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Madpilothi robitaille 06:51
robitaillehi Madpilot 06:51
robotgeekhey Madpilot robitaille 06:51
robitailleHi robotgeek 06:52
=== robotgeek is writing a k3b section
robotgeekMadpilot: do you think it's a good idea to just link to howto's in the kde help menu?07:09
=== kgoetz [n=kgoetz@ppp199-93.lns1.adl4.internode.on.net] has joined #ubuntu-doc
kgoetzrobotgeek: anything you want checked especialy?07:11
Madpilotwhy not, if someone's already done some work for you, and they're good howtos?07:11
robotgeekMadpilot: they are pretty good07:12
robotgeeki'll just tell them what to install, and point them to the guides07:12
robotgeekkgoetz: http://doc.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/status/kdg-report.html07:12
kgoetzrobotgeek: so lots of 'awaiting review' is this a case of 'use it and see if it works', or do you need detailed feedback?07:14
robotgeekkgoetz: mostly it should be correct, typos anything really07:15
robotgeekkgoetz: basically, if it is wrong, tell me!07:15
kgoetzok :)07:15
robotgeekkgoetz: get the svn however, and look it up there07:15
=== kgoetz scps svn off desktop to box with kubuntu
kgoetzbrb. changing into ubuntu for scp :)07:16
robotgeekkgoetz: can you wait for about 5 minutes, i'll commit my changes07:18
robotgeekkgoetz: or svn up after 5 minutes again :)07:18
kgoetz<grin> robotgeek it will take 5 min to copy i expect :)07:20
Madpilotrobotgeek, a day or two ago I noticed that there was still a lot of Gnome-specific stuff in KDG, leftovers from UDG. Is that gone?07:22
kgoetzis it possible to scp over a cron job? or do they have to be entered by hand?07:22
robotgeekMadpilot: was it the last chapter?07:22
Madpilotyeah, the tips section - which is gone in UDG, btw07:22
robotgeekMadpilot: umm, okay. lemme take a deeper look. after i make these changes07:24
robotgeekthanks for the heads up :)07:24
Madpilotrobotgeek, you've also got a lot of the graphics cards/3d stuff tagged as Help Wanted - can't that be a straight copy from UDG?07:25
robotgeekMadpilot: only to verify the menu entries, i guess07:25
robotgeekthey won't install for me, i am ppc07:26
=== robotgeek should have commented in the source, btwe
Madpilotare there Kubuntu Dapper LiveCDs ISOs somewhere? I should pull one down, if I can07:26
kgoetzMadpilot: got room fora chroot? its actualy reasonably easy07:27
Madpilotnot in my root partition currently07:27
robotgeekMadpilot: cdimage.ubuntu.com07:28
=== kgoetz just made his kubuntu chroot in his home
MadpilotKubuntu Flight4 torrent started07:30
robotgeeki need to get a image myself, i think07:30
robotgeeki have no clue as to how the default install looks/works07:31
Madpilotheh. That's one problem, we tweak all our installs because we know how, to some degree, and don't get the default experience07:31
MadpilotLiveCDs are useful for that07:32
kgoetzrobotgeek: you made that commit? (not rushing you, just wondering)07:33
robotgeekkgoetz: 2 more minutes, just validation errors07:34
kgoetzwhat do you use to look at the svn repo in kde? not yelp i just discovered07:43
robotgeekkgoetz: you can use yelp07:47
robotgeekkgoetz: commited07:47
=== kgoetz doesnt have yelp installed - is that wrong?
robotgeekkgoetz: it's a gnome thing, install it for quick and dirty xml file viewing07:52
kgoetznothing in kubuntu to do the job?07:52
robotgeekkgoetz: not unless you want to convert xml to html07:52
=== kgoetz installs yelp
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=== kgoetz grits teeth and actualy installs yelp this time
Madpilotanyone know what's with the numbered wikinames lately? There's been a whole raft of edits by folks with exciting nicks like "215" and "220"08:39
Madpilotand "S0106000d88b9f3db" - hope that doesn't have to get typed out too often...08:40
robotgeekMadpilot: weird, 130 61 214 also08:40
Madpilotthe 215-220 stuff reminds me of class stuff - I remember in wikipedia there was an entire class signed up at once, with sequential nicks like that08:41
Madpilotsome 1st year uni journalism class, or something08:41
robotgeekChinthakaDeshapriya is the guy, i am not sure what's happening and why08:42
Madpilotactually, at least part of that looks like some sort of wiki error - because there are NO familiar nicks in the RecentChanges list08:43
Madpilotyeah, it's some odd error08:43
Madpilot"S0106000d88b9f3db" is actually me, it's a RestrictedFormats edit I did earlier today08:44
Madpilotthe bottom of RestrictedFormats still has my nick... WTF?08:44
Madpilotnevermind, I just force-reloaded and it's all back to normal... what was that?08:45
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mdkerobotgeek, did you have any luck using the preface.xml? I don't understand wy08:51
mdkewhy the preface.xml doesn't work and the legal files work08:51
mdkethey are identical AFAICS08:52
kgoetz bblish08:52
robotgeekmdke: did not bother, just removed the headers and put in libs/preface.xml08:52
robotgeekin ubuntu-doc/kubuntu/libs to be precise08:52
mdkeso weird08:53
mdkewhy on earth do the licenses work fine08:53
mdkerobotgeek, just reading scrollback, if you do internal links to the kde help documentation, be careful about what happens when we put the documents online08:54
robotgeekmdke: hmm, they don't work08:55
mdkeright. Maybe it's best not to link, but to refer to the document with words?08:55
mdkewe have the same problem with the gnome stuff.08:57
robotgeekmdke: hmm, i can link online?08:57
robotgeekmdke: docs.kde.org also has it mirrored08:57
robhello mdke 08:58
mdkerobotgeek, sounds good08:58
mdkerobotgeek, hiya08:58
mdkerob, hiya08:58
robotgeekmdke: should i retain the khelp links?08:58
robotgeekhey rob 08:58
robhi robotgeek 08:58
mdkerobotgeek, those won't work online, I presume08:58
robotgeekmdke: no, i can say <ulink url="khelp://blah"> offline link </ulink>08:59
robotgeekalong with the online link09:00
robmdke, do you know much about www.raiclick.it (I'm assuming .it = italian)?09:00
robgod bless babelfish09:01
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mdkerobotgeek, ok, if you think it'll make sense in the online version09:02
mdkerob, yes, it = italian09:02
robotgeekmdke: i don't want people without internet to lose out :P09:02
mdkerobotgeek, yeah I know.09:03
mdkerob, rai is the state managed television network. that page is a "what's new on rai" sort of thing09:03
robah, I see. Someone at work mentioned it today, I'm guessing all the shows are in italian too09:04
robdam my lack of education about other-then-English languages09:06
mdkeit's not the greatest television in the world09:07
robthe guy at work I mentioned downloads around 90gig a month from there09:08
mdkeodd chap09:09
mdkeis he italian? maybe he is homesick09:09
robyeah, I'm thinking that09:09
robhe copies them for his parents too09:09
robhe didn't mention he was09:09
robI did watch a french horror movie last night though, although I couldn't understand a word of it the movie was better then a lot of other horror movies I've seen lately (tried the english dub, couldn't stand that)09:11
robitaillewhat was the title?09:14
robumm.. High Tension09:16
robin English at least09:16
mdke--> work09:22
robitaillehumm...never heard of that movie.  But I'm not watching so many french movies nowadays09:31
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robotgeekMadpilot: i've lost the tips and tricks chapter in kdg too09:53
robotgeeknot today, previously09:53
Madpilotrobotgeek, it's still in SVN, and still full of Gnome-specific tricks09:56
robotgeekhttp://doc.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/desktopguide-web/C/index.html 09:57
robotgeekignore chapter4, other than that i think i've gotten to all09:57
Madpilotthere's still a tips-and-tricks.xml in your directory of our SVN, though - are you just leaving it out of the build scripts?09:59
robotgeekMadpilot: oops, yeah. i need to delete that09:59
Madpilotnp - you had me confused for a while there :P10:00
robotgeeksame here!10:00
MadpilotI hadn't realized that "Kubuntu" actually meant something, thought it was just "KDE + Ubuntu". Cool.10:04
mdkeit was accidental, I believe10:05
mdkepretty cool tho10:06
kgoetzMadpilot: you reading the starter guide?10:06
Madpilotkgoetz, Kubuntu Desktop Guide10:06
kgoetz*sp ;P10:06
=== kgoetz views it also
Madpilotrobotgeek, style suggestion: http://doc.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/desktopguide-web/C/add-applications.html <-- here, loose the sentence "You may also wish to increase the number of programs available to install through your package managers." - it just repeats what's said better in the next two sentences10:07
=== robotgeek suggests svn updating
Madpilot...that's what I get for reading the out-of-date website version, isn't it? :P10:08
robotgeekMadpilot: oh no, not you10:08
robotgeeki'm going to lose the thing,10:08
=== kgoetz wonders if 1.1.7 is correct - para 2 o_0
robotgeekMadpilot: i lost the thing, i will commit with next change10:09
kgoetzwill kubuntu be shipping cds as of dapper (i heard it will?)10:14
=== mdke has a look at bulking up the Office section of the Desktop Guide
Madpilotmdke, I know OpenOffice is mentioned in the intro, but it's odd that our Office section doesn't mention it at all...10:19
mdkei'm adding it now10:20
mdkeand gnome-office too10:20
Madpilotmdke, we should try and tie into that set of example documents that's being prepped for Dapper10:27
mdkeMadpilot, what do you have in mind?10:27
Madpilotsomething like, "To see some of what you can do in <app>, see the example content <in filesystem>" - for stuff like OO Present, maybe10:28
=== mpt [n=mpt@219-89-138-6.jetstart.xtra.co.nz] has joined #ubuntu-doc
MadpilotImpress, rather10:29
mdkehmm good idea. we can wait and see how they tie the example content into the applications10:31
mdkeMadpilot, by the way I saw your comment about gnucash and menu entries. For an example of what I've been doing for programs without menu entries, check out dvdrip10:31
mdketell me if you think that is reasonable10:31
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Madpilotmdke, yeah, that works.10:32
=== robotgeek is considering getting rid of dvdrip method inview of easier way with k3b
Madpilotk3b rips DVD too?10:38
mdkerobotgeek, what is the default way to do it with the desktop?10:39
robotgeekmdke: i don't follow10:39
robotgeekmdke: what do you mean?10:40
mdkeis there a dvdripper with the desktop?10:41
mdkeinstalled by default10:41
robotgeekmdke: hmm, k3b does it on kde10:42
mdkesounds good then10:42
kgoetzping robotgeek?10:46
robotgeekpong kgoetz 10:46
kgoetzwhen do you want feedback? and do you want diffs for any sugestions?10:46
robotgeekkgoetz: anytime, diffs would be great!10:47
kgoetzill try and get you something tonight (my tonight ;D), no promices about usefullness:)10:48
robotgeekkgoetz: do you have a digital camera?10:48
kgoetzrobotgeek: one up at the house, yeh10:49
mdkeMadpilot, Ok I've committed the office stuff. Take a look whenever10:50
robotgeekkgoetz: might be useful to verify the digital camera section, i wrote one without having one, lol10:50
kgoetzlol. right... ;) i usualy use mine as a mass storage device, but i will look at the camera section :)10:50
kgoetzjebediah <- is taht a biblical name? just wondering (noticed it in the docs)10:52
Madpilotmdke, I just skimmed the commit email, it looks good.10:52
mdkeMadpilot, cool11:00
mdkewhat else needs doing?11:01
Madpilotnot sure - I'll have another look thru it tomorrow11:01
mdkedamn the guide is good11:01
mdkeperhaps the Internet section needs a bit of love11:02
mdkeoh and games11:03
Madpilotgames could do with a few intro blurbs - what is Frozen-Bubble, etc11:03
Madpilotso could some of the other sections, actually11:03
=== mdke nods
robotgeekMadpilot: thanks for the suggestion, committed11:04
Madpilotrobotgeek, np11:04
robotgeek-> bed11:05
kgoetzlater mate11:06
mdkewhat's English for "spatial mode"?11:06
Madpilot"barfing lots of windows all over the place"11:07
kgoetzwhich one is that again?11:07
kgoetzoh, lol11:07
Madpilotit's a Nautilus setting11:07
kgoetzi remember the pain when it got removed (lists went crazy), i just wasnt sure what it meant ;)11:07
mdkei can't use the word "barf"11:07
Madpilotwhy not?11:08
mdkewell, I could11:08
mdkegood point11:08
crimsunno, but you can use the verb to open11:08
mdke"How to make nautilus open windows all over the place"?11:08
Madpilot"How to make Nautilus open one window per directory"?11:08
mdkemaybe it's "Window Mode"?11:08
Madpilotyou could compare it to MS's 'My Computer', which also chucks windows everywhere11:09
crimsunor perhaps more precisely, "How to have Nautilus open a new window for each directory"11:09
mdkeit's a bit long winded11:10
mdkebut it's better than "Spatial Mode"11:10
Madpilot"How to enable the most irritating feature ever coded into Gnome" :P11:10
mdkeby several million percent11:10
mdkeMadpilot, if it's that irritating, we don't need to document it. But some people must like it, surely11:11
MadpilotI guess they do, so we should document it. someone must have thought it was a good idea, to code it in the first place11:11
mdkeyep, and I think it's still in the preferences, which means it must be regarded as a really good idea11:12
mdkeoh, we need to rewrite the windows partition section too11:12
mdkeapparently it can be done in the hardware gui11:12
poningruin the wiki can we have inpage template usage?11:19
poningrumake it for things like 'make sure to have your universe and multiverse repos turned on'11:20
Madpilotponingru, macros, you mean?11:34
poningruyeah I guess11:37
poningruwikipedia calls it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Template_messages11:38
mdkeMadpilot, ah, gnome-office includes planner, dia and inkscape too :)11:41
mdkethat's easy11:41
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kgoetzdo we have/need a section on dpkg ?12:06
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mdkekgoetz, no, and no, I think12:08
kgoetzmdke: ok12:09
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mdkeare we going to document backports in the Desktop Guide?01:22
jsgotangcoit would be a good idea if writers still have time to add those01:31
mdkeyeah we can do it, I guess01:32
kgoetzapart from adding them to list list of enableable repositories, what is there to write? background info?01:33
mdkewhat it is, risks etc01:33
jsgotangcoas long as they use ubuntu backports i guess its ok, and treat them the same way as multiverse01:34
kgoetzand dont upgrade between versions with them on :/ iv seen that before01:34
jsgotangcoargg malone spam :P01:34
mdkethe proper way to treat backports is treating them as the unstable distribution01:34
mdkei think01:34
jsgotangcothat would be much better01:35
kgoetzsounds good01:35
mdkesince they are simply packages from the unstable distribution, made for the current stable01:35
=== mdke jumps on jsgotangco
jsgotangcoit must be nice to have lots of free time at work :D01:38
mdkei don't have lots01:38
mdkebut today I am quite free01:38
jsgotangcoim currently somewhere waayyyyy down south with shitty internet01:39
=== mdke stops with malone
jsgotangcoc'mon don't be shy :)01:42
mdkethere are no more bugs :(01:42
=== kgoetz is making a list for KDG (KSG?)
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onkarshindeHello guys.01:50
onkarshindeNeed some advice01:50
=== _bert_ [n=bert@202-136-109-65.ip.adam.com.au] has joined #ubuntu-doc
mdkeonkarshinde, what sort of advice?01:50
onkarshindemdke: SOny Ericsson phones provide functionality for remote control over bluetooth. I am creating page foe this on wiki.01:51
mdkeonkarshinde, ok, ask away01:51
onkarshindeI have created a configuration file to control Totem. I am just note sure where to put the file.01:51
mdkeyou can paste it on the page, if it is short01:52
mdkeby the way, did you see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BluetoothSetup?01:52
mdkeyou might be able to integrate your page into that one01:52
onkarshindemdke: I checked that page. I don't think I can integrate my page with it.01:53
jsgotangcoonkarshinde, did you actually get it to work???01:53
=== jsgotangco has an SE phone too
onkarshindeThe file is actually tar archive which contains an image and a configuration file. Also the configuration file is very large with almost every key on phone mapped to some command in Totem01:54
onkarshindejsgotangco: Yes I did.01:54
=== jsgotangco has a presentation in a few days and would kiss you if he gets it to work
onkarshindejsgotangco: The Presentation profile provised by default doesn't seem to woth in OOo impress. The Desktop cinfiguration works. It is not very hard to create new configuration file.01:55
jsgotangcoits still a good start01:55
=== jsgotangco really likes this feature in his k600i
onkarshindejsgotangco: Many SE phones provide this functionality.01:56
onkarshindejsgotangco: Will upload Totem configuration somewhere in 5-10 minutes and will let you know.01:57
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onkarshindejsgotangco: Here you go https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BluetoothRemote02:21
jsgotangcowowee zoweee02:21
onkarshindeThis is my first page on Wiki. I hope the way content is represented is okay.02:22
jsgotangcoahhh so the config file is just a simple xml file02:23
jsgotangcothe key bindings look very much the same with a k600i02:23
onkarshindejsgotangco: That is why I said it is easy to make it. But wouldn't it be good if everything is just two click install and run?02:24
jsgotangcoon windows you just say you want an HID and it just works02:25
onkarshindejsgotangco: Windows XP works out of box. Windows 2k requires some application to handle HID.02:25
jsgotangcoi only tried XP02:26
onkarshindejsgotangco: Please try Totem configuration on Linux and add your phone to the list if it works.02:26
jsgotangcoyep i'll try it later02:27
onkarshindejsgotangco: Thanks.02:27
jsgotangcothanks for the wiki page too!02:27
onkarshindejsgotangco: I am not sure how many other phones like Nokia or Motorola provide this functionality.02:27
jsgotangcoi have 3 bluetooth phones i can try02:28
=== jsgotangco has a nokia and wife has moto
onkarshindejsgotangco: Of course for them configuration format will be somewhat different.02:29
jsgotangcoi'll look for them when i get to finish some stuff02:30
jsgotangcobut i can guess the k600 would run just like your config02:30
onkarshindejsgotangco: Yes. it would. And all other SE phones that provide this functionality02:32
kgoetzrobotgeek: i just went start to finish through the desktop guide. now i have my list of 'interesting' points, ill start doing diffs03:30
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=== mdke struggles hard to think of a user friendly title for the backports section
mdke"Get your Crack Here" doesn't seem to ring true03:43
kgoetz"Break my Ubuntu?" :)03:44
kgoetzwhat does the title need to convey? "here be backports"?03:45
kgoetzor something deeper?03:45
jsgotangcoBleeding edge for your insatiable thirst03:46
mdkeit needs to say what they are, i guess03:51
mdkeExperimental New Packages, or something03:52
mdkedammit, gnome-software-properties doesn't have a backports entry, afaics03:52
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kgoetzping? anyone awake?05:53
kgoetzi have a total of 60k of diffs. should i email them direct to robotgeek, or send a few emails to the list?05:53
mdkedirect to him05:54
kgoetzok. thanks05:54
mdkenice work05:54
kgoetzwow. i think it even validated ;). ok. im sending email and crashing.3.30 am is after my bedtime :/05:55
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LaserJockmdke: ping?06:23
mdkeLaserJock, yo06:24
LaserJockmdke: the doc-base thing06:25
mdkeah goody06:26
LaserJockwe can include a docbase file in the .deb06:26
LaserJockbut I'm not entirely sure what all that would give us06:26
LaserJockbut I do maintain a package with one06:27
LaserJockmdke: a quick run down is at http://www.debian.org/doc/maint-guide/ch-dother.en.html#s-doc-base06:27
LaserJockmdke: it seems mostly for HTML files. Are we shipping HTML too?06:28
mdkenot much, no06:28
mdkeactually, we are shipping it, but only the xml is registered in scrollkeeper06:29
mdkedoes docbase do xml too?06:29
mdkeenrico, ^06:30
LaserJockmdke: I'm not sure, it does info, ps and html for sure. The man page says that all non-man docs should be registered with it06:31
LaserJockmdke: hmm, the manual says 'Only "HTML", "DebianDoc-SGML", and "Text" is recognized.'06:33
mdkei'm not going to get that excited about this tho06:34
mdkelots of writing to be done06:34
LaserJockmdke: anyway, I don't know if we should bother but if we do want to register the docs in docbase I can write the file for debian/06:36
enricomdke: hi06:36
enricoyumm docbase06:36
mdkeenrico, ciao. ^^06:36
enricoHave you installed the package doc-base?06:37
LaserJockI have06:38
enricohad a look at /usr/share/doc/doc-base/doc-base.html ?06:38
enrico(or /usr/share/doc/doc-base/doc-base.txt.gz)06:39
enricoLaserJock: oh, you quoted it above, sorry06:39
enricoSo, you use doc-base to register the documentation with a system documentation database06:40
enricoif you have xml that is not debiandoc-sgml, then don't register it06:40
LaserJockright, but it would only do the HTML I think06:40
enricosame for info and ps06:40
enricoright, only do the html06:40
enricofor info there's a dh_registerinfo or something similar06:41
enricolemme see06:41
LaserJockhow many people use dwww or dhelp?06:41
enricoLaserJock: AFAIK very few, but a tool that accesses that database could come out at any time06:41
enricoLaserJock: so the small effort of writing the docbase file can pay off somewhere in the future06:42
enricolet's say it's one of those things that "bring you good luck" :)06:42
enricoIt's really a matter of putting it down following the example in the file06:42
LaserJockmakes sense. it isn't hard to do. I've already done one for one of the packages I maintain in Debian06:42
enricoDocument: quickguide06:42
enricoTitle: The Ubuntu Quick Guide06:42
enricoAuthor: LaserJock06:43
mdkeso we'll need to decide whether to ship HTML or not06:43
enricoAbstract: ...06:43
enricoand so on06:43
LaserJockmdke: yeah06:43
mdkeenrico, do you need to register each translation with doc-base?06:43
enrico.oO([HTML or not]   oh no, not again!) :)06:43
mdkeenrico, we'll definitely be shipping xml. It's just a question of whether to ship the html too. For the Server Guide, it makes sense to ship it06:44
enricomdke: [translation]  now, that's a good question.  The doc-base manual doesn't mention it06:44
enricoI'm asking around about translations06:45
LaserJockI just took a look with dhelp and it seems pretty cool.06:46
enricomdke: don't worry.  I just remember some loooong discussions about it in the past06:46
mdkeyeah, i remember06:46
mdkethanks for asking around06:46
enricoI don't seem to be getting answers yet, though :(06:46
enricowell, if I get answers I'll let you know.  If I don't get answers, then you just register the untranslated documents and wait for a bug report :)06:50
enrico(and then you can ask the bug reporter how to do it)06:50
mdkeok, thanks06:50
=== mdke passes the buck to LaserJock
LaserJockmdke: if decision is made to do register the docs just assign the bug to me and I'll take care of it06:50
mdkeconsider the decision made :)06:50
LaserJockas a yes?06:50
mdkeit can't do any harm to register them, right?06:51
LaserJockI don't think so06:51
mdke--> home06:51
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johndarkhorsebah, wrong room.07:02
johndarkhorsewho is in charge of the server?07:02
johndarkhorsefolks are getting 403s07:02
johndarkhorseat the wiki07:02
LaserJockthere was some downtime last night 03:00-06:00 UTC 07:05
LaserJockit's working fine now07:06
LaserJockCanonical was moving some stuff around07:06
LaserJockjohndarkhorse: need anything else?07:07
johndarkhorsenah, i'll inform all concerned.07:07
johndarkhorseduh, i'm using the wrong nick07:07
johndarkhorsey'all be good07:07
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enricomdke: my trusted localization top-expert told me that he has no idea :-/08:01
robotgeekjjesse: question. The system menu entries like "K-Menu -> Multimedia -> Media Player (Kaffeine)"08:08
=== lakin [n=lakin@dsl-hill-66-18-228-60-cgy.nucleus.com] has joined #ubuntu-doc
robotgeekshould be exactly the same, right. as in Media Player (Kaffeine) and not Kaffine (Media Player)08:09
jjesseshould match what is in the K-Menu is my view08:09
jjessein my dapper build it is Kaffine (Media Player)08:09
robotgeekdamn, it says otherwise in mine08:10
=== robotgeek cries *why*
jjesseall of mine are like that AmaroK (Audio Player) etc08:10
robotgeekjjesse: damn, that will take a lot of changing, i think i need to write a vim macro now. *sigh*08:11
jjessewhouldn't it make sense to have it look exactly like the kmenu is setup?08:11
jjessebtw it should be an emacs macro :)08:11
robotgeekjjesse: yes it would, except that that was the way it shows up in mine. 08:12
LaserJockI suppose it would depend on how fresh your install is, that is usually one of the first things I change08:12
robotgeekyou can change that?08:12
jjessei didn't know you could change it, mine is dapper4 with latest updates08:13
robotgeeki think mine was the same, flight 4 with updates08:13
robotgeekwow, there are many spelling mistakes in the docs08:19
robotgeekaspell --mode=sgml -c foo.xml08:19
jjessefx them!!!!08:19
robotgeekyeah, fixing them08:20
LaserJockit is a configuration you can change, so if you have an old ~/ then you might have them different08:21
jjessei'm a fresh install08:22
LaserJockhmm, I thought it was the other way around by default, maybe they changed that08:22
robotgeekoh yes, i moved my .kde from older machine08:23
LaserJockglad I could help ;-)08:23
robotgeekoh well, i'll finish spell checking and then fix the menu entries08:23
LaserJockalthough that is terrible since I haven't run KDE for months08:24
LaserJockyou guys are supposed to be the KDE experts :)08:24
=== robotgeek goes to look up apostrophe' abuse
LaserJockoh yeah, how about commas, I'm terrible about them08:25
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robotgeekmdke: would you know if "/usr/share/doc/kde/HTML/en/common" is present on doc.ubuntu.com10:45
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