jomppa | mm, i've thought about graphics card drivers... | 12:03 |
jomppa | and so has google | 12:03 |
Blissex | jomppa: press 'CTRL_ALT_BS' to restart th X server or 'CTRL-ALT-F1' to switch to a basic console. If that works that means the whole machine has not frozen. | 12:03 |
Blissex | jomppa: the graphic card driver is part of X... | 12:04 |
jomppa | Blissex: yes, i can switch to a basic console | 12:04 |
Blissex | jomppa: thats oddd, because if the X server freezes it usually crashes the whole system. | 12:04 |
jomppa | yep | 12:04 |
Blissex | jomppa: then log in to the basic console as 'root' and 'ps xu' to see whats going. | 12:05 |
jomppa | mkay | 12:05 |
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jomppa | mmh, i meant that the x server freezes after i either try to login or access the menuts | 12:07 |
jomppa | s/menuts/menus/ | 12:07 |
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_leo | hi everybody | 12:16 |
Red_Herring | hi | 12:16 |
_leo | hi how r u | 12:16 |
Red_Herring | sleepy | 12:17 |
Red_Herring | zZzZzZzZ | 12:17 |
_leo | me too..... | 12:17 |
_leo | im from and india ... and u | 12:17 |
Red_Herring | chicago | 12:17 |
Red_Herring | its 5:17 here | 12:17 |
_leo | wow... | 12:17 |
_leo | here its 04:47 | 12:17 |
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Red_Herring | its PM here... | 12:18 |
_leo | here its am | 12:18 |
Red_Herring | lol | 12:18 |
Red_Herring | you have a good excuse, unlike me | 12:18 |
_leo | im into night job .... | 12:19 |
_leo | what do u do | 12:19 |
Red_Herring | i learn for a living! | 12:19 |
_leo | i can't get it... pls simplyfi | 12:20 |
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Red_Herring | i mean, its people like me who have TIME to go on chatrooms like these | 12:20 |
_leo | great | 12:20 |
_leo | me ... new to kubuntu and u | 12:21 |
Red_Herring | heh | 12:21 |
Red_Herring | ive been using it since... a year ago | 12:21 |
_leo | great... | 12:21 |
Tm_T | moin | 12:22 |
_leo | i too have tried linux once or twice quite some time back... but u know its difficult to get it working ... u know there are still gaps | 12:22 |
_leo | but today i installed this kubuntu and it really feels promising | 12:23 |
Tm_T | like? | 12:23 |
Red_Herring | indeed | 12:23 |
Red_Herring | i like how dapper looks, it seems like its a real competitor | 12:23 |
Red_Herring | compared to hoary at least | 12:23 |
=== Tm_T don't know how it's difficult to get linux working | ||
_leo | mp3 in fedora doe'nt works by default ... i have a unichrome via its not supported on linux... | 12:23 |
Red_Herring | the funny thing is that hoary was the best out there last year | 12:23 |
Red_Herring | :-( | 12:24 |
Tm_T | _leo: it's not working by default because licences | 12:24 |
_leo | ya i know... | 12:24 |
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Tm_T | but it's mostly easy to get working | 12:25 |
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Tm_T | it doesn't work by default in windows either iirc | 12:25 |
_leo | no. im using windows for the last 10 years.... from 3.11 onwards | 12:25 |
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_leo | u know, a window user is a bit used to a kind of easyness..... that windows provides... | 12:26 |
_leo | but i think if a person has a little bit of learning desire... linux can rock anything | 12:27 |
_leo | i have once tried yoper... it was best in speed those days. | 12:27 |
Red_Herring | i suggest dapper drake ubuntu, its buggy, but certainly less than any windows product out there | 12:27 |
Red_Herring | and it is SOO easy to use | 12:27 |
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tristanmike | as long as the people there to teach are very patient and try and remember what it was like knowing nothing | 12:27 |
_leo | great... | 12:28 |
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Red_Herring | reboot! dapper style! | 12:28 |
_leo | today for the first time i felt at ease in using linux... thanks to all the people behind kubuntu ... linux on desktop is a reality now | 12:28 |
spiritz | I'm running latest kde from ubuntu ; it seems that my ioslave daap:/ does not work, is it working for u? | 12:31 |
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dark_suic | daap:/??? | 12:33 |
dark_suic | what does it do? | 12:33 |
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Parkotron | Does anyone know: is the Kubuntu Human cursor theme identical to the Ubuntu Human cursor theme? | 12:35 |
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spiritz | dark_suic: daap is to connect to itnues shares | 12:38 |
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spiritz | but typing daap:/ just send me to google | 12:39 |
spiritz | while I was expecting at least an error | 12:39 |
dark_suic | itnues shares? | 12:39 |
dark_suic | wow | 12:39 |
Red_Herring | w00t, the latest kubuntu update has some pretty cool window borders | 12:39 |
dark_suic | i didn't know even what itnues means :P | 12:39 |
Red_Herring | is a new theme along the way? | 12:39 |
spiritz | dark_suic: itunes sorry | 12:39 |
dark_suic | i'm sorry, u're talking about something i don't even know what is, but i'm curious | 12:39 |
dark_suic | oh | 12:39 |
dark_suic | itunes :P | 12:39 |
spiritz | yep | 12:39 |
dark_suic | that's another thing :P | 12:39 |
spiritz | dark_suic: what happens if u type daap:/ in konqueror? | 12:40 |
dark_suic | unsupported protocol | 12:40 |
spiritz | ok so it's not woking neither :) maybe they did not include it in kubuntu | 12:40 |
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suryam | pls help! after i upgraded to dapper, all KDE programs have a giant font: | 12:42 |
Red_Herring | suryam: system settings --> appearence --> fonts | 12:42 |
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spiritz | OMG :D | 12:43 |
suryam | Red_Herring: that screenshot is of kcontrol... it's impossible to use with the current font size | 12:43 |
spiritz | suryam: I think u have a dpi problem | 12:43 |
Red_Herring | suryam: well does system settings work? | 12:43 |
Red_Herring | its SLIGHTLY different | 12:43 |
spiritz | suryam: that's a known problem, u should check out or google | 12:43 |
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suryam | spiritz: i saw on ubuntuforums... but there wasn't really a solution on that thread | 12:44 |
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suryam | is there a way to config the font via config file? | 12:45 |
suryam | i lost my old .kderc a few months ago... i would appreciate an example | 12:45 |
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keith | hey all | 12:45 |
spiritz | you might want to delete .kde to get a brand new kde session, but u will loose all ur kde desktop settings | 12:46 |
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suryam | spiritz: ok will try. | 12:47 |
Fyzix | Anybody else running dapper that was suprised the last time they rebooted and saw new graphics? | 12:47 |
suryam | spiritz: nope, the problem persists | 12:47 |
Parkotron | suryam: You may be able to use the dialogue if you use alt+drag to pan around. | 12:48 |
Red_Herring | Fyzix: YES! | 12:48 |
Red_Herring | its l33t!!! | 12:48 |
Fyzix | The new background looks like something from windows ME | 12:48 |
Red_Herring | im so happy, i wonder when they will get a new KDE theme | 12:48 |
Red_Herring | Fyzix: its beter than KUBUNTU written all over it | 12:48 |
Fyzix | What about the splash, what do you think? | 12:49 |
suryam | Parkotron: i'm unable to pan. the widets are fitting themselves into the window size (which is already maxed out) | 12:49 |
Red_Herring | much better than before | 12:49 |
Red_Herring | i gotta say | 12:49 |
Fyzix | Its totally blue, dont you think the old one was more distinct? | 12:49 |
Red_Herring | im very suprized, i think kubuntu is pulling it back together | 12:49 |
Red_Herring | Fyzix: nah, ubuntu is all brown, and they are VERY distinct | 12:50 |
Parkotron | suryam: Try using alt+right click drag to make the window really huge? | 12:50 |
Red_Herring | suse is green, mandriva is yellow blue | 12:50 |
Parkotron | suryam: I'm really just guessing here. | 12:50 |
spiritz | suryam: if even after deleting ~/.kde the problem persists it means it's not a problem with kde but with xorg | 12:50 |
Fyzix | ahh. yeah but there was a big difference between ubuntu and kubuntu allready.. | 12:50 |
Fyzix | The kubuntu background image in KDE, though, the one with the bubbles | 12:51 |
Red_Herring | idk, i like where both are heading | 12:51 |
suryam | well, i'm able to run GTK and X11 apps just fine... there has to be some Qt/KDE config i can edit | 12:51 |
Red_Herring | well, i like how both ubuntu and k are to the point where they can worry about looks | 12:52 |
Red_Herring | because all of linux still has trouble elsewhere | 12:52 |
Red_Herring | matter of fact, kubuntu still has some issues too | 12:52 |
Parkotron | suryam: Have you restarted X since you deleted ~/.kde? | 12:52 |
Fyzix | Red_herring did you get the new background with the bubles? | 12:52 |
Red_Herring | Fyzix: its a bit corny, yeah | 12:52 |
Red_Herring | but i dont mind it | 12:52 |
suryam | Parkotron: nope. but i'm not running KDE atm, so it's ok | 12:53 |
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Fyzix | Well the old one was much more clean though, dont you think'+ | 12:53 |
Fyzix | ? | 12:53 |
suryam | the kbuildsycoca thing runs each time | 12:53 |
Red_Herring | Fyzix: any writing at all on the background is kinda annoying | 12:53 |
Parkotron | Fyzix or Red_Herring: Could one of you post a screenshot of the new look? | 12:53 |
Red_Herring | uhhh, my server is down | 12:53 |
Fyzix | give me a sec | 12:53 |
suryam | argh... i just wana use kompare.. i miss it soo much. i shoudn't have upgraded to dapper :*-( | 12:54 |
Red_Herring | its got a striking reseblence to vista's windowboarder | 12:54 |
Red_Herring | but the boot screen, as well as the login screen are very impressive | 12:54 |
Red_Herring | too bad i cant get screenshots of those :-( | 12:54 |
Parkotron | Red_Herring: Is none of this posted on the wiki? They did a preview of the new Gubuntu look a few days ago. But I haven't seen anything for Kubuntu. | 12:56 |
Fyzix | | 12:56 |
Red_Herring | well | 12:56 |
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Red_Herring | its an update thats literally been up for a few hours | 12:56 |
Parkotron | Fyzix: Thanks. | 12:56 |
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Red_Herring | and a theme is to come soon | 12:56 |
Red_Herring | if it goes anything like how ubuntu's went | 12:56 |
suryam | oh well time to reinstall breezy from scratch... is there no other way? | 12:57 |
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Red_Herring | suryam: wait? | 12:57 |
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suryam | but i can't do my work without kompare... the only thing that comes close is 'meld' which totally sucks | 12:58 |
Red_Herring | well, try to compile it from scratch | 12:59 |
Parkotron | suryam: Before doing a full reinstall I'd --purge remove all of KDE and reinstall it. | 12:59 |
Fyzix | Forgot to show window decorations: it's actually ok | 12:59 |
Parkotron | Fyzix: I was going to mention that, but I didn't want to complain. | 12:59 |
Fyzix | hehe | 12:59 |
Red_Herring | heh, i added kxdocker | 12:59 |
suryam | Parkotron: do u know the umbrella package which contains all KDE stuff? | 01:00 |
suryam | *pkg name | 01:00 |
Red_Herring | kubuntu-desktop (btw) | 01:00 |
cycus_zwisus | is there anything better than amarok? | 01:01 |
Parkotron | suryam: kubuntu-desktop is a meta-package, so that won't remove anything. | 01:01 |
Parkotron | cycus_zwisus: No. | 01:01 |
Fyzix | cycus_zwisus: No. | 01:01 |
Parkotron | suryam: Removing kde-base should remove everything though. | 01:01 |
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Parkotron | suryam: I think ever KDE app depends on it. | 01:02 |
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Red_Herring | no | 01:02 |
Red_Herring | remove qt | 01:02 |
Red_Herring | that takes every kde app w/ it | 01:02 |
patrix | hehe | 01:02 |
suryam | let my try | 01:03 |
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cycus_zwisus | what's the time? :) | 01:03 |
Red_Herring | now | 01:03 |
tomps | i don't have the manual pages for c things. like scanf... man scanf nothing turns up... what do i install to get this | 01:03 |
suryam | hey! it's not a Qt problem... | 01:04 |
suryam | i have LyX-Qt installed and that appears fine | 01:04 |
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Fyzix | Red_Herring Ok, I can get over the new window decorations and the background image, coz' they are easy to change, but please the boot up screen. For me the colors totally ruined the boot up process | 01:04 |
patrix | tomps: manpages-dev | 01:04 |
Parkotron | tomps: I think it's called gcc-doc or something like that. | 01:05 |
Red_Herring | Fyzix: what do you want me to do? | 01:05 |
Fyzix | Can I make a screenshot of it in any way? | 01:05 |
Red_Herring | oh | 01:05 |
Red_Herring | heh, i can describe it! | 01:05 |
Red_Herring | its teh same as before except they used more color and it looks 3d-ish | 01:06 |
Fyzix | remeber you have to use 1000 words ;-) | 01:06 |
Red_Herring | awe | 01:06 |
Parkotron | suryam: Sorry, it was kdelibs, not kde-base. | 01:06 |
Red_Herring | dang | 01:06 |
Red_Herring | allright | 01:06 |
Red_Herring | here goes: | 01:06 |
Fyzix | It didn't see the 3d'ish look | 01:06 |
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Red_Herring | hehehe | 01:07 |
suryam | Parkotron: Package kdelibs is not installed, so not removed.. i don't have the full KDE installed. only kompare and its deps | 01:07 |
Fyzix | hehe | 01:07 |
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Fyzix | I guess I was just supprised that KDE suddenly was acting like windows and changing my background image and all sorts of things... even though of course it was me that updated through adept_updater | 01:08 |
Parkotron | suryam: Sorry. kdelibs is yet another meta package. Search Synaptic and remove anything starting with kdelibs. | 01:08 |
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Fyzix | well. see ya | 01:08 |
patrix | suryam: packages like kdebase, kdelibs, etc, in Kubuntu, are only used as dependencies for the -dev packages | 01:08 |
Red_Herring | Fyzix: would you aggree that KXDocker would be a nice touch by default? | 01:08 |
patrix | no | 01:09 |
patrix | kxdocker is buggy and not quite there yet | 01:09 |
Fyzix | nah... its the apple bar right? | 01:09 |
Red_Herring | yea | 01:09 |
Fyzix | I wouldnt use it... | 01:09 |
Red_Herring | patrix: not 1.0 | 01:09 |
Red_Herring | its nice | 01:09 |
lextul | but its to slow | 01:09 |
patrix | yea | 01:10 |
Red_Herring | i got tired of waiting so i compiled it for breezy | 01:10 |
patrix | the kde panel is good enough | 01:10 |
Fyzix | takes up to much room | 01:10 |
Red_Herring | eh | 01:10 |
Parkotron | I don't think emulating MacOS is a good thing to do my default. If it's in the repositories people will find it if they care. | 01:10 |
patrix | when you can get a trash on the kxdocker, I'll try it again ;) | 01:10 |
patrix | yeah I agree, Parkotron | 01:10 |
Red_Herring | either way i think there should be a different default look | 01:10 |
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patrix | heck firstr thing I do in my kde install is always put the menubar on top and the kmenu at the top left | 01:10 |
Red_Herring | i HATE teh default look | 01:10 |
Fyzix | I liked the default look, until... dont get me started again ;-) | 01:11 |
Red_Herring | its just so boring! | 01:11 |
Red_Herring | nothing wows you | 01:11 |
Red_Herring | its just "Oh... great... another boring default desktop!" | 01:11 |
Parkotron | I personally love the default look. It's so clean. | 01:11 |
Fyzix | Its got big icons :D | 01:11 |
Fyzix | yeah | 01:11 |
Red_Herring | well | 01:12 |
Red_Herring | to me, all it needs are some minor tweaks | 01:12 |
Red_Herring | maybe something not EXACTLY like windows? | 01:12 |
lextul | ;) | 01:12 |
Parkotron | Red_Herring: I'd say when Plasma hits, you'll probably be satisfied. | 01:13 |
Red_Herring | well i got a while to wait | 01:13 |
Red_Herring | :-P | 01:13 |
lextul | i only want a kopete with jingle and muc (jabber features) .. then im happy | 01:13 |
Fyzix | Thats what is so cool about kde, you can tweak it as much as you want. and when you upgrade dist, if you take your old home folder with you, it will look exactly the same | 01:13 |
Red_Herring | yea | 01:13 |
patrix | lextul: kopete with jingle would ROCK | 01:13 |
lextul | have installer 0.12 beta 1 (dapper debs on the, cool thing) | 01:14 |
lextul | but see no jingle .. | 01:14 |
patrix | damn | 01:14 |
Red_Herring | is .12 any better? | 01:14 |
patrix | I see some betas of psi with jingle in it | 01:14 |
lextul | yes .. psi jingle branch .. it works | 01:14 |
Parkotron | Could someone explain "jingle"? | 01:15 |
Fyzix | red_herring its not like windows, it doesn't have icons, no "start-button", 4 desktops, trashcan in panel. lots of cool features | 01:15 |
patrix | Parkotron: it's the VOIP library google has made and donated to Jabber | 01:15 |
lextul | i have installed psi too because kopete doesnt support jabber good | 01:15 |
Red_Herring | Fyzix: ok | 01:15 |
Red_Herring | but look at gnome | 01:15 |
Red_Herring | its different | 01:15 |
Red_Herring | and intuative | 01:15 |
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Red_Herring | but until now its looks retarded | 01:15 |
Fyzix | yeah, and I dont use it because I dont like it. | 01:16 |
Parkotron | Does Jingle use speex? | 01:16 |
patrix | yes Parkotron I think so | 01:16 |
patrix | at least you need speex to compile psi with jingle support | 01:16 |
Parkotron | Excellent. Speex is good stuff. Nice and free, too. | 01:16 |
Fyzix | I must say I love my Kubuntu :D | 01:17 |
patrix | :) | 01:17 |
Parkotron | I might dare say that I love mine a bit too much. | 01:17 |
Fyzix | hehe | 01:18 |
Fyzix | see ya | 01:18 |
Red_Herring | i love kde, and i really hope plasma changes linux for good | 01:18 |
Red_Herring | but they HAFTA make it fast | 01:18 |
Red_Herring | thats why i like enlightenment 17 | 01:18 |
patrix | heh | 01:19 |
patrix | yeah e17 is good stuff | 01:19 |
Parkotron | If XGL stabilises, speed shouldn't be too much of an issue for Plasma. | 01:19 |
Red_Herring | idk | 01:19 |
patrix | Parkotron: we'll all be running 16cores Pentium V by then! :P | 01:19 |
Red_Herring | i dont like the idea of a whole new Xorg xserver | 01:20 |
patrix | so xgl or not it should be fast | 01:20 |
Red_Herring | :-P | 01:20 |
patrix | heh | 01:20 |
patrix | well it's like in the days of Xfree86 where you had a diff server depending on your vid card ;) | 01:20 |
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Red_Herring | i guess | 01:20 |
Red_Herring | but i want e17 to go out of beta SOMETIME! | 01:21 |
patrix | LOL | 01:21 |
patrix | by the time that happens we'll be running quantum computers | 01:21 |
Red_Herring | w00t! | 01:21 |
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patrix | and have found a way to seperate our minds from our bodies and live in a virtual world | 01:21 |
Red_Herring | quantum e17! | 01:21 |
patrix | ior maybe raster will soon start on e18 and rewrite from scratch ;) | 01:21 |
Parkotron | I think Kubuntu needs a new default cursor theme. | 01:22 |
patrix | yesssss | 01:22 |
Parkotron | Personally I'd reccomend | 01:22 |
Parkotron | They're the cleanest cursors I've ever used. It'd be a joke to whip up a Kubuntu variant. | 01:23 |
patrix | I don't see cursors on there | 01:23 |
Parkotron | Sorry, wrong tab! | 01:24 |
Red_Herring | neither do i... | 01:24 |
Parkotron | | 01:24 |
patrix | hmm | 01:24 |
Red_Herring | Parkotron: love that background! | 01:24 |
Red_Herring | w00t | 01:24 |
patrix | a bit cartoony | 01:24 |
Parkotron | That first link was my decktop by the way. | 01:24 |
Red_Herring | futurama is l33t | 01:24 |
patrix | wel the ptux and pgentoo anyway | 01:24 |
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patrix | the other ones ar ecool | 01:25 |
patrix | gtg | 01:25 |
Parkotron | I'm using pCircle at the moment. | 01:25 |
Red_Herring | where can we yell about this stuff? | 01:25 |
Red_Herring | i wanna change this stuff! | 01:25 |
Parkotron | I was about to ask the same. | 01:26 |
Red_Herring | hrm | 01:26 |
Red_Herring | food | 01:26 |
Parkotron | Enjoy. | 01:27 |
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Acidic32 | ello | 01:46 |
Acidic32 | how do i configure X ? | 01:46 |
Acidic32 | it wont allow 1024x768 | 01:47 |
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Red_Herring | uhh | 01:47 |
Red_Herring | Acidic32: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 01:48 |
Red_Herring | in terminal | 01:48 |
Acidic32 | ahh | 01:48 |
Acidic32 | ok i forgot the command | 01:48 |
Acidic32 | tz | 01:49 |
Acidic32 | ta | 01:49 |
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Acidic32 | !kde3.5 | 01:56 |
ubotu | (you might want !kde3.5.1) To upgrade to KDE3.5, Follow the instructions at (add the deb... line to your sources.list). Then "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade". | 01:56 |
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Kyral | anyone know if Kubuntu Live has Espresso yet? | 02:01 |
Parkotron | Kyral: From the looks of , I'd say probably not yet. | 02:05 |
Kyral | hmm | 02:08 |
Kyral | Testing eh | 02:08 |
Kyral | well, I do intend to do a reinstall lol | 02:08 |
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murph2481 | please help | 02:12 |
murph2481 | trying apt-get distro-upgrade | 02:12 |
murph2481 | and get all packages and it starts to install them | 02:12 |
murph2481 | and i get | 02:12 |
murph2481 | E: /var/cache/apt/archives/kwin-style-crystal_0.9.9-0ubuntu1_i386.deb: trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/kde3/', which is also in package crystal | 02:12 |
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murph2481 | how do i remove just one package? | 02:15 |
murph2481 | using the konsole? | 02:15 |
CheeseBurgerMan | sudo apt-get remove <package> | 02:15 |
Kyral | sudo apt-get remove <package> | 02:15 |
CheeseBurgerMan | :P | 02:15 |
CheeseBurgerMan | !ati | 02:17 |
ubotu | rumour has it, ati is or or | 02:17 |
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colonelPanick | murph2481 : try something like sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite /var/cache/apt/archives/kwin-style-crystal_0.9.9-0ubuntu1_i386.deb | 02:19 |
murph2481 | i just uninstalled crystal and ran upgrade again | 02:20 |
murph2481 | seems to be going through now | 02:20 |
murph2481 | i downloaded crystal from looks like if you have it installed | 02:21 |
murph2481 | and run upgrade distro for drapper flight 5 it gets angry | 02:21 |
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david___ | Hi | 02:25 |
david___ | I was wondering what tutorial to follow to install ati drivers (running dapper) | 02:26 |
david___ | | 02:26 |
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david___ | or this one: | 02:26 |
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spinny | Hey, my install of the AMD64 edition of Kubuntu hangs at the login screen can anyone help me real quick? | 02:36 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Hrmm, it just hangs? | 02:37 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Try a console login | 02:37 |
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spinny | I tried logging in through repair mode and installing graphics drivers, I downloaded the drivers and everything but when I try sh "name here" it says it can't find it, I checked the spelling about 5 times and I still couldn't get it to work | 02:39 |
spinny | Oh, and the screen has some artifacting look with misplaced pixels ans slurred lines half of the startup tries | 02:40 |
CheeseBurgerMan | ATI card? | 02:40 |
spinny | Nvidia | 02:41 |
spinny | But, it is a 7800, so I don't know if the newer card poses a problem with the already installed drivers | 02:41 |
CheeseBurgerMan | I haven't a clue either. | 02:41 |
spinny | Should I just try the i386 version? | 02:42 |
CheeseBurgerMan | !nvidia | 02:42 |
ubotu | nvidia is, like, totally, at or | 02:42 |
CheeseBurgerMan | :) | 02:42 |
spinny | yea I tried all that but the SH command wasn't finding my file :( | 02:42 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Are you in the right directory? | 02:42 |
spinny | when I type ls in console it shows "nvidia driver" and bootstamp thing, I'm new to linuz too | 02:43 |
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CheeseBurgerMan | bootstamp thingy? | 02:43 |
spinny | yea | 02:43 |
spinny | I think thats what it is | 02:44 |
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spinny | is there a way to use apt-get to get video drivers? | 02:47 |
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Snake__ | ubotu: tell spinny about easysource | 02:47 |
CheeseBurgerMan | when you use the sh command, press N<tab> | 02:47 |
Snake__ | spinny: that can do it I think | 02:47 |
CheeseBurgerMan | that way it'll automatically complete the name :P | 02:48 |
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spinny | ok, I have dual installs so let me log on irc on another computer and restart this one | 02:48 |
CheeseBurgerMan | ah, right | 02:49 |
CheeseBurgerMan | ah crap | 02:49 |
CheeseBurgerMan | was gonna tell him about irssi | 02:49 |
Snake__ | lol | 02:49 |
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spinny | still no luck | 02:51 |
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spinny | hittin tab+n shows similiar to ls rather than putting in name for me | 02:52 |
CheeseBurgerMan | type in "sudo sh N<tab>" | 02:53 |
CheeseBurgerMan | pressing tab instead of <tab> ;) | 02:53 |
spinny | awsome thank you | 02:53 |
spinny | lots of errors insue... | 02:54 |
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spinny | and installation quit now | 02:54 |
arcanistherogue | hey, i have a question | 02:54 |
arcanistherogue | i downloade this thing VMWare, how do i use it to run my windows install in linux? | 02:54 |
arcanistherogue | or do i not know what its purpose is | 02:55 |
spinny | warning: skipping the runlevel check | 02:55 |
CheeseBurgerMan | <--- You should be able to figure it out with that, arcanistherogue ;) | 02:56 |
spinny | "no recompiled kernel interface was found to match your kernel\ | 02:56 |
arcanistherogue | CheeseBurgerMan: danke :D | 02:56 |
CheeseBurgerMan | NP :) | 02:56 |
spinny | could not compile gcc-version-check.c please be sure your distribution's libc development package installed and that "cc" is a valid C compiler name | 02:57 |
spinny | =/ | 02:57 |
CheeseBurgerMan | sudo apt-get install build-essentials | 02:57 |
spinny | couldn't find package | 02:58 |
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CheeseBurgerMan | Grrr | 02:58 |
spinny | Heh, this is being a real pain | 02:58 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Yeah. :P | 02:59 |
spinny | what else could possibly hang the system other than video drivers? | 02:59 |
Dasnipa` | is your sources.list setup? | 03:00 |
spinny | I have no idea I am really new to linux, sorry :( how do I check it? | 03:01 |
Dasnipa` | aptitude | 03:01 |
Dasnipa` | let me try to find the custom sources ubuntu page | 03:01 |
spinny | i dont see anything about sources.list | 03:04 |
Dasnipa` | synaptic might be easier to see them in | 03:05 |
CheeseBurgerMan | 'Tis Kubuntu, right? | 03:05 |
CheeseBurgerMan | That uses adept instead of Synaptic by default | 03:05 |
Dasnipa` | yeah adept then | 03:06 |
CheeseBurgerMan | ;) | 03:06 |
Dasnipa` | you just have to look at your repositories and make sure that the universe is in there | 03:06 |
Dasnipa` | and that they are correct and all | 03:06 |
kameron | how do i output something from grep into kate, or gedit? | 03:06 |
Dasnipa` | local repository servers are better | 03:06 |
Dasnipa` | kameron, redirect to a file and then open the file with the program of your preference | 03:07 |
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Dasnipa` | grep blah > <filename> | 03:07 |
kameron | Dasnipa`, thanks. | 03:07 |
spinny | when I type adept it says cannot connect to x server | 03:07 |
nuky | hi, does installing kubuntu leave you with an IDENTICAL system to installing ubuntu + kubuntu-desktop? | 03:08 |
Dasnipa` | not exactly identical | 03:08 |
nuky | because for some reason my ubuntu installtion goes through fine but my kubuntu installation hangs on the grub installation part.. | 03:09 |
Dasnipa` | because a kubuntu install doesnt install gnome whereas if you apt-get kubuntu desktop then you still have gnome | 03:09 |
Dasnipa` | essentially its the same though i think | 03:09 |
nuky | apart from having the extra gnome libraries and applications, it's the same? | 03:09 |
nuky | ahh | 03:09 |
nuky | thanks :) | 03:10 |
spinny | !nvidia | 03:10 |
ubotu | well, nvidia is at or | 03:10 |
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DeluxXx | how do i copy and paste in the terminal -keycombination | 03:13 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Konsole it's Alt + Insert IIRC | 03:13 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Or Ctrl + Insert - I've forgotten :P | 03:13 |
DeluxXx | none of both working ^^ | 03:15 |
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CheeseBurgerMan | Ah | 03:16 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Try Shift + Insert | 03:16 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Sorry 'bout that | 03:16 |
DeluxXx | np | 03:17 |
DeluxXx | thx for trying =) | 03:17 |
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DeluxXx | is anyone here using cedega ? | 03:17 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Nope | 03:17 |
spinny | ok, I found the nvidia-kernel-common in aptitude, but it recomends nvidia-kernel-source which is unavilible | 03:17 |
Red_Herring | DUDE, XGL IS SO COOL!!! | 03:17 |
tristanmike | haven't built up the guts to install it yet | 03:18 |
spinny | nvidia install still stalls out | 03:19 |
spinny | how do you launch the gui from repair mode, is it possible? | 03:21 |
CheeseBurgerMan | startx | 03:21 |
spinny | bah, it hung again at a blue background | 03:22 |
spinny | looks like it tried to startup a window but stalled | 03:22 |
spinny | any other recomendations other than trying the i386 build rather than the 364? | 03:24 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Disabling hardware acceleration? | 03:25 |
spinny | howya do that | 03:25 |
CheeseBurgerMan | That's what I had to do - and something similar happened to me (although I have a completely different card) | 03:25 |
Red_Herring | kororaa? | 03:25 |
spinny | so do you lose all the pretty effects? | 03:25 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Pretty effects? | 03:26 |
CheeseBurgerMan | lol | 03:26 |
spinny | how do you disable the effects? | 03:26 |
CheeseBurgerMan | sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 03:26 |
CheeseBurgerMan | You don't have to use vi - it can be any console text editor | 03:27 |
CheeseBurgerMan | then find the Section "Device" section | 03:27 |
CheeseBurgerMan | It should have something like this | 03:28 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Section "Device" | 03:28 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Identifier "ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon Xpress 200M (RS480)" | 03:28 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Driver "ati" | 03:28 |
CheeseBurgerMan | BusID "PCI:1:5:0" | 03:28 |
spinny | ok found that | 03:28 |
CheeseBurgerMan | After the "BusID", and before the "EndSection" add Option "noaccel" | 03:29 |
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spinny | ok | 03:30 |
Red_Herring | !xgl | 03:30 |
ubotu | XGL on Ubuntu: - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on | 03:30 |
=== Red_Herring is getting that now :-D | ||
CheeseBurgerMan | Then hit Esc | 03:30 |
CheeseBurgerMan | And type in :w <Enter> | 03:30 |
spinny | now how do I exit this text editor | 03:30 |
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CheeseBurgerMan | Then type in :q <Enter> | 03:31 |
Red_Herring | vi is awesome | 03:31 |
Dasnipa` | ick :( vi | 03:31 |
spinny | ok rebooting | 03:31 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Dasnipa`: Hey! I like vi :P | 03:31 |
spinny | ok trying to boot to normal gui | 03:32 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Just type startx | 03:32 |
spinny | too late :) | 03:32 |
CheeseBurgerMan | lol | 03:32 |
CheeseBurgerMan | oh well | 03:32 |
Red_Herring | whats the difference between vim and vi? | 03:32 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Never used vim | 03:32 |
Red_Herring | its the same thing | 03:32 |
Red_Herring | or am i missing something? | 03:33 |
spinny | woooo its working! | 03:33 |
CheeseBurgerMan | :D | 03:33 |
spinny | hehe should i try installing the new drivers now? | 03:33 |
CheeseBurgerMan | heh | 03:34 |
CheeseBurgerMan | I havn't tried doing that with mine yet. ;) | 03:34 |
spinny | Haha this is the first time ive used linux, this is exciting | 03:34 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Hehe, I remember that feeling. :D | 03:34 |
spinny | exploring time, thank you soo much! | 03:35 |
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CheeseBurgerMan | NP | 03:36 |
Red_Herring | spinny: we are nerds who lack a life, dont thank us! | 03:36 |
CheeseBurgerMan | haha | 03:36 |
CheeseBurgerMan | yeah, something like that | 03:36 |
Red_Herring | ex: i went out with a girl last month | 03:36 |
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Red_Herring | i didnt join here AT ALL during that time period | 03:36 |
Red_Herring | as soon as it was over | 03:36 |
Red_Herring | im here | 03:36 |
Red_Herring | :-P | 03:36 |
spinny | the gui is so clean... | 03:37 |
CheeseBurgerMan | This channel has a special place in your life. ;) | 03:37 |
riverty | gud eve all | 03:37 |
Red_Herring | CheeseBurgerMan: :-D | 03:37 |
Red_Herring | heh, its not so nice here when robotgeek starts jumping on you because you are fishing | 03:37 |
Red_Herring | IM A FISH MYSELF! | 03:38 |
CheeseBurgerMan | lol | 03:38 |
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Red_Herring | im a freaking RED ONE TOO | 03:38 |
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CheeseBurgerMan | Darn it - I keep losing because I forget to pause my SuperTux game while chatting here. ;) | 03:38 |
Red_Herring | hehehe | 03:39 |
spinny | is konqueor better than mozilla? | 03:39 |
Red_Herring | im on my laptop, so i can chat online AND be "productive" at the same time | 03:39 |
Red_Herring | spinny: konqueror is faster at starting up, but its pretty close | 03:39 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Red_Herring: I'm on a laptop too - but I'm putting productivity out the window until the next hour. :P | 03:39 |
CheeseBurgerMan | spinny: I personally like opera... :P | 03:39 |
Red_Herring | CheeseBurgerMan: by productivity, do you realize i mean CS:Source! | 03:40 |
Red_Herring | :-P | 03:40 |
CheeseBurgerMan | haha | 03:40 |
spinny | how should i go about searching for nvidia | 03:40 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Best type of productivity | 03:40 |
CheeseBurgerMan | spinny: | 03:40 |
Red_Herring | indeed | 03:40 |
spinny | can you run steam on linux? | 03:40 |
Red_Herring | RJ:1 productivity: 0 | 03:40 |
Red_Herring | spinny: unfortunatly no :'-( | 03:41 |
spinny | aww :( dies WINE work well? I've heard many people talking about it | 03:41 |
Red_Herring | well | 03:41 |
Red_Herring | its going fast | 03:41 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Wine doesn't like to install on AMD64. | 03:41 |
CheeseBurgerMan | :( | 03:41 |
Red_Herring | i can run GTA VIce city | 03:41 |
Red_Herring | on wine | 03:41 |
Red_Herring | but thats all in the way of FPSs | 03:41 |
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_zak | this is spinny on the linux box | 03:42 |
CheeseBurgerMan | hehe | 03:42 |
spinny | this is spins bro now talking | 03:42 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Hello again. ;) | 03:42 |
spinny | hello | 03:42 |
riverty | sup? | 03:43 |
_zak | now, when I downloaded the nvidia drivers they installed in a C:/ like directory, where would I go about finding them? | 03:43 |
spinny | do you guyss like chse cake> | 03:43 |
riverty | luv it | 03:43 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Not really | 03:43 |
CheeseBurgerMan | :P | 03:43 |
spinny | me too | 03:43 |
spinny | its so good | 03:43 |
spinny | :( | 03:43 |
CheeseBurgerMan | C:/ like dir? | 03:43 |
_zak | I'm using a widescreen display without widescreen resolution, doesn't look so good | 03:43 |
CheeseBurgerMan | You mean / ? | 03:43 |
CheeseBurgerMan | lol | 03:44 |
_zak | ye ssomething similiar | 03:44 |
_zak | linux newbie | 03:44 |
spinny | i like chse too | 03:44 |
riverty | maybe home dir? | 03:44 |
spinny | ehhehehehehehehewjhasfasg8 pg | 03:44 |
=== Red_Herring hates windows and n00bs who dont wanna learn | ||
spinny | yay' | 03:44 |
_zak | I wanna learn :) | 03:45 |
spinny | so does spiny | 03:45 |
_zak | just very different | 03:45 |
=== Red_Herring doesnt hate spinny or _zak | ||
CheeseBurgerMan | _zak: I know - I'm almost to the point where I can figure stuff out on my own, but I'm not generally not much help to other people | 03:45 |
spinny | awwww | 03:45 |
spinny | :) | 03:45 |
Red_Herring | so how long has everyone here used linux? | 03:45 |
spinny | 0 | 03:45 |
_zak | are you guys currently on linux? | 03:45 |
Red_Herring | yup | 03:45 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Since Late January 2006 | 03:45 |
spinny | im not' | 03:45 |
Red_Herring | kubuntu dapper drake | 03:45 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Yup | 03:45 |
Red_Herring | since deceber 05 | 03:45 |
Red_Herring | *04 | 03:46 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Kubuntu Breezy Badger AMD64 | 03:46 |
spinny | i dun dnot know what penguin is?! | 03:46 |
riverty | y - kubuntu 64 - since slackware 1.5 - 10 + yrs | 03:46 |
_zak | So, I don't know what version im using, whether its badger or drake | 03:46 |
Red_Herring | breezy badger is the default one | 03:46 |
spinny | im using the one with the penguin | 03:46 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Most likely badger | 03:46 |
CheeseBurgerMan | lol | 03:46 |
Red_Herring | dapper is the beta one that hasnt come out yet | 03:46 |
CheeseBurgerMan | The Penguin (Tux) is the Linux logo | 03:46 |
spinny | not the badger | 03:46 |
Red_Herring | but is stabler than windows! | 03:46 |
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spinny | i like tux | 03:47 |
spinny | its fancy | 03:47 |
spinny | i dont like windows | 03:47 |
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spinny | they get in your way | 03:47 |
_zak | yes, so far I like it, my display is just all outta wack, plus I can't really play a whole lotta games on linux =/ | 03:47 |
Red_Herring | too true | 03:47 |
trung | hi | 03:47 |
spinny | :/ :? :.> | 03:48 |
spinny | hi | 03:48 |
riverty | games r the last hurdle for linux | 03:48 |
spinny | how are you | 03:48 |
CheeseBurgerMan | _zak: That's why you dual boot - the games. :P | 03:48 |
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riverty | y - dual boot XP | 03:48 |
spinny | yay | 03:48 |
spinny | i have 2 cats do you? | 03:49 |
_zak | Yea I only have 8gigs here for linux and my other 140 for windows pro | 03:49 |
CheeseBurgerMan | lol | 03:49 |
CheeseBurgerMan | I've got 30 for Linux and 45 for Windows | 03:49 |
riverty | can do a lot in 8GB in linux though | 03:49 |
CheeseBurgerMan | If I ever stop being lazy, I'm going to put 10GB for WIndows, and the rest Linux. ;P | 03:49 |
spinny | i got 9 for penguin guy in tux and 76747685 for the oner one | 03:49 |
Red_Herring | yup, but i do a lot of dvd stuff, so my linux drive is 120gb! | 03:49 |
_zak | basically, this is just for experimentation right now | 03:49 |
CheeseBurgerMan | _zak: Yeah, but it'll change in a couple months | 03:50 |
CheeseBurgerMan | :P | 03:50 |
OddAbe19 | anyone know how I can show the Trash, Home, and Computer icons on the desktop? Like a stock KDE? | 03:50 |
CheeseBurgerMan | It'll become your main OS ;) | 03:50 |
spinny | yes | 03:50 |
_zak | no, I re downloaded the nvidia drivers, and when I try so use them it opens them into kate | 03:50 |
trung | how update kubuntu ? | 03:50 |
trung | :) | 03:50 |
trung | which is root password? | 03:50 |
rance | Is anybody familiar with the bsdmainutils package banner util | 03:50 |
riverty | Red - what do you use for DVD work? | 03:50 |
CheeseBurgerMan | sudo apt-get dist-upgrade assuming you added the repository | 03:50 |
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spinny | i like the penguin in tux hes got style | 03:51 |
_zak | ok, so if im looking at the file in the browser, what do i do to it to install it | 03:51 |
trung | which is root password? | 03:51 |
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spinny | i bet the ladys like that linux guy | 03:51 |
Red_Herring | hrm, how many people know here that hitting tab autofills in that persons name? | 03:51 |
spinny | ~$ | 03:52 |
Red_Herring | and if someone says your name your IRC client acts in a special way? | 03:52 |
spinny | im rich!!! | 03:52 |
CheeseBurgerMan | I did! | 03:52 |
CheeseBurgerMan | lol | 03:52 |
Mosi | hey folks. does anyone know how to disable the graphical splash screen that shows on startup? i want my text-based system boot back | 03:52 |
spinny | $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$4$$$$$$$$$4444444444$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ | 03:52 |
trung | which is root password? | 03:52 |
spinny | money | 03:52 |
trung | $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$4$$$$$$$$$4444444444$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ | 03:52 |
CheeseBurgerMan | trung: there is no 'root password' - you use sudo. | 03:52 |
spinny | yay' | 03:52 |
tristanmike | spinny, trung please refrain from doing that | 03:53 |
Red_Herring | spinny: the ladys fall all over me, if thats what you mean :-P | 03:53 |
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trung | adept updater ...asing me password for root | 03:53 |
CheeseBurgerMan | oh | 03:53 |
trung | .......................................................... | 03:53 |
CheeseBurgerMan | type in your password | 03:53 |
robotgeek | sorry for the delay. | 03:55 |
CheeseBurgerMan | NP | 03:55 |
Red_Herring | tis ok robotgeek | 03:55 |
CheeseBurgerMan | We like you anyway. :P | 03:56 |
robotgeek | heh | 03:56 |
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_zak | So, I'm going to idle this channel for the next, while I guess while I'm still learning how to use everything | 03:57 |
OddAbe19 | anyone know how I can show the Trash, Home, and Computer icons on the desktop? Like a stock KDE? | 03:58 |
Red_Herring | _zak: good call | 03:58 |
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trung | but it doesn't run | 04:00 |
trung | whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | 04:00 |
CheeseBurgerMan | What doesn't run? | 04:00 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Oh | 04:00 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Oops | 04:00 |
_zak | So how can I up my resolution to the native 1440x900 of my monitor? | 04:00 |
robotgeek | OddAbe19: | 04:00 |
OddAbe19 | i don't have a trash.desktop, besides, i'm more curious about Home and Places/computer icons | 04:03 |
_zak | Oh, wait, which version of the new driver should I install, IA64 or AMD64 | 04:04 |
CheeseBurgerMan | AMD64 | 04:04 |
CheeseBurgerMan | I think. :P | 04:04 |
_zak | Ok, thats the one I had before | 04:04 |
_zak | Hmm... other than the drivers how can I push my resolution higher? | 04:05 |
CheeseBurgerMan | _zak: Not a clue. :( | 04:06 |
_zak | Hmmm | 04:07 |
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_zak | can i kill, X server and just revert to a comman prompt? | 04:09 |
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CheeseBurgerMan | sudo killall kdm I believe | 04:10 |
robotgeek | CheeseBurgerMan: ugly. sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop | 04:10 |
_zak | K, ill brb if these drivers don't work | 04:10 |
CheeseBurgerMan | robotgeek: Oh, OK | 04:11 |
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_john | i tried searching google, but i couldnt get the exact search terms to find what I was looking for... so ill ask here. I've been running dual monitors on gentoo for over a year, with kde, and I have always wanted to try gnome in addition but couldnt stand to wait for it to compile. I recently installed kubuntu, and just installed gnome (in like three minutes) and i have both working.. my question is can i possibly run kde and gnome sessions | 04:19 |
robotgeek | _john: yes, it is possible | 04:20 |
_john | really?, where should i begin to look | 04:21 |
robotgeek | _john: oh you mean, gnome on one monitor and kde on the other? | 04:21 |
_john | yeah | 04:21 |
robotgeek | _john: heh, little out of my league. | 04:22 |
_john | haha | 04:22 |
_john | ive been running dual monitors for quite some time, and the thought just occured to me | 04:22 |
robotgeek | _john: the tough part would be to get X working. kde might actually be the easier part | 04:22 |
_john | well ive got X running two seperate screens, with two kde kickers | 04:23 |
_john | windows dont drag across, ie im not using xinerama | 04:23 |
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robotgeek | _john: hmm, okay. not sure, sorry | 04:23 |
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_john | thanks anyways | 04:24 |
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fatejudger | so is Kubuntu Flight 5 really out or is that just what they're calling the daily build? | 04:27 |
robotgeek | fatejudger: where is it out? | 04:27 |
fatejudger | robotgeek: | 04:28 |
fatejudger | robotgeek: the Kubuntu link works now | 04:28 |
fatejudger | robotgeek: it isn't dead | 04:28 |
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thompa | im using it now | 04:28 |
_root | Sooo, that didn't work | 04:28 |
_root | ahh, my name is root | 04:28 |
fatejudger | lol | 04:28 |
CheeseBurgerMan | lol | 04:28 |
=== _root is now known as _zak | ||
_zak | there | 04:28 |
_zak | haha | 04:28 |
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fatejudger | _zak: that doesn't seem very safe to me | 04:29 |
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_zak | The drivers are telling mere there is something wrong with Libc, I looked into aptitude about it to make sure everything is enabled, which everything is, but the drivers still don't want to install | 04:29 |
fatejudger | lol, extreme slowness | 04:29 |
_zak | !nvidia | 04:29 |
ubotu | nvidia is probably at or | 04:29 |
robotgeek | fatejudger: it isn't mentioned on, but flight4 was. so, it's unlikely | 04:29 |
_zak | im tired of huge resolution already haha | 04:30 |
thompa | just do dist-upgrade its al the same in dapper | 04:30 |
thompa | unless you have some install problems initially | 04:30 |
fatejudger | thompa: I always like to do a Fresh install | 04:30 |
_zak | me? | 04:30 |
fatejudger | thompa: I have Flight 4 right now | 04:31 |
thompa | fatejudger: i installed flight 5 ubuntu, then installed kubuntu | 04:31 |
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thompa | the only mayor problem is if you use xfce, its totally kaput | 04:31 |
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thompa | wireless features are nice, and tons of new acpi stuff including brightness control that works on my laptop | 04:32 |
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_zak | I decided to run adept in the Gui to update some nvidia packages, does anyone think this will help with running in a native resolution? | 04:36 |
thompa | yes | 04:36 |
_zak | So once the packages are done installing, what should I do to try and run with hardware acceleration | 04:37 |
thompa | To enable the driver, run "sudo nvidia-glx-config enable". | 04:38 |
_zak | your X configuration has been altered. | 04:39 |
_zak | This script cannot proceed automatically. If you believe that this | 04:39 |
_zak | not correct, you can update the md5sum entry executing the following | 04:39 |
_zak | should I follow what it says? | 04:40 |
thompa | sorry , im not sure what your trying to do | 04:40 |
_zak | enable the driver, it gave me an error ^^ like the one above | 04:40 |
CheeseBurgerMan | _zak: Your X configuration is altered - you altered it, remember? ;) | 04:41 |
_zak | oh, right :) | 04:41 |
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_zak | K i edited it manuallt | 04:41 |
Kyral | uhh | 04:42 |
Kyral | <== Drool! | 04:42 |
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robotgeek | Kyral: why? :) | 04:42 |
Kyral | robotgeek, automated build of KDE 4.0? | 04:43 |
Kyral | as a CRONJOB? | 04:43 |
robotgeek | Kyral: heh | 04:43 |
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evox | hello? | 04:46 |
evox | I need help with my audio | 04:47 |
evox | I just installed Kubuntu and its working great | 04:47 |
evox | But When I click on an .mp3 file it says my decoders arnt installed | 04:47 |
evox | In Kaffine or Amarok | 04:47 |
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evox | any help? | 04:48 |
arrinmurr | !mp3 | 04:48 |
ubotu | from memory, mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read | 04:48 |
pike_ | help to keep users from reading others home directories? | 04:48 |
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evox | Thanks Ill try that | 04:50 |
evox | It says it has No Instillation Canidate | 04:51 |
evox | and fails | 04:51 |
evox | It says that its Obsolete or something | 04:51 |
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arrinmurr | evox: what exactly? | 04:52 |
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_root | grr... | 04:53 |
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_zak | stupid name >.< | 04:53 |
evox | Ok... | 04:54 |
evox | I want to enable .mp3 playback | 04:54 |
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_zak | !nvidia | 04:54 |
ubotu | nvidia is, like, at or | 04:54 |
evox | but all of the players Kaffine and Amarok say that no drivers are installed | 04:54 |
robotgeek | evox, take a look at | 04:54 |
robotgeek | evox: on kde, install amarok-xine, i think | 04:54 |
robotgeek | !info amarok-xine | 04:55 |
ubotu | amarok-xine: (xine engine for the amaroK audio player), section universe/kde, is optional. Version: 2:1.3.1-0ubuntu4 (breezy), Packaged size: 46 kB, Installed size: 176 kB | 04:55 |
evox | Well I have Media Players installed | 04:55 |
evox | Im in Adapt now | 04:55 |
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_zak | how do you restartx? | 04:56 |
pike_ | alt-ctrl-backspace | 04:56 |
pike_ | heh | 04:56 |
pike_ | guys this is serious my parents cannont have read access to my home dir. what am i to do? | 04:57 |
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_zak | how do i tweak nvidia settings now that i have the new drivers installed? | 04:58 |
evox | !nvidia | 04:58 |
ubotu | [nvidia] at or | 04:58 |
jsubl2 | pike_, chmod 700 /home/pike | 04:58 |
evox | Ahh great | 04:59 |
pike_ | ty | 04:59 |
evox | jsubl2 | 04:59 |
jsubl2 | yes | 04:59 |
evox | I get to the part where I Enable the Multiverse stuff | 04:59 |
evox | Then it says "Change the Line as shown Below" and the pic wont come up | 05:00 |
evox | | 05:00 |
evox | Ive tried Refreshing | 05:00 |
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robotgeek | maybe, evox | 05:01 |
robotgeek | i gotta run now, sorry | 05:01 |
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jsubl2 | evox, yeah try the cli method. | 05:02 |
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jsubl2 | evox, the explanation is really good there also | 05:03 |
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evox | AIght I got it | 05:03 |
Chodder | pike_, is your home dir where you hide your pr0n? :P | 05:03 |
evox | Im srry Im just a linux noob | 05:03 |
evox | Im used to windows | 05:03 |
lextul | !info libxine-extracodecs | 05:03 |
pike_ | well.. | 05:04 |
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SoBeIcedT | im running ubuntu with both gnome and kde installed, so i can have whichever session i choose, is there a way to have a gnome session in one monitor and a kde session on a second monitor? | 05:04 |
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evox | I got the Adept Method to work | 05:06 |
evox | Now Im looking at about 20 GStreamer Plugins | 05:06 |
evox | Which do I get? | 05:06 |
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_root | how do i configure my monitor? I'm using a WS with a native res of 1440x900 and I can't seem to change it beyond 1024x768 | 05:08 |
pike_ | ubotu: tell _root about fixres | 05:09 |
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Jambon | for some reason I can't change the resolution in kde | 05:14 |
pike_ | ubotu: tell Jambon about fixres | 05:14 |
Jambon | it keeps telling me that the configuration is not safety tested | 05:14 |
Jambon | but i already set that up in ubuntu | 05:15 |
Kyral | Goodnight Ubunteros | 05:16 |
pike_ | yah doesnt sound like that would help you | 05:16 |
Jambon | i can select my monitor | 05:16 |
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Jambon | it gives me the option of choosing the right resolution | 05:16 |
Jambon | but the apply button is gray | 05:17 |
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evox | Aww man.......I cant get this audio problem fixed for the life of me | 05:20 |
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evox | I found a package on adept that said it included all the .mpeg decoders | 05:21 |
evox | and I Installed it | 05:21 |
evox | But my stuff still wont work | 05:21 |
evox | ANy help? | 05:21 |
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pike_ | evox: you have any sound in general? | 05:23 |
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pike_ | i guess its a good thing i cant get it to install. dont need to spend all my time playing an mmorpg anyway | 05:26 |
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murph2481 | anyone have a clue what this means while trying to start CUPS? | 05:29 |
murph2481 | Starting Common Unix Printing System: cupsd | 05:29 |
murph2481 | cupsd: Child exited on signal 15! | 05:29 |
OddAbe19 | if i wanted to install an icon set from, where do I copy the folder to so i can switch to it in 'icons' | 05:30 |
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evox | wth? | 05:30 |
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evox | Did you catch that? | 05:31 |
evox | About my sound? | 05:31 |
evox | Cus it just resigned me into Konversation | 05:31 |
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evox | Ahh damn it | 05:32 |
evox | Ok........I have no Sound at all exept the system errors | 05:32 |
evox | Error popups and what not | 05:32 |
evox | So I got adept working | 05:32 |
evox | and went and searched for an .mpeg codec | 05:32 |
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evox | and found one that says it works for all of the mpeg formats | 05:32 |
OddAbe19 | if i wanted to install an icon set from, where do I copy the folder to so i can switch to it in 'icons' | 05:33 |
ClayG | anyone know where the ubuntu disks ship from? | 05:33 |
crxyem | look for the w32codecs | 05:33 |
evox | so i got it and installed it and its still not working | 05:33 |
evox | ..ok | 05:33 |
OddAbe19 | basically, how do i install new icons? | 05:33 |
crxyem | evox:: it's not in the standard repositiry | 05:33 |
murph2481 | OddAbe19 download the file from | 05:34 |
OddAbe19 | i know that | 05:34 |
OddAbe19 | and i untarred them | 05:34 |
murph2481 | OddAbe19 then just point the icon settings in system settings to the file you downloaded | 05:34 |
murph2481 | OddAbe19 dont untar them.... | 05:34 |
OddAbe19 | i moved them to .icons like in gnome | 05:34 |
OddAbe19 | it told me It wasn't a valid icon set | 05:34 |
evox | Where is it crxywem? | 05:35 |
murph2481 | hmmm interesting...when i downloaded my icons and just pointed the icon settings to that tar file it was happy | 05:35 |
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crxyem | I'm trying to remember there's some info about it in the wiki | 05:35 |
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Jambon | still doesn't allow me to change resolutions | 05:36 |
Jambon | or refresh rates | 05:37 |
crxyem | !restrictedformats | 05:37 |
ubotu | it has been said that restrictedformats is Most of the formats listed here can be replaced by !FreeFormats | 05:37 |
crxyem | evox that's what you'll need to follow | 05:37 |
Jambon | anyone got a clue about why kde us being, to put it nicely, grumpy | 05:39 |
Jambon | it refuses to detect my monitor | 05:39 |
Jambon | even when i tell it exactly what it is | 05:39 |
Jambon | anyone? | 05:40 |
fatejudger | Jambon: that's not KDE | 05:40 |
fatejudger | Jambon: that's xorg | 05:41 |
Jambon | gnome does it fine | 05:41 |
fatejudger | Jambon: then you did something | 05:41 |
Jambon | i did nothing | 05:41 |
fatejudger | Jambon: KDE is a Desktop Environment | 05:41 |
Jambon | i just added kubuntu | 05:41 |
Jambon | and now i can't change refresh rates or resoltuions | 05:41 |
Jambon | gnome works fine | 05:41 |
Jambon | kde doesn't | 05:41 |
Jambon | that's all i know | 05:41 |
fatejudger | Jambon: what do you mean you "can't change refresh rates" | 05:41 |
evox | ok I searched for Akode | 05:42 |
evox | and its not coming up | 05:42 |
evox | only the basic pre installed akode is coming up | 05:42 |
Jambon | when i go to system settings, my two options for resolution are 640x480 and 800x600 @60hz | 05:42 |
Jambon | even though my resolution is definately 1280x1024 | 05:43 |
fatejudger | evox: are you running Dapper? | 05:43 |
Jambon | @60 hz | 05:43 |
evox | Dapper? | 05:43 |
evox | Im using Adept | 05:43 |
evox | for the packages | 05:43 |
fatejudger | Jambon: well what does your xorg.conf say? | 05:43 |
fatejudger | evox: no, are you using Dapper | 05:43 |
Jambon | i just modified that | 05:43 |
fatejudger | evox: which version of Kubuntu are you using? | 05:43 |
Jambon | though i guess i could check it to see if changes were actually made | 05:44 |
fatejudger | Jambon: and did you restart xorg? | 05:44 |
Jambon | ya | 05:44 |
evox | 5.10 | 05:44 |
evox | or something like that | 05:44 |
fatejudger | Jambon: somehow I don't think you're telling me the whole story | 05:44 |
fatejudger | Jambon: there shouldn't be any difference between Gnome and KDE in that department | 05:44 |
fatejudger | Jambon: since they both rely on xorg | 05:44 |
fatejudger | evox: Breezy | 05:44 |
fatejudger | evox: I doubt Breezy has aKode | 05:45 |
fatejudger | evox: let me check the Dapper repos | 05:45 |
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evox | ok.... | 05:45 |
fatejudger | evox: yeah, Dapper has it | 05:45 |
evox | Soo what do I do from here? | 05:45 |
fatejudger | evox: nothing | 05:46 |
fatejudger | evox: if you want it, upgrade | 05:46 |
fatejudger | evox: not really worth it though | 05:46 |
evox | .....if its my OS i want some audio. | 05:46 |
fatejudger | evox: well why can't you just use ALSA? | 05:46 |
evox | Alsa? | 05:46 |
fatejudger | evox: are you talking about music and video stuff? | 05:46 |
evox | yes | 05:46 |
fatejudger | evox: what exactly is your problem? | 05:46 |
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evox | I want .mp3 playback | 05:46 |
evox | I cant play my .mp3s | 05:47 |
fatejudger | evox: then what is the problem? | 05:47 |
evox | I cant play my .mp3s | 05:47 |
fatejudger | evox: obviously, be more descriptive | 05:47 |
fatejudger | evox: I can't read your mind | 05:47 |
evox | Ok..... | 05:47 |
evox | I click on my .mp3 | 05:47 |
evox | Amarok comes up | 05:47 |
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MisterMom | Mez wth | 05:48 |
evox | It tells me that I have no audio Codec installed | 05:48 |
fatejudger | evox: ok, well that's the problem | 05:48 |
fatejudger | evox: you need ffmpeg I think | 05:48 |
evox | Kaffine says the same thing | 05:48 |
fatejudger | evox: gstreamer-ffmpeg | 05:48 |
fatejudger | evox: or maybe it's something else | 05:48 |
fatejudger | evox: I use xine, so I'm not sure, let me check | 05:48 |
Mez | MisterMom, ah - whoops | 05:48 |
=== Mez shrugs | ||
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Mez | it's not a big deal | 05:49 |
MisterMom | you with us now Mez ? | 05:49 |
Mez | MisterMom, I hope so | 05:49 |
MisterMom | cool | 05:49 |
evox | Should I switch to Xine? | 05:49 |
evox | Would that be easyer? | 05:49 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o Mez] by ChanServ | ||
fatejudger | evox: gstreamer-mad | 05:49 |
pike_ | evox: there are going to be several codec issues just goto and install everything recommended there | 05:49 |
crxyem | yeah I already sent evox a like to the retrictedformats wiki, | 05:49 |
evox | I did | 05:49 |
evox | I did the steps and everything | 05:49 |
fatejudger | evox: you need to do a gst register | 05:49 |
evox | Like I said earlyer....Im sorry for the questions but im a linux noob | 05:49 |
fatejudger | evox: did you do that? | 05:49 |
crxyem | you installed all the gstreamer stuff | 05:50 |
evox | not all of it | 05:50 |
evox | there are a few packages left uninstalled | 05:50 |
pike_ | evox: but the gstreamer0.8-mad was installed? | 05:50 |
evox | no | 05:50 |
fatejudger | ... | 05:50 |
evox | its not on the packages list | 05:50 |
evox | and I typed it in the Terminal | 05:50 |
evox | and it says its not available or its outdated or something | 05:51 |
evox | and its not on the Adept list | 05:51 |
fatejudger | I don't understand why it's so hard for people to follow simple instructions | 05:51 |
evox | I did | 05:51 |
fatejudger | evox: you need to universe repos | 05:51 |
evox | I did | 05:51 |
crxyem | ditto | 05:51 |
evox | I edited it and everything | 05:51 |
fatejudger | evox: then you need to apt-get update | 05:51 |
fatejudger | or press update in Adept | 05:52 |
evox | WTH! | 05:52 |
evox | It wont stay on the universe repositories | 05:52 |
evox | it wont stay edited | 05:52 |
fatejudger | evox: read the instructions again then | 05:52 |
crxyem | you need to edit it with sudo | 05:52 |
fatejudger | crxyem: no he doesn't | 05:52 |
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fatejudger | crxyem: that's just the easier way to do it | 05:52 |
evox | Ok.....Im gonna take this from the top. | 05:53 |
fatejudger | evox: you missed the bottom part | 05:53 |
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fatejudger | evox: the part where it says to press apply | 05:53 |
evox | Im gonna start all over again and be carefull this time | 05:53 |
fatejudger | evox: and press fetch updates | 05:53 |
evox | ok | 05:53 |
fatejudger | evox: yes, do that, just read it all | 05:53 |
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evox | I read what you just said. | 05:54 |
evox | I hit apply | 05:54 |
tristanmike | anyone wanna help a chap who's trying to compile something ? | 05:54 |
pike_ | anyone tried to install a multiple iso program with cedega i mount iso1 and begin install at cd2 prompt i umount and mount iso2 no errors its mounted but installer doesnt see it | 05:54 |
oxez | Is KDE well integrated in kubuntu as gnome is for ubuntu? | 05:55 |
fatejudger | oxez: yes | 05:55 |
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oxez | Like, it is not a plain compiled kde, as it is on gentoo for example? :p | 05:55 |
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pike_ | its not a pirated program. well its wow but i just want to try a priv server before i fork over $50 and 15/mo | 05:56 |
=== pike_ hangs his head in shame | ||
MisterMom | hehe | 05:57 |
fatejudger | oxez: it's very well integrated | 05:57 |
fatejudger | oxez: which is why they have their own distro | 05:57 |
firephoto | oxez: kubuntu kde has some nice features/looks over the vanilla (gentoo) kde | 05:57 |
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oxez | alright thanks | 05:58 |
oxez | that's what I wanted to hear ! | 05:58 |
evox | Ok now im typing "sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad | 05:59 |
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evox | and now its saying its unable to lock the admin directory | 05:59 |
Jambon | nope, quite sure it's a kde problem | 05:59 |
MisterMom | oxez: ive used a lot of diferent distros and if kde is what you like kubuntu is the way to go | 05:59 |
tristanmike | close synaptic | 05:59 |
tristanmike | or adept | 05:59 |
Jambon | GNome changes the resolution before it starts up | 05:59 |
Jambon | kde doesn't | 05:59 |
Jambon | gnome is in the right resolution | 05:59 |
Jambon | kde isn't | 05:59 |
oxez | Jambon: it's in KDE control center, you need to check "Apply the changes each time KDE starts", or something like this | 06:00 |
Jambon | ya | 06:00 |
Jambon | but i can't even change it | 06:00 |
Jambon | let alone set it to do that | 06:00 |
evox | Now its saying that its "Reading package lists... Done | 06:00 |
oxez | Control center -> Peripherals -> Screen (or display device, w/e) | 06:00 |
oxez | and you can change resolutions | 06:00 |
evox | Building Dependency tree... Done | 06:00 |
Jambon | oxez: so tell me how | 06:01 |
evox | Then it says that the Package is missing or Obsoleted | 06:01 |
oxez | Jambon: I'm not on linux at this moment, I can't really tell you exactly | 06:01 |
oxez | Hm, will I be able to use the gstreamer engine on (k)ubuntu for amarok1.4beta2? I had to tweak a lil bit on gentoo to get gstreaker-0.10 to work | 06:01 |
Jambon | and sytem settings->monitor doesn't work | 06:01 |
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Jambon | i can even enter administrative mode and TELL IT DIRECTLY what monitor i have | 06:02 |
Jambon | and it STILL won't all me to change resolutions | 06:02 |
Jambon | i have the OPTIONS, no the apply button is greyed out | 06:02 |
Jambon | it tells me "this configuration cannot be safetly tested" | 06:02 |
Jambon | which i think is a load of bs | 06:02 |
fatejudger | Jambon: that's pretty weird | 06:03 |
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Jambon | tell me about it | 06:03 |
Jambon | i have a talent for these problems | 06:03 |
evox | same here | 06:03 |
fatejudger | Jambon: the strange thing about it is that it should affect all DEs | 06:03 |
fatejudger | Jambon: not just KDE | 06:03 |
Jambon | should | 06:03 |
Jambon | but doesn't | 06:03 |
oxez | hm, anyone know if gstreamer-0.10 is available at all in repos? | 06:04 |
fatejudger | oxez: in Dapper | 06:04 |
oxez | cool :o | 06:04 |
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evox | If I installed Xine would this be easyer? | 06:04 |
Jambon | what also weird is that now i'm evidently in kubuntu instead of ubuntu | 06:04 |
oxez | I had to scratch my head multiple times to get it to work with amarok 1.4b2 on gentoo | 06:04 |
crxyem | what media player are you using now ?? | 06:04 |
oxez | Hopefully it'll work flawlessy in the dapper drake :o | 06:05 |
evox | Im trying to get Amarok to work | 06:05 |
Jambon | but i guess it makes sense seeing as i put kubuntu on top of ubuntu | 06:05 |
fatejudger | oxez: I heard that amaroK works with gstreamer 0.10 now | 06:05 |
evox | But I cant get any codecs either at all | 06:05 |
evox | or not to work | 06:05 |
=== robotgeek_away is now known as robotgeek | ||
fatejudger | oxez: I can't wait for Kaffeine to support it too | 06:05 |
oxez | fatejudger: yes it works, I'm running gstreamer-0.10 with amarok1.4b2 | 06:05 |
oxez | (on gentoo), works pretty good | 06:05 |
crxyem | not sue what to say I followed that wiki and have no probs | 06:05 |
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oxez | I had to completely uninstall 0.8, and then install ALL the necessary plugins (ugly, good, mad, ffmpeg, and so on..) | 06:06 |
evox | Ive tried to follow the wiki and it keeps telling me that that gstream0.8 codec is not available | 06:06 |
robotgeek | evox: are you using dapper? | 06:06 |
evox | breezy | 06:06 |
robotgeek | evox: okay, enable universe and multiverse first | 06:07 |
evox | I think I did that | 06:07 |
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patrix | hey all | 06:07 |
evox | Ok | 06:08 |
evox | The top one says Multiverse at the end | 06:08 |
evox | and the bottom one doesnt | 06:08 |
evox | Just like in the Photo | 06:08 |
evox | on the enabling Repositories page | 06:08 |
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Jambon | and x server crashed | 06:09 |
Jambon | yup | 06:09 |
Jambon | kde is definately messed | 06:09 |
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Jambon | anyone got an idea | 06:09 |
fatejudger | Jambon: I have no idea, you did something pretty funky | 06:09 |
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Jambon | i told you i JUST installed kubuntu on top of ubuntu | 06:10 |
Jambon | I did NOTHING to the system | 06:10 |
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Jambon | the first thing i tried was to fix the resolution | 06:10 |
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fatejudger | Jambon: you installed "kubuntu-desktop" ? | 06:11 |
robotgeek | evox: okay, cool. did you "sudo apt-get update" | 06:11 |
Jambon | fatejudger: ya | 06:12 |
evox | I will now | 06:12 |
fatejudger | Jambon: have you tried googling the error? | 06:12 |
evox | Will Clicking Fetch Updates in Adept work too? | 06:12 |
evox | Or now? | 06:12 |
evox | no* | 06:12 |
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Jambon | can't find anything | 06:13 |
robotgeek | evox: i guess so | 06:13 |
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evox | Ok | 06:14 |
evox | I switched over to the Konsole | 06:14 |
evox | and it said it updated ok | 06:14 |
evox | its now awating my comand | 06:14 |
robotgeek | evox: and you are looking for mp3 support, right? | 06:14 |
evox | yes | 06:14 |
evox | Exactly it | 06:14 |
fatejudger | evox: sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad | 06:15 |
Jambon | so unless anyone has any ideas | 06:15 |
Jambon | i'll just go back to gnome | 06:15 |
Jambon | way more stable | 06:15 |
fatejudger | Jambon: stable, hardly | 06:15 |
fatejudger | Jambon: your choice though | 06:15 |
evox | It says the package is missing or obsolete | 06:16 |
Jambon | compared to my experience with me was more stable | 06:16 |
Jambon | but that's my experience | 06:16 |
robotgeek | evox: can you paste your sources.list to a pastebin | 06:16 |
Jambon | kde doesn't seem to like me | 06:16 |
Jambon | gnome plays ok | 06:16 |
robotgeek | Jambon: what version of kde are you running? | 06:16 |
evox | Paste whats in the console? | 06:16 |
Jambon | 3.5.1 | 06:16 |
robotgeek | evox, don't paste in here. Please use | 06:17 |
robotgeek | Jambon: hmm, suprising. | 06:17 |
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Jambon | and for some reason gnome is faster than kde | 06:17 |
Jambon | i thought it was the other way around | 06:17 |
fatejudger | Jambon: KDE IS faster | 06:18 |
Jambon | fatejudger: on my computer, everything is backwards | 06:18 |
fatejudger | Jambon: you probably just have a slow computer and have the fancy graphics enabled in KDE | 06:18 |
evox | What do you want me to put the name as? | 06:18 |
Jambon | no fancier than gnome it seems | 06:18 |
fatejudger | Jambon: if you downgrade the eye candy to Gnome's level, you'll get better performance | 06:18 |
Jambon | where do i change that? | 06:19 |
Jambon | oh | 06:19 |
Jambon | but first resolution | 06:19 |
Jambon | i can't stand a refresh rate of 60 hz | 06:19 |
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Jambon | it, uh , hertz too much | 06:19 |
patrix | lol | 06:19 |
patrix | good one | 06:19 |
LeeJunFan | not really. | 06:19 |
LeeJunFan | :p | 06:19 |
frank23 | evox: Jambon kde won't let you change the refresh rate? | 06:19 |
patrix | frank23: KDE will only allow as much change as the xorg.conf can allow | 06:20 |
Jambon | nope | 06:20 |
robotgeek | evox: you still here :) | 06:20 |
evox | Robot....What do you want he name as? | 06:20 |
Jambon | it will detect my monitor if i force it to in admin mode | 06:20 |
evox | yes lol | 06:20 |
fatejudger | evox: it doesn't matter | 06:20 |
fatejudger | evox: put anything | 06:20 |
evox | Ok | 06:20 |
patrix | Jambon: you need to fix your /etc/X11/xorg.conf (VertRefresh and HorizSync values) to match your monitor's values, and then you will be abl eto set it properly in KDE | 06:20 |
frank23 | Jambon: make sure the horizfreq and verticalrate for your monitor in xorg.conf are high enough | 06:21 |
Jambon | patrix: they already are set | 06:21 |
Jambon | gnome works fine | 06:21 |
fatejudger | Jambon: what monitor are you using? | 06:21 |
Jambon | viewsonic a70 | 06:21 |
evox | I put it as "evox Konsole" | 06:21 |
fatejudger | Jambon: CRT? | 06:21 |
evox | with no quotes | 06:21 |
fatejudger | Jambon: weird resolutions? | 06:21 |
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patrix | gnome and KDE are both displaing inside X-Window, and it's X-Window which controls the refresh rate, not KDE or GNOME | 06:21 |
robotgeek | evox: can you give us a link? | 06:21 |
fatejudger | evox: you're supposed to paste the link | 06:21 |
Jambon | no it's 1280x1024 @60Hz | 06:21 |
fatejudger | patrix: that's what I told him | 06:22 |
fatejudger | patrix: he won't listen | 06:22 |
Jambon | even though my monitor settings tell me i have 640x480 and 800x600 as my choices | 06:22 |
patrix | fatejudger: heh. ain't ti annoying ;) | 06:22 |
fatejudger | patrix: I'm wondering whether he accidentally mistyped something in the xorg.conf when he edited it | 06:22 |
patrix | perhaps | 06:22 |
Jambon | fatejudger: i did once | 06:22 |
Jambon | crashed the whole thing | 06:23 |
fatejudger | Jambon: pastebin your xorg.conf | 06:23 |
Jambon | then i changed it | 06:23 |
Jambon | back | 06:23 |
evox | I added a little more of what it says at the bottome | 06:23 |
evox | it didnt copy it all | 06:23 |
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exsanet | fhi | 06:23 |
robotgeek | evox: no, i meant contents of /etc/apt/sources.list | 06:24 |
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evox | ? | 06:24 |
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fatejudger | Jambon: just pastebin it | 06:25 |
evox | Sorry | 06:25 |
evox | Ill recopy it | 06:25 |
evox | My bad | 06:25 |
Jambon | | 06:25 |
evox | Ok check it now robot | 06:27 |
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patrix | ok how do I instal the ubuntu gnome desktop on kubuntu? been a year or more since I tried gnome, curious how it is nowadays | 06:27 |
frank23 | patrix: install the ubuntu-desktop package | 06:27 |
Jambon | or search ubuntu in synaptic or adept | 06:28 |
patrix | well gollu, ubuntu-desktop it is :D | 06:28 |
patrix | thanks | 06:28 |
patrix | and it only removes libesd0 | 06:28 |
patrix | heh | 06:28 |
robotgeek | evox: use that | 06:29 |
Jambon | so anyone any ideas on my issue yet? | 06:29 |
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evox | I did | 06:29 |
evox | I made a new one | 06:29 |
robotgeek | evox: i know, i made modifications to the sources.list in the aobve url , check it out | 06:30 |
patrix | Jambon: | 06:30 |
patrix | HorizSync 30-68 | 06:30 |
patrix | VertRefresh 50-80 | 06:30 |
patrix | these values seem pretty low | 06:30 |
frank23 | Jambon: with those monitor settings, I think your max refresh rate for 1280x1024 is 66Hz | 06:30 |
patrix | seems like they'l lgive you 60hz alright, and nothing more | 06:30 |
evox | Just copy and paste? | 06:30 |
robotgeek | evox: yes | 06:31 |
evox | sweet | 06:31 |
Jambon | what i want is 1152x864 | 06:31 |
Jambon | at 75hz | 06:31 |
Jambon | gnome does it | 06:31 |
Jambon | kde cant change any settings | 06:31 |
evox | Then once that is all done | 06:32 |
evox | Just retry that command again? | 06:32 |
frank23 | Jambon: yeah that should be possible with your settings. maybe kde is being cautious. you *could* increase HorizSync 30-68 to something higher. If you go too high though you could kill your monitor | 06:32 |
Jambon | it tells me "this setting cannot be tested safetly" | 06:33 |
Jambon | and i push continue | 06:33 |
Jambon | and it still doesn't do a thing | 06:33 |
robotgeek | evox: once you have that in your sources.list, yes | 06:33 |
frank23 | Jambon: I'm pretty sure increasing HorizSync would make it mork | 06:33 |
Jambon | how would i do that? | 06:34 |
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evox | Damn it its saying that Im not allowed to edit this file | 06:34 |
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frank23 | Jambon: change it to HorizSync 30-75 | 06:35 |
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evox | ahhhhh this is frustrating me | 06:36 |
evox | its saying im not allowed to modify this file | 06:36 |
robotgeek | evox: kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list | 06:36 |
frank23 | evox: you need superuser rights to edit it | 06:36 |
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evox | Now to think of it.......This is actually kinda funny | 06:38 |
fatejudger | frank23: I'm surprised the xorg people haven't been working on getting some resolution autodetection going | 06:38 |
evox | becuase I have Xebian installed on my xbox no prob | 06:38 |
fatejudger | I wonder how hard it would be to autodetect all of the possible resolutions for a monitor | 06:39 |
frank23 | fatejudger: they have to some extent. some monitors are autodetected I think | 06:39 |
fatejudger | frank23: strange one's aren't | 06:39 |
fatejudger | frank23: most LCDs aren't | 06:39 |
robotgeek | fatejudger: kubuntu people have been working on it, dapper should have something shiny | 06:39 |
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fatejudger | robotgeek: I use Dapper | 06:40 |
fatejudger | robotgeek: it detects the monitor right before mine, the Dell 20.1" | 06:40 |
fatejudger | robotgeek: but I use the 24", which isn't autodetected | 06:40 |
frank23 | fatejudger: LCd's are probably the most important to get right. | 06:40 |
robotgeek | fatejudger: hmm, file a bug :) | 06:40 |
robotgeek | and fast, it might get fixed | 06:40 |
fatejudger | robotgeek: I'm pretty experienced in Linux so it isn't much of a bother to me to edit the xorg.conf file | 06:40 |
evox | Well its taking longer to update if that means anything.. | 06:40 |
robotgeek | fatejudger: think of new users :) | 06:40 |
fatejudger | robotgeek: do you really think that's a bug and not a wishlist item? | 06:40 |
=== patrix installs gnome.. here goes nothing..! | ||
robotgeek | fatejudger: it is supposed to detect it, ain't it? | 06:41 |
Teknoenie | k3b won't install for me | 06:41 |
fatejudger | patrix: traitor! | 06:41 |
patrix | haha | 06:41 |
fatejudger | lol | 06:41 |
Jambon | screw this | 06:41 |
Teknoenie | patrix: how dare you! | 06:41 |
patrix | I'll still have KDE I promise! | 06:41 |
frank23 | Jambon: it didn't work? | 06:41 |
Jambon | I'm going back to gnome | 06:41 |
=== Teknoenie votes circle beating the traitor | ||
fatejudger | Jambon: good luck | 06:41 |
Jambon | I'm just too tired to go messinga around with kde | 06:42 |
Jambon | if it doesn't want to work with me | 06:42 |
Jambon | that's it's problem | 06:42 |
Jambon | gnome is easier for me | 06:42 |
patrix | hmpf | 06:42 |
patrix | wtf | 06:42 |
Teknoenie | KDE only likes people who like it back :) | 06:42 |
patrix | gnome doens't like me ;) | 06:42 |
Jambon | i gave it a chance | 06:42 |
Jambon | i've given it severl | 06:42 |
Jambon | i wanted to like it | 06:42 |
Jambon | it hates me | 06:43 |
frank23 | Jambon: programs don't hate people. people hate people | 06:43 |
Jambon | you'd be suprised | 06:43 |
evox | Ok........ | 06:43 |
evox | it says its all done | 06:43 |
=== evox Goes to try song | ||
Jambon | i'm going to try it ONCE more | 06:44 |
Jambon | if changing that setting doesn't work | 06:44 |
Jambon | i'm outa here | 06:44 |
frank23 | Jambon: did you chage my Horixfreq? | 06:44 |
patrix | oh well | 06:44 |
fatejudger | patrix: you WANT to switch? | 06:44 |
patrix | ? | 06:45 |
patrix | I'm insulted | 06:45 |
patrix | I've been with KDE since v 0.1 or something like that | 06:45 |
patrix | back when dragging something to the trash would crash the whole desktop | 06:46 |
=== robotgeek bows to patrix | ||
fatejudger | patrix: wow | 06:46 |
fatejudger | patrix: I wouldn't touch KDE until 3.0 | 06:46 |
fatejudger | patrix: I just didn't feel it was ready | 06:46 |
patrix | I was there when Miguel de Icaza flamed the hole KDE population telling them they betray the whole OSS way by using QT, so he'll start gnome to stick it to us | 06:46 |
fatejudger | patrix: lol | 06:46 |
patrix | that's when I unsubscribed | 06:46 |
patrix | cause I wanted KDE info, not flamewars | 06:47 |
fatejudger | patrix: and now QT is GPLd | 06:47 |
patrix | QT is GPL and gnome is a mess | 06:47 |
patrix | but I'll still try it for kicks | 06:47 |
patrix | IO'm like that | 06:47 |
frank23 | gnome only started then? I thought gnome was older than kde | 06:47 |
patrix | nope | 06:47 |
patrix | kde came first | 06:47 |
fatejudger | patrix: I love that quote from Linus Torvalds about Gnome | 06:47 |
patrix | what's the quote? | 06:47 |
fatejudger | patrix: | 06:48 |
Teknoenie | patrix: it basically said it was for people who weren't that smart :) | 06:48 |
patrix | oh yeah that quote fatejudger hehhee | 06:48 |
fatejudger | and then who was it that responded to it | 06:48 |
fatejudger | some guy said that KDE users "never saw a checkbox they didn't love" | 06:48 |
fatejudger | or something like that | 06:48 |
fatejudger | lol | 06:48 |
=== patrix starts an Xnest -query localhost :1 login into gnome... | ||
patrix | lol fatejudger | 06:49 |
frank23 | Some guy said that gnome's minimalist design philosophy only started after the developers realised they couldn't catch up with kde | 06:49 |
Teknoenie | de Icaza | 06:49 |
frank23 | I have no idea if that's true | 06:49 |
patrix | yeah it's true | 06:49 |
patrix | ever used GNOME 1.0 ? | 06:49 |
patrix | was a nightmare | 06:49 |
fatejudger | frank23: their DE is really far behind it terms ability to render certain effects | 06:49 |
fatejudger | frank23: and now that the Arthur paint system in QT 4 is out, it puts GTK to shame... | 06:50 |
Teknoenie | KDE says this to me | 06:50 |
patrix | hehe | 06:50 |
frank23 | fatejudger: what will that do? (Arthur) | 06:50 |
fatejudger | it's just a new system for rendering graphics | 06:50 |
fatejudger | but it's much more efficients | 06:50 |
fatejudger | *efficient | 06:50 |
fatejudger | and feature filled | 06:50 |
fatejudger | it has native transparency effects built in and whatnot | 06:50 |
patrix | whoa nautilus grew faster since 2 years ago when it'd take 20 seconds to load up a directory on the desktop | 06:51 |
fatejudger | just a next-gen painting system | 06:51 |
fatejudger | lol | 06:51 |
Teknoenie | QT4 is also better for embedded development | 06:51 |
fatejudger | I love Konq | 06:51 |
fatejudger | QT 4 uses less RAM too | 06:51 |
fatejudger | what was the estimate? | 06:51 |
fatejudger | 33% less? | 06:51 |
fatejudger | something like that | 06:51 |
Teknoenie | i'm holding out for Plasma and KDE4 | 06:51 |
frank23 | less RAM? it's not often that software uses less RAM with time! | 06:52 |
fatejudger | yeah, google it | 06:52 |
fatejudger | it's the QT toolkit itself | 06:52 |
Teknoenie | trolltech | 06:52 |
fatejudger | and since all of the effects are built right into the toolkit, the GPU power and RAM needs will be low | 06:53 |
patrix | nice | 06:53 |
frank23 | If you want to write a closed source app with qt, you have to pay and if it's open source, qt is gpl right? | 06:53 |
fatejudger | frank23: yes | 06:53 |
frank23 | fatejudger: are those new effects hardware accelerated? | 06:54 |
fatejudger | frank23: not sure | 06:56 |
frank23 | ok | 06:56 |
fatejudger | frank23: I know that it won't be any more taxing on your system than what KDE 3.5 is | 06:56 |
Teknoenie | i believe there is a fallback mechanism if HW supported effects aren't available | 06:59 |
fatejudger | I know the support is very good | 07:00 |
fatejudger | since the system is native to the toolkit | 07:00 |
fatejudger | and not hacked up | 07:00 |
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Jambon | i hate to say it | 07:00 |
Jambon | but not only did changing the sync rate not work | 07:00 |
Jambon | or the refresh to 75 from 68, but i messed up gdm | 07:01 |
Jambon | now i have to scroll around gdm to find the options | 07:01 |
Teknoenie | why not try DPMS or did that not work? | 07:02 |
Jambon | it's like 640x480 size with a 1280x1024 desktop space | 07:02 |
fatejudger | Jambon: lol | 07:02 |
fatejudger | Jambon: I told you that it wasn't a problem with KDE | 07:02 |
Teknoenie | that's an X config problem Jambon | 07:02 |
Teknoenie | or you've got the wrong screen size loaded | 07:03 |
Jambon | fatejudger: i'm in gnome | 07:03 |
Jambon | everything is fine | 07:03 |
Jambon | what does that say? | 07:03 |
Teknoenie | that K has been configured for a different screen size | 07:03 |
fatejudger | lol | 07:03 |
fatejudger | Teknoenie: he doesn't listen | 07:04 |
Jambon | what about gdmn | 07:04 |
Jambon | I can't have it like that | 07:04 |
fatejudger | Teknoenie: I've already tried explaining that to him | 07:04 |
Jambon | how do i change it's resolution? | 07:04 |
Jambon | fatejudger: you've tried, but nothing works | 07:04 |
Jambon | i don't understand what the hell i'm supposed to do | 07:04 |
Jambon | i've done everything you said | 07:04 |
Teknoenie | what have you done so far? | 07:05 |
Jambon | change the xorg conf twice | 07:05 |
Jambon | both times crashed it | 07:05 |
Jambon | so it's back to where it was | 07:06 |
Teknoenie | paste your X config | 07:06 |
Jambon | i did | 07:06 |
Teknoenie | | 07:06 |
Jambon | already | 07:06 |
Teknoenie | where to? | 07:06 |
Jambon | it's up there somewhere | 07:06 |
Jambon | pastebin | 07:06 |
Jambon | the link is up there somewhere in the commnets | 07:07 |
Jambon | someone who was here tell me | 07:07 |
Jambon | i really don't want to paste the whole damn thing again | 07:07 |
Jambon | and i don't know it | 07:07 |
Jambon | kde has put me through 2 restarts and xserver restarts | 07:07 |
patrix | <-- jambon's xorg.conf | 07:08 |
robotgeek | Jambon: patience :) | 07:08 |
Teknoenie | thanks | 07:08 |
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Teknoenie | that DPMS option is wrong | 07:08 |
Teknoenie | in the Monitor def | 07:08 |
Teknoenie | and you don't need Horiz and Vert with DPMS as it probes | 07:09 |
Teknoenie | should just be Option "DPMS" | 07:09 |
Teknoenie | wth is with all the monitor modeline defs | 07:10 |
robotgeek | Jambon: "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" doesn't work? | 07:10 |
Jambon | nope | 07:11 |
Jambon | not for kde at least | 07:11 |
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Teknoenie | try opening a konsole and doing an xrandr | 07:11 |
Teknoenie | check the screen definition | 07:11 |
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Teknoenie | choose the rez you want | 07:11 |
Jambon | before i do that | 07:11 |
Jambon | could someone tell why gdm resolution is messed up? | 07:12 |
Jambon | and how to change it | 07:12 |
Jambon | that way i can actually sign in to kde | 07:12 |
=== patrix steps in as silently as possible, now using GNOME ;) | ||
Jambon | good for you patrix | 07:13 |
=== Teknoenie trips patrix | ||
=== patrix falls | ||
=== patrix blames GNOME for falling and hurting his nose | ||
=== Jambon helps him up | ||
Teknoenie | KDE would have stopped that from happening :D | 07:14 |
Jambon | gnome didn't do it | 07:14 |
robotgeek | no fighting ppl :) | 07:14 |
Jambon | a jealous kde did | 07:14 |
patrix | lol lol | 07:14 |
patrix | yeah probably | 07:14 |
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Teknoenie | there's a checkbox for that | 07:14 |
patrix | so uhh uhhh... I can't install a new cursor theme in gnome? lol or do I need to do it manually | 07:14 |
robotgeek | Kmenu -> System Settings -> User Settings -> Trip Gnome Users | 07:15 |
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Teknoenie | Jambon: how are you logging into gnome without GDM? | 07:15 |
Teknoenie | why not sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop && sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start | 07:16 |
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patrix | btw, has anyone got the mplayer-mozilla plugin to work in konqueror? | 07:17 |
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Jambon | Teknoenie: gdm works. it just currently acts like it takes up 2 destkops | 07:18 |
Jambon | i have to scroll over to find different things | 07:18 |
Teknoenie | yeah cuz it looks like your using xinerama | 07:18 |
Teknoenie | actually that's wrong.. virtual desktop | 07:18 |
slyphon | it's weird, on my laptop i get neep font sizes 8,9,10,11,12,... but on my desktop i only get 8,11,12,15 | 07:19 |
slyphon | (neep is a bitmap font) | 07:19 |
slyphon | anyone ever had that problem? | 07:20 |
Jambon | weird | 07:21 |
slyphon | yeah, same /etc/font configuration and everything | 07:21 |
=== slyphon hates unix fonts | ||
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patrix | huh I had to remove the totem mozilla firefox plugins cause it interfered with mplayer plugins. heh | 07:22 |
Teknoenie | Jambon: comment out the virtual 1600 1050 line | 07:22 |
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Jambon | where? | 07:27 |
Teknoenie | in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 07:27 |
Jambon | i don't see anything with that | 07:28 |
lextul | | 07:28 |
Teknoenie | according to your paste it's line 131 | 07:28 |
Jambon | i just looked at it | 07:30 |
Jambon | what section? | 07:30 |
Teknoenie | monitor "monitor1" | 07:31 |
Teknoenie | SubSection "Display" | 07:31 |
Teknoenie | depth 24 | 07:31 |
Teknoenie | virtual 1600 1050 | 07:31 |
Jambon | i see it in my paste | 07:31 |
Jambon | that section doesn't even exist in my current one though | 07:32 |
Teknoenie | you could just rm -rf .kde | 07:32 |
Teknoenie | in your home dir | 07:32 |
Teknoenie | that will reset most everything to defaults | 07:32 |
Teknoenie | mv your xorg.conf out of the way and dpkg-reconfigure | 07:32 |
Jambon | i just deleted .kde | 07:33 |
Jambon | lemme see if that works | 07:33 |
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Jambon | well gdm is fixed | 07:37 |
Jambon | kde isn't | 07:37 |
Jambon | ideas? | 07:38 |
Jambon | algien? | 07:38 |
Jambon | nope? | 07:40 |
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NeoChaosX | is there still no shutdown usplash for Kubuntu Dapper? | 07:41 |
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NeoChaosX | i know today's updates fixed the KDE splash | 07:41 |
Jambon | someone? | 07:44 |
Jambon | res fix? | 07:44 |
robotgeek | !fixres | 07:44 |
ubotu | Please read | 07:44 |
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Jambon | oh geez | 07:45 |
Jambon | I JUST DID THAT | 07:45 |
Jambon | fine | 07:47 |
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Jambon | so unless someone has a bright idea | 07:51 |
Jambon | i'm staying in gnome | 07:51 |
Jambon | anyone? | 07:51 |
Teknoenie | fire up KDE again | 07:51 |
Teknoenie | open up a konsole | 07:51 |
Teknoenie | type xrandr | 07:51 |
Jambon | ok | 07:51 |
Jambon | hold on | 07:51 |
Teknoenie | select an appropriate screen | 07:51 |
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Xemanth^ | what KDE program configures keyboard shortcuts like ctrl + alt + esc goes to process monitor | 07:53 |
robotgeek | Xemanth^: SYstem Settings -> Regiional and Accesibility -> Shortcuts | 07:54 |
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Xemanth^ | oooh | 07:56 |
Xemanth^ | thank you | 07:56 |
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_j | where to but mplayer fonts lost in kunbuntu | 07:56 |
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Jambon | ok | 07:57 |
Jambon | did that | 07:57 |
Teknoenie | and does the screen look better | 07:57 |
Jambon | nope | 07:57 |
Teknoenie | did you try xrandr -screen 0 | 07:57 |
Teknoenie | or other listed screen? | 07:57 |
Jambon | it says it can't open it | 07:58 |
Jambon | i want 2 | 07:58 |
Jambon | and it says ita can't | 07:58 |
Jambon | even sudo won't | 07:59 |
Jambon | now i'm convinced kde is the problem | 07:59 |
Teknoenie | sorry may be my syntax | 07:59 |
Jambon | no i corrected the syntax | 08:00 |
Teknoenie | try xrandr -display :0 -screen 2 | 08:00 |
Jambon | it's -d | 08:00 |
Jambon | xrandr -d 2 | 08:00 |
SlicerDicer- | why does kubuntu love to install lilo | 08:00 |
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shoen | Im having probelsm with my APT. It gives me a Cache error, and says to use updater or setup...did them both, neither helped | 08:03 |
fatejudger | what happened to it?!??! | 08:03 |
=== fatejudger *cries* | ||
fatejudger | what did you people do? | 08:03 |
fatejudger | Kubuntu is Vista-ized and uglified | 08:03 |
shoen | i didnt do ne thing to it | 08:03 |
fatejudger | this is an outrage | 08:03 |
MrDez | vista-ized? | 08:03 |
fatejudger | YES! | 08:04 |
MrDez | using dapper? | 08:04 |
fatejudger | that's right | 08:04 |
fatejudger | I upgraded from Flight 4 to Flight 5 | 08:04 |
MrDez | well then i wont be moving to dapper this weekend. ;) | 08:04 |
robotgeek | fatejudger: screenie? | 08:04 |
fatejudger | and everything is solid blue | 08:04 |
=== patrix is back... in KDE! | ||
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MrDez | anyone know how to turn the File/Edit/Etc menu back on in Kopete? I accidentally hid it | 08:05 |
=== Teknoenie opens the door without tripping patrix | ||
robotgeek | fatejudger: would a dist-upgrade get me to the flight5? | 08:05 |
fatejudger | robotgeek: you'd have to put in the new repos | 08:05 |
patrix | haha Teknoenie | 08:05 |
Teknoenie | if you have it for dapper yes | 08:05 |
fatejudger | robotgeek: do you already have flight 4? | 08:05 |
Jambon | Teknoenie: any idea what i should do now? | 08:05 |
robotgeek | fatejudger: yeah, been using dapper since flight 3 | 08:05 |
fatejudger | robotgeek: then dist-upgrade | 08:06 |
fatejudger | robotgeek: you will witness the horrors | 08:06 |
Teknoenie | Jambon: i'll be honest.. you've got me ATM | 08:06 |
fatejudger | | 08:06 |
fatejudger | here! | 08:06 |
robotgeek | fatejudger: i think i already did, but my system is already customized and stuff | 08:06 |
Jambon | great...... | 08:06 |
robotgeek | fatejudger: i think mine is way different :) | 08:07 |
fatejudger | what did they do? | 08:07 |
fatejudger | what happened? | 08:07 |
robotgeek | fatejudger: i believe it is using crystal or something by default | 08:07 |
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fatejudger | why the Vista window decorations? | 08:07 |
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shoen | where is a good place to get linux help? | 08:08 |
shoen | thehelp channel is a ghost town | 08:09 |
robotgeek | shoen: here? | 08:09 |
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patrix | yeah | 08:09 |
shoen | I cant open my APT | 08:09 |
patrix | except.. time for me to sleep. gnight all | 08:09 |
shoen | i dono what to do | 08:09 |
Teknoenie | shoen: umm.. kubuntu is based on Debian GNU/Linux :) | 08:09 |
fatejudger | well is somebody going to say anything? | 08:09 |
robotgeek | shoen: can you pastebin the exact error | 08:09 |
robotgeek | fatejudger: | 08:09 |
fatejudger | will no one answer for these crimes? | 08:09 |
Teknoenie | fatejudger: anything | 08:09 |
shoen | The APT Database could not be opened! This may be caused by incorrect APT configuration or something similar. Try running apt-setup and apt-get update in terminal and see if it helps to resolve the problem. | 08:09 |
robotgeek | fatejudger: change your theme | 08:09 |
catalin | hello | 08:10 |
robotgeek | fatejudger: it's not a big deal, you know :) | 08:10 |
shoen | i ran apt-setup, and apt-get update | 08:10 |
catalin | e careva roman pe aici?? | 08:10 |
fatejudger | robotgeek: not a big deal? | 08:10 |
fatejudger | robotgeek: the default Kubuntu WAS my style | 08:10 |
fatejudger | robotgeek: it was beautiful | 08:10 |
fatejudger | robotgeek: and now it as all been taken away | 08:10 |
robotgeek | fatejudger: hmm, go back to that then | 08:10 |
fatejudger | robotgeek: I can't | 08:10 |
fatejudger | robotgeek: they removed it | 08:11 |
robotgeek | fatejudger: plastik? it is still there, or you can install it | 08:11 |
catalin | kubuntu is beautiful:P | 08:11 |
shoen | robotgeek: ne ideas? | 08:11 |
fatejudger | robotgeek: the color scheme | 08:12 |
fatejudger | robotgeek: gone | 08:12 |
fatejudger | robotgeek: poof | 08:12 |
robotgeek | !enter | 08:12 |
ubotu | Please don't use the "enter" key as punctuation! It spams the channel and is annoying. | 08:12 |
catalin | e careva roman?? | 08:12 |
fatejudger | yes, I know that | 08:12 |
robotgeek | especially if you are hilighting | 08:12 |
fatejudger | I'm just so damn pissed off | 08:12 |
=== shoen body helps | ||
drobel | shoen: have you started with checking permissions and space? | 08:13 |
robotgeek | shoen: maybe ask in #ubuntu too. | 08:13 |
shoen | i dono how to do that | 08:13 |
shoen | im new to linux,...i dual boot and i try to learn in my spare time | 08:13 |
shoen | till then i use windows till i know how to use linux | 08:13 |
catalin | enybody he:Pre | 08:13 |
catalin | here | 08:13 |
catalin | :P | 08:13 |
shoen | Drobel: how do i check permissions and space?? | 08:13 |
drobel | shoen: I should keep my mouth shut (eh so to speak), I know NOTHING of debian-based distros | 08:14 |
catalin | wat is kynaptic?? | 08:14 |
drobel | :/ | 08:14 |
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drobel | I came to ask here myself ;) | 08:14 |
drobel | eh space is just "du -h" | 08:14 |
drobel | df -h | 08:14 |
drobel | sorry | 08:14 |
drobel | eh | 08:15 |
fatejudger | !sources.list | 08:15 |
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see - Official sources.lists here: (Breezy) or (Dapper) see also !easysource | 08:15 |
shoen | 27g? | 08:15 |
drobel | permissions for the apt database .. I have no idea where it is | 08:15 |
shoen | drobel: 27g | 08:15 |
drobel | looks good.. on the "right" partition? | 08:15 |
shoen | yea | 08:16 |
drobel | k | 08:16 |
drobel | welll... the permissions.. I am on an rpm-based distro myself... | 08:16 |
shoen | i was trying to install wine, through Adept...then i started getting errors | 08:16 |
shoen | like now i cant even open it... | 08:16 |
shoen | it wont even ask for passwords sometimes | 08:16 |
robotgeek | shoen: hmm, let's see | 08:17 |
robotgeek | shoen: "sudo apt-get clean" | 08:17 |
shoen | still get the rror | 08:17 |
robotgeek | shoen: "/join #ubuntu" | 08:18 |
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shoen | ive asked in there....some dood was speaking diffeent language...couldnt understand him | 08:18 |
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shoen | ive gone to so many different irc servers | 08:19 |
robotgeek | shoen: different language? | 08:19 |
shoen | - ??? | 08:19 |
shoen | dono wtf that means | 08:19 |
Teknoenie | russian | 08:19 |
frank23 | shoen: that "dude" was a bot telling someone about another channel | 08:19 |
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shoen | oh hahahahaha | 08:19 |
drobel | robotgeek: quick question, does the install.iso have an network (ftp) install option? | 08:20 |
catalin | whuo inside whow i enter to the undernet | 08:20 |
catalin | ?? | 08:20 |
catalin | plz | 08:20 |
shoen | im in Undernets #linuxhelp lol | 08:20 |
robotgeek | catalin: where client are you using? | 08:20 |
shoen | Kubuntu | 08:20 |
catalin | somebody pls answer me | 08:20 |
catalin | :( | 08:21 |
robotgeek | drobel: meaning like a debian network install? | 08:21 |
catalin | ????:(??? | 08:21 |
drobel | yea, I suppose (hasn't installed debian the last 5 years...)... | 08:21 |
robotgeek | drobel: what are you looking for exactly? describe it | 08:22 |
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catalin | off!!! | 08:23 |
catalin | e careva roman pe aici?? | 08:23 |
=== Teknoenie pokes Jambon | ||
Jambon | nope | 08:23 |
Jambon | nothing | 08:23 |
Teknoenie | you're such a ham | 08:23 |
Teknoenie | Jambon = French for ham | 08:24 |
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drobel | robotgeek: ok, my cd on my laptop is VERY shaky... if i push it very gently in the "right" way, I can boot on it, install... no way.. so I am looking for a network install . | 08:24 |
frank23 | catalin: what language do you speak? | 08:24 |
Jambon | Teknoenie: that more literal than you might think | 08:25 |
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catalin | france end romain | 08:25 |
Jambon | that's my last name | 08:25 |
catalin | :( | 08:25 |
Jambon | Ham | 08:25 |
catalin | end ruose | 08:25 |
robotgeek | drobel: okay, i see. maybe this might be useful | 08:25 |
robotgeek | | 08:25 |
frank23 | catalin: tu parles francais? | 08:25 |
robotgeek | drobel: describes different installations methods | 08:25 |
Teknoenie | Jambon i'm at a bit of a loss here | 08:25 |
Teknoenie | check the KDE System settings Display Applet | 08:26 |
Teknoenie | maybe there's something there | 08:26 |
Teknoenie | be sure and enter administrator mode | 08:26 |
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Jambon | where's that? | 08:26 |
Jambon | oh | 08:26 |
Jambon | in system settings | 08:26 |
Jambon | tried that | 08:26 |
fatejudger | !fglrx | 08:26 |
ubotu | [fglrx] | 08:26 |
Jambon | doesn't change | 08:26 |
Jambon | tells me not safe to test that mode | 08:27 |
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drobel | robotgeek: ofcourse, my damned laptop (inspiron 8200) cant be booted from an usb... | 08:27 |
drobel | robotgeek: good idea though!! | 08:27 |
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Teknoenie | drobel: if you use grub you can | 08:27 |
Teknoenie | but of course you need grub installed first | 08:28 |
robotgeek | drobel: there are more methods there on that page, take a look :) | 08:28 |
Teknoenie | Jambon: you know what.. just put the mode in there | 08:28 |
Teknoenie | screw what KDE says :/ | 08:29 |
Teknoenie | :-/ | 08:29 |
Jambon | i can't | 08:29 |
Teknoenie | in the xorg.conf | 08:29 |
Jambon | so how? | 08:29 |
drobel | robotgeek: only usb/flash as far as I can see... | 08:29 |
Teknoenie | Modes "1600x1200" "800x600" "640x480" | 08:29 |
Teknoenie | add your mode | 08:29 |
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drobel | Teknoenie: I could always install grub from my existing Mandriva part. | 08:30 |
drobel | Teknoenie: but I would have to go out and get me an usb-pendrive thingie.... | 08:30 |
Jambon | no it's there | 08:30 |
Jambon | i can select my settings | 08:31 |
Jambon | i just can't apply them | 08:31 |
Jambon | fun huh? | 08:31 |
Teknoenie | give me your IP login and password and i'll make that damn thing work ;) | 08:31 |
Teknoenie | where's my hammer? | 08:31 |
=== Teknoenie digs through the toolbox | ||
drobel | robotgeek: so, the install iso for kubunto does NOT contain an network install option? | 08:31 |
Teknoenie | no | 08:31 |
robotgeek | nope | 08:32 |
drobel | arrggghh... I would need a "special" iso image then... | 08:32 |
Teknoenie | why would you wanna use one of those new-fandagled-networking-thingies anyways | 08:32 |
Teknoenie | we don't support that | 08:32 |
robotgeek | Teknoenie: been in debian since ages | 08:32 |
drobel | lol | 08:33 |
Teknoenie | yeah i know.. i was joking | 08:33 |
Jambon | Teknoenie: ya...... | 08:33 |
robotgeek | Teknoenie: you already have linux installed there? | 08:33 |
Jambon | uh i click apply and it does nothing..... | 08:33 |
Teknoenie | yeah | 08:33 |
frank23 | drobel: you could install debian stable and dist-upgrade to breezy maybe | 08:33 |
robotgeek | Teknoenie: do you ahve a partition on it | 08:33 |
Teknoenie | yeah | 08:33 |
robotgeek | you can install it directly from the iso, i think | 08:33 |
Teknoenie | i have multiple partitions | 08:33 |
Teknoenie | 650GB worth | 08:34 |
Teknoenie | on one | 08:34 |
Teknoenie | and 1.5TB on another | 08:34 |
Teknoenie | and 15TB on another | 08:34 |
robotgeek | Teknoenie: moment | 08:34 |
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Teknoenie | umm.. no you can't install from ISO | 08:34 |
Teknoenie | you can't do a network install | 08:34 |
drobel | frank23: yeah?? So.... pardon my ignorance, but is breezy the same as kubuntu?? ne? | 08:34 |
Teknoenie | breezy is the nick name for the version | 08:35 |
me2win | after a dist-upgrade do i just restart? | 08:35 |
Teknoenie | breezy is 5.10 and dapper is 6.05 | 08:35 |
frank23 | drobel: breezy is the ubuntu version, ubuntu and kubuntu are different collections of packages that come from the same source | 08:35 |
Teknoenie | me2win: yes | 08:35 |
robotgeek | drobel: may be useful | 08:35 |
me2win | Teknoenie, ty | 08:35 |
drobel | robotgeek: Thanks, I looked at it... | 08:36 |
drobel | wow, my opera crashed... | 08:36 |
Jambon | i can imagine the orchestra didn't enjoy that | 08:37 |
Jambon | or the singers for that matter | 08:37 |
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drobel | | 08:38 |
drobel | THATS my solution!! | 08:38 |
drobel | crap | 08:38 |
drobel | That pace "does not exist yet" | 08:39 |
borelia | why is there a /dev and a /.dev directory ? they have same size | 08:39 |
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drobel | borelia: ls -l ?(link) | 08:39 |
Jambon | ok Teknoenie should i just give up? | 08:39 |
Teknoenie | i'm honestly at a loss | 08:40 |
_mindspin | Jambon whats your goal? | 08:40 |
Jambon | change my resolution | 08:41 |
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borelia | a link for what use ? | 08:41 |
_mindspin | sudo dpkg-reconfigure x-org or so... | 08:41 |
Teknoenie | one may be a memory copy of the dev | 08:41 |
_mindspin | x-org is not the correct name ;-) | 08:42 |
Teknoenie | it truely is odd that it's only in KDE | 08:42 |
robotgeek | test, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg | 08:42 |
Jambon | that doesn't work | 08:42 |
Teknoenie | is GNOME using that res? | 08:43 |
_mindspin | that#s abit inconcrete | 08:43 |
drobel | borelia: No, I just meant that maybe one the directory was a softlink to the other one...(doesnt make sense though)... | 08:43 |
Jambon | Teknoenie: nope | 08:43 |
Jambon | it's doing well at 1152x854 | 08:43 |
drobel | borelia: s/one the directory/one of the directory/ | 08:44 |
Teknoenie | there's prolly a setting missed somewhere | 08:44 |
Teknoenie | i just wish i knew | 08:44 |
Teknoenie | sorry dude | 08:44 |
Jambon | damn | 08:44 |
Jambon | can i just kill the 1280 mode? | 08:45 |
Teknoenie | well the 1152x854 should be the first entry | 08:45 |
Teknoenie | that would be the default rez | 08:45 |
Jambon | i'll try that | 08:45 |
Teknoenie | anything after is available via CTRL +/- | 08:45 |
Jambon | really? | 08:46 |
Jambon | that doesn't work for me? | 08:46 |
Jambon | hold on | 08:46 |
Jambon | lemme try that | 08:46 |
drobel | robotgeek: I think I will install grub, put the iso contents on the HDD (loopback mount...cp -R) and then just point grub at it... SHOULD work.... | 08:47 |
robotgeek | drobel: back up your data :) | 08:48 |
robotgeek | and go for it! | 08:48 |
=== Teknoenie is now known as Tek_Sleeping | ||
Tek_Sleeping | night all | 08:48 |
drobel | robotgeek: yep... will do... thanks and C yal later :) | 08:49 |
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Jambon | well sorry all | 08:56 |
Jambon | i'll stick with gnome | 08:56 |
Jambon | kde really doesn't like me | 08:56 |
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fatejudger | !xincludes | 09:10 |
ubotu | When a program or configure script asks for "X includes", you should probably install the following packages: xlibs-dev xlibs-static-dev x-window-system-dev | 09:10 |
fatejudger | !qtincludes | 09:12 |
ubotu | Wish I knew. Try searching at, fatejudger | 09:12 |
fatejudger | !kdeincludes | 09:12 |
ubotu | Wish I knew. Try searching at, fatejudger | 09:12 |
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Jambon | I FIXED IT!! | 09:19 |
Jambon | well kinda | 09:19 |
Jambon | i just removed the possibilities for xorg to actually get any higher res | 09:19 |
Jambon | so know | 09:20 |
Jambon | how do i install themes | 09:20 |
Jambon | it looks harder than gnome | 09:20 |
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ubijtsa2 | hohum.. appears flight5 kubuntu made an appearance overnight | 09:25 |
ubijtsa2 | time to fire up torrent then | 09:25 |
Chodder | Just update to it | 09:27 |
Chodder | The repos havent changed | 09:28 |
Chodder | I've actually been on flight 5 for a few days | 09:28 |
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raphink | hi Hobbsee_ | 09:30 |
Hobbsee | hey | 09:30 |
Hobbsee | raphink: well done! | 09:30 |
raphink | thanks :) | 09:30 |
ubijtsa2 | Chodder: kubuntu flight5 wasn't available last night.. I use the ISO for local netinstalls, so the updated ISO is useful to lower the network load off-site | 09:33 |
raphink | Riddell made kubuntu df5 yesterday | 09:34 |
Chodder | Well after i installed kubuntu I used the ubuntu repos | 09:34 |
raphink | it's not yet on the mirrors but it's on cdimage already | 09:34 |
Chodder | And have had everything uncommented | 09:34 |
ubijtsa2 | my desktop is a flight3 install.. done updates of the repos since then | 09:35 |
raphink | this makes no sense guys | 09:35 |
raphink | flightN are snapshots of dapper developpement | 09:35 |
raphink | you might have installed df3 or df4 or whatever | 09:35 |
raphink | but if you've upgraded it doesn't matter which one you've installed, you're using the latest packages in dapper | 09:36 |
Jambon | is there an easier way to instal lthemes fo kubuntu? | 09:36 |
raphink | Jambon: what themes? | 09:36 |
ubijtsa2 | raphink: yes.. when doing new installs, the later the flight iso, the less to pull off the network - yes? | 09:36 |
raphink | and easier than what? | 09:36 |
Jambon | compiling them | 09:36 |
raphink | ubijtsa2: theorically, yes | 09:36 |
Jambon | i liked gnomes drag and drop | 09:36 |
raphink | ubijtsa2: in reality, the main packages get updated quite a lot lately, so even with DF5 you're pretty sure you can upgrade quite a lot | 09:37 |
Jambon | and i highly doubt the repo is that up to date with all the themes for kde | 09:37 |
raphink | Jambon: you can check if the them you want is available in the repository first | 09:37 |
raphink | Jambon: _that_ up-to-date? Now having all kde themes is no our goal ;) | 09:37 |
Jambon | i know that | 09:38 |
Jambon | i wasn't bashing that | 09:38 |
ubijtsa2 | raphink: true.. now, the difference between f2 and f4 is probably very little in the respect of how much gets updated over the network after install.. | 09:38 |
Jambon | i was just wondering if i had to command line install every bloody theme i want | 09:38 |
raphink | ubijtsa2: probably | 09:38 |
raphink | Jambon: if you can't find it on apt-get, then I guess | 09:38 |
ubijtsa2 | but also, problems with installer etc has been fixed in f5, and should require less 'tweaking' in preeseed and postinst scripts to complete | 09:39 |
raphink | Jambon: if you think it's a theme worth having, you can package it, too | 09:39 |
raphink | for dapper+1 | 09:39 |
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raphink | so everyone can have it easily | 09:39 |
Jambon | that makes no sense. how can gnome just be drag and drop? | 09:39 |
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ubijtsa2 | Jambon: because gnome themes are non-intelligent | 09:39 |
ubijtsa2 | Jambon: kde themes are shared libraries | 09:40 |
raphink | Jambon: in kde, you can install themes from kcontrol/systemsettings, too | 09:40 |
raphink | unless the themes have to be compiled | 09:40 |
Jambon | how? | 09:40 |
raphink | which is the case for intelligent themes | 09:40 |
raphink | with animated stuff and all | 09:40 |
Jambon | i don't see an option for that | 09:40 |
raphink | that (iirc) gnome doesn't have | 09:40 |
raphink | Jambon: kcontrol -> look&feel -> themes | 09:40 |
Jambon | i must be missing something | 09:42 |
Jambon | i kant find kcontrol | 09:42 |
Hobbsee | Jambon: alt+f2 | 09:42 |
Jambon | got it | 09:43 |
raphink | otherwise you can use systemsettings | 09:43 |
=== Kao|Away is now known as KaoticEvil | ||
KaoticEvil | hey all.. quick question | 09:44 |
KaoticEvil | i just purchased a CDRW drive to toss into my kubuntu box.. will i have to change anything to use the burner? | 09:45 |
Hobbsee | KaoticEvil: shoot | 09:45 |
KaoticEvil | i remember on a previous distro install, i had to ass some kernel parameters to get the burner functions working | 09:45 |
tijn | KaoticEvil: dont think so, just plug it in | 09:45 |
KaoticEvil | s/ass/add | 09:45 |
tijn | and burn | 09:46 |
KaoticEvil | sweet | 09:46 |
tijn | in most cases ;) | 09:46 |
KaoticEvil | ive already played about a lil bit with k3b.. seems pretty intuitive.. very nero-ish ;) | 09:46 |
tijn | nero is also available for linux :) | 09:46 |
tijn | looks like a bucket of shit, and you have to pay though | 09:47 |
KaoticEvil | is it? awesome... | 09:47 |
KaoticEvil | doh.. forget that.. k3b is free :P | 09:47 |
KaoticEvil | ok then.. one more question... | 09:47 |
raphink | nero? what for? | 09:47 |
raphink | nero is not as good as k3b, it's gtk and it's not free | 09:47 |
tijn | raphink: to pay ;) | 09:48 |
raphink | there's really no point in using it | 09:48 |
KaoticEvil | i know how to reconfigure my X to use a different video driver (i got a new video card too) | 09:48 |
tijn | nero is gtk1 :S | 09:48 |
raphink | yes | 09:48 |
KaoticEvil | ewww gtk1? O.o | 09:48 |
Kamping_Kaiser | tijn: gtk1? :s EW | 09:48 |
tijn | jep | 09:48 |
Kamping_Kaiser | thats seriously not going down well | 09:49 |
tijn | nope | 09:49 |
KaoticEvil | but ive already changed video cards once in this box, and i notice when i boot up, i see an error regarding agpgart... | 09:49 |
raphink | s/gtk1/gtk+/ | 09:49 |
raphink | but that's not gtk2 anyway | 09:49 |
KaoticEvil | can i change the card that agpgart looks for? and if so, how? | 09:49 |
raphink | and far from being what any kde user would choose, having k3b on the other hand | 09:50 |
KaoticEvil | raphink: ive got KDE, Gnome and xfce all installed :) | 09:50 |
raphink | good for you | 09:50 |
raphink | you're crowding your / :) | 09:50 |
KaoticEvil | i like having my options available to me.. | 09:50 |
KaoticEvil | and not only that, some of my friends think that because i run linux, im automatically a guru... | 09:51 |
raphink | now you've got the ones that take the most space, you can add fluxbox/blackbox, enlightenment, etc. | 09:51 |
raphink | won't add much :) | 09:51 |
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raphink | KaoticEvil: hahaha | 09:51 |
raphink | doh, my mom runs linux hence she's got to be a guru | 09:51 |
raphink | lol | 09:51 |
KaoticEvil | and some of them use gnome... a couple use xfce. things are a lil different, so i just tell em to hold on a second, and switch my gui :) | 09:52 |
KaoticEvil | anyway... any ideas on my other question? | 09:52 |
raphink | KaoticEvil: well then run linux aswell then... so they must be gurus too, no? | 09:52 |
raphink | ;) | 09:52 |
KaoticEvil | raphink: well, with most of them... ive forgotten more about computers than they'll ever know... | 09:53 |
raphink | nope | 09:53 |
raphink | hmmpf | 09:53 |
raphink | apt-get install humility | 09:53 |
KaoticEvil | and ive been running it for several months now, they're only now installing | 09:53 |
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KaoticEvil | raphink: im not trying to boast... but ive been working on computers for over 16 years... | 09:53 |
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KaoticEvil | im the one they all come to qith questions... | 09:54 |
KaoticEvil | with* | 09:54 |
raphink | ok | 09:54 |
raphink | that's good :) | 09:54 |
raphink | so we're happy to have you here | 09:54 |
KaoticEvil | i *do* know my stuff when it comes to computers :) | 09:54 |
raphink | so you can answer questions | 09:54 |
morrow | hmmm this kat keeps segfaulting. :/ | 09:54 |
KaoticEvil | i do answer questions when i can.. and try to help whenever possible | 09:55 |
raphink | that's good KaoticEvil | 09:55 |
KaoticEvil | with kubunutu and linux in general however, i am still very much a newb :) | 09:55 |
raphink | ah | 09:55 |
raphink | KaoticEvil: we all began somewhere | 09:56 |
KaoticEvil | i can get around, and do most things... but when it comes to changing hardware and things like that, as far as configuring the system to actually USE the hardware... im usually at a loss | 09:56 |
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KaoticEvil | raphink: indeed, thats why i like helping | 09:57 |
KaoticEvil | it also furthers my own knowledge... something ive always liked doing | 09:57 |
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raphink | :) | 09:57 |
raphink | so what is your speciality? | 09:57 |
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KaoticEvil | jack of all trades, really... | 09:58 |
KaoticEvil | system building, troubleshooting, install help, repairs, networking... | 09:58 |
raphink | on what OS? | 09:58 |
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KaoticEvil | windows :P | 09:58 |
raphink | ok | 09:58 |
raphink | what windows? | 09:58 |
KaoticEvil | i started on DOS3.3 | 09:59 |
_mindspin | hehe networking and windows always guarantees fun | 09:59 |
KaoticEvil | all of them.. 3.x up to XP | 09:59 |
raphink | hmm XP is not the latest | 09:59 |
raphink | ;) | 09:59 |
KaoticEvil | _mindspin: actually, i find it easier to network windows than linux :P | 09:59 |
KaoticEvil | no, its not.. 2003 is | 09:59 |
_mindspin | haha | 09:59 |
KaoticEvil | ive used it somewhat, but not extensively enough to say that i know it | 09:59 |
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raphink | KaoticEvil: so you're kind of specialized in basic installation of desktop machines? | 10:00 |
_mindspin | windows networking is off-topic, so keep it as is | 10:00 |
KaoticEvil | _mindspin: it took me 3 days to get my wireless networking going under breezy... less than 10 minutes on 2K/XP ;) | 10:00 |
raphink | or do you also master advanced features on windows like setting bind / ldap / ad / gpo | 10:00 |
raphink | ? | 10:00 |
_mindspin | wireles and networking are a different pair of shoes | 10:00 |
raphink | yes | 10:00 |
KaoticEvil | raphink: no, ive not used AD | 10:00 |
KaoticEvil | never had the opportunity | 10:01 |
Hobbsee | KaoticEvil: well, you can always sort out my XP wireless stuff if you want... | 10:01 |
raphink | Hobbsee: you have XP ????????? | 10:02 |
KaoticEvil | Hobbsee: be glad to... | 10:02 |
=== raphink is shocked | ||
Hobbsee | raphink: sure, i have >2 OS's on this laptop at any one time | 10:02 |
raphink | :s | 10:02 |
_mindspin | funnyest experience I had was trying to map a share on samba server for a brand new xp installation | 10:02 |
raphink | well but XP ... ;) | 10:02 |
_mindspin | xp found the server at least when i did a net use x: //server/sharename | 10:03 |
_mindspin | on cmd | 10:03 |
KaoticEvil | _mindspin: join #kubunutu-offtopic ;) | 10:04 |
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_mindspin | I#m still teher | 10:04 |
_mindspin | there | 10:04 |
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smtkee002 | Hi, was just wondering if the kubuntu dvd comes with extra software, compared with the cd | 10:09 |
Kamping_Kaiser | all of main i beleive | 10:10 |
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smtkee002 | is that more than the cd? | 10:11 |
KaoticEvil | smtkee002: yup | 10:12 |
smtkee002 | thanks | 10:12 |
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catalin | e careva roman?? | 10:14 |
catalin | pe ici?? | 10:14 |
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ubijtsa2 | anyone else noticed the Public File Server applet fails to load since a day or two? | 10:20 |
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raphink | ubijtsa2: i can confirm that | 10:21 |
ubijtsa2 | or get the "An error occurred while loading zeroconf:/: Could not start process Unable to create io-slave: klauncher said: Error loading 'kio_zeroconf'." errer? | 10:22 |
raphink | did you report that bug? | 10:22 |
ubijtsa2 | raphink: no, have not reported it yet.. | 10:22 |
raphink | ok | 10:22 |
raphink | same for zeroconf:/ i can confirm it | 10:22 |
raphink | when you report the bug, give me the numbers | 10:22 |
ubijtsa2 | I went through trying to remove configs in case they were a problem (have been in the past) | 10:22 |
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ubijtsa2 | raphink: will take me a few minutes | 10:23 |
raphink | ubijtsa2: when would you say this began to bug ? | 10:26 |
ubijtsa2 | uhm, tuesday morning was when I saw it first time | 10:26 |
raphink | k | 10:26 |
raphink | and when did you see it work last time? | 10:27 |
ubijtsa2 | friday last week | 10:27 |
raphink | ok | 10:27 |
raphink | doesn't seem like kdenetwork or avahi have been updated since 10 days | 10:28 |
raphink | so it must be something else | 10:28 |
ubijtsa2 | yeah | 10:28 |
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ubijtsa2 | raphink: bug #35007 | 10:35 |
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KaoticEvil | hey, here's an odd question... | 10:50 |
KaoticEvil | if i leave my computer on all day (which i always do) and dont leave my music running, my network dies. | 10:50 |
KaoticEvil | if i leave the music running, my network is fine | 10:50 |
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marius_ | so how is WPA support in kubuntu / dapper.. will it work ? | 11:07 |
visik7 | use wpa_supplicant | 11:08 |
visik7 | it works | 11:08 |
visik7 | btw depend on the hardware | 11:08 |
marius_ | apt-get install wpa_supplicant ? | 11:08 |
visik7 | wpasupplicant | 11:08 |
marius_ | ok i'll give it a try... any docs i need to read ? | 11:10 |
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visik7 | marius_: the example conf | 11:13 |
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trumee | guys, I am planning to install kubuntu on a machine which does not have internet. Is it possible to download the repository, burn to dvd and install using it? | 11:19 |
trumee | what repository should i download from? | 11:19 |
Kamping_Kaiser | trumee: download from your local mirror | 11:20 |
Kamping_Kaiser | and use debmirror to make your mirrors | 11:20 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | just a warning that an incomplete mirror - one arch, binary only - is 12 gig | 11:21 |
trumee | Kamping_Kaiser:so i can pull the whole repository and burn to a dvd? is it the same repository as the debian repository (sorry i am newbie here)? | 11:21 |
Kamping_Kaiser | 3 for main, 7 for universe,, 1 gig for multiverse and restricted | 11:21 |
ubijtsa2 | bit much even for a DVDR DL | 11:21 |
Kamping_Kaiser | same repo structure, yes | 11:21 |
ubijtsa2 | be better when BluRay is available | 11:21 |
Kamping_Kaiser | you can make main 1 cd, and try splitting universe over 2, but i havent tried | 11:22 |
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trumee | Kamping_Kaiser:thanks, where can i get a mirror list from? | 11:22 |
Kamping_Kaiser | trumee: where are you? | 11:23 |
trumee | Kamping_Kaiser:UK | 11:23 |
Kamping_Kaiser | just use, where CC is your country code | 11:23 |
Kamping_Kaiser | so use GB.archive. | 11:23 |
trumee | Kamping_Kaiser:ok | 11:23 |
Kamping_Kaiser | er. lowercase letters, btw | 11:23 |
Kamping_Kaiser | trumee: want me to find my mirror build script? | 11:23 |
trumee | Kamping_Kaiser:that will be great. what is the difference between main and universe? | 11:24 |
Kamping_Kaiser | trumee: main is officaly supported, but universe has more packages | 11:24 |
trumee | Kamping_Kaiser:i currently use gentoo (if that helps) | 11:24 |
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trumee | Kamping_Kaiser:i was interested in setting up kde3.5.1, i guess it is in universe | 11:25 |
Kamping_Kaiser | trumee: I'll brb. 5 min | 11:26 |
Kamping_Kaiser | trumee: i don't know if debmirror runs on gentoo | 11:27 |
me2win | Kamping_Kaiser, hey | 11:28 |
weedar | trumee, if you read the news on you'll fnd the sources needed to get kde3.5.1 | 11:29 |
Kamping_Kaiser | me2win: hi mate | 11:29 |
Kamping_Kaiser | trumee: | 11:30 |
me2win | Kamping_Kaiser, got XGL working? | 11:30 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | me2win: under Kubuntu? havent tried. my laptop (with Kubuntu on it) has an ati card, and the ati cards have a bug in the driver that makes it more effort then it's worth | 11:31 |
Kamping_Kaiser | i might try on my desktop later *if i have time* | 11:31 |
me2win | Kamping_Kaiser, ah | 11:31 |
me2win | Kamping_Kaiser, think the bug has been fixed since the latest flight release? | 11:32 |
Kamping_Kaiser | i havent got any updated drivers | 11:32 |
me2win | ah | 11:32 |
Kamping_Kaiser | it's a bug in ati's driver, not Ubuntu's xgl | 11:33 |
me2win | ohhh, i see, i misunderstood you the first time for some reason heh | 11:34 |
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trumee | Kamping_Kaiser:what does this script do? | 11:47 |
Kamping_Kaiser | trumee: by default? | 11:48 |
Kamping_Kaiser | you should replace any relevent bits for what you need | 11:48 |
trumee | Kamping_Kaiser:is this script for downloading repository? | 11:49 |
Kamping_Kaiser | trumee: yes | 11:49 |
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trumee | Kamping_Kaiser:can i use this script to download repository on my gentoo box? | 11:50 |
Kamping_Kaiser | trumee: if you can get debmirror for gentoo yes | 11:50 |
trumee | Kamping_Kaiser:sorry, i am a bit lost. what you are saying is that i should download the repo using this script and then burn to a dvd. whay can i use wget to download the whole repo? | 11:51 |
Kamping_Kaiser | you can if you realy want | 11:52 |
Kamping_Kaiser | but have fun.... | 11:52 |
trumee | Kamping_Kaiser:uh ok. we dont seem to have debmirror on my gentoo box here. i guess wget is the only way to go, unless i setup an ubuntu on a machine connectd to the network | 11:53 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hm. i can say wgetting will not be fun, but do you have a spare box? | 11:54 |
Hobbsee | raphink: hey...when they say a CC meeting, with voting - is that all members, or just the people who accept/reject other members? | 11:58 |
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trumee | Kamping_Kaiser:unfortunately no, i dont have a spare box | 12:02 |
Kamping_Kaiser | damn | 12:03 |
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trumee | Kamping_Kaiser:but i will check the gentoo forums about this | 12:03 |
Kamping_Kaiser | trumee: good idea. gl with it. let me know if you find a not-debmirror solution! | 12:04 |
trumee | Kamping_Kaiser:cheers | 12:04 |
dermitrius | what is happening with kdelibs, "libkdnssd.s0.1 undefined symbol: avahi_client_new" | 12:04 |
raphink | Hobbsee: dependson the context I guess | 12:04 |
Hobbsee | raphink: dapper delay, this is in reference to | 12:05 |
raphink | ok well I don't know | 12:05 |
Kamping_Kaiser | dermitrius: any more info? | 12:05 |
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raphink | ping pitti | 12:05 |
dermitrius | no sorry both krsader and ksysguard crash with this error | 12:05 |
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dermitrius | although krusader atleast gets to a gui before this occurs | 12:06 |
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dermitrius | posted console output on pastebin | 12:10 |
Kamping_Kaiser | dermitrius: are you running Breezy/dapper/a mix? | 12:11 |
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Hobbsee | raphink: ok, i'll have to see if i'll even be in the meetings for votes | 12:12 |
raphink | ok | 12:12 |
Hobbsee | if they're at 4am or similar, then i wont be | 12:12 |
raphink | obviously | 12:12 |
dermitrius | dapper | 12:12 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 12:13 |
Kamping_Kaiser | dermitrius: what's your paste number? | 12:13 |
dermitrius | 602574 | 12:13 |
aurka | hi, does anybody have the same problem: the "Windows menu" in konqueror has disappeared in my 3.5.1 but shortcuts still work... ?? | 12:13 |
dermitrius | sry wrong one | 12:14 |
dermitrius | 603264 | 12:14 |
dermitrius | i was looking at an old paste :) | 12:14 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser wishes ubotu did usefull things - like expand pastebin urls | ||
Kamping_Kaiser | i noticed it wasnt what i expected ;) | 12:15 |
Kamping_Kaiser | hm. it's blank for me :/ | 12:15 |
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Hobbsee | Kamping_Kaiser: ping Cafuego, and ask for it...or write a plugin | 12:15 |
Hobbsee | ubugtu already takes bug # and translates it | 12:15 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Hobbsee: write a plugin o_0 | 12:15 |
Hobbsee | yes, you, write a plugin | 12:15 |
Kamping_Kaiser | i know what ubugtu does/used to do... it's what it's designed for ;) | 12:15 |
slow-motion | hallo | 12:16 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser faints | ||
dermitrius | i didn't post anonymously if thats a help :) | 12:16 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser didnt see it | ||
dermitrius | so its still blank to you? | 12:18 |
Kamping_Kaiser | YEH | 12:18 |
Kamping_Kaiser | sorry caps :S | 12:18 |
dermitrius | well i just loaded the paster in FF and its all there | 12:19 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | using | 12:19 |
dermitrius | aye | 12:20 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ah, Kubuntu. :$ i looked at p.c and ubuntu.p.c | 12:20 |
Kamping_Kaiser | to save me starting my Kubuntu chroot - what is krusader? | 12:21 |
ubijtsa2 | hmm.. anyone else have two google search boxes in Konqueror ? | 12:21 |
dermitrius | file manager | 12:21 |
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dermitrius | like mc (ie two pane file manager) | 12:22 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ah right. | 12:22 |
Kamping_Kaiser | dermitrius: if you run `apt-get -f install` does it try and fix krusader? and if not, you should probably check malone for existing bugs | 12:23 |
dermitrius | i only jus recently didi an update/upgrade and it didn't list any part install regarding this issue | 12:24 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | hm. can you check malone pls? it's a universe package (so not part of ubuntu core) | 12:25 |
dermitrius | its a package right ? :) | 12:27 |
Kamping_Kaiser | krusader? yeh | 12:27 |
dermitrius | i was refering to malone | 12:28 |
Kamping_Kaiser | oh, lol. it's the bug tracking system | 12:28 |
dermitrius | krusader might be universe but i don't think ksysguard is | 12:32 |
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dermitrius | krusader Doesn't use Malone or Rosetta, any other bug trackers i can check? | 12:36 |
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Hobbsee | dermitrius: | 12:37 |
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dermitrius | ok ty for your help i'll keep looking about, this has only appeared recently, i'm thinking an update broke something | 12:40 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | gl with it it mate | 12:41 |
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=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:Riddell] : Flight 5 out | Amarok 1.4 beta 2, KOffice 1.5 beta 2 out | Breezy fixes in breezy-updates | IRC info and channels in other languages: | Review the Kubuntu Desktop Guide (Dapper) | Please don't paste into the channel, use | Dapper discussion in #ubuntu+1 | ||
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LeeJunFan | anyone having problems logging into yahoo with kopete? | 12:53 |
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tijn | OT, how do i play an flv flash on a website? | 01:13 |
linxtvr | hi, what is the best way to backup kubuntu? | 01:14 |
Kamping_Kaiser | tijn: a what? | 01:14 |
Kamping_Kaiser | linxtvr: what sort of backup? | 01:14 |
tijn | flash file | 01:14 |
tijn | but an flv | 01:14 |
linxtvr | Kamping_Kaise: a full system backup that is easy to restore or to copy to a different machine | 01:16 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | linxtvr: backups /home/ and /etc/. also do a `dpkg --get-selections > ~/myInstalledPackages` and your more then halfway there | 01:18 |
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cycus_zwisus | is mandriva easier than kubuntu? | 01:30 |
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kubuntu | cycus_zwisus: go use M$ Windoze | 01:31 |
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Tm_T | cycus_zwisus: easier? how you measure it? | 01:31 |
cycus_zwisus | kubuntu, very funny :/ | 01:32 |
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cycus_zwisus | Tm_T, you are linux | 01:42 |
cycus_zwisus | linux expert, that's why i'm asking you :) | 01:42 |
Tm_T | what? | 01:42 |
Tm_T | ...ok, afaik they both have their advances | 01:43 |
cycus_zwisus | aren't you? | 01:43 |
Hobbsee | cycus_zwisus: i've never tried mandriva, but feel free to try both, and tell us what your experiences are | 01:43 |
Tm_T | but I'd say Kubuntu is better ;) | 01:43 |
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cycus_zwisus | i've heard mandriva is more buggy, is that true? | 01:44 |
Hobbsee | Tm_T: you develop on it, so are kinda biased... | 01:44 |
Tm_T | might be | 01:44 |
Tm_T | Hobbsee: can't be! | 01:44 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 01:44 |
Tm_T | Hobbsee: you know, I'm soo unbiased when I say "KDE <3" ;) | 01:44 |
Hobbsee | hehe | 01:44 |
Hobbsee | of course | 01:45 |
Hobbsee | but then again, with gnome...even the version that i saw last night... | 01:45 |
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kinga | hy | 01:45 |
kinga | vk hungary??? | 01:46 |
cycus_zwisus | i'm hungry :) | 01:46 |
Tm_T | Hobbsee: did you hold bucket side of you or right there front? | 01:46 |
Kamping_Kaiser | cycus_zwisus: mandrake is probably easier, but Kubuntu would be a better choice | 01:46 |
kinga | :D | 01:46 |
Hobbsee | Tm_T: hehe | 01:46 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | lol Tm_T | 01:46 |
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kinga_ | hogy kell msik csatornt bellitani??? | 01:47 |
Tm_T | !en | 01:48 |
ubotu | I heard en is Queen's English Speakers; Essex inhabitants who may all go to #ubuntu-uk - anyone from the Island of Great Britain is also welcome. | 01:48 |
cycus_zwisus | hungarian is funny although i don't understand a word :P | 01:48 |
Tm_T | noooo | 01:48 |
kinga_ | :DDD | 01:48 |
Tm_T | kinga_: use english here | 01:48 |
Tm_T | so we all are able to try to understand you ;) | 01:49 |
cycus_zwisus | but the funniest language in the world (or europe at least) is czech :D | 01:49 |
Tm_T | cycus_zwisus: niin, voi olla, jos et ole suomalaisia perkeleit toviin nhnty | 01:49 |
Tm_T | ;) | 01:49 |
cycus_zwisus | Tm_T, what language is this/ | 01:50 |
cycus_zwisus | ? | 01:50 |
Tm_T | finnish | 01:50 |
Kamping_Kaiser | !tell Tm_T about en | 01:50 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ;) | 01:50 |
Tm_T | with some typos | 01:50 |
Tm_T | Kamping_Kaiser: =) | 01:50 |
Kamping_Kaiser | :) | 01:50 |
_mindspin | euskal is the strangest european language but let's have this talk in #ubuntu-offtopic | 01:50 |
cycus_zwisus | finnish is a bit similar to hungarian afaik | 01:50 |
Tm_T | cycus_zwisus: distantly related | 01:51 |
kinga_ | ?? | 01:51 |
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cycus_zwisus | Tm_T, wherea are you from? | 01:51 |
cycus_zwisus | where* | 01:51 |
Tm_T | cycus_zwisus: from Finland :) | 01:51 |
cycus_zwisus | not far away from me | 01:52 |
cycus_zwisus | 1000 km maybe :) | 01:52 |
cycus_zwisus | have you got in Finland some famous linux distribution? | 01:53 |
cycus_zwisus | or maybe: which one is the most popular? | 01:54 |
Melsen | Finux | 01:54 |
Melsen | | 01:54 |
cycus_zwisus | Finux? original name :P | 01:54 |
Melsen | I was joking :P | 01:55 |
cycus_zwisus | Melsen, are you from Finland too? | 01:55 |
Melsen | Denmark :P | 01:55 |
cycus_zwisus | yes I know you were :) | 01:55 |
cycus_zwisus | Denmark, it close too | 01:55 |
Melsen | yeah | 01:55 |
cycus_zwisus | Bronholm is the closest point :) | 01:56 |
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rodrigo | how do i get amarok 1.4 beta 2? on the website it says the kubuntu libs are still on 1.3.1 | 01:56 |
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rodrigo | unless i get the debian packages? o.o; | 01:56 |
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cycus_zwisus | btw i think finux is a good name for a finnish linux distro :) | 01:56 |
jjesse | i think there are some testing packages available, jpatrick made some, you can find him usually on #kubuntu-devel but they are for testing only | 01:57 |
rodrigo | thanks jjesse | 01:58 |
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rodrigo | the current amarok keeps crashing on me so i guess anything else is an improvement | 01:59 |
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_kinga_ | #debrecen | 02:02 |
cycus_zwisus | rodrigo, add this to your sources.list deb dapper main | 02:03 |
cycus_zwisus | and you'll have amarok 1.4 beta 2 | 02:03 |
rodrigo | im on breezy tough | 02:03 |
cycus_zwisus | sorry :/ | 02:04 |
cycus_zwisus | I've compiled beta 2 myself | 02:04 |
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rodrigo | :p i'll try it when i finish upgrading some stuff | 02:04 |
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cycus_zwisus | btw, i haven't got any problems with beta 2 | 02:06 |
rodrigo | coom | 02:06 |
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rodrigo | amarok 1.3 crashes like every 5 songs to me | 02:07 |
cycus_zwisus | rodrigo, mine didn't | 02:07 |
rodrigo | hmmm did you use gstreamer? | 02:08 |
cycus_zwisus | no, i used xine | 02:08 |
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rodrigo | hmm maybe i'll try that | 02:09 |
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slow-motion | bbl | 02:09 |
kinga | Asr0b? | 02:09 |
cycus_zwisus | and i still use xine in beta 2 | 02:09 |
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kinga | Spriechst deutsch? | 02:11 |
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cycus_zwisus | kinga, nein | 02:11 |
ubijtsa2 | !de | 02:11 |
ubotu | Deutschsprachige Hilfe fuer Probleme mit Ubuntu und Kubuntu finden Sie in den Kanaelen #ubuntu-de resp. #kubuntu-de | 02:11 |
kinga | danke ;) | 02:12 |
ubijtsa2 | bitte | 02:12 |
ubijtsa2 | or something to that effect :) | 02:12 |
Kamping_Kaiser | np works for me ;) | 02:12 |
Kamping_Kaiser | bitte is please IIRC | 02:12 |
Melsen | Gehunteheiten ver dunken die geheiftshaft tinss dafuhl? | 02:12 |
Melsen | That looks german to me... | 02:13 |
Melsen | Does it mean anything? I just made it up :) hehe | 02:13 |
Melsen | In other words.. my german is horrible | 02:13 |
Kamping_Kaiser | can we not make up German in the main channel? :) | 02:13 |
ubijtsa2 | *groan* just read the "this dictionary says it is a duck, so it can't be a dragon" post on sounder... | 02:13 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 02:13 |
Kamping_Kaiser | i saw that | 02:13 |
cycus_zwisus | what's the point of releasing firefox 1.0.8? | 02:13 |
Melsen | ? | 02:13 |
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ubijtsa2 | he's never played zAngband or Moria I take it.. "Ethereal Drake" anyone? (that flamin' isn't a duck - that is for sure) | 02:14 |
kinga | Wo wohnst du Cycus? | 02:15 |
Acidic32 | i updated to kde3.5 | 02:15 |
Acidic32 | when i use adept | 02:15 |
Acidic32 | to install kde packages | 02:15 |
Acidic32 | it keeps coming up will break | 02:16 |
Acidic32 | what do i do? :P | 02:16 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ubijtsa2: i never knew a drake was a dragon before today ;) | 02:16 |
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ubijtsa2 | in swedish, "drake" is the word for "dragon" | 02:16 |
kinga | draco :P | 02:17 |
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ubijtsa2 | but I believe "drake" is used in english as well for dragon | 02:17 |
cycus_zwisus | in polish there is no such word as "drake" but there is a word "draka" which means "scandal" :) | 02:18 |
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rodrigo | i read somewhere that drake meant duck ._.;; | 02:19 |
kinga | latin alias draco | 02:19 |
cycus_zwisus | what about man-drake? | 02:19 |
kinga | :P | 02:19 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 02:19 |
Kamping_Kaiser | cycus_zwisus: "Dapper scandal" ... kinda fits.... | 02:20 |
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rodrigo | dapper driva? | 02:20 |
cycus_zwisus | dapper driva limited edition :) | 02:21 |
cycus_zwisus | dapper driva powerpack | 02:21 |
ubijtsa2 | a 'drake' is a male duck, yes.. but words can have multiple meanings... :) | 02:21 |
zyth | meh? | 02:22 |
rodrigo | well | 02:22 |
rodrigo | i think it was meant to be duck then | 02:22 |
cycus_zwisus | i've heard dapper will be released 6 weeks later | 02:22 |
zyth | a drake is a male dragon in english | 02:22 |
rodrigo | cause the people running ubuntu obviously like gnome better than kde :p | 02:23 |
zyth | or a dragon at least. | 02:23 |
Kamping_Kaiser | can we move discusion about drakes to -offtopic? it's a bit lonely in there atm | 02:23 |
kinga | remote :P | 02:23 |
cycus_zwisus | rodrigo, so i must be weird cause i prefer kde :P | 02:23 |
Kamping_Kaiser | course your wierd :P | 02:24 |
rodrigo | so do i XD | 02:24 |
hogemann | well... count me as crazy too. KDE 3.5 is awesome | 02:24 |
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cycus_zwisus | :D | 02:25 |
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rodrigo | im still on kde 3.4.3 tough | 02:28 |
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cycus_zwisus | rodrigo, why? | 02:29 |
rodrigo | cause i just installed the kubuntu cd like 2 days ago | 02:29 |
rodrigo | still havent had a chance to mess with it (ie: screw it up) | 02:30 |
Xemanth^ | its easier to upgrade to 3.5 on start than when profile is edited totally etc | 02:30 |
rodrigo | im running a full upgrae right now on adept.... should be over in a few minutes | 02:30 |
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rodrigo | then ill try amarok 1.4 | 02:30 |
rodrigo | then kde 3.5 if i can find it :p | 02:30 |
cycus_zwisus | Xemanth^, i removed kde 3.4.3 completely before installing kde 3.5 | 02:31 |
Xemanth^ | ok :) | 02:31 |
rodrigo | how do you upgrade on start? | 02:32 |
cycus_zwisus | kwin crashed every 5 minutes and removing .kde folder didn't help | 02:32 |
Xemanth^ | hehe i upgraded today to the newest ati proprshiatsu drivers and font changed alot smaller :D | 02:33 |
Xemanth^ | big improvement from ati to change driver version | 02:34 |
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Acidic32 | lalalalala :P | 02:34 |
Acidic32 | lol | 02:34 |
Xemanth^ | oh well i go to shower -Z | 02:35 |
Xemanth^ | -> | 02:35 |
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Acidic32 | !dvd | 02:36 |
ubotu | DVD playing is possible in ubuntu. You may need libdvdcss2, which is available via (section extras) | 02:36 |
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cycus_zwisus | may i try? | 02:37 |
cycus_zwisus | !dvd | 02:37 |
ubotu | DVD playing is possible in ubuntu. You may need libdvdcss2, which is available via (section extras) | 02:37 |
cycus_zwisus | amazing :D | 02:37 |
cycus_zwisus | !cycus_zwisus ;) | 02:38 |
ubotu | I don't know, try searching at, cycus_zwisus | 02:38 |
cycus_zwisus | !bill_gates | 02:38 |
ubotu | cycus_zwisus: Syntax error in line 1. Try searching at | 02:38 |
rodrigo | !mp3 | 02:38 |
ubotu | rumour has it, mp3 is a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read | 02:38 |
cycus_zwisus | !ubuntu | 02:38 |
ubotu | I heard ubuntu is an easy-to-use GNU/Linux desktop distro based on Debian. It's Bantu for 'Humanity to others'. see !awards. | 02:38 |
rodrigo | !warez | 02:39 |
ubotu | rodrigo: Wish I knew. Try searching at | 02:39 |
rodrigo | :p | 02:39 |
cycus_zwisus | !codecs | 02:39 |
ubotu | Binary only codecs (such as w32codecs) can be downloaded from plf or cipherfunk, see !easysource for details on these repositories | 02:39 |
rodrigo | !windows | 02:39 |
ubotu | parse error: Try searching at, rodrigo | 02:39 |
cycus_zwisus | hehe | 02:39 |
cycus_zwisus | !blue_screen | 02:39 |
rodrigo | !opengl | 02:39 |
ubotu | Do they come in packets of five. Try searching at, cycus_zwisus | 02:39 |
ubotu | Not a clue. Try searching at, rodrigo | 02:39 |
rodrigo | !directx | 02:40 |
ubotu | rodrigo: I haven't a clue, try searching at | 02:40 |
rodrigo | bleh | 02:40 |
cycus_zwisus | !internet_explorer | 02:40 |
ubotu | Huh? Try searching at, cycus_zwisus | 02:40 |
rodrigo | !firefox | 02:40 |
rodrigo | somebody said firefox was a Free Software web browser that supports extensions and is gaining popularity by the hour. Developed by the Mozilla Foundation. For firefox 1.5, look at !firefox1.5 To use your mouse theme in firefox, see | 02:40 |
rodrigo | hahah it pm'ed me | 02:40 |
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cycus_zwisus | !dapper | 02:41 |
ubotu | The next release of Ubuntu is Dapper Drake - /join #ubuntu+1 for discussion | 02:41 |
cycus_zwisus | nice thing, isn't it? | 02:41 |
kubuntu | cycus_zwisus: what's your problem???? | 02:42 |
cycus_zwisus | kubuntu, i haven't got any, why? | 02:42 |
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cycus_zwisus | i think djclue917 has some problem though :P | 02:46 |
Xemanth^ | !kde | 02:47 |
ubotu | kde is, like, totally, A powerful, free desktop environment for UNIX. IRC: #kubuntu #kde ; install from Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop ; ISOs: | 02:47 |
cycus_zwisus | !easysource | 02:47 |
ubotu | For an easy to use custom sources.list creator, visit | 02:47 |
cycus_zwisus | yeah, source-o-matic is great | 02:48 |
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cycus_zwisus | !dupa | 02:53 |
ubotu | cycus_zwisus: parse error: Try searching at | 02:53 |
rodrigo | !KDE 3.5 | 02:53 |
ubotu | kde 3.5 is, like, at | 02:53 |
cycus_zwisus | !rodrigo | 02:54 |
ubotu | I haven't a clue, try searching at, cycus_zwisus | 02:54 |
cycus_zwisus | :D | 02:54 |
rodrigo | so what happens if you try to install kde 3.5 on top of 3.4.3? | 02:55 |
cycus_zwisus | i had frequent kwin crashes after doing so | 02:55 |
rodrigo | hmmm | 02:56 |
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cycus_zwisus | i switched to text mode and removed old kde with --purge option | 02:56 |
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meeple | hm why doesnt this work: apt-get install apache | 02:57 |
meeple | ? | 02:57 |
Kamping_Kaiser | try apache2 | 02:57 |
meeple | oh thank you | 02:57 |
Kamping_Kaiser | apache is in universe | 02:57 |
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cycus_zwisus | wow! popup sound extension works with firefox | 02:59 |
cycus_zwisus | with 1.5 i had no sound, that's weird | 02:59 |
slow-motion | re | 02:59 |
cycus_zwisus | hello slow-motion | 03:00 |
slow-motion | hi cycus_zwisus | 03:00 |
ziza | question: can i compile the latest version of the kernel with suspend2 patches and run it with Kubuntu Breezy Badger? | 03:00 |
ziza | i'm not experienced with kernel stuff, so i'm just asking... | 03:03 |
cycus_zwisus | btw, with kernel 2.6.15.x i have no usplash and no sound, why? | 03:04 |
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cycus_zwisus | nobody knows? | 03:05 |
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gwenald | cycus_zwisus: know what? | 03:05 |
cycus_zwisus | gwenald, why with kernel 2.6.15.x i haven't got sound and usplash? | 03:06 |
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cycus_zwisus | the lack of the latter is more annoying of course | 03:07 |
gwenald | is it true that gael duval (founder of mandrake/mandriva, recently... fired from mandriva) is going to become an employee of canonical?! | 03:07 |
cycus_zwisus | sorry, the former :) | 03:07 |
gwenald | cycus_zwisus: i think you have to recompile | 03:07 |
cycus_zwisus | a friend of mine had the same problem as well | 03:08 |
henryson | every time i reboot i have to add a default route. I don't like to do this, how do i force kubuntu to remember what i put in with the route command? | 03:08 |
gwenald | cycus_zwisus: and tell him to do the same | 03:08 |
gwenald | :) | 03:08 |
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cycus_zwisus | recompile but what shold i do before recompiling, which option to turn on? | 03:09 |
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_mindspin | henryson: try editing /etc/resolv.conf | 03:09 |
cycus_zwisus | gwenald, do you use kernel 2.6.15.x/ | 03:09 |
gwenald | cycus_zwisus: no, sorry | 03:09 |
_mindspin | but I had the same problem this morning | 03:09 |
Blippe | it just have domain and nameservers... | 03:10 |
_mindspin | oops | 03:10 |
ziza | cycus_zwisus: which version of k/ubuntu are you running? i'd like to use the latest kernel too, because i absolutely need the hibernate function that comes with the suspend2 patch (which requires newer kernels) | 03:10 |
_mindspin | Blippe: mom | 03:11 |
cycus_zwisus | ziza, i'm using breezy | 03:11 |
Blippe | mom? | 03:11 |
_mindspin | "/etc/network/ifaces" | 03:12 |
_mindspin | is the right file | 03:12 |
_mindspin | add the default gw | 03:12 |
_mindspin | interfaces | 03:12 |
Blippe | :D | 03:12 |
_mindspin | sorry | 03:13 |
cycus_zwisus | ziza, i'm using kernel, with 2.6.15 i have no sound | 03:13 |
_mindspin | just add gateway ipaddress below netmask | 03:13 |
Blippe | you know, i've been staring at the interfaces file for quite som time, and still didn't see that a gateway was missing, thanks! | 03:13 |
_mindspin | no prob ;-) | 03:14 |
_mindspin | and sudo of course | 03:14 |
meeple | does anyone know if there is a GUI config tool for apache that can be installed with apt-get? | 03:15 |
meeple | or do I have to go the old way with crappy tarballs :( | 03:16 |
ziza | cycus_zwisus: sorry, i can't help you with that, i'm starting to get acquainted with kernel compiling at the moment... | 03:16 |
_mindspin | apt-cache search comanche ? | 03:16 |
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meeple | _mindspin: that doesnt do anything | 03:17 |
RossH | hmm has anyone else had problems with flight5 running live not showing up after book with geforce cards | 03:17 |
_mindspin | honestly spoken, I know that there was comanche as apache GUI years ago, I don#t know if its exists still and wether there are packages for it try a search in kynaptic | 03:18 |
_mindspin | or search the web | 03:18 |
Blippe | my livecd doesn't start at all | 03:19 |
_mindspin | I never needed a GUI for apache | 03:19 |
RossH | hmm | 03:19 |
RossH | ya once the livecd boots it just goes blank | 03:19 |
RossH | I've tried diff resolutions but all just come up blank | 03:19 |
_mindspin | dapper ? | 03:19 |
Kamping_Kaiser | i think webmin does apache | 03:19 |
RossH | yes sir | 03:19 |
_mindspin | !dapper | 03:19 |
ubotu | The next release of Ubuntu is Dapper Drake - /join #ubuntu+1 for discussion | 03:19 |
Blippe | isn't there a lot of complaining about the security of webmin? | 03:21 |
Kamping_Kaiser | yeh | 03:22 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser doesnt like webmin | ||
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Blippe | is there anything about the talk or is it just... talk? | 03:23 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | talk ? | 03:24 |
Blippe | the complaining... | 03:24 |
Kamping_Kaiser | oh, yeh,it's justified afaik | 03:25 |
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Blippe | ic | 03:25 |
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djk_ | how do i check if a system is still alright after several aborted bootups and bootcrashes (due to the hotplugsubsystem)? | 03:27 |
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Random_Transit | hey, i have a bunch of window decorations that I installed...they work fine, but synaptic says their packages are broken, and won't let me install anything else 'till i remove them... | 03:29 |
Kamping_Kaiser | why are they broken? | 03:30 |
Random_Transit | dependancies apparently | 03:30 |
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Random_Transit | but that doesn't make sense, because all their dependancies have been met | 03:30 |
Random_Transit | i checked each one | 03:30 |
Kamping_Kaiser | can you paste bin? | 03:30 |
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Blippe | i need to set up internet connection sharing... how do i do that? | 03:31 |
Random_Transit | yeah...just a sec | 03:31 |
_mindspin | Blippe: why do you need a GUI for apache? | 03:31 |
Blippe | i don't need one, meeple did | 03:32 |
_mindspin | aargh | 03:32 |
_mindspin | just read your comments on webmin | 03:32 |
Blippe | ics is of course set up with iptables... stupid question... | 03:32 |
meeple | hm how do I install php support for my apache when I installed apache with apt-get? | 03:33 |
_mindspin | Blippe: what do you mean with "internet connection sharing" ? | 03:33 |
_mindspin | !lamp | 03:34 |
ubotu | methinks lamp is Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP, one of the standard internet server installations. Installing LAMP in Ubuntu is fairly straightforward. More info at | 03:34 |
Random_Transit | Kamping_Kaiser... | 03:34 |
meeple | cool thanks | 03:34 |
_mindspin | yw | 03:34 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Random_Transit: just looking | 03:34 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Random_Transit: you running Breezy or dapper? | 03:35 |
Kamping_Kaiser | they may be dapper themes? | 03:35 |
Blippe | _mindspin... i got two nics on one computer, on connected to a local machine and one to internet, i want to share that internetconnection with the local machine | 03:36 |
Random_Transit | breezy | 03:36 |
meeple | _mindspin: hm except the command: apt-get install php4 doesnt work | 03:36 |
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meeple | no such packet | 03:36 |
_mindspin | sudo apt-get install | 03:36 |
meeple | yep | 03:36 |
meeple | same response | 03:36 |
Blippe | i got it on my machine | 03:37 |
meeple | could not find package it sayss | 03:37 |
_mindspin | which repos are you using | 03:37 |
Random_Transit | stable is dapper, currently, anyway? | 03:37 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Random_Transit: i have the depends for the first one - i expect they are dapper themes | 03:37 |
Kamping_Kaiser | um. *reasonably*. | 03:37 |
Blippe | "php4 - server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (meta-package)" | 03:37 |
Kamping_Kaiser | for example my OpenOffice just died today | 03:37 |
Rayman | quick question: how to change the font color of the Taskbar? | 03:37 |
Random_Transit | IOW...don't bother | 03:37 |
meeple | wait is it case sensitive? | 03:37 |
meeple | hm nope didnt work | 03:37 |
Rayman | inactive font is too gray and I can't read it against the background. | 03:37 |
admrl_school | Rayman do it in kcontrol | 03:38 |
meeple | _mindspin: what do you mean by wich repos Im using? | 03:38 |
_mindspin | Blippe so did you add default gw ip of local nic = external nic? | 03:38 |
Random_Transit | there any way I can just get apt to ignore these packages? | 03:39 |
admrl_school | meeple check your /etc/apt/sources.list | 03:39 |
Rayman | admrl_school: I'll have a closer look. I must have missed it. | 03:39 |
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_mindspin | meeple: how does your /etc/apt/sources.list say? | 03:39 |
Kamping_Kaiser | Random_Transit: completely? i doubt it, but i don't know | 03:39 |
meeple | 20051012 | 03:40 |
rodrigo | !firefox | 03:40 |
meeple | breezy badger | 03:40 |
meeple | it says | 03:40 |
meeple | sourcces.list | 03:40 |
meeple | | 03:41 |
Random_Transit | grrr...this is irritatinng | 03:41 |
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Blippe | _mindspin default gateway on the computer without internet is of course the local comp with internet | 03:41 |
lolziac | who can point me to a good working how to for Xgl and compiz installation in kubuntu 5.10 :)??? | 03:42 |
meeple | _mindspin: so what should my sources.list say then? | 03:43 |
_mindspin | !paste | 03:43 |
ubotu | Don't flood the channel! Please use the pastebin at or the channel #flood to paste large amount of text. | 03:43 |
_mindspin | paste the content in the above mentioned pastebin | 03:44 |
lolziac | why I cant find compiz with apt-get or synaptic | 03:45 |
lolziac | ??? | 03:45 |
lolziac | does anybody has the same problem | 03:45 |
_mindspin | Blippe: and you get no connection ? | 03:45 |
_mindspin | and to get you right, we are speaking of a single computer with two Nics | 03:45 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lolziac: got universe? and dapper? | 03:45 |
meeple | aha there is only php5 | 03:46 |
meeple | no php4 anymore | 03:46 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | what? | 03:47 |
lolziac | Kamping_Kaiser: how can i check that ??? | 03:47 |
lolziac | or should I upgrade myself ??? | 03:48 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lolziac: if 'system -> about ubuntu' says 5.10 then it's brezy and stop nwo:0 | 03:48 |
Kamping_Kaiser | *now | 03:48 |
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lolziac | Kamping_Kaiser: i got only System -> About Gnome | 03:49 |
lolziac | ??? | 03:49 |
Kamping_Kaiser | yeh, that | 03:50 |
lolziac | Version: 2.12.1 Distributor: Ubuntu | 03:50 |
lolziac | :S | 03:50 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ok. your running Breezy | 03:50 |
Kamping_Kaiser | so you don't have xgl | 03:51 |
lolziac | so can u point me on next steps what i have to do, so i can test xgl | 03:51 |
Kamping_Kaiser | i recomend you don't upgrade | 03:51 |
lolziac | Kamping_Kaiser: i really wanna have fun with xgl, I need to see it running on my PC :D | 03:52 |
Blippe | which one should have the nameserver/dns entry resolve.conf or network/interfaces ? | 03:52 |
lolziac | If something goes wrong, linux was never easier to instal | 03:52 |
lolziac | :) | 03:52 |
Kamping_Kaiser | well (let me warn you), your looking at 500mb for updates | 03:52 |
Blippe | does it mather as long as one got it? | 03:52 |
lolziac | ok | 03:53 |
lolziac | development stage | 03:53 |
lolziac | right | 03:53 |
_mindspin | resolve.conf afaik | 03:53 |
Kamping_Kaiser | resolv.conf | 03:53 |
Blippe | i'll go with resolve then... | 03:53 |
Kamping_Kaiser | !dist-upgrade | 03:53 |
ubotu | My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at, Kamping_Kaiser | 03:53 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | hm | 03:54 |
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Blippe | !apt-get | 03:54 |
ubotu | hmm... apt-get is | 03:54 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lolziac: change all instances of "breezy" to "dapper" in your sources.list | 03:55 |
Blippe | lolziac after a complete update... | 03:55 |
Kamping_Kaiser | then `sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 03:55 |
Blippe | first update | 03:55 |
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Blippe | then change... | 03:55 |
Blippe | then update again | 03:55 |
lolziac | change then to breezy again | 03:56 |
lolziac | ??? | 03:56 |
gwenald | somebody please recommend me a repo with gaim 2.0 beta 2 compiled for ubuntu? | 03:56 |
Blippe | lolziac just make sure your system is updated before changing to your sources.list to dapper... | 03:57 |
lolziac | doing that right now | 03:57 |
lolziac | :D upgrade im doing | 03:57 |
lolziac | then im going to follow ur steps :) | 03:58 |
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lolziac | Blippe: can i ask u something :) | 04:01 |
mindspin | any op here? | 04:02 |
Blippe | ask away | 04:02 |
Kamping_Kaiser | some on call i think, why? | 04:02 |
mindspin | just to kick _mindspin | 04:03 |
lolziac | Blippe: u told me to change it breezy again, why?? | 04:03 |
Blippe | no... | 04:03 |
mindspin | connection broke and I wanna log in again | 04:03 |
Blippe | i just told you to update breezy before you change to dapper... | 04:04 |
lolziac | ohhh ok | 04:04 |
lolziac | then i leave it dapper right, i dont have to change it back | 04:04 |
lolziac | :) | 04:04 |
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natito | kj | 04:05 |
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lolziac | Kamping_Kaiser: and Blippe in my sources.list i dont have dapper only brezzer sources ??? | 04:15 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | yeh. replace all Breezy with dapper: %s/Breezy/dapper | 04:16 |
lolziac | like replace words u mean | 04:16 |
lolziac | ??? | 04:16 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | yeh | 04:17 |
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rodrigo | whee im udgrading to dapper | 04:24 |
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tijn | wheee iam fucked | 04:25 |
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tijn | root account has changed to administrator | 04:25 |
tijn | @my debian box | 04:25 |
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seanh | Does anyone know what this means, from fdisk after plugging in a USB IDE drive: Partition 1 does not end on cylinder boundary... repeat for 4 partitions | 04:30 |
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killian | is it possible tu upgrade from kubuntu flight4 to flight5? | 04:41 |
Kamping_Kaiser | sure | 04:41 |
robotgeek | but is flight 5 out yet ;) | 04:41 |
killian | yep | 04:41 |
killian | | 04:42 |
killian | so, how do i upgrade? | 04:42 |
killian | i boot from the flight5 cd and choose the option to upgrade? | 04:42 |
tristanmike | killian, yes, test it for the devs :) | 04:42 |
Kamping_Kaiser | robotgeek: yeh, last day or 2 | 04:43 |
killian | because i dont feel like formatting and installing all over again | 04:43 |
Kamping_Kaiser | killian: mod your sources list then hit 'dist-upgrade' | 04:43 |
killian | how do i do that? | 04:43 |
tristanmike | Kamping_Kaiser, doesn't Dapper have an "upgrade" option from the boot ? | 04:43 |
robotgeek | oh yeah, it is now announced on | 04:44 |
tristanmike | | 04:44 |
Kamping_Kaiser | tristanmike: dunno. i hav been upgrading from Breezy | 04:44 |
tristanmike | Kamping_Kaiser, yeah, check that link, the guys/girls want us to test the new gui dist-upgrader | 04:45 |
tristanmike | ahh, but it's not at boot, my mistake on that one | 04:45 |
Kamping_Kaiser | tristanmike: I'm ahead of flight 5 already | 04:45 |
tristanmike | :P | 04:45 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ;) | 04:45 |
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robotgeek | oh yeah, i am on flight 5 already. doh | 04:45 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 04:46 |
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tristanmike | haha | 04:47 |
killian | wont kubuntu break on upgrade from flight 4 to 5? | 04:47 |
Crashoveride | Hey guys I have a qeustion, Im trying to install a DC++ hub | 04:47 |
Kamping_Kaiser | no, not especialy | 04:47 |
Crashoveride | but i need a c compiler what shud I use? | 04:47 |
killian | i mean nvidia or other modules | 04:47 |
apokryphos | particular thoughts on latest dapper, anyone? | 04:47 |
tristanmike | Crashoveride, "sudo apt-get install build-essential" | 04:47 |
robotgeek | Crashoveride: gcc? | 04:47 |
Crashoveride | yes plz | 04:48 |
apokryphos | perhaps before I rant at all ;-) | 04:48 |
tristanmike | is it still orange? | 04:48 |
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Kamping_Kaiser | tristanmike: was build-esentail ever orange? | 04:48 |
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robotgeek | apokryphos, use alt + f2, type "kcontrol" in the text box, and hit the <enter> key | 04:48 |
robotgeek | change your theme, lol | 04:48 |
tristanmike | Kamping_Kaiser, lol, very funny | 04:48 |
apokryphos | robotgeek: not on kubu here :o | 04:48 |
apokryphos | tristanmike: kubuntu is pure bluee | 04:49 |
Kamping_Kaiser | ;) | 04:49 |
slow-motion | bye | 04:49 |
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tristanmike | apokryphos, thank god | 04:49 |
robotgeek | apokryphos: hmm, okay. get on kubuntu then | 04:49 |
tristanmike | I don't know if I'll be able to use Ubuntu if it stays that ugly orange | 04:49 |
apokryphos | robotgeek: still having fun with suse 8). Went back on to Kubuntu today for a bit after a few weeks | 04:49 |
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apokryphos | robotgeek: tbh, I'm certainly looking forward to suse 10.1 more than dapper :P | 04:49 |
robotgeek | apokryphos: traitor | 04:50 |
apokryphos | tristanmike: people said the same about the brown ;-) | 04:50 |
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tristanmike | pfft, suse....suse wouldn't work in my machine | 04:50 |
Kamping_Kaiser | lol | 04:50 |
apokryphos | tristanmike: what problem? | 04:50 |
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nexus10_ | Hi. I'm new here - and I've got a problem in Kubuntu, accessing System | Settings | Internet & Network | Network Settings. I see the "Configure" dialog, but I don't see an Administrator Mode" button - so can't change anything. Any other details that I could provide to help debug this? | 04:50 |
robotgeek | tristanmike: change your theme, and get over it :) | 04:50 |
tristanmike | when I booted up, the screen was all green | 04:50 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser couldnt trust suse to isnstall, so i ts back on teh back burner | ||
apokryphos | robotgeek: it's actually *certainly* better for new users (by quite a long shot, really). Installed it on about 4/5 people's computers here in my halls so far :) | 04:50 |
vikke | hello, i have this really anyong problem with konqueror: everytime i open a konqueror window a error message displays: "Cannot find parent item file:///home in the tree. Internal error." | 04:50 |
admrl_school | !flood | 04:51 |
ubotu | I guess flood is for pasting, please use , or #flood here on freenode. | 04:51 |
tristanmike | robotgeek, I don't like the default themes, and I have yet to find a working icon theme somewhere, (not the defaults) | 04:51 |
apokryphos | robotgeek: I originally installed kubuntu for a couple of them (thought it'd be a good idea to install one I knew best, so if they had problems it wouldn't be as hard), but really it's better to get them into a different distro and just learn it a bit | 04:51 |
robotgeek | nexus10_, use alt + f2, type "kcontrol" in the text box, and hit the <enter> key | 04:51 |
robotgeek | apokryphos: hmm, yes. that too | 04:51 |
tristanmike | apokryphos, so why does suse not like me? all green screen just after boot ? | 04:52 |
apokryphos | tristanmike: it installed ok? | 04:52 |
tristanmike | apokryphos, no, all I got was a green screen, nothing on it, just a big, bright, green screen, no cute lizard, nadda | 04:52 |
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nexus10_ | robotgeek: Wow! Fan-blooming-tastic! Thanks. | 04:52 |
apokryphos | robotgeek: a full suse install and getting *everything* installed+sorted consists of: (i) installing with the dvd < 30 mins or so, (ii) adding sources, (iii) selecting three things for installation. | 04:52 |
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apokryphos | robotgeek: and that covers all media codecs etc etc. SuSE can come with flash and java -- little handy :P | 04:53 |
robotgeek | apokryphos: you know all tht tools anyways :) | 04:53 |
tristanmike | apokryphos, read my text...All I got was a green buttons, no do you want to install this junk....nothing, live or install cd | 04:53 |
apokryphos | tristanmike: I recommend downloading and burning the eval DVD and just installing | 04:53 |
=== Kamping_Kaiser tried, it didnt work | ||
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apokryphos | robotgeek: yup :). More primary issues though are suse's stability (becomes reasonably obvious), it's yast, and good laptop features (a big goodie for some) | 04:54 |
tristanmike | apokryphos, well, I'm glad that you like it, but I will never recommend suse to anyone, every Ubuntu disk I've ever gotten has "Just Worked"TM | 04:54 |
apokryphos | tristanmike: try that dvd, as I said. Let me know if you have problems with it, I doubt you will. | 04:54 |
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tristanmike | apokryphos, yeah, suse has lost my confidence, they are a Commercial Linux distro and their disks didn't work, i've tried several, and I have no interest in downloading a "DVD" size file only to find out that it doesn't work again, I just don't have the bandwith for that | 04:56 |
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Crashoveride | ok so I think i setup my DC++ hub properly, but im not sure how can I check? | 04:57 |
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apokryphos | tristanmike: Novell is commercial, SuSE is now Open Source (see There are big advantages to both, but I'm not saying the former is perfect. | 04:57 |
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Crashoveride | actually i don't think I installed it but I know i compiled it. | 05:00 |
Crashoveride | how do i install an "install-sh"? or Im confused... | 05:02 |
rodrigo | so whats new from kde 3.4.3 to 3.5? | 05:02 |
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apokryphos | rodrigo: lot of features. See for the changelog | 05:04 |
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nexus10_ | Well, running kcontrol separately lets me get to Admin Mode... but I still can't set up this wretched Broadcom WiFi card. Following | 05:05 |
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nexus10_ | and I can modprobe ndiswrapper -- but don't see any new network interfaces | 05:06 |
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Crashoveride | please does anyone know how to setup an Open DC++ hub? | 05:08 |
nexus10_ | In dmesg I see: ndiswrapper version 1.1 loaded (preempt=no,smp=no) | 05:10 |
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nexus10_ | and ndiswrapper -l shows "bcmwl5 driver present" | 05:11 |
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nexus10_ | so ... please can anyone tell me how in Kubuntu I end up with a usable interface from this ndis driver? I currently have lo, eth0 (which works fine) and sit0 (which I don't recognise, it was there before I did any wifi config). Anyone? | 05:14 |
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nexus10_ | (Or please do kick me across to a different channel if appropriate) | 05:15 |
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robotgeek | nexus10_: | 05:22 |
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nexus10_ | robotgeek: Thanks, reading... | 05:23 |
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Random_Transit | hey does kernel support read access to ufs (unix file system) partitions? | 05:24 |
Random_Transit | i'm asking because I'm trying out PC-BSD...and grub can't read the drive I put it on | 05:25 |
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rodrigo | | 05:28 |
rodrigo | now i wanna upgrade for the konqueror improvements alone XD | 05:29 |
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patrix | hehe 3.5 is quite worth it | 05:32 |
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=== tijn is off, cya ll | ||
rodrigo | bleh but im too scared to screw it up XD think ill stick with firefox until 4.0 hits | 05:33 |
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pkts | People i have problem | 05:40 |
tristanmike | we all do :P | 05:40 |
pkts | someone can help me please | 05:40 |
pkts | :) | 05:40 |
tristanmike | !helpme | 05:40 |
ubotu | If you do not actually ask a question, we can not actually help you. | 05:40 |
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pkts | ok | 05:41 |
pkts | I have proble with opera flash don't work (motif) | 05:41 |
rodrigo | 1 hour, 6 minutes left to finish fetching updates | 05:41 |
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rodrigo | 10 bucks says I wont be able to boot to GUI afterwards :P | 05:42 |
snikker | when i boot uu, i must reconfigure the ntework card with ifconfig... what can i do? | 05:44 |
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mihai_ | hello all... how can i use diff to output the first 5 lines that differ between to specified files? | 05:44 |
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snikker | someone can help me? | 05:45 |
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vikke | !mount | 05:47 |
ubotu | I guess mount is the command to add partitions to your filesystem - for full instructions see For mounting windows partitions, see !windowsdrives or | 05:47 |
robotgeek | snikker, | 05:47 |
snikker | robotgeek: mine it's a normal cable lan... | 05:49 |
robotgeek | snikker: then add "auto eth0" to /etc/network/interfaces | 05:49 |
snikker | robotgeek: auto eth0 is already present into interfaces file :( | 05:50 |
robotgeek | snikker: hmm, i am not sure then. sorry | 05:50 |
snikker | robotgeek: ok, thanks | 05:51 |
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mindspin | snikker: and does the ip match? | 05:52 |
mindspin | isn't it maybe the lack of gateway entry ? | 05:53 |
mindspin | and btw. is it a PC or a notebook? | 05:53 |
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snikker | mindspin: it's a pc... | 05:55 |
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_mindspin | and if you boot up you have no connection? | 05:55 |
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snikker | mindspin: yes, whe i boot up no connection, i must run ifconfig with all parameters... | 05:56 |
_mindspin | did you try pinging an ip for making sure it's not related to name resolution? | 05:57 |
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snikker | mindspin: the ping don't work before run ifconfig... | 05:58 |
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_mindspin | you tried a numeric IP ? | 05:58 |
snikker | mindspin: yes | 05:58 |
_mindspin | ok | 05:58 |
_mindspin | and you did kdesu kcontrol to configure it? | 05:59 |
_mindspin | or on commandline? | 05:59 |
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snikker | mindspin: if i run: ifconfig eth0 broadcast netmask up from console all work fine... | 06:00 |
_mindspin | without sudo? | 06:01 |
snikker | mindspin: no, with sudo of course... | 06:01 |
_mindspin | can you paste your /etc/network/interfaces ? | 06:01 |
_mindspin | !paste | 06:01 |
ubotu | Don't flood the channel! Please use the pastebin at or the channel #flood to paste large amount of text. | 06:01 |
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snikker | mindspin: ok, i past it.... | 06:02 |
_mindspin | not here please | 06:02 |
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joffrey | bonjour a tous | 06:05 |
snikker | mindspin: don't worry :-) look here: | 06:05 |
joffrey | bonjour a tous | 06:05 |
visik7 | where are encoding codecs for divx5 ? | 06:06 |
joffrey | sorry ... | 06:06 |
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_mindspin | snikker: you are running nameservice on your 99 host? | 06:07 |
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_mindspin | and you have to nics in your machine? | 06:08 |
snikker | mindspin: 99 host is the gateway (adsl-modem) | 06:09 |
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snikker | mindspin: yes, i have two nics but the second nic is unused... | 06:09 |
_mindspin | so you'll need the IP of a DNS server there..... (i guess) probably that of your ISP | 06:09 |
_mindspin | comment out the second nic, maybe the dhcp entry gives you trouble | 06:10 |
_mindspin | but all after all the file looks ok | 06:11 |
snikker | mindspin: the ip of dns are managed by gateway... but i would like to use a static ip, not the dhcp | 06:11 |
snikker | mindspin: whe i run "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" i've got a fail... | 06:12 |
_mindspin | what output? none ? | 06:12 |
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pulver | hi how do you install dekorator themes? | 06:13 |
snikker | mindspin: the output is: " * Reconfiguring network interfaces... [fail] " | 06:13 |
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_mindspin | hah | 06:13 |
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_mindspin | did you change the file? | 06:14 |
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snikker | mindspin: yes, i've edited it some day ago... but now it's look like before the editing... | 06:15 |
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snikker | mindspin: i've changed in and all other 0 net classes, but now is again 0 classes | 06:17 |
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_mindspin | snikker: last guess, edit your config by kdesu kcontrol -> network settings | 06:17 |
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_mindspin | and, as a stupid idea, have a look if you load last session or kde when logging in I once had trouble with this, not "remembering" settings | 06:19 |
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snikker | mindspin: i've already tried to use kcontrol, but nothing to do... i've got not problem with kde remembering setting | 06:21 |
mindspin_ | weird | 06:21 |
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snikker | mindspin: do you know who is that run the "interfaces" file at startup? | 06:24 |
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i | van itt valaki aki tud magyarul? | 06:25 |
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mindspin_ | !hu | 06:34 |
ubotu | mindspin_: Bugger all, I dunno. Try searching at | 06:34 |
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vicks | whats the cli command to search for packages? | 06:38 |
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patrix | vicks: apt-cache search blablabla | 06:43 |
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vicks | thanks | 06:44 |
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DeBert | I need help importing a thunderbird mbox in kmail... | 06:47 |
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DeBert | Tools/Import Messages is greyed out in kmail, anybody know why? | 06:49 |
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vicks | DeBert: sorry, can't help more than say that mine is greyed out too (running dapper). you could try asking in #kde | 06:52 |
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LeeJunFan | is there any way to get glx working with sis cards? | 06:59 |
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stefano | hey how can i copy an encrypted dvd??? | 07:01 |
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HymnToLife | stefano> There is no decent DVD ripping too for linux (that I know of) | 07:02 |
HymnToLife | back to Windows :D | 07:02 |
robotgeek | HymnToLife: wait | 07:02 |
HymnToLife | do you know one robotgeek ? | 07:03 |
robotgeek | HymnToLife: | 07:03 |
_steve | I've just installed Kubuntu on a new drive. Trying to read the old drive via an external USB case, but can't see it at all, not even in lsusb. Any ideas? | 07:03 |
HymnToLife | oh no please | 07:03 |
HymnToLife | transcode is crap :/ | 07:04 |
robotgeek | HymnToLife: hmm, did not know that. continue then. medncoder doesn't work too? | 07:04 |
HymnToLife | it works quite fine for basic DVD ripping/encoding | 07:05 |
HymnToLife | but doesn't do subtitles ripping into text files and I need it a lot | 07:05 |
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Tonio_ | hi | 07:08 |
DeBert | vicks: thx, i'll try there... | 07:08 |
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dany | salut | 07:09 |
pradeepto | Riddell: around? | 07:11 |
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vicks | the release-anouncement for kubuntu dapper says there is a new adept installer included. i have installed flight 4 and done all upgrades via apt-get, but i haven't gotten this program. is there packages in the flight that isn't inclided in the repos? | 07:21 |
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me2win | !gam_server | 07:21 |
ubotu | me2win: Wish I knew. Try searching at | 07:21 |
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Riddell | pradeepto: hi | 07:26 |
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yanis | hello | 07:26 |
pradeepto | Riddell: hello | 07:26 |
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yanis | how do I change the shortkeys used for changing desktops (ctrl+tab) ? | 07:27 |
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pradeepto | Riddell: I had apt-get installed kdevelop couple of days back | 07:28 |
ruphy | Hi all, my question is simple, Kubuntu live provides kde 3.5? If not there is something live wich provides it? | 07:29 |
ruphy | s/Kubuntu live provides/does Kubuntu provide | 07:29 |
ruphy | +live ;) | 07:30 |
pradeepto | ruphy: dapper does provide kde 3.5 | 07:30 |
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pradeepto | Riddell: so this kdevelop was sort of categorised in a funny way | 07:31 |
ruphy | pradeepto: can you give me a link please? I can't find it | 07:31 |
pradeepto | ruphy: follow the latest news | 07:32 |
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Riddell | ruphy: there is a breezy kubuntu CD build with 3.5 on it, also dapper flight 5 has kde 3.5 | 07:33 |
pradeepto | Riddell: then after a dist-upgrade and after kde 3.5.1 was installed and kdevelop was nicely categorised and all. | 07:33 |
pradeepto | Riddell: why so? | 07:34 |
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frank23 | drobel: | 07:35 |
Riddell | pradeepto: what's the problem? | 07:35 |
ruphy | Riddel, pradeepto: and maybe you know if edubuntu provides it too? | 07:35 |
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frank23 | Riddell: is there anything new in dapper which will make the installation of things like sun java, dvd, w32codecs and such easier? | 07:35 |
ruphy | Riddel, pradeepto: in any case thanks a lot! =) | 07:36 |
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vikke | hi, i have this really irritating problem with konqueror: everytime i start konqueror this error msgbox shows up and displays: Cannot find parent item file:///home in the tree. Internal error. | 07:36 |
robotgeek | frank23: nope | 07:36 |
ruphy | Riddel, pradeepto: found out by myself! Again, thanks! | 07:36 |
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pradeepto | Riddell: well the docs tab (in the right) had loads of doc entries in the tree view, they all suddenyl view | 07:37 |
pradeepto | * suddenly vanished | 07:37 |
pradeepto | ruphy: no problemos | 07:37 |
pradeepto | Riddell: only that remains is qt documentation? did that happen becuase of the upgrade or something? | 07:38 |
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spiritz | anyone having issues with kde "Public File Server" applet, "zeroconf:/" not working (error loading kio_zeroconf) and daap:/ not working at all? | 07:39 |
Riddell | spiritz: known | 07:39 |
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spiritz | Riddell: all of them? | 07:39 |
Riddell | pradeepto: hmm, curious. what did you upgrade from and to? | 07:39 |
Riddell | spiritz: yes, I'm fixing it | 07:39 |
spiritz | Riddell: alright, thanks | 07:39 |
pradeepto | Riddell: Breezy / KDE 3.4.x -> Breezy / KDE 3.5.1 | 07:40 |
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Riddell | pradeepto: I have the same issue in dapper 3.5.1, so probably an issue with my kdevelop package | 07:42 |
Riddell | pradeepto: I'll look at it when I package kde 3.5.2 | 07:42 |
pradeepto | Riddell: the docs actually vanished in your case too??? | 07:42 |
pradeepto | docs toc rather in the right tab | 07:43 |
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pradeepto | | 07:43 |
pradeepto | Riddell: like that ^^^^^ | 07:43 |
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Crashoveride | how do i login as root? | 07:49 |
Crashoveride | is everyone afk? =P | 07:50 |
rodrigo | i can take that one | 07:50 |
rodrigo | you don't | 07:50 |
Crashoveride | um | 07:50 |
Crashoveride | ok | 07:50 |
Crashoveride | heh | 07:50 |
rodrigo | you use 'sudo' before commands :p | 07:51 |
Crashoveride | so i'm suppose to type opendchub while in root | 07:51 |
rodrigo | or kdesu before running an app | 07:51 |
rodrigo | sudo opendchub | 07:51 |
rodrigo | then enter your pass | 07:51 |
Crashoveride | :( | 07:51 |
Crashoveride | ok | 07:51 |
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Crashoveride | i screwd up somewhere | 07:51 |
rodrigo | how come? | 07:52 |
colonelPanick | if u need to be root for a while then you could use sudo su | 07:52 |
Crashoveride | well | 07:52 |
Crashoveride | im trying to setup a DC++ hub for a lan party | 07:53 |
Crashoveride | and i downloaded compiled then typed make and it went through | 07:53 |
Crashoveride | and i dont know where to go form there | 07:53 |
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pradeepto | Crashoveride: sudo make install or something | 07:54 |
Lure | Crashoveride: sudo -s will make your shell root | 07:54 |
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Crashoveride | says command not found | 07:55 |
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Crashoveride | when i type opendchub | 07:55 |
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frank23 | Crashoveride: try ./opendchub | 08:01 |
Crashoveride | no such file or directory | 08:02 |
frank23 | Crashoveride: are you in the directory where the program is? | 08:02 |
Crashoveride | yes i am | 08:03 |
frank23 | and that binary is exectualble? (ls shows it as green) | 08:03 |
Crashoveride | no | 08:04 |
Crashoveride | but | 08:04 |
Crashoveride | what ive done is downloaded, and extracted, then compiled and type 'make' and now i do not know what to do. | 08:04 |
frank23 | Crashoveride: the regular next step would be sudo make install --- however in ubuntu its better to install checkinstall and do sudo checkinstall instead | 08:06 |
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_zak | !mp3 | 08:06 |
ubotu | mp3 is probably a non-free format. To enable mp3 capability, read | 08:06 |
Crashoveride | ok so there is a 'install-sh' file should I execute it? | 08:07 |
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_zak | !repositories | 08:09 |
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see - Official sources.lists here: (Breezy) or (Dapper) see also !easysource | 08:09 |
sledge | :D\-< | 08:10 |
Crashoveride | ? | 08:10 |
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pgquiles | DVD playing was working fine on Breezy/amd64 until recently, I think a recent update broke it. Any info on that? | 08:11 |
Crashoveride | @msg nickserv identify jon | 08:12 |
Crashoveride | ????? | 08:13 |
Crashoveride | ok | 08:13 |
tchize | Hello, does someone know how to show a user list a kdm login screen? What ever i do, it seems the userlist does not show on kubuntu | 08:13 |
Crashoveride | make | 08:17 |
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Tonio_ | anyone wanting to test this : | 08:18 |
Tonio_ | could be a good wireless manager for dapper maybe | 08:18 |
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_zak | Package gstreamer0.8-mad is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 08:19 |
_zak | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 08:19 |
_zak | is only available from another source | 08:19 |
_zak | I'm getting an error when trying to run the command " sudo apt-get install gstreamer0.8-mad" for mp3 support saying, " | 08:19 |
_zak | Package gstreamer0.8-mad is not available, but is referred to by another package. | 08:19 |
_zak | This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or | 08:19 |
_zak | is only available from another source | 08:19 |
donofrio | need some help....just installed dapper v4.01(aka flight5) and my video is not right | 08:19 |
_zak | oh sorry, didnt see it pasted above | 08:19 |
jjesse | check out for help on that | 08:19 |
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donofrio | how do I make my quad head system work.... | 08:20 |
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donofrio | | 08:21 |
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pgquiles | donofrio try installing ATI's proprietary drivers | 08:24 |
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Crashoveride | what is the best way to install pearl? | 08:27 |
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Petecakes | hmm...would you say that Kubuntu as a first Linux distribution would make a Windows -> Linux transition easy(ier)? | 08:33 |
DjDarkman | hy ,during boot,i get an error during the network configuration and i cant access the internet from there ,the strange is ,that it always ran and i never had problems with it ,i have cable internet and it is configured via dhcp ,can someone help me? | 08:33 |
jjesse | DjDarkman: what does ifconfig show for your ip address? | 08:34 |
DjDarkman | inet addr: | 08:35 |
Crashoveride | Petecakes: yeah kubuntu is a very awesome distr. to convert on in my opinion. | 08:35 |
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DjDarkman | i`m using the ubuntu live now | 08:35 |
apokryphos | Petecakes: quite good, but I'd recommend SuSE for a better transition. | 08:36 |
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DjDarkman | jjesse, what should i do? | 08:37 |
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_simon | hery | 08:37 |
_simon | hey* I have just installed kubuntu, the "old" i need to a download and burn a new cd to get dapper or what it calls?! :/ | 08:37 |
dark_suic | dapper is still developement | 08:37 |
dark_suic | and you don't need to download the cd | 08:38 |
_simon | I know | 08:38 |
dark_suic | u just can change your repositories | 08:38 |
_simon | okay, but there is nothing on the page how to upgrade then.. | 08:38 |
dark_suic | from breezy or what you have | 08:38 |
dark_suic | to dapper | 08:38 |
_simon | okay, how do I do that? | 08:38 |
dark_suic | the repositories are listed under /etc/apt/sources.list | 08:38 |
apokryphos | !upgrade | 08:38 |
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ubotu | Upgrading to Ubuntu 5.10 breezy -> Upgrading to dapper (remember it may break). Please test the dist-upgrader -> | 08:38 |
dark_suic | ... :P | 08:38 |
dark_suic | that will do it, lol :P | 08:38 |
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inteliwasp | greetings fellow linux users | 08:40 |
keegan_ | Hi, how do you set up kubuntu/kde so that you can drag and drop mp3 files from an audio cd. Currently I can only drag and drop wav, flac and ogg. | 08:41 |
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Crashoveride | inteliwasp: hello | 08:43 |
tsdgeos | anyone knows if there's a kubuntu package with a proper vimrc file? | 08:44 |
Kyral | ick VIM (Had too) | 08:44 |
_zak | what is the basic install package command? | 08:45 |
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Kyral | sudo apt-get install | 08:45 |
_zak | well if i already have it | 08:45 |
_zak | just install? | 08:45 |
Kyral | eh? | 08:45 |
Kyral | You mean a .deb? | 08:45 |
DjDarkman | i updateted my dhcp and my network doesnt work ,what should i do? | 08:45 |
_zak | yes | 08:45 |
_zak | I downloaded a KDE addon and it is a *.deb | 08:46 |
Kyral | _zak, sudo dpkg -i <path to file> | 08:46 |
Kyral | _zak, I just alias it to "debI" | 08:46 |
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fatejudger | is this kwwii the one that is responsible for the change in the Kubuntu Dapper default theme? | 08:47 |
Kyral | why do people care about the DEFAULT theme? | 08:48 |
fatejudger | because | 08:48 |
fatejudger | it used to be beautiful | 08:48 |
fatejudger | and I'm sure that 90% of the Kubuntu users use it | 08:48 |
Kyral | I for one never leave a default theme there for longer han it takes for me to find one I like on Gnome-Look/XFCE-Look/KDE-Look | 08:48 |
fatejudger | Kyral: well you certainly don't represent the majority | 08:49 |
Kyral | Meh I'ma geek | 08:49 |
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Zappa | is anyone elses kaffeine broken on dapper? | 08:49 |
fatejudger | I never needed to change my default theme since it was great as it was | 08:49 |
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NRG88 | !dhcp | 08:49 |
ubotu | NRG88: My cat's name is Mittens! Try searching at | 08:49 |
Kyral | though I do dig that "Hacked" bootsplash he GNOME guys have going on | 08:49 |
fatejudger | Zappa: it's not so much Kaffeine but Xine and Gstreamer that are broken | 08:49 |
fatejudger | Kyral: the new bootsplash for KDE is ugly | 08:50 |
fatejudger | Kyral: no, it's horrible | 08:50 |
Zappa | yeah that's what i mean | 08:50 |
fatejudger | Kyral: as is the whole theme | 08:50 |
Kyral | I dunno | 08:50 |
Zappa | so it's not just me then | 08:50 |
DjDarkman | can someone help me ,my network doesnt run ,caouse i made an update ,what should i do? | 08:50 |
Kyral | You mean the "starting up" one? | 08:50 |
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fatejudger | Zappa: it'll be fixed when Kaffeine gets gstreamer 0.10 support | 08:50 |
fatejudger | Zappa: when that will happen is anyone's guess | 08:50 |
Kyral | Xine is always cooler :P | 08:50 |
fatejudger | Zappa: that project seems almost dead | 08:50 |
Kyral | or VLC for that matter | 08:50 |
fatejudger | Kyral: VLC looks like a pile of dung | 08:51 |
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fatejudger | Kyral: not only that, it has very poor integration in KDE | 08:51 |
Kyral | fatejudger, frankly when I'm playing video, I fullscreen he damn thing | 08:51 |
fatejudger | Kyral: the defaultKubuntu theme is horrible | 08:51 |
Zappa | i'm just using mplayer for now | 08:51 |
fatejudger | Kyral: do you have Flight 5? | 08:51 |
fatejudger | Zappa: there shouldn't be anything wrong with Kaffeine itself | 08:52 |
Kyral | fatejudger, tthen change your theme :P | 08:52 |
Kyral | fatejudger, It came out about 2 days afer I went on break | 08:52 |
fatejudger | Zappa: and mplayer relies on the same facilities Kaffeine does | 08:52 |
Kyral | but I was up to date | 08:52 |
Kyral | this laptop is on Xubuntu hough | 08:52 |
Zappa | fatejudger: well kaffeine won't play xvid now - but mplayer still does | 08:52 |
fatejudger | Zappa: that's probably because Kaffeine is using gstreamer or something | 08:52 |
fatejudger | Zappa: and mplayer is using Xine | 08:52 |
Zappa | i cant select the xine engine in kaffeine any more | 08:53 |
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Zappa | it's not listed | 08:53 |
koder | Hi, my modem isn't being detected by kubuntu 5.10, but it works like a charm on ubuntu 5.10 and gentoo with kde 3.3. Any suggestions? | 08:53 |
Zappa | also video playback sucks in mplayer now | 08:53 |
Zappa | stutters if i do anything | 08:53 |
Zappa | didn't used to | 08:53 |
fatejudger | Zappa: then don't use Dapper | 08:54 |
fatejudger | Zappa: you have to expect stuff like that from alpha software | 08:54 |
Kyral | Maybe it was because my install had been dist-upgraded constantly since the Hoary days lol | 08:54 |
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Zappa | fatejudger: i wasn't complaining - i was just checking it was a dapper problem and not my machine specifically | 08:55 |
Kyral | But I'm gonna do a clean reinstall soon | 08:56 |
Kyral | too much crap laying around | 08:56 |
Kyral | and I need a new partition scheme (LVM BABY!) | 08:56 |
NRG88 | how can i reconfigure my dhcp? | 08:57 |
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Kyral | NRG88, you mean get a new addy? | 08:58 |
NRG88 | a friend has updated the dhcp | 08:58 |
NRG88 | and network doesn't work now | 08:58 |
NRG88 | he may need to reconfigure the network, the thing ubuntu does on install | 08:59 |
NRG88 | Configuring DHCP.... | 08:59 |
NRG88 | when it get's the ip address, gateway, etc... | 08:59 |
Kyral | why do you have o reconfigure? | 09:00 |
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Kyral | DHClient should do the right thing | 09:01 |
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uniq | he can also try ' /etc/init.d/networking restart' if it?t's setup to use DHCP. | 09:02 |
NRG88 | hm, i don't know, he has updated today, and the dhcp module was updated as well, and i thought this may be the problem | 09:02 |
NRG88 | ok, thanks :) | 09:03 |
pulver | for every damn problem i solve two new appears =/ | 09:05 |
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fatejudger | !kdeheaders | 09:08 |
ubotu | I don't know, try searching at, fatejudger | 09:08 |
_zak | anyone use dekorator? | 09:08 |
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fatejudger | does anyone know what the KDE headers are? | 09:10 |
Kyral | uhh | 09:11 |
Kyral | apt-cache search kde | grep dev? | 09:11 |
fatejudger | it wouldn't be in the cache though.... | 09:12 |
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Kyral | You mean the dev packs? | 09:12 |
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uniq | fatejudger: install the 'kde-devel' package. | 09:15 |
fatejudger | uniq: crap, I installed the kdelibs4-dev | 09:17 |
uniq | doesn't matter. | 09:17 |
_zak | Can someone help me with installing Dekorator? | 09:17 |
uniq | kde-devel depends on it, among others. | 09:17 |
fatejudger | uniq: k | 09:17 |
uniq | fatejudger: you can still install kde-devel, it'll just install the other packages needed. | 09:17 |
fatejudger | uniq: thanks | 09:17 |
fatejudger | uniq: yeah, I get that | 09:18 |
_zak | is there such a command in Kubuntu "make?" | 09:19 |
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tsdgeos | _zak: of course | 09:19 |
tsdgeos | install it if you need it | 09:20 |
_zak | how do I install it? I'm trying to install Dekorator, and the directions say to type make then make install while in the directory I unzipped the tarball in, and it says command not found | 09:20 |
tsdgeos | _zak: apt-get install make | 09:21 |
tsdgeos | prepended with sudo | 09:21 |
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fatejudger | does Checkinstall segfault for anyone else on Dapper? | 09:22 |
uniq | I'd recommend installing 'build-essential' and 'kde-devel', 'sudo apt-get install build-essential kde-devel' | 09:22 |
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_zak | I get this error when trying to make "*** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop." | 09:24 |
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uniq | fatejudger: yes, it does actually. please report the bug at | 09:24 |
uniq | _zak: is there a file named 'Makefile' in the directory you run 'make' from? | 09:25 |
_zak | yes | 09:25 |
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fatejudger | uniq: fine.. | 09:27 |
donofrio | pgquiles: do you know if thire is an apt-get for ati drivers | 09:27 |
fatejudger | uniq: I deleted the package that gave the error | 09:29 |
fatejudger | uniq: I don't remember which line it segfaults on | 09:29 |
uniq | donofrio: 'apt-cache search fglrx' | 09:29 |
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fatejudger | uniq: if you can't find the line, I'll just submit it without that info | 09:29 |
uniq | | 09:31 |
fatejudger | uniq: should I just submit it with that link? | 09:31 |
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fatejudger | uniq: submitted it with the link | 09:32 |
fatejudger | brb, restart | 09:32 |
OddAbe19 | is there a hot keys setup (for the volume buttons on my kb) in KDE 3.5.1? Gnome has a setup but i can't seem to find anything for hotbuttons in kde | 09:32 |
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uniq | oddabe19: khotkeys | 09:34 |
OddAbe19 | which setting is that under | 09:34 |
OddAbe19 | i didn't see anything under keyboard under peripherals | 09:34 |
uniq | or you can just select your keyboard ??(or a similar one) fromhe list of keyboards under Regional & Accessibillity | 09:36 |
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uniq | Regional & Accessibillity -> Keyboard Layout. | 09:36 |
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OddAbe19 | i can't find anything for volume | 09:38 |
uniq | is this a laptop with volume keys or a multimedia keyboard or something ? | 09:38 |
sledge | OddAbe19: K -> Multimedia -> KMix | 09:38 |
uniq | or do you want to choose your own hotkeys for volume up&down? | 09:38 |
OddAbe19 | no, it's a microsoft kb | 09:39 |
uniq | ok | 09:39 |
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OddAbe19 | i have a volume up and a volume down button | 09:39 |
OddAbe19 | it's the most annoying thing coming from Gnome where it seemed to work | 09:39 |
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uniq | oddabe19: System Settings -> Reginal & Accessibility -> Keyboard Layout -> Enable keyboard layouts, choose keyboard model. | 09:44 |
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OddAbe19 | i'll try it | 09:44 |
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acesso05 | i want go to brasil | 09:45 |
acesso05 | portuguese | 09:45 |
OddAbe19 | i'll be damned, it worked! thanks | 09:45 |
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acesso05 | #ubuntu-pt | 09:46 |
acesso05 | how is same? | 09:47 |
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oxez | hm, I just installed kubuntu (flight5), but I dont see any cursor. I can move the mouse because I can click on icons/menus, but I don<t see any cursors | 09:48 |
hogemann | oxez: hummm... edit your /etc/X11/xorg.conf and find the "Device" section refering to your video board | 09:49 |
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hogemann | then, add this line: Option "SWCursor" "true" | 09:50 |
hogemann | and restart your X server | 09:50 |
_zak | My make command is not working, when I am in the target directory and type make it states there is no Makefile yet there are three, any ideas? | 09:51 |
oxez | hogemann: alright done, Ill restart X, brb | 09:51 |
hogemann | :-) | 09:51 |
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Bicchi | Have they officially decided on delaying Dapper? | 09:52 |
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dcwckd_ | hey all | 09:52 |
dcwckd_ | does anyone have problems with the universal firefox binary from mozilla freezing and locking up KDE, after a few hours of being open? | 09:52 |
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oxez | hogemann: didn<t work | 09:54 |
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dcwckd_ | anyone else have any firefox problems? | 09:54 |
uniq | I don't.. then again I don't use firefox very much. | 09:56 |
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dcwckd_ | konqueror? | 09:57 |
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uniq | I use konqueror, yes. | 09:58 |
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noteventime | !ntfs | 10:03 |
ubotu | from memory, ntfs is the filesystem used in Windows NT and newer; to automatically mount your NTFS partition: | 10:03 |
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snikker | when i try to print with firefox (or konqueror), the browser crash... someones can help me? | 10:03 |
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nico8481 | hi | 10:03 |
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_christoph | hi @ all | 10:04 |
mijndert_ | hi | 10:05 |
oxez_ | is there a synaptic or equivalent with kubuntu? | 10:06 |
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Riddell | oxez_: adept | 10:07 |
snikker | oxez_: kynaptic | 10:07 |
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Riddell | snikker: not any more | 10:07 |
oxez_ | thanks! | 10:07 |
snikker | Riddell; ah, i don't know about that, thanks for info :) | 10:08 |
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Kyral | Oh Riddell, I wanted to ask you a packaging question | 10:08 |
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dcwckd_ | is it possible to get a breezy compiled firefox 1.5? | 10:10 |
Kyral | dcwckd_, no | 10:10 |
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_thumper_ | It there some nice KDE app that will allow me to map AltGr to Alt? | 10:11 |
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snikker | !keymap | 10:13 |
ubotu | snikker: Not a clue. Try searching at | 10:13 |
Kyral | what is AltGr? | 10:13 |
tsdgeos | right to the spacebar | 10:13 |
_thumper_ | Kyral, AltGr is where my old right Alt key used to be but on a UK keyboard | 10:14 |
Kyral | oh | 10:14 |
Kyral | <== Idiot American | 10:14 |
_thumper_ | I find it annoying when using emacs and only having one meta key | 10:14 |
_thumper_ | On my old work Win2K box I found a registry hack that mapped the key | 10:14 |
uniq | you can use 'xev' and 'xmodmap' to do that. | 10:15 |
uniq | not nice KDE apps though. | 10:15 |
_thumper_ | uniq, are there docs somewhere? | 10:15 |
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nico8481 | re | 10:19 |
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Raed | Hi everybody | 10:20 |
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Raed | i am in trouble with printing since Dapper | 10:22 |
uniq | _thumper_: actually, you can take a look at: system settings -> Regional & Accessibillity -> Keyboard conf. -> xkb options (tab) -> find 'choose third level' or something.. | 10:22 |
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Raed | are there any changes in the usb-interface? | 10:23 |
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_thumper_ | uniq, thanks, but my xdb options tab is fairly blank (using Breezy) | 10:24 |
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_thumper_ | uniq, also only Keyboard Layout and Keyboard Shortcuts not Keyboard conf | 10:25 |
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makog | witam | 10:27 |
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uniq | _thumper_: hum.. don't remember what fixed the xkb tab in breezy.. anyway. use 'xev' to find the keycode of your Alt key. and Use xmodmap to map it to Mode_Switch, something like 'xmodmap -e keycode = 115 = Mode_Switch' where you replace 115 with the keycode of your Alt key. | 10:32 |
uniq | If i remember correctly. You can google for 'xmodmap altgr' if it doesn't work for you. | 10:33 |
uniq | gnite. | 10:33 |
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_thumper_ | uniq, thanks | 10:38 |
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pulver | how do you install deKorator themes? | 10:42 |
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Snake__ | pulver: Hang on just a sec and I can help | 10:43 |
rysiek|pl | hi there guys | 10:43 |
rysiek|pl | long time no see | 10:43 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Hey | 10:43 |
ccc_ | pulver: just choose them from the dialog in your window decoration settings | 10:43 |
Snake__ | pulver: or just do what ccc_ said | 10:44 |
pulver | ccc_: yes but that made all window decorations disappear | 10:45 |
ccc_ | pulver: perhaps the themes are not compatible with your version of dekorator | 10:46 |
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pulver | ccc_: ok | 10:48 |
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Niklas_of_Vienna | hi sc721 | 10:48 |
pulver | the adept notifier applet dosen't notify of new updates.. same for anyone else? | 10:49 |
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nico8481 | are there "global" themes for KDE or do you have to change everything (background, icon set, color scheme, windows/widget styles...) separately ? | 10:52 |
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CheeseBurgerMan | Control Center > Appearance & Themes > Themes | 10:52 |
CheeseBurgerMan | :P | 10:52 |
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nico8481 | CheeseBurgerMan: you mean System Setting > Appearance > something? or the Control Center is something else? | 10:54 |
manu | bonjour | 10:54 |
manu | goog evening | 10:54 |
rysiek|pl | hi | 10:54 |
nico8481 | hi | 10:55 |
CheeseBurgerMan | nico8481: Yeah, that should work | 10:55 |
manu | I have a problem with amsn 0.95 | 10:55 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Such as? | 10:55 |
manu | I have Kubuntu 5.10 | 10:55 |
rysiek|pl | manu: the problem is?.. | 10:56 |
CheeseBurgerMan | It can't be that you have Kubuntu. :P | 10:56 |
manu | I download : amsn_0.95-3.deb | 10:56 |
nico8481 | CheeseBurgerMan: cos' the only "theme" thing that I see in there is under the "Icons" tab... | 10:56 |
manu | and my question is : | 10:56 |
CheeseBurgerMan | nico8481: Hmm, it must not be in System Settings | 10:57 |
manu | what is the command to install my *.deb ? | 10:57 |
CheeseBurgerMan | sudo dpkg -i amsn_0.95-3.db | 10:57 |
CheeseBurgerMan | .deb* | 10:58 |
=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:Niklas_of_Vienna] : kubntu | ||
manu | think you, I try | 10:58 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Niklas_of_Vienna: You could at least spell it right... | 10:58 |
Niklas_of_Vienna | CheeseBurgerMan: Sorry, my first time on IRC. Playing around a bit... | 10:59 |
CheeseBurgerMan | :P | 11:00 |
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CheeseBurgerMan | 'Tis fun isn't it? :) | 11:00 |
nico8481 | CheeseBurgerMan: maybe not... but i don't find anything else looking like a "control center"... :-/ | 11:00 |
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Niklas_of_Vienna | yes, great fun. kubuntu btw also. | 11:00 |
CheeseBurgerMan | nico8481: try going to settings:/ | 11:01 |
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CheeseBurgerMan | in Konqueror | 11:01 |
manu | .... Why I have : errors are meet for installation | 11:01 |
sebastian | well I know this channel is for Kubuntu/KDE on Ubuntu really, but I asked in Ubuntu and only got a stupid reply from someone. | 11:01 |
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sebastian | and someone here might be able to help me | 11:02 |
CheeseBurgerMan | OK | 11:02 |
manu | my amsn0.95-3.deb is bad ? | 11:02 |
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sebastian | When I right click on a file in Gnome on Ubuntu and say open with another application. nautilus crashes. any idea how to solve this problem? | 11:02 |
CheeseBurgerMan | manu: type in "sudo apt-get install amsn" | 11:02 |
CheeseBurgerMan | sebastian: Sorry, not ac lue. | 11:02 |
CheeseBurgerMan | a clue* | 11:02 |
manu | eh...... this installation with apt-get install amsn is the version : amsn 0.94 no ? | 11:03 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Dunno, I don't use amsn | 11:03 |
sebastian | is there a Gnome channel? | 11:03 |
Niklas_of_Vienna | anybody know when (K)Ubuntu 6.04 will be out? | 11:03 |
Niklas_of_Vienna | I mean on which day... | 11:03 |
=== CheeseBurgerMan doesn't know. | ||
frank23 | April 20th, or around that day I think | 11:04 |
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=== ..[topic/#kubuntu:CheeseBurgerMan] : Flight 5 out | Amarok 1.4 beta 2, KOffice 1.5 beta 2 out | Breezy fixes in breezy-updates | IRC info and channels in other languages: | Review the Kubuntu Desktop Guide (Dapper) | Please don't paste into the channel, use | Dapper discussion in #ubuntu+1 | ||
manu | what do you use cheeseBurger ? | 11:04 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Gaim | 11:04 |
frank23 | sebastian: well there is #ubuntu. | 11:05 |
manu | arfff it's not good | 11:05 |
sebastian | just checked the Gnome site | 11:05 |
sebastian | they have a channel | 11:05 |
sebastian | on another network | 11:05 |
manu | I don't like | 11:05 |
CheeseBurgerMan | manu: what error did you get? | 11:05 |
sebastian | yeah I know frank there is Ubuntu channel where I went first. and instead of getting help . just got a stupid reply from someone | 11:05 |
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CheeseBurgerMan | sebastian: there's a #ubuntu on this channel - it's the official channel | 11:05 |
Niklas_of_Vienna | Thank you CheeseburgerMan | 11:05 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Err | 11:05 |
CheeseBurgerMan | network* | 11:06 |
CheeseBurgerMan | NP, Niklas | 11:06 |
sebastian | yes I know and I didn't get help there. j ust some arse hole being stupid | 11:06 |
CheeseBurgerMan | Ah | 11:06 |
frank23 | sebastian: the guy who told you to look at your logs? yeah he was as ass | 11:06 |
manu | problem dependances for configuration Amsn | 11:06 |
manu | tcltls no installed | 11:06 |
frank23 | sebastian: it's actually rare a guy like that on the channel though | 11:06 |
CheeseBurgerMan | manu: install the version in the repositories - that should take care of your dependancies | 11:07 |
sebastian | I know | 11:07 |
sebastian | I been there a few times before | 11:07 |
CheeseBurgerMan | then you can update it with the package you downloaded. | 11:07 |
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BlueDevil | de ce reactionezi agresiv cand nu stii | 11:12 |
BlueDevil | anyone know if Xgl will be in Dapper? | 11:12 |
dennis_p | new dapper flight live worked on my asus amd athlon XP | 11:13 |
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manu | cheeseBurger | 11:13 |
manu | shit | 11:13 |
frank23 | BlueDevil: I'm not sure. probably will not be there by default at any rate | 11:13 |
manu | he is leave | 11:13 |
BlueDevil | i tested Kororaa | 11:14 |
robotgeek | !xgl | 11:14 |
ubotu | XGL on Ubuntu: - Join #ubuntu-xgl for all the XGL fun on Ubuntu systems. It works ONLY on dapper. Pretty videos on | 11:14 |
BlueDevil | and the effects are quite nice | 11:14 |
manu | it 's good !!!! I have my amsn | 11:14 |
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dennis_p | could not burn the live ppc version to test the beige and blue/white G3 macs as the image was bigger than 700MB and refused to burn, Riddell | 11:15 |
robotgeek | dennis_p: you need to over burn it, i think | 11:16 |
dennis_p | yeah that did not work | 11:17 |
dennis_p | do you need to buy special CD-Rs? | 11:17 |
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_Bert___ | Hmmm, since my last dist-upgrade the Kubuntu artwork is looking more ugly, or is it me? | 11:19 |
frank23 | what they made the image bigger than 700 MBs? are you sure your CD-Rs are 700MBs and not the 650MBs one? | 11:19 |
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dennis_p | yeah the ppc live cd is larger, over 10 MB | 11:20 |
robotgeek | _Bert___: ugly? depends on view point, i think :) | 11:20 |
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dennis_p | they could have chucked the sample files perhaps, perhaps they did already | 11:21 |
_Bert___ | robotgeek: Yes, beaty lies in the eye of the beholder i know, but still... | 11:21 |
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dennis_p | will be testing the ppc install cd tomorow on a beige G3 233MHz with new harddisk | 11:22 |
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frank23 | the latest in business machine technology! | 11:23 |
wimpies | I want to rip a dvd and use dvd::rip and notice that I miss in some transcode folder ... where can I find that ? | 11:23 |
x3on | any news when dappers due | 11:23 |
dennis_p | few weeks after release date :-) | 11:24 |
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frank23 | It's true that they will hold back dapper to fine tune it some more? | 11:26 |
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nuky | sorry if this is completely random, but does anyone know if there is a Matrix window decoration/Theme available for Kubuntu? | 11:26 |
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dennis_p | | 11:26 |
Tm_T | frank23: I'd say yes | 11:27 |
bogdan | does anyone knows how to install kcheckmail? | 11:27 |
frank23 | Tm_T: Is this because this is a 'major' release? | 11:27 |
nuky | dennis_p: thanks.. :) | 11:28 |
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Tm_T | frank23: that too | 11:29 |
frank23 | Tm_T: how many versions of ubuntu will be supported in a few years concurrently? something like 5? thats alot ;) | 11:30 |
Tm_T | ;) | 11:31 |
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Tm_T | frank23: community. | 11:31 |
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frank23 | Tm_T: nice, although I think "community more together" is broken english | 11:34 |
Tm_T | frank23: there's dot | 11:34 |
fenderman | hi everybody :) | 11:34 |
Tm_T | frank23: it's "community. more together" ;) | 11:34 |
fenderman | i have a problem with kubuntu, maybe u could help me | 11:34 |
frank23 | Tm_T: oh. | 11:34 |
Tm_T | frank23: pick your favourite: | 11:35 |
frank23 | Tm_T: is this your site? | 11:35 |
Tm_T | yup | 11:35 |
mart- | hey, would anyone know what I meant if I said I'd had a problem with 'ksplash-engine-moodin' ? | 11:35 |
fenderman | i've tried in the forum but didn't find what i was looking for | 11:35 |
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fenderman | i erased my kubuntu repositores from sources.list | 11:35 |
Tm_T | fenderman: and problem is... | 11:35 |
fenderman | do you know what the addresses are? | 11:36 |
frank23 | Tm_T: cool. more together still doesn't sound right to me though | 11:36 |
fenderman | u know | 11:36 |
fenderman | deb http:// those stuff | 11:36 |
Tm_T | !repositories | 11:36 |
ubotu | To enable Universe and Multiverse see - Official sources.lists here: (Breezy) or (Dapper) see also !easysource | 11:36 |
mart- | oh, re. ksplash-engine-moodin - seems to be fixed afaict | 11:37 |
Tm_T | fenderman: help when you need more | 11:37 |
fenderman | i tried but didn't find it there | 11:37 |
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dennis_p | I thought "commute more together" :-) | 11:37 |
Tm_T | =) | 11:37 |
fenderman | now i tried to update to KDE 3.5 and couldn't do it | 11:37 |
x3on | i just plugged in a usb sd card reader, then did a lsusb, and the device appears in there, how do i mount it? | 11:37 |
Tm_T | !kde351 | 11:37 |
ubotu | Tm_T: No idea, try searching at | 11:37 |
Tm_T | !kde3.5.1 | 11:37 |
ubotu | To upgrade to KDE3.5.1, Follow the instructions at (add the deb... line to your sources.list). Then "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade". | 11:37 |
Tm_T | ok, let's see... | 11:38 |
dennis_p | commute more together, it's better for the environment :-) | 11:38 |
Tm_T | dennis_p: commute or pollute? | 11:38 |
fenderman | yeah, i did but it says something is missing, everything started when i tried to update Konversation | 11:38 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [+o Tm_T] by ChanServ | ||
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dennis_p | save us from the iceage! :-) | 11:39 |
Tm_T | fenderman: "something is missing" doesn't say anything ;( | 11:39 |
fenderman | main missing from /var/lib/apt | 11:40 |
fenderman | file missing | 11:40 |
dennis_p | Okay a proper English slogan: "Because it's better to work together" | 11:40 |
fenderman | should i uninstall all kubuntu and install it again? | 11:41 |
Tm_T | dennis_p: yeah but it doesn't work anymore ;( | 11:42 |
Tm_T | dennis_p: example, this is not proper english, but so not: 21:39 < Tm_T> there's no choices, there's Kopete | 11:43 |
Tm_T | has already several +1:s ;( | 11:43 |
fenderman | can someone provide me a copy of your sources.list | 11:44 |
fenderman | ? | 11:44 |
fenderman | or how they should say to update kubuntu? | 11:44 |
=== mode/#kubuntu [-o Tm_T] by Tm_T | ||
Tm_T | hmh, why those spammers doesn't appear when you wait them | 11:45 |
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fenderman | i'm looking in the addy's u gave me but can't find what i'm looking for :( | 11:46 |
fenderman | how can i uninstall kubuntu and install it again? | 11:47 |
dennis_p | Abbreviated: "It's better together" | 11:47 |
Tm_T | fenderman: | 11:47 |
Tm_T | dennis_p: nooo | 11:47 |
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Tm_T | dennis_p: you're spoiling the idea | 11:48 |
noxlord | try this | 11:48 |
dennis_p | vader is that you? | 11:48 |
Tm_T | dennis_p: stop it before I kick you out | 11:48 |
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fenderman | Tm_T would that be enough to update kubuntu? | 11:48 |
dennis_p | don't choke me | 11:48 |
Tm_T | fenderman: no, it's just start | 11:48 |
fenderman | how do i follow? | 11:49 |
fenderman | should i replace all the ubuntu's with kubuntu's? | 11:49 |
Tm_T | then add all you need from | 11:49 |
Tm_T | no, do not ever never remove sources | 11:49 |
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fenderman | can't find what i need :( | 11:52 |
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fenderman | think i better uninstall kubuntu | 11:52 |
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fenderman | thanks a lot for your time, sorry if my questions sounded stupid | 11:53 |
fenderman | byebye :) | 11:53 |
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fyzix | Anyone know what the new "OEM install" in dapper flight 5 does? | 11:54 |
robotgeek | it's not new | 11:54 |
fyzix | oh, ok, didnt see it before | 11:54 |
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fyzix | what does it do? | 11:54 |
Tm_T | fyzix: install basic stuff but leave all "user input" to next boot | 11:56 |
frank23 | fyzix: its probably a streamlined install for people who want to install to many computers. (like to sell them) | 11:56 |
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Tm_T | fyzix: like, preinstalled system, but customer (or whatever) can input his information in first boot :) | 11:57 |
fyzix | oh ok. Just like when you buy a new windows, the first time it boots up it asks you all kinda questions right? | 11:57 |
Tm_T | yup | 11:58 |
Tm_T | idea is the same | 11:58 |
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dennis_p | Goodnight, Tm_T I'll leave you with a properly ruined slogan :-) "Take each other by the shoulder to better hold on to what you got together" | 12:01 |
Tm_T | haha | 12:01 |
Tm_T | dennis_p: =) | 12:01 |
dennis_p | :-) | 12:01 |
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Tm_T | men gott! | 12:01 |
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