.com seems to be down,  is there a mirror i can switch too ?09:02
Thunderbirdit still won't find my usb mouse / keyboard (in dapper)09:02
OmegaAlphaahh i see09:02
thegladiator_jason, yeah I read that . but it doesnt work ...yeah mplayer does but thi site www.musicindiaonline.com has been confiured to use real player and windows media player09:02
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dleOmegaAlpha - add those 2 lines between that and the EndSection that closes that section.09:03
OmegaAlphadle,  those two lines are already there :(09:03
prada_Thunderbird: that's mursaki rght ... some funky new replacement ffor hald ?09:03
dooglus^Ocean^: us.archive.ubuntu.com is up09:03
Thunderbirdfor hotplug09:03
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dleOmegaAlpha - rats.09:03
thegladiatorcan anyone go to this site http://www.musicindiaonline.com/l/10/s/album.4550/ and try playing a song ?09:03
Thunderbirdbut I can't get musaraki working09:04
prada_yeah .... just don't use it ... stick to hotplug09:04
Thunderbirderr, murasaki09:04
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OmegaAlphaim gonne sue ATI for computer misconduct :D09:04
_jasonthegladiator: ``If installing plugins without root permissions, use ~/.mozilla/plugins instead of Mozilla's plugins and components subdirectories.'' http://plugindoc.mozdev.org/linux.html, specific instrucitons for realplayer there.  have you been closing and restarting all instances of firefox after adding the files?09:04
prada_OSS nomeclature sure makes you wonder ..09:04
Thunderbirdbut hotplug also has issues on my laptop09:05
Thunderbirdafter system startup numlock, scrolllock and capslock are enabled09:05
thegladiatoryeah i installed the plugin to /.mozilla/plugins...and I did close all instances...09:05
prada_I thnk there was someone who did a monkeyaudio + soundjuicer app and called it monkey-jucer !!09:05
Thunderbirdand whenever I hit one of the arrows, pageup, home or some other key I will get the make screenshot dialog09:06
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thegladiatorthere was some improvement actually , it detected the realplayer , it says available09:06
thegladiatorbut the song wont play ...says loading , but it does on a windows box09:06
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gravity000try running realplayer and make sure there's nothing wrong with the network settings?09:07
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dooglusthegladiator: doesn't play for me.09:07
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thegladiatordooglus, did you do the configuration as well ?09:08
dooglusthegladiator: news.bbc.co.uk plays realmedia movies fine for me09:08
dleOmegaAlpha - we can hope that there might be something worthwhile in /var/log/Xorg.0.log .09:08
thegladiatordooglus, let me check that09:08
dooglusthegladiator: I didn't do any configuration recently.  what do you suggest?09:08
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foxgamerDoes 64bit ubuntu support radeon x300 cards? I can't seem to find any info as to yes or no.09:08
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thegladiatordooglus, copy the plugins i.e I guess you must have done it if you have tried the BBC site09:08
dooglusthegladiator: see the "BBC NEWS: VIDEO AND AUDIO" part of the front page?09:09
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thegladiatordooglus, yeah it plays here also09:09
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ernihi all09:09
thegladiatordooglus, So perhaps a problem with the site architechture ?09:09
gravity000that's my inclination09:10
thegladiatordooglus, there are many such sites in India09:10
erniwhere can i find the source code of the sort command???09:10
jmontdo anybody know where do Postfix holds the email-password relation?09:10
jmont(with virtual emails)09:10
prada_thegladiator: where are you based ?09:10
bronzeerni: www,gnu.org09:10
thegladiatordoofy, song sites ...they say it works with linux also09:10
thegladiatorprada, india :)09:10
ernithnx bronze09:10
prada_I figured that ... where exactly ? :)09:10
bronzeerni, replace the comma with period09:10
thegladiatorprada, down south , state of Kerala09:10
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OmegaAlphadle,  theres alot of lines in that file i dont even know what to look for09:11
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prada_oh ok ... I've been there09:11
rehpotsirhcis archive.ubuntu.com down or something?09:11
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dleOmegaAlpha - I might not either, but paste 'em in pastebin anyway. :)09:11
thegladiatorprada, thats gr8 , you liked it ?09:11
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wdhrehpotsirhc, it appears so09:11
rehpotsirhcouch. bummer09:11
OmegaAlphadle,  do you think if i throw my laptop off the ground till it makes a *pop* sound and see smoke coming from the cracked case..that maybe that will fix it?09:12
dooglusthegladiator: looks like the indian site only works with windows and/or IE I guess09:12
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KyoI'm updating to breezy (dist-upgrade) and its 82 percent done but now its timed out ... can't connect to achieve.ubuntu.com. is there any other alternative mirrors? And its not re-connecting ...09:12
dleOmegaAlpha - Could do.  You go ahead and try that. ;)09:12
prada_thegladiator: god's own country ...  who wouldn't man ..09:12
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thegladiatordooglus, yeah but they say how to use linux to play it as well thats the confusing part09:12
gravity000OMegaAlpha: yes09:12
thegladiatorprada, lol :) thank you09:12
Kyois it problem? I mean, I leave the upgdate for 4 hours now ... since I'm on a slow connection (17kb/s)09:12
doogluserni: you should get the ubuntu source package for the sort source code09:12
thegladiatordoofy, http://www.raaga.com/channels/malayalam/movie/M0000951.html this is another site09:13
thegladiatordooglus, http://www.raaga.com/channels/malayalam/movie/M0000951.html , can you please tell me if this woks ?09:13
doogluserni: it's in "coreutils" - make sure you have a "deb-src" line in sources.list and "apt-get source coreutils"09:13
thegladiatorit says initializing player ...please wait ...09:13
thegladiatorand loading forever!09:13
OmegaAlphayeah I think ATI has that as a backup resort to fix most of their probs09:14
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OmniColosoi Ubuntu repositories are not connecting09:14
dooglusthegladiator: it doesn't seem to09:14
OmegaAlphadle,  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/875409:15
=== OmniColos experiences apt-get withdrawl syndrome
jmansomething wrong with security.ubuntu breezy repo?09:15
_jasonthegladiator: email them and tell them their setup does not support linux09:15
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dooglusOmegaAlpha: use us.archive.ubuntu.com - that's up09:15
pittijman: it was, but it was fixed a couple of hours ago09:15
OmniColosthans doog09:16
_jasonpitti: I still can't get to it09:16
thegladiatordooglus, thanks ...if you have a second to spare...http://www.musicindiaonline.com/xh/mtpf/09:16
thegladiator_jason, see that site please they explain how to get it working on Linux09:16
thegladiatorso Linux support is there09:16
jmanpitti: seems to be back down09:16
pitti_jason: ah, wait, we just had a power outage in the DC, that's probably the reason09:16
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thegladiatorstill it cud be a site problem09:16
pitti_jason: yes, our admin is working on bringing everything back online09:16
thegladiatorbut I am trying to figure ....before mailing the09:16
_jasonpitti: ah09:16
thegladiatoroops dooglus I cant see you tells09:17
eugmanhey can anyone here answer a jumper question?09:17
FliesLikeALapis http://wiki.ubuntu.com down?09:17
dooglusthegladiator: 6. How do I get it to work on Linux?  Download RealOne Player if you do not have it installed already. ...09:17
dooglusthegladiator: I'm not installing that rubbish...09:17
Thunderbirdyeah ubuntu.com is down09:17
wdhKyo, it just appears to be down.. it'll probably be up soon.. just run the dist-upgrade another time when it does..09:17
Thunderbirdjust when I need an ubuntu package mirror to fix my system09:17
thegladiatordooglus, you dont have real player installed mate ?09:17
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prada_dooglus: the player doesn't look too bad actually ...09:18
dooglusthegladiator: no, and I don't want it, thanks09:18
thegladiatordooglus, nah ...the point is I have and it doesnt work09:18
Kyowdh, ah I see ...09:18
Thunderbirdanyone has some ubuntu mirrors in his sources.list which don't use ubuntu.com?09:18
OmegaAlphadooglus, whats that link to?09:18
thegladiatordooglus, so mayb i your case it is justified...the site not working09:18
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Kyowdh: When will it be back up? hours?09:18
dooglusthegladiator: I can play real media formats without the realmedia player though09:18
Kyowdh: how do I quit it ... will it resume when I apt-get again?09:18
thegladiatordooglus, yep I know09:18
dooglusKyo: it will09:19
_jasonthegladiator: they have a link there for customer support, maybe they can help you out better09:19
KyoOk great09:19
KyoHow do I safetly stop it ... ctrl+x?09:19
dooglusKyo: control c09:19
thegladiator_jason, correct I am going to mail then reagrding this I just didnt want to do that without my homework09:19
thegladiatornow I guess I have to09:19
OmegaAlphadooglus, what am i looking for at that site that you sent it to me?09:20
wdhKyo,  yes it will09:20
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noteventimecould someone try to help me with my wpa?09:20
prada_thegladiator: do the other streaming sites work ?09:20
wdhnoteventime, just ask09:20
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jmanwell this was a great time to format and reinstall..09:21
dleOmegaAlpha - I notice that your setup loads a glx driver from Nvidia (line 247) while in mine, the vendor is 'X.Org Foundation'.  Relevant? I don't know.  I still suggest you try the #ati channel.  :)09:21
thegladiatorprada, BBC site works well with real player09:21
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dooglusOmegaAlpha: I didn't send you to any site09:21
noteventimewpa_supplicant wont work :(09:21
dooglusOmegaAlpha: I suggested you use 'apt-get source'09:21
pettmanis it only my respitatories that doesn't work?09:21
prada_then mail them ... on the other hand it might be a b/w issue at the server end09:21
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OmegaAlphadle, yeah i tried the ati channel really really quiet in there09:21
noteventimeI've gotten it to work before09:22
lotvwhat's wrong with security.ubuntu.com09:22
thegladiatorprada, thanks you are right ...i am mailing them straightaway09:22
lotvi cant connect to
pittiadmins are working on restoring the services ATM09:22
OmegaAlphadooglus, i know. but why did you suggest it to me?09:22
_jasonlotv: it's down right now, use us.security.ubuntu.com09:22
Kyolotv, its down right now, apparently09:22
fishdishWhich XFree86 version does 5.10 use?09:22
OmegaAlphaim confused09:22
prada_fishdish: it doesn't09:22
noteventimeioctl[SIOCSIWPMKSA] : Operation not supported09:23
Kyo_jason, wait, how about achieve.ubunut.com ... is there an alternative server?09:23
pittifishdish: none at all :) we use xorg 6.8.209:23
lotvok thanks a lot09:23
OmegaAlphadle,  interesting.. i  thought i didnt have any Nvidia stuff on this computer09:23
lotvgonna try it right now09:23
OmegaAlphadle, taht it was all ATI brand09:23
_jasonKyo: sure, us.archive.ubuntu.com... or any other 2 letter country code instead of us09:23
dooglusOmegaAlpha: I'm sorry.  I meant to speak to OmniColos not you...09:23
eugmanHey can I go to best buy to get a router without a firewall?09:23
dooglusfishdish: 5.10 uses x.org instead of xfree8709:24
OmegaAlphadooglus, oh ok09:24
fishdish got it09:24
noteventimeok i have new error now09:24
doogluspitti: which country is the data centre in?09:24
idefix_when installing the latest mozilla version, can you just install it over the old one, or is that not proper?09:24
pittidooglus: UK09:24
rehpotsirhcit appears to be back up09:25
noteventimeAfter reading the config file...: EAPOL: SUPP_PAE entering state disconnected09:25
rehpotsirhcarchive.ubuntu.com that is09:25
pittidooglus: it was our first power outage, the UPS blew up09:25
doogluspitti: isn't it common to have some kind of backup power supply, like UPS or generators in a data centre?09:25
fishdishby the way, i'd like to go and build ubuntu from the source... are there instructions on how to do it or am i just going to shoot in the dark?09:25
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noteventimeAfter reading the config file...: EAPOL: NO_KEY_RECIVE09:25
pittidooglus: indeed, but one went crazy :)09:25
doogluspitti: what does the 'U' stand for again?  ;)09:25
prada_fishdish: you can't be serious !! ?09:25
fishdishi need a custom distro for a handheld pc09:25
pittidooglus: unreliable, what else? :)09:26
noteventimethen, ioctl[SIOCSIWPMKSA] : Operation not supported, again09:26
lotvarchive is back up yeah09:26
dleOmegaAlpha - Are you using the radeon driver or ATI's fglrx driver?09:26
lotvbut us.security.ubuntu.com09:26
lotvis unknown host09:26
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fishdishi could go and use instructions provided in emdebian.org09:26
_jasonlotv: hrmm me too :o, never mind then I suppose09:26
OmegaAlphadle,  i see what youa re saying about line 24709:26
OmegaAlphadle... everythign else is xorg foundation as the vendor09:27
thegladiatorhttp://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=12103 doesnt say Evolution ?09:27
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dleOmegaAlpha - In my experience the fglrx driver is better.09:27
thegladiatorhwo can I do a gmail pop setup for evolution ?09:27
thegladiatorI need th gmail server09:28
OmegaAlphadle, do you think during installation of ubuntu that libglx.so was overwritten with that of Nvidias module?09:28
thegladiatorPOP 3 server09:28
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OmegaAlphadle, i believe mines Radeon09:28
noteventimehmmm..... now it tells me SSID mismatch... Help please :'(09:28
FliesLikeALapthegladiator, follow the instructions that gmail gives for setting up outlook express, that will have all the information you need09:28
thegladiatorthank you09:28
OmegaAlphai know its a ATI tech. Radeon Mobility U109:28
dooglusdoes anyone here use web-based gmail and malone?09:29
prada_thegladiator: probably because anyone usng linux would be smart enough to figure it out ;)09:29
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dooglusthey don't seem to work well together09:29
prada_dooglus: what's malone got to do wth gmail ?09:29
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tafsenIm following this guide https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats?action=show&redirect=AddingJavaSupport , but I can't manage to find java-package with apt09:30
dooglusprada_: malone sends me emails to my gmail account, and I should be able to reply to them to add comments to bugs09:30
Seveasdooglus, malone only accepts gpg-signed mail09:30
maihemKyo: servers seem to be back up09:30
dooglusprada_: but when the email it sends me is due to a comment that I wrote, and I try to reply to that, gmail sends the reply to the wrong address09:30
dooglusSeveas: no, that's not true.09:30
prada_Seveas: that a apam protection feature ?09:31
dooglusSeveas: it only accepts gpg-signed mail for raising new bugs, but for comments it doesn't require the mail to be signed09:31
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OmegaAlphahmm this is confusing09:31
OmegaAlphai think i should just give up on it09:31
fishdishanother curiosity: there is this computer called TYAN VX 50. It has 8 slots for AMD Opteron processors. We are trying to fix Ubuntu to work with all the 8 processors. We have a problem though: 4 of the processors are connected to the motherboard with a PCI-E. Therefore there's a PCI-E to cross to 4 processors which are missing from the configuration09:31
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fishdishHow to get the 4 remaining processors work?09:32
dooglusSeveas: see here: https://wiki.launchpad.canonical.com/MaloneEmailInterfaceUserDoc#head-4c8c06395760b0d311aad5407a14972c0ac94d8e09:32
OmegaAlphaand move on to task number two.. getting my ext usb hd recognized09:32
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dooglus(nice URL :)09:32
GyuszkGuys, I'm using the AMD64 edition of Ubuntu, but what about codecs, DVD playback, ATI driver? Is there any howtos?09:32
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fishdishI have noticed that this is a kernel issue. Some ppl on #debian thoguht NUMA had to be reconfigured.09:32
fishdishBut i suspect NUMA has nothing to do with this.09:33
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lotvwhatever happened to security.ubuntu.com09:33
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bluefoxicyfishdish:  e-mail the lkml, check vger.kernel.org for info on how to get on linux-kernel09:33
lotvi dont remember it being down every09:33
eriscowhy can't I download anything through the terminal or synaptic? I can't apt-get or wget!09:33
thegladiatornoteventime, pop.gmail.com or pop.googlemail.com ?09:33
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GyuszkGuys, I'm using the AMD64 edition of Ubuntu, but what about codecs, DVD playback, ATI driver? Is there any howtos?09:34
FliesLikeALaplotv,  security, ubuntu.com, and wiki.ubuntu.com are down, possibly others09:34
SpecialBuddydoes anyone know if there is a program on synaptic to convert iPod mp4a to mp3's09:34
Seveasfishdish, try #ubuntu-server / #ubuntu-kernel, the people that develop the server-oriented kernel hang in there09:34
eneska18JEST TU JAKIS POLAK ???????????????????/09:34
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noteventimethegladiator: any of them09:34
becoCOMO ANDAN09:34
Seveaseneska18, drop the caps and stick to english09:34
becoQUIENES SON09:34
noteventimethegladiator: but pop.googlemail.com is the "official" one09:34
Seveasbeco, same to you09:34
lotvwiki has packages... no!09:34
Gyuszkbeco, english please09:34
cafuego!tell beco -about es09:35
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lotvdamn my formatting09:35
GyuszkGuys, I'm using the AMD64 edition of Ubuntu, but what about codecs, DVD playback, ATI driver? Is there any howtos?09:35
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eneska18im from poland09:35
midwinterGyuszk, sure09:35
bluefoxicySeveas:  what makes you think they understand what you're saying?09:35
FliesLikeALapGyuszk,  there is a howto for just about everything if you look09:35
eriscosorry to ask again... but would there be any reason of why I cannot connect to the internet through my terminal?09:35
Seveaseneska18, great but we speak english in here, ig you prefer polish, try #ubuntu-pl09:35
GyuszkWhats the URL? :)09:35
takedownGyuszk: look on forum about it09:36
SeveasGyuszk, wiki.ubuntu.com09:36
Gyuszkok, thanks guys09:36
Gyuszk& ubuntu rocks09:36
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SeveasGyuszk, we know 09:36
erisco0% [Connecting to security.ubuntu.com (] 09:36
eriscoand it just sits there...09:36
prada_Seveas: is ther entire launchpad/malone thing proprietary ?09:36
eriscofor any other source too09:36
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Gyuszkerisco, there are tons of official Ubuntu mirror servers09:37
Seveasprada_, for now: yes, but it will be open sourced when it's approximately finished09:37
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eriscoGyuszk, so what are you suggesting?09:37
Seveaserisco, power outage in the datacenter, use se.archive.ubuntu.com for now09:37
prada_Seveas: yeah ... that's what Mark said ..09:37
nmUPS > *09:37
Seveasprada_, and I trust him on that 09:38
Seveasnm, it's not just a power outage, it was referd to as a "small catastrophe"09:38
eriscoSeveas... oh really? Okay, so how do I specify what mirror I want to download from? I am trying to get wine09:38
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prada_doesn't matter ... that's what he said ... all we can do is wait and see :)09:38
adubanyone get the orinoco classic gold card drivers to compile correctly??09:38
Seveaserisco, you want that one from the wine repos anyways, /msg ubotu easysource09:38
DShepherdWhat would cause compiz to run but not actually manage the windows?09:39
dooglus"<pitti> it was our first power outage, the UPS blew up"09:39
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eneska18i don;t have emulator windows09:39
doogluserisco: edit /etc/apt/sources.list09:40
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DShepherdmetacity --replace works fine09:40
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DShepherdcompiz --replace kills all window manger functionality09:41
Thunderbirdanyone here has experience with hotplug on dapper?09:41
ThunderbirdI'm trying to get hotplug installed again (using the breezy package)09:41
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thegladiatorsomeone who has got the evolution working for gmail ?09:41
elvirolohi all09:41
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thegladiatori cant connect to pop09:41
Thunderbirdit installs 'fine' but various files aren't installed for some reason09:41
thegladiatoractaully no were I have given my gmail password09:41
farousthegladiator: lol me no prob what so ever09:41
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elvirolocan anoyne please tell me how to access NFS shares on a Ubuntu box ?09:41
thegladiatorI dont know where to feed it09:41
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thegladiatorfarous, where did you give the password?09:42
farousthegladiator: funny realplayer pluging does not work here though ;)09:42
farousthegladiator: first you need to enable email forwarding from gmail website09:42
dooglusthegladiator: I got evolution 'working' with gmail once - you have to set the port, login method, and other stuff.  the help on gmail.com is useful - look at how to config outlook & take it from there09:42
thegladiatorfarous, it doesnt work here as well mate ...we were discussing that , actually it says Available...09:42
farousthegladiator: and it will ask you for the pass the first time you use it09:42
thegladiatorfarous, forwarding done09:42
eneska18i must have emulator09:42
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Dav1dalguien habla espaol?, speak spanish?09:43
thegladiatorfarous, use what ? it didnt ask for the password09:43
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.09:43
KyoSo ... is ubuntu main server back up yet?09:43
dooglusthegladiator: the problem was that once it was working, every time I did a 'send and receive' or whatever it's called, it would get only 3 to 10 emails from the server.  it was going to take a week or so of click that button to get all my mail.09:43
DShepherdDav1d, try #ubuntu-es09:43
farousthegladiator: when you first try recieving or sending09:43
SeveasKyo, try instead of ask 09:43
thegladiatorfarous, ah it didn ask with me09:43
thegladiatordooglus, omg !09:43
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thegladiatormayb I shud try thinderbird then ?09:43
thegladiatorfarous, it didnt ask pass for me oddly!09:44
farousthegladiator: ok open the account09:44
dooglusthegladiator: I think it's an issue at gmail's end - I tried with a different mail client and had the same problem09:44
thegladiatorfarous, yep I have it opened09:44
thegladiatornever typed a password anywhere09:44
farousdooglus: evolution running here no problems at all and gmail my main mail server09:44
farousok go to recieving mail09:45
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dooglusthegladiator: of course, you can tell gmail "only make mail I receive from now on available via POP" - but I wanted all my old mail too09:45
thegladiatorsend /recv button I press and it trieds to connect to pop09:45
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thegladiatorit didnt ask for the password not even once!09:46
farousthegladiator: just let us set the window open the recieving email part09:46
martinShi, want will procmail do without procmailrc?09:46
instabincomposite is perty09:46
thegladiator2.4.1 evolution09:46
DShepherdIs there a HOWTO on the forums on using the debs for XGl and compiz from the repos?09:46
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thegladiatorfarous, how mate ?09:46
farousdooglus: and you can set it from gmail by selecting forwarding email after a specific date you can set it a year ago or whatever you want09:46
farousthegladiator: open mail accounts and edit your gmail account09:47
Kyoyay its back up09:47
thegladiatorfarous, yep what there ?09:47
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noteventimeyay! i got WPA working :)09:48
farousok you have a sub menus identity> recieving mail> ... press the recieving email one09:48
Kyonoteventime yay ... and stuff09:48
farousok server type pop09:48
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farousserver pop.gmail.com09:48
faroususername your username@gmail.com09:48
farousdo not forget the @gmail.com part09:48
thegladiatori did forget that :-)09:49
faroususe secure connection always09:49
oklinuxhey trappist got the printer working09:49
farousauthentication type Password09:49
thegladiatorah thats the mistake @gmail.com part09:49
farousand remember password09:49
thegladiatorand check remeber password ?09:49
thegladiatorok ? :-)09:50
farousto check press the check for supported types before you close09:50
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farousthegladiator: now close and the way we go ;)09:50
thegladiatorperfect yep :)ty09:50
farousthegladiator: do nto forget to set the sending email part too:)09:51
thegladiatorfarous, and hey that real player thing I feel it is a site architecture problem ?09:51
DShepherdThis is crazy!09:51
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farousthegladiator: perhaps did not check other sites i just download now and view09:51
kikodoes anyone have a mac mini?09:51
DShepherdThey are posting faster than I can read in the forums09:51
thegladiatoryou can try the video ther it works09:51
thegladiatorI am mailing those site ppl!09:51
kikothe mixer appears to be unsupported in breezy -- fact/fiction?09:51
thegladiatorhmm playing with me ?09:52
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tafsenIm following this guide https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats?action=show&redirect=AddingJavaSupport , but I can't manage to find java-package with apt09:52
_jasontafsen: have you enabled multiverse?09:53
Seveas!find java-package09:53
ubotujava-package: (utility for building Java(TM) 2 related Debian packages), section multiverse/misc, is optional. Version: 0.26 (breezy), Packaged size: 20 kB, Installed size: 308 kB09:53
thegladiatorfarous, i was trying to send a mail09:53
thegladiatorMAIL FROM command failed: Must issue a STARTTLS command first 39sm1565966nzk09:53
swistakhey, anyone know if it's possible to unrar files inside tar without first untaring it and then unraring. just like with gzip ?09:53
tafsen_jason: http://no.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu ?09:54
farousthegladiator: did you set the send mail part the same way username@gmail.com09:54
_jasontafsen: huh?09:54
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Seveasthegladiator, you need to make it use ssl for smtp...09:54
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tafsen_jason: that adress?? breezy-backports main restricted universe multiverse09:55
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mlopes_hi. is there any way to set up the chosen OS on GRUB before restarting?09:55
thegladiatorfarous, Seveas  yaah thats correct09:55
thehilcan anyone here help me test gnomemeeting by calling t30.homelinux.org ?09:55
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farousthegladiator: ok do you have it opened09:55
_jasontafsen: find the lines that say 'breezy', not 'breezy-backports'09:55
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thegladiatorfarous, yep I did that but...09:55
thegladiatorauthentication ?09:55
thegladiatorPLAIN ? POP before SMTP ?09:55
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thegladiatorplain is okay enuf correct ?09:56
farousserver type smtp09:56
tafsen_jason: I don't have any that just say breezy multiverse09:56
_jasontafsen: most likely, you need to add a 'multiverse' everywhere you see a 'universe'09:56
farousand plain is ok09:56
_jasontafsen: are you comfortable editing that file or would you rather read instructions on using synaptic?09:56
farousserver smtp.gmail.com09:56
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thegladiatorthanks yep got it working now09:56
farousgreat take care09:57
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thegladiatorthanks you too09:57
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tafsen_jason: I can edit source.list if that's what you mean09:57
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pianoboy3333is today update day or something?09:58
_jasontafsen: ok, do you understand what you have to do?09:58
tafsen_jason: Im just gonna write multiverse everywhere I see universe?09:59
SpecialBuddyis there a way to install ubuntu without gnome or kde09:59
_jasontafsen: yes09:59
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_jasontafsen: well, you are going to write 'universe multiverse' everywhere you see 'universe', to be clear09:59
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tafsen_jason: ok. What does that do really?10:00
pianoboy3333SpecialBuddy, I was kinda wondering that too........... Like, is there a way to install ubuntu with just the terminal tho....10:00
_jasontafsen: that adds the multiverse repository, which is where that package is10:00
SpecialBuddyI just want a terminal and that's about it10:00
SpecialBuddymaybe fluxbox10:00
dabaRthe special buddy...10:00
SpecialBuddyhi hi10:00
nmmy sources list for apt-get10:00
pianoboy3333Is there anyway to get some type of linux on a comp w/ only a floppy drive?10:01
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nmis up at http://egremont.dyndns.org/10:01
Kyowhats the difference between breezy and horay besides from stability and security improvement?10:01
pianoboy3333It's a REALLY old thinkpad10:01
doogluspianoboy3333: I've done it before10:01
dabaRSpecialBuddy: install with the server option, then install x-window-system-core, and openbox10:01
nmor not10:01
nmone sec10:01
Xappei'm trying to install breezy server on a p2-366. I've purchased a new 40 GB maxtor that BIOS detects at startup. But when installing the installer hangs at 41% when starting the partitioner ("Scanning disks..." Suggestions?10:01
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pianoboy3333dooglus: w/ wat?10:01
doogluspianoboy3333: a long time ago, with SLS10:01
tafsen_jason: Like this? http://pastebin.com/55832710:01
doogluspianoboy3333: it came on about 20 floppies :)10:01
dabaRXappe: check disc integrity, notice the c vs. k10:02
_jasontafsen: yep10:02
pianoboy3333wine 0.9.8 is taking 4ever....10:02
XappedabaR: how?10:02
Kyopianoboy3333, I wonder if you have an ethernet with that laptop? you can install via network10:02
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SpecialBuddythere's a server option on the ubuntu install?10:03
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pianoboy3333Kyo, nope..... it's running win 3.1 now...10:03
tafsen_jason: thx :)10:03
XappeSpecialBuddy: yes10:03
_jasontafsen: np10:03
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dabaRSpecialBuddy: it is an option, it says when you start, for normal start, press enter, for server, type in server, I think the option is server10:03
farousok a quick question to switch from static ip to dhcp do all i need is just comment the static ip in the network/interfaces file or do i need to specifically say use dhcp10:03
dabaRXappe: it is an option in the install CD, you hit escape to get to it.10:04
SpecialBuddyso I just want the server install and then apt-get the rest?10:04
prada_Seveas: Can you giveme an insight as to how the Ubuntu release cycle connected to Debian ?  ... is it more closely tied to testing or  unstable for Debian ?10:04
dabaRXappe: or you can md5sum the iso, and then compare the result to the proper number.10:04
dabaRSpecialBuddy: ya, that is what I said.10:04
Seveasprada_, unstable (see wiki.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/debian)10:04
Kyopianoboy3333: LOL ... dunno. I guess you can try those micro-linux that fits in a floppy disk10:04
SpecialBuddysounds good10:04
farousSpecialBuddy: do not make a server install if you are planning on using X or using it as a desktop for light desktop check xubuntu10:04
SpecialBuddythanks dabar10:04
ubotuSeveas: parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/10:04
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ubotuDebian is "the rock upon which Ubuntu is founded"; see http://www.debian.org Thank You Ian and DEBra Murdock! 1994 Vers. 0.9.  Debian and Ubuntu http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship/10:05
DShepherdcompiz should come with it's own gnome-window-decoration?10:05
Seveasprada_, --^10:05
Seveas!tell DShepherd about xgl10:05
XappedabaR: ah, the disc is ok...I think it has something to do with hardware or BIOS10:05
farousubuntu with xfce as defaul10:05
prada_Seveas: thanks10:05
pianoboy3333Seveas: how/what parts is ubuntu based on debian?10:05
dabaRXappe: you checked the disc?10:05
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DShepherdSeveas, Much thanks10:05
Seveaspianoboy3333, look at the url ubotu gave10:05
XappedabaR: i've used it for other installs10:05
Thunderbirdin general what modules are these days needed for usb mouses and keyboards?10:06
ThunderbirdI need to get mine up by hand10:06
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Thunderbirdwithout hotplug / murasaki10:06
Thunderbirdtried lots of different combinations but can't get either of them working10:06
dabaRciao tutti10:06
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andriijaswhats the difference between installing using default ubuntu inistall cd and selecting server install and using ubuntu-server cd ?10:08
ale_c'  qualcuno che parla italiano?10:08
thegladiatorthe gmail doesnt delete the mails even if I use POP ?  and it also stores the sent mail list and Inbox list at the server even if I do a POP rcieve ?10:08
thegladiatorusing evolution on Ubuntu10:09
nmthegladiator: you can set your POP preferences from the gmail web UI10:09
psusithegladiator: no... pop just downloads messages from the server and usually deletes them10:09
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ubotuVai su #ubuntu-it o su #kubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie!10:09
nmit isn't evolution settings that are to blame10:09
pianoboy3333What would be a reason not to upgrade ubuntu? How come some people are still running hoary and such?10:09
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psusithegladiator: send mail can not be placed on the server with pop... you need imap for that10:09
nmlog into gmail with your browser and choose the 'settings' link10:09
ale_grazie a te!10:09
Seveaspianoboy3333, download limits for instance10:09
thegladiatorpsusi, seemingly I send a mail from Evolution and it is there in the sent mail folder10:09
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nmpianoboy: laziness10:09
Seveasor simply hoary working just fine10:09
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psusithegladiator: then you are using imap, not pop10:10
thegladiatorI send it from evolution expecting my browser based gmail.com wud know nothing...10:10
pianoboy3333Seveas: but breezy works fine too right?10:10
nmthegladiator: gmail's pop service is somewhat unique, as i said, check your settings10:10
thegladiatorI am using POP and SMTP I guess,thats how I just configured...pop.gmail.com10:10
nmfrom the web interface10:10
Seveaspianoboy3333, sure, but if hoary works and is still supported, why go to breezy?10:10
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adubanyone in here get the orinoco patch drivers working in kismet10:10
Seveaspianoboy3333, one of my servers still runs hoary 10:10
adubneed to get monitor mode working10:10
psusiwith imap the mail stays on the server... including sent mail... the server also keeps track of what messages you have read, and so on... with pop, all that is done on the client..10:11
pianoboy3333Seveas: 'cause it's the newest version.....?10:11
nmpsusi: gmail doesn't support IMAP10:11
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psusimm: if that's the case then your sent mail wouldn't show up in their web interface10:11
Seveaspianoboy3333, that's not always top priority 10:11
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psusimm: and mail you read via the web interface would show up as unread when you open evolution10:11
nmpsusi: IMAP has nothing to do with sent mail10:11
thegladiatorin webinterface I go to setting and this is what I see...10:11
naetrickHow do I tell apt not to check for updates for certain applications?10:11
nmhe uses SMTP to send mail10:11
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nmand POP to receive it10:12
prada_Seveas: isn't the frequent release cycle a sellng pont for Ubuntu ?10:12
Seveaspianoboy3333, if i were to deploy breezy instead of hoary on my cluster, I would need to go to the datacenter for installtests - takes time 10:12
psusinm: imap allows your sent mail folder to be on the server instead of local10:12
naetrickFor example, I don't want it to check for updates for linux-tree, linux-source, etc. Also, do you know when MythTV 0.19 will be "in apt"?10:12
nmpsusi: no, IMAP is a protocol used to receive mail10:12
nmnot send it10:12
RamunasSeveas how do you insert that smile?10:12
thegladiatorthere is this options...10:12
Seveasprada_, for home users yes, for servers: no, there the long term support is the selling point10:12
nmas i said, what appears in your 'Sent Items' folder has nothing to do with IMAP10:12
psusinm: I'm not talking about sending... I'm talking about the copy that is kept in your "Sent Mail" folder10:12
thegladiatorwhen messages are acessed with POP keep Gmails copy in the Inbox!10:12
Seveasin 4 years from now my servers most ikely still run dapper10:12
nmpsusi: only mail you were 'sending' at some point would appear in your 'sent mail' folder10:12
Seveasthegladiator, that's configurable10:13
nmthegladiator: yes, you can change that option10:13
psusinm: with pop it just downloads all messages into local folders, including inbox and sent mail is kept local.. with imap, sent mail is on the server so when you send messages, the copy is stored on the server10:13
dooglusDoes Gmail support IMAP? ( http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=10339&topic=1555 ) Gmail doesn't currently support IMAP access. As part of our ongoing commitment to give our users easy access to their email, we have introduced POP access. We look forward to announcing other new features as they become available.10:13
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thegladiatorSeveas, thats configurable ...but it is alwso working with Send mails10:13
DoctaHow do I set up dual monitors in Xorg?  Does it have a configurator like xf86config?10:13
thegladiatorthats nice10:13
prada_Seveas: would you compare dapper to say debian stable at that tme ?10:13
nmpsusi: again, you're incorrect, the protocol used to receive mail has nothing to do with the 'sent' folder10:13
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nmsince you send mail with SMTP10:13
thegladiatoractually I want everything to rmain As it is even if I use evolution...10:13
thegladiatorI want nothing to be deleted or something ...just as it was before..10:13
psusinm: IMAP allows you to upload messages to the server... this is how the sent mail folder can exist on the server10:14
Seveasprada, it'll still be dapper, what's released in april '06 plus security updates10:14
thegladiatorSo I gues this one is perfect gor me right ?10:14
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thegladiatorI see10:14
nmpsusi: that isn't true10:14
psusinm: yes, it is10:14
Seveasprada_, and most likely a few backports10:14
nmno, it really isn't10:14
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SAAD3000guys is it okey if my wireless lan led light doesn't flash on when i activate the device???10:14
psusinm: go read the RFC, or if you are too lazy to do that, use an imap server and copy a message to a folder on the server... you can't do that with pop10:14
thegladiatornm, so it just keeps a copy of send mails you mean ?10:14
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doogluspsusi: google claim not to support IMAP.  what do you know that they don't?10:15
thegladiatorpsusi, its working with me with POP mayb IMOP is configured them10:15
DCCOLE*** SDL version 1.2.3 not found!10:15
psusithegladiator: are you just talking about your inbox or the sent mail folder?10:15
nmpsusi: i'm well aware that IMAP allows you to do that10:15
thegladiatori dont know10:15
DCCOLEhow do i fix10:15
nmbut you don't SEND mail with IMAP10:15
thegladiatorsent mail folder psusi10:15
Seveas!tell DCCOLE about compiling10:15
prada_Seveas:  I really am trying to undestand the entire release cycles for distros here ... not specfcally ubuntu , since it's very obvious that desktop tech. is movng at a much quicker rate than say the core system ..10:15
tswuh 666 opples here10:15
psusinm: I never said you did... I said the "Sent Mail" folder can only be on the server with imap10:15
nmpsusi: but that isn't at all the case10:15
Seveasprada_, for Ubuntu the release cycle is: release every april and october, 18 months security support for every release10:15
doogluspsusi: google's SMTP server puts the sent mail into the sent 'folder'10:16
thegladiatorI send a mail from Evoolution , there was a copy at Gmail's sned folder of the same....10:16
nmtoo much time reading RFCs has fried your brain10:16
thegladiatordooglus, that explains it I guess thanks ...10:16
=== Kyo looks at matrix screen saver @_@ ... very hypothizing.
nmif you're making that assumption10:16
Seveasprada_, and every approx. 2 years there will be a release with 3 (desktop) to 5 (server) year support10:16
psusidooglus: ohh... that's odd... that wouldn't work very well if you don't use their smtp server then.. heh10:16
DCCOLEmake: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.10:16
nmpsusi: except that it records mail you send using their web interface in the 'sent items' folder as well10:16
thegladiatorso in shout dooglus gmail works as if I dont have evolution running right ?10:17
prada_Seveas: any info / roadmap on the wiki ?10:17
SeveasDCCOLE, read the documentation of whatever you are compiling....10:17
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doogluspsusi: if you don't use gmail's server to send mail, why would you expect the sent mail to end up in your gmail account?10:17
psusinm: right... it's a bit odd to do that on the smtp server side of things... the smtp server isn't supposed to know or care about your inbox10:17
mazatlHello, my sound does not work and I try to run 'alsaconf'10:17
psusinm: when you are sending to someone else that is10:17
mazatlbut it says command not found10:17
dooglusthegladiator: "in shout"?  what's shout?10:17
FlyingSquirrel32If i put a script in init.d and a link in rcS.d, will it be run as root?10:17
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psusidooglus: I wouldn't expect it to end up there either way... that's odd that they hacked their smtp server to do that10:18
thegladiatordooglus, sorry short*10:18
Seveasprada_, that IS the roadmap  the roadmap per release is determined on the semi-anually Ubuntu conferences, the one for dapper is at DapperRoadmap on the wiki iirc10:18
thegladiatorso in short dooglus gmail works as if I dont have evolution running right ?10:18
SeveasFlyingSquirrel32, yes10:18
Elreinoanyone can help me? my gnome lags10:18
nmwe archived sent mail server-side10:18
dooglusthegladiator: oh, i see.  I didn't stick with the evolution/gmail combination for more than an hour or so.  it just wasn't working well for me.10:18
nmusing SMTP10:18
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nmand by 'we' i mean the isp i worked at before i started school10:18
=== marseillai vous souhaite une bonne nuit!
nmwhatever you like sir10:19
DCCOLEhow do i install SDL10:19
SeveasDCCOLE, read the wikipage ubotu sent you...10:19
fishdishwhat about running Ubuntu on a MIPS processor? the next computer i have is a MIPS -based development board that represents a handheld. If i build a Debian kernel with MIPS support and then build Ubuntu on top of it, will it work?10:19
thegladiatorit seems even if I have my POP running and evolution downloads or sends the mail , gmail takes it as if it is done in the web interface!10:19
FlyingSquirrel32Seveas: any ideas why I might be able to run the link with sudo but when I restart the machine it doens't?10:19
psusinm: that's an odd thing to do... usually the smtp server just forwards mail to another smtp server, or drops it in the local user's mailbox...10:19
nmodd is a relative term10:19
Seveasfishdish, possibly, but you're the first to do that so you WILL run into problems. Better use debian 10:19
psusinm: with that kind of hack, you will not get mail in your gmail sent folder if you don't use their smtp server, and your local sent mail folder in evolution isn't sycned with the gmail one10:20
DCCOLEi did but it says cant find SDL10:20
=== GTX [n=GTX@host-82-136-48-134.gtx-network.net] has joined #ubuntu
psusiwould be much better to use imap10:20
mazatlHi, I have no sound on my fresh Ubuntu install, what do I have to run?10:20
thegladiatorwell I guess gmail's plicy is unique actually10:20
nmpsusi: if you use their web UI or their smtp server10:20
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SeveasFlyingSquirrel32, depends on the name it has  in rcS.d and what it does10:20
nmit will still end up in the sent folder10:20
psusinm: right....10:20
=== chavo [n=chavo@fl-atlnfl-u3-c4b-189.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
slide23Im trying to think of the name of another http server (now apache), its got a paper airplaine as its logo, does anyone know what im talking about? hehe10:20
psusinm: but use evolution with another smtp server and it won't... an now evolution is keeping a local sent mail folder that is out of sync with the gmail one10:21
prada_Seveas: Yes, I am aware of that ... I'm pokng for the server/desktop "versions" info  if you could so call it for Ubuntu ... I'm looking at macro stuff in the sense that how would a dapper server install compare to more commercial offerngs and the viability at the time of release10:21
thegladiatornm, so I can just hook up any of my accounts and download everything without losing the copy in gmail10:21
nmif you use a different smtp server you obviously have two mail accounts10:21
nmthegladiator: yes, as long as your gmail settings are configured as such10:21
nmjust make sure it is set to keep messages10:21
nmeven after they are downloaded using POP10:21
psusinm: you wouldn't have that problem if you used imap... plus the problem of the read status of the messages aren't in sync, so if you read it on the web, then open evoluiton, it shows up as unread10:21
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nmwell, send an email to the gmail team10:22
nmand suggest they implement IMAP10:22
thegladiatoryears back when I did this , they killed the mail !10:22
Seveasprada_, terrible. The good thing about RHEL and SLES is being certified for all kinds of commercial products. Ubuntu is just starting its certification programme (the only certification so far is DB2).10:22
=== bj_ [n=bj@ool-4352a839.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
nmbut they have the web interface, imap isn't really necessary10:22
thegladiatorthats why I never bothered to use a client ...10:22
FlyingSquirrel32Seveas: didn't know name matters. name: kdc.sh code:domainname home   /usr/sbin/krb5kdc10:22
psusinm: so?  usually you're going to use a local smtp server from your isp... you're perfectly free to do so and send mail with the From: field identifying your gmail account instead10:22
thegladiatorwhich one is better thunderbird or evolution any opinions ?10:22
SeveasFlyingSquirrel32, rename the link to S99kdc.sh10:23
nmpsusi: not if your isp knows anything about properly configuring their smtp servers10:23
=== Thunderbird [n=roderick@roderick64.student.utwente.nl] has joined #ubuntu
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psusinm: unless you prefer to use a real mail cleint to the web interface and keep them in sync10:23
Thunderbirdis there anything needed to get udev working?10:23
FlyingSquirrel32Seveas: ok. why?10:23
ThunderbirdI can't get my usb mouse and keyboard working10:23
Thunderbirdit worked before10:23
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adubwill ndiswrapper allow my wifi card to go into monitor mode??10:23
SeveasFlyingSquirrel32, only S* and K* scripts are run (Start and Kill)10:23
nmwhat isp are you using that doesn't require you to properly authenticate with your isp assigned email address and send from it only?10:23
Seveasadub, no10:23
DCCOLEWhere Can i Find the SDL10:24
nmi'll sell the name of it to spammers10:24
nmthey'll sign up right away10:24
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psusinm: wrong... their server accepts messages from you because you are in their network... smtp servers don't check the From header, you can put whatever you like there.. I have 6 email accounts but I allways use my local smtp server for all of them10:24
fishdishSeveas ... okays. I just think that it would be nice to have the device with ubuntu. Debian would run on it anyways10:24
thegladiatorin thy opinion , Evolution orThunderbird ?10:24
SeveasDCCOLE, if you had actually read the page: apt-cache search sdl | grep dev10:24
prada_Seveas: hmmm ... any idea on the kind of certifications ?10:24
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FlyingSquirrel32Seveas: oh. slight technicality :) and the 99?10:24
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amphiDCCOLE: don't shout - apt-cache search sdl10:24
adubseveas do you know anything about getting an orinoco gold in monitor mode this card i have been following the tutorial on ubuntuforums but no luck on the tutorial i error on #make10:24
fishdish&me is going to shuffle the debian docs...10:24
=== wastrel [n=wastrel@dsl254-127-242.nyc1.dsl.speakeasy.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveasprada_, things like oracle and other commercial software, similarly to RHEL and SLES - with the big difference that SLES and RHEL are quite expensive and Ubuntu is free10:25
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nmpsusi: well i wouldn't do that10:25
nmnor would any security minded individuals i know10:25
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Seveasprada_, you really should contact canonical if you want more info10:25
nmi'm not saying you can't, and if you want to10:25
nmand are concerned10:25
nmas i said10:25
[Jonne] does anyone have problems reaching the repo's?10:26
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nmsend an email from one of your six accounts10:26
nmto the gmail team10:26
adubhttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131197&highlight=orinoco       <------ to anyone that can help me with orinoco patch drivers there is my output10:26
psusinm: wouldn't do what?  use the closest and fastest server availible? rather than one half way across the world?10:26
nmexpressing your interest in IMAP10:26
erik__Hello all10:26
steen Hey there. I need help connecting my stationary to my laptop via ieee1394. I got the eth1394 up and running and I can ping with answer. Now what? Laptop Ubunti live, stationary SimplyMepis. Need to move some files thats all...10:26
mazatlHow do I configure sound if alsaconf does not work?10:26
psusinm: I don't have a gmail account... so I don't really care...10:26
nmi use the smtp server of the company who's assigned me the address10:26
Seveasprada_, they can give much more (and much more accurate) info - I am not too interestedd in that part of Ubuntu and have not been following it very well10:26
nmand i don't allow open use of any smtp server i am in charge of10:26
Seveasnm, why not, spammeers would love you 10:27
[Jonne] i can reach archive.ubuntu.org fine on one box (by pinging it), but if i do apt-get update, it returns 'temporary failure resolving 'archive.ubuntu.com'10:27
wastrelwhat's the program that identifies the os over the network?10:27
psusinm: it isn't an open relay... the server checks your IP addy to see if you are ok to send, or requires you to login... it never looks at the From field...10:27
crimsunwastrel: nmap10:27
nmseveas: i got too much love where i worked before10:27
[Jonne] wastrel: you mean nmap?10:27
psusinm: a lot of people at work are behind a firewall and can't directly reach outside smtp servers.. in that case, you have to use the local smtp server10:27
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Seveaspsusi, that's why they invented tunnelling 10:28
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psusiSeveas: no need... just give it to the company smtp server and let it worry about delivering it10:28
wastrelheh ok yes it is nmap10:28
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prada_Seveas: yeah ... thanks anyway.10:28
wastrelthere was a separate one once upon a time10:28
wastreli forgot nmap can do that :] 10:29
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nmnmap with the -O option attempts to do o/s fingerprinting10:29
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nmworks best if there is at least one open port, and one port that isn't firewalled, but is still closed10:29
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eugmanHow can I check my local ip?10:29
mark__can someone reccomend me a code editor to use that supports python, perl, php etc10:29
Seveasmark__, vim10:29
amphieugman: ifconfig10:29
wastreleugman:  nmap localhost10:29
farousmark__: for python spe is great10:30
farousmark__: but you might consider eclipse10:30
DCCOLEokay but what packade do i use10:30
steenI need help connecting my stationary to my laptop via ieee1394. I got the eth1394 up and running and I can ping with answer. Now what? Laptop Ubunti live, stationary SimplyMepis. Need to move some files thats all...10:30
DCCOLEit still say sdl version 1.2.3  isnt installed????10:30
mark__farous, eclipse works with a wide range of things?10:30
SeveasDCCOLE, libsdl1.2-dev10:30
mark__I tried vim10:30
amphiDCCOLE: install the dev package10:30
farousyap and thats the beauty of it10:31
mark__but it was a bit strange10:31
Seveasmark__, hehe 10:31
=== Icebird [n=Icebird@adsl-84-227-237-124.adslplus.ch] has joined #ubuntu
mark__I thought eclipse only supported java10:31
amphimark__: heresy!10:31
Seveasmark__, pyclipse plugin 10:31
=== amphi anathematises mark__
RamunasSeveas how do you put that smile?10:31
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farouslol i found woring with vim a little bit strange too10:31
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SeveasRamunas, x-chat autoreplace can do funny things10:31
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=== Seveas vim
amphifarous: whoring with vim??10:32
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faroustrying to use it amphi is a better way to put it10:32
=== polpak <3 vim <3
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farousany way quite happy with spe10:32
=== psusi hugs emacs
ubotuAhh, too bad, I really thought so...10:33
=== ProfessorChaos02 [n=jmioph@64-60-124-253.cust.telepacific.net] has joined #ubuntu
nmhot for emacs and imap10:33
=== Seveas was kicked off #ubuntu by Seveas (don't fuss with the bot)
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nmi should have known10:33
adubhttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131197&highlight=orinoco       <------ to anyone that can help me with orinoco patch drivers there is my output10:34
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=== cyphase just got accused of hacking into a college file server
=== LinuxJones [n=willy@hlfxns01bbh-142177206073.ns.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
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nmway to cover your tracks10:35
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amphicyphase: you are t3h 3vil ;)10:35
=== psusi actually just started messing with imap recently... put had been putting up with pop3 for 10 years and finally decided to try something new
cyphasewell, not accused exactly..10:35
=== beaz [n=beaz@e178076037.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #ubuntu
mark__can someone give me a sudo apt-get install thingy to download eclipse plugins to support python'/perl/php10:35
cyphasebut the guy pretty much told everyone that i'd hacked into it10:35
nmcyphase: prove you didn't, sue for slander/libel10:35
wastrelok for my next trick, i have a nice blue gnome theme, and changed the gdm theme to a nice blue one, but the gnome loading screen is still the brown human theme - how do i change that?10:35
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nmcall it a day10:35
nmcall it a win10:35
LinuxJonesmy fonts look a bit edgy on new laptop can someone help ?10:36
wastrel<3 imap10:36
cyphasenm, i've been thinking about it :P10:36
psusiI set up an imap server at work and a little bash script to fetch lkml messages from lkml.org... ~17000 messages since jan 1 and it's working perfectly... heh10:36
wastreli'm setting it up today10:36
nmimap is cool when you want to be checking the same mail from a bunch of different places10:36
nmthats where POP becomes super-annoying10:36
=== josea_huelva [n=joseabla@84-122-146-86.onocable.ono.com] has joined #ubuntu
wastrelhaven't bothered for a few months since i installed ubuntu but i looooved having imap10:36
psusinm: exactly10:36
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wastrelit's also good if you like to try different mail clients10:36
paquinhi there10:36
cyphaseall i did was boot a linux live cd on a desktop computer there10:36
=== Psico_Indie [n=rafael@201009008056.user.veloxzone.com.br] has joined #ubuntu
paquinis there a way to change the image that is shown when ubuntu is loading??10:37
amphicyphase: really? and the dunce said you were 'hacking'?10:37
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Seveas!tell paquin about usplash10:37
amphiwastrel: you forgot mutt ;)10:37
nmsounds like physical security at that 'college' site is excellent10:37
wastrelamphi:  well mutt goes without saying :] 10:37
cyphaseamphi, he got the information from someone else10:37
nmif you were able to just toss in a CD and boot from it10:37
=== ltibor65 [n=ltibor65@dsl5400E432.pool.t-online.hu] has joined #ubuntu
cyphaseamphi, and that person happens to be offended by me10:38
cyphasefor whatever reason10:38
=== farous wouldn't it be great if there is tab completion in the address bar of firefox for websites :) i am spoilled by linux
cyphaseso he might just be repeating false information from someone else10:38
cyphaseand you know how they have monitoring programs on school computers..10:38
polpakfarous, agreed. That would be nice. Someone should make a plugin10:38
amphifarous: in its advanced stages, the tab-disease makes you attempt to tab-complete words as you think them10:39
DCCOLEwhat is libjpeg??10:39
cyphasei think he might have sniffed my password when i tried to SSH into this computer from there10:39
nmcyphase: so why are you booting from a livecd if you arn't the administrator?10:39
wastrelanyone know how to re-theme the gnome loading screen?  i don't like the brown default theme10:39
farousamphi: lol :)10:39
amphiDCCOLE: a library for reading/writing jpeg image files, startlingly10:39
cyphasenm, i wanted to see if it would work, because they had this hardware protection thing10:39
farouspolpak: :)10:39
=== phos-phoros [n=phos-pho@unaffiliated/phos-phoros] has joined #ubuntu
cyphasenot very good, consdiering it worked :P10:39
DCCOLEokay do you know the package name???10:39
polpakcyphase, how could he sniff the password from ssh ? it's encrypted... ?10:39
nmpolpak: a keylogger?10:40
cyphasepolpak, i meant keylogged10:40
amphifarous: there is a perl script for irssi that lets you tab-complete all words ;)10:40
cyphaseso i've changed it10:40
polpakcyphase, but weren't you using a linux live cd?10:40
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amphiDCCOLE: apt-cache search libjpeg10:40
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farousamphi: am using tab completion on irssi but not for all words will go hunt it down then :)10:40
=== Kensler [n=ethan@ip-206-123-222-14.fasttrackcomm.net] has joined #ubuntu
cyphasepolpak, yes10:41
amphifarous: it's on/linked from irssi.org10:41
=== pianoboy3333 [n=pianoboy@ool-43567d61.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #ubuntu
pianoboy3333It seems there was a new kernel today?10:41
amphifarous: needless to say, it's almost unusable10:41
cyphasepianoboy3333, yes10:41
polpakpianoboy3333, yes, and a new version of wine from winehq10:41
farousamphi: :(10:41
pianoboy3333cyphase: right10:41
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cyphasepolpak, and it isn't downloading, probably because traffic :)10:41
=== eugman [n=eugene@c-67-171-89-103.hsd1.pa.comcast.net] has joined #ubuntu
xualoroot@linux:/# apt-get install mplayer10:42
xualoReading package lists... Done10:42
xualoBuilding dependency tree... Done10:42
xualoE: Couldn't find package mplayer10:42
xualo<---- any reason why cant find the package on the net?10:42
pianoboy3333cyphase: yet grub only shows the 12-10? Correct? or do i have to fix it?10:42
cyphasepolpak, i mean wine10:42
polpakcyphase, yeah, I had to retry like 20 times to get the whole thing10:42
=== AntMaz [n=4|\|7M42@69-160-116-109.chvlva.adelphia.net] has joined #ubuntu
cyphasepianoboy3333, it's an update to 12-1010:42
cyphasepianoboy3333, so it'll sill say 12-1010:42
pianoboy3333cyphase: and the loading screen is blue?10:42
=== Parkotron [n=parker@fctnnbsc16w-156034219132.nb.aliant.net] has joined #ubuntu
eugmanHey any ideas why ssh -X might now be having any effect different from ssh?10:42
ltibor65Hi Guys! Please help me! How can I reload Grub to MBR after reinstalling Windows XP?10:42
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slide23Has anyone setup lighttp on ubuntu or know of a guide/deb for it?10:42
cyphasepianoboy3333, huh? mine was the same.. at least the kernel boot. i didn't go into the grub menu10:43
=== pavelek [n=pavelek@ct102.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #ubuntu
cyphasepolpak, i haven't quite hit 20 yet :P10:43
nmltibor65: just run grub-install again10:43
nmnormally if you want to dual-boot, it saves a lot of hassle to install windows first10:43
eugmanltibor65 I used the installcd to reinstall but leaving the filestructure intact but I'm pretty sure there is a less messy way10:43
amphiltibor65: I would boot from cd, mount the hd / somewhere, chroot to it, and run grub-install - but there may be a better way(tm)10:43
=== dtamas [n=dtamas@IP-115.c-211.TvNetWork.Hu] has joined #ubuntu
xualoanyone please?10:44
LinuxJonesArgh someone please help my fonts look like crap on notebooks' LCD screen !!10:44
Drac[Server] I want to install a new sound card in this machine. What will I need to do to get it to work if it doesn't right away?10:44
pianoboy3333cyphase: what is the kernel, it's not a different version of ubuntu? What would happen if I ran the 12-9?10:44
eugmanHey what difference does the -X in ssh -X supposed to do exactly?10:44
nmxualo: http://easylinux.info/wiki/Ubuntu#How_to_install_Multimedia_Player_.28MPlayer.29_with_Plug-in_for_Mozilla_Firefox10:44
trappisteugman: it allows X forwarding10:44
Seveaseugman, on a default ubuntu system: nothing ;)10:44
wastreleugman:  man ssh  baby10:44
trappisteugman: so you can run gui apps on the remote machine, and they'll display locally10:45
wastreli was thinking someone should write a man howto10:45
eugmanRight any idea why it might not be doing that?10:45
cyphasepianoboy3333, it would run10:45
Seveas(eugman: that one is on by default in Ubuntu)10:45
eugmanI have the ssh server set up but not configed10:45
adubwhat compiler matches the ubuntu kernel for 5.10/breezy10:45
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Seveaseugman, the server has to allow it too (default Ubuntu does it)10:45
trappistadub: 3.410:45
=== Pluk [n=Pluk@12-68-dsl.ipact.nl] has joined #ubuntu
wastreli definitely get a lot more out of man pages now that i've been using them for 10+ years  i would have loved some hints on reading them back when i was getting started10:45
trappistadub: gcc-3.410:45
eugmando I have to open the program from the server like type firefox in terminal?10:45
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xualocheers nm10:45
adubtrappist gez i still can not get these stupid drivers to compile properly i dont knwo what it could be10:46
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eugmanor is it supposed to be more like vnc10:46
trappistadub: what drivers, and what's the problem10:46
Seveaseugman, firefox and remote is stupid10:46
nmxualo: indeed, check out that site if you have more questions of that nature10:46
Seveasbut for any other gui app: yes10:46
Seveas(in the terminal)10:46
=== pianoboy3333 [n=pianoboy@ool-43567d61.dyn.optonline.net] has left #ubuntu ["Ex-Chat"]
xualoyeah for sure man10:46
aduborinoco gold patch drivers to get monitor mode working on my card with kismet10:46
xualothanks alot for the link10:46
adubhttp://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=131197&highlight=orinoco       <------ to anyone that can help me with orinoco patch drivers there is my output10:46
eugmanI have a diskless terminal running off a live cd. is it still dumb?10:46
=== Exposure [n=Exposure@cc569857-a.ensch1.ov.home.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Merturk_NBis there a radius server precompiled for ubuntu?10:47
nmmerturk_NB: i don't know about precompiled, but try out freeradius10:47
trappisteugman: Seveas misspoke - it's *usually* dumb.  sometimes there are good reasons to do it.10:47
adubthe above trappist is the error of my compile  and i did  CC=gcc-3.4 prior to compiling to make sure the correct compilier was used10:47
nmif you mean a binary package, i'm sure you can find one somewhere10:47
nmbut it is a small package, easy to compile10:47
=== Rat [n=Raistlin@63-87-213-133.res.nb.dhcp.sigecom.net] has joined #ubuntu
Seveastrappist, I mean that firefox is acting dumb when started remotely 10:47
trappistadub: someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I think orinoco chipsets are supported by the madwifi drivers, which are shipped with ubuntu10:48
polpakMerturk_NB, There's Freeradius, radiusd-cistron and radiusd-livingston10:48
Merturk_NBanything opensource for windows?10:48
polpakMerturk_NB, and xtradius10:48
SeveasMerturk_NB, this is #ubuntu, not #windows...10:48
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adubtrappist  yeah but monitor mode doesnt work my card does work properly but the monitor mode part of my card does not10:48
eugmanCould you elaborate on the cognative impairment of a remotely used firefox?10:48
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Seveaseugman, if you start it locally first and then try to start it remotely, it will simply open a new window locally10:49
Seveasand the other way around10:49
eugmanah k10:49
Seveasfirefox is really annoying10:49
Seveasit has all kinds of 'features' like this10:49
trappistSeveas: yeah there is that.  I don't even know HOW it manages to screw that up.10:49
eugmanas long as I can still do it remotely I can deal with that10:49
trappistso when I use firefox remotely, I use konqueror locally.10:49
adubtrappist do you have any suggestions10:50
farousSeveas: but it is better then other browsers. Using opera9 preview2 myself but firefox for my needs is ok10:50
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adubi mean i could copy my kismet.conf file but i dont think the problem is within that10:50
eugmannow what were to happen if I were to use a gui-less live cd like salvare and typed firefox remotely? Big errors? Anyway to access gui over ssh?10:50
Seveasfarous, opera s[censored] lls imho 10:51
nmeugman: likely errors about not being able to connect to a display10:51
SeveasI use firefox and sometimes epiphany10:51
nmbrb, need food10:51
wastrelanyone know how i can change the theme of the gnome loading screen?  i changed gdm and gnome themes but the loading screen is still the brown human theme...10:51
adubactually brb i have a sure fire was to test if its kismet10:51
adubdoubt it is though10:51
farousSeveas: scensored ? sorry did not understand :)10:51
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Seveasfarous, I said something quite negative, let's keep it at that 10:51
polpakwastrel, you're talking about after you enter your user/pass but before it loads your theme?10:51
farousSeveas: ok10:52
trappistadub: from that error message it looks like a bug in the driver code10:52
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wastrelpolpak:  yes, where it shows the status window for gnome startup10:52
cyphasehow do you check ssh logs again?10:52
trappistadub: your kismet error message might be helpful10:52
wastrelsplash screen thx rambo10:52
xualoi think my apt-get its fu*#$##$  up its says this thing (E: Couldn't find package mplayer-386)10:53
oklinuxany one here try mepis before jump to ubuntu ?10:53
rambo3and offcourse : http://www.gnome-look.org/index.php?xsortmode=high&page=010:53
farousxualo: look at your source list you might need to enable extra repos and watch language here10:53
Drac[Server] I'm shocked... Still unanswered?10:54
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RatHey, I was wondering if any of you guys knew of the following problem: After installing ubunt on my computer and it gets done installing the base system and it all I get this all colored screen.10:54
rambo3is mplayer in ubuntu repos? thay had some bad policy while making free software10:54
RatAnd nothing runs10:54
ubotumethinks mplayer is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MplayerInstallHowto  For compiling, see: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3106110:55
DCCOLEconfigure: error: SDL_image library10:55
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wastrelrambo3:  it's in universe10:55
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wastrelrambo3:  in breezy at least10:56
thegladiatorhwo can I make thunderbird my default application ?10:56
eugmanok so is there any way to load a gui from the terminal or would that make things impossible because of the now obscured terminal10:56
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=== psycose [n=psycose@d80-170-66-195.cust.tele2.fr] has joined #ubuntu
thegladiatoremail app i.e10:56
rambo3more of a rethorical question10:56
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farousthegladiator: goto prefereed application under system>pref10:56
thegladiatoryep thank you10:56
DCCOLEconfigure: error: SDL_image library10:56
prada_DCCOLE: what about it10:56
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DCCOLEhow do i get it10:57
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prada_the error or SDL_image ? :) .. apt-cache search sdl and install the lbsdl-dev package or something ...10:58
SeveasDCCOLE, *sigh* just read that wiki page about compiling, use apt-cache creatively and install what comes out of it...10:58
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nmheh, is there a bind-chroot debian package?10:59
cyphasehe tried to SSH into my computer..10:59
DCCOLEi tryed that no luck10:59
nmif not, there ought to be10:59
Drac[Server] I want to install a new sound card in this machine. What will I need to do to get it to work if it doesn't right away?10:59
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nmi mean granted, it was quite easy to install bind in a chroot jail just using the normal package10:59
nmbut still10:59
Seveas!find bind10:59
thegladiatorfarous, but what shud I type instaed of evolution %s in command line ? ( system-prefernces-prefered app11:00
thegladiatorsorry got it :)11:00
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nmthegladiator: thunderbird-bin?11:00
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slide23Does anyone know of a how to or guide for creating a deb from some source for ubuntu?11:00
farousthegladiator: that for you to figure i use evolution exclusivley did not even bother to download thunderbird11:00
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thegladiatornot that nm11:01
prada_DCCOLE: libsdl-image1.2-dev11:01
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farousthegladiator: try dpkg -L thunderbird |grep bin11:01
nmi only use thunderbird in mac os x11:01
nmfor RSS feeds11:01
progrockanyone know how to play a 3gp file?11:02
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thegladiatoryepp. btw , I had program listing in the same mnu so got it worknig11:02
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faroussearch what is the binary file name with this command if thunderbird is the packagename11:02
YaSTppl.. I got my keyboard lyaout right when I installed dapper11:02
YaSTbut after I did a system upgrade11:02
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thegladiatorprogrock, why not install the codecs package11:02
YaSTthe keyboard layout got fucked11:02
prada_Seveas: does ubotu have a package search feature ?11:02
Seveasprada_, !find11:02
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thegladiatorprogrock, install all codecs , wincodecs i.e111:02
bimberislide23: start here - wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU11:02
prada_!find sdl11:02
progrockthegladiator, whats the package name?11:02
slide23bimberi, ty :)11:03
thegladiatorubotu, tell progrock about codecs11:03
bimberislide23: yw :)11:03
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YaSTit is right on the options when I go on 'System -> Preferences -> Keyboard'11:03
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ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic11:03
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macdonalubuntus tele me about xconfig11:03
DCCOLE SDL_net library needed11:03
macdonalubuntus tell me about xconfig11:03
DCCOLEarghh this is a pain11:03
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thegladiatorprogrock, try this also !restricted11:04
ubotu[restricted]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed here can be replaced by !FreeFormats11:04
prada_!fnd mplayer11:04
ubotuprada_: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/11:04
wastrell8r thx for the info11:04
=== andy_ [n=andy@82-37-175-18.cable.ubr03.wals.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #ubuntu
adubanyone get monitor mode working with orinoco gold classic11:04
macdonalubotu tell me about xconfig11:04
prada_!find mplayer11:04
ubotuUbuntu Package Listing of 'mplayer' (11 shown): mozilla-mplayer ;; mplayer-386 ;; mplayer-586 ;; mplayer-686 ;; mplayer-custom ;; mplayer-doc ;; mplayer-fonts ;; mplayer-k6 ;; mplayer-k7 ;; mplayer-nogui ;; xmms-xmmplayer.11:04
Drac[Server] DCCOLE, install the SDL_net package. :P11:04
progrocklol, yeah the !easysource is broken.. well maybe jsu tnever implemented11:04
DCCOLEwhats the package name???11:04
thegladiatorprada, use mplayer...thats the best :)11:04
foopubMy screen is using 640x480 resolution, but I want 1024x768, and I've left no other options in xorg.conf. Yet, in System > Preferences > Screen Resolution only gives 640x480 as an option. I'm on a Inspiron 1100 laptop. Anyone have any ideas?11:04
cyphasewoohoo, wine finally installed :)11:04
progrockneither is !restricted tho, odd11:04
farousprada i think it would be better to msg ubot in private /msg ubotu11:04
Drac[Server] DCCOLE, sdl_net....11:04
KyoSo if I have my own mail server for my linux box, I can make an email like kyo@witheringtohome.com?11:05
thegladiatorprogrock, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats11:05
tattersDoes anyone know of a package like phpgroupware that works with apache2?11:05
macdonalcan someone tell me about configuring my xserver again for the screen resolution..?11:05
thegladiatorgo to that page has all the info you have11:05
ubotu[xcfg]  to reconfigure your xserver, open a terminal and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"11:05
Seveas^-- macdonal11:05
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prada_thegladiator: I've been using it for more than 6 years now ...11:05
progrockthegladiator, wouldnt automatrix install all of those?11:05
thegladiatormplayer nah ?11:05
YaSTI can I cange My Keyboard layout on X and console and everything to United Kingdom keyboard layout ?11:05
YaSThelp me pls11:05
Seveas!tell progrock about automatix11:05
prada_thegladiator: yes11:05
davrocurrently running breezy, and im trying to use gtk-gnutella but its telling me that is running an old version, any ideas of howto upgrade using apt ?11:05
thegladiatorprogrock, never used that one...perhaps asks the lads11:05
thegladiatorprada, from terminal or GUI ?11:05
DCCOLEnope no luck in search11:05
Seveasthegladiator, you shouln't use it11:06
thegladiatorgreat I am a fan of mplayer also11:06
prada_thegladiator: both ...11:06
Seveasit's pure evil in its worst form 11:06
YaSTI can I cange My Keyboard layout on X and console and everything to United Kingdom keyboard layout ? pls someone ?11:06
=== farous haven't been called a lad for some years now ;)
Drac[Server] DCCOLE, do you have all of the repositories enabled?11:06
thegladiatorah me prefers terminal11:06
thegladiatorsorry guys :)11:06
=== farous poke thegladiator in his arm
thegladiatorSeveas, Sorry I come from a non english speaking country :)11:06
DCCOLEi got it11:07
SeveasDavey, grab a deb from the gtk-gnutella site11:07
farousthegladiator: most of us here i think are that too including me11:07
thegladiatorso excuse me11:07
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muepehh... I got xgl&compiz working but for some reason I don't have the transparency menu in titlebar menu :(11:07
thegladiatorprogrock, never used that one...perhaps asks the Gentlemen out here :)11:07
YaSTmuep, no one has11:07
muepwobbly windows and cube work great, though11:07
YaSTcause there is no version of compiz11:07
YaSTwith that11:07
thegladiatorhey ...what are you guys complaining about now ? :)11:07
muepI hope it'll come soon11:07
YaSTthere is a script11:08
Seveasxgl is pure gui11:08
YaSTname opacity11:08
Seveasit's so cool 11:08
YaSTthat does the trick11:08
YaSTSeveas, true11:08
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YaSTand Im using it on a laptop11:08
mueptransset doesn't work?11:08
farousSeveas: pitty the how to is only for dapper11:08
Drac[Server] Isn't there a !thing about punctuation?11:08
YaSTwith a Intel 915GM graphic card11:08
jonoxerAnyone seen a problem with Dapper in the last week where keyboard input starts auto-repeating on the period (.) character after an hour or two of uptime? It's like someone holds their finger on the . key, and it's happened to me on 3 different machines in the last week, nothing common between them except tracking latest Dapper11:08
ubotuplease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. Write in complete sentences and keep your replies and questions on one line if possible. Thanks!11:08
Gyuszkby all11:08
Drac[Server] Thanks, Seveas. :)11:08
muepfarous: but dapper's coming soon11:09
bimberiSeveas: i have to ask :)  - how do you do the character (btw i cut/paste to get that one)?11:09
farousmuep: would be great if it comes with dapper though i highly doubt it ;) perhaps in backports11:09
muepbut it's already in universe11:09
DCCOLEokay after i get the package11:09
DCCOLEhow do i make the File11:09
muepis it going to get removed?11:09
thegladiator* lad : an australian teen who thinks they are gods gift women and men alike11:10
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thegladiatorpeople in high schools who think there cool.11:10
Drac[Server] DCCOLE, the package does it. If you need it for compiling, you might try the -dev extension.11:10
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Seveasbimberi, x-chat autoreplace11:10
farousmuep: i do not have dapper so do not know completely ignorent in the dark. talking about xgl though11:10
thegladiatorsorry for the offtopic remark11:10
bimberiSeveas: ah, kk 11:10
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muepI thought it would stay in universe for the eye candy suckers :)11:11
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bj_hey guys is there a way to get mp3's to play in rythymbox? I installed gstreamer-mad but it still seems to not seem them. reboot?11:11
luis_first time using ubuntu, I want to install xampp, but it says I don't have suficient priviledges11:11
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muepluis_: use sudo11:11
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muepsudo apt-get install xampp11:11
luis_whats sudo11:11
prada_bj_:  you might need to do a gst-register11:12
rambo3point him to synaptic or whats it called11:12
muepit runs a single command as root11:12
_jasonubotu: tell luis_ about sudo11:12
Seveasluis_, don't use xampp, use Ubuntu packages11:12
meuserj|workluis_: don't install xampp...  everything it installs is already available in Apt, and easier to install/upgrade that way11:12
bj_prada: is that a command?11:12
steenHey there. I need to connect my laptop to my stationary. Laptop running ubuntu live. Connected via ieee1394. How do I make ip?11:12
prada_bj_: yup11:12
Seveasluis_, sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-php5 php5-mysql mysql-server-4.111:12
Drac[Server] I'm trying to install Wine Tools. I thought it installed with WINE. Apparently it doesn't. What am I missing?11:12
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luis_thanks guys, I will look on sudo11:13
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muepluis: just put sudo in front of the commands that need root access11:13
snoozixluis_: you can just add a normal root password if you want.11:13
snoozixluis_: if you want it the normal unixish way.11:14
muepor you can use sudo su11:14
snoozixluis_: try "sudo passwd" if you want to, after this you can easily login directly as root or use su.11:14
davrodoes anyone know howto convert avi/mpg files to sony psp movies mpeg4, howto/tutorials ?11:14
snoozixmuep: no.11:14
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[Ubuntu] BugHey i want to install gftp but i dont have internet access to download the appropriate packages... i enabled the universe thing but i think i need the packages...?11:14
luis_I am really new to linux, so I still need alot of more research on it.11:15
steenFileshare via ieee1394. Can anyone help?11:15
Syco54645hi i have 2 drives that are not mounted at boot time, but i would like to make them mountable.  what do i need to put into my fstab (they are ext3 drives)11:15
luis_but I will try to follow all of your advice thanks11:15
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muepsnoozix: 'no.' was a reply to what?11:15
rambo3luis_ use add remove programs ; i forst of all use ubuntu wiki11:16
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luis_how do u add a root password11:16
Syco54645luis_: sudo passwd root11:16
snoozixmuep or you can use sudo su11:16
bimberiSyco54645: with a line in /etc/fstab like "/dev/hda4       /media/hda4     ext3    defaults        0       0"11:16
muepsnoozix: I always have used sudo su11:16
snoozixmuep: that's not correct.11:16
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muepwhen I have needed to11:17
Seveasmuep, sudo -i is better11:17
snoozixmuep: than you would first have to set a password.11:17
Seveassnoozix, no11:17
Syco54645bimberi: what is the dump and the pass option?11:17
Seveassudo su will work11:17
snoozixSeveas: ?11:17
muepsnoozix: no need for password11:17
rambo3sudo -i11:17
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snoozixSeveas: without setting a root password?11:17
Seveasbecause it makes you run su as root ;)11:17
mueproot can use 'su' without password11:17
andy_can some help me on  installing nmap plz, sudo gives me a error11:17
Seveasandy_, error on the pastebin please11:17
snoozixah allright11:17
luis_I am gona go and try sudo11:17
snoozixgot the point11:17
muepand with sudo I am 'root'11:17
snoozixsorry :)11:17
steenCan anyone help me connecting two computers via firewire?11:17
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bimberiSyco54645: geez, i'd have to look at "man dump" to answer that :)11:18
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andy_You might want to run apt-get -f install to correct these:11:18
andy_The following packages have unmet dependencies:11:18
andy_  language-support-en: Depends: mozilla-firefox-locale-en-gb but it is not going to be installed11:18
andy_  nmap: Depends: libpcre3 (>= 4.5) but it is not going to be installed11:18
andy_E: Unmet dependencies. Try apt-get -f install with no packages (or specify a solution).11:18
snoozixi was just wrong :)11:18
=== ajmitch_ [n=ajmitch@dsl-210-15-201-110.QLD.netspace.net.au] has joined #ubuntu
Syco54645bimberi: works for me, this is the one thing that i could never do right in linux was get other drives to mount at runtime11:18
Seveasandy_, PASTEBIN11:18
SeveasNOT in here11:19
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bimberiSyco54645: kk, that like is working fine for me11:19
Seveasandy_, and it gives you a solution right there...11:19
Syco54645bimberi: ok that is fine by me then.  as long as they mount and unmount automatically i am happy11:19
Syco54645bimberi: thanks btw11:19
steenDoes anyone no howto connect two computers?11:20
andy_i tryed -f aswell tho :-S11:20
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bimberiSyco54645: np :)11:20
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sorush20hi guys11:21
rambo3andy_ did you upgrade the ubuntu or just using some weard sources.lst11:21
sorush20I'm back11:21
sorush20using xchat this time..11:21
Syco54645bimberi: i just found that the pass option tells it which order fsck should check it in.  it says that 0 is ignored11:22
andy_i oredered the cd...11:22
Drac[Server] Where can I check for compatibility and support for this sound card and other such pieces of hardware?11:22
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Syco54645bimberi: i have no clue what the heck that means because it is being very vague, so i guess if it is set to 0 then fsck will never check it?11:22
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rambo3http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/ had to google it11:23
bimberiSyco54645: yes that's right, hence you might want a different value11:23
bimberiubotu tell Drac[Server]  about hardware11:23
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Drac[Server] Thanks, bimberi11:24
bimberiDrac[Server] : yw :)11:24
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Syco54645bimberi: ah so that is how you make it fix stuff before it boots.  that is why my gentoo box never fixed the fs i suppose.  so if i set hde to 2 and sda to 3 then those would be checked before they are mounted, and if they were not unmounted upon shutdown, then they will be checked completely right?11:25
Drac[Server] It's not listed. :(11:25
bimberiSyco54645: getting too advanced for me now, but that's my limited understanding of it yes11:25
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Drac[Server] According to rockhopper.dk, this card is supported by ALSA. However, it did not immediately work in one of my test machines...11:26
muephey, transset can still be used to control transparency :))11:26
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Syco54645bimberi: ah ok.  thanks11:26
bimberiDrac[Server] : which doesn't necessarily mean it won't work, just that someone who has one hasn't added to those pages11:26
bimberiSyco54645: yw :)11:26
Drac[Server] bimberi, understood.11:26
sorush20guys where can I add topics to be discussed in the adgenda in ubuntu meetings? my idea is to add p2p for repositories to reduce the load on bandwidth and also to find a way of leagally buying codec32 from companies thourgh canonical or ubuntu?11:27
bimberiDrac[Server] : yeah, i thought it was a bit of a useless thing to say :)11:27
Artan1sI downloaded Java, how do I install it11:27
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ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs11:27
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sorush20Artan1s: follow the above link11:27
=== bimberi thanks sorush20 for covering for my laziness
sorush20bimberi: no problem...11:28
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cdubyawhat do most of you developers here use? I'm looking for an IDE that's a bit more simplistic I suppose than that of KDevelop......I've just used gedit and a shell, but I'd like to be able to step through the issues in an IDE as it tends to be a little simpler to follow in the long run, especially for stuff where I've got lots and lots of errors like I've got right now.11:29
djstcan someone tell me how to force a fsck.ext3 at bootup?11:29
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djsti'm having problems with my ext3 partition and i want to force a file check when the file system is not mounted11:29
djstrunning fsck.ext3 manually just warns about the partition being mounted11:30
ubotumethinks fsck is Go to single-user mode. (sudo init 1). Then unmount all non-/ filesystems. Then 'mount -n -o remount,ro /' to mount it read-only. Then run fsck. Then 'mount -n -o remount,rw /'. Then remount non-/ filesystems, then 'init 2' to go back to multi-user mode.11:30
Syco54645djst: use fsck.ext3 -f11:30
djstbut how do i specify so it does it on _next reboot_ ?11:30
djsti don't want to do it while it's mounted because it's not recommended11:31
Syco54645djst in the ftabs file11:31
Syco54645djst: or just umount /path_to_device11:31
djstSyco54645: can you please walk me through this? i'd be very grateful11:31
djsti can't umount, it says drive is busy11:31
Syco54645djst: sure i can pm you11:31
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thegladiatorClayG, hi11:32
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Syco54645djst: you have some pms11:32
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KyoSo if I have my own mail server for my linux box, I can make an email like kyo@witheringtohome.com?11:34
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SeveasKyo, if you control the dns of witheringtohome.com: yes11:34
jonsheaAnyone know if there's a postScript viewer that will automatically update if I save over the file it's looking at?11:34
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synth_Have a quick question...anyone know of a resource for linux video drivers for an ATI 7000 series? According to ATI's site they don't produce anything before 8500...anybody know any place else?11:35
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djstSyco54645: my pm's don't seem to get through11:36
RatAfter installing ubuntu/kubuntu it keeps on coming with this colored screen when starting up XServer. Have any of you guys ran into this problem? This is after a clean installing of ubuntu/kubuntu amd 64 bit version11:36
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IdleOnedjst:  do /msg nickserv help11:36
BockBilboive just upgraded to dapper, and cant manage to run firestarter as a normal user using "sudo firestarter" (after allowing nonpasword access to the user for firestarter in /etc/sudoers)... i get this message:  (firestarter:12646): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:11:36
BockBilboani idea?11:36
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synth_Rat...I ran into that problem with an old video card that was on an old Pentium Pro 200 board...I never found another way around it.11:37
djstIdleOne: then what?11:37
IdleOnethen follow the instruction for registering you nick11:37
Ratoh great are you kidding me synth?!?!?!? This is a brand new video card, Geforce 68000GS11:37
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djstSyco54645: can you read my messages in here at least?11:38
BigDaddyhey guys, can I rename the entries hda1 hdb1 etc?11:38
GuillaumeIve got a problem on boot it says that Synchronizing clock fails, can you help me with that ? (it is perhaps because today i disabled and anbled the UTC mode of clock)11:38
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synth_Rat...Perhaps Nvida makes a linux driver for that card? =) The old pc I was using I ended up turning into a mail server and just use the terminal.11:39
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funkyHatsomeone told me how to use ssh-add a while ago to set up passwordless auth...11:39
BigDaddyI want to rename them so that I can readily recognize them11:39
RatUhhh, how do i get  a linux driver and all, synth?11:39
funkyHatI can't remember how to do it though :(, can someone tell me?11:39
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beazanyone can help me with This generally means that your kernel was built with CONFIG_MODVERSIONS set, but the madwifi modules got compiled with different options. Rebuild your kernel with it disabled, hopefully that will fix it.11:40
synth_Rat...try google first...I'm sure someone somewhere has a linux Nvidia resource. Also try the manufature page.11:40
=== Pluk [n=Pluk@12-68-dsl.ipact.nl] has joined #ubuntu
Ratwell that is crap, that is what u get when u get a brand new pc, nothing supports it11:40
sorush20when and where is the next ubuntu conference and will there be a video made from it for the go-open TV? with music and lights and penguins etc..11:40
Guillaumesynth_: aver seen a Synchronizing clock to ntp.ubuntulinux.org failed ?11:40
synth_=) Me Spellest the bestest I've everest done.11:40
Artan1sHow do I change directory to Desktop11:40
Syco54645here is a good one how can i run a chmod on 200 gigs of files that i want the files to be 644, but not change the directories, i want to do this in one command because i am lazy11:40
synth_Yup...I have seen that Guill. I'm still researching that.11:40
IdleOneGuillaume:  yes could be the server is down11:41
Guillaumesynth_: I made a pink on it and ive got response11:41
synth_Oh...good call Idleone. =)11:41
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Guillaumeping sorry11:41
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GarBhaDSynchronizing clock to ntp.ubuntulinux.org failed  <= this happened to me a lot11:41
BigDaddyartan1s - cd ~/Desktop11:41
GarBhaDI just renamed the script in /etc/init.d to avoid it :)11:42
sorush20Syco54645: do sudo chmod *.* me stop lazy11:42
BigDaddylet me guess, you are doing the diskmounter?11:42
synth_Does anybody know if that clock routine comes before it pulls a DHCP address?11:42
Syco54645sorush20: glad to see that we have elitist here now too...11:42
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GarBhaDsynth, I'm using static IPs and it still failed11:43
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synth_hmm...don't know then...I'll keep looking.11:43
GarBhaDwell sometimes worked, sometimes don't11:43
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djstdoes anyone know how to force a filesystem check at bootup, before it's mounted?11:43
IdleOneI dont think that its a big deal that your clock isnt in sync with ubuntu servers but you can keep searching :)11:44
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GarBhaDthe big deal is about having to wait for the time out everytime to boot11:44
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IdleOneits about 5 seconds11:44
synth_Actually my problem is just a video driver one. ATI doesn't support linux drivers for cardes before their Radeon 8500's. Anybody have a resource for people who do?11:45
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IdleOnelight a smoke while your waiting11:45
GarBhaDI remember it was more than 5 seconds11:45
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GarBhaDpretty more than 5 sec11:45
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HystyGarBhaD, I did read some howto regarding that, let me see if I can find it11:45
dooglusGarBhaD: there have been problems with ubuntu servers in the last few hours.11:45
IdleOneok GarBhaD  your officialy in charge of figuring out why the time server isnt syncing :P11:45
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GarBhaDdooglus, it wasn't a few hours, I had those problems weeks ago11:47
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GarBhaDwell, it always work if I force a clock synchronisation from the desktop11:48
GarBhaDbut at boot time, it failed a lot11:48
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eugmanok is there any way to have two programs running locally through ssh?11:48
Wibble-hi... I've just upgraded my kernel because ubuntu said it was a new package, and it has broken my nvidia drivers, now I can't use X! because of that, I can't get to a web browser... how can I revive my nvidia setup? (and why was it broken for me?)11:48
drapewhat .deb provides chkfontpath?11:48
Wibble-eugman: you mean with "screen"?11:49
drapeWibble- lynx11:49
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eugmanI mean I do ssh -X etc. Then I tiype firefox and it opens up. The terminal waits for firfox to xlose before processing any other commands11:49
Wibble-do firefox& then11:50
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Wibble-the & puts it into the background.  Or do ctrl+z after its running (which suspends the current task) then "bg" puts the current suspended task in the background11:50
drapeeugman: or ctrl+z ... bah11:50
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hangfirewill ATI drivers work with ubuntu?11:51
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drapehrm, any ideas on chkfontpath?11:51
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bsidebroken commands11:52
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Wibble-no.. but isn't there a dpkg-tool which lets you search for that?11:52
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RememberPOLHi I would just like to know what the default Ubuntu filesystem is?11:52
drapenothing shows up in apt-cache search11:53
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bsideis fsck311:53
GarBhaDthe default is ext3, isn't it?11:53
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bsideis this a trivia ?11:53
RememberPOLyeah I think it's ext311:53
HystyGarBhaD, http://easylinux.info/wiki/Ubuntu#Synchronizing_clock_to_ntp.ubuntulinux.org..._.28taking_too_long_to_load.2911:53
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GarBhaDthanks Hysty11:53
RememberPOLjust wondering because I use Slackware on my desktop which uses reiserfs as default not ext311:53
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basicanyone running dapper+xgl on the fglrx drivers?11:54
Wibble-I don't have it either drape - sorry11:54
bimberiRememberPOL: ext3 by default, can choose others during install11:54
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AntMazhey anyone think haf life will work under wine , or do i definetly have to get cedaga11:54
bsideany1 who kows scanning ?11:54
DCCOLEhow do i install the package for overkill11:54
hangfiredoesnt HL have a linux version?11:54
bimberiDCCOLE: it's in the universe repository ...11:55
bimberiubotu tell dccole about universe11:55
basicit would be relatively easy for valve to make one though since its q1/q2 engine based11:55
DCCOLEyeah i know but what do i type to get it to run11:55
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DCCOLE anjuta say cant find11:56
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AntMazdcc https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto11:56
AntMazanyone thinkkhl will work under wine or negative11:57
hangfireanyone know if there are ATI graphic drivers to run on ubuntu?11:57
oklinuxhow do I install real player ?11:57
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AntMazok linux click on applications then add applications it will be under sound and video11:58
hangfiredid you look for real player in the repositorys (not sure its there)11:58
korhalfwhats the most recent ubuntu kernel version?11:58
bimberiDCCOLE: if you're installed it, open a terminal and type 'overkill'11:58
korhalfi just updated it and i dont think anything ahppened..even though it told me to restart and all that11:58
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AntMazhmm should i click setup to see if it woks under wine11:59
korhalf!tell me about wine repository11:59
korhalf!tell me about wine12:00

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