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theinetrappist: should include -lt 10000 as well12:03
KyralGahh dinner felt good lol12:03
=== js_ [i=js@ua-83-227-232-164.cust.bredbandsbolaget.se] has joined #kubuntu
js_how can i install a 32bit package on a 64-bit machine+12:04
trappistcat /etc/passwd | while read line; do x=`echo $line|cut -d: -f3`;if [ $x -ge 1000 -a $x -lt 10000 ] ;then echo $line | cut -d: -f1;fi;done12:04
Kyraljs_: 32-Bit Chroot?12:04
js_Kyral: how can i install that? i need 32bit sdl libraries12:04
Kyraljs_: That was just a guess honestly12:04
KyralI don't use 64-bit12:05
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theinetrappist: the "while read ..." construct is really neat, thanks!12:11
_headyhi there12:11
_headyi just upgraded mi kubuntu and it overwrite my grub boot menu12:12
_headyso i cant boot to win xp12:12
_headycan somebody show me the menu.lst file so i can see what should i write in it ???12:13
theine_heady: look in /usr/share/doc/grub/examples/menu.lst for an example entry for Windows12:13
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gamefaceokay guys for some reason i cant go to administrative mode12:26
gamefacewhen i enter my passoword da first time it tells me wrong password12:27
gamefacethen 2nd time it tells me su failed12:27
gamefacei cant turn on my network cards neither12:27
_mihaihow do i configure a tightvnc12:30
gamefaceno one ever ran into that problem before?12:31
_mihaifaq on tightvnc please...12:32
Tm_T_mihai: google might help12:33
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m0narkwhoa, I'm falling in love with kubuntu12:36
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Snake|Sims2m0nark: that cant be good for your health..12:37
m0narkhehe, it's a bit scary, yes :)12:37
gamefacei like kubuntu12:38
gamefacecept for i cant get to adminstrative mode12:38
gamefaceso i cant enable my netowr12:39
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m0narkdo you get an error?12:40
gamefacetellsme su failed conersion12:40
gamefacebut it wasnt doing it earlier12:40
m0narkthat's strange.. tried to google it?12:40
gamefacei uninstalled n reinstalled (same partition but i wiped out everthing but home directory)12:41
gamefaceyeah im tryin12:41
gamefaceri now12:41
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m0narkis a normal "sudo" working?12:42
wotnargWhere would you configure konqueror on what to open and what to save?12:42
gamefaceyeah and the root works when i try from terminal12:42
gamefacejust when i do it from system menu12:42
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gamefaceit doesnt work12:42
gamefaceso i cant make any system changes12:43
m0narkutterly funky.. wish I had a clever solution to that, but never heard about anything like it12:43
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m0narkgood luck anyways :) I'm diving into some config files12:44
gamefacelet mego take a look on google12:44
gamefaceill be be back12:44
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m0narkgameface, found a little workaround if you're interested12:55
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m0narkopen a root konsole with "sudo konsole &", then you can launch "kcontrol" and get access to the admin features12:57
m0narkyou could probably sudo kcontrol as well12:57
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chxis there a desktop blogger API  client for Kubuntu?12:57
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chxi downloaded kicker-kblogger from kde apps... now, how I run this app?01:08
Kyralchx: ./configure && make && sudo make install?01:08
chxKyral: I downloaded & install a deb (for breezy)01:09
Kyralthen uhh01:10
chxKyral: the only problem, this is a kicker applet01:10
Kyralright click on the Kicker :P01:10
=== chx blushes
Kyraland select add applet?01:10
chxwhat's the Kicker ? :)01:10
Kyralteh panel :P01:10
chxadd applet01:10
chxi tried add aplication01:10
=== Kyral points to the thingy at the bottom of the screen with the clock and other goodies :D
=== chx plays stupid and lame this night
KyralWe all start somewhere01:11
chxcan you believe that I play w/ Linux for 13 years? :)01:11
chxthis GUI stuff is new :D01:11
Kyralokay...then we all have one of those days :P01:11
chxthat's so true01:11
Kyraloh if you are a terminal junkie like me, then you HAVE to install Yukauke(sp?)01:12
chxI am running Konsole...01:12
Kyralits a dropdown Konsole01:12
Kyralhit F12 and it drops from the top of the screen :P01:12
chxwhat I yearn for01:13
chxis the copy-paste putty had on windows01:13
chxyou click-and-drag to mark the thing to be copied01:13
chxand then right click to paste01:13
chxcan't be faster01:13
chxbut no terminal app does that under Linux01:14
Snake|Sims2chx: then make one ;)01:17
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rysiek|plhi there01:18
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chxSnake|Sims2: my C++ skills are long gone. These days, I am PHP only (and quite good in that. Have you seen Drupal :)? )01:23
chxquestion... for an app like http://kde-apps.org/content/preview.php?preview=1&id=29552&file1=29552-1.png&file2=&file3=&name=KBlogger this01:23
chxno menu at all01:23
chxi wonder, how could I configure it01:23
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Snake|Sims2chx: who needs C++ skills? Python ftw ;)01:24
chxSnake|Sims2: a terminal app in Python? sounds interesting. but possible.01:24
rysiek|plchx: that sounded scary: "terminal app" - "terminal illness" and so on ;)01:25
chxit says " Configuration is done via the applet menu."01:25
chxit's really chx's dumb night01:25
chxhow do I reach that?01:26
Snake|Sims2chx: put it applet onto your kicker, then right click it01:26
chxI get the usual configure menu01:26
Snake|Sims2chx: should say like "Configure so and so"01:26
chxi mean01:27
chxi got the panel configure01:27
Snake|Sims2chx: the little bar that you use to move the thing around has a arrow01:27
Snake|Sims2click and try that01:27
chxyes just found before you said01:27
chxthat's tricky01:27
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chxI am not this dumb usually -- just KDE is largely unknown to me...01:29
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=== Snake|Sims2 needs to remeber how to read these stupid clocks
chxI wonder, how many tricky applets are out there...01:32
Snake|Sims2chx: tons and tons and tons01:32
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Teleioshi #kubuntu01:37
ryanakcahmmmm.... anyone know why adept-updater wants to remove kubuntu-desktop?01:37
ryanakcaRiddell: Your the maintainer, right?01:38
rysiek|plIt has to be some sort of sabotage from the Ubuntu guys ;)01:40
rysiek|plok, folks, gonna play some quake and get some sleep ;) cu all later01:42
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KyralOy I wish that Usplash wasn't depended on for the -Desktop packages01:45
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Kyral'cause there is this NICE uPower splash on KDE-Look :P01:53
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Snake|Sims2Kyral: share?01:56
KyralSnake|Sims2: gimme a sec01:57
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TheNightso, is anyone else anxiously awaiting 6.04?01:58
KyralI'm using Dapper...01:59
TheNightand a question.  Isnt the drivers for Broadcom illegal to use?  and if they are then how can they be integrated in dapper01:59
KyralI dunno because I'm going to the gym01:59
pradeeptoDoes Amarok (in Breezy) run out of the box? Or do I need to install something else?02:00
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buntu-tabletin other distros /dev/serial.conf is used for setserial,  what config file is it in ubuntu?02:00
Snake|Sims2pradeepto: most runs out of the box02:00
pradeeptoBecause right now it doesnot seem to play mp3 files02:01
Kyralexcept those lol02:01
Glin|JolWinamp  5.20 Stopped02:01
uboturumour has it, mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats02:01
chxTheNight: as the nvidia 8xxx drivers are only in 6.04 and the 7xxx drivers in  breezy does not support renderaccel on widescreen , I have considered installing the alpha...02:01
pradeeptoheh heh thanks guys, happy realisation for me. :)02:01
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Hostilei need help updtaing my apt-get sources02:10
Hostilei dont think it pulling anything off the internet since i ran expert setup02:10
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Hostileanyone can help with this?02:10
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knovakwhat version of KDE does the latest Kubuntu use?02:15
Snake|Sims2knovak: dapper or breezy?02:16
Snake|Sims2knovak: I think 3.4.3 (you can click on "about KDE" in any kde app02:16
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knovakthanks to both of you02:16
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nukyis there a way to make firefox my default browseR? i tried setting it in kde compenents and through firefox preferences but no luck with either..02:18
Snake__nuky: if you figure it out tell me plz02:19
nukyhehe i will..02:20
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tryingsomethingis there a better vnc server than the one that comes with kde?02:23
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stianhi, anyone know how about a guide how to install iptables on kubuntu ?02:24
Tm_Tstian: err, you have iptables already ;(02:26
tryingsomethinglol ya02:26
tryingsomethingiptables runs your config02:26
stianTm_T I have :| i didnt know that :P i got kubuntu yesterday and a friend try to lern me a lot of stuff.02:27
stianbut he have gentoo02:27
Tm_Tthey have to control everything and then they wonder why somethings broken02:28
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stianTm_T: funny you say that, he just say that I have changed hes root password in gentoo, but he was mistaken xD02:29
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tryingsomethingis there a lighter wm that i can use with kubuntu?02:32
tryingsomethingstrictly i want to do vnc and kde seems to slow it down lots02:32
Tm_Ttryingsomething: yes, tons of them02:32
Snake__tryingsomething: any wm you want02:32
tryingsomethingbut which one would allow me to config all that kde does?02:32
Tm_TSnake__: yay!02:32
Tm_Ttryingsomething: none02:32
Snake__tryingsomething: none man02:32
tryingsomethingi want to setup comptuer as a firewall/router lol02:32
Snake__tryingsomething: go flux or cli02:33
Tm_Ttryingsomething: then you don't need any wm02:33
tryingsomethingbut i can only hook up the computer through s-video cuz i dont have any other monitors02:33
Tm_TSnake__: flux isn't that light02:33
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tryingsomethingand resolution really sucks cant do anything02:33
Snake__Tm_T: its lighter than kde...02:33
tryingsomethingso ive tried vnc'ing it - and its still a hassle02:33
tryingsomethingis that on the dvd image?02:34
Hostilei need to update my source.lst file02:34
Hostileit only has the cd rom in there wut do i need to do?02:34
Tm_Tbah, I'm off ->02:35
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tryingsomethingalso how can i set colors to really low?02:36
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tryingsomethingonly see flex - how do i find flux?02:42
stianhi, what is the iptables command for removing a ip from the banned list ?02:42
tryingsomethingno idea? did you edit the actual iptables script or you entered it cmd line?02:43
visik7I know that jdk 1.4 is deprecated on azureus 2.4 but I noticed a very strange behaviour: when azureus is run on jdk1.4 Xorg start to eat memory02:43
stiantryingsomething: from the commando line02:44
tryingsomethingopen another term .... man iptables02:44
tryingsomethingand yes it does exist i just opened it ; )02:45
stian*start reading*02:46
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=== Kyral brands his right leg a traitor
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jindiazhey guys, i need your help with a buying descison here02:56
jindiazand plz, ppl who know whut they are talking abt02:57
jindiazim going to be buying a new videocard, and i need suggestions with what is going to work sexy with linux02:57
jindiazi was looking at the nvidia 620002:57
KyralNVidia always beats ATI with Linux02:58
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jindiazanyone got any suggestions and why?02:58
KyralNVidia has better drivers, 'nuff said02:58
jindiazyah, thats whut ive heard so thats why ive kinda choosen nvidia over my usually ati choice02:58
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jindiazbut aside form that, whut abt poerformance, etc etc02:59
jindiazand whut make?  the one im looking at is 3dfuzion03:00
spoop3dfuzion isn't really a good brand, go for xfx, bfg or evga03:02
tryingsomethingmake sure its nvidia03:02
tryingsomethingthey dev their cards using linux farms03:02
tryingsomethingwhat kind of stuff u plan to do with it?03:02
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tryingsomethingmsi isnt bad either03:02
jindiazi dunno if this helps any, but my system is p4 2.8ghz, 1mb cache, 1gb ddr ram, asus p4p800-e deluxe mobo, liquid cooling, enermax 485w silent PSU, already have MSI tv@nywhere master card, and 860 gb hd space.03:03
tryingsomethingwell check nvidia 6800's 256mb at least if you plan on gaming03:04
jindiazo, lol, well thats the system, hahaha03:04
spoop860gb, are you archiving the internet?03:04
tryingsomethingparts of it at a time03:04
spoopa 6600gt would be good for gaming too03:05
tryingsomethingi archive dvd's dont tell anyone: X03:05
spoopat 128 mb03:05
jindiazhahahahahahaha.... naw, but screw paying for tv man, its all dwnloadable form the net.  and thats not even including my external drives03:05
jindiazand no movies on them, that all gets burned03:05
HymnToLifejindiaz> quit showing off with your system and come to the fats :p03:05
=== sputnick_ [n=sputnick@pla93-1-82-67-251-41.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #kubuntu
jindiazhahaha.  well the thing is, im not going to be doing a tremondous amount of gaming, only rarely, more of a tv, music, and movie kinda guy.03:06
spoopdo you have a 160, 200, and 2 x 250gb drives?03:07
tryingsomethingok go for middle range then03:07
jindiazhmm so for shure 3dfuzion isnt all that good?03:07
nukySnake__: hey, are you still around? i changed the settings in the component chooser, for the default browser and it worked.. the reason i thought it didn't was because i tested it with a link someone sent me over Skype, but skype has it's own browser setting.. so maybe the program youre testing from does too.. just a suggestion03:07
spoophow much are you looking to spend?03:07
Snake__nuky: im here03:07
jindiazhahahahaha spoop, ryght on the money man03:07
spoopwoot, i love math03:07
Snake__nuky: Hmmm maybe :)03:07
Snake__thanks man03:07
Snake__Ill check it out03:07
jindiazwell, around like 100-150 range03:07
jindiazi have really good connections though03:07
=== sputnick_ is now known as rm-rf
jindiazso if yu name the card i would ill prolly get a pretty good deal03:08
nukySnake__: hope it works.. hehe that was driving me crazy!!the best way i can think of to test it to drag a url from konqueror to the desktop and than click on it on the desktop. that should open firefox03:08
spoop6800gs is like $170 after rebate on newegg, that card pwns03:08
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spoopalthough for not much gaming, it might be overkill03:09
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Snake__nuky: im actually a opera user, so lets hope it goes the same :)03:09
jindiazand hymn, the only reason i posted that was if there were compatibility issues, and if the psu was needed for independant power to the card, as that psu has the socket for that concern03:09
jindiazyahhhhhhhhhh it sounds alittle over kill03:09
spoopthen just go with a 6600gt 128mb03:10
jindiazok, let me check some prices on the msi and xfx cards i can get03:10
tryingsomethingyour mobo is pci-e or agp?03:10
jindiazsooooooooooooo sadly03:10
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tryingsomethingya i only have agp03:10
m0narkany tips on a good bittorrent client that blends in with the kde feeling?03:10
spoopwell both cards i listed are available in agp03:10
tryingsomethingpci-e really is too new to be taking advantage - you see most people with that tech use sli- and that's because they cant take advantage of one slot yet03:11
Snake__nuky: hey, where did u set the browser in konq?03:11
spoopi have pci-e because it was the norm when i bought my pc03:11
tryingsomethingdual core cpu's as well - its all too new - its kind of you have it to say you have it - not really supported03:11
jindiazok, ill be back in like 2 mins, let me go see the opffers i can get.  and yah, also i was reading that the 256mb is just a gimmic on lower end cards as the actual card itself does not use the reousrces appropriiatley to utilize the full 256mb03:12
jindiazso im going to stick with a good 12803:12
jindiazok one sec, brb03:12
=== tijn [n=tijn@a82-92-35-21.adsl.xs4all.nl] has joined #kubuntu
jindiazmsi fx5200-td12803:13
jindiazi can get that card, new, for about 55 bux03:13
nukySnake__: in konqueror, type in the url bar: settings:/Components/ then go to Component chooser -> Web broswer -> then choose the second option with the path to your opera in the field and apply.. and try the desktop link thing... *fingers crossed*03:13
spoopnah, go for the 6600gt03:13
jindiazok, let me check that one out03:13
spoopits like 10x faster than the fx5200, and it probably has some more features03:14
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Snake__nuky: testing...03:15
Snake__nuky: meh kind of works, its probly because of the ghetto install I Did03:16
Snake__aw well03:16
nukyaww.. sorry..03:16
Snake__No problem, its probly more my fault, I used klik, which does some weird things to a system03:16
jindiazmsi nx6600-vtd256 ddr-dvi.  i can get that for about 15003:17
jindiazkinda right at the top of my range though03:17
spoopnot a bad price03:17
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spoopwhen you get cheaper than a 6600gt the performance starts to drop off steeply03:18
jindiazbut the drivers and all, linuxx will work well with this card?03:18
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spoopother than that, i would suggest a 6600 or 620003:18
jindiazok, cause i donmt want to have to go back to windows too get my oc running03:19
spoopany nvidia card, it doesn't really matter03:19
jindiazi HATE windows03:19
dumezilwhat the irc command to get a channel list?03:19
Snake__nuky: I think I got it to work! :)03:19
Snake__Bah crap03:19
Snake__nope :(03:19
jindiazas yu can tell, my pc has become my every technological thing box basically03:20
jindiazeven my alarm clock....03:20
jindiazit doesnt turn off anymore03:20
Snake__jindiaz: I bet my alarmclock is better than yours!03:20
spoopwould you want dual dvi03:20
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=== Snake__ must really rewrite his script..
jindiazi would have to bet it is as well03:20
jindiazyah man03:20
jindiazone will, eventually, be hooked up to a 42 inch flatscreen tv03:21
jindiazin the summer03:21
jindiazsoooooooo kinda has to have dual03:21
Snake__jindiaz: I got a script right now that plays music at night at 40% volume, then at what ever time you want, it shuts itself off, resets the volume to 100%, then wakes you up in the morning :)03:21
pipitasSnake__: klik doesnt do anything to the *system*... it is the klik-ed application, that may do something to the *home directory* "dot" files. But this is what the application would do any way you'd use or run it, klik or non-klik03:21
jindiazcause i have a 19inch lcd with dvi03:21
spoopxfx makes a dual dvi 660003:21
as_28 i install ubuntu and when is loading I get hung when says, Ckecking Battery State03:22
Snake__pipitas: well it does work...to a extent, it asks what klik app I want to run, then I have to select opera03:22
jindiazomg.... snake... WHEREEEEEEEEEE DID YU GET THAT!?03:22
Snake__jindiaz: hand made03:22
Snake__jindiaz: I want to re-write it so that you can specifiy the times03:22
Snake__but im lazy :-/03:22
spoopdon't go for a cheap card that uses some system ram, like a 6200 turbocache03:22
jindiazxfx huh.  ok im gogin to go with nvidia for shure then, and xfx, bfg, or msi.... i suppose in that order03:23
jindiazjust want to get the best bang for my buck03:23
dumezilanyone know how to set up chinese input in kubuntu?03:23
jindiazawww man, snake, yu have to make that dwnloadable or something on sourceforge man03:23
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Snake__jindiaz: Its nothing special, and like I said, at the moment, you cant specify the times your want without editing the source03:24
jindiazno way, nvida cards use up ram!? ... not liking that idea...03:24
Snake__jindiaz: It would be easier to set up in kalarm I think03:24
spoopdon't forget evga03:24
spooponly the ones labeled turbocache, which might only be some versions of the 620003:25
jindiazyahhh, but when the time comes that the code does work like that, there would be a multitude of ppl grateful for your contribution03:25
jindiazlike me.  :)03:25
jindiazcool, yah i came across those evgas, let me run that up here, one sec03:26
Snake__jindiaz: lol, ill work on it03:26
jindiazbut they are like where, in the range of names?03:26
spoopwhat do you mean03:26
spoophow good they are?03:26
as_28anyone can help me03:26
as_28i have a ATi like nvidia card03:27
as_28and it hungs03:27
spoopi should really install linux ;D03:27
spoopbut i hate dual booting03:27
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jindiazyah i hate dual boot as well, going pure linux after my card and as sooooooooooon as summer hits, its done.  and yah i meant in terms of names, like xfx would be best?  and yes snake, PLZZZZZZZZZ do03:29
jindiazno pressure though03:29
jindiazso yo turns out i can get an xfx 6600gt 128 ddr3 for about 18003:29
Snake__jindiaz: my main problem would be getting the stupid script to run correctly..03:30
spoopxfx or evga would be best, evga are american and xfx are taiwanese03:30
spoophave you looked into the plain 6600?03:30
Snake__Do we have any bash scriptors in here that can help me out?03:31
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jindiazyah the evgas were friggin expensive for lower end, like around the 5500 range...  :(  and noo, whut i get is kinda depoendant on my sources, which give the best price, for quality around.  i dont go to futureshop and stuff03:36
jindiazthey just plain suck03:36
jindiazsorry snake man, cant help you out with that03:36
jindiazWISH i could... but i was not gifted with that sort of thought process ability at birth03:37
jindiazthe crap part is the saphire cards are flooding the market here03:38
jindiazunless for some reaosn i should go with one of those?03:38
jindiazcause those i can get mad cheap and pretty high end03:38
jindiazbut im assuming, same ati problem03:39
jindiazim upgrading from an ati radeon 7500 with dual support03:39
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jindiazit is so ancient the collected dust on there is equivalent to egyptian tombs i swear03:39
jindiazso i figure its abt time to kcik that one out and put in my biznatch pc03:40
jindiazwhich is the downgrade pc03:40
spoopwhat can you get a plain 6600 for?03:40
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tryingsomethinganyone know can m0n0wall be run under ubuntu?03:44
=== xtacocorex [n=xtacocor@65-101-172-191.desm.qwest.net] has joined #kubuntu
jindiazummmm let me check it out.03:45
xtacocorexis there a way to upgrade packages with ones i made with checkinstall?03:45
xtacocorexif i try to remove the previous versions, it wants to break my syste03:46
Kr4t05xtacocorex: When you "sudo checkinstall" the package is made and installed automatically.03:46
xtacocorexit gives an error saying that it can't overwrite03:46
Kr4t05xtacocorex: What package?03:46
xtacocorexKr4t05: i'm upgrading gphoto2 so i can get it to find my iriver03:47
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Kr4t05xtacocorex: I don't know then.03:47
xtacocorexKr4t05: i just build libgphoto203:47
Kr4t05xtacocorex: Perhaps someone in the forums knows.03:47
Kr4t05xtacocorex: Sorry03:47
xtacocorexKr4t05: it's all good, thanks for the help03:47
Snake__jindiaz: alright. Ill make it03:48
Snake__give me a few days03:49
HymnToLifextacocorex> try sudo apt-get buit-dep libgphoto203:49
xtacocorexHymnToLife: build instead of buit?03:49
HymnToLifeyeah, sorry :)03:49
xtacocorexit wants to upgrade dependencies03:50
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HymnToLifeit will install all the packages you need to build your thing03:50
xtacocorexHymnToLife: i already built it though, it just won't install03:50
HymnToLifehmmm try it still03:51
HymnToLifeyou're certainly missing something03:51
jindiazyah crap i cant man, the only thing is an asus make of the 6200, that one is 85 bux03:51
jindiazand snake03:52
jindiazyu rule man03:52
Snake__its gonna take me a while03:52
jindiazyu will be the single handed saviour of ppl who have issues getting up in the moring03:52
jindiazlike me03:52
xtacocorexHymnToLife: it's saying that it can't overwrite a file because it's in the package i'm trying to install03:52
jindiazand MANY others im sure03:52
HymnToLifextacocorex> have you tried uninstaling that other package ?03:52
jindiazyah no worries, take your time man, much appreciated though for shure03:52
xtacocorexHymnToLife: it wants to remove a bunch of stuff03:53
HymnToLifeowisn't the package you're trying to install a newer version for some other you have already ?03:53
xtacocorexHymnToLife: yes03:53
HymnToLifeit obviously has a different name03:53
HymnToLifeyou can change it, don't remember jow03:54
HymnToLifeI did it long ago03:54
xtacocorexHymnToLife: that could be it03:54
HymnToLifeit involves uncompressing the package with dpkg, editing a file nd rebuilding it03:54
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xtacocorexback to building the .deb again, i think for libgphoto2 its called libgphoto2-203:55
HymnToLifebut you won't need to rebuild it all03:55
HymnToLifejust uncompress it with dpkg03:55
HymnToLifeedit the file where the name is set and recompress it03:55
HymnToLifeI had the same problem for a stupid VLC package named 'videolan-client' that wouldn't install03:56
xtacocorexHymnToLife: ah03:56
xtacocorexHymnToLife: i just need to make sure the packages are the same name and it should overwrite them?03:56
xtacocorexHymnToLife: nice, thanks for the help03:56
HymnToLifeit will see it as a newer rsion - which is how it should see it03:57
xtacocorexHymnToLife: awesome03:57
HymnToLifeatm it sees it as another package trying to overwrite a file already used03:57
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jindiazomg, one hugeeeeeeeeeee question i forgot to ask, how is linux and dual monitor display?04:00
jindiazive never tried it out04:01
jindiazand the issue is one of my monitors is 19inch widescreen, and the other 17inch normal crt04:01
jindiazermmm anyone??04:04
ChaniI know it's possible04:04
Chaninever had the chance to try it04:04
Chaniprobably just a matter of having the right x settings04:04
jindiazhmmmm... this is huge in the which video ard to buy debate04:04
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kalenedraelDual-display is easy.04:04
jindiazwell i guess it dont matter, they are all dual now anyways04:05
jindiazcause im planning on gogin with something in the range of nvidia 6200 - 660004:05
jindiaz6600gt looks like the one im getting04:05
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jindiazalthough 180 is kinda expensive04:05
jindiazok so anyways, with one widescreen lcd, and one 17inch crt, it should be ok?04:06
jindiazok as in... very little complications with relatively newb to linux04:07
jindiazwell when it comes to configuring things and stuff like that04:07
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dumezilhow do i add something so when i log in, it runs...  running kde04:11
spoopgd agp cards are expansive04:12
jindiazya i knoe, im alittle flexible on the budget04:16
jindiazsorta has to be my card for awhile, till i revamp the mobo and consequently vid card again, for pci standard04:17
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jindiazi have to admit though, this ati radeon 7500 has been an excellent card, and even being pout through the paces perfoms steady and well04:18
Snake__jindiaz: your still on that videocard/?04:18
jindiazEXCEPT for the new drivers, whcih totally mess it up....  the ones that came with it, on cd, are whut it needs04:18
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jindiaznaw, was just talking abt the price alittle, was woried abt dual monitor support on linuz where one was 19inch widescreen lcd, and the other standrd 17 crt04:19
m0narkI've run into some trouble getting a 19" lcd and a 15" lcd to work together on a agp adapter. From what I can find on google this is hard to do if you want different resolutions on the monitors, and opengl rendering04:20
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jindiazthat SUXXXXXXXXx04:21
jindiazcrap though04:21
jindiazbut ati card?  which one?04:21
jindiazim going to nvidia in hopes to avoid any video card issues04:21
m0narkthat's a good question :P it's a 9700 or something I think04:21
m0narka couple of years old04:22
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m0narkbut it's a ati driver issue04:22
jindiazstyll, its not bad though.04:22
jindiazthat may be the problemo04:22
jindiazbut honestly, dont ask me04:22
jindiazi just assume things04:22
m0narkme neither, I'm noobish on that stuff :) just googling around04:23
jindiazhahaha yes brotha.. same here04:23
jindiazbut i swear, there needs to be THE linux repository on information04:23
jindiaznot all this individual stuff04:23
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m0narkthe (k)ubuntu forums are great04:24
jindiazi mean yah shure its cool to do that, but centralize the tech supposrt, so a matter of clicks and your there at the answer yu need04:24
jindiazyahhhhhhhhh i dunno,m the kubuntu one kinda sux04:24
jindiazits taking forever to get a reply on my question04:24
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jindiazno one seems to know the answer04:25
jindiazi guess04:25
m0narkhehe, that's when google comes in handy, but I get your point04:25
m0narkwould be nice to log into ultimatelinuxhowtoarchive.org and find everything04:25
m0narkthere are plenty of those sites, but a lot of outdated stuff04:26
jindiazexactlyyyyy, thats whut im saying.  just have a list of the distros, click thru there and find everything yu need, continuously updated04:26
jindiazyah see thats the thing04:26
jindiazwith one place, its easy to keep everything up to date04:26
jindiazwith many, it hard cause everyone is trying to update the site and find out whuts new, blah blah, its ineffecient basicallyt04:27
jindiazwell enough of that rant04:27
jindiazhmmm.... maybe ill create that site someday04:27
m0narksounds time consuming :p04:28
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jindiazyahhh... but owrht it... with that linux has muchhhhh more potential.   anyways, im off, going to pickl up that card sometime this week.  lates all, thanks for the help.  and snake man, if yu see me back on here and that alarm is done... i am conscribing yu to give me the heads up... lol.04:29
Snake__lol arlight04:29
m0narkhmm, I'm trying to find a nice little ide a friend of my used some time ago.. Has svn support, and syntax highlighting for HTML::Mason and looks quite nice04:30
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m0narkanyone know which one I'm talking about? :)04:31
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CaptainbrailleHow do I enable read permissions on /cdrom and /dev/hdc or /dev/hdd ?04:43
phishinphhi all.. lookin for a little help w/ my intel 2200 wireless on breezy.  It recognizes it but no ip is given.  I turned off wep and enable ssid broadcast but no luck.. any ideas?04:44
unpersonI'm having trouble adding the plf repository to my sources.list.04:44
unpersonThat is, I added the line to my sources.list, but when I attempt to install packages from it, they aren't found.04:45
E-Trainmy amarok just closes and dosent open when i run it. anyone else run into the problem04:45
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unpersonThe line I added to sources.list was "deb http://packages.freecontrib.org/ubuntu/plf/ breezy free non-free".04:47
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CaptainbrailleHow do I enable read permissions on /cdrom and /dev/hdc or /dev/hdd ?04:53
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KyralNote to self05:07
KyralKilling kwin is a BAD idea05:07
NeoChaosXYou'd think that'd be obvious, though...05:08
Kyralyah yah05:08
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KyralI thought it was like GNOME-Panel05:09
Kyralkill it and it comes back :D05:09
NeoChaosXOr Nautilus, for that matter05:09
NeoChaosXBut yeah, wish KDE could do that with kicker and kwin05:09
KyralSysinfo for 'AzureDream': Linux 2.6.15-17-k7 running KDE 3.5.1, CPU: AMD Athlon XP 2700+ at 2166 MHz (4335 bogomips), HD: 298/432GB, RAM: 367/503MB, 98 proc's, 7.12h up05:10
Kyraldoes anyone know of a Konversation script to annoucne whats playing on AmaroK?05:10
NeoChaosXIt's the /media command05:11
NeoChaosXLike so:05:11
=== NeoChaosX is playing Skies of Arcadia Horteka Stomp OC ReMix by LeonHeart of the Flame on http://www.ocremix.org [amaroK]
Kyralnm I found that :P05:11
KyralWhere did you get that05:11
=== Kyral <3 Skies of Arcadia
KyralQt: 3.3.505:12
KyralKDE: 3.5.105:12
Kyralkde-config: 1.005:12
KyralBeer load [    \                ]  20%05:12
NeoChaosXit's built in into Konversation05:12
NeoChaosXlike I said, just type in /media05:12
NeoChaosXit also works for Kaffeine and JuK, I believe05:12
Kyralexcuse me for a second05:13
NeoChaosXSure thing05:13
Kyralit no work...05:13
KyralRandom Fortune: Besides, its really not worthwhile to use more than two times your physical  ram in swap (except in a select few situations). The performance of the system  becomes so abysmal you'd rather heat pins under your toenails while reciting  Windows95 source code and staring at porn flicks of Bob Dole than actually try  to type something. -- seen on c.o.l.development.system, about the size of the swap space05:13
Kyralhaha, nice, a fortune command!05:14
NeoChaosXheh, yeah05:14
NeoChaosXyeah, I love Skies05:14
KyralWhere didja get the song?05:14
NeoChaosXIt's a remix of the theme in Horteka, it's really good05:15
NeoChaosXThe site itself has a whole ton of VG remixes. you've never been there before?05:16
Arcanimusnight all05:16
nukyis there a terminal based chat program for kubuntu at all?05:18
Celestehow can I make the CD-Rom Icon on the desktop  disappear please?05:19
Celesteit always show up by mounting the CD-Rom Drive05:19
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nukyright clikc on the desktop and go to configure desktop..05:20
KyralNeoChaosX: Holy cow thanks for the Link05:20
Celestethank you nuky found it05:20
nukycool.. sorry, wasn't sure where the rest of it was..05:21
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ubotuI guess mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:23
Glin|JolWinamp  5.20 Stopped05:23
NeoChaosXKyral: No problem05:23
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kameronjust about to install flight 4 kubuntu.. how is it folks?05:34
Hobbseekameron: it's very nice :)05:34
=== Hobbsee is running off it
kameronHobbsee, can't wait :D05:34
Hobbseewhat in particular did you want to know?05:35
kameronmeh, just your general impression.05:35
Hobbseeit's nice - and it's dapper05:35
kameronim installing dapper, arch, freebsd, mandriva, and slack this weekend.05:35
kameronjust so i can keep up with conversation from folks of other distros. i've already covered the other major ones.. so now i should try these. i can't see myself leaving kubuntu though, no interest in that.05:36
Hobbseehehe fair enough05:36
Hobbseeno suse?05:36
kameronbeen there, done that.05:37
kameroni bashed gentoo users for years, until i tried it. then i had a proper understandin of things, and could insult them properly.05:37
=== Kyral is listening to "Super Metroid One Girl in All the World OC ReMix" by The Wingless on http://www.ocremix.org [amaroK]
kameronand i've been away from mandriva since like 9.0.. it used to be my bread and butter, i want to see how it's doing.05:39
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kameronKyral, i want to hear that song. what exactly do i do? i used to be a huge super metroid fan.05:40
KyralThe link is in the Media05:42
Kyraljust go download it05:42
Kyralit's awesome05:42
kameronjust found it Kyral, d/l'ing now05:43
Kyralwhy is Kontact misbaving?05:44
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=== Kyral is listening to "Mega Man X The Zero Sacrifice OC ReMix" by Vigilante on http://www.ocremix.org [amaroK]
=== Kyral wipes his tears
KyralI honestly cried during this scene in Mega Man X the first time05:47
=== m [n=m@CPE0013463f01cb-CM00140454bddc.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu
mcan anyone help me setup azureus, it loads too slow and full of errors05:48
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KyralKontact no worky suddenly05:48
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kameronm, do you have java installed?05:55
Kyralwho me?05:57
kameronno, m.05:57
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=== Nomad411|Away is now known as Nomad411
Nomad411Does anyone know if the repo for 3.5.1 is down?06:00
myes I do sorry I followed the Wiki06:01
KyralQt: 3.3.506:01
KyralKDE: 3.5.106:01
Kyralkde-config: 1.006:01
Kyrallooks like no...but I got this from Dapper06:01
frank23Nomad411: I think that repo is working06:01
kameronm, azureus doesn't run well on anything but the official sun java jre. what did you install.. java by sun, or blackdown, or?..06:02
Nomad411frank23: thanks.. I just saw that I had other sites bookmarked, trying with a different one now :)06:02
Nomad411nope, same problem resolving.. Can teh repos have changed recently?06:03
mjava by sun06:03
Nomad411could someone paste me the line they use for teh 3.5.1 repo?06:03
Nomad411ohh got one. :)06:04
_stianhow to i get akregator to desktop background in kde ?06:04
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kameronm, did you select it to be used as your default java?06:07
myes, when I run azureus I get a problem with StartServer.java06:08
mI used update-alternatives to change it06:08
frank23m try  java -version   gives Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_06-b0506:09
kameronm, did you do this? sudo update-alternatives --config java06:09
kameronah, okay, you did m. gotcha.06:10
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koll2786DCC SEND "string" 0 0 006:10
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kameroni'm trying out amarok for the first time, it's way tooo complex.06:11
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frank23kameron: that's exactly what I thought the first time I tried it06:12
frank23It's pretty good though06:12
kameronit's too much for just playing music. and this bubble pops up telling me what song is playing, right after i double click it, very annoying.06:12
kameronbut it's extremely cool how it displays band info from wikipedia, has album pictures, etc. that's very impressive.06:13
bzbbdoes the moodbar work?06:13
bzbbits not doing anything06:13
frank23kameron: it can even get song lyrics though ;)  It's bad on RAM.06:14
kameronRAM frank23 ?06:15
kameronfrank23, just disabled the on screen display popup BS.. should be a lot nicer now.06:15
robotgeekkameron: if we are talking about amarok, that can be disabled06:15
frank23it uses lots of ram06:15
kameronfrank23, oh... i thoght you said for a second "it's based on ram"... my eyes aren't straight tonight.06:16
kameronholy crap, it ties with k3b so nicely.06:17
kameronfrank23, do you know where it gets lyrics from?06:17
maentyhi, all06:18
maentydoes anyone know how to get mounted hard drives back to "media"06:18
maentythe icons from desktop disappeared and also when I click "storage media", it's empty06:18
maentymakes browsing of files pretty difficult06:19
kameronmaenty, sudo mount /dev/hdxx /media/hdxx06:19
frank23kameron: no06:19
maentykameron: no, all drives are mounted. The problem is that they don't show up in media:/06:19
kameronmaenty, where are they mounted?06:20
maentywell, in media I used to have 2 drives, other was the ext3-root and other is my FAT32-partition which I have mounted to /mnt/storage06:20
maentyand there might have been also DVD-drive.. not sure06:21
maentyHowever, all of them have disappeared06:21
kameroni don't understand the problem.06:21
kameronmaenty, type 'mount' without any options.06:21
maentythis happened after I did update/upgrade06:21
maentykameron: everything seems to be there, when I type mount06:22
frank23maenty: I only have my floppy in media:/  I don't know when it happened though06:22
kameronmaenty, where is it all at? paste the output of 'mount' at06:22
ubotuHuh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, kameron06:22
ubotuDon't flood the channel! Please use the pastebin at http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/ or the channel #flood to paste large amount of text.06:22
frank23maenty: maybe it was the upgrade to kde 3.5? what kde do you have?06:23
maentyno it wasn't, 3.4.306:23
maentyit seems upgrade didn't update KDE06:23
maentyAlthough, I don't know which version comes default with Breeze06:23
frank23maenty: 3.4.3 comes with breezy. I replaced it with 3.5.106:24
KyralNight KDE-type folks06:24
maentykameron: http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/980706:25
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Misterslurpeyany one can help noob06:27
kameronMisterslurpey, just ask a question06:27
Misterslurpeydo you know gaim?06:27
Misterslurpeythe program06:27
Misterslurpeyi got a plugin i dunt know where or how to install it06:27
Misterslurpeyits for xfire06:27
kameronMisterslurpey, just ask a question about gaim, don't ask us if we know what it is. and, considering gaim is an ubuntu thing, you're better off asking in #ubuntu06:28
Misterslurpeyi just want to know how to install things06:28
Misterslurpeyand the file directories06:28
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Misterslurpey   :(06:29
kameronMisterslurpey, what is the plugin called?06:29
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Hobbseehow do you compile a .cpp file on linux?06:30
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robotgeekHobbsee: g++06:31
kameronHobbsee, g++ perhaps?06:31
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Snake|SleepThats it im sick of it, someone help me speedup my boot plzzz06:31
nargAnd thrice it has been said: g++ :)06:31
kameronMisterslurpey, tar -xvf gaim-xfire.tar-1.gz06:31
Hobbseehehe right06:31
Snake__Come one I got a 5 min boot time, someone help me out06:31
kameronMisterslurpey, ah, i mean.. gunzip gaim-xfire.tar-1.gz06:32
robotgeekSnake__: cpu?06:32
nargSnake__: Whats lagging it?06:32
Hobbseethanks :)06:32
Snake__robotgeek: 800 mhz P3. and it seems to be "Bring up network interfaces"06:32
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glickexcuse me06:33
nargSnake__: What kinda network interface do you have?06:33
robotgeekSnake__: /etc/network/interfaces, auto eth0/eth1 might be the culprit06:33
robotgeekSnake__: don't shut down, lol06:33
glickhow come when i try to get my mail from kmail, it says could not start process pop3s06:33
Snake__robotgeek: have to when I bring to and from school06:33
Snake__and in school06:33
Snake__narg: I use wlan0 at home, and eth0 at school06:33
nargSnake__: ... Physically I mean.06:34
robotgeekglick: you need to have some kde package installed, moment06:34
nargI take its ethernet and wireless modem though?06:34
Snake__narg: wlan0 is wireless G, eth0 is wired ethernet06:34
nargI'd assume it doesn't like your wireless card, and its erroring trying to get it to start06:34
robotgeekglick: kdebase-kio-plugins06:35
nargethernet isn't usually the problem06:35
Snake__narg: but it eventually suceedes. it just takes FOREVER06:35
maentywhere can I change the color of the borders?06:37
maentyI installed a theme, then changed to another theme but borders stays red06:37
nargSnake__: I really don't know much about wireless stuff, I avoid it like the plague.06:37
nargmaenty: kcontrol -> look and feel -> window decorations.06:37
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nargappearances not look and feel.06:38
maentynarg: it seems window decorations dont' help06:38
maentynarg: all of the choices there, except one, have suddenly red coloured border06:38
nargthat is odd06:38
Snake__robotgeek: think if i take "auto wlan0" out it will help?06:38
maentyonly if I choose "Keramik" that one does not have red borders06:38
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nargmaenty: is the colors tab set wierd?06:39
robotgeekSnake__: that will not bring up wireless at boot06:39
Snake__robotgeek: so i just ifup right?06:39
robotgeekSnake__: yeah, bring it up manually06:39
maentynarg: that was it, thakns06:39
Snake__let me restart06:40
Snake__see if it helped06:40
nargmaenty: no problem. But now I need to go to bed. Reading irc will make me stay up for ages if I'm not carefull :p06:40
maentynarg: I just woke up06:40
nargmaenty: Pft, I have school is 7 hours :p06:40
maentynarg: I have in 20 minutes :)06:41
greghey, would anyone know why azureus isnt creating/accepting any connections on a fresh installation of kubuntu?06:41
nargmaenty: Don't envy you then.06:41
frank23maenty: If you want gtk and kde apps to look similar, you can use Keramik as kde style and Geramik as gtk style06:42
nargfrank23: The gtk-engine-qt works too.06:42
nargAnd now the moniter goes off! Night.06:42
maentyfrank23: where can i select the gtk style?06:43
frank23narg: Don't have to specify a style for that engine?06:43
frank23maenty: System settings->Apperance gtk styles and fonts06:45
frank23and you need gtk2-engines-geramik installed06:45
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maentyit seems GTK styles and fonts does not open06:46
maentyit tries to load it for a while but then it just closes06:46
frank23maenty: that's starnge....06:47
maentyNot my first strange experience with Linux06:47
maentysince I installed it on sunday, I've had disappearing things etc mysterious06:47
maentyin general, I can't do almost anything with it currently :(06:48
maentywell, I got the Firefox installed at least06:48
frank23maenty: it takes a while to learn06:48
ubotueasyubuntu is an easy-to-use program for installing all your favorites. Java, Nvidia/ATI, and more. It is as safe as the team can make it. It doesn't change any settings by default. http://easyubuntu.freecontrib.org/ or #easyubuntu06:48
maentydoes that work with amd64?06:49
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frank23maenty: that can install useful things for you. I think it can but probably not everything06:49
frank23maenty: You're bound to have more problems with AMD64 than i38606:50
maentyis there any way to add icons to desktop?06:50
frank23you know you still can install the i386 version right?06:50
robotgeekmaenty: it works, as such.06:50
maentyor even icons to the space beside K.. I'd like to make a shortcut manually to file browser that would open /mnt/storage06:51
maentybecause now It's so troublesome to go browsing files, I have to open the konqueror which then opens media:/ (which is empty), then I have to manually go to /mnt/storage06:51
maentyI remember that Konqueror used to be much better program in 2002 when I used RedHat for a while06:53
frank23maenty: what I did was drag a folder from the desktop to besides the K to create the shortcut06:53
glickexcuse me im trying to send an encrypted message to myself but when i get the message it says decryption not possible error: Bad passphrase06:53
frank23maenty: konqueror can be configured differently. I think ubuntu decided to disable some options in it too. Not too sure about that one though06:55
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Snake__robotgeek: much much better06:56
Snake__thank you06:56
robotgeekSnake__: cool06:56
Snake__im down to 1:30 seconds (without KDE load)06:56
Snake__KDE takes about a min06:56
Snake__which is 100% acceptable06:57
glickexcuse me what do i need to install to get gpg working correctly with kmail?06:57
glicki have kgpg06:57
glickbut for some reason its not decrypting it correctly06:57
robotgeekglick: that's about all i had to install, do you have your .gnupg directory06:57
glickrobotgeek, yeah06:58
ubotuI guess gpg is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto or http://www.linuxgazette.com/node/874606:58
glickdude i know how to use gpg06:58
glickjust kmail isnt decrypting it right06:58
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robotgeekglick: hmm, it works for me. recheck password ;)06:59
glickrobotgeek, it never asks me for a password06:59
robotgeekglick: wth?06:59
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hoobustinkhow do i disable sounds of kwifimanager?07:04
hoobustinki cant play a sound cuz the kwifimanager stinging sound is irritating07:05
frank23it makes sounds? I never noticed07:05
Snake__frank23: me neither07:05
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hoobustinkas soon as im connected07:06
Snake|Sleephoobustink: dont use it? :)07:06
hoobustinkas soon as im connected to my access point it creates an irritating beep07:06
frank23just one?07:06
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hoobustinkSnake|Sleep:  hahaah no.ill use it but disable the audio it created but i dont know how07:06
hoobustinknot one but endless beep07:07
Snake|Sleephoobustink: is "acoustic scanning" checked?07:07
Snake|Sleephoobustink: that makes a beep beep beep07:07
hoobustinkyes naka X sya07:07
hoobustinkoopss yes it's checked07:07
hoobustinkor X'ed07:07
Snake|Sleephoobustink: un check it07:07
frank23yeah its acoustic scanning07:07
frank23pretty funny07:08
hoobustinkok finally i got it07:08
hoobustinkdamn accoustic07:08
=== Snake|Sleep turns his music backon
hoobustinkthank you so much gurus07:08
Snake|SleepI'm listening to: Hot Action Cop - Busted (1:51 / 4:47)07:08
Snake|Sleepgod that would kill me07:09
=== Snake|Sleep listens to the BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP
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glickam i missing something?07:09
hoobustinkwhy is kubuntu so cute?07:11
Snake|Sleephoobustink: how long did you put up with that??07:11
hoobustinkwhat do you mean Snake|Sleep ?07:11
hoobustinki have installed this the other night07:11
Snake|Sleephoobustink: the f*in beeping07:11
hoobustinki was installing using server and then apt-get kubuntu07:12
hoobustinksolve now when unchecking the Accoustic Scanning07:12
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Snake|SleepI would have gone CLI 3 minutes into listening to that beeping07:12
Snake|Sleephoobustink: I bet this beep could drive someone crazy :)07:13
hoobustinkwhere can i load my iptables script during boot?07:13
Snake|SleepIt should be loaded07:13
Snake|SleepThis aint gentoo07:13
hoobustinkSnake|Sleep:  at first when i heared that beep.i thought my laptop has reached its dying service07:14
Snake|Sleepha! lol07:14
hoobustinkSnake|Sleep: no im making my own iptables script07:14
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hoobustinknow i need to overwrite the default loaded iptables by kubuntu or ubuntu07:14
Snake|SleepYea not sure. :(07:14
Snake|SleepBut what I do know is i gotta get to bed07:14
Snake|Sleepschool in 5 hours07:15
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hoobustink2:30pm here07:15
Snake|Sleepmight wanna recheck your cock07:15
hoobustinkif i place this in /etc/rc*07:15
Snake|Sleepits 2:15 ;)07:15
frank23its 1h30am here07:15
hoobustinki cant be sure if it will be loaded07:15
frank23its 1h1507:15
Snake|SleepOh wait07:15
=== Snake|Sleep checks his clock
hoobustinkim in philippines time is 2:31pm07:15
frank23are you guys 15 minutes off?07:16
Snake|Sleephoobustink: thats impossible07:16
Snake|Sleephow can you be 15 mins faster than the rest of the world07:16
frank23I knew 30 minutes off exists but not 15...07:16
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hoobustinkdate and time here is march 7 2006 2:32pm07:17
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hoobustinki know bechinique  is from philippines07:17
Snake|Sleep[01:17]  |&| zelazny.freenode.net Tuesday March 7 2006 -- 06:17:46 +00:0007:17
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Snake|Sleephoobustink: type in /date and tell me what it says07:18
Snake|Sleepnever mind07:18
Snake|Sleepyour not on irssi07:18
Snake|SleepI just dont believe that07:18
=== Snake|Sleep is baffled...and tired
Snake|Sleepnight lol07:19
frank23hoobustink: http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/city.html?n=14507:19
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frank23Tuesday, March 7, 2006 at 2:18:53 PM07:19
hoobustinkfrank23:  i got that time07:21
hoobustinkoh i manually set my timer cuz using ntp might not work cuz there are time this laptop dont have internet connection07:21
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frank23good night07:22
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runelindtrying to boot an old kubuntu install and it says Inodes that were part of a corrupted orphan linked list found07:23
runelindand it wants me to fsck manually07:23
runelindbut when I try to fsck / it tells me that running it on an ext2 filesystem can cause severe damage07:24
runelindwhat should I do?07:24
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MezHobbsee, what were you coding ?07:55
HobbseeMez: just some C++ stuff for uni :)07:56
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SteilHas anyone here tried out the amarok 1.4 beta?09:00
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anai've got a problem connecting to the internet in kubuntu dapper. it's very strange as one time it connects and works fine and if i restart the computer it doesn't and seems the network is disabled and i can't enable it. but if i reboot again it works again. and this happens on a regular basis09:44
anaanybody got any idea about this?09:46
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maenty_is anyone using DosBox in Kubuntu?09:47
maenty_My question is: Where is the dosbox.conf-file?09:47
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alleeana: installled last night dapper. Same problem.  sudo ifdown eth0; sudo ifup eth0  fixed it. No time to look at it yet, but this faster than a reboot ;)10:00
alleehi Tonio_10:00
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Tonio_fine allee ?10:01
alleeTonio_: very sleepy.  I hope to fix this in the next hours :)10:02
Tonio_allee: lol10:02
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bobbleHi, How can I add more packages to Adept, so that it increases from ~4000 to ~17000?10:42
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visik7bobble: enable universe and multiverse10:44
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bobblevisik7: from where? I'm new to this flavour Linux...10:45
visik7adept-> manage repositories10:46
bobbleThanks visik710:46
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uboturumour has it, ssh is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SSHHowto, or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdvancedOpenSSH12:03
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Tallia1Kubuntusomebody can help me with ssh?12:08
Tallia1Kubuntui can login with only my ftp secondary user12:08
Tallia1Kubuntubut not with my root one...12:08
Tallia1Kubuntuit says the password is wrong12:09
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sas171hi, I want to edit a pdf file. Is it possible to do with open office or should i download some special software?12:11
_JuDgEn_Can i edit the repository sources from breezy to drapper and use the "sudo apt-get upgrade" function without breaking the system?12:11
_JuDgEn_sas171 youare not supposed to edit pdf files, thats why the format exists, you are supposed to edit the source file instead and render a new pdf12:12
sas171_JuDgEn_: oh, thanks12:12
sas171_JuDgEn_: it worked for me as i updated to breezy12:13
_JuDgEn_you can always export the content to a text file though, and print with a pdf writer to a new pdf12:13
_JuDgEn_though the fancy visual layout is lost12:13
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sas171_JuDgEn_: oh sorry, it worked as i updated to kde 3.512:14
sas171_JuDgEn_: thanks12:14
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sputnicksputnick_ ?12:21
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bejoyCan anybody tell me difference between CD and DVD of Kubuntu.12:25
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Tallia1Kubuntuis there a way to observe the active connections of a SSH server?12:30
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bejoyTallia1Kubuntu, w12:32
me2winTallia1Kubuntu, 2 ways actually12:32
me2winTallia1Kubuntu, one is the command "who" and one is "users"12:33
_JuDgEn_bejoy You dont need the dvd unless you have really slow internet connection12:33
_JuDgEn_bejoy you can install debian and ubuntu/kubuntu from a usb image even if you have an internet conection12:33
bejoy_JuDgEn_, i want to know the differnce between CD and DVD editon.Perhaps you can tell me where to look for the content of CD and DVD.12:34
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me2winbejoy, DVD includes both LIVE and Install versions. It also carries over a few extra packages12:35
me2winhey laurika12:35
_JuDgEn_the dvd has more localizations, more productivity apps, videolan client and smoe more apps from the univese repository12:35
laurikawhat u guys discussing?12:35
_JuDgEn_for more info on what it contains look at the universe12:35
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bejoyme2win, do you where i can see the content of it?12:36
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Kingpombayay my kubuntu torrent is at 90% :)12:36
Kingpombadvd version12:36
_JuDgEn_if you are using ubuntu/kubuntu you can browse it with synaptic12:36
Kingpombai've had this problem in the past with other distros12:37
_JuDgEn_also, you have to edit the sources.lst12:37
Kingpombawhen i put the cd in and set it in bios , it loads from the hard drive :/12:37
_JuDgEn_Kingpomba thats why you should only download small isos =)12:37
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Kingpombawhat were you commenting on12:37
Kingpombathe download or the problem12:37
_JuDgEn_the download12:38
Kingpombaoh ok12:38
me2winbejoy, i take that back, its JUST the install and live versions12:38
_JuDgEn_why do you download ubuntu? You can order it for free at the ubuntu website. They even pay the shipment12:38
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Kingpombait's kubuntu12:39
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Kingpombaand everytime you order a cd a little bit of money is taken from a nice mans bank account12:39
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me2win_JuDgEn_, because I can have it downloaded and installed within an hours time. If you get it shipped, no telling how long it will take to get there. My Hoary CD took 4 months to arrive.12:39
_JuDgEn_it the same, only when you install you only slect the base ubuntu system, whereafter you use "apt-get install kde"12:40
_JuDgEn_Kingpomba last argument was better =)12:40
_JuDgEn_he indeed seems nice12:40
Kingpombamaybe i just burnt the other cd wrong thats why it did'ent boot12:41
Kingpombaim talking about my old slax live cd12:41
Kingpombawhich i lost :/12:41
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_JuDgEn_I long for the day when x11 (and selected wm+dm) will get as fast as beos app_server (if ever)12:42
Kingpombain nero should i burn it as dvd-rom (iso) or dvd-rom (boot)12:42
_JuDgEn_dont use nerdo, i use dc/dvd-record12:43
_JuDgEn_terminal app, works like a charm12:43
Muckihi, anyone know where webmin is on dapper? cant find it with synaptic and i think ive got all important repositories enabled12:43
Kingpombais it windows12:43
Kingpombacause i don't have linux yet12:43
_JuDgEn_Kingpomba that makes a little bit harder =P12:44
dipnlik_Kingpomba: probably dvd-rom (iso)12:44
KingpombaFactoid Not In Database, Asking Other Bots...12:44
KingpombaNo Factoid Match12:45
me2winMucki, im showing it in universe12:45
Kingpomba<Kingpomba> Factoid Not In Database, Asking Other Bots...12:45
Kingpomba<Kingpomba> No Factoid Match12:45
Kingpombat recall talking to my self12:45
Kingpombasilly bot12:46
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_toniBuenos das12:50
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me2winsup _toni12:51
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jockitchanyone else having problems with amarok & kaffeine?12:51
Kingpombagetting late i got school tommrow night everyone12:51
me2winjockitch, yes, because we experience problems in unison...12:52
jockitchwith libflac4?12:52
me2wini was kidding, and nobody is having problems cept you12:52
me2winwhat are they not doing?12:52
jockitchokay me and a friend has the same problem. I can't play any media files with them basicly =)12:53
jockitchnot mp3 nor mpeg or avi12:53
me2windid you install gstreamer? xine? alsa?12:53
jockitchwell amarok gstreamer12:53
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me2wintry xine12:53
me2windid you make sure to change it in the options?12:54
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jockitchwhere at?12:55
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me2winin amarok12:56
me2winunder engines in the options menu12:56
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jockitchdevice: default can't be opened for playback (No such file or directory)01:16
jockitchthat's the error message i got now =)01:16
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jockitchanyway thansk for your help! :)01:19
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jocitchI restarted the sounddevice and then it worked. thanks!! =)01:25
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nrdbI just went to add a new user to my system but I am getting an error message "The mdoeul Users & Groups could not be loaded" how do I fix this?01:33
visik7anyone using azureus ?01:33
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_JuDgEn_Hmm i seem to have found the problem with the video overlay01:34
_JuDgEn_its disabled by deafult when fglrx is installed01:34
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dan_Hi. I want to make translations of my KDE program. When I run 'make -f admin/Makefile.common package-messages', an 'error while opening "/usr/include/kde.pot" for reading' appears. The file 'kde.pot' is located in '/usr/include/kde/kde.pot'. I don't know how to change the path. Can somebody help me? Thanks02:16
me2windan_, try configuring with the headers on, like this:  ./configure --prefix=`kde-config --prefix`02:18
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dan_I'm using KDevelop, so I changed Configure options. Now it configure my project using command 'cd '/home/dan/qwe2/ktut/debug' && CXXFLAGS="-O0 -g3" "/home/dan/qwe2/ktut/configure" --enable-debug=full --prefix=`kde-config --prefix`' After it I make the project. The error while opening 'kde.pot' remains.02:31
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ubotuNo idea, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, sniff02:33
ubotumethinks router is a device used to connect multiple computers online at the same time, or wirelessly. It would be a box in between your modem and computer if you go by the wires.02:33
sniffi know that02:34
sniffbut how you configure an ubuntu machine to be a router?02:34
ubotuWish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, me2win02:36
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tomas_guys im depressed, please help me.02:39
tomas_i want to learn opengl,glut or something02:40
tomas_from the beginning02:40
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tomas_right now im not more than a beeing that breathes02:40
me2winlearn C++02:41
tomas_i know c02:41
tomas_and c++ some02:41
tomas_i want to get started with some graphics02:41
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tomas_i want something concrete02:41
tomas_assembly isnt the right thing in x imo02:42
DominjaAnybody got an idea when (k)ubuntu will have a low latency kernel for audio work?02:43
tomas_not what i want but thanks for the suggestion me2win02:43
tomas_i guesss i will take a a look at glut02:43
tomas_take care02:43
DominjaApart from that, (k)ubuntu is nearing perfection for me... :)02:43
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Zeuszhello all03:03
Zeuszmy friend Toni1603:03
Zeuszhas a problem03:03
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Zeuszthe system won't start03:03
Zeuszhe keeps getting the following error message03:03
Zeuszyou session only lasted ehan 10 seconds.If you have note logged out yourself this couls mean that there some iansalation problem or thatyou may be out of diskspace.Try loging in with one of falsife session to see if you can fix this problem03:03
Zeuszwhat could cause the problem ?03:03
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Zeuszis anyone here ?03:05
me2winhave low ram? low swap space?03:05
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Zeuszwell he has a 1 GB swap partition03:05
Zeuszdon't think that would cause it03:06
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Zeuszand he has 512 MB ram03:06
Zeuszhe says that he has enough free space03:06
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Zeuszbut everithing worked before03:06
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Tm_TZeusz: have he tried with livecd?03:07
Tm_TZeusz: hardware failure is possible03:07
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:Riddell] : congrats to allee on membership | Amarok 1.4 beta 1, KDE 3.5.1, KOffice 1.5 beta out (kword now fixed) | Breezy fixes in breezy-updates | Unofficial Kubuntu FAQ http://kudos.berlios.de | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/InternetRelayChat
Zeuszwindows works03:07
Zeuszdon't think its a hardware problem03:08
Tm_TZeusz: then doublecheck fstab03:08
Zeuszwhats the command ?03:08
Zeuszor maybe an fsck would help ?03:08
Tm_Tmaybe not03:08
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Zeuszwell it's worth a try03:09
Tm_Tbah, I had work to do ->03:09
Zeuszthanks for your time03:09
dark_suic_ZZZi'm having problems trying to set up a drupal server, when i connect to it, firefox, konqueror, ie, everything i've tried tries to download the php file instead of taking it as a webpage... what am i missing?03:09
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sverihi, i want to mount windows shares from my server with: sudo mount // /home/sveri/0daten/ -t smbfs -o iocharset=utf8,umask=000,username=sveri, this works so far, but special characters are shown as undescribeable characters, but when i access the share with smb:// directly from konqueror everything works well03:12
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dark_suic_ZZZif it's a windows mount you'll need smbmount instead of mount03:13
sverii still have the same problem03:14
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DarkAdmirali've just installed initNG and it works fine03:17
DarkAdmiralbut internet isnt set up on start03:17
DarkAdmiralwhich daemon does "ifup eth0"?03:18
visik7networking script of ubuntu is weird03:20
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dipnlikhi all. i have a winxp machine sharing internet to my kubuntu machine, but the internet connection in the kubuntu machine lasts for just about one minute. any ideas on how to fix this?03:22
dipnlikwhen i lose the internet connection, i still can ping the winxp machine03:23
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noteventimeHas anyone compiled the newest version of kubuntu?03:25
visik7uh ?03:25
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visik7dipnlik: do u have autodisconnection when no triffic is on ?03:26
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dipnlikvisik7, i never configured anything related to this, where can i configure this?03:28
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visik7dunno I don't use windows03:28
visik7maybe someware in internet explorer settings03:28
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dipnlikvisik7, no no, windows is fine03:29
jykepiv onko suomalaisia03:29
visik7fine for what ?03:29
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noteventimeHaving shutdown :D03:30
dipnlikvisik7, the internet connection on winxp is kept active like it should03:30
dipnlikvisik7, i'm on it now, because internet on my kubuntu pc "doesn't work". works for a minute then i have to sudo dhclient for it to come back for one minute more :S03:31
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jykejep jep03:32
jykekaikki lhtee menee03:33
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jykeonko mitn muita sivuja03:36
ubotuSuomenkielinen keskustelu Ubuntusta kanavalla #ubuntu-fi03:38
Tm_Tjees, sinne mne, or use english03:38
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atidemhello people03:39
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Tm_Tno people here, go away!03:39
atidemTm_T: ah ah ah03:39
atidemare you the owner of chan?03:40
atidemnope, then be quiet!03:40
Tm_TI'm operator, if that's what you're asking03:40
Tm_Tand hey to you too :)03:40
atidemthere arent operaton in this channel03:40
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Tm_Tthere is03:41
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Tm_Tatidem: anyway, I bet you didn't come to argue here, so ask :)03:42
atidemnew problem03:42
atidemwith tomcat 5.5.1503:42
Tm_Tuh, I had to clean my room ->03:42
atidemI putted my apps in $CATALINA_HOME/webapps03:42
atidembut didnt access it03:43
atidemerror 40403:43
atidemI readed documentation but not finded solution03:43
atidemin the log there arent errors03:45
atidemwhat s wrong?03:45
noteventimeWhat is/are the mm patch(es)03:45
atidemTm_T: what about it?03:48
Tm_Tdon't talk to me, I'm cleaning my room03:49
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silascan someone share some info about code genration tools on ubuntu ?03:53
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DarkAdmiraldoes anyone know how to change the boot-font-size =03:55
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MetaMorfoziSany way in kde to support dualmonitor?03:56
MetaMorfoziSor any configuration mode?03:56
mikeMetaMorfoziS: mine is already03:56
MetaMorfoziSi think first i need to set it up in xorg03:56
MetaMorfoziSbut how can i do that?03:56
MetaMorfoziSi'm not found any howto03:56
atidemDarkAdmiral: change vga option in menu.list03:56
mikeedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf03:57
MetaMorfoziSyes i know where is and what is xorg.conf03:57
MetaMorfoziSbut i don't know what i need to enable dual monitors03:57
MetaMorfoziSi've only had 2 connected monitors:)03:57
mikewhat video card do you have03:57
mikeread the nvidia drivers documentation on the web03:58
MetaMorfoziSand, what is xinerma?03:58
DarkAdmiralatidem: which size is quiet small?03:58
MetaMorfoziS@ forums i red it a lot of palces03:58
mikeread the nvidia drivers documentation03:58
MetaMorfoziSok i'm searching for it03:59
atidemDarkAdmiral: search the web for this, it depends of your monitor res04:00
DarkAdmiralatidem: ok thx04:01
atidemyou are welcome04:01
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atidembye PEOPLE04:12
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KyralMorning K-Type people04:12
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mijndertgood afternoon :)04:13
=== ph8 [n=ph8@0-12-3f-d7-62-c8.gr.esol.dur.ac.uk] has joined #kubuntu
ph8hi all04:15
ph8Does anyone know a good text editor (Like Kate) that will support sftp/scp editing?04:15
ph8even ones for gnome would be welcome04:15
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Kyraland I'm dead serious04:18
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Kyraluse Tramp-Mode to ssh to wherever in Dired, then open the file you want and boom :D04:19
ph8i've just tried xemacs04:19
ph8and it was crap?04:19
ph8there's all sorts of keyboard shortcuts and other rubbish that overcomplicate it04:19
ph8it's the same reason I use pico over vi04:19
ronaldson40My telnet is very slow.... K runnin slow04:19
KyralThou shall not speak of the ONE TRUE EDITOR that way!!!04:20
ph8why do you prefer it if it's insanely complicated?04:20
ph8and isn't emacs command line only?04:20
ph8I want something nice, like Kate, gedit or editplus (windows) that'll work over scp/sftp04:20
Kyral<---Terminal Junkie04:20
ph8someone said something about sshfs, is that a good solution for editing on a remote (localish) system04:20
Kyraland Emacs does have an XWindows frontend04:20
ph8* ?04:21
Kyralwhich I disable by apt-getting emacs21-nox instead of emacs21 :P04:21
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morrowph8: just oben your remote folder with fish:/04:22
morrow(in konq)04:22
morrowopen even. :)04:22
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morrowfish://user@host/folder and then just edit it with kate or whatever you like04:23
morrowafter saving it, konquerer should ask you if you want to upload the changes to the remote folder04:23
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ph8is that secure?04:25
ph8what protocol does fish use?04:25
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ph8according to kate fish:// is an unknown protocol as well04:26
ph8I'm using a gnome desktop for kate, will that cause lots of issues? :(04:26
morrowph8: fish is using ssh04:27
MetaMorfoziSi have been enabled the 2monitor mode04:27
morrowph8: yes.. fish is a ioslave of kde04:27
MetaMorfoziSbut, in kcoontrol04:27
MetaMorfoziSit only said about one monitor04:27
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MetaMorfoziSwith 2304*102404:27
ph8so, I can't use it from gnome? :(04:27
morrowph8: you may switch channels to ubuntu, if you are having problems with gnome04:27
ph8they sent me here :p04:27
morrowph8: try it with a kubuntu desktop :-)04:28
MetaMorfoziSso my two monitors are 1280*1024 and 1024*76804:28
ph8I used to run KDE04:28
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ph8but things like kcontrol just didn't work so i had to switch04:28
ph8is it better now?04:28
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morrowno idea. As far as i can tell there is no real problem with kcontrol :)04:30
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boldiiI have somehow lost my menu. Now I want to get the original one back. how is this possible?04:30
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DizzyDizI'm having trouble with konqueror associations can somebody help?04:31
DizzyDizWhen I right-click folders I no longer get the option to compress them04:31
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DizzyDizI know it has something to do with associations butI'm not sure what04:32
DizzyDizI also have the same issue with archives.04:33
DizzyDizWhen I right click an archive I no longer get the option to extract here or any of the other archive menu entries04:34
boldiiisn't it possible to get the menu back?04:35
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DizzyDizAre there any konqueror experts out there that can help me?04:37
DizzyDizHelp me fix my right mouse context menu in konqueror...04:37
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DizzyDizNevermind the problem just went away04:39
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DizzyDizI think it was something related to my session04:39
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diokhansome question. How much ram do i need to get enough speed under kde ?04:40
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DizzyDizDiokhan I'm not expert but I believe you could run just fine with as little as 256M of RAM04:42
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DizzyDizI've run KDE with 512M and have noticed no slowdown04:43
DizzyDizThat was on an AMD2800+04:43
DizzyDizIt really also depends on what services you have running04:43
DizzyDizAnd how much eye candy you use04:43
DizzyDizIf you have a lot of apps running in the background then you might see some slowdown.04:44
diokhanat my other pc i got only 256mb and when i try to caputure via xdtv and have some xdcc transfers running i only get around 16fps04:44
man2dsry, i'm using 1300 mhz and 256 ram. is it real to normally use kde?04:44
diokhaneye candy are all of04:44
diokhanalso amule and edonkey are running :P04:44
DizzyDizYou're problem might be related to your capture card and not KDE04:45
DizzyDizTry installing XFCE via synaptic and running xdtv there04:45
man2dwhen amaroK changes tracks, games are lagging :(04:45
man2dcan i fix that?04:45
DizzyDizSee if you get a better frame rate04:45
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diokhanwhen i choose a lower capture resolution it works...04:46
DizzyDizDoes your capture card have hardware encoding/decoding?04:46
diokhanyeah i had xfce running, but the caputure wont work then04:47
diokhanno, just a normal bt87804:47
DizzyDizThat could be a clue too04:47
DizzyDizThe CPU has too work harder to encode/decode the signal so that could be stealing some resources04:47
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DizzyDizIt's weird because the app should work fine under xfce04:48
diokhan1600 XP+ should be enough i think04:48
DizzyDizDid you try tvtime?04:48
DizzyDizYeah an XP 1600+ shjould be plenty04:48
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diokhanit works, but i use xdtv, becaus of his timetable function.. and that doesnt work under xfce04:49
DizzyDizI have a cheap capture card in my 2800XP and it ran fine with 512M of Ram, maybe that might be a sweet spot04:49
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DizzyDizTry isolating the problem to KDE and see if that really is the problem.04:50
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DizzyDizIn other words try tvtime at the same framerate under XFCE and see if that works04:50
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diokhantvtime is able to capture ?04:50
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DizzyDizYeah tvtime should capture/play TV channels04:51
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diokhansounds good - also with shuedler ?04:51
DizzyDizI'm really out of my expert area here becauseI'm just learning these apps myself04:51
diokhan*g* ok04:51
DizzyDizI'd suggest freevo for a full scheduling solution04:51
DizzyDizThat's what I'm using04:52
DizzyDizFreevo includes the scheduling and all the other goodies04:52
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DizzyDizI got it working on my Mepis install04:52
DizzyDizYou can use MPlayer Xine or TVtime for the TV part of it04:53
DizzyDizI use Freevo with TVtime04:53
diokhansounds good and looks good *g* is it as hard to install as mythtv ?04:53
DizzyDizNo Freevo is a lot easier to install04:53
DizzyDizThere's a deb repo for it too04:53
v|ffm|eganHi, anybody has anybody got an idea how to tell Kaffeine to show DVB video with an aspect ratio of 1.25 (1280/1024)?04:54
DizzyDizThe hardest part about it is configuring the program scheduling with XMLTV04:54
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diokhanyeah *g* ok i try that, but i think is should also buy some more ram *g* 39euros are not that much04:54
DizzyDizThe only problem I have never resolved (and it kills me too) is my ATI driver issue04:54
diokhanwell i use at the moment only the ati-kernel drigver04:54
DizzyDizYeah spring for the extra RAM, 512 will definitely be more than enough04:54
diokhanplus 25604:55
DizzyDizI can't get my driver to play on my TV set04:55
diokhan768 *g*04:55
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DizzyDizIt plays just fine on the monitor04:55
diokhantv out configured ?04:55
DizzyDizI think04:55
DizzyDizLike I said, I'm just learning the stuff myself04:55
DizzyDizI just recently installed the official ATI driver from their website04:56
diokhan*g* thats linux *g*04:56
DizzyDizThe ATI official driver crashed my system04:56
HymnToLifeDizzyDiz> bettr install the drivers the Ubuntu way04:56
DizzyDizWell I'm not sure if its the driver or the mods to xorg.conf04:56
diokhanat this machine i use the given ati driver from apt04:56
ubotuhmm... ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=42358904:56
DizzyDizWell at home I run Mepis04:57
diokhany that ?04:57
DizzyDizWell I was a Mepis user before I converted to Kubuntu04:58
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DizzyDizMepis was such a simple install and so easy to get up and running04:58
diokhanubuntu and debian as well04:58
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DizzyDizIn my experience Mepis is easier and comes preconfig'ed for multi-media04:58
v|ffm|eganHi, has anybody got an idea how to tell Kaffeine to play DVB video with an aspect ratio of 1.24 (1280/1024)?04:59
DizzyDizOne sec... phone's ringing...04:59
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zblachquick question04:59
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mikecan someone help me create n initscript?04:59
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DizzyDizIt's my wife04:59
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diokhanthats an argument, but i prefer a "naked" system... I dont like if everthing is given. At this pc i use a breezy server install.. and at the other debian etch05:00
zblachthinking about picking up a new burner. is there linux support for lightscribe?05:00
DizzyDizI have to concentrate on this call05:00
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zblachgoogled the issue and i haven't found anything05:02
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DizzyDizOk I'm back05:03
diokhanwelcome back :P05:03
DizzyDizMy wife is trippin'05:03
diokhan"noo wommaaaann noooo cry ;)05:03
DizzyDizAsking me about my daughter's girl scout stuff05:03
DizzyDizYeah now what was I saying?05:04
DizzyDizOh yeah, I gotta figure out how to use my ATI TV outs05:04
DizzyDizI have an ATI 920005:04
DizzyDizAnd a trashed Mepis install05:04
diokhanunder debian it works well05:05
DizzyDizThat needs fixing05:05
DizzyDizI can fix it with the live disk, that's no problem05:05
DizzyDizI just gotta figure out whyI don't get a signal on my TV set05:05
DizzyDizWell I get a signal but it's garbled05:05
diokhantry from apt the official ati driver and than put in the xorg.conf this05:05
DizzyDizIt's funny because on boot the signal is almost ok05:06
diokhanOption "NoTV"                       "no05:06
DizzyDizI'll try that05:06
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diokhanand also said him which standard ?05:06
DizzyDizTonight when I leave from work05:06
diokhanOption "TVStandard"                 "PAL-B" -> this option for germany for example05:07
DizzyDizI thinkI need NTSC, America05:07
DizzyDizI have everything but that one critical piece working05:07
diokhanof course :P05:07
DizzyDizIf I can get that fixed then I'll be in business05:07
DizzyDizFreevo is pretty 8) cool05:07
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diokhan*g* also tried that fglrxconf programm ?05:08
DizzyDizI was able to install Mepis, then upgrade KDE and XORg, and then Freevo all in a matter of 2 hours05:08
diokhannot bad ;)05:08
zblachany word on the KDE4 release date05:08
diokhanend 0605:08
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DizzyDizI tried installing MythTV and got nowhere05:09
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diokhanlike me..05:09
diokhansounds quite nice, but...05:09
DizzyDizWell I almost got it working but got some weird error05:09
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diokhanwhat error ?05:09
DizzyDizFreevo was easy05:09
DizzyDizI can't even remember the error05:10
DizzyDizIt was so long ago05:10
diokhanok.. not soo important now *G*05:10
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diokhanwell i must leave... shops closes soon05:10
DizzyDizSame here05:10
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diokhanwell then.. thx for help *g* maybe we talk again05:11
HammanHi, I'm having some problems with fonts in Kubuntu 6.04(completely up to date), as in they're all to big05:12
Hammanfontsize 7 gives me fonts that looks like 12 pt05:12
HammanI've tried different fonts, and different KDE-themes05:13
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Tm_THamman: sounds like dpi issue05:14
Hammanhow can I check what DPI I'm using?05:14
Hammanshould be 96, right?05:14
Tm_Tsomething like that05:15
Tm_Thave to say that I don't remember05:15
Hammanok, thanks anyway05:15
Tm_Tnor have time to investigate, goodluck, food to me ->05:15
HammanI'll do some googling05:16
HammanTm_T: Thx for your time05:16
ubotulist is, like, totally, you can see a list of things I know at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage05:16
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silaswhere all do I add universe multiverse ?05:22
silasi openeed adept05:22
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HammanTo anyone interested, "xdpyinfo | grep resolution" checks what DPI you're using05:23
_mindspinadept -> manage repositories05:24
HammanI had 85x86, which is strange as that should make all fonts quite small05:24
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vijayjust now i installed ettercap-gtk, but unable to start it!!! can any one tell me the command???05:25
robotgeekvijay: dpkg -L ettercap-gtk | grep bin05:25
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vijayrobotgeek:thanks ok05:26
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Hammandoes anyone know what .dir I should(re)move to reset font settings in kde?05:26
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LUi 05:29
leafwcan anyone recommend an application to run any OS in a virtual box ?05:29
LUi ?05:29
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robotgeekLUi: do you have a question?05:30
vijayrobotgeek: it displayed /usr/sbin/ettercap, but after typing this in run box, nothing is happening??05:30
robotgeekvijay: try it in there terminal05:30
LUiwho can help me?05:30
vijayrobotgeek: ok05:31
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robotgeekLUi: just ask your question05:31
LUiam, do you speak russian?05:32
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leafwLUi, ia gabariu pa-ruski niemnoga ..05:32
leafwLUi: kak tibia bopros?05:32
leafwLUi: kakia tibia bopros?05:33
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LUileafw, chto?05:33
leafwchto chto ?05:33
vijayrobotgeek: got it, i learnt a new command from you thank you verymuch05:34
LUiladno, nevakno..v obshem problema v sleduushem...05:34
leafwLUi: you had some obvious encoding problems05:34
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LUiu menya ustanovlen kubuntu linux, no po chemu-to ne nastraivaet'sya set'05:34
leafw"sya set"? Ne panimaio ...05:35
LUitochnee ya vnoshu izmeneniya v nastroyki, no oin ne sphranyaut'sya05:35
leafwLUi: I'm afraid my russian is quite limited.05:36
leafwLui: I didn't get much from the last sentence05:36
LUileafw, oops :(05:36
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leafwLUi: ia ne panimal sledushem clobi05:37
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leafwLUi: and I'm making a terrible job with the declinations!05:37
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LUileafw, my trable: don't change net options...05:37
leafwLUi: net=internet? ifconfig related?05:38
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LUiyes, internet, yes related05:38
LUichanges don't saved...05:39
leafwhum, worng permissions? Are you making the changes as "Administrator" or root?05:39
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silashow to enable mp3 ?05:40
silasi mean in kubntu05:40
LUithis question me to05:40
leafw"enable mp3" ?05:40
silasi mean play mp305:40
leafwyou mean, to play them in which application?05:40
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Glin|JolWinamp  5.20 Stopped05:41
ubotuI guess mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats05:41
silasamaraok is what I have default in kubuntu05:41
leafwLUi: can't help you without a lot more information: where, which application are you using to change the internet settings?05:41
wincidehi all , i'm looking for a compiler/enviroment/simulator for programming VHDL ... there is any for KDE ??05:41
LUileafw, aplication is a default aplication in kubuntu05:42
leafwLUi: you mean the "System Settings" ?05:43
LUimenu-system administer-net settings05:43
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leafwLUi: I don't even have this menu item. Are you on Breezy?05:43
leafwBreezy, the 5.10 version of Kubuntu.05:44
leafwok, "System administer" may be "System settings"05:44
LUiyes yes05:44
robotgeekwincide: enable universe and multiverse, then look in adept05:45
leafwif you click "administrator mode" and then enter changes, push "apply", and quit, it *should* remain changed. File a bug report otherwise.05:45
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winciderobotgeek:  i've done that, but i've only found gtkwave, and i like one for KDE if it is possible :)05:46
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LUiam, i push "apply" next quit. but changes not saved05:46
robotgeekwincide: i found quite a few vhdl things, "apt-cache search vhdl"05:46
leafwLUi: file a bug report! Can't help you there.05:47
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LUiwhea this report?05:47
leafwwww.kubuntu.org -> bugs05:47
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winciderobotgeek: i've seen apt , and i've found some vhdl things , but any of these were for kde, i need one for x window05:48
robotgeekwincide: yeah, probably not for kde. sorry05:48
wincideapt is the first place i look05:48
leafwany emulation program for kubuntu-ppc to run other OSes inside, natively, such as netbsd/macppc, in a similar fashion to mol ?05:51
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k-show do I change button order in kcontrol?06:03
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k-sops, systemsettings06:04
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k-ssince kubuntu replaces kcontrol with systemsettings06:04
robotgeekk-s: kcontrol is still present06:05
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k-srobotgeek: but there is a way to replace systemsettings button order? Make it work like KDE instead of Gnome06:07
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mikearthurhow can I install skype?06:11
ubotusomebody said skype was http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeHowto/ Breezy deb: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages/06:12
mikearthurnice one06:12
robotgeekk-s: i am not sure what you mean by system settings order06:12
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k-srobotgeek: [ok]  [apply]  [cancel]  are switched order06:14
robotgeekk-s: hmm, i am not sure where you would change that, sorry06:14
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bobesponjacheck out digikam + GPS tagged jpeg + mapquest.com http://digikam3rdparty.free.fr/Screenshots/digikam0.9.0-alpha8.png06:17
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silasi am trying to play a song06:28
silasthe song is working well06:28
silasi dont hear anything!06:28
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silasusing amarok on gstreamer06:29
silascxan someone help me ?06:29
robotgeeksilas: try all the mixers, maybe something is muted06:29
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ubotuit has been said that lamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, one of the standard internet server installations. Installing LAMP in Ubuntu is fairly straightforward. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ApacheMySQLPHP06:35
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wimpiesWhen I click on 'view source of document' in konqueror I get kate as editor.  How can I change this to kedit ?06:37
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jjessei want to access a wireless network via an access point that does not have wep, but everytime i connect it says invalid wep key how do i turn of wep?06:50
me2winjjesse, chek your router?06:51
m0narkjjesse: iwconfig ath0 key off06:52
me2winor that :D06:52
jjessem0nark: thanks06:52
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m0narkyw :)06:52
m0narkyou probably want to configure it in /etc/network/interfaces though06:53
m0narkcheck out the manpages for a syntax06:53
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theD3viLwhich is kde volume manager ?06:53
frank23jjesse: your device may be different than ath006:53
robotgeekjjesse, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WiFiHowto06:54
jjessefrank23: i realized that, and changed it06:54
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m0narktheD3viL: kvm06:55
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theD3viLm0nark: kvm mount devices? Like gnome-volume-manager?06:55
pradeeptoRiddell: around?06:56
m0narktheD3viL: no idea, I just googled it for you :) read the manual or something06:56
theD3viLm0nark: :) tnxt06:57
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Riddellpradeepto: hi07:01
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pradeeptoRiddell: ah there you are :)07:01
pradeeptoI have been looking all around for ya.07:01
RiddellI'm at a conference just now07:01
Riddelland this internet access is terrible07:02
Riddellanyhoo, what can I do?07:02
pradeeptoRiddell: oh you are, sorry had no idea about it.07:02
pradeeptoKubuntu CDs please , pretty please.07:02
pradeeptoEvent/s coming up very soon.07:02
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pradeeptoRiddell: I had mailed you before and after FOSDEM07:03
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Riddellpradeepto: I sent them07:03
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pradeeptooh you did, did not know that, really.07:03
pradeeptoThanks man.07:04
pradeeptoYou remember when you send them though?07:04
Riddellabout a week ago07:04
pradeeptoRiddell: And btw how many? 1 set like last time.07:04
_jaideepanybody, i just unzipped firefox, how do i install it?07:04
Riddellyes, 1 box07:04
pradeeptoOh cool.07:04
Riddellthat's the 2kg limit07:05
pradeeptoRiddell: No issues, should suffice.07:05
robotgeek_jaideep: you mean firefox 1.5?07:05
pradeeptoRiddell: btw my new T42 runs Kubuntu from one of those CDs that you sent me :)07:05
m0narkthat was probably not the way to install firefox :P07:07
pradeeptoRiddell: were you there in community council meeting today?07:09
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Riddellpradeepto: not reall07:10
Riddellpradeepto: not really07:10
pradeeptoRiddell: well couple of weeks I have been discussing KDE l10n with some guys here.07:12
pradeeptoRiddell: primarily with in_TE guy called Vijay.07:13
pradeeptoSo we thought it would be cool if we could have l10n / Indic Kubuntu.07:13
Riddellpradeepto: how do you mean?07:14
pradeeptoRiddell: we laid down some points and created a "charter" or template for that.07:14
pradeeptoWell we have 23 official languages.07:15
RiddellIndia?  that's quite a lot of languages07:15
pradeeptoAnd Indic l10n efforts on KDE are in a pathetic shape.07:15
RiddellI can imagine07:15
pradeeptoOnly a few languages have done some work and the best ones are still at 50% complete.07:16
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pradeeptoNow most l10n has been concentrating on GNOME.07:16
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pradeeptoI dont mind that though.07:16
pradeeptoI am just bothered about KDE, simple.07:17
Riddellof course07:17
pradeeptoRiddell: Around the same time I and Vijay were discussion our ideas.07:17
pradeeptoSome that can be called parallel evolution happened. In the Ubuntu world.07:17
Riddellit did?07:17
pradeeptoAnd Ubuntu-In and "the Indian Team" was formed.07:17
pradeeptoYes and they have an official status.07:18
pradeeptoAs of today GMT 12:0007:18
Riddell6 hours old07:18
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robotgeekpradeepto: +1 on the Indian Team.07:18
pradeeptorobotgeek: what? huh?07:19
robotgeekpradeepto: i was just happy at the formation of an indian team. i am indian too :)07:19
pradeeptorobotgeek: glad to meet ya.07:20
pradeeptorobotgeek: any chance you are on the kde-india mailing list?07:20
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robotgeekpradeepto: nope.07:20
pradeeptorobotgeek: join it now.07:21
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robotgeekpradeepto: hmm, i can't translate. weak with lanuages. should i still join?07:21
pradeeptoRiddell: Anways Vijay and I considering the state of l10n were thinking we need to do a "experimental" Indic l10n Kubuntu.07:21
stordalsbonhey does anyone know how to formate a drive?07:22
pradeeptorobotgeek: KDE-India is not just about l10n. Its a KDE Community.07:22
pradeeptoIn INdia.07:22
Riddellpradeepto: we can certainly do a Kubuntu India, that would be cool07:22
pradeeptoRiddell: now I am trying to meet other l10n people here.07:23
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pradeeptoRiddell: I just sent you the "charter" or whatever you want to call it.07:23
robotgeekpradeepto: hmm okay, can i have a link :)07:23
Riddellpradeepto: just needs a webpage with a pointer to the relent irc channel etc07:23
pradeeptoRiddell: check your mail please.07:24
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pradeeptoRiddell: thanks you have made my task a lot easier.07:24
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pradeeptorobotgeek: https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-india07:24
stordalsbonhey does any1 know how to format a drive ?07:24
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robotgeekthanks pradeepto07:25
Riddellpradeepto: KDE will soon be imported into rosetta so people can translate it through the web (no svn/.po files)07:25
pradeeptoRiddell: good to know that.07:25
robotgeekstordalsbon: do you have kubuntu installed already?07:25
Riddellpradeepto: freeflying recently made a Kubuntu chinese CD to have it in chinese07:25
pradeeptoRiddell: This saturday I will be meeting other guy/s too.07:25
anthonyyostgay gay gay07:26
Riddellpradeepto: but the difficult bit of course it finding people to do the translations07:26
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Riddellanthonyyost: don't be homophobic07:26
pradeeptoRiddell: I am aware of that.07:26
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anthonyyosti am gay07:26
stordalsbonrobotgeek: yes i have two harddisks and i want to format my second07:26
Riddellanthonyyost: good, stay on topic07:26
pradeeptoRiddell: I will keep you posted what happens in the l10n meet on Saturday.07:27
Riddellpradeepto: yeah cool07:27
Riddellpradeepto: any idea how KDE and Kubuntu is for indian langages other than translations?  like do we have the right fonts?07:27
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pradeeptoOh dont worry about fonts.07:28
Riddellpradeepto: there is a l10n meeting in london next week for ubuntu (which I'm not going to)07:28
stordalsbonrobotgeek: yes i have two harddrives and want to format the second07:28
pradeeptoEven Breezy has all the fonts I think.07:28
m0narkstordalsbon: "mke2fs -j /dev/hdX1" where hdX1 is your disk07:28
stordalsbonok thanks07:28
pradeeptoRiddell: there is package called ttf-indic-fonts or something.07:28
m0narkstordalsbon: that's for ext3 filesystem07:29
pradeeptoRiddell: Just give you and idea -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IndianTeam07:29
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stordalsbonm0nark: i understand07:29
robotgeekstordalsbon: Kmenu -> System Settings -> Disks and Filesystem maybe?07:29
pradeeptoRiddell: fonts are there, but its the volunteers that are less and not forthcoming.07:30
pradeeptoRiddell: But pretty much I dont care, if we can get something done, people will come I am sure.07:30
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pradeeptoRiddell: there was no KDE India till December ' 05. And see now.07:31
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pradeeptoRiddell: did you get to read the mail?07:32
pradeeptorobotgeek: did you join the list?07:32
robotgeekpradeepto: yeah, just did07:32
pradeeptorobotgeek: you might be interested in joing #kde-in07:33
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Riddellpradeepto: yep07:33
pradeeptoRiddell: what do you think? Doable? Feasible?07:34
Riddellpradeepto: with your energy, anything is doable :)07:34
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pradeeptoRiddell: thanks :) Can I sig that ? :P07:34
Riddellof course :)07:34
pradeeptothanks again.07:35
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pradeeptoRiddell: Can you give me pointers ? what needs to be done for initiate this as a "official" project?07:36
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pradeeptoRiddell: Ofcourse I dont think we can go beyond a "experimental" stage any time soon.07:37
pradeeptoBut what the heck?07:38
Riddellpradeepto: tell the ubuntu-in people and make sure they're happy with it, then set up a kubuntu-in web page with aims and pointed to kde-india -mail list and irc channel (we can register domain if you want, although that tends to take some time), then I can announce it on kubuntu.org07:39
pradeeptoRiddell: I get your point.07:41
pradeeptoRiddell: I will get back to you on this by Sunday.07:42
pradeeptoRiddell: then we can take it ahead.07:42
pradeeptoRiddell: but is it really important that they're "happy"?07:42
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HymnToLifeperkele :D07:45
HymnToLifeadd /join :)07:45
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stordalsbonm0nark: Thanks really much dued it worked perfectly07:47
pradeeptoRiddell: tell me, is it really important to keep "Ubuntu-in" folks happy or whatever.07:47
farouscan anyone tell me why the keyboard arrow keys do not work with openoffice?07:47
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pradeeptoRiddell: We have a different goals in terms of desktop, we can be as different as Ubuntu and Kubuntu are?07:49
dumezilwhen you have two dynamically configured interfaces, what determines the default route?  i have eth0 and wlan0 and they both are connected, but they both added default routes into the routing table...  i had to manually delete the wlan0 default route for anything to work (wlan0 is my work's wireless network which requires authentication)07:50
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dumezilany help on what determines the default route?07:57
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cmvkkhey, I'm using a kubuntu livecd for the PPC and I'm getting asked for a username and password without ever creating one.07:58
Riddellpradeepto: yep, just that in the past we've had Kubuntu Foo groups and the Ubuntu Foo groups have gone "why didn't you tell us you exist!", they'll be happy kubuntu-in exists just so long as they know about it07:59
cmvkklots of documentation of this problem online in forums but i have yet to find a solution.07:59
pradeeptoRiddell: I understand and I have talked about Indic Kubuntu with Ubuntu-In team leader.08:00
pradeeptoRiddell: he said cool but then also said you just worry about l10n of KDE we will push things.08:01
Riddellpradeepto: ok, get them to link to the kubuntu-in website08:02
pradeeptoCan you wait till Sunday evening.08:02
pradeeptoRiddell: let me just get some more l10n ppl into this.08:02
Riddellpradeepto: of course08:02
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pradeeptoRiddell: I will be posting about this to KDE India mailing list too. Let them fight over it.08:03
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pradeeptoRiddell: And talk to ubuntu-in guys too.08:03
pradeeptoRiddell: but frankly I am not much interested if they are not happy with it. Sorry if I sound rude or something.08:04
pradeeptoRiddell: I hope you understand my point here.08:04
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cmvkkcan anyone help me?  The very first option I get (besides what keymap to use) when booting the liveCD is a diologue box telling me to change my root password immediately.08:06
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cmvkkunfortunately it requires the old password which I don't have.  when I click cancel, it shows me a login screen with username and password boxes, and nothing I use there works.08:07
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Riddellpradeepto: sure that's their problem, my point is just that it's important for kubuntu communities to communicate with ubuntu communities08:09
Riddellso if they have a kde person they know where to send them, and if we get someone with an X problem or gnome issue we know where to send them08:10
pradeeptoRiddell: thanks and I understand, I will surely do so.08:10
dumezilxmms just stopped playing music and i went to restart it and its complaining that the soundcard is locked...  which soundcard driver is better to use: alsa or oss?08:10
pradeeptoRiddell: got your point loud and clear.08:10
pradeeptoRiddell: when this thing comes through unofficially in a week or two please help it get some official status. I will be personally thankful for that :)08:11
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Riddellpradeepto: yeah, totally, we can put it on kubuntu.org, fridge and my blog08:17
weedardumezil, ALSA is newer and preferred08:17
pradeeptoRiddell: very cool! thanks! :)08:18
cmvkkdoes anyone have any information on this?  can anyone tell me if the kubuntu livecd is supposed to prompt me for a new username and password during setup, at least?  anything would be useful.08:18
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siljewhat do i need to compile superkaramba?08:20
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Riddellcmvkk: no, it doesn't prompt08:21
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siljewhat do i need to compile superkaramba? Please help me out here:)08:22
Riddellsilje: superkaramba is available in universe08:23
siljeRiddell: what do i need to edit in /etc/apt/sources.list ? To get it work i mean:)?08:23
siljecoudnt find package superkaramba:(08:24
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_gustafhow do I switch caps lock and control?08:24
douglasHow do I tell my computer to rout it's internet connection through a device say from wlan0 to eth0?08:24
siljedouglas: /etc/network/interfaces - Edit it08:25
douglasthat's it?08:25
siljeplease anyone, i realy want superkaramba. I need to know what line to add into /etc/apt/sources08:26
siljedouglas: yes08:26
weedarsilje, this should probably be enough: deb http://no.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu breezy universe multiverse08:26
douglasOk, here's another one, let's say I changed sound cards from the onboard to a sblive, how do I make kubuntu pick that up?08:26
siljeweedar: thx very much, will trie now:D08:26
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douglasOk, here's another one, let's say I changed sound cards from the onboard to a sblive, how do I make kubuntu pick that up?08:29
weedardeja vu08:29
koshI would have thought that just rebooting would do it08:30
koshsince the sblive driver is part of the system and it will get loaded on startup08:30
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koshthe only issue I can think of is you will have to reset the mixer levels since it will start off muted most likely08:30
_gustaffound it :-)08:30
douglasIt did pick it up :)08:32
douglasNow if I could only route interweb from my laptop with wifi to my new box that I'm trying to set mythtv up on. BTW: the routing is temporary. :)08:32
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mikearthurhow do I get kaffeine able to play mp3s?08:33
cmvkkif the kubuntu livecd setup doesn't have me enter a new username and password, what do i type in when it prompts me for one after boot?08:34
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pulvercmvkk: boot failsafe mode and set/add user, passw?08:37
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patrixwooo here I am, KDE 3.5.1!08:39
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renewiphow can I install unicode fonts for my Konsole in Kubuntu?08:41
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cmvkkpulver: failsafe mode?  i'm not seeing that as an option.08:48
nukyis there a j2sdk how to for kubuntu online? i'm having trouble finding one..08:48
cmvkki tried to boot as expert and then got at a shell, but useradd and passwd didn't exist as commands to run.08:48
cmvkkjust live, live-powerpc, rescue, live-expert, etc...08:48
nuky*J2SDK Installation HOW-TO08:48
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pulvercmvkk, i meant recovery mode, as a grub boot option, sry...08:52
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Snake__Hey guys09:00
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gustaf_how do I configure Konversation to use iso-8859 instead of utf-8?09:01
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gustaf_never mind,I'll use xchat instead09:03
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spoolhi! first of all sorry for my english09:19
spoolmi sound system has crashed, and it notifies me in a popup, over and over09:19
pmsorry about my dupa09:20
pmi mean polish ;P09:20
spooldoes anybody knows how could i find the problem?09:20
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p_kive got a problem with the flash player @ opera ...09:25
p_kit is listed 2 times ! in "opera:plugins" but doesnt work :/09:25
p_kno idea ? :/09:27
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uniqi think opera got a web forum for support and questions like that.09:27
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p_kyes but i thought maybe one of you here had the same problem and solved it :(09:30
uniqi use konqueror for all my web needs.09:32
KyralKonqueror for Web09:35
KyralKrusader for files (if not Terminal)09:35
Kyraloh anyone know a good place for Kicker Apps?09:35
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Datsunzosohey guys09:36
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celerateCan anyone tell me if EasyUbuntu is safe to use with Kubuntu, or is it particular to ubuntu? I'd rather not have it install any GTK apps or cause things to become unstable09:44
KyralIt should work09:45
Kyraland whats wrong with GTK...sheesh09:45
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celerateI didn't say there was anything wrong with GTK, I just don't like it09:46
celerateI'm a KDE/Qt purist09:46
=== Kyral shrugs
KyralI jump between WMs on a monthly basis09:46
Kyralto keep things fresh :D09:47
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celerateI tried, I really did, but I just don't like the way Gnome and GTK do things09:47
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lubohello, can anyone recommend LAN wireless PCMCIA card which 100% works with dapper?09:47
celerateUbuntu has done a fantastic job with optimizations though, it runs like greased lightning on my dad's old 500 mhz 128 ram system09:48
Kyralmy...damnit what brand is it09:48
KyralLook for an Athereos based card09:48
Kyralthen you can use MadWifi09:48
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KyralLets see09:48
luboKyral: that was for me?09:48
KyralIn the past month I have used....Fluxbox, GNOME, XFCE, Enlightenment, and now KDE09:49
Kyrallubo: yah09:49
trpr42lubo: i found http://prism54.org/ to be useful when trying to pick a wifi card.09:49
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luboI have a look...09:49
luboso you recommend MadWifi?09:50
celeratehmm, how about an atheros ar5212, I think that's what mine is. Last time I tried kubuntu it wouldn't work as long as I was using WEP. Now I use WPA and TKIP and I'd like to know if that'll work09:50
=== Kyral shrugs
KyralI have an Athereos card in this machine and an Athereos card in my laptop and they both work with MadWifi09:50
celeratearound here I have to use some kind of encryption, everyone has wireless networks and everyone knows how to "accidentally" connect to anyone elses09:51
celeratehmm, whats madwifi? I'm very new to wifi in Linux09:51
KyralThe Atheroes WiFi Drivers09:51
celerateand do they come with Kubuntu?09:51
KyralThey come with Ubuntu in general09:51
celeratemight be worth a try, although if they're the same ones I used before they didn't work09:52
=== Kyral doesn't subscribe to calling Ubuntu + GNOME "Ubuntu" alone.
KyralTo me Ubuntu is the base system09:52
celerateyeah, but how many people call Ubuntu + Gnome Gubuntu?09:52
KyralNo one :P09:53
KyralIf you REALLY wanna get technical09:53
luboI'm new in Wifi...can anyone paste complete URL with recommendation here.. please.09:53
KyralUbuntu could be considered Debian + GNOME :P09:53
celerateHeh, I'm not a fan of Debian or Gnome, but somehow Ubuntu and Kubuntu appeal to me09:54
KyralI run Debian Sid on my laptop for the time being09:54
Snake__Is "Craft" any good?09:54
KyralThough I plan to nuke it to try Gentoo's new installer09:54
trpr42celerate: if you are a fan of kubuntu, you are a fan of debian. it is that simple09:54
KyralMy poor laptop09:54
celerateheh, I'm done distro hopping, I'm just looking for one I like now to stick with09:54
celeratetrpr42: No, NEVER! ;-)09:55
trpr42celerate: i wouldn't read too much into names, brands, labels... ;)09:55
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Kyralthis semester it has had Ubuntu Breezy, Ubuntu Dapper, Xubuntu, OpenSuSE, Fedora Core 4, LFS(kinda), and now Debian Sid09:55
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Datsunzosoi went to winehq and it states that wine doesnt want to be considered a windows emulator .... but when u run the program it it says that its a  windows emulator! irony! :P09:55
celerateI really don't like Debian, every debian distro I've tried hasn't lasted a month except for Ubuntu, I put it on my dad's computer and it's working very well, it's nicely polished too09:55
KyralI should put Slackware back on it just for fun :D09:56
carstenive problems with kaudiocreator can anyone help?09:56
trpr42celerate: ubuntu is debian based.. apt is the debian package management system.. installation of kubuntu is as easy as installation a package via apt on a debian sid. should tell you something about how closely related they are09:56
celerateheh, I've got a collection of well over a hundred or so distribution CD's from two years back or older09:56
KyralTo me, Debian and Ubuntu share a mutual relationship09:57
Kyralor rather are two sides of the same coin09:57
KyralDebian to me will always be choice over Ubuntu for Servers09:57
Kyralwhile Ubuntu will be my Desktop preference09:57
carsteni cant create wave files out of copy controll - protected audio cds. any fix for this?09:58
KyralICK! DRM09:58
celeratetrpr42 thanks a lot buddy, now I have to recognize reality again ;-p09:58
Kyralcarsten: Don't buy DRM'd CDs09:58
trpr42celerate: yeah. i deal with it all day :(09:58
KyralBoycott the RIAA's unfair practices!09:58
carstenKyral: yeah, but i have no choice.09:58
KyralFOR FREEDOM!09:58
celerateI have had very bad experiences with 90% of the debian based distributions I've tried09:58
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=== Kyral should mention he is a card carrying member of the FSF
carsteni guess it is basically a "broken" toc. is there a way to "fix" that?09:59
celeratedo FSF members really carry cards?09:59
Arcanimus'lo all09:59
KyralYah we are supposed to get a bootable business card lol09:59
ryanakcathe most recent update is making my hard-drive make funny sounds :S Any idea on what I should do?10:00
celeratewhat does it run?10:00
Kyralcelerate: no clue10:00
KyralI haven't gotten mine :P10:00
celerateprobably damn small linux, haha ;-)10:00
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celerateI'm reluctant to put kubuntu on my laptop until I find out if the wireless + wpa will be supported10:02
celeratethere's a live cd isn't there?10:02
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KyralOkay, anyone know how to make Konqueror stop trying to open directories with a Text Editor when I click on them in Tree View?10:03
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celeratein the configuration for konqueror you should be able to change that under file associations10:04
celerateor just right click and try "open with"10:04
carstenso, i guess that means there is no help for kaudiocreator?10:04
KyralWhy is Mousepad before Konqueror?10:04
DatsunzosoIts not who I am, but what I doooooo that defines me (say that in a lisp)10:04
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pmkde is gay10:06
trpr42pm: lol. weren't you just trolling in the other channel too?10:06
trpr42slow day or something10:07
celeratespring break in some places10:07
pmyeah, it was me :)10:07
pmyou can't deny it - kde sucks10:07
pmyou know this? http://www.deathball.net/notpron/10:08
celeratepm: Gnome blows10:08
pmxfce rules!10:09
celeratebalance is restored to the world10:09
osh_who cares about DE's anyway?10:09
celerateobviously not you10:09
Datsunzosohow do i shut wine down when it behaves bad :(10:10
celerateI care though10:10
celerateI dunno about this one, but you could try `killall wine`10:10
osh_celerate: I care about being productive. then I go for whatever I feel comfortable with. "this is better" "no that is better" is just stupid. Spend some time on something that's actually worth something instead.10:11
Kyral...why the hell was Mousepad associated with Directories?10:11
celeratethat's an old one10:12
osh_not for me. I found it amusing. =)10:13
celerateyeah, it's still funny10:13
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pmyou know why kde is gay?10:13
pmcuz it looks like windows which is totally gay10:13
KyralI'll give you it kinda reminds me of XP10:14
Kyralthen again I have realized that I don't hate the XP interface(Much) I hate the engine of XP :P10:14
Kyralpm: C'Mon, one thing that Linux should teach us is that the GUI isn't everything :P10:15
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pulverpm: to me xfce wout transperancy looks like bloated gnome.. so isnt it great to be able to choose10:16
trpr42bleh. why do you give this guy the attention he desires :p10:16
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celerateheh, I thought that warcraft porn song would have kept him busy for a while10:18
KyralBecause its fun to smack him down10:18
pmof course it isn't everything10:19
pmbut it's a lot10:19
KyralI can work just fine without X10:20
KyralIts the core of the OS10:20
KyralKDE, GNOME, XFCE, they would all blow if they were on XP as it is10:20
celerateheh, so many people say desktop environments resemble windows, but if having a mouse and something to click with it makes things look like Windows then so be it10:21
pmwhich distro do you use/10:21
celeratebesides, I do believe KDE really looks like the Xerox GUI and Mac OS10:21
Kyralpm:  Me?10:21
pmyes you10:21
KyralThe only thing that defines my install as Ubuntu instead of Debian is the repos I pull from10:22
Kyralon my Server I run Xen Breezy with Debian Sarge and Debian Etch XenGuests (All Headless)10:22
Kyralon my laptop ATM I have Debian Sid10:23
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celeratesomeone likes Debian :-)10:23
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KyralNah I was bored lol10:23
KyralDebian is quick and clean for servers10:23
=== MetaMorfoziS [n=sajt@3e70cda4.adsl.enternet.hu] has joined #kubuntu
celerateme too, but I've diverted my attention towards contributing to a distro rather than switching every week like I used to10:23
KyralI'm gonna put Gentoo on my laptop to try the new Installer as soon as I get my hands on a blank CD10:23
pmi use gentoo10:23
pmi just switched from ubuntu10:24
Kyralcelerate: I am Ubuntu Member. My Production Box will always have Ubuntu10:24
celerateneat :-)10:24
celerateI don't touch debian based because I don't know how to make debs10:24
Kyralcelerate: "MetaBuntu" is my way of saying that my box is a mixture of packages from all over the Repos10:24
celerateI do volunteer work on RPM based ones10:24
pmubuntu is for babies :P10:24
KyralI maintain two packs in Dapper Universe and one in Debian Main10:24
Kyralpm: Would you like to know my credentials?10:25
celeratepm, is that why you're here (couldn't resist ;-) )10:25
KyralStarted on Slackware 10 back about 2-3 years ago on my laptop10:25
pmand as a consequence kubuntu is for gay babies :)10:25
KyralMoved to Gentoo as a freshman in college10:25
celeratepm, stop with the bio, please ;-)10:25
celeratejust joking, but you are asking for it10:26
KyralAfter I got tired of compiling for 20 horus every time I broke my system (which I like to do as I feel its the best way to learn)10:26
KyralI tried Fedora Core (2 at the time?)10:26
pmwhy are you so serious, dudes?10:26
Kyraldidn't like it (Because it wouldn't boot)10:26
celerateIf I was serious I wouldn't be joking10:26
pulverpm: was LFS too hard for you :)10:26
trpr42pm: life sucks and then you die.. hurry up already10:26
Kyralmy CS TA gave me an Ubuntu Disc10:26
Kyraltried it and was hooked10:26
KyralI tried the LFS Live Disc on my Laptop10:27
Kyralthe GCC compiler wouldn't make the second pass10:27
Kyralanyway, my laptop this smester has had Breezy, Dapper, Debian Sid, OpenSuSE 10, and Fedora Core 4 on it10:27
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nrdbI have setup another user for kubuntu, I then started a new session under that user, KDE won't make any sounds! I have added the new user to the audio group. can anyone help?10:29
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celerateanyone know when I could expect the next version of Kubuntu?10:30
KyralSame as Ubuntu Dapper10:31
KyralApril 20th10:31
pmcelerate, soon10:31
celerateoh, next month10:31
Kyral6.04 :P10:31
Tonio_Kyral: 19th10:31
Kyraland I can't wait until the Repos for Dapper+1 open :D10:31
celerateI hope it'll support wpa with my wireless then, and I'll finally be able to ditch Windows from my laptop10:32
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weedarcelerate, your wireless isn't supported via ndiswrapper?10:33
celeratehey, what's the difference between the DVD and the CD for ubuntu 5.10?10:33
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KyralThe DVD is a combined Live+Install?10:34
celerateoh, I don't need that. My bandwidth is capped10:34
pmKyral, yes10:34
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carstenkaffeine crashes if i try to record an mms stream. is that normal? (mms://
pmkaffeine sucks, man10:36
pmuse mplayer instead10:36
osh_celerate: I use wpa with my lappy.10:37
carstenpm i have a different opinion. kaffeine + gstreamer + xine is really good. plays a lot. if sth doesnt work (ie .mkv files) i use vlc.10:37
carstenmplayer stutters and doesnt work smooth ( on my machine )10:38
pmis vlc open source?10:38
osh_kaffeine crash for me. or it won't play things. I go for mplayer or vlc. kaffeine is prettier. the other two work.10:38
carsteni dont know if it is gnu - oss but you can dl the source i think10:38
celerateosh_, do you use dnswrapper or is that with the Linux drivers?10:39
osh_celerate: you mean ndiswrapper don't you? No, this is with the linux drivers.10:39
carstenpm, i just checked vlc is gnu.10:39
celerateyeah, I guess I do10:40
celerateI'm confusing my networking terms10:40
osh_celerate: It's some intel-chip. 2200BG (rev 05)10:40
celerateI've got an Atheros AR521210:40
celeratelast time I tried Kubuntu 5.10 it wouldn't work with WEP, but now I use WPA (TKIP) instead and I'm hoping it will work10:41
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osh_celerate: why not use ndiswrapper and the windows drivers? doesn't that work?10:41
celerateI couldn't find the windows drivers10:41
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celeratethe laptop came with a restore DVD10:41
osh_celerate: they come with the wireless card don't they?10:41
celerateit's integrated10:42
=== osh_ nods.
osh_celerate: and there's no .inf file in windows that you know of?10:42
celerateI think there might be one that gets restored with windows in a folder10:42
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celerateI'll have a look10:42
osh_I'm thinking about helping out with upgrading kubuntu. Is there some wiki somewhere on how to do that? I've been rolling rpm's at work for about a year now and .debs can't be that different.10:43
osh_I've searched some but couldn't find anything relevant.10:44
carstenif anyone is interested i fixed the "copy controlled" cd - rip problem. I just added a dvd-burner in an external firewire case to my system and put the audio cd in there. result : KDE opened konquerer with the cd-tracks, and i could just copy them from there. it looked like the dvd-burner automagicaly fixed the broken toc.10:44
=== osh_ hates copy controlled cd's.
celeratethere's an installer, some cabs and some ini and inx files10:45
carstenso i guess its -> Mute records 0 : KDE(with help from NEC) 110:45
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osh_celerate: nothing that looks like a wireless inf-file?10:45
celerateI dunno, I might have to do through the Windows system folders10:46
carstenosh_: their copy protections are basically useless. one part of them only works under win, all the other "protections" are broken tocs, that are normaly auto-repaired from more expensive drives.10:46
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osh_celerate: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38972&page=210:47
osh_celerate: looks like an instruction on how to get your card to work under linux.10:48
tidalwav1Hi, people, I'm running flight 4 and trying to install build-essential, but it 'has no installation candidate'...why?10:48
osh_carsten: Yes but why should I bother. It's easier to get them from the net now. If they give me what I want, I'll buy. If not, fsck em.10:49
tidalwav1why is build-essential uninstallable :(10:49
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osh_carsten: I've got a cd that I can't put on my lappy and it pisses me off. Last cd I'll ever buy that has copy protection.10:49
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osh_cycus_zwisus: hello10:50
HymnToLifecopy protected CDs ar the only ones I allow myself to download10:51
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cycus_zwisusis it true that kde is gay? ;)10:51
osh_cycus_zwisus: yes10:51
carstenosh_: i understand that. i am buying cds mainly for 2 reasons. 1. i can sell them on ebay if i dont like them anymore, and secondly i dont like the itunes DRM stuff. In other words, i can rip the audio cd as often as i want, and copy it for my car or whatever10:51
HymnToLifeplus the Portnoy ones released by Magna Carta :D10:51
carstencycus_zwisus: gay as a day in may10:51
cycus_zwisusoh my (G)osh_!10:52
tidalwav1yeah dream theater :D10:52
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HymnToLifelmao carsten10:52
carsteni wonder if it is allowed to DL the new madonna album (ie) from itunes and burn it on 3 cdrs (which is allowed) and then sell the 3 cdrs on ebay. it should be legal i assume.10:53
tidalwav1nobody can tell me why I can't install build-essential? :P10:53
HymnToLifetidalwav1> error message ?10:54
HymnToLifecarsten> it would be10:54
HymnToLifebuy no one would ever buy em :p10:54
tidalwav1Hymn: Package build-essential has no installation candidate10:54
HymnToLifetidalwav1> obviously your sources.list is f***ed up10:55
tidalwav1I can show you my /etc/apt/sources.list in pastebin if you want10:55
tidalwav1I don't know what I'm missing10:55
cycus_zwisusincontentia buttocks10:55
tidalwav1I have universe and multiverse enabled10:55
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tidalwav1k, h/o10:55
ubotuTo install Java/Sun Java see Java on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats and also see !javadebs10:55
cycus_zwisusincontentia buttocks <- is this correct spelling?10:55
HymnToLifeyeah it seems so10:56
HymnToLifebut what the bloody hell is that ?10:56
cycus_zwisusdidn't you watch life of brian?10:56
tidalwav1hymn: nvm, turns out a line at the top was commented out by the installer, and I totally missed that :p10:57
HymnToLifeobviously not10:57
cycus_zwisuswhat a shame!10:57
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cycus_zwisusare you american?10:57
HymnToLifetidalwav1> it works now ?10:57
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tidalwav1hymn: not sure yet, I'm doing apt-get upgrade before I do anything else, trying to install nvidia drivers, so I want the latest everything before I attempt that :p10:58
carstenare here any native english speakers around? i need help with the sentence "Inquiring minds wants to know". what does that mean?10:58
HymnToLifewhy do you need build-essential for nvidia drivers ?10:58
tidalwav1to patch them10:58
tidalwav1carsten: it should be "Inquiring minds want to know."10:58
HymnToLifeand why do you need to patch them ?10:59
cycus_zwisusHymnToLife, are you frogeater?10:59
HymnToLifethe Ubuntu drivers worked like a charm for me10:59
tidalwav1hymn: no idea, just following http://doc.gwos.org/index.php/Latest_Nvidia_Dapper10:59
HymnToLifeoh ok, running Daper10:59
tidalwav1it has something to do with the kernel module sucking10:59
tidalwav1I said flight 4 originally :p10:59
HymnToLifecycus_zwisus> so what ?10:59
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cycus_zwisusthis is  why you didn't watch life of brian11:00
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HymnToLifeI can't se any connection here11:00
cycus_zwisusfrench people don't understand good english humour11:01
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carstenxp boots on macbookpro -> http://img.mathcaddy.com/xponamac.jpg11:01
celeratehey, would a .sys file be a driver I could use with ndiswrapper?11:02
HymnToLifejust beause french humour sucks ass doesn't mean some french people cannot understand good humour :)11:02
tidalwav1celerate: nope, only .inf file11:02
cycus_zwisusdo you see connection now?11:02
celeratelol @ carsten11:02
cycus_zwisusmonty python's life of brian is a masterpiece!!11:02
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HymnToLifecarsten> what's the point in instaling a crappy O S instead of another crappy OS ?11:03
celeratechoice ;-)11:03
HymnToLifecycus_zwisus> will you thro pointing objects at me if I tell you I've never seen any Monty Python movie yet ?11:03
carstenHymnToLife: because its possible.11:03
cycus_zwisusHymnToLife, yes i will :P:P:P11:04
celerateok, I've got a net5211.inf file, is there only one .inf file that I'll need or might there be several?11:04
HymnToLifewell, I have just little experience with Mac OS11:04
alleebobesponja: fwiw here are even more screenshots of advanced feature of next digikam release: http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/digikam-users/2006-March/001107.html11:04
HymnToLifebut it's not much better than Windows for me11:04
HymnToLifeI've told myself for ages I had to see some11:05
bobesponjaallee: thanx :)11:05
HymnToLifebut never did for some reason11:05
cycus_zwisusanyway there was a guy named biggus dickus whose wife's name was incontentia buttocks :)11:06
alleebobesponja: first beta planed end of this month (roughly)11:06
tidalwav1cycus: "sorry, bignose"11:06
zizaquestion: how harmful is it to plug in a normal IDE harddisk to a running Linux system? does it depend on your motherboard?11:07
HymnToLifeziza> you mean, while the system is running ?11:07
zizawhile it is running, yes11:07
zizai'm reading a small chapter on LVM, and I was just curious about this11:08
alleeziza: IDE is by design not hotplugable, so you risk damaging your mainboard/disk.  Better use a IDE<->USB adaper. It's hotplug11:08
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zizaok, thought as much11:09
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zizathe next time i install Linux (Kubuntu) i'm gonna probably use LVM11:10
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bobesponjaziza: what is lvm?11:12
zizaLogical Volume Manager11:12
bobesponjaziza: and what does it do?11:13
zizait allows you to dynamically modify "Logical Volumes", in particular while your system is running11:13
zizaa Logical Volume can be figuratively seen as a Partition11:14
zizaso you can define a LV for your root folder, for your home folder etc.11:14
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bobesponjaziza: i see, I saw the option when I installed kubuntu but I had no idea what it meant11:15
bobesponjasounds interesting though11:15
zizai hadn't either the first time i installed ubuntu11:15
zizawhich i "upgraded" to kubuntu later because i like KDE better11:16
zizai used the default partition configuration when i had installed ubuntu. i was an absolute novice concerning Linux11:16
pmziza, are you gay?11:17
zizaare you silly?11:17
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pmis your desktop wallpaper pink?11:18
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zizawell, no11:19
pmthis is the gayset phrase i've heard today -> because i like KDE better11:19
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zizahm, does it make you happy to make such an assertion?11:19
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pmno, it doesn't11:20
redguypm is this conversation supposed to be in #kubuntu?11:20
pmhi, redguy11:21
pmwhy shouldn't it be?11:22
redguypm: beacause this channel is for support and perhaps for kubuntu related talk11:23
ccc_pm: please leave, you obviously have no business here11:23
pmredguy, kde is the most essential part of kde, isn't it?11:24
pmof kubuntu*11:24
redguypm: and surely not for the kind of conversation you started11:24
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pmyou are too serious, guys11:24
pmyes you are11:25
redguywell, if it was supposed to be a joke, it was not funny at all11:25
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celerateI'm with redguy on that one, just calling people names doesn't make you a champion comedian11:26
_mindspinand "I like KDE better " is a reason one can have to use kubuntu11:26
pmjust calling people names -> i wonder where?11:27
_mindspinfor me its just I#m used to kde11:27
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mike_____how to I get amarok to be able to play MP3s?11:27
Glin|JolWinamp  5.20 Stopped11:27
ubotufrom memory, mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats11:27
celeratemindspin, there's no need to justify why you use it. KDE is good software11:27
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trappistGlin|Jol: please turn that off.11:28
_mindspinI don't need do justify, I want to open pm's eyes to other perspectives11:28
_emmanuelI have a suggestion for the bin in kubuntu : why is it necessary to left click it to empty it, and not right click, like for any other objects to open their contect sensitive menus ?11:28
zizabecause it's kind of a drop down menu button11:29
HymnToLife_emmanuel> in french we say "so that idiots have something to talk about" ;)11:29
callie_emmanuel, i totally agree, i always right click it first11:29
_emmanuelziza: yes, that's the point11:29
_emmanuelmerci HymnToLife ;-)11:30
pmgay love is one of the perspectives?11:30
zizait has a tiny arrow to indicate this11:30
HymnToLifepm> you getting banned is another11:30
_emmanuelI know ziza, but I just mean, like callie, that I always click it right first11:30
_mindspinno the look and feel of a GUI11:30
zizai see, but it's a habit of yours, you just have to get used to it :)11:31
pmthis is the only thing you can do -> ban somebody11:31
ubotuMy cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, _mindspin11:31
HymnToLifeit works pretty well on people like you11:32
HymnToLifethe only thing you can do i stalking about nonsense11:32
_emmanuelziza : I find it not consistent with the rest of the GUI : if I want to make an action with the wallpaper, I right click on it, and then I get a dedicated menu with what I can do with it11:32
HymnToLifeI dunno which one is worse...11:32
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celeratepm, it's the appropriate thing to do. If you're just going to troll why not ban you so the channel can be put to better uses than your entertainment11:32
ChousukeI wonder what KDE4 will really be like11:33
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zizaon the contrary, it is consistent with the GUI11:33
Chousukeit's quite hyped already.11:33
HymnToLifeChousuke> when is it to be released ?11:33
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ChousukeHymnToLife: no idea.11:33
_mindspinon my wishlist would be betterperformance, less eyecandy11:33
celerateI'm hoping the performance will be as good as it is today, it seems the next wave of desktop's are going to hog resources11:33
=== HymnToLife aggres with ziza
Chousuke_mindspin: my wishlist includes both11:33
_emmanuelziza: left click on a folder > it opens it11:33
HymnToLifelike when you want to open the K menu, do you right click on it ?11:34
celeratethe 3D and whatnot might be too much for my laptop to handle11:34
Chousuke_mindspin: eye candy can be optional, you know :)'11:34
_emmanuelziza: right click on it > it pop up a menu with what you can do with it11:34
ziza_emmanuel: the bin button is of the same type like the K Menu button or the System settings button11:34
zizait's not a folder11:34
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celerate_mindspin, better performance is on both our lists. Mind you the performance now is still good compared to any other comparable desktop environment11:34
_emmanuelziza: it is one11:35
ChousukeI don't know if it's just good good advertising, but the gnome people seem to be improving gnome's performance.11:35
celerateI'd love to see OS X style eye candy that will still run well on my laptop, but I think I'll need a ram upgrade for tha11:35
_mindspinI know it also depends on the used hardware, mine is not the fastest11:35
Chousukecelerate: not nexessarily.11:35
_emmanuelziza: it is an emptyzable folder11:36
Chousukecelerate: if they put the eye candy on the video card :)11:36
ccc__emmanuel: there is a trash folder, but the panel entry is not a folder.11:36
zizawhat are the system requirements for Xgl? i mean like GPU RAM...11:36
celeratemy video card is integrated and shares the ram with the rest of the system11:36
Chousukeziza: 32MB?11:36
Chousukeziza: it shouldn't require much11:36
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Chousukedepends what you're going to do with it of course.11:37
zizawow, i'd really love to have that running on my system11:37
zizaafte i've seen a 10 min video on it11:37
Chousukethe only problem is lack of accelerated 3d on linuc11:37
zizai just couldn't believe my eyes :D11:37
Chousukenvidia is not free, so it's not a true solution.11:37
zizai know about that, but acceleration works fine for me with nvidia CS drivers11:37
Chousukeati free drivers also kind of suck still :/11:37
_emmanuelIs Firefox 1.5 and Thunderbird 1.5 included in the next kubuntu version ?11:37
celeratewhat other good video cards are there that have decent drivers for Linux?11:38
ChousukeMatrox? :P11:38
_mindspinit should afaik11:38
celeratenever heard of them11:38
Chousukeradeon 9250 and older11:38
Chousukesome intel chips I think11:38
Chousukenvidia is non-free11:38
Chousukeit matters to some :)11:38
celerateok, let me rephrase that. How many good gaming video cards are there besides Nvidia that work well enough with Linux?11:39
Tm_Tcelerate: uh, r9200 works ;(11:39
Chousukeall new atis require crappy binary drivers too11:39
cycus_zwisuswill there be kde - non gay edition?11:39
Chousukecycus_zwisus: Will you leave? :P11:39
cycus_zwisusok, that was just a joke :P:P:P11:40
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zizai installed Ubuntu Dapper Drake Flight 4 today on a virtual system (vmplayer), cause i wanted to test Xgl. but unfortunately VMWare generally has no support for 3D acceleration11:40
Tm_Tcycus_zwisus: what?!11:40
ubotuXGL on Ubuntu: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/XglHowto - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on http://www.novell.com/linux/xglrelease/11:40
_emmanuelcelerate: I'm a gamer, and I'm afraid Linux is not the best for games right now :-(11:40
calliecycus_zwisus, is pm11:40
cycus_zwisusand i'm afraid it won't be11:40
celerateI suspected as much11:40
ChousukeI'm able to game all I want with Linux11:41
cycus_zwisusyes, it's me pm11:41
celerateChousuke, what games?11:41
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Chousukecelerate: Deus Ex, Civ3, stuff like that11:41
celerateI'm hoping cadega will run NFS: HP2 and Rise of Nations11:41
celerateeh, I don't like CIB11:41
ChousukeI don't care about newer games that much11:41
celerateI'm always a few years behind11:42
HymnToLifeas long as I have Frozen Bubble, I'm happy :D11:42
celerateI do have AOE III though, but it's crap11:42
ChousukeDeus ex is ~98 iirc.11:42
cycus_zwisuscedega is a commercial software11:42
h1dd3nh4xx0rBeneath a steel sky - playing here ^^11:42
Chousukehah. yeah11:42
_emmanuelChousuke: do you know Metaboli ?11:42
HymnToLifeFB should be installed by default11:42
ChousukeFrozen Bubble is TEH addictive.11:43
_emmanuelMmm... perhaps it's only available in France, then... :-(11:43
Chousukebut it gets old as soon as you play it through.11:43
celerateI like fb, supertux is ok until I get stuck, and there was the one in SUSE that was like a 3d block breaker, but I forgot what it was called11:43
celerateI used to love BZFlag but all the kids ruined it11:43
zizai played FB until level 79 (or so) the first time :)11:43
Chousukeoh, and then there's ADOM :p11:43
celeratenever heard of that one11:43
Chousukenon-free, but still the best roguelike ever.11:44
celerateHave you ever seen thinktanks?11:44
celeratethe graphics are cartoonish, but it's fun11:44
_emmanuelChousuke: I bought one *excellent* game, native for Linux11:44
_emmanuelChousuke: Darwinia11:44
celerateunfortunately when I tried running it with Ark Linux the graphics flickered really badly and parts of the terrain wouldn't render11:44
zizayou guys should be watching out for The Elder Scrolls - Oblivion, i know it's not gonna run on Linux, but it's awesome i tell ya11:44
ChousukeI've heard of that.11:44
HymnToLifecelerate> cartoonish graphics kick ass11:44
ChousukeDid you know that you can buy Uplink's source code on a CD?11:45
Chousukeiirc it was about 30 dollars.11:45
_emmanuelChousuke: I bought Uplimnk also in a bundle with Darwinia, but I haven't played it yet11:45
celerateI was playing the Demo, I'm poor right now11:46
ChousukeUplink is fun11:47
_emmanuelI play quite a lot, but I buy almost all my games second hand.11:47
ChousukeAnd I need sleep.11:47
ChousukeGood night.11:47
_emmanuelBut for exceptions like Darwinia, where I want to support them to develop for Linux, I buy the new games11:48
_emmanuelGood night Chousuke11:48
zizagoon night11:48
zizaso _emmanuel, did you get over the bin button thingy? :)11:49
celerateheh, Windows won't shut down, I think it knows there's an ubuntu CD in the drive11:49
h1dd3nh4xx0rlol, Frozen bubbles rocked :D11:49
=== Cheapie [n=Adm@londonderry-cuda1-68-234-71-44.lndnnh.adelphia.net] has joined #kubuntu
HymnToLifeit still does11:50
zizaso you mean it's kinda afraid that you gonna replace it with ubuntu? :)11:50
HymnToLifeheh despite apparences11:50
HymnToLifeWindows _is_ kida inteligent11:50
HymnToLifeat least it has the basic self-conservation instanct :D11:50
celeratekind of afraid is an understatement11:51
HymnToLifecelerate> give it a hard reboot11:51
celeratebah, selfe preservation. This is why I don't want DRM on my computer, some day Windows is going to tell me it won't reboot until the Linux CD is out and the drive is locked11:51
HymnToLifeand show it WHO is the master in here :D11:51
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celerateyeah, I had to hard reset in the end11:52
_emmanuelziza: I am still convinced it is a GUI discrepancy. I don't speak further aboutit here, that's all ;-)11:52
zizado you know what's funny about my windows?11:52
celerateit actually works ;-)11:52
HymnToLifethere are curtains on it ?11:52
zizano, it (the OS) freezes temporarily if i insert a cd into my cd recorder11:53
zizano reaction until i remove it again...11:53
celeratethat used to happen to me, it's just slow that's all11:53
HymnToLifethat is definitely _not_ funny11:54
celerateit used to depend on the CD though11:54
zizabut i can reproduce it with just any cd11:54
zizawindows just dislikes my recorder :(11:54
HymnToLifeuseful though11:54
zizaas in how?11:55
HymnToLifeto show people once and for all that windows stinks11:55
zizarofl yeah11:55
zizait does other weird things11:55
celeratedo you have a dual core or single core processor?11:55
zizalike completely freezing when i try to play particular QuickTime movie files11:55
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HymnToLifeth only weird thing mine does is working actually good11:55
zizasingle core, amd athlon11:56
_emmanuelI just switched back from Suse 10.0 to Kubuntu11:56
celeratemy dual core p4 is the first processor I've had windows running where it didn't freeze for a second or two when a CD was inserted11:56
HymnToLifeas long as I do not visit porn sites <= min reason I switched to Linux :D11:56
celerateI don't know if there's really any connection though, as the entire computer except the drives were new11:56
celeratemy brother bricked his compaq going to porn sites11:56
celerateI can still fix it, there's nothing wrong with the bios or hardware, just the OS11:56
HymnToLifeyeah, always have a ghost image of a fresh windows at hand11:57
zizacan you imagine, i'm able to play 4 movies concurrently on Linux, but Windows can't even cope with two!11:57
zizanot that it's quite useful to do that11:58
HymnToLifeif you have 4 monitors11:58
_emmanuelziza : movies on Linux are always a nightmare with every new install :-(11:58
HymnToLifeand have 3 friends who each want to see a different movie11:58
celerateziza, yeah I can imagine it11:59
HymnToLifeI don't think any linux user actually has 3 friends though :/11:59
celeratemy dad's running a computer around 6+ years old and it doesn't run Windows 98 as well as it does ubuntu11:59
_emmanuelHymnToLife: lol12:00
celerateHymnToLife: rofl12:00
zizai'm still driving my first install...12:00
HymnToLifecongrats ziza12:00
celerateHymnToLife: thanks a lot man, I was happy before remembering that12:00
HymnToLifemy first install died on me 2 minuts after12:00
zizareally? how come?12:00
HymnToLifewhen I went "What ? No root password ?! What a crappy distro, I'm installing FC back"12:01
_emmanuelHymnToLife: same for me : I made about 4 or 5 installs the first month I tried Linux12:01
zizathe only thing i wish i had done differently is that i should have set up a system with LVM, but at the moment i installed linux the first time i had absolutely no idea about this subject12:02
_emmanuelziza : you might be not conscious of it, but you behave not the same when you know an OS12:02
HymnToLifewhat is LVM ?12:03
Snake__ziza: LVM?12:03
=== jon_ [n=jonolson@ip68-2-220-104.ph.ph.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
_emmanuelI don't crash windows xp, and I don't crash Linux anymore neither12:03

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