
zygaI disagree really but that's not for me to decide12:03
ograanyway, adding partitions is a very advanced task ...12:04
YokoZarogra: I present myself as evidence to the contrary, since I wouldn't have found this bug if it were useless ;)12:04
zygauser has to use the root mode because that's how things work but the applet should probably follow the principle, do something that has to be done by root and go back to normal user mode12:04
zygaogra: true!12:04
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jordijdub: dude12:40
jordijdub: ping ping12:40
jdubjordi: pong pong! :)12:40
jordijdub: that was FAST DUDE12:40
jdubjordi: that list was already created, btw12:40
jordijdub: was that between my second ping and now=12:40
jdubjordi: i think the guy who is pinging you is not the person who requested the list in the first place12:40
jordioh. Hmm.12:40
jordiok, I'll tell g0sub12:41
jordisecond. I wonder if I should be in planetubuntu.12:41
jdubhell yeah12:41
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jdubwant me to put you up?12:41
jordiand if yes, if you can add my Ubuntutu entry by hand or something12:41
jordiI guess so12:41
jdubhrm, it'll probably turn up in the feed12:42
jordiwill it suck all the feed?12:42
jordithere's anther entry after that one12:42
jdubon the first go, it only lets in the first two12:42
jordioh, the first two12:42
jordithen it's ok12:42
jordiDO IT12:42
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jordiI'll be posting rosetta stuff if I'm in PU I guess.12:43
jordiand of course, cool news about the Catalan Liberation Front.12:43
=== nictuku [n=yves@201-24-182-62.bsace706.dsl.brasiltelecom.net.br] has joined #ubuntu-devel
=== jdub would yell out some cry of support, but does not know what to say. "VIVE!" doesn't sound right. although you are a bunch of french gypsies/
jordiVISCA!!! would be quite acceptable in Barcelona.12:44
jordilearn that one for your talks @ guadec12:45
jordithey will love it12:45
jordiVISCA EL GNOME!12:45
Treenaksthat sounds like 'viscerate'12:45
=== jordi disintegrates Treenaks
jdubso what is your nick now, jordim, or jordi?12:45
jordijordi on feenode12:45
jordijordim on gimpnet, as jordi is taken.12:45
jdubok, i will use jordi then12:45
jordiI'd like it to be jordi everywhere.12:46
jordibut doing a hostile takeover on gimpnet against one of my liberation front mates is not that cool :)12:46
jordiwe need the nickname thing on planet debian12:47
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jordijdub: I don0t see ubuntu-in in the mailman listing at all. what's the list name=12:50
=== vorbote [i=dradul@] has left #ubuntu-devel ["See]
jdubit's not available until the list admin has a chance to fix it up12:52
jdubyou can sneak peek if you know the mailman url scheme ;)12:53
jordiit does work now12:54
jordiit didn't before12:54
jordiI swear12:54
jordiI know you fixed it.12:54
=== jordi points at jdub.
jdubthe unpublished url?12:54
jordiit was saying "ubuntu-in does not exist"12:55
jordinow it says it is run by pantless people12:55
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jdubjordi: eek, good point. i better change that, or she might not.12:59
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jordijdub: so did you add me to planet01:22
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Burgundaviasalut jono01:39
jonohey Burgundavia :)01:40
jonoBurgundavia, hows the writing going?01:40
Burgundaviajono: working on the community chapter. You?01:41
jonoI worked on some bits of chap 3 and added some of the reviewer comments - I think my chapter missed some important bits out, so I filled much of it in01:41
jonotomorrow I will finish that, merge in the new contributions to chap 7 and then start merging a couple of others together01:42
Burgundaviajono: are you working full time on the book right now?01:43
jonoBurgundavia, not full time, but I do work on it a reasonable amount during the day01:43
Burgundaviayou are a lucky man01:43
jonoBurgundavia, I work as an Open Source evanglist full time so it comes under my remit :)01:44
Burgundavia8 hours of work made it hard to concentrate enough to write in the evenings01:44
jonoBurgundavia, its a tough job writing a book01:44
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sladenelmo: http://www.ubuntu.com/htdocs/ubuntuweb/css/screen-standard.css has disappeared and the Ubuntu website is fairly broken as a result.02:16
robertjapt-cache search libgl02:19
robertjdoh ;)02:19
robertjhttp://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/10100 <- getting undefined symbols consistant with having mismatched libGL & DRI drivers but have installed both from packages...02:21
sladenelmo: or rather, the NTL caches have eaten it.  Your end is fine.02:21
infinityrobertj: Erm, that can't be the paste you wanted to show..02:21
infinityrobertj: Anyhow, if you're suffering libGL mismatches, do you by any chance have nvidia-glx or xorg-driver-fglrx installed, but are using the free drivers (ati or nv) instead?02:24
infinityrobertj: That'll confuse the world in pretty harsh ways.  If you're not using them, you have to completely remove the non-free drivers, not just remove them from xorg.conf02:24
infinityrobertj: (ie: dpkg --purge xorg-driver-fglrx)02:24
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khermansInstallation Password Vulnerability code02:39
khermansi wrote a quick perl script to see if you are vulnerable02:39
infinitykhermans: And we've already released a fix.  This probably isn't the right channel to discuss it much further (unless you want to discuss how to fix it better)02:40
sladenkhermans: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-262-1  done, dusted02:41
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=== Kamion fixes one of the twin root causes of the installer password vulnerability upstream
Kamion(cdebconf failed to honour accept_types/reject_types for templates received over passthrough)03:06
infinityOh dear god, OpenOffice 2.0.2 actually starts in under a minute.  Someone actually optimised something.. \o/03:12
Amaranththat reminds me, do we have/will we have michael meeks' glibc stuff that makes C++ apps start faster?03:12
=== infinity drops everything to go write some pointless documents and spreadsheets in celebration.
infinityAmaranth: When/where was this committed?03:13
=== Lathiat laughs at infinity
infinityAmaranth: We're certainly not bumping a new glibc minor version in (since glibc minor versions are pretty, uhh, major)03:13
Amaranthinfinity: i don't think it was03:14
Amaranthinfinity: they didn't want it, said you should just use preload03:14
infinitys/load/link/ I assume you mean?03:14
Amaranthi haven't used it in a long time :)03:15
Amaranthsomething for dapper+1 though? it'd make OOo and KDE users happy, i'm sure03:16
=== infinity shrugs... File a wishlist bug with a pointer to the relevant mailing list discussions and patch.
infinityIt can certainly be evaluated for dapper+103:16
Amaranthwill do03:16
sladenKamion: what's the other one.  I just found a password of mine on a customer's box... 03:16
Kamionsladen: the other one is that initial-passwd-udeb.postinst doesn't clear out the password in the installer's cdebconf database, although the password is cleared out by passwd.config from the debconf database in /target03:18
Kamionsladen: either fix alone is sufficient to avoid the bug; I haven't fixed the initial-passwd-udeb.postinst bug anywhere yet because that entire chunk of code is gone upstream and from dapper03:18
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sladenKamion: messy.  I guess   grep -r sEcReTpAsSwOrD /  is something to add to the testsuite03:24
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stratusare the libgnome locale messages missing from the package (2.3.90-0ubuntu3) or i'm missing something?03:38
Kamion.mo files are stripped from everything in main and go into language-pack-* instead03:39
sladenstratus: they're separated off into langpacks03:39
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stratusi forgot that, sorry.03:39
dotwaffleI swear, if ONE MORE USER tries to cat the install log file on my upgraded hoary install, I will actually be willing to reconsider my stance on execution...03:44
=== Kamion verifies fresh dapper installs free of the password disclosure bug
dotwaffleKamion: It only affects 5.10, you're safe unless you dist-upgraded from Breezy.03:45
AmaranthIt only affects you if you installed using 5.1003:45
infinitydotwaffle: Kamion is the installer maintainer, he's likely aware of the exposure (and is testing to make sure that's true)03:46
dotwaffleI just reread what I'd written. I need sleep - you're obviously doing something to check it's not still borked.03:46
dotwaffleinfinity: I know, but somehow, sleep prevented me from remembering that...03:46
=== LaserJock_away is now known as LaserJock
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dotwaffleRight, that's it, I just tried to specify $1 field insertions using bash aliases, I need sleep... night...03:48
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Ubugtumalone bug 29768 in glibc "Australian timezones incorrect for 2006" [Normal,Confirmed]  04:14
HrdwrBoBwtf is going on with this?04:14
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elkbuntuhmm what updates in the past 5 hours have meddled with/removed the minicommander panel applet?04:27
robertjinfinity: sorry for being afk and your right this pastebin script is not returning results properly, but that was the problem, I just took out a radeon card04:31
robertjinfinity: is that a known issue where having xorg-driver-fglrx will cause it to b0rk?04:31
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infinityrobertj: Yeah, I've put some effort into figuring out a clever way to work around it, but because fglrx/nvidia use their own libGL (and not the system libGL), it's a messy thing.04:32
infinityrobertj: They have to divert the system libGL out of the way to function, but then other drivers break.04:33
robertjinfinity: ended up not being able to stand the extra noise generated when I had a radeon in this system04:33
infinityrobertj: Generally considered an okay compromise, since if you install fglrx or nvidia-glx, you probably wanted to use it too.04:33
robertjinfinity: doesn't that make liveCDs sad?04:33
infinityHow would it?04:34
robertjI guess you can still install it on-the-fly then04:34
infinityIf you're very lucky...04:34
infinityLots of DRI/DRM combinations tend to be completely unloadable at the kernel level.04:34
infinitySo you'd probably have to use a persistent LiveCD to install fglrx/nvidia-glx and reboot.04:35
infinityI can't imagine this is a use case many people care terribly much about, though.04:35
robertjbe back in a second, still unhappy, restarting Xorg04:36
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robertjinfinity: btw, that made Xgl happy too04:41
robertjalthough Xgl shows direct rendering no and is very slow, is that normal?04:41
robertjI guess that's one for ubuntu-xgl04:41
infinityYeah, I know very little about Xgl.04:42
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setuidQuestion: Why would a source package fail to build clean, when all deps are satisfied? 05:26
setuidi.e. 'apt-get source foo' && cd foo && debuild05:26
setuid...along with about 78 lines of error below that05:32
setuidThose files don't even exist in all of Debian or Ubuntu, in any package05:32
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infinitysetuid: Which package is this?05:43
setuidinfinity: libmp4v2-005:44
setuidUpstream CVS source for that doesn't build either... needs some serious work. Sigh. 05:45
setuidSo I can't build gtkpod 05:45
setuidwhee! 05:45
SEJeffI have an rtf file that will segfault the latest openoffice in dapper (2.02)05:47
setuidSEJeff: backtrace? 05:47
SEJeffI ran soffice.bin in gdb to get a backtrace05:47
SEJeffAnd it keeps asking me to press enter after thousands of lines of output05:47
SEJeffIs there any way to have gdb log to a file?05:47
SEJeffBecause I'm not going to copy / paste this many lines05:48
SEJeffActually, I am having a friend do this and I am using NX to help him troubleshoot it05:49
SEJeffany ideas05:50
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infinitysetuid: I can't reproduce the failure here.  It builds fine in a clean chroot with the build-deps installed (which was to be expected, since it also worked on the buildds).  There's something goofy with your local setup.05:56
setuidI'm on Breezy, might that make a difference? 05:56
infinityErm, quite possibly.05:57
setuidIt definitely does not build here, using any version of automake/autoconf/autoheader/aclocal05:57
infinityI was building the dapper sources in a dapper chroot.05:57
setuidI guess its broken in Breezy05:59
setuidBut the source package is _identical_ between Breezy and Dapper, unchanged. 05:59
=== infinity tests in breezy, out of curiosity.
setuidI'm using faad2-2.0.0+cvs20040908+mp4v2+bmp06:01
setuidWhich is what 'apt-get source' brings down06:01
setuiddebuild bootstraps the chroot, no? 06:01
infinityErr, what?06:01
infinitydebuild has nothing to do with chroots.06:01
infinityIt's just a small wrapper around dpkg-buildpackage06:02
setuidI thought it did the whole chroot + dpkg-buildpackage mess06:02
setuidHow are you building this? 06:02
setuidIt can't possibly build, there are files that are required, completely missing from any and all .debs in the whole pool06:05
setuidfaad2.h:28:26: error: codec_plugin.h: No such file or directory06:05
setuidfaad2.cpp:22:32: error: mpeg4_audio_config.h: No such file or directory06:05
setuidfaad2.cpp:23:23: error: mpeg4_sdp.h: No such file or directory06:05
infinityWhich I'd expect to be in the faad2 source.06:06
setuidEven googling for them comes up blank06:06
setuidWell, I'm heading to sleep. Thanks. 06:08
LaserJocksetuid: pbuilder builds packages in a chroot envioronment.06:08
setuidLaserJock: Sure, so what bootstraps pbuilder? 06:09
setuidOk, let me try this a different way06:09
setuidI have a tree of unpacked source from Ubuntu, which has a ./debian directory in it. I'd like to rebuild that source into .debs I can then install, which should replace the existing versions on my system. 06:10
setuidHow do I do that, without a 45-step process? 06:10
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LaserJocksetuid: debuild and the pbuilder is how I usually do it06:10
infinityEither build it in your base system (apt-get install build-essential fakeroot; apt-get build-dep <package>; cd <package_version>; dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -us -b)06:10
infinityOr, set up chroots and do it in there.06:10
infinityOr, use sbuild or pbuilder.06:11
infinityOr, come up with your own fancy solution. :)06:11
LaserJocksetuid: or pdebuild in one step06:11
setuidWell, pdebuild requires some setup too 06:11
LaserJocksetuid: pdebuild is debuild+pbuilder06:12
infinityAnyhow, it appears to build fine in my breezy chroot to... <shrug>06:12
setuidThis does nothing: apt-get build-dep libmp4v2-0 06:13
infinitySo, you have the build-deps installed.06:13
setuidTrying dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -us -b now06:13
=== zerokarmaleft [n=zerokarm@ip68-12-45-133.ok.ok.cox.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
setuidSame errors06:14
infinityThat's more or less what debuild will do for you, so if debuild doesn't work, neither will dpkg-buildpackage.06:14
setuidIn file included from faad2.cpp:21:06:14
setuidfaad2.h:28:26: error: codec_plugin.h: No such file or directory06:14
setuidfaad2.cpp:22:32: error: mpeg4_audio_config.h: No such file or directory06:14
setuidfaad2.cpp:23:23: error: mpeg4_sdp.h: No such file or directory06:14
infinityYour problem is more fundamental, I suspect.06:15
setuid^ those files simply do not exist, anywhere, in any of these sources06:15
infinity(You didn't change the source in any way, did you?)06:15
setuidNope, just rm'd and did a clean 'apt-get source' on it 06:15
setuidapt-get source libmp4v2-006:15
setuidcd faad2-2.0.0+cvs20040908+mp4v2+bmp06:15
setuiddpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -us -b06:15
setuid(chug chug) 06:15
setuidthen the errors above06:15
Chipzzsetuid: what about debootstrapping breezy, trying to build it there, and if it works see where those files come from?06:15
setuidChipzz: No idea what you mean 06:16
setuidI'm *ON* Breezy06:16
Chipzz06:12 < infinity> Anyhow, it appears to build fine in my breezy chroot to... <shrug>06:16
Chipzzinfinity: you could always do a dpkg -S for those files? :)06:17
infinitysetuid: The build normally doesn't even attempt to build the mpeg4ip plugin (where the broken includes come from), as far as I can tell, so sometihng on your system (whacky environment, who knows) is making things unpleasant.06:17
setuidI'm not even sure how you can get it to build, when faad2.h clearly references a non-existant file06:17
Chipzzor rather, locate and dpkg -S06:17
=== Bicchi [n=Bicchi@adsl-065-006-167-199.sip.mia.bellsouth.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
infinityChipzz: Oh, no, the files really don't exist, but they also don't get included in the default package build.06:17
Chipzzah ok06:18
infinityDEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS := --with-xmms --with-bmp --with-drm --with-mp4v2 --disable-mpeg4ip06:18
infinity^--- From debian/rules06:18
setuidDEB_CONFIGURE_EXTRA_FLAGS := --with-xmms --with-bmp --with-drm --with-mp4v2 --disable-mpeg4ip06:18
setuidSame here06:18
setuidBut it still tries to build it 06:18
setuidI just yanked it from the Makefile, trying now06:18
infinityRight, so figure out why that is, or use a chroot. :)06:18
Chipzzsetuid: take a look at the Makefile.am and look on what condition that dir gets build06:19
infinityWe've gone way out of the scope of "this package is broken" (which I and the buildds disagree with)06:19
setuidDoesn't "dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot" use a chroot? 06:19
Amaranthsetup a breezy pbuilder06:19
zerokarmaleftwhen i use pbuilder + bindmounted local apt repository, the packages i've built specifically to meet BuildDepends aren't tried during satisfydepends06:19
setuidOk, looks like --disable-mpeg4ip doesn't actually disable it 06:20
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Chipzzsetuid: on a seperate note, why do we use --with-xmms ?06:21
Chipzzhrm wait, probably cause that's installed by default :P06:21
ChipzzI just nuked it from my system :P06:21
Chipzzno gtk+ 1.2 apps here ;)06:22
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zerokarmalefthere's the bash script i'm using to call pbuilder + local bindmount - http://pastebin.com/59915106:25
BicchiIf dapper doesn't have the lattest version of a software, how do i report/suggest an upgrade? What is the procedure?06:27
nictukuBicchi, dapper is in feature freeze06:28
LaserJockBicchi: most packages in Ubuntu come from Debian. And we are under a upstream version freeze06:28
Bicchiso it means nothing can be added to it. until the next release of ubuntu. the one after dapper that is.06:29
LaserJockBicchi: we do have exceptions for  important bug fix releases but they have to be approved, etc.06:30
Bicchibut again, if i see that the package doesn't get upgraded, should i notifiy Debian instead?06:30
LaserJockwell, they don't have a version freeze at the moment and we would sync from debian sid for Dapper+1 so it would definately be one way to go06:32
zerokarmaleftand the pbuilder output - http://pastebin.com/599156 - the package i'm building BuildDepends on rake (>= 0.6.0) and i've got rake-0.7.0 sitting in my local apt repos06:36
LaserJockzerokarmaleft: I used another machine to host my apt repo so I didn't use bind mounts. It worked fine that way06:37
highvoltagei see nexenta listed in launchpad as a distro, does this mean we'll soon have a solaris for human beings as well?06:43
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highvoltagehi ubuntu-devel. there's been no announcement yet about the Ubuntu initial user password being stored as clear text, readable by all users. will there be one soon?07:38
Burgundaviahighvoltage: already fixed07:39
robitaillehighvoltage: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-262-107:39
highvoltageah, thanks07:40
Burgundaviahighvoltage: plus it is a local only exploit07:41
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maswanWas any of the flight-N installers vulnerable?08:18
fabbionemaswan: no08:18
=== maswan chmods install-logs, just to be sure
fabbionedapper is o08:18
maswanfabbione: Ah, ok. Good.08:18
maswanfabbione: Well, that could also be interpreted as "current dapper is OK", or "released dapper will be OK" from the USN.08:19
fabbionemaswan: well there is no support for Dapper.. afaik Dapper was never vulnerable08:20
=== robitaille wonders if bug 34606 should be marked fixed
Ubugtumalone bug 34606 in Nexenta OS "Administrator root password readable in cleartext on Breezy" [Normal,Unconfirmed]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/3460608:20
CarlFKdapper was (is)08:21
maswanfabbione: Yeah. I just happen to have a debian/ubuntu devel machine for amd64 that was installed with flight-3 that I was curious on. All other machines are FAIed at both work and the computer club, so no worries.08:21
fabbionemaswan: ok :)08:21
CarlFK( is = daily I have, guessing the fixed one will get to me in a few hours)08:22
=== maswan saw the bug and looked carefully in questions.dat without finding his password from that flight-3 install
fabbioneCarlFK: dapper mostlikely never had the problem08:23
jdubinfinity: ping08:24
CarlFKfabbione: I have many dapper intsalls, all have it08:24
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CarlFKjuser@dhcp24:/var/log/installer/cdebconf$ grep useme questions.dat08:24
CarlFKValue: useme08:24
infinityjdub: pong, but only because you're lucky. :)08:24
jdubinfinity: ;-)08:24
jdubinfinity: now mysql 5 is sig11 on startup08:24
CarlFK-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   71670 2006-03-12 23:51 questions.dat08:25
infinityjdub: ...08:25
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infinityjdub: Can you work out how to get a backtrace and file a bug?08:25
jdubinfinity: just got gdb on, shouldn't be long08:25
infinityjdub: I'm about 5 seconds from running out the door for dinner and such.08:26
infinityjdub: Cool, thanks.08:26
infinityjdub: Assign the bug to me explicitely, I don't think I'm the Malone bug contact for MySQL.08:26
maswanCarlFK: to which question is that Value: ?08:27
CarlFKName: passwd/user-password08:27
jdubinfinity: erm, what happens if a stack trace ends with (nil) ?08:27
CarlFKand Name: passwd/user-password-again ;)08:27
maswanCarlFK: not logged for my flight-3 install.08:28
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CarlFKthink it matters that I used a preseed file?08:29
jdubinfinity: it didn't pass the stack range sanity check08:30
maswanCarlFK: Possibly, since I just did a normal cd install and didn't get it logged.08:30
CarlFKspeaking of preseed, not that base-config is gone, how do I run commands like I did with base-config/late_command ?08:40
tepsipakkihow much effort would it need to move some libraries and binaries from /usr/{lib,sbin} ->/{lib,sbin}? It isn't possible for dapper, that's quite evident, but for dapper+108:41
tepsipakkiI'm talking about libkrb5, libgssapi, rpc.gssd, rpc.idmapd which are needed for nfs4-mounts08:42
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tepsipakkioh, libidmap too08:43
tepsipakkilibnfsidmap, that is..08:43
pittiGood morning08:43
ajmitchmorning pitti 08:44
tepsipakkiGuten Morgen08:44
pittihey ajmitch, hallo tepsipakki :)08:45
maswanChipzz: I have no clue, we use FAI everywhere, no preseeds. :)08:54
Burgundaviasalut pitti, have a fun sunday?08:55
pittiBurgundavia: heh, yes, I had :)08:56
pittiBurgundavia: Good morning08:56
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Lathiatso, the password disclosure vuln helped a mate of mine08:58
Lathiathed lost a password, and gave up tryign to brute force it08:58
Lathiatturns out it was the same he used in his isntall, so got it back :)08:58
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dholbachgood morning09:03
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netstarinfinity: when you say YOUR initramfs, can that mean any other user-generated with new kerenls?09:10
netstarI've had problems but just gave in and build into the kernel09:11
netstarI pressumed I was being dumb, but couldn; figure why09:11
Lathiatnetstar: you trying to load a module from initramfs?09:12
netstarWas trying, but having problems09:13
Lathiatiirc, you need to put the module in /etc/modules and re-generate your initramfs, may need to put it in the modules file in /etc/mkinitramfs somewhere09:13
Lathiatto regen, dpkg-reconfigure linux-image-`uname -r`09:13
netstarLathiat: yes09:13
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sivangmorning all09:15
janimopitti, hi09:18
janimowhich of the gnome stack is responsible with calling pmount09:18
janimoand getting the label of the inserted usbdisk for example09:18
netstargnome-volume-manager ?09:18
janimopmount-hal seems to get it from hal09:19
janimonetstar, looked at g-v-m sources and could not find pmount there09:19
pittijanimo: right, g-v-m calls pmount-hal09:19
janimoI'm interested how gnome determines what label to assign 09:19
pittijanimo: and pmount-hal requests label and policy from hal and calls pmount09:19
janimoand g-v-m finds out the label by looking at what was mounted? or asks hal itself?09:20
pittijanimo: as I said, pmount-hal asks the label from hal09:20
janimosince pmount does not return mountpoint09:20
pittijanimo: g-v-m just sees 'ah, a new storage device, let's call pmount-hal to mount it'09:20
janimopitti, right09:20
janimobut the label on the icon, where is that taken from since pmount does not return it09:21
janimobeing a command and all09:21
janimoreplicating what pmount asked from hal or looking at mountpoints09:21
janimoso it's not sda1 but usbdisk09:21
netstarhal-device ?09:22
pittijanimo: ah, I see what you mean09:22
pittijanimo: g-v-m queries the mount point from hal after the mounting09:22
pittimount_point = libhal_device_get_property_string (hal_ctx, udi, "volume.mount_point", &error)09:23
janimopitti, aha thanks.09:23
pittijanimo: it's actually two invocations09:23
pitti1. new device plugged in -> hal -> g-v-m 'oh, new device' -> pmount-hal09:23
pitti2. the mount triggers a new hal event 'device property changed'09:23
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pitti3. hal -> g-v-m 'oh, changed dev property' -> get mount point -> nautilus09:24
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pittijanimo: ^ a bit clearer now?09:24
pittihey seb128 09:24
janimopitti, yes thank you09:24
seb128Hey pitti :)09:24
dholbachhey seb128!09:24
seb128Hey dholbach09:25
janimopitti, btw do you know why hal upstream is prefering gnome-mount instead of pmount09:25
pittiI'm going to test new warty/hoary kernels now, brb09:25
pittijanimo: yes, I know09:25
seb128pitti: does xpdf-reader ships /usr/bin/pdftoppm ?09:25
pittijanimo: but way too late for dapper to change09:25
pittiseb128: I added a Replaces: some minutes ago09:26
seb128pitti: I was thinking the manpage should be dropped from xpdf-reader rather09:26
seb128pitti: yeah, that's why I ask that :)09:26
seb128no point to ship a manpage if the package has not the corresponding binary09:26
pittiseb128: right it shuold be fixed in debian09:26
pittialright, testing kernels now, bbl09:27
tepsipakkicould libpam-krb5 (universe) be synced from debian? In dapper we have 1.2.0-1, sid has 1.2.0-209:30
janimomjg59 ping09:32
=== sivang wonders if the clear text problem with cdebconf had alrready been fixed.
Seveassivang, there was a security update today09:33
Seveas(it only affects breezy)09:33
sivangSeveas: or, for that matter, upgraded dappers?09:33
TreenaksSeveas: and upgraded breezys I suspect?09:33
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sivangokay, let's see if the update fixes it.09:34
sivang(I'm affected)09:34
SeveasI have no breezy-installed systems 09:34
Seveasmy laptop is a brand new dapper flight 409:34
TreenaksOh great: http://it.slashdot.org/it/06/03/13/0525254.shtml09:34
Seveasand server is a hoary->breezy09:34
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Seveaspitti, hi09:35
BurgundaviaTreenaks: we got some bad press. It happens09:36
TreenaksBurgundavia: Yeah, I know09:36
TreenaksBurgundavia: but still :)09:36
Seveasit is quite a serious mistake09:37
Burgundaviathankfully it is a local only mistake09:37
Seveastell that to the admin with a 3000+ users machine who got rooted ;)09:37
Seveas(didn't hear of such a thing yet) 09:38
TreenaksSeveas: weren't you adminning a cluster of Ubuntu boxes? :)09:39
Seveasstill hoary09:39
Seveasand /var/log/*installer removed09:39
SeveasIf dapper isn't delayed too much it'll be a dapper cluster in june09:40
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spaceygood thing my users are retards09:46
Treenaksspacey: Real ones, or just children? :)09:48
spaceymostly children :)09:49
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pittiHi Keybuk 10:10
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ploumI just saw the p-6 weeks delay proposed by sabdfl10:11
ploumAs a lot of "normal users" that I know are waiting for Dapper in april. They are already talking about10:12
ploumI just have an idea10:12
seb128ploum: hey ploum10:12
ploumhello seb128 :-)10:12
seb128ploum: want a "public" first version and a corporate then? :)10:12
ploumindeed :-)10:12
ploumbut I didn't follow the discussion10:12
seb128Mandriva does (did?) it that way no?10:12
ploumso I suppose someone had it10:13
Keybukhey berpitti10:13
chmjwinkle: 710:13
ploumseb128: I really don't know much about mandriva10:13
seb128ploum: people can as well install a flight-n10:14
ploumseb128: the "flight" name is quite "experimental"10:14
seb128ploum: right, but in case we have a delay that's not make things extra stable ... calling the first version "dapper" would be as misleading10:15
ploumI was thinking that a first "public" release would allow a wide testing10:15
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ajmitchploum: we also have a beta release coming up10:16
ploummy first idea was : "We must do everything as usual then, after the release, take an extra 6 weeks of bugs squashing"10:16
seb128ploum: we have a candidate 1 month before version usually10:17
seb128there no need to have 2 differents candidate10:17
Keybukseb128: has the Debian menu deliberately appeared again?10:18
seb128Keybuk: you probably installed menu-xdg?10:18
ploumwhere is the discussion about this ? I didn't saw anything on ubuntu-dev list (but there is a lot of noise so I perhaps missed it)10:18
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seb128ploum: there is no discussion about that atm10:19
Keybukseb128: gnome-panel depends on it10:19
seb128ploum: but there is no 6 weeks delay atm neither10:19
Keybukor something else did10:19
seb128Keybuk: no it doesn't10:19
Keybukhow did it get installed then?10:19
seb128Keybuk: but it "Recommends" it ... you can argue it should be changed to "Suggests" for Ubuntu10:20
ograhey gang10:20
seb128Keybuk: you use something installing Recommends for you?10:20
KeybukI use aptitude10:20
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seb128Keybuk: which does install Recommends for you :)10:20
Keybukright, because it's supposed to?10:20
seb128Keybuk: yeah, what I said, it should probably be changed to Suggests for Ubuntu10:21
seb128Keybuk: but I don't think the situation is new10:21
seb128hi mdz10:21
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-devel: Ubuntu Development (not support, even with dapper) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Flight 5 released | If your initramfs is broken in any way, please save a copy for infinity | UI sprint in #dapper-look
=== Topic (#ubuntu-devel): set by Mithrandir at Sat Mar 11 21:50:17 2006
(mjg59/#ubuntu-devel) jono: Does the disks manager not let you?04:17
(mjg59/#ubuntu-devel) I have "Access Path" and the ability to change it04:17
seb128it's not persistant change04:17
seb128ie: doesn't change the fstab04:18
mjg59Oh. That sounds like a bug.04:18
seb128<seb128> there is a bug open about that04:18
mjg59Yes, I should read more closely04:19
=== jono thwacks mjg59 in the chops
jonowould be nice if the installer could pick up on other partitions and automatically create the mount points04:19
seb128jono: we can try to fix it for dapper but a patch would be welcome :)04:20
seb128all the windows partitions should be installed to fstab at installation imho04:20
jsgotangcowell it does mount /dev/hda1 (windows) when it sees it 04:20
jonoseb128, would love to if it werent for the fact that all my C has dripped out the side of my head and been replaced with python and visions of grandeur04:20
seb128many users expect to get datas from there04:20
jsgotangcothe only bug is that when its ntfs04:20
jsgotangco(with breezy)04:20
seb128jsgotangco: no it doesn't04:20
seb128jsgotangco: or at least the liveCD doesn't04:21
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ograjono, hey, if we postpone dapper you'll hav eenough time to refresh your C skills ;)04:21
jonoogra, I honestly wish it worked that way :P04:21
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jonothanks chaps04:22
=== jono gets back to writing
pittiarrgh, dapper kernel breaks capabilities04:22
mjg59I clicked on the irritating lightbulb in openoffice and it crashed04:23
mjg59Or, rather, froze04:23
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mjg59Best. Software. Ever.04:23
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mjg59So when openoffice says "recovery succesful", what does it actually /mean/?04:24
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ograthat it feels better now ? 04:26
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ograseb128, gnome-screensaver:04:28
ograchecking for X11/extensions/XScreenSaver.h... no04:28
ograchecking for X11/extensions/scrnsaver.h... no04:28
ograchecking for X11/extensions/xidle.h... no04:28
ograany idea why we dont use these ?04:28
seb128because we lack some Build-Depends maybe?04:29
=== ogra tries to add them for test
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ograseb128, yes, i'm just wondering why :)04:29
=== Fawzib [n=chatzill@local-196-42-6-13.coqui.net] has joined #ubuntu-devel
ogramight probably solve one or the other bug :)04:30
fabbioneogra: you lack a bunch of B-D :)04:30
fabbionenot just some04:30
mjg59ogra: It says that it's recovered them, but doesn't actually /show/ them to me04:30
ograthe fun is it compiles fine without them ... maybe thats why nobody ever noticed :)04:30
sivangbreezy fales to correctly setup Xorg on this new AMD64 X600 RADEON machine..04:31
sivangfailes, even04:31
ogramjg59, hmm, i always see them listed ... (which often doesnt help kbecause the doc crashes immediately again)04:31
Fawzibsorry about asking here but don't know where else to ask. How can I start a 'server-expert' install with the new menu in Flight 5?04:32
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SeveasFawzib, #ubuntu is for support (and the menu has an 'Install a server option')04:34
ograyay, finally the right dots in the unlock dialog 04:34
pittimdz: I fixed leases file rewriting in dhcp3 for breezy (bug 26645) by backporting a dapper patch (pretty easy one); can you please approve/deny it?04:36
Ubugtumalone bug 26645 in dhcp3 dhcp3-client "dhclient prevents itself from accessing its own leases file" [Normal,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2664504:36
FawzibSeveas: I know asked there nobody answered, I saw the "server" but not the "server-expert" option (which is different)04:36
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mdzpitti: approved04:38
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sivangpitti: how do I tell debclean or what do I need to put in the changlog so it will crate a full source (not diff) upload? My skeleton package debuild creates a diff only upload for some reason.04:50
sivangpitti: s/debclean/debuild/04:50
sivangpitti:(it does this although this is the first release)04:50
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CarlFKmy daily dapper is still saving the password in -rw-r--r-- 1 root root   71797 2006-03-13 09:37 questions.dat04:59
dholbachogra: I do the gnome-screensaver update just now - if you don't mind05:00
ograi do05:01
ograbecause i'm reworking the buiold deps since an hour05:01
dholbachthe build deps?05:01
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ograseems there was missing a lot and nobody noticed05:01
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ograi'm nearly done 05:01
dholbachconfigure.ac indicates no changes05:01
dholbachand it builds in pbuilder05:02
ograyes, but the hack dont work right without scrnsaver.h for example05:02
ograchecking for X11/extensions/xidle.h... no 05:02
ogra^^^ could also solve some issues to have it :)05:03
Seveasurgh, meetings are going to be a mess tomorrow05:04
elkbuntuSeveas, i'm yet to attend an online meeting that isnt chaotic ;)05:05
Seveaselkbuntu, this is going to be worse05:05
Seveasthere already are several people in #u-meeting just for that and I heard from a *LOT* more people that they were going to attend05:05
elkbuntuSeveas, there's going to need to be some serious flood control05:06
Seveaselkbuntu, alreday in place 05:07
elkbuntuwhat restrictions?05:07
Seveaswhen needed I can +mi the channel and redirect the listeners to an overflow channel where the conversation is relayed05:07
pittisivang: debuild -sa05:07
pittisivang: by default it includes the orig.tar only for the revision -105:08
mdzogra: what is the cause of the flickering in so many screensavers?05:08
elkbuntuwell, i know for sure i cant come listen on the 1st one, if it's 25 hours from now. not sure about the second05:09
ogramdz, see above i think its caused by missing build deps, my prob is that i cant reproduce it here ...05:09
Seveasthe one in 25 hours is the second one05:09
sivangpitti: many, many thanks.05:09
ogramdz, it doesnt happen on my nvidia card and i have only an ati card in my ibook, where it doesnt happen 05:10
ogramdz, does it flicker for you ? 05:10
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pittiogra: it does for me on my iBook05:10
elkbuntuSeveas, ooh05:10
mdzogra: it happens here and on jordi's laptop also05:10
pittimdz: can you please ack the b-updates dhcp3 upload?05:10
elkbuntuthe first one being closed?05:10
mdzogra: and on my desktop05:10
Seveasthe first one is in 16 hours05:11
ograonly GL savers or all of them ? 05:11
jordimdz: which is also a ppc05:11
jordimy laptop, that is05:11
elkbuntuas in, restricted attendance?05:11
mdzmy laptop and desktop are both i38605:11
ograjordi, known fact ;)05:11
mdzpitti: I have never done it before, but if it is urgent I can have a look05:11
pittimdz: oh, not that urgent; I'll ask Kamion tomorrow then05:11
mdzogra: what's a good non-GL one to test?05:12
jordiogra: aha :)05:12
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ogramdz, fuzzyFlakes 05:12
pittiwb carlos05:12
pitticarlos: how's the import queue looking? does the backlog get smaller?05:12
carlospitti: hi05:13
mdzogra: how can I run it full-screen like xscreensaver or gnome-screensaver does?05:13
carlospitti: I'm blocked on PQM accepting my branch....05:13
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=== Topic for #ubuntu-devel: Ubuntu Development (not support, even with dapper) | #ubuntu for support and general discussion | #ubuntu-motu for getting involved in development | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperResources | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | Flight 5 released | If your initramfs is broken in any way, please save a copy for infinity | UI sprint in #dapper-look
=== Topic (#ubuntu-devel): set by Mithrandir at Sat Mar 11 21:50:17 2006
(ogra/#ubuntu-devel) lock your screen with it selected (as long as we dont have a preview button)05:15
mdzogra: yes, it's the GL ones05:16
mdzogra: and it flickers even in the preview window05:16
ograhmm, k05:16
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ograi'll check if we need a build dep on the gl headers for g-s-s even i cant imagine it helps since the GL hacks are only called by g-s-s05:18
ograit shouldnt need it ..05:18
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mdzogra: do you have DRI enabled?05:28
mdzogra: what kind of graphics cards have you tested?05:28
jordiogra: so, I see hwdb-client is installed in dapper, but it has no icon at all05:30
jordidoes that make sense?05:30
ograati FireGL Mobility T2e and a nvidia ...05:30
jordiwhy isn't it in the menus?05:30
ograjordi, simplifying menus spec 05:30
seb128jordi: because it's masked by default05:30
jordihow do people use it?05:30
seb128jordi: it doesn't make sense to the menu, it's a stuff you run one time, probably after install05:30
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seb128jordi: should be runned after installation probably05:31
mdzogra: both jordi's laptop and mine and my desktop are radeons05:31
ogranvidia GForce FX Go5700 to be precise05:31
jordimy home box is radeon as well05:31
jordibut that one does dri05:31
ogramdz, try with 2.14 if it built 05:31
ograi hope it solves some issues05:32
ograsadly libgnomeui is currently broken on ppc, so jordi wont get it yet05:32
jordioh my goooooooodness05:33
mdzogra: mvo's laptop doesn't do DRI but it doesn't flicker either05:33
jordiI QUIT!!!105:33
ogrado other GL apps flicker ? 05:34
ograi.e. pinball ?05:34
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mdzogra: pinball doesn't work05:36
mdzogra: but the screensavers work fine when run on their own05:36
ograhmm 05:36
mdzand they are GL05:36
mdzit is something to do with gnome-screensaver05:36
ogralets see if the additional build deps help ...05:36
mdzogra: do you have a test build for me?05:36
ograwait, only ppc currently...05:37
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ograoh, jordi :) want a test package ;)05:37
jordiogra: shure05:38
=== ogra scp's
jordimdz: omg, ogra is also h4x0r1ng me05:39
ograjordi, ^^05:40
dholbachmdz: thanks for libgsf review, uploaded.05:40
ogramdz, i have dri loaded as well here on the ati/ppc and dont see any flickering ...05:41
ograas well as on the amd64/nvidia lappie05:42
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jordiso this fixes two in one I guess05:43
jordithe suspend thing and the flickery05:43
jordilets find put05:43
jordiout e ven05:43
ograyoure speaking in foreign togues :)05:43
mdzseb128: did you hear anything back about that X cursor problem?05:44
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seb128mdz: no05:44
mdzseb128: is it in malone?05:45
mdzseb128: needs to be fixed for dapper05:45
mdzwhat's the bug#?05:45
Ubugtumalone bug 27589 in xorg "X default cursor is displayed instead of the Human Theme one." [Normal,Unconfirmed]  05:45
seb128and I've already targetted it for dapper for some time05:45
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fabbioneseb128: does the problem happen only with the human theme?05:48
seb128fabbione: no, it just doesn't use the alternative05:48
fabbioneoh well.. i will get to X one century or another..05:50
=== fabbione goes offline for the day
seb128fabbione: I talked a bit about it with daniels the afternoon he was at UI sprint05:50
seb128he thinks that's a xserver-xorg bug and tried to track it quickly but with no luck...05:50
fabbioneseb128: i am pretty sure it's just a missing patch from breezy -> dapper05:50
seb128could be05:51
fabbioneif you know where this x-cursor-theme alternative was and is now..05:51
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fabbioneit should be easy to track05:51
seb128right, it's on my list for dapper05:51
seb128but so many bugs ... I'll come to it, but later :)05:51
fabbionei also have a liboil and gst bug for you..05:52
fabbionebut first i need to see if i can handle you something with a patch05:52
seb128liboil? there was some issue due to see code, slomo has uploaded without see for now05:52
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seb128is that the same?05:52
sivangfabbione: do you of anything that would prevent breezy from setting out of the box an ATI X600 on a AMD64 machine? there seems to be a duplicate symbol on one of the libs Xorg needs.05:52
seb128see you fabbione05:52
sivang fabbione symbol is rol_long05:53
seb128SSE rather05:53
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fabbionesivang: noidea..05:54
fabbionesivang: fix it and send me a patch? ;)05:54
fabbioneme must go really now05:55
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sivangfabbione: okay :)05:56
sivangfabbione: laters!05:56
jordiogra: hey, it doesn't suspend while typing after suspend anymore!05:56
=== sivang arghs as the open source driver is also no go :-(
ograjordi, great :)05:56
jordibecause IT CRASHES badly after suspedn :P05:56
ograjordi, mdz already forwarded the error :)05:57
jordiits cool, huh05:57
ograits strange ...05:57
ograi got it running here05:57
mdzogra: are you sure you are using the same gnome-screensaver that we are?05:57
mdzogra: if not, please upload yours; it sounds better :-P05:57
ograi'm running the one jordi just downloaded05:58
ograi guess it needs some dependency tightening ... :(05:58
ograjordi, did you kill the old gnome-screensaver process properly after installing ? 05:59
mdzogra: he logged out05:59
jordiif that didn't kill it its another story06:00
ograthat would have killed it 06:01
ograjordi, yous system is up to date ? 06:03
jordiI beleive06:04
jordilet me see06:04
jordithe Packages file in dapper changes every 20 seconds06:04
jordiok, Ive got a few for update now06:05
ogracomplain at the gnome team :)06:05
jordilibpango, libgnomecanvas, libvte, scim06:05
ogralibgnomeui by chance ? 06:05
jordiI mean06:05
jonoshould rhythmbox display an ipod if it is plugged in ?06:05
jordithey will06:05
jordibut it seems only the arch:all packages are avaliable06:06
jordinot the ppc binaries yet06:06
jordiS'han mantingut els segents paquets: libeel2-data libgnome2-common libgnomeui-common06:06
jordi^^ held packages06:06
ograhmpf .06:06
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jordiyou think the crash is related to that update?06:06
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seb128jono: it does list it yep06:07
ograjordi, i think the crash is related to a loose dependency we need to tighten ...06:07
jonocheers seb128 06:07
ograi have no idea why it runs flawless for me 06:07
jordiogra: cuz you cheat06:08
ograon the other hand i have never had any of these issues you have06:08
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jonoand if I plug in a digital camera, does pop up the dialog box asking to get photos from the camera?06:11
jonothis stuff is difficult to test in vmware :P06:12
seb128jono: yep, it does that too06:13
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jonoseb128, I assume it still loads gthumb right?06:13
jordiKamion: ping06:15
jordiseb128: what's the status of mono+ubuntu?06:16
seb128jordi: some apps are main, some other universe06:16
seb128jordi: but better to ask slomo or tseng or ajmitch about it06:16
jordifspot looks like a candidate to replace gthumb :)06:17
seb128yeah, I would have liked to get that for that cycle ... for next cycle probably06:17
Amaranthjordi: we need a super-magical compression technology to fit it on the CD06:19
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ograAmaranth, we just need to convince the industry to switch to 900MB CDs by default :)06:23
Amaranthor drop other things from the CD06:24
Keybuk. o O { OpenOffice {06:24
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MithrandirAmaranth: be careful about what you ask for. ;-)06:25
Mithrandirwe could just put all the debs on the cd in a squashfs fs.06:26
ograwe could drop alacarte to make some room :P06:26
Amaranthi thought we did06:26
Amaranthogra: 100kb doesn't save much :P06:26
ograAmaranth, squashfs -> only on the liveCD06:27
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hungerCan I use usplash to get user input (passphrase for HDD) with dapper?06:43
Keybukno, usplash has no user input functionality06:44
Chipzzwould be nice :)06:45
hungerOK, then I'll stick with my turn-it-off solution:-)06:45
hungerChipzz: There was talk about adding such functionality when usplash was first implemented. Let's hope someone will really need it (and do the work;-)06:46
Keybuk"Patches Welcome"06:46
Keybukhunger: sounds like you really need it ;)06:46
hungerKeybuk: As always;-)06:46
hungerKeybuk: Nope. I do not have usplash installed:-)06:47
hungerKeybuk: I was just wondering whether I need to update the init-script I attached to a bug.06:48
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ogramdz, http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/gnome-screensaver_2.14.0-0ubuntu1_i386.deb in case the buildds take *another* hour until it shows up07:18
ogra(sorry it took so long, i had to create a x86 pbuilder first)07:19
ograbut i'm still faster than LP :P07:19
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ogramdz, ah, now it hit the archive as well ...07:25
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LaserJockare failed builds retried automatically by soyuz?07:28
pittiLaserJock: only if they fail because of missing dependencies07:28
LaserJockpitti: so do I need to upload a buildX to get it rebuilt07:28
ograpoke a buildd admin07:29
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LaserJockinfinity | lamont : can I get supercollider given back? thanks.07:33
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BicchiDapper is based on software from Debian (etch or sid). Which one testing/unstable ?07:46
BicchiSo it will allways pull from unstable ?07:47
dholbachBicchi: unstable = sid, etch = testing07:47
dholbachBicchi: and that's more of a #ubuntu question07:47
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ograMithrandir, can you test the suspend issue with the new g-s-s from the archive  ?07:52
Mithrandirogra: not now, please remind me tomorrow07:53
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jordiKamion: let's chat tomorrow, or when you're back, of espresso translation.08:42
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GFDLin dapper (updated today):09:01
GFDLxrdb -merge .Xresources09:01
GFDLPredefined macro file '/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.0.3/include/mcpp_gcc40_predef_old.h' is not found09:02
GFDLPredefined macro file '/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.0.3/include/mcpp_gcc40_predef_std.h' is not found09:02
GFDL.Xresources file get's merged OK though09:02
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mdke_Riddell, ping?09:15
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LaserJocklamont: ping?09:19
mdke_Riddell, leaving a /query09:21
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ulaashi. is XGL broken or working.?09:28
Amaranthulaas: #ubuntu-xgl09:28
ulaasAmaranth: right ;) danko09:29
Tm_Tulaas: even when it's broken, it can work09:31
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arpnautilus, libeel, libeel-data and nautilus-cd-burner still broken with ppc?10:52
seb128no idea, what about just trying if you have a ppc?10:52
seb128and filling a bug if required10:52
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ploumdid anyone notice the problem with cups ?11:14
ploumthe file /var/log/cups/access_log was 1,5Go on my computer !11:14
ploumit seems that cups print the line :11:14
ploumlocalhost - - [13/Mar/2006:23:11:44 +0100]  "POST / HTTP/1.1" 200 72 CUPS-Get-Default successful-ok11:14
ploumevery 5 seconds11:14
ssamarp, do you need someone to test?11:14
ploumssam: do you have this in your logs ?11:14
ploum(I think you were talking to me)11:15
ssamploum, dont worry :-)11:15
seb128ploum: it's supposed to be fixed for a week or so11:16
seb128ploum: maybe you just noticed11:16
seb128if you drop it, does it keep happening?11:16
ploumseb128: drop what ?  I restarted cups and I have a new line every 5 second11:17
ploum(and I deleted the 1,5Go file)11:17
seb128ah, so that still happens now?11:17
dholbachnight guys11:17
ploumgood night11:17
seb128ploum: what version of cupsys do you have?11:17
seb128 cupsys (1.1.99.b1.r4929-0ubuntu3) dapper; urgency=low11:18
ploumseb128: yes. Fully-distupgraded from today. But I must maybe reboot11:18
seb128   * Add debian/patches/51_dont_log_ipp_printer_query.dpatch: Do not flood11:18
seb128     access_log with successful CUPS-Get-Printers and Get-Printer-Attributes11:18
seb128     queries (which are generated by gnome-cups-icon every 3 seconds). This is11:18
seb128     a hideous and hackish patch, but it has to do until we dbusify cupsys11:18
seb128     properly. (Malone #29895)11:18
Ubugtumalone bug 29895 in cupsys "same action is repeatedly logged" [Major,Fix released]  http://launchpad.net/bugs/2989511:18
ploum 1.1.99.b1.r4929-0ubuntu411:18
seb128ploum: that doesn't tell me if the buildd has buitl it, etc11:18
seb128ploum: when people ask for a version that because they want the version :)11:18
seb128ploum: yeah, should be fixed11:18
seb128ploum: ping pitti tomorrow about it11:19
seb128or comment on 2989511:19
ploumseb128: thanks. I will add a comment to the bug11:19
seb128thank you11:19
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ploumok, I'm not alone11:20
ploumgood night all :-)11:21
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