
cigaSnake__: yup12:03
cigaSnake__: from svn, too12:03
cigaSnake__: but the error seem to be compiler related12:03
cigathreadweaver.h:101: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of QMutex with no type12:04
cigaand others.12:04
ubotuSnake__: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:04
cigag++ (GCC) 4.0.2 20050808 (prerelease) (Ubuntu 4.0.1-4ubuntu9)12:04
Snake__ciga: can you pastebin the complie dialog?12:04
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cigaSnake__: sure.12:04
ubotuRed_Herring: Huh? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:05
Snake__ciga: and make, if possible?12:05
Snake__ciga: pending where its bitching12:05
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cigaSnake__: http://amarok.pastebin.com/59134312:07
dennis_pping Tonio_12:07
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normanevening guys i installed kubuntu and i am very happy with it, but i was wondering if there is a tool for linux where i could search for dvd titles on isbn basis12:07
Red_Herringhehehe, !english is funny, but totally innapropriate12:07
Tonio_dennis_p: oui ?12:08
dennis_pHi looking the screenshots12:08
dennis_ppurple sidebar kmenu does not fit colorsceme12:08
normanor doesn anybody know a good online isbn database for dvd's12:08
Snake__ciga: looking12:09
Tonio_dennis_p: I'm currently discussing with the graphist who did that, and it is a kind of bug12:09
dennis_pI see three distinct schemes12:09
Tonio_the renderring on his mac was completly different12:09
Snake__ciga: sorry for slow replys. im helping some people shop for a laptop as well (im at work atm >.<)12:09
Tonio_dennis_p: I'm not a graphist ;)12:09
Red_Herringhow does debian feel about ubuntu?12:09
Tonio_I just posted to get users opinion12:09
dennis_pI like light blue highlight color12:10
cigaSnake__: :)12:10
Snake__ciga: Hmmm..... I would take that to #amarok and ask them12:10
dennis_palso like dark blue window outline color12:10
dennis_pbut not both together12:10
Snake__ciga: you have build-essentails and whatnot right?12:10
dennis_pmake a choice12:10
dennis_pI think the light blue as used for highlight would be best as you can't change all the icons of KDE to fit with  the dark blue12:12
Snake__ciga: Hey man, I got a deb if you want to try it out....12:12
dottedlinenorman: I guess nobody knows...12:12
Snake__ciga: it was built the ghetto way, but its worth a shot?12:12
Snake__(if your on i386)12:13
cigaSnake__: well, I did not have build-essential, but now I have12:13
dennis_plove the bootscreen, yeah it has no dithering. One would nver know color palet is limited12:13
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normandottedline: yes i think you are correct :(12:13
Snake__ciga: Ohhh okay, try now12:13
cigaSnake__: but it is still the same.12:13
Snake__ciga: Hmm not really sure :(12:14
cigaIt must be something with the compiler.12:14
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cigaSnake__: yes, I asked the question in #amarok, also12:14
dennis_psplashscreen status is very peaceful. we want people to feel safe, it does and it looks great12:14
normanboogerhead: do you know if there is a channel where somebody might know this12:15
cigaSnake__: so, I guess it is not just taglib. :)12:15
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boogerheadnorman: I really don't12:15
Snake__ciga: Ill guess that too :)12:16
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dennis_pTonio_ copy text above and give it to the artist, can't let those positive feedback go to waste. people need to be padded on the back for helping :-)12:17
Snake__ciga: Like I said, I got a deb I could send you, but if you want deb, I got one, but if you want to build it, go for it12:17
Tonio_dennis_p: I will :)12:17
dennis_pBut I feel kubuntu logo seems a bit unrestfull even though the colors do kind of work12:18
cigaSnake__: thanks for the offer, but I'd compile to from svn.12:19
Snake__ciga: Alrighty12:19
dennis_pbut the kubuntu logo cogwheels don't seem to look balanced in a design kind of way12:19
dennis_pit looks a bit of a hack instead of a wel balanced logo12:20
Snake__ciga: and I Just noticed that sentence made no sense :D12:20
Red_Herringheh, its a lot like kubuntu itself!12:21
=== Chodder [n=Chodder@wsip-24-249-27-92.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #kubuntu
cigaSnake__: I have a good decode engine ;)12:22
ChodderI installed gnome, but when I updated it to 2.14 it got kind of messed up, how can i remove ALL of gnome not just apt-get remove gnome12:25
Red_Herringapt-get remove gnome12:26
Red_Herringthat should do it12:26
ChodderBut that only removes the base12:26
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dennis_pTonio_ I think the cogwheels need to be moved a bit away from the centre and the outside of the circle needs to have the negative of the cog's pattern so that it looks like it could be animated to actually rotate and that rotation gets transferred to the three cogs.12:26
ChodderI'm looking to remove everything12:26
ChodderGnome is only a 45kb package12:27
ChodderThere is more to it12:27
Red_Herringapt-get remove gnome-base?12:27
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Red_Herringsometing thats ESSENTIAL to everything GNOME12:27
Chodderthere isn't actually a package called that12:27
ChodderI want to get rid of everything gnome12:27
Red_Herringsudo apt-cache search gnome12:27
ChodderLibs and all12:27
Red_Herringsee if one looks EXTREMELY essential12:28
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Red_Herringthen remove it12:28
Red_Herringit takes everything else iwth it12:28
Snake__Chodder: I beleive if you install something that has to do with GTK itll go...12:28
Snake__I know its like that with KDE, if you remove a QT file, KDE goes bye bye12:28
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Red_Herringor just remove gnome-lib12:28
ChodderBut i need to keep GTK for obvious reasons12:28
naliothremove libgtk and or libgtk212:28
AnObfuscatoranyone here know what "unable to find HFS+ superblock" means? I'm trying to mount an HFS+ IDE Drive, and it keeps failing12:28
Snake__And nalioth comes with the answer! :P12:28
ubotuRed_Herring: What? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:28
ubotuRed_Herring: I haven't a clue, try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:28
frank23Chodder: in the forum somewhere there is a list of all the packages in ubuntu-desktop that are not in kubuntu-desktop12:29
Snake__Red_Herring: stop fishing12:29
naliothAnObfuscator: means you need to run Disk Utility > Repair Disk from OSX12:29
Red_HerringSnake__: again?12:29
ChodderHmm i don't want to go about removing each package one by one12:29
Red_Herringits either hfs or hfs+12:29
ChodderAnd i need GTK+ thats pretty essential12:29
Snake__Red_Herring: Ive told you not to fish before12:29
Snake__Chodder: You can reinstall GTK12:29
=== Red_Herring scrolls up
Snake__Red_Herring: yesterday12:29
naliothRed_Herring: please don't !fish !for !factoids12:29
Snake__Not w/e. Try "I wont do it again"12:30
AnObfuscatornalioth: ahhh, hmm, that's odd, the disk was just working fine in OSX... ok, I'll give it a shot12:30
Red_HerringSnake__: but i cant predict the future :-P12:31
Red_Herringhey, i could just leave the channel12:31
naliothRed_Herring: instead of fishing, go here http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:31
Red_Herringin fact, i think i will12:31
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naliothSnake__: please be civil.12:31
ChodderIsn't Red Herring a fish?12:31
Snake__Oh my gosh12:32
Snake__I was kidding with the kid12:32
ubotuSnake__: Did you get hit by a windmill? Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/12:33
Snake__nalioth: Is it just me or is the irc log site dead...12:34
ChodderAnyone familar with the gnuchess engine?12:34
naliothSnake__: don't fish !irclogs12:34
Snake__nalioth: I did that to get the site tho :P12:35
nalioth!msg the bot12:35
ubotuPlease message the bot (me) in private, more info about the bot: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage12:35
Snake__nalioth: http://people.ubuntu.com/~fabbione/irclogs/ seems to be dead...12:35
=== dean [n=dean@82-38-179-122.cable.ubr02.shef.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #kubuntu
deanrunning flight 4 of dapper and having trouble getting xvid and mp playback working. anyone know how to get these12:38
frank23libxine-extracodecs or something like that?12:38
naliothdean: you haven't updated recently?12:38
deanmp3 rry12:38
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deanupdated about an hour ao12:39
naliothdean: then rejoice! you are running flight5+12:39
naliothubotu: tell dean about mp312:39
naliothubotu: tell dean about w32codecs12:39
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ubotusomebody said restricted was https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats  Most of the formats listed here can be replaced by !FreeFormats12:40
frank23I wonder if the plain text root password bug will damage ubuntu's reputation much.12:41
frank23slashdot was pretty lively12:42
naliothfrank23: it's already fixed. it was fixed within hours12:42
deanhave not used linux since the version before breezy was released and i have to say im impressed by howmuch better it seems12:42
SlicerDicer-how do you uprade from breezy to dapper12:42
ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade.  Upgrading to dapper (remember it may break). Please test the dist-upgrader -> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-January/014700.html.12:42
Tm_Tok kids, I'm off to bed, be nice and remember to respect each other ;) ->12:43
Snake__Night Tm_T12:43
frank23nalioth: I know but it was a pretty bad distribution-specific bug12:44
Snake__frank23: I'm playing off on how quickly it was fixed, which is what everyone should be doing.12:45
Snake__THere was a problem, we got it solved in hours.12:45
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naliothfrank23: all distros have these little things, they are usually less trouble than they are made out to be12:46
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deananyway thanks for the help. sure i will be back for more12:46
deangood night all12:46
heinkel_111what options do i need to set in /etc/fstab so that the vfat fielsystem gets the user as owner?12:52
heinkel_111./dev/hda6       /windows           vfat      iocharset=utf8,umask=000                 0       012:53
heinkel_111this line gives me root as owner12:53
heinkel_111when i log in with mysuer@mycomp, i want myuser to be the owner of the fielsystem..is that possible?12:54
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frank23heinkel_111: it's possible but I don't know how just like that12:55
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naliothheinkel_111: put rw,iocharset=utf8,umask=00012:56
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heinkel_111nalioth: isn't rw in the default anyway?12:58
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heinkel_111the rest is already there?12:58
naliothheinkel_111: if it's not there, why not put it and make sure?12:59
agalavisi think i set uid=gid=1001 (my uid)12:59
agalavisi lied, i used my user name instead of my number12:59
frank23heinkel_111: maybe you can change the umask to give rw access to everyone12:59
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heinkel_111but i will try...i have tried alot of things that does not works so one more :D12:59
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agalavisheinkel try uid=gid=1000 or 100101:03
agalavisi think that if you are the only user then you must be 100001:04
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heinkel_111hmm yes i don't understand anything of that uid gid numbers and umasks fmasks etc01:12
heinkel_111i think i need to find a good guide01:12
heinkel_111but ... tomorrow01:12
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blrichcan someone help? kde is refusing to load because it says it can't find the .dcopserver_myhost file and so on. This is after a bad reboot, so I deleted all the related tmep files, .ICEauthorty, everything /tmp/ etc, but it still won't work. what do I do? my system is unusable at the moment01:19
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naliothblrich: do you have a /tmp/kde-yourname ?01:26
blrichnalioth: del'd that, and the socket/tmp stuff in .kde, still no dice01:27
naliothblrich: where are you asking question?01:27
naliothblrich: cant lookup by hostname is a malformed hosts file01:28
blrichnalioth: where is this file, how do i edit it?01:29
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SlicerDicercan somebody look at their xorg.conf file for dapper drake and tell me what it says for where rgb is /usr/lib/X11/rgb or something like that please01:31
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agalavisblrich: do locate .DCO|grep server01:33
SlicerDicernobody able to look at that for me?01:33
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naliothSlicerDicer: join #ubuntu+1 to discuss dapper things01:34
SlicerDicererrrm ok01:34
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o nalioth] by ChanServ
agalavisslicer anyway its a long file01:35
SlicerDicerwhat xorg.conf?01:35
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:nalioth] : Congrats to allee on membership | Amarok 1.4 beta 2, KDE 3.5.1, KOffice 1.5 beta, kopete 0.12 beta 1 out (kword now fixed) | Breezy fixes in breezy-updates | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/InternetRelayChat | Review the Kubuntu Desktop Guide (Dapper) http://tinyurl.com/q59ez | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com | Dapper discussion in #ubuntu+1
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o nalioth] by ChanServ
agalavisnope, the rgb.txt01:35
SlicerDicerthats not what I asked01:36
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agalavis:P true01:36
scotty_bI got a problem...anyone have a second?01:36
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_antoniobuenas noches amigos01:37
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scotty_bOk, I started downloading kubuntu live CD last night, and it got completed, it says 100 percent...but there is still a little space left in the status bar ...and it won't finish up01:37
scotty_bwhat do I do?01:37
_antoniohi friends01:37
_antonioi have kubuntu on my dell inspiron 630m01:37
_antoniobut when i try to ping localhost i can not get answer01:37
_antoniocould anoyone help me?01:38
scotty_bor me :(\01:38
scotty_b:(  *01:38
agalavisslicer i can't find any line with "rgb" in my xorg.conf01:38
_antoniowhen i start the computer the ping works but after some time i can not get ping01:39
agalavisfor me it's good night... hasta maana01:40
scotty_bOk, I started downloading kubuntu live CD last night, and it got completed, it says 100 percent...but there is still a little space left in the status bar...I've left it for like 3 hours ...and it won't finish up...I can't burn the iso to a CD without it finishing, so what can I do?01:40
agalavistry a new download?01:40
scotty_bbut that will take FOREVER again :(01:41
agalavisi do that all the time01:41
scotty_bis there any other thing I can do?01:41
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scotty_b642 MB (or w/e) take me a LONG time01:41
agalavistry to get a download manager  that allows you to pause the download and resume it again01:41
scotty_bI tried that01:41
scotty_bI'm using firefox download manager01:42
Riddellamarok beta 2 testing needed   deb http://kubuntu.org/packages/amarok-14beta2/ dapper main01:42
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scotty_b:( *sigh* ...I don't know why it did this? I got the official download from kubuntu's site...I'm afraid if I try that download again, it will do the same thing01:43
scotty_band thats a lot of time wasted01:43
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patrixscotty_b: try mounting it first to see if the download did complete nad it's not just your browser/download program that's going crazy01:46
scotty_bhow do you "mount" it?01:46
scotty_bsorry, patrix..not quite sure what that means01:47
scotty_bYou there, patrix? :(01:49
patrixscotty_b: are you under windows or linux right now?01:49
scotty_bI want to test Kubuntu before I fully switch01:50
naliothscotty_b: how are you downloading it?01:50
patrixI don't know how they call it in windows, but it's possible to do it in windows01:50
patrixa virtual CD ROM drive perhaps01:50
patrixsomething of the sort01:50
patrixhave you ever used daemontools or something liek that?01:50
scotty_bno, sorry01:50
patrixyou can give it an iso file and it will mount it as a cd-rom, so your system will think there's an extra cdrom drive in there01:51
patrixyou can check the md5sums01:51
patrixtha's an even faste way01:51
scotty_bwhat is md5sums?01:51
naliothubotu: tell scotty_b about verify01:52
patrixoooh the bot will naswer!01:52
ubotumethinks verify is to check the integrity of your installation media, one way is to visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VerifyIsoHowto01:52
patrixof course that page is all under linux, not windows01:52
patrixbut I'm sure a bit of googling will yield some similar tools for windows01:53
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nalioth!msg the bot01:53
ubotuPlease message the bot (me) in private, more info about the bot: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbotuUsage01:53
agalavisscotty which program do you use for burning the image? at least in nero i have a tool called imagedrive ir something like that01:53
agalavischeck if your burning suit has such tool01:53
scotty_bwhat would it be called?01:54
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agalavisi think it was something like image drive01:54
agalavisbut i'm not totally sure01:55
scotty_bI have "test drive"  "burn image to disk" and "disk info" but thats about it01:55
agalavisyes it's calles ImageDrive01:55
scotty_buhh, what nero do you have?01:56
agalavis6 i think, but the full edition01:56
agalavischeck this01:56
scotty_bno, I don't have it, sorry01:58
scotty_bso where is this md5sums download at? I can't seem to find it01:58
agalavisthe try this01:58
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blrichcan anyone help? having trouble starting kde because of ICE/DCOP not working. there's something wrong with my host. I can't even sudo on the command line, because it says 'cannot lookup <myhostname> - loclahost via gethostbyname()'02:00
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agalavisbut i don't know where is the md5 checksum of that cd... try in the download page02:00
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serenany idea when flight-5 iso will be out?02:01
agalavisok, now i'm gone... good luck with your .iso scotty02:01
scotty_bhang on02:02
scotty_bI can't find a download link02:03
serenso thats a no02:03
scotty_bfor md5sums02:03
scotty_bit says in our FTP-server02:03
scotty_bwhere is that?02:03
agalavisthat i don't know :(02:03
scotty_bwhat does that tool actually do?02:03
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agalavisdid you search in the mirror?02:04
scotty_bI can't even find that02:04
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agalaviswhich version did you download?02:04
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scotty_bof kubuntu?02:05
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scotty_b5.10 I think02:05
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scotty_bthe download file is "kubuntu-5.10-live-i386.iso"02:05
scotty_bfrom http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/releases/kubuntu/breezy/kubuntu-5.10-live-i386.iso02:07
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agalavislook  at the end of the page02:08
agalavistheree is the list of files you can download02:09
agalavisand ther is the MD5SUMS02:09
agalavisther you go02:10
scotty_bwhat do I do with that number?02:10
scotty_ball it does is take me to a page with text and numbers02:10
agalavisman i must be hungry! i'm eating letters :P02:10
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agalavisyes, now read the page from where you downloaded the too for checking the md5 sums02:11
agalavisthere is a good explanation of what to do02:11
scotty_bdownloaded the "too"?02:12
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agalavisbasically you just have to copy the number of your file and it will compare the numbers02:12
scotty_bsorry for being stupid02:12
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agalavisnop, you are just new02:13
agalavisin time you will leaarn02:13
agalavisbut then you have to share that :P02:13
scotty_balright....all I have to do is what, now?02:14
scotty_bI'm sorry, its just not making sense to me02:14
agalavis(not that i know too much)02:14
scotty_bI copy that number02:14
scotty_band what do I do with it?02:14
agalavissis you downloadad the nero too i told you?02:15
scotty_bthe nero tool? I couldn't find the download02:15
scotty_bit just said check our ftp servers for the download02:16
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scotty_bor something like that02:16
scotty_b"Please download the NeroMD5Verifier.zip from our FTP-server"02:16
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scotty_bwhere is their FTP server at?02:16
agalavishttp://ww2.nero.com/nero6/enu/Nero_MD5_Verifier.html there is a red button02:16
scotty_boh...I can't afford that02:17
scotty_bwrong thingy02:17
agalavisread that page and it will come clear02:17
agalavisno prob02:17
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agalavisanyway i have to go to sleep... 2 am here :P02:18
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lextulhmm one question .. why is kxdocker sooo slow ? nvidia is installed, renderaccel is on .. what can i do ?02:22
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scotty_bsigh...gotta completely do the whole download over02:24
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thompaim running dapper flight 5 updated, internet pages download very slow, im wondering if its a bug or this is normal?02:26
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nalioththompa: is it affecting other boxes on your network?02:30
thompai have 4 computers on the network02:30
thompathey are all running different things02:30
naliothi'm using dapper flight5+ and i havent seen anything like that. perhaps ask in #ubuntu+102:31
thompaive tried wireless and wired02:31
thompahmm ok, i was not sure if it might be a bug,02:31
=== radhios [n=radhios@200-122-52-226.dsl.prima.net.ar] has joined #kubuntu
thompai ran a live cd (not ubuntu) and pages rendered in about 5 secs, here its 30-40 secs02:32
thompaive checked dns etc,02:32
thompathe wireless works very well though, so its a trade off, because in other distros its hit or miss02:33
thompanalioth: thanks02:33
nalioththompa: dapper is still a work in progress02:33
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judgenMy sound died and now i cant get it to work again =(02:34
thompai know, but my ipw2200 just wont work in much anyhting else other than suse 10.102:34
zythis there some way to get kbuntu to NOT install koffice and just install OOO.org?02:34
thompaits an acpi issue with this laptop maybe02:34
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judgenyou could always install it and then remove koffice with the apt-get remove with the -f option enabled02:36
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zythWhy didnt I think of that.02:36
=== zyth slaps himself
CheeseBurgerManzyth: mine kame installed with OOo, but not KOffice02:36
CheeseBurgerManOh my......02:36
zythbeen using KDE a bit much? ;)02:37
CheeseBurgerMandefinately ;)02:37
=== Kingpomba walks in heheh im on 2 weeks of holidays but i have a assignment i should really work on
zythI have to use kubuntu02:37
KingpombaHave... why?02:38
zythregular ubuntu puts a nice 1" blank white bar accross the rigth hand side of my screen02:38
zyththe mouse can go over it, but no windows will go there02:38
zythvery very weird.02:38
zythand I've reconfigured xorg seventeen ways from sunday too02:38
zytheven looked up the exact specs for h and v sync for my monitor, etc etc :)02:39
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Kingpomba.... kde is just as good as gnome02:40
zythworld of warcraft and wine work the same in either ;)02:40
Kingpomba.. i hav'ent used my linux yet... my usb keyboad won't work in some parts of bios so i can't install02:41
Kingpombazyth latest version?02:41
zythof wine? yeah02:41
Kingpombaof wow02:42
zythoh yes02:42
zyththat too02:42
zyth1.9.52 or someodd.02:42
zyth1.9.4 (5086) Release02:44
zyththat's the current ver.02:44
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lampshadeAnyone use the kweather applet?02:56
=== CheeseBurgerMan doesn't
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zyththey never have my city :P02:58
lampshadehaha yeah that's actually kinda my problem.  My city seems to flake out a lot and I was wondering what other people used, etc02:58
CheeseBurgerManI have a weather.com panel for Opera. ;)02:59
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Kingpombai use forecastfox03:04
Kingpombafor firefox03:04
Kingpombadoes a pretty decent job03:04
Kingpombamelbourne, australia03:04
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coyleHi Gang, I'm looking for opinions. I have an Alum Powerbook, 17" 1.33 Mhz.  A couple days ago I downloaded and installed a nightly Flight 5. Today, my 5.10 DVD arrived from France.03:12
coyleWhich do you think will have better sound and wireless B support for the Powerbook?03:13
coyleI saw wireless B cause I have a PCMCIA Lucent card.03:15
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CheeseBurgerMancoyle: not a clue03:18
CheeseBurgerManif you don't have problems now, stick with what you have.03:18
coyleIt's Linux on a Mac. Of course I have problems! :-)03:19
CheeseBurgerManhaha, O03:19
coyleSound comes and goes and wireless networking is giving me problems.03:20
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CheeseBurgerManoooooh, fun03:20
coyleYeah, well MacOS X was getting boring and I needed to keep my brain working. And Linux is GREAT for that.03:21
CheeseBurgerManhehe, I know it :P03:21
CheeseBurgerManit teaches you to use Google, if nothing else. ;)03:21
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coyleMy only thought with downgrading to 5.10 is that while I'll be limited to my wireless B card, at least I'll have more consistant behavior.03:22
coylegoogle, forums, AND it's the only time I fireup chat.03:23
coyleI haven't used Linux since YDL 4 and I really like Kubuntu. I got a new 160G drive, so I set aside 10G to get back into Linux.03:24
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CheeseBurgerMan'Tis my first  venture into Linux03:26
sxmani'm totally new to linux03:26
sxmanjust got kubuntu03:27
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CheeseBurgerManGood job :)03:27
sxmanhow do i install like say a pcmcia wireless card?03:27
sxmani have the drivers for it03:27
sxmanfor redhat i think03:28
sxmani should work right?03:28
sxmanhow do i set kubuntu to find the new device?03:28
sxmanare you new too?03:29
CheeseBurgerManyes. :P03:29
CheeseBurgerManTried ndiswrapper?03:29
sxmanwhat is that?03:29
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CheeseBurgerManWhat card do you have?03:30
sxmanashton digital03:30
sxmana no namer03:30
sxmanWRCB-1011r ring a bell?03:30
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sxmanwhat's this ndiswrapper?03:31
CheeseBurgerManIt lets you use windows drivers for wireless cards in Linux03:31
CheeseBurgerManbut if you have drivers, you shouldn't need it.03:31
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sxmanok, but how do i find the device?03:31
coylerebooting. ttyl.03:32
sxmanhow do i install the drivers?03:32
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sxmani did that already.03:32
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crxyemso anyone familiar with acpi support for laptops and samba ??03:33
CheeseBurgerManKinda vaguely. :P03:33
CheeseBurgerManIn such that I have a laptop, and use samba. ;)03:33
benjamindainesHello, I'm having some trouble getting my Mac to connect to an SMB share on my ubuntu box.  I type in the IP address and it brings up the window to type in the Workgroup, Name, and PassWord (I enter in my username and password and click OK) then I gives me an error saying that the user name or password is incorrect.  I have tried many times so I know it's not me typeing badly.  Any ideas?  --Much Thanks03:34
crxyemwell does this happen to you?03:34
CheeseBurgerManDoes what happen?03:34
CheeseBurgerManbenjamindaines' problem?03:34
tarmathbenjamindaines, have you configured any samba users?03:34
CheeseBurgerMancrxyem: my samba is working fine.03:35
benjamindainesYes.  Give me a min and I'll type up all the steps I went through03:35
crxyemyeah my samba works too, but here's the issue03:35
CheeseBurgerMansxman: To be honest, I haven't a clue how to do that.03:35
crxyemI have my samba shares mounted in my fstab, if I enable acpi events for when the lid is closed to standby, when It comes out of standby I loose my shares03:35
tarmathbenjamindaines: before trying to connect from the mac, have you tried to connect from somewhere else? or is it just on the mac that you cannot connect?03:36
CheeseBurgerManI don't have my samba shares mounted in my fstab, and I don't have it set for standby on lid-close. ;)03:36
crxyemwhat acpi setting are you using for the lid closed ??03:37
CheeseBurgerManas in, nothing happens. :P03:37
crxyemyeah currently that's how I have mine. because I loose the shares otherwise03:37
crxyemhow are you mounting your shares??03:37
CheeseBurgerManI just type in smb://<host>/<share> :P03:38
crxyemah I see. I have mine mount during boot03:38
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benjamindainesFirst I right click the folder and select share folder, then the window comes up and I select SMB, in the name feild I type "Linux", I leave the comment feild blank and leave the read only box and the allow browsing folder unchecked, then I click "Generate windows sharing settings", for host / description I leave what comes up and type Linx into the Doman / Workgroup blank, I leave it as do not use WINS server and c03:38
benjamindaineslick out on both windows03:38
CheeseBurgerManAh, the lazy way. ;)03:38
sxmancan anybody help with installing a wireless card on kubuntu?03:39
crxyemsxman , what kinda help ??03:39
sxmanhow do i find the device?03:39
crxyemwell, do you know what kind of card it is ??03:39
sxmanit's a pcmcia03:39
crxyemok what brand03:39
sxmanAshton digital03:39
benjamindainesMy ubunutu box is the only computer I have that isnt a mac and it is eithernet wired into the back of my iMac so I can't test with another computer.  I'm pretty sure it has something to dow with my SMB settings on the Linux box but I just have no idea what I would have done wrong03:39
crxyemdid it come with linux drivers ?03:40
crxyema cd I pressume03:40
sxmanit's on the cd03:40
crxyemI'm not familiar myself with how to install a device driver for linux, is there a README file on the disk??03:41
sxmani dont know any unix commands03:41
ArthurBcrxyem: first make sure you don't already have it03:41
crxyemAuthurB ?? already have what ??03:42
CheeseBurgerManOpen Konsole, and type in "iwconfig"03:42
sxmanwhere is konsole?03:43
benjamindainesAnyone have any ideas with my SMB issues?03:43
crxyemK menu, system setting, terminal program03:43
sxmanok, it says no wireless extensions03:43
CheeseBurgerManExatly. ;)03:43
sxmanis there a way to start kubuntu in discovery mode?03:44
sxmanto have it find new hardware?03:44
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trymIve tried adding an extra repository to be able to install kde 3.5.x - however I cant seem to get it to install. installing kdebase will break something03:45
sxmanany ideas?03:46
crxyemyes I had an issue with kde 3.5.x upgrade, It broke my link to storage media://03:47
crxyemworked out a fix googling for it03:47
trymcrxyem: but Im not sure what to do after adding the repository03:48
trymwhat package should I install ?03:48
CheeseBurgerMansudo apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade03:48
crxyemah, fetch updates in package manager, or Cheese's way03:48
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trymCheeseBurgerMan: didnt work03:49
CheeseBurgerMancrxyem: hehe, yeah. I like to use the terminal - more educational. ;)03:49
crxyemI use both03:49
trymit just lists packages that have been kept back03:49
CheeseBurgerManMe too.03:49
CheeseBurgerManI use Adept when I want to browse my packages ;)03:49
CheeseBurgerManThat's not updating to KDE 3.5.1 ;)03:51
trymi know it is not03:51
trymbut I have added the repository03:51
trymand kdevelop3 should be in the repostiroy, forcing me to upgrade my packages03:52
trymdist-upgrade does nothing03:52
crxyem did you do sudo apt-get update03:52
trymcrxyem: of course03:52
crxyemok, just making sure03:53
ArthurBhey, my kopete is switching between IRC tabs, whenever a new message pops up in a channel, this isvery annoying, can't think it's a feature, 3.5.1-0ubuntu2... anyone habing the same behavior ?03:53
crxyemso CheeseBurgerMan, you familiar with repartitioning ??03:53
CheeseBurgerMancrxyem: Only with QTParted. :P03:54
crxyemwell, that's what I'm going to use, but first I need to use my windows xp (oh I dual boot) to reduce my XP part. to add more space to Kubuntu03:55
CheeseBurgerManYeah, that's what I do.03:55
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crxyemwill I need to update grub when I'm done ??03:55
ArthurBur, anyone using kopete for IRC here ?03:55
CheeseBurgerManArthurB: I'm not03:56
ArthurBthanks for the info Chodder03:56
crxyemKonversation for me..03:56
ArthurB/version *03:56
ArthurBdoesn't work :-/03:56
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CheeseBurgerMancrxyem: Not sure, seeing how I've only partitioned and THEN installed, not the other way around. :\03:56
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CheeseBurgerManI think he was using version 0.10.403:57
=== ArthurB [n=ArthurB@207-237-239-59.c3-0.avec-ubr10.nyr-avec.ny.cable.rcn.com] has joined #kubuntu
ArthurBlet's see if it persists03:57
crxyemwell, I've partitioned ,and now need to repartition, I need more room for Kubuntu, and just going to leave some small space for winxp till I'm completeley migrated03:57
ArthurBshit it does03:58
CheeseBurgerMancrxyem: I'm not really sure what will happen when you do that :P03:59
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crxyemme either that's why I'm asking before hand04:00
crxyemhello me2win04:00
CheeseBurgerMancrxyem: I've got a Linux guru friend - I'll see if he's online and ask him :)04:00
CheeseBurgerManAh well, he's not04:01
crxyemthanks anyway04:02
crxyemdoes he irc??04:02
crxyemon this server or some other linux distro04:02
CheeseBurgerManHe's a Gentoo-AMD64 user04:03
CheeseBurgerManI actually chat with 3 people who have Gentoo :P04:03
CheeseBurgerMan1 i386, 1 amd64, and 1 ppc04:04
crxyemI've thought of trying gentoo, but it just seems to demanding for me right now04:04
CheeseBurgerManI tried it04:04
CheeseBurgerManI booted off the Cd, and got a bunch of colored squares. ;)04:04
crxyemlol, I booted a SkyOS livecd once , looked cool, but I don't want to pay for something I might not use04:05
crxyemhey can QTparted resize ntfs ??04:05
crxyemsweet maybe I'll use a live cd04:07
CheeseBurgerMan'Tis what I did - used a Knoppix live CD :D04:07
me2wincrxyem, hey04:08
crxyemwhat's goin on04:08
crxyemme2win : are you familiar with acpi settings causing issues with samba shares ?04:10
me2wincrxyem, unfortunately, no04:10
crxyema well figured I'd ask04:10
CheeseBurgerMancrxyem: what did you want to know about partitioning again?04:12
crxyemif I'll need to edit grub after I resize ntfs smaller, and then add space to / and /home04:13
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CheeseBurgerMancrxyem: According to the linux guru person, no04:16
CheeseBurgerMan"as long as you didn't change the order the partitions are in, you won't need to change anything"04:16
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crxyemoops, clicked the wrong x04:18
CheeseBurgerManDone that waaaaay to many times myself. ;)04:18
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CheeseBurgerManDid you see the answer?04:18
crxyemmissed it04:19
CheeseBurgerMan"as long as you didn't change the order the partitions are in, you won't need to change anything"04:19
crxyemsweet, that's what I was thinking myself04:19
CheeseBurgerManI had no idea, so I wasn't thinking much. ;)04:20
crxyemthanks for the help04:20
crxyemwell, it does make sense if you think about it04:20
CheeseBurgerManYeah, every question makes sense once you have the answer. ;)04:20
CheeseBurgerManNP, even though it wasn't my answer. :P04:20
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crxyemdon't you just love that you really don't have to worry about viruses vs using windows systems04:23
Snake__crxyem: Im more for spyware over viruses04:23
CheeseBurgerManThe problem with that is, users get even MORE lazy, and becomre more vulnerable to phishing attacks. ;)04:24
Snake__CheeseBurgerMan: No thats not a problem04:24
Snake__CheeseBurgerMan: We shouldnt have to worry about that crap, let the devs worry about that04:24
crxyemthunderbird helps me with that04:24
CheeseBurgerManWe have to worry about phishing - the devs can't stop it.04:24
CheeseBurgerManthe viri and spyware the devs get to worry about. ;)04:24
Snake__I shouldn't have to surf with 90000 programs running in the background scanning for that one website I hite04:24
Snake__Phishing, yes, there is no patch for human stupidity04:25
CheeseBurgerManToo bad :P04:25
Snake__CheeseBurgerMan: I saved my dad from one of them paypal scams a few days ago04:25
Snake__Worst phishin I ever seen it was so obvious you wern't at paypal.com04:26
CheeseBurgerManGood man :P04:26
Snake__CheeseBurgerMan: seriously, it was like....http://69.36.794.609/scam/abuse.html04:26
Snake__Or something like that04:26
Snake__(It literally was in a "scam" Dir04:27
Snake__The site looked good, but im like... are you serious?04:27
crxyembelieve it or not I got nabbed on a ebay one, it was very clever, get an email saying "hey your <insert product> invoise is ready, log into your account to view it04:27
crxyemso I log into ebay, I even typed the url myself04:28
Snake__how did it get you?04:28
CheeseBurgerManChange your hosts file?04:28
CheeseBurgerManAlthough that should need root permissions to change IIRC04:28
crxyemwell, I then search for the user04:28
Snake__CheeseBurgerMan: Windowssss04:28
crxyemand clicked on a product link for and auction and bame a few hours later my account was foobar04:29
CheeseBurgerManThat sucks.04:30
CheeseBurgerManI've never been phished...yet04:30
crxyemstill have no clue how this one worked as I didn't type in anypassword etc... I have since recovered my account with now adverse affects04:30
crxyemthat's the only time, because I did purchase said product before, just not from that person on ebay, so  Iwas like hmm, is it an areally old invoice04:31
CheeseBurgerManAt least nothing bad happened. :)04:32
=== Snake__ is now known as CheeseBurgerMan_
=== CheeseBurgerMan_ is now known as Snake__
crxyemvery true, but I'll tell you ebay was of no help, tried ,there live chat, they can't do shit for you about passwords, they can't even reset it if you ask, safe haror wnats 3 days to even get back to you04:33
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ubotuUpgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BreezyUpgrade.  Upgrading to dapper (remember it may break). Please test the dist-upgrader -> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2006-January/014700.html.04:40
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ubotuparse error: Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/, me2win04:42
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ubotume2win: Some people juggle geese. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:42
ubotume2win: Not a clue. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/04:42
ubotuhttp://wiki.ubuntu.com/GrubHowto or https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows or troubleshooting grub: http://www.gnu.org/software/grub/manual/grub.html#Troubleshooting04:42
crxyemKingpomba, didn't think of looking there, thanks04:44
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ubotuDVD playing is possible in ubuntu. You may need libdvdcss2, which is available via http://wiki.ubuntu.com/SeveasPackages (section extras)04:51
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Blippehave people wondered about security after that password thingie two days ago?04:54
Kr4t05Anyone manage to get DVDs to work in Kaffeine?04:54
robotgeekKr4t05: i think i used vlc or something last time, i don't remember04:58
crxyemI believe my mplayer works with dvd's04:58
aseigoKr4t05: yep =)04:58
SlicerDicercan anybody help me with sudo... I keep getting 'sudo: unable to lookup hostname via gethostbyname ()'04:58
aseigoKr4t05: you need to install the dvd packages however of course04:58
robotgeekSlicerDicer: you changed the hostname manually, din't you?04:59
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SlicerDicerrobotgeek: no the file became corrupt04:59
robotgeekaseigo: there are specific kaffeine dvd packages?04:59
SlicerDicerrobotgeek: so I had to manually add it back04:59
aseigoKr4t05: check out http://olwin.free.fr/ .. it has a program called "easy-kubuntu" that makes setting pu all that stuff a snap ime04:59
SlicerDicerrobotgeek: how do i fix it?05:00
aseigorobotgeek: yes.. xine requires the dvdread package and various codecs05:00
robotgeekaseigo: hmm, okay. will fix this then05:01
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aseigoit's all non-Free(-as-in-Freedom) stuff, but that's the state of affairs these days...05:02
robotgeekaseigo: basically, i'm worried that instructions here: http://doc.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/desktopguide-web/C/ch03s02.html are wrong05:02
ChodderCan someone help me out with my graphics driver? It should be easy but it's proving to be a pain in the arse on this laptop05:03
aseigorobotgeek: they look right05:03
patrixrobotgeek: it worked for me...05:03
Chodderfglrx isn't working correctly on with this ati card05:04
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ChodderAnyone good at troublr shooting these stupid ati drivers?05:05
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uboturumour has it, ati is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI or http://www.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=24557&page=1&pp=10 or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=42358905:07
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uboturumour has it, nvidia is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736805:18
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jbeagleyCan anyone help me change the permissions on my USB flash drive?05:21
robotgeekjbeagley: sure05:22
robotgeekjbeagley: it should be automagically mounted at /media/<name>05:22
jbeagleyYes, it mounts fine, but I can't change the permissions so non-root accounts can modify files on the drive.05:23
robotgeekjbeagley: sudo chown -R your_name /media/<name>05:25
jbeagleyIt says "Operation not permitted" for every file. :(05:26
robotgeekjbeagley: is it ntfs?05:26
jbeagleyno, vfat05:26
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robotgeekjbeagley: hmm, but we sudo'ed. weird05:27
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Xyvoth[a] hello05:27
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Xyvoth[a] can some1 please help?05:28
Xyvoth[a] or point me to support channel?05:28
robotgeekXyvoth[a] : this is a support channel, ask away05:28
Xyvoth[a] thx :)05:29
Xyvoth[a] i'm a linux newb, was trying kubuntu on my home pc, an AMD6405:29
Xyvoth[a] first stage of installation was ok, asked for a reboot and did that05:29
Xyvoth[a] then started 2nd stage,05:29
robotgeekXyvoth[a] : okay, go on05:30
Xyvoth[a] asked for available display resolutions, i checked a few additional to the default ones05:30
Xyvoth[a] after that,05:30
Xyvoth[a] the screen went berserk05:30
Xyvoth[a] are you old enough to remember atari's crashes?05:31
Xyvoth[a] i got something like that05:31
robotgeekXyvoth[a] : okay, you are on another machine now, right?05:31
Xyvoth[a] it was cycling between 2 of those weird looking ascii garbage to a installation status bar, then loop again05:31
frank23are you sure the resolutions you chose were not too high for your monitor?05:31
Xyvoth[a] i'm pretty sure yes05:32
Xyvoth[a] and yeah, i'm on another pc now, at work05:32
Xyvoth[a] wanna hardware specs?05:32
Xyvoth[a] btw, the same installer worked fine in another (older) pc with integrated gfx05:33
frank23Xyvoth[a] : I would try again and choose 1024x768 as max resolution05:34
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Xyvoth[a] i guess i can add other resolutions later?05:35
Xyvoth[a] sorry for the n00b questions05:36
robotgeekXyvoth[a] : yes, we can add more resolutions later05:36
frank23Xyvoth[a] : did you install the amd64 version of kubuntu or i386?05:36
Xyvoth[a] ok05:36
Xyvoth[a] amd6405:36
frank23Xyvoth[a] : especially if you're new to linux, I would suggest to install i386 instead. you'll run into fewer problems with flash/codecs/commercial software/etc05:38
robotgeekXyvoth[a] : yes, i agree with frank2305:38
Xyvoth[a] oh i didn't know i could install the i386 version05:38
Xyvoth[a] good call :)05:38
Xyvoth[a] thanks a lot for the help guys, i'll try that :)05:38
robotgeekonce you are more comfortable, you can exploit your system to the fullest05:38
Xyvoth[a] yeah, i gotta get familiar with linux first05:39
frank23Xyvoth[a] : I still run i386 to avoid amd64 problems. I ran amd64 but got tired with all the fiddling05:40
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frank23Xyvoth[a] : the performance difference is not that great05:40
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Xyvoth[a] not like winxp/x64 difference?05:40
frank23Xyvoth[a] : well I guess it would be equivalent to that. I think its like 15% on average05:41
frank23although for some applications, amd64 is much faster05:41
Xyvoth[a] ic05:43
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Xyvoth[a] ok, i'll try the i386 installer then, maybe i come back to bug you guys again05:43
Xyvoth[a] thanks both for the help :)05:43
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Xyvoth[a] cyall :)05:43
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frank23I wonder how many amd64 processors will never run 64bit code in their lifetime... lol05:44
Kr4t05aseigo, I used that utility and it didn't change anything.05:46
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nate_ok ok, maybe someone here can help, anyone know of any good docs for ubuntu's implementation of d-i and specifically the setup of preseed files?06:21
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naliothnate_: i suggest you ask in #ubuntu-motu (and be patient for an answer there)06:24
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blueOrangewow! lots of people here!07:01
nate_i have xgl running....it's purdy07:02
aseigoit's a party!07:02
blueOrangeanyone hear me?07:02
patrixnice nate_07:02
patrixon breezy, or dapper?07:02
nate_on a livecd07:02
patrixnever heard of it07:03
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nate_go to distrowatch07:03
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nate_look it up, it automagically configures xgl07:03
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blueOrangecany anyon hear me? or do i have to do some kind of registration first !?07:03
nate_i hear you BlueDevil07:04
nate_blueOrange, errr, you i mean07:04
aseigoblueOrange: what? can you speak up please?07:04
GullyFoylewhere are icons normally stored?  where can i find them?07:04
blueOrangehi folks im linux noob, i havent yet tried ubuntu, but i expect to install it soon on a thinkpad t21 im expecting anyday now.07:05
nate_blueOrange, ok...try regular ubuntu first, imo, it's more noob-friendly07:06
nate_well, gnome is more noob-friendly, i should say07:06
aseigoGullyFoyle: `kde-config --prefix`/share/icons07:06
aseigonate_: pfft07:06
nate_and be sure to check out http://help.ubuntu.com07:06
blueOrangeoh, right wrong channel. i have a hardware suport suported question, beter to ask in that forum ?>07:06
aseigonate_: there has been absolutely nothing that backs that up.. please don't spread the kool-aide07:07
nate_blueOrange, there are likely more people there, so you might have a better chance07:07
aseigoGullyFoyle: as well as in `kde-config --localprefix`/share/icons (for icons your user installs)07:07
blueOrangeok, and THXS! ill check out the help page also07:07
nate_aseigo, yes there is, gnome is less configurable with sane defaults, kde is geared more towards the hobbyist, more configurable07:07
aseigonate_: see, that's not proof, that's a conjecture to explain the hypothesis07:08
nate_aseigo, less configurable + sane defaults = noob friendly07:08
nate_that's even gnome's mantra07:08
robotgeeknate_: pfft.07:08
aseigonate_: reality is that people get along just fine with kde... e.g. that study during the 3.0 or 3.1 release time when they compared KDE to XP and they were neck and neck for usability07:08
aseigonate_: they had people who had only used win95/98/2k and moved them XP or SUSE/KDE and had them perform various tasks07:09
robotgeeknate_: i hate it when a OS treats me like i am dumb. kde is nice to me :)07:09
nate_i'm not saying it isn't workable, i'm saying gnome is more noob-friendly07:09
aseigonate_: and surprise, surprise! it was something like 30minutes for XP average, and 34 minutes for KDE07:09
nate_robotgeek, i do too, but an OS that treats you as dumb is perfect for noobs :D07:10
nate_aseigo, ummmm, ok?07:10
aseigonate_: as for "sane defaults" i've seen enough people struggle with various gtk+ apps that i don't believe that for a moment07:10
ChousukeMy family knows nothing about computers.07:10
ChousukeThey picked up KDE in 10 minutes after I told them where konqueror is opened07:10
aseigonate_: then you can pile on all the people who use kde day-to-day in schools, businesses, etc ... that are not power users, hobbyists, etc..07:10
nate_aseigo, it's not about configurability.  struggling to make gtk apps do what you want usually is about configuring them in some very special ways07:10
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aseigonate_: erm. no. want a specific example?07:11
=== robotgeek lurves kde
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nate_aseigo, i can say the same about kde07:11
aseigoas in a real life "was watching the user" example?07:11
nate_aseigo, and people struggling with apps on them07:11
aseigonate_: good for you .. that would make them similar, not 'GNOME is more newbie friendly'07:11
aseigonate_: note that you made the "better than" claim07:11
nate_i did not make a better than claim07:12
aseigonate_: something that i'm really tired of seeing bandied about because it is quite untrue07:12
GullyFoyleheh, i'm using fluxbox with kde support for speed07:12
nate_i made a more noob-friendly claim07:12
aseigo[23:03]  <nate_> well, gnome is more noob-friendly, i should say07:12
nate_that by no means makes it better07:12
aseigoalright.. more newbie friendly. that too is an incorrect claim07:12
nate_read their mantras07:13
aseigoas evidenced by all the newbies users we have who manage amazingly well07:13
aseigowho's mantra?07:13
nate_and kde's07:13
ChousukeIMO GNOME is clearer at first sight.07:13
aseigoyeah, i'm very familiar with both projects' concepts07:13
ChousukeKDE always looked a bit cluttered to me.07:13
aseigonate_: i can say "i am the king of siam". it doesn't make me the kind of siam07:13
_russhate to cut into conversation...but i am a newbie with Linux and i like my KDE07:13
nate_one is geared for configurability, one is geared towards being less configurable with sane defaults.07:13
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aseigoagreed (well, aside from the sane defaults, but whatever =)07:14
aseigothat doesn't mean that the "less configurable with sane defaults" attempt has translated into something more newbie friendly07:14
aseigobecause .. well .. it hasn't =)07:14
aseigothey've done a very nice job, don't get me wrong07:14
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aseigoand i completley respect their efforts and think that stating and following a vision as they have is very good07:15
_russi use Kubuntu and Xandros OS...both very good and best of all...free!!07:15
nate_aseigo, with my experience I've personally, as a noob, broke so much in configuring, so to allow less configuring for a noob, means less to break07:15
aseigo_russ: i haven't used xandros recently.. which version are you using, if i may ask?07:15
nate_it's like an engine, more moving parts = more possibilities of breakage07:15
_russ3.02 OCE07:15
nate__russ, I was always scared away from Xandros, personally07:16
_russthe free one...not deluxe or w/e07:16
aseigo_russ: how do you find it (besides very good ;)07:16
nate__russ, yeah, do tell07:16
_russi've only installed it about a week ago and i personally prefer it over and linux distro i've tried so far07:16
aseigonate_: yes, i've seen people trip over things ... that does happen and we can (and have, if you track version to version) done better with helping people along with that (try using kde 2.2 and compare, for instance ;)07:17
_russit can be set to look like Mac OS, Windows OS, so it has a more comfortable feel for me07:17
_russsince i use both XP and OSX07:17
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aseigonate_: the danger in turning a few anecdotes into conclusions is that the sample is often not representative of the larger picture. it's like doing a gallup poll by asking the two people sitting next to you and declaring that the president's approval rating ;)07:18
nate_aseigo, yeah, but I was just pointing the guy to the engine with less moving parts, so as he explored he has less chances to break and more chances to use.  I prefer configurability myself, but I'm familiar with linux and troubleshooting07:18
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aseigonate_: well, again, i have to say that while that's a fine theory, in practice it's not particularly what you seem to expect =)07:18
aseigos,to expect,to be expecting,07:19
nate_aseigo, i've personally used kubuntu and ubuntu and found kubuntu breaking more07:19
_russi would personally recommend Xandros free download OS to anyone who asked me about Linux, right next to Ubutu/Kubuntu07:19
aseigonate_: yes; that's because ubuntu is about a year younger (2 releases IIRC)07:19
aseigonate_: which is about 50% newer07:19
nate_aseigo, ok?07:20
nate_aseigo, so what was the point of that last one?07:20
aseigo_russ: hm.. cool.. yeah, i need to install that again sometime.. i like to keep up with what people are doing with kde =)07:20
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nate_man, when i have irc open i never get anything done07:20
aseigonate_: ah.. the fact that a huge part of "things breaking" (like the graphical sudo in kde issue, being a classic example) is packaging and q/a'ing the patches applied ...07:20
nate_aseigo, soooo, your point?07:21
aseigonate_: kubuntu applies a number of patches and changes a large number of defaults... which is cool.. we make kde in a way so that it is easy to do that07:21
nate_aseigo, how is that easier for a noob who just wants it to work?07:21
aseigonate_: soooooo my point is that a lot of the breakages in kubuntu are not kde07:21
_russi'm gonna switch back over to Xandros, if i can figure my way back into this IRC channel...i'll cya later...if not...take it easy :)07:21
aseigonate_: in fact, most of the breakages i've seen have been kubuntu07:21
aseigo_russ: see ya =)07:21
_russand thx for listening07:21
nate_aseigo, ....07:21
aseigonate_: so to go to your car analogy ...07:22
nate_aseigo, so...your point is what?07:22
aseigo... it's like giving a motors to two different mechanics and judging the quality of motor based on how well it runs when you get it back without taking into consideration the time, effort, etc... on the part of the mechanic07:22
aseigonate_: my point is that saying that breakages have happened in kubuntu, -therefore- kde is less noob friendly that gnome is an errant judgement07:23
aseigoi'd certainly agree that gnome in ubuntu has had more time to mature and had more time put into it period07:23
aseigoand so you'll see a lot more polish in ubuntu than kubuntu in previous releases07:23
nate_aseigo, back to the car analogy, it's like giving the person one engine has less he can mess with instead of an engine he can mess with a lot.  The fact that he is first exploring cars makes the one that is less configurable safer for him07:24
nate_you think i'm basing this ALL on kde and it's breakage on kubuntu, and i'm not07:24
aseigo<broken-record>nice theory, doesn't hold up in practice over the larger body of users</broken-record>07:24
nate_ok, so by the same token show me evidence07:25
aseigonate_: no, though i did refute that particular part of your argument07:25
patrixoooh an argument! :)07:25
nate_aseigo, you refuted it by statements that can't be backed up07:25
aseigonate_: well, i did tell you about that one (professional, government paid) usability study07:25
nate_aseigo, that compared what?  kde and xp?07:25
aseigonate_: i've also been involved in a good number of open source desktop isntallatoins07:25
nate_aseigo, that is not proof07:25
aseigoah. right. theory versus reality. sorry, forgot that reality is trumped every time ;)07:26
nate_aseigo, here, let me give you some proof..ummm...fedora....ummm....debian...ummm...07:26
aseigosee, this is what i do as my -profession-. i've spent a number of years watching and working in this area ... and hey, that's what i've seen and what i've experienced07:27
nate_you're saying reality yet you give no solid evidence in reality.  Yet I have personal experience + theory, while you have some other personal experience07:27
aseigothough i do appreciate how you've put the onus of proof on the person who didn't make the claim ;)07:27
nate_aseigo, my statements were never based on pie charts and bar graphs but on theory and personal experience07:27
aseigonate_: oh, so what are the largest OSS desktop installations you've done? and how many years have you watched them for? and how many such have you done?07:28
nate_aseigo, but you are trying to force them into that basket then say HAHA!  where is your EVIDENCE!!! MUHAHAH!07:28
nate_A few years, the latest desktops07:28
aseigowell, yes, you make a claim so asking for supportive evidence is probably not completely out of scope? ;)07:28
=== aseigo nods
patrixanybody tried wengophone ?07:29
nate_aseigo, if i was making a scientific claim, then yes07:29
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nate_aseigo, it is human to give your best recommendation based on personal experience, and if theory backs that up, then great07:30
aseigomy first corporate OSS desktop installation >100 seats was in 2001 (medical imaging company) ... i've been fairly active since, and watching both GNOME and KDE used (both successfully and otherwise) in such environments has led to what i've suggested07:30
aseigoyes, it is human .. there's nothing wrong with that ..07:30
nate_aseigo, ok, and that is based on what?07:30
nate_you've suggested it based on what?07:31
nate_unless i'm misunderstanding you07:31
aseigonate_: years of being involved with large scale deployments of open source desktops that end up on average (or worse ;) user's desks07:31
aseigonate_: reading (what little) literature comes out on the matter07:31
nate_aseigo, your personal experience, yes07:31
nate_conversation just came full circle07:31
nate_lets argue in another circle!07:32
nate_this could go on all night!07:32
=== nate_ dances around the room in circles, just like the arguments
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=== aseigo laughs
patrixis there any way I can prevent a linux-image package, when it installs, to modify my grub.lst ?!?!??07:32
NeoChaosXnot that i know of07:32
robotgeekpatrix: then it won't boot with the new kernel07:33
aseigopatrix: don't think so.. it's part of the post-install script07:33
patrixrobotgeek: well ti's a problem07:33
nate_patrix, is removing it afterwards a possibility?07:33
patrixrobotgeek: see I've got my own grub.lst which I can modify myself07:33
patrixrobotgeek: I don't want linux-image to add every kernel at the end of the file, then add them again when I upgrade, etc07:33
patrixyeah I can remove the lines07:33
robotgeekpatrix: i think you are outta luck07:33
patrixit's just an annoyance :P07:33
=== patrix proceeds to remove 8 entries in menu.lst ....
nate_patrix, yeah, trade-offs with the convenience of it automatically being added07:34
patrixat laest it stopped the arguing ;)07:34
nate_i need to learn to touch-type properly07:34
NeoChaosXpatrix: what's wrong with just removing the old kernels?07:35
patrixNeoChaosX: it's not removing them, it's appending like 8 entruies at the end of menu.lst07:35
NeoChaosXoh, I see07:35
nate_patrix, write a script to remove it?07:35
patrixnow I need to figure out why I have 2.6.12-10-i386 and 2.6.12-9-i386 !?!?!?07:36
patrixand same for k707:36
frank23patrix: -9 comes from before the breezy release maybe07:36
patrixthing is07:36
patrixI had -1007:36
patrixI just did an apt-get dist-upgrade07:36
patrixand it got -907:36
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nate_patrix, lol07:38
nate_suspend logic07:38
patrixwhat's that pastebin url? pastebin.com seems down07:38
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nate_i dunno, heh07:38
nate_but xgl is purdy07:38
patrixI see one mentioned all the time in here07:38
vijayhi, how to save files in /var/www ??? (iam in user mode) should i run phpedit in sudo mode everytime07:39
patrixoh well I'll figure out my kernel mess late07:39
patrixat least the -10 are still there07:39
patrixgoodnight everyone :)07:39
aseigopatrix: http://pastebin.ca/ is up.. pastebin.com is down though07:39
aseigopatrix: and all the *.pastebin.com (e.g. kubuntu.pastebin.com) are done through pastebin.com07:39
patrixobviuosly ;)07:40
patrixany way to see the installation date on those packages?07:40
nate_wow, i just did the video playing on the edge of the desktop and watched it play while in the middle of switching desktops07:41
nate_that is soooooooo cool07:41
=== patrix finds /var/log/dpkg.log
=== patrix will figure it out later
patrixbye :)07:42
frank23nate_: how stable is xgl right now?07:43
nate_frank23, i hear it's terrible to work out the kinks right now for ubuntu07:43
nate_frank23, but i'm running a livecd that automagically configures it07:43
nate_frank23, and it's solid on my nvidia 680007:43
frank23nate_: oh the karaoka or something cd?07:44
nate_frank23, yeah, kororaa07:44
frank23nate_: I downloaded it but haven't tried it yet07:44
nate_frank23, it works nicely, you should try it if you have the hardware07:44
nate_frank23, it's very neat07:44
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frank23nate_: I will07:45
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solid_liqanyone know of an app I can use to fill in a form that's in pdf format?08:41
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lolziaccan somebody give me a good souces.list09:01
ubotuFor an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit http://ubuntulinux.nl/source-o-matic09:01
ubotulolziac: NO SPEAKE ENLISH! Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:02
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lolziaci got a problem getting some packgaes09:05
lolziaclike gnome for example09:05
lolziacwhen i try to get it with Adept it says to me BREAK(Install)09:06
lolziacit says same for synaptic09:06
robotgeeklolziac: you want to install which package, again?09:06
lolziackynaptic when i wanna install them09:06
lolziaci want to install09:06
ubotuPlease don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying.09:06
lolziacmy mistake :) thats the way im used to talk, ill try to correct that09:07
robotgeeklolziac: could you be a bit more clear as to what you want to install?09:07
lolziacrobotgeek: i wanna install gnome, on my kubuntu09:08
Chodderapt-get install gnome09:08
robotgeeklolziac: "sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop"09:08
lolziacdoesnt work, is tellin i need dependecies09:08
robotgeeklolziac: can you paste the errors in the pastebin?09:09
nate_apt-get install synaptic09:09
lolziacyes, ill try, hope its easy :)09:09
lolziachttp://www.pastebin.com/ is not working09:10
robotgeeklolziac, don't paste in here. Please use http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org09:11
lolziacok srry09:13
robotgeeklolziac: you have some other program like adept open09:13
lolziaci closed adept, and now09:13
lolziacis getting things :)09:13
lolziacrobotgeek: No solution found within the allotted time.  Try harder? [Y/n] 09:14
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robotgeeklolziac: yes, maybe?09:14
lolziacrobotgeek: what is aptitude install ???09:15
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robotgeeklolziac: so you can remove it easily later09:16
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lolziacok because, its Resolving Dependecies and asking me all the time for --> No solution found within the allotted time.  Try harder? [Y/n09:18
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robotgeeklolziac: okay, try with sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop then09:19
lolziacok ill try this one :)09:19
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lolziacrobotgeek: what do u propse :) !!!09:22
robotgeeklolziac: can you paste me your sources.list09:22
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lolziacrobotgeek:  http://paste.ubuntu-nl.org/1020909:24
robotgeeklolziac: your sources.list is so confusing09:26
lolziaci had mine, but i took from another person here in the channel09:26
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lolziacto try it with diffrent sorces.list, cuz i thought there could be the problem09:26
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robotgeeklolziac: did you apt-get update?09:27
lolziacyes as I know09:27
robotgeeklolziac: then "sudo apt-get install dbus-1-utils"09:27
lolziac  dbus-1-utils: Depends: dbus but it is not going to be installed09:28
robotgeeklolziac: "sudo apt-get -f install"09:28
lolziac0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.09:29
robotgeeklolziac: sudo apt-get install dbus09:29
lolziacdbus is already the newest version.09:30
lolziacwierd a ?? :)09:30
robotgeeklolziac: crazy. "sudo apt-get upgrade"09:31
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lolziac0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.09:31
lolziacjust to tell u, maybe that could help09:32
lolziacthe last thing before 2 days, i did, $ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade09:32
=== robotgeek curses the backports
lolziacdid not understand this one :)09:33
robotgeeklolziac: the backports reporisotry in your sources.list09:33
robotgeeklolziac: let me come back with a cup of coffee :)09:34
lolziacok man09:34
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robotgeeklolziac: why? are you going to hack me :)09:36
lolziac:) checking the version09:36
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robotgeeklolziac: back09:41
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lolziacrobotgeek: here09:42
robotgeeklolziac: glad to know i have not been hacked in my absence :)09:42
lolziacfar away from hacking :)09:43
robotgeeklolziac: do you have your old sources.list?09:44
robotgeeklolziac: <sigh>09:44
lolziacreplaced it09:44
lolziaci think i found it09:45
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pradeeptorobotgeek: got koffice working eventually09:45
robotgeekpradeepto: how, and where were the updates?09:45
lolziacrobotgeek:  i have it, see i did a backup :)09:45
robotgeeklolziac: cool, replace this sources.list with your original one09:46
pradeeptorobotgeek: I did use the links that you gave me but somehow my sources.list didnot have "breezy main"09:47
lolziacdone and did an apt-get update :)09:47
pradeeptorobotgeek: and ofcourse I changed to .gb09:47
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lolziacrobotgeek: replaced done update :)09:49
robotgeekpradeepto: gb? closer?09:49
robotgeeklolziac: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop09:49
pradeeptorobotgeek: well it worked.09:49
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lolziacthe same message, listing packgaes that have unmet dependecies09:49
pradeeptorobotgeek: is .in actually in .in09:50
robotgeeklolziac: hmm, crazy. okay, i give up. ask in #ubuntu :)09:50
robotgeekpradeepto: yes, maybe in mumbai itself :)09:50
lolziac:) and i thought im gonna fix this problem just like that :)09:50
pradeeptorobotgeek: really09:51
pradeeptorobotgeek: oh yes tifr09:51
robotgeekpradeepto: just guessing.09:51
pradeeptorobotgeek: wait let me confirm09:51
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pradeeptorobotgeek: not in tifr for sure09:54
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robotgeekpradeepto: maybe in the iit?09:54
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KaoticEvilhey everyone :)09:54
_mindspinrobotgeek: what are you talking about ?09:54
lolziacrobotgeek: i think im gonna reinstall one more time kubuntu :). to fix this problem09:55
robotgeek_mindspin: about where the indian mirror is located at09:55
KaoticEvilcan anyone tell me what the heck apgart is for?09:55
KaoticEvili know it has something to do with my video card, because i canged my card, and i see an error message on boot up now09:55
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_mindspinisnt it agpart KaoticEvil ?09:56
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KaoticEvilcould be.. cant really read it all that well.. goes by kinda fast :P09:56
robotgeekKaoticEvil: dmesg | less09:57
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KaoticEviloh, hey.. thats cool09:58
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KaoticEvilcan i pipe that output to a file?10:03
nate_dmesg > file10:03
robotgeekKaoticEvil: sure, dmesg > file10:03
nate_you can redirect all standard output to file, and all standard input from a file10:04
KaoticEvilwierd... i dont see the error message...10:04
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nate_check the other end10:04
KaoticEvilive searched the enitre file top to bottom and bottom to top...10:04
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KaoticEvildoes /var/log keep old boot up logs? or only for the most recent boot?10:05
KaoticEvilah, there it is...10:06
KaoticEvilagpgart: Detected an Intel i810 chipset, but could not find the secondary device.10:06
KaoticEvili no longer use that video chip...10:07
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KaoticEvilso i no longer need that module... how can i remove it from the kernel and keep it from loading10:10
KaoticEvilfor that matter... lsmod reveals a LOT of modules i dont need...10:11
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CaptainbrailleWhat is the command you use to clear out all the downloaded packages from adept? I think a file downloaded wrong and I want to redownload it10:18
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robotgeeksudo apt-get clean10:19
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KaoticEvilCaptainbraille: sudo apt-get clean10:20
KaoticEvilyeah, robotgeek beat me to it10:20
Captainbraillelol, thanks guys =) Where is the folder for that anyway?10:20
farousCaptainbraille: /var/apt/cache10:21
CaptainbrailleThank you very much =)10:21
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Tm_TJakubS: hey, you!10:25
JakubSwho summons me? ;-)10:27
JakubSTm_T: hello10:27
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wimpiesHI all, often when i click on URL the download manager progress dialog pops up...10:32
wimpiesI want it only when downloads ARE happening and not potentially could be happening ... How ?10:32
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osh_What ports do I need to open to get some sort of acceptable speed from the flight4 torrent?10:33
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triceratopsHow can it be avoided that kaddressbook always deletes the addressbook.vcf file after every update/upgrade?10:49
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robotgeektriceratops: really, does that happen?10:49
triceratopsrobotgeek: Yepp, happened several times up to now. The addressbook.vcf file is empty, so are the bakups...10:50
robotgeektriceratops: are you on kde 3.5.1?10:50
triceratopsrobotgeek: yepp, dapper. But I had this also with kde 3.0 on10:51
robotgeektriceratops: doesn't happen to me, file a bug however10:51
robotgeekwith steps to reproduce too10:52
triceratopsrobotgeek: I didn't figure out if it is during a upgrade or due to normal operation. It also might be that it happens due to a daemon crash10:53
robotgeektriceratops: there was a kmail bug, one sec10:53
triceratopsrobotgeek: If it is a bug I would asume that someone should have seen this also. It's now the fifth time that I could see this..10:54
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robotgeektriceratops: i'm not able to locate it right away, lemme see10:56
triceratopsrobotgeek: It occurs quite randomly and till now I wasn't able to make it reproducable. In the meaning of making it traceable for others.10:57
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yo_yogood morning boys10:57
robotgeekyes, im in a meeting, can you gimme 15-20  minutes10:57
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slow-motionhello visik710:59
triceratopsrobotgeek: But once I had this behaviour when I killed a socket file in ~/.kde/$somewhere. So that was just stupidity, once.10:59
triceratopsrobotgeek: My dirty workaround for this is having a addressbook.vcf.bakup file to restore it from time to time11:01
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weedarIf you choose no to setting up network on install, how to do you start that setup after install?11:34
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roscoI'm using kubuntu 5.10 on a powerbook, and when I type "trackpad show", I get a "no trackpad". But the trackpad works! Any idea how to use this command ?12:02
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killianhello, where do i get kubuntu flight 5?12:43
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Hobbseekillian: kubuntu.org, i think12:44
killianthey give a web address12:44
killianbut its nonexistent12:44
killianthis doesnt work12:46
killiani would like to download kubuntu flight 5, but is doesnt seem to be on the servers yet12:47
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Hobbseekillian: then kubuntu flight 5 is not out yet12:48
Hobbseeinstall flight 4, or wait a few days, if you wish12:49
killianthats what ill do12:49
killiani already have flight 4 installed12:49
Hobbseethen why get flight 5?12:49
Hobbseejust do an update && upgrade12:49
killianjust by typing what you wrote earlier?12:50
=== ubijtsa will need flight5 for the auto-install project at work
ubijtsakillian: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade12:50
osh_Flight5 is out?12:50
=== osh_ nods
ubijtsanot the kubuntu one anyway12:51
killianhow do i update my kubuntu flight?12:51
ubijtsakillian: apt-get update && apt-get upgrade12:51
ubijtsakillian: once you have ubuntu installed, you keep up2date by updating from th official repositories12:52
ubijtsakillian: unless you are specifically testing the installer that is12:53
killiani've got kubuntu flight installed12:53
killianthe test version12:53
killianso i want to update from flight 4 to flight512:53
ubijtsaand then you can just as well grab the normal ubuntu install ISO12:53
Hobbseekillian: yes, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade12:53
Hobbseeyou dont need a full cd for it - this isnt SuSE12:53
killiani'll try that12:53
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killianif this works, it would be nice12:54
killiani think it doesnt12:54
killianit just wants to upgrade some packages, not kde, or the core of kubuntu (kernel, etc)12:54
=== ubijtsa_ ponders this as he installed flight3 and now is bang up to date past flight5 even
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Hobbseekillian: that probably means that there were no updates to kde/kernel12:57
killiananyway, i wonder what the new updates are for kubuntu fligh512:58
killianth wiki is more specific on ubuntu12:58
ubijtsa2there won't be that much difference12:58
ubijtsa2still kde 3.5.112:58
Hobbseekillian: yes, i've been poking people about that, i'll have to poke in the next meeting, which i solemly swear that I WILL BE AT!12:59
Hobbseethere are various bits - kernel is now 2.6.15-18-*12:59
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ubijtsa2Hobbsee: that made it to the flight5 ISO? good stuff12:59
Hobbseeubijtsa2: i'm not sure - but i'd expect so01:00
Hobbseeif not that, -17 did01:00
Hobbseekillian: looks like a newer version of oo.o2, as well01:01
Hobbseesome more kubuntu-default-settings changes01:01
Hobbseei'm not sure - i didnt work on it terribly much01:02
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MrFaberhi all01:13
MrFaberIs there anyone with a laptop and a external monitor?01:13
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cmonMrFaber: yup01:14
MrFabercmon, could you post your xorg.conf?01:15
MrFaberwith pastebin or something like that01:15
cmonMrFaber: sure, hang on...01:16
cmonMrFaber: http://kubuntu.pastebin.com/60115001:20
cmonthat's with xinerama enabled on my compaq nc6220 1400x1050 + 17'' LCD panel 1280x102401:20
MrFabercmon, thx01:21
MrFaberi hope that it helps :)01:21
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MrFabercmon, do you know how to create the modeline?01:25
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MrFabercmon, do you have some time, check my xorg.conf?01:28
cmonMrFaber: i used http://xtiming.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/xtiming.pl to generate my modeline01:29
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cmonMrFaber: can you paste your xorg.conf?01:30
MrFaberof course if you have some time :)01:30
MrFabercmon, http://pastebin.ca/4565801:31
cmonMrFaber: can you paste your /var/log/Xorg.0.log too?01:34
MrFabercmon, sure01:36
MrFaberbut I have to restart01:36
MrFaberI have reset it because I can't manage desktop with this settings01:36
MrFabermaybe the LFP and CRT helped01:36
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Blippeis it possible to get konqueror to open arj, rar, 7z and not only zip files "natively"01:44
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dikatlonI am just writing something here to test the beagle konversation filter01:49
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morroware there any plans to integrate beagle into kubuntu?01:52
morrowf.e. with kerry?01:53
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Trollyhello :)01:55
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Trollyenglish speaking only here?01:55
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Trollyokay i have a little problem01:58
Trollyi'm online with live dvd of dapper01:58
Trollybut when i want installing it braking with /dev/ram not exist01:59
Trollynot much reaction :)02:01
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MrFabercmon, linux can kill people, really :-D02:12
=== Hobbsee dies
Hobbseeyou sure about that?02:12
MrFaberyes, it manipulates people to kill themselves02:13
MrFaberI don't want to kill Castro, I just wanted to add a monitor to my laptop02:13
psycho_oreosMrFaber: if you are trying to impose linux can kill people. Then are you also imposing that gun can also kill people? :p02:14
MrFaberyes, but the gun doesn'T manipulate02:14
MrFaberit just kills02:14
MrFaberand then there is silence02:14
psycho_oreosno no, gun can manipulate if linux can manipulate :p02:15
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MrFaberhi _sascha02:15
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MrFabercmon, should I still post?02:19
MrFaberI think it doesn't realize that there are two screens02:19
MrFaberif I use the nvidia twin setting the second screen is off while x is running02:20
MrFaberAnyone else who has a monitor connected to a laptop and which works?02:21
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cmonMrFaber: had some work to do. how's it going with your X?02:47
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Trollysomeone here who knows if there is an kernelimage package fpr 2.6.14 in breeze?02:48
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Trollyhi krypto02:48
kryptosomeone uses eclipse in here? i want to give the motiv version a try because the gtk2 version is slow as hell02:49
kryptobut I cant figure out how to start it02:49
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krypto*motif :)02:50
deancould anyne tell me how to alter the permissions of the windows drives that show up under media in kde?02:54
MrFabercmon, it doesn't work02:55
MrFaberthe only thing that works it without special configuration cloneing of the screen with interpolation02:56
cmonare you trying twinview or xinerama right now?02:56
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klemensHi there :) I got a fast question; Whats the key combo to switch between workspaces?03:13
_derekanyone know why konqueror would open debs in kate..?03:14
LeeJunFananyone know if yahoo changed their protocol? I haven't been able to sign onto yahoo with kopete for a day or so now.03:14
ubijtsa_derek: content-type is set wrong on web server03:15
LeeJunFan_derek: or if they are local files then your associations are set wrong locally.03:15
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_derekits from kde-look03:18
_derekdoes the same thing with rpms03:20
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weedarI downloaded kernel 2.6.14 and installed it - I can safely delete all packages related to 2.6.12 and the like, right?03:25
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benkong2Heu dapper drake is awesome in kubuntu I love the graphics03:28
visik7what change from 3.5.1 backport for breezy ?03:29
benkong2Only one thing I had ubuntu working perfectly ifplug net manager wireless and all switched etc. When I did an apt-get instal kubuntu-desktop it all broke. What happened?03:29
benkong2Is there an equivalent to nm-manager applet in KDE? Or how can I find out what happened?03:30
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thompai like the new desktop style too03:30
thompaipv6 is a problem though03:31
thompai disabled ipv6 in firefox and my pages load 6 times faster03:31
thompano idea why konqueror still takes 40 secs to load a page though, and no idea hw ot fix it03:32
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murray_Firetech: bug reporting ....03:50
murray_sorry ... re: Bug reporting03:50
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MrFaberanyone useing nvidia twinview on linux?04:07
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linxtvrhi, I deleted proftpd in the /etc/init.d/ folder, anyone know how I can get it back04:12
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cmonMrFaber, does your setup work in that other OS?04:14
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pulsar84I've got some strange font problems with wxvlc and/or GTK-1.2... Anyone who could help me?04:28
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DevGetsince I updated my kubuntu dapper, all font's has got so big04:32
DevGethow to fix?04:32
tristanmikepulsar84, what's the problem?04:32
pulsar84tristanmike: Well, wxvlc and GTK-1.2 have too big and ugly fonts. I assume, as wxvlc seems to rely on GTK, that's the same problem.04:33
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pulsar84tristanmike: GTK2 and QT work fine.04:33
pulsar84I think, that might have to do something with DPI settings, but what should I do about that?04:34
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tristanmikepulsar84, hmm, are you running Dapper?04:35
thompagdesklets wont start for some reason04:36
pulsar84tristanmike: No, Breezy.04:36
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tristanmikepulsar84, well, I've had some problems with vlc, are you trying to use skins (ie, or not make it look as crappy as it does by default)?  What cause this intital problem? straight from the install?04:37
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pulsar84tristanmike: I'm not sure, as I hadn't installed vlc straight from installation. And since then, I've reconfigured a whole lot about fonts and dpi settings.04:38
pulsar84tristanmike: And no, no skins. Just the plain wxWidgets interface.04:39
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ubotuntfs is probably the filesystem used in Windows NT and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AutomaticallyMountMSWindowsPartitions04:39
tristanmikepulsar84, did you compile ?04:39
pulsar84tristanmike: No. Binary package. Let me check out the version.04:39
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pulsar84Thats wxvlc 0.8.4-svn20050920-3+hal0ubuntu3.04:39
noteventimeDoen anyone here know how to add debugging information in kdevelop 3.3.104:40
tristanmikepulsar84, oh, when I said "installation" I actually meant compile or repos, sorry, my bad04:40
tristanmikepulsar84, right, that's the same version I have...04:41
tristanmikepulsar84, would it be possible to get a screenshot?04:41
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pulsar84tristanmike: http://pulsar.lart.info/vlc.png (I included parts of Konversation for comparison)04:45
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pulsar84tristanmike: Any ideas?04:54
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tristanmikepulsar84, sooo sorry dude, I got called away from my keyboard :(04:56
pulsar84tristanmike: Oh, okay. Don't worry.04:57
tristanmikepulsar84, right, unfortunatly, as I understand it, because I have the same issue, it's not fixable this release unless you compile from source04:57
tristanmikepulsar84, lemme show you04:57
pulsar84tristanmike: You think that's a bug?04:57
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tristanmikepulsar84, well, bug, yes and no, it's not an "official" bug because I think, if I'm not mistake, it's a backports project04:59
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tristanmikepulsar84, I believe the package wasn't compiled correctly, or used the wrong wxwidgets and thus the look04:59
pulsar84tristanmike: I think it's rather a configuration problem. My GTK-1.2 applications (i.e. gtk-theme-switch) look the same.05:00
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tristanmikepulsar84, I'm almost positive it's package related, you won't be able to get skins working either05:00
pulsar84Who wants skins anyway? ;p05:00
tristanmikepulsar84, i run both kubuntu and ubuntu, right now I'm in Ubuntu (Breezy) and here's my vlc  http://rapidshare.de/files/15487790/Screenshot-VLC_media_player.png.html05:01
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pulsar84tristanmike: Yeah, looks the same... Did you do anything about your dpi-settings? E.g. change display-size in X config or so?05:03
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tristan_When I use the list function in Konqueror the filenames are written in green : anyone know how to change the color. I looked in the Konweror confguration button but did not find anything....05:05
tristanmikepulsar84, no, what first led me onto it was the trouble I had getting skins installed, and upon research, I discovered that the package itself was the issue05:05
tristanmikepulsar84, here's a quote "Breezy's vlc was compiled with GTK+ 1.2 support instead of the newer05:05
tristanmikeGTK+ 2.8 due to locale-handling bugs both in the widget set05:05
tristanmike(wxwidgets2.6, which uses GTK+ 2. and in vlc itself. These bugs have05:05
tristanmikesince been fixed in the most recent stable release of vlc, which is in05:05
tristanmikeDapper. An earlier preliminary snapshot has been backported from Dapper05:05
tristanmiketo Breezy, so use the breezy-backports repository."05:05
tristanmikesorry, didn't expect _that_ to happen, booo :(05:06
pulsar84Hmmm. Well, sound like another thing on my Things-I-have-to-endure-until-my-Breezy-to-Dapper-upgrade list.05:07
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tristanmikepulsar84, yeah, me too, basically, if the "backports" guys pushed the right buttons so to speak, we'd upgrade to a cleaner version, but oh well05:08
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pulsar84Ah, well. It's not so long until dapper release. I haven't been using vlc extensively though.05:10
pulsar84I used to love it in Windows, but in Linux there are equal alternatives.05:11
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pulsar84nate_: What do you mean?05:13
morrowslow internet connection? :)05:13
nate_no, slow processor05:13
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nate_upgrading to dapper...and taking a long time, imo05:14
osh_dapper is out? wasn't it going to be delayed?05:14
morrowosh_: its still beta05:15
osh_right. then I haven't  missed something. I'm still waiting for flight5 to see if some of my bugs have been corrected... :-)05:16
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osh_Here's something I thought was really cool. P2P-email: http://zgp.org/pipermail/p2p-hackers/2005-May/002590.html05:17
tristanmikepulsar84, plus you should probably compile it by source anyway, vlc compiled doesn't come with .mkv support, if you use that file type.05:18
pulsar84Never heard of it at all. ;-)05:18
pulsar84Nah, I won't care about ugly vlc until dapper. They've hopefully got working packages there.05:19
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tristanmikewell, I just meant for more file type support, that's all05:20
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cA1mAnhello, i want to ask a maybe to overasked question, but still: which is *ACTUALLY* (and for the fututre) the best filesystem for my desktop use (files from 10kb to 4GB)? ext3, xfs or resierfs? According to this recent test: http://linuxgazette.net/122/piszcz.html , xfs is the winner.. what do you think?05:23
tristanmikemy opinion is that if ext3 wasn't percieved as the best overall filesystem for a Desktop/Business user, then ext3 would not be the default....that's just my opinion05:24
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tristanmikehello :)06:00
DuAl_Tryj'ai une geforce6 6600 qui gere le dual screen, je suis sous kubuntu et je n'arrive pas a le faire marcher... je precise que je debute un peu sous linux (je connais quand meme quelques bases) et que je suis deja pass par google :)06:01
DuAl_TryCertains ici se servent du dual screen avec nvidia ?06:01
ubotuAllez a #ubuntu-fr ou #kubuntu-fr pour de l'aide et de la discussion en francais.06:02
DuAl_Tryoh sorry =)06:02
tristanmikeno worries06:02
DuAl_Trythanks for the link I'm gonna check those channels06:03
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wellingtonhello word :P06:09
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worldhello wellington06:09
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wellingtonwho are you06:10
noteventimeI'm world06:11
mijnderti destroy worlds for a living06:11
DuAl_TryworldS ?06:11
ChodderHah, this is the best thing ever! http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php?content=3186506:12
noteventimeSorry mijndert im the only one06:12
Chodderno more hitting alt+f2 and typing kcontrol06:12
noteventimeyakuake ^^06:12
wellingtonsorry, e need back to work06:13
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indyhi there06:18
indyanychance of a quick question?06:18
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indyim trying to install kubuntu on a fujitsu laptop with a celeron chip06:19
indyafter ubuntu failed06:19
noteventimeHow does it fail and when?06:19
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indyyour cpu doesn't support long mode. use 32 bit distribution06:20
indyand i havent got a clue06:20
indywhat cd to download06:20
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noteventimeYou are trying to instal the 64bit version06:21
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noteventimeI can give you a link to the one you need06:22
noteventimeDo you want dapper (next version of ubuntu, still a little beta) or breezy (the current version)?06:22
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indy wait, should i download the i386 torrent?06:23
indydnt have a network on that machine06:24
indyok, ill do that . . .06:24
indyi mean i cant do network install or anything like that06:24
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SkrotHi. I've got a laptop with a VGA port. I'd like to use both the monitors (clone), do I need to set up something in X.org config for dual monitors?06:25
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indyso 386 is an anypc disk?06:25
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mijndertindy, it's for 32 bits x86 CPU's06:26
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DuAl_Tryok ^^06:27
DuAl_Trygonnaask a french question again :/06:27
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Celestehow can I flush the DNS cache please?07:00
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painesCeleste: you mean reload or clear07:02
painesCeleste: rndc reload , rndc flush07:02
Celestepaines,  you decide what I need ....  I transferred my domain to a new provider some days ago07:02
CelesteI cannot see the new site, I always come to the old one07:02
Celestethe new DNS is in the WHOIS07:02
Celesteand all my friends see the new site07:03
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painesCeleste: how are you trying to do this07:04
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Celestepaines, by typing it into my browser07:04
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painesCeleste: well, press f5 or ctrl +r to reload07:05
Celestepaines, I cleared my cache several times07:05
paineswhich browser is that ?07:07
Celesteroot@linux:/# rndc flush07:07
Celestebash: rndc: command not found07:07
Celestepaines, firefox cannot get the new DNS07:07
Celesteopera can07:07
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painesforget that with rndc. i thought you mean the dns server07:08
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painesi had that too with firefox. just pressed f5 a couple of time and that did it07:08
painesotherwise, the is a bunch of ff extension to clean cache and stuff. try with that07:09
painesotherwise, there is07:09
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swedishonce ive installed openssh server, how do i configure it, or do i not need to?07:29
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nlindbladswedish: the standard configuration is just fine07:33
DeluxXxanyone knows a perleditor like optiperl for linux ?07:33
robotgeekDeluxXx: hmm, no clue. vim with a few plugins?07:33
nlindbladswedish: allows all users on the system to login by ssh:ing port 2207:33
swedishwell i have a new installation of kubuntu07:33
swedishand i JUST installed the server07:34
nlindbladswedish: if you want to configure it and tune the options, have a look at /etc/ssh/sshd_config07:34
swedishi found a guide about starting/stopping the service adn setting it to auto07:34
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swedishhow do i look at services at boot in kubuntu?07:36
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elijahlofgrenswedish: Go to System Settings and click on "System Services"07:38
swedishyeah i found it, thank you07:39
_kryptoanyone knows how to start the motif version of eclipse?07:39
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swedishive installed the SSH server and set it to start on boot but it fails to start, any ideas?07:48
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_bert_Can you ping each computer?07:52
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swedishthe service wont start, i dont see what that has to do with pinging?07:53
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Paradossocould anyone advise me a bittorrent client with multiple transfers support and not too heavy on resources? except azureus and ktorrent07:57
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arrinmurrParadosso: bittornado with btdownloadcurses ? :)08:10
Paradossoarrinmurr, it's what I use, but it does only a torrent at a time :)08:11
robotgeekParadosso: open s screen, and download as many as you want08:11
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shawn___hey, I'm about to reinstall windows XP on a kubuntu (dapper drake) and Windows box, when I reinstall windows it takes over the MBR, I'm wondering the easiest way to reinstall grub. does it have an oiption to do that on the Kubuntu disk?08:22
DeluxXxhow i can put snort in the startup ?08:22
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DeluxXxhow i can put snort in the startup ?08:23
noteventimeshawn_: You can use the dapper drake cd08:23
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shawn___what optioons do I have to go to to get to th grub reinstall?08:23
noteventimeshawn_: The dapper drake cd has a recovery option08:23
shawn___oh okay and I'd do what it that option?08:24
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noteventimeshawn__: I dont remember exactly, but i think its pretty logic08:25
noteventimeshawn__: You shouldn't have any problems08:25
DeluxXxhow i can put snort in the startup08:25
shawn___oh okay, thankyou, just making sure08:25
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DeluxXxhow i can put snort in the startup08:25
noteventimenp :D08:25
noteventimewhat is snort?08:26
noteventimeeither put a script in init.d or put a link in /usr/share/autostart/08:26
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noteventimeHas anyone tried the acid2 test in konqueror?08:28
noteventimehow did it "score"?08:29
Tm_Tiirc perfect08:29
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noteventimekonqueror made it ^^08:30
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pradeeptoRiddell: yes, when is eta for Kubuntu Dapper Flight408:30
pradeeptoRiddell: yes, when is eta for Kubuntu Dapper Flight508:30
agalavishi all08:31
koshyeah konqueror does fine in acid2 test with one caveat08:31
koshsince it has minimum size enforcement you can make it look visually screwed up08:31
koshbut that is the correct behavior and it is even noted somewhere for that test08:31
koshso it might look like it does not pass but it really does08:31
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Riddellpradeepto: whenever these things finish downloading (then I'll test and release if they work)08:32
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Riddellpradeepto: but there's too many people downloading ubuntu flight 5, these are downloading at a snail's pace08:32
pradeeptoRiddell: oke oke thanks. hmmm08:32
Riddellpradeepto: so hopefully it'll be out when you wake up tomorrow :)08:33
pradeeptoRiddell: good to know that.08:34
cigaI'd like to hibernate my Desktop. How should I do that in Breezy?08:34
Riddellciga: sudo pmi action hibernate08:34
Riddellor use klaptopdaemon, which will do the same08:35
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cigait says some errors08:41
cigait stopped my mysql server :)08:41
ciga/etc/acpi/prepare.sh: line 7: cardctl: command not found08:42
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cigaoh, cardctl is for pcmcia08:42
trappistciga: sudo apt-get install pcmcia-cs08:42
trappistciga: be a dear and file a bug report on that08:43
cigaI can live with an error message :)08:43
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=== ciga sighs
=== noteventime sighs twice
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cigayou won.08:50
=== noteventime invites all to party in #kubuntu-party
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spintaroHey can anyone help me reak quick with a problem?08:54
ubotuIf you don't actually ask a question, we can not actually help you.08:55
BigBadBendepends on the problem, but don't ask to ask, just ask :)08:55
spintaroWell I just installed the 64bit Kubuntu on my main computer, I can boot successfully into the repair mode, but when i try to boot into the defualt mode it hangs and pixels are askew on the screen not letting me put any information into the login window08:56
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spintaroBTW im really new at linux08:56
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koshspintaro: first what cpu do you have08:57
arrinmurrspintaro: not sure if it helps with that problem, but you'll end up with a lot less problems if you use the i386 version for now08:58
=== BigBadBen uses the amd64 version with no problems :z
koshspintaro: what cpu do you have?08:58
spintaroYea it almost looks like a video driver problem but im a windows guy08:58
spintaroI have a athlon 64 3200+08:59
arrinmurrBigBadBen: with flash and all?08:59
kosharrinmurr: flash not working is a huge feature08:59
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kosharrinmurr: actually flash does not work on 64bit in any platform right now which is great08:59
koshspintaro: what video card do you have?08:59
arrinmurrkosh: unfortunately it's needed sometimes08:59
koshfor what?09:00
koshwhat actually needs flash?09:00
spintaroI have a 7800 GT09:00
koshspintaro: are you running the 64bit version of those drivers?09:00
BigBadBenI hate flash. but I do have a 32bit chroot setup, just haven't got around to installing firefox + flash yet.09:00
arrinmurrkosh: what i meant was unfortunately it's used sometimes ;)09:01
spintaroI don't know cause I cant even log on to the KDE desktop, is there a way to update thru the command prompt?09:01
koshflash still has some nasty security holes and the odds are macromedia will never fix them09:01
koshI don't allow flash to be used anywhere in this organization09:01
koshspintaro: yup you can update through the command prompt09:01
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koshyou can even browse the web from there09:01
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koshhowever you probably need to remove any of the ubuntu nvidia stuff09:02
spintarohow do you do that? I'm really new to linux but I want to learn09:02
spintarowhich distro should i boot to09:02
arrinmurrkosh: but flash is not the only problem09:02
arrinmurrbut if the 64bit version works fine, great. there are just some situations when something special needs to be done to get things to work, for now at least09:04
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koshspintaro: sorry I just don't have the time it would take you walk you through it, I have to get some other work done09:04
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kosharrinmurr: what other apps?09:04
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spintarocan anyone help me out on how to launch a web browser through the command prompt?09:05
koshlinks http://someurl09:05
koshif links is not installed do sudo apt-get install links09:05
cigaor try lynx09:05
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arrinmurrkosh: w32codecs?09:06
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BigBadBenyea, thats true I've never got 64bit mplayer to work with w32codecs. It does work through a 32bit chroot09:07
pradeeptowtf is gam_server?09:08
=== LeeJunFan [n=junfan@s64-186-37-84.skycon.net] has joined #kubuntu
pradeeptowhy is it taking so much CPU time,09:08
cigaii  gamin                0.1.5-0ubuntu1       File and directory monitoring system09:09
cigapradeepto: gam_server is part of gamin.09:09
spintarok it finished installing the links package kosh09:09
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pradeeptociga: thanks but what have I done that has made it so mad?09:10
pradeeptowhy is my hdd being accessed so much?09:10
cigapradeepto: what top says?09:11
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pradeeptothats what top says?09:11
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_fabienjoin #eucd.info09:11
pradeeptogam_server tops the class :P09:11
ciganothing else?09:12
pradeeptociga: well there are others like konversation,xorg,init,kwin,konq et al09:13
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pradeeptociga: but gam_server is always at top09:13
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cigawhere getXuser should be? In what package?09:14
pradeeptociga: 9.6% CPU almost consistent and 60% Mem09:14
cigapradeepto: I can't tell you. maybe try to restart the daemon if you don't search or do any hard file activity.09:14
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robotgeekpradeepto: memory is quite alrite, why not use it if you have it :)09:17
pradeeptociga: thanks anyways09:17
icetying to get krfb to run but I keep getting the error :: Cannot find KlnetD The KDE daemon (kded) may have crashed or has not yet been started09:17
iceI get to get remote connection from my windows box to my nix box09:17
pradeeptorobotgeek: interesting point, I will pray for your memorys well being from now onwards :P09:17
pradeeptorobotgeek: btw the hdd is spinning like never before09:18
robotgeekpradeepto: maybe change the spindown time09:18
spintaroi need help installing video divers without using a gui09:19
robotgeekspintaro: which one? ati/nvdia?09:19
uboturobotgeek: Wish I knew. Try searching at http://ubuntu.cc.com.au/09:20
ubotusomebody said nvidia was at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia or http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5736809:20
robotgeekpradeepto: what programs are running?09:21
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pradeeptorobotgeek: konsole, konversation, konq, kopete (not chatting right now)09:22
pradeeptorobotgeek: laptop on power right now , if that is of use.09:23
robotgeekpradeepto: weird, amarok is not indexing is it?09:23
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pradeeptorobotgeek: amarok is not running09:23
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robotgeekpradeepto: i am unsure, sorry09:24
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:Riddell] : Congrats to raphink on core-dev status | Amarok 1.4 beta 2, KOffice 1.5 beat 2 out | Breezy fixes in breezy-updates | IRC info and channels in other languages: http://wiki.kubuntu.org/InternetRelayChat | Review the Kubuntu Desktop Guide (Dapper) http://tinyurl.com/q59ez | Please don't paste into the channel, use http://kubuntu.pastebin.com | Dapper discussion in #ubuntu+1
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iceFatal ! DECOP communcation problem09:25
trappistpradeepto: I had that problem09:25
pradeeptotrappist: and then?09:25
icewhat is wrong with the DCOP server ?09:25
pradeeptotrappist: how did you solve it?09:25
trappistpradeepto: I "fixed" it thusly: while true; do killall gam_server;done  <-- let that run for a while, ctrl-c, and whatever was respawning it had given up, I guess09:26
noteventimeNeed to get 36.4MB of archives.09:26
noteventimeAfter unpacking 860kB of additional disk space will be used09:26
noteventime:D, that download always looks so overkill09:27
pradeeptotrappist: thanks is there no *proper* solution? Why is that happening in first place?09:28
trappistpradeepto: sure wish I knew what caused it, though, so I could file a useful bug report09:28
trappistpradeepto: no idea!  something is respawning gam_server, but I can't tell what09:28
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cigapradeepto: maybe you can ty lsof | grep gam_09:28
cigaty is try. :)09:29
pradeeptokillall gam_server :)09:30
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radhiosHi!!! anybody know where I can found this library?? libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.309:31
pradeeptociga: that did give some results09:31
cigapradeepto: those files are opened by gam_server09:32
noteventime^-- this one09:32
cigapradeepto: maybe it leads you somewhere.09:32
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pradeeptociga: its behaving well now. It did get started again after I killed it09:33
radhiosI have instaled libc6.0 but a program DBDesigner try to reach this one!09:34
cigapradeepto: maybe you hided its favorite toy.09:35
pradeeptociga: might be, but I can see its eating more memory slowly09:35
ciga 9261 ciga      15   0  3700 2116  860 S  0.7  0.2   8:10.20 gam_server09:37
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cigaUbuntu Package/File/Desc Search of 'getXuser' returned no results.09:42
pradeepto15223 pradeept  15   0 47128  44m  888 S  9.3  8.9   1:16.81 gam_server09:42
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niels_For some reason adept won't start anymore... what could be wrong?09:48
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Teknoeniedoes anyone know of any MS Word password recovery tools for Ubuntu/Linux?09:48
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ciganiels_: try to start adept from konsole/xterm09:49
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niels_ciga: Hmm... that works.09:50
niels_ciga: weird09:50
pparkeri've installed amarok 1.4b2 on dapper and it cannot play mp3s !09:51
niels_But during startup, it said "adept: ERROR: Communication problem with adept, it probably crashed."09:51
pparkerbut i can play oggs or wma :(09:51
niels_pparker: You need to install support for restricted medias.09:52
DHGETeknoenie: http://www.google.com/search?q=word+password+linux09:52
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niels_pparker: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RestrictedFormats09:52
pparkerit was working before using gstreamer engine09:52
pparkernow it has switched to xine engine for playback09:53
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DHGEpparker: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=mp3+ubuntu   ---  FIRST hit09:54
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pparkerDHGE:  i gave a try with kaffeine and it plays perfectly mp3s09:56
pparkerso it's only an amarok related problem09:56
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pparkeri'm testing 1.4beta209:56
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niels_What is Skim (scim input plugin)?09:58
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niels_Most times I use apt-get it tells me to insert the install cdrom disc... why is that?10:00
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niels_Maybe I have a cdrom repository?10:01
cyberixI installed Kubuntu to my Ubuntu because I wanted to try KDE. Can I get the normal Ubuntu usplash image back?10:01
ciganiels_: check /etc/apt/sources.list10:01
niels_ciga: thanks10:01
ciganiels_: there must be a line with deb cdrom10:02
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ciganiels_: welcome10:03
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rideoutcyberix: sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so10:06
stefihello 2 all10:06
stefidoes anybody have a few minutes for me?10:06
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morzelhow can I check my kde's version number?10:11
cigakde-config --version10:11
cyberixrideout: Thanks10:12
morzeli will check10:12
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morzelit works. thanks ciga10:13
cigamorzel: nope10:14
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weedarAnyone want to reccommend an easy application to record sound with? (I'm using a USB microphone)10:16
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TeknoenieThe following packages have unmet dependencies:10:18
Teknoenie  k3b: Depends: kdelibs4c2a (>= 4:3.5.1-2) but 4:3.5.1-0ubuntu10 is to be installed10:18
Teknoenie       Depends: libk3b2 but it is not going to be installed10:18
Teknoeniek3b is still broken on dapper i see10:18
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rideoutweedar: audacity is great, the basics are simple to use, but it has many advanced features too10:18
weedarrideout, excellent! I remembered using a program earlier but couldn't remember it's name. audacity was it! :)10:19
robotgeekTeknoenie: i use it on dapper10:19
cycus_zwisusaudacity is gtk1 :(10:19
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weedarcycus_zwisus, what does that mean?10:20
cycus_zwisusgtk1 apps look ugly beacuse there's no font antialiasing10:20
rideoutweedar: it means the graphics aren't the coolest, but so what10:20
rideoutit is an audio app, looks aren't so important10:20
weedarI was going to say the same thing =)10:21
ryanakcaI made the mistake of going "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop".... how do I remove ubuntu/gnome?10:21
robotgeekryanakca: look for debfoster.10:21
robotgeekryanakca: or http://robotgeek.org/wiki/ShellScripts/CleanPackage10:22
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cycus_zwisusbut installing a font which looks nice wothout antialiasing is a remedy10:23
rideoutweedar: in audacity check out menu Effect->Noise Removal. It will be able to get rid of the natural ambient sound of the room making you recording sound much more professional, no white noise10:23
cycus_zwisuslike tahoma for instance :P10:23
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spiritzI'm running latest kde from ubuntu ; it seems that my ioslave daap:/ does not work, is it working for u?10:25
cycus_zwisusis it true that dapper will be released 6 weeks later than previously scheduled?10:26
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spiritzcycus_zwisus: yes10:26
weedarrideout, I'll try it for sure. But I'm mainly using it to try to find out which way I can sing when playing the guitar to sound least horrible :)10:26
ryanakcarobotgeek: thanks :)10:27
pradeeptolaters bye10:30
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ryanakcahmmm... is there an english version of EasyKubuntu for dapper?10:33
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cycus_zwisusi wonder what new features are gonna be included in dapper, switching from hoary to breezy i didn't notice any revolutionary changes10:35
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cycus_zwisusmaybe because i use kubuntu not ubuntu?10:35
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cycus_zwisusi think ubuntu is betters supported, all cool features require gnome10:39
cycus_zwisuskubuntu is a bit neglected10:40
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ryanakcahmmm... I get an error when ./configure runs...  it says it can't find x includes... what package provides those?10:40
cycus_zwisusi had the same error10:41
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ryanakcacycus_zwisus: kubuntu is not neglected at all...10:42
cycus_zwisusbut i don't remember which package (or actually the lack of which) was responsible for this10:42
_mindspinwhat are you trying to do?10:43
ryanakca_mindspin: I'm trying to install kbfx... I'm following this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7674610:43
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_mindspinwhat are you running dapper or breezy?10:45
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ryanakca_mindspin: dapper10:45
_mindspinthat will be the reason why its not working correctly10:46
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ryanakca_mindspin: if I compile from source... why wouldn't it work?10:47
_mindspindifferent librarys I guess10:48
ryanakcaeh hunh.... can't you have more than 1 version of the same library installed at the same time?10:48
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ryanakca_mindspin: hmmm... X includes are provided by libxaw-headers, libxaw6* and libxaw7*10:52
ryanakcanow all I need is libz :)10:52
_mindspinyou may run into other unmet dependencies10:53
ryanakcasuch as libz :)... now I need to sort threw a list of 30 or so results for apt-cache search :)10:53
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=== marseillai vous souhaite une bonne nuit!
ubotuThe next release of Ubuntu is Dapper Drake - /join #ubuntu+1 for discussion10:54
_mindspinhehe, the "dont run it because it may break youer system " is removed10:54
_mindspinbut maybe youll find help in #ubuntu+110:55
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ryanakca_mindspin: I thought that the "dont run it because it might break your system" was for xgl... meh... xgl broke my old system...10:56
nico8481rrah... where is the app that allow you to switch your keyboard layout? can't find it it the main menu... :-/10:57
_mindspindapper kubuntu is not stable you'll better wait, unless you have fun playing around...10:57
ryanakca_mindspin: I've been on dapper for the past month :) It isn't that bad... I've enjoyed filing an odd gagigamillion bugs...10:58
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ryanakca_mindspin: ok... maybe I'm exagerating... I've only filed 3 XD10:59
_mindspinits good if you file bugs10:59
ryanakca_mindspin: I know11:00
weedarDarn audacity doesn't work with usb microhpones11:03
rideoutnico8481: system settings ->regional & accesibility ->keyboard layout -> tab switching option -> show country flad, this will put an icon in the system try11:04
Teknoenierobotgeek: did you already have it installed before upgrading to dapper11:05
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nico8481rideout: thanks11:06
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kvarntuni need help with my webcam, anyone?11:06
spiritzis anyone around that could give me an hand; I'd like to compare avahi-discover ouput of someone else that has two network interfaces running?11:06
nico8481rideout: any idea how to set a keyboard shortcut for switching?11:06
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MitjaWhere is the current session saved?11:07
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kvarntundo anyone know if theres any drivers to Creative webcams to linux?11:08
spiritzkvarntun: mine works fine11:09
kvarntunwhat cam do you have?11:09
spiritzkvarntun: I'm using the default driver supplied by ubuntu; actually I did not install anything11:09
spiritzhm I think it's creative pro ex11:09
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kvarntunokey, i have a Creative vista plus and i have tryed to get it to work in Kopete but i think its the drivers that fucks around:/11:10
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spiritzare u able to see ur preview?11:10
kvarntunnja,, what program do u use?11:11
spiritzin kopete's settings u can see the preview I think11:11
spiritzany I can't do webcam with kopete, however I can with amsn11:12
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spiritzor ekiga11:12
kvarntunwtf the first program i tryed was Amsn but i didnt get the webcam function to start at all:/11:13
kvarntundo u use version 0.95?11:13
kvarntunalright, i will try that one now11:14
=== Tsukihime [n=saito@cbl-st-01-247.aster.com.do] has joined #kubuntu
spiritzbut u should try using a simple software to make sure ur webcam is at least working11:15
Tsukihimecan anyone tell me how can i know what java version i got installed?? =O11:15
kvarntuni didnt find it in apt-search11:15
spiritzkvarntun: true, I installed it from sources11:15
kvarntuncompilied by u self?11:16
spiritzyes I think11:16
kvarntunhehe im to noob for that i think11:16
spiritzcheck amsn website, there's maybe a tutorial11:16
=== ixiion [n=ixiion@dslb-088-073-048-214.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #kubuntu
rideoutnico8481 alt+ctrl+k is the default to switch layouts11:17
hugelmopfTsukihime: java --version maybe?11:17
spiritzkvarntun: install camorama, it will check ur webcam11:17
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Tsukihimehugelmopf: it says cannot find command java maybe i dont got it installed >_>11:18
nico8481rideout: thanks but it only works one (since the k is mapped to something else in my second layout I guess)... how can i modify the shortcuts? is it in "Xkb options"?11:18
rideoutnico8481 go to keyboard shortcuts in regional & accessibility to change it, it should be in there somewhere, beware there might be trouble if the map changes the keys you use11:18
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kvarntunspiritz, okey11:18
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kvarntuncould not connect video device spiritz ..11:19
agalavisjust to know, which version should i download for a latop using the intel dual core proceessor?11:19
spiritzso your webcam is not working :)11:19
ixiionwhen i use kaffeine with my DVB-S card ist uses 95% and my system get extremely slow usally it used only about 28%11:19
spiritzagalavis: i386 or i68611:19
agalavisone for 64 bits?11:19
kvarntunspiritz, then i need drivers:/11:19
spiritzkvarntun: check ubuntuforums.org, there's some kind of auto script that install webcam drivers11:20
nico8481rideout: ok, found it. thanks11:20
kvarntunokey, what country are u from btw?11:20
spiritzfr, living in india11:20
spiritzwhat about u?11:20
rideoutnico8481: you might want to try "input actions" too, you can set an action to make a dcop call to chang the keyboard map. you could use anything to trigger it, like  mouse gesture11:20
kvarntunSweden =) cold as ice11:21
psycho_oreosbut nice connections11:21
spiritz:) here it's about to be hot as hell ;)11:21
=== rideout [n=rideout@c-24-8-195-254.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has left #kubuntu ["Konversation]
=== rideout [n=rideout@c-24-8-195-254.hsd1.co.comcast.net] has joined #kubuntu
kvarntunpsycho_oreos, yes it is;) 1gbit in some places now..11:21
kvarntunspiritz, rater to hot then to cold11:21
psycho_oreoskvarntun: that is something I could never complain :)11:21
spiritz1bg to the internet? :o11:21
weedarCan anyone reccommend a program to record sound with that supports USB microphones?11:21
kvarntunyes to the internet11:22
kvarntunquite nice11:22
spiritzso how is P2P doing in your country?11:22
nico8481rideout: uuuuh... not sure i get what it means but thanks :)11:22
psycho_oreosnot even the connection I'm on can satisfy you Swedish people ;)11:22
kvarntunhaha, its doing fine but very much complaigning about piracy11:23
kvarntunanswerd little funny there11:23
kvarntunwhats the time in india?11:23
kvarntunim tired>_<11:23
weedarHow can you ask how P2P is doing in Sweden, The Pirate Bay is situated there11:23
weedarThere even was an articel in wired about it =)11:24
kvarntunweedar, it sucks11:24
spiritzand I'm paying a crappy 64k internet connexion 14!11:24
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spiritzweedar: I don't like the pirate bay that much actually11:24
weedarIt is the biggest bittorrent site on the planet though kvarntun11:24
psycho_oreosspiritz: better that than having to share that sort of connection amongst 9 other people :)11:24
kvarntunweedar, yes biggest, but not fastest11:25
rideoutnico8481: kde has an advanced way to create "actions" or macros or whatever you call it. There are many ways to trigger these. I have one set for firefox, that knows when i am in a firefox window to map the escape key, to ctrl+w to close a tab, it also know to send the right key when i am in hebrew keyboard mode.11:25
=== narg [n=narg@dsl-63-173-190-179.tcq.net] has joined #kubuntu
kvarntunin Sweden we have big connections and want to use them well11:25
spiritzpsycho_oreos: wow.... I bet you love doing dist-upgrades ;)11:25
spiritzkvarntun: do you have VOIP and on VIDEO ON DEMAND etc very developed?11:26
psycho_oreosspiritz: oh well I sure do! and because I mess around with ubuntu so much that it creates the need to reinstall, so I have alot of fun chewing up the remaining bandwidth hoping no other people out of the 9 people connected will start using their little download managers to steal the bandwidth :)11:26
weedarkvarntun, you don't have any sympathy from me. I'm stuck using the slowest ADSL line available at the moment, via wireless, because the ISPs around here don't have more capacity11:26
kvarntunhmm.. i dont understand, very developed?11:27
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spiritzpsycho_oreos:  :D11:27
kvarntunweedar, where do you live? africa?11:27
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weedarkvarntun, Norway :(11:27
psycho_oreosweedar: better that than where I'm at, they try and make you pay more money by either limiting how much you can download/upload in a month, and/or speed connections11:27
spiritzkvarntun: I mean is everyone doing VOIP and VIDEO ON DEMAND thru their internet connections?11:28
weedarpsycho_oreos, true - that _is_ worse. But not by much11:28
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psycho_oreosweedar: I consider it the worst out of any other forms of limiting connections11:28
weedarI mean, I was used to at least having a 4Mbit line and now...I feel like one of the common-folk over in the colonies (USA)11:28
kvarntunspiritz, nja, very much young people use MSN and voice/cam function but not to much..11:29
slovinI just finished installing Kubuntu.. brilliant. I've been using SUSE since 2000 and never tried anything else.11:29
kvarntunweedar, norway:D not far from here11:29
psycho_oreosweedar: if you download/upload a fair bit, you would instantly feel the pain11:29
Chodderweedar, Cox cable offers 15mb down stream now :)11:29
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weedarChodder, could you ask them to lay down some cables in the direction of Trondheim, Norway for me? =)11:30
slovinThough I'm missing YaST2, the most important tool ever.11:30
karpetWould someone be able to answer a quick question or show me where some documentation to the answer would be?11:30
kvarntunspiritz, 1 gbit costs about 90 euro in sweden11:30
weedarpsycho_oreos, I'd definetly feel it fast, I download alot of free music, unix-stuff, etc.. But can I assume there is little competition between ISPs where you live? I mean, since they're able to have such horrendous limits?11:30
ixiion1gb in both direction ?11:31
spiritzkvarntun: you better have a good return on investment for such a price!11:31
kvarntunixiion, yes11:31
psycho_oreosand for the connection that you would typically pay on broadband. Say a 60GB/month cap, that could literally give you the same sort of connection from bredbandsbolaget.se's 100Mbit connection at around the same pricing11:31
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Chodderi would pay 90 euro for that speed11:31
psycho_oreosweedar: Australia -_-11:31
ChodderI download at least a couple hundred gigs in a month11:31
ixiionkvarntun: st it a flatrate ?11:31
kvarntunChodder, haha =) where do u come from?11:31
ixiiona REAL flatrate ?11:32
ChodderUS, I have 15mb down11:32
weedarI'm somewhat glad I don't have a 1Gbit line, my girlfriend would so dump me :(11:32
kvarntunixiion, flatrate?11:32
kvarntunChodder, okey11:32
spiritzFr, 20mb down is 3011:32
psycho_oreoslol weedar11:32
ixiiondont know flatrate ?11:32
Chodder1gbit= me buying new hard drives every week11:32
kvarntunweedar, get 1gbit and u get 1000000 girls in .JPG format;)11:33
weedarrofl @ kvarntun :D11:33
kvarntunixiion, no?11:33
kvarntunweedar, haha11:33
weedarreal girls are softer11:33
kvarntunweedar, real girls costs and complaigns11:33
robotgeekplease keep in ontopic11:33
psycho_oreos1Gbit = me spending more than a million dollars in a month, that does not include how much I download/upload too.11:33
spiritzis there a download/upload limit for such connection?11:33
ChodderMost servers can't even supply me with 15mb down anyway11:34
ChodderI only get 15mb down from Astraweb and M$11:34
kvarntun1 gbit in sweden costs 90 euro in month and then u can do what u want, download as much as u want but it is illegal:D11:34
psycho_oreosspiritz: you wouldn't be surprised, but anyway I'm gonna start putting this topic to OT :)11:34
ixiionit is illegal to make traffic ?11:34
weedarTrying to set up my kubuntu box to use eth0 to connect to the internet via a debian box. If we can assume that iptables is set up correctly is there any reason why a ping wouldn't result in a ping reply?11:35
=== HU|oO [n=pol@AMontpellier-252-1-68-25.w86-193.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #kubuntu
kvarntunixiion, its illegal to download things that costs, such as dvd:s , music, programs that not is freeware..11:35
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ixiionokay i understand11:36
kvarntunbut no one cares about the law, 2 people have been to court for such things in Sweden ever..11:36
psycho_oreosfyi all offtopic discussions should head to --> #kubuntu-offtopic :)11:36
kvarntunstop asks things about sweden and our internet now:P11:37
ixiionso any idea about my "kaffeine dvb-s uses all my prozessor power " problem =11:37
psycho_oreosno lol :) will ask you in the other channel :D11:37
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kvarntunpsycho_oreos, send pm here instead11:38
jomppahmm.. i just installed breezy but... the machine boots well but when kdm starts, it hangs immediately when i press any key on the keyboard..11:39
nico8481is it possible to import your evolution mailbox into kmail ?11:39
=== Random_Transit [n=ryan@CPE00119556e2d8-CM0012c9a9ac1c.cpe.net.cable.rogers.com] has joined #kubuntu
ryanakcaI know this has nothing to do with kubuntu, but Is pop.gmail.com down? I keep getting errors when trying to connect to it in thunderbird...11:42
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robotgeekryanakca: me too, i can't telnet in also11:42
robotgeekryanakca: i am using kmail, so the issue is probably with gmail :)11:43
ryanakcaaye.. I thought it might be thunderbird... Hope it comes back... I want to test the enigmail function/plugin for thunderbird :)11:43
ryanakca(gnupg/pgp support for thunderbird)11:43
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ryanakcaheeeheee.. I leave for 4 days, and I comeback to 176 upgradable packages...11:44
=== theCore [n=alex@Toronto-HSE-ppp3787013.sympatico.ca] has joined #kubuntu
kvarntunspiritz, are u there?11:44
theCoreI'm new to KDE, I would to know what are your favourite apps. Then write a wiki page about it, so the new kubuntu user know what are standards in their new environment11:47
theCoreare the*11:47
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benkong2is there no kubuntu flight 5?11:47
crimsunnot yet11:48
Chodderya there is11:48
ChodderWell I saw a link to it at least11:48
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Random_Transithey, how do i uninstall old kernels?11:49
benkong2ok hmmm... maybe that's why my flight 5 broke on ubuntu. I did an apt-get install kubuntu-desktop now my network doesn't work11:49
Chodderheh, well the link on ubuntu's site for kubuntu flight 5 doesn't work11:49
ChodderI just used kubuntu flight 4 and used ubuntu sources and updated11:50
benkong2where are kubuntu flight 4 iso's?11:51
benkong2Chodder: thqanks11:51
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jomppahmm.. i just installed breezy but... the machine boots well but when kdm starts, it hangs immediately when i press any key on the keyboard..12:01
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ateveshi, i have installed the w32codecs package without errors, but kaffeine still doesn't play wmv files12:02
Red_Herringget kaffiene-xine12:02
Blissexjomppa: thats sort of unlucky and seems to point to some problems with the X server.12:02

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