
dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [r=BjornT]  fix bug 32728 (need search by milestone facility) (r3198: Brad Bollenbach)12:07
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mruizhello!I have a question: How is the correct way to report a Dapper bug? Go to https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+bugs ? (currently has only 1 bug!) Many times I reported bugs in https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+filebug01:10
mruizsomeone can help me?01:12
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ddaamruiz: every is in bed here, you may have more luck asking in #ubuntu01:37
ddaathis channel is mainly about launchpad.net development, not about ubuntu01:37
Lathiatmruiz: if youve reported bugs, go into your personal context (click your name top right, select bugs and select reported)01:38
mruizddaa: but I'm using LP!01:38
ddaamruiz: I understand you are using LP, but the proper way to report dapper bug is a ubuntu policy thing01:39
mptmruiz has a point, though01:39
mruizddaa: thanks!01:39
ddaaI work for canonical on launchpad and I have not the least clue about how one should report bugs on dapper01:39
ddaampt: agreed01:39
mptddaa, you should be concerned about that :-)01:39
ddaampt: any idea how to fix that?01:40
mptI don't know either01:40
mptIt seems bizarre to me that https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+bugs contains only 1 bug01:40
Lathiatis that reporting things that are reported in "Ubuntu"01:40
Lathiatas opposed to a source package of it?01:40
mptAnd it's only 2 hours old, and presumably other people have reported Dapper bugs before, so presumably they disappear somehow01:41
mruizmpt: for this reason I did my question01:41
mptahhh, good point Lathiat01:41
ddaampt: well, the fact is I'm really not interested in distro things... I guess maybe all launchpad folks should have some docs to read to know about basic ubuntu policies...01:41
Lathiathrm no in the list of requested fixes it seems to be of a source package01:41
Lathiatcoudl be "kmess (Ubuntu Dapper)" vs "kmess (Ubuntu)" tho01:41
mptRelease bugs:01:42
mptDapper (1)01:42
mptBreezy (29)01:42
mptHoary (8)01:42
mptWarty (2)01:42
mptThat's crazy talk!01:43
raphinkmpt: seems normal01:45
raphinkmpt: most bugs are not marked as specific to dapper01:45
raphinkso if you look at https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs instead of https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/dapper/+bugs01:45
raphinkyou'll find many more bugs ;)01:45
mpt8388, right01:45
mptbut, but01:45
mptIf I'm testing Dapper01:45
mptand I find a bug01:46
mptoh, I'll go and report that about Dapper01:46
mptand it'll be one of two whole bugs on Dapper01:46
mptthat ain't right01:46
raphinkmpt: if you think more bugs are specific to dapper01:46
raphinkyou can do bug management01:46
raphinkthat helps ;)01:46
mptI'm a Launchpad developer, I don't have time for grunt work like that :-P01:47
mptI'm interested in making the grunt work easier, though01:47
raphinkok :)01:47
mruizI think that LP must be only one way to report a relese bug01:47
mptHumm, maybe this is because Malone doesn't have "infestations"01:47
mpte.g. "this bug occurs in Warty, Hoary, and Dapper, but not Breezy, and you might like to know that even though we're only going to fix it in Dapper"01:48
raphinkof course01:49
mptThis is related to bug 22801:50
ddaawow, three figures, that's old01:51
mptwake up Ubugtu!01:51
raphinkUbugtu is having a deep beauty sleep it seems01:51
mptand bug 2871001:51
Ubugtumalone bug 28710 in malone "Bug filing UI is confusing for release-oriented bug reporters" [Normal,Confirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2871001:51
ddaagood night01:53
mptReported bug 3279502:06
Ubugtumalone bug 32795 in malone "Distribution release Bugs pages and portlet list hardly any bugs" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3279502:06
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fatejudgersomething is wrong with launchpad06:39
fatejudgerI can't submit my bug06:39
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Mezlmao @ googling suse bugtracker08:48
Meznice to know launchpad is first08:48
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mpt__Mez, I don't see Launchpad in the results for suse bugtracker, nor suse bugtracker11:12
mpt__bug tracker, rather11:12
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mptAnd I get similarly crappy results for ubuntu bug tracker11:20
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sivangmpt: mee too11:22
mptthough with suse, http://www.opensuse.org/Submit_a_bug comes in at #2211:38
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gusawebCould you telle me if there is document describing the use of launchpad?03:25
ddaayay! bulk signing of bzr branches started!03:45
ddaaelmo: please, do not pull the plug on galapagos and neumayer this week-end...03:46
dilysMerge to devel/launchpad/: [trivial]  DB permission tweaks for rosetta auto-imports (r3199: Celso Providelo)03:48
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gusawebwill launchpad be available in other langages ?04:10
gusawebi have just seen that it is not possible to translate it04:10
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jelknerjblack: james, are you here?08:36
jelknerwhois jblack08:38
jblackjelkner: Yeah09:26
jelknerjblack: i'm back again, are you still here ;-)09:37
jelkneri wanted to ask you a few questions about lauchpad.09:38
jelkner1 specific and 1 general09:38
jelknerSpecific question: i've created a lauchpad project for a small software development project on which a few of my students are working:09:43
jelknerwe don't yet have any place to put the software that is accessible on the net.09:44
jelkneris it possible to create a bzr repository for the software on lauchpad?09:45
jelknerif so, how?09:45
jelknerGeneral question:  is it too early to be creating community projects like this on launchpad?09:46
jelknerdo you all want projects like this to be created now, or would you encourage me to wait until some later date before doing this?09:46
mdkeif jblack isn't still around, you can mail him as per http://www.sourcecontrol.net/?action=getmirrored09:47
mdke(specific question)09:47
mdkeas for the general one, I don't know for sure, but it sounds absolutely the sort of thing that is encouraged. Anything can be created in launchpad09:47
mdkethe more projects the better AFAICS09:48
jelknerthanks mdke!09:48
mdkeas far as i can see09:48
jelknermdke: can i ask you more about this general question?09:49
mdkeyes, but I dont work on LP so I will only try to answer09:49
jelknerfair enough, perhaps you could tell me who to ask if you can't answer...09:50
jelkneri'm here at pycon09:50
mdkesure thing09:50
jelkneri've been trying to find anyone i can interested in python for use in education09:50
jelknerwe had a bof yesterday that was very successful09:50
jelknerwe need a community building space for software, educational materials (books, lessons, etc)09:51
jelkneri was wondering if part of the vision of launchpad is to be such a space?09:51
mdkewhat is a community building space?09:52
jelknerwell, i guess it would have several components:09:52
jelkner1. email list (we already have that (edu-sig@python.org)09:53
jelkner2. software repository (we don't have this, though folks suggested we try python-hosting.com)09:53
jelkner3. web space / wiki space09:53
mdkeLP doesn't provide any server resources at the moment, as far as I know. I don't think it has the finances09:54
mdkethere is only one person you can ask about that :)09:54
jelknerour loco team has web space already09:55
mdkeeducation and python together sound like they would strike a chord though09:55
jelkneryes, and my hope is to have all this rolled into edubuntu09:55
jelknerwhat we don't have is a bzr repository09:56
jelknerperhaps we should set that up on our loco team site?09:56
mdkewell i'm pretty sure you can get that at sourcecontrol.net09:56
mdkeif not, then definitely email mark. It sounds like something that might be worth keeping separate from the ubuntu loco stuff09:56
=== jelkner goes off to check out sourcecontrol.net...
jblackjelkner: Here.09:57
jelknerhi james09:57
jblackjelkner: Yes.09:57
jblackjelner: Yes.09:57
jblackjelkner: can we start over?09:58
jelknerwhere do you want me to start?09:58
jblackYeah, you can list your bzr branches at your launchpad project.09:58
jelkneri'm still not sure how this works09:58
jelknerhere is our situation:09:58
jelknerwe have a few high school kids working on a project on their laptops and school desktop machines09:59
jelknerwe don't as yet have a network available repository09:59
jelkneri setup a launchpad project09:59
jelknerbut i don't know how the bzr thing is supposed to work?09:59
jblackOk. I see where your at.10:00
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jblackYeah, plan to give you exactly the workflow that you want. That a project can have all of its users upload the branches for the project.10:00
jblackToday, we support copying branches that are already publicly available. 10:01
jelknerso we need to wait10:01
kjcoleHi jelkner. Sorry it took so long for me to arrive.  10:01
jblackFor that specificially, yeah. But I'm sure we can help you with a workaround.10:01
jelkneri asked mathew about what i'm trying to do with another broader project10:01
jelknerhe suggested i email sabdfl10:02
jblackHow big is this project and how many students are involved?10:02
jelknerwe are trying to get together a community of projects around python in education10:02
jelkner(i'm here at pycon)10:02
kjcole(as am I)10:02
jelknerthe dc loco team already has web space10:02
jelknerthe dc loco team could host this project on that space10:03
jblackWhich matthew suggested you talk directly with sabdfl/10:03
jelknerhe thought that the project might warrent a different solution10:03
jblackI know several matthews. Do you know which one of them? 10:03
jblackProbably yeah.10:04
kjcolejblack, I've replaced Paul Flint as the DC LoCo "leader" such as I am.  The web space we have is a bit messed up: Too much of it redirects to a wiki there at the moment.10:04
jblackjelkner: Is there a good email about all this that you can forward me? I can respond to you for any of the particular details that are likely to be needed, and then send the response for that that off to mark. Does that sound good?10:05
jelknerwhat email should i use?10:05
jelkneri'll write it now10:05
jelkneri need to move on this quickly, while we have an energized bunch of folks expressing an interest in getting involved10:06
jblackOk. A quick description of the project, how you're saving the world, how many people are involved, and your needs.10:06
jelknerwhich email?10:06
jblackquickly over a term of..10:06
jblackjames.blackwell@canonical.com, though I'll be replying via a different address.10:07
=== jelkner goes off to write the email...
kjcolejblack, at some point soon I hope to get back with you about banging around in bzr...10:08
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jblackjelkner: You said quick. Is that quick as in days, as in I have time to go get some breakfast and grocery shopping? Or quick as in hours in that I have time to use the restroom?10:08
jblackkjcole: Definitely. What can I give you, generally speaking?10:09
kjcoleI think you have time for the restroom.  ;-) He's hot to trot. ;-)10:09
=== mdke pops back
jblackmdke: Thanks for hooking up jelkner and I10:10
mdkemy pleasure10:10
jelkneri would say it would be great if i could start flooding the edu-sig@python.org mailing list with new sometime in the next week10:10
kjcolejblack, we'd once spoken about my confusion with resolving conflicts by perhaps creating simple examples and trying to merge them.10:10
jblackOk. Good. Yeah. I can help you flood. 10:10
jblackMy wording doesn't look very good. I mean I can help you with the questions you have, so that you can get the word out.10:11
mdkejblack, you host bzr branches don't you? how do projects qualify to get onto that?10:12
jblackkjcole: You're still having trouble with conflicts, eh? Yeah. We can take another stab at it.10:12
kjcolejblack, I haven't had as much time to play recently, and need to get back to it soon.  I spoke briefly with Martin Pool yesterday, and he was very sympathetic to the fact that one can't always depend on bzr users having come from a previous RCS.10:12
mdkei wasn't sure whether jelkner's thing qualified or not10:12
jblackmdke: Yes, I occasionally personally host branches.10:12
mdkei mean at sourcecontrol10:12
mdkethat supermirror thingy10:13
jblackAhh, the supermirror is the companies. =)10:14
kjcolejelkner had questions about use too, but I gather he's already covered some of that shortly before I signed on today...10:14
jblackYeah. There's a variety of things for bazaar 1.x. We're working on the bazaar-ng stuff right now.10:14
mdkejblack, so what qualifies for inclusion on the supermirror. the website kinda makes it sounds like you'll host anything :D10:15
jblackThe bazaar-ng stuff can take a copy of of a branch. It doesn't yet have the ability to upload directly.10:15
mdkeah right10:15
jblackmdke: The pages you are looking at are the old pre-company stuff. 10:16
jblackThe person that made that originally is still here (/me waves), but originally was written with a whole different revision control system in mind. :)10:16
kjcoleI noticed during Martin's presentation here yesterday a screenshot of a bzrtool that I didn't run across.  Are the various tools documented or should I be hunting through source?10:17
jblackThew newer version of the software is integrated into launchpad.10:17
jblackkjcole: We have a big pile of them at http://bazaar-vcs.org. Look for the tools link on the right10:17
jblackkjcole: How long will you be online? 10:19
kjcoleAnother hour and a half.10:19
jblackWhen do you come on tomorrow?10:20
jblackkjcole: Are you headed off to bed soon? 10:21
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kjcolejblack, good question.  I'm at PyCon and the wireless connection's been unreliable for me.  I'll probably wait til I'm back in DC before trying stuff.10:24
kjcolejblack, (I only got onto IRC because yesterday Jeff asked me who I'd talked to about bzr, launchpad, etc. I mentioned you and today he told me he was trying to reach you on IRC...)10:24
jblackOther than getting food, I'll be here for the next 12 hours. :)10:24
kjcolejblack, Although PyCon has messed with my sleep schedule, no.  It's 3:24 PM here. ;-)10:25
jblackYeah. Its 16:25 here, but I work at night.10:25
jblackThat gives me most of the australian day and a good chuck of the euro day.10:25
kjcolejblack, so I guess "soon" is a relative term.  I'll be off to the party at 5:30-ish, and after that who knows?10:26
jblackkjcole: Ok. As soon as you start settling down, we'll get together and we'll take another shot at it. There's even more code in bzr that makes which side of the conflict is what.10:26
kjcolejblack, (The party at Nerd Books is far enough away that they're running shuttles between the hotel and the store.)10:27
kjcolejblack, cool.  I've been synching with ~scott and ~jbailey repositories for bzr, but maybe it's time to stop that?10:28
jblackYou're only allowed to talk to one person at a time?10:29
kjcolejblack, I'm not sure I followed your meaning.10:30
jblackI'm the support/doc/advocacy/website/community guy, so I'm a good person to talk to. I'm not a jealous sort and don't feel bad if you talk to others. :)10:30
kjcolejblack, no I didn't mean I'd been talking to them.  I meant I saw something on the wiki a few months ago that pointed me to 10:30
kjcoletheir apt repositories for getting bzr stuff.  But I gathered it was perhaps pretty bleeding edge, and now I'm wondering if I should remove those as repositories as it sounds like bzr's further along.10:31
jblackOhhh. Yeah. jbailey's has been shurt off I think.10:31
jblackWell, I miskpeak.10:32
jblackjbailey still has nightly packages for the official dev. You're welcome to them. =)10:32
kjcolejblack, I think you're right.  In the last couple of days synaptic's been complaining about some repository and I haven't bothered to check which one.10:33
jblackkjcole: Why don't you send me an email about what the things that we're going to talk about while I'm off at breakfast?10:34
jblackPlease include the information that you've having info with synaptic so that I don't forget to look at it.10:35
kjcoleI'm gonna signout of IRC soon and do other stuff.  Talk to you later.10:35
jblackhaving trouble with synaptic. (can you tell I haven't had coffee yet?)10:35
kjcoleRight.  Later.  I'm a diet coke man myself.10:35
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jblackjelker: got it.10:57
jelknerjblack: i just sent a follow up11:04

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