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=== Topic for #kubuntu-devel: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuEspresso || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KubuntuDapperGoals || http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu || Join: http://www.last.fm/group/Kubuntu+Developers/ || Kubuntu meeting on #ubuntu-meeting on Wed, 15th March - 20:00 UTC -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Meetings -- be there!
=== Topic (#kubuntu-devel): set by Riddell at Fri Mar 3 16:52:53 2006
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dokoRiddell: openoffice.org-kde on amd64?12:18
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Tm_Tis there any way to check what is some process doing? or why it's running or something01:32
Tm_Tbah, did "killall python" -> ~15 processes down01:33
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hungerTm_T: Dprobe... if you were on solaris.01:54
hungerReally nice system... too bad the license is not compatible with linux.01:54
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Lure_Sime: are you there?10:24
Lureis there any workaround for people that would like to set DPI manually10:24
Lureuntil manual setting will be available trough guidance?10:25
Luresee this request: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13969610:26
_Simeummm... how messy can it be?10:26
_Simeyou could manually edit the .py file that sets the DPI...10:27
_Simeor insert your own script into /etc/X11/Xsessions.d/10:28
_Simea script might be cleaner.10:28
_Simethe script then needs to call xrdb to set Xft.DPI.10:29
_Simethat will fix the DPI for GTK and Qt programs10:29
Lureis adding manual DPI setting now planned for Dapper or not (due to FF)?10:29
_SimeI don't know about anything else that runs on Xubuntu.10:29
_SimeI'm not planning on adding it for Dapper due to FF. BUT!10:29
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_Simeif enough people wanted it, and if Riddel said so, I could probably add it.10:30
_SimeWine 0.9.9 just was released... :/10:31
Tm_Thmm hmm hmm10:31
LureI personally do not need it, as I agree with allee that DPI should be detected10:31
Lurebut there is quite some disussion in forums about the changes10:32
Luresee also this one:10:32
Lure(however this one is just "fix your font size" issue)10:32
_Sime11pt is a big font really. Everyone has a different opinion about how big fonts should be. People are just going to have to tweak the fonts themselves.10:36
_Simealthough Dapper should be 'sane' by defualt.10:36
_SimeIf you can convince Riddel that DPI should be configurable in guidance for Dapper, then I'll implement the change. ;-)10:37
LureI thought Riddell was already asking for it (AFAIR when you announced 0.6.2)10:52
Lure(or 0.6.1)10:52
_Simewell, he asked me what my plans were, and I said FF. (which is my default answer at this time of the dev cycle).10:53
Lureif you look at bug 32442, it can be considered a bug fix ;-)10:54
Lure_Sime: I agree, however we need to have a story prepared for those that want to manually change10:54
_SimeLure: ok, what I can perhaps do is add an option for the displayconfigrc file (under .kde/share/config/) for specifying DPI and what you want.10:59
_SimeLure: that should be easy enough to do, and doesn't mean messing with the GUI.10:59
LureI think this is even better than having GUI - if it is visible, people may set it wrongly 11:00
Lureinstead of fixing font sizes (as they should)11:00
_SimeIt would be a kind of hidden/workaround type feature/bug fixey thing.11:00
Lure_Sime: can we just detect if -dpi was specified to X and then respect it?11:01
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Lurehi Hobbsee11:01
Hobbseehey Lure 11:02
Hobbseeah crud lol11:04
=== Hobbsee is a moron
=== Hobbsee resets the WPA password to be what it's actually supposed to be!
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Hobbsee_one word...oops.  hehe11:10
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freeflyinganyone wanna look on snapshop of dapper's livecd installer11:48
Hobbseecould be fun11:48
freeflyingHobbsee: http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?p=55034#5503411:49
freeflyingwith espresso-fronted-kde11:49
freeflyingHobbsee: got it ?11:50
Hobbseehow the heck do i get to it?11:50
freeflyingHobbsee: u'd register firstly 11:51
Hobbseeah, right11:51
=== Hobbsee will probably wait, and try it out later
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freeflyingHobbsee: http://ftp.ubuntu.org.cn/livecdscreenshot/12:00
Hobbseeah ok12:01
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freeflyingHobbsee: got it ?12:07
Hobbseefreeflying: yeah, looks nice!12:07
Hobbseedoes anyone know why, in dapper, my wireless connection will work, then as soon as i log into kde, it will stop working, and i'll have to do a sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart?12:08
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Hobbseehmm...darn it..it's a configuration setting somewhere, for my user...12:33
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raphinktonio_: ping12:46
tonio_raphink: pong12:47
raphinkpv :)12:47
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Luretonio_: I know you are in bug-fixing mode, but one default suggestion ;-)01:40
Hobbseewow!  default install is very nice!01:41
tonio_Hobbsee: hehe thanks ;)01:41
LureI think this proposal "Description (Name)" makes a lot of sense01:41
tonio_Lure: I'll have a look01:41
LureI am also wondering if we should put together KubuntuDapperBugs page01:42
Lureas a top-list of issues to resolve, as LP does not provide good overview01:42
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hungerTonio_: I give up on kdeprint.04:39
hungerTonio_: In fact I am giving up on kubuntu for a while:-(04:39
=== hunger is going to try FC, maybe that will work for a change.
hungerTonio_: ubuntu ate my kernel yesterday ("forgot" to install the kernel image itself on upgrade) and when I finally managed to get that fixed I end up in a default KDE. All my settings are gone:-(04:42
Tonio_hunger: damn04:47
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Tonio_hunger: don't forget dapper isn't considered stable ;)05:16
Tonio_actually, I always keep a backup of my profile on another machine05:16
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SimeRiddell: I've fixed systemsettings such that it uses scrollbars instead of running outside the screen's boundary.07:24
Tonio_Sime: fantastic !07:34
Tonio_Sime: ping ?07:34
Tonio_there is a very easy patch to perform07:35
Tonio_but I can't do it myself07:35
Tonio_Sime: do you know C++07:35
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LureTonio_: I still remember some C++ (I am now more managing at work :-(()07:48
Lure(but I am still learning how to get package sources and similar)07:49
hungerTonio_: I know that kubuntu is not considered stable.08:01
hungerTonio_: But it soonish will be.08:02
hungerTonio_: Just give me a couple of hours to calm down again and I'll probably be back in ubuntu-land...08:10
hungerTonio_: FC starts to annoy me with taking too long to download already:-)08:13
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Tonio_Riddell: ping ? good news :)09:31
RiddellTonio_: hi10:16
Tonio_Riddell: fine ?10:17
Tonio_Riddell: just released the patch for the system:/ protocol :)10:17
RiddellTonio_: oh, groovy10:17
Tonio_now going to $home by default10:17
Tonio_took me so long, cause I don't know c++, but it works ;)10:17
Tonio_Riddell: I'm going to send you an email with patch 53 for kwallet, new k-d-s and patch 54 for system kio10:18
RiddellTonio_: great10:18
Tonio_I didn't receive any response of the guy that patched the google bar....10:18
RiddellTonio_: what changes to kwllet?10:18
Tonio_Riddell: do I integrate the dirfilter anyway ?10:18
RiddellTonio_: yes, for now, we can always take it out10:18
Tonio_Riddell: we discussed about that, it install a virgin default wallet without password10:19
Tonio_because the default config is a pain10:19
Riddellyep, nice10:19
Tonio_Riddell: also, there are 2 problems with kdeprint10:20
Tonio_I resolved the first one within kubuntu-default-settings10:20
Tonio_we were setting cups as default, but not the "localhost" server10:20
Tonio_Riddell: that is resolved, but there is another issue you may know, when no printers are installed10:21
Tonio_Riddell: we discovered gnome-cups-manager has the same issue, but soedn't display the error message, you only see it in shell10:21
Tonio_Riddell: do you think hidding the error message could be a temporary solution ?10:22
tvooh fck... still had to do that too...10:23
=== tvo puts big exclamation mark on todo list
Tonio_tvo: in fact when the first problem is resolved, a second appears.......10:23
Tonio_I think the problem is with cups, and not kdeprint10:23
SimeTonio_: hi10:23
Tonio_cups sends an error message when there are no printers installed10:24
Tonio_Sime: hello ;)10:24
tvoTonio_: first/second problem?10:24
Tonio_tvo: gnome avoids the error when kde displays it.......10:24
Tonio_tvo: the first one was that kdeprint was using the .sock file as "server address by default"10:24
tvooh that isn't about the googlebar, thought it was10:24
RiddellTonio_: interesting10:24
Tonio_tvo I resolved this with kubuntu-default-settings, in kdeprintrc file10:24
RiddellSime: top stuff on systemsettings :)10:25
SimeRiddell: does it work at your end? :->10:25
RiddellSime: not had a chance to try it yet10:25
Tonio_tvo: when this is set, there is a second issue as long a no printer is set, cups sends an error message that kdeprint displays10:25
Tonio_tvo: gnome-cups-manager displays the error in the shell output only10:26
SimeRiddell: the reset button is in a slightly illogical place in systemsettings.10:26
Tonio_best would be that canonical fixes cups Riddell, don't you think ? 10:26
Tonio_that would resolv the issue for gnome and kde in the same time10:26
tvoTonio_: I'm only 'the guy that patched the google bar', sorry for the confusion10:26
Tonio_tvo: ho it is you !!!!!!!!!10:26
Tonio_great ;)10:27
RiddellTonio_: pitti is the man we should talk to for CUPS10:27
Tonio_tvo: did you receive my mail ?10:27
SimeRiddell: I was thinking of moving it to the right of hte search box.10:27
tvoTonio_: hm, what was in the subject?10:28
Tonio_tvo don't remember10:28
Tonio_tvo: we would need the googlebar to be patched to not display in filemanagement profile10:28
Tonio_only kubuntu web10:28
tvoso I need to make the old searchbar optional again10:29
Tonio_tvo: we are going to use something else instead of googlebar with filemanagement10:29
Tonio_tvo: exactly ;)10:29
Tonio_even if optionnal, I have set the kubuntuweb pofile to use it, so that might be okay10:30
tvoyeah, I was just thinking about copying the normal searchbar, including it twice, one patched and one unpatched10:30
Tonio_well, if you can force it only for one profile, why not10:31
Tonio_the idea is simply that the bar doesn't appear in the filemanagment profile by default10:31
Tonio_tvo: up to you to choose the way to do it ;)10:31
tvodon't know, I'd have to see how that works in code10:31
tvoI'd guess you can just en/disable it in the profile?10:31
Tonio_tvo: oki ;)10:31
RiddellSime: hmm, it's consistent with konqueror where it is10:32
tvonow, I'm talking here anyway, do we still want it to show even when browsing files (in web management mode in this case that is)10:32
tvoif that's even possible10:33
tvoer, web browsing even10:33
Riddelltvo: we don't want the google bar to show when browsing files10:34
SimeRiddell: ok, it just looks bad with that "Reset" text under the icon.... anyway.10:34
tvook so I should remove that part of the patch10:34
Riddelltvo: yes please10:35
SimeTonio_: yes I know enough C++. What's the patch? (or email simon@simonzone.com)10:35
tvoTonio_: what's your name used in e-mail? (/me tries to find your mail...)10:35
RiddellSime: we could remove the text if that would look better, dunno10:35
Tonio_Sime: well, it is the one I finally managed to do myself ;)10:35
SimeRiddell: not sure if that will work...10:35
Tonio_just that I was unsure to be able to do it ;)10:36
Tonio_tvo: my name is Anthony Mercatante, tonio@ubuntu.com10:36
tvoTonio_: ah thanks, found it10:36
Tonio_tvo: your servant ;)10:37
tvoit slipped through between all mailing lists..10:37
tvoseems I've answered all your questions here already, right?10:38
Tonio_tvo: for me it is okay10:38
tvook, well, I'll try to work on it next week, see you later all10:42
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dennis_pping Sime10:47
Simedennis_p: pong10:57
dennis_pSime: I thought I read about graphical X configuration coming to kubuntu11:00
Simedennis_p: umm..  yeah11:00
dennis_pAh, I'm a Kubuntu MythTV user and that would be great I was also thinking about how it could be even better in the future11:01
dennis_pSime: see http://lists.duskglow.com/open-graphics/2006-March/004838.html11:02
RiddellSime: shouldn't Reset be near Apply?11:02
Riddellah, there's two resets11:02
SimeRiddell: huh?11:02
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Riddellignore me11:02
jjesseafternoon :)11:03
dennis_pSime: And my question after reading that would be: do you think a Kubuntu SCART TV edition would be feasible?11:04
Simedennis_p: you mean Kubuntu support for this SCART-TV-deinterlaced-mode?11:07
dennis_pand perhaps a SCART safe kubuntu distro optimal for installing Mythtv11:08
dennis_pI found mythtv and X difficult to configure, luckily it was doable (although time consuming) on kubuntu11:10
RiddellSime: guidance 0.6.2 looks good, I'll upload11:12
RiddellSime: userconfig broke on my /etc/passwd though, for some reason I have a blank line in there11:12
SimeRiddell: /etc/passwd is empty?11:13
RiddellSime: it's not, I just have a blank line in it, which breaks userconfig11:13
SimeRiddell: ok :) that's not so bad.11:14
SimeRiddell: I'll add that to the TODO list.11:14
RiddellI wonder if that's espresso playing with my /etc/passwd or something11:14
dennis_pPerhaps guidance (that is the x configure gui right) can have SCART RGB modes preconfigured as options somewhere11:14
dennis_pmodlines scare me :-)11:15
Simedennis_p: TV support will be started after Dapper. I'll keep that mode in mind. As for a special MythTV edition, it sounds good but I don't have time to make it. :-)11:16
Simedennis_p: it is also a matter of "how many people have 100Hz TVs and scart?"11:17
dennis_pJust 200 million i think11:17
Simedennis_p: you also need a little bit of hardware to do this? y/n11:18
dennis_pA VGA > scart cable not available in shops but only in big cable webshops11:19
Simedennis_p: also composite signal?11:20
dennis_pNO all european TVs can use VGA compatible RGB steering, only sync needs to get mixed woth some tiny scheme in the cable11:21
dennis_pBut like old computer monitors a too high signal is not healthy for the TV11:22
dennis_pMost DVD players have RGB mode in Europe meaning you don't have any composite colour range compression loss.11:27
SimeI didn't know that.  Do you have any links to info about the modelines needed to do this?11:29
dennis_pyes the Haupage mythtv card also does this its the Pal mode in all mythtv documention11:31
dennis_pHauppauge the most popular mythtv card11:33
SimeHauppauge also does output (as well as capture?)11:35
dennis_pyes it comes with a scart connector11:36
dennis_pyou can get extra cards with only input too of course to record more analog channels11:38
dennis_pOutput is just a framebuffer and makes KDE desktop redraw rather slow :-)11:39
raphinkRiddell: ping11:40
dennis_pbut mythtv has been deigned with that in mind of course11:40
Simedennis_p: but it is still running X11 for KDE? do you have an example of a xorg.conf for this?11:42
dennis_pyes mythtv runs in X11 on top of the KDE desktop11:43
dennis_pand draws faster (or has less complexity to draw) than the desktop11:45
dennis_pIts a Qt program11:45
Simedo you have an example of a xorg.conf for this?11:48
Simeusing that screen mode?11:49
Sime(then I could get an idea about where this would fit into guidance/displayconfig)11:49
dennis_pyes with 3 timings. your email?11:49
Simei'm busy now hunting down extra screen modes for widescreen displays. :-/11:49
dennis_pYou have mail. So one could apply these mods on a SCART framebuffer device11:53
Riddellraphink: hi11:53
dennis_por on a nvidia card but then the nvidia hardware converts it into yellow composite signal11:54
raphinkhi Riddell11:54
raphinkRiddell: I was wondering today about a communautary blog for kubuntu devs11:54
raphinkwhat would you think?11:54
dennis_por make, or search for, a VGA to SSCART conversion cable11:55
Simedennis_p: thanks,11:55
=== Sime is now known as Sime|Zzz
dennis_pand connect the VGA to SCART cable to the VGA out of the nvidia card and pray that you did not use wrong timings as some TV may not react well to outbound frequencies11:57

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