
=== arkan0x [n=arkan0x@pc-71-87-215-201.cm.vtr.net] has joined #edubuntu
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netdurhey, what age of students edubuntu traget?12:22
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Burgworknetdur, elementary is the current sweet spot12:57
woolbeoAnyone gotten local apps to work with  ltsp on dapper/breezey?12:58
netdurBurgwork: thanks... I have a two questions about edubuntu01:02
Burgworknetdur, shoot01:02
netdurI may LEGALY pre-configure edubuntu to match local needs AND still call it edubuntu MOROCCAN EDITION?01:03
Burgworkhmm, that falls under trademark01:04
BurgworkI would email trademark@ubuntu.com01:04
netdurI'm planing to email them01:05
netdurI mean info@canonical.com01:05
netdurnow no needs for second question01:08
woolbeoHow do you disable bootsplash for ltsp clients?01:11
ogranetdur, what exactly would you need ? probably we can just include it in edubuntu 01:27
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netdurogra, can I email you?01:39
ograogra@ubuntu.com 01:41
ograbut dont expect answer today, its late here, i'll go to bed soon01:41
netdurokay wont email you today01:42
ograemail whenever you want, just dont expect me to answer immediately today ;)01:42
netdurit's okay :)01:43
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JaneWargh where's netdur gone?08:46
=== JaneW checks timestamps and goes back to e-mails
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spaceyogra: ping11:55
spaceyJaneW: ping12:05
highvoltagehi spacey 12:08
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JaneWspacey: pong12:09
spaceyi'll be running for ubuntu member today :p12:10
JaneWspacey: cool :)12:10
spaceyi hope its enough :P12:10
JaneWgood luck!12:11
JaneWI am sure ogra will vouch for you...12:11
highvoltageyes, good luck!12:11
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ograJaneW, sure i will :)12:53
JaneWogra: :)12:53
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jsgotangcoogra, what is happening to \sh?01:29
highvoltagejsgotangco: did something happen to him?01:29
ograhe has a new job... no idea what happened in the last 4 weeks ...01:29
jsgotangcoim reading planet01:30
=== ogra looks
highvoltagehmmm.. why does canonical need 'recent MS Windows experience' for a senior support engineer?01:33
=== highvoltage wonders where this original jobspec is posted
highvoltageogra: how gar is \sh from you?01:34
ograabout 70km01:34
jsgotangcohighvoltage, for migration stuff01:34
highvoltagejsgotangco: ah, ok. of course.01:34
jsgotangcoi could actually apply but i dont think i have enough credentials01:34
ograhighvoltage, http://www.ubuntu.com/employment01:35
jsgotangcoim already senior here locally, but for canonical i would only be classified as junior i'd say01:36
=== MyISPsuX [n=igotnoti@cpe-24-210-203-224.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #edubuntu
MyISPsuXmorning :)01:40
MyISPsuXIs anyone in this room?01:41
ogranope :)01:41
MyISPsuXgood I hate socializing01:41
MyISPsuX:) I have some questions about this distro01:41
MyISPsuXI am of course tired of windows again01:41
MyISPsuXand am putting ubuntu in my desktop and laptop both01:41
MyISPsuXI seen edubunto and thought it would be awesome for my kids01:42
ograyeah :)01:42
MyISPsuXI would like most for them to run a live cd, but they want to use tehir firefox books and other small things like that...01:42
MyISPsuXIs the best option a USB frive?01:43
MyISPsuXor can it be configured that only one or two directories are writable?01:43
MyISPsuXThey have great skills at locking stuff up and damaging OS's01:44
MyISPsuXany suggestions?01:44
ograthe new liveCd has a presisten home option with which you can keep your personal data on a usb stick 01:44
highvoltagekewl :)01:44
ograbut it wont come out before april01:44
MyISPsuXthank you sooooo much!01:44
MyISPsuXohhhh :(01:45
MyISPsuXThey can wait :D01:45
highvoltagewell, even the older live cd will automount the usb stick, so they could manually drag/save files there.01:45
ograwe had no live CD last release ... sorry for that01:45
highvoltageoh, right /me was thinking about ubuntu live01:45
ograhighvoltage, yes, but that'd be a ubuntu live01:45
MyISPsuXWell even if I put in an old 10GB hard drive, they could use that with a live?01:46
MyISPsuXam I looking at live cd's the wrong way?01:46
MyISPsuXwould it be best to partition 1/2 the drive and leave the second partition writable?01:46
ograthe liveCd does everything the normal installed system does as well 01:46
MyISPsuXso there is some functionality01:46
ograso if you plug in any removable device, it will get mounted as on the installed version01:46
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MyISPsuXyes but the shortcut to it would be on the desktop of the live cd even after a reboot?01:47
ograthat *could* work, i actually never tried 01:47
MyISPsuXI mean once everything is installed, could you make all folders read only?01:48
MyISPsuXthen they have a single writable folder?01:48
MyISPsuXit really needs to be bombproof, they even click popups01:48
ograyou can put your children in a separate group that has only write access to one folder, yes01:48
MyISPsuXok, are there many apps that the kids would enjoy on the ISO already?01:49
ograthe april release will ship with pessulus, which is a tool to lock down the desktop01:49
=== Yagisan waves hello
ograhi Yagisan 01:49
MyISPsuXIs there a news or info release on the April release?01:49
ograMyISPsuX, on the ubuntu CD ? not really01:50
MyISPsuXedubuntu ?01:50
MyISPsuXI already have ubuntu for myself01:50
ograwe didnt change much this release .... so the applists yoou can find on www.edubuntu.org still apply01:50
MyISPsuXI am just looking for a non-MS option for the kids computer01:50
MyISPsuXthis is the targetted audience correct?01:51
ogramainly gcompris the tux4kids apps and kdeedu are for the kids ...01:51
ograthats what we ship as our killer apps :)01:51
ogra(apart from ltsp which is our server side )01:51
MyISPsuXok I'll be back in a bit with a few more questions gonna keep reading about it01:51
ograif you want to use edubuntu, please see the EdubuntuInstallNotes on the wiki01:52
ogra(since you likely dont want a ltsp server at home :) )01:53
=== highvoltage has two ltsp servers at home :)
Yagisanthat must make me odd wanting ltsp at home01:54
highvoltageYagisan: i think you are normal. don't listen to ogra :)01:54
=== ogra has 4 ltsp servers at home :P
highvoltageogra: you win01:54
highvoltagewhen local apps become better, i want to have a thin client on my TV running mythtv or something similar01:55
Yagisandoes it count if they are also in vmware or xen ?01:55
ograthats easily done 01:55
highvoltageYagisan: no, i don't think so01:55
highvoltageogra: really? do i install it in chroot and then ssh -X to the local machine?01:56
ograwhy ssh -X ?01:56
ograif you have it in the chroot, it already runs 01:56
highvoltageogra: i don't know. first thing that popped in my head. i think that's how you do local apps with k12ltsp01:56
highvoltageogra: how would i do it then?01:56
ograits not really ltsp anymore ... but the same way you did it when you apt-get installed ubuntu-desktop in your chroot ...01:57
ogradid you say that worked fine ? 01:57
highvoltageyep, although i had to break/fix a bunch of other stuff to make it work fine.01:57
ograits just netbooting a client with nfs mounted root :)01:58
highvoltagebut yes, i could install a full fat client system in the chroot and boot from that01:58
ograyou will likely have to tweak the ltsp-client initscript ... but that should be it01:58
highvoltageyes, but i want a standard ubuntu ltsp, capable of running local apps!01:58
highvoltagereason: just because that would be ultra-cool.01:58
ograthats something for dapper+1 or +2 :)01:58
highvoltageyeah, i know :)01:59
Yagisanheh - folding@home highvoltage. You can join teamubuntu :)01:59
ogra(rather +2, since we'll have to deal with local devices first)01:59
highvoltagewhen edubuntu has local devices, local apps, and nicer LDM themes, no educational distro will be able to compete anymore. mhuhahahahaha02:00
ogradont forget ltsp kiosk mode out of the box :)02:01
highvoltageant that, of course02:02
highvoltageMyISPsuX: Linux Terminal Server Project02:02
highvoltageMyISPsuX: it allowes you to run diskless thin clients from your edubuntu server02:02
MyISPsuXhard on the router?02:03
MyISPsuXhigh bandwidth?02:03
ograyou can run it fine on a 100Mbit network02:03
MyISPsuXSo I can steal all the kids' hard drives and give them a measly 3Gb on the server and they boot from LAN ?02:04
MyISPsuXthat would give me 2TB!!!02:04
MyISPsuXwhere is the FAQ on LTSP?02:05
ograwe are the faq currently ... at least for edubuntu specific sutff :) 02:05
MyISPsuXohh one of those lol02:05
highvoltageMyISPsuX: you might need to spend quite a bit of money on controllers to add that much hard disks to your pc 02:05
ograsome docs are on wiki.edubuntu.org02:05
MyISPsuXLTSP is not on ubuntu?02:05
MyISPsuXonly ed?02:05
ograits in ubuntu as well02:06
highvoltageyou can apt-get install it on ubuntu02:06
ogra+but edubuntu preinstalls it 02:06
highvoltageor fint it in synaptic02:06
Yagisanit's in ubuntu. It needs manual set up though02:06
ograand edubuntu does 99% of the setup for you02:06
MyISPsuXedubuntu is not a kid's release then?02:06
MyISPsuXit is a full fledged server?02:07
ograedubuntu default is a classroom server02:07
MyISPsuXI see02:07
ograedubuntu workstation is for home use without the server bits02:07
MyISPsuXaimed at institutions02:07
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ograthe default install, yes ... for home use you can take workstation as install option02:07
ogra(as i said, see the EdubuntuInstallNotes wikipage, it explains the variants)02:08
MyISPsuXthere is one ISO release though correct? I am not downloading the wrong file right? 5.1002:08
MyISPsuXwhich half of April. The first half or the second? ;)02:09
ograthats the current stable release02:09
highvoltageMyISPsuX: if this is just for testing, or for your own use, and you feel adventurous, you might also want to try the preview version of the next version (6.04)02:09
MyISPsuXok that is what I am getting :)02:09
MyISPsuXthank you highvoltage02:09
ograthats the latest milesone snapshot of the dev release02:09
MyISPsuXdidn't see it was open :)02:09
MyISPsuXis it CSV?02:10
highvoltagecomma seperatet values? :)02:10
ogranope, thats a iso snapshot you can install :)02:10
MyISPsuXok :D02:10
ograthe development happens either on the source packages or in bazaar archives in ubuntu/edubuntu/kubuntu02:10
MyISPsuXok, I will avoid the areas lol02:11
MyISPsuXyou are running nix now?02:11
ogranix ?02:12
JaneWspacey: is the CC now?02:12
ograi run several edubuntu and ubuntu installs here ...02:12
ograJaneW, just done02:12
MyISPsuXwhat IRC client do you use?02:12
spaceyJaneW: yup02:12
JaneWis that schedule also rotating now?02:12
MyISPsuXjust so i know what to search for in a few minutes02:12
highvoltageMyISPsuX: irssi02:12
JaneWUgh sorry, I thought it was still 8:00UTC02:13
MyISPsuXit's burning the ISO now02:13
spaceymaybe someone here can cheer for me? :P02:13
JaneWI mean 20:00UTC02:13
MyISPsuXare there DVD burning utilities included?02:13
MyISPsuXnot authoring but burning like for data?02:13
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highvoltageogra: are you running /win 1102:19
highvoltagesorry, i'm bad at multitasking02:19
highvoltageogra: are you running edubuntu on your ibook?02:20
=== iGotNoTime [n=igotnoti@cpe-24-210-203-224.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #edubuntu
iGotNoTimeXP froze again :):):)02:20
ograhighvoltage, on the test partition, yes02:20
iGotNoTimeI logged back in to tell you that I appreciate the advice and answers this morning02:21
iGotNoTime>>>> is  <MyISPSux>02:21
ograiGotNoTime, youre welcome :)02:21
iGotNoTimeohhh one more question...02:23
iGotNoTimeI have about 1.6 TB of Windows partitioned media files02:24
iGotNoTimecan it read my partition?02:24
iGotNoTimewill I have write access or read only?02:24
ogradepends on the format 02:24
ograntfs isnt safe to write to iirc (no windows around to confirm that)02:25
ograbut reading will work in any case02:25
iGotNoTimethis is how I have so much space, everytime I install Linux I have to buy a bog drive to keep from losing my files while shuffling files and partitioning lol02:26
iGotNoTimebig drive***02:26
iGotNoTimethe last question when the computer froze was about dvd burning utility being included02:27
iGotNoTimeis there?02:27
Yagisanwrite works, but I'm not sure how well at the moment02:28
Yagisanhave a backup ?02:28
ograthe file manager has dvd writing capabilitys on its own ... and you have about 10 additional CD writing apps you can coose if that doesnt suffice02:29
iGotNoTimedo any support Lightscribe yet?02:29
iGotNoTimeI know now it is demanding LOL02:29
iGotNoTimeno big deal if not02:29
YagisanI haven't tested write for a while, but it seemed ok when I last tried with w2k. But that was a longtime ago02:29
highvoltagegtg, bye!02:31
iGotNoTimebye :)02:31
iGotNoTimeI know you guys are more apt for edubunto than ubuntu, but in reality they have same engine correct. I mean just different software packaged with it?02:33
iGotNoTimeone is not...m... say more powerful than the other?02:33
iGotNoTimeok then02:35
ograwe include the edu apps and tweaked the installer to set up the ltsp server for you... but the base is the same02:36
iGotNoTimeno problem :)02:36
iGotNoTimeI choose this one then :D:D02:36
ograheh :)02:36
ogragood choice 02:36
ogra(not that i'm biased)02:37
iGotNoTimesmall community in here right now. When I need tech support I will goto #ubuntu and tell them that is what I run :D02:37
ograbut with specific probs, just come here 02:38
iGotNoTimekk burning image now :)02:39
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iGotNoTimecrimsun are you new here?02:45
crimsuniGotNoTime: no02:46
iGotNoTimeI am02:46
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iGotNoTimeI was just being obnoxious :P02:46
iGotNoTimeI am done02:46
ograJaneW, hey, grab your pompoms and your miniskirt and cheer up for spacey 02:49
jsgotangcoerr pompoms would do02:49
ograjsgotangco, thats only half the fun :)02:50
iGotNoTimeSo ogra are you one of the developers?02:52
iGotNoTimeIt's nice to see someone so eager about their work :)02:54
iGotNoTimeCan I ask why there is no profit involved?02:54
iGotNoTimeI mean even the most humble distros have a for profit enterprise version02:54
ograbecause we have a rich guy paying for all this :)02:54
iGotNoTimegood heart02:55
iGotNoTimenot for me but for the kids that will benefit from it02:55
ograbut apart from this the aim of canonical (the company behind ubuntu/kubuntu/edubuntu) is to earn money with support and customization02:55
iGotNoTimeso you are looking to do custom in house installs in elementary schools for example?02:57
ograoffering customization of the distro for specific use and get paied for it 02:58
iGotNoTimeyou compiling custom versions for organizations then02:58
ograi.e. you might have read about goobuntu 02:58
Yagisanof course. I like that idea too ;) (well, support anyway. One day I should ask what escallation rates are)02:58
ograthe ubuntu version google uses for theor desktops02:58
Yagisanyes, it doesn't offically exist - so it must be widely deployed02:58
ograif they had needed it, the could have bought the customization of the iso from us...02:59
ograYagisan, they use it internally only02:59
Yagisanyep. Thought so.03:00
Yagisanogra: you're escallation rates. They are cheaper right ?03:01
ograiGotNoTime, to be honest distros like suse or redhat dont earn their money through the enterprise licenses ... they earn from the support they sell around these licenses03:01
iGotNoTimeI didn't know that Suse did too, but I JUST learned that about Redhat yesterday03:01
ograso we just offer the support without having a separate proprietary product03:01
iGotNoTimeI thought it was from shares of the books that include their disc03:02
iGotNoTimeI was very wrong when I seen subscription rates to support forums03:02
iGotNoTimeat least one of the Official Forums03:02
ograthe public forums are normally free in all distros ...03:03
ograthe specific support for customers isnt run through forums ...03:03
iGotNoTimeI assumed the support service was to the forum03:05
iGotNoTimewrong again :)03:05
ograat least not the paied one 03:05
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Yagisanno. That is for freebies.03:05
iGotNoTimeEdubuntu has a GUI for searching and finding apps to install or do I have to use a command line?03:08
ograsynaptic is installed for searching and installing apps03:08
iGotNoTimeLike Xandros and Mepis....03:09
iGotNoTimeyou guys have all bases covered!03:09
ograadditionally you have an easier tool directly in the main menu03:09
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iGotNoTimeburning my last lightscribe label now :P03:09
YagisanNight all03:13
ograciao Yagisan 03:13
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iGotNoTimeHopefully see you all soon, running the install now :)03:50
iGotNoTimewish me luck03:51
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JaneWsorry guys I had to do the school run...03:59
spaceyJaneW: i'm ubuntu member now \o/04:01
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JaneWspacey: w00t. well done :)))04:01
JaneWyou didn;t even need my pom-poms ;)04:02
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iGotNoTimeogra you have a moment?05:45
=== highvoltage has one, if that counts
iGotNoTimegood enough :P05:45
iGotNoTimeI installed and rebooted05:45
iGotNoTimeeverything started normally05:46
iGotNoTimethen black screen 05:46
iGotNoTimebut had sound effects05:46
iGotNoTimeI did the diagnostic safe start05:46
iGotNoTimesame result05:46
iGotNoTimeI reinstalled05:46
iGotNoTimesame thing05:46
iGotNoTime3 hours now05:46
iGotNoTimefinally I figure out that it does not support dual video cards LOL05:46
highvoltagewhen does it show a black screen? when the login manager comes up? or before that?05:47
iGotNoTimeGrub uses one card but Edubuntu uses another05:47
iGotNoTimeyes for anything that reads Edubuntu05:47
iGotNoTimeanything prior to the initialization is on the other card though05:47
iGotNoTimeamusing waste of time05:47
iGotNoTimeI laughed when I figured it out05:48
ograGrub takes whats defined in your BIOS iirc :)05:48
iGotNoTimefeeling very dumb for the second install now :D05:48
highvoltageok. is it sorter out now?05:48
iGotNoTimeit's ok Edubuntu uses the better MSI card :)05:48
ograheh :)05:48
iGotNoTimeyes excellent choice I am happy so far :)05:48
iGotNoTimelooks very good default05:48
ogragreat to hear that :)05:49
iGotNoTimefiling me away?05:49
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iGotNoTimeanyway just wanted to tell you guys thanks again for all the help and questions you answered05:49
ograhighvoltage, i found the bug the sshkey copying ... 05:49
ograwill be solved before flight505:49
highvoltagekewl :)05:50
highvoltagewas it because ssh wasn't started at install time?05:50
ogramdz used ssh-keyscan for creating the keys on the client ...05:50
highvoltageah. how do you fix it, by temporarily starting ssh while installing?05:51
ograbut ssh-keyscan asks the ssh server 05:51
ograwhich cant respond if its not running :)05:51
ograjust grepping the key names from /etc/ssh/sshd_config, and cat >> them into /opt/ltsp/powerpc/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts05:52
ograthe only tricky bit is to get the ip into the key ... i need to cat them twoce and replace hostname with ip05:53
=== iGotNoTime [n=iGotNoTi@cpe-24-210-203-224.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #edubuntu
iGotNoTimeOk two simple questions shoudl have me set until tonight....06:00
iGotNoTimefirst what is ubuntu based on? The engine itself06:00
highvoltagethat would probably be the linux kernel.06:00
iGotNoTimeI mean for downloading programs what distro should I download for?06:00
ograjust use synaptic :)06:00
highvoltagemost programs should be available in the ubuntu universe.06:01
iGotNoTimeok then :)06:01
iGotNoTimeI am not one to compile :P06:01
ograif you eanble all software sources you get access to ~17000 software packages06:01
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iGotNoTimelast question for you guys...06:01
highvoltagethat's a good thing, ubuntu isn't built for compiling your own stuff all over the place.06:01
iGotNoTimeI have 6 drives in my case plugged in and identified in bios06:01
highvoltagesynaptic is your friend :)06:01
iGotNoTimebut only one seems mounted06:01
highvoltagewhat do you see in /media?06:02
iGotNoTimeI do not want to change the file structure quite yet as they are full06:02
iGotNoTimethat was my question I will check there06:02
iGotNoTime2 cdroms 3 USB06:02
iGotNoTime1 is USB06:02
iGotNoTimethe  others I assume is the flash media reader06:03
iGotNoTimeI have one optical but no HDD are listed06:03
highvoltageyou can also type cat /proc/partitions from a terminal window to see which partitions are detected on your disks06:03
iGotNoTimein filesystem/dev/ I see them I think06:04
ograiGotNoTime, ubuntu doesnt just mount drives by default ... you might have confidential data on anouther partition ...06:04
iGotNoTimebut there is a red X06:04
=== juliux_ [n=juliux@p549055A4.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #edubuntu
iGotNoTimeunderstandable :)06:04
ograit mounts all removable media automagically06:04
iGotNoTimeso is that a terminal command?06:04
iGotNoTimeto mount I mean06:04
ograbut harddisks are untouched and its up to you to include them 06:04
ograadd them to fstab06:04
iGotNoTimeI better just go find some documentation :D06:05
iGotNoTimethank you :)06:05
highvoltageafair, if you double-click on a mount point in /media, it mounts that volume automatically06:05
ografor the system underneath you can apply all docs from theer to edubuntu as well06:05
iGotNoTimesystem underneath?06:06
ograunderneath the desktop :)06:06
iGotNoTimethe problem is the drive are not listed in media either06:06
ograjust list them there ;)06:07
iGotNoTimeexact page I am on :)06:08
iGotNoTimeok that is what you guys explained06:09
iGotNoTimewhat I mean is there is only 2 valid drives in the Media location06:09
iGotNoTimethe other three are showing as blank (I assume it is for my media cards)06:10
ograthe installer creates the media directory 06:10
ograas i said, it wont touch random devices :)06:10
ograso look which partitions are there and create directorys for them in /media06:10
ograthen add mountpoints as described to fstab06:11
iGotNoTimeok I misunderstood you, I am sorry :D06:11
iGotNoTimegotcha now :)06:11
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iGotNoTimeok it says there is no way to use root, yet to edit the fstab you have to be logged in as root. What did I miss?06:44
iGotNoTimeonly SUDO06:44
iGotNoTimecan't even edit with NANO06:44
highvoltageyou don't need to login as root06:45
highvoltagesudo works, try it06:45
highvoltage$sudo vi /etc/fstab06:45
highvoltageor $sudo nano /etc/fstab06:45
iGotNoTimevi is what i was missing then06:45
highvoltage"sudo command" has the same effect as "command" with root06:45
highvoltageit will ask you for a password, this is your own password.06:45
iGotNoTimethis command line thing is tough for me, that is why I look for GUI distros06:46
iGotNoTimethank you for the explanation06:46
highvoltageyou could use gui too06:46
highvoltagesorry, i tend to explain command line because that's what i'm used to06:46
iGotNoTimeif I could enable SUDO full time for my account?06:46
highvoltageyou could also press ctrl+f2, then type:06:46
highvoltagegksudo "gedit /etc/fstab"06:46
highvoltagethat will give you a graphical editor06:47
iGotNoTimevery very cool06:47
iGotNoTimecan all commands automatically be started that way in a config file while I am learning yet?06:48
highvoltagewhat do you mean?06:48
iGotNoTimeso that when I click any file to open, it automatically will open the file all SUDOed up06:48
highvoltagethere are ways to do that, but i wouldn't recomend it.06:49
iGotNoTimeyou know so that I get to reinstall every week after messing it up, that'll learn me quick06:49
highvoltageyou can badly mangle your system accidentally.06:49
highvoltagewhile learning, that might be more like a few times a day, if you're sudo-root permanently06:49
highvoltageyou can type 'man sudoers' at the command line for help on configuring sudo06:50
highvoltagebut i suggest you keep it like it is.06:50
highvoltageyou don't want to learn bad habbits, do you?06:50
highvoltageit's best to learn the right way from the beginning.06:50
iGotNoTimeyes I agree06:50
iGotNoTimeI want Linux long term this time06:51
iGotNoTimeI have never run it more than 10 months at a time yet06:51
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highvoltageit's best to make a gradual change. it took me quite a while to move over.06:52
highvoltagei dual booted for more than a year06:52
iGotNoTimeyes that dual boot option is nice, I can keep Dreamweaver until Nvu is up to par with what I like :)06:53
highvoltageDreamweaver? Nvu? those are very old-fasioned.06:54
highvoltageI prefer vim myself :)06:54
highvoltagequanta is quite nice too.06:54
iGotNoTimeboth linux?06:55
iGotNoTimeSee I have alot of reading to do :D:D06:55
highvoltagevim and quanta is on linux yes.06:56
highvoltagequanta is in universe06:56
iGotNoTimeopen source or commercial?06:56
highvoltageopen source06:56
highvoltageopen source and commercial aren't mutually exclusive concepts, either ;)06:56
iGotNoTimebut for the most part06:57
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iGotNoTimeok I added this drive to the fstab, rebooted (don't know if that was needed) and then went to the location I specified in fstab in Media and it is not showing. I checked the fstab to make sure it saved properly and it is there. Is there a second step to mounting?07:20
highvoltagewhat's the line you added to fstab?07:21
iGotNoTimeno rush I know you all have work to do too :)07:21
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ograiGotNoTime, btw: alt-f2, then enter: gksudo "gedit /etc/fstab/" and hit enter07:26
ograthat saves you from the commandline ;)07:27
iGotNoTimeyes he told me and that is what i did :)07:27
iGotNoTimejust as fast as terminal though I think07:27
highvoltageiGotNoTime: does /media/HDD exist as a directory?07:27
iGotNoTimeno I can not add anything in there07:28
iGotNoTimeI thought by 'mounting' it would create07:28
ograoh, sorry, didnt see that ... just came back from dinner :)07:28
iGotNoTimeI right click in that directory but no create option at all07:29
iGotNoTimeam I making you guys angry?07:29
ograsure, you need sudo priveleges ...07:29
highvoltageiGotNoTime: you'll need sudo to add it in /media07:29
ograwhy should you make us angry =07:30
highvoltageiGotNoTime: not at all :) sorry, busy with other things too07:30
iGotNoTimeIf it is the same as ubuntu I can ask in the bigger channel :)07:30
iGotNoTimethen no babysitting  lol07:30
highvoltageiGotNoTime: i'm fine with here too, i'm sure ogra is too :)07:30
iGotNoTimeok :)07:30
ograi fear this time you wont get around using the commandline to create the directory in media :)07:31
ograsudo mkdir /media/dir_name_you_want07:31
highvoltagehow about alt+f2, gksudo "mkdir /media/HDD" ? :)07:32
ograbut if you get an error you wont see it ;)07:32
highvoltagered hat used to have a root nautilus browser (don't know if they still do). i'm glad ubuntu didn't go that way.07:33
ograyeah, running file managers as root is evil evil evil ...07:33
iGotNoTimeok haha07:34
iGotNoTimethe directory is now there07:34
iGotNoTimebut empty07:34
iGotNoTimedo I need to log out or reboot?07:34
ogralook if it shows up in the computer location in the filemanager07:34
highvoltageiGotNoTime: you will probably need to do a sudo mount /media/HDD now07:35
ogra(it will if everything is right ... i.e. fstab entry is right and directory is there)07:35
highvoltageiGotNoTime: a reboot isn't necassary07:35
iGotNoTimeinvalid permissions to view contents it says07:35
ograhow did your fstab line look ? 07:36
iGotNoTimeyou have to mount with SUDO too?07:36
ogracan you paste it here ? 07:36
iGotNoTimefsttab doesn't do that?07:36
ograit does that with the right options07:36
ograthats why i'm asking for the line07:36
ograthat should do it ...07:36
iGotNoTimeI copied the line form the USB drive07:37
ograls -l /media07:37
ograah, moment07:37
ogra/dev/hdg1 /media/HDD ntfs umask=0222,user,noauto 0 007:37
ogratry that one ...07:37
iGotNoTimedamn I was wayyyyy off07:38
ograyours is fine 07:38
ograi'm just not sure if auto is able to detect ntfs 07:38
ograand the umask is needed for the permission issue07:38
iGotNoTimeso umask is in the options tab?07:39
iGotNoTimewell now the icon changed from the yellow folder for HDD to one with a red X07:42
ograyou didnt make the change while it was mounted i hope 07:46
ograelse: sudo umount /dev/hdg1 07:46
ograand then check again07:46
iGotNoTimeprobably so07:46
iGotNoTimewill try again07:46
iGotNoTimeno I didn't mount07:48
iGotNoTimedid not07:48
iGotNoTimedid now07:48
highvoltagegoodnight, #edubunty07:48
iGotNoTimethe red X is gone07:49
ogradoubleclick it07:49
iGotNoTimefolder is empty yet, but I clicked Disks Manager07:49
iGotNoTimecan you mount from there?07:49
iGotNoTimeor only partition?07:49
ograyou can try ... i actually never used it :)07:49
iGotNoTimeI am sorry07:50
iGotNoTimeit worked!07:50
iGotNoTimeMy mistake07:50
iGotNoTimeI was saying the folder /media/HDD was empty07:50
iGotNoTimei didn't look in the computer07:50
iGotNoTimeall files :D07:50
iGotNoTimeI learned how to mount!07:51
iGotNoTimeI need to go mount the other 5 before I forget how07:51
ograand there should be an icon on your desktop07:51
iGotNoTimeThere is!!!!07:51
ograyou can unmount it by right clicking :)07:51
iGotNoTimethank you thank you thank you07:51
iGotNoTimebrb :D07:54
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iGotNoTimeWow I am pretty embarassed seeing that I am the only noob in here asking questions all day long. :)08:49
iGotNoTimeAt the top right of my desktop it says there are 69 updates available, are these automatic?08:50
ograclick the icon ;)08:54
iGotNoTimeyes all are safe though?08:55
iGotNoTimenot beta?08:55
ograyou used the release CD ?08:55
ograor the flight4 CD ?08:55
iGotNoTimedownloaded ISO08:55
ograyup, then its fine 08:57
iGotNoTimeok :)08:57
ograif you had used flight4 i'd have told you to check each package and its changes first :)08:57
ograthe 69 updates in the stable system are security fixes  ....08:57
iGotNoTimejust changed to 73 :P08:57
iGotNoTimeI am mor confident now :)08:58
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iGotNoTimeogra do you by chance remember the name/s of the Nvu comparable software that voltage mentioned?10:51
ogranope, but the channel is logged :) http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/10:53
iGotNoTimegood because I hadn't started logging until an hour ago :) 10:54
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iGotNoTimelucky :P11:36
iGotNoTimeI am cheap so all AMD :(11:36
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