[12:07] Tonio_: solution: bksys 1.5.1 changelog: documentation installation fixes [12:08] allee: ah ? :) [12:08] good news [12:08] Tonio_: install kde.py and generic.py from bksys-1.5.1/admin/ into bksys, rebuild and the symlinks are gone === allee back to gnudatalanguage [12:09] the problem is that it requires a big change in the tarball........ [12:10] Tonio_: [12:10] $ diff -u ../bksys.as-included/kde.py bksys/ | wc -l [12:10] 292 [12:10] Tonio_: Can you upload kdebase debs? [12:10] hunger: nope, only riddell can [12:10] Tonio_: ~ 300 line diff is not big. Put it into debian/patches/ ;) [12:10] Tonio_: Too bad:-( I have a couple of config files I'd like to get included:-) [12:11] allee: a cool, can provide a patch then ;) [12:11] hunger send riddell patches :) [12:11] Tonio_: I'll send to you ... [12:11] allee: your my master, definitly :) [12:11] Tonio_: The files are attached to #33034... config to enable fish and sftp in zeroconf. [12:11] allee: okay, thanks, but I can do it myself :) anyway, tonio@ubuntu.com :) [12:12] They work nicely for me... [12:13] hunger, well, need to ask riddell about that :) [12:13] Should kubuntu support other zeroconf stuff as well? [12:13] Like telnet...? === hunger is not sure about telnet... it is so unsecure. [12:15] It is easy enough to add that plus shell and login (which basically are telnet as well). [12:15] hunger: I vote no. [12:15] :) [12:16] allee: So do I... I have them, but I did not attach them to the bug with the other two. [12:16] Tonio_: Did you change kdmrc? === toma is now known as toma_ [12:17] Tonio_: Would you mind changing the ServerCmd when doing so next time to what gdm uses, too (/usr/bin/X -br -audit 0)? [12:18] hunger: isn't that done ? [12:19] Tonio_: No, it still uses the only-left-for-compatibility path /usr/X11R6/.... [12:19] hunger, okay, I will remember ;) [12:20] Tonio_: mail sent [12:20] Tonio_: and the -audit 0 which stops the server from spamming the console it is started from is missing as well. [12:20] allee: thanks :) [12:20] hunger okay ;) [12:20] Not that that is a problem... but I think it would be nice to be consistent with gdm for purely estetic reasons:-) [12:21] Anyone got an idea why klaptopdaemon only suspends my laptop after I log out? [12:22] hunger: the problem is that patching kdebase for this........ === hunger needs to use klaptopdaemon to suspend, then unlock the screensaver which klaptopdaemon starts, then log out to sustend. [12:22] Tonio_: I was asking since kdmrc was just updated here. [12:23] hunger, yes, I did the patch, but that requires a cdbs patch only for this, so........ [12:23] patching after a freeze is generally to resolve problems [12:24] even if esthetic is important, I agree, that can be done for dapper+1, but we certainly have other emergency [12:24] Tonio_: So we will not get that into dapper? === hunger sighs. [12:25] Tonio_: I could file a bugreport for that... isen't solving a bug a reason to get it in? ;-) [12:25] I agree that -audit 0 is important :) === poningru [n=poningru@n128-227-48-188.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #kubuntu-devel [12:25] I will ask riddell about that tomorrow and eventually provide a patch [12:25] Tonio_: Not using a path that is deprecated is a reason, too. [12:25] hmm? [12:25] Hi Riddell! [12:25] hunger, yes, when everything is debugged, that becomes important :) [12:26] good evening [12:26] evening Riddell [12:26] Riddell: would you like a patch to change X patch in kdmrc ? [12:26] X path sorry [12:26] what would that be for? [12:27] Riddell: kdm still uses the pre-X-reorg path to the server... [12:27] Riddell: not using a depreciated path.... and eventually adding -audit 0 [12:27] Riddell: You never know when that will go away... gdm uses the new one for a while. [12:29] what does -audio 0 do? [12:29] Riddell: stops the server from spamming the console it is started from [12:29] Riddell: stopps the server from writting stuff to stderr. [12:29] ubuntu's GDM uses that [12:29] is that bad? [12:30] Riddell: gdm uses that, too. I am for adding it mostly to use the same commandline as gdm. [12:30] what happens if you have an error, harder to find out what's the problem [12:31] Riddell: It stopps logging of fairly uninteressting xauth stuff that goes to the logfiles anyway. === haggai [n=halls@i-83-67-59-194.freedom2surf.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === poningru [n=poningru@n128-227-48-188.xlate.ufl.edu] has joined #kubuntu-devel [12:34] Riddell: While changing kdebase... I came up with some config files to make konqueror handle fish and sftp-ssh zeroconf stuff. Could those get added as well? [12:34] how do you advertise those? [12:35] Riddell: See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=756cd79c1eca73da9fb5c70fd2384989&t=137073 [12:35] Riddell: Gnome handles them for a while now... always annoyed me that it does not work in KDE:-) [12:36] Riddell: I've got a patch for adept [12:36] Riddell: but I'd like to ask for a favor, if I may call that so [12:36] gnome does fish? [12:37] raphink: what's that? [12:37] Riddell: could you please keep my changelog this time? [12:37] hunger: interesting [12:37] Riddell: Dunno about fish, but it does handle sftp-ssh (at least on my friends debian box). [12:37] raphink: hmmmmm [12:37] I, for one, love to contribute to Ubuntu, but I dislike very much that my name be removed from my contributions [12:37] it doesnt' cost anything to keep the changelog I bring in the debdiff [12:38] I do it for all contributors I upload for [12:38] well I make sure the name is in the changelog [12:38] I just get worried when e-mail doesn't go to me since I've no idea if it'll go anywhere [12:38] Riddell: I mean keeping the changelog [12:38] with my name as releaser of the version [12:38] Riddell: So he was able to get to the files via zeroconf while I had to figure out how to configure zeroconf:-( [12:38] if I want o apply for core-dev it might help to find packages in main with my name [12:38] not only with a mention to my work somewhere in the middle [12:39] grep is your friend :) [12:39] Riddell: with soyouz, both the guys in changelog and the one who signed get the email [12:39] hunger: how well have you managed to get libnss-mdns working? [12:39] raphink: ok [12:39] Riddell: grep is not TB's friend when they look at your work in Ubuntu [12:39] Riddell: Is that needed? [12:39] you've got no time to grep all packages [12:39] for contribution [12:39] Riddell: I just installed avahi-daemon... [12:39] hunger: of course, otherwise you can't connect to any services so foo.local [12:40] s/so/at/ [12:40] so I'd like it very much if you could just sign with -k instead of making a new changelog mentionning my name [12:40] :) [12:41] all the more that sometimes you somehow modify the changelog in a way that doesn't reflect the work that was done, or just forget to mention who did the work [12:41] like in kubuntu-default-settings for example, on which I think Tonio has been spending quite a lot of time [12:41] and in whose changelog his name doesn't appear once [12:42] ;) [12:42] [ Anthony Mercatante ] [12:42] all his changes are marked in the standard fashion [12:42] although he missed a few out himself I think [12:42] hmm not in all packages [12:43] I remember having seen one that didn't mention him [12:43] anyway [12:43] my point is rather to keep the modifier's changelog [12:43] and just sign it with your key [12:43] I'd appreciate that very much :) [12:43] I missed his name out from the last but one kdebase upload it's true, but I put it back in retrospectively [12:44] ok :) [12:44] well that is not my point really though, and I think you got it [12:44] when I get my packages sponsored, I expect the changelog to be kept [12:45] sure, I'll use your upload as an experiment [12:45] hehe ok :) [12:45] you just have to sign it using [12:45] debuild -S -sa -kyourkeyID [12:45] hum, my two cents [12:45] and that's it :) [12:45] I know [12:45] that's not very important to me, as long as it works after building, but I must say I can understant some people feel important to see theiur changelog with their name [12:46] and that's why I always include it :) [12:46] Riddell: hum, I didn't even told you about that, but as everyone, you can sometime forget :) [12:46] kubuntu-default-settings (1:6.04-5) dapper; urgency=low [12:47] this changelog is a big work I did and my name isn't mentionned [12:47] I personnaly don't mind, but another personn could have been hurt I assume [12:47] eek, yes [12:48] your right there, that's wrong of me, sorry about that [12:48] I'll put it in retrospectively [12:48] I know all of you know my work, that this is a progress and that's enought for me, for I'm not "everyone" :) [12:48] Riddell: don't say you are sorry, I DON'T MIND :) [12:48] "Mon, 9 Jan 2006 04:50:25 +0000" it was almost 5 in the morning though :) [12:48] otherwise, I would have told you before [12:51] raphink: anyhoo, you had a patch? [12:51] Riddell: I'm pbuilding it to test it before giving it to you [12:51] :) [12:51] I'll give it to you as soon as I'm sure it works :) [12:52] guys, can we still ask for uvf exception now ? [12:52] I'm probably about to go to bed soon [12:52] ok [12:52] then you'll get it tomorrow ;) [12:52] doesn't matter [12:52] Tonio_: oui [12:53] ok merci ;) === robotgeek [n=venkat@ubuntu/member/robotgeek] has joined #kubuntu-devel [12:53] Riddell: I will try to finish that patch for systemapplet in the next days [12:53] Tonio_: which patch? [12:54] and have a look at file associations [12:54] Riddell: system:/ causing files copied to tmp before opening [12:54] ah, that patch [12:54] I have done a working patch, but I miss the real name of .desktop then so that's not good [12:54] Tonio_: k-d-s works perfect, uploading [12:54] I will try to grab the code of kde 3.4.2 [12:54] Riddell: cool :) [12:55] Riddell: did you try the gtk_qt_engine autoconfig on new profiles ? [12:55] I tested outside of the package and that was okay [12:57] Tonio_: fwiw, toma wrote a little helper app to convert media: and system: url to normal path (should be useful for little .desktop hacks) [12:58] Riddell: shall I email you the debdiff ? [12:58] raphink: sure [12:58] Riddell: jriddell@ubuntu.com right? [12:59] yes [12:59] allee: hum........; in fact the problem isn't to convert urls, it is to patch the applet not to use the url parser :) [12:59] or eventually to patch the parser [12:59] ah [01:00] allee: but avoiding the parser causes another issue, cause the same parser is parsing the desktop file "name" [01:00] so I have to patch there this time [01:00] kde 3.4.2 was perfect in fact, duonnu why they changed this.......... [01:00] oula !!!! s/duonnu:dunno :) [01:01] Tonio_: you mean. Your goal is that the parser check if system: or media: is a local URL and then substitues /usaul/path/to/file? that would be great :) [01:01] Riddell: patch sent :) [01:02] allee: nope, that's exactly what it actually does [01:02] allee: I want to avoir that :) [01:02] Eh? [01:02] to come back to /home/bla instead of system:/home [01:03] Riddell: please ignore the mail I forgot one things :( [01:03] huhu [01:03] Riddell: ok? [01:03] allee: browse with system:/home, and open a big file, like an avi movie, a big ogg, or even a big log file with kate for example [01:03] allee: it gets copied in tmp before launching, which is a real PAIN [01:04] Mhmm, looks like we _both_ want /home/bla instead of system:/home. Regardless how I failed to explain it ;) [01:04] ho sorry I missunderstood :) [01:04] raphink: ok [01:04] allee: end of day, sorry :) [01:04] Riddell: forgot the icon for the installer ;) [01:04] Riddell: could be nicer with an icon hehe [01:05] Tonio_: keep on the great work! [01:05] allee: yes, that's my wanted, :) I tried to avoid using the parser, and that works, but it creates a problem to parse the .desktop Name entry, so we have to patch the parser directly [01:05] Tonio_: see ubuntu-motu list for new uvf process [01:05] allee: the problem is that my knowledge in cpp is about 0 [01:05] Riddell: okay ;) [01:06] allee: concerning kdissert, you should put your name in the changelog and add it to the wiki page [01:07] Tonio_: wiki? where? [01:07] Riddell: is the Ubuntu Packaging Guide included in kubuntu-docs? [01:07] allee: you will not become a motu, although you are the best of us, if you act like a ghost :) [01:07] allee: don't you have a wiki page ? [01:07] LaserJock: good question, I was going to look that up when you first asked and got distracted === Riddell goes to look [01:07] allee: you did the patch, all you have to do is creating the changelog and signing it [01:07] Tonio_: ah, you mean my homepage on wiki. [01:08] Tonio_: and upload to revu? Send you the debdiff? [01:08] allee: yes ;) It is too empty and you spend you time helping us for free.... sign your work and become a motu !!! [01:09] Tonio_: I have to pass membership first ;) I added already a bit of contents to my wiki home page a week ago ;) [01:09] allee: well, the patch is done, so you should really make it yourself ;) It'll take only 20 seconds [01:09] allee: even better, with that kind of patches and bug resolving, it'll be easier to become a member [01:10] LaserJock: yes it is [01:10] Tonio_: Stupid question: I assume there's a malone bug. So I attach the debdiff there and ping someone here to upload? [01:11] Riddell: ah, great. thanks. I'll commit my copyright changes in a minute. I just needed to know about the packaging guide because it is the only doc that is GPL'd [01:11] allee: I don't think there is a malone bug for this.... I didn't hear about it anyway [01:11] Tonio_: oh? and you did you know about/found this wrong link? [01:11] allee: what I would do if I were you is probably create the bug, uploading to revu, and I will ask for UVF maybe [01:12] allee: sebas asked me to look at it ;) [01:12] Tonio_: okay ... [01:12] allee: I can't imagin my mentor isn't still a member ;) [01:13] Tonio_: I don't fit in any imagination ;) [01:13] allee: haha [01:13] Riddell: before going to bed, is there a plan to correct systemsettings major bugs before dapper is out ? [01:14] Tonio_: damn well better be [01:14] it would be a shame to release dapper with all bugs breezy's version add.... [01:14] that'll be my focus after espresso is done [01:14] If I was a standard user and not aware of the situation, I wouldn't understand I must say [01:15] Riddell: great ;) [01:15] unfortunately I can't help on that point.....;;; [01:15] raphink ? [01:16] Tonio_: yep? [01:16] raphink: adding translations in adept should be done through KDE SVN [01:16] raphink: http://www.planetemu.net/temp/adept-installer.svgz [01:16] otherwise they're far too hard to maintain [01:16] raphink: http://www.planetemu.net/temp/adept-installer.png [01:16] Riddell: ah [01:16] raphink: do you have access to KDE's SVN? [01:16] Riddell: well it's just something I added as I changed the position in the menu and the NoDisplay for updater and notifier [01:16] it's not the main change [01:16] yep [01:17] :) [01:17] allee: will you tell me when you have done the job with kdissert ? I will ask for uvf exception [01:17] raphink: files in http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/l10n/fr/messages/playground-sysadmin/ if you want to do them [01:17] they're mostly done anyway [01:18] Tonio_: k but will take a while: pbuild run missing [01:18] ho I forgot to translate the second pot file for systemsettings [01:18] Riddell: I don't have an access to kde svn [01:18] Riddell: any reason they are not on rosetta ? [01:19] Tonio_: rosetta has not imported dapper strings yet [01:19] will do at string freeze [01:19] Riddell: okay ;) [01:19] :) [01:19] Riddell: euh........; string freeze ? means nothing will be translated after that ? [01:20] or means everything will have to be translated after ? [01:21] raphink: forwarding your patch to mornfall for his comments === Tonio_ is happy to see kate working mono-session again ;) that's way more comfortable [01:21] Riddell: hmm sure, I'm building again to test the icons [01:21] hi raphink [01:21] Tonio_: means no strings will change so translation can begin [01:21] hi LaserJock [01:21] Riddell: okay ;) [01:22] raphink: what are the icons? [01:22] Riddell: icons tonio gave me for adept_installer [01:22] he said mornfall approved them [01:22] http://www.planetemu.net/temp/adept-installer.png [01:22] Riddell: http://www.planetemu.net/temp/adept-installer.png [01:22] arf [01:22] hehe [01:23] ;) [01:23] so I made 16 22 32 & 48 versions of them [01:23] to be installed with the package [01:23] ah, groovy [01:23] raphink: isn't 64 and 128 required ? [01:23] :) [01:23] Tonio_: I just provided the sizes that are provided for the other apps in the package [01:24] raphink: if you're playing with adept you could look at adding .desktop file for libxine extra codecs and call it MPsupport [01:24] I don't think 64 and 128 can be used for menu entries [01:24] MP3 support === Riddell beds [01:24] hmm [01:24] interesting [01:24] where would that be? [01:25] ah ;) [01:25] raphink: that means we have to create a .desktop file for this entry [01:25] adept-installer is using a .desktop file per installable program [01:26] raphink: is that the package to install for all the nice stuff, instead of gstreamer? [01:26] Tonio_: ah, so good idea [01:26] robotgeek: yep [01:26] robotgeek: it is the package that add mp3 support to xine [01:26] robotgeek: seems Riddell's idea is to have an entry in adept_installer to just select it === robotgeek scrolls and looks for package name [01:26] that would prevent from using easyubuntu for that [01:26] raphink: that would be great! === robotgeek is looking for the name, so he can document it in the Desktop Guide [01:28] raphink: i'm not happy about all those scripts either, but no matter what we try, they seem not to go away [01:28] Tonio_: I don't see where the desktop files for installer are [01:28] robotgeek: they do a job official stuff don't do [01:28] raphink: hum........; [01:28] let me check [01:28] robotgeek: we need to provide the same services with clean solutions [01:28] I didn't saw that myselft, but I discussed that with mornfall [01:28] raphink: +1 [01:29] Tonio_: ah [01:29] mornfall doesn't seem to be around though [01:29] raphink: yes, mp3-support. video-support metapackages would be great [01:30] Tonio_: so should one now add my e-mail into maintainer or add a [Achim Bohnet] ? [01:31] allee: well, depends :) [01:31] will you maintain it is the future or is it a nmu ? [01:31] I assume nmu no ? [01:31] so fill the chagelog yourself and that's it ;) [01:32] better: [Achim Bohnet] then. I never started kdissert [01:32] + don't know how it looks like ;) [01:33] allee: and whose name for the changelog ? [01:34] Tonio_: uploader? [01:35] hum......that's exactly the oposite of what we were talking about with riddell :) [01:35] Tonio_: well, I will not maintain it in the sense of a debian maintainer, but as a member of Kubuntu Team I fix bugs as time/knowledge permits, even in kdissert ;) [01:35] allee: won't you upload it to revu ? [01:35] raphink: in /usr/share/app-install/desktop/ [01:35] allee: I'll upload to revu. [01:36] robotgeek: libxine-extracodecs [01:36] thanks Riddell :) [01:36] I was trying to understand it in the installer c++ code ;) [01:36] Riddell: where do these desktop files come from? [01:36] Tonio_: btw. does NMU make sense in the (K)ubuntu context. All MOTUs are the maintainers, aren't they? [01:36] Riddell: awesome, one package to provide them all [01:36] allee: in fact, yes :) you're right [01:37] allee: correct, it doesn't make sense [01:37] raphink: not sure the exact process, mvo makes them somehow for gnome-app-install [01:37] allee: NMU can be totally ignored in Ubuntu [01:37] I think it extracts them from uploaded packages on the buildds [01:37] but quite a lot of the icons are missing [01:37] Riddell: there's a huge list of desktops in there [01:38] Riddell: just to know, didn't you habe the time to look at gwenview patch, or is there a problem with it ? [01:39] Tonio_: didn't I upload? [01:39] Riddell: cause I have another (easier) way to make the package building correctly [01:39] Riddell: no package installs anything in /usr/share/app-install/desktop/ [01:39] Riddell: hum........ I don't see it on the repos :) [01:39] Accepted gwenview 1.3.1-0ubuntu3 (source) [01:39] Riddell: so it must be generated somehow [01:39] maybe non build at the moment [01:39] Tonio_, Riddell: 'k changed to 1.0.5.debian-2build2. Question: add my e-mail to maintainer-field or/and additionaly [My name] [01:40] allee: if I were you, I wouldn't touch the maintenair in control, just feel the changelog [01:40] that's how I do personally [01:40] we tend not to change the maintainer field in ubuntu [01:41] Tonio_: no,no I only talk about changelog maintainer-field: -- Achim Bohnet Mon, 27 Feb 2006 23:41:19 +0100 [01:41] ah, sorry [01:41] allee: well, personnaly, I had my email in the changelog [01:41] raphink: don't you do like that ? [01:42] Tonio_: like what? [01:42] raphink: read 5 lines upper :) [01:43] I prefer to have just an entry in the changelog [01:43] I mean a whole one ;) [01:43] ok need to work more on the icons in adept [01:43] there's something wrong === freeflying [n=freeflyi@] has joined #kubuntu-devel [02:40] Tonio_: kdissert: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2072 [02:40] allee: great ;) [02:40] will post uvh tomorrow :) [02:40] bed time :) [02:40] uvf not uvh [02:48] Does upload to revu count as 'fix commited' in lauchpad? [02:48] Tonio_: ^^ [02:50] allee: any package where you have a changelog feet has an entry to your launchpad account according to what I know :) [02:50] Tonio_: yeah, quite confusing ;) [02:51] Tonio_: question is, now after revu upload https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdissert/+bug/33105, can I set bug to fix-commited ? [02:52] ah ! Iassume yes of course :) === jsgotangco [n=jsg@] has joined #kubuntu-devel [03:15] Riddell: you there? === freeflying [n=freeflyi@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === robotgeek [n=venkat@ubuntu/member/robotgeek] has joined #kubuntu-devel === hua [n=hua@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Lure [n=luka@clj46-234.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #kubuntu-devel === viviersf [n=cain@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === jsgotangco [n=jsg@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Lure [n=luka@clj46-234.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #kubuntu-devel === robotgeek [n=venkat@ubuntu/member/robotgeek] has joined #kubuntu-devel === freeflying [n=freeflyi@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Mez [n=Mez@ubuntu/member/mez] has joined #kubuntu-devel [08:22] grr === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel [08:57] Riddell: ping! [08:59] Riddell: any chance we can move the meeting to be on thurs 16th, 20.00 UTC? I cant make it on wednesdays 20 UTC as i'm driving at that point, then have no internet access. === jpatrick [n=patrick@ubuntu/member/jpatrick] has joined #kubuntu-devel [10:05] omw [10:06] Riddell, PING !!!!!!!!! === freeflying [n=freeflyi@] has joined #kubuntu-devel [10:06] ok, I think he broke something... [10:06] lol jpatrick === Tonio_ [n=tonio@cac94-5-82-229-219-55.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [10:10] hello [10:12] hey Tonio_ [10:13] Tonio_: http://ubuntu-zh.3322.org/screenshot/kdmsplash.png === tvo [n=tobi@5354EA9B.cable.casema.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel [10:14] freeflying: yes, we need to had a depandancy on k-d-s [10:14] freeflying: install moodin or kubuntu-desktop and it'll be okay [10:14] Tonio_: got it ,thx [10:16] Tonio_: moodin ? [10:17] freeflying: yes, a ksplash engine [10:18] actually kubuntu-desktop depends on it, but not k-d-s [10:18] freeflying: ksplash-engine-moodin [10:18] yep === raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #kubuntu-devel === raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #kubuntu-devel [10:44] Riddell: hi === mornfall|work [n=mornfall@redhat.usu.cz] has joined #kubuntu-devel [10:47] Riddell: hi [10:47] Riddell: as for the debdiff [10:47] ^^ hehe [10:47] Riddell: disabling adept updater from menu makes it useless for users who do not wish to use notifier [10:48] Riddell: doing so for notifier makes it hard to get it back running when you disable it [10:48] people who do not want to use the notifier can launch adept manager for updates [10:48] (as in, you need to go to commandline to do so -- the UI rule of thumb is that any action should be undoable) [10:49] raphink: it's not the same [10:49] mornfall|work: talking about adept, I've been searching how I could add libxine-extra-codecs to the menus in installer [10:49] hello [10:49] raphink: drop a .desktop file to /usr/share/app-install/desktop/ [10:50] mornfall|work: I don't get how these desktop files are created [10:50] (package is app-install-data) [10:50] no package creates them it seems [10:50] ah [10:50] ok [10:50] raphink: not my business... i think they are collected from apps and the X-AppInstall things are added :) [10:50] mornfall|work: the *rare* users who don't want to use the notifier generally use apt, and even if not, they know how to modify a .desktop file [10:50] that's my feeling [10:50] raphink: will you ping me when you are done, i will update the K Desktop Guide to reflect the changes? [10:51] Tonio_: dunno, any survey to back that up? [10:51] Tonio_: also, what about the undoability of actions [10:51] robotgeek: sure [10:51] raphink: ty [10:51] mornfall|work: you mean ? "undoability of actions" ? [10:51] lets vote at Kubuntu meeting - no wait to late [10:51] mornfall|work: we spend a lot of time helping newbies on IRC [10:51] Tonio_: kill adept notifier and select to not run it next time [10:51] Tonio_: now how you get it back through GUI? [10:52] mornfall|work: I can type the command...... [10:52] I mean, a notifier isn't done to be disabled [10:52] Tonio_: that's hardly GUI [10:52] Tonio_: asking for confirmation is *not* a substitute for a way back [10:52] I don't think any gnome user will disable it on ubuntu [10:52] mornfall|work: if you see it this way, there should be tons of entries in the Kmenu for all the stuff that cdan be in the systray [10:53] raphink: can you name a single one you can't get back after killing? [10:53] Tonio_: ++ [10:53] mornfall|work: really, for 0.5% people that will want to play with it and not simply "let it do it's job", it sounds crazzy to make the K menu a mess for the 99.5% other people...... [10:53] mornfall|work: they are not usually launched directly from the menu [10:54] Tonio_: 0.5%, where is that number from? [10:54] mornfall|work: from the fact that ubuntu isn't gentoo [10:54] mornfall|work: now our idea is also that it could be nice to have installer or adept as a kcontrol module in systemsettings, and I think the notifier could be activated through systemsettings too [10:54] raphink: right, so implement something to be able to get it back not from menu [10:54] it is not designed to be configured file by file.... [10:54] raphink: that's a nice idea, patches? [10:55] Tonio_: that's useless made up number then [10:55] Tonio_: it could be 10% and you would never be able to tell [10:55] mornfall|work: this is a wish, I don't think you'd blame me for the small amount of work I do in Ubuntu though [10:55] mornfall|work: well forget the number, that is stupid from me, okay [10:56] mornfall|work: the fact is that "normal" people, standard users, call it like you want, are certainly more thatn 50% [10:56] i don't work on ubuntu at all [10:56] those people generally don't touch the settings too much [10:56] and will certainly not disable the update notifier [10:56] Tonio_: again, that's not an argument [10:56] even if closed by error, it'll come back after a reboot, so...... [10:56] and it won't come back if you tell it not to [10:56] mornfall|work: the argument is that when you disable something, you are supposed to know how to come back...... [10:57] Tonio_: that's not what i hear from openusability [10:57] I don't say adept is to be done like that be default [10:57] but we think that's the way it should feet in ubuntu [10:57] in kubuntu to be exact [10:57] and that is about the same that what ubuntu does [10:57] and most people seems to appreciate ubuntu, so that shouldn't be a bad thing [10:58] well, you remove functionality -- if you are willing to take over malone of adept and forward bugs upstream (since you diverge from upstream in kubuntu), i'm all for it [10:58] mornfall|work: there are much bigger issues of usability in Kubuntu, this is just very very minor [10:58] mornfall|work: when I disable the menus in an app and can't get them back unless I type ctrl+M, this is a big issue [10:58] mornfall|work: we clarify the desktop, which is completly different [10:58] mornfall|work: want a solution ? [10:58] mornfall|work: letting users lose a notifier that can be launched from a terminal... well [10:58] make adept-notifier a kde service [10:59] no [10:59] that way it could be stopped and restarted without any desktop entry [10:59] sorry [10:59] that's the way knemo doesn for example [10:59] that's not acceptable [10:59] mornfall|work: why ? [10:59] well, not if you mean kded module [10:59] if there's a way to go about it without kded that could work [10:59] but it's clearly a post 2.0 material (we are deep in feature freeze, recall?) [11:01] the fact is, i am the current kubuntu maintainer of adept -- if someone wants to take over, i'll be happy about it [11:01] with this goes malone and divergence from upstream [11:01] I can't [11:01] mornfall|work: you mean of the package ? [11:01] yes [11:02] mornfall|work: adept is in main, you need a core-dev to maintain it [11:02] i will be more than happy to give up on the pleasure of using malone [11:02] I'd be happy to maintain it [11:02] I'm not core-dev but I could get Riddell to upload [11:02] if I were one [11:02] Riddell is sponsoring for me now === Tonio_ doesn't understand why something supposed to be a daemon on a kde DM system canot be a kded service........ what are those kded services usefull for then ? [11:03] Tonio_: +1 [11:03] Tonio_: see, adept notifier needs to do ultra-expensive (for a kded module) processing and making kded run threaded is not an option [11:03] mornfall|work: ah ok, then I understand [11:03] just sure of one thing, if it was me, adept-notifier would be unstopable via a click [11:03] Tonio_: if you like kded to freeze every now and then, feel free [11:04] it is not the purpose of a desktop oriented distro to give 2000 options used from the newbie to the absolute nerd [11:04] also, kded *should not* crash -- ever [11:04] and i am not overly confident in libapt-pkg not crashing the program [11:04] actually, when I see the system menu with "adept manager, adept updater, adept notifier, adept installer" [11:04] I'd be fine with 4 adept entries in the kmenu in debian or gentoo [11:05] but not in kubuntu [11:05] I intend to install kubuntu for my mom, sister or grandmother [11:05] me feeling is "when my mother will read this, will she event understand what could be the difference there ???" [11:05] and I don't want them to try to figure out why 4 entries have the same name [11:05] when they can hardly figure out what it's used for with one name [11:05] raphink: ++ [11:05] both of you [11:06] the personns who want to play with advanced settings are able to launched the notifier from the shell [11:06] I'm already getting mad when I have to help my mom with the comp ;) [11:06] you know, there's this XDG menu standard to allow specifically this *without* patching every single .desktop file out there [11:06] as all of them generally spend their time in a console, like most of us [11:06] Ubuntu is Linux for _human beings_ [11:07] not Linux for nerds [11:07] I wouldn't say the same if I was discussing of the gentoo desktop of course [11:07] indeed [11:07] or even Debian [11:07] or Slack [11:07] yep === mornfall|work notes he up to now thought he was considered a human being [11:07] or whatever intended for people who know what they do [11:07] but ubuntu is in the category of mandriva or suse on that point [11:08] i would hope you could do better than those two [11:08] we really hope [11:08] hope so too [11:08] but it is not is adding so many functionnalities that users will get lost [11:08] I know that in theory everyone is able to use it's desktop [11:09] no, definitely not, anything made you think i would go that direction? [11:09] but in real life, 2 buttons instead of makes it so complicated for certain people, you cannot imagin [11:09] but I don't think we'll do better for noobs by having 4 adept entries in the menu. This is what Mandriva does, and it's horrible imo [11:09] reality check, nearly all advanced functionality is semi-hidden in adept [11:09] managing applications doesn't require 4 applications [11:09] because that's it [11:09] my mom gets crazy with more than 2 options in a GUI [11:09] it's not like i tried to push every single feature to the first sight [11:09] 4 entries in the K menu means 4 applications [11:09] mornfall|work: why not adding an option to the standard "adept manager" [11:09] mornfall|work: the feature is still there [11:10] notifier's feature is to run as a daemon in the systray [11:10] that would let you launch or stop the notifier [11:10] that's okay :) [11:10] Tonio_: you know, a default desktop should not include adept manager at all [11:10] mornfall|work: ?? [11:10] Tonio_: no irony [11:10] Tonio_: manager is *not* for the group of users you are talking about [11:10] which is apparently your target group [11:10] it has nothing to offer them [11:11] mornfall|work: .......... [11:11] you want notifier in systray (possibly with quit removed) [11:11] not necessary to go with the extreme [11:11] and installer in menu [11:11] that's all [11:11] ok I'm tired of word games and turning around the problem. i'm gonna poll users on #kubuntu see what they think [11:11] poll in irc channel? [11:11] it would make my job easier too. less applications to document [11:11] how representative will that be of actual users? [11:11] mornfall|work: yeah you know you ask a question and you note the answers [11:11] robotgeek: heh [11:12] mornfall|work: I'm not a statistics company. I don't mind whether this is representative or not. [11:12] see, i'm dead serious here [11:12] there's nothing raphink's mom could use adept manager for [11:12] sure mornfall|work [11:12] specifically nothing she wouldn't be able to do with the 2 wizards [11:13] adept manager should be available in the Kmenu for more advanced users [11:13] but it's the only one that should be there imo [11:13] what happens to installer then [11:13] it's moved to Qt;KDE;Core; together with SystemSettings so far [11:13] so it's available very easily [11:13] aha [11:14] and it's labelled "Add/Remove Programs (Adept Installer)" [11:14] so it's easy to understand and use === robotgeek would love it if the 3 adept entries magically shrinked to one! [11:14] Riddell agreed on this [11:14] mornfall|work: ideally, we'd like to have installer _inside_ systemsettings, as a kcontrol module [11:14] have a submenu? [11:14] raphink: systemsettings, isn't that python? [11:15] or it can use c++ kcontrol modules [11:15] yes, having it as a kcontrol module would be the best [11:15] nothing stops you [11:15] mornfall|work: it can use c++ kcontrol modules [11:15] but you are fairly late in the game [11:15] mornfall|work: a systemsettings module is simply a kcontrol one [11:15] note that there won't be any major adept release for dapper+1 [11:15] mornfall|work: there's no late, my goal is not only Dapper, it's Kubuntu in a whole. If it's not for Dapper, it'll be in 6 months === mornfall|work is moving on, and adept 3 has prelimnary 12 month schedule [11:16] which will be extended as needed [11:16] :) [11:16] of course there's room for 2.x [11:17] but i won't be able to invest much time in that [11:17] any way ,we'd have a workable adept [11:17] mornfall|work: I'd love to tell you that I could help you dev it, unfortunately I don't know c++, I want to develop REVU and I've got work in (K)Ubuntu [11:18] i don't count on any external help with adept [11:18] it's hopeless [11:18] adept coding that is [11:18] why? [11:19] would you? how many patches can you count in adept codebase that are not mine? [11:19] i have started with this long time ago [11:19] i had some people come and go, but they would never stick around for long [11:20] it was called kapture back then and it was somewhat stupid [11:20] I've looked at the code myself yesterday [11:20] i had no idea how to make a semi-decent GUI [11:20] I have seen no specification and no comment [11:20] so I very fast gave up [11:21] when I want people to understand my code and help with it, I try to put some comments in it so they don't spend 2 days understanding it, that helps :) [11:21] unfortunately, from experience, there's no use in commenting code -- it does not help [11:21] now I'm also not a c++ dev so it's hard for me to understand it for that reason ;) [11:21] hmm [11:21] you start commenting code [11:21] fine [11:22] then you notice that noone is helping [11:22] you try to maintain comments with somewhat reduced motivation [11:22] then you give up [11:22] then you start deleting comments that are hopelessly out of date and confuse you [11:22] well I put comments for myself, too ;) [11:22] that type of comments is there [11:22] and remove the ones that are obsolete when they get to be [11:23] whenever i write something particularly heavy i put a comment :) [11:23] i also try to comment libapt-front since i'm not alone working on it [11:23] (we are 2, enrico zini is helping out) [11:24] cool :) [11:26] the problem mornfall|work is that most people are used toplay with synaptic for ages now, even with a kde DM [11:26] no that's not the problem [11:26] it'll take time for people to have "adept" as a reflex, but then I don't see any reason nobody would like to contribute, as it happens with most apps [11:27] by that time it'll be far too late [11:27] synaptic is stagnating too, since mvo does not have time [11:27] there's very little outside activity pushing it forward [11:28] if i were to place a bet, i'd say adept dies when i leave it [11:28] (dies as in stops evolving) [11:29] bbiab [11:30] you don't know about that mornfall|work, this is open source [11:30] ;) [11:30] you'd say NeXT was dead at a given time, yet Apple used it [11:30] NeXT was not open source [11:30] Knmap was dead a year ago [11:30] and it was taken again into life and improved [11:31] only one guy is necessary to bring a project back to life whenever it's come to die === nlindblad [n=nlindbla@user179.217-10-120.netatonce.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [11:31] possibly yes... in practice, it's rare [11:32] (still bbiab) [11:32] in practice there aren't so many open-source devs [11:32] Riddell: are you there? === jpatrick pulls out his ebook on KDE-devel, just in case === nlindblad [n=nlindbla@user179.217-10-120.netatonce.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [11:36] right, so if you bet, you better bet on something that's likely [11:36] raphink: hi [11:36] :) [11:36] Riddell: did you see my package on REVU? [11:36] hello [11:37] raphink: which? [11:37] http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2074 [11:38] Riddell: hi [11:38] freeflying: hi, btw, adept still breaks on your machines? [11:39] mornfall|work: ya, I can not it under my desktop and ibook [11:39] ultra-weird [11:39] tiber's dying or what? [11:40] Riddell: the patch on the desktop files is the same, I just added the icons for installer [11:40] is it intentional that knode doesn't have a entry in the K-Menu? is it meant to be accessed as a Kontact Module? [11:40] Riddell: so I couldnt' send you the patch with the icons ;) [11:40] robotgeek: yes [11:40] jpatrick: thanks, will document accordingly [11:40] Riddell: hi ! Send you gwenview 0ubuntu4 yesterday, there was a problem with the package uploaded, due to dsc file [11:40] robotgeek: yes [11:41] raphink: ok [11:41] Tonio_: what was the problem? [11:41] Riddell: .po files ignored, because the patches are not applied [11:42] I removed the .dsc and rebuild the source package, and it works like a charm [11:42] any idea if there'll be a working driver for those VIA grahpic cards found in laptops [11:42] but because it was already uploaded, I had to increment the version [11:42] Tonio_: huh? built that gwenview and it was working [11:42] Riddell: it builds, but patches are ignored [11:43] look at the deb ;) no .moc files in it [11:43] delete the dsc, rebuild the source package, pbuild again, and you'll see the deb is completly different [11:43] Riddell: how to add depend on skim to scim's engine in main ? ask the maintainer for that ? [11:43] there was an warning regarding to the patches.......;;; don't remember [11:44] raphink: can you confirm that your gwenview is still in english ? (and that I'm not completly crazzy ^^) [11:45] Tonio_: confirmed [11:45] it's still in english here [11:45] but the patch works nicelly with the source package I sent you Riddell, tested on 3 machines [11:46] Riddell: you just have to sign and upload :) [12:03] same for ept Riddell ;) === Tonio_ [n=tonio@cac94-5-82-229-219-55.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [12:17] hmm, i can't find a Kmenu entry for kfocus [12:20] robotgeek: it ends up in Lost and Found [12:20] /usr/share/applnk/Applications/kfocus.desktop [12:20] hmm,okay. I'm wondering if I should document that? [12:21] report a bug would be the correct thing [12:22] okay, cool. will do [12:24] sebas: we're keynote speakers! http://www.desktoplinux.com/news/NS9673237573.html [12:25] Riddell: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kfocus/+bug/33138 [12:25] Riddell: how to add depend on skim to scim's engine in main ? ask the maintainer for that ? [12:26] freeflying: but scim doesn't depend on skim [12:27] Riddell: I mean the engine of scim ,such as scim-pinyin , scim-chewing ,etc. [12:28] Riddell: did you confirm with gwenview ? [12:30] robotgeek: I'm on it [12:30] freeflying: but they don't depend on skim either [12:31] thanks jpatrick [12:31] Tonio_: I don't understand the problem, it applied for me [12:32] Riddell: because I don't want user to install scim in kubuntu , and these engine can work with skim and libscim , so needn't install scim in kubuntu [12:33] Riddell: well, the package built on the server doesn't have any moc file in it [12:33] so I grabbed the source package and tried to pbuild it, and I saw the patches were not applied... [12:33] Riddell: don't know for you, but on the build server, the problem happened.... [12:34] so maybe reuploading the rebuilt source package I sent you will correct the issue... [12:34] Riddell: all I know is that the actuall deb file doesn't have .moc files... [12:35] .mo files sorry [12:35] freeflying: ah, so at the moment they depend on scim, but really they should depend on scim | skim [12:35] Riddell: ya [12:36] freeflying: just send me patches that change the depends to "scim | skim" I think is best [12:36] or upload them to revu [12:37] Riddell: I confirm that gwenview is not translated in french in the new version [12:37] if that helps ;) [12:38] well no, it needs to wait on a langpack update === JRe [n=jre@pai34-2-82-226-199-36.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [12:38] hey JRe [12:38] Tonio_: why does a .deb need .moc files? [12:38] .mo file, I didn the correction, sorry :) [12:38] Riddell: I'm building to show tou the log [12:39] Tonio_: I have this in my build log from last night.. [12:39] Trying patch debian/patches/kubuntu_01_fix_po_directory.diff at level 0...1...success. [12:39] Riddell: confirmed [12:39] I have that too [12:39] the problem is that I didn't have that yesterday......... [12:39] amazing....... [12:40] anyway there is a problem, because if I apt-get source gwenview && sudo pbuilder build *.dsc [12:40] I then get the languages [12:40] maybe there was a little issue yesterday on the build machine [12:41] I show the build log to raphink yesterday, it was complagning the patches couldn't be applyed for some reason.......; [12:41] Riddell: can you compare the local built deb and the server one ? [12:44] Riddell: debdiff /var/cache/pbuilder/result/gwenview_1.3.1-0ubuntu3-i386.deb /var/cache/apt/archive/gwenview_1.3.1-0ubuntu3-i386.deb [12:44] Riddell: http://pastebin.com/576453 [12:44] here is the diff result......... there was a problem though [12:45] http://librarian.launchpad.net/1597448/buildlog_ubuntu-dapper-i386.gwenview_1.3.1-0ubuntu3_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz looks fine [12:45] Tonio_: what are you diffing? [12:45] the apt downloaded file and the same package locally build with pbuilder === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@s64-186-37-120.skycon.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [12:45] only .mo files is the difference [12:46] that's a good thing [12:46] the actuall debile on repos doesn't have .mo files, though I don't understand why [12:46] it means they .mo files have been extracted and are waiting to be put into langpacks [12:46] Riddell: so they don't fit in packages directly ? ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh [12:47] and they don't go in debs finally [12:47] no, they get sucked out of the debs after build [12:47] can someone pastebin their /usr/share/applnk/Applications/kfocus.desktop ? [12:47] Riddell: okay, sorry for bugging you with this anywa, just I didn't knew that process [12:47] Riddell: hum........ why are all other applications in french then ? ;) [12:48] http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/576463 [12:48] Tonio_: universe apps keep their .mo files, main apps will have .mo files in language-pack-kde-base [12:48] Riddell: okay, taking notes of that :) [12:48] of course I couldn't understood without that information ;) [12:49] Tonio_: write it on a wiki page somewhere so others will know [12:49] Riddell: where is the Lost & Found then? [12:49] what is amazing is the output I had yesterday, I will show you toonight, just at the same moment I had a problem with the patch applyance [12:49] maybe even the packaging guide actually [12:49] jpatrick: in the k-menu [12:49] Riddell: yes, I will probably toonight, I'm not available this afternoon [12:50] I see "Categories=Qt;KDE;Utility;" [12:51] jpatrick: it's because it's in the obsolete /usr/share/applnk/Applications/ no /usr/share/applications/kde [12:52] jpatrick: explaining the XDG menu system is another area that might need added to the packaging guide [12:52] mv debian/tmp/usr/share/applnk/Applications/ debiam/tmp/usr/share/applications/kde [12:52] Riddell: that is on my TODO [01:02] Tonio_: we should look at including libdirfilterplugin on the file manager view [01:02] and change the google search plugin back to html only [01:03] what does that libdir does ? [01:03] Riddell: I already searched for google [01:03] in fact I wanted to use google on kubutu-web profile and locate for the filemanagement one [01:04] but that doesn't look possible........... [01:05] it lets you filter the current directory for whatever you search [01:06] it's in Configure Toolbars -> toolbar: Filter Toolbar [01:06] Filter Field [01:07] Riddell: may I remind you about ept ? :) (just so you don't forget) [01:10] certainly can, although I'll probably put changes upstream rather than uploading patches [01:10] since upstream is not really upstream [01:15] Riddell: Mewhahahahaha, fucking morons :-) [01:16] hmm ok [01:16] Riddell: well I could change things directly in the package [01:16] I made patches because I was not sure what upstream was [01:16] this is a Debian package, with a strange ubuntu verseion [01:16] mornfall claims to not work in Ubuntu yet adept is an ubuntu specific stuff [01:16] so it's not clear [01:16] what is upstream, what is not [01:16] and where [01:16] which is why I made patches [01:18] Riddell: shoudn't we look at removing the google toolbar from the filemanagement profile ? [01:18] Tonio_: yes but only if we decide to replace it with the dirfilter one [01:18] Riddell: That's exactly what I was thinking about ;) [01:19] Riddell: okay, let's go with this, I will send you a k-d-s toonight with this + file associations set correctly probably [01:20] Tonio_: cool [01:20] removing the google search bar need code though, need to poke tvo to do that [01:21] Riddell: we will make dapper the best kde desktop of all distros ! I promiss ! [01:21] :) [01:21] Riddell: what do you want me to do ? fix in the package directly or keep the patches, or send the patches upstream or what? [01:22] raphink: I'm putting the changes into KDE's SVN [01:22] Riddell: ok :) [01:23] raphink: did you do ther MP3 .desktop file? [01:23] Riddell: shall we keep the patches in the meanwhile? since we can't resynchronize with SVN cause it's UVF [01:23] Riddell: not yet, and it's not done in adept package, it's in app-install-data [01:23] raphink: we can sync with SVN since adept is not, as you say, upstream [01:23] Riddell: so I have to work on app-install-data package to do that [01:23] Riddell: hmmm ic [01:24] raphink: app-install-data is automatically generated === Hobbsee [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel [01:24] also we don't want that MP3 one in gnome-app-install since they use gstreamer [01:24] so adept is the best place for it [01:24] oh brilliant "mv: cannot move `debian/tmp/usr/share/applnk/Applications/kfocus.desktop' to `debiam/tmp/usr/share/applications/kde': No such file or directory" [01:24] Riddell: the package is automatically generated ?? [01:24] raphink: I believe so [01:24] raphink: same as language-packs are [01:24] hmm [01:24] so you think the adept package should add the desktop itself ? [01:25] yes [01:25] :s [01:25] I'm not at ease with that [01:25] why? [01:25] that means we begin to have different sources for these desktop [01:25] and it might be harder to maintain this stuff later [01:25] although well dpkg -S /usr/share/app-install will tell it comes from adept [01:25] I don't see why === Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel [01:26] jpatrick: if it only makes 1 package it probably uses debian/kfocus no debian/tmp [01:26] Riddell: did you get my message from earlier? [01:27] Hobbsee: no [01:27] Riddell: I guess I just have to make a .desktop in Multimedia for that [01:27] Riddell: who his tvo ? need to ask him for a patch so that the search bar doesn't show on kubuntu filemanagement profile [01:27] everything else is going to tmp/ [01:27] [Tue Feb 28 2006] [18:59:33] Riddell: any chance we can move the meeting to be on thurs 16th, 20.00 UTC? I cant make it on wednesdays 20 UTC as i'm driving at that point, then have no internet access. [01:27] if my understandaing is correct [01:27] raphink: and play with Makefile.am to get it installed to the right place [01:28] Hobbsee: I think Riddell's busy then [01:28] if you dont want to move it, that's fine - i just wont be able to make the meeting [01:28] Hobbsee: so long as it doesn't clash with any other meeting that should be fine [01:28] jpatrick: I am? [01:28] you said you'll be busy for two weeks or something [01:28] /in/ two weeks, i.e. busy all next week [01:28] d'oh [01:30] Riddell: ok [01:30] I'll do that later :) === Hobbsee_ [n=Hobbsee@ubuntu/member/hobbsee] has joined #kubuntu-devel [01:30] Tonio_: tvo did the changes to the google search bar to make it always be on, even on file management mode [01:31] hmm...9 second lag... did i miss anything when my connection dropped out? [01:31] nope [01:32] ok, so the meeting didnt get changed? fair enough [01:32] stupid classes starting at 9am [01:32] just checking the calendar [01:32] ok [01:33] tues night would be ok, or whatever - just not wed nights... [01:33] and i didnt know my timetable until recently lol [01:35] Riddell: okay, so he might know how to go back ;) [01:35] making a note on this [01:36] Hobbsee: 20th is aokay [01:36] no 16th [01:37] yep, cool [01:37] who do I poke to change it? [01:37] so that's my friday, yep [01:37] not sure [01:38] Riddell: finally, I think we have to make a decision concerning tabs :) [01:38] hehe [01:38] sure? [01:38] I don't mind on the top or bottom, but I really think konversation, kopete and konsole have to have to tabs at the same place [01:39] for homegeity reasons === nlindblad [n=nlindbla@user179.217-10-120.netatonce.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [01:39] Riddell: most people think on the bottom is best because it is were the focus is.... I think that's a good argument :) [01:40] I'm ready to add that for toonight k-d-s too === Hobbsee agrees with Tonio_ [01:40] I don't mind the palce at all, but a desktop has to have a global logic [01:43] Riddell: also, we should had a dep on kds or moodin [01:43] lots of people don't have kubuntu-desktop installed because they removed OOo for example, and then the ksplash crashes......... [01:43] will do that toonight also :) [01:44] yes, ok [01:45] (to both) === freeflying [n=freeflyi@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Hobbsee beds [02:01] Riddell: okay, working ont his right now [02:07] Riddell: ping [02:07] freeflying: hi [02:08] Riddell: I have work on skim . give you patch or upload to REVU ? [02:09] freeflying: revu is good [02:09] Riddell: I've you mail u a patch of scim-chewing , got it ? [02:11] freeflying: oh yes, I'll look at that soon [02:17] dammit launchpad's search function must really suck. Almost every bug I submit eventually get's marked as a duplicate but when I searched it turned up nothing. === raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #kubuntu-devel === raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #kubuntu-devel === hua [n=hua@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Tonio_ [n=tonio@cac94-5-82-229-219-55.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [02:37] Riddell: k-d-s is over with all modification we were discussing about.... still need to contact tvo and that might be okay [02:37] Tonio_: what do you think of the dirfilter thing? [02:37] Riddell: I like it [02:38] yeah, me too [02:38] it is nice, although I may not use it a lot [02:38] but that a cool feature for users [02:38] as long as googlebar is removed hehe [02:38] Riddell: tvo@ubuntu.com works? [02:39] don't think #so [02:39] Riddell: something I would like to see is kwallermanager....... [02:39] there is a problem with it [02:39] X Error: BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes) 8 what dose this happen [02:39] secure config with password on default wallet is a pain to use [02:39] Tonio_: I agree [02:39] and wallet without a password is very comfortable, but not clearly secured........ === raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #kubuntu-devel [02:40] Riddell: I use the second option, as I'm not working in the Pentagon, but well........ there is certainly something to do with it [02:40] the kwallet wizard is too scary, it should be simplified [02:40] even the way to config it is not clear, and might be very detailled in the kubuntu doc [02:40] 1) don't use kwallet 2) no password 3) password [02:40] well, my idea is to use a default wallet preconfigured [02:40] without any password [02:41] and chmoded to 600 [02:41] actually 4) use user password would be best [02:41] quite secured for a desktop and comfortable [02:41] Riddell: that requires coding :) [02:41] yes, that's the trouble [02:41] Riddell: that means everytime you start kopete, you have to type your password [02:41] but if we can preconfigure it without a password I think that's fine [02:41] that's not very nice to use [02:42] Riddell: http://revu.tauware.de/details.py?upid=2077 [02:42] so maybe, default wallet without password for comfort, and then documentation on the way to get that more secured in the kubuntu documentation [02:42] Riddell: are you okay ? [02:43] Tonio_: good for me [02:43] anyway the wallet is like gtk_qt_engine, needs copied in the profile, so let's hack startkde once again........ [02:43] Riddell: okay, let's go [02:43] freeflying: what's changed? [02:43] i use kwallet, and i asked it to "allow always". IIRC, i only have to enter my password once? [02:43] robotgeek: whenever konqueror starts [02:43] Riddell: make the skim.pc have a right includedir [02:44] freeflying: ok, will do in a bit [02:45] Riddell: then we can build some scim's engine with skim support [02:46] freeflying: they don't at the moment? [02:47] Riddell: ya ,because of them wrong includedir in skim.pc , i've comunicated this with upstream author [02:47] robotgeek: as soon as the wallet is opened by even a trusted application, you habe to type the password....... [02:47] Riddell: he has not any clue on that , so I'd patch skim.pc.in [02:47] that's the reason most people put a blank password on it [02:48] best would be wallet with password and no password required for trusted applications, but this is not managed actually........... [02:48] Tonio_: hmm, i think the only apps which use my wallet are kmail/kopete [02:49] konq too, for web passwords [02:49] Tonio_: and i alredy have typed my kwallet once, kopete doesn't ask for password when launched [02:49] and kmail/kopete/konqueror are certainly the most used kde appliations so that needs to be configured in a comfortable way for the user [02:50] robotgeek: nothing forbids to add a password in postconfig [02:50] but I think no password by default is what feets the mass attempts [02:50] I can be wrong on that, but that's the global feeling I have while reading board or ngs [02:50] Tonio_: no, not that. i fail to see why kwallet is a problem (is it when a blank password is set?) [02:51] robotgeek: no, the opposite [02:51] having a password on the default wallet makes it a pain to use [02:51] Tonio_: really, cause kopete launched without asking me a password === robotgeek wonders what weird setting he has [02:52] robotgeek: certainly a wallet without password:) [02:52] Tonio_: no, i have a password [02:52] albeit, same as my user password [02:52] robotgeek: once the wallet is opened, you are not prompted for a password anymore [02:53] just while it gets opened first time in the application [02:53] Tonio_: yup, so what is a pain? [02:53] typing a password on each session [02:53] that's not comfortable to me [02:54] hmm, i rarely logout, so i enter a kwallet password _once_ a login [02:54] Tonio_: i used to use OS X before, so i am used to it :) [02:54] robotgeek: we're talking of average users......... [02:55] most people shutdown their computers 2 or 3 times a day [02:55] you have to think about "what would like my mother" [02:55] Tonio_: hmm, i never thought of that before :) [02:55] I don't care about geeks, they can change the config if they want :) [02:56] Tonio_: even if my nick says i am a geek, i am not a big one :) === freeflying [n=freeflyi@] has joined #kubuntu-devel [02:57] robotgeek: the simple fact that your rarely disconnects makes you an extraterrestrial compared to the "normal" user :) [02:57] shutdown several times a day? [02:57] what on earth for? [02:58] ubijtsa2: they go on the net, then leave, then come back 2 hours later etc........ [02:58] if you want to save power, you hibernate or suspend to RAM... [02:58] I don't say that's good [02:58] I'm saying this is the way people are using their computer [02:58] Riddell: have u reviewed skim [02:58] Tonio_: for the hardware, it is extraordinarly bad to repeatedly start and shutdown [02:59] ubijtsa2: PLEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASE, we're talking of your mother, mine, or so, do you think she even has an idea of what is hybernate or suspend to ram ???????????? [02:59] Tonio_: I hear you about the users though.. :) === raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #kubuntu-devel [02:59] ubijtsa2: I'm not stupid, I know that, but I know most people don't care [02:59] Tonio_: uhm, once I explained to my parents about suspend, they were quite happy to use it === jsgotangco [n=jsg@] has joined #kubuntu-devel [03:00] ubijtsa2: most people don't have a son having good knowledge to explain that [03:00] still bad for the hardware, but starts faster [03:00] imagin that you are about the 1% users that know what is a computer and how it works === jpatrick is stupid sometimes [03:00] there is not more than 1% [03:00] Tonio_: that may be the case, so it's our job to educate people [03:01] ubijtsa2: that's what linux users are saying for 10 years, and what is the result ???? [03:01] 1% of linux users in the world, mostly geeks or neards [03:01] nerds [03:01] My thinking actually is that people don't want to learn, that's sad, but that's it [03:01] so we have to do with it [03:01] Tonio_: well, windoze now has hibernate and suspend2ram and people use it.. [03:02] ubijtsa2: very few people are using it, I can tell you [03:02] hmm.. perhaps the people I know are not representative [03:02] I discovered in my compagny NOT ANY user was using this on their laptop........ 100 personns.... [03:03] my friends are not representative too [03:03] but my "clients" at work are........ and that's terrific [03:03] or I just chose my friends well ;) [03:03] I lost the idea of educated people long time ago [03:03] if that was the solution, linux would be used by at least 30% of people [03:03] that's not the case [03:04] Tonio_: +1 [03:04] and will probably never be, unless we change our thinking that "everyone can learn this" [03:04] yeah... perhaps the shutdown option should be better hidden.. [03:04] they "can", but they "don't want'" [03:04] give users the option of suspend or restart [03:04] they want things to work alone, without the need to understand [03:04] ubijtsa2: linux is user-friendly, it's very selective about who it makes friends with :) [03:05] don't give them the option of shutdown without plenty of scary warnings === raphink [n=raphink@ubuntu/member/raphink] has joined #kubuntu-devel [03:05] robotgeek: it makes friends with people that are worth having as friends :) === ubijtsa2 gets upset when he has to shut his box down for any reason.. [03:07] you don't have to shut down [03:08] jpatrick: check the scroll-back :) that's my argument as well [03:08] ;) [03:08] jpatrick: I suggest that 'shutdown' gets hidden. only give 'suspend' or 'restart' to users [03:09] I've never used suspend [03:09] maybe allow hibernate for when you need to change hardware === verwilst [n=bv@] has joined #kubuntu-devel [03:21] Riddell: ping ? === hunger [n=tobias@p54A63C8F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel [03:21] Tonio_: hmm? [03:22] Riddell: during first boot on profile, is .kde create before of after startkde is launched ? [03:22] this is to know if I need to mkdir -p or not :) [03:22] Tonio_: probably after [03:23] Riddell: okay.... in the doubt, I will maybe make the mkdir -p "in case of" [03:23] that might not create any problem anyway [03:24] anyone know a Fathi Boudra ? [03:25] jpatrick: is ArmeBosse [03:25] he stole my ksplash-engine-moodin [03:25] on #ubuntu-motu [03:25] jpatrick: how so? [03:25] Riddell: http://mentors.debian.net/ [03:25] 10th on list [03:25] that's a good thing then, getting it into debian [03:26] which is what _I_ had in mind just now [03:27] I hope my changelogs there [03:44] Riddell: just sending you a new patch for startkde and k-d-s with the modifications we discussed [03:44] needs testing of course, but according to my tests, it works === LeeJunFan [n=junfan@s64-186-37-120.skycon.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Tonio_ [n=tonio@cac94-5-82-229-219-55.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [03:56] need to find out the email address of that tvo ;) [03:59] Riddell: tobivollebregt@gmail.com--katapult/katapult--tvo--0.3--base-0 <- is it this guy ? [03:59] Tonio_: yes [03:59] okay === jpatrick [n=patrick@ubuntu/member/jpatrick] has joined #kubuntu-devel === ubuntulog [i=ubuntulo@trider-g7.fabbione.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Topic for #kubuntu-devel: Flight 4 out || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperGoals || http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu || Join: http://www.last.fm/group/Kubuntu+Developers/ || Kubuntu meeting on #ubuntu-meeting on Wed, 15th March - 20:00 UTC -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Meetings -- be there! === Topic (#kubuntu-devel): set by jpatrick at Wed Feb 22 22:29:15 2006 === jjesse [n=jjesse@mail.ftpb.com] has joined #kubuntu-devel === OculusAquilae [n=bastian@p548D32F6.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel [05:28] Riddell: something that makes me crazzy sometimes with a default kubutu : [05:29] why on earth haven't we kcalc ???????? ^_^ === hunger agrees with Tonio_! [05:29] why should we? [05:29] we have computers we can make billions of operations, and we cannot make 456*7.2 [05:29] speedcrunch [05:30] Riddell: a calc is typically the kind of tools you don't use very often, but that is always required one day :) [05:30] spedcrunch can make operations ? [05:30] Riddell: Because speedcrunch can't do base conversions. [05:31] Riddell: to be honnest, when I launched speedcrunch the first time, I asked myself "is THAT supposed to be able to calculate ?" :) [05:32] why not simply replacing speedcrunch by kcalc ? [05:32] kcalc is simple, eye candy, can do the same and isn't very heavy :) [05:32] kcalc is unusable compared to speedcrunch [05:32] hum [05:32] we're thinking of the average user [05:32] however the new version of speedcrunch does have a keypad for those who insist on making it unusable [05:33] Riddell: for bla in list: ? [05:33] Riddell: Maybe... but at least kcalc does have base conversion:-) [05:33] the trouble is that that new version uses qt4 and we won't have qt 4 in dapper main [05:33] Riddell: I'm just thinking of my grandma ;) [05:33] Dunno, I don't use qptrlists, since python's native lists are pointers anyway. [05:34] Riddell: I must say I don't see a big difference [05:34] you can use the numpad with both [05:35] well, that was just a suggestion anyway :) [05:35] another one Riddell, now that keep is in main, couldn't we think about replacing konserve by keep ? [05:35] keep is more advanced, and developped especially for kubuntu ;) [05:36] by our friend JRe [05:37] sebas: magically that worked this time, I'm sure it didn't last time :) [05:37] Tonio_: yes, konserve will be demoted [05:37] Riddell: cool ;) [05:44] Riddell: do you think we might be able to use Kerry? [05:50] Mez: ping ? [05:51] jpatrick: go ahead and package it [05:51] Riddell: tried but it fails on build 'configure' script [05:52] building* [05:53] I did 'autoconf' [05:53] what's the error? [05:54] http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/576885 [05:55] or is it made another way? [05:57] no idea at all [05:58] I'll take a configure script from another kapp [06:02] oh yes, it works [06:06] Riddell: has a decision been taken between beagle and kat ? [06:06] Tonio_: which is where Kerry comes in [06:07] jpatrick: this is why I asked [06:07] ;) [06:07] a few weeks ago, discussions where more over kat than beagle [06:07] Tonio_: neither [06:07] Riddell: hehe, that clear :) [06:07] locater is your friend :) [06:08] enough to me at least [06:08] I'm going to poke upstream about bad tarballs === faked_ [n=faked@83-65-237-109.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #kubuntu-devel === faked [n=faked@83-65-237-109.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #kubuntu-devel [06:08] this thing's got more holes than Swiss cheese [06:08] hello faked [06:09] hi all! [06:12] what is the (k)ubuntu-way to build kernel-modules (fglrx, nvidia...)? module-assistant does not work correctly to me [06:12] in dapper [06:16] must be something horribly wrong http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/576904 [06:18] faked: that's a user question, #kubuntu or #ubuntu (I also know nothing about building properietry linux modules) === ArmeBosse [i=Arme-X@dra38-2-82-233-106-22.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [06:19] Riddell: I really like that metabar theme for kubuntu [06:19] http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=34127 [06:19] much better than the actual one [06:20] may I include it ? [06:20] jpatrick, faked any opinion ? [06:21] Tonio_: looks good [06:21] Tonio_: that's the one I use [06:21] jpatrick: there is no comparison possible with the actual one.... [06:22] I may work a bit on themes etc toonight [06:22] ;) [06:22] :) === incinerator [n=incinera@82-41-24-164.cable.ubr04.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu-devel [06:24] Tonio_: this theme is great :) === LaserJock [n=laserjoc@ubuntu/member/laserjock] has joined #kubuntu-devel [06:25] JRe: that's my feeling too, so unless Riddell doesn't appreciate, I might replace the actual one [06:26] Tonio_: sure [06:26] incinerator: going to edlug on thursday? [06:28] Ridell: yes [06:29] Riddell: yes [06:29] now this is more like it: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/576921 [06:30] incinerator: have I seen you there before? [06:31] jpatrick: what about porting this theme to amarok ? [06:31] the actual kubuntu amarok theme is not very, very nice [06:39] I don't understand why people who are contributing on kde-look do not ask us for integration........ [06:39] we need those contributions ;) [06:40] I'm no artist [06:41] jpatrick: that wasn't an asking for contribution, juste your opinion ;) [06:41] I will do it [06:43] how about: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=33020 [06:44] eek, no; too OS X ee [06:44] jpatrick: nice, but way too different from the reste of the distro [06:45] I personally like coherence on the desktop [06:45] then I'm changing everything ^^ === apokryphos likes http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=30658 [06:46] apokryphos: same problem to me ;) === jjesse is now known as jjesse_lunch [06:46] what I appreciate in the metabar style is that it takes the basis of the wallpaper and kdm theme [06:46] the amarok on the same way, and we will have something very "logic" in its theme [06:47] sounds good [06:47] umm the ad that is on the top of that page is blocked by company filter as "adult material" [06:47] lol [06:48] hah [06:48] jjesse_lunch: on kde-apps ? [06:49] s/apps/look [06:56] Tonio_: on this link:http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=30658 [06:57] jjesse_lunch: astonishing ;) [06:57] what is the add? [06:58] jjesse_lunch: dunno, I use adblock + konq + pierceve filters :) [06:58] never see any add while surfing [06:58] grin, just installed the filter so we are trying it out [06:59] great news, we will (finally) get an official tarball to package openwengo ;) [06:59] nice [06:59] bit late [06:59] jpatrick: indeed, but well, it will possible to package it for dapper+1 and provide a backport [07:00] openwengo is really a great, great application for those who, like me, can't stand skype [07:00] and the same with Kerry [07:00] assuming it builds === Tonio_ HATES skype [07:01] I prefer windows........ can you imagin........ [07:01] you do? [07:02] windows to skype ? definitly [07:02] skype is actually killing the standard SIP in the professionnal voip world, like autocoms etc...... [07:02] replacing it by a crappy proprietary protocol [07:02] the way it works is a SHAME [07:02] they do mesh-networking [07:03] which is really an horrible way to proceed [07:03] to unsure good quality, skype is generally launched using strong priority over all other process (al list on windows) [07:03] this application is a shame, really...... [07:04] jpatrick: and I assume it contains crappy backdoors in some way.... [07:04] possibly [07:04] jpatrick: never forget that the guys who are doing have are the responsible for kazaa....... [07:04] Kazaa sucks === kmon [n=javier@217.Red-80-25-51.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [07:05] kazaa and skype is the same devel team, and the same network technology.......; [07:05] sucks [07:06] yep [07:06] hi [07:06] hola kmon [07:06] but because people really seems to like what smells, skype is an incredible success while openwengo had problems to get known........ [07:06] hola jpatrick [07:07] hi kmon [07:07] hi Tonio_ [07:07] anyone here has tried playing with turbogears in dapper? [07:08] I'm having a strange problem and I don't know if it's a bug in turbogears or kubuntu dapper.... [07:08] what is that turbogears ? [07:09] it's a rapid web development plataform for python [07:09] ala rails [07:09] isn't that Ruby? [07:09] nope === jpatrick disliked Ruby abit [07:09] turbogears is python === jpatrick out(supper) [07:12] how can I test if a file is utf8? [07:15] ...........; we need to find a way to hide those default konq profiles === kmon [n=javier@217.Red-80-25-51.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Kopete] === kmon [n=javier@217.Red-80-25-51.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === nlindblad_ [n=nlindbla@user179.217-10-120.netatonce.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel === tvo [n=tobi@5354EA9B.cable.casema.nl] has joined #kubuntu-devel [07:36] evening [07:36] good evening nlindblad [07:37] jpatrick: how's it going? [07:37] fine [07:37] jpatrick: gone to school this week? [07:37] no [07:37] maybe in two days time [07:37] how long since you did? [07:38] one month [07:39] you've missed alot then [07:39] not entirely [07:39] I asked my friends what work they had and did it [07:45] good === jjesse_lunch is now known as jjesse [07:46] how did your patch come along? [07:47] I have a problem with kate. I'm editing a xml file and copying and pasting code appears to messed up the encoding of the file. How can I see if that's true? [07:47] well, the community reviewed it and I got a few ideas from some of the commentaries [07:49] cool === robotgeek_away [n=venkat@ubuntu/member/robotgeek] has joined #kubuntu-devel === faked [n=faked@83-65-233-61.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #kubuntu-devel === kmon [n=javier@217.Red-80-25-51.staticIP.rima-tde.net] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Kopete] === spiritz [n=spiritz@] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Lure [n=luka@clj46-234.dial-up.arnes.si] has joined #kubuntu-devel === Tonio_ [n=tonio@tonio.planetemu.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [08:39] re [08:46] Tonio_: kmenu can be simple: http://www.tm-travolta.net/pics/temp/kmenu-1.png [08:46] I like [08:47] Tm_T: multiple layers are not simple [08:47] Riddell: true [08:47] but I find that simpler than "default" [08:48] hum, not bad indeed, but I think I prefer the actual one [08:48] :) [08:48] I also think that more than two levels is too much [08:48] yup, that is for people who don't really use kmenu [08:48] like me [08:48] Riddell: did you upload latest k-d-s ? if not please don't, I have new modifications to apply ;) [08:49] ha [08:49] in that rare occasion that I do use, I don't need everything there (but debian menu is good) [08:49] I personally use quite exclusively katapult [08:49] I use normal run dialog + terminals [08:49] me too [08:50] katapult is too... I feel it's limited [08:50] the only problem with katapult is the delay to have new applications in [08:50] apart from that, it is as simple as a launcher can be, and powerfull [08:50] Tonio_, jpatrick: I still do not understand how to fix kubunto moodin image to match my LCD [08:50] Lure: kdm theme or ksplash image ? [08:50] anyone know where i can find katapult's svn/bzr? [08:50] is this supposed to be done by k-d-s [08:51] Tonio_: no, not looked at it yet [08:51] ksplash [08:51] jpatrick: I think it's in KDE now, ask Mez [08:51] Riddell: good :) keep the kdebase patch, but forget the k-d-s package, I will build a new one toonight [08:51] ah, yes I remember now [08:51] playground [08:51] Lure: wxga screen ? [08:51] 16/9 ? [08:51] 1920x1200 [08:51] bug [08:51] big* [08:51] I get 1280x1024 [08:51] jpatrick, http://baz.thekatapult.org.uk/dev/ [08:51] what is the ratio ? [08:51] ah.............; [08:51] indeed [08:52] Lure: isn't it stretched ? [08:52] Yep - I tried to change Theme.rc, but does not seem to have effect [08:52] on my laptop for example, I have 1280*800, and the image is stretched to fit the screen correctly [08:52] Mez: cheers [08:53] OK, I thought that Background-1920x1200.jpg should be used [08:53] doesn't that work for you ? [08:53] (it is there) [08:53] Lure: I'm gonna look at the package, but what is exactly your problem ? [08:54] cause you didn't described it, and didn't answer my questions........ [08:54] Lure: I wanna help and correct the issue but I need informations [08:54] I thought that moodin would use non-streched image if available and not strech it [08:55] Lure: okay [08:55] See /usr/share/apps/ksplash/Themes/kubuntu [08:55] hum........; supposedly, this is how it should work in my dreams [08:55] there is Background-*.jpg for differe resolution [08:55] so in fact it stretches the 1280 1024 image and ignores the 1900*1200 one correct ? [08:56] I thought that Theme.rc influences that, but it does not help here [08:56] Yes. [08:56] why can't we just use an svg background [08:56] Lure: are you using a tool like 855resolution to set your resolution ? [08:56] I tried to manually change Background and BaseResolution settings, but it did not help [08:56] moodin does weird things to the background sizes [08:56] I in fact have the same problem than you but I assumed it was due to this...... [08:57] jpatrick: that would be nice, but not sure if moodin is able to display svg [08:57] Riddell: yes, but there are several backgrounds, I need to investigate why it doesn't use the one depending the resolution [08:57] Tonio_: it does, but it shrinks it [08:57] or something [08:57] Tonio_: what is 855resolution? [08:57] that's why I made the 1024 one 1200 wide === _spiritz [n=spiritz@] has joined #kubuntu-devel [08:58] Riddell: well there is a 1280*800 and it isn't used === claydoh [n=clay@] has joined #kubuntu-devel [08:58] instead I have the 1024*768 stretched [08:58] hum... need to investigate right now [08:59] Lure: I'm quite certain it uses Background.jpg by default for everyone [09:00] I have a 1024 monitor and it displays the 1024 image but it needs to be 1200 wide to display correctly [09:00] also it caches in ~/.kde/share/apps/ksplash/cache/ [09:00] Riddell: hu ? wow strange [09:00] which confused me for a while [09:00] Tonio_: yes, that is specified in Theme.rc, but it may be also hardcoded somewhere [09:00] Lure: possibly yes, I'm investigating ;) [09:01] TB about to start [09:01] I will try tpo remove cache and see if it is recreated [09:02] moodin bug maybe ? [09:02] file it - and I'll poke upstream [09:03] yes, but I couldn't see anything wrong in the code [09:03] jpatrick: need to be sure first ;) [09:03] Tonio_: that's my job :) [09:04] 2.Rename your resolution specific background(i.e Background-1600x1200.jpg) to Background.jpg [09:04] argh............. [09:04] it has to be done manually [09:04] interesting - when a removed cache and change Theme.rc to 1920x1200 I got strange result [09:04] so by default, the only one used will be Background.jpg, that's it [09:04] damn........ [09:04] image is still stretched, but I would say to 4000x2000 or so.... [09:05] Dialog is far left (almost out of screen) [09:05] Lure: anyway, the problem is that it isn't able to dynamically select the good image according to what I see [09:05] Mez: it isn't getting any files... [09:06] Yes, my question was if we could do fix this in k-d-s or similar [09:06] similar as we fix font/DPI sizes [09:06] Lure: did you read ReadMe.txt ? [09:06] (if at all possible, of course ;-)) [09:06] there are instructions for >1280 users [09:07] Yes, tried that, no effect (Add just seem to unpackage tar to dir) [09:07] "an integer is required" [09:07] Lure: well, via a postinst script maybe........ [09:07] I could do that [09:07] but that will create another issue during the initial installation, because X isn't started then...... [09:09] Riddell: it should be possible to create a postinst script that will read xorg config and set the goof parameters no ? [09:09] Tonio_: err, huh? [09:09] as long as xorg is installed before k-d-s [09:09] the problem is that the splash requires manual config actually [09:10] so how to make it automatic ? that's the question :) [09:10] goof parameters? [09:10] goof ? means ? [09:10] Tonio_: sounds tricky [09:10] Tonio_: that's what I'm asking you [09:10] good parameters, sorry [09:11] SVG background if possible [09:11] jpatrick: it's not (without coding it) === jpatrick opens src [09:12] jpatrick: svg background will cause the same problem in fact [09:12] the only solution I see is a postconfig [09:14] interesting is that moodin is aware of resultion as cache dir is named 1920x1200 [09:14] ;-) [09:16] Riddell: ping? ubuntu-meeting [09:17] quite forgot [09:17] same for me ;) === verwilst [n=verwilst@dD5E0099B.access.telenet.be] has joined #kubuntu-devel [09:17] Background.jpg in cache is actualy none of the ones on source dir [09:18] it is 2850x1406 [09:18] And this some kind of matches what I get [09:18] hum.......... [09:18] Lure: once again, did you read the readme ???????? [09:18] ***Users of 1900x1200, 1600x1200 & 1440x900. [09:19] 3.In Theme.rc change 'BaseResolution =' to your monitors resolution. (This will prevent auto-scaling of background and fonts) [09:19] Yes - I have renamed Background.jpg and change BaseResolution [09:19] did you do this ? [09:19] ok.......... [09:19] sounds bad [09:19] I just do not do repackage and Add again, as this only unpackage === toma_ is now known as toma [09:20] I just change in-place [09:20] Lure: so the background is supposedly the good onen base resolution is set [09:20] It seems to have some effect (if I remove cache first), but not the expected one... :-( [09:20] can you remove the cache entries and have a look at it ? [09:21] I do rm -rf for whole Modin/kubuntu cache each try [09:22] I will retry repackage + re-add just to be sure (I did that 2 days ago with no effect) === toma is now known as toma_ [09:23] lure okay [09:26] well done LaserJock [09:27] thanks, I was really nervous [09:29] LaserJock: ;) === _spiritz [n=spiritz@] has joined #kubuntu-devel [09:34] Tonio_: no change - difference is that Added theme is installed in /.kde/share/apps/ksplash/Themes [09:35] and not on global /usr/share/apps/ksplash/Themes [09:35] that's normal :) [09:35] but you still experience the same bug ? [09:36] yes [09:36] http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=29426 [09:36] maybe it is an issue of overwrite (re-add), however [09:36] look at the comments........ you are not the only one unfortunatelly [09:38] upstream bug [09:38] well I can see a solution : stop using moodin and provide a standard but adapted from this theme splash [09:38] true... [09:38] jpatrick: more than that [09:38] all moodin themes refer to a specific resolution [09:38] the engine works like that [09:39] so it cannot be used by default because we don't have an idea of the screen resol [09:39] _Sime: is editing DPI in the next displayconfig? [09:39] Tonio_: we spent ages getting it in - can't pull out now [09:40] Riddell: I looked about everywhere, I think we will not find any solution, because moodin themes generally require configuration reguarding to the resolution [09:40] jpatrick: I understand, but it is not adapted to a default usage, what could we do ? [09:40] there is no emergency, we can search a bit [09:41] I think it is not end of world if we leave it as is until upstream fix [09:41] jpatrick: look on kde-look, you'll see all moodin themes have those settings : [09:41] It is just not standard kubuntu polish ;- [09:41] I know [09:41] ;= [09:41] baseresolution [09:42] means that you have to set parameters depending your resolution [09:42] okay, there is a bug on big resolutions, and that could be resolved by patching moodin [09:42] but what about stretched images ? [09:43] Tonio_: how evil [09:43] I don't see an easy way to autoconfig this, except a very dirty kind of hack in startkde that would copy the theme in your profile and autoset resolutions [09:44] it can't be hard to find the screen width in the code though [09:44] I wonder why it reads it from the file [09:44] Riddell: I will investigate, but I'm quite certain we will have to come back to the old engine and adapt the theme (which can we done quite easilly) [09:44] Tonio_: I am also concerned that it is not just image problem [09:44] Riddell: don't know [09:44] without the pretty icons and effect [09:45] there are many other numbers (icon positions) that would potentially also need to change [09:45] Riddell: I agree that moodin should be able to detect the resol, and select the good image [09:45] see Theme.rc [09:45] Lure: true [09:45] there are lots of comments on that point too [09:45] in fact in it's actual state, moodin requires a full manuall config for themes........ [09:46] so unless there is in a few days a new version with lots of improvements on that point, we may not be able to use it....... unless we find a dev to patch all moodin source ;) [09:46] I would personally prefer simplier splash if it always looks good - I like the polish [09:46] Lure: well the standard engine doesn't require background [09:47] so there are no pbs on that point [09:47] we loose effects, but that will work on ANY machine [09:47] jpatrick: I understand how it can affect you, but can we reasonnably release kubuntu with such a problem ? [09:48] BTW - which one is used in Breezy? [09:48] best would maybe be to keep moodin in main, poke upstream for improvements, and think about dapper+1 :) [09:48] Lure: the engine ? [09:49] Riddell: cache.cpp, scaler.cpp, thememoodin.cpp... [09:49] engine and name - I do not recall how it looks like (I am more on Dapper these days -;-) [09:49] lure wait [09:49] Lure: there was no engine [09:50] http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=29410 [09:50] jpatrick: yes there is one, but the default [09:50] jpatrick: but it was still set in Desktop->Splash Screen? [09:50] no effects, but absolutly no resolution dependancy, that's it's advantage........ [09:50] Tonio_: that was it! [09:51] Engine = Default [09:51] that's it........ [09:51] limited, but this engine doesn't depend on coords and resol [09:52] "Default" splash is KDE 3.5 default on my system [09:52] well, I will not touch anything for the moment and will investigate [09:52] jpatrick: you too ? [09:53] what? [09:53] we take a few days to investigate and then decide [09:53] Do you want I open a bug? [09:54] but more than the bug, it is the dependance to the resolution parameters that are making me unsure at the moment....... [09:54] yes, something I poke upstrean at [09:54] changing this is not a very easy trick [09:54] because it means that you release has many background as there are resolutions......... [09:54] the default engine uses the kde wallpaper directly, which makie a hudge difference [09:54] Tonio_: I would agree - probably lot's of effort for small improvement [09:55] Lure: well, the adapted theme wouldn't be that different, but effects missing [09:55] we have to reasonnable I think....... [09:55] but I'll wait a bit in case we find a "magic solution" [09:56] at the moment I have others themes to manage :) [09:56] buttons can potentially be placed where they shouldn't too, it is a very common problem apparently [09:57] everything is depending the resolution, even little images cause they have coords...... [09:58] jpatrick: may you ask to upstream is there is a way to avoid the resolution ? [09:58] sure [09:58] ideal would be no background in fact [09:58] can moodin work without background [09:58] No [09:59] or with background and another big image on it, to prevent from stretching [09:59] it's in the code [09:59] stretching the background isn't a problem [09:59] stretching the white square on the middle of the screen is one [09:59] can that be another image ? [09:59] some gradient maybe? [10:00] if (bgImage.isEmpty()) [10:00] { [10:00] KMessageBox::error(this, i18n("No background. Try to put a Background.jpg in theme folder")); [10:00] } [10:01] jpatrick: in fact background can be stretched, taht not a big issue [10:01] the problem is that all themes I have seen have only background + little images [10:01] can the white square be another image ? [10:01] detached from the background ? [10:02] white_square == Background.jgp ? [10:02] jpatrick: no [10:02] ho you mean actually ? [10:02] yes, actually, all the graphic part is background.jpg [10:03] only little images (printer etc.....) are detached [10:03] the problem is that stretching the background means stretching the square [10:03] and getting potential problem with printer not at the good place etc........ [10:04] all moodin themes I have seen only have a background and that's all....... [10:05] if (bgImage.isEmpty()) { return 0; } [10:08] jpatrick: okay, but how do you display the white square ? [10:08] I don't see any parameter for another image === robotgeek [n=robotgee@host-24-225-190-218.patmedia.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [10:09] and how do we manage the little image position without coords [10:09] hum......... sounds complicated to manage, really [10:09] Tonio_: whitesquare is part of Background.jpg. [10:09] Lure: yes, I know, that's the problem [10:10] stretching the bg=stretching the square [10:10] unless we provide 50 backgrounds and a hack to autoselect the good one depending the resolution [10:10] more than I think, it looks like streching may be a workaround for icon placement [10:10] dirty method, the square should be independant from the background [10:11] Icons are for sure on right location on my streched background image [10:11] Lure: yes, logic, cause the placement is depending coords [10:11] but there are several problems if you look on the kde-look page [10:11] people had to change the coords for the images to feet nicely [10:14] I should have looked at this before integrating it......... my fault [10:18] grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, I can't integrate the metabar theme too........... [10:18] bad day [10:18] jpatrick: I won't add that too...... [10:19] tables are fixed width, so depending the font config or the langage, there might be text outside the table...... [10:23] <_Sime> can people here tell me if "sudo xresprobe dummy" outputs reasonable resolutions that match thier hardware? [10:23] <_Sime> I'm doing some work on guidance/displayconfig. [10:24] _Sime: +1 [10:25] wow, what did that just do? [10:25] _Sime: not for me - just empty fields (id:, res:, freq:) and disptype:lcd/lvds [10:25] >sudo xresprobe dummy [10:25] Password: [10:25] id: [10:25] res: [10:25] freq: [10:25] disptype: lcd/lvds [10:25] It also switches to text screen temporary - very strange [10:25] _Sime: however, i remember running dpkg-reconfiure pretty recently [10:25] <_Sime> Lure: that is wierd. [10:25] <_Sime> have you guys got laptops or ??? [10:25] I am using fglrx driver [10:25] _Sime: yes [10:26] Yep: HP Compaq nw8240 [10:26] _Sime: all blank fields on my desktop machine [10:26] <_Sime> what is the native resolution? [10:26] http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/577310 [10:26] 1920x1200 [10:26] <_Sime> some laptops have weird ass resolutions these days. [10:26] _Sime: mine is a laptop, but connected to external display [10:27] <_Sime> robotgeek: 1280x1024 is your laptop screen? [10:27] _Sime: high-res display is really cool [10:28] _Sime: no, it is connected to an external monitor [10:28] the laptop screen is "disabled" [10:28] <_Sime> robotgeek: what is your laptop's normal / panel res? [10:29] _Sime: lemme hunt :) [10:30] _Sime: looks like 1024 x 768 [10:30] _Sime: why do you not use xdpyinfo and dimensions for getting resolution? [10:31] <_Sime> Lure: xdpyinfo tells you the current res, not the native res of the monitor. [10:31] true [10:31] <_Sime> there is a bug report on launchpad, and someone says that they have a native res of 1280x1040(!) [10:32] Riddel, Tonio_, raphink, jpatrick et al: Please have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AchimBohnet and let me know anything wrong/missing or if there should be more. If it's okay/enough I dare to apply for membership at next CC in a week. [10:33] _Sime: fglrx is able to autodetect display resolution: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/577321 [10:35] allee: looks good [10:35] _Sime: BTW - do you need more info for bug 32915 (Display applet _getGfxCard error) [10:35] allee: nice ;) [10:35] allee: I'll definatly support you [10:36] allee: same ;) [10:36] Riddell, Tonio_ : thx for checking. Will you be around next CC? === allee add this name ... [10:36] allee: sure ! [10:36] allee: I would support you, but not member (you made me understand DPI) ;-) === faked [n=faked@83-65-235-202.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #kubuntu-devel [10:37] allee: looks good and sorry I can't go (damn school) [10:37] Lure: this makes me proud [10:37] <_Sime> Lure: I've fixed a lot of bugs lately. Just give in another test once the update is out (later this week). then we'll have another look. [10:37] jpatrick: you can always leave testimonials :) [10:38] I'm doing that [10:38] allee: I have to ask for uvh exception, will do toonight [10:38] _Sime: will do - thanks [10:38] jpatrick: np. I hope 'damn' work will _require_ my attention during meeting :( [10:40] if I could you have my support [10:42] allee: I'll be in london with sabdfl, so I should think so [10:42] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AchimBohnetTestimonials ? [10:43] subpage would be better, IMO [10:43] /Testimonials [10:43] +1 [10:44] jpatrick: search wiki work testimonials find Testimonials/*. Checking their contents [10:45] something about MP3s... [10:45] jpatrick: not Testimonials is not a good place: Testimonials are people saying they really really like Ubuntu and it has changed their life! [10:47] I can't find any [10:49] looks like 'subpage' like robotgeek is best [10:52] now what to write.... [10:57] Riddell: I would like to patch kdebase in order not to install all those generic profiles [10:57] "kubuntu web" and "kubuntu file manager" are probably enought [10:57] cause actually you get a big list of profiles to choose by default when loading or saving one [10:58] is that okay for you ? [10:59] Tonio_: I would worry that people who use them would miss them [11:00] hum......indeed... the problem is that the big majority isn't [11:00] Riddell: why not splitting in another package ? [11:00] konqueror-default-profiles [11:00] ? [11:01] I got a few complains about that [11:01] people asking "why are there kubuntu profiles diplucating generic ones [11:01] duplicating [11:02] people who want them can find the package, and we can document this in the kubuntu documentation, no ? [11:03] Tonio_: i can document konqueror --profiles if you need it [11:03] robotgeek: well the package is that if accepted, we first need the modify kdebase package ;) [11:04] allee: who should I ask to get kmplayer in Debian? [11:04] Tonio_: i already have Settings -> Load View Profile? [11:04] robotgeek: I'm talking about not having those profiles installed by default in fact, but sepe [11:04] aseparate in another package [11:05] Tonio_: it's pretty hidden away even now, why bother? [11:05] robotgeek: hum...... because I'm a stupid perfectionnist ;) [11:06] Tonio_: :) [11:06] jpatrick: If your commit/maintain kmplayers/debian dir in alioth pkg-kde/kde-extra repo. We can ask Mark Purcell. If not ... [11:06] just keep me in the loop, i will document it Tonio_ [11:06] allee: how do I go about that..... [11:06] debian-mentor will the right address. You can try #debian-qt-kde too, but they are pretty busy ... [11:07] I agree with Tonio_: simplicity is better and having more here is just questionable [11:07] I'm registered at debian-mentor [11:07] Riddell: what embarrased me is that there is no way to remove them once for all...... [11:07] jpatrick: well, upload to debian, mean commitment to manage it: handling/fixing bugs in debian BTS, uploadin new version [11:07] I personnaly use many profiles, like ftp etc... and it is a pain having them with those 6 default...... [11:08] allee: I know [11:08] allee, jpatrick, any opinion ? [11:08] i use only one, so +1 Tonio_ [11:08] Tonio_: remove them? install rm -f profiles/* === danimo [n=danimo@p50885DC2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [11:08] jpatrick: and update kde and have them back ;) [11:09] Tonio_: maybe you should package your personal profiles for others to use... ;-) [11:09] Lure: the problem is that those defaut one will still set in the profiles list [11:09] and I haven't been able to find a way to hide them [11:09] Tonio_: werent they hidden in breezy? [11:10] true - you cannot delete them... [11:10] robotgeek: they are [11:10] I mean, "kde developpers", is that of any use ? [11:10] why can't we have it the way it was in breezy? [11:10] of "simple browser" and "tabbed browser", what for when you have "kubuntu web" [11:10] there is no reason to have them, really [11:11] mv default.profile .default.profile ? [11:11] who is in charge for thg+ [11:11] jpatrick: I know how to remove them [11:11] who is in charge for the display config stuff [11:11] (python, called from system settings) [11:11] I'm searching a way to have them removed eventually by default [11:11] _Sime: ? [11:11] danimo: _Sime? [11:12] sebas: ^^ [11:12] Riddell: what about profiles in a separate package + doc ? [11:12] 3 web profiles in the list are simply stupid, really [11:13] _Sime: ping? [11:13] Tonio_: why? [11:14] Riddell: well, if we try to have a logic and optimised desktop, I don't see the need of three web profiles who duplicates themselves...... [11:14] "kde developpment"..... who will use that ? [11:15] I mean, splitting is very easy to do, so why not ? ^^ [11:15] I think these profiles are abused for KDE specific bookmarks here... [11:15] allee: can I register at alioth? [11:15] each time I want to load a profile I have to search in the list because of those unusefull ones [11:16] allee: I know you are using profiles too, so what is your feeling ? [11:16] Tonio_: simple browser and tabbed browing are not needed. MC profile. I don't know. _When_ it supports same shortcut as mc, it maybe useful. 'kde development' can go to kdelibs-dev or dropped [11:16] Tonio_: I don't see the need for konqueror profiles at all :) [11:16] but people demand them [11:16] Riddell: i've answered questions for people who read Konqueror's handbook asking for the "mc" profile [11:17] Riddell: they demand the functionnality, yes [11:17] that's why I insisted to have it back [11:17] but I'm not sure they are using the default one [11:17] generally, they do personnal with sets of pages loaded by default === robotgeek deletes the "KDE Development" profile [11:18] allee: so your opinion is that on the default desktop, perhaps not having them would be cleaner ? [11:18] err, tried to [11:20] Tonio_: can we move them from global to user (in order to be able to remove manually) [11:20] Lure: nope [11:21] :-( [11:21] they are installed in /usr/shre by default and the ones sitting in your profile are copies of those ones [11:21] there is no way to hide them as far as I know, so that's why to me, the bast solution would be a separate package :) [11:21] for the "rare" people wanting them [11:24] Tonio_: I doubt that they are useful. [11:25] Tonio_: so removing simple browser and tabbed browing is no loss [11:25] allee: true, and according to me kde developpers, don't need a profile ;) [11:26] maybe mc can be of any use [11:26] but globally, they will certainly disturb users more than be of any help......... [11:28] Tonio_: well, KDE development can be a nice start. but for new developers -> kdelibs-dev? But it should be more visible for new developers. So with kdelibs-dev installed, maybe on about: page. [11:28] hum, why not indeed...... [11:28] allee: anyway, if I was a developper wanted to contribute to kde, I would go kde.org :) === freeflying-ibook [n=freeflyi@] has joined #kubuntu-devel [11:29] Hmm, maybe a 'helping Kubuntu' profile on homepage would be better ;) Link to kubuntu homepage, kubuntu wiki, lauchpad bug search, forum(?) ... [11:30] allee: why not :) [11:30] allee: that would probably also help the OEM's [11:30] they can create their own profile :) [11:31] allee: I may just ask to the next meeting [11:31] event if not possible, juste to get the global feeling [11:32] allee: why not put this to default home page (About Kubuntu) - it will also work with Firefox [11:32] file:///usr/share/ubuntu-artwork/home/index.html [11:34] Tonio_: ah, that the defaults, never saw it, yet. Hmm, IMHO this page should point to usefull Kubuntu resources, not explain kubuntu (should be move to 'more about kubuntu' page ;) [11:35] Riddell: can you add a fix to displayconfig? [11:36] Riddell: not sure if it's correct, but otherwise it won't come up here [11:36] alle good point [11:38] danimo: sure [11:38] _Sime: ^^ === _danimo [n=danimo@p5088642A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #kubuntu-devel [11:39] 22:38 < Riddell> danimo: sure [11:40] <_danimo> Riddell: cool, in site-packages, go to displayconfigabstraction.py (or their respective source) [11:41] <_danimo> Riddell: in like 262, text can appearantly be null, hence the correct line is [11:41] <_danimo> if pic_device.text and .... [11:41] <_danimo> pci_device even [11:42] Tonio_: hmmm, about homepage. I usually google, or go to a page and fire a search. If this is not uncommon, so maybe a homepage with just ... [11:43] allee: well I don't know I must say.... [11:44] no opinion on that point [11:44] google web: with search field, next a way to search kubuntu wiki, and at top or buttom, a row of links to homepage, wiki, forum, report/search bugs, ... [11:45] afair firefox has only google on it's homepage. An additional bit more kubuntu specific search feature + links seem nevertheless okay :) [11:45] allee: interesting ;) [11:45] keep that for the meeting ;) [11:46] <_Sime> _danimo: send me an email (simon@simonzone.com). I'm going to bed now. :) [11:46] <_danimo> _Sime: ok [11:46] Tonio_: This is just what _I_ would find a useful homepage. maybe other can imagine their favorite homepage too ... [11:46] morning all [11:47] allee: anyway, I like the idea ;) [11:47] danimo: committed to svn [11:47] freeflying-ibook: good evening ;) [11:48] Riddell: is skim ok ? [11:48] Tonio_: as a meeting topic we would need some more input. So people have time to think about it. [11:48] allee: true [11:48] freeflying-ibook: just looking at it now [11:49] spleeping time ;) [11:49] nite all [11:50] nite Tonio_ [11:50] night Tonio_ [11:50] allee: I missed the uvf exception, sorry !!!!!!!!!! [11:50] Tonio_: bye - I will also go now [11:50] allee: will do tomorrow morning [11:50] nite Lure [11:50] Tonio_: :) === amu_ [n=amu@kubuntu.de] has joined #kubuntu-devel [11:59] freeflying-ibook: doesn't skim need im-switch? [12:00] Riddell: pitti add im-switch to language-pack-zh/ko/ja [12:00] <_danimo> _Sime: done === _danimo is now known as danimo [12:01] freeflying-ibook: but why would you want to have skim without im-switch? === robotgeek [n=robotgee@ubuntu/member/robotgeek] has joined #kubuntu-devel [12:02] Riddell:skim will be installed defaulty ,and some language package depend on im-switch , so I think it needn't depend on it [12:04] freeflying-ibook: why does 10_correct_includedir_in_skim-pc.dpatch start with "10"?