
=== iGotNoTime [n=iGotNoTi@cpe-24-210-203-224.woh.res.rr.com] has joined #edubuntu
iGotNoTimeYou know this seems very unstable maybe you guys can help figure out why01:22
iGotNoTimeFirst I lost my Gnome-terminal and only xterm would work01:23
iGotNoTimethen I lost the drive that were mounted while I was out to lunch01:23
iGotNoTimethe system time is set not to synch yet changes at all hours01:23
=== Burgwork refrains from making jokes about "out to lunch" :)
iGotNoTimeand lastly I have now lost the add programs option01:24
iGotNoTimethe things that are lost flash momentarily but no GUI01:24
Burgworkhave you confirmed that it is not hardware?01:24
iGotNoTimeBurgwork, you may laugh but I listened to an MP3 went to lunch and all drive shortcuts were gone01:24
iGotNoTimedisappeared from my desktop01:24
iGotNoTimehow do I know if it is hardware?01:25
iGotNoTimewhy would hardware make it say Gnome-terminal is not found?01:25
Burgworkrandom things crashing might be01:25
Burgworkyou are running 5.10, no?01:26
iGotNoTimeyes 5.1001:26
iGotNoTimeeven Synaptic does nothing when I click on it01:26
Burgworkis this a stock install?01:26
iGotNoTimethat is a core feature of this OS is it not?01:26
iGotNoTimeyes completely01:27
iGotNoTimeI only installed Skype01:27
Burgworkis this a workstation or thinclient?01:27
iGotNoTimebut drives, clock and terminal was gone before Skype came in01:27
iGotNoTimeBurgwork, no big deal. I thank you for allowing me to rant01:30
iGotNoTime :)01:30
iGotNoTimeHave a nice night everyone! :)01:31
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z2274743hi there08:18
Burgundaviasalut z227474308:18
z2274743hey, im new to ubuntu and edubuntu =)08:19
Burgundaviawell, welcome08:19
z2274743just wondering - is there any way of running both ubuntu and edubuntu on the same machine, and having 2 user accounts - one for adults and one for children?08:19
z2274743because that would be very cool08:19
linuxboyanybody here know anything about PXE booting for ltsp?08:20
enyclinuxboy: ?does you macihne definittyly PXE boot okay from another PXE boot server that definitely already works ?08:21
Burgundaviaz2274743: yes08:22
linuxboyenyc: I'm trying to get a PC to boot with a PXE boot floppy08:22
Burgundaviaz2274743: they are basically the same08:22
enyclinuxboy: I know that08:25
enyclinuxboy: Id try a different combination of network-card/machine to boot from the network08:25
linuxboyenyc: I can't08:25
enyclinuxboy: or try a different boot server08:25
enycand see what changes... process of elimination ;-)08:25
linuxboyI can't08:26
enycwell vmmmmgh08:26
z2274743what are the differences between ub and edub then?  just the apps that are pre-installed, and the skins?08:26
Burgundaviaz2274743: both of those08:26
Burgundaviatheme is the word08:26
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z2274743themes, sorry...  are you involved?  im interested in getting involved in some way08:27
enycz2274743: there is a different base package installed which installs a different base set of packages.......08:27
linuxboyenyc: in /etc/ltsp/dhcpd.conf I have: "filename "/ltsp/pxelinux.0";"08:27
linuxboyenyc: but /ltsp/pxelinux.0 doesn't exist08:28
z2274743ok, so thats the only difference?  thats cool08:28
enyclinuxboy: thats probably relatife t a tftp root or something08:28
linuxboyenyc: where is the tftp root?08:28
Burgundaviaz2274743: edubuntu also includes ltsp08:28
enycz2274743: ubuntu kubuntu edubuntu ubuntu all use the same package store....08:29
Burgundaviaenyc: but edubuntu and ubuntu both use GNOME08:29
enyclinuxboy: im not really familitar with pxe booting08:29
z2274743ok, great, thanks08:29
enycBurgundavia: I know that [????] 08:29
Burgundaviaenyc: just wanted to make certain you didn't confuse z227474308:30
enyclinuxboy: erm paste you dhcpd.conf somewhere...08:30
z2274743thank you.  do you know of any way i can get involved?08:30
linuxboyenyc: I thought you didn't know ltsp08:30
enyclinuxboy: Ill try these things after dapper released ;-)08:30
z2274743im using dapper now, seems to work great08:31
enycI thought flight-5 was going to be built shortly...08:32
Burgundaviaenyc: delayed due to an error with espresso on ppc08:32
Burgundaviaz2274743: http://www.ubuntu.com/HelpingUbuntu08:32
enycBurgundavia: aah ok....08:34
z2274743burg: thanks.  how are you involved now?08:34
Burgundaviaz2274743: I do documentaition, marketing, hot air producing08:35
z2274743b: nice one08:35
z2274743b: thanks for that.  im off now08:36
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enycBurgundavia: ?what do you know about plans for openoffice.org ver 2.0.2 and flight-5?  [http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/flight5 mentions openoffice.org 2.0.2 but thats not in the package database on packages.ubuntu.com] 08:39
Burgundaviaenyc: 2.0.2 should be there. It got uploaded yesterday I believe08:40
enycBurgundavia: afher the Upstream Version Freeze... but very sensible!08:40
enycBurgundavia: have all the problems with AMD64 etc. gone away since vor 2.0 upstream ?08:41
Burgundaviaenyc: .0.2 is very much a bug fix release08:41
Burgundaviano idea08:41
enycBurgundavia: no matter ;-)08:44
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Tachyon[] hi03:13
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