
raphinkso they won't work on top of kde built with kdelibs4 right?12:03
Mezeverything that was in dapper would break because it depends on kdelibs4c2 instead of kdelibs4c2a12:03
raphinkwell I got the point12:04
raphinkso every kde app in breezy would have to be rebuilt on top of the new kde libs, which is not doable12:04
Hobbseewell, which is an awful lot of work, yeah12:05
raphinkwell not doable Hobbsee, since we don't want to provide all kde apps as backports ;)12:05
Hobbseewell, yeah12:05
Mezraphink: finally you get it12:05
raphinkMez: sure :)12:06
=== Hobbsee says that everyone should just upgrade regardless :P when it finally comes otu
raphinkHobbsee: hehe12:06
=== Mez growls
Hobbseewhat are you growling about Mez?12:08
=== incinerator [n=incinera@82-41-24-164.cable.ubr04.edin.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu-devel
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Hobbsee_awaywhen did flight 4 come out?12:49
Hobbsee_awaydoes anyone know, off the top of their head?12:50
Tm_THobbsee_away: well12:50
Tm_Tor something like that12:50
Hobbsee_awayor ubuntu fridge, yeah12:50
Hobbsee_awayhow close are we to flight 5?12:51
Tm_Tnot close I think12:52
Tm_T2 weeks12:52
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Hobbsee_awayhmmm oik12:53
Hobbsee_awaymight grab a daily cd then12:53
Tm_Tthat's only guess, I have no idea =)12:54
HobbseeTm_T: 8 mins to go lol...01:36
seaLneto what?01:36
Hobbsee67% done01:36
Hobbseeflight 401:36
Hobbseemy dapper is nastily borking up, so i'll grab flight 4, rather than reinstalling off flight101:37
seaLnei still can't logout without it hanging01:37
Hobbseei havent had that01:37
seaLnebut it seems to save the session01:37
seaLnei end up with no apps or kicker but i cna still move the mouse01:38
seaLneand there were no no kde appr running before i tried to loggout01:38
seaLnenon kde01:38
seaLneRiddell: monday for working espresso?01:45
=== Mez gets annoyed at thunderbird
Hobbseeit's done :D01:45
seaLneanyone tried it? not that i would try to till monday anyway but no point wasting cdr as its still too big too fit on my cdrs01:46
seaLneshould probably order some 700Mb cdrws01:46
=== Hobbsee backs up her system
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Hobbseewhy does k3b not depend on cdrdao?02:05
=== hua is now known as Huahua
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Hobbseethis is very weird...02:50
freeflyingHobbsee: what's wired 02:56
Hobbseefreeflying: just some clients being booted out of #ubuntu from a worm thingo02:57
MezHobbsee, what clients ?03:01
Mezkill mIRC03:01
Hobbseekonversation build 310003:02
jdongHobbsee: does your network use any Symantec IDS products?03:08
jdongor their networks03:08
jdongmight be more people trying the damn you-know-what command03:09
Hobbseejdong: er, nope, only ezantivirus on teh main computer, firewall on here...unless furhter upstream than that03:09
Hobbseewhat, the darned "start[k] eylogger" or something?03:09
jdongHobbsee: yeah, that03:09
jdongI've seen it quite a bit today03:09
Hobbseegood thing i found out about that last night03:10
jdongespecially since the issue was slashdotted03:10
Hobbseevery true03:10
jdongand I'm getting packet logs of a worm doing that, too03:10
jdongor at least some batch script03:10
freeflyingMez: how about backport skim 03:10
jdongfreeflying: ABI transition; not possible03:10
=== Mez whacks freeflying round the head
Mezfreeflying, we've been through this03:10
Mezfreeflying, waiting for Adam to see why my control hack isnt working03:10
jdongMez, can you backport KDE? ;)03:11
Mezthen I'll backport scim03:11
Mezjdong: yes and no03:11
Mezyes - it's backportable03:11
Mezno: cause backports arent in place in soyuz atm03:11
freeflyingMez: actrually ,scim just have binary name changes03:11
jdongI wonder if the new readahead mechanism works....03:11
Mezfreeflying, I know...03:11
Mezfreeflying, we've been through this how many times.03:11
Mezas I said - waiting for Adam to find out why the control hack inst working03:12
Mezthen I can backport it03:12
freeflyingMez: there are many request on that here03:12
Mezfreeflying, I KNOW03:12
freeflyingMez: so I'd ask u for that ,  :)03:12
=== Mez bangs head
jdongfreeflying: startkeylogge[r] 03:13
jdongdamn too bad that doesn't do selective boots!03:13
freeflyingjdong: startkeylogge[r] ?03:13
jdongfreeflying: the uncensored command is interpreted by all Symantec IDSes as a worm; 30-minute auto IP ban, disconnect from IRC03:14
jdongpretty nasty03:15
jdongwe had a field day today at school03:15
jdongsome kids figured it out03:15
jdongand started sending udp packets flying around03:15
jdongand before we knew it the switch had a block rule for
jdongthat was fun to fix :)03:16
jdongfunny thing about telnet not working when it's being banned :)03:16
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freeflyingjdong: hmm03:16
jdongfreeflying: please don't go around random IRC channels testing this03:17
jdongfreeflying: they get very pissed, and rightfully so03:17
Mezjdong:same could be said for you03:17
jdongMez: I wouldn't do that :)03:18
jdongMez: I had my fair share of this bug today; sick of it03:18
freeflyingiot's need 3 hrs to grab espresso source from kubntu.org03:18
jdongMez: it's amusing the first few times it happens... but when a 1500-port firewall+switch goes down.... grr03:18
jdongfreeflying: bzr?03:18
freeflyingjdong: ya03:18
jdongfreeflying: yeah; bzr branch ain't the fastest command :)03:19
jdongits bzr's damn slow network code03:19
jdongthey don't believe in persistent connections03:19
freeflyingjdong: maybe I'd use wget instead03:19
jdongthe poor apache at the other side!03:19
freeflyingcan you use BT adaptors under dapper ?03:20
Mezjdong: filed a bug yet ?03:20
jdongMez: they don't care; it's been brought up on the bzr mailing list and IRC channel time after time03:21
jdongMez: they say that it's against their philosophy for some silly reasons03:21
jdongfreeflying: there's 917 revisions! It's not going to be fast03:21
jdongmine estimates 1 hour03:21
jdongwhich is pretty damn reasonable for a tree that size03:21
jdong15 minutes now03:21
freeflying2 hrs now 03:22
=== jdong finished branching
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Mezhey seth|lappy 03:41
=== freeflying still needs 20 minutes
=== Mez pokes freeflying's net connection
=== Mez slaps jdong
=== freeflying finish branch
jdongby now, bzr missing probably shows a couple more revisions :D04:01
=== freeflying prepare install new espresso
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Tonio_Riddell: ping ?10:37
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mdkehi there.11:39
jpatrickhello mdke 11:39
mdkedoes anyone know when kubuntu-desktop is likely to be installable on dapper? I'd like to try it out11:39
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mdkejpatrick, ok, kde-core is there. "kde" isn't though :-(11:42
jpatrickit's in universe11:42
mdkeah right11:42
mdkei'll do kde-core and kubuntu-default-settings for now11:42
freeflyingmdke: what's kde-core11:43
mdkefreeflying, https://wiki.kubuntu.org/InstallingKDE11:43
mdkejpatrick, thanks for your help. I'll be back later11:44
freeflyingmdke: how about the space abhout kde-kore11:44
jpatrickRiddell: I think k-d-s needs update: openoffice.org2-kde => openoffice.org-kde (Fixes: mdke's problem)11:45
freeflyingamu: ping11:46
jpatrick^^ that's kubuntu-desktop I meant11:46
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Hobbseehey kmon 12:25
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Flosoftdoes anyone here know how to set an IP as op automatically?12:54
hungerFlosoft: Please use #ubuntu for this kind of questions.12:55
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Tm_Thm hmm hmmmm02:54
Tm_Tjust wondering02:55
=== Tm_T is wondering what else he have to do to be ubuntu member ;)
jpat|awaynot a lot02:58
mdkeTm_T, http://www.ubuntu.com/community/processes/newmember02:59
Tm_T" sustained level of contribution "03:01
jpat|awayTm_T: I'll classify in that place03:02
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Tm_Tjpat|away: you see? how they expect everyone understand italian ;(03:04
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Tm_Tit's just dont make any sense03:04
jpat|awayI do spanish and catalan but that's it03:04
Tm_Tyou mean castilian and catalan?03:05
jpat|awayat least the girls here are nice03:05
mdkewhat italian?03:05
Tm_TFinnish/English/Swedish here... though still trying to learn cymraeg03:05
jpat|awayI know a bit of that03:06
Tm_TI don't03:06
jpat|awaymy grandmother was from Swansea03:06
Tm_TI learn something, I forget, I learn something, I forget...03:06
jpat|away^^ hear hear03:07
freeflyingTm_T: chinese 03:07
Tm_TI'm too old to learn I afraid...03:07
Tm_Tfreeflying: HEY!03:07
Tm_Tfreeflying: wanna have jingle support to Kopete?!03:07
freeflyingTm_T: wanna to learn chinese ?03:07
freeflyingTm_T: can it works now 03:08
=== jpat|away gone to supermarket
Tm_Tfreeflying: I just package ortp, that's it03:08
freeflyingTm_T: I'd like to try later03:09
Tm_Tbut maybe I have to make sure it doesn't overwrite/conflict with ubuntu's ortp03:09
Tm_Tfreeflying: aye, that will be with beta packages, so it's not yet03:09
freeflyingTm_T: :)03:10
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tonio_raphink:  ?03:34
raphinkyop tonio_03:35
tonio_Riddell: ping ?03:35
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jpat|awayhmm just pinging alot03:36
raphinkping jpat|away03:36
tonio_jpat|away: this is because it is important03:36
jpat|awaynot here03:36
tonio_very important03:36
jpat|awayso tell us...03:43
tonio_jpat|away: well, I saw we had HUDGE bugs with kde03:43
tonio_so I deceided to reinstall properly the latest dapper flight 403:44
tonio_here is the result :03:44
tonio_kdeprint doesn't work and crashes while connecting to cups03:44
tonio_I don't have any sound03:44
tonio_I installed gnome, to have a look03:44
raphinkjpat|away: known is the your answer ???03:45
tonio_everythings is perfect03:45
raphinkjpat|away: how can "known" be your answer ?03:45
raphinkhow good is it for users to have an OS with known bugs ?03:45
tonio_kde 3.5.1 is a PAIN03:45
tonio_the most buggy DM on earth actually03:45
raphinkthat's what I said weeks go03:45
jpat|awayI thought they were working on it...03:45
raphinkjpat|away: kde devs are working on kde 403:45
raphinkthey're not interested in kde 3.503:45
raphinkthat is a fact03:45
tonio_and my feeling is that if we don't discuss with kde right now, dapper kubuntu will be as buggy as breezy, or maybe more03:46
raphinkthere are HUGE bugs in main apps03:46
raphinkthat have been unfixed for months03:46
raphinkthe KDE BTS is the worse in the world03:46
tonio_jpat|away: and I must say I'm a bit sick of using an unstable DM03:46
raphinkwhen you search for a bug you find bugs in KDE 2.3 or so03:46
tonio_actually kubuntu can be considered as an alpha03:46
tonio_not more03:46
tonio_and release is in 5 weeks03:46
raphinkKDE 3.5.1 was supposed to be a bugfix03:46
tonio_raphink: ++03:47
raphinkthere are more huge bugs in 3.5.1 than in 3.5.003:47
tonio_by far03:47
raphinkI've looked at the sources for some apps in kdebase or so03:47
tonio_jpat|away: how can I get sound with gnome and not kde ?03:47
tonio_because kde 3.5.1 is a pain03:47
raphinkbetween 3.5.0 and 3.5.1 many stuff have been added03:47
raphinkI don't call that a bugfix03:47
tonio_we need help of kde developpers for kubuntu03:47
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raphinkI'm happy to integrate kde into kubuntu just as long as we can have a REAL stable version of KDE03:47
tonio_because if we don't, kubuntu will be shit, and kde will appear in the feeling of people like a big buffshit03:48
raphinkand there has been none since KDE 3.4.203:48
tonio_everyone in kubuntu and kde cold have regrets03:48
raphinksince kde 3.4.2, KDE devs add lots of new stuff to KDE and seem to forget about debugging what's already there03:48
tonio_because I must say I'm jalous when i see the exceptionnal quality of ubuntu03:48
raphinkthey're too focused on what's next and not on making what's here work03:48
tonio_jpat|away: kde4, that's all they can say03:49
raphinkI'd like to be able to say to people : install Kubuntu, it works great03:49
tonio_kde4 will bee god + jesus + mary03:49
raphinkbut the reason why I can't is because there are huge bugs are not kubuntu specific, but KDE-wide03:49
tonio_kde4 will be more stable than the solar system etc........03:49
tonio_but kde4 will not be mature before at least 18 month03:49
raphinktonio_: yep03:49
tonio_are we going to release 3 buggy version of kubuntu since then ?03:49
raphinkand in the meanwhile we get to build kubuntu with an horribly bugged version of kde03:50
tonio_the bts is completly unusable03:50
tonio_kde dev don't use it03:50
tonio_there are major bugs that have chaneg status for 6 month at least03:50
tonio_new features are pain in the ass03:50
tonio_systemapplet is causing many problems03:50
tonio_kate is becoming unusable03:50
tonio_damn !03:50
tonio_we need to ask help of kde for kubuntu03:51
tonio_because this will help both kubuntu and kde03:51
tonio_and if we don't, kubuntu will be released with horrible bugs03:51
tonio_like breezy03:51
OculusAquilaetonio_: right03:51
tonio_and will discredit itself and kde03:52
raphinkI'll be honnest on a few things03:52
tonio_I can't imagin that we have a pre alpha actually while releasing in 5 weeks only03:52
raphinkif KDE 3.5.2 gets in Kubuntu two weeks before dapper, I'll stop contributing to Kubuntu and will focus on GNOME03:52
tonio_jpat|away: can you imagin I'm considering switching to gnome for my laptop ?03:52
raphinkcause I don't want to end up with an alpha release of Kubuntu as "stable"03:52
tonio_I use it for work, and it is almost unsuable, with breezy or dapper03:52
raphinkand if KDE devs don't make a real debug of KDE 3.503:53
raphinkfocusing on important bugs 03:53
raphinkI'll switch to GNOME too03:53
tonio_raphink: unless kde 3.5.2 is a REAL bugfix release03:53
raphinkcause I love KDE but I'm tired of not being able to print, losing my contacts everyday and my kontact settings03:53
tonio_not a bugfix with 40kB diff on a 30kB ccp file.........03:53
raphinktonio_: I doubt it can be though03:53
raphinkTm_T: what's funny?03:54
tonio_kontact and kmail have known bugs that haven't be touched for month03:54
Tm_Tjust look the font in Konsole03:54
tonio_really I'm affraid03:55
tonio_Riddell has 1000 things to do03:55
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raphinkTm_T: I don't understand finnish03:55
tonio_I can help as much as I can, but if kubuntu gets only 10% help of canonical that ubuntu has03:56
freeflyingtonio_: not only kubuntu release with 3.5.1 , but also many other distros 03:56
Tm_Traphink: doesn't matter, look that font, so small and yet sharp03:56
hungertonio_T There are other small bugs all over the place.03:56
tonio_that we don't get cpp devel soon, and if kde doesn't seem to be able to make a real debug release03:56
tonio_what will result is a crappy distro03:56
tonio_nothing else03:56
raphinkfreeflying: so it'll be bad for all distros based on it03:56
tonio_sorry for this, but I'm saying this because I LOVE kubuntu03:56
tonio_freeflying: true03:57
tonio_all distros keep kde 3.4.203:57
tonio_why ?03:57
tonio_because all other releases are pain03:57
amuwell, the birds sing, kubuntu get help with an icon artist ?!? 03:57
tonio_kde 3.5 was supposed to be the most mature, stable and efficient version of kde03:57
raphinkamu: that is not what we need sorry03:57
tonio_the result is one of the most unstable (if not THE one) dm on earth03:57
tonio_windows xp is by far more stable03:58
Tm_Tamu: I heard small things about that too03:58
jdongtonio_: I disagree. All distros keep 3.4.2 because they were released with 3.4.2 and upgrading to 3.5 in between releases is against their policy03:58
Tm_Tamu: but nothing official yet ;(03:58
jdongtonio_: I have no issues with my KDE03:58
freeflyingtonio_: actually , canonical care too few on kubuntu, so riddell shall ask for more help from canonical03:58
tonio_jdong: false03:58
tonio_gentoo was released 2 days ago03:58
amuTm_T: :) 03:58
tonio_with kde 3.403:58
tonio_not 3.503:58
raphinkjdong: can you use kdeprint?03:58
raphinkjdong: what happens to your contacts when you close kontact with a mail still open?03:58
jdongtonio_: Gentoo does not have enough developer resources; they stabilize VERY conservatively03:59
jpat|awaytonio_: gentoo is never released, they just upgrade03:59
raphinkjdong: can you use your contacts from kaddressbook in kmail ?03:59
amuraphink: i guess the situation is not good  03:59
jpat|awayraphink: I can03:59
tonio_jdong: okay, so everything is fine then ;)03:59
jdongprint: working03:59
tonio_cool !03:59
hungertonio_: I currently have 3 bugs open which are trivial to fix, but have not been touched in a week or more:-( Too bad that the kubuntu devs are so busy:-(03:59
raphinkjdong: can you launch kded without getting a thousand error windows to click?03:59
tonio_jdong: do you use dapper ?03:59
raphinkand losing cookies support in konqueror at the same time03:59
raphinkjdong: do you have an up-to-date dapper system?04:00
tonio_jdong: can't be possible04:00
tonio_I have kdeprint failing on 5 machines04:00
raphinkjdong: we tested all these bugs on several machines with kde 3.5.104:00
raphinkeven on newly installed boxes04:00
raphinkthey are there04:00
jdongthat's strange....04:00
jdongI just dist-upgraded this morning04:00
tonio_it can work if you change the cups address in the properties, to locakhost04:00
tonio_then install a printer discarding the error messages04:00
raphinkjdong: the kdeprint bug is even present in DF404:00
jdonghow else do you configure CUPS?04:00
tonio_and then, yes, I agree it works04:00
raphinkso it's more than 20 days old04:00
=== hunger does not understand gentoo... building old stuff yourself just does not strike me as a cool idea.
tonio_jdong: I installed flight4 this morning04:01
jdonghunger: developers too lazy to make _binary_ packages :)04:01
tonio_just perfomed dist-upgrade04:01
tonio_rebooted, and that doesn't work04:01
tonio_jdong: maybe that works because you have a breezy updated to dapper04:01
tonio_I had sound with my breezy-dapper04:01
jdongwell, maybe my KDE install is just an anomaly then; I upgraded from Breezy to Dapper a few months back, and dist-upgrade weekly04:01
tonio_with a fresh dapper I don't04:01
tonio_that's the reason04:02
jdongtonio_: it may be a problem limited to fresh installs04:02
hungerjdong: They do not make them themselves: They do build-scripts and have a compiler do the building;-)04:02
tonio_jdong: go with a fresh install04:02
tonio_yes jdong, but that is a MAJOR issue04:02
raphinkjdong: no it's not. I had a breezy -> dapper that failed too04:02
jdongtonio_: I'd rather keep my working KDE, thank you very much :)04:02
amubtw. greetings from the kubuntu-stand at linuxtag chemnitz :)04:02
raphinkamu: :)04:02
freeflyingamu: hi04:02
hungeramu: Say hi to sven guckes if you meet him.04:02
raphinkjdong: we are on #kubuntu-devel here, not on #kubuntu04:02
raphinkjdong: what matters is not that your box luckily works04:03
jdongraphink: I understand.04:03
raphinkjdong: what matters is that all kubuntu systems should work out of the box04:03
freeflyingamu: how about your livecd04:03
raphinkand it's not the case04:03
raphinkwhen you install dapper right now, you get LOTS of HUGE bugs in KDE04:03
raphinkwe are one month and a half from release04:03
hungerraphink: Same happened with breezy, too.04:03
raphinkhunger: kubuntu breezy was a mistake04:04
tonio_another example04:04
raphinkwe don't want to do that mistake again04:04
raphinkI believe04:04
hungerraphink: So far I am convident that dapper might work after all.04:04
amuhunger: yeah :) will do  04:04
tonio_systemsettings is nox in kubuntu for 6 month at least04:04
tonio_it has BIG bugs04:04
tonio_none of them is resolved actually04:04
tonio_because Riddell doesn't have time for this (and I understand that)04:04
raphinkhunger: kubuntu breezy is almost unusable for production without an immediate dist-upgrade 04:04
tonio_he is actually project manager, packageur, integrator, developper plus many more04:05
hungerraphink: I dist-upgraded to dapper right after breezy;-)04:05
amufreeflying: yeah, if linuxtag ends, i've time :) last week was fosdem, this weekend linuxtag :)  04:05
tonio_we have to implement without the promissed help of canonical a bugging desktop manager, with only a very few people knowing cpp04:06
tonio_that's simply not possible04:06
raphinkhunger: what are we talking about here? is kubuntu aimed to devs or to normal users ?04:06
hungerraphink: I do not care as long as it works for me.04:06
tonio_I don't blame canonical at all, but I remember mark saying he wanted kubuntu to become the same first class distro than ubuntu04:06
tonio_this is not going to happen actually04:07
raphinkhunger: do you call yourself a kubuntu developer?04:07
tonio_I'm just reallistic04:07
hungerraphink: No. I am a kubuntu-user only.04:07
raphinkhunger: ok 04:07
raphinktonio_: I totally agree04:07
raphinkwe cannot make kubuntu a good distro right now if KDE devs don't spend a month fixing bugs 04:07
raphinkthat won't happen04:07
tonio_and maybe if we don't receive a little help from canonical04:08
hungertonio_: For the protocol: Riddell is doing an amazing job!04:08
tonio_hunger: of course04:08
raphinkhunger: nobody said he is not04:08
tonio_hunger: I didn't say it because it is de facto logic04:08
tonio_Riddell is doing crazu stuff, it is simply incredible04:08
hungerraphink: Currently everybody in the kde-camp is starring at the promissed land kde 4:-(04:08
tonio_but he is so alone to implement a bugging DM04:08
raphinkhunger: we we're not to release kde4 hee04:09
amududes dont forget kubuntu is a project, where YOU all decide :) 04:09
raphinkI excepct we release a stable kubuntu verzsion with dapper04:09
raphinkbut that won't happen if all kde devs are busy playing on kde404:09
amuif YOU decide kubuntu isnt ready dont release  04:09
raphinkI can also go prepare dapper+1 right now04:09
tonio_I'm blaming kde for releasing fake bugfix releases04:09
hungerraphink: Yeap, but whenever I talk to some kde person and criticise something I get to hear "It will be fixed/changed/replaced in kde 4 anyway".04:09
tonio_not Riddell......04:09
raphinkhunger: ok fine then, I'll switch to GNOME and I'll be back to Kubuntu when it's time to integrate kde404:10
tonio_hunger: kde4 is called to be jesus, god, everything you want04:10
hungerraphink: I tried that... but gnome is sooooo annoying:-(04:10
tonio_so it means we have to wait 18 month with a pain to get something stable ?04:10
raphinkhunger: I don't like GNOME, but it WORKS!04:11
raphinkit just works04:11
hungertonio_: That is my impression... :-(04:11
jpat|awaytonio_: I thought it was 1004:11
tonio_I will use gnome instead of waiting.......04:11
tonio_jpat|away: in theory it is 1004:11
hungerraphink: Not for me... and I tried hard to make it work for me:-(04:11
freeflyingraphink: kde can works too, just with bugs  hmm04:11
tonio_jpat|away: that means 12 to 1404:11
raphinkfreeflying: lol04:11
tonio_to get a first version04:11
raphinkfreeflying: sorry, I had too many problems with kde 3.5.1 to say it works04:11
tonio_and as a first version is never exempted of bugs04:11
tonio_it means 18 for something stable04:11
tonio_technically, thinking it will be less is a dream only04:12
raphinkand kde4 is to have lots of new features04:12
raphinktherefore lots of bugs to fix04:12
freeflyingraphink: true, but we can not affect kde-devs too much for bug fixing 04:12
raphinkfreeflying: sure then let's stop trying to integrate kde 3.5 then04:12
tonio_freeflying: do they want kubuntu, one of the 2 or 3 most popular kde distros, to be released with bug like this ?04:13
raphinkfreeflying: I don't really like it to be trying to provide users a bugging system, with absent upstream, busy releasing next version04:13
tonio_that is not only a problem for kubuntu, but for kde too04:13
tonio_gnome in increasing very fast04:13
freeflyingraphink: tonio_ but it is better than no kubuntu release 04:13
raphinkfreeflying: no04:13
tonio_it is stable, works, and lots of people are just fine with it04:13
raphinkfreeflying: I don't agree04:13
tonio_otherwise, ubuntu wouldn't be that incredible success04:14
raphinkfreeflying: let's get the fact, I've put kubuntu breezy with kde 3.5.1 to my mom and sister04:14
freeflyingraphink: suse can use it , also mdv , fc , why can't we 04:14
tonio_freeflying: I prefer something stable to something that is not04:14
raphinkfreeflying: my mom has lost her contacts 20 times this month04:14
jpat|awayraphink: that is annoying when KAB moves the contact file04:14
tonio_freeflying: neither suse, nor mandriva implemented 3.504:15
tonio_and they probably won't04:15
OculusAquilaethey didn't?04:15
hungertonio_: Sorry, I do not see gnome getting closer. It is far ahead of kde wrt. hardware support and zeroconf, but far behind anywhere else.04:15
raphinkhunger: it doesn't crash as much04:15
freeflyingtonio_: opensuse also test on 3.5.1 now 04:15
raphinkfreeflying: I doubt it will release with it anytime soon though04:16
raphinkunless they have kde devs within their team to fix all the bugs04:16
OculusAquilaesuse should have problems too04:16
raphinkOculusAquilae: they will 04:16
hungerraphink: maybe, but it doesn't do basic stuff like supporting the Win key in key combos, etc. That means relearning all key-combos for me.04:16
hungerraphink: And evo is plain unusable compared to kmail.04:17
freeflyingraphink: tonio_ we shall ask canonical for more care on kubuntu 04:17
raphinkfreeflying: totally agreed 04:17
hungerraphink: Not to speak of dev tools like kdevelop, umbrello, etc.04:17
raphinkfreeflying: mark promised some help on kubuntu04:17
raphinkfreeflying: why aren't they hiring another main dev for KDE ?04:17
freeflyingraphink: we'd poke him 04:17
raphinkthere are 3 devs on GNOME04:17
raphinkonly 1 on KDE04:17
freeflyingalthough he have promised04:17
OculusAquilaeand ask the suse and kde guys04:18
freeflyingOculusAquilae: ask suse guys for whay ?04:18
OculusAquilaeto show the kde guys that they are doing something wrong04:18
raphinksome things have been posted before kde4 dev began 04:19
freeflyingOculusAquilae: they not paid employee of suse or any comp at all04:19
raphinkto tell kde devs not to rush into kde4 dev04:19
tonio_raphink: only one on kde, when kde is much more complex and buggy that gnome04:19
hungerOculusAquilae: Well, fixing bugs is boooring compared to working on cool-new-stuff(TM).04:19
tonio_means to have the equivalent, we should get 4 to 5 personns only04:19
raphinkhunger: what do you work on?04:19
raphinkhunger: what is your contribution on cool-new-stuff?04:20
hungerraphink: Nothing...04:20
freeflyinghunger: I think hunger may just tell a truth 04:20
tonio_I would prefer the kde crew to spend 3 month debugging kde and wait three month more for kde404:20
tonio_no pb for me with that04:20
raphinktonio_: ++04:20
hungerraphink: Currently I am playing with gcc to make it issue warnings according to the MISRA standard... talking about boring stuff;-)04:20
tonio_I'm sure, 1 month could be enought to provide a good debug04:20
tonio_but they don't give a f**k on kde 3.504:21
tonio_sorry, but that's my real feeling04:21
freeflyingtonio_: they can not stop , u know there is gnome , so they want keep with gnome 04:21
raphinkI think if KDE devs spent the 20 days before 3.5.2 debugging 04:21
raphinkit would be a GREAT help04:21
hungerMaybe we could skip kubuntu-dapper and go for kde4?04:21
hungerThat way we would get upstream support;-)04:22
tonio_freeflying: what ?04:22
freeflyingraphink: only kde-devs may not do all debugging04:22
tonio_I don't ask for canonical to stop with gnome ;)04:22
raphinkfreeflying: KDE and GNOME are not competing, that is a clich04:22
tonio_I'm just saying that I read, everywhere kubuntu would get great support, and that didn't happen04:22
freeflyingtonio_: so poke canonical or mark for that 04:23
hungertonio_: At least in the *ubuntu environment they are: the ubuntu-devs change stuff without even considering the impact on (k|x)ubuntu.04:23
hungertonio_: But that might be my impression only...04:23
tonio_as good as Riddell can be, and as much as we help, that's not enough to deal with a bugging and complex desktop manager04:23
tonio_if kde was stable, that could be okay04:23
tonio_but that's not the real life.......04:24
tonio_hunger: +++04:24
tonio_everything is done thinking of gnome04:24
tonio_I don't mind, that's okay04:24
hungertonio_: frankly: I do not feel much initiative to help with *ubuntu...04:24
tonio_they can do what they want04:24
tonio_hunger: but it has been promissed04:25
tonio_if nothing had been said, I wouldn't mind04:25
hungertonio_: I am talking about my initiative to help you devs.04:25
hungertonio_: I never promissed anything;-)04:25
freeflyingtonio_: mark also promised give us support for working on BetterCJKSupport04:25
tonio_I think we really need to take great decisions this WE, of kubuntu will be, like breezy, a bug fatory on release04:25
raphinkhunger: mark promised04:25
hungertonio_: I have bugreports 43 weeks old and basically ignored.04:26
tonio_hunger: I don't talk about you, hehe04:26
freeflyingtonio_: but we have not any yet now 04:26
hungertonio_: That ruins my motivation to send pathes via the bugtracker.04:26
tonio_hunger: yes04:26
raphinkjust hiring one KDE dev in canonical might help04:26
tonio_and we need to flame kde for this04:26
tonio_they need to change that if they want to work efficiently04:26
tonio_the kde BTS is the crappiest peace of web application I've seen in my life04:27
tonio_hunger: make a search for a bug04:27
hungertonio_: To be fair: the 43week bugreport is for ubuntu and pitti did look into it.04:27
tonio_you get 20 pages of feature request dating 2001-200204:27
freeflyingraphink: it's canonical's duty to hire a kde-dev 04:27
_Simetonio_: BTW, I've been working on some of the bugs in systemsettings.04:27
hungertonio_: LP is not great either.04:27
tonio_that's a joke to me04:27
raphinkfreeflying: whose duty is it?04:27
raphinkfreeflying: oh sorry yes yo'ure right :)04:28
freeflyingraphink: canonical04:28
tonio__Sime: systemsettings was just an example04:28
raphinkfreeflying: but when is it to happen ?04:28
freeflyingraphink: same as above , we'd poke canonical or mark, instead disscuss here04:28
tonio_I just saw, this morning, on a fresh and updated kubuntu, that I don't have any sound, I can't print04:29
tonio_kontact bugs04:29
tonio_and I can use bluetooth only because I myself resolved the bug04:29
raphinkfreeflying: if there's just one kubuntu dev poking canonical I'm not sure it'll work though. We need to be all in this04:29
tonio_the problem is that I could accept that 3 month ago04:29
raphinkfreeflying: I asked Riddell some time ago and he said canonical had no plan to hire anyone for Kubuntu04:29
tonio_but we are supposed to about beta 2 level04:29
tonio_rc1 maybe04:29
tonio_not pre-alpha04:29
freeflyingraphink:  just poke them , let them know the truth 04:30
hungertonio_: So skip kubuntu/dapper.04:30
hungertonio_: No sense in releasing unfinished business.04:30
raphinkhunger: I've been tracking bugs in KDE, trying to fix them04:31
raphink1) I don't know cpp enough04:31
raphink2) I don't know how the app is built 04:31
raphinkI think the best person to fix a bug is the author of the program04:32
hungertonio_: Basically all of my collegues swithed to gnome because kubuntu/breezy was too buggy.04:32
tonio_raphink: ++04:32
OculusAquilaeraphlink: ++04:32
hungerraphink: What is the problem with cpp?04:32
jpat|awayraphink ++04:32
tonio_hunger: yes04:32
tonio_but breezy wasn't mature04:32
tonio_only the wecond version04:32
hungerraphink Just ask, I think I can help with that.04:32
tonio_can be called an accident04:32
hungertonio_: So will dapper be better?04:32
raphinkhunger: I will spend 5 days trying to fix a kontact bug that can be fixed in 4 hours by its dev04:32
tonio_hunger: it HAS TO be different with dapper04:32
hungertonio_: Frankly: I doubt that.04:33
freeflyingwow time to beds , nite all04:33
tonio_I've contributed as much as I could04:33
raphinknight freeflying04:33
tonio_improving the desktop, packaging apps, resolving bugs (when I can)04:33
hungertonio_: Yes, I do appreciate your work.04:33
tonio_but I have the feeling that this is not of any use if we have a crappy base04:33
tonio_having good fonts ? nice, but I can't print04:33
freeflyingraphink: btw if you poke canonical or mark , include me  :)04:33
raphinkhunger: integrating kde 3.5 into kubuntu feels like fighting mills04:33
raphinkfreeflying: ok :)04:34
tonio_having cool desktop with nice konq settings ? nice, but kontact lost all my contacts04:34
raphinktonio_: kmail can't use your contacts from kaddressbook anyway so ... ;)04:34
hungertonio_: "it HAS TO be" won't make things work.04:35
raphinkyou can lose them, it won't harm 04:35
tonio_hunger: this is the reason we are discussing of what to do here04:35
raphinkhunger: I can't fix these huge bugs, tonio can't either, riddell is too busy, \sh is not here atm04:35
raphinkhunger: who is to fix them ?04:35
raphinkif not kde devs04:35
tonio_if raphink and I wouldn't be flaming the channel, nobody would care, and simply wait for the buggy relase to come out04:35
hungerhunger: kde devs or nobody... but then you should not have kubuntu/dapper.04:36
tonio_except of course Riddell who cares more than everyone else, but missing 4 arms and 2 brains to do the job....04:36
tonio_the problem is that we need core-devs to ask for help, and only riddell here is part of canonical and has good contacts in the kde-devel crew04:38
jpat|awaywhat about amu?04:38
raphinkwell apachelogger, too04:39
tonio_so we need to discuss with of the problem, not to fleme, but to think efficiently, and try to get the best for kubuntu because we all love it04:39
tonio_raphink: true, I forgot04:39
jpat|awaynow that you come to mention him, I haven't since him for a while04:41
tonio_I mean, we don't have 200 bugs to reolve04:43
tonio_5 to 10 only04:43
tonio_but they are majors04:43
tonio_I can deal with a system where I don't have sound, can't print, and make a prey for my contacts each time I have an email to send04:44
hungertonio_: #31923, #31924, #32340 are minor and trivial to fix. #33034 adds two config files to improve zeroconf.04:45
OculusAquilaetonio_: so have you a suggestion? asking kde-devs?04:45
hungertonio_: Trivial stuff... Would be nice if those get fixed before dapper...04:45
tonio_OculusAquilae: canonical of kde, I don't know04:45
tonio_but I'm not superman, I can't debug cpp04:45
raphinkOculusAquilae: asking kde-devs for more bugfixing for kde 3.5.2 and canonical for hiring a guy for kubuntu04:45
raphinkas they promised04:46
tonio_I can work on many things, but not this one04:46
hungertonio_: What is wrong with cpp?04:46
=== hunger is hacking cpp right now.
raphinkhunger: well then come and debug kubuntu 04:46
tonio_hunger: the fact that it is a laguage I don't know ? :)04:46
=== jpat|away is doing Ruby
raphinkhunger: if you can do it, we need you04:46
hungertonio_: Which bug?04:46
tonio_hunger : kdeprint crashing04:47
tonio_for example04:47
raphinkhunger: if you can fix major bugs in KDE, stop talking and begin contributing04:47
OculusAquilaein general I can write kde-apps too04:47
hungerraphink: And send another patch to sit in the tracker getting ignored? :-(04:47
raphinkhunger: if you can debug, debug 04:47
hungerWhat makes you think kdeprint has a problem with cpp?04:48
tonio_hunger: if you send the bug to Riddell, it'll go in kubuntu04:48
hungerraphink: I do have to earn money, you know.04:48
tonio_hunger: and that would benefit several million users04:48
raphinkhunger: because it's programmed in cpp and it has bugs ?04:48
raphinkhunger: how about us ?04:48
raphinkhunger: do you know that we are developers ?04:48
raphinkand volunteers04:48
hungerraphink: Programmed in the C Preprocessor?04:49
tonio_raphink: I would have said "if you can and want to debug,  debug" :)04:49
raphinkdo you know how many hours people have given to make kubuntu work?04:49
raphinkhunger: and do you know that all of us have to get some money too, from time tot ime?04:49
hungerraphink: That is great, and I owe you a lot for that!04:49
raphinkhunger: so if you come here only to say you're fine with fixing your own system for yourself and don't have time to help, I'm not sure this is the right place04:50
hungerraphink: That does not give me the time to help, though:-(04:50
raphinkno comment04:50
tonio_hunger: well, I can understand, but earing "I know how to but won't on kubuntu-DEVEL is a bit hurting04:51
tonio_#kubuntu is then the right place04:51
=== raphink loves people who claim they're the best then say they won't help
hungertonio_: You are right and I understand that.04:51
tonio_hunger: it is like coming on #ubuntu-motu and saying "I'm packaging apps for myself but don't have time to upload on revu"04:52
tonio_quite the same04:52
raphinkhunger: we're trying to find solutions for kubuntu and you're talking about yourself. If you think it's good that we know you're good with cpp, then help with it04:52
hungertonio_: But please understand me, too: I have very little time and most of my patches got ignored so far.04:53
raphinkhunger: if it's just to make us feel we're bad with it and it's not good, then keep quiet please04:53
tonio_hunger: you're patches won't be ignored by us04:53
tonio_we want something stable04:53
raphinkhunger: patches are not ignored most of the time04:53
tonio_we are not the kde crew (sorry fot this.....)04:53
hungertonio_: ... and whatever I fixed I send a patch for, so it is not as if I am keeping my fixes to me.04:54
tonio_hunger: who ignored your patches ? kubuntu ?04:54
hungerWhat is wrong with printing by the way? Works fine here.04:54
tonio_hunger: that's nice to ear ;)04:54
raphinkhunger: kdeprint uses a the sock file in /var instead of localhost to contact cups04:54
tonio_raphink: that's not the trick04:54
raphinktonio_: explain :)=04:55
tonio_works on my laptop but not on my desktop04:55
tonio_let me switch to kde :)04:55
hungertonio_: see #31923, #31924, #32340 and #33034 for timy stuff not looked at so far.04:55
tonio_coming back04:55
hungerraphink: Shouldn't it use the sock-file?!04:55
hungerraphink: ubuntu has this no-open-ports policy which does include the lo interface for some reason:-(04:56
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hungerraphink: I changed cups to bind to a port, so I do not have problems with that sock-file;-)04:57
raphinkthis is not a cups bug though04:57
raphinkcause it works in gnome04:57
hungerAnd what is written in C preprocessor language in kdeprint? It is all C++!04:58
raphinkit's c++04:59
hungerraphink: So why did you claim to have problems with cpp?04:59
raphinkdon't play with words, will you?04:59
raphinkcpp is the extension for c++ files05:00
hungerraphink: Oh... sorry, I am hacking on cpp, the C Preprocessor, not in C++.05:00
raphinkgood for you05:00
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hungerraphink: Sorry, I misunderstood you there:-|05:00
tonio_hunger: ping ?05:01
hungertonio_: Yes.05:01
tonio_hunger: want to come on my machine to have a look by yourself ?05:01
tonio_that's a full "by default" kubuntu dapper05:01
hungertonio_: Can I?05:02
tonio_hunger: sure ;)05:02
tonio_server : tonio.planetemu.net05:02
tonio_password : hunger05:02
hungerSeeing both sides of a IRC conversation.05:03
tonio_I can correct this05:03
raphinkhunger: never had two machines before?05:03
raphinkhunger: I'll try and make patches for the bugs you fixed05:04
tonio_hunger: there are two problems05:04
hungerraphink: Thanks!05:04
tonio_1/ server address is not correct, should be localhost05:04
tonio_I can correct this05:04
tonio_2/ kdeprint criues when there are no printers installed in cups05:05
tonio_I can't correct this05:05
tonio_it tries http://localhost:631/printers/05:05
tonio_and of there are no result, error message05:05
tonio_here is the problem05:05
tonio_as long as you have a printer in it, it works05:05
tonio_that mean the kde devel of this didn't even test..............05:06
tonio_sounds incredible but that's it05:06
tonio_hunger: looking at my desktop ?05:06
tonio_let me show you05:06
hungertonio_: I bet he did test... with his fully configured server.05:06
hungertonio_: I am.05:06
tonio_ok, I've forced my printer installation05:08
tonio_no more problems, it works05:08
tonio_so we have 2 bugs05:08
tonio_I can fix the first05:08
tonio_but not the second05:08
tonio_hunger: did you saw exactly what happens ?05:09
tonio_no printer, complain, with a printer, nice05:09
hungerLet me look... I doubt that I can fix it, but I'll take a look.05:09
tonio_concerning the server address, I can fix that quite easilly05:09
tonio_all people that had a working breezy configuration can't see the problem, of course05:10
tonio_in fact kdeprint doesn't like to connect to a "with no printer" cups05:11
hungertonio_: I'll try to look into the "no printer cups bug".05:12
tonio_hunger: thanks very much05:12
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tonio_I'm looking at the second05:12
hungertonio_: No promisses!05:12
hungertonio_: I'll disconnect again.05:12
tonio_hunger: I know ;)05:13
hungertonio_: My c++ is pretty rusty... I am hacking on the c preprocessor which is written in C:-)05:13
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hungertonio_: I'll disconnect again...05:13
hungerWhy is kcontrol not used in kubuntu?05:17
hungerThe replacement is somewhat stupid in that it can not get resized:-(05:17
OculusAquilaesystemsettings is buggy05:17
raphinkhunger: here's one : https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/kdeutils/+bug/3192405:18
hungerraphink: Thanks for adding a patch. Now that only needs to go into kubuntu...05:19
raphinkhunger: there agin, we only have one mail dev to commit the changes...05:19
Tm_Tbah bah bah!05:20
Tm_T"display" thing in kcontrol is still borked05:21
hunger"Internal error: (no error)" is a pretty stupid error message:-(05:21
jpat|awayDoes that "ShowOnlyIn=KDE" stuff work?05:23
hungerjpat|away: It does.05:25
hungerjpat|away: I wrote a patch for that and riddell applied a even better one at some point;-)05:26
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_SimeTm_T:  That "display" thing should be feeling better once Riddel packages the next bug fix release.05:41
_SimeOculusAquilae: systemsettings is also being debugged.05:41
OculusAquilae_Sime: nice05:41
_Simehunger: what doesn't resize in systemsettings?05:41
_SimeOculusAquilae: it _really_ needed some attention.05:42
OculusAquilaeright, but shipping it with breezy was to my mind a fault05:42
_Simetrue. It should have been left in the oven a bit longer.05:47
_Sime(in fact the oven wasn't on. No one has been working on it)05:47
jpat|awaythis is the fifth time in two minutes that koffice has crashed05:50
hungerCan somebody start the printer setup thingy as administrator?05:54
hungerWhen switching to administrator mode I get "Could not find module 'printmgr'"05:54
hungertonio_: I deleted all printers on my printserver.05:58
hungertonio_: th kprinter thingy pops up a message box but works otherwise...05:58
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tonio_hunger: yes06:00
chris DCC SEND ?string? 0 0 006:01
tonio_I'm working on that06:01
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tonio_the "localhost" problem will be released with next version of kubuntu-default-settings06:01
hungertonio_: How on earth did you get that thingy to work at all?06:01
tonio_but there is a second one when there is not printer06:01
tonio_I assume it tries to parse this html output06:01
tonio_so maybe the fix is easy to do06:01
hungertonio_: I can not even have it get into admin mode!06:01
tonio_hunger: if you discard the error message and install a printer06:02
tonio_it is working logically06:02
tonio_it is just a bug when not printer is set in cups06:02
hungerIn fact I can not get anything into admin mode now that I am trying that out.06:03
tonio_hu ?06:03
tonio_systemsettings bug back06:04
tonio_hunger: right, this is another bug06:05
tonio_but you are supposed to be able to install a printer without admin mode06:06
hungertonio_: I am?06:06
tonio_and then get no error message when starting kdeprint06:06
tonio_I assume you should be able to as I am06:06
Tm_T_Sime: yay!06:08
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hungertonio_: FWIW: gnome-cups-manager gives a similar error message on the console...06:10
tonio_hunger, ah ?06:10
hungertonio_: You just do not see it there;-)06:11
tonio_hunger: that's a good news06:11
tonio_hunger: 06:11
tonio_comment out the line:06:11
tonio_AuthType Basic06:11
tonio_in the <Location/admin> section at the bottom of the file (comment out06:12
tonio_with #'s). Then, restart CUPS. 06:12
tonio_can you try this with me ?06:12
tonio_hunger: finally that is a gupsd problem, not a kdeprint one06:20
tonio_good news inf act06:20
hungertonio_: Dunno whether that is a cupsd problem or not.06:21
hungertonio_: It might just be both apps being too stupid to cope with the error message properly.06:22
hungertonio_: With gnome using its usual "Do not confuse the user" approach;-)06:22
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tonio_hunger: yes, poissible06:23
tonio_the only difference is that gnome is not displaying the error message06:23
tonio_hack from canonical ?06:24
tonio_it is not the usual gnome way to hide error messages06:24
hungertonio_: It is not? That is new for me.06:24
tonio_hum, maybe yes06:24
tonio_okay so we need to find a way that cups shits is mouth :)06:25
tonio_or patching kdeprint not to display it also06:25
hungertonio_: I am just rebuilding a kdenetwork which ignores the errorcode 1030.06:26
tonio_hunger: let me know what about ;)06:27
tonio_that could be a good solution06:27
hungertonio_: Not really good, but maybe acceptable.06:27
tonio_hunger: same that gnome06:28
tonio_so acceptable in the ubuntu way to work ;)06:28
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=== hunger wonders where that 1030 errorcode comes from.
jpat|awayrobotgeek: see my last comment at the kfocus bug06:30
hungerWay to big to be a errorcode for sockets.06:30
robotgeekjpat|away: damn :)06:32
tonio_hunger: let me aware if it works, then if yes, we will release a patch06:34
=== faked [n=faked@83-65-233-222.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at] has joined #kubuntu-devel
Lurehi all06:45
LureI was just reading your buggy Dapper discussion - I have to agree06:46
LureI would just like to point to IRC log of Dapper Dev meeting06:46
Luresearch for cups - you will see Riddell comment06:46
Lurehe mentioned that this might be cups 1.1 vs 1.2 API change06:47
Lureand that Kubuntu may require older cups (as kprint developer may not fix in time)06:47
tonio_hunger any news ?06:55
Luretonio_: I recall seeing simple config file workaround (maybe by Hobbsee)06:55
Lurebut I cannot recall now where (forums, irc, LP...)06:55
Luresomething like putting empty printer list somewhere06:55
Luresimilar to HTML: <Printer></Printer> 06:56
tonio_Lure: in fact the error message is there with gnome too06:56
tonio_but gnome-cups-manager doesn't output it06:56
tonio_** (gnome-cups-manager:12984): WARNING **: IPP request failed with status 103006:57
tonio_in the shell06:57
tonio_a good solution could be to avoid the error message like gnome does06:57
tonio_and by the way, removing this when resolved06:58
tonio_Lure: any opinion on this ?06:58
Lurethat would be nice workaround (until we get THE fix)06:58
tonio_Lure: I agree06:58
tonio_Lure: there where two problems in fact.06:59
tonio_I have the solution to the first, within kubuntu-default-settings06:59
hungertonio_: kdebase FTBFS.06:59
tonio_Lure: yes06:59
tonio_I'm adding localhost to kdeprintrc directly06:59
tonio_works nice06:59
Lure2nd one might be /etc/cups/printers.conf hack06:59
hungertonio_: kdeprint did get build before the failure, but it does not fail on the 1030 error that hits gnome.07:00
tonio_Lure: the problem is that I can't hack this easilly07:00
tonio_at least wothout touching ubuntu :)07:00
LureI do not have clean system anymore - but I suppose something could be put there07:00
Lureor a dummy printer (Print to file?)07:00
tonio_hunger: okay07:00
tonio_hum Lure wouldn't it be better to simply fix kdelibs to simply ignore that error ?07:02
LureI do not know KDE code - so I am not sure how easy this would be07:03
tonio_Lure: yes, understand that ;) same for me I must say07:03
tonio_but I'm gonna investigate07:03
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Lureraphink: were you the initial packager of kpowersave for ubuntu?07:27
Lure(I have seen your update of it today)07:27
tonio_trying a patch on kdelibs.........07:34
tonio_not correcting anything, but supposed to avoid the error message, as gnome does07:34
tonio_it is better than nothing.........07:35
hungertonio_: ?07:35
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tonio_hunger: the error message is send by kdelibs07:36
hungertonio_: Yes. I am building a debug-version with some more output right at this moment.07:36
tonio_hunger: of kdelibs ? thanks for this ;)07:36
tonio_nice idea :)07:37
hungertonio_: My guess is that the request is empty which is considered to be a error.07:37
tonio_yes, I too07:37
tonio_but not sure, because we can see it tries to connect for a long time07:37
tonio_let me show you something07:37
tonio_the error message is outputed by this :07:37
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raphinkLure: to I was no the initial packager07:38
=== hunger wants his compile farm back!
hungerCompiling C++ is a pita!07:39
raphinktonio_: https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+source/k3b/+bug/23007/ encore un vieux bug pourri qui traine depuis 6 mois07:39
raphinkLure: no I was not the initial packager07:39
raphinkLure: and yes I have updated it with a fix07:39
Lureraphink: OK, we were discussing yesterday to request UVF07:40
Lureand were wondering which MOTU did upload it for the first time07:40
raphinkLure: ah, well sure07:40
raphinkLure: it doesn't matter who uploaded the first time07:40
tonio_hunger: KMMainView::slotUpdatePossible( bool flag )07:41
tonio_here is the function that outputs this07:41
hungertonio_: As I see it the problem is raised by IppRequest::doFileRequest returning false.07:42
hungertonio_: Which it does on this condition: (!request_ || request_->state == IPP_ERROR || (request_->request.stat07:43
hungerus.status_code & 0x0F00))07:43
hungerMy guess is that request_ is NULL at this point...07:43
tonio_cups outputs nothing, exactly ;)07:44
tonio_hunger: that's a bit too complicated for me, because of cpp :)07:45
tonio_hunger: do you feel able to patch it in a certain way ?07:45
hungertonio_: C++;-)07:45
hungertonio_: Don't know yet. We'll see.07:45
tonio_raphink: ho damn07:46
hungertonio_: My C++ is mostly unused for the last couple of years, so I can't promise anything.07:46
tonio_hunger: you are trying, that's nice ;)07:46
raphinkl'est bien con lui ... il confond kcontrol et systemsettings07:47
hungerraphink: See? I am trying;-)07:47
raphinksure :)07:47
hungerraphink: and that even though I mistook your cpp for the c preprocessor which I know way more about than c++:-)07:47
tonio_raphink prefer to insults in french ;)07:48
hungertonio_: That is fine with me... my french is so bad that I won't get that:-)07:48
tonio_well, that's an ungly bug07:48
tonio_hunger, nice to ear that !!!07:49
hungermy last grade in french was "did not participate";-)07:49
tonio_hunger c'est un gros payday !07:49
tonio_hunger: french is an horribly complicated language anyway07:49
tonio_raphink: kidding of course ;)07:49
hungertonio_: I can always show my wife. She is my universal translator:-)07:49
raphinktonio_: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=117455  bam 07:50
tonio_hunger, please don't ;)07:50
hungertonio_: NOW I am curious!07:50
tonio_hunger: lol07:50
tonio_she might not understand anyway ;)07:51
tonio_raphink: how could such a bug still exist in 3.5.1 ?07:51
tonio_that is the evidence of one thing07:51
raphinktonio_: it seems to be linked to the debian package 07:51
tonio_the kde debugging activity is a shame07:51
raphinktonio_: I'm looking at it now07:51
tonio_raphink: ah ? 07:51
tonio_okay sorry then ;)07:51
hungertonio_: She is damn good with languages... speaks 7 different languages and understands a couple more.07:51
raphinktonio_: this bug appears only on debian sid and ubuntu07:51
tonio_we need to look at the package then07:52
tonio_crappy patch or something07:52
raphinkhmm seems all the patches are from kubuntu though07:52
tonio_raphink: argh..........07:53
raphinkand debian has a newer version07:53
tonio_the problem could be the build system then.........07:53
tonio_raphink: uvf exception ?07:53
raphinkIF the new debian version works, sure07:53
tonio_we should try tu sync the new debian package07:54
raphinkthat I'm going to test now ;)07:54
tonio_raphink: cool ;)07:54
raphinkif it's not fixed in debian yet, there's no reason to sync07:54
tonio_I'm closing the bug for cups and localhost07:54
tonio_raphink: kdeprint doesn't cry with "unable to connect to host"07:55
tonio_this is the purpose of that bug, although you pointed another problem07:55
tonio_the original message is that, and that is resolved07:56
tonio_so I think it should be closed07:56
tonio_and maybe you should create a new one07:56
tonio_raphink: your feeling on this ?07:57
raphinkwait I'm on the k3b bug07:57
robotgeekhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-doc/2006-March/005396.html 07:58
raphinkok the bug is not set 07:58
robotgeekall are welcome to comment :)07:58
tonio_raphink: do you ask for uvh then ?07:59
raphinktonio_: no since it's not fixed in debian07:59
raphinkI don't see why I would ask for a uvf ;)07:59
tonio_oh not fixed07:59
tonio_strange issue07:59
tonio_pbuilder issue ?07:59
jpat|awayrobotgeek: cool08:02
raphinkil est SUPER crade le paquet k3b tonio_08:02
robotgeekjpat|away: still a few incomplete sections, i should hopefully finish them this week08:03
tonio_le refaire ?08:03
raphinktonio_: bof08:03
jpat|awayrobotgeek: I would help but I've got a stack of work and some things to sort out08:03
raphinktonio_: je vais tenter de refaire un paquet propre vite fait voir si a rsoud le problme08:04
tonio_raphink: k08:04
robotgeekjpat|away: sure, no problem. i would appreciate comments on something i have wrong there08:05
tonio_raphink: ptant ca doit pas tre mega complik a packager k3b.........08:05
robotgeekjpat|away: if you've got the time :)08:05
tonio_quelques dependances et basta08:05
jpat|awayrobotgeek: :)08:07
tonio_raphink: je retrouve pas le bug kdeprint sur launchpad08:07
tonio_serieux je dois mal m'y prendre, mais malone, j'ai du mal08:08
raphinktonio_: va sur ma page, section bugs, subscribed08:08
tonio_mais par la recherche c le bordel08:08
hungertonio_: You are visiting a brothel?!08:12
hungertonio_: Or did I misunderstand that french?08:12
hungerHow do I enable the debug output of stuff in kde?08:13
hungerjpat|away: There is some gui app to set the outputlevel of kde apps.08:15
tonio_hunger: you missunderstood I think :)08:17
jpat|awayje ne sais pas08:18
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raphinkwow about 3cm of snow on my balcony!08:23
hungerCan I run the control-center modules directly?08:28
hungerI do not get any output even though I turned it on with kdebugdialog.08:30
tonio_hunger: no idea........;08:32
hungertonio_: proper kdebugdialog settings would be cool for kdefaultsettings;-)08:35
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tonio_hunger: what's the problem with it ?08:37
tonio_hunger ping ?08:42
hungertonio_: Was in #kde-devel to find out how to get debug output.08:43
tonio_hunger: oki ;) what do you mean about k-d-s and kdebugdialog ?08:43
tonio_is it possible to control or remove error messages via a simple setting ?08:44
hungertonio_: Maybe make everything log important stuff into a logfile or so.08:44
tonio_hunger: will think about that for dapper+1 :)08:45
tonio_but it is a big work, and we certainly have too much to do for dapper actually08:45
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jpat|awayhello allee, JRe 09:29
alleehi jpat|away 09:30
tonio_allee: hi ;)09:30
=== hunger waits for kdelibs to build.
jpat|awayoh fun09:31
tonio_allee: I tried to revu your kdissert package09:31
tonio_but there is a problem with it, all folders are dead.........09:31
alleetonio_: Oh, strange!09:31
tonio_allee: yes09:31
alleetonio_: I never used kdissert before so I just started / closed it.09:32
tonio_although, because it is in our case not debian synced, I think it should be numbered 2ubuntu209:32
tonio_allee: it is not concerned by freezes, so I can upload it directly09:32
tonio_I'm just not fine with the versioning in fact09:33
tonio_allee: what's your opinion ?09:33
alleetonio_: I'll check what I used09:33
tonio_allee: okay09:33
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alleetonio_: ah, I just s/1$/2$/.   Well, I don't care.  Whatever is more correct, choose it09:35
tonio_allee: I've resolved 50% of the kdeprint problems09:35
tonio_the other is a code bug, not a config one, and requires patch to the sources....09:35
tonio_hunger is looking at it09:35
tonio_allee: just that because it is an ubuntu version now, the versioning should probably be set to 2ubuntu109:36
tonio_sounds logic09:36
tonio_first port of the second debian version09:36
tonio_with a changelog and a patch :)09:36
alleetonio_: fine with me.  I submitted the changes also to debian and the maintainer uploaded them already09:36
tonio_allee: nice, it'll get synced with dapper+109:36
tonio_allee, tell me when on revu, I will revu and upload09:37
tonio_jpat|away: no news for *netswitch ?09:37
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jpat|awaytonio_: probably still stuck in NEW like everything else09:37
alleetonio_: so just a version change?   What about the dead folders?09:38
tonio_elmo will die when opening the NEW queue09:38
tonio_well upload like this and we will see what happens on revu ;)09:38
tonio_the link are dead on the revyu page09:38
tonio_I couldn't download the package09:38
alleewhen the sees codeine, he will be excited :) :)09:38
tonio_I assume the strange versioning can cause a revu bug09:39
tonio_allee: when is the meeting ?09:39
tonio_I cannot miss it to support you !09:39
alleetonio_: next tuesday 12.00 UTC09:40
alleetonio_: and thx09:40
=== jpat|away wish he could too
tonio_allee: that's the minimum I can do09:40
tonio_that'll be good this time, and then MOTU next week !09:41
jpat|awaytonio_: I was member one day, MOTU the next :P09:41
tonio_I know09:41
tonio_jpat|away: any news for moodin ?09:43
tonio_jpat|away: sorry for sayuing this, but I really think about making a port of that theme to the standard engine.......09:43
jpat|awayoh bugger09:44
jpat|awayI forgot09:44
alleetonio_: I doubt that my traces in (k)ubuntu will be enough for MOTU09:44
tonio_well we have major issues actually with moodin09:44
tonio_allee: could be I think.......;09:44
tonio_jpat|away: it doesn't support utf809:44
tonio_jpat|away: doesn't support i18n09:44
tonio_jpat|away: depends on a fix background wich causes issues with non 1280x1024 resolutions09:45
tonio_that hudge issues09:45
alleekdissert upload finished, with just 2build2 -> 2ubuntu2 changed09:45
jpat|awayI know09:45
alleeI'll build and try to use kdissert ...09:45
tonio_allee: nice ;)09:45
tonio_allee: revuing when online09:46
tonio_allee: we have to work on that bullshit systemapplet this WE don't you think ?09:47
tonio_it make it completly unusable to my view09:47
tonio_it shouldn't be so hard09:48
tonio_we just have to avoid the url switching in the system:/ kio09:48
tonio_the main problem will be to find THE file to patch ;)09:49
alleetonio: which system applet?09:50
tonio_kde system applet09:50
tonio_using the kio system:/09:50
tonio_in fact we have to patch the kio itself09:50
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tonio_allee: you know, that "copy to tmp" issue using system:/ in konq09:51
hungertonio_: It would have been great if the kdelibs debug debs actually had debugging enabled:-(09:51
tonio_hunger: argh....... indeed09:51
jpat|awayI think there aer09:51
hungertonio_: Ours don't: They got the symbols (I think) but all the kde debug stuff is disabled:-(09:52
tonio_hunger: well, you should probably talk with Riddell about that....... not of my knowledge09:52
alleehunger: -deb pkgs are just there to get a useful stacktrace09:53
allee-dbg that is09:53
jpat|awayI'm going09:55
hungerallee: Oh great. So we can basically leave them IMHO. You will need to rebuild them anyway when debugging:-(09:56
alleehunger: the -dbg stuff is handy when users report crashes and one wants a useful stacktrace.  so keeping them can be useful09:57
hungerallee: There are no -dbg of the apps themselves, so I doubt that.09:58
tonio_allee: have you seen kate is now back to monosession mode ?09:59
tonio_took me long but that's done09:59
hungertonio_: Hey, stop turning KDE into gnome!09:59
alleeNo, I have not updated since thurday (only 64 k until monday)09:59
hungertonio_: Which reminds me: Do you know "SimpleKDE"? Apparently they are trying to do a simpler KDE...10:00
alleeArgl, kids refuse to got to bed.  bbl10:00
tonio_hunger: heard about it, but I though it was a kind of joke10:01
hungertonio_: They are based on stable KDE, so maybe they are fixing bugs.10:01
tonio_I mean the guys have been described as "people that are going to something they don't know"10:01
tonio_but that was a while ago10:01
hungertonio_: Only saw a interview on osnews about them. I have no idea about the project at all.10:02
hungerJust wanted to mention it.10:02
tonio_hunger: looking at the screenshots, looks nice10:04
tonio_although there are even less options than in gnome hehe10:05
tonio_but could be nice for a child for example10:05
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hungertonio_: Please do not use it then;-)10:05
tonio_hunger: WHY SHOULD i ? ;)10:05
hungertonio_: You seem to be in a feature removal frenzy! ;-)10:09
tonio_hunger ? never10:10
tonio_where did I say removing features was good ?10:10
hungertonio_: single-session for kate, etc.10:11
tonio_I just think that could be a good base for child oriented distro10:11
tonio_hunger: single session for kate is "backing to something usable"10:11
tonio_this session management is a shame10:11
tonio_do you prefer to have 4 files in 4 kates10:12
tonio_or 4 files in the same ?10:12
hungertonio_: I'd much prefer if you could change the coler of those buttons all around kate.10:12
tonio_removing a bad feature is not linking features removing :)10:12
hungertonio_: I only ever have 1 kate.10:12
tonio_hunger: well, test a dapper flight 4 by default and you'll see..........;10:12
tonio_monosession mode doesn't exist anymore10:13
tonio_double click a file, kate opens10:13
hungertonio_: Does flight 4 have different colors?10:13
tonio_doubleclick another, another kate opens10:13
tonio_hunger: I don't think so10:13
=== claydoh hates that, likes single session
tonio_claydoh: it will be single session10:13
hungertonio_: Damn. What were they thinking when doing that color theme?10:13
tonio_claydoh: if you have an update dapper, remove katerc in your profile10:14
tonio_should work10:14
claydohalready fixed :)10:14
hungertonio_: Tabs get lighter when active, those buttons get darker.10:14
tonio_claydoh: did you ?10:14
tonio_cause if you have a better hack than mine, I would appreciate10:14
hungertonio_: And then there are usually 2 buttons on the side only, so it is really hard to notice that things are inverse then with tabs.10:15
claydohi edited the .desktop file somewhere.....10:15
=== claydoh looks
tonio_claydoh: added --use into it ?10:16
tonio_that's the way I did it for dapper10:16
tonio_+ katerc configured in k-d-s10:16
claydohI actually had to ask in the forums how to change it :)10:17
tonio_claydoh: I simply read the man :)10:19
tonio_but it took long to find the good option10:19
hungertonio_: That's cheating!10:19
hungertonio_: You should read the source, man! ;-)10:20
tonio_hunger: have you seen the kate sources ?10:20
tonio_it is hudge10:20
hungertonio_: Nope.10:20
hungertonio_: I tend not to read kde sources except when people like raphink force me.10:21
tonio_hunger: anyway it is fixed lol10:21
tonio_hunger: but we love you for doing it ;)10:21
=== hunger is already behind schedule with his own work and still rebuilding kdelibs.
alleetonio_: when I print, after the print dialog is closed I have a jumping printer icons next to the cursor.10:23
tonio_allee: hu ?10:24
alleeacutally it is like this for several weeks10:24
tonio_but kde crew will call that a feature maybe ;)10:24
allee:)  Looks like it waits for an app to start that never comes up and timeouts after some time10:25
claydohwell, for me the man page and help were not too clear for me, never occured to look at the desktop file :)10:25
=== claydoh goes back to lurk-mode, too much thinking is giving him a headache
tonio_allee: I think I have the solution for the kio system ;)10:26
tonio_cooooooool :)10:26
tonio_./kio_system.cpp, rewriteURL function10:26
tonio_I just need to make it not changing the URL :)10:26
hungertonio_: ?10:27
tonio_hunger ?10:27
hungertonio_: What problem is there with the kio system?10:28
tonio_hunger, try to open a big file, like an avi of a big log file with kate.........10:29
tonio_pain in the ass "feature", once more with kde 3.510:29
tonio_was working nicely before, and they added that horrible change in the kio10:29
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hungertonio_: cups returns "client-error-not-found"11:42
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