
r2should i delete the #?12:03
r2before the urls12:03
koshr2: it means that line is disabled, if you have a reason to turn that line on then you can delete the #12:03
samouraSelect the System menu at the top of the screen.12:04
samouraSelect Administration then Synaptic Package Manager.12:04
samourawhat ;(12:04
robotgeeksamoura: that will not work, you are in kde12:04
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samouraokei how do i get out from gde?12:05
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource12:05
ubotu[fglrx]  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto12:05
robotgeeksamoura: so, that is why i told you to launch konsole, by doing 1) alt + f2 , type "konsole" 2) in Konsole, type "kdesu adept"12:05
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=== robotgeek is tired. later all
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=== tinin [n=tinin@98.Red-83-33-37.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu
samouraokei i did ALL+ F2 and than konsole and than i see a black screen just like window xp start/run. after the black screen comes up password and than comes this stupid adapt manage  but i don see there Select Administration then Synaptic Package Manager.;S12:09
=== david [n=david@dsl-213-233-208-073.solcon.nl] has joined #kubuntu
davidI think kubuntu.org also needs a little intro talk like ubunto.com and edubuntu.org instead of directly the news12:12
koshsamoura: calling things stupid and just in general making trollish comments is unlikely to result in help12:12
samouraokei i am so sorry ;( but help me12:12
koshsamoura: if you want to get out of kde then click on the kde icon then click on log out12:12
koshsamoura: once you have logged out, log in to whatever other desktop you want to use instead12:13
samouraokei thanks :P12:13
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davidkubunto.org should also have links to ubunto and edubunto to complete the 'circel'12:17
Snake__david: isnt it kubuntU?12:18
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davidSnake__: yeah it is, strange that I never type that wrong int the url of konqueror :)12:18
samouraokei i logd out and i restarted ;/ but no changes ?12:19
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koshsamoura: when you log in there should be a drop down so you can select kde or any other installed window manager12:21
Snake__sampan: you can find that dropdown under "Session type"12:22
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mrkrisok, so after trying to figure out why i get the mismatch errors, i downloaded one of the debs by hand and noticed it is an html error hah12:24
mrkris<br />12:24
mrkris<b>Parse error</b>:  syntax error, unexpected '^' in <b>/u01/ftpubuntu/pub/ubuntu/pool/main/k/kdebase/ksysguard_3.4.3-0ubuntu6_i386.deb</b> on line <b>94</12:24
mrkrisb><br />12:24
=== samoura [n=samoura@dsl-225-59.hive.is] has joined #kubuntu
samourai Reboot my computer and i loged in but i dont see Synaptic Package Manager. -> 1Select Administration then Synaptic Package Manager.12:27
samoura;( help please12:27
Hobbseesamoura: try kmenu, sysetm, synaptic package manager12:27
Hobbseeyou're on kde, not gnome12:28
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samourahow can i go on gnome please tell me12:28
koshsamoura: when you log in there should be a drop down so you can select kde or any other installed window manager12:28
koshsamoura: however if you are running kubuntu the odds are that gnome is not even installed, kubuntu is kde, ubuntu is gnome12:29
koshsamoura: if gnome is not installed you could install it12:29
samourapackage manager?12:29
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Snake__sampan: sudo apt-get install gnome12:30
koshsamoura: if you don't like kde though why did you install kubuntu?12:30
dev_nulli just tried to update to dapper and about 50 packages did not update because of a size mismatch12:31
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dev_nullis there something I should do?12:31
dev_nullI reran apt-get update12:31
=== fatejudger [n=fatejudg@c-24-5-49-160.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
samourai don know nothing about linux and i know linux is match better than window that is why i install it because it is free that is why12:32
fatejudgeris something wrong with the Dapper repos right now?12:32
dev_nullfatejudger:  I just asked the same question i think12:32
fatejudgerlol, sorry, I just joined12:32
fatejudgerdev_null: what is your error?12:32
dev_nullwhat happened when you tried to update?12:32
dev_nulli get Size mismatch errors12:33
fatejudgerFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/x/xresprobe/xresprobe_0.4.22_i386.deb  Size mismatch12:33
fatejudgerFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/p/pykdeextensions/pykdeextensions_0.4.0-0ubuntu3_i386.deb  Size mismatch12:33
fatejudgersorry for the flood12:33
Hobbseefreeflying-ibook: gb mirrors seem ok...12:33
dev_nullthats the same thing I got12:33
fatejudgermaybe they're updating stuff12:33
dev_nullhow many packages for you?12:33
fatejudgertwo if you do a dist-upgrade12:33
dev_nullit was about 50 for me12:33
fatejudgeroh geez12:33
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dev_nulltons of them updated ok12:33
fatejudger50 had the size mismatch?12:33
fatejudgerI'm doing an upgrade from a fresh install of Flight 412:34
fatejudgerso it might be a little different for me12:34
samourais linux card updates better than window?12:34
dev_nullsamoura: usually12:34
dev_nullmost of the packages don't look that importiant, but server-xorg-driver does12:35
dev_nulleven --fix-missing didn't help12:36
fatejudgerdev_null: yeah, I tried that too12:38
fatejudgerRiddell: ping12:39
r2does anyone know how i can see my windows partitions?12:39
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fatejudgerr2: storage media12:39
fatejudgerr2: that is if you use KDE 3.5.112:39
duckdownHey all..  Dapper Flight 4 = Awesome :)12:39
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r2fatejudger: how can i see kde version?12:39
dev_nullduckdown: did you have any problem updating your packages?12:40
fatejudgerr2: you'd know if you were on 3.5.112:40
fatejudgerr2: because you would have had to manually upgrade12:40
duckdownBut I'm having a problem..  My touchpad on the laptop is EXTREMELY slow to move the cursor across the screen.. I tried adjusting the "Pointer Acceleration" in System Settings in KDE, but its not making a difference12:40
fatejudgerr2: unless you use Dapper12:40
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r2i use 5.1012:40
duckdowndev_null: Nope, I just clicked the Caution button, logged in, and Adept did everything for me12:40
r2not dapper12:40
fatejudgerr2: yeah, then you'll need to manually mount the partition12:40
fatejudgerr2: not hard12:40
fatejudgerr2: but make sure to mount it read only12:41
r2ok mate12:41
r2where can i do that?12:41
fatejudgerr2: I wouldn't want you writing to your NTFS partition and screwing it up12:41
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fatejudgerr2: Disk & Filesystems in System Settings I think12:42
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fatejudgerr2: you can mount it in the terminal too12:42
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LiteHeddedmy audio was working fine but now it's not! can someone help?12:42
fatejudgerr2: I can't vouch for the first one though since it isn't working right now for me12:42
dev_nullfatejudger:  did you do your update using adept or from cli?12:42
fatejudgerLiteHedded: perhaps you could be more specific12:42
LiteHeddedwhat do you need to know?12:42
Permahi gang. i don't know if it's cool to ask for help here or not, if it is is, I'd be much thankful. Little prob with xorg12:42
fatejudgerLiteHedded: information about the problem12:43
LiteHeddedxmms says can't open audio12:43
LiteHeddedkopete wont play sounds12:43
fatejudgerLiteHedded: are you using Breezy or Dapper?12:43
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LiteHeddedmaybe an application is using it or something?12:43
LiteHeddedbut I don't see anything in ps12:43
fatejudgerdid your restart?12:43
Permai am on breezy amd64 with ati 200m gfx. error message when i hit startx is that it is skipping lobGLcore because of No Symbols. Module load failure12:44
Permaty in advance12:44
LiteHeddedno i didn't restart12:44
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fatejudgerLiteHedded: you can restart ALSA or Kubuntu12:44
fatejudgerLiteHedded: take your pick12:44
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fatejudgersudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart12:45
LiteHeddedstill not working12:45
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dbstestnewbie needs help... can not log in as admin12:46
fatejudgertry using amarok, it usually is more descriptive in its errors12:46
fatejudgertell me what it says12:46
LiteHeddedgst-engine claims it cannont play mp3 files12:47
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fatejudgerLiteHedded: there you go12:47
fatejudgerLiteHedded: wait12:47
fatejudgerLiteHedded: do you use gstreamer or xine?12:47
LiteHeddedi dunno12:48
fatejudgerLiteHedded: lol12:48
LiteHeddeddon't know the difference12:48
fatejudgerLiteHedded: ok, I think xmms uses xine by default12:48
fatejudgerLiteHedded: damn, this isn't going to work very well12:48
LiteHeddedxmms says it's using OSS12:48
LiteHeddednot alsa12:48
fatejudgerwell that would be your problem there12:48
fatejudgerOSS locks up the sound system12:48
fatejudgerprobably can't access it again or something12:49
fatejudgertry switching it to ALSA12:49
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nadia007wondering if someone can help me with wep encryption on wireless.  Got my pc card to work when router has no encryption... but when I activate my wep encryption it messes up!12:50
fatejudgerLiteHedded: it would  be helpful if you either installed amarok-xine or installed gstreamer-mad12:50
Otisevening ... mplayer works fine ... why do movies take over 1 minute before they start playing in KMplayer ?12:51
fatejudgerLiteHedded: which one?12:51
fatejudgerLiteHedded: ok, go back into amarok and tell it to use the xine engine12:51
fatejudgerLiteHedded: it should be in the config under engines12:52
dbstestnewbie needs help cannot make any system changes today, yesterday after install worked fine today nada12:52
LiteHeddedthe only engine is gstreamer12:53
fatejudgerdid you restart amarok?12:54
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fatejudgerare you sure?12:54
fatejudgerit should be in there12:54
LiteHedded yes12:54
LiteHeddedi restarted it12:54
fatejudgerand you're positive you're looking in the right place12:54
fatejudgerunder sound system12:55
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duckdownCan someone tell me how to speed up my touchpad on my laptop on Kubuntu12:55
LiteHeddedin amarok > engines?12:55
fatejudgerLiteHedded: yes12:55
LiteHeddedjust gstreamer12:55
LiteHeddedbut amarok isn't my problem12:55
LiteHeddednothing plays sound12:55
LiteHeddedi don't even use amarok12:55
fatejudgerLiteHedded: I know, I know, I'm just trying to use it because it gives good errors12:56
LiteHeddedwell xine isn't listed12:56
fatejudgerLiteHedded: and there's nothing that you did that could cause something like this?12:56
fatejudgerLiteHedded: have you restarted your computer lately?12:56
fatejudgerLiteHedded: updated?12:56
fatejudgerLiteHedded: installed a new package?12:56
LiteHeddedonly thing I can think of is some application is using it and didn't exit12:57
LiteHeddedbut I don't see anything like that in ps -aux12:57
fatejudgerthe alsa restart should have taken care of anything using alsa12:57
fatejudgerbut not OSS12:57
fatejudgerperhaps it's just best to restart Kubuntu12:57
fatejudgertake care of everything12:57
Ploujhumm, here is my problem: http://plouj.no-ip.com/kubuntu{1,2,3}.jpg12:57
LiteHeddedwhen I press play on xmms using alsa it doesn't give and error12:57
LiteHeddedbut it doesn't play the file12:57
Ploujdoes kubuntu not install SATA drivers for my hdd or something?12:58
fatejudgerPlouj: 404 not found?12:58
Ploujfatejudger: its three images12:58
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fatejudgerah, yes12:58
fatejudgerI see that now12:58
fatejudgerPlouj: well that's quite a problem12:59
Ploujthe thing is12:59
Ploujthe installer kernel could open it!12:59
Ploujsince it was able to copy all the files12:59
fatejudgerI wouldn't even know where to start with something like that01:00
Ploujso, that makes no sense to me01:00
fatejudgerthis is beyond my scope01:00
fatejudgeris this just a Kubuntu problem?01:00
Ploujthank goodness you're not the only one here01:00
fatejudgeror do other distro have this same problem with your HD?01:00
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Ploujno, other 'distros' boot fine01:01
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anthraxhi everyone.01:03
anthraxseems like I could use a little held01:03
anthraxI just installed the nvidia drivers. they work fine. but now I am unable to switch to a tty.01:04
anthraxmy screen just goes off-power01:05
anthraxany suggestions?01:05
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fatejudgeranthrax: shit happens01:07
anthraxhelpful *g*01:07
anthraxno, really, been googling for about 2 hours now and so far to no avail. so no one of you guys know what i could do?01:09
fatejudgeranthrax: I'd help, but I use an ATI card01:09
nadia007fatejudger, know much about wep and wireless working on kubuntu?01:11
Hobbseenadia007: i know some of it, what did you want to know?01:13
Hobbseenot done anything with WEP though01:13
nadia007I'm able to get my linksys working without encryption, but moment I try to add encryption stops working01:13
nadia007I've set encryption (wep) on my router.01:14
ubotuwep is probably http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/helpcenterfaq.2004-10-07.003150731501:14
B1zzi never could get it to work01:14
nadia007what other options are there?01:14
B1zzmy card didnt like so i use wpa much better :-p01:14
Hobbseehave you got your encryption key in /etc/network/interfaces?01:14
nadia007wireless_key 70abcdef...01:15
nadia007that's the format that I used to enter it.01:15
nadia007ubotu, link doesnt' work!01:15
ubotuDid you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, nadia00701:15
anthraxhow did you set the key? via System settings or via what tool?01:16
anthraxtried kwifimanager?01:16
nadia007I got the key from the router, kwifimanager does not work well with linksys wifi01:16
anthraxand where/how did you enter the key?01:17
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nadia007I tried entering it manually via systems settings, but that doesn't work and the app seems a bit quirky to me...01:17
nadia007I typed in command line.01:17
nadia007and in the /etc/network/interface file01:17
ubotufrom memory, wifi is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto01:18
nadia007command line I typed. sudo iwconfig wlan0 key 70BB078DEB01:18
Hobbseei'm not sure that kwifimanager acutally works too well at all01:18
fatejudgerHobbsee: it works great01:18
anthraxit does for me.01:18
fatejudgerHobbsee: are you able to dist-upgrade?01:18
nadia007ubotu, I've read that a million times... that's how I got this far... encryption is the only part that is killin me!01:18
ubotunadia007: that's too long01:18
nadia007ubotu, the key is too long?01:19
ubotunadia007: okay01:19
fatejudgerah, I think they might have fixed it01:19
Hobbsee!forget the01:19
ubotui didn't have anything called 'the', Hobbsee01:19
fatejudgerHobbsee: nm, they fixed the repos01:19
Hobbsee!forget the key01:19
ubotui didn't have anything called 'the key', Hobbsee01:19
Hobbseenadia007: this part in particular01:20
HobbseeI saw this about the gui wep-key entry (here [WWW]  http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/helpcenterfaq.2004-10-07.0031507315): One detail that was essential for me to get my laptop running on a Linksys WRT54G router: when you generate a WEP key that is 10 digits long (XXXXXXXXXX), you cannot just copy and paste this key into the WEP key field within the Network Settings dialogue. You must insert a dash after every fo01:20
Hobbsee encryption works fine.01:20
Hobbseeand something tells me you didnt want to give out your key in the middle of a channel01:20
Hobbseebut oh well01:20
nadia007so I'm just not entering the key right!01:20
nadia007no big deal... I just change the key!01:20
Hobbseei'd try that, at lesat01:21
nadia007thx hobbsee!01:21
nadia007hobbsee... can't find the url you gave me...  what does it say after "you must insert a dash after every fo..."?01:22
Hobbseefourth character, ie, XXXX-XXXX-XX. Once you do this, WEP encryption works fine.01:23
Hobbseeit's in the comments at the bottom of the !wifi page01:23
nadia007sweet...  I'll give it a try.!01:23
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jerwareshy does sudo exept my root password but not su or su -   ?01:24
ubotuI guess wifi is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto01:25
Hobbsee!tell jerware about sudo01:26
anthraxhelp needed. I just installed the nvidia drivers. they work fine. but now I am unable to switch to a tty. my screen just goes power-off01:26
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LiteHeddedcan someone help me get my sound working?01:27
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yonkeltronwhat do size mismatches on packages mean?01:28
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jerwaresudo is  not my concern01:29
jerwarewhy would su -  not work?01:29
jerwareif the password for both sudo and su -  are the same01:29
Snake__jerware: you have to active su01:29
jerwareactive su ?  how do i do that?01:30
Snake__jerware: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-20902.html01:30
jerwareyou mean active ate01:30
Snake__That is not recommend tho01:30
jerwareas long as it works01:30
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Snake__sudo works just as well..01:30
jerwaresudo is to execute a command. if i want to execute a series, typing sudo before each command is exaustive and unessessary01:31
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Snake__jerware: sudo lasts for 15 mins. after you sudo one command, you can do other root commands for up to 15 mins before you have to type "sudo" again01:31
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anthraxhelp needed. I just installed the nvidia drivers. they work fine. but now I am unable to switch to a tty. my screen just goes power-off01:33
electuZhow can i disable automount of cdrom in konqueror(KDE)01:33
jerwaresudo passwd root is great!  why didnt I think of that.  thanx alot Snake_01:33
Snake__Not sure01:33
Snake__jerware: no problem01:34
=== mike is now known as \mike
jerwareyea im new to kubuntu.  i just migrated from fedora,01:34
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Snake__jerware: is fedora nice?01:34
jerwareehh it kinda spoils ya.  it a "their way" thing.  the desktop sucks.  hardly detects hardware.  dont use it unless if you HAVE to studdy for RHCE01:35
zerephathnalioth you about?01:36
jerwarefor example, if i wanted to view a list of services in fedora with the coresponding cron levels, fedora provides the chkconfig command.  this is nice, but now i have to unlearn old habbits and learn the universal linux way01:36
B1zzwhen I do fetch updates on adept some sites report errors.  Could that be a reson why it adept complains about installing akode-mpeg or does that really break your system?01:36
Snake__zerephath: no hes not01:36
Snake__jerware: yea...01:36
zerephathSnake__: K...I looked and didnt see him..sometimes he is lurking as a different user :)01:37
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jerwarefedora has minicom terminal (which i use to configure my cisco routers),  what is the terminal for ubuntu ?01:37
Snake__jerware: I was like that coming off windows, i've only been on linux since november01:37
Snake__minicom terminal?01:37
jerwareive been into linux for about two years.01:38
jerwareyea i get command not found01:38
zerephathWhat do I need to do to get smb4k to work suid root? I can't mount shares without this enabled...and am not sure how this is accomplished under ubuntu? I am wondering why synaptic didn't install this way...01:38
jerwaredoes kubuntu have a web site of unofficial faqs?  for basic stuff like installing,  i know how to navigate the *NIX file system,01:38
zerephathjerware: Best bet is the ubuntu wiki01:39
jerwareoh ok01:39
zerephathThere are others as well01:39
ryanakcahow do you clear all of your old gpg keys01:39
ryanakcanot exactly old, but extra keys made while experimenting01:40
r2guys i dont have sound on my videos using VLC how can i download codecs for it?01:40
jerwarewhen i was in the process of installing kubuntu, i had some sort of flaw that i could not install about 25% of the packages, (perhalps a cd scratch) and i have to install these by hand.  do you guys have minicom ?01:40
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Snake__jerware: its in the repos01:40
Snake__jerware: sudo apt-get install minicom01:41
jerwareok i'll have to learn apt-get sometime then01:41
jerwareoh ok thanx01:41
jerwarethe fedora equivilance for apt-get is yum01:41
jerwaremore like yuck01:41
Snake__Yea, I used redhat 7 for a bit01:41
Snake__jerware: have you added the universe repos to your sources.list?01:42
jerwarei dont know, unless if thats a default then no01:42
Snake__jerware: read this over01:42
ubotuTo enable Universe and Multiverse see http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AddingRepositoriesHowto - Official sources.lists here: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6047 (Breezy) or http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/6666 (Dapper) see also !easysource01:42
jerwarei have the  latest kubuntu or at least what is available upon download01:42
jerwareok thanx pal01:42
Snake__jerware: read the how to, then add in the breezy list01:42
visik7anyone able to play a winxp image installed in qemu on vmplayer ?01:42
r2guys what is the best video player to play xvid?01:43
Snake__r2: if kaffine plays it, thats pretty good01:44
anthraxstill needing help. I just installed the nvidia drivers. they work fine. but now I am unable to switch to a tty. my screen just goes power-off (just in case anyone new turned up...)01:44
jerwareim off to the library to studdy for a finite math test.  anyone have any goodies for a kubuntu, but not linux, newbie?01:45
freeflying-ibookHobbsee: hi01:45
r2Snake__: i would need codecs toplay there, i downloaded VLC but haveno sound01:45
Hobbseehi freeflying-ibook01:45
freeflying-ibookHobbsee: what gb mirrors?01:45
Snake__jerware: listen to music?01:46
Hobbseefreeflying-ibook: gb instead of us/au/whatever01:46
jerwareall means of multimedia01:46
Snake__jerware: got that mp3 codec installed?01:46
jerwarestill figuring out how to use dvd01:46
jerwareheh doubt it.  i can google around for the apt-get commands01:46
Glin|JolWinamp  5.13 Stopped01:46
ubotuhmm... mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats01:46
jerwarethanx :P01:47
dsaa|awayis it posible to install kubuntu directly from HD to HD?01:51
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zero0kubuntu live CD w/ KOffice 1.5 beta 1 0wn3d01:51
Snake__zero0: ya like it?01:53
zero0love it!01:54
zero0slow to boot up though01:54
zero0but as I use it, I like it more01:54
Snake__zero0: why not get 1.5 then?01:54
zero0i'm using 1.501:54
zero0kontact w/ RSS feeds is nice01:55
zero0i don't have to visit the websites to look at the headings :)01:55
zero0i like the jounal feature of kontact01:55
zero0i can keep track of my thoughts for the day01:55
zero0kivio improved quite remarkably01:56
zero0i like the dash green line to help me visualize the alignment of the objects01:56
zero0a bad thing I noticed is konqueror doesn't work with Zimbra01:57
Snake__kivio? whats that do?01:57
zero0Kivio is like Visio01:58
Snake__Oook... lol01:58
zero0it's a flowcharting program01:58
Snake__pjjj plau01:58
zero0I use Visio a lot01:58
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Snake__Ohhh okayu01:58
zero0I do a lot of process work01:58
zero0and I need to map our pictorial how the process goes01:58
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zero0that's how I get my people on the same process flow01:59
zero0i'm very happy with Kubuntu especially with KOffice01:59
Snake__koffice is tight01:59
zero0if Kivio can have inline text for the objects that would be awesome01:59
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zero0somehow the visual is not as crisp as Windows XP02:00
zero0I guessed that's an X problem02:00
zero0i like kopete02:01
brydennanyone here a WINE expert or know the program really well?02:01
brydenni need some help with it02:01
anthraxa bit. wassup?02:01
brydennthanks anthrax02:01
zero0i hate kwallet02:01
brydennwell i accidently deleted my "c drive" in winecfg02:02
brydenni need to add it again02:02
brydenndont know how02:02
anthraxtab "Drives" -> add02:02
anthraxor better Automatic02:02
brydenni did autodetect02:02
anthraxshould do I think02:02
brydennbut it still says i dont have a c drive02:03
brydenn"No virtual drive C mapped"02:03
brydennthats the error it gives me02:03
brydennthen it says to run wineprefixcreate02:03
anthraxhmmm. what did you type into the "Path" field?02:03
anthraxadd it manually. type into "Path" [../drive_c]  wiothout the []  then hit ADD02:04
brydennanthrax:  when i just hit ADD (and not do autodetect) it adds a C: drive with ../drive_c in the "path"02:04
anthraxshould do then02:04
brydennbut... when i hit apply... it wont stay02:04
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anthraxmom gotta check02:05
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anthraxcheck /home/YOURNAMEHERE/.wine   for a folder called drive_c02:06
brydennWarning: the specified Windows directory L"c:\\windows" is not accessible.02:06
brydennWarning: the specified System directory L"c:\\windows\\system32" is not accessible.02:06
brydennWarning: the specified Windows directory L"c:\\windows" is not accessible.02:06
brydennWarning: the specified System directory L"c:\\windows\\system32" is not accessible.02:06
brydennWarning: the specified Windows directory L"c:\\windows" is not accessible.02:06
brydennWarning: the specified System directory L"c:\\windows\\system32" is not accessible.02:06
brydennoopps sorry02:06
anthraxas for now, I just deleted my drive_c and it came back happily after hitting automatic... so i suppose the folder beneath is gone.02:07
brydennok anthrax : the folder .wine is there02:08
=== fatejudger [n=fatejudg@c-24-5-49-160.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
brydenni opened it up and drive_c is there as well02:08
fatejudgerwhy does Kate always try and open files with weird extensions downloaded by Konqueror?02:08
fatejudgerand is there a way to stop it from doing that?02:08
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_mronohey guys02:08
anthraxbrydenn: do you have winetools?02:08
brydennno i dont02:09
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brydenndownload it?02:09
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anthraxthen try this: cp your drive_c folder to somewhere safe, then delete the one in your .wine/02:09
anthraxthen winecfg and hit Automatig -> apply02:09
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brydennyou mean autodetect?02:10
Weridkidhow do I set a root password02:10
anthraxgot it in german, though02:10
anthraxthen cp drive_c back and winecfg it again02:10
duckdownHi everyone.. I'm trying to run the ./configure for a new version of kVIRC, but surprisingly enough its telling me to specify my X-includes directory and X-headers manually with some commandline arguments.  Can someone tell me where both of those are located?  And/or do I need to apt-get any important files?02:10
brydennanthrax:  thats the thing... it doesnt even show up in WineCFG02:10
brydenni only have Drives E F G H and Z02:11
anthraxright, because the winereg killed it.02:11
brydennC doesnt even show up after i hit Autodetect02:11
brydennso copy the folder to the desktop for example02:11
brydennthen what?02:11
anthraxthen winecfg -autodetect02:11
brydennk hold up :)02:11
anthraxpardon, winecfg -> drives -> autodetect02:12
anthraxso wine should kill even thememory of a drive c.02:12
brydenndo i have to worry about the folder "dosservices"?02:12
brydenni mean "dosdevices"02:12
brydennnot services hehe02:12
anthrax? huh ? i dont even got that one...02:12
anthraxah, i got it allright02:13
brydenngo to the dosdevices folder02:13
anthraxbut as it is a drive problem dosdevices shoukdn't be affectet02:13
brydennyou'll see your drive letters with folders02:13
brydennjust do this for me really quick02:13
brydennnet split02:13
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anthraxterminal -> ln -s /home/whatever/.wine/drive_c /home/whatever/.wine/dosdevices/c:02:14
brydennsee in my dosdevices folder... all the DRIVES are "folder shortcuts" .. drive C is there but only appears as a file shortcut02:14
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brydennnot a folder02:15
anthraxas i said: try the ln -s thingy...02:15
anthraxthen we'll see02:15
brydenngive me the command again02:16
anthraxterminal -> ln -s /home/whatever/.wine/drive_c /home/whatever/.wine/dosdevices/c:02:16
brydennwhat is IN?02:16
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anthraxplaces a symlink02:17
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ubotuI heard ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=42358902:17
uboturumour has it, nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736802:17
brydennbrydenn@c-24-21-100-158:~$ ln -s /home/brydenn/.wine/drive_c /home/brydenn/.wine/dosdevices/c:02:18
brydennln: `/home/brydenn/.wine/dosdevices/c:': File exists02:18
brydennhey anthrax :02:18
brydennso that seemed to work02:18
brydennlets see if it changed winecfg02:18
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anthraxit didn't write02:18
brydenndo i have to do it as sudo?02:18
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anthraxdo Terminal-> sudo mv /allthatstuff/c: /allthatstuff/02:19
anthraxso it will be kept safe02:19
brydennwhat is mv?02:19
anthraxthen check if the original file is gone and the backup's there02:20
anthraxif so, sudo the ln -s thingy02:20
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anthraxStill needing help: After installation of the nvidia-drivers my screen cuts out if i try to switch to a tty. any suggestions on what to do?02:21
electuZwhat does mean that '|o|'?02:21
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brydenni think i know what the problem is02:22
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electuZanthrax: yes..02:22
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anthraxyou didn't run winecfg as sudo02:22
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brydennin the folder dosdevices... the C file is "pointing to" /mnt/cdrom/02:22
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anthraxah! so a wrong sym02:22
brydennyah but how do i change it?02:22
brydenni just went to properties on the file and saw that02:23
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anthraxis it owned by root?02:23
brydennbut i dont see a way for me to point it else where02:23
brydennno ownership is by Brydenn :)02:23
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LiteHeddedmy sound isn't working02:23
LiteHeddedcan someone help me get it straightened out?02:24
anthraxgreat. move it somewhere else so there is no c: left in dosdevices and then go ln -s again02:24
=== UberUser is now known as Nomad411
anthraxbrydenn: that should do the trick02:24
brydennk this time it didnt say "file exists"?02:24
brydennso now move it back?02:25
anthraxnope. now try winecfg02:25
anthraxwe only kept the original so we had a backup.02:25
anthraxyou just created a new "c:"02:25
brydennok it found it in autodetect02:25
brydennso now what?02:25
brydennreplace it?02:25
brydennmove it back?02:25
anthraxso now it should run.02:26
anthraxyou can now delete the backups we made02:26
brydennwell i moved the original to the desktop02:26
anthraxgo ahead and kill it02:26
brydennthank you soooooooo much anthrax02:26
brydennya know... i've had good luck with people by the name of anthrax02:27
anthrax*g* how's that?02:27
brydenni used to be in a Team Fortress Classic clan with a guy named Anthrax02:27
brydennhe was cool as hell, ... thank you :)02:27
anthraxas i said np. but I gotta go sleeping now. works on in about 4 hours02:27
brydennthanks anthrax. get some rest :)02:28
anthraxcYa around and have fun *wave*02:28
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Ploujcan someone help me at least figure out whats wrong? -> http://plouj.no-ip.com/kubuntu{1,2,3}.jpg02:29
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PermaHi. my breezy install has detected my wifi nic, but says it's an unknown device. I have configured ndiswrapper already, i just need to tell it that the nic is indeed a nic. Thanks in advance :)02:31
PloujPerma: thanks for what?02:31
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PermaFor any potential help i could get on this - i'm too used to being babied by yast+SuSE to know how to do this myself02:32
Ploujhelp with that?02:32
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Ploujthat wasn't a yes/no question02:33
Ploujhelp with *what?02:33
PermaI am copy/past what i wrote02:33
Perma Hi. my breezy install has detected my wifi nic, but says it's an unknown device. I have configured ndiswrapper already, i just need to tell it that the nic is indeed a nic. Thanks in advance :)02:33
Permamaybe the first bit didn't send, or?02:33
Permaneed to tell my system that the unknown device is a nick02:33
Ploujah, that wasn't exactly clear02:34
Ploujwhat says its an unknown device?02:34
PermaKinfoCenter does02:34
Ploujwell, lets wait for someone experienced in that piece of software to help you02:35
Permaookie doke02:35
=== Perma twiddles thumbs
Ploujlol, there should be a channel for those waiting for their questions to be answered02:36
PloujHomer Simpson: Now we play the waiting game! He-he-he! ... 2 seconds later ... The waiting game sucks!02:37
Permahaven't heard that quote in ages02:37
_hupp3lI know this is probably not the place to ask but what makes Suse so special?02:37
Ploujwindows is special, on the other hand02:37
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hupp3lno man I would like to know, I heard alot about Suse02:38
Ploujask someone who tells you about it02:38
Permasuse will work out of the box02:38
Ploujor try it yourself02:39
Nomad411try #suse ;)02:39
Permakinda commercialized and such02:39
Ploujtrying it yourself is best02:39
Nomad411solid for serer work, like a redhat equivalent02:39
Permai agree02:39
Permabrb, 15 - show02:39
PloujI'm trying to install Kubuntu to try what *buntu is all about02:39
Ploujto be honest02:39
Nomad411very great, it's my main desktop.02:40
Nomad411server-side I dunno, I don,t think it aims to be a server02:40
Nomad411though I am developing against it with PHP and mysql02:40
Nomad411btu it does slow me down02:40
PloujI would like to get it working, FFS!02:40
PloujI think it doesn't install proper SATA drivers or something02:41
Ploujbut I can't help it :/02:41
Nomad411what's not working?02:41
Ploujthe installed kernel is panicing02:41
Nomad411with your kubuntu&02:41
Ploujpaniking, or whatever02:41
Ploujhere, let me illustrate02:41
Nomad411well, linux is pickier abotu hardware issues, quite a loty more than windows.02:42
Nomad411so you muct be detecting some hardware trouble, like faulty ram or HD02:42
Ploujmy hardware is not faulty02:42
PloujI'm working from Linux right now02:42
Ploujjust not Kubuntu02:42
Ploujsee if those image make any sense02:42
PloujI tried to install Kubuntu alongside Gentoo02:43
Ploujand I chose not to install grub, since I already have that02:43
Nomad411lol - That,s what I call screen captures. :)02:43
Ploujbut when I try to boot the Kubuntu kernel, it panics02:43
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Nomad411sda7 is where you installed it?02:44
Nomad411from gentoo, can you mount and read that device?02:45
Ploujeven grub could02:45
=== Plouj ist rying
Ploujits reiserfs alright02:46
Nomad411You must b emissing a parameter for SCSIbooting.. I haven"t had to seal with SCSI in a while I forget02:46
ubotuBugger all, I dunno. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Nomad41102:46
ubotuDid you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Nomad41102:46
PloujNomad411: its a SATA disk02:46
Ploujnforce4 chipset02:47
Ploujcan't remember which kernel driver02:47
Nomad411I haven,t had to use SATA yet either, too broke :(02:47
PloujI'm using sata_nv module/driver02:47
Ploujor, thats the one that works perfectly for my chipset02:48
PloujI wonder if kubuntu kernel has .config02:48
Plouj:/ /mnt/tmphome/usr/src/ is empty02:49
Ploujerr, /mnt/tmphome is where i mounted sda7 btw02:49
Ploujgrep -i sata_nv /mnt/tmphome/boot/config-2.6.12-9-amd64-generic02:50
Ploujso its built in as a module02:50
Ploujhow sad02:50
Nomad411Sorry, was away trying to install XP on an old 20 gigs.. I need money02:51
Nomad411So have you figured it out?02:51
Ploujthe problem that is02:51
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PloujI do _not_ want to built a custom kernel for kubuntu02:55
ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Nomad41102:56
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duckdownHey all.. I generally don't use Gnome, but I need a problem that needs full GTK+ 2.0+ functionality.  What do I need to install?03:02
xwolf-is there a kde gaim-like program?03:03
duckdownxwolf-: Kopete03:03
xwolf-besides these two03:03
duckdownkopete is amazing..03:03
Kamping_Kaiserduckdown: try installing it, and it should pullin dependancies03:03
duckdownKamping_Kaiser: Nah, its a ./configure, its source03:03
Kamping_Kaiserduckdown: oh, right.03:03
duckdownoh neat.03:04
duckdowntheres a package for it :-)03:04
duckdownThanks anyhoo :)03:04
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fatejudgerKamping_Kaiser: someone said you got XGL working in KDE03:06
fatejudgerKamping_Kaiser: is this true?03:07
Mezwhats the best thing to play 3gp files with in kubuntu ?03:07
Kamping_Kaiserfatejudger: got it going in Gnome, but it should be more or less the same03:07
Kamping_Kaiser*waves window about*03:07
fatejudgerKamping_Kaiser: I can't find anyone who's done it in KDE03:07
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Kamping_Kaiserfatejudger: be the first!03:07
fatejudgerKamping_Kaiser: I tried03:07
fatejudgerKamping_Kaiser: and broke my Dapper install03:08
fatejudgerKamping_Kaiser: I just reinstalled a couple of hours ago03:08
Kamping_Kaiserfatejudger: what went wrong?03:08
fatejudgerKamping_Kaiser: X would hang when trying to boot03:08
fatejudgerKamping_Kaiser: are you a KDE user or Gnome user?03:08
Kamping_Kaiserfatejudger: so it didnt even get to KDE? Gnome user03:08
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Snake__Kamping_Kaiser: ya found em03:09
fatejudgerwhy does everyone use Gnome damnit03:09
fatejudgercan't there be ONE person who's done it in KDE?03:09
Kamping_Kaiserfatejudger: lol03:10
Kamping_Kaiseri just followed the wiki and with 2 problems it Just Worked03:10
fatejudgerKamping_Kaiser: yeah, well the wiki is for Gnome03:10
fatejudgerKamping_Kaiser: everything is for Gnome03:11
Snake__fatejudger: time to get gnome.03:11
fatejudgerKamping_Kaiser: and I have an ATI card03:11
fatejudgerthe day I get Gnome will be the same day I buy a Mac03:11
fatejudgerwhich is never03:11
Kamping_Kaiserfatejudger: most of the steps are exactly the same (or were)03:11
fatejudgerKamping_Kaiser: SOME are the same03:12
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=== Kamping_Kaiser opens page
fatejudgerKamping_Kaiser: most deal with restarting gnome03:12
fatejudgerKamping_Kaiser: or editing gnome config files03:12
=== Kamping_Kaiser wants his old alt+tab back, not this frigging 'any dkestop' crap
Snake__Ahh so it finally crashed.03:13
=== Snake__ restarts kopete
fatejudgerKamping_Kaiser: what's alt+tab :P03:13
Kamping_Kaiserlol. a feature :P_03:14
fatejudgerKamping_Kaiser: I was being sarcastic03:14
=== spuck [n=123@216-99-209-152.cust.aracnet.com] has joined #kubuntu
mrkrisanyone here use user-mode-linux ?03:15
=== SkrotFFS [n=magnus@ti132110a080-10874.bb.online.no] has joined #kubuntu
spuckcoming from Gentoo: installed kubuntu from the disk, now what to do for KDE? (don't yet know how to use apt-get correctly and don't want to mess up)03:16
SkrotFFSAnyone here got a Sony PSP and is using it with konqueror/ioslaves?03:16
Kamping_Kaiseryou should have KDE if you have Kubuntu03:16
mrkriskstart->system->Adept(package manager)03:17
spuckKamping_Kaiser: how to update and find out? (too much emerge, learning...)03:18
=== zblach [n=zblach@Toronto-HSE-ppp3726494.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu
Kamping_Kaiserspuck: if it's blue, it's KDE. if it's brown, it's Gnome. or are you after a particular KDE?03:18
spuckKamping_Kaiser: it's dual boot windows (I'm on that horrid system now), boots to run level 3 (no problem with that if I can startx)03:20
Kamping_Kaiserfatejudger: yes, the tute is very Gnome-centric. what happens when it breaks03:20
Kamping_Kaiserspuck: it's booting to runlevel 2 btw.03:20
fatejudgerKamping_Kaiser: like I said, it just hangs when it boots03:20
fatejudgerKamping_Kaiser: says that it can't find the fglrx modules or something03:20
Kamping_Kaiserfatejudger: that's not very discriptve :(03:20
=== mister_roboto [n=jk@216-80-50-65.hnc-bsr1.chi-hnc.il.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu
fatejudgerKamping_Kaiser: but fglrx works fine03:21
fatejudgerKamping_Kaiser: I wish someone who's done this before could try it in KDE03:21
spuckKamping_Kaiser:OK... text... want to update system, sorry, I should RTFM...03:21
Kamping_Kaiserfatejudger: i would go and do it now, but i don't want to reboot :$03:21
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Kamping_Kaiserspuck: lol. np.03:22
fatejudgerKamping_Kaiser: cmon, someone has to figure it out03:22
fatejudgerKamping_Kaiser: do you have an ATI card or NVidia card?03:22
Kamping_Kaiserspuck: to update you need to remove the comments from some lines in /etc/apt/sources.list, then run `sudo apt-get update ` and then `sudo apt-get dist-ugrade`03:22
Kamping_Kaiserfatejudger: nvidia03:22
fatejudgerKamping_Kaiser: damn03:22
fatejudgerKamping_Kaiser: still though, it would be helpful03:22
=== Kamping_Kaiser wonders if the server in the corner could handle this sort of treatment
=== Kamping_Kaiser wonders if an ati rage mobility would work
spuckDamn, you guys, quite scrolling, i'm trying to write down what Kamping_Kaiser said03:24
Kamping_Kaiserlol. sorry03:24
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fatejudgerdoes anyone know of a superkaramba theme that works with KCalender?03:24
spuckOK, keep scrolling, I got it wrote down :)03:26
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Kamping_Kaiserlol. wd spuck03:26
Kamping_Kaiserspuck: for the stuff you want in your sources list type in !sources in the channel03:27
spuckhey, keep going- I'm gonna reboot to kubuntu and follow the damn directions... see ya!03:28
Kamping_Kaiserlol. later mate03:28
spucktanks! bugeye03:29
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=== Kamping_Kaiser looks for ubuntu cd
Kamping_Kaiserthis is going to take forever, *wonders why he's bothereing*03:33
Kamping_Kaiser*bothers anyway*03:33
=== brydenn [n=brydenn@c-24-21-107-37.hsd1.or.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
Kamping_Kaiserdanm laptop wont boot cdrom o_003:35
=== crxyem [n=crxyem@c-67-165-8-154.hsd1.ct.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== eltee [n=eltee@cpe-65-189-143-66.columbus.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
crxyemanyone awake ??03:45
elteei am!03:45
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Kamping_Kaiserdepends whos asking :)03:45
crxyemwell hello, are you familiar with ndiswrapper ??03:45
elteesame here, sorry03:46
=== sambagirl [n=rio@c-67-191-245-116.hsd1.ga.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
sambagirli made a big mistake on my xp and i am using live disk now03:47
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sambagirlwhat do i type to mount a hard drive ?03:47
=== robotgeek is now known as robotgeek_zzz
sambagirlmount what?03:47
elteetry just mount03:47
elteei can't really be trusted for help, considering I have only had this for 1 hour :(03:47
crxyem sambagirl do you know whether your winxp partition is /dev/hda0 or /dev/sda0 etc..03:48
crimsunsambagirl: what volume? Is it an older Kubuntu install or Windows XP?03:48
Kamping_Kaiserremember - xp=ntfs03:49
elteeyou can still mount it though?03:49
Kamping_Kaiseryes, but not write03:49
Kamping_Kaiserand if your trying to fix xp by using a live cd, you need to write (i would have thought003:50
crxyemit would be something along the nature of sudo mount /dev/hda0 /media/windows ntfs    nls=utf8,umask=0222 0       003:50
elteehow can you get amarok to access files from a ntfs sda03:50
elteemine says cannot open folder03:50
sambagirlhold on sorry i was in ubuntu03:50
crxyemwhich will give read write access, but keep in mind writing to ntfs isn't foolproof03:50
Kamping_Kaiserthe ubuntu kernel wont write ntfs i thought03:51
crimsunthat fstab line isn't correct syntax for mount03:51
crimsunyou'd either use mount syntax or fstab directly03:51
sambagirlhda0 looks like amiga styule03:51
crxyemyeah sorry , I confused the two, thats an fstab command03:52
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sambagirlnow what happened was that i was messing around with something in xp and i had to shut down and now it is not working i tryied using 2000 disk to brinkg it up as mounting on that but that did not work too so now i am just trying to see if i can even see the disk to try to recover important things on there.03:53
=== cwd is now known as lint
sambagirlfstab ?03:53
ubotuHelp! seb128, lilo, bob2, fabbione, lamont, thom, Keybuk, jdub, mdz, Amaranth, tritium, ajmitch, crimsun, ogra, CarlK, Seveas, Burgundavia, apokryphos, thoreauputic or nalioth03:53
sambagirlok let me try this03:53
naliothMez: ?03:53
Meznalioth: It's got the wrong ops for this channel :D03:53
lintSomeone mind pointing me to a page that talks about proper installation and maintenance of ubuntu/kubuntu?03:54
naliothMez: you want !kops03:54
Mez] I was testing if it had the right ops :D03:54
ubotuHelp! Riddell, fooishbar, haggai, amu, uniq, Mez, seth_k, nikkia, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, or robotgeek03:54
lintfor exmaple i just apt-get install'd gimp, and i have no idea where it is ;x03:54
naliothMez: why not do that in a PM, you're calling the kops03:54
Meznalioth, meh - it should be context sensitive03:54
crxyemok well I don't need so much ndis help, it's still a wireless bit, anyone familiar with iwconfig ??03:54
Mezubotu - it works in PM?03:54
ubotuHuh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Mez03:54
naliothMez: all factoids work in a pm03:54
Mezah ok03:54
sambagirli get this error04:00
sambagirlroot@ubuntu:/home/ubuntu # /dev/hda1 /media/windows vfat umask=000 0 004:00
sambagirlbash: /dev/hda1: Permission denied04:00
=== darkbutterfly [n=darkbutt@ip70-185-173-14.mc.at.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
crimsunno, incorrect syntax04:01
darkbutterflyi'm having problems getting amarok to  play radio streams does anyone  have any suggestions as to what i  can do to fix it?04:01
crimsunsudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/windows umask=00004:01
crimsunsudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/windows -o umask=00004:01
sambagirlOK LET ME TRY04:02
sambagirlHDA1 IS FOR DRIVE 1?04:02
=== juan [n=juan@71-126-246-201.adsl.terra.cl] has joined #kubuntu
sambagirlOR DRIVE 0?04:02
stonedI have an hp multimedia/internet keyboard, I am using ubuntu/kubuntu and I can't seem to find how to make those extra keys.  How can I findout which keycodes those extra keys are sending, and then assign commands to those keys04:03
Ploujdamn, kubunu forums are slow04:03
Nomad411If I want to low-level format a HD from linux, do I need software from teh maker (Quantum?) or is there a utility on there already?04:03
stonedits an HP-H7630 keyboard04:04
PloujNomad411: wouldn't dd do that?04:05
Ploujis there something lower than that?04:05
xwolf-how do i put links in kopete message windows to be opened on firefox?04:05
PloujNomad411: http://www.seagate.com/support/kb/disc/faq/ata_llfmt_what.html04:07
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sambagirlmount: /dev/hda1 already mounted or /media/windows busy04:08
sambagirlit says busy04:09
Nomad411thanks.. I'm really not at my best tonight, ill..  Probably should not be trying to install windows at all :)04:11
sambagirlit says it is alreayd mounted.04:11
=== JosephRivers [n=jer@tuk-dsl-225-143.olympus.net] has joined #kubuntu
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crxyemso anyone have any idea why I need to run iwconfig everytime I reboot, to get my wireless back up running ??04:12
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-113-76.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu
bimberiCongratulations Hobbsee!04:15
Hobbseebimberi: thankyou :D04:16
bimberiHobbsee: so ... where's the cloak then?04:16
Hobbseebimberi: not sure, i'm told that i have to ask seveas about it04:18
=== dev_null [n=brad@cpe-069-134-053-184.carolina.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
bimberiHobbsee: ah, ok :)04:19
Ploujthis is gay04:19
=== Hobbsee goes to ask about it
=== CheeseBurgerMan [n=BurgerBo@] has joined #kubuntu
PloujI need SATA_NV builtin!!04:21
Nomad411Plouj: read this: http://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies-archive.cfm/461601.html04:25
Nomad411change bios to legacy, install Kubuntu, recompile kernel and then switch back to SATA04:25
=== Hobbsee removes the ubuntu versions of firefox and thunderbird on dapper, and replaces with the mozilla ones, hoping that they will be faster
PloujI don't think I can change to legacy04:26
Hobbseebimberi: waiting on an answer, but he's been idle for 2 hours already04:26
Ploujotherwise my raid controller just turns of or something04:26
=== cyanid3 [n=jhowe@24-180-124-81.dhcp.aldl.mi.charter.com] has joined #kubuntu
bimberiHobbsee: Not suprising really - 04:28 in .nl  :)04:28
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Hobbseebimberi: hehe, true04:29
=== Snake__ is now known as Snake|Nekkid|Sho
=== Snake|Nekkid|Sho is now known as Snake|Nekkid
xwolf-how do i put links in kopete message windows to be opened on firefox?04:31
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errrdoes anyone know how to get around having to use my cd to play ut2k4..?04:38
biovoreyou don't need a cd in linux04:39
Ploujnot with the latest patch04:39
biovoreand in windows.. just get the latest patch04:39
errrhmm thats what I have though, but my buddy has emailed me saying he keeps having to use his, I wonder if he installed it in wine or something04:39
biovorethere is a UT bin for linux04:40
=== biovore plays UT2k4 on linux
errryeah I sent him an email to use linuxinstaller.sh or what ever its called04:40
biovoreworks best of a dvd ed..04:40
errrok, well thanks, Ill check if he got it installed using wine or something04:41
=== errr [n=errr@216-82-206-108.dyn.grandenetworks.net] has left #kubuntu []
=== DynoTrick [n=DynoTric@cpe-66-67-137-236.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
Ploujthere is a newer ut2k404:42
=== _pavel [n=pavel@h-68-164-169-50.snfccasy.dynamic.covad.net] has joined #kubuntu
elteehow can I unlock a old partition that is ntfs04:46
elteeunder all apps it has a lock by it04:47
biovoreeltee: unlock?04:47
=== Snake|Nekkid is now known as Snake__
Hobbseeeltee: /dev/hda1       /media/windows  ntfs    nls=utf8,ro,user,umask=000 0       0 <-- adapt that line in /etc/fstab to suit your windows drive and the problem should go away04:50
=== Hobbsee is now known as Hobbsee_away
elteeit says permission denied04:51
Snake__eltee: use sudo04:52
elteethis is my first hour on linux04:52
elteewhat is this sudo you speak of04:52
Snake__eltee: put sudeo before that command04:52
Snake__sudo gives you "root" rights, or the power to change anything04:52
biovoresudo runs stuff as root (aka god)04:52
Snake__eltee: sudo /dev/hda1       /media/windows  ntfs nls=utf8,ro,user,umask=000 0       004:53
httpdsseltee: sudo nano /etc/fstab04:53
biovoresudo mount .....04:53
=== dataangel [n=prophet@] has joined #kubuntu
Snake__Ahhhhhhhhhh I didnt see that04:53
Snake__dont do what I said04:53
=== Snake__ shuts up now
dataangelI want to upgrade to kubuntu dapper, but dist-upgrade says it's going to remove all KDE related packages. What am I doing wrong? :P04:53
elteeok so ixnay on what snake said?>04:53
dataangelis there another repo for kubuntu dapper specifically?04:53
biovoredataangel: nothing.. new verson of kde04:54
Snake__biovore: put eltee through what he needs ta do :)04:54
biovorewhat is he tring to do?04:54
dataangelbiovore: It's uninstalling like, amarok though. Shouldn't it just be upgrading it?04:54
Snake__biovore: add that to /dev/hda1       /media/windows  ntfs nls=utf8,ro,user,umask=000 0       004:54
Snake__Man I am out of it.04:54
=== Snake__ needs sleep
Snake__hes trying to add that line to his fstab04:55
biovoredataangel: when you go to upgrade kde from 3.4 to 3.5 it updates all the base libs to it has to remove everything and reinstall all new stuff04:55
dataangelbiovore: I'm already running 3.5.104:55
biovoreis that what dapper is running?04:55
dataangelbiovore: And again, shouldn't that be listed as a package upgrade instead of a package removal?04:55
dataangelbiovore: Err, it should be.04:55
biovorehmm.. must be some strange dependency hangup04:56
dataangelbiovore: I'm running the breezy versions of the packages from kubuntu.org04:56
Snake__eltee: ah screw it. Heres what you do: Type in "kdesu kate /etc/fstab"04:56
Snake__Tell me when youve dont that04:56
biovorenote to world: dapper is still in development..04:56
Snake__Done that**04:56
Snake__I guess he left.04:57
biovoretry /dev/hda1 /media/windows ntfs defaults 0 004:57
Snake__biovore: he left04:57
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Snake__biovore: he wanted to add it to his fstab so he could boot it04:57
biovorestock kernel only support reads from ntfs.. no writes..04:57
biovorethats what grub is for04:57
Snake__biovore: Why noobs?04:57
Snake__naw, I mean so that its mounted on boot04:57
biovorethat the most retarded thing ever04:58
biovorebecause /boot is where your kernel is..04:58
biovoremounting windows to /boot wont boot windows04:58
Snake__biovore: No, he wants his NTFS mounted when he goes onto kubuntu automatically04:59
httpdssbiovore: defaults on ntfs is only for root ...04:59
Snake__Do you see what im saying?04:59
biovoreI run a custom kernel thats has ntfs write support04:59
Snake__Arnt u l337 :P05:00
biovorehe just needs to a line to hes /etc/fstab05:00
Snake__What do you think he was doing?05:00
Snake__[22:56]  < Snake__> eltee: ah screw it. Heres what you do: Type in "kdesu kate /etc/fstab"05:00
=== LiteHedded [n=brian@] has joined #kubuntu
LiteHeddedmy ati install hosed X!05:00
Snake__I believe it.05:01
biovoreall I herd was someone talkning about mounting his windows disk to /boot to boot the thing..05:01
LiteHeddedI'm typing this from the console beause i have no gui!05:01
LiteHeddedcan someone help me?05:01
biovorewhich don't work well05:01
biovoreLiteHedded: did you do the nvidia thing?05:01
LiteHeddedit's ATI05:01
=== biovore dosn't know ati setup..
Snake__Me neither... :-/05:02
ubotuati is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=42358905:02
biovoreyou tring to get the frlgl stuff working?05:02
Snake__biovore: hes tryin to get his X goin05:02
biovoreit should work from install05:02
Snake__biovore: he hosed it..05:02
Snake__as he said on his entrence05:02
biovoreunless his xorg.conf got smashed05:02
biovoredid he make a backup of his xorg.conf (as the howto say to do)05:03
Snake__LiteHedded: did you back up?05:03
biovore(I guessing he didn't)05:03
LiteHeddedwhat do you think?05:03
biovorethe simplest thing I can think of..05:04
LiteHeddedi've redone the fglrx config thingie though it doesn't fix it05:04
biovorexorg -configure05:04
biovoreand it should make a new xorg.conf file in /root05:04
biovore(run as root)05:04
LiteHeddedwhen i do startx i get this ugly screen and it quits to console05:04
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LiteHeddedk sudo xorg -configure?05:04
biovoreI think05:04
biovoreits been a bit..05:04
gammaanyone know what window border this is? http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/4354/screenshot20060221busy6ht.png05:04
Snake__hang on05:04
LiteHeddedk i'll try it05:04
biovorethere is a auto configure thing05:04
Snake__LiteHedded: one minute05:04
Snake__LiteHedded: ill get you the autoconfig05:05
LiteHeddedi did the auto configure and it doesn't fix it05:05
CheeseBurgerManATI X200? X did that with my Kubuntu install.05:05
LiteHeddedsays no useable sreens found05:05
sambagirlwhat is the default pw for ssh05:05
biovoreLiteHedded: I know :-)05:05
LiteHeddedi do feel kinda leet using irssi this way though :P05:05
biovoresambagirl: ssh username@host05:05
biovoreusername password05:05
biovoreusername's password05:05
LiteHeddedso what do I do biovore?05:06
biovorecheck you monitors horizontal sync and vertical refresh values05:06
LiteHeddedok I'll do that05:06
biovorethat ussualy causes that problem05:06
Snake__Im done with tech support tonight. I'm messin up to much05:06
LiteHeddedwhat's it's lcd05:06
LiteHeddedso it doesn't have those05:06
biovore15 connector?05:06
biovore(15 pin)05:06
biovorethat a bit more pain in the ass05:07
biovorewhat laptop?05:07
LiteHeddedsager 568005:07
LiteHeddedit's a 15 inch05:07
biovoremight have to good for the mode lines.. gl05:07
CheeseBurgerManI assume that you don't have the ATI X200 then. ;)05:07
biovorethe lcd's on laptops are mostly crap and very picky05:07
=== Snake__ feels like AOL tech support with all the mistakes he just made :)
LiteHeddedfatal server error "no screens found"05:07
biovore(have to google for modelines)05:08
LiteHeddedit's a mobility radeon 9600pro05:08
CheeseBurgerManOK, not the same as mine then.05:08
=== DynoTrick [n=DynoTric@cpe-66-67-137-236.rochester.res.rr.com] has joined #kubuntu
LiteHeddedi've installed the ati drivers several times before and not had this happen05:08
CheeseBurgerManWhich is the X200 BTW. ;)05:08
biovoreLiteHedded: for more detail debug look at the file /var/log/xorg.0.log05:09
=== Hobbsee_away is now known as Hobbsee
sambagirli wanted to save a snapshot to floppy i am using live cd how do i find the floppy to save to it?05:10
biovoresambagirl: your running live cd and want to save a file to a floppy?05:11
=== ClayG [n=claygucc@c-66-177-234-195.hsd1.fl.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
sambagirlyes a snapshot for commands so i dont have to bother anyone wiith the same quesiotns for the commands a second time05:12
biovoreyou mean like a cheet sheet?05:12
biovoreI had found one a while back for a buddy of mine that started learning unix..05:13
gammaanyone? http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/4354/screenshot20060221busy6ht.png the window decoration05:14
biovoreif you know that commands just use man <command>05:14
sambagirlit;s for rememvering to mount a drive haha it's ok i will email it to myself thanks :;D05:14
biovoregamma: intressting05:14
biovoregoogle on mount05:15
gammathat's the name? 0.o or just a cool ss?05:15
biovorewell no window manager05:15
biovoreits kde.. but QT isn't managing the windowing session it looks like05:15
gammaerr it's got something05:16
gammajust no buttons05:16
gammalook at the "about amarok"05:16
Snake__wow gamma is that really kde??05:16
gammait's got a header.. it's just blended with the bg05:16
biovorelooks like they blended it in05:16
gammayes it's kde :P05:16
Snake__Wow..its so clean :)05:16
biovoreyou ge kbfx working yet?05:17
Snake__Good style gamma05:17
gammahttp://home.cfl.rr.com/gamma/images/ss-kde.png is mine, but not as clean05:17
gammai want that window decoration05:17
Snake__oh aw thats not yours?05:17
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biovoregamma: you look on kde-look.org for it?05:18
Snake__gamma: Lo bob you have pie?05:18
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gammayea i'm looking on kde-look right now05:18
gammai'm guessing it's native kwin or dekorator05:18
chadwick|359Can anybody help me get Ekiga working with netmeeting on xp, or suggest another windows compatable program to use?05:18
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LiteHeddedI'm just reinstalling05:19
LiteHeddedreconfiguring xorg just wasn't working05:20
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ubotuati is, like, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=42358905:21
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julianneed help please05:36
ubotumethinks ask is just ask. Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise and on-topic. Information like hardware make, model, outputs of commands that you used pasted onto http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl is important. Better questions more frequently yield better answers. Keeping the question in one line makes it easier to read. See also http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html05:37
juliansomeone speaks spanish?05:37
biovoreI think there is a spanish channel05:37
juliani c05:37
julianmy question is05:37
juliani've just installed kubuntu05:38
ubotuHispanohablantes: Por favor usen #ubuntu-es, #kubuntu-es o #edubuntu-es, alli obtendran mas ayuda.05:38
Hobbseethat spanish?05:38
Hobbseeor am i confused05:38
CheeseBurgerManThat's Spanish.05:38
julianyes, that's right05:38
Hobbseeanyway, ask your question :)05:38
HobbseeCheeseBurgerMan: oh good!05:38
julianbut i'll ask anyway05:38
Hobbseeyep, go for it05:38
julianwhen i installed it, the make package had an error05:38
Hobbseepastebin the make error?05:39
ubotuI guess pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org - Install webboard for easy pasting from the gnome taskbar :)05:39
juliannow, i want to install it manually05:39
biovorebuild-essential didn't grab make as a dep?05:39
biovoresudo apt-get install build-essential05:39
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julianuhm, i'm a newbie05:40
Hobbseemake's a dep of build-essential, yes - sounds like it had trouble installing or something05:40
biovoreall the compiler tools (gcc,make,etc)05:40
juliani c05:40
Hobbseejulian: exactly what error did you get?  pastebin it05:40
juliani had a reading error05:40
biovorein a terminal type: sudo apt-get install build-essential05:40
juliani don't remember exactly what the error was05:41
julianbut in 4 addresses it got an error05:41
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lintFun i cant get mplayer to isntall05:51
gammaanyone know what window border this is? http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/4354/screenshot20060221busy6ht.png05:51
linti keep getting broken package msg's05:51
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Hobbseelint: pastebin the error messages05:52
Hobbseegamma: i've *never* seen that one before - where's the quit button or whatever???05:52
_johnny_Howdy!  I was wondering if I could get a quick suggestion.  I've loaded Breezy 64 on my laptop.  The second part of the install (sans CD) hangs at "Checking Battery Status".  Any ideas?05:53
lintHobbsee: I also edited sources to this example http://easylinux.info/wiki/Ubuntu#How_to_add_extra_repositories05:54
gammaHobbsee: dunno :P he must have disabled it05:55
Hobbseelint: and installing libjack0 gives you what?05:56
lintI wouldn't know?05:57
linti try and install that, it says i need ljack05:58
lintthen i need this, etc etc05:58
lintdear god05:58
lintwtf did i just type05:58
Hobbseewell keep going and find out what's finally broken hehe05:58
lintI think i just managed to uninstall everything05:59
lintthat cant be good06:01
Hobbseeoh dear!06:02
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Hobbseewhy didnt you tell it no!06:02
lintbecause i kept going up the logical chain06:02
Hobbseefair enough06:02
lintit said that the thing i needed depended on that06:02
Hobbseehit ctrl+c06:02
Hobbseeto cancel it, then type sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop06:02
linti just wiped my entire shit didn't i06:02
Hobbseenah...it can be reinstalled fairly easily06:03
Hobbseeon dapper it seems fine - wonder why breezy doesnt like it06:03
lintim on dapper06:03
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ejofeeso isn't there any video player which lets me decide from which position to which position to automatically play each film on a playlist?06:03
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Hobbseeyeah run sudo dpkg --configure -a first06:04
lintwow im fubard06:05
ejofee... or plugin?06:05
Hobbseenah, it just takes a bit of time, then you cna do it again06:05
=== Hobbsee has done what you did before, completely accidently
Hobbseewhat does sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop say?06:06
Hobbseesame error?06:06
lintit asks if something is acceptable06:06
Hobbseepastebin what you see :P06:06
Hobbseehow close is your install cd?06:08
lintclose by06:08
Hobbseewell, you probably can fix it by playing dependancy voodoo, but it may well be quicker to just reinstall off the cd06:08
Hobbseeis your /home on a separate partitoin?06:09
lintfrom what?06:09
Hobbsee /06:09
lintwhatever default is i have that06:09
Hobbseedo you know how to backup your /home partition?06:09
Hobbseeburn it to a cd or copy it to another drive that you wont be formatting06:09
linti have to reinstall everything?06:10
Hobbseemay well be easiest06:10
lintthats for another day, i actually have to be productive and write an essay06:10
lintsometimes Microsoft is ok in my book06:10
Hobbseebut first...06:10
Hobbseesudo apt-get install -f kubuntu-desktop06:10
lintatleast in windows i can't wipe out all my stuff while trying to install a video codec06:11
Hobbseewell, you can still remove c:/windows in windows, IIRC...06:11
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Hentai^XPHobbsee C:\windows06:41
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_slashhi guys06:58
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sambagirlis crimsun still about?07:14
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freeflyinghow to setup soundcard under dapper07:33
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stonedi don't know if anyone cares, but i finally configured my multimedia keyboard using 'keytouch', hotkeys, xev, xmodmap etc. are hard to configure, this thing makes it really easy07:40
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sambagirlsudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/windows -o umask=000 is this the corrent syntax for mounting vfat?07:47
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sambagirlit says mount point does not exist07:50
sambagirlsudo mount /dev/hda1 /media/windows -o umask=000 is this right for vfat?07:50
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stonedsampan, also -t vfat08:01
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_timhi everyone :D08:05
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yellohey does neone know anything about getting mics to work on kubuntu?08:06
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kasimhi, i can not use cdrecord with breezy and my external usb drive. Any hints pls?09:12
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mesaboogie1hi rosemary09:33
rosemaryhi mesaboogie109:34
rosemaryhow come I get a special greeting:-)09:34
mesaboogie1ur a kiwi, and thats special09:35
mesaboogie1hows ubuntu treating ya?09:36
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joe234Clone Detected Nicks ( thoreauputic thoreauputic_ ) Hostmask (*!*@ubuntu/member/thoreauputic)  )= | 24 / 4809:36
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Kamping_Kaiserhi thoreauputic09:38
thoreauputic_hi Kamping_Kaiser :)09:40
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rosemarymesaboogie1: thanks - to be honest have kubuntu installed but haven't had time to really try it out.  Main box is dual boot mandriva 2005/winXP which I ocassionally need for family tree and scanner09:42
rosemaryrarely boot to winXP these days09:43
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samourahello someone here?09:46
rosemarybeen a steep learning curve from windows to linux (mandriva for me) and now of course some files are found in different places in debian based distros09:46
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samourakmenu/system/package manage and than i try to install some of those program and i get allweys ERROR;(09:48
mesaboogie1I'm @ the bottom of the curve atm, she's sharp alright09:48
samouraThere was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages. WHAT does it mean ;S09:48
samourai cant install nothing09:49
rosemarymesaboogie1: so where are you from?09:50
samouraThere was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages. WHAT does it mean ;Splease help people09:50
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mesaboogie1auckland, you?09:51
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samouraThere was an error commiting changes. Possibly there was a problem downloading some packages or the commit would break packages. WHAT does it mean ;Splease help people09:54
rosemarymesaboogie1: hawkes bay09:57
rosemarymesaboogie1: oh didn't realise you were a kiwi also :-)09:57
samourarosemary help me please09:58
rosemarysamoura: I will if I can, but am new to kubuntu09:58
mesaboogie1i just did [/who *.nz]  (i'm exploring) and thought id say hi09:59
samourarosemary have you updated a video card?10:00
samourahow do i run bin files?10:01
rosemarysamoura: no I bought one once of trademe and it didn't fit the slot :-)10:02
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egonw_I have trouble with the konsole history... it's set to Unlimited, but really uses 0 history :(10:14
egonw_after each boot, for each console, I have to fix the setting again... even though it still says Unlimited...10:15
egonw_anyone who has experienced this too?10:15
divansantanaHello, any one can help me10:17
divansantanaproblem is"ISpell/Aspell could not be started. Please make sure you have ISpell or Aspell properly configured and in your PATH." and aspell is installed10:17
egonw_divansantana: which program gives that error?10:20
divansantanaspelling works perfect on my laptop but on another kubuntu 5.10 same version everything doesnt work. aspell/ispell Packages are the same10:21
egonw_so you're running aspell from the command line?10:23
egonw_mist the two lines before that...10:23
egonw_divansantana: try to run it from the command line on both machines...10:24
divansantanaWhen composing mail it doesnt auto check spelling if click tools spelling it says10:24
divansantanaproblem is"ISpell/Aspell could not be started. Please make sure you have ISpell or Aspell properly configured and in your PATH." and aspell is installed10:24
egonw_and check that the result/output is the same...10:24
divansantanabut aspell is install and is in /usr/bin and $PATH is correct10:24
egonw_start Konsole10:24
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egonw_type aspell -c somefile.txt10:25
divansantana-c doesnt work on both computers10:26
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divansantanatype aspell -c automatix.log10:27
divansantanaaspell is /usr/bin/aspell10:27
divansantanabash: type: -c: not found10:27
divansantanabash: type: automatix.log: not found10:27
egonw_it does here... guess there is something wron there then...10:27
egonw_remove the 'type'...10:27
egonw_the command is: aspell -c somefile.txt10:28
_slashhey guys10:28
_slashI'm just lost10:28
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_slashcan't view phpnuke index.php10:28
_slashI wonder why?10:28
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_slashcan somebody point me to any documentation?10:28
divansantanasorry it works on both of them10:28
egonw__slash: http://google.com10:29
_slashtoo general10:29
_slashbut its okay10:29
egonw_divansantana: don't have further ideas...10:29
_slashI've been ran phpnuke for many platform10:29
_slashbut not on ubuntu10:29
egonw_tried man?10:30
_slashI tod it was the same installation10:30
egonw_try: dpkg -L phpnuke10:30
egonw_or whatever the package name is...10:30
egonw_try: dpkg -L phpnuke | grep doc10:30
divansantanaegonw_: it seems like a common problem, searched and found many people complaining same thing with no answers... :(10:31
divansantanaegonw_: thanks for your help though10:31
_slashman, been running lots of php package on multiple OS even sparc and alpha10:31
egonw_divansantana: try the channel #kde10:31
divansantanakewl wil do10:32
_slashI won't come here if I can find the answer on google, hehe10:32
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egonw__slash: sorry... can't help with that...10:32
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_mindspinslash try  #apache10:41
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samouraClick the Search button and search for "nvidia".10:48
samouraOnce the search is complete, click the white box next to the following packages and select Mark for Installation in the menu that pops up:10:48
samoura Everybody should install:10:48
samoura nvidia-settings10:48
samourahello i am trying to install nvidia driver and i don know what do there ->10:48
samourashude i install all the things that are there?10:49
visik7apt-get install nvidia-glx10:49
samouraokei just apt-get?10:49
samourawhat do you mean man?10:50
samourathere are no apt-get in there10:51
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samouraOnce the search is complete find linux-restricted-modules-386 (or linux-restricted-modules-686 if you are running the 686 kernel  EM i runnig  kernel?10:53
roconnor:-/ Why, when booting, does my computer try to accesss the timeserver before setting up the network?10:53
koshroconnor: your computer is posessed by evil spirits :)10:54
samouraGOOD one :P10:54
roconnor'nother question, why does Konversation automatically start-up with the #kubuntu channel?10:55
roconnortough question.10:57
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koshroconnor: that is probably the defalut config for the konversation settings in kubuntu10:57
koshroconnor: it is trivial to change it though10:57
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koshroconnor: they probably just programed it for that so that if someone clicked on it they would end up somewhere they could get help10:58
roconnorkosh: yes, thank you.10:58
koshsamoura: can you run uname -a  from the commandline and paste the result?10:58
ubotuWish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, _b10:59
samourasudo nvidia-glx-config enable10:59
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samouraSelect the Applications menu at the top of the screen, then System Tools and then Terminal.11:00
samouraIn the terminal window, type the following command to enable the driver:11:00
samourasudo nvidia-glx-config enable11:00
samouranot found ;S11:00
samourais says not found11:00
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samouraSelect the Applications menu at the top of the screen, then System Tools and then Terminal. In the terminal window, type the following command to enable the driver:  sudo nvidia-glx-config enable    but it asks me of a password and i cant add the password so i just click ENTER and it says nvidia-glx-config: command not found please what em i dowing wrong ;S11:03
koshI already asked you to type something for me and paste the output11:03
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samoura Select the Applications menu at the top of the screen, then System Tools  is this the right direct kmenu/system/terminal program knosole ?11:07
samouraand how do i exit synaptic manager?11:08
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koshcould you just open a konsole window and type uname -a        and then paste the output into here?11:08
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samouraLinux  2.6.12-9-386 #1 Mon Oct 10 13:14:36 BST 2005 i686 GNU/Linux11:10
samourakosh that comes up what than?11:10
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koshokay then do sudo apt-get install linux-restricted-modules-686 nvidia-glx11:11
samouraCould not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)11:12
samouraE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?11:12
samourathat comes up11:12
koshif you have adept, synaptic etc open then close them11:12
kameroni want to drop a bunch of .vobs .bups, and .ifos into a single .iso file so i can play it like a dvd. can i use tar to do this? something else?11:13
samourakosh opkei i have closed this synaptic and than i tape agein and this comes up11:14
samoura Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)11:14
samourabash: syntax error near unexpected token `('11:14
samourasamoura@senbeto:~$ E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?11:14
samourabash: syntax error near unexpected token `('11:14
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koshokay run sudo lsof /var/lib/dpkg/lock11:16
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koshbecause the system things you still have another program running that is trying to install packages11:16
samourayou mean open sinaptic package manager and install this -> sudo lsof /var/lib/dpkg/lock11:19
koshI am trying to find out what package programs you have open11:19
koshjust put that into the konsole window11:19
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samourathis sudo lsof /var/lib/dpkg/lock?11:20
koshyes in the commandline and without the ?11:20
samourabash: run: command not found11:20
samoura;( i am in deep shitt right ? ;(11:21
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koshsamoura: it probably just means that lsof is not installed11:22
koshsamoura: I was trying to find out what apps you have open that are trying to manage packages11:23
samouraokei :D thanks okei now just have to open system/package manager right?11:23
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koshI want all of the gui package managers closed11:24
koshthat is why those commands are not working, something is still trying to access what they are trying to use11:24
samourai have a cd on my driver cd?11:24
samouramybe that is why?11:25
koshthere is a program open that is trying to lock the db11:25
bimberi"run: command not found"  -  run?11:26
samourayess because i have installed many thing on system/pack manger11:26
koshwhat exactly did you type into the konsole window?11:26
samouraand i don know even what it do:S11:26
koshgod I hate trying to help people that will not follow instructions exactly11:28
samourai taped this sudo nvidia-glx-config enable and than it pups up a password:11:29
koshsamoura: go find someone local that can help you11:30
samourai did ALL+ F2 and write sudo nvidia-glx-config enable and than comes up a black screen and says Password: but i can tape nothing11:30
samouraplease help me11:30
koshI have tried to help you, I give up11:31
koshyou won't listen11:31
samouraokei i will11:31
=== wincide [n=WeReTheC@165.Red-83-33-169.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has left #kubuntu ["AaaAaArrghh!"]
koshno it is a huge waste of my time, I have other work I need to get done11:31
samouraokei just say what i have to do  please11:31
koshyou need to find someone in person that can help you11:31
koshor go back to windows your choice11:31
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rosemarysamoura: maybe go to forums and get writen instructions which are easier to follow?11:33
rosemaryI mean easier than being in chan and trying to dothings in console or whatever11:33
samouraokei what forums?11:33
rosemarykubunut forums - try google11:34
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rosemarykubuntu forums11:37
Slaphappycan this app be integrated instead of kwifi... i have so hard problems get my wireless to work with kwifi but with wlassistant in just 2 seconds and its done11:37
Slaphappyhere is the link: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=2183211:38
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rosemarysamoura: Have trying to get link for forums but my ISP is playing silly buuger11:47
samoura:P i have updated :P uhhh i love this linux11:50
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samourabut i have one problame;/11:51
brosiozanyone known how could i change the icon of kmail on systray ? i want to put kcontact icon...11:51
oddiebrosioz: right click on icone and select properties, click on icon and change11:52
brosiozalso in systray ???11:53
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rosemaryfor the person who wanted kubunut forum links - may be gone but here it is   http://kubuntuforums.net/12:36
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brosiozexists a repository with amarok 1.4 ?12:58
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Hobbseebrosioz: see /topic01:00
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brosiozi've read Amarok 1.4 beta 101:01
brosiozbut don't see where download it01:01
Hobbseesee kubuntu.org01:02
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rosemaryhi mluna01:13
mlunahi rosemary01:14
mlunaI am trying ubuntu dapper drake01:14
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Hobbseemluna: oh fun01:15
rosemarywell I am very new to kubuntu01:16
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mlunaI installed it last evening01:17
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mlunarosemary: it is not hard, do not worry01:17
frojndhello today I have a new prob01:17
mlunaif you have any question I bet there are lots of people here that will help you01:18
ubotufrom memory, ask is just ask. Questions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise and on-topic. Information like hardware make, model, outputs of commands that you used pasted onto http://paste.ubuntulinux.nl is important. Better questions more frequently yield better answers. Keeping the question in one line makes it easier to read. See also http://catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html01:18
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rosemaryguess I could play wit it now I have broadband- but hardly know kubunut yet - Mandriva user01:18
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frojndwhen I started kaffeine and choose a m00vei form a ntfs partition kaffeine says: u can choose only local files....01:19
Hobbseerosemary: it's a wise idea to know how to fix various bugs before moving to a development release - particularly at the moment01:19
Hobbseefrojnd: yes, that's always been the case01:19
xwolf-i mounted /dev/hda1 on /mnt/windows, but i can only access it as root, and can't change the owner permissions so that i can listen my mp3 files (located in hda1) here in linux.. what do i do?01:19
frojndso, how can I watch a movie on a ntfs..01:19
frojndI can listen to music.. for now01:20
frojndfrom ntfs ..01:20
rosemaryHobbsee: I am very unlikey to actually d/l an unstable relaese - just pipe dream talk :-)01:20
Hobbseexwolf-: modify /dev/hda1       /media/windows  ntfs    nls=utf8,ro,user,umask=000 0       0 <-- to suit your file system (where to mount it, etc), and change it in /etc/fstab, so that the user can read the files01:20
mlunaI think users are the best testers01:20
Hobbseerosemary: hehe01:21
Hobbseemluna: that is tru01:21
rosemaryit's like I've got this box, low specs - no loss if things don't work.  Reality is I don't have the time01:21
xwolf-Hobbsee i just have to run that and magic will happen then..01:21
frojndany ideas how can i force my ntfs partiton to use it and watch a movie from it?01:21
Hobbseexwolf-: kdesu kwrite /etc/fstab - you'll already have a line to mount your windows partition - delete it and use this line instead, substituting where you mount it, and which hd it's on.  really, you can just copy the permissions over from nls=blahblahblah instead of the defaults given in /etc/fstab01:23
Hobbseeyou'll still have to copy over your music to a linux drive, but your user can read the windows partition, but not write to it01:24
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xwolf-Hobbsee i just want to get the mp3s listened through linux... i don't want to copy to linux partition01:25
Hobbseeas far as i know, your statements are contradictory - i've not found a way to listen straight from a linux partition01:25
frojndxwolf- I have exctlly prob yesterdasy..01:25
frojndwhat distro do u use?01:26
Hobbseeyeah i'd thought i'd seen it before01:26
frojndit was me..01:26
Hobbseefrojnd: did you find a solution, apart from copying the files over?01:26
frojndI forgot the command...01:26
frojndyes someone form this chan told me how t odo it01:27
xwolf-i still can't open /mnt/windows as user.. just as root01:27
Hobbseefrojnd: type history and have a look :P01:27
frojndhistory with a slash: /  ?01:27
Hobbseefrojnd: no, in a console01:27
frojndofcourse :P01:27
Hobbseeconsole/konsole/virtual terminal/xterm window/etc01:28
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Hobbseeany commands i give are to be in a console - most people work that way, because it's fairly easy to help via console rather than say "now look to the top corner of this window, and click on the second box on the right hand side..."01:28
Hobbseeas in, most people give help that way01:29
xwolf-it's actually better01:29
ejofeemy vlc sub font is very uglily blurred. what can i do about it? i tried every combination of settings i could think of.01:29
xwolf-Hobbsee i still think i'm gonna have problems with playing mp3 files01:30
rosemaryCLI help is so much easier once used to using console - get output so know what is happeneing01:30
Hobbseerosemary: definetly!01:30
frojndthat's unbolivable... I must have delited it :\01:30
xwolf-lemme check the wiki01:30
Hobbseefrojnd: it doesnt tell you?01:30
frojndI can't find any get-install or smth..01:30
Hobbseefrojnd: just pastebin your output of history, if it's got nothing sensitive in it01:31
Hobbseewe can probably figure it out from there01:31
frojndthat's so cruel01:31
frojndI mean I also thought I'll learn from history01:31
Hobbseeoh, right :)01:32
frojndcouse now I have simmilar problem01:32
frojndonly that instead of .mp3 are .avi..01:32
=== Hobbsee thought that frojnd meant that he couldnt find what he was looking for, so the next step was to have everyone have a look at it to see which one it was
frojndno no..01:32
frojndget-install was included :)01:33
frojndand than update or smth01:33
frojndI remember that01:33
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rosemaryHobbsee: well worth learning some CLI for that purpose I think01:34
Hobbseetrue :)01:34
Hobbseeand of course, it's rather useful when you lose all of X01:34
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rosemaryHobbsee: sometimes when I have trie different distros has trouble with  X and had to configure with CLI.  But I always need a lot of help at that sort of stage01:38
Hobbseehehe true - so you are good friends with irssi?01:38
=== Hobbsee cant figure out what the program was that frojnd installed from apt-cache search without either the history file, or more info
=== Hobbsee could also check the history file
Hobbseeof #kubuntu01:40
=== Snake__ is now known as snake|sleep
rosemaryHobbsee: me ? friend with irssi  no don't know the person01:40
Hobbsee!+info irssi01:40
ubotuPackage 'irssi' does not exist.01:40
Hobbsee!+info irssi-text01:40
ubotuirssi-text: (text-mode version of the irssi IRC client), section net, is optional. Version: 0.8.9+0.8.10rc5-0ubuntu4 (breezy), Packaged size: 831 kB, Installed size: 3124 kB01:40
Hobbseerosemary: that one :P01:40
xwolf-so.. isn't there a way to actually listen the mp3 without having to bring it to my linux partition?01:41
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rosemaryHobbsee: so irssi is some client?01:41
Hobbseeyes, an IRC client01:41
=== rosemary blushes
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=== Hobbsee cant find it in her logs
Mongeyeh.... im about to dual boot kubunty wit xp01:45
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Mongeyi was just wondering will i be able to view my Fat 32 HD?01:45
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HobbseeMongey: yes you will01:46
ubotu[windows]  unnecessary - everything runs in linux. Choose your emulator: Cedega, Wine, VMware, Qemu, Xen, CrossOver Office, or find an !alternative01:46
Hobbsee!windows partitions01:46
ubotuHobbsee: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/01:46
ubotuI heard mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InstallingANewHardDrive For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or http://tinyurl.com/bly9f01:46
Hobbseethat one01:46
=== jensen_ is now known as Djensen
Mongeyor maybe i dont need to01:46
Mongeyi have a usb modem01:46
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Mongeyi have drivers for my modem on my C; drive01:47
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Mongey(for linux)01:47
Mongeybut i wont be able to install them unless there on my linux partion right?01:48
ubotuNot a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Mongey01:49
ubotuwell, windowsdrives is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions or see http://tinyurl.com/bly9f01:49
HobbseeMongey: for your modem?  is it just a standard ethernet connection from your computer to your modem?01:50
MongeyConnection: Cayman 3000 series USB Network Adapter #5 - Packet Scheduler Miniport @ 10.0 Mbps (Rec: 567.92MB Sent: 54.77MB)01:50
Hobbseeyou should find that it doesnt need a driver - that the drivers it needs to connect are part of the kernel01:51
=== farous first looks hate dapper :( :(
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=== farous customized breezy to a point that upgrading is bound to break it. testing dapper on a test machine just reinforced that
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=== farous will just wait for a while after dapper is stable and try again.
Mongeyi thought i'd need drivers? no01:55
snikkerhi how can make java-sun the default jvm instead of gcj?01:55
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Hobbseefarous: hehe01:56
=== Hobbsee hasnt had many problems with it at all, but installed off a flight 1 cd, not a flight 4
HobbseeMongey: you shouldnt - this isnt windows01:57
Hobbseemost of the drivers come with the kernel01:57
faroussnikker: sudo update-alternatives --config java01:57
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farouschoose what you want01:57
Hobbseeonly likely thing you'll sometimes need is wireless drivers (ndiswrapper), and maybe a graphics driver, depending on the card you have01:57
MongeyVideo Card: nVidia GeForce4 MX 44001:58
Mongeyno wireless01:58
ubotuI heard nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736801:58
farousHobbsee: i admit it is a bit faster at login but on a test machine with fresh breezy install to upgrade to dapper i lost sound. and wireless. had some wierd effects too. I remember when breezy came out right before the release X did not work :)01:59
=== Hobbsee doesnt remember X breaking
Hobbseeit should get less buggy over the next couple of weeks01:59
=== djensen away : Instalando java na mquina de um cliente :)
snikkerfarous: i've installed sun jvm manually and i've put it in the path, but the system always load gcj01:59
faroussnikker: the right way to do it is the way i posted before02:00
farousthe quick way is change the link to java and javaw in the /usr/bin dir to point to where you installed sun-java02:00
snikkerfarous: ok, but it is updated to the last version of jvm?02:01
=== Hobbsee is reminded, and goes to grab java
maltedoes tome work for everyone here? could anyone try to install and run tome for me? :)02:02
maltefor me there seems to be something wrong with xaw6, xawPrintShellWidgetClass isn't defined tome says02:02
=== farous got to go now duty calls
farousgood luck snikker just change the symbolic link to point to sun java take care02:03
Mongeyhmmm what do i need to know for kubuntu02:03
malteanyone!? :(02:03
HobbseeMongey: you'll find a lot of interesting things on wiki.ubuntu.com and kubuntu.org02:04
Mongeysorry for askin stupid questions02:05
Hobbseeno problems - you'll leanr02:05
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Mongeywhats the kernal?02:10
ubotuHuh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Mongey02:10
xwolf-Mongey  try kernel02:12
Glin|JolWinamp  5.13 Stopped02:14
ubotu[mp3]  a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats02:14
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ubotumethinks apache is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP or, for Ubuntu server information, http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/documentation/faq/installation-custom02:15
Mongey! kernel02:17
ubotufrom memory, kernel is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelByHandHowto https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelBuildpackageHowto02:17
samourahello i reinstalld kubuntu and i want to know what shude i install first from the package manger please help me ;(02:17
xwolf-samoura i installed xchat and xmms02:17
xwolf-and firefox02:17
Ilokaasucodecs etc02:18
Ilokaasuwhat u need in basic use02:18
samouragive me more :P02:18
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xwolf-i believe necessity will show you what to install02:18
Mongeyehh..... the kernel thing is apart of kubuntu, right?02:18
xwolf-Mongey the kernel is the basis of the OS02:19
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=== Mongey burns disc
samourai know i have to download somthing that have to go in kmenu/system  i dont remember the name02:24
samouraptionc manager or some like that ;S02:25
samourahow do i update video card or install please help me does any body knows about a website that can help me02:29
Hobbsee_zzzzsamoura: it might just help if you actually tell people what type your video card actually is02:30
samouraGe forc fx nvidia02:30
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Ralph_I am on dapper at the system works great!! (in case anybody cares to know)02:37
samourahello i reinstalld kubuntu and i want to know what shude i install first from the package manger please help me ;(02:38
xwolf-Ralph_ lol02:40
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mlunaplease someone hel samoura, i am as new as he is02:41
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samourarelph i know i have to download somthing that have to go in kmenu/system  i dont remember the name02:42
mlunaok Ralph_ (sorry I cannot write privates - I am a public person- ) I forgot my password :_(02:43
xwolf-samoura know what i do? keep using till i notice something is missing02:44
samourahow do i update or install driver for Nvidia Ge force fx nvidia02:44
samourais there a website?02:45
samourathat can help me ;(02:45
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xwolf-that, i didnt do ;P02:45
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itahi all .. i have a question regarding my ati gfx board .. i installed all drivers .. all was fine .. fgl_glxgears made like 400 fps .. ita = happy ... i tried to add dual monitor support .. i made it but on the cost of 3d power .. no prob.. i had 2 xorg.conf's .. i could switch whenever i wanted to do fast gfx (seldom) or dual monitor (often) ..02:53
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itanow: i switched back to "fast" xorg.conf .. kdm stop .. i changed xorg.conf (untouched file) .. and it still runs on mesa .. long story made short: i lost 3d accel in one-monitor use without alterting cfg files02:54
xwolf-i cant find 'akode-mpeg' and 'gstreamer0.8-mad' packages.. which ones should i install to manage playing mp3 files in amaroK?02:55
Ralph_I am using dapper and my ati was configured and installed out of the box.02:55
itaim pretty new to linux .. but as i said .. a week ago i could kdm stop, change cfg, kdm start .. voila .. no im lost with mesa and NO 3d whether one moni or dual moni02:55
itaxwolf-: i think you need both02:55
itatry adding universe to your repos02:55
xwolf-ur speaking to a noob... let's make things easier02:56
itause your kde menu / system / adept02:57
itain adept menu choose manage repos02:57
xwolf-i'm there02:58
itascroll down and right click / enable the repos where there is "universe" with the components column02:58
itado a apply and close and hit "fetch updates"02:59
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itaclose as in "close the manage repo screen" but stick with adept of course02:59
xwolf-there was an error bla bla updates02:59
itaerror blabla updates is no error i understand sorry try a paste bin or paste detailed error message (im rather new to kubuntu myself im just telling what worked for me)03:00
xwolf-ok lemme see03:01
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samourahey hello how can i use window xp and linux? please help me03:01
Mongeydual boot?03:01
Mongeywell first download kubuntu03:01
xwolf-i ran 'apt-get update' and got: Bad formatting in line 37 in sources file... path/sources.list03:01
xwolf-i translated it from portuguese, but that's the idea03:02
Mongeypartion you HD03:02
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itayou should search kubuntu wiki / forums on "how to enable repos" its no big deal actually03:03
xwolf-i'm gonna comment line 37 and 3803:04
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samourai only have linux and how do i download window xp to have those 2 duel boot03:05
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itaim out for today ciao03:06
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uboturestricted is probably https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed here can be replaced by !FreeFormats03:11
ubotuThere are a large number of Free Formats which are preferred over patent and copyright encumbered formats. They are listed here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreeFormats03:11
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Paradossohi everybody03:12
Paradossoa little OT question03:12
Paradossowhat's the lightest multiple-transfers bittorrent client out there?03:12
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Tm_Tyup, bittorrent is pretty light03:14
samourais bittorrent faster than window xp?03:14
ParadossoI know Tm_T , but I'd like to have a client that lets me keep open multiple torrents seeding03:14
Ilokaasuxp aint bt client ?03:14
Tm_TParadosso: afaik you can with bittorrent03:15
Tm_TParadosso: also, try Ktorrent03:15
Tm_TIlokaasu: how'd you know ;(03:15
ParadossoI know I can, but I can't have them in a single window with e.g. command line03:15
Paradossonor with bittornado03:15
Tm_Tthen Ktorrent ;)03:16
Paradossoand azureus is far too heavy for me03:16
ParadossoI'll try it03:16
samoura tell me where can i find dopper03:16
samoura[14:13]  <samoura> just that ;( i forgott it03:16
Tm_Tuh, more snow ->03:16
nlindbladgood day03:16
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samouratell me where can i find dopper03:16
grim76samoura: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperFlight4?highlight=%28Dapper%2903:18
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Ralph_Or here: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/dapper/flight-4/03:21
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gaylordhow can I install flashplayer for dapper flight 4 ?03:24
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gaylordRalph_: ok thx03:29
frojndwhere can I find putty on my 5.10 kubuntu ?03:33
frojndis it allready installed and if where03:34
Ilokaasulocate putty in console ?03:34
frojnddoesn't works03:36
frojndwhen i wrote locate putty nothing happens03:37
nlindbladisn't there a Xen package for Ubuntu?03:38
Ilokaasufrojnd: so u havent installed putty yet ?03:40
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frojndI don't know03:41
frojndno I didn't03:41
frojndhow can I install it?03:41
frojndwith an adept ?03:41
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Ilokaasuyes by adept or downloading ir from some website03:43
Ilokaasubut adept is easier03:43
frojndI just click on install and that's it?03:43
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frojndnow ehen I installedit03:44
frojndwhere is putty? or where can I start it03:44
frojndbuah I don't really know how t oinstall it with adept03:45
Ilokaasutry writing putty in console03:45
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frojndbash: putty: command not found03:46
Ilokaasugo in adept03:46
Ilokaasuthen write it to the filter...then choose putty from the list and select install package03:46
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Ilokaasuthen press commint changes button03:47
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Ilokaasuthen it should be installed03:47
Ilokaasuit might appear in some menu too03:48
frojndtnx man03:48
Mongeywhen removing kubuntu....... can i just  boot to xp and format the partion?03:48
IlokaasuMongey: bootloader might break03:49
Ilokaasuthen you just have to fix it with one command which i just now dont remember :P03:50
Mongeybut where/how would in put fixmbr in?03:50
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Ilokaasuif u have bootdisk u can write it there03:51
Ilokaasuim not so sure about the thing so someone more experienced should tell it to you03:51
r2hey guys i'm trying to mount a ntfs partition on kubunto, i suceeded with a fat32 one but the ntfs i'm haveing this: bash: cd: /media/hda1: Permission denied any ideas why?03:51
Mongeyi dont have a boot disk :(03:51
xandhyMongey: from windows command 'fdisk /mbr' should work03:51
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_mindspine careful03:52
_mindspinbe careful03:52
Mongeywhere would i put "fdisk /mbr"03:53
xandhyMongey: run widnows, cmd & go03:53
Ilokaasuor if u have bootdisk..u can make one in windows too03:54
Mongeyi go to command prompt?03:54
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Ilokaasuwell u can try to go in windows, then in command prompt and write "fdisk /mbr"03:57
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r2can anyone help me witha  mount problem?03:59
r2Ralph_:  sorry mate i cant pm you cause i dont have registred nick04:00
r2Ralph_:  i'm trying to mount an ntfs partition, i mounted sucessfully a fat32 partition, and the ntfs partition seems to be mounted too but when i try to go inside the ntfs partition i get this: bash: cd: /media/hda1: Permission denied any ideas why?04:01
_samouraHello what torrent clint is the best? tell me04:01
Mongeyutorrent or azureses04:02
_samourahttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/releases/dapper/flight-4/ 6 hr to download this fail OHHHH i hate it is there a faster lika torrent clint that can speed this shitt up04:02
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_sAmOurAHello people is there another way that i can install Nvidia driver than download a 6 HR dopper.iso ? PLease i need it       . my computer frizz ;(04:05
_sAmOurAi need utorrent ;S04:07
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_sAmOurAHello people is there another way that i can install Nvidia driver than download a 6 HR dopper.iso ? PLease i need it       . my computer frizz ;(04:10
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C-O-L-TAnybody here?04:11
kkathmanhi C-O-L-T04:12
C-O-L-Tkkathman: hi I have not talk to you for long04:12
C-O-L-THave you heard that Kubuntu will be fully supported and it will have shipit free cd's too?04:12
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kkathmanC-O-L-T: yes I have heard that, but believe thats a continuation of a practice from ubuntu also04:14
C-O-L-Tkkathman: I think it is really cool04:14
C-O-L-Tkkathman: anyway I use GNOME :) but I like to hear when open source programs are getting better and better04:15
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kkathmanC-O-L-T: I hear that the new Gnome upgrades will be very nice when they arrive04:16
_sAmOurAhome/samoura/dapper-install-amd64.iso.torrent 14 hr time remaining ;( please help me my nate is 8 MB and i get 14 kb speed and my  my Nvidia installd04:16
_sAmOurAhome/samoura/dapper-install-amd64.iso.torrent 14 hr time remaining ;( please help me my nate is 8 MB and i get 14 kb speed and my  my Nvidia is not installd04:16
C-O-L-Tkkathman: really I started with KDE but when I have seen Gnome it seemed that it is cleaner and easier. And anyway it knows a lot of things which kde don't.04:16
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C-O-L-Tkkathman: another thing is that KDE is full with bugs04:17
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C-O-L-Tkkathman: I don't want to blame KDE here, I am just saying the contras04:17
jpatrickC-O-L-T: it's all about opinion04:17
C-O-L-Tjpatrick: that is true04:18
_sAmOurAHOW DO I INSTALL THIS ***************** NVIDIA driver04:18
C-O-L-Tjpatrick: in my opinion for beginners like me gnome is easier, it is much more windows native04:18
jpatricki thought kde was more windows like04:18
_sAmOurAHOW DO I INSTALL THIS ***************** NVIDIA driver04:18
jpatrick_sAmOurA: stop that04:19
C-O-L-Tjpatrick: in my opinion not, I switched to linux three months ago after using windows for 10 years. I liked kde but gnome is easier04:19
_sAmOurAokei how do i install it04:19
jpatrickI don't know, sorry04:19
ubotufrom memory, nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736804:19
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kkathmanC-O-L-T:  well I had to completely reinstall due to a dapper disaster, and used Gnome 1 day, and it crashed 7 times :)04:20
kkathmanso I think there are plenty of bugs to go around :)04:20
Mongeyanyone know how to fix a broken windows bootloader04:20
C-O-L-Tkkathman: Dapper is unstable04:20
jpatrickC-O-L-T: not for long04:21
kkathmanC-O-L-T: i wasnt in Dapper  -  i reinstalled (see my statement) to Breezy04:21
ubotuit has been said that windows is unnecessary - everything runs in linux. Choose your emulator: Cedega, Wine, VMware, Qemu, Xen, CrossOver Office, or find an !alternative04:22
kkathmanI'm pretty sure that Breezy was a step down overall in quality, from the VERY successful Hoary release...so Im hoping that Dapper will be better, but Im not sure04:22
C-O-L-Tkkathman: I don't know for me it works quite good04:22
kkathmanC-O-L-T: thats what *nix is about... choice04:22
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C-O-L-Tkkathman: i see04:23
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C-O-L-Tkkathman: dapper will be far more better than breezy?04:25
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kkathmanC-O-L-T: I dont know at all about that.  Its very unstable right now .. you cant dist-upgrade to it, and its quite unpredictable atm04:27
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C-O-L-Tkkathman: but you have tried the flight version04:27
C-O-L-Tkkathman: what are your first impressions04:27
joaquinzdoes anybody know wich filesystem can be read-written by both linux and windows, omitting fat32?04:27
kkathmansome people, that have kept up for a while..seem to have a working system, but those installing right now after Flight 4 have had alot of probs, even with the live CD04:27
kkathmanC-O-L-T:  I tried to dist-upgrade and it destroyed my whole system.  I was fortunate to have SUSE as my backup on another partition04:28
joaquinzbecause fat32 has the 32gb limit and i want to create a data partition writable by both os's but it's larger than 32gb04:28
C-O-L-Tkkathman: I don't see the big differences truly between ubuntu distributions. I can not see so big differences like between windows vista and xp04:29
kkathmanjoaquinz:  I believe you can by using logical partitions04:29
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kkathmanC-O-L-T: for the average user many of the changes are not evident.04:30
kkathmankubuntu, for instance, is very much a hybrid release and so you'd see more change there04:30
C-O-L-Tkkathman: but why gnome or kde cannot make better GUI's like mac os and vista with beautiful visual effects and so on04:30
kkathmankubuntu isnt standard KDE, so thats why you see alot of obvious bugs04:31
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m_1unaMaterMaravillae: qu nick ms gracioso!04:34
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Mongeyanyone know how to fix a broken windows bootloader04:35
joaquinzis it true that the new Xorg came with a new ati driver? how does it work?04:36
beastMongey: fdisk /mbr04:36
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C-O-L-Tkkathman: I am here I just had some work to do04:42
C-O-L-Tkkathman: anyway there are other GUI's exept Gnome and KDE04:43
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thehilDoes anyone have  a thinkpad  and a kernel with suspend2?04:45
MaterMaravillaegracias m_1una04:45
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ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion04:54
_sAmOurAIn the terminal window, type the following command to enable the driver: sudo nvidia-glx-config enable  : after i write sudo nvidia-gxl-config enable in the black screen or the terminal  comes up pasword: but i cant write in it so i push the Enter keybord and than it says Sorry, try again.;( help me04:54
m_1unayou must have a password as root04:57
m_1unaotherwhise it wont let you04:57
jpatrickjust use sudo04:57
_sAmOurAyess it wont let me write04:57
_sAmOurAyess it wont let me write the password04:57
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_sAmOurAhow can i install driver if the terminal don let me write the password help me please04:59
m_1unado it blindly05:00
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_sAmOurAdo it blindly how?05:01
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marcuzhoe can i see al chanels in freenode?05:26
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xwolf-marcuz type /list and come back next year05:28
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marcuzyes but there are many command05:28
marcuzi would join on ldap channel if there is05:29
marcuzhow can i do?05:29
JohnFluxmarcuz: you guess.05:30
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ubotuit has been said that ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=42358905:36
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lwizardlwhat do i have to do to get usb hard drives to auto mount05:49
Ralph_They do.05:50
lwizardlmines not05:51
Ralph_Without any problem (at least on my system which was not modified post install).05:51
JohnFluxmine automount as wel, fwiw05:51
JohnFluxlwizardl: go to  media:/05:52
lwizardlall i have there is cdrom (hdc) hard drive (hda1)05:52
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JohnFluxlwizardl: try plugging the usb hard disk into a different usb port05:55
JohnFluxsometimes they aren't connected :)05:56
JohnFluxalso check if you need to turn it on] 05:56
lwizardldid that i have 4 ports all worked on windows05:56
JohnFluxokay :)05:56
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jarlathWhen I try to play any game fullscreen, the picture ends up looking 'dismembered' (sorry, only way I can describe :). I had this problem years ago with redhat but I cant remember how I fixed it. Any ideas folks?06:00
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jarlathActually, its coming back to me. I think the resolution used at fullscreen (eg 640x480) needs to be specified as supported in some config file.06:02
jpatrickmarcez: it's not a good idea to surf as root06:02
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motyRHi, how do i set the cube effect on compiz?06:10
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Kelhi all!06:30
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jpatrickhi Kel06:30
Kelsomeone tell me... what is KubuntuMeeting?..06:32
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jarlathWhat command do I issue from the terminal to launch the kde login or desktop?06:32
jpatrickKel: it's when we discuss things on an agenda06:32
Keljarlath: startkde06:34
Ralph_jarlath: startx should work.06:34
Ralph_jarlath: gdm might be another alternative06:35
jarlathThanks Kel / Ralph.06:36
KelRalph_:i thought that gdm is GNOME utility... or i'm not right?..06:36
Ralph_Kel: Ups, sorry, yeah your are right. ;-)06:37
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Kel41Ralph_: so what about gdm?..06:39
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_JakubSor kdm06:43
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Definityi need some help06:43
Kel41hi Definity06:44
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Dasnipa`anyone have a suggestion for a KDE RSS agreggator? akregator uses way too much ram for my taste06:44
Definityhey, im on kubuntu and it wont let me take out the wep key in network settings06:44
Definityany ideas06:45
Definityi can ake it out but when i return back into network settings it has poped up agian06:45
Definityeven though i took it out06:45
Kel41Dasnipa`: type `aptitude` in the terminal, then press `\` and type rss....06:46
Dasnipa`Kel41, i know how to use the repository... theres only 1 KDE agreggator im looking for something outside of the repository06:47
Kel41Dasnipa`: oh, and to proceed to next entry in packege db press `/`(Breezy) or `n`(Dapper)06:47
Ralph_Definity: I don't where you are trying to change the settings, but please try this:06:47
Ralph_Definity: go to console and type iwconfig06:48
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Definityi have06:48
Definityi got evrey thing up06:48
Kel41Dasnipa`:well, you can use some of gtk-based feeders... would you wait a minute,and i'll tell ou some alternatives...06:48
Ralph_This should list the adapters you are using and should indicate the settings it is currently using.06:48
Definitywhat dose 11 missed becons mean?06:48
Definityoh i worked it out06:49
Ralph_Definity: great :-)06:49
Definitybut i dont get why they key keeps returning after i click ok06:49
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Ralph_Definity: It might be because you are trying to change it without root permission.06:50
Definitybut it asks me for admin password to get onto network settings06:50
Ralph_Definity: you should try doing it with sudo and it will work.06:50
Kel41Dasnipa`: try installing opera... it has internal rss-feeder...06:50
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Kel41Dasnipa`:so firefox do...06:51
Ralph_Kel41: Yes, I agree, firefox is really cool. :-)06:51
Ralph_Definity: so, is everything working?06:52
Kel41Ralph_: i've read securityfocus... too many bugs in firefox...06:52
Definityi wored out how to do it i went into the /ect/network/interfaces06:53
Kel41i'm using opera right now for the rss, news and mail... and surfing of cource :)06:53
Definitybut how would i get permissions to this file is it chmod -rwo06:53
Ralph_Kel41: and which is the best browser?06:53
Ralph_Definity: just use sudo to edit the file.06:54
Definityhow would i go about doing that?06:54
Ralph_Definity: i.e. sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces06:54
Ralph_Definity: But please be careful.06:55
Kel41Ralph_: well, tastes differ, for me opera works good...06:55
Ralph_You might want to create a backup first by typing06:55
Ralph_Definity: sudo cp /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces.old06:56
Definityhow do i save on nano?06:56
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Ralph_Definity: press ctrl+x06:57
Ralph_Definity: confirm with y for yes and hit enter to confirm that the file name to be written should be the old one.06:57
Ralph_Definity: you might want to restart your networking interfaces to see if the new settings are working byt typing:06:58
Ralph_Definity: /etc/init.d/networking restart06:58
Definityit says there no such directory?07:00
Ralph_Definity: you can also do it manually by deactivating and re-enabling the device by typing07:01
Ralph_Definity: sudo ifconfig eth(x) down/up07:02
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Ralph_where (x) represents your wireless interface07:02
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Definityso eth007:02
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Ralph_First to a down07:02
Nomad411Hi all.. Is there a GUI t manage users for PureFTP07:02
Ralph_then do the up command (two commands)07:02
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Definitygoogle still dosent want to show up on my lappy top07:03
Definitymabey it is the wireless but what07:04
Ralph_Definity: ok let's take it step by step.07:05
Ralph_Definity:  iwconfig gives you what?07:05
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Definitynormal stuff what it always says07:06
dObwhen I start pppoeconf using the run-dialog without using the "run in terminal window"-option, new pppoeconf processes keep constantly appearing (no visible windows though) and finally they jam the system. why is this?07:06
Definityits connected to my wireless point on 802.11g07:06
Definitythats about it07:07
Definityits missed 18 becons07:07
Definityandn1 invalid misc07:08
Ralph_Definity: would you mind posting the output somewhere like this: http://www.miraclesalad.com/webtools/clip.php?clip=1c807:08
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jpatrickthat's nice07:10
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Ralph_Definity: I just remembered, you don't have internet access so it is probably difficult.07:11
Ralph_Definity: well, have a look at the posting up there and tell me if it is similar to yours.07:12
Definitypretty much07:12
Ralph_Definity: great, you got a connection to the ap.07:13
Definityjust no internet07:13
Ralph_Definity: do you get to ping?07:13
Ralph_Definity: try ping www.yahoo.com07:13
Definityhmm let me find out07:13
Ralph_Definity: also, you might want to type 'route' and tell me if there is a default gw configured.07:15
Definityyep i can ping yahoo07:15
Ralph_Definity: Great, so your internet connection is working.07:15
Ralph_Definity: so, what is the problem?07:15
Definityits working now???????????07:15
Definitywell 802.11 is just random07:16
Ralph_Definity: well, you just told me it is wokring (you got a ping from yahoo, no?).07:16
Definityanyway thanks for the help ralph much apresiated07:16
Definityyeh its working now07:16
Definitybefore i couldnt get on to google07:16
Definitynow i can07:16
Ralph_Definity: 802.11 is nothing but the protocoll07:16
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Ralph_Definity: np, this is the first time I actually got to help somebody. :-))07:17
Definityi thought it was the wireless specifications07:17
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Ralph_Definity: I think the up/down did the trick.07:18
Definityi dont think it did07:19
Definitymy food is ready so i g2g thanks for the help agian ralph :)07:19
Definitysee ya07:19
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Ralph_anybody has a clue how to get the canon lide 60 work under kubuntu dapper?07:21
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DjDarkmanhy ,can someone help me to install my digital camera?07:24
tomcatthello all07:24
tomcatthow do I go about installing my intellimouse.  it's the old school 5 button mouse.07:26
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swimhey folks does anyone have k3b setup properly to have it burn with root privileges?07:29
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swimnm looks like I got it by doing exactly what Id already done...07:32
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JohnFluxswim: also in Tools->k3bsetup  or sometihng07:42
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DjDarkmancan someone please tell me how can i use a cardcam 1300 digital camera?07:44
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SuperNovai noticed that there is an ubuntu binary for wine on wines homepage... how do i do to install wine on kubuntu?'07:49
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trooper00SuperNova: add the right source to your sources.list file (also listed on the wine homepage) ... apt-get install wine07:49
SuperNovatrooper00 im really new on this.. found this on wine homepage07:50
SuperNovawhats the difference between kde and gnome? is it just looks? mean will ubuntuaps work in kubuntu and so on?07:51
trooper00SuperNova: yeah. i followed those instructions the other day. i used adept instead of synaptic07:51
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SuperNovaokey.. i though that would only work for ubuntu gnome) not kubuntu07:52
farousSuperNova: you can install your fav appl from both sides of the isle and they will work :)07:52
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SuperNovafarous so i dont have to find an "kde-version" of wine for example?07:52
trooper00SuperNova: no. the example is just using gnome software. apt-get is really at work here07:52
deneshi need someone to explain to me why my kde fonts look bigger than the gnome ones07:52
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farousSuperNova: as example firefox is gtk based <gnome appl> and is the default webbrowser even in kubuntu ;)07:53
deneshlogging in under failsafe and then running startkde produces the right size fonts07:53
deneshbut logging in directly to kde produces huge fonts07:53
deneshanyone know how to fix that ?07:54
SuperNovafarous is it better to rune ubuntu then? seems like gnome is more often used by software?07:54
farousdenesh: there was a pckage do not work perfectly though07:54
farousgtk-qt theme if i remember right07:54
deneshthats not the problem07:55
farousSuperNova: they are both equally good. and wine will work on both. I do not think there is one specific for gnome or kde07:55
SuperNovaas i have been told the only difference between ubuntu and kubuntu is looks but im starting to think its more than that07:55
trooper00SuperNova: the bottom line is its the same linux system running underneith the window manager, and that is all gnome / kde are.. so no, its not better to run one over the other. that is something for you to try and decide :)07:55
SuperNovatrooper00 okey... so its the same software? gnom doesnt have a wider selection of software (or the other way around)07:56
deneshfarous: selecting failsafe from the kdm menu and then running startkde works fine07:56
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deneshfarous: selecting kde from the kdm menu brings up the huge fonts07:56
deneshfarous: by the way... when the kdm login screen is up.. the fonts are at the right size07:57
farousdenesh you can look at the kcontrol center and select the font you like or even change the theme07:57
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farousSuperNova: as trooper00 said it is just the looks you can run applications no matter what you have kde or gnome. you can install them07:57
Spudchathows the superkaramba support in 5.10?07:58
Spudchatam i in for any suprises07:58
farousSuperNova: if you want to experiment you can install both too gnome and kde07:58
faroustry them both then remove the one you do not like07:58
SuperNovafarous on totaly new to linux so its probably best to start with one of them :P07:59
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SuperNovathank you!07:59
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deneshfarous: no luck buddy... font sizes are set at 10 under kcontrol08:01
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deneshfarous: but i get 2 distinct sizes... startkde produces the right one...08:01
farousis it just for gtk ppl08:01
denesheverything else too08:02
deneshincluding kde apps fonts08:02
deneshjust a couple of sizes bigger08:02
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farouswhat type of font you use and are you using dapper or breezy08:02
deneshand the default DejaVu08:02
faroushmm have no wxperience with dapper sorry08:02
deneshno probs08:03
farouschange the font type and size08:03
farousif nothing change08:03
farousyou need to reconfigure the font package08:03
deneshdpgk-reconfigure fontconfig ?08:03
farouscheck first if you can change the font sizy and type08:03
deneshyeah i can08:04
deneshsame story though08:04
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farousso do the font really change08:04
farousor just you get a message it did08:04
DjDarkmancan someone help me access my digital camera?08:05
deneshhang on got to restart kde08:05
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farousDjDarkman: i normally plugit and access it like a jump drive08:05
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farousmounted as /dev/sda108:05
DjDarkmanhmmm i hope this will work08:06
farousdepend on your config though just hook it up08:06
farousand it should be mounted automatically08:06
DjDarkmanno it`s not mounted08:07
trooper00farous: same experience. i plugged a digital camera in the other day and it mounted like any other flash memory.. very surprising08:07
DjDarkmanand i can`t access it08:07
farouslook for it under /media08:07
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DjDarkmannope it`s not there08:08
DjDarkmani have driver for it ,but it`s for wind0w$ :(((08:08
farousdo you have any usb device attached to your pc now08:08
DjDarkmanyes farous my dvd writer ,but it`s not turned on08:09
farousok i think you can try this command then08:09
farouspmount /dev/sda108:09
farousif it does not work just logout and in again08:10
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ubotuI don't know, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, Nomad41108:11
farousthis should mount it under /media but i am sure there is a program to mount cameras with kubuntu08:11
farous!digital camera08:11
ubotufarous: parse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/08:11
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DjDarkmandjdarkman@Darknet:~$ pmount /dev/sda108:11
DjDarkmanError: could not determine real path of the device: No such file or directory08:11
farousdid you hook up the camera08:11
DjDarkmani have a cardcam 130008:13
farousam looking for it on the wiki now08:13
DjDarkman10x farous08:14
farousoh you are putting in your card not the cam plug yes08:14
DjDarkmanit`s type is cardcam 130008:14
farousoh ok08:15
farousyou can check it in this link08:15
farousthough i could not find it08:15
DjDarkmani can`t find cardcam in that list :((08:17
farousme either best way check it on the forums08:18
DjDarkmani gues i should post in the forums08:19
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farousgood luck got to go need to start x :)08:20
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hardmanPsySine r du hr?08:23
ubotuSuomenkielinen keskustelu Ubuntusta kanavalla #ubuntu-fi08:23
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Nomad411is anyone using proftpd?08:25
Nomad411I can log in as oen acount no problem, I created a second one and did all I remember doing for the first one, but I can never login08:25
koshgreetings multiple personality peoplies!08:26
Nomad411argh.. got it..  forgot a shell in the passwd file08:27
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deneshfarous: i fixed it08:30
farousdenesh: great08:30
farousso what was the prob08:30
deneshin the folder /etc/X11/Xsession.d08:30
deneshthere are scripts which look similar to init scripts08:31
deneshscript 40 has a function that checks the dpi of Xserver08:31
deneshand rounds it up to 96 or 12008:31
farouswow that is a bitch to track08:31
deneshso no matter what dpi i specify at xorg.conf or kdmrc it was overiding it08:31
farousgreat you did it though08:31
kkathmananyone know off hand where you change the color of the text under desktop icons?08:31
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farousdenesh: i think you need to submit a bug report and als the howto to fix it08:34
farousor better word should08:34
deneshfarous: the actuall file is /usr/bin/displayconfig-restore had to change line 76 from 96 to 75 to suit me08:35
deneshfarous: how am i supposed to report the bug08:35
farouslet me check08:36
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deneshfarous: the purpose of the script is to be able to let kde change dpi on the fly. kde wasnt able to do that kind of stuff earlier08:37
farousbugs are reported in http://launchpad.net/malone08:37
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Luredenesh: _Sime is author of this script - just joined the channel08:37
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farousyou have the link now denesh08:38
jpatrick"farous: the actuall file is /usr/bin/displayconfig-restore had to change line 76 from 96 to 75 to suit me"08:38
denesh_Sime ?08:39
farousjpatrick: ?08:40
alleedenesh: you do it wrong.08:40
jpatrickfarous: just quoting what he said08:40
farousok :)08:40
alleedenesh: instead of changing dpi yo should have changed the fontsize08:40
deneshallee: whats wrong iwth that08:40
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jpatrickallee: ha08:40
_Sime There is currently an annoying bug in the script, but the idea is http://pastebin.com/56719408:41
alleedenesh: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AchimBohnet08:41
deneshallee: i would endup having to change the fontsize to something like 8 to get it working good08:41
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farousallee: and sometime you change the dpi to have an apparent bigger desktop.08:41
alleedenesh: if 8 suits you yes.  (Then use always liked 8pt, you were just not aware of it ;)08:41
nlindbladsince when is 8pt 'liked'?08:42
farousthe way the windows are drawn the spacing everything change if you modify the dpi not always true with the font size08:42
Ralph_Anybody has any idea why I am completly incapable of installing Java Runtime Environment for Firefox?08:43
alleefarous: KDE icons don't care about dpi ;)   And no my font choice never hurts my eyes. No need to make it bigger08:43
deneshallee: i have had my display at 75 dpi almost forever, xorg never gets it right... i change it in kdm all the time08:43
=== nlindblad loves scripts
farousRalph_: which java you have running08:43
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alleedenesh: kdmrc is one possibility, but DisplaySize is even deeper in hierarchy. So it should be prefered08:44
farousRalph_: will help to be more specific. dapper or breezy, java installed and firefox ver08:44
_SimeThe idea about the DPI is to ensure that fonts are rendered in sizes that they are optimised/hinted for.08:44
Ralph_farous: http://www.miraclesalad.com/webtools/clip.php?clip=1ca08:44
alleedereks: DisplaySize x-in-mm y-in-mm is also easier to understand for newbies.  How knows what dpi is?08:44
Ralph_farous: it's dapper08:45
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alleejpatrick: yeah.  You know the story already ;)08:46
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jpatrickallee: nice page08:46
deneshallee: i guess people should be allowed to change dpi to whatever they wish... and the script should find the best08:46
alleedenesh: no. currently only the dpi is faked that XFT uses for fonts08:47
farousRalph_: there is j2re1.4-mozilla-plugin08:47
alleedenesh: when you change the DPI the Xserver knows about.  No WYSIWYG is possible08:47
thmasi have i real problem08:47
farousi agree with denesh on that08:47
thmasthis http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12035508:48
thmas"Resolution: FIXED"08:48
alleedenesh: My question is simple: Your font is too big/small.  then the answer is: change the fonts size08:48
thmasthat's not right08:48
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alleedenesh: the hack to change dpi originaled in bitmap fonts available only in 75 and 100 dpi.  We life in the time of scalable fonts now08:49
Ralph_farous: where do i get it?08:49
farousRalph_: search for it using adept08:50
farousor synaptic whichever you prefer08:50
Ralph_farous: do i have to uninstall the java jre first?08:50
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farousRalph_: the plugin is in the java lib08:51
farousgive me a min will give you a link to know where to search for it08:51
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alleejpatrick: I'm slowly preparing for member ship.  But I should move the dpi stuff to the top when I keep pointing people to it08:52
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farouslook ate the post by ilbahr http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=712284#post71228408:52
jpatrickallee: they'll accept you08:52
alleeWell, when I look other kubutnu MOTU wikis, not sure.  But more important: I annoy tons off people with DPI discussions08:54
jpatrickallee: don't look at mine ;-)08:54
jpatrickallee: you've been around for ages08:54
alleeI better apply now, as long as reactions are only 20:40]  <jpatrick> allee: ha   *he he he*08:55
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jpatrickallee: iirc, you were the one that put me into the Kubuntu Team08:55
alleeI'll ask on -devel if wiki is okay (but I will not do it so soon to a deadline08:56
jpatrickbest ask Riddell - like he said08:56
alleejpatrick: that was my plan but not before 23rd08:57
Ralph_farous: Checked the website and did all that already, but still doesn't wokr.08:57
farousRalph_: did you cpy the plugin to your .mozilla/plugins dir08:58
jpatrickmeeting soon08:58
Ralph_farous: not copy but ln -s08:58
faroushmm should work though08:59
farousfor it to work you need to restart all instances of firefox08:59
farousdid you close all opened firefox and start it again08:59
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farousRalph_: got to go soon so did you restart firefox and check it again09:01
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Ralph_farous: I did and it doesn't work.09:03
Ralph_farous: but i got the errors for you if you like:09:03
farousthan in the terminal address type09:03
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farousand in the search bar type java09:04
Ralph_farous: http://www.miraclesalad.com/webtools/clip.php?clip=1cb09:04
faroussee what firefox have for it09:04
faroussorry Ralph_ got to go now back to work here take care and good luck09:04
trooper00hrm. firefox seems to have a different idea about font sizes compared to these other gnome apps... changing gtk settings in the appearance settings does indeed change the font size, but the firefox font is always a tad larger than it should be :\ ie i can make it look reasonable in firefox by making the font in my other gtk apps unreasonable small09:04
Ralph_anybody else who might be able to help me with JRE under Firefox?09:05
Ralph_trooper00: you might want to change the font size by holding 'ctrl' while you scroll with the wheel on your mose.09:07
Ralph_trooper00: ups, mouse...09:07
trooper00Ralph_: wrong font settings.. the ones in the window are fine.. its the hardcoded ones in the menus, status bar, etc09:07
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trooper00Ralph_: in fact websites look surprisingly good.. its the clunky font in the interface that is driving me mad09:08
Ralph_trooper00: did you check the about:config settings for the fonts.09:08
koshgod about:config is such a copout09:09
koshinstead of putting in a gui they hide the options in a crappy interface like that09:09
trooper00wow. didn't even know it existed... theres where all the options went09:10
koshthe gecko rendering engine is pretty good but god the mozilla/firefox developers sure have some fantastic screwups09:10
koshfor example the cache should be files copied to the filesystem and mmaped09:10
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Ralph_kosh: GUI takes time. I am sure they will make all this editable via GUI some day. But in the meantime they enable it like this. BTW: same with linux. ;-))09:11
koshnone of this use up as much memory as the app can and only realease memory based on memory pressure it is an app not an os09:11
alex_dzI've a question to install ubuntu09:11
koshfirefox seems to run under that one app at a time assumption09:11
koshRalph_: for normal linux stuff a config file is the default way to edit things, a commented config file09:12
koshRalph_: for firefox the normal way to edit stuff is the gui, not a hidden extra gui that you have to know the name of in order to access since nothing int he program is going to tell you about it09:12
trooper00Ralph_: you have it backwards. the gui was there but it confused people.. options were removed to make things easier for the end user.. which pisses me off honestly :(09:12
koshRalph_: last time I configured apache, squid etc the config files where obvious and commented and there where no hidden options09:13
alex_dzare there possibility to make fstab-options durnig installation?09:13
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koshalex_dz: probably not feasibly, can you not do it after you boot up the first time?09:14
WolfdogAhoj. Komunikuje tu nekdo cesky?09:14
=== kosh ponders
koshanyone know what language that is/09:15
koshother then one I don't speak? ;)09:16
thmashow to get info about my linux version?09:16
koshuname -a gives the kernel information09:16
koshthmas: however what do you mean about your linux version, that is a pretty undefined question09:16
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gleesondI was trying to set up my screen saver but my monitor turns off after the screen saver has been on for a bit. how can I make it so my monitor takes longer to turn off?09:17
alex_dzthx kosh, that will be ok09:18
alex_dzI'll try it, otherwise I'll ask again09:18
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trooper00heh. this is hopeless. can't figure out why the fonts in the firefox menus are always a full size larger than the size specified for gtk apps.. this about:config business is a joke.. all the options and no comments :\09:23
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thmaswho can help me with this fuckin bug: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=12035509:25
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Ralph_trooper00: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Firefox_:_FAQs_:_About:config_Entries09:27
trooper00Ralph_: thanks. that helps :)09:27
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thmaskded: WARNING: Failed to create avahi client09:32
thmaskded: client.c:751: avahi_client_get_state: Zusicherung client nicht erfllt.09:32
thmasLast DCOP call before KDED crash was from application 'DCOPServer'09:32
thmasto object '', function 'applicationRemoved(QCString)'.09:32
thmasKCrash: Application 'kded' crashing...09:32
thmaswhats up?09:32
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plfiorinido you play mp3 with juk (on dapper)?09:37
Ralph_plfiorini: hello09:37
Ralph_plfiorini: I am using xmms (on dapper)09:37
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salvihallo, ist es mglich, die mittlere maustaste mit einer bestimmten funktion zu belegen?? mit dem k-men um genau zu sein...09:40
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ubotuDeutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu und Kubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de resp. #kubuntu-de09:41
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jerwareis there such thing as an apt-update command?09:42
jerwarei dont have it after doing apt-setup   with the cd-rom09:42
jerwareand im root09:42
kkathmanoh not apt-update... apt-get update09:42
jerwareahh ok09:42
kkathmanthat refreshes your sources09:42
jerwarethanx its working now09:42
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jerwarei ran both apt-setup and apt-get update and i still get this error when opening Adept package manager  http://www.rafb.net/paste/results/1efi5J66.html09:45
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thmasapt-get dist-upgrade09:46
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jariep1_I am using sudo konqueror, to be able to access file manager to copy and past files as root, I get an error message when starting konqueror with sudo:09:48
jariep1_Error: "/tmp/kde-jariell" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.09:48
jariep1_on some files and folders I can't modify preferences as root09:49
jpatrickkdesu konqueror !!09:49
jariep1_oh, i forgot, thanks09:50
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TD-LinuxHmm... my kubuntu install was working OK yesterday (except for X11) but now it hangs after '* Checking battery state... [ ok ] '. The kubuntu picture dissapears and I am stuck at a blinking cursor.09:58
TD-LinuxI suppose I could do a reinstall... haven't done anything special yet09:59
TD-Linuxa shutdown works fine... kindof10:00
TD-LinuxI think I'm going to partition manually this time....10:01
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TD-Linuxwhy does kubuntu put swap on partition #5 and / on partition #1?10:02
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TD-Linuxwould it work just as well to put / on #1, swap on #2 and my Windoze backup partition on #310:03
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BlissexTD-Linux: yes.10:09
TD-Linuxok, thank you10:09
TD-Linuxinstalling now..10:09
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tdmgHey guys, my audio is running 1-3 seconds behind my video on EVERY video program I run, and for every type of file.  What's wrong, and how do I fix it?10:09
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noteventimeYou are using KDE?10:10
noteventimeWhich version?10:11
tdmgpretty new.......10:11
tdmgI just updated to breezy two weeks ago10:11
tdmgcouldn't be that old10:11
noteventimeHehe I updated to Dapper :)10:11
noteventimeHave you tried looking around in your sound settings?10:12
tdmgI tried, couldn't find anything10:12
tdmgand it varies from program to program anyway10:12
_tomcatthow do I go about installing my intellimouse.  it's the old school 5 button mouse.10:13
noteventimeHave you tried running them through artS10:13
tdmgVLC is only .5 seconds, Noatun is 2 seconds, Flash programs are 1 second, etc.10:13
noteventimeartsdsp yourapp10:13
tdmgnoteventime, it was running fine the other day though :(10:13
noteventimeok :S10:13
tdmgI didn't touch anything10:13
tdmgit shouldn't be doing this :(10:13
noteventimeTry running them through artsdsp10:13
jerwarewhat is the command line editor, i have neither emacs or even gedit10:14
tdmgwhat is artsdsp?10:14
jerwareoh ok10:14
noteventimeit makes the software use arts10:14
noteventimewhich is KDEs soundsystem10:14
noteventimeOr was anyway, I think theys changeing in KDE410:15
tdmgI have the arts package already10:15
noteventimeWhat do you mean my English looks bad? :)10:15
noteventimeYes but run VLC through arts by artsdsp vlc10:16
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tdmgvlc is still not better with arts :(10:18
noteventimeok :/10:18
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noteventimeTry increasing your sound buffer in sound settings : /10:19
noteventimeDoes someone know why I cant play ogg theora files?10:20
noteventimeIn kaffeine10:21
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luitehas anyone here succesfully installed xgl/compiz on dapper? when I run compiz and kde-window-decorator, I do get the effects, but then the window manager is gone (no title bars etc anymore)10:25
osh_Quick question about aptitude. If I do an 'sudo aptitude purge gallery' it should remove the gallery-config files in /etc/gallery. Right?10:26
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noteventimeI have10:26
luitenoteventime: what commands do you use to actually enable the effects?10:26
noteventimelutie: Add the docarations to the plugins list10:26
noteventimeYou add them after compiz10:27
noteventimelike DISPLAY=:0 compiz --replace gconf decorations10:27
noteventimeI can sen you my script10:27
luitenoteventime: ok, using a pastebin?10:28
noteventimeHow do i use pastebin?10:28
noteventimeOr rather where :)10:29
luitehttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ this one ok? :)10:29
ubotubugs are reported in http://launchpad.net/malone10:29
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luiteok, thanks... ah, gnome?10:31
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noteventimeYou have to use gnome to use compiz, to its full power anyway :)10:31
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noteventimeI've never goten compiz to work in KDE10:31
luitehm, I might switch to gnome, for a while ;)10:31
noteventimeI only use gnome in my compiz/xgl sessions10:32
noteventimeI'm not using them as main though10:32
noteventimeMy drive is buggy, I'm on a Laptop Intel i915 :)10:32
luitenvidia seems to work fairly well10:33
luitebut some things still seem slower than regular xorg10:33
noteventimeThings like qb desktop are rather sluggish10:33
noteventimeThey look like double buffering is missing :10:34
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osh_Just so I don't make an ass out of myself. "purge" is supposed to remove _everything_ related to a package, shouldn't it.  I thought I'd report it as a bug if I'm right.10:35
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noteventimeI think it's supposed to :)10:36
=== Perma [i=Perma@CPE0014bf0ec4fa-CM0011aea0e9d0.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu
Permahey gang10:36
thmasis any body able to help me with this problem/bug:10:36
thmaskded: WARNING: Failed to create avahi client10:36
thmaskded: client.c:751: avahi_client_get_state: Zusicherung client nicht erfllt.10:36
thmasLast DCOP call before KDED crash was from application 'DCOPServer'10:36
thmasto object '', function 'applicationRemoved(QCString)'.10:36
thmasKCrash: Application 'kded' crashing...10:36
thmaskded: WARNING: Failed to create avahi client10:36
thmaskded: client.c:751: avahi_client_get_state: Zusicherung client nicht erfllt.10:36
thmasLast DCOP call before KDED crash was from application 'DCOPServer'10:36
thmasto object '', function 'applicationRemoved(QCString)'.10:36
thmasKCrash: Application 'kded' crashing...10:36
noteventimeUse pastebin please10:36
ubotuI guess pastebin is a site where you can post large texts and screenshots so you don't flood the channel. You can find it at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org - Install webboard for easy pasting from the gnome taskbar :)10:37
Permahey guys- i need a little help with my wifi card. I've done ndiswrapper before, and did it fine, but kinfocentre says my nic is an unknown device. Any ideas? can pm me if you wish10:38
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noteventimeHmmm..... I love wifi in Linux esp if you intend to use WPA10:39
Permaof course not10:39
PermaWEP for the win10:39
osh_Hmm, perhaps aptitude shouldn't remove edited config files? Apparently I've touched the files that doesn't get removed.10:39
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PermaBut should go WPA eh?10:40
Permawell, to be sorted after it recognizes my nic ;)10:40
Lureallee: do you have fixed version of guidance for DPI10:41
noteventimePerma: Have you tried using the command line?10:41
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Permadone a little bit in termal, yes noteventime10:42
Permawell, i did10:42
Permaiwconfig etc10:42
Permanot listed there10:42
noteventimePerma: Ok, :/10:42
noteventimeAre you going to use wpa?10:42
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noteventimeMaybe using the wpasupplicant thingy will work :)10:42
Permayeah, might as well10:42
PermaI'm usually on an unencypted network though10:42
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noteventimeWhat is the name of the NIC?10:43
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Permamy wifi nick isn't listed as being there, but in kinfocentre it's under pci as an "unknown device"10:44
Perma**wifi nic10:44
Permamaybe my ndiswrapper driver isn't correct?10:45
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noteventimeWhat the NIC supposed to be, "real name"?10:46
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Permareal name? like wlan0?10:47
Permais a broadcom corp pos10:47
luitenoteventime: just installed gnome and started it using your script... wobbly windows..drool ;P10:47
noteventimeluite: Everything works as supposed?10:47
noteventimePerma: Have you googled for it?10:48
Permayeah, i have10:48
luitenoteventime: seems to work yes, but animations are a bit jerky sometimes10:48
Permacan't seem to find anything, i came here10:48
noteventimeFound nothing?10:48
noteventime:( I wish I where better at these cind of things :P10:48
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Permame too :(10:49
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Alexi5why is the kubuntu channel so dead11:09
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noteventimeBecause the ubuntu channel is so alive :)11:11
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Hobbsee_awayAlexi5: a lot of people are idle, but around if anyone asks a question11:17
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=== declan [n=declan@213-202-188-95.bas504.dsl.esat.net] has joined #kubuntu
=== Mongey [n=mongeyc@213-94-255-172.b-ras1.dbn.dublin.eircom.net] has joined #kubuntu
Mongeyok i need a small bit of help11:39
=== neoncode [n=neoncode@88-107-193-241.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #kubuntu
Mongeyit involves fixing the wondow bootloader11:40
=== chavo [n=chavo@fl-atlnfl-u3-c4b-189.atlsfl.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu
Mongeyafter i remove grub11:40
=== Lure [n=luka@clj46-234.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #kubuntu
=== ricky_ds [n=erich@adsl-84-226-108-41.adslplus.ch] has joined #kubuntu
ricky_dsHi all11:42
ricky_dsIs there a known issue with samba on kubuntu 5.10?11:42
ricky_dsI'm not able to share my folders with a windows computer. Even if I go to remote places on my kubuntu, it only shows the windows shared folders, but not mine.11:43
ricky_dsNote that I did install the samba package and I also restarted samba after making changes. As for the shares, I did it in the filemanager by right-clicking on a folder and saying "share"11:44
Alexi5i have ubuntu installed and i have kubuntu cd. I want to install the kde kdesktop on ubuntu while keeping ubuntu GDM (Gnome desktop manager). i would like to know if i can ad kde by using the kubuntu disk instead of redownloading the kubuntu desktop from apt get11:46
=== blueyed [n=daniel@pdpc/supporter/active/blueyed] has joined #kubuntu
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=== DreamWalker [n=pedro@bl6-139-59.dsl.telepac.pt] has joined #kubuntu
DreamWalkerneed some urgent help11:50
=== thmas [n=thomas@i577BC166.versanet.de] has joined #kubuntu
DreamWalkera friend has a problem with a DVD-RW drive11:50
DreamWalkerso i lend him a kubuntu live cd11:51
DreamWalkerbut he ssems to have a problem loading the session, and goes to the login screen11:51
DreamWalkermy question is what are the username/password in the live cd11:52
Ilokaasumine didnt boot in loginscreen11:52
DreamWalkertried to do a search in google, but came up empty11:52
Ilokaasutry ubuntu and ubuntu11:52
DreamWalkerya, neither does wth me, when i tried11:52
=== robotgeek_zzz is now known as robotgeek
DreamWalkerbut he seems to be having  a problem with the process11:53
DreamWalkerfails loading the session and goes to the login11:53
bimberiAlexi5: You could try this.  Edit sources.list to disable internet repositories, use 'apt-cdrom add' to add the cd, update and then install kubuntu-desktop11:53
bimberiAlexi5: hopefully you won't have dependency issues, where you have a later version of something currently installed11:54
DreamWalkeralso the kubuntu site doesnt seem to have anything on the live cd11:54
bimberiDreamWalker: ubuntu & <blank> ?11:55
DreamWalkerhum, lest try11:56
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=== Mrono [i=mrono@loves.voltshells.com] has joined #kubuntu
=== _grant [n=grant@] has joined #kubuntu
MronoI need to update my firefox12:02
Mronolatest in the repository is 1.0.712:02
ubotuYou can use firefox 1.5 by following this wiki page https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxNewVersion12:04
=== _grant [n=grant@] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]

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