robotgeek | Tonio_: it's only 3 months old, i think it will take some time for "maturity" | 12:03 |
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Tonio_ | robotgeek: doesn't work for me | 12:10 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: can I paste you the output ? | 12:10 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: I would like to to have a look at that........ | 12:10 |
robotgeek | Tonio_: sure | 12:10 |
Tonio_ | I don't understand, really | 12:11 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: | 12:11 |
Tonio_ | scanning doesn't work | 12:11 |
Tonio_ | I simply instal networkmanager, and everything is perfect......... | 12:12 |
Tonio_ | sounds stupid, but that is........ | 12:12 |
robotgeek | Tonio_: really weird, i should say. | 12:13 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: | 12:14 |
Tonio_ | is that what you where talking about ? | 12:14 |
Tonio_ | networkmanager seems to be waiting a bit | 12:14 |
robotgeek | Tonio_: yes. network manager waits to initialise | 12:15 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: isn't there a way to get that working without network-manager ? | 12:15 |
robotgeek | Tonio_: you may want to run that script and have tail -f /var/log/syslog in another konsole | 12:15 |
robotgeek | Tonio_: i am not running network-manager either | 12:15 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: okay | 12:16 |
Tonio_ | the problem is that once networkmanager worked on the computer, I have to restart to recreate the issue | 12:16 |
robotgeek | Tonio_: yes, nm caused me more trouble than good, actually :) | 12:16 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: rebooting once more to get the issue | 12:18 |
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Tonio_ | robotgeek: now working with your script | 12:23 |
Tonio_ | sounds strange.......... | 12:23 |
Lure | Tonio_, allee: just published | 12:24 |
Lure | please have a look if you have time | 12:24 |
Lure | mbiebl will send e-mail to kubuntu-devel and I will include his point in wiki | 12:25 |
Tonio_ | Lure: I totally agree :) | 12:25 |
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Tonio_ | robotgeek: in fact the issue is really simple to correct........ | 12:29 |
robotgeek | hey Tonio_ , glad it works | 12:29 |
robotgeek | what did you do to make it work ootb? | 12:29 |
Tonio_ | only ifconfig downup eth1 and that's it | 12:30 |
robotgeek | hmm, i wonder what the does | 12:30 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: no idea........ | 12:30 |
Tonio_ | I had an issue like this with my webcam | 12:30 |
Tonio_ | I had to make a simple script that was unloading and reloading the driver during boot to make it work | 12:31 |
allee | Lure: I've had no change to test (k)powersave, but IMHO cpu freq scaling should be always on. After I unplug/plug power, state was back to 'Performance' and not 'dynamic' as I had choosen explicitely before the unplug | 12:31 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: but honnestly, this driver is a pain to configure | 12:31 |
robotgeek | Tonio_: give it some time, it has been out for 2-3 months? | 12:32 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: ndiswrapper was making the job way easier | 12:32 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: yes, and what about the firmware ? | 12:32 |
allee | Lure: so 2 little buglets ;) | 12:32 |
Tonio_ | any chance it is implemented soon ? | 12:32 |
robotgeek | Tonio_: ndiswrapper doesn't work for me, i am on ppc | 12:32 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: ah ;) | 12:32 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: so about the firware ? do we have to extract it for legal reasons ? | 12:32 |
allee | Lure: add: Cons: needs more testing / feedback to the sure it's ready for dapper | 12:33 |
Lure | allee: this is default config setting - when AC is detected it switches to Perfromance | 12:33 |
Lure | allee: will do... | 12:33 |
robotgeek | Tonio_: yes, it is illegal to distribute, but i think we can host it in France, like the rest :) | 12:33 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: okay :) | 12:33 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: we have to wait for a compatible one so ;) | 12:33 |
allee | Lure: right, I only expected what when I switch to dynamic during pluged-in-power at is stays this way after unplug/plug | 12:34 |
robotgeek | Tonio_: i am not sure if firwares are different for different cards | 12:34 |
allee | Lure: maybe my expectation is wrong? | 12:34 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: I will never understand this.......... why forbidding the distribution for a driver when the hardware is bought ? money already earne, so what the fucking problem is ? | 12:34 |
Lure | allee: see /etc/powersave/common | 12:35 |
Tonio_ | s/earne/earned | 12:35 |
robotgeek | Tonio_: everyone scared of Apple's lawyers :) | 12:35 |
Lure | allee: we probably need to talk with upstream - I will add a section for open questions/issues | 12:35 |
robotgeek | Tonio_: gotta run, be back later | 12:35 |
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Lure | allee: I think issue is that SuSE does such config through Yast (see that file) | 12:36 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: | 12:36 |
Tonio_ | it appears they have gnu/gpl drivers........... | 12:36 |
Tonio_ | I don't understand anything............ | 12:37 |
Lure | maybe we need to write kde-guidance applet for that ;-) | 12:37 |
allee | Lure: Such a section is a good idea. I changed back to 'performance' but set cpufreq scaling to dynamic. Seem to work now. Freq still at min of 600 MHz | 12:41 |
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allee | Lure: page mention cpufreq monitor. Where is it? | 12:47 |
Lure | allee: just click on icon (left click) | 12:47 |
allee | Lure: AH, found it. LMB click | 12:47 |
allee | :) | 12:47 |
Lure | allee: what you will probably see is CPU freq changing quite a lot | 12:48 |
Lure | I suspect this is why linux battery life is cca 50% less that WinXP | 12:48 |
Lure | (+noatime, latop-mode...) | 12:48 |
allee | kpowersave: pros: s/better kdeapplet (/more features: / | 12:49 |
Lure | allee: just edit wiki and add | 12:49 |
allee | add * cleaner UI | 12:49 |
allee | Lure: okay, I didn't want to interfere with you. editing now ... | 12:49 |
Lure | allee: I have to go for sleep anyhow - will have busy day tommorow at work... | 12:50 |
allee | Lure: sleep well. | 12:50 |
allee | Lure: ah, and really great page btw ;) | 12:50 |
Lure | allee: thanks and good night | 12:51 |
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Tonio_ | robotgeek: finally making a 2 lines scripts in rcS.d, working perfectly :) | 12:53 |
Tonio_ | thanks for your help | 12:53 |
Tonio_ | I will probably contact upstream to report the bug | 12:54 |
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Parkotron | I'd like to propose a new cursor theme for Kubuntu. Where is the appropriate place to do so? | 01:31 |
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Riddell | Parkotron: here | 01:39 |
Parkotron | Excellent. | 01:40 |
Parkotron | I think Pinux's Tux cursors ( are very slick, clean, usable, and match the general Kubuntu look very well. | 01:41 |
Parkotron | If desired a Kubuntu version could be whipped up very easily. Heck, even I could do it. | 01:42 |
Parkotron | The source is SVG so supporting different sizes is easy. I've seen a few complaints about Kubuntu Human being too small a high resolutions. | 01:45 |
Riddell | hmm, I'm not convinced | 01:48 |
Riddell | it seems a bit amateurish | 01:48 |
Riddell | kwwii is our artwork man, maybe he can offer a better opinion :) | 01:49 |
Parkotron | I'm not entirely set on these cursors, but I feel that the current default is way to grumpy and Gnomish. It works on Ubuntu, but I think Kubuntu needs something friendlier. | 01:53 |
Parkotron | Anyway, thanks for your consideration. | 01:54 |
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Riddell | Parkotron: poke kwwii tomorrow, he might have more constructive comments | 01:57 |
Parkotron | Riddell: Will do, thanks. When's the best time to find him around? | 01:59 |
Riddell | Parkotron: anytime he's not asleep | 02:01 |
Riddell | he's on UTC+1 | 02:01 |
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robotgeek | okay, need some guidance here. has screenshots. the screenshots theme is different from the [current] default kubuntu one. How different will the kde theme be from what is current now | 08:29 |
mornfall | the screenshot of adept is out of date :-) | 08:34 |
mornfall | robotgeek: in theory, 9th was UI freeze, so nothing should change from that point | 08:36 |
mornfall | robotgeek: but in the slewed variant, it was extended till mid-april | 08:36 |
robotgeek | mornfall: | 08:37 |
mornfall | robotgeek: there is a 2 week window between UI freeze and Doc freeze | 08:38 |
robotgeek | mornfall: yes, that it if it is approved. otherwise we have 10 days | 08:38 |
mornfall | robotgeek: in either case -- the problem is that apparently noone knows *when* the freezes started to be effective | 08:38 |
robotgeek | plus, the doc team has not made any recommendation on freezes, i am just trying to guage how much work will that tkae | 08:39 |
mornfall | robotgeek: which means the freeze is inefficient and the process borked -- i would count on the extended one | 08:39 |
mornfall | robotgeek: in case the freeze is not extended, it's not your fault that noone knew if the freeze is in effect or no | 08:39 |
robotgeek | mornfall: i wouldn't have thought of joining both the documents unless it's extended | 08:39 |
robotgeek | mornfall: no, the desktop guide is complete as such. | 08:40 |
mornfall | robotgeek: if there are no screenshots and no UI changes, probably | 08:40 |
mornfall | since UI is maybe frozen and maybe not, it may actually change a fair bit ;-) | 08:40 |
robotgeek | mornfall: the Desktop Guide cleverly avoided all screenshots | 08:41 |
robotgeek | lets see, what discussion happens on the mailing list. | 08:41 |
mornfall | b0rk b0rk, people need to learn to respect freezes | 08:42 |
robotgeek | i just wanted information on if the UI would change further majorly. cause we don't want to chase a moving target | 08:42 |
mornfall | robotgeek: that's what i wanted to answer -- but since noone knows it is frozen, it's potentially moving target yes | 08:42 |
mornfall | +if | 08:43 |
robotgeek | okay... | 08:43 |
mornfall | robotgeek: when you have some statement on the effect of UI freeze, i think you are safe | 08:44 |
robotgeek | yup | 08:44 |
robotgeek | weird...ui freeze depends on dapper delay approval depends on doc status depends on ui freeze | 08:45 |
mornfall | robotgeek: right, that's because (k)ubuntu teams are lacking in the scheduling department ;-) | 08:46 |
robotgeek | mathematically, we need to fix one parameter atleast :) | 08:47 |
mornfall | the problem is that you shouldn't discuss moving freeze while the freeze should be in effect | 08:48 |
mornfall | not unless your team is "small enough" | 08:48 |
mornfall | (in which case it can just meet and make up a new schedule in an hour and everyone acknowledges) | 08:49 |
robotgeek | true, it is complicated | 08:49 |
mornfall | i would say it is far too late | 08:50 |
mornfall | it's like realizing that you won't finish in time two days after deadline | 08:50 |
mornfall | "oops" | 08:50 |
seaLne | is it possible to use rsync with | 08:52 |
robotgeek | anyways, i am heading to bed | 08:52 |
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Hobbsee | hey all | 09:09 |
freeflying | hi Hobbsee | 09:10 |
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seaLne | walking isn't that bad :) | 09:12 |
Hobbsee | hehe! | 09:12 |
Hobbsee | from there it is! | 09:12 |
viviersf | k right | 09:12 |
viviersf | i know this aint a help # | 09:13 |
viviersf | but i need info now | 09:13 |
viviersf | some idiot deleted a bunch of partitions | 09:13 |
viviersf | it possible to undelete em ? | 09:13 |
Hobbsee | oh dear... | 09:13 |
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seaLne | maybe if they haven't been changed | 09:13 |
Hobbsee | there are certain drive recovery programs, so i suspect so, somehow... | 09:13 |
seaLne | have you looked at testdisk? it will restore deleted but unchanged partitions | 09:13 |
seaLne | how were they deleted? | 09:14 |
viviersf | seaLne, they used windows fdist just do delete the partitions | 09:14 |
seaLne | so all they did was fdisk changed stuff? | 09:14 |
seaLne | if so thats easy enough to undo | 09:15 |
=== Hobbsee reads the meeting logs, from the 4am meeting | ||
ubijtsa2 | Hobbsee: I attended the first 15 minutes.. | 09:20 |
Hobbsee | yeah i saw... | 09:20 |
Hobbsee | well, am seeing | 09:20 |
ubijtsa2 | was okay, but noisier than the 9am on | 09:20 |
ubijtsa2 | +e | 09:20 |
Hobbsee | just up to the start of the first meeting now | 09:20 |
ubijtsa2 | hehe | 09:20 |
ubijtsa2 | I still think my idea of distinguishing Dapper is alright... | 09:21 |
ubijtsa2 | "Ubuntu 6-04, Vulcan Edition", "Because it lives longer and prospers" | 09:21 |
Ubugtu | ubuntu bug 6 in gdb "gdb package contains non-free GNU FDL documentation" [Normal,Resolved: notwarty] | 09:21 |
ubijtsa2 | perhaps a bit too geeky for some admittedly | 09:22 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 09:23 |
ubijtsa2 | I also thought of "Longlife Edition" (think batteries) | 09:25 |
viviersf | seaLne, building a bootcd quick | 09:25 |
viviersf | seaLne, will test it ( Hope it works ) | 09:25 |
viviersf | seaLne, if i knew where the old parts where i could just use fdisk to do it | 09:25 |
seaLne | testdisk is not that userfriendly but very effective | 09:27 |
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Hobbsee | raphink: ping | 09:30 |
raphink | Hobbsee: pong | 09:30 |
Hobbsee | raphink: again, congratulations :P | 09:31 |
raphink | hehe :) | 09:31 |
viviersf | seaLne, one i get it booted i will ask you how to use it | 09:31 |
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viviersf | seaLne, !!!!!!!!!!! | 09:46 |
viviersf | seaLne, OMFW | 09:47 |
viviersf | testdisk is a l33tn3s | 09:47 |
seaLne | heh | 09:57 |
seaLne | so it recovered it fine? | 09:57 |
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AgarFu | hi | 10:12 |
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raphink | hmmpf | 10:16 |
raphink | powersaved segfaults :( | 10:16 |
Lure | raphink: yes? on what? | 10:41 |
raphink | ppc | 10:41 |
raphink | $ sudo powersaved | 10:42 |
raphink | Password: | 10:42 |
raphink | Segmentation fault | 10:42 |
raphink | nothing more | 10:42 |
raphink | no log, nothing | 10:42 |
Lure | interesting - maybe we should ask on powersaved mailing list about PPC support ( | 10:42 |
Lure | I have not looked into anything else then i386 | 10:42 |
raphink | Lure: | 10:42 |
Ubugtu | malone bug 35006 in powersave "powesaved segfaults" [Normal,Unconfirmed] | 10:42 |
Lure | raphink: which version of powersave? from mbiebl or from universe? | 10:43 |
raphink | ii powersaved 0.11.2-1 power management daemon | 10:43 |
raphink | (from universe) | 10:44 |
Lure | this is old one... Can you try building your own from mbiebl sources? | 10:44 |
Lure | see KubuntuPowersave in wiki for link to his announcement | 10:44 |
raphink | sure | 10:45 |
freeflying | raphink: r u using kubntu on your pbook ? | 10:49 |
raphink | yes | 10:49 |
Lure | raphink: have sent inquiry to powersave-devel (with kubuntu-devel Cc) about PPC/amd64 support | 10:50 |
freeflying | raphink: after suspend-to-ram ,can sound works ? | 10:50 |
raphink | ok | 10:50 |
raphink | freeflying: Idon't know, havent gone deeply into that yet | 10:50 |
raphink | is suspend-to-ram the default mode? | 10:51 |
raphink | when I close the comp, does it go to suspend to ram ? | 10:51 |
freeflying | raphink: y | 10:51 |
raphink | then yes | 10:51 |
raphink | I just have to switch the sound back to the right volume | 10:51 |
raphink | the sound gets switch to 0 when it suspends | 10:51 |
raphink | but it still works | 10:51 |
freeflying | raphink: ya , is it a bug | 10:53 |
raphink | it doesn't seem to be | 10:53 |
raphink | unless we suppose the volume is supposed to be turned back to its previous value when waking up | 10:53 |
raphink | switching it to 0 seems actually like a feature | 10:54 |
freeflying | raphink: but we'd unmute sound after uncover the screen from s-t-r | 10:54 |
raphink | yes | 10:54 |
raphink | then you can consider this is a bug ;) | 10:54 |
freeflying | raphink: :) | 10:54 |
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viviersf | seaLne, yes i recovered it fine | 10:58 |
seaLne | cool | 11:00 |
sebas | Does the 6-week delay make it possible to have 3.5.2 in Dapper? | 11:00 |
raphink | well 3.5.2 should be out soon | 11:02 |
sebas | It's about a week, but still UVF and stuff. | 11:06 |
raphink | yes | 11:10 |
verwilst | hm, the new color scheme is a bit too high-contrast :$ | 11:14 |
Huahua | hello Riddell | 11:23 |
Huahua | may it write a kcontrol module in python | 11:23 |
Riddell | hello Huahua | 11:23 |
Riddell | Huahua: if you wish, see kde-guidance for how it's done | 11:23 |
Huahua | Riddell: thanks you | 11:24 |
Hobbsee | evening Riddell | 11:36 |
Riddell | morning Hobbsee | 11:43 |
=== Hobbsee makes a mental note to fix checkinstall, and do the UVF thingo for it | ||
verwilst | Riddell, there is a typo in the koffice 1.5beta2 links | 11:47 |
verwilst | for dapper | 11:47 |
verwilst | it says koffice15beta2 | 11:48 |
verwilst | while it's koffice-15beta2 | 11:48 |
verwilst | ;) | 11:48 |
Riddell | verwilst: thanks, fixed | 11:53 |
verwilst | :) | 11:54 |
verwilst | it still doesn't install | 11:54 |
verwilst | something about libruby1.8 | 11:54 |
verwilst | but hey, at least the apt-get update will work now ;) | 11:54 |
Riddell | verwilst: what's the problem? | 11:54 |
verwilst | package libruby1.8 is not available, but is referenced by another package blablabla | 11:55 |
verwilst | :) | 11:55 |
verwilst | could be a local issue though | 11:55 |
verwilst | haven't checked it out very thouroughly yet | 11:56 |
verwilst | well, i'm off, going to buy a new cellphone ;) | 11:58 |
Lure | verwilst: I heard that amarok 1.4 requires ruby (for lyrics module) | 11:59 |
Riddell | verwilst: libruby1.8 is in breezy main, make sure you have breezy main in your sources.list | 12:07 |
Lure | raphink: powersave should work with PPC (have forwarded e-mail to you) | 12:34 |
_Sime | Huahua: There are even docs about how to write kcontrol modules. | 12:39 |
raphink | Lure: hmmm | 12:42 |
raphink | Lure: actually right now I can't even build the new version | 12:42 |
Lure | due to | 12:42 |
raphink | Lure: yep | 12:42 |
raphink | since it was removed | 12:43 |
raphink | do you have a solution for that? | 12:43 |
Lure | know issue - I would just looking how to get this back | 12:43 |
Lure | on some platforms they have this in libsysfs-dev package | 12:43 |
freeflying | _Sime: Huahua is not online now | 12:43 |
raphink | yes I know | 12:44 |
raphink | but pitti removed from libsysfs-dev | 12:44 |
raphink | to fix a debian bug | 12:44 |
raphink | he said this was confusing libtools | 12:44 |
raphink | :s | 12:44 |
Lure | mbiebl said that that debian already addressed this, but I cannot find where... | 12:45 |
raphink | addressed what? | 12:45 |
Lure | debian had same problem initially: missing | 12:45 |
seaLne | Riddell: k3b 0.12.14 fixes bug #31578 i've packaged it if thats any use | 12:46 |
Ubugtu | malone bug 31578 in k3b "K3B bails out due to a growisofs issue" [Major,Confirmed] | 12:46 |
raphink | let's see | 12:46 |
Lure | raphink: | 12:47 |
Lure | raphink: and | 12:47 |
raphink | seaLne: seems like a good reason for a UVFe | 12:47 |
raphink | seaLne: did you test it? | 12:48 |
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Riddell | seaLne: have you confirmed that it fixes that problem? | 12:59 |
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Mez | Riddell: why doesnt the UK class as bein part of Europe in your books/ | 01:18 |
Riddell | because we have the servers in England | 01:20 |
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Lathiat | umm | 01:37 |
Lathiat | am I the only one that preferred the last iteration of kubuntu artwork? | 01:37 |
Lathiat | the white login/splash before this one | 01:37 |
Lathiat | also the usplash is a bit dodge :\ | 01:37 |
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=== verwilst pets Lathiat | ||
Lathiat | ooh gtk now gets a decent theme | 01:53 |
Lathiat | by default on kubuntu | 01:53 |
Lathiat | yay :) | 01:53 |
Riddell | Lathiat: what's that? | 01:55 |
Lathiat | Riddell: gtk applications have a decent theme | 01:55 |
Lathiat | Riddell: before they used to look like crap with the default gtk stuff | 01:56 |
Riddell | what theme? | 01:56 |
Lathiat | dunno | 01:56 |
Lathiat | but it looks liek the kde theme | 01:56 |
Lathiat | might be gtk-qt ? | 01:56 |
Lathiat | yeh tahts what it is, sine its installed | 01:56 |
Riddell | groovy, that'll be tonio's fix working to run that as default | 01:56 |
Lathiat | # This file was written by KDE | 01:57 |
Lathiat | # You can edit it in the KDE control center, under "GTK Styles and Fonts" | 01:57 |
Lathiat | include "/usr/share/themes/Qt/gtk-2.0/gtkrc" | 01:57 |
Lathiat | in my ~?.gtkrc-2.0 | 01:57 |
Lathiat | dont remember setting it tho | 01:57 |
Riddell | startkde does it for you now | 01:57 |
Lathiat | ah | 01:57 |
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Lathiat | will it overwrite it if it already exists? | 01:58 |
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Lathiat | ah yeh | 01:58 |
Lathiat | i ee | 01:58 |
Lathiat | thats cool | 01:58 |
Lathiat | Riddell: the artwork.. the kubuntu splash looks somewhat distorted ? | 01:59 |
jjesse | Riddell: did you get matthew easts eamil about kubuntu docs and the build process? | 01:59 |
Riddell | Lathiat: I know, it's evil, usplash is at 400 high now but on most monitors that gets stretched to a multiple of 480 | 01:59 |
Mez | Lathiat, it did for me until I switched my screen res ;) | 02:00 |
Riddell | it looks nice on powerpc | 02:00 |
Lathiat | Riddell: ah | 02:00 |
Lathiat | heh | 02:00 |
Riddell | jjesse: yes, it's on my todo list for today | 02:00 |
Mez | oh - usplash ? | 02:00 |
Mez | looks fine to me | 02:00 |
Lathiat | also i personally preferred the previous kdm splash | 02:00 |
Mez | but thats cause I'm on widescreen | 02:00 |
Lathiat | muchly | 02:00 |
jjesse | Riddell: how do you keep track of all the things you have to do :) | 02:01 |
Lathiat | but thats just me :) | 02:01 |
Riddell | jjesse: mostly I wait until people remind me about them :) | 02:01 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 02:01 |
=== Hobbsee will remember this | ||
=== Lathiat laughs | ||
=== Hobbsee will bring pitchforks and flaming torches the next time she wants something from Riddell | ||
Tm_T | Hobbsee: barbeque? | 02:02 |
Hobbsee | Tm_T: we could barbeque Riddell, yes | 02:02 |
jjesse | mmm chicken? | 02:02 |
=== Tm_T goes find some mustard ans sausages | ||
Riddell | eek! | 02:02 |
=== Lathiat laughs | ||
Tm_T | but first, we allgo to sauna, right? | 02:03 |
Hobbsee | hehe! | 02:03 |
jjesse | i'm game for it :) | 02:03 |
Hobbsee | would you be any good to be barbecued Riddell? or are you one of those people that are far too thin to be barbecued, unless people like eating bone? | 02:03 |
jjesse | i hope theres plenty of meat | 02:03 |
Tm_T | fat atleast | 02:04 |
Tm_T | ;( | 02:04 |
Riddell | having been sitting infront of a computer working on kubuntu for over a year I'm no longer very thin | 02:04 |
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Tm_T | Riddell: as I said ;) | 02:04 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 02:04 |
Mez | Riddell, last time I saw you you were still quite thin | 02:04 |
Hobbsee | fair enough | 02:04 |
Riddell | freeflying-ibook: skim still starts up as default for non-CKJ locales, even with your patch | 02:05 |
freeflying-ibook | Riddell: from fresh install ? | 02:05 |
seaLne | Riddell: yeah, i couldn't burn dvds before but i can now | 02:05 |
Riddell | freeflying-ibook: yes, on the live CD | 02:05 |
Riddell | seaLne: excellent, thanks, I'll ask for an upstream version freeze exception | 02:05 |
freeflying-ibook | Riddell: ok, I'll check it tomorrow | 02:06 |
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=== nlindblad is impressed | ||
nlindblad | started my computer after last night's upgrade to Dapper | 02:53 |
jjesse | the new color scheme is starting to grow on me i like, it seems bolder | 02:54 |
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nlindblad | hi freeflying | 02:58 |
freeflying | nlindblad: hi | 02:58 |
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nlindblad | the upgrade seems to have removed amaroK and Katapult | 03:26 |
superstoned | riddell: wanna join the crowd saying the new artwork is cool ;-) | 03:30 |
superstoned | its a bit more pronounced | 03:30 |
superstoned | nice job | 03:30 |
superstoned | btw with the 6 week delay, will kde 3.5.2 get in? maybe koffice 1.5? amarok 1.4? | 03:31 |
jjesse | superstoned: i think _Tonio mentioned in the meeting yetserday that would happen | 03:32 |
superstoned | jjesse: that's cool, really cool... :D | 03:32 |
Riddell | "pronounced". nice word :) | 03:36 |
Riddell | superstoned: 3.5.2 probably, no idea about koffice or amarok | 03:37 |
Riddell | seaLne: k3b uploaded | 03:38 |
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jjesse | a question about bug 32791 ( bug reported says that it was a problem due to his setup of XGL, can the bug be closed? | 04:16 |
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Riddell | hmm, XGL and amarok beta | 04:21 |
Riddell | so hardly a priority | 04:21 |
Riddell | but well, it is a bug | 04:21 |
jjesse | btw kudos to the launchpad team i like the changes they made to display bugs it looks a lot better | 04:22 |
Riddell | which changes? | 04:22 |
jjesse | when i look at bugs assinged to kubuntu team, the list appears differently | 04:23 |
jjesse | looks cleaner and easier to navigate | 04:23 |
Riddell | oh yes, they got rid of the left hand column stuff | 04:25 |
Riddell | +subscribedbugs is more reliable than +assigned bugs :) | 04:25 |
Lure | jjesse: yes, major improvement, however I am missing sort by time (newest first) | 04:28 |
Lure | This helped me have a daily overview of incoming bugs (much harder to do now) | 04:29 |
Riddell | Lure: | 04:31 |
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Lure | Riddell: thank!!! just nicely hidden (are you reading malone code to get this ;-)) | 04:35 |
Riddell | it's the Sort By box at the top | 04:36 |
Riddell | then click Search | 04:37 |
Lure | that is new... from today? | 04:38 |
Lure | or am I blind??? | 04:38 |
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robotgeek | is flight 5 out yet? the link from works, but it was not released for kubuntu iirc | 04:42 |
seaLne | robotgeek: it was today | 04:43 |
robotgeek | seaLne: thanks | 04:44 |
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seaLne | mail this morning by Riddell to ubuntu-announce | 04:44 |
apokryphos | see | 04:45 |
robotgeek | yeah, i checked yesterday, it wasn't there. it got in there today | 04:45 |
seaLne | nice looking cake :) | 04:45 |
robotgeek | yup | 04:46 |
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seaLne | does anyone know what happens about packages that got into NEW before FF? | 04:57 |
Riddell | seaLne: possibly still there, what do you have in mind? | 04:58 |
seaLne | its depressing that every time i check back nothing has happened with | 04:59 |
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Riddell | seaLne: could try asking kamion | 05:08 |
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nlindblad | the server died on me | 06:35 |
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Riddell | nlindblad: which? | 06:36 |
nlindblad | my homeserver | 06:37 |
Riddell | ah, good, not my fault then :) | 06:38 |
nlindblad | :D | 06:39 |
nlindblad | not good... | 06:39 |
Riddell | not from your point of view, no | 06:40 |
nlindblad | tried all spare hardware I have but nothing works | 06:40 |
nlindblad | two powersupplies, two motherboards, two CPUs, four RAM sticks | 06:41 |
nlindblad | tried all combinations but nothing works | 06:41 |
jjesse | is it plugged in :P | 06:41 |
nlindblad | of course :D | 06:41 |
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OculusAquilae | Riddell: ping | 06:56 |
Riddell | OculusAquilae: hi | 06:56 |
OculusAquilae | hi | 06:56 |
OculusAquilae | is it known that guidance doesn't find nvidia-drivers? | 06:56 |
Riddell | I'm not sure, _Sime should know | 06:57 |
nlindblad | damn | 06:57 |
nlindblad | I thought it was "just" bad RAM | 06:57 |
nlindblad | might be: "The real time clock/CMOS is faulty. Replace the CMOS if possible" | 06:57 |
nlindblad | on TWO motherboards | 06:57 |
OculusAquilae | Riddell: if not, I would have a fix for it | 06:57 |
Riddell | OculusAquilae: talk to _Sime, he's the author, I'm sure he'd welcome any patches | 06:59 |
OculusAquilae | _Sime: ping | 06:59 |
OculusAquilae | :) | 06:59 |
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robotgeek | DeBert: .away | 07:02 |
robotgeek | sorry | 07:02 |
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Tonio_ | hello ;) | 07:08 |
OculusAquilae | hi Tonio_ | 07:08 |
robotgeek | hey Tonio_ , howdy | 07:09 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: I'm working on skim, tu use a wrapper script in autostart that will launch scrim only if $LANG starts with zh | 07:09 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: fine except the wireless doesn't want to work ;) | 07:09 |
Tonio_ | I can scan, but not connect | 07:09 |
Tonio_ | event with fixed IP, I can't ping anything | 07:10 |
robotgeek | Tonio_: heh, on and off i see | 07:10 |
Tonio_ | but scanning works :) | 07:10 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: I will make a script to unload that pre-alpha driver and use ndiswrapper instead | 07:10 |
Tonio_ | I can wait 6 month :) | 07:10 |
robotgeek | Tonio_: yeah, lucky you | 07:10 |
Tonio_ | why lucky ? | 07:10 |
Tonio_ | ;) | 07:11 |
Tonio_ | lucky would be with a working driver ;) | 07:11 |
nlindblad | when things screw up, they screw up bad | 07:18 |
OculusAquilae | _Sime: -- have a look at this (fixing a problem that nvidia drivers are not shown in kde-guidance; kubuntu) | 07:24 |
mornfall | anyone can recommend a kde wifi applet? | 07:24 |
mornfall | tried: kwifimanager, kwavecontrol and kwirelessmonitor | 07:24 |
mornfall | not happy with any (but kwifimanager was probably closest) | 07:24 |
robotgeek | mornfall: wireless kubuntu is bad. kwifi manager never worked for me | 07:26 |
mornfall | i don't even have kubuntu, but people here seem to use wifi in kde :) | 07:26 |
mornfall | i'll get dapper into a chroot later | 07:27 |
jjesse | i hate kwifimanager :( | 07:27 |
mornfall | it's sort of lame yes ;) | 07:27 |
mornfall | but it at least works | 07:27 |
robotgeek | mornfall: i just use a script to connect | 07:27 |
jjesse | i can't connect to a wireless access point without a password | 07:27 |
jjesse | :( | 07:27 |
jjesse | like in coffee shops | 07:27 |
mornfall | robotgeek: connect is not the problem, ifup eth1 works ;-) | 07:28 |
jjesse | but works fine in winodws (dual boot laptop for work) | 07:28 |
mornfall | robotgeek: just a monitor | 07:28 |
superstoned | hey, btw, adept is sooo fast - compared to synaptic... really nice. just tried synaptic - dog slow. | 07:29 |
mornfall | superstoned: really? O.o | 07:29 |
mornfall | superstoned: last time i checked adept was slowish :p | 07:29 |
mornfall | superstoned: but it may be that it's because i compile everything with -O0 -g | 07:30 |
mornfall | anyhow, gotta run for a bit | 07:30 |
mornfall | laters | 07:30 |
robotgeek | mornfall: you should know about adept, right :) | 07:30 |
superstoned | well, not here. its quickfilter is much faster compared to synaptic's flaky find function | 07:30 |
superstoned | and adept also reads dpkg's package database much faster. | 07:30 |
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mornfall | superstoned: kewl :) | 07:41 |
nlindblad | wtf, amaroK deleted my Pink Floyd | 07:48 |
robotgeek | oh noes | 07:48 |
=== nlindblad runs his "recover lost music"-script | ||
nlindblad | peace restored to the galaxy | 07:49 |
Lure | kwwii: positive improvements on look - I preffer thiner window titles (however I had to reduce font to 8pt) | 07:51 |
Lure | kwwii: also ksplash is better (just two icons out of dialog): | 07:52 |
Lure | kwwii: as you can see, I have wide screen and wide bubbles ;-) | 07:52 |
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kwwii | wow, sweet :-) | 08:01 |
nlindblad | the Katapult shortcut is dead | 08:04 |
Lure | nlindblad: since when? it works for me... | 08:05 |
nlindblad | since I upgradet to Dapper last night | 08:05 |
Tonio_ | mornfall: I'm working on wlassistant actually | 08:05 |
Tonio_ | you can have a package to test in abot an hour | 08:06 |
Tonio_ | mornfall: it is the only one I know that "just works" | 08:06 |
nlindblad | what's SKIM? | 08:06 |
Tonio_ | superstoned: agree with you, adept is faster than synaptic, but very long to start | 08:07 |
robotgeek | Tonio_: awesome! | 08:07 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: what ? | 08:07 |
robotgeek | Tonio_: wlassistant | 08:08 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: works for you ? | 08:08 |
Tonio_ | did you try to disconnect and reconnect several times ? | 08:08 |
robotgeek | Tonio_: i hope so, i'll test the packages you make | 08:08 |
robotgeek | i havent tried till now | 08:09 |
Tonio_ | this was a nasty bug that causes wlassistant not in breezy | 08:09 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: I corrected a little bug, let me polish, and that should be fine ;) | 08:09 |
robotgeek | Tonio_: wokay | 08:09 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: technocally works, just "administrative work" needed on the package | 08:13 |
Tonio_ | do you want to test ? | 08:13 |
robotgeek | Tonio_: do you ahve ppc build? | 08:14 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: I have a source package ;) | 08:14 |
Tonio_ | you can build your own | 08:14 |
robotgeek | Tonio_: okay, no problem | 08:14 |
Lure | Tonio_: I can test too... | 08:14 |
Tonio_ | Lure: sure ;) | 08:15 |
Tonio_ | | 08:17 |
Tonio_ | here it is | 08:17 |
Tonio_ | be sure to try disconnect and reconnecte several times | 08:17 |
Tonio_ | ;) | 08:17 |
Tonio_ | I can't test unfortunately | 08:17 |
Lure | Tonio_: I have to even build it myself? ;-) | 08:18 |
Tonio_ | Lure: this is an i386 package | 08:18 |
robotgeek | Tonio_: You don't have permission to access /~tonio/wlassistant_0.5.5-1.diff.gz on this server. | 08:18 |
Lure | Tonio_: disconnect/reconet wil not work with WPA, right? | 08:18 |
Tonio_ | so if it is okay, just take the deb | 08:18 |
Tonio_ | Lure: no idea concerning wpa | 08:18 |
mornfall | Tonio_: may be something with kdesu -- it often starts very long with kdesu for me | 08:18 |
Tonio_ | mornfall: yes, but what would you suggest ? | 08:19 |
Lure | Tonio_: no .deb there.... or am I blind (would not be the first time today) | 08:19 |
Tonio_ | Lure: oups | 08:19 |
mornfall | Tonio_: i mean, tried with sudo? if it goes noticeably faster that way, i'd blame kdesu | 08:19 |
jjesse | i don't see the deb either so you are not blind Lure | 08:19 |
mornfall | Tonio_: and if that's the case, i could try looking at it in kdesu | 08:20 |
mornfall | afk | 08:20 |
Tonio_ | mornfall: yes is is faster with sudo | 08:20 |
Lure | jjesse: thank you ;-) | 08:20 |
Tonio_ | cause sudo doesn't require to load the root profile | 08:20 |
Tonio_ | but how to provide a sudo password graphically ? ;) that's the question | 08:20 |
robotgeek | Tonio_: not able to download with anything | 08:20 |
Tonio_ | mornfall: unless it is an internal mecanisme, I don't know any other solution | 08:21 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: ah ? | 08:21 |
robotgeek | wget HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 403 Forbidden | 08:21 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: should be okay now, sorry ;) | 08:21 |
Tonio_ | I'm uploading the deb | 08:22 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: is it okay ? | 08:24 |
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robotgeek | Tonio_: yes, building now | 08:24 |
Tonio_ | Lure: finishing the build and sending uploading the deb | 08:24 |
jjesse | will it actually work instead of kwifipieceofcrapmanager? | 08:25 |
Tonio_ | jjesse: in any case, knetworkmanager will not go in dapper | 08:25 |
Tonio_ | wlassistant could, but nothing is sure ;) | 08:25 |
sebas | Why won't knetworkmanager? | 08:26 |
Tonio_ | sebas: because it requires the latest networkmanager to go | 08:26 |
Riddell | sebas: needs a new version of network-manager | 08:26 |
sebas | Ah ok. | 08:26 |
Tonio_ | which means upgrading the actual networkmanager in main | 08:26 |
sebas | Yeah, got that. | 08:27 |
Tonio_ | and canonical will certainly not do that for knetworkmanager only, because it is untested, not mature, not bugfree etc..... | 08:27 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: the dhclient problem of networkmanager seems to be gone ;) | 08:28 |
Tonio_ | sounds a good news | 08:28 |
Tonio_ | Lure: you can download the deb | 08:28 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: s/networkmanager/wlassistant | 08:28 |
Lure | Tonio_: I was so fast that I got such warnings | 08:28 |
Tonio_ | allee: ping ? | 08:28 |
Lure | tar: ./postinst: time stamp 2006-03-15 20:28:50 is 44 s in the future | 08:28 |
Lure | ;-) | 08:28 |
allee | Tonio_: pong! | 08:28 |
Tonio_ | allee: I'm polishing your wlassistant package, upgrading to dehhelper5 etc.... | 08:29 |
Tonio_ | no pb for you ? | 08:29 |
Tonio_ | need to rewrite the changelog to only one entry too | 08:30 |
allee | Tonio_: of course not! but it would not hurt if you prepare yourself to check these changes later into alioth svn ;) | 08:30 |
Tonio_ | allee: hehe, yes, I promissed and didn't perfomed the job ;) | 08:30 |
Tonio_ | allee: got lots of work actually, not easy to be everywhere in the same time | 08:30 |
allee | Tonio_: IMHO this one changelog entry is nonsense. A package has a history, outside the official archives. So it should stay | 08:31 |
Tonio_ | sorry ^^ | 08:31 |
Tonio_ | allee: a NEW package in ubuntu has only ONE changelog entry | 08:31 |
Tonio_ | allee: it has always been like that | 08:31 |
Tonio_ | the entry is grouping the full changelog of course | 08:32 |
robotgeek | Tonio_: well, it crashed :P | 08:32 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: hurg | 08:32 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: what message did you get ? | 08:32 |
jjesse | Tonio_: seems to work for me, installed from the .deb | 08:32 |
allee | Tonio_: check kisdnwatch as a counter example | 08:32 |
jjesse | i'm heading out tonight to a coffee shop so i'll know for sure if it works correctly | 08:32 |
Tonio_ | allee: hum....... | 08:32 |
robotgeek | Tonio_: trying to reproduce | 08:33 |
robotgeek | Tonio_: okay, it connected successfully this time, on the broadcom card. good job! | 08:33 |
Tonio_ | allee: I don't know how debian manages this | 08:33 |
jjesse | it enabled/turned on my card which was nice | 08:33 |
Tonio_ | allee: but all I know is that that's the way motu do ;) | 08:34 |
allee | Tonio_: when a pkg has a history outside, it has often a long changelog on first upload. | 08:34 |
Tonio_ | allee: if official debian/ubuntu have been released yes | 08:34 |
allee | Tonio_: sone consider this 'Initail upload. closes ...' as only entry a rule. I don't :) | 08:34 |
Tonio_ | allee: if it is a port of a debian package, yes | 08:34 |
Tonio_ | allee: if it is a ubuntu only NEW package, only one entry | 08:35 |
allee | kisdnwatch was only maintained in my repo for year before the kubuntu upload | 08:35 |
Tonio_ | allee: do we want it to be validated on revu or not ? | 08:35 |
Lure | Tonio_: disconnect works, but connect does not -> no WPA | 08:35 |
Tonio_ | allee: with several entries, it will get NO :) | 08:35 |
Tonio_ | Lure: okay | 08:35 |
Tonio_ | Lure: testing with wep could be interesting :) | 08:35 |
Lure | I will now try | 08:35 |
robotgeek | Tonio_: this is very nice, thank you :) | 08:36 |
Lure | Tonio_: but I need to reconfigure my OpenWRT (not sure if know to login still ;-)) | 08:36 |
robotgeek | a systray icon would be great also, but i will manage with knemo for now | 08:36 |
Tonio_ | allee: I just want the package to be approved on revu, and I know what not to do ;) | 08:36 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: what about disconnect and reconnect ? | 08:36 |
Tonio_ | does it work nicelly ? | 08:36 |
allee | Tonio_: really? That stupid. but when it is like this trim down the changelog. Mhmm, isn't wlassistant already in debian. checking ... | 08:37 |
Tonio_ | allee: please ask for change on motu meeting ;) | 08:37 |
Tonio_ | allee: I'm not telling you I agree, but I've been ask not to do that in the past, many, many times, so now, I'm doing like that also :) | 08:38 |
Tonio_ | allee: the feeling is "one entry in changelog = one uploaded package" | 08:38 |
Tonio_ | after initial update, of course we keep all history in it | 08:39 |
Tonio_ | allee: I do same for k-d-s, one entry per upload only | 08:39 |
robotgeek | Tonio_: works well for me, thanks :) | 08:40 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: perfect :) | 08:40 |
allee | Tonio_: only differenc is that prefer to count upload to private repo too. I'll discuss this with motus when time permits. | 08:40 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: read this ? seems that we can have a working tool that manages to connect to wireless networks ;) | 08:40 |
Tonio_ | allee: sure ;) | 08:40 |
Tonio_ | allee: anyway, I'm doing what I think is the best, then I show you the package and you decide ;) | 08:41 |
Tonio_ | allee: but I don't want to waste time on revu to get the package approved before exception ask etc..... :) | 08:41 |
allee | Tonio_: of course. Go with the mininal changelog. I can always try to merge the changelog back in later :) | 08:42 |
Tonio_ | allee: haha ;) | 08:43 |
Tonio_ | allee: I never said "minimal" | 08:43 |
Tonio_ | can be a hudge entry | 08:43 |
Tonio_ | but no historic in it | 08:43 |
allee | Tonio_: absolutely fine with me | 08:44 |
Tonio_ | allee: can you beleive we may have a working wifi tool ;) | 08:44 |
Tonio_ | hehe | 08:44 |
allee | Tonio_: yeah!!! | 08:45 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: honnestly, what are the chances for "main" and dependancy on kubuntu-desktop ?? | 08:45 |
allee | Tonio_: Only disadvantage we switched everywhere to WPA in the institute. Hah | 08:45 |
Tonio_ | allee: argh........... too late.... | 08:46 |
Riddell | Tonio_: hmm? | 08:46 |
Riddell | wlassistant? | 08:46 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: yes | 08:47 |
Tonio_ | instead of kwifimanager, that doesn't work for at least one year ;) | 08:47 |
Tonio_ | I prefer to have a working tool in dapper than a crappy unusable one | 08:47 |
robotgeek | Tonio_: only issue with it is that it seems to be displaying signal strenghts wrongly | 08:47 |
jjesse | at kwifimanager is a crappy one :) | 08:47 |
Tonio_ | whenever it is not "officially kde" | 08:47 |
Riddell | it's certainly possible | 08:47 |
Riddell | Tonio_: what doesn't work about kwifimanager? | 08:48 |
robotgeek | Riddell: everything | 08:48 |
jjesse | everything | 08:48 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: no network option | 08:48 |
sebas | I've never gotten kwifimanager to configure my network. | 08:48 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: means that once connected, you have to ifconfig, dhclient etc.... everything manually | 08:48 |
Riddell | oh, I never tried it for configuring, that's never worked :) | 08:48 |
Lure | Riddell: kwifimanager only benefit is sys tray icon - all the rest is crap | 08:48 |
Riddell | that's why we have knetworkconf | 08:48 |
jjesse | every time i go to a coffee shop with wireless i can't connect with kubuntu i've tried the various wiki pages to help out and have been unsucssful | 08:48 |
Tonio_ | I managed to connect with it, but finally it was more complicated than making full shell | 08:49 |
Riddell | seem dapper will be delayed | 08:49 |
Riddell | seems | 08:49 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: and the "autoconnect on start" option doesn't work | 08:49 |
jjesse | and the various pages under that | 08:49 |
Tonio_ | now knetworkmanager seems to manage boot configuration with wifi | 08:49 |
Riddell | my problem with wlanassistant is that it's wifi only | 08:49 |
Tonio_ | and wlassistant manages correctly the rest of the job ;) | 08:49 |
Tonio_ | that could be nice waiting for knetworkmanager | 08:49 |
Riddell | but if it's the best for the job then we should be able to get it in | 08:50 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: well, for global config, we have kdenetwork no ? | 08:50 |
Tonio_ | wlassistant is here for "temporary connection" | 08:50 |
robotgeek | Tonio_: about wlassistant: connecting-disconnecting works. i can't test other networks here. signal strengths are wrong. | 08:50 |
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Riddell | hello OddAbe19 | 08:50 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: yes signal strengh is not nicelly managed | 08:50 |
Tonio_ | I will have a look at that, should be hard to patch | 08:51 |
robotgeek | Tonio_: atleast it connects, unlike kwifimanager :) | 08:51 |
Riddell | what we want is something with a built in kismet client :) | 08:51 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: exactly | 08:51 |
robotgeek | and also tells you the networks, instead of the wacky "I'm scanning" danace kwifimanager does | 08:51 |
Tm_T | help! | 08:52 |
Tm_T | how I can run multiple kate | 08:52 |
robotgeek | Tm_T: you are a developer, we can't help you. sorry | 08:52 |
robotgeek | lol | 08:52 |
Tm_T | doesn't seem to open another here anymore | 08:52 |
jjesse | Tm_T: its a change thanks to Tonio_ | 08:53 |
Tm_T | ... | 08:53 |
jjesse | make sure it starts with just kate as the command instead of whatever is currently in the button | 08:53 |
Tm_T | jjesse: button? I use rundialog | 08:53 |
jjesse | i edited the k menu link and it then runs fine for me | 08:54 |
Tonio_ | Tm_T: hehe :) | 08:54 |
jjesse | sorry not very techincal on that end | 08:54 |
Tm_T | ah! "/usr/bin/kate" helps | 08:54 |
Tonio_ | Tm_T: simply edit the launch command for kate and remove --use | 08:54 |
Tm_T | Tonio_: yeah, have to | 08:54 |
Tonio_ | Tm_T: sorry if you don't like ;) it is hard to find settings that everyone loves :) | 08:54 |
Tm_T | true | 08:55 |
Tonio_ | Tm_T: note that you now have tabs at bottom for konsole, kopete and konversation :) | 08:55 |
Lure | Tonio_: thank you for that! | 08:55 |
jjesse | bummer on tabs on the bottom for konsole :) | 08:55 |
Tm_T | Tonio_: nothing changed here, I don't use defaults settings... | 08:55 |
Tonio_ | Tm_T: well, now you now it is by default ;) | 08:56 |
Tm_T | Tonio_: you know, my install of Kubuntu is from rc1 of hoary =) | 08:56 |
Tonio_ | Tm_T: hehe, my install is last week, and I currently crash my profile every week | 08:56 |
Tonio_ | to force me using the default profile | 08:56 |
Tm_T | =) | 08:56 |
Tm_T | defaults would kill me | 08:56 |
Tonio_ | that's the only way to see clearly what misses configuration | 08:56 |
Tm_T | ah, true | 08:57 |
Tonio_ | and because I decided "that's will my way to contribute"....... ^^ | 08:57 |
Tm_T | yup, it's damn important job, and you're doing good job :) | 08:57 |
Tm_T | but, now, I need script... hmm hmm hmm | 08:58 |
Tonio_ | Tm_T: we'll see comments when dapper released ;) | 08:58 |
Tm_T | hehe | 08:58 |
Riddell | jjesse: where's this new docs package that mdke did? | 08:58 |
Tm_T | "OMG WTF noooo my eyes, nooooooo!!!!" =) | 08:58 |
Tonio_ | Tm_T: I'm just doing the best I can, and *hope* that will answer to people awaitings ;) | 08:58 |
robotgeek | Riddell: docs package? | 08:58 |
Riddell | ah, found it | 08:59 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: are you okay with my skim proposal ? making a wrapper script called by the autostart desktop entry | 08:59 |
robotgeek | Riddell: okay :) | 08:59 |
jjesse | Riddell: umm don't know for sure, i can look | 08:59 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: launching skim only when land is set to zn_* | 08:59 |
Tonio_ | s/land/lang | 08:59 |
Riddell | Tonio_: as I understand it we should be able to turn autostart off and it'll start along with im-something | 09:00 |
jjesse | Riddell: looks like you beet me to the punch | 09:00 |
Riddell | Tonio_: but if I understand wrong then your proposal is the way | 09:00 |
Riddell | jjesse: found it | 09:00 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: ah ? cool | 09:00 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: well I did the script, so let's keep in touch, and if needed, I'll implement it | 09:00 |
Lure | Tonio_: freeflying was explaining something along the lines mentioned by Riddell ;-) | 09:01 |
=== Lure do not have a clue ;-) | ||
Tonio_ | Lure: I must say I don't understand skim, what it does, etc... | 09:02 |
Tonio_ | ;) | 09:02 |
=== Lure got used to that icon in tray ;-) | ||
robotgeek | i need to write about skim in Desktop Guide | 09:02 |
sebas | Riddell: How do I find the guidance bugs in malone? | 09:03 |
Lure | Tonio_: I am installing NM with script - it has installed more than 100 packages (-dev) and not done yet... ;-) | 09:03 |
sebas | (If there are any *cough*) | 09:03 |
_Sime | sebas: | 09:04 |
Lure | I can understamd why Keybuk thinks 0.6 cannot go in for Dapper | 09:04 |
sebas | _Sime: Thanks. | 09:04 |
OculusAquilae | ah _Sime | 09:05 |
Tonio_ | _Sime: congrats for systemsettings :) | 09:06 |
OculusAquilae | _Sime: got my message? | 09:06 |
_Sime | OculusAquilae: I thought you were Away. | 09:06 |
Tonio_ | _Sime: quite bugfree now ;) | 09:06 |
_Sime | Tonio_: thanks, I assume it working better for you at least. ;-) | 09:06 |
Riddell | sebas: | 09:06 |
_Sime | OculusAquilae: yes, I saw that. cool | 09:06 |
_Sime | OculusAquilae: question... | 09:06 |
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Riddell | ah, _Sime's URL is better | 09:06 |
Tonio_ | _Sime: there are still few issues, like certain modules missing, but that WAY more usable | 09:07 |
_Sime | OculusAquilae: is it neccessary to check for two files under /usr/lib/xorg/ ? | 09:07 |
_Sime | Tonio_: what is missing? | 09:07 |
OculusAquilae | _Sime: I don't know, but debconf doesn't | 09:07 |
Tonio_ | let me give you an example : | 09:08 |
Tonio_ | _Sime: compare "kde components" in systemsettings and kcontrol | 09:08 |
Tonio_ | I miss the "file associations" module for example | 09:08 |
OculusAquilae | _Sime: I have a script (bash) getting all drivers from that folder | 09:08 |
Lure | Tonio_: this is also why I still need kcontrol... | 09:08 |
Tonio_ | I miss the "session control" too | 09:08 |
Tonio_ | dunno if that's a bug or something expected, but that........... a pain to me ;) | 09:09 |
_Sime | OculusAquilae: I mean, checking /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/nvidia_drv.o is probably enough for nVidia. | 09:09 |
OculusAquilae | right | 09:09 |
Tonio_ | Lure: agree with you, I still need to use kcontrol because of that | 09:09 |
OculusAquilae | _Sime: debconf doesn't do anything else | 09:09 |
sebas | _Sime: | 09:10 |
Ubugtu | malone bug 26175 in kde-guidance "Can't unlock session" [Normal,Confirmed] | 09:10 |
OculusAquilae | _Sime: here's what it does: | 09:10 |
_Sime | OculusAquilae: ok, you got the checks from debconf. cool. | 09:10 |
sebas | Where does guidance come into the picture here? | 09:10 |
Riddell | Tonio_: that's deliberate | 09:10 |
Riddell | Tonio_: you can find file associations in konqueror | 09:10 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: well, that's not a "konqueror" setting | 09:11 |
sebas | Does userconfig change /etc/shadow's permissions? | 09:11 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: it concerns the full kde environnement | 09:11 |
_Sime | Ubugtu: fixed in coming version | 09:11 |
Riddell | Tonio_: yes it is | 09:11 |
Riddell | Tonio_: the file manager is the logical place to handle them | 09:11 |
Lure | sebas: not sure if still, but it did for me ;-) | 09:11 |
Lure | sebas: it was very easy to reproduce | 09:11 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: hum......... I never liked that in windows, I will not like that in kubuntu :) but we are in democraty :) | 09:12 |
sebas | Ok, I'll close it. | 09:12 |
Lure | Riddell: but what if I do not use Konqueror? | 09:12 |
Lure | I am thinking of Krusader for file mgmt | 09:13 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: and what about other modules missing, like the "grammar correction" or the session manager ? | 09:13 |
OculusAquilae | _Sime: but I don't know if my patch also works with ati, but it should | 09:14 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: the global "theme manager" is missing also | 09:14 |
robotgeek | Tonio_: that is present in kcontrol, right? | 09:15 |
Riddell | Tonio_: that's a troublesome one | 09:15 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: yes, and that's why I'm asking the reason it is not is the "apparence" section of systemsettings :) | 09:15 |
_Sime | OculusAquilae: it needs testing either way. :) | 09:15 |
Riddell | Tonio_: it's basicly an app in its own right | 09:15 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: hum....... can be debated, but that's not false | 09:16 |
Riddell | Tonio_: it would be OK if it didn't have the buttons to launch all the other modules included | 09:16 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: agree on that point, that duplicates stuff | 09:16 |
OculusAquilae | _Sime: right | 09:16 |
Riddell | Lure: I'd expect krusader to offer a way to change file associations too | 09:16 |
robotgeek | Tonio_: i could just add another entry for "How do i change my theme" in Desktop GUide | 09:17 |
_Sime | OculusAquilae: ok, I've commited the fix to SVN. It'll be in the next release. | 09:17 |
Tonio_ | robotgeek: yes, nice idea :) | 09:18 |
OculusAquilae | _Sime: nice, I hope it gets its way into dapper, too | 09:18 |
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu-devel:Riddell] : Dapper delayed || || || || Join: || Kubuntu meeting on #ubuntu-meeting on Thurs, 16th March - 20:00 UTC -- -- note the change in date, and be there! | ||
_Sime | OculusAquilae: it will be in dapper. ;-) don't worry. | 09:19 |
OculusAquilae | nice :) | 09:19 |
Lure | Riddell: I do not find it in krusader... | 09:19 |
_Sime | sebas: yes, userconfig would change the owner of some system files. (It writes to a file and switches using 'mv'). | 09:20 |
sebas | Ah, fixed though? | 09:20 |
sebas | I'm looking into the unicode issue in usernames. | 09:20 |
sebas | Suggestions for a fix? | 09:20 |
mornfall | any news on schedule? | 09:20 |
sebas | I kinda feel bad creating directories with unicode characters in them. | 09:21 |
mornfall | Riddell: any idea where i could get mvo's source? (possibly something else than bzr, eg source tarball or package o.o) | 09:21 |
mornfall | Riddell: (language selector, dist upgrader) | 09:21 |
_Sime | sebas: unicode is fixed, but needs testing. that other problem is also fixed. | 09:22 |
Lure | _Sime: any news on bug 32915? | 09:22 |
Ubugtu | malone bug 32915 in kde-guidance "Display applet does not start" [Normal,Confirmed] | 09:22 |
=== _Sime is awe of this log. errr.. changelog that is! | ||
Tonio_ | _Sime: any info concerning my problem (display writes at the end of existing xorg.conf file) ? | 09:23 |
Tonio_ | _Sime: I can confirm that on 2 machines at work, and my laptop also | 09:23 |
_Sime | Lure: probably fixed. | 09:23 |
sebas | _Sime: I can now input my name. ;) | 09:24 |
sebas | I'll play with it though and close the bug then. | 09:24 |
_Sime | sebas: I'm a bit disappointed that you didn't find that bug earlier! ;-> | 09:25 |
Lure | _Sime: is test package / source available somewhere for quick check? | 09:25 |
Lure | sebas: ;-) | 09:25 |
_Sime | Tonio_: I've got you data and I'll be trying it out maybe tonight. | 09:25 |
Tonio_ | _Sime: no emergency ;) | 09:26 |
sebas | _Sime: os.write(fd, u._getPasswdEntry().encode(locale.getpreferredencoding())) barfs on unicode characters | 09:27 |
sebas | UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xfc' in position 32: ordinal not in range(128) | 09:28 |
=== Lure will reboot now to test networkmanager 0.6 with WPA support | ||
Riddell | mornfall: | 09:28 |
mornfall | Riddell: kde port is going to be part of same package? | 09:28 |
Riddell | mornfall: oh, I don't think he's released anything of the qt port | 09:29 |
Riddell | no idea how far he's got with that | 09:29 |
mornfall | okey | 09:29 |
_Sime | Lure: I might have a package for you tomorrow when I test on my dapper-mobile. | 09:29 |
mornfall | i have the language-selector from archive | 09:29 |
Riddell | mornfall: nothing in | 09:30 |
Lure | _Sime: great, just let me know | 09:30 |
_Sime | sebas: you're running breezy? right? | 09:30 |
sebas | _Sime: Nope, Dapper | 09:30 |
Lure | mornfall: schedule proposal as discussed yesterday on TB: | 09:30 |
mornfall | Lure: i know the proposal, just don't know the resolution about it | 09:30 |
OculusAquilae | bye | 09:31 |
mornfall | Riddell: the distupgrader thing? how is it called? haven't found anything using apt-cache | 09:31 |
_Sime | sebas: do 'env'. what are you LANG and LANGUAGE vars? | 09:31 |
Riddell | mornfall: I'm having the same problem | 09:31 |
_Sime | sebas: my dapper uses en_US.UTF-8 | 09:31 |
mornfall | Riddell: ah | 09:31 |
sebas | LANGUAGE=en_NL:en | 09:32 |
sebas | LANG=C | 09:32 |
_Sime | sebas: did you do anything to your language settings? | 09:32 |
mornfall | Riddell: sort of lame -- but well, i will see what can be done | 09:32 |
sebas | Dunno, this install is more than a year old :/ | 09:32 |
_Sime | sebas: dapper??! | 09:32 |
_Sime | sebas: what was it originally? | 09:33 |
sebas | Hoary :) | 09:33 |
_Sime | sebas: since Breezy UTF-8 has been used as the system encoding... | 09:34 |
_Sime | sebas: can you also test out nVidia dualhead and clone mode? | 09:34 |
sebas | So we should keep it this way? | 09:34 |
sebas | Yes. | 09:34 |
_Sime | sebas: I'm not sure if clone mode is working there... | 09:34 |
sebas | What do you need to know? | 09:34 |
Riddell | mornfall: got it, update-manager - GNOME application that manages apt updates | 09:35 |
mornfall | Riddell: hmh? | 09:35 |
=== mornfall looks | ||
Riddell | | 09:36 |
Riddell | | 09:36 |
sebas | _Sime: | 09:37 |
sebas | Crashes on startup now | 09:37 |
Riddell | mornfall: what are you thinking of doing? | 09:38 |
mornfall | Riddell: running it and then looking at the source :) | 09:38 |
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Lure | Tonio_: NM 0.6 just works here - looks great! | 09:54 |
Lure | Riddell: where can I get knetworkmanager? | 09:55 |
robotgeek | Lure: is it possible for you to put the source packages somewhere? | 09:55 |
Riddell | Lure: suse factory | 09:55 |
Lure | robotgeek: I just used the script from forums (builds from cvs) | 09:59 |
Lure | I just wanted to see if it works | 09:59 |
Lure | and it does (on ipw2200 with dapper driver) | 09:59 |
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Tonio_ | Lure: I'm aware of that ;) but no chance for dapper, so I'll have a look later ;) | 09:59 |
robotgeek | Lure: link | 09:59 |
Lure | Tonio_: I know, I just wanted to try - back to good old wpasupplicant ;-) | 10:01 |
Tonio_ | Lure: I personnaly don't use WPA ;) I don't see the need in fact | 10:01 |
Tonio_ | wep is enough for my needs | 10:01 |
Lure | robotgeek: | 10:04 |
robotgeek | Lure: thanks | 10:04 |
_Sime | sebas: what resolution are you running? | 10:09 |
sebas | 2560x1024 | 10:09 |
sebas | It's a merged framebuffer | 10:09 |
_Sime | and xrandr won't handle it... :-/ | 10:10 |
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sebas | _Sime: It does, what do you need to know? | 10:13 |
sebas | xrandr thinks it's one screen with a weird resolution, I can switch. | 10:14 |
sebas | Option "MetaModes" "1280x1024, 1280x1024; 1280x1024, NULL; NULL, 1280x1024; 1024x1280, 1024x1280; ... | 10:14 |
sebas | xrandr would switch between these resolutions. | 10:14 |
kwwii | what does the "full upgrade" button do in adept? | 10:15 |
kwwii | ie...what is the difference between "fetch updates" and "full upgrade"? | 10:16 |
mornfall | kwwii: mark things that dist-upgrade would do | 10:16 |
_Sime | sebas: yeah, but it gets confused with one wierd screen and a dualhead card, I guess. | 10:16 |
mornfall | kwwii: fetch update will get metadata | 10:16 |
mornfall | updates* | 10:16 |
kwwii | mornfall: ok, thanks | 10:16 |
kwwii | it sounded like the "break my system" button | 10:16 |
sebas | _Sime: hm | 10:17 |
mornfall | kwwii :) | 10:19 |
mornfall | kwwii: it is the break my system button if you add some sort of unstable archive to your sources | 10:19 |
mornfall | kwwii: but you always have to apply changes before it takes effect | 10:19 |
sebas | So it's a "prepare breaking my system button" | 10:20 |
kwwii | erm...bye, bye system | 10:20 |
sebas | mornfall: Add an undo ;) | 10:20 |
kwwii | I asked the question after clicking the apply button :-) | 10:20 |
kwwii | no worries | 10:20 |
kwwii | better advice than "never mess with a running system" is "keep several running systems around" | 10:21 |
nlindblad | why can't girls be as easy to understand as GNU/Linux? | 10:21 |
sebas | nlindblad: It seems that the only problem is understanding *both* at the same time ;) | 10:22 |
nlindblad | right | 10:22 |
nlindblad | :D | 10:22 |
nlindblad | nah, I'd choose GNU/Linux thne | 10:22 |
nlindblad | *then | 10:22 |
raphink | hhmppf | 10:26 |
raphink | hi kwwii | 10:26 |
raphink | kwwii: the ksplash is much better now :) | 10:26 |
Tonio_ | hello kwwii ;) | 10:26 |
Tonio_ | hello mr core-dev :) | 10:26 |
raphink | kwwii: although the kde logo at the bottom of the square still goes out a bit | 10:26 |
raphink | Tonio_: hehe :) | 10:26 |
Tonio_ | raphink: wlassistant fuckin' works :) | 10:26 |
Riddell | raphink: got a screenshot? | 10:27 |
raphink | Tonio_: I yet have to buy a wifi card | 10:27 |
Riddell | raphink: what's your resolution? | 10:27 |
raphink | Riddell: nope but I can make one | 10:27 |
raphink | lemme see | 10:27 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: Same problem here, 1280x1024, making you a screenshot | 10:27 |
mornfall | sebas: there's no undo after apply | 10:27 |
mornfall | sebas: packaging system feature (we have no transactions) | 10:28 |
mornfall | sebas: i'd have to rewrite dpkg too (or use rpm) | 10:28 |
Riddell | Tonio_: please do | 10:28 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: | 10:29 |
nlindblad | what's the absolute worst thing a girl can do to you? | 10:31 |
nlindblad | Tonio_: that's nice | 10:31 |
Tonio_ | nlindblad: speaking about informatics ? ^^ | 10:31 |
nlindblad | yeah | 10:31 |
Riddell | Tonio_: ok, thanks, I'll look into that | 10:32 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: no pb ;) | 10:32 |
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sebas | mornfall: I know, it was more of a joke though :P | 10:34 |
robotgeek | raphink: | 10:34 |
sebas | But thanks for the explanation, and on a more serious note: Does rpm support those transactions? | 10:34 |
mornfall | sebas: sad thing that rpm can do that (and apparently noone knows anyway) | 10:34 |
sebas | Hm, it's really a neat thing. | 10:34 |
sebas | How does that work then? | 10:34 |
mornfall | well, it shouldn't be hard to implement | 10:35 |
Lure | Riddell: can you also check mine: | 10:35 |
mornfall | too hard :) | 10:35 |
nlindblad | can't somebody shoot me | 10:35 |
mornfall | sebas: not sure really -- i didn't dissect rpm (yet?) | 10:35 |
sebas | Ok :) | 10:35 |
sebas | Are you using apt or dpkg directly in adept, btw? | 10:35 |
sebas | (didn't dissect, yet :P) | 10:36 |
mornfall | sebas: libapt-pkg through libapt-front | 10:36 |
sebas | Ah ok | 10:36 |
Lure | Riddell: correct link: | 10:37 |
nlindblad | does anyone in here actually have a partner? | 10:38 |
Riddell | Lure: now that's just silly | 10:38 |
Lure | Riddell: I know... ;-) | 10:38 |
Lure | trying to compile knetworkmanager - should run ./configure, but I only have | 10:40 |
Lure | autoconf fails - what to do? | 10:40 |
Riddell | Lure: make -f Makefile.cvs | 10:41 |
Riddell | or make -f admin/Make | 10:41 |
Riddell | or make -f admin/Makefile.common | 10:41 |
Riddell | (ignore second one) | 10:41 |
Lure | Riddell: thanks | 10:43 |
Riddell | Lure: when you get it all working, mind and make a wiki page describing how | 10:44 |
Lure | will try to, but it is hectic due to NM... | 10:45 |
Lure | KubuntuNetworkManager? ;-) | 10:46 |
Riddell | that might get taken the wrong way by suse fans | 10:50 |
Lure | just kidding - I will first just drop some notes on my wiki page, then I can move... ;-) | 10:50 |
mornfall | we already have KubuntuPackageManager, KubuntuNetworkManager would only sound logical | 10:54 |
mornfall | which reminds me i could maybe lend a hand in a potential network manager coding | 10:54 |
mornfall | since i haven't found anything useful yet ;-) | 10:54 |
mornfall | and i could actually use it now | 10:54 |
Tonio_ | allee: ping ? | 10:55 |
allee | Tonio_: pong | 10:55 |
Tonio_ | allee: uploading wlassistant to revu | 10:55 |
Tonio_ | allee: because it "may" go in main, I think the maintainer has to be an ubuntu affiliated personn | 10:56 |
Tonio_ | can I put your name on it ? | 10:56 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: initial upload failed | 10:57 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: I suspect elmo rejected it because of the name, like pwmanager | 10:58 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: renaming to kde-wlassistant ? | 10:58 |
Riddell | Tonio_: what was the failure message? | 10:58 |
Tonio_ | no idea, I wasn't in ML when uploaded ;) | 10:58 |
Tonio_ | but I know elmo doesn't like "too generic" applications name | 10:59 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: that's why I had to s/pwmanager/kde-pwmanager | 11:00 |
Riddell | "ML"? | 11:00 |
Tonio_ | mailing list | 11:00 |
Riddell | who uploaded? me? | 11:00 |
allee | Tonio_: using my name is fine. But on debian Stan was doing most of the work and for kubuntu you ;) | 11:00 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: let me check | 11:00 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: it was siretart | 11:01 |
Tonio_ | I may ask him the reason | 11:01 |
Riddell | yeah, do so | 11:01 |
Riddell | or ask elmo, he should have logs | 11:01 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: if siretart isn't there, I'll do ;) | 11:01 |
mornfall | Tonio_: right, only gnome apps have right to have generic names in ubuntu :| (update-manager, update-notifier, ...) | 11:05 |
Tonio_ | mornfall: yes absolutly :) some applications have been rejected because of that | 11:06 |
mornfall | i don't particularly care since i don't give generic names to my apps | 11:06 |
mornfall | but it's a bit unfair | 11:06 |
hunger | hiho. | 11:06 |
mornfall | 'lo | 11:07 |
Tonio_ | mornfall: ubuntu is and will probably always be prior to kubuntu | 11:07 |
Tonio_ | which doesn't mean we cannot do better of course ;) | 11:07 |
mornfall | by the simple fact of using kde intsead of gnome we already do better :P | 11:07 |
Tonio_ | mornfall: hehe !!! don't feed the troll !!! | 11:08 |
mornfall | i don't feed the troll | 11:08 |
mornfall | i am the troll | 11:08 |
mornfall | :-)) | 11:08 |
Tonio_ | ^_^ | 11:08 |
allee | lol | 11:08 |
hunger | mornfall: And you can not feed yourself yet? | 11:08 |
mornfall | hunger: i eat like civilized trolls ;) | 11:09 |
Tonio_ | mornfall VS linus torvalds | 11:09 |
Tonio_ | waiting pronostics ;) | 11:09 |
mornfall | hmh? | 11:09 |
Tonio_ | mornfall: reference to the big *troll* linus launched on the gnome ML 3 month ago | 11:10 |
mornfall | well, troll may as well be the opposite of gnome | 11:10 |
mornfall | they are at least on the opposite ends of size spectrum ;-) | 11:10 |
mornfall | but wasn't ubuntu for human beings? | 11:11 |
=== mornfall notes that his humour may be a bit obscure... | ||
Tonio_ | allee: already have your email address ? | 11:11 |
allee | Tonio_: yes. Worked the same day as of membership | 11:12 |
Tonio_ | mornfall: I must say I didn't understant everything ;) -> limited english sometimes | 11:12 |
Tonio_ | allee: okay, that's for the control file : | 11:12 |
mornfall | maybe i could eat something (a yummy gnome? (j/k)) | 11:13 |
Tonio_ | allee: if it goes in main, that would be a good contrib for applying as a MOTU ;) | 11:13 |
allee | ah, I still have to add this e-mail to my pgp key | 11:13 |
allee | Tonio_: I don't understand your hint ;) | 11:14 |
=== toma_ is now known as toma | ||
Tonio_ | allee: don't you think about that next step ? | 11:15 |
Tonio_ | ;) | 11:15 |
Lure | mornfall: if interested in knetworkmanager coding, you may help me compile it ;-) | 11:15 |
Lure | I think the snapshot I got may be too old (it is from Mar 11th ;-)) | 11:16 |
mornfall | knetworkmanager? or wlassistant? *confuse* | 11:17 |
allee | Tonio_: no, currently not, I'm just too busy with lots of new hardware. I hope that in a week I can help kubuntu again a bit more. I would feel guilty if I would apply in a time I do almost noting for kubuntu | 11:17 |
mornfall | anyhow, not right now | 11:17 |
Lure | knetworkmanager - see for where to get | 11:17 |
=== robotgeek loves klipper actions | ||
Tonio_ | allee: it is still benevolant work though ;) | 11:18 |
allee | robotgeek: me too. What cool action did you add? | 11:18 |
robotgeek | allee: no, i just discovered default url thing | 11:19 |
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robotgeek | allee: trying to figure out a post to pastebin action, if that is possible :) | 11:20 |
sebas | Riddell: Are kubuntu packages planned for koffice beta 2? | 11:20 |
=== allee added actions for #\d+ to go ti kde, debian or lauchpad bugs | ||
allee | robotgeek: I tried this two weeks ago too, but either url-encoded is not supported or I did it wrong | 11:21 |
robotgeek | okay, let me try my luck :) | 11:21 |
=== allee keeps fingers crossed | ||
robotgeek | Riddell: is the cd going to reduce in size sometime later? | 11:22 |
sebas | Lure: On the kpowersave page, it says that powersaved doesn't use acpi-support, but the latest version is easily configurable to do so. | 11:23 |
Lure | sebas: if you know how, write it down | 11:24 |
sebas | Lure: Sure. | 11:24 |
sebas | Need to boot my notebook though, will do in a bit. | 11:25 |
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Lure | you replaced all powersave actions with calls to and similar? | 11:25 |
Tm_T | | 11:26 |
sebas | Lure: Nope, it's been added by the powersave developers about two weeks ago. | 11:27 |
Lure | I have done this in past, but I was not sure if this is right way | 11:27 |
Lure | see | 11:27 |
sebas | I'd a discussion with them about the hibernate script and integration of suspend2 in kpowersave. | 11:27 |
Lure | sebas: then is is new... | 11:28 |
Lure | you use suspend2 or swsusp from Ubuntu? | 11:28 |
Lure | s/is is/it is/ | 11:28 |
sebas | So they added an option to replace powersave's own way of doing all the stuff that needs to be done before kernel can suspend, now you can replace that with a script. | 11:28 |
sebas | I use suspend2, with the hibernate script. But the logic is basically the same WRT to powersaved. | 11:29 |
Lure | sebas: but this is than not different than what I wrote end of Feb? | 11:29 |
sebas | It's a different thing. | 11:31 |
sebas | With the newer powersave it should work out of the box on ubuntu. | 11:31 |
sebas | Give me 5 minutes. | 11:31 |
Lure | sebas: maybe it does - I did not change anyhting and it works nicely | 11:31 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: wlassistant already has 2 yes on revu, so logically can upload directly to universe | 11:36 |
Tonio_ | Riddell: do I ? or do we make test and see for main dorectly ? | 11:36 |
Tonio_ | directly | 11:36 |
=== kmon [] has left #kubuntu-devel ["Kopete] | ||
allee | Tonio_: btw. whom to ask for a rsibreak sync from debian? (UVF already granted: | 11:45 |
Ubugtu | malone bug 33640 in rsibreak "UVF exception request" [Normal,Confirmed] | 11:45 |
Tonio_ | allee: need to ask for uvf exception | 11:46 |
allee | Tonio_: this part is done as Ubugtu told us :) | 11:46 |
Tonio_ | allee: if uvf exception is accepted, and if it is in universe, then I can upload ;) | 11:47 |
allee | Tonio_: please do when your time permits. | 11:47 |
sebas | Lure: Updated the page, turned Con into a Pro | 11:50 |
Tonio_ | allee: hum, was just looking and syncking from debian sin't allowed for me, cause version isn't dapper, but unstable | 11:50 |
sebas | And explained how to configure :) | 11:50 |
Tonio_ | allee: we need to ping elmo to do | 11:50 |
Tonio_ | allee: you can eventually send him an email with the launchpad bug url | 11:50 |
allee | Tonio: ? | 11:51 |
crimsun | for dapper? | 11:51 |
crimsun | I can upload it if you need it uploaded | 11:51 |
Lure | sebas: thanks - will try on my system | 11:52 |
crimsun | url to UVF exception grant? | 11:52 |
toma | | 11:52 |
Ubugtu | malone bug 33640 in rsibreak "UVF exception request" [Normal,Confirmed] | 11:52 |
Lure | we need to talk with mbiebl about acpid workaround (we probably do not need anymore) | 11:52 |
Tonio_ | allee: | 11:53 |
sebas | Probably not, though the issue really is powersaved, not kpowersave. | 11:53 |
sebas | And that needs an update. | 11:53 |
crimsun | ok, so you need 0.5.0-2 synced from Sid? | 11:53 |
crimsun | (we'll have to "fakesync" it as 0.5.0-2build1 if so) | 11:54 |
toma | crimsun: yes | 11:54 |
allee | crimsun: yes, rsibreak 0.5.0-2 from sid. Can you do it? | 11:54 |
crimsun | sure, I'll process it tonight | 11:54 |
allee | crimsun: THX | 11:54 |
=== toma is happy again | ||
allee | :) | 11:55 |
allee | when I'm at it I should check what happened with codeine ... | 11:55 |
toma | allee: do you know what "fix released" means in | 11:58 |
Ubugtu | malone bug 34028 in digikam "UVF exception 0.8.1-0ubuntu1 -> 0.8.1-4" [Normal,Fix released] | 11:58 |
toma | does that require anything from me or you atm? | 11:58 |
allee | fix releases == pkg with fix uploaded AFAIK. | 11:58 |
allee | toma: like bug closed in debian | 11:59 |
toma | hmm | 11:59 |
toma | indeed | 12:00 |
toma | there is a new version uploaded | 12:00 |
toma | great | 12:00 |
allee | toma: btw have you seen bug 34462? | 12:01 |
Ubugtu | malone bug 34462 in digikam "Digikam deletes EXIFs when auto-rotating on import" [Normal,Unconfirmed] | 12:01 |
allee | toma: I talked with gilles and he told me work for him. He suspects a libkexif problem. has your camera a such sensor? | 12:02 |
toma | allee: nope | 12:02 |
toma | though i might have an example stored somewhere when working with renchi on it in the past | 12:02 |
allee | toma: sounds promising | 12:03 |
Tonio_ | allee: concerning wlassistant, I was thinking of using the one of kwifimanager ;) | 12:03 |
=== allee should better learn exiftool |
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