=== shinmen_ [n=shinmen@] has joined #ubuntu-ports === shinmen [n=shinmen@nat1.inalambrica.net] has joined #ubuntu-ports [08:42] shinmen: ubuntu-desktop will be fixed today. [08:42] shinmen: the U80 is not mine.. it was installed from remote.. [08:43] hald is weird.. we will need to understand why it fails. it looks like a GFX missing issue.. here all the machiens are headless [03:19] fabbione: Anything I can do to help? Running my U80 in the serial console or something? [03:22] shinmen: we found the bug [03:22] the fix is already in the archive [03:22] thanks [03:29] Oh cool. [03:29] fabbione: Shure. Feel free to put me work as is I was in your payroll :) [03:30] shinmen: my house need paintaing and cleaning.. [03:30] ;) [03:31] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/sparc/TODO?action=show [03:32] you can start there === shinmen checks the "get drunk" part === jb-home [n=jbailey@modemcable139.249-203-24.mc.videotron.ca] has joined #ubuntu-ports