
=== Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@CPE-144-136-113-76.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== LaserJock [n=laserjoc@ubuntu/member/laserjock] has joined #kubuntu-devel
LaserJockRiddell: ping?12:51
HobbseeLaserJock: idle for 12 hours - must be out for the night12:52
Hobbseeand morning12:52
Hobbseeno, still night - i cant figure out timezones12:52
LaserJock12 hours, jeeze. How can he survive without IRC that long ;-)12:52
LaserJockI don't drink coffee, I just start IRC12:53
Hobbseeyeah, or start browsing the net, either works12:54
LaserJockyeah, first thing in the morning, I pop open the laptop and get on IRC and check the email.12:54
Hobbseeheh - i see that i'm not alone12:55
Hobbseemuch to my mother's discust12:55
LaserJockand my wife's :(12:56
Hobbseehehe yeah12:58
LaserJockI've heard more than once, "You need to divorce your computer!"12:58
Hobbseei've heard the "sharing the same computer is spelt divorce" but not that one01:01
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Hobbseeugh, malone search is borked.03:01
Hobbseeor not03:01
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=== Hobbsee goes bug squishing
freeflyingHobbsee: morning03:25
Hobbseehey freeflying 03:26
Hobbsee_awayhttps://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/32442 for tonio_03:29
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LaserJockRiddell: ping?04:03
=== toma is now known as toma_
Hobbseeyou're kidding...this cant be such a simple fix for a bug that's been annoying me for ages...04:29
Hobbseeno, it's not, the bug is still there.  didnt think so.04:33
LaserJockHobbsee: do you ever get the feeling that your just talking to yourself :-)04:33
freeflyingHobbsee: r u here now ?05:24
Hobbseefreeflying: yeah05:25
freeflyingHobbsee: can ou play mp3 file with amarok-xine now 05:25
Hobbseefreeflying: yep05:26
freeflyingHobbsee: with the latest amarok in dapper ?05:27
Hobbseeno, wait05:27
freeflyingHobbsee: 1.3.8-0ubuntu605:28
HobbseeVersion: 2:1.3.8-0ubuntu605:29
freeflyinguse xine as engine05:30
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
freeflyingHobbsee: I can not play mp3 with amarok-xine .although I've w32codecs installed 06:18
Hobbseei dont have w32codecs installed, my system plays mp3's fine06:18
freeflyingHobbsee: if you haven't w32codecs installed , how can you play mp3 with amarok-xin 06:25
Hobbseei honestly have no idea...06:25
Hobbseeat least, i ahvent installed it, so unless it installed it via a previous repo or something, or somehow carried over with my /home folder...i dont know06:25
Lathiatw32codecs is needed with xine i think yeh06:26
Lathiatits a dodgy package06:26
Lathiatgoogle for ubuntu w32codecs and you can find it06:26
Lathiator install gstreamer0.8-mad and amarok-gstreamer06:26
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
freeflyingLathiat:  it's seems that amarok can not uset gst as engine now 06:40
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@adsl-69-210-207-5.dsl.klmzmi.ameritech.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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nlindbladhow come there's no more xorgcfg in Dapper?08:59
=== OculusAquilae [n=bastian@p548D1216.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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Hobbseeman this thing likes having problems!12:14
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Hobbseehey kmon 01:50
kmonkubuntu seems to be more polished as of today, congratulations everyone :)01:51
kmonanyone know if usplash-down will enter dapper?01:51
kmonor on the contrary it's been deferred?01:52
OculusAquilaekmon: what is usplash-down?01:54
kmonusplash but when rebooting/halting the distro01:55
kmonso insted of a forward progress bar you need a backwards bar01:55
kmonlastest usplash packages included a executable called: /usr/sbin/usplash_down02:00
kmonbut it's not used yet02:00
kmonat least in kubuntu02:00
=== kmon [n=javier@217.Red-80-25-51.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Kopete]
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jjessejust wanted to say upgraded finally to flight 4 w/ a fresh install and it rocks :)06:01
jpatrickjjesse: cool :)06:03
Lurejjesse: true - it is just nice06:04
Lurejjesse: did you manage to configure KMail with Exchange06:04
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=== jjesse_ [n=jjesse@mail.ftpb.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jpatrickre jjesse_ 06:10
=== robotgeek [n=venkat@ubuntu/member/robotgeek] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jpatrickhey robotgeek 06:14
robotgeekhey jpatrick06:15
jpatrickjjesse: any part of the docs I can help with?06:21
robotgeekjpatrick: heh, you can help with Kubuntu Desktop Guide too :)06:23
jpatrickrobotgeek: ok, it's just that with FF I can't make NEW packages06:24
robotgeekjpatrick: heh, good for the doc team :)06:25
robotgeekjpatrick: there's still a tips and tricks which needs major love 06:29
robotgeekjpatrick: http://doc.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/index.html is the UDG, only the last section needs some major love06:30
jpatrickok then:06:31
=== jpatrick is playing Let There Be Love by Oasis on Don't Believe The Truth [amaroK]
=== robotgeek would have kicked jpatrick in #kubuntu for that, lol
=== jpatrick gets doc svn
robotgeekjpatrick: don't worry about the add-applications stuff not being in there, it has not been commited yet06:32
jpatrickrobotgeek: the "getting more help" bit?06:33
robotgeekjpatrick: no, i am trying to maintain the structure as close to the UDG as possible. The second chapter isn't commited yet06:34
robotgeekjpatrick: getting more help is done, i think. 06:35
jpatricksaw that06:35
robotgeekjpatrick: 4. Configuring Your System needs love :)06:35
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jpatricktoo bad I only use KDE06:36
robotgeekhopefully, it will be up for review by next week. 06:36
robotgeekjpatrick: i use kde only too, but we needs to make equivalent substituions, that makes it easy for us :)06:36
robotgeekjpatrick: i need to go right now, feel free to ask on mailing list/ -doc if you need anything06:38
jpatrickoh I see06:38
jpatrickyou want me to do for KDG what UDG has done06:39
robotgeekjpatrick: exactly, no need to start from scratch :)06:39
jpatrickcya robotgeek 06:39
robotgeekjpatrick: thanks for the help!06:39
jpatrickno problem06:39
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=== verwilst [n=verwilst@dD5E0099B.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel
verwilsthello Riddell07:44
verwilstyou were at fosdem today?07:44
verwilsti went in for a few mins, but i don't saw anybody there i recognized :(07:45
verwilstdidn't see*07:45
=== Pygi [n=mario@83-131-250-120.adsl.net.t-com.hr] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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=== LaserJock [n=mantha@ubuntu/member/laserjock] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jpatrickhey LaserJock 08:10
LaserJockhi jpatrick 08:10
LaserJockis Riddell around?08:12
jpatrickNo (I think)08:13
LaserJockhmm, jjesse?08:13
seaLnein that he hasn't said anything on irc so far today08:13
jpatrickI haven't seen him today (or yesterday)08:13
jpatrickme neither08:14
jpatrickLaserJock: can I help with Packaging Guide?08:15
LaserJockjpatrick: sure, I'm always needing help :-)08:16
jpatrickcool :)08:16
LaserJockin fact I was going to ask you if you could do a little section on pacakging for Kubuntu08:16
jpatrickfine :)08:18
LaserJockjpatrick: do you have a doc team svn repo checkout?08:19
jpatrickI have the svn here08:19
jpatrickgoing though it08:19
LaserJockjpatrick: ok, so the packaging guide is in generic/ , it also gets built into html daily at doc.ubuntu.com08:20
jpatrickI saw that08:20
jpatrickhow can it be kubuntu-specific?08:21
LaserJockwell, I mean packaging for KDE08:22
jpatrickI see now08:25
LaserJockdoes that make sense?08:25
jpatrick1) .pot file generation, etc08:25
LaserJockI mean, I just want to make sure any issues specific to Kubuntu(KDE) are addressed.08:26
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jpatrickgotta learn docbook....08:31
LaserJockjpatrick: if you don't want to or don't have time you can just email me the text and I'll docbookize it ;-)08:31
jpatrickI'll be fine - I'll try08:31
=== jpatrick just ran out of hdd space
=== apokryphos [i=[U2FsdGV@server2.polaristar.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel
LaserJockjpatrick: uhh oh :(08:55
Tm_Tjpatrick: =)08:55
jpatrickwell on my /home hdd08:55
Tm_Tjpatrick: rm -rf /prOn08:56
=== seaLne had a user earlier who managed to fill up a home partition with a 196Gb .xsession-serros file :-/
jpatrickseaLne: rofl08:56
seaLneTm_T: surely it would be rm -rf ~/work before ~/pr0n :)08:56
jpatrickthis is what happens when you rip too many cds08:57
LaserJockI've never been close to filling up that much space. I generally use about 20-30 GB out of 120GB08:57
jpatrickLaserJock: well in total I have around 16GBs space on this old thing08:57
Tm_TseaLne: sad but true, yes ;(08:57
=== Tm_T have ~100GB useless backups
seaLnespeaking of backups anyone know how to work around differing versions of rdiff-backup breezy/sarge08:58
LaserJockhmm, I don't have any ~/pr0n, but Unreal Tournament and America's Army take up quite a bit ;-)08:58
Tm_Tjpatrick: have you noticed those two brothers in #kubuntu does make a lot of noise?08:59
seaLneerr dapper/sarge08:59
jpatricktomas_ && another?08:59
=== LaserJock is now known as LaserJock_away
jpatrickd'oh he left09:01
Tm_Tjpatrick: yup, I was almost ready to kick him but they gave up "international" part from conversation09:02
=== nlindblad hugs Katapult
=== seaLne wonders why katapult won't start knode
jpatrickseaLne: not in kmenu09:05
seaLnethe only main difference i could see was it had an unknown icon for knode and never showed the exec icon09:05
seaLnejpatrick: is that the reason? katapult only shows stuff from kmenu?09:06
jpatrickLaserJock_away: for when you come back: http://img160.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot285fa.png <- how do make the "Generating..." part a subtitle?09:06
jpatrickseaLne: yep09:06
jpatrickit check .desktop files there i think09:06
seaLneah, i was confused by why even xterm worked09:07
LaserJock_awayjpatrick: <sect1> or <sect2> I think, wiki.ubuntu.com/DocBook and w.u.c./DocBookReference ;-)09:08
seaLnejpatrick: why can't it read all .desktop files?09:08
nlindbladwhoever wrote katapult, I love you09:08
jpatricknlindblad: tvo, Mez and some others09:09
=== nlindblad hugs 'em
jpatrickright-click icon -> About Katapult09:09
jpatrickseaLne: dunno09:10
nlindbladright-click where?09:10
nlindbladon the launcher?09:10
seaLnejpatrick: in breezy knode runs from katapult09:10
jpatrickright-click (systray) icon09:10
jpatrickhmm, not here09:10
seaLnejpatrick: that last comment in relation to knode?09:11
jpatrickI type it and nothing happens09:11
nlindbladI have no systray for it09:12
seaLneworks for me with or without kontatct running09:12
seaLneanyone else on breezy able to test katapult and knode?09:15
jpatrickTm_T: some people are been rude on #kubuntu09:16
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Tm_Tjpatrick: tell me more (bit blind atm)09:17
jpatrick[21:14:06]  <kylev> fucking lame09:17
Tm_Toh well, have to watch if I have a chance to kick some asses ;-P09:19
jpatrickbut noisy today too09:19
jpatrickrock! http://img497.imageshack.us/my.php?image=snapshot294vw.png09:21
apokryphosjpatrick: how did you get the location bar to stay there? I do it, and (mysteriously -- I'm serious), the main toolbar and the location one go on to seperate lines and then absolutely refuse to stay on one again09:24
apokryphosthough tbh I can't figure out how to get rid of the blasted Google bar, too (kind of consider it obsolete with the handy gg: konq shortcuts)09:24
jpatrickapokryphos: it was like that09:25
apokryphosit's been one of konqueror's recurring idiosyncrasies for me. Odd :P09:25
nlindbladOMG, I love yakuake09:30
jpatrickTm_T: those two are gonna gibberish the whole day09:31
jpatricknlindblad: you love alot of thing09:31
nlindbladnah, just kick-ass KDE apps09:31
Tm_TI hate lot of things09:31
Tm_Tatm I hate people in general09:31
nlindbladTm_T: don't hate me!09:32
jpatrickI think he already does09:32
Tm_T] ;=09:33
jpatrick^^ he's a bull - they kill those in spain09:33
jpatrickI've seen them at it09:34
=== allee [n=ach@dialin-145-254-252-048.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel
jpatrickre allee 09:36
alleehi jpatrick 09:36
tomaevening allee09:37
alleetoma: hi09:37
alleetoma: tonight is digikam bug day ;)09:37
=== toma hides behind a big rock
alleetoma: last fix, fixed ppc but broke amd64 :(09:38
tomai saw it09:38
tomanice catch09:38
alleetoma: I extract Gilles send patch version 09:38
alleetoma: do you think you feel like working on media again before 0.9?09:40
nlindbladhow do you switch between tabs in konsole?09:40
tomaallee: i've worked on a library untill 4am this morning09:40
alleenlindblad: shift-left/right09:40
alleetoma: oh, great.09:40
tomaallee: i think that is a better solution.09:41
alleetoma: I think Gilles work is important for semi-profis, but media is important for all ;)09:41
alleetoma: agreed.  I'm looking forward to use the lib for codeine09:41
jpatrickTm_T: looks like they've gone to chat on msn09:42
tomaallee: im just unsure what to do with the code, upload in playground or just plain copies where needed09:42
tomain other words, pack it or not09:42
alleetoma: lets try them with two/three apps via copy.  If API is proven to be flexible enough, but it in library09:43
alleesigh s/put/but/09:43
allees/but/put/ even09:43
tomai need two evenings to wrap it up next week, then i'll clean up digikam and maybe give you a patch for codeine09:44
alleewhow that would be great!!!!!!!!!!!!09:45
tomayeah, strange thing is that all functionality is in kde, only very hidden, so it is just a convinience lib09:46
Tm_Tjpatrick: yup09:57
Riddellhunger: at fosdem?10:11
Tm_Tjpatrick: peaceful there now ;)10:15
Tm_Tgnight ->10:18
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jpatrickhello kmon 10:28
kmonhi jpatrick10:28
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kmonjpatrick: do you know if kubuntu will go with klaptop or kpowersave?10:42
jpatricknot sure10:42
jpatrickI think Lure was working on that10:42
Lurekmon: problem with kpowersave is that it does not go well with powernowd10:43
Lureand powernowd is required by *-desktop meta package10:43
kmonyes, the other day I was about to give it a go, but noticed that removal10:44
kmonso I didn't do it.10:44
Lureotherwise I like the design and split of daemon and applet code10:44
Lurebut it does not go well with Ubuntu/g-p-m minimalistic way10:45
LureIt would be worth to open discussion with ubuntu-laptop people for Dapper+110:45
Luremaybe we can find a way for interoperability10:46
Lurejpatrick: where is the image and resolution specified for new default moodin10:50
jpatrickIn it's config10:50
LureTheme.rc seems not to be enough10:50
LureI have changed Bacground and BaseResultion to match my screen, but I still get resized10:51
jpatrickthat is odd10:52
LureReadme mentioned that I should repackage and install again10:52
jpatricktry iy10:53
=== LaserJock_away is now known as LaserJock
jpatrickLaserJock: this is coming on really well11:10
LaserJockjpatrick: great11:11
jpatrickdoing the REVU bit now11:11
LaserJockjpatrick: when you get a chunck done could you email it to me? it is easier if I deal with more than one small diff than one big one. 11:20
jpatrickyes, I've read that11:21
jpatrickgonna finish revu-part and send11:21
LaserJockok, great11:21
jpatricktoo bad, Riddell removed kubuntu_01_kdepot.diff from the site11:24
jpatrickkubuntu section's html file isn't being created here11:27
LaserJockjpatrick: where?11:27
LaserJockjpatrick: could be it isn't validating or it is in with another section.11:31
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